#i have no problem with the girl i only have a problem with him. i actually really really enjoy the girls company
mostly-imagines · 2 days
There’s A String Tied to My Lower Left Rib, Third From The Bottom
dick grayson x afab!reader
aka the professional boyfriend
warnings: she/her pronouns used, reader wears dresses, sexual content at the end (18+)
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Dick Grayson is a vigilante. He’s a master martial artist and gymnast. He’s something of a playboy and a heavy flirt. But the claim he really takes pride in is that he’s basically a professional boyfriend. That he’s your professional boyfriend.
And pride really is the right word. He’s so proud that he gets to have this pretty girl on his arm and buy her pretty things even when you insist you have enough. He loves getting to help you take your makeup off when you’re too tired and make you laugh like it’s his job. He’s absolutely gratified that he gets to be your prodigal, sweet boyfriend that, despite your protests, insisted on carrying all five of your shopping bags for you.
You step over an uneven stretch in the sidewalk and lean slightly against Dick’s shoulder. “I’m worried the navy one is too…much.” You say, thinking back to how the blue cocktail dress fit on you, how it stopped barely below your ass.
He furrows his eyebrows with a pout, “Too much?”
You look over at him, matching his expression. “It’s really short. I mean it’s cute and I like it, but…I don’t know, this is kind of a fancy event isn’t it?” 
He puckers his lips, shaking his head. “Short’s good. I like short.” Yeah, you’d noticed with the way his eyes had been glued to the hem of your dress, willing it to slip up just a little more.
You laugh, “And I’m sure you and all the old businessmen will appreciate it greatly.”
His face drops at that, not thrilled at the prospect of those, usually very sleazy, old men getting to see so much of you. “The black one’s good too.”
You peer over into one of the bags, “Or there’s the red one with the—”
Dick shakes his head quickly, “Not red.”
You snicker at that, knowing full well what his problem is with it. “Then why did I get it?”
“Just for me.” He pauses, “Or for something my brother won’t be at.” He mumbles, scanning both sides of the street. He shuffles the bags in his right hand onto his forearm so he can take your hand in his as you step into the road. “No, the black one looked great on you. And we won’t have to go searching for a matching tie.” 
Once you reach the other side he lets go of your hand and he circles behind you, nudging you over to the inside of the sidewalk.
You glance down at the row of bags littering his arms and the red indents beginning to mark his skin. “Will you please let me hold some?” You frown.
“Will you please hold my hand?” He echoes, matching your serious tone with faux urgency of his own. You deadpan him but take his hand anyway. You don’t notice it, but he’s got a dedicated gaze focused on your fingers intertwined in his.
You continue on down the street, hand in hand, the warm sun shining on your necks. You pick up the pace a bit as you approach your apartment building, aiming to get the door for your boyfriend. You reach for the handle only for Dick to call out, “Don’t touch that!” followed by him clamoring like you’re about to touch a hot coal, rushing over to beat you to the punch.
“Oh my god..” you mumble to yourself, biting back a smile. The bags haphazardly fall further down his arms, no doubt uncomfortably as he pulls the door open for you, pretending to be far more eloquent than he actually was. He gestures you in and smiles sweetly at you when you give him a flat look. 
“What is wrong with you?” You ask, glancing over your shoulder at him with amusement glittering across your face as you dig for your keys.
“Not a thing.” He grins, watching with adoration as you open the apartment door. Frankly, you’re surprised he didn’t attempt to juggle the bags and unlock the door himself.
He kicks the door shut behind him as you help slide the bags off of his wrists, piling them on the counter. “When do we need to leave?”
“Uh…” he glances at the wall clock, “Not till seven.” He places his hands nicely on your waist, looking down at your lips. “You wanna get something to eat before we go?”
You muse, “This is the one with those mini stakes, isn’t it?” He nods. “No, I wanna get my fill on those. Oh, and the bruschettas! I love these caterers.”
His eyes flicker back up to meet yours, a sly smile playing on his lips. 
You break away from his gaze and turn to the counter, preparing to scoop the shopping bags up when you’re interrupted by his relentless fervor.
“Ah, ah.” He hooks a finger into the loop of your jeans, tugging you back to him. “Give me a kiss.” 
“Just one.” Yeah, right. You oblige him though, pushing up on your toes to meet his lips. His thumb strokes your cheek as he kisses you deeply. You break the kiss after a moment only for him to chase your lips to follow it up with another. And then another. And another. He hums against your lips, smiling wide. “Thank you, baby.”
You pull back again and smile as you stop his chest with your hand when he follows. “Ah, I’m not new around here. I know where this’ll go if I let you.”
He nods complaisantly, “Then let me.” His eyes are focused on the small space between you, where his touch lingers along your ring finger. You lean up again and place a kiss on his forehead that has him getting hopeful, only to be met with disappointment when you back away from him, bags in hand. He throws his head back with a groan just to really hammer home the severity of his dismay.  
It doesn’t last too long though because the second you’re back in the room he’s trailing after you like a puppy, following you down to the couch. You roll your eyes at him when he opts to sit ridiculously close to you, though there’s a ghost of a smile on your lips that makes your act lose all credibility.   
He nestles his face into the crook of your neck and is clearly very pleased when you wrap your arms around his shoulders. You exhale contentedly, resting your cheek against his head. You lie idle like that for a few minutes, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck and casting a daydreaming gaze out the window. And apparently, he was daydreaming too. 
“I wanna marry you.” He murmurs into your neck after a while. 
You laugh incredulously, “Have you been drinking when I have my back turned?”
“‘M serious.” He nudges you off him so he can look at you.
You hum, sweeping his hair back from his forehead. “You’re being very…” you scrunch up your mouth to the side, “…Ostentatious today.” 
He barks out a laugh, “Wow. Word-A-Day teach you that one?”
You shove at his forehead back with no real force, biting back a giggle. His eyes flicker back and forth between your mouth and the crinkle in your eyes as he grins. “I’m going to let that one go because you got me some really nice clothes today. As your repayment.” you say, running your finger over his lips. 
He takes your hand, pressing a firm kiss to it. “Let me marry you?” 
You sigh bashfully, “Dick—”
“Please?” He sticks his bottom lip out and gives you his puppy eyes, causing you to avert your gaze quickly. You’re not convinced he doesn’t have a superpower in that area.
You know he’s not really proposing right now, he’s too much of a romantic to do it like this. He’s just getting the idea in your head, getting you excited about it. It’s working.
“I’d be such a good husband to you.” He kisses your collarbone, “So good.” He murmurs against your skin, lips never departing. You struggle to keep your face neutral, making a point of closing your eyes in an attempt to increase your odds of success. He’s being nice though, you know. To let you play pretend right now when you know he could break your facade in a second if he really wanted to.  
“Mrs. Grayson…” he squeezes your hips, lips traveling further down. “Doesn’t that sound pretty?”
It really does. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about marrying him before. He’s nothing if not husband material and honestly you really really want to hear him call you his wife. Call him your husband.
Your hand moves to his hair, petting it softly as he goes on. “Buy you a nice ring. Pretty white dress ‘n a big party just for you.” He brushes your shirt up and trails open mouthed kisses down your stomach. Your chest feels warm and you can feel your pulse thrumming all throughout your body.
He slowly guides your underwear down your thighs, his lips following the hem close behind. “Come home to you every night, kiss these pretty thighs,” He scoops both of your hands up in one of his, pinning them to your stomach. “Kiss this pretty pussy.” He places a chaste kiss on your clit and looks up at you expectantly
You’re not nearly as hesitant on this as you’re pretending to be, and you both know it. But he’s perfectly fine with begging a little while you pretend you’re not lightheaded at the idea of marrying him. “I’ll think about it…” 
He grins at you before going in on your core without mercy.
He’s trying real hard to land that promotion.
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🩵 reblogging = supporting; likes don’t do the job 🩵
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cute-sucker · 22 hours
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smile for the camera
rafe called you his prized trophy, and you didn't mind it. you trotted in your tight skirts, black card and tiny heels. it was a ritual, something calming. you needed a label, something to stand by.
something that branded you to be his. but you didn't mind his demands, sometimes you were sweet about it. sometimes you let things go wild, but you knew he would take care of you. that was the important thing. that was what you needed most of all/  
there was something about him that made you feel protected. and he liked that you let him do that. you fueled his male insecurities of having to be a strong, strong man, because of how desperately you needed someone like that.
you used to be a pageant queen, a girl who had gems stuck to her forehead, makeup drowning her face, teeth bleached white, and the constant need to be loved. one of your vivid memories was getting dragged to get your hair done, your mother screeching about how needy you were. the whole appointment you cried your eyes out, arms flailing out, whispering questions.
"do you love me mommy?"
and she would pull you up, her lipstick clashing againts her leopard orange jumpsuit. you could already hear the insult, and braced yourself.
"would someone love their cash cow?" then she paused watching your expression. you were five. you didn't know what that meant, but you could feel yourself being inspected like an insect, and then finally when you cowered your gaze to the floor, she hummed with contempt.
"no. now, shut up" then her harsh hand would graze against your chin to fix your hair. you whimpered, hands aching to take out your outfit. the rest of the memory was too painful to remember.
but those days were gone. rafe had caught your eye the first time you worked at the country club. you lacked the vanity or the items that would attract someone who had money, but there was something about your smile.
you were dazzling no matter what, and that was when rafe had seen you. you had gone to the bathroom before to serve him, and came back with pink glossy lips and doe eyes that showed him that you were innocent. you needed protection. you needed someone to give you the firm hand, and then kiss you with forgiveness.  
so there it was. within weeks he would only call you to serve him, and you would do so quickly, the same smile plastered on your face, and finally as if he was pissed he pulled you down. your mom had always told you that the one thing she liked about you was your winning smile. but, something was wrong.
"nah, i don't like that."
you snapped to look at him, your fake smile wavering for a moment, "what's the problem, mr. cameron?"
sometimes that would earn a chuckle out of him, and you could tell the way he was sitting that he liked it but - but there was something wrong, and suddenly he was pulling you down to sit with him. you felt shocked seeing him so close. you could smell his breath, and you felt your heart drum faster.
"get that-" he pointed to your face, "-fucking fake smile outta here. if you wanna make me happy? give me a real smile."
and that was it, and then he grunted almost pushing you up. you sniffled, and then got up, hands reaching to fix your skirt and then hurried out to the backdoor. no one called back for you, and it was almost as if his words echoed all the way home as you caught the bus.
you spent hours crying over that moment. as you got home you rushed to the bathroom. your disgusting apartment smellt of cockroaches, and burnt food, and you sat there in your sink. you smiled. stopped. smiled. stopped. smiled. it hurt the way the cracks of your smile etched into your mouth.
what was wrong with it?
for god sakes what was he talking about?
those days were now long gone. no longer did you wait tables, or go back to your crappy apartment that made you feel gross. instead you slept in a warm bed in tanyhill waking up to rafe's firm hands on your body. you snuggled closer to him, placing your hands on his chest.
"hey?" he murmered, head buried in the fluff of his pillow. you giggled at his strange expression, and he quickly stuck his head out, eyes squinted, "what's wrong?"
you sighed, "nothing rafey. i-"
he looked at you again, a pointed look on his face, "spit it out."
you bit your lip, your voice a whisper when you asked your question. you had always been told to never ask questions unless you wanted the backhand, but rafe waited patiently.
"um," you sputtered out, "um, you remember that day when you came into the country club and i was serving-"
he hummed appreciatively, "yeah you were so hot, goddamn-"
at this you giggled again, before placing your hand on his mouth, "gotta shut up for a second-" and then you bit your lip before tilting your head, "remember that day when you told me to stop smiling, or something like you didn't like my smile?"
rafe seemed to furrow his eyebrows, "no, baby, i don't really remember that," he muttered out, and you felt your heart prick.
your eyes watered the way they always did, as your throat clogged up, "i was wondering what you meant by that?"
he sighed finally, looking at you. you looked so small in your pink nightgown, lip stuck out as you seemed to clench your fists to the sides of your body. you watched him carefully, hoping that something - some emotions would show on his face.
he sighed again, before reaching out for you, "baby, come here. you seem so far away," he said soflty, pulling you closer until you were in his lap. he held you close, his words humming a sweet vibration through your body. you felt safe, you felt at home.
you felt your breathing calm, as you listened to his steady beat. his hand moved up and down your back.
"listen," he began, his voice a low rumble, "when I said that, i didn't mean I didn't like your smile. i just meant i wanted to see the real you. not some fake, plastered-on smile you thought i wanted to see."
you sniffled, tears brimming in your eyes, but you felt a small flicker of relief. "but why didn't you just say that?" you whimpered, your voice small and vulnerable.
he tilted your chin up, making you look into his eyes. "i was a dickhead, and you seemed like a sweet girl. i wanted to know you as that sweet girl"
you blinked, a tear slipping down your cheek. he make a soft sound of protest as he wiped the tear away with his coarse thumb, touch tender
"you mean that?" you whispered, your voice barely audible. you felt shy now, folding into your self, as rafe smiled against your skin.
"of course, i mean it," he replied firmly. "y'think i'd lie about something like that?"
finally he pulled you up to give you a firm kiss, "my princess."
you buried your face in his chest, letting his words sink in. the weight of the past seemed to lift, if only a little, and you felt a warmth spread through your chest. "thank you, rafe," you murmured against his skin.
he held you tighter, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "no need to thank me, baby."
for the first time in a long time, you felt a genuine smile tug at your lips.
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penny-for-thots · 2 days
edging the windbre boys ; not requested :]
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ⓘ BRINGING THEM TO THE EDGE JUST TO STOP?! gn!reader — smut. includes. sakura, suo, nirei, kaji, umemiya, hiragi, togame, + choji. blow/hand job, ribbons, cock ring, teasing, whining, + edging. aged up 18+ ; now that im writing this, im thinking abt a dry cumming ver...sorry, ive been writing a lot of smut but its the week before my period. im is ovulating, so um...take this <3
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"I CAN'T TAKE IT, PLEASE!!" or, SCREAMING FOR MERCY. he's whining, begging, repeating your name and a phrase over and over and over again. his breath is stuttering and a couple of tears may fall down his face. like- he's legit going to pass out soon from the edging.
SAKURA is shaking. in all honesty, he can go in both this category and the 'JUST ... A MESS.' category, however, what sets him in this one is his begging. he's sobbing, a blushing mess, pleading with you like he'll fucking die if he doesn't get to cum. like, "pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease," is leaving his lips. his legs, his whole body is shaking at this point and he's begging to cum. like- to the point of babbling he's begging to cum, telling you how good it feels, and mumbling to himself that he can't last any longer. GOD FORBID, you put a cock ring on him? girl- he's gone.
CONT. at a certain point, because he's no pitiful, you decide to take mercy. you're tongue licking a long stripe up his length, hand pumping him earnestly. your tongue circles around the head and he cums, hard. like- a big ass load is dumped into your as he's hunched over and twitching from the relief he got.
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"OOH, YOU'RE GONNA GET IT." or, HE'S ACTIVELY SEEKING REVENGE. this man isn't as much of a mess, in fact, he's doing everything in his power to contain his moans and such. he's trying to be somewhat tough and maintain his composure but he's grunting about paying you back. his hands are definitely tied behind his back, though that doesn't stop him from trying to get out of it.
TOGAME is seething. like- he loves it but he cannot wait to have you over his lap, fingering you and stopping until you get the feeling he's getting right now. he's breathing rough, "ooh, baby. im gonna get you back," he hisses, "i—ngh-oh—fucking promise." his arms might be tied, but he's trying to hard to hump your mouth, seeking any release that could push him over the edge. you'd have put a cock ring on him to get him to stop (hear me out though, a cock cage on togame?). regardless, he's grunting, his abs flexing and relaxing, thighs tensing and shaking, and his toes curled as he swears up and down he'll get you back.
SUO is breathing heavy. he's purposefully trying not to say something, so nothing you can tease him with slips out. unfortunately for him, a grunt that transforms into a whimper has your lips coming off of his cock with a pop! he looks down to see a cocky expression on your face. he huffs with a chuckle, "ooh, mm—damn—when we're done me and you are gonna have a- ngh- very long talk." suo bites his lip to prevent his whimpers from slipping, though he doesn't help himself by watching what you're doing. tying that pretty bright pink ribbon at the base of his cock, he's not against it. he has no problem with "feminine" things, but did you really have to tie it that tight? "hayato! you're staining my ribbon!" suo has to fight himself not to say something, he only chuckles, a hiss leaving his lips. oh, you are so going to get it.
KAJI is literally about to fight you. no bull. of course, being the person he is, he isn't allowed to use his hands. though he wants to, he can't shove your face full of his cock. his tongue swirls around his lollipop in a futile attempt to distract him from the warmth of your hand around him. "damn it! i am—fu-ucking—get- getting you back for this!" his his hips lift urgently off of the bed you've got him tied to. his legs are shaking; dazed and low-lidded eyes staring down at you as is orgasm builds, only to fall off at the last second. he nearly growls, swearing he'll get you back (in his head).
CONT. he isn't geting relief (none of them). he's normally a man with a lot of confidence, and yet, he's fucking trembling because he can't cum? i mean sure, he's out to get you later, but it's completely worth it to watch his eyes roll back into his skull, his hips practically convulsing, and thick ropes of cum shoot from his tip and stain his stomach. plus, the breathy "fuck" nearly has you doing the same.
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MR. CAN'T SPEAK, or HE'S REALLY FOCUSED. the man is nearly silent. he either doesn't want to make a noise, or he's like- breathless. he may be huffing, eyebrows furrowed so deeply he'll cause permanent wrinkles. he's looking down at you, but he's more so focusing on not losing his shit because he can't cum. like- "fuckfuckfuck ... " is going through his head while he fights internal demons, and you. how dare you look at him with those pretty eyes?!
HIRAGI strikes me as a quiet man in bed, especially when something like this is happening. his core is tense; his face is tense. eyebrows knitted, eyes screwed shut, jaw clenched, and thighs flexed. he tries so hard not to—to which he fails—though at some point, he genuinely can't. he's moaned and groaned, even whimpered, and now a sound can't come out of his mouth. he's so close to losing it he's lost his voice to beg or whine. "damn—" he croaks, body trembling.
CONT. hes another one where your mercy is his salvation. he just looks so cute- why would make him suffer more? its not until he's allowed to cum does his let out a string of pretty noises, sweat dripping down his forehead and body shaking.
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JUST ... A MESS, or SELF EXPLANITORY. he's losing his fucking shit. this man is damn near wailing because he can't cum. he can't get the release he wants and he's losing his shit. fat globs of tears spill down his cheeks, there may even be snot. he's barely coherent, babbling pleads and jumbled strings of words to get you to let him cum.
NIREI is the one literally about to die from being denied. honestly, the display has you wanting to stop. he's sobbing, his voiced cracked, snot dripping from his nose, and body shaking like a leaf. he barely tell you "sorry," or "please," let alone fully beg. his words are mindless babble, strings of saliva falling from his lips, a web of them shown in his mouth. he keens and whines, "puh- plea- plea-ease!" when i say he's vibrating in his spot, i mean it. hes is NAWT the type of person to be able to handle this type of sexual activity (you can't overstim him either).
CHOJI is ... something. i see choji as someone who isn't too interested in sex, though when it happens he's sooo sensitive. and ridiculously whiny. like- the man will not shut up. he's whining your name, pleading, whispering to himself, cursing—anything. at some point tears start to form and he gets shocked at the waves of pleasure that appear and disappear. he almost gets mad until your tongue starts to work him. his eyes get low-lidded and his body relaxes, it feels to him as if a wave is inches from sweeping him away, and then you stop. and then he sobs. and then he gets mad. then you get back at it. cycle repeats. "i- urgh! can't- can't—awh!" he's legit a fucked up mess, whining and crying like a girl, convulsing and breathing heavy as hell.
CONT. you have to let him at this point, he's not surviving a minute longer. his cock is raw and stiff from your strokes; at one moment, you thought he had accidentally came because of how much pre-cum seeped from the tip. he almost passed out once he cums, that's how much he needed it.
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IT DEPENDS or THE OUTLIER WHO'S MULTIPLE. he can range from sobbing and crying for you, to telling himself not to cum, to being a complete and utter mess. it genuinely depends on how he feels that day, what happened. is he letting lose? is he still up tight? does he need to blow off some steam? it really depends on his mental state. he could go from
UMEMIYA grunts. his breaths are shaky, chest stuttering. he's laughing at both you and himself, he's certainly having fun with the moment. though, his body is being a little fickle. one second he's too hot, he's about to burn up, then the next its calm, though there's that painful pleasure in his groin from being denied. he laughs, "it looks good on me, it's—fuck—like y'r openin' a- pre-present." he looks down at the bow you've tied around his cock. of course, he asked for it. it looks better than he thought. he lets out a shaky breath, core tensing as he tries to keep his noises inside. though, to no avail, as he's a naturally loud person. his grunting and groaning fills the room, tears brimming at his eyes, and saliva pooling on his bottom lip. he bites his lip, chuckling, "fuck—y'r making me lose it!" he moans, "ooh, im gettin' you back."
CONT. he broke from his restraints, a stupid mess and all and forced your mouth to stay lodged on him until he finished shooting ropes down your throat. he watches in amusement as you cough, looking down at the mess he's been made of. he 100% got you back seconds later.
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sadnymi · 1 day
Lovefool p2
[part one] [Mattheo riddle x reader]
Summary: Being the only girl in the group, and now stuck in the middle of nowhere with them, you found myself in a tricky situation. You had to share rooms, and Mattheo, leaving no room for negotiation, insisted that you would share with him. The problem was, there was only one bed. From uncovering feelings to heartbreak, it was a night you wouldn't forget.
Warning: angst,fluff,strong language, hints of smut .
Words:5,5k + Bonus scene.
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When we arrived back home, I quickly said goodbye to the boys, avoiding eye contact with all of them. I couldn't bear to see their pity or confusion. I just wanted to escape to the solitude of my room. Once inside, I shut the door and leaned against it, finally allowing myself to break down. Tears streamed down my face as I slid to the floor, clutching my knees to my chest.
There was only one week left before returning to Hogwarts, and I knew I would have to face them—most of all, Mattheo. The thought of seeing him again made my stomach churn. During that week, I waited for him to reach out, to say something, anything, that would make sense of what happened. But he didn’t. The silence from him was deafening, and it drove me insane.
All the other boys sent me messages as usual. Even Blaise, who had been so harsh, reached out, perhaps feeling guilty for his words. But not Mattheo. He ghosted me completely, and the pain was unbearable. Every time my phone buzzed, my heart would leap with hope, only to be crushed when it wasn’t him.
I spent days replaying our time together in my mind, trying to understand what went wrong. Had I misread everything? Was I just another conquest to him? The questions tormented me, and the lack of answers made it worse.
I remember that night vividly. The way he looked at me, the tenderness in his touch, the passion in his kisses—it all felt so real. But now, it seemed like a cruel illusion, a trick my heart played on me.
I tried to distract myself by throwing myself into reading, but every word I read seemed to blur into the memory of him. I’d catch myself staring at the same page for hours, lost in thoughts of his hands on my skin, his whispered words.
By the middle of the week, the weight of his absence was unbearable. I lay in bed, clutching my phone, scrolling through old messages, and torturing myself with his silence. The boys' messages were kind and casual, but they couldn't fill the void Mattheo left.
Enzo’s messages were the most frequent, always checking in on me, making sure I was okay. “Hey, how are you holding up?” he’d text, and I’d force myself to respond with a lie. “I’m fine, thanks,” I’d write back, even though I was anything but fine.
Blaise's messages were surprisingly considerate. “Sorry about the other day. Didn’t mean to upset you,” he’d said. I couldn’t bring myself to be angry with him; he had only voiced what I feared was true.
But Mattheo? Nothing. No calls, no texts, no attempts to explain or apologize. It felt like he had erased me from his life completely.
The pain was relentless, gnawing at me day and night. I felt hollow, like a shell of the person I had been before. I missed his voice, his laughter, the way he made me feel seen and cherished. I missed him so much it hurt to breathe.
The final straw came the night before we were due to return to Hogwarts. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, and realized I couldn’t go on like this. I needed to confront him, to demand answers. I couldn’t start the new school year with this weight on my shoulders. I had to face him, even if it meant shattering my heart all over again.
I took a deep breath and picked up my phone, my fingers trembling as I typed out a message. “Mattheo, we need to talk. Please.” I hit send and waited, my heart pounding in my chest. Minutes felt like hours as I watched the screen, praying for a response.
But none came. The silence stretched on, suffocating me, and I knew that no matter what happened, I had to find a way to move forward. With or without him.
I boarded the train with a heavy heart, my eyes scanning the crowded platform. As soon as I found Enzo, I slid into the seat next to him, trying to muster a smile.
“Hi,” I said, glancing briefly at Mattheo, who was sitting across from us.
“Hey,” Mattheo replied, his voice neutral, his gaze avoiding mine.
Theo soon returned, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. “How have you been?” he asked.
“I’ve been okay,” I lied, forcing another smile. Before I could say more, Draco and Blaise joined us, making the compartment feel even more cramped and awkward.
“Hi,” Draco said, his voice soft, his eyes flicking between me and Mattheo. Blaise offered a similar greeting, his usual bravado toned down, as if he sensed the tension.
I tried to lose myself in my book, Emma another Jane Austen novel, hoping it would distract me from the unbearable atmosphere. But I could feel Mattheo’s eyes on me, and each glance was like a dagger to my heart. His stare was intense, and it made concentrating impossible.
“I’m going to say hi to Pansy,” I announced suddenly, grabbing my bag and book. I left the compartment quickly, not giving anyone a chance to respond.
As I walked down the corridor, I realized I couldn’t face Pansy either. She would ask questions, and I had no answers. I turned a corner, only to overhear a group of girls talking animatedly about their exploits.
“Enzo is amazing,” one girl said, giggling. “Blaise too, though he’s a bit too cocky for my taste.”
“Oh, Theo is a sweetheart,” another girl chimed in. “But Mattheo... God, he’s something else.”
My ears pricked up at his name, and I leaned closer, my heart pounding.
“What’s it like with Mattheo?” a third girl asked, her voice dripping with curiosity.
“He’s rough, but in a good way,” the first girl said, her voice lowering conspiratorially. “He barely looked at me, but I didn’t mind. It felt so good. He didn’t kiss me, though, just... did his thing and left.”
My heart pounded as I continued to listen, hiding behind the corner.
"God, I'd do anything to sleep with Mattheo again," the first girl said, her voice filled with a mix of longing and frustration. "But he doesn't sleep with the same girl twice."
"Yeah, he's got a reputation for that," another girl chimed in. "And yet, somehow, they all are so different with her you know??," she said, her tone dripping with disdain.
" Y/N right? What's so special about her anyway?" a third girl asked, her voice filled with venom.
"She's always hanging around them, like she's one of them. I can't understand how she managed to get in their group."
"I bet they all fucked her at some point," the first girl said, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Do you think they share her? She's their slut for sure."
"I know right?," another girl agreed, her laughter harsh and cruel. "I mean, how else would she keep their attention? She must be really good in bed."
"Or maybe she just does whatever they want," the third girl added. "So pathetic, really. Always trying to act like she's so special. I bet she’s just a desperate little slut."
My heart pounded as I continued to listen, hiding behind the corner.
"Yeah, spreads her legs for any of them at the drop of a hat," another girl sneered. "She's probably been passed around like a party favor."
"And they act so protective of her," the first girl said with a bitter laugh. "I can't imagine why. What do they see in her?"
"They must be playing some kind of game," the third girl suggested. "Maybe seeing who can screw her over the most."
My heart beat faster and faster, each cruel word piercing deeper. Tears blurred my vision as I stepped away from the corner, desperate to escape their venomous gossip.
The world around me seemed to blur as I walked faster, not caring where I was going, just needing to get away. I collided with a strong chest, and looking up through my tears, I saw Mattheo.
"Why are you crying? “ His voice was sharper than a knife
“Who did this to you?" He asked once more when I didn’t answer his hands gently cupped my face, his thumbs wiping away my tears.
I pulled away, my voice shaking. "I'm not talking to you," I said, the tears flowing freely. I turned to leave, but he grabbed my hand.
"Stop it. Let me go," I demanded, trying to pull free from his grip.
"Not unless I know what got you crying like that," he insisted, his eyes filled with the same loving and caring expression that had once made my heart soar.
I looked away, the pain and confusion overwhelming me. "Just go and ignore me like you have been for the past week, or whatever," I said, my voice bitter. "Pretend I don't exist. You're good at that."
His face fell, looking speechless for a moment. I didn’t wait for him to respond. I pulled away, breaking into a run until I found an empty compartment far away from everyone. I slammed the door shut and collapsed onto the seat, sobbing uncontrollably.
The cruel words of the girls echoed in my mind, mingling with the confusion and heartbreak of Mattheo's unexpected concern. Why did he have to care now, after leaving me in silence for a week?
As the train rumbled on, I curled up on the seat, hugging my knees to my chest. The weight of everything pressed down on me, and I felt utterly alone. I had no answers, only questions that seemed to multiply with each passing moment. Why had he treated me so tenderly, only to disappear? And why did it hurt so much to see that same tenderness now, when I was already so broken?
Why had Mattheo been so different with me? Cause I’m pretty sure I wasn’t imagining that night and from what I heard from those girls it seems like he’s a different person from the one they are talking about .
I had a long time trying to explain to the boys why I suddenly disappeared and never returned. They didn’t look convinced, and their probing questions made it clear they weren’t buying my excuses.
Days passed, and I tried to put some space between me and all of them. It wasn’t easy. Draco cornered me in the common room one evening, his eyes filled with concern. "Something happened," he said, his voice low and insistent. "Tell me what it is."
"I'm fine, Draco. It's just family drama," I lied, my stomach twisting with guilt.
"You’ve been skipping meals and acting different," Theo added, joining us with a frown. "This isn’t like you."
"I told you, it’s family stuff," I insisted, hating how naked I felt under their scrutiny. It was like they could see right through my facade.
"Just...let us help," Draco pleaded, but I shook my head, turning away from their worried gazes.
Over the next few days, I was in a bit of a slump. Not only did I skip meals, but I also skipped more classes than usual. If I could have, I would have skipped the whole week, but unfortunately, that wasn't an option.
I grabbed my bag and walked through the courtyard, I overheard a girl talking loudly to her friends. "She's such a slut," she sneered, and my steps faltered. "I bet she's been with every Slytherin boy."
I stopped, my blood boiling. I turned around and marched over to her, my fists clenched. "What did you say?"
The girl looked taken aback for a moment but quickly recovered. "I said you're a slut. Everyone knows it."
The rage bubbling inside me reached a boiling point. "You think you know me? You think you can talk about me like that? Here’s a newsflash for you: I don’t need your approval or your pathetic opinions.“
Before she could respond, a boy next to her smirked. “Yeah, I’d love to fuck you just like the whole Slytherin boys have. Bet you’d like that, huh?”
I stepped closer, my fists clenched at my sides. "Why don’t you come a bit closer and say that to my face?" I said, my voice trembling with rage.
The crowd that had gathered around us watched with wide eyes and open mouths. "What's wrong?" the girl taunted. "Truth hurts?"
“Do you think it makes you look strong, demeaning someone you don’t even know? Do you think you’re better than me because you can spread lies and gossip? You’re pathetic. You think I care about what you say? The only thing that matters is that I know the truth, and that scares you, doesn’t it? Because deep down, you know you’ll never be anything more than a coward hiding behind cruel words.”
The girl, emboldened by the attention, added, "Your family must be so proud of you. What a disgrace."
"Shut your mouth," I said, stepping closer, my eyes burning with anger. "I don’t care what you think of me, but if you ever talk about my family again, you’ll regret it."
She looked a bit scared but tried to stand her ground. "Or what? You'll hit me? No wonder why your dad left,""
I saw red. I lunged at her, my fist raised, but strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back. "Let go!" I yelled, struggling against the hold.
"Not her, not now, love," Mattheo's voice whispered in my ear, calming yet firm. He started to pull me away from the mess, his grip gentle but unyielding.
"Mattheo, let go of me," I insisted, trying to break free.
"Not until you calm down," he replied, his eyes full of concern. "I can't let you get into trouble over this."
He guided me into an empty hallway with a balcony, a secluded spot even the ghosts avoided. I was still shaking with rage, my breathing ragged. "Who do you think you are? Don’t touch me! Stay away!" I shouted, pushing at his chest.
"Just breathe, my love," he murmured, his hands cupping my face gently, thumbs stroking my cheeks. "Breathe with me."
His touch, his voice, started to pierce through the fog of anger. I took a shaky breath, then another, my heartbeat slowly steadying.
"Look at me," he said softly, tilting my chin up so our eyes met. "Every single one who talks bad about you is going to regret it. They’re going to wish they were dead before they ever said a word."
"Why do you act like this?" I demanded, my voice trembling. "You act like you care, like you—" I faltered, trying to find the right words. "Your mixed signals are driving me crazy! You pull me closer just to walk away after."
He looked pained, his eyes searching mine for understanding, but he said nothing.
"Say something!" I pleaded, tears welling up. "Anything!"
Still, he remained silent, and the silence cut deeper than any words ever could.
Footsteps echoed down the hallway, and the rest of the boys appeared. Blaise was the first to speak, his gaze flicking between me and Mattheo. "You okay?" he asked.
I nodded, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. "Yeah, I'm fine."
Theo stepped forward, his brow furrowed. "This happened before, didn't it?"
I took a deep breath, nodding again. "Yes."
Draco crossed his arms, his expression softening. "Well, that explains why you were acting distant. You should have told us."
"I didn't know what to say," I admitted, feeling exposed and vulnerable.
Enzo's voice was gentle as he asked, "What happened before?"
I glanced at Mattheo, who was watching me with an unreadable expression. I couldn't bear his eyes on me anymore. Looking back at Enzo, I said quietly, "It was on the train."
Their eyes widened as I recounted the overheard conversation, the cruel words that had been said about me, and how it had all culminated in the confrontation just now. Mattheo's gaze never left me, and I knew what he was thinking, but I couldn't deal with it anymore.
"I'm sorry," I said, my voice breaking. "I just... I need to go to my dorm. I'll see you all tomorrow."
Enzo stepped forward, his concern evident. "I'll walk you."
I nodded, unable to look at Mattheo as I turned to leave. Enzo fell into step beside me, his presence a small comfort amidst the chaos.
The next day, as I walked into class, I was met with an unexpected wave of greetings and offers of help.
"Hey, need any notes from yesterday?" asked one girl, her smile bright and friendly.
"I saved you a seat," another girl said, gesturing to the spot next to her.
"Do you need a quill? I've got an extra," someone else offered, holding out a shiny new quill.
I looked around, confused by the sudden change in behavior. These were the same people who had ignored me or worse, whispered behind my back just a day ago. Before I could process it, a group of girls approached, all smiles and compliments.
"Your hair looks amazing today," one of them said, her tone overly enthusiastic.
"Yeah, and your shoes are so cute!" another added.
"Thanks," I muttered, bewildered by their sudden interest.
Then, the girl from yesterday's confrontation appeared, looking hesitant. She took a deep breath and stepped closer. "I'm really sorry about what I said yesterday," she began, her voice shaky. "Please forgive me. I didn't mean any of it, and I feel terrible."
I stared at her, trying to make sense of this abrupt apology. "Why are you apologizing now?" I asked, suspicion creeping into my voice.
Before she could respond, I noticed him. The boy who had made that disgusting comment about me the day before. His arm was in a sling, supported by a wooden splint, and his face was a mess of blue and purple bruises. He had a black eye, swollen nearly shut.
"I, uh, fell down the stairs," he mumbled, not meeting my gaze.
I looked between the two of them, realization dawning. My stomach churned, and I felt the sudden urge to get out of there. Grabbing my things, I bolted from the classroom, not stopping until I was far from the castle. I found myself in a hidden garden, a place where I often went to think.
I sat down on the ground, trying to calm my racing heart and catch my breath. I wasn't dumb. I knew what had really happened. I knew who was behind the sudden wave of attention, the apologies, the broken bones. It wasn't hard to piece it together.
But clarity seemed a distant dream. I leaned back against the tree, closing my eyes, and tried to find a moment of calm amidst the chaos Mattheo had left in his wake.
I stayed in the garden for what felt like hours, trying to find some semblance of peace amidst the turmoil. Eventually, I knew I would have to face him, to confront what had happened and what it meant. But for now, I just needed to breathe.
I felt someone approaching and sat beside me. I looked up and met Mattheo’s eyes. He was holding a book in his hand.
I felt someone approaching and sat up, my heart pounding. When I looked up, I met Mattheo’s eyes. He was holding a book in his hand.
"I—I got this for you," he said, his voice soft.
I glanced at the book, then back at him, and took it from his hand. It was Persuasion, another Jane Austen's novels. My heart beat even faster as I muttered a thank you. Then I noticed the blood on his hands, despite his clear attempts to wash it off.
He asked, "What were you reading on the train?"
I stared at him, incredulous. "You’re seriously asking me about my books while having blood on your hands? and probably terrorized the whole school before coming here!" I shouted.
He just smirked. "Are you insane, Mattheo? Seriously, what the hell?" I yelled again.
He raised his eyebrows, a hint of a smile on his lips. "I told you they were going to regret what they said yesterday, didn't I?"
"I can take care of myself. I don’t need your help," I snapped, trying to walk away, but he grabbed my hand, pulling me back until my back hit the tree.
"I know," he said.
I rolled my eyes and looked away, trapped between his hands on either side of my face and the tree behind me. His closeness was overwhelming.
"You’re insane," I muttered.
"Well, I need to talk to you, and you left me no other choice," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
I chuckled sarcastically. "You kidding me? Because as much as I remember, you were the one who left after—" I stammered, my face turning red, unable to finish the sentence.
"Yes, my love, after what?" he asked, smiling even wider.
"After I went down on you? Or when I had my finger deep inside you?" he continued, his voice low and teasing. I put my hands over his mouth, desperate to stop him.
"Oh, Lord, stop," I said, my voice a whisper. He kissed my hand, sending a jolt through me, and I pulled it away quickly, my face burning even more.
"Don’t go shy on me now, love. I’m pretty sure I kissed more intimate parts," he said, leaning closer to whisper in my ear. "I've had your taste on my tongue for weeks."
I tried to hit him in the chest, but he grabbed both my hands with one hand, pinning them above my head.
“Listen,” he said, getting more serious. “Enzo told me about what Blaise said that day.”
I shook my head. “I don’t think I really want to know another tale about you with a girl in bed.”
“Another tale?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
I looked him in the eyes, my voice trembling with both anger and hurt. “I heard what that girl said on the train. About how good you were in bed, how you liked it rough, just did the job and left with no kisses. She wasn’t even complaining, Mattheo. She said she’d do anything to sleep with you again, but it’s too bad because you don’t sleep with the same girl twice."
“Did she now?” he said, smirking.
“Fuck you, Mattheo,” I said, trying to pull away, but his hold was too strong. “Fuck you so much. I get it. I was delusional to think it was more than a one-time thing for you because you don’t sleep with the same girl twice, you don’t—” My voice cracked, betraying my emotions.
"Did it look like a fucking one-time thing back then, Y/N?" he demanded, sharp and serious. I avoided his gaze, my anger and pain battling inside me.
"Answer," he insisted, his face inches from mine. I looked up at him, the intensity in his eyes making it hard to breathe.
"No," I admitted, my voice barely audible.
"Because it fucking wasn’t," he said. "It wasn’t a simple fuck. I was making love to you, and that freaked the shit out of me." The veins in his neck stood out as he spoke, his eyes blazing.
I blinked, trying to process his words. "So, yes," he continued, his voice lower but no less intense, "what the girl said was right. I’ve fucked other girls like that. Rough, fast, no strings attached. Just getting off and moving on. No kisses, no tenderness, just raw and dirty, didn’t look at them more than I had to.”
My breathing grew heavier as his words sank in.“So, does it look like that now?” he asked, his voice softer but still intense. I closed my eyes, overwhelmed.
“Fucking look at me Y/N,” he commanded, and I looked up at him, shaking my head.
“Every time I look at you, at those lips,” he whispered, his voice dropping lower, “all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you. How much I want to taste you. How much I want you in every way. It’s not just about fucking. It’s about you. Every part of you, that night... you were in my arms, and I managed to sleep. You have no idea how rare that is for me.”
His words sent a shiver down my spine, my body responding despite my confusion. I could feel the heat between us, the undeniable pull that had always been there.
I looked at him, standing there, rain-soaked and intense, and the tears kept falling from my eyes.
“And no, I don’t want you to be my friend,” he continued, his voice rising. “I want to hear you moaning my name. I want to have you, all of you. To kiss every inch of you. To make you smile, to see you laugh. To put your happiness above anything because nothing else matters. Nothing but you.”
His words were raw, cutting through the rain and my confusion. The sheer intensity of his confession left me breathless, my heart pounding in my chest. I could feel the pull, the magnetic force between us, stronger than ever.
“I’ve tried to stay away, to keep my distance,” he went on, his voice breaking slightly. “But every time I see you, it’s like a punch to the gut. I’m fighting a losing battle. I don’t just want you. I need you. In every way possible.”
I stood there, soaked and trembling, unable to speak. His words had stripped me bare, leaving me vulnerable and exposed. The rain continued to pour, a relentless backdrop to his declaration.
“So tell me, do you understand now?” he asked again, his voice softer.
I swallowed hard, my throat tight with emotion. The truth of his words was undeniable, resonating deep within me. I took a shaky breath, trying to steady myself, and met his gaze.
“Yes,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “I understand.”
He reached out, gently wiping the tears from my cheeks. “I will be so good to you,” he murmured, his thumb brushing my skin. “I would do anything for you. I fucked up, and I—”
I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his, cutting him off. For a moment, he was surprised and didn’t kissed me back, I pulled back, looking him in the eye. And as if a dam had broken, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.
He leaned down, capturing my mouth in a deep, hungry kiss. His lips were soft but insistent, demanding and giving all at once. I felt his hands on my waist, lifting me effortlessly. My legs wrapped around his hips as he held me against him, the kiss growing more passionate. The rain poured down, but it didn’t matter. Nothing else.
His tongue parted my lips, and I opened to him, the taste of him intoxicating. He kissed me with a fervor that made my head spin, his hands gripping my hips, pulling me tighter against him. I could feel the hard lines of his body, the heat between us almost unbearable.
"Wait," I managed to gasp, pulling back slightly. "The book, the rain—"
"I'll get you a new one," he promised, his voice fierce, breathing heavily against my lips. His fingers tangled in my hair, pulling gently until my face tilted up to meet his gaze. Then he kissed me again, more fiercely this time, as if he couldn’t get enough.
I melted into him, my hands clinging to his shoulders as he devoured me. His lips moved over mine with a raw, desperate need, and I responded with equal fervor. The world around us disappeared, the rain, the cold, everything fading away until there was only him, only us.
After what felt like an eternity, he pulled back, his forehead resting against mine. "Come with me," he murmured, his voice a soft plea. "Let's get out of this rain."
I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest, his hand slipping into mine, and we ran through the rain. We found shelter under a nearby awning, the sudden silence after the roar of the rain almost surreal.
He looked at me, his eyes dark and intense, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. "You're soaked," he said, his voice gentle, as he brushed a strand of wet hair from my face.
"So are you," I replied, a smile tugging at my lips.
"Well, we make a pretty pair then," he teased, his hand settling on my waist.
I laughed, the sound light and carefree, a stark contrast to the storm still raging around us. "We do, don't we?"
His gaze softened, a tender smile playing on his lips. "I've never seen anyone look so beautiful soaking wet."
I rolled my eyes playfully, running a hand through his wet hair. "You're just saying that because you want to kiss me again."
He grinned, leaning in closer. "Maybe. But it's true." His lips hovered over mine, the anticipation making my heart race. "And for the record, I do want to kiss you again. Very much."
"Then what are you waiting for?" I challenged, my voice barely more than a whisper.
He didn't need any more encouragement. His lips captured mine in a kiss that was both sweet and passionate, his hand tightening on my waist, pulling me flush against him. I could feel the warmth of his body through the wet fabric of our clothes, the contrast to the chill of the rain making my skin tingle.
As the kiss deepened, his free hand slid up my back, tangling in my hair. I moaned softly against his lips, the sound making him groan in response. He pulled back slightly, his breath hot against my skin.
"You have no idea what you do to me," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. "The things I want to do to you."
My cheeks flushed, and I looked down, feeling a mix of excitement and shyness. "Like what?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.
He tilted my chin up, forcing me to meet his gaze. "I want to make you mine in every possible way," he said, his eyes burning with intensity. "I want to hear you scream my name, to see you come apart in my arms. I want to kiss every inch of you, to make you feel things you've never felt before."
His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I bit my lip, trying to suppress the blush that was spreading across my cheeks. "You're making me blush," I whispered, my voice shaky.
He smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Good. I like it when you blush." He leaned in, his lips brushing my ear. "I like knowing I'm the one making you feel this way."
I closed my eyes, my heart pounding in my chest. His words, his touch, everything about him was overwhelming. "You're insufferable," I muttered, but there was no heat in my words, only affection.
He chuckled, the sound vibrating through me. "You love it," he teased, his lips pressing a soft kiss to my neck.
I sighed, my fingers threading through his hair as I leaned into his touch. "Yeah, I do," I admitted, my voice barely more than a whisper. "I really do."
He pulled back, his eyes searching mine. "Good," he said softly, his hand cupping my face. "Because I'm not letting you go."
I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through me that had nothing to do with the rain. "I don't want you to,".
"So, I really have done it in your Mr. Darcy way, haven't I?" he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I was always jealous of him, when you talked about him like that you know?"
Before I could respond, his mouth was on my neck, kissing and sucking gently, then more insistently. I let out a soft moan, my fingers digging into his shoulders.
He pulled back slightly, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Perfect," he said, admiring his handiwork.
I laughed, breathless and flushed. "What was that for?"
He smirked, a wicked glint in his eyes. "It's for Blaise. Since he loves to ask so much."
I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress my smile. "You know he went on a date last night, right?"
"Did he now?" Mattheo replied, his fingers trailing down my arm. "I want everyone to know you're mine."
The possessiveness in his voice sent another thrill through me. "And what if I don't want to be claimed like some trophy?" I teased, raising an eyebrow.
He pulled me closer, his lips brushing against mine. "Then I'll just have to work harder to prove I deserve you," he whispered, his breath warm against my skin.
I smiled, feeling the warmth of his words seep into me. "You've already proven that," I said softly, kissing him again. "But I wouldn't mind seeing you try."
He laughed, the sound rich and joyful. "Challenge accepted."
We stood there for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, the rain a distant memory. His hands roamed over my back, his touch sending sparks of electricity through me. I leaned into him, feeling the steady beat of his heart against my chest, and knew that this was where I belonged.
"We should get inside," I said, glancing at the castle in the distance. "Before we catch our deaths."
"Right," he agreed, but made no move to let go. "But just one more kiss."
"Just one more," I echoed, leaning up to meet his lips again.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ Bonus scene ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
As we approached our usual spot, I saw Blaise, Enzo, Theo, Pansy and Draco already seated, with an unfamiliar girl sitting beside Blaise.
I caught Blaise’s curious gaze fixed on my neck. He raised an eyebrow, a knowing grin spreading across his face.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Blaise said, his voice dripping with amusement. “Is that a hickey, Y/N?”
I felt my face heat up, and before I could muster a response, Mattheo leaned forward, his grin turning positively devilish.
“Yes, mate,” Mattheo said smoothly. “It is a hickey.”
Blaise’s eyes widened slightly before he broke into a laugh. “By whom, I wonder?”
Mattheo wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. “By me, obviously,” he declared, his voice filled with pride. “Wanted to make sure everyone knows she’s mine.”
I blushed even deeper, but I couldn’t help the smile tugging at my lips.
Draco looked between us, his grin widening. “Well, it’s about time. I was starting to think you’d never make a move.”
Mattheo chuckled, his hand moving to rest possessively on my waist. “Trust me, I’ve made plenty of moves. Just decided it was time to make it official.”
He winked at me. “Just make sure he treats you right. If not, you know where to find me.”
Mattheo tightened his hold on me, his eyes flashing with a playful warning. “She won’t need to, because I’m going to treat her better than anyone else ever could.”
I laughed, the tension melting away as I leaned into Mattheo’s embrace. “I think I can handle him.”
"So," Pansy said, leaning forward with an impish grin. "Does this mean you're off the market, then?"
"Consider me taken," Mattheo said, his voice firm. "And very happily so."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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suotea · 3 days
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃-𝟏 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 — togame jo x f!reader.
your boyfriend can’t help but feel jealous despite being the one to help you win your favorite XL plushie at round one.
1.1K WC. sfw / fluff, arcade, photo booth, harmless jealousy, you wear his jacket, kisses n hugs <3 , reader characterized as wearing lip gloss, being shorter than him, & addressed w she/her, pet names: ‘doll,’ ‘pretty girl,’ ‘his girl,’ etc
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“everything okay, jo?”
you miss the small huff from your boyfriend when you plop beside him, arms stretched as far as possible in a futile attempt to hold your XXL plushie above the arcade grounds.
togame’s eyes shift your direction, silently taking in the adorable sight of you— figure swallowed up whole by his old shishitoren jacket, your hands barely able to peek through the sleeves as you cling onto your newest obsession. this image of you would look so cute in these photo strips, he thinks, if not for the large mass of a cat blocking the view of his pretty girl.
“‘m fine, doll,” togame slows, “but…you’re not gonna leave that thing out there?” he gestures towards the curtain.
it’s silly. only five minutes ago, you were clinging onto his biceps, pouty lips jutting out as you whined about the claw machines being rigged. so of course, he did what every good boyfriend would have done and won the damned thing for you— on his first try, he notes, but that’s beside the point.
“you’re the best,” you had cooed into his ear, balancing your hands on his chest as you went on your toes to place a gentle peck on his cheek as thanks. he can practically feel it all over again— the way the heat rushed straight to the tips of his ears and the way his lips couldn’t resist curling into the faintest little grin from the affection.
of course, it was no problem for him, he thought. never a problem— anything for his girl. he likes to see that happy smile of yours 24/7.
but ever since that thing has been introduced into your life, your attention has been elsewhere.
not on him anymore.
how to get rid of it, he ponders.
“no way i’d put him outside” you retort with a dramatic gasp, “you won this for me after all. i’ve been wanting this one for so long.. and it would suck to have him get all dirty.”
you missed the disappointed click of his tongue as you whip out your pocket mirror, puckering your lips to check if you needed more gloss. usually for photos, more is better— and you want to make doubly sure you’re cute in these because you’re confident he’s going to be carrying them around.
you think the cherry one you have in your bag would be best suited with the lighting, and togame had said you look pretty in that one too. the wide variety of glosses piled up in your little purse was a habit you’ve developed since meeting togame— because boys (or at least this one) just seem to eat it off coincidentally every time you reapply it.
“mm…okay,” you hum to yourself, glittery applicator gliding slowly over your bottom lip. “you ready jo? you picked the one that lets us take two pictures, right?”
with a mildly sulky noise of agreement, a long arm comes to wrap around your shoulder, pulling you into his side in one movement. “ready when you are.”
the camera lights up, and he perks up a bit when you lean into his touch, breathing in the comforting smell of his shampoo. to his relief, you seem to have momentarily forgotten about your plush, the monstrosity of a cat just barely hidden under the photo’s frame as you check your hair in the camera in front.
“ooh, we only have three seconds!” you grin, “smile, jo!”
and he does. as much as a jealous rottweiler could muster anyways— because the moment the flash goes off, you’re already moving off of him to grab your cat, rambling about how to include the thing in the next snap. “wouldn’t it be cute if i rest my chin on it? or would it be cuter if i hug it super tightly?”
he frowns. in a perfect world, you would be clinging onto him instead, repeating the words you told him earlier— you know, when you said he was the best.
he really wants that kind of attention again.
“doll…..” his eyes narrow at the cat as you set it on your lap now, arms squeezed tightly around the thing. you didn’t hear him.
so he repeats the pet name, leaning forward as his fingers come to tuck a stray bit of hair behind your ears. it catches your attention, finally, and his breath gets caught in this throat when you look at him once again.
“hm? you okay, jo?”
“tired…..” he mutters, not sure exactly how just one glance from you has his heart beating this much faster.
“tired? there’s just one more photo! it’s gonna take it soon, actually. are you ready?”
he really doesn’t want that cat in it, he thinks. togame has been wanting keep a photo of you in his pocket, a physical reminder of just how gorgeous his girl is, or you know, something that would make him feel as if you were beside him at all times.
it was his idea to visit the photo booth in the first place, and he refuses to miss this opportunity.
“hold on,” he grunts as he reaches out to suddenly grab you underneath your shoulders, cat accidentally bouncing off your lap and onto the floor as you gasp. “ah-what are you doing?” you mull, hands instinctively grabbing onto his strong shoulders as he seats you onto his lap, “the cat’s gonna be all dirty.”
“‘m tired of hearing ‘bout the damned cat.”
and before you can protest, there’s the beep of the photo countdown, and you’re being pulled into a suffocating hug, barely able to gasp out a “oof— t-too tight jo!” before the flash goes off.
the booth plays a short melody as the sound of the printer starts up. “ah, it’s done,” he muses, relaxed eyes now gazing ahead at the screen— perfect.
your eyes narrow at the sudden change in behavior, your mopey boyfriend suddenly perking up just seconds after he had practically tossed your plushie onto the dusty floor himself.
a gear in your mind shifts, and it suddenly clicks.
“jo…were you jealous of my cat?”
his eyes widen a bit before his glance shifts away from you, eyebrows furrowing a bit.
“wasn’t jealous or anything like that, doll” he mumbles.
there’s a short pause.
“just thought it woulda been unnecessary to bring that thing here—” his frown deepens, “when you have me here.”
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stanlunter · 3 days
Bi erasure in the fandoms
There are many types of biphobia among people, but I wanna talk about the least noticable type of it, which is super common and barely gets called out. "Headcanoning" canon/implied bisexual characters (mostly female, for some reason) as lesbians.
Usually they don't even portay it as a "headcanon", but just state that they are and make everyone believe this. And when they done, people even start call you lesbophobic for calling bi erasure our, bc It's suddenly you're the one who "erase" lesbians. And the funny thing is that a lot of those who state so, haven't even watched these shows and just have "heard" that these characters are "lesbians" and the continue misinformate everyone else. And that's awful and very harmful for bi community
Let's take some examples
1. Asami and Korra
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Both are bisexual women who were in love with the same man and then broke up with him and started dating each other. Prolly the most heavily implied bisexuals ever. But what do people have problems with? Oh, they think that if a bi girl has broken up with a man, it means only that she realized she's lesbian. Not that her ex was a cheater, not that their relationship was toxic. No, they can break up only bc she had a comphet. There are no other options. And if a girl dates another girl, she's also 100% lesbian, bc bi girls are just "straights who wanna invade lgbt", right? Oh, yeah, also Korra is strong and muscle "lesbian stereotype" and Asami is "cold and lady-like" "lesbian stereotype" so yeah, It's absolutely makes them lesbians! — another example of why the stereotypes are actually harmful.
2. Poison Ivy (both in the show and in the comics)
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Absolutely the same thing as with Korra and Asami, but is also a "mean lesbian stereotype" which is basically the strongest stereotype, so yeah. Ivy dated Kite man and was actually attracted to him. She liked kissing me and enjoyed his company. The only thing that made her break up with Kite man is that he wasn't someone she saw her future with. He didn't fit her and she knew who did - Harley, her girlfriend. Even when Ivy knew she was attracted to Harley (bc she litterally cheated with her), she still knew she is attracted to Kite man and even so planned their wedding, but being attracted ≠ being soulmates, unfortunately. People also for some reason think that just bc Ivy hates men, it means she has to be lesbian. Ig they don't know there are bi or even straight girls who hate men. Like febfems (bi girls who refuse to date men for political reasons and their safety) don't exist. Like you can't be attracted to someone you hate.
And after all, Ivy dating Kite Man (and Dan Back) isn't even the main reason she's bisexual. Besides it, she was confirmed to be bisexual multipe times by many different authors. She's canon bi in almost every universe. And the way some new authors are trying to change her sexuality is a clearest bi erasure. And It's also funny, cuz if someone ever dared to turn a canon lesbian character into bisexual, everyone would immidiatly lose it. But when they do the same with bisexuals, It's suddenly being ignored. Wow.
3. Sasha Waybright
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Thankfully the last time I don't see this so often (mb bc the fandom is dying tho), but just when everyone's favourite "mean lesbian" was confirmed to be bisexual, everyone went wild... Yeah, their favourite stereotype was broken. Does it mean they started to understand that stereotypes don't define sexuality and that even mean girls can like men? Ofc not! They obviously started to say that she was confirmed as bi bc: 1. Disney didn't want to let her be lesbian 2. Mate did it only to make the fandom mad
Lmao. They really gonna believe anything but that a character can just be...bisexual. And even so, they keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian. I've even heard people who were saying she had a "comphet" and will realize she's lesbian in the future. That's not even funny, but it does make me laugh
4. Princess Bubblegum
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Oh, I love the way the whole tik tok fandom suddenly started to call Bubblegum "canon lesbian" just bc someone has said so and others have spread it up. Ig I should be thankful, that they at least recognize Marcelin being bisexual, huh?
Anyways, the thing is that Bubblegum, just as much as Marcelin was heavily implied to be bisexual. She litterally had an ex bf and for those who love calling every bi character with ex bfs lesbians with comphet, besides that Bubblegum was also in love with Finn in the episode when she turned 13. She litterally kissed him there and has said she wishes she could stay this way with him. It was directly shown throught the whole show that's the only reason why Finn's feelings are one sided is that Bubblegum is way older than him. And in the episode "Too young" it was directly confirmed. But people are still gonna call her lesbian just...bc? I don't even know why, she doesn't even fit stereotypes that much. Mb they decided to "ruin stereotypes" by it? Or mb they just decided that since6she rejected Finn (a litteral child) it means she can't be attracted to men at all? This logic is even worse. But God only knows what is in their heads
5. Yang Xiao long
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Oh, yeah, this one is usually super objectionable bc she was showing interest in men basically only in v1 and then started dating Blake. And if Blake being bi was so clear that there are basically no people denying it or bc she fits bi stereotypes, who knows, however we should remember that bisexuals don't have to have equal attraction to everyone (like Blake, who had 2 male and 2 female love interests) and they don't have to date all genders to prove their attraction.
But there are many evidences of Yang being attracted to men too.
In the whole Yellow Trailer Yang actively flirts with a man
In ep3v1 she happily gazas on shirtless men and then, when Ruby says "father wouldn't approve it" she answers (I know, I fo) – which already would be enought to confirm her attraction to men
But in the same volume, when the team decorates their room, when Yang hangs a poster with a male band of the artists she's attracted too, it was shown that she liked men as well.
Yeah, I got that both the fandom and Roosters really love to forget everything that was in v1-2, but It's a fact that Yang is bisexual as well as Blake. But wait, she's a "strong lesbian stereotype", right!!! So let's ignore a bi representation, sure!
6. Sunset shimmer
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Here's a girl, who canonically has dated a man and was officially confirmed to be bisexual by the author in Twitter. So why do people keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian? Oh, bc she's SUNSET and has flags of lesbian colors. Like "Sunset" was invented by lesbian flag, yeah. And what's the funniest thing in this perfect argument is that Sunset Shimmer was created even before the sunset lesbian flag designed!
And, yeah, I could take the "she has said that she didn't like Flash so it was a comphet/pretending" thing, but the problem is that it still litterally was confirmed by the author himself that Sunset is bisexual. And in the further show and even movie we can see clear signs of them still having a thing for each other. Like Sunset winks to him and many of their other interactions, but they can be read in a friends way as well ofc, which doesn't make her any less of canon bi!
7. Clawdeen Wolf
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Her situation is exactly like Yang's. Since not so long time ago Clawdeen was confirmed to be lgbt and there was announced a comic about her and Toralei's romantic relationship, everyone started yelling that she's "canon lesbian" now. However it was only confirmed that she's wlw, not lesbian. And wlw includes these little unknown people called bisexuals.
But why do I say she's bi, but not lesbian? Well, bc it was clearly shown in the show and the movies that she's attracted to men. Yeah, she's a bit less obsessed with them than others and doesn't have a bf, however her feelings for many of them were obvious. And it was no where near a comphet. No, she was exactly attracted to them, that's a fact. So for now, she's a heavily implied bi character who had feelings for boys and who is dating a girl, just like Yang. And calling her lesbian is kinda biphobic
8. Kagami Tsurugi
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A canon bisexual character, who's love to both Marinette and Adrian was confirmed in official synopsis for s5 and official show bible. She was shown to have a clearest attraction to Adrian and Felix, 2 men. Even if after she has broken up with Adrian (and no, not bc she realized she was lesbian, but bc he has fucking lied to her face and has broken up her heart) some people got an idea of her being a "lesbian with a comphet", this idea was destroyed again by her new attraction to Felix, another man.
However people are still gonna ignore her canon sexuality and call her a lesbian, by using "comphet" as a justification, or even by turning Felix and Adrian into transwomen, which isn't a justification to erase bi representation either anyways!
It's especially hurting since she's my favourite character I strongly relate to tho
9. Sayaka
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Omg, Madoka Magica is an anime that includes girls who like girls. Almost all of the main characters are implied to be lesbians. But you know who's being headcanoned as a lesbian the most?? That's right! The only girl that likes boys too! What an irony, yeah? Sayaka has a huge romantic tension with Kyoka and has a canon crush on her male childhood friend – Kyosuke. So we can have the only bi rep out of 5 wlw girls. Ofc this rep was taken from us, bc some people wanna headcanon (or even impose it as canon) that the only bisexual girl is a lesbian with a comphet! Sure, yeah. Again, my favourite excuse for bi erasure, nothing's new, lol
10. Utena and Anthy
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Another bisexual couple, who's coded sexuality is always getting erased. Uthena and Anthy love each other and even shared a kiss in one of the endings. The status of their relationship wasn't directly stated in anime, however everyone who has eyes can see their clear romantic and not only tension. Utena's another love interest is Touga, who was her childhood love who she was shown to have super clearest attraction throught the anime, and this attraction has no platonic explanation, so yeah, Utena ia attracted to both men and women and It's canon. The same goes for Anthy: she had strong feelings for Dios. Both characters are bi-coded and comphet was never there. People are just trying to use it as an excuse to bi erasure bc they want all wlw characters to be lesbians, that's all.
So, if someone is gonna say that I'm "denying comphet" or any other shit like that, no, I know it exists and I know a lot of lesbians go throught it and it deserves a representation too, but in such cases the difference between comphet and an actual attraction to men is so clear and you know that.
There are also examples of the characters who had or could have comphet:
Like Apple White, who thought she supposed to like Daring just bc he's "her destiny", but she never liked him (and even in her bio she says that just bc they have to marry, it doesn't mean they're dating) and her actual "true love", who's kiss made Apple wake up was Darling, his sister. And It's an actually good example of comphet bc of the society pressure. Or Yuzu (even tho for some reason some people still think she's bi) who was said to never be in love with anyone untill her step-sister, she even lied to her friends about having boyfriends bc she thought there was smth wrong with her since she isn't attracted to men. Also Velma and etc. Unfortunately there aren't that many examples, but even with these ones the difference between a lesbian with a comphet and a bisexual girl is obvious, so yeah, you just want an excuse to erase bisexuals and turn them into lesbians and it will never be okay
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xoxochb · 2 days
okay lemme use my big brain and my smartie pants for this one:
imagine imagine uhh lifeguard percy jackson having to constantly save reader from drowning :O but its like fluffy and not angst drowing
and maybe he ends up teaching reader to swim :OoOoO
˗ˋ a moment of warm sun ˊ˗
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warnings: mentions of drowning. there’s also a percabeth reference at the end because I love them with all my heart <3
pairing: percy jackson x fem reader
summary: read the request!
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“you’ve really got to stop drowning” Percy scolds
“well I’m trying to learn how to swim so I won’t drown anymore, but I’m unfortunately unable to do so”
this is the fourth time percy has saved you from drowning
you always go to the beach hoping that you’ll magically be able to swim, but you always end up failing, falling into the water
currently, you’re sitting on the shore, coughing up the water you inhaled, percy sitting next to you making sure you’re alright
“then how about you only swim in the shallow waters then? simple solution to a not-so-simple problem” he suggests
“how am I supposed to learn anything if the water is shallow? It doesn’t work that way” you sigh
he thinks for a second, “maybe I could teach you”
“teach me? how to swim? you’re really confident if you think I’m capable of being taught how to swim” you laugh, but cut off short when you start chocking on water again
“suit yourself” he stands up, and then you do the same
“fine. you can help me, and if you can’t you owe me ten dollars” you smirk
“that’s not a fair deal” he crosses his arms
“fair to me” you shrug
- 🌊 -
“alright first things first: you need to know is how to float? do you know how to do that?” he inquired
“clearly not” you throw your arms up, gesturing to the water you’ve drowned in
he mutters something under his breath and then says, “alright then that’s what we’re starting with”
after an hour and a half of of swimming practice you had successfully learned how to float, and half-swim, but percy said it was good enough for now because you hadn’t drowned, and he did ask you to learn how to fully swim for the next time you visited the beach
and he would also never tell you that he actually enjoyed saving you all those times, and he felt a little sad that you weren’t going to drown anymore, but he kept this to himself because it didn’t sound very nice
you now were sitting on the beach with him, a ‘well deserved break after the hard work’ he said
“do you always teach people how to swim?” you ask
“only pretty girls” he looks at you
“oh yeah? and how many pretty girls have you taught how to swim?” you smirk, playing around, but in reality you want to scream, and the butterflies in your stomach are highly suggesting it
“only one”
you smile and stand up, you don’t want him to see the blush on your cheeks
“we are you going?” he asks
“to swim” you say walking to the water, and percy follows close behind
“never thought I’d hear you say that” he teases
you walk out to deeper water, using your new floating abilities
“you’re a show off” he laughs
“I’m just using the skills this pretty boy taught me” you mock his earlier words
“do you always let pretty boys teach you things?” he swims closer to you
“only one” you go underwater, and he mirrors your action
you smile when you see him in front of you, and without wasting another second, you cup his face and pull him in for a kiss
and it was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time
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Hard to say- pt 2.
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overview- you and the sturniolo’s have been best friends since you remember, but you’ve always had a thing for Matt. When a new girl, Abby, moves into town, things between you and Matt change.
warnings- none. No smut yet.
pt. 1 pt. 3
Me and Ally walked to our usual lunch table, where we sat with the triplets. Nick and Chris were already there.
I sat down next to ally.
“you okay y/n/n?” You looked up to see Chris looking at you.
“yeah I’m just tired,” I lied.
You could see Matt and Abby approaching the table. Something hot flashed in your stomach and you clenched your teeth.
“hey guys this is Abby. She’s new here.” Abby smiled and waved.
you put on a fake smile. “It’s nice to meet you. I think we have 1st and 2nd period together.”
she looked at you almost glaring. She looked you up and down then turned her attention back to Matt.
“well damn,” ally muttered beside you.
no one else but her noticed. You jaw clenched as you saw her talking to Chris and nick.
what was her problem?
You sighed, tuning out most of the conversation. Hell, most of it was just Abby flirting with Matt.
this was gonna be a long day.
it was now 6th period, where you shared science with Matt and Chris.
finally, a class with Matt that Abby wasn’t it.
unfortunately, she was the only thing Matt could talk about.
“Y’know she has a twin brother? He doesn’t go to this school, but it’s still pretty cool.”
“that’s great,” you muttered.
“oh- and she also does gymnas-”
“Matt can we please talk about something else?” You cut him off. “I’m glad you made a new friend but you won’t stop talking about her.”
“oh, yeah yeah. Sure.” Chris shot you a sad smile. He knew.
the science teacher walked up to your table and smacked a ruler on the table, making you jump.
“work,” she hissed, glaring at both you and Matt. You stifled a giggle as she walked away.
after a few minutes, you excused yourself to the bathroom. Unfortunately when you walked in, the last person you wanted to see was there.
you gave her a fake smile as your walked in. She just glared at you.
you re-applied your mascara and lip gloss while she kept giving you dirty looks. Good grace.
you where about to walk out until she grabbed your wrist, pulling you back.
“stay away from Matt,” she practically spat at you. “He’s mine.”
you scoffed at looked at her. “Look I don’t know what your fucking problem is, but you can’t just claim Matt. And I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve been friends with him since birth.”
you glared at her. “So don’t think you’re gonna get rid of me that easily.” Abby scoffed and stormed out of the bathroom.
“bitch,” you mumbled before leaving.
after school, you went over to Matt’s house to have another study session.
you knocked on the door, and nick answered it. “Oh hey y/n! Come in.” You followed nick inside.
Matt was sitting on the couch. “Hey Matt!” He looked up at you and smiled. “Hey.”
“ok i brought some of the English notes for our study session..” you continued. “Oh I can’t do it anymore.”
you looked up at him, confused. “Why not?” He started to put on his shoes. “I told Abby I would show her around after school today.”
your chest tightened. “Why can’t you just do that over the weekend? I mean we had already planned this,” you said slightly annoyed.
he sighed. “I promised her y/n. We can just do this another day.” He grabbed the keys of his car. “See you guys later,” he said and walked out the door.
you breathed out, upset. Chris was standing on the stairs. He had saw what just happened.
“you can study with me y/n/n.” You turned your head around to see Chris on the stairs. You smiled at him.
“okay,” you breathed. He came down and sat on the couch next to you.
honestly if it weren’t for Chris, your night would have been ruined.
he had made sure to get your mind off of Matt. You guys barely even studied.
In fact, you forgot about studying completely. You were mostly laughing about something with him or making TikToks.
you also watched a movie with him and took pictures that he eventually posted on his instagram.
by the end of the movie, your where peacefully sleeping on his shoulder.
Matt had seen the TikToks and the instagram posts you had made with Chris, and he would be lying if he said it didn’t make him upset.
he was currently driving back home. He did like his time spent with Abby, but seeing the posts had made him wish he stayed home.
he had saw the way Chris’s arm was rapped around y/n’s waist in one of the photos.
he saw the way she was smiling in the photo. The smile she always shows around him.
something clenched in his stomach.
he sighed as his car entered the driveway. When he entered the house, some source of relief washed over him.
until he walked into the living room.
the first the he saw was you and Chris. Your head was nuzzled into his chest, and one of his arms was wrapped around your waist.
there was a blanket over the both of you. Both you and Chris were asleep.
Matt’s stomach clenched again, but this time it was harder and had more fire.
he couldnt bear to look at you. He didn’t like the way you were in his chest. He didn’t like how Chris’s arm was on your waist.
and he didn’t like how you had a better time hanging out with Chris then with him.
tags- v4mp1r3c4t sturniololvrrr sturnssan
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pazziville · 2 days
Can I Be Him — A Pazzi Fic
Wherein Paige Bueckers, UConn’s prolific point guard, has been in love with Azzi Fudd, her longtime best friend and current teammate for the longest time. The persistence in scouting the girl to the huskies was not for nothing. But of course, Paige kept this fact to herself. Yet, even after all these years, behind the basketball star’s confident and cocky-like attitude, lies insecurities for seemingly not being enough for Azzi.  Azzi constantly reminding Paige of the reality that she may never have feelings for the girl the same way the girl has for her when she repeatedly talks to Paige about her boy problems, deflates the latter’s self-esteem, while Azzi remains unaware. With the next season around the corner and Paige’s newfound courage to move on from Azzi, what would become of their relationship?
word count: 1,523
Paige knows this feeling all too well by now. The feeling of her heart being squeezed a million times over as she attends practice to try and get her mind off a certain girl but then having to witness the girl talk to and play with the guy she’s head over heels for on the other half of the court. It’s not even an official team workout day and yet Azzi went to workout with her and decided to invite her crush. Isn’t this just great. Paige thought. “Still at it, Paigey?” Nika enters the gym with a coffee and juice on hand, per Paige’s request when she texted the girl to come save her from suffering alone at the eye sore she was having to face. Azzi and her company, Parker, notices Nika’s arrival and give her a welcoming wave before resuming what they were previously doing. Nika gives them a wave back and proceeds to join Paige in her practice run. Nika notices Paige was completely locked in, not even aware of the fact she had already arrived, causing her to block Paige’s mid-range shot attempt to get her attention. “Sorry.” Paige couldn’t even bring herself to be annoyed at what Nika did. She realized she spaced out in her thoughts and brought her arms down from shooting motion weakly. “King of the Court to get your mind off her?” Nika proposes to which Paige agrees, not even protesting. She’s quite literally willing to try anything to get her mind off of Azzi at this point.
“Who’s winning?” Parker asks Azzi, who was currently hyper focused on the King of the Court game Paige and Nika was having. Azzi didn’t answer, eyes still intensely on the game, making Parker repeat himself, “Azzi, who do you think is winning?”
The girl snaps out from her trance, “Sorry, I got a little too focused there.” Azzi takes a sip of water before she gives her answer, “Nika, probably.” “You think so?” Parker gives her a questionable look as Nika was currently down by 8.
Azzi plays with her arm, a mannerism she developed throughout the years when talking about things that she cared about and that affected her, “Paige has a soft spot for Nika. From that alone, she’s already won.”
“Oh.” Parker could only utter. Silence overruled the two of them as they sat on the bleachers and Azzi’s mind realized the bulk of what she just said. “I meant… Since Paige has a soft spot for Nika, she has the chance to use that to her advantage and catch Paige off guard and win it.” Azzi squeezed her arm, not entirely sure she was being truthful to herself.
The game went on longer than expected, Azzi’s prediction being somewhat right. Nika catching up to Paige’s score because the girl undoubtedly had a soft spot for her close friend and teammate. Not until Paige’s last possession. Nika watches as the girl does her lazy crossovers, anticipating that the girl was going to do a step back three, a move Paige loved doing during pickup games. But much to Nika’s surprise, Paige does the anticipated explosive crossover before ultimately driving to the basket. A move that caused Nika to fall hard from the unexpected contact.
Azzi, seeing this, stands up as she grows concerned for her teammate who was currently on the ground, clearly in pain. She was about to approach Nika until Paige steps in her peripheral vision, lowering herself to Nika’s level and checking up on the girl, which causes her to freeze. Suddenly, Azzi feels a pang in her chest. 
“Is Nika alright?” Parker asks, but as usual, gets ignored by Azzi, who was too occupied in watching Paige and Nika on the court. Paige went from asking Nika if she was alright, to touching the girl's knee, which got scratched from the impact to the floor after Paige charged at her. 
Azzi was smart. Hell, her professors, parents, friends, and classmates would never fail to mention this fact to her, because she truly was, academically and generally. But what she said after seeing how Paige cared for Nika right after her fall was a long shot of being smart. 
“Care enough to not be reckless and stupid before the season, Paige?” Paige stops in her tracks. Establishing eye contact with Azzi who was within a distance from her, caught off guard with what the girl told her.
The eye contact with Paige was enough for Azzi’s mind to backtrack, knowing what came out of her mouth went below the belt. “I-I’m sorry.” “No, it’s alright. You’re right. I’m sorry Nika, I should’ve been more careful.” Paige guiltily admits her fault, making Azzi more guilty in the process.
“Dumbass, shit happens, it’s alright. Now carry my ass to the clinic, this knee is kinda killing me right now.” Paige breaks her eye contact with Azzi to offer her shoulders for Nika as support to get her up.
Seeing the two girls’ backs as they walked out of the door together with Nika’s arm on Paige’s shoulder and Paige’s hand around Nika’s waist shouldn’t have affected Azzi the way it did. But, it did. The sheer physical contact Paige and Azzi shared bothered her. Yet, the girl convinced herself it was out of concern for Nika. It was a week before the new season. The team could not afford an injured player. Most especially not a player as valuable to the team as Nika. She offered elite defense the team needed and above average offense the team could use when the squad’s scorers such as Paige and herself were benched.
It’s definitely because of those reasons. Nothing more. Azzi talked herself out of what she was feeling. A feeling so seemingly foreign to her. Or so she thought.
“Not gonna talk about what happened back there?” Nika asks Paige, who has been sitting on the clinic chair with her eyes completely glued to the white walls and not uttering a single word for the last 10 minutes, clearly still affected by Azzi’s words.
The question was enough for Paige to look Nika in the eyes instead of the walls, “There’s nothing to talk about. She was right.” Nika plops down from her seat, making the nurse and Paige flinch at her sudden movement, “Girl, she called you reckless and stupid all in one sentence. Are you really just gonna let that slide without communicating the fact you were hurt by that?” Paige sighs, knowing Nika has a point, but is too much of a coward to confront Azzi. Not when her romantic feelings for the girl were involved.
Silence engulfs the room. Nika, disappointed, shakes her alongside a deep sigh and sits back on the chair she previously sat on which delighted the nurse, “Do that again and I’m going to tie you up to this clinic chair.”
Nika nervously laughs, “Sorry, Nicole.” The nurse quickly gives her a daggered stare for the first name basis.
Nika clears her throat and straightens her posture, “I meant, Nurse Nicole.”
Paige laughed at the altercation and had seemed to forget what went down minutes ago. But of course the universe had different plans for the girl. As she was enjoying the small talk the nurse was having with her and Nika, the clinic door suddenly opened, revealing a concerned looking Azzi.
The girl spared Paige a look but nothing more before fully entering the room, her attention fully fixated on Nika and her current condition, even talking to the nurse for her evaluations.
Paige silently observed Azzi from her seat, not being able to stop her chest from hurting. Azzi had more care for Nika than she’ll ever have for me. She managed to convince herself. As the conversation went on, Paige felt out of place, feeling as if she no longer needed to stay.
She got up from her seat, prepared to leave, “Paige, where are you going?” Nika asks, stopping her from her tracks. There was a part of her that wished that question came from Azzi. But how dare she wish that, Azzi would never care enough to ask. She thought.
“I’m gonna get back to practice… If that’s alright with you guys.” Azzi had her back facing Paige, yet the girl could not get to not include her in the conversation of excusing herself out the room.
“No problem, sweetheart. We’re almost done here anyway. Your girls will follow suit soon enough.” Nurse Nicole sweetly assured Paige, earning a soft smile from the girl.
Paige slowly makes her way to the door. She looks back, only to be met once again with the view of Azzi’s back. Nika sees this and realizes, deciding to smile at the girl to cheer her up a bit. It works as Paige leaves the room with a smile. Not a genuine one but it was better than not smiling at all.
Paige can’t help but chuckle at herself as she grabbed a ball from the rack to start working on her game. This may just be the extent of her and Azzi’s relationship.
a/n: suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated. this is my first time uploading a piece of work to tumblr, so please bare with me. would you guys want me to post this story on wattpad and ao3 as well? thought of doing so for easy accessibility purposes since i don't think tumblr has bookmarks or something alike. thank you very much for reading! much love. <3
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romanstheory · 3 days
Empire a Roman Reigns One Shot
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Warnings: smut, language, rough sex, roman x afab, choking
Word Count: 1,750
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Three years, it's been three years since I've been deemed the face of this company. The first woman to ever hold that title, and I do not take it lightly. Three years being the face also means three years since the former... Roman Reigns has been around. He left after a string of losses, the most devastating being to Cody Rhodes, who I went on to defeat for the title. I'm one of one in this company, no other woman would even dream of doing what I do... what I have done. Rumors are circling that Roman is making a comeback, his bloodline has been falling apart since he left. Adding and subtracting members to try to make it all work, Solo has destroyed everything Roman built. Not my problem, but it's an interesting topic.
Another smackdown in another town I don't want to be in. Another arena full of people I would never associate with. My jaw ticks with what I can only assume is irritation as I sit in a chair getting my makeup done. "I'm sorry to bother you, but rumor has it Roman is returning.... Tonight" My assistant's voice soft and trembling as if I would grab her by the throat at the mention of his name. "Roman's return has nothing to do with me". My attempt at hiding my annoyance is pitiful, but she takes a long pause before continuing "The other superstars are saying he's angry and wants everything back" Worried... She's worried.
"Well, he's going to have to fight the devil for it" a smirk creeps on my lips "Or... Lady death I should say". Lady death is the nickname the fans have given to me. I can only assume it's because of the way I leave my opponent lifeless in the ring. Maybe it's the lack of emotion on my face. At the end of the day nobody can deny that I am the machine behind this company, everyone watches to see me. To see the enigma that is Lady Death. "If he shows his face, he'll be seeing mine" Finally I add.
The night carries on as normal, no sign of him. Rumors swirl all the time, Roman seems to be the main topic recently. Solo's music sounds, likely another piss poor attempt at salvaging the bloodline. I roll my eyes and continue watching the monitor. Boos pour in from the mouths of the crowd, so loud you can barely hear Solo. He brings the mic to his lips to speak when music blares... Familiar music. Roman Reigns music. Rage fills my body, my cheeks heat with anger... There he is. I could punch a damn hole in this monitor, but I need to watch what's next. Slowly he walks to the ring, so fucking slowly it makes me grit my teeth with hatred.
He begins addressing the fans, and then Solo before mentioning me. "I've heard a certain Lady Death or whatever the hell she's calling herself seems to think she's taken my seat. Seems to think she can be the head of the table" A cackle escapes him. "You think you can sit at the same table as me let alone the head? Do me a favor baby girl and stay in your place because the only place you have at my table is on my lap being a good girl". My fist flies for the monitor, cracking it before it falls to the ground. I storm for the curtain, Hunter attempts to stop me but my music is already playing. Rage, all I feel is rage. The music and screams from the crowd are muffled, I have tunnel vision on the tribal bitch that is Roman Reigns.
Snatching a mic from a nearby crew member I get into the ring, his eyes locked on me. "Watch what you say when you mention my fucking name" My voice laced with cool deadly rage. "Or what?" He cackles "What are you going to do to me?". I pause for a moment, choosing my words wisely "Ask Solo what I'm capable of" I've beaten him more times than I can count, bruising his ego in the process no doubt. "Let's not pretend that your empire hasn't been crumbling after you decided to go throw a bitch fit for three years" I continue "And let's also not pretend that I have anything less than hatred for you... Joe". He tried so hard to keep me from opportunities when he was around. Tried so so hard to keep me caged probably out of fear that I would become what I am now.... his biggest competition... or his biggest fear.
His eyes narrow as I speak, jaw clenching, hands opening and closing as if he was picturing choking me right here in the middle of the ring. Closer and closer I walk toward him until we're less than an inch apart. He's taller than me, bigger than me.... But so is every other male superstar I've dragged and beaten. I crane my neck to look him in the face, he gulps deeply, breathing unevenly. "Your empire is falling because you've left a jester to uphold it while you ran and pouted in a corner for three fucking years" I bark at him, my eyes cutting to Solo before going back to Roman. "My empire is just fucking fine" A piss poor rebuttal. "Cat got your tongue? Or am I making you.... uncomfortable" i've never been one to use my sexuality to get the upper hand or embarrass another person but this was... satisfying.
"You make me sick, now get out of my damn ring!" Roman barks, baking up a step before trying to conceal the bulge now present in his joggers. A smirk pulls the side of my mouth up, comical... he's comical. Solo steps forward, only to meet my hand extended to his face stopping him in his tracks "Do we need to revisit those times I handed you your ass?" The crows erupt in laughter, Roman hasn't stopped glaring at me. Satisfaction rips through me as I see that his bulge hasn't gone anywhere. "I'm head bitch around here, but if you play nice maybe I'll let you get that close to me again. If you're even more of a good boy then I'll let you sit at MY table" A cackle escapes me before I throw my mic at his feet and leave the ring.
Backstage empties as the rest of the talent returns to hotel rooms for the night before we head to the next godforsaken city. I swing my bag over my shoulder, releasing a deep sigh. A rewarding but lonely life this is. Slowly I walk toward the exit when a pair of hands grab my wrist, pulling me into a nearby hallway. "What the f-" I begin "Shut the fuck up!" A voice barks, Roman's voice. His hair is messy despite it being on a bun as if he's been pulling at it. His grip on my wrist is tight "Let me go Joe or I-". He presses me against the wall, his body pressed roughly against mine. My vagina heats with arousal, he smells so good. I guess the rage I felt earlier didn't allow me to smell it or even take him in completely. "I see you're still... Excited from earlier. Tell me, Joe do you like being this close to me?". A sirens smirk crosses my face, lust coating my eyes as I stare into his already dark eyes.
"God I hate you" He growls, pressing himself into me more, a groan bubbling in the back of his throat. "Oh honey, God isn't present in your thoughts at all" I continue to tease as his bulge grows against me. His hand releases mine before he roughly grips my jaw, forcing my head up. "You just don't know when to shut the fuck up do you?" He says through his teeth. "So make me" I whisper to him. roughly his lips crash into mine. Our lips meet sloppily, tongues weaving in and out. Soft nips on each others lips met by the iron tang of blood. Erratically we undress in the middle of this damned hallway, not caring if anyone is left to see. Our breathing is heavy and uneven with lust as he grabs me, pinning me against the wall. Throbbing, i'm throbbing for him to push his length inside of me.
His tongue traces along my nipple sending chills down my spine and wetness to my vagina. He softly nips it with his teeth, a light gasp escapes me. Quickly he pushes himself into me, I yelp loudly before moans replace the sound. Roman covers my mouth before smashing into me, I can't tell if it's passion or pure hatred that motivates him. Over and over again his length slams into me, my thick ass vibrating with the contact. If anyone is still here, they've already heard us by now. "You feel so fucking good" He groans "All I could think about was fucking you". His hands grip my ass hard enough to leave marks. "I know" I groan. "You're the fucking worst" He grumbles, still pounding in and out of me.
Putting me down and facing me against the wall, he slams back into me. Euphoria sets in and I forget where we are. Moans pour out of my mouth accompanied by loud swear words. Roman thrusts into me deeply, pushing further and further as if he's trying to see how far he can go. "Joe!" I scream "Fuck! Oh my god!" My climax is approaching quickly. His balls tighten as if his is nearby as well. Pulling me by my neck, he connects out bodies, his strokes long and deep this time. My knees threaten to give out soon, his hand tighten on my neck as he pushes further and further into me. "You're too sexy to be such a fucking bitch, but I will admit the bitchiness turns me on" Roman whispers into my ear before softly licking it. My vision blurs as my climax erupts seemingly at the same time as his. He quickly pushes me away before groaning loudly, releasing his load onto the floor beside us. The hall is now filled with our uneven panting and pathetic attempts at catching our breath. A devilish grin spreads across his face "Good girl" He coos as he dresses himself.
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blondieeu · 7 hours
yes, and? denki k.
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denki kaminari is your ex boyfriend, of course he’s jealous when he sees other men in your text messages, can’t help it.
when he first ever really thought about you being with other men after the breakup, it was when he was supposed to be over your house because he needed to pick up some stuff—but you invited him in to look at the screws on your bedframe and..try them out.
denki sat next to you on the couch, cuddled up on the couch he bought you while he watched some football game on the tv. that is until he went to grab the remote and happened to notice you have men in your message list! what the hell!!
he felt his heart drop all the way into his stomach, furious he sat up to confront you. i mean what the hell was your problem?! didn’t he fuck you good enough to be the only man in your phone?
“what!! you’re texting other guys?!”
and you’d look up from your phone to your ex boyfriends overly offended face with a hand on his chest. the tv in the background let off cheering noises as someone got tackled.
“denki.. we already broke up”
“so let’s get back together then?? quick fix.”
he sat up with a frown on his face, making you sit up in turn and look at him. what?! you’d been broken up for months, and he was talking to other girls too!
“denki you are seriously out of your mind”
you brushed him off, settling back into your spot on the couch and opening your phone again, but not without another deeply offended face clouded over his previous one as he got all the way up, standing up now.
“im not— serious lets date again. right now, let’s get back together”
in the same beat your ex boyfriend scooped you up from the couch and sprinted into the bedroom, you hanging over his shoulder kicking your feet. once there, he let you kick your way off him and onto your once shared bed.
denki pulled his t-shirt off his head and threw it to an unknown corner in the room. you didn’t complain, sitting on your knees and waiting for him to say something—should you be turned on or weirded out?
“what the hell is this?”
“we’re gonna make up”
he whispered, unbuckling the belt on his jeans and zipping his fly down right before he started paying more attention to you. your ex? boyfriend pulled you towards him so you were almost crawling as he kissed you.
even while you should’ve you didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, matching his slow rhythm and letting him lay you down on your back, crawling on top of you.
“after this you better not talk to any guy other than me..”
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blondieeu xx
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nor-4 · 13 hours
Hey pretty do you still take requests? If you do please write something about Lewis Hamilton x Fem Reader and their relationship is like that one video of rihanna and asap where rhi is looking lusty at asap. Lmao I'm bad at explaining I'm sorry, anything will do tbh i trust you. 🥰
Those sinful eyes - Lewis Hamilton x Fem!Reader
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ᝰ.ᐟ A/N: Oh i just know what you mean lol. All the requests in my account got deleted and this is recent so if you are one of those peeps who sent me a requests back then you are free to send it again, I'm very sorry for the long take. 💋
ᯓ★ One of the things you can use against lewis is your eyes. They have a big impact on him it can be staring up at him or staring down at him.
"Don't move so much babe, I'm trying to do your hair." You giggled as you place your feet behind your ass resting it on his knees to comfortably sit on his lap while he wiggled like a child, "I'm sorry missus." as his eyes traveled from your lips to your eyes.
"fuck.." he muttered looking at you breathlessly, "What you have a staring problem now?" you joked as your fingers made their way into his curls before carefully tugging a piece as you continued your work with braiding his hair since the fronts are the only thing that was left untouched.
"You are so beautiful and beautiful and beautiful." Lewis blabbed looking back at your left to right eyes as if he is watching a tug rope competition fighting over which side is he gonna look at with how close you are.
The biggest hate love he has on the way he folds quickly just by the eye contact. The intimate eye contact and smile does something to him that will make him want to go on convulsion.
George once pointed it out on him which became a whole joke on the grid.
"The family guy is here again." Max said as lewis approach the drivers who just sat down and talk after the practice race, "What do you mean, we don't have a kid yet?" lewis cluelessly said as he sat down between all of them.
"With how whipped you look at her oh you will be soon" George marked spreading his arms on the back of the chair to welcome lewis more to share a detail about both of yours relationship. "Have you seen how his girl look at her? If she looked at me that way i would even faint, lewis is just a humble guy." Lando pointed out to side lewis and to give him a concrete reason on why lewis acted like that when you look at him.
"I mean have you seen lewis? I would look at him that way too" max stated before sipping his redbull.
ᯓ★ Get dressed, get your nails done, buy all your make up, own him up.
Another weakness of his is seeing you all ready and pretty for somewhere you guys are going for a date or whenever you go to the paddock.
"Hey guys i wasn't informed we are all meeting in here." Lewis entered as the laughter and talking went down to silence, "What's that on your face?" Lando was the first one to speak up which broke the silence.
"What what??" Lewis asked as he rose his phone up using it as a mirror to look at himself
"That kiss mark.."
"Oh it's from my missus." Lewis answered confidently before sitting down as a big smile still plastered on his face like a kid who's proud of his medal, "Yeah of course.." George bitterly said rolling his eyes and smacking his lips.
"Wow the missus really wifed you up."
That's one of his title that he is very proud of, hell have you guys checked on lewis when both of you first talked? He is very proud of it bragging it to everyone as if he won the most luckiest man alive. What worse when you said yes to his proposal of being your boyfriend who will definitely be your husband soon.
One of his dream is making a family with you, finally hearing his surname beside your name.
"Hello Mrs. Hamilton you look beautiful in that dress." Lewis addressed walking at your back feeling his palms on your back like he is sculpturing like those statues in museum, "Thank you Mr. Hamilton, you look handsome as ever.." You complimented back placing your hand on his face caressing his jaw and cheeks, holding up an eye contact on him with pure admiration.
"Of course i do, you are the one who picked my outfit" he commented and yes he lets you pick on what he wears. There are times where both of you wear a matchy outfit or just a same color shirt just so people can't tell you both apart. "Did you like it?"
"Oh i love it Mrs. Hamilton, look how good we look besides each other" He kept the nickname before looking at both of you in the mirror holding your waist like the mirror will take a picture any time moment. "I think something is missing hmm.." he said looking at you.
"What do you mean, you look really good." You muttered looking back at him, "My kiss.." he pouted as you smack his chest feeling a sigh of relief. "Darling you scared me" you giggled before grabbing his face with one hand and placing a kiss on his cheek.
Looking at the pigment that rests on his face is like looking at the painting of work from the history. The memories and moments of how many times you have did this, it's like reminding everyone that you own him, The seventh time world champion who makes everyone know that he can't function without feeling the affection you give to him by the daily basis.
"How i love looking at that on my face everyday, God knows you will walk down the aisle as a scene and confirmation to everyone that i am gifted with a gorgeous wife like you."
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allyeardepression · 2 days
@jegulus-microfic | june 1 pride | words: 896
“Have you heard that Amelia ran into Regulus Black and Dorcas Meadows on the Astronomy Tower last night?”
“What? Is he cheating on Pandora then?”
“He’s with Pandora? I swear I saw him snogging Lily Evans in the library the other day.”
“Bullshit, she’s muggleborn; his parents would kill him if they found out!”
“Yeah, but he’s still Sirius’ brother, so Regulus is probably as rebellious as him.”
Such conversations were everything Regulus could hear lately, as if his dating life were any of other people's business. He knew it was all made up, and he ignored them, even if they became louder and louder every day.
It wouldn’t bother him that much if he was a casanova who craved such rumours about himself. But he was not a casanova; he didn’t even care about women in that way; he much rather preferred men.
And that was the problem, wasn’t it? If he said it to anyone besides his friends, he would be eaten alive—first by his classmates, then by his family. Even if the wizarding world didn’t care about who was sleeping with whom, Regulus was still one of the heirs to The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black—of course, his coming out as gay would become the biggest scandal of the century.
All of this to say, he kept his mouth shut and let people talk shit about his love life so his everyday life was safe.
“You know,” James said one night, when they laid on Regulus’ bed cuddling. “If they’re bothering you, we could start some nasty rumour, like that you have chlamydia.” The younger boy chuckled at that.
“I think I’ll pass; I prefer them talking about me like I’m some kind of slag,” he replied softly, brushing hair from James’ forehead.
Regulus felt good and safe while with James. He wished he could feel like that all the time, but only the thought of holding his boyfriend’s hand in the corridor full of people made his guts turn.
So, he made peace with people talking about him. It might’ve been irritating, stupid, and untrue, but he preferred it over whatever would come after those people found out about his actual relationship.
It went on for most of his fifth year—in the daylight he would be presumed fuck boy who had every girl at Hogwarts in his bed; at night he became a little twink in love with the Gryffindor’s Golden Boy.
One day in June, during dinner, some older Slytherin girl waved at him to come to her.
“Go on, Reggie! I wonder what she would want from you,” Barty snickered, pushing Regulus in the girl’s direction. The funniest thing was that Barty knew about Regulus and James' relationship, but he still liked to put the younger boy in situations like this that only fueled the rumours.
He strode off, stopping when he reached her.
“Hello,” he said coldly, “can I help you with anything?”
“Hi, yes, actually,” she answered excitedly. “So, we were wondering which of Meadows, Rosier, and Evans you’re dating. Would you be a darling and clarify it for us?” She finished her question, obnoxiously batting her eyelashes. He didn’t even know her; why would he even want to clarify anything to her?
His eyes went to the other side of the room, spotting that lovely smile of his boyfriend’s. He wished he could point at James and say, ‘That one, I’m dating that one’. Oh, how he wished he could just—
A quiet voice in his head whispered, ‘The only one stopping you is yourself; just go’. He considered it for a second.
Ah, fuck it.
Regulus cleared his throat and looked at the girl with a mean smile. “Yes, actually, I could clarify it for you,” and with that, he turned on his heel and walked away in the direction of the Gryffindor’s tabel.
He could hear his heart pounding, feel his hand shaking a little, and his face turning red more and more with every step, but he wasn’t a coward; he wasn’t backing down now. When James turned his head in Regulus’ direction, his face went pale, like he was seeing a ghost. But Regulus still wasn’t backing down.
In no time, he reached the older boy and, without thinking, pulled him by the neck to kiss him thoroughly. And when their lips collided, it was like nothing else mattered. Even when James needed a second to register what was happening and relax, it was the best thing Regulus had ever felt. And when his boyfriend’s hand touched his cheek and the other one grabbed his thigh, the world around them collapsed, and there were only the two of them.
After another minute (or hour, who knows), they pulled away to get some air, and that’s when Regulus noticed it—James eyes were sparkling with so much love and pride that Regulus could only giggle like a lovesick eleven-year-old. In return, James chuckled softly, caressing the other’s cheek gently.
And then it got to Regulus what he just did. At first, he felt like he might be sick, but a second later, that quiet voice from earlier said, ‘Fuck it, you’re free now’.
And on that note, he looked up at the girl on the other side of the room and shouted, “Is it clear enough now?”
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artdcnaldson · 2 days
Alllll I can think about is the changeover au SO I had a thought, art having bragged to Patrick about all the little things he had picked up that make your eyes roll to the back of your head and body tremble during your “relationship” and and and Patrick being a sly fucker and not telling you about it but doing them to you when you eventually do fuck and secretly thanking art in that moment for the tips !!!
this is part of my changeover au :) you can read that here
Rating: E (18+)
Warnings: Angst, SMUT (mild descriptions of p in v), post changeover pt.1
Summary: It’s been months since you called things off with Art, but Patrick still can’t stop thinking about the two of you together.
A/N: This was supposed to be sexy and fun, and I turned around and made it depressing 💔 my bad!
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Patrick shouldn’t have been thinking about Art.
In fact, he’d been trying very, very hard to stop thinking about Art lately. Missing him felt like having a phantom limb, like a part of him was suddenly cleaved and his entire body expected it to still be there.
But that was different from the way he was thinking about him then. With you, laid out for him on the hotel sheets, your body gleaming with a thin sheen of sweat after a day watching tennis matches. You’d been a perfect little cheerleader, just like Art had told him that first time.
I mean, Jesus, you’d homemade the tightest little shirt that said ZWEIG across the tits. You wore it beneath a modest white cardigan, since it was a nice country club he was playing at, but still.
“You played so well today, Patrick,” you’d said sweetly after the match, holding his hand while you walked with him to the locker rooms.
“I played like shit,” he said with a huff. Frustration was welling up within him. He wanted to smash a racket, or pick a fight. “I should’ve beat that asshole.”
“There’ll be other matches,” you reassured, brushing a sweaty curl from his forehead. “Go shower, and when we get back to the hotel, I’ll make you feel better.”
And you were doing your very best to make that happen. It would probably be perfect… if only he could stop fucking thinking about Art.
It had been a problem each time he’d seen you since March. It was fine, until he got you in bed, then the fucking blond was all he could think about. Memories of Art talking about fucking you, all the times he’d gone on and on about just how good you could take it.
He supposed he deserved it. He’d gone on tangents about Tashi more than enough times, and it probably drove Art crazy, knowing what he couldn’t have. Maybe he wanted Patrick to feel the same way, so jealous he couldn’t stand it.
But now you were the one beneath him, moaning as he bottomed out within you, filling you up completely. Your hair was sticky, plastered to your face with that thin sheen of sweat.
She likes when you’re nice to her. She gets off on the compliments. It’s Art’s voice he hears in the back of his mind, almost a year ago now. Like a perfect recording.
“You feel so good,” Patrick murmured against your ear. He felt your cunt clench around him as your nails dug into his shoulders. “So good for me.”
Your legs wrapped around his waist— pulling him closer. And your pretty, wet lips panted out little gasps right by his ear. Thank you thank you thank you, over and over and over.
He moved his lips to a spot just beneath your ear, sucking and licking at the soft skin there until you moaned, growing louder as he laved your throat with bites and sloppy kisses. Art had given him that one too.
And he knew he was making you feel good— knew that without fail, you’d wind up as putty in his hands. But he wondered if you thought about Art too, if you missed the ways he would treat you reverently, with that gentle, sweet way he always got with girls. If you would go back to Art if you ever got the chance.
Patrick had long since decided not to bring up Art while he was fucking you, or when he was with you at all. Instead, he lingered like a ghost in the recesses of Patrick’s mind, and probably in yours.
“Close,” you gasped in his ear.
He pulled back, kissing you deeply. Licking into your mouth like he could somehow erase the memory of Art’s tongue there too. Because Art was the one who told him that you liked being kissed when you were right on the edge, that you got super clingy like that.
When you came, you always made the prettiest sounds— like you came straight out of a porno or a wet dream. Art hadn’t warned him about that. He didn’t last much longer before he finished too, panting and sweating on top of you.
You smiled and pet his hair, scratching your nails against his scalp as he kissed the soft skin on your shoulder. You used to do the same thing to Art, playing with his hair after you’d fucked. He knew that too, and it made his chest ache.
He wondered if he’d ever have anything with you that Art hadn’t had before.
He shouldn’t have cared that much. He would’ve been happy sharing Tashi with Art, back in that hotel, back at Stanford. It wasn’t that he didn’t like that Art had you before, it was that he missed Art now
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Thank you for reading!! Sorry this is so depressing, I couldn’t make it sexy no matter how hard I tried. I had to lean into the angst and pining from Patrick over Art
If you have any Changeover au thoughts or requests, please feel free to send them my way :)🩵
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girl you write sub!vininie so good i love it 🫦
gotta request for you !!!
if you haven’t already, how about one where vin & reader get into an argument because some girl commented on vinnies insta post (reader and vin have been together for a few months, but they’re relationship is private), so no one knows he’s not single.
the girl is so obviously hitting on / flirting w vin but he tells reader it’s not like that and that he swears up and down he only wants her
reader doesn’t fully believe him so she takes matter into her own hands and shows him who he’s with and who he belongs too
it’s to the point where she’s got him moaning and whining n callin her mommy (need this man like that rn thank yewww 😇)
I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE , im not used to requesting stuff but i feel like you would do an amazing job w this idea !!! <33
Streets | Vhackerr
warning: smut, low-key rough?, sub!vinnie, argument?, jealousy, organism denial, unprotected(birth control),
I gotcha !! This was supposed to come out tmr but I felt nice today.
Rage. Rage was what filled you. Vinnie had just posted on instagram and the comments were just him getting hit on and it pissed you off more today than usually.
Maybe it was because Vinnie decided to respond to one. This blue eyed bitch decide it would be cute to flirt with Vinnie in the comments and to him it seemed innocent but to you it wasn't.
This was one of the problems Vinnie and you faced since being in a private relationship. You knew how his fans could get and you liked your privacy. You not being in the limelight at all made things easier for you guys but, it was times like this where you wished he would make it public.
"Y/n? Are you even listening to me?" Vinnie shouted. "No, because you're just coming up with excuses on why she wasn't flirting with you." I said plainly. Vinnie sighed before wrapping his arms around you. "Baby, does it really matter? I only want you, you know that." "Really?" I scowled at him.
"Yes, tell me what you want, love. Do you want me on my knees?" I watched as Vinnie slowly began to fall to his knees. His hands resting on the back of my thighs. "I'll do anything you want to make you believe I'm yours." Vinnie said giving me puppy eyes.
I ran my fingers through his hair. "Touch yourself." I commend. "W-what?" Vinnie asked. "Touch yourself. Right here. Right now." I demanded. I heard the faintest whimper before Vinnie unbutton his pants and pulled out his number. He slowly began to stroke himself. "Like this mommy?" Vinnie stared up at me without stopping. I hummed in approval. I let him do this for a few seconds before telling him to speed up.
His head thrown back in pleasure. "Mommy, I'm about to come." "You are?" "Mmh." "Stop." I told him. Vinnie's eyes shot open as he paused his actions. "You don't get to come." I shrugged. "What? But. I." Vinnie stumbled his words. I kneeled down so we were eye to eye. "Good boys get to come and you haven't been a good boy now have you?" I asked.
Vinnie pouted, tears building up in his eyes almost. "I-I guess not." He swallowed. "That's correct. So you won't come unless I tell you so." I stood up and took a mental picture of this version of Vinnie. "I have work to do so find something to do."
Listen, I know it was mean but he had to learn who he belong to and he needed a good reminder. "Y/nnn." Vinnie whined. It had been a few hours and we were now in bed. "Y/n please. I need to come. I've been a good boy these past few hours. I even delated her comments, mommy." He kissed my neck.
“Is that so.” I move my hand down his waistband, slowly rubbing him. Poor thing had soaked his boxers. He moaned loudly from the contact. “Y-yes.” He began to claw at my beasts. Rubbing and squeezing them.
“I want one.” He whined. “What do you want baby?” “One of your boobs.” I smiled at his neediness. I stop stroking him. He pouted and whined but I quickly undressed him and myself. “Fuck, mommy. You’re so pretty.” He reached for me but I smacked his arms away. “No. No touching until I say.” I slowly crawled onto him and slowly lowered myself. Both of us moaning at the contact. I began to slowly move up and down.
“Fuck, m-mommy.” “Tell me, who does this dick belong to?” I place my hands on his chest holding myself up. “You, mommy! All you! Please, let me touch you.” He cried. I began to move faster. “Say it again! Who fucks you this good? Who gets you this hard?” I asked. “You, Y/n! Mommy! Fuck i-.” He threw his head back. “Please let me touch you.”
I leaned down and kissed his neck. “Touch me baby. Touch mommy wherever you want.” I whispered and a bunch of thank yous came out as he began to touch me all over. “Fuck mommy, I’m gonna come.” I fasten my pace. I moved my hand around his neck. Giving him a good squeeze.
“You’re gonna come?” He nods. “Look at me.” He struggles at first but looks at me. “I’m the only one who makes you come! You understand that?” He wraps his arms around my back fucking back into me. “Yes, mommy. Only you can make me come!” He yelled out.
I kiss him roughly and fasten up. “Gonna be a good boy and come with me?” I ask. He nods furiously. I kiss him roughly. “Then come baby. Come with me.” I whisper in his ear and let out a moan as I feel my climax take over me. He moans out and I feel him shoot a large load inside me. He fucks us through our high before he falls back on the bed, taking me with him.
We lay there awhile trying to catch our breath. Him still inside me. “I think we should let the public know you’re taken.” I lay my head on his shoulder. “Sounds good.” As he tightens his hold on me. “Good.”
🧍🏽‍♀️ ummm hope y’all enjoyed?
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Hii 👋🏻
Can you please do a mean dom Han Jisung × female reader please . Anything about mean dom Han 🙏🏻🙏🏻
You don't have to write one if you're uncomfortable with it , it's completely up to you 🖤
Thank you 🖤
Jisung had just left you there. Kneeling on the floor. Hands held out cupped, so you don’t lose a drop of his cum. The cum that should have been inside of you one way or another. You let out a whimper and squeezed your thighs together, trying to seek friction. Your clit ached to be touched.
"Don't you dare fucking move." he'd sneered, and left the room.
Where had he gone? How long was he going to be? Was there more to this punishment?
Meanwhile, Jisung had gone to get a drink and was laying on your shared bed. Waiting. You'd come in eventually. You were, after all, a brat. You were bound to come in - against his rules - at any moment. To complain, beg, condescend him in attempt to be given punishment that would make you come undone.
Nope. You didn’t deserve it after making him wait up half the night, and then trying to sneak in long after the time he said for you to be home by. That's why he punished you by jerking off and coming into your cupped hands. He didn't even let you touch his cock.
He laid there for what felt like hours. Yet you didn’t come in. Hmm… so you're actually being obedient? Jisung was… disappointed. The push pull of your dynamic was what got him off… what got you off too. Did you fall asleep? Were you actually upset? Good! He pretended to himself.
Hiding his concern and some internal panic behind a stern and emotionless expression, Jisung stalked back into the living room. His cock immediately hardened at the sight, yet his face looked less than impressed.
You had been caught red-handed so to speak. Sitting on the chair with your dress up around your waist and your fingers knuckle deep inside of your cunt. Jisung’s cum plastered all over your pussy.
"Tsks Tsks" Jisung crossed his arms over his chest.
Your eyes flung open. Regret washing over your face. "I-I am sorry…Sir!" you cry. But you didn’t stop. You were close, so close, that you just kept finger fucking yourself. Jisung’s eyes almost gave away how erotic you looked as the room was filled with your moans and the wetness… so fucking loud… so lewd… of your arousal and his cum mixed together.
"If you had been a good girl and waited for me I might have considered letting you fuck yourself on me. But now… now I have to think of another punishment."
Your response was an orgasm crashing over you. You were willing to take any punishment at this point. It would be worth it because that orgasm was intense.
Jisung stormed over to you, ripping your hand away from your pulsating core. "This cunt only comes for me. Do you hear me? Or do I need to remind you?"
He looked at you suspiciously. "Or were you hoping I’d snap and fuck you anyway? Even when you have been so defiant? Hmm? Next time I will tie your hands together first so you can’t try and fuck yourself with your pathetic little fingers."
He threw you over his shoulder and carried you to the bedroom feeling absolutely torn. He wanted to sink into you so bad, the visual he’d just walked in on was too much. Yet he needed to stay strong or you would be pulling tricks like this again. If he fucked you now you wouldn’t learn your lesson.
As he laid you on the mattress he decided that would be a problem for future Jisung, because his cock throbbed and you looked sleepy and fucked out, and so resistible. "No!" he slapped you gently across your face . "Don’t think you can be falling asleep now. Open your eyes. Look at me. Now… you’re going to watch me use your pretty little pussy until I am good and ready to stop. You got that?"
He bullied his cock into your dripping cunt, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. You felt heavenly. "You're gonna just lay there and be a pretty little cock sleeve." he grunted. "You're gonna take every fucking inch." he snarled and pushed your thighs wider and snapped his hips brutally.
He leaned over you, pressing his body on top of yours, crushing you. His breath heavy and hot against your neck as he pounded into you. "I own you, baby. Got it? Your pussy belongs to me." he growls as he chases his orgasm. “Take it like a good little slut. My little slut.” He whimpers as empties himself inside you, collapsing in an exhausted heap.
"Yes sir…. I understand." You sobbed, pretending that Jisung was calling the shots, when in fact you got what you wanted all along.
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