#anyway I should like draw him normally sometime
egginfroggin · 8 months
Kirby content? On my Tumblr bog? It's more likely than you might think.
Anyway, Kirby jumpscare -- a tiny little chibi doodle of my Galacta Knight gijinka.
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He angy.
Bantam knight.
(Program: Krita; time taken: about 40 minutes [counting all the time I spent screwing around in the doc before making this])
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daily-ethoslab · 3 months
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my bad for not adding skizz won't happen again
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yardsards · 2 years
i mentioned willow park being under-appreciated to my friend and he was like "i need to start a blog in which i post a shitty doodle of willow like, pumping iron or something every 5 minutes" and ik he was joking but Please i need this
#eliot posts#toh#i was thinking of making him watch more toh with me (i think we got like half through s1 a while ago?)#but i was seized by the uncontrollable urge to make him watch s1 and s2 of infinity train with me#so that's what we watched instead#i actually only assumed we'd make it through s1 but he wanted to watch more so we watched s2 as well#which is good cuz it's my fav :D#we watched 1 or 2 eps of s4#depending on what he wants i guess we'll either watch more toh or watch seasons 4 and 3 of infinity train next time we hang out#he's the type of friend where our hangouts are more chill watch a movie/tv together and play video games type things#and i make some pretty good popcorn. and have a comfy bedroom to watch tv in.#alas he lives an hour away and cannot drive so it has to be An All Day Thing when we hang out to make it worth it#anyway iirc when we did watch toh willow was his favourite#which is very good taste. willow is perfect and Babey. daughter girl. i want to protect her even tho she could easily kick my ass#sometimes he asks for art requests. i should make him draw willow. or one of our infinity train blorbos.#(jesse is his fav humanoid character so far which is again good taste gang (atticus is his overall fav because Dog. he cried at s1e8))#(also he IMMEDIATELY started headcanoning jesse as as a trans guy and i love how much of the fandom shares that hc)#(on top of the even more popular nb lake headcanon. he said it was weird to see them referred to w she/her after seeing them on my blog)#normally when he asks for art requests i always jokingly request jeb bush to torment him. i forget where that joke started
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sludgeguzzler · 1 year
ever since the pandemic ended and i started going out and talking to people with the goal of "making friends being happy loving life" ive started o realize that i in fact do not enjoy the stay at home doing nothing not talking to anyone lifestyle and that i love calling ppl and that nature is actually the bomb, all the times id rather stay in bc "im just not an outings guy" is actually bc im like. traumatized or something
#do i know what caused this no do i want to stop it god. yeah. i wanna go out and vlimb trees :( i wanna hug my friends#and give them little gifts and non stop tell them about everything that im interested in :(#finding out im aromantic also just completely changed how i see my friendships and myself too#like yeah!!!!! friends!!!!!!!!#romantic tension is a lie i am just quirky & chill like that#anyways i AM looking forward to the thing were havong on monday HOWEVER the fact that its happening on my exs house is#unfortunate. like maybe im not gonna be so chill while there. but thats ok im still gonna try and im gonna be mature about it#is it weird hes already after someone else wohin less of a month yeah but its none of my business anymore#i dont want to confront him thats his own mess im being normal about it. i am handling this correctly#if anyone asks me i will be honest if he asks me i will be honest#i have no problem with the girl i only have a problem with him. i actually really really enjoy the girls company#shes so chill. like she says she loves me sometimes and im like woah! i dont rlly know you!#but its a warm feeling i enjoy it#i wanna start saying i love my friends too#i wanna make her a bracelet actually#thatd be so slay#o should invite her and some friends over just to make bracelets#we could make each other little things !!!!#i wanna draw stuff to my friends#yayayayayayayay i love my friends i wanna talk to them so bad omg omg omg what do i talk about#im gonna ask them about their day !!!!!#sg.txt
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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I’ve changed my mind about bears being hard to draw, Shirokuma is my muse
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Sigh. Why must you have died Aris, now I have to actually think abt what your abilities are instead of just sweeping it under the rug and calling it good enough
#rat rambles#eternal gales#like I do have stuff in mind but Ive been needing to flesh it out a bit more even if it doesnt rly come up much#basically shed the other side of the information translation coin that is tali#tali translates information into smth readable to people and aris translates information into smth usuable for a universe's purposes#im theory anyways aris doesnt actually get that much use out of that stuff since she only died once or twice#tali also only died once or twice but she had her connection to her role amplified by the whole scar debacle#if youve seen the blue string stuff in my eg art before then thats the stuff put in her face and eye#its basically just smth the narrator uses to gather and transfer information from different universes#so tali got tapped into that a lot more forcefully than most tali's in ither universes are#aris on the other hand mostly has her abilities expressed in a lot less immediately noticable ways#mostly just in her far too late newfound immunity to The Goop™#most of the others never rly directly get to use their theoretical abilities due to the fact they never die lol#bloom did die tho so congrats girlie you get to finish off the information triangle#she acts as the data storage itself 👍#great ability for a nine year old who just bled out and died#the others abilities get to be seen in their au counterparts at least#au snek being the most in your face one in that regard due to having died the most by a longshot#most of the others died only a handful of times with mostly no physical alterations from their abilities#au snek can still appear mostly normal but she always has splits between different sections of skin from when she is in meat snake mode#most of the others physical alterations are either just general universe chanres or aren't directly from their abilities#such as owl being all goopy from eating her original universe and au aris being all goopy because thats how she died#the goop™ is basically just a defense mechanism of the universe core btw#anyways au mase looks all edgy and shit because hes storing a shit ton of ppl in him#and then au fydd tali and bloom all just look different from being different agaes and going through different shit#au fydd is abt 15 au tali is abt 18 and au bloom is somewhere in her mid 30s#au sier is also around 18 and au aris is 14#au mase and snek get to be the odd ones out as the only two who are the same ages as their main universe counterparts#I should rly get around to actually drawing all the au antags sometime soon its been like 5 or so years they desperately need drawn#I technically did draw them way Way back but that was all the crusty dusty original versions of them
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kazutora-kurokawa · 2 months
Hi, I missed you, I love you can back <3
I need obslove with baji, murder, blood, jealousy, yk
Yandere!Baji Headcanons
♡ NSFW, fem reader, naive!reader, gf!reader, reader is in denial, jealousy, murder, blood, arson, toxic relationship, rough biting, soft sex, unprotected sex, creampie, overstimulation ♡
note: you're a person of few words anon, but I think I got the jist of what you were aiming for lol 🩷 I hope you enjoy
note 2: I just wanna take a second to thank y'all because I just realized I hit 700 FOLLOWERS 😭🫠 Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? I don't know the answers but I'm done asking questions, just know that I love y'all so much 🩷😫
Possessiveness/Marking His Territory
At first you just thought that Baji just liked biting you as a joke, now you wake up every morning covered in bite marks and it's obviously not a joke at all. You don't mind, it seems like it's just a habit of his, like his own little form of affection. But sometimes, you're left to wonder if it's a sign of something more when he bites down hard enough to draw blood, or when he bites down even harder when you tell him it hurts. Of course it couldn't be anything serious though, besides, as long as he's happy it should be fine.
The Things He'll Do For Love
He's fully prepared to kill someone for you, just say the word and it's done. He won't kill right away though, he'll watch the person he plans on killing and leave them cryptic warnings. Most people realize something's wrong when their belongings start having random burn marks and holes on them. Fortunately, he's only had to kill one person that got too close to you. The way the guy's hands ghosted your hips and the way he looked at you just disgusted Baji to no end. He really didn't have a choice but to get rid of the guy and that's exactly what he did. It's so much easier to clean up a murder when you just light the whole crime scene on fire. Of course he was still considerate of you, he sat right next to you and held you when you got the news. He sat next to you at the funeral too, grateful for the closed casket.
Intimate Moments
Baji was very...affectionate, that's how you'd like to describe him anyway. Sex with him was so different from how he'd normally act, it was like he did a whole 180. He was so soft with you, treating you like porcelain, like you were so weak you'd crumble under his rough touch. Of course he'd still bite, but he was much more gentle about it, lightly sinking his teeth into you like a wolf that was scared to break a lamb's neck. His grip was firm on your hips and the way he thrust into you had you seeing stars. He'd always fuck you raw, he liked to feel every inch of you gripping him. The look on your face, the little noises you made, the sound of your pussy squelching every time he rammed into you, everything had Baji on cloud nine. He could never get enough of you and if satisfying himself meant cumming in your pussy all night and overstimulating you, then so be it.
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies
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forecast0ctopus · 3 months
Any advice on drawing McCoy? I’m not used to drawing ancient wrinkley bastards (affectionate) and it’s surprisingly tough v-v
FOR SURE lmao i made. a diagram. just a warning that i am going to be irritating and long winded because u just hit a topic i really like sorry lmao
so first off i did some traces just to show whats there vs redraws to show my interpretation
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ive said this on other asks but again jsyk, tracing isnt bad!! its a tool. theres some stuff with intellectual property and whatnot but using tracing to study shapes and forms is a really valuable practice.
also just taking some time to learn facial structures and anatomy is super useful, reading what bones and muscles are where and how they interact with one another. taking this info and staring in the mirror and moving your face around and thinking about it. just really furthers understanding of how the face works. trying to sound normal about this but i love anatomy and motion and physics and whatever
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anyways im going to go through all the numbered points so there's no confusion. 1. forehead lines - self explanatory. more prominent when brows are raised 2. crows feet - at the outer corners of the eyes, more prominent when smiling or squinting 3. nasolabial folds - the folds that go from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth. more prominent when the mouth is wide, like smiling 4. brow furrow - self explanatory, most prominent when brows are furrowed. mccoy tends to have two right next to his eyebrows, kirk has one in the middle. everyones face works different lmao 5. chin crease - caused by how the chin and lower lip interact. 6. nasojugal groove - start from the inner corners of the eye and can extent over the cheeks. everyone has these and idk why people dont like them i think theyre really cool!!!! but Society. i guess. :/ 7. eye bags - caused by the skin sagging beneath the eyes. mccoy isnt even that old in tos i think hes meant to be mid 40s by the end of the 5 year mission, hes just got really prominent eye bags lmao 8. idk what the name is for these, but when the mouth is wide and pushes the skin to the sides, these folds sometimes form outside of the nasolabial folds 9. philtrum - the groove above the upper lip. i dont usually draw this but mccoy's struck me as prominent enough that i usually draw it on him 10. masseter - the muscle that moves the jaw up and down. its a pretty rugged muscle and while i wouldnt say mccoy's is especially prominent, it kind of extends that nasojugal groove from certain angles/positions 11. orbicularis oris - mouth muscle, usually easier to see when lips are pursed or frowns are pulled. mccoy's is pretty prominent from 3/4ths or side, his mouth tends to protrude in profile 12. this isnt a muscle but more of a line defining the planes of the face, but since i drew it i felt i should explain lmao
a few points:
im an animator i tend to exaggerate and emphasize certain things so i usually make him more square.
i like to combine eyebags and crows feet for brevity/flow, same with nasojugal grooves, eyebags, and masseter lines. my approach is always subject to change based on pose, expression, reference image, etc.
i take out details that i deem redundant or cluttering and keep what details i need to make things feel Right
all this info is applicable to any character of any age, its just in how you apply it and facial proportions that willl change how old a character is perceived to be
there's a lot more with drawing a Character rather than an Actor, just because the features are there doesnt necessarily mean things will feel correct? its very much in the mannerisms and poses and expressions
i only went over my approach to his likeness but not really body type or posing or anything idk if u want that i could always try to answer that later haha
anyways all that info kind of exists nebulously in my brain while i draw its not like im sitting there thinking Must Draw. Nasolabial Fold...... i jsut do what feels right with the visual info i have. also i love specificity in faces.... i dont like to be a hater but when every character is drawn the same it pisses me off a little lmao. so
also dont take my word as The Only Way to do anything i just draw how i like to draw and no one should feel like these are things that Must be done to be a good artist or anything do whatever the hell u wanna do
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Tsun Yan Camboy + G.N Loser Reader- [mdni]
A chronically online shut in and the roommate blessed misfortunate enough to bunk with them.
God - he can't stand you. How can you even consider yourself his roommate? All you ever do all day is hole yourself up in your room wasting the day away watching your favorite streamers and actors - and when you do leave, all you ever talk about is them. It's disgusting - you're disgusting. He should find another roommate and be done with you. There you go again babbling on about your fav streamer reading your message today .....why don't your eyes ever light up like that when he's talking to you?...
Your roommate eventually gets fed up and steals your phone while you're sleeping. What do they have that he doesn't? Granted, you had made a move on him when he first moved which he quickly shot down. Undressing him with your eyes, hurling disgusting flirts and taking any chance to grope at him in close counters. His heart leapt straight into his pants remembering the last time he accidentally left the door open a crack and caught you staring like a predator to prey - belittling him more to just a slab of meat. It made him sick... it made him feel desired.
All these creators on your feed. Your messages are nothing short of repulsive too. A little bit of skin exposed and you just couldn't help yourself. He could do it too. Better than all the little tramps that caught your eye. It would be easy too. Everyone always complimented him on his physical appearance anyways - always trying to offer him their couch while things with you were getting figured out when the only place he wanted to be was your bed.
He got to work as soon as he returned your phone - creating various accounts on sites you frequented and buying everything he needed to get started. He even obtained a gym membership to work on his flexibility and thighs which he later switched to home training as his popularity grew; giving you the middle finger whenever you inquired where he was going and made the indepth observation his ass had gotten bigger than you remembered this past few weeks.
It didn't take long for him to gain traction.
A lot of the things you enjoyed could apply to the masses and he put more effort into his research than anything he had prior - even just confessing his love. He wore the outfits you loved, spoke in the breathy tones you liked, and on those specially lonely nights - he spanned your messages with invites for his pages so frequently you probably wouldn't checked him out sooner if you hadn't thought they were bots. None of the fame, fans or money really mattered - until he saw that familiar name in his inbox.
"Hey gorgeous, loved your vids~ hope you would do me the pleasure of texting me back sometime."
And he did - everyday. You're such an utter mess when it comes to acting like a functional being it's no wonder you were blocked by a few streamers before he thinned the list out - but it was the cutest thing. He was jealous of his own self now for having your full attention, but the anonymity allowed him to do things for he normally wouldn't in a million years- like spreading his legs open on his desk and showing you what exactly your sweet, fucked up words do to him.
To combat the threat of you finding his identity he wears cute masks and wigs - eventually earning enough to rent a small apartment to keep you fully in the dark. You might point out a mole on his backside in the same place as your new favorite streamer, but a quick dick pic from said individual draws whatever conversation you started to a close. Always searches for your recommendations out of thousands when asking for input on his next fit/scene and calls all of his followers his subjects - while wearing a choker that says master on it. It's still a little irritating to hear you ramble about some bitch you found online - but being that bitch makes it all worth it.
"You should see dude's hips... I mean - the handles on this guy.... don't even get me started on the things he does with his tongue.
Your roommate scoffs and rolls his eyes - nursing a sucker between his lips as he hits order on the swim suit you suggested to him and sends you the confirmation email along with a good morning
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petew21-blog · 26 days
Can you do like a lando norris and oscar piastri body swap pls
I hope I won't dissapoint. You can still dm me if anything
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Oscar P.O.V. (on the right)
Another race ahead, another day to win. Lando is already here. He won't beat me, but I still gotta be ready. We push each other to be better all the time. While out of the race we are quite good friends I have to say, but while driving, we become the speed itself. We both wanna win and we wanna be better than before.
"Hey, mate. How we feeling today? Ready to be second, huh?"
"Nah that's your place, man. No need to take from the weak. Besides wouldn't trade my ride with yours anytime soon, that's why you won't be first." he laughed
"You know it's about the driver huh, I am better and you know it. Unless you switch with me, you won't get to win this."
"Well, I can say only the same thing"
We laughed about it and shook hands. And suddenly we were looking at ourselves. We actually swapped bodies 45 minutes before the race.
"What the hell is this. Why am I you?"
"Why are you me?!? I only meant it as a joke. I didn't believe it was possible."
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We started screaming at each other drawing attention. Lando in my body noticed first:"Everybody is starting to look at us. Let's make a deal to just ride as we normally would and try to win anyway ok? Then we'll deal with this."
I don't know what came over me, but seeing my body so confident made me a bit horny. Until today I never questioned my sexuality. Well...
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We went over some details. Phrases we usually say. Tricks we do and shit we don't do. The media were all over us, making photos, tried to capture the moment we had a fight, but now trying to find a better moment.
We both went our ways. We got behind our wheels and went on. The rest is a blur. I didn't even feel like a different person at those moments, but after exitting the car, I suddenly realized I won. I fucking a first place. Wait. Lando won. But... I did. As Lando. So... the throphy stays with Lando, but I'm the one who made sure he won.
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Lando P.O.V.
Yeeeeees. I don't even know if I should cry right now or cheer. Oscar's team was so confused that I cheered so much for my own body winning, but I don't care. I won. My body won that trophy. I won!
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But then it hit me. We haven't swapped back yet. What if we never swap back and we stay like this? What do I do?
I left to get changed. I got out of my clothes.
"Damn Oscar, maybe get a tan sometimes? You're pale as snow."
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Oscar's body isn't ugly. He is a bit slimmer than me, but can't say anything bad about it. We're only two years apart and our bodies aren't that different. I looked inside my new boxers. Well, maybe we are. Atleast I won something today. I actually can't wait to test this bad boy and see it fully hard
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Oscar P.O.V.
Lando's body has so much attention now. The past few days we've made bunch of photoshoots and I have to say I am getting kinda comfy in this body. It's good looking. Hot, better muscle structure. I don't think I even want to swap back right now. But I can't say that about Lando. He keeps texting me about talking and finding a way to swap back. I'm just to tired from all the media attention and photoshoots to deal with this.
Oh another message came. A photo in my bathroom. Ok, I miss that dick. Maybe I could talk to him tonight. We could talk over the swap and maybe I could try to ride something else for a change
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robin-the-enby · 9 months
Black butler Ciel with a older sister who rather spend more time reading, writing, spend time in her imagination, or her own self interests than run the company. She has her own business of running a successful book series.
Pairing: Ciel Phantomhive x older sister!reader Warnings: mentions of past trauma (not descriptive) A/N: Thank you very much for the ask and, as usual, I'm so sorry for the delay. If you don't mind, I decided to write this as headcanons. Also, the relationship between Ciel and the reader is strictly platonic. I have decided that I will not write romantic Ciel works anymore, because he's a child. And while I did have a crush on him when we were the same age, I have moved on and it would be highly inappropriate, I believe.
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I think it's safe to say that you are very important to Ciel. You are his last living relative after all.
It doesn't matter if you're close or not. I don't think Ciel would appear to want to be close to anyone, even a relative. But that isn't really the case.
Now, he's definitely not clingy. He's self-sufficient, maybe a little too much. He definitelly doesn't need to rely on you.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't like to spend time with you. On the contrary. And since you are the quiet type, it makes spending time together much more comfortable for him.
He would be the type of person to do his own thing and let you do your own, just...in the same space. He could be sorting paperwork in his office, but you would be there as well, just a few meters away from him, scribbling down in a notebook on drawing in your sketchbook.
It's comfortable, it's quiet, and it means the world to him. If he looks past the age difference (and that little voice that tells him that maybe your roles should be exchanged), he almost feels normal. And that type of peace is very rare in his life, so he takes any and every chance to spend time with you like this.
It was very strange to him though, mostly at first, when he returned to the mansion. The way you are so different. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you have no interest in the family company, or that you rather spend time in your own head than in th real world.
He does get the appeal of that, it's just that he thinks it's...foolish. He is a logical person, who always thinks ahead, to rule out any possibility of others taking advantage of him again. If he submitted to the luxury of running away from the past that still haunts him, he would achieve nothing.
But the more time he spends with you and the more he integrates himself back into the regular world (as regular as it can be for him at least), he sees that you're many things, but not foolish. Yes, you're a dreamer, perhaps a bit naive, but not stupid.
In the end, he prouds himself to be your brother. You have a great imagination and sometimes you help him more than you could imagine. If he has a case to solve, you help give him an outside look into things from a perspective he could never even imagine.
He appreciates your art as well. It would depend on your style and whether or not you were spared the torture he went through to determine how much, but he definitely appreciates it and thinks it's beautiful. If your style is a form of self presentation, translation of your shared traumas and deepest feelings, he might like it just a smidge more.
When you present the idea of publishing your own book, he is definitely on board. He likes to read your stories anyway, he can't see why others wouldn't enjoy it. He would definitely help you find the best publisher and arrange the best deal for you (with a little help from Sebastian, if needed).
When your book becomes a hit in London and the readers as well as critics start asking for a sequel, he feels proud. Proud of himself, for helping you make your dream come true, but mostly proud of you. For not conforming to expectations of others, who would assume you'd take over the Phantomhive company, but instead following your dreams and working hard to make them come true. It is that kind of strength he really admires. But of course, he knows how the world works and so he thinks his help was neccesary (and would continue to be in the future).
In the end, you have sort of a symbiotic relationship. Whenever you need anything for your work, Ciel gets it for you. Art supplies, sketchbooks, he can get you anything and you best believe it'll be in the best quality as well. He also helps you make deals with potential publishers or anyone who is interested in your work, making sure no one tries to scam you and that you get the most benefits from your labour.
In return, he asks for nothing. You already give him everything he needs from you. Your company. He gladly takes on the task of managing the family business, if it means that you can still sit by him in his study, scribbling away, as if nothing in the world had ever gone wrong.
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averyangrypossum · 3 months
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the
Flowerbroadcast AU!
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Based on the two drawings I did of a fankid for the ship radiostatic.
The full-body one
And the one with both Vox and her
And now, I’m gonna tell you all about it and exactly who the fuck this little kid is.
Lotus is the daughter of Vox (as you can tell) and Alastor and is six years old. She was created shortly after Vox and Al broke up, oh yeah I should probably talk about their relationship status. Vox and Alastor, unlike in canon, weren’t only close friends but were dating at some point, mostly because Alastor wanted to manipulate Vox’s feelings to where he’d be more compilable but accidentally took it too far, and since Vox is a piss baby Alastor decided to entertain Vox for a while.
Was this relationship healthy?
Would Vox say these were the best years of his afterlife?
But anyways, in this au when Vox asks Alastor to “join his team” he was actually proposing and Alastor finally realized,
“Shit maybe this has gone out of hand” and breaks it off with Vox which leaves Vox heartbroken and with an incel breakdown. Now instead of trying to move the fuck on, he has our little darling Lotus, who he has trying to fill the hole that Alastor left.
So obviously having a child for that reason isn’t going to make you a good parent.
Lotus’ relationship with the Vees are as follows in the particular order.
1 Velvette: She does Lotus’s hair everyday and picks out outfits for her to post on her social media before Lotus immediately undos everything that Velvette does and just goes for pigtails and her nightgown. Velvette has wine aunt energy and is probably the only one of the Vees to know how to talk and get through to Lotus.
2 Valentino: Surprising I know, but Lotus doesn’t know what he does to his workers, she knows what he does for work but grew up with thinking that was just something normal since Valentino was never hush hush about his job around her much to Vox’s dismay. Valentino isn’t a big fan of children and doesn’t hang around her often, but sometimes he’ll draw along side her while bitching about a particular show she’s watching even though it’s literally made for kids.
3 Vox: Wow, how bad do you have to fuck up for a pimp who hardly spends time with her to be ranked higher than her own father?? Vox, despite making the conscious decision to have her, he isn’t around like at all. Hes a workaholic through and through, and mostly leaves her with nannies and Velvette. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. Au contraire he loves her with all his heart and soul. Will give her anything except quality time. He uses her more of an accessory than a child.
Now how exactly Lotus was made is up to you.
A robotic creation Vox made? Sure!
Some voodoo magic shit? Yeah!
Some weird magic thing where she kinda just poofed into existence? Why not!
Mpreg? I mean, do what you wanna do ig?
Cuz it really doesn’t matter!
This whole au starts with Lotus running away from the Vee tower to explore hell since she's basically Rapunzel. She gets lost and terrorized by sinners until our deer Alastor rescues her. Seeing his chance to promote the hotel he takes her there where she is offered to stay there by Charlie when Lotus complains about how bad her dad is. She graciously accepts because shes only six but is going through her “My dad hates me and I hate him” era. Which I mean…I would get that impression too if I didn’t see my dad that much.
Wait my dad lives across the country…don't talk to me rn I’m busy dyeing my hair black and becoming emo 🖤
But anyways she stays there while Vox is loosing his fucking mind, and becoming more mentally unstable.
Meanwhile! She's having the time of her life with the hotel's residents and a new father figure who treats her well and pays attention to her! Alastor! Now Al doesn’t know she is his kid, but that doesn't stop him from being a better dad than Vox out of spite!
Anyways, thats all I have, for now! Stay tuned my friends~
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eeunoia · 1 month
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sinag | psh.
chapter eight
pairings: park sunghoon x reader
synopsis: waiting for a great plot twist in your life, the ruthless and powerful mafia boss park sunghoon forced his way in to it.
word count: 3k
warnings: a contains harrassment, violence, guns, killings, abuse, obsessive love & other stuff. if you can't take this stuff, feel free to scroll away. let me know if i missed some.
note: the next update will probably at tuesday. thank you so much for supporting sinag. please reply, reblog and send me asks. i will surely appreciate it, i love you. stay safe!
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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Some years later...
Time passes by faster than expected. A lot of things happened. You grew at some aspect of your life, learned some new things, gain new friends, acquired new achievements and seems like your life’s really is at its best. Like this is where you should be.
But why do you feel empty sometimes? Not all the time. Just those moments where you’re left alone to meditate or think some things in your life. It was odd, but you just convince yourself that its normal for people to have these thoughts from time to time.
“Ae, your boyfriend called you multiple times last night.” your head snapped at Lucie’s side when she said that. She’s at the kitchen counter, cooking something while you head towards the center table to go find your phone.
“I was so busy finishing my work last night. I forgot my phone was here.” you stated and sighs heavily after finding indeed multiple missed calls and messages from your boyfriend. From Luke.
Yes, you got back together with him. You two met a year after you just got your job and he seems doing fine. He seems to be more matured than how your remembered him and he wanted to try it again with you. Claiming that you two are just immatures back then and surely this time it would work.
Since you haven’t got anyone to date that time and you really kind of missed having someone by your side romantically, you agreed.
You love Luke. Otherwise you wouldn’t agree to be in a relationship with him again. It’s just the spark’s not there and the feelings you have for him is shallow. Of course you never told him that and just go with the flow with him.
Lucie reminded you that breakfast will be ready soon which you responded with a short nod then walks towards the balcony.
“What the hell, Aelia? I’ve been calling and texting you nonstop last night and I’m only hearing from you now? Wow!” he sounded mad. Mad and upset about you not returning his calls.
You sighs and massage your temple, trying to release the early stress life is trying to give you. The day hasn’t even starting yet and he wants to fight with you already. What a great thing to start your day with after an working all night.
“I’m sorry, Luke. Its just I got caught up with the work last night. I forgot that I left my phone at the living room after I texted you.” the last text you sent him says that you are going to be busy that night. Clearly, despite being informed he doesn’t understand it at all.
“Whatever! That’s the onlyt thing that matters to you, anyway. That stupid job of yours.” here he goes again. Whenever you two falls into an argument, he never misses the chance to use this card on you. He’s very petty about it.
“You know that’s not true.”
“Its seems like it for me.” and with that he ended the call.
You draws in a strained sigh before running your hand over your hair. The sun kissed your skin as it shines bright above you. The streets are starting to look more alive with people walking and cars driving towards their own destinations.
“Breakfast is ready, Ae!” your head snaps over to Lucie when she called out for you.
Realizing that it won’t be too good for you to stress over your boyfriend in early morning, you struts towards the kitchen to have breakfast. She already got everything prepared making you smile and put into more better mood.
“Early fight?” she guessed that you answered with a small nod.
She sighs and watches you sat down. She fill the empty glass with some orange juice then slid it towards you. She makes sure you drink fruits in the morning and not coffee since while you’re in the office, she’s certain it will be nonstop caffeine consumption.
“Come on and just eat breakfast. Think about your asshole boyfriend later.” she sounded bitter. You are aware of her disliking towards Luke. She said he just gives off negative vibes for her even after meeting him at the first time.
She’s good with reading people and her impressions are usually right.
“Language, please.” and you flash her with a smirk.
She chuckles and just dismissed that topic. The two of you chitchats about this event being held on weekend. She informed you about it weeks ago and was begging for you to come with her. You already declined, saying you’re really bad with crowded places. She knows that. Being friends with Lucie for years already gained her alot of informations about you. Including your phobia of being around too crowded places.
That’s why she’s even more pursuing you to come, convincing you after she read about this article that there’s nothing more effective to get rid of fears other than facing them. Sounds ironic, but she’s truly sticking into it.
“I’ll think about it, okay? First, I have to worry about my meeting later.” and instantly, you felt your heart raced.
“Is that today?” she looked surprised and even took a quick sip from her juice. “Are you going to meet Jake Sim later?” the excitement through her voice are unable to be covered.
She squealed. “Ahhh! He’s so gorgeous. How can someone be that handsome? And why isn’t he mine?” she sounds like that’s her biggest struggle in life.
It’s been a while since you started to work in that company, and its been a while too ever since she started crushing on your boss. She kept on saying how she wished she works there and that she might have shoot her shot at flirting with him.
You always just laughs at her and shook your head because of her crazy ideas. Well, there is no doubt that the man looks dazzling. His visuals sure is something you would compare to celebrities that appears on television, even better. But he isn’t totally your type. For you, he’s just someone you would love to stare at.
“You’re crazy.” and shook your head after side eyeing her jokingly. she seems unbothered about it and kept on daydreaming, hearts flashing her eyes. it was hilarious even for you.
“You should wear that dress!” her eyes are big while she’s giving you that look.
Your brows narrowed down, wondering what she was talking about and when you realized, you’re quick to refuse.
“No way!”
“Come on! You look so hot wearing that one!” she whined like a baby.
You gave her a firm ‘no’, “I don’t want to go to a serious meeting having almost all of my tits showing at him.” the idea itself makes you shiver in so much cringe.
She laughed so hard while watching you.
“I bet he’ll be distracted.” she smirks.
You gave her a disgusted look on your face.
“Enough! I don’t want to hear about it and besides, I have a boyfriend.” and you finished the last bite of the food before putting it on the sink.
She scoffed, “Ah, right. Your Class A, boyfriend.”
“Class A?” you asked, confused.
She smiled sweetly, “Yes, Class A. Class Asshole.”
You laughed at what she said and she did too, proud of what she just said. The two of you then went on your own rooms to start preparing for work.
After you finished getting ready, you bid her good bye and left. When you arrived at the company, it was obvious how they’re cleaning every inch of it. The workplace is neat all the time, yes. But they’re paying attention into keen details. A clear sign that the boss is arriving.
He doesn’t visit often so they always make sure that the company is perfect whenever he does.
“Ae!” Clara greets delightedly as you walk inside your floor. Heads whips to see you strides along the office hallway. Eyes of boy workmates remained while the other just smoothly went back to their works.
She gave you a small hug, “Are you ready for the report later?” she looked tensed and excited at the same time.
You nodded your head and rests your bag over the swivel chair. She follows inside your office and sat at the visitor chair in front of your table.
“I still can’t believe how you’re not thrilled to report in front of Mr. Sim. How come your knees doesn’t go weak whenever his eyes sets at you?” she asks, exaggerating.
You chuckled and shook your head. She’s just like Lucie, they’re both head over heels Mr. Sim.
Soon after, you are informed that the boss will be arriving soon together with one of its good friend, Mr. Nishimura. It’s not the first time you’ve seen his snobby handsome face. He often visits here with the boss, Mr. Jake Sim. It was obvious that they’re very close with each other.
Mr. Sim is not that friendly, but you can sense that he’s a little friendlier towards you. At first, you find it odd and suspicious, but he never did something that made you uncomfy so the thought eventually dismissed.
Mr. Nishimura on the other hand is a lot goofier, but he’s moody. Sometimes he smiles and greets you, but there are times he seemed so cold and distant. Almost makes you think that there’s two of them.
Suited men enters the floor to where the conference room was located, and just by then you stood up because the boss will show up anytime soon. The head of your department, together with you and Clara stood silently.
“Why does Mr. Sim needs to have so many bodyguards?” she asks, talking loudly of your own thoughts.
You used to wonder about that one as well. Yes, you completely understand that he’s very much wealthy and that he needed security, but its just oddly exaggerated. To the point that it doesn’t feel right. Like something’s behind it.
“Did you know there's a rumor that Mr. Sim is from the family of Mafia? Some says he’s that guy! Sim Jaeyun!” Clara added, mentioning a name that is almost feel forbidden to say because it feels like something bad will happen to you if you did.
“Ehh...” your words stall as you try to imagine Jake holding guns and doing some dangerous stuff. Yes it would definitely look cool, but nah.
“Come on? There’s no way, Clara. Besides, isn’t Mr. Jake Sim originally from Australia?”
She pursed her lips and sighed, “You’re right. Maybe it really is just a coincidence.”
She stops talking when the guy you are just talking about enters. Beside him was Mr. Nishimura, smirking.
Everyone politely bows in his arrival and he did a small bow as well, roaming his eyes around his employees like as if searching for somebody. When it met yours, you once again bowed at him. He nods his head and smiles.
“Let’s go inside, shall we?” and with that all of you enters, proceeding to your meeting.
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“Are you sure you aren’t developing some kind of feelings, hyung?” Ni-ki asked with suspicion and judgement through his eyes.
The meeting just ended and after everyone was dismissed, Jake started rummaging over your information and stared at it for an hour already.
Jake rolls his eyes and sighs, before undoing his necktie. “Stop talking nonsense, Ni-ki. I’m not planning to receive Sunghoon’s wrath.” he mumbled with a monotone.
Ni-ki shrugged his shoulders off and just mindlessly stared at the papers on the table. It’s been a while since they started this babysitter thing with you. Even if they’re making sure you are safe and you’re living comfortably, the two of them kept their distance. Making sure they aren’t totally becoming suspicious to avoid any problems.
He heard Sunghoon’s recent achievement was a blow because he managed to get one of the Kwon’s biggest source of income. He strived hard for the past year and now the engagement was announced to be officially off. Although, he wasn’t really going to do it in any circumstances.
“What’s so interesting about Aelia’s files, hyung? We already know everything that’s in there. Can we just go somewhere fun? Like visit Jay hyung and piss him off?” he sounded so bored already.
Jake sighs, “I’m checking her schedule and her latest appointment results from her therapists. I think she can go to an out of the country trip now.” he says.
Ni-ki almost fell from his chair after he heard what his hyung said. Is he thinking what he thinks he’s talking about? After waiting for so long, is it really happening already?
“Are you planning to make them meet?!” he sounded more than excited and Jake couldn’t even blame him.
He himself feels so thrilled of how its going to be after Sunghoon managed to find you.
“Don’t get too excited, Ni-ki. You’ll spoil the moment.” he kids that was ignored by the younger one.
“Can we be there when it happens?!”
Jake gave him this weird look, like as if he thinks he’s losing his mind. Ni-ki remains smiling, hopeful that his hyung will agree.
“Why would you want to be there, you creep? Let them have their moment.” and even threw a crumpled paper over Ni-ki.
He snorts, “I am their moment.” he jokes.
“Sunghoon will choke you.”
“Damn, tell him to save it for Aelia instead.”
Jake looked at him with disgust, “You should just go home.”
Ni-ki laughed so loud because of it before fishing his phone from his pocket. “No fucking thanks. I’ll stay here with you. Do you want to order food? I want some sushi.”
Jake just sighs and started typing a message. Sunghoon deserves a reward after-all. It’s time for them to meet already. He could not help but to look forward for that moment to happen. First, he needs to make sure you’re ready to try and go out of the country again.
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Your eyes lifts from the monitor towards Clara who just knocked and peak her head to see you.
“Ms. Nam said she needs to see you at her office.” she announced and you just gave her a short nod.
“I’ll be right there.”
After saving your work, you stood up and head towards the office of the head of your department. Everyone’s pretty busy with their own work. Even if a little confused as to why she randomy calls for you, you shrugged it off.
You knocked twice and waited for her to let you in. A bright smile is what greets you. It made you feel relieved.
“You call for me, Miss?”
“Yes! I need to talk to you about something.”
You nodded and sat down at the chair in front of her table. She kept her gaze at you, like checking of signs to say what she’s about to say.
“I want you to attend the seminar next week.”
You were surprised for a while, “B-But is it the one that will be held outside of the country?” your tone sounded so worried.
She nods, “Yes, my schedule got mixed up and I have to be somewhere important that week. I need someone reliable to be present on that seminar and that person is you.”
You are silent, unable to say anything. All you can think of is how will you do that or if you’ll be fine about it. Only bad things happens whenever you go out of the country, so you’re starting to decline any possible chance to go.
“B-But Miss—”
“I’m not taking a no for an answer, Ae.” she states in a strict tone.
Your lips pursed into a thin line and fingers fidgets while your hand rests on top of your thighs. You feel anxious, scared and worried.
“I know what you’ve been through before and I really feel bad for you. But there are things that we need to face sooner or later, our fears included.”
She’s right anyway. Just like what Lucie always tells you, there’s no better way to get rid of that fear other than facing them.
Without thinking twice, you nodded your head. And that was it. No more backing out this time. You’ll really go out of the country again. Hopefully this trip will be better than your past experiences. If not, then you’ll probably just rot in your country.
On the other hand, Icarus, Sunghoon’s right hand knocks over his boss' office late at night. He heard him telling him to come in so he opened the door.
“Sir, we have new updates about the girl.”
Sunghoon’s hand halts from signing one of the proposals he was holding. His eyes bore at the paper, thoughts slowly getting blank.
Here goes again that familiar feeling. Hope.
How many times did that emotion lights fire inside him and kills it afterwards? How many times did he felt so frustrated and disappointed whenever he fails to find you? How many times did he lose his mind and went crazy out of anger because you were not there?
It was awful and devastating. It was tiring and draining.
But here he is again, hoping that this time he will find you. He will never stop until you are in his arms. He will never let anyone stop him. He will find you. He doesn’t care how broken or ruined he is after failing over and over again, because he knew it’ll be worth it once he find you.
He stood up without hesitation and grabbed his coat. “Get my private plane ready.”
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59 notes · View notes
yuyuswrld · 6 months
O Captain, My Captain || 1
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series intro here, or read chapter 2
characters: reiner x reader (this chapter), various aot boys x reader.
notes: this is an 18+ series, please don’t interact if you’re a minor! reader is referred to with she/they pronouns.
content warnings: explicit smut, fingering, reiner eating pussy like a god!!, alcohol consumption, degradation, mild slut shaming (?), mentions of marijuana at the end
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“Has he always been a bitch?” You question Marco, inhaling bites of your ramen. He shrugs, “We’ve both been on the team since freshman year and I’ve never had a problem with him. Maybe you’re the problem?” He meets with dead silence as you stare up at him from your bowl.
“Funny, Bott. I’m just not looking forward to spending so much time with him, if he behaves like that, anyway.” Exasperation visible, you slump in your chair to think. “It’s not like he’s on the sidelines. He’s the damn captain, which means I have to talk to him a lot.”
Marco shrugs. “You’re being dramatic. He’s a pain sometimes, but he’s not that bad. Just try to be nice to him, please. Eren won’t get any nicer if you’re mean. Plus,” He stops to take a bite of his food, “we don’t have the time for fighting. We’re expected to go to nationals this year, and that’s not happening if you two scare each other off.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Bott. I’ll see you at practice later.” Uncrossing your arms and brushing off your legs as you get up from your seat. Okay, sure, Eren has yet to be anything except slightly dismissive and maybe just a little shit. He hasn’t actually done anything to you. You toss your bag over your shoulder before thanking Marco for the meal and dismissing yourself.
As the time for practice draws closer, you collect your thoughts as you stand outside the cold metal doors of the university’s second largest gym. Sure, you went to a school notorious for its D-1 volleyball, but the gym’s size was excessive. The high rise bleachers felt as if they would swallow you alive and the walls would collapse in. They had before. You remember the bile pool in your throat as the sports cameras flashes ate at your failure and spat you back out. Like a gazelle running from its predator, your body craves to run away from the glorified arena ahead of you.
“The fuck are you standing in the doorway for? Are you going in, or what?” Is it wrong to want to choose violence? Couldn’t he just say excuse me or ask if something’s wrong like a normal person?
Ugh, you should choose peace and not mess up a good opportunity. Just think about the money and all the nice things you can buy.
“I’m obviously just trying to get in your way.” You push the door open and walk into the gymnasium, not bothering with holding it open for Eren. In fact– hopefully it hits him! 
You hear the door fly open again behind you and a bag hits the ground with a loud thud. Eyes landing on the congregation of men in jerseys surrounding a smaller man, you beeline over to them. As you near, the smaller man, who you assume to be Coach Levi, locks his gaze with you. Is he… angry? Concerned? It’s impossible to determine what he’s thinking as he continues to stare.
“You’re not pregnant, are you?”
Your jaw drops. You’ve met more people in your life than you can count and never did a single person start a conversation in such a way.
“Not as far as I’m aware of…?”
“Okay, if you do what Hanna did, I will rip that baby out of your-”
A blond kid speaks up, “Um, Coach, you probably shouldn’t be threatening them on the first day. I just don’t think it’s a good idea to do that when we really need someone to organize our itinerary and keep practice stats. We’re nothing if we don’t have those numbers.”
“Fine, Arlelt. You and Braun stay here, explain how game statistics work and start having her do one-on-ones after. Performance evaluations for all of you.” You watch as Coach Levi’s eyes hover over Eren, who looks less than pleased. You’re not sure what’s going on there, but also can’t bring yourself to care. “Rest of you can go practice.”
As you glance over at the two boys who stayed, it throws you off that you’ve seen both of them before. The little blond one, you’re pretty sure his name is Armin. You’ve seen him walking around with Eren before, but he always looked so out of place in how gentle he is. You’re pretty sure you watched him bump into a trash can and apologize.
The other, however, you don’t think you’ve ever seen a man with such a commanding presence. He’s well-built. You’re pretty sure even a Greek god couldn’t hold up in comparison. You scoff internally, ‘it’s always the fucking volleyball players.’ But there’s something that lingers on your tongue, a conversation revolving around him. Then it hits you, Petra’s gossipped about him before!
“There are some really cute guys on our volleyball team. Did you know that?”
“Not this again, Petra. We’re supposed to be doing our biology homework.”
“Bitch, please. Let me speak. Anyway, there’s this guy on the team, his name is Reiner and oh my god- that is one fine ass man. He’s built like a tank engine. Not only that,” she says, a little giggle follows. “I’ve only heard this from two girls. He says he doesn’t like to hook up a lot, but his head game is insane. Like cum in a minute insane.” 
You stare, “I’m pretty sure that’s impossible, Petra.”
“I don’t know! Hook up with him yourself and you can give me all the juicy details afterwards.” You can only sigh in response, disturbed by your best friend’s inability to study.
But, here he was in the flesh, all 6’2 farmers tan of him. You couldn’t possibly do something so scandalous on your first day, could you? You shake the thought out of your mind as Armin talks.
“Volleyball stats are relatively easy to get the hang of. You just need to watch pretty closely. Even if you do miss something, we record them and you’ll go back through with Eren to make sure everything is recorded properly. Then, you’ll want to convert the numbers of each hit, serve, and pass into percentages compared to how many times it occurred per set.”
Reiner laughs, just a small one, but lord it’s like music to your ears. “Armin, you’re dumping too much info on them at once. It’d probably just be best to just show them the ropes visually and they can go from there. C’mon, let’s have coach set up the camera and record the three-on-three’s that they’re doing now.  We’ll watch the game, I’ll have you watch me record it, and then we’ll go back over it while watching the tape later.”
You nod, feeling just a hint of warmth across your face. Is this even possible, to have a school-girl crush in university? Those days were supposed to be behind you, but you can’t help but have the smallest bit of a smile as you follow him and Armin to speak with Coach Levi.
As you watch Reiner and Armin record the stats, your mind spins with utter confusion. You’re beyond lost, unsure how they’re even keeping up with the sheer amount of movement the players are doing. Dig? Write it down. Set? Write it down. You want to groan, or maybe even just go get dinner as you feel your stomach rumble.
As practice wraps up, your stomach rumbles in pain once again as it craves its next coddling. Reiner glances over from where you two stand, finishing up showing Coach Levi the statistics and getting a dismissive, “make sure it’s right,” instead of an appreciative response. He smiles at you, looking down.
“Gettin’ hungry?” He asks.
“Beyond hungry,” you say, shoulders dropping in defeat. “I’m being tortured. I haven’t eaten since noon. It’s 7 now! It’s criminal that you guys would starve me for so long.” You tease Reiner. He only responds by glancing at the gym door where most of the boys say their goodbyes before tapping out for the night.
“Y’know, I’ve heard I make a mean rice bowl.” 
It didn’t take much convincing for you to follow him back to his dorm room as practice winds down. Upon sitting across from each other at his make-shift dinner table, you learn Reiner is one of the middle blockers, coming at no surprise to you when taking in consideration to his stature. Although, you also learn he was from the countryside and this scholarship was his way out.
“Y’know, I always kinda dreamt of moving to the big city and being able to do what I love. But it’s crazy, man, I still can’t believe I’m here sometimes playing for the top university on the island.” 
Hearing the passion in his voice, you question if it’s right for you to intrude as a manager. Is it okay for you to be in charge of the livelihood of the men who’ve come so far and done so much for their passion? The men who could very well play on Paradis’ Olympic Team in the future? The concern is quickly shoved into your mental locker to be returned to as Reiner asks about watching a movie over some post-dinner snacks and beer. A much needed chance to relax after endless studying, you agree chipperly and move over to his plush couch.
As you two get halfway through Inglourious Basterds, you feel his arm wrap around you and his head turn in your direction. The alcohol running through your system has you heating up just from the skin contact. You blush as Petra’s words return to the forefront of your mind. You turn your head to face him, eyes interlocking with each other. His eyes signal a look of need, not want. You’re not sure if anyone’s ever looked at you like that before. Like a hunter who’ll starve without the meat of the deer he’s trailing.
“You’re so fucking hot” He mutters, you’re surprised a man of his stature can be so quiet. “I don’t think I’ll last with you as our manager.” Reiner closes the gap between the two of you. There’s a slight metallic tinge on his lips, but it’s addicting in the worst of ways and only deepens the experience. You two continue, allowing yourselves to sink into the couch, your body hitting the arm rest. His kiss moves from your lips to your neck, hands beginning to roam until they find purchase underneath your shirt. First, he plays with your bra before making his way under. Reiner moves his lips from your neck gently, almost like he’s scared of making a mistake. He helps you pull your shirt over your head and follows by removing your bra, his delicate touch unhooking the backing.
“You don’t have to be gentle,” you coo to him, lust-filled gazes connecting. “Please, I like it a bit rough, I swear.” He groans into the valley of your breasts.
“Don’t say that shit, I might break you.”
You can only laugh at his words, unfazed by the prospect, if not even more turned on by it. 
“Holy shit, please do,”
“In that case,” He says, voice lower as if weighing his options internally. “Don’t blame me if you limp to practice tomorrow.” Reiner helps you remove your pants before his fingers begin to dance over your body again. The touches are soft as they ghost the outline of your skin, your heart beating as you wait for him to soothe the ache between your legs. You attempt to rub them together for a semblance of friction but his arms find their way to keep them split. His gaze shifts up to you, eyes narrow as if disapproving of your behavior. Reiner’s face then begins to move lower, tongue licking a stripe up the inside of your thigh as his fingers begin to dance over your clit. He moves his face over to meet his fingers, tongue flattening against your clit, which draws a moan of approval from you. It seems evident that it spurs him on further as he begins to speed up his tongue, then switching to sucking your bud and having his fingers delve lower to your hole. Reiner holds eye contact with you as he begins to press one of his monstrous fingers inside of you. 
You can only make a noise of approval as he pushes it further in, approving of how well even one of them feels inside. It heightens your pleasure as he thrusts it forward, keeping his tongue dancing and sucking against your clit in a flurry of movements that have you questioning if Reiner is really a man and not a god in disguise. As he pushes a second large finger in, you cry out much louder than you should be in the dorms. You bite down on your lip to withhold any further noises, but Reiner puts a complete pause on what he’s doing.
“Keep moaning, baby. Let them hear how well you’re getting finger-fucked right now. This is what Armin wanted to be doing to you right now, did you know that?” He lets out a deep laugh, lips and face glistening in the dim lighting of his tv. “Bet you’d like that, though, huh?” His fingers move again and you gasp. “Yeah, you’d fucking love it if I bent you over and fingered you from behind to show off the entire team what a good little pocket pussy you are.”
That’s what tipped you over the edge. In fact, it’s probably disrespectful to feminism that you allow yourself to be finger-fucked while getting off to the disgusting words spewing out of the blond’s mouth. But social constructs be damned if this man didn’t stick his dick in you soon. You clench around his fingers as they continue to move, despite your cum gushing over his fingers.
“You’re fuckin’ nasty. But you’re still not ready for me.”
His face returns to its original spot, blowing hot air on it first as you wriggle at the stimulation. Reiner only adds another finger in response, allowing the three large digits to stretch you out before moving them once again. It feels as if you’re melting around his fingers as your back arches to the stretch. Despite slight discomfort, it’s overwhelmingly pleasurable to feel the expertise in his ways.
It’s not long after he adds another finger that you feel the coil in your stomach once again. As his tongue laps at your clit with a technique unknown to you, you’re about to unravel against his touch once again.
“‘M gonna cum,” you pant out desperately.
“Do it, cum on my fuckin’ tongue.” He replies approvingly, allowing you to take the time you need to ride out the rush to your body. For a second, you feel as if you’re floating in the way your back arches off the couch and your head spins in pure ecstasy. You glance over at Reiner, eyes fixated, as he removes his pants and reveals the thing you’ve been so curious to see. It matches his stature in almost every way, which makes you cringe at the thought of him fitting it in.
“You said you like it rough?” It’s a trap, that much you’re sure of. You glance back down to examine how large he is before you reconfirm, but before you know it, the condom has slipped on and he’s making his way back to you. He asserts his way on top, arms on either side of your head as he leans in to give you a quick kiss. It catches you a bit off guard, the earlier metallic taste has changed into the taste of your own cum and there’s a slight wince as you taste it. You can’t tell if this man is slightly depraved or hot as hell.
“I asked you a question. It’s not nice to ignore me.” 
A loud smack to your clit resounds as you let out a sharp, pleasure-filled gasp. 
“Yes, please,” you whine. It’s slightly pathetic, how you’re behaving for this man, but god be damned if anything were to impede your moment. 
He only grunts in response, lining himself up with your entrance. As he sinks in, you bite your lip to fight the stretch. You attempt to lie back and relax in his touch to allow him in, but he’s just so large. Reiner bottoms out, tip just ghosting against your cervix. He only grants you a few moments to adjust to his size before he’s pounding into you, your cries of pleasure nothing but music to his ears. The tip kissing your cervix is making your brain fuzz beyond anything you’ve felt before, and your walls hug him in intoxicating ways. Reiner grips both of your legs, bringing them onto his shoulders to push in further which earns you a grunt of approval from the larger man. 
He fucks you like he hates you. Every so often, his head falls back, and he lets out grunts of pleasure. His body moves like an artist painting their long-lost lover from only a distant memory, hips ferocious in their assault of your cunt. Reiner flips you over onto your hands and knees after an indiscernible amount of time, your sweat-covered body cringing at the chilly breeze it causes. His pace is still unrelenting from the back, cock feeling as if it’s touching every inch it can inside of you.
“Holy shit,” He cries out. “I’m gonna cum. I wish I could cum inside this pretty little pussy of yours.”
Without another word, except for your moan of approval, Reiner finishes and delicately slides out of you, removing the condom and disposing of it. He arrives back a couple minutes later, towel in one hand and a glass of water in the other.
“So, round two?”
“I’m pretty sure you started my period just now.”
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cartmankisser · 1 year
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I'd love a Wally fluff alphabet, please! 🥰
omg ur amazing for linking it. creds for the prompts are linked in pink text of the request!! :)
if you haven’t seen, i ran a poll on my account for what type of personality wally should have and the option that won was, and i quote, “normal wally but… just a little messed up and obsessive.”
so i guess this is like?? mildly yandere wally? haha i’m not sure.. he slowly gets slightly more deranged as this goes on,,
using the small font because these always turn out really long 😭
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Activities - “What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?”
— wally isn’t too picky when it comes to hanging out. he’d honestly be content just sitting in silence with you!
in such a small neighborhood, everything is just a few minutes away! it’s not uncommon for you two to take walks around the neighborhood, maybe stopping at howdys shop for snacks before spending the afternoon sitting in a flower-filled field with books and arts and crafts material.
maybe you two could teach each other little crafts you’ve learned over the years!! friendship bracelets, origami, crochet, whatever!!
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
— you’re just such a great friend to him! so caring and kind to him… he always feels calm whenever you’re around, just because of how loving you are!!
most of his uncertainties or insecurities just vanishes whenever he’s with you.. no one else ever could ever make him feel so special! it’s amazing!!!!
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc?
— wally has a hard time picking up on your feelings if you don’t straight up tell him that you’re upset. however, if you’re ever crying or upset, he’d try his best to comfort you!
his go-to comfort methods are usually things that make him happy or calm him down. something like singing a song that barnaby has sung to him before or drawing happy memories to distract you from whatever is making you upset!
he tends to explain to you that he would never make you feel as bad as you do right now. he’s the only one here to comfort you! no one else cares that you’re upset, but he does!! because he loves you!!! :)
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
— wally dreams of a calm, domestic future with you! he loves his neighborhood and home very dearly, and i don’t see him wanting to move anytime soon (he has no reason to!), but he really can’t wait for you to permanently move in with him! sure, he keeps you at his house for as long as you’re willing to stay, but you still leave him at the end of the day!!!!
home is one of his friends too, and he would never abandon a friend! so hopefully you can get used to living inside of a sentient house.. (no matter how much home scares you)
other than that though, i don’t see him wanting to change too much? you two are already so happy together, so why would anything need to change? all you really need is eachother anyways!!!!
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
— i think that he thinks you two are equal. i mean, he tries to listen to you, but sometimes you just need his help!!! he believes that a relationship should be built on respect and understanding! dont you respect him? :(
you really should just trust him and know that what he does for you is for the best. he’s not trying to scare or control you or anything!! he’s just trying to keep you safe and happy with him!!! that’s all!!!! :)))
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
— while he might be quick to forgive you, he doesn't easily forget the actions that led to the conflict. he prefers to work through disagreements for a compromise, that way you both can continue to be happy together!! albeit, he tends to be a bit patronizing and condescending when you two disagree on something,,,
he doesn’t get mad at you very often though. i can see him being awfully patient with you when it comes to misunderstandings and such. he knows you don’t mean to be rude about it!! you just need him to explain to you why he’s right!!!
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
— he’s very grateful for you!! he enjoys the admiration, love, and support you show him, and he makes sure to show his appreciation and love back through small gestures, like surprising you with treats or leaving little notes around your house when he visits! that way, you’re always thinking about how much he loves and appreciates you!
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
— wally values honesty in the relationship and doesn’t feel the need to keep secrets from you unless they would hurt you. and he knows you wouldn’t dare keep anything from him. not if you truly loved him, that is..
he doesn’t really understand secrets that much anyways.. everyone in the neighborhood is such good friends, why would they need to hide anything? (aka, wally unintentionally talks shit and causes drama /hj)
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
— you’ve definitely inspired him to try out new mediums and techniques in his art. i mean, he usually just paints and draws things he likes! and there’s nothing wrong with that, but recently he’s been trying new things!
with you around to help, he’s rarely hit any creative blocks. you’ve shown him how to connect his emotions to his paintings. and now he knows even more ways to make art that is more than just color on paper!!! truly amazing :)!!
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
— wally is quite possessive and can get jealous easily. he deals with it by keeping a close eye on you, and if he perceives any threat to his relationship, he will go to great lengths to eliminate that threat.
he would never destroy something that means a lot to you, but of course, he has to make sure he means the most to you!!! after everything he does for you, how could you not love him more than anything else!?! :)
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
— i love him a lot okay? but he is definitely not a good kisser. he’s never loved anyone like he’s loved you, so he’s just… inexperienced?
i feel like the first kiss would be awkward and tense, as he was nervous and unsure of how you would react to his feelings, but it was still very passionate and meaningful! sometimes you just take his breath away and leave him speechless, but actions speak more than words, right? @:))))
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
— he would confess his love in a very straightforward and direct manner. he would likely sit you down and tell you about how he couldn't imagine his life without you, and that hes willing to do anything to make you happy!!!
he was confident and direct with his confession because he was sure that he had you wrapped around his finger. before he confessed to you, he made sure to be open enough that you’d enjoy talking to him, but mysterious enough that you’d surely be thinking about him all day, wanting to hear more from him.
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
— he does want to get married, and he would propose in a grand, romantic way!! he would likely plan an elaborate surprise, such as a candlelit dinner or a sweet picnic in a meadow, and then get down on one knee to ask you to marry him!! he would make sure the moment was so special that there was no chance that you could reject him!
the marriage itself would be pretty traditional, with wally insisting on taking care of all the arrangements and ensuring that everything was perfect for you.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
— i feel like he would call you things such as "my love" or "my darling," and he would use petnames often to remind you how much he adores you!
he has a habit of calling you a handful of different petnames, but always adding “my“ to the beginning of it. you’re his sweetheart!!!! his love!!!!! no one else’s!!!!!!
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
— when wally falls in love, he becomes completely devoted to you. his feelings are somewhat obvious to others, as he can become a bit possessive and jealous when others try to get too close to you, even though he tries to hide those feelings in front of others.
he expresses his love through attention and gifts, showering his significant other with affection and making sure they know how much they truly mean to him!!!!
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
— he’s pretty upfront about his relationship and is not afraid to show affection in public. he enjoys making others aware of you two and he takes pride in displaying his love for you!!!!
he’s not the type to like??? shove his tongue down your throat in public 😭 but i mean small things like holding your hand and keeping you close to him when you two are out together!!
Quirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
— wally has a photographic memory, which makes him incredibly attentive to your wants and desires. he never forgets important dates or details, and always makes sure to surprise you with things that make you happy!!
he knows what size clothes you wear and what scent perfume you use. he always picks up your favorite snacks before you come over and he makes sure to use your favorite colors a lot when he makes paintings for you!!!
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
— i feel like he’d be pretty romantic!! and he loves to make grand gestures to make you feel special!! i like to think he’s somewhat creative in his approach and he enjoys surprising you with things you never expected.
he will go to great lengths to make you happy, even if it means doing something cliché like writing love letters or preparing a candlelit dinner. however, his possessiveness can sometimes lead to darker and more dangerous displays of love, such as stalking or isolating you from others.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their? Do they believe in them?
— wally sees himself as your personal cheerleader and will do anything to help you achieve your dreams. however, his version of support can be a little intense as sometimes he tends to control your choices to ensure your success. he believes in you so much that he'll go to extreme measures to make sure you reach your full potential.
i feel like he would also be sure to tell you that you two achieved the victory together and that you wouldn’t have gotten to where you are without him!! he doesn’t mean it in a rude way!!!!! he just wants you to thank him sometimes!!!!!
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
— i think that he wouldn’t mind trying out new things with you sometimes, but only if it's on his terms! he has a certain routine that he likes to follow, and deviation from it can trigger his possessive behavior a bit...
he's very particular about what he considers "spicing things up" and can tend to be a bit controlling when it comes to decision-making. he just wants to make sure you stay nice and safe!!! he makes sure to take good care of his belongings! :)
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
— he believes that he knows you better than anyone else, and as such, he can be highly empathetic when it suits him... however, he's also prone to getting lost in his own delusions and can struggle to see things from your perspective when he feels threatened.
mostly though, he tends to be more sympathetic and pitiful instead of empathetic whenever you’re upset.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
— the relationship is everything to him!!! and he's not afraid to make that known! he has a bad habit of seeing you as his property and will stop at nothing to keep you by his side. in his eyes, the relationship is worth more than anything else in his life, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect it!!! you truly mean everything him, and he’s not afraid to give everything else up for you!!!! :)
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
— wally loves to pamper you with expensive gifts and lavish attention. he believes that he deserves your love and affection in return for the gifts and he sees them as a way of showing you how much he cares!
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
— he is extremely affectionate and loves to shower you with cuddles and affection. however, sometimes it tends to turn into a bit of possessive behavior if he feels like someone else is encroaching on your time together.
Yearning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
— whenever he’s missing you, i feel like he copes by somewhat obsessing over you... he'll stare over old photos and drawings, collecting small things you might’ve left at his house, overanalyzing them until he can almost feel your presence.
he also might engage in stalkerish behavior,,, staring at your house through his window.. maybe even walking to your place to peek through the windows if he thinks he can get away with it.
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
— he’s willing to go to great lengths for the relationship, even if it might seem hurtful from your perspective... he tends to see himself as your companion and protector and will stop at nothing to keep you safe, even if it means resorting to things you might not like. his zeal can quickly turn dangerous if he feels that you’re in danger.
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citrusinicake · 2 months
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Day 2 :: Zombie Apocalypse
full text below
do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to be a zombie in this economy? you just go out there trying to have a bite to eat so you go up to some randos and they just start SHOOTING YOU! like straight up just SHOOTING YOU! like what the hell man? i mean i know im trying to rip your brains out and shit but cant you let a guy just fucking eat???? speaking of, this guy's brain tastes weird like im pretty sure its at least fifty percent plastic, maybe even a hundred percent i don't know. was he your boyfriend or something? does this mean you're single? wanna go out sometime? you're annoying as shit but i like that in a man, keeps you on your toes y'know? keeps you humble as well like you just wake up in bed one day and go "oh god this is the guy im dating and i don't even want to break up with him or anything what the hell's wrong with me," which i think is a pretty important thing to have-- at least for me 'cause im awesome as shit and if i don't have that sort of anchor i'll probably lke turn into god or something and i dont wanna be god. not out of self-esteem issues or anything, just out of principle 'cause i think that everyone should have a fair chance at killing me which not gonna lie is pretty easy but that's besides the point, the point is that i think anyone who wants to be god is fucking stupid and should just fucking die. like, hello??? who the hell do you think you are rying to reign above other people? are you stupid? are you dumb? hello? anyways, if you wanna know more about what i think of this i post a lot on r/atheism, im user u/waffleontopp-- wait , do i have to explain reddit to you? 'cause you seem more like a tumblrina to me, honestly reddit's pretty similar to tumblr so you won't have a lot of trouble figuring it out on your own but don't be shocked ifbyou see cock and balls on there since porn isn't banned there unlike tumblr. how's that whole thing treating you by the way? must be tough not seeing some girl's boobs every once in a while-- wait are you gay or bi? must be tough not seeing some guy's boobs every once in a while, that won't be problem if you start dating me though. haha just kidding, my chest is basically concave now after a survivor beat me repeatedly with a baseball bat so ive got like negative double D's now. oh but i do know this one guygirlthing whose boobs are out basically 24/7 who likes to hang out with me and this other guy so maybe that'll make up for it. they're not zombies and im pretty sure they didnt get infected so you don't have to worry about that but they miiiight have rabies or something im not sure to be honest so maybe watch out for that instead. if youre wondering why two non-infected humans are hanging out with a zombie then we're in the same boat, might have something to do with the possible rabies i mentioned earlier. also if they tell you that im their pet zombie that is simply not true, if anything it's the other way around, they're my pet guard dogs and they do basically anything i say even if it kills them. or at least i wish it would kill them, they're way too hardy in my opinion, i need them to die so i can eat their brains-- oh but then i'll have to do manual labor. hmm, on second thought, they can stay actually i don't wanna deal with all that. normally i dont even do my own kills nowadays, i just leave a trap or get the other two to do it for me, you guys just caught me offguard which is lowkey embarassing but trust me i am a huge, like Huge alpha sigma gamma male and would totally dominate everyone else around me. but not in a god way of course, just in a lone sigma alpha gamma wolf kinda way like those anime wolf furry drawings. you know the ones. and like im not a furry but not gonna lie they totally popped off with those
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