#anytime i answer a question i feel like someone is going to respond r u fucking stupid hes smoking in every panel. like maybe im insane and
autisticredhood · 2 years
Does jason smoke in canon?
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quick response is here is him post-crisis shown lighting a cigarette in batman #408, so yes he did smoke. can't recall a panel of him post resurrection smoking but wouldn't be surprised if there is one, if i remember later I'll add it on. smoking isn't a BIG thing with him, not like fanon can emphasize, but there is an origin to him smoking when he was younger
[ID: two images of young post-crisis Jason Todd. First image is a panel of him sitting on a mattress in the apartment he's squatting in lighting a cigarette to his lips as Batman watches in the doorway. Second image is a close-up of the next panel where the cigarette has fallen from Jason's lips in shock and there is a little swirl of smoke. End ID]
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coleszzzworld · 1 year
Yandere! tengen uzui & wives x hashira reader (she/her pronouns) poly! Relationship!
Summary~you have been a hashira for a while now , and your pretty good at your job , what happens when your “friends” eyes fall on you , in a twisted way.
TW⚠️!!!!- cussing,slightly suggestive content, yandere story! , mentions of death.-⚠️⚠️
“I got my team.”
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“Yes I would love too.” I reply too tengen’s invitation too have dinner at his residence , me and tengen met when I first joined the hashira , he has fought with me too kill demons , he says he loves how flashy I am when I cut their head off , “great! I’m sure my wives will be very happy too have you !” He says smiling at me , ‘ah yes , his wives, their great people, I love their company , honestly I feel comfortable around all of them . ‘ I think too myself before pulling myself out my thoughts, then replying, “great! I can’t wait, I guess I’ll see you later “ I say then leaving waving him good bye , “oh y/n , I wish you didn’t have too leave, no matter you’ll never leave us.” Tengen says too himself.
“Y/n!!!~” suma yells at me as she runs up too me pulling me into a big hug , “h-hello , suma!” I say as all the air in my lungs gets squeezed out of me , eventually makio walks out and yells at suma , “suma ! Get off her!! , your squeezing her too death !” Makio says as she try’s to pull her off me , “but it’s been so long since we saw her !!!” Suma says almost on the brink of tears , I smile at her , “it’s only been a week suma “ I say , eventually makio pulls me into a tight hug , “yeah that’s along time !” She says as she holds me , eventually Hinatsuru joins us pulling makio off me , “hello y/n , I’m very happy you joined us tonight!” She says pulling me into a embracive hug , I enjoy her hugs they always feel so safe , “I’m glad to be here !” I chirp too her , hugging back . Eventually we all go in for dinner . Before I sit at the table , I put my sword near the door .
“Y/n! How was your day? , I wanna know everything!” Suma chirps at me , waiting excitedly for my response, before I could respond , “did ya kill any demons?!!?! , did you eat today ?!?! , did you save anyone?!?! -“ she gets cut off by makio , “she was gonna answer but you cut her off!” She says slightly yelling at suma then stuffing her face with the delicious food , “um , no , yes , and no “ I say responding too her questions, then taking a sip of my tea , this tea smells funny , but I can’t really tell why, probably just green tea or something. Eventually tengen cuts in , “so y/n , since your so flashy , do you have anyone at home waiting on ya?” He says taking a sip of his tea , my face turns instantly red , “u-um , no . Im not really looking for someone .” I say nervously chuckling at the end of my sentence, before anyone could Interject, my body feels like it’s having a fever, “I-is it hot in here ??” I say getting hot real fast , “I t-think I’m going too step out , r-real quick “ I say trying too stand up but eventually falling on the ground, then the group surrounds me looking down on me , “oh!, y/n I don’t think you can leave.” Makio says squatting down brushing a piece of hair behind my ear , eventually suma squats down beside her , grabbing my hand and holding into Her’s “I don’t think you’ll be leaving anytime soon y/n!” She says kissing my hand , “w-what , what are you guys talking About?!” I say trying too stand up . But eventually falling back down , tengen bends down and looks me into my eyes , “we love you y/n! , your pretty, smart , very sexy too , theirs no way we wouldn’t love you , every since we met you . We knew we needed you “ he says. Pulling me into I kiss , I try too pull back but my vision starts too fade in and out , eventually he pulls back , and Hinatsuru speaks up , “we laced your tea dear , we knew if we brought up the idea of us wanting too have you in the relationship , you would reject us , so we laced you . You’ll be ours forever dear “ she says then kissing my cheek , “hey! I want too kiss y/n! “ suma says , then makio interjects “no way ! I’m kissing her first !” She says yelling at her , then Hinatsuru joins trying too calm them down , I make eye contact with my sword, If I do full concentration breathing, maybe I can reach my sword . I eventually try , but my luck ran out . Tengen noticed. And kicked me in my chest . Knocking a hard blow too me . Obviously it wasn’t enough too kill me but more too knock me out . The ladies notice this “tengen! You could’ve of hurt her!” Suma says , “no. I delivered a light blow . It was enough too knock her our out not kill her “ he replies. My vision getting more blurry and black I hear the last words before I passed out ,
“Don’t worry, we’ll take great care of you love!” Suma says
Then makio eventually says something “your our honey , ours too love and ours too fuck.” She says smirking
Eventually Hinatsuru chimes in , “makio! , don’t listen too her dear , we’ll forever care for you and love you dear “
And those last words. “I know you’ll be a good girl for us y/n. You’ll love your new flashy life style. “ tengen says smiling at me .
and the world goes dark.
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A/N-(y’all I’ve been obsessed with tengen and his wives bro . I need them fr 😩😩, anyways let me know what y’all think of this . And if y’all want a part two!)
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ao3gingerswag · 2 years
So now I’m thinking about what hooomdoom said and what you responded about cas and sam and authority and… have you ever seen a kid try to do something they think will get them in trouble and all they get is confusion? Like I could totally see Sam trying to find the lines and push boundaries as he’s adjusting but I’m picturing Cas not even recognizing that Sam’s doing something wrong, just that he’s doing something…odd…
Like cas is used to his perspective being different from other people, so when Sam’s not acting how he expects, he doesn’t assign malicious intent, he just genuinely asks “why are you doing that?” Or even tries to guess something reasonable, like “oh, are you waiting to mop because I haven’t cleaned off the tables yet? That makes sense, you don’t want to mop when the table crumbs are just going to fall. I got caught up so I’m probably not going to be able to do the tables anytime soon, so I can just do the mopping tonight. I don’t want to keep you up late, you need your rest”
And Sam’s just thinking “no! I was trying to piss you off because you hogged Dean’s attention all day!” But he can’t very well say that, so there’s no real point to picking that fight
On the other hand, I could see Cas laying down rules his dad had, but when sam tries to question them, he just… doesn’t have an answer. It’s just how they always did things. And he’s never had someone to question everything his dad did, so cas doesn’t know if those rules had a good reason, or if they were for his own benefit, or his dad’s or the customers and so he doesn’t know if it’s safe to change things or if there are consequences he just can’t foresee. And for the most part I could see him explaining that to sam and offering compromises and whatnot. But I could see at least sometimes that changing systems and routines and rules that his dad set feels both overwhelming and like he’s disappointing his dad. And i could see sam not understanding how overwhelmed Cas is when cas is just saying “well that’s what we always do” and sam snaps “that’s not a good reason!” And cas is just like “i know!”
But cas always comes back to talk once he can articulate himself, and is always willing to try to look from Sam’s perspective, so eventually Sam starts to feel like sharing his perspective (or back-talking as john would call it) isn’t defiant. And if it’s not defiant, then it doesn’t actually need to be a power struggle with cas
@ao3time Oh yeah for sure hahahaha Sam is like...ok....well lets see how you react if I eat dinner.....ON THE FLOOR!!!!!! and cas is just like um??? ok???? sam r u ok is there something wrong with the seats?.....ok.....that's fine then, you can eat wherever you want....
and sam is like. what.
estrdyfug im dying at the idea of sam just stomping around and moping bc he wanted to piss Cas off with his Weirdness but Cas is literally unpissoffable trfytguhuj at least that way. like the ONLY thing he gets mad about is if sam is mean to dean, and sam is not gonna be mean to his big brother just cause he wants to piss off The Weird Man They Live With Now
the whole idea of sam trying to change routines and cas being freaked out by it is killing me thoooo!!!! well that’s what we always do" "that's not a good reason" "I know!" stoooOOOOOOPPPP ur killing me man ;~; i am having feelings.....so hard to be autistic in the middle ages.... ;~;
but yes! i am obsessed with the idea of sam trying so hard to get into a power struggle with cas and it just Does Not Work bc cas doesnt WANT power over sam he just wants him and dean to be safe!!! and sam is like..... :OOOOO
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devinescribe · 3 years
Niragi Suguru × Reader
So... here we go!!! I'm so exciteddd!! Because Y/N does get to slap him this time-
Warnings: swearing, mentions of past abuse/trauma. I think that's about it.
Eros, sexual or erotic love. Can be the love you share with a partner. Lust.
Philia, platonic love. The love you share with friends.
Storge, natural love. The love you share with your family.
Philautia, love of self.
Pragma, long standing love. The love of a married couple.
Agápe, unconditional or Devine love.
Ludus, childish or playful love/flirting.
You were the cupid of Ludus. Anytime a young person needed your help in finding a love that was playful, you helped. The person could be young, or just young at heart. Whatever it was, you helped fulfil their love lives.
"(Y/N)! Someone's saying something about love next to candy, it might be a job for you!" You heard Stroge's voice call for you. Your eyes lit up. You hadn't had a job in so long. You rushed over, holding the edges of your pink dress so you didn't trip over the wisps of clouds.
The clouds in front of all of you transformed into a screen. There was a boy with dark raven colored hair, glasses, and dark eyes. Blood covered his hands and face, as well as a few bruises. "Oh my! Why, this is new..." Philia exclaimed. ''This is probably... the w-weirdest thing I've done... but I r-really wish she loved me," you heard him say. "He's sad! I wanna go, please? I haven't had one in 2,000 years, pleaseeee?" You begged, clasping your hands together. They all looked at each other before looking back. "Lady Aphrodite, what do you think?" Eros asked with a smile. The woman in question smiled gracefully, before nodding her head. "Yes! I promise I'll do my best!" You giggled, before touching the scene in the cloud. Warmth spread throughout your body, the heat being pleasant as if you were walking under the sun, and then, you felt cold. The sudden difference made you shiver. Where was this kid anyways?
"W-what the hell!" The boy exclaimed, backing away. His back hit the wall, and you pouted. "Come on now! You summoned me," you said. "Y-youre... you... I did what?" He stuttered. "You said you wished she loved you back and there's candy somewhere, so I got sent down here,'' you chirped, lifting the edges of your white dress, getting close to him. "I died didn't I? They finally killed me?" He said, slapping the side of his face. He began to pinch at his skin, wincing when he pinched at one of the bruises. "Am I dreaming? I've got to be. They knocked me out, I'm dreaming. No way. There's no way this is real," he muttered to himself. Then you grabbed his hands to stop his actions. The way your hands felt, warm and soft, couldn't have been something out of a dream. This was real. "Oh my god oh no... what did grandma always say? Don't mess with the spirits and devines. Don't do it. And what did I do? I messed with the devines, and here I am," he whispered. His eyes were wide, looking you up and down quickly. "I'm not gonna hurt you, you know. I'm here here to help!" You said, placing a hand on his cheek. You used your magic to heal up the bruises, cuts, and other things. He felt a slight warming sensation spread lightly. "There. All fixed up," you said, patting his head.
"So... let's start over. Hiya, my names (Y/N), cupid of Ludus!" You introduced. It was about an hour later, and he had finally come to terms with it. "Niragi Suguru... um, explain what the cupid thing is?" He questioned. You nodded. "There's seven of us in total! Each represents one of the words the Greeks used for love. Ludus is childish or playful love and flirting," you explained. You looked towards his clothes, a school uniform covered in dust, blood and dirt, and back down to your clothes, a long, white, flowy dress with loose sleeves. It was the kind that reminded you of your home in your past life.. You frowned, snapping your fingers. "Much better," you sighed. You had changed into a pink hoodie with a white pleated skirt. A pair of white platform boots with silver buckles completed the outfit. You had also cleaned up his clothes, and he looked shocked yet again. "Oh, and my lucky charm! Niragi, meet Squishy! He's my bun bun!" You giggled, waving around the white stuffed bunny. He cracked a smile, and pet it. "So... how old are you?" He asked, quickly adding, "If you don't mind me asking, of course."
You thought for a moment on how you should answer. "Well... I look around your age. I can make myself look whatever age I want, but technically speaking... I'm as old as Aphrodite. About a 500 years younger then her... so... about 5,000 years old? Does that answer it?" You responded. He nodded. "So... you're immortal? What like lead... to you being created?" He asked. You snuggled into him, being cold. He jumped at the contact. "It's cold... and if you wanna know, I'm gonna stay here," you said, holding onto him even him more. "O-okay..." he stuttered. "All of us cupids were mortals once. All of us died in ways that were... horrific for some, and also trauma. The gods took pitty or interest in us, and decided to save us," you explained, playing with the buttons on his uniform, unbuttoning and buttoning them back up.
"What a-are you doing?" He asked, grabbing your hands. You smiled, "Need to fidget with something." He was confused, but let you be. "Alright. Can you tell me a bit more about the cupids? Or just... yourself?" He questioned.
"Well there's 7 of us. Each of us has a lucky item, a color and food that can be used to summon us, we work with the gods and goddesses of love from every religion... hmmm, what else? Oh, my past is kinda dark. I was a princess! So, with that, my parents wanted me to be perfect. But, I couldn't, so punishments were required if I messed up. The man I was betrothed to was disgusting... Oh, and if you're wondering, my parents killed me. You know how royal families are. Crazy. So, now I'm here. Does that answer your question?" You responded. He blinked while nodding. "That was a lot. I'm sorry you went through that," he said, sympathy evident in his tone. You frowned, your hands playing with his hair. He leaned into your touch, a content sigh leaving his lips. "Yay! I made you happy! Right? Did I?" You questioned, sitting on his lap. He nodded, looking up at you. "You're cute. I'm not sure why you need my help getting a girl," you pouted, fingers weaving into his dark hair. He blushed slightly at your words. Cute? No one called him cute. He never assumed he was cute. Why did you think that?
"I didn't know I summoned you, so... yeah," he answered. "Well, now I'm here until she falls in love with you, with my help of course," you said. He cracked a smile, nodding. "I have to get home, so... let's go," he said, trying to push you off him softly. You shook your head, nuzzling into his chest. 'I thought she was supposed to help her fall in love with me, not make me fall for her!' He was having an internal panic at the moment. You finally got off of him, and floated besides him. "Let's go then."
"So no one else can see or hear you?" He questioned. You two were currently in his room. You nodded, before looking out the window into the street below. "We're so high up! Wow!" You exclaimed. He laughed, "Don't you live in the sky?" You pouted at his laughter. "And? I think it looks pretty outside right now," you said. It was raining outside, the droplets hitting the glass with a satisfying sound. "I prefer rain to sun. I don't get rain or cloudy days up there," you said, floating over to his bed. He was laying back, looking up at the ceiling, so you decided to float right above him. "So, what's this girl's name?" You asked. He blushed. "Asami Anzu," he responded. "Pretty! I bet she's pretty too! Is she pretty? Tell me about her," you rambled, giggling in excitement. He had never had anyone to talk to about anything, and here you were. So, of course he spent the next few hours talking to you about her.
"Aww! I wish someone would talk about me like that!" You said. He was so obviously in love with this girl, and it made your heart melt. He was so pure with his feelings. "Other guys that I've helped usually only want the girl to be childish so they can take care of her. I'm so glad you have genuine affection towards her," you said, sitting on the edge of his bed. He blushed, looking away. "What? Is there something wrong?" You questioned. "U-um, your s-ski- your skirt," he stuttered. You were confused, looking down, seeing it had risen up, and you laughed, smoothing it down. "You're silly. It's just skin," you said, crawling up to him. "Well I- I just... I assumed it was... improper for me to see that," he said. "Oh, you wouldn't survive a day up there... you would constantly be apologizing," you giggled, patting his head. You could feel him relax, and smiled. "You remind me of a dog! You like head pats, and are easily excited," you teased. "A-am not!" He defended, grabbing your hands. You pushed against him, trying to get your hands away. You laughed as he pushed back. It turned into both of you trying to push each other over. The once quiet room was filled with laughter and random bouts of banter.
You finally pushed him over, pining his hands above him. "I win~!" You bragged with a smile. He laughed, letting you celebrate your small victory. You looked down at him. "Is this what Eros talked about?" You questioned out loud to yourself. You weren't completely innocent, and would use minor curse words, or understood certain things, but never really understood it. You knew what it was, it just didn't interest you, or you didn't care about it. "What did she talk about?" He questioned. You stayed the same, looking down at him, keeping his hands in yours. "Well... I think you look pretty where you are," you stated confused. He blushed at your words, finally taking notice of the not - so - innocent position you were in. "You mean like... under you?" He questioned, his wrists squirming to get away from your grip. You let him go, nodding. "That's um... that's nice," he said, looking away. Although you didn't understand his reaction, you blushed at how he phrased it. "See! You're blushing too!" He said. You wanted to tease him? He'd find something to tease you back.
"Suguru, why is there a cupid in your room?"
You turned slowly to the door, noticing an elderly woman standing at the door frame. He stuttered, sitting up. "And moreover, why were you to like... that," she said, gesturing to the two of you.
"He summoned me."
"He did what?!"
"I-i didn't do it on purpose! It was an accident I swear!"
"It was an accident. But I'm stuck here now."
The woman sighed. Then it hit you. "Wait, how can you see me?!" You shouted, floating behind Niragi and grabbing his shoulders. You hid behind him, peeking out slightly. ''I've been around for a while. And I've dealt with cupids before. Say, how's Pragma?" The lady questioned. Your eyes lit up. "You know Pragma?" You questioned. She nodded. "She's doing well," you answered. The lady stayed talking with both of you for a bit longer, before saying she was off.
"Who was that?" You asked. You hadn't asked her who she was, just enjoyed her stories. "My grandmother... I forgot she was going to come over and drop something off while mom was at work, " he answered. You hummed, floating around his room. You heard his bed shift, and the clicking of buttons. "What's that?" You asked, pointing at what he was holding in his hands. "It's a game system. Haven't you... oh. Sky, right," he responded. You sat besides him, watching him expertly click away at the buttons. "You're so good at that!" You complimented after he was done with the level. "Do you want to learn how?"
"Ah! Nonono!" You giggled, seeing as Niragi was passing you. He was still better than you, but you had learned a bit. "Ah, shit!" He cursed, clicking harder at buttons. Another thing you'd noticed about him was when he got  mad at the game, he'd curse a lot. Your character passed the finish line, finishing in first. "Yay! I finally beat you!" You cheered, jumping up and down. "I let you win anyways. I didn't want you to be sad," he joked. "Noooo, I beat you fair and square~!" You chirped, sitting back down. "Did I make you happy again?" "Yeah. You did, (Y/N). You did."
Over the course of the next few weeks, you helped him talk to the girl. Your magic was there to get her interested, and let her fall in love on her own. Not to make her fall in love. Of course, Niragi asked about it.
"Ok, listen here! You need to man up and go talk to her! I did my thing, worked my magic, now all you have to do is talk to her!" You repremanded. "Can't you just make her fall in love with your magic, I don't want to embarrass myself," he muttered. You shook your head. "No! If I do, it can become obsessive and I- I can't let that happen again..." you whispered. "Again?''
"Forget I said that! Go talk to her!"
Usually you floated around, watching her to see her interests and watching over Niragi, making sure to heal him after he mysteriously got hurt. He would never tell you how, and it made you mad, seeing it was the same excuse every time. "I tripped down the stairs, I'm fine," he said. "Mhm. I know your eyesight is bad, but not that bad. You can't expect me to believe all your bullshit can you?" You asked, wiping away the blood. His eyes widened, staring in shock. "What?" You questioned. "You just... you cursed. That's the first time I've heard you swear," he said. You smiled sheepishly. It was a learned behavior from him, hearing him swear at his games, or under his breath. "I-is it ok if I do?" You asked, suddenly worried you'd made him mad. He nodded, "Of course it's ok. I mean, I do it, it would be kinda rude of me to say you can't."
One day, while floating around, listening to the girl, you heard her say something about Niragi. "I mean, don't you think it's weird that he's always by himself? If no one ever talks to him, what's wrong with him?" She said. Her friends nodded. "And next, Sheji told me that all he does is stand as a target when they push him around. Who wants a guy that can't even defend himself?" She added. You huffed. How could she sound like an angel while acting like a devil? This wasn't fair to Niragi, she didn't even know him that well. You floated around her, watching to see if anything would happen. Nothing, as expected. Well, until you touched her. You knew her friends couldn't see you, but now she could. "You're kind of a bitch, you know. You're going to be one of the girls that regrets not dating him when he's older. Did you know Niragi is super smart? Like, top of his class smart. You should get to know people before going off what you think because honestly it's a shitty thing to do, and it doesn't make you pretty at all. I can't believe a guy as cute as him likes you," you spat, defending him. It didn't even cross your mind that calling him cute might be wrong, because in your eyes, it wasn't. Her eyes widened as she stared at you. You were floating, your legs crossed in midair as you held on to your bunny stuffie. "Y-youre floating," she stuttered. You smirked as her friends stared at her like she was crazy. No one else could see you. "Yeah, and? Stop acting so dumb," you insulted. Of course, you wanted Niragi to end up with the girl he liked, but she was too rude. "Anzu, what are you talking about?" One of her friends questioned. "Can't you see her? She's floating, right there!" She exclaimed. You got closer, your eyes gleaming with mischief. "Play nice Anzu. I'm always around to protect those I love," you said, smiling, before skipping away. You heard her talking rapidly about you to her friends, but it was no use because they couldn't see you.
"(Y/N), what happened with Anzu-San? Why did you say those things to her? I thought no one else could see you?" He questioned. "Well first, she's a bitch, and was being rude and talking about you. I said those things cause it was only fair. And It's my special item's magic. I told you Bun-Bun was necessary," you explained, holding onto Niragi's sleeve. He sighed, "Well, now you're stuck with me for a while aren't you?" "Yep. Until you find another person you love that will love you back," you stated. He nodded, not really being as hurt as he thought he would be. In fact, he was relieved. You sensed this, and smiled brightly towards him. "Before you ask, yes, this made me happy. Thank you for helping me, and making sure I'm happy (Y/N)."
That was basically how you got stuck on Earth with him for the next 9 years. He had never found anyone he liked, so you stayed.
"Do you have to work late every day?" You whined. He thought you looked like a kicked puppy all sad and mopey that he had to leave. "I'm sorry?" He questioned, grabbing his keys. "Can I go with you then?" You asked. He sighed, "Only if you promise to not get bored and start bothering me." You nodded excitedly, following him out.
His office was rather messy, not like his room. "Why is your office messy and your room isn't?" You questioned. "I spend countless hours in my office, and like...3-5 hours in my room?" He responded, signing into his computers, looking through a folder on his desk. You pouted, sitting in the corner. You did like the small space, however. You could curl up into a tiny ball, so you did, falling asleep rather quickly
"Niragi? Is it okay if I float around your office and stuff?" You asked a while later after you woke up, being a bit bored. "I told you like... forever ago that you can call me by my first name. You're stuck with me for a while," he said. You shook your head. "It's just... then I would... nevermind," you answered. He chuckled, watching you float around, picking up papers. "You don't have to clean my office for me, you know?" He stated. You nodded, still picking things up. "I'm aware. But, it's for me, not you. If your office is clean, then I don't have to deal with mess when I come with you," you said. "Ok, that's an insult," he joked. He stood up from his chair, walking to one of his shelves, pulling another file down. "It's what I like to call organized chaos. My files may not be in alphabetical order, but I do know where each one is. For example, the left shelf on that wall, second row, 3 files down is the file for a client's idea. The one next to it has to do with the business side of things of that same client," he said, pointing to the shelves while reading through another one. You floated over, going exactly where he said. He was right. "Wowww! You're so smart!" You giggled, putting the folders back exactly as they were. "I'm well aware sweetheart," he sighed.
He walked back to his desk, watching as you floated towards him. Your face was right in front of his, smiling. He really loved that. You'd been with him for the past nine years, of course he'd grown attached to you. There was never anyone he found as attractive as you, but he'd never said anything. One time, he had asked, and you told him that cupids weren't allowed to fall in love, or else they'd die a devine death. So, as selfish as it might have been, he told himself he'd never fall in love, and that he'd keep you with him. You never seemed to mind, seeing as you hadn't had a job in years before him. A small part of you had also grown attached to him. You didn't want to admit it either, but the feelings you got around him were different than the feelings you felt around the other cupids.
You two were broken from your staring contest by the sounds of fireworks outside the window. He was confused, going over to the window, raising the blind. "It's nighttime already? Niragi, is there a celebration today I didn't remember?" You asked holding onto his arm. "No... not that I know of. It was probably some idio-" he started, before the lights turned off. You shrieked, letting go of him, seeing as it was completely dark. Not even the lights from the city of Tokyo shined in through the window.
"Niragi? Where are you? I can't see a damn thing! Niragi?" You called out, your hands groping for something in the dark. "Niragi? Hey, this isn't funny! Niragi! Suguru, please answer I don't like the dark!" You cried, desperate to find him, even if it meant using his first name. Gods how you hated the dark. It reminded you of your past. Having to be locked up in the darkest part of the dungeons, no light as random noises echoed through the halls. The rats and bugs crawling on you. You hated it so much. "Suguru! W-where are you!" You called out once more. You heard the door open, and a light flash through.
"Hey, sorry, I left to go find a flashlight. I didn't see anyone in the building though. Whole city is blacked out though," he said. You rushed over to him, hugging him tightly. "D-dont leave me alone in the dark again! You stupid jerk!" You whimpered against him, your hand gripping onto his shirt tightly. He cursed himself, remembering you didn't like the dark. A fitting fear, considering what you were. "I'm sorry, it slipped my mind. Let's go see if we can find anyone, or any clues as to what's happening."
That turned into finding the beach. Of course, after multiple games, you were more than happy he was finally somewhere safe. After so much, you were happy he was ok.
You lay in his bed, waiting for him to come back. "I wonder... no one's ever... none of the cupids have tried falling in love... so... how do we know we can't do that?" You questioned out loud, holding the sleeves of his shirt. You liked wearing it, seeing as it had a pretty pattern. Most of the times you'd switch the color though. Instead, you'd always make the intersecting lines pink while the rest stayed black, or vice versa. That, or you'd make it black and red. It was fun.
"I'm back, and alive surprisingly," you heard a vouch snap you out of your thoughts. You sat up, tripping out of bed to say hello. "I'm so glad you're ok! I was worried you know," you said, checking him over for any wounds he might have recieved. There was none. "Diamonds game?" You questioned. He nodded, laying back on his bed. You crawled besides him, slapping the side of his face. "Ow! What the hell was that for!?" He yelled, looking at you like you just murdered his family. You smiled sweetly, "That was for what you said to that girl yesterday. We respect women you asshat." He rubbed his face, a red mark appearing where you hit him. He looked down, nodding. "That was a solid slap though," he whispered. "I'm not hugging you till you apologize to that girl," you said. He nodded, walking off. He didn't know why he listened to you. Frankly, he could do whatever he wanted to, but somehow the thought of you not holding him again mad him sick.
When he came back after a while, you smiled. "Good job!" You praised. He lay next to you, as you curled up besides him. "Hey... (Y/N)... have you ever wanted to date one of the people you've been helping?" He asked, looking away. You blushed, looking away. "Maybe... why?" You answered. "Because... isn't it dumb that the gods can date and fuck around with humans, but you can't?" He said. You thought for a second before nodding. "Then do you want to be the first to test out your mortality?" He questioned, turning to you. Your eyes widened with fear. This was something that you thought about, of course, but never had the guts to do. "B-but what if it's true? Then I die forever!" You exclaimed, hiding under the blankets.
"(Y/N), who in the heavens told you that?" A voice asked. You recognized that voice. It was the voice of Venus. You quickly took the blanket off your head, kneeling down to her on the bed. Niragi stared between the two of you, not sure what to do. You smiled at Venus quickly, before pushing him down besides you. "L-lady Venus. It's an honor to see you again," you said. "Silly girl. You don't have to bow to me. Now, back to what I was saying. Who told you ladies that?" She asked again, fixing her hair. "Z-zues did my lady," you answered. She tutted, "That Zues. Always messing with my cupids. It is allowed, but you have two options. Either you become a mortal being with him, or he become an immortal being with you. Your choice," she said, giving you a smile. You glanced over at Niragi. He still had these games to complete. You could have him forever. And you'd never have to worry about him finding someone and you having to leave. He leaned into you, whispering in your ear, "Do what makes you happy. Not me. You've always helped me, pick yourself for once."
It was so uncharacteristically sweet of him to say something like that. In the borderlands, at least. "Wanna have him forever and ever and ever!" You giggled childishly, throwing your arms around his neck. Venus laughed, "Oh my sweet child. I'll do so after you leave this place. My magic isn't working here, it was a struggle to see you. So live. Live for as long as you can," were her final words before leaving, rose petals left behind. You laughed, holding his face in your hands, your forehead resting on his.
"Did I make you happy?"
"You always do (Y/N), you always do."
Ok, that took a while. Especially when I wanted to get the Last Boss chapter done before Niragi's, but I finished this one first, so this one is getting published first. I was writing both at the same time, and this one just got done faster
And I forgot to this last night, I'm so sorry!
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Ok, we're good now
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thelonesomequeen · 3 years
Am I the only one who thinks that Chris and mark and everyone that’s a part of ASP is just tired of having these meetings and conversations for the website?
I’m not attacking him but it seems like to him it’s all just meeting after meeting and he seems tired of it compared to actual politicians who work day and night having these conversations. Of course Chris isn’t a politician but I think for him to make a political website and include himself in these conversations with politicians I feel like he should he should say more instead of the same responses he gives after someone finishes talking.
You don’t have to respond to this it’s just a thought
If Chris wants people to get more on board with ASP and get less hate, he's seriously going to have to change his word for word answer "it'd be far more pernicious to act like these politicians aren't making laws that affect ur life". He says the exact same thing every single time- it's like he doesn't have anything else to defend it w and if he uses a "big word" like 'pernicious', ppl are gonna agree w him more. It's almost like he's been told to say it.
is asp even doing well? outside of the fandom, I've never heard a single soul mention it or talk of it. I do find it funny when Chris talks about how it won't be that hard to get ppl engaged when they're provided w the info from this website. Like, Chris, u haven't exactly come up with a unique out there idea. Literally 100s of other sites have been doing what ASP is doing for longer and in a better way- + we still have so much apathy when it comes to politics. Chris isn't going to save politics
Ever since Chris started on ASP, I feel like he's retreated more and more into his own little bubble of privilege. I have to admit when he said last year in that esquire interview about how he's going to hold back on Twitter bc of asp, I was so annoyed. So he's not going to use his voice for disenfranchised minorities anymore just bc wants his little website to do well + get all cushy w more rich, privileged old men? He's been so silent on many issues recently bc of it when he has huge platform
I don't think Chris has ever really been invested in politics as he thinks he is. All of his political tweets just seem to be surface level complaining about ignorant, offensive things trump and a few others have said. He never really had spoken about other issues or given his opinion and a part of me thinks that's because he doesn't actually have opinions of certain things bc he probably doesn't care😂
I agree with others saying the website should include the views of other people instead of politicians. It’s one thing to only put what D and R think about each topic but I really think they should include the views of the people who will be affected by these decisions. The website has potential and it was made with well intentions but it should include more than information that can be found with a quick google search.
Great point from that anon on the lack of substance behind his tweets when you actually look at them. Last week in the Ace interview the host complimented him on being vocal, I believe, on BLM and I was like 🤔🙄🥴 was he? Granted it’s certainly not his time to be the loudest voice but I wasn’t exactly impressed with his activism on literally anything in 2020/ 2021 considering he paints himself as quite the ally. It was like 1 tweet or 1 Instagram story. He also has been silent on Georgia and other voter suppression efforts which seem like slam dunk easy causes to speak up about considering he throws out “everyone get out and vote” anytime he’s backed into a corner on question or with ASP criticism. He can use his platform and his voice however he wants, but for someone who paints himself as and is seen as a politically vocal person he doesn’t actually do all that much. If he truly did care that much about these causes and ASP would prevent that I don’t see why he would even start the website. Put your money into voter registration or vocally support gun-sense or prochoice or progressive candidates. That said, I wanna hear zero things from the Evans boys on Covid considering the amount of unnecessary flights they collectively took around the world from Day 1 of the pandemic.
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mikaa-exe · 5 years
Demon hunter au | Demon!Hyunjin x DemonHunter!Reader
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Requested by @jung-snoopy-woo, thank you so much for your kind words ^^
•Gender neutral reader
•fluff uwu
•some swear words here and there
•might have some typos but I'll fix them asap if I find any
We don't want to brag here but
You kinda were the best demon hunter of your area
Those naughty creatures got nothing on you
You were always one step ahead
You've been doing this for so long that you already knew every trick they would use to mislead you, every action and almost every face and name -_-
And you could see that they were scared of you, even if they didn't show it
You're basically a whole badass reader damn!!
Let's give some context here
So there's been demons around since before you were born
They aren't the evil bloodthristy creatures that you normally find in books or movies
Well most of them aren't
Some of them kill and do that whole satan thing but the rest are chill most of the time
They're just a pain in the butt jesus
The demons love to be mischievous and play tricks on every one
They steal not because they need money or products but because they love chaos
They go to peoples houses just to mess with their closets and dishes
They eat your food before you can even finish cooking it
They even steal candies from children >:( those bastards
So it's your job to capture these creatures when they get too out of control
You're amazing but there is one specific demon that haunts your nightmares
Hwang Hyunjin -_-
This demon has been YOUR pain in the butt for almost 6 years now!!
The first time he appeared was in your bedroom, you were about to fall asleep when you felt your hair being pulled from behind you
Boy you were hella fast to jump from your bed and grab the closest thing to you in that moment, which was YOUR GUN- no I'm joking, it was a knife, you don't bring guns to bed, that's gross
You looked around but it was too dark to see anything so you sneackly walked to the switch and BAM
No one was there
The fuck
Now at this point you were positive it was a demon but why wasn't he showing itself or attacking you again? That's not common of them
-"Did you lose something?"
The voice behind you made you jump and hit your head in the light that hanged from the wall
Well ouch that was really unecessary
You looked up and--
Wow hello cutie
The little shit had the audacy to l a u g h
- "Aren't you supposed to be the best demon hunter here?"
You gave this little shit your scariest gaze
At least the scariest you could while sitting on the floor with your hair all over the place
-"WhY? dO yOu hAvE A pRoBlEm SiR?"
-"Mmh idk... Thought you'd be taller"
And just like that he desapeared, leaving you on the floor still trying to digest what the heck had happened here
So there you go, that's how you two met
From that day on he made sure to visit you almost everyday
He's the one who switches your socks right before you go out just to see you wearing mismatching socks like an idiot
He puts salt on your morning cereal and sugar on your lunch
He goes to school with you and just follows you everywhere
-"Is this what you chose to wear to school? Geez"
-"vxhdbxvvx can you not"
-"That girl is looking at you funny, you should spit on her"
-"WtF sPiT?!"
-"Omg the teacher asked you a question and you're taking this long to answer?"
-"Shut up I'm thinking!!!"
-"What if you stood up right now and started dancing the floss?"
-"Why would I do that?"
-"Why aren't you talking to me? :("
-"Hyunjin I am in class and I don't want to talk"
-"Why do you keep responding then?"
-"I'm about to punch you so hard--"
-"You can't, you're in class"
You would laugh at how ridiculous this situation was if it had nothing to do you with you
You tried everything to get Hyunjin to leave you alone
Demon traps, boxes, holy water because why not
You tried violence once but the best you managed to do was throwing him some cookies
Guess what
You missed
And you waisted some perfectly good cookies :(
You're not a violent person in general bUT THIS BOY AHH
You even tried talking to him at one point about this whole situation but he was too busy drawing on your kitchen walls with tomato sauce
It was starting to get to you so you reported him to your superiors but they said they didn't have any complains about a demon named Hyunjin
So that means this idiot is only here to mess with you and you only
Let's be fair
He never seemed interested in actually hurting you or doing anything too mean
He just seemed to want your attention God knows why
So if you're stuck dealing with him might as well try and enjoy this situation
What do people usually say?
If you can't win, join them
Instead of yelling at him or throwing him your book collection for the third time you asked how his day went and even offered him some cookies
Let's just say he was s h o o k
He just stood there, mouth open and completly lost
You?! Being nIcE to him?!
Is this a joke, where are the cameras?!
The only thing he managed to say was a shy "Good.." and a mumbled "no thanks"
O M G :o
The demon that's capable of spending the whole night talking about God knows what is out of words .. WOW!
The next day you found him repainting his old masterpiece on your kitchen wall but with mustard this time
You quietly walked up to him and replaced the mustard in his hand with a rug
-"I like this smell better"
He looked down with the face of someone who was having an existential crisis and started cleaning your wall
You smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up to which he responded with a blink and a worried smile
So yeah, from that day foward you tried being nice to him and understanding his needs and actions
And if we're being honest here
He wasn't all that bad when you got to know him better
Aparently the other demons didn't like him that much so he tried to find other ways to entertain himself
You thought maybe boddering you was his way of expressing himself??
He thought that was the only way he could get your attetion
So you tried teaching him how to help instead of being annoying
He still went to school with you but now he insisted to help by carrying some of your stuff
He was quieter during classes and even started answering some questions on a notebook that you offered him
Maybe it was out of boredom but you were so happy!!
He was learning and that was so good and adorable! ^w^
He asked for your help sometimes with the things he couldn't solve
And you thought he looked so cute when he would bite your pencil whenever a harder question came up
You two started doing homework together and he was getting so much better at each subject
You felt like a proud mother :')
He would now watch you while you cooked for you both and would occasionally ask some questions like why did you put that in there or why were you mixing the ingredients with a fork and not a spoon
So you tried teaching him how to cook
Let's just say he was a whole m e s s
So after hours of intense baking you ended up with a weird red mix and some mashed potatoes
Your kitchen was dirty, sticky, slippery and oN FIRE OMG!!!!!!
After a visit from the fire department Hyunjin promised he would be more careful and ask you before turning on anything
You also discovered he was a whole teddy bear
Omg this boy was so soft and cuddly
He's such a clingy demon but he was also kinda shy, specially at first
He started by getting closer to you until your shoulders touched but if you looked at him with a questioning gaze he would immediately push you to the ground and run away with a evil laugh and some flushed cheeks
Whenever you had free time you two would do a movie marathon that always ended up with holding hands or falling asleep on each other
He once had the brilliant idea that you two should definitely watch a horror movie one night
He thought it would be the perfect opportunity to prove you how strong he was and how he could protect you
But it didn't go like he had hoped to
You two ended up a trembling mess of limbs, cuddled up to each other as Hyunjin whispered how bad of an idea that was and how it was all your fault
Some days you would just arrive home totally exhausted and Hyunjin would make you some warm tea and cuddle you on the sofa until you fell asleep
He'd try to stay awake in case you wanted to move or go to your room but you were so warm and cozy that he was gone not even a minute after you
He'd also insist on doing your hair when you were going out
He loved it and he had a lot of fun so anytime he had the opportunity he would ask you to let him help
At first you ended up with a mess of braids and accessories that formed a weird nest on your head
You ended up going out like that
But he got better with time
Whenever you had to leave him alone at home you would write him a list of things for him to do and others that he shouldn't even attempt to
You arrived later and found your house a little messier than before and Hyunjin cleaning a weird green goo that mysteriously fell on the floor
Y o u r f l o o r
But you couldn't be mad at him now, specially because when Hyunjin saw you he tackled and trapped you in a big bear hug that immediately melted all your anger
How can someone be so cute Hwang Hyunjin wHAT IS HE DOING TO YOU
How dare he mess with your feelings this way
You two started opening up more and more to each other and BAM that's how you got your super demon best friend :D
His mischievous side wasn't all gone, he still pranked you once in a while but now you were sure it wasn't for the sake of being mean
And he made sure to compensate you with cuddles, an attempt of a meal or a gift made of things he found around the house
It so was weird
At first you couldn't handle him but now you two are inseparable!
It's unusual but you both make it work
Your own way ^^
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gujoonim · 6 years
Bride for 100 Days
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“I love you”
◇ characters : taehyung x reader ◇ genre : angst, arranged marriage au, best friend au ◇ summary : taehyung had always being dreaming of marrying the love of his life and when the dream finally came true, it turns out to be different from what he had expect. ◇ words : 3.1k
| hwtsily masterlist |
The suit is way too neat and it is almost perfect as no flaws can be found on the suit. All the stitches made were so detailed as if he could feel the diligence of the tailor to design this suit, especially for him. The special suit is for a special event and only the special person could see him wearing it.
He diverted his gaze from the mirror as he doesn’t want to shatter the glasses with his stare. As if his stare could dig a deep hole in it. A smile curled up on his lips when his mind initiated to imagine his brand new life that he will go through in half an hour from now.
His status will change from a bachelor to a married man and finally, he will marry with the love of his life. Someone who holds his heart for a long time.
“It’s Y/n.”
A deep alluring voice break the silence lingered in the room and it managed to grab Taehyung’s attention towards the owner of the voice. There is Jin with a giant smile springing on his face. He walked with a unique style towards him with his arms spread apart to give him a big hug.
As soon Taehyung saw him, he stepped towards to lessen the proximity between them before embracing him with his arms around the body. Jin patted his back for several times before he released the hug and look at Taehyung, smiling sheepishly.
It seems like Jin was the one that will be married today instead of Taehyung based on the expression painted on his face. Yet, it is not enough to describe how happy he is to see his best friend who he hasn’t seen for a long time will end his bachelor life by marrying with someone that he had been expected since then.
“I know from then that you will be married to Y/n.” That statement makes Taehyung confused as he keeps staring into Jin’s face to look for any sign of humour on it yet he found none.
His heart started to doubt and felt anxious about Jin’s word so that he tried to correct his perspective.
“But hyung-”
“Congrats on your wedding Tae. See you soon.”
Before he could even do that, Jin managed to interrupt and cut his intention and walked away from his previous position when he aware that the ceremony is going to start anytime soon. Before he stepped out of the room, he whirled around to express his thankful feelings for Taehyung who still dumbfounded.
“Anyways, thanks for choosing me as one of your best men. I’m really honoured.”
He froze at his place as his feet started to root on the floor. He couldn’t utter a word as his mind began to process Jin’s words just now. As he is imagining all the worst situation that he might have to face, the vibrating feelings against his thighs pulled him back to reality.
He pulled out his phone from the pocket and it showed that he got a few unread messages from the same person.
 [ love 10:36 a.m ]
- babe, where r u? - i know u r nervous and so do i - the ceremony is going to start soon but u arent here yet - but don't pull this kind of prank to me today cause it isnt funny at all
All those messages from his bride. The one that he supposed to marry by now and the one that holds his heart for a long time. Lee Mijoo.
The content of the messages does fear him as the bride supposed to know whereabouts now because he already told one of his best men to inform the bride. But Mijoo seems like she doesn’t know about that and the fears come back when Jin’s words replaying on his mind now.
Then, he dashed out from the room in order to search any hint that can explain the real situation that he faced right now. His steps pace down when he saw a wedding banner by the main door of the hotel, which supposed to be his one since his parents already book the entire hotel special for his wedding ceremony. There’s no ongoing wedding ceremony there instead of himself.
As he stepped closer towards the banner, the more rapid his heart beating and he hopes that what is playing on his mind is only a negative thought not more than that.
Slowly, he lifted up his face that previously glued to the floor in order to look for any useful information on that banner.
For a moment, his heart skipped a beat.
The wedding of Kim Taehyung & Y/f/n.
An electrifying feeling flowed through his vein and his face turned pale as if there’s no blood flowing there. His breath hitched for a mere second and his mind drifted away, disbelief of what he just saw.
“You are not supposed to be here.” A familiar voice can be heard from his back and it makes him turn around to obtain an explanation from the person.
“Can you explain to me about this?”
His mom silent herself as she couldn’t answer his question and only can stare at him with sympathy splattered on her face. He let out a scoff as he can’t believe what is happening now.
He runs his fingers along his neat hair. “My bride is supposed to be Mijoo, not Y/n!” He burst out as rage flared from his body and expressed by the redness of his face.
His mother slightly shocked over his outburst and she quickly opened her mouth to speak out. In a hope that her words could reduce the anger of her son.
“This is the request that you need to fulfil in order to marry Mijoo.” She trailed off before continued back her hanging words.
“It’s an order from your grandfather.” She stated calmly and it makes the anger to grow bigger inside of him as he paces forth and back. He shook his head vigorously, disagree with the decision that is made with his consent.
He strode towards her and he grabbed her arms, tighten his grip in order for his mother to understand what he is trying to convey.
“I don’t love Y/n that way and she’s only my best friend. I love Mijoo, mom.”
Silence engulfed the atmosphere they are in and he uttered the next sentence. “I’m not going to continue with this marriage.” He grasped her arms firmly before loosening it and left her there.
The strong grip on his arms causes his steps to stop on the tracks. He surprised and turned to face the does. His eyes caught familiar eyes and for a moment he observed, he finally recognized the person. There’s his grandfather, who is shooting him a glare as his fingers wrapped tightly around his phone that had been snatched away from him just now.
He was confused with his grandfather’s action and only waiting for what he would do to him. His grandfather scrolled his phone for a moment before he shoved the phone in front of his face, showing him that he is making a phone call to Mijoo.
“Go on with this marriage or I will cancel one with Mijoo.”
“I do.”
“Jeon Jungkook, do you take Y/n as your lawful wife, to love, to honour and to cherish her now and forevermore?”
Happiness spread all over your face as you gazed lovingly into his eyes. If only you knew about the real situation that you faced now, it would definitely change by sorrowful looks. This kind of view annoyed as well as irritated him because seeing how happy you are when he suffered the most at this time, putting him into a deep and great pain.
At that moment, everyone there is waiting for his reply as the hall filled with silence without any sounds can be heard except breathing sounds of the guests there. Taehyung felt worried as he can’t say the ‘I do’ word and at the same time he needs to say so that his grandfather wouldn’t do anything that will make Mijoo misunderstand with the current situation.
His heart trembled in the ribcage as the sweat slowly flowed down his forehead. Yet, he still hesitant to respond to the long awaiting question from the pastor but when his eyes met his mother’s with a reassuring smile tugged on her lips, he already made up his mind.
“I do.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
As soon the sentences echoed in the entire hall, everyone cheered loudly in a sign of support for the most awaiting moment of the day, for Taehyung and Y/n to kiss each other before the walk down the aisle. Yet, everything makes him suffocated as the only things in his mind is only Mijoo and his guiltiness towards her.
A genuine smile plastered on your lips as you are so excited about waiting for a kiss from him. But, the cheers sound suddenly vanished in a blink of eyes as it is being interrupted by a loud shriek from the main door of the hall.
Everyone there glued their eyes, as well as their attention, was no longer on you as they are fully on a lass who is also wearing a wedding gown and walk into the hall, walking along the aisle in a rapid pace. Everyone started to chatter to each other and a lot of assumption was made at that time.
Hurt and remorse painted on her tear-stained face as she gritted her teeth, walking towards both of you and Taehyung. Blood shot straight to Taehyung’s face making it red in colour as he seems quite surprised with the unexpected visit. His heart never stopped to pump out the amount of blood in is heart as oxygen can’t no longer being received by every part of his body properly. All of that makes him felt slightly dizzy.
Mijoo. He muttered yet audible enough for you to hear it. Your stares diverted from the lass towards Taehyung who already froze on his position. He seems scared as his face turned out pale as if his secret finally exposed and the girl is the cause of it.  
But, this matter kept lingered in your mind despite the chaos that currently happened in the hall. Who is she? How come her presence give such an effect to Tae and it seems he can’t speak anything.
And one more thing, why she is wearing a wedding dress?
A loud sound of palms slapped against the cheeks pulled you out from your thought and followed by the guests gasping, surprised over the action that made by the girl. In a second, you pushed the girl away to the side and protected Taehyung from being hurt again by her.
“What’s your problem? Who are you?” You snapped at her, stretched out your arms to stop her from getting close to him.
Yet, the burning anger of yours distinguished in a blink of eyes when your eyes met her. For a moment, you stared into her blank eyes that hinted a spark of betrays and hope before she looks away to stare into his eyes. Then, her eyes filled with tears pooling at the brim of her eyes.
“How could you, Taehyung? Do you think this is sort of a joke?” She added and the vibration in her tone showed that she is trying her best to mask her real feelings. Taehyung just keeps quiet without saying anything, lowering his gaze on the floor to hide the changes of his face’s expression. It shows that her words giving an impact towards him.
The lass then lifted down her gaze and pulled out a ring from her ring fingers before she threw it on his face.
Once again, the guests were surprised over this girl action yet you couldn’t do anything as you started to felt concern and worried with the assumption that your mind began to make.
And as if she could read your mind, she looked at you with a disappointed expression on her face.
“I’m also his bride and now his ex-fiancée.”
“Thank you, uncle.” You thanked the driver of his parents before you come out from the car. And for Taehyung, he already left the car and you inside of it since you reached the house. Since the incident, he ignored you and he only keeps himself quiet and engulfed in silence. His eyes never met yours and if he did, he would definitely shot a deathly glare towards you.
The journey to the house was only filled with silence and accompanied by the radio breaking the ice.
You really wanted to settle down the problem by discussing this matter with him as he also owes you an explanation. Based on what Jimin said to you before you left the hotel, Mijoo is his girlfriend that he kept from you, your family and also his family. Only his best friend would know about her presence in his life and as what she is in his heart. Today is the day that both of them supposed to get married after a month engaged and Jimin was slightly shocked to receive an invitation card that claims it was you that is going to get marry with Taehyung instead of Mijoo.
And because of that, you would like to know his point of view regarding this matter. Why he did that and why he got married to you when he supposed to marry her at the same time.
What’s the fuck is going on right now and it keeps playing in your mind.
“You planned all of this, right?” He asked a question to you as he already took a seat on the couch while leaning his entire against it. His looks upwards as his eyes closed wistfully.
His voice awakes you from ponder and when you finally aware that you already in the house, you couldn’t decipher his question just now.
“Huh?” You asked unison as you wanted him to repeat his question back.
A scoff came out from his mouth as he whirled around to make an eye contact with you. The burning and dark eyes of his do make you felt chills as a dark aura slowly creeps onto your skin.
He isn’t like Taehyung that you used to know. Taehyung that always has a smile lingering on his face, happiness never been replaced by sorrowful looks on him. Now, he is staring at you as you are his enemy and as if he was a prey and you are his victim that needs to be sacrificed.
“Don’t pretend, Y/n. I know you persuaded my grandfather to do this.” His tone oozing with irritation and it makes you confused because, at this time, he seems like putting all the blame on you even though you don’t know the real things. And you are also the victim of this situation.
“Are you accusing me of the things that I never did?” You faked a laugh because you can’t believe his accusation towards you and quickly your brain processing to find ideas to reply him.
“I never knew you have a fiancée and you never told me before. If I knew, I would stop all of this.”
“Bullshit!” He yelled as he stifled a groan before standing up from his position and running his fingers through his hairs.
“You lied.” He simply accused you and it makes your eagerness to defend yourself increasing.
“No, I never lied and you know that. You know me for a long time and I won’t lie to you regarding this matter.” You pointed out yet he does an annoyed face as if he couldn’t believe every word that came out from your mouth.
“I know you too long and I know you willing to do this.”
You let out a long sigh as you felt like it is unfair towards you for him to think like that about you. You vaguely shook your head to deny his words.
“I love you, Taehyung but I won’t ruin your happiness only for my love towards you.”
He keeps quiet for a while and his eyebrow arched as he started to arrange his words. “Okay if that so, let’s divor-”
You felt panic after your ears caught the words that you really don’t want to hear at this current of time. You strode towards him to stop him from finishing his words.
“Don’t say that. You know how much I love you. I have dreamed this for a long time and even though it doesn’t turn out to be as what I had been imagined for yet I’m very thankful. I felt so blessed for being your wife even it is one-sided but I want to feel being your wife, being a wife to a man that I love so much.”
“Are you being ridiculous? You are going to worsen the situation and Mijoo would believe that I purposely marrying you today! I want to rectify the situation so it will be easier for me to be with Mijoo and it will be faster for me to separate with you!” He snapped his anger as he felt frustrated with the situation that happened now and it makes Mijoo to left him and furthermore hating him.
His forehead furrowed after hearing your confession and the sincerity can be felt from the words that came out of your lips. All his accusation towards you suddenly being replaced by confusion because it seems like you aren’t involved in this matter.
It seems like you and he was trapped and framed into this marriage.
“Give me 100 days.” You added. His eyebrow creased and it shows that he confused with your words as he tilted his head to the side, questioningly.
“100 days to be your wife and after that, you can let me go. I won’t demand my rights as a wife towards you and if after 100 days, I’m still a bride who hasn’t had her first night, I don’t care and I really don’t mind. Just give me a chance, for once.” You trailed off and still thinking about this agreement whether it would benefits either you or him or this would be the best for both of you.
Yet, Taehyung just keeps himself quiet because he still surprised by your request.
After you pause for a momentarily, you finally continued your sentence back as you finally made up your mind.
“Just let me be your bride for 100 days, please”
◇ author notes : this drabble is inspired by one of my fav drama i my country and i got so attracted to it and decided why not write out a drabble inspired by the drama? anyways, thanks for supporting my works by reading, giving feedback, and many more. i really appreciate it ^^ love liz, xoxo
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emeraldfic · 6 years
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Miami: Sunday April 28, 2018 1:49 PM
Mimi’s flight gets in at three this afternoon and I’m not sure I’m really prepared for this. I’ve telling myself that I was just going to sweet talk my way out of this hole but now I’m starting to feel a little more in over my head than I thought. I feel like a complete piece of shit knowing what I’ve done, but there’s part of me that doesn’t regret it. I know there’s no excuse when it comes to cheating, but, being lonely is a shitty feeling... especially when it feels like you live on the back burner of your other half's’ life...
Stormy has been a recluse today and I didn’t much mind it. I needed the peace and quiet and it gave me time to get the house in order, and I even deep cleaned Em’s new room and was able to put up a few coats of the pink paint. It was slowly coming together, and aside from all of this bullshit, her coming home was something I could really look forward to. 
Time has been passing fairly quick today and I wish it would slow down just a little... but weather I liked it or not, Mimi would be home soon. I was hungry, tired and overdue for a shower so I ordered in for a few pizzas and headed off to the bathroom for a hot shower. The second I was stripped and ready to get in my phone dinged with a message.
Mimi: hi. i landed a few minutes ago... didn’t want u to worry... but letting u know i’ll be at dej’s. talk soon...
I thought maybe I was misreading something so I read it over a few times just to be sure. Why isn’t she coming home? And what would I have to be worried about?
To Mimi: WTF do u mean?? y r u going there and not home???
I jumped in and did my best to relax under the hot water for a few minutes before I washed up. I had a lot bouncing through my thoughts, but for some reason, Stormy kept making her way into my head, and when I couldn’t get the idea of her in the shower with me out of my mind, I had to cut thing short and get out. Now I was frustrated mentally and sexually. 
By the time I was dried off and fully dressed, I had a missed call, voicemail and a text waiting for my from Mimi. I was afraid to open the message but I had to know why she wasn’t coming home.
Mimi: just listen 2 ur voicemail. call me tomorrow...
Voicemail: I don’t know the full story, and I don’t what to know Chris... just know that I know enough okay... When Deja saw you walking out of the gym with a neck full of hickies she called me right away...You know I love you Chris, and we’re going through some things right now, but I want us to work on ourselves... I want to be better together so we can find the couple we used to be and continue to grow with each other. I know it’s best to have some distance so we dont argue and make things worse.I love you, and I miss you. Call me tomorrow.
Well, I didn’t have a migraine, bur I sure as hell do now. Deja has always hated me and she’s always looking for ways to butt into our business so of course she was quick to call her and stir shirt up. I let out an aggravated groan and went rummaging through the kitchen junk drawer for my stash of Advil and washed a few down with some cold water. Could this day get any worse?
The buzzer went off making me jump and I swear I could feel my irritation growing by the second. I knew it was the pizza so I buzzed them up and waited by the front door for the knock. When I answered the door my attitude was so high I just tossed him forty buck and slammed the door in his face. At least his nice tip will make up for me being an asshole...
After eating and letting my attitude simmer down a bit, I realized that it was almost five and I still had yet to hear a peep from Stormy. She hasn’t eaten all day and didn’t have much last night so I know she had to be starving.
“Storm?” I sent a few knocks to her door but didn’t get any response “Stormy? Are you awake?”
I pushed open the door and turned on her light. My eyes grew two sizes seeing her naked body lay there peacefully... 
 I shook her a few times to wake her. She blinked open her still sleepy eyes and smiled up at me. Her cheeks turned red when she realized she was naked and she quickly wrapped herself up in the blankets.
“What time is it?” she asked sitting up
“Almost five. Are you hungry?”
“Starving!” she chuckled “Are you gonna feed me?” she asked grinning
“Well yeah. That’s why I’m here. Come on and eat.”
“I could tell you the same thing...” she murmured 
“What?” I asked raising a brow 
“Nothin’.” she shrugged
“Yeah, whatever. Don’t tempt me with a good time Storm.”
“Well what are you waiting for?” she asked wearing a sly grin
I returned the grin as shed pulled me down onto the bed with her. As soon as I was down, she was quick to sit up in my lap. She kissed me lightly a few times and made her way to my neck. I could feel all of the aggravation fully leaving my body and I was really relaxing beneath her... and as horrible as it may seem, Mimi was the last thing on my mind now.
“Do you always glow after you get laid?” I asked shoving a bite of pizza in my mouth
“Only if it’s good.” she winked. “Where’s Mimi?” 
“A friends.” I shrugged.
“Oh. Well you better shower up before she comes home.”
“I don’t think she will be home anytime soon.”
“Why’s that?” she asked with a brow raised 
“Because her big mouth ass friend put her nose where it didn’t belong so she heard that I cheated from someone else.”
“What? Really?... Did she break up with you?”
“I don’t know. I guess you could say we’re taking a break”
“So what we just did is fine then?”
"Look, I’m gonna do what I want no matter what. Okay? And it’s clear that I can’t get you out of my head and I obviously can’t keep my hands off of you so if she chooses to want space from me then that’s on her...”
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“Shit, baby.” I moaned lowly. Chris has an appetite and he’s been sure to show me all night.
“You taste so good.” he murmured bringing himself up to kiss me.
A knock on the door interrupted us making me suck my teeth, I pulled up my pants and Chris dressed and went to answer the door. I had to fight my attitude off when he walked around the corner with his friend Niko. I heard them talking lowly and I could tell he was grilling Chris.
“We’re taking a break. I don’t care about all that right now.” Chris muttered 
“Well anyway... We’re off practice for our long weekend and we’re damn sure not wasting our time so what are the plans for tonight? Are we going out of what?”
“You really feeling a buzz right now?” he asked 
“Man hell yeah. We deserve that shit.”
“I guess.”
“I’ll be back in like twenty minutes for you. Ya’ll better have your asses ready.”
Well I was looking forward to spending the night with Chris, but I guess I can’t be too bummed if he wants to go out, especially if he has a long weekend off of practice.
“Move your ass girl. He’s gonna be right back.”
“He said he was coming right back. Hurry up, his impatient ass will bitch the rest of the night if we make him wait.”
“We?” I questioned “He came her for you, not me.”
“You know the invite was for you too, quit playin’. Get ready, I promise you’ll have a good time.”
“I have nothing to wear.” I protested with a shrug.
“Follow me.” he grinned.
He walked me to Em’s room and my eyes lit up to see the beautiful paint job he had done... but when he pulled out all the shopping bags my eyes bulged. As much as I wanted to cuss him out, I just couldn’t. I’ve never had anyone think of me like this so it actually meant a lot, and when he pulled out the bafs for Em, I seriously almost cried...
“Pick something out. I’m going to change.” he kissed me on my forehead and left me to get ready.
There were so many nice things that it was hard for me to chose, but I quickly settled on an outfit and hurried off to my bathroom to fix myself up. I felt so good getting dolled up I almost forgot what it felt like to have some self confidence. When I was finally all put together, I met him in the kitchen and the look on his face was enough to make me blush.
“You look amazing.” 
“Thanks.” I grinned “You look good yourself.”
The bar was hopping and full of life for a Sunday and we were having a good time. Niko brought out his girl and we were all dancing and tossing back drinks. After I had a few drinks in me I was really starting to feel good. My buzz made me want to dance but I wasn’t sure what the boundaries were with Chris so instead of dancing all over him I welcomed the cute guy next to me when he came up behind me. We were dancing to the beat for a good minute but he was good looking so I guess I didn’t mind, but I guess Chris did because as soon as he saw us, he puled me away.
“Mad disrespectful.” He muttered licking his lips. “You know damn well I’m feeling you and you’re just gonna dace with dude in my face like that?”
He didn’t even give me a chance to respond before he started kissing me roughly causing a moan to flow from my lips.
“Come on hermits, they got dollar shots going on.” Niko called bringing us back to the bar, and after the second round of shots, everything went black.
When I opened my eyes, I was naked in Chris’ bed. I sat up and looked over at the clock that read 3:57 AM
Oh my God.
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
A True Nightmare
I figured after the Episode Ignis trailer, we all needed some Ardyn getting his ass kicked a bit (though keep in mind there’s only so much poor Mallory can do). Don’t be put off by the creepy vibes at first of the chapter, Mallory’s gonna show this asshole who’s boss by the end (and NO, not in that way guys-NOT AN ARDYN LOVE STORY, ‘member?) 
Sorry that it’s a little long, but it’s been going way too slow for me and I wanted to get the story going already. Oh well, what’s done is done, I guess. 
Tagging the Senpais: @roses-and-oceans @bespectacled-girl @nifwrites @cupnoodle-queen @themissimmortal @gladiolus-mamacitia 
A True Nightmare
~Chapter 4~ SFW Word Count: 3,885
Mallory was trying her hardest not to appear cynical as Noctis looked at the car with a forlorn look; obviously, this car meant a lot to the crowned prince and his friends seemed to understand that, but Mallory was having a hard time fighting the urge to go up to him and yell 'it's just a CAR'. 
Boys and their cars, I guess-Mallory thought. 
A far off explosion lighting up the night sky got Mallory's attention and the realization hit that they had absolutely no idea where they were. Mallory had to drive a different route to get into Gralea and she only knew the one route, but how were they supposed to find their way through Gralea without a map? Mallory cursed herself for not going with instinct and packing a map with her, telling herself that she knew the way and that it was just a waste of space. It was a fucking piece of paper, Mallory, you had room. 
"Where to now?" Mourning was over, apparently and the three joined Mallory as she stared at a street sign, trying to get her bearings. As if sensing her confusion, Ignis spoke with a slight tilt of the head to better focus his hearing. "You do know where we're going, correct?" 
"That is an excellent question," Mallory mumbled, wanting to kick herself as she tried to piece together the last time she had been to Gralea and to Zegnautus. A piece of FUCKING PAPER, Mallory, what the hell is wrong with you?
"You didn't bring a map? What kind of an 'assassin' are you?" 
"Shut up for a sec, yeah?" Mallory didn't glance at Gladio as she fished out her disposable flip phone from her backpack, shooting a quick text. Got lost, am at Crysallis Ave., how do I get to Z. from here? Closing the phone, Mallory waited, hoping and praying that the response would be quick, partially because Mallory knew if it was that she got out all right. 
"You're texting? Who are you texting?" Noctis sighed exasperatedly and tugged on a few ends of his hair. "That's it, we're dead," 
"She's a friend, and if you want to go die in a corner somewhere, by all means, please do," Mallory was beginning to lose her patience with these guys (minus Ignis, who didn't really seem too judgmental of Mallory, just observant), but ignored it when her phone buzzed and a little mail icon showed up on the front screen where the clock usually was. 
Wait where r u plz dont tell me ur in Nflhm. 
Relief flooded through; the knowledge of one of Mallory's closest friends being safe was like a thousand pound weight being dropped off. But when Mallory read the words, a bad feeling began to grow in her stomach as she responded. Didnt u get my txts
No wait There was a short pause before the texts started flooding Mallory's phone, so fast that Mallory didn't have time to read a text before another one popped up on her screen. 
mal get out serisly shits bad u need 2 go chncllrs gone crzy mts & daemons evrywhr ppl r missing
Well, this was bad-people missing and MT's roaming the streets? Mallory sensed this was a bit more than a coincidence, blowing a piece of hair from her eyes and typed as fast as she could with the old fashioned phone. cant exactly get out now am stuck need 2 get 2 Z. help me out here
A few seconds went by, Mallory tapping her foot impatiently the whole time, when the phone buzzed again. 
u die on me Mal I swear 2 Gods go on crysallis til u get 2 casey dr. go right til u get 2 train tracks follow train tracks military entrnce thre
Mallory sighed, stress and oncoming panic dropping from her shoulders as she looked at the three with new found confidence about where to go. "Head down the road," She explained the directions before they all started following, Ignis occasionally faltering as they maneuvered the road designated for shipping containers. When they reached the railroad tracks, practically destoryed with train cars and shipping containers that laid askew around the tracks, Mallory shot a quick text. Thx Ky owe u
u wont owe me if ur dead b carful
Snickering, Mallory put the phone in her backpack just as they reached a stray train car carefully and barely propped on some debris with a small gap underneath that would give the four enough crawling space. Despite how the thing looked like it was the tiniest nudge away from collapsing, Noctis was already half way under there and Mallory quickly reached forward and pulled him back. She didn't necessarily mean to make the crown prince fall on his butt, but he glared all the same. 
"What?" Noctis stood up, dusting the dirt from his pants like a little kid with a grumpy face to match. 
"MT's are probably guarding the fortress," She didn't mean to sound snippy, but this was basic shit 101 and Mallory was starting to feel more and more like a babysitter every minute. Tired and irritated, Mallory went over to a broken side ladder on the train car before gesturing to Gladio. "Give me a boost and I'll see what we're dealing with here," 
"Isn't that dangerous?" Gladio asked the question, but maybe he figured there was no point in arguing with her because he just bent down and linked his fingers together so Mallory could boost herself up to the ladder and start climbing. 
"When are you assholes going to figure out that I can take care of myself?" Grumbling was always a thing Mallory hated to do, she hated sounding whiny and grumpy. People already thought she was a grouch because of the way she looked and her naturally stern eyes, she didn't need constant bitching to help her in that department. Working with these three, she was starting to remember why she preferred working assignments and stuff by herself, only occasionally teaming up with Aranea. 
Still, Mallory had bigger things to worry about, especially when she reached the top of the traincar. 
"How many are there?" Noctis called up, but Mallory couldn't find an answer. Confusion clouded her brain as she processed what was easily the most popular entrance into the fortress, aside from the main entrance. "Mallory?" 
Shaking her head, Mallory forced herself to respond, though it came out as choked as she was trying to piece everything together. "Nothing. There's no one here," 
No one. One of the most used entrances into Zegnautus, and not a soul was in sight, no one to guard the most heavily guarded megafortress in the world. The whole thing reeked of wrong, something definitely off, but what could it be? What reason could the fortress have to possibly leave itself defenseless? 
"What's going on?" 
She was so focused that she barely noticed Noctis popping up from under the train car-just as she shouted for him to get back, Noctis had accidentally knocked into a bar, which was apparently the only thing holding the train car up, as the moment it was loose the car decided now was the time to fall. Failing to keep her footing, Mallory soon tumbled down the side of the car, winding up stuck on the ground, separated from the others by derailed train cars and shipping containers. 
"Guys?" Mallory shot up to her feet, checking around her for enemies with her gun while calling out. "Anyone?" 
There was no answer, but Mallory swore she could hear vague yelling and running feet, so she continued to yell, hoping her words would reach someone. "If you guys can hear me, head into Zegnautus-on the thirteenth floor is a common area with a cafeteria. Meet me there!" 
"On the thirteenth floor is a common area with a cafeteria. Meet me there!”
Ardyn heard his own breath inhale rather than feel it-the same thing had happened when he saw Aryelle appear on top of the train car, hearing himself suck his breath in rather than feel it. The little trick he had when he showed Aryelle the memory of how they met didn't seem to phase this Aryelle, other than seeming to confuse her, but he was determined...of what, he still wasn't quite sure. Every time he saw her, despite how she was much more stern than the Aryelle he knew, he wanted to see her, to know her, to make her see him. 
And as he stood up to head to the common area in the megafortress, his promise of so many years ago rang in his ears. You will know my redemption. 
A furious kick to the stubborn vending machine gave Mallory what she wanted, a simple can of Ebony. While she hated coffee, despised the bitter taste, the past days of being on a train to Gralea with little to no sleep due to nerves was making her exhausted. She figured she needed the extra caffeine to keep herself on her feet, she just hated the fact that the stubborn machine ate up the last of her gil without giving her what she wanted. A little kick showed that machine what, though the stinging in Mallory's ankle was making her regret her rash decision. 
The bitter taste made her want to gag, but Mallory forced it down her throat before crumbling the can and disposing of it in a recycle bin (why there was a recycle bin in the most industrial place in Niflheim, Mallory would never know). She scooted up onto a picnic bench style table and tried to force herself to relax, though the blaring red light and the rustling of daemon feet in the hallways outside was making it difficult to do so. 
She had managed to clear out the common area fairly easily, as there were only a few daemons in the room when she got there. Mallory left the big metal doors to the common area unlocked, but she would still tense anytime a scurry of feet would approach the door, then sigh with relief as the feet scurried away. But it had been almost three hours of waiting and Mallory was starting to get worried. 
More footsteps-this time, though, the foot falls were different-rather than being hasty, or sloppy (depending on the daemon on the other side), these were careful foot steps and they were definitely human. But Mallory could feel, almost know that the prince and his entourage would not have been walking so lazily down the hallway and stop casually in front of the door, neither opening it nor locking it. Just stand there-whoever this person was, Mallory had a feeling they knew she was in there. 
Reaching for her gun once again, Mallory scooted off the table and carefully placed her feet on the floor. 
Only the floor was different-the common area had grating all throughout the floor, but the floor was now suddenly smooth, like marble. The texture (or lack thereof) from the floor caused Mallory to look down, only to see grey marble flooring versus the common areas grating that looked to some of the prison cells below. 
Naturally, Mallory looked up-only she wasn't in the common area anymore. 
Red blinking lights and sirens were replaced with a peaceful and calm hallway exterior, with the same grey, old fashioned marble decorating the walls. Paintings and ceiling high windows gave the place almost a homely look and now, Mallory couldn't help but feel panic growing in her stomach. 
Mallory had been so on edge, so on the run since the train that she honestly hadn't even had time to think of the weird vision of the barn and the red haired man. Now she was forced to face the reality that maybe the stress was making her lose her mind, maybe years of taking care of Ari and constant close calls with death had finally made Mallory's mind snap. 
Foot steps-again, only behind her. They brought Mallory out of the panic and she whirled around to aim her gun behind her, only there wasn't a soul in sight. There was only the peaceful hallway and...Mallory could hear it again. The humming. A four note lullaby, the same four notes hummed over and over again and it might have been peaceful in different circumstances. 
Walking carefully down the hallway, checking behind her back every few feet to make sure no one was behind her, Mallory shouldn't have honestly noticed the paintings. But there they were and the sight made Mallory stop, partially in awe and partially in fear. 
The paintings on the walls were all the same and they were all of...Mallory? 
No, it was someone who looked just like her. Mallory's hair was the same shade of dark black, but the woman in the painting's hair was longer, stretching down to her waist in long waves. Her facial features were the same, though, with her slightly pointed nose, her heart shaped lips and high cheekbones. Of course, the eyes-the same, mysterious and deep dark green, an almost unworldly color that had been in her family for years and years. 
Mallory instinctively backed away, the woman's eyes almost following her as she tried to leave when something stopped her dead in her tracks. Eyes widening, Mallory leaned forward, positive she was seeing things. 
On the woman's wrist was what looked like a soulmate mark...but it wasn't any mark. 
It was just like Mallory's on her left shoulder, the same shape with the same points, just in a different spot. 
That name again...looking over, Mallory saw the same red haired man again coming down the corridor, only this time he looked a little older-a little meaner too, with a confident and smug look versus the man from the barn, who was young with an easy smile who seemed almost naive. But when he met Mallory's gaze, his golden irises almost softened, though the smug smile he wore was still bitter and cold as he approached. 
When he came within five feet, Mallory instinctively back up and aimed her gun at the man, though he just chuckled at the sight of a gun aimed between his eyes. 
"How different you are now...I suppose it doesn't matter, does it?" With a long and deep sigh, the man turned to the painting and gazed with a wonder and love that only his eyes shown at the woman in the painting. "She was just like the soulmate mark on her wrist...a star. Beautiful to look at, but unattainable to the human touch," With the same look of fondness in his eyes, but still not in the rest of his face, the man touched the back of his fingers gently to the woman in the painting's face, gently stroking the canvas. 
Mallory shivered, swearing she could feel icy cold fingers against her cheek. "What's happening to me?" The whisper was more of a question for herself than anyone else, but the man turned his attention away from the painting to focus once again on her. 
"I promised that day that I would show you and everyone my redemption...at last, that day has come," With a grand sweep, the man knelt before her, his warm and loving golden irises in the cold face gazing at Mallory. She tried to shake the foggy feeling out of her mind, but she couldn't, couldn't fight the odd sense of longing in her stomach and the race of her heartbeat. She knew logically that none of this made sense, that she didn't know this man, but she still found herself crouching down beside him. She still felt her heart flutter like crazy when he grazed the back of his cold fingers along her cheek. 
"Aryelle," he whispered, inching closer and closer with each word he spoke. "My soul...my half...my star...my life..." 
He was so close that she could smell a bitter stench of cologne, could feel the hot stinking breath on her face, but she couldn't force herself to stand up. Couldn't force herself to think as he slowly closed his eyes as a single phrase chanted in her head. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. 
But she still felt her eyes closing, but was somehow able to fight the draw to close her eyes when a brilliant blue object appeared just over the man's shoulder. 
A blue feather? 
A biting cold and snowy wind almost knocked Mallory off her feet and onto her bottom, but she steadied herself with the palms of her hands as she stayed crouched. The man and the peaceful corridor was gone, but it was replaced by the whiteness of a snow storm, the cold biting into her skin and if she wasn't questioning her sanity, Mallory would have been relieved that she was wearing her winter coat. 
"What's happening to me?!?!" Mallory didn't even hear her own scream over the wind of the storm, but she was too frozen and panicked to care at this point. 
Because the image of Ari, alone in a cold and sunless world with no one to protect her, flooded Mallory's mind. The image of Ari panicking as daemon's surrounded her wouldn't leave Mallory and she screamed with no one but the wind to hear. Her sister, unable to function, now alone in this world, unable to defend herself...
Because of Mallory-her lack of sanity. While she always knew that her missions were dangerous, she always had the confidence to come back home to her sister. She figured if she did die, it would be because of a shot to the head. 
Not because she had lost her mind. 
Through the white blanket of snow and sleet, a sudden image appeared. The image waved and moved, almost like a window curtain flapping in the wind, but Mallory could clearly see snippets of something happening in the image. Almost like watching a TV, Mallory watched the red headed man make grand flourishes to King Regis, making promises of peace and tranquility, but going back to the Empire to signal the attack on Insomnia. Mallory cringed as the man bent down by the oracle with a cold and cynical look, sinking a dagger into her stomach as Lady Lunafreya's eyes went wide in pain and fear. Mallory wanted to claw her own ears out at hearing Ignis Scientia's screams of pain at being blinded by the man, his cold and smug look never once going away as he smiled like he enjoyed bringing so much pain to someone. She wanted to cry as she watched the man taunt and mock a young blonde boy as he sat on the ground and practically sobbed, though she didn't know over what. 
All that pain and misery...brought on by this man. 
A hand grabbed onto her left wrist, squeezing so tightly that the bones might snap underneath as the snow storm melted away and somehow, Mallory knew she was back in reality. The man was back, only he now appeared angry as he tightened the hold on Mallory's wrist. A blue, ethereal glow made his eyes look almost black as he tried to yank Mallory beside her, despite her resistance as she placed her palm on the cold, metal grating of the floor below her. 
"Aryelle," The man hissed, his voice dripping with the venom of a snake as a dark, oozing blackness started to appear from him. "Come to me," 
It was at that moment that Mallory realized that this man, the person from her visions, was a person of pure and horrific evil. She didn't know what he wanted with her and she didn't care, she only knew she had to escape. With quick reflexes she had learned over years of dangerous missions, she grabbed the switchblade out of her back pocket, flipped it up and sank the knife into the man's leg, right beneath his knee cap. A simple twist and pull popped the knee cap out of place, though the man didn't roar like others she had performed the trick on had. But he did flinch and hiss through his teeth, clearly in pain as Mallory left the blade forgotten in his knee and stood up to run away. 
"Mallory!" Gladiolus, Ignis and a young blonde boy, the one from the snow storm vision, appeared behind her, all of them out of breath as they looked at the man pulling the knife out of his knee. "Where's Noct?" Gladiolus asked her. 
Mallory shook her head, sure confusion was as clear on her face as it felt. "I thought he was with you guys," 
"We sent him on torwards the crystal," Ignis explained with his eyes cast ahead, not really focusing on anything due to his blindness. "We were surrounded-has he absorbed the power from the crystal yet?" 
"He's gone," 
The four turned their attention to the man as he straightened up, looking almost un-bothered now despite his knee being severely damaged. He turned and focused his smug gaze at the group, but he focused on Mallory, his body framed by the blue glow from the crystal behind him. "I'm afraid you won't be seeing your friend again for quite sometime," 
"What?" Confusion and whiplash from being jerked around from so many places in the span of what felt like less than ten minutes clouded Mallory's mind, but she didn't have time to react as Gladiolus summoned his broadsword and swung it at the man with a roar and the blonde boy shot him twice in the back, the man falling with his hat rolling casually away. 
"Die, motherfucker," The blonde boy whispered, his voice choked with tears. 
"He's not dead," the words left Mallory's mouth before she really understood them, not sure how she knew he wasn't dead. And sure enough, he wasn't, as he stood up with his fedora and placed it casually on his head before turning and looking at Mallory and she almost wanted to scream at what she saw. 
The man was almost daemon like now, the whites in his eyes now inky black and oozing, making the bright golden irises stand out in contrast. His face and skin was now pale and cracked in several places, like a broken china doll and he now looked as evil as he was. 
"You will know my redemption, Aryelle," The words were fueled with anger and bitterness, but he didn't stay to explain what it meant as he simply strolled to the elevator, leaving the four alone in one of the capitals of magitek industries. 
It felt like the air returned to the room the minute the doors to the elevator closed and Mallory gasped and began to pant, not realizing before she had been holding her breath. As she collected herself, she realized she felt something wet and thick on her hand. 
Mallory prided herself on being calm and collected even in the grimmest of situations, but when she saw the man's daemon like black and oozy blood covering her hand from where she stabbed him, the scream she let loose practically echoed throughout all of Gralea. 
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skittles-pixie · 7 years
85 statements
R U L E S : you must answer these eighty five statements and tag twenty people
I was tagged by the always wonderful @essentiallychaotic​
I would like to tag: dude idk if I know 20 people to tag but ill try... if I tag you and you don't want me to please tell me @iridescentautistic​ @mybloodyplacemats​ @wanderer-and-muse​ @standswithpotatos​ @alaskanomad​ @melodychanges​ @happydance416​ uuuuuuh idk that's 7? lol @everyone that works right?
Part 1: the last:
drink: Twist up its a lemon lime soda... idk I asked my boy for a drink and that's what he brought me
phone call: My mother she woke me up two days ago
text message: to me- my mother.... from me- my coworker
song you listened to: Brittany spears toxic started playing on the radio when I got home from work
time you cried: Last night... combination of hormones and touchy feely movie... hormones suck...
Part 2: Ever:
dated someone twice: uh ive been on more than one date with my boy... otherwise my dating history is a little unclear... several guys who acted like we were dating and then refused to actually call it a date... so yeah idk...
kissed someone and regretted it: ooooooooh yeah.....  alcohol is bad for you kids......
been cheated on: nope... ive only been in the one relationship and I have a very loyal boy
lost someone special: yes... both in passing away and by loosing touch....
been depressed: been? as in passed tense... lol try still depressed... ive learned how to handle it though, and it helps to have an outlet that's not controlled by my mother, and people who care about me. and to not be told how terrible I am every 5 minutes.
gotten drunk and thrown up: I had a crazy 21st birthday.... after that I try not to get that drunk... but it happens on occasion... lol
Part 3: Favourite colours: ALL OF THEM!!! I really like colors.. though green, blue, and blood red are prolly my top colors...
Part 4: In the last year have you:
made new friends: yes.... more like my boy made friends and introduced me, but yeah I always meet new people
fallen out of love: Naw  I love my boy too much
laughed until you cried: yeeeeah.... I laugh a lot lol....
found out someone was talking about you: yeah apparently people talk about me a lot “oh yeah I know who you are” is a phrase I hear a lot when meeting people... also I guess my boy talks about me? but from what I hear people usually say good things
met someone who changed you: yeah ive spent some time getting to know myself better
found out who your friends are: yeah.... and in the process ive lost almost all of them, but I'm done trying too hard to get people to like me. I want to be invited out not just kinda sorta included but only if somebody else takes me. So yeah... long story short I found out that my friends are simply not....lol... I do still have the good ones though....
kissed someone on your facebook list: don't have facebook.... if I did it would prolly be yes though lol....
Part 5: General:
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: yeah still don't have facebook
do you have any pets: Theyre not really mine, but I live with 2 doggos
do you want to change your name: when I was little I wanted to change my name... I wanted something more pretty like rose or diamond.... but now I'm pretty happy with my name... would only change my last name if the occasion called for it....
what did you do for your last birthday: If I remember right I went to my physics class and then chilled in the empty cabin.... my boys aunt and uncle were visiting from Germany and got me a cake and a couple of presents... but on the actual day of my birthday I was pretty much alone... but birthdays are gross anyway
what time did you wake up: 1 pm lol... I'm too much of a night owl
what were you doing at midnight last night:  I was finishing my movie and playing with my phone... I wanted to snap about how the sunlight in Alaska makes fireworks a bummer for the 4th, but I was too lazy lol  
name something you can’t wait for: not having schoolwork.... I'm so glad to be done.....
when was the last time you saw your mom: may when she came up for my graduation... it wasn't too bad... she only put  me down once....
what are you listening to right now: bobs burgers.... my boys watching it
have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes.... I have a friend named tom.... we don't talk very often... but hes still my friend....
something that is getting on your nerves: my one coworker.... he pisses me off...
most visited website: tumblr.... or Netflix....
hair colour: blonde... which is kinda an ombre cause I dye it lighter and then let it grow out and then repeat so its always lightest on the bottem lol... though I'm trying to let it grow out for a bit...
do you have a crush on someone: my booooooooooooy (please read that in a super cheasy sappy sarcastic tone)
what do you like about yourself: that's a tough question... lol... But I like my ability to be stubborn... It helps me work hard to get what I want and be a better person.... and I get to prove people wrong which is great because so many people have told me that I would never really succeed because the odds were too stacked against me...
piercings: don't have any... have considered earings.. but nah....
blood type: yeah... no idea
nickname: cece ce Cebu skittles pixie.....
relationship status: dating and hopeful for the future cause this is a very good one...
zodiac: leo
pronouns: She/Her
favourite tv show: Gilmore Girls, buffy, charmed, x files.... idk I watch a lot of shows...
tattoos:  I absolutely love them... but my fear of needles and my indecisiveness mean that I don't have any nor any plans to get one... but I love henna... 
right or left handed: right handed when it comes to writing... but ambidextrous for just about anything else...
piercing: no.
sport: uuuuh I don't follow any major teams or anything... but I'm always down to watch baseball, basketball, hockey, or soccer... ill gladly play any sport but I'm sorely out of shape lol and I don't always know all the rules... football still confuses me...
vacation: everywhere lol.... but right now Germany, Ireland, las vagas, japan, or just taking time off to travel around Europe in general, are all at the top of my list.....
pair of trainers: ????? idk????
Part 6: more general :
eating: Most food is good... I will prolly die if you ever feed me spicy food tho
. drinking: water, iced tea, hot tea, coffee, some soda but not very much or very often, milk, alcohol...
I’m about to: prolly go to bed so I don't  die working the morning shift tomorrow
waiting for: it to be dark at night again lol...
want: my degree, a job that utilizes that degree, my own place.
get married: one day. ive got some time before anything happens... but I found my person....
career: Chemistry.... in Alaska.... man I'm still piecing that one together.... but environmental chemistry is super cool... and id love to work with the Alaskan environment, to keep it safe and clean and to better understand how it works
hugs or kisses: both... but mainly hugs... I'm a very touch oriented person....
lips or eyes: lips...  idk why cause I love eyes too... but I'm fascinated with how peoples lips look.... like I never understood those superhero masks that just cover their eyes because I always recognize people by their lips and how they talk
shorter or taller: taller....... when I'm around tall people I feel smaller and that makes me happy... plus like.. they can reach the shit that I cant lol...
older or younger: I'm sooo old...... not really but sometimes I feel like it so idk lol
nice arms or nice stomach: arms... always.... especially shoulders...
hook up or relationship: uh before my current relationship I was totally all for either though I focused mainly on hook ups... but now I'm content with the relationship thing....
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker... definitely... but usually its a good thing.... I never much cared for rules...
kissed a stranger: oh yeah... many times...
drank hard liquor: yup... do it a lot... but life in Alaska....
lost glasses or contact lenses: forgot where I put them a few times... but always found them... break glasses a lot tho....
turned someone down: yeeeeah... guys usually don't respond well... I know... big surprise...
sex on the first date: yup... i love sex....
broken someone’s heart: yeah.... it was terrifying... i vaguely knew him through mutual friends and similar activities...  he asked to be my valentine when id told him that id never had one before ... valentines was about two weeks away... we saw each other for like a week... he had my entire future planned out for me... and i couldn't get passed the fact that he was 14 years older than me....  when i told him things weren't gonna work he broke down bawling.... and our mutual friends told me how bad he was after the conversation....
had your heart broken: yeah... and then toyed with... it was fuuuuuun.......
been arrested: no I'm an good kid who can do nothing wrong... and anytime ive done anything illegal i was always with people who took all the attention off of me....
cried when someone died: yeah... ive known too many people that have died....
fallen for a friend: yup... it didn't work out
Part 7: do you believe in:
yourself: Its a work in progress lol.
miracles: yes. This world is not always as terrible as the people who inhabit it...  
love at first sight: you know... i never used to believe in it... but then i met my boy and i swear to god it was like i saw the puzzle pieces of my life fall into place around me... we were pretty drunk but to this day i still cant explain why i had such a strong urge to meet this man. why i insisted that he had to play pool with us... we already had more than enough people to play... but he had to be there with us.... and from that moment on my life has just gotten better and better....
Santa Claus: I guess... more like i believe that once upon a time he exsisted....
kiss on the first date: yes... again I'm a very touch oriented person....
angels: I think theres a lot of things out there that we do not understand and we are not ment to... so yeah i think angels exist...
Part 8: Other:
current best friend’s name:
Mckenzi is my go to... but Daniel is also my best friend.... I have a few others too like maddi... but if i named everyone then id be naming like all my friends and that would make me sad because I'm too social to have such a small social group lol....
eye colour: blue....
Favourite movie: depends on my mood... but i can never really pick a favorite...
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devereauxsdisease · 8 years
All the cool kids are doing it, so I wrote my first OMG, Check Please! fic... I blame @wrathofthestag, who sent me a picture that I had to turn into a fic. I also blame @disraeligearsgoestumblin, @victorineb and @wraithsonwingsposts - you all are terrible influences! 
         Bitty was toweling off his hair when he heard his phone buzz. Resigned to the fact that the Georgia humidity was going to ruin any careful sculpting he wanted to do, Bitty huffed a sigh and went to check his phone.
        J-Z: Thank you for the cookies, Bittle.
         Bitty grinned at the text. He paused before typing, wondering if he shouldn’t cover himself up before responding to Jack. He gnawed his lip for a minute and smiled. Well, if he got a little thrill out of texting his crush in the buff – that was between him and the lord, no reason for Jack Zimmermann to worry his pretty little head over it.
        Me: Anytime, honey.
         Bitty sighed and flopped on his bed, phone resting on his chest. Lord, just thinking about that boy made him feel flushed. He gave a little yelp when the phone buzzed again, sending a tingle through his body.
        J-Z: What are you up to?
         “This boy,” Bitty said to Señor Bun, who offered Bitty a sympathetic look.
        Me: Nothing much. Just working out and eating more protein!
        J-Z: Haha.
         “Lord, he puts a period after everything,” Bitty showed the text to Bun.
         Me: I am! I’ve been doing the chest press variations you showed me, I think it’s made a big difference.
         J-Z: Yeah?
         “Yeah?” Bitty looked at Bun. “What the hell does yeah mean?”
         It sounded kind of like flirting, but one never knew with Jack. He could just want Bitty’s new chest measurements to mark off on some sort of Team Workout Progress chart he made in his spare time.
         “He’s not flirting, Jack isn’t programmed to flirt...right?”
         Bun didn’t seem to have a lot of thoughts on the subject. Bitty looked at the text one more time and screwed up his mouth. Well, Jack wanted to know about his progress, maybe Bitty should show him. Just because Jack was a hockey robot didn’t mean Bitty couldn’t have a little harmless fun flirting.
         “He’ll probably just think it’s informative, right?”
         Before Bun could talk him out of it, Bitty hopped up. Running a hand through his hair, Bitty held out the camera, made his signature selfie face, framed the shot to show off his chest and abs, and flexed his pecs. His heart was hammering, so he took one second to check his face in the picture and then immediately sent it to Jack.
         Me: Much better, right?
         Bitty sat his phone down and shivered, the AC finally driving him to put some clothes on. When he was decent, he checked his phone – no new messages.
         Bitty frowned. Not even a haha for his efforts? That was disappointing. On a whim, he checked the conversation – maybe Jack had responded and his phone had just failed to notify him? Bitty looked at the texts, nothing since he sent the picture.
         The picture.
         What was that in the background?
         Bitty pulled up the pic and promptly dropped his phone.
         His mirror. The full-length mirror that Moomaw had given to him on his 14th birthday. Bitty hadn’t even noticed it behind him. Sadly the camera had, offering the viewer a full-length view of Bitty’s completely naked backside.
         “Oh God,” Bitty whispered, wrapping Bun in a panicked hug. “I just sexted Jack Zimmermann.” 
         Jack stared unseeing at his laptop, his cell on the floor where he dropped it. 
         Bitty’s ass was on his phone. Bitty’s bare ass. Bitty’s bare, tight, fucking perfect ass was just sitting on his home screen.
         Bitty couldn’t have possibly meant to send that photo. He probably didn’t see the mirror. There was no way Bitty knew about Jack’s little crush. He had been so low key about the whole thing. Still, he needed to do something.
Jack opened up Google and took a deep breath.
         How do you save a cellphone picture to your hard drive?
         How do you blow up cellphone images?
         Enhance cellphone images?
         Jack sunk a hand into his hair and slammed his laptop shut. Great, not only was he a stalker, but now Google knew about it too. If Bitty hadn’t meant to send that picture, then he was basically violating his privacy just looking at it. Right? But Bitty did send the picture…
         Jack stared at his half-hard dick, wondering if it was morally ok to masturbate to a picture that might have been sent accidentally.
         He needed advice and obviously he couldn’t trust himself to Google it.
         Me: I have a question.
         Shits: My gorgeous maple dipped moose, how can I help?
         Me: Hypothetically: If a friend you had a hypothetical crush on sent you a photo that hypothetically had their bare ass in it – would it be morally wrong to save that pic?
         Me: Hypothetically.
         Jack drummed his fingers on his closed laptop. He resisted the urge to check Bitty’s convo and make sure the pic was still there.
         Shits: I think you hypothetically owe Bits a dick pic
         Shits: Don't make me bring Rans and Holster in on this... We all know, you heart-eyed plate of muscular poutine.
         Shits: #ShowBitsYourBits2k17
         Me: I can’t make the first move
         Shits: Good News! Sending someone an ass shot is considered the first move.
         Shits: Now, it’s your move, Jack.
         Bitty had flour in his hair and a lump of dough before him. He was stress kneading to beat the band, but the wild panic in his chest would not subside.
         He’d ruined everything.
         He’d never had a chance with Jack, any fool could see that, but now? Now, he wouldn’t even get to be friends with him. There had to be a way to fix this. Maybe if he sent a different maple pie every day for the rest of break? Or protein? Maybe he should send protein…
         Bitty threw the dough into the fridge and grabbed his phone. Still no new text from Jack. He needed advice. He needed a friendly ear. He needed to do something before he exploded.
         Me: Hi! you have a minute?
         Shitty: For my darling Bitty? I have all the time in the world!
         Me: I need advice for a friend.
         Shitty: I’m great at advice!
         Me: my friend accidentally sent a nude to another friend
         Me: like accidentally, totally innocently
         Shitty: Hypothetically, I would ask for a copy of this nude to judge the severity.
         Me: this is serious!!!!
         Me: my friend hasn't gotten a response in like 20 minutes
         Me: that's forever even for Jack!
         Bitty realized he’d written Jack a second after he hit send. Lord, he was going to have to start checking his texts before sending!
         Shitty: Your friend sent nudes to Jack?
         Shitty: Was it me?
         Me: 😤
         Shitty: Look, maybe Jack is genuinely upset.
Bitty felt his heart stop.
         Shitty: Or maybe that pic short-circuited the hockey robot and Jack spent 20 mins trying to Google how to print a cell photo in poster size.
         Shitty: One of those is def the answer
         Bitty’s mouth dropped open. What? Was Shitty kidding?
         Me: B. Knight, r u messin w me?
          Before Shitty could respond, Bitty got a text. Jack had sent him a photo. With shaking hands, Bitty pulled up the image.
          Jack was in the bathroom, red-faced and smiling sheepishly. He was standing with the large wall mirror behind him, completely nude except for a notepad. Bitty almost dropped the phone when he saw how perfectly that hockey ass was framed in the shot.
         Bitty told himself he was enlarging the picture just to see what was written on the notepad. He almost believed himself.
         Call me if you want to compare squat routines.
         Bitty ran, slamming into his room and locking the door as he hit dial.
         “Bits?” Bitty could hear the nerves in Jack’s voice, it made him smile.
         “Hi, Jack.”
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rlyrileyhope-blog · 8 years
More Than.
The #Immorethan project (created by me) is a way for people to convey that they are more than whatever is or used to hold them back. It’s a way to rip off the “bandaid” of pressure whether be put on by society, family, school, or even ourselves- it’s a way to show what we’re overcoming or what we’ve overcame. 
Part of a vital process of healing or coming to terms is talking about it. The most difficult, yet most necessary part; opening up. Inviting others in, to help the healing. 
To start with, I rounded up an inspirational and talented group of models and photographers. After not being able to decide what I wanted to do for this shoot and just knowing I wanted people’s voices to be heard and others to be inspired; including myself- this is what the concept I came up with and with the help of a team, we achieved.
 I told models to write something negative that’s impacted them throughout their lives on a white shirt and underneath, on a colored shirt, start the phrase “I’m More Than” and finish it.
So on Saturday, January 21st, we met at Pulse Nightclub to create this masterpiece. Below are photos from the event as well as a models’ opening up and some sharing with you; #ImMoreThan 
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Ripping the hurt, the past, and the pain off and throwing it away
Models (L to R): Zee Lavelle, Dedrianna Siracusa, Anna Reed, Angel Aguilar, Patrick Gold, Leira Lynn (with son, Leon)
Photographers (from top to bottom): Godbodiii Visuals, Ethe Price, Joey G. Neas
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Front to Back: Anna Reed, Angel Aguilar; Photographed by Joey G. Neas
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Model: Angel Aguilar; Photographed by: Joey G. Neas
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Model: Angel Aguilar; Photographed by GodBodiii Visuals
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Model: Angel Aguilar; Photographed by Ethe Price
“Immature. Im-mature. I'm mature. It's a long story why I chose this word. This word reminded me of my past.
It started with a childhood/lover of mine. We have been together for great 8 years. There has been been a lot of things that happened. I moved here in the US with family and left him in the Philippines. I have no choice. After 8 months, we broke up. It's not the distance but this word that I have. How maturity works on us. Mature couples don't "fall in love", they know that they are in love. Love is not just a sudden feeling, it's a feeling that you grow and raise with. Relationships with such immaturity always has questions. "Who?" "When?" "How?" Full of uncertainty. "Does he love me?" "Is he cheating or seeing somebody else?" "Will it be forever for us?" There is no trust. Mature relationships don't need these questions because they already know the answers for them. They have T-R-U-S-T.
We didn't know each other that well and how this "maturity" works that's why we didn't work. A few months past, we realized that without love, immaturity will prevail. In LOVE, there is trust and everything will just come in to place in their own right time. You FEEL extraordinary things and most importantly you FOLLOW YOUR HEART.”
---Angel Aguilar
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Model: Dedrianna Siracusa; Photographed By: Ethe Price
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Model: Dedrianna Siracusa; Photographed By: GodBodiii Visuals
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Model: Dedrianna Siracusa; Photographed By: Ethe Price
“We often ask small children what do you want to be when you grow up. I've never once heard a girl respond "I want to be an object". Yet, that's what is still occuring in 2017. We have a president that coined the phrase "grab them by the pussy", further objectifying women. What I wear, what I drink or what I say doesn't determine my worth. I want to remind each of you we are more than our bodies, more than our height, weight or skin color. There is so much more to me than what you see. I have dreams and goals, tears and fears. My body does not define who I am or how you will treat me!”
---Dedrianna Siracusa
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Models (L to R): Zee Lavelle, Patrick Gould, Dedrianna Siracusa; Photographed by: Ethe Price
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Model: Patrick Gould; Photographed by: Ethe Price
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Model: Patrick Gould; Photographed by: Ethe Price
“So I chose sinner because I have been called this word before by somebody who is very religious. It was in an attempt to bash my sexuality and who I am as a person. They told me I was going to burn in hell for being gay. Instead of responding with hate I told them that is their opinion and if they wish to think so then that is their right. I reminded myself that who I am is not wrong and this is my life and I can live it how I want. So I continue to stay true to myself and be who I am.”
---Patrick Gould
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Model: Anna Reed; Photographed by: Ethe Price
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Model: Anna Reed; Photographed by: Joey G. Neas
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Model: Anna Reed; Photographed by: Godbodiii Visuals
“Social justice, current issues. Sometimes I think I don't have much to say here because my issues aren't necessarily current issues nor do they have much to do with social justice. After careful contemplation, though, I realized that every issue, every pain is worth addressing no matter how small. This is a little of my story and while some endured much more pain, I think it is time for me to raise my own voice. Mistake. It's the first thing your eyes are drawn to upon glancing at this shirt and it's also the first thing that comes to mind when I think of things that I have been labeled as, things that have hurt me deeper than words can express. Mistake, like all labels, is just a word. It can be used in many contexts but when it is placed in an angry tirade and hurled at a sobbing preteen girl by someone who is supposed to love her, it becomes a dagger that slices through the proverbial arteries feeding her very soul. To be told that "God makes mistakes and you are one of them" is enough to crush anyone not to mention someone who is already fragile and breaking from physical and emotional abuse.Stupid girl. I have never felt very smart. Sure, I didn't do too shabby in college but I don't think the same way everyone else does. I learn differently. I process things and think about things in my own way. My mind is more creative than it is analytical but somehow I was still stupid. As a child, my reactions were never quick enough. I fidgeted and twitched when I was nervous and my words became a tangled mess as they tried to exit my mouth. As an adult, my adrenaline pumps at the thought of public speaking, singing, tests, and even talking to new people. What if I say something dumb? What if I am too stupid to take this class? I catch myself assuming I am still that "stupid girl" that was unable to perform to some unknown set of standards that kept becoming more impossible no matter how hard I tried. Fat. That word is like a constant needle prick. It's not enough to do extensive damage on the surface but it still causes pain and sometimes irreparable damage. For the record, I was never "overweight." The stress of growing up the way I did actually made me thin- thin to the point that I couldn't keep weight on to keep my clothes in place but somehow I was still "fat." I went to college and gained weight- almost 55 pounds the first semester and it gave some merit to the word. Anytime I have gained weight whether during pregnancy or the holidays, that word rings in my ears.Ugly. It usually came with the previous label. "Fat and ugly." They were friends, besties really, and took up permanent residence in my memory after hearing them so many times. When I look in the mirror, they dance in my head. They taunt me when someone gives me a compliment so much so that I feel I must correct them. /react-text 
react-text: 59 Worthless, nothing. I don't know which is worse- to be told you are worthless and have no purpose or to be told you are nothing. Nothing. Irrelevant. Invisible. Nonexistent. I am the girl who can be in a crowd and feel absolutely alone. I am the girl who has to fight every day to feel relevant, to feel useful in some small way. You only have to hear these words once for them to have a deep impact.Unstable. When you hear "unstable" you might think unpredictable even dangerous, on one minute and completely off the next. It's hard to remember positive things when you have so many hurtful and negative memories haunting you. Somehow this makes you negative, it makes you unstable. This label was haphazardly pasted on me by someone I thought was a friend at one of the most painful times in my adult life- the sudden loss of my brother. I was pregnant, living away from family, working late hours, and now trying to grasp on how to handle this hole in my heart. I had never done anything worthy of being called unstable and yet here I was. Instead of a warm hug, I was given a new name. I was held at arms length while they gossiped about their perception of me. No one knew my hurt and they certainly weren't trying to find out. Instead they stood back and stabbed me in the back. I began to wonder if I really was crazy. Maybe they saw something I couldn't. Maybe if I try to be happy and chipper they will think differently. Or maybe it would just be one more thing to drive me deeper in my shell."You need me." There is a reason I wrote these words around the neckline. These are the words that had a strangle hold on me for years, choking the life out of any confidence I tried to develop, making sure I knew I couldn't do anything alone. "You need me." It's not a label per say but it was something I was told over and over again. I was a victim of sexual assault. I never thought I would say those words. I never thought I would have enough guts to tell but here I am. You would think that anyone in that situation would end it and walk away but I couldn't. I was a prisoner, not in a physical sense but in a mental and emotional one. I had no one to talk to and nowhere to go. And I needed him. He made sure of that. No one else understood and I couldn't make it without his support. I was convinced. I was obedient but I hated every minute of it. As I sit here typing these words so many years later, my stomach wrenches as much now as it did while I lived it. I had no idea what was happening to me but I knew I couldn't live that way. I don't remember what miracle pulled me out but even then it took me over a year to find a way to cut all ties. I still have nightmares. I still struggle to tell myself I can do it alone, I can stand on my own two feet. Labels do not define me. They are a description and not an accurate one at that. They are an assumption, a false conclusion and a closer look at me will prove it. Today, I choose to cut this noose. I choose to share the little of my story that has taken me years to tell. It may not be all of it but it's a start. I choose to symbolically shed ALL of these labels. Beneath all these words and beneath all this pain lives a person, a human being. I bleed red. I breathe air. I need respect, love, friendship, and understanding as much as the person next to me. I have a mind and a soul that is worth so much more than a few calloused assumptions. I am capable of beautiful things. I care and I love no matter how many times I am hurt. Because I am more than words.”
---Anna Reed
Believe and love yourself. You are more than your challenges, your situation- whatever it may be. You are more than it and you will overcome.
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Models: Leira and Leon Photographed by: Jennifer Slak
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Model: Leira Lynn; Photographed by: Ethe Price
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Models: Zee Lavelle and Patrick Gould; Photographed by: Ethe Price
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Models: Angel Aguilar and Anna Reed; Photographed by: Ethe Price
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Model: Zee Lavelle; Photographed by: Godbodiii Visuals
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Model: Patrick Gould; Photographed By: Godbodiii Visuals
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Models: Zee Lavelle and Dedrianna Siracusa; Photographed by: Godbodiii Visuals
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Models: Zee Lavelle, Dedrianna Siracusa, Angel Aguilar; Photographed by: Godbodii Visuals
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All Models Present; Photographed by: Godbodiii Visuals
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All Models Present; Photographed by: Godbodiii Visuals
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What This Post Is About?Have you ever dreamed of having the skills and confidence to pick up girls in any social situation?Are you sick and tired of being afraid to approach an attractive, interesting woman?Have you ever wanted to impress your friends with how easily you can strike up a meaningful conversation with a woman, anywhere, anytime?Well this post was created for just that purpose!With 101 Ways to Break the Ice, you’ll learn the necessary skills needed to:Confidently approach any girl and engage in conversationDeliver witty lines to attract and hold her attentionHave a meaningful interaction that’ll intrigue and delight herGain that vital edge in your social interactions with the opposite sexThis incredibly useful post, which draws from the more comprehensive teachings available in Jon Sinn's ‘Seduction Roadmap’ program, is jam-packed with dozens of specifically categorized opening lines and ice-breakers that are so simple and yet so effective...and will help you to captivate your audience and increase their willingness to be with you.The post is divided into 3 categories:1. Functional lines are the easiest ones to remember! People are more likely to respond to these because they are simple questions that any decent human would respond to.2. Complimentary lines are a little bit more romantic since they focus on the girl and will most likely make her blush.3. Observational lines are based on the situation, so you'll need to be observant to what opportunities are around you to use these lines.While you can jump around the post to find your favorites, I highly suggest reading it from beginning to end so you don’t miss out on any lines.Finally, the post ends with an important chapter detailing the most common mistakes to avoid when chatting up ladies.The beauty of 101 Ways to Break the Ice is that it is so easy to use! Immediately you can start incorporating these valuable techniques into any social situation to see just how effective they really are!The key here is that women are far more likely to respond to ice-breakers that are genuine, witty and different, as opposed to, cheesy pick-up lines that merely insult their intelligence and make you look desperate and boring.I will teach you the difference between this:BAD: “Did you know that they changed the alphabet? They put ‘U and ‘I’ together...And this:GOOD: “You have the most incredible ‘girl-next-door’ look about you. I just had to come meet you.”...and a whole lot more!After all, talking to a beautiful girl is easy...once you know how!2: FUNCTIONAL LINESFunctional lines focus on asking for basic information that almost guarantees a response. You can use these anywhere!Where is the nearest Starbucks?Weird question... you don't happen to know the best place to see the stars around here do you?Where is the restroom in here?Sorry to bother you, but what is that you're having? I always get the same thing and I'm looking to switch it up and that looks fantastic.Where's the best place to party tonight?Do you have the correct time? I think my phone is being weird.Where can I get into trouble around here?Where's the best place to catch a cab around here?You happen to know what time the subway arrives?Excuse me, are the police very good runners in this town?You guys happen to have any gum or mints? My breath is an atrocity.Are there any 24-hour coffee shops around here?You happen to know anywhere around here I can get a good cookie?Would you be so kind as to direct me to the most pretentious club in the area?I'm trying to show my friends something fun but I need a book of matches, you happen to have any?My friend wants to smoke but has no lighter, can I borrow one?Do you know what time this place closes?Do you happen to know if there are any afterhours bars or clubs around here?Pardon me, where is the best place to see boobies at this time of night?Do you happen to know if there are any eighties bars around here?Maybe you guys can help me, I seem to have lost my friends, have you seen anyone who looks like....I'm looking for hot Goth girls, do you know if they exist?Where around here has the cheapest beer?Do these sunglasses make my butt look big?You guys have any idea what's good here?This is kind of strange, but you guys look cool, so I thought I'd ask. I really want to talk to that girl, and I have no idea what to say. What do you think I should go with?Where's the best place near here to get a good steak?Where's the best place to go to meet girls?Where do the really promiscuous girls around here hang out?Which way to the Misty Mountains?(Wearing a latching watch or bracelet) Would you mind helping me, I can't seem to get this latched with one hand.3: COMPLIMENTARY LINESYou are already looking at her so focus on what she’s wearing or what her style is and use it to get the conversation started. She’ll be impressed by your compliment and attention to details.You have a great look.Excuse me, did you intentionally match the hardware on your shoes and purse because that's very impressive.I love how you matched your makeup and your nail polish. Is that a Birkin bag? It’s fabulous.(If you see red soled heels/shoes) I normally don't like tall heels, but I noticed you're wearing Christian Louboutins because when you walk the red on our soles have more room to flash. They look terribly classy.You're so cute. I'd be kicking myself if I didn't come over and say hi. My name is...You've probably heard this a lot, but I still have to tell you, you walk in heels like most girls walk in sneakers.(If you see a scarf with skulls) Excuse me, that's a great scarf. Is it Alexander McQueen?Are you in fashion? That outfit is very Avant Garde.I don't know if it's your feet or those shoes, but I can't help but think that when women spend a ton of money on shoes, that's what they hope is going to happen.Your tan is magnificent; I'm finding it hard to think when your skin is in my line of vision.You have beautiful eyes... especially the left one.I love your ponytail, most girls just look lazy with their hair up, but on you it really shows off your neck and jawline. Is that intentional?Your outfit is awesome; you look like you just stepped out of a music video.You have the most incredible girl-next-door look about you. I had to come meet you.You look like the queen of all strippers.You have fantastic eye contact. It's kind of intimidating.Those stockings are really cool. Do they tear much?I love those glasses. You've got a whole sexy librarian thing going on. It's really working for you.You look like a schoolgirl who never leaves the principles office.You can't be from around here. Your sense of style is amazing; are you from New York?You have great arms—the muscle definition is really impressive. Can I feel? (Don't wait for answer.)Your hair is so shiny—you look like you stepped out of a shampoo commercial.I couldn't help notice how you just (whatever cool thing they just did). You're like the honey badger, you don't give a shit.I hope I'm not bothering you but... You look like someone I was afraid I'd never meet.4: OBSERVATIONAL LINESBe observational! These openers are not so much questions directed at the girl but rather statements designed to get her to open up to you. For this chapter, you must often be loud enough to ensure she hears you.(When a girl is looking at choices) That's the best one.(Look at the girl, then double take and tilt your head as though seeing someone you recognize, bringing your hand up to point, then looking away as though not sure.)(Yelling upon any disappointment) This always happens to me!I just can't get this song out of my head. Oh wait, (removing ear buds) that's better.You guys look like you'd know where to get drugs.(Kneeling next to a girl to tie your shoe) My knots always go the wrong way.The line between hipster and douchebag is so thin these days.Your outfit is so tastefully provocative; teach me your hipster ways.What do girls prefer, devil-may-care hair or devil-may-care attitude?(For a girl studying but seemingly distracted) It's so hard to focus on schoolwork when you're supposed to.(Sitting next to a girl at the airport) Don't you just wish you were going to Vegas?(In Vegas, or anywhere everyone is dressed up, next to a girl who is dressed down) Wow, everyone is so done up.(Next to a girl who is really dressed up) Wow, who are you trying to impress?Interesting decor in here, I wonder what period it is!(At a birthday or New Year’s party) I wonder how many candles/balloons/hats there are in here. I need to find a rain man.This is a great song—I wonder who the artist is.(Based on what song is playing) Omg... Do you guys love Lady GaGa/Ke$ha/Beyonce as much as I do?(Girl in produce section) How do I know when is ripe?(If you see a birthday girl) Happy birthday!(In a library or a loud environment, type on your phone) Hello, my name is (then hand her the phone, go back and forth. Also works well with the deaf)(In a very old place) I heard this place is haunted.(If you see a girl looking at guy) I think he's wearing Spanx.(If you see a girl looking at flamboyantly dressed guy) That guy is... FABULOUS!(In an art museum) I heard they have an exhibit of art done by animals. (When she says "really?" Stare at her, and then slowly shake your head)(If you see a girl looking at trashy girl) She looks like she's looking for a guy to take her to TGI Fridays.(If you see a bored looking girl) You look like you'd rather be anywhere but here(If you see a girl alone and looking around) Your friends wander off?(If you see a classy group) My friends are all talking about sports, so I thought I'd come meet you since you are classy and intelligent looking. I hope that's not too weird.(If you see a big group) You guys look like a lot of fun, what's the occasion?(If you see a girl who obviously dislikes another girl) You think she’s wearing anything under that skirt? My money’s on herpes.(If you see a classy girl in high heels) You look like you should be holding a Cosmo.(If you see a girl texting while friends talk) Hey! No texting your boyfriend during girls’ night.(If you see a girl looking at guys) Which one is your favorite?(If you see a bored looking girl with fun friends) Are you the DD? You look like your friends are several drinks ahead of you.(If you see a girl who has just been approached) Do you think that line works on anybody?(If you see a girl looking at badly dressed girl) What do you think she was thinking when she bought those shoes?(If you see a girl who is getting eye contact from guys) I think he likes you.(If you see a tiny skinny girl) You're so tiny and delicate. You go to steakhouses and order salad, don't you?(If you see girl looking sad) You look like your unicorn died.5: MISCELLANEOUS LINESEven if it’s not the best idea, a man should have the balls to be able to just go introduce himself. ‘Hello my name is...’(If you get eye contact and a smile) You're terribly cute, I wanted to meet you, I'm ...How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice.(Have a restaurant opinion argument): My friend and I are having a disagreement, help us out: Rolls or cornbread? Chicken or beef? Salmon or tuna? If you're at a steakhouse, is it ok to order something other than steak?Please tell my friend that putting ketchup on his mashed potatoes is gross.Who would win in a fight between Chris Brown and Beyoncé?What's the best pickup line you've ever heard, because I want to meet you, and I'd like to use that one.(If you see a cute friendly looking girl) I choose you Pikachu!WHAT THE HELL DO I DO NOW?By now, 101 Ways to Break the Ice has given you some ideas on how to get the conversations started.However, successfully luring her in is only the first step – there’s so much more to learn, especially if you want to:- Get her to respond positively to your calls or text messages- Have women genuinely want to be around you and spend time with you- Ensure a second date!For example, it’s important to know how to avoid the 3 most common mistakes most men make when chatting up ladies.Over the years, and through thousands of failed attempts and dismal conversations, I’ve honed my skills to teach men the secrets of attraction.When you understand the principles of dating and attraction, you can turn it on whenever you want. Not only will you never be alone, but you will also be able to get the kind of girlfriend you’ve always wanted.I’ve narrowed down the top 3 reasons for failure when chatting up the ladies, using this simple acronym, ICE:Interrogation,Centering the Convo on Yourself, andExaggerating the Truth.Mistake #1 – InterrogationYou’re innocently asking her questions in an attempt to keep the conversation going and to find out more about her. When you notice that the welcoming, intriguing girl who loved your opening line has suddenly turned cold and a little dismissive.So what happened??A common mistake most men make is that they inadvertently turn a natural conversation into an inquisition, bombarding the poor girl with question after question.A conversation needs to be natural...it needs fluidity, and once you know this and can do it naturally without making her feel like she’s being cross-examined, you’ll find her a lot more receptive and inviting.Mistake #2 – Centering the Conversation Around YouWhile it’s great to share your interests, your likes and dislikes, beware of hijacking the conversation and talking almost exclusively about yourself. This makes you look a little selfish and can alienate the lady.Example (Bad):Guy: “So, what's your favorite food?”Girl: “Oh, I like Italian.”Guy: “Me too. I prefer Chinese food though, especially from the Szechuan region – the spiciness has just the right kick. It’s my favorite food to cook actually.”Example (Good):Guy: “So, what's your favorite food?”Girl: “Oh, I like Italian.”Guy: “Me too. I love Chinese though. Have you been to any good Italian restaurants around here?”By focusing on some topics that she enjoys, without crossing into ‘Mistake #1,’ you’ll find that the conversation has a much more natural flow to it, thus greatly increasing your chances of success.Mistake #3 – Exaggerating the TruthPeople frequently lie about themselves in order to keep the conversation going and make a good impression. While this may seem like a good idea – it isn't.With a little practice and by using the tips and strategies in this post, you’ll have greater success and will feel more comfortable simply being yourself.Remember, she’s far more likely to be attracted to the real you!Meeting and talking to new people, especially good-looking, elegant women, can be tough.But having the skills and confidence to do it...and do it right...can be life-changing!Sincerely Yours,SimonP.S. Here's another related article on the topic: The 7 Most DEADLY Conversation Mistakes YOU Probably Make With Women (... And What To Do About It) via /r/dating_advice
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