#anyway I am SO SAD so I drew this oh no
killerslowpoke · 27 days
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OH I am so tired
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raveartts · 1 year
ugh, hate when i'm looking through albums to find a specific drawing and end up finding literally everything but the drawing in question and instead painful or jealousy memory inducing drawings 😍
like, i found an old painting i did after really practicing a lot to draw cows, and i tried to recreate a photo hanging in our kitchen for my mom, i worked really hard on it and she just seemed....unsatisfied with it. she tried to quickly pretend she liked it, as usual with her -_-. and like, it's not even a bad drawing by my current standards
and onto the jealousy inducing, it had to be my brother's art of course :) we both had these Top Model books as kids, like where they give you a base and you can design whatever you want, and his work at age 7-9(?) is at the same level/better than what i can do today
like, we drew these around the same time (though i am two years younger than him) and just, w o w try and guess whos who's
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f a n c e 🤪
and then there's mine 😳, i mean, just look at it....
#rave ramblees#i will say though#what kind of crack was i smoking in 2019 and ONLY 2019 to draw expressions so well#i thought i was bad at the time but oh honey; 2019!Rae had no idea she'd get WORSE#....i never found the drawing i was looking for though#it was a school project so it's entirely possible the teacher got it before i took a picture#though i had pics of other stuff i drew at the time to practice for it#kinda sad but okay#anyways TALENTED PEOPLE SHOULD JUST DIE#'uwu talent doesn't exist they practiced it's all skill ur just jealou- SHUT UP#I'VE *BEEN* PRACTICING. HE HASN'T. HE'S STILL BETTER. HE'S *ALWAYS* BEEN BETTER#I'VE BEEN PRACTICING FOR A WHOLE DECADE+ AND HIS CHILDHOOD SCRIBBLES SURPASS ME#...if he actually practiced consistently he could be a literal god at art....#he's always had the fans too. a dedicated hate account for him. $1000+ in commissions when i had $100 total#he literally had a business contact him for a comm and i'm pretty sure his art is STILL their logo after all this time#(just checked. it is. it's been years and it's still his art on their site)#no business has ever wanted me. nobody's made hate pages for me. nobody ever wanted my adopts or comms even if i was selling for pennies#say what you want about jealousy being a stupid emotion that just holds you back. but at this point isn't it a LITTLE justified?#can't i be a little upset that i've worked so hard and can't even achieve half of what someone could do effortlessly as a child?#what am i doing wrong. clearly there's something inherently untalented about me that learned skill can't fully accommodate#...ugh i'm just finding reasons to make myself upset aren't i#best to just ignore it and force myself to practice more...
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
And I saw sparks —
1.2k Words,, Lucifer x reader
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a/n — So this was actually a request at some point but it was literally lost to the tumblr void. I cannot find it for the life of me but it had to do with brushing Lucifer’s feathers so here we are.
summary — Date night for the reader and Lucifer quickly turns into a bonding session where the reader grooms Lucifer’s unkept and touch starved wings.
warnings — Fluff, gn reader, obnoxious flirting, getting together (officially), Lucifer being touch starved and sad.
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Lucifer groaned as he tried uselessly to comb the feathers on his far back. He didn’t know if he had enough time to finish pruning when he started, and now, barely a third done, he was sure he didn’t. 
His third date with you was in ten minutes. In ten minutes you would show up at his door and expect a fully prepared, well put together, king of hell to sweep you off your feet.
How could he do that when he couldn’t even brush his own damn feathers? What are you going to think when you see him? Maybe, he thought, you’d simply scoff and leave him totally alone with poorly groomed wings.
How pathetic would that be? He grumbled to himself, dreading the last few moments he had to prepare. What was it now, six minutes? If he’s lucky, eight.
Lucifer was so wrapped up in these pessimistic thoughts that he didn’t hear the footsteps approaching behind him as he scrambled and whined over his knotted feathers.
“Lucifer, you okay over there?” You asked from the door way. 
He jumped back, brush getting caught up in the fluff of his wings and yanking two feathers out, making him let out a yelp and fall over. 
“Jesus christ, Luci—“ you laugh going over to help him up.
A blush spread across his cheeks. “I didn’t know you’d be here so soon,” he explained brushing himself off, “Wait how did you—“
“You left the door open and I heard very loud groaning so—“ You gesture to him, “—I thought i’d figure out where it was coming from. Oh, and you being demon royalty and all, I don’t think you should just leave your door open like that.”
He could tell you were joking and he was overjoyed that your attention hadn’t fallen to his exposed wings yet, so he played along.
“Actually, i’d argue that’s the very reason I can leave the door open,” he puffed his chest in his attempt to gloat his power.
This backfired when your gaze drifted to his roughly unkept feathers. Embarrased, he drew back.
“Uh, I was just finishing brushing them. They’ll be going away now, bye bye feathers,” he awkwardly laughed and rambled as he turned around him to hide his wings. 
“Wait, if you’re trying to groom them then,” your hands hovered over the wings before retrieving the brush from the table, “I can help with that. I had a friend way back when who—“
“Nononono,” he chirped, scooting back slightly, “I’m supposed to be taking you out and— and I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“Lucifer, it’s seriously no trouble. Shit, if anything it’s fun. Let me see,” you gently sit him down and take a seat on the floor behind him. 
Your hands find his feathers and begin combing through the unkept bits Lucifer couldn’t reach himself.
He tried with all of his might to stop his wings from flapping about. He’d be lying if he said it didn’t feel incredibly soothing having someone else care for his sensitive wings. 
“Oh god,” he sighs, letting his head fall back slightly as you work your way through his feathers. He collected himself seconds later, not wanting to seem weird, “Sorry, it’s just been a while since anyone’s…”
He trailed off so you took pity and finished the sentence for him, “No, it’s okay. It’s cute how flustered you get over shit like this, anyways.”
Your teasing smile makes his shoulders tighten and his head snap back in your direction, “I am not flustered,” he corrected, cheeks reddening, “maybe just discombobulated.”
“Uh huh,” you grin, “Of course, your highness. Are you too good for a little flirting, now?”
“Oh, Lucifer Morningstar is never not ready for a little flirting,” he smirked, trying to hold himself together under your gentle touch.
“Oh yeah? Hit me with your best line.”
“I—“ He struggled, “Uhm. Okay, well maybe I’m a little rusty.”
You rake your fingers through his feathers once more, softening them to the touch, “I’m sorry, I was under the impression that the king of hell had game.”
“I do ‘have game,’ excuse you,” he did air quotes with his hands, “You just put me on the spot. It doesn’t help what you’re doing with my wings, either.” 
His snobbish royalty tone was alarmingly present and he had his arms crossed as he pouted.
It’s true, usually, Lucifer was quite the flirt. If there’s one thing he knew about himself is that he was a hit with the ladies, in his experience, at least.
But maybe it’s because you’re the first person he’s been on a date with since Lilith. Or maybe it’s the way you’re softly raking your fingers through his knotted feathers. Either way, it was making his brain feel fuzzy.
“I’ll believe when I see it, Luci,” you laugh to yourself.
“Oh, i’ll get you good when I catch you off guard, believe me.” Lucifer bragged.
After a moment, the laughter died down as you focused on your work. Every now and then you drew long content sighs from Lucifer. 
Although you seemed happy enough with the silence, Lucifer squirmed uneasily. He felt guilt build up in his stomach.
“So this is some date, huh? Curtesy of the King of Hell, you’re welcome,” he said glumly, picking at a scratch in his marble floor, “Sorry I couldn’t have made this more enjoyable.”
You caught him off guard with a deep, warm-hearted laugh. The kind that made him else feel like he’s  missed a totally obvious joke or reference.
“What’s so funny?” Lucifer asked, clearly perplexed by your response.
“Luci, we’re in literal hell. Compared to everyone else in shit-hole, you’re one of the better people I’ve dated.” You smiled, freshening up a few feathers, “There, done. Good as new.”
Lucifer grabbed a mirror from off the table and examined your work before realizing what was just said.
“Dating?” his spirits rise, hands coming up to his chest before turning to you, “Are we dating?”
The surprise on your face makes him smile cockily. “Catch you off guard, with that one?” he brags.
“In your dreams,” you recover quickly, “And, yeah, I did say that, didn’t I?” You look at his expectant face, he grinned brightly.
“Well, you heard it yourself, pretty boy. It seems like we’re dating now,” you laugh and caress his cheek with your thumb.
Completely dumbly, he giggles and leans in your touch.
“Wow,” he simply says. He rests against your hand for a while longer before you pull him in for a kiss.
It’s gentle and sweet while it lasts, and when you break apart, you pepper kisses on his cheeks and nose.
“Stop it, stop!” he laughs as you come to another finish on his lips. “So, uh, do you still want me to take you out?”
“Actually, where’s your tv in this place? Let’s watch a movie, instead.”
And so you do, cuddled up on the couch together with Lucifer’s newly groomed wings draped over you both. 
He nuzzled into your chest, desperate for human contact after being alone for so long. And oh, he was especially glad he was getting it from you.
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a/n — Was listening to sparks by coldplay ON REPEAT while writing this, so that’s why the title is like that <3
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the-orange-tabby-cat · 3 months
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joel miller x fem!reader
Summary of the fic: For the last 5 years, every Wednesday you watched a handsome man walk by your street with a lilac bouquet in hands. Except he doesn't stroll on your street this Wednesday, he shows up at your grief support group. 🐾
read on AO3 | masterlist | previous chapter Warnings: No outbreak AU, Grief and its implications, Reader lost her mom, Reader's mom has a name (but no physical description), Group therapy, Grief support group, Parent grief, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Fluff, No use of y/n Word count of the chapter: 3,7k
A/N: For the longest time I've thought "What if Joel lost Sarah anyway?" and this became the answer to this question. I have no clue about how big this series will be, but I do know I want to explore grief and loss with these two in the most delicate way possible. Hope you enjoy it 🐾
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Coffee. Sketchbook. Balcony. Five years of waking up early on Wednesdays, grabbing a cup of coffee, and sitting near the railings to wait for him. Like a clock, at 8 am sharp he appears by the street corner with a lilac bouquet under his arm. 
His strong profile will be the only thing in your vision for a few minutes as he walks by. You drew it so many times that you could do it with your eyes closed. The man will walk by at a steady pace without looking around (brows deeply furrowed in a “don’t fuck with me” kind of sign), focused on his way down the street.
Tall, dark hair and a patchy beard with a square jaw… He is dreamy, but also out of reach. Where is he going? Why the lilacs? Are they for a woman, his wife maybe? Every Wednesday at 8 am, never a minute late, both he and you.
As you took a sip of your coffee, you glanced over the watch marking 7:58 am, he would be here any minute. You prepared the table in expectancy, what outfit would he be wearing today? You hoped for the green shirt, but the blue one wouldn’t be as bad.
7:59 am. His hair is a little overgrown now, but you like the way his curls frame his face. The broadness of his shoulders and how tall he looks next to the other pedestrians. You aren’t sure of the color of his eyes from afar, maybe green or brown.
8:01 am and no signal of him. This is a first. Maybe you mistook the day of the week, check your phone, and… No, Wednesday still. You squirm in your seat, impatiently looking for him. 8:07 am, he never got so late. Should you keep waiting? You don’t even know his name.
At 8:30 am you give up. A wave of melancholy fills the air. Oh god, be for fucking real, are you really sad because a strange man and his stupid lilacs didn’t walk down your street?
“Don’t forget: 9 am at the gate”, you reread your grandpa's text. 
You couldn’t be able to forget it, but deep down wish you could avoid it. Cemeteries aren’t your thing, the constant reminder of the death surrounding you. However, they are Grandpa’s way of dealing with it and who are you to judge?
The sketchbook is opened at the last page you drew, with the man staring in front of him fully angered. How did you end up with over 200+ drawings of a man you never met? The doctor said finding a hobby would help and so you did: drawing. “You see what no one else sees”, your mom used to say and you decided to take a test. Too bad your eyes landed on a strange man walking down the street, holding on tightly to a lilac bouquet. Even worse he had been doing the same path for five years right in front of your balcony.  The only things in your sketchbook are his face, his hands, and the bouquet. This is your third one since you kept running out of pages.
As you put the sketchbook away, your mind drifted away to your mother’s (possible) commentary. “Don’t be silly, he will come by later, I’m sure something happened” and she, most likely, would be right. She was always right. 8:50 am and with your chest tightened from “talking” to her inside your mind, your feet landed at the cemetery’s gate.
“No flowers? Really? Who raised you, pigs?”, your grandpa said narrowing his eyes at you.
He, of course, was an impeccable mess in his hat, black coat, thin-framed glasses that gave him a Bond villainesque look. In his rugged hands a white rose bouquet, carefully made and held by.
“If I remember right, and I do remember it, we are talking about the same woman who said that flowers are for the living, not the dead.” He rolled his eyes in response but in good fun. “Why the flowers then?”
“My biggest mistake was to raise a woman a little too avant-garde, wasn’t it? C’mon, we don’t have the whole day,” he deep sighed while showing you the way. 
You knew the path, but your feet seemed to avoid getting there, that’s why you followed Grandpa’s steps in the hope of not turning around and leave. It was a little ritualistic if you were honest: Grandpa would have some kind of gift in his hands that he would leave at the tombstone, and you would pretend to do not care as you deeply cared about it. She wasn’t there anymore, she hadn’t been for a long time.
Behind his glasses, you could see a lost man driven by grief. His hands shaking as he cleaned her name at the tombstone, the gaze avoiding yours. He would always wear black on cemetery days, as if the time never passed and it was the first visit yet.
“Want to go first?” He asked, you sighed in response. “Don’t know why I still ask.”
“It’s… Fine. You know she was a Buddhist, right? She believed in reincarnation. I feel a little silly talking to her,” you confessed while chewing the lip corners.
“Oh, trust me: I knew her the same amount as you, maybe even more. She was my daughter, for fuck’s sake.” Startled, you looked at him in shock at the rare occasion he would curse. Shit. “I’m not here because of her beliefs or lifestyle. Do you quote her inside your head? Because I do too, I too remember every small detail of her. I’m here because it’s how I tell myself she isn’t fully gone. So sorry if I’m too old-fashioned and feel like talking a few words at my daughter's tombstone with my grandaughter who, honestly? Could show a little more love towards her right now. I want to talk with her like we used to at the kitchen table on Sundays, I want to bring her flowers just like I did on her birthday and there is no Buddha, Allah, or a flying horse that can stop me. Now, can you open your fucking mouth and say something nice to your mom about your week?”
Silence took the space for a second before you simply replied with, “Better?”
“Yes, a lot. Thank you for asking, now go on, please.” He adjusted his hat and cleared his throat. You hummed, getting a little courage to look directly at the tombstone.
“Hum. I got a new couch last week, a velvety green one. A little too sexy, if I might, but you would probably say I need something sexy to attract someone even sexier. Am I rambling?” You asked, raising your eyes from the stone, but he made a motion for you to continue it. “Let me think, oh, the cat hunted a pigeon. It was somewhat disgusting because of the amount of feathers in my apartment…”
“Did the pigeon survive?” He asked, in his eyes with a slight curiosity.
“Yes, but by a thread. It was her cat, a little savage just like her!”
The conversation went on easily after it. Grandpa had found some old notebooks of your mom, including one with a cake recipe he would later send to you. You wouldn’t tell him, it did feel better not because you were speaking to her, but because you could watch him relax in his uptight perpetual state. In the blink of an eye, your mind wandered to the strange man and if he ever relaxed like that.
Grief is a strange thing. It took a little encouragement from your therapist and the need to move on, but you had started to go to weekly meetings of a grief support group at the local church (the only thing that made you enter that space). The first months were awkward, you went but avoided it at the same time. Slowly, it grew on you. Five years of not missing a single Wednesday, even on vacation.
Your grandpa tried once, but it just wasn’t for him. He didn’t want to move on or find a meaning for it, he needed to feel his grief as second skin. You needed it to stop suffocating you, to scream and shout about that weight in the hope of someone taking it from your back.
This Wednesday wasn’t any different. You entered the church's back door with some cookies in hand, even if you were well aware that most people couldn’t eat as they exposed their pain, it was more of a sweet gesture than a necessity. The white walls and the cross in front of you completed the scenario.
“Cookies? You never eat anything,” Henry questioned while taking a bite. His dark eyes staring suspiciously at you.
“My grandpa found an old cookie recipe from my mom. How does it taste?” You replied as you watched him bite. You couldn’t bear to try it first, too anxious about it.
“Your mom was definitely a writer, not a chef. Taste like an old sock.” His face contorted as he spat out the cookie. Well, you tried something new.
“Yeah, no wonder I survived out of Lucky Charms and BTLs.” Henry laughed as you let go of your shoulder’s tension a bit.
The grief support group had grown and shrunk over the years. Sometimes people would feel good enough to leave the support, those were the lucky ones: grief was a period of their life, not an everyday thing. In other cases, they would get too depressed and leave before making some actual change in their being. You, unfortunately, were addicted to bond with the pain part of it.
Well, you and them. Henry was the first you met, totally wrecked after losing his little brother, Sam, to leukemia. He almost left college due to the weight of grief but kept it together, you even went to his graduation a few years back. 
Tess came later. First, her kid died and then, in a stroke of bad luck, she found out she had a terminal disease that would, eventually, kill her. She wasn’t there to deal with the death of others, but her own. She was slowly dying and it was scary as shit. Not that you would know it from the outside, she had more strength (both physically and mentally) than most.
Frank was the group leader, conducting the discussion and creating the safe spaces. Everything you had said while hugging him, no matter how bad, never came back to hunt you. Which was odd on its own, but even odder considering his grumpy husband, Bill, was the exact opposite. Everything you did said in Bill’s direction came back to hunt you right after it came out of your mouth.
People come and go, but you stay there. Grabbing your regular place at the circle, putting the name tag on your shirt, and drinking some water just in case you cry. Except today you have someone new seated across you.
His strong nose and patchy beard hint someone you do know. His square jaw tensed up, brows deeply furrowed in a “don’t talk to me, I want to go home” that you could draw with eyes closed. The name tag reads “Joel”. You were right, his eyes are brown.
It feels weird to look at him without a pen and paper in hand, but it feels just right to see his features up close. Tess brings him coffee - black, you noticed - and gives him an eye silently saying “Don’t fuck it up”.
The meeting starts, Frank asks who is there for the first time. Joel and a woman, Hannah, raise their hands.
“It’s tradition to introduce ourselves at our first meeting. You don’t need to tell the details of why you are here or who you are, just simple information that people can distinguish you from the rest of the group.” Frank explains to a tired Joel, who sighs in response while Hannah overshares who she is.
Of course he doesn’t want to be there. Nobody wants to. You wish you could leave every time you cross the door, but know that the moment the meeting starts to develop you will want to continue in that deep state of pouring your heart out.
“I’m Joel, my friend Tess convinced me to come. That’s it.” He simply states, loud and straight. You catch Frank laughing.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to push you a little on it. Why did you accept to come here?” Joel furrows even deeper at the provocation.
“I didn’t. She trapped me.” Tess raises her very blonde eyebrows at him, who snaps. “You did trap me. Call me saying it was an emergency, I go to your house expecting the worst and you lock me inside there until the time to come here after I said I wouldn’t go to a grief support group.”
“See? He is an asshole, he needs this.” She answers Frank, making sure he gets her points. Your mom was right, something had happened to him.
“So, Joel, why are you here still?” Frank subtly asks.
“I beg your pardon?” Joel’s eyes are softer now, getting caught off guard. He doesn’t have any argument for it.
“Yes Joel, why are you still here? I’m not trapping you in this char, nobody is holding you down.” Tess retorts her mouth in his direction, that scoffs and looks around the room. When his eyes look into yours, you smile coyly unable to retain yourself.
“Sir, please continue.” Accepting defeat, Joel crosses his arms around his chest, fully ignoring Tess's triumphant smile.
“You are free to leave at any point, no need to tell us why. But I guarantee that if you stay, you might learn we aren’t that bad.” Frank nods in his direction, gaining a hard sigh. “Let’s start. Before every meeting, we say out loud the names of those who have gone to allow ourselves to think about them without shame, remorse, or guilt. You know the drill, Henry?”
“Sam,” Henry says firmly.
“Abigail,” you speak loudly.
Another silly little gesture, but you do allow yourself to think about her after it. Every single time. It’s almost as if the weight of her, the one that you carry around all day and pretend isn’t there suffocating you, comes to sit by you, not on you. 
“Teresa,” Tess points at her.
“Sarah,” Joel almost murmurs looking at the ground. His hands are fidgeting, his mind in another place. 
You have been there, you know how strange it is to say it for the first time out loud after a while, sounds forbidden and partly awkward. You aren’t supposed to say it to strangers, it’s sacred just for you, and yet, here you are saying it to whoever wants to share this pain with you.
You wonder if Sarah liked lilac flowers.
Some people speak about how they dealt with grief during the week until Frank asks you how the cemetery visit went. The group knows that meeting your grandpa there gives you a chill up the spine.
“I think I forget that he is allowed to grieve as he needs. I know all these little parts of her, how she lived her life. I’m quick to fight because she isn’t here to defend herself. I’m not even sure she would like for me to defend the memory of who she is… Sorry, was. Of who she was.” You swallow dryly, trying to ignore the miswording. “He bought her flowers. She always said that flowers were for the living, not the dead, and yet, he bought her a bouquet. I got frustrated, felt like he was trying to put her in a box of who he wanted her to be.
“He put me in my place quickly, even said fuck.” Henry makes some noise in surprise, you nod agreeing. “Exactly, it dawned on me: the flowers are for him, not for her. Just like his grief and how he needs to express it is only for himself, not for me to judge. I think he misses her more than he tells me. If I could go back in time, I would have implored him to cremate her and stop this nonsense of going to her grave, checking her tombstone, giving her damn flowers.”
“Maybe the flowers are his way of saying out loud that he cares too. She was his daughter before being your mother.” Joel speaks out loud, getting your full attention. His arms are still crossed, but now his eyes are lost in thought, almost as if he didn’t want you to hear it.
“Maybe. I just wish he allowed himself to stop pretending she is still here. I want to think of her without feeling guilty that she isn’t. He is too busy missing her to notice that I’m missing him.” You answer locking eyes with Joel, who chews the corners of his mouth, once again deep in thought.
“Maybe he doesn’t know how to do it, need help.” His voice soft, just like his eyes.
“Maybe.” You give in, feeling that Joel isn’t speaking about your grandpa. You swallow as you remember the lilacs.
The meeting runs smoothly. The group finishes by drinking coffee before parting ways. Frank is chatting by the corner with Joel, who is running a hand by the nape of his neck. Curiosity gets the best of you and, before you can stop, you question Tess.
“Who is Sarah?”
“A million-dollar question, huh?” She teases as she sips her sugary coffee. Henry looks between you two, waiting for a response. “You both haven’t heard from me, I’ll deny til death that I’ve ever said it. His daughter, she died a few years back. He hasn’t been the same since. That motherfucker goes to her grave every fucking Wednesday.”
“He visits her every Wednesday?” The number of drawings of Joel walking down your street early in the morning with a lilac bouquet makes more sense. His face, his fast speed, how he ignored everyone that walked by, how he never noticed you at your balcony.
“Yes, she died on a Wednesday, he relives that event every week since.”
Frank walks in your direction, Joel right behind him looking everywhere, except your face. If he only knew how much you have looked at his face before.
“I recall you haven’t been a mentor yet, right?” Frank starts and you nod, curious about where he is going. “Amazing! You’ll have your first newbie. Joel, you’re in good hands.”
He leaves before you can say anything, whether yes or no. Fuck. Joel is confused as well, still looking like he would rather leave. You open your mouth and go grab your phone.
“Sooooo… How was your first meeting?” Flipping through your phone until find your own number isn’t a good move to show that you are smart, trustful and worthy but right now you only want to avoid his brown eyes.
“Pass.” You blink at him. “I won’t keep chit-chatting. Cut to the chase.”
“Oh damn, I thought you had softened a little with time.” He fights the urge to roll his eyes and you smirk at him, reading him like a book. “I’ll give you my number in case you need someone to talk to. And yes, you can call me anytime you want to. And no, I won’t get your number. You come to me or I won’t come to you.”
That entertains him a little. It was the first rule of your mentor, she made sure you would look for her and not the other way so you could understand when and what triggered you. Joel just nods as he saves your contact.
“When did you first contact your mentor?” He questions, sounding genuine in his curiosity.
“Diet Coke, couldn’t drink.” The furrowed brows are back, so you continue. “My mom would mostly only drink Diet Coke, after she passed away I would buy canes just to open and hear the sizzling. Couldn’t drink otherwise would vomit from stress. It was really hot and I craved one, made that call and drank it.”
“And you drank the whole thing?” His soft eyes are back and you feel a little foolish for thinking that he could have green eyes, not when the dark brown suits him so much.
“Yes and vomited right away. Still, it was worth the shot.” You smile and for a fraction of time, he smiles too.
He doesn’t call right after and neither shows up at the grief support group. You still draw him, but from memory, the last time you watched as he strolled your street it was three months ago. Something about his grief seems too personal and you feel awkward invading that space, instead, every Wednesday at 8 am you find another thing to do. It isn’t as easy as it sounds, ignoring his handsome profile and the lilacs on his hands, but you allow his privacy. 
The only reminder of your favorite habit is the sketchbook at the table and the fresh lilacs decorating your balcony.
Time goes by slowly and too fast, the weight of your mom still at your back as the life surrounding you goes on its course. You almost forget about him until a Wednesday morning, 8 am sharp, your phone chimes and you pick up at the first beep.
“I can’t eat pancakes. I hate pancakes, but she loved it.” He softly says and you stop everything to listen.
“You made from scratch or store-bought?” You phrased it like it is an important question. He hums back on the phone.
“Store-bought, don’t know how to make the batch. She straight up bought only the mix.”
“Would you eat with her, despite not liking it?” Your hand slides the paper, creating his silhouette line after line.
“Yes.” He simply answered, as if it was the most common question in the world.
“What are you waiting for? Take a bite.” 
And he does. The chewing sound from the other side fills the phone, your hand keeps drawing him in his overgrown hair, almost as if you could see the scene right before your eyes.
“So, was it worthed?” You ask looking at the draw as he finishes his plate.
“Still taste disgusting.” He soft replies after a second, you snort and he laughs. The sound is the most delicious thing you’ve ever heard. next chapter
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Things from the ruin dlc that keep me up at night.
Spoilers under the cut.
Disclaimer: I wrote this before I had seen Everything the DLC has to offer or all the endings yet. I was on the wrong track, but I think my cooking before I knew everything was good cooking. I have more concrete theories now under #danachan's rants
Something that I was 100% right about that I was going to write into Lofi eventually.... But I guess I'll talk about it now since the dlc confirmed it.
But Balloon Boy world was literally Eclipses cage as I suspected. It was suppressing them. It wasn't an evil arcade or Eclipse was living in there. Eclipse's AI was being suppressed in the arcade cabinet.
Eclipse is how they talk to eachother, and Eclipse was asleep and completely blocked off from the Virus. So Sun and Moon had no communication with eachother anymore. Which is why they were both so stressed and lost.
I was astounded I got that completely correct in regards to what Eclipse is, and what the balloon boy game is.
(the dlc does not explain the Dcas weird connection to Vanessa and why the arcade cabinet was in Afton's boss fight room though)
Bonus points Moon talks exactly how I write him when speaking about the Sun and the Moon.
Another thing that has been mind-blowing me that all the comic book endings are scenarios that GREGORY DREW.
And according to the dlc....
The Afton Burntrap Blob ending is another one of those endings that he drew.
Which means Peepaw Afton and the Blob were never real in the first place.
Which is why no one could really figure out what the blob is.
It doesn't exist.
Princess Quest ending was the canon ending.
Vanessa leaving the Pizzaplex with Gregory is the canon ending.
The ending where you fight Afton in the basement.... Never happened and was just Gregory attempting to make sense of the FNAF lore that Vanessa probably explained to him. Since in the DLC, we do find a book about Fazbear History in Vanny's room.
I honestly don't know if Steel Wool retroactively made Burntrap non-canon due to everyone making fun of him, not taking him seriously and hating the blob, or if this was always the case. Because despite the Afton ending being the hardest to get.... It's still a two star ending.
So it's hard and too early for me to tell if I want to give them points for that soft retcon. I mean I don't blame them honestly.
But yeah. Skeleton man Afton in the basement and his best friend the Blob isn't actually real, and neither is Freddy's "I am not me" speech either.... Which honestly makes sense. Because it's all Gregory's comic book trying to make sense of FNAF Lore he doesn't understand.
Also, I can say definitively, and finally, Afton is not the Mimic. Glitchtrap exists as its own entity in this, and the Mimic seems to have its own agenda. It's unclear if Afton is possessing the Mimic via virus corruption, but for now, I believe the Mimic is acting of its own will.
And man oh man. I feel so sorry for people who haven't been keeping up with Tales of the Pizzaplex Books.
The ending of the dlc is just really "who's Henry???" From pizzasim all over again huh....
Anyways. Those are my thoughts. I will be streaming the dlc again tomorrow. Gonna try and get a better ending, but I have a suspicion they're all sad.
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lizthewriter · 4 months
pretty isn't pretty / peter parker
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PAIRING  mcu!college!peter parker x insecure!fem!reader
SUMMARY  you feel insecure about your apperance, but peter let's you know he thinks the world of you. (blurb).
TAGS  mcu!college!peter parker x insecure!fem!reader, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, peter parker is a good bf
QUOTE  "i could change up my body and change up my face, / i could try every lipstick in every shade, / but i'd always feel the same, / 'cause pretty isn't pretty enough anyway," - pretty isn't pretty by olivia rodrigo
WRITTEN  12.30.2023
you stared into the bathroom mirror in peter's microscopically sized apartment. every little blemish was picked apart, every little imperfection taken notice of. you raise a hand to your cheek, a dull expression haunting your eyes. is this what people saw everyday? is this the person they waved hi to in the halls, the person they interacted with in lab? is this the sight people were subjected to?
"- and i was thinking maybe we could grab a bite to eat while we're out anyways, my tr- whoa, what's wrong?"
your beautiful, kind, lovely boyfriend leaned into the bathroom, watching you with concern. peter was perfect in every way imaginable. he had a handsome, adorable face, clear skin, amazing build, and a good height. he was intelligent, witty, sweet. how could he ever want to be with someone like you?
"nothing," you responded weakly, tfying to muster a convincing smile. "thai again? you'll have to give me some time to get ready -"
"hey, no! we don't do that," peter said, giving you a look that was half-reprimanding and half-concerned. honestly, did you even deserve him? "we don't close up on each other, right? that was a deal we made. talk to me, babe, please." he had grabbed your hands in his, looking at you with those warm puppy eyes you couldn't deny.
no longer could you meet his eyes. you drew your hands away, rubbing at the back of your neck. your eyes suddenly found their attention latched onto the new makeup you had bought recently, various differenr shades of lipsticks and such glaring back at you. "i- am i pretty?"
peter seemed flabbergasted by the question. "uh, no. i think you're very pretty, actually. like, the prettiest girl i've ever seen in my whole life and-"
you stopped him before he could continue with a gentle hand pressed to his chest. "no, peter, not do you think i'm pretty. am i pretty?"
the sadness in your eyes gave him more cause for concern. with your head directed towards the floor, he had to take a knee to look up at you, to force you to look at him. "hey. hey. where is this coming from, huh? is someone saying stuff to you? someone online, or?"
"i don't know," you whispered. it felt uncomfortable in your own skin. you never felt good enough. you never felt smart enough, or strong enough, or pretty enough. especially pretty enough. "i guess . . . everywhere. online and in movies and on social media. in real life even. there are so many other girls out there - prettier, skinnier, better. i'll never measure up to them."
"hey," peter whispered softly, a smile dainting his face as he gingerly held your chin between his thumb and forefinger. "you can't compare yourself to other people, okay? beauty is subjective. in other cultures, things that might be considered beautiful could be considered unattractive to us. and maybe that's not what you want to hear. if you want to hear me tell you that i think you're beautiful, then i will, because you are beautiful, no matter what everyone else says. like in a oh-my-god-is-that-her-jaw-dropping-i-want-to-get-down-on-one-knee-and-propose way. seriously, i cannot believe my luck, like how could i have gotten - mmph!"
he let out a muffled groan of shock into your mouth as you pressed a firm kiss to his lips. when you pulled away, you rolled your eyes, grinning from ear to ear. "peter benjamin parker, you're incredibly kind, you know that?"
"correction, i'm incredibly right."
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critterbitter · 5 months
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More asks under cut! Yippee!
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@scarftale-bryan Trip for trio right? If so, I'm working on a comic for that ;0 But to help answer, I've head cannoned Elesa to originally be from Sinnoh. She and the twins didn't have the greatest first meeting, but, well, you see how they turn out later in the future so all that starts subpar ends pretty well. @bat-in-disguise NICE NAME. VERY WOOBAT THEMED. Second of all AYYYY this is where I resurrect the shambling corpse of this fandom. Please. I desperately want to have more on the train men. @mynamesaplant AH,,, YOU READ MY ONE SHOT,,, Okay look. Look. I love drawing comics as much as the next person. But if there's an interest towards fanfiction maybe I'll write a bit more... HMMM. HMMMMMMMM. (But anyways THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS! They keep the hearth cozy.) @dracally3 Don't worry about the rambles! If you wander through my ask box, you'd see I ramble. A lot. That out the way-- I'm sorry to hear about the drama! Man. I got into submas towards the tail end, which I'm a bit sad about (wish I got to interact with some of the bigger creators, but they moved on to other hyperfixations and I respect that). Drama's scary though, so maybe it's for the best I dodged the entire canonball. I'm glad my silly little characterizations of found family are healing! And I wish you the best too-- here's to happy futures ahead free of drama and full of shenanigans. @saffalilac AYYY Togekiss is so cool! I (heh) also only drew volo's togekiss once but the fact you're the second person to talk about how much you love them makes me chuckle. That in mind, here's a doodle.
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@chime-of-bells Hello! I remember your ask about saying how much you liked togekiss in my style. Drew some togekisses and thought you'd like them too :) @impossiblynoisyrebel AYYYY I LOVE drawing the eel dog lamprey dragon thing. Just. A tube with teeth. And giant eyes. and lovely fins. And bioluminescence!! Who doesn't love that? @onimusha095 Look look your local floating nightlight has SOME manners. (But also, Ingo and Litwick do come to an agreement at somepoint on who the ghost type can actively chew on. Emmet's fine with it. Elesa, who has less experience with Litwick's everything, probably would not be less fine with it, and Ingo really doesn't want to loose a friend.)
@magicfeatherbean4 Hello I see you're back! (I'm fine with this. I like snail mail from folks hhehe.) That out the way-- oh yeah they're DEFINITELY getting into fisticuffs when the mood strikes. And uhh Emmet starting battles only for Ingo to finish them off? Mercilessly? Without pause? Yes. YES. I am EATING this headcannon rn. Shuffling this into the comic ideas as we speak.
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tiedyeflannels · 5 months
Hiiii it’s me again 🫣, hope you’re doing amazing!!! I am sure you seen the recent live lol of jungkook, Rm, V and Jimin could you possibly write something about it again for Jungkook like maybe they all do the live together like an 8th member of bts and her and Jungkook are just really cuddly u know and jungkook just holding the whole time idk if that makes sense but I am sure you can write something whatever that is good and your comfortable with sorry thing is long. THANK YOU!!! 💗💗
Hi again! Sorry for taking forever to respond to your request, finals were a pain! Ugh... Anyway, I hope you're doing well too and thank you for your request! I made Y/n a producer instead of an 8th member because I wasn't sure how to spin it, so hopefully you like it. I also added, kind of like, a bonus scene because I was sad watching that Bangtan Bomb... Anywho, I hope you enjoy it! <3
Right Here
Jungkook x producer!reader
Word count: 2k
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“Y/n-ah!” The guys collectively exclaimed.
I happily waved at them while softly shutting the door behind me.
“Hi! Sorry I’m late, I was in a meeting when Namjoon texted me about this live,” I said, placing my bag on a chair that was next to the wall of tables. 
I walked into frame and waved at the ARMYs watching. “Hi guys! How are you?”
“We’re good,” Jimin said in a high-pitched voice.
I looked back at him.
“Oh, are you the voice of ARMY now,” I teased.
He smiled and nodded his head triumphantly. I giggled and moved over to the couch, but not before grabbing a slice of pizza.
I took a bite of my slice of pizza and plopped down next to Jungkook. They kept talking while I finished up my slice, throwing the crust on the empty pan and dust off the crumbs from my hands. 
I looked around at the guys when my eyes landed on Jungkook, who was already looking at me. I leaned forward and narrowed my eyes at him for a moment before leaning back.
I smiled at him, “Why are you staring-”
I didn’t get the chance to finish my sentence when he tackled me into a hug making us fall back.
I hugged him back as I laughed, “Did you seriously wait until I was done with my slice so you could hug me?”
I didn’t get a verbal answer, but when he hugged me tighter, I knew what the answer was. 
As the rest of the members got closer to their enlistment date, things had taken a melancholy turn and it affected each one of them, especially Jungkook, even if they didn’t show it.
I knew.
ARMY knew.
But there weren't a whole lot of things we could do in order to make them feel better about leaving.
So as I realized that this impromptu cuddle session wouldn’t be over for a while, I made sure we were both a little more comfortable by moving us to sit against the back of the couch so we wouldn’t be laying down the entire time.
It took a bit for him to get settled in a way that was comfortable for both of us, but he ultimately chose to be a koala. His head was resting on my right shoulder while his arms were tightly wrapped around my torso and his right leg was draped across my own.
There wasn’t much I could do with the way he was holding me, so I just wrapped my right arm around his back in a semi-awkward half hug and rested my left hand on the leg that was draped across me, slowly drawing shapes while I watched the others talk.
It couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes before the guys started to get up to say their “goodbyes” to ARMY. I tried to move to get up, but Jungkook tightened his hold on me as soon as I moved an arm. I sighed knowing it would be a miracle to get him off of me by myself, so I looked over at Jimin, silently asking for his help.
He smiled at my predicament and walked over, grabbing one of Jungkook’s arms and gently tugged, “Come on. We gotta say bye to ARMY.”
“Noooooo,” he drew out as the arm that was around me tightened its grip once more, practically forcing Jimin to pry him off of me. 
“Dude, you need to get off of me in order to say bye to ARMY,” I exclaimed as I wiggled my way out of his grasp.
He huffed as we both finally stood up, obviously not liking that our cuddle session was interrupted. I smiled at his pouty face and patted his head as the others were deciding how they wanted to say bye.
Taehyung grabbed the camera, pointing it at Jimin as he said bye to ARMY and ended by bowing slightly.
Tae, then, turned the camera over to Namjoon who also said his final words with a salute, promising to “go and come back safely”.
“Ok, Jk, you can go.” 
“No, I’ll end it,” he said while taking off his hood.
The others were quick to oppose the idea.
“Why doesn’t Y/n say her final words and then I go and you can run in front and then we’ll end it.”
There were nods of agreement and when they turned to me I shrugged, nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not.”
“So, I can end it,” Tae asked and we all nodded.
He was still holding the camera and motioned for me to say my piece. I walked into frame and waved.
“ARMY~ I’ll make sure to go live whenever I can to keep you company before Jin comes back! The guys will be back before you know it! Stay strong,” I said, blowing a kiss to them with both hands before waving ‘bye’. 
I looked at Taehyung, “Do you want me to hold the camera for you?”
He shook his head.
“No, Jimin can hold it for me. You, stand over there,” he said as he pointed to the side opposite of where Namjoon and Jungkook were standing.
He continued, “and turn around since you haven’t seen Jk’s hair yet either.” 
I huffed, but did what I was told by walking to the left and turning around so I was facing the wall while Jimin took the camera from Tae, so he could say bye.
“You need to run, ok?”
“As soon as you end-”
“Can you guys just go already,” I exclaimed, hoping to move this train along.
Taehyung gave his little speech, though I’ll have to disagree with Namjoon, who said it was “too long” because mine was about the same length.
I heard a lot of shuffling behind me and was about to turn around to see why it was taking so long when a very slurred “We were BTS” sounded through the air before someone collided with my back, making me stumble forward as pair of arms wrapped around me, keeping me from falling.
The guys were laughing at the scene as they said their final “bye’s” before turning off the live.
“You can turn around now,” Jungkook said, loosening his hold on me enough for me to move, but not removing his arms completely. 
As I turned around to face him I was not prepared for what I saw. My jaw dropped as I looked at Jungkook’s hair which was now completely buzzed off.
“Woah,” I exclaimed, placing my hands on either side of his head, turning it side to side in order to get a better look. 
I started to become confused. Jungkook chuckled, grabbing both of my wrists to stop me from moving his head so he could look at me.
“What’s with that face?”
“How do you still look good?!”
Everyone started laughing again.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.”
It was December 12th and Hobi, Yoongi, and I were currently seeing Jimin and Jungkook off to start their military service.
“Well, luckily, this is the last time we’re going to have to do this,” Yoongi said, stuffing his hand further into his jacket.
I nodded my head in silent agreement and walked over to where Jimin and Jungkook had finished talking with some of their friends. They turned to look at me as I got where they were and grabbed their hands in both of mine, switching my gaze between the two.
“How are you guys feeling,” I asked to try and break the tension that was starting to form as time got closer to when they were supposed to leave.
They both shrugged.
I sighed.
“You’re going to be fine. I talked to Jin this morning and made him promise to keep an eye on you and make sure you’re okay, though… he did say that he might make training a bit harder for you two,” I teased.
That got some chuckles out of them, which I was very happy about. It didn’t last long before the heavy air settled around us once again, so I mustered as much of an encouraging smile as I could and said, “You two are going to do great. I’ll have my phone on me at all times whenever you get phone privileges back and want to talk to me, okay?”
They nodded as I continued, “Stay safe and healthy and warm because it’s starting to get chilly, okay?”
They nodded once more. 
I looked at them as they looked at me expectedly.
“What? That’s all I’ve got,” I said.
Jungkook laughed as Jimin shook his head with a smile forming on his face.
Jungkook looked over at Jimin, “Would you mind giving us a sec?”
The latter nodded, “Of course, I’ve gotta go talk with Hobi hyung before send off, so I’ll see you later Y/n.”
I nodded and gave him a tight hug.
“Be careful. Stay safe and make sure to eat. Call me if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING, okay,” I whispered before breaking the hug.
“You got it,” he said before pulling me back in for one last hug.
“I’m gonna miss you, Chim. I’ll see you when you come back.”
We both nodded at each other in conformation as he started toward where Hobi and Yoongi were standing.
I moved to stand next to Jungkook as we watched them talk.
“So, what are you going to do in the meantime,” Jungkook spoke up.
I turned to look at him as he did the same.
“Probably work on some songs for your guys’ comeback with Yoongi. He said that he already has some that he wants me to look at later today, so yeah,” I shrugged. 
He hummed in response before pulling me into a hug. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel like crying at that moment. We had talked about him leaving all the time as the date came closer and every time Jungkook was the one who comforted me when I started crying, but I wanted to be strong for him and at least give him some sense of comfort on the day it really mattered so I controlled my emotions.
“Sorry I have to leave you,” he whispered.
He is not making this easy, huh?
I shook my head and held him tighter, “It is not your fault. Nobody will ever blame you for something you have to do. Especially not me.”
I pulled back and cupped his face in my hands.
“You just need to make sure that you don’t overdo anything. I don’t want to get a call from Jin or Jimin saying that you overdid something that landed you in the infirmary, got it,” I teased as he nodded.
“I love you a lot. We all do. So please make sure to be safe while you’re gone, okay,” I asked.
He huffed but untimely nodded again. “You’re starting to sound like my mom,” he muttered.
I laughed at the statement.
“Good, because she’s right!” 
There was some loud shuffling behind me, so I turned around to see Yoongi, Hobi, and Jimin standing in front of us.
“Okay, lovebirds, it’s almost time to go,” Yoongi said.
I playfully rolled my eyes as a smile made its way onto my lips. I turned back to Jungkook and placed a quick peck on his cheek.
“One for the road,” I said as I moved away from him.
“You guys should get going before you’re late,” Hobi spoke up.
They nodded as they fixed their backpack straps and picked up the duffle bag at their feet. I gave them both a once over.
“Take care of each other.”
They hummed as they started to leave. As we were watching them walk away, Jungkook suddenly turned back to us. 
“You’ll be here when we get out, right?”
I nodded, “Of course! I’ll be right here when you come back!”
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mel-loly · 25 days
What got you into art btw??? what and who were your inspirations for such masterpieces you make??!! :DDD
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Hey Hyia!
(This is a big answer but it has all the information/answers to your question, so read it if you want to know)
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And thank you for the compliments, I appreciate a lot that!💖
Also- I actually started drawing when I was little, I usually drew drawings of MLP ponies and some random “cute” cats. I sometimes drew some of my old gacha ocs and since then I became known for a while for my drawings and my “cards” with some drawn cats lol, but that didn't last long, and then I stopped showing my drawings as much because... I just wanted to throw a tantrum? Maybe yeah- I think so-- then it was my friend Mari's(@mari-loly) turn and she got to be the best and most recognized artist in the class. Afterwards my art didn't become so “recognized” anymore, just now a little because I showed it to some new friends of mine and they think I'm very talented, but... It's not the same as before, yk? I'm not someone who has a lot of talent or whatever and people have known me for my art..
Here on Tumblr too, I no longer see myself as “recognized” an artist as I was in the beginning, like- today I have friends who are much better known and have everything they need to be more than just “famous”! So, yeah... *sighs* I miss the time when I didn't post so many fandom things and people knew more about my ocs and talked about them.. I felt happier back then... But that's okay, talking about this won't take me back in time, right? So- yeah, let's just cry--- ^^
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Regarding inspirations, I kind of don't remember much if I was ever inspired by anyone.. Maybe Ana (@loscompas-blog-uwu) and Mike (@manpleblog)? Well, when I always see their art I see a great evolution, and I feel the affection they put into their art, so... Yeah, it's my friends who inspire me the most! And like, not just them, I get inspired by others too of course💛 Also- another inspiration I had was Sad-ist, at the time when she was still doing the animations for Dream SMP.. There was no bigger animation star like the ones she did, so... It really inspired me a lot too! Like- an enchanter in animations💖 Oh! and another inspiration that I had at least here- was Zin (@taxolotl), seriously, I really felt very inspired by them, like- I was/am a big fan of their art! So, another inspiration was definitely Zin :]
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Anyway, thank you very much for the ask and if you read this far, please comment or say something! I would love to receive any comments💖
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dreamerwitches · 3 months
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I have mixed feelings on the witches, I'm gonna go through them all.
Renata and Ren: It just doesn't feel like the minor bits match up. There's too many bits that are just slightly too different. Like the screen shape and the bone colour and style. Am I being nitpicky? It just doesn't feel like the witch and doppel are linked. Or that they wanted to make this design for the witch and didn't really care that it didn't look like her doppel. I suppose I like how the witch is more organised than the doppel cause my gripe with it is that it feels a little like the parts don't mesh well. Like, what is going on with that pink bit it does not work. On its own, the witch is good. Fine, pretty, but a little bland and simple. As a design taking from the doppel, I think it kinda fails. Too much was changed.
Cyan and Hinano: Ehhhhhhhhhh I think they just made her worse?? Like, there's so little changed cause the doppel is so witch-like anyway but the changes they did do make her look worse XT the bright tubes are ugly and I dont understand the moth-ear-thing additions. Also the skirt is worse too lol. I miss the gas mask though I understand if that was added for Hinano but you can keep it on the witch c'mon! It's just like they removed all the best parts...
Don Rocinante and Sasara: Ehhhhhhhh here we go again. It looks stupid. C'mon she looks so stupid. Not in an uncanny, scary way, she looks so dumb. I included the doppel attack where she does get legs and that was silly but not as much as this one. Otherwise so little is changed mehhhhh. I liked the doppel so you kinda ruined her for me, thanksssss
Shalimar and Emiri: This is one I'm on the fence on. Design on its own, I really like. She's spooky and weird and the colours are great. I have to main issues. 1) does a 13 year old need such a sexual feeling witch and 2) does she link to her doppel well. The thing with curvaceous or sexualised witches is ones like Roberta I know are okay cause she was in her 30s when she became a witch. You could say some like Candeloro are sexualised cause she's got the booba and stick thin waist, it's kinda hard to deal with... I'm also finding it hard to judge cause I don't know if it suits Emiri, I don't know her character very well. So we'll just move on. If I drew it I would make her less adult-looking My other thought when looking at her beside her doppel was 'if this doppel came from this witch I would hate the fact it uses so little of the witch'. So switching it around, im a little mad they used so little of the doppel. It's like they had the idea for the body and wanted to use it and were like 'oh yeah! the doppel!' so stuck it on as a tail... Also the flower things on the doppel arent in the witch at all ughh. If she was just a new witch on her own id love her...
Vayu and Shizuku: Wow! One I actually finally like now! I think she looks super beautiful, the additions work! But she's not perfect... Just like Emiri and Shalimar, I don't see the doppel working if the witch came first. Why is her handbag now the head? It feels like the teapot(?) head on the witch came out of nowhere. But it's nowhere near as bad as Shalimar. She might be my favourite. I've always been 50/50 on Vayu and she improves that score.
Aodamo and Natsuki: This one's a bit boring... it just feels like they stuck on some additions and called it a day. I think if she was stood up straight I'd like her more... Love the teeth on the horn thing. Skirt is fine. Legs look awkward. Sad they removed her puffy sleeves, doesn't make sense as why the doppel would add that aspect.
Overall, it is a little annoying how clearly some of these are just super easy asset copies of the doppels with no effort put in... I think that's fine for say, Vayu as I think the doppel incorporation makes sense. She's a four legged beast so Shizuku is now riding her. But ones like Don Rocinante, Cyan and Aodamo seem like 5 minute attempts. I'm disappointed. Happy to see witches though, I'm only critical because I care about witches being good
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wellhellothereem · 9 months
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Day 5: Sloth
I drew something sad and I am so -- oh so -- tired but satisfied with how it turned out
they just miss their friends :[ Imagine all your friends and loved ones and entire fcking race get slaughtered and you are the only one keeping the memories and culture alive,,,,, ANYWAYS here is my personal design for the lamb in my old style also as a treat: <3<3
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might use the old style for some other drawings in the future because I KINDA miss it but do not wanna return to it ><
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thebrandywine · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
@catgirladjacent tagged me! and i like to infodump! let's go!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
97 including some that are under pseuds, though I did orphan a few once I started fixating on Resident Evil more fully. I was embarrassed lmao
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
865,796 o__o
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Resident Evil exclusively now!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
don't worry about this one cuz it's under a pseud lol
[every picture tells a story], 387 kudos
[lantern], 376 kudos
broken machine, 356 kudos
[the quality of mercy], 332 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do!!! more often than not it's just with some emojis now lol but i relish and treasure every single comment i get
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh, this one has yet to be published :) don't worry! <3
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmm... probably Two Cakes (which is coming out this month)? made me feel all sappy at least :]
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not now, but I definitely got some hateful comments on things when i was a lot younger-- mostly people complaining that i was a bad writer or that i should delete (which i did, so they got their wish lol). now if anything i mostly get people who comment on my stuff to kind of pressure me to update XYZ (the nivannedy catboy fic is notorious for this, which is why i haven't been working on it very much lately). the block button is my friend tho <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
yeah :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think someone wanted to at one point and then never did lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i've talked with some people about this before but we've never gotten around to it :P
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
i love chreon but there's just SOMETHING about nivannedy---
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
the lethan re7/re8 rewrite. i really want to keep working on them but i just have so much more on my plate that i keep pushing it off, especially when it'll require the research of rewatching playthroughs a few times to reimaging the plot points. maybe one day tho!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i've been told that my dialog is good which makes me happy because there are a few fics where i'm actually really proud of it :3
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
describing things, especially people! for some reason i always feel like it breaks the flow so i just... am like "there is a man. anyway--" sorry readers but it's your job to imagine him skjfnskdnf
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i only speak english and i'm also VERY american. i don't personally want to mess around with that because it would be google translate type shit and that's just sad imo :/ so since i don't know enough i will abstain
19. First fandom you wrote for?
pokemon!!!!!!!!! i literally found THE first fic i ever wrote which would have been somewhere between third and fifth grade because i PRINTED IT and DREW PICTURES. it is called The Mysterious Manaphy and makes no sense. i read it aloud to my partner and they howled. yeah, it was just that good
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
listen, i love broken machine, but dualities has seriously taken the cake!!!!!!!!!
thank you for tagging me claire :3 i tag @flurrin @fonulyn and @silvercap!!!
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beebeewoop · 5 months
I drew mine and my friends' ocs as Evil Hall again because they're my new favorite blorbos now and I'm posting it because I wanna 💪 if you haven't read Tally Hall vs. Evil Hall (created by @salad-006) I really think you should because it's great and the guys are kinda super silly
Anyways I'm going bonkers
Spoilers for like the lastest chapter methinks proceed with caution
Starting off with the least glonked up fellas we got
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Moore (belongs to @arthurisveryrandom) as Evil Zubin
Bro just look at him... He's so sad... Covered in paint... He looks traumatized... Moore is a wet cat confirmed Arthur told me so himself /JJJJJJJJJJJ
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B (belongs to @shim0nk) as Evil Andrew
Bro's swaggin it up in here look at him all chill like that... Even tho he got burnt to a crisp... But it's ok because he's a robot he can't feel pain and his melted latex skin peeled right off he's ok guys don't worry. Burmnt chimnken nunghet... Also get this man on a billboard because whatever he's selling I wanna buy it I mean just look at him wouldn't you also want to buy what he's selling he seems trustworthy ykw I think I'll give him my credit card info and social security number /JJJJJJJJ (PSA: DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO AND SSN ON THE INTERNET 👍)
Pardon my goofy ahh rambles... It gets worse from here
Below the cut are the slightly more glonked up fellas...
//bonked up robots or something exposed wires n shii
//blood but it's green evil robot ooze and poorly drawn
//technically decapitation BUT IT'S FUNNY TRUST ME 💪🥺
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Lucius (belongs to @rose-is-fucking-cold) as Evil Rob
Ambrose keeps calling him cunty and I can't disagree... I think everyone should draw Lucius in high heels like right now. Also I'd be mad too if I got my head chopped off like bro now I gotta carry my head around or tape it on... Smh my head. But at least he has high heels those are pretty nice I mean just look at him... Slaying... Here king you dropped this 👑 but good luck keeping it on since you can't even keep your head on Lbozo skill issue (I am so sorry /gen) (I am sleep deprived) (I am mad at Tumblr still) (Tumblr hates me) (I am taking my anger out on Lucius 🙁 /hj)
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Fartlord (belongs to @stromboli-muncher) as Evil Joe
It's everyone's favorite ! The man the fart the guy himself ! Eyeless. Well missing one eye because the birds took it. He got attacked by birds this is so tragic can we get an F in the chat guys one like = eye patch for him 👍
And last but not least...
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Rosebush (MY guy 😋) as Evil Ross
Bro's mad... Fuckimg chrunchy... Listen I'd be pissed too if I fell down an upstairs escalator and came out looking like this... Like zoinks Scoob ☹️ (Well actually he got PUSHED... 😳) Pro tip: don't fall down upstairs escalators even if you're a dream demon robot you're not invincible to escalators those things are terrifying LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN FINAL DESTINATION????? Yeah never again... Escalators are also a no go. Just use the stairs... EVERYDAY is leg day 🦵🦵
And that's enough of that... El oh el ecks dee ✌️
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sazzujazzu · 1 month
Hello, as the days count down and the Bad Batch finale draws closer, may I show to the fine folks of tumblr my first Star Wars OC in 20 years, created thanks to this show? 😃
Too bad, I'm showing them anyway 😊 somberly chilling while listening to their bestie talk.
Please excuse the poor background (I got lazy) and half-finished Tech (I got sad)
there's, uh, a big mess of words under the image because I wanted to put into words the importance this show has for me, and I am bad at doing so.
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I want to get some thoughts off my chest, because I have no one in my day-to-day life who cares about the animated Star Wars shows, and especially the Bad Batch. (well, other than my mom, but I don't want to bore her with my rambling too much. she already banned star wars from me once, i won't let that happen again lol)
I can't stop thinking how much I don't want Bad Batch to end.
This show has been so dear to me. I can't remember the last time I've loved something this much.
Before the second season started, I had an artistic block that had lasted way too long. Anything I drew or wrote, mostly turned out a horrible mess after staring at a blank page for hours and hours, if I ever managed to create anything at all. For someone who tends to draw whenever their hands aren't otherwise busy (aka all the damn time), such a block weighed down on my mental health.
Well, then season two happened, and full-on gave me back my love for Star Wars, a love that had somewhat gone out over the last few years. Then, Plan 99 happened, and broke me because again my favorite character "died" (I'm in team Tech lives until I draw my last breath or until proven correct. That chocolate-eyed cutie-pie is alive nothing will convince me otherwise). Pretty much after finishing the episode and staring at a wall for another 30 minutes, I said "nope" and began writing.
I wrote for hours. I believe it's been well over a decade since I last wrote fanfiction, but here I was, creating a Star Wars oc, something I'd last done as a ten-year-old. And now, roughly a year later, I think I've written over a hundred pages of (very self-indulgent) fanfiction with the Batch, and with my oc that I've come to love.
And drawing, oh boy, have I been drawing!
(... Sure, I've mostly been drawing Tech, over and over again, to a point I once actually considered lying and saying "yeah that's my boyfriend haha!" to a man at my job last summer, when asked who it was that I was drawing for maybe fifth day in a row 😂 likely would've been a more acceptable excuse for someone my age. But, I mean... I just really love drawing him, not only because he is my favorite character of maybe all time, but because he is just so fun to draw! And most of all, at least I draw again!)
And it is all thanks to this wonderful show about a bunch of defective and effective copy-paste boys and their sister.
It's probably something many say, but I've always felt like a bit of an outsider. I've felt like I have no place; when I was a kid, my interests were very different from the other kids of [gender assigned at birth], and trying to play with them while inserting my own interests into the games, often didn't go so well. I was... kind of an odd child (although now, older and questionably wiser, knowing that I might actually be autistic, many things make more sense now. me kind of discovering this about myself is also partially thanks to Bad Batch)
Also, growing up trans/non-binary, while not even knowing what that is or having a word for it, didn't really do much to help with the feeling of "I'm different and an outsider because of it". Perhaps it was one more reason I fell in love with Clone Force 99, because I could see some of myself in them. Being different from the "regs".
I love this show, and these fictional people have become my family, and I am not ready to say goodbye to them.
Alright, weird pile of thoughts over. In case someone read all this, uh... thanks 😊
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
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warnings: Steve Harrington x reader, talking on the phone, knitting, Steve being a little sad
word count: 850
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Scrambling to move the mess of yarn off of your lap, you picked up the loudly ringing phone and pressed it against your ear. Shivering lightly at just how cold it was against your skin, you spoke, “hello?”
“Hey, sweetheart…” you heard the quiet voice of your boyfriend speak. 
“Steve, hi!” instantaneously, a smile appeared on your face, “what’s up?”
“Oh, um, not much,” he responded, wearily, “I just called because I wanted to hear your voice…”
“Okay…” your brows drew together, “Steve, are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, no, I’m fine,” he brushed your worry off, “what, um, what did you do today?”
“Ah, not really anything worth telling you about.”
“I just don’t think you’d find it that interesting.” 
“Try me,” he tested simply in a soft tone. 
“Okay,” you got up from your position on the bed, “I, um, I read a lot today, so I’m almost done with that book-“
“Is it the one you had with you last weekend? The one with the, um, couple on the cover?” his memory actually surprised you a bit. 
Walking over to the nearby window, you became thankful for the sometimes annoyingly long cord on your phone, granting you this mobility, “yeah, that one.”
“Is it good?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty good,” you reached out your pointer finger and ran it over the smooth wood of your windowsill, “you know, it’s just a romance I found at the library…”
“…did you do anything else?”
“Um, well,” you tapped your finger a bit as you recalled your day, “I went on a walk, did a few chores I had been procrastinating to do, laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, that kind of stuff.”
“Is that why it took a little bit for you to pick up the phone? Was that what you were doing right now when I called you?”
“Oh, no,” you glanced back at the pile of wool on your bed, “I was just knitting, and you called right while I was doing this thing that I couldn’t just stop in the middle of, or I properly could, but I had to finish.”
“What was it?”
Taking a seat on the windowsill, you hesitated, “Steve, it’s okay, it's very sweet, but you don’t have to ask me about it, I know it’s not very interesting for you, I don’t wanna talk your ear off about something you don’t care about.”
“Can you just tell me about it?” he asked in a small voice, “please?”
“Okay… well,” you leaned your head against the cool glass, “I’m knitting a sweater for my brother right now, or well, I’m knitting a few things at the moment, but that’s just what I’m working on tonight, and the kind that he requested is kinda complicated, or, it’s alright, but I can’t just close my eyes while doing it, you know? Anyways, it has this specific design with all these different colours, so if I mess one stitch up then it won’t really look right. So, I just have to concentrate a lot, count a bunch, and keep track of where I am. Also, I’m usually pretty good at reading and understanding the patterns, but I feel like I have to reread this one a million times before it clicks in my brain, so yeah…” looking out at the foggy street beneath your bedroom window, you couldn’t stop yourself from asking, “Steve?”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” his words said one thing, but his tone said another.  
“Did something happen?”
“It’s nothing, I don’t wanna bother you with it…”
You would give this man the whole world if you could. 
“Steve, would you like me to come over?”
“It’s getting kinda late, it’s okay…”
“No, no,” you glanced back to check the indeed late time on the round clock atop your bedside table, “I can be there in a few minutes, it’s no bother, trust me. If it could make you feel a little bit better, then I’ll be there. I mean, even if it’s not because you’re feeling down, I still wanna be there, I always wanna be with you,” deciding to joke for a moment, “you would have to defend yourself with a bat to keep me away. I always wanna be with you, but especially when you’re like this, and if my being there can in some way help, then I want to help. I wanna help you, Steve.”
“Okay…” he breathed out slowly, surrendering to your aid, “but take the yarn with you.” 
Images of the two of you curled up together started flooding your brain. Him behind you with his warm arms around your body, cheek pressed against yours, enjoying the soothing clatter of your knitting needles and keeping a close eye on every single stitch as they moved from one stick to the other. “Deal. I’ll be there in a little bit.”
“Thank you…”
When you jumped off the windowsill, you paused a second before hanging up, “hey, Steve?”
“I love you, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know…” you thought you heard a muffled sniffle, “I love you too.”
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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ja3gerb0mbb · 6 months
bloodsucker epilogue: somewhere in germany
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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word count: 2.2k
content warnings: sexual content, brief descriptions of blood
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three years later:
warm air circled through the barn; it was finally spring in germany. quiet sounds of life filled my ears. birds chirping, the movement of the barn animals. “good boy,” i murmured to the goat at my hands, feeding him another piece of straw as i patted his head. 
“i hate it when you call other guys that,” eren teased. turning to him, he was sitting on the railing to the pen, an exaggerated frown on his face. it couldn’t cover the constant comfort his features wore. a few months after we had gotten here, reality set in, and both of us adjusted to the absence of overwhelming doom that had followed us for too long. it was hard not to be constantly happy with how things turned out. 
“it’s a goat, sociopath,” i reached into the ground below me, chucking a bit of dirt at him. he launched himself off the fence, walking over to me to pick me up from my kneeling position. “doesn’t matter,” he muttered, lining my head with quick kisses. “so i was stalking reiner a few days ago,” eren drew me out of my bliss. 
i pushed him away so he could see the disturbed look on my face, “the fuck? why?” i shook my head in disbelief at him, but i couldn’t hold back the laugh. “he is your ex,” he lifted his brows, trying to show his reasoning. 
i rolled my eyes, “are you seriously still pulling that? i’m your goddamn fiance!” i lifted my hand in the air, showing him the ring. he laughed, and i pulled my hand down to admire it again. the one he picked was perfect; i wasn’t surprised. neither of us could have kids with the vampirism; it would be just us for the rest of our lives. i couldn’t be sad at that thought; instead it made perfect sense. 
“yes i am,” he protested, “anyway, he has a new girlfriend.” my jaw dropped open. i scoffed lightly, “yikes. i almost feel bad for bertholdt.” i really did. it was hard to imagine everything he did to me being useless because he never confessed his feelings to the person it mattered to. and he likely never would. 
eren scoffed even harder, “i don’t,” he shrugged his shoulders.  “i can’t believe he still hasn’t mentioned anything,” i shook my head in disbelief. “you really don’t need to feel so bad for him,” he approached me, rubbing my shoulder in comfort. 
shrugging my shoulders, i let out a breath of air, “i know.” he scanned my face quickly, trying to gauge my emotions before changing the conversation. “jean texted. he’ll be here tomorrow,” his voice was lined with false disappointment. i couldn’t hold back the laugh in the back of my throat. “oh don’t sound so disappointed, i know you’re excited to see him.”
in the months leading up to our move, eren and jean had fixed their bond. sort of. i doubted it would ever be how it was when marco was still with them; but i was happy to see them have a semblance of a friendship again. “whatever,” eren muttered, still insecure about being excited. 
“why’s he coming so early though?” none of our friends were supposed to be flying in for another week and a half. “he wants to spend some time with us before the wedding. i guess pieck is gonna fly up separately.” i nodded my head, finishing up the goat’s feed. 
eren took my que, grabbing the bucket of chicken feed, and throwing the rest around their coup. the sun started to set on the horizon. our plot of land always had the best sunsets. it was hard to feel any disdain here; other than the mention of one thing. “and i heard from someone else.”
i already knew what was coming, but i couldn’t hold back the disappointed sigh that left my mouth. news from zeke. i should be thankful to him, and i was, but his name usually came with unnerving news. but i think zeke was thankful to us, too. apparently, after we left, grisha was so caught up in finding eren, it allowed him to have more freedom in his own life. grisha was less suffocating to him. 
eren laughed nervously, trying to gain composure before continuing, “he’s issued an official order for my execution.” the words hung in the air. we knew it would be coming at some point, but it would make tensions higher when we returned for visits. 
my steps halted on our way back to the cottage. eren turned around to face me, approaching me. i interlocked our hands, fiddling with his fingers. he continued, “the dumb oaf still doesn’t realize i ran off with you, though,” his laugh rang out around us. absolving the tension that had built around his previous statement. 
“guess i played my part well at his house,” i winked at him, trying to set my emotions back into place. eren was still having difficulty, “there’s something else,” his features tensed again. i pulled on his hands, urging him to continue. 
his sigh was loud, and he broke our gaze to look out at the sunset, “with his sights off of me, he’s gone back to focusing on the cult. zeke said there’s been a lot of deaths.” i pulled one of my hands out, moving it to his cheek. his head tiled in the direction of it, leaning into my palm. i stroked his cold skin with my thumb, “we won’t have to worry about that in our lifetime. it’s not our responsibility.” eren had already seen too much of that life; it wasn’t right that he still felt burdened by it. 
his head shook lightly, “we could do something,” he offered weakly. “really, we couldn’t. if it’s as big as zeke says it is, we wouldn’t even have a shot at getting close to grisha. it’d be futile.”
eren thought about it for a few seconds, getting lost in my eyes. he sucked in a breath, “you’re right, i know that, it’s just hard to accept sometimes.” with my other hand, i squeezed his, “i know,” i whispered it. the wind whistled softly around us, bringing with it the sound of barn animals. the serenity of it helped to calm both of us down. 
“i love you,” he whispered, leaning down to connect our lips. he moved slowly at first, pausing after each movement. his hands moved down to my waist, pressing my hips up against him. i bit at his bottom lip, trying to get him to kiss me harder. 
i could feel his lips turn into a smirk before he gave in, moving his lips fervently. his hands wandered over my torso, and mine did the same, pulling at his skin with my nails as i went. a few kisses later, eren ripped the shirt i was wearing from my body. unlocking our lips, i gasped, “that was my favorite shirt, eren!” he threw it to the ground with a chuckle, “i’ll get you a new one.”
he lifted my body up, and i wrapped my legs around his torso as he carried me the rest of the way inside, leaving kisses around his neck. i could feel him getting hard beneath me. my butt hit the kitchen counter as eren let me down, fixing his grip around my waist again. 
the next thing he pulled off were my pants; i lifted my hips higher on his stomach for them to pull off cleanly. “this reminds me of something,” i giggled, tugging at his shirt. he furrowed his brows, “and what would that be?” he feigned innocence. 
he took a step back to slide his pants off as i undid the buckle of his belt, “just something that happened on a kitchen counter a few years ago,” i giggled again as i admired his toned body that flexed with the movements. he hummed, “i don’t remember. guess you’ll have to show me?” his hand gripped behind my neck, pulling me forward in a kiss. i bit his lip as a response. 
his movements were hasty, quickly pulling back again. his two middle fingers hung on my bottom lip, silently asking for permission. i opened my mouth, sucking them in. my tongue swirled around them as his other hand slid under my body, pulling my hips out further. 
his fingers slid out of my mouth, and the next second, i felt him shoving them into my pussy. “fuck!” i yelled out at the abrupt action, arching my back into him. i shot him a dirty look as i heard him laugh, his other hand circling my nipple. i brought my lips to his neck, biting into his flesh. i licked up the small amount of blood that trickled out, hearing a moan escape him at the action. 
with another pump of his fingers, he drew his fingers out and slipped off his boxers. i bent down from my place on the counter, letting spit drip down onto his tip. he groaned, and i wrapped my hand around the shaft, spreading the slick with my thumb over his piercing. 
his hands gripped each side on my waist, pulling me off the counter before shoving my body around and pushing my torso against the cold surface. “so pretty,” he muttered, pulling my legs further apart with his leg. he stood in between, placing his feet on either side of mine; an attempt to keep my legs separated. 
i felt his tip tease my folds before he slammed his entire length in me. i let out a loud moan, “god, eren,” i grunted. he placed one hand on my waist to steady, and brought the other to my shoulder. he didn’t move as he learned down to whisper in my ear, “say my name again,” i could head the smirk in his voice, even with my face shoved into the counter. 
my body lightly jostled with the grip he had on me, slamming his body into mine, “eren!” i yelled it louder, arching my back so he could penetrate deeper. “louder, slut,” he teased, moving his grip on my shoulder closer to my neck. at the nape of it, he applied pressure, keeping me pinned to the counter as he moved at a faster pace. 
“eren! eren,” i started babbling as his hand around my waist reached further down, looping around my hips to rub my clit. with the added stimulation, i felt a knot tie tighter in my core. i let out more panty moans with eren’s hits on my g-spot becoming sloppier. 
his body pressed further against mine, and i could hear pants of his own closer in my ear, a few drops of blood dripping down onto my upper back. his hands tied in my hair, and he pulled back on it, sending me into an orgasm. eren removed his dick, continuing to work me through my high with my clit. 
i could feel a warm substance hit my back as eren lt out a final low moan. he wrapped his body around mine, moving my hair to plant a kiss on my forehead, “wait here.” i barely noticed his absence, still trying to catch my breath. i felt my knees buckle without his support, as i waited for a few minutes. my body started to heal itself quickly, and i was already ready to fuck him again. 
he was back quickly, the sound of running water filtered to my ears. “c’mere, pretty,” he cooed, picking me up bridal style. he carried me to the bathroom, the room lit by candles. a floral aroma filled my nose. looking into the tug, eren had added dried flowers, “aw such a sweetheart,” i teased him. this was something he did often, but it never failed to give me butterflies. 
“ugh, shut it,” he scoffed, annoyed with my constant mocking. his arms lowered me into the tub, and i moved my body forward, allowing him to get in beside me. his hands reached down to my waist, pulling me back onto him. he dunked my head in the water, running his hands through my hair, “i found the perfect destination for our honeymoon.”
i closed my eyes, content against him, “let me guess, you’re not gonna tell me?” i sighed. it was his nature to still keep me in the dark with everything he could. his chest bubbled with a laugh, jolting my body with it. “nope,” he popped the end, placing kisses on my temple, working his way down my face. 
i sucked in a deep breath. i was aware of the absence of the void in my stomach. anxiety was no longer clawing at the back of my mind. with grisha finally setting his sights off of eren, i felt like i could fully settle into my fiance, certain that we could live in this calm for the rest of our lives. 
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spotify playlist
a/n: had to reference phoebe bridgers in the title
thank you to everyone who has spent time reading this; i appreciate you! and thank you for all the comments, notes, and interactions; they really made my days, and gave me the confidence to finish this story! hope you guys like this ending, i’m not sure how i feel about it, but it’s the only one i could come up with. love yall!
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