#anyway I didn't really post about it but I have rats again. 3 :)
flxwer-prince · 7 months
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can everyone look at Jerma please
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sharkfinn · 1 month
Looking again at the posts from your au masterpost and--
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I think I got a theory for what's happened here?? Maybe??
So first vecause of the sentence you wrote here "is it okay to talk about it yet?", it's a sentence from the comic, specifically the page where spots tells draxum about something that happened in the past I guess, how the rat king got the other turtles and kidnapped them. (From my understanding I guess.)
Anyway because it's the same sentence I am linking them to one another. Well what happened in the comic I think is the turtles played in the sewers(I guess lou jitsu was there to check they're okay, maybe draxum asked him to? Idk) and then the rat king came, because he lives in the sewers and there are also a lot of rats so they told him the turtles were there and he came to kindap them or something because they are draxum's and are supposed to be warriors, so they wiuld be very valuable. Anyway he came and beat lou jitsu. Now for the post I wanted to talk about--
I think he somehow got control over raph(and maybe the other turtles too? You showed only raph so we can't really know) because like, his eyes are glowing purple and... That's not normal for him, and concidering the situation I guess that is a logical posibility. Anyway he got control on raph and made him take spot so he can cobtrol him too, but then spot didn't listen and well... He had to use force, to MAKE him listen. I guess there was a fight and spot managed to get away somehow, but the others got left behind woth the rat king. Now that spot is older, and he has trained, he wants to save his brothers from the rat king's control, and to have them back.
Also when spots finds them the first time when he spies on them, it looks like the rat king is "talking to raph", like whispering in his ear, controling him. Idk if that's spots' illusion or real but I guess it's worth mentioning.
But hey, that's just a theory, a probably very very not accurate one!!
i guess itll be helpful if i confirm what is known so far
the rat king killed lou jitsu, kidnapped the turtles and blew up draxum's lab
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(notice spots mentioning "got into our heads")
2. the rat king takes the turtles to the sewer, pixel ends up hurt, and spike is heavily influenced by his magic.
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3. spots at some point tried to run or retaliate, and the rat king ordered spikes to put him in order.
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4. draxum was barely able to rescue spots, but none of his brothers. they are still with the rat king.
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ashascoven · 27 days
❃☆ showering w/ the pyromaniac rat man ☆❃ pt. 2
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☆ the demons im fighting to post this... the embarrassment is REAL!!
☆ anyways, hi! this is the part 2 to my junkrat x reader fanfic, except.. this one's.. smutty / NSFW
☆ here is the first part of the fanfic, it's also just on my profile, but you can very much enjoy this without needing pt. 1 !!!
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☆ FANFIC DEETS! junkratxreader ☆
THIS IS SMUT / NSFW, meaning it is 18+
reader is a female who's known for working with plants, plant themed nicknames and female genitals are used here
praise, stuttering, edging, mostly dom jamie + fluff?? its intense out here yall..
want a playlist to shuffle to while reading? here's the one i made to write this to <3, i promise it's a hot listen!!
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☆ FOR READERS WHO ARE JUST HERE FOR THE SMUT but would like to know about pt 1. without reading it!
part 1 was essentially about the reader and junkrat being sent on a duo mission together. they're temporarily staying in a semi-abandoned hut that resides in a struggling town targeted by Talon, a well-feared terrorist group. anyway, junkrat's annoying and stinky to sleep with, but he likes being cuddled! so, he agreed to only shower (with the reader) if they cuddled under the water of a decently sized shower-room. the reader ends up bathing him, and junkrat opens up about himself, thanking the reader for not treating him differently. this leads to "cuddles"..
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“Oh screw you, mate!”
“You probably would.”
“Ya know what? Maybe I woul-” He stopped himself from immediately snapping back, covering his mouth like his life depended on it. His eyes were wide, and yours were closed shut from your own laughter.
“Pfft!! You know what? Fine! Yeah, sure!!” You yawn-giggled, putting your soap and loofah to the side and leaning your back against his chest with a closed eyed smile.
“Uh-huh?? W-what're ya’.. d-doin’, mate??”
“Didn’t you say you wanted.. uh, bath cuddles? Surely you wouldn't mind holding me instead right nooww..” You yawned.
“O-Ohoh! Phew!! Seems like it’s my turn n’ cuddlin’ a fine lookin’ celebrity!” He giggled, not minding a single bit in being able to lowkey return the favor of you cuddling him earlier and cleaning him now.
He happily wrapped his lanky arms around your waist again, his hands landing a little further than intended and was resting on a certain area of yours, but it wasn't on purpose.
This woke you up, and with a little slight gasp at the touch, “I-I.. Jamie..-”
"Oh! W-wait! I-.. Sorry! It.. w-wasn't intended, my brain’s just lost from our talkin’, I swear, mate-!”
“I wasn't complaining..” You admitted painfully.
As if the shower steam wasn't strong enough, a guilty blush overheated your face.
“I-I.. Oh… O-oh..??!?”
“I w-wouldn't mind it if… ya know..” You slowly put your hand above his. You don't know what came over, but you couldn't find it in yourself to ask directly.
“..n-not that i-i’d force it or a-anything! I mean, we a-are still on a mission on after all and we aren't.. even.. together like that!? My mind wandered t-too far anywa-”
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“o-ooh~.. J-Jamie..?” You gasped in surprise, not expecting him to actually go through with it.
“lettin’ ya know i’m.. probably not the best a’it..” He hovered over you from behind, mumbling into your ear. His fingers started rubbing between your legs.
“haah.. I-It’s okay, but y-you really.. oh god~..! y-you don't have t-to- mmh..” You fumbled on your words, your back leaning deeper against him. 
“shh,” he hushed you, his robotic hand covering your mouth gently as his normal one kept rubbing you, “I’ve got ya’ now.”
“m-mmh.. hnnmhh~..” You moaned into the sealed metal, feeling your hips slowly grind against his fingers. Your hands were now gripping on both of his arms, but you didn't want out.
“just- let me help ya out.. least I could do for a pretty princess..” His voice was a bit more serious, but it made your heart race. You really didn't expect to see this bolder side of him so soon.
He moved the hand from your mouth to one side of your chest, giving it tender squeezes and pinches that earned loud moans out of you.
“a-aah! Jamie~!” You screamed out, throwing your head back in pleasure.
“i’m listenin’, my angel”
It was as if he knew all of the right ways to tend to your buds, ways you could've sworn only you grew to know. The running water also helped touch all of your body, making your senses go wild.
“whew doll.. ya’ sound like sugar n’ sweets to my ears, surely you.. taste the same?” He breathed out, starting to bite down at your exposed neck. 
He switched hands, his metallic one now tending to your garden below as his normal fingers played with your other breast. The temperature difference in metal to skin made shivers of excitement run through you upon much contact.
To say he was good at multitasking would be an understatement; he was amazing at it.
“agh! nngh..” was all you managed to get out before continuing your cries of pleasure and repeating his name. All of the sensational spells he had you under only made you so drunk for more.
“i knoow, me’ sunflower..~ le’it all out for me..” 
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“you’ree soo pretty soundin’.. i could take your beauty in like this aaalll daayy..” He could feel his ears get warm from his own words, grateful to be able to practically worship such a beauty in this moment.
“aaaah~.. p-pleeaaasee..!”
“you're doin’ so good for me,” he praised, his fingers getting quicker, “this feels nice, don't it?”
He rubbed those two magical fingers in all the right circles that had your toes curling for more.
You never wanted him to stop.
“y-yeeaah~.. I-I’m.. alreeaady c-cloose..!” You whined, your hands finding a place to grip on his thighs. You felt your back arch as you neared your release.
His hand below your waist moved even quicker. The other hand that was squeezing your breast moved downward to help your heated area, slightly spreading your folds open with two fingers as he tended to your pearl.
Then, he suddenly slowed down, just enough for you to not reach the top of the hill yet. Earning a whiny moan out of you, the knot in your stomach subsided from the painful change of pace.
“mmmh.. w-why'd youu haaave to stopp..?”
“not yet.. ‘m not done with ya’ just yet, doll..” He breathed out, moving both of his hands to hold at your love handles. You felt himself press against your back as he buried his stubble-haired chin into your neck. He felt.. excited.
“mmghhhh… waarrmm..” He snuggled against you once again, using this moment to take you in a more cozier way. His hands moved up to your chest again, slowly kneading into your softness.
It was honestly kind of like a warning, knowing this man who’s enjoying himself just from hugging you is probably about to absolutely ruin you. 
His height? His touchiness? The way he sweet-talked you? All of those things said it all, and you were so into it.
You shuffled around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. His hands made their way to your ass.
He still managed to enjoy cuddling your neck as you moved, letting out a moan at the way one of your hands reached into his now semi-wet hair.
“crikey, I don't think ya’ even.. know what you're doing to me, lady..” He groaned into your neck, before starting to leave a trail of marked kisses going upwards to your chin.
“aah..ahah, I can definitely feel it.” You moaned into a chuckle, trying to kiss his nose as he kissed your face. 
His grip on you tightened as the kisses you two shared grew more passionate. 
His lips, slightly unchapped from the water, pressed against yours. Both of you leaned into one another with closed eyes, dancing around each other's tongues and enjoying the tango under the shower’s rain.
You loved the way his mouth felt, how it felt like a new cavern to explore while preparing for the real ride he had waiting for you. The way his gold teeth felt slightly different from the rest that your tongue grazed over made you soak into how real all of this was. 
As badly as you wanted him to take you at your core, you enjoyed kissing him up here too. You could get used to this. <3
One of his hands made its way up to your hair, it now being his turn to run his fingers through it. The way he massaged at your scalp as he took his time searching you with his lips made you moan into the kiss.
“mm, you're soo.. pretty..” He muttered, pulling away for a couple seconds before going back to attack your lips. This made you smile against his face, unconsciously pressing yourself closer to his body. 
He'd do this a couple more times, murmuring about your beauty in-between catching his breath.
He didn't need open eyes to know that the person he was about to ravish was beautiful. 
He could feel your body against his, the way yours still managed to be softer and hotter despite being under the same water as him, and this drove him wild.
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His lips moved back to your neck, his kisses going lower and lower. 
He made sure to kiss any mark and crease his mouth could find before eventually having you against a wall with his arms wrapped around your legs. 
He was basically laying on his stomach, your hands struggling to hold yourself up as he held at your lower body, fully ready to eat you up like ice cream on a hot summer day.
“so.. gorgeous…” He marveled at your display for him, making you silently look to the side in your own embarrassment.
As soon as he started kissing at your core, you felt your nails nearly scratch into the tiles you were sitting on, the fluttery feeling from before making way to your stomach once again.
“aaahh~.. James..” You gasped, your eyes squinting in pleasure.
He kissed all around, making sure to let his mouth tease at your petals. 
His tongue traveled inwards when you were quieter, and outwards when you whined for him. He purposely ran it over your bud, swirling around your clit the way his fingers did before, only to slow down when you got louder.
It was a cycle of teasing you and figuring out what made you squeal, just so he could eat you out for as long as he wanted. <3
“J-Jamie..! ohh, g-god..! please~! it f-feels so~oo.. so g-good..” You panted and stuttered a storm for this man, your brain melting to mush at the way he handled you. 
You had no chance at being wet on your own; his tongue soaked in all of your juices for him to swallow, quickly replacing it with the wetness of his own mouth. 
His hands gripped harder at your thighs. He couldn't get enough of the way you smelled and tasted. 
You smelled so.. natural, and tasted so-so-so delicious. His bomb-driven brain couldn't process it any better than going faster with his tongue.
“..nngh~! J-Jami-.. Jami~soonn..! s-so c-close~!”
Your hips rode at his face and his grasp on your legs, one arm shaking at holding yourself up while the other pulled at his cloudy hair.
He groaned at the hair pulling, slithering one of his arms from holding your legs down to help tend to your core.
Two of his fingers made it inside, making your freed leg rise and spread further from all of the pleasure. The hand you had in his hair was now covering your own mouth, desperately biting at your knuckle from being so overwhelmed in the steamy tension.
You didn't know what to do with yourself, your hand immediately making it back into Jamison’s hair as you kept crying his name.
“h-huff.. Jaa~mie..!”
You breathing his name out the way you did made him pump his fingers more quicker, the sound of you being so wet for him making his lower stomach ache more for you.
His fingers curled into you as his tongue focused on circling your clit, occasionally dipping into its hood and making your whole lower body twitch in rhythm with his movements.
It was too much now, and you were gonna burst.
“a-aah! I-I'm..~ I'm g-gonna..! hnnghh~..! nngh-!”
With the last flicks of his tongue on you, you came, your release making you roll your eyes back in pure ecstasy. 
Catching your breath, you struggled to focus on Jamison, looking at the top of his hair rise with a daze in your eyes. 
He pulled away proudly, admiring his work as you slowly oozed all over his fingers. 
The sudden air replacing his tongue and caressing your bare sweetness made your liquids come out with more sudden pressure, truly a sight for him to behold.
He took you in fully with his half-lidded eyes.. the way you closed your eyes and panted because of him, the way your hips buckled in pleasure because of him, the way you were turned on and sent to heaven because of him.. he felt honored.
He reached down to taste you one more time, just to drink at what you had just served him. With some of it dripping from the tip of his nose, he raised himself up with a smile.
“..t-that was the bomb, wasn't it-?”
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Now, what he didn't expect was for you to immediately tackle him down afterwards, your lips once again pressed into his.
He grunted in surprise, but happily kissed you back and ran his hands all over your waist.
You pulled away from him with your hands holding his face, staring into his love-drunk eyes with your own of the currently same type. 
Your noses were touching, lips nearly doing the same, and the tension that was once released found its way back again.
You couldn't bring yourself to say anything yet, so you spoke through attacking his neck with your own mouth, giving him a taste of his own gunpowder.
The way he looked under the dimmed light and running water made you want to just litter his body in kisses, and god he loved it.
“o-ohh..! d-doll.. mmgh..”
It was his turn to seep into a melty mess, nearly drooling at the way you pecked kisses onto his Adam's apple.
Both of your hands were now on his shoulders as you made your way all over his chest, moving down to his sides. 
You left hickies all over his body, the ones you left near his v-line making him squirm the most in his spot.
Your legs held him down, your warmer spot dangerously close to his, but you made sure to make the most of this position, continuing your kissing while grinding against the waist area right above his cock. 
Being able to feel the prickly hairs down there rub against you only fueled the fire between you two more.
He groaned under you, throwing his head back with a ‘oh, you've really done it..~’
You looked up at him as you made your way down to his legs, your fingers already teasing the tip of his dick.
He squinted at you with a blush all over his face, all over his body even, shamefully covering his mouth with his metal hand for the time being.
“o-oh? I see now,” you chuckled, “someone wants my help, y-yeah?”
Guiltily, he nodded his head, groaning into his arm as you tended to him. 
Your body was still recovering from before, so you saved your shaky voice, reaching for his free hand, guiding it to his own shaft and starting to make him rub himself.
Your hand was resting over his as you slowly brought it up and down, occasionally kissing him or his waist.
He didn't think you could've turned him on anymore than he already was, but he was so wrong. 
He felt like he was flying, your desirable pecks on his body making him whine even more into his arm in bliss. The way your mouth and hands felt so perfect on his body made his longing to be inside of you much more stronger than he thought was ever possible.
You started to kiss all over his tip, your tongue slowly making way to the skin right below it. Your teasing tongue made his busy hand move to your head once again, your own hand now working on its own.
Up and down, up and down, you rubbed him, making sure to look up at him every time your mouth made it onto the top of his hard member, each kiss making a ‘pop’ that caused him to twitch in even more pleasure.
“g-gosh, woman.. y-you’re reeaall- mmh.. good a’this..”
“y-you're so done when i get to ya’- oouh~..”
“mmmmhh..” you responded, moaning as you took most of his length into your mouth. 
His legs were already weak at how warm your throat felt around him. The grasp he had on your scalp tightened as you moved with your mouth, making sure to really suck at his cock and cover it in your spit.
“augh..~” he threw his head back as he unconsciously started to push at your head every time you went down, “j-just like that.. o-oh yeah..~”
His sides shuddered every time your teeth slightly grazed over his foreskin, making him slowly thrust himself into your mouth. Your hands held at his legs as you enjoyed the taste of him. 
His slightly salted taste made your insides throb impatiently to feel him. His largeness made you daringly excited, so you kept swishing your tongue all over, desperate to keep the taste of his liquids in your mouth. 
“m-mmgh.. o-ohoh.. this f-feels.. amazing~..” 
“i w-wanna be inside o-of you.. soo~oo baad, princess..~”
“dooll~ please..”
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You took it on yourself to climb back onto him, quickly positioning him into your entrance and slowly letting yourself down on it.
“mgghh.. p-princess~..” He groaned, his hands quickly finding their way to your sides.
“aah.. ohh J-Jamie..!” You followed, your hands on his shoulders as you started to let yourself adjust his length. 
God, he was so big, and so tough; he felt like caramel inside of you, hardened like caramel candy and wet like syrup all at the same time.
Those butterflies in your chest wasted no time expanding down to your core, eventually reaching all over your body. You felt like jittery honey, your tight sweetness wrapping around him in eager neediness.
You needed him, you needed him real bad.
Your hips were tired, but the pleasure made it worth pushing through. You had to lean on him, your chest of perked out buds rubbing against his as you slowly started to move.
He felt something surge through his bones, making his hold on your sides turn into him pounding your softness onto his cock in desperation.
“h-hngh-! a-aah.. b-big..! ha-aah..”
His excitement didn't give you much time to adjust, earning all sorts of whines and squeaks out of you, but you couldn't complain. 
His magic tongue from earlier had prepared you more than enough for what was to come.
His length reached all the right spots in your warmth, you already felt so full of it, so full of him..
“hnngh.. you're so.. r-ready for me, aren't ya’?”
“y-yeahh~.. b-been so- aah~! s-so.. ready..!” You huffed out, your face burning endless heat waves.
“yeah you aare.. mmh, so w-warm.. y-you're so..~ hot..” He groaned into your ear, his breath making you shiver in enjoyment. 
His praise and gruff voice vibrated through your whole body as he panted between sentences, eagerly thrusting into you. 
You were so addicting to him, being inside of you was like opening his senses to a new world of paradise.
He felt himself lose his bearings, thinking of nothing but getting to release all over that pretty body of yours.. getting to admire his work on an ethereal body of art known as you. Whatever he was groaning out about loving your body was unconscious yet so filled with his thoughts.
“need t-to.. take you i-in moore~..” You felt your body try to encapsulate his length deeper into you, but this upright position wasn't enough, and he sensed that too.
Wasting no time in grabbing at your legs, he pushed you onto the tiled floor, now hovering over your laying body with his cock still buried deep into you. He continued his thrusts, his nails nearly digging into the back of your thighs.
“a-aah~! it feels.. h-huff, s-so good-.. p-please~! don't e-ever stop.. nngh..! b-begging-!”
The excitement to get to lick and kiss you all over when he was finished only made him move more quicker, more vigorously. 
All he could think about was you, how you looked in every intimate moment you two had just spent together.. how you were going to look, absolutely soaking in his hard work, all wet and heated because of him.
He couldn't even think of anyone, or anything else, just you.
He raised your legs over his shoulders, his face warming up more at the way your stomach pudged together as he kept moving inside of you. He couldn’t stop internally gushing about how real and natural you were about everything, how any type of acne or hair you had made you all the more alluring to him.
“J-jamie~..! y-you’re.. amazing~! aah, g-god..!”
His mind got lost into how pretty you sounded.. how you called his name, praising him and pleading for him.. He was so lost into you, fucking you ruthlessly just to keep taking you in, just to keep inhaling you like some sort of addiction. He was so damn addicted, who even knew when he planned on ever stopping?
Slowly, he started putting one of your legs back to its previous position, trying to get an even deeper angle at reaching your insides. One arm was wrapped around the leg on his shoulder for support, the other making its way downwards. 
“you take me.. s-soo~o well~.. augh~..”
“d-damn right i do..~ a-aagh, r-right there..~!”
Your hands squeezed at your own chest, neck, and ran through your own hair, sometimes reaching to touch at his waist. You didn’t know where you wanted to grab, too dazed into the moment to care.
He couldn’t help his hands from really touching you again, his thumb finger rubbing your clit, knowing that it’d make you feel even more great. 
Your pleasure was his pleasure, the way you looked and felt made him feel like the luckiest man on Earth just for breathing the same air as you.. He had the honor of making a queen feel good, burying himself further and further into your guts.
“i-i’m.. so f-fuckin’ close~! k-keep going..! y-yeah~.. i’m s-so- aah~! p-please-.. so c-clo~ose..!”
You were so fucked stupid, all you could get out were pleas of never wanting this to end. 
Any thoughts about being tired or annoyed by this man were long gone; only wanting the feeling of his thrusts, kisses, and rubbing to never end. 
“J-jamie~! Jamie-! I..- I’m~!”
“let it aaall outt~.. i’m a-almost there too, l-love~..” He huffed, making sure that he moved fast enough to get you both over the edge.
“aaahh~!.. J-jamie.. mmhh~..”
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The feeling of that blissful knot below your stomach releasing itself was holy on its own, the sensations from all over your body coming together to relieve you with such a well earned orgasm. 
He followed right after, pumping himself deep inside of you with a relieved sigh. Both of his hands were now pinning yours against the floor, your legs curled up on their own.
He made sure to really take in this moment, slowly pulling himself out with one hand and watching as you were dripping in his liquid. 
The way he pulled out of you felt so warm and icy at the same time, the air of the room hitting your bare, sensitive areas once again. With the now-cold running water, the heat masking both of your bodies drifted down the drains.
He marveled at your body, admiring in awe at how you were truly such a masterpiece. No bomb or heist could’ve made him as satisfied or joyful as he was with what you two had just accomplished.
It felt like all of the hairs on your body raised from all of the build up, only to calm back down with ease. Your muscles were definitely sore, but you were too starstruck at the handsome man above you for it to even be painful. 
The only thing you were consciously doing right now was looking into his eyes, panting, and feeling yourself flow out onto the tiles just to be washed away by the water. 
The temperature switch stung your weak bud, making you twitch ever so slightly, but it wasn’t unpleasant. You felt so relieved, and any tension or frustration in your body was now gone.
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He took in the way that your chest rose and fell after what you two had just done, falling to your side and kissing graciously at your face.
You let yourself melt into his lips again, kissing him back here and there.
Suddenly, you felt a sneaky hand holding a loofa make its way to your back.
“..are you trying to clean me up right now?”
“I.. was the one who.. made the mess all over ya’..”
“It’s fine.. We should just dry ourselves off and head to bed-”
“B-but I need to wash you off, mate!”
“You’re one to talk about someone else needing to be washed..”
“W-well! You’re one to talk considerin’ how I had ya’ laid out 2 minutes ago!”
“..Your point? If you wanna do me again, just say that, ‘mate’ <3 ”
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☆ once again, if anyone actually makes it this far, tysm for reading! feedback is always 100% welcomed and appreciated
☆ i may continue this fic more if people end up liking it, but i also have other fanfics in the making along with a soon-to-be request page!!! >:D
☆ i dunno how i got this finished honestly.. i mean i finished multiple times but still.
☆ literally feeling like that "passed out 8 times but your cinnamon rolls are done sir!" except the rolls are just this fanfic.. fighting DEMONS i tell you, DEMONS!!!
☆ this is my first time writing an australian accent, so if there's any mistakes anywhere pls lmk!! hit my line yall, i dont bite >:D
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☆ thank you, eat + stay hydrated, and enjoy your night/day!
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Study buddies
@seventypercentvodka here is the fic I came up with following your suggestion on this post. Have some (hopefully funny) junior shenanigans!
I really hope you (and everyone else!) like it, I had a lot of fun writing it!
The juniors are studying in Sizhui's room, books, notebooks and brushes haphazardly scattered about the usually tidy place.
Lan Jingyi is laying on the floor on his belly, sifting through a thick cultivation manual without really reading anything, while Ouyang Zizhen leans on an elbow drawing practice talismans. On his bed, Lan Sizhui dutifully reads his notes, back straight against the headboard.
The only one missing is Jin Ling, but as a sect leader, he has other duties now - though it is without question that he would be starfished on Sizhui's bed complaining about the work or falling asleep with a book on his face - it has happened before.
Jingyi cups his face underneath his chin and sighs. "You guys think Senior Wei would teach me the paperman technique?"
"What do you need it for?" Zizhen replies as he balls up another failed talisman and aims it for the garbage bin. He misses by millimeters.
"I dunno, I wanna go around spying on people."
"Jingyi," Sizhui calmly intervenes as he reaches for another cultivation manual on his night stand. "It is forbidden to-"
An eye roll. "Yeah, yeah, it's forbidden to disrespect people's privacy, rule 47 or whatever."
Sizhui smiles, just a tiny bit smug. "48."
Jingyi sticks his tongue out at him. "You're too much like Hanguang-Jun. Learn to live a little."
"Living a little shouldn't require blatantly disrespecting the rules, Jingyi."
"Ok, Hanguang-Jun The Second."
Sizhui smiles again, serenely, and "accidentally" sends a small notebook Jingyi's way. "Oops."
He barely dodges. "That was on purpose!"
"It was an accident." Sizhui replies, unconvincingly.
"Now whatever happened to the rules?! Lying is forbidden! Rule 3!"
Sizhui barely holds in his laugh. "I did not lie."
"Like hell you didn't!"
He's masked a giggle with a cough. "Do not curse, rule 29."
"I will silence you."
"And I will tell Hanguang-Jun you snuck us out to the festival last week!"
"Being a snitch is forbidden!" Zizhen intervenes, laughing.
"It's not, unfortunately." Sizhui laughs as well, and Jingyi can't help but join in.
"We're actually encouraged to be narcs." Jingyi completes, half serious. "On ourselves but also others. It's disguised in shit like 'take accountability for your actions' and 'do not let injustice happen' but we all know what it really means."
Zizhen, "Who do you guys think is the biggest narc in the Cloud Recesses?"
"Hanguang-Jun used to be in charge of punishments, so it's most likely him." Sizhui says, tapping his chin thoughtfully.
"Yeah, but he's not like that anymore. He lets us get away with a lot of stuff. Especially me, to be honest." Jingyi adds. "But I think the biggest narc would definitely have to be Teacher Lan."
"Hm... but he's the one that people snitch to. There's no authority to snitch on him to." Zizhen ponders. "And even if there was, who in their right mind would break the rules where he could know about it?"
Jingyi and Sizhui answer simultaneously. "Senior Wei."
Zizhen sighs. "He's an exception. Anyway, I think the biggest narc has to be Zewu-Jun. But he's lowkey about it. Like you won't know it was him that ratted you out, he seems so nice, but he's still his uncle's nephew, you know?"
"Zewu-Jun would never rat on people." Sizhui says.
"Exactly! Nobody would believe he's a snitch! The perfect cover!"
"Which is why I need Senior Wei to teach me the paperman technique!" Jingyi interjects. "So we can see what he does in the Hanshi when he thinks nobody's watching!"
Sizhui sighs. "He's probably meditating. Or doing paperwork."
"I wonder what Teacher Lan does." Jingyi says, reaching for the bowl of dried fruits he's brought for the study session. "I bet he writes the rules like a hundred times for fun. Or he practices lectures out loud and yells at pretend students!"
"What do you do in your room, Jingyi?" Sizhui asks, barely restraining an amused eye roll.
"Regular stuff! Eat, read, sleep... and other things, but what's that to do with anything?"
"Teacher Lan probably does the same things, Jingyi. He's just a person, like us."
"I don't see Teacher Lan doing..." but he stops himself from saying any more, a light blush on his face.
"What about Hanguang-Jun and Senior Wei?" Zizhen suggests. "What do you guys think they do in the jingshi?"
Embarrassed looks pass both the Lans faces. "Everybody knows what they do in there." Jingyi quickly adds.
Zizhen blinks twice before realization dawns on him. He doesn't share the embarrassment, though. "Good for them. Must be a lot more fun than what we're doing right now... well, we are getting fucked in a way too, aren't we. Mindfuck is a thing."
"I don't wanna hear it, Sizhui, I heard you calling sect leader Yao a bitch ass cunt under your breath at the last discussion conference. Don't you have a rule against hypocrisy up on that mountain of yours?"
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dinosaursatemymom · 10 months
I just saw your post about Nancy kinda not having relevance to the plot, and I never saw it that way, but it's kinda true.
She never grows as a character, and her plots are not really that important when it comes to the overall storyline. (At least in s1-3, in s4 her getting the info out of Wayne Munson helped the group move forward, but Robin is the one who found the rest and figured out the music theory).
Anyway, like you said in s1, Barb didn't have to die in order for her to be involved? She could have helped Jonathan because Will is Mike's friend, however the writers made her such a bitch about Wills disappearance they had to kill her best friend in order for her to care. And even then Jonathan could have figured out that there was a monster based on the photos he took he could have go straight to his mom who already told him about it. He didn't necessarily need Nancy.
In s2, her plot was so stupid, and it did nothing in the end. It was an interesting concept, dealing with grief, but omg. First of all the lab doesn't play around they would have found the recorder and second seeing the fucking gate should have put the entire thing down. She endangered the whole town of Hawkins in the name of revenge. Both, her and Jonathan didn't know El was alive getting the lab shut down was stupid because they were the only people who seemingly knew how to deal with the vines. It would have been much more interesting if Jonathan and Nancy were captured and there were consequences (like Steve, who was scared of getting murdered if they broke the NDAs). Getting revenge on Barb did nothing for her character as well, and the show never explores it further, or they rehash it. Shutting the lab down did more harm than good because it meant for s3 that the Russians could just do whatever thanks to Nancy. (I hate that storyline so much in general, but if you think about it, it only happened because the lab shut down)
S3 again, Nancy's rat story could have been cut out because the party figured it out themselves they didn't need her. El was the one doing all the work here (getting into Billy's mind and fighting the Mindflayer since Nancy can't aim for shit)
In s4 like I mentioned, Nancy was useful for once by getting them to Victor Creel, but Robin really was the one getting it together.
Overall, her plans always kinda fail or endanger people (s2, s4), and her using a gun also does nothing because the monsters are immune to it. Fire is the thing that works and I hate how Stobin were cut short in s4 for essentially doing the part just so Nancy gets her shot (metaphorically and literally) even tho it does fucking nothing. Give her a flamethrower like Murray.
Anyway, idk people always shit on Steve being considered a main character, but he had literally more important moments than Nancy.
Without him in s1, Jancy would be dead. Nancy's gun did not work, and Jonathan couldn't use the bat in the right way. If Steve didn't come back, the Demogorgon would have killed them. Dustin meeting Steve in s2 is such an important moment because without him there, Billy could have gotten to Lucas and Max, even tho he lost the fight. He was also important in the tunnles because he helped them getting out there fast. Even tho he was concussed, he did everything to ensure they were save. Lucas would have been seriously hurt. S3 Steve drove his car into Billy's (after Nancy couldn't stop it with her useless gun), saved Jancy and the party there. In s4, he was the one who found the gate because of his experiences as a life guard, he also was the one along with Robin who did the most damage to Vecna. Steve literally has more moments that are important to the plot because without him there, other characters would be hurt or killed. He's important to the plot because of his athletic skills and survival instincts. He was also one or one of the few (if not the only one idk I only watched s4 vol once bc I hated it sm) characters that protested Nancy's insane plan because he has common sense lol. I wish the show would use his leader abilities (being the captain of the basketball team and a lifeguard) more instead of dumbing him down for the sake of it. He should be actively involved in planning bc he knows how to play as a team, and idk the party is book smart, but they have no regard for any danger they need someone like him more.
The only thing I have to disagree with is that Nancy was helpful in s4, literally anyone else could've been told about Victor Creel, they didn't even need Wayne munson for that tbf, Eddie could've been living on his own(he's old enough) or just not a character at all tbh. Steve or Robin could've been talking to a customer at the video store who lived in the trailer Park and got a glimpse of Chrissy's body and Robin and Steve could've gone to the library while the Dustin and Max went to the counselor.
I definitely agree about Steve, he is honestly being underutilized, he clearly has team building, athletic, and problem solving skills but he's constantly being reduced to dumb hot himbo and it's really frustrating.
I didn't love the s2 storyline but I didn't hate it, but wow you're right, she really just made everything worse and endangered everyone for her own selfish reasons. I understand she was working through trauma but so was Steve and he didn't decide to put people lives in danger.
Her entire s3 plot just pissed me off so much, what was the reason? Feminism? Because honestly it just made her look like a classist dick to jon.
Nancy really doesn't do shit but nearly always ends up getting credit for things other people have done, both from the writers and the fandom.
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staybabblingbaby · 28 days
SKZ x Coordi (Intro Part) a1 d3
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader is a successful makeup artist with a notorious and prolific career and no self awareness. Reader joins JYP as a part of Stray Kids' team and encounters their hazing ritual for new coordis: flirting.
Word Count: 1,178 Notes: This spawned because of my conviction that I could never get my makeup done by a professional bc I would fall in love. Getting your makeup done by someone else just feels very intimate to me (ik its not, ok, I'm just touch starved T^T). It's sort of lending itself to long one-shot style formatting, but for tumblr purposes I'm posting it in parts. Also, I think I accidentally avoided pronouns for Reader? Not sure how but I didn't see any when I was reviewing this part. Will update as I post (idk how to add emojis, just imagine a thumbs up here pls TT^TT). Needs to be edited for clarity. Warnings: None that I know of? Reader has weird self esteem but it's not bad?
Masterlist Link :D | Next Part Link <3
You're fairly sure, by the time your sunbae finishes showing you around and giving you the low-down on your new duties, that you'd gotten this job over other make-up artists because you were the safe choice. You suppose it's not an awful thing to be thought of as safe and professional. You can’t help feeling stung anyways.
You'd come to this conclusion after your sunbae, while showing you a few of the dressing rooms in the company building you'd be working in, casually drops, "oh, yeah, if you end up having relations with one of the idols, just make sure the media and management don't find out. No one else will rat you out." mid-tour.
You'd had to stop and give your sunbae the most confused and alarmed look you could manage, and when she'd seen she'd immediately laughed and made the face back at you. That made you crack, and the two of you ended up giggling together for a minute. Once you'd calmed down, she elaborated.
"It's a bit of an open secret that the unattached idols will sleep with a willing coordi every now and then," she explained "As long as management doesn't find out, and the media is entirely clueless, it's pretty much useless to try and stop it." You’d nodded along, fascinated by how similar celebrities were around the world. Sure, the cultures surrounding them were different, but there was almost always a similar sort of system when you were contracted long-term somewhere.
"Staff are pretty safe options for them, at least here at JYP.” Your sunbae had continued, “They vet our staff and stylists really well." You’d nodded again. The background check had been intensive and you’d had to sign a lot of release forms about it. It was one of the things you’d liked most about this opportunity, actually.
"Your group in particular have probably fucked at least 2 dozen coordis between them." You’d choked on air and turned to her incredulously again. What was with her and dropping bombs like this on you? It was your first day! She’d just laughed and rolled her eyes at you. "Why are you so scandalized? There's 8 of them." She reasoned, "That's, like, 3 flings a piece. Not that many." You’d conceded her point with a tilt of your head. You're sure the actual numbers aren't so even, but she had made an excellent point regardless.
"I guess that makes sense," You’d mused, "I mean, they're grown men, right? Their hands must get awful tired." That startled a laugh out of your sunbae and you’d grinned at her before you continued. "But, sunbaenim, you won't have to worry about that from me." You’d stated confidently. She’d shot you a questioning look, so you’d continued, “They’re both my clients and my coworkers under my contract. Two types of people I categorically refuse to sleep with.”
She’d laughed again, simply saying “That’s probably for the best.” and moving on with your tour. You’d let yourself be distracted by memorizing everything she was telling you and promptly forgot all about your scandalous conversation.
Despite moving on, a seed of doubt had been planted in you. You couldn’t help but think back to one of the odder questions you’d been asked when you were interviewing for this position. As an independent make-up artist you’d had to negotiate everything yourself, and at the time you’d assumed it to simply be part of their vetting process.
“What are your views on workplace relationships?” They’d asked. At the time you’d simply said you strived for friendship with both your clients and coworkers, but that you preferred professionalism over all else. Which was true, obviously, but after that conversation with your sunbae you couldn’t help but add a new context to the question.
That doubtful seed sprouted at the end of your tour, when your sunbae gave you another warning.
“Don’t mind the boys, by the way,” She’d said out of nowhere. “They’re playful, all of them, but they’ll respect a boundary to the death the moment you set it.” Once again you’d had to look at her, hopelessly confused, and you’d become pretty sure at that point that she just liked getting a reaction out of you because she snorted a laugh at whatever face you’d made and explained herself.
“I mean that they can be pretty loud and playful with both each other and staff. That includes being flirty and touchy.” she said, “I think it comes with the territory of being an idol. All that fanservice must do something to them.” She laughed, and you’d smiled along, still somewhat confused of the warning.
She must have noticed, because she elaborated further, “It can be flustering for new stylists.” She explained, and you finally started to understand, “A lot of the time it’s the first time a new stylist has been so close to an idol, you know? You have to prepare for it, like, mentally.” She made a weird gesture toward her head and you’d giggled at her antics but shook your head.
“I’ve seen so many beautiful people at this point in my life that I'm pretty sure I'm immune.” you’d declared with a chuckle. You weren’t lying either, you’d seen so many examples of so many different culture’s beauty standards you could probably write a book on it.
You’d sort of made it your career’s goal to learn as many different styles and skin and face types as you possibly could. You’d done pretty well by that goal so far, doing everything from tiny private boudoir shoots to high profile fashion shows, just about anywhere you could get to, from Cairo in Egypt, to Hollywood in California, to tiny barely-named towns all over Europe.
“Idols are different!” Your sunbae insisted, “There are hot people everywhere, but idols are built different. They’re manufactured to be desirable.”
“So are models,” you’d dismissed with a wave, “Honestly, sunbaenim, I’ll be fine. If anything, it’s the idols you should worry for.” you’d given her a saucy wink and she’d howled with laughter and clapped in delight. You’d giggled right along with her, and when you’d both calmed again, you continued. “No, but really, I’ve been told I can be quite intense when I’m focused, so maybe you should be warning the group instead.”
She’d waved you off, saying “It’ll do them some good to be humbled by someone they have no chance with.” with a devious giggle. And that had been that. The click of a conclusion sliding into place in your mind had sounded and you’d become certain that you’d been the safest of the candidates who’d applied.
It hurt, just a bit, because you’re used to being selected for your experience and ability to mimic and blend styles, not for your personal beliefs. You stave off the hurt by reminding yourself that reputation matters in this industry. If they hired you because you value your professionalism, then you’d show them exactly how professional you could be! You’d wrapped up your tour with mixed feelings and lots of determination.
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nothums-from-tj · 7 months
@cloudywithachanceofautism hi I can’t find it for the LIFE of me otherwise I’d reblog it so I know you made a post a while back saying that you saw this hc of Raph having extreme body dysmorphia after the Kraang brain swap and Shredder’s mind controlling and that you want it in a fic
Anyway so I have most of a fic on this concept it's just not ready yet, in the time being here's a scrapped scene from it <3 I just couldn't figure out a way to actually put it in the work as much as I love it so uhh here's Leo worrying abt his brother, takes place like a week or so after "Plan 10" (Kraang brain swap ep)
WARNINGS: mentions of a panic attack, low-key anxiety attack, sickeningly sweet affection from Splinter to his kiddo
T- and Hamato-c/st shippers you will be blocked on sight dnfi
Leonardo, being the little tattletale he is, tells Splinter about the breakdown once the others are in bed—once he knows Raph is, at least.
"I know you're trying to meditate," he says shyly, hesitantly stepping into the dojo, "and I apologize for disturbing you, it's...this is important. May we talk for a minute?"
Splinter opens one eye to look at him for a second, and sensing that his son is truly disturbed by something, he pulls himself fully out of his meditative stance to pay attention to his kid before gesturing for him to sit down next to him.
"It's about Raphael," the turtle continues after crossing the room, sitting down as his sensei suppresses a frustrated sigh.
"Was this something to do with his temper, or impatience, again?"
Leo shakes his head, swallowing hard and staring at the mat below as he gathers his thoughts.
"I...don't really know what happened, actually," the teenager confesses. "During the fight, he seemed almost...absent—as if he blacked out. We were fine—he was fine, he just...didn't seem to be in the moment—he hardly said anything, too. At the end, the Kraang were fleeing, and one was pinned under him, and that's when he sort of...'came to', I guess."
There's a pause as Leo seems to gather his thoughts some more. Splinter, quite frankly, isn't as shocked as he wants to be—he knows his second hatched blacks out semi-frequently from his anger, though a neutral depersonalization experience is one he hasn't seen in him.
With a calming breath, Leo carries on.
"The Kraang got free and caught up with the rest of them, though Raph didn't seem to notice. He was staring at the street, and he just looked so...terrified. He was shaking, hyperventilating—he started crying, Sensei. I'd...I'd never seen that in him before. I think his temper makes him black out, Donnie said he and Mike have both seen that kind of terror in his eyes, and that's just it, Sensei—we've seen parts of it, just not the actual scene that we saw today."
Leo looks up at him then, and the worry—the fear in his eyes is so intense Splinter almost wants to look away.
"Donnie thinks it was a panic attack. We don't know if something caused it, or what's going through his head, though he does think it might have to do with the brain-switching event last week. Raph doesn't want to talk about earlier, and Mikey said he's noticed some odd behaviors from him, and—I don't know what to do, Sensei."
The rat holds his son's face as the turtle blinks away tears pricking at his eyes.
"We don't know if this has been going on for longer and we never noticed it," the leader continues, "or if this is new and the Kraang is doing something to him, or—how can we save him if he's being attacked from inside?"
Splinter looks away while he gathers his thoughts, still holding Leo's face in one paw. After a few moments, he sighs again.
"The best we can do," he says solemnly, locking eyes with his son again, "is to keep a close eye on him until we have more information. We can not risk hurting him further, even if the intent is positive."
Leo blinks away tears again, looking down and nodding his head while his heart shatters for his brother.
"Hai, Sensei."
Splinter, frankly, hates seeing any of his kids like this. Leo, as the leader, is responsible for all of his brothers when they're out and about on missions, and he feels the same sense of failure said son is feeling right now. The city—the world needs to be kept safe, and he just wants to be able to keep his kids safe with it. Still, the most helpful option in the moment is to research and observe, so that's what they'll do.
His other hand reaches out to hold the other side of Leonardo's face, and pulls him closer as he leans in to give a gentle kiss atop his head.
"Do not blame yourself," he assures as he pulls back. "There is nothing you could have done to prevent it."
Leo nods his head again, feeling even marginally better than before. Silence passes between them for only another moment or so, then the turtle feels confident enough to cave into his father for a hug, which is instantly returned with another featherlight kiss on his head.
"Get some rest, Leonardo," Splinter says gently, and his eldest nods against him. The two share a smile when they pull apart before the teen sees himself out, hoping to actually get to sleep now that he's not bottling everything up.
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friendrat · 8 months
Okay what exactly is the Redamian Chronicles? I've seen you posting about it and I'm most curious!
I'm so happy you asked!
It is a Christian fantasy series that is super obscure, and it is delightful! I was initially introduced to it by my husband, who had been given the first book before he met me, and on learning of my love of fantasy, lent it to me. And I just fell in love with it! (It very quickly became *my* copy when he didn't accept it back. I think he had already decided he wanted to marry me and figured he would get it back eventually. 😂)
I've only ever read the first book, due to the series being out of print by the time I discovered it, and also due to some weirdness where book two was only ever published in a special edition of book one. But it is available now in ebook format! I had purchased the ebook awhile back, but hadn't been able to verify if it was just the original text or if it was the extended version with book two for a long time because I was moving. I recently came across my hard copy, though, and was able to verify that it does indeed have the second part! That was the push I needed to finally reread it, and I am *loving* it all over again! The dialog is so great.
I still haven't been able to acquire book 3... 😢 but hopefully someday! For now, I'm really enjoying rereading the first part and looking forward to the second part, which is all new territory for me! I am really hoping that my ship sails in the second part, because there's a pair that would be great together, and it just wasn't far enough into the story for it to happen where part one cuts off.
Anyway, as you may have guessed since you've been seeing my posts, it is also where my url came from. 😁 Friend Rat is just... he's Friend Rat. I love him. He's loyal. He loves debate. He's occasionally oblivious... oh, and he's a bit clumsy. I love him so so much! I just want to hug him!
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miss-bluerose · 6 months
TDI23 Season 2 ep 5 and 6 thoughts and theories. Spoilers ahead.
*I have seen the character spoilers for eps 8-10 but I'll only mention the challenges in this post.*
Ep 5: Running around an ice berg doing either an obstacle course or a maze to collect keys that will open a safe to retrieve a coin and bring it back to the island. This challenge was alright and the angry baby seals were funny. And the Yeti showed up again but didn't do much.
Ep 6: Partner up with someone, grab a canoe, get it to the water, then joust against your partner with a dueling stick to win and advance in the bracket. This is the third reference to Squid Game and I'm a little disappointed with some of the duo's tbh. I would have loved to see Raj vs Wayne and Julia vs MK but at least there was Axel vs Ripper. The final part with the horses on water skis was wack but at least they didn't get hurt.
*Ep 7: cake baking and a special guest judge
*Ep 8: human pinball
*Ep 9: tearing apart large objects
*Ep 10: memory game
*Ep 11: hunted by attack dogs and a pug
*Ep 12: fishhook challenge involving their worst fears
*Ep 13: final episode of the season
Merging the teams with 11 people left is crazy to me but I guess Chris just wanted to make MK suffer right away after she stole his hairdryer. There is also an immunity idol hidden somewhere and I hope Zee finds it, I'm still rooting for him to win! 💪
I enjoyed him suffering through a bad hair day and loved how Chef kept giving him funny styles. So he did know about the cheating but didn't do anything about it until MK crossed him personally which doesn't shock me at all tbh. I'm glad he made her suffer though but Julia still needs to get her own dose of karma too. 🙏
Owned a hair salon in the 80s and it shows lol. I laughed at his medieval outfit and his small moment in the confessional.
Eliminated contestants:
16th: Lauren/Scary Girl - still no sightings but ep 12 is going to involve the contestants worst fears so maybe she'll show up then? 🤞
15th: Chase
14th: Millie
13th: Emma
12th: Nichelle - She did pretty well in the challenge and I loved her sass towards Julia at the beginning but then she gets hired for a movie trilogy and quits the show just like that??? I feel bad for her since the contract is fake but she did save Zee from probably being eliminated but damn, what a way to end a character arc if there isn't a season 3. Hopefully she'll get taken back by Hollywood anyway now that she's a badass.
11th: Bowie - He let the girls + Ripper cheat in the ice challenge but put his foot down when they went too far in front of Raj and Wayne which was great to see. He didn't have too much angst with his boyfriend and they are staying together. His elimination was complete crap and no one can convince me that the Rat Faces dislike him more than Julia or MK.
I still don't like her crush on Caleb and now that the teams are merged it's only going to get more annoying I fear. Her kissing her pillow was weird and telling her secret to Zee was a bad move. They both have controlling/strict parents and are starting to bond more than they were before but drama is likely on the horizon.
He really is as dense as plywood. Of course he's started to develop feelings for Priya right after he told Zee that he's only spending time with her to make an alliance with her. 🙄 The drama is coming, I can smell it.
I laughed at him sassing Chris about being a bad person. He picked up on Priya's and Caleb's closeness, plays DND and he won the jousting challenge somehow, good for him! Ep 12 is the fear challenge so I can see him sticking around to face off against Lauren which would be really great to see. 👀
She's just making out with Ripper a lot and not much else, super disappointing to see. 😔
He found out about Priya's crush but is terrible at keeping secrets. I thought it was funny how the soda cans kept multiplying every time he was in the confessional. Pee isn't strong enough to melt that much snow/ice at once. He barely avoided elimination thanks to Nichelle quitting but I'm really worried about him. He thinks that Caleb just wants an alliance with Priya and doesn't know that he's started developing feelings for her which will most definitely lead to him spilling the beans and possibly being targeted for elimination. I really hope he finds the immunity idol to stay in the game longer or wins immunity when he needs to. I'm not ready for him to go home yet! I also want to know what he was going to ask Priya when he walked in on her kissing her pillow. 👀👀👀
It was great to see him angry about his team cheating again but I'm glad that he didn't break up with Bowie. I hope he gets back at Julia for getting him eliminated somehow.
He was angry about the cheating too but it came off as more comical than Raj's anger. Him looking in two different directions freaked me out and apparently he has a really thick skull that got him included in a medical journal. I laughed at him annoying Julia and I hope he helps Raj get back at her.
She is an absolute savage and has no qualms about being as underhanded as she needs to as long as she gets what she wants. She also has mile-thick plot armor to not get eliminated in the first episode of the merge. I'm beginning to think that she'll be the one to betray MK first before the reverse can happen. I can't wait for her to get what's coming to her.
Cheating has consequences, especially when you screw over Chris. I thoroughly enjoyed watching her suffer for everything that she's done but she didn't get eliminated which means that there could be more karma to come her way.
He's just making out with Axel a lot and is apparently fine with cheating in challenges. Not sure when he'll get eliminated but hopefully soon. I think he's the pain magnet for the season.
Each week I get more stressed out about what will happen next and I think that is a pretty impressive feat for a cartoon show meant for a younger audience or I'm just weird like that. 🤪 Excited for tomorrow, thanks for reading!
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hexiewrites · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 43!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 562,348, which is honestly insane
3. What fandoms do you write for? right now mostly stranger things. I've got most of a ted lasso fic written but who knows if that'll get posted?? and prev, harry potter.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. don't take this sinner (dramione, marriage law ish), 2. same as it ever was (steddie, two timelines, one of my first steddie fics!) 3. carve your name into my chest (steddie, the hockey au of my dreams) 4. come get your man (he got lost in my DMs) (steddie, social media, steve being a horny DM guy) 5. there'll be a riot (cause I know you) (steddie, the matty-healy-rat-man-Eddie-vibed mostly smut fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? ugh. I WISH!!!! I want to be better at this, I really do. I usually start strong but I end up with limited energy/time and I want to filter that into writing more. if you've ever commented: I FUCKING LOVE YOU and think you're SO cool! if you really WANT a reply, the best way to get that is to ask me questions haha. it starts to feel weird just "thank you!"ing everyone, ya know?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I am.... not an angsty ending person tbqh! I think the closest is probably you love the sea, which is a flintwood rarepair selkie fic that I deeply love. it ends happy, insofaras they end up TOGETHER, but if you think more about the implications and how fucking sad it's going to be for oliver... well. I'll leave that to you guys.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? god, I'm well known for having "endings so happy they border on absurd", according to one person online. so, pick your poison I guess! anyways the fic THAT person was referring to was same as it ever was, so, let's go with that!
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have been so lucky lately to not get much hate at all lately, which is a real privilege in the fandom world. remember that I cut my teeth in early days of harry potter, and people were BRUTAL. I definitely HAVE gotten hate - my aforementioned dramione fic has a bit of a weird twist that some people were PISSED about (and once I got an incredibly detailed comment about how badly I fucked up my representation of black Hermione because she... didn't talk that much about hating her hair? which I know is AN experience but not necessarily a universal one) but overall, at least this fandom go around, no hate. thank you, everyone, for that!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes. lots and lots and lots of it. mostly kinda kinky and pretty much all pretty gay. let's not talk about how many times I've had to tag dacryphilia and what that means. I just like when people fuck about things, yknow?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? nope, never! and I likely never will. too much to keep track of.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that I know of, thank god for that.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I've had requests but... I would need a translator willing to work pretty closely with me because I want to make sure certain choices come across well, and I haven't found that yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? not officially, though I did write a buckingham companion piece to the amazing cowboy-bar fic @riality-check did!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? OH GOD don't make me choose! ALL TIME is still probably dramione, but steddie is a very close second. in terms of canon ships, I'm such a sucker for buffy/spike (leave me alone), and veronica mars/logan (AGAIN LEAVE ME ALONE) and rory/logan (BECAUSE RICH WHITE BOYS NAMED LOGAN ARE A WEAKNESS, APPARENTLY)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? pour one OUT for you can't take the sky from me, which is my firefly inspired harry potter au ft pansy/percy, mostly because I had so many big plans for it that I've completely forgotten AND I just can't write in that fandom at all anymore. sorry everyone, I do love what I put out and I wish there was more of it.
16. What are your writing strengths? prose, smut, tying things together with little bows, and spending way too much time in my characters heads
17. What are your writing weaknesses? dual POVs, getting so lost in one character I don't flesh out the others as much as I mean to, action sequences, and consistent motivation
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done it before (mostly in clean ice, cold hearts, can't lose) and my typical strategy is to indicate that the characters are speaking a diff language (in french, I use guillements and italics) but not to actually WRITE the french, unless it's very short and the POV character doesn't understand it on purpose like in carve.
19. First fandom you wrote for? harry potter baby! my oldest posted fic that I've found online was from 2002, when I was... too young to be interacting with the internet like that, that's for sure.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? carve your name into my chest and it's no contest. I love same as it ever was as well, which I think is a better WRITTEN fic technically speaking, but carve was a huge passion project that I had so much fun with, and the response to it had been one of my favourite things in the world. oh, and special shout out to make this inn our own, which is my second longest fic ever and was just an absolute joy to do. so, those three, I guess!
tagging with no pressure: @riality-check @hereforanepilogue @maxineholtzmann @stevespookington @stevethehairington @withacapitalp and whoever else wants in!
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
So much small foreshadowing and references
The “boring fillers” from season one actually foreshadowing-
Body swap: Titan Luz
Carnival ep: “I loaf you”
The puppet episode: Hexsquad puppets
The rat thing kicking Tinela Nosa out of small crack in all being a reference(??) to when she kicked the rat thing out of that same place to escape boiling rain
i hope you don't mind if i group all your asks into one post, you sent a lot of them and i don't wanna spam agshads (which isn't a bad thing tho!! when i said you could spam me about WAD i meant it, i'm just doing this out of convenience <3)
but yeah right!!! every single episode was important imo, even if there's a couple of them i don't enjoy as much they're still here not only for foreshadowing, but also for worldbuilding, character development, relationship development, etc and i HATE when ppl go "uuuh this is filler actually therefore it's useless" you don't know what you're talking about but go off </3
(i don't remember a puppet episode specifically tho, which one are you referring to??)
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Raine is so op it's INSANE, like they can take on Belos despite being 1 exhausted from the draining spell 2 MIND CONTROLLED TWICE. i love them so much but damn i would never try to get on their bad side AND YEAH THE RAEDA. OUUUGHOGUHOU WE GOT FED
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no but their friendship means so much to me. they're so goofy and cute i want a series about them just hanging out together
and unfortunately i don't think so </3 i expected like at least seeing them interact in the time-ship- like, without dialogues yk?? OR HAVE THEM IN THE SAME SHOT AT THE VERY LEAST AHJSAS GIVE ME MY FAVORITE BROS but yeah he's looking kinda cool ngl!! i think his mustache is real, he would have conjured up a full-on beard if he used illusion magic :')) the one he has rn is a little too ridiculous. i like his new outfit too
and yeah tbh?? that's what she deserves. the fact that she could use magic too to levitate whatever she needed to carry is just. my girl is a mess HASAJHD
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oh yeah totally!! didn't catch that at first, i thought this was just a throwback to what King had said, but when i watched the episode a second time i just froze like WAIT A SECOND NOW. anyway bigender!Papa Titan for the win
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VEE IS WORKING IT. the piercings, the long hair, the outfit like HELLO??? i'm sooo happy she's comfortable enough to visit the BI again too!!!
yeah i was so excited to see Darius and Eberwolf back to normal!!! it cracked me up how Darius asked about Hunter's shirt but not about his scars, but i think he knew what had happened and didn't want to bring it up just yet
and yeah i noticed that too!! i'm so relieved they found a way to remove the sigils, i thought they were gonna be stuck with them
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YES. IM SO HAPPY THEY MANAGED TO FIT THAT IN. i'm not latino so idk how important it is, but i've seen a few fans hoping to see Luz's quinceañera and i'm so glad it actually happened <3
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REAL. they're canon to me, in fact they were already dating during the time-skip
jokes aside, just like their reunion in FTF we all really thought they'd at least blush at each other or something GHASDADS us gustholosers never learn from our mistakes huh
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 10 months
Some Ken/Tex father/son fluff for @artisticmiles post.
(Ft. Some harmless KenGeo<3)
At around 5am, Texas was walking to the barn outside the Statehouse to check on his horse, Ranger. Nobody knew why he woke up this early, but they didn't question it. He was a little surprised when he opened the barn door and saw Kentucky leaning against the wall with a cigarette in his mouth and standing next to his own horse.
Kentucky stood up and took the cigarette out of his mouth and gave Texas a friendly smile. "Hey kiddo!"
Texas returned the smile as he grabbed a brush for Ranger's mane. "Hi Tucky. What're ya doin' up? I thought you would be sleepin' with Georgia." It took Texas a hot second to figure out how dirty that sounded, but when he found out he blushed brighter than the sun."N-Not like that dear god-!!"
Kentucky laughed at his son's friend's embarrassment, tho he blushed a bit as well. "Nah kid. We're saving that for when you kids are outta the house." He said with a click of his tongue and a wink that made Texas groan loudly and hide his face in Ranger's neck. Kentucky laughed at him again.
"Shuddap..." Texas groaned. "But really, what're ya doin' up right now? You're an old man and you need your old man sleep."
"I'm not that old, I'm 34, thank you very much!!" Kentucky said, playfully glaring at the Lone Star State.
"Exactly, old."
"Ughhh- anyways. I'm up cuz I knew you would be up at this hour for some reason, and I wanted to show you something that you might enjoy." Kentucky answered.
"Oh okay. Is it here in DC, or do we need to teleport?" asked the younger but taller state.
"Teleporting, it's in my state. Also we're bringin' the horses too." Answered the older.
"Are we sure that's a good idea? I mean- NY's teleported with his long-rat things (ferrets), but these are full grown quarterhorses."
"I'm sure." Kentucky reassured before they all teleported to his state.
Texas opened his eyes and nearly gasped at the beautiful sight that lay before him.
They were sitting on there horses on top of a large rock. And below them lay a giant waterfall that flowed into a river that seemed to run on for miles and moved calmly with the night's breeze. He could see the reflection of the moon and it's little friends, the stars, on the water's surface. The moon also seemed to create a rainbow over the waterfall. On the other side laid hills and the horizon where the sun would rise within the next hour.
Kentucky chuckled at the younger's amazement before speaking up, breaking the silence of the nature's wonders. "Beautiful huh?"
Texas smiled, "Yeah...".
"This is where I proposed to Georgia. He had the same exact reaction as you when he saw this place." Kentucky said, smiling fondly.
"Yea I can see why. It's- beautiful." Texas said.
Kentucky looked Texas in the eyes, and his heart melted at how happy the younger looked. His dark oak colored eyes twinkled in the moonlight and his smiled shined like the stars themselves. Lord knows when the last time Texas looked so happy and carefree was. He noticed the taller starting to shiver a bit and draped his jacket over him.
"Cmon, kid. Let's get back to the statehouse before Georgia wakes up and wonders where the hell we disappeared off to. Maybe we'll have time to ride the horses around before he lectures me about being up this early and dragging you out here without proper warmth." Kentucky said with a laugh, reaching up to ruffle Texas's hair playfully, knocking off his hat.
Texas laughed a bit as he put his hat back on. "Yea let's go. Perhaps I can distract him long enough for you to hide."
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indianaclems · 1 year
The past is in the past ?
At the military school Nur hears her comrades talking about her mothers.
Person 1: You speak Fang isn't what it used to be and our boss betrayed us
Person 2: No stop chief Namaari is the best and loves her people I remind you that she went so far as to steal the dragon stone
Person 1: It was the days of Chief Virana where Princess Namaari still cared about us before she married the sidewalk princess and we became Heart's minions. Before Fang was powerful today we are the laughingstock of Kumandra
Person 3: Yeah finally it was broken and we know it brought back the Druun
Person 1: Yeah well Heart didn't just have to keep it and then it was Namaari who fixed it and even afterwards to be forgiven she went to Heart to rebuild what was only heaps of ruins...Heart wouldn't be what it is without Fang! And in addition she married their princess to be forgiven... Heart really made us become weak.
Nur: Fang and Heart are not more because we are Kumandra, if the stone was reformed it is because everyone participated and believed in it. Insult my mothers again and I promise you'll regret your words
Person 1: what are you going to tell your momies? Nur don't try to pretend you're not the rat ok?
Nur: do you owe me and my mothers respect?
Person 1: I owe you nothing, you're just a usurper! And I owe nothing to the thief princess, understand? She manipulates our princess and forces her to betray us... I hate heart and they would have done better to remain in stony silence
The others: Well said
Eventually a fight broke out with Nur pouncing on them.
When Nur returns she sees her mothers arguing and being cold, making her think back to the words of her comrades.
When Raya goes to bed she goes to the other end of the bed and the next day she leaves for Heart.
Nur was in the palace moving through the corridors pondering her words.
She arrived at the right floor hesitating to turn around after all it was really a good idea, she spent her time getting angry with her mother and saw the scene the day before she knew it was tense. Nur however decided to go anyway once in front of the door she asked the guard posted in front if the chief was really there and if she already got on with someone. The Guard replied in the negative. Then knocked before waiting for permission to enter with a simple "yes" from inside proving that Namaari was immersed in her work.
The guard, opens the door and steps aside to hold it: Princess Nur asks to see you Chief Namaari
Namaari raised a surprised eyebrow.
Namaari: Well come in, please.
The guard turned his head and nodded, then held out his arm inviting the young girl to enter the room.
Nur appeared and as soon as she faced Namaari she greeted her with the sign of the gem.
Nur: Mother?
Namaari rolled her eyes at the formal expression her daughter had used while looking at the guard. Namaari waved her away. Once the door closed Namaari made Nur come and sit in front of her.
Namaari: What's your visit worth to me? Nothing serious I hope ?
Nur, shook her head: I would like to talk to you
Namaari: I guess it must have been important
Nur: Am I not bothering you?
Namaari: It will be fine, but let's get to the facts, what did you want to talk to me about
Nur played with her fingers a habit she had when she was nervous. Namaari watched her seeing her child's discomfort and she got up from her chair to lean forward and reach for Nur's face, delicately she passed her index finger under her chin to make her raise her head and force her to look at her. Displaying a much softer face she reassured her
Namaari: Nur you know you can tell me anything what's going on ?
Nur: I... It's tricky
Namaari: I'm listening
Nur: When you stole the stone... How did you feel?
Namaari: Ho... I didn't expect that... I'm going to answer you but can I first ask you why?
Nur quickly looked away and Namaari knew that her daughter would not tell her the truth. The way she creased her pants. Her mother knew something else was bothering her
Nur: just like that actually, it's been in my head for a while
Namaari: For no particular reason?
Nur: I guess I'm growing up and I need more than the version you told me when I was little
Namaari seemed satisfied but was not totally convinced but preferred not to push further Nur would talk to her about it when she was ready preferring to let her open up to her rather than questioning her
Namaari: Well. It's not really an easy question. But I will try...Our people were starving and I guess the chiefs of Fang were too proud to ask for help especially your grandmother… She said looking at a bust that was in the room. Fang always wanted to look strong and handsome even though inside it wasn't the same. It was also a survival strategy to deter being attacked at that time our people had been at war for 500 years no one ever trusted each other we would have asked for help from an enemy. It wasn't irrational but it was based on ignorance... An ignorance that caused us to covet our neighbor Heart for their riches an ignorance that caused us to believe that he was so different from us than his success could not be the fruit of their hard work... Why would they have succeeded where we failed? This jealousy drove us to hatred. So when Chief Benja, whom my mother believed to be fundamentally stupid and naive, she saw the way to trick them and ensure our survival without the slightest scruple. But how I was just your age at the time and I attended a lot of my mother's meeting to prepare myself one day to succeed her. Our future being uncertain, my father having died a few years ago. I had to be ready for anything
Nur: It wasn't easy...
Namaari: It wasn't an easy period I grant you. Your grandmother, my mother were discussing with the councilors a plan to obtain the gem. One of them was offering to kidnap Benja's daughter and demand a ransom. But my mother opposed it
Nur: Luckily
Namaari: Ho ! not because she cared about her, of course she wouldn't have hurt a child voluntarily but it wasn't a problem to take it out on your future mother
Nur: Ha ... after Má is formidable
Namaari: We didn't know that then...I didn't know that. The problem was that we didn't know Heart, their guard their traps but above all they were richer than us so very probably stronger it was very risky. I saw it as an opportunity to prove myself, to make my mother proud and to save my people. To be useful to him, to serve him, which every good leader should do. I asked how old the Princess of Hearts was. My mother told me that she was slightly older than me, that she was pregnant with me when Raya was born. My mother had told me that she had lost her young mother, I told myself that it gave us a point in common that I could exploit. She never told me but she knew that Raya's mother died in childbirth and was terrified that the same thing would happen to her that's why Fang at the time didn't attack Heart yet so vulnerable
Nur: We were monsters.
Namaari: We were close to everything for our survival to eat before being eaten, that's all. We had to take care of ourselves before the others
Nur: I understand
Namaari: At that moment I was determined to succeed in my mission. My mother found it risky to know that I was involved in this plot even if I wanted to help.
Nur: Did you come up with this plan?
Namaari: Not in detail obviously but yes pretend to be her friend to get information on the stone then tell everything to our
Nur: At 12? I don't know if I should say you're smart or terribly Machiavellian, I don't want to offend you or anything like that but you scare me a little.
Inside she found her terrifying... She knew she was formidable but there even more... She was happy for once not wanting to be like her even if she was weak
Namaari: Ho you know your mother wanted to welcome us with fire catapults and poison us... She finally succeeded with her stupid jackfruit
Nur: I don't know who's the creepiest
Namaari: I offered that I could tell her about dragons, I was looked at strangely, I said that everyone liked dragons apparently there was only me, I insisted on the fact that I had the parchment of Sisu and that it will allow me to talk about my father and therefore that I could weave a link with the princess of Heart. We worked more than a week tirelessly to be ready. My enthusiasm and determination grew day by day. I remember when we went to Heart I tried to imagine what Raya was like. I thought stupid, spoiled rotten with all the faults in the world, I thought she was weak. When we arrived I understood why my mother thought Benja was stupid and at the same time his words made me hope, I wanted to believe in Kumandra but I couldn't say it. I admit that it hurt my heart a little that we had to stab nice people but I told myself that they were weak and that it was deserved only the strong survived and I was determined to let it be Fang. Heart had enjoyed enough now it was up to Fang to thrive. Benja hadn't convinced too well, the other lands were also angry, it wasn't necessarily a good sign for Fang but we had to play it to our advantage to seem the friendliest. Then there was your mother. I looked at her and so did she. I must say that I found her very pretty. She seemed less full of herself but weak and the first demonstration of her courage was when she came forward to speak and say a stupid sentence but who knew how to break the ice, I was surprised and she on me to make people laugh, in real life it made my work and our rapprochement easier. I had everything near my Sisu collar on display! Everyone loves dragons!
Nur laughed
Namaari: When I was in front of her, I found her warm, very playful, very pretty, she had a pretty voice, a pretty smile! And Sisu worked she was all excited I knew it was working. We went to eat then and we got on with you of course the plan was that I would make her fall under my spell and let her guard down to tell the truth I found her really cute and nice I had hope I would really care that we would be good friends... But that was before I started flirting with her... Apparently my mother saw it and slapped her face
Nur: Did you develop a crush on Má after only a few hours?
Namaari: In my defense your mother had incredible charms she was very intelligent she liked almost everything I liked, fighting, dragons -
Nur: The dragons...
Namaari: Frankly I had no desire to betray her I would have liked not to but I couldn't go back my people were counting on me and otherwise it would certainly end in bloodshed
Namaari: Your mother resisted I would never have believed that she would be so strong... I activated the warning signal that my mother had given me the soldiers arrived but so did everyone. The world finally... One of our soldiers ababatu Benja and there was no way back everyone threw themselves on the stone then it broke. I was terrified
Nur: What has become of the soldier?
Namaari: He was the first druunified I think his statue broke. My mother told her family that he sacrificed himself for Fang so he got the honors. I took all that away once I was boss
Nur: You never forgot it?
Namaari: What should have been a dream turned into a nightmare. We took a piece of the stone and then we fled...I just had time to see Raya carry her father while my mother trained me to flee
Namaari's voice tightened her gaze was lost in the void... In her memories
Nur: What happened next?
Namaari: We came back and had the canal dug as quickly as possibleMany died of exhaustion and then by the Druuns.Terrible sacrifices for which I felt guilty.
She takes a break
Namaari: Then I have guilt every night I had nightmares. I tried to be the best in everything to be stronger and good for Fang. Each time I thought about Raya again... I was convinced that she was petrified by my fault. Unlike the mother, I had more difficulty justifying myself. What happened. Every druunified person. I had broken the world and betrayed my best friend and I had killed her and her people when she offered me her friendship and her generosity. Then she came back like a ghost. It's not easy to see the dead come back to life but I was relieved to know she was alive but I dreaded her revenge. Our people were better and she was a threat so I had to stop her if she had survived the Druun all this time she still could. But I think secretly and subconsciously I wanted her near me in a place where she would be safe outside of Druun and where she would want for nothing. When I saw her again she was unkempt dirty... Yet I found her magnificent and she impressed her the more she missed me the more I fell for her.
Nur: Much to the chagrin of Tatitaya
Namaari: Yes. She chuckled. I could not explain the feeling I felt, she was my enemy yet obsessed me
Nur: I was going to say love but you're freaking out...
Namaari: I wasn't in my best mental health, my mother made sure that I have a roof that I miss that I have an education that I know how to manage but I never learned to recognize my emotions just bury them. And there emotional neglect takes its toll.
Nur: How did you do?
Namaari: Raya was able to forgive me and give me another chance, and with the help of Sisu, your mother, and benja I was able to really redeem and forgive myself
Nur: When you reformed the stone
Namaari: We! This would never have been possible without Raya, without Sisu Boun Noi and Tong. Their trust saved us. And your mother's saved me
Nur: Is that why you married her?
Namaari: Noooo but it's part of the story it has necessarily played
Nur: Well then why?
Namaari: Your mother yes is everything for me, with my people of course, but has for her intelligence her bravery her confidence her kindness her beauty for the person she is I love her. So inevitably it translates into what she does. And I married her because we love each other and I didn't want to spend my life with anyone else... I almost lost her and I didn't want that to happen anymore.
Nur: So it's not to redeem you near Heart?
Namaari: What? *Burst out laughing* Absolutely not... But how did that come to your mind? How would that have been to excuse me? I kinda stole their princess from the bottom... I thought Benja was going to decapitate me when I asked him for his daughter's hand especially since ranchana had chased away one of his peacocks and offered it as a gift on the table just him
Nur was bent double
Namaari: I owe a lot to Benja and your mother and it's a great thing that our two formerly enemy peoples are now united
Nur: I don't know if it's unanimous...
Namaari: We can't erase 500 years of wars like that or the ravages of Druun. It will take time to maintain hope and show that it is possible.
Nur: Thank you Ma
Namaari: When you want Starlight anyway except when I'm -
Nur: Fucking Má wildly on the desk? Yes I know...
Namaari, shocked at her face turning scarlet: NUR!!! So first I don't fuck your mother, we make love
Nur: The difference?
Namaari: Well it's in the word. Love! The fuck there is no feeling
Nur: That's why Má asks you to "fuck me harder"?
Namaari: You didn't hear anything! Didn't see anything, okay?! And I don't want to hear that language from you anymore, am I clear?
Namaari: Is that all you had to ask me?
Nur: Hm... How are you and Má alrigtht ?
Namaari: Yes why?
Nur: Because of yesterday...
Namaari: Oh that? It's normal that we sometimes argue, it doesn't change our relationship
Nur: Are you reconciled?
Namaari: No unfortunately not again this time
Nur: Where is she?
Namaari: She left for Heart to attend the funeral of a friend of her father
Nur: We didn't
Namaari: We didn't know him and I couldn't leave Fang. Don't worry it won't have any consequences
Nur: What did you argue about?
Namaari: Sorry Starlight but that's between your mother and me. Don't worry it's ok when she's back I promise everything will be alright
Nur: When will we go back to Heart?
Namaari: Hm not right away I'm afraid definitely at the start of the next season, after the monsoons. How are you Nur?
Nur: Yes of course
Namaari: How's it going at the academy?
Nur: Yes
Namaari noted that Nur didn't look at her a habit she had when she was lying.
Namaari: you never talk to us about your friends
Nur: Ho I'm just not very good at caring
Namaari: I was like you
Nur: then you understand
Namaari: But that doesn't mean I was fine
Nur: Yes yes I assure you
Namaari: Okay I'm not inciting I believe you but I don't understand why I received a report saying that you had fought?
Nur: Arguing happens, doesn't it?
The guard knocked on the door
Namaari : Yes?
Guard: Talon's emissary has arrived Namaari Chieftain
Namaari, whispering: Damn I forgot that one... He's still going to hold me back so that I lower the prices on the peppers tssss
Nur couldn't help but flash a big smile. Namaari looked at her jaded and patted her nose
Namaari: Come on girl I have work to do! But don't think you're going to get away with it, we'll have a discussion about your behavior!
Nur rolled her eyes
Namaari: And then the report doesn't even tell me who won
Nur left smiling
Namaari, resumed her pokerface: Bring it to an end as soon as possible
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koqabear · 1 year
okay. starting this off by saying that i refer to mc as both mc and You in this, so i hope it doesn't get confusing!
sol... friend... *cat hug gif* this was definitely worth the wait because it's by far the best halloween and yandere fic i've ever read and i'm just so amazed at how you manage to outdo yourself Every Time?? and that the time and work you spent on this were worth every single second because holy shit do i have so much to say 😭😭 it'll probably read as an analysis essay so i just want to apologize beforehand but you're gonna have to bear with me because. there's just so much i want to cover 🙏🏼
for starters, i just want to talk about how amazing the building and development was for beomgyu and yeonjun, in fact i think they deserve their own paragraphs because they were two extremely distinct characters despite having the same goal which was getting mc (meee :3) to recognize and love them
i'll start off with beomgyu, not because he's my bias or anything but because i feel that he was just so much more complex? from the very beginning, it was very clear that he'd be the instigator and aggressor. sure, you can't help but take a peak at a photo album, fine. that's excusable. curiosity got the best of you. now, i don't know if this is exactly what you had in mind while you were writing, but this is just how i interpreted it so feel free to correct or add onto this next part! when you first posted the teaser, i was immediately suspicious of beomgyu, aside from the snooping and having a guilty conscience which leads him to say he didn't do something he did, he also mentioned installing software and adblockers onto mc's laptop. innocent, right? not to me! i immediately suspected him of doing something like installing a rat (remote access trojan, for those who don't know) to hack into her webcam, to watch and spy on her, and what does he do? he does just that! and if that wasn't bad enough, he watches her have sex with jaemin and gets off on it. it was these two scenes that really set the tone for who beomgyu was going to be in this story, so it was really no surprise to me that he was the one who came up with the plan to team up to get rid of jaemin. in fact, he was probably the one who came up with the plan for soobin too, but i'll get into that later. 
for now, i'll talk about yeonjun and his development—more specifically beomgyu's manipulation and how it changes him (or so we thought). rest assured that i will come back to talk about this again because it goes full circle, but ANYWAYS! yeonjun, for the most part, is nothing like beomgyu. that much was obvious to me. both his relationship with mc, maintaining boundaries (both friendship and privacy ones, cough BEOMGYU) are complete opposite of beomgyu's. instead of being a stranger, who can easily sneak peaks into your private folders, sneakily hack into your webcam and watch you do mundane things in what's supposed to be the comfort of your own home—yeonjun is mc's friend, and her best friend at that. he would never think of stalking you, your classmate and "boyfriend", not without a little push at least. he'll just watch from afar, casually inserting himself in your friend groups, following you when you both went off to college—standing outside of the restaurant you're currently at on a date with your classmate. yeonjun would only watch from afar, never really taking any action for his feelings for mc. beomgyu sees this and he takes advantage of it. he pushes yeonjun because if he just stands on the sidelines his whole life, how will mc ever notice him? and after beomgyu gets that into yeonjun's head, he slowly, but surely, falls to his demise.
beomgyu acts as the devil, slowly corrupting yeonjun to the point of no return and i think a really great way of introducing this as well as showing their differences was in the scene where beomgyu first introduces the idea of teaming up and mc finally makes her way over to them. beomgyu lies so easily to mc, as if he does it all the time and without a care in the world, whereas yeonjun hates it. he hates that he has to follow along with the lie beomgyu comes up with because he can't tell mc what they were actually talking about. this leads me to my next point—beomgyu gets yeonjun to do things he wouldn't normally do. after teaming up with beomgyu, yeonjun stalks jaemin with the intent of catching him cheating and he does, so just as planned, he goes to tell mc and plan sabatoge jaemc's relationship is in motion! until it's not anymore and mc accidentally goes off the grid to visit her aunt for a few days and by the time she comes back, beomgyu has just suggested the idea of tracking devices and cameras to yeonjun so he can keep a closer eye on her, but surprise surprise! guess who is one step ahead or behind, really? yeonjun! he's only ever thought of the things beomgyu has already done to invade mc's privacy and all he needed was that push from beomgyu and a little stressful situation to prove he's just as bad (hehehe see what i did there?) as beomgyu and by the end of the night not only are there two rats on mc's laptop, but now she has a fun little tracking chip on her phone <3 both courtesy of none other than the devil on yeonjun's shoulder: beomgyu!
after this is where things really start to get interesting. both of them have invaded mc's privacy and now it's just a question of how far they're willing to go—which is extremely fucking far apparently. this was my favorite part to read, mainly because it was the first turning point of the story and i absolutely loved how you suddenly closed off beomgyu and yeonjun's thoughts and perspectives because with soobin involved now, it really had me questioning all three of them 😭 at first i thought it was soobin because as i was reading the letter i immediately picked up on the "i just wish i could get you on your own," and i connected it back to him saying, "i'm glad he's gone though, cause now i get you to myself!" but then i noticed how the letter said "i'm content simply watching from the sidelines," and "but there's always someone that wants to get in the way of us," which i connected back to yeonjun. so i was really conflicted and even more when there was a picture of mc at the cafe because it really could've been either of them... by the second letter, although i was still thinking of soobin, i noticed how the pictures would only have beomgyu or yeonjun with mc by themselves and never together and my suspicion of them only grew when you wrote "even when they were taken in the same locations, the camera angles were always different and unpredictable." i thought it was almost as if... two different people were taking them 🤔🤔 but then you completely threw me off my track and back to soobin with the note soobin left mc saying "...but take it as a token of my gratitude in return for what you did :)" and if that wasn't enough, you threw me back on the right track again with the missing camera footage because (i don't know how i connected this) if beomgyu and yeonjun both have access to her laptop and can see what she's doing on it, surely they can access what's on the laptop and tamper with it? BUT THEEENNN you threw me OFF track AGAIN with the texts from "soobin" and the very last letter... it just had to be soobin with the way he noticed mc being different and did nice things for her like taking off workloads and making sure she was okay. "i miss seeing you happy." i was like ofc it's soobin! until it wasn't.
fast forward, mc is now in the cage cabin and the ghost of soobin (yes, his ghost. i am very convinced this part was not a hallucination) is mad as hell because oh my god?? "did you ever hear me admit to it?” “don’t you ever wonder what i was trying to tell you? you’re so cruel.” MAN!!! i know he was heated 😭😭 i can't even blame him... hallucination or not, he had a point! sure he couldve talked a bit faster and maybe he wouldnt have died but a good story >>>> logic 🙏🏼 my poor soobin though..... 😢 i was thinking he should get his own ghost spin off just bc i felt so bad like omg my fucking meow meow??? they (i) killed him!! 😭😭😭 he deserved so much better though fr.,,,
the story gets even more interesting at the cabin though, because now beomgyu and yeonjun have just succeeded in getting mc to rely on them so now they're in this weird little demented honeymoon stage where they coddle her and delude her into thinking this is what's good for her, that they're all she needs which makes her even More dependent on them but eventually this passes and mc opens her eyes to see what's Really happening and the facade slowly begins to crack once she starts thinking of leaving. manipulation is x1000 here, and surprisingly it's from Both of them.  beomgyu is way too good at manipulating and guilt tripping mc because when he used her murdering soobin Against her to keep her inside i was like damn..... he's sick for that! but it was expected, so when YEONJUN did the same thing after mc realizes he's hiding something from her i was like omg....? this is fr all beomgyu's fault! yeonjun took a beomgyu manipulation and guilt tripping 101 class and aced it
anyways they start using soobin against her, they make her wear a dog collar with a bell that's actually a tracking device and when she tries to escape, they cuss at her and isolate her as punishment despite her having had a fever, which is. courtesy of beomgyu... again. isn't he just the sweetest!
also, since i've basically implied that i think beomgyu is the crazier one because he is CAN I JUST SAY. the scene where they're spying on mc while she's trying to comfort herself after a hallucination and beomgyu Sexualizes it. yeah that did not help his case at all he definitely had a few screws loose because what the fuck 😭 
and just when i thought they couldnt get any crazier.... They go completely off the fucking rails because not only does beomgyu choke mc and tell her he doesn't care if she dies (i mean i kind of figured after the whole punishment despite her being on the bed with a fever and the implied starving Again) but yeonjun opens his eyes (briefly) and saves mc from dying by stabbing beomgyu. then that single stab turns into numerous and yeonjun has officially: lost it. he kind of gets it back together though and this is the part where i mentioned it going full circle BECAUSEEE as he's begging mc for forgiveness he tries to blame it on beomgyu, insisting that it was all him and up next is my favorite part:
i absolutely hate when things are written in all caps like this in fanfictions but i LOOOOVEDD this 😭😭🙏🏼
and then it just cuts off here bc i went to sleep... – ml
Specific points are addressed below the cut!
(About Beomgyu)
-Yes! Beomgyu was always meant to sort of be the “mastermind” of it all. By pushing others to do things he wants, he gets the saftey rope of being able to go “but it wasn’t me!”— hence his absolute joy when mc kills Soobin. He’s someone who’s quick to take advantage where he sees fit, and is just a very apathetic character overall— if anything, he saw how easy it was to get rid of Jaemin and thought “if we can get away with that, we can probably get away with more.” I think a big part of him was that he almost got a thrill from how far he could push boundaries and get away with it. 
(About Yeonjun)
-The best part about writing Yeonjun was that he genuinely believed he was better than others— even though he didn’t show it, he used his long friendship with the mc as a way to feel superior, which only got worse as Beomgyu fed into it more and more. I'm glad you touched on this! It’s what made the story so fun to write 🫶
(Abt. beomjun’s relationship)
-I can’t express how giddy it feels to know that you’re picking up on such details!! Yeonjun has never been innocent— it was all an act, afterall. And, most of this time he’s simply been looking for an excuse to do the things he does. Not only is Beomgyu manipulating him, but Yeonjun is allowing it, because he needs a real reason for his actions— he would never act on such thoughts on his own, he’s simply too innocent for that! 
(Abt. The stalker/letters)
-This paragraph always makes me smile so hardakshw 
I think the third act was definitely my favorite to write! I was worried that closing off the perspectives of Yeongyu would be seen as an easy way out to make others suspect Soobin— but I’m happy to hear it worked out just as I planned!! 
There’s actually a reason as to why Soobin gave the mc the note— “a token of my gratitude…” but I won’t disclose why until someone points it out 🤭 (which is unlikely, but still!) but Yeongyu were very careful when it came to covering up their tracks— making sure that the letters weren’t too personal and were written to make it seem like one person was a good tactic. The idea of the letters only really came up once Soobin showed up— and it was only more convincing because of how persistent Soobin was to gain mc’s affection. 
But alsoooo, because Beomgyu has access to the mc’s laptop, of course he would go farther to cover up their tracks! He knew it would unerve her even more, which only made her more dependent in the end <3
(What if Soobin spoke faster?)  -Yes…. Soobin couldve gotten to the point much quicker 😭 BUT here’s where I enjoy the idea of this scenario— it wouldn’t have worked out in the end. 
Soobin is a very emotional character in this story— and is also very easy to manipulate by yeongyu. We all saw how reckless he became at the realization of who the stalker was; he became violent and unstable, because he knew he was in danger. In the end, it would’ve been Yeongyu that killed him, had he gotten his words out faster— but of course, only in self defense! He was unstable after all. 
(Beomjun’s honeymoon phase) -I can’t begin to imagine how giddy gyu was to see mc killing Soobin—because not only is he sick enough to find it endearing and think that her love was so intense for them (him) too that she was willing to kill for them (him) (it was actually because of adrenaline and panic, but he’ll keep those rose tinted glasses on no matter what) but he also saw it as a new, glorious way to manipulate and guilt trip her! His innocence is intact, but her’s isn’t— the mc is also a very empathic and emotional character, which only becomes her downfall because of how quick Beomgyu is to take advantage of that. 
(Beomgyu is off the rails!/ his ability to constantly sexualize mc)
-I laughed so hard at this because BOY do I have something to say about that!! 
I never stated this explicitly, but Beomgyu gets offff on her vulnerability!! I was going to write a scene where she’s literally breaking down and sobbing, and Beomgyu’s first instinct is to overstimulate her until she can’t think straight (it was originally going to be the scene where Beomgyu first kisses her in the cabin, but I decided against it.) but I didn’t want to make it seem like the smut was only there because I wanted to be self indulgent and romanticize their relationship. (Yes, the smut did have a point to it!)
(Abt. the ending) 
-I’m going to elaborate more on this part in the next ask, but yes. Yes yes yes the climax was SO fucking fun to write. 
I love you soooo much for this, I can’t begin to explain how grateful I am for such a lengthy and detailed review!!! Thank you so much, I’ll answer your next ask after this !! 
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bregee13 · 5 months
Thumbelina 1 (part 3)
(part one) (part two)
Anyway, back at home...
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In the movie Mama instead says how much she hates frogs. Interesting.
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Also in the movie, Maya wants to keep the frog. Interesting. Again.
So Maya (annoyed) throws the frog out the window. Maya has quite the attitude, huh? She just flings it out the window.
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Maya you brat.
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DAAAANG MOM!!! Did you REALLY have to throw shade at your own daughter like that?? Though I guess that’s a good way to get her interested.
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Maya. You said you didn’t care 5 seconds ago.
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She says as he Mama laughs and the scene fades to her reading the book to her lol.
So after she starts reading, she gets all sleepy.
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But much to the dismay of Maya, Mama falls asleep and drops the book.
Maya is about to storm out of the room in frustration when she picks up the book herself.
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Huh, I didn’t know she has blue eyes. I thought they were like brown or green or something. Oops.
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(Edit: hey this has been sitting in my drafts since 2020. Which was 3 to 4 years ago... I didn't finish this series as getting screenshots, comparing to the 'movie', and recapping this heavily made me burn out lol. I'll continue blogging these episodes, just a lot differently. And without the small image limit we had in 2020, no reason to split each episode into several posts like this!)
As for things current me would like to add about the episode, here we go;
In the anime, the frogs show up seeking revenge for Maya mistreating them and throwing Hoppy's mom out the window earlier. However, in the 'movie', this connection is not made and instead they are just there looking for a bride for their son Hoppy. In both versions, they try to kidnap her for this reason, but fail.
There seems to be a bit of hatred toward to human race from some characters. Or maybe that's just the rat. It'd be interesting to see that point come up again in the future.
The way Maya mistakes both the good and bad witch for her mother is so sad.
Can you imagine being a little kid who lost their mom, seeing the image of her morph into a twisted being that maybe wants to hurt you? Dang!
Anyway, that's the end of the first episode reactions! Watch it if you haven't yet!
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Nona the Ninth, John 19:18(1)
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For detail on The Locked Tomb coverage and the index, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(No icon) In which someone wishes he hadn't signed up for the cool cow facts newsletter the way he did.
The water keeps rising in the dream. He raises some land that was covered by the sea. She asks him if it's hard, but he says the hard part "was remembering that he could do it, and not just doing things the old difficult way."(2) On the newly exposed land is a concrete building, surrounded by cracked bone.(3) They don't go near it.
He says, there wasn't much time left, but the old financial backers for his project were the most scared of them. They kept trying to say that John was working with this or that country, to prove what he was doing wasn't real. John just kept offering to help.
They all had warrants for arrest from interpol. Sometimes, people would ask to leave the compound, and he let them, whether they were reporting back to the CIA or scared of being caught there. He didn't care, really, because he only really trusted his inner circle anyway.
He tried to bring Ulysses and Titania back from the dead, but couldn't make it work. The nun said their souls were gone, and it took him a long time to listen to her. Both of them were right, but that's a different part of the story.
In the dream, he gets angry, storms off, kicks rocks. Eventually he comes back, and says, they took the ships away and said they'd be focusing on FTL instead, faster-than-light, even though it was never really about light speed. They claimed the cryo plan got shut down because it wasn't safe enough, they'd only got it down to an 8% chance of permanent damage, and they never fixed maternity--
Here he broke off and couldn’t speak for a while. When he spoke again he said, We were the ones who argued them down to 8%. They were ready to go when we were just in the seventies, they were all, ooh, everyone knows it’s a risk, and it’s not like it’s thirty percent fatality, it’s thirty percent chance of damage, what’s that even, ooh. He said, They hadn’t given a fuck about maternity, said people should terminate before they got packed as a rule. When M— had been all, I will not accept those numbers, I will not accept a plan that incorporates reproductive injustice,(4) and we stood beside her, we said that’s not acceptable, they whinged about the money for a while and eventually said fine. And now they were acting like eight percent wasn’t good enough. Like we hadn’t tried.
The trillionaires were acting as though they had made the holy grail, when it was obvious to John that something was wrong, and A- pointed out some flaws in the plan. The trillionaires said they'd send out twelve ships first, a proof of concept to set up beacon frequencies for the others to follow.
He said, We knew how much those ships cost. We couldn’t even imagine how much FTL engines cost, but we could guess. We knew how much each ship could carry. In the cryo cans, we could cram in billions, that was cryo’s saving grace. Whereas they were staffing ships with a living crew, no sleepers, big-ass ships with thousands of live staff. When we pointed that out they kept saying we were crazy, we were kooks, we were monsters. They kept saying cows watched sunsets. At that point I wished I’d used the fucking conspiracy theorists instead of the cows. Nobody would’ve cared if I’d turned people inside-out who think vaccines have nanites in them that mine cryptocurrency.(5) But cows watch sunsets, man!
M- said this was why they took the cryo plan away in the first place. The rich rats wanted to scatter to safety and leave the rest behind. A- agreed, which just made it worse. He wasn't even sure the FTL claim was real. John assured them that no one would fall for it, they'd have to give numbers, they'd have to prove they were making the other ships. Look at the uproar when he "proved magic was real and turned Bidibidi inside out(6) because we didn’t trust the cops." There's no way they could pull it off.(7)
At that moment in the dream he got up off the car, and he said, “Fuck,” in a normal voice, and then he said, “FUCK,” so loudly that it echoed off the crumbling concrete shell and the bones and was carried off into the mist. She watched him walk the field, three times, five times, ten. On the eleventh, he squelched through the mud to her and collapsed in front of the car and he said, They left you, they left you. They saw you suffering on dollar-shop life-support, and they didn’t look back. They didn’t give a fuck about trying to save you. They left. She said, "I don't remember." He said, "I can't forget."
(1) John 19:18 is "Where they crucified him, and with him two others, one on each side, and Jesus in the midst." Not quite as relevant, John isn't exactly crucified here… though, his reputation is. A1Z26 brings us to THETOWERHASR. The tower (or Tower?) has what? Good question, next question. (2) Remembering that he can do this, because it's a lucid dream, and you can control things in those? Or does he have yet more powers we don't know yet? (3) The facility. (4) Makes Mercy's reaction to Wake's use of the samples look just a little different in hindsight, if you go back to Harrow chapter 50. (5) Explicit reference to actual modern conspiracy theory in our actual real world. (6) I can find that Bidibidi is a village in Uganda that became a refugee camp, and that there's a bush by the scientific name of acaena novae-zelandiae that's commonly known as "red bidibid". I don't know why or how something called Bidibidi was turned inside out. Help is once again welcomed! (7) I dunno about you, but I have a funny feeling the trillionaires did not, in fact, end up pulling off this escape.
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