#anyway on another note i think it is super important that percy has just as much relentless haterism here as in canon
aq2003 · 1 year
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day 5 of perc'ahlia week: fairytale/class
ok so. goddess vex and cringe fail cleric percy. (not pictured bc i ran out of time to draw it but she becomes mortal for him lol <3)
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child-of-helios · 4 months
hello. I've a rather stupid question. I've only read the books once, as a kid, and I don't understand why people hate calpyso x leo. whys it so bad? why does everyone seems to hate it on here?
First of all, this is my first ever ask, I've made it mother :D Secondly, I'd gladly explain! Though please note that it really has been a good while since I've read the books too, so my memory is kinda foggy :] Warnings for: Slight mentions (but not too much) of rape, pedophilia and mental illness (oh boy this is a tough one)
So, I have made a post abt this before, but it was written in a fit of rage so not my proudest moment (but my most popular post, oops). Anyways, I feel that the hate towards Calypso x Leo is because of a few reasons. 1. It simply didn't get enough development to feel worth it imo. Similar to Jason x Piper, I felt like there wasn't enough there to warrant a canon ship. There is also the fact that personally, I thought that their dynamic was more of a familial or that of siblings, which made me uncomfortable. I would've much rather have them be friends. 2. The uncomfortable age gap. It feels very weird because while yes, Calypso was depicted as a teenager, she is thousands upon thousands of years old. The fact that she fell in love with a literal child is incredibly weird. It was weird enough with Percy, but at least they didn't end up dating. With Leo though, she did end up dating him and the age gap feels very odd. Its even weirder knowing she had a relationship with Odysseus, who by that point was a pretty old dude so she was probably very mature and an adult (though she doesn't act like it). 3. Calypso is kinda a rapist. In the Odyssey myth, she forces Odysseus (a married man) to sleep with her. I'm sorry, but I can't support any relationship involving a rapist unless its rapist x prison cell. It makes me uncomfortable because she could very well take advantage of Leo, a mentally ill teenager with self-esteem issues. 4. Her toxic treatment of Leo. Calypso was very pissed when Leo arrived on her island, rightfully so after what she had gone through, but even then her treatment of his was outright cruel, especially compared to that of Percy and Odysseus. She made him sleep outside, exposing him to the elements after he got flung through the air and ended up on her island, which must've caused some damage. Then after they started dating, I still felt uncomfortable reading about the two, because their dynamic just didn't work, and I don't recall her apologizing to him for her treatment of him. 5. Leo's arc was thrown away. I think the worst of all, is how this impacted Leo's character. He should've had an arc where he learnt to love himself, but because of Calypso he didn't. I think the moral was supposed to be: 'even if you're mentally ill or have problems, you still deserve love!' but it came over more as: 'ignore your issues and get all your love from someone else.' Isn't it more important for kids to learn about self-love? And as an extra: what could've been. I think that Leo shouldn't have gone back for Calypso, that that ship shouldn't have happened. I prefer him going back to Echo and them learning about self-love together as buddies (and maybe evolving into more than that). Echo was stuck in an abusive relationship with the Narcissist, so I think it would a good arc for them both. I also think that if you really wanted a romance, Jason x Leo would've been much better. We know that Rick can write good gay romances, we know that Piper turns out to be a lesbian, so why not make Jason and Leo gay? I think it would add much more to the tragedy of Jason's death, but that's for another post (and this one is getting too long already oops). In conclusion, I think Caleo is bad for many reasons, but especially because it didn't have enough time to develop and the dynamic was simply too creepy for me to get invested in. Sorry for the super long post- Have a lovely day :D
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viscountessevie · 9 months
Do you think JQ cares at all at how her characters (and to an extent the actors too with the promo and stuff) are treated or does she only care about the money? I mean they already did huge changes and they will probably do more going forward. As an artist myself I would find it disheartening how something I created would be taken apart so much that it barely resembles my own work. And also how does she feel about all her fans response to the season 2 disaster? There was a lot of complaining on her insta posts about what they did to Kate and Edwina (especially on her video post about the sister soulmate stuff). Okay yes she signed off all rights, if one should do that is another debate (i wouldn’t ) but do you think she regrets it? Because it doesn’t feel that way. Makes me resent her a bit tbh.
Ask Dated: 31st July 2022
I can't quite remember what may have prompted this ask but probably them feeling the same way I felt about S2.
While yes Simone and Jonny's chemistry and some acting choices/scene and tone changes saved the season, I still felt robbed of my favourite lines and scenes from the book not being adapted. And of course how they massacred my favourite book family, The Sheffields/Sharmas. We really could have seen a healthy and loving Indian family of women instead we got the same toxic shit I grew up in.
Anyway, to answer your main question anon, I have a feeling the Netflix/Shondaland check was big enough for JQ to sell her soul and writer's integrity. If she did care, she hasn't shown it one bit. Or alternatively her lack of enthusiasm for Kate, The Sharmas and Kathony now that Kate is an Indian woman, can be a sign of expressing her disappointment in the colour blind cast. I mean before the show was announced (and old time Bton fans feel free to correct me), Kathony (and TVWLM) and Polin (and RMB) were her favourite couples and books to hype up. Ever since Simone was announced as Kate, she did the bare minimum talking about her and has ignored Kate in favour of her fave and only white tv couple (so far). So take what you will from that.
There are a few articles out here where JQ kind of does mental gymnastics to justify all the big changes to S2 which I thought were cop out answers. [Note: it is almost 4am as I am writing this and I am a little tired to find for her exact quotes but if I come across them I'll link at a later time but for now Google is your bestie!]
I did find that she stipulating that *only* the Pall Mall scene could not be changed at all, really dumb in hindsight. Because the way they shot and edited that scene was super lame (there was barely any tension visually - Jimone was carrying the tension and rivalry of the scene and match) and there was SO MANY MORE important scenes and characterisations that made TVWLM so popular and beloved and nothing else mattered to her???
I will admit; while I LOVE the OG Bee Scene, I liked the new one too. I just wish they had gotten married earlier. Also of course the new accident scene is superior. But it still does not make up for how badly they fumbled the Sharmas, cutting out their backstories and then giving away an whole useless hour to the Featherflops. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE TWO WEDDINGS THAT WEREN'T EVEN KATE'S!!!
I really wanna know how much she was paid to just go along with everything because even Rick Riordan was able to express his disdain with the Percy Jackson movies!! I think at this point, its safe to say its enough money to make her turn a blind eye to all the horrid changes and not regret anything. It even is enough to make her eat her words about not being able to write characters of colour (will expand more in the next ask) but now suddenly after all these years, she can write a romance novel centred on a Black heroine. I guess characters of colour are only worth writing if she can profit off them. It makes me resent her too anon. 
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jankwritten · 2 years
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I posted 9,419 times in 2022
That's 9,419 more posts than 2021!
246 posts created (3%)
9,173 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,098 of my posts in 2022
#pjo - 460 posts
#jason grace - 431 posts
#hoo - 369 posts
#nico di angelo - 277 posts
#percy jackson - 178 posts
#leo valdez - 134 posts
#jasico - 105 posts
#annabeth chase - 90 posts
#omgcp - 75 posts
#piper mclean - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#in the meantime. love y’all. anyone who reads this and anyone who doesn’t. y’all are important no matter who you are. you deserve to hear it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jason and Nico being able to unmask around one another for pretty much the first time ever is one of my favorite things about them. Like no matter if their relationship is romantic or platonic or if they're even just acquaintances, I feel like there's always this prevailing sense that the two of them get each other better than most people get them. They also both suffer the same "curse" of identity - they want people to see them for who they are, but people tend to only see them for who their parent is. They hear Jason Grace and think son of Jupiter before they think anything else. They hear Nico di Angelo and they think child of Hades before any other thought comes to mind. These two are the only people for each other (that they know of so far, anyways) who hear their names and think friend, or dork, or nerd about temples first.
Sure, I understand that they didn't always start out that way. Jason in canon had a LOT of issues to work through when he was on the Argo - he had his memories wiped, he was in a relationship with a girl he wasn't sure he really remembered, he was being told to be a leader even though Percy also wanted to be a leader, and so he treated Nico the way he did because it was what everyone else expected of him. But then he saw Nico open up, or more he saw Nico be forced to open up, and he realized that he didn't have to obey what everyone else thought anymore. He saw this guy who was struggling, who was hurt and hated and he saw himself in that guy, and he wanted to help.
I just think Jason and Nico's relationship is so fucking awesome. The one that they tend to have in fanon, anyways, I haven't reread HoO recently enough to form an opinion about their canon relationship. I think it's fucking awesome that we have these two characters that, to us, bond so well.
238 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
currently writing an AU where Chiron convinces Sally to take Nico home after the summer camp session is done because despite all they've tried, Nico isn't getting better mentally and it's clear that the atmosphere around camp is inhibiting him (kids still treating him like shit, his own feelings of inadequacy regarding his parentage, the way it reminds him of waiting for Bianca and Percy to come back only to learn Bianca would never come back, etc.)
So Sally Jackson takes Nico home with her and Percy, and Percy is PISSED. Like beyond angry, will not talk to Nico and is a total dick to him most of the time because he's a 17 year old boy who's finally going to see his mama again and NOW HE'S GOT THIS SHITTY LITTLE FUCKING SIDEKICK who he's still not TOTALLY convinced isn't in love with his girlfriend despite Nico literally coming out to him. In this AU Percy is definitely still dealing with a lot of his own trauma and none of it in a super healthy manner - hence, he hates Nico.
At least, that's how it was supposed to go. Now Percy and Nico have bonded into essentially being brothers. They wrestle in the backyard so often Sally has taken to spraying them with the garden hose when they're being too rowdy. They bicker and fight over whose turn it is to walk Mrs. O'Leary. They end up having to go to the same school (Nico kept getting kicked out of the other ones) and Percy defends Nico from people being dicks while simultaneously being a dick to him (but lovingly).
I love it when AUs get totally out of hand from what I originally wanted them to be and I elect to make this Jason Grace's fault for becoming Nico's boyfriend when I wasn't paying attention. Jason put Percy and Nico into a get-along shirt.
also Nico and Annabeth become good friends because she's around a lot and she finds him an invaluable resource on the topics that she can never wrap her head around, things that are too old to even really be in any online databases - things that Nico can access by speaking to the dead. They start off being very iffy about one another but by the end they are also Practically Siblings.
309 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
I think that Jason has a stuffed animal that one of his guardians in New Rome have to him when he was a baby. A wolf or a fox or some other dog/cat-like creature - maybe even a stuffed hellhound or something, something that he rediscovers on accident while in the 5th Cohort’s barracks, something that makes him sit down on the floor holding it in his hands and cry, for some reason, something he can’t even remember but he knows was important to him once upon a time.
460 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
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Okay so the last time I read HoO was in middle school, like JUST before blood of olympus came out, so ofc i have a very bad memory for the details of certain scenes but like this 100% happened, I thought that maybe i didn't remember it right or something but. I mean it's right there so.
1,190 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
See now I think it would be really funny if IN CANON Hermes was Lin Manuel Miranda. Like in the show he is still the exact same as he is IRL. Hermes wrote Hamilton. He got bored of listening to Apollo prattling on about Broadway so he went out in disguise as a mortal and Did That.
That’s the only way I will accept him as Hermes, is if THAT is the reason.
4,711 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
(Tumblr telling me how to use tags makes me want to throttle somebody KAMDKCKMSNF BUT THIS WAS FUN TO SEE)
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chasingpj · 3 years
"You only want to stay because of your little boyfriend. Is he more important to you than us?“
pairing: percy jackson x child of hecate!reader
words: 5,297
warnings: angsty, mentions of breaking down
timeline: post sea of monsters
if you want to be tagged every time I update this story click here
a/n: i'm so fried after editing this, if i missed any typos, i'm sorry. as always, let me know what you think! i love getting feedback from you guys!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Your siblings sit in a half-circle at the back of the Hermes Cabin, ready for their lesson. James lays out the materials you’ll need for the potion he was demonstrating today: the mortar and pestle, herbs, spell books. He has almost everything except for the sand, which was the most crucial ingredient. So, he had sent you to retrieve some from the dunes since you were the only one who didn’t need the lesson Ernest was teaching.
Ernest stands in front of Sage, Alice, Lou Ellen, and Atticus, lecturing on the properties of sand. Your siblings listen attentively, taking notes in their notebooks, all of them but one. Ernest looks up from reading a part of his book of shadows, noticing Atticus is distracted by his familiar.
"Atticus, are you listening?" Ernest asks, raising his eyebrow as he closes his book. Atticus cradles Harvey in his arms as if he is a newborn baby, his finger scratching his tummy as the animal curls up towards his chest. He doesn’t notice the other staring at him for a few seconds, looking up after realizing he had stopped talking.
"Me? Yeah, dude. I'm listening," Atticus bluffs, and Ernest squints, leaning back on the desk behind him.
"So what did I just say?"
"Atticus, are you listening?" Atticus repeats, smiling as his sisters giggle beside him. The corner of Ernest’s mouth tugs into a slight smirk as he rolls his eyes.
"What did I say before that?" He clarifies. Atticus sways in his place, continuing to soothe his tired familiar, and he hums, trying to recall what they were discussing. He’s quiet for a while before grunting. He really wasn't listening, too distracted by his surroundings to focus. Ernest pretty much lost him at “alright guys, today…” However, he remembers you volunteering to get sand after James realized he forgot to get some himself.
"Ehm… I don't know. Something about sand?"
Ernest sighs, "Yes, I was talking about sand. Can anyone catch Atticus up on the properties for sand?"
"Different sands have various spiritual properties, but the lake sand that you're using today can be used in spells for self-reflection and grounding," Travis chimes in all of a sudden. He's laid down in his bed, holding a comic book over his head as he looks at the group.
James turns away from the materials, amused that the other has probably been listening this entire time. It was the middle of the day, so the Hermes cabin was pretty empty since everyone was out doing their own thing. The only other people in the cabin were the Stoll brothers and a handful of their siblings. James chuckles,
"Travis, you want to be a witch too?" He jokes, and Travis shrugs,
"I practically am already. I'm always listening to your lessons," he admits amused, returning his attention to the comic book he was reading.
"Everyone has a little witch in them. See Atticus; even Travis was listening," Alabaster teases.
Atticus grunts, "Yeah, yeah. I was trying to put Harvey to sleep!"
“You act like he’s a baby that needs to be coddled!” Sage raises her eyebrow. Atticus had always been super affectionate with Harvey. She swears she’s never seen Atticus and Harvey separated for long like the way you and Ambrose have periods where you’ll be apart. When Ambrose knew you were safe, he’d usually wander off to find your siblings or mess around with monsters in the forest, so he wasn’t with you 24/7. But Atticus managed to have Harvey with him all the time.
“Do not judge my parenting! He likes being held,” Atticus defends Harvey, and Lou Ellen rolls her eyes.
“Parenting? You sound like a single dad.”
Alabaster snorts, “anyways," he cuts in, grabbing both of their attention. "we can start the potion whenever Y/n decides to come back with it," he says as he sits down in a nearby desk chair.
Lou Ellen hums, "she's been gone for almost 40 minutes now. The dunes are on the other side of camp, but it shouldn't take her this long?"
"Maybe she got sidetracked?" James shrugs. "We can go look for her if she doesn't come back in another 10 minutes, but I'm sure she's fine.”
"I'm here!" You announce as you burst through the cabin door, Ambrose running next to you. He runs through the wall, rushing to join your siblings. You sigh, your arm coming up to wipe your forehead that was a little damp from sweat, and your cheeks are a little flushed from being in the summer heat.
"Look who decided to come back," James announces, shaking his head in playful disapproval. You smile sheepishly, too caught up in your breathing to say anything as you pass the jar to him. You return to your spot between Lou Ellen and Atticus, hoping they wouldn't ask too many questions.
"What took you so long?" Lou Ellen asks, her voice concerned. You clear your throat, attempting not to sound hesitant as you come up with a lie on a whim.
"Oh uh, I just got distracted… some of the girls from the Aphrodite cabin were hanging out at the dunes, and I got caught up in conversation," you stutter a little, suddenly feeling nervous as Atticus squints at you. You accidentally meet his stare before looking away fast, turning so that your back is facing him.
"You're lying," he declares. You scoff,
"No, I'm not!"
"I'm your twin, y/n. I know when you are lying!" He reminds you, and you groan.
You and Atticus have always had this weird twin sense. You both can tell when the other is lying because you could pick up on each other's emotions really well. You thought maybe if he didn’t see your body language, he wouldn’t be able to pick up on your lie, but of course, he didn’t need a visual to know that you were nervous. You could also feel each other's pain to a certain extent which has always been annoying. Atticus was pretty accident-prone when he was younger and, well, still is. This meant any bumps and bruises he managed to obtain, you would always get dull aches in the same area. The most annoying part of it all was that the more severe the pain, the more you felt. Once you had period cramps so bad, you both had to call out from school because he was also curled up in his bed, declaring that he’ll never make period jokes again in his life.
You weren’t sure why you had this connection with your brother. Since you’ve had it your entire life, you had thought this was a regular thing, but you’ve recently found out that it wasn't normal at all. You just assumed that it came with the quirks of being children of a sorceress goddess. You had to admit that it was cool, but at times like this, you wished you didn’t have it because Atticus called you out a lot.
You didn't want to admit you got distracted by Percy in the combat area. On your way back, you saw him practicing with the test dummies. You watched him practice for a few seconds, and you had no intention of stopping to talk to him initially, but when he caught you walking by, he called you over.
"Admit it, you were nervous," Percy laughs, continuing to tease you about how you ran away from him during Capture the Flag. You scoff, nudging his shoulder,
"Of you? Please,” you deny even though you were nervous about going head-to-head with him, but he didn’t need to know that. “It doesn't matter if I ran away because I still won!” You stick your tongue out at him, and he smiles,
“You should still practice your sword fighting, Y/n. You can’t always run away from a sword fight,” he points out, and you frown,
“I’m not a close-range fighter. It’s just how it is.” After declaring that you “failed” in sword fighting, you were a bit insecure about your abilities. It was a good and bad thing because after your “failure,” you delved into your magic studies, and you were proud of how much better your abilities have gotten. You could confidently say that you are now a more powerful and seasoned witch than you were at the beginning of the summer. The bad part was that you never stepped foot in the combat area again. The dagger you carried around barely saw the light of day, strapped in its holster most of the time.
"Well, one day, you might not have a choice… c'mon Sabrina Spellman, show me what you got," he jokes as he gets into his stance. You smile, putting the jar of sand down before taking your dagger out of its casing.
"I don't got much to show," you say playfully.
You thought that you'd just go one round with him, but the next thing you knew, he was giving you an entire lesson. He sparred with you a few times, analyzing how you fought and he gave you tips here and there. He was helpful and patient, and you did walk away knowing a few new things.
You swallow as you feel the stares of your siblings, now interested as to why you lied. You try not to become more flustered as you recall the feeling of Percy standing close behind you. His touch was gentle, hands slightly calloused as he adjusted the way you held your dagger, and with light fingertips, he moved your limbs, putting you in a stronger stance.
You shake your head, fiddling with your fingers, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you trailed off, hoping Atticus would drop it. You turn to your brothers, James preparing everything, but Alabaster and Ernest were just as interested as the others regarding where you could have been.
"She was probably with Percy,” Connor mocks, a sly smirk on his face as the whole cabin filled with Ooo's and amused chattering. Your shoulders slouch, head hung low, and you felt like you wanted to crawl in a hole.
"Were you actually?" You hear Atticus asks with amusement in his voice. You don't move from your place, keeping quiet. You knew there was no use in denying it because Atticus would easily sense the lie.
"She definitely was!" Alice squeals when you don’t say anything, and you glare at your sisters, making them giggle.
Lou Ellen nudges your shoulder, "what were you guys doing? You looked flustered when you walked in here,” she teases and winks.
"Probably making out!" Connor butts in before you could answer, and you gasp, snapping your gaze to him.
“We were just sparring!" You blurt out, and Connor laughs at how defense you suddenly became. The last thing you wanted was rumors leaving the cabin, and you groan as your sisters start pestering you with questions, along with the assumptions of your other cabinmates.
"Okay! Okay," Alabaster shouts a little over the chattering. "We need to focus. You guys can talk about that later," he says, and silence falls amongst your siblings. You nod, relieved that you get to avoid the topic for now. You watch as they exchange looks, silently communicating something to each other. You had an idea that it had something to do with you as Ernest’s eyes flicker in your direction and Alabaster’s face hardens. James gave them a dismissive wave with his hand as if he was telling them not to worry before continuing to sort out the materials in front of him.
"Let's start this potion. Some of us have chores to do," James cuts through the silence as he grabs the mortar and pestle and sits down in front of you and your siblings.
As James puts the potion together, carefully showing you how to cut and crush certain herbs, Ernest sits beside him, explaining the steps carefully. You lean a little forward, focusing on the lesson, and you diligently write notes in your notebook, trying not to miss any crucial details.
“Take good notes; I’m copying those,” Atticus whispers in your ear, and you squint at him playfully. His arms were too occupied with Harvey, so he was just watching the demonstration, confident that you’ll take thorough notes for him to copy. You shake your head, turning your attention back to Ernest as he speaks. After demonstrating it, they pass on the materials to you guys, and it was your turn to try it out.
The potion was a little too easy for you, and you find yourself growing a little bored as you put everything together. It annoyed you because you felt like your brothers were going easy on you and you were itching to get into the more advanced stuff such as healing potions or something like a disguising potion.
Out of your three older brothers, Ernest was the most knowledgeable about potions. He was always helping out in the infirmary, making healing potions for the Apollo kids to use. Sometimes the Hermes kids would ask him to make potions for pranks, and you’ve even seen some of the girls from the Aphrodite cabin begging him to make love potions for them. Usually, Ernest would decline their requests, giving lectures, especially to the Aphrodite girls, why a love potion is a terrible idea. But in the times that he has agreed to do them, the results were always hilarious. Once, he made a Hilarity Potion for the Stoll brothers that turned the Ares cabin into a bunch of giggling messes for 24 hours. Until that day, you’ve never seen someone giggle aggressively before.
You were the first to finish the potion, bottling it up in a miniature glass jar before pushing the cork into the top. You carefully wired wrapped the jar, attaching it to a necklace and fastening it around your neck. After being praised by your brothers, you were off to do the chores that were given to you by Connor as repayment for not ratting you out to the Aphrodite Cabin about your spontaneous meeting with Percy at the docks.
You were done right in time for dinner, the time passing as usual as you and your siblings talk and laugh at the table. Soon, you were singing along to the songs at the campfire, and by the time it came to an end, your eyelids were heavy with fatigue. You knew then that you were not going to study into the night as the soreness from sparring with Percy started to settle in your muscles. When you arrived at the Hermes cabin after washing up for bed, you could barely keep your eyes open. The last thing you remembered was mumbling a good night to Atticus and turning over in your bed.
Your dreams were always weird, so when you’re taken to a meadow in the middle of nowhere, you weren’t surprised. Actually, you were pretty content, preferring this scene instead of the bizarre settings you often came across.
You swore you could feel the soft summer breeze blowing on your face, and you take a deep breath, basking in the fresh air. You look out at the grassy land ahead of you, noticing you were standing at a crossroad. Two gravel roads stretched in either direction, one path seemingly identical to the other. You turn around to study your surroundings further. You squint, hand hovering above your eyes to protect them from the shining sun that's beginning to set behind the hills. The valley was still; the only sound you could hear was the wind whooshing past your ears, and you felt safe.
“Come with us, y/n.” A familiar voice cuts through the stillness, and you gasp, looking in the direction it came from. You find Alabaster standing on the left road, James and Ernest standing beside him. You felt your stomach turn as their eyes darken. Your arms wrap around your frame as the once warm wind turns cold. Dark clouds roll in, splitting the sky in half as the right side remains the same sunny meadow. Groans of thunder echoed throughout the land, and you can sense an eerie presence lingering in the air.
“What?” You whisper to yourself, noticing Atticus standing on the right road.
“No! Don’t,” he shouts, his expression glazed over in fear, and you step back.
“Don’t listen to him. We know what’s best for you,” James says, his arm extended out for you to hold, and you shake your head. “Come with us.”
“No! Come with me!”
“Come with us!”
You feel your heart racing in your chest, the screams of your brothers sending goosebumps to your skin. Their voices become more desperate, and you can hear the grief and panic in their voices.
“No, no, no. It’s a dream… you can change it,” you whisper, becoming overwhelmed as the thunder grows louder and so the desperation in your brother’s wailing. You stare down at the ground, and your hands are pressed firmly over your ears. You try to concentrate on shifting into another dream, but before you could, you felt as if your body was sucked into a vortex. A distant voice calls your name, and you groan, your vision blurry as your eyes flutter open.
Alabaster stands over you as he nudges your shoulder softly, whispering your name until you finally wake up. “C’mon, get up.”
You lazily sit up in your bed, your surroundings fuzzy as Alabaster guides you to stand up. You assume that it must be morning as you slip your feet into your slippers and you rub your eyes. It didn’t take you long to notice that it was still night time and you whine softly, confused and annoyed that you were woken up from your slumber.
“Al? What’s going on?” Alabaster doesn’t answer, grabbing onto your wrist, and you were too groggy to protest, following him to the back window of the Hermes cabin. You stumble a little when you land on the grass, Atticus coming to your side and grabbing on to your other hand. You don’t even notice the nervous look on his face or the way his hand was shaking, too busy attempting to stay awake.
Your vision was still fuzzy, and you lay your head against your brother's arm, feeling Ambrose’s mouth tugging on your shirt frantically as Alabaster leads you into the forest. You don’t know what it was, but you had this feeling that something was wrong and a soft sigh leaves your lips as you gather your strength to get out of your grogginess.
“Wait… wait!” You snatch your arm from Alabaster's hold. “What’s going on?” You ask as your brothers turn around.
“We’re leaving,” Ernest says, and you furrow your eyebrows. “We’re going to join Kronos’s army.”
“We? Are you insane?” You felt your heart drop to your chest, and you tried to look for any sign that they were joking.
“Come with us, Y/n,” Alabaster pleads, and you feel goosebumps forming on your skin as you get an overwhelming feeling of deja vu. The tone of his voice, the way their eyes darkened, was the same as the dream you just had. Your brothers glowered down at you, waiting for your decision.
"No… no, this isn't right,” you whisper. You let go of Atticus’s hand, just now noticing how tight his grip was. You wipe your shaky palms on your pants, and for a moment, you thought you were still dreaming. At least, you were hoping that you were still dreaming. You scan your surroundings, trying to find a sign that would tell you that this wasn't real, but you don't find one.
“There is no reason to stay here, to fight on this side. Kronos will win the war. The camp doesn’t stand a chance,” Alabaster declares confidently. Your mind wanders, recalling the dark stormy clouds that loomed over your brothers in your dream and the eeriness that took over. You could practically feel your pulse in your ears, grasping the fact that your dream was a warning.
“And how are you so sure?” Your voice quivers, and you sigh in disbelief.
“Because mother told me,” Alabaster says, and your head jerks back, your eyebrows furrowed.
“Mother? She spoke to you?”
“Yes. She’s fighting for Kronos, and she believes it is in our best interest to join her.”
A wave of emotion washes over you all at once. You were shocked, furious, even a little jealous. Your mother never came to speak to you. You knew that she tended to favor your more powerful siblings. Your older brothers have talked to her a few times, and the reminder made your chest feel heavy. You knew she looked after you, obviously. She had saved your life by sending Ambrose to you and your brother's aid. You prayed to her daily, and she occasionally sent you signs that made you feel she was there with you — but coming to see you? That was a privilege that you weren’t worthy of; at least, that’s what it felt like.
Your fury came from the fact that your mother was the motivator of all this. Why would she persuade your brothers in her own interests? Weren’t there rules that your godly parent couldn’t interfere with certain things? You weren’t sure what the rules specifically were, but this didn’t feel right. You shake your head,
“Mother isn’t omniscient. She doesn’t know who will win.” Your fist is clenched hard on your side, and you watch as Alabaster’s expression hardens,
"You're only fighting on this side because of your little boyfriend. Is he more important to you than us?"
"Boyfriend?! What are you talking about-”
"I'm talking about Percy! Don’t think we haven’t noticed you hanging out with him. Sparring together? In the strawberry fields together? You guys were practically flirting at the campfire, and Connor told us that you’ve been meeting him at night. Is that true?"
You feel your face get hot, but it wasn’t at the accusation of Percy being your boyfriend but the rage that was swirling in your chest. You hated that he thought you would compromise your loyalty to your siblings for a boy. That wasn’t true. In the right circumstances, you would always put your siblings first because you knew they would do the same. But this wasn’t about Percy; you haven’t thought of him until Alabaster brought him up. This was about loyalty to the camp.
"He's not my boyfriend. It doesn’t even matter what side he’s fighting on. I couldn’t care less. Al… this- this is about family!"
"Family?! What?”
“The camp,” you say shakily, and you shift on your feet as a sarcastic laugh leaves Alabaster’s lips.
“The camp? You mean the camp that doesn’t deem our mother worthy of her own cabin? We’ve been trapped in that Hermes cabin since the beginning. Half of us didn’t even have a bed to sleep in the first summer we arrived. You and Lou Ellen had to cram in a twin-size bed the first couple of weeks until you got lucky and something opened up. Y/n, they don’t care about us. They toss us to the side, barely give us a space to learn our magic. This camp isn’t family. We're your family, Y/n. We understand you the most. We share the same powers, the same mother. We care for you."
You look down at the ground, hating that you were unable to deny that the words he spoke held truth. The children of minor gods were treated differently. You didn’t have a cabin dedicated to your godly parent, and that was enough to make you feel lesser than. You remember Ethan Nakamura saying in passing that being forced to sleep in the Hermes cabin was pretty much an odd punishment for not being a child of one of the 12. You remember laughing and brushing it off, not thinking much of it at the moment, but now, it suddenly occurred to you that he wasn’t joking at all. He was dead serious.
You have to admit that the living situation wasn’t ideal. It affected how you were able to study your magic and came with annoying inconveniences. You slept in a sleeping bag for your first summer, tucked away in the corner of the room with Atticus. The system in place for who gets a bed was set up by seniority. The longer you've been at camp, the more secure your sleeping arrangements were. You only got a bed because, at the beginning of the summer, a good chunk of kids had left to join Kronos’ army, which bumped you up on the waiting list.
You almost gave in, only so that you'd be with your siblings. If you stay, most of them will be long gone, and you'll be forced to fight them on the battlefield, but you couldn't leave. It didn’t feel right to compromise your loyalty to the camp. Though there were days where you did feel like an outcast, you couldn’t ignore the times you didn’t. Your friends here were important to you too, and you’ve always seen the camp as your haven. It was the only place where you didn’t have to worry about monsters or entities. Sure, some people at camp saw you as some freak, but you never felt as much as a freak here as you did in the mortal world. In the end, it boiled down to one question. Did you want to fight alongside your friends for a camp that brought you a sense of comfort? Or will you fight for a bitter, greedy titian who’s only using you so he can have the throne?
"No, I’m staying,” you say with a tight jaw, looking up to meet Alabaster’s eyes. You kept thinking of the dark clouds, the thunder roaring in the background, the way the valley darkened. That was a warning. That was a clear sign to run the other way, to not walk into the storm.
"Atticus?" Alabaster shifts his gaze to your brother, who stands beside you. Your entire body tenses up, your teeth chewing at the inside of your cheek.
He couldn't go. You couldn’t bear the thought of being without him. Though you were sure that he would be on your side, it was then you decided that if Atticus left, you were going to leave too. You hated that you were second-guessing him, but you weren't sure what to believe after this whole thing being pulled by Alabaster.
"... I'm staying.” His voice is more confident than you expected it to be, and you sigh out shakily, feeling the weight of dread lift from on your shoulders. You’ll still have your twin, and right now, when you felt like your whole world was falling apart, that’s all that mattered.
"You both are fools," Alabaster hissed, and your fist clenches, gaze snapping up.
"You’re the damn fool. How are you so sure that if Kronos wins, everything will suddenly be better? Alabaster, he’s feeding off your anger for his own agenda. You really think if we fight in his little army, he’ll care about us?” Your voice cracks, you scan the crowd of your siblings looking at you. You peer over at your sisters, who were huddled behind your brothers.
“Sage, Alice, Lou Ellen? This isn’t right. We- I- don’t go, just stay here at camp,” you plead, hoping that if you could persuade them to stay, maybe your brothers will forfeit their plan. “I have a bad feeling. I had a dre-”
“Stop,” James barked. You couldn’t help but cringe; the way his eyes narrowed at you was something you’ve never seen before.
“The odds are in Kronos’ favor. He has a bigger army. His allies are strong. This camp doesn’t stand a chance. You asking them to stay is the same as asking them to die,” he declares. “Mother says if- when he wins, she will take care of us. We can live and study with her, she promised.”
Your eyes sting with tears, and you close them, fingers anxiously peeling the skin around your nails. It was way too good to be true. That’s probably something you’ve always wanted, to live as a coven with your siblings. You only wished for a conversation with your mother, but the opportunity to learn from her directly was tempting. Still, you thought about the chaos that would reign across the country, across the world. You didn’t understand how a world under the rule of Kronos could be any better than the world you had now. And you deduced that it would probably be even worse.
“It’s all bull,” you spat, and you scoff. “I’m asking them to die? Take a look at where you’re taking them! This is mad. Guys, please,” you plead again. You frown as Alice and Sage refuse to look at you, huddling close beside each other.
“I- I’m staying,” Lou Ellen suddenly breaks the silence, and you feel a rush of hopefulness. Her head is lowered in a bow, avoiding the stares of your brothers as she walks to you. You reach out your arms, grasping her hand the moment she was close enough. You hear Ernest scoff, turning around to look at Sage and Alice.
“Anyone else would like to stay?” His tone is harsh, cutting through the night and Alice and Sage stare at the floor. You could tell from their trembling hands that they were scared. If they felt any conviction, any second thoughts, they didn’t dare to speak up.
“Let’s go before we get caught out here,” Alabaster announces, and you meet his eyes one last time.
“We’ll see you on the battlefield, sister.”
The walk back to the Hermes Cabin was silent. You hold on to Lou Ellen’s equally clammy hands, the three of you shaken up from what just happened. A part of you still couldn’t even believe that this is how your night played out. You glance at Atticus, his face expressionless, but you knew his mind was scattered with a million thoughts. If your own grief wasn’t enough, you were met with the burden of the grief radiating off of him.
Atticus coped with things differently than you did. You were quick to cry when you’re sad, scream when you were angry, but he bottled it up. He would bottle it up until all his emotions boiled over the limit. Even then, he was private, never letting it out where people could see him, but no matter what, you felt it, and no matter what, you were there comforting him.
He meets your gaze, and you take in the sadness on his face. The sight of his sorrow made it hard to hold back your tears. You knew that when Al called his name, he felt your panic. He felt your dilemma. You didn’t exactly know his stance on the impending war, but you knew at that moment, Atticus made his decision because he didn’t want to be separated from you. He manages a sad smile as there is a mutual understanding of this between the two of you. He slings his arm around both you and Lou Ellen’s shoulders in a failed attempt to lighten up the situation. He swallows hard,
“We’ll be okay,” he musters out, and as confident he wished to sound, the weakness in his voice was unavoidable. You suppress the sob that threatened to leave your lips, a tear falling down your cheek, and you nod,
“Yeah, we- we’ll be okay.” Your voice falters.
and hopefully, they’ll be okay too.
masterlist taglist: @nct127bee @xxyrr
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marbleheavy · 4 years
more married solangelo because i love it 👉👈
(ft love languages):
- quick but very important note that i forgot to add in the last one: at their wedding, their first dance is to songbird by fleetwood mac and i will die by that
- (will starts crying i m m e d i a t e l y at the first verse)
- anywhoosies
- will’s love language is physical touch and nico’s is acts of service (but also words of affirmation)
- so pda is a weird limbo because will wants to hold nico’s hand and wrap his arm around his waist and kiss his cheek but nico isn’t super comfy with that
- at home or in private, affection is bountiful and constant
- but out in public? nico is hesitant and will respects that, even if he’s itching to intertwine their fingers
- will doesn’t have any of the same insecurities about it as he did when they first started dating (like was nico was ashamed of him? did he not actually like will?) because they were married, nico is clearly in it for the long haul
- so he reconciles his own desire for touch with the fact that nico just doesn’t always like it and that’s okay
- but every time they meet someone new or anything, nico always, always introduces will as his husband and that makes his heart explode
- that’s just how nico shows his affection and if will gets to hear the way nico’s voice goes all soft and warm when he says “this is will, my husband”, then that’s (really, really) good too
- nico is shorter than will (and quick tangent, i firmly believe that will is the one with the abnormal height. nico is like 5’9” or 5’10” which is average but will had a freaky growth spurt at seventeen when he thought he was done growing and now he is a giant, like at least 6’4”)
- (another tangent about the height thing, will and nico thought it was fucking hilarious when percy and jason got all huffy because will was taller than them)
- anyways nico obviously takes will’s clothes and he had to roll sweatpants like a million times to get them to fit and t-shirt collars expose his collar bones and will just melts
- also nico cooks dinner and will does the dishes, that’s just canon i’m sorry
- but sometimes will really does try to make dinner or breakfast in bed for nico even if he isn’t all that great at cooking
- and if the eggs end up over cooked and the toast is burnt, it’s all okay because the way that nico looks at him, sleepy and in awe with messy hair and parted lips, makes him try again and again
- (*cough* acts of service *cough*)
- will also praises nico all the time and for literally everything, plus he is just a fountain of pet names
- excerpts from will’s daily rhetoric: “darling, i love you”, “i’ll see you later, love”, “sweetheart, you’re the most perfect thing to ever exist and i adore you” (said after nico packed him a lunch literally one time and nico got so flustered he had to sit down)
- one time will called nico his “hubby” and nico shoved him so hard
- nico’s favorite terms of affection are as follows: darling, love, (those are tied for top two), sweetheart, and angel (cliche but appreciated)
- some honorable mentions that were probably only said once and met with a scowl/shove: romeo, schnookums, sugar ass, dumpling, baby doll, hot stuff, and heartthrob
- when they tell people they’re married most people immediately are like “wow you guys look so young haha, i thought you were like nineteen”
- and they’re just like “yes. we are.”
- and when they go to college (tbh i don’t think they’d go to new rome but now is not the time to elaborate on that) it’s also a little weird cause they’re college students and they are trying to have a normal college experience and make friends and all that jazz but they’re also married and have been through two wars so the disparity in maturity level is a bit of an issue
- they go to a party and get drunk and just end up making out in the corner (alcohol lowers nico’s inhibitions and will is just so easy to kiss) but not before will manages to drag nico around to meet every single person and says “have you seen him? he’s so pretty! he’s my husband you know, we got married. it was in a church and everything and look i have a ring” and nico just laughs the entire time
- also they have date nights every thursday
- they do stuff on other nights and the weekends too but thursdays are for Dates, like candles and flowers and ~romancing~
- they have an unspoken alternation for who’s turn it is to woo the other, with bouquets and reservations and holding the door open, the whole nine yards
- but sometimes they just cuddle and watch movies and feed each other popcorn
- movie night cuddle position: will on his back, legs propped up on the arm of the couch because he’s too long, nico is situated on top of him and between his legs, his head on will’s chest and tucked beneath his chin, the popcorn is on the popcorn table in front of them and will reaches out and feeds them both the popcorn
- will feeding nico popcorn is such a little thing but it makes nico feel like his heart is going to burst from his chest (*cough* ACTS OF SERVICE *cough*) and it’s also the way that with his other hand, his fingers brush just below his shirt and against the skin of his hip, and nico is so gone
- movie date nights are nico’s favorite
- they’re so gooey and soft it’s nauseating
- one time they hosted a movie night with all their friends (the seven, reyna, cecil and lou ellen, probs kayla, austin, and mitchell) and leo spent the entire time pretending to gag because they immediately went to Movie Cuddle Position™️ but nico just glared at him and refused to move even if he was kinda flustered by being so affectionate in front of others
- nico and will make other people question love, sorry not sorry
once again, this ended up super long lol, sorry! i will also be doing more of these because married solangelo has my entire heart.
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s1utspeare · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
Once again, @hils79 is coming through and giving me reasons to live every day. I love u hilsy :')
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18 lol
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
3. Top five fics by kudos
A Swiftly Tilting Planet - 228
i wish that you would love me - 133
cause it's easier to bury my head in the sand sometimes - 131
the play's the thing - 114
falling backwards, falling backwards - 103
4. Do you respond to comments, and why?
I like to!! Partially because I love talking about my work with people, and I love seeing what they've gotten out of it, and partially because i'm always so excited when people comment so it's like "!!!!!!!!"
5. What’s the fic you have written with the angstiest ending?
uhhhhh wow idk. ummmm the first fic i ever published, way back in like, 2012, was a Major Character Death ending... Precursor in the Trollhunters fandom is fairly bittersweet... idk most people like angst with a happy ending (including me) so I try not to end things on a down note. There's enough of that in the world. for recent fics, I guess falling backwards, falling backwards OH WAIT SHIT i completely forgot about can't be bothered by the teachers. nevermind, THAT one is the angstiest
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
the play's the thing! that one was just very cute and very fluffy so of course it had a happy ending ^.^
7. Do you write crossovers, if so what’s the craziest one you have done?
I've only ever done crossovers as crack fic, but i was.............. uh definitely very weird in middle school so there's some out there.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really lol. There were a couple of critiques on some things back on ff.net, but they weren't even really hate, just things that I was like >:/ about bc i was like. twelve.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I didn't, and I never thought I would, but then I started writing smut for like, my professional job, and idk I just think it's really interesting??? it's something i haven't ever really tried so when I'm looking for a way to stretch my writing muscles and experiment I do some smut lol. I'm actually really proud of my chen pi/er-ye/yatou smut and i'm not entirely sure why??? probably just bc I wrote it which means i'm growing as a writer asighafjalfjg. who would've thought.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! I'm not sure if that's bc I've never been in a big-enough fandom, or if everyone I've ever come across is just really nice! My style is also pretty distinctive, so that could be a turn away from stealing lol
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so! That would be so cool though!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Back on ffnet, yeah. They were all very 2012. And bad.
13. All time favorite ship!
I DON'T KNOOOOWWWWWW like my favorite ship (Wangxian) i haven't written yet, but my favorite ship to write has probably been Iron Threesome (have i even actually written them???? outside of pingpangsangxie?? i can't remember. Anyway).
14.What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you will?
I have no idea? Like, I have every intention of finishing every WIP I have started rn... if it's not something I'm completely into, I just don't start it lmao. I want them all to be DONE but i don't have TIME lol. Uhhhh there's a dmbj kpop au that i have outlined but probably won't ever write bc there's a lot more plot than I think I have the patience to put into a piece that's essentially just "zhang rishan angst modern au"
15. What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhhhh language use, probably. @xcziel said something recently about how my writing reads like it's lined in gold (and I nearly cried about it), and I definitely write as though things are going to be read aloud, so I like to pay attention to how rhythm and sounds and sentences flow. Also DIALOGGGUUUEEE see this is all because i'm a playwright alsidghasdfkjas
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
i go too fast :/ i feel like if i took some more time on things i could really up the quality of some of it but i get too excited and just want to get it OUT so i end up making tiny mistakes and then have to do more work correcting them, but if i had just been slightly more patient I could have avoided it in the first place lol
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I think that you should stick to languages you're fluent in, unless you have a professional translator. I also don't believe in making words in other (real) languages italicized, because that sort of emphasizes the "otherness" of a different language, and that's not a good thing. THAT BEING SAID i fucking love making up languages; I don't have any fully developed ones, but all of my fantasy worlds usually have made-up swear words lmao
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Percy Jackson adsighasdljalsdfjad. That was a while ago.
19. Fave fic you have written?
OOOoohhhhh, shit. Uh. I don't know if I have favorites, I just have things that I'm proud of for like, each fic? Like I really like At the Beginning of the End of the World because that one was written in second person, which was a fun challenge, as well as for a fandom that I'm not in (Deltarune) because it was a charity commission request, so I had to do a lot of research and stuff to figure out what was going on there. A Swiftly Tilting Planet is super fun and super interesting to me, and I'm really excited for the rest of the trilogy that I have planned, but there's also a LOT of stuff I kind of wish I could change about that one (mainly because I've read it over like 78 times and found all the small mistakes lmao). I'm also super proud of i wish that you would love me because i think I really doubled-down on the language strengths in that one, and the amount of people that fic resonated with is very important to me, because I'm one of them. So there's a lot of different things that I like about each fic I've written, and I like them all!
THIS WAS SO FUN THANK YOU HILSY i'm gonna tag @daydreamorama, @mejomonster, @jockvillagersonly, @bookjoyworm, and @pissmeoffanddie, as well as anyone who would like to TAG STEAL >:)
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dehydratedpercy · 3 years
hii i have a question abt ur andromeda ship quest,,,how tf did frank get there??? i remembered it was nico in the quest not frank pls im so confused
Hi there! Yes, so you’re not the only person wondering this. I put an explanation in the beginning notes, but I get that people don’t always read those, especially when they’re long. Short answer: originally it was Nico, but I decided it would work better as Frank, so I went in, fixed the previous chapters, and included Frank. 
Long answer: Originally I was planning on writing a sequel for PoR, but I’ve decided that’s not going to happen anymore. I wasn’t super excited for the sequel anyways, there were just a few scenes in specific I was wanting to include. I’ve decided instead of doing that, I’m just going to focus on finishing this fic, and maybe I’ll add a couple of those planned scenes to it, so maybe it’ll be a little longer than planned? 
Anyways, because I’m NOT writing a sequel, this chapter with Antaeus is one of the big final moments of the fic, which means Frank really really needed to be there. This story started with Frank, Percy, and Jason, and over time Frank has been somewhat pushed to a side character role. I was hoping this would be temporary, and that in the sequel I would be able to make him into more of a main character with his own plot line and stuff, but because the sequel isn’t happening, I wanted to bring him back to the forefront now. The story started with Frank, he deserves to be a part of it’s resolution. I thought it was more important that Frank got that moment rather than Nico. 
Another thing: Originally, having Nico, Jason, and Percy all on the ship was just... too much. Nico was too cocky, which messed with tension. They also all are sword-fighters, which isn’t ideal when they’re in a situation where having a long-range weapons fighter (aka an archer) would be really really helpful. Trust me, it just wasn’t the right vibe, and it was a huge improvement to have Percy trident fighting on the lower deck, Jason sword-fighting on the upper deck, and Frank sniping from above, and occasionally shape-shifting to lend an extra furry hand. 
Some of the scenes with Nico were interesting, though. I think what I might do is post a side-story that includes those cut scenes, because some of them were really fun, they just didn’t fit the vibe I was trying to create with this chapter. 
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
Hazel’s ABC’s
fuck i keep doing this, the moral of the story is: don’t let me write anything that’s based on a schedule bc i will forget about it. (peep @incorrect-coi-quotes ​ )
pairing ; hazel x gn!reader
wc ; 1,526
request ; nah pls just enjoy this
- day
Tumblr media
Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
She would definitely want to go horseback riding with you, but other than that, she’ll often spend time in the arts and crafts center with you, forcing you with a smile to help her paint something or maybe make a pot to hold the items you bring her from quests.
Beauty - What do the admirer s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
She loves the way your eyes light up when you smile. The way your eyes squint in amusement when Piper whispers an inside joke to you, it just makes her heart flip. She’ll often try to use knock knock jokes or things she stole from Leo to make you smile.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Hazel might panic herself. The first time it happens she might be close to tears, calling someone over to help you in the meantime. After that first experience she’ll be way more prepared, but she still feels guilty that she was so useless the first time around. She’ll always find different ways to cheer you up if you’re down though, but if nothing works, she’ll sit in silence with you too.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Hazel really wants a small family. Further in the future, of course, but she really wants to take care of a kid with you. But if you don’t want a kid, she would settle for an animal as long as they like her.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Hazel is a mix. Most days she’s very affectionate and go with the flow, but when she’s irritated she likes to take charge. 
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Hazel really hates fighting. She tries to settle disputes as soon as she can because she doesn’t want to leave things in a bad note. 
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
She is constantly complimenting you and thanking you whenever you do something for her. She’s very aware how much you do and it makes her all the more grateful to see that you’re still doing things for her despite being busy.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Hazel will keep things to herself sometimes, but only if it’s especially important. She values honesty but finds it hard to admit things from her past or struggles she deals with these days.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You make her more comfortable in the modern world. There is still so much that Hazel doesn’t understand and she really appreciates the little history lessons you two have.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Not very. There are times she’ll get insecure because she thinks that maybe you deserve better, but she never gets angry. You can usually tell she’s jealous when she grows quiet and fiddles with pieces of her hair or tugging at her clothes. 
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Hazel got better with kisses over time. The first kiss was so innocent you nearly screamed. Her lips shyly finding yours and barely brushing against them before she jerked back suddenly, hands coming to cover her face. Your laughter and kind smile brought her to ease and soon you shared another kiss.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
She was so much more endearing to you than she was to the others. It was apparent that she had a crush on you, but was much more quiet about it. You would have to make the first move, or at least encourage her. She’d confess soon after with a mumble of how much she liked you.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
She once tried to race you on horseback and you’d fallen off somewhere along the way. She only noticed when she won the race. When she went back to find you, she saw you sitting on the grass with arms crossed and a pout, “you didn’t even notice I fell!”
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Sweetheart mostly, but sometimes she’ll mix it up and call you baby or an endearing nickname.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
You guys are practically besties. She knows your coffee order by heart, knows what you dislike people doing, she knows everything about you and vice versa. She swears she has a horrible memory when it comes to her friends but she can remember what you said on a Thursday night three weeks ago just fine.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
She’s cool to sneak a kiss, but she gets easily embarrassed if there are others around. She won’t mind an arm around the waist or maybe a soft kiss to her forehead, but otherwise she’s too shy to show her affection publicly.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Hazel hates conflict. When it does happen, she’s quick to resolve it and because of that, even your most serious arguments never last more than a few hours. 
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Hazel can get really creative and sneaky when she wants to be. If it were your birthday, she would probably pretend to forget (which hurt her to see the look on your face) and then surprise you with your name spelled out in candles on the beach.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Hazel is your biggest cheerleader at all times. You woke up? Yay! You ate three meals? Awesome! You made it back safely from a quest? You’re so cool! She would definitely be elated to see you achieve your goals.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
She isn’t afraid to try new things, but the routine of her everyday life is sort of a comfort after all of the hell she’s gone through. If you needed a change of scenery or pace then she wouldn’t be opposed to it.
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
She knows nearly everything about you and vice versa, you two are extremely close. Because of this she is able to sympathize easily when you come to her with troubles and you do the same.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
The relationship is super important to Hazel because she feels like she has found a confidant that isn’t her brother. She’ll do anything to ensure that you stay with her, if not as a lover, at least as a friend.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Hazel likes cooking and often will ask you to join her. weather you can cook or not, Hazel always wins the friendly competition you two have. You think that the judges (Percy, Frank, and Piper) are probably biased, but give her the win anyway.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
She is extremely affectionate to everyone so it is tenfold when it comes to you. She isn’t one for PDA, but when you two are alone you’ll be pampered with the best of kisses varying from your forehead, cheeks, lips, shoulders, really just anywhere she can reach. She will constantly give you back hugs while you’re working on something and likes to lay against you when she can. She just really likes touching you.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
She tries to brush it off, but finds that she misses you more than she thought she would. She keeps one of your hoodies around to sleep with at night and sprays your perfume over her pillow if the smell of you fades from your hoodie.
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
She’ll let you have the last bit of cereal if you want it, give you the rest of the blanket if you’re still cold, spend her last coin on you if you need it. Hazel is willing to give you anything even if you don’t ask for it, and in return she hopes you share the same thought.
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taglist ; @smileitsisa , @beneaththeiceandsnow​
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I recently read The Camp Half-Blood Confidential for the first time and while most of it made me cringe, there was one story in particular that really made me cringe: Space Could Be An Issue.
For those of you who haven’t read it, the premise of Space Could Be An Issue is this: Annabeth is in charge of designing and building the cabins for the children of minor gods/goddesses but it appears that there’s no space for all of them!
What is an architect to do?
Annabeth suggests treehouses or houseboats and both are shot down by Chiron, who says the nature spirits would never allow it. Good thing that there’s no spirit of grass or open field, otherwise they’d never be able to build anywhere, right? Annabeth suggests caves; because why not just dump all those extras in a cave. Chiron shoots her down again; there’s only one cave and it belongs to the Oracle. Damn. Well what about stacking the cabins on top of each other? Parents associated with the sky can be on top and parents associated with the ground can be at the bottom. What? That seems a little bit...classist? No. Of course not. The real reason that won’t work is because demigods can’t cohabitate. You heard it from Chiron! All of your ships are invalid because demigods of different “families” can’t live together in peace.
Never fear! For Annabeth is here to save the day! Her latest idea is for small and low profile tiny houses. Her words, not mine. (I was going to make a sarcastic comment here about how, after fighting a war for equality, it’s a good idea to put the “lesser” demigods in places that are small and low profile...until I realized that Annabeth wasn’t fighting a war for equality, she was fighting for the continued reign of the Gods and therefore inequality because she ultimately privileges from the system no matter how often she cries mommy issues).
Anyway...The tiny houses are two stories; with a living area that sleeps two, a bedroom loft that sleeps two, and a bathroom. So four demigods per tiny house. Somehow there’s storage beneath the beds in the living area, which are the kind that pull out of the couch. Not sure how that works since normally the bed goes in the “storage area” when it’s in couch mode. And there’s a single closet beneath the stairs for more storage. The bathroom is the coolest part of the whole thing but it’s never mentioned if there’s a shower in those bathrooms or just a toilet and sink.
If you put four of these tiny houses together, they’re the size of one major demigod cabin. Isn’t that so funny. How you need four tiny houses for demigods but can’t build a regular sized cabin. Ha! Hilarious!
Which brings up a question. How big are the original twelve cabins anyway? The Hermes Cabin is so over crowded that kids need to sleep on the floor. Poseidon’s Cabin has nothing but six bunk beds (and later a small saltwater fountain) in it. Meanwhile, the Athena Cabin has multiple smart boards, work desks, a library, and a small armory on top of the beds. They’re clearly not all made equal (and that’s not even getting into the fact that the Hermes Cabin is literally falling apart).
Why does the size of the Athena Cabin matter, though? It matters because none of the other cabins are used for anything other than sleeping and chilling when there aren’t activities. The Athena cabin is so disproportionately huge and ironically high tech compared to the other cabins (WHY DOES RICK HATE THE HERMES CABIN?!). Okay, but they’re using it as a school. Why would you use a cabin as a school room?! Because those kids are supposed to be “geniuses?” So they don’t have anywhere in camp to just relax? It’s always work, work, work for the Athena kids, huh?
Where would you put the school? Oh I don’t know. Maybe the Big House, which only ever has two people living in it despite being three stories tall and super wide and easily the biggest building on the property. Ah, the Big House, where the occupants are always outside on the porch and the only interior mentioned is a living space with a ping pong table, Chiron’s office, and the attic used to stash the Oracle and other useless shit no one wants to look at. Why in Hades would you put a school room there? Think of the ping pong table! Relax! It was just an idea.
Hang on, we’ll come back to this. Now I want to bring up the decorating of cabins. The tiny houses also have the ability to be decorated however the occupants want, with only a single touch, which means that maybe the demigods of Nemesis want neon green walls despite Nemesis having nothing to do with neon green. Or the children of Iris are going through a Goth phase and decide all the walls should be black. Why does that matter? Because all of the other cabins are decorated according to godly parent. The demigods who live in the major cabins are extremely limited in what they can do with decorating because of “tradition and respect.” In fact, Percy and Tyson only add two decorations to their cabin: the aforementioned saltwater fountain and hippocampus figures on the ceiling. Which are both related to Poseidon. Despite some of the major cabins having been rebuilt, they were rebuilt to be exactly the same as before.
Which leads us to two points:
1.) The cabins aren’t shrines to the gods. These cabins aren’t sacred temples to the gods. The gods don’t care what happens in them or to them. They don’t care if they’re broken or overcrowded. They don’t care if the kids are fucking in them or if they’re digging tunnels underneath them or putting curses on them. The gods already have statues of themselves everywhere and most of them have a separate place in Camp that could be considered to be “their” place (Hephaestus and the forges, anyone?).
2.) Hera and Artemis’ cabins should both be nixed completely. Hera, as a goddess who will never have demigod children, doesn’t need a cabin on principle. She only has a cabin out of politeness, not necessity. And I can hear your protests already but no, Artemis shouldn’t have a cabin either. Her hunters have magical tents that they live in every other day of the year except for the one day out of the summer that they stop by Camp Half-Blood. That’s two cabins that regularly stand empty - one 100% of the time and one 99% of the time - and take up valuable space for people who actually need it.
Speaking of cabins that are usually empty: Poseidon and Zeus dont have more than one or two kids at a time (despite Zeus being a slut) so their cabins don’t actually need to be as big as the other cabins. Percy mentions that upon arriving at Camp Half-Blood, there are a couple hundred kids. More than half of them “disappear” during the first winter. Some die over the course of the series. Then the camp gets a huge influx of demigods; both the ones that came from Kronos’ army because they were pardoned and the previously unclaimed demigods.
Annabeth suggested stacking cabins on top of each other, which is a stupid idea for so many reasons (only one of which is pointed out to her and I listed another one), but she was actually on to something.
Except instead of making each floor for a different group of Godlings, what if, hear me out now, you bulldoze every single Cabin. (You get a tent! You get a tent! No, just kidding about the tents unless you’re a hunter of Artemis.)
Bulldoze the existing Cabins so that you’re starting from scratch (Annabeth, take some damn notes). Rebuild without Hera and Artemis’ Cabins. You never know when Zeus and Poseidon are going to get horny now that they’re technically allowed to reproduce again, so make their Cabins the same size as all the others (if you must). Rebuild the Cabins so that they’re a smidge narrower and a lot taller. That’s right! Slap two or three floors on top of those suckers! Make! Everyone! Fit! Give! Them! Space! No! More! Sleeping! On! The! Floor!
But what about the disabled - THERE ARE NO DISABLED DEMIGODS. Not even a single one! Everyone can climb stairs! Everyone! All the time!
Well that’s...true (and ableist) but what about Chiron? Shouldn’t he be able to get into the cabins? Chiron already can’t get into the cabins. He couldn’t get into the original twelve, he can’t get into any of the new ones.
Which brings me to the final, and possibly most important point. GIVE THESE KIDS PRIVATE BATHROOMS FOR FUCKS SAKE! If everyone thinks it’s a good idea for the tiny houses to have “personal” bathrooms, then give them to all of the cabins. No more communal showers! No more hazing other campers in the public toilets! No more getting eaten by harpies because you had to pee after curfew!
This way everyone is equal. No one has a better space or more space than anyone else. Everyone gets to decorate how they want. No one is going to die on the way to the bathroom. Because even though the war was ultimately about maintaining the status quo, Percy and Luke both said “no, this isn’t right and too many are suffering because of it and things need to change.” One traded his life for it, the other traded immortality for it.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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goddamnelsa · 4 years
Liz’s Top Books of 2020
blatantly stolen from @alamorn but also i wanted to feel accomplished that i did in fact read published books this year before descending entirely into mdzs/the untamed fanfiction :) :) :) :)
In two parts! Books I read that actually came out in 2020, and then honorable mentions of books I read in 2020 that were published in previous years. Enjoy!
Top Books Published in 2020 (which are not in any kind of order because I can’t like rank stuff, I’m not that kind of person)
The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin
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What can I say except it’s N.K. Jemisin who wrote my favorite high fantasy series (The Inheritance Trilogy), won three consecutive Hugo Awards for her The Broken Earth trilogy, and she’s writing urban fantasy with Lovecraftian and superhero team flavor. I mean....obviously I was at the top of the wait list for this once my library ordered it. And it lived up to the hype!! Because of course!! It’s fabulously fast-paced with amazingly smart and interesting characters of diverse backgrounds. I kept thinking one of them was my favorite, and then another would have a great line and I would change my mind. It’s fine, they’re all technically one entity with several parts, so I can love them all and not choose (but it’s probably Bronca, let’s be real). And it’s the first of a series! And I’m counting down the days til there is more!
Axiom’s End by Lindsay Ellis
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I definitely picked this up simply because Lindsay Ellis, one of my favorite video essayists, wrote it, and then ended up loving everything about it. I’m not usually one for First Contact stories, but I appreciate the very human-focused approach here, sticking solely to an ordinary girl’s perspective as she navigates being the person first in contact with a very alien alien. Cora’s attempts to humanize Ampersand are relatable, but I appreciate Ellis reminding us at almost every turn that Ampersand is super Not Human, no matter how much Cora reads into his actions. Ellis doesn’t gloss over the Science part either, especially when it comes to the race of aliens Ampersand belongs to. Again, the first of a series, and you will absolutely be screaming for the next book when this one is over.
You Had Me At Hola by Alexis Daria
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Insert my obligatory “I don’t usually read romances blah blah blah.” Though, during lockdown, I attempted to branch out beyond my usual genres when I was attending a ton of publisher webinars about upcoming books. This one stood out to me because of its Latinx cast and the whole behind-the-scenes of a Jane The Virgin-esque show, based on a telenovela (of course). It is fantastic, a quick read with instantly likable and fun characters. And the tropes! We’re playing love interests but we have insane chemistry! A sensitive, traumatized male lead who learns to open up again! A sassy but insecure female lead who learns to let loose and love again! Hooking up, but we have to keep on the DL or else scandal! And of course, the extended families add to every scene they are in--I loved every interaction Ashton and Jasmine had with their families, it was the cherry on top of a fantastic read. Also the sex scenes are steamy. 
Beetle and the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne
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I got this graphic novel as an advanced reader copy well before it came out, and after reading it, I was sCREAMING because I couldn’t tell all my graphic novel, queer coming-of-age-with-magic loving friends to immediately pick up a copy!! So thankfully, it’s out now, so I can scream to the heavens to please read this!!! It is such a sweet story with beautiful full-color art and fantastic world-building. It has the same silly, referential humor you see in a lot of kids/YA graphic novels these days, but Beetle packs in a lot of heart as well. 
Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi
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Like many people in May/June of this year, I was reading, reading, reading a lot of books about racism from as many Black authors as I could get my hands on. There were many not published this year that should definitely be read (So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo being among the top), but this book really stuck with me because it is written specifically for a younger audience, and Jason Reynolds knows how to talk to kids about tough subjects. Stamped gets across difficult concepts like assimilationists and segregationists in an easy-to-understand, conversational style that doesn’t take away from any of the important history and nuance. This certainly is not The Book of antiracism studies, but it is a good starting point if you are daunted by lengthy title lists and aren’t sure where to begin. I highly recommend the audiobook as well, read by Reynolds himself.
(Side note: I watched this keynote address with Reynolds and Kendi which is an excellent primer into the background of how this book came to be. Reynolds is also just very interesting to listen to)
Honorable Mentions aka Books I read in 2020 that were published in previous years again, not ranked because I CAN’T, OKAY
White Is For Witching by Helen Oyeyemi
I read this book and then wanted to go back and read it immediately again, not necessarily because it was so amazing, but because I felt like I would get it even more if I did. This is a haunting little book that took turns I was not expecting, even with the book synopsis I read. It is disturbing and features descriptions of an eating disorder, so proceed with caution. However, if you like Gothic tales of haunted houses and the trauma inflicted on us by those who came before, I can’t recommend this one enough.
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
My last book club read before the pandemic D: We didn’t actually get to meet to discuss this book, but my club (all librarians) were working at our emergency call center at the same time and all reading it, so we KINDA got to discuss it, if not in a formal book club setting. ANYWAY, it’s a thrilling jaunt through 1920s Mexico, following a fantastic Cinderella-esque heroine who makes a deal with a Mayan god to retrieve his body. If you are a fan of the Percy Jackson-brand of mythological adventures, this is definitely one to add to your list, especially if you are looking for something a little bit more Adult.
Scary Stories for Young Foxes by Christian McKay Heidicker
Okay, I know it’s a young readers/middle grade book, but HEAR ME OUT. This is whimsical and haunting tale about seven little fox kits who set out to scare themselves shitless by hearing scary tales. Only one kit will remain when the night is over, but the one who does will get to hear a surprisingly sweet, and well-earned, happy ending. If you are a Neil Gaiman-esque horror fan, I recommend picking this up. Its scares are fairly scary, especially for its audience, but it’s an engaging story about the lengths we will go for the ones we love.
Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse
Did someone say Navajo monster-hunting heroine with magic powers navigating a post-apocalyptic world, oh and also saving it??? Look, Maggie is My Kind of Hero, in that she’s damaged, she drinks too much, she’s surly, but she has a seriously gooey heart of gold underneath all that armor. Navajo mythology is woven into this tale of monster-hunting, surviving. If you’re in Supernatural-disappointment-land, maybe give this a try! It has that Western-y, road trip feel to it, and again, I love the lead character. (It also has a currently published sequel and a soon-to-be-released third book as well!)
This is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
This was rec’ed to me by a librarian friend, with the words, “Oh, Liz, you’ll really like this.” And she was RIGHT. Red and Blue are on opposite sides of a war waged across time and decide to send letters to each other, at first, to taunt, but then, to understand, to learn, and to love. The details of the war don’t matter much, but what does matter is the achingly beautiful poetry with which Red and Blue reveal themselves to each other. I was told to listen to this one, but I’m glad I read it myself instead. The prose is very purple at times, and I appreciated being able to go back to passages to reread again and again. Oh, and it’s queer (Red and Blue are both female), and SPOILERS SPOILERS has a happy ending. 
(also there is a wangxian remix for my mdzs buds. and also a semi-officially sanctioned fanfic sequel???? at least amal el-mohtar linked it from goodreads so whoo! also also it’s very funny)
And that’s my Year in Books 2020! Seeing it laid out like this, I had a surprisingly good year for book reading even though I felt like I barely read anything. For awhile, reading was Hard, and I just wanted to consume fluffy, sweet fanfiction, but I’m getting back into it. Oh, and please let me know if you check any of these out!
Here’s to a good year for books in 2021! ✨
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percabeth4life · 4 years
Family of Walls and Secrets
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter || AO3
Authors Note: So, my calc final went great. Like, super great. I got a 107.5 on the final. Somehow pulled a B+ in the class. I really can’t believe it, but all the suffering paid off.
In celebration you guys are getting another chapter way early!
(When I do good you guys get bonus stuff, so hopefully I keep doing good in the classes this summer)
One more chapter after this and we hit canon timeline!
Sand dollars were a lot harder to make then one would think.
First you had to gather the sand, you couldn’t just make the sand out of nothing. The magic purifying sand dollars aren’t like real living sand dollars. Those ones are alive, the magic ones are made from sand, filled with purifying power the whole way.
Then you had to compress it and shape it. This is where Percy struggled the most.
Compressing it wasn’t super hard, he used the water around him to do that. But shaping it just right, with the proper symbol that stabilizes the magic so that it purifies properly, that was really hard.
If you make it right then the purifying power grows over time, the longer it remains unbroken the more it will cleanse.
Percy’s instead leaked the purifying power, so breaking them immediately was the best that he could do.
He’d finally got one that didn’t quite leak anything, but… it still didn’t feel like the two that Triton gave him.
He kept Triton’s sand dollars carefully locked up. They would build power the longer they stayed whole, so he would hold them until he really needs them.
In the meantime, he would keep working at the sand dollars.
Percy frowned at the book he was reading.
It was one that Triton had given him, this one was on the lineage of the sea deities.
Half of them are related? How does that work? Isn’t it like… bad? Percy was pretty sure family wasn’t supposed to marry. He didn’t understand it, maybe he could ask Triton.
Once Triton was back. He was very busy again, apparently some other sea deity was causing trouble and Triton had to deal with it.
Percy hummed and turned the page, oh cool a family tree.
He studied it intently. He needed to know people, Triton was insistent on it.
Maybe he was related to Triton?
Percy wrinkled his nose, who would his dad be if he was related to Triton? Maybe Oceanus? From what he understood Oceanus was a Titan and really disliked because of it. He was also fiercely protective of his territory.
Maybe Oceanus was his dad? And that’s why Triton didn’t want to risk sending him to camp? Do they treat half-Titans badly there? That’s not very nice.
Percy frowned, well he’d show them, he’d be the best half-Titan ever!
He should learn more about Titans too! So far he’s been mainly focusing on the gods, but if he’s half-Titan he should know more.
Of course, that might not be it but… why would Triton be worried about him going to camp, if not cause the Titans and gods get along horribly?
That must be it!
Percy would make sure that he’s ready to enter the immortal world when it’s time.
Maybe one day he would get to see his dad. Maybe he could meet other Titans too! How bad could they be?
Percy had a dozen books on Titans, and unfortunately, they’re all in English.
Nonetheless he worked hard to read them. They were really boring though.
He didn’t know how they could make myths boring, the books Triton gave him weren’t boring at all, but somehow, they managed it.
Maybe cause they’re mortals and don’t understand?
He learned a lot about the Titans though. Apparently, they did a lot of good, until some dumb prophecy ruined everything.
Percy didn’t think he liked prophecies. Every time they show up in the myths they either make people go crazy, or they end in disaster for at least one person involved.
Percy decided he would be careful about prophecies if he ever got involved in one.
Percy debated telling Triton that he’d figured out who his dad was, did that make him Triton’s uncle? He decided not to dwell on it.
In the end he decided no to, Triton was working hard to keep him safe after all.
It was almost December.
Somehow there hadn’t been any more disasters at school, though he was suspicious of a teacher at the school, he swears they have one eye. But a cyclops surely wouldn’t attack him? Aren’t they the children of Poseidon? They’re both of the sea after all.
Percy kept a close eye on the possible cyclops but didn’t say anything or let on that he knew. He figured if they were going to attack they would’ve already. He’d been stuck alone with them a few times already and nothing had happened.
He had more important things to worry about anyways, he needed to figure out what to make for Triton this solstice!
He spent a while digging online in the schools library. He needed a good gift that he was able to make.
He was already planning to give two of his best sand dollars, the ones that didn’t seem to leak any power but also didn’t seem to grow either.
He was happy with them but still. Needed. A. present.
Percy finally figured out what to make Triton!
He found a nice wooden chest cleaning the river (honestly who threw that in the river? It was filled with old dresses that were really tattered.) and he took some of the wood for the project.
The wood had lasted this long after all, it should work for his present.
The solstice arrived and with it, Triton. He only came for a short time, but it was long enough to exchange presents and pleasantries.
Triton gave him a cool stone, it made rainbows!
Percy stared in awe at it, it’s so pretty!
Triton also gave him some drachmas. He said this stone had special protections that would keep his Iris Messages untraceable to most. It should stop any lingering immortal smell as well.
Triton then had to explain what Iris Messages were, but Percy was super happy. Now he could talk to Triton when he’s away too!
Triton kept out doing him.
Percy was getting annoyed by it.
He still gave Triton his two best sand dollars and was thrilled when Triton praised them. He was apparently better than a lot of people who tried!
Percy was glad he spent weeks doing basically nothing else, it paid off.
Even if he still didn’t have it mastered.
Then he gave Triton the other thing he’d made, a hair pin! Carved carefully so the top was shaped like the top of a trident.
Triton seemed pleased with it as well, he thanked Percy for both.
Percy was focusing on school more now, he still wanted to do alright, but Triton never held it against him when he didn’t. He said it was unfair to expect a child of the sea to learn using the land languages.
Percy was glad that Triton took the time to teach him, he hated to think of what would happen if he hadn’t.
So, Percy was expelled… again.
This time was definitely not his fault!
He was supposed to be painting part of the mural the school was doing. But he had to help out the totally a cyclops teacher with cleaning the classroom first. By the time he got to the mural the whole area was covered in paint! Like everything! The whole mural, the ceiling, and there were handprints? Percy has no idea how any of that happened but as he was supposed to be working on it no one believed him when he said it wasn’t him.
The totally a cyclops teacher vouched for him, but it didn’t do any good.
Thus, he was expelled… again.
He spent the time after he was expelled studying more, not school stuff that was boring. He was studying the sea etiquette.
Triton said that if he was good enough at it he might take him to an event.
A small event.
A very small event.
Percy had learned that sea etiquette was precise and detailed and super stressful. One wrong word, one wrong movement or expression could end you.
Ninety percent of the events were toying with each other, you had to be good with words to not get torn to shreds. The whole goal was to one up the other.
Percy had to know the basics of the history really well if he wanted to go, or they’d make a fool of him.
And he did, he really, really wanted to go.
So, he studied hard.
Percy realized he hadn’t been giving presents at the equinoxes, that would have to be fixed. He missed the spring one already this year but he could do the fall one.
Summer was nearly there, and Triton decided that he was good enough for a small event with a few trusted friends of his.
Percy got his birthday present early this year, a new charm for his bracelet. It was rainbow shaded and really sparkly, a twisty stone that flared out in a cool way at the bottom.
Triton told him to pull on it.
It was a good thing Percy was in the water because he suddenly had tails like Triton.
Percy was calm now, it only took a bit for Triton to calm him down.
It was definitely not him making the water spin like that in his excitement.
Definitely not.
Percy really liked his tails. They were flowy, much more flowy than Triton’s.
Triton said that it what his tails would be if Percy had been born a merman, Percy thought it was amazing.
The tails meant that he was strong magically!
Percy was even more excited to practice magic now. He knows he can do it, his tails prove it.
Percy spent the next two weeks practicing swimming with his tails. He crashed into walls more times than he wants to admit.
Percy got pretty good at it he thought, until Triton raced him down the river.
Triton was so fast!
Percy had a lot of fun though, and Triton was grinning when he showed Percy how to flick his tail just so to move quicker.
They were off to the event… party? Dinner? Percy settled for event.
Percy told his mom he was spending the night with a friend, she was wary but allowed it as long as he was home by noon the next day.
Triton got them to the sea, then led Percy to the event.
The fish were so pretty! And the coral!
Ooh, look at that shark, he gasped, was that an octopus?
Oh wow and that’s a lot of seahorses.
Okay so maybe Triton less led and more dragged, but he got Percy there.
He was smiling the whole way so Percy figured he was having fun.
The event itself was so pretty! The way the underwater lights shone, the glowing fish moving around the large coral ground, the pretty corals and anemones that were all around, the underwater music.
Percy thought it was brilliant.
Triton told Percy to stop gawking with a smirk on his face.
Percy stuck his tongue out maturely, then forced his expression into the “proper princely calm” expression that Triton had drilled into him.
He practiced it in the mirror for hours.
Percy and Triton went down to the event and Percy forced the grin away again, he was finally home.
Don’t forget to leave a review! Thanks for reading.
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riathel · 5 years
Thoughts about Shelley and the Unresolved Questions of Season 12
Well, I am writing a meta post about the Timeless Children and why I think it adds such an interesting complexity to the Master’s relationship with the Doctor, but in the meantime, while I process that finale, I wanted to write about something I’ve noticed this entire season.
The connection to the Shelleys and to Byron.
To TL;DR this post:  I think that next season, we’ll get an answer to who the Kasaavin are, it will tie into Percy having had the Cyberium in him (and it having been around Byron’s house), and we’ll get some huge development for Yaz, the Master and the Doctor, as they’ve all been in the Kasaavin realm.
Let’s recap all the times we’ve lingered around Byron and the Shelleys this season, shall we? This includes some very brief history lessons, and I will be including links!
Episode 2: Spyfall Part 2
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We meet Ada Lovelace, who has a connection to the Kasaavin. She sees them in her dreams, she’s the one to rescue the Doctor from their realm. Brief history lesson: Ada Lovelace was an absolutely BRILLIANT mathematician and the parent of computers. She was also the only legitimate child of Lord Byron and his wife. She died in 1852 at age 36, taken far too young. I’ll post the scene here for benefit:
[Kasaavin realm] ADA: Please be assured all this will pass. I shall be recovered momentarily. DOCTOR: When you say recovered, what do you mean? ADA: The paralysis will fade. DOCTOR: You don't look paralysed. ADA: Not in this realm, but in my earthly aspect. DOCTOR: Right. What's your name? ADA: I am Ada. DOCTOR: And what do you think this realm is, Ada? ADA: I believe it to be my mind. Though I have not met another here before. DOCTOR: Then what do you think I am? ADA: I presume you are a consequence of my thoughts. DOCTOR: No. I'm the Doctor, and I'm very real. But you've been here before? ADA: Many times. When the paralysis subsides, I find myself fully back in my body, restored in the physical realm. If you are real, do you have your own solution for egress from here? DOCTOR: No exit strategy. Before I leave, I need to work out what this place is. Oh! Those fragments of light or energy, why are they surrounding you? ADA: They are always here with me. They place a word in my mind. Kasaavin? (One of the light creatures appears.) DOCTOR: Ada, step away. ADA: Do not be afraid. This is my guardian. DOCTOR: This is their realm. This is where they're from. But how did you bring us here? Unless... You can't be. But you must be. What, gateways? We go through you and arrive in your realm? I say realm. It's not a planet, not really a void. A separate dimension? Are we beyond our... my universe? ADA: Little of what you are saying makes sense to me, but I am concerned you'll be marooned here. When my guardian has returned... DOCTOR: They're not your guardians. ADA: I can offer you my hand. We may leave this place together. DOCTOR: I don't think that will work. ADA: How will you know if you do not try? Decide, Doctor.
Later in the episode:
DOCTOR: If you're Charles Babbage, then you're not just any old Ada. You're Ada Lovelace, daughter of Lord Byron and Annabella Milbanke, one of the great minds. ADA: I am Ada Gordon, madam. DOCTOR: 1834. Of course you are. Well, maybe one day, who knows, you might meet a nice Earl. This changes everything! This isn't an accident. Ada Lovelace in Babbage's house? You're clues. You're important.
Charles Babbage has the Silver Lady (aka the Kasaavin device) in his house, but Ada is the one who has been being visited by them.
DOCTOR: Ada, when was your first paralysis? ADA: I was 13 years old. That is when I was first transported to the place where we met, and I first saw an apparition. DOCTOR: And over the years, the paralysis recurs with the same effect? ADA: Yes. No doctor has ever been able to diagnose the cause. DOCTOR: Well, this Doctor may be able to. An apparition, from this machine. BABBAGE: Correct. DOCTOR: So, they take you, Ada, multiple times from here and they study you in their dimension, which means they can't be in this dimension for long. But maybe they gain an ally, a mastermind who builds them a machine which stabilises them in this world long enough for them to send spies and to spread their work and start a plan. 'Cause I've seen the map in his hut. Multiple Earths. Except not. Not multiple Earths. Multiple time periods. These creatures aren't just alien spies on Earth, they're spies through Time, through history, starting with you.
Or, at the very least, the Doctor assumed they were starting with Ada. Maybe they started earlier - with her parents. Or maybe the Master found out about the events of  The Haunting of Villa Diodati with the Cyberium - but we’ll get to that in time.
Again, Spyfall ends with a neat-ish conclusion as to them being focussed on “computing history” and “human DNA”
DOCTOR: I know what this is. A temporal map, showing every significant person in the development of computers through history, starting with you, Ada. This is the plan. See? BOTH: No. ADA: Wh... what is a computer? DOCTOR: Oh, forget you heard that word, otherwise I've just disrupted the whole of history. Again. Okay. Ah, my brain's fizzing. Good. The Kasaavin posted an agent on every person on that map, because that's what spies do, what Barton does. They gather all the data. Where does the DNA fit in? Kasaavin, technology, DNA. How are they all connected? Oh! Human DNA. That's what they were testing.
Episode 8: The Haunting of Villa Diodati
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Gif by itberice.
This is the big episode, where I started to notice it especially. Huh, a bit a coincidence they’re doing Byron when Ada was his daughter. Interesting.
DOCTOR: Okay, so there was a spot of rain, and gale-force winds and a super-long walk. But I got us here, didn't I? And Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, soon to be Shelley, screamed in your face. Quality historical experience, that. Gold. YASMIN: (sotto) On that night that inspired Frankenstein. FLETCHER: If... you'd be so kind. GRAHAM: Blimey. DOCTOR: Excuse me, Yaz. I was very clear about the rules. RYAN: Nobody mention Frankenstein, and don't interfere. YASMIN: And nobody snog Byron.
This is because, as Tumblr has already noted, Byron is a thot/fuckboi.
BYRON: She walks in beauty, like the night. DOCTOR: Of cloudless climes and starry skies. BYRON: I'm intensely flattered you're familiar with my work, Mrs Doctor. DOCTOR: Just Doctor is fine. I'm quite into Shelley's stuff too. He about?
Then enters the Lone Cyberman (aka Ashad). It is scouring the villa for Percy, to obtain the Cyberium, and cannot find him. When it starts charging up, it begins to quote Percy’s poetry (specifically Queen Mab book 2 and Queen Mab book 3)
CYBERMAN (glowing with energy): There's not one atom of yon Earth, but once was living man. (Book 2) The sword that stabs his peace; He cherisheth The snakes that gnaw his heart; he raises up the tyrant whose delight Is in his woe. (Book 3)
As the episode progresses, Ashad gets the Cyberium back from Percy (who has been dying with it). Even more interestingly though - the Cyberium wants to choose the Doctor.
DOCTOR: And it chooses me. Interesting. Time Lord magnetism. Looks like I'm the true Guardian. (The Cyberium passes into the Doctor.) CYBERMAN: Surrender it or I will execute you. DOCTOR: I'd be very careful with those execution threats. I can feel it already, fusing to me. It feels very at home. Recognising great host material. Not to big myself up, but I don't think it'll vacate me without a fight.
But now we know - she’s not just a Time Lord. So can the Cyberium sense that? Did it know? Or perhaps, even if she were just a Time Lord, it would have preferred her... Anyway, this deviates too hard into my other, upcoming post. I think this episode, the Villa episode, was VITAL in determining what will happen next season.
Episode 10: The Timeless Children
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MASTER: Look upon my work, Doctor, and despair.
This is an homage to Percy Shelley’s sonnet, Ozymandias, which contains the iconic lines:
“My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Oh, cute, what a fun little addition, I first thought when I heard it in the finale. (It now occurs to me, while writing this, that the Master might have quoted Shelley to the Doctor because he knows she loves his work. My poor shipper heart.)  
Then I thought - hang on. That’s a lot of “coincidental” involvement with the Byrons & Shelleys in this season, especially when the rest of the plots have been so deftly woven with surprises.
The Master mentions to Ashad/the Cyberium that he has the entire Matrix in his head and then he ends up absorbing the Cyberium into him, linking it with him in ways that will have consequences we haven’t even seen yet. It all sets up such a juicy, interesting thread into the next season.
What does it all mean? Who can say? I hope this will give us some answer for what the Kasaavin are, where their universe is (is it beyond the Boundary? is it another Boundary?), how the Master found them (was it in the Matrix? did the Time Lords know about them?)
Most importantly: I think Yaz will play a huge role in the next season, given she was in the Kasaavin realm, as will the Doctor and (I suspect/hope) the Master again. This Kasaavin plot-line is still left unresolved, and I will be incredibly interested to see what Chibnall’s plan contains.
This could all just be a very cute, season-long homage to Byron/Shelley... but... it’s very suspicious. Especially given they have an entire two episodes focussed on them/their progeny.
If anyone has any other examples of Percy & Byron or descendants in season 11/12, please add them through reblogs! :D I worry that I haven’t gotten every single moment, or that I missed a couple of them.
Links to biographies:
Ada Lovelace Mary Shelley Percy Shelley Lord Byron
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shadowsong26fic · 5 years
The Family of Spies AU
AKA ‘Shadowsong should not have unsupervised access to multiple fandoms at once: Exhibit A.’
I kid. Mostly.
Anyway, it’s that time again--time for an AU Outline! It feels like forever since I’ve done one of these. …and by ‘forever’ I mean the last one was the SPN/Person of Interest crossover back in January.
This one is, uh, also a fairly niche crossover. It’s inspired and helped along by @tigerkat, who introduced me to one of the two fandoms and whose Star Wars OCs I’m borrowing to make it work. (Also, one or two bits in here are more or less lifted from our IM conversations on the subject
Basically, the short version is, I’ve been watching Nikita, and TigerKat and I have put together this whole extended family for Kallus and Zeb and one thing led to another, wires got crossed in my brain, and here we are.
Welcome to my Star Wars/Nikita fusion.
So, first, some relevant background:
In everything TigerKat and I developed, Alex and Zeb end up collecting/adopting four kids. (TigerKat, feel free to correct me on any details that are Off in any way!)
First kid they adopt is Mirah, shortly after the events of ANH.
Mirah is Human, and around three or four at this point; her parents were part of an extremely pacifist sect, of the kind where even defending yourself against someone trying to kill you is Not Okay. The sect was wiped out (probably not by the Empire, last I heard?) and Mirah was the only survivor; she watched her parents died right in front of her. Alex ended up there on an unrelated mission, and brought the little girl back to base.
Turns out, she’d gotten Attached and would not sleep without him close by.
(I mean. He’d gotten Attached as well but there is a Conversation to be had here, and he and Zeb haven’t actually had it yet, so…yeah.)
So, that’s how they get Kid #1.
Mirah later grows up to be essentially a mob boss/puts together a semi-legal syndicate. She doesn’t have a whole lot of faith in the law.
Second kid is Orryn, something like a year or two later, I think?
Orryn is a Donogh (species name subject to change; they’re basically like human-sized rabbit hobbits), and four or five years older than Mirah. His father and older brother were killed when he was born, and his mother eventually found her way to the Rebels after that. Donoghs tend to have very large families, so the fact that he’s an only child is a little Weird.
His mom is a friend of theirs, and when she dies, Alex and Zeb take Orryn in as well.
He is very Soft, both physically and metaphorically (like I said, rabbit hobbits), and like the sweetest kid you’ll ever meet.
(Mirah learns very quickly to weaponize her brother’s Sad Eyes. She’s very good at getting what she wants.)
The other three kids all end up taking Zeb’s last name; Orryn keeps his original one (his people are matriarchal and matrilineal).
He grows up to be a mechanic, and has a more typical family for his species with nine kids.
Third is Shamie, who’s roughly halfway between Mirah and Orryn; they get adopted a month or so before ESB.
I’ve written about them here; but the most important bits--
They’re Human, agender, and a former street thief/pickpocket. They help Zeb out when a mission goes sideways after his local contact fails to show up, and Zeb decides to keep them, because he really can’t leave them there for a long list of reasons. They’d been on their own for close to a year at that point, and were roughly eight or nine.
(The conversation where Zeb checks in with Alex about this is very entertaining, because he texts to confirm that a third kid is okay in the middle of a firefight. Alex is less than thrilled.)
Shamie and Mirah are basically platonic soulmates. There’s just a sort of click when the two of them meet.
They grow up to be a priest of a sun/fire deity.
Fourth is Hanula, better known as Hanny.
She’s a Lasat baby who they adopt a few months after Endor, after Zeb mentions to the elders on Lira San that he and Alex have been considering a fourth kid, maybe starting with an infant this time, and maybe someone of his own species this time…
Some time not too long after that, Hanula is placed in his arms and he’s told ‘good luck.’
She’s stabby, as in she likes to Stab Things as a baby (usually with, like, a fork), which later gets translated into cooking--she ends up as a Chef.
While she does turn up, of course, she’s not super relevant for this crossover, but she’s Delightful so I thought I’d share anyway XD
(There’s also Alex’s sister and her sons, plus, uh, the various grandchildren, but they’re also not super relevant to the crossover. I can share details about them if anyone’s curious, though.)
As a note, I’ve only seen like half a season of Nikita at this point; so while we’re starting from the same basic premise, I don’t really expect this to converge with actual future plot points like at all. So.
Also, as a result of that, this outline will probably also take on a certain resemblance to Alias and/or other similar Spy Dramas.
Anyway. So. Let’s get this show on the road.
Kallus takes on Nikita’s role in this--Death Faked For You; trained to be a super spysassin by a Shady Black Ops Group from his late teens/early twenties. Much like Nikita in her canon, he meets someone while on an extended cover assignment and falls in love.
Division is less than thrilled with this, and so arrange orders Zeb’s death.
(Obviously, this doesn’t take, because I am Not About That. But Kallus genuinely believes Zeb is dead, which is what pushes him to break free, much like Nikita’s reaction to Daniel’s murder.)
(Zeb also thinks Kallus is dead; he, of course, got picked up by the Ghost crew, but more about him later.)
Mirah will take on Alex’s role (which is why I started referring to Kallus that way, even though in my head and in this outline up to this point he’s mostly Alex XD).
Probably a blend of the two backgrounds--her parents/the sect she grew up in were taken out by Division; probably with the cover story that they were a Dangerous Cult, but the exact reason was more likely Profit or something. Since they mostly weren’t? At least not in the ‘need to be dismantled’ sort of way.
Kallus, like Nikita, was on hand and made sure that the little girl survived, but wouldn’t/couldn’t follow up since he was still a mostly-loyal Division agent at that point. He tracks her down after he breaks free, and they start working together.
She eventually talks him into the idea of her infiltrating Division, as that will better suit their plans to dismantle the organization.
(…really, most of this early part is not super different from Nikita and Alex. Mostly summarizing for anyone reading this who’s unfamiliar with the show.)
Shamie is an older/prior recruit; they’ve been here a few months. Their marksmanship is pretty much bottom of the barrel, so far as the current crop of recruits go, and their hacking skills could use some work, but they’re one of the best at hand-to-hand/other close-quarters combat, and they’re probably top third with explosives and other detail work. And they’re generally a pretty phlegmatic person. Not many of the other recruits keep cool under pressure as well as they do.
They’re probably fairly close to being evaluated and promoted to full Agent status when Mirah is brought in.
The two of them, as in their normal lives/timeline, immediately click. Mirah reports back to Kallus, confirming her infiltration was successful, and also mentioning Shamie.
“Remember what I told you about making friends,” Kallus warns her. “Losing them will be hard. And you can’t know how loyal this person is to Division. Be very careful.”
Mirah internally rolls her eyes, because she’s not dumb, she knows that.
A few more quick parallels, for the Higher Ups at Division:
Arindha Pryce stands in for Percy.
She just has the right blend of Genuine Competence buried under Not As Good As She Thinks She Is to match up with him.
Founding member and leader of Division.
Thrawn stands in for Amanda.
Like, okay. The two of them, for a variety of reasons, have vastly different management styles.
But in terms of his actual skillset and the role Amanda plays, at least on paper? Which is to say, supervising training/constructing covers/monitoring recruits and agents and their mental states?
(Plus, the whole…resident torturer/interrogator/etc. thing…)
Yeah, he could pull that off.
Pellaeon stands in for Michael.
Because I love him.
Also the Vastly Different Dynamic between the Head of Division, the Whatever Amanda’s Actual Job Title Is, and the 2iC/Head Field Operative with these three as opposed to Percy, Amanda, and Michael entertains me.
(Pellaeon is more loyal to Thrawn than Pryce, but only if it came down to an Actual Contest between the two of them would that ever be relevant. He’s extremely competent, but occasionally a little too involved with the recruits, in a fairly paternal sense. Especially since he’s probably a good twenty years older than Michael. But I digress.)
So, Mirah is successfully inserted. That goes pretty much the same as in Nikita canon, completely with Kallus making a splashy return to Division’s radars.
(Probably not at Zeb’s grave, though; if Zeb even has an actual grave.)
She starts interacting with other recruits, including Shamie. The two of them click pretty quickly, all things considered, but given the circumstances…yeah, they keep a certain level of distance, at least for now.
…well, at least on the surface, anyway. Mirah is even more determined to burn Division to the ground if they breathe harm in Shamie’s direction.
(For their part, Shamie may or may not start to notice a few anomalies, but they keep that knowledge to themself for now.)
For a few months, it’s pretty much the pattern the early S1 episodes have--Mirah will get details on an official Division op, pass them along to Kallus, he’ll be on hand to foil it. She gets activated briefly once or twice, but is mostly just working as a regular recruit for her cover.
Plus, you know, evading Thrawn’s suspicions; all that good stuff.
Pellaeon does take a liking to her--she reminds him of Kallus, who was one of the better recruits, and he keeps an eye out for her, much like Michael does for Alex in canon.
Shamie gets activated for their final evaluation/first kill mission about two or three months after Mirah gets recruited. They succeed, but some of the aftermath/followup confirms their previous suspicions about Mirah, and they’re left sort of struggling with what to do about it.
On the one hand, they’re a fairly loyal Division agent at this point, and what Mirah’s doing is probably going to get a lot of their fellow agents, maybe even some recruits, killed. And they know that probably some of what’s been reported as Kallus’s activities is exaggerated, or at least spun to make him look Evil and Division look better, but they know there’s a grain of truth to it.
On the other...they spent a few years, as a child, working for a thief-runner/gang. This was…not a good situation. Gotta keep the baby thieves in line. And they’ve seen other recruits get canceled before. As much as they don’t necessarily want to go against their superiors in Division (again, gotta keep the baby thieves in line; they know what the consequences of that would be), they also know that that loyalty does not go both ways. They are expendable. All of the recruits and agents are.
And they like Mirah. And if they don’t look out for each other…well, who will?
Besides. It’s not like they have any actual proof. Bringing this to Pellaeon, who likes Mirah, or Thrawn, who likes no one--let alone Pryce--seems like it’ll backfire.
So, they stay quiet about what they’ve guessed, and wait, and watch, and work.
Things change when Orryn is recruited.
Mirah and Shamie both take one look at this sweet, gentle boy and have the same thought--he won’t last. He’ll be cancelled within a month. Maybe sooner.
Pryce questions the choice of bringing him in, too; it was Thrawn’s idea. No, he’ll never make field agent, but the boy’s good with mechanics, and computers. If he can survive the training process, they can put him to use there.
Sort of considering him for Birkhoff’s role.
Shamie, even as a full agent, doesn’t have the access or the tools they need to spring Orryn, as much as they want to.
But Mirah--Mirah has Kallus, and a way to contact him.
“This isn’t about my friend. This is about a sweet kid, too sweet for Division, who will be killed or broken if we don’t do something,” she says. “And isn’t that part of what we’re doing here? Trying to make sure that doesn’t happen to anyone else?”
Kallus is torn. Because, on the one hand, she’s absolutely right--it’s why he was reluctant to send her in undercover (oh, yes, the thought had occurred to him) until she suggested it.
But on the other hand, getting a recruit out of Division without compromising Mirah’s emergency exfiltration strategy is going to be Hard. And as much as he wants to help this kid, he also wants to help/protect the one he has already.
He tells Mirah, eventually, that he can’t promise anything, but he’ll start working on a plan.
Remember what I said earlier, about Mirah tending to get what she wants?
Mirah gets to work on her end. The way she sees it, if she figures out a way to get Orryn outside somehow, whether it’s getting him temporarily activated like she was that one time, or some other excuse, then Kallus won’t have a problem rescuing him.
Of course, she’s just a recruit herself, and she can’t muck around with that without compromising her cover. She’s half-tempted to just shove Orryn out her escape tunnel, her own exit be damned, but Kallus specifically told her not to do that, so she holds back.
The opportunity comes when one of Mirah’s prior breaches is discovered, two or three weeks after Orryn’s brought in.
Possibly the shell program she and Kallus have been using to talk; possibly something else and she didn’t cover her tracks quite well enough (i.e., breaking into Pryce’s office). No one’s tied it to her, not yet, but things are Tense.
Kallus asks Mirah if she needs an extraction, and she again brings up Orryn. “I’m good,” she says. “But the sweet kid I was telling you about…”
“We talked about this,” he says. “And I am working on it, I promise.”
But before either of them can do anything, Orryn ends up at the wrong place at the wrong time, and one of the guards is convinced he’s the mole.
Thrawn points out that this doesn’t make much sense--the serious breaches started well before Orryn was brought in.
Pryce agrees, but insists on letting the situation run its course, to see if it can flush out the real mole.
And Mirah has a Thing about people she’s attached herself to getting hurt.
Mirah manages to somehow get Orryn out of wherever he’s being held. She sends a quick message to Kallus--“Sweet Kid coming out, they think he’s me”--and takes him to the exit tunnel.
They are pursued, of course. By the overzealous guard--and by Shamie.
Mirah gets Orryn into the tunnel and prepares to stand her ground.
Shamie catches up first.
And handles the situation Very Differently from the way Thom does in Nikita canon.
“I’m not turning you in,” they say. “You got Orryn out?”
They nod. “Good. Okay. They think he’s the mole, but they’re gonna realize someone helped him escape, unless--”
And then the guard catches up.
There is a Fight. The guard manages to shoot Shamie (not seriously; through-and-through in the upper arm), who tosses Mirah their gun, and she fires back, putting two in his chest.
“…we can work with this,” Mirah says, pressing her hands onto where Shamie’s bleeding. “If we…if we stage it so he pointed the finger at Orryn to cover his own crimes…”
“You have any evidence we can plant on him?” Shamie says. “M’good at that. Planting evidence.”
“Yeah,” she says. She has a key card, and a few other bits and pieces. Shamie, hands shaking slightly, positions them appropriately. “And Orryn…”
“Was also a plant,” Shamie decides. “Sent in when the guard’s cover got shaky, to extract him. But he managed to get away in the confusion. We underestimated him.”
Mirah thinks about this for a minute, then nods. “I think I can sell that,” she says, as more guards start heading their way.
“Good,” Shamie says. “…talk later.”
Mirah nods, and Shamie blacks out, leaving her to spin the lies they need to survive this.
A few hours later, Mirah touches base with Kallus to confirm Orryn got out safely, and to inform him he has another inside agent.
So, the situation has improved somewhat! Unfortunately, it’s also been damaged--since the shell program was found, Kallus and Mirah don’t have secure communications. That first message she got out, about Orryn and Shamie? Yeah, she can’t use that route again, or she’ll establish a pattern.
On the other hand, Shamie is a full agent, which means they have an apartment and the freedom to move around and set an in-person meet. Which Kallus wants anyway, to evaluate Mirah’s friend.
(And, if they check out, to spoof their tracker and give them freedom of movement. Always a plus.)
So, Shamie and Kallus use another one-off communicator to set an in-person meeting, so they can talk.
“You did help Mirah and Orryn,” Kallus acknowledges, after they’ve run through their prearranged confirmation signals. “That counts for something.”
“But you think it could just be me establishing a cover,” Shamie said.
“The thought occurred.”
Shamie doesn’t say anything right away. “I hear all kinds of things about you,” they finally say. “Some of it seems true. Some of it seems exaggerated. I know you’re Division’s enemy, but that…” They shrug. “I trust Mirah. And she trusts you. That’s good enough for me.”
“And Division?”
“I know how gangs work,” they say, flatly. “I used to work for one--they ran a bunch of kids, pickpocketing. Thing about gangs is, most of them do some good in their community--take care of external threats, or whatever. That’s how almost every gang started, anyway. Division may have more money and fancier gadgets and a bigger community, but they work the same way. And most gangs, even if they keep helping their communities sometimes…somewhere along the line, it turns out to be about profit and power more than anything else. But that’s not the issue. The issue is…you can tell, when a gang’s leadership, the loyalty they demand from their members…you can tell when they reciprocate.”
“And Thrawn and Pellaeon and Pryce don’t,” Kallus says.
“Pryce for sure,” they say. “Pellaeon does, but he’s more loyal to Thrawn than the rest of us. Thrawn…is harder to read.”
Kallus considers that for a moment. “You know, what we’re doing--it’s dangerous. I can’t protect you. I burned my one extraction route getting Orryn out.”
“All of my choices are dangerous,” Shamie says. “But like I said. I trust Mirah. She trusts you. I don’t trust Division.”
Another moment of silence. “Here’s our communication protocol,” Kallus finally says. Because Mirah trusts them. And I trust Mirah. If I don’t trust her--what am I even doing here.
Shamie also, as it turns out, has valuable information Mirah didn’t have access to. While not as successful as Kallus, there’s another group working to take Division down; getting involved and throwing off some of their ops.
“Should we reach out to them?” Mirah asks, when this filters back to her.
“No,” Kallus decides. “Most likely, they’re another mercenary group. Trying to be another Division, another Gogol, and take out the competition. There’s a slim chance that they’re actually on the level, but if they’re not…Best to stick to ourselves and avoid drawing in any outsiders.”
The kids agree, because he’s the expert, and drop the subject.
He does, however, ask Shamie to keep tabs on this other group as best they can without compromising their cover. Which should be easy enough.
(Of course, Shamie can only tell him as much as Division knows about them, which isn’t much. They’re a small group, probably a five- or six-person team, and they tend to ghost in and out of situations without leaving much evidence behind…)
The other new advantage they have is Orryn.
Remember why Thrawn wanted him recruited? He’s good with tech and gadgets?
Orryn gets a look at Kallus’s setup, particularly when he’s trying to figure out how to re-establish communications with Shamie and Mirah.
“I can fix that,” he offers.
Kallus blinks. “Plan was, establish an identity and get you out of the country, into hiding,” he says. “Which I will do, I’m working on it, but--”
“Division hurt me, too,” Orryn says. “And Mirah and Shamie are in trouble, and so are you. I want to help.”
Kallus eyes him. He knows, just as clearly as Mirah and Shamie did, that he cannot take this kid into combat. On the other hand…he would’ve been recruited for a reason. And Kallus is well-trained and skilled, but there might be something to said for raw talent and an expert touch.
“All right,” he finally says. “We’ll prep an exfil for you, just in case, but it’ll be some time for me to put it together anyway. We’ll see how things go.”
Orryn nods, and gets to work.
And so pass the next few months, with Mirah working her way up towards qualifying and passing the information she has access to, and Shamie and Orryn supporting Kallus in the field.
Eventually, Mirah goes on her qualifying evaluation, and passes with flying colors. She’s an interesting counterpart to Shamie--she’s a sharpshooter and just as deadly as they are in hand-to-hand, but she doesn’t work as well with the explosives and so on.
Meanwhile, Shamie is a very tactile person--if it’s a hands-on task, especially one that requires a lot of detail work (such as setting up a bomb), there are very few people who can match them. But they have issues with distance kills and with the computer stuff.
Mirah is set up in her apartment, not too close to Shamie, but enough that they can meet. They’re in the same city.
The two of them, on their own, are pretty terrifying assassins.
Shamie is fairly innocuous-looking; dark hair, dark eyes, skinny, blends into a crowd. They’re also the most chill/calm person in the known universe, so people tend to gravitate to them in a crisis. And they’re kind. Genuinely kind, in a way that invites people’s trust.
This is what makes them an excellent priest in another life. And in this one…Beware The Nice Ones is a trope for a reason.
Mirah, on the other hand, is much more overtly intimidating. Unless she’s making an active effort to pretend otherwise, she exudes Danger. She is ruthless and practical.
She is also extremely skilled, good at manipulating people, and very hard to convince to back down.
Now imagine the two of them working together.
Unstoppable and terrifying.
And Division (and Kallus) are both aware of this.
So, they actually end up partnering quite a lot.
The four of them are circling closer and closer to closing in on Pryce and taking her out permanently--Thrawn as well, and Pellaeon as a third priority, but Pryce is their top target--when things Change again.
Mirah and Shamie are put on a wetworks op that requires a team. Probably similar to that one prince dude and the museum.
They feed Kallus the intel, as always, and he comes up with a plan to foil it.
But there are a couple of issues.
He needs Orryn for this op, for one thing. And not just as background, on-site.
When he scouts around to do his own prepwork, there are some technobabble things he need handled, but they need to be within range. Twenty yards, twenty-five on the outside.
So, his first priority--well, maybe not first, but certainly Up There--is to plan out Orryn’s escape route if things go wrong.
The second issue is that Shamie thinks this might be another mission the Unknown Third Party may also crash. Since they still don’t have a lot of intel, that’s potentially another five or six people coming in.
And that’s if they’re correct in that it’s the mystery team, and not Gogol or someone already on the radar.
But the opportunity to interfere with Division and save a life or two is too good to pass up, despite these problems. Kallus plans his counter-mission, and they get to work.
Phase One of the mission goes fairly well. Shamie does confirm a third party is involved, but at first, their presence doesn’t cause too much difficulty for either Our Heroes or Division.
Shamie gets the assassination target pinned down somewhere Kallus and Orryn can extract them; Kallus gets the victim to the prepared escape route, and then returns to deal with the secondary objective; the one that required Orryn--some sort of hacking/virus/Planting Evidence type thing.
So my Art Skillz are far from up to par, but here’s a general overview of the layout of the scene where they do:
...so I can’t figure out how to make tumblr embed it without throwing off all the rest of my formatting so, click the link.
Where things go wrong is when Kallus gets a good look at the closest member of Team Unknown.
Who is very, startlingly, distractingly Familiar.
And he does the worst possible thing he can do in this situation.
He freezes.
Naturally, another member of the Division team sees the opportunity and takes it.
He gets hit three times in that second--chest, abdomen, upper thigh. Serious injuries.
Mirah immediately runs to him, laying down cover/suppression fire at her supposed Fellow Division Agents.
(…yeah, remember that whole bit about her parents dying in front of her? She’s. Uh. She’s come to view Kallus as a second father. This is Not Okay.)
Shamie follows, of course; she gets to Kallus.
They hesitate for half a second. “…get him out of here. I can handle this. Go.”
Mirah nods and drags Kallus back to the van--
--only to find that Orryn has been taken.
She can’t--she can only be in one place at a time. She’s good, but she’s not that good. And Kallus, her teacher, her unofficially-accidentally-adopted dad, is dying in front of her.
She gets into the driver’s seat and books it.
Shamie fires after her, but…well, marksmanship has never been their strong suit, so they fail to stop her.
This is basically Mirah’s worst nightmare made real.
Her dad is dying.
Her brother is missing.
Her other sibling is trapped and about to be probably tortured.
She is holding together by a thread and the only thing keeping her going is if she falls apart now, Kallus will die.
Okay. Time to do something about that. She can’t do much, but she can do even less about the other things, so. Time to do something.
She gets a tourniquet on his leg, pressure dressings on the other wounds, but she’s pretty sure his lung’s collapsed and she doesn’t know how much other internal damage there is. Her training in field medicine/dressings Will Not Cut It on this one.
Now, Kallus has a contingency--he always has contingencies, he loves contingencies--but Mirah doesn’t know his medical contingency and he’s too unconscious and bleeding-out to tell her.
She can’t take him into an emergency room, obviously, but there’s an urgent care center close by. And Orryn’s stuff is still in the van. Which means she can hack into their records find out who’s coming off shift--because there will be someone coming off shift--and stick a gun in their face.
Which is exactly what she does.
She drags the doctor into the van and points her at Kallus.
“Fix him,” she snaps, but she stops pointing the gun at her at this point--she needs her attention elsewhere to drive and fend off Division agents in pursuit, among other things, and surely this doctor will be overcome by that whole Need To Heal thing. Hippocratic oath. Whatever.
Doctor stares at him. “He needs a hospital, I can’t--” Even as she moves towards him.
(Because there’s that whole Need To Heal thing. Hippocratic oath. Whatever.)
Mirah starts the car. “I’m not gonna tell you again.” She tosses the doctor their first aid kit--which is pretty Extensive. Not on the level of the one at the safehouse, but still impressive. “Anything you need that’s not in there, I’ll get at a pharmacy. Now. Do your damn job or I swear to God.”
The doctor looks at Mirah one last time, then turns her attention to Kallus, and opens the kit.
“Good,” Mirah says.
(And then, while the doctor is stabilizing her dad, as soon as she can pull over for a second, she gets rid of her tracker. She has the standard one, in her thigh.)
(And probably kills a Division agent or two pursuing them along the way…)
When the doctor has finished patching Kallus up as best she can with the supplies on hand and what Mirah stole from a convenient pharmacy, she says, “He really should be in a hospital. He needs a transfusion, and should be on IV antibiotics. And I think there was damage to his femur I couldn’t fix without imaging.”
“I’ll take that under advisement,” Mirah says. Note to self: rob a blood bank. And a hospital. Saline won’t cut it. I wonder how hard X-ray machines are to steal…
“I’m guessing you know how to change the dressings, and how often to do it,” the doctor says.
“Obviously,” Mirah says. She grabs a handful of money, and shoves it at the doctor--she did her job, she should be paid for it; people should always be Appropriately Compensated for the things they do and in this case that means actual money--as well as the badge she’d pulled out of the doctor’s purse. “You can go. Oh, and, Doctor Sloane? This never happened. You never saw us.”
“Right,” she says.
“Because if you say anything,” Mirah says, “I will hunt you down and kill you. Clear?”
“…crystal,” she says, and takes the money and walks away.
Mirah takes a few more distracting turns (with a couple pit stops for those last few Necessary Supplies), a very roundabout route, and eventually makes it to the safehouse. She gets Kallus set up as comfortably as she can, under the circumstances, on one of the beds, manages to take thirty seconds to check for any messages from Shamie or Orryn, and then curls up in a corner and just…melts down.
Like I said Mirah’s Worst Nightmare.
Let’s check back in with Shamie, who is about to have an extremely rough several days.
Because they get to go spend some Quality Time with Thrawn in full interrogator mode.
And they get the works--torture, hallucinogens, manipulation, everything. To figure out how much they know about Mirah’s compromised loyalties, back to Orryn and everything.
When that comes up, they repeat their older story--that they spotted Mirah pursuing Orryn and the guard, and followed. They got there, there was shooting, and they were sure it was Orryn, or the guard, but maybe it was Mirah. They know she killed the guard, and Orryn was never good at combat skills, just tech…
After somewhere between three days and a week of this, Thrawn can’t get Shamie to admit anything incriminating, and leaves them in a cell to report back to Pryce.
“I would estimate there’s somewhere between a twenty and fifty percent chance that Mirah managed to turn them,” he says.
“So, we cancel them,” Pryce says.
“We could,” Thrawn says. “But that is not my recommendation.”
“I recommend surveillance,” he says. “My prior sessions with Shamie indicate that they’ve had very little human connection or affection in their life. Even we, for all we provide them, have a tendency to view our recruits more as tools than as individuals. It is absolutely within their makeup to latch on to the first person to treat them and value them as an individual. Which may mean they joined Mirah and Alexsandr’s crusade--or may mean that affection blinded them to things they should have seen in Mirah. If the former, they will lie low for a while, but eventually grow complacent and reach out to their partners. If the latter, they will redouble their efforts to prove their loyalty. And their skillset is not one we can replicate at this time--there’s one recruit showing a certain promise, but they’re very new, at least a year away from graduation. Assuming that particular recruit actually lives up to their potential.”
“So,” Pellaeon cuts in, “letting Shamie live, either way, we gain something valuable.”
“Precisely,” Thrawn says.
Pryce considers for a moment. “Very well, I’ll bow to your expertise. Shamie can return to their prior status. Add more cameras to their apartment before sending them home. And I want to upgrade their tracker.”
“I agree,” Thrawn says. “This would be an excellent time to test out the kill chip program.”
So, Shamie is kept in medical for another day, to have the surgery for the new implant and patch up some of the more significant damage from their interrogation.
They use one of the Contingencies to send a quick message to Mirah and Kallus, confirming they’re alive, and that they have a new tracker and may not be able to keep in regular contact for a while.
So! Let’s see what became of Orryn in the meantime, shall we?
And to do that, we actually have to jump back five years, to the night that made Kallus leave Division and vow to bring them down.
Zeb was military, special ops. He met Kallus when the latter was living on extended cover, and Zeb was about to get out.
They met in some kind of dojo/gym/whatever, and had one of Those sparring matches.
(You know the ones I mean. Where it’s like 30% fight and 70% foreplay?)
They danced around the issue for a while; Zeb knew Kallus works for the government somehow, and is pretty sure he’s either CIA or NSA under some kind of NOC (non-official cover). Eventually, though, they get together.
They have about six months, with Kallus staving off Division as best he can, and Zeb going through the process of finishing out his military service/resigning his commission--as soon as he wraps up one last investigation--and then he proposes.
And, yeah, he thought about waiting until he was completely out, but then he figured--there’s only so much time in a life, and why waste it?
Kallus is getting everything together so the two of them can disappear, when the Cleaner comes.
I’m…not sure exactly how this all works, so we’ll handwave all this. Basically, each walks away thinking the other is dead, and can credibly believe this without a body.
I think probably Kallus saw Zeb go over a cliff or something after getting shot, and Zeb found a whole heck of a lot of blood when he climbed back up to where he’d fallen from, and figured it was Alex’s.
Ooooh, better idea--while he’s climbing back up to help Alex--he thinks this attack has to do with him. With that last investigation, which was actually into some kind of Hinky thing that was either Division or Gogol…
And now the building is on fire. And Alex was still in there.
He tries to run in, but the building is too unstable, and the entrance collapses in front of him. Burying Alex--or whatever’s left of him--completely.
Kanan finds Zeb kneeling in front of the rubble, and takes him home.
He and Hera patch Zeb up, and basically explain what they do--which is something to do with trying to uncover groups like Division; essentially terrorist/assassination/murder-for-hire organizations that operate under a thin veneer of government officiality.
“Modern-day privateers,” Hera says. “Only we’re not at war, and these people commit atrocities at least as awful as the ones they’re supposedly trying to avert.”
“We work in secret,” Kanan adds. “Because when we try to work out in the open…”
(Yeah, this is how Depa died in this AU. She started this operation, possibly with Cham Syndulla, and things went Badly.)
“We think you caught on to the operations of one of the groups we’re trying to identify,” Hera said. “We don’t have a name for them, but they’re US-based, with ties all over the world.”
“Most of…most of what I had on ‘em was in the house,” Zeb says.
“So, we start again,” Kanan says.
“But…at this point, Zeb, you’re legally dead,” Hera says. “We all are. You won’t have the access to intel that you used to.”
“I don’t care,” Zeb says. They killed my fiancé. What does it matter if they killed me, too? “I wanna bring them down.”
Kanan smiles, and offers him a hand. “Welcome to the Ghost Crew.”
So, for the next two years or so, the Ghost Crew, along with Zeb, does more or less the same thing Kallus has been doing--try to suss out Division operations and interfere with them as best they can.
Of course, they don’t have insider information.
They don’t even know the name of the organization they’re hunting.
Plus, Division isn’t their only target, even if it’s the one Zeb’s most interested in. They also interfere with Gogol when they catch on to their missions, and a few other organizations throughout the world.
So there’s only so much they can do, and while they are certainly a nuisance to Pryce et al, they don’t have the same level of impact that Kallus does when he comes out swinging.
Naturally, things shift a little when a mission goes slightly less than as planned.
It’s mostly under control--it was primarily surveillance at that point; Zeb was in a restaurant scoping out their target. Unfortunately, one of said target’s bodyguards ID’d him; maybe not specifically as Ghost Crew but certainly as a Threat to their principal.
That’s about when the shooting started.
Zeb can’t get to the front door; the bodyguards now actively trying to both kill him and extract their principal are in his way; so he heads for the kitchen instead.
Yeah, he could try to pursue and complete his objective, except it was a capture mission, not a kill, and he can’t get through that many guards and get out with the target. Not by himself.
He yells at the staff to get down and stay down, and most of them listen. There’s a couple of cooks, a waiter who was grabbing a couple plates to run out, and a kid washing dishes.
Of course, Zeb loses his footing somewhere along the line and skids. He recovers fast, but the closest guy chasing him did not have that problem and is too damn close for--
--or Bad Guy could get smacked in the face with a soapy cast-iron skillet, courtesy of Dish Washing Kid.
Split second to consider the consequences, but there are two other shooters in pursuit; so Zeb does the sensible thing and grabs the kid so she doesn’t get hurt, and finally makes it to the exit. Steals the first convenient car he sees, and books it.
Once he’s pretty sure they’ve lost pursuit, he turns to the kid, who’s--shit, he’s not good at guessing kids’ ages. Maybe twelve? Shit--anyway, an actual kid, which complicates things.
“Uh. Sorry about back there,” he says. “Listen, I’ll take you back to your parents in a couple hours, after the heat’s died down, I promise.” Pretty sure the bad guys aren’t gonna hunt you down if they couldn’t grab you right then and there…
“Foster parents,” she corrects. “They’re okay, I guess, but it’s not like they actually pay attention to me. They own the restaurant.”
“I should still get you back to them,” he says. “Better for you in the long run, kid.”
“Hanny,” she says. “My name’s Hanny.” She looks at him expectantly, but he doesn’t respond in kind.
“Right,” he says instead. “In the meantime, uh…” He pulls off--they need to switch cars anyway--and takes a second to text Hera.
“So I accidentally kidnapped someone.”
“Yeah, there was shooting, had to run through the kitchen, she hit a guy with a frying pan, couldn’t leave her there.”
“Right,” she responds, after a few seconds where he can practically hear her rolling her eyes. “How much of a fuss is she making?”
“Uh. None at all, actually.”
“All right. Bring her here, we’ll figure out how to handle this later.”
“Thanks, I owe you another one.”
He gets Hanny back to the safehouse he and the Ghost Crew are currently using.
Hera glowers at him for a minute, then makes sure Hanny is settled in an inner room before going out to have A Word.
“Zeb? That’s a child. An actual child.”
“Yeah, I know,” Zeb says. “Still couldn’t exactly leave her there. I’ll take her back to her parents…well, foster parents…”
“Our rule is, we don’t hurt kids!” Hera says.
“Does she look hurt?” Zeb says. “Look, this wasn’t my fault. I went through the kitchen, she got involved all on her own. Not like I told her to bash the guy over the head with a skillet!”
“I know,” Hera says, and takes a breath. “I know, sorry. I shouldn’t’ve snapped at you. But you need to take her back sooner than later. Tonight, if you can.”
Zeb nods. “Uh. Soon as I get her to actually tell me who her parents are. She said they own the restaurant, but…”
“Yeah, you probably don’t want to go back there.” She considers a minute. “I’ll see what I can dig up, get you an address.”
“Good,” he says.
“Why can’t I stay here?” Hanny asks, from the door.
“…because you’ve got parents--”
“Foster parents.”
“Who are probably worried about you,” he finishes.
Hanny snorts. “No, they’re not. They’ve got six of us, and mostly use the money they get from the state to keep their shitty restaurant afloat. They won’t miss me.”
“That’s a shitty situation, I get it,” Zeb says. “It’s still better than staying here.”
“Why?” she demands.
“Because I’m legally dead, for one thing,” he says.
“But you’re not actually dead,” she points out.
“I also do a lot of really dangerous things,” he says. “What you saw in that kitchen back there? Ordinary Tuesday for me.” Which is, yeah, a bit of an exaggeration, but…
She rolls her eyes. “Not like I’m asking to come into another shootout with you. Just stay with you instead of the Smiths.”
“Why do you want��to stay with him?” Hera cuts in. “And ‘because he’s not the Smiths’ isn’t a good enough answer.”
Hanny chews that over for a minute. “I like him,” she says. “He actually gives a damn about something other than his stupid restaurant, or self-image, or whatever. And he apologized for kidnapping me, which is sort of weird, but nice, I guess? I don’t know, I just do.”
“…that whole bit about doing dangerous things,” Zeb says. “I can’t really look after you.”
She rolls her eyes again. “I’ve been looking after myself for ages anyway. Besides. I’m seventeen.”
He and Hera stare at her.
“…would you believe fifteen?”
Zeb’s less sure about that one, but the look on Hera’s face is answer enough.
“Okay, thirteen, but still. Plus, I cook. I’m really good at it, too. Especially when I have access to decent knives. I’m guessing that’s not a problem here?”
Well, okay, it’s not like they have a lot of kitchen knives floating around, but he could--
Zeb turns to Hera. “…sorta running out of counter-arguments here…”
Hera looks from him, to Hanny, and back again. “…fine. I’ll babysit when you’re out in the field.”
Jumping back to the present!
So, Zeb doesn’t actually spot Kallus at this point.
Or, rather, he sees that another party is involved, and does out of the corner of his eye spot the guy going down and then Division agents running at him, but not enough to actually identify him.
He alerts his team to the presence of the Third Party--who they’ve been aware of, since Kallus and his team went active a few months ago.
(It was Sabine’s idea to nickname the team Fulcrum. Since they seem to be a pressure point that really gets to the Shadow Agency they’re chasing, and might be enough pressure to move the lever and make actual progress…)
(Look, it made sense in her head at the time, whether or not the others bought the reasoning, and it stuck.)
Of course, they’re not sure if Team Fulcrum is actually on their side, or just looking to cause Generalized Chaos. Or take Shadow Agency down to take its place. After all, they seem to have an almost personal vendetta against the Shadow Agency and some of the tactics they’ve used…
Ezra and Kanan slip around to the Fulcrum van, and find Orryn inside. They see this sweet kid, assume he’s a hostage, and extract him. There’s no way their team will get through the firefight between Division, Mirah, and the reinforcements intact, so Kanan calls Zeb back, they get Orryn into their vehicle, and they go.
They get Orryn back to their base, and he makes it Very Clear that he was not, in fact, a hostage.
“The people that had you in that van--”
“Were not Division,” he says. “They’re the ones who rescued me from Division, after I was recruited.”
“…I’m sorry,” Hera says. “We made a mistake. Division--they’re the government agents who were attacking that building back there?”
Orryn blinks. “…you didn’t know that?”
“We’ve never had a name for them,” Kanan says. “Maybe we should start from the beginning. I’m Kanan, this is Ezra, Hera, Zeb, Sabine.”
“Orryn,” he says. “…you’re trying to bring Division down, too?”
“Damn right we are,” Zeb says.
“…okay,” he says, and fills them in on what he knows.
Which is, comparatively, not all that much. He didn’t see too much of the internal structure--he wasn’t there for long enough--but they have names and so on to attach to them.
He tells them how Division recruits people in their late teens/early twenties, and trains them as assassins. He tells them how Mirah went in as a double agent, and she and Shamie and Kallus broke him out. He tells them how they tried to get him into hiding, but he offered to stay and help with their tech, which is what led them here.
(He doesn’t, of course, know Kallus’s real/full name--not something shared readily; and even if it was, that might not be the full name Zeb knew him under, so Zeb remains in the dark.)
(Part of why Orryn’s being so open about this is because he’s gotten a pretty good idea of the kind of team Hera and Kanan are running here; he also…it’s something to focus on other than the Very Strong Probability that Kallus is dead, likely Mirah with him, and Shamie, and…)
(On the other hand, if his new family is somehow still alive, they could use all the help they can get. And maybe Kallus would’ve been more cautious, and Mirah would’ve been more suspicious, and Shamie would’ve held back a little more, but Orryn knows how hard this fight will be, and how much they need genuine allies. And so he makes the first move/takes a leap of faith.)
So, to sum up the last few sections before we move on, here’s where we stand after the FUBAR mission where Kallus finds out Zeb is still alive:
Kallus has been badly hurt--near-fatally--and is more or less out of commission for the foreseeable future; not to mention whatever long-term/permanent damage he might have sustained.
Mirah’s cover is blown, and while she pulled herself together after her meltdown once Kallus was safe, she’s still teetering a little on the edge, especially as more and more time goes by without hearing from either of her siblings.
Shamie is fighting desperately to maintain their cover, still deep in Division, but now with little to no support.
Orryn is with Zeb and the Ghost Crew, with no idea if any of his family is still alive, and missing a few Key Pieces of Information that might help smooth things over.
(Yeah, this day went Super Well for everyone.)
After a couple days, though, a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel--Kallus wakes up.
Okay, technically, he’s sort of half-woken up a couple times, but this is the first time he’s been lucid enough to actually process being awake and/or interact with Mirah.
She sees him trying to sit up and is instantly there.
“Stay down, you’re hurt.”
He sinks back without too much argument, and she takes a second to make sure he’s really awake, really back with her, and then, as people with her particular personality and background are likely to do, covers up her fear with “How dare you.”
“You got yourself shot! You froze!”
“I know, I--”
And then the look on her face, she’s clearly just barely holding back from bursting into tears (which, she’s done enough of that over the past three days damn it) and he just…wordlessly holds out his arms, offering a hug.
Very, very carefully, she curls up next to him and clings, and she does burst into tears at that point, and stays there until she’s cried herself out.
“…sorry,” she says, when she gets her breath back.
“It’s fine,” he assures her. “And…so am I. For scaring you.”
She nods. “I know it wasn’t on purpose.”
He laughs a little, which is a mistake, because that hurts, but manages to get out, “when I get shot on purpose, it’s generally not this…bad.”
“I know,” she says, then hesitates before blurting out, “Iloveyou.”
He’s taken a little bit by surprise--he was her handler as much as her friend, and that’s not exactly conducive to…but he can’t deny that he’s come to think of her as a favorite niece, or maybe even a daughter, and…
Between being caught off guard, and the pain, and the bloodloss, and the drugs she’s probably got him on, he can’t find the words to respond.
So, of course, she tries to backtrack.
He cuts her off, “love you, too, Mirochka.”
(LOOK fandom has decided he’s a Space Russian ANYWAY so for this AU either one or both of his parents was a first-generation Russian immigrant so FAKE RUSSIAN DIMINUTIVES FOR EVERYONE. Also it makes me smile. So there.)
She brightens and clings again. Very, very carefully.
But he can already feel the room start to spin and blur at the edges. “Probably gonna pass out again. Don’t be afraid.”
“Okay,” she says. “Just don’t die.”
“Of course not,” he says, already fading. “Still have work to do.”
“Yeah, well, you’re not allowed to die when we’re done, either.”
“Right,” he manages to say, before he’s out again.
The next time he’s fully conscious and lucid is just after Shamie finally managed to send word they’re alive.
Which is, naturally, his first thought. To ask about Shamie and Orryn.
Mirah tells him--Shamie’s at least alive and free enough to make contact, but Orryn is still missing.
Kallus, at this point, is half-convinced he hallucinated Zeb--it would make more sense, obviously; Zeb is dead, he knows that, he saw him die, and yet…
On the other hand, he finds himself desperately hoping it wasn’t a hallucination, for more than just his personal needs. If Zeb has Orryn, then he knows Orryn is safe.
“I tried to get him,” Mirah says.
“I know,” he says. “It wasn’t your fault. None of this was.” It was mine.
“What happened?” she asks, and the question had to come sometime, but he’s not sure he can explain. Not sure he should, as on-edge as she is already.
But she’s asking, so he does the best he can.
“I thought I saw…someone,” he says.
“…interesting pause there…”
“A ghost.”
“…cryptic. Are you gonna keep doing that, or…?”
He looks away. He can’t bring himself to say his name. “It couldn’t have been…I know it couldn’t have been, but I saw him, I was sure, and for a moment, I…I lost control. Again.”
I let you all down.
He struggles for a moment, then says, “I told you, before you went into Division…I told you why I left, didn’t I?”
It takes her a minute to get it. “…oh.”
“I only…I only saw him for a moment, and I may have been seeing things.” He takes a shallow, shaky breath, and blinks rapidly for a moment. “But if it was real, and Orryn’s with him, then he’s safe. I am certain of that.”
Mirah nods. “Then I’ll go find out.”
“Be careful,” Kallus cautions. “Division will be out in force, looking for you. And Shamie can’t--they have to keep their head down. Even if they’ve managed to satisfy Thrawn for now--” He starts to get up, because he needs to hit the ground running on this one, pain and shakiness be damned--
“Don’t you dare,” Mirah snaps, pushing him back. “I’ll be careful. Trust me. Papa.”
“I do,” he says; his head is spinning again and he’s gone chalk-white. “Just…don’t get overconfident.”
“I won’t,” she promises. “Go back to sleep. I’ll text every hour.”
“Please,” he says.
“I will,” she promises, and by the time she’s out the door he’s unconscious again.
Of course, by the time she gets back, he’s somehow managed to muster the strength to get himself over to the computer.
“What did I say?” she says, annoyed.
“I did sleep, for a while,” he says. A little breathless, but he’s still conscious, and it doesn’t look like he’s torn any of his stitches, which is probably a goddamn miracle.
(Of course, they are long overdue a miracle or two.)
“I found footage of the incident,” he says. “Target had security cameras all over. I wanted to see if…see if I could track Orryn that way.”
He shakes his head. “But I can be sure Division didn’t take him. I accounted for all of them.”
“That’s good.”
“Yes,” he says, then hesitates. “Nothing more from Shamie, which…I don’t know. You find anything?”
“Maybe,” she says, and hands him a blurry photo, of Orryn--with Zeb.
The world spins around him again, just like it did back in that firefight, because there’s no mistaking it this time.
Mirah mistakes his reaction for him being about to pass out again; he vaguely hears her mention going to kidnap Dr. Sloane again; he cuts her off.
“No, it’s…it’s him.”
“Oh!” She considers for a moment. “Good. I’ll go get him.”
He nods; he can feel his heart beating erratically and knows he should probably do something about that--relaxation exercise, get horizontal, something--but first thing’s first. “Tell…no.” He can’t think of a good verbal code, but he has something even better.
Using the chair to hold himself up and keeping as much weight off his injured leg as possible, he starts over to the wall.
“Let me--” Mirah starts.
“Wall safe,” he says. “Keep forgetting to program your fingerprints.”
She makes a face. “And you’ll go to bed as soon as you get whatever it is?”
“Yes, fine,” he says. He makes it to the safe, and opens it, pulling out a fist-sized stone and handing it to her. “Show…show him this. He’ll know you’ve seen me.”
“I will. Now, bed.”
“Right,” he says. But his head is spinning and it seems so very far away right now. I possibly overdid it. “I’m just going to…sit here for a moment first. Catch my breath.”
“Fine,” she says. “I’ll be back soon.”
“I know.”
There is, of course, a slight problem with sending the meteorite instead of some kind of verbal message. One that, if Kallus had been firing on all cylinders, so to speak, he would’ve figured out.
A verbal message can’t be pulled off a dead body, after all.
…yeah, Zeb pulls a gun on Mirah when she shows up.
She restrains herself from responding the way all her training has told her to respond to a gun in her face, because she knows how important Zeb is to Kallus. “Rude,” she says instead.
Zeb snarls at her. “Where the hell did you get that.”
“From Papa,” Mirah says, like it should be obvious. “Are you going to let me in?”
Papa? Zeb had never imagined the monsters that killed Alexsandr--who did the kind of things Orryn described--would have children. “…no,” he says. “You’re going to take me to Papa.”
It’s the best, most solid lead he’s had in forever, more concrete than Orryn in terms of tracing back to the specific people who killed his fiancé, he finally has an actual agent, a string to pull to unravel Division and end them.
“Well, yeah,” Mirah says, because that is the plan. But not right now.”
Zeb glares at her. “No. Now.”
Mirah sighs. “ORRYN!”
Orryn, who heard the commotion and was already on his way, joins Zeb at the door. “She’s okay, Zeb. Really. This is Mirah, I told you about her?”
Zeb is…not at all sure what to make of all this. But he lets her in while he tries to figure it out.
(Keeping her covered with the gun, of course. As much as he can when the first thing she does is wrap Orryn in a flying tackle hug.)
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Orryn says, clinging back so hard. “I was worried.”
“You were worried!” Mirah says. “You know what you’re supposed to do in a firefight! Keep your head down, and wait for Papa to come get you!”
“I know,” Orryn says. “But I saw him go down, and then…” I got grabbed, there wasn’t a whole lot I could do.
Mirah nods. “I already yelled at him about that.”
Which is not what Orryn would’ve done, but he knows his sister, so he’s not surprised. “And…and Shamie, are they with you? Are they okay?”
“They’re alive,” Mirah says. “They got in touch. But they’re still undercover. We’re working on it.”
“Touching as this reunion is,” Zeb interrupts, “you need to tell me where the hell you got that rock.”
“I already told you.”
“Not enough.”
“Well, then ask,” Mirah says. “I don’t know what you know.”
“Who the hell is Papa, and how the hell did he get that meteorite?” Zeb asks.
“No idea where he got it,” she says, which is true. “He just told me to give it to you.”
Zeb stares at her, for a long moment. “What the hell kind of sick joke--”
“What?” Mirah says. “Explain, because I have no idea what the hell you mean.”
“He’s taunting me,” Zeb says, flatly. “Whoever he is.” ...on the other hand, that means I’m close…or they know I have Orryn. He frowns, then shakes his head. “But to use this to lure me out…”
Now it’s her turn to stare. “Lure you? You’re the one who demanded I take you places!”
“Because you turn up, out of the blue, on my damn doorstep, holding that!”
“Because Papa told me to!” she says. “What’s so important about it, anyway?!”
“It’s something I gave to--” He stops. “Your people, Division, they took it off him after they killed him. I’ve spent the last five years trying to track down the bastards who did it.”
“You didn’t see him,” Mirah realizes.
“Okay,” she says. “We can go see Papa now. But leave your gun behind, he’s been shot enough this week.”
“No, seriously, what the hell,” Zeb says. “Saw who?”
“Papa,” she says. Obviously.
“You still haven’t told me who that is!”
“Because I love him, but he’s sometimes a secretive jerk and I don’t know his full name and that’s embarrassing, okay?”
Zeb just stares at her for a moment.
Mirah sighs, exasperated. “Orryn, do you know Papa’s full name? I don’t have any pictures, and I don’t want to wake him up by calling.”
Orryn shakes his head. “Never had that much access to Division’s computers, and you know he doesn’t talk about that stuff. …Shamie might know, but…”
“I’ll text,” she decides. “They won’t get it until it’s safe.”
“Like hell I’m waiting for that,” Zeb says. “Take me to him. Now.” “First, leave the gun behind,” Mirah says, and there is No Room For Argument in her face or her tone.
Zeb considers this for a moment.
He’s dealing with one guy who’s apparently been shot all to hell, and one baby agent…he’s got the raw physical strength to overpower her if it comes to that. Besides, she didn’t say anything about other weapons.
“Fine,” he says, and ostentatiously puts both the gun he already had out and the backup from his boot on the table.
“Thank you,” she says. “Orryn, you coming?”
Orryn hesitates for a second. “…someone should probably stay with Hanny.”
“Who’s Hanny?”
“My kid,” Zeb says. “…kinda. Long story. Can we go?”
“Sure,” Mirah says. “Hanny can come, too.”
“Hell no,” Zeb says. ���I don’t bring her into potential danger if I can avoid it.”
“If you say so,” Mirah says. “Just a suggestion.”
So, Orryn and Hanny stay back at Zeb’s place. Mirah texts Kallus to let him know they’re coming.
He. Uh. Wakes up on the floor by the wall safe when his phone buzzes. Never quite made it back to bed…oops.
Part of him thinks he should probably correct that, but on the other hand, standing up sounds like Work right now. He’ll just…wait here. Gather his strength.
Oh, right, I should text back. “Fine, see you soon.”
As they approach, Mirah once again warns Zeb that Kallus has been shot, so he is not allowed to get him worked up or let him out of bed.
“Yeah, you mentioned.”
“It bears repeating,” she says. “And he is not allowed to die.”
“Copy that,” Zeb says, though he makes no promises. Whoever Papa is, he had Alexsandr’s meteorite, which means he Knows Something about the people who killed him.
She opens the door to the safehouse. “PAPA YOU HAD BETTER BE IN BED.”
…well, at least he hasn’t moved from where she left him last?
Mirah gives him her best Aggrieved and Disappointed Face.
“…I think I fell asleep here,” he says, wearily.
And then Zeb has a Moment.
Because he couldn’t quite see Mirah’s papa from this angle.
But he knows that voice.
“Did I or did I not tell you to go back to bed,” Mirah says, but she knows it’s gonna be a lost cause for at least a few minutes. “…I’ll lecture you later.”
“Alex?” Zeb says. Whispers. It takes him a few seconds to actually get the name out and it comes out strangled and disbelieving.
And even though he already knew Zeb was alive, he’d seen him in person and then the picture, something about it…he’s here now, it’s real--
Fortunately, before Alex can try to get up, Zeb is right there.
“You were…you were dead, I thought--”
For his part, Kallus cannot form words right now. He just reaches up, hand shaking, to touch Zeb’s face.
(Mirah, in the background, discreetly texts her siblings with an update.)
(Orryn, upon reading the text, asks Hanny if she’s ever seen The Parent Trap.)
(“Because I think your spy dad and my spy dad used to be together. Wanna go join them?”)
(Hanny doesn’t need to be asked twice.)
Zeb, at that point, just scoops Kallus up and, very gently, puts him back in the bed.
“Oh, good,” Mirah says. “Now we need to keep him there.”
“No arguments here,” Zeb says.
And this had better not be a dream, he adds, in the privacy of his own mind.
Of course, there’s a lot more catching up to do from there, and a creepy organization of spysassins to take down, but I think we got enough here for one outline, lol. XD Future developments, of course, involve Team Fulcrum (who keep the nickname because Why Not) teaming up with the Ghost Crew to actually take down Division and shoot Pryce in the face; getting Shamie’s kill switch removed; and then…whatever adventures the Family of Spies might have in the future. Maybe head down to Miami, run into another team of former spies. Or up to Boston, run across a team of thieves…
The point is, they’ve found each other again. The rest…well, the rest is just Details.
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mvndrvke-archive · 5 years
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bless you honestly????
 trigger warnings : homophobia / anxiety / death / references to ww2
scene : nico and jason vs cupid ( h.ouse of hades, can’t remember what chapter but it’s jason’s pov so if that helps, cool. 
if you want a shortened version of this rant, there’s a lot about it in my post about where i divert from canon with nico, which you can read here.
i’m gonna put this under a read more since i got A LOT to say on it. 
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on // accepting! // @greektides
alright. so. the scene where nico and jason fight cupid is a pivotal and necessary part of house of hades-- they need the sceptre to save their friends, blah blah blah, we all know what the deal is. this chapter gives me a LOT of stuff to work with when it comes to things like nico’s powers, his anxieties, his feelings for percy, etc. bUT. as an arc for nico, it’s so fucked up. yes, i will concede that nico is not the type of person to just talk openly about his feelings, especially when it comes to percy. BUT i think this chapter deserves a lot of criticism for various aspects, so buckle up kiddos because we’re about to tear this thing apart. 
i shall be rating these with brownie points. as nico is rick’s character ( technically, he’s mine now and you can’t tell me otherwise ), i shall give rick ten (10) brownie points to start with. 
BROWNIE COUNT : 10 brownies
there’s a lot that we can take away from this. like, a lot. which is great, and most of those parts don’t actually have anything to do with the fucked up way that nico is forced to come out, but his emotions and the way he reacts to being forced into a corner. nico is not a character that gets stuck in situations where he’s powerless ( though i will concede that he has been captured more than once. but no one asked him in those situations to reveal incredibly private details about his life in order to get out of said trouble )-- he’s an incredibly powerful demigod that i would say surpasses the more major demigods like jason and percy in a lot of ways when it comes to the strength of his powers and his ability to wield them. 
but that’s a whole other thing. my point here being that we’ve seen nico lash out when he gets stuck. and really, that holds true in this chapter. he really keeps his chin up for most of the chapter, and his Attitude remains-- aka his determination to never show fear or let himself be put in a position where he has to listen when someone tells him to shut up ( great examples of this-- nico’s first scene in titan’s curse where he yells at a fuckin MANTICORE who’s being mean to bianca, also the scene in i THINK the last olympian when-- imma quote this-- percy says “The lord of the dead paced up and down, holding his ears while Nico followed him, waving his arms.” which honestly, iconic ). a few parts in this chapter ( well, lines ) where i’d like to highlight this are the following-- 
‘I don’t serve anyone,’ Nico muttered. ‘Especially not Cupid.’
[ ... ]
Next to him, a wall collapsed. Jason barely managed to roll aside. 
‘Stop it!’ Nico yelled. ‘It’s me you want. Leave him alone!’
[ ... ]
‘I’ve been to Tartarus and back,’ Nico snarled. ‘You don’t scare me.’
he defends his friends, he pushes back, he doesn’t let himself be defeated even though he has to admit he was in love with percy. and for that, rick may have two (2) brownie points. 
BROWNIE COUNT : 12 brownies
                          (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧ nice job so far! *:·゚✧
the next thing that i think this chapter supports is that nico is incredibly strong. his powers are honestly unlike any others we see in the series-- he’s able to hold his own against a LOT. specifically in this chapter, i admired his ability to take a moment of high stress and utilize his powers in a productive ( but ultimately unsuccessful ) way. here we go-- 
“Nico,” [ Jason ] called, “what does this guy want from you?” ‘Tell him, Nico di Angelo,’ Cupid said. ‘Tell him the real reason you ran from Camp Half-Blood, and why you are always alone.’ Nico let loose a guttural scream. The ground at his feet split open and skeletons crawled forth– dead Romans with missing hands and caved-in skulls, cracked ribs, and jaws unhinged [ … ] [ ... ] Meanwhile, Nico’s Roman skeletons surged forward and grappled with something invisible. The god struggled, flinging the dead aside, breaking off ribs and skulls, but the skeletons kept coming, pinning the god’s arms.
nico summons a bunch of skeleton soldiers and battles a god with them, he cracks open the earth, etc. and STILL has the strength and power to shadow travel with jason out of there once they get the sceptre. he’s fuckin STRONG. i appreciate this part because it shows how powerful nico is, and ( i love jason i don’t want anyone to think that i don’t love and respect jason as a character ) kinda how he’s more powerful than jason in some respects, though it’s hard to compare their powers. but watch me do it anyway!
The skeletons had Cupid pinned now, but the invisible god laughed so cruelly that Jason wanted to summon another bolt of lightning. Unfortunately, he doubted he had the strength.
for remembering that nico is incredibly powerful in this scene, i shall give rick one (1) brownie point. 
BROWNIE COUNT : 13 brownies
                   (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧ you haven’t fucked it up yet! *:·゚✧
nico being reluctant to share personal information / feelings / etc. so important. like that’s most of this chapter is his unwillingness to share his own thoughts and emotions ( emotions i’ll go more in depth with later ). but we see nico here when he’s trying to still keep his feelings for percy private, he goes so far to try and keep that to himself. we also need to consider how angry/upset nico gets when cupid tries to out him. he’s PISSED. he’s SCARY. he lashes out with his powers, which is a common theme for nico throughout the books,  but when he’s defending himself, he goes into attack mode. this line is super important-- 
Waves of darkness rolled off the son of Hades. When they hit Jason, he almost lost consciousness – overwhelmed by hatred and fear and shame …
nico is upset, and he projects. it’s kinda unclear whether or not the flashes of memories that jason sees are because nico snapped or because cupid made him see them, but either way, nico guards his personal feelings and emotions so intensely that jason nearly passes the fuck out from it. for remembering that nico isn’t one to share details about himself, even to people he’s close to, i shall give rick half (0.5) a brownie point. 
BROWNIE COUNT : 13.5 brownies
                  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧ you’re doing great so far! *:·゚✧
nico is aware of his own importance. he knows that he’s the one cupid is after, even before jason does. he understands EXACTLY what cupid wants in return for the sceptre. i don’t have much to say about this, but for acknowledging that nico’s confidence in his own importance is a key part of his personality, i shall give rick one (1) brownie point. 
BROWNIE COUNT : 14.5 brownies
                 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧ this is so fucking upsetting! *:·゚✧
nico isolates himself like crazy. he has since titan’s curse when he ran away, and has consistently continued doing so until the glossed over switch from loner to “i got a doctor’s note so i can be social” which i’ve got a lot of thoughts on too but don’t have the time rn. he deflects, he gets hostile, he lashes out, he isolates himself. and he fully acknowledges all of those things in this chapter. here we go-- 
‘Stop hiding,’ Cupid said [ … ] ‘You do not have the strength.’ “Nico,” Jason managed to say, “it’s okay. I get it.” Nico glanced over, pain and misery washing across his face. “No, you don’t,” he said. “There’s no way you can understand.” ‘And so you run away again,’ Cupid chihded. ‘From your friends, from yourself.’ “I don’t have friends!” Nico yelled. “I left Camp Half-Blood because I didn’t belong! I’ll never belong!”
i’ll allow this. it’s really important to who nico is, and honestly without this, he wouldn’t be the nico di angelo we see today. for having nico fight so strongly over this for as long as he does, i shall give rick one (1) brownie point. 
BROWNIE COUNT : 15.5 brownies
               (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧ time for a shitty history lesson! *:·゚✧
to rick’s credit i guess, he does acknowledge that nico was born and raised in italy for most of his life. he kinda gives that a little more information in this chapter by emphasizing that part of nico’s issue with coming out is because of the era he was raised in. 
“I don’t feel that way anymore,” Nico muttered. “I mean, I gave up on Percy. I was young and impressionable, and I– I don’t…” His voice cracked, and Jason could tell the guy was about to get teary-eyed. Whether Nico had really given up on Percy or not, Jason couldn’t imagine what it had been like for Nico all those years, keeping a secret that would’ve been unthinkable to share in the 1940s, denying who he was, feeling completely alone– even more isolated than other demigods.
nico grew up in the 30s/40s in pre-WW2 italy. read more about this here. rick does address nico’s shame about actually liking percy here--
All the fight and denial seemed to go out of Nico at once. The darkness subsided. The Roman dead collapsed into bones and crumbled to dust. “I hated myself,” Nico said. “I hated Percy Jackson.”
nico’s got plenty of reason to dislike percy, and this KINDA makes sense to me. do i think the two are connected, nico’s self loathing and his hatred of percy? not really. but the fact that rick actually acknowledges that part of nico’s reluctance to share personal information about his sexuality is due to how he was raised is something that shall earn rick half (0.5) a brownie point.
BROWNIE COUNT : 16 brownies
              (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧ time to get angry about shit! *:·゚✧
right off the bat, i feel like i need to say that overall, i have incredibly mixed feelings this chapter. i value the information about nico we get and the glimpse into his mentality, his powers, and his feelings in general. BUT it’s fucked up. i think we can all agree on that nico gets outed in an incredibly painful and cruel way as part of a game. were there better ways to do this? yes. give nico some fucking development when it comes to him being open about his life instead of outing him for funsies. 
i talk about this A LOT, but it’s wildly unfair of rick to put the motivations for nico’s actions when it comes to percy on nico’s love for him in the way he goes about it. nico’s in love with percy, i will happily accept that. it makes sense and yea, it explains a lot of his actions. BUT i HATE the idea that nico acted out of his desire to win percy over, which is something rick has nico state in canon. fuck that. no. let’s cut this into ribbons and wrap this puppy up--  
[ … ] Nico’s voice was like broken glass. “I–I wasn’t in love with Annabeth.” “You were jealous of her,” Jason said. “That’s why you didn’t want to be around her. Especially why you didn’t want to be around… him. It makes total sense.”
fuck everything about this, thanks. i will concede that he is jealous and even a little resentful of percy’s relationship with annabeth, and he and annabeth are never best buddies. he’s not close to her. but he runs around constantly saving percy’s ass. he’s not avoiding him. everyone would be dead like twenty times over if it wasn’t for nico intervening. he’s not running around trying to get rid of annabeth so he can win percy. that’s not who he is, and he’s not avoiding percy either. he’s not his best pal hanging around with him all the time, he does run from his feelings, but making it sound like nico’s sole reason for not hanging around with the main squad is because of his feelings for percy is kinda bullshit. it ignores everything else about nico’s reasons for isolating himself. 
if anything, i’d argue that nico’s feelings towards percy are what motivate him to put his life on the line for him so many times. it’s what keeps him going back-- he wants percy to be safe, and while he’s not annabeth’s #1 fan, she makes percy happy, so he’s not going to step on that because of his own feelings. 
so no, i disagree that nico isolates himself because of his feelings for percy. because if that’s the case, why the hell does he keep helping them out?
because of this, i shall be taking away three (3) brownie points.
BROWNIE COUNT : 13 brownies              
               (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧ time to get angry about shit! *:·゚✧
this bullshit--
He watched Nico with satisfaction, as if he’d identified the exact spot for his next arrow to make a clean kill.
‘I had a crush on Percy,’ Nico spat. ‘That’s the truth. That’s the big secret.’  He glared at Cupid. ‘Happy now?’
 For the first time, Cupid’s gaze seemed sympathetic. ‘Oh, I wouldn’t say Love always makes you happy.’ His voice sounded smaller, much more human. ‘Sometimes it makes you incredibly sad. But at least you’ve faced it now. That’s the only way to conquer me.’ 
Cupid dissolved into the wind.
okay yea, let’s just out a kid and act like somehow that solves nico’s problems. he’s pissed that jason tells him the others will support him, and then just kinda accepts it on his own i guess???? there’s chapters from nico’s pov. if you’re gonna do this reveal and you’re going to make a huge deal out of it like this chapter does, at least put some time and consideration into nico’s mentality going forward. it’s unfair and like a lot, it just gets glossed over like it’s nothing once the scene is over, other than a few more references to it and the magical appearance of will solace in toa ( i will say now that i truly love and appreciate will and nico’s relationship, and i’m glad he’s got a successful relationship in the series, even if i really hated that book ). for one of the characters that actually has chapters from his pov ( especially in blood of olympus ), nico gets very little consideration when it comes to all the shit he’s gone through and had to do. getting outed is really shitty and messes with your head, and i think in nico’s case it would make him shut down and not want to tell anyone else. there was ample opportunity for this reveal to happen in other ways, or at least address it since it did, and he didn’t.
because of how little rick seems to give a shit about this affecting nico and like. his lack of addressing it later except having nico abruptly come out to percy ( not a huge fan of the way that scene went either but i don’t have time for that either ), i shall be taking away five (5) brownie points.
BROWNIE COUNT : 8 brownies
                            (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧ but it’s not all garbage! *:·゚✧
nico has anxiety. and a lot of it! i do appreciate in this chapter that we get to see some of that, like his ability to kill plants with the pure power of anxiety. i use this a lot in my interpretation of nico, as anxiety is a big part of who he is and how he behaves and how others behave in regards to him. we see that nico’s negative feelings can be projected onto other people ( in this chapter, that’s jason ), and in my version of nico, that’s a big reason why he hates being around others, actually, because he’s anxious about them disliking him, which projects his anxiety, which makes them anxious around him, and it all just cycles and builds until he has to leave.
nico actually has a goddamn backstory. again, there’s a bit of a callback to his childhood in italy/him growing up in the 30s/40s. this is super important to nico’s growth and later behavior, so i appreciate us getting something i can use from there in terms of how this impacted the rest of nico’s life and behavior. 
nico is reluctant to come out to others. obviously ( or not so obviously, rick pls focus on the consequences of your characters and their actions ) this experience is traumatic for nico, and combined with his already pre-established fears, nico does NOT want to come out. and he doesn’t. before he gets together with will, nico has come out to : jason, percy, annabeth, hazel, and reyna. he’s also technically out to hades i guess. he never gets to/had come out to maria and bianca. go read why. he’s obviously uncomfortable in toa when will calls him his boyfriend, which is why i believe and play nico with this fear which was only intensified by the fact that he didn’t get to come out on his own terms the first time. 
nico isn’t still holding bianca’s death against percy. he uses past tense. “I hated Percy Jackson.” i don’t think that nico can go through and do everything he does and still hold onto his hate. the fact that he hated percy for bianca’s death made his feelings shameful in his mind, he stopped hating percy and started hating himself instead. i don’t believe that nico is ever able to trust percy again, but he doesn’t hate him anymore. 
nico doesn’t have perfect control over his powers. he kills grass. he hits jason with his fear powers. it’s not on purpose, it’s just an unfortunate side effect of his own fears/anxieties and his inability to fine-tune his gifts. we know that nico is strong but we don’t see a ton of him being out of control with his powers. he’s mostly got his shit together, but he’s still a kid. the expectation that he’s perfect/totally in control isn’t fair. 
                   *:·゚:·゚ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ i gotta go cry now excuse me *:·゚✧
alright so yea. that’s what i’ve got to say on that. if you’ve read this whole thing, honestly, nice job?? enjoy this quality gif of smiley nico as your prize and thanks for reading???
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arctic-rising · 6 years
1-5, 9, 16, & 37!!
tysm for the questions!! this got…real long.
1. Write from the perspective of an outsider of your lair, what is their first impression? How have they discovered this group? How are they greeted?
      The young spiral twirled around her companion, twisting among the towering reeds. The skydancer, a map clenched in their claws, laughed as they caught sight of flashes of purple scales.       “When do you think we’ll be there?” Impressive stalks of bamboo clattered against each other as the little dragon zipped through it, and then back onto the well worn path.       “Well,” The skydancer tilted their head as they looked over the map, “if my calculations are correct, we should arrive there…now!”The tall bamboo- tall enough to reach towards the clear blue sky, seemed tiny in comparison to the massive painted gates that rose into view. Two stone towers with green and orange banners flanked the gate; shadowed figures darting around the structure could just be made out as plush clouds glided over head. The closer the duo approached, the louder the song of wind chimes became. When the shadow of the arch passed over them, they could make out heavy ropes draping bowls of unicorn dust and cerdae sparkle; the golden and red glitter contrasting against the green painted doors. A massive wind flight symbol had been engraved and then painted over in white across each door, splitting it in half when the gates where open.       The spiral gasped in delight and fluttered through the open doors. The skydancer followed, smiling as they kept pace with their friend through the crowds. Dragons of all kinds and all flights mingled through the cobble streets- some filtered into inns and taverns, others went straight for shops while some were content to sit underneath over hangs and watch.        The spiral soon fluttered back and wrapped herself around her friend, clinging to their fur as they walked. Her wide eyes darted around, moving from a snapper in furs to a ridgeback in armor, then over to a smattering of fae.      “You alright there?” The skydancer asked. The spiral looked up at them, her purple eyes turning a soft lavender in the sunshine.        “There’s so many dragons here. So many. Didn’t you say this place was hidden?”       “Yes! It’s hidden to those outside of the Plateau, and this place’s allies I’d assume. But, if you’ve been around here for a while you can figure out where it is easy enough.”       “But how did you figure it out? And where did you get that?” She poked at the parchment with one toe. The skydancer laughed and tugged it away.       “This? Got it from a friend! Who got it from another friend, and that one got it from their uncle, and that uncle got it from another friend. Probably.” The skydancer gracefully slid out of the way of an armored bogsneak who bared a white wind flight symbol. She nodded respectfully, and was soon lost to the crowds.       “You see, GuidingWinds is a trade hub. It has to rely on visitors to survive, but it wants to be a safe place at the same time, yes? So, tell me friend, what’s the best way to spread word of your little home to your neighbors, and your neighbor’s neighbors without letting all of dragon kind know?”       The spiral frowned and thought for a moment. She shrugged.       “Word of mouth, but of course you through in some rumors to help keep things under lock and key. You know, some lizards don’t believe this place even exists! But us wind folk know, annnd because we like our reputation we tell others about this place! Only if we like them though. It’s no good ratting your lovely neighbor out when they’ve been nothing but kind.”       The spiral blinked, her eyes going impossibly wide. “No- that’s so clever! But what happens if a bad egg gets in anyways?”       “That’s what the kingdom champions are for dear. You saw that bogsneak back there, yes? She was one of them- they’re an elite force that keeps the peace, and collects treasures and goods for the kingdoms personal stock. They’re awfully nice until you break the rules. Then they’re not so nice.”       The duo’s conversation continued as they slipped through the streets, two smears of color adding to the sea of manes and scales in the afternoon light of the Kingdom.
2. Is there a class difference in your lair? If so, how do the ‘lower’ ranks of their society live? If not, how do they maintain equity?
Ooo, yeah there’s very much a class difference. Thankfully the big wigs up in the castle (mostly lucien and azuleopa) do their best to make sure the treasure is being spread equally throughout the kingdom. Some dragons have more things because they either came into the kingdom with more money, or they’re just really good at saving up and making good investments. Another factor to keep in mind is the fact that the kingdom gets the majority of its cash via trading with visitors and merchants, so how popular someone’s product is can absolutely influence how much money ya got, and more over how comfortable your home is.
uhh the main reason why the royals are rich is probably because taxes. Merchants, both outside and inside the kingdom gotta pay a fee to keep their business legal and approved within the city, but the tax itself is determined by how much you normally sell in a month. there’s math that i can do with this but i dont wanna.
3. How is discipline dealt out? Is there a legal system? Fair trial? Vigilantism? 
The criminal is normally arrested and placed in temporary holding cells within the castle until Toxin and Arctic can find a time to determine their fate. If they decide that the crime was a minor offense, they’ll decide that the criminal has to do some time of sitting around in a cell before they can leave. Bigger offenses can lead to banishment or long-term imprisonment (or both, if you don’t rot away in the prison first)
4. Are there any important figures in history involved in your lair? Who are they and why are they significant?
Yes! Two dragons (who have been exalted) named Percy and Iolite were some of the first dragons within the clan before it became the kingdom it is now. Toxin, Arctic, Zaleka, Tahara, Phobia, and Adelaide will tell about stories about them if you ask nicely, but they always seem a little sad and wistful when retelling those tales. Percy was a scribe and Iolite was a very sneaky warrior, although both were said to have had hearts of gold. Iolite and Dawn initially trained Zaleka, and Percy helped plan the initial layout of the kingdom before they left. No one knows where they went, mainly because the dragons that knew them won’t talk about it…
and as a side note, Arctic, Toxin, and Dawn are all pretty important historical figures too but they’re still around
5. How has history constructed & molded your lair’s culture, morals and ideals, if at all?
As mentioned before, Dawn and Iolite trained Zaleka to be the fearsome warrior that she is today, and Zaleka went on to pass that knowledge down to the kingdom champions she’s trained. Kingdom champions have a special type of fighting style that utilizes their strengths to their absolute extent by boosting their skills with their innate magic. For example; Tokyo, a wind skydancer, is SUPER fucking fast already, but he uses his wind magic to make himself extra speedy, which lets him get in and out of situations fast and land a tooooon of quick strikes. Each kingdom champions’ fighting style varies, so it’s difficult to anticipate what’s gonna come next!
The kingdom def puts a lot of emphasis of just being nice to each other. The kingdom used to have a nasty serthis problem, and before they were able to fortify themselves a lot of dragons were lost in the conflicts. You don’t know when someone is going to meet their end, so just being kind to others in what moments you have with them is something the founders of the kingdom really emphasized after they lost a lot of their clanmates.
9. What is the political climate? What are some issues currently in the public’s eye?
the fact that literally every single prince and princess has died except Kima is very much a sore point with long term residents. some have blamed Blister, some have blamed the gods, and some think there’s something else going on. most are just thankful that Kima survived though.
another strain is from the events of Bounty of the Elements! haven’t actually gotten to that with the main lore arc, but because of a lot of the internal conflicts within flights (especially fire flight) trade and merchandise has been lacking in some places.
16. Who holds authority or is looked up to in their society? Do they hold any real power, or is it more of a concept?
Regina and Rahab are the queen and king, so of course they are at the very top of the food chain and technically have the most power. Arctic and Toxin have the most favor and influence over the population because of their history with GuidingWinds itself, and in the kingdom Dawn is the most powerful in terms of magic while Toxin is the most powerful in terms of athletic skill. Andromeda, Lotus, and Ana are pretty tied when it comes to who has the greatest potential to be more powerful than Dawn, and Antigone has the greatest potential to be more powerful than Toxin.
also Gaia is a super powered technically immortal druid but she doesn’t care about climbing the power ladder, so she’s more than content with selling weird plants.
outside of the kingdom is a different story. there’s some uh, demigods running around. Balthazar is one of them and is often called ‘the fighter’ because of his prowess in combat. he’ll absolutely reward you if you kick his ass but it’s super difficult, so don’t get your hopes up. he can also transform into a featherback boar at will, so there’s that. Ruthe is the other demigod! she’s called ‘the caster’ because she’s mastered all types of spell casting. she’s also incredibly difficult to beat, but she won’t reward you for kicking her ass. you might be able to convince her to teach you some tips on magic tho! Ruthe can also transform into a powerful beast, but i have yet to choose which one.
37. Are there any common domesticated animals used as livestock, labor or transport? How did this happen? Are they common place?
have i been meaning to figure this out for a while? absolutely!
have i actually figured it out yet? nope
short answer is that they probably have a bunch of the goat and bird based familiars. which ones, i have yet to decide on. i will say that southmarsh podids are absolutely used to pull carts and stuff like that.
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