#anyway gundham showing kaz his pets!!!
metal-queer-rex · 1 year
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quick soudam before i have to work on zine stuff!!
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en-chi-la-da · 7 months
Hinadam and Hinasouda. Gimme (it's alr if you don't wanna)
i dont feel like drawing anything rn anon im srry but here's some shippy word vomit:
HINASOUDA: (during island mode) whenever hajime visits kazuichi's cottage it's always a fricking MESS, hajime has to bribe kaz to move his ass to try and clean it so they don't step on stray nails every two steps (he mostly bribes him with going for food or visiting the electricity avenue or military base) they can pretend they aren't dates but. we know. kazuichi likes having his hair stroked/played with and hajime is happy to oblige too bad it's so greasy most of the time lmao hajime tries to get kaz to shower/wash his hands more often so he isn't constantly smelling of various oils whenever he gets close, but sometimes kazuichi will sneak up on him and rub his dirty grabby handprints all over hajime's clothes. for the lol's ;) (except it's immediately not funny afterwards god dammit kaz do you know how hard it is to get grease/oil stains out of a WHITE BUTTON UP SHIRT FUCK) kazuichi quickly makes sure to shower and/or put fresh overalls on before going to hang with his soul bro <3
HINADAM: (during island mode) whenever hajime visits gundham's cottage the devas like to crawl ALL over him and his clothes, he worries that one of them may fall but rest assured, these are no ordinary hamsters in the first place! >:) (besides gundham likes to show them off and have them do epic tricks half the time anyways they've got the grip strength lmao) they also like to be near hajime bc they know how attached their dark master has gotten to him :)c he gets the dark deva seal of approval! sometimes gundham attempts to give hajime's hair a few pets, it's definitely awkward and confusing at first, but once hajime lets himself lean into it they both start to enjoy it (gundham also likes to have his head pat but he'll never admit it lol) gundham mostly prefers for hajime to tell him before he touches him or grabs him so that he can prepare his POISONED body for it (not so much in a touch aversion kind of way but more so for overstimulation) but gundham will occasionally reach for hajime's hand on his own or lean more into haji's space as his comfort level increases (without the need for a grand speech abt "charging their power together" beforehand lol) <3
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ultimate-ranger · 2 years
Gundham Tanaka General HCs
Some headcanons for Gundham cause I adore him so damn much
Disclaimer: These are just my own opinions based off of my ideas and education in animal ethics and wildlife education!
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Biromantic Demisexual. While he develops feelings easily, it’s a different story when it comes to having sex; he’d have to trust his partner more than anyone else in the world before he feels comfortable.
Hot take, but despite popular belief, Gundham isn’t vegan/vegetarian. I know, I know, hold your heckling and let me elaborate:
◈ Yes I’m aware he’s stated that he pities how livestock is raised solely for human consumption. However, Kodaka isn’t majoring in Wildlife Education like I am, and thus likely slapped this ideal onto Gundham since it’s such a big stereotype for animal lovers to absolutely hate any consumption of animals in anyway.
◈ He understands that most livestock are already natural prey animals, meaning they don’t need much to reach their life goals and stay comfortable. As long as needs are met, there’s no cause for concern.
◈ I can ramble on about the ethics of animal consumption all damn day, but I’ll spare you from that lmao
◈ Gundham doesn’t hate the idea of raising animals for consumption as a whole, he just hates how industrialized it’s become. He’s totally fine with smaller, less commercial farms that care for the well-being of their livestock.
◈ He only buys from said farms, both meat products and crops. I can definitely see him as an “organics” guy. Same goes for the food he gives to his own animals. Only the best for his army.
◈ Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy fishes for himself too.
Has a pretty good sense of humor. He’s well aware that his way of speaking is outlandish and dramatic, so whenever he feels like teasing/pranking someone (usually Kazuichi), he’ll speak totally normally. He might even throw in some modern slang for funsies. He’ll go right back to being dramatic after a single sentence though, when he feels he’s thrown the other off enough.
Hates PETA with a burning passion <3
Made a “pact” with local shelters that any animal that isn’t adopted within a year or is placed on the euthanize list will be taken into his own care. If he’s unable to find an adopter, then that animal becomes part of his family army.
Actually has very little experience with wildlife, his grizzly bear being an exception. He’s mostly only worked with domestic animals, and sometimes wild animals make him nervous, even if he doesn’t show it.
Speaking of his grizzly bear: It’s an educational animal, not a pet. It does not live nor reside anywhere near his home, and is instead sheltered at a wildlife reserve he trusts.
Renaissance fairs. On GOD does he adore Renaissance fairs. He very rarely goes out west to the Americas/Europe, but when he does, he damn well makes sure he visits at least one Ren fair.
◈ Sometimes he’ll have his own area! A petting zoo/creature feature, where he dresses up and acts as a sorcerer with his familiars. So really, just his typical self, but with more medieval clothing.
◈ Visitors and staff adore him cause he’s just a funky lil guy.
◈ Kaz and Sonia tag along sometimes too! Kaz as a steampunk blacksmith and Sonia as either a Renaissance-era princess, or a witch whenever she’s assisting Gundham.
Listens to obscure music that you’d expect from folks like him. Viking metal. Medieval rock. The occasional unknown indie band. Gaelic rock. Instrumentals. That kinda thing. No I’m totally not projecting.
◈ Will never admit it but he also enjoys acoustic covers/versions of popular songs every now and then.
Even though he canonically doesn’t wear underwear, he still wears boxers to bed. Sweatpants if its chilly out.
He actually has troubles sleeping. A lot of people say he’s an early riser, and I think so too, but that doesn’t mean he’s waking up after a full uninterrupted 8 hours.
◈ He’s got so many animals to care for, theres no way they’d let him rest for longer than 3 hours.
◈ Ever take care of baby birds? Birds in general? Say goodbye to your sleep schedule, cause baby birds typically have to be fed nearly every other hour, depending on the bird/age.
◈ Dogs begging to be let out/fed. Cats yowling and pawing at his bedroom door because they want to be let in. Birds waking up and chirping at 4 am. Roosters crowing at the ass crack of dawn, sometimes even before, and never in a pleasant note.
◈ Yeah, that’s not just eyeliner he’s got – them’s some eye bags, baby!
Avid social media user. Yeah it’s canon he runs an animal care/breeding blog, but I like to think he also peruses various other social media platforms too – just under a burner-type account.
◈ It’s not until his friends, mainly Kaz, encourage him to actually make a proper online presence for himself. Twitter and Instagram for animal related topics and photos, and a Facebook simply for business/resume purposes.
◈ Y’know the “is-the-___-video-cute” blogs that aim to help inform others if a video is actually a good/ethical animal video? Or animal-related behavior blogs? Yeah he’s got one of those. Maybe one on Twitter and Insta too.
◈ People LOVE him online. He’s got a fanclub but he never interacts with them cause he’s too nervous. Still likes/shares/retweets/etc their photos and posts though.
◈ Whenever he DOES interact on a post, though, its like spotting a cryptid. Single word or sentence responses that are either haunting af or insanely funny in that dry wit kinda way. Like having Seth Everman reply to your post.
◈ People have begged him to make ASMRs whenever he posts a video where he speaks. He’s debating on it.
◈ Is absolutely 100% debating on making a podcast.
Is in plenty of documentaries/mini series as a guest speaker/interviewee, and no matter how hard he tries to look spooky and intimidating for the video, the animals always end up making him look soft and gentle.
◈ It’s both jarring yet hilarious to see this dark, brooding man talk in such a deep and rough voice, only to then turn his head and place a lil kissie on one of the Deva’s heads.
Doesn’t want to have kids in the future. He feels as though he doesn’t have the proper mental stability to raise a child, nor is he that fond of the idea of being a father to another human. Besides, animal care takes up pretty much all of his time and energy. He’s a Dog Dad™ for life, man.
Despite being a Dog Dad™ though, he has no bias over cats or dogs. If it’s an animal, he loves it. Training a good dog to be a companion? Curled up by the window with a cat in his lap on a rainy day? That’s the life, bro.
Terrified of heights. We all saw how he acted on that rollercoaster.
Very protective of his friends! If someone’s been able to wiggle their way into his closed-off heart, then he’d lay his life down for them.
◈ If he hears or catches wind of someone talking shit about one of his friends, you can bet he’s gonna give them one hell of a Shakespearian smack down.
◈ If he gets really mad, though, he may even drop his persona completely and just cuss the fuck outta the person. That’s when you know he values that friend a lot.
◈ Even with people he claims to hate (cough Kaz cough), he still sticks up for them if he hears their name being slandered.
Wants people to better understand animals, yet gets super anxious and restless whenever he lets someone hold/handle an animal that isn’t a cat or dog. They’re just so fragile and he’s nervous!
In conclusion your honor, I love him. Please talk to me about Gundham.
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generous1ty · 3 years
Gundham, Nagito and Hajime with a s/o that has a duck army? (A surprisingly strong duck army) they say they’re gonna take over the world with it-
Also they probably throw bread crumbs on Kazuichi so the ducks attack him.
i really love this prompt, not only because it’s so random, but because i love ducks and having a strong duck army sounds amazing. i suppose we’re the Ultimate Duck Army General? hahahsjjskds
don’t bully Kaz too much pls--
also, you didn't specify whether you wanted headcanons or drabbles, so i did drabbles for them! hope you don't mind. :)
lots of love! <3
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Gundham, Nagito and Hajime reacting to their S/O who’s a General of a strong Duck Army!
genre: fluff warnings: none besides...bullying Kazuichi... </3
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Gundham Tanaka (0.6k words)
to say that this day was like any other day would be undermining the situation at hand.
currently, unbeknownst to Gundham Tanaka, the Forbidden One, you had been holding an army of your own and kept it hidden from him! an army of ducks, at that!
it was so surprising that it had baffled the man from his ice cold persona to his power to call his Four Dark Devas.
i mean, a mere mortal has the ability to handle an army of ducks?! absurd!
you must be... more reliable than he thought. surely you were of the same caliber as him. after all, not just anyone can become a general of an army. a duck army especially.
"[Y/n]... have you conquered the demon that speaks to the ducks?! is that why you have claimed such immense power over armies and armies of such strong opponents?!" his voice rattled your ears as you simply smirked, crossing your arms in wait for his speech to be done.
"Gundham, the Forbidden One," you called his name, grabbing his own attention as a cold bead of sweat fell down his face, "I have been sustained to years and years of training to be able to master the art of creating this massive duck army!"
while you had a bag of crumbs still left in your hands, you decided you'd enjoy yourself a bit.
"with this army, i will take over the world! everyone will know my name as [Y/n], God(dess) of the Flying Creatures!" you boasted, as Gundham let out a strained noise.
"you surely have enough power to defeat me, [Y/n], God(dess) of the Flying Creatures. HOWEVER! Gundham, the Forbidden One must stop you in your tracks! To let a mere mortal wander with such power is blasphemy! so i shall put a stop to it,"
you readied your bag of crumbs, your hands already inside of the paper before he could even cast a spell or draw a summoning circle. more so, before he could start anything, you had already throws the crumbs at him, yelling the iconic line almost anyone wants to say,
. . . .
he... had lost..?
surrounded by calm ducks that had once been feral to him, Gundham was laying on his back. the floor had never felt so cold...
"to think... i would lose to such as the likes of you..." he let out a bitter chuckle, his eyes fluttering shut, "i guess this shall be the end of Gundham, the Forbidden One, right?"
"Gundham," your voice was strong and stern, enough to shake his own eyes open once more despite his quick and shameful defeat, "your purpose is not to defeat me, but to befriend me in defeating the Demon King of hell, and to restore peace across the lands."
your outstretched your hand, waiting for him to accept the help off on his back, "so befriend me, and i shall help you conquer the demon realm."
you were a worthy opponent indeed... to defeat him and then accept him, no wonder you were leading such an amazing duck army. truly, you were a leader; someone worth following.
his hand had fallen into yours, mesmerized from your skillful nature.
what had you done? had you cast a spell on him? a spell that made his heart pick up speed, or make his face light on fire?
despite this, he could not utter a word. he simply hid behind his scarf, admiring you from the distance you had placed.
"now, let's go bully Kaz," you suggested, his hand still in yours as you both travelled away to faraway lands to throw breadcrumbs and magic spells at Kazuichi Souda.
Nagito Komaeda (0.5k words)
Nagito's hands were filled with breadcrumbs and his body flocked with different kind of aquatic birds.
of course, it was just his luck to be hindered when something lucky happened to him. that was just the cycle. even so, he smiled at the ducks gently pecking at his hand for the bread. the ducks were so cute, and full of a beautiful kind of hope.
before this, he had to deliver some bags of bread crumbs to you. he didn't ask why, nor did he need to. he was just happy you trusted and depended on him to even ask for a simple favor from him!
but sadly, on the way to you he was attacked by a large group of ducks. now, with no way out but to feed the ducks, he stay sitting on the ground, feeding the ducks either by hand or by throwing some crumbs out.
any passerby would think he was some crazy lunatic or something.
you, however, had tried to meet him halfway since... well, since he didn't show up with your bags of bread crumbs.
"hey, what are you guys doing? i told you to stay in--" with a few ducks in your arms, your eyes spotted Nagito. he had heard your voice from your general direction, and his eyes had met yours.
. . . .
"wow, [Y/n]! you really commanded those ducks as if they were your own army! such talent..! nothing less from an Ultimate, I suppose," he praised you for helping him get away from the flock of ducks that were, as said, your own army.
"i really am lucky to have had you save me, huh?" his question made you smile as you picked up on of the ducks from the nice, straight line behind you.
"from my own army, yes. very lucky, i'd say," Nagito's face seemed to flush a bit, shoving his hands into his pocket as he looked away from making eye contact.
"your army, huh..? then i guess i got it right," he boasted, chuckling to himself.
"well, they don't call you the ultimate lucky student for nothing," with your back turned to him, arms outstretched wide with enthusiasm as you began your speech.
"i shall dominate this world with this very duck army! ducks will be the new indoor pets, they'll be fed and appreciated everywhere.. they'll be a new trend! and once i take over this world..." you turned around, taking the bags with breadcrumbs from Nagito, "you'll be my second in command."
you waved goodbye as you trotted along with the many, many ducks following behind you.
his hands that were released from his pockets had covered his mouth, his mouth that let out small chuckles and giggles.
the hope you gathered inside of you to say that you'd take over this world infested with despair and fill it with hope by a duck army! it was splendid!
and to be your second in command...
he supposed that maybe just once, he could be a little bit selfish.
Hajime Hinata (0.7k words)
it had been a simple outing to the park.
Hajime had no idea why you insisted to go somewhere else, as the park was a nice way to get some soft exercise and the scenery around the park nearby was beautiful.
he was fine with it if you didn't want to go, though.
despite all your protests, you both went anyway.
you two had only been in the park for a small while, but you were so stiff and observant. it was kind of concerning to him, so he decided to ask.
"hey, [Y/n], are you okay? if you don't want to stay here we can--"
"NO! i-i mean, no. i'm okay, i just-- i have something to tell you after we're done with the walk, okay?" you insisted that you both finish this walk.
you also thought that the scenery of the trees and the lake was beautiful, especially since the sun was so bright today. the weather was good for a walk, Hajime knew what he was doing when he suggested the outing to be today.
he scrunched his nose up a bit, but agreed nonetheless, "alright.. if you say so. if you ever need anything, you can always just ask."
he was so reassuring just AGGHHH I LOVE HIM
all you saw were your ducks everywhere. if you hadn't trained them to understand your signals to stay away, you swore Hajime would have been swarmed and pecked by many, many ducks by now for even being near you.
thank goodness you had thought of things beforehand.
other than you spotting ducks everywhere, you were also graced by Hajime's smile the whole walk. just looking at nature and taking in the beauty of it-- Hajime loved being outside.
but most of all, he loved being with you during all this. if he was honest, he hoped that the thing you had to tell him was a confession-- but he wasn't lucky like Nagito. to get his hopes up would be silly, so he just needed to be logical.
maybe it was about this park, or something that had happened to make you so...
"Oh hey, a duck," his voice startled you. but that wasn't the only thing that surprised you.
a duck?!
he picked the small duck up and-- oh god.
. . . .
shooing a few ducks away from the brunette, you dusted him off, a sorry expression on your face.
"agh, i'm sorry--"
"why're you apologizing?" he gave a soft laugh, "it's not like you knew i'd be attacked by ducks."
as ridiculous as it sounded, after he picked up the small duck at his feet, he was knocked over by a multitude of others in hiding.
now that he thought of it, why were there so many ducks nearby..? he didn't see any on the lake, either. it was... odd.
"so hey, do you know why..?-"
"Hajime," you helped him get up on his feet, taking his hand and pulling him up from the ground.
his face flushed a bit as he grabbed your hand, and he gave his attention to you, "yes, [Y/n]?"
"those ducks were mine," you told him, a hand on his shoulder as you gave him the same sorry face as before, "i'm sorry."
what did you mean by-- what?? those ducks were yours? why-- no, how did you get those ducks? how did you get them to be so well trained to hide in bushes and trees??
"i know it's probably confusing, but-- i've had them for a long while. i promise i'm using them for the good of the world," you told him, as his confusion only worsened.
"good of... the world..?"
he could see your expression darken as you smiled, grabbing his hand and raising it to intertwine your fingers.
"world domination," you told him, your face brightening up once more.
he was baffled-- speechless. world domination?! he had to stop you--
"well, that is, if you can conquer the world with ducks," you chuckled, which had cancelled out your past claims.
"but i really did train those ducks. they're like my own mini army,"
he chuckled, almost finding this amusing. his chuckle turned into a small laugh before kissing your forehead, "world domination sounds like a good goal."
your face flushed a bit, letting go of his hand and backing away.
before conquering the world, it'd be better if you conquered the feeling inside your chest first.
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May I request how korekiyo, ryoma, soda, and gundham would react to their s/o stealing their hat/scarf <3
☁︎︎~Of course! Here it is! Btw, IM BACK!
☁︎︎~Korekiyo, Ryoma, Kazuichi, and Gundham with a s/o who steals their hat/scarf!
•Kiyo never had the problem when it came to people stealing his clothing wear.
•Not a lot of people wanted to due to the fact how intimidating the anthropologist was.
•I mean, he knew it was a human thing to do when two people were in a relationship.
•Clothing in the relationship was frequently shared to his research.
•Does that mean he should start doing that with you?
•He didn’t bother asking. If you wanted to steal his clothing he had no problem with it.
•Once again, it was a normal thing to do.
•He had just came back from work when he had peeked through your guys shared room to see you messing with his hat and mask.
•Bandages were loosely wrapped around your arms while you stood tall in the mirror examining yourself.
•He softly giggled, murmuring to himself of how fascinating you could be.
•Slipping around the door he laughed,
•”Ah my dearest... I see you’ve taken interest in my everyday wear... how about I show you how to actually wrap my bandages?”
•Nodding, you sat down on the bed and let him do his work.
•While he was wrapping the bandages and adjusting the mask, he went on about how hats and bandages came to be.
•He never failed at teaching you things like these.
•When he was done you looked up at him,
•”So your not mad at me for taking your stuff?”
•With a smirk he shook his head,
•”It’s only natural for you to do so my dear. I am your significant other after all.”
•Pressing a kiss to your forehead, the two of you spent the last sun hour talking about history and former times.
•One thing Ryoma hates is when people steal his hat.
•It’s one of his most valued things besides his cats
•and you-
•He likes it on his head and on his head only.
•You two are in his room messing around with facemasks, soaps, acne cream, all of that fun stuff.
•Ryoma is 100% down to do these with you don’t get me wrong but…
•This means it requires him taking his hat off.
•He’s hesitant at first saying things like,
•“Are you sure it has to come off? You can’t avoid it?”
•“I can push it back if you’d like.”
•Don’t get me wrong, he trusts you and all but it’s HIS hat.
•You sigh and give up, shrugging your shoulders and nodding,
•“I guess you could push it back…”
•Oh god not the pouty face-
•He instantly feels bad.
•Smirking he takes his hat off and places it upon your head.
•“Fine you win. Take care of it for the time being.”
•There’s that smile he loves!
•Watching you adjust it, he feels somewhat vulnerable without it.
•However, he knows you won’t damage it or destroy it.
•God he thinks you’re precious
•As you may know, Kaz needs to tamper with things constantly.
•If he doesn’t have something to tinker with, he’ll go all out to destroying your alarm clock just for him to fix.
•Thankfully he didn’t go after the alarm clock for the 5th time today.
•One of his clients came in with a vehicle that had problems with the breaks.
•Kaz wasted no time on the project and dug straight into the vehicle.
•Getting his tools ready, he took his beanie off and instead tied his hair back.
•Sometimes the beanie was uncomfortable when he was sweating constantly and around hot machines.
•The material constantly rubbed against his forehead leaving a rash.
•So instead he stole some of your hair ties and solved his problem-
•Throwing his beanie on the counter he slid under the car and got to work.
•You were on the couch relaxing and scrolling through the media when you slowly became bored.
•Kaz had been downstairs for about 30 minutes now fixing this damn car.
•Boredom got the best of you and you decided to walk down the stairs to the garage.
•Looking over at Kaz who was still under the vehicle jamming out to the music, you spotted his beanie nearby.
•Taking this chance to put it on, Kaz just so happened to slide out from under the vehicle and stand up.
•Noticing your arrival, he smiled before realizing you were wearing his hat.
•“W-Woah! Y/N! Are you wearing my hat?!”
•“Yeah.. Is that alright?”
•He rushed over to you, quickly embracing you while filling your face with kisses.
•”Of course! You look frickin hot!”
•This man is still not good with words-
•Man thinks you're adorable in it. Whenever he sees you wearing it now, his eyes twinkle with Awh.
•Just like Ryoma, Gundham hates when people touch his scarf.
•It’s his main clothing piece after all.
•If anything he’s worse then Ryoma.
•No one touches his scarf...
•No one-
•Then again who can blame him? Technically it’s where the Dark Devas Of Destruction are anyways.
•The hamster themselves hate when people go to grab their masters scarf.
•Before you two started dating, you remember him telling you this fact at the very beginning.
•.. and you had no problem with it.
•You were the first person that didn’t ignore his wishes.
•And he was mighty grateful for that.
•You two were at your home, sitting in your bedroom and talking about animals.
•All while your pet P/N sat beside you.
•When you asked about his hamsters, he blushed and tilted away.
•”I-I see... you want to meet them...”
•With a heavy sigh, he nodded, commanding the hamsters to come out.
•One at a time the hamsters head popped out from his scarf.
•They looked at you with unease, not sure if they could trust you or not.
•After 10 minutes of Gundham trying to convince them to come out, they still shook their heads and quivered away.
•Seeing your upset face, Gundham took no time to slip the scarf around your neck.
•You looked at him with confusion.
•He looked at you with eyes full of trust.
•Seeing the hamsters come out from the scarf once again they even had the face of confusion.
•Almost like if they were questioning if their master was alright in the head.
•”It was the only way for my hamster to arise from their hole. Don’t think of it as anything else.”
•”I do really trust you so wear this-“
•Nevertheless, the rest of the night contained you wearing the scarf.
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idnek83 · 3 years
Hey it’s angst o’clock: before Kaz and Gundham get together, when they still kinda hate each other, 2 of the Devas have babies and everyone takes turns babysitting the litter while Gundham works. Kaz’s turn comes and he finds one of the babies has died and fREAKS THE FUCK OUT. Like sobbing cuz he’s never had a pet before let alone seen one die and so he takes the baby and flees and everyone thinks he just straight up stole a baby but really he’s fucking horrified and terrified to tell Gundham cuz he fucked it up and the baby is dead cuz of him somehow. And someone, maybe Sonia, finds him and talks him down and they go to Gundham who is more upset that Kaz “stole” a baby but once he realizes what happens he understands. Being a Breeder he probably sees animal death a lot unfortunately. But he helps comfort Kaz and forgives him and lets him help with the living babies and maybe that’s how they start becoming actual friends and sometime down the line they realize oh fuck I’m actually in love with this dude when did that happen IDK SHOWER THOUGHTS WOULDNT LEAVE ME ALONE I HAD TO TELL SOMEONE SORRY
You think you can come onto my blog and just rip my fucking heart out, huh? Right in front of my mutuals? You think you can just rip my heart out and force me to write something sad so everyone else has to feel sad too?
Good. Cus you 100% can lol.
TW: animal death - It’s mentioned repeatedly and is the central theme of this, so please just skip this one if you think you might be uncomfortable reading it. 
Gundham comes into the class one day and he’s super proud and showing off the baby hamsters to everyone. He’s a little embarrassed to ask for help, but he’s working on a very important conservation project or something, so he asks if anyone would be willing to keep an eye on them for an hour or two at a time over the next few days, insisting that it wouldn’t be hard, all they really had to do was make sure they didn’t escape and call Gundham if something went wrong. At least like half the class offers cus the babies are just so damn cute, Soda only offers cus Sonia did and he’s trying to impress her.
Gundham sets up an enclosure for the hamsters in the classroom, and everyone picks a time to come by to watch them.
When Soda’s turn rolls around a few days later, he’s secretly a little excited. He’s been complaining about it the past few days to keep up appearances, can’t have anyone suspecting that even tough he can’t stand Gundham, he also kind of has a soft spot for him (What? Dudes handsome), but he’s actually pretty psyched to get to spend some time just chilling with the baby hamsters. He’s never had his own pet, but he’s always wanted one.
Anyways, when he gets to the class he checks on all the babies and as far as he can tell they’re all good. He gives pets them for a bit, but then they seem like they’re trying to go to sleep so he leaves them and sits at a desk to play around on his phone for a while. Like 40 minutes later he gets up to check on them again.
They’re pretty much all huddled up, and Soda thinks it’s super cute, but he notices one lying down a bit away from the rest. He assumes it must have rolled away in it’s sleep, or that it got kicked out since its the smallest one, so he goes to move it back over to the hamster pile.
It’s cold when he touches it.
He knows pretty much right away what that means, but he doesn’t want to believe it. He pokes it a bit and tries to scratch it’s whiskers to get it to react, but it doesn’t move. He’s already crying, but then he starts thinkin about how it was probably something on his hands that killed it. He didn’t was his hands after finishing up in his garage, and he must have had oil or something on his hand when he was petting the hamster and now it was dead.
He’s hyperventilating.
He’s worried he killed them all, but looking at the hamster pile, the rest of them all appear to be breathing still. He’s too scared to touch them to make sure.
He’s sure its his fault. His fault for touching the hamster with dirty hands and his fault for not paying more attention. The hamster was probably acting weird before it died, if he had just been paying attention he could have called Gundham and it would still be alive.
He’s a murderer.
Sonia was supposed to be the next person watching the hamsters. He couldn’t let her see the dead baby hamster, couldn’t let her know he killed it. He looks around the room and finds a little box to put it in. He’s chocking on his sobs as he picks up the hamster, and he nearly drops it because his hands are shaking so bad. Once it’s in the box he has to take a moment cus he thinks he might vomit from how guilty he feels. 
There’s like 10 minutes before Sonia is supposed to get there, so he takes one last look at the other hamsters, picks up the little box that has no right feeling as heavy as it does, and leaves.
He doesn’t really know where to go so he just heads up to the roof to get some fresh air and think, sobbing the whole way. He’s pretty sure he saw Sonia down one of the hells on his way up, but he just prays she didn’t see him and that she doesn’t remember how many hamsters there were.
He sits with the box in his lap, shaking. 
He thinks he feels it shift.
His chest seizes up. Was it alive? Had he really not killed it? He can feel the hope swelling up inside him as he slowly opens the box-
It’s dead.
It’s definitely dead and now its lying on its side and its little eyes are staring right at Soda and it takes him a minute to realize his sobs have turned into screams of agony. The hope made it so much worse.
He closes the box again and sets it down so gently beside him, before curling in on himself and just sobbing and screaming into his hands so hard his whole body is shaking from it.
He’s a murderer. He killed a defenseless animal. A baby. It was only a few days old and he killed it.
Suddenly there’s a warm hand on his back, rubbing just a little and bringing him back down to earth. His sobs slowly get weaker and he manages to look up, though his vision is still blurred with tears. He can make out dark clothes, pale skin, and a bright purple scarf. He assumes Gundham is there to punish him.
Gundham just asks him what’s going on, says Sonia called him because one of the hamsters was missing and she thought she had seen Soda running away from the classroom earlier. They assumed he had taken one of the hamsters for himself, but that didn’t explain why he was crying on the roof.
Soda realizes that the only reason Gundham isn’t beating him senseless is because he doesn’t know the hamster is dead.
“I killed it.” He starts sobbing harder the second the word leave his mouth. He feels Gundham’s hand tense on his back
“What.” Gundham definitely sounds pissed now. He’s not yelling, but his voice sounds deadly. Soda accepts that he’s about to get the shit kicked out of him, accepts it even. He deserves it.
“I-it must have been the oil on my h-hands or something, I don’t know. I s-should have been paying more attention, but when I looked at them gain it was-” his voice is cut off by another sob, and he’s just waiting for Gundham to hit him. To his surprise, some of the tension in Gundham’s body dissipates.  
“Where is the poor creature?” Gundham doesn’t sound angry anymore and Soda doesn’t understand. He just gestures towards the box, he’s too much of a coward to even look at it again.
Gundham gets up and opens the box. Soda hear him exhale sadly after a moment, before returning to Soda.
“It would seem we have both been mislead.” Gundham sits beside Soda and starts rubbing his back again. He explains that Soda did not kill the hamster, it seemed like something must not have developed right internally, and it simply died of natural causes. There was nothing either of them could have done to save it. Soda is just amazed how calm Gundham is being.
He asks him why he isn’t more upset, and Gundham sighs and tells him that it’s unfortunately something he sees a lot, so over time he’s just gotten used to it.
Soda’s just like “That fucking sucks.” and Gundham kind of laughs sadly and say “It fucking sucks indeed.” Soda’s kind of startled by Gundham swearing and it forces an awkward little laugh out of him. 
They’re both quite for a while, then Gundham tells him he’s touched by how upset Soda was over the hamsters death, and that he’s sure the hamsters soul appreciated him mourning it, but it is simply part of the circle of life and death, so he shouldn’t get too fixated on it. Soda’s still crying a little but he nods and says he’ll try, Gundham keeps rubbing his back.
They stay up on the roof for a while longer. Soda has mostly stopped crying, but Gundham’s hand is still on his back and he tries not to think too much about it. When they stand, Gundham picks up the box before Soda can even think about it and motions for him to follow him.
They bury it in some nearby woods, Soda insists on leaving some flowers. He asks Gundham not to tell their classmate about how much he cried. Gundham just says ‘of course’, as if they didn’t spend most their free time looking for new ways to get under each other’s skin.
Later, Gundham insists that Soda comes to see the healthy babies, telling him it will help him feel better. Soda is scared to be left alone with them, so Gundham just stays by his side the whole time. Even after Gundham finishes his project and brings them back to his place, he invites Soda over to see them. He starts teaching Soda about proper hamster care and they slowly grow closer and closer.
Sometimes Soda gets a little teary eyed while looking at the other hamsters, and he’s worried Gundham will make fun of him. He never does, he always just silently rubs Soda’s back, until one day he pulls him into a hug as well.
Months later, their relationship has completely turned around. They’re both constantly talking to each other and hanging out, they even occasionally refer to the hamster babies as their children haha. The rest of the class starts making bets on when they’ll realize they’re into each other, but for the time being they’re both happy they were able to finally become friends.
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crazynekochan · 5 years
Good Omens Soudam AU
So as many of you might noticed I am absolutely in love with Good Omens, and so I decided to make a Good Omens AU prompt, that I might maybe write as a fic at some point if I’m not too useless
Gundham is an angel who fell in love with the many animals that were created for earth and as such he decided to stay on earth after his job as a guardian of one of the gates in Eden ended. He opened a pet store and daycare, however for some reason no one ever seems to come in to buy animals (because he won’t sell his pets)
Kazuichi is a demon who just has a habit of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, which led to his fall. Problem is, he is absolutely terrified of the other demons (who are all quite violent at their best moments) and he is even more scared of hell itself. As such he decided to stay on earth and open a mechanic shop, since he is fascinated with all the technology the humans come up with to make up for their missing magical abilities
They both first met in Eden when Kazuichi had been tasked to make Adam and Eve eat the apple (or he would be hurt). Gundham directly had a fascination for the pretty demon who can turn into a serpent, because he likes animals and that demon can turn into a snake. Kazuichi in the mean time liked Gundham since he is actually the first being who is actually nice to him and even shows his kindness by giving the humans a way to protect themselves by giving away his praised sword. That he’s also handsome is a nice bonus as well. After this they meet over the time again and again and again, as they slowly turn into frenemies (and are hopelessly crushing on each other)
Ages go by and Kazuichi gets a new and very important mission, after he spend thousands of years in the human world where he always just happens to walk into the very fucked up shit the humans did and somehow getting credit for it even if he usually was just hiding away in fear or having a nice chat with Gundham somewhere entirely else. His mission is to deliver the Antichrist to the royal family of an European kingdom. While he is having a mental breakdown because of it, he still has to do it because otherwise they will slaughter him for disobeying. He makes his way to the small satanic church and gives them the baby in the basket, whom he didn’t even dare to look at. However here comes the problem, because he gives the baby to the satanic nun Mikan, who is dedicated and a good sister/nurse, but she is clumsy as they come and as such there happens a little mistake and from 2 babies that were supposed to be there and swapped, there were suddenly 3 babies after someone came in surprisingly and the Antichrist went to the wrong family, while the royal family took someone else’s child and the last child was brought to an adoption centre
No one is aware about this and Kazuichi is still too much in the middle of a mental breakdown to stay long enough to even notice the huge fuck up that happened, and he quickly calls Gundham and they think up their plan how to stop Armageddon, by becoming the Antichrist’s caretakers
Now no one has any clue what gender the Antichrist has, most only assumed that they would be a boy. However when they were employed to the royal household where princess Sonia, who is a baby girl, was living they only shrugged. Gundham questioned it for a moment, since he also went with the assumption that it was supposed to be a boy and Kazuichi only replies that he didn’t check the baby’s gender when he delivered it, because why the hell should he?! He had other worries at that moment than to check the sex of a baby! Anyway, from that point on Kazuichi is now Sonia’s nanny (because he loves children and I find it too cute) and tries to make her evil and sucks at it, while Gundham works in the stables and tries to make her good and equally sucks at it. They indeed are so bad at it that Sonia actually gets her “bad” habits (aka her fascination for the occult) from Gundham and not from Kazuichi
However as they learn at Sonia’s 11th birthday, she isn’t the Antichrist and in fact is nothing more than a normal (at least human. normal not so much) girl, and that they lost the real Antichrist
The Antichrist is actually Hajime, who is having a happy childhood together with his best friends, Nagito, Fuyuhiko and Peko (originally wanted to use Chiaki, but she is someone else now) and at his 11th birthday he finds a black dog with red eyes whom he calls Izuru
At the same time Chiaki, who is the descendent of a witch, is on her mission to find Hajime and stop Armageddon with the help of her book of nice and accurate prophecies (There is no Newt, Shadwell or Tracy in here, because I have no clue who to use and it also works without them)
Kazuichi and Gundham are doing their best to find Hajime as quickly as they can, while at the same time stopping their superiors from finding out who are very adamant about killing each other (Munakata is Gabriel and Junko is Belzebub here). Hajime in the meantime slowly begins to learn how to use his powers to change reality itself without even noticing it
(Originally I was thinking about having Kazuichi as the angel, who sucks at his job, and Gundham as the demon who is more aesthetic than anything else, while still keeping Kaz as the nanny and Gundham as the stable master, but the thought of Kazuichi being scared shitless of hell as a demon was funny so I went with it the other way round, because in the end it hardly matters. So you can easily swap them out if you want)
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crazynekochan · 5 years
Au where people can't say the name of the person they love/ have a crush on
That world must be fun to live in x)
Having pet-names for one’s s/o is the absolute norm in this AU, because they somehow have to be able to address other people. It might even be something very special in this world to use a pet-name, because shows that a couple is in love
However for the people who try to keep their crush/love a secret it must be a huge problem, because they need to find ways to address their crush without actually needing to call them their name
People like Nagito or Aoi, who are very open about their feelings, would have no problem with showing that they can’t say the names of their crush or s/o. Though Hajime would be quite bashful the first time he realises that Nagito can’t say his name any more
Also Fuyuhiko and Peko would probably have been way more honest when they both had to spend every moment with each other without being able to say the other’s name at all
However people who try to keep it a secret have a problemTaking soudam as an example (which surprise), they would struggle so much. Gundham would have the advantage that he rarely uses names anyway and often goes with nicknames. However Kazuichi would need to become creative with avoiding to have to use Gundham’s name because not only do they talk a lot, Kazuichi also can’t start using only nicknames, because everyone would start questioning it so the poor guy as a problem x)
But just imagine the first time Kaz is in a discussion with Gundham and doesn’t give attention to what he is saying and automatically wants to end the sentence with the other’s name. To only suddenly stop as no word leaves his mouth and everyone starts looking at him with wide eyes, especially Gundham as realisation hits him x)
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