#anyway I have another viewing at 6:30 tomorrow
midnightsprincess · 5 months
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rojacatmisa · 3 months
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Chapter 8 ➺ Confusion and directions 
Starting over In Madrid
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
After moving to Madrid as the new Real Madrid photographer, Nicky's eyes can't look away from the pretty face of Misa Rodriguez. But how is she going to handle her growing desire for the Canarian goalkeeper when her working contract's strictly forbidding her to date players? Chapter 1 ➺ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➺ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➺ Calmly panicking Chapter 4 ➺ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➺ Valleys and peaks Chapter 6 ➺ Paris est magique! Chapter 7 ➺ In the haze
tw: suggestive content 7K words
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A warm wind entered the window, sending ripples through the curtains and the bedsheets. I shivered but wasn’t cold, the light breeze welcomed on that hot evening in the Spanish capital. The goalkeeper’s tan hands rubbed me and her arms enfold me more. 
Misa buried her face in my hair, her nose graze my ear as she inhaled deeply. I shivered again, not from the wind this time “¿Tienes frío?“ she asked. I shook my head, I felt just warm out and inside.
We were laying naked in my bed, the window wide opened in hope to gain a bit of the fresher air from the outside but the curtain drawn to shied us from the neighbor view was blocking most of it. Even if our sweaty skins stuck, Misa was holding me tight against her as she couldn’t feel the heat from our body clumped together. 
Her mouth brushed my jawline as she continued to heavily breath. I turned around for our lips to meet, my palm fell on her cheek and my fingers gently closed into her hair to pull her mouth against mine. My arousal came back as we slowly kissed. “I better stop or we’ll go for another round“ I said. The goalkeeper smiled, and dragged her lips to my jaw again. 
“I wouldn’t mine“ she murmured but then was taken by a big yawn. “Oh, perdon.”
I planted a kiss on her cheekbone “You look so tired. We’ll have plenty of time another day. What’s on your schedule tomorrow?”
“I have to wake up early to go do some commercials and I’ve med and physio appointments on the afternoon, and training at 6’ ”, Misa yawned again. “You?”
“I’m working on photo direction for the end of the season. You know, retrospective, strong moments, stuff like that… I think I’ll go for something emotional but fun.” I paused and sighted. I had been very sad to learn Sofie Svava was leaving among others. I knew it was harder for Misa who had really connected with the Danish defender. The goalie blinked several times and I quickly changed subject “I’ll show up quickly at training as usual. I’m not complaining, I wanted a stimulating job but I could do with some holidays!”
“Oh si, vacaciones !” Misa shifted, unstucking our skins with a wince. I pulled away from her for us to cool down a bit and we laid on our sides, facing each other. “By the way, what did you do before joining the Real?” she asked me. 
“I was working for a communication agency that was working for… banks. I was so bored! You can’t imagine how many smiling men in their 30’s with thick glasses I have photographed. Or boxes, yes boxes, banks are fan of boxes: closed boxes, opened boxes, full boxes, empty boxes… I even did a box with people diving in it once.“
Misa chuckled “Did you do a box with a 30 years old man with glasses in it ?“
I burst of laugher “I did not ! Oh my god, what a nightmare it was ! Anyway, moving to Madrid is the best thing that could have happened to me !“ 
We both grinned. Misa’s smile had the nerve to be both adorable and gorgeous every time. I couldn’t help but think she was the best thing that had happened to me. She was wonderful just staring at me like that. 
Then her expression changed to uncertainty. “You said… it wasn’t only because of your job you wanted to leave, right ?” the brunette demanded, an implicit question lingering behind. 
The soft and curious look of her almond eyes broke down my last barrier. I bit my lips and swallowed, clinging to her brown gaze as I recalled what I had tried to leave behind. 
“Er… my ex had dumped me. She had found somebody else. We had been together for three years and a half…“ I rolled onto my back, unable to bear her look anymore and stared at the celling instead. 
“The worst part of it was it lasted, the break up. She let our relation rot but wouldn’t leave me, she probably had cheated on me with her new girl during the last months. At the end I was angry and sad to the point I cheated on her too. And I’m really not proud of that on so many levels… That was when she had known she had broke with me for good. She wasn’t mad or what, she just didn’t love me anymore for a long time but hadn’t had the wits to leave me. In a way, I think I provoked it myself. I just couldn’t go for more. It had to stop.“
My eyes stayed on the ceiling as I remembered the pain I was in. 
Misa came to lay her head on my shoulder, her eyes not crossing my gaze. “I’m sorry Cariño…”. She simply stay there, her warmth comforting this time. “We’re not talking about it again if you don’t want to, I was curious but I didn’t want you to feel bad.”
“No, I’m glad I told you.” I lift my arm for her to settled better and wrapped it around her. My mouth tipped her forehead. “It’s over now and I don’t regret anything”
“Mucho mejor” she said and we stayed silent a moment. Misa closed her eyes. She seemed to start drowsing. 
“What about you? I mean with… girls?” I inquired awkwardly and she let out a short chuckle but answered anyway, her eyelids still shut. 
“I’ve had a few relationships, mostly footballers. It’s simpler to understand each other but every type of relation brings its own problem. Football is a very competitive sport. Everything quickly become a conflict of interest and one day it affects you.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry too…” I waited a moment and went on, getting Misa didn’t want to say more, “so now you’re hooking up with a girl from your own club staff, but illegally !“ I laughed.
The brunette lift herself “Hey! You hadn’t warned me from the start!” 
“I tried to stop you but you were stubborn ! You don’t like when a girl resists you!“
Misa opened her mouth wide “Like you didn’t want too! You didn’t look at Hayley like that, I could tell there was something!”
I blushed, finding her hands and intertwining our fingers, but replied “I’ve never said I didn’t want you, I’m saying I didn’t made it easy and you took it as a challenge.” 
“Pfff Nicky… ” Misa lifted herself over me and pined my hands up my head and onto the pillow. I breathed hard and she added with a naughty look, “You have never resisted me”.
I snorted but felt turned on again by her dominative behavior. I tried to free myself in vain as I searched a way to thwart her and failed at both. The goalkeeper’s hold was far to strong for me. 
“You like that, eh ?” I provoked her “But I think I know what you'll like more!”
Misa just smirked with satisfaction “Ah si ? Show me what I'll like more than that?” and she let go of my hands. 
I fainted to be soft and started to kiss her tenderly, sensing her relaxing but a little perplex. Slowly, I lift myself and pressed against her to make her lay on her back. I was still very soft when I came over her, my hands finding hers and pushing them against the mattress. 
My grip on them suddenly harden and I felt her moan. I hold back my kisses as I placed my legs between hers, forcing them apart and spreading them wide. Misa’s lips fell opened as a new whine escaped them. She didn’t even tried to fight back as I kissed her fiery, turning the brunette’s breath into rasps.
I pulled back, embracing the vision of the hottest girl I ever had abandoning herself to me. “Yes, that’s what I thought.”
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Late spring life at the ciudad was soft and lively like the light wings fluttering in my stomach. Real Madrid girls were preparing theirs last matches of the season and were still working hard in spite of their tiredness. Everyday, training sessions had a fresh and spicy taste, photographing all the players and trying not to focus on one particularly. But when nobody was watching, I was aiming at the tall and tan goalkeeper at once, capturing her body suspended in the air, the concentration drawing her features, the tension of her legs awaiting for the next jump. 
Several time a week, Misa and I took our respective car to go to one of our place, relieved to escape the ciudad where the two of us were really careful not to show anything more that friendship. We would meet in front of the building, already happy to be on our own, touching hands, smiling timidly. But as soon as we set foot in the apartment, we would kiss tenderly for long minutes. After an entire day having to keep my distance, I would feel I couldn’t get enough of us being close, her large hands pulling me against her and locking me there while we would make out more heatedly. 
We would head to the bedroom shortly, pulling off our cloths on the way. We would stay a moment stroking our bare skins, kissing more, chuckling lightly sometimes as our limbs intertwined and mess with the bedsheets. I had to say that Misa was unravelling a world of fantasy I hadn’t ever dreamt of. She could be soft but also rough, and, like I had guess, rather needy as well. Misa liked to be touched a lot and I couldn’t be happier with that, enjoying way too much to have her under my hands. We were still at the time of discovery, understanding and taming each other’s body. We would try this, and that, driven by the increasing need of each other. Maybe we were making up in bed the intimacy we couldn’t have in the outside. 
Our business done, we would lay in each other’s arms, and often talk for hours. Misa was a chatty person when it came to have fun and talk rubbish, however like she did at my place, she didn’t seem appealed to tell about more personal stuff yet. On the contrary, I was finding myself ready to open more with the goalkeeper. I was thrilled for us to share that kind of connexion but I respected Misa’s pace and didn’t try to push things. For now, our evening usually ended up doing silly stuffs like trying every filter on our phone, or improving a blind test for each other, laughing late in the night. 
And all this time, I was equally trying to find the answer of the question Angela had planted. Was Misa liking me like I did ? 
Back on the field, I noticed I wasn’t the only one to sometime loose my focus during work. I often took a glimpse of the goalie looking in my direction a fraction of second before pulling away. When she could feel I was shooting at her, she would smile very lightly and focus even more than usual, her grin turning bashful when she would fail at stopping the ball. 
But Misa was Misa, whole hearted at everything yet she could be very nonchalant. When training and working duty didn’t kept her, she was always willing to hang out together even if was mostly at home, still I could feel she was holding back like she was afraid of something.
Therefore, I couldn’t be sure. I couldn’t bring myself to believe it if was not true. 
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Summer was there and with it the prospect of my best friend Angela’s imminent visit but the end of the season was still having me crawling under work, lengthening the days. On the top of the usual tasks, I had to create the portraits of the new players’ arrival. 
I met the new team members, many came from other Spanish clubs. Presentations and shooting was cool. I got along well with Alba Redondo from Levante and with a girl from France named Léa Koffi who would be the second goalkeeper. Accompanied by a designer team, I had planned a classy and funny decor: an arch way opening to a background of the city of Madrid, all in white with navy blue outlines to match the club identity. The players had play nicely with the set, taking various poses. My boss Ana had slipped to me that she was very happy with my work and she was thinking of discussing new perspectives with me soon. 
Logically, at the end of the day, I was feeling on a cloud and could’t wait to tell Misa everything. We were all invited to a goodbye party at Sofie’s home tonight. I insisted to pick Misa and Hayley up at their places as they were planning to drink when I wasn’t, for I had offered Sofie to play the professional photographer all night.
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I did not wait long for the brunette as I parked as usual in front of her building. Misa opened the passenger’s door to slip inside the car, a forced smile stretching her tensed features. 
“Hey Misa, are you good ?” I asked her, intrigued.
“Hola Nicky, I’m ok.” She said but blinked several time. 
“You sure ? ” I dared to insisted, putting my hand on her shoulder, getting worried.
She looked at her lap, answering in a shaky voice “I thought I’ll be alright but I guess I’ll never get used to see a friend go.”
“Oh, come here Sweetie” I said opening my arms. Misa leant forward and let hear head fall on my neck. I decided not to dig on it, unsure if she wanted to share more and told her the good new instead in hope to lift her spirit.
“You know, today Ana said she’s very happy with me, I think I might get a promotion or something !” I told her eagerly, omitting the arrivals part on purpose in fear she’d think about Sofie again. 
Misa leant back. To my surprise, a look of dismay flickered on her pretty face. Her smiled was still forced when she congratulated me “Oh bravo Nicky !”. But suddenly, she seemed on the verge of tears and it broke me to see her so sad. 
I hugged her again and stroked her broad shoulders rising up and down with her deep breathing. What was going on with Misa? The good news seemed to have saddened her even more. She must feel really torn by the Danish girl leaving. 
“I’m gonna miss Sofie too at the ciudad” I whispered as my fingers gently brushed her hair, and I felt an urge to tell her about my feelings, to tell her that I was here for her. The words stayed in my throat. The brunette repressed a sniff and wrapped her arms tight around me when her shoulders started to shake. 
“I got you Misa” my words bored their meaning and more. I hugged her as tight as I could while she silently cried, her fingers grasping my shirt and her wet face pressing more against the side of my neck. 
Like after the Clasico, I realized Misa’s nerves were giving out. I started to doubt Sofie’s departure was the only reason for the break down of the strong goalie. I chose my words carefully, daring to venture into Misa’s insecurities. “It’s not only about Sofie, right ?” I asked, back at caressing her gently. 
She sniffed again, sobs escaped her body now and I searched the glove box for tissues. Misa pulled away from me as I handed her one. My heart broke again when I saw her face shining with tears. She blowed and breathed out slowly to calm herself down. 
“Lo siento” she said. I put my hand on hers, yet silently waiting to see if she wanted to tell more. Indeed, the goalie continued. “As you know, I had a rough season and I guess everything crashed on me tonight. I have the international break in a week. I know I’m probably going to be benched… Real Madrid’s not doing well enough. I’m not doing well enough… It’s been my best and worst year since I started football, and therapy is helping but I… I don’t really know where I’m at right now” she stopped, breathing hard again as a tear rolled on her cheek.
“I know Misa. And I’ve told you how I feel about that. You don’t have to be that hard on yourself. You have to gain your self confidence back. I don’t think you’ll succeed at it by flagellating yourself match after match.” 
I warped my arms around her shoulders. “And I know it doesn’t mean much sportily but you impressed me every day.” She broke a small true smile at last. “Though it’s true I have never dated a footballer before, so maybe that doesn’t count…” I added grinning and squeezing her shoulders possessively.
Misa’s gaze lingered on me before going back on her lap. “Nicky…” she mumbled. 
She stayed with her mouth opened but no sound came out. My heartbeat quickened. What was she going to say ? 
“Nicky…" she repeated, her red eyes went back to mine, unblinking. I froze, hanging on her lips, waiting for them to form the words. "Nicky… I…"
"Hum ?" a questioning sound escaped mine to encouraged her. Misa closed and opened her lips again. "I…" My heart was going to burst. If only she could just say it ! 
"...I’m not only a footballer, you are dating a goalkeeper, we are a special species." she finally said, her teasing tone back.
"What ?" I was so disappointed and taken aback by her change of behavior I didn’t registered what she meant. 
Misa started to laugh, frankly "You should see your face ! You look like I had confess to you my deepest secret !" I swallowed and pulled away, thinking hard I wished she had told me that instead of going back to joking again. 
I felt her hands taking my face back to hers to pull me into a kiss. “Perdon Nicky, y gracias para tu apoyo Cariño, I’m feeling better and I think we should get going.” she said before adding “I’m impressed by your ability to find the right words of comfort”.
I grinned, a bit lifted, and turned on the engine. 
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Misa, Hayley, that we had picked up on the way, and I arrived at Sofie’s home among the last. Her flat was crowded with people chatting in small groups, loud music attendant the few dancers in the middle of her living. They were hugs and sweets words but the atmosphere was relaxed and festive. 
Sofie accompanied us to the kitchen and signaled where drinks were to the girls. She served me a grapefruit juice while Misa and Hayley improvised themselves barmaid and eagerly started to mixed various beverages together. I left the two friends to their business and followed Sofie back to the living where I would set a photocall.
I was peering at the guests while Sofie and I installed the background, lights and tripod in a corner of the room. Most of them were familiar faces from Real Madrid but I noticed a few people I didn’t know. A blond guy and a Latina women approached us raising their glasses to toast. 
"To our favorite Danish tourist !" the women said. 
"Thank you Carmen !" Sofie responded. "Carmen, this is Nicky, she’s Real Madrid photographer and a dear friend. Nicky, this is Carmen, she made me discover every corner of Madrid, basically. And this is her boyfriend Swen. I wouldn’t have settled here that well if it wasn’t to them", she sighted of emotion and went on. "But I hadn’t thought of it, Nicky’s been only here for six months, maybe you could take her around since you won’t have to look after me anymore". 
"Of course we can ! So, I can see you’ll be our photographer tonight as well ! Class !" Swen said. 
The three of us started to chat happily. Swen was attracted to arts and planned to show me new trendy places. Carmen really liked food and walks and had far too many addresses to recommend for almost anything I would want to eat, or any type of ride in and around the city. They were the first to strike a pose in the newly installed photocall. After that, we exchanged numbers and the couple went to joined other friends. 
I photographed a few people and time passed quickly. After a while, I went to the terrace to get some fresh air and leant against the guardrail, watching the city by night stretching in the horizon. I had fell in love with Madrid as well, I thought, peering at rooftop in the distance. I felt all good here and the idea of having new friends to discover more of the city warmed me.
Still, I was confused by Misa’s behavior in my car. Why hadn’t she said what she wanted ? She had seemed so troubled and became a tease the second after. Why had she changed her mind at last moment ? I felt annoyed, Misa really was hard to follow sometimes. 
"Hey…" I jumped at the voice of the goalkeeper. "You’re alright ?"
"Yeah, I’m taking a break" I responded as didn’t want to make a scene for nothing. 
"Venga" Misa pulled me to a part of the terrace sheltered from the inhabitant’s view. She took me in her arms and kissed me with passion. She tasted alcohol with a hint of coconut. I felt stiff, I couldn’t relax with so many Real Madrid members in the room next to us and Misa pulled back. 
"I feel I’ve been kind of a jerk earlier…" she began nervously. Her moves were more goofy than usual, she seemed on a good way to being drunk. She scratched her nose and put her hands on my neck. Her eyes darted across my face. "Nicky…" she muttered and kissed me one more time. My own hands rested against her torso. I was holding my breath, my eyes locked into hers. 
"Hey Misa ! Have you seen Ni…" Sofie’s voice rang from behind the goalkeeper. 
Misa froze and turned over, revealing to me the defender gagging at us. "Oh my god, I knew it !" she said smiling wide now. 
"Shhh Sofie ! Please keep your voice down", I panicked. 
"Why ? I don’t care, this is great ! But my gosh! I knew there was something between you two !"
Misa grabbed the danish girl into our more private place. “Sofie, this is serious, you have to keep it secret. Nicky could loose her job!“
Sofie looked perplexed. It was my turn to take Sofie’s arm “I can’t date Real Madrid players, it’s in my working contract. You can’t tell anybody, do you understand ?“
Sofie was gagging again and rolling her eyes “Ok ok I got it ! But what the fuck ?! Is that even legal ?“ I shrugged and she went to hug us “Oh my god, girls, I’m so happy for you! I’m gonna miss you even more“. 
“We’ll miss you too Sofie“ I said, “Where you looking for me?“ 
“Yes, a group of friend wanted a photo but I totally understand if you want to come later!” She stared at us again and chucked childishly. “ I’m glad I’m leaving you in good hands Misa”. 
But Misa was beyond being embarrassed and hided her face in her hands. 
Already frustrated by Sofie interruption, I was done with the brunette not being able to speak. “I’ll go photograph your friends. Come on Misa, let’s go back inside“.
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So I retake my job at photographing the guests, with Misa, joined by Hayley, singing and dancing madly behind me. I did Sofie with a cowboy hat, Real Madrid staff with their faces cover with glitter, players dressed in neon color… Groups replaced groups for more than an hour, finishing by the two loud girls in Hawaiian shirts and sunglasses, larges cocktails in hands perfecting their looks. 
As they took poses, I noticed Misa was even messier than before. She was barely standing up without tanging. Hayley looked drunk too but less. They kept laughing as they posed more ridiculously than ever.  
When they were out of ideas, Hayley went to me “Nicky go with Misa, you have to be on some photos !”
I wasn’t temped by the prospect of leaving my camera under the care of the drunk Australian winger, but she left me no choice, dragging me into the set and placing herself behind the tripod. 
Misa handed me her sunglasses and we mimicked surfing, diving and other beach activities. It actually was fun, but I was keeping an eyes on Misa still drinking her cocktail. To conclude, Hayley asked for a classic one, so we just faced the camera arm in arm.
“All good” she said once she took the shot and started to review the photos on the camera screen. 
That’s when I felt the goalkeeper loosing balance and weight on my shoulder. “Misa ?” I tried to steady her but she immidiatly pulled away. 
“No, Nicky, alguien could vernos!” she stammered in spanglish and hold herself to a spotlight, nearly making it fall. 
“Wow Misa !” Hayley darted to her side to hold her. 
“How much you two have been drinking ?” I asked supporting Misa on the other side.
The Aussie’s glance was guilty “A few glasses, I’m not sure I know about Misa“.
“No me siento good” the goalie mumbled, looking paler and more disoriented. 
I took the cocktail from her hand and put it away “Come to lay in Sofie’s bed, it’s gonna be alright. You just drank too much.” 
Hayley and I brought her to the bedroom and made her lie down. Her cheeks were flushed red and sweaty. Hayley went out to find Sofie. 
“Nicky… disculpe, hago lo que sea.” The goalie said as I crouched at her bedside.
“Er… sorry Misa I don’t understand Spanish that good, I’m going to get you some water, ok?”
But the goalkeeper hold me near her. “Don’t go! I’m sorry…”
I grasped her moist face, speaking softer “I’m just bringing you water Sweetie.”
“Lo arruiné todo… me estoy mareando.” She let go of me but continued to mutter things in Spanish I did not understand.
I went out of the room and fell on Hayley looking completely sober now. “I told Sofie Misa is not feeling well. Hey Nicky, hum… You should know Misa’s blaming herself for having you two caught up by Sofie tonight, among other things…”
“Oh… she does? Among other things ? Did she tell you what ?”
Hayley shifted uncomfortably but her voice was reassuring “Just talk to her, but later when she’ll feel better.” 
She left me really confused. I knew Misa often blamed herself when it came to football but I couldn’t see what it had to do with me. Yes, she could have avoid kissing me next to a room full of people and drinking like a fish… maybe I did looked really annoyed.
I went back to the bedroom with the glass of water. Sofie was already there, speaking softy to the goalkeeper. I sat on the bed and handed the glass to Misa and the goalie sat up to drink. She still looked in a pretty bad shape. 
When she was done drinking, I invited her to lie her head on my lap. I wanted her to feel I didn’t hold her any grudge about Sofie knowing. The goalkeeper relaxed a little and closed her eyes. 
I crossed Sofie’s gaze clearly bubbling with excitement and tenderness, I felt my cheek blushed. “She really drank way too much” I said looking back down at the dizzy brunette. 
“I’ve never seen her drink like that. Not even after a big win. Misa’s rather serious on that usually.”
Misa’s brows furrowed and she stammered “I… serious…” 
I patted her, amused “I’m gonna take us back to my place soon, ok?”
“Hum, Nicky’s flat es muy bonito.” 
Sofie laughed “Valé Misa, you mean Nicky es bonita?“ 
“Sofie!” I protested. 
“Shh cállate Nicky…” the goalkeeper said and paused like she was gathering her thoughts. “Es verdad Nicky es bonita” she declared.
Sofie yelled in triumph and I gasped, flattered and embarrassed, feeling my face grow hot again.
Misa rolled to her side and nested herself against my stomach. “Nicky es mi secreto.” 
I bit my tongue, touched. My feelings for her choked me one more time.
“That is so cute !” Sofie was delighted but went serious, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret to the grave, girls”.
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It was noon and I was cooking eggs and bacon when Misa exited the bedroom, disheveled and her eyes puffy. 
She approached with a groan, a hand on her forehead. “I’m never drinking again”.
“You were agitated in bed all night. How’re you feeling today?“ I turned off the hob leaving the dished to finish to cook slowly. 
“Like a zombie“ she moaned and went to hug me from behind. 
“You turned my athlete girlfr… into a zombie ?“ I felt hot for having almost called her my girlfriend, I hoped she hadn’t payed attention to it. 
The goalie lifted and waved her arms like the monster, her mouth found my neck where she laid slobbery kisses and I chucked and tried to pulled away when she whispered with a freaky voice between two kisses “Your girlfriend is a zombie!“ 
“Oh…” I stopped struggling, closing my eyes, letting my brain and heart comprehend it, realize it, Misa kissing me more and with more saliva. I had never though Misa would call herself my girlfriend while drooling on me in a very disgusting way. The absurdity of the situation made me burst of laugher. 
“Stop! Misa! Stop it’s weird!” I said as I continued to laugh.
But the goalkeeper kept on licking me and growled “Soy loca Nicky, you better accept it now!”
I faced her, she looked clearly ravaged by her hangover, wearing her night thank top and short, but harbored her usual smirk. Everything about her was perfectly not perfect. I like you Misa, I wanted to say as I kissed her, half laughing. I love you. 
Still the words wouldn’t come out and I simply announced, “I made a brunch since you were not waking up. There is a salad and fruits on the table. I hope it fits in your diet.” I touched her biceps to make the point. 
“It’s perfect, gracias! I’ll go run after, I need to evacuate whatever is still in my body.” she pressed a hand on her forehead again. “Madre mia, mi cabeza!”
“There’s painkillers in the bathroom if you want.” A thought just cross my mind. “Misa, do you remember my friend Angela’s coming today ?”
“Oh, I forgot. Do you want me to go after lunch ?”
“No, in fact, I wanted you to meet her if it’s ok for you to stay until she arrives. She told me she’ll be here around 3.” 
Misa’s smile was unreadable for once. I couldn’t tell if she was pleased or embarrassed. “I think I’ll be returning from footing around 3 too. If It doesn’t bother that I take a shower while she’s here I’ll be happy to join you.”
We kept smiling at each other. Say it now, Nicky ! But Misa embraced me again, and muttered “Thank you for looking after me yesterday… I… Te… Gracias Nicky”.
I stayed buried in her arms, enjoying the moment. “De nada Sweetie. By the way, I don’t care Sofie knows about us. She’s leaving and she would never say anything anyway.” Hayley’s confession came back in my mind. She’s blaming herself… among other things. 
I took my courage, “You seemed really upset last night… Is there…” But my phone rang at that precise instant, vibrating loudly against the bar. I really had back luck with phones… “Shit! That’s Ana, my boss, I gotta take it”. 
So, I picked up the phone while Misa began to dress the table.  
“Hello Ana”
“Hello Nicky, you have a minute ?”
“Yes, of course”
“Thank you, we have a rather urgent business, Football Federation wants to make a special event for goalkeepers. I need someone to work on Misa and Léa’s portrait and to cover the event. It’s in mid July but the portraits have to be sent by the end of next week. Yes I know Misa will be on international break, so can you arrange something in the days to come ?”
“Oh, well, yes. I’ll managed but I hope it’ll fit in Misa and Léa’s schedule…”
“I’ll make sure it will, we can’t spoil that Nicky. Real Madrid have to be well represented, it’s the Federation.“
“Ok, I’m on it.”
“Thank you. When you’re done with the shooting, come to my office, we’ll talk about your further work perspectives. Good afternoon, Nicky. ”
“Thank you Ana, good afternoon.”
I hang up, sighted heavily and came to sit down at the table with Misa who had gathered everything for the brunch. 
“What was it about? I heard my name.” she asked, putting food on my plate and hers. 
“More work for both of us… I have to organize an express shooting for you and Léa.  And the three of us are going to a goalkeeper meeting in July.” I cursed and started to eat. 
“Dios mío, that kind of event is boring as fuck…” Misa devoured her meal like she hadn’t eat in days. “Have you met this Léa ?” 
“I did, she’s cool. I’m sure you’ll get along well.”
“Cool, it will be less painful.” she said, her plate almost empty.
I took a mouthful of bacon and egg. “And I think Ana will really promote me! Maybe I’ll have a raise too!“. 
“Well done Nicky!” the goalie cheered but peered at her plate. 
What the fuck was troubling Misa when it came to my job opportunities ? Hayley’s words kept coming in my head. Just talk to her. I swallowed a few more bites. Why did the phone had to ring earlier? I was ready for it. Now, I didn’t know how to initiate the taking...
“Misa ?” 
“Hum?” The goalkeeper raised her almond-shaped eyes, her thick brows interrogative. 
“I was wondering… did you… are you ok now ?” 
Misa looked at me a moment, her expression again unreadable. 
“Yes, I think I am, for now” she finished to say, smiling but looking down again and fiddling with the rest of her egg. 
Oh strange, I thought but told her “I’m glad you are. You can tell me if you’re not again, ok?”
Her brown eyes went back on mine, she sighted and responded “I will.”
“Thank you. And you can finish the bacon. Yes, I’m seeing you eyeing it for 10 minutes.”
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As expected, Angela arrived before the goalkeeper’s return. I jumped in her arm and we hugged for long minutes. We were excited like crazy to see each other after so long. Angela had had an early flight but wasn’t tired so we decide to open a beer to celebrate her arrival. 
We sat at the kitchen table, chatting without stopping. My best friend told me about what was going on in her life, she updated me with two or three gossips about our common friends. We laughed a lot, the kitchen’s window wide opened let the the sun soak the room as time passed. 
More that an hour later, the doorbell rang and I stood up, rushing to the intercom.
“It’s got to be Misa returning from her footing!“
Angela opened her mouth wide. “You haven’t told me she would be here! It’s great !“ 
She side eyed me naughtily and I rolled my eyes. “Angie! Please behave!“ 
“Of course. Did you forget I’m an angel, Nicky?“
“Sure! The only angelic thing about you is your name…“ I retorted as I waited to open the entrance door. 
Misa emerged from the stairs, panting and her cheeks sparkled with red. She entered the flat, her breathing already coming back to normal. I couldn’t help but find her super hot in the sweaty light grey sport kit contrasting nicely with her tan skin. The drawn muscles of her shoulders and arms gave me nasty thoughts. 
The goalkeeper took off her earphones and swiftly kissed me on the lips. She followed me into the kitchen corner where Angela was waiting. My friend waved to her, all smiling. “Hey Misa ! Nice to meet you ! I’m Angela, or Angie, as you like, but I’m sure Nicky’s already told you my name.“
“Yeah she did, hello Angela. Nice to meet you too.“ Misa seemed really shy.
“We’re having a beer but I guess you will not. Orange juice, lemonade or coffee?“ I asked the goalie. 
“Café por favor. Do you have milk? I’ll prepare my coffee, disfurta de tu amiga Nicky.“
“It’s in the fridge, thanks sweetie.“ I snatched another kiss as she went pass me and sat back with Angela, grinning at us.  
“So Misa, what do you want to know about Nicky? I know her like I made her.“ she said with insurance. 
“Angela don’t start !“ 
The goalkeeper released a soft chuckle, putting a filter in the coffee machine. “Hummm, oh I know! What was she like when she was a kid?“. She pressed the button and leant against the kitchen work plan, her smirk back.
“Excellent question!“ Angela was gloating, I was baffled. “She was completely crazy of course. I remember when she came to my house, she wanted us to play with pens. Not to draw with them, no, pens were people. Ok we were 6 or 7. Oh, and Nicky really was an animal protector, you couldn’t squash an ant in front of her! Otherwise, she was a rather calm child.“ 
“It’s cute” The goalkeeper responded pouring coffee into a mug. 
I was hiding behind my bottle of beer. “Can we stop taking about me please!“ 
“And teenager Nicky ?“ 
“Ah! Teenager Nicky was a real geek! Always a comic or a manga under the arm. She liked to watch girls too.“
“Angie!“ I couldn’t be more embarrassed.
“She still likes it.“ Misa said. “She even made a job out of it.“ 
Angela and Misa laughed together. I couldn’t believe what was happening. They were both making fun of me like they always had known each other. “Wow, you two are so heavy…“ 
“Oh come on Nicky, I just want to know more about you!“ the goalkeeper kissed my cheek and sat with us, the coffee with milk in her hand. “Your friend is good at giving the right informations“.
“I know, thank you Misa! Let’s give a rest to Nicky.“ Angela took pity of me. She went on, asking the brunette “ When did you know you wanted to be a footballer?“ 
“At five, it was not easy as a girl but my family has always been super supportive. I could tell you about my career but you can find it on google actually.“
“You’re boasting again, sweetie.“ I teased Misa, a bit for revenge. 
“Qué? No! I wasn’t saying it like that. It’s just it's long and maybe she’s not interested!“ She put her hand on her mouth, looking really embarrassed.
“I’m joking, Misa!“ I laughed. The goalkeeper was a humble person for real. Loud but humble. She hated feeling like she was bragging. I looked at her drinking her coffee, all shy again, and thought I liked that about her too. “Misa’s a world champion, she has so many medals. She’s the best goalkeeper!” I told my best friend and the brunette’s lips corners stretched upward. 
Angela was amused. “So you have the right to boast about your girl? Anyway, that’s impressive! How’s work going for you two at the Real?“
I was afraid Angela’s question would put Misa uneasy but the brunette replied with insurance. “I’m good, I’ve signed for two more years.“
“I’ve got a lot of work but it’s cool and my boss wants a talk with me about my future in the club, so I’m really glad about everything!” I told her happily. 
“That’s great girls…“ Angela began but was cut by Misa getting up. 
“I’m going to shower.” she said, a bit awkwardly. She put her mug in the sink and went off the room. 
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Once I heard the sound of the water running, I kept my voice low and told Angela, “You see? Misa shut herself every time I mention my work opportunities! I don’t get it, why isn’t she happy for me?”
“Nicky girl, you’re really that blind?” 
“What?” I was amazed by Angela’s reaction. 
My friend explained, her tone full of compassion “Misa is wanting more and you can’t give it to her if you continue to work for the Real.”
I felt a heavy load crashed in my stomach with the realization that came with Angela’s words. Why hadn’t I thought about that? Everything made sense suddenly. Her break down in my car. Her excessive drinking last night. Her difficulties to talk openly. Hayley’s warning… Still one detail prevented me from truly believing it. 
“But, I mean… does it means she likes me?” I felt my cheeks burn. 
“I’ve seen Misa for fifteen minutes and she can’t keep her eyes of you. She’s glancing in your direction every now and then. She’s super sensitive about how you’re perceiving her. She’s thoughtful but likes to tease you when she can...” 
Angela paused, drank a sip of beer, and concluded. “Misa loves you, Nicky”.
Chapter 9 ➺ A place for words
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slowroadtosantiago · 1 year
Day 12 - Najera to Santo Domingo de la Calzada
The Guide Book says today was 13.2 miles, but we made a small diversion for lunch and my phone says 14.5 miles.
We had our bags transferred today so travelled light. As we walk more days the pads of our feet are getting a bit sore and the rucksack feels heavier and heavier! It’s really easy to have it transferred, most albergue’s have envelopes belonging to the carriers which you attach to your rucksack. You need to have somewhere reserved to send it to, and I have been doing all the booking online.
Anyway, back to today…We set off as usual at 7:30 in overcast weather with the odd spot of rain. Within half an hour we had our ponchos on but it never got more than a bit drizzly.
We climbed out of the town through some forestry passing an odd statue of Jesus up on the hill. The hillside, path, rocks and land in general is very red in this part.
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There were plenty of vineyards to admire, some being very well kept with guys at the side of the path strimming the weeds away. The above ground irrigation system was interesting to see.
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We were making for Azofra for breakfast, about 4 miles away. Breakfast was the usual coffee, orange juice and pain au chocolat. But to be honest the novelty is now wearing off and we’re thinking of other things that we could have instead.
The lunch stop was about another 6 miles away so we plodded on. Our lives are defined by how far away the villages are for breakfast, lunch and final destination!
The landscape initially wasn’t particularly pretty, the path passing by the side of a motorway, but it soon turned inland and we were once again rewarded by huge open fields, reverting back to the chalk path, deep green barley fields, yellow rape fields and poppies by the pathway. The weather cleared up, the sun came out, and we had some amazing views either side to the hills and mountains.
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As we approached Ciruena, our lunch stop, we initially went through what looked like a golf resort, with modern seemingly empty houses, a golf course and swimming pool. It all looked a bit out of place and odd.
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We diverted off the waymarked path into Ciruena village to the local bar for a welcome drink (Jane had freshly squeezed orange juice and I the local lemonade that I have become very attached to) and a warm tuna, cheese and egg roll.
After lunch we carried on through the open landscape finally reaching Santo Domingo shortly after 2.
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We’re in an ancient very large albergue right in the middle of the old town. Our room is in the old part of the hostel up in the eaves. All bar one of the beds are single beds, it’s like an old school dorm!
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I chilled until 5 while Jane went for a wander, then we both went to see the cathedral. It’s huge and they have done a good job inside of making sure everything is explained very well.
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We had a Pilgrim’s menu in the square then went to find the supermarket for a few bits. On the way we passed groups of youngsters practicing for a dance competition and it was great to watch them.
Now we’re back and chilling, and hoping we’ll get some sleep. Tomorrow is a very short day so hopefully we can snooze in the afternoon.
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alexturner · 1 year
another update from my life as a full time concert go-er, am ziggo dome night 1 memories under the cut
because may 5 is a holiday in the netherlands; liberation day, so loads of music festivals all over the country and busy roads. and because i had work and still wanted to see something, i got early entry tickets for this show.
i arrived at like 5pm and got to walk right in. it’s the first time i ever did the early entry thing and it was surreal. the reception was a bit like checking into a hotel? and we got a “goodie bag” (an am tote bag with a green, football match-like “ARCTIC MONKEYS” scarf and an AM lanyard + special card to indicate early access “status”) we also got to look at the merch before everyone else (but i forgot my bank card in the locker 🤦‍♀️ so i missed out on the poster 🥺). anyway -- flashforward to when they let us in!!
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despite walking into the venue at like 5pm i somehow ended up in the second/third row with the people who had numbers between 25 and 30 😳 it was the first time i’ve ever been on jamie’s side!!! i personally wouldn’t recommend standing on the sides if you’re planning on being very very close to the stage because there’s camera’s on either side of the stage (between nick and alex and between alex and jamie) and they kinda... obscure your view. i did not see matt 😔 the middle is the way to go if being that close is your cup!! but in general i woudn’t recommend being THIS close because the stage is just so pretty from more of a distance (like between rows 6-8 is perfect i think)
regardless i had a fantastic time!!!! they played the exact same setlist as when i saw them in oberhausen, which was absolutely fine, i loved hearing big ideas/suck it and see/fluorescent adolescent/i wanna be yours again. and alex wore a different blazer!!!!!! which honestly looked a little tbhc era to me 👀
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i do feel like the energy was a bit less than in oberhausen (except for the view which went fast and hard as fuck). i do still think the boys were having a good time! alex was clearly having a blast with the name of the place, which is something that’s been recurring on the tour. at some point he was like “i’ve been in showbusiness a long time, but i don’t think i’ve ever been in the ziggo dome!” (maybe because the last time you were here for a venue show in 2011, the ziggo dome wasn’t even a thing) and during body paint he kept repeating “ziggo! ziggo! ziggo!” which was very funny. i think my TV and internet provider ziggo, which the dome is named after/sponsored by, should use this in their advertisement
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i had a very, very good time. i’m super excited to go again tomorrow with my “regular” standing tickets and hopefully get more of a view of the stage and of the other boys!! also i saw the printed setlist from the stage and it gave them some setlist changing possibilities (swapping four out of five for don’t sit down, big ideas for ritz, mirrorball for star treatment) so i’m reeeeeeally hoping we’ll get some different songs tomorrow!!!!! (✨️🕯 manifesting ritz and star treatment 🕯✨️)
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jodilin65 · 34 years
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1990 I deliberately slept till 8:30 this evening as Andy and I couldn’t have auditioned cuz Andy’s without a car till it’s fixed. Brenda’s also without a car, but tomorrow morning at 7:00, she and Kevin are going to look at a car this guy’s selling for $600. Or, I should say instead, they’re going to pick it up. They’ve already seen the car. So anyway, I made myself sleep long and late to reverse my schedule for a week or so. Then it’ll go back to nights till I want to or need to reverse it again.
I’ll tape Unsolved Mysteries, but I’ll have to miss Hunter. I’m also gonna cancel Martha.
Early in the morning, Brenda’s gonna call me so I can get stamps to mail my mail which is all set and ready to go. Also, she’s going to take me to Food Mart, then when she brings me home I’m gonna do laundry.
Tonight I finished putting up my pictures in a different way and it looks really nice. I also changed the cat box and swept the kitchen floor. After I finish my tea, I’ll listen to some music and do some drawing.
John isn’t working today. Meanwhile, I tried to get a hold of Dr. Statz, but she’s on vacation I guess for a couple of weeks. I don’t know if I wrote about her but one of the 3 times I was in the ER, she treated me. I’m 100% sure the male nurse, working with her was gay and I’m about 85% sure she was gay. I was just totally touched by her and it was weird cuz she wasn’t overly attractive. There was just something about her, you know, like Linda’s song goes; It’s not that you’re attractive, but oh my heart grew active when you came into view. And I had a crush on her. Sweetie pie.
And ever since then, I haven’t forgotten about her. I can hear God too, saying, “Uh-uh, against the rules.” I think he wants me with someone less attractive so I can learn to look at only people’s personalities. But I’d never be with Brenda if she were a bad person. Maybe another reason God has is that if I get dumped, I won’t be as hurt as much as I would be if I were overwhelmed. I still long for that someone with the character and personality I most desire and to feel that special once-in-a-lifetime sexual spark.
Please, God, please! Answer my prayers. Do it someday very soon. Please. God, what if I made a deal with you right here in this book? And that deal is if I promise to try my hardest to quit smoking, then will you think about it? Also, a beginning break with my singing, then I’ll pursue it from there. I hope you put some big and serious consideration into my requests. If singing and having that special someone and a baby are 3 too many things to ask for, then I’ll understand. I’ll settle for the singing and the special person only and give up the baby without ever asking for anything else.
Around 9:00 this morning Kevin and Brenda came and got me and dropped me off at Food Mart. Then, I waited a good long exhausting wait while Brenda brought Kevin to Palmer, then back to pick me up. After she picked me up she brought me to Shopper’s where I got a photocopy made of my birth certificate and stamps for my mail which I mailed in the box right outside the store.
While waiting for Brenda at Food Mart I saw Allison. We spoke briefly and she said she’d give me a call soon.
So all my errands are done except for Friday when I get the pigs more food and their big bail of sawdust. I still need to call Philip and John and tomorrow I’m definitely, no matter what, going to go see Paula. Jessie’s probably gonna call today. She’s another one I need to see, and she and Brenda can meet each other.
I finally got back here at 10:30 this morning and I fell asleep till 3:30. I’m exhausted but I’m gonna stay this way so that at 11:00 tonight, after Hunter, I can go to sleep. I better not wake up either, like around 3:00 in the morning and not be able to go back to sleep till 6:00 or 7:00, then sleep till mid-late afternoon. I want to be up in the mornings from tomorrow until next Tuesday. That means the next 5 mornings.
When I got up I made a pork chop and some angel hair pasta and got a call from my sister. Tammy said Ma said to her, “I don’t want Jodi alone for her b-day, Chanukah or Thanksgiving.”
Tammy also said Ma said to drive in and get me in the morning and bring me back the next day. Tammy said she then tried to explain to Mom that it’s impossible with 3 kids, the business, and with Bill working till 6:30 at night. Then Tammy said Ma pulled her typical line of, “Good-bye, Tammy.”
I guess Ma fails to remember that I’m not alone. I’m not single anymore and my girlfriend is fully willing to drive me down this Saturday and for Thanksgiving and also for my birthday and Chanukah which Tammy says she’ll combine into one big party. I mean, Tammy’s right. She can’t up and go drive for that amount of time and it’s pretty strange why Ma’s so concerned about me not being alone for all these things.
I’ve spent them alone before but then again when your own God damn aunt and uncle invite you over for Thanksgiving like they did last year, then conveniently forget to call you and pick you up, that’s not my fault, is it?
Another thing Tammy mentioned is that Ma bragged about all this time she was gonna spend with Tammy, Bill and the kids which turned out to be a joke. Tammy said she wanted to spend the day with me. HA. It was a wonderful hour we had.
All I can say is, I’ve had it with this family shit and I don’t wanna know from nothing. I haven’t had to deal with it for 5 years and I’m not about to deal with it now. Also, I’m not going to Florida either. A week’s vacation isn’t worth a week of her bullshit along with it. I mean, that’s not how my vacation packages or anyone else’s should be. Really, if it were an ad it’d read like this: We’ll give you a week’s free vacation with all expenses paid, but the catch is that you must put up with Dureen O’s bullshit.
Another case of taking the bad with the good. Fuck that!
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1990 I wish I was just waking up, but instead, I am wide awake. I slept till 6pm. I’ve been so zonked out cuz I’ve had to be up at a certain time for a certain reason and wasn’t getting enough hours of sleep.
I have many errands to do such as buying pig and cat food. I also need a bail of sawdust, stamps, and to make a photocopy of my birth certificate.
The mouse, who’s getting bigger, is now riding his wheel, and boy is Shadow ever getting big fast.
Andy came over earlier and we made some phone calls to people who had ads in the Advocate to sell things.
Andy’s really upset. He’s having trouble with Miles. Needs to find a job. Needs to pay bills. Got in a car accident which he’s going to have to pay almost $1,000 to fix. It’s not fair that some drunken girl, who did get arrested, slammed into a parked car, then Andy slammed into her, yet Andy’s at fault. He was wearing his seatbelt and the scary thing is, is that if I was in the car, I probably wouldn’t have had my seatbelt on and I’d have gone through the windshield. Who knows how many stitches I’d have to have gotten in my face. There are so many fucked up drivers it’s amazing. And very, very scary, too.
I’m so pissed at myself cuz I just remembered I was supposed to have called Philip 3 days ago, and John, and see Paula.
I’m writing here on the waterbed and I put the mouse on the floor inside his plastic ball, and Shadow’s having a hell of a time watching him and wishing so desperately to play with him. Or eat him. It’s quite a funny sight to see when he’s in his ball running around with Shadow chasing him. It also was so cute when Shadow was sitting in Toffee’s cage. He doesn’t want to harm the other animals, but he may accidentally cuz his playing may be too rough for them cuz he claws and bites.
Those drawings I did really blew my mind. I never could draw a line on a piece of paper before and I feel good yet weird. It’s like - what’s next? I discover one thing after another I can do. If not perfectly, then better than most.
Here comes Shadow once again to enjoy Gremlin after taking a dump in his shit box.
Me and Andy may possibly go to an audition together early this evening so I hope I get some sleep before then. Right now I’m gonna go listen to music. I haven’t listened at all today. After that, hopefully, I’ll get some sleep, get up early in the afternoon and get my errands done, call John and Philip and maybe even see Paula.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1990 I fell asleep at 5:30 PM after being up 21½ hours and of course, almost an hour ago I woke right up. I was kind of hoping I’d sleep till 5 AM. Anyway, guess what I’m doing today at 9 AM? Taking the police exam. I called Boston after talking to Tony today out here on Locust St. during a car accident. He said the people weren’t hurt too bad and that it had to do with insurance and he was tired of supporting the welfare recipients. So, I mentioned the exam to him and some other cop and they said that maybe the test was canceled due to all the layoffs, and to call Boston and check. When I called, I told the woman I never received my notice and she said that they did have trouble with their mailings and asked me for my social security number. I gave it to her and then she read back my name and address and said it was tomorrow morning at 9 AM. It’s at Converse High on State St. They allow you 3 hours for the test, but you’re free to leave when you’re done. There are 100 questions which means I cannot get more than 30 wrong. She said it’ll be 120 days before they mail me my marks. That’s 4 months, unfortunately, and she says there are around 2000 people taking the test. Lastly, she said to bring a birth certificate, a photo ID, and some number 2 pencils. Brenda took me to Shopper’s Drug where she met Emily and Emily gave me the pencils. Well, I bought them, of course. And a pack of cigarettes like a jerk.
I was going to go to Tammy’s tomorrow but Brenda’s got a visit with her kids she can’t cancel and Bill’s here tomorrow and Monday. Maybe Tuesday. Tammy’s gonna be pissed and I understand that and I’m dying to see Sarah, but this test only comes up once every two years.
It definitely doesn’t look like I’m going back to sleep so I’ll write for a while. I’ve got a CD playing. Fleetwood Mac’s Greatest Hits. It’s pretty good. I like most of the songs on it. Some are boring.
Tomorrow, after the test, I’ve still got to get pig food and a heavyweight bowl for Tigger. I’m getting pretty sick of him either knocking it over or slamming it up against the side of his cage. I’ve got to get food for Gremlin and Shadow, too. Also stamps and paper plates. And it’s also about time to buy another big bail of sawdust. There’s always something to buy. Such as Gloria’s new record.
I think maybe I’ll go hem some more of those pants Kacey gave me.
Well, I didn’t hem the pants. One pair didn’t quite fit since I gained weight, but I just took my measurements and I’ve gone down an inch since 3 days ago when I started exercising my ass off and taking Slim-Fast. I did, however, hem an old shirt that was almost to my ankles. I brought it up to mid-thigh length. It came out better than I’d thought but I’ll have Brenda check it out to make sure it’s not crooked. I’m not too thrilled with the way it falls but I’ll ask Brenda.
After I take my shower I’m gonna put another coat of nail polish on and I’m not sure yet what I’ll wear. Something casual. I hope after the test and my errands are done that I can catch a couple of hours of sleep so I can go out to the Halloween party at the Pub tonight. I want to wear my new black lace skirt. Part of me hopes Brenda ends up too tired to go so I can observe others without her observing me observe others. But then again we mutually do look at other women and we’re honest with each other. In the long run, Brenda will never have anything to worry about cuz gay women, of course, are a major turn-off to me in general, and it’s against the rules for me to have someone I’m attracted to. Oh well. At least God allows people to be attracted to me which is nice as long as it’s not major sickos. I mean, everyone gets that here and there, but the good thing is, is that as time goes on I’m having an easier time getting better people even if I don’t quite meet my desired standards.
Ok, time for my second coffee, then my shower.
Brenda dropped me off at 8:30 this morning, and they made everyone who didn’t get their notice to appear for the test go into a room, and they gave us an “appear” card after checking to see if our names were on the list, and also our photo IDs and birth certificates, in which I’ve got to photocopy and mail to Boston.
They had us print and write our names and they compared them with our signatures on our licenses.
There were several butches there and I got stared down good by guys and butches. This Hispanic girl was sitting next to me. I’m not sure, but I think she was gay with the way she gave me this huge smile and waved at me the second I walked in. I sat next to her and we chatted here and there before the test. She urged me to choose South Hadley for 1 of my 4 choices of cities or towns I wanted to work in. My first choice was Springfield, however, and I had no choice cuz you had to pick, for first choice, the place you lived in for the last 12 months. My second choice was East Longmeadow. I would’ve chosen Longmeadow, but it wasn’t listed. My third choice was West Springfield. My fourth choice was Chicopee.
Another thing was that there were two classroom monitors. One man, one woman. The woman constantly stared at me. I caught her once and her face turned bright red. Then after the test, as I was leaving, I could see her grinning to herself with the same red face.
We didn’t start the test till 9:30 and I finished at almost 12:30. I’m not sure whether I passed or failed. There were some tricky questions that I had to go over and over. I’ll know sometime in February. I am anxious though and never have wanted to speed up time so badly in my life. I usually don’t care about time or wish I could stop it and drop dead.
The landlord will be here any minute to fix the heat. Today and all last night I froze my ass off.
I told Tammy I’d be down next weekend and she said she wasn’t mad and that she understood and to think positive about the test.
After the landlord leaves, I hope I can catch a few hours of sleep so I can go out tonight.
I called Philip and told him about the test and he’s happy about it and he asked me to keep him posted. He also told me to call him tomorrow. I called John too, and he was both pleased and proud. Then lastly, I spoke with Andy.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1990 I’m going nuts just sitting around here, so since I can’t have music, I’ve got to find something. Those dickheads never sent me my notice for the police exam, but I figured as much to begin with. I don’t know who’s responsible, therefore, I don’t know who to call to bitch about it. Oh well, like I said, I figured I’d never be notified just like I knew I’d never get that security job at Mercy with John.
Why is it that anything I’d be good at and want to do I just can’t? It just wasn’t meant to be. If I was smart, a long time ago I’d have chosen a career I hate, never want to have a baby and if I’m ever single again, I’d pick all the ones I don’t want or that are just ok. Actually, they pick me, so I should say.
I tried calling Philip about the stereo but he’s not at work and not answering his phone at home.
Today, I’m gonna go to Food Mart for cat food, stamps, and paper plates. Also, I want to go to Brightwood Hardware in Longmeadow for pig and mice food.
I’m getting tired as hell but I want to push it as far as I can so I sleep somewhat into the night. With my luck, however, after 3 or 4 hours of sleep, I’ll bolt wide awake and not be able to fall back asleep.
I’m really starting to want to work. I need extra money and this being at home all the time bit is really getting to me. But since I can’t sing or be a cop and am too chicken to drive the cab, what can I do other than McDonald’s or something really boring and stupid?
I’m gonna call apartment rental people for general information about duplexes. I know I can never afford it, but it never hurts to get some information. I’ll go get the yellow pages.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1990 I’m still wide awake and probably will be for a while. I’m just having a grand old time with the new phone. There’s a mute button on it too, and you don’t need to keep holding it down like you do on most other phones. You hit it once and a red light glows which tells you it’s in use, and to discontinue the mute, you hit it again and the red light goes off.
A little while ago I listened to the 45 of the song Take a Chance On Me by ABBA. I bought it today at One Stop Records. I always liked that song and I used to have that record. I don’t know whatever happened to it, along with tons of other records. They either got old or I got sick of them or they were stolen.
Why, oh, why didn’t I stay the fuck off cigarettes!?! I had 3 cigarettes in 1 week and here I go and smoke a whole pack yesterday and today I’ve had close to a pack. What a jerk, huh? I’m gonna go chuck the rest of my pack, try again till I absolutely can’t fight the urge to smoke, and listen to music.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1990 Well, I’m going to need to go to sleep as soon as possible so in order to help myself sleep, I’m gonna listen to music for a while.
Tomorrow morning I’ve got to call Philip about fixing my stereo. I can’t put it off any longer.
Also, I see Martha at 4:00. I’m not sure if I mentioned it but I think she just may have a thing for me. It’s just this feeling I get and it’s also certain things she says and certain ways she says things. Oh well. Of course, I’ll keep my mouth shut about it. She is married, after all, and she also swore she never mixes business with pleasure and that’s fine and respected by me.
I want to go to Caldor’s too, to see if Gloria’s new album is out. I’m not sure of the name of it and it’s not new songs. They’re all old hits, but they’re in Spanish.
I just finished killing a spider, which like most spiders, was on the ceiling. I sprayed it with lots of Lysol and perfume to get it down so I could swat it.
Today I got this awesome and I mean totally awesome speakerphone I ordered last week. Now I need to make 4 payments of $22 but it’s worth it. I love it. I can be doing something like writing or making coffee and still talking to someone. Also, I can play people the edits which they can hear well and hear their reactions, and if it’s an answering machine, I can hear it beep when it ends. Another thing too, is if my call waiting beeps, I’ll hear that too.
This insurance company’s got a hell of a long machine. Brenda and I passed it on the way home from Baystate Waste after I saw Martha and I said to myself, “I bet they have a machine.”
By the way, Martha definitely has no desire for a woman. She’s 100% straight as an arrow.
Andy’s got company now so he’s gonna call me later, and Fran’s not home. I’m bored and I love this phone so I may as well go and have a field day with it and look under insurance companies in the yellow pages. It does seem like a lot of insurance companies have answering machines.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1990 Brenda brushed out my hair for me, and God is it getting long. It’s almost to my very lower back and the layers are growing out. The very top layer, though, is completely destroyed. I have massive split ends.
Shadow’s climbing all over me. I think I mentioned before why I changed his name from Bandit to Shadow. He’s like glue. He loves to be near me constantly. Follows me everywhere like a shadow. However, when I go to bed, I shut the bedroom door cuz he always wakes me up.
One thing that’s starting to annoy me is that I’m very bloated. I wanna hurry up and get my period so I drop some water. I don’t want to take my water pill while I’m still finishing up my other medications. I did some exercising and I’m gonna do more later. Also, I’m gonna get more Slim-Fast and eat very little till I drop 10 pounds. It’s funny to say I’m chunky at 105 pounds, but then again I am a very short person, right? It’s not that I weigh too much pound-wise, it’s my shape I guess, I have so much water, too.
I took all my pictures of Gloria down last night. There are only a few in the bedroom. I wanted a change and a break from them so I put them in my file box in my closet. I’ll never throw them out cuz I’ve put so much time and money into them and it’ll be really neat to look back at them someday. Maybe I will put them back up, though, in a matter of months or someday. I still wish I could afford a duplex as I’d make the cellar the music place with the posters, the stereo and keyboards and I wish I had a washer and dryer. By God, I’d love to be able to afford that. I’d have 2 bedrooms, 1½ baths and a dishwasher too, no doubt.
I’m now watching the premiere of Law & Order. Before this, I saw In the Heat of the Night. Brenda left after Matlock. I put Brenda’s hair in a braid. It looked nice.
I still never got any notification as far as the police exam is concerned. I’m not stupid, though. They’ll never notify me worth shit.
I’m gonna go make some angel hair pasta. It is so good.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1990 I was exhausted before, but as usual, I woke right up. Man, oh man, was I just through a hell of a nightmare since the last time I wrote! I had to go to the ER 3 fucking times and I was terrified! I literally thought I was going to die and it hurt so bad I wished I would drop dead till it was over. I had the worst asthma in my life. They had to take me immediately (usually you wait forever) to give me oxygen treatments, and the last time I had an IV. It was really scary. I could only smoke 3 cigarettes in one week’s time. I’m on Prednisone for 12 days and Bactrim which is an antibiotic for 10 days. Also, I’m on Theodur and Alupent which is the same stuff in my inhaler. Theodur and Alupent are the two most common drugs used for asthma.
I saw Mom and Dad on the 15th and we had a fairly good visit. They came up for about an hour or so. They’re back in Florida now.
I may possibly be going to my sister’s this Saturday. Tammy’s really sick now, too.
Steve and I spliced a wire today so I can edit from the CD player onto the stereo and it sounds great, too. I have plenty of editing to do as well as story writing.
They raised my food stamps to $114, so I did a huge grocery order and I never had so much food in my life, but I really need to lose weight. I’m getting pretty chunky lately.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1990 It’s been one week now and I still feel like shit. Oh well. It also looks like I’m gonna have to cancel going to my sister’s tomorrow. One reason’s cuz I feel like shit and the other’s it’s contagious. I don’t want to stand and just look at my nieces from 3 feet away, I want to hold them and hug them. Tammy mentioned going next weekend if I couldn’t make it this time.
Then I’ll be seeing Mom and Dad on the 15th, and it fucking figures I’m sick so I can’t sing.
Yesterday I got 3 journals at an excellent price. I mean a really fantastic deal. Normally the 3 of them would’ve cost close to $24, but I got them for $12 in the secondhand department. I’m glad I discovered that they sell them there which is weird cuz these books are brand new and just as nice as the regular main part of the store.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1990 Tracy called me and Andy last night. We were both thrilled to hear from her. I played her the edits which she thought were great. She didn’t contact us, she said, cuz she needed space and time to sort things out.
Last night was awful. I was so full of congestion. I never knew one could have to blow their nose so much. It’s red and sore now and I feel much better now that I drained out all that shit so I guess it was worth the misery. Tomorrow, or today I should say, Bill will be here at 1:00 so I hope I can get a little sleep. I had to sleep all day today as I was so miserable. It’s called “sleeping it off.” I’m thankful I feel much better though and also thankful it wasn’t the flu. Anything but the flu. Smoking very little also helped get rid of it quicker but I couldn’t have smoked much if I wanted to. The funny thing is, though, for the last 3 days I really haven’t had much of a desire to smoke. Today I had 5 or 6 and psychologically I still think of it, but the physical part isn’t too bad.
I love this little kitty of mine to death. I’m so glad Brenda got him for me.
Share to Pinterest SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1990 Yesterday, I only smoked 7 or 8 cigarettes. Today, even though I still slept till 9:00 tonight, I’ve had 3 so far. I am very, very congested so that’s part of the reason why I’ve smoked so little. Also cuz I have these sneezing fits and cuz of my wheezing. In 48 hours I’ve smoked only 11 cigarettes so that’s why I’m constantly blowing my nose like there’s no tomorrow. It gets worse before it gets better after you’ve either quit or cut down cuz all that tar and shit starts draining.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1990 Gee, I have exactly 1 day short of 2 months till I’m 25 years old. A quarter of a century.
My new little kitten, which Brenda got me, is sitting here in bed with me and he’s so loving and so affectionate. The one thing you couldn’t do with Sasha was pick her up and cuddle her or have her come to you and let you cuddle her for more than 3 seconds. His name is Bandit. He’s now trying to distract me from writing by rubbing up against my book and me and giving me kisses. He’s fairly gentle with his claws but when he gets a little older I’d like to get him neutered and declawed. You know I hate being clawed when you’re playing with them. I mean they can just sit or stand on you and their claws hurt like hell. Now he’s playing with my hair which all kittens, cats and babies love to do.
Brenda’s cab broke down yesterday afternoon and while she was at the office, the owner’s wife just happened to be giving away kittens, so that’s how I got him. That was yesterday, the day after Brenda’s b-day. He’s 6 weeks old and looks a lot like Sasha, but Sasha was gray and white. He’s orange and white and his hair’s a little shorter. It’s the same pattern as Sasha’s. I think they’re both tabby cats. He’s so loving and follows me everywhere. And he’s pretty calm and gentle, too. He knows how to pee in his litter box, but he’s still going to have to learn not to go on furniture or chew wires.
I have had absolutely no sneezing fits!!!!!!! And this cat is here to stay till death do it part. My mom was right as far as all my problems being due to smoking and I’ve known it too for quite some time but it was just too scary to admit. It’s scary to think of dealing with withdrawal after quitting but my congestion is getting really bad so I’ve had only 7 or 8 cigarettes today.
The pigs were a little jealous and depressed about Bandit, but otherwise, they’re still the usual loving troublemakers.
I bought Brenda a pair of earrings and a pair of sexy underwear for her b-day and we went to her sister Donna’s house in Palmer. And as I mentioned before, I’ve known her husband Kevin for 4 years. He knew Crystal C, too.
Donna’s a great person who anyone feels comfortable with. The type you could talk to about most anything and who accepts people for what and who they are. The kids were great and Donna’s great with the kids too, and I’d have loved to have someone like her as my mother.
Tomorrow, I’ve got to call John R and maybe I’ll try to leave a message with Dr. Goodman’s receptionist for Tracy, but only once. I also have to call Philip and go to Food Mart. Also, I wonder if Kathy will fix my bangs if I call her. She works at Food Mart and she gave me her number. We went to La Baron together. She hated it too, and she only does it on the side. My bangs really look pretty stupid so maybe she can trim and layer them.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1990 Right now I’m on the phone listening to Fran talk to Bobbie. Andy and I wish to hell Tracy would call us.
I’m turning into a very, very slightly ok artist. Of course, some of my drawings are a wee bit explicit. Guess I’ve been horny lately.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1990 My mother said something astounding. Not only was I shocked, but I also shed a few tears. I called Mom and told her that I bought a little tiny fork and spoon for Sarah and socks for Becky and Lisa. Then I told her that I agreed as far as having money and someone to help as far as having a baby is concerned. But I also told her I didn’t like being told what I should do or should not do at this age.
So I finally asked the two questions of my main concern in blunt plain English. I said, “If I have a child someday, are you going to disown me or call the state?”
She said no. I freaked with shock and joy. I absolutely and totally could not believe it.
Otherwise, no more news going on lately. Just that I had a very nice weekend with Brenda and also Gail and Judy. Gail and Judy are so nice. You feel as if you’ve known them for years. They, of course, don’t turn me on but they’re very attracted to me, so I hear. Also, it’s rather obvious by the way they look at me. Same thing with Bonny. I did their nails for them and also, a couple of weekends ago, Brenda, Judy, Gail and I went to Jam’s. We had fun, and I ran into Tracy there who said she broke up with Nancy. Guess Nancy was an alcoholic and a troublemaker. She seemed a little irritated by talking to me and left with some other girl who seemed slightly offended when I asked her if she was single.
Tracy said she was in California on the 4th of July and was so shocked at how feminine the gay women were there. That’s what she likes, too.
She did tell me to leave a message with my number at this dentist’s office where she works on Maple St. But should I really leave a message which I seriously doubt will ever get answered?
My friendship with Andy has been excellent the last several months and he admitted he was being cruel and selfish for a while and then realized it and didn’t want to lose me as his friend. He was also jealous of my looks and my abilities but instead of being negative he’s encouraging and appreciates what I do.
It’s really too bad his relationship with Miles isn’t doing too great. According to Andy, he’s too clingy and constantly wants sex. Also, cuz Andy didn’t give Miles sex for two days, Miles cheated on him. Andy’s pissed and is on the verge of dumping him. He says, though, he thinks Miles is the way he is cuz his father molested him. Also, he says Miles has a big mouth and blabbed some sexual stuff about him and Andy real loud in Friendly’s. He also talks 10 times more gayish than Andy does.
Tomorrow, I want to go see Paula and get something for Brenda, but I still can’t sleep yet and it’s now 3:17 AM. I was beat before. Sometimes life as a night owl sucks.
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tessbev · 8 months
Wow wow weeeee wow. Day 2
Actually before I get to the good stuff….
So i woke up for day 2 feeling great. No hangover whatsoever! Happy water living up to its name. Nick on the other hand had been up 6 times in the night getting sick (both ends🫠). He even put himself to bed much earlier than I did so we’re thinking it might have been some of the meat maybe?? Anyways, he “wakes up” (he actually didn’t sleep due to other people’s sleeping noises and what have you) so he’s a mess, and stays in bed basically unresponsive until the last moment. Remember also that he’s supposed to be driving himself on these windy roads for 6+ hours. One look at him and I knew he couldn’t (or more importantly shouldn’t) do that. None of the drivers spoke well enough English for them to understand the situation but after some phone calls and some broken conversations I got through to them that he needed a driver (the cost of the trip is a lot less if you were to drive yourself so he had already paid for a driver and when you’re driving you can’t take in any of the scenery like you can on the back). A stressful start but we got him a driver and the fresh air did him good. We start driving and what do we get blessed with?? SUNSHINE!!!! GLORIOUS SUNSHINE!!!! I started crying within the first 10 minutes ( happy tears).
The views were absolutely incredible, the sun was beaming we were so warm and everything was glowing. The difference the sun made was everything. I was expecting cold weather the whole way through so this was SUCH a treat. Throughout the day layers and layers were peeled off as we got to bask in the sun and feel the warm breeze. We went to the furthest most northern point of Vietnam. We saw the border to china and took a million photos and videos. I was feeling fabulous. Nick on the other hand was wishing he had never been born and will never sleep in a shared hostel room again lol. Also claims he’s never drinking again but it’s our friends’ birthday tomorrow so good luck.
When we got to the next hostel he paid extra for a private room so he could get some sleep *diva moment I was foreshadowing earlier* (in his defence the night before his pukey happy water fiasco we had the same group sleep situation in the hostel and he had gotten no sleep that night so he had 2 sleepless nights in a row and if there’s one thing to know about nick it’s he needs his 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Or else). He went to bed at 4 pm and woke up the next morning at 8 am so it was money well spent and he woke up a new human. I also should mention that the alternative to the private room was one HUGE room with like 30 people?? Maybe more?? And someone got sick all over their bed and it sounded like a nightmare. A bit too college-esque for my liking and nick would have most certainly lost his mind.
While nick was having his beauty sleep we had another family style dinner, delicious as usual! Same things as the night before but I feel like I could eat rice tofu and veg everyday for the rest of my life. You probably already guessed after the pukey story that the happy water was flowing. Lots of happy water. Maybe a bit too much but you live and learn. Not much to report about that night, had a great time and put myself to bed pretty early. One thing I love about drunk Tess is she always puts herself to bed before she can make a total fool out of herself. She also doesn’t get sick on her bed either (except that one time after my 19th birthday but I’ve grown up since those days)
Tumblr only lets me add 10 photos so I’ll make more posts with more pictures xx
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Oh So Domestic
Witten for @thepassifloradiscord Team Bingo Challenge for the prompt Domestic.
Jaskeir looks up at the sound of the apartment door shutting and bags being set down in the kitchen. “What has my big bootied roommate found for us this time?” he shouts to Geralt.
He receives a huff in response and Geralt coming into the room with a rum cooler in hand for Jaksier. “Well I got the usual selection of the usual suspects and found some of these rum coolers I thought we could try, as the summer lake trip is coming up and I know you don’t prefer beer.”
Jaskier grins and leans up to take the drink and kiss Geralt's cheek. “Thanks love, you know me well. I have the projector just about set up and the powerpoints are actually all sent to me on time for once, so I just gotta get them pulled up. Do we know an eta for everyone? Its Lambs turn to bring food, so he should be here soon.”
Geralt nods and ruffles jaskiers hair before returning to fridge the drinks. “Yea Lambs texted before I came up and said he’d be here in ten. Everyone else confirmed they’d be here around 6:30, so I’d say we have a full house before the hours up.”
Jaskier nods. “Perfect.” he plugs in the last wire and starts up the projector before turning on the speaker and hooking up his party hosting playlist before going to help Geralt in the kitchen. “Now that's a sight for sore eyes.” he chuckles as he’s greeted with a full view of Geralt's rather juicy looking ass as he bends down to arrange the drinks in the fridge.
Geralt laughs and stands. “Just for that you owe me a drink.”
Jaskier sticks his tongue out at him but hands over his drink anyway. “These definitely have more flavor than the seltzers I'll give them that. But nothing on a true mixed drink. There's still that canned quality.”
Grealt has a sip and nods in agreement.
Not 5 minutes pass before there's banging on the door. “Let me in dickheads or I'm eating all the tacos!”
“That’ll be Lambert.”  Jaskier laughs, going to let their friend in.
Lambert storms in with a massive box. “Tacos Lambert?” Geralt says, raising an eyebrow but clearing a spot for the giant box.
“You can’t tell me y’all aren’t tired of pizza. I thought I’d jazz it up this time for once.”
Jaskier follows with Aiden and another box of tacos. “You sure brought enough for an army.”
“Damn right we did. There will be no lack of food on our parts.” says Aiden, opening the box to sneak a taco. “These are some of the best tacos around though, Martinez really knows his stuff.”
As more of their friends start showing up, Geralt and Jaskier get in the swing of hosting as they always do, and once everyone has left and they stare at their oddly arranged furniture, Jaskier grins. “We could leave it for tomorrow?” he says, hip checking Geralt.
Geralt gives him a light glare, “if we do that it’ll never get fixed.”
Jaskier pouts, then sighs. “Fiiiiine we can fix it back, but first!” he bounces to the fridge to grab Geralt and him a drink. “Clean up alcohol.”
Geralt rolls his eyes but opens Jaskier’s can for him nonetheless before hip checking him back towards the living room. “Start packing the projector up while I try to remember what angle we had the couches at.”
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n0wornever · 4 years
Don’t Forget - Owen Joyner x Reader
Omg can I pls request Owen x reader where they fight about not feeling important to one another maybe he missed a date and she missed a release party or something so they have a mega fight but make up later that night either cuddling in bed or soaking in silence in a bubble bath (idk if that’s specific enough for you)
This was perfect, @cherrymaybank​, I hope you like it! 
Also, I don’t have an Owen Joyner taglist, and I wasn’t sure if the JATP list I had would be interested in actor content, so if you want to be placed on  a separate list....let me know! 
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Y/N tapped on the table below her as she watched the diner clock hand strike 6:30. She had been waiting for her boyfriend for over an hour and the pity milkshake the waitress gave her only did so much to sooth her disappointment. She took one more sip of the strawberry drink before her eyes were pulled back to her phone. 
As she clicked on the Instagram app, she was immediately met by a video of Owen and Charlie goofing around in the airbnb they rented for the weekend. Charlie made a makeshift drumset from a couple pans in kitchen and Owen was singing off key in the background. Her finger slid a little further to see that the post had been uploaded only minutes before. 
Her brows furrowed as she closed the app and turned off her phone screen. She turned to her left, unzipping her purse and rummaging through its contents. As she stumbled upon her wallet and pulled it out onto the table, she heard a soft voice reach out to her.
“Oh honey, don’t even worry about it.” 
Her eyes rose to see the sympathetic smile of the kind red-headed waitress who had her hands clasped at her chest as she looked at her. Y/N’s eyes darted to the table where she’d set two pastel colored macaroons. She opened her mouth to protest, but the woman walked away, clanking her heels against the linoleum before she could even get the words out. She sighed, placing her wallet back into the bag. Her hand inched toward the treats, hesitating over the box for a moment before gripping it tightly. She zipped up the bag and threw it over her shoulder as she made her way to the exit. 
When Owen still lived in the city, she wouldn’t have probably been half as upset as she was about him missing a single date. However, the blonde had been so far away from her in California for months, and this would have been the first time she’d see him before he’d jet set again in a few days back to the coast for some promotional shoots for the next season. He had plans to take the boys out tomorrow and visit his mom Sunday afternoon, so she knew this was the only day she’d be able to catch him.
She stepped out into the warm summer air, walking down the sidewalk toward her car. The sun was at its peak, causing her to squint as she walked briskly back to her car. She grabbed her keys out of her jeans pocket and pressed it into the lock. As she climbed into the driver’s seat, she weighed her options.
She could go over to Owen’s airbnb, like they planned to after dinner, or she could go home and just call him about it later. With the embarrassment of everyone in the room looking at her in that corner booth still fresh on her mind, her foggy one-track-mind chose the first option. 
He had given her the address ahead of time, in case she wanted to come over before they went out that night anyway, right? Y/N’s finger tapped against the steering wheel as she pondered the situation in front of her for a moment. Owen’s time in the city was very minimal and if she didn’t confront him now, she may not get a chance to, and the anger would boil inside of her for several more months.
She shook out of her trance, placing the key into the ignition and swiftly pulled out of the lot, making her way to the boy’s place. 
After a few minutes of driving, a line of similar looking townhomes came into view on the right side of the road. She flipped on her turn signal and pulled into the parking lot. She quickly looked down at her phone in her lap to confirm the building number. The third home down was her destination. As she pulled into a spot right across from the bright red door, she let out another deep breath. 
She shook out her hands for a moment before turning off her car and unbuckling her seatbelt. She unzipped her purse and pulled the silver lined box out, pinching it between her fingers. She closed her eyes for a moment before finally letting herself open the door. 
As she made her way to the entrance, her free hand balled into a fist and her lips fell into a thin neutral line across her mouth. She jogged up the few stairs that led to the door. She lifted her hand to press against the door, letting it drop back down to her side afterward as she waited. 
It took a minute, but she finally started to hear the handle move from the the inside of the house. It finally broke free and she stood face to face with her boyfriend’s blue eyes. Owen looked over at her with a bright smile, but that shortly faded as he took in her expression. She didn’t say a word before handing over the little box to the boy, trying to ignore the fact that her hand were shaking as it move toward him. Owen’s eyebrow rose as he grabbed it from her, trying to latch onto her other hand afterward. Y/N shook from his grip and took a step back.
“I just wanted to bring you something from the diner...since you couldn’t make it,” She said, letting her eyes finally meet his.
Owen’s eyes widened as he looked at her. He shoved the box in his pocket, stepping forward toward her. As soon as his hands grabbed onto hers, she slipped right through. She chewed down on her lip before continuing her thought.
“Don’t worry about it, have fun with the boys.” 
She placed her hands in her pockets and turned to walked down the stairs. She heard him call after her, but she just kept her head down as she made her way back to the car. 
It wasn’t until she was sitting in the vehicle again that she let herself fully breathe. She looked out the windshield to see Owen still standing on the porch, watching her. She brought her focus back down the the steering wheel and put the car in drive. Her eyes caught his once more before she sped out of the lot. 
When she finally got back to her apartment, she threw her bag by the shoe rack and made a beeline for the kitchen. She opened the freezer, rummaging through tv dinners and frozen vegetables to find a single carton with colorful sprinkles on the outside. Her arm reached into the back and grabbed the container before shutting the door and making her way to the drawer near the sink to grab a spoon. 
She made her way back to the living room, falling back onto her couch. She tucked her feet underneath her and settled into the cushion. Her arm stretched out toward the table in front of her to grab the remote and pressed her on button. Clicking into her Netflix account and hit resume playing on the last episode of New Girl she was on, finally letting her back rest against the soft surface behind her. 
She got through one episode before she heard a knock at the door. She grabbed her phone that sat by her side, flipping it over to see that there were no new messages waiting for her. Puzzled, she placed her spoon in the dish and set it on the table as she finally got herself off the couch to answer the door. 
Unlatching the deadbolt, she pulled the door toward her. Her gaze landed on a pizza box with a little silver smaller box on top of it before they shifted up to meet a pair of blue eyes. Owen let a soft smile land on his left cheek, shaking the box from side to side. 
“Hi,” He said as his eyebrows pulled to the middle of his face.
She leaned against the doorframe, letting her lips lift as well as she watched his movements. 
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to apologize for being a complete idiot.”
She pinched her lips together at the side of her face as she moved out of the front of the doorway, outstretching her arm to motion him inside. Owen stepped through the door, walking over to the kitchen to set down the box. As he made his way back to the living room, he stepped right in front of her, invading her personal bubble. 
“Hi again.” 
His hands moved toward her waist, and she let him pull her in toward him. His thumbs rubbed circles on the sides of her hips as he met her eyes. She tried her best to keep a stern look across her face as she looked up at him, causing his smile to deepen even more.
“You’re really mad at me, huh?” 
“You ditched me Owen, this was supposed to be our day...” She spat, her tense worry line becoming more prominent as she spoke, hands pressed against his chest. “It was so embarrassing to sit in there alone and have everyone just watch you. The waitress wouldn’t even let me pay for my drink. She gave me these eyes.” 
Y/N mocked the puppy dog eyes the red head had given her that afternoon and Owen giggled up at her. His hands traveled to the middle of her back as he pulled her even closer. 
“I’m really sorry honey. I didn’t look at the clock...I...I have no excuse good enough...but I’m sorry.” He said with a sigh, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead. 
“Yeah you should be,” She said, pouting up at him.
“You should be the priority, always,” He paused for a moment, gauging her reaction. When a soft smile finally landed on her cheeks, he continued. “That’s why I told the boys to go sight-seeing without me tomorrow.”
His fingers tapped against her skin as he waited for her response. Y/N frowned up at him, leaning her head to the side. 
“You don't have to to do that, I know you wanted to show the boys around the city, I can-” 
He leaned down and captured her lips quickly. Her eyes closed as hers moved in sync with his. As they pulled apart, hers fluttered back open to Owen smirking down at her. He smiled down at
“Those two idiots can find their own way around, but I want to be with you tomorrow. We were supposed to have a day together, and I’m going to make that happen.”
She bit down on her bottom lip, nodding up at him. She brought her arms up to wrap around his neck, pushing against the nape of his neck to bring him back down to her level. As they parted, she brought her hand down to intertwine with his, leading him toward the couch.
She sat down first, Owen following quickly to sit on the cushion next to her. The boy placed his arm around her shoulders, bringing her into his side. She let her head lean against his chest as she held the remote up to the tv and pressed play.
“I love you,” He murmured into her hair, pressing a kiss against her temple.
Her eyes lifted up to his and she finally let a wide smile grace her lips as she whispered “I love you too” back up to him.
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buckysgoldenheart · 4 years
Unexpectedly Bitten
Vampire!Henry Cavill x Reader
Part 1 of 6 (or 7)
SO...I watched 30 Days of Night, and somehow I got to this. The plots are nothing alike and the vampires in the movie are creepy, but I figured Henry would obviously be a hot one, thus this mess was born!
This is a Vampire!Henry x Reader story where each chapter, while chronological, is a different conversation or event during the course of their evolving relationship. But we kinda just jump right in. 
Summary: Your ex gets into some trouble with Vampires, and his mistakes lead the bloodsuckers back to you. After seeing you, one vampire gets a little attached and he’s taking his time deciding what he plans to do with you, but whatever it is, you’re not afraid. In fact, you might just be a little attached to him too. 
Warnings: cursing, smut, violence. (Count on spelling mistakes or repeating words too often. it’s very likely.)
Part 1: When Idiots Make Deals
Words: 1330
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There was one thing everyone in your town knew: Don’t made deals with Vampires. It was an unspoken rule, a law to some. Werewolves, fine. They keep their word, and a deal with them is an honorable one through and through. Demons, wraiths, witches, The Devil—literally, anything would be better than a Vampire. But some still get entangled with them, though it never ends well. It’s as if they forget the odds of surviving these agreements. Vampires often ask for difficult things, and if you can’t deliver, you die.
Now, there was one other thing you always knew: Your ex was an idiot. An idiot who made idiotic choices and got his idiotic ass in heaps of trouble. So, when he pounded on your door in the middle of the night, sweating and panting, it was clear he’d, once again, fucked up.
“Close the door. Close the door,” Jason bolted into your apartment on shaky steps, fisting his fingers in his ash blond hair as if to tug out the strands.
“It’s one a.m., Jason.” You yawned. “What have you done now?”
He looked at you nervously, and said, “Ah, look, Y/N, I fucked up.” Shocker, you thought. “I, uh, made a deal.”
“And didn’t hold up your end again? Oh, boy, consider me stunned. Who’d you piss of this time? Another wraith?”
Jason swallowed and shook his head.
Your eyebrows scrunched together. Jason didn’t usually venture outside of wraith deals, or the occasional werewolf, but werewolves were not nearly as threatening. “Demon?”
He shook his head again, and your arms rose before they flopped back down to your sides.
“Well, witches are far and few between, and I doubt you met The Devil, so what else—” You paused, your eyes widening as Jason winced. “Have you lost your goddamn mind!”
“It was a good deal, ok? I thought I had it in the bag.”
Your heartbeat doubled in speed. “What did you promise them, Jason?”
He rubbed at the back of his neck, and his palm pulled away glistening with sweat. “Just a bit of daytime shit.”
“Bodies?” Your voice rose. Women often had to be on the lookout during the day with extra caution. It was easier to lure prey when the sun was out. Centuries old half-vampires could survive in the sun for some time, so it was they, or a rare dealmaker, who tracked females to hand over to their superiors. As it was, three women on average went missing every week.
“They mentioned something about needing a few extra for some big boss or whatever. It’s some sacrificial shit.”
“They told you their plans?” You asked skeptically. If they told him their secrets, then they probably planned to kill him anyway.
“I overheard.”
“And you ran out of time?”
He dragged a hand down his face. “Deadline was yesterday.”
“God damn it, Jason! So, you came here?”
“I don’t have anywhere else to go!”
“You don’t have anywhere to go because you keep trying to hide out in people’s houses after you fuck up! Now, get out!” You snapped, pointing at the door. “You’re going to get me killed. It’s only a matter of time before—”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence before your door slammed open and a dark silhouette illuminated by the hallway lighting filled the space. A second later, your head shot to the swooshing sound of a window being shoved up just enough for a figure to easily slip through.
This was exactly how these things--failed deals with vampires--went down. You’d heard the rumors, which you took with a grain of salt considering survivors of this same situation did not exist to confirm or deny them. But this was certainly close enough to the tales you’d heard as a child. You, of course, wouldn’t survive to confirm or deny the rumors and tales either.
The men stepped forward, closing in on you and Jason with each step, effectively trapping you. Though it was not like you would bother trying to run. They were practically twice the size of Jason. Taller, broader, stronger, and as their faces unveiled under the glow of your lamp, you noticed, insanely more attractive. Beautiful even. They were chiseled like gods, but all full-vampires were heard to be. A trick to draw pathetic humans in. After all, average people are drawn to two things in life: sex and beauty. Vampires embodied both more than any human could, even on their best day.
Before you could stare much more, you were gripped harshly by the arm and thrown to the side like a dirty dishtowel. Your body slammed hard enough into the wall to create a small dent and it jostled your brain in its skull, dizzying you enough that you could barely make out the threatening conversation yards away from you.
“Why must they always fail us?” A dark-haired vampire said to a blond. “It’s very disappointing.”
“They just don’t have it in them.”
The dark one tsked as he walked around Jason in a slow circle, sizing him up. “We give them a chance to prove themselves. They ask for whatever we can provide and all we ask in return is a few measly bodies.” He stopped his trail when he was in front of Jason again, then leaned down the five inches necessary for them to be eyelevel. “We could have had respect for you. But now what are you more than a meal, hmm?”
“G-Give me a-another day,” Jason stuttered, his whole body visibly trembling.
“That’s not how this works, blood-bag,” The blond said as he crossed his arms. “One chance, only.”
“W-What about her? You can have her!”
You did your best to lift your head only to be met with three sets of eyes on your face. One pair a glowing gray-blue. One, a dull, dark green. And the last, a cerulean so intensely bright they practically burned through your own. 
Yet, those ones were soft as they scanned your features, stopping at your lips a moment longer before looking back at your ex. “We asked for three.”
“I-I can get you two more by tomorrow, I swear.” Jason’s lip quivered like the pitiful rat he was, and if you had your full strength, you’d have run up and throttled him for trading you like meat. But your body ached, and your brain was still fuzzy from knocking your head into plaster.
The vampire huffed out a deep breath, shaking his head and crossing his toned arms. “I don’t know what it is,” He said. “But I just don’t trust you.” Then he looked past Jason’s head, nodding to his friend. You jolted at the sound of bone snapping, and watched, somehow calm, as Jason’s lifeless body fell at the feet of the blond. But the view was blocked moments later when the dark-haired vampire crouched in front of your exhausted, crumpled body. He was so much more beautiful up close, and you couldn’t seem to pay attention to anything other than how perfect he was. 
He studied every bit of you in silence until his friend interrupted. “So are we taking her, Henry, or is she to be a dead duck like this one,” The friend asked, then lightly kicked at Jason’s limp body.
“No need for her to die. She’s just an innocent bystander,” The vampire, Henry, said. You liked his name, it somehow suit him. You liked his voice more. He reached forward and grabbed a tip of your hair, rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger before letting go, then hummed and ran a knuckle down your cheek. “You want to come home with me, Little Lamb?”
Despite how it should have been, panic alarms did not go off in your head, but you still said, as dignified as you could, “No.”
He sighed and cocked his head. “That was not the answer I was hoping for. Unfortunately, Lamb, what you want makes little difference to me.”
Tags: @meganwinchester1999 @dani-si @agniavateira @tumblnewby @forthebrokenheartedthings @summersong69 @starlite13 @mstgsmy @purplelove75 @defffcc @the-soot-sprite @kissthatlifeaway @atomicpaperhairdouniversity @aquariuslavenderhoney @harrysthiccthighss​
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senfena · 3 years
Cold War: Remedy, Chapter 10
A/N: I was originally going to put Bell as part of the team we see in the season 2 opening cinematic. I didnt realize until a quarter of the way through writing this chapter that the only one who could be Bell is actually Park, in one of her MP skins. I like the work-around I created though c:
April 17, 1984
Even with the radio turned all the way up, it did little to muffle the constant whacks and thumps from the heavy bag you were roundhouse kicking the shit out of, or the grunted yell you made with each attack. It was some great workout music at least, 99 Luftballons was playing and it had you uber energized. Your legs needed to get moving again after having recovered, and that bag was receiving no mercy from you. Jab, jab, roundhouse, right hook, left hook, elbow. You backed up a bit, took a running start, and-"YAGH!" drop kicked the hell out of it.
Just as you paused for a moment and the radio was switching to Send Me an Angel, the music suddenly stopped. You turned to see Woods, with his finger on the power button. "So that's what you're into, Bell? New wave?" He asked, piqued with curiosity. "Yeah." You shrugged your shoulders. "What's wrong with that?" "Nothing, just, three years ago it didn't even seem like you enjoyed any music." He analyzed. You took off your boxing gloves and put them on the table next to the radio. "I didn't really have the time for it back then, ya know? Adler never let me touch his radio, and we didn't have much time to explore my tastes anyways."
"Fair enough." He chuckled, prompting a smile from you. "Speaking of Adler, we got some intel. Hudson just called a meeting." Intel? Hopefully that meant they found him. You and Woods made your way back to the main room. Gathered in front of the evidence board already was Hudson, Park, Sims, and a new guy, Wolf. You weren't used to these new faces coming in quickly and leaving just as soon. Before, the only thing close to seeing new faces was when Mason and Woods first arrived, and they were there for almost the entire time afterwards. 
"Everybody listen up." Hudson began. "We've run down every clue we have, and at last, we believe we have a location on Adler." He pointed to a bird's eye view photo of a compound in a jungle. "The trail points to this stronghold for the Golden Triangle Cartel near Sankang, in Laos. We believe Stitch is using it to manufacture and distribute Nova 6 throughout the region, and where he's holding Adler." So he's probably alive still, for now at least. Thank god. "The cartel is headed by Kapano Vang, codenamed Naga." Hudson pointed out a figure in a balaclava, wearing sunglasses. "He's a former warlord, and a high level Perseus agent.'' Jesus, another Perseus higher up with a covered face. Why can't they just show their face in public like a normal egotistical bad guy? Like Volkov. 
Hudson walked over to the table and placed his hand on a larger satellite photo, showing more of the region surrounding the compound. "Your LZ will be here, a few klicks west of the camp." He pointed to an open field, next to an abandoned temple. "You'll be going in with our guerilla specialist, Rivas. She's already in Laos now, staking out the compound. You'll come in at the north gate, gain access to the base, and search until you find Adler. We don't know exactly where in the camp they're keeping him, so leave no stone unturned. Our main objective is recovering him and removing the Nova 6 threat." Hudson looked up at the rest of you, ready for questions.
You were the first to start. "Great. When do we leave?" Hudson took a deep breath. "Woods, Park, Sims, and Wolf, you'll be leaving shortly after sunrise tomorrow." He turned to face you. "Bell, you're not going on this one-" "What!? Why the hell not?" You griped, face aghast. Why would he pull you back into this if he wasn't going to use you? Everybody else looked confused as well. "Your legs are only just finishing healing, Bell, and we don't know if that's done yet. I don't want them getting damaged again before you're ready." You spread your arms out and walked backwards a few feet. "Does this not seem ready?" In a demonstration of how much you've healed, you spun around twice, side stepped to the left a few more feet, ending with a jump kick standing in place. "I've made my decision, Bell. We can afford zero screw-ups." He slapped down your eagerness.
"Everybody else, make your preparations." Hudson finished as he walked off to a corner, pulling out his cellular phone. You silently stormed back to the makeshift gym, put back on your boxing gloves and started rapid fire punching the bag. You had to figure out something. Leaving shortly after sunrise? That's at least a 15 hour lead. Pack quickly. Get to Philadelphia International. There'll be a changeover, Thailand's too far to fly direct-"Bell?" Park interrupted your thought process, startling you. You jumped around to face her, putting your hand over your heart. "Sorry, sorry, it's just me." She stretched her arms out to you with her hands raised, attempting to calm you. 
"Sorry, I just...I was lost in thought." "What about?" She questioned. You sighed. "I can't just stay here and do nothing, Park. I gotta make sure we get him back." You tried to convince her. She crossed her arms, staying silent for a few moments as she looked at the floor. "Why does it mean so much to you?" She finally spoke up. "What?" "Well, the last time you and Adler saw each other, you punched him in the face, constantly insulted him, and said you didn't want anything to do with him again. Now he may be dying, or already dead, and you put both of your legs in casts trying to stop it." You looked away from her, trying to shut out her rationalization of your own hypocrisy. "And because I know you well enough, I imagine you're trying to figure out some way to come on this mission, with or without permission." Shit, was it that obvious? You looked back at her again. "It just seems...strange." She pondered, uncrossing her arms.
"I don't really understand it either." You divulged to her. "He did shoot me...betray me, and yeah, I hate him for that but...I can't hate him completely." You leaned against the heavy bag, grabbing hold of your left arm with your right one. "He told me my real name." Park tilted her head. "Right before we left for England, I asked him. He told me, and he gave me his fancy lighter too. It's just...really complicated, with us." You lamented. "But I know I don't want him dead. For one thing, whoever Sariya...I was back then, I feel like I need to know more about her. And he's probably the best one to help me with that." You confided. "I could help you with that as well, if you're interested." You perked your head up at Park's suggestion. "I could riffle through MI6's files, perhaps get Hudson to look through the CIA's, or Adler, once he's back, and dig up anything we can find about your life beforehand." You broke into a wide smile. "That'd mean a lot to me, Helen. Thank you." She stepped forward and embraced you. "Of course." She beamed back at you.
As you let go of eachother, something else came to mind. "Hey, another thing...was I ever given a name on my CIA file? Aside from Bell?" You queried. "Yes, actually. Adler came up with it, of course. Serena Bailey." Park divulged. You slowly took it in. Serena Bailey. "Hm...I like Serena, but I don't think Bailey exactly fits me. Plus it needs a middle name." "You have plenty of time to come up with the right fit." She patted you on the shoulder. "In the meantime, what's your plan for getting to Laos?" She asked with a smirk. You stood still. "You're not gonna try to stop me?" She shook her head in response. "If you say you're ready for action again, I trust you." You broke into a smile again. "Well...I gotta get to Philly International soon. My lead on you guys is closing every second. From there I'll have to find a connecting flight to Thailand. London, Stockholm, somewhere in Europe that can get me to Bangkok. Bad news is, I'm already gonna lose most of my head start getting from one side of Thailand to the other to cross into Laos."
"I'd pack my bags and get moving then." Park stepped aside. "I'll go run interference on Hudson, make sure he doesn't see you slipping out. And I'll make sure to let the others know what the plan is." You gave her another tight hug. "You're a lifesaver, Park." You patted her on the back and swiftly ran to your room to pack a bag. "I'll see you all in Laos!" 
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puckngrind · 3 years
Leave Her Wild: chapter 3 - N. MacKinnon
Summary: MacKenzie heads to Washington and cashes in her bet with Nathan.
Warnings: swearing, fluff and stuff
Word count: 2,565 (swear they will get longer)
Series masterlist / Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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The two texted back and forth over the week. Mostly randomness with a splash of real life. A friendship was blooming with the text conversation but what else could come of it? Neither one seemed to want to touch the subject. Kenzie wasn't even sure what to make of the attention from Nate. She threw herself into work as she normally would.
MacKenzie spent a few days in Colorado Springs for work but took advantage of her time off by hiking the Garden of the Gods. She was was halfway through Palmers trail when she feels her phone and decides to stop for water and take in the view plus check her phone thinking it was work. She laughs to herself realizing it was in fact not work.
Nate: how’s Colorado Springs?
She snaps a picture of her view and sends it.
Kenzie: gorgeous as always
Nate: holy shit are you hiking alone?
Kenzie snaps a selfie where you can see she’s alone and sends it.
Kenzie: don’t worry not anything too dangerous today. Lol
Nate: ok… not worried. Anyways, thought maybe dinner could be in DC since we will both be there next week.
Kenzie thinks about it and starts walking again. She realizes dinner out of town may in fact make things less awkward.
Kenzie: depends on my schedule but that should work
Nate: good. Enjoy the rest of your hike.
MacKenzie did just that. One thing most people knew about her was she loved adventures and trying new things. She rarely goes to the same vacation spot twice. Always wanting to try new restaurants and really only frequents Gus’s place in Denver. She liked to be free which drove her mother insanely crazy but MacKenzie didn’t seem to care. Her dad was her biggest supporter. Constantly sending her wanderlust Instagram posts after she taught him how. At least her mom had home in Kenzie’s brother, Cameron. Cam was doing everything he was expected to do including recently proposing to his high school sweetheart which Kenzie thought was dumb as seniors in college. His life was his life that was for sure, well and maybe their mother's life too. She couldn't control Kenzie which meant Cam got all of her energy.
The flight to D.C. was a breeze but busy would be an understatement as MacKenzie met her client at the end of the week. The demands were insane in the time frame. She spent almost all weekend in her hotel room working and talking with her team back in Colorado.
Nate: would you want to come to the game? I have tickets.
Kenzie: I would love to but I don’t even know if I can do dinner I’m so swamped
Nate: you need to eat right?
Kenzie: I mean, yeah. I’ll order in
Nate: how about you come to my hotel, we have an amazing restaurant here. You can work and eat
MacKenzie thought it over as she looked out her window. Walking the block and a half to Nathan’s hotel tomorrow night seemed doable. He had a point that she needed to eat and could work while they ate. It would complete their wager from the card game in the same instance. Wondered if Gabe or one of the other players would be around to ensure the dinner happened. MacKenzie thought she wouldn’t have the awkwardness of it feeling like a date this way. Plus, she wanted to try the restaurant out since last time she was in town and another client mentioned it. Mosi was all for the dinner when she called ensuring Kenzie her condo's mail was indeed checked. She thought this was the perfect arrangement and MacKenzie couldn’t find a reason to say no. Thinking Nate would already be at the arena for the game she sent a text.
Kenzie: Yes, to dinner at your hotel if you are still up to it after the game
She starts typing away again and laughs when the ping is almost immediate.
Nate: Perfect. I'll text you when we are back on the bus.
MacKenzie decided to turn the game on while she worked. She normally would have something on as background noise while she worked. She knows she can get lost in work and wanted to make sure she knew to pack up her laptop and such waiting for Nathan's call. She hears his name and looks up to see him score with less than a minute left. The Avalanche was already been leading but that goal ensured their win. She decided to change then couldn’t decide if she should pack up her work yet. “How sure how much time would he take between the game and the bus?” Kenzie asked her reflection. She texted him nice game to see if he would respond. He did a few moments later so she packed up slowly. Kenzie walks down to the street turning to head over to his hotel, humming to herself trying to not over think this very simple dinner. She slows down as she sees the charter bus in front of the hotel. Fuck.
"MAAAAC! Good to see you!" Gabe's voice comes booming out of the bus with some others chiming in as the stepped off the bus. MacKenzie awkwardly smiles at the team and then catches Nathan out the side of her eye. He’s staring at her as he walks down the step.
"Did you walk?" Nathan looks down at MacKenzie puzzled.
"Well, hello. Nice game. And yes. Just two blocks." MacKenzie pulls at her loose curl and then slides her finger down her messenger bag.
"Ready for dinner? I see you brought your work." Nathan taps her bag with his knuckle. MacKenzie nods and follows Nathan into the hotel. She awkwardly stops and he realizes it. “Whatcha doin’ there?” Nate walked back so he was standing in front of Kenzie.
“Isn’t the restaurant that way?” She points in the direction of the sign she stopped next to.
“Yes but they deliver to the room and I’d rather change into sweats and let you work in comfort.” He pulls at his tie. “Less eyes too. Come on.” Nathan placed his hand briefly on MacKenzie’s lower back to lead her to the elevator.
“I normally take the stairs.” MacKenzie looks around Nate for the steps.
“My room is on floor 12 and I just had over 20 minutes of ice time. Can we please take the elevator?” Nathan looked into MacKenzie’s questioning eyes.
“Fine. You have a point.” She smiles but gets lost calculating if that time is high or low for him.
They make their way to Nathan’s room. MacKenzie is surprised how nice it is. She’s not sure what she expected but it wasn’t this. Nathan’s suits neatly hanging up. Sweats sitting in his open luggage next to the closet. She realizes he hasn’t moved from behind her.
“Everything okay?” He moves to grab a pair of shorts and shirt.
“Yeah. Just not what I was expecting. You literally live out of suitcase don’t ya?” She watches him take off his suit coat and gulps at how his shirt is sticking to him.
“Some trips it feels like that. This one we won’t be home until the 26th… then a home stand with a few games on the road… and I’m boring you. Set up wherever you want and I’m gonna go change then will be right back.” He heads to the bathroom shut the door softly.
MacKenzie stares at the uncomfortable looking desk chair in a moment of indecision wanting to be set up so she’s working when Nate returns, she decides the bed was a better option for her to sit. Getting out her laptop Kenzie starts typing as soon as she hears Nate opening the door. He smirks when he sees Kenzie on the bed and moves to the desk to find the menu. She cannot help watching him. His muscles easily seen in the shirt and shorts he picked. He hikes up his pant leg exposing his thigh. Kenzie coughs focusing back on her work again.
"Here it is." Nathan turns around and walks towards MacKenzie handing her the menu. She stares at the menu then her finger lands on a cheeseburger and fries. Nathan moves to the other side of the bed, sitting to call in the order. He hangs up and starts to move.
"You can stay here. That chair is horrible looking." MacKenzie looks over at Nathan and he stops moving then looks down at his feet before swinging them up and adjusting to sit on the bed.
"Thanks." He looks over at her screen. "So what exactly do you do?"
"Simple description... I am a social media consultant." MacKenzie giggles. "Speaking of... your social media..." "Is non-existent." Nathan finishes her statement.
"Yeah, only two posts. That’s shocking for someone your age. Nate, do you know how you could amplify your earnings post career?" MacKenzie moves her computer and shift so look at him. He rubs the back of his neck and rotates on his hip to look at her better.
"Yeah. No, yeah. I get it. Just not my thing but you looked at my socials?" He bites his lip.
"I did after we ran into you at the bar post-game. Would've felt funny giving you my number if you had a girlfriend." MacKenzie admits.
"No girlfriend. So did you say you watched the game?" Nate changes the subject which Kenzie made a mental note of.
"Background noise while working. You can turn the tv on now or just talk to me. You scored." Kenzie looks over at Nathan.
"Empty netter but yeah. Nice win." Nathan says softly. The knock on the door stops their conversation. "Oh, dinner!" Nathan pops up and answers the door.
Dinner was delicious. The two shared backgrounds such as where they were from, college for MacKenzie, boarding school and early days of hockey for Nathan. They were laughing at each other's stories which lead to both laying on their stomachs watching a video for MacKenzie's work on her laptop.
"Kenz... Kenzie. Wake up!" Nathan whispers and MacKenzie's groggy self pops up and lands on Nathan's naked torso.
"Holy fuck!" She yells out. Nathan's hands steady her.
"Hey." Nathan backs up and bends to look her in face. Panic written all over her face. "You okay? We fell asleep talking." He looks at her.
"Why didn't you wake me? What time is it? Fuck. Sorry. I'm on a schedule." MacKenzie pulls away and looks for her bag realizing Nathan plugged her computer in at some point.
"It's 6:30. We just slept. I sleep shirtless and, uh, must've taken it off in my sleep. Sorry, should've put in on before I woke you. Hold on." Nathan moves to the other side of the bed and throws his shirt back on. "Let me call you an uber." He grabs his phone.
"I can walk. I don't have a meeting until noon so I'm fine. Thank you." MacKenzie points to the bathroom and Nathan nods.
She stands in front of the mirror for way too long just looking at herself. Pinches her cheeks and starts ranking her fingers through their loose blonde curls making them manageable enough to put up in a high ponytail. She grabs Nathan’s toothpaste and brushes her teeth with her finger.
“Well, Mac. This will have to do.” She bobs on the balls of her feet to psych herself up. Returning to the room she notices that Nathan had changed and slipped on some shoes. “Whatcha doin’ Nate?”
“I’ll walk with you. I wanted to grab coffee from down the street before we leave for the airport.” He grabs his wallet.
“You don’t have to.” Kenzie whispers as she heads to her bag.
“I don’t, but I wanna.” Nate smiles at her. She notices those soft eyes again. Almost gray but then again blue.
They head out of room to the steps. MacKenzie took a deep breath not realizing she was holding it until they got to the door.
“Why good morning you two!” Gabe’s voice comes from around the corner with a bag and coffee in hand.
“Mornin’” Nate answers and pushes the cross walk button.
“Glad to see you Kenzie.” Gabe nods and starts whistling while heading back to the hotel.
“Don’t mind him.” Nate breaks the silence after crossing the street.
“I’m assuming he’s thinking you got lucky last night.” MacKenzie tries to control her racing heart.
“I’ll talk to him.” Nathan assures her. She stops and looks up at him.
“Did you want to?” She puts her hand on her head not sure she really said it out loud.
“What?” Nathan stops and looks at her confused.
“Did you want to sleep with me?” She looks to see if anyone could hear her.
“No. Well… damnit. Hi. Let me start over.” Nathan looks deep in her eyes and cups her face.
“Go ahead.” She’s not sure if the words actually could be heard or not.
“I like you. You are easy to talk to. In the short time I’ve known you I’m constantly wanting to know more. I’m just bad at dating.”
“Why do you say that?” She moves closer to him without thinking.
“I’m not romantic. Plus my job isn’t the easiest for most of the year to maintain a healthy relationship. Plus, there is those who just want me for what I could give them.” He drops his hand to her hip. She sees his chest rise and fall.
“Who says you aren’t romantic?” MacKenzie questions.
“Every girl I’ve dated.” Nathan grumbles. This makes Kenzie laugh. “Well, they have.”
“I like you too, Nate. You intrigue me.” She feels the heat in her cheeks.
“So to answer your original question, yes. I would very much like to be physical with you but I also want to date you. Like not to fuck it up by…” She stops him by pushing herself to her tip toes to softly kiss his cheek.
“Well, saying all that is a start in how not to fuck it up.” She smiles at him. “Let’s get me back to my hotel then we can visit this whole dating thing when you return to Denver.” She starts walking and he quickly grabs her hand to walk with her.
“Here we are.” He stops at the doors of her hotel. “So, I’ll see you in two weeks, Kenzie.” Nathan drags out the two while contorting his face.
“It’s not that long plus you will be busy and I have this plus another project to finish before then.” She rubs the back of his hand with her thumb realizing how large his hand was in comparison which could crush her hand if he wanted. “Thanks for dinner Nate.”
“Can I?” He starts and gulps. MacKenzie watches his Adam’s apple bob. “Can I kiss you?” He asks with a quiver in his voice. She nods her head yes. Nate brings his hands up to her jaw holding her face up while he leans in pressing his lips to hers. Kenzie kisses him back and cannot remember a first kiss quiet like that. He releases while sucking in a deep breath.
“I…” Kenzie touches her lips.
“Well, see you soon Kenzie.” He kisses her forehead then turns quickly to head back down the street leaving Kenzie wanting more.
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chrisevansszn · 4 years
This is a story about you and Chris journey after filming your first movie together. Life comes at you fast. 👀
1.2k word count
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                     You and Chris just finishing up shooting a movie together. A little romantic film, and it was time for press tours. The film took six months to film in Atlanta, GA. You flew back home to Texas for a week of rest, and he went back home to Boston. You can Chris developed an amazing friendship during filming. This was your breakout film, and to have the privilege to shoot a movie with Chris Evans! You couldn’t believe it!
*Income Facetime from Chris*
“Hey Chris”, you answered. You were just sitting in your living room watching a football game on tv. You could hear Dodger bark in the background. “Y/N, what are you up to”, Chris asked. “Just sitting watching some football” “I have never met a woman who loves football the way you do, I swear”. He giggled. “Chris, I watched it all NFL and college football”. “That’s crazy. I just absolutely love that”. You laugh. What do you have going on today? “I just took Dodger to the dog park, and now we are back. Football for me too!” You watch Chris walk to his kitchen, he’s chatting away, and grabs a beer. While filming you and Chris constantly went to bars, or played drinking games at each other’s rental homes, and you could hang with him too! “Let’s take a shot”, you say. He stopped and looked at his screen. “That’s my girl” You both grab a shot of liquor and cheer through the phone. “Scott is calling me. Let me get this call. I can wait to see you Friday in NYC.” “Same, talk to you later”, you say and hang up the phone.
The week goes by and you fly out to NYC for interview with Chris. First up, Jimmy Fallon.
“As you both know, I was able to see this with early access, and the film is incredible! Your on screen chemistry has me reeled all the way in”, Jimmy says. “Chris, I really notice how touchy feely you were this entire film”. Chris blushes. “Noooooo, were not going to make me look like a creep”, he laughs. “I was just dedicated to the craft. You smile, a smidge embarrassed. You and Chris rubbed and touched all over each other while filming this. You both were just super comfortable with each other. The audience goes wild. “Y/N, how was it shooting those intimate scenes?”, Jimmy asked you. You smile, “Work was really nice.” Jimmy died laughing. Chris looked over at you and gave you one of those smiles. 
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There was sexual tension between you and Chris, but it wasn’t obvious. It was little moments when you guys would smile at each other, or just look into each other eyes. Who could resist those beautiful blue eyes?
You guys had interviews a few more late-night shows, and then it was off to Los Angeles for the premiere. You were so nervous, because this was your very first one! Chris offered for you to stay with him at his LA home. You were only going to be in LA for a few days anyway. You accepted. Chris arrived in LA first, because you look at later flight so you could visit your friend Jessica in NYC. You haven’t seen her in years! You landed in LA at about 7PM, Chris had a car to pick you up from the airport. When you arrived at his house you could believe it. It was absolutely stunning, and huge. Way too big for a bachelor and his dog.
The driver opens the door for you, and you see Chris walking outside. “Y/N you made it”, he says. “Hi Chris,”. You run up and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you so much for letting me stay for a few days”. “Absolutely, anything for my favorite girl. Plus, I didn’t want to get ready alone”. You blushed, he called you his favorite girl! He grabs your luggage from the drive and both walk in the house. Dodger is lounging on the couch until he sees you. He comes running. “Hi Dodger.” You give him rubs, and he gives you kisses in return. “He loves attention,” Chris says. “Like his daddy”, you blurt out giggling. Chris dies laughing. “Are you hungry?” I made dinner if you are. “Um, yes. When am I not hungry?”
Chris made salmon, asparagus, and rice. It looked and smelled amazing. You both sit down to eat and he opens up a bottle of wine.
“I am absolutely terrified about the premiere tomorrow. Having everyone’s eyes on me gives me major anxiety”, you say. “Same, it doesn’t really get easy. I get butterflies every time”. You both finish dinner, and you suggest some drinking games. Beer pong up first! Chris sets up the game. It’s his favorite, but he knows you are a beast as well. Let’s go live in Instagram he says. That’s extremely odd. Chris never goes live on IG. “Sure”, you say. He sets up his phone and starts the live. He’s talking shit per the usual.  “Ladies, first” You shoot and miss. “This is going to be cake”, he says. “All you do is talk shit”, you blurt. He shoots and misses. “Chris, what the fuck!”, he hollers. You giggle. You shoot and it goes into a cup. “Ok”, he says and nods his head up and down. You shoot again and make it, and again, and again. He couldn’t believe it. “Y/N, you are kidding me right??”. “Talking all that shit, you knew better. Let end this….KOBE!”, you hollering while shooting into the last cup, and it goes in. Chris made one cup to your ten.
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You walk up his phone to talk to his live. “See what happens when you talk shit!” Chris comes behind you and picks you up by the waist and moves you from the phone, and then he goes back. “Noooo IG, were having a rematch right now”. He cannot stop laughing. You guys play another round of beer pong, flip cup, and then tic tac toe. You won every game. By that time, it’s around 11PM, not only were you both drinking beer but having shots of vodka all recorded on live. You both say goodnight to the live audience and clean up the mess.
“I am going to go take a shower and then lay it down”, you say. “Let me take you to your room”, Chris replies. You follow him down the hall to a guest bedroom. It was stunning, walls were painted grey, its own living area, and the view you can’t even describe.
“Here you go, all yours”, Chris says. “Thank you.” “Bathroom is over here, closet if you want to hang your clothes, and a living space.” “I love it.” “If you need anything let me know”. Chris kisses your cheek and walks back down the hall towards his room. “Come on Dodge…bedtime”. You hear him say.  You take a shower and get into bed. It has been a long day and you are tired!
It’s the big day!  The premiere of your first movie ever. The anxiety you are feeling can’t be described. Think about all of the fans and flashing lights, my goodness. Your team comes over to prepare your hair and make-up. The guest bathroom is so large everyone can fit. Chris’ team is at the other end of the hall getting him together. The premiere starts at 7PM. You are wearing a black fitted long velvet down, with huge emerald earrings. You dress comes with hand gloves that go up to your elbow, and you are wearing open toed Christian Louboutin heels. Chris is wearing an amazing blue suit with a white undershirt, and brown shoes. Chris walks into your room as you are finishing up. “You look beautiful,”, he says and smiles. You blush. “Thank you, sir, you look amazing as well”. You both head out of his home get into the back of the Cadillac Escalade the company sent. You and Chris made jokes the entire 30-minute ride to the theatre. He pulls out his God-awful iPhone 6 and snaps a couple of pictures of you guys. You finally arrive. There are two men awaiting and open each door for you both to get out and Chris comes around to your side. He grabs your hand and you both walk down the red carpet. The flash from all of the cameras is causing you to barely see. Chris still has your hand, and he is leading the way. There are so many other celebrities on the red carpet, fans are waving and calling your and, you have no idea where to look. You and Chris finally arrive at the first area of red-carpet photos. “Y/N, over here, Y/N over here” is all you can hear as you pose.
You look up a Chris, and he looks at you.
“You look so fucking sexy, I could fuck you right here on this red carpet”, Chris whispers in your ear.
I hope you all enjoy this! 💞💞💞💞💞
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thosewickedlovelies · 4 years
AND THEY WERE WALLMATES: Banana Bread (part 1)
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Rating: probably T for mature themes (implications of sexy times and violence). It will go up later ;)
Summary: You share an apartment wall with Javier Peña, but that doesn’t make it any easier to get to know him. You didn’t think your baking would be the catalyst (read: Javi is jealous that Connie gets all the extras).
Tags: Mention of blood; super vague description of wound care; alcohol; TW for Javi: you have FEELINGS bby
Word count: 2,791
A/N: I guess technically this starts at the beginning of season 1, but I don’t plan on referencing the events of the show, so imagine they’re working on things less intense than trying to catch Escobar. I found Javier really tricky to write for, so I hope this reads okay! I’m so excited about the future chapters I have outlined for this lol pls get hype.
You had only been living in your new place for about a month when you got new neighbors. You were glad for the company- the four-apartment building was fairly new, and didn’t feel very lived-in. You did your best to add some personal flair to your apartment, but it still had the effect of reminding you of your own newness to this place, your lack of any deep personal connections.
Your other neighbor didn’t exactly help with that. Javier Peña had lived here for awhile before you moved in, but that was all you knew about him; you didn’t speak much beyond your neighborly greetings and his insinuating smiles. He never hides his lingering glances, but nor does he make any other moves- you sense he’s a safe type, all bark and no bite (without consent). So you always amusedly but politely ignore the invitation implicit in your exchanges. They don’t seem to have a lot of depth anyway, as if he’s just trying for the sake of trying. Granted, he probably never has to do much more than that- you’re very aware of how attractive your neighbor is on the surface. You just prefer to feel a connection slightly deeper than surface level before going home with someone.
You learn more about him from Connie, who tells you that he works at the embassy with her husband, Steve. In “janitorial services.” You raise a bemused eyebrow at that, but respect your neighbors’ privacy and don’t ask further questions. You help Connie get a job at a hospital a few blocks away from the one you’re a nurse at and promise to help her practice Spanish.
The building feels more lively now, and you’re happy to have a confidant upstairs, especially one who’s more privy to the life of your enigmatic hall-mate. You don’t know if it’s the neighborly care you feel for your new friend or if there’s some other unconscious change, but you begin to keep an ear out for Javier. You do share an apartment wall, although you don’t glean much through it. Some standard kitchen rummaging, television noise, the occasional bedroom guest (whose enterprises you try not to listen to, but damn if the man doesn’t have a perfect voice for after-dark activities). The most noticeable thing about him is the odd hours he keeps: sometimes in tandem with Steve’s schedule and sometimes not, you can never predict when he’ll be in or out.
Little do you know, you’re not the only one paying attention. Javier has spent many an evening alone with only whiskey and the television for company, but now there are other things to stimulate his senses. The smell of your baking filtering through the wall, even lingering in the hallway the next morning. The sound of you singing to the radio while clattering about the kitchen. Sometimes he turns the tv down to listen and imagines there being no wall between your two homes. What would his life be like with someone to infuse that kind of sweetness and light into it?
He doesn’t mean you specifically, necessarily. If, once or twice, your face jumps to mind while he’s taking care of himself in bed, he thinks nothing of it. You’re his beautiful neighbor- it’s a fantasy begging to be played out.
But damn if he hasn’t been tempted to make it a reality. He gets to taste your baking sometimes when you leave extras with Connie, and one day she catches his brow creased in a frown, distracted halfway through a slice of walnut banana bread.
“Javi,” Connie repeats, trying to get his attention.
“Yeah.” Javier snaps out of it, looking up.
“You’ve been staring at that piece of banana bread for a full two minutes. Is it gonna do a trick?”
He decides to lean into it, see what Connie’s reaction might be. “Only if the trick is getting me out of my pants. I don’t know a man alive who could resist the shit she makes.” He scoops another forkful into his mouth to prove his point, letting the rich, nutty flavor remind him of other places. Homes. Real homes, made of people, not the solitary kind he lives in now.
She rolls her eyes at his crudeness, but agrees. “You’re right about that. I don’t know where she gets the energy to do this after hospital shifts.”
Javier hides his next thought with another forkful of bread and a noncommittal noise. Wonder if she’d have as much energy for it if she had a man to tire her out. It was automatic, a question he couldn’t help debating with himself. Surely no one who spent that much time in the kitchen could have energy to spare on…other pursuits.
Connie is regarding him shrewdly. He avoids her gaze, focusing on finishing his plate in large mouthfuls to avoid the questions he can feel brewing. But he’s not quick enough. “Has she always brought you extras too?” she asks. Too casually, idling with her fork.
“No,” Javier says dismissively, and it’s not quite a scoff. “She wasn’t here long before you showed up. We’re not as close as you two.” Understatement. Did he sound sour about the fact?
Before Connie can ask any more questions he rises from his seat. “Well, don’t let me keep you. Tell Steve what I said.” With a nod of farewell, he turns and strides out the door.
One night you’re awoken with a start from where you’d fallen asleep on the couch. Heart pounding, you sit up, listening intently. You’d never felt unsafe here, but you’re aware of the potential dangers. What had woken you?
You hear a swear from the hall, and your muscles relax as you recognize Javier’s low voice. There’s a beat of silence, then a scraping, clinking sound. He must have dropped his keys. But then he grunts, and concern sweeps over you. You’re a nurse- you recognize the sound of a man stifling his pain.
There are long delays before each new noise that indicates an action. The doorknob twists as he grunts again, but it’s a moment before the key turns in the lock. It seems to take an age for him to get through the door; his motions sound clumsy before he closes it. Safe in the privacy of his home, so he thinks, he lets out a longer sigh, the pain and exhaustion now obvious in the sound. But you can hear his fumbling through the wall, and you worry your lip between your teeth. It is your place to go see if he’s alright?
Finally you decide that it is. You’re his neighbor and a healthcare professional, and it is your professional opinion that he sounded in-pain enough to warrant a check-up. Plus, you heard him that way before he got inside, you reason. So it’s not as if you were just being snoopy through the wall.
Just in case, though, you grab some muffins you made earlier as a backup excuse (once again mentally thanking whoever left the cookbook in your apartment). 11:30 isn’t too late for a friendly drop-by, right?
You knock softly on his door. “Javier? It’s me.” Nervous energy taps in your fingers. You’re never even been on his side of the hallway before.
There’s a shuffling sound, and the door unlatches. A narrow gap opens, into which Javier plants himself, and you immediately zero in on where he keeps one leg wedged behind the door. He leans into the elbow propped against the doorjamb above his head, while his other hand already holds a glass of what you can smell is whiskey. He looks like he would rather be anywhere but here at this moment. “Neighbor,” he greets dryly, a neutral expression on his face.
“Uhh.” You’ve never been this close to him before, and his appearance catches you off-guard. His usually combed hair is messy, waves tangling over his forehead, and he’s sweaty, the open collar of his shirt damp and the exposed skin gleaming with moisture.
Javier raises an eyebrow expectantly, taking a sip of his drink. His glances down at the plate in your hands, and it prompts you to speak.
“Hi, Javier. Uh, sorry, I know it’s late, but I thought I’d bring you some of these-“ you lift the dish “-before they come with me to work tomorrow. They’re banana bread muffins.” Your voice falters with your confidence. Your eyes can’t help but flicker over his face and chest, taking in the smear of dust on his jaw, the redness of the knuckles wrapped around his glass. Mostly you’re trying not to look at the leg he’s definitely hiding, which you can tell he’s keeping his weight off of.
Javier stares at you, not buying it for a second. His lips purse for lack of a cigarette to wrap around. He shifts the weight he has on his arm- damn, his leg hurts- and wonders what could have possibly prompted you to start bringing him baked goods now of all moments. “Why aren’t you bring those to Connie’s?” Like usual.
“Um, well-“ He sees your gaze finally drop to the leg he’s kept out of view, and too late remembers who got Connie the hospital job.
“I heard you drop your keys, and it sounded like you were in pain,” you confess. “I’m a nurse, Javier. I can help if you need it.” Though apologetic, your tone is firm, face sincere as you offer him aid. Him, your grumpy neighbor who does nothing but leer at you.
Well, he isn’t that proud. Javier sighs, and opens the door further. Your eyes widen as you see the long slice in his pant leg, blood still damp around the wound beneath. “Shit, Javier, what happened? It doesn’t matter, shit, sit down.” You surge forward without waiting for permission, tucking yourself under the arm of his uninjured side and steering him toward a dining room chair. Where he’d been about to sit down down and tend to the cut himself. He supposes your apartments mirror each other, but your familiar reaction to the layout still surprises him.
“Whoa, hey, watch the whiskey,” he exclaims, flailing out the arm holding the glass, taken aback by your sudden manhandling. With one hand still occupied by the muffins, you direct him solely with an around his waist and your shoulder propped under his armpit. He couldn’t have resisted if he tried. If it weren’t for the fiery pain in his leg, your hold would have him feeling a very different kind of heat.
You give him a look that says you won’t be fooled by his blustering as you deposit him onto the chair and the plate on the table. “May I?” you ask, kneeling, hands hovering above his wound.
“Oh, now you’re asking permission?” He scoffs in disbelief but waves a hand in consent, leaning back in the seat.
You scoff right back at him. “Look, I see blood, I make the macho men sit, okay? Why didn’t you go to a hospital with this?”
Javier studies you as you carefully lift the denim to peer at the cut on his thigh. He takes a sip of whiskey to buy time (as well as dull the stinging pain). You’ve put on a robe over what looks like pajamas, but you seem too alert to have just dragged yourself from bed. And yet...was that a pillow mark on your cheek? Just there, arcing from your temple to your jaw…
“Javier?" you're looking up at him, a touch of confusion on your face.
“Did I wake you up?” he hears himself asking.
Her gaze drops again. “No,” you answer. “Well, yes, but I fell asleep on the couch, so it was a good thing.”
Ah, that explained the pillow mark.
Finally you stand. Your hands rest on your hips, heedless of your fingertips smudged red with his blood. “It doesn’t actually look too bad. I have enough supplies here to fix you up. You stay here, take off your pants if you can manage it by yourself, and I’ll be right back.” And with that you whisk away, robe swishing through his front door.
Javier remains where he is, a bit stunned by this turn of events, your sudden insertion into his life. He shakes his head. Maybe whiskey and blood loss shouldn’t go together. He tosses back the rest of his glass anyway in order to wrangle off his jeans.
By the time you return, he feels more composed, if rather uncomfortably vulnerable, sitting in just his boxers with a bloody slice across his thigh. He watches silently as you arrange various medical supplies on the table and pull up a chair across from him. You perch on the edge of it and look at him before doing anything else. “Are you gonna tell me how you got this?”
He’s not about to tell you it was a fluke accident during one of Carillo's interrogations. Somehow, while his back was turned, the guy got free and tried to escape, swinging a knife wildly as he hurled past Javier. The cut was long, ugly, but shallow. He’d live. He couldn’t say the same for the man who delivered it.
Javier considers his answer. “Can’t,” he says. “It’s better if you don’t know.” His gaze skitters away as he speaks.
He works for the government with a poker face like that? “Janitorial work, huh?” you say dryly. Sighing, you reach for the antiseptic. “At least tell me what made it. So I can treat it properly.” You look at him steadily.
Javier looks back for a long moment. “A knife,” he says at last.
You nod, and rip open a packet of gauze. He sucks air through his teeth as the antiseptic sears the wound clean, but otherwise doesn’t speak while you work. Which is fine. You notice he’s drained his glass, and you empathize. Frankly you wish you had a drink yourself right now.
Once you’ve cleaned the cut it’s easier to see the damage. Which is minimal, thankfully. Most of the blood was probably from him moving around when it happened. You explain what you’re doing as you seal the wound closed. Only when you’re almost finished does he speak.
“Why don’t you ever bake me anything?”
It’s so unexpected that your hands still. You stare at him in astonishment, waiting for him to elaborate.
“What I mean is…christ,” Javier mutters. The unflattering fluorescent light overhead highlights the dark circles under his eyes as he scrubs a hand over his face. “You always leave extras of stuff at Steve and Connie’s. Never here.” With me.
You resume your work on his thigh, surprised to feel a tinge of guilt. “You didn’t seem like a baked goods kind of guy,” you reply, hoping you don’t sound too defensive. It was true, after all. Though you never got a sense of threat from Javier, neither did he seem the type who would appreciate domestic gestures of friendship.
He didn’t look offended, however. I’ll try anything once,” he says, the ghost of a familiar smirk suggesting he’s feeling better. But then he leans forward, all traces of smirk vanishing. “And your lemon drizzle cake was incredible.” Javier looks at you seriously. His face is too close for your level of acquaintanceship, but you don’t move away.
Surprised, you assess him anew, wondering if you’re catching a glimpse of the man beneath all the masculine posturing. He’s nicer-looking this way, you muse. His face softer, brown eyes wide and sincere. You hide just how pleased you are at this insight (which you’re sure he has no idea he’s giving you) beyond allowing yourself a small smile.
“Well, maybe next time I’ll bring you some.”
Javier can’t quite find another quippy response, so he just gives a small nod, finding it hard to draw back even after you break his gaze. He tries not to fidget as you place a final strip of tape over the gauze bandage.
“There,” you declare, your work complete. “That should hold you for tonight.” You stand and gather up your supplies, giving him care instructions as you go. “Got it?” You seem much more relaxed than when you first arrived, confidence in your work squaring your shoulders. It’s…compelling, much more so than your usual reserved smiles in the hall.
“Yes ma’am.” Javier nods, not having heard a word. “…Thank you,” he adds, begrudgingly grateful.
You smile wryly at him. “Goodnight, Javier.”
You’ve nearly reached the door when he speaks again. “Javi.”
“Hm?” Pausing, you turn back to him.
He clears his throat. “You…you can call me Javi.”
Your smile is much warmer this time, brightening your eyes, and Javier feels his heart pound. “Goodnight, Javi.”
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yerrrabitch · 4 years
Your eyelashes softly brushed your cheeks as you woke up. Your dark eyes scanned across his room. His scent suffocated you and kissed every inch of your body. His body lay tangled with yours. Your head was tucked between his arm and chest as he took deep, calm breaths. You relished in the feeling of him. These were some of your favorite moments. 
When life could slow down for just a second and you could truly appreciate the man under you. 
Friday Night 7:34PM
You kicked off your heels beside your door and wiped your sweat on the back of your hand. Another hellish day at work. You hated working and wished that you could take his money. But, you didn’t feel comfortable taking away from him to please you. He hated seeing you like this. He loved pampering you in anyway he could. You chuckled at the thought of the argument your current state would cause. You worked as an assistant to a lawyer who made you work unbearable hours and didn’t give a damn about any of your personal needs. He was an asshole but, the position paid well and you rubbed elbows with major figures in the field you wanted to go into after college. 
You washed your hands and took your hair out of it’s bun. You couldn't wait to take this lace off for the weekend and let your hair out. Conforming to corporate America was another one of your least favorite things you did to get where you wanted to be. He didn’t agree with that. Well, he didn’t understand. He had worked through college growing his locs as a computer science major and now owns several businesses while only being two years out. He had established a name for himself; you had not. He offered many times to get an internship or position with one of his personal lawyers but, you wanted to get your connections and establish yourself by yourself. He had a love/hate relationship with your independence. It initially drew him to you when you first met. 
You needed to make a quick snack before showering and heading over to his place for the rest of the weekend. You broke away from the apples and peanut butter to turn on Ari Lennox and unwind in the shower after realizing it was far later than you realized and he was probably worried sick about you. You showered, put in a hair mask and began to shave while dancing to her rhythmic voice when a hand grabbed your waist. You shot right into farthest part of the shower and let out an animalistic scream.
You closed your eyes as tight as possible and waited on the assault. 
From him.
You wiped a curl out of your face and stared up at him. He was hunched over laughing at you like he was supposed to show up unannounced and scare you half to death.
“Baby,” he started before falling into another fit of giggles, “I came to check on you and here you are, dancing like that when you could be dancing with me upstairs.”
“I need to explain alone time?” You sneered, you were agitated. Why would he do that? He could’ve waited for you to step out of the bathroom at least. You could have fallen and gotten seriously hurt and he was laughing like that was just so funny. The things you would do to keep that smile on his face though.
“You know I didn't mean to intrude on your alone time. I was just seeing where you were. It’s 8:30?” He said still looking at you. The way your curls and coils were pulled into lopsided twists around your face, your nose scrunched up in irritation and dragged your plump upper lip and high cheekbones along with it made his heart whine at the two foot distance between you two. “I’ll wait on the couch for you, then we can go up together?”
You nodded and moved back into the water to finish what you were doing while a soft smile graced your face as you thought of him. 
You crossed the hall and applied all the necessary body butters and creams then waddled out to see him. You rolled over the back of the couch and on to his side. 
He smiles up at you and places a soft kiss on your cheek. He begins peppering them all across your face and across your neck. You begin laughing when he bites on to a ticklish part of your clavicle. You place your hands at the nape of his neck and pull his head back. 
“Did you cook?” You asked looking at his beard. You loved the way it felt when it grazed your thighs but, you hated the scruff he had began to grow during quarantine. He loved it though. Anything to differentiate him from his youth. 
“Don’t you wanna order in? There’s this new Thai place on the North side. I had some for lunch last week and almost nutted,” he said staring into your eyes while tracing the curve of your jaw, “we can eat that.”
You nodded and began to get off of him and grab your slippers to go to his place. He lived five floors above you. His penthouse was amazing. It had a great view, a private elevator and this kitchen that you loved to cook in. Sometimes after an exam you both would stay up trying new recipes to get your minds off the stress. You loved cooking with him and were a little disappointed at the loss of bonding time. You knew he'd make up for it though.
“We should order it soon, you know everything out here closes early as hell.” You replied as you locked your apartment up and grabbed his hand to walk to his elevator. While waiting for it to rise from the lobby you stared at both of your figures in the reflection. His massive body next to yours, you looked like a child. A curvy child, but still a child. The hand wrapped around the phone as he orders food looks bigger than your waist. His large torso compared to your average sized one. He towered at 6′6 and you lived at 5′8. You were taller than most but, he humbled you whenever you tried to act bigger than him. Your wide hips were the only thing on you bigger than him. He would argue that your head is bigger than anything in the room. 
You were busy comparing your body to his when he guided you into the shaft with a hand on your lower back. You thanked him and stepped inside. You felt his hand moving to cup just beneath your bottom. He gave two taps to your butt and opened his other arm, signaling you to jump on his waist. You rolled your eye but, still complied and let him carry you the rest of the way. The elevator dinged and he began to move. His breathe was warm against your cool scalp. And his body warm against yours. You loved him carrying you almost as much as he did. He loved taking care of you and anyway that you would allow him to gave him joy. 
You had decorated the entrance of his penthouse. Initially it had been bare but, you added a mirror, a welcome mat and a tall plant that required almost no care so he couldn’t kill it by forgetting it. But, he would never let anything you gave him die. He walked up the stairs and into his bedroom. He turned around and sat down on the bed with you still attached to him and then laid back. You rolled over and began to remove the pillows from the bed. When you first met him he only used one pillow and now he can’t sleep with out at least three on the bed or you. You patted the spot next to you and almost squealed when he settled in next to you. You loved cuddling. He loved it too, only with you though. In previous relationships, it’d irritate him and make him overheat but, with your cooler body temperature and lovable personality he couldn’t resist. You rubbed up and down his side while he rubbed circles on your butt. You pushed your lips up at your nose. His eyes flashed to them and he immediately captured them with his own. He had a special way of kissing you. It never took your breath away. It was like it was your breath. You could kiss him for hours and only need to stop to fulfill bodily functions. Your lips fit perfectly together. You felt his bottom row gently dig into your top lip as his hand drifted from your ass to your right breast. His hot tongue slips into your mouth and you attach on to it and begin sucking it. His mouth retracts slightly as he smiles at you. Clearly, he doesn’t like you having too much control as he takes your nipple in his hand and twists it. You gasp and he takes that as his chance to do what he wants with you. He keeps kissing you and pulls away to begin kissing down your neck. You feel your lower belly getting warm and you try to pull his hand from your breast and place it in between your thighs. You hadn't had your fill all week and you wanted him right now. He snatches his hand away from you and doesn’t even look up at you.
“I’m taking my time tonight, so you just gone have to wait my love.” He said in between open mouthed kisses on your chest. You loved when he showered you with affection like this but, there was a time and place for everything and this was neither. You wanted to fill him shoot into the depths of you then carry you into the bathtub so you both could scrub the sins away then slide back into bed and go to sleep. You were tired and you’d rather use your vibrator and come back after you came at least once.
“Baby, I’ve been waiting all week.” You whispered looking down at him.
“Who’s fault is that?” He asked, finally reaching your nipples. “Not mine, if I could’ve had you every night I would have. I would’ve had you in the morning too. Before work. At lunch. Before dinner. For dessert. But, you had to work right mamas?” He plopped your nipple in his mouth. Swirling his tongue around your ring and lightly nibbling on the sensitive flesh in-between the metal. You were enjoying his assault on his body and accidentally ignored his question.
He bit down. Hard.
“I asked you a question didn’t I?” He said staring up at you. You nodded eagerly. 
“Words.” He said with a lot more bass in his voice. 
“Yes.” He smiled up at you. You were wet and you knew that he wasn’t going to let you come once tonight after that. He’d just edge you for the rest of the night and hopefully let you cum tomorrow. He moved to the next nipple and used his fingers to give the other nipple to attention she deserved. 
He loved playing with the fattier parts of your body. One day in the earlier days of your relationship you had told him about your insecurities and he made it his duty to show extra affection to them whenever possible. He moved down to your belly and began kissing all around it and sucking your flesh in between. He pulls back up to you and places a gentle kiss on your lips and smiles.
“I love you.”
He pulls your shirt back down and pulls your body tightly against him. You feel him throbbing against your thigh as you sit on his lap. He grabbed your left foot and began to massage the heels of your feet, slowly working up to your toes and moving back down methodically. You wanted to enjoy pleasing him and vice versa but, you knew tonight was really going to be affection rather than sex. You craved an orgasm but you also needed intimacy. You loved how he knew where to find a balance in your needs and desire them. 
Saturday Morning 9:50AM
The Thai place was amazing. You could see yourself sneaking there during lunch breaks for the dishes. You both had finished off two bottles of wine and sat snuggled up on the couch watching Living Single re runs. He laid on your chest between your thighs as you both fought sleep. He smelled of deep amber and vanilla. A cologne that you mentioned loving years ago and he made a point to wear around you. 
You looked at the man next to you. You gently disconnected yourself from him and crawl beneath the sheets. You pull his member from his boxers and spit on it. You feel his body shift, he’s waking up. You lick up the under side of the shaft and attach your lips to the top. You extend your tongue outside of your lips and begin pulling in and out of your mouth. A deep chuckle breaks your concentration. 
“You love this dick don’t you?” He mused. You nodded “Couldn’t wait for me to wake up?”
You continued your assault by forcing the entirety of his length into your throat. You always struggled through this part but you never stopped trying. You gagged on it and kept pushing. You were confident that you wouldn’t vomit but you needed to taste his nut. You repeated the process, sucking the tip then taking it all down your throat. You loved the feeling of his breath becoming quicker and his hand pulling your bonnet off and grasping your twists in both of his hands. His hips kept bucking up at you until you felt warm ropes begin to paint your throat. You loved this taste. The feeling of his balls constricting on your cheeks. The way his happy trail tickled your nose. The way his thighs felt so strong against your finger tips. His firm grip on your hair. It all made you want him more. You kept sucking after he had finished until his body began to twitch again. It was only right to overstimulate him how he had done you so many times before. 
You lifted off of him and hurried to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You knew once he gained his strength back he would return the favor a few times over. He padded in behind you and began running the water in the bathtub. You smiled softly and went to the kitchen. You cut up apples, oranges and put grapes into a bowl and met him in the bathroom. He had grabbed towels and began to strip. Staring at your gown, he points and the tub. You comply and bring the bowl with you.
“Eat mama.” He commands and begins kissing up and down your neck. His hands go beneath the water and find your folds. He grazes across your clit and down to your opening. His right hand rises to your breast and he palms it lightly. He grasps your clit between two fingers and rolls it between them. Your breath hitches. 
“Please, Erik.” You breathe. You feel him smile behind you.
“Please, what baby?”
“Please fuck me.”
His laugh shakes your chest as he puts a singular finger inside of you. He knew that he needed to work you up to his size. After a week away from him, you always shrunk to a coin slot. He curved his hand around to place one hand on your clit while still fingering you. You move the bowl to the ridge of the tub as you feel yourself getting closer to a climax. He adds another finger in. Initially it is uncomfortable but as he keeps rubbing your clit your loosen up around him. You pant as you feel your end close to you. He abruptly pulls his fingers out of you and turns the shower on behind both of you. He pulls you up carefully after moving the bowl to the floor near the tub. He lifts you up by your waist and slowly guides your onto his dick. He stretches you immediately and you feel like you might split open. It hurt but still felt so good. 
After waiting for you to nod at him, he began pumping in and out of you. Slowly at first then he picked up speed. He backed you into the wall and moved one of his arms from around you on to your clit and began rubbing. The hot coil in your belly began to tighten and you knew your orgasm was coming quickly. He looked so focused on getting your nut, he was barely worried about his. You begin coating him in a thick, white cream as your body is almost to your peak. Your moans begin to fill the bathroom as he hit your g spot. You finished and you felt yourself squirting on him. He loved that. He loved drinking it more than watching it though. 
He immediately followed behind you and filled you up with his cum. The warm water hit both of your side as your legs dropped and he laid his forehead against yours. He lightly kissed you then pulled out of you. You felt cold now without him inside of you. He reached for your body wash and you reached for his. Every time you had shower sex, you both would wash each others body’s. 
Regardless of all the shit you go through during the week. This makes it worth it. Orgasms before noon and endless support and love from a man you love. 
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years
Sutures - Chapter Three: Anosognosia
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): drinking, drunkenness, light smut, sex dream, implications of oral sex, obsessive behavior from an ex, unhealthy relationship dynamic (not on part of Yoongi & OC)
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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Yoongi saw the look in your eyes shift from soft curiosity to sheer panic. He felt the pit of his stomach fill with guilt. He shouldn't have slept with you; sure, the two of you would still have this problem, but no one would've had reason to find your shoes. You wouldn't have had reason to leave them behind. 
He'd felt betrayed, he'd felt lonely, he'd felt unloved by those he wanted to love him most. But, that was no excuse to sleep with the first attractive girl he found. 
"Have you told Bang PD yet?" Namjoon asked, his demeanor calm, but Yoongi could see the slight shock cross over his features, causing his thick lips to pout and his chin to jut out. 
Yoongi shook his head.
"I'll call him," Namjoon said. The leader placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. He blocked Yoongi's view of you. He worried in those few seconds you were blocked from his view that you would collapse into Namjoon's chest and cry the tears meant for him. The tears because of him. 
Namjoon left the room, leaving Yoongi alone with you. He tried his best not to focus on the way your tank top hugged your chest and exposed the hickeys he'd left the night before and that Namjoon probably noticed it too.
"You look tired," Yoongi said. "We can't do anything until tomorrow anyway. Try and get some sleep."
You nodded and Yoongi wasn't sure if you were just trying to reassure him or yourself. He remembered the way you'd fallen asleep long before he did. The way you'd fit against his body; how it felt like two puzzle pieces joining together for the first time. He blinked away the thoughts and tried to focus back down on your eyes. 
"We'll pay them off," Yoongi said. "We'll make sure nothing comes of this."
Jihee (9:00 am): Are you all right?
Jihee (9:05 am): I heard you're in the hospital
Jihee (10:01 am): None of your members are texting me back
Jihee (12:31 pm): Baby, the news is reporting something about your soulmate? What happened last night?
Jihee (2:43 pm): Yoongi! Please respond to me! I'm worried
Jihee (5:12 pm): Yoongi...what I did last night...what happened was all a mistake...
Jihee (5:12 pm): I still love you
Jihee (6:00 pm): The news said you were released hours ago! Respond to me!
Jihee (8:20 pm): Yoongi, I miss you
Jihee (9:30 pm): I know I don't deserve you. But, please just tell me you're okay
Jihee (11:50 pm): Goodnight. Love you.
"Baby," you moaned. Your hands slipping beneath Yoongi's shirt. They were cold, but he still loved the way they moved over his stomach and chest. Your fingertips grazing over his skin, a fingernail occasionally catching and causing him to squirm.
His hands were in your hair, messing it up and causing it to form mountain ranges as his fingers hiked the peaks and valleys. He loved the way it felt between his fingers, soft and light. 
Your lips moved from his and down to his neck where your lipstick stained his skin. He kept his grip on your hair, feeling it tug slightly as you move downward. He helped you slip his shirt off as your lips connected with his chest. 
"You don't have--"
You silenced him by tugging on the waistband of his jeans and rubbing your thumb over the button, teasing him slightly. 
"I want to," you responded, unbuttoning his jeans. 
Yoongi tightened his grip on your hair, trying not to focus on the way your lipstick was smeared above your lips. He could already imagine the way they'd look...
His head lulled back and his fingers loosened. 
Yoongi awoke. He was covered in sweat and ran his hand through his hair. He glanced down at his phone: 6:41 am. He sighed and headed to the bathroom. 
He slapped himself softly, trying to stop the thoughts that continued to cross his mind. He didn't have feelings for you, it was simply lingering from he slept with you. Nothing else. 
He wasn't going to deny he was attracted to you, he wouldn't have gone back to your apartment otherwise, but he felt nothing romantically for you. Yoongi knew the attraction would continue and probably only get worse, but he had to fight it. The last thing he wanted to do was break either of hearts more than they already were. 
Yoongi turned on the shower, the water colder than usual.
You stood in Yoongi's studio where he kept his computer. You'd suppressed your laughter at the ridiculous amount of hoops you'd had to jump through in order to enter. A doorbell, black curtain, and two doors. You respected the fact he took his work seriously though. The wall full of awards and trophies he'd won, a few even separate from BTS.
There was a couch in the corner, but you were too anxious to sit. You just wanted your shoes back and whoever took them to get their money and leave you alone. You were thankful your name hadn't been released and the only other person who knew the full truth was Eunji.
"There's many of us trying," Yoongi said. "Me, Namjoon, our managers, other people at the company. One of us will get them." 
You nodded and watched as the countdown on the auction neared two minutes to the end. There weren't many bids, but the shoes were somehow already over 300,000 won ($276 USD). You'd brought your knitting needles and some yarn and mindlessly knitted.
"What are you making?" Yoongi asked, a small smile breaking out across his lips. It was tiny and barely recognizable. You weren't sure if he pitied you or if simply trying to break the tension. 
"Nothing in particular," you said. "I just need something to keep me busy." 
Normally, when you went in without a plan, it turned out as a scarf. You bit you lip as the timer hit a minute. 
Yoongi saw your gaze shift to his screen and he readied to enter his bid as close to the end as he could. He entered one million won ($920.00 USD) and hovered his finger over the enter button. 
"That's too much!" you said. 
"No one will outbid it."
"I know," you said. "But I feel bad. I shouldn't have forgotten them in the first place." 
The timer hit twenty seconds. Ten seconds. Yoongi waited just a few more seconds wanting to time it just right. 
You heard a scream and a crash and almost simultaneously an error message appeared on Yoongi's computer. Please connect to Wi-Fi.
"Shit," Yoongi said. "Jimin!"
You followed Yoongi to the living room, leaving the partially started scarf behind. You saw Jimin and Jungkook crowded around the router working to connect the cord back into it. 
"Did you trip over it again?" Yoongi asked, his voice breathy and exasperated. 
"Sorry," he said. "I'm not used to it." 
Yoongi sighed and turned back to you. His dark eyes looked down at you apologetically and he sat down on the couch, pulling out his phone. 
"I'll try and see if I can see who won." 
"It looks like they're going to have to come out and fix it," Namjoon said, hanging up the phone. "We won't have internet until then." 
The members groaned. 
Jungkook walked into the kitchen and brought back a case of beer, a smirk plastered on his face. 
"Let's play a game," he said. "To welcome Sumi to the dorm."
"What game?" Namjoon asked. 
"Answer or drink," he said. "On your turn, someone asks you a question and if you don't want to answer it, you have to drink." 
Everyone agreed and sat in a circle. Yoongi sat on one side of you and Hoseok on the other side. Your knee brushed Yoongi's and you felt a small pang in your chest as you pulled away.
"All right, we'll go in order of age. Jin, you're up first." 
You didn't really pay attention to the questions. You'd fall somewhere towards the end. Between Jungkook and Taehyung. 
Jin answered the question. He didn't seem like the type to be embarrassed easily, a quality you admired in the eldest. 
"Yoongi," Jungkook said. "Your turn."
The room stayed silent. No one had a question for the boy and he couldn't help but smirk slightly. However, Taehyung meekly raised his hand. 
"What happened with Jihee?"
Yoongi cussed to himself. He knew she had been texting the other members about him. The other members would always consult him first before telling her anything when it was obvious he wasn't talking to her. 
"She cheated," Yoongi answered simply. 
The other boys' eyes widened and they nodded. However, it wasn't their gazes Yoongi felt boring into him. It was yours. He could feel your eyes staring at his profile. 
Yoongi had been careful the night he met you. He managed not even to tell you his name. He'd only mentioned he'd recently gotten out of a relationship. He figured you didn't need to hear his sob story. Besides, he planned on keeping Jihee's betrayal a secret. Just as she wanted. The only people he could trust with the truth were his members. 
But, you deserved to know the truth. It was unfair to keep you completely at a distance, especially when he'd overheard everything about your ex.
Yoongi noticed you drinking, you'd already cracked open another can by the time it got Namjoon. He felt a twinge in his chest. Yoongi quickly suppressed it, your drinking habits were none of his business. And based on the way Eunji talked the night at the bar, it didn't sound like you drank much. Only when your heart was broken.
"Sumi," Jungkook said. "Your turn." 
Again, the room fell silent. No one knew Sumi well enough to ask her such a personal question. But, then again, everyone was tipsy, or in a few cases, already drunk. 
"How's Yoongi in bed?" 
Everyone except for Yoongi and you laughed. 
"Seriously?" Yoongi asked. 
He knew it was the alcohol that asked the question, but it was still inappropriate. He didn't want you to have to drink. Your eyes were glazed and your cheeks rosy. 
Yoongi reached over and drank for you, crumpling the can when he finished. 
"Move on," he said. "It should be your turn, right, Jungkook?"
"Wait," you said. "I didn't answer." 
Everyone turned to look at you. It was obvious you were too drunk to notice that Yoongi had technically already drank for you. 
"He's good," you answered. "Better than my ex and I hate that cause..." 
You drifted off not noticing the seven stunned faces staring at you.Your words slurred, but they hung in the room. Your eyelids drooped and your head lulled forward into your chest. 
"I think it's time for bed," Namjoon said, standing up and helping you stand. He threw an arm around you and led you down the hall towards your bedroom. 
Despite the fact that the situation was perfectly appropriate, Yoongi still felt a small pang of jealousy. He knew he shouldn't and that it was all the soulmates thing, but that didn't stop his fists from clenching. 
"She probably won't remember this in the morning," Yoongi said. "Don't remind her."
Yoongi swallowed the rest of his drink and left the room on the pretenses of being sleepy--which he was--but he also didn't want anyone to see the blush come to his cheeks. 
You awoke the next morning with the worst headache you'd ever had. You clutched your forehead and glanced at the time: 10:30 am. You sighed. 
You spotted your knitting things from yesterday placed on top of the dresser. You didn't remember fetching them from Yoongi's studio, but then again, you barely remembered anything after Jimin knocked the Wi-fi out. 
"All I drank was beer," you muttered to yourself. 
You weren't known for being a lightweight causing you to wonder just how much you'd drank the night before.
As you squirmed you felt something soft move in the crook of your arm. You looked down and saw Kitty. You smiled at the stuffed cat and her droopy eye. 
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Lockdown Punishments 4 | Eric Dier
The next night, you and Eric decided to have a dinner date over zoom. You dressed up in that little tight dress he likes. As soon as he saw you on his screen, he knew he wanted you. You knew by the way he looked at you that there would be some punishments later in the night. As the date went on both you and Eric were a bit wine drunk and he asked if you wanted to play online chess. But whoever loses must be punished and does whatever the winners says. You agreed but knew he was going to win as he has always beaten you at chess. You end up losing and Eric could not wait to watch you receive your punishment.
Word Count: 1,200
Warnings: drinking, pussy spanking, voyeurism
- - -
Lockdown: Day Forty-One
Your body hummed with excitement as you slipped on Eric’s favourite dress. Your makeup and hair were all done, you just had to put on your jewelry and heels. Eric had said that someone was going to deliver food precisely at 6:30 that evening, and he wasn’t wrong. There was a knock at the door exactly at 6:29 and you walked to the door, putting on your earrings right before you answered the door. Eric had assured you that everything was taken care of - tip and all - and the delivery man confirmed it, giving you a smile as he handed over the bag of delicious-smelling food.
“I see you got your food,” Eric commented, smiling wide. “I made sure to order specially from that place I know you love.”
“You got everything - thank you.”
“It’s the least I could do. I can’t even comprehend how stressful your job must be, and after that Zoom meeting yesterday, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about things.” Eric’s gaze heated up through the screen and your body responded.
“Not yet,” you murmured, shifting in your chair. “I’m starving and I wanna eat first.”
“Pour yourself a glass of the wine I had delivered first. It’s supposed to go really well with the main course.”
The food was amazing; the company even moreso. You and Eric talked and laughed and drank wine, forgetting momentarily that he wasn’t sitting directly across from you.
“I’ve missed this,” you confessed, taking a sip of your wine. “Us, having conversation and just...being.”
“Me, too. I haven’t been the best boyfriend-”
“Don’t say that,” you said, shushing him. “You’ve been a great boyfriend. I just wish I could hold you and touch you in person.”
“I know. I want that, too. Hopefully, this will all be over soon and I can have you the way I want you.” Eric sat back, sighing. “Finish your wine so we can get to dessert and other things.”
You’d never drank wine so fast, both of you giggling at how quickly you’d drained your glass. “Can I open another bottle?”
“There should be one to go with dessert.”
When you found the bottle Eric indicated, you quickly opened it and poured yourself a glass as you got the dessert out of its takeaway box. Eric watched as you wrapped your lips around your fork and moaned at the taste of the decadent dessert, his cock hardening at the visual and auditory scene in front of him and his fingers itched to reach out and touch you in ways that he couldn’t.
“Wanna play some online chess?” The question is out of his mouth before he can stop it. If you call him out on it, he’s just gonna blame it on the wine anyway and distract you with something else.
“Mm, and what am I gonna get out of it?”
“Whoever loses gets punished and gets to do whatever the winner says.”
A shiver ran down your spine at the prospect. Lord knows you wouldn’t beat him so you were already preparing yourself for punishment. In the few games you’d played against him you’d lost so your record already wasn’t that great and you knew tonight wouldn’t be any different.
Thirty minutes later and you were right, Eric claiming ‘checkmate’ before virtually capturing your King. “We didn’t have to play this,” you grumbled, shaking your head. “You could’ve just punished me already.”
“I know,” Eric smirked. “I wanted you to work for it. Knowing you’re about to be punished makes the punishment that much sweeter.”
“Do you worst, Sir,” you challenged, the wine giving you a little more courage to be a tease.
“Get the riding crop I sent you.”
Your eyes widened. “No, I didn’t mean it. I thought you were just gonna torture my pussy and make me cum.”
“Oh, I’ll be torturing your pussy tonight - just not like you’re used to. Now go get the riding crop, Babygirl.”
You did as he said, disappearing from view so you could go to the bedroom and grab what he’d requested. The crop felt heavy in your hand and you couldn’t help wondering just how painful it was going to be when it connected with your pussy.
“Got it,” you said, sitting in front of him. “What next?”
“Get undressed. Slowly. I wanna see every inch of you as you undress. Start with your jewelry.”
Your earrings were first, followed by your necklace and the bracelet on your wrist. You slipped the straps of your dress down your shoulders, turning around so Eric could watch you unzip it and let it pool at your feet. As you stepped out of it, you turned back around to let him take in the sight of you in nothing but your lingerie and heels.
“Damn, you’re sexy,” Eric praised in Portuguese, his gaze raking over your body as he drank you in. “Take off your bra and panties but keep your heels on.” A pause as you did so. “Good girl. Now take a seat and spread your legs for me so I can see that pretty little pussy.”
“Sir!” You whimpered, already so turned on and you hadn’t even touched yourself yet.
“Spit on that pussy for me, Babygirl. I want you nice and wet for this.”
You spit on your fingers before slipping them between your legs, spit mixing with slick. It felt so good you wanted to keep touching yourself, but Eric’s voice commanded you to stop and you reluctantly pulled your hand away.
“Don’t hold back. I want you to use the crop on your pussy like I’d use it on you. If your pussy isn’t swollen and painful then you haven’t done it right, got it?”
“Yes, Sir.”
You raised up the crop, smacking it down on your pussy. “Ow!”
“It hurt,” you defended, but knew he was right, “but it wasn’t as hard as you probably would have done it.”
“Go again. When you get it to the intensity I’d use, I want you to give me sixteen strokes with that same pressure.”
“That’s the number of chess pieces on your side of the board - the number I almost collected from you before I captured your King.” Eric paused, looking you over. “Let’s go again.”
It took more strokes than you would have liked to perfect the technique Eric would have used on you and even more self-control to give yourself sixteen of those strokes in a row. By the time you were done, your pussy was painfully swollen and tears were streaming down your face.
“You did so good for me,” Eric praised, his voice softening to a soothing tone. “Make sure you take care of your pussy tomorrow - it’s still going to hurt.”
“O-Okay. Will you kiss it all better when we can finally see each other again?”
“Of course. After I show you how to spank your pussy properly.”
When you logged off that night, you put a pillow between your legs, wishing that Eric was there to hold you instead of the body pillow you were pretending was him.
The end of lockdown couldn’t come soon enough.
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