#anyway at the gym now smell ya later
toastsnaffler · 5 months
my parents brought my bike up last time they visited and I'm only just taking her out for the first time today but god she's such a beauty..
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lowkeyremi · 7 months
LITTLE THINGS HE DOES atsumu x fem!reader
note: my tsumu fever is coming back jeez
content: fluff, established relationship, hcs + drabbles (divider)
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Boyfriend!Atsumu who feels like he's coming on too strong in the beginning of your relationship.
"Shit, 'Samu. I don't know what to do, I wanna ask her to stay the night but that might be too much, right?" Osamu, who has heard his brother complain a million times just sighs, "Just ask her ya bonehead. Ya'll never know unless ya ask." Atsumu groans, throwing a tantrum in his apartment because he's unsure of what to do.
Boyfriend!Atsumu would pretend he didn't know you in public to save himself from being teased by others. (it's what he did in his last couple of relationships)
"Hey, 'Tsumu. We still on for dinner at your brother's?" You'd ask, looking super pretty in that hoodie he bought for you. "What..? Do I er- know ya?" His friends all start laughing, which was embarrassing to say the least. When he called you to apologize you blew him off with, "Do I know you?" (Dw! he never did that again. It might've been alright with his past gfs but not with you.)
Boyfriend!Atsumu who absolutely LOVES buying you stuff. There doesn't have to be a reason, he just likes spending his money on you.
Your legs were in his lap while he unconsciously massaged your feet. You're working on a paper that's due in a few days and Atsumu out of boredom watches you type whatever you're talking about in your paper. He thinks it's cute, everything you do is cute.
"How long have you had that thing for?" It takes you a second to realize he's talking about the laptop you saved up to buy for yourself, senior year of high school.
"Hmm, I've had it since senior year of high school so maybe 3 or 4 years?" He hums in delight at your response, "Let me buy ya a new one baby, it'll be better than that old thing."
"A four year computer is fairly young and I worked hard to buy this one! Don't shame my baby." It's adorable how offended you get unintentionally. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee."
Two days later your friend is commenting on your new laptop during a lecture.
Boyfriend!Atsumu steals kisses ALL the time. He loves you so so so much! If you say no to kisses he'll get one anyway.
Atsumu's hands are wrapped around your waist, his front meets your back. "Atsu, I already told you when I finish cooking you can kiss me all you want. I don't want either of us to get hurt." Did I mention you're cutting up veggies?
A guttural whine leaves his throat. You can feel the vibrations of it on your back. "Atsumu."
Before you can even process what happens, Atsumu quickly pecks your cheek. It's not your lips like he wanted but it will do for now.
Boyfriend!Atsumu who loves talking about how big and strong he is (to make you swoon of course).
"Hey babe, just got back from the gym, notice anything different?" Nothing particularly looks different about him, but you risk him pouting if you say the wrong thing.
"I don't know, Tsum Tsum. Tell me." His frown is almost immediate. He looks like a kicked puppy and honestly you don't feel too bad. He's likely exaggerating as per usual.
"I worked on my legs today for ya. Know you love my thighs." His thighs look the exact same as they had when he left for the gym but you don't tell him that because he'd get whiny.
"Look at you, gosh you're built." Hopefully it doesn't sound too fake and he buys it.
"Ya think so?" He says with a chuckle. Checkmate.
Boyfriend!Atsumu who steals your t-shirts and underwear because "ya steal my stuff why can't i steal yers?" and "it's for me to smell when i miss ya."
"Atsumu.. where is my favorite t-shirt!?" Your favorite (singer/band) is doing a meet and greet today and you wanted to show your love by wearing their merch, which you can't seem to find.
"I dunno baby, s'probably at my place. S'the one ya wear all the time so it smells like ya the most." He shrugs as if this were not that big of a deal.
"Tsumu! Go get it!!! I'm going to that meet and greet I was telling you about today!"
Husband!Atsumu who LOVES to tell people how you two got married.
"Yeah, and I got down on one knee for her and she was like 'Tsumu is this a prank?' she was leanin' back too far into the fountain she was sittin' on and fell in!" Bokuto absolutely looses his shit. He doubled over laughing, alongside Hinata.
"It's not that funny." You grumble, sitting next to Atsumu's best friend teammate, Sakusa.
"He tells that story to those two anytime he gets the chance too. I'm surprised they still find it funny after the 1 millionth time hearing it." Sakusa agrees, his arms folded up and his eyebrows furrowed. You're sure he's scowling under the mask.
"Yeah, welp. That's my husband I suppose."
"He sure is." Sakusa implies the way Atsumu is always talking about you.
"Well my wife.."
"Let me see if my wife wants to come."
"I'm heading home! Gotta go see my wife!"
"Now if it were me and my wife.."
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note: just a little something to feed y'all until i finish my gojo project. love you guys XOXO (XO until we OD)
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cassafrassie · 1 month
testing the waters - (also on ao3) length: 2,938 words rating: G (v mild swearing)
It’s a slow, hot, lazy late August afternoon. The world has been saved, triangle demon vanquished, Grunkle Stan’s memories slowly returning to him, and Dipper and Mabel Pines lounge on the front deck of the Mystery Shack soaking up their last moments of summer before returning to Piedmont in just a few days.
Dipper lays flat on his back on the wood slats, watching the trees sway in the warm breeze while Mabel sprawls on the couch, tapping away on her phone.
“Oh-ho-ho!” She says after some time, breaking the easy silence.
“What?” Dipper asks, glancing at her but not moving.
“Nothing…” she replies in such a mischievous tone that Dipper immediately knows it’s anything but nothing.
Dipper lifts his head to get a better look at his sister. She’s grinning like a mad woman as she taps something on her phone.
It makes Dipper uneasy.
“Mabel,” he says, slower. “What is it?”
Mabel ignores him at first, still tapping away, but eventually looks down at him with a smug smile on her face.
“Time for you to get your own phone I think, bro-bro.”
“What? Why?”
“Well you can’t exactly expect me to be the middle man for you and your girlfriend forever.”
“Girlfri—…?” Dipper trails off as Mabel tosses him her phone, open to a short text conversation.
Pacifica: Mabel. Tell your brother to meet me at Lake Gravity Falls at 4PM today.
Mabel: OoOooh. Looking to do some more huggin’ are ya?? Or maybe taking it up a notch? 💋💋😘
Pacifica: Ugh, just tell him.
Mabel: What’s the magic woooord?
Pacifica: Now?
Mabel: Come on Pazmatazz we practiced this.
Pacifica: Don’t call me that.
Mabel: P
Mabel: L
Mabel: E
Pacifica: Fine! Please! Just stop!
Dipper throws the phone back at Mabel, a little rougher than he needed to.
“Do you have to be like that?” he bites out.
“Um, securing your romantic future? Yes, you’d think you’d be grateful, jeez. Make sure you shower before you go though, you smell like the inside of a gym sock.”
“Who says I’m going?” Dipper says, flopping back down on the deck. “She can’t just boss me around like that.”
“Sure, Dip,” Mabel says, returning to her texting.
Two hours later Dipper finds himself showered (he needed to anyway, okay?!), changed and waving his thanks to Soos for the ride as he trudges down toward the lake from the parking lot. To his right he sees the lake’s marina.  It’s mostly modest speed boats and fishing vessels, but rising like a skyscraper above all the rest is a large pleasure craft, at least 80 feet from bow to stern, with the familiar “N.W.” emblazoned in gold script along the side of the bow. He figures this must be his destination, so he heads down the dock toward the end, where the massive yacht rests bobbing in the water in the final slip.
“Pacifica? You there?” he calls out from the dock, finally reaching the boat.
Pacifica’s blonde head pops out from a door to the interior almost immediately. She bounces up on deck and trots over to the side, leaning over to peer down at him.
“Dipper! You came!”
She’s is wearing a striped purple polo top similar to the one she wore the night the Lilliputtians attacked, simple pleated white shorts and camel-colored boat shoes. Her long hair is pulled back into a low ponytail and the overall effect is classy but understated. She looks… nice, Dipper thinks before shaking the thought away.
“Well you kind of made it sound like I didn’t have a choice.”
Pacifica shoots him a grin that’s just a little dazzling in the late afternoon light, and before he knows it his feet are carrying him up dock's boarding steps to the side of the boat. As he lifts his foot to step onto the yacht, however, Pacifica holds up her palm, stopping him.
“Ah, ah, ah, Pines! First rule of boating etiquette. Always ask for permission to board.”
“You invited me here!” he shoots back.
“Manners still matter,” she says, flipping her hair.
Dipper groans. He feels annoyance rising in his chest and is about to tell her to forget it, but then he studies her face and he sees the playful smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Oh. She’s… messing with him.
He feels his own mouth quirk up at the sides.
Well two can play at that game.
Dipper clears his throat, straightens his back and assumes an air of hyperbolic chivalry.
“Very well, Miss Northwest. Would your highness deign to grace herself with my presence by allowing me to step aboard thine’s most glorious seafaring vessel?” He finishes with an exaggerated twirl of his hand.
Pacifica giggles and holds out her hand to him palm up. “She will. Dork.”
He grips her welcoming hand and allows her to help him come aboard, taking a second to find his footing on the gently bobbing boat before releasing it.
“Pretty nice, uh, schooner you got here.” He says, hands on his hips, looking around.
Schooner? Is that even right? Why is he trying to impress her with big boat words? He doesn’t know a darn thing about boats.
Pacifica quirks an eyebrow but lets it go. “Yeah, it’s fun,” she says wistfully. “But I’m pretty sure it’s going up for sale next week along with the manor.”
“Oh,” Dipper says rubbing his neck. “Do you know where you’re moving yet?”
He feels just the slightest confusing feeling of guilt tugging deep in the pit of his stomach. He didn’t feel bad about Preston and Priscilla getting found out for their years of crookedness, but Pacifica didn’t really have anything to do with that.
“Another mansion here in town. It’s way smaller though. Only one swimming pool,” Pacifica says, her face falling briefly, but she shakes it off.
Dipper chokes back a snort, all feelings of guilt instantly evaporating.
“You want a soda? I can show you around,” Pacifica asks, though the way she confidently strides back toward the interior leaves him with the impression that’s it’s not really a question as much as it is a command to follow.
He trails after her, following into the inner cabin of the boat. They enter a spacious galley. The walls are lined in deep teak wood and a massive crystal chandelier hangs in the center of the room. Dipper thinks this seems pretty impractical for a boat, but then again little about the Northwests has ever been practical.
A steward brings a silver tray with an assortment of sodas and juices. Dipper picks a Pitt Cola from the offering and then continues following Pacifica deeper below deck.
“So, uh, what’s the occasion?” he asks, following her down a narrow staircase and down a hallway lined with staterooms. “You just showing off the last of your family’s spoils before it goes to the auction block?”
Pacifica rolls her eyes as she stops at a door near the end of the hall.
“No. Well, not just that.” She opens the door, which leads to a small storage room. She doesn’t turn on the lights, but he can make out that the cabin is filled with boxes and chests from the warm light coming in from two small portholes. “This is the main reason.” She grips a large trunk in the corner with both hands and tugs it out from the shadows. The same “N.W.” monogram is etched onto the lid, the faint light catching the gold script.
As she tugs, Dipper feels the cabin shift around him unnaturally. He realizes the boat is pulling away from the dock. He braces himself against a wall with one arm, but Pacifica isn’t as quick on her feet and she stumbles forward. Dipper reaches forward with his free arm and grasps her around the middle. Her hair ends up in his face.
Lavender, again.
“I gotcha,” he says.
Pacifica grasps onto his arm as she steadies herself, then meets his eyes for the briefest of moments before turning away from him abruptly.
She coughs. “Thanks.”
Dipper feels his face flush. Not going to think too hard about that.
Pacifica turns back to the trunk, kneeling down and fiddling with the lock.
“My family has had these tapestries for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure where they came from, but I took the one in my bedroom down the night after the party. I didn’t know why at the time, but after the last few days things started to come together… so I took the rest down too and stashed them down here.” She looks over her shoulder at him. “Mom and Dad don’t know.”
Dipper feels a burst of pride swell in his heart at her small rebellion, whatever this is.
He leans over her shoulder as she lifts the lid to the trunk, but freezes when he sees what’s within.
He sees the eye first. That piercing, maniacal eye. Then the shape and color. And its enough to send him gasping backward, air completely leaving his lungs.
“Dipper?” Pacifica asks, spinning around toward him.
Dipper’s heart feels like it’s stopped. Where’s the wall? He needs to grab on to something. His arm waves behind him until it finds purchase on the side of the cabin.
“Dipper!” Pacifica continues. “Shoot! I’m sorry, I should have warned you.” She slams the lid shut and turns to grasp Dipper’s shoulders. “Hey, hey look at me.”
Dipper reluctantly meets her eyes, but he’s glad he does. Her blue meets his brown and he sees her concern and immediately feels calmer. In the recesses of his mind, fleetingly, he had feared that this was all some sort of trap, but when he sees her sincerity he knows she’s still on his side.
“You’re okay. I’m here. Crap, I’m so sorry,” she goes on, lowering her eyes but still gripping his shoulders.
Dipper feels the oxygen returning to his lungs and his head clearing.
“No, no it’s okay. I’m okay. It was an accident,” he says, taking a deep breath.
Pacifica looks back up at him, lip quivering. She releases his shoulders.
“Hey,” he chucks her under the chin lightly. “All good. Nothing wounded but my pride.”
She gives him a wary smile.
He returns it, feeling relief as he watches her features slowly relax. She really is pretty, huh?
No, no, no we are not doing that right now, brain.
He clears his throat.
“So… uh, why exactly are you showing me this?” he finally asks, breaking their eye contact and gesturing to the trunk.
“Oh! Right.” Pacifica tucks a strand of hair behind her ear as she straightens up, putting her hands on her hips. “I want you to help me get rid of it.”
Dipper’s mind races through memories of spells and incantations he read in Ford’s journals. Was there one for expelling physical objects from reality? Could they summon a self-contained fire that wouldn’t compromise the boat? Maybe if they contacted the ghost of Archibald Corduroy he would be able to bring the tapestries to the… ghost realm? If that’s a thing?
Pacifica looks at him curiously. “Uh, hello? What’s going on in there?” she asks, tapping his forehead with her pointer finger.
He continues studying the trunk. “Just trying to think of the best way…”
Pacifica raises an eyebrow. “Come on, Pines. Lake Gravity Falls is 742 feet deep at its center. Where do you think we’re going?” She gestures around her to the moving yacht.
Right. Well that could work too.
With some effort and griping the two manage to bring the trunk up the stairs (“Pivot! You have to pivot!” Pacifica had sniped more than once) and on the main deck of the boat.
Together they lift the heavy chest to the railing at the stern, letting it balance delicately just shy from tipping over. They each hold one handle.
“Any final words?” Dipper asks, turning to face her.
“Good riddance.” Pacifica says, still staring at the trunk, eyes focused on the “N.W.” monogram. She turns to him. “Let’s do this.”
Damn, she’s fierce. He gives her a half smile and nods.
They each let go of their respective handles and give the trunk a firm push. It goes tumbling overboard, falling the dozen or so feet it takes to reach the water before hitting it with a satisfying splash.
Dipper and Pacifica stand side by side, watching it sink below the surface slowly, murky darkness slowly obscuring it from view. Then it’s gone.
Pacifica turns and leans her back against the railing, letting out a long exhale. “Wow, it’s crazy how much better I feel.”
Dipper smiles at her. Her features do look more relaxed. Like a heavy burden— or curse, maybe—has been lifted.
He nudges her side with his elbow. “So this tub is going away in a few days right? What do you say we enjoy it a bit before it’s gone?”
Pacifica turns to face him and grins.
A couple hours, an impromptu water gun fight, and a few unceremonious pushes into the lake later, Dipper and Pacifica lay next to one another on their stomaches at the bow of the boat, each wrapped in a fluffy towel. Together they watch the sun drop below the tree-lined horizon. Orange and pink gives way slowly to purple and blue. Dipper lets his eyes drift from the hazy sky to the gentle waves created by the yacht cutting through the lake surface, and finally to his new friend. Her eyes have shut and her head is cushioned on her arms. The soft light of the dusk plays on her delicate features, and he takes a moment to watch the steady inhale and exhale of her breathing. He feels himself smile, and decides to let himself indulge in the warm feeling that comes with it. Just for now. Even if he still isn’t sure what it means.
After a moment her eyes flutter open and her cheeks dust with pink. “Guess I dozed off a bit?” she asks, scrunching up her nose.
“Yeah, but it’s okay. It’s been a big day.”
She yawns and looks at the horizon.
“So I guess you’re going back home to California soon, huh? After your party?”
“Yeah… but is it weird that to say that Piedmont doesn’t really feel like home anymore?”
“No.” She turns to him. “I think ‘home’ can kind of change. I never used to feel like Gravity Falls was where I belonged, honestly.”
“Really? Do you still feel that way?”
“I’m not sure… I feel at home right now though, I think.” Her cheeks grow rosier.
Dipper smiles, feeling his own cheeks warming once again as well.
“What are you gonna do? After?” he asks, not really knowing precisely how to articulate what he means, but trusting she will understand.
“I don’t know,” she laughs. “Back to school, I guess. Maybe I can convince my parents to let me start boarding. I’m just a day student right now, but there are a bunch of kids who live too far to go home at night. I wouldn’t mind staying away from my parents for awhile.” Dipper isn’t sure he completely understands how private schooling works, but before he can ask she keeps talking. “Mom and Dad—they, uh… fight a lot, you know? And I kind of think it’s just going to get worse now that we’re only really rich and not insanely rich.” She drops her chin to her rest on her right forearm, lets her left arm dangle over the side of the boat.
Dipper flashes back to four months earlier, hearing his own mom and dad say the most horrible things to one another late at night in their kitchen, long after he and Mabel were supposed to have gone to bed.
“Yeah,” he starts, slowly. “That’s… rough. I get that.”
She tilts her head to him, eyes wide. “You do?”
“Yeah...” He lets his own head fall forward, cushioned by his laced fingers. “I’m not really sure what I’m going to be walking into when we get back, either. Family-wise, I mean.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Honestly, not really. It’s too pretty and peaceful here right now.” He meets her eyes.
“Another time then,” she says, like it’s not even a question.
He feels a smile tug at his lips. On a lot of people, such declaration would come off as presumptuous, rude even. But Pacifica’s so naturally confident and matter-of-fact that it’s just… endearing. Honest.
And he knows it’s true, too.
“Yeah, another time.”
The yacht’s crew eventually brings the boat back to the marina just as the stars are beginning to make their first appearances in the evening sky. Her driver gives him a ride home, and clambering out of back of the town car, Dipper notices Mabel peeking through the Shack’s curtains. He rolls his eyes and turns back to where Pacifica still sits in the back of the car.
“So you’re coming to our birthday tomorrow, right?” he asks.
“Duh, I am the Party Queen after all.” She winks and his stomach does a funny little flip. “It would be cruel to deprive you of my presence on your birthday.”
He laughs and shakes his head, sends her a final wave and smile over his shoulder as he makes his way back to what will almost certainly be an interrogation of epic proportions from his sister.
But, yeah, maybe Mabel is right. Maybe it is time to get his own phone.
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juanbodyswapstfs · 1 year
Fair Trade
David was a hard working father trying to provide enough to maintain his son. The downside to this was he wasn’t spending a lot of time with his son martin.
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Martin was an attractive young man but doesn’t know the potential he has in his body. It pained David that Martin wouldn’t use his body to its full potential.
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One day, David came home early from work. “Hey Martin, im home early!” Said David. David didn’t get a response and headed upstairs. He saw the door to his bathroom opened and saw Martin jerking off to his briefs. “Dad!” Martin proceeds to slam the door in a hurry.
A few hours later..
Hey bud, You doing alright? “Dad, please go away.” Said Martin. “Son, I know how you feel, when I was your-“ “Dad just stop it! you don’t know how I feel.” Said Martin angrily. “Alright, Ill give you some time to calm down, when your done, come to the living room and we’ll have a chat.” Said David.
A few minutes later..
“Hey dad, Im sorry for how I talked to you..” Said Martin. “Don’t worry bud, I get your sexual desires hehe.” David said. “I love you but sometimes I just wish we could feel more connected.” Martin said. “Yeah, Hehe I wish you knew how good and strong your body is martin.” David said. “And I wish I could spend more time with you dad.” Martin said. “Well, goodnight my son.” David said. They both head to bed and sleep until the next morning.
In the morning
Martin wakes up feeling a bit sore and clumsy. “Woah why do I feel so big all of a sudden.” Martin opens his eyes and sees a huge bulge in his briefs. “Oh my god dad, why didn’t I know you had such a huge package.” Davids package was girthy and long with his balls big and manly. “Damn my armpits smell fucking good.” Martin whips out his new package and starts jerking off. “Ooohh yeah that shits good.” Martin then cums all over his dads chest.
On davids side..
David woke up and already knew something was wrong. He stood up and looked at himself in the mirror, “Hey handsome, Im gonna treat this body how it should be treated.” David Takes off his socks and smells them, “Mmmm” David takes out his package and jerks off. “Oooo fuck yeah im your country boy.” His hot steamy sperm squirts on the mirror. Martin then knocks on the door, “Hey Dad, you like your new body?” Martin says. “Dad?” “Im your son Dad.” David says in a cheeky tone. “Oh dad, im gonna use this body to its full potential.” David says. “Hahaha son, me too.” Martin says. “Alright im going to work” Martin says then leaves.
At the construction site..
Martin was trying his hardest to fit in as his father, He had to take a leak and went to the restroom. At the restroom there was an attractive construction worker guy pissing next to him. “Mind If I give you a hand haha.” Martin said. “Uh David?” The man said. “Just joking with ya haha.” Martin said a bit disappointed. The guy zipped up and left the restroom in a hurry. When Martin finally finished he walked out and saw his manager. “Hey david, Im sorry to say this but, your fired.” “Wait what?” “You harassed one of your coworkers.” The manager said. Defeated, Martin headed back home.
At Martins school.
David was having a blast in his sons body, winning every game and scoring a lot in gym class! “Haha beat that suckers!” David says. “You changed so much martin..” says martins crush. “People change my dude.” David says says. Martins Crush walks away sad. The bell rings and David runs home in his new youthful body.
At home
David and Martin arrived home in each others bodies. “Im sorry Dad, I got fired.” Martin said. “Oh thats fine, its your body now anyways.” David said. “Im doing well in school so fair trade haha.” David Said. Both Martin and David were satisfied with their bodies, David joined football and graduated with a athletes scholarship and Martin got a job as a Gay stripper.
So sorry for not posting stories in a while, I was kinda blocked on what to do next.. Message me if you have requests! peace out.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Dragon's Treasure Ch10 Tamer Of Dragons (ft. Regidrago)
(WARNING: The pokemon does have a few scratches, reader also gets a sprained ankle but again nothing too serious.)
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Well...That little reunion between the both of you was awkward, but pleasant!
And you weren't really sure what would be in store for you all later after your work shift but you soon found out just a few hours later. The rest of the day had went by fairly well. You just did some duties behind the counter, cleaned off a few tables, brought out some food- All mundane things while keeping an eye on the time and not soon long after the sky was started to get into the late evening and your shift was over, but Raihan didn't show back up during that entire time. You hung up your apron, bid your boss good bye as he began close up procedures, and then walked out the door- Or you would've before everyone still left in the store looked up all of a sudden when the door slammed back open in a hurry, the bell above the door ringing like crazy from the sudden hit the door gave as everyone looked over and you blinked in surprise at what you saw. Standing there in the doorway, was Raihan. The gym leader was standing there in the doorway heaving and panting like he just ran a hundred mile marathon, a handful of pretty wildflowers clutched in one free hand as he gazed around the small cafe. His eyes locked onto yours in an instant and he immediately held up his free hand in a wave.
"H-Hey, Y/n!," he called with a nervous smile, free hand coming to rub the back of his neck. "I- Um...S-Sorry if I'm late."
You blinked for a moment before shaking your head. "Uh. No. You're right on time. In fact you're a little early." You motioned to the clock. "I just got off work actually."
"Really? Phew. I-I mean! AH!! I-I knew that! T-Totally wasn't worried I messed up the timing. Haha!" He tried not to go red faced when you giggled at his reaction. "See? T-Told ya I had everything under control! Nothing's too much of a challenge for the great Raihan!" 
You rose a brow amused. "I knew you could do it. So what's with the plants there?" You nodded towards the flowers he still held. "Taking up gardening as a hobby now?"
He blinked glancing between his hand for a moment before shoving the hand holding the flowers out to you. "Um!" You blinked and leaned back as he practically shoved the small flowers in your face. "T-These are for you! I-I just saw them outside the gate and it reminded me a bit of you."
You slowly blinked at the cheerfully colorful flowers before slowly reaching up to take from Raihan. Raihan...got you flowers? You stared a bit more before smiling and lifting them higher to smell the sweet scent. "These are..beautiful." You looked back at him. "Thank you. What flowers are they?"
He smiled somewhat bashfully before shrugging. "Oh, y'know. Just some wild primroses. They reminded me of you so I just picked them real quick." You let out a small 'Oh' smiling at the primroses you held. That was nice of him. "They symbolize positivity and courage." You blinked back at him and his softened smile. "That's why the-...They remind me so much of you. Y-You're a very kind an-and brace person, Y/n. In fact you c-can say that's what made me fall for you in the first place."
Your face lit up brighter than a christmas tree at the bold statement before you coughed and looked away. "Yeah? W-Well thanks anyways. I guess this was a good move on your part."
He seemed to light up more. "Well of course! Any lovely date deserves some lovely flowers. Though I can't say it compares to the way you look."
He leaned back just before you could swing the flowers at his face. "F-Flattery will get you no where! Besides, I thought you were going to take me out for dinner like you promised."
Oh shoot! He almost forgot about that part! With a smile he casually gestured back to the door with a bow. "Well then my lady, will you give me the honor of escorting such a lovely maiden to the diner?~", he asked holding out his arm for you to take.
You rolled your eyes but accepted his invitation, hanging your arm around his much to his happiness. "Such a gentlemen. Guess I'll have to accept as long as you're not a dragon in disguise waiting to carry me off to your tower."
He chuckled using his other hand to push the door back open for you. "Lucky for you I'm not that kind of dragon."
"Really?," you asked amused following him out. "Then what kind of dragon are you, Mr. Raihan?"
"I happen to be the kind of dragon who defends the princess," he proclaimed proudly placing a hand to his chest and head held high. "Who wouldn't be intimidated by me?~"
"Oh so I'm a princess now?"
"Better. You're yourself. That means you have a heart of gold, and as you know, us dragons llooovve gold." You blinked looking as he smiled at you. "And what am I to do but appreciate the dragon's treasure.~"
You stared at him silently, face lit up more than the sun-
"ACK!?" He spat out and shook his head when all of a sudden he was harmlessly wacked by some flowers.
"I-I-I said flattery won't get you anywhere!!"
"AHAHAHAHA!! It must do something! You're really cute when you're blushing-"
For a second date it certainly didn't feel too much like one. After all it was just a quick dinner at that small curry corner in the train station again. You were really enjoying the curry the chef could cook and Raihan finally coaxed you into trying that desert he recommended before. The pecha berry short cake with the combee honey glaze and cheri soda float he mentioned when he first saw you in Hammerlocke two months ago. You wanted to refuse but he insisted and you'd be lying if you said you weren't curious about what it tasted like, but you were sure glad you took him up on his offer. Pecha berries tasted very similar too peaches albeit a bit more sour and combee honey added too it just made it sweeter. It tasted sweeter than the normal honey you tasted back in your world. And Cheri berries were just regular cherries, or at least to you they were since they tasted the same as drinking cherry soda. You might wanna ask Chef Steven for his famous desert recipe later if he was nice enough to lend it to you. The conversation you two had was surprisingly casual as well. He mostly asked about you trips around Galar and what had happened in the time since he last saw you which surprised you greatly. You couldn't remember anyone else taking time out bothering to ask you how you day was or if you were doing well.
"-and so then I finally found the guy who ordered the food in the supermarket," you said with a groan remembering your time as an unofficial errand boy for Hulbury, "You'd think he'd be more specific with his directions! But no. The free food was almost not worth the entire thing!"
Raihan could only listen with a grimace. "Really? That had to be so confusing. I mean I don't think Lee would even be that bad with directions."
"I know right! That's what I was thinking." You sighed. "I don't know what was more humiliating. Being an unpaid delivery guy or apologizing to Oleana and Rose."
"You did what you had to do in that moment or what you thought best," Raihan comforted with a look, "I don't blame you for that. I mean we both didn't know they'd-"...he silently trailed off. You both already well knew what he was referring too.
"Yeah." You shook your head sighing once again. "But that was a long time ago now. Things are in the past and I'm just looking forward to the future...And speaking of which." Your head looked up towards the sky just outside the train station. It had gotten dark, but not completely night time. Must've just been sunset. "I better get home. Silver's probably wondering where I am by now." Turning back to him Raihan blinked when your hand reached around into your pocket and brought out your wallet.
"Whoa! Hey!" He frowned a bit and caught your attention back onto him. Without a word he gestured to said wallet in your hands. "What are you doing?"
You paused obviously confused. "Um...Paying my half of the dinner? I'm not just going to let you pay for everything y'know. That'd be messed up of me to expect you to pay for everything even if you did invite me out."   You...weren't going to let him spend a whole lot on you? he ended up staring at you longer than he meant too because you asked him. "What? Is there something on my face?"
"N-No. It's just that..no girl's b-been that considerate before to me. I-I didn't think you could get anymore perfect," he mumbled out without thinking and it made you blink before your own face was shot pink........!? He blinked. "I-I mean-! HHHAAAAA!!" He gave an awkward smile. "My bad. Autocorrect."
"You said that out loud," you pointed out changing the subject, "B-But I still can't let you pay for me especially on the second date! That's nuts!"
"Hey. I promised I'd take you out to dinner and I meant it. My idea, my treat." You didn't look very convinced other than your still red face frowning at him, so he sighed and held up his hands. "Ok. How about this? You let me pay this time and then next time we go out it'll be your treat. Say about. Mmm. I dunno-" He rolled a hand looking hopeful at you with a smile. "Maybe hypothetically next Wednesday night. Maybe hypothetically we go to the movies right around the corner and maybe just hypothetically have a good time."
You gave a dry chuckled before you looked at him in disbelief. "Is this your way of asking me out for a third time?"
"Psh. What?" He waved a hand leaning back in his chair. "No. I would never. I was only giving out a hypothetical scenario where we can have more fun. Buuutt-" He gave a sly grin your way. "I certainly would've be apposed to something like that if it were to happen."
You rolled your eyes. "Fine. You know what time I get off."
How did you let yourself get talked into these things? Oh well. At least you'd get the chance to pay him back. After having him pay and setting off out of the train station he looked at you hands in his pockets before nodding off towards the way off back towards your home. 
"So..can I walk you home?"
To which you shook your head no. "Thanks but I'll be alright. I remember my way back so don't worry. Besides, it's late and I wouldn't want to keep you."
"Oh. ..Well can I walk you out of Hammerlocke then?"
You gave a small amused sigh at him but nodded making him smile. "Sure. Why not have a big, strong dragon escort little old me through his territory?"
"That's me!," he boldly stated puffing out his chest and giving a smug smile, "No one who dare challenge the mighty tamer of dragons!"
That got a pleased reaction out of you in the form of giggles, before you started walking and to no one's surprise, he followed right next to you smiling proudly at himself for getting you to laugh. The sun had set a little lower and had already started to replace the light with darkness and stars. When you both came to the exit of Hammerlocke you both stopped and you looked up to him with a smile.
"Thanks for dinner! It was more enjoyable than I thought it would be," you thanks with a bright smile and small pink to your cheeks.
He causually waved you off. "Hey. No problem! I can't wait to hang out next week! You'll love the new movie coming out! They say you can see Melony in the background if you look hard enough."
You nodded back to him. "I'm looking forward to it. Just don't forget I'm the one paying. Or else-"
"Hey. Don't come at me. I can take a hint. Besides I think your bite's worse than your bark, Sassy."
"Oh don't worry. I don't bite." With a sly smile you reached up and he blinked when the end of your finger booped his nose. "Much.~" He froze staring cross-eyed at your hand before back at your turning form. "I'll see you later, Dragon Boy. Thanks again for the food!"
And you then left, walking away from the stunned gym leader who had stared after your form disappearing into the dark like a gengar's shadow. Ever so slowly his hand reached up to lightly graze his nose. Immediately his face lit up a bright pink and his heartbeat picked up yet again that day. Oh the things you made him feel-
Next's week date was the same after when he showed up to your after work and after your closing shift the two of you headed off for Hammerlocke's small theater. Honestly you didn't even know Hammerlocke had one since it was so small. The movie was nice. Just your standard cheesy and predictable romantic comedy soap opera, but it was still nice. Especially considering this was your very first time going to a movie theater since you were really young, that bit of knowledge surprised Raihan but you were glad when he didn't pry you more on it. And you did get to repay him for dinner by buying the tickets and food. They weren't all too expensive anyhow so it wasn't any big deal. It was really nice just being able to sit down and spend time with someone so domestically that didn't involve someone nagging you or with any ulterior motives...Well unless you count Raihan asking you out for a fourth time after that, but despite what your first impressions of him were, you found yourself relaxing around him more and more. Maybe it was because you had gotten used to him and his personality? Maybe it was the way he looked so nervous and flustered whenever he asked you out again or apologized if he thought he overstepped? Or maybe it was because his antics made you laugh more than you ever had in a long, long time?...Or maybe it was the butterflies in your stomach or the way your face always seemed to be a rainbow of pink and reds these days but you found yourself more than once staring at him for a few seconds too long, or staring at the doors of the cafe waiting to see his familiar face. Maybe it was because you finally had a friend you could see on a regular bases or maybe-...Just maybe. It was something more? Time passed and things began to change. The cool air hit as the leaves started to change color and pokemon started collecting nuts and berries to be stored away for hibernation or winter food supplies. Fruit started falling from your fruit trees and you had fun watching all the wild pokemon coming around collecting them. And you didn't see Raihan everyday. After all he was still a gym leader and legal guardian of three children with responsibilities, on top of that he was a famous man as the top gym leader. He had appearances to make. So it's not everyday you'd see him as he'd often be doing paperwork, managing his gym, traveling off to make appearances around Galar or exhibition matches, or just spending time with his trainers. He's mentioned them a few times when he'd stop by to buy food for them. You think he mentioned one of his current trips was to watch one of Camilla's soccer games in Wyndon. And that was fine by you. It'd be ludacris to expect him to come see you all the time. Besides you had plenty of things to keep you busy. The old cottage needed a bunch of cleaning and a few repairs which you were working on. There was a leak in the roof that needed to be patched up, the front door hinges creaked too loud causing your ears pain, and the hot water would randomly turn off at the worst times. It was a work in progress but things were slowly getting in order. There was way more upsides to this place than downsides anyways. You could just let your pokemon run around freely and there was a free food supply! It was his most recent trip away however was when Raihan noticed something strange, he had just flown back in the night before from Wyndon again. Something had been up with the new Chairwoman and she had wanted to ask him about some questions concerning Mr. Rose's old goings on with the powerplant, unfortunately he couldn't exactly answer a whole lot of her questions since he barely knew himself what was happening behind closed doors. Oh! And there was also that other thing mentioned to him beforehand-
He had blinked staring at the Chairwoman sitting behind her desk giving him a very serious look. "I'm sorry...You want to what again?"
"We want to release some pokemon into the reserve just behind Hammerlocke," Chairwoman Dahlia spoke to him not hesitating to get straight to the point, "Recently Sonia's come into possession of some ancient reanimated fossilized pokemon thanks to a trainer, three of which are partially dragon types. She had the idea of seeing how well they fair in the wild hoping to study some of their behaviors. I for one think it would be a great idea and trust she'll do a great job."
His brow rose higher and he gave her a deadpanned look over. "I mean-...Yeah that certainly sounds like something up Sonia's alley, but then why did you ask me to come all the way here for?''
"I'd like you to help Sonia's oversee this project."
"Wha- ME?!" He pointed at himself surprised she'd even suggest such a thing. "But why?"
"Simple. You've handled dragon types for years, if anyone could help her if anything goes wrong it'd be you."
"W-Wha- ...W-With all due respect-"
"With ALL due respect, Mr. Raihan," she cut him off with an icy tone that would put ice to shame with how cold it seemed to be and it seemed to certainly freeze him over and she wasn't even looking at him! Just shuffling some papers like all they were discussing was the weather. "There is no one else I would trust with her. Not now and certainly not after that stunt made by the brothers. I've been watching very closely to my gym circuit and the people who run them. You have a very special connection with those pokemon I haven't seen anyone else have." He didn't say too much after that and she took his silence as compliance. "The procedures have already been taken. Sonia should meet up with you when you get back. Until then I suggest you keep doing what you've been doing, Mr. Raihan. You methods are more affective than you think."
But he was glad the meeting with her was quick either way. Meant he could just get back to you-...To HAMMERLOCKE faster. He was sure everyone was missing him already, and he could use a nice break from traveling, maybe he could convince you to come watch him train the triplets! That'd be fun! Or maybe you'd even battle himself! That'd be even better! Training with you sounded like a wonderful bonding experience. Might help you become closer with each other's pokemon too. He fell asleep that night and woke up bright and early with a smile on his face. He couldn't wait to see you again and that surprised look on your face when he surprised you with his presence. Y/n probably didn't even know he was back yet! So he left for the cafe at a time he knew you'd be there, stopping for a small group of six tourist that wanted his picture, before continuing on to the cafe and walking in. The ringing of the bell going off and smiling expecting to see you standing there-...But frowned when he noticed you weren't at your place behind the counter. Instead he was met with the old store owner who smiled back noticing the gym leader's presence.
"Well if it isn't the Dragon of Hammerlocke himself," he man greeted leaning against the counter, "Built up an appetite while you were away?"
"Uh.." Raihan looked around again before shaking his head and looking back at the owner, "No not really." His hands slunk back into his pockets in his slight disappointment at not seeing you. Was it your day off? "I just stopped by to see Y/n. Is she here?"
To his surprise the cafe owner frowned and shook his head back. "No. I haven't seen her all morning. I don't know where she is."
A glass shattering sound went off in Raihan's mind as he froze and his body became rigid. His mouth pressed into a tight, thin line. "...What was that?"
"Yeah," the owner said scratching his head in a confused manner, "Haven't seen her all morning, which is strange because usually she's here by now. I would've tried to call her but I don't have her number."
Y/n doesn't have a phone. So even if he did try to call her nothing would've came from it. But...Why weren't you here?! You were always here whenever he showed up! And it wasn't like Y/n to just leave someone stranded like this without good reason or giving them a heads up. That wasn't like her. That wasn't like Y/n at all! But then...Where WAS Y/n!? Obviously she wasn't at work! But where was she if not where she was supposed to be?! Home was the most obvious answer but why didn't she tell anyone she wasn't feeling well beforehand. But was she sick?! Or hurt!? A spark of panic went through his systems at the thought of Y/n hurt in anyway! The flashbacks of just your limb self hanging in Leon's arms and being skidded off to the hospital was still strongly there in his mind and he could feel his heartrate pick up. A hummed feeling of panic set in. His world blurred and noises slurred and stopped about. If he didn't lean on the door he might faint-
B O O M!!
An earthquake hit. Or what sounded like an earthquake?? A large sound similar to that of far away exploding dynamite was heard overhead and caused both men to jump. Raihan yelped as he tripped to half a knee in shock and his face turned wide eyed up towards the ceiling, everything around him lightly shaking. The cafe owner also looking up clinging to the counter as the light shaking stopped and everything went still.
"What on Arceus's green earth was that!?," the older man shouted in fright after a few tense moments of silence.
"I-..I-I don't know." Ever so slowly he stood up legs feeling slightly like jello.
What WAS that!? There was no dynamax battles scheduled for today. Sebastian would've told him last night if there was, and there was little chance Sebastian would forget something like that! The last time he's ever felt anything like that was-....Was...Raihan's face paled, eyes blowing fully wide in horrific realization. The last time something like THIS happened was when those brothers broke into his gym and provoked that legendary pokemon into appearing! 
The door slammed open, smacking into the wall and reverberating the glass panels in it from the forced, threatening to break it into a million shards. Bells ringing in his ears. Panic set in the gym leader now as he looked around the sky. Many more heads. Many more people were also panicked looking up towards the sky as with a roar of thunder and fire, a bright white line shot across it within the not so far away distance. It-..It looked like a flamethrower combined with a comet before it fizzled out into nothing but a thing trail of smoke within seconds preceded by a similar booming noise from before. Ocean eye pupils shrank at the identification of a hyper beam. A very LARGE hyper beam from a very large pokemon. Coming from the direction of the nature reserve. Coming from the direction of HER-
Feet slapped against payment which soon after turned into grass as he ran. The billions of plant blades brushing against his legs as they blurred past him. Leaves and trees and plants meant nothing to him as he rain past. Heart pounding in his chest, his arms receiving scratches from slapping branches back and forth, left and right to get through them. To Y/n. Rocks sinking deeper and deeper into his stomach the longer it took. Until with one last brush past a bush, he broke through the tree line into a small circular clearing and nearly fell to his knees from the heat. Thin trails of dark smoke trailed upwards from the even blacker earth, a thick comet trail leading from right in front of him permanently stung into the ground burnt by star fire leading to a massacre of trees and was once a night looking piece of the clearing. And who's fault was this was at the very other end of the blackened trail. 
Between the whisps of thin smoke and sparks of leftover embers, there the giant stood. As red and circular as the sun above and as dangerous as the fire it shot from the spherical monster that dared to cause such a mess. And all he could was stare back at this monster. Blue eyes meeting several other blue eyes, seven in total, as they made eye contact. The red thing regarded him with the stare one would give if he was just a small wurmple passing through, big enough to be acknowledged but not big enough to be given anything more than a sideways glance and nothing more. A noise like a deep sound of muffled static popped out from the thing, it's unusual floating limbs giving rotations around it's body a few times like a stretch given out by arms. The rotating objects circling it's body like a planet were possibly the strangest thing on the thing. Like..Someone had taken the blackened skull of an ancient dragon of long ago and separated them before plastering them to rotate around this red sun's orb as limbs. Did it even matter what it was? The thing didn't pay him another glance, choosing to slowly rotate around on it's stubby legs behind it towards movement, and that's when he saw it. Some kind of large scratch on his backside. Was it in some kind of fight? That might explain why it was rampaging earlier. He looked back again up to the thing as it began slowly walking back towards something and that something gave off the slightest movement caught the man's attention away from whatever that pokemon was and back towards something laying there. Something that made the muscles in his body freeze and the blood in his circulation turn to ice. 
Unmoving on the ground was a lumped curled up mass that was once a walking talking human. Sprawled on their side and their arms thrown out to encase another smaller blue mass that gave off a groan of it's own. Unmoving, blackened by dirt and soot, and eyes closed as if asleep despite the dangers of what was going on.
A scream echoed out. Panicked. Feared. Desperate. Despite it's urgent warning towards the mass, it failed to wake up. Despite the thing that was heading right towards HER!! It made more of that weird static beeping noise continuing to rotate it's limbs every few seconds-
The thing didn't stop. Didn't listen. Too invested in it's plans. Whatever they were involving her. Deep breathing. Heavy footsteps. Feeling of helplessness. Nothing he can do- The wet blades of the grass beneath his feet gave a squeaking sound similar to that of a tire on the road as the man came to a skidding stop in front of the monster. The orb still paid not a lot of attention towards the man who dared to stop it in his tracks. A shriek of muffled static was it's only warning to him and the skull limbs held out looking as if the maws of a dragon would bite him down whole- Until a loud roar was made back to counter it. Much, MUCH more louder and echoing throughout the skies and over the tree line. Laced, and dripping with such fury that it rivaled the thunder of storms and promised nothing but malice in it's wake. And the red orbed monster stopped in it's tracks a spike of anger washing over itself.
And there he stood in silence. 
A stand off between two dragons in different forms. One silence and more beast than man and the other man with twice the ferocity of any beast in that moment. A look of wild fury in his eyes that matched the scowl he wore. The stance as tense as the burning of fire. His lungs and throat burnt from the strain of that inhuman roar that rocked the heavens that no sane human would call a scream, but he didn't care. Baring his own fangs back at the orb.
"YOUR FIGHT IS NOT WITH HER!!," reverberated from his core, belly upping into a full blown threat from how he stated it. "WHAT!? YOU'RE NOT SATISFIED WITH SOMEONE YOUR SIZE!?" His arms spread out inviting this thing to swing at him. "C'MON!!" His other arm slammed against his chest with each jab at the thing. "COME ON!! I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?" With each word his arm placed another hit to his chest and his fury rose. "AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH!? OR DO YOU PREFER EASIER PREY!? C'MON!! LET'S SEE YOU ONE UP ME!! COME ON!!"
And then something did happen. A fast black blur that sent a blast of air rushing past him, shaking the poor jacket that clung to his body, but the furious man didn't flinch. Didn't even look at the black appendage that was suddenly on him, a single tooth of that limb pressed firmly into his cheek. A warning to not move any further-
"I. Am Not. Scared of you." Each word spoken deeply and firmly with every punctuation with angry hisses. "You. Don't belong here. Leave. NOW."
Again there was silence between the two of them and it was as if time itself was frozen for just them. To let him bare his angry eyes into the seemingly cold unblinking ones as the pokemon stared at him more....Until ever so slowly the pointed tooth in his cheek was pulled away from him and the pokemon stepped back, but he kept the short distance between them by following it not backing down. 
"Get out of here. And don't come back."
It was quiet now, serene even as quiet settled in and not a pin drop could be heard. Peaceful loving, quiet-
That was until frantic footsteps approached the body laid out on the ground and he attempted to gently pick up Y/n's upper body. Only to yelp and drop her in fright at the sudden sit up she did and annoyed scowl on her face when she fell back down. ...and he blinked hands held up as you gave him a small glare rubbing your head. 
"What'd you go and do that for?"
.....He blinked again. "I-I-I-I...Y-You were- I was just trying to-.." His arms flopped to his sides as he stared at you blankly. "YOU'RE NOT UNCONCIOUS!?"
"No! I wasn't unconcious!!," you counted back with a small hiss from all the mini bruises and scrapes on your body. Thank good you ducked when you did. Silver at this point had stood back up with a sigh and shake of his own. "I was playing dead when that giant pokemon was chased down here by a bunch of magnetons!"
"Ow!" You suddenly flinched and your hand went from rubbing your head to clutching your left leg when pain shot up it from your foot.
"It wasn't you! My ankle hurts!," you hissed through clenched teeth as the throbbing pain in your ankle was now made present now that your brain wasn't distracted by fear anymore. "CRAP!! I probably busted it when that thing came barreling through here!"
"Your ankle!?" He practically screeched brows shooting up and face snapping to the leg you clutch while tenderly moving to lay on your back. "W-What happened?!"
"I literally just told yo- HEY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Ignoring your protests, Raihan quickly grabbed hold of you, one hand under your hand and the other under your legs before you felt gravity give way as he lifted you up. With a squeal your hands darted up to clutch as his jacket and your face burnt red as you found yourself picked up bridal style by him. "H-HEY!! PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!"
"I'm taking you to Nurse Joy!," he stated firmly.
"...With your ankle?"
"...Mmmm. Nope. This way will be faster." He deadpanned before he began stepping setting at a brisk pace with your already heated face.
"I'm aware, but first I want to be sure you're not a hurt girl in pain."
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Dragon’s Treasure Ch10 Tamer Of Dragons (ft. Regidrago)
(WARNING: The pokemon does have a few scratches, reader also gets a sprained ankle but again nothing too serious.)
Well...That little reunion between the both of you was awkward, but pleasant!
And you weren't really sure what would be in store for you all later after your work shift but you soon found out just a few hours later. The rest of the day had went by fairly well. You just did some duties behind the counter, cleaned off a few tables, brought out some food- All mundane things while keeping an eye on the time and not soon long after the sky was started to get into the late evening and your shift was over, but Raihan didn't show back up during that entire time. You hung up your apron, bid your boss good bye as he began close up procedures, and then walked out the door- Or you would've before everyone still left in the store looked up all of a sudden when the door slammed back open in a hurry, the bell above the door ringing like crazy from the sudden hit the door gave as everyone looked over and you blinked in surprise at what you saw. Standing there in the doorway, was Raihan. The gym leader was standing there in the doorway heaving and panting like he just ran a hundred mile marathon, a handful of pretty wildflowers clutched in one free hand as he gazed around the small cafe. His eyes locked onto yours in an instant and he immediately held up his free hand in a wave.
"H-Hey, Y/n!," he called with a nervous smile, free hand coming to rub the back of his neck. "I- Um...S-Sorry if I'm late."
You blinked for a moment before shaking your head. "Uh. No. You're right on time. In fact you're a little early." You motioned to the clock. "I just got off work actually."
"Really? Phew. I-I mean! AH!! I-I knew that! T-Totally wasn't worried I messed up the timing. Haha!" He tried not to go red faced when you giggled at his reaction. "See? T-Told ya I had everything under control! Nothing's too much of a challenge for the great Raihan!"
You rose a brow amused. "I knew you could do it. So what's with the plants there?" You nodded towards the flowers he still held. "Taking up gardening as a hobby now?"
He blinked glancing between his hand for a moment before shoving the hand holding the flowers out to you. "Um!" You blinked and leaned back as he practically shoved the small flowers in your face. "T-These are for you! I-I just saw them outside the gate and it reminded me a bit of you."
You slowly blinked at the cheerfully colorful flowers before slowly reaching up to take from Raihan. Raihan...got you flowers? You stared a bit more before smiling and lifting them higher to smell the sweet scent. "These are..beautiful." You looked back at him. "Thank you. What flowers are they?"
He smiled somewhat bashfully before shrugging. "Oh, y'know. Just some wild primroses. They reminded me of you so I just picked them real quick." You let out a small 'Oh' smiling at the primroses you held. That was nice of him. "They symbolize positivity and courage." You blinked back at him and his softened smile. "That's why the-...They remind me so much of you. Y-You're a very kind an-and brace person, Y/n. In fact you c-can say that's what made me fall for you in the first place."
Your face lit up brighter than a christmas tree at the bold statement before you coughed and looked away. "Yeah? W-Well thanks anyways. I guess this was a good move on your part."
He seemed to light up more. "Well of course! Any lovely date deserves some lovely flowers. Though I can't say it compares to the way you look."
He leaned back just before you could swing the flowers at his face. "F-Flattery will get you no where! Besides, I thought you were going to take me out for dinner like you promised."
Oh shoot! He almost forgot about that part! With a smile he casually gestured back to the door with a bow. "Well then my lady, will you give me the honor of escorting such a lovely maiden to the diner?~", he asked holding out his arm for you to take.
You rolled your eyes but accepted his invitation, hanging your arm around his much to his happiness. "Such a gentlemen. Guess I'll have to accept as long as you're not a dragon in disguise waiting to carry me off to your tower."
He chuckled using his other hand to push the door back open for you. "Lucky for you I'm not that kind of dragon."
"Really?," you asked amused following him out. "Then what kind of dragon are you, Mr. Raihan?"
"I happen to be the kind of dragon who defends the princess," he proclaimed proudly placing a hand to his chest and head held high. "Who wouldn't be intimidated by me?~"
"Oh so I'm a princess now?"
"Better. You're yourself. That means you have a heart of gold, and as you know, us dragons llooovve gold." You blinked looking as he smiled at you. "And what am I to do but appreciate the dragon's treasure.~"
You stared at him silently, face lit up more than the sun-
"ACK!?" He spat out and shook his head when all of a sudden he was harmlessly wacked by some flowers.
"I-I-I said flattery won't get you anywhere!!"
"AHAHAHAHA!! It must do something! You're really cute when you're blushing-"
For a second date it certainly didn't feel too much like one. After all it was just a quick dinner at that small curry corner in the train station again. You were really enjoying the curry the chef could cook and Raihan finally coaxed you into trying that desert he recommended before. The pecha berry short cake with the combee honey glaze and cheri soda float he mentioned when he first saw you in Hammerlocke two months ago. You wanted to refuse but he insisted and you'd be lying if you said you weren't curious about what it tasted like, but you were sure glad you took him up on his offer. Pecha berries tasted very similar too peaches albeit a bit more sour and combee honey added too it just made it sweeter. It tasted sweeter than the normal honey you tasted back in your world. And Cheri berries were just regular cherries, or at least to you they were since they tasted the same as drinking cherry soda. You might wanna ask Chef Steven for his famous desert recipe later if he was nice enough to lend it to you. The conversation you two had was surprisingly casual as well. He mostly asked about you trips around Galar and what had happened in the time since he last saw you which surprised you greatly. You couldn't remember anyone else taking time out bothering to ask you how you day was or if you were doing well.
"-and so then I finally found the guy who ordered the food in the supermarket," you said with a groan remembering your time as an unofficial errand boy for Hulbury, "You'd think he'd be more specific with his directions! But no. The free food was almost not worth the entire thing!"
Raihan could only listen with a grimace. "Really? That had to be so confusing. I mean I don't think Lee would even be that bad with directions."
"I know right! That's what I was thinking." You sighed. "I don't know what was more humiliating. Being an unpaid delivery guy or apologizing to Oleana and Rose."
"You did what you had to do in that moment or what you thought best," Raihan comforted with a look, "I don't blame you for that. I mean we both didn't know they'd-"...he silently trailed off. You both already well knew what he was referring too.
"Yeah." You shook your head sighing once again. "But that was a long time ago now. Things are in the past and I'm just looking forward to the future...And speaking of which." Your head looked up towards the sky just outside the train station. It had gotten dark, but not completely night time. Must've just been sunset. "I better get home. Silver's probably wondering where I am by now." Turning back to him Raihan blinked when your hand reached around into your pocket and brought out your wallet.
"Whoa! Hey!" He frowned a bit and caught your attention back onto him. Without a word he gestured to said wallet in your hands. "What are you doing?"
You paused obviously confused. "Um...Paying my half of the dinner? I'm not just going to let you pay for everything y'know. That'd be messed up of me to expect you to pay for everything even if you did invite me out." You...weren't going to let him spend a whole lot on you? he ended up staring at you longer than he meant too because you asked him. "What? Is there something on my face?"
"N-No. It's just that..no girl's b-been that considerate before to me. I-I didn't think you could get anymore perfect," he mumbled out without thinking and it made you blink before your own face was shot pink........!? He blinked. "I-I mean-! HHHAAAAA!!" He gave an awkward smile. "My bad. Autocorrect."
"You said that out loud," you pointed out changing the subject, "B-But I still can't let you pay for me especially on the second date! That's nuts!"
"Hey. I promised I'd take you out to dinner and I meant it. My idea, my treat." You didn't look very convinced other than your still red face frowning at him, so he sighed and held up his hands. "Ok. How about this? You let me pay this time and then next time we go out it'll be your treat. Say about. Mmm. I dunno-" He rolled a hand looking hopeful at you with a smile. "Maybe hypothetically next Wednesday night. Maybe hypothetically we go to the movies right around the corner and maybe just hypothetically have a good time."
You gave a dry chuckled before you looked at him in disbelief. "Is this your way of asking me out for a third time?"
"Psh. What?" He waved a hand leaning back in his chair. "No. I would never. I was only giving out a hypothetical scenario where we can have more fun. Buuutt-" He gave a sly grin your way. "I certainly would've be apposed to something like that if it were to happen."
You rolled your eyes. "Fine. You know what time I get off."
How did you let yourself get talked into these things? Oh well. At least you'd get the chance to pay him back. After having him pay and setting off out of the train station he looked at you hands in his pockets before nodding off towards the way off back towards your home.
"So..can I walk you home?"
To which you shook your head no. "Thanks but I'll be alright. I remember my way back so don't worry. Besides, it's late and I wouldn't want to keep you."
"Oh. ..Well can I walk you out of Hammerlocke then?"
You gave a small amused sigh at him but nodded making him smile. "Sure. Why not have a big, strong dragon escort little old me through his territory?"
"That's me!," he boldly stated puffing out his chest and giving a smug smile, "No one who dare challenge the mighty tamer of dragons!"
That got a pleased reaction out of you in the form of giggles, before you started walking and to no one's surprise, he followed right next to you smiling proudly at himself for getting you to laugh. The sun had set a little lower and had already started to replace the light with darkness and stars. When you both came to the exit of Hammerlocke you both stopped and you looked up to him with a smile.
"Thanks for dinner! It was more enjoyable than I thought it would be," you thanks with a bright smile and small pink to your cheeks.
He causually waved you off. "Hey. No problem! I can't wait to hang out next week! You'll love the new movie coming out! They say you can see Melony in the background if you look hard enough."
You nodded back to him. "I'm looking forward to it. Just don't forget I'm the one paying. Or else-"
"Hey. Don't come at me. I can take a hint. Besides I think your bite's worse than your bark, Sassy."
"Oh don't worry. I don't bite." With a sly smile you reached up and he blinked when the end of your finger booped his nose. "Much.~" He froze staring cross-eyed at your hand before back at your turning form. "I'll see you later, Dragon Boy. Thanks again for the food!"
And you then left, walking away from the stunned gym leader who had stared after your form disappearing into the dark like a gengar's shadow. Ever so slowly his hand reached up to lightly graze his nose. Immediately his face lit up a bright pink and his heartbeat picked up yet again that day. Oh the things you made him feel-
Next's week date was the same after when he showed up to your after work and after your closing shift the two of you headed off for Hammerlocke's small theater. Honestly you didn't even know Hammerlocke had one since it was so small. The movie was nice. Just your standard cheesy and predictable romantic comedy soap opera, but it was still nice. Especially considering this was your very first time going to a movie theater since you were really young, that bit of knowledge surprised Raihan but you were glad when he didn't pry you more on it. And you did get to repay him for dinner by buying the tickets and food. They weren't all too expensive anyhow so it wasn't any big deal. It was really nice just being able to sit down and spend time with someone so domestically that didn't involve someone nagging you or with any ulterior motives...Well unless you count Raihan asking you out for a fourth time after that, but despite what your first impressions of him were, you found yourself relaxing around him more and more. Maybe it was because you had gotten used to him and his personality? Maybe it was the way he looked so nervous and flustered whenever he asked you out again or apologized if he thought he overstepped? Or maybe it was because his antics made you laugh more than you ever had in a long, long time?...Or maybe it was the butterflies in your stomach or the way your face always seemed to be a rainbow of pink and reds these days but you found yourself more than once staring at him for a few seconds too long, or staring at the doors of the cafe waiting to see his familiar face. Maybe it was because you finally had a friend you could see on a regular bases or maybe-...Just maybe. It was something more? Time passed and things began to change. The cool air hit as the leaves started to change color and pokemon started collecting nuts and berries to be stored away for hibernation or winter food supplies. Fruit started falling from your fruit trees and you had fun watching all the wild pokemon coming around collecting them. And you didn't see Raihan everyday. After all he was still a gym leader and legal guardian of three children with responsibilities, on top of that he was a famous man as the top gym leader. He had appearances to make. So it's not everyday you'd see him as he'd often be doing paperwork, managing his gym, traveling off to make appearances around Galar or exhibition matches, or just spending time with his trainers. He's mentioned them a few times when he'd stop by to buy food for them. You think he mentioned one of his current trips was to watch one of Camilla's soccer games in Wyndon. And that was fine by you. It'd be ludacris to expect him to come see you all the time. Besides you had plenty of things to keep you busy. The old cottage needed a bunch of cleaning and a few repairs which you were working on. There was a leak in the roof that needed to be patched up, the front door hinges creaked too loud causing your ears pain, and the hot water would randomly turn off at the worst times. It was a work in progress but things were slowly getting in order. There was way more upsides to this place than downsides anyways. You could just let your pokemon run around freely and there was a free food supply! It was his most recent trip away however was when Raihan noticed something strange, he had just flown back in the night before from Wyndon again. Something had been up with the new Chairwoman and she had wanted to ask him about some questions concerning Mr. Rose's old goings on with the powerplant, unfortunately he couldn't exactly answer a whole lot of her questions since he barely knew himself what was happening behind closed doors. Oh! And there was also that other thing mentioned to him beforehand-
He had blinked staring at the Chairwoman sitting behind her desk giving him a very serious look. "I'm sorry...You want to what again?"
"We want to release some pokemon into the reserve just behind Hammerlocke," Chairwoman Dahlia spoke to him not hesitating to get straight to the point, "Recently Sonia's come into possession of some ancient reanimated fossilized pokemon thanks to a trainer, three of which are partially dragon types. She had the idea of seeing how well they fair in the wild hoping to study some of their behaviors. I for one think it would be a great idea and trust she'll do a great job."
His brow rose higher and he gave her a deadpanned look over. "I mean-...Yeah that certainly sounds like something up Sonia's alley, but then why did you ask me to come all the way here for?''
"I'd like you to help Sonia's oversee this project."
"Wha- ME?!" He pointed at himself surprised she'd even suggest such a thing. "But why?"
"Simple. You've handled dragon types for years, if anyone could help her if anything goes wrong it'd be you."
"W-Wha- ...W-With all due respect-"
"With ALL due respect, Mr. Raihan," she cut him off with an icy tone that would put ice to shame with how cold it seemed to be and it seemed to certainly freeze him over and she wasn't even looking at him! Just shuffling some papers like all they were discussing was the weather. "There is no one else I would trust with her. Not now and certainly not after that stunt made by the brothers. I've been watching very closely to my gym circuit and the people who run them. You have a very special connection with those pokemon I haven't seen anyone else have." He didn't say too much after that and she took his silence as compliance. "The procedures have already been taken. Sonia should meet up with you when you get back. Until then I suggest you keep doing what you've been doing, Mr. Raihan. You methods are more affective than you think."
But he was glad the meeting with her was quick either way. Meant he could just get back to you-...To HAMMERLOCKE faster. He was sure everyone was missing him already, and he could use a nice break from traveling, maybe he could convince you to come watch him train the triplets! That'd be fun! Or maybe you'd even battle himself! That'd be even better! Training with you sounded like a wonderful bonding experience. Might help you become closer with each other's pokemon too. He fell asleep that night and woke up bright and early with a smile on his face. He couldn't wait to see you again and that surprised look on your face when he surprised you with his presence. Y/n probably didn't even know he was back yet! So he left for the cafe at a time he knew you'd be there, stopping for a small group of six tourist that wanted his picture, before continuing on to the cafe and walking in. The ringing of the bell going off and smiling expecting to see you standing there-...But frowned when he noticed you weren't at your place behind the counter. Instead he was met with the old store owner who smiled back noticing the gym leader's presence.
"Well if it isn't the Dragon of Hammerlocke himself," he man greeted leaning against the counter, "Built up an appetite while you were away?"
"Uh.." Raihan looked around again before shaking his head and looking back at the owner, "No not really." His hands slunk back into his pockets in his slight disappointment at not seeing you. Was it your day off? "I just stopped by to see Y/n. Is she here?"
To his surprise the cafe owner frowned and shook his head back. "No. I haven't seen her all morning. I don't know where she is."
A glass shattering sound went off in Raihan's mind as he froze and his body became rigid. His mouth pressed into a tight, thin line. "...What was that?"
"Yeah," the owner said scratching his head in a confused manner, "Haven't seen her all morning, which is strange because usually she's here by now. I would've tried to call her but I don't have her number."
Y/n doesn't have a phone. So even if he did try to call her nothing would've came from it. But...Why weren't you here?! You were always here whenever he showed up! And it wasn't like Y/n to just leave someone stranded like this without good reason or giving them a heads up. That wasn't like her. That wasn't like Y/n at all! But then...Where WAS Y/n!? Obviously she wasn't at work! But where was she if not where she was supposed to be?! Home was the most obvious answer but why didn't she tell anyone she wasn't feeling well beforehand. But was she sick?! Or hurt!? A spark of panic went through his systems at the thought of Y/n hurt in anyway! The flashbacks of just your limb self hanging in Leon's arms and being skidded off to the hospital was still strongly there in his mind and he could feel his heartrate pick up. A hummed feeling of panic set in. His world blurred and noises slurred and stopped about. If he didn't lean on the door he might faint-
B O O M!!
An earthquake hit. Or what sounded like an earthquake?? A large sound similar to that of far away exploding dynamite was heard overhead and caused both men to jump. Raihan yelped as he tripped to half a knee in shock and his face turned wide eyed up towards the ceiling, everything around him lightly shaking. The cafe owner also looking up clinging to the counter as the light shaking stopped and everything went still.
"What on Arceus's green earth was that!?," the older man shouted in fright after a few tense moments of silence.
"I-..I-I don't know." Ever so slowly he stood up legs feeling slightly like jello.
What WAS that!? There was no dynamax battles scheduled for today. Sebastian would've told him last night if there was, and there was little chance Sebastian would forget something like that! The last time he's ever felt anything like that was-....Was...Raihan's face paled, eyes blowing fully wide in horrific realization. The last time something like THIS happened was when those brothers broke into his gym and provoked that legendary pokemon into appearing!
The door slammed open, smacking into the wall and reverberating the glass panels in it from the forced, threatening to break it into a million shards. Bells ringing in his ears. Panic set in the gym leader now as he looked around the sky. Many more heads. Many more people were also panicked looking up towards the sky as with a roar of thunder and fire, a bright white line shot across it within the not so far away distance. It-..It looked like a flamethrower combined with a comet before it fizzled out into nothing but a thing trail of smoke within seconds preceded by a similar booming noise from before. Ocean eye pupils shrank at the identification of a hyper beam. A very LARGE hyper beam from a very large pokemon. Coming from the direction of the nature reserve. Coming from the direction of HER-
Feet slapped against payment which soon after turned into grass as he ran. The billions of plant blades brushing against his legs as they blurred past him. Leaves and trees and plants meant nothing to him as he rain past. Heart pounding in his chest, his arms receiving scratches from slapping branches back and forth, left and right to get through them. To Y/n. Rocks sinking deeper and deeper into his stomach the longer it took. Until with one last brush past a bush, he broke through the tree line into a small circular clearing and nearly fell to his knees from the heat. Thin trails of dark smoke trailed upwards from the even blacker earth, a thick comet trail leading from right in front of him permanently stung into the ground burnt by star fire leading to a massacre of trees and was once a night looking piece of the clearing. And who's fault was this was at the very other end of the blackened trail.
Between the whisps of thin smoke and sparks of leftover embers, there the giant stood. As red and circular as the sun above and as dangerous as the fire it shot from the spherical monster that dared to cause such a mess. And all he could was stare back at this monster. Blue eyes meeting several other blue eyes, seven in total, as they made eye contact. The red thing regarded him with the stare one would give if he was just a small wurmple passing through, big enough to be acknowledged but not big enough to be given anything more than a sideways glance and nothing more. A noise like a deep sound of muffled static popped out from the thing, it's unusual floating limbs giving rotations around it's body a few times like a stretch given out by arms. The rotating objects circling it's body like a planet were possibly the strangest thing on the thing. Like..Someone had taken the blackened skull of an ancient dragon of long ago and separated them before plastering them to rotate around this red sun's orb as limbs. Did it even matter what it was? The thing didn't pay him another glance, choosing to slowly rotate around on it's stubby legs behind it towards movement, and that's when he saw it. Some kind of large scratch on his backside. Was it in some kind of fight? That might explain why it was rampaging earlier. He looked back again up to the thing as it began slowly walking back towards something and that something gave off the slightest movement caught the man's attention away from whatever that pokemon was and back towards something laying there. Something that made the muscles in his body freeze and the blood in his circulation turn to ice.
Unmoving on the ground was a lumped curled up mass that was once a walking talking human. Sprawled on their side and their arms thrown out to encase another smaller blue mass that gave off a groan of it's own. Unmoving, blackened by dirt and soot, and eyes closed as if asleep despite the dangers of what was going on.
A scream echoed out. Panicked. Feared. Desperate. Despite it's urgent warning towards the mass, it failed to wake up. Despite the thing that was heading right towards HER!! It made more of that weird static beeping noise continuing to rotate it's limbs every few seconds-
The thing didn't stop. Didn't listen. Too invested in it's plans. Whatever they were involving her. Deep breathing. Heavy footsteps. Feeling of helplessness. Nothing he can do- The wet blades of the grass beneath his feet gave a squeaking sound similar to that of a tire on the road as the man came to a skidding stop in front of the monster. The orb still paid not a lot of attention towards the man who dared to stop it in his tracks. A shriek of muffled static was it's only warning to him and the skull limbs held out looking as if the maws of a dragon would bite him down whole- Until a loud roar was made back to counter it. Much, MUCH more louder and echoing throughout the skies and over the tree line. Laced, and dripping with such fury that it rivaled the thunder of storms and promised nothing but malice in it's wake. And the red orbed monster stopped in it's tracks a spike of anger washing over itself.
And there he stood in silence.
A stand off between two dragons in different forms. One silence and more beast than man and the other man with twice the ferocity of any beast in that moment. A look of wild fury in his eyes that matched the scowl he wore. The stance as tense as the burning of fire. His lungs and throat burnt from the strain of that inhuman roar that rocked the heavens that no sane human would call a scream, but he didn't care. Baring his own fangs back at the orb.
"YOUR FIGHT IS NOT WITH HER!!," reverberated from his core, belly upping into a full blown threat from how he stated it. "WHAT!? YOU'RE NOT SATISFIED WITH SOMEONE YOUR SIZE!?" His arms spread out inviting this thing to swing at him. "C'MON!!" His other arm slammed against his chest with each jab at the thing. "COME ON!! I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?" With each word his arm placed another hit to his chest and his fury rose. "AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH!? OR DO YOU PREFER EASIER PREY!? C'MON!! LET'S SEE YOU ONE UP ME!! COME ON!!"
And then something did happen. A fast black blur that sent a blast of air rushing past him, shaking the poor jacket that clung to his body, but the furious man didn't flinch. Didn't even look at the black appendage that was suddenly on him, a single tooth of that limb pressed firmly into his cheek. A warning to not move any further-
"I. Am Not. Scared of you." Each word spoken deeply and firmly with every punctuation with angry hisses. "You. Don't belong here. Leave. NOW."
Again there was silence between the two of them and it was as if time itself was frozen for just them. To let him bare his angry eyes into the seemingly cold unblinking ones as the pokemon stared at him more....Until ever so slowly the pointed tooth in his cheek was pulled away from him and the pokemon stepped back, but he kept the short distance between them by following it not backing down.
"Get out of here. And don't come back."
It was quiet now, serene even as quiet settled in and not a pin drop could be heard. Peaceful loving, quiet-
That was until frantic footsteps approached the body laid out on the ground and he attempted to gently pick up Y/n's upper body. Only to yelp and drop her in fright at the sudden sit up she did and annoyed scowl on her face when she fell back down. ...and he blinked hands held up as you gave him a small glare rubbing your head.
"What'd you go and do that for?"
.....He blinked again. "I-I-I-I...Y-You were- I was just trying to-.." His arms flopped to his sides as he stared at you blankly. "YOU'RE NOT UNCONCIOUS!?"
"No! I wasn't unconcious!!," you counted back with a small hiss from all the mini bruises and scrapes on your body. Thank good you ducked when you did. Silver at this point had stood back up with a sigh and shake of his own. "I was playing dead when that giant pokemon was chased down here by a bunch of magnetons!"
"Ow!" You suddenly flinched and your hand went from rubbing your head to clutching your left leg when pain shot up it from your foot.
"It wasn't you! My ankle hurts!," you hissed through clenched teeth as the throbbing pain in your ankle was now made present now that your brain wasn't distracted by fear anymore. "CRAP!! I probably busted it when that thing came barreling through here!"
"Your ankle!?" He practically screeched brows shooting up and face snapping to the leg you clutch while tenderly moving to lay on your back. "W-What happened?!"
"I literally just told yo- HEY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Ignoring your protests, Raihan quickly grabbed hold of you, one hand under your hand and the other under your legs before you felt gravity give way as he lifted you up. With a squeal your hands darted up to clutch as his jacket and your face burnt red as you found yourself picked up bridal style by him. "H-HEY!! PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!"
"I'm taking you to Nurse Joy!," he stated firmly.
"...With your ankle?"
"...Mmmm. Nope. This way will be faster." He deadpanned before he began stepping setting at a brisk pace with your already heated face.
"I'm aware, but first I want to be sure you're not a hurt girl in pain."
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
number 6! chapter 3 of a pokemon fic i have been. uh. totally definitely working on and didn't forget about no way. title of this document is: blue is tramsgender p3, or (pokemon colosseum announcer voice) RED GET OFF THE FUCKING MOUNTAIN
the fic is currently on anon since it's unfinished and having an unfinished fic on my page was stressing me out lmao, but the first two chapters are here. chapter 3 is... nowhere near complete. but i swear i'll finish it one day. it means a lot to me. i sure love projecting my gender onto characters from 1999.
anyway, i do have a scene right here that i wrote between oak and blue that is. maybe my favorite thing i've written in the fic at all. so i'm throwing it all out on here lmao. (context being that i took the canon fact of blue going to the kalos region and moved it before he becomes a gym leader, meaning that someone else had to take over viridian gym in the meantime and the closest person available was oak. who hasn't seen his grandson in person in a while and even before wasn't exactly... let's say, good at the whole 'blue being trans' thing. not maliciously, but you know, forgetful. and well. you'll see.)
“He’s my grandpa,” Blue says as he pushes past the rookie. “I’m not fighting any of you. I’m dragging him home for dinner.”
“Who even are you?” The other trainer calls after him. Blue turns and cocks a grin. Jolteon bounds around his feet, fur bristling.
“The name’s Blue,” he says, and with a faux salute and a twist of his heel, “smell ya later!” He marches right into the heart of the gym. It isn’t anything like he remembers. It’s been fully remodeled since the days of Giovanni, but it’s also... lacking, somehow. Gramps got rid of all the traces of his predecessor, but there’s nothing filling the space. Blue was expecting at least a poster or three of fun facts about Pokemon, or type advantages, or anything. The walls are bare and beige. The only interruptions are the doors, and eventually, Blue finds the one that leads to Gramps’ office.
Samuel Oak, it reads, Leader of Viridian Gym.
Blue takes a deep breath, fills his lungs before the shouting match begins. He opens the door.
“Hey, Gramps, heard you-” He announces, boisterous. He stops. Jolteon makes a curious chirp at his feet. “Gramps?” He's face-down on his desk. Blue’s heart skips a beat until Gramps snores like a chainsaw, and Blue lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He walks around the desk. “Hey. Hey! Wake up, old man!” Blue should shake him. He doesn’t. He keeps calling until Gramps jumps and sits upright. He looks haggard. It’s only been two years, but there are so many more lines set in his face, his hair thinned, his eyes paler.
“Who-?” Gramps squints at him. “Oh. A trainer? You’re a little late to challenge me. Come back—” He yawns. “—tomorrow.”
“This joke never was funny,” Blue growls. He leaves Gramps’ side of the desk, standing across from him instead and crossing his arms. “What’s your excuse this time? No one said my name in two years, so you just happened to forget again?” He’s not hurt. He’s never hurt. He’s fine, and his eyes aren’t stinging, and his throat doesn’t ache, and he didn’t expect anything different, so it’s fine. Gramps blinks up at him.
“I’m sorry? Do I know you?” His hand slides over his desk, grasping until it finds a pair of glasses. Blue’s only ever seen Gramps wear glasses while he was reading. Gramps puts them on now and blinks twice. “There we are. Now, who are...” Gramps trails off as he takes in Blue’s face. Blue pinches his mouth. Jolteon presses against his leg, purring. Gramps stares at him for a long time, his mouth falling open. He looks heartbroken.
“I’m your grandson,” Blue snaps, “or are you going to pretend you don’t recognize me, too?” Forget a name, and you never have to acknowledge it changed. Forget your grandson, and you never have to see him standing in the place you expected to have a granddaughter. Blue never should have come back. Gramps stands.
“Arceus...” Gramps whispers. He never used that kind of language when Blue was a kid. Blue screws up his face. His throat feels tight. If Gramps starts yelling now, he’s not going to be able to give it his all back, and then what’s the point? “You... You look...” Gramps puts a hand over his mouth. Blue wants it to be horror. He can defend himself against horror and anger and everything in between. It’s not. Gramps’ eyes water, spill, and he’s crying. Just like that, Blue is a disappointment again. He takes a step back.
“Guess I had to get that over with,” he hears himself say. “Time to draw up a new will, huh, Gramps? Keep me off it this time?” He needs to leave. He turns.
“Wait!” Gramps says. Blue ignores him. He runs, because that’s what he’s good at. “Wait!” he hears Gramps call again, but like the rookie at the door, Blue doesn’t stop for him. He can hear Gramps behind him, not running but moving as hurriedly as his old limbs will let him. “Blue!” Gramps yells.
And Blue stops.
He can’t turn around. He hears Gramps approaching, panting heavily, out of breath. He can’t turn around. Gramps puts a hand on his shoulder and tugs. He can’t- Blue turns.
He’s taller than Gramps. When did he get taller than his grandfather?
They stare at each other.
“Look at you,” Gramps says, quietly. Blue swallows. “Why, I’d barely recognize you, my boy, only...” Gramps lifts his hand from Blue’s shoulder to touch his face. He stops before he makes contact. He drops his hand. Blue sniffs. “I wouldn’t recognize you,” Gramps repeats, “but you look so much like your father.” Gramps looks as though he’s seen a ghost, and as though he’d give anything to let it stay and haunt his home. He lifts both his hands now and puts them on Blue’s shoulders, still looking over his face. “And you shot up like a tree. You get that from your mother’s side, I’ll bet, but that face... You’re the spitting image of him the day he came home from his journey.”
Blue sucks in a breath. He wants to say something. He starts crying.
Gramps doesn’t seem to know what to do with that. He pulls Blue an inch closer by the shoulders as though to draw him into a hug, but then freezes and lets him go. Pats him on the shoulder once. Looks like he’s afraid he’s broken Blue, and honestly, Blue’s not sure his fears are unwarranted. Blue wipes at his eyes. With a rough voice, he manages, “Daisy wants you to come home. For dinner. Because I’m back from Kalos.”
“Visiting?” Gramps says, which is all Blue needs to know that he hasn’t been reading all of the letters Blue sends home. Blue looks at the dark circles under his eyes and shakes his head.
“Staying?” He means it as a statement. It tilts up at the end into a question, whether he wants it to or not. Gramps blinks at him.
“Oh,” he says, and he smiles, “welcome home, then.”
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pearl-blue-musings · 2 years
I Don’t Want You Back
I know it’s Thursday but I had to write this why yes this was inspired by another BØRNS song dont @ me
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, alcohol mention, cheating, there is comfort as always, post time skip!
Word count: 1K
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He truly should have known better by this point. Kuroo does his best to even out his breathing under the covers as his, well soon to be ex, partner stumbles into their apartment. He’s not entirely sure why he keeps giving them chances as he glances at the clock that reads 4 am. Kuroo knew they worked late but to be coming in this late and smelling like that? It took everything in him to not blow his cover. He wants to yell, scream, and cry about everything he’s done for this relationship but he knows it’ll fall on deaf ears. So he does what he typically does and waits for them to fall asleep before sending you a text message.
“It happened again.”
He also knows better than to wait up for your reply since you’re a heavy sleeper. You’ve been his rock for as long as he can remember. Neighbors turned friends, to becoming his high school team manager, to supporting him working for the national team, you’ve been there though it all. And although you should be asleep, he’s the one person you don’t put on do not disturb.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
Kuroo gasps in his bed at your reply which alerts his partner to him being awake. “Tetsu babe,” they start, “I told you not to wait up for me.” They try to kiss his cheek but he pulls away. “C’mon don’t do this, it’s late.”
“Where the hell were you?”
They roll their eyes and try to rub his shoulder. “That’s none of your business.”
Kuroo abruptly gets up, slapping the mattress, “it is my business when my lover comes home at 4 in the morning smelling like booze and sex.” He pauses to try and catch any semblance of sorrow on their face and he sees none. “I know you’re cheating on me. And I’m done. Pack your shit and get out.”
They scoff and slowly get up. “Tetsurou you can’t be serious—“
“It’s Kuroo and I’m very serious.” His partner had never heard him speak with such intense seriousness; always jokes and flirtations. So of course they thought it would be easy to cheat on someone so busy and carefree. They roll their eyes and get up.
“Fine, he was better in bed anyways and made more money.”
“Then why don’t ya fucking go to him then?!”
An hour passes and Kuroo now sits in a semi empty apartment. He has to write apology notes to his neighbors for having to hear the noises so early in the morning. 5:30 is usually when he wakes up to hit the gym and get to work early but today is different as he sits on his couch with his face in his hands. However, a soft knock on his door has him breathing deeply before he gets up. His tired golden eyes peek into the peep hole and sees you standing there. He quickly opens the door and is immediately embraced by you. This is when Kuroo breaks down and cries into your shoulder. You shush him and bring him into his apartment and show him the affection he’s truly been missing.
The two of you call in sick for the day and spend it wrapped in each other’s arms and lazing around.
One year later
It took longer than he thought possible but he was able to successfully move on in his life. Kuroo was unaware of how much his ex had gaslit him and emotionally abused him so being with you was easy and a breath of fresh air. Being together didn’t come easily or suddenly, but gradually. After all, it is only your 4 month anniversary. You decided to treat him by taking him to your favorite club for some debauchery with your closest friends. Kenma couldn’t have looked more out of place but Bokuto was right at home. It had been a long and rough week at work so he truly wanted to let go with some of his inner circle.
Shot after shot was offered to him and he was starting to feel really good. So good that he was sure he saw someone that looked vaguely familiar. Those eyes, that hair, that stare… ah yes his ex. You hadn’t noticed as you were entertaining Bokuto and a funny joke he had told you and Kenma. You were so enraptured you didn’t even notice Kuroo get up and stumble toward the bar. You try to lean on him and you almost fall over when you see he’s not there. You blink slowly when you finally spot his bed hair walking toward someone you thought you’d never see again. Your heart sank as you saw them, his head resting in his hand on the bar top and them laughing and trying to touch his arm. You look away before it gets any worse and move to get up. You were always there for him and supported him through everything, so why did seeing him with his past lover gut you like a knife?
“Excuse me,” you slur to his friends as you get up and head to the bathroom. You try to push your way through the crowd and hold back tears at the same time. You’re barely there when a hand grabs your shoulder.
“Kit, kitten. Where ya going?”
The innocence and love in his eyes were always a weakness of yours and you couldn’t lie to him. The alcohol induced tears start to fall and that sobers Kuroo up. He carefully wipes away your tears with his finger as he cups your face. “Babe, what happened? D-did someone touch you?”
“I-,” you start. “I saw you. With them. I know they’re here…”
His eyebrows lift before softening, an equally soft smile on his face. He brings you in for a chaste kiss before resting his forehead against yours. “Baby doll, if you stared longer, you would have heard me tell them “I don’t want you back” okay? They tried, hell so did the liquor, but there’s only one person I love right now.
“And it’s you.”
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donutloverxo · 3 years
Sometimes I just put on some sappy romance music and think about being Steve Rogers' perfect wife ✋😔
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs are welcome. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+.
I'm thinking about being his wife 24/7🥺 Warnings - daddy kink, slight consesual nonconsent, spanking.
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Being Steve's wife means waking up to the smell of delicious breakfast. He's a morning person, so he has already had his morning jog with Sam, trained recruits, showered and gotten ready for work, made breakfast by the time you're up.
You better be ready to ditch your phone. He doesn't want you looking at your phone when you're together. There will be no TV while eating either. You both either talk or share comfortable silence. He may read the newspaper sometimes like the old man that he is.
He makes like healthy breakfast which is hit or miss because he isn't that good at cooking. Ya know? Like pancakes made of oats. Or like oatmeal. Sugar free orange juice and lots of fresh fruits.
You give him a nice big kiss goodbye. Hugging his huge body too. "I don't want you to leave, daddy." He just kisses the top of your head, "I don't want to leave either. But I gotta go fight bad guys. So I can keep my princess safe."
He expects a kiss when he gets home. You run to the door when he hear the keys jiggling like a needy little puppy. Throwing yourself in his arms because you just missed him so much🥺
His welcome home kiss is a lot more passionate and needy. He wants to feel like your Steve after a long hard day. He turns his Captain mode off when he's just lounging on the couch with you. Catching up on a show on Netflix.
One time you were talking to your old friend on the phone. You only have him a smile. He pouted the whole evening! But you made up for it by giving him lots of kisses later. And by sucking his cock. He could never stay mad at you for long anyway.
People ask him what he does to unwind. Sure he sketches and runs and ruins gym equipment (and our panties😏) but most of all he just chills with you. No matter how bad a day was he knows it'll get better as soon as you cuddle close to him, look upto him with your doe eyes, "Love me, please," you'd ask.
Loving can mean anything. Nonsexual but still intimate squeezes to your breasts or ass, playing with your hair, giving you kisses and tight hugs. Or ruining your pussy on the couch while the TV still plays Gordon Ramsay or something.
You always wear 1940s style nightgowns at home. They seem more domestic than they do sexual but you just know that they drive Steve crazy.
Said nightgown sometimes rides up your thigh exposing your soft skin to Steve. He can't believe he has a sweet little wife like you. Who is so loving and amazing.
He loves teasing you. Foreplay with Steve begins way before you even get to bed. Touching your thighs, whispering dirty nothings in your ear.
You sometimes like to play pretend. That you may be don't want it (how could anyone not omg) "Not now, daddy, lemme watch my soaps," you'd whine.
He can tell when you're in the mood for pretending just by the sound of your voice. You absolutely love it when he overpowers you, you're so small and weak before him. He could literally do anything he wants to you but he only ever uses that leverage for good.
He loves buying you jewelry. If you don't like jewelry he'll buy something else that's expensive and feminine and thoughtful. Like a day at the spa, makeup or a nice dress.
You still ask for more sometimes. Even though you have more diamonds than you'd ever need. "I want this one, daddy," Showing him a pic of the newest design from Tiffanys.
"I don't know, princess. I got you those diamond studs just last month."
"But wouldn't I look so pretty in these? I wanna look pretty for my hubby. So he doesn't get bored of me."
He sees right through that pathetic attempt at manipulating him, "You'd look pretty in a trashbag, puppy. But you have to wait till Christmas for those."
Daddy husband Steve will spoil his wife but he's also a disciplinarian so don't expect to get away with everything. If you're too bratty he'll spank you real good. He's extremely traditional in that way.
Speaking of traditional, forget about touching your wallet ever again. Better yet you don't even need to carry it anymore as long as he's with you. You don't even remember the last time you opened a door for yourself.
Steve likes to be the one planning the dates. If you wanna go somewhere new or try something new all you have to do is tell him and he'll make it happen.
He gets a smoll boner everytime someone calls you Mrs Rogers. You literally completely belong to him now. He made sure to put a huge rock on your finger so you'd never forget either.
You like to ask Steve to help do your nails and toes when you don't have time to go to the salon. He's good with brushes. But he has one condition - you let him pick out the color and the design. He likes pink and red on you the most.
Most of the times you pick out Steve's outfit for him. Along with accompanying him to boring events he has to attend because he's Captain America. You're proud of your husband and feel your heart swell when people say amazing things about him. Steve's humble so he doesn't like it and turns completely red.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
hi there, i saw your requests are open !! can i have one like that with cheating lucifer and reader ends dating satan but this one some other brother (up to you) cheats on fem!mc and she ends up with beel or luci (sorry i'm a simp for them 😩). i'm sorry if it's too complicated. anyway, love your writing, remember to drink water and get some sleep !!
Only The Best (Beel x GN!MC) ANGST
Word Count : 1.5K TW : cheating ; breakups ; angst ;
It was never the plan, he had never expected you to catch him, you were supposed to be on vacation in the human world. You had come back early, too early, and he didn’t have time. You were so excited to see him, of course you would be, you loved him, but it was clear that the feelings weren’t the same.
He was just getting out of bed just as you walked in, grabbing his shirt off the floor and turning around to face you as he was pulling it on. What could he say? Was there anything to really say? There was no way to fix it, it’s not like you didn’t see the other demon in his bed. They looked just as confused to see you, but they would never understand the hurt that you felt, the pain that shot through your heart as the scene in front of you was ingrained into your mind. “Y-Yer back early… Hey babe.” He quickly pulled on his shirt, putting on that smile that you had once fallen in love with as he walked over to you. Was he really going to just ignore the fact that you had walked in on him? Yes, he was, because this was Mammon, he was the master of deflection, but there was no way to ignore this, there was no way to come back from this. “What the hell were you doing?” You knew, you knew… But you needed some kind of answers, or maybe you just wanted to see what ridiculous excuse he’d make up for this. He moved closer, trying to wrap his arms around you, but you quickly pushed him back. You could smell the other demon on him, it was sickening. “Oh come on, babe. Ya know… jus’ modelin’ things. Ya know how it is…” He was so good at lying, he was able to look right at you, look you straight in the eyes as he said it. How many other times had he lied? When he said that he had to stay a little later to get extra photos at the shoot, or that it just took a little longer to get home because of traffic… everything could have been a lie. You couldn’t trust him, you’d never be able to trust him. You shook your head, pushing him away as you took another step back towards the door. “Modeling? With your clothes off? And no cameras? Not only did you cheat… but you also must think I’m some sort of idiot to believe that shit…? You’re pathetic.” You felt sick, you were absolutely disgusted. You couldn’t even stand to be around him, you didn’t want to see him, and you had been foolish enough to believe that you’d come back and see your boyfriend waiting for you with open arms… But all you got was a broken heart. You didn’t know what to do.
Just being in the house made you sick, knowing that he was still there. You knew that going out alone was dangerous, but you didn’t care, you just needed to get away. “Hey… What are you doing out of the house? You know Mammon doesn’t like you out alone.” You hadn’t even seen him there, it was like everything around you was a blur, you didn’t even know where you were going. When you looked up you saw the confusion on his face as he took in the tears that were still clinging to your cheeks. “Mammon doesn’t care…” You muttered, sniffling softly as you wiped away the tears. You didn’t want to bother Beel with your problems, but your response only had him more confused, his eyebrows pulling together in the middle as he looked at you and then at the house behind you. “What did he do?” He grabbed a napkin out of the bag of takeout that he had, quickly dabbing the tears that still hung on your lower lashes. “Actually… You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. Do you want to share some of this with me?” He held up the bag, smiling softly. The last thing he wanted to do was upset you, and if talking about Mammon was upsetting, he wouldn’t mention his brother ever again. You nodded slowly, even if you weren’t exactly hungry, it was nice to just be around someone else, and you knew that Beel would do anything to protect you and your feelings. He didn’t like seeing you sad, and he surely would never do anything to be the cause of any of your sadness. He was perfect, anyone could see that, it just took Mammon to hurt you for you to see it.
“I’m going to the gym, honey. Do you want to come with me? I know you’re tired, so you can stay in bed if you want. I can bring you back some breakfast on my way home.” He sat on the edge of the bed, brushing his thumb along your cheek as you gave him a sleepy smile, your eyes still closed. “Can’t you stay here with me?” You asked softly, moving your hand up to grab his hand and bring it to your lips, kissing along his fingers lazily. He chuckled softly, leaning in to kiss your forehead before getting up off the bed and pulling the blankets up to your neck. “Breakfast in bed when you get back?” He hummed in agreement, bending over to kiss you one more time before turning off the light and leaving the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. He already knew that he was out there waiting for him, standing in the hallway against the wall, counting down the seconds for his little brother to walk out of the room. “Good morning, Mammon.” Beel said it just as he normally would, with a soft smile directed at his older brother as he walked down the hallway, but the greeting wasn’t said back, and his smile wasn’t mirrored. It had been like this for weeks now. Mammon glared at Beel with such hatred, such animosity, no words had to be spoken for him to know how his older brother felt, and usually no words were spoken. Today was different, Mammon wanted, no, needed to be heard this morning. “So ya think yer jus’ gonna swoop in and take my human away from me?” Beel had no time for this, he didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want you to hear it either, so he walked faster, knowing that Mammon would follow behind him. “Ya can’t walk away from me, Beel. I’m talkin’ ta ya!” Mammon reached out to grab his arm, pulling at it roughly to turn his brother around. “Would you stop?” Beel groaned, pulling his arm away from Mammon and shaking his head. He didn’t want a fight, he just wanted Mammon to leave the both of you alone. “Look… You messed up, and I was there. It’s nothing against you, I’m not trying to upset you… But I want Y/N to be happy. I’m sure you want the same thing.” He sighed quietly, his heart beating faster when he thought of you, but Mammon wasn’t going to let it slide, he couldn’t, and he wouldn’t. “Yer my brother! We can share things… but ya ain’t supposed’ta take ‘em and keep ‘em fer yerself!” Mammon threw his hands up in the air in agitation before dropping them back down and shoving them into his pockets. “Why ya look so mad?” Hearing Mammon talk about you like you were just some toy, some play thing that can be passed around and shared between everyone, it made Beel sick, not only that, but it made him angry. It made him angry enough to finally speak what he was feeling, no longer holding back to protect his crummy older brother's feelings anymore, feelings that shouldn’t have been protected in the first place after what he did to you. “You know what? Maybe I wasn’t supposed to take them… not at first… But if it meant protecting them from your lying, cheating self, then I’d go back and I’d do it again, and again, and again. You don’t deserve someone as good as Y/N, and you never did. So if you don’t mind, I’m going to the gym, and then I’m bringing them back breakfast. If I find out that you were anywhere near them while I’m gone, I will come home, and I will throw you down to Cerberus. Choose wisely, Mammon, because unlike you, I stick to what I say.” Mammon watched with wide eyes as Beel turned his back and walked out the door. Sadly, he knew that his brother was right. You deserved much better than him, and that’s why you had chosen Beel to go to after he had screwed up. Beel was always the best choice and Mammon was the one thing that had been keeping you from getting what you deserved.
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Could you make a fic about Simeon with his (female) mc having serious period cramps and Simeon taking care of her? Lots of fluff
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This got really long so it'll continue under the cut also for reasons these are not fics, but headcanons
Warning: mentions of period
LUCIFER, MAMMON, LEVIATHAN, BEELZEBUB, BARBATOS and SIMEON with an MC experiencing period cramps 
In all honesty, he refuses to believe that it’s actually that bad for the longest time. People (and by people he means his brothers) fake their pain all the time to get out of doing things, so why would you be any different?
Sees you rolling around the bed, holding your stomach and groaning in pain, tears streaming down your eyes and some sick sadistic part of him actually genuinely enjoys it, but you don’t know that. 
Sighs and pulls you into his lap; daddy’s going to take care of you. In all seriousness though, he’ll straight up ask, “what’s wrong?” “My period… the cramps are so bad…” 
Rubs over your abdomen with his hands and tries to think of a spell to ease your pain because if he can get rid of it with magic, he doesn’t have to deal with this for much longer 
Does find a spell!
But also keeps you in his lap regardless because he kind of likes the idea of you being somewhat helpless and reliant on him so his arms are staying tightly around your waist and he does his paperwork with one hand
Orders take out for you but don’t even think this is going to be a monthly thing
semi-annually lol
Kiss to your head and a little bit of more rubbing while you eat your food, that’s the most you’ll get out of him
Doesn’t think you’re faking it, per se, he’s actually genuinely concerned to see you whining and clutching yourself but he’s …. Kind of dumb when it comes to it. Hear me out:
“The hell’s wrong with ya?” “my period…” “just put a comma instead.” What did he saaAAAYYYY!!!???? 
Please uhm… bear with him. If he is too dumb and your hormones are telling you to swing, please also do that because he deserves it lololol 
You need to explain in GREAT detail what the fuck is going on with you and then he may help you out. 
Brings heating pads, some alcohol because he heard alcohol numbs pain (sad boy hours are 24/7), some chocolate and maybe some cuddles. 
Do not expect him to NOT complain though and he’s DEFINITELY expecting compensation, but not in the form of money. No. He wants an apology for you (probably) yelling at him earlier and maybe some kisses so purse your lips up MC and give him some kith kith please 
A+ cuddles though. He’s a great body pillow 
Oh no
Oh no no no no no
He can SMELL the blood before it even leaves your coochie, no cap, and he’s preparing for the worst. 
Hides all his precious figurines just in case your hormones act up so bad that you go violent. He can’t have anything happen to his collection.
Smart boy though like he’s right by your side and like, “I saw this in an anime once and I don’t know if it’s correct but I got a heated blanket, some ice cream, pain killers, tissues because you look like you’re crying, some sad anime we can watch because in that anime that I watched, the girl liked to watch sad movies and oh! I got you this plush of henry” 
Kinda hopes you’ll be chill after that and either game with him or let him game but as fate will have it, that doesn’t work
“Levi I want to cuddle with you…”
“Of course, sweety…” He’s looking longingly at his computer but still climbs into the bathtub with you, sweating with the heated blanket but as long as you’re happy right?
“Levi wrap your tail around me too, your arms aren’t enough…”
And he does that too, tightly, around yours and his waist so you’re pressed together.
Blushing the whole time because wow you’re close and you actually want to be with him right now and what even is he supposed to do?! He’s just trying to do everything right, okay, like he’s so scared of messing up on ANY day, but especially on your period. 
Comes home from the gym with like 16 take out bags full of 5 boxes each because he’s thoroughly starved 
Hears crying and immediately slams the bedroom door open thinking he may or may not have to murder someone for hurting you because ??? You’re his baby and he’s not going to have you crying. 
“What’s wrong MC ? Are you hurt?” You’d nod and he’d rush to your side, bringing you into his arms but your groaning and maybe even crying won’t stop, “talk to me.” “It’s my cramps… they’re so bad..”
Kind of confused not gonna lie so he just asks what he can do to make it better while rubbing his hands over your back soothingly. 
Once he knows, he gently lays you on the bed and runs out, only to come back with Belphie’s pillow (which OBVIOUSLY has a heating function, just pull on the tail of it), pain killers, all 16 bags of take out, and himself of course. 
Wraps you up in his jacket before pulling you into him and turning Belphie’s pillow into a heating pad, putting it on your stomach. Hands you pain killers and a box of take out (your choice, obviously), and then continues to hold you while he himself eats, too. 
Honestly 10/10 just ask him and he’ll get it 
Takes your mood swings like a fucking pro too like come at him MC, he’s just going to nod along and take you back into his arms anyway 
The literal BEST at this 
Has everything prepared before you can even cry out from those damn cramps 
Yay for time travel and allowing him to see the future 
Comes with herbal tea, infused with magic that will get rid of your cramps, some cookies, your favorite movie, and a fluffy blanket. 
Definitely took the day off, Diavolo will understand (he won’t, but Barbatos will deal with that later) 
Most certainly caters to YOUR every need for once, just speak the words. Want more cookies? Okay. Another movie? Got it. A back massage? Perfect. For him to finger you until you reach an orgasm? Don’t mind if he does. 
Super chill, super easy going, the literal best. 
He has like minimal knowledge when it comes to the female human body so please bear with him here 
Hears you scream out in pain, thinks the literal worst. Rushes to your side and kneels in front of you, holding your hand until you tell him what is wrong 
Doesn’t know if he’s doing anything right but he brings tea, pain killers, and a hot towel to wrap around your stomach 
If that’s not it, PLEASE tell him and he’ll get whatever else you need immediately. 
Luke probably hears about it and bakes you some food so Simeon will definitely get those to you as well
Leans up against the headboard of your bed and pulls you in between his legs, holding you tightly and just talking to you, or maybe he’s reading some TSL to you, depends on what you want. 
He’s also a really good singer so you could definitely ask for that! 
If you just want some peace, he’s more than happy to hold you while doing his own thing on the side
He honestly just needs communication, please talk to him MC. He can’t read your mind, after all, as much as he likes to pretend that he can. Thank you.  
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whisperlullaby · 4 years
Don’t Over Do It
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 1766
Warnings: Violence, mentions of smut, mentions of disordered eating and over-exercising, explicit language.
Summary: Your boyfriend is an asshole. Bucky reminds you that you are perfect the way you are.
A/N: Listen apparently it’s sad girl Sunday over here. This is another story from a real life thing that happened to me with a Bucky twist! Thank you forever to @river-soul​ for looking over this story. I hope you guys enjoy and if I missed any warnings please let me know!
"Doll, you okay?" Bucky wondered. "You've been really quiet all morning."
When your eyes darted up, everyone around the table was staring at you.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You looked down at your soggy bowl of cereal. "Actually I'm gonna bring this back to my room. I'm a little tired." 
You got up and left before anyone could object. You made it to your room and almost had the door shut before a metal arm pushed through.
"You don't seem like yourself. Did something happen with Sean last night?"
At the mention of your boyfriend, you flinched. Letting out a sigh you allowed Bucky to step into your room. You placed the bowl on the kitchenette counter and turned to face Bucky.
"It's nothing. Just dumb relationship stuff really," you chuckled but it was a humorless sound. "I'll be fine tomorrow, I promise."
Bucky looked at you skeptically.
"Okay, but if you need anything you know you can come to me. I'm here for you."
Bucky placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before he left. When you heard the sound of your door click shut, you grabbed your bowl and dumped it down the sink.
The next day you were sitting in the shared kitchen picking at a bowl of blueberries while scribbling notes in your journal. You heard a chair scrape next to you as Bucky plopped down and leaned onto the table.
"Whatcha writing doll?"
You felt your face flush with heat. 
"I'm just writing down what I'm eating. Making sure it's all healthy, trying to be better about what goes in my body, ya know?" 
Bucky cocked his head.
"That seems like a lot of extra work. I don't think you need to keep track of what you're eating." 
He paused, eyes roamed over your figure. 
"You look great doll." 
You snorted.
 "Yeah okay, Buck whatever you say." 
You closed your journal and stood up.
 "I'm gonna head to the gym. You can have the rest of the blueberries if you want," you offered, leaving before Bucky could say anything to you.
Three hours later Bucky slammed open the door to the gym where you were dripping sweat on the treadmill.
"Steve said you've been here for hours, doll," Bucky stated an edge of anger in his voice. "You are going to run yourself straight to the med bay if you don't pace yourself."
You turned off the treadmill in a huff and stalked over to Bucky on shaky legs.
"I know my limit, Sergeant. I'm fine. Why are you being so nosey about my life all of a sudden? Yesterday, following me to my room. Today in the kitchen. What's your problem?"
"Yesterday you never made it out of your room. Did you eat anything for the rest of the day?" Bucky’s voice seemed to drip with concern. "You didn't even finish that poor excuse for a breakfast this morning and you've been here for three hours."
Your eyes dropped to the floor. You shifted uncomfortably under Bucky's gaze before your anger spiked again.
"It's none of your fucking business, Barnes. I need to lose a few pounds and how I do that is absolutely none of your concern." 
You started to shove past Bucky but stumbled your vision blurring. 
Bucky caught you as you fell into him.
"Sweetheart let me help you to your room, please." 
You looked up at him and nodded. He helped you into your room and placed you on the couch. You watched him disappear into the kitchen and return with some water before sitting next to you and pulling you into his side.
"Doll, you need to tell me what happened. What's making you do this to yourself?" 
You took in an unsteady breath.
"Yesterday Sean and I were making out in his car. It was getting pretty, um, hot and I went to get on his lap but he pushed me away. He said I was too big to have car sex with, that if I lost a few pounds we could try but he would be uncomfortable with how I looked now. That he couldn’t even attempt to maneuver me in such a small space."
You picked at a loose thread on Bucky's shirt. You didn't realize he had stopped breathing until you looked up at him and saw how red he was.
"He told you to lose weight. Because he couldn't figure out how to fuck you in a car?" Bucky seethed.
You shot up. 
“I don't think he meant it like that. I mean I've been meaning to slim down anyway. I know I put on a bit of weight since starting fieldwork."
Bucky cupped your face in his hands. 
"You've put on muscle, doll. You need it to kick ass, lord knows you can knock me to the mat like a pro. Your body is perfect exactly how it is. You do not need to put yourself through any of that shit to slim down."
Bucky’s thumbs brushed away your tears as they fell. 
"He's not a bad guy Bucky I'm sure he didn't mean to upset me. He's coming over tonight.  I'll talk to him about it."
Bucky sighed and shook his head. 
"If you need me I'm right next door," he offered, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"Thank you. I don't know what I did to deserve having someone like you in my life." 
You looked into Bucky's eyes and saw them flash with adoration.
"Oh, doll, you don't need to do anything. You deserve everything I can give you and more." 
Bucky pulled you close and hugged you. You melted into his embrace with ease.
"Hey, Sean! You're just in time. I just finished up dinner."  
"Smells great." He looked at the table full of chicken parmesan, pasta, and garlic bread. "This all for me?"
You laughed. "Well, not all of it silly. I'm going to have some too."
"Don't you think this is a bit much? I thought you were trying to lose some weight. So we could, ya know, have fun anywhere." 
When he pinched the skin of your hips you sucked in a deep breath, willing the tears that pricked your eyes not to fall. 
"I just thought maybe this would be okay? I didn't think I looked that bad."
"Not bad babe just, you can tell you've put on some weight. I'm just trying to help you, do you have a salad? Maybe that'll be better for you instead." 
Just as Sean made his way towards the fridge, your door burst open to reveal Bucky. His chest was heaving and his eyes were shooting daggers.
You looked shocked as you watched him rush over to Sean with malicious intent. "Bucky stop, what are you doing?"
Bucky paused his movements but never took his death glare from Sean.
"I was walking by and I heard what he said to you."
Before you could react Bucky had Sean dangling midair. 
"You are a pathetic excuse for a man and you're lucky I don't beat the shit out of you right here. Have you ever taken one look at Y/N? She is perfect. And you don't appreciate her, she's over here pouring herself over dinner to make you happy and all you can do is worry about her weight." 
You were stunned as you watched Sean struggling in Bucky's grasp.
"Babe, are you going to tell your guard dog to heel and let me down," Sean gasped frantically.
Bucky growled as you placed a hand on his shoulder. 
"Bucky let him go. He didn't mean anything by it.”
Bucky slowly placed him on the ground. Sean moved around Bucky to face you.
“Babe of course I didn’t mean anything by it. You look beautiful, I just thought you would want to lose some of the baby fat so we could be more adventurous.”
You heard the metal plates shift before you saw Bucky pull back to knock Sean out. You gasped as Sean collapsed on the floor unconscious.
“What has gotten into you!? You heard him, he didn’t mean it he is just trying to look out for me.” You pushed Bucky back. “Why can’t you just listen to him?! He’s right! I just need to watch what I eat. Once I lose the weight I’ll be...I’ll earn his love.”
You looked into Bucky’s eyes and saw his heartbreak in real-time. 
“Y/N. You do not need to lose a single inch on yourself. Sean is a delusional asshat who wouldn’t know a gorgeous dame if she punched him in the face. You do not need to earn a person’s love.”
You stared at Bucky for a moment before you crumbled to the floor sobbing. He rushed over and cradled you to his chest, soothing you with his hands, drawing gentle patterns along your back. Sean started to stir and Bucky gently pushed you off his lap to stand and grab Sean by the collar.
“You are gone. Don’t contact her again and if I hear you’ve been around I’ll make sure you stay out a lot longer than you were,” Bucky threatened before throwing him out of your apartment.
He returned to you and helped you up. You offered him a gentle smile.
“Why did you do that Bucky?” You held your breath while you waited for his answer.
Bucky looked softly into your eyes. 
“Because you are the most beautiful person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing inside and out. Hearing what he was doing to you, warping your perception of yourself into something dangerous, I couldn’t live with myself if I stood back and did nothing. I had to protect my best girl.”
He reached out and wiped a stray tear off your face. You smiled from ear to ear and grabbed his hand to press a soft kiss on the palm.
“Thank you,” you told him, eyeing the table of food. “Well I cooked all of this and it’s probably going to get cold if we don’t eat it soon.”
“You asking me to dinner doll?” Bucky smirked.
“Well, it’s a start to thank you for everything you have done for me over the last few days. Besides I’m starving.” You started to turn around to grab the plates off the counter when Bucky grabbed your arm spinning you into him. He kissed you breathless and you were quick to deepen the kiss. 
When Bucky pulled back he was grinning.
“Let’s eat, then maybe I can show you how real men are able to fuck in a car.”
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝ i've been looking for a driver who is qualified, so if you think that you're the one step into my ride ❞
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dt — @rintaroll
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“so, what’s it gonna take for ya to praise me a little more?”
you rolled your eyes and huffed, brushing the setters hand off your shoulder.
“shouldn’t you be more concerned about, oh i don’t know, your fans, interviews, your teammates?!” you snapped back as atsumu held both his hands up in defence.
the crowd was loud and still bustling as the black jackals most recent victory continued to stir excitement through the mass of spectators in the high stands. fans were still yelling and chanting as interviewers scrambled to grab the attention of any player they could. multiple had pried for atsumu in fact, alas, all his attention was solely focused on none other than his teams promotional manager; you.
you were chatting to the teams photographer and uploading updates and playbacks onto the teams twitter at the time the blond had bounded his way over to you and here you were, faced with the famous setter leaning on the advertisement boards lining the court diving you from him.
“miya,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as you shook your head. “go and talk to some interviewers and get yourself back over to the others, i’m begging you at this point.”
“beggin’ huh?” a boyish smirk tugged at his lips and his eyes stayed locked on your own.
“not in the way your disgusting little mind is thinking of.” you shot back, stepping back from the board and looking back down at your phone where the teams twitter was currently blowing up.
atsumu snickered before standing up straight.
“whatever ya say doll, just hold up a little longer and i’m all yours again yeah?”
you scoffed and shook your head at him before shooing him away.
“i’d prefer you weren’t.”
“lyin’s a bad habit.”
“would you just go already?”
atsumu laughed as he turned to make his way back to the rest of his awaiting team. waving a hand back at you, he turned to face you before shooting a wink your way as interviewers and photographers flooded the scene.
this was a typical exchange of interaction between the two of you. ever since you had been introduced to the team as their promotional manager, atsumu had fixated his interest outside of volleyball onto you. 7 months later and nothing had changed despite his never faltering persistence.
you sighed as the photographer laughed softly before turning to his own laptop to import more photos for you to upload.
“he seems to have a soft spot for you.”
you groaned and switched your phone off, leaning back on the advertisement boards atsumu himself was previously leaning against.
“he’s such a handful.” you stated as the photographer chuckled.
“looks like he wants to be one for you though.”
“i wish he didn’t” you muttered back as the photographer smiled earnestly at you.
“i think we both know that’s a lie, we’ve been working together for a while and i don't think this dread to spend time with him is as evident as you make it out.”
you whined as you sent a soft frown his way.
“trust me, it is.”
“whatever you say.” the man teased back before clicking on the last images to send your way.
thanking him and making your way over to the teams manager and coach, you stood beside them in front of the msby boys and watched them as outlet interviewers shot questions their way.
multiple flashes went off every few seconds as each player flashed a handsome smile to the camera. you scanned over the team and bokuto was excitedly chatting and laughing with the interviewers. you smiled softly to yourself as you let your eyes wander from bokuto over to sakusa who was trying his best to avoid contact with his sweaty teammates and ‘annoying’ interviewers. it was clear he wasn’t as thrilled to be there as the others so you sent an apologetic look his way and mouthed to him he only had to put up for roughly 10 minutes more. he silently wallowed in self pity at that, but that quickly turned to agitation as atsumu dominated your vision.
slinging an arm over sakusa, (much to the latters disgust), atsumu grinned at you and flashed a smirk for a brief second before turning back to give the cameras a toothy grin.
your face dropped back into a frown as atsumu feigned hurt from a distance.
the team manager laughed as she elbowed you gently.
“interviewers might have a little more luck keeping him focused if you were the one interviewing him.”
you raised an eyebrow as you turned to face her.
“he’s like a puppy.” you stated bluntly as the manager laughed.
“a lovesick puppy.” she corrected as you faked a gag.
“why you all think he’s head over heels for me is way beyond me.”
the manager smiled before nudging for you to look at the attractive setter.
“because it's obvious. you break the boys heart every week.”
you watched as atsumu happily chatted to interviewers and forced sakusa to begrudgingly pose for photos and join in with him.
“he’s not my type.” you said as your eyes stayed focused on the blond.
“right.” the manager teased before smiling over at the team's captain, meian, her own boyfriend.
you smiled at the pair’s interaction as the team dispersed after thanking interviewers and fans for their support.
meian wandered over to the manager who happily placed a kiss to her cheek before guiding her off towards the back of the stadium, hand lingering on the small on her back.
you sighed as your own thoughts invaded your headspace. it wasn’t that you didn’t want a boyfriend. you just hadn’t met anyone worth the time yet.
well, that was your go to excuse to tell everyone anyway. the truth was, you didn't even know the limits to your own standards, you just knew they were high when looking for a potential partner.
the feeling of a heavy arm slung over your shoulder forced you back into reality as your eyes flickered up in surprise.
“miss me?” the hot breath and familiar voice teased the shell of your ear as you scowled.
“you wish.” you snapped back as you attempted to duck out of your offender's grip.
“ah-ah, yer coming home with me today.” atsumu smirked confidently as you hissed at him to get off.
“says who?” you argued as the setter looked down at you smugly.
“me.” another voice joined the conversation as you turned to face the owner of it.
your eyes met the coach who was looking at you slightly sympathetically.
“sorry,” the coach began, hand holding the back of his neck. “i know i said i’d take you home, but my wife has some errands she needs me to pick up before getting home and i’d hate to have to drag you along with me this late at night.”
you groaned but nodded understandably.
“luckily, atsumu here was kind enough to offer to be your ride back home.”
“lucky me.” your voice dripping with thick sarcasm as atsumu ignored it.
“yeah, lucky you indeed. do ya know how many girls would kill to be in yer position right now?” atsumu teased, arm still firmly made at home around your shoulders.
“let them kill me.” you glared at him as he gasped playfully.
“ya don’t mean that.”
“i do.”
“you don’t.”
“just take me home already i’m tired!” you threw your arms up as atsumu grinned.
“sure, give me a few minutes to grab my stuff and i’ll meet you round the back of the building, yeah?”
you made your way towards the back exit of the stadium and were met with other members of support for the team who were waiting for the boys to grab their things from the locker rooms. some players opted to shower after matches while others waited til they got back home. atsumu fell into the category of players who waited until they got home. this was both a blessing and a curse. you wouldn’t have to wait for him for too long, but you would be met with a sweaty atsumu.
this wasn’t technically a bad thing, atsumu had a habit of getting rid of the smell after each match with an expensive cologne you’d never even attempt to pronounce, but he happened to somehow be a little more attractive when he looked worn out and disheveled. you hated yourself for thinking such a thing but you just couldn’t help it. he was annoyingly attractive and it made his personality a little more dislikable in your opinion.
you waited for around 10 minutes before you were met with boisterous laughter ringing through the spacious lounge by the exit.
atsumu and bokuto came striding out from the hall directing towards the locker rooms, gym bags in their hands and ruggish hair that would need taming again eventually.
you sighed as you waited for atsumu to approach you. he bid his goodbyes to everyone and sent a look at bokuto's way. the ace held a thumbs up at atsumu as the others in the lounge looked at each other giggling and smiling smugly.
you raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off as you felt a hand find its way on your waist.
“let’s get going then.” his voice strumming chords through your body as you shivered slightly.
atsumu led you out and down towards the underground garage used by players and staff members whilst at the stadium. you’d never actually seen atsumu’s car before so you had no idea what to be looking for, but atsumu’s hand remained firmly on your waist as he led you over to an array of expensive cars. mentally trying to guess what car belonged to the setter, atsumu watched with a small smirk etched on his face as your eyes scanned along each car. keys hooked around his finger, atsumu pressed the unlock button as your jaw dropped slightly.
of fucking course.
miya atsumu was the proud owner of a jet black 2021 chevrolet corvette with the number plate gracing it in all its glory ‘MIY4 13’.
you scoffed as atsumu’s smirk widened.
“so, ya gettin in or what?”
“into what? my one way invitation to death?”
atsumu snickered as he led you over to the passengers seat.
“i won’t kill ya, i promise.”
you looked back at him, handsome and sharp features making your eyes soften.”
“well, it’s not like i’ll be able to yell at you if you break that promise.”
“exactly.” atsumu grinned as you climbed into the luxury vehicle. the soft leather padding of the seats welcoming you as your weight shifted onto them.
you glanced around the interior as your eyes were met upon. various lit buttons caught your attention as a screen switched on as atsumu opened the drivers door. you were certain the car had way too many features but that’s what made it a luxury vehicle you guessed. the sleek black and red complimented interior was admired by you as atsumu watched your eyes dance around the car. his eyes softened as you visably relaxed a little more. your hand hooked across the firmly threaded seatbelt as you pulled it around you.
you looked at atsumu who’s smirk seemed to have faded. instead, a soft grin was painted across his face as he helped you click the belt securely in place.
“don’t kill me miya.”
“i’ll do my best.” he winked at you before pressing the start engine.
mentally chanting your last prayers, you accepted the position fate had put you in and did your best to stop the stirring of butterflies in your chest as atsumu placed his hand on the back of your headrest and pulled out.
well fuck.
as if he wasn’t attractive enough before, he sure as hell was now. your eyes widened and heart picked up it’s pace as the scent of atsumu’s signature cologne flooded your senses.
his sharp jaw and focused eyes, pointed in the direction of the rear window as he successfully pulled the car out the space. moving his hand back onto the wheel, atsumu turned to smirk at you as you gave him a pleading look. before you could open your mouth to speak, the setter slammed on the accelerator and the engines picked up its volume as your head was thrown back a little as the car sped out the garage exit.
“you little shit!” you cussed out as atsumu laughed as you sped onto the highway through the city.
“ya love the thrill don’t lie.”
“i’m not lying!” you protested as the flashes of bright lights flew past the window.
atsumu smiled as his right hand found its place on the middle of your thigh.
“miya!” you hissed as atsumu tilted his head momentarily your direction.
“ya can call me atsumu ya know?”
“i don’t want to!”
“for such a genuine person, yer so full of shit sometimes.”
you huffed as you gave up letting atsumu’s touch encourage the stir inside of you. you turned and glared out the window at the passing scene as atsumu hummed in satisfaction.
a few more moments of comfortable silence went by, nothing but the sounds of cars zooming past and the soft hum of atsumu’s own car’s engine.
you frowned and bit the corner of your lip as you peaked towards the blond whose eyes were fixed on the road.
“so,” you began, resulting in the player's eyes to flicker your way for a millisecond. “why are you so hooked on me?” you questioned.
you held your breath as you finally voiced the concern that had been playing on your mind for a while. you rarely had moments of privacy with the man despite his infatuation and demand to be around you.
“am i not allowed to be?” he challenged teasingly as he sqeezed your thigh slightly.
you wanted to force his grip off of you, you really did, but something about it felt so natural you just couldn't.
“miya.” you sighed and shook your head.
“atsumu.” he corrected as you turned to face him properly.
“look, you’re just my type. that’s all there is to it.” he replied simply,as if it was no big deal to him.
“and just what exactly is your type?” you quizzed as you pulled up at a traffic light.
slowing the car to stop for a while the light was red, atsumu turned his face to look at your own before he flashed that boyish grin you’d unknowingly grown rather fond of.
and with that, the world threw you back into fast motion as the green light flashed, highlighting his face before he hit the acceleration again making your eyes widen.
“atsumu…” you sighed quietly as the adrenaline brought more life into his eyes.
it wasn’t that you hated atsumu. it wasn’t that at all. he was just someone you didn’t see yourself seriously with. someone so out there and demanding of the world. you had always envisioned yourself with someone a little more down to earth, someone with a stable job with a lowkey personal life, a person who took life at a comfortable pace. you had never seriously considered being with someone like miya atsumu. someone who demanded the world's attention, dominated every scene he was put in, who took life at the speed the highest the accelerator would go. someone so big, so bright. you never imagined someone like miya atsumu would take interest in someone like you. you were opposites stuck in an entanglement of professional lives.
out of every person in the world, the universe had decided miya atsumu would become the man who ticked the boxes to your unknown standards. you just hated to acknowledge it.
pulling off the highway, atsumu drove through the less busy roads as your apartment complex came into vision. half of you wanted the ride to be a little longer, but the other half of you couldn’t wait to lock yourself in your apartment away from the man who caused turmoil inside of you.
atsumu hummed as he pulled around the back of your complex. the roads were quiet and the soft lights of other buildings gleamed off the vehicle as the golden light flooded through the tinted glass of the windows, pulling attention to the boyish, but charming features of his face.
you sighed as he pulled the car to a stop and let the engine settle down. you stayed like that for a moment as the two of you sat there packed in the quiet parking lot.
“listen, I meant it, i really do like you.” he said as you studied his eyes for any signs of him being ingenuine; you couldn't find any.
your eyes softened as you leaned on the headboard.
“miy- atsumu.” you began quietly as his eyes admired your form. “it’s not that i don’t like you or anything, it's just- i don’t know if you’re my type.” you confessed as your heart hammered against your chest.
“well, you just called me by my first name, that’s gotta count for something right?”
you looked up at him and locked your eyes into his honest ones. you sat up and turned to face him as he took both of your hands into his.
“look, i get it, i’ve been annoying since day one-”
“-annoying is an understatement.” you cut in as atsumu playfully glared at you.
“rude. anyways as i was saying, i might’ve come across as a little too strong from the start, but there's just somethin’ about you. i just can’t seem to leave ya alone.” the blond confessed honestly as his warm, calloused hands held yours tightly.
“atsumu, i just don’t know.” you shook your head as he held onto your hands tightly. “i just don’t know what i’m looking for.”
“let me help ya find it in me then.” he pleaded softly, a small grin tugged at his lips.
you cast your eyes down to where your hands were being connected by him. the stir in your chest sped up as your heart was slamming against your chest at this point.
“atsumu i just-”
cutting you off, atsumu pulled your hands away from each other as he moved one up towards your jaw to cradle your face gently. dark golden eyes melting at the sight of you close up, atsumu pulled your face in closer to his and your heart just wouldn’t let you pull away. his lips finally met your own after what felt like an eternity and it was if yours were made to fit against his.
his hand moved towards the back of your neck as he encouraged you to move closer. you leaned closer letting your own hand find its way against atsumu’s broad chest.
the kiss deepened as you gave access to the setter’s tongue as he dominated your movements. small gasps and whines were heard in the silence of the parking lot as neither of you had it in your to pull away. atsumu’s hand was securely at the back of your neck with the other gripping your waist as you groaned at the slightly uncomfortable position.
pulling away, the two of you breathed heavily as you leaned back in the expensive leather seat as atsumu stared at you softly.
“what the fuck was that?”
“our first kiss as a couple.” atsumu teased but failed to stop the wide smile spread across his face.
“who said anything about being a couple?” you shot back as atsumu found your hand once more, lacing your fingers together tightly.
“your body language. you kissed back.”
“msby setter miya atsumu as yer boyfriend, wow, arent’cha just the luckiest!”
you playfully hit his chest as he laughed.
“keep it up and that’ll be ex-boyfriend.”
atsumu’s eyes lit up as he grabbed your hand again and held it tightly.
“so ya admit it! i’m yer boyfriend!”
you giggled seeing how genuinely excited he was over it.
“for now.” you hummed as he pouted slightly.
you cupped his jaw and leaned to press a soft kiss to his cheek causing heat to rise to his face.
“let’s just, take this slow though okay?”
“don’t tell me that while sittin’ in this car.” he joked as you groaned against him.
you leaned back looking back into his bright eyes as his gaze softened.
“i’m kiddin’, we’ll go as fast as ya want, and i promise not to kill you on the way.”
you snickered as the blond beamed at you.
“i’m holding you to that.” you smiled as atsumu pulled your face in closer once more. leaning forward to better prepare yourself, you allowed yourself to melt into another deep kiss with the man you would now call your boyfriend.
you never saw yourself being with someone who took life at a fast pace. someone who demanded the world’s attention without verbally calling for it. you never saw yourself falling for someone like that.
but here you were, with the man who ticked all of those boxes easily. the type of man you insisted wasn’t your type, turned out to be the blueprint for your exact type; you just weren’t aware of it until miya atsumu insisted you did.
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++TAGLIST! @crescenttooru @miss-angel-ash @sarahvvictoria @babierin @fxncyoomi @s0utien @toobsessedsstuff @omibaby @kenkodzu @sugabeaniee @lovesunas @slutawara @bunny-on-crack @shouyouorange @memorableminds @whootwhoot @yikes-buddy @sweetsamus
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Things I believe Bokuto Koutaru (timeskip: pro MSBY volleyball athlete ) would say if you lived together (from the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep).
university art teacher! reader
warning: mild swearing? bad spelling :)
request are open: here
“MMm five more minutes.” (5:40 am)
“But baby~*whine* I’m tired”
“Stop trying to uncuddle me please.”
“Nooooooooo~ get back here.”
“Baby *pout* now I’m cold”
“Baby if you don’t come back here and cuddle me, I will die.”
“I will die on our bed, right here, right now.”
“Is that what you want? Alright. Fine!”
“Ugh- Y/n... I don’t feel so good... I think I actually might be dying. Gran, gran? Is that you? I’m coming gran gran!”
*fake dies w/ tongue out*
“Wow okay, so you wouldn’t cuddle me even if it meant you’d save me, alright, I see how it is.”
“Nope, no. I don’t want your kisses anymore, shoo~ go shower stinky.”
“Baby wait, come back, you didn’t give a good morning kiss.”
“Mmm, you’re kisses are the best... Now shoo~ you’re presence is bother me.”
“You know what- Stop screaming in the shower, it’s too early.”
“What? It’s not like I haven’t seen you nakey before.”
“Move you’re sweet ass over.”
“You’re s’tiny”
*Small fem section so if you don’t identify, you can ignore*
“You’re boobies looks so small compared to my hands.”
“Wait, look, look *begins to coddle your chest* see, they look so cute.”
“Ow! What are you hitting me for.”
“Let me just.... hold them.”
“How about I wash your hair and then you can wash mine, yeah?”
“What do you mean you’ll be late for work.”
“Five more minutes.”
“No, no, no. Not those jeans, those are the ones that make your ass look good.” (6:00 am)
“Now I won’t be able to pinch you’re cheeks all day.”
“Wear the other top, it matches with your skin tone.”
“Here while you where getting pretty I made you a [favorite flavor] protein shake.”
“I’ll walk with you to the station.”
“Give me your hand, I wanna hold your hand.”
“So small”
“What do you mean I have big hands, you’re just small.”
“Wait for me at the school, I have practice today so I can walk with you.”
“It’s no big deal, the gym is like 10 minutes away, just wait for me okay?”
“But I’ll let you know if I run late, most likely- I will run late.”
“Mmm give me a kiss before you go.”
“Another one.”
“Just one more.”
“If I kiss you some more you’ll miss your train.”
“Have a good day at work baby, just one more kiss.”
*you can’t tell me this mother fucker wouldn’t slap your ass the way he slaps a volleyball right before he leaves and just whistles as if HE DID NOTHING WRONG*
“Honey! I’ve brought lunch!” (1:00 pm)
“Oh- you’re with a student... I’ll be quiet now.”
“Finished? Good. I brought you a bento box made with love.”
“Well yeah bought with love, same thing.”
“Did you miss me, of course you did, right?”
“You only get your bento if you kiss me.”
“Mmm one more and i’ll think about it.”
*this man will full on start a makeout session with you but youre stomatch starts to growl and he just laughs at you*
“I also bought you [favorite drink], i’m the best boyfriend huh.”
“How’s work been? Good? That’s great baby.”
“Any new art pieces you’re working on.”
*you cannot tell me that this man would not some how get paint all over his hand and slap your ass after you walked by him while you show him the small exhibition of art you have*
“sorry, your ass just looked good.”
*he’s not sorry*
*you’d be showing him art and this man would touch you everywhere*
“Do have time for a quicky?”
“What do you mean not here? It’s not like we haven’t before”
“But baby~ you just look so good.”
“I can’t keep my hand off you.”
“Give me one more kiss before I leave.”
*one kiss my fucking ass. THIS MAN WILL PICK YOU UP, SIT YOUR ASS ON YOUR DESK AND KISS YOU SO HUNGRILY. It’s those types of makeout sessions where when you part a string of spit just connect the two of you*
*he will also grind on you, trying to get some sort of friction going on- but then the bell rings. You’re very quick to push him off.”
“I’ll see you later baby.” *softest forehead and nose kiss he’ll ever give you... he’s flustered you enough.*
*will not stop thinking about your little makeout session in the art room while he’s at practice and end up just abuse the shit out of a poor volleyball*
“Baby i’m back~” (6:40 pm)
*he had texted you that he would be late to picking you up but luckly you brought your headphones and started to work on a secret art piece of bokuto*
“Oops, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Do you need more reference? Yeah?”
“Does that mean we can have sex tonight?”
“OW! I’m kidding... Well, no I’m not.”
“Stop being so shy, let’s go get food.”
“I’m hungry again.”
*you arrive to the restaurant and he leaves you outside for like 5 minutes just to make sure they have the table you guys like sitting at and he comes back to a guy trying to hit on you*
“Hey, hey, hey man, back off- They aren’t interested.” (7:00 pm)
“You okay?”
“Baby I know you’re a tough cookie, i just wanna know if you’re okay?”
“Let’s go inside, our favorite table is open.”
“What do you mean I eat too much meat, that’s mean y/n”
“Here, try this, its nice and juicy.”
“Don’t be a pervert and open wide.”
*Bokuto is very serious about his meat*
“I want dessert now, lets go to the market that has those cakes you like.”
“Baby! Baby! We need to go now! I just stole this cake from a kids hand!”
“They’re gonna know I avoided my taxes that one year! I’m gonna go to jail!”
“I won’t be able to play volleyball!
“Or eat meat!”
“Oh right, I wouldn’t be able to kiss you either.”
“No~ come here and give me a kiss. I committed a crime for you.”
“Let’s go home, I wanna eat this cake.”
“Home sweet home, time to eat cake :)” (8:10 pm)
“Sit on my lap and eat this cake with me.”
“You fell so good on my lap.”
“My lap is your throne now.”
“No take backsies.”
“Oh hold on, I think Akaashi is calling me.”
“No, no, no, where do you think you’re going.”
*this man will make you coddle him like a koala so he can get up and get his phone just to sit back down with you on his lap*
*this is when Bokuto is most quiet is when he’s listening to Akaashi complain about something because he knows he need’s to let it out somehow.*
*He will start grazing his fingertips against your skin, kiss your fingertips, kiss your shoulder, neck, cheek. If you nuzzle into his neck he’ll start playing with your hair or the back of your neck.*
“Baby did you fall asleep?” (9:10 pm)
“I didn’t mean to wake you, you can go back to sleep now.”
*he will take off your jeans and put you in one os his shirts before tucking you in. will leave your socks on bc you have cold feet*
*he will also shower because believe it or not, this man does not smell when he sweats, you’d think he’d smell like ham or something but no... he legit has no smell- it’s weirder that way*
*when he come out of the shower he ends up waking you up again*
“Baby, can you cuddle me tonight.”
“You’re so warm baby.”
“I’m so lucky to have you.”
“Sleep well baby.”
“I do not fart in my sleep! Stop lying!”
“Why am I so beefy? Because I eat beef.”
“Atsumu get away from my baby. Sakusa! Attack!”
“The boys are coming over?! WHY DIDN”T YOU TELL ME?! Did i leave my undies in the shower?!”
“Big boobs? Chile anyways.”
“PUT YA MASK ON! PUT YA- Oop I don’t even have mine on right... anywho.”
“Look I took a video of y/n while they where sleeping, they started drooling.”
“Yes it was gross but i couldn’t move, look how cute she looks.”
“LOOK BABY! I painted an owl! Good ain’t it!”
“What do you mean I can’t have meat?! That should be illegal.”
“sawarasenai kimi wa shojo na no. boku wa yarichin bicchi no osu dayo- OH! You’re home! You didn’t hear that did you?!
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uglypastels · 4 years
Being all over Tom after he comes back from gym because he looks really good😌
> smut somewhere under cut, 18+ <  (shower sex, unprotected - please use protection!)  _______________________
When you woke up, Tom had already left. You weren’t surprised by that. He had been getting up early every morning to use the hotel gym. He’s get up so early that it was practically empty, which gave him enough privacy to work out in peace. 
You checked your phone and saw the time. He would most likely be making his way back soon. Really soon, apparently, because just a few seconds later you could hear the click of the keycard and the door opened. Tom walked in. He was wearing his usual workout shorts and tanktop, his hair was sticking to his forehead, and he had a bag with his things around the shoulder. The keycard was now between his teeth as he closed the door behind him. The light was dim in the room with the curtains closed, but it was enough for you to see how the thin layer of sweat was accentuating his muscles. 
“Hi baby,” he said, putting his things down, “just gone pop into the shower.” 
“Mhm,” you nodded along, “had a good sesh?” 
“Yeah, it was great, ran a couple of miles on the tread, finally got to try the bench weight here- ” he was already taking off his shirt before even reaching the bathroom. You tried not to stare at his chest.  
“Sounds tiring,” you said before, biting your lip lightly. He always looked so good. 
“A bit, but I’m fine, heh.” He chuckled before disappearing into the room. You lay back down with your head on the pillow and closed your eyes, thinking maybe you could catch a few more minutes of sleep. But as you heard the shower starting all you could think of was Tom. How he looked like walking into the bathroom. Soon you found yourself reaching with your to your panties, rubbing small circles on your clit. It didn’t do much. You needed more. You needed Tom. 
He must be all clean and fresh by now, you thought. After his workouts, he liked to stay a bit longer under the shower, to un-tense his muscles under the warm water. 
You got out of bed and didn’t bother to knock on the door. He probably wouldn’t hear it anyway. Besides, you liked to surprise him. You walked in, and the heat coming from the steamy shower hit you in the face like a pillow. Very coincidentally, Tom was facing away from you, washing his hair. You giggled, seeing his cute butt. 
“Tommy?” you asked, already taking your shirt off. A second later, Tom’s head popped around, and his eyes went wide at your sight. You tried to look as innocent as possible while only wearing underwear. “I thought I could maybe join ya?” 
“Fuck, c’mere darling,”  He got directly under the showerhead, washing off the remnants of shampoo in his curls while you kicked your panties off your legs and made your way over to him. As soon as you could reach him, you pressed your lips against his. He didn’t waste a second in holding your hips. The hot water fell over you. You could smell the shampoo as well as the shower gel on him. Sweet and fresh. 
“What’s gotten into you, huh?” he asked as you trailed down to kiss his neck. 
“Didn’t want to waste water later to shower alone,” you said, grinding your hips up. You could feel him getting harder. Tom chuckled at your answer. 
“Really?” He grabbed your ass and squeezed it lightly in his palm, “I think there might be a bit more to that story.”  With his other hand, he pulled your chin to the side, so your lips found their way back to his. 
“Hmm, no, I don’t think so.” you shook your head. 
“No? So you weren’t getting all hot and bothered in that bed after seeing me?’ 
“You’ve never sounded more ridiculous, Tommy, now- fuck me.” 
“Mmm, with pleasure.” The hand that had been on your ass, now moved down to grab your thigh. Like that, he held you and pushed you against one of the walls of the shower. The cold tile felt like ice in contrast to the hot water that had been falling over you. “But you forgot to say please.” He added his lips right next to your ear. 
He had pinned you to the wall with one hand, the other one was wandering down between your legs. 
“God, you’re so soaked for me, aren’t ya?” 
“Well we are in the shower... aah,” you gasped when you felt his hand slightly slap your pussy. 
“You’re so cute when you try to be a smartass brat, you know that?” His middle finger slipped between your folds, moving through you sloppily, working you up to the point of insanity. He growled into your ear again, his voice deep and lust-filled, “But personally, I think you’re even cuter when you fall apart for me.” 
All you could do was moan. Then he finally let his fingers slip inside of you, thrusting deep inside, just to pull back out quickly. He repeated this countless times while simultaneously letting his thumb play with your clit. You didn’t know how he got to be so skilled with his fingers, but how could you complain. 
He kept going till you legs were shaking, and to add to it, his lips had found their home on your chest, kissing and sucking, leaving you one beautiful mark right in the valley between your breast, just to the side of your heart. 
“Tommm,” you felt your orgasm nearing. Only it never came, because as you were about to tell him, he pulled his fingers out, leaving your muscles clenching around air. You held in a whimper of disappointment while watching the undeniable smirk form on Tom’s lips as he wrapped his mouth around his fingers. 
“Mmm, taste delicious, baby.” 
“Well, there’s more where that came from,” you cringed internally at your words, but Tom didn’t seem to mind at all. He kissed you deeply. 
“Oh, I know, but right now, all I can think about is having you around my cock. Think you can handle that?” All you did was nod with a smile. He mirrored your sweet expression while trying to place his tip at your entrance. His arm was extended next to your shoulder, hand on the wall for support as he pushed into you. Your moans were muffled by the kiss he pulled you into. Quickly, the rhythm of his hips was set, and he kept it up with ease. 
It was a mystery how he could keep this up after having worked out for so long, just half an hour earlier. But that were no thoughts for now. You could barely string a few words together as he thrust in deeper. All you could think about was how good it felt to have him in you. 
The climax from earlier was coming back, you could feel it build up again. You dug your nails into Tom’s shoulders. The hot water kept streaming down your bodies, the sound of it erasing your sounds of pleasure. At one point you felt yourself slipping away, down the wet tiles, but Tom quickly pulled you back up again. This time you jumped up and wrapped your legs around him, so he could press you up against the wall even further. His thrusts got deeper, harder. 
“Fuck,” you yelled out, not even caring if your neighbours could hear you, or if you woke them up. This moment was only about you and Tom. It could have been a beautiful eternity, the moment that your body finally let the release wash over you. 
You held Tom as it continued and he rode out his own high, slowing down to eventually pull out. You were about to drop to the ground, your legs weak, but Tom’s arms didn’t leave your body. He held you as you tried to stand up, and he held on as he washed you op with and then later on dried you off with a soft and fluffy towel. 
He didn’t listen to your protests and just picked you in his arms and carried you back to bed. In there, you cuddled up to him. 
“Thank you, Tommy,” you said, a bit giddy, exhausted out of your mind. 
“I don’t know what for, I should be thanking you. You were incredible.” Both of you leaned in for a kiss at the same time, only nearly avoiding bumping noses. “I love you.” 
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writtenbynightlock · 4 years
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A/N: I accidentally posted my draft for this and i wasn’t able to retrieve your post 😭 so sorry if you won’t get notified 🥺 anyways thank you so much for the cute request! I hope you’ll find this ‼️
Note: Requests are open 💌
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Surprising them in practice while being in a Secret Relationship
Ft: Miya Twins 
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》 Miya Atsumu
Dating Miya Atsumu has been quite difficult for you due to his popularity, especially when it comes to the ladies. You still can’t believe the popular setter asked you out. His fangirls can be quite scary — which led to the decision that the two of you should lay low for awhile. Although Atsumu wanted to show you off that he has a beautiful girlfriend — but the thing he doesn’t want you to go through is to get hurt, thus, he respected your wishes.
You can’t help but go soft every time Atsumu craves for you attention in school. He would grab the opportunity to pull you into an empty hallway where he would give you hugs and kisses, the things he can’t do to you freely in school.
The day finally came when you just couldn’t hold the secret anymore. You don’t care if his fangirls know. You just want the restriction to stop and let the people around you know that Miya Atsumu is yours, with your jealousy getting the best of you when you saw one of his fangirls was getting a bit touchy with him yesterday. You’ve tolerated it for awhile now but you had enough --- in which you decided to surprise the golden haired setter during his practice, knowing there will be some girls watching their plays --- gushing over the hot volleyball players.
Letting out a breath as you stood in front of the gym doors, you then entered with a calming smile on your face — eyes scanning around to spot your boyfriend.
“Oy Atsumu, (Y/N)’s here” says Suna, pointing his head towards your direction as you stood right by the white border of the court. As the golden haired setter saw you, his eyes lit up and a smile made its way to his face as he made his way towards you.
“Bab- (Y/N)-chan! What brings you here?” asks as he wipes his sweat that was trickling down his face, with a towel hung around his neck. He was definitely surprised to see you at his practices. Usually you try to avoid the attention that Atsumu got from his fangirls — knowing you two wanted to lay low with your relationship.
“Oh I just came to stop by and tell you that I’ll be going home early today but before I leave, how’s practice going?”
“We might be dismissed later than usual. The inter-high spring tournament is coming up” says Atsumu as casual as possible, trying to act as if you two were just friends knowing that there were eyes everywhere.
Feeling the stares from his fangirls up on the stands, you reached for the towel around his neck and wiped his sweat for him lovingly.
“(Y/N)-chan?” Atsumu stutters at the sudden interaction, his face beet red, getting a bit concerned at your act that the two of you might get caught but before he could even step away, you leaned in and kissed his cheeks, a smile on your face as you stared into Atsumu’s eyes. Suddenly, you forgot what was your intention for coming here in the first place.
You continue to wipe Atsumu’s sweat as he was in a stuttering mess, confused by your bold actions.
“(Y/N)-chan, what are you doing? They’ll find out for sure” he whispers as he grabs your wrist.
“I don’t want it to be a secret anymore, ‘Tsumu. I want to date you freely. I don’t care about them.”
Atsumu felt like he was on cloud nine. It boosted his confidence and affection for you that what you just said made him feel like there is nothing to be ashamed of being in a relationship with him.
“Wow you just made me the happiest man in the world!” says Atsumu with a bright smile on his face and was about to hug you when you stopped him.
“As much as I want to hug you, you are all sweaty.”
“I knew they were dating.”
“Oh please he just thinks he’s good at pretending.”
“‘Samu, my 500 yen.”
“You were betting on our relationship?!”
In the end, it turned out that Atsumu was the one being obvious that you two were in a relationship. The volleyball team decided to place bets on who would tell first — to which Suna won as he believed that Atsumu doesn’t have the balls to tell it first as he knows Atsumu is a total simp for you.
》 Miya Osamu
Being in a relationship with Miya Osamu has its perks. The highlight of it all was that you always have a happy tummy as he would often prepare you a bento box and put it in your locker for you to pick up every lunchtime. It was a gesture that you couldn’t help but adore from the man.
In showing how much you appreciate his efforts in making you happy, you decided to prepare one of his favourite snacks and bring it to him during practice. Miya Osamu loves nothing more than food. That’s a fact that’s never gonna change. The moments you love whenever Osamu would visit you at home is that he teaches you how to cook food — a bonding moment that the two of you cherish.
You were pretty close with the twins but you ended up falling for him. It was Osamu who decided to keep your relationship to be a secret for awhile — not ready to deal with the gossip that would go around the school and also the reaction from his twin brother.
Arriving outside the gym, you texted Osamu to meet you there. Hearing the gym doors opening, you saw Osamu descend from the gym — a small smile on his face as he acknowledges your presence. Luckily, there were no people passing by the gym, making it a bit of your alone time together.
“Hey, love. Whatcha’ got there?” asks Osamu as he eyes the plastic bag you’ve been holding.
“I made some of your favourite treats in case you get hungry after practice. You make me bento boxes and I feel like I don’t make much of an effort in appreciating you.”
You say shyly as you give him the food, looking away from him as you blushed madly. Osamu felt butterflies in his stomach. The thought of you cooking for him was enough to make his heart flutter. You suddenly felt his hand wrapp around your wrist and pull you towards him, with you landing on his chest. Osamu wraps an arm around your waist and cups your cheek, giving you a loving kiss. Giving into his loving touch, you kiss him back --- the two of you smiling. 
“Thank you, (Y/N)-chan. I love it.”
As soon as you heard some chatters getting nearer, you quickly pulled away from Osamu’s embrace.
“See ya later!” you say as you waved goodbye, your lips swollen and face red from the kiss you two shared. Osamu watches your fading figure, chuckling to how cute you were as you panicked. As he looks at the food you made for him, he can’t help but feel all giddy and happy inside. He felt so lucky to have a girlfriend like you. 
“’Samu! Practice is about to resume!”
“I’m coming!”
“That smells good! Can I have one?”
“Get your filthy hands off my food. It’s mine!”
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