#anyway is Disney evil in many ways? yes
tippifunandprose · 1 year
every time I read about this Disney vs DeSantis thing and the bit about how the agreement doesn't end “until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England" all I can think about is some bumbling caper where the Florida government repeatedly tries to assassinate the entire royal family just to spite Disney
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msfbgraves · 9 months
I think that if we're all forced to sell our lives away to please corporate, governmental or dictatorial overlords;
If they've made it impossible to not participate in the system;
If opting out on a small scale exactly does nothing to hurt any of the evil;
If you sometimes even actively can't do much, because they've worked you till you're old or you're disabled in some way
It comes back to what all the religions preach anyway:
What you can always do is give to others. Even if it is a day pass to feckin Disney World to buy their crap and make them richer, it will boost happiness and lower stress. Misery and want is what the whole system feeds off. If you lower that in any way, it is fewer drugs sold, fewer people harmed, maybe slightly less time stuck in some kind of traffic, maybe somebody has the energy to fix something in the house, work on their health, play with their dog.
The system works on manufactured misery. And yes, it will be fed even by a lot of the efforts to lessen misery. But they will earn a whole lot less, and it will lessen their ability to create more, the more we do for each other. Even in whatever system traps you.
That is not easy at all but it is simple.
And I'm not that much for interacting with a bunch of people all the time. There are people that annoy me and I don't want to interact with. There are people so spoilt they could do with a little adversity to deflate their egos. I don't even particularly trust many charities. But any misery you can lessen, any joy you can buy, even, sticks it to the destructive forces in this world.
Remember - they live off agony and coercion. That's where all of it builds on. People are not half as bad as everybody always paints them. Use discernment, of course - don't get exploited. But every bit of true, actual happiness or relief you can create or buy helps. Even if you're trapped, and exploited, and powerless, feelings they want you to numb, or even situations they hope will kill you to scare others into submission - even then, anything you can or even buy for another will fight it. For a close one. Not for the state, the nation, corporate, vague charity. Sometimes not even for you, because what power you have is too little to solve your problem. But giving it to another - as directly as possible - always helps.
It's truly the best way to fight the power, that's why they always create disconnection. Worship either the grand, unknowable state or the individual. No, anything you can do for another person, just some other rando, will always fight the loneliness, fear and misery that drives profit. That's why they disincentivise it everywhere, and if not they try to sell it.
Don't bother. Go hang out with someone. Go do something to ease the daily stress if it is ordering someone a Starbucks Gift Card.
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the-badger-mole · 3 months
The Villain and Hero Switch...🙄
On my Maleficent salt again. If anyone ever wants help understanding my hesitance to give live action remakes a shot, look no further. I honestly did want to like the movie at first, but them just taking the story and switching the villain and non-villain roles felt like a cheap cop out.
The fairies thing really pissed me off. In the first film, they were immortal magical beings who had trouble doing things the mortal way. Did that make them imperfect guardians? Sure! But they did their best successfully for just under SIXTEEN YEARS. Then the curse caught up with them, because of course it did. It had to. There wouldn't be a story otherwise. That wasn't a good enough reason to make them criminally negligent in the live action version in order to make Maleficent look like a hero by comparison. I love the fairies from the original movie. They made mistakes, yes, but all good heroes do. AND they SAVED THE DAY!!! Phillip would've frikin died without them, and so would've Aurora!
...huh...I think I'm realizing that maybe my hesitance to give remakes, live action or otherwise, of my animated faves might have a root cause...
Anyway, I do understand that adaptations should change some things in order to justify their existence. After all, a shot for shot remake is also lazy and boring. However, a lot of the time, the remakes just make lazy choices. Like Maleficent being turned into a thinly veiled date-rape allegory and switching the hero and villain roles instead of...I don't know... giving Maleficent a deeper motive for her villainy besides being snubbed for a party invite while still letting her be the fabulous villain we all love. Or instead of focusing on Maleficent at all, they could have focused on giving Aurora more of a story. Maybe showing us how out of place she felt growing up, and what finding out who her real parents are meant to her. Also expanding on her relationship with her "aunts". Have the fairies learning to be mortal a more pivotal part of their experience. Making Maleficent a hero at the expense of villainizing King Stephen, making Queen Leah even less of a character, and Flanderizing the fairies feels...well, lazy. Aurora was one of the few Disney Princesses with two loving parents. Why remove that distinction instead of expanding on their story? They had to give up their only child in order to save her life. Not only is there conflict for them as her parents, there's conflict for them as monarchs. I think a good writer could have made that a compelling story. But no...they just had to make King Stephen evil, for...reasons...
Look, it's not even like I'm against taking the villain of an original story and turning them into the hero. I just want there to be a good reason for it. For example, I love the story of Wicked. I think making Elphaba the hero worked really well, because in the original movie (I didn't actually read the books...sorry. But in my defense, I feel like most Wicked/Wizard of Oz fans probably haven't either? We're all Judy Garland trash) In the original movie the titular Wizard is enough of a morally grey character that you could argue that he could have been a villain actually, and the Wicked Witch of the West was such a one dimensional character that you could take her in so many directions and keep her recognizable (btw, I'm not saying it's bad the 3W is one dimensional. It worked for the story, but it gave the fanfics author something to build on). Also, I feel like Wicked the novel doesn't remove all the moral greyness from Elphaba's character, and it makes her interesting. There's a story to tell there! I can dig it! It's when adaptations completely switch the role of hero and villain so completely and abruptly that I get annoyed.
What they did was less a retelling than making up a completely different story altogether. Stephan and Leah were minor characters in the original story, yes. But they could've remained loving parents to Aurora, and Maleficent could've remained the villain and still been part of a great, expanded story.
Then maybe Maleficent could've still turned into a dragon instead of giving her stupid pet bird that moment.
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lulu2992 · 4 months
After listening to this song on repeat and/or having it regularly stuck in my head these past few weeks, I’ve finally seen Wish!
I had read many reviews that said the movie was bland because it lacked originality, and while I understand this point of view, in a way... I think it was intentional.
The film was released for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 100th Anniversary and is full of more or less obvious references to other Disney movies, whether it’s a well-known character name that’s mentioned, someone directly quoting another film, or even just a background, object, gesture, or scene composition that, for some reason, feels familiar. The fact that all those “Easter eggs”, which could have been very annoying but, in my opinion, manage to remain fun (not really in a self-mocking way as Enchanted did, though), exist, combined with the images that appear during the end credits and the scene that follows (yes, there is a post-credits scene), make me say the goal was to make the “Disneyest Disney movie”.
Wish is not lazy, it’s a celebration.
It’s still its own film with its own story, but it’s first and foremost a tribute to Walt Disney Animation Studios, all the movies they’ve released over the years, and the now iconic (some might say overused) concepts of “wishing upon a star” and hoping your “dreams come true”. At one point, there’s also a flip book (with a time chart!), and I see this as a nod to traditional animation, as well as an homage to the original “magic makers”: animators in general.
So yes, it’s unoriginal and maybe not the most memorable Disney film. As you would expect, it opens on a storybook, takes place in a fictional kingdom, features a heroine who has an animal sidekick and a dead parent, and she has to fight against a charismatic villain who uses green magic. I would describe Wish as a quintessential Disney movie, and while it may not be groundbreaking, it’s still cute, pretty, and entertaining. The characters are good and, even when they don’t have a lot of screen time, have distinct personalities. I’m thinking in particular of Asha’s friends who, as I’ve just realized writing this, must be a reference to the Seven Dwarves (even their initials match)... There also are many songs, of course, as they are yet another trademark of Disney movies. Special mention to “This Is The Thanks I Get?!” because I thought it was quite catchy and the most original!
Speaking of King Magnifico, he really is a great character and “classic” Disney villain, and it feels like we hadn’t seen that in a while. That said, [spoilers]…
...I was a bit disappointed they introduced his tragic backstory (without fully explaining what exactly happened, by the way) and then didn’t really do anything with it at the end. Sure, it humanizes him, gives him depth, and explains why he’s unhealthily obsessed with being in control, and I agree that not all villains need or deserve a full redemption arc, but… I don’t know, since they mention the fact his family died and that the fear of loss is what motivates him (at least at the beginning), I expected that to play a bigger role in the story, and especially in its conclusion. I’m not saying he should have been redeemed because I don’t know if it would have worked in that story anyway, but taking into account his past, the fact they mention it several times, and what they (Disney) have been doing with many of their villains lately, I simply thought it was likely to happen. Maybe King Magnifico didn’t necessarily “deserve better” as a person because he does become “evil”, to the point that even Queen Amaya, his wife, eventually turns her back on him despite their seemingly sincere connection, but as a character, I’m inclined to say he did…
Oh well, at least he has the coolest villain song!
Also, knowing my love for charismatic antagonists with a tragic backstory, maybe it’s best for me that they didn’t explore that further and just let him apparently irremediably lose himself. Had they decided to “save” him, even partially, or give the audience more reasons to feel sorry for him, I fear I could really have spiraled out of control :’)
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bloobluebloo · 4 months
I feel like Disney, MCU Thanos and Star Wars kinda soured the nuanced villain for the mainstream folks... I mean if I saw Kylo Ren I'd go back to wanting pure evil jackasses too.
As a certified hater of Kylo Ren I would love to blame him and Disney/MCU for people’s inability to see merit in properly developing a character. Unfortunately, for me that line of thinking is very low hanging fruit.
I've said it a couple of times already, but pure evil villains don't just exist in a vacuum, at least in a story that is decently written. Perhaps the villain themselves may be "evil just because they are evil" but their existence generally serve as a commentary on what is happening in the story they find themselves in. People love to cite Sauron as an example of an absolute evil antagonist, Tolkien himself saying as much. However, and not to start going into detail, Sauron himself has a lot of supporting backstory that gives you insight into why he is that way as well. My point is, a story that cares for telling a compelling story won't just stick in a character and say "he is evil" because then you, as the audience, won't care at all for it. I still cannot comprehend how people don't understand that if your antagonist, typically a part of the end goal for the protagonist, isn't interesting then you will really not care for reaching the end goal. Going back to TotK, even when I see people staunchly defending it and its storytelling, no one ever really talks about wanting to go fight Ganondorf, or feeling compelled to see him defeated. It's always about Zelda's sacrifice in becoming a dragon, or the many uses of Ultrahand, or the adventuring aspects amongst others. Everyone says that yes, when you do eventually go down to meet Ganondorf that the entire sequence is cool but there is no sense of urgency to actually go visit him. Maybe that was the intent of the dev team, to not have the player feel like they have to reach the end goal so that they can explore at their leisure, but that also makes for a boring villain that doesn't seem that threatening to begin with. Additionally, Ganondorf himself seems completely divorced from having any sort of interesting ties to Link and Zelda. His hatred lies with Rauru, and the only reason he seems interested in any way with Link is because Rauru said Link would defeat him. Zelda herself barely interacts with Ganondorf, which makes it even stranger that he chose to make a puppet out of someone that he seems to barely know nor care about. You would imagine that Ganondorf, hating Rauru and his kingdom as much as he does, would create a puppet out of Sonia with the goal of hurting Rauru with the image of his wife. Even the main quest of TotK is to "Find Zelda" aka Link's main concern is finding Zelda and bringing her home. Ganondorf is not Link's antagonist at all, but rather Rauru's, and then we learn little to nothing about Rauru. We actually learn little to nothing about Ganondorf as well, the game really banking on the fact that you as the player know that Ganondorf is the bad guy and the king of Hyrule is the good guy and running with it. Anyways, all's that to say, I love villains that are bastards. If Ganondorf was a tragic meow meow that spent his time lamenting his fortune I don't think I would like him as much. I want the game to make me feel like I need to beat him. Sticking him in a game and being like "yeah here he is, the bad guy, beat him" is boring and uninspired. I actually visited Ganondorf about 90 hours into playing TotK because, truly, the only thing compelling me to visit him was that he was my favorite character. There was no other sense of urgency for me. Compare that to OoT or WW where I wanted to get to him and see him defeated. Anyways I think I've rambled enough.
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anthroparis · 5 months
I think what makes disney's hunchback so incredibly touching and effective to me despite all the. well. bad parts. is that for myself (and I'm sure, many others) it does a really good job of encapsulating what it's like to be catholic. I relate to every singe character in that movie because every single character represents a different relationship to religion and it's so. gorgeous. esmeralda is a pretty good example of what it's like to feel abandoned by god (especially as a woman- in god help the outcasts she directly addresses mary, which always hits me really hard because mary has always been important to me) as someone who goes through intense hardship. and it's like, yes she feels abandoned and lost and outcasted by the very church that preaches acceptance and tolerance but she's also drawn to the religion itself as a source of hope and comfort during dark times and it's just ah. then there's frollo. I always think it's SO funny when people act like frollo being an insanely humanized villain despite all the terrible things he did is something revolutionary. like every single catholic on the planet has felt the same way he does by age 8 (minus the racism, hopefully). where everyone else sees yandere I'm seeing someone who is so weighed down with guilt and self-disgust for being unable to achieve an impossible goal (perfect purity) that the very thought of sin, whether from himself or others, is so utterly revolting it makes him violently obsessive. I think the big thing here is that he deflects blame onto others, but still knows deep down that he's at blame and he pities the people he can't stop himself from hurting. like we need to discuss the very concept of hell and eternal damnation itself when we talk about him cause. sigh. YES there's confession but that feeling of doing something "bad" never really leaves. it feels like once you've done something evil you will never save yourself no matter what you do to right it. I believe many people (myself included) have at one point or another, given up and chosen to just dig themselves deeper since we're already damned to hell anyway. I see that in frollo. then there's quasimodo. who I think reflects a lot of frollo's traits but to a separate degree: instead of blaming other people, he directs blame inwards. he believes he was born evil and wrong and he has to do things to make up for that. which is literally just like. ORIGINAL SIN. catholicism is very different from other branches of christianity in many ways but one of them is that you don't just. get into heaven for believing. you actually have to do good things. at least that's what was taught to me in church. I get that it's, you know, the setting (the book has a very different theme and tone imo but that's again for another day), but quasimodo literally being trapped inside a church is so. hm. his character arc centering around his freedom, rediscovering his self-worth, escaping oppressive morality... sighhhhhhh. I get it. but also at the same time I like that this movie takes the time to address the multifaceted aspects of religion. catholicism? not inherently evil or bad. there are certainly dated aspects of it but as we've seen, people tend to pick and choose what they follow. however, we also take the time to address how the doctrine can be twisted to support literal genocide. so. you know.
I really like this movie
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renthony · 1 year
would you drop a tier list of your most & least favorite tlovm characters and why? :) I love seeing new people get into it!
Oooooh, I don't have a tier template on hand, and trying to rank them in order sounds hard anyway, because I don't think there are any characters I don't like. So here are my thoughts about all the main party members, plus my favorite side characters!
Percy - My one true blorbo from this series. Baby boy gun man. Someone please hug him and let him take a nap. I have imprinted on him like a duckling. I technically finished my cosplay but I'm already working on plans for future upgrades. My husband also wants to figure out how to rig up an Orthax puppet/costume so he can loom over my shoulder in photos or at cons. Percy is my baby.
Vex - My WIFE. She's got the only brain cell in the party half the time, she's got a war bear, she's even bisexual (is that canon? idk if it's canon, but it's canon to ME!!! no one in this party is straight!!!!!!!) I don't know that I'd be quite as into Perc'ahlia just yet if I didn't know some of their endgame, but I fucking adore everything I've seen from their dynamic so far in season 2. They're adorable.
Vax - I didn't dislike Vax at first, but I wasn't quite sure how I'd feel about him. He grew on me really fast, though! I fucking adore every interaction he has with Gilmore, his snark delights me, and I really love what's going on with him and the Raven Queen. I like death-associated characters and I like angst, and whatever's happening with him right now is ticking both those boxes.
Grog - He did exactly what Magnus Burnsides from the Adventure Zone did for me--I started off feeling kinda indifferent toward them both, because "generic smash-smash fighter dude" is usually boring to me, but there's just so much heart. He's funny, he's sweet, he's just so damn genuine. I'm worried about my guy Grog, man. Did he learn nothing from Percy's evil gun last season? GROG, PLEASE!
Pike - I love Pike. Her story with the Everlight in season one really hit me hard, and I think it's so cool to have a devout holy character who curses, drinks, fucks, and doesn't adhere to the "religious people are all stuffy, uptight bigots" stereotype. And her friendship with Grog gives me life, holy shit. I love them.
Keyleth - I ADORE Keyleth. Actual literal Disney princess. I've heard vague mutterings that she's got divisive appeal in the fandom, but I think she's really fun, and I like that she's still learning and figuring her shit out. I like that she's cute and sweet, and I think she really helps balance out the darker moments of the show. I also really appreciate that she gets to be cute and sweet and silly, but is still clearly an adult. She gets drunk, she swears, she isn't a naive infant. Too many kindhearted characters get treated as stupid or childish for it and it annoys me a lot.
Scanlan - I thought I was going to hate Scanlan. I am so tired of horny bards played by people who don't respect consent and think that comedy gives them a free pass to be a fucking asshole who pushes everyone's buttons. But Scanlan isn't that. Yeah, he's horny, and he's over-the-top, and sometimes he's abrasive--but he respects consent, he's not some dickhead macho guy trying to prove he's the most masculine in the room, and he's got a lot of depth to him beneath the snark. Season 2 Scanlan is genuinely breaking my fucking heart, because I want him to be happy so bad.
Gilmore - I fucking love him and want to see way more of him. I don't know if I want to fuck him or be him. He is the distilled essence of what I find aesthetically attractive in a man, and he's a flirtatious snarker, and he can do magic?! The only reason he's not my #1 fave is because that's how much I love Percy.
Sylas & Delilah - My bisexual ass wants to be in that evil sandwich. Goddamn. Also Delilah is totally valid, I would also do horrible crimes against nature to bring my husband back from the dead. She did nothing wrong. Yes I love Percy, yes Delilah did nothing wrong, I contain multitudes. She broke the world for him!!! SHE BROKE THE WORLD!!!! Evil twisted love, baby!!!!!!!
Allura - I was kinda meh on her at first but she's really growing on me in the new season. She's an exhausted put-upon sapphic with the only brain cell on the continent, bless her. I was glad to see she got out of the city.
So yeah! :D
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Watching The Mandalorian chapter 22, "Guns For Hire."
According to the Disney+ blurb, this is 46 minutes and the Mandalorian visits "an opulent world." So that actually is a reasonable length for an episode. The "opulent world" part makes me think of Canto Bight and how much I've wanted a heist episode somewhere flashy like a casino - "The Prisoner" was sort of a heist, but everyone was a jerk and I want a heist where Our Friends work together - Boba and Fennec and Din, and if the fates really smile upon me, Cobb too. And there would be disguises and snappy outfits and double-crosses (that were actually a ruse to gain an opponent's trust enemy-of-my-enemy style) and daring bluffs and reversals of fortune and it would be fast-paced and fun. I love the start of Return of the Jedi because it's a heist
although that heist does not turn out so well for ol' Boba.
Anyway let's see what this is all about (I bet not that).
like I suspect this episode is going to be more about Bo-Katan being the Main Character instead of getting her own TV show like an honest person
anyway, we're in space, space is the place, you can soak in a tank and have fishy snacks poured in from a goblet, Grogu would love this
these people get to have all their alien dialogue in subtitles but still no Mandalorians speak Mando'a
still can't really get over the fact that George Lucas while presumably not drunk decided to name a race of squidly people "Mon Calamari."
Axe Woves is managing to be quite charismatic in this scene but he still has a silly name - but then it's no sillier than Saw Guerrera. How many people in this saga are named after forestry or carpentry tools?
okay I am sincerely appreciating these characters in massive head and face covering make-up/CG elements emoting their way through heartfelt dialogue about fate and love
awwww she gave him little tentacle beard kissies!
okay, so Din and Grogu are just with Bo-Katan, nobody said that was the plan, but there they are following her around because she's the Main Character now.
and okay
she is A Mandalorian
but by jove she's not The Mandalorian!
and sure maybe just being a side character is all Din's ever wanted
but it's not what I want to be watching
Grogu thinks getting snagged in a tractor beam is fun!
extravagantly evil droid design, really fine work from the Empire there
"I've never been here before, have you?" "I haven't even heard of it," said Din, in a glorious return to form.
is that FUCKING Jack Black
"I hope you like secretions"
look if Jack Black asked me if I liked secretions I would pretty much have to say yes
his beard really is a thing of glory, I'm happy to have it on my screen
(am I actually going to somewhat enjoy this episode?)
Jack Black pronounces programme "progrum"
I love how Lizzo just has this projected hologram stained glass window dealie following her around
incidentally it doesn't matter if these characters are given names, this is such flagrant and blatant stunt casting that they are obviously just Jack Black and Lizzo.
oh his name is supposedly "Captain Bombardier"? that's not even a name, that's two job titles
put a bit of effort in
call him Glup Shitto
consort of Glup Lizzo
the subtitles call her "The Dutchess." With a T.
fucking - DOC BROWN
what are they DOING
it's this thing where each time I settle into thinking "Hey, this is starting to feel like a real, proper episode of The Mandalorian where they go to a place and there's a mess and they get roped into sorting it out," I get violently yoinked out of the anticipation of enjoyment by another guest star who's SO famous and idiosyncratic that there's no way for them to inhabit a minor role without being obtrusive
oh it's a roger-roger!
and a slap-chop droid!
you've got an entire planet of people none of whom like to make things or fix things?
I mean, if they'd actually followed through on the IG-11 plotline, this episode about reliance on droids would be more interesting. And you know what? I bet these Ughnaughts would have one of those memory circuits you couldn't find on Nevarro or Tatooine. And we could all be listening to the voice of Taika Waititi.
okay, another good return to form - Din's contacts, cultural competency and language skills are essential to success
it's so nice just to get to see him do what he does so well!
incidentally did you guys just leave Grogu with Lizzo?
blatantly shifty Lizzo and her equally shifty husband Jack Black?
I mean sure she was skritching his little downy head and feeding him secretions when you were there but it's weirdly trusting of you
Din. Kindly stop kicking the droids - okay, you very much asked for that. Got your bell rung? What's that, your ninety-fourth concussion now?
it looks like the set design people certainly had a good time with this space shopping mall, and it was a fun day to be a costumed extra
honestly I'm rooting for the droid to escape, he was just doing his job and Din kept kicking him in the dang leg!
like, are droids people? who hang out together in bars? did you just murder a blue-collar worker who ran away from you because you were attacking him unprovoked?
they keep the droid's "remains" in a morgue drawer and draw what looks like blood from it
oh, so she actually gave him the Darksaber back?
(some time later, I wasn't moved to give commentary but that's slightly a good thing because I wasn't INFURIATED)
Grogu has found his true niche: helping Lizzo cheat at games (I told you she was shifty)
exile to the moon is NOT A GOOD IDEA have you watched neither The Clone Wars nor My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
Okay, I have enjoyed this episode at least 80% more than any other episode this season, and seeing that it was directed by Bryce Dallas Howard, who is amazing at this show, I understand why. I still don't think it was very well written and it suffered from some of the failures of joined-up thinking that have beset this season, but Bryce Dallas Howard can smash out an episode of The Mandalorian and no two ways about it
to quote me at the start of my post:
like I suspect this episode is going to be more about Bo-Katan being the Main Character instead of getting her own TV show like an honest person
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konako · 1 year
(*・ω・)ノ”┌iii┐♡ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! 
Here, have a silly little Red Snow scene. We are at the Welcome Back Party in S2. (Ah, look at sad!Regina in the background.)
Ruby walked into the back towards the bathrooms, even though she didn’t need to go. She just wanted a minute away from the others. Because she felt like she was clinging to Snow… Mary Margaret… oh this was a problem. Having her back brought this thing up again. How they hadn’t been friends. Until recently maybe. Ruby knew where she was in the process of bringing Ruby and Red together, and it wasn’t exactly hard, but what about Snow?
“Hey.”Ruby turned away from the window and saw Snow. “Hey yourself.”
“Is there anything you need help with?” Ruby looked down the hall. “You saw me going towards the toilets and wondered if I need help? Maybe I don’t want to know every detail of your trip back home or the things you had to show Emma.”
Snow laughed as she got closer. “Don’t remind me. I missed indoor plumbing.” She stopped in front of Ruby and put her hands on her upper arms. “I missed you.” 
Ruby leaned forward so their foreheads touched. “Missed you, too.”
“I need you to tell me everything that went on while we were gone. I’m sure David will leave some things out.” Snow’s voice was only a low whisper. 
Ruby closed her eyes and matched her tone. “He was devastated the portal closed right in his face, you know. We needed him here, but the thought of you two being split up again was awful.”
“David said you helped him to keep it together.”
“That was mutual.”
“I know that I missed a full moon…” Snow let the sentence linger. Ruby debated with herself how much she should reveal. This being a joyous getting back together party. But the way her shoulders tensed up at the mention probably gave away a lot already.
Ruby took a step back and leaned against the window frame. “First of all I want to say I’m sorry that my whole wolf thing helped Regina to frame you, or Mary Margaret, for murder. You know, finding the heart and all.”
Snow playfully rolled her eyes. “Bygones. It all worked out. And hey, I know, if your wolf thing had been in full force, you would have known that wasn’t a human heart right away.” They both laughed. Even though this simple truth was rooted in a dark place. Red knew the smell of blood. Human blood. And the small differences between that and various animals.
“Anyway, I’m bringing that up, because I had my own little accusation arc and you probably won’t be very proud of me when you hear the full story.” Snow raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, but settled in next to Ruby, eager to listen. “King George, I mean Spencer, he had it out for David–”
“He said he was dealt with. No longer a threat.”
“Yes. But it was a hard earned victory. He killed Billy.”
“Mechanic Billy?”
“Billy is dead?”
“Yes. And for a moment I believed I did that.”
“Oh, Red…” Just hearing her name coming out of Snow’s mouth made it all real again. The fear of hurting others, killing innocent people, murdering a loved one - the past was locked up in the way Snow put compassion into addressing her. The hand reaching up touching her shoulder didn’t help.
“So, hey, I was framed for murder, too. One more for sharing experiences. Although I fully believed I did it and that the mob had a right to chase me…”
“A mob? In Storybrooke? Like going after Regina? All torches and pitchforks? Are there even that many pitchforks here?”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here to yell at you for being stupid.”
Ruby chuckled. “There were people trying to step up.”
“I wonder what Mulan would think about a whole town chasing a wolf around.”
“Mulan? Dressing-as-a-guy-to-defeat-an-evil-army-Mulan?”
 “Yes, that one.”
“I love that movie. Huh. How unfair. Did she-”
“There was no little dragon.”
“How disappointing.” Ruby faked a little pout. “Well, I collected a new Disney princess myself. Turns out Belle is real, too.”
“Oh, don’t tell me she is the reason I saw the open library earlier.” Snow smirked. “Was she with you that night?”
Snow hit Ruby in the side with her elbow. “When you wolfed out. Did you two have a little Beauty and the Beast moment?”
“What?” Ruby’s laugh was forced, nervousness shining through as if she had been caught. Although she was unsure doing what. “Well, yes, I mean, no, I chained her up in the library.”
Snow looked at Ruby. Blinking slowly. “I think we need to start at the beginning.”
“There you are!” David interrupted the two. “Please don’t make me look for you at a party about finding back to each other.”
“I wouldn’t dare.” Snow got up and pulled Ruby along by the hand. “Red just told me something about chains, maybe she can help.”
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technicalknockout · 7 months
*flaps excitedly* PIGEON OC LORE DUMP
warning long and incoherent with way too many elizabeths than required
Oh my god i realized there is no fricking way im explaining everything today theres so MUCH HDKKSJDKS i'll just explain the basic mythology and some of my favorite guys
Ok we need to start with the gods
Once upon a time there was nothing. One day Nothing decided it wanted to be something. It split itself into multiple parts and those parts became the first three gods. The part of Nothing that wanted to be something became Creator (cre) and the part that liked being Nothing became Red (ree. This is a placeholder name i really cant decide on a fitting name for red hdjsdkskd). Also there was this indecisive middle guy and their name is Astral (starry. Starry is important because they're the responsible sibling. They mostly do everything)
These are the Incompetent God Siblings. There are smaller gods who split from the siblings but theyre mostly irrelevant. Also the gods look like birds (actually it's the other way around, birds look like gods because the gods wanted to put something that looks like themselves in the mortal realm. Kind of like self insert ocs dhjskfkd) so i also call them Birbs
Anyway the thousands of new gods just hung around for some time in their newfound existance until cre decided this was boring. So the gods all decided to make some universes with stuff in it. Except ree who was against the whole 'existing' thing in the first place and was a grump about it, so the gods conpromised with ree and put a expiration date on the universe. Spoilers: this leads to some politic problems later on
So tada theres a universe now. Multiple universes. Parallel worlds are relevant later but that would make this post longer than an entire novel series so dropping that topic
Now onto the actual ocs dhjdkskfks
Domino aka Elizabeth the 3rd. (Some quick background lore, the elizabeths are guys who are trapped in an unending loop of reincarnation (courtesy of ree). They all have their own memories and personalities but share some core traits such as god obsession) Domino is part of the "villain squad" in the plot and a (pseudo)scientist who works at the shadow government. She's very cold and NOT interested in anything except for her (ethically questionable) experiments concerning angels and, unfortunately, the main characters. She was relatively fine until she got involved in some plot relevant scheme as a kid and almost died now shes Not Fine.. has two lab assistants Apel Pine (pineapple) and Stein Mango (mangosteen. Theyre 9 years old, twins and orphans, domino named them and yes she is canonically bad at names). Pineapple is traumatized and deprieved of affection, desperately seeking love from domino who is the only thing close to a parent figure he's ever had. Domino does not notice nor does she care.. which makes pineapple :(. He's aggressive to others and needs therapy. Unlike him though, mangosteen is very okay! Mostly because pineapple tried his very best to protect mango from the bad things in life. It worked and pineapple now has twice the trauma he was supposed to have, while mango has none. He turned out as a silly little guy who is oblivious to the horrors and he tries really really hard to make everyone get along. And he likes snow :D theres a short backstory behind pineapple and mango from before they were domino's assistants which explains why theyre Like That, which i will maybe perhaps talk about later
Also in a different universe theres a 12 year old menace called damo who wears a poncho thingie and claims to be the most evil villain in the whole universe (she isnt she has no idea what a villain is, she thinks theyre cool people who explode stuff). She likes bombs and doing disney villain laughs. She is the silly ever and nothing bad happens to her and i love her very very much
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rileydaisy · 9 months
The Shipping Problem Part 2
So as you all know I made a post about the whole shipping issues in the past and I'm back to address more about it.
Anyways let's get right into it.
Since no other person is gonna talk about the issues then I'll do it myself.
Well all love cartoon characters from many different franchises and video games.
And when watching a movie or playing a video game with your favorite characters in it, people will always take a liking to a certain character and there's nothing wrong with that.
But there will always be people out there who will automatically start shipping, And I'm not talking about Male and Female shipping no, I'm talking about Male and Male Shipping and Female and Female shipping.
It's very very wrong to ship two male characters together and two female characters together whether they are fictional or not.
Especially if said characters don't get along in a film or a video game.
If the characters don't get along in a movie, a series, or a video game then why ship them together?
It's a disgrace to the creators who made the characters and to the characters themselves because it doesn't make any sense and there's no plot to it.
There's been too much nasty out of place shipping with Disney characters and DreamWorks characters.
Like for instance: Puss x Death, Gremlin Prescott x Marcus, Gremlin Prescott x Jamface, Turbo x Vanellope, Cuphead x Mugman, there's sooo much more ungodly shipping than there is normal shipping.
This is not okay and it never ever will be, no matter how much people who do stuff like that try to make it out to be.
They did the same thing with My Little Pony, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, Zootopia and many many more kid shows.
It sickens me that there are people out there who think having the characters do disgusting ungodly and abnormal things like that is okay and what's worse is if a child accidentally stumbles upon stuff like that and then they'll think it's okay for them to do so too.
It's sickening and downright disgusting and so abnormal and ungodly.
It's bad enough that people out there don't want kids to be kids anymore and want them to be subjected to all evil and they'll use fun childhood characters to mess up the minds of innocent children by making the characters something they aren't for real.
Just because there are people out there who do stuff like that for real doesn't mean it's okay to make the characters do the same thing.
The world of imagination is a beautiful Heavenly place when it comes to these characters living a beautiful happy magical life every day.
But I feel bad for any kids out there who have already been subjected to evil like that.
The fictional characters don't deserve that, They brought us happiness and that's how we repay them?
As a person who grew up loving all the characters of my childhood, That is very very Very Disrespectful, Ungrateful, and Disgusting.
Gay shipping, Lesbian shipping, Incestuous shipping is Disgusting and very very Very sinful.
Especially for fictional characters.
It's okay to make your own ships but not in a sinful way.
Only Male and Female characters can be shipped together.
But only if said characters don't hate each other for real.
As a Christian I care because I have a heart.
God gave us these characters for good, they aren't meant to be used for evil.
Don't take other people's characters and make them homosexual.
That's very nasty!
And making them trans, queer, pansexual and giving them disabilities isn't something these fictional characters should ever have.
Stop ruining childhood characters.
Yes there are other serious things going on in this world that are very important but this is also very important.
Stop running childhood characters.
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musicprincess1990 · 1 year
The Hunchback of Notre Dame is my favorite Disney movie (well, tied with Beauty and the Beast). So, it lives rent free in my head most of the time. It's also my favorite Disney soundtrack (tied with Encanto). And I recently watched a video ranking the top 10 villain songs, and #1 was "Hellfire."
I wholeheartedly agree with this pick, and I left a comment on the video, which I'm going to share with you because I can. 😊
Frollo is terrifying because he's realistic. You get a villain like Maleficent or Mother Gothel, and yes they're evil, but the fantasy element of it makes it easier to... I guess "disconnect" is the right word...? Maybe? Point is, it's easy to see that they're not real, that they're just a fictional character in a fairy tale.
But Frollo.
Frollo is not only real, he's everywhere. All over the world, for as long as the human race has been in existence, there have been Frollos. Corrupt predators who have a skewed perspective on themselves, who think they're the ones in the right, they're virtuous, they're justified in their actions, everyone else is wrong, but especially the object of their lust. It's their fault, not his, that he's having lustful thoughts. There are Frollos everywhere, and that is TERRIFYING.
(That's where the comment ended, but I'mma keep going.)
Today, Frollos are known as "Nice Guys." You know, the guys that say they're nice, but really they aren't, and when a woman rejects them, they put all the blame on the woman for being a bitch, being too picky, being insecure, being too secure, honestly they'll come up with any excuse, rather than accept the fact that they're just an asshole, and women don't really like assholes. Oh, but they think women like assholes, because they don't see themselves as assholes, but their perspective, like Frollo's, is completely skewed.
I dated a "Nice Guy," from 2010-2012. I'm still recovering from the emotional fallout. He was toxic and emotionally abusive, and it took me 3+ years after our breakup to realize how awful he really was.
Actually, he was a bit like Mother Gothel, too, because he would insult me and point out things that were "wrong" with me, but when I got upset, he'd say it was "tough love," and wouldn't I rather he tell me the truth than lie to save my feelings? But he was more like Frollo in many ways, most of which I'm not going to share.
I guess that's the real source of my visceral fear and hatred of Judge Claude Frollo. Damn. This took a turn. 😅
Uh, anyways, I'mma go watch some stand-up comedy because I need a laugh. Love you guys.
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megazardx2 · 2 years
Amphibia Week: DAY 4 (How I Got Into Amphibia)
Hey, everyone! MegaZardX2 here, and this is my fourth post for @picturejasper20′s Amphibia Week! If any of you fellow Amphibia fans want to celebrate your love for this awesome show along with us, then click on the link below to find out more:
For today’s Amphibia week post, I’ll be talking about how I got hooked onto this funny frog show in the first place! Gather around the campfire, because it’s an epic tale filled with many twists and turns! 
Alright, perhaps I’m overselling it a bit. Still, I hope you enjoy hearing about my story regardless! 
I sadly didn’t have the pleasure of getting into Amphibia until 2020, a whole year after Season 1 ended. As a huge fan of isekais (yes, even trashy ones), I found myself intrigued by the show’s premise, but I never could have predicted just how much I’d fall in love with it. The world of Amphibia was wonderfully wild and deadly, the themes surrounding found family and toxic friendships really struck a chord with me, and I fell in love with all the characters, even the side ones! I was caught off-guard by the intensity of Reunion, but little did I know that was just a prelude for what I would experience later on.
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After watching S1, I found myself hungry for more, and luckily, Season 2 dropped soon after, gifting me with more excellent episodes and Marcy freaking Wu, who was one of the brightest spots of my whole year. I fell off Amphibia after Season 2A finished, but I jumped back on just in time to catch up before True Colors--well, before True Colors was planned to air, anyway. Of course, the episode was delayed, and then it leaked. I tried to avoid spoilers, but eventually, I learned about Marcy’s untimely “death.” I cried for a solid three hours and was sick to my stomach for about two days before I finally calmed down and reminded myself “hey, this is a Disney show! Surely they’re gonna bring her back! Besides, at least now the episode can’t do anything more to hurt me. We already know Sasha’s gonna betray everyone, and Andrias is obviously evil, so that’s all the bases covered! Hooray for me!” 
And then the episode came out proper and utterly DESTROYED me. 
This scene--heck, True Colors in its entirety, but especially this scene--broke me like nothing I’d ever watched. Even now, I can barely look at this scene and not tear up. It was and still is that powerful for me. After watching True Colors, I was began to legitimately question what kind of ending the show would have. Would the trio’s friendship work out? Heck, would all of them even survive, now that Amphibia had shown that it had no qualms with killing its characters in such a graphic manner, even if, in Marcy’s case, it was only temporary? What could I expect from Season 3? I had complete Amphibia brainrot...and it was amazing! I’d never experienced anything like it with any work of media since Pokemon, and at the time, Gen 8 and the various fandom controversies were really souring my love of the franchise. Thus, Amphibia quickly became my brand-new hyperfixation (but it also ended up driving me away from, like, 90% of isekais. Oh well! Sacrifices must be made for the greater good!) 
It was then that I finally decided to join the fandom proper. I got onto the r/Amphibia Discord, made a good friend in @spomby (love ya too, buddy), and quickly bounced once I’d had enough of the cacophony and joined a smaller server. I also saw a lot of analysis posts and videos detailing stuff I had missed during my viewing of Season 2 (especially stuff surrounding Marcy), and I felt like a total moron, but in a good way, since the show had completely blindsided me in a way that I hadn’t been in a long, long time. 
Y’all know the rest from my post for Day 1. S3 was good but got a bit stressful for me as it wore on up until the Beginning of the End. Now, here I am, 100% hyped for All in, ESPECIALLY Sasha vs. Darcy. This show’s been so amazing thus far, and I’m so excited to see how it all ends. 
Thank y’all for reading! Tune in next time for a post which will cover Days 5 and 6 of Amphibia Week, when I talk about my favorite creature and favorite piece of music from the series. This is MegaZardX2, signing off!
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Spoilers ahead
I wasn’t super hype to see this but I’m so glad I did. Add Ryan Coogler to the list of Black Men I Am Unworthy Of Who I Want Anyway lol. There’s seemingly humble yet brilliant black men out there and here I am stuck wading through wimps and fuckbois of all flavors. It’s just still not fair. Sigh. Anyway...
YES:  Namor x Shuri. Problematique age gap? Check! Enemies-to-lovers? Check! Complex, interesting and engaging? Check! Good thing I checked out of fandom a long time ago. 
 The Grief. Ryan Coogler’s care for Chadwick Boseman was all throughout this film. At first, I thought this would be gimmicky and weird but I don’t know why I doubted his vision. He’s such an ace filmmaker and he better get his due one day at the Oscars. Assuming the Oscars doesn’t fade into obscurity. 
Shuri as Black Panther. Again, I wasn’t sure how they were gonna pull this off but by the time we get here in the film, I was so pumped for it! The way they passed the mantle was beautiful and (antivax weirdness aside) Letitia Wright played it pitch perfect. Love the grapple between logic/science and feeling/heart.
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Namor. How is Tenoch 41? How did they manage to create another incredible minority world origin story? How hot was that scene where he blasted M’baku like he was child’s play?! The power of Namor alone...yum. A literal whole ass GOD (K’uk’ulkan)! Delicious.And he had the right idea, just not a fully thought out plan. Blatant war is too old school. But moving on...
The DIVERSITY. So many languages. So many locales. So many black and brown people on the screen. Incredible! 
THE END SCENE. Again, incredible. WAKANDA FOREVER!!!!!
Disney. F.D. had a great video on the first Black Panther and this is yet another reminder that this is a Corporate, Capitalist, Colonizer production wrapped in Cultural Cloth lol. Damn that Big Brother Disney! The Mouse is so evil but sooooooo soooooooo good. 
The US. So, we’re just gonna pretend they had nothing to do with this? OK...Also imagine a real life Martin Freeman. Yup, completely unrealistic. He’d have been killed, not just imprisoned. 
Shuri’s Change of Heart. I wasn’t feeling her change of heart at the last minute and wish we’d gotten it, or better hints at her being conflicted, earlier. It really seemed like she was down with killing Namor until the narrative needed her to not kill him. Felt a little underserved. They did it very well with T’Challa. 
The “Gay” Scene. This should probably just be under Disney but the way Disney just throws in these tiny unconnected bones of scraps for BS inclusivity points is really tired. When I saw Michaela Coel come in, I thought she might be a good potential girlfriend for Shuri’s character only to see her kiss up on that one Dora Milaje for a hot second. They could’ve set her up to be Shuri’s girl. They could’ve made her Okoye’s new thang. It’s not enough in 2022 for them to keep doing this kind of thing, announcing it like it’s some huge deal and then it’s...beyond nothing. 
But yup, absolutely boss! It’s already doing big things. Tenoch is gonna have people giving him the clam hands just like everyone did “Wakanda Forever” to Chadwick lol. Can’t wait to see it again and pay my dues to Big Brother Disney so they can keep milking old Disney properties, Star Wars and Marvel for all they’re worth (beyond what they’re worth at this point)! HAIL TO ONE OF OUR MANY CORPORATE OVERLORDS! 
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angie-serpant · 2 years
—My irl friends out of context—
-Who’s that Pokémon? It’s always the gingers.
-Gingers (derogatory)
-Try for the backside of the donkey
-is it normal to want to platonically fuck your friends
-NASA's still fucking looking for that dick Niki
-I’ve actually just become god
-anyways that william afton guy was doing what he had to do to become immortal and yk what i don’t blame him🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 like sure he killed kids but like he unlocked immortality so🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
-this was payback for my Marcus Lopez rambles
-Does anyone else’s sneezes sound like explosions
-william afton is way too old. mans could sneeze and turn to dust. who’s letting peepaw run around killing people.
-Good for fucking you
-Wulti level warketing
-Demigirl? More like Demigod
-Emma you are a walking tiktok section
-The penis in the butt
-I’m educating you on kinks
-It’s okie you guys have socks
-He just randomly starts throwing people
-I wanna make out with some zombies
-I missed the ✨hole✨
-I’m not thinking I just don’t wanna do it
-My brother just walked in the door and called me a turd what in the Disney Channel Original Movie
-the yassifying of me, a 3 part series
-Mkay so should they talk more before that happens or just get straight into the chaos like a YouTube intro?
-I’m fucking one of our tables many holes
-You are the thistle in the tender and sensitive arse crack of my life.
-Look at his cute little butthole
-I saw gay I’m happy
-What the FUCK milk man!?
-I like big titties
-Who’s ginger is this? Somebody come get their ginger child!
-We’ve adopted the ginger, say hello
-Emma I’ve wanted to fuck to grim reaper too
-It’s like a magnifying glass but smarter
-Ah yes, the color of horn-e
-You can touch my ass if you want
-Being gay IS fantastic!
-Why do we have those stupid ankles!? They’re useless!!!
-We have different temperatured fingers
-You’re not a very roomable person
-shush you’re a secret undercover ginger
-Wait what’s the ferrets gender?
-All hail the stinky noodles
-Foot emoji
-I was scrolling through Tiktok and I did not expect to see a shirtless Bruno but here I am, utterly shocked, and needing soap for my eyes
-The chess hierarchy
-I used to date my father
-New suicide method; shoving a firework up my ass
-Either baby or menace to society
-I have committed vehicular manslaughter once
-their head? gone. their eyes? scooped. their hair? ripped out. their mom? fucked by me. their limbs? separated from their body. their soul? sent to hell. their neck? broken.
-only reason i’m not is because it’s cold and my dad would question me
-demigod more like i am god
-Fuck now im thinking of dirty shit
-should i write the most heart wrenching saddest thing ever and send it to a friend who did nothing wrong i’m just a writer with evil sad writing? The correct answer is yes brb
-how many sins can one commit in a family friendly game the answer is all 7.
-The lord cant help you here, this is horny jail
-snuck out. went out into the freezing cold. played in the snow rolling around yk like normal. men were staring at me. tried to call people. no one was awake so i did what any sane person does. flipped them off and continued playing in the snow occasionally showing i had a weapon on me and went inside when my hands were numb.
-I’m so cold my metaphoric dick could fall off
-Stop being Scottish
-……Would I fuck that?
-michigan was actually kind of a bitch
-I’m the sewer rat of the table monarchy
-Spit on the skeleton man
-Guys I just accidentally called a demon mama
-it was really quiet too and i just went “dick!”
-Well I would assume from the womb
-Don’t tell the Christians I said that
-I don’t think ghosts have genitalia
-fuckerino but okie
-Cleansed but casually
-The bar is low and they’re limbo dancing with Satan
-You are no longer the Virgin Mary
-White people scare me
-I think my dog hates white people
-Is that a picture of two robot toys having sex????
-Do not do anything related to genitalia
-water so cold my metaphysical dick had disappeared
-hath thou mother lie in bed with i? yeseth. yeseth she hath.
-fuck the celestial nap
-Holy shit godsona
-Texas chainsaw yassacre
-Would getting your eye holes fingered feel good if you didn’t have eyese
-pussy poppingly good
-Why does he look so hot when he’s bloody?
-Fucking boogie woogies
-“i am vengeance” yeah ok i’m horny. next story.
-My underwear smells like orgasms
-You just kneed my vagina
-You put the pp in the arse
-I’m almost done with that drawing of the pregnant lady
-Nah I’m gonna go listen to sad music and cry over dog shit some more
-I just imagined your father having sex *wails*
-I’m not touching your penis water bottle
-you pray to god in your hair routine?
-quench it deep
-i’m fucking one of our tables many WET holes
-Nah bitch is my love language
-I think it was the penis
-The angels are looking down on us in disappointment
-müsic mæn
-You are a gremlin you stole the wand of an all powerful wizard
-I can do the worm but I’m too embarrassed to
-My bed is in the sky now
-I think I stepped in old cum
-Ah yes, Oinherest and Ponterist, my favorite medias of the social
-That’s still repeating it dumbãss
-A sexy inchworm
-I know what skin feels like
-I promise I won’t moan again
-What if we’re all just sperm swimming in gods balls
-Keep your crouch away from my fucking ass
-i have rubbed off the gender
-Happy awakening hour
-i want death in the form of sex so that i can die an unvirgin
-As a person with a dick
-“Sexy” mmmmm dishwater😍😍🥵🥵🥵🤤🤤🤤
-I have a serotonin inducing concept
-Would you rather eat oven baked rotten potatoes or ask Jesus why he has no bitches
-That’s the last time- OW-
-I want it! BALLS!
-You have very disproportionate balls Killian
-Why are we talking about dick hair
-I want abs, I have a squishy girl body
-you should play the sexaginta-quattuordle
-I think a ghost just tried to fuck me
-titty stress balls
-i live paralyzing fear that im going to hit a grandmother with a car
-guys killian is thinking about tactical advantages to shoot me
-killian gets turned on by among us
-Oh it’s on the floor I’m gonna kill myself
-oh no i forgot how to human
-I’m going to combust into a column of flame
-Imagination goes crazy when it’s 12.30 in the morning and you’re 📯🦵 it just goes to 100% percent
-I’m thinking about your mom
-i need someone to just take my spine out and play with it like a fucking cowboy rope
-That’s awkward❤️
-i’d rather solve one of the seven greatest wonders then solve my mental issues
-I feel my thigh bones expanding
-Oh my god kill. YES
-i’m a pussy, a bitch if you may, a coward as the youngins say, a weakling also
-dying is fatherless behavior
-minty bread
-It’s cuz your torso’s longer then mine
-Oh I do Desire for that😙
-like ok oui oui baguette go fuck yourself
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twistedoverbloat · 2 years
ok I don't know if you've seen star vs the forces of evil but what if yuu was like eclipsa and did spells like the spell with no name or black velvet inferno or Any of the spells she did against meteora
OMG YES!! I have watched Star vs the forces of evil but I didn't go that far bc I dropped it-
But I think I know some pf the things mostly from the show and if not I'll just look it up.
Like Yuu is just sending so left and right. But when they get serious they use the powerful spells like spell with no name or the other spells.
Also I think it would help Yuu alot since they won't be powerless and can actually defend themselves. But most of the students would think that their powerless but only because they lost their wand to Grim but when they got it back they blasted Crowely bc he said he was so gracious to them.
But anyway I think the overblosts would be more interesting because Yuu can blast them down with so many spells its not funny. Also they have the book of spells with them and most of the kids were curious but it's under tight security because some kids tried to use the spells but it dosnet work and harms them since they don't have Yuu's wand. (Also you can decided what marking on your cheek you have!) And when you tell them about your long lines of Queens most of them didn't even know you were royalty because you didn't act like it.
Yuu told them about how their from a different dimensions and yes they have a way to go back home but their parents let them study here since they can learn disaplin and responsibilities. They have a scissor dimension cutter thing (forgot what it was called-)
They brought most of the boys with them home and their mother only really liked Riddle and Vil since they had a level head. She loved Malleus sicne he was a splendid Prince since he was very well behaved (she side eyed you) and tried to say oh maybe you should... But Yuu snapped saidng "NOPE NUH UH! HES MY F R I E N D!" She nodded and dropped it. Their dad loved Ace and Deuce sicne they were funny and liked how Ruggie laughted at his jokes.
Hold up let me check rq-
Omfg they panicked bc they thought Yuu overbloated but naw they went through puberty-
Don't worry they got them back by doing something.
But when they woke up and went to class sthey didn't see the hearts on them. So when they got to class everyone freaked about all the hearts on them and Yuu went into Mewberty form.
When Yuu found out they weren't a true royal of the family they went to their friends to help Leona helped a lot since he felt like he wasn't a true royal at some point. He helped Yuu through most of it.
But I think in twisted wonderland their last name would be a big deal since Disney owns Star vs the forces of evil? SO yeah they would hav ea lot of influence in this world. But their parents sent them to earth but they ended up at NRC.
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