#anyone else ??? wanna get this outta our system now ????
todayisafridaynight · 8 months
kiryuwu kanuwunya
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Bucky Barnes imagines - Some Sunny Day Part 2
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AN: I’m splitting episode 3 into two chapters because so much happens. 
Summary: Before the Blip, you and Bucky were close. After you both returning and Tony’s funeral, you decided to go back to your home town to spend time with your family. When duty calls, you return.  
In this chapter: Despite your protests, Bucky seeks out Zemo (Based on S1 EP3)
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Sam Wilson x Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 5,196
Warnings: Spoilers for episode 3, violence, strong language. 
You watched Bucky as he sat beside you on the aircraft. 
“Do you mind?” Bucky’s side eye didn’t make you look away. 
“I’m just trying to see what’s going through that head of yours.” You confessed. You were all on your way to Germany to visit Zemo. It wasn’t a plan you were happy with but it was the plan. 
“Don’t bother.” Bucky frowned, looking down at his hands on his lap. “And don’t ask me if I think this is a good idea again.” 
“I wasn’t going to ask that.” You turned away from the man.
“What was it then?” Bucky asked. 
“I was going to ask if you were sure you wanted to do this.” It was another question you had already asked 20 times or more but you couldn’t shake the overwhelming feeling of anxiety about this trip. 
“She has a right to be worried, Buck. The last time you were alone with Zemo, you ended up putting (Y/n) through three windows.” Sam reminded you both of what happened the last time you were in Berlin. 
“It won’t happen this time.” Bucky tried to reassure you both but you still felt uneasy. 
After another hour or so Sam announced that you were almost there. 
It was a short drive to the prison from the airport but once you were inside, you felt your chest begin to tighten again. 
“He’s just through that corridor.” The German guard gestured up ahead and that’s when Bucky stopped you. 
“Alright. Give us a sec.” Bucky instructed the security guard before turning to you and Sam. “I’m gonna go in alone.”
“Why?” Sam asked, 
“You’re Avengers. You know how he feels about that.” Bucky said as he looked between the two of you. 
“It’s not like you two were known for frolickin’ in the sun together.” Sam felt he needed to remind Bucky of the past again. However, Bucky stood his ground. 
“He was obsessed with HYDRA. We have a history together. Trust me. I got it.” 
“Buck...” You started, 
“I got it.” He repeated himself before you could say anything else. 
You watched Bucky head through the doors alone. 
“Let’s wait outside. This place gives me the creeps.” Sam encouraged you to follow him to which you didn’t do without hesitation. 
Sam brought you a hot drink as you sat on a bench outside. 
“I forgot how worried he can make you.” Sam admitted as he sat down beside you.
“I’ve seen what he went through, Sam. All of it leading up to Zemo. I just... I don’t want it happening to him again.” You knew you couldn’t explain the extent of why you cared for Bucky. 
“You love him.” Sam said. It wasn’t a question but rather a statement. “I can see it clear as day. Anyone could if they stuck around long enough.” 
“Why are you bringing this up, Sam?” You sighed, looking away from him. 
“Because it’s also obvious that he loves you too. You run around driving each other crazy with worry but you have none of the good stuff that comes with being in love with someone.” 
“What do you know about love, Don Juan?” You chuckled as you tried to lighten the tone.
“I know it when I see it.” Sam smiled but there was a sadness behind his eyes. 
“Things are complicated, Sam.” You muttered, “You already know that.” 
“Well I also think that if Bucky got some he’d be a whole lot less angsty all the damn time.” You knew Sam only said it to make you laugh but you still gave him a whack for the comment. 
“Shut up, Sam.” You shook your head, trying not to smile at the inappropriate comment. 
Sam kept you entertained by a couple of silly games of rock, paper, scissors before Bucky returned. 
“Come on, I got some information. We gotta go.��� Bucky hurried you and Sam along. 
“Just like that?” You were surprised that Zemo even spoke to Bucky at all. 
“A location. I’ll explain everything once we get there.” Bucky wasn’t giving you much information and it was making you a little suspicious. 
“Hey, hey, hey...” Sam ran after Bucky, stopping him. “You gotta give us a little more than that.”
“Zemo agreed to help us after hearing that there were more super soldiers. It was his life ambition to stop the winter soldier programme and he’s given us a lead.” Bucky explained. 
“And you’re just gonna trust his word?” You probed. 
“There’s not much else we can do.” Bucky did make a point. 
It didn’t take long to reach the large warehouse/garage that Bucky wanted to go to. 
Bucky on the way had started rambling about breaking Zemo out of jail in order to help you guys which sounded ridiculous to you. 
“Tell me you’re joking, Buck.” You pleaded, unsure whether he had lost his mind entirely. 
“He’s our best shot at finding who is making the serum and he’d be a lot more useful out than in.” Bucky opened the door to the building and you followed him inside.
“What are you talking about? You wanna break Zemo outta jail? Where are we, Buck? Have you lost your mind?” Sam was just as lost as you were as he shot questions at Bucky. 
“We have no leads, no moves, nothing.” Bucky sighed as you made your way in with your flashlights. 
“What we have is one of the most dangerous men in the world behind bars.” Sam argued. 
“We also have eight Super Soldiers that are loose.” Bucky retorted. 
“Anyway, I thought this was a lead?” You tried to look around but the place was badly lit. There were mainly mechanic tools and lots of storage scattered around. 
“It’s complicated.” Bucky frowned.
“What’s complicated is Zemo. He’s gonna mess with our minds. Especially yours. No offence.” Sam shone his flashlight at Bucky as he spoke. 
“Offence.” Bucky didn’t look impressed as he found the light switch. “Super Soldiers go against everything he believes in. He is crazy, but he still has a code.” 
“I’ve been on the wrong side of that code and so have you. He blew up the UN, he killed King T’Chaka and framed you for it. Did you forget that? You think the Wakandans forgot about it? It’s a rhetorical question. They didn’t. I know why this matters to you, but it’s pushing you off the deep end.” Sam stepped closer to Bucky. You couldn’t deny that Sam had a point. Zemo was the one who tore the avengers apart by framing Bucky.  “We don’t know how they’re gettin’ the serum. We don’t even know how many of them there are.” Bucky couldn’t give up. “Let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I?”
“What did you do?” Sam narrowed his eyes at Bucky. 
You were busy looking inside the car that was revealed by the lights coming on. 
“I didn’t do anything.” Bucky shook his head before he continued with his ‘hypothetical’. 
“The weakest point in any system isn’t the software, the hardware, it’s the meatware. The human element. Now, in this lockup, it’s nine to one, prisoners to guards. And if two prisoners start fighting, then the protocol says four guards have to respond.”
“So why would two prisoners randomly start fighting at that moment? Who knows?” Sam questioned. 
“There could be many reasons…” Bucky shrugged. “But the point is, these things escalate. Lockdown procedures would have to be initiated, and with all those bodies flying around left and right, wouldn’t be hard to slip down a hallway or two.
At this point, you stopped looking around and looked over at Bucky with your arms across your chest. You weren’t liking how thought out this plan was sounding. 
“And if the fire alarm got tripped while the prisoners were being separated someone could use the chaos to their advantage.” Bucky continued. 
“I don’t like how casual you’re bein’ about this. This is unnatural. Are you… And where are we, man?” Sam gestured around the place with confusion locked on his face. 
“Bucky, I’m with Sam on this one. I’ve got a bad feeling and–––” A door opening behind you cut you short. 
You turned around to see Zemo walk through the plastic door curtains. 
“Woah, woah, woah!” Sam jumped forward instructively. Bucky managed to stop him but he didn't stop you. 
You rushed towards Zemo and held the tip of one of your knives to his Adams apple as he held his hands up. 
“What are you doing here?” Sam shouted at Zemo before snapping back to Bucky.
“I didn’t tell ’cause I knew you wouldn’t let this happen.” Bucky admitted. 
“What did you do?” Sam pointed at Zemo in shock.
“We need him.” Bucky stated to which you chuckled harshly, pressing your knife a little harder. 
“You’re going back to prison!” Sam called over. 
“If I may..? “ Zemo tried to speak but you all shut him up with a unanimous ‘No.’
“Apologies.” Zemo mumbled. 
“(Y/n), put the knife down.” Bucky came towards you and wrapped his hand round your wrist. “Please?” 
You did. Slowly. 
“Look, when Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you both backed him. You broke the law, and you stuck your neck out for me. I’m asking you to do it again.” Bucky looked back and forth from you to Sam. 
“I really think I’m invaluable.” Zemo spoke again. 
“Shut up.” You rose the knife again to which Zemo took a step back and pretended to zip his mouth shut. 
“Okay.” Sam sighed after a moment of contemplation. “If we do this, you don’t make a move without our permission.”
“Fair.” Zemo nodded. 
“Bucky... You understand what this means right? If they find out we took Zemo, specifically you. We’ll be on the run again and I don’t know if there will be a pardon this time either.” The concern in your eyes made Bucky frown. 
“It’ll be alright. He's the only shot we got to stop these guys.” Bucky wasn’t sure if he believed his own words but he was praying that this was the best thing to do. 
“Alright.” You turned to Zemo. “So where do we start?”
Zemo gestured for you to follow him before taking you into another dark room. You kept your knife in your hand just in case.
He reached for the light switch to reveal a mass of classic cars. 
“So our first move is grand theft auto?” Sam cocked his eyebrow at the impressive collection.  
“These are mine. Collected by family over the generations. I spent years hunting people HYDRA recruited to recreate the serum. Because once it’s out there, someone can create an army of people… like the Avengers.”  Zemo entered one of the cars and pulled out a bag. “I ended the Winter Soldier program once before. I have no intention to leave my work unfinished. To do this, we’ll have to scale a ladder of lowlifes.”
“Well, join the party. We’ve already started.” Sam told the man.
“First stop is a woman named Selby. Mid-level fence I still have a line on. From there, we climb.” Zemo took his bag and headed into another room. 
“Jesus... How big is this place?” You looked around to see it was full of clothes. 
“First I change and then we head to Selby.” Zemo placed the bag down before filing through one if the rails of clothes. 
“How are we supposed to get anywhere with Zemo on our hands? We can’t exactly call Torres and ask for a ride but please ignore the fugitive that’s coming with us.” You looked between the boys. 
“I will get us there.” Zemo told you. 
“Great.” You pressed a fake smile onto your face which Zemo chose not to acknowledge.
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Before you knew it you were at the airport at Zemo’s private jet.
“So all this time you’ve been rich?” Sam’s eyes went wide at the sight of the plane.
“I’m a Baron, Sam. My family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country.” Zemo spoke as if it was well known information. You felt a pang hit you in the chest, it happened every time you thought of Sokovia... it was guilt. 
You watched Zemo greet an elderly man in a suit before you entered the jet. 
You sat furtherest away from Zemo, still feeling very uncomfortable about him being free and under your custody. 
You watched him sip on a glass of champagne like he had no worries in the world. 
“You don’t know what it’s like to be locked in a cell. Oh. That’s right you do.” Zemo reminded you of the time Tony had locked a lot of the avengers up. 
“Why don’t you tell us about where we’re going?” Sam suggested. 
 “I’m sorry. I was just fascinated by this. I don’t know what to call it, but this part seems to be important. Who is Nakajima?” 
Before you could blink, Bucky had lunged forward and taken Zemo by the neck.  
“If you touch that again, I’ll kill you.” Bucky kept hold of Zemo for a second longer before sitting back down. You had fought the urge to get up and take hold of his arm to calm him down.  
"I’m sorry. I understand that list of names. People you’ve wronged as the Winter Soldier.” Zemo made no attempt at a sincere apology for the invasion of privacy.  
“Don’t push it.”  Bucky warned him.
“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book. Did you hear it? What’d you think?” Sam smiled as he thought back on the memory. 
“I like ’40s music, so…” Bucky shrugged. 
“You didn’t like it?” Sam seemed more shock to hear this than when he saw Zemo. 
“I liked it.” Bucky proclaimed. 
“It is a masterpiece, James. Complete. Comprehensive. It captures the African-American experience.” Even Zemo had to get involved. 
“He’s out of line, but he’s right. It’s great. Everybody loves Marvin Gaye.” Sam turned back to Bucky after giving side eye to Zemo. 
“I like Marvin Gaye.” Bucky repeated. 
“Steve adored Marvin Gaye.” Sam couldn’t drop it but you didn’t bother getting involved. 
You looked at the book in Bucky’s hands. You knew Steve had given it to him before but seeing it again after all this time brought up a hundred thoughts. You remembered the many things you had told Steve to watch or eat or listen to like ABBA, Mochi ice cream and pranking him by suggesting the twilight movie as must see. 
“You must have really looked up to Steve.” Zemo mentioning Steve made you look up again. “But I realised something when I met him. The danger with people like him, America’s Super Soldiers, is that we put them on pedestals.”
“Watch your step, Zemo.” Sam warned him. 
“They become symbols. Icons. And then we start to forget about their flaws. From there, cities fly, innocent people die. Movements are formed, wars are fought. You remember that, right?” Zemo looked over at Bucky. “As a young soldier sent to Germany to stop a mad icon. Do we want to live in a world full of people like the Red Skull? That is why we’re going to Madripoor.” 
“What’s up with Madripoor? You talk about it like it’s Skull Island.” Sam asked but you already knew of Madripoor. Anyone with links to the underworld of crime knew of Madripoor. 
“It’s an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s.” Bucky informed him. 
“It’s kept its lawless ways. But we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves. James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.” Zemo looked down at his duffel bag of clothes that you had watched him pack before.
“What do you mean by that?” You finally chimed into the conversation. 
“James will have to retake the person of the Winter Soldier. You both will have a role to play also.” Zemo explained, turning to face you as you sat in the chair by the back wall of the jet. 
“Bucky, can I speak to you privately?” You looked past Zemo to Bucky. Bucky gave you a look to ask where would you go so you stood and opened the cabin toilets door. 
Bucky huffed before following you in.
“Bucky I’m not okay with this.” You whispered as you pressed yourself up against the wall so you could try and fit both you and Bucky a little more comfortably. 
“This isn’t up to you.” Bucky sighed. 
 “Everything about this situation is making every nerve in my body scream this is a bad idea.” You folded your arms across your chest as you stared up at Bucky. 
“How many times do I have to tell you that this is the only plan we got?” 
“I don’t trust him.” You kept your voice low as you threw your hand up in the direction of the door. 
“Do you trust me?” Bucky asked. 
“I’m starting to question it.” You muttered. 
Bucky just stared at you in response. 
“Yes, I trust you.” You grumbled, caving in. 
“Anyway I have you if things go bad.” Bucky tried to make light of the situation but you weren't impressed. 
You left the bathroom and remained silent until you drew closer to Madripoor. 
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Upon your arrival in Madripoor, you were handed some clothes to change into. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me?” You held up the small material dress that you were meant to wear. 
“I had to choose a disguise that would cover your face. Too many people here would know you from your days before the avengers and after.” Zemo defended his choice of ‘costume’ for you. 
“So I’m assassin barbie?” You scoffed before taking to the bathroom to change. 
You slid on the black leather playsuit and boots, along with the mask that Zemo gave you. 
You felt exposed and uncomfortable. You managed to hide a few knives in your boots and you slid on a thigh holster to hold some more to make you feel like you were protected at least. 
“Loose the knives.” Zemo instructed. 
“Are you serious?” You were growing more agitated by the minute with this man. 
“You are playing an escort. You can’t have knives on show.” Zemo pointed to your holster. 
You bit down on your cheek as you removed it. 
“Fine.” You then left the plane to Sam and Bucky waiting outside. Bucky’s eyes went wide at the sight of you but he tried to hide it by clearing his throat and looking away. 
“We have to fix this. I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.” Sam was wearing a red patterned suit and chains. He didn’t look too bad in it either.
“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward Black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.” Zemo handed Sam his phone revealing a picture of Conrad Mack.
“He even has a bad nickname. Hell, he does look like me, though.” Sam took the phone and looked down at the picture. 
“(Y/n) is playing your partner for the night. Conrad is known for his appreciation for the finer things in life and often has a woman on his arm Therefore, (Y/n), you must be attached to Sam’s hip the entire night.” Zemo filled you all in on the reason behind your disguise. 
“Excuse me, what?” Bucky almost choked at the idea of you having to be Sam’s woman for the night. 
“Well it is the only disguise that makes sense. She can’t be your girlfriend as you are the Winter Soldier. She can’t be mine as everyone knows I am loyal to my wife. She has to be the smiling tigers current whore.” 
“Watch your mouth.” Bucky hissed. 
“We all must play a part.” Zemo defended his choice of words. “You smell this?”
“Yeah, what is that? Acid?” Sam asked. 
“Madripoor. No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There’s no margin for error. High Town’s that way. Not a bad place if you wanna visit, but Low Town’s the other way.” Zemo gestured across the city as a car approached you all. 
“Let me guess. We don’t have any friends in High Town.” You sighed as Zemo opened the car door for you. 
“Not if we want the answers we are looking for.” Zemo climbed into the car after you and then the boys followed. 
It didn't take too long to find the way to low town. You had been to Madripoor before but it had been years ago. 
You did as you were ordered when you all exited Zemo’s car. You stuck by Sam, walking in the middle of Sam and Bucky. 
The air wasn’t cold but it felt thick, you could feel it sticking to your bare skin which gave you the desperate urge to take a long shower. 
“Here we are.” Zemo had brought you to a bar. It was busy and filled with a lot of men.  
“Ready to comply, Winter Soldier?” You heard Zemo ask Bucky in Russian. 
You heard whispers around you questioning if Bucky was who everyone thought he was. It made your gut clench with nerves but you didn’t let it show. 
“Hello, gentlemen. Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.” The bartender greeted Sam and Zemo but barely brushed a glance over you.
“His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby.” Zemo spoke for Sam. You then felt Sam wrap his arm around your waist. You leaned into him, batting your eyelashes first at Sam and then the bartender. 
“The usual?” The bartender asked Sam. He nodded, afraid that if he spoke then it would give away the facade. 
You were thankful you were wearing a face mask when you saw the drink made for the Smiling Tiger. You grimaced at the dead snake being cut open and then again when one of its organs was dropped into Sam’s shot. 
“Ah, Smiling Tiger. Your favourite.” Zemo picked up his own drink as he looked down at Sam’s. 
“I love these.” Sam forced himself to speak. 
“Cheers, Conrad.” Zemo and Sam touched glasses before Sam hesitantly shot back the drink. You could tell Bucky enjoyed watching that. 
“I got word from on high. You ain’t welcome here.” A man suddenly approached from behind and tapped Zemo on the shoulder. You felt Sam’s grip on you tighten protectively. 
“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me...” Zemo held his hand out to show his new bodyguard. 
“New haircut?” The stranger looked Bucky up and down. 
“Or bring Selby for a chat.” Zemo gave him the other option. The man retreated. 
“A power broker? Really?” Bucky spoke once the stranger had left.
“Every kingdom needs its king. Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.”
“Do you know him?” Sam asked. 
“Only by reputation.” Zemo admitted honestly.
“In Madripoor he is judge, jury, and executioner. You can’t visit low town without appearing on his radar.” You spoke up as you let yourself look around the room and take in just how many threats were around. 
“And you know this why?” Sam looked down at you. He must've forgotten your past. 
“I was a free agent before the Avengers. I've been here undercover a few times especially when I was a young teenager. Surprise Surprise evil guys like little girls.” You kept quiet in case anyone around was listening. 
Zemo suddenly spoke a command for Bucky in Russian once again and that’s when another stranger put his hands on Zemo. 
You watched Bucky follow orders and he didn’t hold back. 
He grabbed hold of the strangers wrist and pulled him off Zemo before attacking him and several others around. 
You took notice of those around with their phones out. Cameras...
You went to step forward when you felt Sam squeeze your side. He gave you a look that told you no. 
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form.” Zemo muttered to you and Sam. You wanted to punch him. 
Bucky slammed another man onto the bar and that’s when you heard the wave of guns cocking. 
Sam took hold of Bucky’s arm when Zemo told him to stay in character. 
Instead Zemo told Bucky to stand down once you were informed you could see Selby. 
Sam took hold of you hand and dragged you along side him as you all left the bar. 
“She isn’t welcome.” One of the guards stopped you before you could enter the room. 
“Excuse me?” Sam scoffed at the guard. “She’s with me and so she is welcome.” 
“Let her in!” You heard an English accent call from ahead. 
“You should know, Baron. People don’t just come into my bar and make demands.” Selby was an older woman with a white pixie cut and a sly grin. Sam remained stood and so did Bucky but Sam had commanded you to take a seat next to Zemo. 
“Not a demand. An offer.” Zemo was impressing you by how cool he was playing this. It also worried you. 
“A lot has changed since you were here last. By the way, I thought you were rotting away in a German prison. How did you escape?“ Selby asked. 
“People like us always find a way, don’t we? I’m sure you’ve already figured out what I’m here for.”
“You’re taller than I’d heard, Smiling Tiger.” Selby ignored Zemo as she eyed up Sam.” What’s the offer?”
“Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum. And I give you him, along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want.”Zemo had risen from his seat and held Bucky by the chin. 
“Now that’s the Zemo I remember. I’m glad I decided not to kill you immediately. Yeah, you were right to come to me. Arrogant, but right. The super-soldier serum is here in Madripoor. Dr. Wilfred Nagel is the man you wanna thank...Or condemn, depending on what side of this you’re on. The Power Broker had him working on the serum, but… things didn’t go as planned.” Selby fed you what she knew. 
“Is Nagel still in Madripoor?” Zemo questioned. 
“Oh. The bread crumbs you can have for free, but the bakery is gonna cost you, Baron. And before you get all cute, don’t think you can find Nagel without me.” Selby pushed herself from her seat and walked across the room. 
That’s when Sam’s mobile went off. 
“Answer it. On speaker.” Selby ordered. The gun behind Sam made him pull out his phone. 
“Hello?” He answered. 
“Hey, um, we need to talk about this situation. It’s been drivin’ me nuts.” A woman’s voice came through. 
“What situation exactly are you talkin’ about?” Sam tried his best to keep up his persona. 
“Are you high? You know what situation, it’s the only situation me and you have.” The woman’s attitude was not helping Sam’s case. 
“What situation, Sarah? Say it.” Sam demanded. 
“The damn boat. And watch your tone. Okay? I let you slide at the bank.” Sarah snapped back. 
“The bank. Yeah. Laundered so much...” Sam chuckled. “Yeah, they’ll come around.”
“If that was the case, then why’d they dog you out, Big Time?” Sarah asked. 
“Yeah, you damn right I’m Big Time. You’ll see when I have that banker killed.” Sam tried to seem intimidating but at that moment you knew you were screwed. You reached down into your boot to take a knife just in case. 
“Cass! What’d I tell you about the Cheerios? I don’t have time for this! Sam, I’m sorry. I’ll call you back.” Sarah had used Sam’s name and that was the end of it. 
“Sam? Who’s Sam?” Selby looked pissed. “Kill them!” She ordered but before her hired men could react, a bullet came through the window and shot Selby down. 
You snatched two knives from your boot and sent them into the guard behind Sam. 
Bucky immediately reacted with taking out the other guard. 
“They’re gonna pin this on us.” You took the knives from the body as the boys took the guns. 
“We have a real problem now, so leave your weapons and follow my lead.” Zemo’s order made the boys put their guns down but you just wiped your knives and placed them back in your boot. 
You left the club in a hurry. Text chimes went off around you and you knew the power broker had seen what happened. 
You were well and truly fucked. 
“This is not good.” Zemo’s last words before the shooting started. 
You took off alongside Bucky and Sam, cursing the fact that Zemo had put you in the most uncomfortable shoes on the planet. 
“I can’t run in these heels!” Sam shouted which almost made you laugh. 
“Down here!” You took a turn into an alley to get off the road as two mopeds appeared behind you. 
Before you could spin around to fight, a shooter had taken them out. 
“You seem to have a guardian angel.” Zemo looked just. as confused you felt. You weren’t aware you knew anyone who was in Madripoor at the moment. 
“Well, this is too perfect. Drop it, Zemo.” A familiar face soon revealed itself from the shadows. 
“Sharon?” Sam furrowed his brow at the woman. 
“You cost me everything.” Sharon ignore Sam as she spoke to Zemo. 
“Sharon, wait. Someone recreated the super-soldier serum and Zemo had a lead.” Sam stepped ahead of Zemo to protest him. 
“That explains why you guys are here. And Selby’s dead.”Sharon glowered at the four of you. 
“So what are you doing here?” Bucky asked the question on everyones mind. 
“I stole Steve’s shield, remember? I also took the wings for your ass, so that you could save him from him. I didn’t have the Avengers to back me up. So I’m off the grid in Madripoor.” Sharon informed you.
“Don’t blow smoke. Both (Y/n) and I were on the run, too.” Sam didn't bother with feeling pity. 
“Was. Is. Big difference. I don’t speak to my family anymore. I can’t. My own father doesn’t know where I am.” Sharon shot back. 
“Listen, Sharon, we need your help.” Bucky interrupted her before she could say anything else.  
“Please.” You added. You and Sharon were friendly for a time before the world went to hell. You figured she’d help you at least. 
“This isn’t over. I have a place in High Town. You’ll be safe there for a while.” Sharon sighed, giving in and lowering her gun. 
“Thank you.” You pressed a small smile onto your face but Sharon didn’t reciprocate. 
She managed to get you to a car safely and you headed out of low town for the night. 
Bucky Barnes Tag List 
@florencxs @mystictimetravelcolor @yourphotographyteen16 @shannon-posts @darkbluenovember @sexwithhiddlesbatch @thefandomimagines @mydarkness-itsnotmyfriend @sad-huffle-nerd @glitchingghosts​ @themaddies-obx​
483 notes · View notes
jisungscaramel · 4 years
vexation | hyunjin
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❀ genre; smut, college au, enemies au  ❀ pairing; hyunjin x reader (fem) ❀ word count; 2.7k 
[warning] strong language, explicit sexual content, dry humping, (mild) begging, hate sex
There it was: Hwang Hyunjin, name beautifully printed right above yours. You shuddered in complete disgust, not believing that you were paired with him of all people for your history presentation. There were 34 students in the class; that meant you had a whopping 97% chance of being paired with literally anyone else, but no. Your professor, Dr. Zhang, just had to pair you with him. 
Overachiever: that was an understatement. He was the type to want all of the glory for the taking, the type to enjoy making others feel like they were dumb, the type who had no issue in forsaking common morals for his own gain. 
You couldn’t fucking stand him. 
Begrudgingly, you stood up from your original seat, trudging your feet to sit next to him - at your professor’s instruction, of course. You planned on at least being polite, and you thought for a second that he might do the same, but he didn’t even bother looking at you, staring through to the front of the room, eyes stoic. If he was trying to provoke you, it was definitely working. 
You dropped your backpack to the ground, unceremoniously, sound drowning in the increasing levels of chatter in the small lecture hall, but clearly loud enough to make his composure teeter; his head jerked back a millimeter, a minuscule gesture but it was painfully obvious to you. And you let out an equally obvious slew of snickers before sitting back in the seat, neck meeting the old frayed fabric as you tilted your head back, arms stacking on one another as you folded them, woman spreading to occupy more real estate than you actually required.
You had to at least try to keep yourself amused. 
Hyunjin began scribbling mindlessly on a blank piece of paper - still acting as if you were not even there. 
He slammed the white sheet down on your knee, sending vibrations straight up your leg rather rudely. 
Oh, baby, he hadn’t even started yet. 
“Okay. We’re doing our paper on I-Hotel and… I’m gonna write it. All you have to do is find these books for me at the library.” He turned to look at you with a very aggravating smirk… maybe you’d notice the tiniest hint of flirtation if the feeling of overwhelming irritation didn’t encompass you. 
But the chance passed when his countenance morphed into counterfeit concern, tapping his chin in contemplation for added effect, “although, I think the library’s computer system is down… I guess you gotta find them the old-fashioned way.” God, you just wanted to smack that smug grin right off his face. “I’d love to help you with that... but I’m just too busy…” It should’ve been illegal for intolerable people to be that gorgeous.
You blinked in complete confusion. “Ummm… excuse me?” 
“I’m… sorry… do… I… need… to … talk… slower…?”
You gingerly picked up the piece of paper, promptly getting up from your chair, glaring at him. You made sure your backpack was secure on your shoulder before dramatically lifting the note in front of his face to tear what he wrote to shreds, scattering the bits over his laptop’s keyboard. “Stick a motherfucking cactus up your ass.” 
You stormed out of that hall with your head high, not daring to look back despite your innate desire to see his response - you were sure it was priceless. 
‘I’ll just have to do this damn thing on my own.’
Oh, if it could only be that simple. 
The first thing that popped up on your laptop when you opened it from the safety of the library was an unexpected email. 
Since you ripped up my list - rather rudely I might add - I’ve attached the list of the books I require. I will be at the library at four PM sharp. Please plan accordingly. Hyunjin 
‘Plan accordingly,’ your ass, according to you, your plan was to minimize the amount of time you had to spend dealing with Hyunjin, and you had been 100% sure he had the same sentiment… so much for that. 
Speaking of the devil, as soon as you decided to dismiss his outlandish request and settle in to get some of your research started, Hyunjin yanked your attention away from your laptop with merely his presence, almost as if your nerves were hypersensitive to his saccharine dipped aura, and most definitely not to the signature sway of his frame as he walked. 
You didn’t dare grant him the luxury of your direct gaze. Instead, you kept a close eye on him in your peripheral, hoping you’d blend in with the people around you… but there was still at least a 92% chance he’d see you.
“Did you get my sources?” and now he was right in front of you, nothing but a measly table in between. 
Your nostrils flared in an effort to not retort back at Hyunjin, eyes still fixed on your screen in a successful attempt to ignore him. 
Then he pushed your laptop closed, hand planted firmly on the device rather invasively. “Excuse me, I’m talking to you.”
You gritted your teeth, tilting your head up in a menacing stare, eyes narrowing, eyebrows furrowing. “What do you want?” 
God, you didn’t know his smile could get more fake than it already was. “I told you to get my sources for me,” his tone was exaggeratedly slow, “did you get my sources?” 
You shoved his hand away from your laptop. “Get your own sources.” 
Immediately his fake smile turned into a sincere snicker, rolling his eyes off to the side. “Uptight bitch.” 
His words sank in for a moment. “You wanna say that again?” 
He leaned over the table, face a mere six inches from yours. “Uptight,” you could feel your fists involuntarily clenching, digging into your palms what would soon be prominent crescents in a matter of seconds, “bitch.” 
You almost raised your palm to gratuitously slap him across the face but the simmering mellowness in you kept a tight grasp of your boiling anger. You leaned back in your seat in an effort to widen the physical gap (or the lack thereof) between you. “Fuck off.”
“Hyunjin, y/n, can you both come down to the podium,” Dr. Zhang added at the end of his lecture, halting your plans to b-line straight to the library. 
As the aisles began to empty, you made your way down the steps to the front of the room, purposefully standing at the side opposite of Hyunjin, frankly paying no mind to him for all intents and purposes. 
Your professor glanced between you two, clearly noticing the oddity of the image but purposefully choosing to ignore it. 
“I noticed that both of you submitted first drafts for your paper, and at first I thought it was an accident, until I opened both files and realized you’re writing completely separate papers. Care to explain?” 
“Yeah y/n, care to explain?” What a fucking dicktard. 
Your lips pressed into a thin line as you wracked your brain for some feasible excuse. “Well,” but nothing came to mind… oh fuck it, “we’ve had issues working with each other.” 
Dr. Zhang raised an eyebrow cautiously. “Elaborate.”
“We really don’t get along.”
He sighed, crossing his arms. “Well you’re gonna have to try to find some middle ground. I’ll give you two a second chance to put a first draft together. If you can submit a collaborative piece by midnight, I’ll still give you full credit for that part. If not, it stays as a zero. Subsequently, you will keep getting zeroes for the following checkpoints if you submit them separately. Any questions?” 
“No, sir,” much to your surprise, that was the first moment thus far wherein both you and Hyunjin were on the same wavelength. 
“Good, that is all.” 
You felt like two negatively charged magnets as you walked side by side up the aisle to the exit. “I’m not getting a zero for this,” Hyunjin spoke up. 
You rolled your eyes. “At least we can agree on that.”
As the cold, crisp air of the outside refreshed your nerves, he lightly gripped your shoulder, swerving you to face him. “Look, I know we’re like oil and water, but I’m willing to at least try to get along for the grade.” His fingers trembled on your shoulder; his teeth lightly grazed his bottom lip, eyes searching yours for a sign of truce. 
Needless to say, the sentiment from him was unexpected. You exhaled deeply, brushing his hand from you. “Fine.”
But two hours spent alone in a library study room proved to be more difficult than originally anticipated. Trying to work together felt like pulling teeth - a true collaboration of absolute vexation.  
“What about this passage?” You pointed to some text in a book you were sifting through. 
He swiveled his chair around, only looking at your find for a solid half a second before, turning back around. “Nah, that’s not good enough to use as evidence.” 
“What the fuck, Hyunjin? You didn’t even read it.”
“I didn’t have to. I assumed whatever you found was as subpar as everything else you’ve ‘found.’”
You dropped the book on the table with a loud plonk, partially in shock at what he said and partially due to a natural tendency to want to irritate him. “Well let’s see what you ‘found,’” leaning over the table in a relaxed manner, carrying a dash of nonchalance as you scrolled through his writing. “You call this good evidence?”
“What on earth are you talking about?” You wanted to laugh at his defensive tone. 
“It’s obvious that you’re framing your own narrative by taking shit outta context. Not to mention all the ellipses and brackets are terrifically horrendous, visually. You’re taking literally all the credibility out.” 
“What do you know? I doubt you even read that article,” he dismissed your legitimate critique in a manner you unfortunately predicted. 
“As a matter of fact, I did… two. hours. ago. And you told me the article didn’t seem ‘reliable’ enough for you, but here you are… you must think I’m fucking stupid.” 
The side of his lips curved up in the slightest smirk. “Not true, I think you’re annoyingly absentminded.” 
You rolled your eyes for the umpteenth time in the past minute, whispering, “fucking cockmaggot,” under your breath, diverting your attention back to your screen. 
“What did you just say?” His tone suggested he wasn’t being rhetorical - he really didn’t hear you. There was something cute and innocent about his ignorance, the way his lips formed a subtle pout unintentionally, nose wrinkling in distaste. You mentally shook the image from your head, cursing yourself for thinking he was… ‘cute’ to begin with. 
“Nothing, My Liege, nothing at all,” mocking sarcasm spilled from your lips as you parted them to give them a disapproving smack. “This is complete shit; we can’t submit this.”
Hyunjin slammed his laptop closed, standing up abruptly. The action took you by surprise, making your neck shudder in a startle. “I can’t fucking do this anymore. Why do you have to be so fucking difficult?” Pent up rage was slathered all over his face, eyes twitching, eyebrows tightly knitting together, jaw unhinging from an excess of epinephrine. 
His anger diffused to you, violently charging your nerves. There was no way you were just gonna take his shit sitting down. “Why do you,” you stood up, chair rocking back from the velocity of your limbs, “have to be,” you turned around and gripped his collar with both hands, “such an insufferable asshole?” 
He was dumbfounded, wordless much to your satisfaction, but his eyes were unwavering, devoid of reaction. The time you spent stabbing each other with your unfaltering gazes felt like a goddamn eternity, tension coarse, sinfully tangible on your skin. 
It was fucking stifling. 
Before you even realized what was happening, your lips were latched together in a fervent frenzy, tension thickening for an entirely different reason now. 
There was something so breathtaking about the way his lips tightened against yours - literally. It felt like he was siphoning your soul from your body - any thought that dared to grace your mind oddly dissolved into nothingness as Hyunjin molded your lips into submission, tongue colonizing your oral cavity in an authoritative manner that was so in character for him. 
Not that you gave a fuck. 
His hands aggressively tugged at your waist; the impact of your body crashing onto his sent pangs up your spine, and in seconds, your back thudded against the wall, maintaining the momentum. You had to grip his shoulders purely for support, and definitely not because you were immersing in the moment.
You felt his grip loosen as his hands roamed downward, playfully drawing patterns on your skin with his fingers en route. And then they constricted around your thighs, lifting them up to his hips, and you hooked your ankles around his back as if it was the natural thing to do. 
The fabric of his pants became taut around the building frustration underneath, becoming oh so apparent to you when he started steady grinding against the thin fabric of your underwear - why did you have to wear a skirt today of all days?
You passed a reluctant whimper through his lips, wholly unable to deny the way your pulsing desire radiated heat through your core at the increasing friction. 
You broke away from the kiss, gasping. “Hyunjin…” you whispered almost breathlessly, desperation filling you as he continued his tantalizing test of your patience. 
“Hmmm?” There it was: that signature smug grin, but by this point, your senses were too preoccupied to even register it. 
“I can’t take this anymore.”
“Is that so?” He lifted you off the wall, pushing your laptops to either side so he could lay you on the table, spreading your legs to give him clear sight of your dampening sex. He snickered. “You look much better like this…” While ghosting one hand around your inner thighs, conveniently avoiding the place you needed him the most, he undid the button and zipper of his jeans with the other, sliding them down to his knees. 
You found yourself licking your lips at the silhouette of his bulge, now more prominent with less restricting fabric. Of course, he noticed; “so these are you true colors… I never would’ve thought you were such a dirty girl.” He brushed his fingers over the waistband of your underwear. “Where do you need me?” He pressed his thumb on your clit, “here?” 
Your teeth pressed down on your lips in an effort to stifle a moan. “Yes…” and even though you were successful the first time, there was no stopping the sounds from seeping through your lips when Hyunjin slammed his clothed erection on you once more, picking up exactly where he left off just moments ago. 
“Please, Hyunjin…” he pushed your thighs further apart, keeping them in place. 
“‘Please,’ what?” 
“I need you inside me, please.” 
His sinister laugh filled the small room. “I don’t know if you deserve it.” 
“Fucking asswipe.” 
“Now that doesn’t sound very convincing…” 
You groaned in pleasurable displeasure. “Hyunjin… please, I’m begging you. I really can’t take this.” 
“Don’t you care if someone tries to come in?” He raised an eyebrow, partially in curiosity, mostly in amusement. 
You glared right into his eyes. “No.” 
He shook his head, clicking his tongue as he stood back. “Get up.” Any urge you had to defy him before was long gone; you did as he asked and he harshly turned you around by your waist, pushing you toward one of the windows. 
While pushing you down against the glass with one hand, he reached in his front pocket with the other, grabbing a condom. He ripped the packaging with his teeth, skillfully sliding his boxers down to slip the vinyl over him. 
Not wanting to wait any longer, you aided him by pulling your panty down leaving yourself completely exposed for his taking, and you quickly pushed your hands on the glass, bracing yourself for the next few seconds, but nothing could’ve prepared you for that stretch that came. Your wrist slid down on the window pane to bite back a scream. 
“So tight.” 
A/N I’mma be honest: I had a fucking field day coming up with all those weird insults
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Disclaimer tho, all my knowledge of the fandom is strictly from fanfic and google. I don't read the comic or watch the anime. I only have some vague knowledge of what's canon or not and making this fanfic has been somewhat of a fever dream.
Tags: Fluff and angst. Attempt at humor. Crying. Probably ooc. No smut, just holding hands and some hugging and some kissing. Shouto smokes, and probably incorrect depictions of smoking. Implied child abuse (you know who). Lowkey Fuyumi bashing.
Warning: In character cussing from explodo boy. 
They found each other in coinciding vulnerability. Shouto was smoking, Katsuki was crying. Miraculously, no one died. It seems that vulnerability is exactly what they need to get through their respective problems, because vulnerability makes them do the one thing the two boys are allergic to do, opening up.
Or, Shouto and Katsuki cope with each other. It miraculously didn't end in explosions, just a lot of physical affections and crying.
Words: 10.9 k
 You don’t have to take life so seriously Shouto! It can be whatever you want to be, it’s yours!
Shouto knocks his head back and parts his lips. White ribbons bleed to the orange sky. The clouds are pretty pink instead of white. The smoke doesn’t blend in with the white clouds anymore like a few hours ago. He taps the amber ash on the portable coffin-shaped ashtray. More than a dozen filter buds crammed there.
He should go back to his room. Any darker then it would be noticeable when goes back to his room. But there’s always that small whisper at the back of his head: Maybe after one more. This spot has been his salvation from overstimulation. It’s the highest building in UA, the rooftop of the dorm. He’s been here for two years and has always been alone.
The door slammed open.
High on nicotine, Shouto passes through shock to immediate acceptance that he’s busted.
Only, he’s not busted. The next sound that came is sobbing. The first thing he sees is awry blond hair and a tear-streaked red face. Soon came the already red blood-shot eyes, staring at him with a sadness that not even in Shouto’s wildest imagination can imagine on Bakugou’s face. It takes a few seconds too long for the default glare and anger to return.
“The fuck are you doing here!” He yells, his voice croaks in a not angry way. Wet and breaking at the pitch.
Shouto, still a bit floaty and relaxed from the nicotine in his system, nor is he yet to register the shock from seeing Bakugou’s tears, just points down towards his fingers.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” his voice is scratchy, a tad bit deeper. He never smoked so many that that happened. Then again, today is a special day.
Seemingly just as shocked, Bakugou seems to still. Shouto expects crackling hands, bared teeth, or maybe a ‘TELL ANYONE AND DIE’, but never that he strides his way and sits on the floor beside Shouto.
“Still have one of those?” Bakugou leans back.
Wordlessly, Shouto digs the last pack from his pocket. There are six left. Bakugou takes one, and Shouto lit a fire on the tip of his thumb towards Bakugou.
“How do you do this?” Bakugou says, eyeing the fire.
“You’ve never done this before?”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I have Icyhot! Now fucking tell me already.”
“You put it between your lips, and inhales a bit as you put this corner on the fire.” Shouto crowds him cupping the end of the smoke with his palm and keep the fire controllably small. It feels like Deja Vu, but this time, Shouto is showing someone how to smoke instead.
Bakugou tries, and before Shouto can say to take it slow, Bakugou already choked and doubled over coughing. Shouto pats his back.
“What the fuck was that!” Bakugou roars and grimaces when he sees the stacks of cigarette buds on his ashtray. “How the fuck do you smoke that many!”
Shouto shrugged, “I’m used to it.” He puts out his bud on top of the pile and picks up the mostly one-piece cigarette that Bakugou chucked to the floor and lights it up. He feels eyes on him as he put the filter on his lips and lit it up in one smooth move.
With the cigarette properly lit, he offered, “Wanna try again?”
“No! That shit’s nasty.” Bakugou snarled at the hand holding the smoking cig.
“Suit yourself,” Shouto takes a deep drag and sighs. Surprisingly, Bakugou doesn’t up and leave, and more so that Shouto doesn’t mind the silence.
Alas, it only lasted exactly 33 seconds.
“How the fuck did you get in here!” Bakugou grumbles, “The door was locked.”
“I made ice stairs from my balcony.”
“Like how Elsa did?”
“Exactly like Elsa did, she was my inspiration.”
Bakugou snorts. No sadness left, just a condescending smile, which is better than the ghostly tears in his eyes.
“How did you get in through the locked door?”
“How else would you think?” Bakugou lifts his hand, cradling a small cluster of explosions.
Shouto face palmed, dragging it down.
“What?” Bakugou barks.
“Well when they figured out the door broke then they gonna figure out that someone’s been here, don’t they?”
“That nicotine is already killing your fucking brain cells.”
“That’s not how it’s-”
“Let’s get the fuck outta here before anyone finds us you loon.”
“But I-”
“You’ve burned through enough death sticks, let’s go!” Bakugou grabs his hand and pulls him up.
“Fine fine, let me tidy up.” Shouto could barely close his ashtray with all the buds in it, and he dusted the ashes that drops to the floor.
Shouto already makes the stairs down to his room before looking back at Bakugou, “Want me to drop you to your balcony?”
“I don’t know,” Bakugou narrows his eyes dangerously, “Will it suddenly melts away as I walk on it?”
Shouto huffs, “You have no faith in your favorite sparring partner?”
“The only thing I learned these past couple of years with you being shoved at my face as my sparring partner is that you’re a little shithead.”
Shouto makes the stairs towards Bakugou’s room first, reveling in how badly Bakugou tried to cover his amazement at the stairs.
“Just like Elsa’s, right?”
“You want me to give you Elsa’s number 1 simp trophy?”
Shouto melts Bakugou’s step and lets him fall blond head first into his balcony.
Bakugou roars, and Shouto giggles as he jumps upstairs to his room with explosions fading behind him.
Not until he’s laying in bed that night that he thinks about Bakugou’s tears again. Rest assured, his imagination spiraled to ‘what could it be’ until 4 am.
 I don’t understand why your dad wants you to be number one when he should’ve want you to just be happy. Nothing in life really matters unless you’re happy.
Shouto loves everything about living in the dorm, but it has one and only one weakness. He can’t smoke as freely.
His dad knows and just rant about how it’ll affect his performance.
Now, Aizawa knows, and he’s at the principal’s office.
Shouto instantly knows how. Bakugou broke the rooftop door. Iida must’ve found it, reported it to Aizawa-sensei. Maybe his homeroom teacher has magnifying vision too because Shouto could’ve sworn he left no trace.
Yet Shouto can’t find it in him to blame anyone. He knows as an aspiring hero he shouldn’t smoke, those reasons never matter at those desperate times he needed to smoke.
“Tea?” Nezu raises his pot of pink teapot, Shouto narrows his eyes at the paw (how did that paw hold the teacup?)
“Yes, thank you.” The cup is equally pink, with two cheerful yellow flowers on each side. This looks like a tea set Eri had.
Shouto sips the possibly herbal tea, trying to ignore the glare Aizawa-sensei is sending his way from beside Nezu.
“Todoroki, how long have you been smoking?” His sensei’s voice gravels, like he just woke up from bed, his bed hair supports the theory.
Apparently  a little mental, Shouto said, “Overall or in school?”
“Started when I was in first-grade junior high school.” As soon as he has any time away from home. “In UA, as soon as I stayed at the dorm.”
“Now, Todoroki,” Nezu put his paws together, “You know someone as young as you shouldn’t smoke. You’re underage, and an aspiring hero on top of that...”
Nezu then continues his PSA on smoking. Nothing Shouto hasn’t heard. Every word goes in the left ear and came out the right. He also isn’t surprised that Aizawa will be taking his stash of cigarettes. It doesn’t suck as much because Shouto doesn’t have a lot left anyway, nor is he been regularly smoking. He smokes when he’s stressed and nothing else could calm him down. He never reached out to the cigs first. The coffin-shaped portable ashtray reminded him that.
As soon as he’s back at the dorm, he’s greeted with a cheerful environment. Half his classmates are hanging in the living room. There’s a group playing Mario Party, a group that’s putting on nail art, and a group that seems to cook something ambitious. Shouto usually joins the group, but not today.
“Todoroki!” Iida comes from the hall, “Aizawa-Sensei came earlier and ran through your room! He seems to confiscate a pack of cigarettes. I’ve tried to tell him that it’s all a misunderstanding-”
“No, it’s mine.”
“Todoroki! At our young age as aspiring heroes we sho-”
“Nope, sorry not today Iida. Good night.”
Todoroki feels a few eyes on his back, but he walks on. With him naturally keeping things to himself, his friends tend to worry but they trust him to reach out to them in his own time. When it gets too long they usually check up on him. Shouto wished they never will.
 You have the power to be whatever you want, but why are you following the wishes of someone you hate? I know he’s your dad, but your life is yours, Shouto.
Shouto’s wish didn’t come true when Bakugou bugs him on the rooftop again two days after he was raided.
It’s Deja Vu, but fewer tears from Bakugou and Shouto isn't a pack and a half deep in cigarettes.
“I fucking know you’d be at my spot again!” Bakugou spat scathingly.
“Excuse you,” Shouto scowls, “I’ve been smoking at this spot since the dorm opens. This is my spot.”
“Well, I’ve been- I’ve been-” Shouto should’ve known that Bakugou would turn red and explodes instead of admitting he’d been caught emoting, “What the fuck are you doing here anyway! You’re doing nothing!”
“No thanks to someone.”
Bakugou narrows his eyes, confused at the implication, but his exploding friend is smart, so he figured it out, and isn’t happy with what he figures out. “The fuck, get your accusing eyes away from me discount Sans, I don’t tattle.”
“No, but you exploded the door which leads to Iida reporting it, which leads to Aizawa inspecting the premises, and him figuring it out that smoked here.”
“That’s just your fucking fault for not covering your trace clean!”
Shouto inhaled indignantly, but then too tired to justify himself. There’s no ending of arguing with Bakugou, and Shouto had learned to choose his battles.
“How about you? How did you get in here?”
“Stole a key from Iida.”
“Are you here to cry again?”
Bakugou’s palms explode, his face an embarrassed flush and teeth bared in anger, “WHOS FUCKING CRYING!!?”
“I have eyes.”
“You’ve been sucking on those death sticks way too much.”
“I wasn’t smoking that type of substance.”
“Whatever, I’m not dealing with this,” Bakugou turns to step away.
“I don’t get it, it’s not a big deal!” Shouto raises his voice a bit, for some reason his heart rate picks up when Bakugou starts leaving. “So what if you sweat through your eyes? Midoriya does it almost every day, sometimes twice a day...”
“Don’t fucking compare me to fucking Deku you fucking fried ice cream!”
“...And Midoriya beat you at this year’s Sports Festival,” Shouto dismissed.
Bakugou grits his teeth, but his eyes watch over Shouto. “Stop stalling and tell me what you want from me,” Bakugou growls.
Shouto’s eyes widen at the sudden honesty, he nibbles on his bottom lips, “Stay here?”
For a second, Bakugou glares at him, but after two years of being his classmate, Shouto can confidently say that they’re friends. He knows Bakugou isn’t angry at him. As to prove his point, Bakugou sits beside him, a bit closer than Shouto expects him to, though still with that permanent scowl. Shouto moves his palms from his pocket, letting go of the aluminum ashtray. Shouto tests the waters and moves closer so their shoulder bumps. No explosions, no snarl, success.
Instantly, Shouto relaxes. Focusing on the pressure of their shoulders, the light shifts Bakugou does (because he can never fully stay still), and the clouds moving. No thought, just being alive.
Alas, no quiet ever lasted long with Bakugou, he expected it though.
“No wonder Aizawa figured it out, this place still stinks of tobacco.”
“It does?” Shouto takes a deep sniff, all he smells is Bakugou’s sweat that always smells sweet because of his quirk. “I didn’t smell anything.”
“Yeah no shit scar head, your nose is probably numb at this point.”
“I don’t smoke that much.”
“Said someone who smoked more than a dozen in one sitting,” Bakugou’s nags turns to worry, “Damn, was it really in one sitting?”
“Is that worry I detected?” Shouto deflects.
Bakugou grits his teeth, “I’m not worried! Go die off lung cancer I don’t fucking care!”
“Good, then, because yes it was, and there’s nothing wrong with it.”
“Fucking hell it’s not! What the actual fuck are your lungs made of? I barely suck it past my throat and I almost coughed out my insides.”
“I missed your dramatics,” Shouto says genuinely, and he waits for an explosion to come. Bakugou doesn’t do well with praises thinly veiled with snark.
It never came, Bakugou watches him closely instead, “Yeah? And who’s fault is that?”
Shouto dared to glare back, but it didn’t last long, he knows the answer. Shouto had come out of his shell nicely, as Momo had put it. He’s still awkward, can’t really quite grasp ‘pop culture’ and how to correctly implied it, but he regularly hangs out with his friends. As of late, he’s noticeably withdrawn. Going straight to his room after class, and opting out of game nights, nail nights, and even soba nights.
They had been giving him space, which he finds endearing. Of course, Bakugou isn’t one to give anything liberally.
“Mine...” Shouto admits, and Bakugou looks surprised.
The fun part of befriending Bakugou is that Shouto could be a bit of a bitch and Bakugou would be a bitch back, and it wouldn’t matter. No one’s feelings were hurt, and Shouto can let go of steam without guilt. Shouto could’ve been in denial, said that Bakugou should step off his dick and no feelings would be hurt.
But he had enough of space, though admittedly, he should’ve confessed that with someone that wants to be in his space.
“Finally, you’re done moping around, everyone’s been on my ass worrying about you.”
“Why would they be on your ass?”
“Hell would I know.”
“Was that the reason you cried?” Shouto is just teasing, but the grim in Bakugou’s face isn’t a familiar one.
“I told you that didn’t happen!” he growls lowly.
Shouto considers, clueless yet curious. “I’ll tell you about me if you told me about you.”
“Just because you’re vomiting your crisis that I didn’t ask for, doesn’t mean I’m obligated to do the same!”
“Okay, that’s fine too.”
“No, shut-”
“My mom and dad are getting back together.”
Bakugou’s expression mellows to confusion, “That sounds convoluted as hell. Didn’t they just got a divorce or something?”
“They never got a divorce. She’s just sent to a mental hospital and never came home, doesn’t mean the marriage is legally broken.”
The fact seems to sink slow with his explosive friend, “What the fuck.”
Shouto sighs, looking down his jittery hands, his mouth dries. “Last year when I visited my mom, we were talking about the future. She said she’d filed for a divorce, and I’d live with her.” Shouto feels oddly numb, but there’s this dull ache deep in his chest that’s constant. “I should’ve known. She said that before he ‘tried to change’... she said that when everything was still bad, she thought it still happened.”
“What still happened?” Bakugou sounds angry, but he always does.
“I got hurt a lot when I was a kid, because of training. She thought he still hurts me.”
He felt the shoulder beside him tensed. Beside Shouto’s jittery hands is Bakugou’s clenched shaking fist. Shouto looks up from their laps and finds that Bakugou’s face... an eerie stoic.
“Hmmm,” Bakugou hums, and a chill runs down his spine. “When did you start training by the way?” not even a curse in that sentence.
Shouto realizes then, this is Bakugou truly angry, even though Shouto can’t figure out why on earth would he be.
“The day after my quirk manifested.”
His childhood is unforgettable. The day his training starts with fear and pain, then ends with exhaustion and anger. The day Touya never came back, the day his mom left, the longing stare towards the backyard wanting to play with his brother and sister. He remembers it all, like a tattoo in his memory.
“We been knew that Endeavor was an ass but I didn’t know he’s a fucking child abuser.”
The words snap him away from his musing. This time, Bakugou looks angry angry. Teeth-gritting, scowling, boiling anger.
Oh, that’s why he’s angry.
“It was training.”
“Not at five fucking years old you e-boy himbo!” Bakugou barks.
“That’s new, what’s a himbo?”
“Not the fucking point!” Bakugou takes his shoulder away, and suddenly Shouto feels cold. Then he’s held by his shoulders, pinned by sharp maroon eyes, and the lack of warmth turns cold when a growl says, “You’re telling me that your dad’s been abusing you, and no one stopped him? And he’s fucking getting away with it??”
There are so many things wrong with that question and implied statement. One is that it was not abuse. Two is that no one could’ve stopped the then number two hero. Three is that Shouto didn’t tell him any of that but Bakugou assumed anyway.
Shouto doesn’t get to say all of it as Bakugou lets go of him and takes deep breaths. Bakugou pinched the bridge of his nose, seemingly displeased at what he’s thinking.
“Why did you think your mom wants to get back together with your dad?”
Shouto feels relieved now they’re back on topic, “I don’t know. It feels like one moment she’s afraid of him, and now she wants to be with him again. I guess... he did ‘try to be better’. Everyone else seems to forgive him, but I can’t.”
Then Bakugou does something that he didn’t expect, he defends them, “I mean... He’s not that much of a dick now, right? He’s a dick but he was pretty alright when we have a work-study at his agency. And your mom’s better, so maybe they could make it work?”
Shouto knows it’s technically true, but displeasure clawed him still, his blood boiling.
“I don’t care whether it works! I hated that she forgives him so easily!” Shouto shouts.
“Well, that’s selfish of you, isn’t it! It’s her decision, not yours!” Bakugou barks back.
“What the fuck do you know about it?” Shouto spats, he stands up, “They’re going to destroy each other, and what then? Do they want me to just look at their trainwreck while they insist everything is okay? No! I’m not going through that again!”
“You’re just not trusting your mom! Things changed!” Bakugou stands up too, he looks exceptionally angrier than ever.
“No, I don’t. Especially after she said she wanted to get a divorce with him then changing her mind only a year later. Of course, I don’t trust her!”
“But isn’t it better to have both your parents together?”
“No, it doesn’t especially when she’s not happy!”
Bakugou doesn’t bark back, and Shouto only realized how Bakugou’s question was laced with a cracked voice. Shouto looks, only partially surprised that the eyes that look back thinly veiled with tears. The heat in his bloodstream wanes out, more worried/horrified that Bakugou is now openly crying.
This is the worst. Both of them are socially awkward lone wolves that have no idea how and what to do with emotions. So, Shouto does his #best.
“You can tell me.”
Bakugouu glares. Okay, so maybe Shouto’s #best isn’t what he needs.
“Only if you want, if you don’t then it’s okay too.”
“Shut the fuck up, thermostat.”
What else do you do when someone cried? Shouto racks his memories of times when he was crying a lot when he was little, trying to find examples he could follow. He remembers his mom.
“Come here.”
“The fuck are you trying to-”
Shouto cuts him off with a hug. It’s as awkward as it comes. Shouto has his arms around the broad shoulders, his chin hooked on the right side. Shouto doesn’t know how tight he should hug, but it’s enough to press their chest together. Then one of his arms, the left one, rubs Bakugou’s back, emitting a slight warmth. In two languid swipes, Bakugou’s tenseness bleeds slowly.
“I don’t know what’s wrong,” Shouto says, mimicking what his mom had said once upon a time when he’s upset. “But it’ll be okay. Maybe it’ll take a long time, or it’ll be really hard, but you...” have me, you don’t have to deal with everything alone, was what his mom finished with. He doesn’t know if Bakugou would see him as reliable, but Fuyumi had said that intentions are the most important. “You have your friends, and you have me. I don’t know what will help, but I’ll do it if you asked.”
Shouto surprised himself that he means it. When he encounters an emotionally fragile situation, he usually gets Midoriya, or Urakara, or Momo to handle the situation. With Bakugou however...seeing that his usually prickly friend tipping at the edge like this, Shouto felt like he wants to help. Perhaps it was the camaraderie of the S.S. Emotional Constipation that makes him reach out his personal hand towards Bakugou.
Shouto found another surprise when Bakugou hugs him back, his spiky blond head tucked at the crook of his neck. Shouto also didn’t expect the reflex tears pooling in his eyes at the feeling of tightening arms around his torso. He’s being held, tight and needy. When was the last time he’s held like this? Tears pours without his will when he realized the last time someone hugged him was Touya as Dabi when he was about to burn himself along with Shouto.
They stay there on the rooftop just holding each other as if they’ll fall apart if they don't. When Bakugou lets go, his eyes are even redder than it already is. When those red eyes look up, he noticed the tear streak down Shouto’s face and doesn’t comment about it.
Instead, Bakugou says, “My parents are splitting up.”
Shouto says nothing, only to pull him in his arms again.
They say nothing else as they sit at the same spot on the concrete floor leaning on each other, hand in hand. Shouto instinctually teared up again when he remembered the last time someone holds his hand was his mom as she walked him to a park, all those years ago. Other than that, it was for survival and fighting.
Bakugou leans his head on Shouto’s shoulder first, Shouto says nothing about it. He then leans his face on top of Bakugou’s hair, it feels like a bed of grass, Bakugou says nothing about it too. Shouto realizes that Bakugou can be vulnerable as long as no one points it out. Being untalkative, Shouto can do just that.
The future is scary, especially when their supposed foundation is changing. Bakugou’s foundations are breaking apart, while Shouto had grown accustomed to the torn apart pieces now move together crossing fingers that they fit.
But the future is for tomorrow. The changes are not theirs to make. All they can do now is hold themselves together as everything changes, hoping they don’t break in the process.
Eventually, nightfalls, but none of them moved. Shouto suspects that Bakugou might be sleeping on him.
It’s a suspicion no more when Aizawa found them there, and Bakugou doesn’t stir from being found. Those tired eyes already look exasperated as he finds Shouto’s tear-streaked eyes looking back.
Aizawa sighs, “Is it life-threatening ?”
Shouto knows that the teacher is prone to worries despite his appearance. Their stumble at first year seems to scar him and made him extra vigilant with his students ever since.
“There’s nothing we could do about it,” Shouto says, which is true, but seemingly a wrong thing to say.
“That doesn’t answer my question, trouble child.” Aizawa scowls, which means his worry cranked up to max. “Are the both of you facing a problem that harms you, or threatening your life?”
“It’s nothing like that,” says the bundle of blond in his shoulder. Bakugou sits up and stretches, yawning so big his jaw seems to unhinge a bit. He doesn’t look angry, just tired. “It’s family drama, you know how it is.”
“Is it really just drama?” Aizawa squints at Bakugou, too knowing for someone without a mind-reading quirk.
Bakugou looks at Shouto, searching and prodding. Shouto doesn’t understand what he could be looking for, or what he wants. Bakugou just sighs, “Yeah, just drama.”
Aizawa looks at Shouto too and softens. “If you two need to cuddle you can just do it in your respective room.”
“Nah, too many nosy people.” Bakugou starts to leave.
Shouto follows with a “Good night Sensei.”
Aizawa grunts.
“We can use my Elsa stairs,” Shouto pipes in as he walks alongside him.
Bakugou looks at him and huffs, “Turns out you’re not a himbo after all.”
Since Bakugou won't tell him, Shouto looks up ‘himbo’ himself. This raises a lot of questions about how Bakugou has been seeing him, but Shouto decides that he’d be offended by it.
 You could still be lonely even though you have tons of sibling, or even when they really love you. I guess they just don’t know how to show us they love us.
He really should’ve known. He really should’ve fucking known.
The thought spins in his head as he smoked the last cigarette on his freshly bought pack. No one to catch him this time. It’s the weekend and he’s supposed to be at home, but it’s unbearable to be in the same room with his family. Usually, he could just slurp his soba in feigning ignorance but not now.
He’s sitting by the bench of a lonely park. He’s been sitting here since sun down. He has no idea what time it is. His phone in his pocket is on silent, he hasn’t checked on it since he walked out.
He should’ve stayed at the dorms, fuck the family dinner.
It’s not that Shouto wants things to end up badly. It’s not like he doesn’t want to be home, especially since his mom finally comes home after so many years. Everyone is happy that she’s back, even Natsuo, even his dad. Everyone except her. It looks so hard for her to be there. Shouto can see in her face that some places still hold strong bad memories for her.
His mother is strong because she pulls through. She holds herself through it all even though it seems only barely.
Yet why is he still so angry at her? Maybe not angry, frustrated. Shouto wants to ask her clarity. Why is she doing this? Why did she change her mind? Why come back here? Why not grasp the independence she had been telling Shouto she strived for? Was she coaxed to be here? Was she feeling some kind of responsibility to go back here? To salvage that sham of a marriage she had with Endeavor?
Shouto wants to ask, wants to understand. He crowded her with questions that moment when they said they’d be getting back together, only for his mom to wince, eyes widen, and quickened breath. For the second time in his life, his mom had looked at him with fear. Today, Shouto could barely meet her eyes again.
Is he really such a monster in her eyes just because he’s half his father? Then why go back to his father at all?
Shouto bought half a dozen packs as per tradition. Also because of his self implied tradition, he puts all the ashes in the coffin-shaped ashtray, even though there’s a park ashtray right beside him.
“You carry that everywhere,” Says a groveling voice that Shouto would notice anywhere.
Bakugou is in casuals. Black jeans and a grey hoodie seem like he’s out in a hurry. Just like Shouto.
“You’ve got to stop stalking me,” Shouto inhales deep, watching red amber burns till the filter and sighs.
“Who fucking stalking you Zuko.”
“Zuko doesn’t have-”
“Shut up,” Bakugou plop his ass beside Shouto, sitting waaay too close. He snatched the coffin tin, inspecting it. “Even when you didn’t smoke you carried this.”
“How did you know?”
“It shows your pocket, not big enough for a phone.”
Shouto knows he can’t get away once Bakugou began prying. “My first friend gave it to me.”
“That fucking Deku???”
“No,” Shouto chuckles at the image of Midoriya taking the role of what his first friend did. “It’s someone I met first-year junior high. She gave me this after introducing me to cigarettes.”
“That’s so fucking passive-aggressive I would’ve punched her in her teeth,” Bakugou grumbles, putting the ashtray to Shouto’s lap. “And why the fuck would anyone smoke at thirteen anyway!”
“Exactly because we’re thirteen, Katsuki, just because,” Shouto chuckles again at the memory. Seemingly too carefree from the nicotine, Bakugou had become Katsuki in his tongue. Katsuki bristles at his given name, but says nothing about it. It mysteriously made Shouto very happy.
“Among everything though, she was my first best friend, she teaches me a lot of things that make me who I am. She made me realize that I didn’t have to follow my dad’s wishes. That I can be what I want to be instead of what I was born for. That it’s valid to be lonely even though I technically have a big family. That it’s okay to not strive to be the best and just to be... happy.”
Shouto closes his eyes, remembering her lessons always fell bitter-sweet. But he’ll hold it in his heart forever.
“What you’re born for?” Katsuki says scathingly.
“Yeah, you know about this.” Shouto was told that Katsuki had eavesdropped on his conversation with Midoriya. Shouto was born to fulfill another man’s vendetta. A purpose first, and a son last.
“Seem like a wise person for a thirteen-year-old,” Katsuki sneers.
“She was, I loved her,” Shouto’s confession brings Katsuki’s face to a red grimace.
“Shit, I didn’t ask you to tell me your fucking secrets.”
“It’s not a secret.”
“Oh, really?” Katsuki spat bitterly, “Then why are you hiding your girlfriend from us?”
So many things wrong with that question. Shouto raises his eyebrows in surprise, “She’s not my girlfriend, and I’m not hiding her. She’s dead.”
The grimace fell like a hot potato, it would’ve been fun watching how Katsuki splutters if he didn’t look like he’s legit choking. “Holy fuck, that's... fuck, then why the shit you’re so stoic talking about it,” Katsuki seems appalled.
“It happens a long time ago. She seems accepting of her death that I... well I want to respect her decision.” Shouto knows it’s weird to not feel mournful of the departure of your closest friend. He still misses her, but she had been so positive until the very moment she left. Shouto was sure that she’s happy, so Shouto wants to be happy for her.
Katsuki paled, horrified, seemingly to misunderstand again.
“She had a terminal illness. Very likely no chance of survival. She chose to live her remaining time normally instead of undergoing treatment.”
“There’s... There’s no way her parents let her do that.”
“They’re economically challenged. They tried though, just too late in the end.”
“Fuck...” Katsuki cursed, running through his hair roughly. “Never thought you’d be the type of person to have life-changing moments like that.”
“A lot of people have proven to me that everyone has potential to be unexpected, and that’s just how it is.” Shouto looks pointedly at Katsuki, who glares at him in retaliation. “There’s a reason why we’re both here instead of home.”
“Yeah?” Katsuki mumbles, clearly not wanting to talk.
Shouto doesn’t too, to be honest, and yet keeping it in feels more exhausting, “My mom’s home.”
“No shit?” Katsuki was mildly surprised, “So it’s really happening huh.”
“It’s like walking on eggshells with her. I wanted to ask, but last time I did she flinched at me. I couldn’t look at her today.”
Katsuki sighs. This time, Katsuki is the one that scoots over till their shoulders touched all the way to their thighs. The contact makes Shouto breathes easier, he’s drawn to it like moths to a flame. His body goes limp as if it’s been too tense too long from holding itself together, and he drapes himself on top of Katsuki. Shoulder pressed together, his head heavily falls on Katsuki’s shoulder. Instinctually, his hand looks for another hand. Katsuki snakes around his hand and clasps it with his. It’s uncharacteristic, but Shouto finds himself grateful for it.
It’s warm, it’s damp, it’s grounding. Like lying on even earth after running away for so long.
“I don’t want her to be with him under the obligation that parents are supposed to be together for the kids. She’s been through so much, I would’ve understood, but I didn’t know how to say it without triggering her.” Silence follows, and Shouto realized what he said. “Sorry, uh, I’m not insinuating-”
“Shut up candy cane, I know.” Katsuki leans closer, his head on top of Shouto’s.
It’s warm, just what he needs in the middle of an emotional crisis at the beginning of November. It’s a bit out of character for Katsuki to do this, nor Shouto, neither of them are known for physical contact or talking about their personal lives. Yet here they are.
And Katsuki speaks anyway, “They’re fighting.”
Shouto, contrary to what Katsuki called him, isn’t a himbo. He knows who they are and he knows what a fight could entail.
“Did they hurt each other when they fight?” Shouto asks, then mused even if they did, could Katsuki do anything about it? Shouto couldn’t back then.
“No!” Katsuki says, indignant, “Of course not, they’re just bitching at each other about... about... I don’t know, it’s fucking stupid.”
“Hm, that’s good.”
“Fucking hell it’s good, they’re being idiotic!”
“They’re not hurting each other.”
Katsuki paused, his hands clenched tighter, “Did he hurt your mom when they fight?”
Shouto takes a deep inhale at the surge of memory. The fear that settles is old, he knows. Just leftover trauma that never went away, still, it bubbled to the surface, makes his skin cold.
Not trusting his voice, Shouto nods.
“They were fighting about me,” Katsuki says after a while, his voice a bit shaky, and Shouto knows better than to point it out. He keeps his head on the shaking shoulder and listens. “They didn’t know I was listening, they never did. They never... Turn-Turns out they didn’t even plan on having me.”
Katsuki holds his hand tighter and trembling.
“I’m a fucking accident,” Katsuki spat, venom dripping in every word. “Then they had a shotgun wedding, they didn’t even love each other at all.”
Shouto hears one escape of a sniff and lets himself relax, feigning clueless that Katsuki must’ve been crying. He lets the silence stretches until the hand holding his relaxed and the shaking subsides. Shouto had the same breakdown before. It downs to him that they’re not so different after all, children of a loveless relationship. Though he wonders if that instantly means he’s unloved. It had felt that way, but now... now it feels so much complicated than yes or no.
“Does it matter why we’re born?” Shouto hears a deep inhale of an incoming rant but he cuts it off with, “We’re our own person, with our own lives, and our own dreams. No one can tell us otherwise. Not even the one who makes us.” Shouto pauses and listens, what came to his ears is soft breathing, so he continues. “So what you’re not planned? That doesn’t mean you’re unwanted,” Shouto rubs his thumb over the damp knuckles, “You’re not unloved.”
Because Shouto had been to the Bakugo residence. Bakugou Mitsuki is as explosive as he is, but he can see her adoring stare at her son even when she’s scolding him. Bakugou Masaru is softer, always trying to calm both of them and giving small smiles when Shouto tells him stories about his son at school.
“What the fuck do you know, water dispenser?” Katsuki lowly growls, but it doesn’t have that biting hate, he doesn’t move away from Shouto.
So Shouto only hums and lets the silence stretch. He grabs the ashtray with his other hand, rubbing the plain surface with his thumb, remembering her, thanking her.
“What’s her name?” Katsuki says after minutes of silence, his voice with less snarl.
“... I’m sorry you lost her.”
And that’s what happened, isn’t it? Shouto may be able to let her go, but she’s still lost to him. Still hurts, Shouto still mises her. “Thank you.”
They didn’t let go of each other until Shouto’s phone rings. It’s Natsuo. His brother is just as unhappy about their parents' reunion, though for him it’s more about hating their dad and less about questioning their mother as Shouto did. Natsuo called to offer to spend the rest of the weekend at his place. Shouto immediately agrees, then he remembers Katsuki.
“Is it okay if I bring one of my friends?”
Katsuki instantly glowers at him.
“Oh, yeah sure. Buy some dinner on the way, I didn’t get to eat much.”
“Okay, me too.”
As soon as they hang up, Katsuki bares his teeth.
“Who says I’ll go with you, Pokeball?” His voice raised a bit, his arms crossing defensively.
“I’m not, I said if. You don’t have to, but if you want, you can.”
“No one fucking asked you for shelter,” Katsuki scoffs, facing away.
“I know...” Shouto knows Katsuki would rather leave than accept help. The only way he accepts it is that if no one acknowledges it. He knows Katsuki can take care of himself, but Shouto is the one that doesn’t want him to leave just yet. Shouto knows he’ll go back to Natsuo’s place only to hear him bitch about Endeavor when the real problem is with their mom and her odd decision.
“Can’t you just stay for dinner?” The desperation in his voice is real, Katsuki seems to notice it and is bewildered by it. “Please?”
Katsuki’s eyes widen at the magic word because no, Shouto doesn’t say it often, much less towards Katsuki, he had enough ego already.
Nose flared and fist clenched, Katsuki finally barks, “Fine! But we’re cooking instead of ordering take-out, I fucking know what you’re gonna get you soba simp. Your brother better has a kitchen.”
“He does,” Shouto replies, the upbeat tone in his voice is rare. Can you blame him? He’s excited that he’s not coming home, and Katsuki goes with him with his admittedly superior cooking.
At Natsuo’s apartment, Shouto helped Katsuki cook, nothing more than chopping stuff. Natsuo gave him a brief summary of what happened at home after Shouto left, but thankfully, he’s not saying too much because Katsuki is there. Once Natsuo finished talking and left to get beers, Shouto gives Katsuki an arm squeeze of thanks. Katsuki only grunts.
Dinner is ‘simple’ in Katsuki’s opinion. Stir-fried vegetables, miso soup, and hamburg steak. As always, it’s delicious, and Natsuo who’s none the wiser to Katsuki’s God-like cooking skill is blown away.
They’re in the living area on the sofa watching TV when Shouto scoots closer again. Natsuo is in his room studying.
“You can stay here for the rest of the weekend if you want,” Shouto says, bumping shoulders.
Katsuki frowns, eyes on the screen. “I don’t have my change of clothes with me.”
“You can borrow mine, I have some here.”
“Ran away a lot don’t you?” Katsuki sneers.
“You have no idea,” Shouto admits.
The sneer falls, “Why?”
“Just because I finally can.”
“You couldn’t before?”
Shouto shakes his head, finding his head heavy, so he lays his head on Katsuki’s shoulder again. “Before he was number one, he insists on using all my free time on training. If I didn’t, he’d take my phone, or the internet, or my manga, even burned them on some occasion. He even flushed my pet fish, rest in peace Kiya. Then he’s number one, and the dorms are established... so...”
Shout shrugs. He doesn’t reach for Katsuki’s hand this time, just pressed against him, afraid if he pushed then Katsuki would retract. Shouto doesn’t want to stop his newfound comfort just yet.
Then his hand is grasped by a firm clammy hand. Shouto keeps thinking of how Katsuki’s sweaty hands must be because of the nitroglycerin of his quirk. If he’s not thinking about Katsuki’s quirk then he’d think about how it makes his heart skipped a beat that Katsuki initiates the touch again. So yeah, clammy hands that hold him tight.
“Why didn’t you tell anybody?” Katsuki says, weaker than he’s accustomed to. It makes Shouto wary.
“I don’t know what is there to tell.”
A groan stretches, “What do I do with you?”
“Hey...” Shouto mock complains “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Does he still train you like that?”
Shouto feels a bit of whiplash with all these questions. Katsuki has been asking personal questions left and right, and Shouto doesn’t understand why answering it doesn’t feel as hard as usual.
“No, not since he became number 1.”
Katsuki scoffs, “Got what he wanted didn’t he?”
“Sometimes I wonder if that’s the case. When he got it, he didn’t seem happy, just angry. Then he started wanting the family he broke to get that number one spot.”
That renders Katsuki to another bout of silence. He knows Katsuki strives to be number one too, and at first, Shouto had ridiculed him about it. Why does a superficial title mean so much anyway? Katsuki changed over the years though, with Midoriya being the main cause of it.
Heart on his throat, Shouto dare asks, “Hey, Katsuki? Why do you want to be a hero?”
Katsuki tensed, but Shouto holds him tighter, “Why are you getting nosy all of the sudden?”
Shouto knows he’s not getting things easy, “I just wanna know.”
“Yeah, that’s nosy.”
“No, I just want to get to know you.” Shouto bites his lips as soon as the words left, was that too forward?
They’re not looking at each other, but Shouto can feel the glare directed at him. “Why?”
“We’ve been friends for a while...”
“We’re not fucking friends-!”
“...But I feel like I’m taking you for granted. I didn’t even know you’re going through something so big.” Some friend I am, Shouto broods.
It takes a few seconds, but Katsuki defeatedly sighs, and Shouto smiles in victory, “At first, I just want to be the best.”
“Best at what?”
“Everything...” Katsuki muses, his head knocked back, “Then I realized that it was an impossible goal... Did a lot of thinking, did a lot of uh, self-reflecting. Started talking to Ito-san too. I realized that I just want to be needed.”
It makes sense why Katsuki is here then. Shouto wished he could outright say that he needs him so Katsuki would stay longer, but just imagining him doing so already makes him pink in embarrassment.
Ito-san is the school counselor, her doors are open for every UA student. Shouto had half the mind to go to her, but there’s always this weight of silence from being a son of a high-profile hero. Endeavor always drilled him about secrecy and how he shouldn’t say anything about his family to anyone or it’ll ruin everything. It’s the reason why Arisu was his only friend, she was dying, and she did take his secret to her grave. Shouto still feels guilty about that.
“Have you ever talked to Ito-san?” Katsuki asked as if reading his mind.
“Everything that comes out of my mouth is tabloid-worthy. Endeavor had drilled me from way young that I can’t run my mouth about our lives. He’s right about that at least, I didn’t want paparazzi swarming us demanding half-assed rumors if I can help it. It had happened before, someone even sneaked into my mom’s hospital to reach her. I guess... that’s also why I never told anyone at all about anything.”
“You told Arisu didn’t you?”
Shouto bites his lip, guilt gnaws at him, “Because I know she won't carry my secrets long enough.” Please don’t hate me. Shouto’s grip on Katsuki tighten.
“But you told Deku, you told me.”
“Well, I trust you,” he says like it’s the most obvious thing. “You sure you don’t want to stay over?”
Katsuki leans away, and the cold strikes immediately. Shouto leans back, pointedly not looking at red irises.
Shouto quickly looks up, then he finds Katsuki’s face odd. There’s something familiar with it. He’s... smiling, only slightly, but it’s a smile, and his eyes aren’t furrowed or angry or glaring. His eyebrows relaxed and he looks.... soft. Maybe Shouto fell asleep and currently dreaming.
“I’ll need to call my parents first,” Katsuki says after clearing his throat, looking away a bit flushed.
“Sure, I’ll get you settled.”
Shouto is half excited half worried. He told Natsuo that Katsuki will be borrowing the couch, which only replied with a hum while his eyes doesn’t leave the book. His brother is not unfamiliar with runaways. Shouto isn’t the only one seeking shelter at his place.
Shouto passes the balcony where Katsuki is screaming at his phone. Shouto can only hear muffles, but he gives Katsuki some privacy and gets some spare clothes. When Shouto sees that Katsuki is still on the phone even after ten minutes have passed, he takes the liberty of taking a shower first.
When Shouto walks out, he finds Katsuki sitting by the sofa, his hands suspiciously inflamed. He faces the screen but looking particularly nowhere. Shouto had seen those empty looks before.
He jerks slightly as his name is called. Katsuki schooled his expression to a careful stoic, walls up. No matter, Shouto thinks, sometimes you don’t need to tear down walls to help a person, just hold their hand through the gate.
“Go take a shower, bath’s warm.”
Katsuki nods, taking the towel Shouto offered and the spare clothes. Shouto makes tea, for him, his brother, and Katsuki. Shouto delivers the cup of tea to Natsuo’s room, seems like the books are multiplying around his brother.
“Tea,” Shouto says before putting it on a coaster.
“Thanks.” Natsuo finally looks away from the book and takes a sip. “That Bakugou, how is he?” Natsuo asks, knowing that Shouto only brings his friend here in a dire situation.
The only other person he brought was Kaminari, believe it or not. Kaminari had said he didn’t want to come home for the weekend because he was scared of facing his parents after he came out via text. From the replies, it hadn’t been good. Kaminari spent the rest of the stay switching between sobbing and full-on crying. Only God knows why Kaminari asked him instead of any of the Baku-squad, but Kaminari is still his friend too, so Shouto provides.
But today with Katsuki is different though. Shouto had to beg him to stay, whether it’s for the benefit of him or Shouto the line had blurred.
“Hopefully he will be,” Is all Shouto can offer. Natsuo nods before going back to his book.
Shouto lays out his futon in the living room adjacent to the sofa. He’s laying down, scrolling at his phone. Putting his dad on read and ignoring Fuyumi’s and mom’s chatbox. He opted to look at cat videos instead. Soon, Katsuki came out of the bathroom, drank the offered tea, and laid down on the sofa.
They spent probably an hour separately looking at their phones when Shouto finally calls it a night. He turned off the lights, and tuck himself in. Before he said goodnight, Shouto thinks and his desires take.
“Wanna hang out tomorrow?” he asked.
Blood red eyes look at him from the screen, “Where?”
Shouto shrugs, “I don’t know, just around, get my mind off things. There’s a cat cafe I’ve been wanting to see, then we’ll go from there.”
Katsuki stares, seemingly thinking it over, “Have you ever been to a rock climbing gym?”
“A what?”
Katsuki smirks, sharp-teethed and evil, “Oh you’re in for a fucking experience, red velvet oreo.”
Shouto is a bit suspicious, even so, he finds himself looking forward to tomorrow.
 I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, but you shouldn’t think that way. Of course you’ll have more friends. You’re more lovable than you think, Shouto.
Something changed between them after that weekend. Comfort grows between them. Comfort that they don’t want to let go just yet, perhaps not anytime soon.
The bad thing about it is that everyone notices. Everyone.
To their friend's credit though, they came to school together, walking very close to each other. It was fully initiated by Shouto, but Katsuki didn’t snap or push him away, so he assumed everything is okay.
Everything is absolutely not okay because the moment he walks to class everyone has eyes on them. Shouto thought it won’t matter to him, but Katsuki tends to be defensive. When Katsuki is defensive, he pushes people away. Shouto tried not to watch Katsuki for the whole class.
Momo noticed, of course, but she notices more than superficial things.
“Shouto,” Momo whispers, “Everything alright?”
Shouto gives her a smile and nods.
It’s not until they’re getting up for lunch that Shouto is tested in a form of Kirishima.
“Bakubro! How long have you been dating Todobro?”
The world screech halt, and Kirishima tensed at the sudden chill he’s feeling. When Kirishima found the source of burning in his back, he sees Shouto, glaring hard and terrifyingly at him. Face darkens, pupils small, ready to kill.
Kirishima squeaks, “He-hey, uh-”
“Back off Kiri, it’s none of your business,” is all Katsuki says. Not even a scream, just a conversational tone as if he’s bored. No defensiveness, no snarling at Shouto in retaliation. “The fuck are yall extras staring at? Move outta my way, I’m hungry!” Then he left.
No one is barging Shouto with questions instead. It’s out of character of his classmates to not poke their nose in something juicy, but as he drops his butt at his chair, he finds himself alone in class.
Shouto is left in class with a big wave of relief, so much that he couldn’t stand. Why is it that the thought of Katsuki pushing him away scares him this much?
A hand landed on his desk, he looks up to find Momo’s honest stare, “Something is not alright.”
Shouto sighs, “No.”
Unlike Katsuki, Momo never pries, only assuring that she’s there for him. Unlike Momo, Katsuki understands that some things can’t be fixed, wherein if he opens up to Momo and some others, they tried to help by fixing. The number of times his friends told him, again and again, to go to Ito-san when they found out about Dabi being his brother is an exhausting amount. Maybe that’s why Shouto has been more comfortable with laying his problems to Katsuki.
So he eats lunch with Momo in the silence of comfortable company, and there’s just that.
 Thank you for being there for me. You’re the bestest best friend I could ever wish for. And you won’t be lonely for long, you’ll see.
Shouto has peaceful days following that first Monday. His comfort with Katsuki doesn’t change. Though they don't get together on the rooftop anymore (Iida never let go of his key since Katsuki managed to steal it), they still gravitate towards each other whenever they don’t feel particularly great.
Katsuki would approach and say things like, “They want me home this weekend.”
“You wanna stay at the dorms or my place?”
“Can’t. I know they wanted to talk to me about who I wanna stay with.”
“We can make up an excuse if you want.”
Then they spent the rest of the day together, just sitting at the school’s lawn, looking at particularly nothing. And if they sit too close together and their clasped hands only partially hidden by their legs, no one pointed it out.
Shouto would approach and say things like, “Fuyumi wants to call me, I know she’s just gonna talk about how I’m tearing the family apart.”
Katsuki snaps from his bed towards the window where Shouto is stepping down from his Elsa stairs.
Katsuki’s shock then turns to fury, “Your sister, Fuyumi, THAT Fuyumi said that to you?”
“She wanted the family together. I think she’s frustrated that I keep making my parents' union difficult.”
“You know what, her spicy mapo tofu isn’t that delicious anyway!” Katsuki barks his hands clenched down mini-explosions. It’s one of Katsuki’s outbursts that Shouto doesn’t understand, nor does he understand why her mapo tofu is related in any way, so he doesn’t comment.
“I’m gonna head up to the roof, wanna come?”
“No, you’ll just smoke and you’d give me fucking cancer.”
Shouto feels cold, Katsuki had never said no from hanging out before, “Fine.”
“Who said you can leave? Come here!” Katsuki held his ankle from the balcony, gripping tight.
Shouto blinks, remembering what Aizawa-sensei had said some days ago. “Oh, are we gonna cuddle?”
Katsuki’s face set aflame, “Just fucking come in here Katy Perry, before I yank you by your stupid Poland flag hair.”
Shouto finds himself obeying at the thought of cuddling, but then confused, “Why Katy Perry?”
“Hot and cold.”
“I guess that’ll make sense if I know who Katy Perry is but.”
Katsuki spat a curse, “Alright, time for a session of pop culture.”
“But I already had them with Mina and Sero”
“And they’re doing a shit job about it if you didn’t know the person that shapes a whole ass generation.”
It started with a music video of Hot and Cold by Katy Perry and ends with a retelling biography of Lady Gaga. Who knew Katsuki is so knowledgeable about female pop stars.
“TELL ANYONE AND DIE,” He said after Shouto pointed it out.
Most important of all, they did cuddle. They were sitting on the bedside then suddenly they’re laying down side by side. They’re watching a gameplay video of a Swedish man playing a horror game, another important role in pop culture as Katsuki said. It’s an old video, and Katsuki said that the man owns some part of Antarctica, which Shouto knows it’s some kind of an inside joke.
The nights getting late, and Shouto is reminded of the text on his phone, how it vibrates occasionally. Shouto has been in Katsuki’s room for four hours, but he doesn’t want to go back to his room.
Katsuki notices him lingering, “You wanna stay here for the night?”
Shouto looks up from Katsuki’s phone with big sparkling eyes, “You sure?”
“Tch, I wouldn’t have offered if I don’t.” Katsuki looks away, exposing his neck that seems red to the tip of his ears, “It’ll be a little cramp though with my single bed.”
“I don’t mind it. Just don’t kick me out of bed.”
“No promises.”
Katsuki didn’t. He curled away from Shouto as soon as the blankets tucked.  Their backs pressed against each other because of the small space. Shouto finds it hard to fall asleep, could be the new environment or the gnawing anxiety.
He’ll admit that Fuyumi is his favorite sibling. She’s there for him when he was condemned in that lonely manor only to train and study. Fuyumi stays back for him, tend to his wounds, cook for him, keep him company. Natsuo had left and rarely come back, even though he’s there for Shouto in the end.
Then his dad had a bootleg redemption arc and Fuyumi dropped him like hot potato and shoved both of them together despite what Shouto feels about his dad. When his parents are getting back together, Fuyumi stopped consoling Shouto and started to support them blindly. So desperate to have their family together. Doesn’t she know that there’s nothing to salvage? Doesn’t she remember what he did?
“I can hear you from here, air conditioner,” Katsuki grumbles, his back vibrates, “Go to sleep.”
“I’m trying.”
Shouto can’t stop thinking, can’t stop getting angry and getting hurt. It hurts when his sister is pointing the blame at Shouto, it hurts even more when it’s kind of true. It hurts that despite his fear of facing her, he still owes her a call at least. He’ll never be ready for what she’s about to say, never be ready to be hurt by her. Shouto turns around and buries his face at Katsuki’s back, ducking under the cover.
“What is it?’ Katsuki asks, not demanding, but Shouto’s floodgates are opened.
“I don’t understand how they could forgive him. He hurts mom, he hurts Touya to a point that he left and hates us, and he... he hurts me. It’s just training but-but- fine, okay, it hurt and I was scared most of the time that he’s not gonna pull his punches. Fuyumi forgives him so easily, and mom just went back in there even though they were never in love in the first place. It’s like they’ve forgotten what he had done, how deeply he scars all of us. Like what- like what happened didn’t matter.” Shouto’s voice breaks the whole time, a sob escaped in between the jumbled words and he’s trying so hard, so hard not to cry.
Katsuki turns around, his arms wrapped around Shouto’s hunched shoulders. A burnt sweet scent hits his nostrils, his face pressed against a defined neck and collarbones. All tenseness bleeds away when Katsuki starts rubbing his back, and tears break from his eyes without his will. Shouto wraps his arms around his friend’s torso, feeling his chest constrict when Katsuki mercifully says nothing about the silent tears landing on his chest.
He shuts his lips, pressing tightly because he’s not sobbing to Katsuki’s chest. They’re comfortable with each other but not that comfortable... right? Shouto’s tolerance to breakdown cries is thanks to exposure to crying most of his childhood, the same can’t be said for Katsuki. The hug is enough, it’s everything. Shouto never realized how much he craved being touched until that day Katsuki sits way too close to him.
His lips pressed tight keeping from sobbing, but his hands tremble on Katsuki’s back instead.
“Damn, you’re touch starved aren’t you,” Katsuki sighs to his hair, his face buried there.
“I didn’t know,” Shouto’s voice shaking pathetically, breaking at the edge and Shouto is too torn to care about it.
“Me too.”
Shouto doesn’t know which one Katsuki meant, but neither let go until they sleep.
 I love you too, Shouto. Don’t be scared of letting people in, okay? Not all of them are gonna leave you, I promise.
Things get rough, but their comfort pushes each other through.
Katsuki chooses to stay with his dad, but he’s co-parenting with his mom. Katsuki spends his weekends at both their house, switching every weekend. There’s still tenseness between his parents, and Katsuki explodes whenever his dad or mom asks Katsuki about the other. ‘Stop fucking asking me! If you wanna know so much then you shouldn’t have gotten the divorce!’ Katsuki doesn’t want to hear their reasoning, feeling better to just accept the change and move on, but Shouto thinks he’s just not ready to hear it. Sometimes Katsuki stays at the dorms with Shouto or the Todoroki estate when he gets overwhelmed.
Shouto finally talks to his mom. At first, it didn’t go anywhere. She’s as unsure as Shouto, but her willingness to try and salvage the marriage is as honest as it comes, even though her feelings might not be there yet. It feels like hearing Fuyumi talk, hearing the same desperation and blindness in putting things together. It’s hard to understand her foolishness, but Shouto tried to trust her. Shouto’s opinion might have been persuaded a little when his father announced that they’ll be moving houses due to mom’s tense reaction to the place. It’s a plus that his dad is willing to do that for his wife, but Shouto is still keeping an eye on them.
Then things get better, but their comfort doesn’t stop. Shouto is comfortable in following his desires without questioning them, but he quizically finds that Katsuki seeks him too even though he no longer approach Shouto with that near tears scowl, and situation bomb.
“How’s your mom?” Katsuki asked out of the blue under the summer blue sky. They’re sitting by the school lawn, their backs to a tree trunk, their friends strangely been leaving them alone.
“She’s fine.”
“Then why did you want to meet here?” Katsuki murmurs, looking down at the comic book Shouto lends him but not reading it. The tips of his ears are red.
Oh, Katsuki is testing the waters, “I just want to be with you.”
Katsuki flushes, “Ew, where the fuck did you even get that cheesy line.”
Shouto pays the snark no mind. “We haven't had any excuses for being together lately, do we?”
Katsuki hums.
“Do you not like it?”
“It’s fine,” Katsuki grumbles.
“Say... If I ask you to go to a cat cafe this Saturday, will you go?”
“Satan in hell, cat cafe again? I still have fucking fur on my black jacket from the previous visit! I felt like we’ve been to all the cat cafes in the country!”
Shouto pouts, “That’s not possible.”
“Let’s go hiking instead.”
Katsuki twist his head towards him, “You would?”
“Just us two right?”
“Obviously, there’s no way I’m taking those extras. Those nature documentaries made them wimps.”
Shouto only listened to the first word he uttered, “I’ll go with you.”
Then Katsuki looks him that way again. Soft eyes, relaxed eyebrows, fond stares, and the most devastating of all, a small genuine smile.
“Cool. Come to my place, we have to wake up early. I miss seeing the sunset there, it’s awesome.” There’s light in his maroon eyes, excited to go, and he’s taking Shouto with him to his hobby, his precious place.
Shouto feels warmth radiating from his chest all the way down to his toes, a smile blooms on his face. He’s been feeling this mysterious warmth pretty often lately, only now has he realized that Shouto is happy and that he hasn’t been lonely despite his current family strain.
Katsuki’s rambling about his favorite hiking spot is cut short when Shouto leans in to kiss the corner of his lips. The smile is exchanged with shocked parted lips. Shouto feels himself shrink by the silence of Katsuki’s loud mouth and the pinning stare of his sharp eyes. Blood rushed to Shouto’s cheeks, knowing that he’s blushing up a storm, suddenly nervous.
“Is that okay?” Shout asks, too cowardly to say that he wants more, closer, to continue being together for no reason at all other than just because.
He’s grabbed by the face, and a pair of lips pressed against his. Shouto expected to be bitten, his head clawed, and his lips bruised. But the weeks he spent with Katsuki should’ve made him know better. Because the gentle hands cradling his face, the complete capture of his lips, and the soft nips are all unsurprising. Shouto melts away, leaning his whole weight so they’re chest to chest. He grabs Katsuki by the hips, pulling closer, kissing back.
Katsuki hums, and the vibration echoes on Shouto’s body deliciously. Katsuki’s lips taste sweet and hot as it moves to nibble Shouto’s bottom lip. The hands cupping his face moves past his neck. One is clutching his back and the other plays with the hair at the back of his head. Fingers card gently around his nape and Shouto has a whole body shiver.
Then the lips go missing, and Shouto goes limp in Katsuki’s arms, gasping for breath on his chest.
“And that’s how you kiss, Strawberry Shortcake,” Katsuki says smugly, patting Shouto’s back condescendingly.
Shouto scoffs and leans back. Katsuki still has that fond eyes as he looks at him, but now paired with a cheeky smirk. Shouto wants to kiss that too, and Shouto does.
From then on, it’s expected that he sometimes steps down his icy stairs just to cuddle with Katsuki, and it’s perfectly acceptable that Katsuki barges into his room and starts pulling his hand towards wherever he wants.
They’d still bicker sometimes, and sometimes Shouto unintentionally steps on some lines that set Katsuki to explode. Sometimes Katsuki is frustrated with him. Those days they fight makes him nervous.
But they always say their apologies eventually. Katsuki always comes back and tries again with him. Even when the fights are between them, they eventually get over it and get better while they’re still leaning onto each other for comfort.
Eventually, Shouto keeps the coffin ashtray in his keepsake instead of his pocket.
He’d like to think that he can finally let her go now that she’s proven right.
Shouto finds someone that loves him, someone that makes him happy, and someone that doesn’t leave.
nicknames that didn't make it: Colgate toothpaste, hot pocket, tide pod, dry ice. nicknames that I magically forgot: Half and half.
Tag yourself as Shouto’s nickname, I’m water dispenser.
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draconica · 3 years
Oooo, for the writing prompt, a little 7+4+1? Or just one, I might be a little greedy 😖🤣
7: Engagement sex 4: Petnames 1: Spicing things up in the bedroom
I made it work, anon   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I also headcanon Ellis can be a powerbottom so enjoy that
When Ellis returned home from the shop one warm evening, he was humming softly to himself. There was a sly smile to his features as he gently jostled the plastic bag he had brought home. There was no groceries or anything that mundane inside. No, there was something very special inside of this particular carrier.
“Niiick?” he crooned in the hope that his boyfriend was home, and in the mood. Now, he was home, but as Ellis turned the corner into the living room he was met with a sight he wasn't quite expecting to see.
Nick was stood in a black suit - a proper, swanky, three-piece number – and holding a red rose. A soft song was playing on their stereo system, and the lights were turned down low. He had definitely been stood here for some time, waiting for Ellis to return home, and Ellis dropped his smile briefly. The gambler was smooth as silk at the best of times, but this was unexpected.
“Welcome home, sweet peach,” Nick led with, making Ellis blush – that damn pet name of his. “You good?”
Ellis scratched the back of his neck. “Uh, I'm jus' fine,” he smiled, setting down his bag for now, and gesturing to Nick as he took a step towards him. “What's this for?”
In a second, Nick's smile slipped a little, arching his brow. “...You forgot, didn't you?” He rolled his eyes, but that smile soon came right back as he stepped forward also, closing the gap between them and offering him the rose. “July 12th? The day we got out of quarantine?” Nick chuckled, leaning in closer and making it more personal. “The day we moved in together, made the new place official?”
A million thoughts swarmed Ellis's head at that point, taking the rose and knowing he was absolutely overcome with blushes. “O-oh… damn, I guess I did forget,” he giggled, tilting his head a little as his boyfriend leered closer. Even now, Nick was still the most damn attractive man he'd ever met, let alone dated. “M'sorry, darlin', just had a lot on my mind, I guess?” he shrugged.
Nick seemed to understand, nodding once before pulling Ellis in for a kiss. “It's all good, sport. You can make it up to me later. But for now...” he turned and clicked a remote in love control, turning down the music a touch, before his hand returned to where it belonged – holding his lover's.
“Ellis,” he began, looking down at his thumb caressing the back of El's hand. “It's been a hell of a ride to get here, huh? Fighting for our lives every day in the apocalypse, a year of quarantine, and now three years of living together. Before the Green Flu, I was at my lowest point. I… well, wouldn't be alive if I hadn't met you. The zombies were a distraction, but you were a reason to live. You mean the Goddamn world to me, Fireball, and I want to spend every day by your side. So… I have one question for you.” Ellis watched on, mouth dropping, as his boyfriend got down on one knee and produced a velvet box containing a thick silver ring. In the center, there was set a dark blue gemstone. “Ellis, mi tesoro, will you marry me?”
Needless to say, Ellis had not been expecting this today, and that was obvious given the absolute astonishment on his face at that moment. It almost made Nick want to laugh, but he was slightly too nervous for that.
Thankfully, Ellis broke into his lop-sided, brilliant Southern smile. “You sly sumbitch,” he chuckled. “Hell yeah, I'll marry ya!”
The gambler got to his feet, immediately bringing his lover closer into his arms with an unbreakable smile. The ring was a perfect fit onto Ellis's fourth finger, something else that Nick had been worried about, but seeing how snugly it sat made the older man's heart swell. “I love you, Overalls.”
“Love you, too, darlin',” Ellis responded as he brought Nick's face in for a kiss... and then another... and then his arms were around Nick's neck. Any distance between them was suddenly gone.
It wasn't unusual for their kisses to get out of hand, certainly in their earlier days where it seemed like sex was on the table every day (not literally, except for a few times Ellis can remember where they'd gotten adventurous…). That's when Ellis remembered what was in the bag he had brought home. Well, now he had no choice but to surprise his lover with its contents.
By now, Nick's kisses had moved to the mechanic's neck, and Ellis couldn't suppress a shiver as he found his favorite spot just below his ear. Many a hickey had been placed there before, and it was near-enough a certainty that he'd be getting a new one tonight.
“Nick,” he whispered, shifting his hand through the hustler's hair and smiling when he caught sight of the shiny new engagement ring on his finger. “Take me to the bedroom.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Nick chuckled before tightening his grip around Ellis's waist and hoisting him up, causing the younger man to gasp against his lips. “You don't have to tell me twice.”
Of course, Nick couldn't possibly carry Ellis up a whole staircase and into said bedroom. He wasn't a young man anymore, after all. Not that Ellis minded – it actually gave him a chance to grab the bag he'd brought home. Nick gave him an odd look as he did so, but his young fiancé had simply smiled, told him not to worry about it with a pat to the cheek.
Once they both stepped into the bedroom together, Ellis set the bag down once more and brought Nick into more kisses, having missed them in the thirty seconds they had stopped.
“How long were ya plannin' that for?” asked Ellis curiously as he slipped the black tie from Nick's neck, smiling at him.
Nick shrugged a little. “Few months,” he admitted. “Knew I wanted to marry you someday, seemed like the anniversary of getting out of that Goddamn pandemic was a good time.”
Ellis was now working on those pesky shirt buttons, granting him access to that chest hair he loved so much on Nick. “Romantic as usual,” he mused. “Gotta be honest… I was plannin' a lil' somethin' for us tonight, too. Nothin' big like askin' ya to marry me, so kinda puts my gesture in the shade.”
“Don't be modest, sweet peach,” Nick chuckled, allowing Ellis to remove his suit jacket and leave it on the floor – something he usually gets very picky about.
“Well...” Ellis slipped Nick's belt from his pants, and was pleased at the choice his lover had made – a black leather strap. Yes, this'll do nicely. “I know you like bein' in control 'n all, but I wanna show ya how we ride in the South.”
That piqued the gambler's interest, not in the least because Ellis was looping the belt around his hand, pulling it taught for Nick to see, and something about the sight was enough to set his erection at full mast.
“Ace...” he paused, needing to wet his lips when he found his mouth suddenly dry. “Do I get a say in this?”
“You certainly get to pick the safe word,” mused the mechanic, shifting his weight slightly on his hips as he played with the leather strap some more.
Nick must've been mad, or at least deeply in love, as he decided to shift control over to his little fiancé for the night. “All right,” he conceded, stepping out of his pants which, with lack of support, had pooled onto the floor. “Where do you want me, sugar?”
The mechanic's grin spread further up his cheeks. He led Nick over to their king-sized bed and sat him down. “Now, you go ahead and make yourself comfortable, mister gamblin' man, and I'll go slip outta these here greasy clothes.” With a little canter to his steps, he grabbed the bag once more and headed to their en-suite bathroom, shooting a look over his shoulder. “Recommend losing those there briefs, too. Won't be needin' them at the rodeo.” And with that, he disappeared into the next room, door shutting slowly behind him.
Nick had always been good at following instructions, and Ellis's were about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face. So, as he stripped himself down completely and got comfortable, he took the time while Ellis was gone to think about some of the more memorable trysts in their relationship.
There was the very first time which had been during the apocalypse. It had been rough and hurried, considering they had just escaped death by the skin of their teeth, and it was more a carnal desire of the most basic of human instincts. Ellis had almost alerted a horde with how loud he'd been.
There was another time, during quarantine, where love had for the first time been entered into the equation. Namely, the first time they had said 'I love you' to each other. Nick had topped then, too. And he wasn't a picky partner by any means – after all, Ellis was young and full of testosterone, and sometimes he needed to fuck just as much as anyone else. Nick had come to enjoy bottoming, absolutely, but he was more or less the one in charge on most nights. Ellis never complained; quite the opposite, in fact. Nick was still lost in thought when suddenly the bathroom door opened at last, revealing Ellis in his attire for the evening: Nothing but a cowboy hat (and one engagement ring).
“Howdy,” he drawled as he leant against the door frame, still playing with Nick's belt in his hands. “Heard there was a no-good city slicker that I needed to take good care of. Assumin' that's you, handsome?”
Nick couldn't' help but smirk up at him, raising an eyebrow. Ellis was unbelievably adorable, especially whenever he was making effort to please him. That included… this. “Goddamn it, Ace,” he shook his head. “Didn't think this was how my night was gonna go.”
Ellis shot him an amused look, then slipped right back into character. “I'm the best darn rodeo rider this side'a Georgia,” he boasted, sauntering closer to the bed. “Ain't no wild stallion I can't tame. So, reck'n you'll be my best ride yet.” The mechanic reached into the bedside drawer to fetch the lube, and took a moment to stand beside the bed, looking over his naked lover. “Safe word?” he asked.
Nick nodded up at him. “Witch.”
Ellis frowned. “Damn, Nick, really? All the words in the entire American language and you had to pick one that reminds me of the time you almost got yourself killed?”
“You almost got me killed,” retorted the hustler, squinting at him. “You're the one who spooked the bitch.” But he shook his head, letting a smile return to his red face. “Fine. Safe word is 'wedding'.”
With a roll of his eyes, Ellis blushed a little as he set the lube down on the table for now. “Good 'nough for me.” Slipping back into character once more, the Southerner crawled his way onto the bed and straddled his lover, halfway up his chest, at one point his erection bobbing near Nick's face. The gambler just watched on with hungry eyes. “Now then… one thing I know about tamin' the wilder beasts is that they need to be trained, sometimes with force.” Ellis looped the leather belt around Nick's neck gently, watching the older's green eyes for any signs of discomfort or fear. There was nothing but trust, and a lot of hunger.
Ellis cinched the belt, not tightly, but enough for Nick to feel the presence of his around his throat. With a twist of his hand, Ellis curled the leather around his wrist and tested the length. There was plenty to work with, and he grinned. “Damn, look at'chu, city boy.” Ellis backed up his hips, grinding himself backwards onto Nick's cock, and watching in triumph as Nick's eyelids fluttered slightly. “I think I'm gonna really enjoy ridin' you.”
The helpless gambler chuckled as he rested his hands on Ellis's thighs, watching those hips move back and forth and craning his neck back a little. A moan almost made it's way out of his mouth, but not quite. Ellis had to try harder. “You're getting more into the kinky sex, Overalls,” he smiled, throwing in a wink. “I'll take credit for that.”
With a tilt of his head, Ellis's hand pulled back, tightening the belt a little like pulling on the leash of a disobedient dog. Nick gasped beneath him, moaning in the afterthought, which made the cowboy grin. “You speak outta turn like that again and you'll be in the doghouse,” he threatened. Reaching over to the nightstand, he took the open tube of lubricant and squirted the thick liquid onto two fingers. The look in his baby blue eyes was so very kinky, and Nick could feel his cock give a twitch in appreciation as he pictured what Ellis was about to do with those fingers.
Picking up the belt once more with his clean hand, those fingers then went behind Ellis, slipped between his cheeks and found his pucker. The younger man was a dab hand at prepping himself, and knew his own body inside and out. While he worked his magic, he moaned aloud and reintroduced his bucking hips back into the mix. The sight was amazingly erotic, and Nick couldn't resist reaching over to play with Ellis's neglected dick. Ellis, for the most part, seemed to allow it, even bucking up again into the gambler's grasp.
“You're thinkin' about it now, aren't ya, city boy?” Ellis chuckled with an open-mouthed grin. “Thinkin' about me ridin' ya real good, getting' ya all hot 'n bothered...” He leant in slightly, pulling once more on Nick's restraint until the man was a little closer. “Thinkin' about how fuckin' good I'm gonna feel around your cock once I'm wet n' ready?”
That accent was so thick, deep with lust, and it was driving Nick crazy. The gambler gave a groan, just as the belt loosened again and allowed him is breath back. His head fell back to the pillow, already seeing a black fuzz around his vision. “God… sweet peach…”
“Yes, my darlin'?” Ellis crooned, by now with three fingers knuckle deep inside of himself.
“Ple…” Nick panted as he closed his eyes. “Please.”
That was all Ellis needed to hear. With another lop-sided smile, the mechanic shifted until he was kneeling and scooted back a little on Nick's body. He kept a keen eye on his fiancé's face, even as he reached behind, took Nick's cock in hand, and slipped himself down onto it like he'd done it a hundred times before.
The card shark grunted and turned his head a little, and Ellis could hear a shift behind him as Nick moved his legs. His feet was planting themselves onto the mattress and knees bending up, in order to provide him with the leverage he needed. Ellis leant back, slipping down further onto Nick's cock while at the same time resting against Nick's thighs like a back rest. He was grateful for that.
“How about that?” Ellis nearly sang as he shifted on Nicolas's lap. “You're bein' a good boy after all.”
Nick said nothing, just looked up at his Southern lover with a smile on his face, throwing in a wink for good measure. Ellis chuckled and wrapped the belt once more around his wrist for another harsh tug, at the same time, lifting his hips and slamming back down in a harsh bounce. The leather crackled in his grip, and Nick drew another breath. His face was getting redder. “El,” he managed, grinding out the noise, and Ellis was careful to make sure he had enough air to speak, should his next breath utter the safe word.
“Giddy up,” purred the cowboy, reaching up to hold his hat before beginning his ride. Putting all his power to his thighs, up and down Ellis's hips went as he bounced away. The sweetest moans left his throat – couldn't rightly help it, as Nick had always been the best lay of his life.
Nick's hands found their way to Ellis's hips, gripping him there and guiding him on and off his dick. In no time at all, Ellis was fully into the sex, letting go of his hat to reach back and steady himself on Nick's knee as he continued to ride him hard.
“Fuck yeah,” Nick murmured to himself as he gazed up at the scene Ellis was blessing him with. He groaned soon afterwards, craning his neck, and smiled up at his lover. “The belt… please… fuck...”
Ellis grinned and slowed his thrusts down a little in order to tug the belt once more, harsher and tighter than previously. Nick's knuckles went white around Ellis's hips.
“Look at ya… enjoyin' yourself so much,” Ellis praised and drove his hips down once more, grinding back on Nick's length. “C'mon, city boy, you know you wanna come inside'a me...”
Nick could hear the blood rushing around his head, fell the pleasure begin to whirlpool around his cock, and did the only thing he knew he could do. He moved a hand to Ellis's dancing erection and gave him a tight sleeve to fuck into, watching with watering eyes. The Southerner groaned and dropped the leather strap in favor of bracing both hands on Nick's legs, rocking himself like crazy. The gambler drew a gasp of air, Ellis threw his head back, and then it all went white.
“NICK!” Ellis broke character at the last minute to shout his fiancé's name in orgasm. He spilled semen all up Nick's chest and some managed to hit his chin. The sight was erotic enough to send the older man tumbling off the precipice himself, filling Ellis up until he was overflowing. Ellis moaned and lifted himself off for the last time, feeling warm liquid seep down the insides of his thighs.
With a sigh, Ellis leant forward and braced his hands on Nick's shoulders to prevent himself from falling atop him. The cowboy hat fell from his head and onto the floor beside the blunt end of the belt. The mechanic looked up at last, seeing Nick with his eyes closed and drawing in large breaths. He blushed as he reached up to carefully removed the leather from his neck, letting it clatter to the carpet.
“Darlin'?” Ellis whispered as he lifted himself off of Nick, in the process grabbing some tissues in order to clear them both up. “Nick.”
Nick opened his eyes at last, letting them fall onto his cute young lover as he grinned. “Even after all these years...” He reached out to cup El's cheek, rubbing his thumb there. “...you still surprise me, Overalls.”
Once the necessary clean-up had been finished, Ellis crawled back onto the bed and cuddled right up to his gambler, running his hand through his fine chest hair. “Glad you enjoyed the show, Nick.” He looked down, admired the ring still snugly on his finger. “Yeah, not quite how you pictured your night goin', huh?”
“No, sir,” agreed Nick and moved his hand up to lace their fingers together. “But if this is how the rest of my life is gonna go, I think I'm okay with that.”
With a short laugh, Ellis reached up to kiss him, rubbing his thumb along Nick's jaw. “Love you, city boy.”
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the-starset-system · 3 years
Do you got any ideas for increasing communication? I really wanna talk to my system but it's so hard :(
I could just give you the common advice but you can find all of that with a quick Google search. Lemme give you some stuff that's personally helped us:
Lmao I couldn't resist, but yee, Minecraft has actually helped us communicate more than anything. It gives everyone creative freedom and with mechanics like signs and books it's easy to leave notes within the game. The littles adore it too :D
I actually have a lot to say about playing as a system on Minecraft, so I might make a separate post if any of you want to hear. I'll probably be discussing how it helps and how to set all that stuff up, since figuring out how everything would work with inventory and stuff rattled our brain at first (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
Creating things is a great way to learn more about your system and maybe uncover trauma details in a more gentle fashion! We personally draw and write, but music, dance, videos, etc. all work!
It doesn't even have to be about your system, it could be feelings or thoughts. Just something to pick your brain, to learn more about yourself since it's easy to fall down a pit when you don't know who you are, let alone your system.
That's one of the most important things in my opinion, having a grounded sense of self before really jumping into everything. When we jumped in not really knowing who we are ourselves it was hard to understand one another and I do believe that carelessness still affects us to this day, so just try to understand your own self as well
Don't laugh, but dress up games
Yeah yeah I know the kinda reputation some of them hold, but when we first discovered we were a system and started trying to work together that was the first thing we done. We knew we didn't identify with this body, but at the same time a majority of us were particularly unsure of what we did look like. Having little avatars to dress up was so helpful cause we would ask ourselves "does this feature have any significance?" or "Why am I attached to this certain feature?". Slowly after sifting through different options we could say "that's me". It was really reassuring and helped us recognize each other. It even helped with figuring out who was fronting because someone would feel unsettled about a certain feature being missing.
We still use little apps sometimes for fun or if someone new split / came out of dormancy :]
Making time
This is gonna sound silly, but think of communicating with your system the same way you would in a relationship. This is something you're likely gonna be dealing with for a good while so it's good to have close bonds with everyone. Bonds are the key to communicating cause I mean, would you wanna talk to someone you dislike?? If you're having trouble with system conflict I'd recommend checking out my other post I made about it.
But where does making time come into this? Aha sorry I actually got off topic but I feel like it's important regardless so I ain't erasing it-
What I mean by making time is well, making time. It's harder to communicate when there's so much going on around you cause you'll get distracted. What we do is set out however much free time we have that day to bundle up in our room and pretend we're sleeping, when in reality the low amount of sensory stimuli makes it easy to focus on talking to everyone. This doesn't always goes as planned, sometimes we just have bad days and can't communicate. If that's the case we'll keep trying for a few minutes before going off to do something else.
That's one thing to always remember, everyone has bad day and that's okay!
So, those are some ideas, but I also wanted to go over some things you should avoid too, kinda like do's and dont's!
Forcing communication
There's often a reason someone in the system avoids communicating, as well as a reason you may not be able to communicate with anyone. At the end of the day you gotta remember this was formed out of survival, needing to not be able to communicate, to forget, in order to properly function.
If things aren't helping then maybe give it some time, you might just not be at a good point in your life right now and your brain knows, saying "hey, we still don't feel too good, I wanna be prepared for any other tough situations we might go through" and that's okay. The mass media loves to portray ppl with DID having flawless communication and that's just not the truth. People understand it's a hard battle and I can assure you many in the community have your back :]
Fake claiming
-One of my worst habits, it's easy to say "no that's not real". Sometimes it might not be but I know from my own mistakes that more than likely it is. It can hurt a lot of system members, making them feel like their voice doesn't matter or even make them go on a spiral if they really are real.
I don't really have much more to say, it's pretty self explanatory. Just keep an open mind
You don't have to be differentiated
Another thing we're all guilty of, we thought we had to all act super different to be valid. Spoiler alert: you're valid no matter what
Once again, I feel like it's pretty self explanatory, but forcing yourself to be different from x, y, and z person sucks cause you never get to be yourself. You don't need to be differentiated, your perfect the way you are, regardless of who may share those same traits
That's all I can think of right now, but knowing me I'll come up with a million more things after I post this
I did come up with a really good explanation of what building communication is like though and I wanted to share:
Think of it as leveling up in a video game. All these tasks may seem useless but slowly your collecting XP and getting closer to your goal. That's why you gotta keep at it!
So, keep going on those seemingly useless quests and fighting that boss monster no matter how many times you get thrown to the ground, cause every last bit is worth it (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
I hope this helps! Sorry if I got a bit off topic! I have a habit of that (• ▽ •;) I was writing on and off so things may be a bit choppy. Aaaa sorryyyy but thank you for the askkkk! And remember, I am not a professional and my words should not replace / overwrite seeking professional help if possible! Regardless, I hope you have a good week! 💫
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keyheartsia-dorm · 3 years
I’m bored let’s do a lore dump
It’s a Map~
Oh Yeah I mentioned a Sprinkle of Final Fantasy and KH but I haven’t talked about that Aspect of my Canon At all have I? Well truth be told it’s cause I’m focusing on getting the more Basic Aspects of my Oc’s Before I get into that but Guess who made this Baby on a Whim!
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So this is the Map of the Isle of Light well the Main Island at least there are other Littler Bits of land Yet to surface I̶t̶’̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶I̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶A̶d̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶L̶a̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶h̶a̶h̶a̶ oh yeah did I mention it’s a FLOATING ISLAND!! Yeah P Sick right? Okay so I’ll go into the Island’s History and it’s Area’s but it may have some Spoilers I guess you could say but honestly I wouldn’t wait on me making a full fledged...Anything outta the Story I’ve made like I’ll sum it up (not here but like in general) but comics are hard Videos are hard Fics are hard maybe not individually but this is more of a Anime Series then an Anime movie if you feel me without further ado...Stuff
Oh god this was longer then expected
Some General Background
So The Isle of Light was Originally the Black Forest A Place of Freedom and Expression for all who lead lives who Needed to hide Such and Some Such was The Coven of the Black Forest made up of 3 sisters (not biologically also there was a 4th) they all found comfort and love with each other one being the Princess of the Kingdom nearby (The 4th and Littlest one) She had a fiancé who was Mad with a Lust for power and Control over things he Didn’t need power and control over He Treated the Littlest one Cruelly when the other 3 Decided enough was enough when he did...SOMETHING to Part of the Forest so Horrible it turned Dead and Cruel (Subtle Subtle Hint Hint Wink) When all 3 Of them saw the Ruin They went so mad they turned to Darkness and fought him and all his Manmade monstrosities there when the Princess Arrived there was so much Dark energy everywhere it was Bad like Real Bad So with her friends now monsters she Fought them with a heavy heart her heart broke so much she fell afterwards immediately Unintentionally Sending her Kingdom to somewhere nobody knows where she is though...That’s an even bigger question BUT the story would live on as a Weilder of the key blade who slayed 3 evil witches...(Oh yeah did I mention Crowley knows And that’s Why He Let the Girls Attend because he thought they might be the Black Forest Coven Reincarnated And the Prophecy that when they Awakened the “Keys to their Hearts once more” They’d Free The Princess From her Mirror Prison Oh Yeah also the princess DID Die But her Reincarnation Goes inside a Mirror and is trapped there when she turns 17 and Doesn’t leave until she dIES ALSO ITS HIS OLDEST DAUGHTER THIS TIME ALSO YES HE HAS 2 DAUGHTERS...Okay lemme just calm down..Also yeah she thought of the Princess System) but After a Wish got safe haven for all Keyblade Weilders (I have KH Oc’s other then these don’t ask Longer story they live and basically founded Fortana Haven) I guess the Isle of Light Rose from the Shadow Realm to be just that oh yeah also the Isle of light is literally that kingdom if ya didn’t know
Fortana Haven
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(Some Love Nikki BGs for Visualization if I’m Wrong about this from being from Love Nikki Correct me pls and if this is your art sorry and I’ll take it down)
Okay this Place Basically a Modern Fairytale Everything is so Rustic~ but they Have Cafe’s and Stuff~ They’re still very much in Development as a City..or town..or whatever Boss of everything Locket Clover (An OG KH OC) Runs Everything Wonderfully she welcomes everything with open arms and If you wanna run a shop or want a Building for a particular Thing or Activity she’s Pretty open to the idea unless it’s Incredibly Dumb But she will make you get The Wood and Supplies and The Bricks and the Brick Stick Sauce or whatever it’s called she might get give you help constructing but dang is she a firm believer in “DIY” but I like how she’s Determined to Have a Good Balance between Industrial and Rural In fact there is a Mall (God knows how it got there) And that’s pretty much all there is for your Juicy Capitalism Fix She Runs “Hope Stir” Workshop according to Her boyfriend Ephmer It was always Called a workshop but for the longest time she did EVERYTHING Subtle Farmwork And Animal Husbandry ACTUAL Workshop things all cause she wanted to help every Weilder she knew out and made sure they had a place for food and such She is a bit of a Moneyholic but when you’ve been doing what she’s been doing I bet you’d be too overall While it doesn’t have much History yet Fortana Haven (4-Tana is how you say it btw) Is truly well a Haven
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The Crowned Castle
(More Pics for Visuals I don’t think this is from love Nikki but if this is your artwork same applies I’m not gonna be the guy who Claims just cause it’s on google it belongs to everybody or something even though yeah I did find it on google)
The...Crown of the Isle of Light Before We came to the Isle for the first time Apparently Everyone In Fortana thought it was Haunted! Which..Fair enough Before we Placed the Princess Medals (Okay QUICK SUMMARY OF THIS BIT Okay so in the KH Mobile game there’s Medals and I wanted them to be in my story basically They’re Memories formed into powers when all my Oc’s Met the Princess’s Of Heart They Each got a Medal Representing them and then the Medals Restored the Castle I left out some details but basically that’s it) This Castle is the BOMB There’s Cool Pretty Princess Room’s And a Bedroom JUST FOR SLUMBER PARTIES!! And it’s just a good Place to Vibe and Hang out with your friends (I’m sorry I’m about to Lore Dumb all over this place) The Princess’s Fiancé Made a Crown for her before she could put it on he put some of his Subconscious in it poor Eden When she wanted to get stronger for Malleus (Malleus is her adoptive big brother and she was upset cause she felt she wasn’t good enough ran away to get power and found the crown) It really did almost completely overtake her I shudder thinking about it “Kachow”...Ew (The fiancé said that a lot ok) a lotta bad stuff happened here but as selfish as this may sound I feel like I earned my spot here and I wanna keep sharing it with my friends
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The Matteria Deadland
(Also Imagine some Pointy Mountains and some Lite Mech debris)
Man What to say... So Much Happened here as well probably Tragedy I can’t comprehend there is a few good places about this place though Diane likes to Scavange around Here for Interesting Debris Eden doesn’t like the Air around here but she says she finds Interesting Jewels here and Latte says the same thing so there is good to be found here We all come here every so often to try to help..Anything grow but they don’t call this deadland for nothing but still ya can’t give up hope! I wanna grow some beautiful Lillies here one day! Also hey! Also pretty cool name (Matter-RI-a is how you say it btw) All the sadness that happened here it actually did make the land rich in Metal if nothing else there’s even a whole Cavern we found in the mountains...it almost killed us but we found it
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Opal Cove
(also these are Gacha Backgrounds)
Is this Place an Actual Cove? Idk
Is this Place super cool and pretty? Yeah
Is this one of my favorite places in this whole Isle? FRICK YEAH
okay I love a lot about this Isle but Opal Cove!!
Our mermaid friend Mitella I guess “Runs” the Place Our KINDA merman Friend Skye also spends a whole lotta time here Basically it’s a Giant Pool and rumor has it...It’s endless Water...CAUSE IT IS SOMEHOW CAUSE I KNOW weird thing is the Sand it’s at the end of the Isle so there’s not really a beach just...Sand Near Water Odd The Coral Near the Bottom or well “Bottom” Is SO PRETTY it’s like Crystals in the morning the light shines its SO DANG PRETTY I’m glad Mitella is a Sea Witch Or else we couldn’t go so deep underwater it’s SOOO worth it!! She does NOT let a lotta people at once though Heck she doesn’t like Skye that much from what I can tell but she makes an Exception for ~friends~ So...BE NICE TO OUR CUTE MITELLA I’m glad we have a Convient Place for Blitzball practice and also Swimming around with pretty Mermaid Tails (New Nix Mermaid Action Fashion Doll only 25.99! Get it for your Child or they’ll cry!! Also a 5 dollar Boy doll take his Shirt off! That’s it!) Hyde Mi And Skye are kinda an Iconic Trio Mi Also Teaches how to swim with a mermaid tail better for the Weilders who wanna go to Atlantica Hey Mermaids gotta eat so get a Swim Lesson! (And also a transforming Mermaid Doll!)
Bianco Nero Forest
Well tbh I have the least to say because it’s Appeal is simple ADVENTURE AND MYSTERY! Lots can happen in Bianco Nero it’s Basically the Base foundation of the whole Isle! Presumably cause it’s the Black Forest or was at least though it can be dangerous it’s the only place heartless are know to appear in the whole isle (So where you’ll grind In the Video Game that’ll definitely happen :Says the girl who can’t commit to a single comic) They drop all sortsa cool stuff! Heck you can FIND Cool stuff just...Around so..Yeah!!
It’s 2 am maybe I’ll edit this later thanks for reading sorry I got obviously tired by the end goodbye my dearests~ (Seriously y’all deserve like a reward for reading this dumpster fire) I was inspired by those maps in those scholastic books like the Rainbow Fairies I think it was called (Anyone remember those?) that had lil maps in the beginning and also the map’s stickers all on PicsArt
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
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Part 3 of 4
Summary: After an unimaginable loss, you discover your powers and become even more cemented in your faith. Sam experiences a similar loss and struggles with it. When you meet, how will your lives change?
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Indian!Superhero!Reader
Words: 1,922
A/N: This is for @bucky-smiles 2K Bollywood Writing Challenge! My prompt was Jab Tak Hai Jaan. The thing that stood out most to me was both of the protagonists’ struggles and/or commitments to faith, so that’s what I drew on for this fic. Although I know that Sam is an orphan in the comics, having lost both his parents to violence, I had him be raised by his mother, so she’s still alive here.
Beta’d by: The lovely @bucky-smiles herself. I wanted to make sure I did the culture and religion justice, so thank you! Also beta’d by another Indian lovely @emilyshurley​, who also made the above aesthetic for me. Thank you both for working with me. It meant a lot for me to get the culture and religion right because representation fucking matters, so your help was invaluable to me. <3
A relationship, or gasp!, love had never really been in the plans, until that morning at the Washington monument, bonding with a man named Sam Wilson about the infuriating whirlwind that was the 30-minute, 13-mile Steve Rogers. “He’s insufferable, right?” You asked, breaths heavy yet steady at your pace.
“Unbearable,” he laughed, letting go of the competition with Steve to hang back with you. “You’re Agni, right? New Avenger?”
“Been with them for about two years now, so not new. But newer. And the name’s Y/N. And despite the “A” it’s pronounced ‘ugh-nee. It’s the Sanskrit word for fire.” He smiled; impressed.
You’d never felt the need to hide your story – how you became who you were - but what Sam said next took you aback. “Sorry about your mom.”
“Thanks,” you replied, smiling fondly at the memory of her perfectly imperfect smile and shining brown eyes. “I can’t say for sure why I made it out and she didn’t. All I know is what I believe. I plan to do right by her memory.”
“That’s really admirable,” he said genuinely. “I lost someone too, and I think it broke my faith. I admire anyone who can keep it.”
“I have to,” you replied. “My faith grounds me.”
It was your distinct differences in regards to loss and faith that drew you closer. Sam was consistently inspired by your ability to hold onto something so intangible as faith when you’d lost so much. After every mission, you all needed to decompress, and you decompressed in your own unique ways, but time and time again, the two of you spent your time together, watching bad movies, eating popcorn, playing pool – or more accurately kicking Sam’s ass at pool – but hey.
Though he’d lost his faith in God, you’d encouraged him not to lose faith all together, instead channeling that belief into something tangible. “What do you mean?”
“Well, faith is a shaky thing for some people. Because you can’t see it. What can you see? What can you see that you believe in?”
“This team. People. I believe in people.”
“Then that’s where your faith lies. You still have it; it’s just changed course.”
“How are you so wise?” He asked with a laugh.
“Just gifted, I suppose.” Leaning over, you kissed the underside of his chin. Somehow, through all this, you’d just found each other. There’d never been any official discussion of what you were to each other – you just knew. He was your best friend and confidant; the man you loved. Another blessing you were sure. There was no animosity between you and anyone else on the team; you got along with everyone, but you found solace in Sam, and he in you.
No one questioned it either. Not even Tony. Though he poked fun every now and then, which you would of course return, because he had Pepper. After a week without any action, you were almost starting to feel left out, until you, Sam, Nat and Steve were called on a mission.
At the rendezvous point, Fury briefed you on your mission. “Pieter Sidorov,” he said, looking straight toward Natasha. “You know him, right?”
“The Russian scientist and mass murderer? Yea, I’m familiar with his work. Rescue mission?”
“Extraction. We still don’t like the guy. He’s still a grade-A asshole. But after the fall of Hydra here, everyone left that’s loyal has gone into hiding. And Sidorov is aiding what’s left of Hydra within KGB airspace. I need the four of you to get him and bring him back. We need him alive.”
The four of you nodded simultaneously, your mission clear. With the help of a few still-trusted SHIELD pilots, you made your way into former KGB airspace. “Okay, what’s the game plan?” Sam asked, already outfitted in the new and improved EXO suit; Tony had made a few adjustments in the likely case one or both of the wings were damaged, so hopefully he would never be down for the count again. “Who the hell is this guy?”
“Pieter Sidorov is a fucking genius. When you have that kind of intelligence, you go one of two ways, good guy or the worst guy. Guess which Sidorov is?” Nat started. “Anyway, he has no superpowers himself. It’s his suit. He developed a suit that allows him to suck the powers, and essentially life, from other super-powered people.”
“What can he do?” You asked. “He’s just any regular guy without the suit, but with? What do we have to look forward to?”
Natasha raised an eyebrow, rattling off the list of abilities the suit imbued him with – telekinesis and telepathy. “With, obviously, the added bonus of sucking whatever powers you and Steve have,” she said, tilting her chin toward you. “So if he’s got the suit, don’t get caught.”
“Thanks, Nat,” you laughed. “We go in teams of two, yea?”
Tony and Steve were your de facto leaders, so you all looked to Steve for your assignments. “Yea. Nat and I will infiltrate the right side, you and Sam go left. Nat will hack us into the system and shoot the map of the inside of the helicarrier to your watches. You might think we need the suit too, but we don’t. It’s programmed to work with his DNA. Without him the suit is useless. We take everyone out in our way and grab Sidorov, unharmed, and bring him back to Fury. From there –“ He hesitated. “From there, I don’t want to know what Fury’s gonna do with him.”
You trusted Fury, but he was definitely a scary man. “Me either.”
“All of us will leave the way Nat and I went in. Sam, make sure your wings are operational. The rest of us, make sure our parachutes are ready to go. As soon as the pilots make the drop off, they’re out. When we hit the ground, Nat has a way out.”
“What way?” Sam asked. “Car, bus, train?” She didn’t answer, her face showing no indication of releasing her secret. “Secret underground base?”
When she raised her eyebrow, you and Sam exclaimed at the same time. “Shut the fuck up.”
Smiling, Steve ensured that everyone had their orders. “Alright,” he said, turning toward you and Sam as the pilot pulled into the hellicarrier’s airspace. “See you two on the other side. Be careful.”
“You too, Cap,” you said quietly.
After Steve and Nat jumped onto the roof of the carrier and made their way inside, the pilots swung around the left, letting you and Sam out before speeding away under the cloak of night. “Back me up,” you said softly.
“Always.” Your back was to him but he spoke with a smile. “Ten o’clock.” Sam hid in the shadows as a man, presumably a guard, approached. Your size, and apparently boobs, always made men underestimate you, leaving you the perfect opportunity to slip them into a chokehold and wait until they passed out.
The moment the guard fell to the floor, Sam emerged from the dark hallway. “Have I told you how sexy that is?” He asked.
“Not now, Sam,” you laughed. “But yes. And please tell me more when we get the fuck out of here.”
Within a minute of knocking the guard out, Nat had uploaded the map to your watches. Unfortunately, it also alerted the entire crew on board to your presence. You figured that would happen. “Alright, stay at the ready,” Sam spoke. “How many people on this helicarrier?”
“About 500.”
“Fuckin wonderful.”
Quickly, you glanced down at the map on your watch, charting the quickest and easiest way to where they were keeping Sidorov. “Right in the middle. Great. They’re coming after us either way. Wanna stealth it or make an entrance?” You asked.
“Baby, do you even have to ask?” Sam laughed.
“Entrance it is.” As you charged forward, Sam followed your lead, handling any stragglers that happened to make it beyond your wall of fire. Those that didn’t run scared, fell victim to your wrath, dissolving into piles of ash snaking through the grates at your feet.
From the opposite end of the vessel, you heard the cacophony of screaming voices. Of course, Steve and Nat were holding their own just fine.
A nearly 300-pound, 6 foot tall Russian made his way past you. Big dude, but agile as hell. He’d assumed you were the strength out of you and Sam, disregarding him to try and take you out. But that was his mistake. As the man put you in a chokehold, Sam pulled out a knife, dropping down and slicing both of his Achilles before spin-kicking him in the face and over the railing. “Thanks, babe.”
“No problem. Let’s go. I want outta here.”
Your well-oiled machine moved swiftly through the maze-like hallways. You’d have a few cuts and bruises, but since joining the Avengers, that was pretty much Tuesday. As you approached the room where Sidorov was being kept, you made your silent prayers for the successful completion of this mission. You’d always prayed beforehand, in one way or another, but in the thick of it, you couldn’t help but offer up a few more silent prayers.
Melting the metal doors before you, Sam barreled past you and grabbed Sidorov, before running straight into Nat and Steve. Sidorov’s eyes sparked with a hint of recognition. “Natasha?”
“Aww, so sweet, you remember. You’re coming with us.”
Steve took the front lines of your escape route, using his shield to push over everyone in his way, while Nat and Sam handled the scientist and you kept an eye on your six. “You ready to jump?” You yelled, wind whipping your skin as Nat opened the door they’d entered. She pushed Sidorov out, sans parachute, and was followed quickly by Steve, leaving you and Sam to bring up the rear.
“Go!” Sam screamed.
Despite having jumped out of planes with the team before, it never got any easier. As you sailed through the air, you chanced a glance back and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Sam jump too, only to watch a hook pierce the middle of his wings, ripping them off, and knocking him off balance. He spiraled in mid-air; you screamed into the wind, unable to do anything else but pray Tony’s upgrades kicked in.
Turning your attention toward the rapidly-increasing ground below, you waited for the right moment to deploy your parachute. When you ripped the cord, the parachute deployed, but apparently during your scuffle with the Russian guards, one of them had managed to slash it.
“Fuck!” Your heart raced as the ground approached, bracing for impact.
Sam panicked for a moment before his backup wings exploded out of the back of the EXO, giving him control once again. When he looked down, he saw his worst nightmare. “Not again. God, not again.” Y/N was fast approaching the earth with a slit parachute; she had a healing factor sure, but there would be nothing to heal if she pancaked into the pavement.
He retracted his wings and sped toward the ground, his hand stretched out in an attempt to grab her, the parachute, anything that might soften the fall. “Please God, don’t do this to me.”
Within a few hundred feet of the ground, he managed to grab her, only to have the chute make him lose his grip. For the second time in his life, Sam watched as someone he loved fell toward the unforgiving earth.
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The Infiltration
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Eh? Who the fuck are you?
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Um. Apologies...I got a call about a broken light?
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Oh...so you’re the repair guy? Arrived quicker than I thought...
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I like to be on time...
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Well good. Yeah, a couple lights on the second floor of the building went kaput...We were thinking the circuit broke or something...The main box is on the outside of the building, just down the hall to your left.
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Thanks. But um...Sorry if this seems like I’m being too personal, but would you mind if I took a look at the indoor circuit too? 
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The fuck? Why?
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It’s just to get a better look at the whole system...yeah, I’d rather not bore you with the details...I don’t wanna do it either, but it’s company policy.
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Don’t worry, I won’t touch anything I’m not supposed to.
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Hm...Fine, if that’s the case. There’s a security office on the left.
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Thank you very much.
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So...Security Office.
*He takes out the walkie-talkie that he had hidden in his pocket.
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Hey, this is Shuichi. What’s my next move?
Kyoko: Good. You’re inside. Where are you right now?
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I hid away in the security office. There’s no one in here with me right now...
Kyoko: Ok, good. Keep an eye out in that room. There should be a map of the whole building.
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Ok, I found it...Ok, so Eje Karma’s room is on the top floor, and it looks like there are three ways up...The stairs, the elevator, or the fire stairs outside...
Chihiro: I think the best course of action would be to take the the fire stairs. The electric box is out that way, so you wouldn’t get caught...What you do from there, I don’t know...
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I’ll figure something out...It’s just to my left out the office, right?
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There’s the box that Chihiro cut...Sorry buddy, but I guess you’re not being fixed today...
Hey! You!
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You. You’re the repair dude, right? Here to fix the lights?
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U-Um...yeah, I am...
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C’mere a sec...got somethin’ ya need to look at...
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O-Ok...(Shoot...Don’t have a choice...)
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*Shuichi follows the guy to the second floor. He leads him into an office.
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Look at this. Our fucking TV’s not working...Mind fixing it for us? Powers on but nothing’s showing up...
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Um...Well, I’d like to, but unfortunately, TV’s aren’t really within our expertise...
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Oh Bull-fucking-shit! Look, you’re an electrician! TV’s run on fucking electricity! Get the fuck to work, and maybe I’ll pay ya extra...
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(Dammit...What to do...)
Kyoko: Shuichi? What’s going on?
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Huh? What’s that? I just heard a voice...
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Oh, s-sorry, that’s my work radio...L-Let me switch it off...
*Shuichi reaches into his pocket and turns off the walkie-talkie
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(That was close...but I’m still in deep...I’ve never even fixed a computer before! How am I supposed to fix a whole Television!?)
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We’re waiting...!
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S-Sorry um...
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Hm...It looks like the TV itself isn’t broken...The connectivity isn’t right...
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Don’t you gotta take off panels and fiddle with the wiring and shit?
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No, there’s no need for that...I’ll just have to...
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S-Sorry for this...
*Shuichi smacks the top of the TV. Unfortunately, this gets no reaction...
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Hey, don’t break the damn thing...!
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I know, I’m sorry, but it’s really just that simple...Mind if I hit it a little harder?
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Just don’t crack it or nothin’
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Th-Thank you.
*His face profusely sweating, Shuichi hits the TV with his knee. Surprisingly enough, it works, and the TV turns back on.
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Damn! That’s cool! Didn’t realize it was that easy.
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Well, I can’t say I blame you. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders...
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Whatd’ya mean?
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Normally when these types of things stop working, a lot of people try and give it a good smack to get it working again.
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Guess you didn’t want to risk it...
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Ah, I see...well, thanks for that. Sorry ‘bout all this...I’ll letcha get back to work...
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Thank you...
*Shuichi goes to leave the room, but then as he does, someone else walks in.
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Huh? The fuck are you?
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Oh, s-sorry...
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Captain Karma! This is the dude who came to fix the lights. We just had him take a look at the TV.
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Yeah, what he said...(It’s him! Eje Karma!)
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I-Is something wrong sir...?
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You...You ain’t the usual guy...That’s kinda weird...
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Oh...(They have a usual guy!? How often do the lights go out in this building!?)
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(Then again...this place does look a bit run down...and there’s so many people taking refuse in here...)
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This is the first time anyone else’s come for us...What happened to him, huh?
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Tch...I’m gonna get to the bottom of this...
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Ah, sir wait a moment!
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What is it?
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Th-The thing is...um...
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I feel like there’s been a bit of a mistake down the line...What company did you have your men call?
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Huh? Called in Light Electrics...Ain’t that the company where you work...?
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Ah...I see the problem...
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I think you might have called in two repairmen...I’m from a different company.
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What company...?
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It’s called...Um...
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Kalls: 1. Breaks: 0...
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“Kalls: 1 Breaks 0?”
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Yes, Calls spelled with a K. K1-B0 for short...
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Can’t say I’ve hearda you...
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Yeah, so I guess someone else called me in accidentally...
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...(Please buy it! Please, for the love of Atua, buy it!)
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I see...Well, sorry ‘bout all this...You gonna get back to work then?
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Yes sir, if you’ll let me. I’m terribly sorry about all this...
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Nah S’okay...Just a bit of an error I guess...
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Need me to pay you or somethin’
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No, it’s fine. Someone already told me they’d sort it out after I was done...
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Well, you do your thing. Sorry ‘bout all this, again...
*Eje goes up the stairs to his office.
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(Wow...I am surprisingly good at lying!)
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(Well...at least I tricked him...That was terrifying though!)
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*Shuichi hides in a quiet corner where no one can see him and turns his walkie-talkie back on.
Kyoko: Shuichi! Respond! Please respond...!
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Sorry Ms Kirigiri, I’m here...I didn’t mean to worry you...
Chihiro: Oh thank god...You’re ok. I feared the worst...
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So did I...I had a run in with Captain Karma, but I was able to trick him.
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He’s probably back at his office above me. But in order to get there, I need to take the stairs...
Kyoko: So, what’s the problem?
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There’s a locked door, and I can’t get in...It’s a security lock too, so I can’t pick it...
Chihiro: Hm...You’re on the third floor, right Shuichi?
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Yeah, I am?
Chihiro: Would you mind going to the window and opening it?
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*Shuichi opens the window and recoils in surprise as Chihiro’s drone flies in through the window.
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Chihiro: I worked with Kazuichi to make a modification to the drone...Stand back.
*The drone flies to the lock and a small, screwdriver looking instrument extrudes from it. A few electrical sparks glow as the screwdriver touches the lock, and then it suddenly opens.
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Ah! It worked!
Kyoko: Those stairs will take you to the roof Shuichi. If you go up there and go down the fire escape, you should be able to get to Eje’s office.
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Got it...
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*Shuichi gets to the roof and witnesses a couple of the gang members having an argument. More specifically, it seems like a brawl is going on and a bunch of people are making bets.
Chihiro: I can see about...14 gang members there...
Kyoko: They look busy. I think you should try and sneak past them...
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Got it...
*Shuichi scales the edge areas of the roof and works his way around several pipes and stacks of crates that are just lying around on the roof. He easily manages to sneak past the fight and then runs into a fence. In an attempt to climb it, he scales over and unfortunately lands on an unbalanced pile of crates.
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*He loses his footing and slips, which attracts the attention of the fight observers...
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Hey! Who’re you!?
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Ah w-well...
*Before Shuichi can reply, three gang members strut up to him and grab him.
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Alright...Screw it!
*Shuichi removes his hat and in self defense, headbutts the man who grabbed him. He dodges punches from some other assailants and then jump kicks another guy.
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Oh no!
*After being knocked back, the guy Shuichi kicks falls backwards off the roof of the building. Shuichi, at the fastest speed he can run, rushes up and grabs his leg, saving him from falling to hsi death.
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*Shuichi, with as much strength as he can muster, is successfully able to pull him back up onto the roof. The thug passes out from the shock of the situation though. Shuichi sighs in relief, but that relief is washed away when he realises he’s surrounded.
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Who the fuck are you, you bastard!?
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*Eje struts onto the scene...
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Captain Karma...?
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Let me guess...You really ain’t some maintenance guy, are ya?
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Apologies, no...I wanted to speak to you about something of utmost importance, and unfortunately, this was the only way I could do so...
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Awright...Tell me something pal...
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Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t have your skull smashed in with a slab o’ concrete!?
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Simple...You owe me...
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Your buddy was just about to fall off the roof and I saved his life...In this gang, you believe you should repay the people you’re indebted to, right?
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I don’t know about you, but I think that includes me now...
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Captain Karma, don’t listen to this fuckers talk! He’s trying to buy his way outta this...
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I should also tell you that my allies have already have us surrounded secretly. If you kill me, there’s no way you’re getting my body out of this building...
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I don’t know what you want, but tell me who you are...and maybe I’ll consider it...
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My name is Detective Shuichi Saihara.
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Detective? Wait, you’re a cop?
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No, not exactly. I’m a detective, but I don’t work for the police.
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Hey, assholes, get back to work!
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Spud! Chum! You two come with me and...Shyhara, to my office...
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Thank you for your hospitality Mr Karma...
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You got this Kyoko?
Kyoko: Yes. We can see you with the drone. Looks like you got caught huh?
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Sorry...I failed you again...
Kyoko: You did no such thing. Your mission was to get an audience with Karma, and you’ve succeeded. But do me a favour. Don’t tell him about your walkie-talkie unless you absolutely need to.
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Got it...!
*Shuichi follows Eje and his goons.
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Clipped Wings
Summary: Yancy tends to know more than he lets on, which is why the heroes have some questions for him.
A/N: Happy Visitation Day Everyone! Yancy still didn’t want to leave.
Silver touched down just outside the security gates of “Happy Trails Penitentiary”. Jackie zipping in to stand beside him in the same second.
The black and white themed superhero let out a long sigh, “Honestly, it amazes me that more of these guys aren’t in prison.”
“Real question is why it took so long fer us ta find out about him,” Jackie questioned. “Shouldn’t Dark have broken him out ages ago?”
“Yeah, that’s been bothering me all night,” Silver walked up.
The two heroes walked up to the front gate.
“I.D,” the woman at the heavily secured booth ordered.
“Are you kidding me?” Silver asked.
“We live in a town of shapeshifters and illusionists,” she reminded, “ID.”
Jackie nodded, “Fair, how can do this without showing our identity where Dark can get them?”
It took a considerable amount of time, and Abe vouching for their identities in person, and by that time, Silver was certain that Dark had to know they were at the penitentiary. But they walked in the staff lobby to meet the Warden.
“Greeting gentlemen, I am Warden Murder Slaughter,” the Warden smiled.
Silver and Jackie both glared at the name, immediately suspicious but that was an investigation for another day. “Now you two are here for an inmate? I can assure you my prisoners are well-behaved and we haven’t had any problems in this prison for decades.”
“Right, we’re here to speak with a Mr. Yancy Times,” Silver asked. “He knows information that we need for an investigation.”
The Warden smiled, leaning in a bit, “Might I ask which investigation that is?”
“Not a lot ta talk ‘bout,” Jackie confessed. “But Yancy’s got information on a series a cases we’re tryin’ ta solve. That he can give us info on a suspect.”
The Warden smiled, looking between the two of them before he began to walk away, “Come with me. I’ll have our Yancy brought to a questioning room.”
A guard led them into a room with a couple tables and chairs. The room was empty but Jackie could see areas where people had recently been. “Hey, this guy’s creepy right?” Jackieboy asked.
“Oh yeah, but we need to talk to this Yancy kid, and hope it goes somewhere,” Silver answered.
The two heroes sat down at a table and about five minutes passed before the Warden walked back in, “Well, here he is boys.”
Behind the Warden was a younger man with greased back black hair, and tattoos all over his arms and knuckles. He gave a small, non-committal wave. The Warden slapped Yancy on the shoulder, “We’ll be watching, have fun.”
“Course, Warden,” Yancy answered before sticking his hands under his arms and walking over to sit down.
The three of them were left with a single guard watching them. They sat in silence for a little bit.
“So,” Jackie began, “Yer Yanc, huh?”
Yancy frowned, his head slightly cocking to the side as he glared at them, mouth forming a thin line. “Whatever happened, I’s gots two life sentences an’ I’m not goin’ anywheres.”
“We wanted to talk about Dark,” Silver corrected. 
Yancy froze, his mouth tensing twice, “Well he works outta couple weird warehouses an’ lives in’a freaky haunted house.”
“Is that place actually haunted?” Jackie asked.
Yancy let out a little huff and a smile, then he shrugged, “Prolly, I mean have youse really seen the guy?”
“Several times,” Silver reminded. “We know you used to work for him, it’s how you wound up in trouble, he possessed you didn’t he?”
Yancy let out a laugh, “Me, possessed by him? Nah, youse got it the other way around. I’s did that, it was all me. An’ I ain’t givin’ the Ol’ Man credit fer it.”
“We think one of the other kids that Dark grabbed killed people like you killed people,” Silver told him.
Yancy leaned back, “Look, news flash if youse guys are reopenin’ missin’ cold cases, last I heard the guy was dead as a doorstop. Don’t know how but I wasn’t exactly surprised, he made more enemies than anyone’s I know.”
“This killer is alive an’ kicking,” Jack warned. “Dark is usin’ him ta kill people like he used you ta kill people.”
“Look, it’s sweet that youse guys wants ta make me feel better,” Yancy spat, clearly getting increasingly angry. “But I was the one who chose ta kill two completely inn’acent, that’s why I’m in here an’ not out there wit’ the rest of youse!”
“Kay, okay,” Silver cut in, trying to calm Yancy down. “You say you did it, you did it.”
“I did,” Yancy spat.
“Okay,” Silver agreed, “but people are still dying. It’s not you, because like you’ve said you were here, but there’s still someone out there. All I have to ask is this: how many kids did Ed give Dark. We know he did, he gave you to him. How many kids did Ed give him.”
Yancy scoffed, looking at the guard, looking at his knuckles for a little while, “Five.”
“Just five?” Silver asked.
Yancy nodded, “Yeah, not that that tellin’ youse anythin’ cause on’a ‘em dead and another went missing since I’ve seen them.”
“Ye know where the bodies went?” Jack asked.
Yancy let out something half-between disbelief and a nervous chuckle. “Bodies? Word ta the wise, give up. Youse guys ain’t findin’ no bodies, ain’t nobody ta find anymores.”
“There must be someone,” Jack reminded. “Even the most successful serial killers mess up.”
Yancy rolled his eyes, “Yeah, well Dark only wanted Eddy ta grab orphans an’ I guess he messed up too.” The prisoner gestured to himself. He thought or a couple seconds, scratching his chin. “Look, I’s don’t know where the bodies went, but . . .”
He stopped, “Wait, ta clear the air, we talkin’ bout Artie or someone else?”
“No,” Silver jumped in before Jack could. “We’re looking for someone who’s killing co-ed’s and the bodies are never found. The guy you’re talking about, we know he’d dead.”
“Yeah, no surprise,” Yancy scoffed, he tapped the table and looked back at the camera.
“Worried about the Warden?” Jack asked.
“Nah,” Yancy smiled. “But the Warden’s not the only one watching me. I bet my left foot that both Google and Anti have their hands in the system. The order of the place tends to get him to show up.”
Yancy leaned in whispering, “Look, if I’s tells youse guys about this, youse have ta leave.”
Silver and Jackieboy looked at each other and nodded.
“If it’s not Artie, then it’s Bim,” Yancy whispered. “I don’t know where the bodies go, Artie an’ Bim learned ta kill from Wil, but Dark actually taught ‘em how ta hide the bodies, they would make a whole weekend of it. Youse two ain’t gonna find the bodies in town.”
“I knew it,” Jackieboy’s hand tightened into a fist.
“Yeah, yeah, just don’t go expecting me ta sing in court, I’s ain’t leavin’ my family here,” Yancy said louder, leaning back.
“We could protect you,” Silver promised. “He won’t hurt you.”
Yancy stood up, holding his hands up, “Forget about it, I’s leave, an’ he wins.”
“Who?” Jack asked.
“Who else,” Yancy scoffed, squaring his shoulders. “Now if youse will ‘cuse me, fellas, I got’s ta make myself scarce fer a couple hours.”
“What do you mean?” Silver asked.
Yancy smiled and backed up to the long-haired security guard standing by the door. “Hey, buddy, how’s it goin’?”
“Yancy, the hell you want?” The security barked angrily.
The inmate gave a wry half smile, then punched him across the face.
“Hey! Hey!” Silver flew over and pulled Yancy off who started humming and Silver froze as if something held him spellbound. His arms dropped Yancy as the prisoner began snapping his fingers rhythmically.
“Stop him!” The guard shouted and tackled Yancy to the ground, forcing his head to the ground. “If this punk start’s singing he hypnotizes people”
“Is he kept around other prisoners?” Jackie asked,concerned. Yancy was clearly wincing in pain, but beneath it there was a hint of a smile.
“We use him to keep the other prisoners in line,” the guard said.
“What the Sam Hell is going on in here?” The Warden stormed in through the doors, glaring at everyone.
Yancy stopped smiling.
“This punk walked over and started punching me, then he tried to thrall the superheroes,” the guard accused.
“Really?” The Warden glared at Yancy. “Take him to solitary, I’ll have words with him in a minute.”
“E’pect my uncle to come by,” Yancy grimaced as he was hauled up. “Bunch ‘a loose lips around here.”
“I don’t wanna hear a peep out of you, or I’ll ship you back to that demon, Heaven knows he complains enough,” the Warden threatened.
Yancy’s mouth became a flat line and to both Silver and Jackie’s amazement, Yancy didn’t say anything. The guard pulled him away.
The Warden watched him go, “I blame that cotton candy psycho for teaching him such poor manners.”
“Isn’t this a prison,” Jackie asked. “Don’t people want’a leave?”
The Warden just smiled, “You’ll find that here in Happy Trails Penitentiary, we believe in rehabilitation and keeping the truly dangerous separated from society until they can reintegrate with society.”
Jackieboy Man clapped his hands and brought his hands to his mouth.
“What?” Silver asked, in surprise and a little bit of confusion.
“Well we got what we need, an’ we’ll get outta yer business,” Jackie interrupted.
“For the best,” the Warden smiled. “A guard will see you out.”
“Right, let’s go Silv’ come on,” Jackie smiled and zipped out with Silver before another guard could show up.
“What was that for?” Silver asked, the two of them a safe distance from the penitentiary.
“Look, thanks ta Marv, I’ve dealt with a lot’a cults, an’ that in there is a fookin’ cult,” Jackie spat, pointing back in the direction of the prison. Both of the heroes were too heated with their conversation to notice the cameras in an alleyway shudder and snap in their direction, the lens turning green.
“Kay, so what do we do? Shouldn’t we go back in there?” Silver motioned back.
“We’ll talk ta Morality and the others, I don’t like the whole mess,” Jack said. “See yah back at the base, I think Marv was out looking for more spells, gonna talk to him.”
“Right, see you around,” Silver said as Jack raced off. The monochromatic superhero flew off, the camera watching him go before shaking and returning to normal, Anti slipping out to follow the direction that Jack had run off towards.
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jess-the-vampire · 4 years
Sky And The Forces Of The Multiverse, Chapter 35
Previous / Next Star was quick to shout at the commission, pointing fingers at them. "You have no business bringing that up in here!!", The queen sounded furious, "My daughter was only trying to defend someone, of course the magic turned green! When someone you care about is in a life threatening situation against someone else, that would naturally trigger a lot of anger directed towards the attacker! The magic becomes green and more violent, you cannot just take from that that my daughter had those kind of intentions! It can't always be controlled!". "Wait Star, you never mentioned sky did use magic like that to us.", Marco turned their head to their best friend, the blonde sweating, "If it's really not such a big deal and can happen without any intentions to cause that kinda harm....why have you not addressed it before now?". The makeshift courtroom sprang into loud chatter on the subject and Judas quickly took hold of sky's arm, he didn't like where this was going, and his quickly tried to defuse it. "Hold on, this has nothing to do with the trial at hand, this is a trial focused entirely on angel himself! This has nothing to do with his accusation of treason!". "No, but the princess herself is friends with the accused and we have reason to believe she knows more then she's letting on-".
Sky felt herself panicking. No no no no NO. They were so close to getting through this whole thing and....THESE idiots were about to bring her into this as someone who ALSO may of committed treason? They weren't planning to bring out the evidence of her being at all those locations were they? Because if they did her mom would be forced to explain the reason they were there was because of her investigation and if they dove any deeper, well, the other girls would be exposed in front of all these people and what had really been going on. Get dethroned and arrested or have your magical sisters exposed and have who knows what happen to them didn't sound like solid options for Sky. "Marco, I-I just said, it's not of much importance! All Sky had done was try and defend someone who was almost killed!", Star quickly composed herself, "I-I...I didn't want to deal with it because the last time something like that happened....". Sky looked at her feet, Right, the kingdom freaked out for a bit at her, star deciding then and now to help her learn as to prevent anything worse from happening. Figures her mom wouldn't want to talk about it to save sky from any further protest from the citizens. "Star, doesn't every little detail matter in this kinda situation?". "It doesn't matter anyway, that kinda magic only happens during immense feelings of negativity or anger and as far as we're aware it did not hurt the masked thief. You cannot claim my daughter had plans to kill someone under these merits, not only did she do it out of self defense for the prince, but that magic is unpredictable and unplanned. My daughter is not trained enough to control such a thing and this is slander against her! You have no evidence!". "We have evidence...". "You have evidence you gathered when trying to prove she had a stay in this crime somehow but even if you had a point, you have no evidence she tried to kill the masked thief, it's most likely she only intended to stop them from hurting the boy before worse could happen.", Star was glaring dagger at this point, "And she's justified in that, because the person in question was clearly dangerous and could've hurt someone else if she hadn't stepped in." "Well, whose to say she was intending to kill the masked foe?". "What are you claiming here.....?". Rhombulus crossed his arms. "We're saying...what if she was the one that blasted the prince in the back instead?." Judas stood in front of his best friend, his protective instincts kicking in quickly, "I beg your pardon? WE were there? All of us, we all saw what actually happened. Sky wasn't the one who hurt angel! She stopped him from getting hurt any further! Where the heck are you-". But they raised their hand at him, he grumbled, "Yes, and all the witnesses? Friends and family of the princess, all able to easily lie in order to protect the princess. The princess was at odds with the prince for some time now, it is entirely possible she intended to hurt him to keep him quiet.". "That is NOT true!", Angel hissed, his legs growing more outstretched, "Where in the world are you pulling this nonsense from!? You're just accusing her of attacking me because you want to! The queens saw the masked being, they saw sky stop her from hurting me! How dare you ever assume sky would try to hurt me like this!?". Judas and Sky had never seen the prince so angry before, not in any of their fights, not in any of his screaming at the queen. He looked so enraged his eyes were starting to glow red. "They saw when the princess blasted at the thief, they did not see who had blasted angel the first time, all we have to go off of mainly is the testimonies. Sky herself has evidence left behind that proves she had been at every single crime scene that the enemy went to, now yes, this masked person is a thief and up to no good. But there is much reason to believe the princess is also linked to them, it's not entirely impossible for her to be working with the prince and the masked individual and a fight breaking out between them, is it?", Omni's face suddenly looked a lot more punchable to Sky. "This is still guesswork, the witnesses here all deny any of this!". "And they're all her friends are they not?". Star was silent. "We're only removing all possibilities before you can make your judgement, if sky is responsible then angel's words are put into question are they not? If he'd lie to defend the princess, who knows how much of what he stated is factual, after all, the others all appear to be close as well.". The room was talking heavily and sky didn't like the looks being thrown her way from the people in the room, judas sending a glance his parent's way to reassure to them what he said was factual. They knew this was all bunk, but not everyone did. "Hold off here, unless you have decisive proof sky was doing the things you say she was then this is nothing more then a theory. Are you seriously intending to harm her and angel over a theory? You have got to be kidding me here! These are teenagers here! Did you or did you not imprison eclipsa over incorrect assumptions, total fabrications, and only just to get her out of your way because she loved a monster?", Marco glared at hekapoo specifically, "There's a reason we knew you couldn't be in charge of this trial, stuff like THIS!". "C'mon muscles, you're being defensive, if none of this really happened it should be easy to prove right?". "That didn't stop you before...". Tom quickly calmed the queen down, though there was noticeable smoke coming from his nose. "Fine, you wanna get this outta the way so we can remove all possibilities, then so be it....if we're to make this final decision we should indeed remove any other possibilities, however, even if this idea were to prove angel and all these witnesses as unreliable, how does this tie into angel's treason? This trial is to discuss his betrayal and his role in all the incidents, not to mention what went down the day he was taken in. What does sky attacking him have to do directly with what this trial is talking about?", Tom crossed his arms, he looked ready to kill, even if he was keeping his anger contained as best he could. "It's fairly simple, the prince here is being trialed for betraying the kingdom of mewni and all the people who run it, simply put....if sky had a part to play she'd be under treason as well, that's why it ties into this, think about this....if this boy as so incompetent at doing his job, someone else must've been feeding the being this info instead shouldn't they? How else would they know so much about our systems?. This boy is clearly not capable enough to know everything the others know, but the princess is, and they had already been meetings between them thanks to their classes together. Now while fine, we are technically sorta basing this off traces of evidence of the princess being at all the scenes without really knowing for sure, this princess spends regular time with the accused, has traces at every crime scene, has shown to use this magic when she's mad at anyone, her bubble charm was even used at the scene of the spiderbite attack!". The whispers had evolved to full out discussions between the people of mewni, and sky felt her heart beat faster and her stomach twist and turn. "You have to admit, as much as it is a theory, there's a lot of coincidences going on here, there is clearly something wrong here that the prince or princess is not telling us, there is no way the princess just happened to be at all these same locations, or everyone who saw this incident just so happened to be people they were close with and would be trusted to keep things quiet. Not to mention these two royals themselves have had ongoing conflict for ages, and here they are protecting each other all buddy buddy-". "If sky hurt me you'd think I'd defend her? What's the story here, do we hate each other or not?! Sky would have to hate me to attack me wouldn't she?", Angel hissed further. "We suggest two possibilities, either sky had blasted you for trying to bail out of the deal, or you two planned this together, considering the thief had yet to lay a true finger on anyone that we've seen and witnessed, it's entirely possible you felt an injury would be necessary in order to get them captured and taken down. Now not to blast you ourselves, but you have a clear attachment to the princess, and a willingness to take all fault in your crimes of today, is it out of the question you'd be willing to take the fall for her even if she had betrayed you out of loyalty or affection?". Angel hissed further, "Sky was never involved in this, I never wanted her involved in this, Sky would never have laid a finger on me if I bailed, she has nothing to gain from working with....them....". "She does however, mewni knows her skills, they know she may never reach the peak of other queens, doesn't working with a powerful ally grant you the chance to be everything you want and more, that was why you ended up helping them correct?", the spider hissed further, "You have a clear attachment to the princess, i'd think if she did intend to hurt you i feel you wouldn't be the type to put her in danger, after all, you were clearly fine taking all the blame for what happened when you were taken in.". "It was just me, I swear, I never saw anyone else working for her.". "Then how could the thief possibly know what they did?". "I don't know! They just told me they didn't need my help anymore with those aspects, like they already knew them!". "This back and forth is getting old!", Star, stood up, her gold wings now outstretched and her six arms crossed, "Yes, it's suspicious sky has traces in all these locations, and yes, the stuff the thief knew is suspicious and understandable to worry about, but this stuff can be known by anyone within the royal famlies, someone could've even planted this against my daughter. Prince Angelus may of screwed up heavily, but my daughter wouldn't just trust someone like this for any reason, especially someone she doesn't know.". "But what if she did know them?". "Such as?". "Well, who do we know that's a powerful figure that is connected to both these children, if not you Queen Butterfly, considering you had been with us during one of the invasions...then....we may need to ask eclipsa further questions.", judas leaned over to sky, grumbling, "Because they don't know about the girls or the fact we were directly involved in this, they seem to think the reasons behind are much more sinister, we might have to pull something spectacular to keep this from escalating...". "Well, we sure ain't telling them about the girls...that's for sure...". "Definitely not, they might not have definitive proof but they do have a strong argument you're involved in this a little more then you said you were. It's hard to deny all the coincidences are too much....you being at all the locations, the page of your book, the knowledge the thief knew, the bubble charm...", Then a lightbulb went off in judas's head and before star could say anything further towards the commission, the prince stepped forward and glared towards the commission. "I'm sorry but, what's this about a bubble charm?". "Hmm?". "You mentioned something about a bubble charm, it being used on the spiderbites, and it being sky's right?", they all exchanged glances and nodded, Judas crossing his arms and raining an eyebrow at them. "Um...King and Queen Spiderbite....do you remember this being a thing?". The Slimy king and his Queen both shook their heads, "As i recall...we were all placed under a sleeping charm, I don't recall any of us ever being in...bubbles? That's simply not true.". Actually it was, but but the point being made was that no one knew about that other then judas, sky, luna, landon, nora, fae and celeste....maybe even angel. So why did the commission know about it? Based on Sky's expression, the same realization hit her as well. "Well....no.....that's not....", Rhombus seemed at a lost for words, then he quickly silenced himself. If they knew about it, they'd have to know before the teens even got there, and if that were the case they'd have to explain why they didn't help the trapped mewmans and monsters they had seen and why they weren't there when they woke up. Star exchanged looks with Marco and Tom and turned back to janna, "Guards, Arrest the high commission, we clearly can't take their word seriously on this matter....they're accusing the princess on faulty evidence and faulty information". Even Angel looked puzzled, staring at them as if they had just grown two heads. "Hold up!", Hekapoo shouted out, stopping the guards in their tracks, "Excuse what he said, he's just being silly, but you can't ignore all these odd coincidences can you? We are asking for you and the others to take this all into consideration before you make your verdict, perhaps there isn't a solid argument that the princess attempted to cause harm to either party, but there is an argument to be made she knows more about what's happening then she's letting on, being at all the crime scenes, the fact the person knows butterfly magic, you've checked most if not all your family members to see if they squealed...no results right?". "My daughter is not involved with this...". "Then what is your explanation Queen Butterfly? You can't keep denying something is wrong here! You know there's something wrong here and you fail to have a reason, if someone is indeed framing her, who? Whose framing her?". "Well maybe it's YOU!", Angel lashed out before anyone else could get a word in, "Sounds to me you're so adment to throw her under the bus as soon as you got something weird on her right? After all, were you all not at all those locations yourselves to collect evidence? You could've easily planted these things, and you know about about the queens and the kingdoms of mewni, you could know all the stuff that thing might know now. Heck, you could supply her with the crystals she used for escape!" Angel left the room speechless, he was acting far from the apologetic dork he'd been for some time and more like how he'd been when they fought, confident and angry and passionate. The attention directed towards the commission seemed to make the room extremely tense. No one seemed to be sure where to point the finger but the commission certainly seemed to be getting some glares now. "We're only simply trying to find out the truth for the safety of mewni! If the princess is truly innocent then there's no harm is there? This is only for the safety of mewni, if the princess has other intentions we should be wary of them!", Omni said, voice booming through the room. The spiderbite queen sighed from her seat, star turning to look at her, "You probably shouldn't throw them out yet, truth is it seems they lack solid proof your daughter is involved and you lack proof that counters their proof....if she really did nothing, then i suggest she takes the stand herself and explains what actually happened....we can sort this out and get back on track.". There seemed to be a mutual agreement between the other royals, sky was innocent until proven guilty. Sky stood in place and Judas approached her, offering her comfort, she hugged him as he whispered into her ear. "Something is definitely up with the commission, but we'll have to worry about that later, just see what you can do....ok? I'm here to help if possible". Sky nodded into his body before they separated, the angry spider prince leaning next to judas instead as sky took his place. This trial changing from angel's treason to sky's possible own treason. "You going to be ok angel?", he glanced over to the fuming boy, who was glaring down at the commission. "How dare they....how dare they use this to hurt her...". Guess that was a "No". "We're going to sort this out angel, promise...". He closed his eyes, "This is my fault...." "Angel, it's not your fault...they.....they were doing this way before anyone knew you were involved in this...this isn't because of you...", he reached out to clam him down by angel slapped away his hand, "If i didn't fail, this wouldn't be happening right now, it wouldn't. You can't win this fully unless you admit to the truth, the whole truth....and if you admit the truth there's no telling how much worse this could get. You...You don't have enough proof to prove Sky didn't do what they're claiming without blowing everything....". "We gotta put our heads together, if we can find a way to disprove their claims without revealing any of this we're golden, but...i'm not sure how....truth potions don't fix everything and neither does the box, even mind spying shows more how the person views it and is shaky at best....and they won't trust the testimonies of people she's friends with....we need something they can't find an excuse for, something raw that can't be tampered with whatsoever...but i'm just not...i don't know where we could get something like that from...that's asking so much.....". "Anything that involves magic can be tampered with judas...there's never a perfect answer to fixing every problem, problems will always arise....they will always find some hole in there as to how it could be faked or lied about...you'd be better off finding another approach then to find some non-existent perfect proof that'll somehow magically save the day....". The demon looked to the commission, then back to sky, Angel was right, finding some proof that would truely save sky and themselves was asking for a miracle. But maybe, they could find a different approach to saving her... "Skyler Butterfly, the high commission has accused you of both possible attempted murder and having relations or a connection with the prince and the masked thief, both through evidence and details presented by other witnesses....i'm assuming you think everything they're saying is not true right?", Sky nodded to the Underworld Queen, "Yeah, no kidding none of it is actually true, does anyone really think i'm THAT devious and have so much ill will towards these people...like that i would even rob from my own friend?". She nodded towards the prince leaning against the wall. "Do you have a reason for being at all these locations?". "Yeah, i was in the archives because mom was gonna teach me lessons.....so i kinda thought i should well, look into some of this stuff? So yeah, i went into the archives at one point....I couldn't find what I wanted cause the place was wrecked, and I went back to the castle....I really didn't get a chance to report it before those guys got there and already took those stances. So mom found out and all that, that's why I was there, didn't work out...". Sky tended to be...a bad liar, about as bad as angel. But considering her lies in the past, this one wasn't half bad, probably because it was a half lie instead of a full lie. "The Lucitor Archives?". "Judas is my friend? You don't think at some point he may of shown me around to check out the cool stuff his family owns? He shows me around, i'm good friends with their family, heck, I hang out so much in the underworld at times whose to say someone didn't walk in with some of my hair on their clothes?". And there was the weaker lie. "The vaults are heavily guarded and cleaned every week, a guard would've seen you go in there if you had." "Then someone probably walked in with my hair on them, maybe even lucy since i've been into contact with her plenty of times before", even sky herself didn't seem sure with that lie, she wasn't even sure how her hair got left behind anyway considering she had basically stopped time for a short period when she entered. If a hair fell off her head it would probably float in mid-air as a result, freeze with everything and everyone else, then again she could've missed it pretty easily too. Reading the room made it obvious her lie wasn't working for everyone either. "So...you haven't been into the vaults extremely recently?". "No, why would I?". "Ok, but how would you like to explain you being assumed to have been at the spiderbite castle?" The spiderbites shot Judas a look in his direction, "Our Daughter confessed some time ago, she let this young man in her room, supposibly to help treat his illness...his arm, she essentially....got...uncharacteristically angry towards us for never letting her speak to him sooner. Princess Butterfly here,  well she argued for her as well, I imagine since these two are so bound at the hip the princess had been in her room as well at some point...maybe leaving a mark of her own...". "Prince Lucitor was in Princess Spiderbite's...room?", there were some whispers among the group and the king of demons crossed his arms, "Judas told us this as well after the angel incident, as to explain why nora had gotten so close to them to end up with them when the prince.....y'know. Nothing more occurred then him being there to helped her with her research, and it hadn't gotten too far before her book had been stolen, losing all the research she had acquired over time and the one's from his time with her". "Was sky with them?", asked Rich Pigeon from his seat. "According to him, maybe once or twice she had been in the girl's room...". "Well then that really does make things seem grey doesn't it? Seems like there's not enough strong evidence still, the princess appears to just be incredibly unlucky the thief went everywhere she did or where someone may of left a hair.", The King and Queen of the Underworld were quick to speak before anyone had their doubts, "This is not something the kids had made up simply to cover for her, awhile back judas asked for more information on his arm, and even angel could atest to her having info on the boy's arm in her book when the thief stole it...would be a lot of effort for any cover up they didn't know they were going to do.". "So this sounds like it may all be a strange stew of coincidences, but the likelihood is still....a long shot...". Sky was starting to sweat, which probably wasn't doing her a ton of favors as someone on the stand. "But we shouldn't ignore it either...it can happen.". "Indeed.". Star huffed and crossed her arms, tapping her finger against her elbow, "I know the feelings towards my daughter being the next queen have always been...mixed, but I think it's a stretch to assume she is so evil as to do this, she's done nothing like this before, especially not against mewni itself. We need to judge sky's character just as much, angel in the past did troublesome things, his actions fit him, but has sky ever been so violent before? So untrustworthy as to betray all of mewni and the kingdoms of her own friends?". "Agreed, she'd never do something to put judas, nora, and the rest of her friends in danger...", King Kucitor closed all his eyes, "It's not like her, yes, she got angry before and produced green magic but that's never intentional from the magic user themselves, sky most likely did it from pure anger in the moment and not out of any true rage towards angel himself, only to protect her friend from being killed, therefore....it seems to me we don't have enough to convict her of anything. Seems to me if the commission wishes to put her under the lense they need better proof under their belt.". "But-". "But nothing, nothing has changed, you've charged her based on info that's not strong enough to prove anything, even still...I told you this before and yet you walked in the middle of court to convict my daughter of a crime! Guards, escort the commission out NOW!". The commission didn't even fight them, they walked out by choice, receiving glares on the way out as Sky let out a sigh of relief, was it really over now? Was she free of all charges and was Angel safe as well? It felt that way and yet- She still felt her gut wretch in pain. The Commissions's evidence was throw to the side as not strong enough, but they certainly were given enough time to cast doubt onto the people within the room, not to mention make them worry if sky was up to anything else they weren't aware of. She was barely able to look at her angry mother, despite everything she defended her to the last core, never doubting her. She felt more then inclined to thank her on that one, and to the mewni gods for not giving the commission more to use against her. "Well, I suppose the princess may leave the stand for now, any further investigation on her can be dealt with out of the court and saved for another day perhaps, now, on the matter of the prince...angelus arachford....may he return to the stand so we can give out out final feelings on him?". Sky watched Angel pass by her, even he seemed relieved as he took the stand, "Prince Angelus, it is perhaps time to give out verdict on the matter of your sentence...". "Hold on, my queen...I....before you do, can you call upon one more witness....?". The kings and queens around star looked puzzled, the accused part isn't allowed to call witnesses to the stand were they? That sounded like a recipe for disaster, was the prince trying to get himself into deeper trouble or-? "I'm sorry, but we're missing nora, the last witness who directly saw what happened, I know you have had the others come up, but nora is very important as well, she was with sky before she found where I was, I just feel like her presence is important.". "Our daughter has no need to-". "Hold on Penelope, I mean, he has a point, nora was with sky before this happened I believe, Eclipsa mentioned this before when she reported sky running off to find him, if we were to make sure of everything we kinda should have her out here and explain what she knows as well. And besides, she's been away for awhile from the rest of them on your orders, so you know she didn't pre-plan anything with the others, so if she's being honest then that confirms their story entirely.". The spiderbite queen still didn't seem too thrilled but she seemed outnumbered by those around her, looking to her husband who gave her a shurg. She seemed to have no choice. "Fine, she's in the west tower, bring her here....". - Nora was brought in with two guards behind her, her expression lifting at the sight of judas, sky and angel waiting for her. Though in fact, they seemed to feel the same way at seeing her again, she took the stand and forced herself to try and make eye contact with the Queen of Mewni though it was clear she was still having a rough time with it. She probably felt she was here for bad reasons instead of being here to help, though Star's face eased up at seeing her. "Nora?". Nora gulped, "Y-yes?". "Do you know why you were called here?". "Well I....I'm not entirely sure, Am I in trouble?". Star looked to the girl's parents and back to her, "No...not exactly, Angel called you here in fact, he feels you should testify and we should hear from you before we wrap things up. I'll be honest, hearing an Arachford have so much respect for a Spiderbite to send them here even when they may of been almost been freed is quite interesting.". Even the seated watchers had to agree with that, Judas could spot an approving glare from Globgor himself. "Oh....You....you want to hear from me what happened?". "You were with my daughter before you all arrived there...right?". "Well I.....", Nora turned to look at her friends, sky nodding and Judas smiling in reassurance to her, as she nodded towards the rulers, "I was...and Ms Eclipsa saw me as well, we went to see Eclipsa, Sky wanted her help to tracking down angel's location when we realized he was missing, she was worried about him m'am....so they used the spying spell to see if they could find him and that's how we were led there and how Eclipsa knew where we were going.". "You used the all seeing eye?". "Both of them did...together...making it strong enough to find him...". Star didn't know whether to be impressed, or worried her daughter had learned that spell and could do it now. Nora timidly turned her head, noticing all the people watching her, there was a lot of pressure currently placed on the girl's shoulders, more pressure then she was used to handling right now. Nora simply rubbed at her arms as another question was brought up, "Are you aware of Sky being involved in any......questionable activities? Any indication that she has been up to anything sinister? Any bad intentions on her part? Nora do you think sky ever had intentions to harm anyone?". She gaped at the question asked by the Jaggs Queen, just wondering exactly what had went down here, "Sky? Cause harm? Of course not, when all this happened...she was furious....furious at her, furious at angel for lying behind her back about working with the enemy....she wanted to take her down....sky wouldn't work with that thing if it was the last thing on earth. She wanted nothing more then to take her down, she wouldn't even look at angel for days....and he....he knows that...". Angel nodded, "she's.....correct.". "Sky....sky's not like that....she and judas have gotten themselves into all kinds of trouble, sky....it's not like her to betray or go this far for anything. During that party, when she used that magic and broke the chandelier...it was scary...I-I was scared....but...". She tugged on her slimely green locks, "But she'd never intend to really hurt anyone! I know she wouldn't! When all this was happening....she wanted to help me and make me feel comfortable and.....protect me...". "Princess spiderbite? Are you...crying?". "I-I'm sorry...It's just.....I haven't seen my friends in some time and I'm not hearing you guys might.....that you think....Judas and Sky are good people, they'd never do something like this....and even if sky somehow would....judas would never agree to her actions....Sky....whenever sky fought angel...well....angel told me....he never felt like they had any real malice towards each other. They never wanted to really hurt the other...they never had this....hatred...between them...sky....she cares about people....even if maybe...it's hard to mention it sometimes...". Sky could feel angel looking at her, her head turning away. "She'd never harm him or judas or me.....she's.....she's not like that...she just wants everyone safe." The Queen and King of the Spiderbites shifted at the sight of their crying daughter, they clearly wanted to go up and comfort her but the glares now headed to their direction kept them permanently at their seats despite that. Whether Nora knew it or not, she had practically stated she had been kept away from what was essentially her best friends who she seemed to care deeply for and who meant so much to her. The poeple who were quick to comfort her despite the looks though? Angel, Judas, Sky, and quickly enough sunny, galexia, and whether out of a need to or just not be a jerk.....celeste and landon. "I....I think we've heard enough for now....", Star sighed, "Whatever argument can be held against my daughter can be saved for another day if the high commission brings more evidence to support their argument, that is....if they aren't found in deeper trouble then before. I think it's time to vote on Angel's verdict....leaders of mewni?". Everyone seemed to give a collective nod, "Good, on the count of three, everyone will raise op the sign of their verdict...". "3......2......1". Angel's eyes lit up as the majority of the rulers raised the "Innocent of all charges" sigh, he seemed to have a hard time beleiving it himself. Though Star seemed relieved to finally have this mess over with, "Angel, you're freed of any major charges, however, you will be granted at least a month of community service to me and the other kingdoms once the thief has been caught and you are no longer in danger. You may not have caused any major harm intentionally, and you had good intentions, and planned to save people you cared about...but you should've been more careful....nonetheless...perhaps some service to the other kingdoms might help you and allow you time to grow...". "T-thanks....Queen Butterfly...". "In terms of your mother, i'm deciding to put a heavy amount of resources into saving her as soon as possible, the Spiderbites have been doing some research on her as of recent and testing some of their own medicine, but the Lucitors said their son is willing to offer up his garden for help, as maybe some of his plants hold ingredients for a cure and if she is revived....then the sooner the better before we lose her. You'll also be allowed a room here if you want, my daughter seems....fond of you...and I kinda can't let you go out there and well...risk being in danger...if not here i'm sure the lucitors are equally fine taking you in...for the time being...you're our best link to who this person might be and your safety will be of most importance...", The blonde might still be mixed on Angel, but watching her daughter pat him on the back with a smile after this mess of a trial seemed to convince her this was the right thing to do. Thank you...", he was about to cry. "This trial is dismissed.". - "We did it!!!", Judas pulled everyone into such a hug Sky was worried he'd crush them all, but everyone seemed more then relieved, even celeste and landon were kinda smiling. Even as judas stopped hugging everyone, that didn't stop Angel from clutching onto the demon's shirt and hugging his waist, he was still crying freely and smiling. "I'm sorry I ever doubted any of you...I-I....I was expecting the worst in there...I....you convinced them....". Sunny simply smirked, "Hey, you made it easy for us, they only convicted you with a lack of information, knowing that you had no direct play in all the heists outside of accidental stuff, and that you kinda didn't directly hurt anyone or spill anything made it easy to go easy on you...". "Yeah.....it went great...". Angel's gaze turned to Sky, realizing himself from the demon. "Princess....uh...Sky...I um...". "Look, I'll admit, i'm still kinda hurt...about the situation...ok? But...I'm really glad you're ok and we both made it out of there ok...". "Y-yeah....me too.". His face grew soft, and judas looked to sky, his face motioning to angel. Sky sighed to herself, closing her eyes before walked over and pulling angel into a hug, a tight hug, even angel hadn't seemed to expect it. He paused for a moment, not even sure what to do with his arms before they wrapped around her, his spider legs following right after. Affection like this with people who weren't his own parents was probably still something he needed to get used to a lot more, and sky didn't typically hug just anyone anyway. Though the hug lasted at least 10 seconds before sky pulled away, coughing and looking more to judas then angel. "God the commission almost gave me a heart attack when they came out there, I was so worried they had something to prove I really did something like that...really means a lot to me to have you all back me up out there somehow...get anyone off the scent. Though I kinda suspect it's possible after this someone might look deeper into things...I...didn't have a valid reason to be in your vault after all...". "It's possible, but it does prove they don't have enough to convict you of this, even if there's an argument to be made that it's a possibility....however.....I think we all got the impression we need to keep a closer eye on them....i'm getting a bad feeling here.....". The spider coughed, crossing his arms, "For the record...I...the only person I knew they had as an accomplice was Loki....though he was under influence of magic, any other were left out entirely...". "God if they're working with her...I swear...i'll end them for throwing me under the bus for their crimes...", the princess girt her teeth, "My mom is gonna have them removed entirely for this mess, they came in swinging and couldn't do anything....". Her friends around her quickly cooled her down as she sighed, tugged on her hat, "At least this part is over...for now, we can put our focus and energy into catching them and setting up a trap instead.". "A trap?", Angel raised an eyebrow, "I'm not going to be the bait...am i?". "Uh....no, we'll think of something else.....". "Kids!! You did wonderful out there!". Eclispa strolled into the the situation, an excited globgor on her shoulder, quickly jumping off to crush angel in another hug. "Good for you young man, not a lot of monsters have faced trial and made it out, in fact, 99% of them didn't. You're one lucky bug!". Angel let out a gasp as the monster let him go, "And you had the princess's support helping to boot, even if you had that you were never guaranteed to get out of the situation....I'll take this as an improvement....", his eyes gazed towards Eclipsa. "I wasn't lucky enough to really get a trial until the one I had with Star, Rhombulus was quite quick to imprison others the commission didn't like without a trial frankly...". "Oh I would know, they imprisoned me within a rage....". "Didn't you...uh.....eat a man?", Landon interjected, "I mean, I know the guy kinda sorta took away your daughter but.....eating him probably didn't help, you'd most likely be sentenced anyway for murder.". Even Globgor had to agree, "Well...yeah that's true, though the situation was quite complicated.....well...more complicated, kinda like yours.". Angel seemed about to ask why but Eclipsa interrupted, "I'll explain another time, for now, we have work to do...and well...I have to speak to sky.". She turned herself around, facing sky, "Dear....can we talk...?". "Why?", the bitterness was still clear in sky's voice, she sent her an icy glare and Eclipsa coughed and tried her best smile. "Look, Dear....I know you're mad with me...and you have every right to be mad with me...considering how much trust you put into me to not tell anyone the truth.....but please understand....your safety is important to me...I can tolerate a lot of things dear when it came to this investigation and plan, but going into the direct line of fire like that....you could've died out there...". "We could've handled it...". "Yes, you and judas can handle many things, i'm not saying none of you could do it...but....you don't know what you're up against...and...if something happened...and I knew......I'd....I'd never forgive myself. Star certainly wouldn't forgive me after the last time you almost got hurt under my care.". Sky still looked reluctant but Angel stepped forward, "I-I....Eclipsa really helped us out back there...and I...It'd mean a lot to me if she could help us finish this...". "You still exposed us to our parents...". "I know...I wasn't happy about that....but allow me to make up for it....", Eclipsa looked to someone in the distance and once glace by sky could tell her she was looking at katrina, who was busy talking to the guards who had taken the commission from the room. "We can find them, or figure out what they want...when we capture whoever this is things can swiftly go back in order....mewni is so used to dealing with armies and normal magical threats...not...sneaky thieves who are impossible to track and know our kingdoms inside and out...". "The commission-". "Oh we saw...", Globgor's expression turned grave, "It seems they have more part to play in this then we thought...". "Just....when you want to talk...you know where to find me dear...just....please...consider it.", Globgor followed Eclipsa as she gently patted Angel's head in congrats and headed on her way. More and more people were heading out already, and Nora stuck rather close to judas and sky. She didn't spot her parents though frankly that was a good thing, as Judas happily took the group to eat in the underworld for a bit, his parents following with him. Well, if eat in the underworld they meant "Eat in the royal dining room", then yes, he did get them dinner there. But it was good dinner,  roast beef server with fresh veggies, fresh buttered rolls, and served with sherbert ice cream for dessert. Angel dug into the food immediately with a smile on his face, when this was all over they had to do something about his kingdom to help with their supply of food, or at least share recipes with them if possible. It was well earned, and nice to see Angel eat without looking miserable, plus mason was finally happy to see everyone again as he wasn't allowed to go to the trial on account of his parents not wanting him involved. Sunny whispered to him to give him updates on everything happening as he took a bite of food, worrying at all the bad parts but his face shifting to one of utter relief when he heard about the results of the situation. Judas still felt bad considering mason badly seemed to wish he had been there to help them all out, though it was still nice to see his brother looking out for them and happy for their achievement. Even the King and Queen looked relieved. "Um....King Lucitor? Queen Lucitor?", Nora said meekly, the couple turning their heads and smiling at the sight of the girl, "Since you uh....knew about judas sneaking out to see me...I uh....I really hope you're not mad at him, I....I told him I wanted him to come over so I could help him, and he got worried he was pressuring me when I really did want to help and I just....please don't punish him for it he never did anything to me....he just wanted help...". "Nora....I promise....we have no intention to get on him for that...". "Y-you don't?". "We....we always knew your parents were unfair to you...there have been well...many times where at meetings we told them they should let you around more of the other kids but they disagreed...you're a delightful girl Nora and everytime we see you is wonderful . We only wish you could've been allowed to spend time with us more often, judas always seemed excited to see you.", she beamed at their compliments, "It's hard to get too mad at you or judas, your parents want to protect you....but it's obvious to everyone that how they do it is at the cost of your own happiness, and that you're almost dying to leave the castle at this point.". "You're really ok he left to see me?". "Well, sneaking out during the situation? That maybe we can be worried and mad about, but just wanting to spend time with you? Honestly, wish he told us sooner...we'd probably have helped him.", Tom snickered, "Oh god, the King and Queen would hate us for that....but...god....spending time with friends is important for anyone. During this situation we need friends and people we can rely on, and as a future leader, forming relationships with our son and other kids can only help you...". "It was mainly his-". "Arm? Yeah, we're aware....it's...we're always concerned about it too, but it shouldn't prevent him or you from being friends....we never let it stop judas and sky from being friends, and judas needed a best friend more then ever when he was seriously going through this, still does.". Marco reached out and patted her shoulder, her cold slimy hair brushing against their hand, she didn't flinch nor did she try to hide her face as they smiled at her softly, "You need him and he needs you.....and we're happy to welcome you here anytime, thanks for caring so much about him...". "O-oh...I-I....oh it's not problem, j-jude's great....I-I just....wanted to do something nice for him....", her face suddenly felt very warm and she felt herself laughing, "I was so w-worried you'd be mad we were hanging out cause my parents hated the idea...I....I....thanks....I...I...i'd love to have more moments like this.". Her gaze turning to sky, judas, angel, and the others who were eating and laughing, "I want more moments with them, from now on...". "And honestly....If i had been kept from tom and star....i probably would've done the same thing, i think it's good if you're willing to take risks because you care about your friends...getting mad over it....would kinda make me a hypocrite honestly...", Nora laughed but she seemed more then thankful, her eyes wandering to gaze at the purple demon prince and the butterfly princess as they discussed the trial and the events involve under their breath. "So angelus.....i'm sure you're more then relieved huh?", marco quickly turned his gaze to the pink monster prince who was trying to make sure his legs didn't hit anyone in the face in his seat. The prince, who had been laughing a moment ago, turned to face the royals, pulling himself together. "Well...of course, I was going to be dethroned for what happened, for awhile I was just going to accept it frankly...maybe....just live the rest of my life here or something....", his face quickly frowned before changing back into a smile, "But, you....you all actually did it....". He then transferred his gaze to the bluenette and tall demon who were playfully kicking each other under the table. "To be fair....I'll admit, in a way i almost liked the idea of not having to go back home...and stay here...with you....but maybe...it'd be good to have the best of both?", he sounded almost hopeful, "To be able to actually be the prince i want to be.....and also get to have days like this? I'd like to be able to eat...stew...and buttered rolls and....I just want more of this....". He took another bite of his food, "You guys have better food then back home honestly...er...nothing against ours it's...". "Well you're stuck here....so I suppose you'll be eating it more often since your under protection until further notice.". "How long do you think i'll be here...?". "Until they're caught, simply put.". "So.....no real idea.....". "You could be here 1 month, you could be here 10 years....though...hopefully not the latter...the sooner we catch them the better.", angel nodded as his gaze turned back to his friends, who were already working on a plan between them. It caught the King's attention as Judas quickly turned to him, "We have some ideas of what we may do to get them....but...it needs some work.". The king settled down and his gaze softnened as he looked at sunny, who was still enjoying herself. "Y'know, with this mess going down, i don't think i've properly gotten to think about the fact you're...that you're technically....". Sunny took a good look at the king, smiling and sighing to herself, "Yes and no i guess....you're technically my dad...but the daddy I have back home deals with.....different stuff, he's not exactly...like you. But....it does make me almost feel like i'm home again...". Marco's gaze even turned to celeste, who was promptly avoiding looking at them, "I guess we were eating with two new family members all along, i'm sorry to hear you're that far away from home...". "Well, I happen to think this place is like another home...", Sunny took another sip of tea as the couple smiled genlty. Then the door busted open. "THOMAS!!!". Tom almost choked on his food. "DAD!". The former king of the underworld strolled in, quick to congratulate the puzzled spider prince briefly before walking over to Tom and Marco. "I heard about the trial, did the commission really just up and attack the princesss like that ? In the middle of the trial?". He looked relieved but also incredibly mad, and Tom seemed like he was attempting to move his father to another room to talk about what happened, but Dave refused, leaving Tom no choice. "Look, star....took care of it, and Sky made it out ok, they couldn't prove she did anything and seemed to have jumped to conclusions....". "That's still not good Thomas...even if sky escaped that one, they've drawn more attention to her suspicious actions more then ever. You were able to prove it was all probably a lie but you know the meer idea of it will spread around mewni fast, with what happened to eclipsa....it's not a victory just yet. It's not a victory till we have the criminal and can find a reason why they knew the things they did....", he pinched his nose and closed his brilliant teal eyes. "I...trust you tom but...i'm worried, for the kid's sakes, they have it bad enough without these rumors spreading...". "Dad, we'll be ok, and uh...please stop sending spies to these things....you can just wait for us to speak to you...", Dave looked a little embarrassed all of a sudden, coughing into his hand and crossing his arms to get himself back in order. "I'm just concerned, I'm sorry for ruining your celebration, i know after that mess you're eager for a break but with how judas is treated by the public and sky was already seen by the public, i'm worried this victory is short-lived...". "We know....", Judas stood up from the table, "We know it's probably short lived...but....we'll manage. At least for now Sky is safe...and so is angel....that's a good enough victory for now.". His hand rested on sky's head, the girl sighing, "But it does only mean the commission might come back with something even stronger next time to convict her.....possibly, especially if she is being framed...might just go right to the arresting and ignore the trial entirely..". He let out a deep breath, hand now resting on his friend's shoulder, "it wouldn't be the first time they convicted people based on little evidence....but we won't let them go any further then this....if we can.". The former king nodded, smiling, "You've grown so much Judas....i'm proud of you. Hopefully we can repel the rumors for a bit, and keep an eye on that commission so they don't make up any more lies in order to convict anyone....I get the feeling they might be kicked off the commission officially for this though...". "Knowing Star...there's a high chance....she never wanted to fire them sooner because of the powers they possess and that letting them off on their own is not a great idea either. But if she does want them out...she kinda has to deal with who should take their place and well...what to do with them..and well...considering that i'm not sure she's willing to go through that mess till after this mess is finished.", The half demon king clutched his forehead, "The moment they spoke i was panicking....people cannot trust them....they go too much with their gut instincts and it's doing more harm then good...". "I'll speak to hekapoo personally tomorrow...", marco said, sipping their tea, "I feel like I've neglected confronting her on this for kinda a long time, but we're kinda friends so...maybe i can get her to think about it and reconsider her actions...i'll be honest Tom, I love you, but i also can't help but think the high commission is genuinely trying to help...but they're doing a poor job about it. It's easy to be very mad with them now, and i'm mad too...but i think they think they're doing what's best and failing....hard.". "Well, they did all the bad stuff they did under that idea so...yeah...you'e probably right.". "Um....sir?". The Mewman king's attention as then drawn to Nora, who shyly raised a hand up at him to get his attention. "Have you heard back from my parents? I haven't seen them since the trial?". Dave's eyes lit up at the sight of nora, immediately shaking her hand with both of his, "Ah, the princess whose looking out for my grandson! I want to thank you so hard for wanting to help him....I owe you....for years i've been trying to help him with his condition....you can't believe-". "Dad....can you answer her question, please?", Tom said, sending a smile nora's way. "Right right, sorry, got carried away there.....your parents are at butterfly castle, apparently the queens wanted to talk to them personally....i'm sure after this you'll head back there with princess skyler and we'll see what happens from there.". Nora nodded softly, "You don't have to thank me so much...i was happy to help....though I had to put it on hold to help with...angel's mom sadly...plus my notes all got stolen and i had to try and gather them all back again...". "Well, i think it's commendable how much you care about him...i owe it to help you restore what you may of lost...you need help, you need only ask...", Nora's eyes sparkled with gratitude as the former king turned back to his son and their partner, "I better get going, we can speak about this later...your mother is petting lucy right now and has a meeting with some of the guards later, we're going to call in that girl....the servant girl you mentioned was apart of jude's team?". "Fae?". Mason's ears perked up. "Yes her....she lacks a huge role in this matter but i feel like we should speak to her more on what she knows...if possible.". "Alright, just be careful with her, she's a child after all...luckily she never became involved directly despite angel's attempts but she's still young and almost being involved in something like that is bound to be scary for her.", Landon snorted into his cup, getting everyone's attention as he became red faced with embarrassment, "Actually, be more worried for yourself then her, you're more likely to get upset then she is....but she'll probably tell you that the minute you meet her anyway so...". "You were the one who met her correct?". "Y-yeah?". "I'm curious landon, judas never cleared this up with me, how did you find out she had something to do with this in the first place? With so many servants stumbling around in and out, angel could've recruited anyone, how did you find out who it was?", Marco's brown eyes were warm, and landon quickly turned away. If he answered that question, he'd have to mention his hidden spot, not to mention he'd have to bring up the page they found....after they had just proven sky innocent. Which is exactly why judas had said nothing. It seemed harmless enough to bring up, considering it could actually be stacked in their favor as evidence of sky being framed, but what if the commission would use it against them somehow? Landon was utterly silent, Celeste along with him, unsure what to do. Landon couldn't bring himself to mention this without judas and no doubt judas didn't like to speak about it for good reason. Their silence seemed to put the couple on edge a little, the demon king's face softening. "Boys...if we're going to get through this....we need you to trust us...i know you're not eager to work with us and had your reasons to not want us involved....but...you need us right now and we need you. If there's something you're not telling us, you need to say something...otherwise who knows what might happen.", Landon shut his eyes and Sky looked to judas, already knowing well what was troubling them. The purple demon shut his eyes tightly, fangs pricking his lip before sighing. This was really something he didn't want to talk about, but there didn't seem to be any choice on the matter, they were going to have to bring it up. Judas seemed to be looking for sky for consent and she granted it to him, at this point there was no point in not mentioning it, especially if they were on their side. Though he could only wonder where this would lead once he spilled the beans on the matter, especially to the poeple on the team that had yet to know. "Look it's...landon...found something, something that fae had with her, he used it to track her down, fae found it....in the spot where we confronted angel awhile back....", just talking about it made judas uncomfortable and worried, "I wasn't sure if telling you would do more harm then good...ok...I wanted to keep it between me, landon, sky, and well..celeste and fae I guess....I was worried if i said something something might....i'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean anything by it?". "Judas....what is it.....he found exactly?". "It's a page from the book of spell's.....sky's wand page exactly....". There was slight confusion around the room, though angel's face perked up. "The wand page? from a rather large book? With sky's wand drawn on it and everything?". "Yeah?". "Her pulled it out once in front of me...I saw it....you...found it?". "Wait....you didn't mention her having a picture from the book of spells to me?", Judas quickly asked, Angel looking rather embarrassed, "I'm not that familiar with the book of spells, At the time it was just a page she had with sky's wand on it, I-I didn't know anything about it untill you just mentioned it...I thought it was something they had made themselves as part of their plans or something...I never got close enough to see what was on it.". "Wait...she wrote out plans?" sky said, leaning on the table. "Well, yeah....she did....but...I never saw them, I don't even know where they might be...highly likely they burned it after all of this...", there were looks shared among those at the table, all eyes on angel, "Angel, did they tell you any plans relating to sky's wand? Maybe that's why they're trying to frame her! If they do, sky loses the wand...if she loses the wand-". Then Sunny finished it for him, "-then the wand is vulnerable, especially for the high commission-", then finished by Sky"-Then those nutcases, if they are up to bad intentions, could hand it off to her if they wanted to......but...why my wand?". "Well, your wand does have that gem....", Judas rubbed at his chin, his grandfather's brows furrowing, "Hold on...what gem?". "Sky's gemstone...it's why i was worried to say anything...her gem is rare...peers into the multiverse basically.....i was worried if it got out....people might thing it was her under that cloak and...". He silenced his tongue, knowing his grandfather had yet to know about the girl's true nature as of yet. But his parents seemed to understand well enough, "Hmm, that actually sounds like a valid theory if their intention was to get their hands on her wand, after all, directly stealing it would be sloppy and cause more problems, this would be a way of getting it without drawing attention to themselves...". "But the wand changes for the wielder doesn't it?", landon piped up, "They grab it and it immediately would transform, seems like a lot of hassle for nothing....". That was another good point actually, everyone quick to think over their theory. Dave coughed into his hand, "Well for now, we'll worry about it tomorrow, been quite the day today, i'll see you tomorrow judas, tom? I'll be talking to the girl soon, we still seem to have quite a few mysteries to solve here...". "If you find out anything about the commission...let us know..". Dave nodded, petting his grandson's hair playfully on his way out. As the door slammed behind him, tom folded his arms together, "Judas...we'll talk to you more about this tomorrow, for now, let's try to enjoy this victory on your part....prince angelus, i hope you plan to tell us every detail you can remember....anything could be crucial y'know?". The prince nodded, slightly embarrassed though his ease returned as judas offered him another roll, his face lighting up with a bite into the warm, buttery, baked good. "So where will you be staying tonight?". "I still want to be alongside my mother....until....she's hopefully well again....". "Understood.". "May I stay with him?". judas raised his hand, "I know you're being strict with everything, you have Katrina tailing me after all...but is it ok if i keep him company....? Especially since we don't know where nora will be tonight?". His parents shared a look and shared a nod, "Just for tonight....yes, you can...as long as you're guarded...alright? After this we have to check up in on Queen Star, and well...we need to speak to Jackie as well, since she went out there herself...hopefully she's alright....been a tiring time most likely...". "She's jackie, she's got this...". "You're not wrong, and that reminds me....". Marco leaned forward, their arms crossed and eyes looking towards the table, "If anyone receives a call from luna, please let us know...wherever she is i hope we find her before anything may happen....not that i don't trust her...but...i don't want anyone out there alone like this..especially not any of you...". Everyone seemed to understand and Angel shot judas a look of gratitude as they continued eating, sky coughing to get the attention of the adults, "Hey uh...one more request....I....I want melaine...to come over...I....she's not a big role...but...i think she should be here?". "Your pen pal? What for?". "Mel saw her...during the sleepover, she's not perfect but she's really good at theories and peicing things together...I think...If i properly explain everything to her...she might be able to help deduct our next moves and who to go after....and i know...she's around my age...but...she's not in any direct danger and she really thinks out of the box...i really don't want to leave her hanging.....i'd like a chance....to have her help out.". This requests seemed a little more on the fence for the couple, marco whispering in the demon's ear and tom whispering back. A few minutes later deciding on an option. "You can video her and talk to her though there, don't bring her here....yet. It can't hurt frankly...". "Thank you Queen Lucitor, it means a lot to me, i promise you won't regret this...". - "Judas....angel?". Sky creeped inside the hospital wing, in her nightgown and bat slippers, tired as all heck but pushing through it to keep herself from sleeping on the floor. A few mounds stirring among the dark room, a smile on her lips, there those two were.....hopefully she hadn't woke them. "Sky!", came one the girl hadn't expected to hear, leaving the princess a bit surprised but pleasantly so. "Nora?", sky paused at the voice, peering through the dark to spot her....just barely...but her slimy shape made her hard to not notice. The green slimly girl, smiled at the blunette through the dark, judas and angel nearby and waking up, "My parents have yet to come back to ground me so i wanted to stay here...with them, what are you doing here?". Sky's motivations became clear as she took one of the empty beds close by, "Sleepover anyone? Katrina said it was cool.....plus we might get a chance to talk...in the morning...". Judas snickered at her in his old shirt and sweatpants, "Ughh...sky....let us sleep...we really need it after today...". "Yeah I know....but...I wanted to...if that was ok?", she shifted and yawned again, groggy, "I really couldn't sleep by myself anyway, kinda paranoid honestly about something bad happening...i really could just use the company at a time like this...". Judas shared his own yawn but the sight of his best friend always seemed to lighten his spirits, and yeah, after today, he'd want to be with trusted people instead of his quiet bedroom as well if possible. "Sky....of course it's ok, please....join us tonight....but let us sleep tonight...today's been an emotional roller coaster....", Sky snickered as she laid down, "Y'know...when all this is over...i'd like to redo the sleepover thing....have all of you there...we could do dumb stuff all night.". Through the dark angel's thankful smile was clear, sky letting out a yawn and hearing the shuffled of her friends getting back to sleep for the ride that would sure be tomorrow. They got past today, but tomorrow would be it's own beast. "Thanks for looking out for me today guys...."., she whispered into the dark, angel's ears twitching at her words as everyone started getting back in their beds for some much needed rest. "We weren't gonna let them take you down like that.....", sky smiled, yawning, "Especially you uh....angel...you really went ham on them and it uh....thank you...". There was a silence coming from the spider, followed by a small "You're welcome...". Sky pulling the sheets over herself as she fell to sleep, her friends by her side.
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Fanart By Vanadise:
Jake Muller's Journal || Entry 01
November 12, 2019
"I hate days like these.
These types of days where I don't have to do shit. Just sit around all day and not do a damn thing.
People say I should relax more and sure, I like to relax some days. Hell, I need to sometimes, but what I hate is having to relax or sit around for too long. I always gotta do something or I just don't feel right, you know? I always think if I stay in one place for too long then there's a chance I can get attacked and hit the dirt as a forever resting place. Maybe it's the merc in me makin' me feel this way... Always on edge. Always in danger.
Since I got nothin' to do, I guess I'll just keep writing in this journal. 
God, I'm not really good at this shit--writing my thoughts down... Well whatever. Here goes nothing.
It's fuckin' cold outside. It's so cold that I could have freaking ice cycles comin' out my nose. While I was outside, my eye lashes were practically frozen together. I had bits of snowflakes all over me and my fingers were so cold that it hurt to move 'em when I needed to. Well, to be honest, the cold never really bothered me 'cause I grew up in it, yeah? Had no heating system when I was growing up. I only had my own body heat and one or two torn up blankets. When I was a little older, my mom would always try to make me get her blanket, too, but I would refuse 'cause I didn't want to make her freeze to death. I remember when I was real young, before she got sick, she would lie to me and tell me she didn't need any blankets to keep her warm. I'd always wake up in the middle of the night and check on her only to find her shakin' like a leaf, curled in her bed. I'd go grab all of my blankets and throw 'em on her and I wouldn't leave her side till she'd stop shakin'. Then I'd lay down on the floor and stay there with her during the rest of the night to make sure she didn't freeze  anymore. I didn't mind being cold if it meant she would be warm enough to sleep. After all, she worked all day, everyday, and I would be at home most of the time.
I'm in some fancy hotel room. The place is pretty nice and has air conditioning and running electricity and honestly it's way too fancy for me. There was a fuckin' towel folded up as a penguin on my bed. Like the hell? Who the hell gives a shit about what their towel looks like? Just give it to me so I can use it to dry off. The walls are all a dark red, the floor is a pale, tanned colored carpet, and the doors are the same color as the carpet. There's three fancy paintings of flowers and some of the other buildings that can be found in the town hangin' up in the bedroom, bathroom, and small lounging area. The bed has tan bed sheets and pillow cases and the blanket is a dark red-- almost the same color as the walls. There's a television placed on the dresser across from the foot of my bed, but I'm not gonna bother watching it. Never liked watching television, anyway. There's a big window on the right side of my bed. The drapes are the same color as the walls and the glass on the outside has frost covering most of it.
I'm only stayin' in this place 'cause a lady I was working for told me she was gonna pay for my stay while I'm in this small town. I finished a job for her two days ago. Had to kill some high and mighty prick who thought he'd win a mayor election by sending BOW's out to terrorize the town. He thought he could win by sending out military personnel to dispose of the monsters and pretend that he was the good guy. I hate people like that, who pretend to be somethin' they aren't just to get something they want. I'm not sure when I'll be getting another job. That's why I'm not leaving yet. Hopefully I'll get one soon so I can get the hell outta here and start movin' again. These jobs take me all over the world and I think I enjoy seeing the sights, culture, and people as much as I like taking up assignments. I really love tryin' new food and drinks, like different types of coffee.
Damn, coffee sounds good right about now...
Just sat down on my bed and got me a cup of black coffee while I was up. Took a quick shower to warm me up, too, and I kinda felt bad messin' up the penguin towel. Wonder how long it took the staff to fold it like that? Well, whatever. I bet they already have tons of others made that way, too. They gotta wash and dry the towels anyway. Got my pajamas on, also. Just a pair of navy blue, cotton pants. I never wear a shirt cause it's just uncomfortable wearing one when I sleep. Doesn't matter how cold it is, I still get too hot and sweat like a dog.
What else to write...?
Lookin' outside the window now as I gulp down my drink. It makes me warm up from the inside and so do a few memories. On days like these, where I don't have to do anything, all sorts of memories flood to the front of my mind. Good ones, bad ones... 
All of 'em. 
Used to, when I'd look out of a window while it was snowing, the snow would always remind me of my mom--and it still does, sometimes. Though, now when I see the snow... It reminds me of Sherry. It reminds me of the first day we met and how we had to survive together. I thought she was a preppy, know-it-all bitch who couldn't do a damn thing, but man, did she prove me wrong. She could beat the shit outta anyone and anything that got in her way and I bet she would have done the same to me if she had to. 
I remember when Ustanak, the crazy fucker, had shot down our helicopter and we landed in the snow. Somehow, we had survived the fall even though our parachute had gotten torn by the metal debris. I had blacked out and woken up to Sherry laying on top of me. My brain woke up real quick when I had lifted my hand to find it was covered in blood and I hurriedly got myself out from under her. My heart was pounding rapidly against my chest and a cold sweat came over me as I began to panic when I saw she had a piece of metal sticking out of her back. On the inside, I was freaking out 'cause some chick I just met was about to die in front of me. I kept thinking how it should have been me who should have had the shrapnel lodged into my back. Not her. Not some innocent woman. I doubt she had done anything bad in her life, while I had done all kinds of horrible shit...
She surprised me when she told me to pull it out of her and I thought she was nuts when she just begged me to do it. So I did. I pulled the thing outta her, tossed it to the side, and as I was about to start ripping pieces of clothing to make some sort of bandage, I was shocked to find her skin and muscles pulling themselves back together.
I gotta admit, that shit freaked me the hell out. 
After a while I got used to it. It was just part of her and something that helped formed her personality. I think she hated having it, though. Probably 'cause it reminded her of her parents and the shit she had to go through as a kid.  I never asked her about it, though.
I hope she's doing okay these days. Hopefully she isn't doin' anything stupid or getting herself into trouble. It's been seven years since I've last seen or heard from her. ...I wonder if she even remembers me. Well if she doesn't then it won't bother me. I couldn't care less if she remembers me or not. 
F U C K !
I spilled my fuckin' coffee all over me and my journal-! Son of a fuckin' bitch! Damn this shit burns like he--
The coffee has dried finally and now I can end this entry. God dammit. Didn't think I'd get so  sidetracked while thinkin' about Supergirl. Spilled my own drink all over me and I had to change my pants. Now there's a big coffee stain over a few pages. Oh well. So long as I can still write in this thing. That's all that matters to me. 
Well, the sun is goin' down and I think I'm gonna get some shut eye. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get a new client so I don't have to stay here and get stuck in my memories for too long.
Jake Muller"
《You find some extra writing on the back of the page. It appears to have been scribbled over by three continuous, messy lines.》
"I need to stop thinking about her. Need to stop worrying about her so much. I'm sure she's doin' fine and has some pretty boy helping her out and giving her everything she could wish for. You can't give her everything she wants and you sure as hell can't stay by her side cause you gotta work. You don't wanna be like dad and leave her alone for the rest of her life... Besides, you're not good enough for her. She needs someone better than you. Time to move on, Jake....Even if you can't stop thinking about her. Dammit...
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datarevived · 4 years
   -- Ⅵ : ʟᴇᴀʀɴ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʟᴠᴇs PT.1
The Tower was set aflame, and the howls of wolves rang from its' peak in celebration.
An uncanny sight to behold, to one who was not familiar of customs. The lighted pyres and torches that illuminated the City and its' Tower, decored in festive crimson silks and ribbon that seem to traverse the open. The mighty sound of a gong echoes throughout the compounds of the EDZ, and ever so often after, the battling cries of wolves raise their neck in tribute. The alpha, resting beneath a shaded tent in settlement of the Tower at the highest peak.
" This is incredible. "
" Isn't it? You're gonna see a 'whole bunch of people flooding in these next few days. "
" S'really that big of a deal? "
" Oh, you have no idea. "
The sound of arriving ships continued to pile on the noise and fumes, as did the overclocked elevator from those arriving through the City upon their sparrows and foot as the Tower began to fill with ample Fireteams far and wide. Guardians upon Guardians upon Guardians, those of multitude descent and that of the Dark Ages and forward -- some old, some young, some a mix in between. Faces seemed to be endless in the swarm of activity within the Tower, and at their current height, like boat resting upon a battling sea, the two in company eagerly observed the chaos at hand.
" This happens... how often, again? " Selene's head tilts, her arms crossed over the railing above the landing zone within the Courtyard, back arched and legs slightly spread as her balance dispersed. Her Ghost, Data, quietly observing from behind her shoulder as the other two stood/floated in company.
" I'd say uh... once... once a month? Something like that? But with the War going on -- I think it's been nearly going on three since his last visit. Hence the crowds here -- trust me, it's never usually this bad. Not uh... not that I remember, anyway, " Bex responds, both hands gripped at shared railing as golden optics attempt to trace at any familiar by-standers. " Y'know, I think I've fought that guy before. Real power house -- oh, oh -- and that one over there? Never fought him, but hear hes' a God among men when it comes to snatchin' scopes outta your hand. Hate ta'get in huggin' range on'em, ya'get me? "
" And this is just another brand of... Crew... Crewsis? "
" Crucible, " he corrects, nodding. " It's like... say for instance, Crucible is the training. The practice. The real one' two. But Iron Banner? It's like... the qualifier. The real scoreboard, with all the big leagues. "
" So it's just another way of showing off? "
" Noooo-- Nonono, it's... agh, it's hard to explain, " the Exo shakes his head, releasing grip from the rails and shaking his hands. " Some people believe, that, those best of the best, right? Followin' me so far? -- That, the best of the best are approached by Lord Saladin on the side, and have a chance at becoming an Iron Lord. Part of the pack. The real front line out there! "
" But... isn't everyone considered front line? " the Awoken slumps, resting her head against arms now as she stares upwards toward the other. " Guardians are the front line, right? So what makes these guys special? "
" You're killin me smalls, " the male sighs, slapping a hand across his face in theatrics. " Have you even stepped foot in Crucible? "
" The fighting arena? Not a chance - Cayde's still teaching me how to even shoot. "
" You wanna learn fast? You hit up Crucible and you'll be a pro in days! Hours, even! "
" Some reason I doubt that. "
" Yeah? Well!... Don't uh, don't knock it til you try it! It's a treat, for sure! " the Exo pouts, crossing his arms aggressively at his chest before taking in a breath -- only to unfold and set hands out aside again. " Point of the matter, green leaf, is that Iron Banner is a display of brute strengths. It's a similar system to what Lord Shaxx runs, but it's... more intense. Tactical. A prove of worth. "
" Sooo... you're gonna participate? "
" Me? Like, me? Right here? . . .  Have you seen me? I'd get popped by seven foot three muscles' down there in a snap. "
" So you're calling yourself incompetent? " the Hunter cracks a grin, head remaining in lazy placing.
" I'm not --! I, look. I know what I'm about. And that? Great to watch! Fun to cheer! But me? In it? To win it? Spoiler alert, I don't win, " Bex bickered, optics and voice highlights flickering in various notions, his hands doing most of the dramatics for him. " Back in the past? I tried it, I did. But it takes more than just a good arm to stand a chance in there. Ya gotta have a team that's capable, just like any of the rest. "
" Team not so good? "
" Team didn't really exist. Not for Banner, anyway. We had some fun times elsewhere, though. "
" You'll have to tell me more about them some day, " Selene smiles, hoisting herself back up from poor posture before giving herself a stretch. Eyes highlighted upon the swarm of people beneath them, ever examining the thick and thin of the lot. " ...Heck, maybe even some day we can finish our team. "
" Someone with a better functioning ship, hopefully. "
" Oh, definitely, " she giggles, attention relatively laxed before turning towards the pointed visor of the Tower. The position in which Zavala frequently stood -- this time, occupied by he and one other. A man whose armor stood out against the rest, as did the strain in his voice against the crowds. From such distance, almost looking as if the two were arguing. " Hey... Bex. Over by Big Blue... that part of the celebration? "
" Is what part of the celebration? " head tilts, following the Hunter's gaze before tracking in on the other individual and Commander. A sudden flick of memory aching his head - causing the Exo to wince. " That's uh... no, not necessarily part of it. Looks like someones' just throwing a fit. "
" You think he's a Titan too? "
" What, the blonde?... By the looks of his armor, it's a good possibility... "
" Doesn't look like he came here to participate in the Banner, that's for sure... " Selene noted.
" No... not it does not. In fact, he's... "
. . .
" ...He's...? You good there? " the Awoken tilts, leaning her head in front of the other with confused expression. " Bex? "
" --Ah, Sorry, " his head shakes, golden optics dilating themselves back into concentration. " I... don't know what that was about. But uh - yeah. Titan...guy. His armor - it's familiar. The colors, I mean. "
" Familiar? "
" Yeah. They're the colors of an old fireteam back in the Dark Ages. Group of Guardians who called themselves the Ward. They uh... s'long story. But, they were good guys. Guys who didn't wanna be part of the pack, I guess, " Bex explains, resting his left hand back against the railing as the other rests down at his side. A squinting stare towards the two Titans in mid-discussion... his memory blanking on vague details he coulda swore were once there. " ...Back in the day, y'know. There was the War Lords, Iron Lords, and little spurs in between. The Ward was one of those in betweens. Though I didn't... think there were many of them left. "
" How many were there? "
" Twelve, I think? Not very many. Kinda like a cult thing, now that I think about it. "
" A Guardian... cult. "
" Well, I mean, when you say it like that -- "
In the span of their bickering, exchanged judgmental glare and jokes, the exchange beneath the havoc seemed to progressively show more heated. The nameless figure, having ripped a symbol from his Mark before forcefully returning it against the Commander's chest. Had it been anyone else, surely would have resulted in something more violent -- but Zavala, a man undefined by that of cooling nature or lack of confrontation - it was incredibly hard to tell whether or not such event came off as... threatening. 
Pensive features worn across the blonde's face now, turning a limb and stomping off towards the Hanger. It was a mild of undetected curses that slipped through his lips before disappearing into the crowds - only the brief shine of white on blue illuminating his presence.
" Doesn't look like it went well for him... " Bex hummed, shrugging it off.
" He looked angry. "
" Don't all Titans? "
" I... guess...? " Selene's voice leans, unable to respond confidently on whether or not it was the proper agreement on hand. " I don't really see anyone else wearing the same stuff, though. Maybe he's alone? "
" Or they're dead. "
" Or they're ... are you serious right now? " the Awoken squints, perplexed features trying to wrangle the deadpan weight of her companys' words. Seems he hadn't caught on.
" What?... What did I say? "
" ...N-Nothing. Just... Iron Banner things. You said its a qualifier for becoming one of those Iron Lords? "
" Well, not directly. Not at all, really, it's just a fun rumor that travels anywhere Lord Saladin makes his mark. The age of Iron Lords is at rest, aside from the man himself. He and his wolves. "
" Wolves... like those who go into the Banner? "
" No, no. I mean wolves. Like uh... dogs. Big dogs? Wolves? Jesus, Selene - tell me you know what a dog is -- "
" I know what a dog is! " she exclaims, puffing her cheeks. " He has wolves? Like, right here? In the Tower? "
" ...Yeeeeah? "
" Let's go. "
" Pardon? "
" Let's go! "
" Go where??? " the Exo shrugs, thoroughly confused.
" To see the Wolves! "
" ...You want me to... take you to Lord Saladin... to see his dogs? "
" Yes. "
" ...You owe me one. "
" I'll go into Cruicible right after! "
" Done. "
" Done! Now let's gooo! "
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jonsateaparty · 5 years
Let’s Analyse The Heck Outta This Playlist
I have listened to every single song in the Game of Thrones: The End Is Here playlist and hooo boy do I have shit to say.
Looking at all the songs, I found that I could seperate them into different categories. The categories were songs which fit certain characters or houses, or songs which fit the white walkers or war in general. There were also quite a few love songs, some of which could be easily interpreted as jonsa. Below the cut I’ve put together all the songs in their categories with some lyrics for each song and any notes I made while listening. 
HOWEVER since that shit is loong, I’m gonna add a preemptive TL;DR for some categories of interest before the cut.
Overall, there were six songs that I could recognize as jonsa. The themes of these songs were that of a passionate and loving romance, with the occasional tinge of forbidden love and having to wait for their lover. These songs were also very, very blatant in their connection to jonsa. With most of them, jonsa was honest to goodness the only GoT interpretation for this love song. I really was shocked listening to how blatantly jonsa this playlist is guys.
There were three songs in the playlist which I could call j0nerys songs. One of these songs I could argue belongs elsewhere and only there was one jonsa song that was ambiguous enough that it could be attributed to j0nerys. My absolute favourite song of these three is the song Little Monster by Royal Blood. In this song, a man who refers to himself as a wolf is the lover of someone who he calls Little Monster and betrays her. Yeah. They really went there.
Three songs that are definitely about her, but I suspect a few of the “general” war songs are about her as well. Why, you say? Because Dark D4ny LIVES in this playlist man. These songs, which are mainly about fire and “black wings” (Drogon, anyone), talk about someone mad with powerlust, a “bitch” coming to take you to hell, and being haunted by demons in the fire. DARK D4NY IS COMING AND MY BODY IS READY FOR HR GLORY
In contrast to songs about fire being full of madness, the four “wolf” Stark songs that we get are about being free and victorious. One song in particular talks about the “Wolves of Winter” getting the better of someone who has “fits of paranoia”, someone who sees themselves as an exception but without people supporting them, they’re going to lose. Like. Holy shit.
Now, most of the other songs are either about the Greyjoys/Lannisters, generic war songs, power or dead things. However there is ONE war song that I think heavily implies targbowl. This song is called Go to War by Nothing More and seems to be about two groups of people who were once on the same side going to war.
That’s it of particular interest, however if you want to see a list of all songs and all categories, plus some lyrics and notes, check out under the cut!
Potential Jonsa Songs
Girl from the North Country – Bob Dylan - If you go when the snowflakes storm/When the rivers freeze and summer ends/Please see if she's wearing a coat so warm/To keep her from the howlin' winds Note: This song is either about Arya or Sansa. I honestly cannot see this song being about Arya, this is about a traditionally feminine girl with long hair. I say this is jonsa because I literally cannot think of any other thing this could be about.
Howlin’ for You – The Black Keys - I must admit/I can't explain/Any of these thoughts/Racing through my brain Note: Can’t explain their reasons (maybe because they shouldn’t be having them), wolf references, bird references? Very jonsa. Also could be general stark or gendrya.
Sister – Prince - My sister never made love to anyone else but me/She's the reason for my, uh, sexuality Note: OMG this SONG. Although this could also be about Jaime/Cercei… but considering that’s over, I’m going with jonerys. Especially since there’s a song about wolves right after…
Devil’s Spoke – Laura Marling -I might be a part of this/Ripple on water from a lonesome drip/A fallen tree that witness me/I'm alone, him and me Note: Honestly the only concrete reason I put this here is because I ship jonsa. It could be any ship. Also the first verse makes me thing of the Winterfell Godswood.
Winterlong – Niel Young - I waited for you Winter long/You seem to be where I belong
Furr – Blitzen Trapper - I brushed the leaves off of my snout/And then I heard my mother shouting through the trees/You should have seen that girl go shaky at the knees/So I took her by the arm
Potential J0nerys Songs
Mama Kin – Aerosmith - Well you've always got your tail on the wag/Shootin' fire from your mouth just like a dragon Note: Those line, plus the whole “Mama” thing makes me think this is jonerys. It could also be jon? I guess?
Little Monster – Royal Blood - I'm your wolf, I'm your man/I say run little monster/Before you know who I am Note: A song about a “wolf” in a relationship with a “little monster” who plans to betray them? HMMMMMMMMMMM.
Be My Fire – The Blue Stones - Baby, be my conjurer/And I'll hold you dear/Baby, be the visions in the night/And wait till morning light for you/To disappear
Dany/Targ Songs:
Sleep Now In the Fire – Rage Against The Machine - The world is my expense/The cost of my desire/Jesus blessed me with its future/And I protect it with fire.
Her Black Wings – Danzig - Demoness calls/The bitch is come/For those who wait/Cross the breach in hell Notes: I’m guessing another Targ song, what with the “black wings”.
Fire – Barns Courtney - Ghosts and devils come a-calling/Calling my name oh, lost in the fire
Stark Songs
Wolf Like Me – TV On The Radio - Got a curse I cannot lift/Shines when the sunset shifts/When the moon is round and full/Gotta bust that box, gotta gut that fish
Wolves of Winter – Biffy Clyro - We are the wolves of winter/We live in a kingdom of blood Note: Holy fuck the implications of Dark!Dany in this song!!! 
Dire Wolf – Grateful Dead - In the timbers to Fennario, the wolves are running round/The winter was so hard and cold, froze ten feet 'neath the ground.
Killer Wolf – Danzig - I'm the wolf/I'm the one you want/I'm the killer wolf
Potential Targbowl Songs
Go to War – Nothing More - I don't know what you had in mind/But here we stand on opposing sides/Let's go to war Note: Holy FUCK, this song seems to really foreshadow targbowl. It’s not a generic war song like some of the others, and it’s not about dead/evil/cold wars. This song seems to be about people who were on the same side then turned against each other.
White Walkers/war for the living songs
Immigrant Song – Led Zeppelin - How soft your fields so green/Can whisper tales of gore/Of how we calmed the tides of war/We are your overlords
The End – The Doors - Of our elaborate plans, the end/Of everything that stands, the end/No safety or surprise, the end/I’ll never look into your eyes again
Cold Cold Cold – Cage The Elephant - Doctor look into my eyes/I've been breathing air but there's no sign of life/Doctor the problem's in my chest/My heart feels cold as ice but it's anybody's guess
Burn the Fleet - Thrice - In this dark night we stand or fall/We are kings now, or nothing at all/Check your armor; Light up your torch
Dead Skin Mask – Slayer - Graze the skin with my finger tips/The brush of dead cold flesh pacifies the means
General songs
Seven Nation Army – The White Stripes - Don't want to hear about it/Every single one's got a story to tell/Everyone knows about it/From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell
War – Grandson - War up north/And war down south/Everywhere is war
Let Me Live / Let Me Die – Des Rocs - Tears don't stop the fire/It's killing time/Back from the dead/See your eyes, got nothing left/Kiss me, I am the colder Note: This is a song of ice and fire. This. Is A. Song. Of. Ice. And. Fire.
POWER – Kanye West - Life is a trip, so sometimes we gonna stumble/You gotta go through pain in order to become you Note: I’d call this a general song but this came right after a song about wolves so make of that what you will 😉
Let’s Have A War – Fear - Let's have a war/So you can go and die!
Powa – Tune-Yards - Rebel, rebel, no/Lightening dances in my head
No One Knows – Queens of the Stone Age - We get some rules to follow/That and this/These and those/No one knows
The Time Is Now – Atreyu - Flying high above the world/It's a new life, it's a new mind/And I will never fall Note: A Time for Wolves anyone? Especially since this comes right after a wolf song…
Rise Above – Black Flag - Jealous cowards try to control/Rise above, we're gonna rise above
Alternative Ulster – Stiff Little Fingers - There's nothin' for us in Belfast/The Pound's old, and that's a pity/OK, so there's the Trident in Bangor Note: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Sickbed of Cuchulainn – The Pogues - And you heard the rattling death trains as you lay there all alone/Frank Ryan bought you whiskey in a brothel in Madrid/And you decked some fucking blackshirt who was cursing all the Yids
Power – AJ Ghent [j-ent] - You wanna take me down/But I won’t bend
Toxicity – System of a Down - You, what do you own the world?/How do you own disorder, disorder
Here’s Your Future – The Thermals - God reached his hand down from the sky/He flooded the land then he set it on fire
Love is Blindess – U2 - A little death/Without mourning/No call/And no warning
Greyjoy Songs
Flugufrelsarinn – Sigur Rós - Ég næ ekki andanum og þyngist við hverja öldu/Mér vantar kraftaverk/Því ég er að drukkna – syndir (I can not breathe and I am heavier with every wave/I need a miracle/Because I am drowning- sins) Note: Lots of talk about the ocean/rivers/boats along with despairing over your sins and struggling to be better and repent. If that isn’t a fucking Theon song I don’t know what is.
Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea – MISSIO - The sweet surrender of silence forces me to live alone/Locked and loaded, where the hell is peace of mind?/I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea
Wave of Mutilation – Pixies - You'll think I'm dead, but I sail away/On a wave of mutilation
Jon Songs
Born for Greatness – Papa Roach - No we’re not nameless, we’re not faceless/We were born for greatness Note: This could be generic, but this gives me heavy Jon vibes
EDIT: @ward--runa pointed out to me that this song suited Jon better.
Mother – The Amazons - Friends wanna kill me/But I give them all my loving anyway/If God won't forgive me/I'm not the only one to make amends
Lannister Songs
Listen to the Lion – Van Morrison - All my love come tumblin' down/Oh, listen listen/To the lion
Hot Blood – Kaleo - You wanna prove you're the better man/You wanna reach for the things that nobody can/Oh all you need is to break away, yeah/Just keep telling yourself there's no shame Note: This was either Jaime or Jon for me, but I settled on Jaime. Partly because this came after a string of what I think to be Cersei songs. Also The idea of being a better man, “love is gonna get ya”, “turn your back, you’re a broken man”, “shake your hand”.
Gold Lion – Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Gold lion's gonna tell me where the light is
Cersei Songs
Queen – Perfume Genius - Don't you know your queen/Gleaming/Wrapped in golden leaf/Don't you know me Note: This gives me Cercei vibes but I honestly don’t know…
Cruel – St. Vincent - So they took you, and they left you/How could they be casually cruel? Note: ??? Maybe another Cercei one?
Crown of the Ground – Sleigh Bells - Set, set that crown on the ground and-ah
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queenofcats17 · 5 years
If you are taking Requests, could you do an Ink Fumes AU fic surrounding Shawn, Lacie, and Grant as the butcher gang? If not, then just keep up the good work. Your fics are awesome to read.
You’re in luck! I was just thinking of writing that scenario! Also including Bertram as well because I couldn’t resist.
Henry had, perhaps naively, thought that the fume related shenanigans were at an end. It had been months and no one had experienced any hallucinations. By this point, Henry was almost back full time. Joey had changed for the better, and Henry felt much more comfortable working with his friend. Although he did often have to remind Joey to take his medication. Anyway, it had been months and no one had tried to attack anyone because of hallucinations. There had been a few scuffles between Wally and Sammy, but that was normal. Henry was starting to get used to life at the studio again. Then it began once more.
It started with Susie. Again. Henry entered the breakroom to find Shawn holding a bag of ice up to a black eye.
“What happened to you?” Henry asked.
“Miss Campbell fell in the ink and started thinkin’ she was Alice again,” Shawn grumbled. “Kept grabbin’ my toys and tearin’ the stuffin’ outta them before tryin’ to stuff it in her face. Tied me up and called me a freak when I tried to stop her.”
“What? Again?” Henry stifled an internal groan. “I thought the pipes were fixed.” Thomas and his company had mostly managed to fix the pipes system so that they hardly ever leaked anymore. Thus the instances of ink based afflictions had gone way down.
“Mr. Drew was tryin’ somethin’ and it overloaded the pipes.” Shawn shrugged. “Dumped a buncha ink in the stairwell.”
Henry sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. “Guess I’m going to have to have another talk with Joey.”
Shawn shrugged, reaching for a cup of coffee with his free hand. “Don’t yell at him too much, he’s been havin’ a panic attack all mornin’ about it.”
“I’ll be gentle,” Henry assured him with a weary smile. He left for Joey’s office, hoping that this was an isolated incident and that there wouldn’t be any more ink based hallucinations.
Unfortunately, as he saw in later days, whatever Joey had done had wreaked some serious havoc with the pipes. For the next week, pipes would randomly burst, showering the unfortunate employees with ink. Thomas and his team were working around the clock to fix them, but there were still a few….incidents. Such as the day Henry came in and immediately heard people screaming about someone being stuck on top of Bertram’s octopus ride.
“Wally.” Henry caught the janitor by the arm as he tried to hurry past. “What’s going on?”
“Mr. Piedmont got doused with ink and now he’s on top of his ride,” Wally said. He looked like he wasn’t sure if he should be laughing or panicking.
“Uh…Not sure?” Wally smiled apologetically. “I mean, he’s like 60. Ya wouldn’t think he could do it.” Henry sighed. It was too early for this. He hadn’t even had his coffee yet.
“Do we have a ladder?” He asked, taking his glasses off and cleaning them. They didn’t need cleaning, it just calmed him down to do.
“Oh, yeah. I’m goin’ to get one right now.” Wally said. “You wanna come with me? It’ll probably take two of us to move it.” Henry nodded, putting his glasses on again.
Together, the two of them carried the ladder down to the warehouse where Bertram’s ride was stored. A large group of people had gathered to observe the commotion. Sure enough, Bertram was perched on top of the ride, spinning and screaming about how he was still here. Joey stood in the doorway, pale and picking at his cuticles. Judging from the bloody mess on his fingers, he wasn’t doing so great.
“You know that’s not good for you.” Henry stepped away from the ladder to gently force Joey’s hands apart. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, wrapping it around Joey’s bloodied hand.
“I know.” Joey managed a weak smile. “I just…This is my fault. I shouldn’t have tried to summon Bendy so early.” Given that everything was going well, Joey had gotten the idea into his head that he could somehow summon the characters into the real world. It…wasn’t going the way he’d thought it would.
“You can only beat yourself up for so long, old friend.” Henry patted Joey’s back. “You made a mistake and you’ve owned up to it. That’s all I can ask you to do.”
“Okay, Mr. Piedmont, let’s get you down,” Wally said, reaching out toward Bertram.
Bertram stopped yelling, tilting his head to the side curiously. “Boris? What the Devil are you doing down here?”
“Yeah, sure, I’m Boris.” Wally rolled his eyes. “We gotta get you down before you crack your head open, Mr. Piedmont.”
“My body is trapped inside this ride, there is no ‘getting down’,” Bertram responded as if this was completely obvious.
“You’re just sittin’ on top of the ride. C’mon.” Wally tugged experimentally on Bertram’s arm, only for the park designer to jerk the limb back.
“Don’t touch me!” He yelled. “I cannot have you corrupted as well!” Wally stared at him before looking helplessly down at Joey and Henry.
“Has anyone seen Miss Benton?” Joey asked, glancing from employee to employee.
“Oh…Uh…” One ride mechanic grimaced, rubbing the back of their head. “She, uh, she’s kind…busy?”
“Busy…how?” Henry asked slowly.
A few minutes later, Henry, Joey, and a group of employees were standing in the balcony above Research and Development, staring down at the three employees gathered around the trashcan fire.
“Is that a trashcan fire?” Wally asked, peering past Henry. “Man, I haven’t seen one of those in ages!” Immediately, Lacie, Shawn, and Grant turned to stare at them. Their eyes had the glassy quality that came with being high on ink fumes, and both Lacie and Shawn had improvised weaponry in the form of a wrench and a pipe. Lacie also had a prop pipe stuck in her mouth. Grant peered curiously out from behind the other two, looking rather innocent and adorable. It was strange to think of a 40-year-old man as adorable.
“Well, if it isn’t the little devil darling,” Shawn growled. His accent sounded…different. Like he was trying to not sound Irish.
“This be no place for the likes of you.” Lacie slapped the wrench on the palm of her hand. She sounded like a cartoonish approximation of a pirate.
“Hi!” Grant waved, a goofy smile on his face. He sounded…more or less the same, if a bit more childish.
“Hey. No. He’s the enemy, we don’t wave at him.” Shawn turned and whispered.
“Okay!” Grant said brightly.
“Let me guess, they think they’re the Butcher Gang?” Henry lowered his voice, looking over at the ride mechanic who’d brought them over. The mechanic grimaced, nodding meekly.
“Hey, how’d you guys set that fire?” Wally asked. “I’m never allowed to set trashcan fires!”
“You’d end up burning down the whole studio if you tried.” Someone in the back grumbled.
“Would not!” Wally insisted with an adorably cartoonish pout.
“Aren’t you and Bendy part of the fire department?” Grant asked, tilting his head to the side. “I know you guys put out a fire one time.”
“Boris sets more fires than he puts out.” Joey chuckled. “But, yes, we were temporarily part of the fire department.” Shawn and Lacie rolled their eyes, moving away a little so that Grant could talk to Joey and Wally better.
“Your voice sounds funny, Bendy,” Grant announced.
“It does sound weird.” Shawn agreed, narrowing his eyes. “You’re not tryin’ to pull some kinda scam, are ya?”
“You know what’ll happen if you are.” Lacie kept slapping the wrench into her palm. Joey hesitated for a moment, then smiled.
“C’mon, fellas, I wouldn’t do that to you.” He put his hands up, slipping easily into the persona of Bendy. “We were just wondering if you could help us with a friend of ours.”
“A friend of yours?” Shawn raised an eyebrow.
“There’ll be a catch, I expect.” Lacie snorted.
“You wound me.” Joey put a hand to his heart, feigning an offended expression.
“We just want to get him down before he cracks his head open,” Wally added. “Pretty sure it’d be bad if he just died.”
“Why do you need our help?” Shawn asked, just as Grant said,
“Down from where?”
“He’s on top of a ride,” Joey explained. “A big ride! I can’t reach and you know Boris is just a big scaredy cat.”
“I can go high places!” Grant exclaimed, his whole face lighting up. “Let me help!”
“Hold on.” Shawn pulled Grant back. “What’s in it for us?”
“Well…” Joey stopped, a sly smile spreading across his face. “I might be able to get you all some good food. I still owe you for that burger, don’t I?” Shawn and Lacie exchanged a glance, then nodded to one another.
“Alright.” Shawn folded his arms.
“Show us where the bastard be.” Lacie put away her wrench. Henry blinked, looking over at Joey in awe. Joey just smiled.
It still took a bit to get Bertram down, even with Shawn, Lacie, and Grant’s “help”. The Butcher Gang hadn’t exactly been created to be competent entities. But they did eventually manage to get Bertram to the ground. Once they all came down from their high, all four were mortified. Especially Grant and Bertram. Grant immediately went to his office and refused to come out, while Bertram just sat in the break room, staring into the distance. Lacie joined him, more to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid than anything else. Shawn felt better once Wally started teasing him because it meant Shawn got to tease him back about all his “Boris” moments.
“You handled that really well,” Henry said once he and Joey got back to Joey’s office.
“You think so?” Joey smiled shakily, collapsing into his chair. “I was a little worried it would go bad.”
“You did great,” Henry assured him. Joey’s smile grew a bit more confident.
“Thank you,” He said. “You really have no idea how good it is to have you back.”
“It’s good to be back.”
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dngrdyke · 4 years
May The Best Bitch Win Part 2
"Let's go, bitches!" Dyke whooped. "Last one to the Hub has to clean up after the party!"
Poison rallied the engine. "I can't wait to beat your ass twice!"
Dee said nothing, and instead sped off without warning, making Faggot yelp and grab her waist tight.
A vague "motherfucker!" was heard and soon the Trans AM was catching up on her right. On her left, Ghoul and Cola were keeping pace, seemingly effortlessly.
The convoy made it to the Hub just as another gang pulled up. Dyke skidded to a stop in front of the leader of the pack, followed closely by Ghoul. Poison rocked up a split second behind and climbed out.
"I wanna rematch! You've less mass so you go faster!"
"I have better mass," she grinned, kicking down the stand and flicking her hair out of her face.
"Why'd I join a posse with a bike," Faggot mumbled as he climbed off shakily. Dyke killed the engine.
"The Fabulous Killjoys, huh?" one of the other gang scoffed. "Seems like a buncha kids to me."
"And who the fuck are you then?" Poison asked, coming over to stand beside Dyke with a hand on his hip.
"The Angels of Road Slaughter. I'm Roadkill. This is my second, Rock Machine. You gotta be Party Poison, or is it bootyshorts there beside ya?"
"The name's Dyke. Pretty sweet ride ya got there, Roadkill. What is it, a Chopper?"
"Yeah, got her from some Blind warehouse a while back. You don't have a bad bike yourself."
"Power cruiser, baby. I'm gonna smoke all you bitches outta here."
"Nobody's smokin' me out unless it's your little friend there," Roadkill said and winked at Poison.
"I think that's enough conversation for one day," Doctor D said, materialising out of nowhere. "At least while your old man is listening. The afterparty is a different story. Don't gotta pay attention to no-one at a party."
Dyke glanced at Poison, who was looking anywhere but at Roadkill, who was looking directly at Poison. You coulda cut the tension with a knife.
"Oh, hey, D, you'll never believe what happened earlier," Dyke said, seizing her chance to escape the awkward situation unfolding before her. "C'mon, let's get a soda and I'll tell you. Ya still got orange?"
He took the hint. "Sure do, DB. Come on in. I got a tape just about to hit replay so you can pick the next one."
He turned himself around and went back inside. Dyke took Faggot's arm and squeezed gently. He glanced at her and nodded.
"Jet, you wanna go over your battle plan?"
"I- yeah, good call." He silently thanked whatever god there was.
"I'm coming too!"
"Yeah, same here!"
Kobra and Ghoul followed, with Cola shaking his head and coming in the rear, saying nothing.
"Y'know, Roadie, a soda sounds pretty good right now," Rock Machine said. The rest of the gang murmured their agreement.
"Fine. We'll get some soda then. See ya later, prettyboy. You're gonna eat ass on the track."
Dyke bit her lip as she walked away, trying hard not to laugh. Doctor D looked back at her with a glint in his eye.
Poison ran up and draped his arms around Dyke and Jet. "Those are some hardass motherfuckers."
Dee snorted but covered it up with a cough. It was a talent of hers.
"Anyway, DB- you said you had some crazy story to tell us."
"That I do, Doctor D, that I do." She ducked out of Poison's grasp and lead the group walking backwards. "So I was headin' out to the Rendezvous- thanks for those supplies, Cola- and I saw these two assholes without any masks on takin' the kidneys outta some Drac. Y'all know I hate Blind as much as the next person, but you just gotta show some respect, ya know? Anyways, I pulled my guns on 'em and told 'em if they didn't scoot asap I'd shoot. They left together on a bike but they kept the kidneys for some reason. Dicks." Dyke turned back around and smacked her face into the beads that hung over D's doorway. She moved them out of her face and went straight to the kitchen- the only place with a working refrigerator. She took out an orange soda and cracked it open. Everyone else just stood, watching her.
"What? Somethin' on my face?"
"Dyke... Like, no offence or whatever, but how in the hell are you still alive?" Faggot asked. His eyes were huge, as if her head would explode at any second.
"DB my good friend, I'd bet my left arm that you just had a clap with Scarlet Ripper and the Mongoose," D said, running a hand through his hair.
"Those freaky-ass motherfuckers you were talkin' about earlier? Then why ain't I dead?"
"You musta got lucky," he sighed. "I gotta go tell the world to start showin' up. You gonna choose a tape?"
She chugged her soda and tossed the can into the trash. "I nearly died today. Of course I'm gonna choose the fuckin' tape."
"And it's Doctor Death-Defying back at you desert-dwellers with a whole new tape. But first, a drag race update from our very own DB."
Dyke's eyes widened and D motioned to the mic. Go crazy, he mouthed.
She grinned.
"Well hello there, desert kings, queens and everything in between. Tonight's gonna be a clear night with a high chance of road dust. Anyone willing to eat my shorts in the drag race better hurry up and get here, else someone'll take your spot. So far we have tension brewing 'tween the Killjoy squads and the Angels' racers. Who knows what's gonna happen next? Not me, but 'til then, here's Quiet Riot to keep ya kickin'."
D loaded the tape and set it playing.
"Not too bad for a first-timer."
She shrugged. "Sometimes you want the attention. I'm gonna go take a smoke break, see who else is here. We should get goin' soon."
Outside, the Angels were milling around on their bikes with some sodas.
"Hey! Dyke, wasn't it?" Roadkill jogged over to her.
"That's me," she said lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag. "You need somethin'?"
He scratched the top of his greasy, black hair. Roadkill sure lived up to his name.
"Party Poison he, uh... he knows I was just dicking around, right? Well, kinda, anyway. Mostly."
"Probably. He's not pissed or anything, if that's what you're worried about. He just hasn't had anyone 'cept the mirror flirt with him in a while."
"Ah," he said and nodded, then "can I bum a smoke?"
She said nothing, but instead drew out the pack and offered it to him.
"Hey, thanks. You know you look like him though, right?"
"Long story. Might tell you one day."
"Hey, Dee! Doc says we're ready to go!" Faggot yelled out a window.
"You two gonna come out and watch?"
Dee knew from experience that he had the Girl scooped up in his arms and was making faces at her.
"Be right there. Oh, and Jet says to meet him out back with the bike."
She stubbed out the cigarette under her foot. "You comin' to the afterparty?"
"Wouldn't miss it, DB."
Jet was standing with his arms crossed when Dyke rounded the corner, pushing the bike.
"Poison wanted me to ask you if Roadkill was being serious. He said he has a nice butt."
"Kinda serious. He would. It could happen."
"God-fucking-damn it."
"Racers!" the crackly sound of Doctor D's PA system came towards them. "If your bedazzled ass isn't at the starting line, go put it there or get it kicked out."
"My ass isn't even bedazzled..."
"C'mon, Jet. We got a race to win."
They took their places at the starting line, Jet with his lanky frame scrunched up behind Dee. She had the motor running and her legs on either side of the bike for balance. Doc had better start the party soon, she thought.
She scanned the crowds lining the track and saw Faggot with the Girl on his shoulders. He grinned and waved, then took the Girl's hand and waved with that.
She smiled.
"Alright racers, I want a nice clean match. No bashing, slashing or body flashing, ya hear? And that includes you audience members, too. We don't care how well God has made you- this is a road race. Save it for the afterparty! But I think that's all an old man like me's gotta say so... On your marks!"
Dyke snapped back into reality and tensed her legs. A few of the racers revved their engines. Road Kill caught her eye and winked.
"Get set!"
She flexed her fingers and tightened her grip on the handlebars. For her, driving gloves weren't just a fashion statement.
A foghorn sounded and Dyke kicked off. "Heads down, elbows tucked in, DB and Jet Star take an early lead," the Doc's voice came over the roar of engines. "But look's like Party Poison and the Kobra Kid are close behind. Damn! Road Kill and Rock Machine leading by a hair."
"We need more speed!" Jet shouted in her ear.
"No fuckin' shit!" She sped up, taking back her spot. No way was she losing to some short, ratty-ass clown. Or Poison either, for that matter.
"Nice view, Dyke! You steal Poison's ass, too?"
"Jet, honey?"
"You remind me to break his nose at the afterparty."
"Sure thing, Dee."
She pressed harder on the accelerator. "C'mon. Please. Carla, if you can hear me..." she mumbled.
The bike, against all odds, against all the laws of physics, went just that much faster.
"Holy shit!" Jet shouted. "Dee, we- Dee! We're gonna die!"
"No way, Jet Star! We're gonna win!"
They could still hear Doctor D's voice narrating the race, but quieter now as they sped further away. "And that's DB with Jet still in the lead! I didn't know her bike could even go that fast- but don't tell her that, else I'll lose the use of my remaining working limbs."
"We almost there, Jet?"
Dyke was trying to focus on keeping the bike going as fast as possible. Sure, she had here eyes on the road, but it was a kind of tunnel vision. She didn't care about anything that wasn't directly in front of her.
"Not sure... maybe- yes! I can see someone with a flag!"
Dee whooped. The engine whined.
"Shit, will we make it?"
"If we believe, Jet! Just pray and don't stop 'til we cross that line!"
Sure enough, Jet started to mumble something. Whether he was praying or cursing her, Dyke didn't know.
She couldn't speak Spanish.
She saw Road Kill out of the corner of her eye and her face hardened. They were so close. She could almost taste it.
A rush of colour. The flag was waved. They did it. They did it!
She screamed. "Jet! Jet! We did it! WE DID IT!" She gently lifted the accelerator and braked hard to skid to a stop. Down went the kickstand.
"Did we do it?" she asked doubtfully, looking between Jet's face and the person with the flag.
"Only one way to find out, Dee. We gotta wait for the rest of 'em."
The Trans Am and Road Kill's Chopper had come in neck and neck, while someone riding solo came in just before them. The only people the two had been keeping an eye on were Road Kill and Poison. Other than that- who knew?
The crowd at the starting line started to make their way to the finish. Some people had spread out along the track, but most had stayed at the start where they could see everything that was going on.
"Alright, alright, simmer down you folks."
Doctor D spoke through a megaphone. Where the hell was he getting all this stuff?
"After careful consultation with our flagboy V, it would appear that Dyke and Jet Star have stolen the scene and come in first place!" There was a mix of cheering and groaning from the crowd as accessories were exchanged. Faggot ran up with the girl on his hip and threw an arm around Dee.
"I knew you could do it, you old bitch!"
"Hey! Poison's older than I am!"
"Dee! Dee!" the Girl giggled, clapping.
"Now that first place is settled, in second place we have Maximum Voltage, riding solo."
The crowd clapped half-heartedly. Nobody knew who this Max guy was.
"Wait... Maximu-?" Dee started. She was cut off by the Doc shushing the crowd again. The flagboy whispered in his ear.
"And in an exciting turn of events, in third place is Party Poison and the Kobra Kid tied with Road Kill and Rock Machine!"
More accessories were exchanged. Dyke was even sure she saw masks being swapped.
"Yeah, yeah, all prizes will come in due time, but for now I think we all just need to party."
Dee and Jet were swarmed with people congratulating them, and all thoughts of Maximum Voltage were pushed from her mind.
"We did it, Dee. I can't believe we actually did it!"
"Fuck, me neither! Hey- careful, these pins are sharp. To the afterparty!"
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