#anyway me being weird aside thank you again for thinking of me and sharing the video!!!!!
stormyoceans · 10 months
just a lullaby for u babymon
but srsly i think this is actually the first time i hear namtan sing and she sounds so good!!!!!!! her voice is very soft and sweet, which perfectly matches better day's mellow music, so what comes out when the two are paired together it's something incredibly soothing that really does feel like a lullaby
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minisugakoobies · 21 days
Mingyu 💞
💞 [ Reunion ] - A longing kiss shared after being apart for a while
This almost ended up being 1k 🤦‍♀️ I am sorry! But the 'gyu brainrot is REAL and it is STRONG 💕
"You know, you didn't have to come."
You roll your eyes as Jeonghan repeats himself. True, your brother doesn’t really need any help picking up his friends from the airport, but you'd insisted on tagging along anyway.
"They're my friends, too," you declare.
"No, they're not." He glances at his watch, then shoots you a look. "You're not gonna be weird about this, right?"
You ignore him, choosing instead to focus your attention on the faces of the passengers now crowding around the luggage carousels, wishing you could brush aside the buzzing of your nerves just as easily as you shut out your brother's voice. The only thing weird right now is how excited you are to see your brother's annoying friends again. You've known Seungcheol, Seungkwan, and Mingyu for ages.
It's been two months since the guys left for baseball spring training. Jeonghan normally would've been with them, but his broken ankle is keeping him benched this year. His incessant whining about being left behind made it a very long sixty days.
But the countdown is over. They're back. And you’re anxiously elated.
Because something changed in the few weeks leading up to their departure, between you and -
"Mingyu." His name falls from your lips as you spy him across the room. Even with his snapback pulled low on his face, you can see how his tanned skin glows, popping against his white tee. You bite back a sigh, wondering how it’s possible that he’s grown more gorgeous in just a few weeks. "I mean, I see the guys."
You lift your hand in a half point, half wave, and it catches Seungkwan’s attention, who then nudges Seungcheol, who in turn shoulder checks Mingyu. You feel the moment Mingyu’s eyes lock onto yours, stomach swooping like you’re in freefall when his lips lift in a soft smile.
You come crashing back down to earth as the other guys spot your brother. The regression is immediate, all four of them suddenly obnoxious teenagers again, with their secret handshakes and crushing bro hugs and unreasonably loud ballbusting. This is how they always say hello, so it doesn’t faze you one bit, though it does make quite a few of the other travelers standing around you glare.
Once they’ve finished their raucous greeting ritual, the luggage carousel begins to move, and all you get are a few quick head nods before the guys start pulling their bags off the conveyor belt. Your heart sinks a little.
Weird, don’t be weird, you think, plastering a blithe smile on your face and pretending to laugh as Seungcheol not so subtly trips Seungkwan with his roller suitcase. Maybe it was weird for you to expect more of a reaction from Mingyu. The two of you had only hung out a few times, a couple of casual dinners, some drinks, one movie, and then, the night before he left - 
Well, maybe it didn’t mean what you thought it did. The two of you had talked a little bit while he was gone, but never about anything serious. You suppose you could’ve asked him about it, but you knew he’d be busy with baseball, and maybe also you didn’t want to know. 
Your mind remains thusly occupied as you follow the guys out to your brother’s beat-up car. Jeonghan pops the trunk from the driver’s seat, using his now-healed ankle as an excuse to get out of helping them. Seungkwan and Seungcheol hastily toss their bags into the tiny space and clamber into the backseat, leaving Mingyu sighing in frustration.
“Thanks for the help, assholes.” 
“Here, let me,” you mutter, not quite looking Mingyu in the eye as you join him.
Together, the two of you rearrange the bags, trying to make everything fit. While the other guys sit in the car loudly fighting over where to grab lunch, you and Mingyu work quietly, in a comfortable silence. It makes you think that maybe it’ll be okay, if things go back to the way they always were before, even if your pulse still races the way around Mingyu the way it’s doing now. 
It’s not until the trunk closes that you finally meet his gaze. Mingyu smiles, that slow-spreading smile of his that makes you weak in the knees, and leans toward you, voice hushed as he speaks. “Sorry I didn’t get to give you a proper greeting earlier. Is it okay if I do now?” 
You’ve no idea what that means but your answer is, of course, yes, an emphatic head nod that makes Mingyu huff out a surprised (and pleased) laugh. His hands drop to your hips, shuffling you towards him just the slightest bit, and then he’s kissing you, lips moving against yours, slowly, longingly, like he’s been dreaming of this moment for two months and is bound and determined to make sure you feel it. 
Weird, how you’re surrounded by hundreds of strangers pouring out of the airport, and yet it feels like there’s no one else around. 
At least, not until your brother lays on the horn.
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moonstruckme · 11 months
hi lovely! can u write a one shot of poly!marauders with a tall fem reader? reader is the same height as rem but taller than James and sirius? thank you, it mean a lot bc there’s never really any tall readers!! <33
Thanks for requesting my love!
poly!marauders x tall!reader ♡ 840 words
“You look great,” James insists, sitting on the bed to pull his shoes on. 
Remus huffs, fiddling with his tie. “I look like a prick. I’m not made for posh clothes.” 
“Yes, you are,” you say, walking over and moving his hands aside to straighten his tie yourself. “James is right, you look handsome. Just because you’re not used to wearing a suit doesn’t mean it doesn’t look good on you.” You straighten his lapels, pressing a kiss to his frowny lips. 
“Yeah, it actually really suits you,” James says, laughing at his own joke. 
Remus scoffs, but his lips twitch. 
“Anyway, you can’t wear one of your sweaters to a formal event.” Sirius rolls his eyes, tying his own tie with practiced ease. “Then you’d really look like a prick, and horrifically out of place.” He looks at you, giving your dress an appreciative up-down. “Looking good, gorgeous…are those the shoes you’re wearing?” 
You glance down at your simple black ballet flats. “I was planning on it, why?” 
Sirius frowns, striding over to your side of the closet. “They’re not bad, but I thought you had some that would go better…here.” He squats, digging out a pair of heels. “Why don’t you wear these?” 
You feel your lips purse in distaste. You’d bought those shoes while riding the rush of a spontaneous and fleeting boldness. You haven’t worn them other than to try them on after you’d left the store. You’re taller than James and Sirius barefooted, but heels have you looking down upon all three of your boyfriends. You already feel too tall sometimes, and those shoes only make it worse, more noticeable; it feels like you’re taking up more than your fair share of space. 
“You want me towering over you all night?” you ask Sirius teasingly. “Jamie, why is this dinner so formal anyway?”
“Beats me.” He shrugs. “Guess they want to make it seem like a bigger deal. Or more official, or whatever.” 
“It is a big deal,” Remus says, sitting down next to James and toying with his curls. “You nearly won the world cup, love, that deserves a big event.” He looks at you. “And nobody minds you towering over us, darling. Wear the shoes if you like them.” 
You though you’d left that topic behind. “I don’t know,” you say, eyeing them in Sirius’ hand. “I don’t know if I feel like it.” 
Sirius holds them out to you. “Just try them on and see, yeah? I think they’ll really complement the dress.” 
You try not to sulk as you take them, sitting down on the bed to put them on. When you stand, you feel immediately awkward. It’s like you’re a lamppost rather than a girl. 
Sirius doesn’t seem to notice, whistling appreciatively. “Fuck, babe. Your legs look great in those.” 
You look down as though to fact-check him. Your dress doesn’t show much, but the heels do make the muscles in your calves more pronounced. Still, that’s hardly your priority. “I don’t know,” you say again. “I feel weird.” 
Remus tilts his head at you. “Why’s that?” 
You shrug, crossing your arms in front of you. “I just don’t know if I like being this tall,” you say. “People always stare at me when I wear heels.” 
“I’ll bet they do.” James raises his eyebrows at you. “You look killer, angel.” 
Your shoulders gravitate towards your ears, and you flush. 
“You do,” Remus affirms. “You should wear whatever makes you feel best, but if you’re not wearing heels because you get some extra attention…well, so what?” You blink, unused to such bluntness from him. “You’re lovely, and people are going to stare at you regardless. It’s up to you, of course, but I think you should lean into it.” 
Your heart constricts dramatically at the thought, but you force yourself to consider it, because honestly, Remus does sound sort of reasonable. It wouldn’t hurt you to begin working towards feeling more confident in heels, and a sit-down dinner seems like a decent place to start. 
Sirius offers you a hand, helping you up from the bed and guiding you over to the mirror. 
“You’re a fucking knockout, babe,” he says, and while his voice is light, there’s no hint of his usual teasing. “Wear what you want, but know that you look just as hot in heels as you always do.” 
You hesitate. “You don't mind that I’m so much taller than all of you in them?”
James makes a dismissive noise. “No complaints here,” he says. 
You look at Sirius, the shortest of the boys, but he only cocks an eyebrow at you. “I’m just getting closer and closer to tit level, sweetness.” You let out a shocked laugh, and he grins wolfishly. “Wear heels as tall as you like.” 
You roll your eyes. Lean into it, Remus had said. Okay. You can do that. 
“Alright, let’s go,” you say, heels clicking as you head for the door. “Move those little legs of yours, we’re going to be late.” 
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drabblesandimagines · 2 months
Happy birthday! Can I request some Vincent Valentine, perhaps a list or short of him slowly becoming more open to affection, little touches, more talkative etc. Thank you and have a good one!
Anon, I think I've gone waaay off ask with this, but I tried and this is where we've ended up. I dunno how best to describe this - head canons/weird short story bullet list? Anyway, please lemme know if you like it/hate it and thank you so much for your birthday wishes! xx
Fat Chocobo Vincent Valentine x female reader, fluffy nonsense as per
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It would be a lie if you didn’t admit you were a little nervous at first in the company of the newest member of your party.
No-one could blame you either - the way the first meeting had ended with one Vincent Valentine in the basement of the Shinra Mansion…
He was silent, stoic and you could never quite tell what he was thinking, features obscured behind his red cowl, tight-lipped as the leathers he was clothed in.
He was, however, a gentleman with impeccable manners. If he was sat whenever you or Aerith, Tifa or Yuffie stood, he’d stand immediately, waiting for them to sit again or leave the room before he’d resumed a cross-legged position once more.
And always the first to offer a steadying hand when you’d hesitated at a jump or large step.
Not to mention all the times he’d darted in front of you, shielding you when a fiend attacked… even the times you weren’t on the front line and really in any danger.
Aerith and Tifa would share knowing looks – ones that caused you to roll your eyes and Yuffie stomp her foot at being “left out”.  
You’d had a nightmare, woken up heart pounding, in a cold sweat – being pursued by fiends, Shinra troops, Turks, Sephiroth - but managed to catch yourself before you screamed, clamping a hand over your mouth in fear of waking your companions in your shared room in the Haunted Hotel.
No wonder you were having bad dreams. You’d take numerous nights in the drafty rooms at Johnny’s Seaside Inn over this.
You’d got to your feet after an hour of trying to settle. Dawn wasn’t so far off now, you reasoned, sneaking past a snoring Yuffie and made it out to the hall.
At least the Golden Saucer was the place that never slept…
You decided to go watch the chocobo races, but soon found yourself at the souvenir stall, eyeing up a stuffed fat chocobo.
It would be nice to cuddle.
Entirely impractical in the lifestyle you now find yourselves in, though.
A cold weight on your shoulder causes you to jerk back in fright, nearly losing your footing when it moves to your waist instead, keeping you steady.
“Apologies.” Vincent has to raise his voice over the blaring music in the background. “I did not intend to startle you so – I called your name but I don’t think you heard.”
“Oh.” The pounding in your chest begins to settle. “No… I was miles away.”
“You cannot sleep?” His gauntlet leaves your waist.
“Something like that.” You clench your fists, unconsciously, in memory of the unpleasant dream. “How about you?”
“I do not sleep much.”
“Do you like the chocobo races?” Your eyes flit to the screens behind, another race about to begin.
He gives a half-hearted shrug. “I do not mind them. Perhaps one of the more tolerable activities to observe around here.”
“I was gonna sit and watch some… if you wanted to join?”
A curt nod follows as he steps aside, waiting for you to lead the way to one of the benches and the two of you sit in companionable silence. It’s nice – not having to make forced conversation, his presence feeling reassuring by your side.
“Happy birthday!” Aerith throws her arms around you in a hug as the two of you return to the hotel lobby an hour or so later. You swear you feel Vincent’s eyes burn on you at her comment.
“Where did you go?” The flower girl pulls back with a smile as she looks between you and Vincent. “I wanted to give you your present as soon as you woke up!”
“Wait, present?” You shake your head in disbelief. “You didn’t need to get me anything, it’s-”
“Uh-uh. Come on.” She grabs your hand and tugs you in the direction of the stairs. “The rest of the boys aren’t awake yet. Could you check on them, Vincent?”
Vincent watches as Aerith drags you up the stairs towards the elevator, the girl mercifully waiting for the doors to slide close before she assaulted you with questions.
“Were you two on a date? Did he take you out for your birthday?”
“What? No, Aerith! I couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk and bumped into him.”
“Suuuure,” she nods, bouncing on her heels.
Everyone is too sweet – receiving a number of thoughtful and practical gifts, given your current situation.
Cloud gifts you a new booster pack of Queen’s Blood, mumbling something about how it’s a duplicate he had, but Yuffie loudly declares she saw him deliberately buy two at the Card Carnival in Costa del Sol, causing Barret to laugh heartedly and slap the ex-SOLDIER on the back.
You don’t see Vincent again until the evening, everyone bidding one another goodnight when he emerges from the shadows.
“Could you…?” He pauses to clear his throat, his eyes cast down. “I’d be grateful if you would wait a moment.”
“Erm… sure. Aerith, I’ll see you up there.
Aerith giggles as she heads off, waving at you over her shoulder.
Vincent pulls out a chair from one of nearby tables, gesturing for you to take a seat. You sit down and watch as the raven-haired man strides over to the reception desk in, soon talking to the concierge who pops down from the ceiling in his usual manner.
You drum your fingers on the table – a nervous habit.
Why would Vincent want you to wait?
He appears in your peripheral vision soon after – an odd shape tucked under his cloak.
“If you’d close your eyes.”
You do.
Something is placed in your lap.
Something… soft?
You open your eyes, finding one of the fat chocobo plushies.
“Happy birthday.”
 “You… you bought me this?”
“I was under the impression you wanted one – given how long you stared at it last night.”
“Vincent, I…” You stare up at him, a little in disbelief, clutching the soft toy to your chest. “Thank you. But how did you…? Wait, what game did you play?”
Vincent taps his nose, keeping his secrets. He offers you his hand, pulling you up to your feet. “Come – you need to sleep.”
You’re escorted up the stairs in the blink of an eye, the elevator door soon sliding open again.
“Thank you. Really.” You step in, expecting him to follow but he stays in place. “I don’t know what else to say.”
“It was my pleasure.” The corners of his eyes crinkle – you hope it means he’s smiling – one to match the dumb one on your own lips. “Sweet dreams.”
The elevator doors slide shut.
And, with the fat chocobo squished in your arms, smelling a little like Vincent from its brief time in his cloak, your dreams are certainly sweet.
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
anywhere || eddie munson x plus size!reader
cw: angst, talking about drug usage, eddie's in the hospital post-vecna, your mom kinda fuckin sucks, best friend!eddie who likes you more than you realize
a/n: that one line in the muppet babies theme song fucks me up every time. literally every time I hear it I tear up. so thanks for that jim henson.
"When your world looks kinda weird and you wish you weren't there," Eddie's terrible Kermit impression makes you laugh so hard you almost spill the bowl of cereal you're pouring. You hit him back with your equally terrible baby Miss Piggy voice.
"Just close your eyes and make believe that you could be anywhere!"
Eddie snorts at the way your voice cracks trying to hit notes your voice was not made to hit.
"Shut up, that was flawless and you know it," you hand Eddie his bowl with a grin and plop down on the couch next to him. Were you watching cartoons made for children? Yes, but who didn't love Kermit the Frog and his adorable little muppet friends?
You missed this, being here with Eddie. A lot had changed since you started going to college last year while Eddie stayed behind to be a senior for a third time, but not this. Your friendship never changed. It was something you treasured coming home to, when you could. School was starting to pile up and these visits were becoming few and far between, but Eddie would always be your Eddie. You were sure of it.
"So you're leading up Hellfire now, huh?," you asked Eddie as you finished your cereal. He took your bowl and put it on the coffee table with his, not meeting your eyes. Maybe you shouldn't have brought it up. The two of you didn't talk about it much, him still being in school. Like you didn't want to break the spell that everything was normal. The two of you hanging out like normal, like you did since you were kids. It was comfortable, you didn't want to ruin that.
"Yeah the, uh...yeah. It's up to me now I guess. The guys know they can't compete with my campaigns."
He's smiling, all cocky because it's true, they're always amazing. But his smile doesn't quite reach his eyes.
Weren't your just saying nothing had changed? Maybe you a lot had changed and you just weren't paying attention.
"I miss adventuring with you," you sigh, snuggling into Eddie's side until he puts his arm over your shoulder. "And the guys."
"Yeah, they miss you too," Eddie's voice sounds strained. You try to move thinking you're laying on him in a weird way, but he just pulls you closer, tighter.
You spend the rest of the morning watching cartoons. Eventually you forget the weird tension, putting it aside to enjoy your day with your best friend before you have to leave again.
It's a year before you see Eddie again.
School was tough, taking up so much of your free time you barely saw anyone besides the librarian and the two people you shared a dorm room with. You had tried to join a DnD club at school but your schedule didn't line up well with the rest of the group. And it wasn't the same. You missed Eddie's energy, his frantic dramatics. The guys were cool but sticklers for rules and, to put it nicely, boring.
You couldn't take being away from home any longer, you missed your friend.
So when your mom called one Friday afternoon and told you, in her own bizarre and nonchalant way, that Eddie had been in some trouble recently and, "I'm sure you saw the news about the earthquakes," you came straight home.
"You know, I always thought he was a nice boy. Did you know he was selling... grass," your mom whispered the last word like police officers would be knocking down her door if she spoke too loud.
"I didn't." You did. You also partook, but your mother didn't need to know that.
"Anyway, everyone got all upset when that little cheerleader died, but when they found him, like that, I guess they thought he was a victim too. Can't maul yourself like that, that's for sure."
"Oh my god, mom," you stand up, your chair harshly scraping against the linoleum. You can't sit here and listen to this any more.
"Where are you going? I have a pie in the oven."
Your mom follows you to the door, huffing like you're the one being ridiculous. She never liked Eddie much but the ease with which she talks about your childhood best friend being... mauled...
"I'll be back later."
You don't wait for her to respond, slamming the door as you go. You hop in the hand-me-down car your dad gave you before you left for school, peeling down the drive and heading straight for the hospital like you should've done when you got back. Tears cloud the edges of your vision until they spill over, you don't bother wiping them away.
"Hey, you're Eddie's girl."
"Excuse me?"
A short, curly haired boy in a baseball cap appears next to you when you ask the receptionist where Eddie's room is located.
"It's okay, Brenda. She's with me." You snort out a laugh when the boy tips his hat to the woman behind the desk. Her smile and the wave of her hand tells you she is in fact used to this.
"I'm Dustin," the kid explains as you follow him through the maze of hallways and elevators. "Eddie's told me a lot about you. Recognized you from the picture he thinks I don't know about in his glove box. Not my fault he just shoves stuff in there. If he didn't want everything to spill out he should organize. Not that I'm great at organizing either-"
"I'm sorry," you stop Dustin's rambling, your head spinning from all that information, narrowing in on the one that stuck. "He keeps my picture in his van?"
"Yeah a few in his room too. He's just down here. You just missed the guys, Jeff had to go to work and he was their ride so they left. Wayne will be in later. He usually stops by after work."
Dustin kept talking and you tried to keep up but the closer you got to Eddie's room the more your ears rang and your chest felt tight. You knew it was bad, he'd been in for a few days and was still heavily sedated after a number of surgeries. Wayne told you the day before you came back on the phone that he might not be awake when you got here. The old man might've been trying to spare you the trip, but you were coming to see him no matter what. You should've come back a long time ago.
Standing outside his room now, the year you were away felt like an eternity now. How had your Eddie changed? Was he your Eddie anymore? Was he ever yours?
"Hey, you comin' in? He's still sleeping."
Steeling yourself with one deep breath, you enter Eddie's room. With one look at Eddie and you're asking Dustin for a minute alone, pulling up a chair by his side.
"Sorry I'm late, Eddie. Traffic coming out of the city is crazy." You laugh at your stupid joke because you'll cry if you do anything else. You don't think about the air tube in his nose or the beeping heart monitor, the bandages on his arms or how hollow, how fragile he looks.
"My mom said you've been selling 'grass'," you chuckle as you twist one of his curls around your finger. "Should I tell her how many times I snuck out to smoke with you? She's already mad at me for taking time off from school to be here."
Eddie lays there as you talk, sleeping softly as you compliment the cards and flowers on the window sill. You tell him how the past two semesters of school have been, how miserable you've been without him, how guilty you've felt for "missing" his calls, not reading his letters because you've been too exhausted to do anything that wasn't surviving and work.
You're holding his weirdly ring-less fingers, contemplating leaving instead of holding out hope that he'll wake up while you're here, when you hear a familiar theme song on the television.
"When your world looks kind of weird,"
Your gaze falls from the TV to your friend in his hospital bed.
"And you wish you weren't there,"
Your eyes close wishing you were back in Eddie's house, stoned out of your mind doing muppet impressions.
A tear falls down your cheek as you close your eyes and sing along with Miss Piggy, not caring how ridiculous you sound.
"Just close your eyes and make believe and you can be anywhere."
You choke on a sob, suddenly angry at this stupid kids show for making you lose it when you were holding yourself together so well.
"Still sounds awful."
You open your eyes, wiping your tears away with your hand not in Eddie's at the groggy sound of his voice. He's holding the other one tight, almost too tight, like you'll run if he lets go.
"That was a perfect impression," the words stutter on a heaving breath but you're smiling through it.
"I'm on so many drugs."
"I'll go get the nurse," you laugh, trying to pull yourself together.
"No," Eddie just barely tugs on your hand, not yet strong enough to pull you close. "Don't leave."
"I'm not, I won't. I'm here, Eddie. I'm sorry."
Eddie's eyes flutter shut, too tired yet for a full conversation, but he won't let your hand go. You find the call button next to the bed to call the nurse and wait.
"I'm not going anywhere."
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Hello, I hope you don't mind if I share a weird headcanon of mine 👉👈
I normally see people talking about Kakyoin make drawing about you but what if Jotaro does that too? The reason I have this headcanon because I remember the scene when Jotaro using Star Platinum drawing the fly he saw in the picture, and he draw it so well. It makes me think that maybe Jotaro has talent in art too. Jotaro's style will be realistic style while Kakyoin will be more like cartoon/anime style.
Imagine their sketchbook filling with so many drawing of you 💕 Jotaro will watching you from afar, sketching you with your cute smile, your beautiful eyes, he captured it all. For Kakyoin, I think he will even make up characters (oc) that look like you and him and ship them together lol (this headcanon inspried by my friend, she actually do that with her crush).
Thank you for reading my ramble, glad to talk with you :D I would love to hear your thoughts about my weird headcanon
P/s: Love you writing so muchhhh 💝
This is fun stuff, I could eat it up all day. Thanks for sending it in, so I can blabber my mouth about it
This always internally bugged me so I’m very thrilled that someone brought up how well Star Platinum drew that fly. I suppose it’s kind of easy to gloss over for a lot of people compared to Kakyoin’s scene of painting on that canvas. (Then again that fly was kind of important to identify to figure out where Dio was so then again it’s “???” for an explanation)
Anywho, I’d say signs point to Jotaro being able to draw, and I think it’s a hobby he prefers keeping to himself. Like you said of him having a sketchbook, almost no one sees what he draws in it and he doesn’t want anyone else to see it especially if it’s various sketches of you. So more than likely when he does do so, he’s somewhere where he won’t be pestered by school girls, or whatever punk tries to start a fight with him.
I’d also like to think he goes back and lingers on prior stuff, just staring at it for a little while. This applies usually when you’re out of school sick (which he’ll probably stop by later anyway with or without your knowledge). But there’s something comforting about seeing every piece of your visage in his sketchbook. Literally no one else knows about this sketchbook aside from maybe Kakyoin (Holly has her suspicions he takes a sketchbook around but she smiles not pestering her son on his hobbies as she thinks it’s adorable).
For the most part art wise I think Jotaro sticks to traditional art, maybe a dabble of charcoal but he prefers pencils. Maybe watercolor if he ever went beyond, but traditional with pencil/pen is the easiest way for him to pull something out at his leisure. Would he let you see? Maybe eventually when he gets you where he wants you, or if the cat is out of the bag early and you see it and you’re not quite with him yet. Let’s just say seeing that may speed up him taking you.
Kakyoin I could definitely see diving into the oc type of thing, he’d certainly reference an artstyle of a manga you like. (Don’t ask how he figured that out so quickly). Though he definitely loves putting some passion into his artwork and occasionally shamelessly make sultry artwork of you and himself. He loves painting the most as he spreads colors, mixing them into the wondrous hues that is your skin tone. Or splashing watercolors in a notebook, that looks something out of a fairytale. Soft and warm lighting….oops he’s getting a tad bit excited.
He definitely presents pieces that are obviously meant to be stand ins for the two of you. That no one else would ever be wiser too, yeah you might have this odd feeling something’s not quite right, but there’s nothing there you could really prove other than observe just how pretty the composition is. If you compliment it, that just fuels this man’s desire further.
Biggest takeaway here is Jotaro and Kakyoin very blatantly have their own styles whether sticking with black/white/grey, or full on color. Both would be pretty in their own right, and their style choices speak of their personalities without saying a single word.
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lucius-morningstar · 4 months
Magic Happens? (Part 2)
Awkward conversations and Panic. ------- Lucius: Okay so what did you want to talk about? Charlie: I'm about to ask a question that's going to be very uncomfortable for us, so I need you to answer me honestly and quickly so it doesn't get anymore awkward then it needs to be. Lucius: Okay. Charlie: Who of you in this hotel had sex in the past couple weeks. Lucius: Charlie the fuck. Angel: I don't kiss n' tell dollface. Husk: The fuck you talking about, that's all you do. Angel: Well way to make it less fun. Cherri: Yeah I fucked, I can't recall when or with who. Mostly out of it Charlie: Okay thank you Cherri for being the only one to give me a straight answer. Angel: I mean you know me babe, I'm always fucking with someone. So yeah more then likely. Husk: Probably but I don't have the best record of it so apart from last night, no. Charlie: Lucius please don't make me ask again. Lucius: I am not answering that because I love you too much to admit I've had sex. Angel: I can answer that. He snuck off the Carmine place last night. Vaggie: How the fuck do you know? Angel: He texted me, let's see he said "If Charlie asks, tell her I am fucking Compound Pussy." Then it autocorrected to which he kept trying to write Clara's name but it came weird before he said "Fuck it, you know what I mean, just say I'm smashing ass n' that my phone will be off until tomorrow." Lucius: Ugh.. Bees fuckin honey, stuff makes me share too much Angel: Husk fucked me last night. Husk: Angel the fuck?! Angel: She wanted honesty, don't have a lot of details but I have the claw marks on my back to prove it. Charlie: I don't need visuals, just a confirmation. Husk: *Sighs* Can I ask why? Charlie: Uh.. Well so I was letting dad know the baby news, he asked how? Husk: Please don't give us a play by play. Charlie: No, just anyway I explained that I tried the creation spell and it overloaded and kinda blew all sorts of fuses in the hotel. He asked me if anyone was in the hotel aside from ya know me and Vaggie. Lucius: Weird question to ask. Charlie: I thought so too, so I asked him why and he said and I quote "Nephilim magic is new, stronger and unstable in new hands so the effects could be far bigger and far more.. Uh. Wild in the hands of someone whose still learning." Lucius: What'd he mean by that. Charlie: That I have to keep an eye on everyone for the next couple weeks. Lucius: Why. Charlie: Nothing serious- Lucius: Charlie please just spit it out! Charlie: There's a risk the creation spell might have worked on everyone in the hotel.. Whose been intimate in the past couple weeks. Lucius: What the fuck does that mean! Vaggie: It means that there's a risk that if you've had sex, unprotected especially, that there is a huge chance your fertility odds have doubled.. and tripled in some cases. Cherri: I thought we couldn't have kids in hell. Charlie: In normal standards yes but.. my magic may have reversed it on accident. Cherri: Please tell me this is some kinda sick joke. Angel: Yes please tell us it's a sick joke. Husk: Why are you panicking, you're a guy. Angel: No-No reason. Charlie: Gender is irrelevant, the chances are high regardless. Lucius: Fuck! Charlie: It might not work on you Lucius. You're a Nephilim too, it's possible the spell didn't even effect you. Lucius: Well I fucking hope so Charlie. I just got with Clara and Carmilla will kill me if in the first two weeks one of her daughters ends up knocked up. There's only one place and person she'll be looking for and that's me! Vaggie: Well it's too late to complain now. Charlie: Lucius it might not even mean anything. It could be completely false and nothing could happen. Lucius: R-Right.. Charlie: But.. Yo-You still gotta tell Clara. Just in case. Lucius: I-I can't. I can't fuck this up more when we're actually in a good place. Vaggie: You think she'll like you if she finds out on her own and finds out you knew and said nothing. Lucius: ..I fucking hate you so much.
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courtana · 1 year
another rant on a toxic user and fic writer in the COD fandom world — scroll past if you don't care
trigger warning: mentions of rape, incest, and abuse
First, the tumblr user lululandd began bombarding my inbox, calling me names in their vague posts— all because I said that I wished people were more respectful in what type of content they add when they reblog my posts. They'll have full blown convos about unrelated material under my gifs, while ignoring my gifs entirely or ignoring me. It's a pattern of disregarding the labor of creatives on this website. This happens to gif-makers and I'm sure fic writers too.
I told them it's not too much to ask people to be respectful while also asking them to reblog rather than simply like things. I obviously can't control other people's behavior. But I consider that this is part of basic tumblr etiquette for years now.
Nonetheless, her unwavering defense is that this is the internet and people can do whatever they want and people can add whatever they want (Hold onto this thought)—even if it means personally making people uncomfortable or purposefully triggering them, even out of deliberate spite in some cases...
Anyway, the bottom line is, lululandd has a track record of attacking gifmakers in the COD fandom who don't like rape/incest/abusive fanfics either. Which makes sense, considering she writes and shares this content too. She's probably targeted my blog, seeing a window of opportunity, simply because I've vocally stated that I am not a fan of rape/incest/abusive fanfics. Obviously I can't stop people from reblogging or writing/reading those fics! But other people on tumblr and I have asked that people tag their work correctly, hide it under read more/cuts, and also maybe reconsider posting it in mainstream fanfiction tags if it's particularly dark work.
This is from their pinned bio:
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And this is a message she's posted to someone a few months back for simply stating they don't like seeing their favorite characters portrayed as toxic, abusive, and/or sexually aggressive bordering on sexual assault. (Headcanoning someone as a rapist/abuser isn't the same as headcanoning someone as being goofy or weird, for the record):
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She blocked that user right after writing that.
TLDR: lululandd has a grudge against me and other gifmakers whom she's blocked simply because we don't put aside our personal dislike for rape/incest/abuse and worship her and others' writing. So, she takes it out on us by stating we're 'suburban christian moms' and saying that we simply want to control what other people do. That's not the case. I don't support censorship (can't believe I have to say that, lol) but I can still actively dislike certain genres of dark writing where there is a non-critical depiction of rape or abuse. But this user sees this as a personal attack, and thinks it justifies sending hate messages and writing vague posts about me and my other mutuals.
Also: fun fact! Someone replied to lululandd's post where they were vague-posting about me, name-calling me and calling me a "suburban Christian mom" (girl I'm a bi Latina who lives in urban downtown parts of cities primarily, but yeah I was raised Catholic, so what? What does religion have anything to do with how people interact with my blog?) And someone simply said that I wasn't asking for too much. I said, "thanks! that's common sense!"
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Then lululandd proceeded to turn off replies and to delete my reply saying "thanks!" — BUT I THOUGHT WE COULD POST ABOUT ANYTHING AND ADD ANYTHING TO PEOPLE'S POSTS ON THE INTERNET?!? 🤯
Anyway, I've blocked lululandd and I encourage others to do the same if you dislike people thinking you're obligated to read triggering content and sending hate messages to people's inboxes. But then again, you don't have to because, ✨people can do whatever they want on the internet! ✨
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lindszeppelin · 10 months
So, why do you (and any commenters) dislike Kaia? I’ll go first! 😂
I’m in the industry and not only is she maybe the worst actress I’ve seen in a long time (let alone in high profile shows and movies-yikes!) but I honestly don’t think she’s even a good model. She has model good looks- like no matter how much she bugs me I’m not going to be a hater and act like she isn’t beautiful bc she truly is. Occasionally she has some interesting photographs but this new set for Marc Jacob’s Daisy is absolute amateur hour! (Google them if you don’t know bc I don’t know how to send them in anons- she’s in a sparkly black dress, looking happy/ derpy, and doing modeling 101 poses that basic girls who think they’re models do bc it’s cliche and not what actual seasoned working models do.) It’s so cringe and I’m honestly embarrassed for her. I’ve seen her do better, but half the time the poses are “meh” and/or the eyes are totally dead. Her walk is chaotic but many ppl disagree with me there. But like, she’s the worst nepo baby in my mind bc she truly lacks talent, a personality, and an IT factor.
I don’t know her personally and sometimes she seems nice enough, but there’s a coldness to her and she feels kind of try hard (trying to be older than she is, acting like she has lived this life where she’s learned lessons but never actually gets vulnerable and shares things worth sharing, and tries to be intellectual with soft reads when it’s like…girl just go to college?). She’s just… off. Maybe at 30 she’ll be cool (I really try not to hate or root against but again, she bugs me, but I’m trying to use my words versus being emotional) but she’s beyond hard to take seriously at this moment. And I’m sorry but hers and Austin’s body language is weird AF. Her fans are so young so they don’t see any of what I’m ( or what you) talk about.
Anyway, I’m just a frustrated girlie in the industry who can’t get arrested and am fine with nepo babies if they’re talented but Kaia truly isn’t. I don’t think she’d have a career if she couldn’t afford a good publicist so it feels like double cheating to win the race (opportunities plus PR). Then I looked into her more and again, something is just…OFF.
But when and why did you not care for her? I’m curious about how similar or not similar my experience was to other people. It feels like her PR is revving up and she keeps booking roles no matter how many people call Kaia Gerber’s acting “distractingly awful” so I want some solidarity lol. 🙏🏼 When were you like, “oh hell no!” (Or anyone else brave enough to comment or reblog with an answer!) Thanks 🩷
Hi girlie! First off, your message was so good that not only do I agree with what you said but I also feel like i'd be repeating what you said if i were to go into it lol. So for the sake of not being a broken record, i appreciate you coming forward and i double down on what you said.
as for when i started noticing, she really flew under the radar for me for a little while. i became a fan back in July of last year after seeing the movie. and i didn't have a lot to think about the relationship with Austin at that time aside from shes way too young for him. I wasn't researching anything at that point and i was more concerned with learning about Austin, getting to know him and getting absorbed in that content. I think it was sometime around maybe early fall that controversies about the relationship were spreading online. most notably it was the talk of their massive cringe worthy age gap where they got together before she could legally drink AND she was cool with his ex Vanessa in the past, but also as more pap photos came out I just began to notice the obvious signs that Austin was not really "there" or present or happy to be alongside Kaia. so i researched and all of that. then around the filming of bikeriders i had solidified 100% my stance on it with the clear signs of there being rumors of a breakup and the strange PR bullshit surrounding this couple henceforth. and here i am now.
but that's kind of the short answer lol. i'm used to being used as a dartboard for these idiot shippers to throw darts at because im not afraid to be vocal. so i hope that those of us here that feel the same way can have a platform to speak up. because listen, kaia ain't it and that man looks chronically dead when seen with her. so those that don't agree with my (or our, since there are so many of us that think this way) opinion then they can stuff it.
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chemicalbrew · 2 months
by @radellama thanks bestie!!!
1. why did you choose your url?
multiple reasons:
I chose chemicalbrew as my go-to handle everywhere important, because the handle I picked for this purpose as a teen is cringe
I like having canon URLs; especially if they are kind of hard-to-get and\or subtle references, which this one is perfect for, IMO. The last time I felt good about a handle in this sense was when I went by theplanetbuster
I like katzero :) a normal amount :) and I always will I think :)
Chemical Brew is just a good track and I love being reminded of its existence every time I log on anywhere.
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
I'm too lazy to upkeep them, so I compensate with my tagging system... Well, there is actually one where I wanted to put my writing if I ever did any, but in the end all writing I do is roleplay stuff on discord that's not meant to be shared widely HELP. And what I do end up getting out once in a blue moon, I just put on AO3...
I used to hoard a whole lot of URLs, but I got scared of getting terminated for a second time, so aside from the almost empty writing blog I mentioned earlier, I just hoard five that I'd hate to see anyone else have (some of these I used to go by, too)
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Almost ten years; I haven't remade once, so you can see this just by going to the archive (don't do that, actually)
4. do you have a queue tag?
I do, and it's a Transistor reference :) I can count on my hands the amount of times I've queued stuff, though.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
Found this place while looking for Zelda fanart; thought it would be easier to use the dashboard instead of checking individual pages. At least I think that was the biggest reason. IDR
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Zero I like him :) At this point it feels wrong if I don't have him as my pfp on here and\or discord so... here he is!!! (since I'm still Four on discord) Not to mention that I kinda need him here to match the rest of my stuff.
I put the NB flag border for Pride month this year for fun and I'm too lazy to put the old version back (also, once again, I like weird subtle shit like that.).
7. why did you choose your header?
I always choose my headers with purpose, though it's not quite the case here: this is a holdover from when I was cherrymegablaster, and it's meant to directly complement that URL in a way that's obvious if you played the game. LOL
I kept it because it's funny to call a drink a chemical brew (and because there's not enough DLC footage for me to make a nice gif with. There's a few stills I really like, but I prefer my headers animated!) ...and because I'm just really happy with the gif.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I can't be assed to use the site that scans for this stuff and I'm not proud of my ancient random shit that blew up a bit anyway. So... I'll just tell you this gifset I made on a whim is the one with the most notes.
I REALLY hope the rainbow katzero set outpaces it one day because it's also continuously showing up in my activity and it's easily the one I put the most work into. I need to get off my ass and make more gifs!!!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
...does anyone keep count of that? just the right amount to keep me happy :3
10-11. how many followers do you have? how many people do you follow?
343 \ 1414. why are these such nice numbers
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Yes, but I don't post them, I just send them to my friends on discord. I'd say hatewar but it's on fire alone counts as a collaborative shitpost of the highest tier, but barely anyone knows what I mean and I love it.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Ehhh, it depends... I know I check my activity mostly every morning just in case, and I check the dod3 and katzero tags once or twice a week, but it's not a strict schedule thing, I forget sometimes :] The tags are slow anyway, and I have sooo many active katzero posters blocked that it's even slower for me :p
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
I don't think so..? Definitely not in public, I've had arguments with friends I made here, but it's a different thing. I think everyone on my dash is largely chill and has moved on past the disk horse or whatever the fuck
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
16. do you like tag games?
That and 'reblog and put your opinion on X \ what you did today' is always really fun, I <3 being annoying about minor details in my boring life (also I'm literally doing one rn, aren't I)
17. do you like ask games?
Yes, but I never get any asks, so I don't reblog them too often. :]
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@/ositia, they're a very good artist and I miss seeing them around
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I have only had two crushes in my life, and one of them was on a former mutual I've drifted apart from. I know he won't be reading this cause he blocked me, but I still think about him and I hope he's moved to a nice enough place, at least :")
20. tags
uuugh just do this if you want to
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♱  DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Shuu | Dark 5½  ♱
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⌜ Scene: School Courtyard ⌟
ー The school bell chimes. ー
Yui: Aah!
Time for class again, Shuu-san. Let’s get going, so we’re not late… Again.
Shuu-san? Where did you go?
( I could have sworn he was right here, with me. )
( No good… Don’t tell me he disappeared after hearing the bell. )
Pwahh… Is he avoiding me so he doesn’t have to go?
???: That shouldn’t be surprising.
Yui: E-Eh!?
ー Ryuuto suddenly appears by Yui. ー
( This guy! He’s… )
Ryuuto-san, right? That one that approached me at that house…
Ryuuto: The very same.
You seem surprised that we’ve crossed paths again, although I’m pleased to know that you’ve remembered my name, at the very least.
Yui: It’s hard to f-forget someone sneaking up on you like that…
( Something about how he’s looking at me tells me he’s up to no good… )
…Anyway, I think I better be on my way to class.
ー He blocks her path. ー
Ryuuto: I admire your desire to learn, although…
Missing class for but a few minutes won’t hurt; Stay for a little chat, will you? There is oh-so important business for us to touch on, after all.
Yui: What are you talking about?
Ryuuto: You see… I’m here to offer you a second chance.
I’m not too happy with how things between us left off, choosing the eldest Sakamaki – of all people – to care for you. It was foolish.
Yui: W-Well… I made my decision, and that was Shuu-san.
Ryuuto: Why decide upon him, I wonder?
Yui: Why not?
( Something tells me Ryuuto-san wouldn’t have been at all better… )
Ryuuto: Fufu, it should be obvious enough by this point already.
I’ve observed, how you’ve been disregarded by him on multiple occasions. Despite your gold-hearted attempt to do what is best for him.
Don’t you feel used, already?
Firstly, that kiss… and that bath incident. Of course, that’s not to mention his perverted assault upon your ears, with that “music” of his.
Yui: Y-You… know about all that!? How…
Ryuuto: …Fufufu.
Being tossed aside, used as nothing more than lewd entertainment, in such a perilous situation… Surely it is nothing short of difficult, no?
Alas, that happens to be just the sort of person Shuu is. One to disregard any and all responsibility he has, just for his own amusement.
So, why not place your trust into someone far more sensible?
Yui: That’s…
━─┉┈◈ Selection ◈┈┉─━
  ❈  I can handle myself ( ♥ )
Yui: I appreciate your concern, I think, but…
Besides that… weird behaviour of his, I’m sure I can handle myself with Shuu-san. S-So there is no reason to be looking out for me.
Ryuuto: You may have made your bed, but you need not lie in it, Pet.
Yui: Look, I’m confident that I’ll do just fine…!
  ❈  No, thank you
Yui: Do you mean… someone like you?
I think I-I’m fine as is, thank you…
Ryuuto: You don’t seem to say that with much conviction.
Yui: At the end of the day, you’re both Vampires. S-So what sort of difference would it even make, picking you?
You can’t expect me to take this sort of leap blindly…!
Ryuuto: You can doubt my words all you like, though you’ll soon come to regret it; He’s an irresponsible one, Shuu. Mercilessly irresponsible.
And, I have no doubt that it might just get you killed.
Yui: But… It’s like Shuu-san said, there are those “special orders”. Right?
I’m not allowed to be killed; Why would he go against his own words?
Ryuuto: Would you take that chance?
Yui: ( And trust you instead? )
Ryuuto: You underestimate those people’s savagery, it seems.
ー Ryuuto creeps closer to her. ー
Once they catch scent of Her blood that runs through your veins… Fufu, you’ll be torn limb from limb in their frenzy; They’ve never been good at sharing.
Yui: “Her” blood…?
ー He grasps onto her arm. ー
Ryuuto: …Why not save yourself the grief, and choose me?
Yui: H-Hey…!
( He’s g-got such a tight grasp on my arm, suddenly! )
Ryuuto: Surely you know better than to trust these Sakamaki’s.
Is there not something deep within you that knows you would be safer elsewhere? A feeling… A voice, even, compelling you to say yes?
Yui: Ouch…
Ryuuto: You needn’t even let them know where you’ve run off you; We can head home right away, and you’ll be safe with me.
Yui: R-Ryuuto-san...!
You’re hurting me!!
ー He lets go of her arm. ー
Ryuuto: … …
Yui: Uu…
( I-I didn’t mean to raise my voice like that, but that really hurt! )
ー The second bell chimes, this time. ー
( …! The w-warning bell. )
Ryuuto: …I’m a patient man, but even I have my limits.
I’ll give you some time to reconsider, hm? Just don’t take too long doing so, before it becomes – ultimately – too late for you to be saved, Pet.
Yui: I…
I-I’m sorry, I need to get to class. Excuse me…!
ー Yui quickly runs off. ー
Ryuuto: … …
─────── ≪ °♛° ≫ ───────
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A friend of mine cobbled together a reading challenge for writers (and any other storyteller, really) to help us learn about worldbuilding.
I’ve just finished the first book for the challenge this year, so I though I would write a bit about what I learned from it, what I can take from it, etc.
“Marr, that’s a book report.”
Okay, so it’s a book report. What’s wrong with book reports?
Anyway, I started with a collection of Japanese fairy tales, mostly because I had it on my shelves anyway because I picked it up a few years ago at Kinokuniya and hadn’t gotten around to it, and I wanted to expose myself more to different folktales from different cultures.
I think this counts for this challenge for the following reasons:
So many writers use folktales to explain the myth or backstory of their worlds. So many. Being able to understand how they’re structured and written is, thus, very important
Folktales are really valuable at showing what a culture values, especially with the ones that have lasted through centuries or millennia: these are things that resonate with their cultures and have messages older generations want to pass on
They often show a certain image of how a culture views their own past (ahistorical as it often is)
There are so many references to these things to build on
So let’s get into the actual book!
I have to say, I’m not...the biggest fan of this book. Aside from the mess of typoes/grammar errors/spelling/etc. in the book, there’s a certain kind of...dumbing down of a lot of the cultural aspects. I suspect this is the way the editor chose to translate stories, thinking it would better translate for kids of other cultures, but, well, I’m passingly familiar with a lot of vague folk creatures from Japan, and using “fairy” instead of “youkai” and changing some of the animals, etc., just felt off to me.
So I suppose that’s an important takeaway for this challenge: even someone from within the culture might end up removing elements they feel are too foreign or special or different when sharing it along with other people. It’s not only that outsiders misinterpret things: they’re given different versions. I can think of a bunch of ways to use that in fiction, even if I’m not sure I will.
Again, as I’ve been some sort of weird Japanophile since I was pretty young, I’m at least passingly familiar with a lot of the values Japan tends to elevate. Not all of them, and not in the same way a Japanese person would understand them, but I’ve been exposed to enough Japanese media and writing about and from Japanese people and the language itself to sort of have osmosis-ed a fair amount. But it’s very interesting to see how that plays out in folktalkes.
For example: almost none of the stories in that book focused on romantic love at all. It was almost entirely familiar between kids and their parents and their parents and their kids. One story ended with a marriage, but the happy part was introducing a kid to his grandfather before the grandfather passed, showing him his legacy was continuing. This is pretty distinct from all the princes and princesses in Western folktales getting married and falling deeply in love and proving it magically. There was basically no “in thankfulness to your service, you can marry my daughter!” It was “In thankfulness for your service, you will be well-known and well-taken care of, you’re awesome.”
There’s a lot of stories in which the hero doesn’t end up ruling anything or owning anything. The hero ends up serving his lord amazingly well,  and that’s the happy ending. And while we’re on that note: the female protagonists are not there to be Clever. The clever women tend to be antagonists, but the male protagonists are allowed to be clever. The Good Women are loving and faithful and kind and oftentimes just not very smart--but they’re so goodhearted no one cares. The ideal woman should be good at art and faithful to serving their men and lords and superiors, and not decide to do too much. But the Good Men are also loyal and devoted servants to their lords: it’s Just The Done Thing.
I know that might be a little twisted in retellings. Maybe the originals weren’t like this--plenty of European folklore has gotten twisted. But it seems to be at least one version shared now--one that they wanted to share with outsiders, even.
Additionally, there is no idea of “growing up and leaving the home” here...even the people who leave their home expect to return to it, not to find their fortunes elsewhere. And if they do find them elsewhere, they basically import their parents and families there with them to keep the family units intact. They do not forget about taking care of their parents: filial duty is important in Japan and legally enshrined in a way it isn’t here in America, and you can really see that. One Evil Stepmother is punished for her wicked ways by her child dying, not being injured or impoverished or whatever. She lost her child, because that was the most valuable thing she had.
So: a lot of stuff I kind of already knew, but I got to see it played out here in folktales in a new way, which was cool. And see different kinds of folktales: sure, they’re all kind of set “a long time ago”, there’s still demigods and lots of sentient animals and gifts from Supernatural Beings--but the people do different things, are punished for different things, and have different goals.
I think in general that’s an important thing to remember in writing anything: the narrative in your head that first occurs to you doesn’t have to be the way it goes. And if you’re writing more than one culture interacting, they’re going to class, and these are some of the places and subtle ways they can clash.
That aside: there are a few stories that are rather similar...there’s more than one about a a daughter with an Evil Stepmother and navigating that and being Good despite abuse. There’s handful of very colonialist narratives about defeating rebelling peoples (and one explicitly naming the Ainu people...yikes) and “uniting” peoples under them. Not a lot on actually...how to treat the people under them, or what any of their governance looks like...just people like them because they’re the ruler, obvs.
There’s my brief book report today. More will be forthcoming as I work through the rest of these. Perhaps this was enlightening to you. Perhaps not. Perhaps it gave you something to think about at least.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hi Quil! I would probably rank Stellarlune at a 4, or more specifically, 4.5? Also, I had a few random thoughts/questions: 1) How would you rewrite Stellarlune?/What would make the book more enjoyable for you? 2) I also like the "tl" sound, especially in the word "axolotl". It's a cool name for a cool aniaml! 3) If you listen to musicals, which ones are you favorite? - Amethyst
oh shoot, I thought I responded to this already! Whoops! Anyway, thank you for the data, that's a big help with how I'm doing things--and for anyone wondering about the survey I promise I am working on going through it and will share everything, I just had two big projects one after the other and that took priority. As for those other questions...
1, this is very personal and subjective, but I would've handled sokeefe differently. I wasn't a fan of how it played out, so I think I would make it more drawn out. Felt way too fast for the pace the rest of the series set. Aside from that, I think it's less a manner of rewriting Stellarlune itself and instead setting up the rest of the series for it better. I personally felt that a lot of what happened/was important (elysian, a seventh element, that 2 week cosmic event) was not properly hinted at in previous books to make it flow. I understand the point of the caches is that it's secret, but I feel like there needs to be something to make what happened in Stellarlune feel even remotely connected to everything else.
Then again, someone phrased it really well in the survey that Stellarlune is better as part of the series' arc than as an individual book (paraphrasing them). And I've said that it felt incomplete, like the big finale is taking longer (which is normal) so it got split between 2 books, so I want to wait for the next one to fully judge it.
oh but also I'd 100% change how Keefe was found. That sucked real bad. won't be like "hmm personal preference and waiting to see what happens next" nah that was straight up Bad. Speaking of, I'd also make him stay away longer so it has more of an impact. Huh. Turns out several of my thoughts revolve around how Keefe was written, but also there was a good bit of focus on him so, more to judge. Characterization did seem a bit weird this book, but that's another "I'm waiting to see how this plays out" situation, so.
2, It is a cool name! I always get tripped up on the pronunciation though, because there's the really common axe-uh-lot-ul pronunciation, but axolotl is from the classical nahuatl language which is more like ash-uh-lo-tl (the tl being either a t or the specific tl sound from that language and those similar, not like an english tl) I'm not spelling it out well but like, very different, and they compete in my head! I'm also not a qualified source for this I just find language interesting and have looked briefly into Nahuatl before. so take it with a grain of salt
3, I have listened to musicals before, though I can't say I do so often. I don't think I have enough exposure to pick an adequate favorite, but I've enjoyed many songs from Beetlejuice? Oh my gosh I just found Shrek the Musical in my saved albums. my sister went through a brief phase a few years ago where she watched it on repeat for a few weeks, so I got some of it stuck in my head. Okay this one isn't strictly a music but it's in that vein, but I'm fond of The Producers! Very fun. Definitely recommend watching the movie. I've listened to more than that, but I'm forgetting them. I'd like to listen to more, though! Hadestown has been on my radar for a while, just haven't gotten to it quite yet! Do you have any you'd recommend?
Anyway, I thought I'd responded to this already, but apparently had only done so in my head! happens to me all the time, but thank you for the data and for the fun questions :)
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alphabet boy II
SYNOPSIS: college AU. Armin, your brilliant tutor, invites you over to his house for some studying. Naturally, you're nervous and he seems to be giving you a reason to be.
PAIRING: SCUMBAG!Tutor Armin x FEM!Reader
WARNINGS: half edited, noncon/dubcon, fingering, non-penetrative sexual content. gaslighting, manipulating,
A/N: really need the motivation to write again and I've been slacking on my multi-parters so here's a somewhat highly anticipated one. Armin fuckers, this is for you. non-Armin fuckers, I hope this converts you
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II. I.
“You’re not paying attention.”
You feel his voice right by the shell of your ear, and the proximity nearly makes you reel back in surprise but you manage to catch yourself.
“S-sorry” You apologize, wishing you didn’t stutter.
The thing is you’re just really out of your element. This is the first time you’ve been to Armin’s house for personal tutoring, and it was hard to focus on the material when his presence was so distracting.
It wasn’t like you were fantasizing about him or anything [well…]-you always tried to banish those thoughts as soon as it came. But still, being alone with an attractive boy with a disarming charm was causing some jitters. You felt like a shy middle schooler, on edge and jittery.
The last tutoring session in the library when he [basically] called you stupid plagued your mind. The memory of him feeling up your thighs lived in your head rent-free.
“Let’s take a break.” He sighs. Your heart drops at the noise of disappointment but you suppose it’s what you deserve.
You push your laptop lightly aside on the table, the bleak light straining your eyes, and ask for the bathroom. You just wanted to freshen up and be alone for a few seconds. The bathroom is meticulously clean, something even you knew was unexpected for a boy. You looked at yourself through the spotless mirror, scrutinizing every flaw.
You sigh, fiddling with your dress collar. Why you had tried dressing pretty for a boy so out of your league, he may as well be in Mars--you didn’t know.
When you return, there is a tall glass of lemonade waiting for you.
“Thought you might be thirsty.”
It’s a simple gesture that makes you blush so you thank him earnestly. Like the gentleman he is, he assures you it’s no problem. Not wanting to prolong the awkward silence, you compliment his apartment, “This is a really nice place. So much light and space.”
You’re babbling but he engages you regardless, and you two are mindlessly discussing the benefits of living at off-campus housing over dorming. His words are pleasant but there’s a sinking feeling within you as you notice he’s bored. Or maybe distracted was a better word.
“So, do you have a boyfriend? Or anyone you’re seeing?”
You nearly choke at the question uttered through a buttery voice.
“Oh um, not really.”
“Not really?”
You made a mental note to answer in definitives. Armin seemed the type to snuff out anything he reasoned as half-truths.
“No. I uh, don’t have a boyfriend.” And then you clarified a pin-drop later, “And I’m not seeing anyone either.”
The blond hums a playful tune that’s vaguely nostalgic.
“Have you ever had a boyfriend?”
You don’t understand the point of this line of incessant questioning, and can’t calm your heart rate.
“I-um, I don’t-“
Taking one look at your serious face, eyes rimmed with worry and cheeks pink, he laughs. It’s a startling sound like bell chimes.
“Relax. I just wanted to know if you had any experience.”
The sentence flies out of your mouth before you can even ponder it: “What do you mean by experience?”
It’s not his fault if he can’t hide the feral grin that crosses his mouth right at that moment. You can’t discern his expression as you’re staring at anywhere but him, so you don’t notice the uncontained excitement that glimmers in cerulean eyes.
“Let’s move to the couch. You’ll be more comfortable there.”
You think about saying that you’re fine wherever you are and didn’t really feel like changing positions, but he’s already striding towards the couch. So you start packing up the materials, before a clear voice calls out to you, “It’s okay. You don’t have to bring all that. Just bring your flashcards.”
You hoped that wouldn’t mean he’d quiz you, but that’s exactly what he meant to do.
“Law of diminishing returns.”
“Wait! I know that one!” You brightly exclaimed, “ Uhh..it gives way to the catch-up effect which means poor countries tend to grow more rapidly and they’ll one day essentially catch up with wealthier economies.”
The blond ran his hand through his hair before sighing. You could feel your heart drop. You were sure you were right. Was your answer wrong enough to cause exasperation?
“Stick with the formal definition next time. I didn’t ask for the theory based on the law.”
You pouted, and Armin couldn’t help but relish in how eagerly you sought his approval, like a puppy performing tricks to appease their master.
“You should sit closer. Can you even see the word?”
You moved closer to him, knees knocking into each other. He looks down at the completed set.
“Well, you didn’t do as bad as I expected.” Ouch. But maybe he meant it as a compliment?
“But,” the corners of his mouth curled, “I’d say you’re still struggling.” Never mind.
“T-this is a new chapter though. I don’t think we’ve even gone over it in class.”
Blue eyes narrow, and you wonder if he’s going to give the well-meaning spiel about how staying ahead was the only way to keep up. That mantra may work for someone with high ambitions and an extremely good work ethic but you were no well-oiled machine. You had other classes too!
“Why are you so defensive?”
Your eyes widen in surprise at the question, spoken so softly and casually, you almost miss the disdained lilt.
“Oh uh-“
“Listen to me. I quizzed you so I’m able to assert your skill level. And your response to my assertion is that it’s something you haven’t gone over in class yet. Do those things relate to each other at all?”
Meekly, you shift your attention to the rug.
“Answer me.”
“N-no”, you squeaked.
“And what have I always told you? The only way to keep up is to-“
“Stay ahead.” You finished, “I’m sorry, I just-“
“Did I say you could interrupt me?”
You could feel the blood rushing to your ears, unsure when the atmosphere had shifted. Your heartbeat was beating rapidly and you could feel your body go warm.
He sighed, and placed a hand over over your folded ones, squeezing your palms.
“You know I’m just looking out for you right? It almost feels like you don’t care-“
“No!” You exclaim, “I-I do.” Heat pools into your cheeks once you realize your grave mistake, “I-I’m sorry for interrupting you.”
The blond smiles radiantly and it nearly melts away all of your worries…until he opens his mouth to deliver another damning remark.
“You know, with your looks…you don’t really even have to graduate. Maybe choose an easy major and then get some rich husband to take care of you.” There’s a distinct lack of humor in his tone as if he wholeheartedly believed every word he was saying.
Your eyebrows furrow in blatant confusion, and in the back of your mind, danger signs are flashing at the back of your head. Your thighs are growing warmer. Oh no, this could not be happening right now.
“That’s what most girls’ dreams are anyways.” He inspects his spotless nails, “You chose this class because Ackerman’s attractive right? That’s why his class has such a high drop rate…silly girls join, not understanding how harsh of a grader he is.”
You open your mouth to defend yourself but the next inflammatory remark he spews almost sends you to shock, “Though I bet, if you got on your knees for him, you’d be getting an A on those finals.” He laughs as if he was saying something particularly amusing, an undercurrent of spite coloring his words, “You wouldn’t even need me as your tutor.”
There are a million things on the tip of your tongue but no voice to speak them out. You want to ask him why he’s been so weirdly invasive, what his weird hang-up with professor Ackerman was, and of course, the casual sexism was really throwing you in a loop. Still, you have no doubt Armin could beat you to a bloody pulp several times over in a verbal lashing, and your mind was too fragile to deal with this.
You’ll sign up for a new tutor or better yet no tutor. You’ll get over your social anxiety and join a study group. You’ll go to all of Professor Ackerman’s office hours. Anything had to be better than this. You’re giving yourself this pep talk in your head but there’s no denying that your legs feel warm, and the self-improvement speech is withering away in your mind as it seeks to instead process how Armin fucking Arltert is touching you right now.
He pins you against the cushions, one hand locking both of your wrists. You’re shaking but your pupils are blown out wide.
He smirks, “There’s an excellent stress reliever for studying you know.”
You limp in his hold but the cocky attitude behind his words brings you back. You thrash under him, earning an annoyed growl from the blond.
“I’ve been so fucking patient with you, you know? Planning out your study guides, sharing my notes with you, proofreading homework, going over the mock exams—don’t you think I deserve a little compensation?”
“I-I’m sorry.”
He's right. He's right. Armin actually has done so much for you. Maybe it was too easy to take for granted because of how efficient he was, and how he acted like it was nothing. But right now, nothing really was everything.
He smiles. Yeah, this is who you were. Add just a little bit of pressure and you crumble. That flash of bravery from before was nothing but a petulant outburst from a child who didn’t know any better.
Armin coos, “Isn’t it a little embarrassing to be a virgin at your age?”
With unbridled precision, while he’s still holding your lower body down with the weight of his legs, he unbuckles his belt and ties it around your strained wrists. Red fills your face, and like always, you’re struggling to find the right words to respond. To say anything at all. Most of all, you can feel a wetness building at your core.
“I know the way you look at me, you know.” He kisses the dip of your neck, slender fingers splayed from under your shirt, “I know you’re into this.”
And because he is a scientist who must have evidence to back up his hypothesis, his hands find themselves under the waistband of your floral skirt that you foolishly wore, pushing the cure pastel underwear aside. You’re writhing in his grasp but maybe not as much as you should be, but it’s not your fault your movements are sluggish right?
“You have such a funny habit of not deleting your windows and keeping your bookmarks open.”
You freeze.
“This entire time I thought you were some prudish virgin even though you dress like a whore. Someone with who I had to be gentle. But all that fucking porn you read? Nasty. Is that why you need help in this class?” He punctuates slowly, "Because you're wasting your brain for something else?"
Immediately, you remember how you left your laptop on the table. You remember how many times he used your computer to double-check the notes, and you trustingly let him, forgetting that despite deleting your tabs, the hidden windows of steamy erotica were not yet erased out of their existence. Embarrassment violently paints your body.
He doesn’t wait or care for your response as he starts a vigorous assault on your clit with his slender finger, rubbing up and down in a vicious manner. The second finger prods at your entrance, feeling a tight cavern despite the amount of slick collected. Your eyes roll back in pleasure-is this what being with someone is like?
Stop. Get a hold of yourself. Why are you so fucking horny right now? It doesn’t matter what Armin said about you or how he called you out for the fiction you’ve read, because this is real life. But Christ, it’s Armin, the boy you’ve had a crush on since the moment he explained to you what a marginal abasement curve was. Stupidly handsome Armin with a gentle voice and too-blue oceanic eyes. Stupidly handsome Armin who coerced you into being under him.
You’re so fucking warm and tight, and Armin can’t wait to sink himself inside of you, can’t wait to humiliate you further. With nimble fingers he untied the ribbons of your dress like you were a Christmas present, groping your soft mounds and marking up your collarbone with teeth and tongue. Crystalline tears roll down the side of your face. You really shouldn’t be crying when you’re this wet.
“So fucking funny how you can’t look at me in the eye when we have a conversation but you read the filthiest fucking smut I’ve ever seen.”
taglist: @candy-hime
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meetmymouth · 3 years
ooh I think #7 and #17 from the blurb list would fit very well together! if you want!
prompt list here, send a number!!
#7 If we both want to fit, we’ll have to cuddle
#17 Sleeping in the same bed for the first time
"This is my room," comes a gruff voice behind you as you keep looking out the window, taking in the greenery and the beautiful ocean.
See, you knew he would be here.
You knew, because Harry and Mitch were attached at the hip, and you didn't mind. You didn't mind seeing your ex every time you were invited to hang out with MitchandSarah & co, except when said ex decided to be an evil arsehole.
Perhaps, calling him an "ex" was weird, seeing how your time alone only consisted of you both getting high, mostly naked as he whispered the filthiest things in your ear and promised to make you feel good, be the best you've ever had. Other than that, though, he was an insufferable bastard. Since you never hung out with the man without your friends around–getting rat-arsed and high... and the activities that followed aside–, you didn't know if he was always this annoying.
He seemed to be getting along just fine with the others, especially Sarah and the other girls, so you had no problems scratching off the "women hater" off your list. And you can't ever recall him being this insufferable while you both were fucking which was, in his case, miserable. So, it was definitely annoying. You weren't that interested in him to think that he was being mean because he was secretly in love with you. That was a myth, a pathetic myth, wasn't it? No, you wouldn't steep that low. He was just an arse, full stop.
You turn around with an eye-roll, and within seeing his face, you nearly clench your fists like a ten-year-old. "Do you live here?" You ask, hoping the boring expression on your face is also detectable in your tone.
It's certainly not a surprise when Harry scoffs.
"I don't, but I picked this room first. Since, you know," he looks around, and walks further into the room, finally stopping at the feet of the bed. "You were late. As per."
"Oh fuck off. This isn't summer camp. Besides, I don't see any of your shit around. The room was empty when I arrived."
"If you bothered to look inside the wardrobe..."
Seriously, you find yourself thinking, how the fuck did you ever end up with this man. Naked.
There's a commotion downstairs, so you both turn to the door, but much to your dismay, there's no one coming to check up on you and hopefully, save you from Harry Styles' pathetic gob.
You turn towards the window again, eyes squinting briefly at the last bits of sunshine that's glinting from between the branches.
"Well. You shouldn't have left then. You weren't here when I arrived."
Harry shakes his head, and you swear you can see his nostrils flaring if you look carefully. Though, you just watch him with a smug smile on your face as he walks to the wardrobe and pulls open the white doors. True to his word, his clothes are there, perfectly folded, and for a moment you feel a pang of guilt before you look back up at his face and see the furrowed eyebrows.
"See. My clothes. I'm sure Sarah will sort it out for you, find you another room or summat."
"There's only three bedrooms. Can't sleep with a pregnant woman and her boyfriend, can I?"
"What about Rachel and David? Aren't you best friend's with her?"
"Harry, you're ridiculous. Just–" you wipe the sweat off of your forehead, feeling yourself grow hotter and hotter each passing minute. "–just sleep on the sofa. This is my first vacation this year. You go on holidays every week or so. Let us commoners have this."
"Oh, please. Didn't you have a girls weekend getaway or whatever the fuck in Soho Farmhouse two weeks ago?"
You can't help the scoff that leaves your mouth, and a raised eyebrow follows. "How do you know about that?"
"Because," he rolls his eyes, and slams the wardrobe shut. "You post seven hundred stories every day."
"You're a stalker."
"You sleep on the sofa."
You smirk, noticing how he avoided your previous statement.
To be fair, you hated posting on your story. Though, knowing Harry followed you on Instagram made posting on there fun, and seeing his username on the list of who watched your stories pop up at the very top every single time whenever you posted a story almost made you let out a mingy little laugh and rub your hands together, and scream "gotcha!".
"I won't."
"You're getting on my nerves."
"What a coincidence," you ignore the stare he's sending your way and walk towards your carry on, and start taking the contents out one by one, laying everything on the bed.
He watches with a scowl on his face, arms crossed across his chest, and a satisfied smile paints your features as you take out the toiletries bag next.
"Are you seriously unpacking right now?" Harry cranes his neck so he can see better. He looks ridiculous, standing in the middle of the room with arms crossed, but you refrain from saying anything.
In fact, you don't even answer him. Perhaps, you find yourself thinking, it was silly to unpack your underwear first. It wasn't as if you brought super "sexy" shit or lace everything. You can definitely feel his gaze watching your every movement as you take everything out carefully and place them on top of each other. With most of your underwear in hand, you get on one knee in front of the bedside table and open the drawer, placing everything inside and it's surprising how he hasn't claimed the bedside table yet.
"Look," he sighs. "I'll talk to Sarah, maybe you can sleep with her and Mitch–"
"–don't be stupid we're not making them sleep with other people because you can't be a gentleman and sleep on the sofa."
"Oh for fuck's sake," he growls, and you finally look at him, eyebrows raised in hopes of making him feel as stupid as he sounds right now. Unfortunately, though, he continues, "Okay, damn it, I'll sleep on the floor."
"Common sense, Harry. Always pick sofa. No matter what."
"Were you born to make my life a living hell?"
"Look," you sit on the bed, and look around. "This is boring me to death. I'm sleeping on the bed. If you shut your gob, you can sleep with me on the bed."
Harry lets out an obnoxious laugh. "Just admit I was here first and you didn't bother checking the–"
"Yes, I didn't and what about it? I'm here now, aren't I? I'm on the bed, babes. Anyway," you get on your feet, and with one last look at him, you start walking towards the door. "I'll see you in a bit. I guess."
You both manage to avoid each other as much as you can throughout the day, and really, it wasn't that hard considering the good company of your friends, good food and good alcohol. You mainly helped Sarah and Rachel in the kitchen as the men lounged on the sun loungers, Mitch handling the grill and David helping you guys with the drinks that came in and out of the house pretty quickly with the way you lot consumed them like water.
You spend the night eating, laughing and drinking, sometimes singing along to whatever song played on David's fancy Bluetooth speaker, and everyone begins ushering inside with full bellies and most of them–except the very pregnant Sarah–with a tipsy smile on their faces.
You leave before Harry though, leaving him smoking his last cigarette by the pool while you run up the stairs and into the room, closing the door behind you. You quickly get rid of the romper and get your favourite pyjamas on, eyes searching for the orange makeup bag so you can take off the remaining makeup before bed. You knew it was silly not to do your night routine, but you still zip the bag closed with a sad expression on your face, not wanting to see your toner and night cream any more than you needed to as you throw it on the floor next to your bags. It's pathetic really, how determined you are to get in the bed before Harry can that you forego your whole routine and stick to some cotton pads. Though, plugging your charger and getting between the cool sheets make you forget all about it as you let out a sigh, and unlock your phone to do your nightly scroll before falling asleep.
As you double tap on a selfie, the door opens, and you hear him scoff, again. You keep scrolling though, and try to sneak a few glances at him as he makes a beeline for the wardrobe, and to your surprise, begins to undress. You try to stay calm, and not to think about how domestic this whole thing seems; being in the same room as him as he gets ready for bed.
Right, getting ready for bed.
You keep your eyes on your phone as his clothes hit the floor one by one, and when you look up briefly, he's got a pair of joggers on, and he's throwing the clothes he had on in the wardrobe.
He turns around, and find your gaze, and he rolls his eyes.
"I knew you'd be in bed, here, as soon as I heard someone running. Forgot you were a literal five-year-old," he mutters under his breath, loud enough so you can still hear him. "I'm not sleeping on the sofa."
"I love how you're basically arguing with yourself."
"Like I said, I'm not sleeping on the sofa. I didn't come all the way to sleep on a bloody sofa."
"Suit yourself. I guess we're sharing. Unless," you lock your phone, and place it on the bedside table. "You want to share," you shrug, adjusting your pillow and sigh at the cool fabric against your hot cheeks.
You can feel him thinking, the wheels turning in his head, and you finally hear the floorboards creek underneath his feet as he walks closer to the bed, and pushes the sheets off of you. The whole thing.
You blink in surprise. "Stop it, dude! What the fuck."
"I'm getting in! Fuck's sake, be quiet."
"You did that just to annoy me."
You're both quiet for a minute, Harry taking his rings off and then comes his socks, and he finally copies you, laying on his back on the bed. He covers the both of you, though you know it's not intentional since he couldn't do it without covering his own body with the duvet, and then he lets out a strangled sigh.
"The bed's too small."
"Are you calling me fat?"
"What?" He turns his face to you, and perhaps it's the first time he's looking at you– really looking.
His brows are furrowed, and lips turned downwards in a pout.
"I'm taking the piss, Harry. I know you're not calling me fat."
"Good," he says, though his voice isn't exactly soft. "I wouldn't."
It's unbearable.
Despite the hot weather, you feel yourself shiver, and you wish you were the only one in bed so you could do the whole burrito technique with the duvet. Alas... you stay where you are. You both do.
A dog barks in the distance, the high-pitched bark coming through the open window, and you can feel Harry breathing too fast beside you. You want to shout at him, tell him to fuck off and... not breathe too fast, though it sounds a bit too rude even for you, so you stay silent and wait for the dog to pipe the fuck down.
You try to turn on your side, because you could never see yourself fall asleep laying on your back like a vampire, but you almost fall, not anticipating the tiny space you've got going on. It's bad, and you know you're not going to get a good sleep. So, you find yourself contemplating about getting up and sleeping on the sofa because honestly, fuck him.
Harry shuffles next to you, presumably trying to find a good position to sleep in himself, but he lets out a groan and it startles you.
"What's wrong with you!"
"The bed's too fucking small."
"We've established that."
He sniffs, hands clenching the sheets around his body. "I don't sleep on my back. My back hurts."
You don't say anything, hoping for him to just get up and leave, go sleep on the sofa. He doesn't, though. It's another fifteen minutes before you let out another sigh, trying to get comfortable on the bed, and Harry copies you. You both turn on your sides, facing each other and Harry groans when your knee makes contact with his thigh, making you cringe in embarrassment. A quiet sorry leaves your mouth and he shakes his head, then turns the other way, facing the door.
"Fuck," he spits after a minute. "If we both want to fit, we'll have to cuddle."
"Cuddle? Fuck no."
"Just," he turns to you again, but the bed is too small for you both so his knees touch yours. "Just come closer. Either that, or go sleep on the sofa."
"Why don't you–"
"You're so stubborn! Come closer, I won't eat you or fall in love with you. Fuck."
You groan, but oblige for some reason, feeling your heart beginning to beat faster for some ridiculous reason.
It's been a long time, you find yourself trying to convince your heart. It's been a long, long time since you've been this close to a human being. Too long since you've cuddled with someone, so obviously you were going to feel a little excited, and weird. Yes, definitely weird.
You get closer and he lifts up his arm, you both sharing a look before you roll your eyes and place your hand on his wrist, placing it on your hip. He's quiet, eyes searching yours, and the crease between his brows are gone, and you want to laugh, because who knew it only took your skin against his to wipe that stupid grimace off of his face.
"I still think you're annoying," Harry mumbles, clearly sleepy. His hold on your hip becomes tighter as his thumb strokes your skin over the fabric.
"I know. Just shut up and sleep."
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lordtraco-fanfics · 3 years
More Soul Eater AU ideas but for Legends Arceus:
(this has devolved into me practically outlining a fic, apologies.)
(using They/them Akari as placeholder for player character Akari or Rei. ALSO SPOILERS FOR PLA ENDING)
Akari is a meister of sorts. They can unknowingly resonate with the help of the Arc Phone
Between their soul pulsing out their good intentions and the balms reminding the Nobles of their wardens, the frenzies can be quelled
Ingo feels a kinship with Akari, but also a drive to protect them. He chalks it up to them being a child. Of course everyone wants to protect a child.
Ingo doesn't remember being a weapon shifter, but instincts take over when a meister is in danger.
Akari once fell from very high up in the Highlands, only to be caught by Ingo. Neither were certain how the blades in his arms showed up, but said blades dug into the cliff and kept them both from continuing the fall so...
It didn't last long. Soon they both slipped and-
And Akari was alone, falling again but now had a knife? Something told them to jab it into the cliff
The two had only one goal: protection. Their souls matched wavelengths and intensified until the simple knife scratching at the rock face glowed red.
It partly melted the rocks, allowing for a slowed descent, yet the heat didn't affect Akari at all.
I chose cyndaquil, so I like to think Akari has a fiery soul.
Could do three separate scenes...
Rowlet-choice Akari finds vines growing where the blade touches and is able to grab on
Oshawatt-choice Akari finds the blade darkening and with a single hit at just the right crevice, is able to abruptly stop their fall. (Ceaseless Edge)
No matter how, Akari safely gets down and Ingo transforms back. Despite many questions, he's unable to answer any or repeat the experience
Plus they've gotta beat up an alpha
They both put the mystery aside until the sky breaks and Akari is banished.
Ingo finds Akari and wordlessly becomes a blade once more for them. As a pearl clan warden, he cannot assist. But as a knife he can at least be sure they won't fall again.
It takes a while for Akari to realize the knife is for left-handed use and not just Weird (the knife is a human person, it's already Weird)
"I want to tape you to a roomba." "A what?" "You can talk? As a knife?" "We're derailing here, Akari, what in the world is a roomba?"
Ingo just be chilling through the red chain fetch quest. I'd like to imagine that Azelf gets them both so annoyed that they resonate out of shared frustration.
They're able to lob a gigaton ball as if it were a jet ball thanks to the resonance. It bonks Azelf on the head.
Ingo stays with them even through to the dialga/palkia fight, but deflecting attacks and resonating keeps bringing back wisps of memories and it's distracting them both.
"I must decouple from this train. It was an honor, Akari." Ingo transforms back and shields them from an attack while they ready another balm.
A second of hesitation leads to a quick hug from Ingo. "I'm proud of the heights you've climbed. Set your course to victory on the Singles Train now and we'll battle again."
Akari defeats Dialga/Palkia alone.
Ingo stays at the Training Grounds and refuses to speak on what happened, focused only on facilitating pokemon battles.
(he's remembered just enough for it to really hurt. He misses two people dearly but knows he can't reach them. All he can do is lose himself in pokemon battles)
Akari is crushed but makes a lot of time to battle him anyways. It seems to cheer him up at least a little.
Their training pays off when facing Volo and Giratina.
Finally after catching Arceus, Akari and Ingo are allowed to return home.
Ingo's timing is impeccable because it's just as his brother and Elesa are about to get their butts handed to them
Akari does end up finding Ingo again after returning home. They get to hold Emmet in knife form for all of one second before "Roomba?" "Make me Stabby the Roomba! :)"
Chaos duo Akari and their immediately-adopted uncle Emmet are immune to Parental Glares from Ingo and Elesa.
Aunt Elesa teaching Akari a random assortment of modeling tips, meister stuff, and how to become a gym leader. They listen, never really bringing up that they're already a Champion back home. More fun to be Just a Kid in Unova than the Champion of Sinnoh or the Hero of Hisui.
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