#and she was like oh oops the other girl must have sent us the wrong time
midnightsprincess · 2 months
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am-i-interrupting · 3 months
Hello! I really love your work, I just HAD to pop in your inbox after seeing your fics about Alastor's daughter.
What if Alastor's daughter is an angel that is scared of demons.
Like, when they were alive, Alastor's daughter used to be such a sweet child and I mean SWEET. Would never hurt a soul. Though she got killed at a young age because of envious children her age, left her in the forest to scare her but she got mauled by wolves and died.
Before she died, she was aware of Alastor's killings but she wouldn't speak up because she was too scared. IMAGINE ALASTOR BEING SUCH A LOVING DAD BUT ALL SHE CAN THINK ABOUT IS WHAT IF SHES NEXT IF SHE FUCKS UP AROUND HIM.
And he's not aware that she thinks that way. So when Sera sent her to investigate the Hazbin Hotel (to see if Charlie's theory is really true) she sees Alastor and gets tense even though he's so sincere around her.
How would everything gooo omg I'd like to see how creative you'll get!!
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You never hurt a soul and that’s what helped you get into heaven.
You loved your father. You did but you were also terrified of him.
He was a serial killer, a murderer, and even if he tucked you into bed at night and made the best food, you could still be next.
You felt guilty the day he died because while you were heartbroken you were also so relieved.
You confessed to the police his sins as soon as they came to the house to break the news of his death.
You were crying, choking on tears as you told them everything.
It was the best and worst day of your life.
Despite that, life remained difficult for you.
People were cruel and mean and heartless and you died before the age of twenty.
You made it to Heaven.
You were a top winner, one revered for their kindness.
That’s how you got asked by Sera to go to Hell to observe Charlie’s idea first hand. Her being too untrusting of the angels to not start killing and “sanitizing” Hell as soon as they got there.
You were excited. You met Charlie while she was in Heaven.
She was somewhat of a kindred spirit. You got on with her well.
(Alastor actually does reminisce over you and his mother both in Hell. The lyric “You’re like a child that I wish that I had” in Hells Greatest Dad would have been changed to “You’re like the child which I used to have.”)
You went through the portal with her and Vaggie.
Both girls seemed conflicted, something must have happened during the meeting they had with the angels but Charlie quickly put on a smile and started explaining what everything was.
When you get to the Hotel, you seem him. You never thought you’d see your father again. You weren’t sure you wanted to even if you missed him. You immediately froze.
His brows furrowed as he looked at you before his smile widened, sharp teeth replacing the human ones you once knew but they were still coffee-stained.
“Is that my darling angel?” he asked as he walked towards you. “My dear, look how you’ve grown.”
He used the tips of his fingers to angle your face towards him and you couldn’t pull away. You were frozen in place, looking at him with wide eyes.
“You two know each other?” Charlie asked.
“Why yes, we do indeed,” Alastor said. “You recall I mentioned having a child.”
“Oh my god! Oops, sorry. Don’t use the lord’s name in vain and all. But this is so great!”
“Yeah,” you said meekly. “So great.”
Alastor would notice something wrong. He remembers your behaviors well. He’d try to make you comfortable while unknowingly pressing your buttons more.
Everyone else also notices something wrong, except Niffty.
Sir Pentious and Charlie likely think you’re just anxious and try to make you feel as comfortable and welcomed as possible.
Vaggie assumes it’s because you’re in Hell.
Husk and Angel realize it’s because Alastor’s there.
The two team up to make sure you’re never ever left completely alone.
They even manage to pull you away for a bit.
Husk offers some good advice and true silence not filled with the background of a radio crackling.
Angel let’s you bury your head in his fluff.
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Hue and Cry VII
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), mentions of previous forced oral, abuse of power, these men ain't shit.
This is dark!medieval!Bucky Barnes x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You face a reckoning for evading your lord.
Note: This wasn't planned but things just turned out this way because my go to is fuck the reader. Oop.
Thanks to everyone and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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The nights only got harder. It didn't matter if Lord Barnes wanted to touch you or wanted you to touch him, even just laying beside him was torment. You hated what he'd done to you and what he'd made you do. You hated yourself more for how he made you feel.
You decided that day in the carriage during the rainstorm that you hated him. You hated Lord Barnes more than even Lord Rogers. At least the latter was honest in his lechery, he did not try to veil his true desires but Barnes spoke to you sweetly as he forced his needs upon you.
The night before you were due to reach the capital, you did not sleep. You couldn't in the bed next to Barnes. He wanted to be astride as he entered the city and so you were left to ride alone in the carriage. The sway soon had you across the bench in a deep slumber. It was the best sleep you had in weeks.
You only woke as a hammering came at the door and streaks of sunlight were let in as it opened. A footman called you out and helped you down the step into the dirt. You batted your sleepy eyes and marveled at the castle as it came clear. It was getting colder as the autumn wore on, bitter. It was the wrong season for a tournament.
As you trod through the beaten yard of the castle, Lord Barnes clapped off his right hand, the leather glove dusting, and approached you. He’s gaze strayed to Lord Rogers for a moment then back to you. He dropped his shoulders and scrunched his lips.
“I have an audience with the king,” he said glumly, “as much as I’d prefer you attend with me it has been brought to my attention that… the court might not be as accommodating to you as I am. Regardless, I might have a seat arranged for you at the feast and you were surely sit in the rows for the sparring.”
“I… my lord, I am only--”
“I told you,” he interjected, “you are not a maid anymore.”
You held your tongue as you wanted to spit at him. What were you? A courtesan? A whore? Was that better than emptying his pot? You dipped your head and pulled your cape snug, “my lord.”
“See her to my rooms,” Barnes directed the footman at your shoulder, “once the chests are unpacked, she is to be undisturbed. My guard will have the same orders.”
“Yes, my lord,” the footman bowed, “my lady.”
You looked at the footman and slowly followed him away from Barnes. You were eager to be away from him but not eager to be shown your new prison. You entered the castle and followed the torchlit corridors beside the footman.
“I’m not a lady,” you said at last, “I don’t want you to ever call me that again.”
“My apologies, my--” he stuttered, “the lord bid it.”
“He lies to himself and you,” you muttered, “I was born as you, likely lower. My own mother was a laundress and my father a stablehand. Cut from the finest, I am.”
The footman was quiet as he waved you ahead of him up the coiling stairwell. You regretted your harsh words but knew they could never be delivered to their true target. When you reached the chamber designated to your master, you stopped outside. Lester was already at his station by the lord’s doors.
“I am sorry,” you told the footman, “I was unkind. You do not deserve that.”
His lips curved slightly and he hid his amusement, “I know now you are like me,” he said softly, “the nobles, they don’t apologise.”
You chuckled darkly and left him. You passed the servants as they carried in trunks and opened them in a flurry of duty. You went to the bedroom and climbed up on the large feather mattress. That time you had to yourself, even surrounded by the chaos of your arrival, was a relief. You did not know how long you’d get away from Barnes.
You fell asleep again. This time, you weren’t floating in your dreams, driven wildly by the tides, but you were still, straight as a board in the ground as dirty sprinkled onto you. The cold earth warmed as the layers piled on you. Deeper, deeper, deeper until you couldn’t breathe.
You woke with a start and nearly screamed as a shadow loomed over you. Barnes sat beside you, his legs over the edge of the couch. He played with the lifeless fingers of his artificial hand. Your hood was on the pillow, crumpled and the folds of your dress were bunched awkwardly beneath your body.
“I didn’t want to wake you,” he murmured, “just wanted to sit with you.”
“How long--”
“It is almost time for supper,” he said, “but the feast is not until the morrow. You might remain and rest some more.”
You didn’t move, just looked up at the canopy and laid there. You didn’t say anything more as you folded your arms over the stiff bodice.
“You should sleep… the journey was long. Tiring,” he continued.
You just blinked but didn’t close your eyes. The canopy was a rich green marked with gold. The stitches were woven in the shape of leaves and vines. You thought of the forest and those days you were so scared. You were much more terrified now.
“I wanted to say, and I should now since you are awake,” he began as he leaned on his elbow and his other arm fell limp and heavy, “what occurred with Rogers will not arise again. I made him a promise I regret and it was sorted.”
You held back a shudder as you thought of the salty tasted and the pungent scent of their arousal. You swallowed and hugged yourself tighter.
“If he attempts to reenact the scene, or more, you will inform me, and you have my leave to see that he does not,” Barnes said sternly, “you are still mine. I would not have you confused.”
You rolled onto your side so that your back was to him. He huffed and his hand fell onto your side. He squeezed and the bed shifted. He said your name and every muscle in your body went taut.
“Do you understand?” he asked.
“I’m tired,” you said.
“I want no mistake. You--”
“I belong to you,” you sneered, “you want to use me, you want to own me, you want me to tell you I know I am nothing but the dirt beneath your boot. Let me assure you I am aware--”
“Do not speak to me as such,” he hissed.
You bit back your voice and heaved. You sucked in your cheeks and wriggled away from his reach. “It is understood, my lord. Now as you bid, I would sleep.”
The only grace allowed you at the feast, rather denied you, was a seat with your lord. As much as Barnes would prefer to have you close he was still bound by the expectations of court. He didn't let on that you were merely a servant but you didn't think anyone could believe otherwise. For his vouching, you were sat among the lower lords and ladies.
You watched as wine was poured for you. You eyed the girl who kept her chin down as the filled the cups and thought of your own time in a similar duty. What did Barnes find so fascinating about you? You had only done what dozens others had done for him before. You couldn't figure you had an outstanding feature or manner that could explain his interest, it could only be your own poor luck.
You ate without tasting, without zeal, slowly as you brought fork to lip and dissolved into the chatter of strangers around you. All those seated at the long tables had a partner or some family with them. You were alone. Your parents were dead and all those you'd ever had a kindred tie to were far away.
"Uncle," a voice perked up across from you and drew your attention as you chewed the spiced rabbit meat, "if I made the lists, surely I can win!"
"My coin got you on those lists," the older man replied, "it is all formality. Should you gace a king or a duke, you would be remiss to claim victory."
"I am to lay down for their title?" The younger scoffed, "I am a man now and I have trained--"
"But you think like a boy," the other rebuked, "a runner up can take a fine purse still and if you feed the ego of a high borne man he will be more willing to show you favour."
You lowered your fork and looked at the two men as they argued. The elder`s hair was sprinkled with grey but the rest the same shade of reddish brown as the youth. You were heartened by their familial banter but saddened at your own solace. You dropped your hands to your lap and looked at your plate.
"Dear," the woman beside you touched your sleeve, "are you well?"
You turned to her startled and nodded. "Yes, my lady," you cleared your throat, "fine indeed."
She peered past you then shared a look with the older man across the table. She was not so grey as him. She smiled and withdrew her hand. "You are alone?"
"Only me, my lady," you answered.
"And overly polite," she chuckled, "a pity. A young girl sent to court without escort. What family could do such a thing? You must be frightened out of your wits."
"I will… persevere," you said.
"Ay but it is the nature of these events to be cordial. I am May Parker, my husband is a baron," she gestured to the older man across from you, "Benjamin, and my nephew, Peter, a viscount in his beloved father's stead," she smiled at the younger man, "and your name?"
You hadn't been told what to say in the circumstance. You hadn't thought of it and surely Barnes hadn't either. You would have to garnish the truth with enough lies to get by. You twined your fingers together. You offered your name, your truth, then conjured your lies as you spoke.
"My father is, er, was, a baron as well," you said, "I am his only child."
"Oh, you sweet thing, if you would be alone for this tournament, you might stay near to us. My nephew hasn't many peers of his age just yet, and my husband is much too weary to keep up with him."
You glanced around, the two men bowed their heads in greeting. You attempted a smile and thanked her.
"Our Peter will be competing in the joust and in the sword contest," she announced, "we did urge him to enter the bow and arrow but he finds it dull."
"Oh," you were uncertain how to address these people, to speak as if you were their equal, "I've never attended a tourney before."
"Best you stay close then," she squeezed your hand gently, "why look at all these people! Even that Duke from the north came, bless him, that one who did lose his arm in the campaigns."
You reached for your wine to hide your discomfort at the mention of him. All you had to do was pretend for the evening and you'd likely not see these people again. As friendly as they were, you couldn't stand to make friends only to lose them.
You listened for the rest of the courses as May and her family did much of the talking. There were moments you forgot your predicament, even that you were born a peasant, but when it returned to you, the food turned to a lump in your stomach and your heart clamoured.
You were roused from the waking dream only as the music plucked up and the plates were cleared by your own ilk. May chuckled and stood as her husband came around to her. She paused as the bodies flooded from the benches onto the boards. She touched your shoulder kindly, "if you would be in want of a partner, our Peter is rather graceful."
You looked to the younger Parker and he lit up. "Only if you like, miss."
"I… would say I am not so," you said evasively.
"It would not bother me, I trained with the old hound that slept in our barn, he slobbered quite heavily," he laughed, "but I would be indebted should you allow me the treat of a true partner."
"I suppose…" you looked to the high table where Barnes scowled at Lord Rogers, entirely unconcerned with you for the first time in a while. Perhaps this was a chance; lose yourself in the crowd and you might find the opening you needed. Or perhaps merely a respite from him at least, "I do warn you however, I would not know where to place my feet."
May and Benjamin swept away as Peter came around to you. He offered his arm and you mimicked the other ladies as you took it.
He lifted his shoulders proudly as he led you to the floor, "only step around my own and I will do my best not to trod on your slippers, lady." He turned you in time with the music, your arms hooked so that you faced in opposing direction, "follow me and do not worry so much. No one is watching us so closely."
You smiled, a real smile that time as the strings and flutes filled your chest. As this kind stranger patiently guided you around the boards. You raised your chin as you did your best to stay on the beat but nearly tripped as your eyes met another pair.
Lord Barnes glared down at you from the high table, the only lord remaining in his seat, and his hand gripped the stem of his goblet tightly. Even at the distance, you felt his chagrin. And as he stood, your sole met Peter's toe but he only snickered and righted you.
"You're doing fine, lady," he assured as he spun and switched arms, you let him lead you dumbly as you watched Barnes descend from the dais, "a natural."
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Idiots II Draco Malfoy x Reader
This drabble is part of my 800 Follower Celebration!
Summary: Enemies to Lovers. During the 6th year, you slowly realize with the help of Amortentia how you truly feel for the Slytherin. When you go to tell him, it’s too late.
Requested by a lovely anon: “hi! could i request a draco malfoy x reader enemies to lovers with dialogue prompt #20 - “i love you idiot”. thank you!“
A/N: This was supposed to be 500 words lol. I hope you like it! It’s a little angsty. I’m sorry if it feels a little rushed, it’s supposed to be a short drabble. I had a lot of fun writing it though and I hope you enjoy it! <3
Words: 1.3k Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader Warnings: angst
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It started in your first year, even before you were sorted into your house. Walking into the Great Hall, you could barely keep your mouth closed as you absorbed the wonders and beauty that suddenly surrounded you. The flying candles, the stars on the ceiling, the laughing students at the four long tables – you knew instantly that this place would become a second home for you.
As you kept marveling at your surroundings, you didn’t notice the group had come to a stop. You made another long step forward and – bumped right into the person in front of you. A small, blonde boy spun around.
“Watch your steps, idiot!”, he spat out and glared at you.
This was the first interaction you ever had with Draco Malfoy – and also the moment, you both began to hate each other. Malfoy liked you almost as much as Potter and when he wasn’t annoying him, he was bothering you. He loved pranking you; insults written on small notes kept flying onto your desk during classes, right after he made fun of your hair or face or whatever else he could think of on that day. You weren’t any better though and kept doing the same things to him. On top of that, the two of you constantly competed in school against each other and when you joined the Quidditch Team, things got even worse.
Your friends always used one word to describe the two of you: annoying.
Things changed in your sixth year. Suddenly, Malfoy seemed distracted and stopped caring about your stupid fights. Even though, you didn’t want to admit it – his behavior bothered you. No, it was the lack of attention that bothered you.
“Why aren’t you happy that he stopped?”, your friend asked you one day. “You hate him, right? So what’s up with the sudden obsession? Are you in love with that idiot or something?”
You laughed at her. What a ridiculous idea! Just the thought made you feel uncomfortable. However, it didn’t leave you and so you started watching him during meals and classes. You noticed the dark circles under his eyes, the way he hardly ate anything at all, how his eyes always seemed to wander around as if his thoughts were elsewhere. Malfoy was always on your mind. Merlin, at some point you even started to dream about him.
Were you worrying about him? No, absolutely not. Never would you worry about that idiot. Because if you did that, it meant you could feel more than just hate for him.
One day in January, your thoughts trailed off once again during a particularly boring Potions lesson as you watched Malfoy from across the classroom.
“Y/N,” you friend whispered and nudged with your elbow.
“What?”, you asked when you snapped back into reality. She pointed to your teacher.
“Miss Y/L/N,” Slughorn called your name. “Is there a reason why you seem rather distracted today?”
You straightened your back immediately. Oops. “I’m sorry, Professor,” you apologized.
“Hmm,” he made. “Why don’t you come to the front and smell this potion for us. Did you hear Miss Grangers explanations?”
“Uhm, yes, sure,” you stammered and walked over to the cauldron.
Slughorn didn’t believe you. “What do you smell then, Miss Y/L/N?”
Slowly, you leaned forward and sniffed cautiously at the liquid. You frowned. “I can’t smell anything, Professor.”
Slughorn raised an eyebrow. “Please, try again. Be honest with us.”
Again, the same thing happened. As you leaned forward the overwhelming scent of an all too familiar cologne hit you and you wrinkled your nose. “I’m sorry,” you said when you got up, a little more annoyed now. “But I can’t smell anything when Malfoy stands so close. Seriously,” you looked in his direction. “Try using less cologne, it’s disgusting.”
The class was quiet for a few seconds. Malfoys eyes widened and his friends started to grin, while nudging him with their elbows. Then a few girls started to giggle. What was going on?!
“It’s Amortentia, Y/N,” Hermione whispered to you. “It shows your deepest desire.”
To say the rest of the lesson was anything less than a complete humiliation, would have been a lie. Everyone kept grinning at you, making sly remarks, no matter how hard Slughorn tried to get the students to concentrate.
Despite your embarrassment, the words didn’t leave your mind.
It shows your deepest desire.
Malfoy was supposed to be your deepest desire?! No, something must have gone wrong. It simply couldn’t be. Right?
When hours turned into days and days into months, the answer began to seem more and more blurry. Malfoy completely started to ignore you. A part of you was glad, at least he didn’t make fun of the incident. Another part however, slowly began to feel hurt by the way he was so distant all of the sudden. The utter hatred you had felt for years faded more and more and one night when you almost started to cry after he outright refused to work together with you on a Transfiguration project, you finally admitted to yourself: maybe you did feel something for him.
“Tell him,” your friend advised you when you told her in frustration. “It doesn’t matter how he reacts, it’ll end this whole charade and give you reason to move on. Tell him.”
You knew she was right – and so you did.
You left the common room, searching the whole castle for the Slytherin. It was weirdly quiet tonight. After about forty minutes you was on your way to the Astronomy Tower when suddenly you heard some commotion. Did someone scream? No, it was probably just Peeves again. Then you finally found Malfoy. He practically ran around the corner, bumping into you.
“I have to talk to you!”, you exclaimed, reaching for his arm when he wanted to pass you. When you finally got a glimpse of his expression, it made your blood freeze. Pure fear was written all over his face, there were tears on his cheeks.
“You have to leave!”, he hissed and pushed you into a dark corner.
“What no, what happened?”, you asked him anxiously.
“Leave and hide!”, he whispered, turning his head as if he was looking for something – or someone. “You can’t be here.”
“No, Malfoy, I have to –”
“No!”, he interrupted you. For the first time, he looked into your eyes and suddenly his voice softened. “I know. Amortentia.”
You swallowed hard.
“Now, leave, please,” he squeezed your arm. You hadn’t even realized he was still holding onto you. “They will kill you!”
Just the way he said this made you believe him. The temperatures seemed to have dropped a few degrees and a shiver ran down your spine. “Who will?”, you whispered.
He didn’t reply but turned his head when he heard footsteps coming from the Astronomy Tower. Someone was coming. Fast.
“It’s too late, stay hidden,” his voice trembled. “I will lead them into another direction.” With that, he took a step back. “We probably won’t see each other again but that’s not too bad, right? We could never stand each other anyways, right?”
You felt as if you were choking, yet no tears were starting to run down your cheeks. You were too confused, too scared. What was happening? All you wanted was … “I love you, idiot,” you croaked.
Malfoy began to walk backwards, more tears streaming down his face. His eyes kept glancing to the stairs. Whoever was coming down, had almost reached them. Then, right before he turned around he sent you a small smile filled with fear and desperation. “This can’t happen, Y/L/N.”
A loud laugh caused you to flinch and then a black-haired woman appeared, followed by a few men. With terror, you noticed the Dark Mark on her arm. She screamed something but you were too distraught to understand it.
“This way,” you heard Malfoy say. “It’s a shortcut.”
A/N: I hope you like it! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this story! <33 HP Masterlist General Masterlist
Tag List: @writerdee1701​, @zpandaqueen​, @ladylizzieofdarbyshire​, @aspiring-ginger​, @dracomalfoyswifey​, @donttellany1iusetumbler​
If you want to be added to my tag list, let me know <3
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dakotacrisis · 3 years
Topsy Turvy (2)
Welp, I guess I am expanding on this. I may have already been planning to write a part 2 but I wasn’t expecting to do it this quickly. While I am doing my own thing with the content initially inspired by the previous comic I did steal one of Plagg’s lines from their continuation comic cause it was too funny to be ignored.
So anyhoo! Here’s a part two!
“Geez, you would think Hawkmoth would give us one morning off,” Alya groaned. Marinette, Nino, and Alya had been heading towards the station to meet Adrien when that giant robot akuma came out of nowhere.
Now the girls returned to a worried looking Nino who embraced Alya happily. Marinette lingered a bit away from them looking pale and sweaty. Alya sighed and went back to comfort her. “Don’t worry, girl, I’m sure things with Adrien will work out.”
“Yeah...about that…”
The train slid into the station. The doors opened and people started flooding out. Marinette grabbed Alya’s arm and pulled her down to whisper in her ear. “I freaked out seeing Adrien while I was Ladybug and might have, sort of, asked him out to the movies.”
“As Ladybug?”
“What is wrong with you! That wasn’t the plan! You were going to do that only if he rejected you as Marinette!”
“I know but I didn’t want to get rejected so I jumped the gun. Do you think this will mess things up?”
“I don’t know! We don’t know what his reply is gonna be. What did he say after you asked him out?”
“Nothing. I left before he could answer.”
“I love you but I am going to kill you.” Alya pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Heads up,” Nino called for the girls’ attention, “I can see Adrien.”
“I’m gonna make a run for it.” Marinette took two steps before Alya pounced on her and forced her back.
“You dug this grave, now lie in it.” Alya grabbed her arm and pulled her down the platform towards Adrien.
Adrien was walking in a dazed state and his face was beet red. He almost walked completely past them before Nino hooked an arm around his shoulders. "Hey dude! It's great to have you back."
"Oh hi, Nino," Adrien snapped out of his daze, "You didn't have to come meet me."
"Sure we did," the three of them started walking back out of the station. Adrien clung close to Nino as he told them about his trip. His gaze kept flickering down to Marinette who walked in step with Alya. Nino would have found it funny if it wasn’t for the fact that Marinette looked like she wanted to melt into the ground.
After their initial phone call two weeks ago Adrien had been really quiet about the whole confession thing. He sent lots of pictures from his trip and talked to him but anything having to do with Marinette was nonexistent. He figured he was working through his feelings on his own. It may have been because Marinette was his friend or Alya’s aggressive shipping of the two but he hoped Adrien chose her. They really were made for each other.
The girls left early and Nino invited Adrien back to his place to hang out. "I'm glad you had fun on your trip. You must have had a lot on your mind regardless."
"A lot on my mind?"
"We were gonna have to talk about it at some point," Nino collapsed into a beanbag chair, "About Marinette?"
Adrien went rigid. "Ma-Marinette? What about Marinette?"
Nino looked at him deadpanned. "Dude, she confessed to you? Remember?"
"Yeah," Adrien sat down next to him, "I remember."
"So did you come to a decision while you were away?" Nino asked.
"Not really, I keep flip-flopping about it. I know being with Marinette would be the easier option and she's great. I would be lucky to call her my girlfriend."
"I still really love Ladybug and after what happened today…"
"What happened today?"
Adrien recounted to Nino about the akuma and how Ladybug and Rena Rouge saved him. Then how Ladybug had asked him out to see a movie.
"HOLY CRAP!" Nino gaped, "Ladybug asked you out? Why didn’t you lead with that?"
"I guess because I was still processing it happened." Adrien leaned back so he was staring up at the ceiling, "It feels like I'm dreaming. I'm happy but it also confused me more."
"I wouldn't blame you for being confused. Having a friend confess to you and then your crush asking you out...it's a lot to think of."
"I feel like the answer should be obvious. But it doesn't feel that way anymore."
“So what are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know. Marinette said she wasn’t expecting an answer but I still owe her something. I don’t even know how serious Ladybug was with her invitation. She could have just been messing with me but I don’t really see casual flirting as something she would do.” Adrien pondered it some more. Nino could see the gears turning in his head.
“I’d like to see you and Marinette together but I can’t force you to be with her. If it turns out Ladybug is who you really want then that’s okay too. Marinette’s strong and for the most part it sounds like she just wanted to let you know she had feelings for you. You don’t have to feel guilty about either option. I hope you know that.”
“You’re so sagely. It’s throwing me off,” Adrien laughed, “Go back to saying dude and talking through a mouth full of hot cheetos please. But seriously though, thanks for talking with me about this. It helps.”
“I’m always here for you, brother,” Nino tossed him a controller, “Now let me whip your butt in Mario Kart.”
Adrien returned home after a few rounds of Mario Kart with Nino. He was already pushing things with his father by going off with his friends earlier instead of heading straight home. He received a cool welcome from his father when he walked inside the mansion before he was gone again. At least he had deigned to greet him when he got home. That’s more than what he expected out of him.
He climbed the stairs to his room. “Alright, you can come out now,” Adrien told Plagg.
“You couldn’t have snuck me some cheetos while you were hanging out with your friend?” Plagg whined, “I’m starving!”
“There were three full camembert tins as well as an emergency string cheese in my bag. How are you starving?”
“I ate those on the ride back to Paris. Now I’m hungry again!” Plagg crawled across Adrien’s bed, “I’m so weak, Adrien. I can hardly move. Everything around me is going dark. I can hear the angels singing.”
“You are a menace.” Adrien picked him up and tossed him into his cheese cabinet. “Happy?”
“I feel rejuvenated!” Plagg cackled as he dove head first into a new tin of camembert. Adrien rolled his eyes and closed the cabinet door.
He went to the window and looked out over the lights of the city. He couldn’t wait to be back running across that skyline. Two weeks without being Chat Noir had been torture. Ladybug assured him that she and Rena had things covered when he told her he was going away for a bit. Still, it didn’t stop him from feeling guilty about it.
Maybe he could tear Plagg away from his cheese hoard for a quick jaunt around town. Maybe he’d even see Ladybug.
Oh Ladybug. All this time he had been trying and failing to woo her as Chat Noir and then without any prompting she asked Adrien out. He still wasn’t sure if she was serious. How badly he hoped that she was though. He wanted it to be real. He wanted Ladybug to love him. Now it looked like he had a chance at that but there was only one snag. Marinette.
Sweet and wonderful Marinette. He already broke her heart as Chat Noir. Could he stand to do it again as Adrien? He really didn’t want to but neither did he want to leave her in suspense of an answer. He wished things could be simpler.
He thought back to what Plagg said on the train and scoffed. “Monogamy is a concept invented by humans.” he repeated it back to himself, “As much as I would love to be in the middle of a Ladybug/Marinette sandwich I don’t think that’s an option. I think I would combust at the mere possibility.”
He pressed his head to the cool window and sighed. His eyes fluttered close. He should just go to bed at this point. He would stay up all night worrying himself into knots about what to do at this rate. He opened his eyes once more and fell back with a startled yelp.
“Oops, sorry,” Ladybug waved at him upside down through the glass, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Oh no, no you’re fine.” Adrien shot to his feet, “What are you doing here?”
“Well,” she righted herself and perched on top of his open window, “I wanted to come by and talk to you. I realize I kind of gave you a shock today during the akuma attack. The whole asking you to go to a movie thing.”
“Right, yeah, I was certainly surprised.” Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. Ladybug was in his room! Okay, she was sitting on his window but that was still in his room. “I gotta know, were you being serious or were you just fooling with me? I won’t be mad if you were but I just wanna know.”
“Yeah, about that,” he could swear he saw Ladybug blushing. Ladybug was blushing around him! “I did mean what I said. I think you’re a nice guy and I know that we haven’t ever interacted that much but I like you. I have no idea what you think of me but now you know what I think of you. So...thoughts?”
“I think you’re amazing.” Adrien answered without hesitation. His feet brought him closer to the window so he could better gaze up at her. Her head was silhouetted in moonlight casting a bright white halo around her dark hair. Her eyes sparkled like stars as she gazed stared back at him. Her lips slightly parted and her cheeks pink.
Adrien cleared his throat and spoke again. “I’ve actually had a crush on you for ages. I had trouble believing anything would come of it though.”
“Oh really?” Ladybug smirked, “Ages you say?”
Adrien’s mouth went dry. He nodded his head.
“Well if that ain’t a kick in the head,” she chuckled softly, “I’ve had a crush on you too.”
Wait. Hold up! Ladybug had a crush on him? He knew that she liked him but a crush? For how long? Adrien’s mind flashed back to when Ladybug told him she was in love with someone else. Was the someone else Adrien? Had he been getting rejected all this time because Ladybug was already in love with him?
“Adrien?” Ladybug waved a hand in front of his face, “Did I lose you? Was that too forward? I’m sorry if it was.”
“No! I’m just really happy!” Adrien blurted out. “I...I uh…if you still want I would like to go to that movie with you.”
Ladybug smiled. “Great. Are you free tomorrow?”
“I will be,” he would move the heavens themselves in order to be free if so needed.
“Awesome. They’re doing a classic movie night at the theater tomorrow. We could see the original La Belle et la Bete or Citizen Kane or Roman Holiday.”
“Aren’t they playing Psycho as well?”
“A horror movie?” Ladybug’s eyes widened. “I mean if that’s what you want to see...well um…”
“Wait,” Adrien said, “Are you--are you scared of horror movies?”
“Yeah, I know, big bad hero Ladybug gets scared watching horror movies. Laugh it up.” she shook her head.
“I wasn’t laughing. I wasn’t!” Adrien couldn’t help but smile though. He learned something new about her. “La Belle et la Bete sounds nice. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the original. I’ve only seen the Disney version and the live action remake they did back in 2014.”
 “Well then,” Ladybug twisted her yo-yo around in her hands. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow evening for our date.”
“Can’t wait.” Adrien was smiling like a fool. Ladybug gave him another wave goodbye before leaping off into the night. Adrien watched from the open window with a dreamy smile on his face. He had a date with Ladybug!
Then his heart sunk. He was gonna have to reject Marinette now. He hoped she wouldn’t take it too hard.
“I have a date with Adrien! I have a date with Adrien!” Marinette danced around her room. The kwamis were all out and celebrating with her. Alya sat on the chaise with a knowing smile. This wasn’t what Alya had planned but it looked like it worked out in the end. She had never seen Marinette so happy.
“Oh no,” Marinette stopped abruptly. “I have a date with Adrien!”
She ran to her closet and started pulling out clothes. “What am I gonna wear? It’s a movie date so it shouldn’t be anything too fancy but I don’t want to look like a slob. Should I wear something warm if the theatre is cold? But with all that body heat it’s bound to be warm so should I dress lighter? Alya, what do you think?”
“I think that you’re going as Ladybug so what you have on under your costume won’t make much of a difference.” Alya was trying not to laugh.
“Oh right,” Marinette threw her clothes back down, “Forgot about that part.”
“And you’re okay with dating Adrien as Ladybug? You don’t think that’s gonna cause any problems down the road? If you want this relationship to go anywhere in the future you’ll need to tell him who you are.”
“I know, but that isn’t for a good long while. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.”
The words of a fool in love. Alya decided to let her have her moment and not say anything. Tomorrow night would be interesting indeed.
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gryffindorcls · 4 years
The Surprise Guest
Hello, lovely readers!
A few months ago I was asked to write a piece for the @mlpandemicreliefzine​. It was such a fun project to be a part of, and now that it's been out for a while, I am happy to share with you the fluffy Marichat one-shot I wrote for the zine.
Happy reading!
SUMMARY: One Friday night, Chat Noir accidentally barges in on a "girl's night" sleepover happening in Marinette's room. After being encouraged to stay, Chat joins the group in a game of truth or dare during which Marinette reveals the name of the boy she loves.
LENGTH: 2972 words
Marinette’s heart stopped.
“Is someone knocking on a window?” Alya pushed herself off the ground and padded across the room.
“N-no! I...uhh...it’s probably just the wind!” Marinette sprang out of her seat and tried to pull Alya back to the circle of girls sitting in the middle of the floor. “Don’t worry about it! Mario Kart is waiting for us!”
“There it is again!” Alya stood on her tiptoes and peered out the window next to Marinette’s desk. “That’s funny I could have sworn-”
The hatch above the lofted bed swung open with a bang. All heads turned towards the sound as a mop of blond hair poked through the opening.
“Princess, are you in here? Are you okay? I was knocking, and I didn’t see...oops.” Chat Noir’s eyes scanned the room. “Hello, ladies.”
“Oh, look!” Alya locked eyes with Marinette and gestured towards the hatch. “The wind has a face.”
Marinette groaned and buried her face in her hands. “This can’t be happening.”
“Oh, but it is, and I can’t wait to hear you explain your way out of this one.”
“It’s not what it looks like.”
“Really? Because to me, it looks like one of Paris’s heroes is asking to come in, and judging by his cute little nickname for you, I’m guessing that this isn’t the first time he’s paid you a visit. How am I doing so far, Princess Marinette?”
“Unfortunately, you’re doing pretty well.”
Chat ducked behind the lip of the opening. “Did I come at a bad time?”
Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. “I told you that I was busy today.”
“I forgot.”
“If he’s here, does that mean there’s an Akuma?” Rose smashed her hands against her cheeks. “Is it after one of us?”
Chat shook his head. “No Akuma tonight. Everyone is safe.”
“If there’s no Akuma, then why are you here?” Alix narrowed her eyes. “Are you two dating or something?”
“No!” Marinette raised her hands in front of her. “It’s nothing like that. He just visits sometimes.”
“Yup!” Chat chimed in, “Every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday night!”
“Not helping!” Marinette hissed at the boy through gritted teeth.
He sunk further behind the ledge. “Sorry.”
“You have scheduled visits!” Alya chuckled and placed a hand on Marinette’s shoulder. “Girl, I expect details.”
Chat cleared his throat. “Should I just leave the snacks and go?”
“Aha!” Alix exclaimed, pointing towards the hatch. “He brought snacks. They’re totally dating.”
“We’re not dating!” Marinette stamped her foot on the ground. “We’re just friends. I swear!”
“I don’t know. My brother always brings his girlfriend food, and he’s always talking about how in love with her he is.”
“Chat is my friend.”
Alya crossed her arms. “And tell us, how did you manage to become friends with him?”
Marinette looked at Chat, and after finding the silent look of approval in his eyes, she swallowed and took a steadying breath. “One night I was really upset, so I decided to sit out on the balcony. I may have started crying, and that’s when Chat found me. He told me he was also feeling down, so we talked for a few hours. He checked up on me the next day, and that’s when we realized that we enjoyed hanging out with each other.”
“Did you invite him to hang out with us tonight?” Mylene asked, cocking her head to the side.
Marinette sighed. “No, I did not.”
“You know, I should just go.” Chat tossed a canvas bag overflowing with snacks onto Marinette’s bed. “I’ll see you on Sunday, Princess.”
The unspoken sadness behind his words sent a pang through Marinette’s heart. “No, stay. It’s fine. Besides, I think Alya would kill me if I told you to go home before she had the chance to grill you at some point tonight.”
“You know it.” Alya chuckled and shot a finger gun in Chat’s direction.
“Wait.” He peeked the rest of his head over the ledge. “Really? I can come in?”
“Yup, and we were just about to play Mario Kart.” Marinette watched as Chat hopped onto her bed and scrambled down the ladder. “Did you want to play with us?”
“Do I?” He vibrated with excitement as she handed him a controller. “Is this what normally happens at sleepovers?”
“Have you never been to one?”
“No. I’ve only ever seen them on television and in movies, but those people are always doing each other’s hair and playing Truth or Dare.”
Alix’s eyes lit up. “Ooo, yes! We should play Truth or Dare.”
“No!” Marinette switched on her computer and loaded the game. “We are not playing Truth or Dare.”
“Ugh, lame!”
“We are playing Mario Kart, and then we are watching a movie.”
“I don’t know, Marinette. Playing Truth or Dare with a superhero sounds kind of fun.” Alya shot her a grin.
Marinette glared at her. “Video Games. Movie. Bed. That’s it.”
“You know,” Chat interjected, “I’ve never played Truth or Dare either.”
“Of course you haven’t.”
“It could be fun.”
“But you know what would be even more fun?” Marinette leaned in and flicked Chat’s bell. “Kicking your butt at Mario Kart...again.”
He chuckled. “That’s some big talk coming from someone who’s about to get crushed.”
“So says the boy who loses every time he’s played against me.”
“Oh, it’s on, Princess.”
“Jeez, if you two lovebirds are done flirting, some of us are ready to actually start playing,” Alix huffed, flopping onto the floor.
“For the last time, we are not dating.” Marinette crossed her arms and looked at Chat. “Right?”
“Yeah, we’re not.” She could have sworn that she saw his eyes dim when he spoke his confirmation, but surely it was just a trick of the light.
“See!” She said triumphantly. “We’re just friends.”
“Could have fooled me!” Alix held her stomach and laughed. “I’m just kidding. Anyway, are we playing or not?”
“Yes.” Marinette pressed start on her controller. “We are.”
As the first race began, she settled herself next to Chat Noir, accidentally brushing her knee against his. Her heart sank when she felt his body stiffen under her touch. Usually, Chat had no problem getting close to her. More often than not, they found themselves wrapped around each other under piles of blankets.
She couldn’t help but wonder if she’d done something wrong. Maybe he was upset that she’d said no Truth or Dare. Maybe she was too harsh. Maybe she should have said yes. After all, it was his first sleepover, and playing Truth or Dare wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
Despite the internal debate that raged through her mind throughout the gaming session, Marinette came first in almost every race. After her eleventh win, she leaned over and rested her head on Chat’s shoulder.
“Better luck next time, kitty.” She looked up only to see him quickly turn his head away.
He must really be upset with her.
Alix slammed her controller onto the ground. “Ugh, can we do something else now? I’m getting bored.”
Alya rolled her eyes. “Are you sure you’re not just getting tired of losing?”
“Actually, I also wouldn’t mind doing something else.” Rose set down her controller and smiled. “Marinette, didn’t you say that we were going to watch a movie tonight?”
“A movie would be cool,” Juleka mumbled under her breath.
Marinette looked at Chat Noir. “Well, I’ve been thinking about it, and I thought that maybe we could play Truth or Dare...as long as we’re careful, that is! We’d have to promise to not ask Chat anything that could reveal his identity.”
Alix threw a celebratory fist into the air. “Yes!”
“Are you sure, girl?” Alya furrowed her brows. “You seemed pretty against it before.”
She nodded. “I’m sure. Besides, I think our surprise guest really wants to play. What kind of hostess would I be if I denied him the full sleepover experience?”
He met her gaze. His mouth rounded into a small “o” as a dusting of pink peeked out from underneath his mask.
“Are you okay?” Marinette asked tentatively.
He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. I would love to play!”
The rest of the group excitedly agreed and reformed a circle in the middle of the floor. The first few rounds filled the room with laughter as Mylene did the worm and Alya showed off her best Nino impression.
Once the giggles died down after watching Alix's reaction to putting ice cubes down her shirt, Alya adjusted her glasses and smirked. “Alright, it’s your turn, Marinette. Truth or dare?”
The last thing Marinette needed was for someone to dare her to kiss Chat Noir. “Truth.”
Alix rubbed her hands together. “First truth of the night. Let’s make it a good one.”
A wave of regret washed over her. “Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes! Who do you have a crush on right now?”
“I guess I should have seen that one coming.”
A pang shot through Marinette’s chest. She lowered her head and swallowed the heartbreak that threatened to resurface.
It had only been three months since she’d made the choice to move on from Adrien, and the wound still felt fresh. She’d done her best to bury the feelings she had for him, but her heart always circled back to the selfless boy who shines brighter than the sun.
However, she learned that as long as she didn’t actively think about Adrien, the hole inside her heart wasn’t as noticeable. Chat’s visits had really helped take her mind off of everything, but now it looked like it was time to face her feelings head-on.
“Oh, I know!” Chat blurted out, “It’s Luka!”
“No, it’s not.” Juleka’s hands covered her mouth while she spoke. “Marinette turned him down when he asked her out.”
“Wait, really?” He turned to Marinette. “Isn’t he the boy you’re in love with?”
Alya shook her head. “No, they had a connection, but I think we all know who really captured her heart.”
“You mean you really don’t know? She never told you?”
Hot tears welled in the corners of Marinette’s eyes. “I’m trying to move on.”
“Do you still love him?” Rose asked quietly, "Because it's okay if you do. Feelings like that don't just disappear overnight." “Yeah, but it doesn’t matter now. He’s with someone else. I lost my chance.” The words tasted bitter on her lips.
“No, you didn’t.” Juleka shook her head. “Don’t tell anyone, but I saw Luka kissing Kagami last weekend.”
A collective gasp filled the room as Marinette’s head shot up. “Are you serious?”
“Mmhmm, he doesn’t know that I know, but she comes over a lot.”
Alya nudged Marinette’s arm. “I think you just got your second chance.”
“But he and Kagami were so close!” Marinette grabbed her pigtails. “I could have sworn that they were dating.”
“You know, I don’t remember him ever saying that they were dating.”
“I guess I just assumed. I thought I saw them kiss.”
“I don’t think they did. I know he didn’t tell Nino that he kissed her, and those two pretty much know everything about each other.”
Chat held up his hands. “I’m sorry, who are we talking about right now?”
“It’s a boy from our class. You might know him. He was in that fragrance ad that seems to be on every billboard in the city.” Alya pointed to the class picture hanging on Marinette’s wall. “His name is Adrien.”
“Hold on.” The intensity in his eyes startled Marinette. “You have a crush on Adrien Agreste?”
“Um, yeah?” She shrugged. “I thought he was dating Kagami, so I tried to make my feelings go away. It didn’t really work.”
“But why?” His voice had dropped to a whisper. “Why him?”
Marinette thought back to her encounter with Adrien in the rain–the day love became more than just a word in the dictionary. “I accused him of something when we first met, but instead of getting angry and brushing me off, he reached out to me and asked to be friends. Is he one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen in my entire life? Yes, without a doubt. But it was his kindness and selflessness that made me fall for him.”
“You really love him, don’t you?”
“With all my heart.”
“Is that why you were crying that night on the balcony?”
“Yes, but you made me feel a lot better. Thank you for that.”
Chat pushed himself off the ground and began pacing around the room. “I...he made you cry! You’re so sweet and kind, and he hurt you. How are you not mad at him?”
She reached up and grabbed Chat’s hand as he passed in front of her. “It’s not his fault! I never had the courage to tell him, so he doesn’t know. He’s a wonderful person.”
“Doesn’t sound like it.”
“He broke your heart, Marinette.”
She shook her head. “No, if we’re being honest, I kind of broke my own heart. I never told him how I felt.”
He took a deep breath. “You should tell him.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“What if I’m not the one for him? He deserves to be happy!”
“I have a hunch that things will work out pretty well if you tell him.”
“Look, it’s not that I haven’t tried before.” Marinette buried her face in her hands. “But all of those attempts ended in disaster. How would this time be any different?”
“Easy.” Alix pointed to the cell phone on Marinette’s desk. “I dare you to text him.”
Marinette crossed her arms. “Nice try, but it’s not my turn right now. It’s Chat’s.”
“Fine. Truth or dare, Chat Noir?”
He plopped down on the ground. “Dare.”
“Excellent.” Alix grabbed the phone and handed it to Chat. “I dare you to help Marinette send a text to Adrien.”
“No!” Marinette snatched her phone out of his hands and held it against her chest. “Why?”
“Because it’ll be hilarious.”
"But it's my phone!"
"And it's his dare."
Marinette grabbed Alya’s arm. “Help.”
“No can do, girl.” She shook her head. “Alix is right. He got dared.”
With a sigh, Marinette reluctantly handed her phone over to Chat. “Please don’t do anything too embarrassing.”
“Trust me, Princess. I’ll make sure you get that date.” He took the phone and got to work.
“You may have to spell it out for him. Adrien’s a great guy, but he’s a little dense in the love department sometimes.” Alix’s laugh rang through the room.
Chat glared at her. “Rude.”
“If you knew him, you’d agree.”
“Unfortunately, I have a feeling that you’re right. Rude, but right.”
Marinette didn’t know if she should scream or run away. “Please don’t tell him that I like him in a text. That should be something I tell him to his face.”
Chat ran his fingers through his hair. “I know. All I did was write out a message asking him to meet up with you in the park tomorrow.”
“Did you already send it?”
“I...but...what if he’s not free?”
“Oh, he’s free.”
“How do you know?”
“Uhhhh.” Chat scratched the back of his head. “I read somewhere that his father is out of town for the next week. I guess I just assumed that Adrien had nothing on his schedule.”
Marinette did her best not to hyperventilate. “Okay, yeah...this is great. Goog...I mean doog...I mean...oh, no, I’m stuttering again! It’s been weeks since I’ve done that. I’m going to make a complete fool out of myself tomorrow!”
“No, you’re not.” Chat rested a hand on her shoulder.
“How do you know?”
“Because you’re amazing, Marinette, and he’d be crazy to not like you back.”
His smile melted away her fears and calmed the restless beating of her heart. It was amazing how safe he always made her feel, both in and out of the mask. Marinette knew she was lucky to have him as her partner and her friend.
“I know everyone didn’t get a turn to go, but I really don’t think we can top that round.” Alya walked over to Marinette’s computer. “How about we watch that movie now?”
“Works for me!” Marinette leaned against Chat. “Want to sit next to each other?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I do.”
While Marinette set up the movie, her guests made a cozy nest of blankets and pillows on the floor.
When she was finished, she took a seat next to Chat. She soon found herself wrapped in his arms with her face against his chest.
Although sitting like this had become a regular occurrence between them, tonight felt different. Instead of the loose hold she was accustomed to, Chat held her as if she’d slip away if he let go. To her surprise, she really enjoyed the change.
As the movie droned on, the steady beating of Chat’s heart relaxed every fiber of her being. Reflexively, she reached her arms around him, snuggled closer to his side, and reveled in his warmth.
All too soon, Marinette gave into the heaviness of her eyelids. Still vaguely aware of the world around her, the whispers of an oncoming dream beckoned her further into the depths of her subconscious.
She felt a gentle pressure against the crown of her head before a hazy voice etched its words onto her heart. “You make me happy every single day. You always have, and now it’s my turn to make you happy. You’re the perfect girl for me.”
And for the first time in months, Marinette was at peace.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow, Princess.”
That night, she had the sweetest of dreams, and the next morning, she woke up with Adrien’s response in her notifications.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 289: Looks Like the Gang’s All Here
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “you guys don’t really need to know what’s gonna happen to Deku and Shouto right now” and cut away to Toga and Ochako before anyone could get a word in. Skeptic utilized the power of Freak Shounen Coincidence to magically zero in on Ochako and Tsuyu amongst the fleeing crowd. Toga was all “IS THAT OCHAKO” and immediately leaped down to fight them, ignoring Spinner’s heartfelt speeches about Villain Found Family because fight now, hug later!! Down in the streets of some unidentified crumbling city, Ochako was approached by a sweet old lady and was all “I better help this sweet old lady who is definitely not leading me into a trap”, which unfortunately turned out to be poor decision-making on her part. Anyway so now she and Toga are going to throw down. AND ALSO, P.S., BEST JEANIST IS STILL ALIVE, and that doesn’t really have anything to do with anything right now, but BY GOLLY I JUST HAD TO SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS.
Today on BnHA: Iida and Hadou are all “is it our turn yet”, and Horikoshi is all “yes”, and so the two of them finally burst onto the scene and are all “hello Shouto, Gigantomachia is on his way, btw do you need help” and so they all get ready to fight Tomura together. Meanwhile in Unnamed Ochako And Toga Fight Town, Toga is all “what’s up Ochako, oh is this the All Might doll Deku gave you, I guess you must like Deku as well, just like me, we truly are the same, btw I can use other people’s quirks now” before she vanishes in a flurry of knives and ambiguity, as mysteriously as she came. So that’s a thing that happened. The chapter ends with Gigantomachia and the League STOMPIN’ ONTO THE SCENE, JUST IN TIME FOR ENDEAVOR TO WAKE UP AND BE ALL “OHHHHH SHIT.” YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT, “OH SHIT.” Finally the pieces are in place for Dabi to reveal his true identity to Hadou and Iida, JUST LIKE WE ALL EXPECTED.
before I start, thank you so much to everyone who sent birthday messages on Wednesday!! I had a good day; my quarantine impulse purchase guitar that I ordered months ago but had been backordered finally arrived, and so now I can do something productive with my time as I continue to while away these months in isolation! not to say that capslocking over fictional characters and their shounen escapades doesn’t also count as being productive lmao. anyways, my fingers hurt so typing is kind of a bitch right now, but I’m having fun still. IF KAMINARI CAN DO IT THEN SO CAN I
anyway so let’s see what mishaps my various catastrophe-prone children are getting up to this week
okay there are several things happening in this panel which I want to comment on
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“some time after” jesus fucking christ though, how long have Deku and the rest actually been fighting?? like it’s absolutely absurd to imagine that they’ve been managing to hold off Tomura for more than a few minutes, and yet everything we’ve seen these last couple of chapters suggests that this is indeed the case. which is just pure insanity tbh. excuse me sir, but I have an emotionally maturing son, a homewrecking grandpa, and a sleep-deprived one-legged platonic husband who are all in DIRE NEED of medical attention just FYI
lastly, I direct your attention to these two cool cats in the background who are both riding on hover surfboards. living it up like it’s Back to the Future. why are there two of them. do they both just happen to have the exact same quirk. what are the odds. ARE THEY TWINS. I want to know everything about them dammit
anyway so Hadou is asking Iida why he’s tagging along, because unlike the others, he can’t fly and is thus vulnerable to Tomura’s attacks and such
well Hadou I’ll have you know that it his DUTY AS THE CLASS PRESIDENT to tag along and THAT’S WHY
oh shit you guys IIDA SAID “FUCK THE LAW”
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“plus Bakugou-kun, whom I am not particularly close to, but nonetheless hold nothing personal against!” well uh, kind of a weird distinction to make there bro, but okay. listen everyone, it’s a tense situation; if Iida feels the need to clarify the ins and outs of his interpersonal relationships with each of the people he’s rescuing then please just respect that okay
anyways though have I mentioned how much I fucking love Iida Tenya though you guys. feels like I haven’t mentioned that enough. I LOVE HIM. there
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is it bad that my immediate reaction to this page was A LOT OF LAUGHING, though. fkldlksh this entire situation is SO ABJECTLY TERRIBLE that if I were Shouto I would almost be fighting the urge to look around for a hidden camera at this point. ASHTON KUTCHER WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING HERE. OH THANK GOD, IT WAS ALL JUST A PRANK
anyway so uh. heh. how screwed are we at this point, exactly. oh and also, whose speech bubbles are these. who the fuck would look at this situation and these bleeding children and say “HA!” what kind of monster. just ignore that paragraph right before this one please
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pretty please. we kind of have a situation here. not that I wouldn’t love to see what this icy flamey boi could do if push came to shove, but I also have had just about enough of watching children get maimed for today though
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lmaoooo a wild Lida has been spotted what the fuck is this translation though
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I don’t know which is better, the “Lida” (DO YOU EVEN READ THE SERIES BRO), or the “CHRIST” gkfhkg. CLASSIC LIDA
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sobbing at Manual cradling the still-warm corpse of Gran Torino like a tiny baby khlk;h. BUT ANYWAYS HADOU SAW HER TEACHER ALL BLOODIED UP AND IS READY TO THROW DOWN, YESSSSS, THE MY LADIES ACADEMIA ARC CONTINUES
(ETA: listen you guys, there were many things at the end of this chapter that brought me joy, but perhaps none more than the inclusion of Hadou in the final two page spread looking all serious alongside the Todorokis, as if she has any fucking clue at all wtf is going on slfkhlkhgghsl. what I wouldn’t give to see her and Deku and Iida all making frantic bewildered eye contact at each other throughout the next chapter lmao.)
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“true, I already watched him murder my dad, my boyfriend, my other boyfriend, my teacher, and dozens of other people, but gosh darn it, I just feel like the fifteenth time’s the charm you guys.” shit, I ain’t even mad. who’s up for yet another episode of Todoroki Shouto Attempts to Murder a Bitch
-- “TIME TO CUT AWAY!!” laughs Horikoshi as he gleefully dodges out of reach before I can punch him, that SON OF A --
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goddammit. you’re just lucky that I’m invested in the girl power fight too
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damn, looks like she managed to touch Toga’s shirt but not Toga herself. both of them are so fast
now Toga is monologuing from the shadows
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we’ve all been there, Toga. sometimes you see someone you really like and it’s just like, ahhhhhh gotta kill them am I right
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lol I love Toga so much you guys, but I’m also kind of wincing in anticipation of whatever essays are gonna materialize out of the fandom this week explaining how hero society has failed her utterly and she is just a victim here. CAN YOU NOT SEE HOW SHE JUST WANTED FREEDOM TO BE HERSELF AND MURDER A BUNCH OF PEOPLE flhkklhl
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and it was fucking awesome and scary as shit, Ochako. like damn, still sends a chill up my spine just thinking about it
anyway so now Toga is continuing to explain that she can use the quirks of whoever she transforms into
and Ochako is kind of freaking out, which I don’t blame her for, since it’s probably really upsetting to hear that your stolen blood and quirk were used to murder a bunch of people. shit
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??? was this somehow the wrong answer?
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for fuck’s sake. Toga you literally came down here to ask her if she would be willing to kill you, and here she is telling you “I would never be happy about killing someone, that’s fucked up”, and you’re all “......”
like come on though, what else do you want her to say?? and why does Ochako look so shocked now
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THEIR FACES DKSLHFKG. TOGA NO THAT IS MEAN. and jesus christ Ochako it’s just a toy. I know it has Sentimental Value and shit but is this really the thing to be getting distracted about right now
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this entire confrontation makes absolutely zero sense to me you guys. just. Horikoshi was all, “this is the kind of stuff girls talk about when they’re battling to the death, right?” just, are you okay my dude
anyway so Toga has somehow deduced that Ochako got the doll from Deku, which means that she and Ochako are exactly alike in every way, and this is somehow an important plot point, and now they’re finally getting back to the fight lulz
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so now Toga’s all excited and she’s all “THERE’S SOMETHING I OUGHT TO TELL YOU, I’M NOT LEFT HANDED EITHER” oh snap
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fuck, it almost feels like she’s trying to warn her. Ochako idk maybe you should run shit I do not like this ( ゚д゚)
but of course she is not running, and she’s all “I’ll have you take responsibility for your actions”
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fuck, she was crying??
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295 notes · View notes
honey-dewey · 3 years
Proposal Imagines
I’m back on my bullshit! This was supposed to be short, but then it took a week and a half to write and is almost twice as long as my longest one shot. Oops. These should all be gender neutral and I hope you enjoy! I got to explore two characters I don’t write for very often, so I’m super excited to present this. And there are like, three uses of (Y/N). 
Total Word Count: 8,096
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
Din Djarin:
Din fiddled with the jewelry, nerves pulling his stomach into complicated knots. He’d been doing research for months, ever since he’d finally felt like it was the right time to get married. Culturally, marriage was like a retirement sentence for Mandalorians, but he didn’t care. He could bend the rules for you. 
Finding what to propose with had been hell. In your culture, proposals were done with rings, but in his, you offered your partner your signet if they had none. He had consulted the Armorer, and she had forged him the necklace he was holding now. It was a good compromise between the two customs, they had both decided 
It was solid beskar, a loose collar of sorts, ornate and delicate so it didn’t look like you were a slave. Dangling in the center was his mudhorn signet, which would settle between your collarbones. 
Shifting in the grass, Din wondered if he’d chosen the wrong spot. But no, the picturesque fields of Sorgan felt right. It was where you’d met, and hopefully, it was where you’d be wed. 
“Cyar’ika?” Din said, seeing you come up the ridge. Grogu was with Omera, so this would be a purely uninterrupted moment. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah!” You said happily, seeing the world glitter below you. “This is amazing Din. Thank you for bringing me.” 
Din took a breath. Your back was to him, and he decided to do this before his cowardice took over. “Cyar’ika,” he said. “Do you know how Mandalorians say I love you?” 
You turned, confused. “No?” 
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum.” Din was starting to feel nauseous. He really hoped you said yes. “It’s an indirect translation, but it literally means ‘I know you and hold you in my heart forever.’” 
“Din,” you said, putting a hand on his pauldron. “What are you saying?” 
Din wanted to cry. “I love you,” he said softly. “More than words in any language can describe. I want you here, safe and by my side forever.” He knelt down, pulling out the necklace and watching your eyes go wide. “I know we live dangerous lives. We could die tomorrow, for all we know. But will you honor my wishes today and become my riddur?” 
You nodded immediately, tears glittering in your eyes as Din stood and fastened the necklace around your neck. “Din,” you breathed. “Oh Din it’s beautiful.” 
“Indestructible too,” Din said, somehow even more nervous for what came next. “I’m unfamiliar with your marriage traditions, but a Mandalorian marriage is very simple.” 
You put a hand on the signet charm. “My wedding customs involve a party and a public exchange of vows.” 
“We can do it in town, if you want,” Din offered. “I have vows, words that make a marriage official in the eyes of the Maker. But there is a custom of mine that must be done here.” 
“What?” You asked, genuinely confused. 
Din put his hands on his helmet, but found that he couldn’t lift it. His arms wouldn’t do it. You, understanding, took a gentle step forward and put your hands overtop his. “Can I?” 
You lifted the helmet slowly, revealing his face inch by precious inch. When it was all exposed, you looked him in the eyes for the first time, taking him in. “Oh Maker,” you breathed. “You- I mean- Your-“ You were clearly at a loss for words. “Brown eyes,” you finally said. “Brown fucking eyes. Din Djarin, you and your eyes will be the death of me.” 
Din smiled, and he could’ve sworn he heard you swear under your breath. “I love you.” 
You nodded. “Ni- damn, I forget. How do I say it?” 
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum.” 
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum Din Djarin.” 
Marcus Moreno:
To say Marcus was worried about getting married again would’ve been a gross understatement. 
He was downright terrified. 
You and him had known each other since high school, and had been together for a few years now. You’d been there when his late wife passed, and now he was hoping to marry you. 
He just needed one thing first. 
Missy looked up as Marcus slid into her room, looking as nervous as he felt. “Wow Dad,” she said, turning from her desk. “You look horrible.” 
Marcus sat on the edge of Missy’s bed. “Come here. I want to talk to you about something important.” 
“Is it (Y/N)?” Missy asked as she sat next to Marcus. 
“Yeah,” Marcus said. “I love them very much, and I know nothing will ever replace your mother. But, if you’re comfortable with it, I want to ask (Y/N) to marry me.” 
Missy smiled. “Dad, they make you happy,” she said. “You don’t need my permission.” 
“I know,” Marcus said, pulling Missy into a hug. “But I want to make sure you’re comfortable with me marrying someone new.” 
“Well then,” Missy said. “You have my blessing. On one condition.” 
Marcus smiled. “What is it?” 
“I get to be a flower girl.” 
“I think we can arrange that.” 
That night, Marcus sent Missy down the street to a friend’s house for the evening. She wished him good luck before skipping out the door, following her friend to her house. 
When you came home from work, Marcus was there to pull you close and kiss you, smiling as you laughed. “Someone’s happy to see me,” you said. “You’re not usually home when I get home.” 
“I took off today,” Marcus said. “They kept nagging me to take a break, and Missy has off from school too.”
“Where is the little troublemaker?” You asked, shedding your coat and looking around. 
Marcus headed into the kitchen, you following him. “Lucy invited her over for the evening,” he said. “I figured we could finally have some adult time. I made dinner.” 
You gasped, seeing the food on the table. “Marcus! You didn’t have to!” 
“I don’t mind,” Marcus promised, pulling your chair out. “C’mon, don’t let it get cold.”
While you ate, you talked about all sorts of mundane things. Work was the first, and then you complained about the deer that were somehow getting into the garden. Marcus agreed that that was a problem, but promised he’d look into it. 
Finally, he was able to take your empty plate and set it in the sink. “Hey babe,” he said, still standing. “I was thinking earlier today.”
“Oh lord,” he heard you say. “Marcus, what’s going on?” 
Marcus fumbled with the ring box as he turned and got on one knee. Everything he’d planned on saying, the speech he’d been reciting in his head all day, it was all gone as soon as he saw your face. All he could muster was a small “please?” 
“Marcus,” you said softly. “Oh Marcus. Are you okay?” 
In truth, no he wasn’t. But he cleared his throat and finally found the ability to speak. “I know,” he said softly. “I know you said we would never need a ring, but I think the time is right, and I love you more than anything in the world.” 
You slid out of your chair and knelt in front of Marcus, so you were on his level. “Marcus,” you said, putting your hands on his face. “Are you ready for this?” 
Marcus nodded. “I am,” he promised. “And Missy is too.” 
“Then yes,” you said, smiling wide. “I can’t wait to marry you Marcus.” 
“And I can’t wait to marry you,” Marcus said, pulling you into a tight hug and cradling you close. “Thank you.” 
You laughed. “As if I could ever say no.” 
You and Marcus stayed on the floor until you heard a familiar voice say, “Did you ask yet?” 
“Missy!” Marcus looked up quickly, surprised. “When did you get home?” 
“Just now,” Missy said. “Was it a yes?” 
You opened your arms, tugging Missy into the hug pile on the floor. “It was a yes.” 
Max Phillips: 
You loved Max more than anything. He was kind to you, handsome, and an all around good boyfriend. Not to mention the fact that he was undead, which was a surprising perk. 
However, lately, he’d been acting really weird. 
It was an unsettling kind of weird. He would spend more time than usual away from you, he was definitely hiding something, and he was so damn jumpy and defensive when you asked about it. 
Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Max!” You shouted through your townhouse. “Max! I want to talk to you! Now!” 
Max came up from the basement, which had been named his area for vampire shit, so you never entered. “What’s up babe?” 
“We’ve been dating for a while now,” you said. “So I know when you’re hiding something from me.” 
“Babe,” Max said, almost warningly. “Stop.” 
“No!” You said, finally putting your foot down. “What the hell are you doing? You’re in the basement all the damn time, I never see you, and you always act super guilty around me! What the hell?” 
Max’s face paled, and he sat at the kitchen table. “Babe. Please, I can’t-“ 
“Jesus,” you grumbled, already knowing where this was going. “Max! I love you! I love you a lot! But this again?” 
“I’m trying to find a way to propose to you!” Max snapped, standing quickly. 
You stopped, mouth open. “Propose?” 
Max nodded, and you were sure that if he could, he would be crying. “Yeah. Propose.” 
“Oh.” You felt oddly guilty for yelling now. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine,” Max mumbled, sitting back down. “I should’ve been more open with you.” 
You shook your head, moving closer to Max so you were standing between his legs and he could rest his head on your chest. “Max, I’m sorry I yelled. But I don’t understand. Why were you spending so long in the basement to try and propose?” 
“When a vampire takes a human partner, a typical proposal includes a turning,” Max admitted, his words muffled by your shirt. “I was researching and preparing.”
You smiled. “Do I get a ring too?” 
Max chuckled a bit, and you were glad to hear it. “Yeah. I found a nice black one with rubies in it. It’s downstairs.” 
“You had all of this planned out,” you said, burying your hands in Max’s hair. “Right down to the ring.” 
“Right down to the ring,” Max agreed with a smile. “I was going to propose officially this weekend.” 
“This weekend,” you murmured. “I’ll clear my schedule.” 
On Friday evening, Max finally took you downstairs, clearly nervous. The basement was small, and Max had only made it more cramped by putting what you suspected was a tattoo chair in the room. It had thick leather straps that unnerved you, but from what Max had said last night when he explained turning, you would need them. 
“Max,” you said softly, sitting in the chair and watching your boyfriend shuffle around. “I’m scared.” 
“I know,” Max said softly, passing a ring box over and over in his hands. “Here.” 
The ring inside was beautiful. It was minimalistic, a simple band of black metal with a small ring of tiny rubies that glittered in the artificial lights. “Max,” you said, sliding the ring on. “I love it.” 
Max smiled, kissing you. “I’m glad. Ready?” 
“As I’ll ever be.” 
Max was very careful strapping you down, and when he was done, he kissed your forehead one last time, mumbling out an apology before sinking his fangs into your neck. 
It was like nothing you’d ever experienced. Max had fed from you before, but this, this burned like someone had injected you with lava. You were sure you were screaming, and then your vision went black. 
You woke Tuesday morning, a sharp metal taste on your tongue. Max was beside you, reading a book and blinking very slowly. Even for an undead vampire who needed no sleep, days on end without resting was hell, and it showed on Max. 
“Babe!” Max said, noticing you were awake and standing quickly, abandoning his book. “Are you hungry?” 
“Yes?” You said, confused. “My stomach hurts, but I don’t want food.” 
Max nodded, undoing the straps and helping you sit up. “You’re thirsty. Here, try this.” He handed you a bottle and you chugged half of it, feeling a warmth spread through your body. “Feeling better?” 
You nodded, putting the bottle down. “Yeah. Did it work?” 
“Yep,” Max said, kissing your forehead. “You’re a vampire, and we’re engaged.” 
That sent a giddy feeling through you. “We are going to have the weirdest wedding ever.” 
Max laughed. “I agree.” 
Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales: 
“Babe!” You shouted through the house, knowing Frankie was downstairs. “I’m taking a bath!” 
“Oh!” Frankie said, and you could hear him thudding up the stairs. “Use this! I found it off Instagram, well actually Benny found it, but he said you might like it!” 
You smiled, taking the black bath bomb. “This is very Game of Thrones-y,” you said, turning the bath bomb over in your hands. It was black, with a vibrant orange stripe around the middle. The entire thing was egg shaped, with small scales that made you fairly certain it was supposed to be a dragon egg. 
“Eh,” Frankie said with a shrug. “It wasn’t marketed as a Game of Thrones egg, but I guess it does look really Mother of Dragons-ish.” 
You laughed, kissing Frankie on the cheek. “Thank you. I’ll use it. But when I stain the tub, you’re cleaning it.” 
Frankie stuck his tongue out at you, and you scrunched your face at him as you closed yourself in the bathroom. 
Once the bath was filled, you’d lit a candle, set up a glass of water, and got into the tub, you began to slowly unwrap the bath bomb. The smell was familiar, in a weird way. It smelled like fruit and wood smoke, the same smell Frankie carried on his whenever he went camping and ate an entire pound of strawberries. You smiled, dipping the bath bomb under the water and relaxing as it hissed and bubbled, slowly turning the entire bath black. 
The bath bomb was mostly fizzed away when you saw something in the bath with you. 
Your immediate reaction was to freak out, but it clearly wasn’t a bug, nor was it anything disgusting. It was a clear plastic sphere with gold inside. 
Curious, you scooped the small sphere out and rolled it over in your hands. You’d heard of bath bombs having small surprises in them, and Frankie must’ve not realized. You popped the sphere open, fully expecting a small toy. 
You did not expect a ring. 
The ring was gorgeous. The metal was a darker grey, with an upside down teardrop shaped gem in the middle that shimmered in all sorts of oranges and pinks and reds. Circled around the round part of the gem was a tiny dragon, almost like it was defending its hoard. 
You smiled, setting the ring on the floor and turning back to the sphere. There was one more thing inside. A small slip of gold paper. Written on one side of the paper was care information, the size, the return policy, and on the other side...
“Francisco Morales I am going to kill you!” You screamed, standing and sending water sloshing everywhere. 
The other side of the paper read ‘Will you marry me?’ 
You could hear Frankie laughing on the other side of the door as you quickly wrapped yourself in a towel and yanked the door open. “Explain.” 
Frankie was sitting on the floor, a huge dorky grin on his face. “You said you didn’t want a traditional ring. And Benny actually did suggest the bath bomb. Really, if anyone should be in trouble, it should be him!” 
“Good god Frankie,” you mumbled, scoping the ring up and examining it. “It’s beautiful.” 
“Is it?” Frankie asked, standing to get a better look. “There were ten options. Oh, that one’s my favorite.” 
You sighed. “Are you also going to get a dragon ring?” 
“Yeah!” Frankie said eagerly, taking his phone out of his pocket. “Mine’s more masculine, but it has the scales, and the stone is the same.” 
“You know,” you said, fiddling with the ring. “You never actually asked me.” 
Frankie’s eyes went wide. “Do you want me to?” 
Smiling, you shrugged. “If you want to.” 
Frankie took the ring from you and got down on one knee. “Baby, will you marry me? Even if it is with a dumb dragon ring?” 
You laughed, nodding and kneeling down so you could kiss Frankie. “Absolutely Frankie. I will marry you. Dumb dragon ring and all.” 
Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels: 
You sighed, examining yourself in the mirror. You’d chosen one of your favorite formal outfits for tonight, as Jack had asked. He was coming directly from work to pick you up, and you couldn’t wait. 
You’d known Jack for a long time, and you’d been there for him through thick and thin. When you started dating, he was reluctant and hesitant. But now, five years later, your relationship was as natural as breathing. 
“I’m home!” Jack called through the house, and you rushed out to meet him, kissing his cheek and smiling. 
Jack slid a hand down your back as he kissed you properly. “Why hello,” he said smoothly. “Are we ready to go darlin’?” 
You nodded, bending down to put your shoes on before righting yourself and shifting a bit to get comfortable. “Yep! Ready to go. Still don’t know where we’re going though.” 
“I want to treat my baby on our anniversary,” Jack explained, keeping his hand low on your back as you walked to his car. “We’re going out to dinner.” 
It had been so long since Jack had taken you to dinner, and you were surprisingly eager when he helped you into the car. “Where are we going?” 
“Out,” Jack said, putting his hand on the center console and grinning as you automatically held it on your own. “It’s a surprise, baby.” 
You pouted playfully, smiling as Jack began to drive. Jack was the master of planned surprises, and you had no doubt that this night would be unforgettable. 
The restaurant was very nice, something you had assumed considering your current state of dress. Jack even left his hat in the car as he walked out. He had a reservation, and the waiter showed you two to your table with a friendly grin. 
“Jack,” you said happily, looking around. “This is lovely.” 
“Five years,” Jack replied, taking your hand. “It’s a big number. I wanted to do something special.” 
You laughed. “Jack, honey today would’ve been special no matter what.” 
The waiter came back, and you two ordered dinner, Jack reassuring you that you could get whatever you wanted. 
For a little over half an hour you two talked, ate, and laughed together. Jack told you about work, making you laugh when he told you about how Tequila, who you’d met exactly once, had tried to use Jack’s lasso to grab a chair and accidentally pulled said chair into his face, giving himself a black eye. 
Once the food had been eaten and you were considering dessert, you noticed Jack was starting to look nervous. “Jack? Is everything okay?” 
Jack nodded. “Yeah, baby. I’m fine. I actually have a question for you.” 
“I’ve loved you for a while,” Jack said, taking your hands. “You make my life so much better and you saved me from living alone and sad. I’ve called you mine in words for fine years now, but I want it to be official.” Jack moved, still holding your hands, and knelt down in front of you. “I know our relationship is rocky, but I love you so much. Will you marry me?” 
You swallowed down tears, trying not to cry your eyes out in public. “Jack,” you said softly. “Yes. I will.” 
Jack dropped one of your hands and pulled a ring out, sliding it onto your finger. 
There was dead silence, and then someone began to clap, starting a tidal wave of noise and congratulations. 
The rest of your night was spent in varying states of euphoria. Jack joked, as he led you back to the car, that you two could consummate the marriage in the back of his car.
“Okay casanova,” you said with a laugh as Jack undid his tie and top button of his shirt. “Can it wait until we get home, at least?” 
Jack smiled, draping his tie around your neck and pulling you close for a kiss. “No, I don’t think so,” he purred into your ear. “Shall we?” 
You pretended to consider. “Y’know what?” You said softly, leaning in so you were speaking directly into Jack’s ear. “I think we shall.” 
To say Ezra was a man of many words would’ve been an understatement. He was arguably a man of too many words, each one more elegant than the last. He could come up with elaborate poems basically on the spot, and writing was a piece of cake for him.
So why was he having such trouble trying to find the right words to propose to you? 
Ezra sighed, looking at the small ring box with the ring inside. He’d commissioned it custom, so that the stone was one he’d collected on your first prospecting trip together. You were completely unaware of his antics, he hoped. The only thing Ezra had left to do was find the words to propose. 
Which was proving to be harder than he’d originally anticipated. 
“Ezra?” You said from the other side of the pod. “Ezra? It’s dinner time.” 
Ezra sighed, putting the ring in his pocket and pulling aside the divider that separated the pod into rooms. At this point, he was bracing himself for just winging it and hoping he was just as poetic in the moment. 
“Hey Ez,” you said, turning when he walked into the kitchen area. “Long day?” 
“Is it that obvious starlight?” Ezra said with a laugh. “Today was a lot.” 
You smiled, putting a plate in front of Ezra. “Well, at least dinner is done.” 
Ezra nodded, tangling his feet with yours when you sat down with your plate. “Starlight, I was thinking today.” 
“Oh?” You said around a mouthful of food. “That mind of yours is truly never idle, is it?” 
“You know me so well starlight,” Ezra said. “I was thinking about our future.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “Our future? Ez, what do you mean?” 
Ezra shuffled his feet, still keeping his ankles tangled around yours. “I was filling out paperwork today for my solo job.”
Your face fell. Ezra had been offered a solo job that you were unable to do with him. He’d be away for months, and last time you and him had been apart, he’d been marooned on the Green and came back four years later with one arm missing. 
“Oh starlight,” Ezra murmured, taking your hand. “No, it’s not bad my dear. I was reading the papers again. In the fine print, I found something that intrigued me. There is a way for you to accompany me.” 
You perked up at that, and he could see the hope in your face. “Really?” 
“Yes,” Ezra confirmed. “My starlight, I am allowed to bring family members by blood and by law.” 
“By law?” He could see the confusion take over your face. “Ezra, what are you saying?” 
Ezra put his hand in his pocket, hoping this wouldn’t all backfire. “Starlight, I’m asking you to marry me.” 
You were quiet for a second as he pulled out the ring and held it out. “Ezra,” you breathed softly. “Are you serious?” 
“I have loved you for years, starlight,” Ezra said. “And marriage has always been something I wanted to discuss with you. But this job made me realize I want nothing if I can’t share it with you.” 
“Oh Ezra,” you said, taking the ring and looming closer at it. “Is this?” 
“The first stone we harvested together,” Ezra confirmed. “It is.” 
You swallowed hard and smiled. “Ezra. Of course I’ll marry you.” 
Ezra carefully put the ring on your finger and pulled you across the tiny table to kiss you deeply. “Thank you my dear. I think you have truly made me the happiest man in the universe.” 
“Anything for you, Ezra,” you murmured, already looking forward to a future by Ezra’s side.
Shane ‘Dio’ Morrissey:
Shane was not a marriage guy. Not in the slightest. You’d asked him once about it, mostly for tax reasons, and he’d immediately told you he wasn’t going to do all that shit for a piece of paper and a ring. 
So you’d never brought it up again. 
However, you’d been dating Shane for almost seven years, and you’d only just noticed something peculiar about him. He never really wore his jewelry or any of that around your apartment, mostly because when he was home he wasn’t Dio the goth king of New York, he was Shane the weird but funny boyfriend. But you’d noticed when he was taking his rings off one day that he wore one or even two on all of his fingers except for his left ring finger. 
“Babe?” You said, sitting beside Shane on the couch while you two watched Jeopardy. “Why don’t you wear your rings in the house?” You’d been playing with Shane’s hand during the movie, and you’d finally managed to ask him. 
“I don’t want to bring Dio home,” Shane said, curling his fingers around your hand. “I’ve told you that before. Why?” 
You shrugged, still not looking at Shane. “Dunno. Curious.” You traced your index finger down Shane’s ring finger. “You don’t wear a ring here.” 
Shane was quiet for a minute before he sighed. “Baby, I don’t want to wear a ring there. Yet.” 
“Yet?” You asked, apprehensive. 
“One day,” Shane said slowly. “I’d like to get married. But I’m young, and I’m king, you know.” 
You smiled. “I can’t rule alongside you?” You asked. 
Shane laughed, kissing your head. “Maybe one day you can, my dove.” 
The next day, while you were out, you stopped by a small local business that you and Shane both loved. He got most of his Dio clothes at the shop, and you occasionally found something for yourself, like the patched leather jacket that matched Shane’s. 
“Hey! It’s the soon to be reigning monarch of New York City!” Marissa said happily upon seeing you come in. “How’s it hanging?” 
“Hey Ris,” you said, looking absently at a pair of vintage style pants. “I’m doing good, and so’s Shane.” 
Ris smiled. “Only you could have the guts to call the king of New York by his actual name.” 
You laughed, leaning on a jewelry case to talk to Ris. “He asked me to! I’ve told you before, he doesn’t bring Dio home with him. He’s a bad influence on my kind, law-abiding boyfriend.” 
Now it was Ris’s turn to laugh. “Oh honey,” she said. “Now I know you’ve lost it.” She paused, seeing you looking mesmerized into the case below you. “See something you like?” 
“Yeah, actually,” you murmured, pointing to a specific ring. “That.” 
Ris pulled the ring out. “It’s Dio’s size,” she said softly. 
“Oh Ris,” you mumbled. “Shane and I were talking about marriage yesterday. He said he wasn’t ready yet, but he had that look in his eyes. Y’know the one where he’s hiding something from me.” 
“Honey,” Ris said, cutting you off. “If you feel the time is right, go for it. Don’t wait for him to ask.” 
That afternoon, you went home with the ring in your pocket. It truly was a very Shane ring. You’d feared it would be overly simple and lost among the heavy and ornate rings Dio wore all day, but the small skull made from a gleaming pearl that was set into the band of dark metal was the perfect balance between Shane and Dio.
All you had to do now was ask. 
You planned to ask during dinner, but Shane wasn’t home for dinner. He’d left with his long leather coat, so you could only assume he was out doing Dio things. So, instead of eating dinner with Shane, you ate alone, the ring box growing heavier and heavier in your pocket with each passing minute. 
Finally, about halfway through Jeopardy, which you hated watching without Shane, he came home. He looked exhausted, falling onto the couch without taking his rings or coat off. His eyes blinked closed and he let out a long breath. 
“Shane?” You asked, scooting and pulling your boyfriend’s head into your lap. “Long day?” 
“Too fucking long,” Shane agreed, a smile pulling at his lips when you began to rub his temples, hoping to clear away his headache. “How’s Jeopardy?” 
You shrugged. “Boring tonight,” you said. “No good categories.” 
Shane yawned, and you carefully took his hands, beginning to take his rings off. “What did I ever do to deserve you?” He asked, opening his eyes so he could watch you as you lined each ring up on the coffee table. 
You smiled, putting a ring with a heavy bird skull on the table. “How do you wear these all day?” You mused, mostly to yourself. “These rings must weigh a few pounds, at least.” 
“You get used to it,” Shane promised, rolling so he could wrap his arms around your waist. “C’mon, I wanna snuggle.” 
“Alright,” you said, abandoning the rings. “We can snuggle.”  
The next morning, Shane had to leave again, but he was able to delay it so you and him left at the same time when you left for work. As he got dressed, you looked over his ring lineup. Slipping the one you’d bought yesterday into the line, you perked up as Shane came out of the bedroom. 
“Looking good,” you said happily, seeing Shane in your favorite, a tight pair of leather pants and a black tank top. “C’mere, I wanna see if I remember where all your rings go.” 
Shane sat on the couch, holding out his hands and grinning. You mirrored his grin, starting on his right pinky finger and working your way in. It was easy, considering you’d put them in order yesterday. When you reached his left hand, you started to get nervous. But there was no backing down now. 
“And one more,” you said, sliding the skull ring onto Shane’s left ring finger. 
He looked down at his hands, confused. “Babe, I’ve got an extra.” 
“I know.” 
Shane lifted his head, meeting your eyes. “Are you proposing?” 
You shook your head. “No!” You said, maybe a bit too quickly. “No, I just, I wanted you to have something to remind you of me while you were out, and-“ 
You stopped, voice failing at Shane’s single word. “Yes?” 
“Yes,” Shane repeated. “I’ll marry you if you want.” 
It took a minute of dead silence for you to understand what Shane was saying, but when you did, you couldn’t hold back the tears. “Shane.” 
Shane was equally as emotional as you, his tears running black and making you laugh. “Shane,” you giggled. “Your eyeliner.” 
“Oh.” Shane touched his cheek and began to laugh. “Dammit! I’m gonna have to fix that.” 
You smiled, pulling Shane in for a kiss. “What if we stayed home today? To celebrate?” 
Shane scooped you up, holding you tight against his body as he carried you to your bedroom. “Y’know what? I think that’s a wonderful idea.”
Javier Peña: 
Having Javier home was the greatest gift of all. He’d been in Columbia for so long that you’d almost forgotten him, the way he laughed and cried and spoke. And then, by some miracle, he came home and to you. 
Which was where you were now, home in Texas while Javier received phone call after phone call, and you occasionally caught snippets of the conversations, something about Cali and Columbia. You were scared to ask what that was about, but at the same time, not knowing was killing you. 
“Javi,” you said slowly one night, while you were making dinner. “What was that latest  call about?” 
“Work,” Javier grumbled, coming up behind you and pressing a kiss to the back of your neck. “I’m sure you’ve figured this out by now, you’re not stupid, but they want me to go back.” 
The thought of that chilled your blood. “And they still won’t let me come with you?” You asked hesitantly. 
“Probably not,” Javier said. “Circumstances are, if you can believe this, worse than they were when I left.” 
You made a face, pulling a pan off the heat and sighing. “Javier,” you said. “What if we got married?” 
Dead silence. You almost regretted asking, but you needed an answer. 
“No,” Javier said finally, voice sounding strangled. “No. If we were married, you’d be able to come with me, but I won’t allow that.” 
“Why?” You were sure he could hear the heartbreak in your voice. 
Javier shook his head. “Because what I saw down there was enough to scar me for ten lifetimes!” He said loudly. “And I don’t want that to happen to you.” 
You trembled, nodding your understanding. Javier slowly got closer, wrapping you in a hug. “I’m sorry I raised my voice,” he said gently. “But you must understand. It’s not that I don’t love you or don’t want to marry you. But I can’t risk you getting hurt, okay?” 
“Okay,” you mumbled. 
Three weeks later, you waved goodbye to Javier, tears pouring down your face. He looked equally as torn, but he kissed you firmly and promised, just as last time, he would be home again. 
And home again he was. 
For months, you tended to your house, waiting for the day when you’d hear Javier’s car pulling up on the rough gravel driveway. You almost lost hope more times that you could count, but the promise of having Javier home kept you going. He called, of course, and he wrote letters you put on the fridge. But nothing was the same as having the real Javier beside you.
It was the dead of winter when he returned home. Of course, Texas weather meant that it was still nice and warm out when you heard the car in the driveway. Perking up, you tried to remember if you’d invited anyone to visit. 
Peering through the peephole in the door, you sighed, seeing Javier’s oldest sister coming up to the house. “Hey Maria,” you said as you opened the door. “How’re you?” 
Maria shrugged. “Good. Missing my little brother, but what else is new?” 
You smiled. “Yeah. Come on in. I didn’t know you were coming today.” 
“I wasn’t planning on it,” Maria admitted. “But I was in the area and figured I’d drop by to see how you were holding up.” 
“Yeah,” you said slowly. “I’m doing fine. Javi wrote last week, and I’m so sorry, but the AC is completely dead. Do you wanna go outside?” 
Maria nodded. “That works. Sucks about your AC.” 
You tugged open the sliding door, looking back at Maria. “Eh. It’s fine. Simple fix, I just can’t do it myself.” 
As you turned, you felt your stomach drop to your shoes. “Javier?” 
Your boyfriend smiled, standing nervously in the yard. “Surprise.” 
After a second of stillness, you launched yourself at Javier, laughing and wrapping him in a tight hug. “You’re home!” 
Javier hugged you back, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “I’m home,” he murmured into your skin. “And I have a surprise for you.” 
You pulled away, watching Javier take a small box out of his pocket and dropping to one knee. “I’m so sorry,” he said as you gasped softly. “I should’ve asked before I left, and I should’ve taken you with me. I was just scared you’d be hurt, and I didn’t want to risk that. But I see now, I don’t want to go anywhere unless I can have you beside me. So please, my love, will you marry me?” 
“Yes!” You said happily, falling to your knees and pulling Javier in close. “Yes. I will.” 
Javier smiled, kissing you gently. “I figured a late proposal was better than no proposal at all,” he said. 
You laughed. “I agree.”
Maxwell Lord:
Max took a breath, trying to calm his racing mind. He’d been doing this periodically for over three hours now, as the clock grew closer and closer to five PM. 
Five PM. When he was supposed to pick you up and take you out for the night on a simple Valentine’s Day date. He’d take you to dinner, and then you two would walk around the reflecting pool, taking in the sights of DC at night. Hopefully, Max would work up the courage to get down on one knee then, but with the way things were looking right now, that wasn’t going to happen. 
“I’m a coward,” Max groaned into his hands, looking at the clock again. Four thirty. 
Max immediately sat up, smiling wide as Alistair walked into the room. “Hey!” 
Alistair looked at Max’s desk and the ring box sitting next to his lamp. “What’s that?” 
“This,” Max said, pulling Alistair into his lap. “Is a ring for (Y/N).” 
“Like a wedding ring?” 
“Exactly like a wedding ring,” Max said, throat growing tight. “I’m going to ask them to marry me today.” 
Alistair smiled. “Will they say yes?” 
“I don’t know,” Max admitted. “I hope so.” 
“They love you a lot,” Alistair said. “They told me so!” 
Max paused. “They did?” 
“Mhm!” Alistair nodded. “They told me last night that they love you a lot and they want to spend every day with you.” 
Suddenly, Max’s anxieties over proposing melted away a tiny bit. “Thanks for telling me,” he said, kissing Alistair’s cheek. “That made me feel much better.” 
At five, Alistair waved good luck to Max as he went to go pick you up, and Max waved back, the ring box heavy in his pocket. 
You were waiting on the couch when Max entered the house, still in your pyjamas. “Maxie?” 
Max immediately rushed to your side, seeing your lidded eyes and the green tint to your skin. “Babe? Are you okay?” 
You nodded, and then shook your head quickly, leaning over and dry heaving into a bucket by the couch. Max rubbed your back, suddenly worried. “Babe?” 
When you resurfaced, you looked incredibly guilty. “I’m so sorry Max,” you said softly. “I know you had a lovely date planned out, but y’know how I told you one of my coworkers brought us takeout yesterday? Well the chicken I ate wasn’t good, and me and the other person who ate it have food poisoning.”
Max made a noise of sympathy, shedding his coat and undoing his tie. “Don’t feel bad,” he said. “I’ll reschedule the reservation, and we can go out next weekend.” 
You smiled weakly. “Thank you Max.” 
Max left you on the couch while he went upstairs to put his pyjamas on. As he changed his pants, the ring box fell out, and Max’s breath hitched. Well there went his plans to propose. He could totally do it next weekend, when you felt better. 
Max’s head snapped around, seeing you in the doorway, looking at him with confusion. “Babe!” He said quickly. “Why aren’t you on the couch?” 
“I had to use the bathroom,” you said, coming closer. “Is that a ring?” 
Max took a breath. No hiding it now. “Yeah,” he said slowly. “It is.” 
You winced, and Max helped you sit on the bed. “Were you going to propose tonight?” 
Hesitantly, Max nodded. 
He heard your breath hitch, and then you started to cry, big hiccuping sobs that broke his heart as he pulled you into a hug. “Shh,” he comforted, rubbing your back as you cried into his bare chest. “Shh, it’s okay.” 
“But it isn’t!” You sobbed. “I ruined your proposal!” 
Max shook his head. “You haven’t ruined a single thing, my love,” he promised, rocking back and forth the same way he did when Alistair was crying. “None of this was your fault, okay?” 
You still cried for another ten minutes, and when you were drained of tears, Max still held you close, allowing you to slump against his body. 
“Babe?” Max finally breaks the silence. “Are you okay?” 
“No,” you whimpered against his chest. “Feel bad.” 
Max sighed. “Physically?” 
You nodded. 
“How can I help?” Max asked, kissing your forehead. “Do you need water?” 
“No,” you said hesitantly. “Just wanna stay here.” 
Max smiled, smoothing a hand over your hair. “Okay. We can stay here.” 
Late that night, after the sun had set and midnight had come and gone, you were still awake, throwing up as Max held your hair off your face and rubbed your back. “Oh babe,” he said, seeing your face stained in tears. “Hey, I’m right here. I’m never leaving.” 
You breathed heavy as Max helped you lean against his chest, your shoulder blades pressing against him, but he wasn’t about to complain. “Max?” 
“Are we engaged now?” 
Max blinked a few times. “What?” 
You turned, so he could see your eyes. “You had a ring, and said you were going to propose. Can we skip all the fancy shit and just be engaged now?” 
“Oh,” Max said, smiling. “Of course. Engaged. I like the sound of that.” 
Taking a breath, you fell against Max’s body, limp and exhausted, but oh so very happy. “Engaged,” he heard you murmur. “Sounds good.”
Oberyn Martell: 
(We all know Oberyn isn’t about to ever marry anyone. So I present, the next best thing) 
You sighed, leaning back against the soft bed and even softer pillows. Ellaria was on your left and Oberyn on your right, both holding you as you breathed heavy, still shivering from the ecstasy they had both just put you through. 
Oberyn turned your wrist over and kissed it gently, likely feeling your pulse beneath his lips. “My sun,” he murmured, making your pulse jump. “I was hoping to ask you a question.” 
Ellaria smiled, running her fingers gently over the warm expanse of your bare chest. You let your eyes flutter closed, leaning into her touch. 
“Ellaria,” Oberyn chastised, a smile in his voice. “Let the little sun focus.”��
You hummed. “I can listen,” you promised. 
Oberyn nodded, tucking himself closer to you. “My sun, I was hoping you would accompany me and Ellaria to King’s Landing in a week’s time.” 
The destination confused you, and you opened your eyes. “I thought Doran was to go to King’s Landing.” 
“He has fallen ill,” Oberyn said, tracing the knuckle of his index finger over your temple and down your cheekbone. “I must go in his place.” 
Ellaria continued to work her fingers across your skin, her hands dipping low onto your belly and her face curling into a smile as she saw how you reacted to her touches. “The prince would not take you if he thought there would be danger, my sun,” she reassured. “And I’m attending as well.” 
A sigh released from your lungs, and you nodded. “I will go,” you decided. “Only if I can have this for as long as I live.” 
Oberyn grinned, cat-like and mischievous. “As long as you live?” He asked, sitting up and back on his legs. “Ellaria, do you think we can manage that?” 
Ellaria pulled you into her lap, so your back was flush with her stomach, understanding where Oberyn was going. “My prince,” she purred. “My sun. I do believe we can.” 
“What do you say, little sun?” Oberyn asked, tracing over the ornate golden collar with the sun charm that you wore. “Shall we worship you forever?” 
You nodded, glad Oberyn had given you a chance to say no, you were too tired for this right now. But you weren’t, so you just eagerly accepted his touches, keening when Ellaria’s expert hands joined in. 
Oberyn, glowing in the light of the sun that filtered through the curtains, leaned down next to your ear, biting at your earlobe and smiling. “Forever, my sun.” 
You gasped, feeling Ellaria’s fingers pinch at your chest. “Forever, my prince.”
Pero Tovar: 
Traveling with Tovar and William was nothing less than hellish. The days and nights spent sleeping on sand without any water to wash your throats or bodies, the constant attacks from enemies you didn’t even know you had, the way your stomach rolled when you ran out of food, it was all enough for you to want to stay at whatever town you stopped at and never travel again. 
And then you remembered why you’d started traveling with the boys. 
Tovar had been your deciding factor, his grumpy face and seemingly insatiable appetite drew you to him, and while it took a while, you were finally able to break through and find his softer side. 
You’d been exploring this unknown softness for years now, and although marriage wasn’t something either of you wanted, or in Tovar’s case even knew much about, you had considered asking once or twice. 
Now was one of those times. William was in town, bartering for supplies, while you and Tovar remained in the single inn room. It was something you did often, share a single room between the three of you. You and Tovar fought for space on the first small bed, and William took the second one. If there was only one bed, William usually took the floor. 
You sighed, carding through Tovar’s hair. He’d been complaining about the length, but you’d told him there was nothing you could do until you reached a town. Now that you were in a town, you were able to sit your grouchy Spaniard down and trim his admittedly overgrown hair. 
“Pero,” you said, tossing another mangled chunk of hair into the fireplace. “What do you want from life?” 
“You’re getting awfully philosophical,” Tovar noticed, wincing when you tugged on a particularly stubborn hair mat. “Why?” 
You shrugged. “Sit still,” you said firmly. “I was just thinking, you bastard.” 
Tovar grumbled a bit, squaring his shoulders and doing his best to stay still. “I don’t know,” he finally admitted. “What I want.” 
“A lover?” You asked cautiously, and Tovar jerked in surprise, causing you to nick his ear with your scissors. “Christ! Pero! I could’ve cut your ear off!” 
Tovar pressed a hand to his ear, stopping the flow of blood. “Well don’t surprise me like that!” He countered. 
“Oh I’m sorry that the notion of taking a permanent lover scares you!” You yelled back, standing and walking as far from Tovar as you could get in the small room. You wrapped your arms around yourself, feeling a dreadful emptiness in your stomach. 
“Hey,” Tovar said softly, stepping closer. “Are you okay?” 
You sniffled, trying to stop the tears. “Yeah.” 
Tovar put an arm around you. “Don’t lie,” he murmured, pulling you close. “What’s wrong?” 
“I just,” you said, voice wavering. “I don’t want us to be a mystery Pero. I want there to be a word for us.” 
“Like married?” 
Tovar’s words caught you off guard, and you couldn’t stop yourself from nodding. “Yeah. Like married.” 
“Amor,” Tovar said softly, running his hand down your spine. “I love you, you know. I love you a lot. But marriage, it’s hard for people like us. No priest worth his salt will bless us, and I cannot afford a ring.” The best I can offer you is me.” 
“Pero,” you breathed. “All I need is you.” 
You and Tovar remained in each other’s embrace for a while before you finally pulled away to treat his bleeding and finish his hair. You were working on a really knotted section on the back of Tovar’s neck when William returned, smiling at you two. “Look what I found!” 
He spilled the contents of a small leather coin purse onto his bed, revealing a few coins, two small blank rolls of parchment, and a glittering ring made of gold. 
Tovar picked up the ring and handed it to you. “You wanted a ring.” 
The ring didn’t fit your fingers by any means, but you laced it onto a strip of leather and put it around your neck, smiling. “Thank you Pero.” 
You turned Tovar to the fire once more, determined to finish your job. As you stood between his legs, working on his fringe, he leaned forward and kissed the ring where it rested on your sternum. “I suppose this means we’re married.” 
“I suppose it does,” you agreed, stepping back and tossing the last chunk of matted hair into the fire. “Looking good.” 
“Good enough to marry?” 
You laughed. “Yes Pero. Good enough to marry.”
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Delicate. — Part 2.
word count: 2.8k
a/n: Part 2, let’s gooo. as always, feedback is very much appreciated! Let me know what you think or what you would like to see next. thank you for reading!
catch up here!
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"Stupid cheesecake recipe."
"Over baking wasn't exactly on the recipe, J." 
"Oh, shut up. Yours is dry as fuck."
Y/n opened her mouth, pretending to be offended. The pair was currently having a little baking competition that clearly went wrong since none of them can bake. Now, Y/n was pretty good at cooking in general, but for some reason baking just wasn't her thing. And obviously, it wasn't Jensen's thing either. 
"I hope you clean this mess after you're done." The truth was, Louise wasn't surprised by the mess her children had made and didn't mind it either. The age difference between both of them was big, so growing up there wasn't much they could do to bond. Right now, however, they were so much closer than they were before, and Jensen and Y/n had more things in common and more options of activities they could do together, like baking. 
Even if they were bad at it. 
"I invited Harry and Sarah tonight. They're having dinner with us." Louise spoke again, grabbing a rag and starting to wipe off the flour on the kitchen island. 
"Who's Sarah?" Y/n asked, cleaning the flour on her left cheek. She tried to ignore the growing butterflies in her stomach at the mention of Harry. She'd be lying if she said she hasn't thought about him since their last encounter, even went as far as trying to look for him on the internet but she got nothing. But the mention of another woman made her feel confused. Was he married or something? Don't blame her, the guy wears a lot of rings.  
"The owner of that cat café I took you to the other day. She's great, don't worry." 
Jensen nudged her playfully, and she rolled her eyes in return. "I'll take a shower." She announced before marching out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her old room. She wanted to clean herself up before Harry arrived, although she didn't know why. Looking through the clothes she kept at her mother's house, she settled in a plain, long blue dress with spaghetti straps and a pair of sandals. She didn't want to look overdressed but also didn't want to just wear a pair of sweatpants like she's been wearing all afternoon. 
"Do you remember when mom tried to set me up with that girl who worked at the restaurant on the other side of town?" Jensen entered the room without knocking, running his fingers through his hair. He was also fresh out of the shower. 
"Madison?" Jensen hummed in response. "She was nice. Why did you stop going out with her?"
"Because mom only did it because she thought I was lonely.?"
"What's your point?" She looked at him after grabbing a hairbrush from the vanity. 
"That she's doing the same now with Harry? Duh."
"Woah, I've met the man once. And I've tried going out with people she sets me up with, and we never click."
Y/n tried to play it cool when she heard the gates open, busying herself with whatever as the doorbell rang and Louise hurried towards the door. Harry and a gorgeous brunette stepped into the house, smiling widely at the middle-aged woman. 
"Come on in! I'm so glad you could make it."
"You have a lovely home, Louise." Harry's deep voice along with that accent of his sent shivers down Y/n's spine. She had a weak spot for British people and she didn't know why. 
"I'm sorry Mitch couldn't make it." The woman beside Harry said. 
"Oh, it's okay. There's always next time."
The three of them walked into the living room where everyone else was sitting. Jensen stood up and high-fived Harry before giving Sarah a side hug. A smirk appeared on Harry's face as Y/n came into his view. "Hello again, love."
"Hi, Harry." Y/n returned his little salute. "Azaleas are doing great, by the way." She jokingly said. 
"Knew you would keep them alive." He gave her a little wink before giving her a quick hug. 
Sarah introduced herself and Y/n did the same, accepting her hand to shake. Y/n had to admit, she was really pretty. Along with her brown hair, she had a pair of blue eyes and an inviting smile. If Harry was really dating Sarah, then he was a lucky man. 
Throughout the dinner, Y/n didn't say much. She'd occasionally steal little glazes at Harry and admired how gorgeous he looked tonight. It was funny, Y/n had this feeling in her tummy every time she's seen him, which by the way has only been twice, and she grew nervous out of nowhere. It was almost like she was too shy to speak to him, which was weird considering she was a pro at holding conversations as she's been trained to do so. Sometimes she'd stare for too long and Harry would notice and smile her way. Y/n felt like a teenager with a highschool crush. She tried to convince herself she didn't like him that way and she was just taken back at how pretty he was. 
Dinner was over and Harry insisted on helping with the dishes despite Louise's protests. So now it was just Y/n and Harry in the kitchen putting everything in the dishwasher while sipping on white wine. 
"How can you put ice on it?" Harry asked, nodding at her glass filled with wine and ice. "When the ice melts it just tastes like water."
"I like it really cold but I don't like keeping the bottles in the freezer." She explained, taking a sip from her glass. "So how do you know Sarah?" 
"She was the first friend I made when I came here. She's also British so we became fast friends. Plus, he's dating my best friend and co-worker."
"Oh." She said, processing the information. Perhaps that Mitch guy Sarah mentioned was her boyfriend and not Harry. Suddenly, she felt a wave of relief but then again, why?
"Can I say something without sounding creepy?"
"My sister is a massive fan of yours. When we still lived with my mum, you were all she listened to."
"I'm sorry." She joked and he breathed a laugh. "Well, tell her I say hi, please."
"Will do."
"So..." She dragged the word. "You knew who I was?"
"Obviously I don't live under a rock." He rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm just not invested in that whole world as other people, you know? I don't even own an Instagram account or anything." Harry shrugged.
So that's why she couldn't find him anywhere, she thought. A feeling of excitement ran through her veins. Harry knew who she was, but he didn't care. Being treated like a normal person was a luxury Y/n didn't have anymore, so it was safe to say she felt happy knowing he'd treat her like one. 
They finished the task in silence, but Y/n couldn't contain the little smile forming on her face and honestly, Harry couldn't either. 
She was curious about him. What was he doing in her hometown if he was from the other side of the world? What did he do in his free time? Where did he get so many cool rings? Did he always want to be a florist? Why was he a florist? She had a million questions she wanted to ask, feeling genuinely intrigued by him. Harry could easily come off as an intimidating man, but what she has noticed from him was completely different. 
Harry was shy, incredibly so. But he was also cheeky, and silly and had a boyish smile that he could change into an intense look in a matter of seconds if he wanted to. His green eyes were always shiny, like stars in a black sky. He also appeared to be always happy, although she couldn't be certain on that one. 
The things she was feeling right now were things she's never experienced before and that was both exciting and terrifying. 
"I never trust a narcissist." Y/n tasted the new lyrics she's been thinking about with a random melody on the piano. She sat in front of the instrument in her living room and this time she didn't have to squeeze her brain for one decent melody, because this time she was able to come up with one smoothly. 
Pandora was casually laying down on the floor close to Y/n while Lizzie was chilling around the house as she didn't like the sound of the piano that much. This was one of those nights when inspiration came to Y/n from nowhere, having to drag herself out of the comfiness of her bed before she forgot what her brain had come up with. She continued adding lyrics, making sure her phone was still recording everything she was doing. 
It had been a few days since she's seen her family or had any kind of human interaction and now that she was thinking about it, she kind of missed it. Now, she loved her family to pieces and would do absolutely anything for them but she missed her friends, her real friends who were thousands of miles away from her right now. She was craving that more than anything right now and that's probably why she found herself in front of The Blossom House the morning after, debating whether or not entering the shop. 
Deciding to suck it up, she opened the door of the building and stepped in, feeling the overwhelming smell of flowers hit her nostrils immediately. There were a few people in the shop, a young boy buying a bouquet of red roses and two middle-aged women that looked like they came together. Y/n tried to go unnoticed as she stepped deeper into the store. The truth was, she didn't know what she was doing there. She didn't need more flowers, that's for sure. 
She looked through her sunglasses a bouquet of daisies her mother would absolutely die for, so she decided to grab it for her. 
"Oop, sorry. That one's not done yet." Someone said from behind. She turned around and saw a man with long hair tied in a low bun and a mustache on his face. "It's a commission, actually. But I can make another one for you."
"Oh, it's fine. I'll just pick something else." She gave him a polite smile. The name on the tag read Mitch, so he must be Sarah's boyfriend. "Uh... weird question but, is Harry around?"
"Yeah, he's in the back. Want me to get him for you?" He offered but she declined. 
"It's okay. Thank you." Giving him one last smile she walked away to the other side of the room, this time looking at the roses. The white ones were her favorites and she loved looking at them. 
"Hey, stranger."  Taking advantage of the fact he couldn't see her, she smiled widely at the sound of his voice. "Fancy seeing you here." As soon as she turned around she saw the goofy dimpled smile on his face. 
"Likewise, do you work here by any means?" She smirked as he giggled, deciding to play along. 
"Darling, I own the place."
"An entrepreneur, oh my god." She pretended to fan herself with the palm of her hand and Harry let out a big laugh. 
"What brings you here? More flowers?" Something tells her he knew she wasn't here for the flowers, and it was true, as much as she wanted to tell herself she wanted a new bouquet for her mom. In reality, she wanted to see him. "Has something caught your eye so far?"
"There was this bouquet of daisies but a man told me it was for a commission?" Her words came off more like a question. 
"Oh, yes. Mitch's been working on that for a few hours now. I can tell him to make you one like that if you want. Could be done in a couple of hours."
"That would be great. I could swing by in a while to get it."
"Orrrrr, we could wait for it over a cup of coffee?"
She observed him for a while and how the dimples never disappeared from his face as he waited for her answer. He seemed confident and she really liked that. "Sounds fun." She shrugged before a smile appeared on her face, matching his. 
"Let me tell Mitch and we'll go." He said before rushing to the back of the store and returning shortly after without his apron. "Would you prefer to go to Sarah's? Because there's this one, half block away that serves good coffee."
"Let's try that one." Honestly, she'd walk whatever blocks if that meant they'd spend more time together. "As much as I loved going to Sarah's, seeing all those kittens at once makes me cry."
"I feel the same. I always take my mum there when she comes to visit, last time she came she adopted one." He mentioned. A car passed at low speed, making Y/n nervous. She tried to cover her face as much as she could with her hair and fixing her sunglasses. "Is everything okay?" Harry asked, noticing her change of behavior. 
"Uh? Oh, yes. I thought someone was watching from that car." She said in a low voice. What happened next, she would've never expected. Harry pushed her gently to the other side of the sidewalk, changing places with her so his much taller frame would cover hers.
She blushed, looking up at him but he acted like it wasn't a big deal, like it was a natural thing to do although they didn't even know each other that well. She thought he'd tell her she was being paranoid or something but instead, he chose to do something he thought would make her feel more at ease. And it worked. 
Harry held the door open for her when they arrived, guiding her to a table away from the windows and pulled out the chair for her to sit, being an absolute gentleman with her. And although Y/n insisted, Harry went for their coffees and paid for them as well, saying he was the one who invited her hence he'd be the one who pays. 
Once they were settled with their own cups of coffee, they started talking. Mostly about Harry, Y/n still didn't feel comfortable enough to talk about herself and he understood so he let her ask him anything she desired. 
"Do you go to England often?"
"Not as much as I'd like to. I try to go during summer and for the holidays, of course. Although for birthdays and such, I'm not always able to fly there." 
"You must miss your family a lot." From what she's gathered about him, he was a family guy, so being away from his must be tough. She knew it was for her. 
"I do. But I also love it here."
"Do you see yourself going back?"
"To London? Probably not. I have gotten used to being in the states so if I ever move back there full time I'd feel out of place."
She nodded along, listening to him carefully. Harry had a beautiful voice and he spoke slowly so it made it even more soothing than it already was. She swore this man could read her a bedtime story and she'd be out in the first minutes. 
They talked for some more and bought another cup of coffee for the walk back to the flower shop. They were having a great time, and although they wouldn't say it out loud, none of them wanted it to end. So it was safe to say they both felt a little sad once they arrived at The Blossom House. 
"Let me get the bouquet for you." Harry told her after they entered. He came back with a replica of the bouquet of daisies she saw earlier and she smiled. "It's on the house, tell Louise I say hi."
"You don't have to gift me flowers every time I come, you know that right?" She chuckled but grabbed the bouquet regardless. 
"I know I don't have to but who says I don't want to?" He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, grinning at her. 
"Thank you, Harry. For the coffee and the flowers."
"You're very welcome. I, uh, I had a great time today." He said, blushing a little.
"Me too."
"Do you think we could do it again some other time?" He asked hesitantly. 
"I'd love to, honestly." Y/n admitted, starting to blush as well. 
"So can I have your number or I'd have to wait until you come again?" He asked teasingly. "Swear I'll not sell it on e-bay."
"Can you even sell a telephone number on e-bay?" She asked, laughing as she took her phone out of her bag, handing it to him. "Feel free to text yourself so you could have mine too."
"I'll use it wisely, I promise."
"What do you mean?"
"Perhaps not only for coffee but for a nice dinner."
Yeah, she definitely hoped he'd do that.
Tag list: @reverse-hxlland​ @cronias13
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five-rivers · 3 years
Long Night in the Valley chapter 12
The scene shifted the moment Tempest woke up. They were outside, on a street in the middle of the city.  Storm clouds circled overhead.  
Tempest stood in front of them, hands in her pockets, a bland expression on her face.  
“So,” she drawled.  “You’re Nine’s friends.”
“Uh,” said Ochako, taken aback.  Right after Four had said she wouldn’t talk to them, this was disconcerting.   “Yes?”
“I’m his teacher,” said Aizawa, stepping forward.
“Yeah?  You think you’re doing a good job raising up little child soldiers?”
“Excuse me?” said Aizawa.  
“You heard me.”  She shifted her gaze to Ochako, then to Todoroki and Iida.  “I bet Souma told you I wouldn’t be talking to you.”
“He did say something along those lines, yes,” said Iida, even as Ochako worked very hard to elbow him.
“I can follow why he’d think that,” Tempest said. “I spent most of my life fighting against the government.  Lord knows I wouldn’t have approved of him choosing a ‘pro hero’ to follow after him.”  She took her hands out of her pockets to make air quotes.  She was wearing brass knuckles.  “Whatever a pro hero is supposed to be.  Government lackeys.  Cops and war criminals with a different name.  I’m shocked he pulled a halfway decent person from the muck.”
“We’re not war criminals!” protested Iida.  
“Oh, yeah?  I forgot, the Geneva convention was nixed, wasn’t it?  They had this big meeting and decided none of it applied to metahumans, and then, bam!  Everyone’s a metahuman, so it doesn’t apply at all, huh?  Neat, right?”
“What we’re doing now might not be what you’re used to,” said Ochako, “but it’s the way society works, now.”
“And we’re not killing people, like you did,” said Iida.  Ochako winced at his combative addition.  
“I did what I had to, to get people out of the torture camps,” said Tempest.  “People like my little sister.  You know what they did to her?  They thought her power was just controlled by her voice.  So, they cut out her vocal cords.”
“They don’t do that anymore,” said Todoroki.  
“You think a government like that is just going to stop doing things?  Without people making them?  Without being forced?”  Tempest laughed and looked up at the swirling sky.  “Maybe you do.  You’re just kids, after all.  But tell me this, do you think they didn’t know exactly what was happening to your family, Todoroki Shouto?”
Aizawa cleared his throat.  “What’s your point, here?” he asked.  “What do you want from us?”
Tempest looked back at Aizawa.  The coldness in her brown eyes made Ochako shiver.  “We could have kept you out,” she said. “That Suzuki idiot, too.  Do you know why we didn’t?”
“Enlighten us,” said Aizawa.  
“Because the way we do it would cause irreparable brain damage.  We know, because we’ve done it before.  I thought it was worth it, but the others didn’t want to hurt ‘Nine’s friends.’”
“Are you implying that we aren’t Midoriya’s friends?” asked Todoroki, frowning.  
Tempest huffed and wind whipped down the road, making Ochako cover her face.  
“No.  To be honest, I’m not completely sold on Nine, either.  He wanted to part of the system so bad, and that’s not to mention—” she huffed again.  “At least he knows what it’s like to be on the other side of the equation.  You four, though… I’m stuck with Nine.  I don’t owe you anything and you’re causing all these problems.  What I want from you—”
Behind her, lightning snapped down from the sky.
“—is to prove to me you’re worth it.”
“Vlad, the police were able to find your car,” said Powerloader, holding his hand over the receiver of the staff room telephone.
“Oh, thank goodness,” said Vlad.  “I hate taking public transportation.”  He paused.  “I mean, uh, did they find Yagi?  Is he alright?”
“No, they didn’t find Yagi.”
“Great,” said Vlad.  “So, ask them when I can pick it up.  Why are you making that face?  Did Yagi total it?  I bet he did.  ‘Symbol of Peace,’ my—”
“No,” interrupted Powerloader.  “Yagi didn’t total it.  Or crash it.  It was parked in an alley near the Musutafu entertainment district.”
“Where Midoriya had that fight with Hawks,” said Vlad, putting his head in his hands.  “It got wrecked by one of them, didn’t it?”
“No,” said Powerloader.  “It was parked in an alley.  They found it on a security camera.  It isn’t there anymore.”
“They took it again?”
“The League of Villains took it.”
“You’re joking.”
“I wish I was.”
The bus felt empty with half the class missing. The remaining 1-A students (plus Shinso) were all huddled together at the front, mooching off of the teachers mobile hotspots.  
“Did my email go through yet, kero?” asked Tsuyu, leaning over her seat to look at Denki’s computer.  
“Not yet,” said Denki.  “I’ve got all the pictures you guys sent arranged, but I wish we had more video material.  Ashido was the one with the most…”  He sighed. “Ashido, gossip queen, when you wake up I will apologize for all my comments about your hobbies.”
“I have some videos of Midoriya.”
“Trust us, Mineta, no one want your videos,” said Yaoyorozu.
“Huh?  Why not?”
“Tell us this.  How many of your videos are actually of Midoriya and don’t just have him incidentally in the background while you try to film girls.”
“None of them,” said Mineta, obviously not seeing why this was wrong.  “Why would I film Midoriya?”
“Mic,” said Midnight, “please remind me to sign up the walking lawsuit for some sensitivity classes.  How did Eraser miss this?”
“Unfortunately, Shouta is about as sexual as the average rock, so…”
“Remind me to sign him up for some training, too, then.”
“Will do.”
“Walking lawsuit?” asked Mineta.  
Everyone else sighed.  Then Denki’s laptop pinged.
“Huh.  I just got an email from Principal Nezu.”
The adults, including Green Light, the bus driver, blanched.  Adults were bothered by the weirdest things.  In the end, Nezu was just a guy with a quirk, right?  A hero, even!  Principal Nezu, the Education Hero!
Okay, he’d scared Denki (Mr. Terrible Grades) a lot in elementary and middle school, but really.  
(Okay, the crane thing at the Final Exam had been high-key terrifying, but he was trying to get past that.)
“Huh,” repeated Denki, having read the email. “That’s interesting.”
“What is it, my electric friend?” asked Aoyama, drapping himself sideways across his seat.
“Aoyama-san,” said Midnight, “don’t put your feet on the windows.”
“Principal Nezu sent me a link to an ‘All Might adopt a kid’ fanfiction, and it’s by—”
“Midoriya writes fanfiction?” asked Shouji, evidently surprised into using his real mouth to speak.  
“That’s cute, kero,” said Tsuyu.  “It must have been before he met the real All Might, though.”
“No,” said Denki, “it was last updated just a couple of weeks ago, and, well… Midoriya didn’t write it.”
“So, who did?” asked Yaoyorozu.  
“Not Nezu, right?” asked Jiro, winding her earphone jack around her finger.  
“There’s no way, right, Kaminari-san?” asked Present Mic, nervously.  
“Uh, no, no, it’s, uh, it’s All Might. According to Nezu.”
A beat of silence.
Denki inserted his pinky into his right ear, trying to clear it.  Man, if the Bakusquad had been here rather than the quiet half of the class…
“Yeah, it says here that this serves All Might right for working on this during school hours?”
More silence.  
“Green Light, the road!”  
“Oops, sorry!”
“Hey, guys, are we sure that All Might didn’t, you know, kidnap Midoriya rather than the other way around?  Guys?”
Gran Torino, also known as Torino Sorahiko, was an active hero.  That meant late nights and late mornings.  He was also an old man.  A very old man.  Late mornings often turned into noons and afternoons.  
Sometimes, during those noons and afternoons, he liked to ignore technology and the outside world for a good long while.  Maybe read the paper a little bit.  Or one of those terrible romance novels Nana had left him in her will.  
Still, he was a hero, one wrapped up in something best described as a two-hundred-year-long shadow war, so eventually he did turn on the news.  
Only to see Toshinori’s boy fighting Hawks on live television.  
Not to mention Toshinori hanging out in the background with a shaved head.  
And the ticker said UA student Midoriya Izuku kidnaps Symbol of Peace.
(Which was the dumbest thing he had ever heard, and under other circumstances, he would have been rolling on the floor laughing.)
Gran Torino was an old man, but, luckily, he only felt like he was simultaneously having a heart attack and a stroke.  His body was more than functional enough to place a not-at-all panicked phone call to one Tsukauchi Naomasa.  
Tsukauchi Naomasa was incredibly busy.  That busy-ness was divided mostly evenly between desperately trying to find his best friend (who had evidently decided to make a hopefully brief foray into kidnapping teenagers) and trying to figure out what the commission was taking, because it had to be illegal.  Oh, and putting together a complaint that the commission was infringing on police prerogatives.
Honestly, he wasn’t sure how much traction that last would get, since pro heroes had been steadily gaining more and more responsibilities even as the police were losing both them and the power that came with them.  Not to mention Midoriya’s stunt with Hawks… Which… Naomasa just wanted to know why?  What had the point of that been?  On either side?
(Sometimes he wished he were friends with normal people.  Like… he didn’t know… an accountant, maybe?)
(Not that he would give Toshinori up for the world. Just, some normalcy would be nice, too.)
He took a deep breath, remembered what he always told Toshinori about stress, and took a mouthful of room-temperature coffee.
In that thirty-second period, two more problems presented themselves to him.  
One, his cell phone began to ring, displaying the contact information for Gran Torino.  
Two, his email softly pinged, and a message from Principal Nezu asking for any images or videos Toshinori might have sent him slid into his inbox.  
Briefly, Naomasa considered ignoring both of them, but that wasn’t a realistic option and was irresponsible besides.  Contrary to his character.  
He picked the lesser of two evils and answered Gran Torino’s call.
Garaki was going to have a mental breakdown.  This was fitting because his car had broken down.  Midoriya Inko was asking him if he thought that his ‘friend’ might come pick them up, if it was safe.  If his ‘friend’ had a car.  
This last had almost sent him into hysterics. Gigantomachia in a car oh-ho!
Except it wasn’t funny at all, as this was almost certainly going to result in his death at the hands of All for One.  No matter that he considered the man his very dearest of friends, he was under no illusions about what All for One would do to him over this inexcusable error.
Perhaps he should just cut his losses and get one of the remote-activated noumu to come for them.  
Then, inexorably and inevitably, things managed to get even worse.
“Stop the car!” shouted Tomura.  
“But you said not to—”
“I know what I said!  Stop the car!”
Tomura twisted to see out the rear passenger window. Everyone else turned to follow his gaze, effectively blocking his view.  
“Get out of my way!” demanded Tomura.
There was some awkward, half-hearted shuffling.
“Does that look like anyone to you?” Tomura hissed.
“Yeah!  Like the doctor!” said Toga.  
“I’ve never seen him standing up, though,” said Spinner, dubiously.  “It seems out of character.”
“I didn’t know he owned a car,” mused Compress, rubbing the bottom edge of his mask.  
“Not him!” snapped Tomura.  “The woman!”  He pointed angrily at the rapidly approaching woman with green hair, narrowly avoiding dusting Mr. Compress’s top hat.  
“Eh?  What about her?” asked Spinner.  
“Doesn’t she look familiar to you?”
“To be honest, everyone without mutation quirks looks kind of the same to me.”
“Someone without face blindness.”
“Oh!  She looks like Izu-kun!  Do you think that’s his mom?”
The woman knocked on the window of the car.  Twice, unhelpfully rolled it down.  
“Thank you so much for stopping, we—Oh!”  She took a step back.
She apparently recognized them.  Joy.  He was going to unpack his feelings about this woman later.
“Hey, doc,” rasped Tomura, annoyed.  “What the hell have you been doing?”
“Ahem,” said Garaki, finally stepping out from behind the car.  “I didn’t expect to see you here, Shigaraki Tomura.”
“Because you blew us off and stranded us in the middle of Musutafu?”
“No,” said Garaki, in a way that absolutely meant ‘yes.’  “I knew you were resourceful enough to safely make it out of the city.”
“Oh, yeah?  Really?  You—”
Compress chose that moment to slam his face into the back of Tomura’s head.  Tomura steadied himself automatically on one of the car’s uprights, which cracked dangerously under his hand.  He pulled back as if burned.  
When he looked up, the gremlin’s mother was halfway to the tree line with – What was that in her hand?
He looked back over his shoulder.  
That was Twice’s goddamn mask.  
Compress, for some reason, was also missing his stupid mask (and covering his face like the dramatic weirdo he was), and Toga basically had hearts in her eyes.  Spinner was being Spinner, and therefore ninety percent useless.  He was lucky he was fun to play games with.
How to make her stop?
“Hey!” he shouted.  “We have your son!”
This was a lie, as far as he knew (unless Dabi had snatched him on his way back; it wasn’t impossible), but, he was a villain.
The green-haired woman stopped and turned back, allowing Tomura a full view of her expression.  
He decided that he regretted everything.
“Okay,” said Izuku, multitasking by letting Two pick the lock on the League’s safe, “considering Gigantomachia’s ability to track by smell and the questionable running water, we can’t just sneak out.  He’ll find us.  So… I think our best play is getting him to attack Shigaraki, and then when they’re both distracted, we run for it.”
Toshinori nodded and sighed.  “If only we had a giant jug of perfume.  We could throw it at his face and disrupt his ability to smell us.”
“I mean, I found a whole bunch of garbage a way back.  That isn’t perfume, but it does stink.”
“No, no, your plan is superior.  We’d draw too much suspicion if we attacked him like that. Perfume could be written off.”
“Yeah, I can see that.  Because perfume is a ‘nice’ thing.”
“It isn’t actually very nice to have it all over you, though,” said Izuku.  
“No,” agreed Toshinori.  “It isn’t.”
The safe popped open.
“I won’t ask if you don’t.”
“But, anyway, assuming we do get away, what then? Where do we go?  And—Wow.  The League of Villains is broke.  I almost feel bad.”
“I was going to say Deika, but that’s too far, now, and we don’t know if Gigantomachia will come after us,” said Toshinori.  “Drawing him to a place full of civilians would be irresponsible.”
“Yeah,” said Izuku.  He frowned, pulling his head from the safe, and glanced out the window. “What about the Wild Wild Pussycats?”
“What about them?” asked Toshinori.  
“They’re near here, aren’t they?  And they’ve got that whole complex, so, I mean…  I don’t know how they feel about us right now, but it wouldn’t be a terrible place to hide.  Would it?”
“I’d hate to bring all of this down on them as well,” said Toshinori.  “But… That being said, I don’t believe they’re actually there.  They were taking some time off because of what happened to Ragdoll.”
“That makes sense,” said Izuku.  “Should we take the risk?”
“I’m unsure if we have a choice, my boy.  We could try roughing it, but that puts us in a very vulnerable position.”
“And we can’t stay here, with the League.”
“No, we can’t.”
“Okay.”  Izuku sighed and started to thumb through the League’s collection of fake IDs, looking for something he could use.  “Wild Wild Pussycats it is.  We’ve got to convince Machia to attack Shigaraki, and… then we sneak out the back while they’re fighting.”  He shook his head.  “It sounds really unheroic when I put it that way.”
“Under these circumstances, I think heroic is the set of actions where no one dies.”
His mentor was right.  Izuku still felt weird about this, though.  (The pettiness was completely different.)
Not to mention…
He put the last of the fake IDs away and massaged his temples.  “They’re doing something weird in there,” he said.  “I’m going to check on them.  I might be out of it.”
“Don’t worry,” said Toshinori, patting Izuku on the shoulder.  “I’ll keep an eye on things out here.”
(Perhaps all of this could have gone unsaid, what with their connection, but saying things out loud made them easier to organize.)
“Hey!” shouted Izuku over the roaring wind. “Stop that!”
“Are you going to fight me, Nine?  All by yourself?”
“No,” said Izuku, somehow contriving to look down his nose at her despite the height difference and the fact that Tempest was floating several meters in the air.  “I won’t have to.  Because I have a secret weapon.”
Ochako could almost see Tempest roll her eyes.
“And,” shouted Izuku, “do you seriously think I just wanted to be part of the system?  Are you serious?  I wanted to help people.  People the system failed.  It isn’t like they’re responsible for the system either!”  He waved his hand to indicate Ochako, Iida, Todoroki, and Aizawa.
“I’d argue about your hobo teacher.  Is this your secret weapon?”
“No, this is, Great-Aunt Miranda.”
Tempest opened her mouth, then closed it again. The wind began to die down.  “I’m – I don’t know what the point of that was—"
“Neither do I!  What’s the point of this?”
“The point is determining whether or not you have people you can rely on, or a bunch of backstabbers who’ll hand you over to a government lab as soon as it’s convenient!”  She stabbed a finger at Ochako.  “She’s just in ‘heroics’ for the money!”  She pointed at Iida.  “He’s only here because it’s traditional for his family.”   She gestured at Todoroki with her other hand.  “He’s doing it mostly out of spite.  And who knows what your hobo teacher is doing this for!”
“There’s nothing wrong with any of that!” protested Ochako.  “You must have your own motivations, too!”
“She does!” shouted Izuku.  “Considering what they are, you have no room to be criticizing Iida!  Besides, you don’t even like me!”
“This isn’t about liking you or disliking!  You’re the—” Tempest visibly cut herself off, then took a deep breath.  She set herself down on the street.  “Knowing what we do now about certain things, a fourteen-year-old would not have been my first choice.”
“Excuse me!  We’re all sixteen!” said Iida.  
“You’re sixteen now, it’s – The fact of the matter is that you’re children.  Naïve children.”
“Oh my gosh, you were younger than I was when you—”
“I was kidnapped and tortured—”
“I know, but why are you taking it out on—”
“By the government that you are trying to lick the boot of—”
“Did you see what they did to Suzuki?”
Ochako felt like she was spectating a very passionate tennis match.  
“If it means anything,” said Aizawa, dragging himself out of the pile of rubble he’d been thrown into by the wind, “I’m just trying to keep my kids alive as long as possible.”
“Then expel them!  Stop them from becoming literal child soldiers!”
“I do,” said Aizawa.
“He does,” confirmed Ochako, who was well acquainted with Aizawa’s reputation.  
“He really does,” seconded Todoroki.  
“I used to see Tensei’s group chat, and every time he expelled someone…”  Iida shivered.  
“Huh,” said Todoroki.  “Is that why you’re so… insistent about rules?”
“Of course not!  Rules are important regardless of why so many students were expelled during the first month of school!”
“So, why didn’t you expel these ones?”
“If you honestly believe the problem child wouldn’t have flung himself at the first villain he saw after that and dove straight into vigilantism, you don’t know him very well.”  He sighed, standing, and brushed dust and pebbles out of his tracksuit. “That goes for these three as well. They’re insane and it’s not my fault.”
“Isn’t saving others what heroes do?” asked Izuku, walking closer to Tempest.  Ochako wanted to run out and grab him, but this whole ordeal had just shown how useless that would be.  “No matter what?”
“Not no matter what.  This is why I…”  She shook her head, sighing.  “Not no matter what.”  She leaned forward, her hands on her hips.  “Don’t die. You do realize what will happen if you die, right?  I don’t have to spell it out for you?”
“N-no,” said Izuku.  
“Besides which, I’m not a hero.”
“You saved people,” protested Izuku.  
“And, as your friends pointed out, I’ve killed, too.”
“I know,” said Izuku.  “But you aren’t a bad person.”
“Lots of people kill during wars,” said Ochako, going to stand by Izuku, “and that’s what you were fighting in, wasn’t it?  I mean, I don’t know a lot about that time, but…”
“You wouldn’t.  It’s been over a hundred years.”
Izuku nodded.  “This fight isn’t doing anything, though.  None of us want them here if the vault opens.”
“The what?” asked Iida.  “The vault.”
“Hopefully,” said Izuku, “you won’t have to worry about it.”
“The fight did do something, though,” said Tempest.
“What?” asked Izuku.  
“For one,” said Tempest, “it made you think. For the other…”  Her eyes flicked over Ochako and the others.  “Everyone you fight will have their own reasons. Remember that.”
As they walked down the street, storms still brewing overhead, Ochako kept catching glimpses of children in the alleyways and cross streets.  
“Who are they?” she asked, unable to help herself.
“My sister and I,” answered Tempest, brusquely. Ochako, watching the back of the woman’s head, saw her twitch slightly towards one of the alleys.  “About the time we were taken.”
“Taken by who?” asked Todoroki.  
Tempest laughed.  The sound was entirely humorless.  “That government you’re so eager to serve.  You’ve noticed, I hope, that my sister and I aren’t completely Japanese?”
“Yes?” said Todoroki.  “I’m not blind, after all.”
“Todoroki,” said Aizawa in a warning tone.
“Good for you.  Our mother was Japanese.  Dad was American.  We went back and forth to see the family.  Problem was, everyone on Mom’s side quirks.  We didn’t even realize it.  The government tracked the weather disturbances to our movements and raided our family reunion.  Never saw my parents again.  Never saw anyone, for that matter, except my sister and my aunt – Dad’s side – who tried to smuggle us out and got shot for it.  We spent four years in that hell before Ryuji rescued us.”
“You’re more open about this than I would have expected,” said Aizawa.
Tempest sneered.  “Why wouldn’t I be?  I’m a terrorist, and people only become terrorists if they want to make a statement. Which I did.  Trust me when I say this, Nine, if the hero commission took you into ‘custody,’” she spat the word like it was dirty, “you’d be in the same boat. What do you children think they do to all those high-profile criminals in Tartarus?  The ones that are held indefinitely in a private prison without even a show trial?”
“I know, Three,” said Izuku, far more calmly that Ochako would have been able to.  “That’s one of the reasons I wanted to be a hero.  It’s easier to change systems from the inside.”
“Not this system.”
“No,” said Izuku, “but then I had no idea this part of the system even existed.  They do a lot to hide it, after all.”
“Hm,” grunted Tempest, skeptically.
The buildings began to thin out, interspersed with wilderness.  The road rapidly graded narrowed into a one-lane road, then gravel.  
“Is this normal?” asked Ochako.  
“We have more control over our environments than the other ones.  You’ve noticed that only Eight and Nine had multiple versions of themselves running around and being confusing.”
“I didn’t do that on purpose,” said Izuku.  
“Exactly.  Any of us could send an army of ourselves against you.  Only those two don’t have a choice about it.  Amateurs.”
“Shouldn’t they have had the same amount of time as—” started Ochako.  She broke off as a series of concrete walls topped with barbed wire rose up in front of them, scraping at the surrounding trees, shedding clumps of dirt.  
The trees fell away, leaving a clear, baren space between the walls and the trees.  Slightly beyond the structure moonlight glinted off the surface of a lake.  
“Well.  Welcome to Jinoshi Lake Camp, kids.”  Tempest turned, putting her hands on her hips.  “This is where I met Ryuji.  And…” She glanced up at the walls.  “This is as far as I go.”
“You aren’t going to show us where to find this ‘Ryuji?’” asked Aizawa.  
“I promised myself I’d never go back there.” She jerked her head over her shoulder. “I’m not revisiting it for you.” She started walking away.  “Have fun.”
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet-chapter 16: everything’s fine
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chapter 15
I had just got done in Transfiguration and was headed to Snape's class for our lessons, yawning as I walked down the hallways passing all the students headed to lunch. I was dreadfully tired, I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep and was barely making it through the day. The only things on my mind being sleep and Severus. The conversation we had last night still burned in my mind. Thinking over and over again about him giving me his robes, talking to me, and giving me advice.
 It was such a special moment to me, and now I had to see him after all that and my feelings for him having grown. I didn't think it was possible to fall harder for someone practically overnight, but now I was sure I more than fancied him, It was definitely a whole crush now. A silly schoolgirl crush I should remind myself. I continued to the dungeons and waited for the last few kids to shuffle out of his room. It didn't take them long, kids seemed to hurry out of there as if they were being chased by a dementor or something. I knocked on the open door signaling my presence as I walked in. "Good afternoon Professor." I said smiling and walking over to his desk. He hummed a response and was writing something in a book. After about three minutes of silence he looked up at me, I had taken my seat now and was using my wand to mess around and levitate some of my books to pass the time, I smiled and then looked over and saw he was staring at me with a stern face and they all fell from the air onto my table. "Heh oops" I said, wincing and shrugging my shoulders. "Have you come to play around Ms. L/n or are you here to learn?" he questioned with his usual student voice. "I've come to learn, and it's Y/n!" I said flashing a sarcastic smile, to which he responded with a scowl.
   "For this lesson I'm gonna have you do some chores for me, I need to work and we can study in our evening classes." he said turning back to his book. I frowned realizing we weren't gonna be talking much and got up lazily walking over to him. "Ok, what'll it be? Cauldron cleaning? Potion organizing?" I said in a sarcastic but somewhat respectful tone. "Make yourself busy, I don't have time to look over what needs to be done." He responded as he continued to scribble in his book. I looked at it trying to see what it was, "What ya got there? Is it your diary?" I teased crossing my arms. He looked up at me with an unamused look, "Make. Yourself. Busy." he said sternly. I guess he wasn't in a fun mood today, and he was back to normal ol' Severus. A thought crossed my mind, what if he was being like this because of our conversation last night? And that's why he didn't want to talk to me. I fiddled with my fingers not walking away yet as I continued to ponder on the thought, I felt his eyes on me and I met mine with his. "Can I help you Ms. L/n?" he said clearly not wanting to deal with my antics. "Did I do something wrong? Is it because of last night?" I spat out internally slapping myself for letting my thoughts slip out. He stiffened a bit and his face flashed with an emotion I couldn't put my tongue on, and it was gone before I could guess. "I assure you Ms. L/n it doesn't concern you." I looked at him and he went back to writing, that was bullshit, it may not be about last night, but he definitely has some sort of issue with me. I walked away and walked around the room looking for stuff that needed to be done. There were a few dirty cauldrons so I scrubbed those, his storage closet was still organized from when I had last arranged it, and everything else looked clean enough.
   Hmm, make myself busy he says, I looked over to one of the bookshelves and noticed it was all out of whack, every book had a place, but they were not in any pattern. I figured I could sort them into alphabetical order and began doing so, he had many bookshelves so I figured it wouldn't hurt to just use magic to sort them. I began on the farthest shelf and thirty minutes later I was on the second to last one. Books floating in the air as I found proper places for each of them. I lifted one and noticed its beautiful exterior, it was a rose color and had an anatomical heart on the cover, it was labeled "Amor Promerendae." It was Latin I knew that much, but I didn't remember much Latin, my father had made my sister and I learn at least three languages, but I haven't practiced my Latin in years and I had given up on it,  I looked over at Severus and he wasn't paying me any attention. "Amor" I whispered to myself, well that was obviously love. Any one would guess that, I looked back at Severus and he was still glued to his writing. I walked over to his other shelves trying to find any sort of language dictionary but only found ones for Greek and French. "Sir?" I said looking over at him. "What Ms. L/n?" he said annoyed, "Do you happen to know what the Latin word P-prom-eren-dae? Means" I said, struggling to say it correctly. He looked up for a moment to think, "Earning, I believe" He said going back to work. I thanked him and looked at the book again. "Earning love" I whispered as I opened the book up. As I opened it a flower fell from its pages and to the floor, my eyes went wide and I quickly picked it up and turned my back to Severus to hide my finding. The flower looked like it had been in here for decades maybe. I began to flip through but just as I presumed it was all in Latin. I grabbed my wand off the shelf I had left it on and put it to the pages, I muttered a Translation spell they had taught me at Beauxbatons and the pages quickly turned to English. I flipped through the pages to make sure it worked and stopped when I saw handwriting in the margins of some of the pages. I was very scribbly and barely legible, but some phrases and sentences where underlined and circled, one note read, "failed" hmm strange I looked to the phrase it was written next to "This above all: to thine self be true" Whoever wrote in this must have been having a tough time they were unable to succeed in self love when they were in the process of earning someone else's.
Soon the bell rang starting me and I quickly used magic to put the books on the shelf and looked at Severus, he had gotten up and was writing lessons on the board. I looked at the book and used a shrinking spell and put it in my bra. Quickly walking to the front of the room and grabbing my bag and robes, "Thanks Professor see you in a bit!" I said quickly rushing out of his room not waiting for a response. I rushed to my dormitory and hid the book on the underside of Hera's cage. She stared at me as I did so, "Don't give me that look!" I said rushing back out and heading to DADA.I got in the class as soon as the bell rang and quickly sat down. Things with Harry and I were back to normal and it wasn't awkward any longer. "Good evening class! Today we will be doing something extra fun, so if you will all push the tables to the edges of the room and line up on each side of the room." I stood next to Harry and Ron stood across from us as everyone lined up. "Ok now whoever is across from you will be your partner. I shot a look to Harry and Ron, "No I call r-" I began but was cut off by the hideous professor, "Ahh Y/n I see you are the odd ball out once more I guess that leaves me to be your partner" he said smirking and walking to stand across from me. I shot Harry and look, and he just stifled a laugh.  "Today we will practice the rather simple shielding spell that we studied yesterday. Its incantation is simple, does anyone remember what it is?" "Protego!" one girl said batting her eyes at him. "Yes, very good! Now you will take turns casting light and non harmful spells at one another and using Protego to block them, it's important to be careful and take your time, we don't want to have any incidents." he said looking at me to which I just gave him a sarcastic grin as I folded my arms over my chest.
"Now spread out and begin whenever you are ready" murmurs between students filled the room as they talked with their partners and began practicing. I looked at Lockhart and he stood smiling at me. He raised his wand and I raised mine as well. "You first" he said and I shot him a smirk to which he dropped his smile for a second "Aqua Eructo" I said and water began to spur from the tip of my wand, it shot in his direction, but he thought fast and deflected it with the protection spell. He smiled tensely at me as I gave him a look, hoping he'd catch on, I wasn't going to mess around if he insisted on continuing to single me out. "Good" he said regain his composure, "My turn" he said we raised our wands and I prepared myself. "Vermillious!" he shouted, and red sparks shot from his wand, "Protego!" I said and successfully blocked them. How dare her, that was most certainly not a non harmful spell! It was considered a light dueling spell for that matter! We continued on for the next hour of class.
   The bell rang and this time I hung back as everyone left to confront Lockhart. "What did you think you were doing?" I said as he sat and leaned back into his chair smiling, "That was not an unharmful spell! If I had not blocked it I could have lost an eye!" I said, raising my voice. I had had it with this man. "Oh please Y/n I knew you could block it no problem!" he said, shrugging. "Not when I'm caught off guard by a spell that's dangerous!" he looked at me with dark eyes and stood up, "Ok, here," he quickly raised his wand and my eyes went wide, not ready for what he was going to send my way, out of defense before he could say anything I raised my wand, "Expelliarmus!" I shouted before he could say anything and sent him flying back over his desk. I cupped my mouth realizing what I'd just done, not that it didn't feel amazing. He quickly got up and gave me a dark look. "Professor I didn't mean to, it was out of defense I swear!" I spat out walking over to him. He didn't take his eyes off mine and hovered over me, "Oh thats, quite alright, Y/n. Just be careful, you never know the consequences of your actions." He said in a calm deep tone, it was frightening. "Now you better go, you don't want to be late." He said never taking his eyes off me as I grabbed my things and quickly sped out, mumbling to myself "What on earth does that mean?"
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katsukikitten · 3 years
Couldn't stop thinking about your post about accidentally sending boobies pics to the guyd so I'll add this for funsies:
Another one of your long work shifts just ended. The life of a prohero was as they said, jampacked with action. You had seen it coming, knowing that even though the hero training at UA was tough, it was nothing compared to the line of herowork you chose. Being born with a powerful quirk both had it's advantages but also left high expectations of you.
The material of your hero outfit is rubbing uncomfortably against your skin as you make your way to your apartment. The lights turned one in a sequence after you rounded the corner and lit the hallway up enough so you could spot the small package left by your door. An ounce of excitement surge through you as you remember given yourself permission to treat yourself with a gift... or a few.
After closing the door and taking off your high tech boots and carefully placing them aside you make your way to the sofa. The package seemed in well condition, which is what you would expect of an expensive brand. You took out your phone and snapped the girls from high school a quick pic of the awaited box. They of course knew about it, as it was both their idea and they also helped you pick out what would fit you best.
Even though the excitement was eating up at you, you prepare yourself with a shower first. Stepping out of your work attire feels relieving and you spend a great amount of time letting the hot water pour over your sore muscles.
As you step out you decide to simply letting the towel stay tucked around your body. You come back to several snaps expressing the girls' need to see it on you asap and asking you to send pics.
To be honest, sharing revealing pics wasn't something you usually contributed to. Not that you felt weird about it. You always hype up the other girls. Something about taking pics in what could be considered lewd positions was embarrassing to say the least.
You open the neat box and underneath the layers of wrap is several bikinis and bathing suits all in bright neon colors. Thanks, Mina. You pick up one of the more decorative ones and try to find what's up and what's down.
You check out yourself through your camera and find the green swimming suit with holes on either side of your ribcage to be quite flattering for your physique.
You take a simple pic angled from above so the girls can see the whole attire while giving a teasing peak of your cleavage.
A few seconds go by and you get spammed with both texts in chat and pics of the girl making exaggerated faces to show their support. Messages of encouragement to show more of them also arrive to your phone and you can't help but giggle at their attitude.
After sending a few pics with simple poses to the gc and getting an overwhelming amount of compliments and praise you find it in you to play around with the skimpy bikinis, purposely not tying the straps and having the hang loose across your collarbone.
You open a snap that mina sent to the gc. She's showcasing a new homemade iced coffee with the text "having to quench my thirst after seeing y/n".
You tap to send back a pic of your untied bikini top that is hanging over the skin beneath your tits now. Your crane your neck to show off more of your bare skin and place heart emojis over your otherwise free nipples and hit send.
You sit back to enjoy their hopefully shocked reactions but you only get one single reply from Uraraka.
"how long can it take to put on a bikini?? 👀"
The response confused you. You remember hitting send but had it not gotten to her yet? You check the chat to see if it was still sending but... why wasn't it showing that you had sent a snap?
Your thoughts were interupted as a notification pop up saying "Local Plug⚡ replayed your snap again"
You go back to the chat page and watch as a new snap show up in another groupchat you have with your other hero associates and also former classmates. It's a group chat Mina and Denki started in your last year of high school cause they thought to bring their best friends together and it's been active ever since.
You think back to the last few minutes of confusion and fear the worst. You take a deep breath and click upon the unopened snap.
A picture of Denki's recognizable hair placed at the bottom of the screen and his headboard with his posters in the back pop up on your screen. You read the text above his head that says "WAUW 😍😍 and here I thought you couldn't get seexuer 🔥🔥🔥". That's... could it be? Did you accidentally sent it to the wrong-
Another snap comes from Mina in the same chat. "Sharing with the boys too I see". And another. "Remember I called dips first".
Not long after comes one from Sero. "Was about to ignore the sudden spam but wowie I'm glad I chose not to
Are you sending more or are we gonna have to admit this picture to memory?"
You are in shock to say the least. You sit still and stare ahead while imagining their reaction to getting a nude from you out of nowhere. But is it a nude? I mean, you covered your nipples.... You at least didn't bare yourself completely. Can you play it off?
All kinds of thoughts are jumbled in your head as you receive even more snaps, supposedly discussing you disappearing as quick as you showed up.
Oh god it's gonna be so awkward when you meet again. Well, Sero and Denki would occasionally discuss sexual topics between themselves, but what about Kiri and Bakugo? Oh nonono. Hopefully Bakugo didn't strive off from his usual bedtime at 8 pm otherwise you would not have a lot of time to come up with an excuse. But then there's Kirishima. Sweet and tender Kirishima. He's often teased for not persuing women the same way the others do. What a shock it must be for him to suddenly see you like that.
You open the new snaps and you can't help trying to rid yourself of those haunting thoughts. The suggestive comments didn't help the growing heat between your legs. "Leaving us just like that, princess?" "What a tease" "I bet she's busy playing with herself to us" "You guys should have seen how she fronted herself to the girls" "she's prob making a mess of her new bikini"
Your cheeks are heating up more and more by each message. You are sure that you no longer could send any pictures without giving your flustered self away. Not that you were going to! Something about these messages leave you wondering if they have had an interest in you before this incident. You would be lying if you said that you hadn't had instances where you would be thinking of them when you were playing with yourself. Is it the same case for them?
- I'm sorry I'm gonna be stopping it here 🤠 it got reaalllllyyyy long and this is such a bad place to leave on a cliffhanger oOF
Thinking bakugou 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 oops sorry bakugou
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Didn't mean to send my massive milkers to you and Kirishima 😂
Omg Nonny this was great thank you so much!
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define ‘attachment’
read on ao3
while the dads esteemed Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker--wait for Ahsoka to wake up, they talk about attachment, worry, and that time Ani caused an accidental security breech at the Temple.
“Pacing circles is not going to wake her any sooner,” mused Obi-Wan, quietly closing the door behind him.
He continued walking up and down the length of the bed, as if he did not hear Obi-Wan at all.
His head snapped up. “What?”
Obi-Wan offered a small, knowing smile. “You’re worrying too much. As usual.”
“I’m not worrying.” he said quickly, defensively, his shoulders wrought with tension.
“Sit,” instructed Obi-Wan, motioning to the small chairs in the corner.
Anakin sighed in frustration, but obeyed none-the-less.
“You should get some sleep,” suggested Obi-Wan, studying his former Padawan as he dropped into the seat across from him. “She’ll still be here when you wake up.”
Anakin snorted derisively. “I know that you of all people didn’t just try and tell me to get some sleep.” He shook his head incredulously. “Do you even do that anymore, old man?”
Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes. “I sleep.”
“Going to your room and working on mission reports all night long doesn’t count.”
Obi-Wan waved him off, ignoring the dangling bait for yet another argument about how, truly, neither of them got the rest they needed anymore.
“She looks dead,” Anakin said simply. It had never stopped being jarring to Obi-Wan how straightforward Anakin could be without noticing his own lack of social prowess. Ever since he was a boy, Anakin had a particular way of saying the blunt things with no regard for the intake from others.
“Well, thanks to you, she isn’t,” Obi-Wan pointed out evenly.
Anakin frowned. “I didn’t do anything.”
“You told her how to beat them. She only knew about rupturing the coolant system because of you.”
Talking with Anakin was so often like this, these days. Obi-Wan would speak, but it was more like coaxing Anakin to say the things that Obi-Wan had already said.
If he were being honest with himself, he should have been asking Anakin exactly how he had managed to get the information about the coolant system from Poggle the Lesser. He and Luminara had spent hours with the Geonosian, but he’d never uttered a helpful word. Then, Anakin walked in and came out of the room ten minutes later with valuable intel.
But if he were being even more honest with himself, there was a reason Obi-Wan avoided this question.
“I should have been there,” said Anakin through gritted teeth.
“You had no way of foreseeing the situation. It should have been a run-of-the-mill supply run. Your Padawan is more than capable of handling that.” Obi-Wan glanced over at the small bed holding Ahsoka’s unconscious body in it, his lips twitching to a small smile.
He hadn’t had a chance to spend any significant time with the girl, but he had already made up his mind to change that as soon as they all got back to the Temple. She had something burning and illuminating about her.
Obi-Wan had plenty of experience handling volatile objects, but if Anakin was fire itself, Ahsoka was a sun. She had that same intensity and kinetic danger as her Master, but Obi-Wan saw a deep desire in her to use it for the good of the galaxy around her, to help grow and guide it.
“I couldn’t do anything,” Anakin said, helplessly, watching his clasped hands in his lap.
“I know it’s not what you want to hear,” began Obi-Wan gently, “but as your Padawan grows, you’re going to be able to do less and less.” He withheld the sad smile that played at his mouth, unwilling to make this moment about him. “You must teach her as much as you can while you can. Ahsoka was prepared for this trial because of the lessons you have already instilled in her.”
Anakin pulled the glove off his artificial arm and began fiddling with the metal at his thumb, as he so often did. Obi-Wan looked away, pushing away the forced reminder of the time he had learned how powerless he truly was to protect his own Padawan.
“I want her to be safe,” said Anakin quietly.
“I know.”
Anakin looked at Obi-Wan. “How did you deal with me for ten years? ”
Obi-Wan chuckled. “It’s amusing that you think it ends when the Padawan gets Knighted.”
Anakin offered an appreciative smile and returned to fiddling with his hand. “I’m not like you, Master. You know me...I’m not good at the...attachment thing.”
Obi-Wan bit his tongue from snarking back about the real issue concerning Anakin being too good at the ‘attachment thing.’
How many times had the Council requested Obi-Wan specifically talk to Anakin about his disregard for the Code when it came to attachment? And how many times had Obi-Wan balked, wondering if it was actually Anakin’s greatest weakness or greatest strength?
Of course Mace Windu and Yoda could ask Obi-Wan to have those conversations with his Padawan; they’d never experienced the euphoria of Anakin Skywalker choosing them over a tight principle or expectation.
Raising Anakin had made Obi-Wan doubt his own competency with the Code’s edict on attachment.
“You’re not expected to abandon your Padawan or cease caring,” Obi-Wan fell back on the words he had told Anakin so many times already in the few months since Ahsoka had joined their lineage. “You have to find the balance in between it all.”
“You make it sound easy.”
Obi-Wan heard the tinge of resentment in his former Padawan’s tone and tried to ignore the way it made his stomach twist. He wasn’t exactly sure when his existence had started to irritate Anakin, but he’d sensed the tension growing in small doses between them since the beginning of the Clone Wars.
“Then you misunderstand me, my friend,” Obi-Wan shook his head in an attempt to make Anakin see that he struggled, too. “It is incredibly difficult. But the freedom of your emotions being disconnected from your personal relationships is a rewarding one.”
Or so Obi-Wan had been told.
“But how can you have personal relationships without emotions?” Anakin was growing frustrated, rounding back on this same argument they had had so many times before. Obi-Wan became more tired every time.
“Not without emotions,” Obi-Wan corrected for the hundredth time. “You are simply responsible for being mindful of them.”
“Well, that’s stupid,” Anakin snapped, slumping in his seat.
Obi-Wan took a deep breath, resisting the urge to chastise Anakin’s blatant disrespect for the Jedi Code. He had to choose his battles these days and this wasn’t one he wanted to engage in. Not when there were two unconscious Padawans in the same room.
“Our next orders came in,” said Obi-Wan, trying out a new thread of discussion.
“Oh. Is that what you came in here to tell me?” asked Anakin, looking apologetic. “Sorry I burdened you w--”
“Never a burden, Anakin,” Obi-Wan held up a hand to stop his former Padawan’s ramble, offering an earnest smile. “I came in here to check on you.”
“If you have things to do, you should go do them. I’m fine.”
“Someone can be fine and still enjoy company, yes?”
“Yes,” Anakin nodded gratefully. “Thank you.”
“You know,” Obi-Wan began, settling deeper into his chair, “your first solo mission wasn’t exactly a walk in the park, either.”
“Nope, no way,” Anakin shook his head fervently, smiling none-the-less, “this is not an invitation for storytime.”
Obi-Wan grinned, unclipping his lightsaber from where it was poking him in the side and laying it on his lap. He was just getting started ; may as well be comfortable. “Ah, my former Padawan, how much you still have to learn. I don’t need an invitation to humiliate you.”
“Don’t I know it,” grumbled Anakin, rolling his eyes.
“Let’s see,” the older Jedi sighed wistfully. “It was slightly cloudy, no... very cloudy--”
“ Obi-Wan .”
“--and this young sprite of a Jedi came bustling into my room telling me he had received his first solo mission.” Obi-Wan sighed dramatically. “Now, imagine my surprise at this news considering I was the boy’s Master, yet had received absolutely zero communication about this.”
“It was a misunderstanding,” groaned Anakin.
“Hmm, so was the misunderstanding with the forged paper signed by Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Yoda ...or the Padawan delivering it to me?”
“I wish I was the one unconscious right now instead of Snips.”
“Because you wish Ahsoka to hear this story? Oh, no worries, Anakin. I have every intention of telling her this later.”
Anakin shot his former Master a rude hand gesture.
“The paper said that Anakin Skywalker was to report to hangar seven at ten hundred, misspelled by the way...that was my favourite part,” Obi-Wan smirked.
“ I had just started learning how to read Basic! ”
“Anakin Skywalker was to report to hangar seven at ten hundred to embark on an off-world mission with no company other than the astromech known as R2-D2,” quoted Obi-Wan. “So, of course, I rolled out of bed and packed your bag for you because who was I to disobey such legitimate orders from the Council?”
“You were cruel.”
Obi-Wan shrugged. “I was bored.” he corrected. “Now this part of the story always trips me up. Was it you or your droid that set off the hangar alarms?”
“Neither. It was you when--”
“No,” Obi-Wan shook his head. “I only checked the flight reports and saw that there were no departures scheduled for hangar seven. Since you had orders directly from Master Yoda, I knew that it must be the flight reports that were wrong, so I simply did a manual override--”
“Yeah, setting off the alarms.”
“Oops,” Obi-Wan smiled, closing his eyes as he put his arms behind his head and reclined back.
“I don’t know how you have everyone except for me convinced that you’re some sort of Jedi golden boy. You’re a menace.”
“Master Kenobi?” a new voice interrupted the two men’s vocal spar.
Anakin and Obi-Wan stood up, quickly, bowing their heads toward Luminara.
“Obi-Wan,” Luminara nodded respectfully, “I was wondering if I might speak with you for a moment?”
“Of course,” Obi-Wan re-clipped his saber, following her out the door. He sent a last glance over his shoulder toward Anakin.
“I’m fine,” chuckled Anakin, motioning for his former Master to continue to the hall. “Kix said she should wake up in a few hours. I’ll be here.”
Obi-Wan quirked an eyebrow.
“Sitting down. Not worrying,” he continued.
Obi-Wan smiled, closing the door behind him.
After Luminara had gone over the plans from the bridge to jettison and caught him up on Master Fisto’s inventory, he made his way back to the medical room holding Ahsoka and Barris. He gently pushed open the door, hoping to catch Anakin pacing again and preparing to poke fun at him for his worried antics over the Padawan he didn’t even want a couple of months ago.
Instead, Obi-Wan paused in the doorway, finding that, for once in his kriffing life, Anakin had followed not one, but two of Obi-Wan’s orders. He was seated in the chair as promised and asleep.
Of course, it wouldn’t be Anakin Skywalker without a liberal interpretation of orders and Obi-Wan couldn’t do anything but smile at the fact that Anakin had physically dragged his chair across the room to set it directly next to Ahsoka’s bed.
He appeared to have made an effort at maintaining sentry duty, but had ultimately been defeated, his body slumped forward onto the bed in front of him. One of his arms lay across Ahsoka’s waist and his head was completely buried into the bedding. Whether or not she had been conscious of it, one of Ahsoka’s hands rested on Anakin’s head, her tiny fingers woven into his curls.
Obi-Wan stood in the doorway for another moment, trying his best to commit the details of this picture to his memory, before he slipped back into the hall, a content smile on his face.
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soulwillower · 4 years
lethal combination • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
(based off the song ‘lethal combination’ by the wombats)
requested (kinda!):  Id love to hear what you had about rich and reader being a party duo :)
warning: swearing, underage drinking, body shots, slight bill denbrough x reader, drunk smooching, throwing up, lil angsty, fluffy ending, unedited
[losers + reader are 18+ in this.]
2.6k words
"give me another." you mutter, your speech slightly slurred by the tenth shot you'd just downed. your head was spinning. richie howls from next to you, pouring out two shots of jager with his arm around you. "y-you're insane." bill mutters with a grin. you wink at him as you down your shot.
"gimme a body to shoot off of!" a girl yells drunkenly from the other end of the kitchen, the party's noise swallowing her words up and letting them fall on few ears. 
ben laughs at her words and eddie nudges his arm as he laughs as well. richie turns to look at you, "whaddaya say, sugar?" he asks, eyes lidded in an alcohol induced stupor. the others look not surprised but still slightly impressed at how the two of you are still even coherent.
everyone knows that you and richie are “the duo” - the two who ride or die together. if one of you is drunk, the other is right there with you. you were those annoying party kids who went too hard and had so much fun doing it. you were the life of every party, the center of every room. and it always has been like that.
"le's go, tozier." you slur, swiping cups and a bag of chips off a table, making ben and bev both let out nosies of indignation. you pull your dress down a bit to reveal more of your chest, laying back onto the table and taking a lime wedge from a drunk and giggling stan. you drag it quickly on a stripe up your chest towards your throat and grin as bev sprinkles salt on the line.
"alright. lick, shoot, suck." you slur to richie, giggling as bill pours tequila into a small shot glass. "cheeky." richie mutters with a grin, looking at you. you smirk back, lime placed in between your lips. 
so richie’s tongue shoots out, licking straight up your chest, breath hot against your skin and making your whole body shiver. fuck.
he moves to slurp the shot, making you giggle. he then moves u to pluck the lime out of your mouth expertly. you're disappointed when his lips don't touch yours. as he spits the lime out, he leans toward you and you smell the tequila on his breath, "how was that, y/n?"
you shove him and go to sit up, flustered at his proximity. he’s making you want to kiss him again. he’s doing that thing where you want to be his. 
"bill, now you let y/n take a body shot off of you!" bev yells, making you grin, never one to turn down a good time. plus, a perfect distraction. 
so bill grins, pulling his shirt fully off and taking your place on the table. everyone except richie cheers as you take a lime and rub it over his stomach, taking time to admire his muscular torso before placing the lime in between his lips.
you laugh the whole time, licking the salt all the way up his abs and downing the shot. it was harder than you'd anticipated because you were both drunk and bill couldn't stop laughing, but you get the lime in your mouth. but in a drunken stupor, the lime falls out of your mouth and you accidentally kiss his lips.
everyone yells in shock and bill’s laughing drunkenly under you. you laugh drunkenly, thinking of richie’s lips as you lick his bottom lip, placing a hand on his shoulder as his falls on your hip. you both pull away, laughing in shock. you meet bill's eyes and then realize what you’d done. oops.
when you pull bill to his feet, richie is gone. you don't see him for another hour.
when you finally find him, it's because you're looking for the bathroom. he's against a wall, seemingly not as drunk as you. you frown, pulling his shoulder. "where were you, rich?" you try not to sound too hurt, but he never left you at a party it was your thing, the two of you. 
he looks hurt but he shakes it off quick enough that you can't decipher it. then he awkwardly gestures to the pretty girl under his arm. she smiles and waves, telling you her name that you immediately forget. you smile back but you can't help feeling a little sick.
wait, is richie going to hook up with this girl? your stomach drops, immediately going defensive. "o-oh, okay rich. i was just - bill and i, we- we accidentally kissed!" you bark, laughing at the absurdity of it. "i bet you're mad, bet you hate me kissing your friend." you say, not sure why you say that but laughing afterwards. why was this your first defense? why can’t you just be happy for him? 
richie's staring at you, jaw dropped open and eyes narrowed. if you weren't so drunk, you might have realized you were kind of being a dick.
"c'mon, don't look at me like that." you grumble. he gives you another look, one of confusion. you were too drunk to comprehend what was really happening, but he looked uncomfortable... or annoyed. you gulp, wordlessly tuning back without so much as a goodbye. he doesn't follow.
you're feeling lost without richie and after ten minutes, you try to find him again, just to see him pressing that same girl up against a wall, whispering something into her ear. she's laughing sweetly, hands tangling in his hair. he starts to kiss her neck lightly and you think you'll scream.
the amount of pain, rage, and sadness that you feel wash over you is sickening and you almost double over. what's wrong with you?
 all you know is that you may not be able to really tell where you're going, but you have to get out of the stuffy house. if you don't, you think you might combust.
you turn and run out the door.
the walk from the party back to your house was a lot longer now that you're drunk, lonely, and upset. you try not to mope though, because richie is single and definitely not yours and he never will be. he's allowed to do whatever he wants, it just doesn't hurt any less.
you should probably send him a quick text to tell him you left, but you know he probably won't see it. too busy taking that girl home with him. you chuckle bitterly to yourself for being such a shitty friend as you enter your house, quietly slinking into your room. who are you to get mad at him for trying to find happiness?
looking at the mirror you notice that your face is puffy from the tears you didn't know had been streaming down your cheeks; before you can start to get ready for bed, you feel a familiar tug in your stomach and you sprint to the bathroom, vomiting into the toilet.
you sit miserably on the floor holding your own hair back as you retch, watching your tears hit the rim of the toilet. you've never really been alone for this before now - richie's always with you, either holding back your hair or being the one in your current position, you brushing his back from his face.
but now you're alone.
you're still kind of drunk after you're done and you're afraid you'll fall and hurt yourself if you shower, so you just brush your teeth. 
checking your phone, you see a text from ben and some from eddie, but none from who you want it to be. you drop your phone and close your eyes, wishing you could fall asleep.
when you wake up, you feel crusty and have a terrible headache. you're still lying on top of your sheets and you still have your dress on from last night.
groaning, you sit up and rub your eyes, feeling gross and very dismal. you can't remember much, so you must have been a lot more fucked up than you thought. you don't remember getting home but you can kind of recall that richie left you... or you left him... and he was kissing someone from your math class. and you had accidentally kissed bill. what the hell. 
spotting your phone on the floor, you grab it and wince as you see texts from eddie, ben, bev, bill, mike, and stan. and then your eyes widen:
there are five texts, twelve missed calls and two voice messages from richie.
fuck. you drowsily text the group chat that had everybody in it that you're sorry you left early and forgot to tell anyone, not wanting to explain it to everyone individually and also effectively avoiding having to talk to richie.
you knew it was childish to ignore him and be upset, but in the long run this was better than having to explain yourself to him and confess that your feelings for your best friend. 
that could never end well, so you peel off your party dress and take a quick shower, pulling on some shorts and a shirt that used to be eddie's once you're clean.
you're about to go downstairs for some coffee when a pang at your window makes you jump. you curse yourself for not shutting the curtains, because you're sure that whoever is down there knows you're in your room.
and you're almost certain as a second, third, fourth, and fifth rock hits your window that it can be none other than richie tozier.
you groan, scrubbing your face with your hands. why did you have to deal with this now? you still go to the window, ignoring the nagging part of your brain that told you that you didn't have to deal with it. deep down, no matter how mad he was, you just wanted to see richie.
"y/n!" he calls, out of breath as you slide open your window. he’s frowning, jaw clenched and hands in his pockets. you swallow down the nerves, smiling at him nervously. "just, uh, just come in." you say timidly. he disappears and not fifteen seconds later, the front door is opening downstairs.
every footstep up your stairs is a nail in your coffin.
he walks into your room and you know you're fucked. he looks worse than you - his eyes have bags under them, his hair ruffled from his hands, and he's wearing the same thing he was last night. he looks like he wants to punch a wall and you feel sick with anxiety.
"so you freaked me out a little bit last night." he deadpans, his words seeming foreign coming from his lips devoid of any kind of teasing lilt. he's mad at you and you feel like crying.
"i'm sorry-" you start but he shakes his head. 
"i don't care. you couldn't have sent a text? just one?" he asks, eyes rubbing under his glasses, sounding exhausted. 
you turn red, embarrassed and sad and suffering through what might be the worst hangover of your short life. your eyes fill with tears but you refuse to let them fall. "i didn't think of it. i was walking back by myself." you lie, shrugging. he gives you a look and mutters, "couldn’t even get big bill to take you home?"
that makes you mad. you scowl, "i was going to ask you to come home, since thats what we always do, but you were too busy getting your dick wet." you spit. 
god, you're acting like such a child, but richie takes the bait. his eyes widen comically and he groans in anger, "says you, y/n! you kissed my best friend!" he spits back. you roll your eyes. "i thought i was your best friend!" you counter. 
"well so did i." he says plainly. your heart drops and your whole body shivers -but not like the way it did when richie took body shots off of you. this one felt like you were dunked into an ice cold pool. 
"okay, richie. you're right. i'm sorry, i should have told you where i was going." you say meekly. you can't bring yourself to meet his eyes. "i just had some... realizations. and my stupid drunk brain thought it would be okay to not tell anyone where i was going."
richie sighs, shifting his weight from one converse to another. "just don't do it again, i - er, we didn't sleep much because w-we spent the whole night searching the house and the neighborhood for you. you fuckin’ slept through the rocks i threw at your window, sugar."
you blush in shame, unaware that they were all so concerned. "i'm sorry. and i'm sorry if i said stuff last night, i was just n-" your voice cracks as you speak say quietly. its silent for a moment and you quickly wipe the tear that escapes your eye. richie puts a hand on your shoulder and gently nudges you down to sit on your bed. 
you don't look at him but cooperate, wiping your eyes as he sits next to you. you take a deep breath, "i was just surprised that you were... with that girl. i guess i was thrown off because it's usually you and me. and i know thats not fair. guess i was just, um, jealous." you mutter, wiping your face of tears as you dance around fully admiring your feelings.
your words are heavy in the air. 
richie finally speaks up after what feels like forever. "i realized last night that... uh, i think when i drink without you, it's not fun. i actually... i hate it." richie says with a shrug. you still refuse to meet his eyes. "um, i think that it's not the alcohol that makes me feel the way i get. i realized its you. like - like you and i, we're..." he trails off, and you see his hands shake as they wring together anxiously.
"we're a lethal combination." you whisper, looking up into his eyes for the first time in a while. he looks exhausted, sad, and confused. and it's your fault.
your heart pangs with this realization. he shrugs, eyebrows furrowing. "i wasn't going to say that." he admits, shoulders deflating. his curls hand solemnly around his sculpted face. "but yeah, i guess you could call it that."
you let out a breath, figuring it’s time. "i um, i feel the same way. i hate all this stuff. unless... unless i'm with you." you mutter. you meet eyes and his stormy ones hold so many unspoken words that it knocks the breath out of you. 
he looks deep into your eyes and he moves so his hand slowly hovers, drifting half way between his lap and your face. it feels like a million miles between you. 
“i think that i...” you start, biting your lip. you don’t know how to express this burning feeling that you feel whenever you’re with him. you’re at a loss as you stare into his forgiving, patient, wild, loving eyes. loving...
richie nods, face as pink as you feel like yours is. “me too.” he whispers, glancing at your lips. you feel an immense weight lift off your chest and you almost laugh giddily, looking at richie. he’s beautiful. 
you both slowly start to lean in until you’re touching noses, but you stop. he waits patiently, his hand falling gently on a knee and a cheek. 
you're still confused and afraid but having richie so close makes you feel safe. you swallow dryly, wetting your lips. "can you be the one to do it?" you whisper, feeling his breathy, soft chuckle on your lips.
he's smiling lightly as he closes the gap, his laps chapped against yours. he quickly presses into you, making your cheeks heat up as your hands land on his chest. 
kissing richie makes everything melt away - the blaring headache, the anxiety, confusion, doubt - all of it disappears as his hands caress your thigh and neck. he kisses you passionately, softly and intensely, his tongue soothing your own. you love every part of it. you love every part of him. 
you pull apart and you're both shyly grinning.
"can i take you to get breakfast?" he whispers against your lips, biting his as he awaits your response. 
affection blooms in your chest and you capture his lips with yours, hands on his cheeks as you pull him towards you. he kisses back eagerly, chuckling lightly against you. it makes you beam. 
"please. im starving. my hangover is killer." you mumbling against him, making him laugh, hugging you and pulling you to him.
"let's go then, baby." he whispers with a kiss to the crown of your head.
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gloomybabygirl · 4 years
{finally} Poe Dameron x Reader
A/N: hi writers block how are ya??? okay so i have several fics that are WIP rn and I keep starting them and not being able to finish because they need to be mini series!! so today i told myself i needed to get something complete out or i’d burst and here it is lol. also I use a random name in here, i’m so sorry if it’s your name!!
A/N again: tag list is open!! message me if you want to be on my little drabble tag list :)
Warnings: language, alcohol, pining, some angst, friends to lovers trope that I can’t get away from, mentions of sex, THIS WON’T BE EDITED TILL TOMORROW MORNING
World Count: 2600 oops
Summary: You get drunk and Poe takes care of you
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The music was blaring through the speakers at the local Cantina, the lights somehow blinding you with their flashing but not bright enough for you to see who you were grinding on. 
Hey, it was okay to let loose sometimes, right? Being at war is stressful and occasionally you would allow yourself one or two drinks at the Cantina with your friends. But your friends left you hours ago. And you had way more than 2 drinks. You were now on the dance floor with another drink and no shoes on, dancing with someone who’s face you couldn’t properly make out. Was it because of the light or the alcohol? Probably both. 
You finally sat back down at the table when the alien you were dancing with got mad because you spilled your drink on him. But you weren’t about to let that kill your buzz. How did you get up on the table? Doesn’t matter, you were here now. Arms snaking above your head and hips moving in what you imagined was a provocative way. You felt a tap on your bare foot and looked down to see an angry looking security guard. 
“Miss, we need you to get down off the table now.” He held out his hand to help you down. 
You slumped down in your booth. “You guys ruin all the fun.” 
“We’re closing here in about 10 minutes. Are you going to be able to get back home safely?” He asked.
Shit. You had only been on this planet a few days as the base had recently moved there. This was everyone’s first night at the Cantina and you were too many drinks in to know how to get back to base on your own. 
You must have looked confused because the security guard offered you an old communicator. “You have someone who can come pick you up?”
You bit your lip. You knew Jess or Kare could pick you up but they wouldn’t be happy about it. You slowly dialed the only person who wouldn’t be mad, taking your time to make sure you entered the right ID.
“Poe?” You asked into the phone when it stopped ringing.
“Yeah baby? Where are you?” You felt your heart leap out of your chest. You loved it when he called you baby. Even if you two weren’t exactly official. And you were pretty positive he had brought another girl home that night. Things were... complicated. You wanted so badly to tell Poe how much you cared about him and how you wanted to be his, but you were certain that wasn’t what he wanted. So, you took what you could get. Occasional sex in a storage closet accompanied by his friendship sprinkled with holding hard in secret and stolen forehead and nose kisses.  
“I’m still at the Cantina and I don’t remember how to get back to base. Can you come get me?” You really hoped he wasn’t with another girl. 
You heard laughing on the other end. 
“I’ll see you in ten minutes drunkie.” You heard the line click and felt a smile creep up on your face as you handed the communicator back to the security guard. At least he wasn’t mad. You felt yourself sway in your seat to the next song that came on and got up to dance. 
Ten minutes later, you felt someone grab your hips and start dancing with you. 
“How many drinks have you had baby? I’ve never seen you dance like this.” You heard Poe’s voice in your ear and his breath on your shoulder sent shivers down your spine. 
“Not sure at this point. Want to see how I was dancing before you came?” You spun around and started walking towards your table, climbing onto it again. 
As soon as you started dancing again your felt Poe reach up to grab your hand. You looked down at his beautiful worried face. 
“Hey, hey get down from there, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” He pulled you down towards him and you leaned in to kiss him, hard. 
“Fine, but only because you’re a good kisser.” You laughed as he helped you down. 
“Um, where are your shoes?” Poe asked, looking down at your bare feet, sore from dancing. 
“I- uh... Don’t remember? I may have given them to some creep for 20 credits.”
“Maker, you’re wasted. Okay, let’s go back to base.” He reached around your legs and lifted you up into his arms, your arms automatically going around his neck as he walked out of the Cantina into the cold air. 
You nuzzled in closer to his neck, deeply breathing in his scent, not at all concerned that you were definitely being a creep. 
“You smell good,” you said into his neck, making him laugh at you.
“You’re funny when your drunk.” 
Suddenly you didn’t feel like laughing anymore. “Poe?” you asked, looking at him now.
“Yeah baby?” He cocked an eyebrow at you, already smiling, more than ready to hear what drunk you had to say next. 
“Where you with another girl tonight? I saw you flirting with that new recruit all night.” 
He didn’t drop his smile, but his eyes softened at your question. Of course he hadn’t slept with another girl tonight. He hadn’t slept with another girl in months. Not since he realized he was in love with his best friend. And for Poe, being in love in the middle of a war was less than ideal. Meaningless sex was one thing. Having someone he loved waiting for him to come home when he might not make it? That was another thing entirely. He was already mad enough at himself for getting so close to you and Finn in the first place. Although, he wasn’t in love with Finn. 
“No baby, I went back to my quarters alone.” 
“Oh. I thought you would have banged her. She’s prettier than some of the other girls you bring home.” 
Ouch. Is that what she thinks? I just sleep with everyone? My own damn fault for giving her that impression. 
“Not as pretty as you though,” he glanced at you to see your reaction, which was to bury your face in the crook of his neck. He could say that because you wouldn’t remember in the morning, right? 
He finally made it to the hallway leading to his quarters. 
“In fact, to prove it, want to have a sleepover tonight? Don’t worry, I’m not taking advantage of your drunkenness. No sex, I promise.” He was dumb to have started having sex with you in the first place. He couldn’t help it though, his feelings for you were so strong he needed to express them somehow. 
“Sleepover!” You giggled, making his heart swell. 
You loved when Poe asked you to sleep in his room or vise versa. Usually it meant sex which was always incredible, followed by sleeping in his arms. That was the best part about the arrangement. He let you stay in his arms all night, stroking his fingers through your hair and using his other hand to keep you securely pressed to him. 
He opened the door to his quarters and laid you down on the bed before going to grab you a shirt to sleep in. He tossed it at your face when he found it. 
He fucking loved seeing you in his shirts. Especially when you had just woken up in his arms, hair messy, eyes bleary with sleep. He’d give you every shirt he owned if it didn’t mean facing the General half naked. He watched, not so bashfully (or discreetly), as you stripped down and slipped on his shirt. 
“Are you gonna stand there staring all night or are you coming to bed?” You asked, knowing damn well what stripping in front of him was accomplishing. 
“Uh, yeah baby just give me one second.” He said rushing into the refresher to splash cold water on his face. Not sleeping with you was going to be harder than he had anticipated. 
You laid in Poe’s bed, waiting for him to come back and started looking around his room for a little orange droid, who was charging for the night. While you were sweeping your eyes over the room, you noticed a small slip of paper on Poe’s nightstand. Drunk and shamelessly curious, you let it fall open in your hand.
ID: RS- 4589 v. 909
Camryn <3
You felt your stomach drop. Camryn was the new recruit. So he hadn’t brought her back to his quarters, but he had gotten her Communicator ID. So much for being prettier than her. In your drunken state, you began to cry over that stupid pilot with his stupid beautiful face. Damn him. 
Of course he came back before you could wipe your tears away. 
“Woah, baby what’s wrong? What happened?” He came to sit next to you on the bed, but you moved away, pushing him off before he could sit down. Hearing him call you ‘baby’ made everything sting so much more. Why did he have to call you pet names and be so sweet? Did he want to make you want him? Was this all just some stupid game? Did he even care about you at all? 
That’s when it hit you. He didn’t care about you. How could he? If he cared about you, he wouldn’t just fuck you when it was convenient for him and then act like best buddies in the mess hall the next day. He wouldn’t call you ‘baby’ knowing it makes you think there could be something more, when there would never be. He wouldn’t keep you on the line by holding your hand under the table and kissing you on the forehead and letting you sleep in his room. He only did all of that so you’d keep being an easy go-to fuck buddy. You felt a fresh wave of tears falling hard from your eyes and you got up to leave. 
Poe was not about to let that happen. He grabbed your wrist, pulling you to him even though you were struggling to get away from him as much as possible. 
“Baby, please stay. Let’s talk, what happened, what did I do?” He put every ounce of worry he had in his voice to make you listen and see that he was genuinely concerned. 
It worked. You made you way back to his bed and stood in front of it. Bu you didn’t want him to win this game he was playing. You just stood in front of his bed as a new wave of tears hit you. You crumpled to the floor, sobs wracking through your body. 
“Oh, baby no, don’t cry. I hate it when you cry. Please, tell me what’s hurting you so I can fix it.” He crouched down and sat in front of you on the floor, holding both your hands in his warm large ones. He waited patiently for your breath to even out until the sobs left you shivering on the floor. He fucking hated seeing you hurting like this. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and collect you in his arms and pull you onto his lap, holding you until you were ready to talk. 
You stilled, no fresh tears coming out. 
“Why are you crying baby?” He softly whispered. 
“Because no one cares about me.” You said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, not meeting his eyes.
Had Poe heard you right? How could you think no one cared about you? He cared about you more than anything in the world. He wanted now more than ever to convey that to you. He stood up, waking away from you a few feet. He couldn’t bare to see you this upset when he could fix it. And couldn’t. 
“Poe?” You sweet voice made him turn around, still angry with himself for falling in love with you in the first damn place. 
Kriff, you thought he was mad at you. He could tell by the look he had caused on your beautiful face.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad. I just... I saw that Camryn gave you her ID. And... I don’t know I guess I got jealous.” You finished, looking down at your feet. 
Oh. Oh. “Kriff. Kriff, kriff, kriff. I’m so stupid.” Poe was tugging at his thick curls and walking around the room in frustration. It hit him that you thought he didn’t care about you because he had spent all this time making sure he didn’t let his feelings show too much. Turns out all he did was lead you on. 
“Poe? Why are you mad?” You asked timidly. 
He spun on his heel to look at you, “Because I care about you!” he yelled, “So damn much it hurts! And now I’ve hurt you because I was trying to protect you. I never let myself show you how much I care about you because I never wanted it to turn into anything serious. But I did. I really, really did. But I couldn’t let you get too close to me because I can’t stand the thought of someone I love waiting for me to come home from a mission I may not come back from.” 
His voice was weak by the end of his explanation. When you started crying again, he crossed the room in two long strides and pulled you onto his lap, cradling your head to his chest and kissing the top of your hair. 
“I’m sorry I led you on sweetheart. I didn’t realize how much I was hurting you by trying to protect you. And now I’ve hurt you anyway. I just... I would hate for you to be here waiting for me to come home when I could be captured by the First Order or in a ditch somewhere in the Outer Rim. I could never leave someone I love behind like that.” 
You moved to wrap your arms around his neck and look up at him. That was the second time he said ‘love’. 
He looked at you with those sweet brown eyes, so full of love and sadness. “But here I am, in love with you and running that risk anyway.” He looked down, not wanting to meet you eyes after confessing his love for you multiple times. 
“Poe.” He didn’t look up. “Poe, baby.” You tilted his chin up gently to meet your eyes. 
“I don’t care about all that. I deal with the worry of you not making it home already. It’s terrifying, yes. But whatever time we have together, I’d rather spend it loving you properly and worrying if you’ll get home rather than holding back my love for you. And still worrying if you’ll get home. It’s worth it if we can be together, really together, for whatever amount of time we have.” 
He looked at you for a second more before dipping his head down to kiss you softly on the lips. He tried to convey every single ounce of love he had for you into the kiss, and you could feel it all the way in your toes. 
“So can we be together? Properly now?” you asked, still nervous he would say no. 
“Absolutely baby.” He stood up, carrying you with him to bed. He laid you down gently and slid into bed next to you, wrapping his arms around you as tightly as possible. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you,” he whispered, kissing your forehead, nose, and both eyes with every declaration of love. 
“I love you too, Poe Dameron,” you whispered against his lips, kissing him once more before nuzzling into the crook of his neck and breathing in deeply. His scent got you more drunk than all the alcohol you had that night. 
He kissed the crown of your head and whispered, “Finally.” Bringing you impossibly closer to him as you drifted off to the steady beating of his heart. 
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boomstyle · 3 years
Sonic Boom: Friend or Foe
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters and settings of Sonic boom. Oh, watch out for OCs!
Roboken War
(Force field cage)
Well, that was just as quick as it's. Now, where are we?
Tails and I reach the cage in just a zip. I thought Lyric will just put mind control device or at least send them far away from our reach. Well, I guess Lyric may not be as smart and cunning as I thought after all.
Speaking of cunning and smart, I can't stand a breathe anymore. I wish we can get out of here. Wait! We can't. Lyric closed the entrance of the central power station with a force field. I guess he's smart and cunning after all. Ugh...
While I was desperate to get out of the room, Tails was busy tinkering on the force field cage. Hurry up Tails, the gas is getting stronger. Now, I feel nauseous.
"Tails, would you mind speed it up a little?", I asked Tails politely.
"Sorry, Sonic. This may take a while. I can't find the key just yet. It must be somewhere up here.", Tails explain the technical thing but I am not sure what. What I really know is that I am gonna vomit for real.
(45 minutes later)
Ugh... What's taking Tails so long?
"Aha... I found it. The key to the force field was at the upper edge. Just gonna rotate it to the right and here it goes.", Tails was busy tinkering.
"Once I open the secret key, it will be easier to disable the force field."
"Yeah, Tails. Just pretend I don't hear it!", I replied in a cool manner. Not exactly a cool manner though, I was being slightly rude. If Amy heard me saying this, she might just taichi me or whip me or worse hit me with her so-called "legendary hammer". What's so legendary about her hammer? It's just a regular oversized hammer.  Sometimes, I don't understand why she's super obsessive about her hammer. If she loses her hammer, she could have just fought in hand to hand or use her enerbeam whip or sword. I mean, she's athletic and has amazing martial art skills to top it off so she didn't really have to bother the whole team to search for her hammer or be like "My hammer is my whole identity. It's a gift from fate.". Tsk...whatever.
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Yep, Archie Sonic Boom Issue 3 (HammerSpace). You got it. No need to beat the bush like that, Amy. I feel really bad for Sonic.
I was drowning in confusion until Tails snapped me out. He didn't exactly snap me out, more like bringing me to reality.
"Done it! I've taken out the force field from here.", Tails said in excitement. Team Cyborg is released from the cage. Now, time to open the forcefield!
"Oh, finally! Now, how do we open the forcefield barrier, Cyborg me?", I asked in desperation and relief at the same time.
"Right here!", Cyborg Sonic replied. What? The forcefield entrance key was literally close to us but I see nothing.
"Where? It's just a freaking wall?", I scolded him out of impatience. Ugh, I can't take it anymore. The gas...(cough)...
"Just do as I said!", Cyborg Sonic instructed.
"Fine! Just gonna touch this...(surprised) wall (slowly)", I am stunned. I can't believe it. They're right. Just gonna press the bottom and it's done.
"Yay, we did it! Teamwork rocks! Now, let's move it!"
Just as I thought our business is done from the moment we escape from the central power station filled with gas and traps. I was hell wrong. I heard an invisible siren tone with a beaming red background while we ran away. Talking about disco light, this is worse.
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*Lol* (Remember when Dave fool himself in "Next Top Villian", Sonic Boom Series Season 1.)
(Siren Alarm Beam Tone)
"Ugh... Come one! We just escape from it.", I complained.
"Sonic, our escape caused the siren to beam. So this is expected.", Tails calmed me down.
"But we just get out like a few hours ago.", I argued. Technically, it's been 45 minutes but it feels like hours already.
"Are you guys done with your blabber, Sonic?", Cyborg Amy shouted. Ooo... She's just as scary and temperamental as Amy.
"Fine! I'll shut it."
"Good. Let's keep moving! We didn't have all day."
Okay, okay, Amy! Is it necessary for you to be so demanding? Just chill out, Cyborg Amy! Regardless, she's right. There's no time to waste. If we don't get out, we might as well got caught by Lyric. Yep, we did.
"Where are you going right now?", Lyric asked.
"You think you can escape from me, Sonic. Think again!"
"Rise my armies! I command you to finish them once and for all!"
"We can call your robot quit in just a zip, Snake-head.", I deride Lyric confidently.
The infected robots shoot lasers at us as instructed. Tails and I started off dodging their attacks while Team Cybonic launched their special attacks. Well, more like duplicates of our attacks. Hehe...
Just as the battle started, my gangs came to my aid. Oh, just in time but where's Shawn? I mean, the East bender faker. Yeah, he must be planning this whole thing. I bet but regardless, I am glad that my team to the rescue. As I dodge a laser, I spot FriendBot along with Amy, Knuckles and Sticks arrive at the scene and prepare for combat.
"Anyone need some backup?", Amy asked.
Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks charge down and destroy some robots. Sonic dashes towards Amy.
"Amy. I'm glad you're here.", I started a conversation but Amy just shrugged me off. I wonder what's bugging her. Surely, Shawn must have manipulated her. Now, that she ignored me as if I didn't exist. This is just not like her.
"Oh, so you're just gonna ignore me, your boyfriend. Alright, sure. Go ahead."
Oops, did I just said b-word out loud? Not that I care or whatever but we're totally busted right now.
"Hmph... Like I even have one...", Amy shrugged me off.
Oh, is that it? You're just going to going to act negatively out of character toward me. That's it, I had it enough of your rudeness. This is just not you. He's literally turning you into a cold-headed girl. I know she can get temperamental, snarky, rude, or slightly selfish at some point but this is way too far.
"That's it, Ames. I had it enough. If you want to break up, just say so. (punch and kick robot nearby) No need to buzz over me like that.", I confronted her.
"You're saying I got too far. Well, that describes you, Mr. Hedgehog. The way you treated Shawn was totally unacceptable. And besides, you're not so good after all. You're snarky, reckless, messy worker, impatient and impulsive.", Amy talked back.
"Like you have the best personality, I'm sick of your bossy, demanding, and overbearing attitude behind your mature act.", I argued her back.
"I was doing it for your good. You could get a little bit too far with your prank games, jokes or worse run head log in trouble. So I have to step in AS THE MOTHER FIGURE OF THE GROUP(shouted and smash the robot)", Amy defended.
"Yeah, like I need one.", I grunted.
"That's the problem with you. You act as if you're the coolest top speedy hedgehog ever but you're not thoughtful. The way you badmouth and suspect Shawn when you yourself were the one who introduced it to the whole team explains it. You're saying you're responsible for him but what I got is empty promises.", Amy berated me while she was busy beating robots near her just like I did. Speaking of which, what she said reminds me when I introduced Egg man's so called brother without even consulting the whole team. She's kinda right at this. I should have been more considerate and premediated next time. The way I just invite Shawn and Steve Eggman in the group without much consideration indicate my impulsiveness. Looks like I really realized how impulsive and unthoughtful I have been but still, she's literally overreacting just like usual. Thus, why should I be blamed for it?
"Oh come on, why do I get blamed for it? You're literally falling your heels over him anyway so why should I have to get the portion of the blame?", I threw the blame on her. I admitted I am being impulsive and inconsiderate considering how I just invite Shawn in without any consultation.
"Responsibility, Sonic! You can't just introduce someone and suddenly come up with a conclusion that his guy is bad when YOU CAN'T EVEN PROVE IT!", Amy reasoned with me. In some way, she's right but she just didn't understand the issue here. Shawn is...
"Yeah, you're right. I don't have proof but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. You know why? HERO!", I am enraged and boastful, yes and I don't care.
"That's it! I can't take it anymore. You, sir, are impetuously boastful and arrogant being. Have you even take my feeling into account when you said that? it's like you don't consider me a girlfriend anymore. You know what, let's break up!", Amy leashed out on me.
"You wanna break up. FINE! Who wants to be with a Bloodthirsty and indicative hedgehog in a cute and friendly package?", I said.
"And who wants an egomaniac, reckless and immature guy in a speedy hero PACKAGE?", Amy retaliated. She's going super angry and yep, this is good and bad at the same time.
"HAYAK(smash)... (spin hammer attack other robots)... (pull the further robot near her with enerbeam rope) HAYAK (smash, smash, smash until every infected robot disintegrated)... (stand in her ninja-style pose)Ha... Time to take on, Lyric."
Just as we broke up, Amy turned into a temperamental monster. Then, she started to crash all of the infected robots in just a zip. Sticks, Knuckles and Tails as well as our cyborg duplicates are unimpressed. Wow, I was surprised they're not shocked at our break up and Amy's sudden temperamental combat.
"What a lovely couple indeed? I suspect that the alien overlord must have spelled them apart.", Sticks said.
"To be frank, this robot apocalypse has sent Amy mad too.", Cyborg Sticks said. Well, she's partially right. The robot apocalypse really sent Amy crazy after the break-up. Not the best answer you've got, Cybonic Sticks but you sure have Sticks' paranoid DNA with you. Am I okay? Why do I agree with Sticks' paranoid statement now? Oh no, if this happens again, I might need to consider seeing a psychiatrist.
"I don't know Sticks but surely, the secretive skinny couple has finally come to a devastating breakup. If Sonic and Amy were the one, I may be gigging out in shame.", Cyborg Knuckles replied sadly.  
"Yeah. Not cool, Sonic. First, you deny that you dated Amy and now, you just let Amy cut off the relationship.", Knuckles said while holding his clenched fist.
"Well, this gets little it out of hand. let's just help Amy fight off Lyric!", Cyborg Sonic said.
"Yeah", Team Cybonic and my gangs except Knuckles and Amy agreed.
While they're battling Lyric, we're in the middle of a pointless argument because of Knuckles. This is the first time we ever battle each other in the middle of a war.
"Knuckles, don't get me started!", I ordered. What the heck is wrong with Knuckles? Sure we kept the relationship in secret and just broke up but this is not an excuse for Knuckles to just burst up like that.
"Do you think I'm not smart, Sonic?", Knuckles asked.
"What? Not, it's not that... It's just", I tried to persuade him but Knuckles cut me off.
"It's just that I'm not smart enough to figure it out that you're dating.", Knuckles straightened his point. What? I don't mean to hide our relationship just to shame you. It's just that it's not a good time yet. If Eggman and other villains know about our relationship, the worst scenario is that the whole team and anyone related to us would be in a threatening situation. Seriously, Eggman may not be you know the victorious one but he's surely dangerous when unexpected. And besides, the group will be awkward if everyone knows we date.
"What's up, Sonic? Scared of me?"
"Knuckles. this is madness. You got to snap out, man. That snakehead was literally your battle.", I persuaded while trying to dodge his punches. I don't want to attack him. He's my friend.
"I've heard you said enough already"
We battle with each other until we heard Amy, Tails, and Sticks as well as our duplicates got smacked down in the middle of battle.
"Guys! Oh no!", Knuckles and I gulped.
"At last, I finally got to end you after a thousand years.", Lyric smirked while approaching us.
"I guess it's the end of Team Knuckles", Knuckles said. Team? Oh, forget it! I'm not going to argue. Besides he's right. It's the end of Team Son...ic.
"Lyric, I said I will find you", Shadow appeared. Uuu... Looks like the edgelord will end the robot apocalypse. He must have a reason as to defeat Lyric. He will not just be here to save us but anyway, it's our lucky day.
Shadow punch out Lyric and take out his technopathy. As the result, everything was back to normal except that all Roboken's army got dismantled, and yeah, things get messed up when Shawn approached in.
ugh... Finally, it's nearly the end of the book chapter. Sorry, I got too personal with the Sonamy relationship and rivalry between Knuckles and Sonic but I just can't help it. Anyway, How do you think Shadow and Shawn were able to come in? What will be the consequences afterward? Find out in the next chapter.
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