#anyway it's inevitable that i animate one of these things fucking eventually
shuttershocky · 2 days
What do you think of Nasu basically spoiling Mahoyo 2 in FGO, even though Mahoyo 2 doesn't exist (yet)?
lmao even
I will make an even better call.
He did not stop at spoiling Mahoyo 2, a VN that doesn't exist in any way, shape, or form yet. No. In fact, Nasu has gone above and beyond, also spoiling a critical new story element for the Tsukihime Remake's Red Garden, hidden inside the Mahoyo event.
Why do I say this? There's a scene in the collab event where the gang discusses the matter of reviving the dead. Aoko's little incident at the end of Mahoyo inevitably gets brought up, but Alice shuts down the notion that Aoko can revive the dead, because what Aoko does is time fraud, essentially running a scam, and therefore does not count.
If you are killed, but Aoko makes it so you don't die, she does so by taking the time you were killed and propelling it into the far future, way after you would die of old age anyway. In Mahoyo, Touko is aghast at the methodology because messing with time would absolutely incur some kind of terrible debt to the fabric of reality that will have to be paid eventually, while in FGO, Alice believes it doesn't count as reviving the dead, probably because you never died (because the time that you died is far, far sway).
What does this have to do with Tsukihime?
Now, in the original Tsukihime, Shiki was basically a dead man walking; his body was animated by Akiha's life-force / soul after saving her from an inverting SHIKI, and while it's never explained beyond "Akiha has powers no one else in her oni family has", no mage has been able to revive the dead, or keep a body that can no longer live on its own moving by making it a parasite on their own life. Others that cheat death such as Touko or Roa (or Meltryllis in FGO) move bodies instead, they cannot save a body that has been damaged beyond saving.
Only Aoko and Akiha have done that.
Now, we know due to some bad ends in the Tsukihime Remake that Shiki is still unknowingly dependent on Akiha, because she's able to control his life and even make him pass out by cutting him off (at least until he gets possessed by Roa), BUT we don't know if the accident with SHIKI was the only thing that happened in the past.
The Tsukihime Remake no longer takes place in Misaki town like the original did. This means that Shiki no longer encounters Aoko walking around her home town. She would have had to go to a hospital in Souya town, and coincidentally run into 9 year old Shiki terrified of seeing death everywhere.
I don't buy that their meeting was a coincidence anymore. I think Aoko knew he would be there.
There is now an unexplained gap between when Roa was Elesia, and when he was SHIKI. In the original timeline, Elesia would have been born around 1975 and fully overwritten by Roa when she was 16, or at 1991. If Arcueid killed her quickly, Roa would have had to find a new host fast, and the incident with SHIKI happened in 1992, 8 years before the events of Tsukihime. No gap.
But now, Arcueid defeats the possessed Elesia in 2001, and the incident with SHIKI doesn't happen until 2006 (8 years before the events of the Tsukihime Remake in 2014). There's now a 5 year gap.
Now, Nasu might just be really bad at mathing out his timeline, but based on entirely no evidence whatsoever, I'm gonna say the 5 year gap between Roa's victims is intentional.
Roa had one more victim in between Elesia and SHIKI, which would be Shiki himself, way before Shiki would gain the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
Roa got confused. He meant to target Tohno SHIKI, heir to the powerful Tohno family, and instead got Tohno Shiki, their child slave whose family name got replaced. Roa goes wild inside a Nanaya's body, but ends up running into Aoko (who we know due to Melty Blood Type-Lumina that she has orders from the Clock Tower to defeat and interrogate Roa), who gives him the fuck you laser and incinerates Roa in an instant. Roa gets told by Dr Arach (who is obviously a fucking vampire) that he had the wrong Shiki all this time, while Aoko uses her bullshit to restore Shiki himself.
Unlike with Ciel, whose soul is now "Roa" and thus became immortal because she cannot die while Roa is still recognized by the World as alive, Aoko's method of reviving the dead doesn't heal them of death, she just magics all that shit away.
This makes Shiki avoid the magic loophole that Ciel gets trapped in, becoming an ordinary boy again with no vampiric connection (because Aoko made the whole incident never happen).
That distinction is important, because not dying when being killed is why Shiki has the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception in the first place. He experienced death and his mind now comprehends its true nature. Aoko reviving him doesn't trigger it because like Alice says, Aoko doesn't revive the dead.
Akiha on the other hand, triggers it because Shiki was mortally wounded and his life can no longer move his body, instead relying on Akiha's life force to survive. This makes Shiki dead but functionally alive, manifesting the mystic eyes of death perception.
When Aoko heard that the little boy she unkilled somehow managed to die again just a little later only to reawaken at the hospital, she had to come and see him for herself, leading to that fateful meeting outside the hospital.
TL;DR - Mahoyo event spoils that Roa in the Remake timeline switches it up, possessing Shiki first before ever touching SHIKI, which Aoko deals with.
I have zero proof about any of this by the way which is why it sounds like complete bullshit, because it is. I just saw an opportunity to post Tsukihime Remake speculation on a barely related topic and ran away with it.
BUT, consider this: I correctly predicted that in the Remake Arcueid route, Roa would see a skull staring at him when he finally realizes Shiki is "Death". I know what Nasu plans for Tsukihime, it is all revealed to me in my dreams.
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mintincubus · 1 month
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animation doodle for funsies
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pinkarachnia · 9 months
Lesbian Anime Review #12 - Revolutionary Girl Utena & Adolescence of Utena
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That was funny revolutionary
How does one review a piece of media so foundational to everything else that it inspired?
Going into Utena, I felt like I wanted the show to prove itself to me. Why is this one always put on such a pedestal? When something is so universally acclaimed as this, it sets expectations so high it should be unreasonable for it to meet them.
And yet.
Utena serves as a reminder that sometimes we put pieces of media on a pedestal because they've earned gold.
In this show a girl transforms into a cow and the cow returns for the movie.
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My biggest criticism of this show is it needs a flashing lights warning all over it. Some of the shots are really difficult to look at, which is such a shame considering how gorgeous the animation can be.
I don't know if it's possible for me to have an original thought about Utena. After finishing it and the subsequent movie, I spent some time listening to people's takes, impressions, and theories about it. I gained a lot of insight through that process. It helps that people have had a lot of time to dwell on this show and its meaning. When I finished it, I felt that I was still searching for more of that meaning. Utena doesn't try to explain what its themes and symbolism mean and a lot is left to the audience to interpret, but I got the distinct impression that it was supposed to carry a specific meaning, not something vague or nebulous. For a while this meant that I felt frustrated that after everything I still had lingering questions, as though there should have been answers I could have found, but by now I think I'm content. I found answers to the questions that needed answers, and what was left could remain unanswered and that was okay.
Anyway, Nanami episodes.
Utena is a show that has a serious plot with the duels and the student council and the absolute destiny apocalypse and all that, but every 4 episodes or so you're treated to a precious gift in the form of an episode centred around this little shit head.
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She's the best character and she has ridiculous episodes that seem only tenuously canonical but I'll be damned if they weren't fantastic.
I really liked the part where she was pursued relentlessly by a group of elephants while she tried to acquire a rare spice to create a curry that will reverse Utena and Anthy's body swap.
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So this anime is about a girl called Utena who wants to be a prince because when she was a kid, a prince showed her kindness when her parents died and gave her a ring that would apparently lead her back to him eventually, and she thought that guy was sick AF.
Utena is good at sports and wears a masculine school uniform and all the girlies like her. She learns that the student council at her new school is fucked up and they've all got the same rings as her, which identify them as duelists. They have sword fights to determine who has the right to marry the Rose Bride, a girl called Anthy. Utena thinks this whole system is batshit, but she has to fight duel after duel because she just keeps winning and people keep challenging her. Anthy seems unnervingly chill about a lot of it, but also seems genuinely happier when she gets to be with Utena rather than any of the other freaks who are dueling for her.
Damn everyone in this show wants to beat up Anthy so bad! I mean, Utena doesn't but they're like girlwives so that's to be expected but everyone else loves smacking her around. I can understand why Utena's default response was to go protector mode, even though her attitude of wanting to protect Anthy and fight for her would be the thing that ultimately condemns them to inevitable tragedy.
Spoilers below the gifs!
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The rest of this review is going to be messy. I'm not sorry.
At least one of the themes of Utena was unclear to me until after I had watched the movie.
I understood that the school represented adolescence in general and that escaping the school meant breaking free of that and becoming empowered with independence.
At the end of the series, Utena has a sword fight with the big bad, frees Anthy from her prison and presumably dies in the process. She had spent the whole series fighting for Anthy and trying to win her freedom, but the flaw in her thinking is that she never tries to help Anthy by empowering her. She destroys the power structures that were holding Anthy in place, but in the process she destroys herself, when what Anthy needed was for Utena to give her the strength she needed to leave on her own. Even after all the duels fought for her, Anthy doesn't have the courage to take that step by herself, and while Utena is fighting her evil brother, she stabs Utena, which might be the thing that ultimately kills her. Just like how Birdie Wing Season 2 stabbed me in the back after I gave season 1 a 10/10. Utena is dealing with a lot of her own shit this whole time too, which doesn't help her see through to the heart of the matter.
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This is contrasted in the movie, Adolescence of Utena, which confused me initially because people had insisted that I watch it after the show and I assumed it might help me to understand more of the show, but it was mostly the opposite.
The movie is maybe an alternate universe, maybe a time loop. It's never elaborated on. The point is it's a retelling but a bunch of the parameters are changed. The relevant part here is that when Utena decides that she wants to help Anthy, instead of fighting her battles for her, she transforms into a car. Cars are used in Utena to represent the power of adulthood and the freedom it confers; the main villain of the series is almost always driving his car and uses it to manipulate and influence people. Utena turning into a car that Anthy can drive to escape the school was the exact thing she needed. From that point, Anthy becomes the protagonist of the film and is able to move forward herself. She is literally in the drivers seat, which is a kind of empowerment that Anthy in the series is never given. This is how I came to understand why Utena failed in the series.
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I also liked that in the movie, Utena appears to go into it knowing she likes girls. In the series, there's a conversation towards the end where Juri is talking to Utena about her relationship with Anthy and Utena's response is to push back on the idea that she and Anthy have a romantic connection; she says that it's different from the way Juri feels about Shiori, that it's more "pure". In the movie, when Anthy is insisting that she's become Utena's wife after she wins a duel, Utena's response is that if they're going to have a relationship, they should move forward at a more natural pace. She doesn't deny that they could have a relationship, she just doesn't like that Anthy immediately shifts into wife mode the moment Utena wins a duel. But then they have a romantic dance and it's all good.
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I haven't even talked about "all women are rose brides" and it's difficult to put into words how hard that hit me.
The imagery of Anthy in her rose bride outfit speared with a thousand swords holding her in place and the main villain talking about how actually, all women are just like that: items to be owned and preserved in adolescence without any power to choose or act for themselves. This show did so much.
And the Nanami development was unreal. The joke character who has an episode where she's despairing because she's convinced she laid an egg is the character who discovers that Anthy is being sexually abused by her brother. She's just had her own arc where she learns that her own older brother isn't blood related to her. He then comes onto her like, "this is what you wanted right?", and she rejects him. Nanami is repulsed by what she learns about Anthy and even more that Utena continues to live with Anthy while unaware. The way they grow her as a character is incredible. Thanks Nanami. Hit him with the 10 hit combo into command grab.
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I could write another entire review just about Juri and her whole deal. Juri is the fencing club captain and she's crushing on the most toxic girl in the universe who's doing the whole Kaguya-sama bit where she thinks that if she tells Juri she likes her then she's losing at love, so instead she keeps getting into other relationships so that one day Juri might get jealous enough that she confesses first, but Juri just continues brooding and yearning. It's that toxic codependent yuri that everyone keeps talking about and this time I didn't even clock it when I watched the show, I need another lesbian to explain to me why people like Shiori. When I watched it, I just assumed she was a bitch! I was the Juri in the relationship, assuming Shiori was just an evil straight girl.
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So yeah, everyone was right about Utena. It's one of the lesbian anime of all time. Ikuhara does it again. This guy really is my favourite director. This does mean I have some bias because I love all the things this guy does with his shows. I just need to watch Sarazanmai and I'll have seen them all.
Of course I'm giving this a 10; if not this then what are 10s even for? There's a lesbian sword fight in almost every episode. I'll be thinking about this show for the rest of my life. And I shouldn't need to remind you, but I cannot be killed. Zettai unmei mokushiroku.
Fuck, would it be too cringe to get that as a tattoo?
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nonuggetshere · 2 months
I can't sleep anyway so I might as well drop an idea for the two to three girlies who know about FaaF enough to be interested, before I attempt and inevitably fail to sleep again
(My eye mask fell back down over my eyes as I was typing this so I don't think it wants me to share KDBDKDB)
✨️Time travel AU variant✨️ wow who could have guessed
Adult Flower, after a shitshow with their parents and being left bitter and resentful, ends up transported back in time to when their other self is still very little
Two ideas I had for how they try to fix shit, one less extreme one more extreme. Both times they cover up the fact they're void and wear a mask
1) They worm their way into the palace and find the king talking to somebody, the Pure Vessel standing a bit of a distance away. Perfect! They approach their younger self and they look up at them, for a moment they stare at each other and Flower feel weird, then they just quietly apologise for what they're about to do and just. Full force kick the child. Before ducking behind the cover. Young Flower smacks the ground hard and breaks their mask, and being a little kid they naturally burst into loud cries. Flower watches from their hiding spot, a hand on their sword, as their father's face changes into the same horrified shock that they saw during their accolade. Just praying he's the kind of man they thought he once was. Ans when he rushes over to scoop the little kid into his arms, heal them and soothe them, Flower let's out a sigh of relief. Don't ask me what they'd do if it didn't go according to plan or they got caught, they did not think this far, they just took the easiest way out to show PK their younger self isn't hollow.
2) They worm their way into the palace but this time they just. Essentially kidnap their younger self. Bitter and resentful, they didn't trust their parents to give them a good life, so they decided to take matters into their own hands and find them a good home. They expected the king to look for them, maybe try a new vessel, they did *not* expect him to go scorched earth and hunt their ass down like they're a prey animal to get back his ~~baby~~ vessel. Once he figures out that the Pure Vessel wasn't pure, and he does, somehow, Flower is in even bigger shit than before. Too tired to explain properly but, I basically imagined he and his entourage eventually catch up and he damn near kills older Flower just to get his kid back. He first things first goes to check if his child is alright, and when he does he turns to their kidnapper - now heavily wounded on the ground - with intent to kill only to freeze. They're bleeding void and their mask shattered and fell to the ground, and he obviously recognises the former Pure Vessel in them - his own and his root's features. He gets up and approaches, and they just snarl at him to make this quick, but instead he kneels in front of them and gently cradles their face, as if he can't believe this. Clearly confused and in shock but trying to figure out how the fuck is this possible, all previous anger has left him for now.
Don't ask me why Flower's only two plans involved kicking or kidnapping a child
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Imagine this sign at the entrance to the preserve lmao
There are so many options as to who would put it there...
...maybe Laura (in an alive hale family scenario) because she REALLY doesn’t need to see her teenage brother and his little boyfriend awkwardly exchange handjobs ever, and that means EVER, again. God this is worse than when she walked in on him masturbaring years ago and she still hasn't completely recovered from that. Although "nice panties, Stilinski!" she can't help tease, pointing at his batman boxers. "Laura!" Derek screeches , frantically trying to get the zipper of his jeans up while simultaneously trying (and failing) to shield Stiles from his sisters looks. "Thanks Laur!" the idiot himself laughs. "STILES!" Derek looks scandalised and okay maybe embarrassing him is worth the nightmarish images she will now have to live with a little bit. She always liked the Sheriffs kid. What she can't, however, live with, is catching her uncle in a quite similar, if not slighlty more compromising situation with..."Oh my god is that Allison Argents DAD?? Uncle Peter what is wrong with you, he's married! YOU are married!" She puts the sign up right after that incident (and after snitching on uncle Peter to her mom). Enough's enough. Unfortunately some of her younger siblings inevitably stumble upon the sign and after asking their parents what "fuck" meant at the dinner table, with the Sheriff present mind you, Misses Hale makes her take it down immediately, scalding her especially strictly, considering the towns Sheriff (and their very likely future in-law) is present. If Laura tells them about her initial reason (stumbling upon Derek and Stiles) to get them off of her case and distract them, it's not her proudest moment, but well you gotta do what you gotta do and seeing her brothers eyes widen with fear is admittedly a nice bonus.
...Maybe Derek after he had to stumble upon yet an other pair of teenagers making out there when he justed wanted to to go for a nice little evening run. Stiles would obviously find it hilarious at first but also most definitely take it as a challenge. At one point they'd probably be patrolling the borders of the preserve after a particularly viscous fight with a coven of witches or something equally fucked and Stiles would jokingly initiate some making out wich would probably turn into either him blowing Derek or Derek fucking him against the sign. Either way Derek would somehow manage to leave clawmarks on it which, again, Stiles would be absolutely delighted over. The betas would probably shake their heads at him because he had forbidden them all from getting it on in the woods near his house since "just because we are part wolf doesn't mean we have to behave like wild animals, Erica " so what happened to practicing what you preach, boss? He'd be embarrassed but probably stand by it though, he's stubborn like that. If Derek wants to go to what is basically his back gardens and plow his mate into a tree or make out like teenagers with him in the flower field behind the old shed then he by all means will do so, it's his land . Also...he's the alpha goddammit >:(
...it admittedly does seem most like a Stiles thing to do though. Like he's not a werewolf, he can't hear or smell it (thank god for that one) from yards away if there's s someone doing the nasty behind a tree. No, poor, unsuspecting Stiles would have to inevitably stumble into what's going on resulting in him letting out a screech that would have Derek drop everything at the grocery store a town over and run to his mates aid. Because "Scotty, my pal, my brother, there is only so much our friendship can take. And having to see your bare ass in broad daylight is NOT one of them! Ugh hell no Allison, please tell me thats not-Oh hey babe, what are you doing here, I thought you went to get me icecr- woah what's going on with the fangs and the eyes did something happen??"
Anyways after one time to many he would eventually stalk towards the most popular make out spot, the sign in hand and hammer it into the ground without further explanation. It does speak for itself he reckons. Derek and the others would probably follow him and watch all amued. That is until Isaac jokingly says that no-ones going to listen to Stiles' sign anyways and Dereks eyebrows shoot up immediately communicating that his mates little sign will be taken seriously or else.... Also he's pretty sure Stiles is willing to make an exception for him....
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cattyanon · 12 days
Sonic but Undertale Souls: Forces Version 3 Sonic
If you aren't aware, this is one of many Sonic AUs about if the Sonic world has Undertale Souls in it. I explained how all that worked in a separate post and it's recommended you read that to understand some of what I say- and don't worry! It's not a long read!
Anyways this is specifically about Sonic Forces and version 3 of of the other two possible outcomes, all having something to do with Sonic's soul getting fucked up. Anyways, there's more about him and how I came up with the idea below the drawing!
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He's finally here, and now I get to rant about what I came up with for him! >:)
You can probably skip this part but if you're curious how I managed to come up with this here's the story behind that: It came from me rewatching Jacksepticeye playing Undertale- specifically from the True Lab section and onwards. During his fight with Asriel I was thinking about how I wanted to do some cool design stuff like Asriel's God of Hyperdeath, but how? If the death rate for absorbing a soul is super high then how on earth could literally any of the characters absorb enough souls (not to mention why and how they'd absorb that many) to gain a form at least somewhat as cool looking as Asriel's? Then version 3 of my Sonic Forces AU came to mind and... well... I'll explain the rest below.
So idk the specifics but during Sonics imprisonment on the Death Egg not only was he tortured but Eggman did all kinds of unethical experiments on Sonic's soul, eventually causing it to turn a color nobody has ever seen before: Black.
With such a corrupted soul and many months of torture he eventually breaks and instinctively kills Infinite (the reason he's got that tail) and eats his soul. Not absorb. Eat. And in this way he gains soul power without absorbing another soul. (Note: He only has this ability due to the corrupted nature of his soul. If a regular person were to try and eat a soul one of two things would happen depending on how fast it breaks: 1 is that nothing would happen, 2 is that the souls attempt to combine and inevitably kill that person's own soul) He ends up repeating this process with Eggman and, deciding he's a monster, stays up on the Death Egg. But eventually he gets hungry. He tries eating the food on the Death Egg but it just doesn't fill him. There's still this cold, empty, and hungry feeling inside of him. And he has a bad feeling the only thing that'd satisfy him is a soul.
So he goes awhile without food, probably about a week, and eventually he's so damn hungry that ends up going down to earth to look for some animal souls to sustain him. He sucks the soul out of the animal's body and basically just secludes himself in the forest. He feeds on the souls of animals, getting ever so slightly stronger with each one, even if he has a feeling that human and mobian souls would be much more fulfilling.
But eventually a nearby village starts finding these untouched corpses left behind when scavenging for food in the forest since the war only very recently ended and get concerned that there's a monster in the forest. So they send a few hunters out and... well... they found what they were looking for, but died in the process.
As for Sonic he's having major issues after consuming a bunch of souls (also causing him to look like the drawing) that had murder on their minds. He tries his best to resist but he ends up wandering close to the edge of the forest near the village, just barely keeping himself from going on a murderous rampage. But then the village sends out a rescue party and he snaps. He ends up consuming every person he finds which is like almost the entire village cause he can see souls that are close by to him.
Although thankfully for literally everyone he ends up staying in that area and basically claims it as his own. The few survivors tell their horror stories and very few people (basically idiots thinking they can kill him with simple weapons) ever go there. But once the world kinda gets back together enough to establish communication again the Resistance Restoration hears about this monster and, of course, want to help. They've got super powers and Sonic has taken on plenty of monsters. All they gotta do is find the Chaos Emeralds and kick this thing's ass!
Thankfully the monster can't absorb their souls in their super forms, but it doesn't take them long to realize who said monster is. And given time the 'monster' might just find these people to be strangely familiar...
Anyways that's it for now! Feel free to ask questions while y'all wait on me to design the form they find him in. Might be hard since I don't wanna make it look like Asriel as much as possible but hey, we'll see.
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super-paper · 6 months
Shiggy is going to suffer one of the worst mental breakdown in all anime and manga after seeing Bakugou get revived by Edgeshot next chapter. 💀
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More seriously, tho:
I get that people are frustrated that we've only been getting snippets of Tomura and Izuku's """""fight""""" (even tho it couldn't be more obv that Tomura has just been fucking around this entire time lmaoooo), but imo, Hori is attempting to painstakingly set the stage with all its key players before he completely shifts focus onto saving Tomura (Like, I've had a feeling that Toshi/Bkgo were gonna be key players in saving Tomura for awhile now-- so Hori needed to dedicate adequate time to getting them both "in place," so to speak. And Hori depicting them both getting saved -against all odds- to shake Tomura up is just the cherry on top of everything, bc like, *points* ur next, buddy!)
Like, the eventual payoff for the amount of time and care Hori has spent setting this final stretch of the story up is gonna be so worth it.
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Also, this expression honestly strikes me as a look of total awe. No matter how quickly he tries to collect himself and get “back into character” in the subsequent scene, in this moment Tomura was rendered speechless by the idea that something that “broke”— something that HE “broke”— was actually fixed.
Anyway! I’m pr sure things are about to reach their breaking point in the next few chapters— Izuku is seconds away from the inevitable blowback of using the second’s quirk again, and the narrative is basically flashing “it’s gonna be bad this time” above his head in big neon lights. Tomura has essentially been playing around with Izuku this whole time/has made zero effort to actually kill Izuku, but now he’s about to enter crisis mode bc his worldview and self-perceptions are both being challenged (“if broken things can be fixed, if things that *i* broke can be fixed, if people are actually willing to go that far to fix something that broke, then—*fatal runtime error*“)
I imagine Tomura is finally gonna start attacking Izuku for realsies once he reboots in safemode, and Izuku being unable to adequately defend himself is gonna drag Bakugo over to their battle instead of keeping AFO occupied (where AFO, being the shameless opportunist that he is, is promptly gonna take advantage of Tomura’s breakdown to reassert control + inject the synthetic quirk into Tomura). But Hori also has a way of defying expectations, so, we'll just have to waitnsee.
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So, I was doing a bit of scrolling back, like the gremlin I am, and I stumbled on that one ask about Spider being in a time loop, I started reading and well...
The fucking flashbacks I got to Doctor who's "Heaven sent"...
Sure, they have their differences but holy shit. Both start off not knowing what the fuck is going on, slowly going trough it. Both are met with the impossibility of their goal and the inevitable death looming over them.
Failing, restarting the cycle, leaving clues in the hopes that the next one will do better, slowly chiseling away at the problem for millions upon billions of years (One being more literal that the other) until eventually succeeding.
Again, there are differences, but the ideas are so similar that I couldn't help it, plus doctor who and Avatar being one of my favorite things and seeing them mixed together in anyway, even unintentionally, is always great.
I would highly recommend watching Heaven sent, even if you haven't watched any doctor who, It's a great episode by itself.
Ah, the time loop ask was a crazy little world anon had invented. Super sad too, I am not a sad headcanon person. I live in past sad headcanons and only happy and healing futures.
I have not seen any Doctor Who, so sorry. I decided I could never complete the superwholock trifecta, I simply cannot. I love Sherlock, and I watched half a season of Supernatural before I accepted I was bored out of my mind. Doctor Who is really fucking long, and I know I would love it. Just like anime, I can't let myself get sucked in. It's too much. My friends growing up were OBSESSED though.
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santacarlatourism · 1 year
The Lost Boys turning a Vegetarian/Vegan S.O.
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He finds the irony of it amusing. When he’s planning on turning you, your dietary ethics are not going to sway him. He thinks making you violate a little moral qualm that he doesn’t even empathize with is a small price to pay for making you immortal. Plenty of people resist vampirism at first because they don’t like the idea of killing, and he’s not worrying about this any more than he’s ever worried about that.
He notices your hesitancy to accept the wine from him. Maybe you’re worried about the way animal parts are used in processing wine so much of the time (not that David would be aware of that even being involved). Or maybe you’re just skeptical about drinking alcohol from an unmarked bottle that clearly was not pulled from a supermarket shelf.
David pulls the bottle back. “Bottom’s up,” He says, tilting his head back to drink from the bejeweled bottle in a sign of good faith. His eyes seem wild for a moment, before he takes it from his lips and holds it out to you again. David’s gaze is steady on you and he notices your persistent wariness as he licks the last of the so-called wine from off his lips. “Come on. You trust me, don’t you? That’s what friends do, right? They trust each other?”
Something about David feels so compelling as your hand moves of its own accord, it feels like, to drink something that doesn’t taste quite like wine. Maybe it’s gone off.
He’s a bit more sympathetic than David, but not by much. It’s more so that he’s aware enough that this may present difficulties further on down the road, and unlike David he’s not the type to figure he can just deal with those problems when they arise. Left in charge of turning you he’s more the type to try to nudge you here and there, at first. Put the idea in your head that being a vampire wouldn’t be all bad so hopefully things go a bit more smoothly.
He takes you to see Fright Night at the boardwalk theater, just to sort of gauge your interest in vampirism. He’s hoping you’re intrigued, not totally terrified. If it’s the latter, then, well, he figures he and the other guys may want to prepare for when you inevitably freak the fuck out when you realize you’ve been turned.
Much to his relief, you walk out of the theater with the sort of interest he was hoping for. “I don’t think I could kill someone, though,” you say. “I mean... I can’t even stomach eating a steak from the supermarket.” His theoretical question of would you be a vampire if you could hung in the air.
Dwayne shrugs as if he’s not eaten people thousands of times, as if he’s not about to give you a nice drink of wine when you’re back at the cave. “I mean, people and animals are kinda different. You can’t factory farm people,” He grins, a twinkle in his eye-- “Yet, anyways. You’d have to hunt them. More ethical”
You laugh. “I suppose so.”
You’re walking with him on the train tracks, he’s smoking a joint. Offering it to you, if you’re receptive-- he’s learned from watching David with others they’ve turned in the past. A stoned victim person is going to have their guard up a lot less when he hands them strange liquids than a sober person. Has he considered that you’ll have moral qualms with this? Sure. But people have moral qualms with a lot of things, and the Lost Boys still usually get their way.
He’s betting, largely, on the vampire instincts that you’ll end up developing. Eventually, you’ll either have to feed, or you’ll starve, and he’s yet to see a vampire whose body let them get to that point. If you get hungry enough, and they put blood in front of you, you will eat it, and you’ll forgive them eventually. (Marko tries to ignore the fact that Star didn’t, though, and Michael didn’t either).
He sits down on the grass when you make your way across the bridge, and you plop down beside him. You enjoy being there, it’s nice and its quiet and it’s rare you get a one-on-one outing with any of the boys. He pulls a bottle out from inside his coat and passes it to you. “Thirsty?”
You would think that as the one that was most recently turned and thus the most empathetic to human concerns, Paul would have a bit more sympathy for your ethics here. But he doesn’t because Paul is impulsive, and he’s much more focused on how great things are going to be when you’re all one big happy vampiric found family than he is on how such a big change is going to make you feel.
He thinks that it’s cute you like animals or care about the environment so much, and that you’re great at sticking to your guns about things, but he figures since vampires literally have to drink blood to live so it’s a very different situation than humans eating animals, and you’ll probably be fine.
He does it when you’re getting frisky in one of the beds in the hotel. He’s having a good time, you’re having a good time. And what better time than that to seal the deal? Paul is straddling you, half-naked, hair thrown back, and he reaches and grabs the sparkling bottle off the bedside table he’d placed it on earlier. He takes a swig and passes it to you, watching as you take a drink.
He eagerly resumes his activities.
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jankwritten · 2 years
Jasico AU but it's 10 years in the future and they tried dating when they were teenagers but it just didn't work out and afterwards Jason couldn't keep up with his feelings, something complicated about how Nico loved him but he didn't feel like he could trust Jason to love him back for the right reasons kind of thing, and Jason basically disappeared from camp for like. A year straight. Didn't contact anyone but Chiron and Dionysus, and by the time he showed back up, Nico was dating someone new, too pissed off at him to actually talk to him, and preparing to move out of camp.
So, essentially, they drifted apart despite still loving one another.
CUT TO: the ten years later section
Nico lives somewhere out in the mortal world, probably on a farm or some shit, maybe something that he bought with his partner but inevitably wound up in alone. I think he'd work with rehabilitating animals, something he picked up from working with Will in the infirmary and found he really loved. Hazel lives with him (she and Frank didn't pan out in the end) and helps him from time to time, but she's got her own job and doesn't really have much experience with animals aside from horses anyway. Nico's just glad that she's there, because otherwise it would get really lonely. He's got other friends, obviously, the members of the seven love to drop by and hang out not to mention the other friends Nico has made along the way (Pollux, probably other OCs that I love dearly like Persephonus or Kyle Bane).
So of course, Jason Grace shows up one day with an injured hellhound puppy. Jason's covered in cuts and bruises and injuries but he doesn't seem to notice or care (how cliche of him) as he practically begs Nico to save the puppy which, yeah, of fucking course he will even if the thing terrifies the shit out of him. He does help mythological creatures, but he tends to hand them off to CHB or CJ since they tend to attract monsters and he doesn't want to put any of his other animals at risk.
He tries to ask Jason literally any questions for context but he just blows them off one way or another, either claiming that he can't talk about a quest (which, he's still doing quests? Percy doesn't even do quests anymore) or that he just found the hellhound (which is obviously a lie because nobody just finds a hellhound pup) or that he's fine (which, hello, Jason Grace putting fresh bloodstains on his couch). So obviously Something's Up With Jason Grace and apparently, just like when he was seventeen, he refuses to fucking talk about it.
Nico is PISSED as he is because seriously? SERIOUSLY!? Jason shows up on HIS doorstep after ignoring him for EIGHT YEARS (or however long it's been at that point) and asks for help and then WON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT???? So obviously they have some *cough* unresolved tension there. So Nico just gives up and tells Jason to fucking sleep on the couch and leave in the morning if that's all he needs and Jason agrees (assuming Nico is angry at him for being there, not assuming he's angry that Jason is being distant and cagey) and so they go their separate ways.
Until like, a week later, Jason shows up with aother injured animal - this time a mortal one! But it's an owl, and Nico doesn't know SHIT about owls and he can't just tell Jason to go to a bird snactuary because Jason is ONCE AGAIN covered in injuries that he refuses to explain and so Nico has to call ANNABETH for HELP and he's just fuming at her the whole time.
it would continue from there, the worrying trend of Jason appearing to gift Nico an injured beast and then fucking off for weeks-months at a time, each time with an increasingly worrying number of scars and abrasions, until EVENTUALLY! Jason himself is the wounded beast. Nico walks out onto his front porch to drink some O and eat some waffles and OPE there is a LUMP OF MAN passed out on his front porch stretched out like he made it up the stairs but couldn't quite reach the front door and THAT'S SO FUCKING WORRYING
So Nico drags Jason inside panicking and gets him set up on the couch (fuck you Grace fuck you fuck you I JUST fucking cleaned the bloodstains out of these FUCKING cushions) and tips some nectar down his throat and tries his best to clean off the wounds, which proves difficult by virtue of them being LITERALLY EVERYWHERE and he never really realised it before but Jason smells AWFUL like he hasn't showered in ages and what the hell is up with that etc etc etc
By the time Jason is conscious again (a worrying amount of time later) Nico has contained his anger to a small caged part of himself and is very calm and collected when he demands Jason explain what the fuck is going on. He refuses to take the answers Jason offers until he finally caves and explains himself, apologising for his behavior and that he'd get out of Nico's hair the second he's better.
Nico is absolutely NOT taking that, obviously. Calls in reinforcements (Leo Piper Percy) to try and talk some sense into Jason while he goes to Will/Pollux and SCREAMS about Jason. Really just all the shit he's unloaded in therapy about him over the years, which obviously these two already know but they let him get it out and then they console him for a while and then talk to him about what the hell they can do to help.
THIS ALL CULMINATES INTO: Jason Grace, ranch/farmhand. Cowboy Jason Grace who helps Nico with the animals and helps him with his vegetable/fruit gardens and fixes up parts of the house Nico's never been able to get around to fixing up himself. Jason moves into one of the MANY spare bedrooms and Hazel nudges Nico in the side every single time Jason does all the dishes by hand in the mornings after they eat and Jason still sneaks off somewhere every night and comes home bloodied but Nico acts like he doesn't notice that because Jason comes home.
Dunno where I would want this to go - inevitably Jasico would get heads out of asses and talk to each other about shit, but I'm not sure what I would want Jason to be up to (godly fight club? indebted to a minor god over a fuckup? potentially still trying to complete quests despite being nearly twenty seven years old? the world may never know) or really how they get together BUT. the idea is so fun. and i like it so much.
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homenecromancer · 3 months
website respect my readmore please
ive been in one of those states lately where eventually you look back from the future and you can just say “yeah i was really depressed, because using my hands for anything was painful, and possibly risked future permanent damage, but not being able to use my hands for the hobbies i had previously enjoyed left me with little to do but just stew anxiously”, but living through that in real time is deeply, deeply dull :|
of course, real life never slows down to let you process something like that, so i have also been dealing with, like, the inevitability of death, from two separate directions.
the cat i loved, and promised his first owner i’d make sure was cared for after she died, had to be put down this past week. what can you say — i miss him, and i wish that i had been able to take him into my own home. (he belonged to a close friend’s grandma, and then went to live with said friend after his grandma died. i have animal dander allergies and so do other people i live with, so i couldn’t have the cat myself.)
my dad isn’t getting better, and day-to-day it’s easy to pretend things are okay and normal. but also, like. if my mom and brother are out of the house, then i won’t go for a walk, because that would leave my dad alone in the house. last year he had a minor seizure while cooking and absolutely fucked up some eggs; he and the pan were fine, thankfully. when i was growing up, and after i became an adult, he cooked almost all of the meals; over the past few years he’s gradually cooked less and less, and probably sooner rather than later he’ll just… stop. he won’t be able to cook anymore. things will get worse and if we’re lucky it’ll just be a slow, gentle slide. that’s the good option.
like i am currently surviving in the bare-minimum sort of way, but things are not going great, and i am doing too well at putting one miserable foot in front of the other to really look at myself and go “no, it’s bad and i can admit that”. im gonna go put on a podcast and not send this email i meant to send today
anyway i opened this post intending to mention how i checked out an ebook from the library today and for some goddamn reason the publisher set the default formatting so it was doublespaced. the book did not benefit from this. thankfully Libby has a “knock that the fuck off” feature
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hankwritten · 1 year
y'know whats really suprising (at least to me)? that as far as i can tell, nobody has ever made an rvb/tf2 crossover. when ya get right down to it, theyre both about two teams of color coded idiots fighting over nothing in the middle of nowhere who eventually have to deal with grander threats. maybe theyre not exactly ripe fer a crossover due to the differing time periods, but it could be made to work
I wouldn't go so far as to call them crossovers, but at the very height of being into both tf2 and rvb I stumbled across someone's SFM videos with the audio sourced from rvb (taking audio of comedy skits and making SFMs out of them was its own whole genre, so I'd say it was more in line with that trend than a true attempt to cross the fandoms) In all honesty they were...not very good. But my passion was high and my standards were very low so I watched a lot of not very good SFMs during that time anyway.
I did a bit of preliminary searching, and I found some vids with a similar concept (which are also the same level of Not Very Good) but the exact collection of short videos I didn't find. May be lost to history at this point.
Younger me (<== contained not a single drop of SFM skill at the time) often did fantasize about making tf2 SFM animations But Good. I remember distinctly thinking that the "let me borrow the sniper rifle" bit would translate to tf2 so well, and be super funny. Actually! Demo and Sniper's scene in Territorial Control was based on that long remembered joke, arrived through the ages to take on a life of its own.
Circling back to sort of your original point nonny, I love the few times I've gotten to explain rvb to a friend who's only familiar with tf2. The idea that both canons have a conflict of Red and Blue needing to be kept in the dark that they're being puppet-ed by the same organization is so juicy; also, how rvb both takes people finding out both more seriously and less seriously than tf2. How it's both a joke and no one cares, (Tucker about to reveal it, then getting run over by a car and getting convenient amnesia and the plot moving on since it's for a joke and not *actually* a big deal) but then also when it is For Real revealed MANY seasons later, it leads to Sarge's breakdown and crisis of faith. One of my Sadness over tf2 canon is that this level of gravity is never given to the R/B conflict, it's just sort of quietly set aside in favor Mann vs Machine, which is set aside for Fortress vs Classics, which itself is being set aside in the last issue. Red vs Blue proves that you can move on to bigger and more elaborate conflicts, and you could have given a satisfying resolution to the initial duplicity/intrigue of the pointlessness of their whole war.
Anyway, I don't know if any of the rvb cast would get along w the tf2 mercs since their shtick is hating the world and each other, but I do think it'd be funny if the "everyone likes Donut even people who's whole thing is being a bitch" continued into the new canon. All of the mercs are like. Yeah these multicolored space marines who alternate timelined to New Mexico (alternate timelining into other video games is canon in rvb so fuck yeah) suck major ass. But that pink one. I find him oddly charming for some reason.
Texas gets Worf Effect'd. Her canon powers of "can beat everyone up super easily, but always ends up losing due to These Idiot's Hyjinks" absolutely applies when she inevitably fights the mercs.
Sniper takes Church at face value when he says he's a good sniper and is fine with just sitting around and not talking and killing shit. But as soon as they go somewhere to nest up this blue dude will just not shut up for some reason and Sniper gets fed up with him real fast.
Anyway~ most of my thoughts. I haven't been into rvb in a long time but it was nice to jog these old ideas again.
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mcalhenwrites · 3 days
Now that Geckos is out, I plan to work on the side stories for a little collection of them. "Don't" and "Dancing Bones" will be edited, but I plan to post them online for free as well as put them in the story collection.
It'll likely only be an ebook, though, and it'll have a few more stories. That includes a finished version of "Late Returns" (what I've posted is only the first part of a WIP). I want to get back to Stargazers' Hill and the Warren/Henry story that isn't titled yet, but right now, Seasons has taken over my brain again. I'm editing and reposting chapters on AO3. I thought people might be upset that I was reposting it, but so far the reception has been kind. ;A; (I still feel bad somehow? But that's on me.) After publishing Geckos and having an amazing day in the next town over, the following day was... not so great. We had storms. I'm gonna be vague for location reasons, but I live in one of the towns hit by a tornado the other day. I saw a map of it, and uh, I could've seen the tornado out my bedroom window if it had hit during the day instead of at night where visibility is shit. And if I hadn't been huddled in the downstairs hallway with my cats and roommate. I was panicked about the weather all day, and that was worse because it was the anniversary of Andover 1991 (a tornado). I lived through that. Uh, very luckily I lived through that, it hit my neighborhood and was scary close to my house, to the point the sirens 50 ft away or so were drowned out by the sound of the tornado. We had no basement and no good inner rooms or closets in such a tiny house at the time. I've been through other tornadoes since then, but none were as terrifying as that one. Before the tornado and after the reminder that it was Andover 1991 aniversary... I also got an email that I didn't get a job that would've been good for my disabilities. Like, worked around it well and not been too straining on me. Plus I would've worked with animals. I'm struggling financially, so writing is the only way I'm getting any income - outside of crocheting, and I don't want to fucking do that for money. I want my hobby back. I want to make gifts. I want to make OC dolls. I want my limited physical spoons for crocheting to be for ENJOYMENT. Not so stressful it makes me fucking hate crocheting. Which... yeah, I'm kind of there again. That said, I have made a few book sales, but... Well, I'll keep trying. I've got other novels cooking. I'll double down my focus, maybe. I will sketch more. Maybe I'll reconsider using something like Patreon, which... don't love, but like. What can you love? Every site is screwing over creators in some way or another. :'( It's depressing, actually, bc I hop on facebook, and I can't see ANY posts of the people and groups I follow, but you know what I DO see? Fucking suggested pages for AI art. I really hope all the people who gentrified the tiny house movement get scammed into buying stupid fake tiny houses due to AI images and end up taking legal action eventually that helps to bring about the (hopefully inevitable) death of AI? I'm mean, but like, tiny houses and mobile homes and caravans and shit like that were houses before rich people decided they were cute and they went up to $200k-$300k. I wanted a tiny house bc I thought, "at least I might someday afford this" but nah. They took even that away. So enjoy your shitty "this is perfect for me" gushing when the fucking pillows are melted into the planks and the switches for the oven and stovetop are underneath the burners! Anyway! I should probably do more writing and take my anemic ass to bed soon. It's been... a shitty couple of days. I'm trying to be cheerful and remain optimistic and just boost Geckos, Automata... but eh. I'm also trying to survive when everything is against that. I had a suicidal thought earlier today that I should just gulp down all the pills I can get my hands on and be done with things. yay. (I won't. It was a passing thought. A desperate "oh god I can't afford to live and I should give up, I'm in my late 30s and nothing ever gets better" thought.)
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Part 1/2
I’m gonna talk about one my characters. His name is Greed. He’s an asshole let’s talk about why.
So Greed is essentially a magic chimera gone wrong, his ability is to consume and adapt to whatever he eats. It’s not like super OP but he is able to at least mimic part of what the creature has like an exoskeleton refer or jaws or jowls.
So he cannot be poisoned he cannot be harmed unless it’s for getting shot by a tank that’s the cap for most of my characters.
If you get shot by a tank shit all bets are off you ain’t superman, man. You’re just a man. Also, how would you get shot by a tank? When?? Why???
So he’s a tall thing I’d say 23 feet tall, including horns when he has them long limbs comes about knee length if you standing up straight because his back ain’t good
 big hands and say to see her hand feet and T3 just being generous here. Also, depending on whether or not, he has who hooves at the time.
Let’s get in the backstory because I’m all over the place and I have to plot this out anyways.
So greed, originally was a man, his name isn’t too important, he just gets kidnapped . Let’s say I n middle of Europe, black plague times. So, he gets kidnapped by a warlock/witch/wizard of sorts. Who wants to make a chimera.
(Don’t come at me. I don’t know who makes chimeras or homunculus or whatever the fuck magic bullshit we have.)
So, he gets experimented on for about let’s say 3 years and then there’s a “ breakthrough ”, then he’s able to mimic creatures he’s eaten. It isn’t much, just: chicken,pig, bull, the usual. His handler is pleased, Greed himself not so much.
So he has a bitter resentment for his kidnapper/handler because he wouldn’t be when ripped out of your life and then turned into a science/magic experiment. I’d be pissed too.
 It’s not until like 50 years go by that this person l dies, let’s say to a demon. You know, gotta be careful with it that shit or you get fucked, in a not fun way. Greed doesn’t realize this in the beginning, he is too busy feeling like he’s been chained for 50 years. 
Because with most creatures, they won’t leave, even if they’re unchained because they’re so used to being a specific location, being stuck there… they will not venture out until forced.
And forced he is; Due the ultimate jailbreak, the collapsing building. Yeah, my man got the fuck out of there before he became a squished kebab, bone and meat. 
So, inevitably,he learns in his own ways.
He doesn’t make himself a human suit, yet. Even adapting and changing his body in ways no one could ever imagine. He lives and kills because that’s what you do when you’ve been trapped for 50+ years and lose most of your humanity,  shape-shifting in a different animals and parts of creatures, until you make yourself a homogenous being of madness, and chaos. 
( He really likes chaos, only when he inflicts it and not the other way around.)
Eventually, he learns how to make “deals“. Giving people their desires, or what they think is their desires, and afterward, taking a piece of their body as a payment of sorts.  He gets quite far with this business he has until he runs into Marie.
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kinda coming to terms with what a freak i feel like lately. i’ve never not felt like a freak, it’s nothing new. but i was comfortable with it for a long time. now that my depression is lifting and i want to be social, i don’t even know how to fit in with other freaks anymore
radical feminism has made it much harder to be friends with males, and i’ve always had mostly male friends. reconnecting with old ones, there’s a chasm between us that wasn’t there before. i’ve grown WAY more feminist and they, of course, have become far less feminist than they were in their youth.
then there’s the fact that, due to only my own fault, i’m terrified of being friends with women. i had always had girl friends growing up, but never as many guy friends. the ones i had tended to be more tomboyish, like myself. i remember elementary school and how eventually my female friends started giving into some of the forms of female socialization, like no longer climbing trees at recess or acting like rowdy little monsters, and cutting back on the fart sounds. I was always the last holdout when it came to “growing into a woman”. I thought it was a point to be proud of, but really it made it harder to fit in with other girls more and more. Everyone wants to be around someone like them and I was obstinately refusing to be like everyone else. I can’t blame my friends for giving in. My female friends i grew up with who i still had things in common with by high school seem so different now, i’m too scared to try to reconnect.
I want someone who feels anything like me, but insisting on always taking the path less traveled has inevitably led to me to a very empty place. Thanks to my isolation and my poor consistency in even journaling, it’s hard to even articulate who I am. How do I even sum up what I’m into? Human behavior and power systems? Radical philosophies in all their forms? The occult but only viewed from a perspective of deep historical and scientific skepticism? The nature of the universe and uncovering the basecode of reality? Peeling back every layer of existential questioning until there’s nothing left?
I also used to like anime and scifi and fantasy and shit, but it’s been nearly a decade since I’ve watched a single new tv show, since I didn’t like the way society was moving and I refused to compromise any of my standards. I do a lot of crafts, but not consistently enough to even be able to discuss them in detail. I shun pop culture unless it’s from a perspective of loathing those in power and spitting on celebrities and their sycophants.
Like, I’m a judgemental fucking asshole and I don’t like anything normal or relaxing. I even refuse to play new video games, further excluding me from the majority. I turn my nose up at mainstream music, and even the recent music made by the tiny select list of obscure musicians I DO like.
Then there’s the fact that I’m a godawful conversationalist and all around human. I don’t like my own family and barely speak to them, I have a hard time relating to others when they talk about their own. I hate boring small talk. I hate just sitting and listening to someone talk about things they like that I can’t relate to while feeling like I perpetually sit on my own identity because, while people might expect me to listen to them prattle on about their interests, somehow the same isn’t appropriate for me. I don’t really want to just talk at someone anyway. I want those beautiful back-and-forth exchanges where we know about the same things and can talk about ideas without just have to explain basic concepts back and forth
Lately I just want to cry. Did I actually accomplish my journey of discovery and knowledge, or have I driven myself into schizophrenia? Why does it seem like I’m the only one on the entire internet who wants to talk about what I do? Why do I feel like a member of a lost tribe who has never found my people? Why do I feel this fire and drive inside of me and, even when I do find people that are somewhat on the same page, they don’t feel it - they just want to make the best of things and settle?
Who am I????
I’m in my mid-going-on-late-30s, I’m not college educated, I’m not married, I have no kids. I stay in my bubble and do my own things, I have one close friend and a handful of people I keep in touch with maybe once a year. I’ve been researching evolution, psychology, history, ancient history, prehistory, sociology, politics, philosophy, animal cognizance, technological progress, social engineering, memetics, espionage and spycraft, conspiracies as a primary hobby for over a decade. I see the unnecessary suffering humans and animals every day and think about their lives, their daily struggles, how long they will have to endure them, and it fucking kills me. Every day I want to change the world. But I also have depression, anxiety, and cripplingly low self esteem I’ve been working on building up. I’m afraid of going out into the overwhelming world because I’m such a sensitive sack of shit and it’s painful and terrifying out there. I love escaping into fictional worlds, I can disappear into them completely, but as of late I feel guilty every time I do so. I feel the pressure of the past and future - every human who lived before me whose labor and efforts have provided me with every advantage I have, and every human who will come after me whose life will be affected by the decisions I make today - and I feel like I can’t just run away into escapism until I make progress.
I guess I have a lot to get off my chest.
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inukag-archive · 3 years
Hello! I’m looking for recommendations for a particular trope/genre: Feudal Era AU as @superpixie42 would say. Fics that are Canon-era (Inuyasha-world without Inuyasha plot) but are not quite canon-divergent or fix-it? I’m thinking along the lines of Out of The Woods (Miss_Dyana), Kintsugi, If We Fall Anyway (both Evilillusions), for example. Any other genre/rating is good. Thank you! 💓
Hey @anisaanisa, it's no secret this is one of Mod Pixie's favorite AUs, so thank you for the chance to put this one together!
Tumblr media
Shelter by @lavendertwilight89 (E)
Summary: Song fic inspired Stuck with You and Shelter. Inuyasha has been alone most of his life and one moonless night he gets caught up with a young priestess. She saves him and he, in return, helps her. What he doesn't realize is, this priestess holds a lot of secrets which may or may not cost both of them their lives... 
Demon Nature by @shardetector (E)
Summary: He spoke low and gently, although his voice was gruff with his demon still so close to the surface, “You saved me wench, now I’ll repay the favor.” With that, his muscles bunched in his legs as he sprung up and out of the well, a red blur in the night as he made his way through the forest to his destination. His precious cargo held safely to his chest, as he raced to save her with his demonic speed. 
there's no place (for us/like home) by guardianKarenterrier (G)
Summary: Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, Inuyasha starts to creep closer to the fire at night. Now that he's not so injured, he's begun to vanish into the woods and come back to throw down rabbits and once a badger at the side of the hut, and Kagome hasn't had to worry about finding enough to eat as the air starts to turn colder. He hardly ever talks to them, or at all, and he won't come close enough to touch- he never comes as close as he had that first day again, but he stays. She's not sure why he stays, but she's glad that he does. 
Comfort Food by @splendentgoddess (E)
Summary: Feudal AU one-shot. An ex-miko-in-training stumbles upon a seemingly human man alone in the woods during the moonless night. He seems all alone in the world - just like her. Goodness, when was the last time he had a decent meal? 
Half-Breed’s Wife by @gypsin (M)
Summary: On the night of the new moon, a runaway girl stumbles into Inuyasha's life. Little did he realize then what he would be undertaking by saving her. But when Kagome has nowhere else to go will he leave her to her fate Or will he rise to the occasion? And what will the humans think? 
Your Lying Smile by @dawnrider (M)
Summary: A beautiful day by the river quickly takes a turn, taking control of her life completely out of Kagome's hands. Her "rescuer" becomes something else entirely before she can get a word in edgewise. A Feudal-esue AU 
We Are Family by @theladyofthewest (T)
Summary: Imagine a world in which the Inu No Taisho lived to raise his sons together, as brothers. Inuyasha never had to learn to survive on his own, he never met Kikyo, never heard of the Shikon Jewel. Now imagine if Kagome fell into this world instead of the one she did in canon. Imagine if she and Inuyasha had ... parental supervision. 
Oblivion @meggz0rz (M)
Summary: Feudal-era Japan. A war to the death between youkai and humankind. Kagome, rebellious daughter of a noble family, is not about to let her grandfather sacrifice himself in battle. So she takes his place, dressed as a boy and ready to fight to survive. But in love and war, things are rarely as they seem, and there is a spy in the army ranks who just might be Kagome's downfall... 
Everybody Wants To Be An Inuyoukai by @superpixie42 (T)
Summary: A birthday one-shot for kstewdeux very vaguely based on the plot of the Aristocats. When Kagome, newly widowed with a newborn son, is named the heir of her mother-in-law's enormous estate things suddenly go from bad to worse. She's drugged, kidnaped, and left for dead on the side of the road. With the help of some unexpected new friends, Kagome finds herself questioning: does she even want to make it back home? 
The Shogun’s Daughter by @shnuggletea (E)
Summary: Kagome's father passed away when she was just a child but his Shogun status still makes her a valuable bride to a Lord of lands that border their village. Lord Inuyasha Tashio is pushed by the council into marriage, assured his new bride was an excellent choice. All their fears and anxiety are amplified when they meet. 
Timeless and Forbidden Love by lunalibro (M)
Summary: Once, a long long time ago in Japan, demons and other horrid monsters out of nightmares roamed the lands. Wars were never-ending, famine, death and bloodshed abound. Admist this chaos, there lived a great priestess named Midoriko who was renowned throughout for not only her incredible power and fighting prowess, but also for ethereal beauty. She defeated countless demons and staved off many dark evils as the protector of humankind. Eventually, Midoriko fell in love and birthed twin daughters. The eldest was named Kikyo and the youngest was named Kagome, While alike in looks, the sisters were complete opposites. Naturally, these girls inherited their mother’s immense powers. From a young age, Midoriko trained them in combat and in the spiritual arts. The sisters grew in strength and looks. However, Kikyo’s powers had matured far greater than that of her sister’s. Midoriko decided Kikyo shall be the one to take her place as the new protector of Musashi. From then on, Kagome would find herself living in her sister’s shadow. Maybe with the help of a young half-demon named InuYasha, Kagome could realize her worth and possibly fall in love in the process. A forbidden love that will last throughout time. 
Beauty and the Hanyou by mishelledor23 (M)
Summary: Inspired by Beauty and the Beast, but Inuyasha style! The terrible half-demon prince Inuyasha is under a fifty-year old curse that keeps him trapped inside his castle. Can Kagome, the reluctant miko-in-training become his friend? Maybe even his love? InuXKag, MirXSan. Lemons and language in later chapters! 
For Better or Worse by Anime Wildfire
Summary: Kagome, priestess in training, turns her life upside down when she saves the life of the half demon Inuyasha… and accidentally finds herself bound to him via pesky subjugation beads. This is not how she thought her day- or her life- was going to go.
By the Match, Not the Flame by @goshinote (M)
Summary:  Inuyasha is a hellbent hanyo on a mission for revenge. Kagome is a wanted miko on the run. Their intentions align in more ways than one, but secrets abound between them as they partner up during their travels. With an inevitable and impending betrayal looming over them, the pressure rises with every day they spend moving closer to the enemy’s clutches.
A Private Affair by JeremyMarsh (T)
Summary:  During a simple patrol operation, Inuyasha, a general in a war between demons and humans that has been going on for two years now, goes all the way across enemy territory to reach the village where his betrothed lived before the conflict broke out. Here he is discovered by her younger sister who intentionally reveals something to him that she shouldn't have.
Shocked, Inuyasha decides to embark on a new and dangerous mission that could cost him his life or worse.
Koi no Yokan by @keichanz (E)
Summary: Koi no Yokan: The feeling when you meet someone that you’re bound to fall in love.
A prince discovering a deeper meaning to seemingly random hordes of bloodthirsty demons. A young woman unwillingly sold to a brothel by uncaring relatives, frightened and alone. How could these two circumstances possibly be related?
We are also including the works Anisa mentioned in the ask for those who are unfamiliar
Out of the Woods by @dyaz-stories
Summary: After the murder of Kikyo, the local priestess, the villagers start leaving offerings to the forest's god, who they think they've angered. Kagome, called to the village to replace her cousin, finds out, too late, just how far they're willing to go when they use her as the month's sacrifice. She decides not to go down without a fight — except that, instead of an angry god, she finds herself faced with a hungry half-demon, who's very annoyed he won't be getting a food offering for the month. “What the fuck are you doing here? Where’s my food?” “Oh I’m sorry, am I not a sacrifice satisfying enough?” 
Kinstugi by @soliska
Summary: AU. Failing to be chosen as her village's miko, Kagome had resigned herself to a humble life. An unexpected summons returns her to the city where she's forced to reconcile the taught virtues and the spiralling, warped reality created by those that abuse their power. She holds the key to repairing the fracture between humans and youkai, and the freedom of her new hanyou friend.
If We Fall Anyway by @soliska
Summary: What if the shikon jewel didn’t exist and Naraku never came to be? What if Kagome fell down the well anyway and met a gruff, young inu-hanyou. Would they still become friends? What would be their story? A tale told in snippets. 
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