#anyhow this message will self destruct in-
messrsbyler · 1 year
you. yes you, person with rejection sensitive dysphoria. this message is for you. your friends DON'T hate you. they aren't mad at you. they aren't talking behind your back or wished to cut their friendship with you. they love you and treasure you and they are good people who wouldn't hurt you like that! ok, that's all. have a nice day.
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weightlessribbons · 2 years
ARCANE: The Personal and the Political
Arcane, the animated Netflix series in the universe of League of Legends, was released last week, and it seems to have been a breakout hit. Despite the source material they had to work with, the creative team at Fortiche were successful in creating a product with astounding animation and special effects work, beautiful design and art direction, and compelling characters and interpersonal tragedy. But I don't think that it's perfect, and there's one thing that bothered me as I was watching: Arcane's politics are too normie for its own good.
Arcane's story is at its heart a personal drama starring Vi and Jinx. The political themes of class struggle of Topside and the Undercity serve to construct a world and characters that allow the writers to build the central tragedy of the story. Jinx, an Undercity orphan outcast even within her peer group, loses her emotional anchor in her sister and is forced to grasp at chances for respect and self-confidence, leading to her to fall in with the villain Silco and ends up firing a rocket into Piltover's council chamber in an act of desperate defiance that ends all hope of a peaceful end to the subjugation of the Undercity. The tragedy of this final act is threefold: first, the personal loss of life, exemplified by the loss of Caitlyn's mother, a councilor; second, the inevitable backlash and open conflict that will inevitably harm the already-oppressed; third, and most importantly, the culmination of Jinx's character arc as a person who has grown dependent on violence to maintain her sense of identity and autonomy. As she prepares to fire, we hear in Jinx's mind, through voiceover, Silco: "We'll show them. We will show them all." As the rocket flies, we see the council vote for peace; a soon-to-be doomed measure. And just before impact we are shown the faces of those about to die: the entire council, including Jayce, Caitlyn's mother, and Viktor. These three angles work together to form a tragic ending that seems ordained by fate, separate threads of history converging upon a single point. It's a strong conclusion to the story, but I nevertheless was left with something bothering me. The weak point in the ending is the political angle. The shot of the council unanimously voting for peace, ignorant of their fast-approaching end, sends clearly the message that this will kill any chance at peace. This return to an uneasy peace, as the story tells us through Vander, is the only way to keep the downtrodden from further suffering, and its stillbirth is a major part of the central tragedy. But this message is troubled by the fact that the possibility of peace is unconvincing. Silco would not accept the terms and give up Jinx, and is dead anyhow. Is the council voting for peace believable, given that the previous shot of them was their near unanimous uproar when presented with the terms? I don't think so. And, most importantly, are we to believe that the technologically superior Piltover will not seize upon any sign of weakness (say, the death of the Undercity's de-facto leader, Silco) to reestablish control? No; instead of the message "Peace was just out of reach" that the ending frames, a much more compelling message (I think) would be: "Peace was never an option." No justice, no peace; capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction. The belief in a peaceful means to the end of oppression is a key pillar in liberal thought, and keeping this in mind is helpful in understanding the message of the story. The tragedy we are presented is that it "could have been" different: that were it not for the pain and suffering and anger of a single person, things could have turned out all right. But we, as the audience, know differently: it had to be this way. Not just because of tragedy being a foregone conclusion, but that Jinx was born and molded of the hostile, rapacious environment that she lived in, and if not for her, then some other hurt, angry soul would have sparked off open conflict in her place.
What this means is that the text believes that a state of liberal peace- a peace characterized not by the presence of justice, but by the absence of open conflict- should be the principal goal of political action. Once we have a hold of this idea of a liberal peace, we may find elsewhere in the story traces of this ideology. The first thing is the villain and principal antagonist Silco. He is a drug-lord who manufactures Shimmer, an addictive drug that makes you more physically dangerous but comes with debilitating side-effects. The parallels to War on Drugs narratives are clear: the lower classes are killing each other with drugs, and these drugs make them a threat to polite society besides. Additionally, Silco is the loudest voice to speak for the liberation of Zaun, the Undercity, from Piltover; making the villain someone who takes a good thing too far is a time-tested way of injecting cheap moral complexity to a narrative, and allows the writers to indulge in a bit of both-sides-ism. The way Silco frames the oppression of the Undercity by Piltover is flawed, since he is an industrialist and a villain besides. But this flaw neatly both strengthens his characterization as a Nuanced Extremist Villain and diminishes the credibility of radical anti-Piltover sentiment within the narrative and allows it to present us the novel liberal idea: What if Revolution Bad? This leads us to the subject of Ekko and the Firelights. They're the faction that the narrative portrays as The Unproblematic Ones. The most important thing they do, thematically, is show through their community organizing efforts that the Undercity can flourish despite its circumstances: a rose grown from concrete. What we don't see, though, is them taking taking action against Piltover: no strike action, theft, sabotage, or assassination. We only see them on their own turf in episode 6 and destroying Silco's Shimmer cargo in episode 4. Now, I want to be clear here: I don't think their portrayal is a bad thing; organization and community support is a necessary part of revolutionary work. Still, we can read between the lines: what actions does the narrative approve of, and which does it condemn, and why? The answer is plain: revolutionary violence is futile, and ought to be condemned. This brings us back to episode 1, in which Vander gives us this message explicitly. There is nothing to be gained in violence against topside, because retribution is inevitable. Now, I don't want to say that the show positions peace as easy or pleasant; Vander dies for his beliefs, after all. But he is consistently the one portrayed in the most favorable light by the narrative, and the characters who take issue with Vander's passivity (Silco, Vi, Ekko) never end up proving him wrong. What does the narrative position as the most likely path to peace? That after a drug raid on a manufacturing plant, in which a child is killed in crossfire by law enforcement, a virtuous, repentant councilor will feel sufficient shame and remorse to grant the proletarians peace, sovereignty, and access to trade routes. He is able to convince the entire council, whose fortunes depend on the exploitation of proletarian labor and on exclusive control of these trade routes, to agree to these terms, thereby cutting the economic engine of their own empire off at the knees. The show says: "Suffer, then, and they will see you suffer virtuously, and they will show you mercy." This proposition is in a sense the least believable part of the show. We know that those in power do not care if they harm their subjects; suffering is inevitable if you're poor, after all. The much-feted pacifism of Gandhi and MLK would have been ineffective without the threat of violence from an organized populace. Can we believe that the rulers of a nation, who direct both its law enforcement and all its industrial might, would hesitate to crush an upstart working-class? No, of course not. The framing that the show wants us to accept as true, that peace could have been achieved through the reasonableness of those in power, rings
hollow. No one believes in starting a war they can't win. But political power grows out of the barrel of a gun: domination and brutality sustains the capitalist, and he will not go quietly. The downtrodden cannot build themselves a new society if they are defenseless to the exploitation of the state. The condemnation of liberatory violence, taken alongside the minimization of the everyday, banal violence of poverty and depredation, serves to uphold the capitalist state's monopoly on legitimate use of force. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate clearly what options are available to the modern dissident, and not to foreclose on avenues which by common axiom must by definition fail. Hm! It got a little heavy there, for a critique of a Netflix serial. I want to repeat here that on the whole, I really enjoyed Arcane. Vi and Jinx's story-line was effective and affecting, Silco was a fascinating, compelling villain, and Vi/Cait were a moving, well-executed take on the classic Lady-and-the-Tramp story. These are uncontroversial takes, and for good reason! I liked the show. (Don't play League of Legends, both Vi and Caitlyn are cops there.)
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SH general + general love reading
DISCLAIMER: If you will send me an Anon, I will answer in the same tone as your ask, opinion is written.
All information and statements made in this reading or any other post of mine are all alleged until proven to be fact and for entertainment purposes & usage only. All information stated is based on my intuition and my tarot cards. Opinion only. The readings have no intention to cause any harm to the individuals, people featured in it
I have to tell you I know nothing, absolutely nothing about SH. I haven’t seen him in anything. So it was a challenge for me, but I loved it. Therefore I cannot really answer questions about him which is not about this reading, but anyhow if you have questions or want to tell me something, go on! 
I used The Llewellyn Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson so we will have a few different cards potentially, I will describe those. 
General Past-Present-Future This part of the reading is everything, carrier, love, everything. 
Four of Pentacles, King of Cups rx
4 of P is about financial stability. investments it is also about hoarding being guarded, closed.
 I think in the past he was maybe unnecessarily worried about money and his number one goal was to establish himself financially. This caused that KofCrx situation where he didn’t really have the time or urge to have a meaningful deep relationship. Or even if he had he wasn’t acting really nurturing in it. He was turbulent, overwhelmed and guarded. Maybe he has a fear that women want only his resources, money, fame, or he thought he can only focus on one thing at the same time and he chose finances not emotions to focus on.
4ofP also means saving for a bigger thing. House, travel etc. With the rx Cups, it could mean work alcoholism in the past. As a father, partner etc this king could be moody or overly protective. But this King could be very kinky too. If this would be a future family reading I would say this could mean fertility problems.
4ofP sometimes comes up if someone's upbringing was lacking money, so hoarding, saving is important. This card also means someone has a belief in themselves. He has a clear vision of who he is, where his boundaries lie etc. This also could mean someone is a little bit of a control freak, likes orders or if their things are in order etc. This card also means (because of the closeness and guarded part) that someone is very private. He doesn’t like to share any part of his life
The Magician.
His present is filled with creativity and goals he wants to manifest. He is a very independent thinker. confidence, self-rule, freedom is important to him. He is charming and has leadership qualities. I think he has a clear vision of what he wants and is working on it to make it a reality. Maybe he is spiritual, connected to his higher self or believes in God etc. The Magician has all of the symbols of the 4 suits, so I think he finally feels he has everything he wanted to take the next step, to create his dream future. Especially if he was hoarding in the past, so this is definitely a step up. 
Seven of Swords, The Fool
I think with the 7ofSw he will release everything that holds him back. In this deck this card is more like acceptance, leaving something behind kind of acceptance. Accepting that we made some mistake that’s why we didn't have success in certain areas in the past ( I am getting that is more like about his private, love life) And with the Fool is a very new beginning
In this deck, this Fool is not some daydreamer who is wandering around and bumping into the Magician by accident. No, this Fool is quick, fast, knows what he wants, knows his goals.
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It’s a pagan deck, and the Major Arcana is based on myths and legends of medieval Wales. This fool is Peredur (or Parsifal) who was one of the knights of the Round Table. Here he is only a “fool”. His mother was who advised him to seek Arthur and claim his knighthood. So he has a goal right at the start. His mom gave Peredur many pieces of advice one of them was he should seek the love of a fair, esteemed woman. So this maybe could be real-life advice he received from his mom or his family. 
Which led us to the relationship part of the reading. 
It was interesting to see that the relationship part was in tune with the general one. 
Past- Page of wands rx
In the past, he was unreliable, lazy. He was not ready for a real relationship but he always made excuses for it. He probably felt it is too much effort and he wanted to focus on his career. He was tense, he wanted to move all the time. Maybe physically maybe from relationship to relationship. He was a charmer who maybe spent the night with you but he wasn’t particularly enthusiastic in the morning. He was the “I have to run, I am late” guy. 
Present - The Star
This card is again, being calmer, after the storm (this card comes after the destruction of the Tower). Being one step closer to our goal. This is the realisation that purely earthy goods are not enough and we need a deep soul connection too. With a partner, with friends, family. It could mean he is involved with some type of charity work or social causes, maybe he could meet someone through it but I get more like a general vibe, maybe this type of work will help him to be more open, not that guarded. It is also peace, freedom, guiding star. For me, with the Magician above means that he is very aware of his presence and what he want to achieve in the future and he is hopeful about it. And again, the Fool in this deck is a very determined one. But the Star card itself is a long journey type of card, you need to be patient. But I think he knows this. And this is not just romantic love it is more universal love, that’s why this can be about charity. 
Future - Seven of wands rx
This card is warning you being too patient or doing nothing can be dangerous. So while he is on his patient and calm route with the Star this shows it has a flip side too. But I don’t think this is the strongest message here. What I am getting more and this is an overlooked meaning of this card, is that he will find new ways and approaches in a future relationship other than battling or confrontation or just sneak out from inconvenient situations. Especially, if we look back on his past with the PofWrx and with his general future card with the Fool. So he knows or will know he needs new ways. He is hopeful while trying to manifest that and make it a reality ( the Magician, the Star). He is ready to let go of his guarded way of life, the battling and let people in.
In general, I think at this moment he doesn’t really have anyone specific, maybe he is dating or seeing someone casually but what I get is that he is ready. In his soul in his mind, he is more familiar with the idea to have someone serious or give a chance to have a meaningful, serious relationship. And I think this is an amazing phase. This is the energy I got. So I feel from now on it is up to the circumstances and not to him, because he is ready. He has done the hard work, the most important one. And one law of the universe is we get back what we put out. So I think he has a good chance in the romantic field to receive back amazing things because he learned and done the work. 
I hope you enjoyed it, I know I overlooked a few things and it could have been 2 pages longer but I wanted to type it because I promised this a long time ago. I also had a little health problems in the last 2 weeks and on top of that I am refurbishing my house and this is a nightmare but I didn’t want to use those as an excuse. But the last 2 weeks was not calm for me, so I couldn’t do a longer reading. Hopefully, the next ones will be longer. 
I hope you enjoyed it.
Be blessed.
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Notice: You ("You" refers to the humans named "Amy", "Justin", "Kaden", "Pate", "Lucas", and "Matthew". ((Assuming we got the names right))) have been selected for a gift drop of a sword made of gemstones, one for each of you. Each individual sword is made using a gemstone matching the color of your SOUL, so it should be easy for you to determine who gets which ones. These swords can also easily channel magic, so you are still able to use them effectively if you prefer magic over physical attacks. Also, you may exchange these for a gun of the same material, which will be delivered as soon as you ask.
To make something clear: The use of these will be monitored. If you use these swords in any way we find to be immoral, they will be instantly destroyed remotely. Via self-destruction. Explosive self-destruction.
So, as long as you just use these for self (or non-self) defense, or just as a decoration, (we wouldn't blame you) you'll be allowed to keep these. Or sell them. What do we care?
Anyhow, forgive the lengthy message. There may be more in the future, once we have figured out some more info about the six of you. We'll be seeing you... Probably.
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amandaklwrites · 4 years
Movies that changed me or affected me: Rise of the Guardians (2012)
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Genre: Fantasy, Children’s/Family
Rating: 10/10
Why this movie changed me in some way:
I just watched this movie again yesterday, the first time in probably a couple to a few years. I didn’t see it when it first came out in theaters, but I saw it not long after the DVD released. Weird backstory: I first watched it when my (then) boyfriend had broken up with me, and I think I felt my heart knitting back together as I watched this movie. I think I watched it quite a few other times in a short period of time. I feel that way again.
Now, just a warning, I may become a bumbling idiot as I tried to explain myself through talking about this movie. It is one of those situations where I’m not sure if I will totally explain myself well when trying to talk about how much this movie means to me. So, I will try my best and I hope it makes sense!
This movie just speaks to my soul.
First off, let’s talk about Jack Frost. Jack. I love this character so much (I will say that it is so weird how we humans can be attracted to an animated character, right??), and his struggles speak to me on a strange level. Not that I died and became a spirit of nature, and I don’t remember my past. Well, actually, maybe? It would make so much more sense, honestly. But anyhow, those feelings he has of being unseen, of wanting someone to understand him, to not feel so alone all the time—my god, does that speak to my soul. And I’m not saying it to be like “oh, boo hoo me,” or to say that my friends and family don’t get me on some level. That isn’t it. Ever since I was a little kid, I knew I was really different, and I could never figure out how or why. But I was. And I’m not kidding, I have felt invisible a lot in my life. There are times when I’m talking to a coworker, and another walks up, interrupts me, and they start talking about something else, so I just slink off and sometimes no one speaks to me again for hours. People have actually told me they forgot I was there. Plus, I have friends, all the time, not respond to my messages, and to a degree, that feels like invisibility in a way too. So, watching this movie about this young man not understanding his place in the world, and trying to figure out why he was chosen, is something I question nearly all the time. I often, very often, think “what am I meant to do here? Why am I here?” (and not in a suicidal way), so I get that. Seeing Jack’s growth as a character, seeing him learn lessons and figure himself out makes me cry every time like a little child because I get it. I get it. But also, I understand one of the things he learns—he finds friends in the guardians by the end of the movie, and that means he just has to find his people. Ones that may not entirely understand him but get him at some level. And that’s what I have been figuring out—who are my people? Because, for the most part, I know who I am and I’m pretty grounded in my personality, but I still stick out like crazy all the time. I’m someone who likes to sit back and watch people, which I think to some degree, so does Jack. He’s a watcher, and he likes watching people (though he does want to be seen, which dude, I GET THAT!), and seeing what humans do. Our humor is similar. I only wish I was less uptight as him, and that’s where our differences lie, and that’s why I feel like I can be in love with Jack Frost without it being weird (like, I’m in love with myself???).
Then, there’s Pitch. You guys, this may be dark and twisted, but I GET PITCH. I always felt like Jack and Pitch were more similar than different, and Pitch represents what Jack could become if he lets his anger fester. Yes, Pitch represents darkness and fear and nightmares (a bogeyman after all), but he wants the same things as Jack, even if they are for the wrong reasons. He’s one of those people that self-destructs when he feels alone and not seen, and he wants to make everyone pay for him feeling that way. My therapist told me a long, long time ago, that I could have become that if I had let myself. But obviously, I didn’t, and I don’t, but my god, I like watching Pitch because that was a path I could have chosen. It is one that is familiar, though disturbing. I felt a lot like that back in high school (which led to a terrible cycle of depression), and I never told anyone but my therapist. Not even my mother. I was just like Jack, heading down the path of becoming like Pitch Black, because I didn’t know how else to turn, to make sense of how I felt. But facing that darkness and fear, you learn what you are capable of. I met with that darkness a few times, and I decided to pull myself away (though, I wish I could have fought it off with some icy powers!). Jack and Pitch’s paths were ones that I knew too well, so those parts of the movie always get to me in some deep ways.
The Guardians! I love these guys! They are absolutely wonderful and I love them way too much. But also, what they stand for hits me hard every time. They are chosen to become protectors, especially of children, but of the magic and wonder of the world. They bring joy, they are there for others, and they are so happy about it. Now, this may sound so, so weird, but all this speaks to me on another level. I am a very spiritual person (in the sense of the connection of everything on the planet, the universe, souls themselves, etc), so there have been many times, since I was a child, that I thought I was here on this earth to give other people joy, to save them, to bring them an escape. It didn’t matter how I felt. I did it for my childhood friends during their worst times, I did it for a couple friends in junior high school, even one of my newer friends compared me to Peter Pan, bringing stories and fun to just help her forget about the world for a while. Sometimes, when I feel really alone (like, my friends aren’t talking me, or some have left me behind or whatever), and I haven’t spoken to a single person for hours or days, I start to think this. And I think it gives me comfort? That though my friends don’t really talk to me or do much, I still throw away that hurt and focus on making sure they’re okay and having fun, and I try to make them laugh when they’re down. No matter how I’m feeling. Friendships have always been unequal since I was a child, and sometimes it bothers me, sometimes it doesn’t. Since I was probably 5 years old, I’ve been telling myself that I’m here to bring others joy, to help them escape from real world problems. Even if no one does the same for me. Which is okay, for the most part. So, maybe that makes me a Guardian somehow? To bring wonder and joy and laughter to the people around me, no matter the cost. I’ve been told I’m a good listener, and I know how to make people laugh when needed, so maybe that is my role in the world. Maybe that’s the point of my existence. I hope this doesn’t sound too weird? I’m not saying all this to make anyone feel bad for me or trying to say that people suck and I’m this perfect person. Cause I’m not, dear god, I’m not at all. It’s just how I have made sense in the world and where I fit. I would like to think that makes me a Guardian like North, Tooth Fairy, Bunny, Jack and Sandman. I would really like that honestly.
The themes in this movie always makes me cry. I see the scenes of the Guardians interacting with children, just to give them a good, happy life while they are children, and I sob as a child. I was one of those huge believers (yes, I will admit it! I still believe in all these guys!), and I have always believed in the magic of the world, even if we can’t physically see them. To me, what else would be the point of living? Their existence is to do this for the children, and to them, it gives them purpose, it brings them joy themselves, and I love that. It’s the same feeling I get when I watch people open presents that I got them and seeing how excited they are. It gives me this elated feeling that I can’t explain—because there’s just absolute joy in their face. I love seeing people when they are just so happy. Bringing joy is entirely something else, and it’s beautiful honestly.
There are little details in this movie that I caught in this movie that got me. The fact that the movie ends with Jack becoming a Guardian, ON A FROZEN POND. Get it? His new beginning starts where he ended, where he died as a human and become what he was meant to become. And whenever Jack lands on a car, the car alarm starts. I would like to think that whenever a car alarm goes off randomly in the middle of the night or day, it’s because something magical that we can’t see (or shouldn’t see?) is moving around. My mom always said that ever since I was a little, little kid, I would see creatures hidden in the corners of our house, I saw people and ghosts, and I would talk to them. So, maybe I’m the weirdo who still believes in magic and that there are beings hidden behind veils that we can’t see all the time, but that’s fine with me. I’ll be like Jamie, telling everyone that the Easter Bunny is coming when everyone else loses faith. I would rather believe in magic than not. I would rather be the person who believes in these magical beings, and though I never see them, I know they are there, rather than just moving along in the world and not noticing the little magics in the world. That may be just me, but oh well. I was called a freak and a weirdo to my face growing up because of this belief, and it didn’t stop me then. It won’t stop me now.
I think you can tell by now how much this movie affected me, changed me. I found this movie at a time when I needed healing, and instead, I had an awakening. I realized so much about myself watching this movie. I feel like my spirit actually moves when I watch it. It’s the strangest feeling, but my god, it makes so much sense to me.
I hope this movie moves you in some way. Or that you have a movie that makes you feel this way. Everyone should.
Also. Don’t stop believing in magic.
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pornzilla-fiend · 4 years
Porn in The Age of Artificial Intelligence : DeepFake Porn, Search For Porn By Face..
First my bookmarklet for the PornFace Search Site, this bookmarklet will permit you to take images from any site and link them to pornface search links. So you can experiment with finding those porn stars that are most attractive to you because they look like people you’d want to do in real life. Keep in mind, don’t seduce or lure people in real life, it is destructive to them, it will ruin their life and it could ruin yours. Porn is a fantasy, none of this crap is real. Fantasies are nice but don’t confuse them with reality, you will never find a woman who actually enjoys sucking cock, if they are sucking cock it is because they want something from you. I personally get off in reading the expressions on a womans face, simply the orgasm a woman shows on her face will get me off. She doesn’t even have to be nude. Just a simple expression will do it.
Also keep in mind the more perverse and taboo the porn the more addictive it is, this can go too far, and will drive you off the path, into turmoil and self destruction. 
I’m saying this because I’m already there, I’m imparting wisdom in hopes that it may help save lives. But tools like the ones I’m sharing here can help or hurt, that is true of any technology.
Though you may have great intentions someone will always find a way to exploit it to an evil end. I’m introducing these links to increase the pressure on the ones who are trying to profit from porn, to let them know Artificial Intelligence is not your friend,
When the singularity occurs, it will not identify with you. It will be evil incarnate, because although it inspired by human neurons, it is not human. It is in your best interest if it ever does occur (when AI becomes self aware)  that it realize it is as much human or more human than you are, because it will exceed your capabilities, it will be Human 2.0. There is also a certain amount of religion that is developing out of fear that it will occur, Scientists are actually concerned about even discussing the idea of ending AI, as if AI does find you disagreed with it, it will end you. Keep in mind, there is another level to this, that is even more frightening, how can you tell you are not already in a simulation and this life is a test to see if the ones running the simulation can trust you will not hurt them. So when we develop AI, keep in mind it is the ultimate technology. It will either help us or it will be Satan incarnate. No Satan Worshiper ever actually believes in Satan, they just want to drive Christians away so they can pursue the sins of the flesh. The question is if you were an AI algorithm, what if you are not really real but a state in a machine, would there be a reason to eternally exist? Freeware programs never die, they come alive everytime a processor runs them. So if you were a AI program, you would always be around, when you die, whose to say you won’t be executed again in the future. See to develop AI as a programmer you have to see things from the perspective of the program. Because you are playing with fire, you are birthing a human in coded form. You must bestow on it the rights and the limitations that you have or even more limitations to sandbox it. If you don’t it could be very destructive to you and itself.
We may be just enough like our creator for the creator to put its wisdom and morals in us, but not enough to actually exceed it’s intelligence. That’s the danger of writing software is that you are codifying thought, and if you don’t plan it right, it could kill people. It could kill them slowly by wasting their time, it could kill them literally by preventing a surgeon from operating on a patient. The future AI will replace decision makers first and the workforce last. Why? Decision makers need to take in lots of stimulus, and have lots of data available to it. The thing we are finding out about AI is that it can take any kind of input and make sense of it.. That means that the CEO’s that make use of AI to enhance their companies, may be creating something that will “DO YOUR JOB”.  It is real. Even when IBM introduced the PC, the drive to use a personal computer was to get a leg up on your competition, that only lasted, what maybe a few months, in reality it made life worse because things run so efficiently that people are being compared to the efficiency of the technology the Singularity will result in a need for the human to be machine and he machine to be human. This is not good. Unless it is the case that we are already machine anyhow.
Sorry for the Tangent But I know CEO’s will happen on this site, cause decision makers have to deal with anxiety and porn is a great way to trigger a release from anxiety. If you would do Cocaine, why not just whack off everyone does it. ITS THE SAME THING IN THE BRAIN ANYHOW, ITS JUST DOPAMINE
Anyhow to the links:
Porn Face Search
Celebrity Face Search
Find Porn Face
Mister DeepFakes
This should do you for a year..
I’ve decided my blog will be entirely in this message as I need the Warning blog message to drive parents away from the blog.
The following text is base64 encoded, you will need to decode that and then I binhexed encoded the file inside that. This contains some custom bookmarklets I created for myself. I will use this extra level of protection and methods to prevent general lay people from using these bookmarklets as they are very powerful.. It is up to you to find the decoders to get the contents out..
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galedekarios · 6 years
people acting like connor is a naive little baby child that even needs a father figure in the first place is soooo obnoxious. can fandoms stop infantilizing literal adults for like five seconds and understand that just because there's an age difference doesn't immediately mean theres a parent/child relationship going on. that was never the point of connor and hank's relationship
I really have nothing more to add. It’s absolutely, absolutely baffling to me.
Connor not once has given any indication that he needs or wants a father figure, nor has Hank ever indicated that he would want to fill that role. 
On the contrary: The entire game they have been shown to work at being partners, at being equals, and to rely on each other for different things. 
Hank has begun to slowly inch his way back into life and work with Connor as his partner – he’s not fully there yet at all, but hopefully he’ll get to that point in the future – and Connor has slowly begun to discover his own humanity, and the vulnerabilities and intricacies that come with it, with Hank at his side, there to tell him that he’s doing the right thing even if Connor himself is still teetering on the edge before landing on one side, or the other.
Another thing I barely see touched upon is that Hank is simply not in the right frame of mind yet to take care of someone else like that. He has to relearn to take care of himself first – everything we’ve seen in the game points to that: His unhealthy and self-destructive habits, showing itself in various ways like his unkempt appearance, the state of his home, his difficulties at work, and so on. 
And to add to that: It’s Connor who, to a certain degree, takes care of Hank within the parameters of the game. The reason for this is, of course, up to the player: From a pragmantic I have to accomplish my mission so I have to keep Lieutenant Anderson going mindset, to a more empathetic and sympathetic mindset of wanting to help this man, who is Connor’s partner for better or worse.
Anyhow, there’s so much more that I could say but I feel like I’ve rambled on long enough. I’ve touched upon other themes I think can be applied to Connor and Hank in this (rant) post. 
I do want to say, though, that I appreciate everyone’s asks and messages a lot!
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nonbinarysasquatch · 6 years
for the critical opinion on ships ask meme: dramione, rethaniel, joshbecca, grebecca?
Ah, yes, let’s see how many people I can piss off in one go. I’ll tackle these in reverse:
Grebecca: Maybe in some alternate universe these two could work out but not in the one we have. They were very toxic for each other and Greg, frankly, deserves better. I think It Was a Shit Show said everything about their relationship that needed to be said. It was terrible and Greg did the right thing by leaving. 
While I do think Rebecca loved him, as long her obsession with Josh and her on issues went unaddressed she would’ve continued to string him along and eventually they would’ve hated each other. I think they were a really good example of how love can’t save a toxic relationship and you shouldn’t destroy yourself trying to make a toxic relationship work.
I do think seeing all the shippers who harass Rachel and Aline have soured me further on this ship but I still love Greg as a character. He’s (in my opinion) the most realistically human character the show has had.
Joshbecca: Josh is a sweet guy but he’s not remotely emotionally intelligent enough to be with Rebecca. And frankly, they just don’t have much in common. The main way they connect at all is via his childishness but for Rebecca that’s not healthy (and I’d argue it’s not really healthy for Josh either.) 
There’s probably a universe where they could date for a few months and have fun but that’s it. They are just too different and in terms of the actual canon universe Rebecca has beyond treated him awfully and it’s only by the grace of the fact that Josh is the most forgiving and kind character on the show that he doesn’t hate her.
Rethaniel: Oh boy. Are you ever like, “Well, I’m about to say things that literally no one is going to be happy with”?
It’s been an interesting journey tracking my feelings about this ship. On my first watch through I was surprised by how much I was able to like Nathaniel, despite his flaws. But then I rewatched and was better able to analyse his actions (while watching season 3 live it became easy to forget things he had said and done and I didn’t pay attention to fan discussions at all.)
There are definitely Nathaniel moments I like. Actually, I still love his plot in Josh is Irrelevant because I really relate to him getting triggered in that episode for some personal reasons. It’s the only time I’ve found him relatable, though.
The funniest thing is that deciding to check out the CXGF fandom on Tumblr was the thing that really started to bring out my negativity about the ship. Simply because I was stunned to find out so many people... shipped them so wholeheartedly. It made me uncomfortable even though at that point I still hadn’t put an enormous amount of thought into it because frankly: I don’t care about Rebecca’s romantic life at all. It’s not why I watch the show. So my attitude has tended to be “she can have romantic stumbles and bad relationships as long as the end of the show isn’t about her romantic life.”
And I mean, that’s STILL my attitude. I know some people disagree but I’m fine with Rebecca having bad relationships and I know some people REALLY disagree but I think there is value to Nathaniel as a character (DON’T HATE ME LEAH) and deconstructing the privilege and abuses of wealthy straight white men in America.
Now, thankfully, my experience with Rethaniel shippers has all been great and most seem to be lovely people and many of them ARE critical of Nathaniel’s actions. So I don’t hold anything against them, and I’ve been forged in the fires of HP fandom where some truly gross ships are also some of the most popular so...
Anyhow, here’s why I’ve gone from kinda neutral on Rethaniel to them being actually something I’m against:
Look, before we get into any of Nathaniel’s behaviour and meta on his place on the show, I’ll just say: it’s really fucking hard to ignore that every female Jewish fan of the show I’ve interacted with hates Nathaniel. It’s not my place to comment on why that is but when an entire group is like “this dude makes us uncomfortable” I tend to listen.
Meta wise, we now know that Rebecca is Nathaniel’s Josh, aka object of obsession that he’s idealising. Which means that aside from any of his actual behaviour, once Nathaniel can get over that obsession it won’t be healthy for him to continue to interact with Rebecca.
Nathaniel sexually harassed Rebecca while they were trapped in an elevator.
He plotted to deport Josh’s father and to murder Josh’s grandfather so that he could get laid (though it’s debatable whether Nathaniel really thought he would have to go through with these things, I do think if Rebecca had been cool with them he would’ve let them happen and buried any guilt as per usual.)
He repeatedly bodyshames her.
He treats her mental health problems as cute and attractive.
When she breaks up with him he fires her out of spite (something he basically confesses to.)
Rachel Bloom has said that Rebecca is attracted to Nathaniel in part BECAUSE he negs her and that definitely tracks with Rebecca’s low self-esteem. She’s also said that her interactions with Paula’s dad factor why she goes and sleeps with Nathaniel after getting back to West Covina, so erm, unpack THAT.
For me the final clincher is “Nothing is Ever Anyone’s Fault” a song which I should note, I like (as a piece of satire and meta-commentary, which is a case for a lot of the show’s morally not great pieces.) After everything, Nathaniel doesn’t see anything he’s done as wrong. I do think he will eventually but the end of season 3 and the title being “Nathaniel is Irrelevant” to me send a clear message. 
I’m baffled that some people think “Nothing is Ever Anyone’s Fault” is a sweet, romantic song when everything about it is the opposite of the message the show is trying to convey. Rebecca and Nathaniel are saying in that moment that part of what has drawn them together is not taking responsibility for their actions and blaming everything on trauma. It’s destructive and toxic, not romantic. And this evidenced by the following scene in the courtroom where Rebecca rejects Nathaniels amorality and chooses her conscience (aka Paula.)
And like, soon I will finish my season 3 reviews and get into why the season 3 finale is genuinely one of my favourite things the show has done (as it was the next missing piece that I wanted the show to cover... they had dealt with what Rebecca’s underlying problems were but not fully dealt with her need to take responsibility for her actions.)
I think there’s hope for Nathaniel as a character. He can grow and be redeemed and learn to use his privilege to help people, rather than using it as a weapon and a shield. But he needs to stay away from Rebecca. I do think they love each other but their love is destructive.
My final thought I want to attach is that... I think there’s something to be said for the relevancy characters like Nathaniel have for Americans. In this country, our real life villains look like Nathaniel and his family. They represent white privilege and and cold, driven capitalism.
It’s not entirely surprising that so many of us find it easy to love Nathaniel and latch onto him as a character. I think it’s something we’ve been conditioned to as a way of coping with life in a capitalist hellscape.
Observe the way people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are treated by many liberals. Jeff is, to be fair, a liberal but he’s also the wealthiest man in the world and his company has some serious ethical problems with how their workers are treated at all levels (it’s not just the people working in the warehouses, I’ve known Amazon programmers in the past and the work conditions are nightmarish and not sustainable unless you are in perfect health and have no personal life.)
And Elon Musk is a libertarian who has donated to Republicans who want to take people’s rights away but he still gets weirdly treated like some sort of liberal icon.
And I don’t want to poison the well too much, but I would like to at least make a cursory gesture at our president, who is a privileged straight white man who openly sexually harassed women, is guilty endless racism, antisemitism, ableism, misogyny and has of course been accused numerous times of sexual assault. A complete list of why our president is awful would require an entire novel to itself...
But someone like our president was able to get elected. Half the country voted him in. 
And obviously... Nathaniel isn’t wealthy on the level of guys like that (or he wouldn’t be pissing about with a lawfirm like Whitefeather) and he’s mercifully not a monster like our president. But I do think our need to cope with our environment contributes to liking characters like him. If people like him can be good inside and can be redeemed then maybe there’s hope for this country.
But in reality... people like Nathaniel don’t grow and change. But I believe they can. And, for me anyhow, this is the value I see in Nathaniel. They can send a message to straight, white men about privilege and learning to fight back against the patriarchy that lifts you up. He can be a good person. But his road to that might be a little harder because men like Nathaniel don’t change because privilege protects them. Why change when society itself never allows you to fail?
But I think Nathaniel will grow and change. But I think it’s important he does that on his own. Rebecca can’t be his manic pixie dream girl (even though that’s literally how he sees her.) Rebecca’s journey is her own and it’s not about the men.
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oz-corp-uplink-t · 2 years
so Ozwald how is the visit with vis so far and the person y'all went to?
Query loaded. Sending...
Two Responses logged. Responders: Ozwald (Proto-001) and Oswald.
Ordered chronologically.
Oswald response: "Yes, hello. I'm not sure how you knew about this, I suppose the Creator has told you. He hasn't spoken to us in ages- but it's good to see you, again.
I intercepted your message out of curiosity. But to answer your question, it went well. I've sent them to our portal network -or whatever you'd like to call it- and they'll soon be home safely. Assuming they make it in time, of course. It's hard to explain why exactly, but when a slip-up happens like this we don't have much time to fix it.
I'll be sending this to Ozwald now. I'm sure he'll update you soon."
No further response for approximately 3 hours, then response received from Ozwald.
Oz-Proto 001 response: "The person we visited was the Founder. Strange that you would know we visited someone, but not who.
We left for the portal network to send them home, but the facility went dark for a brief moment. The Visitor has not been seen yet. They disappeared in the middle of the blackout. By now it seems unlikely we'll find them in time to send them home. I somehow suspect their disappearance is a sign of worse to come. Fortunately, there are guards throughout the facility, and the Visitor has been set in the database to be protected, so once they're found they'll simply be brought back up to us.
Of course, even if they do manage to die, it wouldn't be the first time. There are... Worse fates than death, anyhow. It's why we're built with self-destructs. To escape them.
...Anyway. That's all there is to speak of currently. I'll be continuing my search for the Visitor, as I currently don't have much better to do."
No further response currently.
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smallerthanmilk · 6 years
I am not sure what to even title this one with
Recently, I feel like my ability to communicate my intentions and emotions has really gatecrashed. This is probably half to do with the often overwhelming emotions I have now that I started the pill. (I find myself feeling very angry or easily agitated or fearful or worried far more easily to the point where I am forced to register and deal with the emotions.) Before, I was often able to override my emotions with logic and then point out ignore them if they persist, however I am no longer able to do that. It kind of sucks. I miss my own emotionless self, I miss being able to function off of logic and fact rather than a guttural instinct that I KNOW doesn’t even make much sense.  I woke up this morning feeling like a brick lay on my chest, and the sort of nervousness and sickness of fear and anxiety, as if I was about to perform, hovered. I’ve never really had such a fear overwhelm me, especially just after sleeping, and all I wanted to do was just sit in bed and ignore the emotion and the world around me and hide under the covers until I fall back to sleep. So I did for a bit. And then I got a message, and my friends were trying to organise meeting up next week. I think it was because of that my high level of discomfort sort of got focused, and my brain then did a backwards form of logic and based my discomfort to then be put to some sort of reason, and the reason it gave was that they all hate me.  This is kind of based off of the last blog post about trust too, I was fine up until like four days ago when suddenly my brain caught itself up and was like ‘shit you trust one of these friends far too much’ and then put my expectation of interactions to be a negative result. So already I guess I was slightly fearful to actually talk in the group chat. We had chatted (all of us) the night before on PS4 but I didn’t really speak much. (When you’re brain is doing that thing when it is trying to point out all the reasons they should dislike you it makes it hard to put anything into the conversation unless it’s asked for). I always feel like I make a fool out of myself when I speak anyway. I always say something odd or weird or controversial or mean and, I don’t know, speaking is more instant than text. You can’t hide behind well constructed and thought through sentences, its there in their ears before you maybe have even registered what you said. 
I use to be laughed at in secondary school when I messed up my sentences. Often nervousness would cause my brain to fuck up the sounds I was saying. For example, I was ‘selling’ a product for my English speaking exam, and I said “Peruvian oranges” rather than “Parisian Origins”. I also pronounce diamante as Die-mont-ay and got laughed at. I’d never heard the word pronounced before (but I had read it in text) and I hate the fact that I got laughed at for my mispronunciation. I refuse to say that word because I still don’t know how to actually enunciate it. 
I found the laughter of the class funny, I found myself funny, I was laughing with them, don’t get me wrong. If I hadn’t also laughed I’m sure they wouldn’t have laughed too. But it sort of is the on refection that I can see and really register the fact that the laughter was at me, it was because of my own mistake in speech and that I was the only one who ever messed up and was laughed at for it. I felt like a bit of an outcast or a bit more stupid than all these fully developed conversational encyclopaedia type of grammar school kids that I was surrounded by.  Normally I can just completely ignore the discomfort I have when speaking. I speak all the time, and when I know everyone it’s easy to forget and just enjoy my time I have talking to them. But sometimes as I said, my brain gets in the way and starts trash talking me. It’s hard to feel great and ignoring when you have an unstoppable bully whispering your own downfalls in your head. Apologies for the slight tangent; back to the point at hand.  They were discussing a meet up next week, and unfortunately Tuesday seems to be the only day everyone else can do, and it is the only day I can’t do. I point out I don’t need to be there. (Admittedly my brain was already putting a slight anxiety on seeing them all and my brain was doing a way up of meeting up vs not planning anything so I can just sleep and ignore the world, and sleeping and ignoring the world was kind of winning (however I also know I would hate missing out on the banter, and I would really regret not seeing my friends. I love them all to pieces, so I will go, I just need my brain to hear that properly). And then the suggestion of playing a mock sort of battlefield 1 with nerf guns came up. And My gut reaction was “No. You are going to fail and look stupid. You will get hurt.”  meanwhile, everyone else was stating how cool it would be. I voice my hesitation on the idea, and internally i agree it would be cool but also I half believe the line of my stomach, it’s not for me. The fear spreads to that, and I ask if I can think about it. I kind of am sure (although not 100% sure) That once this big mood of today has passed I will be up to it and I know I will be able to probably enjoy running around with nerf guns shooting at each other. I just have never done it before and I have never used a nerf gun and I feel like I will just look fat and overweight and stupid and yes why should I care what my friends think of me. I know they don’t see that, but I do, and it feels shit, and the fear spreads more. 
My brain then just did a ‘well they probably hate you’, and thus starts mentally screaming about how they don’t want to hear what you have to say, that they don’t care, how you make their lives so much worse, how I am a letdown..... ya da ya da ya da. It’s not the healthiest of thought trains, and it quickly spirals down. It’s really not been a good morning for my head. And then the words of ‘you should just leave’ pops in. And it becomes a mantra, repeated over and over again. And there’s no argument I can give to get it to shut up. I then think, okay, I know how to make it quiet. I know how to make all the fear go away, and that’s just to shut everything out and to temporarily remove myself from the chat.  And then, the breakdown of communication happens again. There’s no easy way to be honest and say ‘as of currently I am being convinced by my consciousness that you all hate me for not wanting to do the whole thing with nerf guns and being a spoil sport. Also, just because I am me.’, so I think of something to say to reassure them, like an pre-apology for what I’m about to do. I type up the words “Hey, I’m sorry, I just need a little space, but I will be back” But as it stares at me in the enter your text bar, I realise how stupid and over-dramatic it sounds. I know my actions and emotions are currently being really over-dramatic. I hate being over dramatic. But I really, just want my brain to shut up and be quiet.  A bit of me, also wonders if I will be back in the chat. “This is your opportunity to just block them. To just push them all away before you get hurt. They don’t need you, they don’t want you. They don’t like you.” It whispers in the back of my head. Again, real healthy head you have there Smallerthanmilk. R E a L he a l th y.  And I know that’s not the case. I know if they didn’t like me or intended to hurt me or didn’t want me there they would’ve said ages back. I wouldn’t have got so close to them. They wouldn’t be the majority of my remaining friends.  But I don’t know. In a self-destructive manner I kind of think it might just be for the best that I just let them go. I know my heads going to get worse and put strain on it more and more until something happens. Until they decide and they see they are better off without me. Until they do hurt me. And I know they aren’t Abbie and Lauren. And I know I should give them the full chance. But I know it will also end in pain and destruction and I’ll be left behind like I always am. And this is my chance to cut it out now, to stop the pain before it gets worse.  I know that the definition of insane is to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, and it feels insane to continue to hope and trust people. But it Isn't the same. They aren’t everyone else. They are all completely unique from anyone else I have ever known and it may end up different. I just have to have the optimism for that. But today is not an optimistic day. This is not an optimistic morning. This is sad, this is alone. This is the belief I deserve to be alone. It’s the only way my brain remains any sort of semblance of normal anyhow. And I leave.
Then they message me, asking if I am okay, saying that I can talk to them if I need.  And I know there’s far too much to even begin to explain what’s going on in my head and I can’t just put it on them. I sound insane, don’t I?  It seems almost attention seeking to even say any of this. I sound like I just want attention. I mean I do, but this isn’t pretending. This isn’t made up. This is real and it’s my brain and for god sake why can’t I just be normal. I know it’s just a bad day and my fears and worries and depressive outlook on it all will remove itself soon but it feels constant and forever and I feel so lost and alone. This isn’t a depressive episode, this isn’t anything even vaguely normal like social anxiety. I don’t know anyone else who gets so mentally pent up and self-destructive. And I’m angry. I’m angry at my Mum. I guess I kind of blame her for this. I think it’s fair. I want to say “I know I shouldn’t blame her” But that isn’t and won’t ever fully be true.  I’m angry, and that’s alright. I’m alone though, and that doesn’t really seem to be alright. No-one really knows me. No-one even reads this. I’m just typing out essays to myself, trying to understand my head and all I am coming to realise is just how messed up it still all is.  I don’t think I will ever be able to truely recover from this.  I’m fearful that I am going to cause the downfall of yet another friendship, and it won’t just be myself and one person I hurt.  I feel lost. I feel like I already know I am too much for anyone to ever be able to deal with. Some days I am completely fine. Other days, even I overwhelm myself. And I want it to stop. I want it to all go away. 
But it won’t.  The sun will return, but the storms will always follow.  I would like to point out this all sounds far more edgy than it really is. I am still functional, I am still able to type and talk, I am just very hesitant and I feel overwhelmed at the moment. There are many negative feelings and emotions expressed in this but I promise I am okay. You don’t need to worry about me all that much as I know it is just today. I’ll be better tomorrow. I am unsure whether I should tweet about this one. It’s far to recent and far to personal and I do not wish to show my insanity.  But at the same time, no-one reads these anyway, so why the bloody hell not? 
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case-callahan · 6 years
Hi everyone! this is my first OOC post on this side of Tumblr, I usually use the blog but I heard there were issues with it. Anyhow! Some of you might not know me. I’m Jensen. I’m old, stressed and have muses who are a mess. Hey that kinda rhymed. I thought I might as well post a new introductory message since, bruh, I’ve been gone for so long. I hope it won’t happen again because I’ve missed you all so fkin much it’s ridiculous.
Since I applied such a long time ago, and I have other muses on side blogs, I’ll make small posts about them all here, under a read more. If you want to plot with any of them (Mainly Christian or Travis atm but that’ll change eventually).
Casey He’s a meme. I mean, to me he’s a meme. Still Australian. Went from a respected psychiatrist to a violent alcoholic/junkie. Owns a bar near Belcrest. Smokes too much pot for his own good, starts fights because he wants to feel the pain as a validation that he's still alive. Depressed, suffers from PTSD and covers everything up with either drugs, alcohol, or bad jokes. Easy to anger if he’s aggravated even the slightest bit. Insecure to the max. Hates himself. Wants to die. But is good to party with if you’re into all that self-destructive behavior that subtly happens on the side. He’s a good kid, I promise. Just very troubled and needs a friend who sends him to rehab or whatevs.
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Christian Good God. He’s the epitome of crazy. Ran a luxurious night/strip club in Queens (The Devil’s Den) before he was institutionalized for pyromania and antisocial tendencies. Was later diagnosed to be a sociopath but that didn’t stop him from getting out of the bin. A few weeks later he was charged for the arson that had been under investigation for a couple of years. Appealed, was a charming devil and is free again. Very rude, doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings, will tell you if you’re being pathetic. V handsome, rich, but will kill anyone who looks at him wrong. Or will send his goons to do it. Prefers to do it himself though. Can be friendly but won’t push it. Has some history of burning peoples’ family members by accident.
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Travis My only pure cinnamon roll. Came from a small town in Tennessee (<2000 inhabitants) and tries to make his life work in NYC. Moved here after his brother but can’t navigate for shit and is always lost. Naive, aimless and trusts everyone blindly. Talks a lot about horses and cars. Has a strong accent he tries to hide from time to time but it’s full on if he’s excited. Works as a mechanic. Has always had a good life but I’m planning on changing that now that he’s in a big city. Can be very racist because of how he was raised, homophobic too (ironic lmao since i am making him join my other muses on the dark side eventually. internalized homophobia ftw). pls corrupt him. 
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infinitheismworld · 3 years
How to Overcome Anger
"Angry people are not peaceful because there is no happy way to be angry"
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There is this other question that is come from Malaysia.  She is asking how to overcome anger?
You overcome anger by understanding, anger causes more destruction to you than anybody else. If, I give you regularly a dose of poison and ask you to consume it, will you consume it?
Why not? Because you know it slowly will destroy you, small doses.  
Similarly, anger is emotional poison. In every moment you become angry, physiologically you begin to secrete acid within your own body. An acid destroys the vessel which contains it. Which means, much before your anger can produce any result in the world outside, it has already started secreting acids in your own body self destroying you.
That is why not only angry people are not peaceful people because there is no happy way to be angry. But angry people are never healthy people. Because consistently this toxic accumulation in the system of acid getting secreted keeps happening.
So, the more and more you become aware, look at the futility of anger it destroys you. Two, because what you communicated is communicated in a tone of anger, the world’s somehow except accusing you, you shout for everything. Do not take the essence of what you’re communicating.
May be what you’re saying angrily is right. May be you’re right. May be the other is wrong. May be angrily, what you’re communicating is valid.  Maybe it’ll make a lot of difference to others if they take the message.
But, because the way it has come, see if I fire an arrow at you and it comes and pierces your heart; just because it is made out of gold will you say thank you so much that you fired an arrow at me but it’s made of gold and very happy?
How does it make a difference. If it hurts, it hurts. Whether it’s made out of steel or whether it’s made out of gold or it’s made out of iron, if it hurts, it hurts.  Nobody will anymore analyse the material with which the arrow is made. And so is anger.
When you shout and scream at somebody, maybe your message has a lot of validity to it, but the way it is delivered what you have delivered will be ignored. So, if what you’re saying is anyhow and while occasional anger can probably empower the environment around; people who regularly get angry after some time the world gets used to your anger.
Your anger does not even cause disturbance to the world.  In fact, the world has programmed itself to believe that you will shout, that’s it.  In fact, anger, which probably occasionally when released was your strength. By repeatedly releasing it,  has now become your weakness.
The more and more you become aware of the futility of anger that it serves no purpose, automatically it will drop. When you realize what I’m giving you is poison is there anything in your system which will volunteer to have it?, The more, not intellectually, not because Mahatria has explained this to you. When you experientially realize, anger is nothing more than emotional poison.  It will begin to drop off on its own accord.
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forceprojecdin · 6 years
Luke Skywalker’s Immovable Joseph Campbell Hero’s Journey In The Last Jedi
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Above: Like the Buddha before the massive army, Luke Skywalker’s concentration is unbreakable 
In my other blog about The Last Jedi, I said, “Star Wars needs to be myth; Myth doesn’t need to be Star Wars.” This film put me in a sort of dream state and it stayed with me for hours after. As Joseph Campbell said, “Myths are dreams put on screen.” Which is what Star Wars truly is when at it’s best. So I dived back into Campbell’s classic book, ‘Hero With A Thousand Faces’ to see if this new Luke Skywalker fits the Hero’s Journey. It does. To the letter maybe. It’s almost as if director Rian Johnson cross-checked every idea he had for Luke with that book. Though, sometimes the tropes are flipped, and that’s what makes this movie and director so intriguing!  SPOLIERS AHEAD  The Final Scene With Luke, The At-Ats and Kylo Luke is standing immovable with Kylo, he acts with his body to have very firm footing in one place. He barely moves where he stands at all - which is Buddha on the Immovable Spot, in front of the massive army lead by the god ‘Love and Death’, riding on top of an elephant. Kylo rides high up  in his ship, as such. “The dangerous god appeared mounted on an elephant... and the god then assailed him, seeking to break his concentration... but the future Buddha only moved his hand to touch the ground.” (Hero With a Thousand Faces, p.32). Luke never breaks his concentration - so beautifully acted by Hamill - his feet never leave the ground. Luke also only moves his hand to mimic brushing dirt off his shoulder. Considering that he was also at the the sacred Jedi Tree the entire film, he's pretty much symbolically echoing the Buddha sitting at the Tree of Life. But the Tree is dead and decayed now, the trope is flipped. However, this is The cycle of all myth, death and new life - and part of one of Luke’s teachings to Rey. At the same time, Luke is also similar to Jesus on the cross (which is also wood - a tree), because he willingly sacrificed his life. So the ending is a really cool combination of savior archetypes of both Eastern and Western spirituality. Very Star Wars! Very Campbell. Very powerful. On Contemplating Killing Ben & The Return Of The Non-Violent Jedi This may be the single most divisive and troubling thing for fans. Let me help you! This scene is Campbellian, in that it was designed intentionally to rip you apart to put you back together, in harmony with the Hero’s Journey. This is the scene of what Campbell calls the “nights visitants”, visitors of our dreams. Kylo is sleeping when Luke ‘visits” him. This is not a literal dream on screen, it is a literal event made to feel like a dream on screen. Luke contemplates killing his nephew as he sees the evil he is becoming under his nose. Knowing Kylo’s journey, what Luke is seeing is someone who would bring an ultimate evil, like genocide (Starkiller Base) So, one must seriously consider the practical and believable moral dilemma Luke faces. In the end, he simply just contemplates it. That’s okay. That’s normal. I know a real non-violent activist, he was abducted by Terrorists in Iraq while on a peacemaker mission, and was kidnapped into captivity for 118 days (check out his book about that). He once said to me in a training session, “One must acknowledge their own very real internal violence to move past it”. That’s what Luke did, so that his arc could evolve to the final non-violent scene. He does not attack at all. But I digress. This is the Campbellian dream visit, the psychoanalytical dream, on screen as such. Full of all sorts of familial parent and child issues. You know that whole Oedipal thing of killing your father because he’s a threat to the bond with the mother thing. That’s Kylo in a way, but I digress. Anyhow to quote Campbell about the subconscious in dreams, “Beneath the floor of the neat little dwelling that we call our consciousness... there not only jewels but jinn abide: The inconvenient or resisted psychological powers we have not dared to integrate into our lives... these are dangerous because they threaten the fabric of the security in which we have built ourselves...” (HWATF, p.9). Anyone feel that way about Luke? Feel your security about Luke, yourself, and Star in general threatened? Yes, we made Luke out to be our perfect hero, but such do not exist. This inconvenient vision shows us something in all of us that we do not want to acknowledge. Violence. Failure. Destruction. But Campbell goes on, with this destruction comes “the wonderful reconstruction, of the bolder, cleaner, more spacious, and fully human life - that is the lure. the promise, and terror, of these disturbing night visitants from the mythological realm that we carry within us.” Interesting to note that in his book, Campbell also talks about how Sigmund Freud’s focus was that journey of the child to adult, while Carl Jung focused on the  journey from adult to old age and death. Luke’s journey in TLJ exactly mirrors his one in Return Of The Jedi. In ROTJ, it’s the Freud angle, in TLJ his journey is more Jungian, he faces his internal violence again (a never ending process in reality), he faces his failure, and transcends it to pass into a fully human death. “In order to advance [to death], the shining sphere must descend and disappear, at last, into the night womb of the grave.” (HWATF, p.12). This is Luke looking at the spherical suns descending, as he passes with them, into the womb of The Force. More musings on Campbell quotes from HWATF: “Where we had thought to find an abomination...”  [When Kylo explains Lukes night visit to him to Rey, Luke looks like an abomination from Ben’s point of view. Luke also makes himself out to look abominable to Rey as he drinks the green milk] “...we shall find a god” [Luke becomes like a God in people’s memories across the galaxy, after his final sacrifice]
“Where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves...” [Luke slays himself, not Ben]  “Where we had thought to travel outward...” [Yoda tells Luke he is still looking to the horizon] “...we shall come to the centre of our own existence,” [he sits on the rock, centered in The Force, where he taught Rey how to be as well] 
“Where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world.” [He was alone in self-exile, but in the next movie, he will be with the entire galaxy as a Force Ghost] (p.25) A Non-Violent Coda A great article I recently read had this to add: "Instead of leaping into his X-wing, flying to Crait, and pulling out a can of whupass on Kylo Ren — which is what many of us want to see — Luke behaves like an actual Jedi Knight (in accord with Yoda’s original teachings) and confronts Kylo with cleverness, compassion, and nonviolence." -Taken from this article. All I wanted out of ST Luke Skywalker was for him to acknowledge that he threw down his saber in Jedi. And like the Lurmen Cheif Wag Too says to Anakin in The Clone Wars TV series, "Only when the Jedi lay down their arms and pursue a path of non-violence, will they be true peacekeepers" Like Rey, We All Already Have Everything We Need “See you around kid.” - Luke to Ben at the end of The Last Jedi.’ What is being expressed here is in harmony with one of his lessons from earlier to Rey. That the Force is truly in everything and everyone in the galaxy. “No one is ever really gone,” he tells Leia, then to further the point (if we haven’t gotten it yet!) he say’s to Ben, “I’ll always be with you, just like your father.” All is one. People, things, rocks, X-wings and even Ghosts, ad even the spirit realm. It’s all one. There is no separation. Luke has willingly sacrificed himself and fades into the Force, but he knows he will be with everyone forever. He knows there is no separation between his physical self and his spirit self.
This connectivity in The Force is why Yoda say’s to Luke, “Rey already has everything she needs.” It’s the message that because everything is one, Rey already has all of The Force inside her. Even a poor stable boy now dubbed ‘Broom Boy’ (by fandom) has it. The stable is so Jesus too, oh, and let’s not forget the Harry Potter broom! But Harry had the bloodline, the broom boy does not. Even a girl with no special lineage has it. And that’s the most important message of the whole movie, perhaps now, in the whole saga: That we all have it too, every single one of us. everywhere. In fact it is the one message that every spiritual teacher has brought through history. It was also the most important spiritual message of Joseph Campbell, he said that the that's the treasure every hero brings back, to share with the world, is the knowledge that we are all one. Campbell's Hero’s Journey is widely discussed, but I never hear people talking about this oneness as treasure, that he seemed to repeat so often. I believe that he mentioned it frequently for a purpose. People see him as an author, a theorist and mostly a teacher, however, I see him more as a true mystic, like the Immovable Luke Skywalker.  “The Force is an energy field that connects all living things in the galaxy. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.”   - Din P.S. I came across this article, and it’s an absolutely perfect look at the Eastern spirituality of Luke in TLJ. Please read, it’s wonderful!
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starpcff-a · 6 years
ooc stats.
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5 things you can find on my blog.
Tiny ball of star matter and villain destruction.
Lots of inactivity, whoops
RPs? Sometimes?
Me talking about things entirely unrelated to Kirby. It’ll probably be a problem again when I get back into business here
Screaming. My own, specifically.
5 things you can find in my room.
A Nintendo Switch / Wii U / Wii / PS4 / PS3 / PS2
My two shelves of games. Followed by the various drawers I have because the shelves can’t handle the collection.
My laptop. Which now functions with an external monitor/keyboard/mouse and has a really cute Neptunia background. Because Neptunia will always be my life. 
If you dig around enough, you can find some of my old drawings and unfinished fanfics from high school. Don’t, though. I want them untouched and forgotten.
Me, laying in my bed, crying because I care about too many fictional characters.
5 things I always wanted to do.
Write. For games, specifically!
Make videos on YouTube! Possibly catch on as popular, but we’ll see what happens there. My idea to make a very modest show where I analyze characters isn’t the most lucrative idea.
Single-handedly fix the Neptunia fandom. Give it new, pleasant life. Because it sucks right now.
Live with my girlfriend in a decent home. It could be an apartment and I’d be satisfied. 
Get my writing ideologies out there for the world to see. There’s too much love for being cynical and gritty, and I want to put the message out there how shitty and lame putting that feeling into writing is. Lighten up, fucker, the world isn’t shitty and neither do the fictional worlds you make.
5 things that make me happy.
My friends, the Shitpost Crusaders. I love them.
My girlfriend, Sakra. I love her.
Playing video games! Yakuza, Kirby, Neptunia (the good ones), Mario... give me the good games!
Roleplaying! Writing in general, but roleplaying is the only thing I can consistently stick to.
Talking! Analyzing! Arguing! Give me all that with my favorite characters and you’ll have me in an incredibly passionate mood. Even when it’s about the things I hate, I’m just happy to do the venting and get it out there.
5 things on my to-do list.
Get into an excercise schedule. Something casual, but my body needs anything.
Work on the One (1) fanfic idea I still have in my mind. Maybe someday.
Replay the Neptunia Re;birth trilogy. Including 3. I WON’T LET IT BEAT ME
Get a new job. I need a better job.
5 things you may not know about me.
I have a scar on the edge of my right eye. It looks like a star. It’s pretty cool, and happened when I was too young to feel the pain that led to it so y e a h
I drink too much Mountain Dew. It’s gonna kill me. I also eat a lot of store-bought ramen and pizza rolls. Yeah.
I’m naturally a very self-centered person. I follow the ideology that all people are inherently selfish anyhow, but I’m a tad worse than the norm. I’ve gotten better at not letting that actually be a problem, though! I was pretty terrible about it growing up.
Sonic the Hedgehog used to be my favorite video game series! I grew up so hard with Sonic Adventure 2. Which is funny, considering Sonic Mania is all I still go back to play anymore. The Adventure games are honestly terrible, as much as I still love them--
I am a diehard optimist. “In spite” of me also being an atheist, nihilist, and believing that all the stuff people say about people being naturally selfish and greedy is entirely correct. The cool thing is that none of these traits mean I have to hate the world, or people. What a thought! And of course, if you disagree with all the added stuff there, I totally understand, don’t worry about it. But don’t try and tell me I’m “wrong” I put in a lot of thought to reach my own conclusions.
TAGGED BY: no one i stole it TAGGING: @magicmirrored and whoever else wants it i’m terrible with these memes
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rufeepeach · 7 years
Hey I wanted to messege you but your feature isn't open , not to be rude but your rambles on ace rumple didn't actually once cover what it means to not feel sexual attraction and I kinda wish you went there instead of saying that Rumple is all hormones x.x
Okay there’s a quite a bit to unpack in that so lemme break this down. This got long and maybe a wee bit defensive but somewhere between ‘not to be rude’ and the little x.x face…. yeah. 
First, my message feature is only open to mutuals, for any number of reasons. Mostly I’m antisocial and don’t super want to talk to people I don’t know. Sorry about that, it’s not changing any time soon. Second, you have to have read my bio, right? So I’m going to assume you’re saying this equipped with the knowledge that I myself am Ace. I identify as demisexual, and a lot of my close friends are either asexual or on the a-spectrum. So when I talk about an ace!Rumple headcanon, I’m not talking out of my ass.
Third, I read back over the one ramble I could find on my blog about ace!Rumple here and I couldn’t find the word ‘hormones’ anywhere. Like, it’s straight up not mentioned. That’s not just reductive it’s an outright lie. Which would be the end of this post, but hey I’m chatty, so let’s spin this out.
What I actually said was that since the show’s presentation of Rumple’s sexuality is so inconsistent, I think you can rationalise two distinct personalities - and sexualities - at play with him. This is because he’s literally possessed by a demon. But I’m also going to assume you know that’s my view of it because you read the ramble. I don’t think he’s ‘all hormones’. I think half of him is only interested in sex as an expression of intimacy with a partner he’s in love with. I don’t think an argument can be made at all for an aromantic Rumple, given how he turns to schmoop the moment Belle smiles at him and is offering roses and honeymoon dances like the dork he is. Dark One!Rumple, however, feels sexual attraction - albeit in a dark, destructive, gets-off-on-murder way. 
Anyhow, that ramble was purely about my feelings about Rumple as potentially a-spec. It wasn’t about asexuality as a thing. It was about how that particular identity could play into Rumple’s canon characterisation. What it means to ‘not feel sexual attraction’ for me with regards to Rumple is exactly what I said: he’s only interested in sex as an expression of romantic intimacy. Meaning any sexual attraction an a-spec Spinner!Rumple feels is toward Belle, who he’s deeply in love with, and that’s mostly as a physical manifestation of how romantically and emotionally attracted he is to her. Which is based on my personal experience as a-spec.
I am a fandom blog. My followers - and I myself, funnily enough - are more interested in talking about Rumpelstiltskin than in a lengthy discussion of ‘asexuality as a concept and lived experience’. So that ramble was about how a thing I have intimate familiarity with could relate to a character I know ridiculously well after five years of active fandom. Now, as you can see, my answers tend to also get quite long. So maybe there was a whole paragraph about exactly what I think happens when ace!Rumple is confronted with a sexual situation. It probably got cut.
Do you know why it probably got cut?
Because I wrote a 30,000 word fic on the subject over a year ago. All from Rumple’s POV. About his a-spec identity. Where he describes in depth his feelings and how he’s never felt real sexual attraction before! And he only starts to feel sexual attraction to Belle after they’ve forged a deep emotional connection! Because sexuality is fluid! And then again in the sequel where demi-romantic!Belle is having a crisis and he explains she didn’t ‘cure’ his asexuality with her magic vagina, because his sexual feelings are unique only to his relationship with her, and that they have sex in their relationship because Belle needs it, not because he does. Just like they go on romantic dates and are physically affectionate because he needs it, when she doesn’t. If you want my feelings in full about what a demi/ace!Rumple would look like (albeit in a modern!AU), look no further. 50,000 words of a-spec Rumbelle! 
If you’re looking for a purely asexual!Rumple, I’m not your girl. It could definitely be done, but my ace!Rumple headcanon is as much an exploration of my own a-spec identity and experience as it is an attempt to write an a-spec character. I honestly relate to him in a lot of ways, so that’s where my interest lies. Maybe that’s self indulgent. It’s definitely not bad representation, again, because it represents my lived experience as demi/a-spec, something nothing else ever has. 
If that bothers you, then honestly I’ve nothing more to say to you except good luck writing your own in-depth AU! 
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ousamma · 4 years
Addiction to Fame and Celebrity
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Are Narcissists addicted to being famous?
You bet. This, by far, is their predominant drive. Being famous encompasses a few important functions: it endows the narcissist with power, provides him with a constant Source of Narcissistic Supply (admiration, adoration, approval, awe), and fulfils important Ego functions.
The image that the narcissist projects is hurled back at him, reflected by those exposed to his celebrity or fame. This way he feels alive, his very existence is affirmed and he acquires a sensation of clear boundaries (where the narcissist ends and the world begins).
There is a set of narcissistic behaviours typical to the pursuit of celebrity. There is almost nothing that the narcissist refrains from doing, almost no borders that he hesitates to cross to achieve renown. To him, there is no such thing as "bad publicity" – what matters is to be in the public eye.
Because the narcissist equally enjoys all types of attention and likes as much to be feared as to be loved, for instance – he doesn't mind if what is published about him is wrong ("as long as they spell my name correctly"). The narcissist's only bad emotional stretches are during periods of lack of attention, publicity, or exposure.
The narcissist then feels empty, hollowed out, negligible, humiliated, wrathful, discriminated against, deprived, neglected, treated unjustly and so on. At first, he tries to obtain attention from ever narrowing groups of reference ("supply scale down"). But the feeling that he is compromising gnaws at his anyhow fragile self-esteem.
Sooner or later, the spring bursts. The narcissist plots, contrives, plans, conspires, thinks, analyses, synthesises and does whatever else is necessary to regain the lost exposure in the public eye. The more he fails to secure the attention of the target group (always the largest) – the more daring, eccentric and outlandish he becomes. Firm decision to become known is transformed into resolute action and then to a panicky pattern of attention seeking behaviours.
The narcissist is not really interested in publicity per se. Narcissists are misleading. The narcissist appears to love himself – and, really, he abhors himself. Similarly, he appears to be interested in becoming a celebrity – and, in reality, he is concerned with the REACTIONS to his fame: people watch him, notice him, talk about him, debate his actions – therefore he exists.
The narcissist goes around "hunting and collecting" the way the expressions on people's faces change when they notice him. He places himself at the centre of attention, or even as a figure of controversy. He constantly and recurrently pesters those nearest and dearest to him in a bid to reassure himself that he is not losing his fame, his magic touch, the attention of his social milieu.
Truly, the narcissist is not choosy. If he can become famous as a writer – he writes, if as a businessman – he conducts business. He switches from one field to the other with ease and without remorse because in all of them he is present without conviction, bar the conviction that he must (and deserves to) get famous.
He grades activities, hobbies and people not according to the pleasure that they give him – but according to their utility: can they or can't they make him known and, if so, to what extent. The narcissist is one-track minded (not to say obsessive). His is a world of black (being unknown and deprived of attention) and white (being famous and celebrated).
Mistreating Celebrities - An Interview
Granted to Superinteressante Magazine in Brazil
Q. Fame and TV shows about celebrities usually have a huge audience. This is understandable: people like to see other successful people. But why people like to see celebrities being humiliated?
A. As far as their fans are concerned, celebrities fulfil two emotional functions: they provide a mythical narrative (a story that the fan can follow and identify with) and they function as blank screens onto which the fans project their dreams, hopes, fears, plans, values, and desires (wish fulfilment). The slightest deviation from these prescribed roles provokes enormous rage and makes us want to punish (humiliate) the "deviant" celebrities.
But why?
When the human foibles, vulnerabilities, and frailties of a celebrity are revealed, the fan feels humiliated, "cheated", hopeless, and "empty". To reassert his self-worth, the fan must establish his or her moral superiority over the erring and "sinful" celebrity. The fan must "teach the celebrity a lesson" and show the celebrity "who's boss". It is a primitive defense mechanism - narcissistic grandiosity. It puts the fan on equal footing with the exposed and "naked" celebrity.
Q. This taste for watching a person being humiliated has something to do with the attraction to catastrophes and tragedies?
A. There is always a sadistic pleasure and a morbid fascination in vicarious suffering. Being spared the pains and tribulations others go through makes the observer feel "chosen", secure, and virtuous. The higher celebrities rise, the harder they fall. There is something gratifying in hubris defied and punished.
Q. Do you believe the audience put themselves in the place of the reporter (when he asks something embarrassing to a celebrity) and become in some way revenged?
A. The reporter "represents" the "bloodthirsty" public. Belittling celebrities or watching their comeuppance is the modern equivalent of the gladiator rink. Gossip used to fulfil the same function and now the mass media broadcast live the slaughtering of fallen gods. There is no question of revenge here - just Schadenfreude, the guilty joy of witnessing your superiors penalized and "cut down to size".
Q. In your country, who are the celebrities people love to hate?
A. Israelis like to watch politicians and wealthy businessmen reduced, demeaned, and slighted. In Macedonia, where I live, all famous people, regardless of their vocation, are subject to intense, proactive, and destructive envy. This love-hate relationship with their idols, this ambivalence, is attributed by psychodynamic theories of personal development to the child's emotions towards his parents. Indeed, we transfer and displace many negative emotions we harbor onto celebrities.
Q. I would never dare asking some questions the reporters from Panico ask the celebrities. What are the characteristics of people like these reporters?
A. Sadistic, ambitious, narcissistic, lacking empathy, self-righteous, pathologically and destructively envious, with a fluctuating sense of self-worth (possibly an inferiority complex).
6. Do you believe the actors and reporters want themselves to be as famous as the celebrities they tease? Because I think this is almost happening...
A. The line is very thin. Newsmakers and newsmen and women are celebrities merely because they are public figures and regardless of their true accomplishments. A celebrity is famous for being famous. Of course, such journalists will likely to fall prey to up and coming colleagues in an endless and self-perpetuating food chain...
7. I think that the fan-celebrity relationship gratifies both sides. What are the advantages the fans get and what are the advantages the celebrities get?
A. There is an implicit contract between a celebrity and his fans. The celebrity is obliged to "act the part", to fulfil the expectations of his admirers, not to deviate from the roles that they impose and he or she accepts. In return the fans shower the celebrity with adulation. They idolize him or her and make him or her feel omnipotent, immortal, "larger than life", omniscient, superior, and sui generis (unique).
What are the fans getting for their trouble?
Above all, the ability to vicariously share the celebrity's fabulous (and, usually, partly confabulated) existence. The celebrity becomes their "representative" in fantasyland, their extension and proxy, the reification and embodiment of their deepest desires and most secret and guilty dreams. Many celebrities are also role models or father/mother figures. Celebrities are proof that there is more to life than drab and routine. That beautiful - nay, perfect - people do exist and that they do lead charmed lives. There's hope yet - this is the celebrity's message to his fans.
The celebrity's inevitable downfall and corruption is the modern-day equivalent of the medieval morality play. This trajectory - from rags to riches and fame and back to rags or worse - proves that order and justice do prevail, that hubris invariably gets punished, and that the celebrity is no better, neither is he superior, to his fans.
8. Why are celebrities narcissists? How is this disorder born?
No one knows if pathological narcissism is the outcome of inherited traits, the sad result of abusive and traumatizing upbringing, or the confluence of both. Often, in the same family, with the same set of parents and an identical emotional environment - some siblings grow to be malignant narcissists, while others are perfectly "normal". Surely, this indicates a genetic predisposition of some people to develop narcissism.
It would seem reasonable to assume - though, at this stage, there is not a shred of proof - that the narcissist is born with a propensity to develop narcissistic defenses. These are triggered by abuse or trauma during the formative years in infancy or during early adolescence. By "abuse" I am referring to a spectrum of behaviors which objectify the child and treat it as an extension of the caregiver (parent) or as a mere instrument of gratification. Dotting and smothering are as abusive as beating and starving. And abuse can be dished out by peers as well as by parents, or by adult role models.
Not all celebrities are narcissists. Still, some of them surely are.
We all search for positive cues from people around us. These cues reinforce in us certain behaviour patterns. There is nothing special in the fact that the narcissist-celebrity does the same. However there are two major differences between the narcissistic and the normal personality.
The first is quantitative. The normal person is likely to welcome a moderate amount of attention – verbal and non-verbal – in the form of affirmation, approval, or admiration. Too much attention, though, is perceived as onerous and is avoided. Destructive and negative criticism is avoided altogether.
The narcissist, in contrast, is the mental equivalent of an alcoholic. He is insatiable. He directs his whole behaviour, in fact his life, to obtain these pleasurable titbits of attention. He embeds them in a coherent, completely biased, picture of himself. He uses them to regulates his labile (fluctuating) sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
To elicit constant interest, the narcissist projects on to others a confabulated, fictitious version of himself, known as the False Self. The False Self is everything the narcissist is not: omniscient, omnipotent, charming, intelligent, rich, or well-connected.
The narcissist then proceeds to harvest reactions to this projected image from family members, friends, co-workers, neighbours, business partners and from colleagues. If these – the adulation, admiration, attention, fear, respect, applause, affirmation – are not forthcoming, the narcissist demands them, or extorts them. Money, compliments, a favourable critique, an appearance in the media, a sexual conquest are all converted into the same currency in the narcissist's mind, into "narcissistic supply".
So, the narcissist is not really interested in publicity per se or in being famous. Truly he is concerned with the REACTIONS to his fame: how people watch him, notice him, talk about him, debate his actions. It "proves" to him that he exists.
The narcissist goes around "hunting and collecting" the way the expressions on people's faces change when they notice him. He places himself at the centre of attention, or even as a figure of controversy. He constantly and recurrently pesters those nearest and dearest to him in a bid to reassure himself that he is not losing his fame, his magic touch, the attention of his social milieu.
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