#anyway fun little thing though I’m currently not sure what exactly inspired it? Lol
1d1195 · 6 days
okay part two lol THE SUNFLOWER EXTRA WAS SO ADORABLE I LOVED IT!! I thought it was so cute that it was set up in a way where we were getting Harry’s pov and how he was reminiscing their first date! It was a really cute way of incorporating their current dynamic while still giving us how their first date went! It was so cute😭 loved the fluffiness of it all!! Harry is just so cute in this! Like him being super early to pick her up and just watching her was soooo 😭 I feel like fluff can be overlooked sometimes so this was just absolutely such a sweet little read! ANWAYS bestie loved it as always!
Now I saw your post about the next couple of extras and I have some thoughts/questions that’s may help! NOW DONT FEEL OBLIGATED TO EVEN REMOTELY LIKE THEM AND TAHTS OKAY IF YOU DONT!!! You’re their creator and in the end you know best!
Okay so I am a neighbors STAN so I would accept anything for them lol though I do understand wanting to take a break from the concept of dadrry so I understand wanting to space them out! Traditional Harry is sooo always so INSANE in a good way so that would be nice to read too!
If you’re foaming at the mouth to write a Most check in… BESTIE I SUPPORT WRITTING THEM BC IF YOURE GOING CRAZY I WILL DIE!! Obviously only if you feel inspired lol and same goes with Dolcezza!
Okay now with Yours, you said you imagined them getting back together so how would that exactly go? Harry is famous in this so would the transition be easy or immediate? Do they do a co-parenting thing for awhile(bc technically that’s being in both their lives) and solely focus on the baby? Or do they have a little miscommunication with how their dynamic will be, are they going to work it out romantically?
In the ask you mentioned a ring so a cute engagement proposal would be cute if you feel up for it! MFT could be angsty with how both are in their final year(I think they if not I will simply have to reread 😊) and maybe they think about what the next “level” of their relationship looks like? DING omg idk what I would suggest tbh lol only bc I can see the Cupcake still not being able to open up like emotionally yet and maybe it’s like a rough patch in their relationship and that comes up? Idk why all I can think for them is angst lol
ANYWAYS!!! These are just ideas you obviously don’t have to do any of them and I’m sure you’ll create something far more magical!!-💜
I felt like I had been writing a lot of first date moments recently and I was like I need another angle. So I figured it would be nice to be like "no they're like really a couple and very cutesy" and still make them have the fluffy first date jitters kind of thing. Glad you loved it! 💕
Don't get me wrong, I would love to do a Neighbors update but yeah, I'm going to hold off because we're mid-dadrry and not getting rid of them till October either. I'm thinking something like DECEMBER for them 😭 (I have two outlined/planned extras for Neighbors!) and I ALWAYS have a Traditional extra ready to go (there are four outlined/planned extras left in my drafts!)
I'm kinda hoping I can do Most tbh but also hoping I can wait until October? That would be ideal. I'm trying to stockpile ideas and drafts and pieces because like I mentioned it's going to be busy in October 😭 Dolcezza would be fun too I think I relate most to her so it's pretty easy to whip up some emotional stuff and whatnot for them (although as I mentioned I have a smutty idea for them--or maybe at least part-smut 🤭)
Your questions for all of the next ones are SO helpful!
I like the idea of Yours NOT being an easy transition. Miscommunication? Here for it. (Spoiler/not spoiler, they're going to work out romantically 😉) Next level of MFT relationship would be LOVELY especially in their last year! Ding angst is also my favorite kind of angst I def relate to her a lot as well and it's easy for me to feel angsty hahahaha
Thank you for all your ideas! I sincerely appreciate it! I was hoping for a little more feedback on it but I guess since it wasn't a clear cut poll I didn't really do anyone any favors 🤷‍♀️ but that's okay. I appreciate the feedback I got 💕 Thank you as always!
0 notes
hey you guys, here is a little something i’ve been working on! it’s going to be quite long so apologies, but i am going to eventually post it on wattpad too! enjoy!
(this piece revolves around thomastair, but is NOT thomastair only. they are going to be the main theme, but i don’t like writing pieces only on a ship. also it’s gonna be good anyways bc it has drunk and pining charles at one point)
A NOTE: i realised there is a problem. if i wrote the entire thing in a tumblr post, it will be far too long. but it also isn’t long enough for a work. i have decided i will upload in different parts. please let me know if after reading this you are still interested! if not, that’s fine and i’ll probably post it to wattpad lol. but i haven’t written in a while now and i am scared it’s not as good lol. anyways here u go
desc: in which christopher decides that everyone needs a pick me up after recent events, and concludes that the best way to do so is to hold a talent show at the institute. what could possibly happen?
Alastair scrunched up yet another ball of paper and threw it atop the ever increasing pile beside his desk. He had been trying for days- no, weeks now, to write a letter to Thomas. Despite feeling that he did the right thing in walking away, he could not scratch the feeling that he had hurt him. He wanted at least to apologise, and to let him know he believed it was the best decision for them both.
But was it? Alastair could not lie to himself. He did not feel as good as he thought he would. I’m doing this for his sake, he thought. He is more important to me than I will ever be to myself.
“So, what do you think?”
Alastair looked up. He’d almost forgotten about the ‘Talent Show’ Christopher Lightwood was arranging at the Institute. He was actually considering turning up to prove the point that he was not going to accept Matthew’s ill treatment of him, but he had little energy and currently could not be bothered to waste time on him. He knew that Cordelia was going. She and Lucie had chosen to audition together. They were going to act out a scene from ‘The Beautiful Cordelia’, with Lucie as Cordelia and his sister as one of her many lovers Lucie provided her with.
She was wearing his clothes.
“I think you look utterly mad. In a pleasant way, of course.” It was true. Cordelia looked amazing in his clothes. Not as good as he did, but a close second.
“Thank you, oh cheerful brother of mine. Are you quite alright? There is a rather large pile of paper beside you. Not to mention you look as if your eyes have cried the tears of the earth’s oceans,” she replied. There was the usual sibling tone of mockery in her voice, but also a tone of genuine concern. Alastair looked at himself in the window and realised Cordelia was right; he must have been crying, though he had no recollection of doing so.
“I am fine. Go and have fun. You deserve to, after this gargantuan mess.”
“Alastair, I am not stupid. I know when you are hurting. And what’s that on your desk?” she asked. Before he could stop her, Cordelia had made her way across the room and grabbed the piece of paper sitting in front of him. Alastair had not realised it, but he had written a few of his earlier thoughts on the page.
Cordelia frowned as she read out loud, “‘He is more important to me than I will ever be to myself.’ Alastair, I swear on all of the angels if this is about Ch-“
“It isn’t! It isn’t. I...well I suppose it’s just thoughts. Feelings.”
Cordelia was not having it. “If it’s not about him, who is it about?”
“Well, if you want a clue, his friend is the reason I cannot be at all bothered to attend tonight.”
Cordelia thought, and there was a long pause. She furrowed her brow. She seemed to be remembering something. “It’s not...is it Thomas?”
Alastair closed his eyes, as if the name pained him. “How did you guess?”
Cordelia had to admit; she wasn’t entirely sure. But a few observations she’d made over the past months had made her think. She remembered the time on the bridge when Thomas refused to show his tattoo- until Alastair had asked to see it. The time at Anna’s, when she had asked everyone what names they would want and Thomas had quietly admitted he would want only one, never saying who.
The time she and her brother had been speaking with Charles, only for her to notice Thomas had been staring at them.
“I don’t know. Sisterly instincts, I suppose. Do you want to tell me about it? Actually, no, hold on. I will not give you the option. You bottle up far too much, Alastair. Please, pray tell me, what this is about?”
Alastair sat for a moment, unsure where to start. “You remember the day, don’t you? When I defended Thomas in the Sanctuary? It starts long before that; but I fear if I tell it all you may miss out on your night. I had said that I followed him because you were fond of him. That was...” He trailed off. The words were not leaving his mouth. Cordelia smiled sympathetically. “It was only part of the truth. I came to find that I myself was indeed...quite fond of him. And I was afraid that if he went out alone with a murderer on the loose, something would happen. I couldn’t bear the thought of it being my fault; I have done enough damage. When I saw him being arrested I panicked and did the only rational thing I could think of.”
Cordelia raised her eyebrow. “Follow him the whole way to the Sanctuary risking getting caught by the Inquisitor, then further increase your risk of getting caught by sneaking into the Institute and hiding until you were needed?”
“What can I say?” her brother replied, seeming distant. “You do...odd things, when you care about someone.”
“Alastair, you risked your own safety doing what you did as well. I do not know what on earth I would do if something had happened to you without my knowledge.”
“My dear Layla. When one’s heart is so encompassed with love for another, rationality is quite frankly defenestrated.”
“What exactly does ‘defenestrated’ mean?”
“Thrown out the window,” Alastair replied, matter-of-factly. Cordelia moved towards the door of his room, realising she had to leave soon. “I only want to ask one more question. Is Thomas aware of your feelings for him?”
Alastair laughed to himself. “Quite. In fact, in the Sanctuary, I discovered that being held in confinement with someone who is as handsome as he is kind can result in interesting outcomes.”
Cordelia mocked a gasp. “Alastair Esfandiyār Carstairs, did you spend that whole night-“
“Ah ah! An honourable man does not kiss and tell.”
Cordelia’s eyes widened. “YOU KI-“
“Fine! Quieten down, lest mother is given a heart attack! Look, what happened is staying between us only. But I can tell you this; we did have a long conversation, in which he told me that he liked men. He also told me how he had figured that out; turns out that it was essentially me. I was quite shocked, because I thought he was referring to our school days when he mentioned feelings for me. I was, however, promptly proven wrong, shall we say.”
Cordelia’s face burst into a grin, before she sensed there was something else to the story. “Wait. What happened? What did you tell him?”
“You must understand, Layla, I really do care for him. But his friends- they hate me. Matthew cannot even be in the same room as me without hurling an insult. I cannot be with him; it is too complicated. I do not want to break that poor boy’s heart again, not after the Academy. I told him what I just told you, though I fear my last statement may have been too late. The letter you have in your hand and the paper you see on the floor are all my attempts at an apology. I just...walked away. Left him there. If only I had the chance to apologise to Matthew, this could have been different. But he will not accept it. He will not stop hounding me with comments, and I feel as though I can never stop being fifteen years old. I know I deserve better, but it can be tiring to fight when all your life you’ve been at war with yourself.”
Cordelia made a decision in that moment. She looked at Alastair and observed the similarities in how he and Thomas had been acting. Thomas looked a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, only to have one twice as heavy dropped on again. Alastair seemed even more quiet than usual. “You are coming with me. I don’t care when you turn up, you are turning up. I will ensure there is a piano nearby so that you can demonstrate your own incredible talent. If Matthew makes a jab at you, I will take care of it. If these rules are not met, you will be cut to pieces with Cortana. See you there,” she said, concluding her speech and leaving. Alastair watched as she left the house. He felt inspired by what she had said. He realised something within himself, too.
I cannot run from my past, but I cannot be forced to stay in it either. I am worth more than that.
And I’ll take any opportunity possible to make sure Matthew knows I refuse to take it anymore.
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blizabrth · 3 years
wip junk
tag games, am i right!? i always lose track of these lol, oops haha. i was tagged by @sothischickshe to gesture vaguely about my wips. i have a lot more wishful wips than this, but these are the ones that i am either currently toying with and/or have Actual Substance thusfar:
i was originally dabbling with this as a longer-form fic, but when i had stepped back for a bit and returned to it, i realized what i had was best as separate vignettes, so i started posting these little fantasies recently under a series. also selfishly because i was overthinking too much and started to doubt what i was writing, so i really just wanted to post things and put them out there to be read. ANYWAY! the next installation i'm working on is 'the dealership', where beth fantasizes about all the dirty, dirty things she and rio could get up to within those glass walls... (what's that about throwing stones?) after that i have thoughts on creating vignettes focusing on The Loft and The Gun, and others, but those are the two subjects that are prominent in planning right now.
@sothischickshe sent in an intimacy prompt a million years ago for "kissing scars" and it's become a monster of a rio character study. the problem is, i'm not sure if i can pull it off? to me, rio is suuuuper emotional. and i know we like to talk about how repressed beth is but like damn look at rio lmao, king doesn't know how to communicate for shit either. as i've worked on this draft, a handful of ~flashbacks have happened too, which are daunting. i explore rio's self-confidence and try to break that down from his perspective; i also attempt to explain the very conservative wardrobe we've seen post-s2 finale. ultimately, it's a complicated wip that i've been toying with a lot. but i recently took a little break from looking at it and then came back last night to read what i had and liked it so! i guess that's promising. hopefully i can finish a first draft and move forward lol.
OUROBOROS (working title lol)
i wanted this to be a simple pwp featuring some in vino veritas... and i GUESS it still is, technically, because they still just go to town on each other but there's also a lot of other working parts that i'm trying to get right. i'm not sure when in the timeline this happens? probably somewhere in an ideal season 3 where the death divorce actually happens or something, idk. anyway, beth is at rio's bar and then she starts talking a lot and spills a lot of her guts and then they have very intense sex all night long lol. the 'ouroboros' working title is a reference to 69ing, it's not that deep i swear. they just want to devour each other.
i'm grouping these two together because i'm realizing they are inspired by the same thing: it's so fucking hot where i live right now and i want to take it out on brio. melt is pure pwp ice-play fic, i plucked it out of the ouroboros wip because it didn't exactly fit and well that's it. a fivolous purchase disregards the living room hot tub and turns it into beth buying an above-ground pool and then rio comes over to bother her take a dip. i'm trying to keep it light-hearted/funny while also still sexy. a particularly fun thing i'm playing with in these especially: TEMPERATURE. we've got ice vs intense summer sunshine heat. it's been fun to write the different sensory descriptions here.
this one might actually end up a 2 or 3-part something. i've been working on it since the ep aired. i know beth x phoebe isn't a popular ship by any means so this is pure self-indulgence. i am hesitant to post though because i'd probably consider it a "DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT" fic and idk how to handle that??? idk. i don't care but i don't want people to judge me lmfao, so i may never post it. still, i degrade a cop in it so that's fun.
DREAM WIPS (things i have thought about a lot but haven't written much/anything for)
listed here are my working titles for these ideas. i will expand upon any of these if anyone is interested, just shoot me an ask! FOODIE AU / PIT STOP / THE SILENT TREATMENT / SOCCER MAMI / LINGERIE SHOPPING AVEC RUBY / TO CATCH A THIEF / BATHOME4 IS ONLINE / MANGOES ON THE BEACH PWP / FOUR TIMES BETH WAS PREGNANT AND ONE TIME SHE WASN'T
jfc i wish i could write as prolifically in my actual docs as i do when i just ramble about what i want to write...but anyway so these are my ideas. i'm tinkering a lot. i get in my head a lot and start feeling like my writing isn't good/no one wants this and talk myself out of it way too often, so i used this as an opportunity to try and take an objective look at what i'm writing and you know.... yeah! i like these ideas! a lot! i want to finish them and share them!
tagging for the rambles (but absolutely no pressure): @sothischickshe (tag back biotch), @inyoursheets, @daydreamstew, @foxmagpie, @pynkhues, @dragonturtle, and anyone else who thinks this is fun/will help them write!!! it's a fun exercise i promise! <3
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redsector-a · 3 years
AO3 Ask Game
I was tagged by @themarshalstale which, thank you so much! I feel like I always get missed on these (I know why, it’s been 84 years since I published anything but still). 1. How many works do you have on ao3?
46 it seems. Which...look I’m slow man so that’s not surprising. lol Also crippling depression does not make for much production, at least for me.
2. What’s your current AO3 wordcount?
309662 according to the stats.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
So do I could only AO3 or in like life? lol I suppose it should only be on AO3 since this is an AO3 ask game. Hrm. Basically AO3 can be summed up as: Marvel (in several iterations - all Avengers related) Torchwood Highlander But isn’t it more fun to consider my entire fandom life, which, I’m sorry, I’m old so...yeah. Not all of this is was published and beyond that a lot is not available anymore...which is likely for the best. Highlander Star Wars Babylon 5 Ronin Warriors/Samurai Troopers Marvel (again, several iterations also of note Avengers and X-Men both count) Torchwood Star Trek LOTR Stargate (SG-1, SGA) Mortal Kombat I dabbled with the idea of Potter fic but never got past the ideas stage.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1: You rearrange me till I’m sane Clint finds himself spiraling into a deep depression after the Battle of New York...until the Winter Soldier ends up saving him and inadvertently giving him a new purpose – to save the man that the Soldier had once been – Bucky Barnes. Not one to be outdone, the Soldier decides that his new mission is to ensure that Clint remains alive himself. Protecting a blonde man with a self-destructive streak is somehow very familiar to him. Through the back and forth of who is saving whom they cross the country and learn more about themselves and each other – and perhaps find a reason for living. 2: Five Dates Bucky Didn’t Realize He Was on And the One He Planned Himself To say that Bucky was surprised when Clint kissed him was an understatement. But it was nothing compared to the shock he felt when he learned they'd been dating for months without him realizing it.Clint gets whisked away for a mission before they have time to talk and Bucky is left to figure things out on his own - hindsight being 20/20 he can't help but wonder how he missed things the first go around.
3: Puck Luck Bucky Barnes is used to the ups and downs of an NHL season. He's used to the unpredictability of the game, knows that bounces don't always go your way, but that doesn't make a broken hand in the final third of the season any easier to deal with. Especially not when he ends up with an impromptu roommate/personal assistant in the form of one Clint Barton - his agent, Natalia Romanova's (rather attractive) friend he hadn't known existed before his injury.
It's just for six to eight weeks - what could possibly happen in that span of time?
4: Loose Lips Launch Ships
Based on the following prompt: “We go to school together and I think you’re cute and apparently you’re also the pizza delivery guy and my little sibling opened the door screaming hey sibling! you know that kid you’re in love with? you really weren’t kidding when you said his jawline could cut steel holy shit-” Bucky is the pizza delivery guy. Clint's younger (foster) brother has a big mouth.
5: Indelible Bucky Barnes has a pretty decent life – a good job, good friends, a cat that adores him - but something is missing. He’s always found body art to be beautiful and inspiring, and on a whim (and with the hope that maybe he can find what he’s missing) he decides to take the plunge and get a tattoo. That's how he meets Clint Barton. Clint's talented and compassionate and there is an instant spark between the two of them. It's not long before Bucky finds himself wondering and wanting more from the relationship despite the ghosts of the past that crop back up. Because Clint makes him feel normal in a way he truly hasn't for years...
(this was pre-Alpine so I was totally chuffed when canon confirmed Bucky’s status as a crazy cat lady (affectionate).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not.
I really really really want to do it but I often times don’t end up doing it. There are a few reasons. First, I am akwward AF and bad at interaction adn I feel like just saying thank you would be...not enough? Second - I often times tend to like...turtle (aka retreat into myself) when life gets Too Hard/Busy which happens a lot to me (sigh) and then I miss the vague window in my mind in which it would be okay to respond and then it’s even more weird. I do love and cherish all of them. Like there was one months ago that made me go “hmm...I didn’t think I was going to do a sequel to that fic (You rearrange me till I’m sane), timestamp glimpses sure but a sequel hadn’t come to mind” but then the comment made me think! So...who knows? lol Anyway, I literally have been rereading some in an effort to try and get myself going again. Know that if you have commented, I love you.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
At the moment? Probably: Look at you look at me Bucky's in love with Clint - problem is he's really not supposed to be. For Winterhawk Week 2019 - Forbidden Love (I really don’t want to give away the spin in the fic but...if you’re familiar with the Secret Avengers Vol 2 run circa 2013ish (aka when SHIELD initially ‘took control of the team’) that’s a bit of a hint as to the spin). Were it done, Torch Song would be up there. ;) Torch Song Clint is sent back in time, via an alien device, to 1938. While he tries to figure out how to get back home, he takes up singing and entertaining to make ends meet and does his best to not disrupt the timeline.Then he meets a 21 year old Bucky Barnes. --- A torch song is a sentimental love song, typically one in which the singer laments an unrequited or lost love, either where one party is oblivious to the existence of the other, where one party has moved on, or where a romantic affair has affected the relationship.
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Does *wanting* to write crossovers count? lol I want, so badly, to do more crossovers and fusions (which...are kinda deeper versions of crossovers in a way). The only one I do have posted is a crossover between Highlander and Torchwood -
The Immortal Mr. Jones A series of vignettes (some long, some short) in the life of the newly immortal Ianto Jones. My most ambitions project that I have been working on since late 2011/early 2012 is a fusion of the Avengers with Stephen King’s the Stand. I will get that done at some point *shakes fist*  The Stand, for those who don’t know it, is an epic 1000+ page novel about a flu epidemic (I know) that wipes out over 99% of the population and then two figures representing Good and Evil pull the survivors in two directions for a showdown. So basically it’s a non-powered modern AU set in that universe. It’s a passion and comfort project. lol
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. Well, minor bitching back when I was in a prior fandom because I tagged a pairing in a fic but it was pre-slash and not labeled as pre-slash. I got hate on...I think it was Torch Song? And I’ve gotten hate on tumblr re me and my fic in general as well. Fandom! *jazz hands* Oh! And I’ve also been hit by those reviewers within Winterhawk (among general Clint pairings actually) who like rate you on either number scales or the “meh” scale. Which isn’t hate exactly but...it’s passive aggressive bullshit because I can’t believe none of them realize at this point that the authors can see their bookmarks - you know?
9. Do you write smut?
Yes. Do I write it well? I have no idea. lol
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of. Well...there was, I think, one of those reposting sites that had a few fics on it but I don’t think it was being passed off as someone else’s? I can’t quite recall. It’s why I have a note on AO3 about reposting my work anyway.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not entirely, but sort of. Let me explain - I am part of a PBEM game; which for those unfamiliar since it’s a term that was most heavily in use 15-20 years ago, in which you basically do a round robin type writing thing but rather than everyone writing the same characters you write your own characters and you play off what other people have done. Another way of looking at it is  it’s basically DnD without dice and written down rather than done out loud. You also don’t have to all be around at the same time. It’s a lot of fun and yes I have been in it for 20 years even though there aren’t many of us left but they are some of my dearest friends and fabulous writers. Wins all around.  One of the other writers and I have actually toyed with the idea of doing a co-written fic actually, mostly because we work super well together and keep getting ideas for things but can’t really do them as rpgs since the pbem style isn’t used much anymore.
12. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Winterhawk probably. Though, let’s be real - Han & Leia are epic and amazing as are John & Delenn (from Babylon 5).
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Does wanting to expand The Black Stallion books as a wee child count? lol Not much of that was written save for world building ideas but there was a great oral tradition of telling stories to my friends. Otherwise...maybe a tie between Star Wars and Highlander. Star Wars was a love since I was super young but the writing bug didn’t hit me until around the same time Highlander was a thing as well.
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? You rearrange me till I’m sane for sure. Though Torch Song, if it were finished, would be tied I imagine (I suck at picking favorites). Honorable mention to Puck Luck and Indelible. Tagging: I have seen this like a million times (okay 5) so I feel like everyone has been tagged already that I know. But...I guess... @vexbatch @crazycatt71 @heartonfirewrites and @disruptedvice sorry if anyone has been tagged before.
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derireo · 4 years
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A3! And What Sports They’d Play ↦ All Troupes
So.. I was talking to a friend about the sports we used to play in the past. I loved sports as a kid and thinking of Haikyu also pushed me to do this. All troupes are included, and individual characters gets their own sport and my take on how well I think they’d do in it!
Kind of went off on Autumn and Winter Troupe;; sorry.
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Uh, E-Sports, of course. He gets absolutely winded from walking, so sitting down and competitively playing a game he loves is his dream. On particularly intense matches, he breaks a heavy sweat and needs a lot of water and snacks to keep himself focused and in the game.
He's a popular player and a great one as well! Sometimes he gets asked to host little bits of the tournaments he attends because he has such a big fanbase and he's awesome at entertainment despite his normally deadpan tone with jokes.
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He has a lot of energy, so I think running in track or doing marathons would be good for him. Afterall, he's one of the first to run after Tsuzuru in the prologue of the game. He isn't the best nor is he the fastest runner, but his stamina is impressive and lets him outlast many of his competitors.
I also see him doing kayaking? Not competitively, but he definitely loves the thrill of crashing down small waterfalls and regaining his balance right after. The flow of the currents is exhilarating and he has a good sense of balance, so he'd rarely overturn in a kayak (which is absolutely dangerous by the way).
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He wouldn't do any competitive sports, but skate/longboarding is something I can definitely see him doing. If he needs time to himself or just simply wants to chill, he'll go out and enjoy the breeze as he boards down the bike lane in the park or on the road, hands in pockets.
He becomes a bit of an attraction at skate parks though. He's always seen there on his board, headphones donned and hands in pockets like I said; effortlessly performing tricks that a lot of other skaters would struggle doing. People are very attracted to the sight, and he lures them in whenever someone finds out he's at the park that day.
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He's already suffering so much and is always tired— I wouldn't put it past him to play shuffleboard. It's not a laborious sport, and he can play with anyone like his siblings or any elders who need the company. It's a slow paced sport and is great for sleepy Tsuzuru who needs a break from scrip writing. I don't know if there were any canon stories of him actually being involved in a sport at some point, but I think he'd be pretty okay at tennis or table tennis.
Tennis is a very intense sport so he didn't play it for long because practice cut into his studying, his part-time jobs, and his babysitting. Table tennis is similar to tennis with it's concept, except you can just kind of stand in one spot and don't have to run around as much. It's a fun game to play with his siblings since they enjoy it so much, and they always run after the ball so he doesn't have to do much other than play along with them and clean up when they're done.
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I honestly have no idea with Citron. I don't remember any canon details of Zahra (I think that's where he's from?) so I don't want to assume what kind of environment he was in that would influence his choice of athletics, but I think he would enjoy swimming! In the beach event, he ran into the water happily with Kazunari if I can remember, and I'd like to think he had a good body type for water.
There's also another part of me that thinks he'd love skydiving! The thrill of jumping out of the helicopter and letting the winds beat against him as he soared down towards the ground below would be awesome. He's practically shouting for joy as he glides down and loves the look of the city from above. Impressively enough, he can do flips in the air and loves twirling around, much to the dismay of other skydivers as they fear for him.
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He's not one for actively moving, but ballet seemed interesting to him and he wanted to try it out. He had no idea how intense ballet was, from strict teachers, to getting blisters on his ankles and feet, Yuki actually almost quit. What prevented him from doing so was probably watching a performance where his seniors were giving the juniors an extravagant scene to watch and they inspired Yuki to keep going.
I would have said acrobatics/gymnastics as well, but Yuki's arms aren't very strong and he doesn't like doing flashy things like that anyways (no offense...? I don't know, I haven't watched videos of this sport in years). If he did pursue acrobatics/gymnastics, I'm not sure if he'd be amazing at it, but he would definitely be decent! He's got the flare;;
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Running! Since he was in track for a while and was rumoured to be great at it, he would definitely be doing marathons and track alongside Sakuya. He had great speed and a stamina to match so he's a terribly good opponent to go against if you like to get pushed past your limits. If he kept pursuing track he would train during late nights and early morning with Tasuku, who has his routine jogs at those times.
Absolutely adores the sport too! His team of runners were basically second family to him, so if he chose to return, he would have the time of his life growing as a sportsman with them. He would grow into a fine and very popular runner! Hitting his growth spurt would only make him an even more fearsome competitor as his legs would get longer and his intense training with Omi and Tasuku would get his stamina maxed out.
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He has no time to do sports since he's always acting, so I honestly can't say what he'd do. He isn't the best runner either and extreme sports is out of the question since he's a bit of a scaredy cat. I guess he would enjoy a casual game of table tennis though? But despite liking the sport, I'm going to say that he kind of sucks at it. He understands the rules and everything, but his rhythm is off and he never manages to hit the ball back.
He's good at receiving a strike back though! He's always lucky at standing in the right spot with his paddle in the correct position to receive a smash hit, and that's basically the only time he wins a point because he catches his opponent off guard. It doesn't happen often though, so he still gets absolutely destroyed during a game of table tennis.
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I believe Misumi would be amazing at track & field. He runs extremely fast for one, and he does parkour like no other; he would definitely place first in sports like long jump, high jump, pole vault, and sprints. He doesn't have a particular favourite event to do though, but always does his best when someone gives him an incentive to do his best.
Izumi and Omi offer him triangle onigiri? He's going to run as fast as he can! Jump as high as he can and as far as he can! No one will be able to stop Misumi. But then again, competitive parkour is a thing, I'm pretty sure, so he can just do that sport for fun and still place in the top 3 at least. He would be terrible awesome at Ultimate Frisbee, but the disc isn't a triangle, so. :p
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Him? Sports? No.
I'm kidding. Do not know at all what sport he would enjoy playing, but billiards is something that suits him in my opinion. It doesn't have to be competitive, but he's greatly skilled at handling a cue stick, and his aim is impeccable. He's real lucky with trick-shots too, so don't go and start betting money with him; you'll definitely splurge all of your cash on him within seconds.
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Sigh. It's super annoying that he's good at everything, and sports are no exception. He plays futsal with Omi and Tasuku the most, and is very light on his feet. He's so good that during competitive games he'll do a trickshot and score, or will play around with his check and do something like dribble the ball between their legs when they're at their most vulnerable.
I'm sure he would fall in love with ice hockey, though. Ice hockey is fast paced and is a contact sport so Banri would feel free on the ice rink. Good thing is that he's pretty good looking, so he's a fan favourite player. The cold air biting into his skin as he pushes himself across the rink to get to the puck is exciting and he loves body checking opponents into the walls (this also makes him a controversial player since he plays rough and dirty).
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He'd be a monster at competitive martial arts. Taekwondo especially, considering his kicks come in hot and fast. His spinning kicks are ones to avoid if you go against him, but he's so quick on his feet and can kick higher than his head so you might get a quick KO if you can't read his body language fast enough. Judo is also high on the list despite it being more of a grappling and throwing sport, but Juza's quick reflexes make him a difficult opponent to beat. Normally wins a match using jiu-jitsu grappling techniques on the floor.
He would also be great at ice hockey. His large figure and quick feet would make him a great player, and his posture is always low to the ground so it wouldn't be easy to knock him over on the rink. Not exactly the best at dribbling the puck though, but give him a one-timer when he's open and he'll send that thing flying through the net. No one tries to pick fights with him on the rink though lol, he's notorious for one hit ko's.
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Taichi gives off the chaotic vibes of Nishinoya from Haikyu, but he would suck at volleyball so I'm giving him badminton cause height doesn't matter too much I think as long as he's quick on his feet and is able to read the body language of his opponents well. His form would be perfect though and he's super agile so getting to that shuttlecock is no problem for him. He's got a bit of muscle too so he can send those babies flying!
Doesn't really use strategy most of the time, so he'll just keep hitting and receiving the shuttlecock however he wants until his opponent tires or until someone messed up a smash. No one else in Mankai plays badminton so finding him a coach is a bit difficult. He eventually learns other ways to hit the shuttlecock, so when he learns how to slice or do drop shots, he's a little monster on the court!
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Oh, the sports he would play.. Obviously, he plays futsal with Tasuku unless you haven't seen his card where he's playing as goalkeeper! With that information, he would absolutely destroy volleyball teams as a middle. Now I don't know if calling middles 'middle blocker' and outside hitters 'wing spikers' is like.. a cultural thing, and I know that's what they call the players in Haikyu, but it definitely catches me off guard and really confused lol. So, yeah! Omi would be amazing as a middle in the front since he's so tall and can shuffle fast on his feet to block a front row opponent. He's like Tendou in a way where he's great at reading people, the only thing is that he's better than Tendou (no offense, I'm serious) because he doesn't need to guess. He already knows. UGH, I want to go off on volleyball (both indoor & outdoor), but this part is getting long. Lmk if you want to hear me talk more about A3! & volleyball.
American football/rugby. Don't tell me I'm wrong please, I'll cry. Both of these are a full contact sport, and looking at Omi's past and his physical structure, you can't tell me he would not obliterate everyone on the field. He is either the offensive guard or the tackle. He will not start offensive plays, but he will end defensive plays. He stops any player from tackling their centre and tackles those who try to hit a blindside. I don't know much about rugby other than it is just as rough as American Football, just with less protective gear. I'm stopping here because I'm thirsting too much for Omi rn.
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HOO, baby! When I looked at Sakyo, I just knew he would be able to do something with swords, so I chose kendo/fencing. Keno is a traditional martial art stemming from Japan and is practised with wooden swords. I won't say I know much about the sport, but it is definitely tense and is very noisy. Noisy because kendokas/kenshis shout whenever they strike, this is to show their spirit. Sakyo kind of hates shouting during the sport, but it definitely lets off some steam and gives him more momentum when he strikes.
I also think fencing because there are swords involved here too, it's just that it seems to be more of a European sport and has some sort of specific footwork involved. The piste may seem a bit narrow as well compared to kendo where they have a whole floor to themselves, so Sakyo doesn't practice fencing as often. (The clothing he's required to wear for this sport is also quite stifling as well.)
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I'm ngl, but I didn't know what sport to give Tsumugi, omg, so I ended up giving him cup stacking. You know, you remember; I feel like you should do some research if you don't though because cup stacking was a huge thing in the early 2000's (?) and kids were setting world records here and there non-stop. Tsumugi uses his hands a lot for things like gardening, tutoring, bouquet arranging, etc, so he's deft and talented with them.
As long as he puts his mind to it, cup stacking is a piece of cake for him. He doesn't play anymore, but every now and then he'll look at his old kit in the corner of his room and will set it up with Tasuku in the lounge room for everyone to have a go at it. He loves the thrill and the way his adrenaline runs through his veins as he focuses on trying not to mess up the stack down.
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HOOOO! Okay, so we already know Tasuku plays futsal so I'm not going to bother, but man.. He would be the same as Omi in volleyball; an absolute monster of a middle player. He's well rounded in the sport, so his coaches/team actually refuse to switch him out with a libero/defence specialist. His digs are almost on point with the setter, and he's always at the right spot when receiving, making sure no one gets an empty spot on the court.
When he's in the front blocking or hitting, he's almost always successful, and since he trains a lot with different drills and regimes, he perfects a lot of things like tipping, tooling, slicing, and even setting. His height added along with his vertical makes it almost impossible for opponents to block him, and when he's feeling good in a game, he'll start doing things like float serves and jump serves. If he's feeling any better, he'll play around and start doing slide hits at the front or will hit from position A on the back court (left corner facing the net). He'd also do swimming!!!!!!!!! BUT THIS IS GETTING TOO LONG
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Definitely would do archery/darts. He's got impeccable aim if you take evidence from his outside work chats with Banri and has no problem pulling the string on a bow. Archery is difficult and I am not lying. Pulling the string until it's taut takes a large amount of strength and it digs deep into your fingertips, leaving calluses after one or two pulls.
Figuring out the trajectory and weighing in the factors of weather (if you're outside) takes a lot of skill and practice, and Hisoka always manages to hit the centre of the target with no hesitancy with his release of the string. His hands are all rough from the string digging into his fingers all the time, showing you how long he's been practising the sport.
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I don't think Homare was very athletic growing up. I'm saying this only because his body type is quite lean and he's a poet after all who seems to stay inside more often than not if he isn't meeting with an editor/publisher. I think figure skating would suit him very well as it is an elegant and cold weathered sport. I also think he would fall in love with the suits if Yuki made them as they'd sparkle brilliantly and show off his flare as a skater.
He figure skates as a casual hobby rather than competitive, but he definitely makes a lot of famous friends in the community due to his whimsical personality and beautiful posture.
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Kyudo (Japanese archery) was a sport that popped into my mind for Azuma, despite the strain it puts on the skin of his fingertips. His skin is very delicate with how much he takes care of it, so he wears a glove on his dominant hand to protect him. Kyudo seems to be more of a peaceful archery, and with the sight of Azuma in the kyudo uniform, the scene in front of you would be quite serene and calming.
I also think he would be great at figure skating since his body is lithe and he has lovely facial features that would complement the body suits that Yuki would create for him. His long hair flowing in the breeze he creates as he glides throughout the rink would be gorgeous along with the way his body looks as he does an axle in the air. His performances on the rink are always mesmerising, and he'll receive a few claps from fellow rink goers when he's in the centre just casually practising.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Last thing you bought online? Did you like it? OMG OMG so I got Angela an Army Bomb!!!!!! for her birthday!!!! It was HELLLL looking for sealed ones that were already onhand, but fortunately I was able to find one from this really nice seller a few days ago and the shipping was quick as well. I’m just a little worried because the outbox has a little dent on it :( but it was the best onhand offer I could find so I got it before anybody could call dibs. I still hope she likes it! I got her batteries too so that she can try lighting it up as soon as she has it. :D
Could you date someone who didn’t drive (and didn’t show an interest in ever getting their license, either)?  I feel like this is such a petty thing to make a big deal about...if they knew how to commute or any other way to get to their destination, I don’t think this should be a problem. It would only be an issue to me if they refused to get a license in a very I-generally-lack-ambition kind of way.
How would you react if your artwork became famous?  I don’t have any to show off to begin with. I love appreciating art, but creating it was never a forte of mine.
Would you get your nipples pierced?  No, I don’t plan on getting any piercings. How many people know your birthday?  Outside of my family, my best friends. I think everyone else relies on Facebook to be reminded, which is fine with me.
Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?  No. Quite the contrary, really...I was sometimes informed about red flags taking place, which of course my stubborn ass ignored.
Have you ever watched a whole hour long infomercial?  Probably, as a kid. The channel from which I used to watch WWE aired these really long infomercials so I would watch those while waiting for like Raw or whatever show was going on after.
What is your current MySpace song?  I never hung out on Myspace. I had an account, but I was too young for it so it wasn’t long before I got bored.
What is your favorite kind of meat to put on your sandwich?  Pulled pork or fried chicken.
Which one of your exes do you feel like you have the most chemistry with?  I only have one ex.
How do you feel about people who make Facebook profiles for their pets? I find it really cute. But I personally wouldn’t put in as much effort lol.
Have you ever personally known a pair of conjoined twins?  Hmmmmmmmm I don’t think so.
What was the most disturbing thing you have ever heard your mother say? She threatened suicide in front of me and my dad in a very calm way when I was around 11, I think? Maybe 12, idk. I haven’t actually thought about that moment in an extremely long time until this question. I’ll move on now and shove the memory at the very very back of my head before I get sad.
Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it?  Aside from members of BTS (lol), interior design inspirations.
Chewy chocolate-chip cookies: like or dislike?  Ooh, love. When I bite into a cookie it hassssss to ooze chocolate, otherwise I would be underwhelmed.
If your boyfriend/girlfriend wanted to dress only in the opposite sex’s clothing, would you support that? If not, would you leave them?  Support.
Do you think your grandmother is/was beautiful?  They both are.
Which of your fields of interest are you a total expert on?  Anything that has to do with writing (except poems), I guess? I like being able to give people advice and tips when it comes to that.
When was the last time you got all dolled up?  Last July when we had a big PR media launch thingy and I couldn’t afford to look like shit on Zoom.
Do you ever name objects? (i.e. mp3 players, guitars, cars, etc.)  Never.
Do you have a criminal record?  Not criminal but it’s possibleeeee that I have some kind of record on my license from the time I got stopped by an officer in Alabang, lmao. It was a minor offense from a tiny part of the town so I don’t actually know if they filed it, but it’s possible.
Last person you took a nap with?  I don’t really nap with other people. I hate falling asleep in front of others to begin with.
Does seeing your mother cry automatically make you feel sad as well?  No.
Do you think someone likes the same person you like?  I don’t like anybody.
Do you want your life to stay the way it is right now forever?  No, I do not want to stay in a pandemic and not get to maximize my life the way it’s supposed to be enjoyed forever.
Have you ever been to craigslist.com?  I’ve never checked it out; idk if we have that here?
What about eBay?  I also dunno if they operate here so no, I’ve never bothered.
Have you ever used Nair?  Not Nair, but I’ve used Veet before.
Are you medicated?  Nope.
Do you shape/fill in your eyebrows?  I never do stuff to my eyebrows except shave them.
Have you ever stolen/borrowed clothes from an ex?  Several articles of clothing were left behind here, yeah. I never had the chance to give them back because I stupidly thought we were going to get back together eventually. By the time I moved on the timing was already off, so the clothes stayed with me untillll...just a few days ago, actually – when I finally cleaned up my room and got rid of a bunch of knickknacks that accumulated here over the years, including all her shirts and sweaters and stuff.
Could you make a statement about anything political?  The 2022 presidential election landscape looks like complete shit and I’m nearly at that point where I want to stop giving a fuck about this country’s future.
Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate?  No.
Do you get the feeling something good will happen in your life soon?  I think I’m already living in it, haha.
Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche?  Sure, but cliché is also hit and miss for me. I love Titanic and Love Actually, but I cannot stand movies like Me Before You and The Notebook. I guess it depends on certain executions, like the acting, screenplay, casting, etc.
Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month?  No, not inside. We did drive-thru within the last month, though.
Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house?  Not at Andi’s, but I have at Angela’s.
How often do you go bowling?  Extremely rarely. I can’t tell you the last time I went bowling.
Last time you were in an apartment?  Like 2007 when I visited my aunt back when she still lived in one. None of my friends have their own apartments.
Have you ever seen a live seahorse?  I don’t think so.
Would you like to have your own yacht? I mean I wouldn't say no if you offered it to me for free, but I'm not exactly interested in one. < Same.
Winnie the Pooh or Tigger?  Tigger always made me laugh as a kid.
What’s the unhealthiest thing you’ve eaten today?  Luncheon meat, I think? I didn’t go overboard with the junk food today.
Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink?  Hm, not that I can recall.
What is something you’d be happy to receive as a gift, that doesn’t cost a lot?  A bag of the salted egg chips that I really like costs like 30 bucks, or roughly 60 US cents.
What kind of music does your significant other/crush like to listen to?  I don’t have any irl crushes, can I use a celebrity crush instead? HAHA he’s heavily into jazz and whenever he gets asked for music recos he always gives jazz artists from like the 50s and 60s.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were?  Gab. Dark brown.
Are there any themes from TV shows that you like to sing along to? The Big Bang Theory and Friends; and then I also liked humming to the themes of Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and BoJack Horseman. The Phineas & Ferb theme was also a lot of fun to sing along to.
Do you eat dessert after dinner? No, I never do that. I’m usually already full after dinner, and we don’t always have sweets at home anyway.
Have you ever had too much to drink and felt embarrassed about your behavior the next day?  Sure.
When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink?  Cocktails. I very rarely go for hard drinks/shots, especially if I brought my own car.
What was the last animal that you saw?  Dog.
What was the last thing that you said to one of your siblings?  I just told my sister I was done using her laptop so she can have it back. My Memories of 2020 DVD turned out to be region-locked so I have to use her laptop every time I want to watch it :(
What is the most expensive thing that you’ve purchased that you paid for:  My Map of the Soul photobook cost me around 5k in total.
What is your favorite messaging program?  Messenger.
Do you eat fast food more than 5 times a week?  Wow no. Aside from being extremely unhealthy, that’s also a LOT of spending??
Have you ever almost drowned?  Yes.
Have you ever learned something shocking about someone through Facebook?  I mean I’ve had to learn about more than one family death through my Facebook feed, which sucks but is nothing I have control over. Otherwise the most shocking thing I’ve seen is probably classmates from high school having their own kids, but at this point I’m used to it already.
What’s the scariest living animal that you’ve petted?  I’m not really afraid of carrying/petting animals especially if there’s a guide or expert nearby, but the most daring one was probably the crocodile I volunteered to hold in Palawan.
Do you remember the first conversation you ever had with the person you currently have feelings for?  Not at all.
Do you dread certain days of the week? If yes, what day/s and why?  I hate Mondays for obvious reasons lol. I don’t know anyone who is actively cheery about reporting back to work.
If you eat oatmeal, do you have it plain or do you have certain toppings that you like to add to it?  I never eat oatmeal. I had that every single day for breakfast from like kindergarten to 4th grade and I vowed never to take a spoonful of it again.
What is the funniest or strangest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say in their sleep?  I dunno. I used to keep a log of the things my ex used to say in her sleep and a great deal of them were hilarious, but obviously I deleted that note a long time ago.
Choose one - Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers:  Butterfinger.
Do you use Mozilla Firefox? Nopes.
Who is your favorite person to hug? Angela and Laurice.
Have you ever had to have a mug shot?  Nope.
What was the last thing you carried to your room?  Kimi.
When was the last time you had a late night phone call?  WELL over a year ago.
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Rescue (5/?)
Pairing - Bucky x Reader Soulmate AU Summary - You’ve always believed your soulmate was out there somewhere, Bucky not so much. What happens when he finally takes a leap of faith and reaches out to you? Warnings - some canon-typical violence in later chapters, the occasional curse word, but I promise to make up for it with loads of fluffiness Chapter Word Count - 1798 Notes - Posting has gone from once a week to super sporadic lol (sorry everyone!). My goal is currently to have it finished before school starts in a few weeks. Inspired by Rescue by Lauren Daigle and by a lot of the concepts in Sense8.
Series Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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...a few weeks later...
“Dogs or cats?” Bucky was leaning back against his headboard, idly flipping a knife as he listened for your answer.
“Hmmm… that’s a tough one. I’m gonna say cats for right now, dogs later when I have a bigger place. I’d feel bad leaving a pupper cooped up in here while I’m at work.” You rinsed your plate and set it in the drying rack, moving to drain the sink and reaching for a dishtowel.
“I get that. Been thinking of getting a cat myself. It’d be nice to have around but would also drive Sam crazy, win-win. Your turn, Y/N.”
“Any broken bones?” You asked as you hung the dishtowel up and headed to get ready for bed.
Bucky barely stifled a laugh. “More than I care to count, doll, ribs and fingers mostly. Comes with the job.”
You try to picture him shrugging his shoulders like what he said was no big deal as you finish washing your face, shaking your head as the image fails you. “Wow… I forget how dangerous your job is sometimes…” you whispered the last bit to yourself but you knew he had to have heard you.
Not willing to let you dwell on that thought, Bucky presses forward, “How ‘bout you, hmm? Break an arm maybe? Collarbone...?”
“Nope, not a single one actually. I did have to get stitches once but I was so young I don’t remember it. Busted my face on the corner of a table when I was a toddler. Still have the scar.” You peer closer into your bathroom mirror, gently running a finger over the thin white line.
“Ouch… maybe we’ll compare scars one day..”
Bucky sheaths his knife, turning out his bedside lamp and slipping under his sheets, staring up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. Meanwhile you’ve slipped into your pjs and climbed into bed as well, a comfortable silence enveloping you both as you tuck into a ball under your covers. Your mind begins to wander, the dark and the quiet opening doors to thoughts and questions that typically remain dormant during the light of day.
“Hey Bucky?”
“Yeah, doll?”
“Can I ask you a hard question?”
“Sure…” His heartbeat picked up, suddenly wary of what you were about to ask.
“Did um… w-were you one of the ones that got dusted?” 
He let out a slow breath, the memories of that terrible day playing back in his mind. “Yeah… not the most comfortable feeling.”
“Same. I remember… I remember being so confused and then… nothing. Until we all blipped back that is. Adjusting to a world that went on without you for five years hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park.”
“Tell me about it…” he murmurs, his thoughts going much further back than the five short years you both lost, the statement ringing with more truth than he was ready to admit yet.
You clear your throat, “Well, I certainly ruined the mood.” Laughing nervously you forge on. “Time for a new topic, I think it’s your turn...?”
“Sure, let’s see…  how are things at work?”
“It’s alright, nothing exciting really. It’s not my dream job or anything, but it pays the bills and the girls I work with are pretty nice so there’s that. How about you? I’m sure your job and the people you work with are a thousand times more interesting than what I’ve got going on.”
Bucky smiles fondly, “Well you already know Sam, can’t live with him, can’t work without him. He’s fun to mess with but I couldn’t ask for a better friend or partner… not since my last one anyway... But Sam’s not nearly as reckless as Steve. Steve was a handful in the best of times, always looking for a fight but in a good way, never backed down when he knew it was the right thing to do… Feels like I’ve been watching his back my whole life…”
“Sounds like you two were close? Did he… did something happen...?”
“Oh yeah he ah.. he sorta retired..? Just decided he was tired of putting his life on hold for the next mission. I supported him but it was still hard to see him go.”
“That’s very noble of you Bucky. You are an amazing friend and partner. He was so lucky to have you.” The admiration and pride in your voice is unmistakable. 
Not one for taking compliments well, a flustered Bucky attempts to lighten the situation. “Life goes on right? The world may be getting weirder every day, especially since everyone came back, but I think I’ve found my place in it.”
“That’s so good to hear… I still feel a bit out of place, most of my friends survived the blip and are just in completely different places in their lives than I am. We still talk but I don’t think it’ll ever be the same…” You pulled your blanket tighter around yourself, snuggling deeper into your nest and shaking off the negative thoughts clouding your mind.  “So, tell me more about Sam, what makes him so fun to mess with?”
Bucky can’t help but laugh, “Literally everything. He’s so dramatic and it’s way too easy to push his buttons. Just the other day, we were training and he was working on throwing his shie---umm I mean this new sort of weapon and I mayyyy have been telling him the wrong thing just so it would knock him on his ass. Laughed about that for days.” 
You found yourself laughing right along with him, eventually ending with a sweet sigh. “What I wouldn’t give to see you smile...”
Bucky stops laughing abruptly and you immediately know you’re the cause of the sudden tension between you. Unlike previous times however you resolve not to cave or opt for the awkward smooth-over. Time to face your fears, Y/N.
“Bucky, part of me desperately wants to apologize for saying that but honestly, the rest of me isn’t sorry at all. I really do want you to be totally comfortable with me and I know I promised not to push you but… I need you to know that seeing you, eventually touching and being with you is something I genuinely want. I mean how could I not want that with the man that I lo--” the words stuck in your throat as you caught yourself, “...th-that I’m meant to be with? You’re my soulmate Bucky, you have to know what that means to me, to us.”
Bucky felt like he was torn in two, reluctant to admit that the thought of letting you all the way in was getting to be as stressful as keeping you out but then again he was the stubborn type. “It’s not just about you seeing me doll, it’s about what seeing me will mean, it’s about my whole life and all the crazy that it entails.”
“You know… you know you can be honest with me right? I can handle it, I promise. There is literally nothing that you could tell me that would drive me away from you, okay? Nothing.”
“How can you promise me that?. You can’t possibly mean it. You don’t know… you don’t know my whole story. It’s not a pretty one.” You can feel his walls going up but you can’t hold it in any longer. It’s now or never...
“What if…” you swallow nervously, “w-what if I told you I did know. That I know you better than you think I do...” 
Your words flowed like ice through his veins. “What are you saying Y/N?” 
“I-I started to put two and two together almost immediately, as soon as you told me your name. It’s not that common you know....” He’s so quiet you wonder if he has stopped breathing. Knowing there’s no turning back you continue, “And there were so many little things that kept adding up: that you were so reluctant to let me see you, how you told me you used to be military but now you work in security... that you live and train with Sam, Sam Wilson right? Or that time you were out of contact for a week and the story broke about the Falcon and the Winter Soldier taking down that terrorist cell? I know that was you Bucky, I’m not crazy.”
You took a deep breath, calming down a bit. “Did you really think your soulmate would be that clueless? That the person meant to be with you. a literal Avenger, wouldn't be able to figure it out? I’m not upset with you, I promise. It's not like you lied to me, everything you said was ‘technically’ the truth. But... the more I learned about you the more I confirmed my hunch and the more I felt like I was lying to you, and that just didn’t sit well with me.”
Silence was all you could hear on Bucky’s end but you knew he was still there. You gnawed at your lower lip worried that you had made a horrible mistake. “I wanted to come out and just tell you, so many times, but at the same time I had promised not to push you. I was waiting for you to be ready to tell me but I was also starting to worry that it was never going to happen. Bucky I’m so sorry, I--”
Bucky blurted out, “Why are you still here then?! You should have shut me out already. How could finding out not change how you felt about me? Y/N, I’m not just some guy with a military past and a job that takes me away for days, weeks, sometimes months at a time, that’s enough to put a strain on any relationship. But I’m also over a hundred years old, I deal with literal alien threats, and a-and I’ve killed so many people… those memories, the things they did to me, that part of my life is a literal hellhole, and it doesn’t go away, ever. It’s always with me… all those years without memories and now I’d give anything to forget…” You could hear his labored breathing, the anguish in his voice. Tears welled up in your eyes for him, ashamed that you’d hurt him but also desperate to be the one to comfort him. “Y/N I’m-- I’m sorry, I have to go. I need some space right now.” 
“Wait Bucky, don’t---” and just like that the connection severs. Not completely thank goodness, you can still sense your bond deep down, but you feel as though a chasm has formed between the two of you.
“I’m not going anywhere Bucky… I love you...” you whisper into the silence, hoping somewhere, somehow that he can still hear you.
Part 6
Taggy tag tags: @bucky-plums-barnes @buckyywiththegoodhair @avengerofyourheart @sebspocketsquare @sgtbxckybxrnes @bionic-buckyb  @plumfondler @imaginingbucky @sexonastickstan @angryschnauzer @witchymarvelspacecase @palaiasaurus64 @eyecandybarnes @promarvelfangirl @the-observant-fangirl @ballyhoobarnes @trinityjadec @kjs-s @sebbytrash @true-queen-of-mischief @buckthegrump @moondancewrites @thisisjamesbarnes @beccaanne814 @oneshot-shit @moonbeambucky @stevieang @tnupsweetpie @avenger-nerd-mom @eyesfixedonthesun22 @searchingforbucky @notimetoblog @sugarfreecapsicle @nomadicpixel @nacho-bucky @sarahwroteathing @captain-rogers-beard @buckys-darling @tilltheendwilliwrite @ifellinnthepit
@marie-is-in-the-dark @lorilane33 @igothroughphasesalot
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osakaso5 · 4 years
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Yuki Twelve Hits Rabbit Chat Part 3: Request Hits 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Gaku: Sorry about the delay, I'm good!
Tsumugi: Is your phone alright, Yaotome-san..?
Gaku: Sorry about the trouble. It's back  to normal now.
Yuki: Back to normal?
Gaku: I installed the palm reading app Nanase was talking about. When I tried to check my reading, my phone froze up, so I had to delete it immediately.
Gaku: Nanase, that app was way too big!
Riku: Huh!?
Riku: B-but, maybe that was just a coincidence..!?
Yamato: Come to think of it, didn't you just talk about how slow your phone's been lately, Riku?
Tenn: Riku, delete that thing.
Iori: If you don't know how, then I'll do it for you.
Riku: Of course I know how to delete an app!
Tsumugi: That app must've taken up a lot of space..!
Mitsuki: Maybe it had a ton of palm reading data from all around the world on it!?
Yuki: And yet none of it was accurate?
Sogo: If you can't use the app, I could help you find a palm reading book.  
Riku: Sogo-san, you're so nice..!
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Tsumugi: I'm glad Yaotome-san's phone is back in working order! It's about time we resume the requests.
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san, it's your turn!
Mitsuki: Yep! Mine's to do a flavor test!
Mitsuki: I'll make sweets out of veggies, and you'll have to guess what ingredients I used for each one!
Yuki: Oh. Now that's a showdown
Mitsuki: Cook v.s. cook, lol
Tenn: You're very diligent, Mitsuki Izumi. You even made those donuts for my show
Mitsuki: It's mostly for the show, but I also just enjoy making stuff. Cooking is a ton of fun!
Mitsuki: Plus it helps me relax in between work!
Ryunosuke: Same here! For some reason, I often want to try some really complicated recipe when I'm busy.
Yuki: It's nice to be completely focused on what you're making
Yuki: All that cutting and frying feels therapeutic
Mitsuki: Yeah, exactly! It's like it completely clears your mind..!
Ryunosuke: I totally get what you mean..!
Riku: The three of you would make great moms!
Momo: Wouldn't they be a little too big to be moms!? lololol
Gaku: At least they'd provide a proper sense of security (lol)
Yamato: One of them's on the tiny side, though.
Mitsuki: Shut it, gramps!
Nagi: Cute and  reliable, Mitsuki has it all :-)))))
Yuki: I don't know what you'll make yet, but I'm sure I'll get all of them right.
Mitsuki: Don't think you'll beat me that easily!
Tsumugi: It'll be fun to see your culinary match!
Tsumugi: Yamato-san, you're next!
Yamato: Why don't you talk about your most memorable acting roles thus far?
Tamaki: Oh wow. An actual request
Tamaki: It's just like So-chan's
Gaku: I'm guessing you want all the advice you could get from a fellow actor, Nikaido.
Yamato: Nope. I just figured the listeners would like it, since a bunch of them are gonna be fans of his acting.
Yamato: He probably wouldn't talk about this stuff unless he was formally asked to, anyway.
Yuki: You don't have to hide your curiosity, you know
Sogo: It can be awe- inspiring to ask someone you admire for advice... I know the feeling very well.
Yamato: I told you, it's not for me..!
Riku: Yamato-san, are you blushing..!?
Nagi: Why are you blushing, Yamato?
Mitsuki: C'mon guys, leave him be.
Yamato: For some reason, you're the most annoying one of them all...
Iori: I'd forgotten just how many talents Yuki-san has. Songwriting, performing, acting... He's a flawless entertainer.
Yamato: His moodiness is a big flaw, though
Momo: Tsk tsk tsk! Yuki's moodiness is a part of what makes him so charming~ \(●´Ɛ`●)ノ
Yuki: It's nice to receive so many compliments
Yuki: This request project is great
Yamato: I don't remember complimenting you. But feel free to do my request if you get it.
Yuki: I'll tell you even without the request, if you come drink with Sogo-kun and I
Sogo: Thank you. I look forward to it..!
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Sogo: Yamato-san, I hope you'll join us!
Yamato: Fine, I'll go! You sure are putting a lot of pressure on me... (lol)
Yuki: ^^
Tsumugi: I'm sure Yuki-san's acting advice will be very useful..!
Tsumugi: Yaotome-san, you're up next.
Gaku: My request is a little like Nikaido's.
Gaku: Mine's to do a short play without a script.
Yuki: Like improv?
Gaku: Something like that, yeah. I'll write down a few situations and roles for you to pick from!
Gaku: Like Nikaido said, there's a  lot we could learn from your acting. I won't be able to see it over the radio, but I'm hoping I'll pick up something.
Yamato: I never said that.
Gaku: Huh? You didn't?
Yuki: You're so straightforward, Gaku-kun. What kind of roles did you have in mind?
Gaku: I haven't really thought of anything yet, but it'd be fun if they were something completely different from your usual self!
Gaku: Like a brutally strict tennis coach.
Tenn: He'd make a good Italian mafioso
Riku: Or a pilot..!
Rinto: Interesting... I'll have to keep all of this in mind for later.
Momo: Okarin, are you seriously writing this down lol
Gaku: I'll watch some movies and try to come up with more roles.
Yuki: I look forward to seeing what they'll be.
Tsumugi: I'm sure you'd be wonderful in any role!
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san, are you ready to tell us your request?
Ryunosuke: Mine is to tell us the most impactful thing you've purchased recently.
Ryunosuke: It doesn't have to be expensive, anything unusual will do!
Yuki: I'm not sure what to choose
Yuki: I can't remember the last time I went shopping.
Momo: Our schedules have been packed, especially since the New Year's coming up..! (ノωノ)
Mitsuki: It's nice to have work, but around this time of the year all you wanna do with your free time is sleep!
Ryunosuke: It doesn't have to be that recent, just anything from the past year, lol
Yuki: Have you bought anything interesting recently?
Ryunosuke: Me?
Ryunosuke: I haven't gotten it yet, but that's something I'd like to buy!
Ryunosuke: I want to buy a new boat for my dad. Not that I'll be doing that any time soon...
Gaku: Don't be stupid. We'll be big enough to buy 10 or 20 boats in no time.
Tenn: It'll only take a moment, with all three of us. You can count on that
Ryunosuke: Thank you, Gaku and Tenn..!
Yuki: Buying things for other people is pretty nice
Yuki: Maybe I'll buy something for Momo or Okarin.
Yuki: Does either one of you want a car?
Momo: A car, lololol I'm fine with my current one, lololol
Rinto: I appreciate the sentiment, though!
Yuki: So no? It's tough getting presents for people
Yuki: Maybe I'll just try to remember something I've already bought.
Ryunosuke: Please do.
Tsumugi: Presents are harder to choose when they're for someone you really care about..!
Tsumugi: Momo-san, may we hear your request now?
Momo: Okay (>ω<)ノ
Momo: Mine's to make a request for me to fulfill during our Christmas live!
Momo: It's your birthday! That means you gotta accept my reverse request! \(*´∀`)ハ(´∀`*)ノ☆
Yuki: Momo...
Yuki: But I'm not really in the mood for something like that.
Momo: Huh!? So what kinda mood are you int!?
Yuki: I feel like it's my turn to do something for you
Yuki: So if you give me a reverse request, I'll hit you right back with a reverse reverse request.
Nagi: Reverse reverse? How complicated :-(((
Iori: In other words, you refuse not to get a request from Momo-san..?
Mitsuki: It's like they're playing hot potato with this request thing, lol
Momo: No! It's your birthday! ヾ(o゜д゜o)ノ゛
Yuki: That's exactly why I don't want to give in
Yuki: You can accept either this or a car from me
Momo: A car, lololol You were serious about that!? lololol
Momo: If you wanna get me a ride, then a bike or skateboard will do just fine!
Yuki: I'll go with that, then ^^
Kaoru: So you'll give anything as long as he'll accept.
Rinto: Why do you want to give Momo-kun things so badly?
Momo: Do you wanna ride together..? That'd make me really happy!
Tamaki: Skateboards sound fun
Tamaki: I wanna ride too, Momorin
Momo: Sure thing! And Yuki can, too!
Yuki: I'll watch you two have fun from my apartment
Yuki: It's cold outside
Momo: So you're still not gonna play with us, lololol Then what's the present for!?
Tsumugi: Could it be a Christmas present..?
Tsumugi: Lastly, it's time for your request for yourself, Yuki-san.
Yuki: Yeah
Yuki: I put a lot of thought into it.
Yuki: I decided on something I want, but I'm still not sure
Yuki: If another request wouldn't work better...
Tsumugi: Come to think of it, you did mention that you had a request in mind.
Tsumugi: Something so big that it would give you a heart attack..!
Riku: Huh!? Are you sure you want to make a request that big..!?
Yamato: Why'd you have to pick something that hard for yourself..?
Ryunosuke: You don't need to push yourself that hard for a radio show...
Yuki: It's not exactly for the show.
Yuki: If anything, I thought this project would motivate me to spit it out
Tsumugi: By the way, what is your request..?
Yuki: Tell my partner Momo how grateful I am to him
Yuki: Or something like that...
Yuki: Ah, what do I do
Yuki: I want to delete this chatlog...
Yuki: Aaah, seriously what do I do
Yuki: Momo stopped moving
Rinto: Momo-kun is gripping his phone in one hand and shaking...
Banri: So that's why you wanted to give Momo-kun a present... It all makes sense now.
Gaku: You just wanted to show your gratitude!
Yamato: You've got a pretty weird way of choosing a present, though (lol)
Yuki: Whatever
Iori: But won't it be even harder to say on a radio broadcast?
Yuki: I just realized that, myself...
Yuki: Oh well, it's only one request out of 12, so I probably won't get it
Yuki: Will I..?
Momo: You don't have to.
Momo: I don't need a present, either. Just the fact that you made this request is enough for me!
Momo: If I receive any more than this, I'll be so full of happiness that I'll explode...
Mitsuki: Momo-san's come back to life!
Tenn: He said he'd explode...
Momo: (((《☆★BOOM!!!★☆》)))
Mitsuki: And he did!
Momo: 。゜.+。*.゜(ノω・、)゜.+。*.゜。+。
Tsumugi: Re:vale's affection for each other is so touching... Thank you for a great request, Yuki-san!
Tsumugi: That's all for the requests. Thank you, everyone!
Yamato: Now it's time for his requests to us.
Momo: Now you have to request something from me..!
1. Do you have a request for us?
Yuki: No. But if I have to pick something, then I hope you continue being my friends. And come over for dinner sometime.
2. Do you have a request for TRIGGER?
Yuki: Rely on us more. That's what we're shouldering the burden of being top idols for
3. Do you have a request for Momo-san?
Yuki: Let's keep singing together, just the two of us
Yuki: Please
Momo: Yukiii! You're so cool... 。・゜・(/д`)・゜・。
Mitsuki: Happy birthday, Yuki-san! I hope you'll be a nice senpai and fellow chef to me this next year, too!
Kaoru: Happy birthday. Keep looking after TRIGGER.
Tamaki: Yukirin, hbd!!!
Iori: Happy birthday. I appreciate everything you've done for IDOLiSH7. I look forward to working with you again in the future.
Ryunosuke: Happy birthday! I look forward to your show!
Nagi: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish you a wonderful year.
Tenn: Happy birthday. We'll continue performing to the best of our abilities, so you may also rely on us.
Sogo: Yuki-san, happy birthday. I will be praying for your continued success.
Yamato: Happy birthday. Let's find a good day to go out for those drinks you mentioned.
Rinto: Yuki-kun, happy birthday! Let's do our best to wrap up this Twelve Hits! project.
Banri: Happy birthday. Keep looking out for MEZZO" and IDOLiSH7.
Tsumugi: Yuki-san, happy birthday!
Yuki: Thank you. I was excited for the requests, but my birthday is just as fun
Yuki: Celebrating, being celebrated, it all feels nice
Yuki: But before my birthday, there's still the radio broadcast. I'll be giving it my all, so you guys better listen
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juni-ravenhall · 4 years
my opinions on mistfall!
under a cut bc spoilers and/or not everyone wants to read :D 
overall experience: 
its fun that there IS a sso cartoon now even if its not exactly amazing quality, and im happy to see if there will be more series or movies after this. it was fun to watch and see sso things in cartoon form too and i wish that we had more already (of sso animation in general). imagine if there had been a ssl cartoon? i also kept thinking throughout this, that it wouldn’t be hard for me myself to make an animated series with around the same length episodes and in a similar quality to this (aside from voice acting and music production), which made me feel a little inspired.
favourite scene:
skye taking photos of blaze and hanging out
positive points: 
i like the background art a lot, i think the style of it, and the colour schemes, helps give the series a specific vibe that fits for an sso series in my opinion. 
i like the concept art (i assume) illustrations which we saw in the recipes and other posts on sso ig, i think it looks a lot better than the characters in the series, but thats normal for concept art!!
the music is really good quality (whether or not its your taste, the quality is good) which is ofc bc its sso - theres already good music and not something they only did for the cartoon but something they care about in all of the starstable media. 
i think skye is a nice character (despite the series’ overall low quality writing) and i like her design. i also think rania’s cartoon design (visually) is cute.
skye and rania being a teensy bit gay (minus points for sso if they dont end up really gay in later canon)
i like that blaze wasnt actually like... mean or anything to skye, and i like that shes a mare since typical stories like this usually have stallions. but i just like that there wasnt really any “ooh difficult horse” things between skye and blaze in the current time of the story, blaze actually was sweet to her most the time. blaze seemed pretty charming whenever there wasnt “omg fire” drama. 
the animation itself (not meaning the details of the drawings or scene timing, just the actual frame by frame / puppet movements) was fine! not amazing, but absolutely fine.
points i have constructive criticism for, which doesn’t mean that i expected more from the series, but that we’re all allowed to discuss the quality and our opinions of media regardless of the target audience, budget, etc:
the writing was childish and rushed - this is not to be rude, but a matter that affects a lot of “media for girls / kids”, and a topic talked a lot about by Lauren Faust (creator of the FiM reboot of MLP) who wanted to show that a show about rainbow ponies “for little girls” didn’t have to be badly written, and could be engaging and interesting. if you watch the older MLP cartoons and compare to the first season of FiM (where Faust was still on the team) you can see a huge difference in quality of the storytelling, characterisation, etc. Mistfall, so far, did not subvert any expectation in the quality of what typical “cartoons for girls” are like, and is reminiscent of stuff like “The Ranch” (french horse cartoon) which imo is so bad that its hard to watch. (and ofc... that goes for a lot of “cartoons for girls / kids”, but doesn’t have to be like that.) in order to improve on this, the writer has to study more on storytelling and study from better writers.
on the topic of being rushed: no, it’s not an excuse that the episodes are short: - you have to ADAPT your storytelling and writing to the length of the episodes, not do a bad job and blame the episode length. being able to adapt to different types of media is a necessary skill if that’s what you work with. this comes down to proper planning and structuring the story and writing in a way that works for the length of the episodes. i don’t think that was overall done well here (at times it was okay), and bc of that, it feels rushed and has exposition thrown in your face instead of being shown through better storytelling. the classic thing with exposition is “show, don’t tell”. this is what the writers/directors should study, or pay more attention to. 
the timing (length of shots, length of scenes, or parts of shots, etc) was rly bad at times and overall unimpressive - this comes down to the skill of directors and editors. to improve this they have to study more on the topic. bad timing and pacing can really ruin a good scene or a good story and make it feel disconnected and hard to immerse in for the audience.
the artstyle of characters and horses is fine at times, but appears very low quality at others (skye’s childhood scene really bothered me bc her kid-self had really badly drawn eyes in my opinion). this, like everything else on this list, is ofc something that appears in almost every single “cartoon for girls” that ever existed. to improve on this, most likely it’s not a problem with the artists but with the budget and the production timeline (allowing the artists more time to produce better quality art and animation), and it can also be a problem with the art direction, if the art directors aren’t very skilled or experienced (i don’t say that they aren’t, im just giving examples of what could cause these problems.)
the character design for all characters that aren’t skye, rania, or blaze was very lacking. none of the not-main-3 characters looked interesting or fun to look at, they looked very dull and like the most boring NPCs you could think of. even though its understandable that the mainest-main characters would have the most interesting designs, that doesn’t mean everyone else has to look that boring. this is an issue with art direction or character design. i think most likely there was just very little time (equals money) put into designing the other characters.
the horse design could be improved for a cartoon that focuses on horses this much. like, horses are a big part of the selling point here, so make sure that their designs and art/animation is good. at times even blaze looked awkward and uninteresting, as did the other horses.
“alonso” looks nothing like sso alonso and i don’t like that they used his character if it’s not going to have anything to do with him. they should have given this character a different name if they wouldn’t make him seem like he had anything to do with the sso character aside from being a male ranger. (also in the game he’s like 22 or something, skye is 15...?)
why did they add a “he’s cute” dumbass fucking stupid hetero comment for literally no reason other than adding a dumbass fucking stupid hetero comment?
considering that they “can’t confirm whether a sequel is happening or not”, it seemed very meh to throw in druid cult magic stuff and not really connect to it and now the series ended? you would have expected to find out more about the cloaked people, the runes, the magic that the ranger guy did, and blaze’s magic in general, and skye herself, why her mom is “a witch”.... thats a lot to throw in while saying that you can’t say if there’s a sequel coming to answer all those questions. (it wouldn’t have been a criticism from me if they said “we’re working on season 2″ or “there will be a comic book that continues the story” or anything that told us that these questions, in this particular iteration of a story in jorvik, will actually be answered. - and i assume they ARE working on the continuation of the story, but i dont agree with that they’re not upfront about it, when they left so many questions unanswered.)
at times rania’s blindness was handled stupidly and i think they should have gotten more consultation from actual people with visual impairment, but i think its still good to HAVE a blind character in the main cast and that it’s not a big dramatic story thing but just an everyday thing. at some points it was fine though; and i personally don’t think the scene with rania being able to see blaze was necessarily a problem - because - a lot of blind ppl can see sharp contrasts in light and dark, and this seemed relatively realistic to me when blaze is on fire. (however, the way it was drawn as if she could see the whole shape of blaze and skye could be criticised for sure, and makes it feel more like “i can see because of magic” and not “i can see bc THIS MARE IS ON FIRE”). 
personal opinion which i said before, but i don’t think rania’s voice fits her at all, and it’s not the voice actor’s fault (i’m sure they’re lovely) but the casting and the directors. from the sso character, rania would seem a lot more lively, quick and adventurous, and not as calm and gentle as she appeared here. she seemed a lot too sort of motherly or just adult, instead of an adventurous teen who runs off on her own to do whatever she feels like. compare in-game rania going “MC, thats a jorvik wild!!!” and alonso going “stop talking nonsense” (paraphrased), to Mistfall rania going “jorvik wilds are really rare...” (calm, sort of disinterested, doesnt seem like she cares that much about adventures)
the voice acting overall was meh. i see this as a direction problem, not an individual voice actor problem (and the writing didnt help - it’s hard to provide good quality acting with a poor script unless you can just toss the script aside and improv, if you have good actors). it felt childish and uninteresting at most points and generic low quality for “cartoons for girls”. from a voice acting perspective i think skye had the best result. anyway, the way to improve this is for the director in charge of voice acting to not direct the actors to perform in this childish manner. (again, refer to cartoons with better writing and better voice acting, that have a very similar target audience.)
ok, i think that was everything that i wanted to write about for now, might think of more later lol
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Our Next Adventure Part 2 (The Master X Reader)
WC: 1531
Warnings: None really, it’s pretty sweet though there is a teensy description of violence but nothing major.
Summary: After years of posing as MI6 agents, the time has come for Y/N and the Master to finally face the Doctor, though Y/N reflects on their time undercover
A/N: I got a major inspiration wave and cranked this out lol. Hope y’all enjoy!
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Spending several years on Earth disguised as boring, basic humans was not something Y/N and the Master would normally do voluntarily, however they knew the end result would be more than worth it.
The pair had spent the past few years pretending to be agents O and N from MI6. The Master asked his wife why she chose N to replace, and her response was that together the initials spell ‘no’ and she couldn’t think of a better pairing than that for them. 
After a few years they decided to move out to the Australian outback, using the Tardis as their ‘house’, and although it was boring they did find ways to kill time together, some more creative than others.
As soon as they received the call that the Doctor would be coming to visit them, in desperate need of assistance regarding an unknown alien race threatening intelligence officer, they both nearly jumped up and down with glee. All their hard work had finally paid off.
Y/N sat in the living room, clutching a cup of tea as she thought back to their time at MI6, realising it wasn’t totally bad.
“O, N. You guys coming out for drinks tonight?” Y/N looked up from her desk, seeing agent Z standing rather close to her. She would’ve rejected in a heartbeat, however she decided she wanted to be a little mischievous. A little mischief never hurt anyone, right?
“I would love to, though I can’t be sure about O. He’s never been a social creature, isn’t that right, O?” Y/N said, raising her eyebrows as she looked over at her husband.
He clenched his jaw, knowing exactly what Y/N was doing. He hated social gatherings with the other agents, and if drinks were to be anything like last year’s Christmas party then he certainly wanted no part. However, he wasn’t letting his wife get away with anything that easily.
“Drinks sound like a lot of fun. All this work has been scrambling my brain, so some relaxation would be wonderful.” He said, giving Y/N a pointed look before turning his gaze to Z.
“Wicked. I’ll meet you lot at the pub after work, let’s say 5?” Z said, and the pair nodded, watching him leave before turning to each other.
“You are the absolute worst, you know that right? I can’t stand working in the same building as these pathetic creatures, let alone being forced to make small talk with them for hours while drinking terrible alcohol. I hate you so much.” The Master ranted, glaring at Y/N who simply smiled widely back.
“Love you too Koschei, though you should probably work on your geeky, charming demeanour. It’s supposed to be O’s trademark characteristic, right love?” Y/N said, and the Master narrowed his eyes, scoffing before looking back down at his computer, signalling that the conversation was over.
“You’ll be the death of me, Y/N. I swear.” He muttered to himself, flipping through the pages of yet another boring document as he cursed the menial nature of this job. Y/N was the only thing that made it interesting.
Y/N chuckled at the memory, remembering how her husband sat through drinks absolutely fuming, aching to leave at every possible moment. She glanced over at him now, fiddling with the computers while muttering to himself under his breath.
“You know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, darling.” Y/N piped up, and even though his back was to her she could tell he was rolling his eyes.
 “You and I both know we are well past the first stage.” He retorted, and Y/N nodded, laughing to herself as she walked over towards him.
 “Oh I am well aware of that. I saw the look in your eyes when we watched Gallifrey burn, and it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Y/N said, wrapping her arms around his waist as she waited for his reply.
“As flattered as I am, you’re forgetting that I’ve seen you choke a man so hard his eyes nearly popped out, and then laugh as he scuttled away broken. Now that, my dear, is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. You amaze me, honestly. I count my lucky stars every day that we were classmates in the Academy.” He said, turning around so that he could face Y/N, an adoring look in his eyes as he watched her react to his words.
 “You really know how to flatter a girl, Koschei. I just might swoon, so let’s hope you can catch me in time.” Y/N said, and although her words were playful, the Master knew that there was a strong sincerity to them.
There was a comfortable silence that quickly settled over them, and just as Y/N was about to lean in and kiss her husband, they were interrupted by the all-too-familiar sound of a Tardis landing.
“She’s here.” The Master muttered, reluctantly pulling away from his wife and straightening his vest. Y/N took in a deep breath, fiddling with the ring on her left hand. The sight of the ring brought back memories of their time on Earth, and she smiled widely as she recalled those memories.
“So, what’s the relationship like between you and O, because half of the office thinks you hate each other, and half think you’re madly in love.” Y/N jumped slightly at the sound of agent G’s voice. Y/N and G had become surprisingly close, but then again Y/N was always fonder of humans than her husband was.
“We’re actually married, have been for a while now.” Y/N said, and G’s eyes widened, a surprised laugh escaping her mouth.
 “No way! How come I don’t see a ring on that finger, N?” G said, and Y/N chuckled awkwardly, shoving her hands in her pockets.
“O’s always been a bit unorthodox, and I didn’t mind that he didn’t have a ring. It was a pretty spur of the moment thing anyway. We were really young and all we knew was that we wanted to get married and run off together, so we did.” Y/N said, smiling subconsciously as she remembered the wedding.
“So you two eloped, got it. It actually sounds kind of cute, but do you want some woman to woman advice?” G said, and Y/N nodded, wondering what she had to say.
“You should make him buy you a proper ring for you next anniversary. Surely you want a nice big rock you can show off, huh?” G said, and Y/N chuckled, nodding her head.
“What would I do without you, G?”
“You need to buy me a wedding ring.” Y/N said on their way back to the Tardis (which was currently disguised as a small house in London) and the Master stopped in his tracks.
“I’m sorry, what? Did you just say you want a wedding ring?” He said and Y/N nodded, looking him dead in the eye.
“Yeah, a wedding ring. I know Gallifreyans don’t have rings, but I was talking to G and I told her we were married and she asked why I didn’t have a ring and she said I should make you buy me one for our next anniversary. I obviously couldn’t tell her that we don’t celebrate anniversaries, but I have decided that I want a ring.” Y/N said, standing taller as she waited eagerly for a response.
“How do you propose I pay for this ring, because the ones I’ve seen are rather expensive.” He said, and Y/N raised an eyebrow, looking at him curiously.
“You’ve been looking at rings?” Y/N said, coming to a complete halt once she realised what her husband had said.
“It was meant to be a surprise, because I know how much you love stupid human things and I’m not normally a present-giver so I thought it would be nice to treat my wife to something special.” He said, and Y/N was shocked because for once she saw her husband looking somewhat sheepish.
 “You’re such a softie underneath that hard façade, darling, and I love you so much for it. Also you don’t have to get the ring for me now, do it whenever you feel ready.” Y/N said, kissing her husband briefly before pulling away.
 “Actually, I think we should go see what jewellers are open. Lord knows if I got you the wrong ring, I’d be hearing about it for the next hundred years or so, so it’s best to have you with me. Any opposition to that, love?” He said, and Y/n’s face broke out in a brilliant smile.
 “None whatsoever.”
 The sound of her husband pacing brought Y/N out of her memories and back into the real world. She made sure the collar of her shirt was fixed before letting out a sigh.
“I’d ask if you were ready for this but that’s a stupid question. You’re always ready.” Y/N said, earning a smile and a kiss on the cheek from the man standing opposite her.
“And so commences the beginning of the end. Shall we, my dear?” The Master said, holding his arm out for his wife to take. Y/N took it with a smile, ready to face the Doctor.
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insanelycooljk · 4 years
IF UR STILL DOIN THESE can i ask about your roleswap au? oR the evan is a compulsive liar one, whichever! @bandtrees
send me the title of one of my deh wips and I’ll share an excerpt/tell you a bit about it  
(you can read my reply about the “maybe evan really IS a compulsive liar” one here)
Oh boy the roleswap au... honestly this is an idea I’ve had for a really long time that I kind of forgot about, but then Kayla’s jared dies! au inspired me to revisit it. In a suprise to absolutely no one lmao, there’s a whole lot of angst. Like, I’d kind of forgotten what the plot was, and when I went back and read over my notes for it the other day I made MYSELF cry. So uhhh, yeah, this one’s gonna hurt
The concept is very simple, and I’m sure has been done before, but basically Evan and Connor (and Jared and Zoe to an extent) swap roles. So Evan dies, and Connor writes a therapy letter which gets mistaken for Evan’s suicide note. On that, obviously trigger warning for suicide.
Alright so this wip still needs a lot of work because I’m still trying to narrow it down to a single cohesive plot and figure out how to keep it in character (for instance I just can’t see Connor forming the equivalent of The Connor Project and dragging out the lie to that extent) But, here’s what I’ve got at the moment!
The first day of school is almost identical to canon, so I won’t get into that, but Evan still had his attempt over the summer and hence has his broken arm. I mean yeah, maybe Evan’s dialogue is a little different because he’s struggling more with his depression, but I don’t see his second attempt as necessarily being planned. It’s more of an impromptu “finish what I started” decision he makes after having an awful first day back at school
The only real change from canon at this point is the letter. It’s a therapy assignment for Connor rather than Evan.
The scene where Evan prints his letter and Connor signs his cast is essentially the same as canon too, except obviously Connor is the one writing the letter. Evan is just in the library to print out some homework or something for school.
After they talk/Connor signs his cast, Evan goes over to the printer to grab his own thing, and sees the page underneath has “Dear Connor Murphy” written at the top. Evan assumes it’s Connor’s, so in an attempt to be nice, grabs it as well.
Aaaaand here’s where the angst really starts. Originally I was going to do a whole kleinphy thing by fully switching Zoe and Jared. But then I had an excellent (aka horrible) idea.
So Connor’s finished letter still follows the same format of Evan’s as [today was NOT an amazing day] [talking about Zoe/Jared] [sad shit].
Except here’s the thing. The morning was essentially the same as canon, which means Jared still made the awful school shooter joke. So sure, Connor mentions Jared in his letter, but he’s got nothing nice to say. As he’s venting about how today wasn’t an amazing day, he writes a few lines about how Jared is a fucking asshole and he can’t believe he ever thought that they could actually be friends.
... Yeah. I’m sure you can already guess how that is going to turn out :(
But the angst doesn’t stop there. Evan clearly isn’t going to see Jared’s name in Connor’s letter and freak out because he thinks Connor has a crush on him. That just... makes zero sense lmao. But you know what Evan might think when he sees Jared’s name? Especially after Jared was a dick to Evan at the start of the day?
That they’re making fun of him.
“D-did Jared put you up to this?”
“… What?”
“He… you’re making fun of me. Both of you.”
Connor can see Evan’s spiralling into some sort of panic attack, knows he probably shouldn’t push but he’s got no clue what the fuck Evan is talking about.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“That’s why you came to apologise and-, and why you signed my cast, you two are making fun of me.”
“What? I wasn’t-“
Evan’s not even listening, he just keeps talking like he can’t hear Connor at all.
“I can’t believe I thought you were being nice to me.” He chokes out a bitter laugh that sounds more like sob. “But no, it’s just one of Jared’s stupid jokes.”
Connor’s speechless. Has no clue what to say because this just makes no fucking sense at all.
Evan’s full-on hyperventilating now, taking these huge shuddering breaths. Connor’s kind of worried Evan might pass out on him if he doesn’t do something
“Evan hey, just breathe.”
“I’m sorry,” he gasps, finally making eye contact. “I-I have to, have to go.”
And then Evan runs out of the room because he’s definitely having a panic attack and he needs to get away.
Connor is just kind of standing there staring at the door, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. Feels like shit because he was actually enjoying talking to Evan, but no somehow he managed to ruin it. 
It takes Connor a minute before he realises Evan still has his letter. He calls out after Evan but he’s long gone.
Then we switch to Heidi’s POV. She gets a phone call while at work from Evan’s therapist’s office saying he never showed up to his appointment after school.
Heidi never forgives herself for this after the fact, but her first reaction is to feel kind of annoyed. She knew Evan didn’t want to go to his session today when she booked it, but she was just trying to do the right thing because she knows Evan always struggles starting back at school. Plus therapy costs money, they don’t exactly give you a refund/cancellation fee for not showing up, and they just can’t afford to be paying for therapy sessions Evan isn’t even attending right now.
She is a little concerned though. It’s not the first time Evan’s skipped an appointment, but he usually only does it if he’s had a particularly bad panic attack that day. But she isn’t worried enough to leave work early, which kills her later. Heidi wonders if she had of gone straight home if she could’ve been there quick enough.
I don’t want to go into this in too much detail, but I’m thinking Evan ODs. The tree thing didn’t work out last time so he figures he better try something else. He feels bad that this definitely couldn’t be interpretted as an accident like his fall was, but he just... doesn’t care anymore.
And god, Heidi finds him when she gets home from work, and somehow her being a nurse makes it so much worse because she knows it’s too late. Of course she still tries everything she can, and she kind of dissociates into work mode so she can put some of her panic aside, but she knows.
But... I don’t really want to write that because it’s too sad even for me lol. So the scene will probably just end with Heidi coming home and getting a bad feeling when she calls out to Evan and he doesn’t reply. It’s not the most out of character thing, because Heidi’s assuming he must have had a really bad panic attack since he ditched therapy, so he’s probably exhausted and having a sleep. But when she goes to Evan’s room to check on him her heart stops.
The next couple of days Connor mirrors Evan in canon. He’s getting antsy that Evan stole his letter and now hasn’t been at school.
I haven’t quite worked out what Zoe’s role will be yet, so I’m not sure if she’ll act as Connor’s sole confidant (like Jared is for Evan) or not. It’d make sense since Jared is kind of taking Zoe’s place, but I just don’t think it will work given the current state of her and Connor’s relationship. Either way, whether he told Zoe or not, Connor is getting really paranoid about Evan/the letter.
It’s been 3 days now since Evan took his letter and he’s still not at school.
Jared’s been away too, but he’s back today and is acting really fucking weird. He’s wearing like... a plain hoodie or something which is very unlike Jared, and he just looks really exhausted and has none of his usual arrogance. Plus he keeps staring at Connor and giving him these weird looks.
Connor’s so stressed about this stupid letter that he’s contemplating asking Jared where the hell Evan is, but he’s seriously freaking Connor out right now.
Before Connor has a chance to make up his mind about whether he should try to talk to Jared, he gets called to the principal’s office. And so the lie begins lmao.
But god... the amount of extra angst of NOT going the kleinphy route and instead having Connor write bad things about Jared in the letter is just... pure evil genius if I do say so myself
Like, imagine Jared’s parents going to see Heidi and do whatever they can to be there for her and make sure she’s ok, and Jared kind of numbly getting ready to go with them, only for his parents to explain that Heidi doesn’t exactly want to see him right now because of what Evan wrote in his note... ouch.
And god that just makes Jared sick to his stomach because what the hell did Evan say about him? And once he gets to actually read the “note” himself he really is sick.
And since his family is obviously very close with Heidi it really puts a strain on Jared’s relationship with his parents too, because they’re clearly extremely disappointed in him for doing whatever it was that made Evan write THAT
Just the whole Kleinman/Hansen dynamic would be so complicated. (but it will be fun to write!)
And oh boy... remember the amount of horrific hate Zoe recieved when Alana posted Evan’s letter online? Connor’s letter outright says something along of the lines of Jared is a fucking asshole/why did I ever think we could possibly be friends/etc. I haven’t worked out the exact wording yet because getting the letter right is just... so critical to the fic lol, but yeah if it gets posted online? yikes.
So anyway, that’s the roleswap au. I’m still working out the more specific plot details of this one, but I think it’s got some alright potential. There’s going to be a lot of tension between Jared and Connor as Jared struggles to decide whether or not he believes Connor, and as Connor finds it increasingly difficult to lie to Jared. Hmm you know on second thought maybe a kleinphy subplot doesn’t sound so bad 🤔 but just more of a slowburn angle which doesn’t start until after Evan dies... much to think about hahaha
I like to think Jared works out the truth on his own eventually, which leads to a gfy-esque fight. And whilst Zoe might take on Jared’s role in a way, Alana will be pretty much the same as she is in canon. Because for her it was always more about the message of the project than the actual person.
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eeemarvel · 4 years
It’s Billy, boys.
I originally wrote this quite some time ago as a part of chapter 30 but I decided I didn’t need it so it’s bonus content now, I guess. This happens right at the beginning of 30 before Victor gets a call from Phichit. Since this didn’t make it to the final draft, the editing is really lazy. I’m honestly only posting this to get out of working on the next few chapters lol. Also, Billy is definitely a trip, I know. Anyways, without further ado...
Victor had no clue if Yuuri was Red Specter or not. He was exactly where he started. It didn’t change the fact that Red Specter was still very real, no matter who he was beneath the mask which meant that if he couldn’t come up with a satisfactory offer by midnight, it was likely that History Maker would get hit. This was his last (and only) bet, he realized as he got off the elevator a floor below Yakov’s office. This floor, the Artillery and Design floor, always smelled like singed fabric because it was where the super suits were made… but it still didn’t account for the burning smell. Billy, a man with round pink cheeks, a long green mohawk, and coke bottle glasses looked up when the glass doors slid open for Victor. Billy beamed and cheered like a redneck on the fourth of July when he saw Victor. 
“Victor Torch! Just the tight assed hero I was looking for!”
“Billy,” Victor greeted him and the other cheering technicians with a nod. “Is it ready?”
“You bet your wintry butthole, it is,” Billy said and beckoned him closer with a finger. They walked to the back of the lab, passing metal tables and clunky equipment, all of it glinting with a futuristic sheen as he passed. Some of the technicians were bent over sheets of fabric that seemed to be radiating electricity—it made Victor tingle in the strangest way as he passed, while a few of them made alterations to suits that were actually familiar to him. He guessed Spotlight tore their suit recently, when he saw a squat little technician pushing a button on a giant sewing machine for the all too familiar pink ensemble. 
“It’s back here,” Billy said, “for safekeeping.” 
“I appreciate that,” Victor said.
“It’s in good condition,” he commented as he stopped at a long, dark, glass wall at the very back of the lab. He punched in a few codes on a keypad. A rectangle of light appeared a little ways away from them and Billy led him to it. “You were careful, even back then,” he complimented Victor as he took a little remote out of his lab coat pocket. The rectangle of light was actually a door behind the glass, a door to a small closet with a revolving rack. In front was a prototype of Victor’s current suit: black, sleek, and shimmery. Billy clicked his remote and the rack spun around to show the suit Victor had worn two years ago. It was similar, but royal blue instead of black. He kept clicking, letting the suits spin by, each of them taking an era with them as they went. He cringed at a fuschia one with lapels—he was feeling a bit melodramatic then.
“It’s always been a pleasure designing for you, Winter Nikiforov, because you’re not just a man of justice, you’re a man of art. A renaissance man,” he kissed his fingers, “you get me.” 
“I always have,” Victor smiled, lying. 
“Heeeere we goooo,” he sang as they found the suit Victor wanted. He thought it would fit Red since he was much younger when he first wore this. Red was smaller than him. It was black which fit his MO… he tilted his head, unsure as he took in the swaths of revealing mesh across the chest, the sparkling crystals on the shoulders and hips. It was sturdy, he knew that for a fact, and very well made because Billy made it himself. But it wasn’t exactly low-key. Heroes never dressed to blend in. 
And it was a bit…risque. He had to be honest. Even Chris’ suit wasn’t this suggestive and it was Chris. Victor was only nineteen when it was made, when he told Billy exactly what he wanted: something that would make his opponents uncomfortable. He was feeling cocky because he was starting hero training years before what was normal, and he was young… he felt free and invincible for the first time in seven years. It gave Yakov a heart attack at the time and even Lilia disapproved. In the end, Celestino convinced them to let Victor explore… He thought there were still some old newspapers somewhere with him wearing this on the front cover under scandalized headlines...
The fire was back, that sensation that he now recognized as a red light—a sign that something was off. He bit his lip. He shouldn’t think about Red in this suit, even if he was planning on offering it up. It didn’t matter what he looked like in it or what Red thought of it or anything that just crossed his mind, because the only thing that mattered was protecting History Maker. 
There was no mask. That was what was missing. That’s why he felt weird picturing Red in it. Of course he’d feel this way trying to imagine Red Specter’s face… it was confusing, disconcerting, uncomfortable, nerve-wracking, all those things...
“Have you ever considered… making a mask for this?”
“Are we talking Robin style with just the eyes, or are you thinking more of a Batman-exposed-chin thing, or like a full faced Red Specter deal, because the answer is yes, Snowflake. Yes, I have considered making a mask for all of your suits. Why don’t you step into my office?”
“Just…” he said awkwardly as if he had just realized the entire lab was his office, “look at this.” He pulled out his phone and opened a few files. He scrolled through digital scans of sketches he’d made, all very impressive, and then actual prototypes that Victor was interested in for himself. Of course, his ability gave him the power to disguise his face easily so he didn’t need a mask but… he still kind of wanted one now that he was looking. 
Focus. He wasn’t clothes shopping (unfortunately). He was completing a potentially life saving transaction. He pointed at a full mask with crystals elegantly crowning the area where the wearer’s hairline would be. “You already made this one?”
“You betcha.”
“I like it.”
“Roger dodger,” he whistled a tune and pushed a blue button on his remote. The revolving rack disappeared into the closet ceiling, pushed out by another rack. This one carried pieces that Victor either changed his mind about or ones that Billy started but lost interest in, scraps of abandoned ideas. He clicked the remote so that the rack whirled around until they got to the mannequin heads, some bare and others wearing masks that Victor had never seen until now. Billy pointed a remote at one. 
“Look good to you?”
“Yes,” Victor said, because it did, although he wasn’t sure Red would appreciate something so flashy. Especially not since the thief seemed to gather fashion inspiration from the shadows under his bed. Well, if he didn’t like the design, he could have it altered. What mattered was that it was nano-tech and made with pure Pandora’s Iron. “I’ll take it,” he said. 
“Okey doke, will that be debit or credit, sir?” Billy chuckled at his own joke as he pressed a button to make the glass doors protecting the closet open. He reached up and gingerly removed the mask from the mannequin. “Isabellaaaaaa!” He shouted over his shoulder and a young mousy looking girl came scuttling around a corner. 
“Sir?” She squeaked.
“Can you please get a box for me? Big enough for a suit?” 
“Yes, sir,” she nodded frantically and squeezed her eyes shut. Victor heard a soft whoosh sound and when he looked up, he saw a large white box soaring above him. It glided gracefully down next to Billy who thanked her before she scampered away. Billy neatly packed the suit under the mask before sealing it and handing it over to Victor. 
“Merry Christmas, baby boy,” he crooned.
“Thank you,” Victor said with an impressively straight face. He’d been practicing since he was sixteen, though Billy had gotten progressively more… Billy as Victor grew older. 
“I’m curious. Is this for Yuri?”
“I mean, I don’t really mind if you give it to the little furball because he’s kind of family and we all put up with him but I’m concerned about the whole… accountability thing with Yakov and the red tape and the chain of command is a whole thing—”
“Ah—oh, you mean Yuri Plisetsky…” Victor groaned, dragging his hand down his face.
“Uh… how many Yuri’s are there? Oh!” He snapped his fingers, “that hot doctor from your Instagram! My girlfriend loves him! He’s got this kind of secret-sexy-vixen-by-night-and-sad-puppy-by-day vibe going and it drives her wild. She stalks him like he’s an insta famous kitten or something,” he said with a tone of pride Victor found strange. 
“He’s not a doctor, and...no,” he shook his head, “It’s not for Yuri P. I just want it for... nostalgia’s sake.” 
Billy nodded thoughtfully, rubbing his chin. Then he slapped both his hands on Victor’s shoulders, startling him, “That’s so weird. Have fun!” He called for Isabella again as he left Victor, getting straight back to work. 
He thanked all the technicians on his way out and took the elevator down to the first floor so he could wait in the lobby. He plopped down in a chair and set the box on the floor beside him.
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fivour · 4 years
1/2/3/4/5/11/12/13/15/16/24/25 i don't think i will ever stop asking you things about your writing hehe (=^・ェ・^=)
youre keeping this blog alive bro keep askin’
answered 4 in a previous ask.
1. was being a writer a dream of yours when you were little? or did it spring up when you were older? or is it just a hobby?
I never thought about being a writer as a kid, it was always something like an artist/teacher/musician aka rock star. I think it’s just a hobby for now although I would like to begin freelancing/commission work at some point. With my career plans, I’ll more than likely have to publish a research book at some point, though, but that’s many years off.
2. overall, would you say you are more driven by plot or characters in writing? (what makes you more excited about an idea?)
Characters 100%. If they are little toy soldiers, then I am the nine year old boy’s shithead cat that knocks them into the register vents. I wanna play with them and mess ‘em up.
Plots do not interest me in the slightest and I do not like making them. It’s part of why I don’t usually write longfic, only oneshots and short multi-chapter work.
3. give an overview/description of some of your past stories. (only if you are willing, of course!)
Here’s a... fun story: One of my first fanfictions was a story about Percy Jackson family feud. I was sick at home a lot, so I had daytime television brainrot. Anyways, I got multiple reviews telling me I spelled "feud" wrong, some constructive some not. However, I was a spoiled brat and I couldn’t handle not being the smartest person in the room, so I doubled down on "Family Fued.”
I am now an honors English kid and still cannot spell feud, field, or chief without autocorrect. It is my punishment for being an asshole on the internet in 2014.
5. do you have an idea for a story you don’t feel you can write at this current time? (whether it be because life is busy right now, you need to do more research, etc.)
Yes. I have a concept and outline for a long DioNilla fic inspired primarily by The Guilty by David Baldacci and this one podcast episode about partners in crime. At this point, there’s two different versions of it and I don’t know which I like more (one hit wonder for revenge or a totally romantic murder spree?). Both would have drastically different legal outcomes, but I’m not law-fluent enough to write either and the courtroom is an unavoidable scene I can’t just gloss over.
I also have an AU inspired by a movie that I’m not sure if I will ever write.
11. share a passage from one of your works and tell us why you liked it so much.
This is difficult because I have no recollection of anything I have ever written before yesterday. So I’ll just pick a recent one.
“His shoes are not thick enough to stop his leg from feeling jarred and his toes from feeling smashed, but the pain is enough to distract from the anger bubbling in the pit of his stomach. His heart races, pounding furiously against his rib cage, as if it were a prisoner beating at cell bars. It feels as if it’ll explode right from his chest, and his stomach quickly follows suit, churning with the pure agony that his newfound fury is putting his nerves through.
Fugo is miserable.
Fugo is miserable of mind and body and he wants to hurt something.”
Mabye I cheated a little. But I really like how this fic turned out in general (props to you for requesting it). This passage especially, because I used my own issues with and response to anger as a basis for Fugo’s reaction.
I think this is the most accurately I have ever described how it feels to be enraged and full of adrenaline. Not necessarily wanting to harm something or even yourself; you just need to get rid of the excess of energy that’s exploded inside of you all of a sudden. It’s an itch for action in a situation where it isn’t appropriate.
12. what is the worst writing advice in your opinion?
I’ve seen people totally against pantsing/not plotting a work (like, you-aren’t-a-real-writer against it), but I think the only thing I have to do to describe how foolish it is to discredit that method is point towards Stephen King.
An especially bad piece of advice that I’ve seen is to not write things that are not your lived experience. EX: if you are not a cis woman, don’t write a character that is. It defeats the entire purpose of writing and is ass backwards if you want any diversity within a work. Also... research is a thing that most authors do? And it teaches you to be more understanding of that lived experience???
There’s a lot I could say about it, but that sums up my biggest issues with it.
13. what is the best writing advice?
Again with Stephen King but... In a Q&A, he says something along the lines of not writing a character, by letting them write themselves. This comment was in reference to a question about Pet Sematary, I believe, which I would call the best and most alarming descent into madness I have ever read, so you bet your sweet cheeks that advice is always on my mind.
As for more general advice, creating/filling out a character sheet (x) is a really good way to figure out who your character is. I used them while writing Art & Pain and it made me realize a few holes I had to patch.
15. do you tell friends/family about your writing, or do you keep it a secret?
IRLs: they know I write. All but one or two of them do not know my handles nor that I write fanfiction.
I write original pieces which I don’t exactly hide, but no one knows those handles either.
16. what are some of your favorite words to use in writing?
24. best compliment someone has given you about your writing.
One of the best ones I’ve ever gotten was on a fic under a separate handle, so I won’t share it lol. But it was about how I write emotion and that means a lot to me because emotion is very difficult for me to articulate.
It kind of blows my mind that people actually binge read my work, too... even if it’s just a longfic that would take maximum two hours to read, it’s really flattering that they like my writing that much. Repeat commenters/readers are also one of the best things ever and I love them.
25. five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
God, I don’t know. I’ll hopefully be in college by then, so I have no idea what my life will look five years from now (other than the fact I will definitely be worked to the bone). I’d like to think I’ll keep doing it as a hobby, at least.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
What may I call you? >> Mordred is fine.
Where are you right now, exactly? >> My bedroom.
Over or under 18? >> I’m over 18.
Have you been watching the Stanley Cup play-offs? (GO BRUINS!) >> No.
Ever believed your house was/is haunted? If yes, why; what happens? >> I lived in a studio in 2009 (my only time living alone) that I suspected had something hanging around. I was the first occupant, though (new building), so it couldn’t have been from a former resident, and I have no idea how else it could have accrued a haunting. Unless the site itself was haunted, I guess. I have no idea what kind of land the building was built on.
The building you live inside; how long ago was it built? >> According to the google search I just did, it was built in 1987, which makes me the same age as the building I live in.
Ever travel internationally? >> No.
If you could go anywhere RIGHT NOW, where would it be? And why? >> I don’t want to go anywhere right now.
Do you fancy someone currently? Tell me about them! >> No.
Ever have a big ol' crush on someone you've never met in person? If so, did you ever tell them you did? >> I’ve been attracted to people I knew online, yes. And yes, I’ve told most of them.
What makes you feel luxurious? >> I’m not sure. I don’t know when I last felt that exact way.
Do you enjoy drinking scotch as much as I do? >> Probably not.
What have you done that makes you proud of yourself? >> Well, I kept playing FFXIV instead of quitting forever in shame and telling myself I’ll never be any good at it. Believe it or not, that’s a milestone.
What makes you envy someone? >> Usually I envy people who seem to have had very little instability or suffering in their lives, because their brains work.
For you, is jealousy something that makes you more sad or angry-feeling? >> If you still mean envy, then it can be either one. I don’t experience jealousy as in relationship jealousy.
Do you get the munchies? >> I don’t smoke, so...
Every been to Germany? If so, what part? >> No.
Do you buy newspapers just for the puzzles? >> No, I have an app for newspaper crosswords.
Describe any tattoos or piercings you may have...? >> I don’t want to, I feel like I’ve described them a million times.
When's the last time you smacked someone's butt? (Or been smacked :P) >> That’s not a thing I do or encourage having done to me.
Do you enjoy making art? If so, what's your style like? >> I don’t make art.
Were you a shy child? >> I don’t know. I was mostly a distant child, I think.
Ever wanna run away with the circus? >> No.
What is the closest object to your feet right now? >> My weighted blanket, which is folded over the second half of the bed because it’s too hot to use.
Reach behind you- do you feel anything? What is it? >> The wall.
Is English your second language? >> No.
Have you ever designed and constructed your own clothing? >> I’ve altered clothing, but not designed and constructed from scratch.
What's the very last digit in your phone number? >> 3.
Is your house an odd or even number? >> This building is even-numbered.
Do you have a favorite superhero? Who? >> I like Iron Man and Doctor Strange. Also, does Promethea count?
What power would you like to receive, if given the option? >> I don’t know. The power of brain that work good.
Ever punch someone in the nose? >> No.
...will you write me a haiku? >> No.
What was the last thing that really delighted you? >> Probably a scene in FFXIV. For example, I did a lot of moogle sidequests today and moogles are fucking adorable.
Do you wear skin-colored clothes? >:C >> I don’t have any brown clothing, no.
Ever eat German cuisine? If so, what'd ya have? >> Yeah, I ate at Bavarian Inn on one of our yearly trips to Frankenmuth (which is a kind of... German-inspired tourist town or something -- we go there every fall for the giant world-famous Christmas store that’s also there). I don’t remember what I ordered, though. German cuisine, while hearty, isn’t dramatic or varied enough for me, though.
Do you have conversations with any animals? >> Well, yeah.
Do you have a little sibling? If so, are you protective of her/him? >> No.
Recommend me a good book? >> I don’t know you and I cannot recommend you a book.
Can you sleep on your back? (I can't, I feel too vulnerable!) >> I can, but I usually end up on my side eventually.
What's the last special thing you did for someone? (Buy, cook, etc.) >> I don’t know.
Did you cook something today? If so, what was it? >> No.
Ever baked ALL day? >> No.
Can you recognize the smell of death? >> A dead person? I mean, I could probably figure out what I’m smelling if I suddenly caught a whiff of a corpse. It seems pretty... singular.
Ever known a mortician or a coroner?? (Now you do!) >> Oh, that’s neat. Mortuary science is so fucking cool. Unfortunately, I don’t actually know you, so I still don’t know any morticians or coroners. :(
What makes you feel good about yourself? >> That’s a good question. I’m working on that.
Could you ever be some type of counselor for kids/teens? >> No.
Do you enjoy getting dressed up for no real reason? >> I imagine that could be fun. I don’t think it’d ever occur to me to do it, though.
What are you afraid of? >> Stuff.
Ever been to a maximum security prison? You, or just visiting? >> No.
Do you think mint toothpaste is too minty? >> I don’t.
How is a raven like a writing desk? >> Heh.
Are you currently eating or drinking something? If so, what? >> Aside from the occasional sip of water, no.
Do you own striped socks? What colors are your favorite ones? >> No.
Black Metal ist Krieg. Agree or Disagree? >> Eh. I mean, I listen to black metal, but I’m not going to make a big deal out of it.
Are there any numbers that have significance to you? >> Yes, 9 and 19.
Do you know how to read palms or tarot or anything else like that? >> I’m passable at reading tarot. For myself, that is.
Do you own any bones or other preserved organic ..things? >> Unfortunately not. Accepting all bone donations.
What do you think about internet piracy? >> I support the mateys.
Do you know anything about Nordic runes? >> I wouldn’t say I know anything about futhark, exactly. The fact that I have Mannaz tattooed on my hand notwithstanding.
How do you feel about children? >> I don’t have a particular feeling about children. It’s all dependent.
Whatcha looking forward to right now? >> Nothing.
How do you feel about clowns? >> I’m indifferent to clowns.
Are any of your friends clown by profession? >> No.
Do you put grated cheese on popcorn? (Yum!) >> I don’t eat popcorn.
Do you thing anyone ever actually gets in trouble for having milkcrates? >> Like, in their home? Who’s going to give a fuck unless a store employee literally saw you take it or something?
Do you tip street performers? (YOU SHOULD.) >> Not usually. I didn’t ask them to be there, I have no obligation to them. I’ll do it if I feel moved to (and if I happen to have cash, which is the other important variable here).
What are your virtues/morals? >> I don’t have a ready list.
What do you smoke, if anything? >> I don’t.
Does being an addict make someone a bad person, in your opinion? >> No.
Have you ever experienced any type of detox? >> No.
Ever been institutionalized? ...was it because of just one pepsi? >> Ha, I haven’t heard that song in a while. Anyway, yeah, I’ve been institutionalised.
Tie up, or be tied up? >> Well, I’m a switch, so.
Ever shoot a gun that wasn't a handgun? Rifle, shotgun, etc? >> No.
Is your mother a really cool lady? >> No.
Ever suddenly find a friend very attractive but had to keep it to yourself? >> Suddenly? That seems like a weird thing to have happen, lol. I imagine someone finally getting glasses after years of seeing everything kind of blurry and putting them on and going, “holy shit, my friend’s hot as fuck!”
What time is it right now? >> 7.42p EST.
Last time it's rained? >> Uh... a couple of nights ago, I think.
Ever been through a deadly natural disaster? >> No. I mean, I was in NYC when Hurricane Sandy came plowing through, but I wasn’t exactly in any of the parts of the city that got hit-hit.
What do you do when you lose power? >> I so rarely lose power that I don’t even know. I guess I would just read, if I could. Or go so deep into boredom that suddenly I become manically creative. They say that happens, or something.
Do you have a boot fetish too? >> No.
Have you ever done home-repair stuff? >> I mean, not really. I don’t live in a home, lmao. You’re supposed to call Maintenance if something needs fixing in these apartments. (I’m willing to bet that if you try fixing something yourself and you fuck up, you’re gonna be payin for it. Better to let Maintenance deal with it. At least if they fuck it up, the complex can deal with the consequences.)
Reason you last used a knife? >> I don’t remember.
Ever tattoo or pierce yourself? What, and how did it turn out? >> Yeah, I’ve pierced various parts of my ears a few times. Most of the time it turned out fine, but eventually all the holes closed up.
Have you ever assisted in a birth? >> No.
Have you ever had a bad trip? >> Yes.
Do you ever yell at your TV/computer/video games? >> Yes.
How long do you take in the shower? >> Like 10 minutes at most.
If you could ask someone ONE thing & get 100% honesty, what would you ask? >> ---
What's the best thing you've ever found in a thrift/second hand shop? >> I don’t know.
What's one skilled craft you like to learn? >> ---
How do you feel about magicians? >> Like, illusionists? I’m indifferent to them. I agree it’s clever work, but I don’t really care about it.
What do you smell like right now? >> I don’t know. Flesh.
Tell me about the last person that made you laugh. >> ---
Who was the last person to really make you feel special? >> ---
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fallingin-like · 5 years
november 17
above the clouds by @gluupor​ [requested by @fuzzballsheltiepants]
see which other fics i’m reviewing this month! / my review request post! 
this is an absolutely amazing fic that features airships, android!neil, and fantastic world-building. it’s a really fun and adventurous read, but still contains enough angst to break your heart. if you haven’t read this yet, drop everything and read it now. if you have read it, read it again.
okay i enjoyed this fic so much that i cannot put it in words. i remember when i first read it, i always get so excited when i see that you’ve posted and i read it in an hour, the time passing by so quickly. i couldn’t pull myself away and was reluctant to go back to real life after i finished reading. all your characters are so entertaining and as always, are integrated so nicely into this au.
things that stood out to me:
”over the khazak grass plains, year 1424 new era (ne), january” i just think that this adds a lot to the story so efficiently. we have a location and time and i just feel like this sort of title/header establishes a tone (makes me feel a steampunk/sci-fi kind of vibe). i’d be interested in how you came up with which locations and years to use?
”andrew shut off the engines and revelled in the silence. he could still hear the mechanical noises that resulted from keeping the gasbag at the appropriate pressure to maintain their altitude, but it was as quiet as it got aboard an airship.” i love this, mostly because i can relate to it? i’m really used to driving with music on, but lately i’ve been turning off the radio and driving in silence which is a really interesting experience, especially since i drive an electric car for work which is really quiet most of the time. also it introduces us to the airship!
”neil would eventually man the flight deck for night watch as he didn’t require any sleep” i am immediately invested in this version of neil and want to know EVERYTHING that he is capable of doing
andrew is wearing a scarf that nicky knitted for him!!! that is adorable! both nicky doing this for andrew, but also andrew wearing it!
your description of the monster is amazing. i would love to explore it. on the ground though (i am afraid of heights and not as brave as andrew lol) i saw that you were inspired by the mortal engine series and i can definitely see aspects of this both here and in later portions of the fic although i only watched the movie which was… interesting haha. were there any other sources of inspiration? i found that this reminds me a little of the films ‘alita, battle angel’, and a little bit of ‘castle in the sky’ as well
having little glowing things in their lamps instead of fire? woah that’s so cool
”neil was futzing around inside it with a tiny screwdriver” LOVE the word futzing. i’ve not heard it before, but it feels right. also it’s kind of cute that they are all helping each other out on the ship
algae bricks and beetle bricks? do they just,,, bite into it? because that feels so chaotic to me. lol mix into water and make it into mush? i am currently very grateful for the food i have
”jealous, aaron? don’t worry; i’ll come service you once i’ve got andrew settled tonight.” NEIL, YOU’RE GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF ME
”’better do it in the reclaimer,’ said kevin, taking him literally. ‘we need to preserve water if we’re headed to palmetto before our next resupply.’” one of the many things that i love about your writing is your amazing characterization of mr kevin day. what a legend 
”he wasn’t entirely sure why he wasn’t telling the others about wymack’s summons; there was something about it that put him on edge and he wanted to keep it to himself for now.” oh nO this is bad news!! you did a great job of introducing this undercurrent of worry into a scene that had just been so light and funny
“‘yes, i did,’ said andrew, keeping his voice steady. ‘last week before we headed into the plains.’” my stomach dropped at this point, memory problems are always so scary because it’s so hard to tell what the source of the problem is. andrew’s calmness is directly contrasting this, but it feels like it takes effort which is even scarier!
”andrew had spent his childhood shutting down any emotions. they’d been a liability in the type of life he’d led” and ”he had been destined for a short life with a brutal end. sometimes that seemed preferable to how much caring about other people could hurt. he often cursed those responsible for how his life had changed” ahhh this is so sad, but also really soft? because he’s come so far? and he’s opened himself up and let himself be vulnerable by caring
hearing the backstory of the twins is so interesting to me, you do a great job at both establishing this world that these characters are living in and how they fit in with it
”andrew was left with little choice but to do something nice to shut him up” i think this is one of the most andrew-like sentences to be ever written haha
”by all rights he should have died in the slums, but instead-and andrew was never sure exactly how he’d done it-he’d attached himself to andrew and aaron, like a barnacle that they couldn’t remove and grudgingly came to care about” cute!!! the tone is really andrew-like too
woah all these languages are pretty cool! i like the idea of having a common trading language, and the idea of having mandonese and spanglish is interesting.
”that seedy is mine” I DIDN’T UNDERSTAND THIS AT FIRST BUT THIS IS SO FUNNY. lowkey reminds me of the lego movie haha. also seems fitting of kevin to collect ancient artifacts, even if he doesn’t really know what they do
ANDREW AND AARON AS GANG LEADERS YES PLEASE. i absolutely love it when people have such a great reputation. very exciting to hear that drake is not going to be an issue in this fic!!! wait a second… andrew and aaron were 16? so small!
hmmm i am interested how kevin got stuck in shanghai?
bad news that wymack is asking neil to stay on the ship. all this mystery and hiding is making me feel like things are not looking so good
”he’d forgotten again that it was bee whom andrew wanted him to see” NOOOOO
ohmygoodness the usbee. do they pronounce it uzz-bee? because that’s definitely how i picture them saying it and it is so funny to me. 
”i informed you that people are after you because i actually care about what happens to you, you miserable little gremlin” i really can never say it enough, but i love the way you use affectionate insults like this so so much.
”’oh, you know,’ said andrew idly, ‘those that slay together slay together.’” NO BIG DEAL. 
”’this time, it was eavesdropping,’ said neil brightly” he’s so enthusiastic!! cute!!
”how do you travel now?” i am also interested in this!! for all i know, he just slides through shadows and pops up wherever andrew is haha
”neil flicked his fingers dismissively. andrew’s eyes narrowed at the performance. he wasn’t this dramatic, was he?” i am very sorry to break it to you, but andrew minyard you are one of the most dramatic people ever
ooooh dang neil is good. does his android body not process poison? also where did he get the knowledge that andrew was going to be set up anyway?
”within a few hours neil had forgotten the whole conversation, but he retained the knowledge that andrew had forced him to see bee and wasn’t happy about it” noooo why is this happening, it’s so heartbreaking to see neil forgetting things (also feels extra-bad because alzheimer’s runs in my family and this could definitely be me in the future which is Scary) and i Hate when andrew and neil are fighting because andrew is just trying to take care of neil!!! ;-;
”mickey, the mouse-shaped god of old america” OHMYGOODNESS
as startling it must have been to andrew, hearing about the moriyamas previously owning neil, i’m curious what was going through neil’s mind during this conversation. it must be so disorienting, not remembering your past. all of a sudden, you just started existing
”’shoot them. escape on the monster,’ said andrew. that was their usual plan for hostility they didn’t want to deal with.” i mean, i guess that’s a pretty solid plan. LOL
ohmygoodness katelyn also having red hair and blue eyes? “andrew always pretended not to notice that he and aaron had suspiciously similar taste in people, gender notwithstanding” LOLOL
”neil’s tension was ratcheting higher the longer they stayed in the region, something which he wouldn’t explain to andrew’s satisfaction.” ahhhh we! need! better! communication! what is neil hiding?
thank you andrew for knowing better and for always thinking ahead. i feel like i can really trust you to take care of neil (and you, gluupor to take care of these characters even if sometimes you break my heart while doing so)
andrew: mawp mawp mawp mawp mawp mawp (LOVE THIS)
”wymack had always said it was because andrew had a death wish but it was really just because he liked going fast” this is really cute! both in this fic and in the series, andrew is like this and he had so little enjoyment as a child, was forced to grow up so quickly, and i’m grateful that he gets to have these little things
”’’M not,’ muttered andrew, too hot to put any effort into lying” so cute!!!
”stop and take a look? sure, why not? i don’t think we’ve got anything else pressing taking up our time right now” I CANNOT GET OVER HOW FUNNY THIS FIC IS
”’old news,’ said aaron. ‘we’ve moved on. now we’ve decided to crash into the sea’” it turns out that sometimes i actually really like aaron! now is one of those times.
oh my goodness, neil speaking only spanglish and BITING. “neil spat several curses at him before literally spitting as well” the scary thing is, this is still in character for neil haha
that’s so sweet of wymack to give andrew his ship!! ahh he’s such a soft character and i’m glad that all the foxes have someone who is taking care of them
what a beautiful way to wrap up this fic! also i feel strangely glad that nathan wasn’t actually the one to invent the tech needed to create neil. he’s too gross and evil to create such an intricate and wonderful person like neil.
oh dang yellowstone supervolcano. i’ve learned a tiny tiny bit about that and it’s actually pretty scary thinking about the consequences of it erupting and also knowing there is basically nothing we can do to stop that from happening and also very little we can do to predict it
andrew and neil are so so cute ahhh
also quick shoutout to the amazing art featured in this fic! so beautiful.
i love the flashbacks that you include. they provide valuable information and understanding of how the characters have developed, but it also gives a bit of a break from the intensity of the main plot. we get a little time to breathe and recover.
as the story travelled to different areas of the world, it was really interesting to see how you included history into it. i think my favourite story was the volcano and the ash-winter that followed. kind of scary to think of the possibility of that actually happening, because even though we have pretty cool tech, i don’t think things would go well. you do such a great job with your world-building, i never found myself confused about what was happening, the geography of it, the new tech, and the politics. i loved how you were able to smoothly include canon events/characters/things and have it work so well within this au.your descriptions are so so good and make this fic really immersive, i feel like i’m experiencing them with the characters.
definitely one of my favourite things about your writing is how you consistently do such an amazing job of incorporating humour and little character quirks into the fic. it really shows how much skill and talent you have because it’s always effortless and reads so easily. it fits well with the characterization and tone of your fics. i will forever be a fan of your dialogue and all the interactions between everyone seemed so realistic.
i’m continually impressed by your consistently marvelous storytelling. you manage to captivate me no matter what subject you choose. thank you so much for writing this!!
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chipmunkfanno1love · 5 years
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure Speculation: Varian and Vex Shipping
Though Varian has often been shipped with Cassandra, lately it has been a mixed bag of very strong opinions regarding the ship, especially some negative ones about Varian being too young for Cassandra who is in her 20’s while he’s in his teens. Personally I don’t have a problem with them becoming a couple, so long as they wait until Varian is legally an adult (such as it was with Ferb and Vanessa in “Phineas and Ferb”). I could see them as a couple if the creators of the show flashfoward to the future with an older Rapunzel and Eugene are telling their story and the fates of their friends to their children.
Personally I want to keep out of the arguments, and talk about this from a purely fictional opinion. While I do think Cassandra and Varian had great chemistry together in “Great Expositions”, so far Varian’s feelings for Cass are just an innocent crush (I even heard a rumour that Chris Sonneberg said it wouldn’t go any further than this) which Cass doesn’t requite. So I think the chances of these two becoming a couple, even when Varian’s older is pretty slim. Still, I do hope these two become friends again.
Anyway, the point of my topic is to bring up a potential new love-interest for Varian, and while I am pretty open about his love life and who his future girlfriend could be, I’m pretty keen on this ship I’m about to suggest.
The ship is between:
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I imagine this ship is going to have a lot of mixed feedback. Some may not like it because they’re strong for the ship between Cassandra and Varian, while others won't like the ship because they simply don’t like Vex. Hear me out though, here are some good reasons why I think Varian and Vex could make a good couple.
1. The two appear to be close in age to each other. I imagine they’d be some cute teenage romantic tension between these two. It would be adorable to see the growing puppy love (which may eventually blossom into true love) between them.
2. Vex seems to me like a younger counterpart to Varian’s old crush, Cassandra, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Varian becomes attracted to her. Plus the fact that they both look up to her could give them something to bond over (though it might also cause some jealousy too if Vex develops a crush on Varian).
3. I get the feeling that Varian is attracted to tough women. While his crush on Cass was partly to do with her saving his life, I also think it could be that he admired her for her strength and courage. I reckon if he got to know Vex he would come to admire her own strong qualities. Perhaps like Cassandra before her, Vex could also learn to admire Varian’s compassion and smarts (though she may find his optimism annoying at first). I reckon in time these two opposites could attract.
4. Both are former juvenile delinquents of sorts, what with Varian taking over and almost destroying an entire kingdom, stealing a precious ancient relic, not to mention kidnapping Queen Arianna and later attempting to murder her and Cassandra. While Vex as far as I know hasn’t done that, she had her fair share of crimes including bribery and playing part of a kidnapping. Plus who knows what else (her selling weapons suggests a few possibilities). Over time I can see these two learning to empathise with each over their past crimes and connect over their desires to redeem themselves in their current roles, e.g. Varian in helping Princess Rapunzel and Vex in being Deputy to Captain Quaid the Sheriff of Vardaros.
Fun Fact: I reckon their ship name could be V.V (Varian and Vex). Unless of course Vex isn’t Vex’s real name. I believe she could have changed her name, much like two other former criminals we know (Eugene and Lance).
Here are several movie and TV couples that I think could be good examples of how these two could interact as a couple and/or even friends:
Zuko and Mai from “Avatar: The Last Airbender
The one thing I have noticed is that Varian and Zuko’s falls from grace and eventual redemption stories have a lot of similarities to each other, especially since they both had something to do with their estranged relationships with their fathers’ (though I am no way saying that Quirin is cruel and abusive like Lord Ozai was). Both are also rebellious risk-takers who want to do the right thing but often take misguided actions which have terrible consequences to them, though both are eager to make up for their past mistakes and help their respective main character (Rapunzel/Aang) in their destiny. Of course, nerdy alchemist Varian is much more friendly, optimistic and clumsy compared to the hot-tempered, moody and athletically-inclined Fire Prince turned Fire Lord, Zuko. Still, he certainly has his angsty moments which are very similar to Zuko’s. 
I think it makes sense that Varian gets a girlfriend with a lot of similarities to Zuko’s girlfriend, Mai. Mai and Vex are certainly similar in the sense that both are moody, cynical action girls who both seem to have trouble expressing their feelings. Maybe Vex’s cynicism is the result of growing up in her rough town. She had to be tough in order to survive, plus there is a hint that maybe she’s an orphan, so there’s potential that she could be carrying a lot of emotional baggage and even fears of abandonment. She probably pretends not to care about anything because she’s scared if she does she’ll get hurt, similar to how Mai pretends not to care because she was taught to repress her feelings from a young age by her controlling mother.
Either way, like Zuko and Mai, I think both Varian and Vex could bring the best out in each other. Varian could help Vex to open up more, while Vex could help Varian recover from his past wounds (in her own Vex way). I’m sure she can empathise with Varian’s dark past as she wasn’t always on the right side of law herself, or at least her neutral siding didn’t exactly make her stand out as a good guy, until she made the decision to become Captain Quaid’s deputy and therefore firmly planted herself on the good side.
I can definitely see Varian and Vex having a fight similar to Zuko and Mai’s during the party scene of “The Beach”. Also I can also see Vex wearing the pants in the relationship like Mai does (Mai’s warning to Zuko in the series finale never to break up with her again sounds like something I imagine Vex saying to Varian). I believe they will show affection to each other in the same way Zuko and Mai do. This confession of love from Mai sounds like something that Vex would definitely say herself: “I don’t hate you.”
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Wednesday Addams and Joel Glicker from “The Addams Family Values”
A lot of people have compared Vex’s looks and personality to Wednesday Addams from The Addams Family franchise:
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While I certainly won’t deny the similarities, I believe that Vex was inspired by Mattie Ross from the 2010 version of the film True Grit:
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Nonetheless, I can’t deny there are similarities between Vex and Wednesday. I just hope Vex isn’t quite as morbid, lol. Still, I do wonder if the writers do bring in more of the similarities into later episodes (if Vex does make future apperances).
Personally I don’t find that Joel Glicker was the most well-developed character ever. He was more the overprotected nerdy boy who fell for the dark gothic girl. Still, I guess that Varian has similarities to Joel in the sense they are both nerdy characters who are a little insecure and intense (though I do hope Varian has better self-esteem than Joel). I think it would be funny if Varian had a reaction to seeing Vex for the first time similar to Joel’s when he met Wednesday. Somehow I doubt it will happen, but it’s still funny and kind of cute at the same time
Wednesday meets Joel. See 1:59 to 2:17:
I wouldn’t call Wednesday and Joel’s relationship the best, and I certainly wouldn’t want the ending of their relationship to happen between Varian and Vex, but underneath all the morbidity and insecurity, I think there’s a lot of cute moments between these two. They are definitely an interesting example of opposites attract, plus there is some adorable awkwardness between them that I think could be brought to Varian and Vex’s relationship. I personally see Wednesday and Joel’s relationship being an example of how Varian and Vex’s friendship and eventually relationship starts out, perhaps even hinted at as spoof material within the show.
Some examples could be Varian attempting the “yawn and stretch move” on Vex, but she holds up a knife and says “Touch me with that arm, and you’ll lose it.” or simply “Don’t even think about it.” causing Varian to fearfully back away from her on the seat. Though perhaps Varian does something that really impresses Vex, whether it’s showing his braver, angsty side (which I believe that Vex would find attractive) and/or he uses one of his inventions to help the town of Vardaros. Because Vex is a little reluctant to show she’s impressed, she simply says thank you and a half-hearted comment to Varian for his good work. Though Varian can tell that how moved Vex is from a small smile she shares with him and a sign that she’s warming up to the possibility of being affectionate with him, as shown by Wednesday here:
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Even Wednesday and Joel’s farewell and first kiss I could see Varian and Vex spoofing, though in their own individual way.
Wednesday and Joel’s first kiss
So while I hope they’re not exactly like this couple, it would be cute if we saw some spoof references like this. :)
Arnold Shortman and Helga Pataki from “Hey Arnold!”
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I’ll be honest with you guys, I’m probably one of the few people who hasn’t seen the most of the Hey Arnold! TV series and movies. I’ve only seen a few episodes. Still, from what I’ve seen of these two, they seem to have similar personalities to Varian and Vex, plus I imagine their relationship being similar too.
Like Arnold, Varian is friendly, optimistic and always there to help out his friends. While Helga and Vex are similar in that they are both tough, aggressive girls who don’t like to open up about their feelings.
I could definitely see Vex being rather mean to Varian at first, calling him “dork” or “nerd”, but overtime maybe she’ll start to lessen up on the insults and starts to respect Varian for his smarts and the positive affect his inventions could possibly have on Vardaros, though she still keeps him at an emotional distance due to trust issues, and it will probably take a bit of time but perhaps Varian’s mixture of kindness and tough love towards Vex could eventually be the thing that slowly breaks down her emotional walls.
I could probably see Vex developing a crush on Varian (though perhaps not as obsessively as Helga though) but has a hard time showing it. She’ll probably show him affection by punching him in the arm, which is meant to be friendly but hurts because Vex is stronger than she looks.
Maybe she might convince Captain Quaid to give Varian a job as the Alchemist of Vardaros, saying that he can help the people of Vardaros with his inventions and alchemy. Though this is possibly true, I believe she would more suggest the idea to Quaid so she can convince Varian to stay in Vardoros. Varian considers the offer, partly because he believes he can be helpful to the people of Vardaros and the other half because he’s starting to fall for Vex and wants to stay with her. I think he turns down the offer at first (which will probably hurt Vex) but promises he’ll return to visit once he’s helped Rapunzel achieve her destiny and reunite her with Cassandra. Though he may even decide to stay in Vardaros as their professional Alchemist after the mission is finished, eventually becoming Vex’s boyfriend.
A bonus unofficial couple I could compare them to is:
Hiro Hamada and Karmi from “Big Hero 6: The Series”
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There’s no denying that Hiro and Varian are very alike. Both are intelligent and creative child prodigy inventors who are both adorkable and clumsy. Both have lost and/or almost lost family members, and as a result have almost committed murder in order to avenge their loved one’s, though have tried their best to make up for their past mistakes. They are also the one of youngest in their respective group of friends (though not quite with Varian as Keira/Angry and Catalina/Red have now officially joined the group and are a few years younger than him).
While Karmi is rather different from Vex, they do share anti-social and moody tendencies. Deep down underneath their moody exterior though, both have the drive to do the right thing.
Like Hiro and Karmi, I could imagine Varian and Vex having a rivalry of sorts during their first meeting. Perhaps Varian gets jealous over Catalina (Red) and Kiera (Angry) looking up to Vex over him as an older sibling/mentor figure due to them respecting her “tough as nails woman” exterior. Also maybe Vex could get jealous if Quaid starts paying more attention to Varian and his inventions, e.g. maybe he could invent a special smoker to calm Quaid’s bees, impressing the Captain of Vadaros greatly and gaining Vex’s envious resentment.
Over time though, like Hiro and Karmi, these two could learn to respect each other and their talents, eventually forming a friendship, which over time shows signs of romantic attraction between the two teens.
Even if Varian and Vex don’t become a couple, I would still love it if somehow they did meet on the show and eventually become friends. I’m sure it would be cool to see how they interact with someone in their own age group.
What do you guys think? I’d love to hear your feedback, but please refrain from harsh negativity.
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