#anxiety wolf
blooper98 · 1 year
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FANART & ART TRADE (Not My Art) *Uuurp* those waffles were soo good... but I'm soo full. My Anxiety Wolf was being helpful by stating the obvious haha.. nah. he warned me this would happen, but I didn't listen ^^' OMG! This is amazing!! I just received my friends' drawing yesterday for our Art Trade thingy today and I love the way they drew Blooper and his Anxiety Wolf. This was a really fun experience for me and I'm looking forward on doing more art trades again for those who are interested. hehe... X3c Blooper is my Fursona Wool is Bloopers Anxiety Wolf (based on the game Adventures With Anxiety) The Art, Drawn by @AngelPurrverton from Twitter
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crenmir · 1 year
Tadashi " ash " (the One who is blushing blue) and ivory (the horned One)
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ranrockatiel · 2 years
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sfemonster · 20 days
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Here's a comic i made many many years ago, and never posted online or really showed off anywhere until right now.
It's based heavily on The Wolf That Only You Can See (so much so that that's what it's called), an ongoing illustration series i've done for years and years.
It's about invisible struggles and the things we carry, on our own or with the help and support of others.
If i could i'd draw it again, but it is what it is and i hope you can enjoy it for that ♥︎
If you'd like to see more Wolfves, i have a tag for them. If you'd like to support my work, here is my Patreon.
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hephaestuscrew · 6 months
Renée Minkowski loves Organised Fun, whereas Doug Eiffel thinks Organisation and Fun are inherently incompatible. Eiffel can get hours of enjoyment out of discussing 'What are your Top Five ____?' questions with Hera, but if you asked him the same questions and told him it was a team icebreaker activity, he'd jump out of a window. In contrast, the best way to get Minkowski to engage with pointless questions like those would be to include the discussion on a precisely timetabled schedule of activities. I don't think Eiffel would have voluntarily got involved with Funzo because he would have taken one look at the size of the instruction booklet and decided that maybe he did think they should follow Pryce and Carter Tip 792 after all. I think Minkowski sees a robust instruction booklet on a game as a sign that she's in for a good time. Minkowski believes any day of leisure is improved by an itinerary. Eiffel can't even contemplate following a schedule in his work hours, let alone his downtime.
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imnotfeelinlucky · 5 days
"its good that youre so self aware about your issues!"
thanks i was deprived of help when i desperately needed it and was made fun of because of my issues which made me question what was wrong with me so i ended up dissecting every part of me
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artofmaquenda · 1 year
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Amygdala Hijack
Inspired by anxiety and panic attacks. It's like a domino effect of mind and bodily reactions, not really possible to pinpoint where it begins as it is all connected and influencing eachother. The reality perceived is unstable.
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moomoorare · 1 month
click for better quality? tumblr loves to compress images worse than dudes repressing gay urges
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Art I made for my second work in the Scales of Fate au (Blood In The Wine) featuring The Ocean Queen and her new knights Dame Gem, Lady Pearl and Earl Cleo 🌊💗
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mrkgrl · 10 months
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Can I still tag it with TW movie--- or uh... TW movie The Aftermath, maybe. I have so many more of these doodles/comics.
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grumpygryphon · 29 days
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Whoops almost forgot to announce that the new patches are in and they've come out wonderfully!
They're available on our site.
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Every time you think, "Oh, I don't have [x condition], I'm basically cured!" that is the devil talking. You aren't cured, you are likely going through periods of your symptoms waning. Don't cease whatever you're doing to help yourself, like medication, for instance, because it's likely you still have the conditions or symptoms, even if you aren't noticing them as frequently or severely.
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blooper98 · 1 year
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FANART (Not My Drawing)
Blooper was just Walking in the Park then saw a random wolf walked towards him and asked if he could hug one of his spirit buddies, specifically his Anxiety Wolf so he let the Wolf hug the spirit and then they became friends. The End!
Wow! This looks soooooo adorable! I really Like you style! and thank you so much for drawing Blooper! You really captured his... Blooperness if that made sense haha! I love it X3c.
Blooper is my fursona Wool is Bloopers Anxiety Wolf Mudson belongs to @SFoxtron from Twitter
Art, Drawn by @SFoxtron from Twitter
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crenmir · 1 year
Some ocs
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prankprincess123 · 9 months
HC that after Twilight Princess whenever Zelda off handedly mentions that she's misplaced something while Link is nearby he instantly retrieves it. And at first she has an internal debate about 'is it because I'm royalty or does he like me...' Then she starts noticing that he does this to absolutely everyone, and simply concludes that he's just the best and sweetest guy in the kingdom. But then she realizes that he's completely oblivious to the fact that he does this so often. And it takes her a while to realize he's instinctively playing fetch with all sorts of random objects. It takes him even longer to realize that sometimes she 'forgets' something in the other room purely for her own amusement at the situation.
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liplessthomas14 · 3 months
The way Stiles just overreacts to everything and the way Scott is just so chill is so funny to me like-
Scott: Things with Allison are going good. Like...*lowers voice* really good. Stiles: Ewwww, Scott! Never share that much information about you in bed ever again! Stop talking before I have the urge to maime and kill MYSELF!!! Just shut up, Scott, ewww that's gonna scar me for the rest of my life I don't wanna know what's going on in that dirty little brain of yours ok? I don't-
Stiles: Dude, Malia snuck in to my bedroom last night and we spooned and then she did this with her claws *lifts shirt and shows what's probably a very scarred back* Scott: *gives a suprised and slightly concerned look* Holy.
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hyakunana · 10 months
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The traditional seasonal visit to the Beyond to —report the news of this timeline— comfort your local involuntary time traveler
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