#anyway my mum's insane lol
Ok, had an outright delusional conversation with my mum about ted lasso and this is what she said: what's the point of colin coming out in the grander scheme of things? Why is trent's presence at richmond relevant to the plot? Trent ultimately being there to help colin through his coming out is sweet and inspiring but, on its own, it doesn't drive the big plot, only creates a new sideplot. So, what is it's relevance to the main plot/character? How is colin coming out and trent helping him relevant to richmond, relevant to ted? She said it implies ted goes on some sort of self discovery journey that mirrors colin's and with all the gay stuff happening it's not a huge mental leap to assume ted starts to question his sexuality too once he hears about the experience of being closeted from someone going through a coming out. And she specifically said this is seeded in ted's relationship with sassy: even though sassy seems to show genuine interest in him (whether that's romantic or purely sexual) ted always seems to go along with it mindlessly, without questioning if it's what he really wants/needs in that moment. He uses their relationship as a distraction from his depressive episodes but never genuinely seems interested in sassy as a romantic/sexual partner. So what would happen if he started to question his encounters with her? What would happen if he started to question where the selective disinterest is coming from? Would he find it's only because he just can't let go of michelle? Or is it because he can't let go of the expectation surrounding these encounters? He's never had to answer such questions because he's been with michelle from such a young age. What if he started to explore encounters he DOES find genuine interest in and what if he finds the encounters are unexpected and scary, similarly to colin pre coming out? What if trent helps colin, but ultimately, inadvertently, importantly, helps TED in his journey to self-acceptance and colin is just the spark to light the fire? It's so big brained cause it ties most of ted's struggles together so neatly: his struggle with his marriage, with who he is outside of the marriage, with why he's always felt he needed to justify his presence with 'being curious, not judgemental', his relationship with sassy and trent and most importantly his father, ESPECIALLY as we might learn about trent's relationship with his father
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caruliaa · 2 years
why the actualy fuck did i listen to a song from godaam dear even hanson. and why is it actually making me feel kindof bad about myself.
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getoutofmytardis · 6 months
insane that i’m the biggest disappointment of a child for smoking weed but the child that’s emotionally abusive is fine
#i??? do not understand my parents#like ok yes it is bad that my room smells of weed and is messy#but!#feels real fucking weird that my mum gets more upset with me about that than my sister being the literal devil incarnate#and not in a fun way#like dinner last night i literally did not say a single word bc me. just speaking. apparently triggers izzy and i think i literally just#acknowledged a joke being made and she started her whole. you need to leave. get out. you’re the problem. everyone hates you. shtick#and my mums response is can you just be nice to each other#???????????#GIRL I DIDNT DO A FUCKING THING#I KNOW YOU DONT LIKE CONFLICT AND THE CONFLICT APpArENtLy ONLY OCCURS WHEN IM PRESENT#(it doesn’t. she’s even worse to my mum but mum never. fucking does anything about it#which yeah i do get bc defending urself or literally just saying or reacting in anyway than what The Devil wants you to ends up a mess)#but maybe use two fucking braincells and realise i’m not the worst one here??#i’m actually gonna go insane#also it’s like. lowkey so funny that mums disappointed bc she thinks i haven’t been smoking for months#which i have!! u just haven’t fuckin realised it bestie!! so maybe the reason i am being depressed and useless rn is related to uhh the#fucking demon that’s living in the house again???#not because weed is so evil and brain rotting??#also like i do completely get how silly of me it is to blame everything on my sister when i am aware that my mum hates me smoking weed and#i shouldn’t get a free pass just because my sister is worse than me#but also.#i would like a free pass:(#basically! i should move out lol#but unfortuately i have spent all of my savings#can’t wait to spend 12 hours in the car with all of them tomorrow!!#ah you know when u look back at the times you were gonna kill urself and wish you just fucking did#vent post
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loveireandblog · 1 year
When I'm tired + when I'm sick + when I'm drunk , every feeling that I am in some way disfigured melts away cos the other stresses get strong PLUS right this has been a thing , therapy realm fr but I'll keep it concise, since I was a kid before it got insane like from "wow if I get a cut...it bleeds. And heals. Like others?" (Throw in self harm )And now oh my god the delight in seeing myself get old I'm like woahhh me toooo???? Its SO weird lol. Disassociation but also just . Fracture
#So yes I have this odd energy that's cos right hear me out#...not normal lmao#I have HATED This pain but its involved Me just being like right . That's it.#Anyway yea weird how if ur treated subhuman u will do it to yourself sooo weird#My childhood ...there was a year I didn't have proper toilet access living in a freezing conservatory that made extremities purple#hatto is like I can tell mum and dad I'm gay they're liberal and I'm like Excuse Me#Their evil is within them...think abt how they treated me#Mum was so physically violent w me#They could remember and wld casually bring it up and then she'd get angry at me for telling them when I hadn't#And they ask her abt it now for their cohesion ...dani said a few days ago#And she denies it all...it was a) real b) happening LMAO#What is this denial and gaslightinh its fucking insane#It's like the rapes! i literally the rapes atleast and her precious bro ..atleast it had a bit more played out solid story n made me leave#All this residue I'm forced to look at I'm so tired#The woman threw knives at me and I have a mark on my eyeball from when she threw me n the door handle hit my eye#And ur saying she never hit- lol#And I CANT AFFORD THERAPY#THIS WORLD MAn#Why me#Gonna go listen to blaketheman1000#The way I don't care that harm is behind me but the feelings n reminders alongside my siblings I can't build up I feel so bad#Tbt last April then I went on those holidays 😫 lord#No ofc I can build up but I can't talkkk abt it#But it's their reality. Actively
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decapitatedsnake · 22 days
My little (to no) context reaction to the wisdom saga 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
(I couldn't stay up to watch the live so I'm just listening to the music = no animatics)
[30th of august 14:58]
. I mean I've already heard legendary but I'm excited
. Gorgeous music, I feel transported into like ancient greece
. This sounds amazing
. The guy who voices Telemachus (MICO?) is adorable
. I don't like the riffs but he sounds good
. Telemachus deserves the world
. "L-l-l-l egendary"
. 108??!
. Isn't he like 13 here? (anywhere from 12-15 i feel like)
. I don't think we got a snippet of the ending
. I can't tell if they said 12 or 20
."BOY" Lowkey scared me
. Antinous didn't come to play DAYUM
. This is insane
. "Whatcha gonna do about it champ?" Jorge was totally right Ayron is such a good Antinous
. Awwww he can't do anything :<
. Wait?
Little wolf
. I love Antinous's voice
. I really loved the snippets for this one
. "I'll teach you all the lessons your daddy never could" it's on sight actually
. And little wolf is just so ughh I wanna punch him
. And he👏is👏a 👏bully👏
. Her voice is stunning
. The animatics are gonna go so hard
. Awww
. Oh he lost??
. Telemachus:((
. I mean yeah why did she come to your aid?
We'll be fine
. We only got Teleys bit so I'm excited
. Oo start with Athena
. Don't make me cry
. "He was a lot like you" gee I wonder why
. "Or if hes worth the hype but" > " I don't know what he's like"
. Fair enough
. And they changed "Cuz I got in a fight, sailed to an island when I've never left home shores"
. Okay it's been less than 5 minutes please refrain on the whole "friend" thing rn lol
. God telemachus voice (I can't shut up they're such good singers"
. DUET!!!!
. Kid? Is he twenty or 12 I can't tell
Love in paradise
. CALYPSO MY LOVE (only the epic version though) [Ik it's up to interpretation but for me she doesn't sa him in this version]
. She's my wife 🙂 anyway 🤨
. Oh shit love in paradise is athena watching, not Odysseus's experience
. Like this is when they first met and Calypso and Odysseus have been together for 7 years
. YEAH I SAID THAT, before the song did
. Wtf I am not emotionally stable enough for this
. Open..... arms.. BRO
God games
. Ooo very grand
. Athena get him PLEASE
. She's about that business
. "and me" 😎
. That is not how I thought Apollo would sound
. He's batting for the sirens?? Um Ig that makes sense
. Oh Heaphestus I totally thought that aphrodite was next
. Well she's level 3 anyway
. Wait Apollo and Heaphestus are very reasonable, good for them
. Athena's voice is new?
. Hmm she rerecorded but they didn't
. Don't fuck with Telemachus in front of Athena
. "Ughh release him"
. NO
. WHAT???
. WHAT'S going on
. The music is telling me she like survived whatever his ambush was
. Zeus....
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
I feel like everyone is scared about the finale lol
Eeeppp Part One baby let’s go!! I’m so excited for this! Three parts over three days! It’s all been leading towards this!
Warnings: Major TW for domestic abuse. MAJOR TW for child abuse. Domestic violence, trauma, Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Platonic Jake Seresin x F!reader
Word Count: 6.1k
-> Read Terms Of Endearment From The Beginning: Series Finale Part One | Part Two | Part Three
You had spent all day staring at the ceiling, making friends with the shadows on your wall. You had spent all night hearing voices in your head—your own subconscious telling you that you should get some sleep, because tomorrow might be good for something. 
You had to hold on, but you felt like you were headed straight for a mental breakdown. As you heard the doorknob turn from the outside of your bedroom, you knew exactly why you felt the way you did. 
“Seresins here.” Jaidyn hissed as he stood in the doorway. He’d had you locked in the bedroom the pair of you shared for two days. It had been a punishment for the fact you couldn’t get your newborn to stop crying. Odette was having trouble latching, Jaidyn couldn’t stand her squealing, couldn’t stand how utterly hopeless you were at being a mother. He’d dragged you into the bedroom two days ago and took the door handle with him. So that’s exactly where you and your newborn baby girl stayed for two whole days. “Don’t try anything stupid or I swear to fucking god Y/n I’ll beat the ever living Christ out of you and that parasite daughter of yours.” 
All you did was nod silently in response as you cradled your daughter to your chest and hurried out of the bedroom that had kept you contained for two entire days. Sure you had the ensuite, but those four bland walls were driving you insane. 
“There’s my two favourite girls!” Jake beamed as he held out a bunch of flowers for you. You were a new first time mum, in Jake's eyes you deserved to be showered with love, affection, appreciation and supported to the fullest. “You haven’t answered my calls the past two days, I was starting to get worried.” There was an underlying question in Jake's statement, the kind that wanted to know if you were alright. The kind of underlying undertone that made you want to scream to the heavens above that you needed help, that you’d become somewhat of a prison in your own home, in your own relationship. “You doing alright mama?” Jake kissed your cheek tenderly as he embraced you and looked down at the sleeping tot in your arms. “Hi baby girl.” 
When you didn’t answer immediately, Jaidyn cautiously pushed a framed photo of you and Jake off the hallway table that was situated just behind you. The crashing sound of the shattered picture frame made you jump with a gasp that evidently woke Odette up. She wasn’t sleeping well as it was and quite frankly neither were you between the isolation and malnourishment. Things weren’t alright, you weren’t alright, but you were too afraid to speak up. 
“S-Sorry—“ You stuttered out. Jake frowned at the way you looked so scared, how you held your two week old with all the protectiveness you had. “Just been a little busy with Dotty here, I’m fine, I promise.” 
“What’s a guy like you doing checking in on us on a Friday night anyway Seresin?” Jaidyn interrupted before Jake could press the conversation further. “Thought you would have had a hot date lined up or something?” 
“Nah, not tonight—“ Jake sighed, he was still trying to get a read on what your expression was trying to tell him. “Thought I’d stop by and help out, surely with a newborn around there'd be a bunch of things that I could do.” Within a split second of Jake offering to help, Jaidyn was on him. He came around to snake an arm around your shoulder and you forgot how to breathe, his touch brought pain and your body had connected that. 
“We’re fine, aren’t we darlin?” Jaidyn smiled before he leaned in to kiss your cheek. Through a painfully forced smile, you nodded. Terrified as to what may have happened if you didn’t. “No need Jake, really, we’re good.” It was as if Jaidyn was reminding you who you belonged to in the moment. 
“You should totally go out Jake, it’s me who had a baby, not you—“ You tried to settle the now fussy newborn in your arms but Jake could tell you were struggling. You weren’t okay and he knew it. There was something wrong but the last thing he ever thought would be wrong was Jaidyn himself. Jake thought it was postpartum. That’s why he was checking in—he knew you didn’t have a good relationship with your family, he knew you and Jaidyn had been on the rocks the last few months, it was none of his business but he knew, he knew that your circle was small. “I’m so fine, you really don’t have to do a welfare check—I’d tell you if I needed help.” It was lie after lie after lie. “But I really do appreciate that you came by, here—I’ll get you a drink and we can—“ 
“Don’t you remember?” Jaidyn interrupted. “We’ve got dinner at my buddies place at seven.” You knew there was no dinner, but you pretended the thought had slipped your mind. 
“Oh I totally forgot.” You pretended to be shocked at yourself. “Baby brain, what can I say.” Jake decided that seeing you alive was good enough for him, he trusted you enough to believe you’d tell him if you needed his help. He’d pump the breaks a little. Give you some space. “Maybe you can come round another time and we’ll have dinner together?” 
“You know where to find me.” Jake replied softly as he handed you the bunch of flowers he’d stopped by Sheldon’s Green Grocer to get you. You took them gently from his grasp and when your fingers touched his, you wanted to cry. It had been the first gentle touch you’d experienced in two days. “Please, if you need anything, I’m only a call away.” 
“I know.” You held yourself together as Jake said his goodbyes to Jaidyn. You knew the two were on rocky grounds but for your sake Jake played nice. He hated the fact Jaidyn hadn’t been there for the birth of your daughter. He hated how there were so many arguments he’d overheard and hated the way Jaidyn’s treated you. But you always had a defense, always had a reason to want to defend the guy. So he kept his options to himself. Because who was he to judge you. 
The second Jake shut the front door, Jaidyn. Locked it. He stood in the foyer of the house that had once been yours, he’d managed to take it from underneath you. It was his now. He’d forced you to sign that dotted line. 
“Room, now.” He barked as he snatched the bouquet from you. 
“I can settle her if you give me two minutes.” You pleaded but Jaidyn wasn’t having it. He wanted you to know that bringing that little girl into the world against his wishes was what had sealed your fate. 
“Go back to the bedroom, before I flog the ever living fuck out of you.” You didn’t fight back, you complied with his command to protect your daughter. You could recognise how quickly a bad situation was being critically insane. “Daddy dearest doing a drop by to see his fucking spawn doesn’t bode well for you—“ 
When you sat down on your side of the bed, Jaidyn stood before you as he pushed some of your hair behind your ear, the gentle touch was quickly followed by a harsh slap to the cheek. He didn’t hold back an ounce of force—but you didn’t let a peep escape. With the pad of his thumb and his fingers, Jaidyn squished your cheeks together as he turned your head towards where he stood. Forcing you to look up at him. 
“I haven’t killed you because I love you, you know I love you right baby?” He spat. It was as twisted as love could ever get. “I’ll kill you the second I don’t love you anymore, so pray I never stop.” 
“I know.” You mumbled out as Dot continued to fuss in your arms. “I know—“ Your voice shook with fear.
“And you me too, don’t you?” Jaidyn smiled maniacally. He was in control, he had you under his control and he loved it. No one knew, not a soul. He had everyone fooled. 
“With all my heart.” You replied softly as he let go of your face. 
“So be a good girl and stay here.” Jaidyn had a plan and his next step had already begun, he was slowly beginning to alienate you from Jake, your one lifeline. “I’m gonna go to Jason’s for a while.” It wasn’t like you to ask questions, so when you found yourself asking when Jaidyn would be back your heart sank into your chest. Fuck. Here it came. 
“When will you be back?” With the force of a thousand suns Jaidyn spun around and connected his entire fist with your eye. Immediately at the force of it you began to cry. At the sound of your cry Odette began to cry too. Against your bed you laid a sobbing broken shell of your former self. All with your baby girl still in your arms. She was just two weeks old. 
Jaidyn was becoming unpredictable, irrational. He was hungry for power and power he fed off. But the switch really flipped when he made his own connection that night. The connection that his jeans felt a little tighter at your cries of pain. That blood rushed to his length at the sight of you. He enjoyed your pain far too much to ever consider stopping. 
The cattle prod in the closet was dead, but there was a thought there for a fleeting moment that Jaidyn thought about buying a new battery for it. He remembered the night he gave you that pretty little brand on your ass. You were his, you could never be anyone else’s. He’d kill you before you’d ever be anyone else’s. You were his and only his. But instead of changing out the batteries he settled for watching you and your daughter cry on your bed. It was a sight he’d imagine a little later when he got home and needed a release. 
“What part of my plans are any of your fucking business.” 
Rhett Abbott could barely keep his eyes open when he entered the threshold of his brother's home. The dim orange hume of the free standing lamp coming from the living room told him that Bob was still up. The sun was just about to kiss the horizon good morning—but the light had yet to make its appearance in the early hours. Everyone should have been sleeping soundly—yet everyone was on high alert. 
“I tell ya what Rob when I agreed to come out here I didn’t expect to be—“ When Rhett rounded the corner he was sure he’d see his brother sitting perched on the couch or passed out from the lack of sleep everyone was getting. But much to Rhett’s delight it wasn’t Robert Floyd—. “Uh, Hi?” 
It was Natasha Phoenix Trance. 
“Hey Rhett.” Phoenix smiled softly under the hume of the lamp she was reading under. “Bob called me not too long after you guys left for the hospital, said he didn’t wanna be alone.” With a gentle nod Rhett entered this living room slowly, his eyes never left Natasha’s as she watched him move around. He looked all sorts of out of place. “How’s Odette?” 
“She’s safe, with her mum—“ Rhett answered, a little less gruff than he normally would. Suddenly he thought back to how hard he’d been on Amilia in the emergency room—fuck, feelings were a son of a bitch weren’t they. 
“And Hangman?” Phoenix raised a questioning brow. She didn’t want Rhett to feel like he was being interrogated, but she cared about her friends, her colleagues. All Rhett did was sigh out as he sat down on the lounge next to Phoenix, not too far away that it had been a deliberate act to stay away but not too close to make her uncomfortable. 
“Last I checked little miss gumtrees and koala bears had that situation taken care of so I left it at that.” Phoenix chuckled, she’d heard about Chelsea’s little sister and how she’d managed to captivate the heart of none of the Hangman himself. “He’s fine, a couple of stitches, a concussion—but just like a roach he’ll survive.”
 It had been a long night, Rhett could barely keep his eyes open but with Phoenix sitting right next to him looking all sorts of angelic and beautiful, he’d force his eyelids open for just a little longer. 
“Bob said you did a pretty great thing tonight, advocating for Fe.” Phoenix finally closed her book entirely before she placed it down on the little coffee table sitting beside her. “She might not act like it but you’ve been a big help these past couple of weeks.” 
“Yeah well—“ She could see the rose pink colour starting to kiss Rhett’s cheeks. He knew he did a good thing, he was a good person. He just didn’t know it because no one had ever really told him. “Kid needed her mum and besides, I take anything Rob says with a grain of salt.” Rhett yawned as he stretched his arms above his head a little more dramatically than he probably normally would have, but the way his action had Natasha laughing softly in the early hours of the morning made his heart skip a beat for the first time in a long time. “He doesn’t think that highly of me.” 
“Well, between you and me Bobs pretty happy to have you here.” Phoenix explained as she settled further into herself. She wasn’t shy about the fact she knew Rhett was staring at her in a way she never thought she’d want him to let alone encourage. “What would it take you to stay? you know—after this whole charade is over and there isn’t anyone left to save?” 
“It would have to be a series of unfortunate events,  Lieutenant Trance.” Rhett smiled out of the corner of his mouth under the dim light. “North Island isn’t the place for me.” The two sat in the comfortable silence of Robert Floyd’s living room for a moment as Rhett listened to the bedroom door open and closed from down the hall. He knew he’d be listening. “Don’t tell him I said this but I didn’t mind being needed for once.” Phoenix pretended to zip her lips shut with her fingers as she felt her own crimson hume appearing against the apples of her cheeks. In the fleeting moments that passed the two of them by, Rhett thought he may as well shoot his shot. “Do you uh—wanna grab a coffee with me sometime?” 
“I’m free later on today if you are.” Rhett could barely control the smile that forced the corners of mouth to pin to his cheeks. “I know a place.” 
“Yeah, yeah well all right then Miss Trance—“ Rhett couldn’t have been happier, he had a coffee date with a beautiful girl to take his mind off things for just a little while. “You’ve got yourself a date.” 
“I’m looking forward to it, Abbott.” 
Bob heard it loud and clear as he padded down the hall—from the gesture of brotherly need to the almost unnerving idea of his brother and his front seater starting a casual fling, he smiled to himself before he heard Rhett sigh and say his goodnight or good morning or whatever the hell you wanted to call it to Phoenix before he stood. 
The two brothers met in the hall with a passing glance that resembled something of a
rekindlement. They both wanted to fix what they had broken over the years, call it a twin thing. But the pair were just as strong headed and stubborn as each other. Rhett knew it took a hell of a lot for Bob to reach out—and Bob knew it took all Rhett’s might to drop what he was doing to come help. 
“Rob—“ Rhett nodded in passing. 
“Rhett—“ Bob greeted his brother through a yawn. “Are you just getting in?” 
“Yeah—“ Rhett didn’t see much reason to prolong the conversation. “Bradshaw said if you swing by his place later on there’s a beer in the fridge.” Rhett took notice of the way Bob shook his head and let out a small but audible scoff. “Hey if it’s free and you don’t want it, bring it home yeah?” 
Bob didn’t mind the passiveness of it all. He didn’t mind the way Rhett said what he needed to say and left it at that. It was better than the two of them not talking at all. So he nodded and pressed his lips together in a firm line, committing it to memory to bring that beer back for Rhett. 
“Sure thing.” 
“Okay so, You’ll need to present to the ER in ten days to have those stitches removed from your head.” The Doctor discharging Jake after his overnight stay on the grounds of monitoring his condition, explained. “Keep them dry but if you feel like you need to you can lightly dab at the area with a damp washcloth to help keep the area clean—perhaps a trusted friend or partner could help you with that.” Jake didn’t say a word but his eyes traveled over to where Amilia stood reading some random educational infographic that caught her eye on the wall of Jake's hospital room. 
“You’ll also need to take these with food and water twice a day to ward off potential infection.” The doctor handed Jake a packet of antibiotics. “And no flying till that concussion is gone—“ 
“Gee, your bedside manner leaves something to be desired, Doc.” Amilia chuckled as she shook her head softly and came over to where Jake was sitting with his legs over the side of the hospital bed he’d stayed in overnight. With the way Jake immediately brought her close with his arm as he gently perched his open hand on her hip and his cheek on her shoulder it wouldn’t have been an overestimate to assume the pair were dating. 
“You should start to feel less foggy in the next couple of days, Lieutenant.” Doctor Sullivan smiled as he shook Jake's hand. “I’m sure your girlfriend here will keep a watchful eye on you.” Jake immediately felt his heart stop beating inside his chest as his face grew hot with embarrassment. He could feel himself wanting to pull away and explain to the Doctor that the two were not in fact an item. But Amilia acknowledged the statement with grace which allowed for a far less awkward conversation to follow. 
“She will.” Amilia smiled and squeezed Jake's side as she mimicked his original expression of affection and wrapped her arm around his side from behind. 
“Have a good day.” Doctor Sullivan was quick to say his final goodbye before heading out on his morning rounds. Leaving both Amilia and Jake to sit in the silence. 
“Okay big guy let’s get you home.” Amilia groaned as she tapped Jakes back and watched him stand. He could very much do it on his own, but he didn’t let his arm fall from around Amilias shoulder for even a second. 
“You know this could be the conconcussion talking but I don’t remember ever asking you to be my girlfriend?” Jake smirked at the way Amilia nearly tripped over her own feet at his statement. “I’m not saying that it would be a bad thing either, to have you as a girlfriend.” Jake Seresin hadn’t had a girlfriend since his senior year of college and she wasn’t serious. “Just don’t remember asking—“ 
“You haven’t—“ Amilia squeezed Jake's hand as she stayed close to his side. She’d been there the whole night besides the hour she’d gone home to change her clothes and freshen up. “Just thought it would be easier to lie than to have that poor guy chasing his tail apologising for assuming.” It was a very good point.
“What would the answer be if I did?” Jake pressed as the two made their way to the elevator, Amilia didn’t ask why Jake pressed the third floor instead of the ground floor button. She already knew where he wanted to go. To see you. “If I asked you?” Sure of herself as a heat radiated in her cheeks, Amilia tried to keep her lips pressed together to stop herself from bashfully grinning ear to ear. She turned to Jake as he looked at her and without hesitation, he ducked to press his lips to hers in a fleeting moment. 
“Guess you’ll have to find out when you ask.” Amilia smiled against Jake's lips as she pulled away. He was obsessed, infatuated and utterly head over heels for this woman he hardly knew but would throw himself in front of without even thinking. “You still owe me that date.” 
“It looks like you’re numbers up miss Y/l/n.” Your Doctor beamed as he entered your room for morning rounds with a smile plastered across his face that looked as if he was about to give you the greatest gift of all. “Todays the day—“ He paused at the end of your bed and watched you play with your daughter's hair as she sat between your legs as Bradley ever so carefully painted her tiny nails a bright orange. The same orange he’d done your toes in a few days prior. “I'm signing those damn discharge papers you’ve been hounding me about.” 
“No way Dotty, did you hear that?” You tickled her side softly and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Mama gets to come home with you and Roo bear today!” It was the day you’d been waiting for, been praying on and wishing every time you closed your eyes that tomorrow would be the day. 
“We’ll still need to do your finale assessments and assuming that you pass the physicality of the tasks you’ll be good to go.” 
“She’ll jump through hoops to get home, a few formalities are the least of her worries. I can tell you that with certainty.” Bradley added as he looked your way with proper heart eyes. You’d never seen eyes light up with so much love and unconditional affection before. But then there was Bradley Bradshaw and he was all yours. 
“Give us a little time to get prepped and I’ll bring the team in for some assessments and based on that we’ll get you out of here as soon as possible.” It was truly the best news you’d ever heard. You were going home. Finally. 
Odette couldn’t have been more excited if she tried, it was hard being three and trying to hide that amount of excitement in your system. It was bound to happen eventually, Bradley honestly hadn’t thought that the secret would have been kept for this long. Dot had given it her very best try, so when the secret was slipping out of her tiny three year old mouth he couldn’t even find it in his heart to be the slightest bit mad. 
“Tooster, does mama get to come home to our new home?” You frowned at your daughter’s words as you played with the bands that still kept your jaw from opening too much. “To your home?” 
“Bradley—“ You warned softly as you turned your attention to the love of your life. “What have you been up to?”
“I’ve been up to nothing, I’ve got no idea what she’s talking about.” Bradley tried to play dumb, but you saw the way his mustache twitched. To the untrained eye it would have gone unnoticed—but you’d become all too familiar with Roosters small tells. “She’s just—“
“My ooms gonna be lellow.” Dot looked over at her Tooster like she knew she’d just thrown him under the bus and under the bus hard. “And mamas gonna share with Tooster.” 
“Mamas gonna share what with Tooster?” Jake interrupted as he and Amilia headed on into your hospital room. “You tell her that you moved all her stuff to yours?” There was something in your eyes that told Jake he’d just let the cat out of the bag, but it wasn’t a glare. It wasn’t a look of rage or anger—it was something softer and more full of thankfulness. “Oh hang on.” Jake cupped his hand, the one that wasn’t in Amilias, over his mouth. “Fuck.” 
“You moved us into your place already?” The way you asked, already told Bradley everything he needed to know, you were thrilled. “Rooster you didn’t have to do that, I could have helped when—“ 
“No need.” Was all Bradley replied with as he stood to place a gentle kiss atop your head. His hand fell softly to your good shoulder. “There's still a few things that I need to take care of, but the majority of your stuff and Dot's stuff is already sorted.” 
“My doll house is at Toosters mama.” Dot interrupted as Jake began making his way over to collect her for a hug. “In my bedoom.” 
“Well isn’t that just super awesome, that means we can play with your dollies when we get home doesn’t it?” You beamed as bright as you could as you hugged your daughter from behind with one good arm. 
It was then you fully turned your attention to the woman standing beside Jake as he reached in to lift Odette up. You didn’t recognise her in the slightest bit but only assumed that she was the woman who Jake had taken one hell of a liking to. 
“You must be Amilia?” You asked through a tight lipped smile as you held your hand out to greet her. “Thankyou for everything you’ve done for me and my family.” Amilia didn’t expect the praise she received but nevertheless she accepted it with enough grace in her system that she didn’t make a fool of herself. “Must be something really special about you if you’ve got Jake all in a flurry.” You teased at the man who now held your daughter tight on his hip. “He isn’t the biggest fan of monogamy.” 
“Hey—“ Jake hissed. “I do alright thank you very much.” Amilia laughed it off as she watched Jake and Dot interact like they were one in the same. He felt like he’d failed her once more last night, but Jake couldn’t be too hard on himself. Jaidyn was a maniac and he had very much proven that. Something definitely wasn’t right in his mind. 
“Amilia came by last night to see how you were doing after Rhett brought Dot up.” Bradley explained. “You were sleeping but she stayed and kept me company for a little while.” Just the thought of knowing someone had been there for Rooster made your heart swell. “She saw I wasn’t doing so well.” 
“Well that settles it then, you and I are gonna have to grab a coffee and get to know each other once I’m out of this place.” It was a bittersweet moment for everyone in the room, on one side of the situation they were all excited to get you home. They all knew how much you hated being trapped in the hospital. But on the other side, once you were out there was no telling what could happen. At least in the hospital you were safe. No one could hurt you. 
“We should probably talk about a few things before the doctors come back Fe.” Bradley sighed. “Jake, Ams, will you guys take Odette to get some breakfast?” 
“I reckon we can handle that.” Jake agreed. “Give those doctors hell Fe, you're coming home.” Jake's pep talk was short and sweet, as he turned to say something to Amilia, you saw the bandage on the back of his head. 
“Wait, why do you have a bandage on the back of your head?” You asked Jake through a frown. “What happened?” The panic had begun to rise. “Jake?” The longer anyone went without answering you the more your blood pressure rose. “Guys? Holy shit what happened!” 
“All that matters is I’m fine.” Jake replied, it was a conversation left for Rooster to have, to loop you in and figure out what to do next. “Come on Dotty, let’s give mama some time to rest yeah? Oz and I are gonna get some breakfast and you’re coming with us.” 
“It was nice to meet you.” Amilia smiled as softly as she could. “Officially that is, I feel like I’ve known you for weeks now.” 
“Likewise.” You acknowledge the woman who’d become an extension of your best friend. There was a spark there, you could tell. Jake looked at Amilia like she hung all the stars in the night sky just for him. When she placed a gentle hand against the small of his back to help guide him out you knew Jake wasn’t one hundred percent, he was fronting. The second Dot, Jake and Amilia were gone, you knew something was horribly wrong. “Bradley, you’re gonna tell me everything, I deserve to know what he did.” 
“We don’t know what his aim was.” Bradley settled back into the chair beside your bed that had become his second home. “He cut the power in Jake's place last night.” The thought alone gave you chills. “When Jake went to see what was up he smashed a piece of two by four against the back of his head.” The silence that fell around your hospital room was as loud and as deafening as silence could be. “Good thing he was on the phone with Amilia or else who knows how long he would have been there for.” 
“He didn’t hurt Dotty?” Your voice was laced with a tremendous amount of concern. “At all?” Bradley could see the way your hands shook against the blanket as you fiddled with the fabric. It was no secret to anyone around you that you were completely and utterly terrified of the father of your daughter. You’d always been completely honest about that. You weren’t brave when it came to him. You knew what he was capable of. What he could and would do. 
“Nope, and we don’t know we’re he is now or what he’s up to but if i'm being completely honest with you baby—“ Bradley sighed as he finally said what had been haunting him since he saw you beaten and bloodied and nearly dead in the janitor's closet. “I don’t know how to keep you safe from him, he’s too unpredictable now.” 
“Maybe I should talk to the police?” You suggested nervously. “They were here once, asked me to file charges. Maybe doing that will do something?” You really didn’t want to have to do it, but at this stage it seemed necessary. “It’ll help.” 
“Maybe, but I’m not gonna tell you what to do baby.” Rooster cooed. “But maybe it’ll give you a leg up.” It was just an idea, Bradley knew you weren’t too keen on filing charges and having to go through that entire process—but it might have to be done. “I reckon what we do, is stop by the station on the way home, talk to the guys who are already involved and see what they say.” 
“I can do it myself Rooster you don’t have to co—“ Before you could even finish that sentence Bradley was interrupting. He immediately shook his head and mumbled out an “ah ah ah.” 
“Your business is my business and my business is your business, and this mess is our business to take care of.” Bradley leaned forward to rub his nose against yours to bring out a delicate chuckle from deep within your soul. “So we’ll do what we have to do, together.” It was a night and day comparison to what you had gotten so used to knowing. You had a partner, in every aspect of the word. Bradley Bradshaw was the love of your life. 
“Okay, we do this together.” 
Bob Floyd was a simple man. He loved his family, he loved his friends, and he loved his career. There wasn’t a single thing he’d change. Except for maybe the strained relationship he shared with his brother. 
As Bob unlocked the front door of Roosters home, everything seemed normal. He’d done this a time or two before. Bob would go over, tidy things up, sort stuff out, he’d help Rooster out while he was dealing with a situation Bob couldn’t even begin to imagine how hard it was to navigate. A three year old, domestic abuse, work inquiries and so on and so forth. The least Bob felt like he could do was some dishes and vacuuming. 
Bob made his way into Bradley’s kitchen in search of that beer he knew he’d forget about if he didn’t put his keys in there with it. But when Bob opened the fridge door and saw no beer bottle, he frowned. Huh, Rooster must have thought he put it there. 
So Bob shrugged it off, he shut the fridge and pocketed his keys before he absentmindedly got to work pacing around the kitchen. Emptying the dishwasher full of all Dots dishwasher friendly cups and bowls and plates and spoons. Bradley had been busy preparing his house for the three year old that stole his heart. That much was adamant. 
As Bob went about his business, he thought about filling the silence with some music—he knew Rooster had a speaker system hooked up to his TV unit. With a dishcloth in hand and a hum in his throat, Bob made his way around the corner into the living room where he was met with something very out of place. 
The empty beer bottle, sitting pretty atop the old wooden coffee table Bradley kept when his mother had died. The second thing Bob noticed out of place in the living room was the empty mantle piece. As Bob's eyes trailed to the floor he took notice of the shattered picture framed—all broken and twisted and a mess on the floor. Then in the heavy silence of what should have been Bradley Bradshaw's empty home, he heard a click from behind him. 
The click of a pin on a handgun. 
“Someone should have told you to mind your own fucking business Floyd.” Jaidyn snarled, he’d had a bone to pick with Bob since the hanger. “And now here you are again, sticking your nose into shit that you know nothing about.” 
“What are you doing here?” Bob turned around slowly to face the man who’d caused you and your family so much pain. 
“House sitting—“ Bob showed no emotion as he held his hands up near his head. “What are you doing here?” He could recognise this wasn’t a good situation to be in. He played it cool though, masked the terror bubbling to the surface. 
“Helping out.” Bob knew in that moment he had to be smart about every move he made, right now though he’d play Jaidyn’s game. 
“Seems as though your offer to help out a friend might just cost you your life Bob.” Jaidyn wore a wicked smirk as he held out his hand. “Give me your phone.” 
With a shaking hand and a skyrocketing heartbeat, Bob reached into the back pocket of his jeans. As he flipped it over the check the screen Bob noticed three things in the quick transaction. There was a text from Rhett that had gone unread, a missed call from Fanboy, Bob had never regretted having his phone on silent more in his life, and his background. A photo of him and Rhett when they were five. Together forever trapped in a memory of the past. 
“You could still walk away from all of this you know.” Bob tried to mask the fear in his voice. “Skip town, assume a new identity, start fresh.” It sounded ridiculous really but it could have been just what Jaidyn needed to hear. “I don't want any trouble, I won’t even tell no one I saw you here.” 
“Oh Robert—“ Jaidyn sighed as he pocketed Bob's phone. “I really wish I didn’t have to do this.” Before Bob had a chance to say anything, Jaidyn reached for the handle of the gun and smacked Bob's temple. He went down without much of a fight. “But I gotta teach that little bitch a lesson.” With a solid kick to the gut, Bob cowered in somewhat of a fetal position—trying to protect his vital organs. 
“Gotta show her that no one around her is safe, no one she loves is safe, no one who truly matters to her is safe because I will stop at nothing!” Jaidyn barked as he stomped the bottom of his boot against Bob's head, one single movement that had the Weapons System Officer down and out for the count. “Till she’s dead or killed herself.” 
Unconscious & Unresponsive. 
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut  @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse e @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising @caidi-paris @starkleila @criticalroleobssedperson @enchantingdreamergothprune @flrboyd @emma8895eb @endofdays56 @seresinsaint @topguncortez @mandylove1000
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furiroad · 4 months
Furiosa spoilers under the cut 🚗
It's actually staggering how much that movie did not need to exist. Gonna bullet point some thoughts
My sarcastic lol @ the lightning fast sisters cameo at the end where they're all played by completely different people. the quick flash of Cheedo's eyes bc they managed to get Courtney Eaton back for three seconds didn't appease me
I guess it technically passes the bechdel test bc right at the start Furiosa says "be still" to Valkyrie but iirc that's the only pass moment. I know not passing the bechdel test doesn't mean the movie is automatically bad I just think it's interesting considering it's following Fury Road
"she talks to her mother" I don't think they ever said her mum's name out loud
You know how mad max fury road could have a silent version w no dialogue + isolated soundtrack and it worked because you could tell what's going on anyway? This movie has the opposite problem. Way too much talking. They over-explain everything
The best bit was the prolonged torture scene at the end where Hemsworth explains Furiosa's entire character arc and the message of the movie out loud to her and also us
Even his teddy had an arm missing, replaced with a barbie arm. Thanks. We get it
Her arm made robot noises
Actually threw MY arms up in disgust when she went back for that boy she supposedly had a romance with despite the film never bothering to actually show/explain that. I'm calling it a romance because the actors did. I guess it was supposed to be a Capable/Nux parallel but it didn't work for me and not just because I'm a dyke and a hater OK, if you're gonna do a ROMANCE, DO A ROMANCE. don't leave me sitting there wondering why Furiosa is risking it all for some guy she's had ONE conversation with, especially after he offers to get her away from the Citadel and back to where she came from, WHICH IS HER ENTIRE MOTIVE EVER SINCE SHE WAS TAKEN
Them trying to emulate Max and Furiosa's instinctive, perfect we have to trust each other moment by having Jack and Furiosa... look at each other Meaningfully fifty times while they were supposed to be driving cars? Don't make me laugh! You will never be them!!
Max being there for a second wasn't cute! I rolled my eyes
Same at "remember me?" MAKE UP YOUR OWN STUFF
So many things happened because they needed to happen (plot demanded it) and didn't make any sense in context. My favourite was when Furiosa rode her motorcycle up a dune to get away after cutting off her arm and the biker gang couldn't follow her up there for some reason
So much Christian imagery... threw me off tbh
Considering it's Furiosa's movie it sure isn't about her + she doesn't speak at all for almost the first half
This movie was way too long
I called it about the peach seed
I called it that she cut her own arm off
George Miller read some of my blog but not all of it
You know how The People Eater rubbed his nipple that one time and it was delightfully weird and gross and got a good reaction? Well in this movie he's constantly rubbing it, the whole time. Really lessens the impact of the nipple rub
As you can see this movie has made me insane
Like this is not really about the nipple rub but do you get what I'm saying here
Furiosa spends most of the movie hiding her hair (because as we all know, having long hair immediately identifies you as a woman) and then when her head covering gets knocked off and her hair is revealed (omg she's a girl) she leaves it like that and becomes an Imperator. On what planet
The history man frames the entire movie for some reason. Do they show Miss Giddy? Take a wild guess
One of the coolest parts of fury road was that a gang of bikers ended up being hardcore wasteland grannies w guns and loose morals in response to people fucking around for far too long without finding out. Did this movie have anything like that for me? Take a wild guess for a second time
The car fight scenes weren't even that great. Couldn't remember hearing any good music under them (brother in arms truly lightning in a bottle) and they went on for too long which feels wild to say about suped up car battles in the australian wasteland: 2 but oh well. This is how I feel. Fury Road was so good at carefully measuring out high octane action and then downtime and careful, quiet character introspection and this movie had no idea what it was doing either way
Honestly I don't hate it but I feel like it was a waste of time and it doesn't need to exist at all. A real nothing experience. Am I going to see this movie ten times in cinemas? No I am not even going to see it twice in cinemas
I don't know what I was expecting.
oh my god also they played clips of Fury Road over the credits as if to say "remember how fucking good this is in comparison to the dumb shit you just watched"
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under-loch-n-key · 3 months
I. I just finished 1x13 and like. When Juliet was being cryptic, she was telling Shawn that Lassie's into him, right? I mean she made a comment about him wearing a pink shirt right after, in the mid 00s. Like I'm pretty sure Shassie isn't canon but at this point I'm like... how? How do you go for multiple seasons after this without them getting together?? And the thing with the bike at the end there? And this is the episode right after Shawn helped Lassie get his groove back, finally convincing him that Shawn does genuinely care about him. Like. There's literally no heterosexual explanation here, this is a romcom!!! Kinda considering just stopping at some point and live in my imaginary alternate universe where they did get together at the end of season 1. Like. What the fuck else is this???
I knowww. It’s literally a rom com. Lmaoo. Believe me, stuff that occurs later in the show and in the movies is insane. Lol. Like, dear god, Shawn holding Lassie’s hand when he’s asleep was so precious in the second film. I adored it. 😭
I love Shassie so much. It is not canon, but they’re so great. Lassiter being canonically pansexual with two mums is also pretty great.
Jules giggling at them and secretly shipping them in the beginning of the series was so funny. Her being like “H & K’s stands for Hugs & Kisses. 🥰” is and Lassie being like 😑 is so funny. Gus is also very over it.
Shawn makes so many comments about Lassie’s stern bush in the series because I mean, Lassie and his chest hair is 😩💅🏻✨ but that’s beside the point. I’m bias since Timothy Omundson is literally one of my celebrity crushes sooo- anyways.
Those two are actually hopeless. I love them. They’re both pathetic, fruity, and hopeless, but they’re such great characters.
I can like actually rant about them for hours because Psych is my favourite show of all time and will forever be my comfort show.
I am in the process of making a little Psych crossover with a certain fandom. I’ve already done it with House MD butttt I’m doing it to Psych now because I’m an artist and I need to satisfy my urges to make AU’s. Lol.
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I love your most recent Miguel fic! I do have a question tho for my hearts sake? Is Miguel actually fucking all those girls? Idk why but I don’t think I could ever look past someone doing that in my vicinity and then seeing potential romantic relationships with them… like I wouldn’t be able to look past how infatuated he seems with all of them in the moment and it would be hard not to compre myself to the tule of girl he brings in, my trust issues would be BUZZZIN lol.
If so, could I ask what made you characterize him as such? Was it like more a trope that caught your attention so you decided to explore it? Or does he really seem like the type to you? All are very genuine and curious questions by the way I love love your writing it’s incredible💕
Hey, happy to answer the question, so I'll spoil under the cut!
short answer: yes and no
long answer: he has a history of sleeping around, but isn't actively sleeping with them.
I do think this version of Miguel (combo of film and comics) sleeps around but not necessarily for the sake of it. his daughter died 3 years ago, a daughter he had young already, so he is emotionally stunted, and unable to deal with his loss. he's searching for intimacy and unable to commit due to both his grief and family history. I'm writing him loosely along the lines of comic Miguel's backstory: abusive (non-bio) dad, conchata's (his mum) behaviour towards that etc, etc - and how he's felt duty to take care of the people around him, and failed twice, in his eyes (his family, and then gabi).
it's more of a ploy to get reader riled up and potentially out of the house. I've attempted to set up that reader is very passive and avoidant, even when things go wrong around the house, so he is essentially escalating to see when she'll snap and react - bro is a scientist and is experimenting lmfao. the people he's faking sleeping around with he has slept with in the past / has a friendship with so they kinda go along with it cuz a) they think it's harmless and b) let him get away with it cuz he's had a rough few years. Reader is also an unreliable narrator: a lot of aggression and situations are exaggerated / perceived wrong; which also infuriates Miguel to no end, hence why he keeps escalating. this is still kind of insane, but it's a fic so who cares lmfao
I'm also trying to establish a reluctance to commit with reader due to last relationships - which us why they will (eventually) fall into a fwb situation. and then all the emotions and insecurity (on both ends) as y'all pretend the relationship is surface level.
anyways this is a long ass way to say people grieve in different ways, he hasn't really worked through his baggage, and it's affecting how he interacts with other people. I understand the emotional implications and there's no way in hell that I personally cld be with a straight up fuckboy - which is why I'm writing him more complicated than that.
thank you for the question anon and i hope this isn't too boring 😭
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oldsargasso · 1 month
4 minutes ep 5 thoughts
can't believe we're over halfway through :( but how nice to be able to watch on iqiyi
a warning for flashing lights would've been good
bless. she played that perfectly because that was an expression every woman can recognise instantly but [straight] men have no idea
okay I love title's shirt. confirmation it's tonkla who takes him out then
the grass, the trees, it all has a very dream-like, unreality/hyper-reality in a way kinda feeling. the establishing shot of the grass just feels like a movie in an intentional way
omg they're glamping!! I thought it was a tent at the end of last ep but I didn't think it'd look like that lmao
[we haven't seen tyme wear a necklace yet have we? yet in the first visions of them having sex he definitely has one on. just thinking about it now because his shirt is like making it very obvious.]
they are soooooooo. I gotta go lie down on the floor. tyme straight up serenading great, the man does have moves. (where'd he get a guitar from? it came with the campsite)
the most insane thing is that they're both still wearing shoes and socks around. (<- might be assigning australian values here)
musician AU CONFIRMED.
just taking a moment to appreciate jes' acting. my goodness. my HEART.
NAN BACKSTORY!! bee I love you as well. miscarriage? oh damn. this is depressingly real. I hope Nan gets to burn everything down
the framing of tyme and great in these shots is so interesting. tyme always on the left, often higher. don't even need to mention the black&white.
why is what's on the picnic table so blurry or are my eyes going weird
"what if the next death is you?" "I don't have anything to lose." okay. pain.
I love Korn losing it.
oooohhh sa-marn. this is the one single thing I've liked him doing. (and not just because it means we get to see great's mother again 😍 the one sleeve look is perfect)
"the son of yours" number one thing not to say to your wife unless it's a cute joke
god great's even got a red number plate to match his car lmaoooo. actually surprising to me that his car doesn't have a GPS tracker or something. korn's gonna be waiting for great isn't he.
if it started as ~seducing great to get to his parents it's so far past that now. the look tyme is giving great….. the hand on the back of the neck. leave me here to die actually.
oh god this horror movie shot. oh lmaooo. den my guy. oh I don't recognise that dude hmmm. title?
great just straight up walked in front of that car. dude. if there was ever a time to be aware of your surroundings… oh it was korn so who cares. wait he's got a red number plate too, that does NOT match your car.
can't park there.
the man with his shirt unbuttoned down to his navel is taking about how serious this business is
there's that older brother "I'll do it so you don't have to" idc I live for this kinda stuff
honestly I thought korn was gonna be waiting inside great's apartment so that was way less intense than I was expecting lol
OH MY GOD. holy shit great's dad is. incredible. awful. lovely little note that he said stay away from great before he said stay away from the company. (the like, heartbeat in the OST? gorgeous) take the money and then do your thing anyway, like what are they gonna do? call the cops?
I wonder if that's his maternal or paternal grandmother. it doesn't matter I just like knowing stuff
dude nan has been through it, let her have her revenge!! it's not like she's getting the 5 million so. I understand her.
aww manee's out of hospital.
korn getting slapped…you love to see it
since she mentioned her dad being powerful I am now assuming she and title are siblings lol. korn doesn't deserve this woman she should marry me instead
I'm way more into the idea of ep 4 being great's first time with a dude because that makes tyme blocking him now all the more delicious 😌
I wanna just. applaud all of this. the sound. the cinematography. the look on her face.
oh shit great's gonna get shot now isn't he
(did his mum kill korn's mum)
first flashback/flashforward in a little while. this guy is bold and dedicated to his job - nobody heard the first gunshot?
half of great's face covered in blood spatter….perfect. the clock has started.
hmmmm. okay. this better not turn out to all just be in great's head because that is the worst of all theories lol.
thank god den can recognise people from split-second glances he's the most powerful character ever
this is what tyme's wearing when he gets shot in ep 1. the BLOOD ON HIS FACE cutting in and out with the light? hellllloooo. next episode is tyme right?
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waddles-ex-machina · 1 year
hi please bear with me while i go insane about the colours in Hilda (aka I'm looking at the trio's season 3 designs and losing my mind)
SO in most visual media, quite a bit of thought goes into the colours they use and how those colours interact with one another - not in a "the curtains are blue bc [character] is sad" kind of way but in terms of which colours stand out and which are harmonious, and even if the viewer doesn't know any colour theory (like me, lol) and isn't paying attention to it, I think it still helps reinforce what we know about the characters, and influence what we take away from the show. visual design is a language and colour is one of the key aspects of it and if you want to hear about how Hilda uses colour in so many clever ways, to guide the viewer's eye or distinguish important characters, there's a really excellent video on that made by someone who actually does know what they're talking about, but one thing I wanna talk about based on my own limited knowledge is how it tells us about the characters -
FOR EXAMPLE Johanna - so you have Hilda, who is dressed in bright primary colours, especially her signature blue hair which makes her stand out as different even more - and then there's her mother, who has, by contrast, a much more toned down colour palette. she broadly shares the colour red with her daughter, but a less-saturated shade and her standard outfit consists of that, brown trousers and sometimes her yellow coat. Hilda's signature blue is completely absent from her design (and even if the creators didn't want to give Johanna the same hair colour as her daughter, they could have added some small blue accent of clothing if they'd wanted to, but chose not to), leaving her with purely warm, harmonious colours. she has an almost completely different palette to her daughter, but still just enough similarity (particularly with her yellow coat) to reinforce that the two are related in some way. (I'm not saying that Hilda is related to everyone who wears yellow in the show, just that the fact they share a colour helps tie them together on screen)
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(yep, this is the screencap i'm choosing to illustrate this point it's fantastic)
most importantly (to me, anyway), Johanna's colours are warm. they're safe. to me, the dominance of warm colours and absence of Hilda's blue signify that Johanna is a safe person to Hilda, someone who is supposed to be a respite from her adventures rather than someone who dives into them with her (which, y'know, ties in quite nicely to Hilda's line in Stone Forest about preferring to adventure on her own and then come home to her mum, and how in the show she generally likes to keep her adventures and home life separate... (I could probably write an essay on how Hilda and Johanna's issues in season 2 were kind of a commentary on how Johanna has been coded as the safe stable bg character and how she is actively trying to go beyond that role but I shouldn't tbh)). the point is, they are connected, but Johanna doesn't have the same adventurous streak that Hilda does, so they have some of their warmer colours in common, but not Hilda's unusual, stand-out blue.
(I could also talk about Kaisa here and her copyright claim on the colour purple, but truthfully all I would be doing is paraphrasing the excellent video I linked earlier, so I won't. however I do think its fun to compare her to Johanna, in the sense that here are two adults who Hilda often comes to for guidance, and one is all warm gentle colours that match the home decor and the other all monochrome with two little hints of a colour we rarely see elsewhere in the show, suggesting that this is a character of particular interest.. it kind of hammers in how one is meant to embody the safety and comfort of Hilda's home life and the other is literally there to point hilda at things that might kill her lmao)
that was supposed to be a quick example and it got away from me so uh ANYWAY what I'm getting at here is that in Hilda's friend group, I believe their colour palettes were constructed in a similar way - they work together to tell you about the group
I feel like Hilda as a show is known for making excellent use of a limited colour palette - a lot of the characters have at least one black or brown item of clothing and just one or two stand-out colours, particularly the main trio. you can easily look at Hilda, David and Frida come away with one particular colour associated with them - blue or red for Hilda, orange for David, and...blue again for Frida, which doesn't sound great on paper but works well in the show because Hilda's palette also has a lot of red, so when the two characters are put together it doesn't seem like blue is dominating the colours. I also find Frida's colour palette (basically just her hoodie, lol) super interesting because it used to be different.
now, I haven't spoken to anyone who worked on the show about this, this is purely conjecture, but if you've ever googled the characters you've probably seen an official-looking turnaround page of Frida in a purple hoodie.
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this is real pre-prod show art, and considering the purple hoodie made it all the way through the design pipeline to be included in the turnaround (generally the last stage of character design, as this is what would be given to the riggers to make the character rig)....and was even posted on twitter months before the show aired -
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then I think it's safe to say that her hoodie was changed after the fact (2 or 3 episodes into production, by my vague guess looking at the date of this tweet) - not too hard to do, if your show is 2D rig animation, luckily - but if you're me and like reading into things way too hard, this begs the question of why. having purple as Frida's signature colour is perfectly serviceable and sets her apart from Hilda and David nicely. but what her new hoodie colour does is the opposite - it ties them all together
(the other possible explanation is that maybe Kaisa's design was finalised later in production than this turnaround was made (speaking purely from my own experience, secondary characters who appear in later episodes are often finalised later than the main characters, just ahead of the episode they're needed for, and Kaisa wasn't needed until halfway through the first season) and someone noticed that her and Frida sharing the colour purple made them look a little too similar...(I'm sure ppl who like the idea of Frida and Kaisa being witch sisters are yelling through the screen rn that this would've been a good thing and maybe lightly foreshadowed Frida becoming a witch, like Kaisa, but this was all set at the start of season 1, probably a bit too early to start hinting at the witch stuff :') we will come back to this tho)
anyway I love the trio's designs bc if you put Hilda and David next to eachother, they don't visually have much in common, but if you put Frida there then suddenly they're a unit. they got rid of her signature colour and gave her her friends' ones. she quite literally ties the group together so that they look cohesive as a whole
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and this is absolutely me digging too deep in things here but her being the one to bring the group's colour palette together also lends itself thematically to their falling out at the end of season 1, and how Frida leaving also caused Hilda and David's friendship to struggle. they are a set and it doesn't work the same if they're not all there. Frida sharing Hilda's signature blue could also lend itself to the idea that Frida shares her love of adventures to a greater extent than David does (though maybe that's closer to 'blue curtains' territory tbh). anyway I love the design of this show so much
SO (if you actually made it this far down I'm so impressed) the thing that sparked all of this was...if this is what the trio's designs are doing in seasons 1-2.....what are the season 3 designs doing
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no but this is super interesting to me, Hilda essentially just traded her skirt for leggings and left her colour palette intact, but David and Frida changed theirs entirely and I'm fascinated. both their signature colours are GONE. is it to imply that they've grown and changed in the duration of the time skip? is it David's turn on the 'having a colour in common with Hilda'?? but particularly I want to draw attention to Frida bc now that her hoodie is gone her original purple is BACK and (if there is any weight to my theory that she was changed bc she looked too similar to Kaisa) what's even more interesting is that they doubled down on the witch vibes. she literally has Kaisa's exact colour palette minus the dark purple cape lining. Kaisa's design reflected her personality as this unknowable person with a hint of mystery to her - all monochrome with that pop of an unusual colour - are we to expect the same of Frida? is this a sign that she's leaning further into witchcraft than before? does her contrast to Hilda and David signify that she's come more into her own and has a stronger sense of her own identity (something something closure for her issues in season 1)? or do we take things way too literally and assume that season 3 has her breaking off on her own from the group? or maybe it means absolutely nothing and someone on the design team just thought grey/purple was a neat combo. I know I've talked in this post as if I know things but here I truly don't and I'm obsessed w the possibilities. what does it mean what does it all mean
anyway that's all for this delusional fever dream post, hope you enjoyed and if you made it this far down you deserve some kind of prize
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yakultii · 2 months
who's your human equivalent to frozen cherries, yakult, and aldi cheese
excellent question! you win an award 🏆…. ummm I’ve kinda forgotten how to feel human connection so passionately the way I do my beautiful delicacies, nevertheless …
frozen cherries = my internet bestie @silentquils-blog we randomly met on wattpad late last yr (I since deactivated and moved us here lol) and I think she unknowingly saved my life! we live complete opposite lives but we share the same levels of empathy, humour & open-mindedness? I’ve quite literally never come across anyone so caring and understanding, she’s insanely patient w me while forever hyping me up/reminding me that I’m still of some value and has taught me sm ab the world, not to mention she’s basically the only reason I’ve met the rest of you on here bc her daily og comments on wattpad were the reason I wanted to continue getting back into writing and was able to stick w it and wanted to share it/remembered this app exist - she’s my frozen cherries bc she reminds me life is still sweet 🍒 (& I hope her life gets even sweeter❣️)
yakult = my irl friend Elizabeth (who lives back in Indo now so we are a 9hr flight apart 🥲) she’s the most put together human I know, a mega chiller, always a good time no matter what we’re doin,I could go on and on and on .. she’s a talented painter, poet and has travelled sm of the world already! she’s a few yrs younger than me and I literally flew over to her wedding (which I was supposed to be bridesmaid in but I was too unwell at the time but I still went to her wedding as a guest anyway lol) and now she has a lil baby boy which she sends me photo updates every few weeks when I finally answer my messages lmao.. anyways she is my yakult bc she reminds me of what the life of a healthy person is like and innocently holds hope that one day I’ll feel it :,) ironically on the rare occasion I’m around her it’s the only time I feel half normal, the way I drink yakult and am reminded there is still life to be had, even if that just means to drink another yakult, even if that means the nutritional value is kinda a hoax, it doesn’t mean it cannot be enjoyed!
aldi cheese = my mum <3 I think the complexity of our relationship kinda sums it up… you know there’s a lot of love there and always has been but there is a lack of clarity in its expression. We’re both trying though, always have been. Complexity aside it’s her first time living too and I’ll always find my way to forgiveness without disregarding the hurt and I hope she can too. She is my Aldi cheese because if I consume too much it makes my tummy hurt real bad and sometimes I wish it were different but I can more than appreciate it for what it is because in short stints it is so sweet and interesting and has great intent! in fact I never want it to change because then it won’t be so iconic. Even if I can’t consume it as much as I would have liked, I’ll still appreciate it immensely and think about it for a long long time.
but honestly I could probably assign one of these to all of you I’m sure hehe <33 hmu if u wanna know which one u are lmao
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toomuchracket · 1 year
maybe d word matty meeting girlies brothers/siblings? and they’re just teasing her and telling embarrassing stories he’s never heard. maybe it’s pre-relationship
omg yeah i wrote in passing that he first met your parents at your birthday drinks (pre-relationship), so it makes sense for him to meet your brothers there too lol. and matty's excited about meeting them in the lead-up to your birthday, almost as excited as he is about celebrating you - on the train after work a couple of weeks before your birthday, matty had asked what your plans were, and you were like "oh, i was just about to message the chat about it - i'm just doing drinks, if you lot are free and wanna come? it's no big deal if not, though, it's just a chill night. didn't wanna do anything massive", and matty was like "i will be there. idk about anyone else, but i'm always up for celebrating you". and you smiled all shyly and said "you're very sweet. warning, though, my parents and my little brothers are going, and the boys are ridiculously annoying. they'll try and embarrass me, so don't listen to a word they say"; matty laughed like "i didn't know you had little brothers. makes sense though, i s'pose, with how good you are at dealing with me and george's shite lol", and you winked like "oh, you two are a piece of cake compared to them. might have to seek you out for some solace on my birthday, matty, honestly", and matty was like "i wouldn't mind that at all, darling. any time". but matty's just so keen to learn as much as he can about you, especially you while you were growing up because he didn't know you then, so he's definitely keen to talk to your brothers.
matty's there when they arrive at the bar on your birthday, actually. he's there slightly earlier than he planned to be, just because A) he had to leave the house purely to stop stressing over his appearance for you lol, and B) he selfishly wanted to spend some time with you before it got busier and your attention was dragged elsewhere. it's only after matty's hugged you/said "you look beautiful, darling"/handed you your present (a bottle of champagne and a record you said you'd been trying to find for ages, a gift you said was far too generous but kissed his cheek gratefully for anyway)/met your parents and some of your friends/bought you a drink that your brothers appear, immediately lifting you into hugs and teasing you for how old you're getting (this makes matty laugh a lot). you introduce them to matty, and they're funny like "oh no way! nice to meet you. but also why the fuck are you here lol you're too cool to hang out with our sister. did she guilt-trip you into it? she was always quite good at that"; matty CACKLES while you're like "wow happy birthday to me huh. brb mum's waving me over. matty, ignore them, they're wankers" before you wink and walk away.
and matty's like "nah your sister's sound. i like her a lot. she's funny, too, i like spending time with her", and your youngest brother's like "tbf she's decent. she used to shout back at our parents to defend us if they told us off lol", to which matty's like "stop that's so cute"; your other brother nods and says "she bought me weed once too when she was 18", and matty's like "WHAT", and your brother nods like "yeah lmao she was all like 'fuck it. at least if i get it for you i know it'll be decent shit'. that was cool of her", and matty's like "jesus, i'll say". your other brother pipes up like "she did have a really uncool emo phase though" - matty's like "shut up did she actually? like proper emo?", and your brother's like "yeah, side fringe, eyeliner, black lipstick, used to sneak out to go to gigs and shit. total rebel. and yet she still managed to get into uni, somehow". matty's like "rebel? her? god, no wonder we're so close", and your eldest brother smiles like "it's kinda insane to me that you are, honestly. don't tell her this, because she actually will brutally murder me if she finds out i said, but she fancied you a little bit when she was like 17 lmao. like not totally insane levels of crushing, but she got all giggly one time you were on tv. was funny". naturally, this is the best thing matty's ever heard; he has to bite back a grin like "you're kidding. i thought she wasn't a big fan?", and your brother's like "of the band, maybe not, but of you? definitely. but like i said, please do not mention this to her or she'll kill me". you come back over at the end of that like "tell me what", and matty - although he so badly wants to bring up the actual truth - is like "your black lipstick era lol. and also, you buying weed??"; you facepalm and groan like "i can't fucking believe you know about that. tbf the emo thing is worse than the weed it's so cringe", and matty half-hugs you like "nahhhhhh i bet it was hot. and i had an emo phase too. oh! maybe you and i should go to like an emo night somewhere. we can pretend we're 17 lol". that latter bit is a loaded statement, but it pays off - you giggle and say "i'd actually like that. it was a nice age for me", and matty winks like "i'll bet". but yeah, needless to say, he has a lot of fun talking to your brothers lmfao <3
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The Last of Us HBO - Episode 1 thoughts
Warning: Pure yapping ahead, just my thoughts and things I've noticed whilst watching, it's not serious and I don't invite arguments (fellow yappers however are more than welcome)
(these make sense in the way that i wrote this as i watched so it's all chronological, this is my bday gift to all of you lol. spoilers under the cut)
Love the opening, gives a lot of the context you'd get from the opening credits of the game in a way that's easy to follow and understand for a new audience (using my mum as an example, she knows nothing about this show other than me telling her it's a zombie show - her only experience with that is the walking dead vaguely so her expectations were mid, but even she told me it's easy to understand and actually makes more sense irl compared to TWD)
The whole pandemic stuff really just hits different after COVID doesn't it
The whole climate change thing mentioned is so real, and I know this is written for modern times by modern writers, but for them to set that idea up in a 60s show is very eye-opening
The silence + stillness of the host and audience, the camera angles chosen, it's so good and unsettling in a very inconspicuous way, bravo
I wonder why they chose to change it from 2013 to 2003. Don't get me wrong I'm okay with it, and it's fun to relate to seeing a bunch of familiar things from my own childhood (lack of smartphones, older decor, easy clothing style etc), but it's a decade difference and I wonder why? Is it to make it more relatable for us that the majority of the show is set in 2023? Are we meant to connect to that more, as we've just had our own pandemic and this is a more intense fallout that we could have had if the nature of COVID had been slightly different? Maybe I'm overthinking it
The details in Sarah's room 👌 the posters, the box TV (such nostalgia), the pictures of her and friends, of her and Joel, ribbons and trophies from winning soccer tournaments, the hung up doodle paper, fairy lights, soft pink walls, it's so comfy and lived in, girly but completely her own space :') reminds me a bit of my childhood bedroom tbh, messy but comfortably so
I love that she knows her dad won't wake up so she knocks and calls because yeah, that's what you do when your dad is a deep sleeper
The contrast with Joel's room immediately after, the details there too - the old boombox cd player, fan up and running, messy dresser with slightly open drawers, the most Texas art on the walls (come on, music, deer and a tacos and beer poster?), blue walls, a hamper filled to the brim, a fucking treadmill?? Joel, your plant on the bedside table is long deceased I'm begging you to chuck it and release it from its misery 💀
(Something my mum noted, was that Sarah is wearing her natural curly hair, which mum said "it's rare to see that, in 2003 at least", to which I replied "maybe not in America?" because fr we are European and there's many cultural differences between the USA and other countries. Mum noticed it and she grew up in the Netherlands as a 60s kid. Me personally, I didn't think too much on it because it didn't click that might be odd to see someone wear natural hair, but I also admit I grew up in small villages and towns in more rural areas of Scotland and the Netherlands, so I didn't see much diversity in people growing up until like high school, but I consumed an insane amount of media such as Doctor Who and that's always been a very diverse show. Anyway, just a little thing that was noticed, I love Sarah's hair)
The domesticity :') Joel forgetting the pancake mix (good thing too), going straight for coffee, Sarah insisting on orange juice, his utter disgust at drinking it
"Gonna have to wear diapers soon." "Who says I don't already?" 💀
IS THAT DIDO PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND??? ULTIMATE WIN (I fucking love Dido, the song playing is White Flag)
"Shell." "Calcium." *pushes egg through teeth* "Lovely." stop it oh my god
Family banter, I'm eating this shit up so bad y'all, uncle Tommy <3
The Jakarta detail 👌👌
Pedro with a Texan accent is mwah
I like the detail of Sarah's name being on her bag, I had the same as a kid but my mum would sew it into the top of my bag instead, sometimes on the outside sometimes on the inside. I feel like that's not a safe thing to do anymore but it was so normal when I was a kid
Wish I could write an essay on Joel's drawer but instead I'll just say I love that Sarah is comfortable enough at home to just, go into her dad's room and grab stuff from his dresser, and know Joel won't be mad about it :) healthy home relationship
I wonder if the knife has any crazy significance? I don't remember seeing that knife ever again, unless it's just foreshadowing to Ellie's knife
I swear, them constantly avoiding baked goods is so genius (no pancakes, no cake, no biscuits, they don't eat the cookies later, it's small and clever)
Joel throwing Sarah under the bus like that to the neighbours had both me and mum cackling
Joel "no smoking in the truck" Miller
The desert storm detail is an interesting addition to Tommy's character, and at this stage, it's open whether this is about Joel or Tommy since we don't know who's truck it is (just because Tommy is driving doesn't mean it's his, after all, Joel has a garage)
The details in the school are fun, but idk if that's a normal American school thing to have pictures of the presidents and founding father up or not, I honestly will assume it is since there's also a big ass USA flag in the corner
THE PAPERMATE INKJOY PEN!!! I USED TO HAVE THOSE!!! Damn the small details are so fucking popping
This part is wonderful - where the fuck did they source that many different and fun clocks from and where can I get them?
"20." "That's it?" "Okay, 30." "20's good."
The build up is fantastic, it works for fans and for newcomers alike - all these things like the police all day and other things previously mentioned, the lady ushering her out as quickly as possible, all the people that were outside eating and enjoying the food stands are suddenly gone and the street is silent
The whole Jesus spiel, good lord, feels very Texas in the 2000s (and still tbh, let's be real)
Sarah's face when Mrs Adler says "raisin" is SUCH a fat mood my god this kid is funny
Nanna no 💀 (that fucking grandma is FREAKY as FUCK, outstanding detail)
Mercy knows. Animals always know.
Thank god Joel forgot the cake
Pedros funny little facial expression absolutely kill me, adds such dimension to Joel as a father
Super satisfying to hear the game dialogue ngl, especially that funny little bit with the watch
It's so interesting to see Joel has always struggled with his emotions and verbalising them - the small "thank you", not looking at her, rather looking down at the watch itself, fiddling with it - he's trying but he's never been good with feelings
Joel SNATCHING that dvd like, damn son, it's not going anywhere 😭😂 it's cute to see him so excited about it though, Sarah knows what he likes, even if she's not interested in it at all
The instant sofa snuggle :')
"Don't fall asleep." "Of course I won't, it's too riveting." *Cuts to Sarah fast asleep*
The phone 💀 I remember us having a phone like that, whole ass protection sleeve and all
This extra detail of Joel having to bail Tommy out just adds so much more depth to the dynamic and I'm here for it, also explains why the fuck Joel wasn't in the house at 2am (that always bothered me a bit about the game)
Joel loves his daughter so much,,,, the gentle way he puts her in bed, shoes and all, covering her up with her blanket, little kiss on the head,,,,, I'm already in pain for what's to come
Mercy my sweet baby <3 what a good dog, so scared :(
The show really captured that out of sync feeling when something like this happens - nothing crazy yet, just utter confusion and mild panic creeping in because this isn't normal but nothing seems to be happening yet
Mercy said "peace ✌️ I'm out"
This girl is braver than me, I wouldn't have walked through the door - but that being said I haven't had close neighbours like this in years so maybe it's just that they're very close and she feels comfortable doing so
Oh that's fucked UP dude, Sarah downright walking into cannibal town that's so disturbing (fantastic acting and special effects all around)
The cordyceps special effects are so fucking visceral and disgusting, that out of the mouth?? Grim!! Love how they did this
Love the amount of game dialogue and referencing we get in this particular part - "You take 71-" "71, I know.", the whole car conversation, "That's Jimmy's place" (I know in the game Jimmy is the neighbour and it's Louis'farm that's on fire but the reference stands), most of the camera work being fixed on Sarah or from Sarah's perspective in the back, "They got a kid Joel." "So do we, keep driving. Somebody else'll come along.", just a fucking well done scene tbh
This whole part in the car from Sarah's POV absolutely invokes the same anxiety I felt when playing this bit of the game, totally made me feel like I'm in the truck with them and it's scary (scary good)
I was so thrown off by the fact that they avoided the car crash that I wasn't expecting the alternative that they chose instead 💀 like shit??? A whole ass plane??? Love that they did the eerie music to black thing though that was great
Nico honestly just stole my whole heart as Sarah she got all the fucking expressions down, the panic, the way she talks, the pained sounds, love it 10/10 casting imo
The instant reaction time on Joel and getting Sarah out of the way of that car was NUTS like, I rewatched that part multiple times just to see how quickly he switched them around goddamn
Pedro and Nico are a fantastic father daughter duo 👌
Joel pushing Sarah's head under his chin more so she doesn't look 🥺
The infected actors are fucking amazing, terrifying dedication to the role
Oh no I'm about to cry so hard guys
Sarah 😭😭😭 her whimpers make me so fucking upset this scene is so fucking sad
On a genuine note, Nico did an outstanding job of channeling the desperation from the game, and so did Pedro and Gabriel - Tommy's choked up "Joel" and look of utter defeat and grief is absolutely heartbreaking
Joel holding his dead daughter in his arms, rocking her like a baby, crying out for her to please please be okay...... Yeah
The set for the front of the Boston QZ 🙌
It's so telling that the first thing we see FEDRA do is lie to a child and kill her when they promised she was gonna be okay. They promised they were gonna feed her and get her toys, and that the medicine would help her. They told her that she was safe. And they killed her.
Having Joel be the one to throw her into the fire, holding her the same way he held Sarah, was such poignant choice - how a man can change over 20 years
The Boston details - the set itself, the extras, the shoelaces for ration cards, the covering up of the firefly logo, the sheer amount of FEDRA guards everywhere
Ah yes, the return of public hangings, my favourite 🫠
Interesting to see Joel "smuggler and dealer" Miller, something we didn't get much of in the game tbh
Tess <3
Robert is so slimy eugh
I love that we get to see more of Tess outside of her and Joel, it builds more of a picture of who she is besides just Joel's smuggle partner - also love the amazing bruise makeup they did for her, looks super real and painful
The fireflies actively causing mayhem in the QZ is also a great added detail! We see it a bit in game but I enjoy the constant references to it as well
Bella as Ellie is god tier damn they're so good - snarky as FUCK
Joel just, skipping the fucking line without giving a shit, no one stopping him
"When I'm sleeping, Gabriela listens, or my son. The smart one, not the other one, god bless him." 💀😂😭
I love that Joel has a secret stash in his apartment
Ah yes, drugs and alcohol, the remedy to all
The watch 😭
Liking the music and camera usage in this scene, makes me feel like I'm high myself
Tess just coming in, scooting Joel over in bed and being the big spoon 🙌 the tender way in which she slides her arm over his waist and he grabs her hand in his 😭
The jarring cut to it being day and him lying down alone, pheww
The way Joel is instantly awake and ready to fucking go when he sees Tess' face 🫠
Enjoy how we get Tess saying how absolutely terrified Robert is of Joel, that he needs to take a breath and go slow, but reassures him she still wants to fuck him up - Tess is handling Joel like an spooked animal, gently and with care
I enjoy the changes made to Marlene from the game, she feels more real here, more brutal, this is a rebellion leader who is aware shit isn't going well, it's refreshing - we're seeing more of the inner workings of the firefly situation in Boston
I think it's cute that they still have shitty bars and stuff, humans desire connection and community so much they'll make the best out of whatever they got
"You tell me to 'look for the light' and I'll break your jaw." SLAY LOL
This insight into Ellie's treatment and her relationship with Marlene is really interesting - it's more context which I always enjoy
"You my fucking mom or something?" "Do I look like your mom?" "Nooo, you do not." 😂
First Riley mention, time to feel sad!
With more thought, the "he's here" is probably about Robert! Didn't think much on that before
Detail notice - love how hair and makeup department did Tess and Joel's graying hairs, it looks really good and natural. I read some comments ages ago that Joel's hair is too silver in some spots, but I raise to you my mum in defence, who went grey quite early (she started in her late 30s) and has beautiful silver highlights naturally between the darker hairs. If my mum ever finds out I've posted that online, she'll probably kill me, but then she shouldn't have genetically given me her terrible eyesight 😌 consider it retaliation
The wall body is so grotesque and beautiful, it reminds me a bit of Annihilation (if you haven't seen that movie, I recommend! Fantastic music and visual effects)
*Joel rambles about the building structure* "This has been 'Construction Corner' with Joel Miller." got me creasing lmao they're so snarky and funny
Man I wonder wtf happened, like, did Robert try to scam them so bad they had a shootout?? Crazy
"So this is who Robert screwed us over with? The Che Guevara of Boston?" tells me everything I need to know about Marlene
The shootout stance oooooohhsggsg
Kim and her missing ear 💀
I like the way they get the Ellie job in the show, it works really well
"Really? That fast?" crying lmao
There's clearly more history between Tommy, Marlene and Joel and I know it's because Tommy was a firefly but man what I wouldn't give for a series on the 20 years between this and 2003!!! I'd play a whole game of that!!! I wanna know what happened, in detail!!
Something that bothers me: they're soaked, their shoes are squelching, yet the floor is bone dry after they walk in 😭
I love how smart and inquisitive Ellie is, all the small things she notices and picks up on
Love the same dialogue but different way of delivering it from the game, refreshing as fuck
Ellie's a sassy little shit ain't she (I love her)
I find it constantly funny that cars and shit are still used after 20 years because y'all, gasoline has a shelf life of like 3-6 months and diesel about a year if they're stored correctly with stabilisers, so, why are vehicles used so much?? Where are they getting their gasoline from?? Yes I am aware you can make bio-gas out of plants but it's a complicated process and do you really think FEDRA is out here with greenhouses for gasoline? No me neither
Tess is actually so fucking lovely in regards to Ellie, like, mom mode detected - also love how it's Tess that takes the lead
I can feel my own back protesting at seeing them squat walk, yikes
Ellie gripping Tess' hand for support 😭💕
Joel's flashback due to the light - him beating that guy to fucking death because he's already lost one daughter to a soldier before, and he may not even like Ellie yet but he'll be damned if he lets another little girl die at the barrel of a gun like that
Ellie's face, like she wants to be scared of Joel but shit, that guy just killed a FEDRA soldier to protect her and you can see the admiration in her eyes, but the fear is there too
The radio at the end - we know Bill and Frank aren't alright but at this stage we don't know what exactly that means
The final shot of the iconic towers at the end, an infected screaming on the roof - fucking poetry
If you made it to the end, thanks for reading!! It's literally just my running thought process whilst watching!! Do you agree with some of my notes, was there anything you noticed that i didn't? Comments and reblogs welcome <3
Episode 2 thoughts:
Episode 3 thoughts:
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fagcrisis · 3 months
sorry what do you mean your mother's coup. elaborate
this ended up being long as hell so readmore time
so i live in this old fucking apartament building right, turns 120 soon, hasnt really been renovated in 50 years. and our apartament has the attic built in, which wasnt a feature originally and the previous tenant did it himself, badly, meaning weve had a hole in our roof for about 5ish years now that we just have not been able to fix. last november we had a pretty big storm that fucked the hole up even worse and our previous solution of just "put a bucket under it and leave the room" has stopped working because too much water was getting in and my sister had to start sleeping in a different room so safe to say, shit state of affairs
my mum got a contractor to come take a look at it and the dude concluded that its dangerous to be left unfixed and hes gonna have to climb in between the attic walls and the roof bc due to the hole theres a shitton of mold that needs to be cleaned out. overall this wouldve cost us 600k forint thats more than my mum makes in 2 months and i had 9-5 at that point but my shit salary was not gonna fix this. so my mum had a breakdown and decided that well sell the apartament and try moving, which sucks bc when we got this place it was still cheap but since then the housing market has gone to shit and we wouldve had to live in a rental we probably wouldnt have been able to afford. but my mum still called an agent to check the house out, and he told us that theres no way were selling it, because of the big fucking hole, the messed up pipes and bc the building isnt insulated (legally cant be bc its a historical monument lmao. europe)
HOWEVER he also said. since this is an apartament building with 12 flats we have a house representative and we pay *google translate help me* common cost every month, to cover repairs on the house, that we shouldnt have to pay for the repairs, the house should. cause. its the whole houses roof not just our apartaments.
my mum went to the house rep (józsi) to ask about this, and he told her that this isnt true and that he wont pay for the repairs. which made my mum mad and she went and found a lawyer who said the house does have to pay for repairs. but józsi was still like i will not.
so my mum talked to all 12 of our neighbouring flats individually and found out that literally everybody has grievances with this dude. there has been an ENTIRE TREE growing on the roof for years now that we havent been able to get cleaned out, the staircase is borderline life threatening to use, we could technically get authorization for insulating the house but the rep needs to apply and józsi hasnt, one of the gates to the yard is like not working, etc
they ended up calling the first house meeting in years (were supposed to have those every month lol) where they ended up voting to have a new rep, and also to fix our roof. which got fixed by the way, and the mold was also cleaned out
BUT the story doesnt end here bc they still need to vote a new rep in. and my mum found this company who represents apartament buildings professionally and sure itd cost us some money but we pay the common cost anyway, and they have contractors they work with so itd be soooo easy to fix shit in the house. but for some reason some people decided they want this dude instead, who owns one of the flats in the building but does not live here, his insane mother does who hates me. and he DOESNT LIVE HERE the entire problem with józsi was, that he was like not helpful in any way and now they want a guy who doesnt even live here??
ANYWAY TODAY THE PLOT FUCKING THICKENED. because. my mum started looking over the houses finances with 2 of our neighbours one of whom is i think a lesbian but im not sure anyways they found out that józsi has been STEALING MONEY. FROM THE COMMON COST. WHICH IS WHY FUCKALL GOT FIXED IN THE HOUSE!!!!
anyway the coup is still ongoing but i hope u enjoyed my mums tale of intrigue. shes having so much fun w this shes having secret meetings with people to talk about this all day
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It's the first time I send you an ask and I'm nervous lol just I want to know if you have some fics where Stiles is total flirt towards Derek like dancing to him or making risky comments or just doing something that set Derek off, like just Stiles being seductive in general
I loveeeee your blog💕💕💕💕 I always checking it for new fics to read
Aw thank you! Here you go.
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Dancing in the Street by wulfnerd (nerdwrites)
(1/1 I 100 I Teen)
Derek enjoys Stiles’ dancing. Maybe a little too much.
(Strip)tease by hailtohale (MissAntagonist)
(1/1 I If You Keep Following Me I'll Call Your Mum by ScorpioGirlFromMars(2/? I 2,007 I Explicit)
Driving me Insane by Viet_joker
(1/1 I 2,604 I Explicit)
Stiles is seriously driving Derek insane. He always had control, up until the worker at the drive-thru window had an interest in Stiles, and Stiles seemed somewhat surprised and probably interested. Derek was going to show that Stiles belonged to him and only him.
Five Time The Pack Made Assumptions About Stiles (+ one time they were right) by graveltotempo
(1/1 I 3,530 I Not Rated)
There are 5 things the Pack is sure of: 1. Stiles Stilinski is a virgin 2. Stiles Stilinski can’t defend himself 3. Stiles Stilinski doesn’t have friends outside the pack 4. Stiles Stilinski can't dance 5. Stiles Stilinski has terrible fashion sense Apparently, they were all wrong
Beastly Lover by M4nEat3r
(19/? I 8,767 I Explicit)
"So what does the name BeastlyLover mean anyways? Does it have something to do with the Disney movie? Are you a beast, Beast?" "Actually, yeah. Something like that. "Care to elaborate? "To make it quick and to the point, it means that if you ever have the pleasure of having sex with me, I'm going to fuck you like a beast." "...Oh." "Getting shy on me, LittleRedRidingHard? Didn't think you had it in you." "SHUT UP!"
Stiles signs up for a werewolf dating site and meets someone, but who he ends up with isn't who he expected.
Set a Song for Me by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(1/1 I 11,573 I Teen)
“You did a favour for a stranger?” the sheriff asked, surprised. “You won’t even do a favour for me.”
“Your favours involve chocolate and salty snacks, damn straight I won’t do you any favours,” Stiles insisted, pointing an accusatory finger at his dad while leaning back against the counter, taking another large sip of coffee. “Some guy lost his phone and was calling it hoping someone would answer. That someone was me. He said he’d had some drinks and couldn’t come grab it right then, so we agreed to meet at the station this morning. I didn’t realize ‘this morning’ meant the ass crack of dawn.”
“It’s not the ass crack of dawn, that was at five thirty-seven, according to the weather app on my phone.”
Stiles let out a sarcastic laugh and flipped his dad off. The sheriff gave him a look, but he didn’t reprimand him, clearly able to tell Stiles was miserable.
Bad Habits by Fudgebug
(12/12 I 108,296 I Explicit)
"Mmmmh pretty.“ Stiles purrs in a way that makes a wild fire torch the planes of his skin. He knows Stiles is drunk and that the boy would probably stroke a pineapple and compliment its attractiveness, but Derek can’t help the way his heart starts to be a huge backstabbing dick, thundering uncontrollably against his chest. It’s painful, because Derek knows it isn’t real.
A story about goody-two-shoes Derek crushing on a Polish Prince Charming with a drinking habit - also the universe keeps on shoving astral poop into his face. It's utterly spectacular.
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