#anyway either stop using character ship tags if it's not meant to be romantic or insert the platonic label in there somewhere
kurokoros · 2 years
I hate you cross-tagging! I hate you pointless love-triangles! I hate you fics that shove in multiple love interests just to get as many readers as possible! I hate you writing that develops more/better chemistry between the ship that ultimately doesn’t work out!
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nymerias-heart · 4 years
Okay, so, here we go again. Firstly, when I was making that post I intended to tag you but forgot and when I noticed later that I forgot, I didn't edit it cause I assumed you would find the post anyway, which you did. But sorry for that, next time I will tag you straight away.
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I don't know who you are referring to, because my posts are all still there. I didn't delete anything. I took screenshots and just answered you in a new post because I don't like that in the notes you have a limit as to how much you can write in a paragraph. I prefer answering this way. I don't mind debating or having a conversation but this is the third post I made and I feel like I'm just repeating myself. You can take screenshots I don't mind, I myself find it easier. Once again I intended to tag you but forgot, sorry.
As I have said numerous times, I do think a character can have parallels with more than one other character. You missed the point of my first post. It wasn't about sansa and Lyanna, it was about the 'parallels' they used. I don't mind sansa/Lyanna having parallels but the ones that were used were not Canon and something op just made up.
Again, I have said continuously that a character can have parallels with more than one other character. My first post wasn't about 'a character can only have parallels with one other character' it was about the 'parallels' the op used.
Lyanna/Arya and lysa/Arya do not 'easily have the Same amount of parallels'. In your answer you give the parallels of Arya fleeing Kingslanding and other one I can't remember right now. And I answered in the last post, why they were sansa/Lysa parallels then Arya/Lysa. So I'm not repeating myself just go read that one. Anyways, it wasn't about Arya not being able to have parallels with lysa. Just like I said in the other posts, it's was about the parallels that were used. You want to make a arya/Lysa post go ahead, I don't mind. But when you do, use parallels that are actually from the books. So, yes, you could use the fled from Kingslanding one and the other one whatever it was. The whole point of any of these posts was about stansas twisting Lyannas character until it fit what they wanted. We have a very vague description of Lyanna. But what we do have does in no way make sansa, Lyanna reborn.
Saying Lyanna might have had a softer side which could parallel sansa, is something I hate when stansas do. Why? Whenever I see a lyanna/arya/sansa parallel post it's usually about sansa and Arya being the two sides of Lyanna. Arya being the wild, will full, tomboy side while Sansa is the beautiful, romance side. This is probably one of the stupidest things I have heard in this fandom. And I'm sorry if it annoys me when stansas claim that Arya could never be loved because she is ugly, a psychopath, or unladylike. And like you said Lyanna 'might' have had a softer side. So, I'm sorry are you saying that Arya doesn't have a softer side? In my opinion Lyanna is the wilder version of Arya. For example compare the scenes where Lyanna is fighting benjen and sansa and Arya have a snow fight. When benjen falls, Lyanna straight away shouts at him to stop crying and tells him he is stupid. In the snow fight when sansa falls, the first thing Arya does is go and check if she's okay, then she throws snow at her. Lyannas reaction was slightly more aggressive than aryas, where in Arya's first instinct was to see if sansa was okay. If you meant softer side as in love and romance and crying. The first time we hear about Arya in this story is when cat tells ned about the children and the pups. The first thing we hear about Arya is that 'she is already in love'. In Arya's first chapter she runs away crying. Whether stansas like to admit it or not. Arya will have romance in her story. Whether it's with gendry or Jon or whoever you ship her with. It will not suddenly become the most important aspect of her story but it will be there. Back to Lyanna. When she 'sniffled', not cried mind you, benjen made fun of her. If this was sansa crying would bran make fun of her? No. Why?, because it would be ordinary for sansa to cry at a song. It wasn't for Lyanna. Look at how she reacted. Do you really think sansa would pour wine on his head? No. Would Arya? Yes. We have seen her throw things at people in Canon. Like when gendry was being rude and she threw an apple of his head. Pouring wine would definitely be something I could see Arya do. My point is, I don't think what happened at harrenhal should be romantized. Lyanna was a realist, why would she run away with a married man? In your last answer, you said Lyanna was the most adored character. But I have to disagree. Somebody made a similar post about it the other day. And in the notes, all anyone had to say about Lyanna was how selfish she was. I remind you the whole lyanna/rhaegar romance isn't Canon in the book. For all we know he took her against her will. Lyanna was 14, rhaegar was 26, I think. She was a child. He was a grown ass man. This story has an equal chance of being either a romance or a rape. We don't know what happened, so the whole Lyanna was a romantic is based on 'maybe'. Which was the whole point of my first post. It wasn't about who was being paralleled but rather about what the actual parallels were.
The parallels between Lyanna/sansa would not weaken the lyanna/Arya parallels. When they are used though its to prove that Arya is too far gone to ever love. Or Arya doesn't like dresses so noone could love her. The whole Lyannas softer side being the parallel with sansa is something I hate. Because for sansa to be this other side of Lyanna, it would mean that Arya herself doesn't have a 'soft side'. Arya cries, Arya laughs, Arya loves, she wears dresses, she is capable of having polite conversations (ned dayne is an example). She isn't this emotionless killing machine that so many people make her out to be. Which is why the parallels to Lyanna are important. They are there to show that you do not have to be a certain way to be loved or valued. Arya has spent her life being made to feel ugly and less. When ned tells her she looks like Lyanna she is shocked. Because no one ever told her anything like that. Her father and Jon told her she was pretty, sometimes. Her own mother never did. In a society that values looks so much, Arya felt like she was less. She still remembers that. She has really low self esteem regarding her looks and her value. When on the run, she had dirty feet and her hair was a mess, she was convinced that because of that her mother wouldn't want her. Jon was the only person, who's love for her she didn't doubt.
When did I say sansa was the mirror image of lysa?? I said she had actual parallels with lysa and that if op wanted to compare sansa to one of her aunts, it should have been lysa. I have actually already said, numerous times that I do not think parallels equal to being the same and having the same fate. The thing is though, in my opinion the parallels to Lysa are side shadowing. Side shadowing is when you foreshadow something that could have happened if the character took a different route or made a different choice. For example lysa/wed Arryn heir, sansa could end up marrying Harry the heir but I doubt that. Lysa is fat/sansa is one of the characters who is most associated with sweets. Her love of lemon cakes is continuously mentioned. Both are/were manipulated by baelish. My point is, I think the whole point of the lysa/sansa parallels Is to sideshadow how sansa could have ended up if she continues to live under the influence of baelish. I think she will kill baelish and break away from him. And that All the parallels like their weird ass relationships with sweetrobin are there to sideshadow what could have happened if she continued to let baelish control and manipulate her.
I have said so many times already that characters can parallel other characters. The whole point was that the lyanna/sansa parallels were complete bullshit. If ye were to make one again and not twist Lyannas character then I wouldn't have a problem.
@tyranossaurusbex, I can't find you for some reason, so I'm not sure if this will show up for you
Editing to see if I can tag you now, it wouldn't work earlier. @tyranossaurusbex
Edit: I still can't tag you. @tyranossaurusbex
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youarejesting · 5 years
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[Masterlist] Pairing: BTS x reader (i don’t know if this will have ships or just friendship or what I am just letting it run its course) Genres: friendship, drama, romance Rating: All Summary: Your brother works with a few BigHit dance teams and whilst having permission to accompany him at work the city shuts down banning anyone from stepping outside for a whole WEEK while they disinfect the streets. If you step outside you might get arrested, shot or poisoned by the chemicals they are emitting through the city. Words: 2.5k  Announcement: I had so much fun writing this and the next one. Even though it seems sexy at the end don’t be fooled!
[Part 1]  [Part 3] [Part 5] [Tag Yourself Here]
It was late in the morning, you had slept for twelve hours and felt ready to take on anything. Cleaning and sorting the storage room you had made a makeshift coffee table out of the top of a desk and strongboxes full of shredded paper. The room had almost become a little home for you. Deeming it time to venture into the world you decided to get dressed. Starting with the basics you picked out Koya character underwear which after a small discussion with a nameless employee on the third floor. You had figured out whose characters were whose. You had found a box labelled GFriend full of clothes that might actually fit you, dresses and skirts all in bags named. 
Rifling through some bags you found one labelled ‘Summer Rain’. Opening it to find a bunch of beautiful white dresses. Slipping one of them -that looked about your size- over your head. It was adorable. Assuming that it was supposed to be an innocent flowing style. It seemed that your breasts were a little fuller than the person it had been intended for. At least that’s how it appeared in the small bathroom mirror. Not only was the bust fitted, but the skirt also raised slightly due to your hips and bottom, which must have been a little bigger as well. Meaning the dress only reached your mid-thigh. The fabric was made out of a stretchy material and all in all, it didn’t look small but rather perfectly cut for your body. 
Looking undeniably pretty, you found shoe boxes marked with the same name. Briefly hoping the owner didn’t get upset that you were borrowing their clothes. Inside the boxes were matching white heels. Slipping on a pair your first thought was how they were super comfy like standing on tiny pillows. Giving a spin for the mirror you thought something was definitely lacking. An outfit this cute deserved some makeup. Racing to grab the small BT21 makeup you had collected into a pile days previous. You began applying the BT21 makeup trying your best to style your hair with a few pins. At least half of you wanted to look good for the boys but the other half was doing this just for your own self-esteem.
Stepping back to get the full picture, your lips pulled up into a smile. Now you felt good. “You are pretty and you look cute and no one can make you think otherwise. You are special and one of a kind. I love you and that’s the only thing that matters, everything else is a bonus.” You will admit you had adopted this technique from Seokjin who complimented himself in the mirror after every shower. Taking a few Selfies or as the boys had taught you selca’s you got a text. From your brother.
[Are you dead?] [What if I say yes?] [Seriously how long are you going to stay down there?] [I have just finished getting dressed]
One last look in the mirror and you sighed, best not to keep b/n waiting. Running along the basement corridor, you took the elevator and headed up to the cafeteria hoping to catch a late breakfast or an early lunch. They said they would be serving lunch in an hour and handed you an apple apologetically. Thanking them genuinely, you enjoyed the crisp fruit whilst slowly strolling through the floors. That would hold you until then, you were never really big on breakfast anyway. Greeting some familiar faces. Familiar meaning: you had seen them in passing more than four times, yet you still didn’t know any of their names. Perhaps you should take some time for other people. You noticed most people were wearing weird tracksuits while their clothes were being washed. Considering yourself lucky to have a secret stash of clothes. 
Continuing on the journey to the dance practice room wanting to have some fun. The full night sleep gave you so much energy. No one was inside, looking at the schedule on the door. It would be empty for half an hour. Plenty of time. 
The floorboards made a familiar sound as you crossed and seeing yourself in full in the mirror on the walls made you smile throwing up a peace sign. This was all nostalgic and had you reliving long nights in the studio dancing routines over and over. Plugging your phone into the stereo you searched for an old dance playlist, once found you selected a warm-up song. It was one you always used. An old routine you performed your stretches to targeting your arms back and legs. The bridge hit and your body was warm and buzzing ready to start a dance. Quickly switching to something a little more upbeat, you began another familiar routine. Dancing hit after hit until your brother stepped into the room. Pausing you turned to him getting ready to pack up and leave. 
“Keep going, we don’t start for another five minutes” he gestured as he went over to your phone, his students stepped in. Filing in one after the other you stopped dancing feeling that it would be time for you to leave “Hey, you remember the routine to this one?”
B/n played you something that had your muscles moving before you could control it, “Yeah! There you go!” He paused the music “you kids want to see the masters at work?”
“Your old teacher, save it” The kids laughed. It must have been pretty hard being stuck in the building away from their families. “That sounds like a challenge, brother, let’s show these kids how it’s done!” the kids laughed oohing and causing a general commotion from the back of the room. Nodding to your brother who set up a camera hitting record. You did a couple of last-minute stretches as the music started. He joined you for the dance and you watched the kids’ mouths fall open. 
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(I made this Gif from a 1million dance studio video the dance is ‘sorry, not sorry’)
The kids seemed to enjoy it. Each one looked more energized and ready to dance. Grabbing your things and heading out of the room with a wave. You checked the door for the next empty spot but decided to just take a picture of the schedule. Feeling like you were up in the clouds as you were skipping down the hallway. Giddy from your first real dance in a long time, in front of a crowd too. 
Spinning as you went, not noticing Hoseok step out of the elevator until the last minute. Trying to stop, digging your feet into the ground, torso flying forward. Toppling over him, you worried about Hoseok. Slipping your hand behind his head and tilting your knees out to avoid his crotch area seconds before you landed. You didn’t want to be the reason the guy couldn’t have children. But in doing this you were now chest to chest while straddling him. 
“Nice underwear,” Namjoon whistled. Squealing and rolling off of Hoseok you pulled the back of the dress down. Mortified beyond belief you flopped back onto the ground and covered your eyes, feeling someone stepping over you, voice calling from above. “Come on don’t be shy, it’s cute that you are wearing our underwear?”
“You know it’s not by choice” hands pried your arms away from your face. Revealing Namjoon who squatted over you one of his boots either side of your waist. Tilting his head to the side, looking down at your figure before actually helping you up. 
“Miss y/l/n” a soft voice spoke, Namjoon turned, stepping back so you could see around his towering form at a young teenage boy his English was broken but adorable “you left your headphones on the stereo, and um… your dance was amazing”
“Thank you” reaching out to grab the headphones, a hand grabbed them before you. Namjoon thanked the boy rather seriously, his face looked a little much. The boy ran off, turning to the guys curiously, “he must be nervous around big stars like you guys”
“Yeah that was definitely why he ran away” Jin rolled his eyes. Watching Namjoon hand you the headphones with a smile. The boys were so nice to their fans and strangers. It was nice to see celebrities who didn’t let the fame get to their heads.
“Y/n I am bored, can we play a game?” Taehyung wrapped his arms around you, his head resting on your shoulder. With anyone else, you would question what exactly this meant but you knew it didn’t mean anything romantically inclined. The boys were just super friendly and being quarantined in a building together, they didn’t have many people their age who don’t already work for them to make friends with. You had seen the way they were treated it was all business, every time they tried to approach someone their first words were, ‘what do you need?’ ‘how can I help?’ Not that they didn’t hang out with other employees. You were different from the others, a friend, at least you hoped they thought of you as a friend.
“There is a board game in the basement we can bring upstairs. If we look around there might be other games down there as well,” accompanied by Taehyung and Hoseok the two were excited to explore the basement some more. 
You were shuffling through the pile for the board game you had placed there a day or two ago when you heard Hoseok laughing, “Hey Tae look what I found” glancing over your shoulder thinking it might have been another board game, your blood ran cold however when he held up a small box. It was from the bag of things you had requested from the supply centre.
“Ah wait no, those are mine” launching across the room and snatching it from Hoseok.  “Yours, oh... I’m sorry” Hoseok stopped lost in thought, he felt a little upset that you hadn’t told them you were taken. Worried he might think you were someone you were not, you stammered out an explanation. He watched your mouth open and close for a few seconds and he chuckled. He liked when you were flustered, he didn’t know why but it was endearing.
“Well they aren’t all mine” You clarified and his eyebrows pulled together confused, “I asked the supply people to throw them in, in case anyone was getting a little intimate, but I forgot to hand them over” Taehyung snatched the box from behind your back, “it’s open, have you been using them?” He waved the box at you laughing. 
“No, I asked them to mix and match sizes and styles. So we opened some other packets and got a bunch of different sizes and styles and put them back inside that box. The green ones are latex-free, I don’t know what people prefer and it would suck getting intimate and then realizing that you don’t have your size”
“Hey, they have our size in here” Taehyung grinned held up a foil packet and you wished you hadn’t noticed the XL on the blue square because now it haunted you. You knew when night came and you were trying to sleep, all you will be able to think about is their sizes. “Jin, Namjoon and I are the same so that’s good” 
“Cool...” You mumbled confused on what an appropriate response to that statement would be. Had he not realised you were right there? He noticed your odd expression and lent down wiggling his eyebrows.  “You don’t believe me?” 
Clearing your throat and trying to snatch the box back. He was quick, taking a few from the box. Before reaching up to place it on top of the lockers against the wall. “When you need them just ask and we will get them down for you?” He winked. Hoseok was laughing at your expression and the two grinned, distributing condoms between them. 
“Or if you need them a little urgently you can always come to see us directly we will make sure to give the other boys some too,” Hoseok said feigning seriousness. What did this mean? This couldn’t be an invitation. They were celebrities and you were no one. It wasn’t like that, they were just friendly and playful. Reminding yourself once more that you wouldn’t even talk to each other if not for the quarantine and you knew they had been hanging out with a few other employees so you weren’t special. Hoseok smiled holding the board game and Taehyung had found a stack of regular playing cards and you followed the boys out of the room. 
Pouting the whole way down the corridor and following them into the elevator. The journey to the cafeteria felt like it took forever. Over lunch, you started a game of monopoly. People came to watch the game each finding the ordeal very amusing as this was the only source of entertainment lately. Jungkook won causing the other boys to groan. The group started packing up ready to head upstairs. You went to escape, thinking of stealing a ladder from the maintenance room and getting the box down when Jungkook placed his arm around you. Saying you were his trophy and leading you away.
Jungkook walked you straight into their meeting room “what should we play now?” “Poker,” Slipping out from under Jungkook’s arm and racing behind Taehyung. You reached into his back pockets. His eyes went wide, “and we are playing with these” you pulled the foil packets from Taehyung's back pocket and threw them on the coffee table they all stared at them “Hoseok you too?”
He raised his hands in surrender pulling out the rest from his pocket, after sorting them and giving each coloured packet a price the game began. Being good at bluffing the only person who was a challenge was Yoongi who gave nothing away. The game was lengthy and you watched the boys nervously eyeing the packets as they each lost. Everyone was out except Namjoon and yourself. Currently playing all-in, you had a straight and was feeling pretty good though you bit your lip in feigned nervousness trying to bluff Namjoon who was playing numbers and odds in his head.
“Okay, I’m all in,” Namjoon said looking up with a smile. You hated that smile it meant he knew he won the round. The others looked nervous at their leader huddled around his shoulders.  “come on you got to win them back,” Jimin said with a look of desperation that had you curious, who were they planning to sleep with that they needed condoms anyway.
Showing your cards, Namjoon grinned revealing his much better hand taking the collection. They cheered and you hummed “alright you are making me desperate, I will play my secret stash” you reached down the neck of the dress into your bra and between the fabric were the soft cup sat you pulled out a ‘for her’ studded and ribbed condom. Hesitating you stared at the pretty pink foil packaging it was the only one of its kind in this building. “And if you take this from me I am going to be pissed”
You threw it onto the table and Namjoon’s mouth split as they examined the packet, Hoseok read it out loud and they deliberated and nodded placing it on the table. “Alright, love one last game” Namjoon grinned running his thumb under his bottom lip gazing at you amused as Yoongi dealt the cards.
[Part 1]  [Part 3] [Part 5] [Tag Yourself Here]
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@bubbletae7​ @lovemusicandotps​ @taetaeb? (this last tag isn’t a username on Tumblr please I don’t want you to miss out hit me up with a message and I will fix it straight away.)
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tordcallout · 6 years
callout for @nyadmin
this callout is best read on desktop.
this callout contains: racefaking, blackfacing/brownfacing, pedophilia, incest, grooming, systemfaking, antisemitism, nazism, cult jokes, and more.
his current url is nyadmin. his twitter is adminpowers. his discord is ROMY O NO#6477. click here for a list of past names. click here for a list of his past urls. his other blogs are: amblyopic, racefakery, todayphobe, exadmin, askmychampion, and supercrushhighschool.
tords past callouts: one, two, three.
the rest of the callout is under the cut.
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tord claims his mom is white and native and that his father is half black and half white. people who have known tord irl in the past say that his dad is not half black and those who’ve known him online say tord has never mentioned it before or joined in when they discussed issues related to being black. he also refuses to ask his dad for any photos of his grandmother who he says is black.
in the past tord has tried to claim that he doesn’t benefit from white passing privilege despite being extremely pale.
photos of his parents found on facebook show that neither his mom or dad have anything resembling ethnic features. his mom’s hair is dyed blond but regardless they both have basic white features:
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below is proof that the woman shown is tords mom:
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tords own blood related brother, felix, claims he doesn’t know where tord is getting their black heritage from:
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below is a screenshot of an anon on mikas blog asking if tord has ever said the n word in front of him:
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on 8/23/18, tord made this post. in the post he says this:
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if it isn’t clear, he basically just said that he is white.
there’s also this screenshot from an older blog of his:
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and if that wasn’t enough proof that tord’s racefaking he has also done both blackface and brownface. however, before we get to that here’s some more:
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tord wondering if he could participate in the black men smiling tag and blackout.
now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. tords blackface and brownface.
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the first image is the brownface, the second is blackface.
on the left tord has obviously edited his skin to appear darker. in his blackface cosplay he claimed he wasn’t actually painted black and that the snapchat filters were making him darker. this is clearly a lie considering nearly all snapchat filters lighten your skin and this filter is no exception:
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here is the filter applied to a white person, and as you can see, her skin is smoothed out but it is no where near dark the way tord appears in his selfie.
adding onto this, if you look closely at tords selfie you can tell the outside of his lips have a very pale ring around it. this is obviously because he didnt do very well coloring in his skin. you can also tell there is a grainy texture on tords skin but not anywhere else in this image, more evidence the image was edited.
more info on the blackface cosplay selfie can be read here and here.
you must either be on desktop or reading this post through a chrome browser to view this part, apologies. in these posts tord has a conversation with someone named frost about his callouts and being mixed. please keep in mind that the conversation in that link took place on may 7th of 2018. meaning, that in the past tord agreed to stop claiming to be mixed black and native but then threw that all out the window and began to reclaim it again.
grooming, incest, and pedophilia:
i was very hesitant to include this however, many people have said they feel the same way about this so it felt important enough to have its own part. multiple people believe that the relationship between tord and his brother felix is extremely inappropriate. the way he interacts with his brother is really something he needs to re-evaluate.
this isn’t meant to be about kin drama or anything of the sort, i’m only stating this because of the way tord and felix take kin so seriously. he and felix often match kins which isn’t an issue in itself, however, the only kins they typically match are those of which have a canon romantic relationship; and if not canon tord will still tag felix in ship art of their kins, as seen here. 
when you visit the op of that post, you will see that it is tagged as both “shipsworld” and “tordedd”. the art is very obviously ship art anyways.
tord is obviously one of his main ids, so to tag your own sibling in ship art of your main id with one of theirs seems incredibly off. not to mention the very large age gap between tord and felix in the first place.
this isn’t a recent thing of theirs either, they’ve been doing this for years now. couples they’ve kinmatched have been: greg and rose from steven universe, eliza and alexander from hamilton, and penny and billy from dr. horribles sing a-long blog. along with tord and edd from eddsworld and romeo/admin and jesse from minecraft story mode who are not canonly dating. there are most likely even more than those listed above.
there aren’t screenshots of them both being kin with these characters, but the hamilton one isn’t hard to believe considering tords main id used to be alexander hamilton from the hamilton musical.
to add onto this, felix apparently had a set of ocs and a persona oc at one point. his oc skit, was to represent himself, and his oc aiko, was implied to be skits romantic interest.
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here is a photo of skit, as you can see skit represents felix. you can also clearly see that aiko is labeled as skits “enemy and crush”, confirming that these two characters are supposed to have a sort of romantic relationship.
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now here is a photo of aiko. as you can see from the relationship box, it is 100% that skit and aiko are supposed to be in a romantic relationship or something similar to that.
now the reason this i’m telling you all of this is because of on tords old deviantart, he has a folder of art of his kins. in that folder you could find images of skit and aiko along with one of aiko on her own, implying that tord kins her.
to make things even weirder, the photos added to this folder of skit and aiko are incredibly romantic in nature, hugs with hearts around them and a photo where the two of them are basically kissing with a heart above the two. the folder also includes more romantic tordedd art as well.
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back to their matching kins however, as stated before, tord and felix kinmatch jesse and romeo/admin from minecraft story mode. i know little to nothing about this game, however, i do know that tord ships these two characters together. felix kins jesse and tord kins romeo. 
UPDATE: i have been informed that the ages previously listed here were a mcsm fans headcanon ages for the characters and that they do not have canonical ages. however, it does prove that there are fans that would see the ship as a pedophilic one due to hcs of romeo being 30+ and jesse being >20.
now, here is a disgusting screenshot of tord saying he’s going to show his brother porn. i’m sure this was meant to be taken as a joke but i find it highly disturbing due to the fact that at the time of this screenshot being taken felix would only be 12 years old and tord would’ve been 16 years old.
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i am in no way trying to say tord is a full on pedophile, not am i accusing him of having romantic or sexual feelings for his brother, however, i am saying the way he interacts with his brother is not okay and that he needs to learn how to separate friend interaction from sibling interaction.
cult jokes:
tord previously had a cult joke in his about: “mixed but i drank the racefaker koolaid”. when told about this, he refused to remove the joke and tried to hide it under the guise of the phrase being “aave” (his explaination was that black people like to drink koolaid). he was messaged by someone on his blog @/racefakery who asked for him to remove the joke from his about, as it is incredibly insensitive to joke about something like that where everyone can see.
in the conversation, tord doesn’t take the person who messaged him seriously at all and says “i don’t see why i should care?” about cult victims. i don’t think i have to explain how horrible and insensitive that is to say.
the joke continued to stay in his about for nearly a month after this conversation. on top of that, tord never apologized nor admitted that cult jokes are just as serious as jokes as any other traumatizing kind of event.
UPDATE: after doing a little digging, i found an older blog of his. in the links of this blog there is this: “thanks for reading and welcome to the lonely hearts cult” at the end of his links. so there’s another cult joke made by tord.
tord has had multiple accounts of him being antisemetic, however, for this we are going to focus on the fact that tord is kin with habit and kinned eridan.
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archive of this page.
habit from everymanhybrid is a canonical nazi. this was displayed on tords “alters” blog. now even if were going to pretend tord is a system here, unless tord is comfortable with antisemitism there is no reason for his “alter” to kin a nazi. all alters share similarities with their hosts, this mainly includes moral standpoints, saying tords “alter” is okay with kinning a nazi but not tord is the same as saying you can have one alter be a terf but the host isn’t. it isn’t simply isn’t possible. anyways, here’s evidence of habit being a nazi:
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the person he claimed to have possessed was josef mengele. i don’t want to repeat the things he did but you can google it if you’d really like to know of it.
on top of habit being a nazi, here is a list of his “hobbies” & crimes he’s commit:
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as for eridan, his main goal from what i’ve been told was to “wipe out the landwellers”, as he is a “seadweller”. his whole character is a metaphot for nazism, eridan being hitler and the “landwellers” being jewish people. if you want more info on this it can be found here. not sure why you would though.
tord was also briefly friends with ethan, a known nazi & rapist, for a while. there’s a lot of screenshots and information on that. you can read it on this google doc.
this one isn’t going to take very long to explain because of how blatantly obvious it is but tord is systemfaking. from what i and quite a few others can tell, one of the biggest implications is that tords “alters” would reblog one anothers posts and talk to each other via the posts. there a many reasons this makes no sense:
if his alters are conscious enough to have their own blogs and set up themes similar to tords, why do they need to reblog one another’s posts to communicate? at that point, they should be able to speak via headspace.
these posts of his alters interacting with each other are made just seconds apart from each other, it is literally impossible for anyone to shift this fast, the average shifting time is 5-15 minutes. however, these posts aren’t even made a full minute apart from one another.
this is a post where tords “alters” habit and cora are interacting on a post.
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if you look into the source code of these two posts you will find that they were made literally not even a full two minutes apart from one another. the original was posted at 8:10:46 and coras was posted at 8:11:10. like i already stated, this isn’t possible in systems.
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tord and his “alter” gem do this again. gems first reblog of this post was at 17:51:49. and their second reblog of the post was at  17:53:48. under 5 minutes apart from one another, meaning tords reblog must’ve been around 17:52. but it just isn’t possible either way.
you may think that this is all that tord has done, but it really isn’t. despite all the information in this callout there is still a lot here that isn’t shown. this was thrown together as a sort of “birthday gift” for tord. i hope you appreciate your gift, tord.
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yaboylevi · 5 years
Hello there! I couldn't help but notice that salty anon asking about your stance on Levi so I'll ask again because it sure sounds interesting! Do you mind telling us how you feel about him?
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Okay, so the original question from a dumb hater was how I could even support a romantic ship between Eren and Levi if I am not a Levi fan*.
*If a ”Levi fan”, like that idiotic anon meant, is someone who excuses all of Levi’s bad behaviors, then no, I am not a fan.
Premise no.1: I’ve loved Levi for so many years, he’s been part of my twitter handle in the past, is in my Tumblr url, icons on various social media, I have a lot of merchandise and not only for “the sake of the ship”. I genuinely used to love him to the point that he was my favorite character alongside Eren, I couldn’t pick one. So I guess I am a bit of a fan, after all.
Premise no.2: I am a gigantic bag of salt about this topic so tread carefully if you’re easily offended. I won’t sugarcoat my VERY BIASED opinions, and if you strongly disagree, that’s perfectly fine. I won’t change my opinion with the information we currently have, because this isn’t a gut reaction I spent two seconds on, I actually soul searched (lol) for the reasons as to why I felt so negatively about Levi. He was my fave, and I felt deeply hurt and confused and frustrated, so I thought long and hard about it. I am open to change my mind if anything else comes out of him in the future.
Also, I have already spent a lot of words on how I feel about Levi’s character as of late, here, here, and here, here, here and here for example, also here and here (I haven’t exactly been silent about it lol) but let me reiterate it into one incomplete post. It’s really freaking long, and a wall of text at it. I don’t expect people to put up with this messy rant, but suit yourself if you want to.
@ the people who sent these new questions almost a month ago, I’m sorry this isn’t the reply you hoped for. If you guys want a more positive take on this, just look through my ereri meta tag.
Levi as a character can be simplified in 3 points, in my opinion: 1) the deep, caring feelings he has for his comrades and as such the responsibility he feels for them and their deaths; 2) his violent side and how he resorts to violence to solve situations. These 2 merge together into 3) what used to be his main goal, free humanity. He lent his strength (that at times he uses for violence/to get his way) to the cause: helping in freeing humanity inside the walls because the sense of freedom is worth everything.
So, harsh opinion: I believe he has lost sight of his goal – as Isayama has stated in the past even though I didn’t wanna believe it because it made zero sense and cheapened everything I loved about Levi – and he has fallen back into his worst behaviors. Add to that a lack of active presence and engagement in the actual story, and you get this predictable, background character that I can’t for the life of me enjoy currently. Because apparently, he forgot how to live on his own without Erwin’s guidance (and here I’d have another bag of salt to pour but this would get too long, and I don’t have the patience to word it in a way that wouldn’t bring me the ire of his fans).
I don’t know if Levi is really supposed to be seen this way, but at least to me, the focus has been mostly on this: his anger/violence/flaws, and his lack of involvement.
I never liked the way he resorted to violence to “resolve” not life-or-death situations or simply to vent his frustrations, in the first place. It’s something Eren had to let go of, he was rewarded when he used his wits, abandoning pure rage for the sake of revenge, and it’s always been Isayama’s intention, imo, to show as much with the story in general and with Levi as well, as Levi has never been rewarded for it either.
So, witnessing his character revert AGAIN to kicks and straight-up sadism, as a fan, has been a big disappointment. Then, the shift of his goal because “saving humanity” wasn’t Erwin’s goal, after all, has been another point of disappointment – but this happened way before the current arc. His obsession with “making the dead soldiers’ sacrifices worth it” can be commendable, but the way he’s going about it is totally blind and dictated by anger and loss of hope, in a way, so I don’t see it as something positive either. He lacks vision, he lacks a voice in the things that are happening around him as if he doesn’t care whatever happens to all of them, as long as he can make Zeke suffer and kill him. I know it’s not totally the case, because we have seen (and I want to believe) that he still cares about his comrades who are still alive, as seen during the battle in Liberio and his reticence at following direct orders to kill Eren, but at the same time, the obsession with “repaying the lives of the dead” is making him being absolutely heartless for the sake of his “hope” (like, I’m paraphrasing here but he literally went “let’s go to war again and let Historia become a shifter if she so wants to, who cares, more deaths, yay”), though he himself doesn’t seem to care about hope and freedom and all this stuff that much anymore, or he would’ve spoken up about the mess Paradis and Hange were throwing themselves into, like Eren did.
Another point of dissatisfaction is that it seemed to me like he was forming stronger bonds with the 104th and he was becoming better at voicing his opinions without becoming violent, but I guess he either regressed, or I always read him wrong. His violence in 114 was downright revolting to me, I felt nauseous and, in a way, I’m glad he got k.o’ed. It put a stop to his metaphorical downfall, at least — I see post-timeskip Levi as a cheapened, worsened, “hyperfocused-on-just-one-side-of-him” version of the Levi I used to love in earlier arcs and he was only getting worse, imo.
And, as a special mention re: his violence and his relationship with Eren… It was interesting to observe how he slowly changed in regards to Eren, learning how to lift him up and get the best out of and for him, caring about and paying attention to Eren’s emotional state when no one could or would. It was also very interesting how he opened up to Eren just because he wanted to help him, always, from the beginning. THAT’S what really made me fall for the ship and for Levi.
Also, he thought that violence wasn’t the answer with Eren, and I guess I can excuse him for his behavior in Shiganshina because it was a charged challenge of sort for every character. But he really did think that nobody could make Eren submit with violence, yet he’s the one who tried to do exactly that as soon as they met again in ch.105. I was so disappointed that their relationship seemed to have regressed so much, I kept being hopeful only because of his face/words after the kick: he felt betrayed and saddened by Eren, so it meant he still cared deeply about him. And yeah, he does, but the reasons are also partially…bad. 
Don’t get me wrong, I believe he cares about Eren as a person, the boy he met and decided to protect all those years ago, but now saving Eren has become deeply intertwined with saving his last remaining goal: making it up to the dead soldiers (and I’ve already explained why I think it’s not a “positive” goal). And it’s unfair and a skewed view, imo, because Eren really didn’t have much to do with every single death. But I think it’s Levi being desperate about it all, he clings to it or he’d lose it if he had to, um, reconsider his current mindset. He’s like…grasping at straws, I feel. Like he was doing with Erwin when Erwin revealed his true colors. Levi ended up reconsidering his own ideals and goals, back then, but in a bad way (he had no goals of his own, he just blindly followed Erwin, who cares about humanity, right? Even though he seemed to care oh so much before).
I guess it’s the downfall of the “Hero”. @/Isayama, was this necessary? Is this entertaining? I am personally not a fan of this, there were so many ways to challenge Levi’s belief & trust in Eren, and to still have Levi be an active player. This just feels like a cheap way to get him out of the picture and turn him into a really secondary character. He doesn’t feel like a main player in this arc.
So long story short, I’m very disappointed in his development. I was willing to go along with it in the hopes that it would be leading us to something very interesting and it seemed it could go into a good direction as I stated here. But when he seemed to be confirmed basically dead (literally, or anyway when it comes to his importance in current events), I’ve kind of lost all hope in regards to his character, and I felt so done about it. He is either gonna stay this way, or there’s gonna be some small, cheap, background-ish closure (though atm I fail to see how, seeing as the story is about to end) and if that’s the case, I fail to comprehend the purpose of his arc, then. I don’t think his is an unreasonable development, I just fail to see how the direction Isayama has decided to “develop” him in has any relevance to the story and its themes, as he used to be a major player with some good-ass, relevant presence in the story. As I said in some posts I linked above, Isayama may have lost motivation to develop Levi any further and dropped it from the “main players” roaster, probably when he decided to change Levi’s motivations halfway through the story (because yes, the problems I have with Levi started towards the end of Uprising).
I used to be a great Levi fan, if my username and icon are anything to go by, and I still like him when I reread some parts as I stated elsewhere, because I really, really love when he interacts with the 104th or like, with his subordinates or even Hange. It’s fun to watch and even cute, when he’s not being a violent arsehole. So it’s really a shame that it’s come to this.
And yeah, I’m sure some people may have noticed already, but the ereri content on my blog has become quite scarce, S3 and the shitfest that went down there in regards to Eren&Levi parts also dampened my hype for the ship, my dissatisfaction with Levi’s character and the way his interactions (or lack thereof) with Eren went recently just pissed me off. But I loved this ship for like 5 years, I’m attached to it, and I am capable of separating the good parts of it from the bad ones (though it’s become increasingly difficult). And most importantly, I still love the way their canon relationship was developed up until before the serum bowl. Almost nothing has happened with them since then, so that’s why I was still really hyped for the next 2 years, but recently, and with Levi’s return, I’ve just grown more frustrated and bored with it.
After all, I fell in love with the romantic fanon ship BECAUSE the canon relationship was so interesting, had potential, and seemed to be going some incredibly cool directions, as both the characters seemed to be similar, had the same goals and understood each other on a basic level. It turned out to be almost nothing in the end, but alas.
So, how can I ship them if I don’t like one of them?
I still like Levi, especially when I reread the early arcs. This doesn’t mean I have to accept the worst sides of him that have apparently taken over his whole personality. His violence ISN’T a flaw I - or anyone, imo - should accept. Snoring IS a flaw we can/have to accept if we love someone. Violence is something that must be overcome. My annoyance with people implying they are better fans because they accept and embrace and excuse him and his violence, compared to those who don’t like that, is also a factor in my frustration. Understanding why exactly he’s the way he is is part of being a fan of a character, wishing for him to become a better person and ultimately letting go of toxic (yeah) acquired behaviors, imo, is better than defending and hyping them up. Some people even LOVE and WISH that violence will be his downfall because it’s violence for the sake of avenging [redacted] so it’s sooo romantic. lmao, ok. And I won't even get started about the ones who SERIOUSLY say that adult characters don't need to change, because I'm gonna start laughing for 3 hours straight. Dudes, there's not an age where you stop changing. If you stop trying bettering yourself at age XX, then I already know you're a shitty adult irl, goodbye.
Anyways, back on track. As I said in another post I may have linked above, I thought his encounter and resolution with Kenny would have amounted to something in this regards, since Levi used violence to get acknowledgment and to feel like he was “worth” something, imo, but it was only a set up for serumbowl. Wasted chance.
And I get it that violence is the way he was taught to deal with things, but 20 years have passed since then and he had a whole character arc in Uprising about opening up, trusting, feeling trusted in return, and feeling good and grateful and happy about that BECAUSE he was open with his squad and learned that it was better to use words rather than fists. So I thought he had grown out of it at least a bit. But I mean, there are other characters who have regressed or haven’t changed at all after their supposed character arc, and that dampened to a great degree the enjoyment of such characters for me (Historia, Ymir, Reiner), so whatever I guess? I can definitely see it’s something of a “cruel” way of storytelling Isayama really seems to like, maybe because he wants the characters to suffer. I guess you can’t have a story if all of your characters become better people and overcome their flaws…well, actually you can, but I guess Isayama doesn’t want this to be that kind of story.
But anyway, just to be clear, it also ties in with wanting the characters you love to better themselves and let go of things that ruin their lives or that have roots in trauma. Wouldn’t you want that for someone you love, even and especially in real life? So, if his violent tendencies have been portrayed as “wrong”, Bad Coping Mechanisms, and rooted in childhood trauma, why is it so frowned upon in this goddamn fandom to wish for him to let go of them, since it’s something that has caused him and characters around him pain or distress or downright failure. Overcoming these flaws would mean he’d feel better about himself, and others, and his past, etc. Why is it SO wrong to wish him the best? Lmao, I don’t get it.
So when his “real fans” be like “Levi’s violence is a part of him, you don’t love him for real if you can’t accept that part. anyway he’s perfect the way he is”, I’m like…that’s actually bullshit. I just want him to be a better person, just like I wanted to be a better person when I had detrimental (for me and for the people close to me) behaviors due to mental health stuff.
It’s not even on the same level of wanting him to stop being rude, that’s part of his charm. Violence…is not a cool personality trait, and it’s something you should want him to get over.
I still love lots of things that were shown in the manga in regards to Eren and Levi, so I don’t get why I should justify myself for liking them together just because I don’t like some parts of one of them. I still think some of Levi’s best personality traits came out when he interacted with Eren, and I like the Levi who cares about Eren the most. Hence why I ship the goddamn ship. That’s all there is to it, really. Here I talked about what I loved about their relationship, though now I feel like a bit of a hopeful fool.
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shizekarnstein · 5 years
Hello! I know this is a dried up topic, but I was wodering, do you think chapter 120 is any indication that Eren is the father of Historia's baby? I ended up in an argument with a friend because she thinks chapter 120 is evidence that Eren is the father whereas I think Eren had contact with Historia before leaving for Marley and she's probably the only one who knows what Eren is planning which is why Historia was crying in his memory. I'm very sorry for bothering you with this.
It's no a bother at all anon! I leave my inbox open bc I don't mind answering question so don't you worry.
Oh my you just gave the chance to adress something I've only ranted over on tags so here I go. Basically I side with you.
All chapter 120 has confirmed to me is that Eren and Historia had a chat before him leaving for Marley. They met in the farm, I'm guessing after Eren's chat with Yelena, and together decided a course of action. It seems that is where either Eren or Historia herself suggested the pregnancy as a tactic to buy time for Eren to make contact with Zeke and as means to stop the higher ups from inmediatly feeding Zeke to her as soon as Eren retrieved him. That's all I can get from not only this chapter but for following the narrative of the previous ones regarding Historia's pregnancy. As a guess this could also mean that Eren was the hooded figure after all, and not Yelena.
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Whatever they discussed was clearly emotional. These two have been thick as thieves since uprising, and have saved each other more than once. After our Ymir left with Reiner and Berthold and their kidnapping at the hands of Kenny and Rod Reiss the two of them became close friends, able to relate to each other. When Eren discovered the loophole for potentially using the FT powers his first thought was to worry over what that could mean for Historia. When Hizuru presented their 50 year plan offer, he was the only one who actually jumped to oppose it out of outrage of what it would demand of her. The others were clearly conflicted as well, but Eren was the only one vocal about it.
It's after Paradis and Historia accept this alternative that Eren met with Yelena. We still don't know what exactly she said to him to convince him to go meet with Zeke, but whatever it was seemed to at least give him the opportunity to actually do something instead of waiting. Maybe this is when the thought of using Zeke for his own goals first occured to him. Whatever it was, he later discussed it with Historia.
I don't know if she really knows all there is to his plan. It's highly possible tho. Going by this months panel of her the feeling Im getting is that it was Historia herself who suggested the idea of taking advantage of a possible pregnancy to stall the plans of the goverment. At this point she had already agreed to do it eventually anyway, what's the harm in doing it a bit early than they thought if this could buy Eren and herself more time? I think that's why she was crying in part. She looks sad but determinated. I can't imagine how painful it must have been not only for her to go along with this, but also to Eren when he realised that all his previous efforts of protecting her from that same fate were in vain.
That's all I can take for the manga with the info we know. Now for my rant.
If people want to ship them I honestly don't care. My problem comes when they allow their bias to merge with the storyline. There's been no indication whatsoever of any kind of romantic feelings between Historia and Eren. And by this I don't mean only that so far Historia has been coded as a gay chatacter. If I go by representation, Historia as a bi girl would be enough for me. I would still see myself on her. So if people like to speculate about a possible hidden romance or whatever I don't give a damn. They are free to do so.
But to reduce Historia's character to only a half of their romantic fantasy is actually complicated given what's happening to her.
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I've seen people that as soon as this panel emerged have been screaming for months, theorizing and all about who is the father. It's as if that is the only thing that matters to them. Oh my who impregnated Historia!!!!???? Was it Eren????? Of course it's Eren they are meant to be together!!!! Was it farmer kun???? What a ridiculous idea he bullied her!!!! Must be a diversion!!! After all tha father must be someone we know about it wouldnt do for him to be a random stranger that would make Historia a whore!!!!!!
Can you all please spare a few thoughts on Historia herself???? Does she look like a person who is happy with this??? Why don't you all care about the feelings of a woman whose only choice to fight was to subbmit her body like that, carrying a baby for nine months out of desesperation? Why would you all be so sexist as to only care about who is the owner of that sperm??? Have you not have even an ounce of sympathy for Historia? I don't get the point of romantizing an experience that clearly is taking a toll on her. The focus on all this is Historia and what she is feeling, not whomever got her pregnant. I repeat, does this look like a happy expecting girl to y'all?
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With this I don't mean all erehisu shippers are at fault. I'm talking about the ones who make awful videos fetichizing the hell out of this pregnancy and dismissing Historia's side of things. The ones who only care about the possible forbidden romance between Eren and her and completely missing the point of this tragedy and how incredible traumatizing this experience is for her. The ones who only see this as a plot device for making their ships canon and not even listening to the people who feel uncomfortable with this development storywise and are sickened by it.
So in short no, I don't think Eren is the father of Historia's baby bc for me it doesn't make sense storywise. The two of them are friends. Eren fought tooth and nails to avoid this very outcome. It's a tragedy that this happened at all. That they had no other choice to buy time that subject Historia to do the same thing Hizuru and the goverment wanted. Historia is still fighting even with her limited options, but even then this doesn't mean she or us have to be happy about it.
Thanks for asking.
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jonsameta · 5 years
Hi, me again!
jesuiscommejesuis: Haha, I’m on that GoT grind and probably won’t stop until the premiere 😂. I trust your opinion so unfortunately you have to endure another ask from me. Anyway…I think that most of us have considered the possibility of Jonsa not being canon. (RIP me if that happens). But my question isn’t about whether Jonsa will be or won’t be (I’ve come to terms with the fact that GoT will end how GRRM always intended it to end) it’s about what that possibility means for all of the evidence, clues, foreshadowing, etc that we’ve gathered. In your opinion will Jonsa not happening render those clues and meta meaningless and we were all crazy after all? Or do they take on a new meaning and point us in a new direction? Idk if that even makes sense. Maybe I’m just afraid that Jonsa wont happen and I’m afraid for no other reason other than that I will have looked and sounded insane to all of my GoT friends and had nothing to show for it. Also do you know of any interviews or blog posts from GRRM possibly supporting Jonsa? Same for D&D? Or any other people on or working with the show? Thank you so much!! 💙
Hi there, 
The thing about theories is they’re like Shrodinger’s cat. If you try to be objective, you have to entertain the possibility that it won’t happen, but it can’t completely be false until proven otherwise. That said, some theories are more probable than others because there’s material within the text that thematically undoes something. This is because a story’s themes (which differs depending on the adaptation but it can’t be completely divorced from the original source either) define its boundaries because they essentially make up “the heart of the story”, not the plot. They give the main characters a moral dilemma that drives their journeys. Considering the themes of the story - both bookwise and showwise - Jonsa is very probable because it answers a lot of long standing character arcs that go beyond these characters and provides a bookend that Jon/Dany cannot considering R+L=J. 
I think anything in this story has to be considered according to the politics - even the fantasy part because the personal is political. With such a spread out story only the themes and the morality dilemmas of politics that the smallest moment can have is what holds it all together. And I think the strongest argument for the probability of Jonsa comes from a structural level of gauging the politics. 
Jon’s parentage is a political game changer and the way it’s been built up it cannot just be for personal angst - especially when the element of his parentage revealing him to have a higher claim than Dany is brought up. It doesn’t just affect him or his relationship with Dany. It affects Westeros and Dany’s own longstanding goal.
Jon may not want to be king, but Dany is walking in as a very unpopular figure into the North and the way she has gone about her campaign hasn’t improved her reputation and only worsened it. And Jon himself will lose popularity after having 1) bent the knee to a Targaryen, 2) consorting with a Targaryen and 3) being a secret Targaryen. 
Dany doesn’t realise that although Jon claims to have pledged his allegiance to her, it doesn’t mean the North has fallen into her hands. He’s only lost their faith from this move so no Targaryen by themselves could claim the North. Not to mention the Vale and Riverlands are more allied to Sansa than they are to Jon. To regain faith, he’d have to separate himself from Dany and the Targaryen identity a bit and yet he would need a political statement that only a marriage alliance to Stark could give if he were to remain in power. There’s also the pesky issue of how unknowingly Sansa and the Starks have more allies than Dany (or Jon without the Starks) does as everyone comes into Winterfell. So Sansa’s constant label as “key to the North” and the importance of marriage alliances becomes very important here. He can’t become king or even gain the faith of the people (back) without Sansa. So in that case, the whole notion of the Pact of Ice and Fire being fulfilled through Dany and Jon falls apart because Jon will be seen as an outsider. @thelawyerthatwaspromised has even written a post with infographics to make it easier to understand. It’s like R+L=J resets the chessboard. Ironically, what the audience thought Jon/Dany’s union would do politically is far more possible through Jon/Sansa. 
As it makes sense as a political match, the possibility of it happening and impacting the narrative increases a lot more. The original outline also matters here because clearly the pseudo-incest tag didn’t stop the author. However, as the characters haven’t interacted in real time in the books and aren’t close, there’s not much people have asked him about it nor has GRRM has said about it unless you count his vague reply once (”I won’t say more than I’ve already said in the books”). I’d say there’s more to be gauged from what he has to say about other ships that fandom roots for, that isn’t as positive as they make it out to be - whether Jon/rya, San/San, San/rion or Jon/Dany. It’s not obvious because he hardly shuts down possibilities but there’s reading between the lines. It becomes more obvious through a process of elimination. It’s also because Jon/Sansa as a ship tramples over so many ships that fandoms have banked on that people are inclined to dismiss it rather than re-evaluate the pre-existing ships. 
On the show, people have been coy too but there’s more content to gauge as the characters have already reunited and their dynamic has become pretty pivotal to the story. Where D&D shut down Dany and Yara ever happening, in the same panel they evaded a question about Jon and Sansa being developed as a romantic relationship. Aiden Gil/lian commented on how Jon’s parentage opens up possibilities for Jon and Sansa’s relationship romantically at the end of season 6. Sophie was asked about it post season 6 and she said it was possible because it’s GOT and they’re cousins. Also, there’s Liam Cunnin/gham who once liked a Jonsa fanvideo lol and he barely has any likes. Sophie has said it’s possible, even as she joked about how it would be embarrassing to film an intimate scene. Kit has somehow avoided all questioning, but he has some pretty interesting reactions regarding Jon and Sansa’s relationship - either in the words he chooses (”She twists him like no one else”) or how over the top his reaction to Sansa is when he talks about how annoying she is to the point where he’s flushed and red and laughing while saying “I’ve gotten really animated now that Sansa has come into the story”. Bryan Cogman has a lot to say regarding this dynamic too, that he even wrote Jon leaving Ghost behind to watch over Sansa when he left for Dragonstone. 
What helps regarding the show is that it’s not just the actors or the political sense, but the camerawork and visual framing that makes their scenes very confusing because they’re shot as a romantic couple about to happen, as @trinuviel has explored in her series “All is Subtext”.  This notion that it was “framed” or “shot” that way was echoed by multiple reviewers and podcasts through season 6 and even into the beginning of season 7. 
A huge part of this was because it very subtly visually paralleled more positive romantic ships on the show like Ned/Cat, Jaime/Brienne, Robb/Talisa, Sam/Gilly, Missandei/Greyworm and even Jon/Ygritte to some extent. This is over a course of 7 episodes under 5 different directors. One of the most telling scenes for me was when they did two back to back parallels to Ned/Cat and Jaime/Brienne after Jon chokeholds Littlefinger over Sansa and they go on to give a Jaime/Brienne-esque goodbye. The same director Mark Mylod directed both the season 6 Jaime/Brienne and season 7 Jon/Sansa goodbye. Bryan Cogman even confirmed that the Littlefinger chokehold was meant to parallel Ned doing the same over Cat. 
But in my opinion, what weirdly cemented it was how Jon/Dany contrasted Jon/Sansa’s dynamic and framing. There were a lot of structural decisions made that undercut the Jon/Dany “romance” and made Jon/Sansa look more compatible and romantic, which is something I explored in my “Undoing Romance” series. Again, this is looking beyond the actors. The biggest tell for me was that they never got a first kiss so romantic tension was never released but just dissipated over plot exposition. Moreover, how is it that Jon and Sansa have more parallels with romantic ships than Jon/Dany do? Why do Jon/Sansa have more Robb/Talisa framing through season 6 than Jon/Dany through season 7 if that’s what’s happening? Why was there no passionate first kiss like theirs? We just skipped to the sex in between a montage that told us how related they are. 
Why didn’t Jon look back at Dany when Jorah did, while he looked back at Sansa? Why does Jon react more violently to Sansa’s suitors than to Jorah? Why are these characters caught in triangle with interlopers, who pose a political threat but are also interested in one romantically? Why is this dynamic given so much importance where there’s tension but also there’s emotional vulnerability that pours out contrasting Jon/Sansa’s and Sansa and Arya’s season 6 and season 7 battlements scenes respectively. Why did they reveal R+L=J at the end of season 6 - the season in which people questioned what the hell was happening in the Jon/Sansa dynamic and a whole season before Jon met Dany. Both season finales also teased conflict because of political claims that change because of R+L=J. Where his parentage reveal, relieves Jon/Sansa of the direct incest factor because it biologically distances them, it makes Jon and Dany biologically more related - especially because she’s heavily inbred herself. 
So it is a situation of “will they/won’t they?” but even more subtly because the cast and crew always skips past discussing it and with Jon/Dany happening people take it as accidental chemistry. There’s no heavy dismissal from the TPTB though when there could’ve been or laughing at it like Tormund and Brienne, which is totally for laughs and a show ship. What they do keep saying is that this relationship is key to watch and you have to wonder: why is it so important? To me it’s not about the actors chemistry or singular scenes. It’s about the story’s intrinsic narrative structure and the camera framing that makes the visual subtext convey more than the text does. 
The show frames Jon and Sansa’s relationship is odd because we know they weren’t close and Arya was his favorite and yet they take up quite an important part in each other’s arc at this point, where they both want to trust each other completely but don’t and yet their vulnerability comes out most around each other in these last two seasons. They’re being built up more slowly than Jon/Dany and more subtly so while people expect a full blown romance, I expect something more subtle, more quiet and thus emotionally rewarding for these characters individual and collective arcs. If it happens, D&D are building it up as a plot twist/game changer because it’s related to politics. But it’s not to say there can’t be emotional catharsis too because these characters have a lot of issues that they answer pretty well. 
Hope that answers your questions. 
- lostlittlesatellites
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theshapeshifter100 · 6 years
Guess What? I’m Not a Robot Ch42
Summary: Jericho and Android Allies talk, and Paul actually gets annoyed.
Chapter warnings: mentions of being shot, some strong language
Word Count: 1,588
11PM Monday 15th November 2038
The small space didn’t actually have that many chairs. Allison didn’t give a damn and sat down in one, while the rest of the humans either felt too awkward or just decided not to bother.
“Okay, er,” for once Alex sounded a little unsure. “Megan has a lot of the numbers written down, and is usually our note taker. Megan, are you...” Alex trailed off as they realised that Megan had already made herself comfortable. She sat propped against the wall using her knees as a table. Her sling was tucked against her chest and she scribbled out a title with her right hand. “... Are you good to go?”
Megan clicked the pen a couple of times and nodded, sending a thumbs up to the group around the pen. All without looking up.
Alex looked at Paul for a second, who nodded and shrugged. This wasn’t exactly surprising.
“Ooookay,” Alex turned back to the main group. “What would you like to start with?”
“We’ve been out of the loop for a few days,” Markus admitted, “can you tell us about the outside world?”
“Yeah, President Warren’s been hiding behind Congress as they try and figure things out. Not much has happened yet, although there has been word of an anti android protest being planned in Washington next week.”
“We’re so crashing it,” Allison smirked.
“Do you have the numbers for that?” Markus asked, concerned. “Connor told me there was only a few of you.”
“Megan, numbers?” Alex prompted, and Megan complied, staring resolutely at her pad of paper.
“Several thousand people responded to the anti android post across the country, which isn’t that many really if we compare to the total US population. Currently Android Allies has three chapters. Detroit has ten, California has ninety and thirty in Alabama. We’ve gathered some in the Phoenix and general Arizona area, but no official count yet. There’s some international support from Europe, but they have so far been silent.”
“So, not enough to crash a protest,” Markus summarised.
“We can counter protest,” Ivy suggested. “We just need to get it online and spread the word.”
“And you think that’ll work?” North asked, part curious, part incredulous.
“Never know until we try,” Alex responded. “Plus, we usually get good turnouts from random people walking by.”
“This protest wouldn’t happen to be scheduled for when we’re supposed to send an emissary to the White House?” Markus asked.
“No idea, when are you going?”
“In a few days time.”
“Okay, the protest isn’t until next week. Guess that isn’t public knowledge.”
“Apparently not,” Markus shifted for a second. “I was hoping to ask about a potential partnership between our two groups. I hadn’t expected you to all be, so young.”
“If it helps, Julia isn’t in school anymore.”
“Noted,” Markus filed that away.
“I don’t know,” Julia carefully opposed. “My uncle’s a Detroit Police Captain, it might reflect badly on him.”
“Nothing is set in stone,” Markus assured. “That’s what this meeting is for.”
They all continued to talk, and Megan continued to take notes. After some debate, it was decided that Alex would be the more public face of Android Allies, as they could handle attention better. Everyone else was welcome at Jericho and to fill in if need be. Megan would continue her role as note taker, even if it wasn’t entirely necessary, it was good for both sides to have a copy of events.
“Paul,” Markus came to him. “How would you feel being a go between with our two groups?”
Paul froze in place and Megan glanced at him. He wasn’t happy, in fact, he looked close to panicking.
“Ride the shitstorm,” she mumbled, intending for only Paul to hear. With her pen she began to tap a steady rhythm and Paul began to calm down. None of this had gone unmissed by North and Connor, both of whom were looking at Paul and Megan. Connor had an expression of confusion initially before it cleared, and North looked suspicious.
“I, I suppose that makes sense,” Paul unfroze. “I am the only android in the Detroit chapter and would I be correct in assuming that everyone downstairs would be more comfortable with an android?”
“You would be,” Markus agreed.
“I see, then I should accept.”
“We’re not forcing you,” Josh added. “If you really don’t want to do it, then that’s fine.”
“No, it makes sense for me to do it.”
“Very well,” Markus logged that away faster than Megan could write it. “I think this concludes most of what I wanted to talk about with you today.”
“Cool!” Allison stood up. “Anything else you need from us?”
“I would like to speak with Paul alone,” Markus stated, and Paul instantly looked at Megan, who had frozen for a split second before continuing to pack up. Without a word he held out his hand to help her up, and she took it.
“Thanks,” she murmured, still not looking at the other assembled androids.
“You okay with that Paul?” Alex asked, not sure if Paul had been paying attention.
“Yes, I was just helping the injured to their feet.”
“My legs work just fine,” Megan muttered.
“Then why did you accept my help?”
Megan mock scowled at him, both understanding that other side was messing around. “I’ll see you outside you big goof.”
“Don’t wait up,” Paul said, pausing at a soft squeal emanating from Alex. “Do you have to ship right now?”
“I ship all the time,” Alex had their hands clasped together in glee. “Anyway, let’s wait outside guys,” Alex waved everyone out and closed the door behind them. They all took seats at various heights on the stairs, Megan being closest to the door.
Inside North turned to Paul.
“So, what is your deal with these humans?” she asked.
“Deal?” Paul was confused. “There’s no deal.”
“Then why do you stay with them?”
“What North means,” Markus interrupted. “Is that you’re clearly a deviant, and have no reason to tie yourself to humans, but you still do.”
“And you want to know why,” Paul finished, falling into thought. “It is difficult to explain,” it wasn’t really, but he wasn’t sure if he could properly put it into words.
“Please try,” Markus prompted.
“I’m only really here because of Megan. We, understand each other, support each other. She needs me, and I need her.”
North didn’t look convinced. “What’s she got on you?”
“That I’m scared of dogs,” Paul smirked to make it clear that was a joke.
“So, you stay together out of mutual respect and need?” Markus tried to sum up.
“More or less. I’ll admit it is a little one sided, but Megan is the reason I’m a deviant.”
“What did she do to you?” North asked.
“It’s more what she nearly did to herself. After a period of decent mental health she began to spiral rapidly and turned to self harm. I panicked and stopped her, afraid that she might take her own life.”
“You still don’t owe her anything,” North retorted. “If anything, she owes you!”
Paul was started to get annoyed by her. “Did you see that her left arm was in a sling?”
“Yes, what does that-?”
“That’s from a gunshot wound at point blank range. Originally meant for me,” Paul was glaring at North now. “She took a bullet for me, and you can be damn sure that I would do the same.”
North was out of retorts now, and stepped back.
“I think that sums everything I wanted to ask you,” Markus admitted. “Except for one thing. How would you feel about coming to live with Jericho? With us?”
The question threw Paul for a second, even though it was a fairly logical one. He was an android in Detroit, makes sense for him to be here, and he could communicate with Android Allies remotely. Despite the logic, he felt an emotional response. A strong, negative one; one that almost hurt.
“I, I don’t think so,” Paul shook his head. “Thank you for the offer, but I don’t that would work for me.”
“She’s not forcing you to stay, is she?” North asked, and Paul’s face darkened.
“Megan has never made me do anything,” he growled.
“That’s enough,” Markus stepped in before things got out of hand. “Thank you Paul. Would you mind sending in Megan? I’d like to talk to her too.”
“Fine,” Paul turned and left, simmering with anger.
He let the door fall shut behind him and joined Android Allies on the stairs. Megan was the first over to sit next to him.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked, and Paul shook his head. “How about talking through the emotion?”
“I know what I’m feeling,” Paul snapped, and instantly regretted it, Megan was trying to help. “Sorry. North just pisses me off.”
“That’s impressive,” Megan smirked.
“Markus wants to talk to you. Just you,” he added when Alex started to stand up.
“Me? Why?” Megan asked, more than a little apprehensive at the idea.
“I forgot to ask,” Paul sighed. “Head in. I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” she asked, and when Paul nodded she stood up. She walked hesitantly towards the door, and took a step back as Josh, North and Connor exited. She didn’t pay them any thought, and thankfully they left the door ajar.
“Come in,” Markus prompted, and Megan nudged the door open wide enough for her to slip in, and shut it behind her.
So, basically, Paul has to convince the Jericho crew that he and Megan are cool and there's nothing dodgy going on. And Megan's being anti social. I saw a post on tumblr about introverted characters remaining that way because it's not a thing to 'overcome', and my mind immediately went to the bit where she was getting ready to make notes!
You might be able to tell, but I'm not a big fan of North. I appreciate that you need someone to advocate the violent option and her backstory puts her in the perfect position for it. I just hate the forced romance between her and Markus. At best it's forced, at worst (aka when you go completely pacifist) it's completely out of left field and makes no sense. I understand that having multiple romance options was too much for the development team to handle, but surely there could have been an option for Markus to not be romantically involved with North? Sorry, it drives me up the wall... Other Options Flowchart
(Paul) Decline Markus's offer
(Paul) Be serious to North's probing. Be annoyed.
(Paul) Remain calm. Start shouting
Tags! @nightmarejim @septicart-appreciation
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kaikiky · 6 years
getting to “aromantic”
ASAW 2019 Prompt 1 | February 17-18 | Discovery : How did you learn you were aromantic or arospec?
So, I’m really bad at participating in community things. I want to, but I have all this baggage in my past from when I would try to enter into something and then just get ignored until I drifted out again. So I became convinced a long time ago that there’s no point to being a member of anything.
But I saw the prompt for today and it made me want to write down my history regarding aromanticism.
(long post under the cut)
I don’t actually remember when I learned about aromanticism, but I’m guessing it was some time in 2013, maybe when I encountered the SAM. Since I can’t remember how I felt at the time I found it, I’ll just do a walk-through of how it all looks to me from my current perspective.
My asexuality has never been in question, because I’ve never wanted sex either on a conscious level or a physical level. But I have had desires for close, intimate relationships. When I was in elementary school, I had a best friend, and that was the person I felt closest to, the person I imagined being with the rest of my life. We talked about how when we had kids (we were like, seven years old at the time, so I could still talk about having kids in a hypothetical way without feeling viscerally repulsed) they would marry each other and then we could be siblings. I was literally imagining being best friends with her my whole life and it was awesome.
And then my family moved and she stopped contacting me, and I was devastated. It’s still a kind of trauma for me being dropped by my best friend, who I had been planning to spend my life with. To me, she was all I had, but she was popular and had a lot of people to replace me with. It destroyed me. It’s part of why I’m scared to talk to people who already have friends because I think, well, if they have friends already they don’t need me. I’m unnecessary.
I never wanted a lot of friends, I only ever wanted one best friend, because I’m an introvert. I don’t have a lot of energy to spend on people, so I wanted that one person who I could give all my social time and attention to. If I had to spread my social energy out among a bunch of people, there was no way I could get close to anyone. So in order to have enough energy to form a deep relationship, I needed there to be just one person.
But I could never find anyone who seemed right. I would have some school-friends, but no one who had the right vibe to them, the kind that made me feel like “this is someone I want to be with the rest of my life”, so I didn’t invest much in them. I was friendly, but I didn’t bother getting too deep because I knew we were going to move on from each other eventually.
And we did.
I went all through school and graduated high school without any real friends, and I was fine with that (college was a bit more complicated...). I was too busy studying to have time for friends anyway. And honestly I was happy being single - in real life.
Instead, I spent my time fantasizing about fictional characters, the ones who seemed like the kind of people I wanted to have those deep, intimate relationships with. Even in my fantasies I was still an introvert who only wanted one relationship at a time. And I interpreted these fantasies as “romantic”, because it felt like the way people described romantic feelings: the fluttery sensation in your stomach and heart, that feeling like you want to be with them all the time and you can’t stop thinking about them, the giddy happiness when you see them, the excitement of feeling like you found “the one”. I had that when I thought about these characters.
But in my fantasies, there was no kissing or hand-holding or much romance-coded behaviors. There was always a lot of quiet intimacy, like talking about anything and everything, feeling like there was something special between us that there wasn’t with anyone else, going on adventures together and trusting in each other when we fought villains (rather than one being the fighter and one being helpless and needing protection). We were equals in all things and there was just this connection like we were always on the same wavelength with everything, so there was never any awkwardness or miscommunication or fights between us. We trusted and respected each other completely and prioritized each other and cared deeply about each other. It was this feeling of perfect compatibility that had nothing physical about it and was mostly just about feeling completely at ease with each other.
That was the kind of thing I fantasized about and wrote stories about, and when I was younger I thought that was romance? maybe? Because I knew that no one else thought of “best friends” as something that intimate. Best friends were like, something you had when you were in school, but you were supposed to grow out of that when you were older. But my idea of a relationship wasn’t something that you grew out of, it was the most intimate companionship you could ever have, and so if the name for that wasn’t “best friend” then I guess it was supposed to be romance.
So I thought I had all these “romantic” feelings for fictional characters because I thought they would be perfect intimate companions for me, people I related to on a deep level and who I thought I would be able to talk to about serious, deep subjects and who I would feel comfortable being close to. I had the feeling that if I was in a close relationship with them, I would have found the one person I wanted to spend all my social energy with.
(And just to be upfront, all the characters I felt this for were male characters, because honestly I don’t relate to or like 99.9% of female characters, and I’m sure that’s because writers don’t know how to write female characters, but there it is.)
So I had been on Tumblr since 2011, but I didn’t join any fandom niche until 2015, and for a while I performed the whole “ecstatic fangirl” role by reblogging pictures of my favorite characters and replying with gifs and all caps fawning and tags like I was having a heart attack over how hot they were. And like, I do think the characters are aesthetically attractive, but I played it up to a sensational degree because that just seemed like what you were supposed to do. But deep down, it felt fake. I didn’t want to focus on how they looked, I wanted to imagine having late-night conversations with them when no one else was around. I wanted to imagine being their partner in a dangerous fight when we had to have each other’s backs. I wanted to imagine wandering alone in the woods together. I wanted to imagine listening to music together and singing along and dancing.
And then of course, there was all the shipping. People coming up with all sorts of outrageous ships or outrageous “proofs” and metas for why the popular ships were canon. But to me, they were absolutely not canon. Every relationship that I interpreted as deeply intimate in a nonsexual nonromantic way, fandom hijacked and put on a pedestal as the ultimate ship. It alienated me from fandom in a way that made me deeply resentful. I was honestly stunned. The yugioh fandom was my first real experience with fandom, so I had had no idea how big shipping was until I stepped in and saw it flooding everything. And it made me angry that the relationships that had always mattered to me because they felt like exactly what I was looking for—deep, close companionship that wasn’t physical or dramatically romantic—were being coded as sexual and romantic.
It hurt me and made me so angry that eventually I dropped the performance of hyper fangirl because I stopped wanting to be part of the fandom. I wanted to retreat back into my own shell where the characters and their relationships were the way I had always interpreted them, not tainted by fandom’s twisted imagination.
And I think that was around the time that I figured out that I didn’t even understand what the fuck romance was. To me, romance seemed to be the kind of bullshit you saw in romcoms. Romance was the factor that made people do stupid things and get into fights over unnecessary miscommunications. It made people paranoid and jealous and possessive in an aggressive way. It made (stupid, ridiculous) drama that distracted from everything in the story that actually mattered. Basically, romance seemed unhealthy and undesirable. So when I finally made that connection that romance didn’t mean intimacy or love but meant unnecessary stupidity and drama, it was easier for me to identify as aromantic and identify those things as what I was repulsed by.
The feelings themselves are harder to separate. Like, I don’t know exactly what romantic love specifically is supposed to feel like as opposed to any other kind of love, but I do know that I’m uncomfortable with a lot of romance-coded behaviors like kissing and hand-holding and grand gestures of love (especially in public) or candlelight dinners or lots of hearts everywhere. Those things turn me off in a big way.
I just want the feeling of intimacy, of feeling like I’m known by someone completely and loved because of who I am, and that in turn I know that person completely and love everything about them. I don’t want the relationship to be defined by the things we go out of our way to do (like setting aside time specifically to go on dates), I want it to be defined by a natural feeling of rightness, like we can exist together and it feels good, like we just kind of naturally gravitate toward each other because our energies are the same, our personalities are the same, our morals and values and likes and dislikes are the same.
There was a time where the term “quoiromantic” felt right to me because of that confusion over what makes romantic love distinct from any other, and I still think that term makes sense. But because of the cultural obsession with romance, I got to a point where “aromantic” felt like the better fit because I actively reject that obsession, I reject the idea that romantic love is the highest kind of love, and I reject all the trappings that come with love that is interpreted as romantic.
So I don’t think of the way I feel toward these characters as romantic attraction anymore, and I think part of what attracted me to these characters in the first place was always because interpreted them as not being interested in romantic relationships either, so it made us a good fit.
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hereitalkonandon · 6 years
I already know you don't put up with nonsense and all of that, what I meant is that maybe you would tone it down two times out of ten, and that you should make it one time out of ten but ideally zero out of ten. I noticed I wrote the fractions wrong last night.
But I already knew you are not a pushover, I can't find that one post of course because it's so old, but it basically said you would sometimes not speak your mind about a stupid compliment because you wanted to be accepted/liked, something like that, by men that you like, I wouldn't know if you meant, admiration or attraction by now since I don't remember the quote, or maybe it was someone else's post and then you added a tag, but it wasn't about them being mean, they were actually thinking they were complimenting you and calling you special by saying you are not like other girls.
So, I was just guessing, that maybe you were only at 90% instead of 100% in that sort of situations, to not be too much until you felt comfortable or maybe to not be mean since their intentions were good even if they were being stupid.
But I would never assume you allow people to walk over you, or that you don't speak your mind most of the time, just that maybe you would ignore a few things that you would rather not ignore.
But I was probably wrong because as I said I have no idea of the way that you behave outside your blog with the people that you respect but that you are not comfortable around, I was only guessing because of that one post and maybe four or five other posts.
I was thinking about me too, I'm a lot for most people, but as man, at worst I would get called overdramatic or too intense, but it's fine, a man can be overdramatic and a man can be too intense, they don't make a big deal out of it.
If they did, I still wouldn't stop, as you probably wouldn't, I've lived at 100% ever since I'm 17 or so and couldn't care less and I never once have tried to tone it down in the slightest. Until I met you, but that's different, I'm just so concerned with not being disrespectful because I've never approached anyone for anything, so I feel, as I said, that it's up to me not to be rude, that it's my responsibility because all of this was unasked for.
But of course I hide so many things when it comes to feelings, but just positive feelings, things that mean I care about something, out of some reputation, but it's not even about being masculine. I used to be so into Hello Kitty, it started at 19 or so and it stopped once my girlfriend left, and I told everyone how into it I was, and then I still like her now I just don't care that much. My room wasn't full of Hello Kitty things or anything but I own all that merchandise still. I've always liked Snoopy better but Hello Kitty merchandise was everywhere. I love Porgs now.
But I don't think the things someone likes make him masculine anyway, most men are so concerned about it. I’m only worried about my principles. I've seen men that are obsessed with superheroes and fighting and they are not masculine at all. And I know it doesn't matter if you are feminine or masculine, but most people would say I'm pretty masculine and I'm usually into cute things. I certainly couldn't care less about violence other than spaceships shooting other ships, lightsabers, and sword fights, and then I know you like superheroes so it isn’t meant as an offense but I find them so boring, and movies about people shooting each other too, I just don’t see the appeal.
I've seen a lot of women that hide all their positive feelings too and I wouldn't say they are being masculine, I just can't think of the word right now but I know that what I'm protecting isn't my masculinity because if I were a woman I would also try to protect whatever reputation I’m protecting, I've just always kept compliments and all that sort of things to myself. I've never hugged anyone, kissed anyone, or told anyone I loved them other than my girlfriend, but I also never felt the need to do those things with other people, I don’t have to hide anything, it’s just not there to begin with. So other than that I always say what I'm thinking and do whatever I want to do.
But even if I didn't mean what you thought I meant, I can assume now that you speak your mind at 100% too no matter what the situation is and that you also do what you want. Other than when you could put your life at risk, but that's just like when you avoid walking alone at night as I've read that you do. Men are awful and that's reality, there's nothing to be gained by ignoring that fact.
And of course you never said anything stupid about my relationship, because everything you said could also apply to someone that had a bond as long as mine if what they truly needed was to move on. Even if we had met at 5 and I were 60 now, and she was over me and truly loved another man and believed he is the love of her life. I would be an idiot to refuse to try to get over her and move on with my life. And anyone with common sense would tell me the same things you told me. It's just that my beliefs are too specific.
What you said about your ex-boyfriend, I understand how our emotions can make us have thoughts that are the opposite of what we truly think a day or two afterwards, even if I'm not impulsive at all, and if I really think before I act, if I'm so stubborn and sure of what I want, it happens to me, just five minutes at a time or so, but I feel it sometimes too.
I have said it before but at this point I highly doubt I love her because of who she is, I probably haven't loved her because of who she is since 2014 or so, at that point it started being as if I were her dad and I owed it to her, but I have never forced myself, it's there.
I don't want her to be someone else but I don't think I'm ever going to say that I can't get over her because there is no one like her. The one thing that I hate about her, other than things that have to do with other men, is how chill she is, it bothers me so much. And I know she will always be that way. And I feel like punching all chill people (not her) but not actually, they just frustrate me when I try to understand how their brains work but I don't feel any hate towards them, they aren't hurting me.
I've never been in a fight. I think you shouldn't hit someone unless they hit you first and no one has tried to hit me yet, and you can't hit women either no matter what of course. 
You have your dumb child and that's what parenthood means. I took care of her for so long, in the sense that I spent so many years worrying about her, the way parents do, to me it makes sense that at some point I ended up just living for her safety and well-being, while I'm so proud and had to put my pride first, therefore we are not in contact anymore.
It's just because I know I wouldn't be able to stop yelling and getting so angry if she started talking about men and it's my right to not want to pretend I care to hear that, but I never told her this when I said I wouldn't be her friend. She knows anyway, it's obvious.
I love her like this because of who I am not because of anything in her. It doesn't mean she is a boring person either, she's not like most people. We were so alike sometimes but I don't think she shaped me or that our memories together shaped me, my love for her is probably what shaped me and it has nothing to do with her.
I don't want children but even if I ever did, I wouldn't dare. I feel like you should only have a child if you can make him your priority in your feelings too, not just with your actions, that you should know you would never love anyone over your child and I've already failed that step without even trying, I know who I am and that I could never put anything over romantic love.
But what you said about it taking you a long time to get over that relationship, after my break up I read that it usually takes you at least half the time that you spent together. So knowing who I am, I always assumed it would take me about ten years anyway, and I'm not who I used to be, my feelings are so strange, but I can't say I feel as awful as when she left, that makes me think that maybe in two years it will be better than now too, whether I still love her or not, because right now I love her just as much, the pain is just different.
I know you aren't normal, I just meant you are able to feel any love at all for your family and for your friends, for your boyfriend even when you don't feel as connected to him as you would like, the fact that you can feel love for anyone other than a soul mate, I know that's normal, but I can't do that anymore.
Other than that you are obviously not like most people, I've seen about half your blog and I've a good memory. The special snowflake jokes people keep making on Tumblr, only make me think that the ones making them truly have no idea that there are people that are just different, and if they were different they would know it themselves.
I know you are not trying to sound edgy, I'm old enough and you are the first person like yourself that I know of. I'm aware though that sometimes they make that sort of jokes about people that choose a lot of weird labels and odd interests just in order to feel special, and I don't mind them but that's stupid, that doesn't say anything about their actual character.
I've never assumed that you were in a position to help me though, I merely noticed that you were helping me anyway, even if I didn't want to, that to keep interacting with someone that I could relate to was fixing something inside me, what you were talking about had nothing to do with it. Just the act itself. 
And the fact that I realized that I'm able to feel all those things again if I ever want to can't be erased, not even if you murdered my entire family and I ended up hating you, which is something stupid, but just so you understand.
Because of you I'm sure it can be done now. That it’s just up to whatever I decide to do. For now I'm perfectly happy being trash but the problem is I keep feeling more like who I used to be before, and I know it's not a bad thing and that it would be an awful thing to fight it, not awful, but that it would be wrong so I don't fight it, but I struggle, because I feel like fighting it often.
Yeah, when I write in my journal no one is reading it and I don't want them to, but I start feeling better just by doing that. But I don't understand why you say that people around you don't care that much for the kind of things you are telling me, I know you must be right if you are seeing it, but they love you, they should care.
At the same time though, people that love me listen to me, but I understand what you mean now that I think about it, it's just that it doesn't bother me. Precisely because I'm messed up and I don't mind anything that isn't about my break up. So I don't feel alone or anything, but I never did even before I met her. I feel misunderstood way too often, though, but again, I don’t mind it.
It bothers me that I don’t feel that people are as intense as me, I know there are a lot of intense people, it doesn’t feel like the same wavelength though, I’m not even talking about likes and thoughts, it’s something different, I’ve never seen it, I wish more fictional characters were like that, I said fictional characters because I know that if I found fifty people that had that thing that I’m talking about but can’t explain I wouldn’t bother with them anyway, I would like them, but I enjoy being alone and not having a social life. I never have enough time, for some reason. I don't actually mind if no one cares about what I have to say or my interests. 
What is new to me is that you aren't often thinking about the other guy, and I thought that maybe you were confused or annoyed because you thought that maybe you could get what you wanted from him. I read the post where you said you were disenchanted when you actually went out with him to eat or something, but I didn't know the reason, so I thought you could still be into it.
I don't know if it was an experiment, but what I know is that it sounds like a terrible idea and I see why you lost your interest. It could be that he kept talking about her because she was such a big part of his past.
For a while now, sometimes I end up talking about her because she has something to do with what I'm saying, she was always in my past, and the point is that if I avoided talking about her, I would have to modify the story or sometimes even lie about it, I don’t lie, I don’t like it. The first letter I wrote to you, it was so long, and it talked about me, I didn’t mention her once and yet, everything I said about her gives you a better description of who I am. I could see how talking about your ex-girlfriend doesn't necessarily mean you aren't over her but I also know that sometimes that's exactly what it means.
So if you say he wasn't over her, he probably even told you himself and it's usually what it means. Maybe one time out of ten it's not what it looks like. 
I enjoy that you talk more about yourself when you answer me, I enjoy your thoughts no matter what they are, but the more you talk about yourself the more I can try to talk less about myself. I sort of always end up doing that.
I spent so much time on your blog, because of you of course, at first you didn't even know I was doing it. So it makes sense that I actually love to know about you. I already know everything about me, I just talk a lot, and I enjoy writing about anything really.
But whenever you write a new letter I read it plenty of times and think about everything you say, and when I don't say anything is just because I would rather not write a forced answer and end up writing something dumb just for the sake of writing it. I wish I had something to add about everything you tell me. 
I've always been too selfish and it suits me. Just not with my ex-girlfriend. I try to not be selfish with you and maybe I fail, I try, not because it makes me feel good about myself, it doesn't because it's not about that (I've always felt good about myself already),but because it makes me feel human.
I told you before that once I start writing something I can't stop until I finish, so that's why I'll actually keep losing sleep if I have to when it comes to sending you an answer. But it's just because of who I am. These two weeks though I haven't been sleepy at all, so I barely sleep and that's why I'm often falling asleep at night when I'm writing to you.
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liikeglitterandgcld · 6 years
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FULL NAME   Velvet Crowe
GENDER, SEXUALITY   Female; Bisexual
ETHNICITY, SPECIES   Daemon, Therion—Formerly human
BIRTHPLACE, BIRTHDATE   The Village of Aball, Eastgand, July 26th 
GUILTY PLEASURES   Velvet is hardass. Plain and simple. She’s a hard to get to know, let alone talk to, but once she lets down her guard, Velvet has a soft spot for flowers, dogs, someone with a knack of puns (even if she says she hates them), in general sweet gestures like making coffee or tea for her. 
PHOBIAS    Does abandonment count as a phobia? Well if so.... Loneliness through abandonment—regardless real or imaginary with her overthinking. Dying without fulfilling her ambitions. Not sure if this counts as a phobia as well, but she has stage fright.
WHAT THEY WOULD BE INFAMOUS FOR   She’s earned a reputation, given rather, the title of “Lord of Calamity”— the unholy, the ugliness of human emotions, how dangerous human emotions are. Someone who seeks to destroy homes and cities, leaving them in ruins.  Leaving a mount of dead bodies—be it human or daemon in her wake. A daemon with the ability to eat other daemons.
WHAT WOULD / HAVE THEY GOTTEN ARRESTED FOR  Her existence as a daemon alone is enough to have be thrown in prison for 3 years. On top of inciting a prison riot, breaking out of prison, kidnapping, multiple counts of murder, destruction of property. Arson. She even ruined a town’s economy by destroying their trade. There’s probably a few more I’m missing
CHARACTER YOU SHIP THEM WITH    Within her own canon? Eizen and Magilou. I absolutely adore EiVel/Veizen, probably more than MagiVel. Both ships show different sides of Velvet and have different dynamics with her and I LOVE that. 
As far as my own muses + muses I would like to see play out because of dynamics and history be platonic OR romantic.... You have DM me if you’re curious (*≧艸≦)  But I will say that  I’m a sucker of two broken people coming together and becoming whole. All of Velvet’s ships be it canon or crossover reflect that to some degree 
shut up I found my shipping trope
CHARACTER MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM   If she hasn’t killed herself first by thrusting herself into death’s grip first? Out of my muses......... Noctis probably? If Velvet hasn’t  tried to devour him like she would a daemon. Either Noctis or Ruby Rose from my muses. Ormy AU Eva Sparda for a entirely different reason...........
FAVORITE BOOK GENRE    Something informative and useful, like cookbook. Outside of that, just give her recommendation. probably some sort of contemporary novels. She likes multiple genres in novels as opposed to focusing one genre in particular. Fantasy elements she tends to like, and usually those go hand in hand in adventure/exploration settings. Types of mystery tend to hold her attention as well. 
LEAST FAVORITE BOOK CLICHÉ   Velvet hates the idea someone needing to change who they are in order to find love.  Romance novels tend to bore her anyway. She’ll read it once if it was okay, but if a book has someone who changes themselves just for someone to love them will. That’s will be in the trash.
TALENTS OR POWERS  - Velvet’s main ability is from her left arm—her daemon arm. She can devour basically almost anything (almost as in she has standards). Daemons, humans, or Malakhim/Seraphim— it doesn’t matter. She’ll eat anyone that gets in her way I won’t lie, it is akin to cannib/alism of sorts, especially during her cutscenes regarding her traumatic nightmares. Another important is that Velvet can absorb a being’s malevolence* (mass of negative emotion) into herself. 
Another important aspect of her daemon arm is that Velvet can absorb  magical attacks. Say a fireball flung at her. She can absorb it and toss back at back. Or—in terms on gameplay—can create certain types of attacks based off the type of daemon and hit their weaknesses (it’s that hard  to translate in an rp or in a fanfictions setting to be truthful)
Velvet is also incredibly acrobatic. While she is proficient and professionally taught to use a one handed sword, she prefers using martial art(e)s with heavy focus on her legs and feet as most of her attacks (aided by boot blades). She’s a mix of professionally taught and self taught in her style of fighting with use of her gauntlet blade and hidden boot blades compliment her style.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM    While Velvet is hard person to befriend, let alone talk to, she is incredibly caring person. Not to the point of doting. She prefers not to let that show often as part of her reflection that’s a daemon, a monster. Let’s be real, anyone who falls in love with her and genuinely cares about her is foolish person not to mention reckless. Which is she herself but regardless. The more they can get Velvet with her guard down the more her humanity shows—if someone she cares is injured by their recklessness, she’ll angry because she’ll be worried about them. She’s goal driven and ambitious.
Velvet doesn’t take bullshit and stubborn, which is both a positive and negative. She can blunt with her words—as a means to encouragement and not to do things without regrets. Synergy on the battlefield, if one keeps up with her. And, her cooking. Not saying that is not the only reason why someone might love them, but it’s a nice bonus. She also gets flustered when embarrassed.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM     I mentioned this already, but Velvet is a closed off person. She is not easy to befriend. She’s is incredibly stubborn person, she’ll headbutt with people on their views and opinions that close to home to her. Not only is she selfish, Velvet IS without a doubt, self absorbed, mostly due to her one track mind of her goals. She has no problem with killing people—be it people who stood against her or as an act of mercy. Velvet gives 0 fucks if you hate her or dislike her. In her mind, that’s their problem, not hers. She’ can be seen as callous and heartless because of that.
For someone who IS a daemon, she feels emotions deeply and strongly. And because of that, arguments and clashes are bound to happen.
HOW THEY CHANGE   - Spoilers for Tales of Berseria
Before finding out who Innominat was and how exactly the therions were connected, Velvet had one track of mind of vengeance, against the man she had once called family. There’s a chunk where the game doesn’t sugar coat that Velvet is a terrible person, but there moments where’s parts of herself, the loving sister, that she locked away emerge bit by bit as Laphicet traveled with her. But the more there closing in on the reveal, the more obvious Velvet is completely focused on her goal, the obvious how broken is she and that the only thing driving her will to live is by killing this man who is basically the game’s version of the pope.
After the reveal, Velvet is a broken mess, lashing out. Everything she’s done in was in her brother’s name, her only reason to stay alive during those 3 years in prison fighting daemons day in and day out. And it was for nothing. Every single thing. Before Velvet basically tries to sacrifice herself which??? she’s basically trying to commit suicide essentially?? Laphicet, this tiny malak boy that had befriended her and the others, that slowly started becoming his own person and free will, (and by extension Eizen) tells her to snap out of her and that he’ll always be there for her. After that Velvet starts admitting to herself that her actions, her motivations was for herself and using her brother as an excuse (there’s some truth it is for her brother but its more for her than anyone else). Velvet also starts to mellow out. She’s still a terrible person but has more chill.
WHY YOU LOVE THEM   Velvet is a terrible person. She is.. Anyone who’s played tob knows this. She’s starts out as this villainous person (she still is in what the game’s militant church views her.) As the game goes on, she becomes an anti-hero. The game doesnt sugar coat that she’s done some terrible things all for the sake of revenge. She is this hardened person who’s cynical, jaded, and unbeliveably bitter. Yet deep down she’s a good person,who cares deeply and strongly for those she loves and cares for.
Another spoiler but! There’s a point where if she doesn’t stop to reserve the effects her brother in law cleansing, the world is fucked basically. But she doesn’t do that for humanity’s sake. She does so out of responsibility—this is her family and she’s the only one capable of stopping him and his god— and because of her goal. She’s committed to her goal of killing him. Helping save the world meant little to her and was a beneficial side effect of her actions. ToB has its own share of flaws but it shines it shines brights.
tagged by: @e0nian​ [ thank you ♥ i took so long to figure out who i wanted to use for the meme 
tagging:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   steal it if you want
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billy-batson · 7 years
an anon asked a while back if i could write an essay explaining why i hate karen and kastle and me, being me, saved it in my asks until i could further explain to full capacity. my response?
absolutely. i’ve had this ask in my inbox for quite a few weeks, since before the release of the punisher. in order for people to understand my view points and beliefs, we must take off any shipping goggles we might have and view it from a fairly objective view point. (i’ve also added my own gifs to this because eh, why not?) also, this got quite long so under a cut it goes. also, it sort of gets messy but bear with me. (word count: 2.5k)
we’ll first begin with miss karen page. first introduced as a girl being framed for a murder she did not commit; a fresh breath of air, of sorts, in a show focusing mainly on foggy and matt, two men. as the first season moves on, we see that she’s interested in discovering more about union allied, who attempted to frame her, and that eventually leads her to ben urich, a reporter who, in his heyday, followed thrilling and intense cases and wrote groundbreaking articles. now, though, since he’s aged and has more concern for his life and job--which he needs to support his dying wife while she’s in the hospital--he writes whatever his editor wants him to. he’s fine with this. in fact, he’s comfortable with this.
the issue, though? karen essentially pushes him back into this type of work, bringing him into her hunt on union allied which he explicitly stated, multiple times, that he did not wish to do. he knows how this will likely end--he even tells her as much, reminding her that he’s old now, and he’s “a lot less stupid”. while we can’t entirely fault her for coercing him into working with her, since he is a grown man and he can make his own decisions, she was the cause of the events that led up to, and caused, his death. yes, a white woman caused a black man’s death. unsurprising news when you’re black.
after his death, though? karen--who holds absolutely no relation to him--gets the ownership of his car, which could have gone towards paying his wife’s hospital bills, and his job, despite having absolutely no credentials or prior experience. that is a fine example of white privilege. never worked or trained a day in that work, ever, and yet she gets his job. i know this isn’t real life, but it’s a piece of realistic fiction. it should be realistic---which, i guess, it is, since the only way someone with no credentials or experience in journalism is going to get a job is if they’re white. also, this is marvel netflix’s first example of violently murdering a black person in their series (which they do in every one of their series), so that leaves a foul taste in my mouth, as a black person.
and next came the, what i like to call “weirdly random ooc #female badassness! wannabe episode”, aka the episode where she kills wesley, stating that she’s fired a gun before and insinuated that she’s killed before. not only does she get off scot free for this (which, by the way, never would have happened unless she was white), but it’s also never mentioned ever again. it was a needless act that was ludicrous in execution and inserting into the narrative. it was just a way to say “look! our blonde haired beauty is a badass haha :)”
season two comes along, and it’s shown that she’s digging up information about the punisher while also going on dates with matt. eventually, though, she meets frank for who he is and this is what i call the sort of beginning of manipulation, at least for her, but i’ll be getting more into depth about this later. in the last few episodes, she gives frank an ultimatum -- stop being the punisher, or she’ll walk away. you’ll recall that in the defenders, she also gave matt the same ultimatum, which is a form of manipulation and underlying abuse. karen can not accept that these mens’ alter egos is who they are inside, and that causes for her to make them choose between her and doing what they want to do. having experienced such abuse from the hands of ex friends in the past, it sealed the deal for my disdain for her.
the main thing i dislike about karen is how she’s written in a way where it’s as if she can do no wrong. and fandom’s behavior definitely perpetuates that. she’s seen as a “#perfect cinnamon roll” or a “#goddess” or a saint or whatever fandom is referring to her as. she truly is not all that, yet the writers tend to portray her as such. (needless to say that in the comics, she sold matt’s identity as daredevil for drugs, but that’s beside the point.) she does not deserve to be held to such a high pedestal, and fandom, specifically certain individuals in the fandom, should not hate people who point out valid criticism of her because they can’t see it from any perspective that isn’t their own.
on that note, fandom is a large part of my hatred for characters or ships. fandom never knows how to be normal and they either detest you for not liking their favorite character / ship, or don’t listen to you at all.
when it comes to kastle, though, things are more simple to explain. (as of writing, i am currently on the third episode of the punisher and going slowly through it for obvious reasons.) the entire reason frank does what he does, is because of the death of his family. of his children, of his wife. he relives that all throughout season two of daredevil despite claiming to not have ptsd, and we see it even more intensely in the punisher. he thinks of his wife and children every day, without fail--often times its the first thing he thinks of, and the last thing he thinks of. even a year to two years after their death, the wound is still raw and he is very much not over it.
so why, pray tell, is the ship kastle a thing? he is not, in anyway capable of having or maintaining a healthy relationship as of right now--nor might he ever. the fact that people could excuse this obviously damaged man’s feelings just to ship him with fandom’s white fave, thinly veiled self insert character is saddening and bordering on disgusting. he hasnt even had the chance to heal or breathe and everyone’s already shipping him with her?
matt said that karen deserves better than him. “better than [matt]” does not equal “you should date frank”. frank, himself, says that karen is in love with matt. he compares that love to him and his wife, who he’s not over. karen understands this and accepts this -- she is in love with matt, just as frank is in love with maria, still.
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his love for maria is further solidified in the first episode of the punisher, when he repeatedly relives good moments that he had with maria and reminisces on the things that he loved about her through his memories. he, in every way, needs healing. what he does not need is a relationship. that would be one of the last things that he needs, especially after going through all that he has. the death and loss of his family was one of the most traumatic things he’s experienced, to the point that he takes it upon himself to track every single person connected to their murder and kill them, even going so far as juarez, mexico, to do so. six months after that is not enough time for the emotional stability that frank needs before a relationship with anyone could even be considered.
after frank kills schoonover, karen is visibly upset.
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she didn’t want him to kill someone, and she even goes so far as to tell him that he can’t keep doing what he’s doing, otherwise, they’re through, and she’s walking. (to which he obviously keeps doing what he’s doing and doesn’t look back as he leaves her in the woods.)
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going back a bit, in episode ten, after his escape, she’s afraid of him to the point that she draws a gun on him.
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(needless to say the scene right after this is everyone’s beloved #zomg kastle!! scene. everyone seems to ignore what happened right before that scene though. hm. wonder why.)
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does that even seem like a good relationship build up? he makes her cry out of a fear for him, she gives him an ultimatum, manipulating him, she pulls a gun on him and absolutely can kill him, as seen since she’s murdered wesley and has apparently done so before in the past. he has no reason to believe that she won’t pull that trigger, and the audience, aside from knowing that the punisher is too iconic of a character to kill off, has no reason to believe that she won’t pull that trigger. why not? she’s done it before on screen, and she showed us what she’s capable of doing.
she doesn’t get the chance to because her apartment is shot up and frank, the good person that he is, ducks down and protects her. because he’s a good person, and she’s someone he can consider, at this point, to be a sort of “friend”. (i’m like, 90% sure none of you guys have ever had any good things happen to you from good people or that yall have friends and cant tell the difference between friendship love and romantic love, since yall ship this, but i rest my case.)
a fun scene i saw pop up in the anti kastle tag -- a post written by a shipper -- was the scene in the punisher where someone refers to karen as “his girlfriend, and takes that as a sign. please, i know we all know better than this. people tease people all the time when it comes to friends, especially attractive ones, typically those of the opposite gender. i can’t list the number of times that one of my childhood friends was called “my boyfriend” by my family or i was called “his girlfriend” by his. it would be completely ludicrous to presume that that sort of comment meant anything other than a jest or a poke at frank’s expense. that’s what friends are like, that’s a universal experience for most people who have friends. it does not hint towards that ship or somehow verify it. thats not what the comment was. by thinking it verifies the ship in some way, you’re all effectively making a mountain out of...dust.
finally, let’s talk about fandom’s need to show their ass when it comes to their ableism. frank castle has ptsd, albeit he is in denial of such a fact. fandom often writes fics and headcanons that if kastle was canon, karen could “fix” frank of his ptsd and “make the pain go away”. for one thing, ptsd does not go away. it doesn’t. being with someone does not make it go away. i know fandom likes to see karen as a saint or an angel or a goddess, but she’s human. even if kastle were to happen, the ptsd would still be there. frank isnt going to magically be “cured” because he’s dating karen page. the fact that this is such a common fandom headcanon is ableist in and of itself. as an abuse survivor still living in an abusive situation, fandom needs to understand that ptsd does not go away. it can be lessened, yes, but it does not go away. an event such as watching your entire family get slaughtered before your very eyes does not go away, especially when said person repeatedly has flash backs of said event. you cannot expect it to. this is part of the reason why the fandom, itself, sickens me.
also, there are volatile tendencies on both sides. as karen isn’t the sole person to blame for why this ship borders on toxicity (almost as bad as the fandom); frank is, as well. due to his volatile nature, and her stubborn and subtle manipulations, as well as the fact that neither of them, specifically frank, are in a position to be in a relationship with anyone (karen as well, considering matt, who she canonically loves, has just appeared to die), makes this ship unable to work. it cannot work and it does not work despite fandom’s perpetual pleas to make it work, likely due to the fact that karen is the self insert character for women all across the fandom, typically and most often, from what i’ve seen, the white women. (needless to say that comics canon karen is so vastly different from show karen that she might as well be a self insert oc at this point.) these are the same white women who will likely regard this as “misogyny” and label it as just “another hater hating”. that is not what i am, but if thats your prerogative, to demonize a black woman for pointing out valid criticisms and flaws found in the beloved ship and the white woman, thats not my problem.
so, in conclusion, why do i hate karen? mainly due to the fact that her white privilege gets her a job, a car of a dead man with a dying wife, who’s dead as a result of her actions, and, of course, fandom and their constant push to make her a savior of some kind, here to “fix” frank. why do i hate kastle? because of fandom’s desire to show their ableism in wanting karen to “fix” frank of his ptsd and thinking that a relationship with the woman who gave him an ultimatum and manipulated him in order to act the way that she wanted him to is anywhere near “romantic”. volatile relationships built on past fear of the other and aiming a gun at the other is not a good foundation for any ship. since their meeting, they were known as being in love with other people, and they are currently in a space where they believe their loves are dead. why would someone’s first reaction be to ship them with each other? why would someone’s first reaction be to ship the man who regularly has nightmares and panic attacks about the death of his family and his wife with someone else when he is obviously still in mourning? why would someone’s first reaction be to ship the woman who was crying, sobbing as she attempted to keep him from doing what he wanted to, who was so afraid of him to the point that she held him at gunpoint? where does any of this set the foundations of a good ship?
and why would one ship it?
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janiedean · 7 years
I never thought I'd be this person but I legit said"what hetero nonsense is this" when Rose said love and kissed Finn lol
okay anon this is not against you and I know you didn’t mean this seriously and I know this reply might be overreacting, and you probably didn’t see that I previously posted about hating how this fandom (especially *my* subfandom technically) is reacting to finnrose so you probably didn’t know, but: no.
it wasn’t random nor nonsense. she had a fangirl crush on him, she got to know him better and she liked him and she thought she was about to bloody die. if I was in her place I also would kiss the guy I like if anything to know I’ve done it.
on the other side, he needed to talk to someone he didn’t know already and to show him a different side of things and who made him realize that the resistance was more than single people he might have cared for or not going against the big bad evil, which was what made him finally stop running. he didn’t kiss her back but it’s nice that he gets it from someone who likes him genuinely, especially coming after a life of dehumanization.
so it wasn’t nonsense, it was a plot decision you can like or not but saying it was out of left field or made no sense or was nonsensical is not a thing I can agree with because imo it was very well-developed and like in a life or death situation I would probably try to kiss the guy I liked, and rose liking finn was already introduced from the moment she showed up and then she just got to like him as the person he was rather than the supposed *legend* or whatever, which... is... nice. it’s normal. it happens. why the hell should it be nonsensical?
ah, because it was heteronormative and apparently if het ships happen it’s bad because they’re heterosexual, which is like, typical tumblr drivel and sorry but nah.
(now, before I go into it: if it had been rey kissing finn, would people be crying about heteronormative nonsense? idk. just a thought. and guess what, for me finn/rey is like, the most platonic shit in existence and I can’t see the two of them kissing romantically and it making any sense so we all see it differently, but if it had happened I’d have shrugged and moved on with my life. anyway.)
listen, guys, let’s be freaking real, as much as tumblr likes to think the contrary, straight/heterosexual people make up 90% of the demographic. heteronormativity is normativity because nine people on ten are straight. the problem is when heteronormativity is seen as the only default. the point is that if you want to counteract that you have to push to normalize relationships that are not heteronormative and make sure they’re seen as a valid alternative to the norm, but you can’t honestly go and say that heteronormativity is in itself statistically wrong because it’s not, nor that it’s in itself inherently wrong because then you pass the message that if you’re straight you’re *wrong* and honestly from a website where the message that people think they’re passing is that *you aren’t -wrong- for your sexuality I’m really tired to see that it’s valid for everything except straight people. because it’s really fun to go online and wade through posts on posts of people joking about how if you’re straight you’re Bad, you have no tastes, you’re not a good lay if you’re a man and should date women anyway if you’re a woman and everything bad in the world is the fault of you horrible straight person and ah, wait, being straight is also boring and who would choose to be straight -
except that you don’t choose your sexuality. no, I didn’t choose mine either. (yes, I’m straight if it wasn’t clear, and I’m getting progressively pissed off at this attitude. actually I’ve gone past the point of pissed off, but never mind that.
so like, now apparently if a heterosexual ship happens it’s all because they wanted to cater to the straight crowd and it’s all nonsense just because it’s a man and a woman locking lips!
and like, fuck, no. this idea that finnrose is inherently nonsense because it’s *heteronormative* and they pushed finn on a WOMAN THAT’S NOT REY is.... sorry, I know you didn’t mean it like that and I don’t wanna sound like an asshole, but if you say that rey would have been cool and rose isn’t then WHY, I mean isn’t rose okay enough? good enough? I mean I’ve read some stuff on *my ship’s* tag which was reeking racism because rose was apparently a downgrade and rey was the only option they could accept *if finn had to be with a woman* and honestly, no?? that’s... like... no??? I find it really rich coming from people who ship... a pairing.... made of nonwhite people.... at least for US standards (yeah I ship finn/poe mainly and this movie has made me block half of the tag for the finnrose vitriol IMAGINE HOW NICE). and IT ONLY HAPPENED SO THEY COULD CANCEL THE GAY COUPLE is like... a) it wasn’t gonna happen in the MIDDLE movie anyway esp. a franchise that gets distributed in countries where the gay couple would mean a ban/the movie not getting released (like, we do remember the beauty and the beat wank over damned lefou for what, ten seconds of him dancing with a dude??), b) means that finn’s sl would have had any worth just if he and poe made out (and same for poe) which basically means reducing their storylines to them making out? like, that’s... really.... sad? they only have worth as characters if they make out? sorry, I can’t really rally behind that. I care about them as characters and I loved their sl this movie and if they don’t kiss WHATEVER, 99% of the m/m couples I shipped in my life stayed not canon and it never changed my life, even if they were in relationships with women. that’s why fanfic exists. maybe next movie we’re getting it (because anyway rose kissed finn, he didn’t kiss back or anything so it can go there or it can’t and whichever way it goes I’m okay with it) maybe we’re not, but saying that their existence is useless if they don’t kiss or bang or aren’t *gay* just reeks of tokenism to me and the fact that finnrose is being described as heteronormative bullshit made to appease the r/eylo people or to deny people finn/poe is really not a thing I can rally behind either.
like, again, there’s nothing NONSENSE behind it and the fact that you attached heteronormative to it again means that the problem with it is that it’s an heterosexual ship and given that it had all reasons for existing and that, again, I’m really fucking tired of every straight relationship in new media getting thrown at the wolves just because it’s straight and being straight on tumblr is Very Bad TM so... sorry. it’s not. and like, if according to you it was just *nonsense* fine, you didn’t like it, legit, but heteronormative nonsense? really? can we just.... not... frame it as if anything heteronormative or heterosexual or straight is The Worst especially since on top of that finnrose is actually pretty progressive as a thing? I mean, when was the last time you saw a main black lead in an immensely popular scifi franchise that everyone and their kids watch in a relationship with an asian woman? never. like, it’s progressive, too, not the same way finn/poe is but progressive nonetheless, so... like... can’t we just let this goddamned ship live and be the cute thing it was without splitting hairs?
because sorry but again the fact that the main objections I’ve seen were a) IT’S STRAIGHT AND NOT GAY, b) he’s kissing rose and not rey IF WE HAD TO HAVE A STRAIGHT SHIP, c) IT’S PROREYLO AND ANTISTORMPILOT which.... uuughhh. like, can’t y’all take things the way they are? (nvm that I could rant for three hours about how r*ylo was like, written to happen and the fact that people don’t want to recognize that a villain has a personality is another entire problem but never mind.) it’s a cute ship. it happens to be straight. it’s also fairly progressive in itself. it was put on a good (imo) storyline which made sense and everything poor rose did was kissing the dude she liked after saving his life and thinking she was about to die. lay off her, pls?
last thing: since - we all guessed it by now - I happen to be straight can... y’all... please... not send me asks about how shitty heteronormative ships are and the likes? I mean, I know it’s a problem in a lot of cases and I’m more than willing to call it out if it’s obviously done maliciously but this wasn’t the case and I’m honestly tired of this STRAIGHTS ARE TERRIBLE drivel and HETERONORMATIVITY IS INHERENTLY BAD drivel and so on. especially when it’s about a thing I don’t actively ship but liked (finnrose) and then I have to go into my ship’s tag (f/p) and see it trashed to hell and back and read posts over posts about how they fucked up f/p for THE STRAIGHTS when I’d be the first person to offer the entire cinema a beer if it actually was canon. like, I’d be overjoyed if it was. but not at the cost of being assholes to other people who ship other things or at the cost of trashing on this movie for things that don’t exist or deny both of those two’s character arcs because at the end of it THEY AREN’T GAY. (as if they couldn’t be bi or pan, but of course anything that implies that someone could be in a rship with someone of the different sex is okay just as long as the relationship isn’t with someone of a different sex. like. please guys. no.)
last thing: don’t take this rant personally anon I’m sure you meant well, but you just touched on a thing that is really irking me lately and my hand slipped. I’m really meaning no ill will I’m just really tired of this HORRIBLE HETERONORMATIVE complaints thrown around like candy because of course everyone has feelings and shouldn’t be insulted except straight people because they are the majority so they can go die in a fire as far as tumblr cares. peace.
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nanigma · 7 years
Ive been meaning to apologize to you properly i really did not wanted to get under your skin but i have just word things real poorly which makes me sound real arrogant. Hope you can forgive me and if not i'll just get out of your way and wish you the best
First of all, “Gays are disgusting and should not exist” was NOT the intention. But using the word “insult” though true for some, was an insult in itself. For that I must apologise. Initially the ask was more than 5 times longer, but character limitations meant many cuts, changes and it got more blunt in order to fit. Then I got tired and sent it as is, I’m sorry for that too. So I have done what I should have in the last ask; split it (whether you intend to carry on reading or not). This is 1/6
2/6. Wouldn’t IS give the option for characters to choose from either gender if that were the case? They could exchange half the S-supports with ones of the same gender and keep the overall amount for constraint concerns, or laziness. The fact that it is made in Japan who still withholds traditionalism and by mostly older men who grew up in that environment supports this theory.     
3/6. Even for fictional characters fans like to delve into every aspect of characters as if they were real. It helps to know all about them to write about them. So I assumed your thoughts on Leo were concrete; doesn’t help that your analysis of characters are logical and that others say similar too, so it feels like heterosexuals are looked down on or overshadowed by LGBT that has taken the media by storm. This is where my questions arose from. I guess this is what LGBT community have felt.             
4/6. I don’t recall many LGBT events in the medieval era, but in the ancient times of Romans and Celts they existed as the norm. Since the subject was mostly about Leo I was asking in terms of royalty as well, for their line that must carry on it seems to make more sense for heterosexual relationships to be the norm - anything outside of that can go on whichever path they like because they aren’t restrained by royal duties or for some social barriers.
5/6. If I could change Camilla’s armour I would, along with Charlotte’s, Nyx, Kagero, Ophelia, the berserker and Oni classes and do something with Orochi’s top. I would also give F!Corrin leggings like her male counterpart, and make them better in the story that matches with their support conversations so people would stop bullying them. I blame the developers for that. But even if I could change it the damage is done, and people will continue to hate.
6/6. (It seems that you can only ask 5 times before waiting around an hour) And I guess I do have a case of homophobia, its something that I’m still trying to understand and get used to. Though not outright crushing, I do appreciate some of the same gender. Is this what you mean by “…fall in some place in-between.”? Then yes, this would relate to everyone. 
(Very long answer below the cut)
Like I said yesterday, I really appreciated this ask (series) and know how much courage it must have taken you to do so (yes, even on anon). I do admit, that some of the things you said really got under my skin, but that was mostly because it’s a very sensitive topic for me, not because your ask was particularly hostile. It was worded very.. unfortunately, true, but I could tell you weren’t outright malicious. You also caught me at a bad time I guess.
1) I didn’t actually think you were trying to say that, but I feel it’s the feeling behind the word “insult”. Of course, you didn’t intend that word either, butI didn’t back then. I just feel that being “offended” (only word I can find right now) by someone elses private headcanon (of a character being bi in this case), is, well, that person’s own problem.. As long they aren’t trying to force their headcanon on others, people are entitled to believe whatever they want about a character. If you really cannot deal with seeing someone elses’ headcanon, unfollow that person or ask them to tag the posts that talk about it. Ultimately, people should be able to talk about their interpretations on their private blogs, and it’s on you to avoid whatever you cannot deal with.
2) Again, whatever Intsys thinks or intended about the characters doesn’t affect my headcanons.. that’s literally the definition of it. Something that is canon to me, and not canon canon. I am sure they didn’t intend for Leon to be viewed as LGBT, but they know that catering to fangirls is a straight way to $$$, so they probably think of adding bi options in the first place as fanservice or something. I am definitely calling Death of the Author on this one. Their intentions matter zilch to me when I analyze the game. It’s only fair, since my opinion, on it’s own, matters zilch to them either, and I doubt I am going to convince them of making Leo bi in canon. My only way to respond is sharing headcanons which I feel make sense with the established facts… not rewriting the script. I don’t see how I am not allowed to do that because it’s not official canon. Most of fandom is build on headcanons, and I am sure you have your own ideas about a story that the author either didn’t specify or clearly didn’t intend. We are’t just mindlessly consuming media like gospel. Each and every one of us walks away with a different interpretation of it. And I think that can be very beautiful and sometimes even better than what happened in canon.
3) My thoughts on Leon, are that his relationships with men are very close in a way that’s more relaxed and feels more intimate to me than with many of his S-ranks. Part of that has to do with not being reminded of Camilla, but I also feel like there is something he shares with Takumi in particular that he doesn’t with anyone else. If you interpret it as friendship, that’s fine by me. I just think there’s something else to it, and I love being able to explore it in fandom. There are certainly people in the fandom that bash hetero couples, but I find a lot of the time those people are straight themselves and often in it to fetishize gay people/relationships anyway. But for those who don’t do this… you have to understand fandom is a tiny bubble compared to the mainstream audiences. It’s a safe haven for many, who can get pretty aggressive in defending what they believe is “their turf”. Because outside of it.. if you say a certain character is gay/bi/other you’ll get disbelief at best and outright hostility at worst. LGBT are alienated from many places, so they tend to be very concentrated wherever they aren’t. Doesn’t mean it’s a good thing to try and drive out others of course. I do have “straight” ships myself, and I am always annoyed when people try to prevent me from shipping them. (As you can tell, I am very adamant on being allowed to “do my own thing” no matter which side).
4) There were multiple non-straight monarchs in medieval times (though opinions vary of course and records are fragmented from those times). Like William II (either gay or ace) or Edward II (probably bi or gay) to name only English examples. Of course, producing an heir is always an issue for royalty, (or aristocrats in general) and it’s certainly interesting to think of Leon being faced with it, which more than one fic has explored in the past. He may deal with it like Philippe, Duke of Orléans did: Fathering kids in an arranged marriage while having male lovers. Or relying on Xander and his sisters (whose offspring are still considered royalty) to keep the line going. Birthright is the only scenario where he is outright forced to have an heir himself, and again, that doesn’t exclude potential lovers, though I admit I don’t imagine him taking one in that route.
5) So you agree the developer’s can be very frustrating sometimes haha;; Anyway, I mainly just pulled out Camilla as an example for unrealistic armour, because I am so used to people who pull the medieval argument being very selective when it comes to the stuff (such as certain GOT fans ardently defending the sexism as historical, but not batting an eye at shaved armpits and anachronistic dresses). My point was that Fates is in a fantasy world and does not adhere to medieval standards in multiple ways, nor does it have to since it’s explicitly not a historical documentary (though I do wish they’d tone down the fanservice too). It just can’t be judged by them, since it’s a product of the 21st century.
6) Being able to admit that is already a good sign, since it involves a lot of self-reflection. I am sure it’s hard to overcome one’s ingrained beliefs, and it takes a lot of time, but I think you are on the right track. So long as you try to keep an open mind about things and educate yourself I am sure you’ll continue to make progress. And yes, I think that most people experience some form of “attraction” (sexual or romantic) for either gender, just to varying degrees. I am glad I could explain this to you, and thank you for taking the time to consider it. 
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violetemerald · 7 years
(the formatting is kinda messed up but I’m on mobile and it’s the best i can do. Sometimes separate bullet points aren’t showing up where they should, etc. Sorry.)
I was tagged by @peppersandcats to choose 3 fandoms and answer the questions.
Shameless US, Prison Break, and The 100
(These are the three shows I most recently found myself watching a bunch of episodes in a row for in order to finally, way late after being spoiled thoroughly via fanvideos, catch up on the newest seasons. And I am 100% caught up on them all now, yay.)
i. the first character i loved Well gosh aren’t I boring and predictable here? I love the main characters lol…
Fiona Gallagher
Michael Scofield
Clarke Griffin (to be fair also fell instantly for Raven the second she became a character.)
Shameless arguably is an ensemble without one main lead but. Fiona is kinda more of a main character overall than a lot of the siblings, especially from what I remember of the pilot. Even The 100 is eventually not that much “Clarke’s show”, but people embrace that she’s the lead protagonist if you’re picking only one, yes? She certainly started the pilot and ended the most recent season finale all on her own.
ii. the character i never expected to love so much
hmm… there are so many directions I could go with this. I can’t remember the beginning of my experience with Shameless well enough to be sure of what I was thinking exactly, but I must’ve not expected to love Mickey initially, and more recently I didn’t expect to love Trevor (Ian’s newest boyfriend) so VERY much. No one on Tumblr or YouTube in the fandom cares at all but like. He’s amazing?? So let’s say those 2 for now.
T-Bag? Lol s5 has corrupted me.
probably Monty. His emotional depth and importance as a character snuck up on me.
iii. the character i relate to the most
oh idk it depends on the season and the aspect of them that we’re talking about. It’s one of the 4 oldest siblings for sure, or all of them, lol… I just wrote up too much stuff then deleted it all kinda by accident. Whatever. I guess I relate to bits and pieces of Debbie, Ian, Lip, and Fiona and that is why I like the show so much . Because at least at times, I do relate to most of them. But really I don’t relate to any in that full of a way and I’m not sure I can even pick 1 I’m closest to.
None?? Idk relating to characters on Prison Break seems hard if I really think about it. Maybe Veronica. Or LJ. Thinking back to season 1. They’re both pretty relatable characters on some levels. They are meant to be, on the outside of it all, normal people. But they have good hearts.
relating to characters in a sci-fi futuristic dystopia/apocalypse/war… not actually very easy for me. Lol. Maybe Monty or Clarke?? Personality wise, even sexuality wise as people were headcanoning Monty as asexual before the newest season and Clarke is bisexual (I’m a biromantic-ish ace)… Yeah idk.
iv. the character i’d slap
Frank is the cockroach they keep trying to kill or at least keep out of their house for a reason… so obviously him. But I have no expectations or hopes with Frank. I think mainly Lip is most often who I feel frustrated with, who is too stubborn and who self sabotages and who hurts Fiona too much with what he says to her.
all the characters on Prison Break are either a) cinnamon rolls who don’t deserve slapping or b) people that beyond deserve it but they’d kill me and my entire family if I did. Lol. I therefore don’t think I “would” slap most of the scary criminal types on this show, and picking just one is hard.
Jaha? Yes repeatedly Thelonias Jaha really upsets me. Every single season.
v. three favorite characters (in order of preference)
Lip, Fiona, Ian, not sure about that order really. Debbie is close too.
Michael, Lincoln… Sucre? He really is the sweetest guy, they named him very deliberately lol. Also though Sid. I fell for him in s5 in Sucre’s absence?
Raven, Bellamy, Clarke, probably yes that order. I’m mainly thinking of the most recent season though for Bellamy.
vi. a character i liked at first but not anymore
Probably Mandy. I really don’t forgive her for her attempted murder and severely permanently hurting Karen… among other things?
Well… in season 5 Jacob Ness for sure, I so wanted to believe Sara’s new husband was this wonderful amazing guy… Even just for storytelling reasons it would be so much more interesting if she never stopped loving Michael, of course, but she also was fully in love with someone new…
hmm I’m not sure. This is harder than I thought for The 100. Probably Finn i liked quite a bit more at his start than his end lol. Idk. I’m pretty hard to fully turn against characters perhaps, and it’s just complicated on this show, so complicated. Abby I care about a lot less than I once did actually.
vii. a character i did not like at first but now do
I don’t remember my initial impressions that well either even thoughi rewatch parts of season 1 for vidding fairly regularly lol. I think Carl has grown on me a lot. Karen too, perhaps. I think most characters were pretty lovable early into their arcs though, or not meant to evet be liked.
Lincoln Burrows I didn’t dislike or anything but he certainly grew on me a lot, slowly becoming more and more lovable?
I need to rewatch to remember what characters were like in the beginning but I think Kane, Bellamy, maybe Murphy (idk how much I like him now but more than i did), etc.
vii. 3 OTPs
this is complicated to limit to three because there are so many options. I love the fact that Debbie seems content to marry Neil and have a nonsexual relationship with him even though they’re both straight. So they’re a new ship I support, Neil/Debbie. Actually many of the main ships this season were strong and I’m rooting for them into s8 when it comes out though. Lip/Sierra is my realistic shipping them now situation, although not perfect, and Ian/Trevor!! Yes these two mean the world to me. I don’t know about “OTP” though. Those are 3 so I’ll stop… But I have a love/ hate relationship towards pretty much every canon sexual relationship on the series… and I say sexual because half the time it’s not necessarily romantic…
3 ships. On this show??? The whole beauty of it is really all the platonic love lol. I like Michael/Sara yes, Lincoln/Sheba… and I vaguely remember at the end of season 4 rooting a little for Lincoln/Sofia too. And well, bonus #4 ship… thinking about season 5, Sid/his first lover should’ve been allowed to survive happily ever after.
canon? Maybe just Clarke/Lexa. (Vaguely i once shipped Clarke/Wells but they killed him off in like ep 3 so.) AU though… I’ve been shipping Kane/Jaha slash since the pilot lol, maybe to spite actor Isaiah Washington who plays Jaha but got fired from Grey’s Anatomy for being homophobic but really because the two men totally seem in love to me. And I shipped Clarke/Raven as soon as Raven landed on the ground, as soon as Clarke saw the guy she’d just slept with kissing Raven and decided to still smile at Raven and be genuinely glad she survived…
Most canon The 100 ships I enjoy a little.
Sorry if this was way too long. I had fun answering though! I know you’re already tagged, @quarticmoose, but I too would like to see your answers…
I’m not sure who to tag. @nickneedstherapy, @bookgirlfan, @purrplelace, @zserb really anyone who wants to be tagged please just let me know and I’ll add you or just. Do it anyway!
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crimsonrevolt · 7 years
Tumblr media
Congratulations Katelyn you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Marlene McKinnon!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Oh my goodness, your application immediately reminded me of all the reasons I love Marlene. Even from your jumping off section on why you chose her, it was clear to me how much you care for her as a character and how much development you could bring to her! And all your answers, along with the para sample, painted a really vivid picture in my head on who your Marlene is. I think she’ll bring something really needed to our dash, especially given everything that she’s dealing with at the moment, and I can’t wait to see what you do with her!
application beneath the cut; tw: ptsd (in para sample)
Katelyn, 23, EST
I work a full time job and juggle some school work on top of that, so I’d give myself a good 7 out of ten when it comes to activity. I’ll try to get on at least once everyday, but if that can’t be managed it’ll be every other day for sure!
*removed for privacy
Marlene McKinnon tag
I wouldn’t necessarily say I identify with him most, but my favorite character is definitely Sirius Black. I fell in love with the Black family the second they were brought up and continue to love them with all of my heart.
Marlene Elspeth McKinnon
Freya Mavor is good with me!
Oh goodness. My love for Marlene dates back to years ago when I first started roleplaying – not just in the Marauders Era, but the very first time I gave writing a character a shot. I had read the books, but it had been so long I completely forgot she was a canon character until I stumbled across my blonde haired firecracker in the Marauders RP tag. She is definitely one of the first characters I look to when I check out a roleplay, and I was so excited to find that she’s open here.
I cannot actually tell you how many times I’ve played Marlene, and it’s usually different every time with the heart still being in the same place. Maybe the reason I automatically felt so attached to her character is because the way I play her I see a piece of her in myself. (Though, you can definitely take that in a good or bad way – depending on what piece we’re talking about.) She’s such a loving person, even if she doesn’t know how to always show it. Marlene feels everything so deeply that she doesn’t always know what to do with all of the emotion she has inside of her. For a girl who tries to show the world that she can just shrug everything off she really is pretty shitty at it – though she’s better at fooling others than herself, especially as of late.
How can anyone take her as an emotionless character? Her smile lights up her entire face and practically glows for everyone to see. Marlene’s laugh rings out – loud enough that people don’t even have to be in the same room with her to not only hear her joy, but also feel it. But with great emotion comes with the flip side. When she’s angry she’s absolutely livid. Marlene warns people to get out of her way when she’s losing her temper. And then when she’s sad she’s distraught, often one to lock herself away for hours so nobody is there to witness any tears that are more than likely going to fall. She’s not one that’s able to control her emotions well, but if I’m being honest that’s something I absolutely love about her.
I hardly ever go into a roleplay with preferred ships just because Marlene has never been a character who allows that. It’s not that she doesn’t believe in love – in fact she is one of the biggest undercover hopeless romantics you’ll ever meet. It’s quite a shock to most because Marlene is the type of person that would laugh off things and say love isn’t worth the heartache, but it’s more towards herself than the actual idea of love itself. She just doesn’t think it’s meant for her because Marlene couldn’t see herself settling down with someone – she’d just hurt them in the end.
As for her preference…well, she’d say as long as the person is fun and attractive it doesn’t really matter to her. Marlene wouldn’t use a label, but for the purpose of it I’d say she’s pansexual. She just likes anyone she can have a good time with.
For gender she is a female and uses she/her pronouns.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
It took her a second to think about, though her mouth opened almost automatically to say something funny or lighthearted. That would be a go to for Marlene, but with such a serious question dropped at her feet she took a moment to think of something useful – something that might actually help her. If one was to ask her a year ago the answer would’ve been something different – probably something to do with alcohol, but a lot can happen in a year.
“I’d probably go with a charm that can remove someone’s ability to do magic,” she admitted, almost quietly as if she was ashamed that was her answer. Marlene wasn’t ashamed, of course, the blonde girl was so rarely ashamed of anything. However, she was lost in thought. “Though that could certainly be used against us, but it’d solve a lot of problems in the war. Less death, I guess. Not that everyone even deserves to live anyway.” She certainly had a list of people the world would be better without.
Shoulders lifted in a halfhearted shrug and within seconds the bright smile Marlene was so well known for was back. “After that, however, I want something that’ll just make alcohol come to me the second I want it. I don’t have a name for it yet. I wanna be drunk when I come up with it – reckon it’ll make for a better spell that way.”
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
“I don’t think anyone would want to be stuck in the Forbidden Forest with me. I’d drive them mental,” she joked with a laugh, but given the person it could be taken seriously. Marlene was the type of person someone either loved or hated – the was no in between. “I’d probably take Marcus just because he’s forced to deal with me, and then a comfy blanket.” She gave a bored look, already moving on from the question. “I get cold easily and you never said the person I bring with me can’t pick an object of their choosing. Even so I hate being cold.”
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
“Mum says I shouldn’t be trusted with any serious decision,” Marlene quipped automatically, and she herself would agree with that more often than not. She hated making any decision that could have any big altercation – at least she hated being given time to think about it. She had always been an impulsive person, so if Marlene was just thrown into something it wouldn’t be too hard for her because her natural instinct was to act first and think about repercussions later.
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
That was an easy one. “That I had no significance – that I was boring,” Marlene answered honestly. There were a lot of things that could be said about the blonde, a lot of insults that could so easily be shrugged off and contemplated as true sometimes even by Marlene herself. She was irrational, a bitch, too stubborn, and an endless list of ever things. However, boring wasn’t one of them. The biggest insult anyone could ever say was she didn’t make an impact on life. You only live once so you might as well make the most of it – that had always been something she lived by so strongly. “I may be a lot of things, but I’m sure as hell not boring, mate.”
*tw PTSD*
With a startled shriek that woke Marlene from her sleep she learned the horrifically high-pitched noise came from her own mouth. Lips closed tightly upon such a discovery and she even went as far as placing her hand over her mouth as her gaze swept the darkness which cloaked her room, her sleepy gaze only able to make out the familiar shapes of furniture and dirty clothes scattered over the floor. Nobody could ever accuse Marlene of being a tidy person, but at that moment that’s not what she was focusing on. Instead as blue eyes continued to frantically search her surroundings there was only one discovery.
Nobody was there.
The sound came again and blonde haired girl reached for her wand which laid on the cluttered bedside table. With the piece of wood gripped tightly in her hand she blindly pushed the sheets from her body and got up, not being bothered by the feel of cold wood on her bare feet or the chill upon her legs. Marlene never slept in anything more than an oversized t-shirt – not the most attractive thing to wear to bed, but she had always been a confident enough girl. The only reason she’d find regret in her sleepwear at this point was it wasn’t the most logical thing to wear in a fight – or to wear during an escape. Not that she was one to change habits, but once upon a time Marlene McKinnon wouldn’t have thought like that. Then again she probably wasn’t the only one who had to think along such lines these days.
There was a war.
With one foot in front of the other the blonde girl slowly walked to the door which lead to the sitting room in her small flat. It wasn’t much, but it was something Marlene could afford and a place to call home. It was something of her own, a place she had never felt threatened in. Until now that is.
Marlene quickly checked the bathroom and then the kitchen, coming up empty in both rooms. Her feet stopped her in the middle of the kitchen, becoming more away of the cold tile underneath her feet and she struggled to adjust to the darkness around her and make out something which could be causing the noise which startled her from a usually rather dead sleep.
This time another sound followed, one that eased her paranoia. Laughter – a sound Marlene was familiar with all too well. It then occurred to her that the noise was coming from the floor below and with a sigh she dropped her head, blonde curls falling messily in her face as she willed the tension to leave her body.
“Bloody hell,” she muttered to herself, setting her wand on the counter which held a few dirty dishes which needed to be washed. “It’s just the pub.” That’s what she got when she lived above the pub she worked at, but once upon a time she liked the lively nature. When she wasn’t working she was usually drinking, though that night she tucked herself in early because she didn’t sleep well the night before. Now she started to think maybe her decision wasn’t the best, but she wasn’t going to pack up and leave just because she got scared. Fuck – s c a r e d. All because a drunken patron went bump in the night. Was that all it took now?
She hadn’t woke up in a cold sweat in weeks and because of that Marlene thought she was free, but apparently not. A wise man once told her they wouldn’t be free until the war was done – not that she agreed to such a statement. Marlene lived as the poster girl from freedom, and that meant free from her demons even if they insisted on shackling her more and more as of late. Well, tying her down and making her scared would take more than an unfortunate situation and scary noises in the night. She didn’t want to jump at the monsters that go ‘boo’ – she wouldn’t.
This time Marlene rolled her eyes and pushed her hair back before reaching for a bottle: whiskey. The Devil’s poison some would say, be she reckoned her Devil drank such a liquid many times before. Maybe she’d even drink with him someday.
The Hufflepuff Alumna brought the rim of the bottle to her lips and tipped it back, tasting the familiar liquor on her tongue before she swallowed. She repeated the process again and again as she walked back to her room, her gaze going to the window. Stars filled the night and Marlene smiled to herself, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. Maybe not the healthiest way to handle a problem, but it was the way she knew nonetheless.
“Cheers, mate,” she said, a cruel smile making it’s way to her lips as she lifted the bottle. “Another time means one less now in the future.” With that Marlene set the bottle on her bedside table and climbed back into bed.
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