#anyway i got these and had the strongest urge to make gifs
arrow487356 · 1 year
headcannons of The vamp bois
long one kinda, also nsfw will be its separate post if i even post it. (Also if anyone wonders this is still set in 1987) ALSO JUST A WARNING THIS MOVIE IS NOTHING LIKE TWILIGHT AND IS WAY WAY DIFFERENT SO PLEADE PLEASE DONT MENTION TWILIGHT STUFF. (This is just little note to anyone who is new to this movie and has seen twilight) also my head cannons won’t involve laddie or star since i don’t like writing about little little kids and star isn’t my favorite character, but I might hint to them.
Tw: (slight self harm will be marked down.
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pronouns: he/him
hes been turned for 2 years, and he was turned when he was 18.
hes the most serious, but cares about the others. they know that he cares for them even if he says he doesnt.
he dyes is hair every week and a half, that shit dead as fuck but hes dead anyways.
likes to get hugs but will never accept them with the others around or in public, since it makes him look weak.
He loves cats but can’t be around them since they don’t like him due to him being a vampire except for a few strays that stay near their hideout.
He hates Marcos birds that marco keeps in the hideout.
He has smoked since he was 12 due to his father smoking around him and leaving out a pack out in the open (80s sucked)
He sometimes stole some eyeliner or even eyeshadow to just test it out, but when marco and Paul stole a shit ton of eye makeup to fuck around he sometimes put on eyeliner or eyeshadow.
He is very very territorial to the hideout when people near that he doesn’t want to kill or turn.
He has cuddly moments and when alone with someone he loves he will be cuddly and won’t let his love leave his arms until they need to eat, or go to the bathroom.
(Tw Self harm)
He has scars from an accident as a kid when he wanted to see how sharp each knife was in his dad’s collection. (He took many of the knifes that he used when he disappeared)
Also his grandpa was a veteran and had a whole knife collection and when his grandpa passed away his father got all the knifes.
When he feeds he is not very messy and won’t let a drop waste
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Pronouns: he/they
Hes was turned at 17 and has been a vampire for a few months he is the newest member.
He has the least grip on his urge for blood and his vampire form. He does what he is doing in the GIF when ever he is around someone who’s blood smells delicious to him.
He has the strongest sense of smell out of the group which makes it harder for him to control himself.
He’s the shortest but don’t let that fool you. He’s very very aggressive at times and will start or add to fights.
He’s best friend is Paul. They always talk to each other and Paul is very very protective of him.
This little boy is very cuddly and handsy, if he falls in love and you’re near him he will hold them or they will hold him.
He is such a sweet ball full of love when he isn’t angry or overwhelmed with the smell of blood.
He loves when his hair is played with.
Part of the hideout area is just full of birds that he takes care of and Paul sometimes helps.
If he finds a person to love and they help him take care of the birds he will be weak in the knees for them.
Eyeliner, every day. Some days are more noticeable then other days.
Knows how to knit, sew, and crochet. He fixes the others clothes if they have holes in them, and sometimes makes gloves to just wear on his own.
Oh and he has a slight stubble on his face, it’s barely noticeable but he doesn’t want his facial hair that noticeable.
When he feeds it’s a huge mess. Blood will be all over his chin and it will drip down to his shirt
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Pronouns: he/him might try she/her
Turned when he was 19 has been turned for 1 year and 9 months
He is like a momma bird to his little baby birds. He’s protective and since they can eat human food if they ever want human food he quickly goes to get it.
He can make jewelry and makes most of his earring’s. (He made the one that david, and Paul is wearing in the Gif)
He doesn’t mind the birds in the hideout. They get a bit annoying but he likes them since their pets and it makes him feel some humanity is left in him.
He cuts the guys hair and his all the time when ever needed.
He has tried dying his hair since david wanted to. Let’s just say, that won’t ever happen again.
He always has slight facial hair. It’s not fully noticeable like david but can be visible.
This man wants a kid but can since he’s technically dead, so when ever he is around a kid that watches them he just smiles and waves at them. (Most of the time the parents see and quickly move the kid away 🥲)
He likes to wear bracelets and rings, but his least favorite thing to wear due to the California heat. A shirt. Confusing right since they l wear jackets. (I might get into that stuff later though)
He has a tattoo that he got from his older brother when he turned 18, it was his mothers name since she past away that year.
He is the sweetest of the group.
He’s the silent one though most of the time so he doesn’t really praise or say he loves you to his partner.
He just shows it though action. Like holding them, rubbing his face into their hair or neck like a cat. Or protecting them from any type of harm even just bugs.
He’s acts like a cat lion at times also. and he has claws so watch out.
When feeding he is the cleanest of them all. There is some blood on his face or chest but not a lot.
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Pronouns: any he/him is mainly used since 1987
Turned when he was 17 he’s been turned for 1 year.
He is very very hyper and talkative.
He is a lot like a frat boy at times, and if you find that wrong you can fight me. Look up the definition and you’ll see.
He’s a lot like a golden retriever and you can’t tell me otherwise. He’s a hyper boy and is loyal once he finds the one.
He is the supplier for all the booze and alcohol they drink, even though alcohol can barely make them drunk.
Paul doesn’t care about the birds but help marco out since he will do anything for Marco.
He barely brushes his hair but when he does it takes him 3-4 hours to brush it and Dwayne has to help him due to how rare he brushes it.
He has tattoos. There are mostly stick and poke and random things but he’s recently got a tattoo for free and he got fangs and blood dripping down ironically.
When he finds a lover he is very very playful and likes to tease. He also love them very much and makes sure they know.
He loves his S/O and if they ever think he doesn’t he will prove it in many ways, from giving them cuddles, or the little devils tango to murdering someone for them, or if they are a vampire like him killing the person and bring the body to his S/O like a cat giving their owner it’s prey. (Sometimes the person is alive…)
He loves when his hair is brushed by someone else, that’s why he rarely brushes it, and if his s/o does it trust me he will get on his knees for them.
MESSY FEEDER he will have blood all over his chin chest sometimes will have it on his face. He doesn’t hold back when drinking blood.
All of them
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If their s/o is ever okay with it and they are starving for blood they will drink a little from their s/o.
They are all down bad for a s/o who cares for them and will play with their hair.
They have their moments were they are rude or shut away but that’s normal for a teenage boy, or man that will be stuck as teenagers forever.
Anyways they have that little day of a month when it special and it’s called heat, we won’t get into the nsfw shit, but when that happens they will want to hold you, and they all have heat at the same time basically. 1 after the other.
Paul gets clingy but quiet, david gets clingy and very very talkative, Dwayne clingy and territorial, marco agressive clingy boy.
They all have their issues and problems that can be harder to deal with every day.
Paul has the issue of being very very energetic to the point where he might hurt someone.
Marco has bad bad anger issues.
Dwayne goes into silent spells and won’t talk to anyone and won’t voice his needs, and might even disappear.
David has anger issues and the need to control. He has this power greed issue where he will be agressive to anyone who he sees under him or weak during this time so nobody is safe.
None of them asked for this, and don’t like being a vampire secretly, some days they just need loving. They need to be held and reassured. Since their life got taken from them by a SHIT PERSON WHO I HATE.
ALSO they all have long tongues and they are a lot like a snakes tongue. I’ve read somewhere about that and Marco cleaned his face with his so after feeding I can imagine most of them cleaning their chins with their tongue, except Dwayne he uses a cloth.
ANYWAYS that’s is really. They have their ups and downs they are sweet boys and just need love. Have a good day to who reads this.
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Alright, I'm info-dumping. No more sitting here vibrating alone.
DESPITE NOT HAVING A NAME, my KH s/i has such a wealth of backstory already. Funnily enuogh, the two people who ended up fused together to make faer do have names, which is weirdly fitting anyway. Because (dum da da dum!) fae is an amnesiac!
Fae was originally two different guys back when keyblades were more common, but not just like fucking everywhere. I’m playing fast and loose with KH lore here, so forgive me a little, okay? They both had keyblades, and when they were preteens, they were both human. The two love birds hit a snag though, because one of them got turned into a cat! How isn’t exactly important, nor have I fully decided yet.
The one who became a cat is named Isao, and the one who stayed a human was Mijo. Despite becoming a humanly intelligent cat—Isao could still wield a keyblade! So training pressed on, and they both continued toward becoming masters. Eventually though, darkness came to consume the world they lived in. Isao was a powerful sorcerer by then, referencing himself as The Best Cat Magician (though there wasn’t exactly many others to compete with…) Mijo, in contrast, rocked amazing physical capabilities. Artful dodger, hard hitter, basically good at anything that didn’t involve casting a spell himself.
When everything went down, Isao’s magic was helpful, but Isao was inherently a glass canon. Though Isao maybe could’ve been helpful, Mijo insisted on protecting him from like… ALL the heartless that were swarming the place. This went as well as expected. After a long battle, with Isao hiding away and watching, Mijo fell to the heartless. In that split second where he lost his heart though, Isao got a weird urge. He knew he needed to make it into the swarm before a heartless formed, something he’d only be quick enough to do with his magic. What to do after, he wasn’t sure—Isao only knew he needed to get in there.
So: he did! And in a moment, his purpose was revealed to him. Sacrificing himself, he used his heart to tether Mijo’s heart back to him. Now carrying a heart twisted into an anchor along with his own, Mijo had the amazing strength of all his physical skills, and all of Isao’s magic. The combined effort in one super-creature was enough to stop the heartless. It didn’t save the world, however. Everyone had either been devoured by the darkness, or had fled. Without Isao by his side, Mijo was officially alone.
Small side tangent, but this is where some of the more bakeneko-y visual aspects come in! Isao had two tails, and when he gives Mijo his heart, Mijo gets an energy outline sort of like a Dragon Ball character powering up. The outline gives Mijo fake kitty ears, but it also gives him two tails with flames at their ends! I know that’s usually more nekomata than bakeneko, but I can light up my tails in the headspace, so I like giving my s/is firey tails anyway…
Tangent over. Mijo was maybe one of the strongest things around. Not alive, not everywhere, not THE strongest: but Mijo was surely up there now. Driven by grief and rage over the sacrifice of his boyfriend, he wandered from world to world and faught… Anything, actually. It wasn’t just heartless—Mijo would battle anything that challenged him in a dissociative fog. Mijo eventually happened upon Xehanort in some form (undecided) and he recognized three things. Firstly, that is a keyblade wielder with two hearts (and thus) two keyblades. Two, that’s a really powerful keyblade wielder that I could use to my advantage. But then three, this bitch is going to be a hazard to my plans if I don’t act.
See, Mijo was hard to persuade. Mijo didn’t really take in words or anything so well anymore, and his voice had gone rotten to disuse. So, Xehanort avoided Mijo and shadowed him for a brief time. Long enough to study him enough to get a gist for what’s going on. He didn’t know the literal, whole story—but he could recognize the darkness in Mijo’s heart, along with the shield and tether that was Isao’s heart. It didn’t take him long to put together that some great trauma must have caused this (and thus, this dissociative state that made current Mijo so damn dangerous.) His approach was that if he could remove the trauma, he could make Mijo a proper pawn.
It isn’t like surgery though—he couldn’t just cut Mijo open and take out this emotional tumor. So, he pit Mijo against powerful heartless after powerful heartless, until Mijo was finally worn down enough. When all was said and done, Mijo was battered and beaten. He was so… Tired. Xehanort took full advantage of this. He gave Mijo a little villain speech, but Mijo was barely paying attention. The last thing Mijo ever heard or saw was Xehanort leaning over him and telling him goodnight.
That’s also the last thing current-day s/i remembers.
Fae doesn’t remember faers name, faers past, faers anything. Xehanort wiped Mijo and Isao’s past off the face of the Earth with that, because there was no one left from their world of origin TO remember them. All fae has to faers name is the ability to wield two keyblades, and a love for summoning magic…
And a mystery to unravel…
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nanostims · 2 years
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rukunas · 4 years
hi! ur work is so beautiful. i am obsessed with gojo, so i wanted to request a scenario where gojo x f!reader get into a fight? like it’s pretty serious, but nothing worth them breaking up over, and they have really angry passionate, make up sex :)
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ahh thank u !! gonna combine these two for this request <3
toxic!gojou x fem!reader (he’s kinda evil here but i love him, your honor)
warnings: slight misogynistic undertones, choking kink, spit kink, smut, slight manipulation/yandere undertones, unhealthy relationship
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He said he wanted you to leave Japan. The audacity of men.
“Sweetheart, it’s for your own good. Sukuna is back, who knows what he’ll do if he gets a hold of you—”
“What, you think I’m just going pack up my shit because you’re afraid?” You scoff at his idea. “I’m not some weak girl, Satoru, I’m a Grade 1. You always seem to forget that.”
He sighs. “Be reasonable for a second, I’m—”
“I am! You’re the one being unreasonable, wanting me to fucking run at any threat that comes at me.”
“No, Satoru.” You won’t let him finish a single thought— He doesn’t deserve to, not after he suggests this bullshit. “Why do you want me to leave? Fucking tell me, is it because I’m not as strong as you, is that it?”
“Yes, Christ, you’re weak!” It comes out harsher that he wanted, but Gojou had to snap after you interrupted him for the third time. But by the way your eyes widen and mouth drops open, he wishes he could take it back.
The night ends with you gathering your clothes to get out of Gojou’s penthouse, him apologizing and pleading with you to stay.
“Fuck you.” You reply back dryly. “I’m staying at the institution tonight. You want me gone that bad anyway.”
The slamming of the door echoes in Gojou’s ears over and over. Great.
Sure, he might have went a little too far, but hell, he was looking out for you. Sukuna keeps whispering threats to him left and right whenever he takes over Itadori’s body— “Heard you’ve got yourself a woman, Sorcerer. Mind if I try her out? I’d like to see what satisfies the strongest.” Gojou responds with easy grins and quick wit— “She’d love to see you try”— but internally, he’s panicking.
What if Sukuna does something to you when he’s not there? Gojou is a busy man, he won’t always be by your side, and you’re no match for Sukuna— no one but Gojou is.
Thinking of you again makes his blood boil. Why do you have to be so stubborn? He loves that about you, of course, how beautifully strong and independent you are, but sometimes, sometimes, he has the urge to shut your mouth, let it do something other than complain.
Gojou swears it’s just Sukuna and his misogynistic talks getting to his head.
That’s what he tells himself when he comes by your room the next day, stripping you down and fucking into you with his hand wrapped around your neck, eyes pinned to the way you claw at his wrist.
“T- t- Toru!” You gasp when he changes the angle, his tip smushing against your cervix.
“T-t-Toru!” He mimics in a high-pitched voice, glaring down at the way your tight cunny swallows and spits out his length over and over.
“Stupid slut, just needed some cock to shut you up, huh? Is that it?” Gojou squeezes tighter so that your moans quiet up too, your lips parting in a choked scream. He takes advantage of that, spitting right on your tongue, watching the heavy glob sink to the back of your throat.
“You talk too much, sweetheart. Try talking now, c’mon. Be a good girl and tell me how good I make you feel.” He loosens up enough for you to swallow.
“Fu-fuck you.”
It’s quiet from your strained vocal cords, but Gojou picks up your muffled curse. He didn’t expected you to be so compliant already anyway.
Breaking into a wicked smile, he pulls out, flipping you over so you’re on your hands and knees. But he doesn’t slip in— simply slides himself against your folds, letting his tip smack your clit a few times just to hear your squeals.
“I’m not stopping ‘till I’ve fucked the brat out of you. Don’t care if it takes me all night.” He grabs you by the neck, forcing you to arch up and look into his blue eyes. “Know your place.”
You sneer, despite your submissive position, despite the fact that you are bent over and at as will. So stubborn. “Why don’t you go find yours?”
Gojou misspoke by calling you weak— he truly must apologize to you for that— because no other woman would be able to be edged 7 times and not lose her resilience. I’d like to see what satisfies the strongest, Sukuna had said. Well, this is it, a woman who is so damn unsatisfying, not breaking down as quickly as Gojou would have hoped.
He’s alright though, he knows you have your limits, he’ll find them even if it takes him days. He’s the limitless one here, after all.
“Baby,” he drawls two hours later. He can finally see your resolve begin to crumble. You’re on your knees, head buried in the pillow to hide your tear-stained cheeks and muffle your pathetic wails. Gojou only keeps his tip inside you— his newest form of torture, and surprisingly the most effective one. If you even think about rocking your hips back, he slaps your ass, watching in amusement as the flesh turns a pretty red.
“Say you’re sorry and I’ll fuck you good, whaddya say?”
“S- say you’re so- sorry for callin’ me weak.”
So that’s it. You’re all teeth and nails just to prove him wrong.
Gojou sighs ruefully, leaning down to kiss your shoulder. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry, m’ just so worried about ya. You’re not weak.” Another peck, this time to your forehead that peaks behind your hair. “Love you so much, darling.”
It takes a moment for you to whisper back. “Toru, want you to fuck me, m’ sorry.”
When he rocks into you now, he lets you move against him, pulling you up with his arm wrapped around your collarbone.
“So good to me, sweetheart. Cum on my cock.” The room fills with the squelching of your arousal, it makes you blush in embarrassment but you can’t hold back when Gojou slips his fingers down your torso to pinch your bud, whispering how much he loves you, that he’s so sorry, he doesn’t want you to leave.
You’re too distracted by the fizzle and fireworks of your orgasm to realize the sinister glimmer in your lover’s eyes.
He said what he said about wanting you to leave Japan. Fine, if you won’t leave, he’ll find some other way to keep you safe and away from Sukuna’s wrath.
Perhaps a domain he’ll make just to keep you in <3
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toxic gojou kinda hot ngl 🤒
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heavenlyhischier · 3 years
in the end - druig
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word count: 4.8k (bit longer than the other two yeah?)
summary: druig finally gets you to talk about what's got you so scared, and he promises to be there for you. Can he keep his promise in the end?
warnings: maybe some more angst, mentions of death, more self worth issues, brief inaccurate description of pandora’s box lol
note: please accept my apology of how long it took to get this out! i've been super sick and stuff, so this may not be the best thing in the world. this is unedited of course lol but i did my best! powered through the sickness best i could ahah
could be read as a stand alone, but it's better if you read part one and two
Druig, with eyes glowing gold, was quick to retreat back into the forest and towards his people. You stood frozen in your spot as your thoughts went to war with your heart. You wanted to follow him towards the screams, to help in any way you could, but your brain was replaying the worst moment of your life. It reminded you that you caused more destruction when you interfered despite your last centuries worth of personal training. Your heart urged you to go, telling you that you were ready for this, but you couldn’t seem to move your feet.
You’re not sure how long you had stood there, but you broke out of your petrified state when the electric sound of Ikaris’ beams filled the forest. You felt a switch flip inside your head, and you made an immediate dash towards wherever it came from. You dodged branches, jumped over rocks, and fallen trees as you ran towards whatever trouble was ahead. However, nothing could have prepared you for the scene before you.
Thena held a lifeless, colorless Gilgamesh close to her as she sobbed against his shoulder. Your eyes became cloudy as you watched her gently lay him on the ground, your hand coming up to cover your mouth in shock. The others found their way not too long after you had, and they all circled around the wailing warrior.
Druig’s fingers grazed your arm once he was behind you, briefly pulling your attention away from the heartbreak in front of you. He was quick to scan your body for any sign of harm but was even quicker to realize that you never made it to the fight. He delicately took your hand in his own before focusing on two of the most important people in his life.
The fire blazed in front of you as Karun spoke over the fallen soldier in his native tongue. You held onto Druig tighter than you’ve ever held onto anyone, afraid that he would be taken away from you too. You still doubted with everything in your heart that he had meant what he said, but that was the furthest thing from your mind right now. All you could think about was the fact that you had already lost two of the strongest people you knew, and you didn’t know who could be next.
The next step in Sersi’s plan was gaining the help of the one man who truly gave up hope for humanity decades ago. Those who remained loaded onto Kingo’s plane to make the trip to Chicago. You chose a seat near the window, leaning against the window as you attempted to push the grief to the back of your mind. Despite all you had done to mend your broken headspace, you knew it wouldn’t take much for it to shatter all over again. You’re not sure how much more loss you would be able to take.
It wasn’t long before your destination had been reached and the plane touched down in a random patch of deserted land. Sersi thought it best that only she go and discuss the situation with Phastos, but Ikaris insisted that he go with her in case something happened. The others were quick to agree with the couple, but they decided to step off the plane anyways to get some fresh air. You, however, chose to stay put in the slightly uncomfortable jet chair, not aware that there was one person who stayed as well.
“Hi,” Druig quietly made his presence known, not wanting to startle you.
“Hey,” You turned to give him a weak smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
Your eyes were still puffy and cheeks still pink from the tears you shed, and it made his heart ache. He wanted to take the seat next to you and comfort you, but he’s sure that your need for him is long gone now. He knew you only let him be there because you both had just lost someone very dear to you. However, he still had to try no matter how sure he was of your inevitable rejection.
“How are you feeling,” He asked, still awkwardly standing in the aisle with his hands clasped in front of him.
“As okay as I can be,” You shrugged before turning to stare out the window, “You can sit down you know.”
It was embarrassing how fast Druig fell into the seat, but he had no problem showcasing his desperation to be near you. You stifled a giggle when he quite literally jumped into the spot to your left and let a small “mmph”. The nervous feeling radiating off of Druig was something that genuinely confused you. He had always been the embodiment of confidence, always knowing what to do or say. Now, he was merely a shy boy who was scared he was going to push you off the cliff you were barely holding on to.
“Can we talk about what happened before the deviants?” His words were slow and careful, not wanting to say the wrong thing and upset you.
“What’s their to talk about, Druig? I don’t believe you,” You whispered, ignoring that dreadful feeling growing in your stomach.
“Why do you think that? Have I ever lied to you before,” Druig pointed out. He took your silence as a sign to continue. “Y/N, I meant everything I said to you. I have never stopped loving you.”
“I don’t believe you. I don’t believe you because I am too broken for someone like you to love me,” You confessed, finally turning to look at him through foggy eyes, “I am too messed up for anyone to love me! And- and you don’t get it because you’re perfect! You turned out how Eternals were supposed to turn out! Me? Somehow, Arishem fucked up with me and now I’m defective! I’m not sure I can even control my own abilities without hurting someone anymore.”
Druig did not falter despite your words hitting him in such a devastating way that he’s almost positive you punched a hole through his chest. He knew that you had some issues with controlling your emotions, but he never knew you felt as if you were broken, and it made him upset with himself. He had always taken pride in knowing how you felt before even you did. He was able to read you like the back of his hand without squeezing his way into your mind. How could he have missed this?
You were far too aware of how long Druig had been silent, and you were now regretting telling him how you truly felt. It was something you intended on keeping to yourself forever, but you always struggled with keeping things from him. You could never let yourself lie to him or hide things, which is why you went without speaking to him for so long before he left you centuries ago. You knew that if he got you talking that the truth would undeniably escape, and now it had. Now, you were wishing you had never left your secluded home so you could at least keep your heart intact.
Druig knew he had to say something soon; he could tell you were pulling away. “Listen to me, Y/N. You are far from broken. You have flaws, but we all do. It’s what makes us who we are. You are the most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting,” He took your face in his large hands, thumbs swiping at the falling tears.
“You wouldn’t think that if you knew what I had done,” You scoffed, shaking his hands away from your face. “You would hate me if you knew what I did all those thousands of years ago.”
“I don’t think anything could make me hate you, my beautiful girl. You don’t have to tell me what happened, but I want you to know that it won’t push me way. I think telling someone might help you, though. Sitting on whatever it is for so long is bound to eat away at you.”
Once again, your head and you heart were raging war with each other. One telling you to tell him the truth, the other telling you that he would never look at you the same way ever again if you did. It made your entire body ache, not knowing what to do, but maybe he was right. Telling someone other than Ajak may help relieve some of the lifelong guilt, and you trusted Druig more than anyone.
You shut your eyes and took a deep breath before starting, “Do you remember when I came back from fighting those deviants and I shut myself in my room for weeks?”
He did, and he remembered standing outside your door every day wanting to go inside and hold you, but Ajak instructed him not to. He was forced to leave you alone in a time that he knew you needed someone the most.
“Well, during that battle, I got separated from the others when I was trying to get protect the people. I was struggling to keep the deviant from killing them, but then another one came out of nowhere and started to attack me,” Your entire body was trembling as those dreadful images flickered in your mind, “I panicked. I let fear take over me, and I truly don’t remember what happened after that. The next thing I know, Ikaris is shaking me awake and-“
“Ikaris knew?” Druig couldn’t help himself.
You pursed your lips at his interruption, doing your best to steady your mind and body. “He did, but he was told to never speak of it to anyone, and you know how he worshipped Ajak. Anyway, I woke up only to find out that not only had I eliminated the deviants, but I had also killed the innocent people I was supposed to be protecting. Druig, I murdered those innocent people because I got scared.”
The air was tense as he let your words truly sink in, a million thoughts running through his own mind. He knew something horrid must have happened that day, but he never suspected that you had accidentally took the lives of those you were sworn to protect. However, it made sense in some sort of twisted way. The way you shut everyone out for weeks after, the way you reacted back in Babylon, and the way you constantly struggled with your own powers.
Your heart was beating so hard against your chest you swear it was bound to break through your skin. You struggled to take in a breath as your memory recalled the events from that day, visibly flinching from the dreadful screams that rang through your ears. You could feel yourself falling into the endless pit of darkness, but you willed every piece of you to stay present in reality. You couldn’t let yourself fall and potentially hurt anyone around you. Centuries of practice and patience needed to prove themselves worthwhile.
“You’ve been holding on to something like that for thousands of years,” Druig started, “I’m shocked you haven’t gone absolutely mad, Y/N. That’s too big of a weight for someone to carry alone for so long, love.”
“You’re not listening,” You mumbled, pushing yourself away from him and further into the seat, “I killed all of those people, Druig!”
He reached out and took your trembling hands in his own, “I am listening. I am, but there’s nothing that can be done about the lives lost. I know you have always cared very deeply for these humans, but you can’t let that ruin you forever. You can, however, learn from your past mistakes and find a way to use them to make you stronger. Don’t let their unfortunate sacrifice go to waste.”
His thumbs rubbed comforting circles on the backs of your hands as his eyes searched yours. Your already tear stained cheeks from mourning the loss of your friend somehow worsened, but your vision was clearing with Druig’s comforting words. You let his words resonate with you, and a part of you felt relieved. He was always the one person you found solace in, and this was proving to be no different. Of course, you knew that your guilt was not going to go away just because someone told you that everything was okay, but it was a start to your long-awaited healing process.
“You’re right,” You whispered as you found yourself slowly inching closer to the man in front of you. “I can’t let my ghosts control me forever, but I also can’t forget them.”
“No one is going to ask you to,” He dropped your hand to place his on your cheek yet again, “Healing from a millennia of pain and grief is going to take some time, but I intend on being there for it all. I intend on being there for you every step of the way.”
He was close enough to you that you could feel his warm breath hit your lips. You thought your heart was going to escape its cage earlier, but now you’re sure it was going to. You haven’t been this close to someone since before you isolated yourself in your home in the woods. Druig’s eyes were hooded as he gazed into your own, waiting to see if he was reading the moment correctly before he made his move.
“Druig,” You mumbled, dropping your eyes to his beautifully full lips, “I, uh, I want you to know that I do believe you. About everything.”
He was seconds away from closing the gap between the two of you, but the voices of your friends filled the plane, interrupting the moment you have waited far too long for. You quickly sprang away from Druig, your cheeks and tip of your nose flaming a bright red as you cast your eyes down in slight embarrassment. Druig dropped his hands in his lap and passed a very nasty, but not truly, look to those who ruined the moment he had dreamt about since he first saw you.
“We got him,” Kingo announced, abruptly pausing when he took in the sight in front of him, “What’s going on here?”
His dark brown eyes flitted between you and Druig, his hands on his hips as he quirked one curious brow. Sprite was peeking through the hole his arm made while the others stood behind him, confused as to why they were all stopped.
“Nothing of your concern, Kingo,” Druig spoke for the both of you.
He simply narrowed his eyes before finally picking his feet up again, making way straight for the chair opposite you. Karun followed shortly behind him with a small camera pointed at the flustered couple; the others scattering throughout the plane to take their seats. You kept your eyes on your lap, but there was nothing that could prevent the feeling you got from your oldest friend’s burning stare. Druig, however, met Kingo’s eye and gave him a taunting smirk as he tried to piece together what happened.
Kingo attempted to pull the truth out of either one of you the entire flight to the ship, but he came up empty. You kept yourself occupied by talking to Thena who had taken the seat behind you, doing your best to keep her mind off her greatest loss. Somehow, a few of the others found a spare change of clothes to change into before landing off in the desert to find Makkari and the ship. Druig was now sporting a black leather jacket, a pair of dark pants, and a pair of black boots. You had to keep your mind busy with anything else other than the images of Druig doing ungodly things to you.
The ship broke through its rocky encasement, rising to reveal itself to its previous inhabitants. It looked even more beautiful than you remembered with the sleek, black finish and bright slashes of gold. You grabbed a hold of Druig’s arm as you excitedly beamed up at your first home; an act that put a smile on his face without effort. The large door dropped open before you, and it wasn’t soon after that you followed Phastos inside.
You made sure to step over the books and trash that littered the hall as Kingo narrated his way towards one of the main rooms. Phastos was in the middle of making fun of him whenever a loud ‘pop’ startled him.
“Oh! Stay calm! Thena please,” He panicked before quickly taking notice of the bag she had stepped on. “It’s just chips.”
Druig bumped your shoulder with his own as you let out a small giggle thanks to Phastos’ nervous laughter and brief freak out. “He’s more scared of an empty bag than the celestial we’re all about to face,” He quietly teased, earning another bout of laughter from you.
A few feet ahead sat Makkari as she quite literally sped through pages of a book. She was surrounded by artifacts and books alike, and it made you truly miss the speed demon you hadn’t seen in centuries. Despite your jealousy, you had always been close to her and loved her like you would love a sister. You shared her love of knowledge, though she was a bit more into it than you were. Truthfully, you probably missed Makkari more than you had Druig.
Kingo moved to fill her in on the current events, while the rest of you searched through her hoard of random things. You stopped in front of an all too familiar box, your fingers grazing over the designs on the outside. You remember the woman it belonged to and the power she held over the people of her town. She was envied by so many that they started a rumor that this box harbored horrid curses and that she was the reason so many awful things had happened to those around her.
You were brought of your daze by the sound of Druig’s voice, and it was a sight that you instantly regretted. He was holding the infamous Emerald Tablet at arm’s length away from her, giving her a warm, teasing smile. You peeled your eyes away, blinking away the fast forming tears. You began to doubt everything you had discussed with him, and you let your mind quickly fall back into their self-destructive habits. Thoughts you did everything to suppress came bubbling to the surface.
“You make it hard to stay out of your thoughts when they are so so loud, my love,” A soft whispered voice broke through your barriers.
His chest was pressed flat against your back, and his hand gently slid down your arm before taking hold of your own. His lips were nearly touching the shell of your ear, sending chills throughout your entire body. He lightly tugged on your arm in attempt to get you to turn around, and his heart fractured when you did. Your eyes were welled with tears, but you refused to meet his gaze. You were embarrassed.
“Hey,” He tried, delicately taking your chin and guiding your gaze to him, “I meant what I said, and nothing will change that. Don’t let your thoughts consume you. That is a very dangerous practice.”
“I’m sorry, what is going on here,” Phastos exclaimed, gesturing to the two of you. “When did this happen?”
“Whatever it is needs to stop,” Kingo playfully gagged.
“Finally,” Makkari signed, giving a giant smile to the couple in front of her.
Ikaris betrayed everyone. He killed Ajak. He knew everything and he never told anyone, not even Sersi. Ikaris betrayed the only family he has ever known for a being he has never even seen. Despite the treachery, Phastos came up with a plan to stop the Emergence and keep this world around just a little bit longer. As you approached the erupting volcano, you put on the very clothes you wore when you lost control. Flashes of that day made an appearance, but it was nowhere near as bad as it was before. Druig’s words replayed through your mind, willing the bad memories to leave, and reminding you that you can’t let this control you forever.
You, Sersi, Makkari, and Druig made way towards the volcano as Thena distracted Ikaris, who was undoubtedly going to try and breach the Domo. You shared a look with Druig, and he gave you a small yet comforting nod. Anyone who saw you would be able to tell that you were substantially more nervous than those around you, and he wanted to do whatever he could to keep you at ease. He knew this was going to be your first battle in thousands of years, and it was not going to be easy.
It was time. The bracelet securely placed on your wrist began to whir, swirling around your arm as you were encased in a cage of gold lines. You closed your eyes and slightly tilted your head back, letting your hands come out beside you palms facing upwards. You felt your legs leave the safety of the ground, and despite the comfort of your friends, your anxiety began to latch itself onto you.
You could feel the volcano slowing down, which meant whatever Druig was doing was going to work. You wanted to open your eyes to see the cynical beauty of what was being done, but you weren’t quite sure if the Uni-mind worked in a way that would allow you to do so. However, the loud buzz you instantly recognized as Ikaris’ beam was heard, and you fell to the ground shortly after.
“I should have done this five centuries ago,” The gruff voice of deception brought your attention back to the world.
Your eyes snapped open in time to see Ikaris grab hold of Druig’s neck before he launched into the sky. You watched as he took the man you loved higher into the air; your hands twitching as you attempted to control your power and emotions. You felt your heart stop as Ikaris tossed Druig aside before blasting him to the ground.
“No,” You screamed through the blinding fear that hit your heart. You watched as the one person you had wanted for centuries was taken from you yet again, but this time there was no bringing him back. This time he was ripped away from you.
Makkari was quick to grab a hold of your falling body, pulling you into her as Ikaris drove the mind reader into the earth. You let out cries that would rival that of a banshee, gripping onto one of your dearest friends so tightly you’re sure it would break her arm had she not been who she was. She glanced down at you, and her eyes grew at the sight of your eyes flickering red and hands twitching with sparks of gold. She didn’t have much time to think about it before she had to move both you and Sersi out of the way of the destroyed ship. No one had time to notice the way the earth around them was now riddled with holes from the pieces you had subconsciously taken.
Your entire body kept twitching as it waited for you let go of your mental block; waiting for you to the one thing you swore you would never do again. It was beginning to be next to impossible to keep your breathing steady and your heart calm as pure rage replaced the fear that was previously running through your veins. You were itching to release all of your fury on the one who caused your greatest pain.
“Druig’s gone. It’s over.”
His voice struck a nerve that hadn’t been touched in centuries, and there was no coming back from it now. You felt yourself let go of the barriers you had spent so long building. Your emotions slammed into you at such a force that, if you weren’t so consumed with fury, it would have left you breathless.
Your friends were blown backwards as you finally let your powers overcome you. They watched stunned as you ascended into the air, your eyes glowing the brightest red they had ever seen with your fair fanned around your face as it defied all laws of gravity. Your hands were held out on your sides as tornadic winds surrounded you, items you had ripped away from their rightful places swirling in the area closest to you.
Your eyes stayed on the man before you, watching as he stood his ground and waited for you to make your move. He’s seen this side of you before, and he knows how it ended last time. Ikaris was not scared of you, but he should be.
You pushed your hands forward, urging everything you had gathered to hit the eternal with all you had. He managed to hit a few of the flying rocks, but you had managed to hit him from behind, catching him off guard. It wasn’t long after that you began throwing all you could at him, practically burying the man underneath boulders and various objects you had wrenched from the ocean. A part of you knew it wasn’t long until Ikaris would overpower you, but that wasn’t going to stop you from giving him all you could now.
Makkari felt it before anyone saw it coming. Ikaris burst through the rubble, eyes already focused on you with his deadly golden stream. You did your best to protect your body, but he was able to strike you on the left side of your stomach. With broken concentration, everything around you clattered back to the ground, along with your injured body. Makkari, however, was there to catch you before you even knew what had happened.
You slowly opened your eyes, and she was happy to see that they had returned to their natural color. “I got you,” She signed, gently placing you firmly on the ground, “Now it’s my turn.”
Her smirk was the last thing you saw before she sped away, your vision blurring as your head became so light you’re sure it was disconnecting from your body. Keeping your eyes open was becoming a task in its own. Even breathing was becoming too hard to do. You know that you had done too much, put far too much stress on your body in a short amount of time. After all, your powers had been virtually dormant for so long. It wasn’t long before you felt yourself fading away and Phastos’ shouts became so distant that you hardly heard them.
“Y/N,” Thena’s calm voice bounced around the darkness in your head, “Y/N, wake up. We’ve done it.”
You could feel everything slowly coming back to you, starting with the searing pain in your abdomen. The cool feeling of sand wound beneath your fingertips reminded you of where you were. It reminded you that Druig was gone, and a part of you wished that you never woke up.
“What happened? Is she okay?”
It sounded so much like him, but you knew better than to have hope that he somehow survived Ikaris’ rage. You have been disappointed far too many time to hold out any sort of wish that he was there. However, a large, calloused hand cupped your cheek and the feeling that spread throughout your bones could only be brought on by one person.
“My beautiful, beautiful Y/N. Come back to me, love,” Druig whispered.
Your eyelids still felt so, so heavy, but you used all of your strength to open them. Bright blue eyes stared into your own, perfect lips forming your name as you slowly came back. His hands were on either side of your face, but his gaze softened considerably once he realized you were awake. He hastily pulled you into his chest, eliciting a light groan at the sudden contact with your wounded stomach.
“You’re alive,” You breathed out, tears threatening to spill over as your arms wrapped around his middle. “You’re alive.”
“I told you I wasn’t going anywhere,” He said, slightly pulling away so he could place his forehead on your own.
The others watched as you two held each other like your lives depended on it. As if you were going to disappear. You could feel their stares, but you didn’t care in the slightest. Druig was here in front of you, and you weren’t going to let him go ever again. You lost him once because you were too scared, and you were never going to do that again. You’re tired of letting all things good slip through your fingers because of fear. With that, you pushed all fear and nerves aside and finally closed the gap that had been there for too long.
im not quite sure if i want to end it like this or make a much smaller last part yet? idk we shall see. again, please do not judge this too harshly. covid brain is real with this one. also, i only tagged those who asked to be tagged in pt 3 so im sorry if i didnt tag you :(
tags: @princessleah129 @aprilpari @sealswat908 @parkershoco @mochimochie @goldielocks2004 @erikaar @alainabooks143 @kravitzwhore
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 2 Here!/ Part 3 Here! / Playlist Here!
* Sorry guys but this mans been living in my head rent free
* So the first time you see Satoru it’s with those black specs he likes to wear and you get a glance at those GORGEOUS eyes
* He meets your eyes for a second before looking away, it’s the briefest of interactions
* But your heart is racing and you can feel the familiar heat of attraction starting to lap at your face
* ‘He looks just like a prince’ you think
* You find out pretty fast the ‘prince’ similarities stop at appearance
* “Ah it’s not my fault you’re so weak~” You hear him say with the princely smile as he teases Utahime
* It looks like he’s held something so high she can’t reach it
* “Try your best, if you drink plenty of milk I’m sure you’ll be tall enough one day~” he says before laughing with that same princely face
* “You shouldn’t pick on those that are weaker than you” Geto intervenes, somehow making the entire situation worse
* You watch as Gojo laughs
* You’re starting to think he might be the real curse you need to exorcise
* You continue watching him as Utahime tries to kick him in the crotch
* “You silly girl, did you forget there’s an infinity between us?” Cue Gojo’s “A-hahahahaha” laugh
* Yeah, he’s definitely a demon
* You keep your distance, Gojo’s beautiful and all, but you’re not dumb, you’ve heard about the Satoru clan.
* “Hey Geto-Kun, who do you think would win in a fight me or a lion?”
* Besides that guy is way too reckless, you’d rather not get all mixed up in that if you can help it
* You watch as Satoru takes his shirt off, his well defined chest glistening
* Still, you’re grateful for the show
* Little do you know the famous Gojo Satoru has taken note of you as well
* Naturally given his ability he notices everyone, but he especially takes note of you
* It’s not because you stand out, quite the opposite
* You blend into the background easily, supporting others when needed
* But not to the degree where you unable to defend yourself, or you’re sacrificing your own life for someone else
* He grins
* Looks like he found something interesting
* You’re at the vending machine eyes racking over the drink selection
* But there’s another thirst quenching sight right next to you, their hand resting on the vending machine, that princely smile aimed right at you-
* “So what do you say?” Satoru asks, and you start to wonder if that princely smile seems just a bit wolfish “Do you want to be my lover?”
* You’re kind of annoyed
* What an impetuous question, you can count on one hand how many times you’ve spoken to each other, and you only need both hands to count the words said in each of those encounters
* “No”
* You turn your attention back to your drink choices, it’s pleasant weather so you don’t want anything hot.
* Anything carbonated is out of the-
* Gojo moves closer, peering into your face with that grin
* Ugh does he have to stand so close
* “Why ‘no’? I know you think I’m attractive”
* “I also think you’re a womanizer with a god complex”
* And really why shouldn’t he be?
* He’s probably the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen in your life, not to add the sheer power he contains in that body of his
* But just as he has the right to be a womanizer with a god complex, you have the right not to take part in that narrative
* He backs away, leaning back against the wall
* So he’s not going to deny it
* Well, at least he’s somewhat self aware
* Those clear blue eyes catch yours again, and you have to fight against every human instinct from showing any human reaction
* You turn back to the vending machine making your selection when a smile lilts onto his mouth
* “Friends then”
* “Just colleagues” you reply, grabbing your drink
* But as you walk by you push a canned beverage into his chest.
* It’s a can of green tea
* It’s his favorite drink
* He looks to you seeing a bottle glinting in your hand
* So you didn’t sacrifice your own thirst, but you also didn’t ignore his needs
* He feels that same wolffish grin curl onto his mouth
* “What an entertaining person”
* After that if you’re anywhere within a 50 feet radius of him he’ll go out of his way to get your attention
* “Oh wow, looking especially radiant this morning (Y/N/N)” he’ll say with a playful seductive wink
* When you don’t respond he tries annoying you instead
* “Ah you can’t reach that? Here let me-” and then he’ll proceed to hold it even further out of your reach
* He’s expecting you to jump up and down, or at least give some sort of response but you just walk away
* Well that wasn’t what he expected
* He feels that grin spread across his face again
* Very interesting
* His attraction to you is pretty shallow
* He’s interested you because you’re entertaining
* And you’re entertaining because you aren’t interested
* Which only makes him that much more interested in you
* Its a paradox
* You watch him flounder around, annoying Utahime for a giggle
* Well it doesn’t matter anyway, you know how he is, he’ll get bored soon enough and lose all interest in you
* He’s not the strongest {f*ckboy} for nothing
* You see him turn to meet your gaze, offering a boyish smile and a wink
* You make sure not to give any reaction, turning to listen to something Shoko is telling you
* You hope he can’t sense the twinge of heat you feel on your face
* You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find the attention a little flattering
* I think for the most part you’re right, Satoru is mostly playing around-
* At least at first.
* You’re just something new and fun no one knows about, and wildly entertaining since you never respond the way he thinks you will
* You’re kind, but not at the expense of yourself, and he likes that
* Besides you’ve got this quite sort of consideration for others-
* It’s not flashy, it’s so subtle most people hardly notice
* It’s in the way you bring an extra snack for Utahime when she’s running herself ragged training
* “They were having a two for one special”
* Or the way you’ll get your teacher a plushie you saw at a shop at the station because you know he needs more
* “I just thought it was cute, but I haven’t got any room for another one”
* You’re quiet, someone who hears things and she’s things, but never says anything about them
* A wallflower
* But you’re not weak
* There’s something about those two things put together in the same person that entertains him to no end. Like a paradox or a puzzle he can’t seem to solve no matter how hard he tries
* Satoru’s had at least a hundred lovers, and a great many of them had provided him with their own brand of kindness and consideration
* But he’s never felt something as warm as when he see’s a lunch box in his dorm after he hobbles back from a mission that lasted a little longer than expected
* He peers at the note attached, it’s not even signed but he knows it’s from you
* “I know you think you’re god or whatever, but even gods have to eat”
* He doesn’t know why, but he’s overcome with the urge to cry
* He gulps hard- it’s not like this a lunch you made by hand or anything, it’s just something from the convenience store
* And it’s not like this note is particularly affectionate or special either, he’s gotten entire love letters from his previous lovers
* So he’s not sure why he saves your note, placing it behind a picture frame where only he’ll know it is , or why he thinks that convenience store lunchbox is the most delicious thing he’s ever had
* Even though he knows he cares about you, and that he’s grown quite fond of you -
* I don’t think it clicks for him
* And part of that is because well, he’s Gojo Satoru
* He collects lovers like some people collect photographs or memories
* They serve their purpose, and he lets himself be entertained by pretending all the feelings are real, and then he moves on to the next one
* It’s just what he’s used to
* And this whole paradox you two have going on could go on for a few years until something finally shifts
* He went a little too far with one his half-flirting-half-tormenting pranks
* And for the first time you give him a reaction, it’s only for a second, but annoyance and anger mar you face
* And then just like that, it’s gone and you turn and walk off in the other direction
* Sh*t.
* He went too far didn’t he?
* It should be fine right? You’re not too mad at him right? You’ll get over it-
* Right?
* But for the next few days you don’t speak to him, and you don’t make eye contact
* It bothers him more than it should
* Normally he would be annoyed that his toy would have the gall to blatantly ignore him like this-
* But this is different than that.
* He’s-
* He’s feeling regret
* He shouldn’t have acted that way to you, maybe if he had just done something differently, or said something differently-
* It’s not like the way things were between you two was ideal or anything,
* But at least then you would at least speak to him
* ... and every once in while he would get to see you smile
* It’s never at him, it’s mostly when you’re with Shoko or Utahime
* Occasionally when you’re with Nanami or Geto, who you’ve been talking to more recently
* He’s pretty sure you three are talking about him, just one day away from forming a “down with Gojo Satoru” club
* Still that smile when you laugh-
* The way you look so carefree and young and so full of life is worth all the slander in the world to him
* He needs to see that smile, to know something that wholesome and kind exists somewhere in this cruel world
* Satoru’s thinking about how to go about apologizing to you
* He’s caught between buying you a Lamborghini or buying you a special grade tool when he ends up running into you
* “Ah, could you help me with something?”
* He would quite literally give you the clothes on his back right now if you asked
* You stand up on a a chair holding a glass of water
* “Apparently this is supposed to help with concentration or something” You say pressing the glass full of water to the ceiling
* “Can you hold this broom?” You ask and Satoru nods, holding the broom handle steady as you make sure it’s pushed against the glass holding it steady
* You nod approvingly down at him
* The rest happens pretty fast, you’re off the chair, carrying it away
* “The broom is actually a special grade tool, so cursed energy won’t work on it”
* You grin
* “Have fun figuring how to get out of that Baka Prince!” You say with a laugh
* And Satoru is dumbfounded
* But not because you just pranked him into a holding up a glass of water with a broom
* But because as you were rushing away, you showed him your teasing grin
* It’s the first time you smiled at him
* And as he looks up at the glass of water, a smile slowly spreads across his face
* It’s not the wolffish smile he usually has when he’s around you, or the princely smile he uses when he’s trying to get something
* It’s a genuine smile
* Ah, so that’s it
* He’s fallen in love with you
* If you’re not the one entertaining him, then he’s just not interested
* Ah geez
* He was so focused on trying to get you to fall in love with him that he really didn’t see this coming
* Well he’ll have to start being serious about pursuing you now-
* Though for you to pull off something like this on him tells him you’re his ideal match without a doubt
* A wallflower with a mischievous streak, he likes that.
* He scratches his head with his free hand
* “I wonder how I’m supposed to get out of this?” He muses looking up at the glass full of water
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anythingbutmar · 4 years
Five Hargreeves x reader
Summary: You are no longer ashamed of your scars but still, you can’t bring yourself to tell your boyfriend about it. He finds out anyways.
A/N: Alrighty first december fic! I understand that this is a very sensitive topic to many of you out there, so I tried to make this as soft and healing for you as possible, if this helps you on your journey to recovery then you are more than welcome to read it! However, if it doesn’t then please ignore this post ever existed and if you ever need to talk my inbox is always open! Also, for the sake of this, Five is like 21 years old and he doesn’t look like a teenager.
Warnings: mentions of self harm, cursing,
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“Here’s to another year” You sighed as you blew the candle on your blue cupcake.
And so, your yearly routine started.
You got out of bed after playing your favorite wholesome playlist and marked an X on your calendar while giving a few bites to your unhealthy breakfast. It was your 20th birthday, which meant it was also your three year anniversary from being clean. A big date, to say the least.
“You are safe. You are loved. You are valid.” You stared into your own eyes reflected on the bathroom mirror as you stated your daily affirmations before jumping in the shower.
As the water ran through your back and shoulders you looked down at your legs and you smiled peacefully. That chapter of your life was long gone and you were incredibly proud of yourself for it. But as you started to massage your body with a soapy sponge, your thoughts darted to a different place and your smile disappeared.
“Five...” You whispered to yourself. You weren’t supposed to pressure yourself and you knew it, but he truly deserved to know, and it wasn’t like you didn’t want to tell him, you just didn’t know how to, or at least that's what you told yourself. In reality though, you were scared as shit.
Five was a wonderful partner, the best you could ever ask for, really, but he wasn’t the best at understanding other people’s feelings, and maybe this was too much for him, maybe he would think differently of you, and if he did? You would dump his ass, of course, because even though you loved him, you loved yourself more. But it was a very unrealistic scenario, right? He hadn’t said it but you knew he loved you as well, and that should be enough.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t seem to hear all the rumbling outside of the little bubble that was your bathroom.
Unbeknownst to you, Five had decided that the best way to celebrate your birthday was to clean up your room for you as a surprise, so when you opened the bedroom door with nothing but a towel wrapped around your body, you could say that you were both pleasantly surprised, or at least you were until he noticed your legs, or more likely, the white lines that crossed them. You immediately felt the need to cover up or run away, but you couldn’t. You weren’t ashamed and it was about time to prove that.
“Y/N what?-”
“Wait, just sit with me first.” You sat on the edge of the bed facing your window and patted the spot next to you. In a second he disappeared from the doorframe and appeared right where you gestured for him to sit. He looked concerned, and you had to admit that you weren’t expecting that.
“We don’t have to talk about it, but I won’t pretend nothing happened.”
“It’s alright Five, listen, I was in a really dark place during my teen years.” You started, facing away. “I was in a bad relationship, I had no one to trust, no one to support me and I wasn’t feeling great about myself either. I felt worthless, actually. So I started hurting my body to ease the pain from my soul but it only made it worse, and it took me a lot to recover from it but I did and I’m here right now.” You finally turned to see him and you almost cried at the sight. He looked as beautiful as an angel. His frown was gone and it was replaced by a smile so reassuring and contagious and full of love and simply indescriptible that you couldn’t help but start crying. He looked at you the way that one looks at the stars in a clear sky. It made you feel beautiful too. “It’s actually my three year anniversary today.” You giggled through your tears and he did so too.
“Thank you for trusting me, Y/N, I highly appreciate it.” He took your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “And I want you to know that as long as I’m alive you will never feel worthless again. You will feel nothing but love and support from my end.”
Your face instantly lit up with a smile. “Did you just say love?”
“I did, now don’t make a big deal about it.” But it was a big deal, to gain infamous Number Five’s love in a six month relationship was the biggest deal ever. “Now, where’s that thing?” He jumped from one corner of the room to the other and suddenly appeared in the bathroom, searching for “that thing”.
When he finally returned he had a pot in his hand, and you knew exactly what was inside of it.
“I don’t know what this is but it healed that scar on my neck, remember?” You silently nodded, it really was just aloe vera mixed with coconut oil, a magical cure for every cut and scar, according to your grandmother. “Here.” He kneeled in front of you and started applying it on your legs with his warm hands.
You didn’t even feel the usual urge to flinch, you actually enjoyed having his soft fingertips tracing the edges of your scars with such gentleness, as if he might hurt you.
You knew that gel wasn’t really magical, you had used it multiple times, but maybe Five’s hands were. His touch was healing, cathartic. And maybe you wanted to keep those scars, maybe they made you feel like you could conquer everything. They made you so powerful, and Five made you feel loved. It was everything you needed.
“I love you” You smiled down at him.
“I love you too, Y/N. You are the strongest person I’ve ever met.” He stood up and kissed your forehead, and that small gesture showed you just how much he cared about you.
You were safe.
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thewildomega · 4 years
Alpha Whitebeard x pregnant omega headcanons
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A/n: Thank you o the anon that requested these. I think I got a little carried away...again. But it’s Whitebeard so can you blame me? Anyway hope you enjoy these. 
Whitebeard will notice immediately when his dear little omega starts becoming tired easily, constantly falling asleep in his lap. Sometimes he goes looking for her when he hasn't seen her for a while and finds her sleeping in their massive bed. 
At first he would think you had been pushing yourself too much, doing too much and he will tell the crew to make sure you don't try and help out so much. 
When you do fall asleep on his lap he will simply move you to the nook of his arm and tug his jacket up to cover you some. 
Days later when you begin getting sick he will start to actually worry. You can never seem to keep anything down for long. 
Waking in the middle of the night to find you not in bed with him he panics. Finding you asleep on the the bathroom floor he will gently scoop you up and go to carry you back only for you to wiggle down and run back to the toilet to empty your already empty stomach. 
Demanding Marco give you a full check up he paces the deck outside of his room. The crew don't dare bother him, never seeing him like this before. He's worried, in all their years together he has never seen his omega this sick before. Sure she's gotten a cold or even a stomach bug but never like this. 
You on the other hand already have a feeling about what is causing your sickness. When your son tells you that you are with child you see him look to you and blink. "You already knew..." Nodding you saw his brows knit together. "Then why..." he goes to ask, glancing over his shoulder towards the door but you smile sadly. "It's taken so long Marco, I...I don't want to get his hopes up if something goes wrong." 
It didn't take much convincing on your part to swear your dear son into secrecy. Neither of you wanting to cause the captain any pain. Besides in just another week you should be far enough along that all would be okay. 
Straightening up as the door to his cabin opened he looked to his first son and saw him as calm as ever. "Well?" urged. "She's fine." marco shrugged. "Fine. Fine. She is not fine, she is puking her guts out, she's always tired, she..." "Pops. Ma is alright. It's probably just a little bug, I'll make her some ginger tea, it helps with Nausea. Just make sure she rests and I'm sure the nausea will pass in a bit." 
Deflating he watched as Marco moved down towards the kitchen and sighed. Rubbing his face he looked to the door before moving inside. Looking over to her he saw her sitting up in bed, her eyes looking to him and a tired smile coming over her lips. Walking over to her when she held her arms out for him he kneeled down on the floor and placed his head in her lap. 
Marco had been right, by the ginger tea had helped along with the cooks making her blander foods. She was still tired all the time but she wasnt getting sick nowhere near as much. 
While he was happy his omega was getting better now something else was going on. She seemed to always want to be touching him. He didn't mind truly but a man needed his space every now and again. Gritting his teeth when she clung to his arm for the millionth time that day he let out an annoyed sigh. "Would you quit being so damn clingy woman." he snapped making everyone look to him. 
Flinching a bit at his sudden outburst you released his arm slowly and curled up some. Hearing him complain about not being able to drink his sake in peace you dropped your eyes to your lap and felt them water up. 
Without a word he watched her slip down from his lap and walk away with her head hung low.
It wasn't until later that night had he went to their room and found her. Looking down at their shared bed he furrowed his brows. She had built a nest? but she only ever built a nest when she was close to her heat and that... counting in his head he looked back down to her, that wasn't for another two months. Leaning closer he saw she had one of his shirts pulled up to her nose and... it had damp spots on it under her eyes. She had been crying. But she never cried. 
Over the next few days he could only sulk as his female kept mostly to herself. Sitting in his chair his eyes would follow her around the deck as she walked slowly, her eyes staring out across the sea. 
She would come when he called her, sit in his lap but she would no longer cling to him like she did before. 
What he found even stranger was that she refused to share a drop of sake with him. She had always drank with him before so why did she suddenly not want to. One night when they were all drinking and partying he had tried pushing his bottle to her lips, knowing when they both got a little tipsy there would normally be some good love makin' later that night but this time she had only shook her head and pushed it away. Grunting when she didn't want to join in on the party he tried again.
Becoming annoyed you finally snapped and knocked the bottle from his hand. "I said I didn't want any, now quit."
Stunned by her sudden temper he opened and closed his mouth before growling. That night the party had been ruined when the two of them got into a heated argument, not the first one but definitely the worst. It had ended with the both of them saying things they shouldn't have said and going their separate ways. 
Choosing to sleep out in his chair that night he told the crew to leave him be and set in the dark alone. They had never been like this, not in fifteen years had they ever felt so far apart. She was just so... different and it irritated him because she was his omega and as her alpha he should know everything about her.
Rolling his head to the side he noticed the soft light coming from the bath house and narrowed his eyes. Chugging down the rest of his sake he pushed himself up from the chair. 
Soaking in the massive tub you leaned against the side with, laying your head on your crossed arms and closing your eyes. Snapped out of your thoughts by the door being thrown open you let out a long sigh when your alpha's scent filled your nose. "Go away Edward. I don't want to fight anymore." you said in a soft voice. 
Shutting the door behind him with a slam he stared at her back through the steam. "No. You and I are going to talk." Kicking off his boots and pushing off his pants he stepped into the hot water and moved over to her. 
Looking over her bare back he licked his lips but shook his head. Sitting down he pulled her to his chest, holding her small body in his hand. "You are hiding something from me and I want to know what it is right now." Seeing her go to deny it he gripped her chin with the tips of his fingers and forced her eyes to his. "No, you can't lie to me. I know there is something. Are you growing tired of me? Is that it, do you want to leave me or..."
Hearing this made your heart ache and you quickly leaned up to silence him with a kiss. Pecking his lips a few times you cupped his face in your small hands and sighed softly. "I would never leave you or grow tired of you alpha. I love you." When he looked down at you with those warm yellow eyes you smiled softly as he started listing off all the things you had been doing to make him think something was wrong.
"Why?" he asked in a deep voice. Seeing her eyes tear up again but a large smile grow on her lips he knit his brows. 
"Because you big jerk, I'm pregnant." 
His whole body went stiff, his mind went blank and his throat was suddenly dry. "Co...come again l..lass?"
Sniffling you kissed his nose and then his cheek and down to his jaw. "You're going to be a daddy." grabbing his massive hand and moving it down to your lower abdomen. 
After that night there were no more problems between the two of you. 
Whitebeard was the most attentive he had ever been in his life. He catered to all of his omega's needs. 
Anything you wanted, you got. 
He demanded she didn't lift a single finger and told the crew as much. 
Edward will be there every step of the way. If there is something you are craving he will sail to that specific island to get it, even if it is clear across the sea. 
You are never allowed out of his hold for long because there is no place safer than in the arms of the strongest man in the world. 
If it was up to him you would be locked away in the safety of the cabin, surrounded by pillows and blankets and no sharp objects of any kind. 
Arriving at islands he refuses to allow you off with anyone other than himself. Walking as close to you as he can only because you finally put your foot down and told him he couldn't carry you everywhere he keeps his haki activated at all times to make sure you and his unborn pup are never in harm's way. 
While he loves the sight of your belly swollen with his child, his chest puffing up with pride knowing that he had successfully bred you, he becomes extremely possessive, growling loudly if anyone looks at your baby bump for too long. 
Once when it came time for you to get some maternity dresses he about made one of the women at the clothing shop faint from fright when he snapped at her for touching your large belly. Smacking him you gave him a angry glare and pointed to the back wall, demanding he go wait in the corner. 
Sitting in his chair he will hold you in his lap and gently stroke your belly.
At night he will lay with his face close to abdomen and talk to his pup growing inside of you. 
When the pup kicks and he feels it you feel your heart swell at the large smile on his face, the light in his eyes. 
As your delivery day grows closer he will sail back to his home island, wanting his child to be born on the safety of land. 
He joins you for your walks, walking slowly beside you, always on alert as you suck in breaths and slow your steps. 
Labor is long and hard but he never leaves your side, stroking your hair, kissing your temple and brow while he purrs for you. 
He hates to see you in pain and at times Marco wonders if his father is having sympathy pains for his omega. 
Boy or girl. One or multiples he doesn't care, he will be in awe. 
He will cry there is no doubt about it. As soon as he sees his long awaited pup he will burst into tears. 
When Marco lays he tiny wailing pup on your chest that is all he sees. Even covered in blood and birth he is sure he has never seen anything more precious in all his life. 
Watching the newborn's cry slowly die down once both him and his omega gently purr for their child he smiles proudly. 
Sitting behind his mate as she nurses their pup he chuckles softly when you make the comment about them having his appetite. Letting the pup hold the tip of his finger in their tiny hand he smiles proudly, "Little runt's got a grip as well."  
Holding his pup to his bare chest he gently lays his large hand over the babe to keep them warm.
You are fast asleep, exhausted from the long and difficult birth. He feels you curl up between his spread legs, your upper half nuzzling his thigh. 
Rubbing his omega's back as she gets her well deserved rest he sighs softly. Staring down at the family he had always wanted. 
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upon-a-starry-night · 3 years
We Interrupt This Program Pt.1
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Wanda x Reader story
Wandavision Au / fix- it fic
Gender neutral reader but it’s highly intended for female reader
Major Wandavision spoilers plus I change some things around so don’t read unless you’ve seen the show       
*Days before outside of the hex* Monica Rambeau met up with Jimmy Woo at the border of Westview “So why are we here?” Monica questioned with disinterest, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her windbreaker
 “We’ve got a report of a missing agent who was supposedly driving through this town and never came out,” Jimmy answered, obviously not bothered by Monica’s disinterest 
 “Who was the agent?”
 “I believe their name was Agent Y/n Y/l/n, they originally went missing during the blip but now they still aren't back and their car tracker said this was the last place they were before it mysteriously shut off”
 “ Agent Y/n?” 
“Yeah, do you know them?”
 “I do yeah, so they’re in there?”
 “We believe so, now all we’ve got to do is find them”
*takes place after episode one but before episode two*
Y/n woke up and immediately began their usual morning routine, the meticulous structure, and repetitive nature was a comforting but unsettling feeling, but it was one they were getting used to. Though today they had the strongest urge to go to the town square, so they decided work could wait, put on their best outfit, and began the journey. What was their job again?
They shook their head and took their time exploring the town, although they’ve lived there forever it still felt like they were seeing it for the first time. They admired the different shades of black and white until they accidentally bumped into someone “oh! I’m so sorry, I can’t believe how clumsy I am!!” Y/n exclaimed as the other person rose to their feet 
“Oh no it’s quite alright, I can’t imagine I’m any better” They laughed and Y/n quickly identified the stranger as Wanda, though they couldn’t quite remember how they knew that. She was beautiful, to say the least, and she radiated a warm but troubled energy.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/N” they extended their hand and Wanda was quick to take it
 “ I’m Wanda, new to town and I’m already making a bad first impression” She looked at Y/n with a solicitous sort of smile
Y/n just laughed and waved their hand dismissively “ Nonsense! Normal introductions are boring anyway” Wanda smiled, “So you’re new in town?” Y/n questioned
 “ Yes, I just moved here with my husband Vision” Damn. Taken.
 “Well if you ever need anyone to show you around town don’t hesitate to ask me, I’m always free!” Y/n exclaimed and Wanda’s eye’s lit up 
“Really? That would be so helpful. It would be nice to have more than one friend here, my husband keeps telling me that I ought to make more friends in this town- he’s all about the benefits of human interaction, not that he’d understand it much” Wanda laughed that last part off and Y/N felt themselves laughing along with her, not finding the time to dwell on what she’d just said
“Well I for one agree with your husband, after all, if it weren’t for him we never would’ve met.” They reasoned and Wanda just smiled brighter 
“Well I shouldn’t keep him waiting too long, and I’m sure you’ve got a nice man waiting at home for you too.”
 “oh no, I’m not hitched, you can imagine the looks I get from all the other women out here for not having a husband,” Y/n mentioned and Wanda frowned
 “Well, do you want a husband?” The question sent a slight shiver down Y/n’s spine and they didn’t know why, it almost felt as if it were an offer 
“oh no Wanda I’m doing quite well on my own, you know I own the bakery down the street if you’d like to come and visit. Everyone knows a woman’s place is in the kitchen” Why would they say that? What time period were they even in? wait- The two laughed for a while with a hidden tension before Wanda’s laugh broke off. 
“Well it was nice meeting you Y/n, I hope to be seeing more of you in the future”
 “Oh I wholeheartedly agree Wanda, see you soon!!” Y/n waved as Wanda walked away before continuing on their way to the bakery. Since when were they walking to the bakery? There was a nagging feeling in the back of their head but they chose to ignore it.
Wanda walked away from Y/n with a giddy smile, it had been a long time since she’d had someone treat her so kindly, she’s so used to people giving her looks of hatred or fear. Y/n was a breath of fresh air, she’d have to make sure she talks to them more. As she began the journey home, she thought back to her conversation with Vision last night 
“Wanda darling I know I’m not human so I don’t require human interaction but don’t you think you should find yourself some friends? I mean I don’t want you to be completely alone when I go off to work every day” Vision stated as he entered the bedroom.
 “Well, I’ve got Agnes” Wanda reasoned
 “ I know, I was just thinking maybe there are some more interesting characters besides our overly helpful nosy neighbor” He inquired
 “ I guess it couldn’t hurt, perhaps I’ll go out into the town in search of some gal-pals. That good with you Vis?”
 “Wonderful darling thank you” came his reply, and they settled comfortably into bed for the night.’  She’d have to thank him for the encouragement, after all, if it weren’t for him she’d never have run into Y/n. Excitement ran through her body at the thought of getting to get to know them more. 
     That’s it for Episode one, thanks for reading folks!! please comment i love hearing your opinions!! <3
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
To the Moon:
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A/N: Totes cried while writing this but it’s fine.
Trigger Warnings: Angst, Descriptions of Character Death, Drinking, Pregnancy, Cancer, Fluff, Grief, etc.
Word Count: 4,225 
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Female!Reader x Anna Shelby (OC?/Daughter)
Request: “Hi this is my first request and it’s an angsty Tommy x Reader where the reader is an old flame and they didn’t work out but Thomas still loves the reader anyway, and she sends him a letter out of the blue. Apparently the reader got pregnant and had a kid but she’s really sick now and doesn’t want her kid in an orphanage. It could end in fluff but doesn’t have to.”
Requested by: @wierdestmoppet​
A/N: Get ready for some sad shit. I saw the request and this is what my mind jumped to lol. I wrote this to be set like around Season 1-ish btw.
Summary: Life and death have a way of revealing the truth within us, and it can cause things to happen at the most unexpected times. This is especially true for Thomas Shelby as he realizes not even he can stop death.
Part 1 | Part 2
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“Dear Thomas,
How are you? It’s been a long while and I hope you and your family are doing okay. I know this may be out of the blue, but you know I’ve never been much for planning things. You also know that I prefer getting straight to the point, so disregard any smudged writing in advance. I’m trying to keep the tears at bay while writing this, but I figured I’d burn any bridges while I still can.
I know we parted in anger but I’d love to know if you’d forgive me for how I acted. When I left during the months after you had gotten back from France, every fiber in my being wanted to stay there with you, but I couldn’t. I had no one besides you and your family and it made me feel worse, like a burden. I was so scared you’d send me away if I told you then...so I made that decision for you and I know it destroyed you.
I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for that, and now of all times I’m sitting here wishing I could be back there in that dirt-covered town, walking by the cut with you just like old times...but I can’t, not in this life anyway.
It saddens me greatly to know I’ll never see your face again, but for the sake of time I’ll be blunt. A couple weeks after I left, call it karma if you will, I fell more ill and went to the doctor. When I left, my suspicions were confirmed. I was pregnant.
I fought the urge to call you though and I regret that to this day, but I’m writing this now to hopefully make up for it.
I had not been with anyone else the whole time you were deployed. But if you can think back, you’ll remember our time at the Garrison and how you’d brought me home. That night stuck with me for nine months, Thomas. I had a beautiful baby girl who I named Anna. And the best part is that she has your eyes.
With all that said, I know this is a lot to take in, but I have one dying wish. You see, I’ve been diagnosed with cancer and the doctors said I have only days left to live. I’m...I’m trying so hard not to cry because I don’t want to wake the poor girl, but I can’t go on much longer and she deserves a good life...One that I can’t give her. I’d love for her to not have to go to the orphanage, as it would break my heart. So I’m asking you to do probably one of the hardest things you’ve had to do in some time, my love. I’m asking if you’d be willing to take in our Anna?
I’ve always wanted her to meet her father, and I wanted to wait until she got older to do so...but it seems life had a way of throwing off those plans as you can see.
I just wanted to let you know in case a lovely little one year old shows up at the shop soon. I’ve sent my friend here in London to take her to you after I pass. I know you may not love me anymore Tom, but I hope that whatever love is still in your heart, you can give that to our daughter. And that you can also find a place in your heart for forgiveness, I know I have.
I’m not expecting anything else, but I truly wish you the best in life, both for you and the family. I’ll think of Anna and you when I sleep tonight. That’s about as close to being in heaven as I can think of.
With all my love,
Y/N Y/L/N”
Thomas set down the letter, hands shaking as he slid his finger over the dried ink that was smudged in various spots by her tears.
He sat there with his head in his hands, tears silently falling from his eyes as the memories came flooding back.
He had just gotten the business in line, and had a good thing going with his family. Even securing a legal betting license, but just as he’d known all his life, he couldn’t get his hopes up when it came to love. Every woman he’d ever loved seemed to have an expiration date, and this one tore him to the core.
As he sat there, the rain pattered on the windows of his office at the shop. The sound only fueling the rage inside him as he came to terms with the letter.
He had thought she’d moved because she found someone new or thought she’d gone off to find a job somewhere perhaps. But he didn’t expect this. After all, he still loved her. He was never good at showing it but he truly did love her and now she was being ripped from him without even getting to say goodbye.
He took a shot from his glass at his desk and threw it in frustration, shards exploding on the ground like tiny specs of glitter.
As he watched the shards shimmer in the dim light, he remembered the fancy envelope. Frantically picking it up and seeing a small picture hanging out of the corner that he must’ve missed before.
It was of Y/N holding Anna. Y/N had a weakened look to her as she sat on the steps of her apartment in a light green dress. It was her favorite color after all, and he knew that.
She had the brightest smile despite her frail state as well and it instantly caused him to smile too. When his eyes landed on his daughter it only grew and he felt his throat tighten as he cleared his throat, trying to keep his emotions at bay.
She indeed had his striking blue eyes though, and the beautiful color of her mother’s hair. With tears threatening to fall, he noticed she had her smile too, thanking whatever gods above that she didn’t get his toothy grin.
As he admired the picture, he remembered seeing the date and a phone number scribbled on the letter, her handwriting noticeably declining compared to when she used to write him long ago during the war.
Without a second thought, he called her number hoping she’d answer. His heart stopping for a moment as he heard static on the other end before it picked up, a faint voice saying “Y/L/N Residence.” in response.
“H-Hello, I’m sorry it’s late but this is Thomas Shelby. Is Y/N there?” He asked, his voice trembling as he wiped tears from his eyes.
“I never thought you’d call...” She said.
“You sound...different.” He said.
Y/N laughed, and he swore he could feel his heart pound at the faint sound of it.
“Death does that to ya.” She said, making light of the situation.
“Y/N...I-I got your letter. I know we don’t have much time...but I love you. I do. I-I love you so fucking much okay?” He said frantically, sitting down at his desk.
“I’m not dead yet.” She lightly chuckled.
“I know...just wanted to let you know I do love you, and that I forgive you. For everything.” He said quietly.
“I thought you’d moved on Tom...But I love to you too. I’m so sorry I’ve put you through this...” she said, breathing heavily.
“Don’t you worry sweetheart. You’ve done nothing wrong. I-uhm...I haven’t moved on. I could never move on from you, Y/N...” He said, her name on his tongue like a spark. He hadn’t said her name so often in ages.
“Did you get the picture?” She asked.
“Yes. You’re beautiful. Anna is too. Beautiful just like her mother.” He said, holding the picture in his hand.
“I was so excited when she opened her eyes. I’m so glad she has yours.” She said, her voice fading a bit as she reminisced.
“And I’m glad she has your smile my love. Can’t have her running around with a smile like mine aye?” He joked.
“Oh stop.” She chuckled.
He laughed lightly as she continued, her breathing audible over the phone.
“I’m happy the letter got to you when it did. I was trying to hold out for you both.” She said, her voice thickening as tears welled up in her eyes.
“I’m happy it did too. You’re the strongest woman I know. You know that right?” He said, wiping his own tears from his eyes as he heard her crying.
“I want our Anna to grow up strong too. Have you considered my offer?” She asked.
Thomas hesitated, his hands were shaking more than they had when first reading the letter.
“Yes. I-I don’t have a nursery yet, but I’ll be able to get things sorted in no time, alright love?” He said.
Y/N sighed with relief. “Good...you don’t know how happy that makes me. I’m...I’m holding her little hand right now. She’s got a firm grip just like her daddy.” She said, sniffling.
“Good. She can rough house with Finn when she’s older.” He said.
“Just...protect her Tommy. She’s so sweet. I love her so much...” She said, her voice weakening.
“I love you, to the moon and back you hear me? Is the nurse with you?” He asked, noticing her voice changing.
“Y-yes. My friend is too. Told her to bring Anna as soon as I go. I-I’m so scared Tom...” She said, her voice cracking as she cried.
“And I love you to the moon and back too sweetheart. I just wish I could have you here with me.” She continued.
“I know you’re scared Y/N. Just hold Anna’s little hand and listen to my voice...okay? Everything will be alright. I-I promise.” He said, his own voice cracking as more tears ran down his face.
“I’ll always protect our daughter. And I’ll tell her how much you meant to me and how much you loved her. I’ll always love you. Always, to the moon and back aye?” He said.
Her breath shallowed as she answered, the last of her strength fading as she spoke.
“I love you both. To the moon...and back.” She said, taking a final breath before her eyes closed and her body went slack, including the finger that her daughter was clutching onto while lying beside her in bed.
The line was silent as Tommy listened. His heart nearly broke when he heard Anna’s cries, and her friend and the nurse sniffling as they helped around the room.
“M-Mr. Shelby? This is the nurse. I know this is hard...but would you like her ashes or would you prefer her to have a traditional burial? She never got the chance to specify.”
He wiped his tears on his sleeve and looked out the window as the rain fell, the moon shining brightly as he gazed up.
“Traditional burial. She needs to be where she’s loved. My family will be in touch as soon as we can.” He said.
“Alright. We recommend doing it soon, tomorrow perhaps. Her friend just left with Anna and will be by your shop in the morning.” She said.
“Uhm...yeah tomorrow is fine. Bring Y/N to the fields and we’ll take care of the rest. I’ll be here at the shop when Anna gets here.” He said, his mind feeling like it was about to explode.
“Alright. I will see you tomorrow Mr. Shelby.” She said.
“Alright.” He whispered before hanging up the phone.
He frantically strode over to his whiskey stash, downing a good portion of it before he ran to the shops bathroom. The mixture of suddenly ingesting all that alcohol and his frazzled nerves taking its toll.
When he composed himself, he freshened up as best he could and splashed cold water over his face, trying to wash the memories and the rush of the alcohol away.
As he made his way back to his office, he thought to call everyone. Even if they were sleeping, this was the one time he truly needed everyone in the family.
“Polly? It’s me. I’m going to need uhm...a crib...and a funeral lined up in the fields. Can you bring the crib here to the shop? I-I guess I’ll need anything baby related.” He stammered.
“Holy mother...slow down please! What are you talking about?!” She asked tiredly through the phone.
“It’s Y/N...yes...her....she left me because she was pregnant and she had the baby and she’s mine. Her name is Anna and she’ll be here in the morning. Y/N she uhm...she died. I just talked to her as she passed alright? She ended up having fucking cancer. She wrote to me and...and it was her dying wish that I take care of Anna for her. I need everyone here. This is the one thing I can’t do alone, Poll.” He said frantically.
Polly stayed silent as she processed what was said, he could hear her sniffling as she spoke.
“Christ have mercy....I’ll call everyone in. You try to get some sleep even if you’re lying on the shop floors. You can’t take care of your daughter drunk like that. I can hear it in your voice.” She said before hanging up.
Polly quickly got ready, waking up little Finn and sadly explaining to him what happened. Together they gathered an old crib from when Ada stayed over with Karl a couple nights, and she found some baby food and diapers.
Next on her list was to call Ada as she had more things at the ready, and she and the rest of the blinders were just as shocked as the news rolled in.
2 hours had passed and Tommy had forced himself to lie down with his coat draped over him on his office floor. The half empty bottle of whiskey smashed to pieces from when he’d gotten off the phone with Polly.
His eyes were blood shot and moving rapidly under his closed eyelids, dreams of coming to save Y/N from the inevitable somehow threatening his mind as he watched her disappear like a ghost. His eyes flew open though as he heard the shop doors close. His tragic slumber interrupted further by numerous heavy boots on the floor.
He sat up slowly, trying to smooth out his hair and putting his coat on as the draft from the cool night air crept in through the creaky floors and window sills.
He sat there on the floor, not having the strength to get up as Polly and the rest of his blinder brothers came into the dark room.
“Tommy...Polly told us what’s happened. I’m so sorry...” Ada said, holding a large bag of everything baby related that she could find. Little Finn held a small crib and Polly had a blanket in her arms as well as a small bag of food.
“Everything was fine a couple hours ago, I was just ‘bout to go home then I saw the letter on my desk...” He said, wishing selfishly that he could turn back time.
“Look mate...we have your back. Just tell us what ya need done and we’ll do it. It’s a family meeting after all.” John said, nervously biting the toothpick in his mouth.
“I...I spoke with the nurse. She said they recommend having the funeral tomorrow. We’re having it in the field like we usually do. It’s what she would’ve wanted probably. I couldn’t let them burn her and stuff her in some urn. She deserves better. God damn it...” He said putting his head in his hands. He’d always been the one in control. He’d always had a solid plan, a solid mode of attack, but this was something he had no control over. Just as much as life had control over death. It was all out of his hands.
“I’ll go get Johnny Dogs and the Lee’s help with all that, you stay here Tom.” John said, kissing Esme goodbye as he went out into the night.
“Oi, brother do you want me to go with him? I promise I won’t do anything this time.” Arthur said, crouching down by his brother and placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I don’t care, as long as Anna gets here safely and as long as Y/N can have a decent place to be buried in. That’s all I’m on about now. Fuck the rivalries, for one day.” He said. It wasn’t like him to stop condoning a lot of violence, but perhaps this made him have a change of heart.
He glanced at the photo she sent him, his eyes glossing over as he held it in his shaking hands.
“She has my eyes.” He said, his own filling with tears that not many of his family had seen in so long.
“She’s beautiful.” Polly said, sitting by him on the floor. Little Finn helped set the crib down and Esme and Ada helped clean up the mess Tommy had made.
“She is...” he said.
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Around 4 hours later, John and some of the Lee’s returned and told them they’d gotten everything set up and Tommy had met with the nurse. She was dressed in a black dress and a black coat, and holding a silver necklace with a light green stone in it. It was Y/N’s that Tommy had given her before he went off to war.
“She wanted you to keep this, to give to Anna...she thought maybe as an 18th birthday gift would be nice...” She said, wiping a tear from her eye.
“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.” He said, putting the necklace in his jacket, clasping the button on the small pocket so it was secure.
As the night blurred into the morning, Polly and Esme napped in the chairs as Tommy rested his head at his desk. Finn and the rest all finding places to doze off to in various corners of the shop.
As much as Thomas hated everyone sleeping uncomfortably, he knew it was good they were here. He needed the support whether his pride liked it or not.
It was around 6 am when the nurse arrived again, letting him know Y/N’s funeral things were all set up. And it wasn’t long after that a small car pulled up. A woman with blonde hair and a black dress getting out quickly as she reached for the little girl.
Her faint cries were heard as Thomas watched from the doorway, alert and ready to do what he had to do for the coming days, and eventually years.
“Hello Mr. Shelby. My name is Jess. I was a good friend of Y/N’s. Here’s your daughter. I hope she’ll be a comfort to you.” She said quickly as she handed her to him.
He nervously cradled her into his arm as she squirmed in defiance at first. The new person holding her making her only want her mother more.
“Hey...hey...shhh. It’s alright love. It’s okay. Daddy’s here. It’s okay.” He cooed, carefully swaying a bit as he held her. As she adjusted to her new surroundings, she gradually stopped crying, her bright blue eyes opening and landing on her fathers face. Tears were coating her cheeks as she looked up at him in silence, curiously as she took in the man holding her.
“It’s okay. I promise.” He said, gently wiping her tears as he carried her inside.
Polly and the girls gasped quietly so as not to startle her too much. But she cried nonetheless, the new people overwhelming her. Tommy cooed again and gave her his finger to hold, helping her out of her crying fit.
“You’re a natural Tommy. Must’ve been all the babysitting when we were little.” Ada said, as she watched her niece slowly stop crying.
“I can only hope so.” He said, looking down at his little girl. John and Arthur and the others came near as quietly as they could, watching as she had a death grip on Tommy’s finger.
“She’s a strong little bugger. Finn you’ll have to show her the ropes ya know.” Arthur said, Finn looked on curiously at his new niece and nodded.
“Not till she’s older. We have to protect her alright, Y/N will strike me down if we don’t.” Tommy said, smiling a bit as he wondered where her soul was now.
“How about we let you be? We’ve set everything up in your office, so it should suffice until later today when you can take her home. The funeral is at noon. So everyone get home and get ready and meet at the field.” Polly said, before patting Thomas’ shoulder. He was in shock at the nights events, but his daughter luckily helped him from spiraling too far down.
The hours leading up to the funeral were spent trying to feed and change her and having Polly come back early to show him the ropes. Anna was dressed in a small black dress and wrapped in the soft blanket Polly had brought, her cries echoing throughout the shop as everyone gathered their things.
“She’s gonna be a little hell-raiser, I already know.” Polly said.
“Good. Maybe she can take over this place someday aye?” Tommy said, placing his cap on as Polly nestled her into the car with her.
“If she wants to that is.” Polly said, closing the door and looking at the little bundle. Tommy started the car and drove off towards the fields, the bonfire sending smoke into the air upon their arrival.
Tommy stopped the car and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he sat there.
“Are you alright? We can take a minute if you need it Tom.” Polly asked, putting her hand in his shoulder.
He wiped a stray tear from his eye and ran a hand over his face before looking back at his little girl. Her eyes wandering over him as he sat there.
“No. I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine, we just have to say goodbye that’s all.” He said, getting out of the car and gently picking up Anna.
She protested at first, her eyes welling up with tears as she looked around, but they stopped once she saw her fathers face. He was grinning slightly at her and stroking her hair, trying to make sure she was alright.
“She’s okay. She’s probably bloody overwhelmed, poor thing. It’ll be like that for a while, but you can do this Thomas.” Polly said, walking towards the field.
“We can do this right Anna? We have to say bye to mummy alright? It’ll be okay my love.” He said, her cries stopping as he walked with her in his arms and towards the wagon and the bonfire.
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The smoke invaded everyone’s lungs as the flames grew around the wagon. Everyone who knew her back when they dated coming together to say some nice words or to offer up small prayers.
Tommy couldn’t say anything, fearing he’d break down, but he stood there holding their daughter, throwing a rose towards the flames and silently thinking of her. Hoping she’d watch over them while she was up there.
As the ceremony ended, he wiped a stray tear away and carried the little girl around the remains of the fire, trying to think of a plan for their new life.
Anna mumbled as he sat with her on a nearby log, giving her rose petals to play with from one of the leftover bouquets.
“Those were your mums favorite.” He said, hearing her mumbling in baby babble.
“M-mama.” She said lightly, looking out at the fire. Thomas felt his throat closing as she said it, wishing nothing more than to bring her back.
“Yes love...Mama is gone but dads got ya now love. She loved you so much...” He said, tear running down his cheek as he kissed the top of her head. She looked up at him as he held her on his lap, still gripping his hand like a security blanket and smiling like Y/N.
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Over the next couple months they both grew used to each other’s company. She was babbling more and not crying as much, but she could always sense something was missing. Thomas was home more now than he’d ever been, always keeping an eye on her and taking her to the shop when he’d go to work. Everyone loved her though, as they all took turns watching the little girl.
“She’s doing so well. I know Y/N would be proud, Tommy.” Ada said, patting his shoulder as he stood at the window, looking at the night sky.
“She would aye? I’m seeing more of Y/N in her each day. Only a matter of time before she takes Finn out though.” Tommy said smirking.
“I can’t wait to see that.” Ada said, slowly walking away to do her paperwork.
Tommy walked in his office to see Finn playing with her, giving her random toys as she sat up in a chair, and watching her throw them to the side as soon as she saw her father.
She smiled her little smile and threw her hands up towards him as he walked to her, crouching down and scooping her up as she giggled.
In the silence between them he’d often look up after the long day and see the moon, hoping Y/N would be looking back at them from up there, and he’d whisper to himself that they were alright, hoping in some way she’d know they were.
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Tag List:
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@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby, @wowjeena, @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx, @lovemissyhoneybee @thomashelbyswhore​
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
Can you do a cuts & bruises imagine where the reader comes home to Anakin from a mission & she's all scraped up, and then Anakin's all like, "baby 🥺, let me make you feel better, " and he like kisses all her bruises while running his fingers through her hair 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
It’s not exactly what you requested but... 😂 anyway I hope you enjoy ❤️
(Ps jelly toast fucking slaps idc what anyone has to say)
Read it on ao3
Anakin Skywalker x gn Reader Whump
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Reporting back to the Council directly after your mission to the Vagaba System was hell. Your sides ached with every breath you took, legs barely able to lift from the floor in order to walk. Not to mention your clothes were wet and sticking to you in odd places, probably blood but you weren’t too sure. The constant pain hammering through your body with every move you made overshadowed every other thought you had.
Of course, Yoda and Master Windu picked up on your troubles almost immediately. They urged you to go to the medbay, but you were an avid ‘deal-with-it-yourself’ type of person. You weren’t hurt too bad anyway, a couple of bruises weren’t going to kill you. The injured soldiers from your mission needed all the help they could get without you taking up time and resources begging the medics for an ice pack.
You knew Anakin would be pissed if he found out you’d skipped on getting help again, especially after last time when you almost passed out from blood loss after a bomb sent shrapnel straight into your face. Although you had completely healed from that— thanks to the remarkably advanced technology of Coruscant’s medical system— he hadn’t forgotten the way you dragged blood through the temple halls as he whisked you away to get help. He made you promise to ask for assistance if you ever got hurt again, and you had begrudgingly agreed...
But to the degree of your injuries, he had not specified.
That’s why you found yourself shuffling down the halls of the Jedi temple now, on your way to the room the Council allowed you to occupy, trying to get your aches and pains under control so you could act okay in front of Anakin. You knew he’d be waiting for you, as he always did when you came back from missions. But it was late, and if you were lucky maybe he’d already be asleep, and you would be allowed to fix yourself up without him ever having to find out...
Wishful thinking, you groaned inwardly, forcing yourself to stand up straight as Anakin opened the door before you could even touch the keypad.
And oh, was he mad.
“What’s wrong?” he demanded.
“Nothing’s wrong,” you narrowed your eyes.
Damn, it was good to see him. Even with that pissed off look on his face, he looked as good as ever dressed in those loose pants he wore to bed, with nothing else but a robe on, left untied to expose his toned abdomen, hair perfectly messed up, metal arm glinting in the soft orange light...
Side-stepping him to get into the apartment, you ignored the daggers he was sending your way and headed for the couch so you could take off your stiff, uncomfortable boots. Anakin folded his arms across his chest and followed your movements with a cruel, calculating gaze.
“You’re limping.”
“I’m just a little sore,” you rolled your shoulder.
“There’s blood on your shirt.”
“It’s not mine.”
Thank god the fabric was thick enough to conceal the worst of the damage. You could feel the warm liquid drip down your skin in some places, although it had slowed considerably since you’d received them after getting the crap beat out of you by Mon Eila, a Separatist General with a passion for boxing.
It had been a small mercy he had managed to avoid hitting your face.
“Y/n,” Anakin stalked over to stand right in front of you. Usually his angry face scared you, but right now you knew it was just to cover up the concern he felt. “I can sense you’re in pain. Tell me where you’re injured.”
You rolled your eyes, yanking off your boots one after the other and tossing them over the back of the couch unceremoniously. “Is it too much to believe I could get away from a mission unscathed for once?”
“Seeing as how you couldn’t even water your houseplant without slipping on a puddle and spraining your ankle, yeah, I find it pretty hard to believe.”
You frowned and leaned back into the couch, hissing inwardly at the pain it sent through your bones. “I find that pretty sexist, and I request you make me some peanut butter toast to make it up to me.”
Anakin grabbed for the cloak you still had draped around your shoulders, meaning to move it so he could see some evidence of your injuries. You caught his wrist, and although he could have overpowered you, he let you stop him.
“Oh my god, it’s not like the Mighty Galactic Jedi Council chose me out of the hundreds of other trained assassins to do their bidding, it’s not like they trust me to carry out missions for them alongside the rest of the Jedi, it’s not like I’m the one who blew up that weapons factory and freed the planet of Koiwishi from the Separatist fleet trying to enslave them—“
“Okay, okay,” Anakin pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers and sighed heavily. “I’m sorry for doubting your skills, that’s not what I meant.”
“Good,” you grabbed for the tv remote and flipped it on solely for a distraction. “Then go make me some toast and I’ll think about forgiving you.”
Anakin flattened his stare and shook his head all the way to the kitchen. “Since when did you get so bold?”
You pretended not to hear him, and instead took the moment of privacy you had to slowly lift up the bottom of your shirt to assess some of the damage. Blue and purple painted your abdomen in angry, swirling blossoms, only interrupted by the streaks of drying blood from the places your skin broke. Mon Eila was pretty nifty with a dagger too, you remembered, and he’d managed to catch you a couple times with the blade. Once on the side, and once on your thigh. Now that’s one you weren’t excited to see.
You ghosted your finger over a particularly bad bruise over your rib cage, where the blood pooled an angry red underneath your skin. You knew you’d been hit quite a few times, but god damn you didn’t think it’d be this bad...
“Hey, we’re out of peanut butter, is it okay if I use jelly instead—“ Anakin stopped dead in his tracks.
“It’s not that bad,” you swallowed quickly. Your shirt remained half up after your failed attempt to rip it down as he walked in from the kitchen, the blueish-purple skin looking worse and worse as the seconds ticked by and Anakin did not say anything. “It doesn’t even really hurt that much.”
Anakin stayed silent and turned on his heel to walk back into the kitchen. He returned a moment later with various bags of ice and a first aid kit.
“Lay on your back. Now.”
Well when he says it like that...
You did as told and had the decency to look a little ashamed. Resting your head on the armrest, you let him push your shirt up to reveal the patchwork of bruises staining your skin. His eyes flit from place to place, taking it all in while stewing in silent anger.
“I’m fine, Ani,” you tried to defuse the situation, reaching for an ice bag and placing it on your stomach to hide your injuries. “Look, that’s about as much as you can do about it anyways.”
“You’re bleeding,” Anakin’s fingertips traced the open wound beneath your ribcage. “Stay still.”
You folded your hands over your chest and stuck your bottom lip out thoughtfully as you felt Anakin clean your cut with an alcohol cloth. It stung, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing you were in pain.
“I would never be satisfied knowing you’re in pain.”
“Hey, stay out of my head, Skywalker,” You searched for the bracelet he had gifted you early on in your relationship, the one that could shield your thoughts from any Jedi mind tricks. Your eyes landed on it across the room, by the windowsill. You didn’t know when, but at some point he must have been able to slip it off without you noticing.
“Well since you think it’s okay to lie to me, I thought I’d have to take matters into my own hands.”
He spread antibacterial ointment over the cut and then pressed a bandage over the wound. You took the ice off and dropped it to the floor, wincing as you pushed yourself into a sitting position with your elbows. Anakin pushed you back down to the couch gently by the shoulder.
“I’ll get you your bracelet in a moment,” his tone softened, reading the distress in your mood as clear as day now that your thoughts were wide open to him. “Let me just take a look at your leg first.”
“It’s not fair. You said that if I can’t read your thoughts, you shouldn’t be able to read mine.”
“I’m sorry, Y/n,” Anakin placed the bag of ice back on your bruised abdomen. “I just don’t know why you had to lie to me in the first place.”
You didn’t know how to put it into words, how to explain to him your insecurities around asking for help. If you admitted you needed assistance for something as simple as a couple scratches, it made you feel weak— like a useless, vulnerable excuse of a person. It was especially embarrassing needing help from Anakin Skywalker himself, The Chosen One, the Hero With No Fear, famed General of the Clone Wars, who literally got his arm cut off after escaping an execution at the hands of a Sith Lord that one time. You didn’t see him asking for help then— granted he had passed out, but still.
Showing weakness, especially in front of the people you loved, was a feeling you have been running from your entire life.
One look at Anakin’s face, and you knew you didn’t have to say anything in order for him to understand. He closed his eyes and leaned down to press his lips to the exposed skin of your hip. His touch was feather-light, barely brushing you as to not disturb the bruise underneath.
“You don’t need to prove anything to me,” he muttered against your skin. “You’re already the strongest person I know.”
“I will be, once I can sit up without wanting to die,” you shifted your body, gasping and halting your movements when a piercing pain shot through your ribs. This made Anakin’s eyebrows draw down in concern, warm palm holding your waist to stop you from moving.
“I thought you said it didn’t hurt much.”
“You should know by now I was lying about that too.”
Anakin took a deep breath and opened a pill bottle. He dropped a couple tablets into your hand and then passed you a cup full of water.
“You think you can lift your hips for a couple seconds so I can get your pants off?” He paused at your thoughts. “For your open wound, not that.”
“See, it’s not fair! I couldn’t control that one, it just popped into my head.” You huffed but shifted your hips upward like he asked, abs screaming in protest. He managed to sneak his fingers beneath the waistband and tug your pants down your legs before you dropped back to the couch, hissing in pain.
“Damn, he got you good,” Anakin thought aloud, already wetting the cloth with more alcohol. “This might sting.”
‘Might’ was putting it lightly. A slurry of curse words filled your head as he dabbed at the gash on your leg, spanning from your hip to your upper thigh area. It was deep enough to scar, bubbling and oozing fresh blood as Anakin tried his best to clean it out. Even his cheeks turned pink from your colorful choice of words.
“Stitches?” You forced through grit teeth, nails digging into the couch cushion.
He dabbed at it some more, pondering your question. “I think you got lucky with this one. If it doesn’t start healing in a couple days, we’ll take you to the medbay.”
“Fantastic,” You wheezed, wanting so bad to kick your leg out and escape the terrible stinging. Anakin’s grip on your leg tightened, knowing exactly what your intentions were.
“There, all done,” he discarded the cloth and got to work soothing the cut with some ointment. He finished off by smoothing a large bandage over it, sitting back once it was all over. “Now how’s the bruising doing?”
Your head lolled to the side, exhausted from being in so much pain. “Still bruised,” you muttered. In fact, the ice was starting to melt and your skin was becoming uncomfortably numb and red. You took the ice off, wincing at the gruesome sight of your body again, and pulled your shirt down to cover it. “I think I’m ready to just sleep for the next 10 years.”
“Here,” Anakin slipped his hands beneath your legs and your back. With a grace only taught to the Jedi, he lifted you into his arms doing his best not to jostle you around, carrying you towards your bedroom. “You still hungry?”
You gave him a thin smile, all the answer he needed. He kissed your head as he set you down carefully onto the bed, pulling the blankets up over you. Before he left, he slipped something over your wrist— the bracelet.
The pills Anakin gave you must have included a sleep-inducing one. You were glad for the bracelet, as you made a mental note to kick his ass later for drugging you— but then again, it was doing a phenomenal job of taking your pain away now. You barely managed to stay awake before Anakin came back into the room, bearing gifts.
Jelly toast had never tasted better.
He sat beside you on the bed as you ate, carding his fingers through your hair and playing with the baby hairs surrounding your forehead. His fingertips tickled your skin, warm and soft, lulling you to sleep even further. You ended up falling asleep with half a slice of toast left in your hands. Anakin smiled softly and put it on the bedside table for when you woke up, switching off the lights with the force so you could get some good rest.
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lune-hime · 4 years
Garden of Tulips (Levi/Reader) Once Upon an Attack on Titan
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~Click me for more chapters~
“What did it look like?”
“Hmm?” Levi looked up from his place next to your sleeping form. “The titan that tried to snack on my darling granddaughter.” “Ugly as fuck.” “Aren’t they all?”
Levi recounts memories of the reader and their shared life together while she recovers from a serious injury.
!!WARNINGS!! - Violence, gore, smut, wholesome content ;)
This is a little one shot within the au of my fic inspired by Grimm’s fairy tales.
“Jean, I’m leaving now!” You sang out the window that overlooked the garden of your quaint cottage. You slipped your boots on with a leather pop and pulled up the scarlet hood of your cloak. As you padded out the door you grabbed the wicker basket from the table that smelled of wine and warm tartes.
The late afternoon sun was at its strongest, basking your modest abode in an aura of warmth. And within the pumpkin patch that bloomed bronze in the sunlight was a sight to behold indeed.
“ Move asshole.” Jean groaned as he put all of his strength into attempting to push your cow. She was unaffected and continued to happily graze on the dandelions you had forgotten to weed out near the edge of the garden. She flicked her tail in annoyance as if Jean was an incessant fly when he smacked her on the rear.
“Whose being the asshole? How would you like it if you were eating and someone slapped you?” You chided playfully. Jean deadpanned in exhaustion and gave you the middle finger. His irritation rose with every non-existent step your bovine took.
“Yeah well, it’s almost noon. That means the auction starts in one hour.” His statement turned into a groan as he gave another big ineffective push. “If we don’t sell her that means-”
“Yeah, yeah. We’re broke.” You finished his sentence and made a swiping motion across your neck. Selling your beloved cow was the last resort and a stark reminder of how desperately you both needed money. Not only did you siblings have each other to support, but your aging grandmother as well.
“ Exactly . So get over here and help me push her!” Jean pleaded. You sighed and placed the handle of your basket in the crook of your elbow. You knelt down in the plush autumn grass and cradled her large head in between your hands. She immediately stopped eating and regarded you doe eyed. Parting with the sweet creature made you want to cry, but you knew you really had no other option at this point.
“Come on, Milky-White. I promise you will get to eat your fair share of hay at the auction house.” You cooed at her and she gave a sloppy lick to the side of your palm. Jean scoffed when you took the lead to the rope around her neck and she walked compliantly behind you.  
“Are you ready to go?” You asked your brother with a smug grin. He rolled his eyes and nodded, brushing the dirt from his vest. When he fell in step with you, you handed him the rope and adjusted your basket to rest on your forearm.
“I’ll walk with you part of the way. The auction is on the way to Oma’s.” You said and rested your free hand on Milky-White’s back comfortably as you strolled down the cobblestone path.
Once you had gotten a fair ways down into the sparse village, the crunching of foreign feet against pine needles alerted you. A decrepit woman emerged out of the thicket a few paces ahead. Her graying brunette locks were pulled back into a ponytail that made the most prominent feature of her face her bold nose. From behind her dirtied glasses she wore a smile that bordered insanity as she waddled closer to the siblings. You immediately halted and put a protective hand on Jean’s arm.
“Well hello pretties. A fine day to take your cow for a walk, isn’t it?” The woman remarked shrilly.
“Yes it is.” Your response was curt as you stood your ground. The old woman let out a chuckle that sounded as if she were squeezing air out of a dusty bellow.
“Would either of you like some candy?” She offered. You assumed she intended to sound inviting but the rising pitch of her voice made it feel like you were listening to someone drag their nails across an endless chalkboard. The woman reached into her beige cloak and pulled out a large lollipop. You squinted at the fine print on the translucent wrapping.
~Confectionaries by HZ~  
“We’ll pass, thanks.” Jean replied coldly. The haggard woman began looking him up and down and licking her encrusted lips.
“Are you sure? I’m a candy maker by trade and can assure you that you will never taste anything more-” She began, waddling closer to you. She bypassed your side and began circling you.
“Exquisite.” She finished as she rounded her path behind you. You were now thoroughly repulsed.
“I could give you a tour of my kitchen. I have a grand oven where I bake my treats, unlike the likes of any other. I bet it’s big enough to even fit you in it, my tall boy.” She bubbled and grabbed Jean’s arm. She gave it a good squeeze, feeling around the lean muscle.
“Lady, we don’t want your food!” Jean bristled, his voice cracking nervously. Her jerked his elbow out of her grasp but spooked Milky-White in the process. She took a few clumsy steps backwards and caused Jean to stumble. You moved to calm her, all the while not taking an eye off of the woman. Once Jean had regained himself you stepped in front of your family.
“Ma’am, thank you for the offer, but we really need to get going. We have an appointment we cannot miss.” You declared with a grin as sugary as her candy. She spat in frustration when you lifted the edge of your crimson cloak to reveal a concealed dagger strapped to your belt.
“The feisty ones always taste the spiciest.” You heard her mumble as she creeped away in the direction from whence you came.
Once she was out of sight, you turned to Jean and your precious cow. They both were breathing heavily. You gave them comforting pats and began walking again.
“We need to move out of this village.” Jean whined and urged Milky-White to follow.
Several scarecrows and window sills holding freshly baked pies later, you arrived at the crossroads to the auction.
“Goodbye sweet girl. I hope that your new owners are as loving as me and nothing like my brother.” You said. You gave Milky-White one final smooch and scratched behind her ears. Soon Jean had to pry your pets and coos away from the animal. You backed off with a pout.
"Make sure you sell her for at least 200 dollars or something valuable we can sell. And stay away from that weird wizard, he's for sure a scam artist." You instructed Jean.
“Aw but I like Mike. He's got these beans that make you feel like you're floa-" You cut Jean's ramblings off with the sharpness of your glare.
"Fine fine. Alright, I’m off. Remember to stay on the path and make sure you keep your hand on your knife at all times. And most importantly, be back before nightfall.” Jean instructed and gave you a look that tried to be stern but fell slightly short.
“Yes, yes. Don’t worry, I’m always careful.” You replied to his nagging.
“Yeah but you can’t afford to just be careful. Anyway, tell Oma hello from her favorite grandchild.” He called as he turned down the right fork in the path. You snorted and pushed forward, trodding over the stones that took you deeper into the woods.
For a while it was just you and the conifers until an alluring song was carried by the light breeze to your ears. Delving deeper into the brush, you came upon a familiar face.
“Hi Mikasa. Hello Armin, Eren.” You grinned happily as you passed the group. The war maiden was sitting on a large tree stump along the edge of the path. Her ornate shield rested in her lap as she lazily polished it with one hand and bit into a crisp apple with the other.
She was a mercenary that had recently come to work in your village. As an apprentice at Master Connie’s blacksmith shop, you had interacted with the knight many times when she came in to sharpen her sword or shop for some wares. The two of you had grown quite fond of one another’s company and were on friendly terms.
Her dwarven companions sat on either side of her; Eren’s intensely green glare watched you like a hawk while Armin peacefully beamed up at you. Mikasa wiped the sweat off of her forehead with the back of her palm.  Her hand brushed against the bright red headband that held her shortly chopped locks in place.
“Hello Y/N. Lovely to see you.” She greeted, her voice rough with battle experience but as honeyed as the candy the weird woman had tried to tempt you with earlier.
“You too.” You answered, feeling the flames of her firey gaze flushing your cheeks.
“I must say that this gorgeous afternoon is much more beautiful now that you are here.” She sang and flashed you a charmingly captivating smile. As Mikasa spoke, sparrows flitted down from the canopy above to perch along her polished iron shoulder guards. They chirped at the melodic cadence of her voice but soon squawked when she shook them off in annoyance.
The sun was making you borderline sweaty. Yeah, it was definitely the sun.
You nodded in agreement, feeling speechless, and inhaled the fresh pine scent.
“Where are you off to?” Armin piped up while Eren still gave you the stink eye.
“I’m off to my grandmother’s to deliver her some wine and homemade tartes.” You said and patted the top of the basket.
“Would you like me to escort you the rest of the way? It will be dark soon and who knows what wolves or other creatures are lurking in the shadows.” Mikasa offered and stood from the stump. The waning daylight bounced off of her armor and made her look as if she had crafted it out of pure sun rays.
“No, it’s alright. I don’t have that much further to go.” You replied, flattered by her sweet gesture but unwilling to waste her time. Plus you were sure Eren would try to nip at your heels as you walked.
“If you insist. But you’ll have to invite me over soon, okay? I would be honored to taste your cooking.” She said and delicately reached for your hand. She brought it up to her lips and placed a plush kiss to your skin. The fire that was once burning on your face was now rushing through every limb.
“Yes of course!” You stammered bashfully, attempting to portray yourself as unaffected as possible. She chuckled at your reaction and regarded you gracefully.
“Be careful, Y/N. Oh, and tell your stalker of a brother to stop following me into the forest. He’s not the one I want to spend time with.” Mikasa bid you a farewell that left you feeling as if you had drank half of the wine bottle you carried.
“Yeah, or he’s gonna get a knife to the Achilles tendon.” Eren spat aggressively and brandished a cheese knife. You grimaced and turned on your heel to resume your journey.
The remainder of your walk was delightfully uneventful, however, the mistress of time was not favoring you. When dusk began to nestle into the sky you quickened your pace in hopes to beat the celestial blanket to your destination. As you were beginning to trouble yourself with what you could cook that would impress the shield maiden, you arrived at the familiar picketed gates to Oma’s cottage. The calmness of the night almost lulled you into a false sense of security that you rarely felt at this hour.
But it was unusually quiet. Even for nightfall.
You had broken your and Jean’s golden rule. But you were here now, so it should be okay...right?
None of the usual crickets were singing, none of the usual squirrels were scampering through the freshly fallen leaves, and none of Oma’s usual lights were on.
With your hand placed securely over your dagger, you cautiously approached the residence. You tried to convince yourself that she had gone to bed early, that she was indulging in her pipe on her back porch, or that she had stepped out for a bit to get some last minute ingredients for dinner.
The apprehension in your gut grew as you turned the door knob, only to be met with the door already open. Narrowing your eyes, you proceeded inside. The house was too devoid of light to see if anything was out of the ordinary.
“Oma-” You called tentatively. The only reply was the shrill groaning of her weathered timber under your boots as you shuffled around to find some matches. Your hand sporadically patted down the top of the cabinet she kept in her foyer until your fingers brushed against the match box. You gripped the fire starters and lit the nearest candle. Picking it up by the brass handle, you padded into the living room.
Immediately the viscous stench of iron assaulted your nostrils and caused you to audibly gag. You brought the hand with which you held the candle to your nose instinctively. The illumination this motion created uncovered a pale, delicate hand resting along one of Oma’s armchairs. You gasped in fright, inhaling even more of the putrid smell as you stumbled backwards. The wine bottle wiggled dangerously as you placed your hand on the fireplace shelving to steady yourself.
“WHO’S THERE?” You yelled into the void. Your voice creaked like the floorboards under invisible footfalls that grew closer to your shaking form. In one fluid motion your dagger was unsheathed and held defensively in front of you.
A deep chuckle that was as rich as your wine cut through the shadows.
“Easy with the silver. I’m a friend.” It’s welcome was warm but the voice could not have sounded more frigid.
“Oma doesn’t have any friends.” You declared through ragged breaths. Your head twisted and turned to pinpoint the source of the voice.
“Hm. So the woman who lives here is your oma?” The voice asked ominously.
You swallowed hard and tested the air; cutting through the space in front of you and meeting nothing but emptiness.
“How did you know a woman lives here?” Your inquiry was ended with a sharp inhale as you felt a feather light touch to your shoulder. You were giving yourself whiplash as the voice seemed to be existing within the walls of the house itself.
Was Oma still here? Hiding from this stranger? Or worse…
“A simple guess by the décor.” The voice answered smoothly.
The presence in the room intensified and now you felt palpable forms whirling on all sides of you.
“Where is she?” You demanded, hastily pointing your knife wherever you heard a nefarious laugh or a murmur.
“That is something I would like to know as well. I took time to come all the way out here.” Your mysterious company said.
“It’s awfully late for someone to be traveling alone this far into the woods, don’t you think my dear?” The voice whispered incredibly close to the back of your ear. You startled and turned around, now facing the fireplace and leaving your back tantalizingly exposed.
“Especially for one so-” It continued. Suddenly the pale hand gripped your wrist with such a force that it crippled your palm in pain and made your fingers grow numb. The dagger instantly dropped from your grasp and clattered to the floor.
“Supple.” It cooed. The seductively sinister words slithered under your skin and seeped the oxygen from your lungs. Puffs of icy breath caressed the pulse point of your neck while a nimble hand traveled up your arm that held the candle and raised it to your eye level. You were whipped around and were met with a face accentuated by the soft glow of the candle light.
Your antagonizer took corporeal form in the shape of a man who looked as if he was carved from exquisite marble. His skin was ashen as the stone itself and as flawless as a sculpture. His eyes shown with an argent luster that put your dagger to shame and regarded you with the molten intensity of a forge fire. He drew his face closer to yours ever so slowly.
“Supple indeed.” He praised darkly. His tongue darted languishly along his smirk as if he was already tasting your every feature.
“What did you do to her?” You got out despite the building dread of prey bubbling inside of you. The porcelain man clicked his tongue.
“Absolutely nothing. That’s my problem. That there’s a lack of something to be done.” He explained and continued to smile at you devilishly. He stopped inching towards you once he heard your back hit the fireplace. With nowhere for you to go, he was now able to press his body flush against yours. His leg came to prod at your inner thighs while his hands pinned yours upwards by your wrists. His sharp nails dug into the already tender flesh and threatened to puncture your veins. You let out a cry at the stinging sensation and your mind screamed at you to knee him in the balls.
But you couldn’t move. From the moment his eyes connected with yours, your body fell unresponsive. You couldn’t think a single thought without those silver bullets boring into your brain. Your rapids breaths were constricted against his broad chest as you teetered on the edge of death.
“But I must confess I am quite happy with this outcome.” He said with a satin glee. The last thing you saw before he instantly blew out your candle were the brilliant pearlescent fangs that elongated from his idyllic grin.
You heard a squelching as the flesh below your ear was torn open. It felt as though a flower with scorching petals was placed in the now gaping hole of your neck. Your limbs flailed like one of the chickens Oma placed on the chopping block. The stranger let out a velvety moan that only intensified the burning by sending shockwaves of vibrations across your torso. The longer he drank from your sweet nectar, the paler the flame ran until the pain became as white hot as his complexion.
The man had just begun clenching his jaw to delve in deeper when a gunshot pierced the window in the foyer. Your captor ceased his drinking and listened. He turned his head towards the ruckus with his teeth still embedded with you. Suddenly, a silver arrow flew through the broken glass.
“Come out, vampire. Or I will smoke you out.” A husky voice boomed from the yard. The man retracted his fangs and detached himself from your bleeding neck. The beast chuckled with the crispness of a newborn spring morning. He maneuvered your body so you could walk in front of him with your hands held securely behind your back. You weren’t sure if you even had the strength to use your legs. Walls, did you even still have legs?
“Don’t struggle.” He ordered with a maniacal sing-song to his tone. You barely registered his command. The draining sensation of your bodily fluids freshly leaving you left you feeling like an overused blood bag. Your eyes widened as he began shuffling you to the doorway.
“No-I can’t go-” Your voice cracked as you mediocrely attempted to grab at his arms. You stumbled into his chest as your legs struggled to work properly. He showed no signs of stopping as he continued to walk to the entryway.
“Please…” You pleaded weakly as the rising moonlight peeked through the crevasses of the front door.
The vampire kicked down the door with one fluid motion. The hunter was stationed in the main walkway of your grandmother’s front yard, crossbow loaded and aimed directly at the two of you. His leather tailcoat flapped along the gentle breeze and the bullet casings that rested along his chest reflected the cool gray of the stars.
“We finally are reunited.” The hunter spat. His weapon tracked the vampire’s every movement with the precision of a seasoned expert as he dragged you out further into the yard.
“Smith.” The stranger greeted the hunter like an old friend. He smiled, revealing teeth coated in your thick blood that dribbled down his chin like tumbling rubies.
“Ackerman.” The hunter replied in a hardened tone. “It’s a shame that you resorted to your old delicacies.”
Ackerman hummed and licked the front of his teeth, sighing in satisfaction as he reveled in your metallic palate.
“Squirrels just didn't satisfy me.” He snickered and walked his pointed fingers up your shoulder. A single digit entered your gaping wound and swirled in your juices. You shuddered at the needle-like pressure.  Smith’s prominent brow furrowed in disgust when Ackerman brought his finger to his mouth and sucked.
“Drop the girl, she’s almost dead anyway.” Smith said, his stance unwavering.
“Want my leftovers, eh?” Ackerman laughed. “I guess I only ever see you by the light of the moon so I wouldn’t be surprised if you were one of us.”
In your delirium you had begun disconnecting yourself from reality. But the vampire’s last phrase kept the final, unspooling thread from snapping. You heaved your neck sideways with the remaining strength you harbored to gaze up at Ackerman. His lips were as red as a summer cherry and his skin looked even more iridescent next to the moon. He looked like he could have fallen from the celestial body itself.
The moon.
The instant your eyes gazed upon its circumferential radiance your pupils dilated as the lunar rays rocketed into your eye sockets.
The full moon.
Be back before nightfall.
You can’t afford to just be careful.
Your brother's words echoed in your mind as the moon began bathing you in luminous ivory pain.
“Oh no.” You whimpered. You squeezed out a wail as the searing ripping of your joints elongating and reconnecting overtook your entire being. The convulsions of your body caused Levi to release you from his grip with a hiss. The vampire hunter and hunted could only watch as you hunched over agony with freshly punctured claws raking through Oma’s neat lawn. Coarse hair soon sprouted out of your exposed skin and your strained cries grew octaves lower. The buttons of your dress flew free with crisp pops and the seams of your poor dress were pulled apart by your bulging muscles. Your jaw unhinged and lengthened until your face resembled the wolves that Milky-White used to chase from your chicken coop.
Your tortuous yelps suddenly mingled with a deafening gun shot from the gate.
“What in the Peter Piper’d fuck is going on at my house?” Oma hollered, rifle pointed at the sky, as you let a howl pierce through the night.
Suddenly you were jolting awake and pawing at the sheets. Your heart was beating erratically as you shakily brought your hands to your lap.
They looked blissfully normal.
You heard shuffling from outside of the bedroom and Levi was soon standing in the doorway with concern mapping his face.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” He asked in minor alarm as he came to sit next to you. He was already in his harnesses and uniform so you gaged it must have been early morning. Levi’s eyes searched your clammy form for any signs of outward distress. You sighed in relief seeing your usual pillows, usual closet, usual bathroom, and most importantly; usual Levi.
It had all felt so real.
“I’m fine, Levi. I just had the strangest dream though.” You exhaled as you came down from the high of your slumbered adventure.
“I think your weird dreams stress you out more than being a squad leader does.” Levi chuckled as he ran a gentle hand along your back. You closed your eyes and revealed in the peaceful feeling of his palm along your night shirt. It was a stark contrast to the gory fantasy you just emerged from.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He added with more seriousness in his voice.
You just stared at him. He stared right back, blinking blankly as you analyzed his features. Your hands reached up and took his jaw between your hands. Your thumbs lightly pushed up the corners of his upper lip to reveal his teeth. Levi made a noise of complaint but didn’t swat you away. You leaned in closer to check his canines for any vampiric qualities. When you were assured they were of normal length, you pulled back satisfied.
“Nope, I’m good.” You smiled and planted a quick peck to his lips before jumping out of bed to get ready for the day. Levi watched you pad into the bathroom as he felt his teeth in confusion.
Eren looked at you nervously as you eyed him from your place behind him in line to get lunch. He looked down at you and gulped.
“Is everything okay, Y/N?” He asked apprehensively. You narrowed your eyes and placed your hand level with the top of your head. You brought it straight out towards Eren, hitting him square in the forehead.
“You’ve always been taller than me, right?” You questioned, looking from your hand down to his feet.
“Uh, yeah.” He confirmed, regarding you suspiciously. He fidgeted with the sides of his plate as you puffed your cheeks in contemplation. Finally you nodded in satisfaction.
“Do you own a cheese knife?”
“Hange, have you ever thought about owning a candy shop?”
“Y/N. Why would I do that when I barely have time to analyze the retinal samples from Bean’s eye?”
“You’re dismissed, Y/N.” Erwin’s parting smile betrayed the professionalism of his order. You bowed your head respectfully and walked to the doors to his office. Your fingers dusted over the brass handle but hesitated to grab it. You turned back towards your commander and paused.
When Erwin didn’t hear you leave, he looked up from his desk.
“Is there something else you need, Y/N?” He asked.
You stared at him long enough to lace his brow in slight concern. His coat was the same length, same color, same style as your own.
“I-I like your coat.” You laughed nervously and threw him an awkward grin. Before he had the chance to answer you had bowed your head and hurried out the door.
Today it seemed like you were playing errand girl more than squad leader. You questioned why you even put on these chafing harnesses as you ferried yet another stack of documents back to your office.
“Hi Y/N, do you want to get dinner together later? I still have some tartes too that I bought when we were in town last.” Mikasa smiled at you as she passed you in the hall. You involuntarily began blushing furiously.
“Definitely, I’ll see you in a couple hours!” You sputtered as you hurried down the hall, slapping your cheeks as you went.
“Jean.” You called, looking up from the paperwork that littered your desk. The boy who was lazily sprawled out on your office couch hummed into his book.
“We’ve never owned a cow together, right?”
“What the fuck?”
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flamingo-writes · 5 years
Never Better - Zoro x Reader [Drabble]
Summary: After the events in Thriller Bark, Zoro finally regains consciousness, Chopper asks you to keep an eye on your best friend. However, after almost losing him, you feel uneasy, thinking how keeping your feelings towards him to yourself isn't the greatest idea.
A/N: the urge to write something about Zoro was consuming me.
Word count: 1.1K
Warnings: smutty (not my best smut tho, this is a short drabble so...)
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Zoro took a while before regaining consciousness. Once he did you were all back in the Sunny, ready to leave Thriller Bark. After Chopper gave him a quick check up, he asked to to stay with Zoro in the infirmary. Something you were going to do anyways.
The entire crew was one close family. However, your bond with Zoro was the strongest. Adding the repressed feelings you had for each other.
"How are you feeling?" You asked, sitting in the small chair next to his bed.
"Never better" He answered sarcastically, seeing the worry in your eyes.
"Zoro, please" Tears gathering un your eyes, as your best friend smiled gently.
The smile you loved so much. And one you got to see usually when the two of you were alone. It was like a little secret the two of you had.
"I'm fine. I'll be fine, [Name]"
"What exactly happened back there?" Your sight was now slightly blurry due to the tears. And Zoro's silence didn't help whatsoever. "Okay then, you don't have to tell me..."
"[Name]" He finally murmured. "Sorry for making you worry" he stretched his hand, gently pinching your cheek with his index and middle finger.
"It's alright. You're alright now, that's all that matters" holding his hand, you pressed his against your cheek and closed your eyes as a few tears made their way dow your cheek.
With his thumb, Zoro wiped away those within his reach. He sat on the bed and leaned closer to you, kissing your forehead.
"I'm okay. I'm here now..."
Thinking how he could've died, you wondered how much time could you have left with him. You could never know. Was it really worth it? Keeping your feelings to yourself?
Lost in the conflict inside your head, and the pain of almost losing him, you acted without thinking twice. You kissed Zoro, taking him by surprise at first. However, he didn't take long before kissing you back.
He cupped your face in his big hands, your cheeks wet from the tears falling from your closed eyes.
Startled at first, surprised that you had been the one to kiss him. He always thought maybe you saw him as a friend and nothing more, he wasn't expecting you to have more complex feelings for him. Just like he had them for you.
"I-I...I'm sorry...I do-dont know where that ca-came from..." you stuttered breaking the kiss and sitting back in your chair.
"[Name]" Zoro whispered, his eyes fixed on you. "Come here..."
The single second your eyes met, you felt your heart stop. And immediately you did as you were told. As you stood from your seat and approached the bed, Zoro grabbed your arm, pulling you towards him, and crashing his lips against yours once again.
Wrapping your arms around him, you closed the distance between you two. Gently, he pulled you on top of him, as you too tried to be careful to not hurt him.
Melting into the kiss, your mind turned off, and you let your deepest feelings guide you. Kissing Zoro as if it was the last time, you savoured his lips, playfully teasing him with your tongue and teeth.
Zoro's instincts took over as well. Ignoring his wounds and dealing with the sharp pain across his body, he wrapped one arm around your back and flipped you over, leaving him on top.
"Ah, Zoro" you moaned, as he proceeded to kiss your neck. One of his hands quickly unbuttoned your shirt, leaving your chest exposed to him.
Teasing you, hands playing with your breast, and lips burning their way across your skin, he left a few love bites here and there, motivated by your constant moans whenever he found a sweet spot.
"The things you do to me..." he growled when one of your hands started undoing the tie of his sweatpants strings.
"Zoro, I want you now" your voice dripping with lust as your hand slipped inside his pants and held his growing erection.
He growled and kissed your skin on his way back to your lips. Passion consuming the battlefield between both demanding mouths. Clothes slowly getting in the way of both your needs. And slowly falling to the ground.
Once the only fabric left was the bedsheets and Zoro's bandages he pulled the covers over both your bodies and position himself between your legs. His length pressed against your entrance.
He gazed into your orbs, his eyes both needy, hungry and yet staring at you sweetly. A gentle stare you very rarely saw in him. Pushing his way inside, he kept his stare fixed on you.
You moaned and closed your eyes as he filled you up. Delicious warmth consuming you inside.
"Look at me" he whispered as you opened your eyes, as he thrusted inside you once again.
Zoro was by no means the sort of gentle vanilla lover. Leave that to the swirly brow chef. But given his state, body covered in multiple wounds and pain sparking from every inch of his body, Zoro didn't have much of an option but to go slow.
However, he found it very satisfying. Noticing the reactions your body made to his touch, it was gratifying. Encouraging him to, maybe, go slow every once in a while.
Gentle yet deep thrust, combined with loving kisses, low sweet whispers, and the warmth of his body embracing you. It all was too much to handle, and with every passing second you lost yourself more and more, giving into Zoro.
His pace growing faster as he got used to the muscle pain, getting more erratic, bringing you closer to your breaking point. Moans growing louder, his name caressing his ears with a passion no one had awaken in a long time.
Reaching your peak, you came undone, tightening around him so deliciously he moaned himself, burying his face on your neck as he climaxed as well, filling you up in the process.
Still breathless, you cupped Zoro's face in your hands and kissed him sweetly. Surprised, he moaned gently and melted into the kiss.
Pressing his forehead against yours, the both of you still panting loudly, you stared into each other's eyes silently. No words were needed, by just looking at each other, you knew. Contempt and satisfied, the both of you shifted on the bed, so Zoro was lying in his back, and you on your side, resting your head on his chest.
Soon, the two of you fell soundly asleep. Not hearing when Chopper returned to the infirmary, first flabbergasted by finding you asleep next to him, clearly, naked underneath the white covers. And after Chopper choked loudly, the rest of the crew popped their heads inside the infirmary curious.
"Knew it!" Ussop cheered. "Pay up, Sanji!"
"Goddammit, why [Name]-chan!" The blond cursed as everyone giggled silently.
"It was obvious, Sanji..." Robin chuckled.
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 2 - "Fuck I’m on the cursed tribe" ~Moth
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a lil sad to see my girl, Bri, go, but that just makes us one person closer to the goal >:3
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dennis is very sneaky. we all had a tribe call and he said he'd come later but he was actually doing the hunt challenge. like that's totally fair, it's just even afterward he acted as if he was not really focusing on it either. im going to play the game assuming he has something, just in case.
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GAME AND GAME SHOW ARE DIFFERENT DSJKLFHASJDJFH no but this was hella fun pls let's do it again
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Dhsjdjsjskksks. First tribal done. We just finished the taboo challenge ... A good bonding experience with my tribe. However, I have a feeling we lost. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 The fact that I was the guesser. Rip. 
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I filmed confessionals but my internet got disconnected hahaha so that's neat. Hopefully there will be youtube videos here soon, but new update Jodi and I are in alliances with Dennis and brayden separately which I think would be hilarious if they were also in am alliance together. And it will be funny it my internet is still out for the challenge tomorrow since I'm the guesser 😆 whoops
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So this is the beginning of round 2 and here are my thoughts. Might purposely not be helpful in the taboo challenge lol but i have to do it in a way that doesn't show im throwing it? tbh i say this now but when i start playing the urge to win comes in ugh but i just wanna vote one of these people out. I also took a stroll through the wiki page for this org and i love that some of these people (esp brayden and amy) have played before and their stats are there like yassss give me ammunition yassss!!!! anywho i dont care if we win or lose tomorrow i think i set myself up nicely within the tribe and i still really dont think any of these people won the hunt challenge on my tribe but again who knowssss. if we lose the logic would probably be go for josh or ginny aka the least active people buttt i dont think so like i don't wanna go the boring route. i need to keep josh close to get to merge with him we have friends on the other tribeeeeeee so i need them to survive and i need him and i to survive till we swap or merge to link up. im also trying to win a hunt challenge but my god y'all have me fucked up!!!!!!!!! i guess we shall see what happens tomorrowwwwww
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It was nice sitting the challenge out, I'm busy tomorrow and the fact that they could complete it is good for me. Also, if we lose, nobody can blame me for the loss. Only drawback is it appears to me some people can be getting close by bonding over funny things in a game. I have to go back and see who may be close, I don't think I'm next on the chopping block, but I'm definitely not in control. To me, I do not need to be number one on this tribe, I just need to survive the next tribal and hopefully make it to the swap at 14 or 15.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm_dmPuwzzI&list=PLrsCGcojtF16jvLW49C4855pUlLWI9pnn&index=2 anotha one dj khaled
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HEY SO KIND OF A LOT OF DEVELOPMENTS TO MY GAME we didn't lose first challenge!! thats great. whatever. no tribal. I've been trying to connect with fellow tribemates but overall we're all pretty quiet. I did have a small 30 minute call with Jay where we kinda connected on somewhat of a game level. I kinda get the vibe that he may not fully trust me or he might see my as a threat, but I want to work with him. I also really like Anastasia and Elle, I think I can connect with them more on a more genuine level. Perfect scenario for me would be setting up a trio alliance of Me + Elle + Anastasia, and then having Jay on the side as my actual #1. idk if I can pull that off, but that was my plan heading into round 2 BUT. AS ROUND 2 STARTED, MY GAY ASS WON THE HUNT CHALLENGE. AMAZING. idk HOW I managed it because like?? I finished and found the hidden link within like 20 minutes? Statistically very unlikely BUT I'm so glad I did it. I WON A SAFETY WITHOUT POWER. It's kinda like a hidden immunity idol, except slightly worse because I can't actually partake in tribal at all. we went ahead and competed in the Taboo challenge last night and boy it was kinda rough. We lost a LOTTA points because we kept accidentally saying forbidden words (I lost us 2 points, woops). But we ended up with a semi decent score. Elle did an amazing job guessing. I really hope we can pull this out. SO YEAH SORRY THATS KIND OF A LOT. OVERALL I FEEL LIKE IM IN A DECENT POSITION, WAY BETTER NOW THAT I HAVE A SWP. I wanna further my position in the game with some allies now. That's my next biggest goal. toodles!!!
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So I've figured out that Amy is a comp beast based on us discussing our old seasons and how she did in those: she always talks down her abilities because she's worried she's being painted as a big challenge threat, but I don't think she realizes that doesn't matter to me at all. Ultimately, I think she needed to be at tonight's challenge more than me, so I decided it's ok to sit out since I'm sitting out only because somebody has to, not because I don't want to play. In tribal challenges, it means she'll help keep us winning tribal immunity, and further down the line, if anything, I'll be using her as my "Ken" and if she wins everything, it'll keep immunity away from people I want out. 
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I think I did much better in Taboo than I did in endurance, so I'm happy about that. Hopefully my performance this round can help me redeem myself with my tribemates.
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Today in the fools tribe: no one is talking 
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Holy crap we won yet again this is such a great feeling just like last season :)
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Fuck I’m on the cursed tribe this round This time I think I’m on the majority alliance, which is a great place to be. So hopefully everything goes as planned tomorrow 
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So! We did the Taboo challenge and got second place, probs wouldve got first if we didnt get deductions but also we did so good so whatever 😂. I definitely kinda pushed for us to do the challenge last night bc it's Dylan's birthday and I didn't want to have to like, be anywhere specifically today 😅. But yeah we did super good and now I'm gonna go talk to ppl bc I've been gone all day lol
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Bye I hate it here. 
SO. Here’s the rundown: We lost. Again. Pushing for Shaad to go. Moth, Jared, and Danny all agree with him going. So far I’m getting good vibes with everyone. Danny says he gets along with Jared well and doesn’t talk to Moth that much. Plus, Jared, Moth and I have that little alliance. Jared and I also get along well. Worried for Moth as she doesn’t seem to message a lot. This tribal... I’m feeling safe. I might even make an alliance with Jared, Danny and I. Worst case scenario for next challenge we lose and Moth goes. 
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Yay we won again! Anyways, Dennis messaged me tonight talking about how everybody else knows each other from playing Stings games before. He said he checked the series wiki and got freaked out and told me that we're two newbies amongst vets. While he's telling the truth, I'm actually not too panicked because 1) I actually checked out the wiki before he told me about it and 2) I have pretty decent relationship with Amy to incentivize her to keep me around. I worked tightly with Amy for the specific reason that I knew she'll have others to work with, and for her to keep me as a loyal number. I also know that she was runner up of another series and she already recognizes the target on her, so I doubt she wants to risk me putting a bigger one. WOW FOR ONCE I'M NOT THE FLAMING TARGET I LIKE THIS 
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Round 1 updates: https://youtu.be/5nhSsLNcnZ0 https://youtu.be/S5-0Yw93wc0
Round two rambles: https://youtu.be/CuwgF9IVmUM
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So, tbh I've done some research about some previous seasons and I noticed Moth and Jessica have played together before. Moth still has not talked to me but Jessica has been overly friendly. I know they have a group message with Jared and I know he can be the split vote between what happens in our tribal tomorrow. Jared claims he has voted for Moth but we will truly see tomorrow. But honestly, if he chooses us, then Jessica is next unless the tribe swap or merge has happened.
Also with that research, I've peeped there's other connections in other tribes from previous games so this is gonna be interesting.
I chose Jared to work with mostly because I see he can play strategy.
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Fools tribe is bad at playing games. And its perfect for me because I am safe but i am wishing for drama bcs its fun. rn we are doing small talk and being so nice to each other. I think we will form an alliance officially soon but i am too awkward or like i dont know how to say it or bring it up.
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WHY! DOES! MY! TRIBE! KEEP! WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am trying to go the fuck to tribal council but noooo we have to beast all the other tribes yet again. Like a swap is probably coming soon and with my fuckin luck I am gonna get swap screwed like they are gonna look at me from the phantoms and be like yeahhhh theyve been winning lets get his ass out. i would love to lose this next one so the sees look stronger. if phantoms go to tribal I know I''m safe (anything can happen but I set myself up well), and thats all I care about. Jodi and I started to really talk about the vets who are playing this season, and we just realized that we're the only newbies on our tribe. like wow. The fantasy would be to get to merge and have a numbers advantage of newbies against these vets, or make the vets eat their own idk. Lots of thinkin lots of thinkinnnnn. I have been strolling through the wiki page some more and mapping out potential connections from previous seasons. The casting directors work hard but i work harder
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Roses are red We’re on day six Fools tribe worse at challenges than a bag of dead bricks
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That im one of the strongest competitors on my tribe, Dennis feels like he is on the outs, but that connects us so i can pull him in as an ally.
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It’s been a tricky round 
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Power Rankings:
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Jodi: Jodi remains at the top of the tribe for much of the same reason as last round. Now, she is even in two alliances with no one wanting to come for her nor do they see her as playing both alliances. Hopefully Jodi’s quick alliance making and constant worrying will help strengthen her defenses in the later rounds to come when people will be looking at her more closely.
Amy: Amy is still playing that stellar UTR game. No one seems to register her as a threat despite their access to the wiki and her performance in the challenge. Her social game is just too strong. Additionally, her greater willingness to work with Dennis than Jodi’s willingness to work with him may provide some good allies for Amy if she ever wants to distance herself from Jodi.
Brayden: Brayden rises in the rankings from last round as he has become more closely aligned with Amy and Jodi. The trio seem to see themselves as the only “active” ones on their tribe and are very quick to bond. Additionally, unlike Dennis, Brayden is not viewed with suspicion by either Jodi or Amy. They definitely feel more like a core alliance than they did with Dennis. Furthermore, Brayden is poised to get the people he wants gone out of this game. He is targeting Josh and Dennis which are good targets, especially the latter. All it takes is for Brayden to push a little for Dennis and I am sure the two girls will take the bait. Finally, Brayden’s connection with Ginnifer is very beneficial since he seems to be the only one willing to work with her at the moment. This gives him a very easy ally and Ginnifer doesn’t have much of a choice besides working closely with him. It is certainly an easy number for Brayden if he ever wanted to backstab Jodi or Amy in the future.
Josh: What lands Josh here is that he performed well in the challenge and is easy to like. Interacting with Josh on calls is always a pleasure. However, by not being part of that main trio, he is in danger of being voted out on a whim. Despite that, he seems to be, in my eyes, the least likely out of the bottom 3 to be voted out. Additionally, there is paranoia around people’s “experience” with ORGs surrounding these bottom 3 from others (despite the fact that the top 3 is composed of 2 people with ORG experience). Josh gets this heat the least.
Dennis: Dennis is in real danger if this tribe goes to tribal council. If Brayden pushes hard enough, Jodi can be easily swayed into turning on Dennis. He needs to back off with the strategy talk and just be more social. What saves him from last is that he is in that alliance with Jodi and Amy. This might make Jodi hesitant about targeting Dennis so soon as she may see him as a number. Additionally, Amy does seem keen on keeping Dennis around for a little while which would help his longevity. Hopefully Dennis can realize people’s perceptions of him before it is too late considering that he gives great confessionals and is one of my favorite players this season.
Ginnifer: Ginnifer may be on the bottom, but she definitely has a chance at avoiding being voted out. Most talk around Ginny is about how she is hard to socialize with, but I am sure, when the strategic game starts becoming more important, she can navigate out of this position. After all, she does have Brayden advocating for her which can definitely help. She would need to push for Dennis if she wants to survive until the swap at this point.
Jared: He takes the number 1 spot on this tribe as he is working with both “sides.” He is serving as the perfect double agent for Danny and Shaad. Additionally, he is making the smart move of getting rid of an obvious duo wherein he was the third wheel of that alliance. He has a great strategic mind on his shoulders, but is it too early for him to show that off? Regardless, he has earned this top spot by avoiding the target cleanly and betraying his allies perfectly. Jared is definitely a contender for the winner spot as he has shown some excellent gameplay these past two rounds.
Danny: Danny has done well in avoiding the target this round as well. He seems to be more sociable and active than Shaad which is the main reason that he is not the one getting Jessica’s and Moth’s vote. Additionally, he was the one that brought Jessica’s and Moth’s pre-existing relationship to Jared’s attention which caused this flip to happen in the first place. Finally, Danny made an excellent move by pairing himself with Jared as this duo could be something fearsome to go up against in the future. The cards are being laid out for a force to be reckoned with and I am excited to see what Danny will do in the future.
Shaad: It is hard to tell if Shaad did anything himself to avoid being voted out, but, regardless, he did something right by aligning with Danny and Jared instead of ratting to Jessica and Moth. In fact, even if he does rat, he will still land himself at number 3. He is not going to get voted out here, and has an established alliance moving forward. And now that he is putting more focus on the game, I am happily anticipating what he can accomplish now.
Jessica: Jessica is being blindsided tonight. However, at the very least, she is not the one going. Her performance in challenges have helped her avoid the target for the time being. Here we can see that the boys weren’t inactive, they were just inactive with her which spells doom for Jessica if this tribe goes to tribal council again. Unfortunately, the boys found out about her prior connection with Moth. The only thing Jessica could have done was to distance herself from Moth at the beginning of the game, but that seemed unlikely since people were inactive with her. I hope Jessica is able to survive until a swap because it would be devastating to see her go so early.
Moth: There is nothing Moth did that landed them here. It was just an unfortunate circumstance wherein they are targeted because of a prior connection. Additionally, I doubt Moth is going to see this coming.
Colin: With an advantage in his hands and him being the most popular bachelor on his tribe, Colin is quick to make allies and his allies like it that way. It feels as if everyone wants to ally with Colin. His activity in the earlier stages of the game have definitely born fruit.
Elle: Similar to Colin, everyone wants to work with Elle. Her social game is just that strong. Nothing much else to say besides what I said before, but the challenge definitely helped raise Elle’s standings in the tribe.
Anastasia: Similar to last round. Nothing much to say.
Jay: He is keeping out of the spotlight which is good.
Babs: No developments. Still viewed in the same way though has noticeably been less unhinged in the tribe chat.
Jennifer: Still the same as last time: seemingly inactive and might be targeted for it.
0 notes
crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Congratulations Cassidy you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Orion Black!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Seeing old members return is always a blessing! And I know that Orion’s been deeply missed, so we’re extremely happy to see him back and to be able to watch you explore him further! Especially in regards to everything that’s happened with the Death Eaters since you left, it’ll be interesting to watch Orion find his place in amongst them, or if he’ll still be able to. Welcome home Cassidy!
application beneath the cut
Cassidy, 23, she/her, Pacific Timezone, United States
6/10. I’m not in school anymore which allows me more time to write, but I’m still working 40+ hours a week. I’ll be able to get on at least once a day for a couple of hours to write replies.
*removed for privacy
Originally, I found CRT through the ‘marauder era rp’ tag…I think…something of that variation.
Hermione was always someone I looked up to as a kid. I was 12ish years old around the time I first started reading the books and by then there were at least a couple movies out. I was awkward and nerdy and just didn’t quite fit in anywhere. I guess that made me feel like Hermione and I were kind of alike, but the best part was watching her grow up and thinking “if she can do it so can i”. It sounds so embarrassing when I type it out, but oh well.
Nope, besides I missed the hell out of you guys!!!!
Orion Arcturus Black
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
When I first joined, I had a hard time choosing between two or three characters, but every time I went back to Orion. I had never seen him in an RP before and if I had I don’t remember. In Harry Potter RPs, I always played a decently well known character, someone who already has an extensive backstory that is canon. We only know the basics when it comes to Orion; what kind of father he was (a shit one), he was Slytherin, very loyal to Voldemort, he’s got an older sister, and he married his second cousin. It’s not easy creating an entire life for a character while still remaining true to them, the rp, and to the HP series, but I love the challenge.
I also love the freedom it gives me as a writer and, to be honest, I’ve never been good at writing/roleplaying what is considered a good character. I’ve always played the bad guy, in different ways, but they’ve always been “bad”. What really made me fall in love with Orion is not the man he is today, but the boy he was before and the one he will be in the future.There is so much more to him than what meets the eye and I just want to tell his story while being apart of it. Even now, as I’m reapplying, and going through the other open characters just because, Orion is the only one I want. He’s my baby, haha.
Description/additional information:
Orion is a man who has always known his place in the world, where he stands and where he will stand. One of those roles is following in his father’s footsteps and making the House of Black proud by carrying on the heavy legacy across his shoulders and, at his insistence, his alone. The other role of his is being the Dark Lord’s loyal attack dog; he will do whatever it takes to make sure his Master wins this war. Orion received the dark mark in his twenties (24 to be exact, is that too early for Voldemort’s timeline? Idk, anyways) and has proved his allegiance time and time again.
He was born in the dark, but has always struggled with living in it. Growing up,  he was conflicted on who he wanted to be and who his family expected him to be. He so desperately wanted to run away from all of the expectations and responsibilities of being Orion Black, but was too afraid to ever do it. So he disobeyed his parents in his own little secretive ways; stealing that third years leather jacket, dating a half-blooded Ravenclaw, becoming friends with kids his parents would’ve never allowed if they knew. Hogwarts was his home away from home, where he could be himself if only a little. After graduating, Orion made the decision to forget whatever silly dreams he may of had (he can’t remember them now) and followed in his father’s footsteps. After all, we all have to grow up sometime. He got a job at the Ministry, married Walburga, and started a family.
By now, Orion is a seasoned killer and struggles with keeping his demons at bay. Sleep eludes him and his paranoia only gets worse as the days go by. All he has ever known is this fight and he can’t imagine what life would be like after the war, nor can he imagine what the world may look like once it ends. After his time as an Aversio prisoner, Orion is trying to picture what Voldemort’s vision will mean for their world after the war and he is having a harder and harder time accepting it, though he has yet to realize this is what he is feeling.
Orion is a gentleman, but that often confuses him as a romantic which he is indeed not. He’s well-mannered just like any other high society wizard; just like how he was taught from a very young age and that is all. To him, romance, if anything, is just foreplay, the path to get into a woman’s pants.
Now when it comes to sex, Orion loves it. Even at the age of 49, he is like a 16 year old boy who can’t get enough of it. He wants to bang his wife, that young piece of ass sitting at the bar, and the secretary with the short skirts at the Ministry. He expects total submission, but loves a challenge. He gets off on the power struggle and it’s a rush for his ever growing ego.
Orion is male, straight, and uses the pronouns he/him.
Many believe Orion’s hatred for Sirius is because he willingly left the family and while that is true, it is not the whole truth. Like Sirius at his age, Orion dreamed about running away from the House of Black and creating a life of his own. One where he could make his own mistakes, make his own friends, create his own destiny. It is very clear Orion did not do this. It is very simple: Orion is jealous of his son for being able to do what he could not, though he would never admit it not even to himself.
In his mid 20s, Orion became an alcoholic not long after killing for the first time under Voldemort’s orders; it was a family of wizards, blood traitors. When in public he was able to hide his addiction well, being careful on how much he drank so he wouldn’t over do it especially at work. It helps he can also handle his alcohol very well. In the privacy of his own home, Orion did his best to keep it hidden from Regulus and Sirius, as Walburga already knew of the problem. But under his Death Eater mask, when Orion wasn’t Orion, he did not hold back. Blackouts and violent outbursts were very common when Orion drank enough and because of this he has been hospitalized three times. The last time was after he murdered a muggle family which made headlines in the muggle world. Voldemort gave him an ultimatum and he has been sober ever since. It’s been six years. The only time Orion has ever relapsed is when Sirius ran away.
Orion worked at the Ministry for nearly 30 years in the International Magical Office of Law as well as the International Confederation of Wizards. This position was particularly useful to Voldemort and Orion often used it to spread Death Eater and anti-muggle propaganda, all secretly of course. Before being captured by Aversio, it was well known that Orion was a purist and despised anyone who wasn’t pureblood, but it wasn’t known that he was a Death Eater. He retired in the fall of 1978, at the urging of Voldemort so Orion could fully dedicate himself to the cause.
As a Death Eater, Orion has given his life to the Dark Lord and has worked hard to make his army strong. In his younger days, Orion was one of the Death Eaters who interrogated and tortured their enemies. He was exceptionally good at breaking a persons mind, body and spirit, yet it unknowingly made his drinking worse and helped shape him into the man he is today; angry for no good reason, power hungry, and emotionally detached. These days Orion focuses on battle strategies, training/helping the younger Death Eaters, and completing specific missions from Voldemort himself. Sometimes, he is called upon to interrogate particularly hard cases.
As a student at Hogwarts, Orion focused on his studies to the point of mental and physical exhaustion in order to please his parents. Some days, it took all of his strength to get out of bed. Other days, it took all of his strength to not break down completely. When he wasn’t working on homework or studying, Orion played Quidditch as one of Slytherins beaters and was even team captain in his sixth and seventh years.
Orion escaped Aversio with no help, practically with his bare hands, and is finding it increasingly hard to suppress the resentment and bitterness he feels towards his fellow Death Eaters for leaving him to rot in his cell. They say they searched for him night and day, never giving up, but Orion wasn’t born yesterday and he finds it hard to believe. He has to ask himself; is it his paranoia or the cold, hard truth?
He never wanted to be Minister, not even as a child, but when Voldemort asked him to run Orion had no choice but to say yes. It was merely a show of power and strength after one of his best managed to get captured. Orion was relieved when it was announced he didn’t win, though he can’t help but feel like a disappointment for failing Lord Voldemort.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
Orion would create the strongest, most powerful and universal defensive spell there is. He would be able to hide in plain sight with no fear of discovery or cast the spell on those of his choice to protect them as well. It wouldn’t just hide people though; houses, artifacts, scents, any trail that can be tracked the spell would get rid of it. What is a security spell if another wizard can disarm it? Orion would, of course, include a failsafe. If someone was trying to tamper with the spell Orion would create it so it would backfire on his enemies, which could mean anything. If the spell was protecting important documents (or something like that such as artifacts, etc) it would completely destroy them and also injure the person in question as well, possibly even capture them for interrogation.
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
His mind goes straight to Walden MacNair. Orion knows the man to get things done, to survive at all costs if it came to it, but he doesn’t exactly trust him. Joining Walden in the Forbidden Forest completely alone feels like Orion is slapping a big target on his back and saying “do your worst.” With that in mind, Orion would want Cassius Mulciber to be with him. He knows he wouldn’t have to worry about Cassius’ safety and that the young man would also have his back.
Orion would bring his broom with him for two reasons. One, he’s always wanted to fly around the Forbidden Forest and two, because if all else failed at least he’d be able to get the fuck out of there quickly.
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
Although it doesn’t seem like it, it’s hard for Orion to make decisions for his children, especially when they are hellbent on disobeying him. In the back of his mind, Orion is reminded of how his father directed him down a path that he did not chose himself. The little boy in him wants to see his kids make their own choices, their own mistakes, but for the sake of the Black family he cannot allow that.
The most difficult decisions for Orion to make usually involve his family. This would be a surprise to some, but it wasn’t easy for Orion to disown his first born son, not when he saw so much of himself in Sirius at that age.  
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
The one thing that Orion would never want said about himself is that he is disloyal to Voldemort and that he doesn’t believe in his Master’s beliefs. This is a fear of his, one that has been slowly growing larger over the past few months and taking over the deepest parts of his mind.
The wooden door opened with a slow swing, bringing the cold air with. A man stood on the other side; fists clenched, hood up. His robes were soaked all the way through. He couldn’t of walked here, could he- a wizard like him? Two seconds passed and a few patrons noticed the shadowy figure who had yet to enter the building. Another two seconds and he had no choice, but to walk. Any longer and he would have drawn even more unwanted attention.
Mick, the bartender and owner, as always, was incredibly cool as he cleared the bar of used glasses. He didn’t falter or react the same way his customers and one other employee did. It was like he knew the man who was sitting down at his bar already. However, if his suspicions were correct, the man he knew wouldn’t have sat at the bar with his back exposed, but at his normal booth where all exits were visible and every customer was in plain sight.
Then again, it’s been nearly three years; a lot can change a man in that time.
“Your usual, Mr. Black?” Mick asked already turning his back to grab a bottle of rum off the top shelf. Upon hearing the name, the old man three seats down grabbed his dinner and found a table to occupy.
Orion nodded once as he pushed his hood down, “Thanks, Mick…Place looks good.”
“It’s got a few new nails and boards, but it’s still the same Double Barrel.”
Mick placed a napkin down then the glass holding three fingers of rum. He took another good look at Orion -tired eyes, permanent frown, hair falling forward- and wondered what happened to make such a powerful man weak enough to relapse. He walked away, knowing better than to linger when Orion Black looked the way he did…
There was a look in his eyes Orion had never seen before. Not just wild, but dangerous. Very few dared to look at Orion in such a way, fewer made it out uninjured. He should’ve seen it coming. All these years; the posters, the friends, the house- red and gold. Orion should’ve stopped it when he still could, crushed it with his giant fist and rebuild it in his eyes. Just like everything else he didn’t agree with in this world.
But Sirius Black was too far gone; it was in the way he squared his shoulders as Orion towered over him, how he spat ‘fuck you’ like he was speaking freely for the first time, and when he twisted his hands around Orion’s wrists as his father grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
Bloodshot, angry eyes reflected in the black, wet pools of the first born son. Orion could feel his nails digging into the palms of his hands through Sirius’ sweater, pulling his son even closer as he fought to get away.
“Get off of me!”
Orion’s voice was a hissed whisper, barely containing his rage.“You’re just going to leave? Throw all of this away and be like them- a blood traitor?”
Sirius stilled in Orion’s grip, a scowl lined his jaw, “Better them then your son.”
In one fluid movement, Orion released his son and pushed him backwards with purpose. Shove after shove, shout after shout, until Sirius was backed against the front door of Grimmauld Place, nearly tripping over his packed bag before he could pick it up.
Orion stood tall, stoic, and looked down at the young man who was no longer his son.
He felt nothing. The axe had already swung.
“If you leave, you may never come back. You will no longer be a Black, no longer our son, no longer a brother.”
Seconds felt like hours until Sirius finally opened his mouth and-
“Another, Mr. Black?”
Orion blinked -once, twice- and looked up at bartender he hadn’t seen in three years, “What?”
Mick was already pouring the top shelf rum, “Would you like a refill, Mr. Black?”
The only wizard sitting at the bar nodded with bloodshot, no longer angry eyes. He watched as the rum poured down into his glass, the light reflecting it in such a way it was almost beautiful. Watching the amber liquid swirl and pool. It was simple. It was comforting. Orion closed his eyes as he drank the entire contents again, only opening them after he heard Mick fill up his drink a third time.
He raised the glass again, but before he could touch it to his lips Orion caught his reflection in the lukewarm rum. The sight of himself made Orion want to puke. It made him want to scream. To cry. To fight…to run. Run after what he wasn’t sure. Maybe after his first born son.
Maybe Orion wanted to run just to run; just because he could, just because he wanted to.
Instead, he slapped some gold onto the worn oak of the bar, bought the whole damn bottle, and went home long after his world went dark.
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