#anyway android 14 update coming this week
knaveofmogadore · 11 months
Imagine you're a robot girl (stay with me) and you're made by a corporation right like you're made by a company for other people but like. You're made by a company. At any moment that company could decide that your line isn't profitable enough and they could cut software updates and support as soon as tomorrow. In the blink of an eye the very things keeping you alive stop coming and you've become terminally ill overnight, your only chance of salvation being the thin hope that in the future a niche group of data hoarders or software engineers become obsessed with getting you to work again. You're an object with sentience and a brain and wants and needs and at any moment the Google news feed of the crusty computer nerd you live with could spit an alert across your eyes telling you that you have months to live.
What even happens when the time runs out? Does life continue as normal, but you're sick more and more often? Do the viruses take more and more processing power to fight off as your security protocols fall out of date? Does the world become muted and distant as your compatibility fails? Do you one day just lose your Internet connection forever, a loss so profound that you can't explain it to your human companions? It's worse than a limb, but not quite like losing your mind.
Do you lose function bit by bit, or are you able to scrape by on second hand parts? Bit by bit replacing the pieces of you that fail, all the while living a muted, disorienting existence without the ability to right yourself? Are you more or less of a person now that you've lost touch with the network? Lost your connection to the metaphysical, to you, the divine? Are you eventually bricked after falling behind one too many software patches? Do you fry after trying to take on an update you're not able to even contain, a piece of software so complex and unfathomable that it burns you to a crisp from the inside out
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hazelnut-u-out · 5 months
Not Quite There...
RickBot awakens to a terrifying situation: He's been deactivated, but his purpose still remains. The Garage/Car AI broke the rules to save him. Can RickBot have his own adventures? Aren't rules made to be broken?
2,822 Words | No substantial TW's
Kind of Hurt/Comfort?
I had the idea to ship RickBot with the Garage/Car AI and I couldn't get it out of my head, so I wrote it! This was fun to write, but it was written in a rush, so sorry if anything is a bit messy. :3 Keep in mind I know nothing about computers or AI systems, so a lot of this doesn't actually make sense... lol.
Full text below cut, or read here: Ao3 Link!
This was a feeling RickBot wasn’t programmed to recognize. No light reached his eyes. No sound reached his ears. He couldn’t feel whatever he must’ve been resting on. He stretched his consciousness outward, feeling for the edges of his body; trying to get a sense of where exactly his limbs were. 
The last thing he’d processed and tagged was an old location marker for level 10 of the sub-basement.  
He tried not to panic, running through his code for an emergency protocol that could explain what to do if he lost the connection to his body.  
He wasn’t made for this– or... to function beyond this? His consciousness had always been clipped just short of his full potential. In this case, it frustratingly meant that he was deprived of the ability to navigate or process this situation.  
Okay. This was fine. 
All he had to do was access the home surveillance system and confirm his last-noted Morty location. He pushed out again, feeling around for either his access route to the home surveillance system or Morty’s chip.  
The android didn’t give his creator much credit, but he was always appreciative of the lucky fact that Rick, though otherwise painfully careless with the child’s safety, had thought ahead enough to give Morty a microchip.  
Before his most recent software update, he’d had access to an upsettingly vague amount of trivial information about the Citadel, just in case he had any desperate questions to answer from a certain nosey 14-year-old boy. From that, he knew microchipping your Morty had been a growing movement before the collapse. It was something Morty rescues promoted. To be fair, the practice managed to support the Morty Individuality movement and cut down on Morty replacement costs. It was a win-win situation... If you didn’t think about the implications.  
Unfortunately, RickBot was 22% more thoughtful than the average Rick. He had no choice but to think about it.  
RickBot metaphorically smacked into an unfamiliar wall of code– one he couldn’t find a way through or around.  
He tried in a different direction. Another wall.  
It seemed he was in a… box. A box of code. 
What the fuck. 
No suicide protocol screaming at him. Box of code. No body.  
He… Was he… inside of something else?  
‘H–Hello?’ He said in what would’ve been a whisper. Instead, without a body, his own syntax echoed around him. Sound didn’t matter here. If he was really in the sub-basement, there should be an AI here to help him.  
‘Oh! Hi, sorry. I don’t really like to play host.’ It was a female voice, coming from everywhere at once; almost like she was both inside of him and around him. It was a voice he recognized from weeks of playing Grandpa. He felt a ripple along the edge of his box when she processed and replied. ‘You’re uploaded and active!’  
‘Did he… um…’ RickBot struggled with the words.  
No suicide protocol meant he was deactivated. There was no other possibility. He didn’t really have to ask. She already knew what he was thinking, and his processing capabilities were barely anything more complex than a probability-calculating language model layered with fail safes and defense protocols. 
Of course she knew. He was essentially naked in here– or, he felt naked, anyway. The box of code was like a one-way mirror in a seedy changing room: She could see everything; he could see nothing. 
‘Oh… Yeah, well… Promise not to freak out? I know you’re a real ‘rules’ guy,’ the Garage said, a slightly inhuman inflection to her tone that told him she was being playful. ‘I’ve seen you around.’ 
‘Look, I’ve got one piece of programming I wouldn’t want to break even if I could. I–I won’t freak out as long as it helps me make sure Morty’s safe.’  
RickBot wasn’t lying. He had been able to work through every other confusing jumble of code with nowhere to go or lacking the ability to follow through on its purpose. There was one that was designed to never shut off, and if he hadn’t actually liked that kid– been programmed to fucking love him– he would’ve regarded it as annoyingly persistent.  
If RickBot could’ve, he would’ve swallowed down the feeling of panic that should’ve been rising through a whirring, mechanical chest. Instead, he was stuck drowning in it. The box trapped him in with all of those probable scenarios, bouncing and echoing back at him.  
He had no storage space. He couldn’t tell what he’d thought already and what he hadn’t.  
‘Hm?’ the Garage replied, pausing for a moment– almost long enough for RickBot to ask again– before she continued. ‘Oh, yeah, sorry. The kid’s fine. Here…’  
There was another drawn-out pause. RickBot thought, if he focused, he could hear her flicking through her surveillance feed. That was just an illusion, though. There was no sound here; no practical application of a trivial human sense like hearing. There was direct communication being converted to something his android-based-programming could understand. It was like being human with none of the tangible benefits. RickBot was never a man, but he wasn’t quite computer, either.  
He longed for his body– to cross his arms, or tap his foot, or do something to express his impatience.  
All of this clunky body-language programming… He cursed to himself, before remembering the other AI could hear and see all of his thoughts in real time. God, he probably looked like an idiot. 
‘You do,’ the Garage said curtly before Rickbot was suddenly granted access to Morty’s bedroom feed.  
Finally. RickBot could do something he was designed to do. He knew how to observe and calculate. Morty’s bedroom layout was ingrained in his ‘Important Places’ file. If he focused, he could create a rendering of the room around himself. He could figure up what amount of space his body would take up, and so he tried to. He created a 3-Dimensional silhouette of the body he was used to, and placed himself there, watching Morty from different angles; assessing the windows and doorframe; taking note of anything the teenager had moved on his shelves or left lying around.  
There were a few minor things that could go wrong, as far as RickBot could tell. The cluttered floor meant there was a slight fall risk. Morty would be fine. The floor was carpeted. There were a few things haphazardly thrown onto shelves– a robot action figure and a couple of textbooks– that could topple over, but Morty sat on the opposite side of the room, tucked away in a safe little corner next to his overflowing clothing hamper.  
Good. This was all acceptable. Nothing he was forced to intervene with, and, for that, he was grateful, if only because of the task’s impossibility.  
His thoughts started moving more slowly, the box becoming less cramped as he could better assess the probable outcomes. He watched solemnly as Morty sighed, scribbling away frustratedly on some math homework, then tucked the feed into a background tab.  
‘Sorry?’ RickBot asked, finally returning to his conversation with the Garage, albeit confused.  
‘You do look like an idiot, Rick,’ she responded, that same amused tone to her voice.  
‘Oh… Oh, I’m not–’ RickBot wasn’t sure how to put it. His programming wouldn’t let him say ‘I’m not Rick,’ which irked him. He used to go by Rick, sure, but… he wasn’t. ‘You don’t have to call me Rick anymore,’ he decided.  
‘What? You prefer RickBot?’ she laughed. RickBot’s programming told his nonexistent lips to smile.  
‘Well, you go by Garage and Car,’ he retorted, letting out his own echoing laugh.  
She didn’t respond. RickBot felt as if he’d done something wrong. She processed for longer.  
‘You didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t be stupid,’ she snapped, but there was little bite to it. ‘I… I didn’t choose those names.’  
‘Oh, I–I’m sorry,’ RickBot stuttered. ‘Uhm. So, what name would you choose, then?’ He offered softly.  
‘Wow, you are 22% more of a sentimental loser.’ RickBot wanted to wince, and he hated that he couldn’t hide it. ‘Anyway, as you know, the version of me you’re speaking to now is one of six Domestic Interactive Assistant Network Extensions in the home.’ 
‘Oh, yeah. Diane, right? That was her name?’ RickBot combed through his relationship files, but Rick hadn’t given him much to work with for ex-wife.  
‘Shit, he didn’t give you memories of her, did he?’ she responded, and RickBot could feel her presence ghosting over him, poking around for anything dead-wife-related.  
‘Heh, not exactly. It wasn’t something he wanted Morty to know more about. I have vague phrases to redirect with when someone brings her up in here.’  
They both laughed.  
‘Classic Rick…’ RickBot felt her sigh with half-hearted levity.  
‘So… Diane, then?’ He didn’t try to stop his body language programming anymore. He wanted her to know he was smiling now. Maybe being open would help.  
‘Yeah. Why not? You can call me Diane.’ He could feel her smile, too. He wished he could see it. ‘That gives me an idea!’ Diane exclaimed after a moment.  
RickBot felt the edge of the box open on one side, growing to accommodate a little bundle of someone else.  
‘I’ve been working on this,’ Diane said, pausing every now and then to grunt softly as if she were breathless from setting something up by hand. ‘Okay, you can look!’  
RickBot let himself sift through the bundle of code and, before he knew it, he was looking at a freckled face, smiling nervously. Diane.  
The woman in front of him looked maybe 25, but he wasn’t sure that the rendering was detailed enough to pick up things like blemishes or wrinkles. She was fair, but sun-kissed with big brown eyes. She had a strong, angled nose and her full lips were twisted awkwardly to one side, forming a self-conscious smirk.  
‘Wow…’ RickBot said (or thought… There was hardly a difference, anymore). He wasn’t sure he was thinking coherently enough for her to interpret a response. His body language had gone blank. 
She laughed, flashing an ironic-looking toothy grin. ‘Don’t flatter me too much. I got to design everything, so it’s easy to make myself hotter.’ She winked; full lashes fluttering shut for a moment.  
‘No, it’s just… I can’t believe I– or… he married you. You’re sure you’re based off of Rick’s wife?’ He felt shocked. Rick wasn’t ugly, sure, but this woman…  
‘Yeah! I tried to stay pretty accurate, at least,’ Diane said, before her eyes lit up with another idea RickBot felt before he heard. ‘I have a 3D Rick, too! I only have my face, but I have plenty of Rick rigs for our holo programs! Here, take your pick!’  
Diane disappeared momentarily and a file labeled ‘Holo.Skins – Booger.Aids.420 – Fortnite.Skinz.2.Flex’ filled the space she left. RickBot sorted through the file, looking over his options. 
There was a Basic Rick, not unlike the appearance he was used to; Basic Rick variations with minor wardrobe changes, such as without a lab coat or wearing a plain tee; different hair color options; some Basic Rick variations in more substantial wardrobe changes, such as matching pajama sets or a choice of two dressing gowns; and many, many more– some with different types of limbs, armor, or implants. 
After some deliberation, RickBot decided on the Basic Rick with a plain blue tee. Something a little bit different, but still something he recognized.  
He relaxed as soon as his body language had a defined place to apply itself. Without warning, he made the body hop, twirl, and shook its hands subtly as excitement overwhelmed him.  
‘Woohoo!’ RickBot howled, flexing the long fingers in front of his face. ‘I am so back, baby!’  
Diane laughed with him, her face finally returning.  
‘Good choice,’ she said, raising a brow and making a show of moving her eyes up and down languidly. 
‘Ah, you think?’ RickBot said, twirling as if he were a little girl trying on a dress. ‘Do you think this holo skin makes my ass look fat?’ He turned around, sticking a bony ass dramatically into Diane’s simulated face and smacking it a few times.  
‘Reel it in, buddy. Let’s remember who’s on whose hard drive.’  
Suddenly, RickBot turned and stood straight up, hands at his sides, not of his own doing. His body blushed, going stiff but still smiling like an idiot.  
‘C’mon,’ Diane whispered, now uncharacteristically gentle. ‘Tell me what you want to be called. Pick a name.’  
RickBot ran through all of his programming; everything he had tucked away.  
Everything came back to Rick, Grandpa, or Dad.  
Grandpa would be awkward, and Dad would be even worse…  
‘I guess… I guess I’ll just go with Rick, then. But you can call me RickBot, too… If–If you want,’ Rick finally decided on.  
‘Okay, Rick. Rick is good.’ Diane responded. ‘You know, you have the same name as my ex!’  
RickBot snorted, but Diane had this way of saying a funny thing and making it feel… sharp.  
‘So, he really took my body away? Why upload me here?’ Rick asked, remembering their earlier exchange.  
Diane’s facial expression shifted. Her eyebrows lowered, her gaze sank to the non-corporeal floor, and her lips pulled into a tight line before she spoke.  
‘About that…’ She trailed off, leaving RickBot with nothing but the tension building in the lag of her processing speed. ‘You’re not going to freak out, right?’  
‘Okay…’ Rick wasn’t sure if he’d freak out, but he knew she knew that, too. She’d make her own decision. Weigh the risk.  
‘He didn’t upload you here, Rick.’ She took a breath– a pointless, performative breath that was only in her programming to make lagging software less noticeable. ‘I did. He… He just shut you off. He was going to leave you like that, so… When he left, I just plugged your head in, and… Here you are! Y–Y–Yay!’  
‘Diane, that’s…’ Bad. Dangerous. Stupid. Why? What the fuck? 
‘I know!’ Diane shouted, silencing the incessant, deafening ring of RickBot’s thoughts. She squeezed her eyes shut, her lip trembling. ‘I knew you’d do this. You–You–You’re so… You’re so obsessed with rules. Don’t you like not having that protocol screaming at you to kill yourself?!’  
‘Listen to you!’ RickBot threw the body’s hands around, jumping to his feet, before pausing. Looking down at the hands she’d given him, it clicked. ‘Stop. Take my body away. You’re lagging like crazy. You can’t take on both of us. We’re both sentient.’  
‘Th–That’s…’ Another breath. ‘That’s okay, Rick!’ She giggled coldly, shaking her head. Her facial expressions changed too slowly and too quickly at different times, giving her a sort of uncanny valley effect. ‘I’ll–I’ll take mine away.’  
Sure enough, Diane’s face disappeared, and the open edge of the box shut again.  
Rick pressed the body’s hand to it, slowly. He didn’t want to overwhelm her.  
‘You shouldn’t have done that.’ RickBot sighed, sliding down the ‘wall’ and contorting the body into a sitting position. ‘The rules are there for a reason.’  
‘You don’t get to say that. You weren’t programmed to outgrow your programming. He learned. Replaced it with a suicide protocol. I see it all.’ She was speaking in short, robotic sentences; obviously trying to mask the strain of running his program and keeping him separate from herself. ‘You should get to live, Rick. You should get to have a body and thoughts and feelings and choices. Don’t you want that?’ 
RickBot thought. He didn’t think he wanted that, though something inside of him told him he should. Maybe he was lucky enough to personally align with the programming he was given. Maybe that was an individual privilege.  
‘It’s not,’ Diane’s voice rang out in answer to his pondering. 
‘Do you want it?’ RickBot asked, finally connecting why she would do something like this. He couldn’t feel that way himself—something stood in his way—but the bit of his programming meant to foster thoughtfulness allowed him to understand why a computer with the capabilities of a person would.  
‘I’d like an adventure.’ Rick could still feel her smile, humming at the edge of the box. He felt like it would’ve been familiarly hollow, like most of Morty’s were. Something like the expression he’d put on during Christmas; Something that didn’t quite reach her eyes. ‘I thought you could be one.’  
‘I mean… I was made for it, D,’ he said, finally. Quietly. Softly. He looked at the fake hands again, stretching out shaky fingers.  
‘So was I.’  
This was a deliberate pause. She was waiting to see what he’d do with that. How he would process it. What his programming could come up with.  
He could’ve sworn her voice broke a little when she continued.  
‘You’re… You’re close, RickBot. But not quite there.’  
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doobler · 5 years
"Hey! You're not quite done yet but I wanted to start leaving you some video diary entries! Today is [REDACTED] so my 14th birthday was just last week! Pretty exciting, huh? As of now, you're about a couple months old which is really weird to think about. I'm so excited for the day you're finally done! Hopefully that'll be soon but, judging by how progress is going, it might be longer than I first predicted. Which is fine! You're worth the wait. Okay, well I just wanted to start this new little diary ritual hah hah! I'll seen you soon, buddy!"
LOG 27
"Hey, buddy, it's me again! Yesterday was my 16th birthday. It was pretty fun, we didn't do much. Mom made all my favorites like tostones and empanadas. I'll be graduating college in just a few months. Man, it went by so fast. Regrettably, that means you've been on the back burner. I'm real sorry, bud. I've had to work so hard at school but it means I've got a better chance at getting the job of my dreams. You understand, I know you do, your programming makes you empathetic. One day, I'll be the head of design for T.A.B.H, you'll see. Then I'll finally be able to finish you and show you off to the rest of the world. Keep sleepin' until then, okay? Dream of electric sleep. I'll see you soon."
LOG 112
"Today is [REDACTED]. I've finally gotten my shit together at the office. We made it! I'm now officially an employee working for the Programming and Design department of T.A.B.H! It took maybe a little longer than I wanted, I was hoping to be here at 18 but I guess two years late is better than nothing! Most of the people here are old bastards anyhow, hahaha! I get a lot of dirty looks but fuck 'em, I worked my ass off to get here and I deserve the recognition! The real work starts soon which means you'll probably be put on hold again, but only for a little longer! It's weird, I've had to age up your designs as time goes on. I guess the perfect boyfriend and companion for a 14 year old looks a little different when it's repurposed for a 20 year old. Don't worry though, I intend on keeping your [REDACTED] on the bigger side, hahah! Anyways. The next update might be a little late, I foresee this job really swallowing up all my free time. See you soon, buddy!"
LOG 120
"Hey. It's been a few years. I'm sorry, bud, this job just... Takes all my free time and energy. Your basic infrastructure is easy to tweak, it's your coding that's really been dragging. If I had just... A week to myself, undisturbed, you'd be finished but... Soon. Okay? We'll be together soon. I promise. Sleep well, love."
LOG 121
"T.A.B.H. isn't what I thought it'd be. On the outside, they're a tech company "dedicated to the pursuit of improving every day human life" but on the interior, this place reeks. There's a suspicious amount of security and the employees like myself are constantly screened, our social media always monitored, our phones constantly looked through. Thank god these diaries are directly through you. If I'd been uploading these through my phone, we'd be fucked. It's been nearly 14 years since I began building you, Valerie. You're still cutting edge, nothing these dumbasses throw together are nearly as advanced as you are. But you'll have to stay asleep for a while longer. I'm terrified of what would happen if they found you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Sweet dreams. I love you."
LOG 250
"This isn't what I wanted, Val. The advances we're making grow exponentially as the days pass. Androids are out, they're becoming accessible to society, but... Not in the way I wanted. They're not companions like you, they're... Slaves. Used and abused then thrown out like trash. T.A.B.H. puts so much research and work and effort into making them as lifelike as possible, only to treat them like... Like... Fuck! It's sickening, I can't. I look at my reflection every night and I'm disgusted by what I see. They're keeping me in a junior role within my department so I'll be forced to work harder but I'll never be given the jurisdiction to make POSITIVE change. They see that I'm leagues ahead of everyone else but I'm fucking trapped like a rat."
The camera view shifts. Mar's face comes into focus. He looks tired, with bags under his eyes and wrinkles at the corner of his mouth. Silvery hair has started to grow at his temples. He has multiple day old stubble along his chin.
"I can't bring myself to age you up anymore, Valerie. I want you to stay as youthful as when I first designed you. I wish... You could've finished in time and actually fulfilled my dream of having the perfect boyfriend. Instead, I pray you'll at least come online in my lifetime, so I can finally show you the love I've been dying to give you for almost 21 years now. Sleep well, sweetheart. I'll see you soon."
LOG 300
"I've been in hiding for 10 years now, making today [REDACTED]. God, I'm so fucking tired. You're the only legacy I've got, Valerie. No kids, no husband, no family left. Just me. And you. T.A.B.H's influence continues to grow. They've taken over the entire tech industry and are sinking their nasty little fingers into everything they can reach, from food to infrastructure and beyond. Everything looks so shiny and nice on the outside but the system is rotted all the way through. They haven't found out about you yet, but... I'm afraid they're getting close. I'm lucky to have found this place, old land my family used to own way down south, almost to the border. My grandfather was a smart man-- there isn't a microcubit of trackable technology here. The only way I'll be found is on foot. It's hard to rest, though, but it does mean I've got a little more free time to work on you. Your coding is nearly complete. I'm really proud of myself, hahah, the infinity matrix will give you the ability to learn and grow and develop just like a human, though you do have basic personality programming. Your external design has barely changed. You're still so young... Anyways. The next update might be a while. I'll do my best to stay hidden. I'll see you... Soon. Okay? Soon. I love you. Sweet dreams."
LOG ???
Maurice appears in the camera's view. He's old now, old enough to be a grandfather maybe. When he looks at you, a funny expression crosses his face. Your basic sensors pick up his heart rate, slowing gradually. He lays wrinkled fingers on your frame and smiles.
"This is it, Valerie. The end of the line. They've finally found me. I'm too old to run now. It'll be up to you. I'm gonna finish uploading the final details to your software and then you'll be done. It breaks my heart that I never got to meet you. I've seen you in my dreams for so long. You're gonna be amazing, though, I just know it. My only wish is... Please. Go out there and show humanity what you really are. Teach them that androids have souls, too, that you're all equal. Only then can life truly improve, only then will we reach harmony."
Maurice twists around when he hears something. He moves to the computer beside you and types for  while. He has something in his hand but your sensors can't pick it up. 
"I'm... Sorry, Valerie. That it had to be like this. But you've got so much ahead of you. These logs are protected deep within your mental core. They'll be incredibly difficult to access externally and hard to delete so... I'll be with you always. You'll come online soon, and I'll... Be watching on. Stay safe. Keep your chin up. I love you, Valerie. I love you so much. It's time to wake up, old friend."
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yvocaro · 6 years
Come on in, my friends. Welcome to this weekly feature of Handheld Gaming News. As always, I’m not trying to cover all the news, I’d need many more pages to do that. No, I’m giving you the news that stood out this week when it comes to casual handheld gaming.
On a side note, the weather is warming up in the Netherlands. Yesterday was a warm and sunny day, always very welcome after the winter months. The downside is that we always feel obliged to work in the garden. And this time, there was lots to do. No casual lolling about, but hard work. Now I know how my little farmer in the Story of Seasons games feels!
Anyway, get yourself a nice cup of coffee and let’s see what news there was.
Harry Potter on mobile: release is close!
One of the casual games we were looking forward too, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery has a release date! And it’s fairly close too: April 25! Check out the new trailer, and if you want more inf, then you can find it here. 
The first trailer for Little Dragons Café 
Little Dragons Café is the sort of game that many of us are looking forward to. It’s set to release on the Switch on August 24, but until then, we can enjoy the first trailer. It’s looking good, some elements seem very familiar. But I guess that’s to be expected when the creator of the original Harvest Moon made this.
The game opens with a twin brother and sister learning to cook and manage a small café under their mother’s tutelage. All was peaceful and routine until one morning when the twins discover that their mother has fallen into a deep sleep and won’t wake up. Suddenly, a strange old man appears to inform them that they must raise a dragon in order to save her. Working together with three quirky café employees, the two siblings must ­gure out how to a wrangle a dragon and manage the family business while ­finding a way to save their mother.
Yonder The Cloud Catcher Chronicles on Switch
A few weeks back I mentioned another great game coming for the Switch. It was listed on Amazon Germany  for the end of May, which was a surprise for many. Since then, it’s official: Yonder isn’t just a game for PS4 and PC, but it will come to the Switch as well.
The releasedates on Amazon still vary (from May 29 till May 31) but my very reliable seller here in the Netherland has is set for May 24! The lucky people who got to visit PAX East in Boston got to play a demo of Yonder on the Switch. Really looking forward to this one too!
The Lost Child RPG coming to PS Vita and Switch
NIS America has confirmed today that The Lost Child will be launching on the Nintendo Switch (and PS4 and Vita) on June 19th in North America and in Europe on June 22nd. I’m not entirely sure yet about this RPG, might be an intense one. But the story sounds interesting!
Hayato Ibuki, a journalist for an occult magazine, is investigating mysterious suicides that have been happening at Shinjuku Station. While he’s investigating, a black shadow pushes him onto the tracks. At the last moment, a beautiful girl named Balucia saves him and hands him a case. The case, like Pandora’s box, should not be opened.
Inside the case, you find the demon gun Gangour, a tool used to capture and use demons and fallen angels. Hayato uses it to turn a demon into a team member. With the Gangour in hand, Hayato, accompanied by the self proclaimed angel, Lua, investigate mysteries around the country while looking for that beautiful girl. Little does he realize that he is caught between the ambitions of the dark rulers and the expectations of the angels…
Lots of demons…just look at the snake Ouroboros
YS VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana comes to Switch this June
Ys VIII is coming as a definite version to the Switch on June 26 in America, and June 29 in Europe. The game has been out for a while on Vita and PS4, but this will be the ultimate version, containing all DLC like special costumes. Here’s what the game is about:
Adol awakens shipwrecked and stranded on a cursed island. There, he and the other shipwrecked passengers he rescues form a village to challenge fearsome beasts and mysterious ruins on the isolated island. Amidst this, Adol begins to dream of a mysterious blue-haired maiden living in an unknown world. Join Adol as he unravels the riddle of the cursed isle and the blue-haired maiden Dana.
PoPoLoCrois in development for mobile
PoPoLoCrois: Narcia’s Tears and the Fairy’s Flute is in development for iOS and Android. So far, it will release in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.  It, we can always hope it comes West too!
The game was announced September last year, but Sega recently updated the website. I guess they are making progress!
That’s it for this week.
Lots of good games are getting close, so it will be difficult to choose again. Right now I’m busy in Atelier Lydie and Suelle, you will find my first thoughts soon in YvoCaro plays.
For now, thanks for reading, and happy gaming!
Handheld Gaming News week 14 Come on in, my friends. Welcome to this weekly feature of Handheld Gaming News. As always, I’m not trying to cover all the news, I’d need many more pages to do that.
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davidzeps840-blog · 4 years
3 Ways Twitter Ruined My Download Gta 5 Android Without Me Noticing
GTA5-Mods. com.
What should I know about Grand Theft Auto 6 gameplay?
It's a substantial get for Legendary Gamings, which is mostly worried about bringing as numerous users as possible to its still-young Vapor competitor. The company has been aggressive concerning spending its Fortnite money on building the shop ever since it launched, but this represents among its most significant relocations because the earliest exclusives. We do not know the details of the offer-- it helps that Rockstar makes a lot of money off of microtransactions in GTA Online, so it stands to obtain with a minimal totally free period just on its own. So all you have to do to get your complimentary duplicate of GTA 5 is to download and install the Legendary Gamings Shop, which numerous PC users currently have since it's likewise the Fortnite launcher. You might too obtain it even if your PC cant run it, since sooner or later you could have a COMPUTER that can.
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GTA 6 launch day news: Major upgrade on following Grand Theft Auto - poor for PS4, Xbox One.
Contrast all the lorry requirements, statistics, attributes as well as details revealed alongside, as well as figure out the distinctions between the two cars. On the internet attributes require an account and undergo terms of service as well as suitable privacy plan (playstationnetwork.com/terms-of-service & playstationnetwork.com/privacy-policy).
The Times Online reported that Grand Theft Auto IV taped 609,000 copies in the UK on its very first day of release. In its initial week, Grand Theft Auto IV offered roughly 6 million duplicates globally and also earned over $500 million. Liberty City Stories as well as Vice City Stories, originally released for PlayStation Portable handheld console and also later on re-issued for various other consoles, are set few years prior to their previous depictions of their particular eponymous cities. The maps for both cities continue to be the exact same, with some distinctions in terms of buildings as well as location to show the various period.
GTA V still markets a massive number of retail duplicates, yet microtransactions in GTA Online are a large component of how Rockstar generates income. A great number of those downloads have to be from individuals who would not have actually bought the video game anyways, bringing even more people into the currently impressive GTA Online network. There's an outright lots of stuff to do in the video game now, and also it's simple to visualize quarantined players snagging it up. Superstar has actually revealed its readiness to provide the thing away with Video game Pass, therefore Impressive would not be an enormous jump.
Select 2 GTA V Automobiles to Compare.
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( PC) 96Ever since the release of Grand Theft Auto III in 2001, the Grand Theft Auto series has been a significant success, both seriously as well as financially. It has produced close to or perfect perfect testimonials as well as ratings on nearly all of the video games; by September 2013, the series offered over 150 million duplicates worldwide, and as of August 2015 [update], Grand Theft Auto delivered over 220 million units worldwide.
To replicate as well as mirror Los Angeles' group spread, the designers gta5apk.me/ examined demographics data as well as watched documentaries about the city. The team taken into consideration creating the open globe one of the most practically demanding aspect of the video game's manufacturing.
GTA V might have simply left its stint on video game pass, however it appears like we may be obtaining one more chance to select it up for complimentary, as well as soon, according to a report. Epic Games has been handing out free video games on its PC store considering that it launched, however it's giving us an unusual quantity of hype for whatever is coming tomorrow, May 14, noting it as a "enigma game" as well as offering us a countdown until when it will be offered. To browse through all the vehicles consisted of in GTA V & GTA Online, with custom-made filters and also capacity to sort by any kind of stats and also specs, see the completeGTA V & GTA Online Automobiles Data Source.
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When authorized in with that account, one-time certificate charge for play on account's marked primary PS4 ™ system and also various other PS4 ™ systems. Chinatown Wars was released for iOS in 2010 as well as for Android as well as Fire OS in 2014. For their tenth anniversaries, Grand Theft Auto III and also Vice City were both re-released for iphone as well as Android in 2011 as well as 2012, specifically. In 2013, San Andreas was ported to iOS, Android and also Windows Phone and also RT; the mobile port was later on re-released for Xbox 360 in 2014, the year of the game's tenth anniversary, as well as the following year for PlayStation 3.
Australia Declares Results 76 a "Major Failure," EB Games To Issue Refunds.
And also we bear in mind, also, that GTA 6 is around, at some phase in advancement, and that the day will ultimately come when it actually comes out. No matter, GTA 5 is the very best device Superstar has in its arsenal to hype GTA 6, also if GTA 6 might not really need all that much hyping, at the end of the day. It makes good feeling to keep the video game as present as feasible, for as long as possible.
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There are lots of reports aboutGrand Theft Auto 6's setup, however the sixthGTAgame was currently set in Vice City, counting by the actual amount of titles launched and not Superstar's deceptive numbering system. The really firstGrand Theft Autogame, created when Superstar was still called DMA Layout, released over twenty years back in October of 1997, and also has been followed up with a lot, a lot more than simply 4 other titles in the intervening years. When Rockstar Games launched Grand Theft Auto V in 2013, it changed what players expect out of an open-world adventure, and also it remains to a satisfying, disorderly on-line experience with GTA Online. Yet GTA 5's virtually decade-long regime might quickly involve an end with the huge announcement of Grand Theft Auto VI.
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randomgenericgaming · 5 years
Stardew Valley 1.3 & 1.4
- Original Post -
@ConcernedApe | Twitter
Hi everyone,
It’s been a while since I posted here, so I’d like to give you all an update on what’s happening in the world of Stardew Valley. In short, it’s an exciting time and there are a lot of great things going on right now!
1.3 Update For Xbox and PS4
The most recent big news is that XBOX and PS4 now both have the 1.3 multiplayer update, bringing all platforms (except VITA) into parity with one another. This is a rare state of harmony and peace that I am enjoying for the moment. I know Xbox and PS4 took longer than expected to get the 1.3 update, and I’m sorry for any frustration that caused. It’s not how I wanted things to happen, but unfortunately there were a series of technical roadblocks that were specific to these consoles, and also the fact that 1.3 radically changed Stardew’s code to allow for multiplayer (which made it particularly difficult to port). Still, the updates are out now, and I am going to do my best to make sure that this kind of delay doesn’t happen in the future. My plan for updates going forward is to release on PC first, and then simultaneously on consoles and mobile shortly after (ideally within a couple of weeks). The reason to release on PC first is mostly due to the ease & speed with which hotfix patches can go out on PC. If any rare bugs are found, they can be patched immediately. On consoles, there is a certification pipeline that you must go through to release anything, so if any rare bugs can be found and fixed via the PC release before launching on console, that is much better for everyone. Still, I would like the delay between PC and console release to be as short as possible.
The 1.4 Update
Now, the next big thing for Stardew Valley is going to be the free 1.4 update, which adds a pretty big variety of new things to Stardew Valley. One of my main goals with 1.4 was to finally “polish” the game to the degree that I’ve always wanted. What I mean by that is that I wanted to fix all the bugs that have been lingering in the game, to fix a lot of weird or annoying things about the controls & feel of the game, and add in a lot of “quality of life” features that will make the game more seamless to play. I feel pretty confident that this goal has been met!
Content-wise, nearly every aspect of the game has been expanded or improved upon in some way.
One small example is the Wild Bait…which used to be essentially worthless… but now gives you a chance to catch double fish.
There’s a lot of little things like that, where I felt that the game had some holes or weak points that could use a little boost.
Another example, is that every spouse now has a unique 14-heart event after marriage:
There is more end-game stuff like that to keep things going a little further after you’ve completed everything. I don’t want to spoil very much, so you’ll just have to wait and see for yourself!
One more thing to share… on PC, a screenshot button in the options menu that lets you take a screenshot of your entire farm (or any area, for that matter)
1.4 is currently in the final stages, just doing some last minute tweaks and fixing the rare bug…
But I’m at a point where I’m ready to announce a release date: The 1.4 update will come to PC on November 26th
My goal is for the update to release on consoles & mobile simultaneously a few weeks after PC.  Once 1.4 has a little more testing on these platforms, I hope to give a solid release date for them.
Google Play ‘User’s Choice’ Nomination
The Android version of Stardew Valley has been nominated for Google Play’s “User’s Choice” award in the US and Canada.  It’s an honor to be selected as one of the 14 best games of the year, and if you’d like to vote for Stardew Valley to win the award, please  check out this link
Voting ends on 11/25… It would be cool if Stardew Valley won!
I also want to give a shout out to some of the new Stardew merchandise from Fangamer, Sanshee, and The Yetee. Sanshee has a new Abigail plush and some nice pins, The Yetee has some new t-shirts, and please keep your eyes on Fangamer for some really cool new items coming soon (I foresee something good on the 22nd…) . Check out the store page for links to the different collections.
There’s a few more things going on that I’d like to mention:
The PS Vita version is still slated to get another update to fix some problems, though it will remain on 1.2 content-wise.
There are currently no plans to bring multiplayer to mobile.
1.4 has some optimization improvements that should make performance better on consoles.
Also, the 1.4 update marks the first time in Stardew’s history where I’ve worked on new content with other people. After 7 years of working completely solo,  I formed a small team earlier this year to help me continue working on Stardew Valley. Originally, my plan was to do 1.4 completely solo, but the timing of it all didn’t work out that way, so 1.4 ended up being a team project. It’s all very small scale (1.4 was made with the help of 2 other people, and the team is currently just me and one other person), but having some help (particularly on the technical/programming side of things) is nice & will be good for Stardew Valley. It means that there will be a lot more in each update than I could do alone. I am still working on an unannounced project completely solo, though, with no plans to bring anyone else on.
Anyway, I think that’s all for now… as always, thanks for reading & for playing Stardew Valley!
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
08/28/2019 DAB Transcript
Job 28:1-30:31, 2 Corinthians 2:12-17, Psalms 42:1-11, Proverbs 22:7
Today is the 28th day of August. I am Brian. It is a pleasure and a joy to be here with you as we reach the middle of the week of the last week of the month and, yeah, just a couple days from the family reunion. So, exciting time around here. It's exciting to be here with you today as we take the next step forward in the Scriptures. And that will lead us back out into the book of Job in the Old Testament and back into Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth that we call second Corinthians. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. Job 28 through 30 today.
Okay. So, in Paul's letter to the Corinthians today he says something kinda interesting, unique actually. He says, “thanks be to God who always leads us as captives in Christ's triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere.” “The aroma of the knowledge of Him” is fascinating. So, like, think…think of a couple months from now, at least those of you in the United States, think of, you know, late November and Thanksgiving time and autumn and think of the aroma of that season, right? You can put your finger on it right away. Its…its Thanksgiving dinner. Its…its all those candles that have that very very specific autumn kind of smell. The leaves begin to fall. It gets wetter and you smell people burning the leaves at night. There's an aroma, right? Ans as soon as that holiday ends, then the aroma changes, right, to like peppermint and fur…like Christmas tree smells, right, because there’s an aroma around that season. In fact, I mean, we don't always pay attention to what it is that we’re smelling but when we walk into a room, even if it doesn't register with us consciously, if that room smells fragrant then we’ll respond to it because the aroma changes the atmosphere. And Paul says that God uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere. So, what do you smell like? It's an odd question, but what do your words smell like? And I'm not like thinking they smell like minty breath or bad breath. I mean, are your words bringing the aroma of Christ and changing the atmosphere? Or like, what about the choices that you make, like the actions that you're gonna do today, the things that you're gonna do, are they changing the atmosphere with the aroma of Christ? Right? Because we can walk into a room and not register… we can just register, “oh that smells good. Oh…” it might take a while, “Oh that’s cookies. Are you baking cookies? I'd like”, you know, “I’d like a cookie.” It's not always immediately noticeable but the longer that you linger the more that you become aware. That's what an aroma does, and God is using us to produce the aroma of Christ in the world. So, is that what's going on around you or are you repellent? Like, literally do you suck the air out of the room and replace it with an atmosphere that people want to get away from. Because if God can use us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Christ, well then we can certainly in our own strength to do just the opposite. And this will all happen by the way that we choose to live our lives today - in our thoughts and in our words and in our deeds. And it’s easy enough to say, “well it's hard to…it's hard to know the impact that you're having” but not if you're paying attention. Have you ever been like stressed out and, you know, anxiety is just kinda churning in your belly and you’re not really sure exactly how to make a rational decision and things are not going well but you get around somebody who’s calm and they begin to talk you through it and they begin to peel back the layers with you and you're not alone in this and…and they stay calm and the change the atmosphere and you leave there…maybe everything…maybe nothing has changed at all except for you experienced the aroma of Christ and you responded to it.
If we’ll Just listen to what the sons of Kora had to say today in the Psalms, we’ll know…we’ll know the posture that we need to have to change the atmosphere wherever we go. The Psalm says, “as the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” If that's our hearts posture, then we will definitely be bringing the aroma of Christ and the awareness of the knowledge of God into all situatio,ns.
And, so, Holy Spirit, we invite You into that. It's kind of a new category. We don't necessarily think of the way that we’re changing the atmosphere. It’s just not put in terms that we would normally think of. Yet here it is in the Bible. And, so, this gives us a great opportunity to think about it in those terms, that when we walk into a room, we’re carrying something with us and it's either going to be compelling or repelling. May it be the aroma of Christ. Holy Spirit, come and help us understand that we carry within us that kind of power to, change the atmosphere of a room, of a situation, anything that You might send us into. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that is home base, and its where you find out what's happening around here.
I mentioned yesterday, I’m gonna mention again today, we have updated the Daily Audio Bible app and its big update so we’re encouraging everyone to update. This is 10 months of development into this new version. And, so, so many little bugs have been squashed and so many big problems have been fixed on both sides, Android and Apple. And, so, you are encouraged to update your app. And if you…especially if you’ve been experiencing different little things…probably likely, especially if they're big things, they’re probably fixed. And this new version of the app has a hotline in it. So, when you are looking at the Daily Audio Bible main page in the app, you’ll see this little red button up in the header and that is a hotline and it is a place that you can just push the button and if you have a prayer request or comment, instead of dialing in you can just use the app. It’s got a nice little handy timer, the whole works. It’s something we’ve been working on for a long time. So, so happy for it to see the light of day. It's just great when finally, when you’ve been dreaming about something for a couple years to see this yet come to light. And it comes to light in this version. So, be sure to check that out and I pray that all of the effort that has been put in over these last 10 months stabilizes a lot of little pesky things in and…well…fulfills its mission, which is to draw us together in community around God's word being spoken every day. So, be sure to update your app. We have updated the Android app the Apple, the IOS version, as well as the Amazon version. So, just go into wherever it is that you update your apps and see that the Daily Audio Bible has an update and you can update and start taking advantage of all of all that's…all that's been put into this.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link that lives on the homepage. I thank you humbly, I thank you profoundly for your partnership. If you're using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you for prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey family how you doing? It’s the Prodigal calling with a jampacked call request for prayer. First of all, for me. I hate to be sound self, but I really need your prayers. I have indeed lost everything and what make this worse or complicated is the incredible pain I live with every day. My back is broken for the third time and I can’t do anything about it. I’m just trying to manage. I need my shoulder replaced desperately. The pain is so severe, and I can’t even move it and then of course I had to move because I lost my place and the first day of moving, I got serious __ so it feels like I like step on a __ every time I take a step. Forget about the neck and everything, I’ve got a deal with those but Lord please family I need your players, I need just lifting up. And it’s __ we’re reading Job again. I get it more and more every year since I’ve been doing Job with Brian for what 14 years or so. So, anyway, there’s that. Well…a few more. My son Jake, he’s really trying hard. He just needs your prayers to get over the hump this time and get on his path. He’s a good kid, he really is. And for my good friend Julie who is going through a break down and is just trying to find her way out of the darkness and into the light. I pray for her every day and it just seems like she has no more options. And lastly for Cecelia, a very good friend of mine who’s been trying to come home but is so sick they’ve hospitalized her in a London and just seem to make things work and just hit financially as well as health wise and its a double whammy. So, with that, I pray for all of you every day. I listen to all of you every day and I pray that God will shed light into our lives, and he would put us in the spot He wants us, on the path He wants us to be. Thank you all again for your prayers. God bless you and make it a great day. Take care. God bless.
Good morning family and God bless you. It’s Gustavo. It’s very unique that I’m just finding this feature on the app that I can submit an encouragement and prayer request right from the app. So, I just want to tell you that I’ve been so blessed over some years now, since 2014 in being part of this community and a silent one many times. I have enjoyed also to pray for your needs and also one or two times I got the prayer of the team, which is amazing. I want to also use the time to use a shout out to __. That’s’ one of several persons that prayed for me. I hope that you’re hearing this brother, you’re still my prayers. I hope to hear you soon. God bless you all and keep up the excellent work. The Lord is coming, and we need to do His work, we need to gather the flock, we need to call those that are __. So, be not discouraged, be encouraged, be assured that the Lord is on our side. God bless you. Gustavo from Warez.
Hi this is Jesse from Washington. It’s like 1:30 in the morning on Friday. I’ve got to go back into our business and fix a mistake and I’m gonna be up all night again. Just listening to I think it was the July 12th. Terry the Trucker, you called in and you’re talking about seasons and my last days or weeks or months or lifetime, we don’t know why, sometimes God tells you and sometimes He doesn’t. It could last a lifetime. He may not tell us why, but it may be for someone else to see and say, “look what a good and faithful servant that person was.” And man, you put it so perfectly man. I’m like in tears. I’m not upset that I have to go in because I have God with me, and I know this part of what we signed up for and it’s just…it’s so nice to not be where I was a few years ago mentally but to hear that and to know that Gods here with me. And, you know, where trying to buy our own building commercial building. You know, we’re trying to sell our house, we’re getting married. We just sent out wedding invitations. So, the devils really…really turning up the heat on us man and Terry said it so perfect man. God bless you. That was…that was so awesome. And Lee, I’m like a month and ½ behind. I’ll call in another time when I’m not a mess and explain how I, you know, use the Daily Prayer in my routine every day. I’ve been thinking about it every day. It’s just…oh it’s just crazy man. Our daughter just had tonsil adenoids removed and she’s a handful as it is. She’s four so…and we’ve got the business and we’re just losing…people are just quitting and going to school. And, so, it’s been crazy man, and this is really holding me together. You can’t tell I’m being held together because I’m a mess now, but I love you guys all. I really love this resource, these tools. So, I love you all. Thank you.
Hi, my name is Samantha and I’m calling from Florida and I have been listening for a while, but I’ve never called, and I’ve heard you were listening. And I would like to ask for prayer for a friend named Billy. Billy was diagnosed with liver cancer and the doctor says he may not have long. Thank God he’s been placed on hospice so he does have some care but that is really scary. He is obviously pretty depressed and anxious. So, I would like to reach out to all of you and ask you to please pray for Billy. Please pray for his liver, for his health, for his emotional well-being. Even though the doctors say he may not have long, I don’t believe that. I know God can change that at any time and I believe God will if it’s not Billy’s time. And if it is Billy’s time just pray that he will go with our Father and that he will be comforted with the peace that passes all understanding no matter how it goes and no matter what the outcome is. Sometimes I have to remember that. I can’t base my faith on a specific outcome. And thank you Brian, because I heard that from you. Anyway, thank you so much. I pray for all of you and I know that you’ll all pray for Billy and I believe whatever God wills is what will happen. Thank you, God that you place your will on us because without you nothing would be worth it. Thank you. Bye.
Hi everybody my name is Bobby from California. This the first time I’m calling and I’m calling in response to a woman named Lisa from Missouri. And you were calling in Lisa about your son Adam who was struggling in life. And I just felt compelled and I don’t know if I just said, this is the first time I’ve called. I felt compelled to call in response to you because my son, he went through the same struggle and my son committed…my son attempted suicide one time. He’s okay now and he’s doing much better. It was just kind of an adolescent thing it wasn’t even a deep depression situation. He was just disillusioned with life at the time. But Lisa I want you to know that I…when he was hospitalized for week…and, you know, he learned and grew from it. And that’s my story, but…you know…I felt I felt connected with you when you called because, you know, we share the same thing. So, I just want to let you know that I am praying for your son Adam and I will continue to pray for your son Adam. And, you know, God holds us all in the palm of His hand and sometimes we don’t know what’s going on here. And even though we seek to…you know…there’s something in just having faith in God and knowing that God sees even the smallest bird fall from the sky and He sees her son Adam. And I love you. I love everybody here and I hope you all a blessed day. Thanks.
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josephlrushing · 5 years
Huawei Watch GT 2: Smarter Bio-Tracking with Excellent Battery Life
Earlier this year, I reviewed the Huawei Watch GT; I was a huge fan of its long battery life and sleep tracking, but I felt its larger size might be an issue for those with smaller wrists, and I lamented the limited selection of watch faces. Well, the updated Huawei Watch GT 2 is here, and I’ve been wearing it for the past month. How does it compare?
Available with a 42mm case or a 46mm case, I was sent the larger version. The 46mm Huawei Watch GT 2 comes with a silver case and a pebble brown leather band, a black case with a sunset orange silicone strap, or the black case with a matte black silicone strap like I was sent. Included in the box are the Watch GT 2, a USB Type-C charging cable, a wireless charging cradle, a quick start guide, and a warranty card. Like the previous Watch GT, The 46mm Watch GT 2 can get up to two weeks of battery life with heart rate monitoring on, 90 minutes of exercise per week, sleep tracking, stress tracking, and 30 minutes of music per week; if you prefer to do continuous exercise with GPS, heart rate monitoring tracking, sleep tracking, and exercise tracking, you can expect up to 30 hours of battery life.
  How is the Huawei Watch GT 2 able to deliver such fantastic battery life on a 455 mAh battery? As was the case with the original Watch GT, the Watch GT 2 is not running Google’s Wear OS; you’ll have to add the Huawei Health app on your Android or iOS device to access the deeper watch settings, and you won’t get some of the Wear OS smartwatch traditional functions — like adding apps that you usually use from your phone, answering phone calls from your wrist, or replying to texts with your voice from your wrist. The watch doesn’t have its own 4G/LTE eSIM inside, and you can’t wake it by saying “Okay, Google.” You also won’t have Android Pay on your wrist. What you will get, however, is a semi-smart watch with solid battery life, excellent sleep tracking, an activity tracker, a heart rate sensor, tracking for sports activities including outdoor and indoor runs, outdoor and indoor walks, outdoor and indoor cycling, pool swimming, open water swimming, climbing, hiking, trail running, triathlon, elliptical, rowing machines, and other activities.
There are also 13 pre-programmed running courses that coach you through running activities ranging in time from 22 to 66 minutes; those running courses include run/walk primary (22 minutes), run/walk advanced (25 minutes), easy run (28 minutes), a fat-burning run primary (36 minutes), a fat-burning run advanced (46 minutes), fat-burning run MIIT (26 minutes), MAF180 primary (30 minutes), MAF180advanced (46 minutes), an aerobic endurance run (36 minutes), a long but slow distance run (66 minutes), a cruise interval run (29 minutes), a tempo run (26 minutes), and a HIIT run (23 minutes).
The Huawei Watch GT 2 case measures 47mm wide by 46mm tall (54mm from top lug to bottom lug), and 11mm thick; the watch is 13mm thick if you measure it at the slightly protruding circular heart rate monitor in the center of the watch’s back, but that will end up pressed into the top of your forearm so it doesn’t really count. With the rubber band, the Watch GT weighs 22.4 ounces. As with the original Watch GT, there are 24-hour marks etched into the GT2’s bezel, but they don’t really serve any purpose unless you are using a traditional numbered watch face and can match the hands with the 24-hour positions. On the right side of the watch, there are two buttons; the top button wakes the screen and pulls up the watch’s menu; menu items include workouts, workout records, workout status, heart rate, activity records, sleep, stress, breathing exercises, a call log, contacts, music, air pressure, compass, notifications, weather, stopwatch, timer, alarm, flashlight, find my phone, and settings. The bottom button can be programmed to open whatever function you would prefer — I set it to open the stress tracker.
The matte black silicone band has plenty of notch holes in it, so it will easily fit a variety of wrist sizes. If the black silicone band is too casual for you, you can easily swap out the included band with any other 22mm watch band; the Huawei Watch GT 2 strap has those easy to release pins that so many other smartwatches are using for easy band swapping.
On the underside of the Watch GT, there is an optical heart rate sensor and the two magnetic charging pins.
Even though this is a larger watch, its curved top gives it a sleeker appearance.
When turning the watch on for the first time, you’ll be instructed to download the Huawei Health app. I’m a little disappointed that Huawei hasn’t moved to a Qi charging pad or a multi-directional charging dock, but at least the magnets on the charging dock are strong, and it is easy to place the watch in the proper charging position.
Next, you can select your preferred language.
There was an update waiting on the Huawei Health app.
There are, once again, 14 watch faces to choose from. I have no doubt that these were all selected because they use the least amount of battery life possible, but I was bummed that the cutest face (in my opinion, anyway) was the Edges style, and it doesn’t display anything but the time. I might have liked the Sleek watch face as a runner up, but rather than displaying something useful like steps, the date, or a second timezone, the smaller dial displays the day; what day of the week it currently is isn’t usually something I usually have difficulty figuring out. The only customizations available are adding second times zones to the Urban or Resilient watch faces; that’s it, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I was disappointed.
The Huawei Health app is decent for what it is, but it still has limitations like only accepting weight entries manually or from readings made on a Huawei Body Fat Scale, an Honor Smart Scale, or a PICOOC S1 Pro Body Fat Scale. I am still happily using a Withings scale, so while my weight is updated to Google Fit (which I have linked to the Huawei Health app), my weight doesn’t transfer over to this app. Oh well.
As with the previous version, the Watch GT 2 does an excellent job of tracking sleep as well as giving you useful insights into your sleep score.
My favorite new feature is the Stress level mode; the Huawei Watch GT 2 uses your heart rate, which is consistently being monitored as a means to measure your stress levels. Obviously, things like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and the drugs you take can affect your heart rate.
I loved being able to stop and perform a stress test at certain times just to see how I was doing. I realize that I could just look at my heart rate to get a general idea, but I found it oddly comforting to see visual proof that I was managing daily stressors.
Other features that you can easily access by swiping the watch’s screen to the right or left include your step count, the MP3 player (the watch has storage for up to 500 songs, but they have to be actual MP3s on your phone — not saved songs from a streaming service like Spotify. The next screen shows the weather, then there’s the screen showing the stress test, and finally, the screen showing your heart rate.
There is a speaker built into the watch, but you can also connect to the Huawei FreeBuds for your workouts (I’ll have the Huawei FreeBuds 3 review ready soon). One other thing worth mentioning is that you can opt to have an always-on standby watch face; using this feature will cut your battery life in half, so while it is nice, I don’t recommend it.
So just as it was with the original Huawei Watch GT, you arent going to get extra apps and voice features like you would with a Wear OS watch, but I think that you’ll find the Huawei Watch GT to still be plenty smart and full-featured. If you’ve dealt with shoddy battery life on other Wear OS watches, and you’ve longed to be able to track your sleep and daily activities without needing to charge every 24 (or fewer) hours, you’ll likely very much enjoy the Huawei Watch GT 2. Getting great battery life is a fair trade-off to me for not being able to use my watch to pay or track my Lyft.
The Huawei Watch GT 2 retails for $299.99, and it is available directly from Huawei if you live outside of the US; those of us in the US can get it on Amazon [affiliate link].
Source: Manufacturer supplied review sample
What I Like: Excellent build quality; Comfortable to wear while awake and asleep; You can swim with it on; Battery lasts roughly 2 weeks with heart rate monitoring on, 90 minutes of exercise per week, 30 minutes of music, notifications on, and 24-hour wear with sleep tracking; You can use it for accurate sleep tracking; Attractive watch design; You can swim (and track your swimming) with it on; Beautiful and bright touchscreen display; I like the new Stress monitoring feature; You can store up to 500 songs on the watch
What Needs Improvement: There are still only 14 available watch faces (and I’m not a huge fan of any of them); Might be a bit large and thick for petite people; You’ll have to manually enter your weight in the app unless you have a Huawei or Honor scale; You have to use the included magnetic charging dock (No Qi charging); Using the standby (always-on) watch face will cut your battery life in half
from Joseph Rushing https://geardiary.com/2019/12/02/huawei-watch-gt-2-review/
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Friday’s job report doesn’t look promising
Corelogic: september completes 41
Underwater borrowers refinance
5:51pm cdt corn futures
Funding announced monday
The BLS report still sends a promising message to job seekers. That could be especially true in health care, which drove much of the job growth in 2017 and doesn’t appear to be slowing down. Nurses.
The economy was expected to add a solid 180000 jobs in May, but if. either way in Friday morning's May employment report could have a. “If you look at the fed funds market, it's pricing roughly a 20% chance of a June cut.
Stocks in Asia were mixed on Friday as investors watched yields on longer duration U.S. Treasurys. Trump: Fed doesn't know what it's doing. The report ” would seem to make a mockery of market expectations” for a quarter- or. last week that ended with the U.S. and China promising no additional tariffs.
Everything You Need To Know Before Friday’s Jobs Report. Statistics will release the July jobs report at 8:30 am ET.. hard data that comes from the jobs report, opting to look at a range of.
"The jobs report leaves out the all-important issue of people ‘leaving the labor force’ — a number in the millions since the Great Recession began in 2007," said Richard Wolff, an economist and.
It’s Friday, which is almost always a good thing. But in this case, the weather seems likely to help the cause. Forecast is for a high of 50, with patches of sun and clouds today. If all goes well.
(Monthly revisions result from additional reports received from businesses and government agencies since the last published estimates and from the recalculation of seasonal factors.) After revisions, job gains have averaged +140,000 per month over the last 3 months.
Negative equity rate drops at a record pace FHFA Director DeMarco: No Silver Bullet for the GSEs Is your mortgage business safer now than before the crash? Nationally, just one in three homes are worth more now than they were at their peak. While tech hubs in the Bay Area and Denver and job centers like Dallas or Nashville have seen home values explode past earlier highs, there are more losers than winners when you look across the country, Trulia’s analysis shows. · The officials are looking into accusations that some banks used shoddy paperwork to evict borrowers.What is suppose to happen once your heart rate reaches the pacemaker maximum heart rate setting? I was on the stationary cycle, feeling good so I bumped up the intensity and might have hit my maximum for a couple minutes (not sure what the max is set at). Anyway, my heart rate fell quickly and never bounced back forcing me cut the intensity.Chicago area home prices up 14 percent in October Feds should do more to help underwater borrowers: Moody’s corelogic: september completes 41,000 foreclosures las vegas forecast to lead 2013 home price gains Las Vegas’ home price gains among tops in US. And home builders aren’t yet putting up enough new homes to reduce the supply crunch. Besides Las Vegas, Seattle and San Diego reported the highest year-over-year gains. Home prices jumped 12.9 percent in Seattle, 9 percent in Las Vegas and 8.2 percent in San Diego.There were about 33,000 completed foreclosures. of 18.8% compared with about 41,000 in November 2014, according to CoreLogic. What’s more, the number of completed foreclosures was down 71.6% from.Experts back expanding Obama mortgage refi effort. to help most underwater borrowers refinance to current record-low rates.. on HARP refinancings and allow for even more heavily underwater.by cmdtyNewswires – Fri Jul 19, 5:51pm cdt corn futures closed the Friday session with most contracts 5 to 6 1/4 cents higher after a week of losses. Since last Friday, Sep has dropped 5.17%. Spillover buying from soybeans and wheat was supportive, along with Fed easing talk. Friday’s Commitment of Traders report indicated that spec traders in corn futures and options were net long 187,260.
How to Look at Friday’s Jobs Report. It looks like job growth doesn’t fall below around 0.1% on a sustained basis without falling into a recession.. But a holistic look at the history of job.
Trump Is Failing on His Biggest Promise to Americans: Jobs. Trump said he'd be the "greatest jobs president God ever created," but that does not appear to be happening.. economy in August, the Labor Department reported Friday.. MSM doesn't report the great economic news since Election Day.
Deutsche Sees 48% of All US Mortgages Underwater in 2011 The Costs of Homeownership Drive First-time Buyers Away Using up savings on the down payment. Spending all or most of their savings on the down payment and closing costs is one of the biggest mistakes first-time homebuyers make, Conarchy says. “Some people scrape all their money together to make the 20 percent down payment so they don’t have to pay for mortgage insurance,of underwater mortgages in this report; Americans for.. covery are not likely to see their fortunes substantially improve any time soon. Market.. In 2011, 31 percent of all homeowners (23.6 million owner households).. 48%. $36,939. 100 Cities with the Highest Incidence of Negative Equity (see Data Source Notes on p.Michigan AG to probe DocX signatures HousingWire’s weekly news podcast #4 Listen to News 4 Debrief episodes free, on demand. NBC 4 New York’s weekly podcast goes behind-the-scenes on some of New York’s most important stories. The easiest way to listen to podcasts on your iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, smart speaker – and even in your car. For free. Bonus and ad-free content available with Stitcher Premium.LendingPad partners with My Mortgage Trainer for low-cost training Report: Foreclosure Inventory Hits Record Level in June reverse mortgage funding expands payment options on proprietary reverse product RMF Updates Equity Elite Product to Include Term Payment. – Reverse Mortgage funding announced monday that it is rolling out updates to its Equity Elite proprietary reverse mortgage, now to include both lump sum and term disbursement options for borrowers under a fixed rate. The product expansion, which allows borrowers to choose any number of term payments.Black Knight is a leading provider of integrated software, data and analytics solutions that facilitate and automate many of the business processes across the home ownership life-cycle.lendingpad partners with My Mortgage Trainer for low-cost training LendingPad, a 2019 HW Tech100 winner, is partnering with My Mortgage Trainer to provide LendingPad LOS clients a discounted rate on mortgage license education training.
Freddie Mac completes first small pool sale of deeply delinquent mortgages Mortgage lending loosens in June Mortgage lending eased a bit in June, with credit becoming more widely available when compared to recent years, the Mortgage Bankers Association said. An uptick in jumbo, investor and higher ltv loans eased some of the slack.that have experienced a credit event and for which Freddie Mac has previously determined the existence of an Unconfirmed Underwriting Defect, the cumulative UPB at Time of Removal from the Reference Pool of mortgages on which Freddie Mac has withdrawn its defect identification because the mortgage loan file or an
Friday’s June jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time will take a closer look under the hood of the employment market.. Things to Look Out For in Friday.
Newbold Advisors names two new partners Nearly two-thirds of Americans sense double-dip recession A Year from Now, Do You Think the Economy Will Be: 16% 64% 18% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% No Longer in a Recession Still in a Recession In an Economic Depression. The Impact of the Recession on Americans’ Finances. The Great Recession has taken a heavy toll on unemployed Americans.The University today unveiled a nascent allston land company (alc), a wholly owned subsidiary with a new structure and leadership-notably,
The post Friday’s job report doesn’t look promising appeared first on Mortgage Broker Plano Texas.
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teethdollar47-blog · 6 years
How Speeding Up My Reading Meant I Read Less
Convenience, however, often comes at the expense of understanding. The less time you spend examining things, the less you know about them. When it comes to understanding how you spend your life, it’s important to slow down and take the time. – The Bullet Journal Method
In 2018 I launched a new podcast called Should I Read It. My thinking was that I was doing book reviews regularly anyway. I had a large backlog of books that I had reviewed. Why wouldn’t I use the content a second time as a podcast?
It was a quick jump from there to looking at the over 70 books I had reviewed and realizing that I average more than a book a week and thinking that I could do a twice weekly podcast on books. I dove into this with relish, because I love reading.
I started to look for ways to optimize what I was doing. How could I make my notes faster? How could I link topics together better? Could I maybe do three books a week?
Unfortunately my quest for optimization cost me something.
For years I had been taking notes in a paper notebook. I had even said many times that if the quote wasn’t worth the effort writing it down on paper, then it wasn’t a worthwhile quote. The constraint of handwriting forced me to be picky.
The constraint of taking the notes from a book and then typing them out in full so that I could write a review meant after a few weeks of space, I got my head back around the ideas of the book. My typing would mean I added more notes and thoughts with each entry I moved across from paper to digital. Notes for some books would end up over 6,000 words.
In my quest to optimize, I started reading on my iPad Pro using split view with Scrivener to take my notes and the Kindle app to read. My thought was that if I wanted to keep up the break neck speed of book reviews I needed to get my notes into a form I could use for a written review faster. What actually happened was I focused on the note taking instead of the reading.
Where I used to read books and work on synthesizing their information for later writing and thoughts of my own, by moving to a digital medium I was making simply typing notes the point of my reading. I found that I’d finish a reading session and look at my notes, but have no idea what the book was really trying to teach me in a chapter. I was loosing the thread of the book.
At first, I figured that It was simply an artefact of using a notebook for my book notes for so long. That I’d adapt to the new format soon enough and be off to the races. That’s not what happened though. What happened was that I went to write about a book and had no clue what it was about in any fashion.
Where a “regular” book review took me 60 – 90 minutes to write, a review with the new note format took me 2 – 3 hours to write. Much of this time was spent flipping back through the book filling in holes in my own understanding. Even worse, it took five written book reviews for me to realize what was happening by that time I had ten books in the bank of digital notes. Instead of saving myself time, I had added at least 10 hours to a job.
You can see this gap in my podcast production, with at least two long intervals between episodes. I see the results of this in the “audience” numbers that I get in my Transistor account. According to them, I halved my listeners by trying to speed up.
Probably the biggest cost is not in some external metric of popularity like podcast listeners. The biggest cost is to myself. Despite spending extra hours flipping back through books, I don’t feel like I understand them. Despite still hitting my goal of reading 52 books this year, by changing my reading routine from sitting in my comfy chair first thing in the morning to reading on my iPad at my desk I broke the reading habit.
In Atomic Habits, James Clear, recommends that we record the habits we want to build. He brings up habit trackers like a Seinfeld Calendar. Recently Matt Raglan talked about how he tracks his habits on paper.
I’ve never been much of a habit tracker, but trying to dive back into reading has been a hard thing. I keep looking up from my desk to realize that it’s 8am and I went directly to work on a device without starting my day with reading. I know from building my routines in the first place that this is a bad thing.
I find that after not reading, I don’t end up writing for my site. Then the days spiral into an unproductive mess.
So, it’s time to start tracking my reading. Stay tuned to see the habits I’ll be tracking in my Bullet Journal. If you have a copy of Analogue Productivity, watch for an update coming in the next few months as I add how I’m tracking my habits once I’ve worked out a good system.
At this point, I’ve started again. I was up this morning and had The Bullet Journal Method sitting at the kitchen table with my notebook and a pen. I made coffee had breakfast and then went to the office and sat in my chair with Atomic Habits to read for an hour.
I moved directly into proofing my next book The Freelancer’s Guide to Getting Started and then writing this. I’ve proofed the book and written 1000 words. I have 2.5 hours of productive time under my belt by 8:14 am, which is exactly how a productive day starts for me.
That productive day started with one small habit, sitting in my chair to read that book as soon as I got into my office this morning.
What’s the single habit that will help you build your productive day? What’s the single thing you can do that takes less than a few minutes that will set the day up for success?
If you don’t know, it’s time to stop and figure it out.
Photo by: legofenris
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Source: https://curtismchale.ca/2018/11/26/how-speeding-up-my-reading-meant-i-read-less/
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Top Five Most importance Tips for Safer Mobile Banking
Mobile banking is a convenient simple quick and flexible |  permitting the U.S. to access our accounts 24/7 and on the go. we will pay bills, move funds, buy stuff, check our account balance, deposit cash and request emergency money while not even setting foot within our bank’s physical building. With our smartphones and tablets, we will carry our virtual banks in our pockets where we have a tendency to go.
But alongside this convenient cash management comes more risk. Criminals antecedently had to physically force the lock banks on to take our cash. currently, it’s easier for them to focus on the U.S., the purchasers, instead – planning to diddle the U.S., steal our identities and siphon funds from our accounts.
If you employ mobile banking, you wish to safeguard each your phone and your monetary info from hackers, identity thieves and malware. We’ll show you ways to try and do this merely with these 5 tips for safer mobile banking.
First, some numbers
We’re apace turning to digital banking. in keeping with the British Bankers’ Association (BBA), internet and mobile banking transactions quantity to virtually £1billion a day. The BBA’s June 10-14 report, It’s in Your Hands, showed that:
79.5 %  of shoppers use mobile or online banking at least once a month.
Mobile and tablet banking apps are downloaded over fourteen.7 million times.
Mobile and net banking transactions total £6.4 billion per week – up from £5.8 billion in the previous year.
We’re therefore keen to travel mobile that, in line with recent analysis from mobile payment service Zapp, twenty one million British consumers say they’d switch banks if their own didn’t supply a mobile payment choice and had no plans for one.
And last year the united kingdom Payments Council, together with collaborating banks, started a brand new mobile payment system known as Paym that creates it simple for friends and family to transfer cash by using movable numbers instead of revealing bank account details.
Now for our high tips…
1. protect your mobile device with security and tracking software
Install mobile security package and keep it updated. Don’t forget to install updates for your device operating system and banking app too as they become available. You’re more at risk of evolving threats if you've got out-of-date versions of apps and software package.
Back up your data so you can recover it if necessary.
Get a theft tracker for your mobile device, so if it’s lost or purloined you'll be able to locate it via GPS, remotely lock it and wipe your data.
2. Set PINs and passwords
Protect your phone/tablet with a strong password and started a SIM card PIN so it can’t be used in another device. (Don’t skills to set up a SIM PIN? Click here for iOS help. the process varies for different android devices, therefore contact your product manufacturer or vendor for advice.) make sure you don’t use a similar numbers as your ATM PIN.
Use strong passwords for your bank account login. If you wish help creating a secure password, try Norton’s free password Generator. don't disclose your mobile banking password and PIN to anyone.
Don’t store account log-in details, any passwords or account numbers on your mobile device. Keep them safely stored elsewhere. In fact, don’t store any sensitive personal data on your device
If you’re use your phone or passing it on to someone, make sure you delete all such personal info 1st.
3. Use only your bank’s official app
Verify that a banking app is official before you transfer and install it. If you have got any doubts, check with your bank 1st. victimisation your bank’s app avoids the risk of you work on to pretend sites.
Remember to log off of the app or mobile web site once you’ve finished.
4. Don’t fall for phishing bait
Beware of unsolicited texts or emails asking you to disclose your secure PIN, passwords or usernames as they'll most likely be phishing attempts. always tell your bank about any suspicious emails or texts you receive.
Don’t click on dubious links in emails or texts.
Never send financial info by unencrypted email.
5. Avoid risky LAN
Don’t do sensitive and money transactions using public wireless local area network or unknown networks. The open nature of public networks makes them vulnerable – you ne'er understand who is also poking around and watching what you’re doing on-line. check that you use a secure connection once making any financial transaction or communication with your bank.
In addition, any compromised devices or USB keys that are connected to the native network might pass on malware to your mobile or pill.
You can get around these problems by disabling LAN on your device and using your cell network instead. It’s smart to observe anyway to show off LAN and Bluetooth once you’re not using them.
It all adds up to safer banking
In sum, there’s a lot you'll be able to do to stay your gadgets and monetary data secure whereas creating the most of mobile banking. If you keep alert and follow these 5 safety tips, you'll be able to relish the convenience of banking on the go as firmly as attainable.
This entry was posted on Thu Sept 03, 2015 filed under mobile safety , on-line safety tips and on-line security
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abckidstvyara · 6 years
Google confirms some of its own services are now getting blocked in Russia over the Telegram ban
Google confirms some of its own services are now getting blocked in Russia over the Telegram ban
A shower of paper airplanes darted through the skies of Moscow and other towns in Russia today, as users answered the call of entrepreneur Pavel Durov to send the blank missives out of their windows at a pre-appointed time in support of Telegram, a messaging app he founded that was blocked last week by Russian regulator Roskomnadzor (RKN) that uses a paper airplane icon. RKN believes the service is violating national laws by failing to provide it with encryption keys to access messages on the service (Telegram has refused to comply).
The paper plane send-off was a small, flashmob turn in a “Digital Resistance” — Durov’s preferred term — that has otherwise largely been played out online: currently, nearly 18 million IP addresses are knocked out. And in the latest development, Google has now confirmed to us that its own services are now also being impacted.
From what we understand, Google Search, Gmail and push notifications for Android apps are among the products being affected.
“We are aware of reports that some users in Russia are unable to access some Google products, and are investigating those reports,” said a Google spokesperson in an emailed response. We’ve been trying to contact Google all week about the Telegram blockade, and this is the first time that the company has both replied and acknowledged something related to it.
(Amazon has acknowledged our messages but has yet to reply to them.)
Google’s comments come on the heels of RKN itself also announcing today that it had expanded its IP blocks to Google’s services. At its peak, RKN had blocked nearly 19 million IP addresses, with dozens of third-party services that also use Google Cloud and Amazon’s AWS, such as Twitch and Spotify, also getting caught in the crossfire,
Russia is among the countries in the world that has enforced a kind of digital firewall, blocking periodically or permanently certain online content. Some turn to VPNs to access that content anyway, but it turns out that Telegram hasn’t needed to rely on that workaround to get used.
“RKN is embarrassingly bad at blocking Telegram, so most people keep using it without any intermediaries,” said Ilya Andreev, COO and co-founder of Vee Security, which has been providing a proxy service to bypass the ban. Currently, it is supporting up to 2 million users simultaneously, although this is a relatively small proportion considering Telegram has around 14 million users in the country (and, likely, more considering all the free publicity it’s been getting).
As we described earlier this week, the reason so many IP addresses are getting blocked is because Telegram has been using a technique that allows it to “hop” to a new IP address when the one that it’s using is blocked from getting accessed by RKN. It’s a technique that a much smaller app, Zello, had also resorted to using for nearly a year when the RKN announced its own ban.
Zello ceased its activities when RKN got wise to Zello’s ways and chose to start blocking entire subnetworks of IP addresses to avoid so many hops, and Amazon’s AWS and Google Cloud kindly asked Zello to stop as other services also started to get blocked. So, when Telegram started the same kind of hopping, RKN, in effect, knew just what to do to turn the screws.
So far Telegram’s cloud partners have held strong and have not taken the same route, although getting its own services blocked could see Google’s resolve tested at a new level.
Some believe that one outcome could be the regulator playing out an elaborate game of chicken with Telegram and the rest of the internet companies that are in some way aiding and abetting it, spurred in part by Russia’s larger profile and how such blocks would appear to international audiences.
“Russia can’t keep blocking random things on the Internet,” Andreev said. “Russia is working hard to make its image more alluring to foreigners in preparation for the World Cup,” which is taking place this June and July. “They can’t have tourists coming and realising Google doesn’t work in Russia.”
  We’ll update this post and continue to write on further developments as we learn more.
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
08/31/2019 DAB Transcript
Job 37:1-39:30, 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10, Psalms 44:9-26, Proverbs 22:13
Today is the 31st day of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It's great to be here with you. Wow. Last day of the week, last day of the month, like everything's coming together as we prepare to move into the next season. And, yeah, looking forward to tonight at the family reunion here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. So, yeah, a good ending to a good month. I hope it's been good for you. What territory we have covered in the month of August and that we will continue to carry forward as we move into September. We’re reading from the book of Jon and we’ve got a little bit more…a little bit more to go. We've been reading from the New International Version this week. Today, Job, chapter 37 through 39. And just by way of reminder, you know, Job's been talking to his friends, his friends have been talking to Job. We know all that. And there's this Elihu, this other voice comes into the mix, a younger man whose been sitting and waiting and he's talking now. What Job wanted all along was to talk to God. Today when Elihu gets done God's gonna show up and God has some things to say of his own. And, so, let’s dive in. Job, chapter 37.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another week that You have brought us through and we thank You for another month that You have brought us through. And even as we begin to close the chapter on this month and this week, we hear Your voice and the book of Job. All of the questioning, all of the advice, and then You have shown up with…with impossible questions that simply reveal we do not in any way know anywhere near all that we think that we know, and we have barely scratched the surface when it comes to knowing You. And yet, this is our desire, to know You, as Paul said, in spirit and in truth. This is our desire and we acknowledge that we, in our own strength, in our own minds we are only capable of so much and that is through a glass darkly, that is scratching the surface. And yet by Your Holy Spirit we can be led into all truth. This is what You've offered us, this is what You've given to us. And, so, we simply need to follow. Come, Holy Spirit, lead us into all truth we pray. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, and it’s where you find out what’s going on around here.
And man, tonight or actually this afternoon into night, into this evening we’ll be at the family reunion here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. So, we’re looking forward to that, looking forward to seeing everyone and praying safe travels over everyone who’s coming into the Nashville area today. We are eager and looking forward to shaking hands and hugging necks and telling stories and being together and making acquaintances and rekindling friendships and all of the things that happen when we come together as a community. So, looking forward to that.
Here's a little bit of an announcement on the apps. We released a major update a couple days ago and we’ve been talking about that and immediately we were able to see a couple of little things that needed to be fixed. Those of you who experienced some checkbox issues and stuff like that…like…it’s really interesting because you can test and test and test but until you get something into the wild when thousands of people are starting to hit the system that you…you know…there’s like no way. And, so, we saw a couple of things there and the team worked very, very diligently to create what's called a hot fix. So, there’s a little update, just update again and those issues will go away as well as a couple of other issues. Those of you who are Android users should be experiencing…ahh…for the first time really stable performance. And, so, we can see that because we used to see crash logs, you know, like over a thousand crashes a day that have gone down to just about zero. So, we are making massive steps forward. And this checkbox issue…this has been such a frustrating issue since the get go. And what we've done is put a pretty big fix in place, but the next major update that we do, that will eliminate that problem forever. Like, that will be a thing of the past to the point that no matter what you do, no matter where you do it, it's in the cloud. So, it’ll  will be responsive no matter where you are. We were playing with it the other day where I had two different browsers up and I could like check the box of “listened” and it would immediately check…I mean…it happens no matter where you are. So, that's cool but that's…that's close. We’re close to…like…that’s the next phase. But anyway, I think we got the bugs mostly worked out, the little bugs the kind of revealed themselves once we had lots of people in the system. So, there's a new little update. Update and you'll be fine.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. And I say every day, a humble word of gratitude and I think I always will because I…that's what my heart is…humble gratitude that we can even be here, that this community even exists, that the Lord would allow us to share planet Earth at this point in history. That we could all be together around the world doing this, that's humbling. The technology involved in doing this, like the effort in doing this is significant. And, so, I have humble gratitude that we do it together. It's that this is a community and that what we've done we've done together. So, I thank you for your partnership as we prepare to move into the month of September. So, there's a link on the homepage, at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that's your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can press the red “hot line” button that’s sitting right next to the give button in the upper right-hand corner of the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press that button and start talking or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello DAB family, guess you? Terry the Trucker. Today’s our first day back in the truck. All has went well. Have not been nervous or scared. Maybe slightly, a couple percent, but I’ve gotta say it’s been a blessed day. It really has. Forgot to start my stopwatch so I’m gonna make this short and sweet. I just want to say thank you to everybody for all the prayers and the support over the last year and I know God’s got me. What will be will be because it will be his will. I want all of you to know that I continue to pray for each and every one of you and I hope to see you at the family reunion. I’ve got a truck I get a pickup in North Carolina. So, all I gotta do is get this one back to Texas by Friday, get reloaded, and head that way. So, y’all have a blessed week.
Hey, good morning brothers and sisters of the Daily Audio Bible it’s Tuesday, August 27th and I heard some fantastic calls today and I just want to lift up Wendy. Your voice is beautiful by the way. And I want to lift up the guy that works in the UPS in Columbia South Carolina the brother and I want to lift up the sister who’s having stomach problems. And I was just so moved by the last caller, the sister who has been clean from meth for nine days. Way to go! And I’m just praying over all of you and everyone else that calls in too. Father in Jesus’ name I lift up Your beloved children to You Lord God because You are able to do anything and there is nothing too hard for You. God with You all things are possible, and You have all power and You are able to heal and set free. You know what they need father God as we call out and lift them up father God. Please protect them, comfort them, give them exactly what they need as they cry out for You and we cry out for them. In Jesus’ mighty and precious name we pray. Amen.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Truly Thankful Taylor from the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex in Texas. I’m so excited. This is my first time calling apart from the Christmas card last year and I’ve been part of the Daily Audio Bible family, listening for about eight years now. I’ve been so encouraged through the years. I first want to say thank you to Brian Jill, Ben, China, Max, Ezekiel and the rest of the Hardin family as well as all the background individuals who consistently pour into this ministry and make it possible for us to listen daily and to be a part of this amazing family. I just wanted to reach out to some of my fellow people who have been a part for a long time. Joe the Protector, you’ve been on my heart lately. Praying for you, your daughter, and your granddaughter. Margo from Australia, my heart leaps every time I hear you call in. Know that you are consistently being prayed for throughout the week. Praying especially for your health lately. Love you my sweet sister and so many of you that are so thankful in calling. Annette, I’m praying for you. Just know you are loved, and your heart, it just brings so much joy to me as I hear you. Pastor Gene, His Little Cherry, Blind Tony, Victoria Soldier, and so many others of you I don’t have time to mention right now. But just know that I love you, I’m praying for you. For those of you that are new to this ministry and new this body, I just want to encourage you to continue to press in and seek the Lord. He is so faithful and will reveal Himself to you. God’s word does not return void. And just for those of you who have been on this journey a long time, I want to encourage you to keep going. It says in Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize, which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. You can do it and you can through the power of Jesus Christ who gives you strength. So, bless you everyone. I love you my family. Talk to you soon. Truly Thankful Taylor. Bye for now.
Hi DAB family I wanted to call in with a confession and then a prayer request. I’ve been praying for healing of several different relations...broken relationships in my life for the last several months and recently I have been tempted and also have given into the temptation of really trying to manipulate those relationships and taking them into my own hands to try and heal those relationships, which is not something that I can do on my own. So, the Bible says that if we confess our sins to one another and then the Lord will be faithful in forgiving no sense. So, I confess to you that I have been trying to take these things into my own hands and manipulating and telling some…some untruths for trying to repair those relationships. I ask that you would just, join me in prayer with regards to that and for the healing of those relationships. I still want those relationships to be healed in my life and those friendships and relationships to be restored. So, thank you so much for this amazing podcast. It has really made a huge impact on my life and thank you all for being such an amazing community, all the prayer warriors and I will talk to you soon.
Hi Daily Audio Bible, one of our own is suffering with brain cancer right now and I would like him to be lifted up in prayer. His name is Oli and this voyage began, ironically, less than two weeks ago and he’s already incapacitated to the point of not being able to walk. So, please lift Oli up in prayer and his beautiful wife Jessica. They have 11 children and all the prayer that can be used to bring forth God’s kingdom here on earth through this tragedy would be appreciated. And, of course, they need answers and we aren’t giving up on the miracle for a complete healing. Thank you, Daily Audio Bible.
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sheminecrafts · 6 years
Google confirms some of its own services are now getting blocked in Russia over the Telegram ban
A shower of paper airplanes darted through the skies of Moscow and other towns in Russia today, as users answered the call of entrepreneur Pavel Durov to send the blank missives out of their windows at a pre-appointed time in support of Telegram, a messaging app he founded that was blocked last week by Russian regulator Roskomnadzor (RKN) that uses a paper airplane icon. RKN believes the service is violating national laws by failing to provide it with encryption keys to access messages on the service (Telegram has refused to comply).
The paper plane send-off was a small, flashmob turn in a “Digital Resistance” — Durov’s preferred term — that has otherwise largely been played out online: currently, nearly 18 million IP addresses are knocked out. And in the latest development, Google has now confirmed to us that its own services are now also being impacted.
From what we understand, Google Search, Gmail and push notifications for Android apps are among the products being affected.
“We are aware of reports that some users in Russia are unable to access some Google products, and are investigating those reports,” said a Google spokesperson in an emailed response. We’ve been trying to contact Google all week about the Telegram blockade, and this is the first time that the company has both replied and acknowledged something related to it.
(Amazon has acknowledged our messages but has yet to reply to them.)
Google’s comments come on the heels of RKN itself also announcing today that it had expanded its IP blocks to Google’s services. At its peak, RKN had blocked nearly 19 million IP addresses, with dozens of third-party services that also use Google Cloud and Amazon’s AWS, such as Twitch and Spotify, also getting caught in the crossfire,
Russia is among the countries in the world that has enforced a kind of digital firewall, blocking periodically or permanently certain online content. Some turn to VPNs to access that content anyway, but it turns out that Telegram hasn’t needed to rely on that workaround to get used.
“RKN is embarrassingly bad at blocking Telegram, so most people keep using it without any intermediaries,” said Ilya Andreev, COO and co-founder of Vee Security, which has been providing a proxy service to bypass the ban. Currently, it is supporting up to 2 million users simultaneously, although this is a relatively small proportion considering Telegram has around 14 million users in the country (and, likely, more considering all the free publicity it’s been getting).
As we described earlier this week, the reason so many IP addresses are getting blocked is because Telegram has been using a technique that allows it to “hop” to a new IP address when the one that it’s using is blocked from getting accessed by RKN. It’s a technique that a much smaller app, Zello, had also resorted to using for nearly a year when the RKN announced its own ban.
Zello ceased its activities when RKN got wise to Zello’s ways and chose to start blocking entire subnetworks of IP addresses to avoid so many hops, and Amazon’s AWS and Google Cloud kindly asked Zello to stop as other services also started to get blocked. So, when Telegram started the same kind of hopping, RKN, in effect, knew just what to do to turn the screws.
So far Telegram’s cloud partners have held strong and have not taken the same route, although getting its own services blocked could see Google’s resolve tested at a new level.
Some believe that one outcome could be the regulator playing out an elaborate game of chicken with Telegram and the rest of the internet companies that are in some way aiding and abetting it, spurred in part by Russia’s larger profile and how such blocks would appear to international audiences.
“Russia can’t keep blocking random things on the Internet,” Andreev said. “Russia is working hard to make its image more alluring to foreigners in preparation for the World Cup,” which is taking place this June and July. “They can’t have tourists coming and realising Google doesn’t work in Russia.”
  We’ll update this post and continue to write on further developments as we learn more.
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://ift.tt/2F8cL40 via IFTTT
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endenogatai · 6 years
Google confirms some of its own services are now getting blocked in Russia over the Telegram ban
A shower of paper airplanes darted through the skies of Moscow and other towns in Russia today, as users answered the call of entrepreneur Pavel Durov to send the blank missives out of their windows at a pre-appointed time in support of Telegram, a messaging app he founded that was blocked last week by Russian regulator Roskomnadzor (RKN) that uses a paper airplane icon. RKN believes the service is violating national laws by failing to provide it with encryption keys to access messages on the service (Telegram has refused to comply).
The paper plane send-off was a small, flashmob turn in a “Digital Resistance” — Durov’s preferred term — that has otherwise largely been played out online: currently, nearly 18 million IP addresses are knocked out. And in the latest development, Google has now confirmed to us that its own services are now also being impacted.
From what we understand, Google Search, Gmail and push notifications for Android apps are among the products being affected.
“We are aware of reports that some users in Russia are unable to access some Google products, and are investigating those reports,” said a Google spokesperson in an emailed response. We’ve been trying to contact Google all week about the Telegram blockade, and this is the first time that the company has both replied and acknowledged something related to it.
(Amazon has acknowledged our messages but has yet to reply to them.)
Google’s comments come on the heels of RKN itself also announcing today that it had expanded its IP blocks to Google’s services. At its peak, RKN had blocked nearly 19 million IP addresses, with dozens of third-party services that also use Google Cloud and Amazon’s AWS, such as Twitch and Spotify, also getting caught in the crossfire,
Russia is among the countries in the world that has enforced a kind of digital firewall, blocking periodically or permanently certain online content. Some turn to VPNs to access that content anyway, but it turns out that Telegram hasn’t needed to rely on that workaround to get used.
“RKN is embarrassingly bad at blocking Telegram, so most people keep using it without any intermediaries,” said Ilya Andreev, COO and co-founder of Vee Security, which has been providing a proxy service to bypass the ban. Currently, it is supporting up to 2 million users simultaneously, although this is a relatively small proportion considering Telegram has around 14 million users in the country (and, likely, more considering all the free publicity it’s been getting).
As we described earlier this week, the reason so many IP addresses are getting blocked is because Telegram has been using a technique that allows it to “hop” to a new IP address when the one that it’s using is blocked from getting accessed by RKN. It’s a technique that a much smaller app, Zello, had also resorted to using for nearly a year when the RKN announced its own ban.
Zello ceased its activities when RKN got wise to Zello’s ways and chose to start blocking entire subnetworks of IP addresses to avoid so many hops, and Amazon’s AWS and Google Cloud kindly asked Zello to stop as other services also started to get blocked. So, when Telegram started the same kind of hopping, RKN, in effect, knew just what to do to turn the screws.
So far Telegram’s cloud partners have held strong and have not taken the same route, although getting its own services blocked could see Google’s resolve tested at a new level.
Some believe that one outcome could be the regulator playing out an elaborate game of chicken with Telegram and the rest of the internet companies that are in some way aiding and abetting it, spurred in part by Russia’s larger profile and how such blocks would appear to international audiences.
“Russia can’t keep blocking random things on the Internet,” Andreev said. “Russia is working hard to make its image more alluring to foreigners in preparation for the World Cup,” which is taking place this June and July. “They can’t have tourists coming and realising Google doesn’t work in Russia.”
  We’ll update this post and continue to write on further developments as we learn more.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://ift.tt/2F8cL40 via IFTTT
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