#any input would be appreciated
starlightsearches · 3 years
i'm thinking about adding a little bit of ✨spice✨ to the next chapter of his pilot, but i know that there are a few under 18s who like the story. should i write two versions of the chapter? or just keep it clean?
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danse-de-macabre · 5 years
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So anyway, in this marvelous AU of mine,
(that I talked about a bit more here )
Hagrid, Sirius, and Severus all end up at the Potters’ at around the same time that Fateful Night.
Hagrid takes Sirius and Severus to Dumbledore, along with baby Harry.
Things are discussed, and the whole ‘leaving Harry with the Dursleys’ thing is put on hold.
Instead, the whole gang (i.e: Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, Sirius, Severus, Hagrid and Harry) meet in a more secure location.
The truth of the Secret Keeper is revealed, and to keep them from going after Pettigrew and complicating things, Dumbledore basically puts Remus, Sirius, and Severus under house-arrest together, with orders to Look After Harry And Not Kill Each Other.
This proves more difficult than Dumbledore had anticipated, as, at the moment, they’re all really messed up and not especially fond of each other.( Yes, even Remus and Sirius: remember how Sirius thought Remus was the traitor? There’s obviously a lot they need to work through.)
But thankfully, after a while, they actually become sort-of-friends.
AND they get to keep Harry.
Minerva and Dumbledore stop by every once in a while though, to make sure Harry’s alright and they haven’t killed each other.
...Aand, that’s pretty much all I’ve got so far.
If anyone wants to build off of it, or make it into a fanfiction: totally, Feel Free.
Writing is Not a great talent of mine.
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Those of you who know RWBY, can you confirm for me that these are the Vol. 2 alternative outfits (or point me in the right direction if not)?  I’m fairly certain they are, but it’s for an art request and I don’t want to get it done only to find I have the wrong references.
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collateral-daverage · 5 years
Thinking about opening for some commissions but I dunno.The semester has just started and I just have this.. feeling. A feeling that Im already strapped for cash or worse which is probably true. Thoughts of bills, payments, project supplies and food are draining my wallet. I didnt make too much over break either >.> 
Im afraid though that itll take up too much of my time and I wouldnt want that to affect the quality of the commission or especially of my school work.
Im so unsure I dunno what to do! 
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vigilanteshit · 6 years
I need help picking a new URL! I would make a poll bc people actually seem to respond to those but you can embed them on tumblr.
which do you like better??
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narcissaswitchybox · 5 years
Bab witching here
So I’m just curious if anyone else has this experience or if it’s like this for anyone else.
When ever I feel there is a god or goddess reaching out to me, I alway form a emotional attachment before figuring out who. today I was browsing the internet when I’ve stumbled upon a site that was dedicated to a particular goddess, I had been zoning in and out for a majority of the time. When I checked to see where I was I read the name of the article and whom it was about and I just broke out in a sob of pent up confused emotions I was happy I found it frustrated because I didn’t read events well and sad because I realized that emotion of not being done yet was still there. I later stumbled upon another goddess that felt deep in my core as I did it that well of emotion was gone I had found the deity’s that where calling but how do I go about this what do I do and what kind of alter do I make, so much to do~!
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ravenshymn · 6 years
Those moments when you can't sleep. And want to write something but don't know what. I mean, I have plenty of characters, some in need of a story, and some I can use as fanfic OCs. But I'm stuck, and if I was brave enough to post stuff relating to projects I could ask for prompts. Stupid insomnia.
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hausofautumn · 6 years
Tips on how to survive while your parents are forcing to you to go into the adult world?
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Rekke, I recognize that you are beyond adorable, but I also have to admit that this severe lack of mutual understanding and communication might make things a tad bit difficult *whispers* cause I’ve got no idea what the fuck you’re saying, lil’ buddy
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have any of you gone to a community college to get your core credits in before transferring to a four year college for your major? did you like it? was it harder to make friends in both schools? did your credits transfer relatively easy?
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hatsuharurins · 6 years
If I decide to change my url, which one should it be?
Or should I just stick with my current url?
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madametamma · 2 years
What if Danny was a wheelchair user?
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I like seeing disabled rep in fantasy/ superhero genre.  I remembered that Danny has the power to fly and turn his legs into a ghostly tail. He could be a wheelchair user and it wouldn’t affect his ability to fight ghosts in the slightest.  
So here’s the idea:  Instead of Danny accidentally pressing something on the wall that makes the portal turn on, he steps on something in the portal with his feet.  He gets electrocuted and it damages the nerves in his feet all up his legs and now he uses a wheelchair to get around (In human form) 
His parents want to help him in the only way they know how.  They invent something for him.  A special chair that with the flick of a switch, can be folded up smaller than any other wheelchair, making it small enough to fit into a carry on bag in an airport, or tucked away under a carseat, (Or unbeknownst to the Fenton parents, for Sam and Tuck to hold for him while he’s fighting ghosts) and of course Jack and Maddie, BEING Jack and Maddie, they add ghost hunting features to it, including ecto-rays and a built in Fenton Thermos that works no matter what mode the chair is in. He often uses it as his primary thermos to capture ghosts.
Also in this AU everyone thinks Wes is an even bigger asshole because he’s bad at explaining how Danny is part ghost.
Wes: “Danny Fenton died that day in the accident.”
“Hey! That’s a really shitty way to talk about-”
Wes: “No! I mean he’s not human anymore-”
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thevoid-drifter · 6 years
I feel like some astrology shit is going on because I've been more.... depressed for lack of a better term this whole month and I was doing well before it.
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crystaldragonslayer · 6 years
I have a legitimate question, you guys...
Should I use icons in my replies. @dorrkhub was sweet enough to find me some pretty awesome icons that match my promos for Viv, and I feel guilty for not using them. BUT I’M SO FUCKING LAZY!!!! 😫🙈
Give me your honest opinions guys. I want to be a good RPer. LMAO
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ellatholmes · 2 years
does anyone who uses mobility aids/is educated in disabiility theory etc want to weigh in on an idea i have for my novel?
essentially, my character has EDS (like me, woo!) and at some point they need to be able to conceal a weapon. their arc has them unlearning internalised baleism due to trauma, and accepting their body as it is/not veiwing their body as ‘weak’, or their disability as a thing to hide. 
i had the idea to merge and twist this re: the weapon, where they might magically conceal the weapon in/as a mobility aid (knee or wrist brace). i think my character would feel empowered because 1. they have a tool to defend themselves with 2. they are feeling more comfortable using aids instead of trying to act completely able-bodied 3. the aid serves a double-purpose, which fits with their desire to be a little devious/tricky and also helps them 4. i feel empowered by the idea of it lol 
however my friend raised an interesting concern, which was how in our real world, sometimes people are asked to remove their mobility aids to go through flight security etc. plus, sometimes people don’t believe that others are using mobility aids because they need them, but rather just for show (yikes). 
my question is, does my idea raise any potential red flags for anybody? or does anyone have any thoughts about it, just in general?
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rosalie-starfall · 2 years
I am getting ready to write something but I need a little help...
Which do you think would be more interesting to read?
Two women running a Ranch or
Two women running a Vineyard?
Pretend it’s a Hallmark Movie or some silly Romcom which sounds more intriguing?
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