#anyway one project done for the week so Imma head to sleep
kafkaoftherubble · 9 months
Dear emperor is about politics and the horrors of man made gods, how we sometimes idolize people to the point of worship.
But actually it's about the complex friendship between Ira and Edith, how politics tore them apart but their genuine mutual (platonic) love and respect for each other brought them together in the end and made Ira give Edith a second chance. He missed the friend he once had and eventually let her challenge his political beliefs because he just wanted her back.
BUT ACTUALLY dear emperor is about how disabled people and people who look different deserve to live.
Brandi was born with mental health issues while Ira's disabilities came later in life after serving in the military. They both deserve help, not because they're good people, but because they're human and as humans, we need to help each other.
Lewis has no disability but he has a birthmark that has made him stand out. He's been mocked for it and it sometimes it's almost a disability because the uneducated masses assume it's dangerous or some kind of disease or that he's dangerous because of it. It's just a way his face looks!!
And Edith. Her disability (left arm stuff) is self inflicted and so what? Even if she has it because of a stupid mistake, she deserves help as well. Even people who didn't think things through and are now disabled because of a dumb mistake deserve help. Someone who lost a limb doing a dumb trick deserves as much help and support as someone who lost one in a car accident.
Dear emperor is about love and kindness, how we have to be kind and help everyone, even if it means sacrificing luxuries or large amounts of our time and energy. As people who can help, we should.
Bruh, my late-night brain leaps into any sort of imagination easily (too easily in fact), and THIS? This created a whole ass studio of you on red velvety sofa, and then a bespectacled woman interviewer is sitting about one leg apart from you, and then there's a marble-constructed fireplace kinda thing behind you two, and because I don't know how you look, you're just Haanit-but-a-bit-smaller on a sofa, and you're basically being interviewed and the bespectacled woman took her glasses off and chewed on the tip while nodding attentively.
I'll say, with the way you let their lives play out in the story, it's more than just "disabled people deserve to live." It's that they are capable of feats and contributions as any able-bodied and/or neurotypical people. They are remaking countless lives—their enemies', their allies', and above all, their compatriots'—with their own striving. And it wasn't necessarily done despite their disabilities, or that they managed to scale hardship and achieve greatness equaled to an able-bodied/neurotypical folk. It's that their experience directly impacted them and shaped them such that they made their own unique contributions. They knew things the other folks didn't know, and because of that, their voices enriched the collective discourse and understanding of what it means to be in a community we called society.
All that mandates about being "normal" or "approved by State" has created only a very specific kind of people with uniform ideas which leads to stagnation. If Edith and Co. had been removed because they didn't conform to a narrow band of what counts as "normal and non-defective," then Odeda would only continue its fall.
It's not about how diversity, including disabled people, is good for a population. It's about why.
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nathank77 · 3 months
4:11 a.m Edited/Added to 4:25 a.m
I just got out of the shower. I shaved my face and head, it was giving me anxiety bc I'm going to my dad's Sunday no matter what I do and I had to do it tonight or tomorrow night so I looked okay when I went there...
I still got to figure out if I'm going to the car wash tomorrow or Sunday or putting it off for another week or two.... I don't want to, my decade with beauty is the 21st and I want her to be in tip top shape but it's a source of stress.
I'd like to game tomorrow all day and do the car wash Sunday before Dads. I'd like to count my sleeping pill very soon before bed and get another to last me until Monday but it's already 4 a.m and it's stressful but I cannot imagine, going to my dad's house and counting my sleeping pill after and showering... or counting/setting up my sleeping pill before going to my dad's and driving there. Car wash completely forgotten about. It's just a lot. Idk if I'll do it tonight or tomorrow but I cannot fathom doing it Sunday and I will inevitably shower after my father's bc the kids will be all over me and I'll feel dirty.
I wish my mother wasn't an addict so I could just leave them out and take it when I needed them and I didn't have to count them...
I didn't want to shower today, I wanted to shower tomorrow so I was super clean for dad's house. I prob will have to shower tomorrow... and set up my sleeping pill especially if I keep writing... which will ultimately ruin my game day the sleeping pill set up is extremely stressful. A huge ocd ritual and I have to do it for Monday...
I feel like after last night the hallucinations I detailed in the videos... that taking the smaller half is setting myself up for a bad night and I've had a very hard time falling asleep compared to other nights. Maybe I'll slowly go hyper... maybe I'm just stressed.. idk. It's just harder to fall asleep and I don't need scream hallucinations or hearing the voice repeat my thought in my head. Especially that one. That one makes me want to fucking end it all no regrets. I'm not leaving much behind and I cannot cope with that.
I still don't know what to do about the car wash/a potential game day... if I go to the car wash Saturday it is not a game day. I'll shower when I get home and watch TV all night..
If I don't go to the car wash and either go Sunday before dad's (I'll feel like an asshole especially since I can't afford a card for him) or I don't go to the car wash until another week bc it's pointless to do it Tuesday with the next weekends forecast (also Tuesday is a planned game day and I'm going to take it).
I could chose to stay home Saturday and skip showering and just do the sleeping pill and then just throw on deodorant and body spray before dad's on Sunday. It's not a bad plan. However the sleeping pill is a real day ruiner..
Anyways instead of writing about it I guess I'm going to smoke a cigarette and then decide if I'm doing it tomorrow and think about if I'm doing the car wash tomorrow or Sunday.
Idk but at least I shaved my face and head and got that out of the way. It was really stressing me out. To wait until Tuesday to game feels like wayyy too long tbh.
So yea idk. I decided I'll proceed on the Walmart purchase but not yet, I'll put off the gym bc the attic is super close to being complete and I love what I did with the closet and I love knowing where my stuff is. The project is like 2/4th of the way done. I don't want to stop now..it'll take me a month or so since I can't afford a lot of storage bins and I deserve the new blanket and the spare queen pillow top mattress cover. It acts as a spare sheet if I spill something. I'm not joking I spill tea on my bed like once a week and sit in a wet spot. I deserve better but yea..
Imma go and I'll update this later.
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sleepymccoy · 4 years
Aziraphale’s demon aspect
As voted by 246 people!
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The winner is
with nearly 26% of the primary vote
many people added in their free form answers that they were imagining a barn owl specifically
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Owl was the front runner the whole way through this survey, but most of the time by a very beatable margin. The 40 or so people who voted in the last night really tipped it over, it was a tight race! And the results are crazy split imo, a quarter of votes constitutes a win! I love the different opinions and ideas we all have so so much
Ram/sheep came in a hearty second with 16.5% of the vote
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A very regal demon there.
After that it gets a little murky, so I’m going to share the second graph I made when is every animal that got more than 1% of the vote. So it’s the top six animals
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Magpie and Lion holding strong! Then Moth and Goat looking very good
The second question let you vote for as many options as you thought were appropriate for Aziraphale! So, there were a lot more write-ins! It’s crazy!
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I’m using google sheets so I can’t get it to show you every name, but the raw data will be in a read more so you can scroll through everyone’s beautiful imagination there
Again, Owl winds with a solid 20% of the vote. Ram/Sheep coming in with about 15%, followed by Moth, Magpie, Goat, Lion, then Tortoise.
Tortoise was 11th in the first round, tied with Snake (but pale), and managed to surprise me by coming through so strong in the second. Slow and steady, baby.
Nearly everyone who wrote in about Magpies told me that Magpies hoard stuff, so it’s nice to see the hive mind at work there!
Five people told me they were voting goat because of that one piece of art by @hollow-head​ that shows Aziraphale scaling a bookshelf like goats do cliffs. As an artist myself I found it legitimately moving that this one image had stayed with people so strongly. That’s just beautiful. Here’s an example of just one person’s comment
idk dude i just remember one person posted art of him scaling the bookstore shelves like those goats scale mountains and just eating his clothes while he reads it was so fuckin funny but anyway goat eyes are great or he could have lil stubby horns that r covered by his hair
One moth enthusiast took the time to give me a short essay on their choice of moth. I have included a portion of it, cos it was so great
So if I had to choose an insect, it would be a moth, preferably a Megalopygidae, also known as the Flannel Moth. They are fluffy, white-beige and look innocent and fluffy, but their larvae can cause painful inflammations. A poodle moth would also fit because it's almost pure white.
Here’s a flannel moth for everyone
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and a poodle moth, which i honestly thought was a hoax but i looked into it just now and it seems legit? There’s not a tonne of proof, but the og pictures are from a scientists who stands by them, so like, wow
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And then a DIFFERENT PERSON put this in;
the moth i had in mind is Acherontia atropos, in polish called Zmierzchnica trupia główka (meaning more or less "dusk death's head"). i have a whole symbolism planned out and stuff 
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Fucking, moth fandom come through!!
I’m vaguely scared of moths, fun fact. I don’t like the thick thunking sound they make when they hit stuff.
Here is the second round but with all the animals that got four or less votes removed for ease of viewing
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the one segment there at 12 o’clock that google hasn’t labeled for me is Swan at 0.9%
I cannot believe I didn’t put swan in as an option, that’s all write-ins
So, to summarise, I suggest you take a lot of this with a grain of salt. It is not meant as an instruction to fandom or to railroad creativity. I have a narrow corner of the Good Omens fandom that I interact with, and while this quiz was up for a week I’m not sure it reached a great variety of people. About 250 folks filled it out, which was tonnes more than I expected and I love each and every one of you for filling it out!! But I have noticed that Owl was first on my list and in the free form answers the example prompt I gave included, “such as a breed of owl that specifically speaks to you,“ so I think it’s possible I did that unknowing bias thing that practiced survey folk know now to do. So, grain of salt.
I also think that if animals like Swan and Cat were in the list of options they’d’ve gotten more votes because the people who voted for those were coming up with it fresh themselves. I suspect people would’ve voted for them, but it just didn’t occur to them in the moment. In much the same way it didn’t occur to me in the moment I was writing this survey.
So people know, I got the ten or so animals that I put in the survey from searching the demon!aziraphale tag on tumblr, so it was all stuff that other people had come up with. I was trying to avoid my own bias, but i think in hindsight i could’ve done better!
Having said all that, this was all so much fun and the results are clear!!! Love a good owl!aziraphale
Imma continue to draw my boy as a ram, though. Cos this was all just for a laugh <3
numbers and a few more things under the cut
So some of these have half a vote ascribed to them. That’s for people who in their freeform answer said things like this;
ngl, that one post about him being a swan still makes me laugh
Mourning Dove. Though that Scallop answer was fucking brilliant
And I kinda made a judgement call that that wasn’t a vote, but it was kind of a vote. So I gave them half a point.
There were a few situations where people would write in a specific species. If I got more than one vote for the root animal I just grouped them together, but if it stayed the only vote then it kept the species. Cat got the most specific species mentioned, and in the second vote Bat had a few species mentioned (albino bat being my fave), but I ended up grouping them all just under Cat and Bat to give them a better chance of getting on the graph. There were probably a few other examples but I can’t think of them. The one exception to this is the person who wrote-in Duolingo Owl specifically. For that one I figured Owl is already pretty solid, and that’s just fucking funny, man
I was also pretty generous about some stuff. So, this person didn’t vote for Moose but they clearly regretted it so I added a vote for Moose in the second one where you could vote for multiples. They kept their Ram and Goat votes, of course, but I added Moose for them
I get very bastard energy from my demon az headcanons. Like f-ing shit up for a laugh more than anything, but otherwise indifferent. That's kinda why I like the ram/sheep/goat thing so much because it reminds me of indifference and random chaos. Or a moose. Shit, I should have written in moose
So yeah, it’s hardly a double blind study that’d stand up to any real criticism, but it was fun and I think the essence of it is fun!! Scroll through and have a read. Imma pull a few more of my fave write-ins and put them down the bottom cos it’s great. Esp the ones that only got one vote, the reasonings were stellar on some of those
Here is the first vote results, where everyone could only vote for one animal each
Owl 63 Ram/Sheep 40 Magpie 28 Lion 26 Moth 21 Goat 17 Swan 4 Eagle 4 Dove 4 Cat 4 Tortoise 3 Snake 3 Scallop 2 Rat 2 Rabbit 2 Mongoose 2 Badger 2 Shima Enaga 1 Shark 1 Porcupine 1 Orangutan 1 Mouse 1 Long Furby 1 Hippopotomaus 1 Goose 1 Duck 1 Dragon 1 Cow 1 Cereberus 1 Boar 1 Bee 1 Bat 1 Alpaca 1
Second Vote results, where everyone could vote for as many as they wanted
Owl1 82 Ram/Sheep 136 Moth 108.5 Magpie 98 Goat 96 Lion 72 Tortoise 61 Snake 37 Eagle 33 Cat 9.5 Swan 7.5 Lizard 4 Rabbit 4 Badger 3 Mongoose 2 Dove 2 Mouse 2 Squirrel 2 Bear 2 Raccoon 2 Capybara 2 Dragon 2 Bat 1 Long Furby 1 Rat 1 Boar 1 Goose 1 Peacock 1 Pangolin 1 Lindworm 1 Moose 1 Chinchilla 1 Duolingo Owl 1 Cackatoo 1 Crow 1 Cow 1 Alpaca 1  Dodo 1 Shark 1 Big Dog 1 Snow Leopard 1 Scallop 0.5
All voting was optional. To help explain how scallop lost 1.5 votes from first to second, I believe the people who voted for it in the first question just skipped the second cos they’d said their bit.
In terms of how many people engaged with the questions, Q1 had 245 answers and one skip. Q2 had 241 answers and 5 skips, and Q3 where I just let people talk at me if they wanted to had 84 answers and 162 skips.
So please enjoy my selection of free form answers. They all made me smile but putting all 84 in seems excessive to me, so I’ve chosen the ones that are either full blown mini essays or that make me laugh. It’s still a lot, this project brought me so much joy
Shima enaga - It's the hair man
Cow (aka golden calf)
Scallop. He is a snack.
Swan. Elegant but very capable of fscking you up. Mates for life.
basically anything that is both gentle in nature and fiercely loyal, territorial and protective (but prone to anxiety). Also hedonistic esp. with food. For all of these reasons, I think a dog would be the best choice.
Dragon with his hoard of books
it’s about the teeth. just too sharp and too many to be human. (comment from op here, this person voted for shark, just for context)
Turkish Angora cat. Magnificently fluffy, incredibly intelligent, love heights and will jump off crazy high things and land on your head, gloriously dignified until they see a string and run into a wall, love one or maybe two persons to distraction and want everyone else to fuck off, will drape themselves over their person’s shoulders and go to sleep, range from “will jump in the sea to hunt fish and has a murder pit full of seagulls they’ve massacred” to “will fall over at the sight of a baby bird”, very particular about food and will yell at you if you get it wrong. Also the breed that some asshole took three cats from and bred parent to child to make Persians. The cautionary tale has been acknowledged and we love our crazy smart, single braincelled children.
I usually imagine him as an owl because they are nocturnal (and we know that Aziraphale can easily stay awake the whole night reading). Also the image of an owl puffed up is kind of ridiculous and reminds me of him, of how an annoyed Aziraphale would look. However the options above have made me think that a lion would suit him very well, too. A lion or just a very BIG cat. I mean, he makes pleading eyes to get what he wants, likes to be confortable, is a bit of a bastard and often puts himself in awkward situations from which he needs to be rescued. He just... acts very cat-like in my opinion. Also owls and cats are both predators, but are usually imagined (or, at least cats are) as cute little creatures, just like Aziraphale is an Angel of the Lord (a Warrior, actually) but looks all soft and cute and huggable. I dunno. Maybe I just want to pet an Aziracat.
I love all the other people's thoughts about demon!Aziraphale, but what about the honey badger? I try to explain why I have it in mind for demon!azi: its name (I think it's funny, expecially in English because 'honey' can make you imagine it's something sweet (it is for me), while the 'bad' in badger can be an alarm bell (like 'be careful! It is not like it seems!')); its face (ok, who can say its face isn't cute? I think, and hope, nobody can, and like the name, it is a misunderstanding: as always, be careful, it's not like it seems!, I think demons can say something about demon!azi as like "you don't seem like a 'good' demon, you can't be, your face (animal and human) is too f-ing disgusting sweet to be a demon!", I think maybe even angel!crowley, at the beginning, can think something like this ("how in the world somebody so cute like you can be a demon?"), then he discovered how demon!azi can be a very talented demon sometimes, but in Crowley's mind azi is still his little cutie angry furry); its furry's colour (black=demon, white/grey/silver/idkitsname= color of demon!azi's wings, because even if he fell, I can't say no to his white wings 😭); it is a snake's predator (and in my mind angel!crowley is still a snake); its solitary life (demon!aziraphale is alone and he doesn't mind it, unless it's angel!crowley we're talking about, then our cute demon minds it); its behaviour (demon!azi, even if he's cute, can be a really very talented demon: honey badger is fearless and dangerous, it can fight bigger animals if there aren't other chances and it can't escape); its skin is very tough (except for a soft/safe spot, behind its neck if I remember well, that only angel!Crowley knows and sometimes he uses it to calm demon!azi down or make azi do some good deeds); its diet (it has a sweet-thooth, for honey in primis, but it can eat everything it wants... Doesn't it resemble demon!azi?); it's smart (search for Stoffle on your browser if you don't know)... Ok,I think I finish, sorry for the novel 😅
I tend to think of animals that meet three criteria: (1) they exemplify “faults” in his character exaggerated to “sins”—gluttony, greed/hoarding, sloth, (2) they are species that favor fawning or flight as a defense mechanism but can also be bold on occasion, and (3) blend very well or have a keen affinity with human society, specifically thriving in urban (i.e., city) environments. This is mostly because I can’t see “Aziraphale” in a reverse AU that doesn’t preserve some of his core traits as an angel (a little hedonistic, hoarding, anxious, etc.). So I like city-dwelling bastard animals with bonus points for relation to scripture, like a rock dove or a fox or an owl.
Owls aren't  smart, and the pedant in me says not an owl. But, thinking on it, demon aspect, owls are perceived as smart, but designed as deadly silent predators, patient and solitary. So actually demon Aziraphale could take on more owlish aspects. I just like cockatoo better, since they are smart, and showy. Or a crow, although that does amusing things with Crowleys name.
god imagining him as a chimera is !!! (comment from op, there was this odd flurry of mythical animals being voted for one night. i think the survey hit a corner of fandom that leans that way. there was also dragon, another chimera, a griffon, and a lindworm all at the same rough time)
Magpies are great because they’re cute and fluff themselves up (go look at Sophie the magpie) and like hoarding their favorite things but also I’ve watched one just straight up kill another bird before because corvids are sneaky little bastards with no lack of a mean streak if they’re crossed
It’s the duolingo owl, I’m so sorry op but it just is. I genuinely don’t mean to clown on your post, but this take was delivered to me in a sleep induced haze and I believe it’s the god given truth. Demon Aziraphale WOULD try to make you learn a dead language and he’d go about it in a vaguely threatening way (comment from op, you’re so fucking right dude. also, shit like this is made for clowning, i’m with you 100%)
When choosing a demon aspect for a Aziraphale, I usually tried to keep in mind the artistic tradition of which animals are linked with demons. The Good Omens team seems to have drawn inspiration from that source because all the animals we do see are either reptilian or insectoid. Those species were often shown inhabiting hellish landscapes in Renaissance and Baroque paintings. However, Aziraphale never struck me as cold or slimy or hard like an exoskeleton. So if I had to choose an insect, it would be a moth, preferably a Megalopygidae, also known as the Flannel Moth. They are fluffy, white-beige and look innocent and fluffy, but their larvae can cause painful inflammations. A poodle moth would also fit because it's almost pure white.
Ok so the only reason I pick magpie is because those bastards are smart as hell but also know how and when to inconvenience the shit out of you, and if you gain their trust then they're absolute darlings but if they decide "nah, dont like ya" then you're basically done and you'll wake up every morning with shit on your car window. I also chose sheep/ram cuz I mean... idk it suits him. I don't remember my other choice but I'm sure I had a good reason.
I feel like a barn owl would suit him well but I'm not really sure why, I also think that a moth would suit him really well because of the whole "moth to a flame" thing and as a demon he would have gotten burned because of that attitude.
I write a reverse AU fic called Lambs to the Slaughter where Aziraphale's demonic aspect is an albino sheep! I imagine him as a mix between a wild Argali ram and the first woolly domestics. I chose an Argali because they're the largest species of wild sheep, but I wanted him to have traits of a domestic breed because he obtains his animal aspect from a sheep in Abel's flock which would be several generations down from the original wild species in Eden. I really think a sheep suits Aziraphale! They're an incredibly common animal and have been since they were first domesticated. Likewise, since the start of human history, Aziraphale has been living side-by-side with humans, providing for them, and protecting them. Due to how common they are, sheep are often unnoticed, which Aziraphale leans into. Crowley wants to stand out. He has a dedicated aesthetic and an obsession with human invention, where Aziraphale leans more towards simpler, known things and creature comforts. He fades into the background, and that suits him fine. He doesn't have to be outstanding to Heaven or to humans or even to Crowley -- it's enough to do his part, to trust in a bigger plan. People associate sheep (especially lambs) with innocence or ignorance which foils nicely to Crowley as the serpent tempting with knowledge, as well as with Aziraphale's own sharp mind and ongoing embers of faith in a system that is failing him, Crowley, and all of humanity. Sheep are, like Aziraphale, soft, cute, and hiding a hard-headed stubbornness and a surprising strength that makes them absolutely fearsome. Aziraphale is very much the sort to put his head down and push relentlessly forward regardless of the pressure and strain. Rams in particular have thick skulls to withstand the brutal force of headbutting one another in displays of dominance. While Aziraphale is clever, he's not above rolling up his sleeves and getting the job done, as messy and unpleasant as it might be (see: pulling a gun on the Antichrist). Also sheep are associated with Pan, a god associated with food, music, theatre, and the criticism thereof, which hit many of Aziraphale's personal interests and hobbies! I like the idea that in a reverse AU, the demon formerly named Aziraphale might be the original basis for Pan!
I wrote in Orangutan for the first question because if I remember correctly they are some of the most violent apes. Although I'd accept bonobo for him too. They fuck alll the time.
mothman aziraphale,,,,, thats it
Snowy owl, speremint's tortoise, and I just adore the goat.
moth - dusty and eats books
Long Furby the way Loni-Capri draws it.
I keep thinking about that Black Philip quote "doest thou wish to live deliciously" because... it fits so much with the general epicurean/hedonism vibe the Fandom has for him ... but in a demonic way and also I think a lot abt that art piece (already referenced many times probably but what the hell) of him climbing his own bookshelves, it's just so good!!
Albino Lion/white lion (matches his hair).  I feel like maybe I should explain why I think Lion would fit him best, lol. Lions actually are rather sedate, inactive for 20 hours of the day (see: Aziraphale reading and unmoving- yes I pulled wiki for this to make sure I didn't spout anything terribly wrong, shhh)  but also there's nomad lions. Lions that range widely and move around sporadically either alone or in pairs (*looks at Crowley after apoconope*) (pairs are more frequent among males who have been excluded from their birth pride)  but also I think of lions as protectors, defenders, and what is Aziraphale if not that? If not an angel who fiercely protects humans, crowley, earth? (When he finally overcomes heaven and it's abuse) lions don't hunt unless they're hungry, don't attack unless they're defending. They've been known to sit directly next to jeeps full of people and just watch them, not attacking or being aggresive.
I saw art once (I have no idea who the artist is) of Demon!Aziraphale climbing his bookcases like a goat and absentmindedly chewing on his sweater while he reads. I felt like the goat aspect suited him perfectly.
Honestly I wrote Az with a rat aspect because, well, it fits who I see demon Az as. He's not super powerful but he is very consequential, like rats carrying plague fleas (this also describes how I see Az tempting). He tries to blend into a crowd, which is arguably one way rats survive, and can get himself into places/situations that should be impossible or super difficult. Like snakes, rats have been unfairly maligned by our culture for a long time, even though they are very social with their colonies, smart, affectionate, and generally good beans. Finally, male pet rats are known far and wide as the lazier of the sexes while the girls are super curious and adventurous.
Somehow his tartan pattern becomes either his colour scheme or his coat/feather pattern.
Eurasian eagle owl. A big, unapologetic grump of an owl that is soft as soft can be underneath. Possessor of the glare to end all glares to be used in such dire situations as being interrupted when reading or being told one has "had enough cake".
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acrosstobear · 4 years
tagged by: @foksmashmydoor @alx-albon @racinglando @theothermercedesdriver-main​ YOU GUYS im crying thank you i have so much love 💓
tagging: literally everyone i know has been tagged in this but imma just tag y’all anyways to let you know i love you and want to know more about you @blesshimnorris​ @wepickedthisgame​ @formulola​ @georgerus63​ @bbcf1sundays​ @f-uno​ @f1-and-done​
NICKNAMES: honestly don’t have one! when I was young maybe Mandy? but it didn’t stick 🤷🏼‍♀️
ZODIAC SIGN: Gemini (sun & moon) & Scorpio rising
HEIGHT: (oh we doing this in cm eh i feel like the dumb kid who uses the metric system even if this is the only thing i use it for) 1.77 cm // 5’10” (yes i’m very tall)
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff through and through ✨
LAST THING I GOOGLED: lavender plaid shacket (gotta get my serotonin boost somehow and its not race week soooo)
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: Changes by Cam (harry 🥺)
NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 834 bUT 90% of those are bots and inactive accounts from when I was a big deal in the 1D fandom
AMOUNT OF SLEEP: l o l my only options are like 5 hours or 12 hours there is no in between
LUCKY NUMBER: ooooh i don’t think of this one often. idek?? 14?? 7?? this is the hardest question i’ve ever been asked tbh
DREAM JOB: hmm. i really like what i’m currently doing (project management in tech) but i can’t help but think that i would also enjoy doing something media related? specifically in the writing space? idk right now all i really wanna do i work in f1 lmao
WEARING: matching sweatsuit cause i’m obsessed and working from home forever
FAVE SONG: right now it’s gotta be everything off of Ariana’s new album + Ew by Joji (thanks for the reco @blesshimnorris​)
FAVE INSTRUMENT: piano 100%. it’s like, the only instrument i don’t play tbh but i’m trying to teach myself cause i ADORE it
FAVE AUTHOR: oof i have not read a real Book in years lmao i feel bad for this
FAVE ANIMALS NOISES: dog snuffles or those dolphin sounds u know
RANDOM: i am a not so bad singer!!! i won a couple of local talent shows in my youth LOL. also i am a figure skater!!! soooo come talk to me about tessa & scott and how much they love each other
HAVE A RECENT PIC: have my last snap story waiting for election results
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likethesword · 3 years
I promised my friend I'd rip their heartstrings out with some angst so imma try and do that. I am but a crow with a keyboard here to hit you in the feels.
Major tw for verbal fighting!! Heavy language as well.
Things left unsaid
I don't even remember how the fight started. Now it's all a blur of yelling, screaming, and slamming doors.
that "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!" I screamed at Damon after he yelled that this was all my fault. "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CAN'T FUCKING HANDLE SHIT!" He screamed back. " OH I CAN'T HANDLE SHIT BUT YOU'RE THE ONE WHO GOT ALL ASSHURT? " I sneered. "AT LEAST I CAN ACTUALLY EXPRESS MYSELF INSTEAD OF BROODING AND SULKING OVER DUMB SHIT ALL THE DAMN TIME!" Damon's face fell dark, "I'm sick of this. I wish we never met. This was all a mistake. I'm leaving." He grabbed his keys and walked swiftly towards the door. " FINE! LEAVE THEN! " I yelled after him. The door slammed and it suddenly hit me what I'd just done. "Oh god," I whimpered as I sunk to my knees. Slapping hand over my mouth, I let out gut-wrenching sobs as tears tracked down my cheeks. "God I'm such a bitch," I hiccuped , knowing that he might not come back because of this. Damon was everything to me and I'd just chased him away. He'd dried my tears, held me, cared for me, loved me, and now I'd driven him out over some dumb argument. we'd been fighting for weeks over the smallest things. Anything set us off. Maybe this was the last straw, i thought. Curling up into myself I whispered brokenly, "please come back."
It's been two weeks since then. Two weeks since he left. I haven't heard a single word from him and it's been driving me insane. I barely speak to anyone, barely eat or sleep. I see my phone light up with a call. Stephanie. I should pick up. I should vent to her and get over him. I should. But I cant. Instead I silence the call and stare up at the ceiling. Without meaning to, I'm crying. At first it's silent, then I begin to heave with sobs, my whole body shaking as I curl up again. An hour later I'm blankly staring at the ceiling again when my phone lights up. Reaching over to check, I expect it to be Stephanie again but recoil in shock as I read the notification. Damon. I immediately open the text, "coming over now to pick up my stuff. Have it ready." I shudder, my body goes numb. I don't know what I was expecting. An apology? Him to say he missed me? I stand up and slowly gather his things into a box. By the time the doorbell rings I've already cried twice while packing. As I open the door I remember he has his own key, the knowledge that he no longer acts like he lives here hurts me more than I thought it would. There, standing in the doorway is Damon. He looks down at me coldly as I gesture for him to come in. "You've been crying ," he states. Staring down at my feet I silently nod, knowing he's watching me. He says nothing else and picks up the box, heading outside towards his car. I follow him outside for reasons unknown and watch quietly as he fits the box into his backseat. I want to say something, anything to make him stay, but my lips don't move. As he closes the back door to his car and moves to get in the front seat, he stops and looks at me, looking like he wants to say something too. I wait for his lips to part and tell me he didn't mean what he said, for him to say he loves me, he missed me, anything. But instead he shakes his head slightly as if whatever he was thinking was some silly idea, and gets in the car. I close my eyes against more tears but they fall anyways "I'm sorry," I say. But he's already driving away.
Wow I've never written a breakup before! This kinda hurt to write lmao. Hope it's angsty enough!
No wait why did I just start projecting my OTP onto this gsjsjshs nooooo
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aestheticseungmean · 4 years
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Best Friend- S.Coups
Scoops, as you called him, was your best friend through sickness and health but maybe you want to be noticed by him.
Choi Seungcheol or as you like to call him, Scoops. He was your best friend. You met him casually through your cousin, Woozi. Then you kept running into him when you got your ice cream, something you couldn’t live without. It’s quite cliché that of all the guys in the world, you have a crush on your best friend. But, no one can blame you. The girls got crushes on him and the guys are all friends with him. He was the kind of guy that everyone loved and what’s not to love? He was kind, funny, intelligent, athletic, weird, hot, cute and friendly.
“Scoops? Can I copy your homework?” The bags under your eyes were noticeable due to staying up working on a poster about the Greek god, Hephaestus. It would’ve been done sooner but your partner ditched you because of their soccer game. Seungcheol took pity on you and handed over his chem homework. “You should’ve asked me to help.” “Yeah, yeah. You were busy with your own work mister.” Quickly, you copied the answers. The teacher knows that you usually work on homework with Seuncheol so she wouldn’t know the difference. “I still would’ve kept you company.” A smile appeared on your face as you thought of Scoops sitting on your bed rapping along to whatever song was playing.
“There’s that pretty smile I love.” “Stooooop.” You whined. He was teasing you, that was his all time favorite thing to do. The two of you were interrupted by a girl with a heart shaped card that was most likely a confession to him. “H-Here, oppa.” You gagged at that word. Seungcheol stifled a laugh and accepted the card. “Thank you.” He gave her a quick smile before pushing you out of the chair. The girl walked away giggling and blushing. “HEY!” You stood up and brushed off your jeans before sitting back on the chair. “Be courteous.” “How am I supposed to when they say that evil word? It’s nasty.” Your face contorted with disgust as you gagged once again at just the mere thought of it.
Seungcheol flicked your arm before returning back to the current work. Math was easy for you. It was something you grew up doing a lot of, especially algebra. Typically, this is where you help Scoops instead of him helping you. “What is the factored result? How am I supposed to know?” This earned a glare from the teacher. “Scoops, don’t say that out loud. Anyways…” you explained how to do the problem until he understood. Time passed and the bell rang signaling lunch. “FOOD.” Seungcheol chuckled and followed you to the cafeteria and into the line. “I’m thinking imma get me some nuggets!” He simply shook his head and smiled. “What? Are you judging me?” He put his hands up in defense. “Absolutely NoT.”
Last class of the day! The most hated but it was fun because Seungcheol was your seat partner. Currently, you were working on the dreaded Romeo and Juliet. “So let’s say that the class was divided in half. The Montagues and the Capulets.” The teacher divided the class in half and you got taken away from Scoops. “Now, for Romeo and Juliet we are going to take the oldest boy from this side and the youngest girl from this side. Joy. You were sure that Jeonghan was the oldest in that class but you were praying that he was younger. “Choi Seungcheol and _______.” A random girl raised her hand and the teacher called on her. “Does this mean they have to kiss.” Shit. The kiss. You don’t know whether you were for or against the kiss.
“No, we aren’t acting. Just some examples.” The last bell rang and the teacher quickly announced that you were to create a poster about Romeo and Juliet with your seatmate. As a habit, you linked your arm through Seungcheol and started walking to your house. “I still have supplies from last night so we can work on this.” “Nope. We are going to take a nap first and then homework.” You smiled at him. Too bad you were too scared of rejection. He took out a key and wiggled it into the lock of your door. Finally the lock gave and you walked inside taking your shoes off. You were about to sit down on the couch but felt yourself levitate off the ground and to your bed. Seungcheol threw himself next to you and closed his eyes. “Scoops?” The hushed quietness of your voice was soft.
When no response came, you slowly drifted off. Surprisingly, you woke up before him. Your mind registered that his arm was wrapped around your waist and his face was buried in your neck. He likes to cuddle sleep and it was the cutest thing ever. His breath was hot against your neck and you tried to move carefully. When you got out of his grip, you turned to get out but found that you were on the edge of the bed. Your body hit the floor with a loud thud and you groaned in agony. A face popped over the edge and peeked at you with sleepy eyes and hair. Seungcheol blinked away the sleepiness in his eyes and giggled at your state.
“Are you okay?” “Of course cause you know, I didn’t just break my body.” He flashed a smile before climbing onto the floor next to you. “Come on, let's work on homework.” “I’m broken remember?” Seungcheol gave a small fine before picking you up. You hoped and prayed that he couldn’t hear how fast your heart was beating. Carefully, he sat you on your beanbag before sitting on the floor to do the project. “What are you doing?” “You are broken so I’m doing the project for us.” A small pout formed on your lips before you got down on your stomach to help him. “What are you doing?” “Helping.” He watched you grab the markers and start writing before he worked on the pictures.
Sickness hit you like a truck. One day, you were as healthy as an ox and the next you were sick as a dog. Coughing up unwanted mucus and throwing up everything you ate took a toll on your body. You could barely move or breath so you watched TV all day. A few times, you thought about throwing Seungcheol a text but you didn’t. The door unlocked and you assumed it was your cousin with the medicine but you were wrong. It was Seungcheol with the medicine. He watched as you pathetically heaved your stomach contents into the trash can next to you. You said nothing as he wiped your face with a cold washrag. “You don’t look good.” “What gave it away? Ooh was it the clothes or the vomit?” He chuckled and sat next to you.
You tried to sit up but it hurt. “Stop.” The words went in one ear and out the other. “Stop.” This time, the words were stern and fatherly but it made you blush. The dominant tone made bad thoughts fill your head. “Quit hurting yourself, you idiot.” Silence filled the room as you both turned your attention to the drama that was playing. No more words were said throughout the night. You hated the quiet. It irked you because you felt you did something. There was a tension in the room and you couldn’t take it anymore. “STOP IGNORING ME, CHOI SEUNGCHEOL.” He looked at you with wide eyes. Never have you called him by his real name let alone his full name.
It’s been weeks since your outburst and now, he is really ignoring you. You called him over to your house hoping to resolve the problem. A sigh of relief let out when you saw him at your front door. Shakily, you opened the door and invited him in. Woozi was out so the house was empty except for your cat laying around. The silence was deafening. “I like you. I know that you have a lot of confessions like this but I can’t blame them. It hurts to see you accept the confession letters from girls and guys. I feel so ugly compared to them.” Seungcheol stared at you before speaking up. “I never said yes to any of them because I had my eye on only one person.” “Who?” Your voice cracked. “The most beautiful girl in my eyes and my bestest friend in the whole world.”
“You have another best friend?” You were confused and amused at his childish tone in the last 7 words. “No, I’m talking about you.” Before you could ask anymore questions he captured your words in a kiss. His soft lips molded against yours and you kissed back. Both of you pulled away when you were out of breath. A big smile appeared on his face which made you smile too. “Be mine?” “Sure, I guess.” You playfully shrugged and he gasped. He started to tickle you making you laugh and squirm. “Okay, okay. I will be yours, Scoops.” Seungcheol place his first kiss on your cheek as your boyfriend.
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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Podcast host/Youtuber/Influencer BTS & OC
WARNINGS:(There’s both some M/F & M/M smuttyness in here so I’ll let you find out which warnings apply to who) Some hand fun,Hella dirty talk, cum play, spit play, light choking, public sex, light mirror kink ,a ton of teasing between all 8 “Characters” All the boy’s are Bi in this BTW . Tatted and Pierced BTS (Not all but most)
In this part Hoseok/Yoongi have a bigger roll in my opinion but again there all in it a ton 
There is a lot of dialog in this one but it’s needed…I’m introducing 8 people sooooo lol
9.7 K
AU SUMMARY : The “CV SQUAD” is made up of Jimin,YN, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Kookie a group of friends who run a podcast called “Candid Vibes” . That was created initially for a media arts project,in college which is actually how they all met! Now fast forward a good 4 years, a YT channel and millions of listeners later..and we have the CVSQUADTOUR.  A four city tour spanning over 16 days, with guest appearances from some of their good friends over at “TEAMJTH” AKA Jin, Taehyung,and Hoseok. Follow along to get the full candid behind the scenes access to everything that takes place over the next 2 weeks, including the moments there definitely going to edit out of the tour vlogs!!!  P.S the full backstory will be linked at the end!
***This is happening in real time, so in some scenes if there’s a [C] in front of the person dialog that means there talking into the camera. Or if it says [FILMING] that means there in shot but not talking directly to the camera***
****Wednesday July 4th, 5:45 AM,Valencia, CA -CV SQUAD HOUSE (Tour starts on the 5th in Miami) ***
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“Ah fuck!!” A loud grumbled leaves Yoongi's chest as he sets the camera on the kitchen counter, ruffling his hands through his faded ice blue locks, readjusting his oversized cat eye glasses on his face before pushing the record button.
[C] “Aye, goodmorning guys, it’s ughhh fuck, 5:45 which is why the lighting probaly sucks in addition to the fact that I’m not Jungkook! Sooo as you guys know we all went out last night with the guys over at TEAMJTH, for a pre-tour dinner thing, which started at 7:30 but Y/N and Jimin didint get there till like 8 which, what the fuck else is new.” Letting out a slow exhale as his body just slouched along the back counter, taking a sip of coffee before continuing his thought.
[C] “ Well, Jin and I were the first to leave around, like 11:30 ish and I had the displeasure of spending the night here, because that’s the only way I’d ensure these asshats woke up on time. And  when I got up this morning my phone said the last time the alarm went off was a little after 3AM..and again it’s 5:45 and I’m about to go wake them up because come look at this shit!“  Turning the camera away from his face to let it lead the way down the hallway and into the PR room, or “Hell” as Yoongi called it .
There was a room on the first floor that was originally meant to be a “parlor” but obviously that's not anything the 4 of you would need or want! So it was turned into the PR closet, as you guys were always being sent items to review, or even paid to post about it. It only took one of you missing an ad that couldve made you an easy 3k to realize this shit needed to be kept out of your bedrooms until the job was done. So inteased you have a room filled with numerous clothing racks and boxes, separated by CV member!  But it was also where all of your luggage was sitting and it barely looked liked you guys were packed, or at least not 16 days worth!
Letting the camera pan the room as he let out an exasperated sigh, even in the dim lighting only fueled by the numerous neon signs along the walls it was still clear this room was a hot ass mess.
[C] “Can we all take a moment to appreciate the site in front of us, that is without a doubt bullshit!” Panning the camera over to the right, zooming in slightly, on all of your half-assed excuse for packing. “Yeah, so on that note, were gonna walk down the hall and wake up Jimin first, and then make our way upstairs to get everyone else.”
Making his way down a long dark hallway before making a right to head to Jimin’s room, until he hears an almost animalistic noise coming from the opposite direction. Heading to the laundry room instead only to find Jungkook, snoring,with his mouth open, on a bean bag chair..with a bag of chocolate covered lays to his right.
There was a very long pause, as the camera pans between Kookie and Yoongi, before his eyes flutter shut, holding the bridge of his nose between his index and thumb.
[C] “Ya know, sometimes...I just really don’t know what my life is….I really, really don't….” reaching down to shake Jungkook “Hey, hey,HEY! Kookie! Dude whyyyyyyy !? What are you doin on the floor in here of all places?” Pausing momentarily honestly hoping for an answer than even made a fragment of sense.  Instead he was greeted with a displeased grumble as kookie attempted to readjust on the oversized bean bag chair .
[C] “Nooo no, no up! Get up, go shower, and finish packing NOW! You got like an hour and 7 minutes. And then your taking this damn camera back because I hate this thing! ”
The tone alone has the younger abiding Yoongi’s orders, far too tired to argue anyway slowly rolling off the floor, grabbing his chips in the process. Managing to get chocolate all over the collar of the white “OFF white” Jacket he slept in. While Kookie slugged his way out of the laundry room, still whining like a bart in the process.
Quickly whipping out his phone to check Jungkooks IG, letting out a relieved sigh at his last 3 posts which all had well over 600k likes. But more importantly Jungkook posted the sponsored post, prior to ruining the jacket...and that’s all that mattered!
[C] “One down..two to go….”
What he actually meant was Yoongi didn't need to wake up was Namjoon, well aware that he was already up and well…..that’s because that's whose room he started and woke up in himself….
Finally heading back to his initial mission, Jimin, turning in the opposite direction, making a right, then walking down four very random stairs that lead to his bedroom . Two black framed french doors sat cracked, the room initially was a sunroom converted to a bedroom because Jimin wanted to be on the first floor and the guest room “wouldn’t even hold my shoes “. So this was the alternative...
Upon opening it he finds the both of you in bed together, but there's nothing even remotely sexual about this if anything it’s comical. Both fully dressed, like shoes and all, how you managed to sleep in that skin tight hot pink body con dress, that barely looked like you had room to breathe is besides me. The upper half of your body was almost hanging half off his california king while Jimin’s foot was damn near in a ballerina point. Evident even through his leather dress boots, neck stretched so far to the side it was almost on his night stand. One hand draped over your hip while the other hung off the bed.
[C] “Why am I not even remotely surprised at this point!?.” A combination of frustration and amusement laced within his voice as he slumped to the ground. Letting a low cackle rupture through his throat, as he still tried to keep his voice at a whisper. Only standing in the door frame at this point. “ I swear I don’t get paid enough for this…..” Walking over to turn on the lights, but unfortunately Jimin only had mood lighting so the dim aesthetic really did nothing to stir the two of you.
Flipping the angle so the camera was facing him again before speaking into it at a hushed tone [C]“Offf course this boy has strip club hoe lighting to go with his damn silk curtains because why wouldn't he! Alright guys’ Imma set this camera on the nightstand, because these two are damn near comatose, and I need two hands for this!  I’m not sure how much footage you will or won't get but I really need to get them up so blame Kookie for also being hungover if this parts shitty!”
At this point because of where the camera was sitting you could only see the bottom of the bed , but it was picking up the conversation taking place above it.
Yoongi reached over readjusting your body on the bed only causing you drape your arms around him in attempts to pull him in “No, no, no..Y/n get up..” Shaking your body until your eyes fluttered, making your roll over closer to Jimin, who welcomed you with no hesitation even in his sleep, always a cuddler even in the platonic sense.
“Alright fuck this..” Hopping on the bed between the two of you, shaking you both until your eyes fluttered open. Jimin’s even puffer than usual from lack of sleep, slipping into complete slits in his face. You weren't doing any better, suddenly your lash extensions felt like bricks hanging on your lids, as you struggled to keep your eyes ajar.  A loud screech comparable to banche left your throat as you stretched,managing to crack a few bones in the process… “Yo, it’s like 5 to 6...you two need to shower and finish packing,private or not we still gotta go through TSA, and you know how LAX is...we need to be outta here by 8! Let’s get movin!!” He was far from yelling but there was no room for debate within the leverage he held as he spoke.
Rolling over to your side, resting your hand on your temple, eyes zoning in on a very faint mark behind Yoongi’s ear making your smirk slightly. “Where did you sleep last night?” Brow quirked at the sudden implied question, the devilish grin on your face transferring to jimins as he ruffled his fingers through his long dark locks. Currently almost jet black, parted messily down the middle with a couple pieces falling in his face framing that lethal jawline of his! Kicking off his shoes and unbuttoning his white dress shirt, leaving his toned caramelized abdomen on display. Giving you a sneak peek at the roses that danced along his ribcage, as he readjusted next to you on the bed.
“Yeah Yoongi where did you sleep last night hmm? Needed a little stress reliever before tour even starts aye?” The playful yet taunting tenor in Jimin's voice eared an eye roll and middle finger from Yoongi.
“Fuck you both, I slept in the guest room thank you very much!” Snapping back with a snarl, while the two of you instantly exchanged glances, eyes meeting and rolling in the same direction simultaneously.
“Really!?” The word left both of your lips in unison, dry as all hell, as you tried to ease off the bed, your hangover knocking you right on your ass. Literally, plopping  back down next to jimin, causing him to smile over at you fondly, stroking the side of your jaw. The contrast of the metal from his rings soothing your skin, nuzzling your face slightly into his palm.
The tone in both of your voices screamed “BULLSHIT”! There were things that happened every once in a while that were kept on the DL, even within the squad ,typically never confirmed or denied, just forever the butt of every, inside joke.
“How the fuck would either of you know different? Your drunk ass couldn't even make it upstairs!” The words slipped from his lips so effortlessly it was like he was already prepared for the two of you to give him that reaction.
“Bitch” Bringing your hand down to meet his ass, as he rolled off the bed smaking it so hard your palm burned from the impact. Earning a low hiss to leave his throat, a noise that was secretly pleasing to both Jimin and yourself if were being honest.
“No, but  I’m serious, you two up! Up!” Shoeing his hands in your direction .
Jimin hopped off the bed first, throwing his shirt on the floor “For once, the little grimiln over there actually has a method to his madness, we need to get moving princess..” Abruptly grabbing you off the bed and throwing you over his shoulder before walking towards the door.
“Hey I heard that! You little shit!” Yoongi aimed a pillow at Jimin but considering he’s not even remotely athletic it landed on your ass instead! Earning a loud squeal from the sudden change of, well shit everything as now you're literally staring at the ground and his ass, in these skin tight leather pants.
The minute the two of you made it into the hallway and he walked up those 4 steps it was game over. All Yoongi could hear from inside Jimin’s bedroom was you literally screaming “Park, down,now put me down I’m literally going to throw up put me down!!”
Picking the camera off the nightstand as he plopped back down on Jimin’s bed , head jerking suddenly from the feeling of something rolling out of the pillowcase. Only to find it’s a bottle of lube, quickly looking at the brand before giving what appeared to be an approving nod, throwing it to the side before bringing the camera up to his face.
[C] “Well ladies and gentlemen..this is gonna be...interesting..to say the least..I’mma go make my rounds, make sure everyone is actually up. Make sure Y/N didn't puke in the damn hallway, I also need to check in with our boys over at TEAMJTH. I’m sure Jin’s the only coherent one, I know they were all over here at some point and I have no idea what time they left!” Pausing to pull his phone out of his pocket, letting his thumb hover over Jin’s contact.
[C] “ Maybe I’ll be somewhat nice and make a starbucks run….meh will see how I feel.But yeah, will check in once Kook’s sober so he can film because I’m sure this was a shit show! So on that note..I’m out! Peace!!”
“How you wanna do this ?” Voice sitting barley above a whisper as he stroked your cheek, while you sat on the ground of the 1st floor guest bathroom. Hair all tousled to the right as your head rested on your arm, which was still braced along the toilet seat. A warm rag coming up to grace the back of your neck “You wanna shower here or go upstair-” cutting him off with a nod before he could even finish his thought. Needing to sit in the humidity before you even tried to walk upstairs. Nodding quickly before walking behind you to turn the shower up,  stepping out into the hallway to grab a towel.
“Someone slept in her makeup…” Tisking lowly as he placed the towel on the counter, before walking back out into the wall.
“Fuck, yeah I know thank god my skin is damn near bullet proof or else I’d be fucked, remind me to never drink on a stomach fuled by soley the dessert menu! “ Rolling your eyes in frustration at no one but yourself as you slowly got off the ground.Feeling slightly light headed in the process, pulling  your dress over your head. Only revealing a nude g-string, the dress was so tight you almost considered not wearing panties at all. As you stepped into the shower you heard the door open again, apparently he went to also grab you makeup wipes, only catching the tail end of your naked body as you disappeared behind the steamed glass.
Not even bothering to apologize because it wasn't the first time he’d seen you like that, sticking your head out the glass, extending your arms for the wipes, as you smiled over in his direction. “Thank you for taking care of my hungover ass…” Shooting him a lazy smile as you rested your head against the tile.
Returning the gesture with a slight bow of the head as he edged towards the door, “No need to thank me, I’mma go hop in the shower myself, I also sat some tylenol on the counter, but come find me if you need me okay?” The genuine care and concern in his voice forced you to give him a legit smile no matter how dead your body felt, Jimin was good people, you don’t meet a lot of them in this industry that’s for damn sure! Nodding in response, another thank you left your lips lightly before letting your body reunite with the steam.
“How’s she feelin?” Jimin heard Namjoon’s voice echo throughout the empty hallway , changing his direction from his bedroom over to the kitchen. Joon was standing behind the island shirtless, mixing together a protein drink, Jimin noticed the tripbod to his right that was holding his phone. Figuring he probably just filmed something, more than likely an instagram video. Shamelessly taking in Namajon’s honey dipped complexion, offset by his dark brows and ice blonde hair.
Joon went through phases were he choose to tone his body, always someone with a strong build so it didn't take much for him to build up muscle mass. In Jimin eyes he was the perfect combination of muscular yet soft all at the same time! A couple small tattoo’s dancing along his body, all quotes written in an old fashioned script. From various books, or artist that caught his attention, not one for random spur or the moment pieces they all held a lot of meaning!
A dimply smile pulled on Joon’s face as he observed the way the younger was damn near drooling “Thanks Chim, I’m glad your enjoying the progress I’m making at the gym” The smile quickly turned into a full blown smirk once he took in how red Jimin got, even though his tanned complexion.
Shaking his head lightly as he chuckled, slightly embarrassed, letting his eyes meet their freshly polished hardwood floors, before brining his gaze back to his elder. Raking his fingers through his hair before slowly letting them slide down his neck “What can I say, I appreciate the hard work that’s all...I know it’s not easy to stay committed!”Ending with a slight nod , that held equal amounts of sass and arrogance.
Strutting over to grab a seat in front of Namjoon “Are these any good, or are they just payin you well?”
A playful tenor rang through his voice as he recognized the very popular protein brand to his right. Finally putting two and two together, as far as his appearance and the tripod, he was clearly filming an AD for the company. Namjoon quirked his brow clearly not as amused as Jimin, while taking a sip, “Don”t try me, last I checked none of us were hungry enough to take a deal just because. We either actually like it or we don’t post about it..or did I miss something?”
Dropping his posture slightly, resting his chin on his knuckles as he locked his eyes with the younger Namjoon’s rebuttal had jimin throwing his hands up, waving his white flag immediately. “Touche, your right, your right! Lemme taste it..” He actually wasn’t asking more so demanding as he grabbed the cup, lacing his tongue around the straw before wrapping his lips around it.
Namjoon’s eyes narrowed into tiny slits at the sight, well aware of what this little shit was doing, making sure the diamond , from his piercing caught the end of the straw “Really? Is that what it is Park?”  Cocking his head to the side slightly, there was an air of amusement that danced along his face while Jimin faked innocence, earning an eye roll from namjoon while he stepped back relaxing against counter. Putting his full abdomen, V line and all on display, while his joggers sat dangerously low...I swear the two of them secretly got off on constantly tempting each other! Though in all honesty it was USUALLY always harmless and just playful, the four of you flirts by nature.
“So what time did you go to bed last night?” Jimin tried to play it cool but Namjon knew he was digging..trying to see if anything happened between him and Yoongi.
“Ugh, around 1, a little after Hoe-seok made an apperance….fuck, you two missed A LOT!”
“What? OH the lapdance!? Fuckkkk I know! That’s the last thing I remember looking at one my phone, just wait until drama channels get a hold of it, Next thing you know there engaged to be married! “ Jimin rolled his eyes annoyed at just the thought of how everything suddenly became an internet headline.Not that it’s ever stopped any of them from doing whatever they want, when they want!
There was suddenly a mischievous glint in Namjoon’s eyes before he shook his head “Nah, there was another lap dance, that hopefully isn't on anybody's snap chat…” .
Jimin’s brows furrowed in slight confusion, and annoyance at the way Namjoon was dragging this out “Just fuckin send it Joonie I don’t have all damn day!”
A snort left namjoon’s body as he dropped his head on the island before continuing “ Alright ,alright, so when  I got home, Kookie, Tae, Ryland, And morgan were chillin’ listening to The Weeknd doing jell-o shots. He was originally giving Morgan a lap dance,and like stripping and shit. Then I come in, we all know Hoseok can’t hold his liquor, I make a comment about his ass in those jeans he was wearing and the next thing I know he’s on my lap…and ugh, yeah...”
The hesitation as his jaw closed, let Jimin known there was more he wanted to say he just choose not too, now how much more is the question.
Jimin gazed back at him completely wide eyed, jaw damn near hanging to the floor, fuck what he would’ve given to be there for that!  “Careful you might catch something…” Joon teased as he took his phone off the tripod…”Fuck, it’s almsot 6:30 you need to get your ass in the shower before Yoongi cut’s your balls off , he just left, and he spent all morning bitching!”
“Ughhh, fine but were texting about this whole ..”dance” situation later because I got questions! Also when is Yoongi NOT bitching, you just love being his little helper huh? Such a good little boy for him aren't you Joonie!!” The taunting almost demeaning tone in Jimin’s voice had his blood boiling, brow quirked, jaw extremely tight. His lethal gaze was daring the younger to even think about saying another word!
Jimin was well aware if they did have sex theres no way in hell Namjoon was bottoming. So he was hoping if he struck a nerve Joon would correct him which would at least confirm if his suspicion of them hooking up in the past was right. But clearly Namjoon was a little too smart for that one…
“Nah, more like I just know how to keep my shit together so I don’t get bitched out, now how about you be a good little boy for your hyung and go take a shower yeah!?” Now it was Joon’s turn to taunt Jimin , his tone alone had jimin shifting in his seat, low, calm yet authoritative all at the same time. All of the boys were Korean-American, so there were obviously some cultural things that just weren’t done as often in america, and referring to your male elder as “Hyung” constantly was one of them. But considering Jimin can find a way to turn anything into a kink he already knew Jimin’s underwear we soaked on command!
Jimin exhaled deeply it was clear as day he was soooo damn annoyed “Sure, anything for you hyung…” Tone dry and snarky as all hell, adding a very condescending enfaces on the honorary as he hopped out the chair, making sure to sway in his skin tight leather pants as he exited the kitchen.
“That’s it, such a good boy for me Jiminie, such a good boy..” Namjoon coaxed with almost cynical smile, earning a very deserved dual middle finger from the younger as he fully exited the space.
“Can you arch for me a little, a little more, a little..yesss just like that...just lean into it a little...perfect now stay like that for me…” If Yoongi didn't know any, he’d probably second guess himself before walking into this room. Actually he’s still second guessing himself, but to his pleasant surprise, it’s a photoshoot not an orgy! . As Jimin, Namjoon, and yourself, laid across your fluffy white couch in an obscene amount of Clavin Klein while Jungkook took pics for an IG post. With all the traveling you guys were about to be doing you just didn't trust yourself to get some of these AD’s up on time so you were trying to cram as much as you could! Forcing yourself to do your infamous “5 minute beat” but begging Kookie to edit the fuck outta these pic’s because you still felt like literal death!
Jimin, opting to go shirtless with the briefs peeked out from under the joggers, namjoon kept on a hoodie  leaving it completely unzipped, while you went for the short’s teasing a red and white thong above the waist band along with the matching bra. All of you going for variations of red, white, and blue due to the day at hand.
Rolling his eyes instantly at the sight in front of him “For your safety I really hope this means your all done packing and when the uber comes in 15 minues you’ll be ready to go!”  Setting down a tray of drinks and bagels, face hidden behind a pair of oversized designer shades. The low rasp in his voice let you know he was just exhausted as the rest of you, but you still had shit to do regardless!
“You reallllly have no faith in us!” You could literally hear the pout in Jimin’s voice without even looking.
“The outfits were sorted on racks, when our stylist and Sara were here yesterday we just ran out of time between that conference call and getting ready for dinner to pack it all. There really wasn't shit to do!” You perked up, with a shrug reaching up to grab the Lavender tea, typically a coffee person but you knew since you were sick this morning, and still felt a little off this one was for you! Reclining your  back into Namjoon’s chest slightly, while to stole your drink out of your hand, inviting himself to taste it.  Brining one hand over to soothe up and down your arm before having the nerve to pass your drink over to Jimin instead of returning it to you.
“Alright, and were sure?! Kookie, all your equipment, is packed, labeled, secured!?” Raising his glasses up to look the youngest in the eyes, that infamous chipmunk smile, meeting Yoongi’s glare.
“Yesss Yoongi, that stuff’s been backed, and double checked, it’s good, were good!!”
Stepping back slowly with a nod of approval, clearing his throat before speaking “Even though the four of you are going to be the cause of my premature aging, wrinkles and receding hairline...I just ugh, want you to know I’m honestly really proud of you guys!This was just some little bullshit project we did to pass trade school, in hopes of one day working in our field. And you guys managed to turn it into a career, we were just hoping to be able to do what we love without struggling now look  …” Pausing suddenly, you could hear his voice wavering, making you all equally teary eyed as this was NOT like Min Yoongi at all.
“For the record it’s the five of us, always has been, always will be, we wouldn’t have made it this far without you, hell we wouldn't have graduated without you honestly!” Jimin pipped in first, feeling the need to stroke his ego a little, even though he was speaking straight facts.
Yoongi was technically the eldest, and was wayyy better at managing the combination of partying and studying while living in LA! When you guys met originally 4 years ago , Yoongi was 21, Joon was turning 21, you were 20, Jimin was 19, and Kookie just turned 18. All at different walks in life, as you enrolled in this program for media arts just trying to turn your hopes into something feasible.
“Don’t ever forget that, Candid Vibes wouldn’t be what it is without you, and we love you too by the way, I think you were dancing around that phrase!” Smiling over fondly in Yoongi’s direction, as he tried to hide the smile moving up his face.
The three of you shared a quick glance before getting up to tackle Yoongi who gave a displeased grumped but you all knew he secretly loved it! Squeezing until his legs gave out and he was rolling around on the floor trying to break free.
“Alrigh, alright get the fuck off me!!!” Swatting in your direction. Face contorted in aggravation while the three of you cackled aimlessly honestly not even phased by him anymore. This was just the way he showed his love and you wouldn’t want it any other way!
“ While I go double check on the Ubers, quickly film your update for the CVSQUADTOUR IG account, and please just do another one over on your bags!”  There was a plea to his tone this time  as opposed to the normal hints of anger!
Jungkook mounted his phone on the tripod so you guys could film and the video could be uploaded directly after. Just a standard update, wishing them a happy and safe 4th of July,letting them know how excited you all were, and to keep following all of your socials for updates, and pop-up events blah blah blah!
2 UberXL pulled up, one solely for your luggage alone, the cars were also sponsored, the four of you used Uber on a weekly basis! The drive to the airport was damn near 40 minutes in traffic thank god you were flying private and the plane wasn't leaving until you got there. The 3 of you almost falling asleep the minute your bodies hit the seats, last night's festivities hitting all at once. While Yoongi made business calls making sure your house and other things were looked over while the four of you traveled. The only other girl on the team was Sara, who had the toughest job in your opinion, being your shared assistant. She left for Miami yesterday,since that’s where her girlfriend is for college, wanting a little personal time before you guys ran her ragged!
Amongst arriving at LAX a couple fans noticed you guys and of course you stopped taking pics outside and in the meantime the guys over at TEAMJTH pulled up!
Clearly they had a brand deal of their own, all of them in Tommy Hilfiger loungewear from head to toe, and they all looked damn good! Hoseok’s long burgundy locs messy pushed out of his face, while pitch black ray bans covered his eyes. His joggers were so damn tight you could damn near see the muscles flex as he walked. If you didn't know any better you’d think you were drooling, his toned arms fully exposed in his loose fitting white tank top, making his tan look even stronger.
“Jung fucking -Hoseok…” A low growl left Jimin’s throat he was standing right next to you as he said it, not even bothering to whisper, the two of you sharing a glance that read the same damn thing..this man  was fine as all hell!
While Taehyung trugged behind him, pulling a Jimin, as his hoodie sat slightly unzipped exposing his chiseled chest and the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt, a couple thin chains dancing along his collarbone. His dark locks falling in his face from under his hood, this man had on looser fitting sweats, they were gray and he had on, no TYPE of underwear..none in site. Everything just slinging around as you walked.
“Oh fuck off…” You heard Junkgook whisper out to himself from behind the camera in a low almost aggravated tone at the site of Taehyung and you couldn't even blame him!
Last you had Jin in all black, fitted joggers and a pretty tight black tank top, and for the first time you realized how broad Jins shoulders were, and how nice this man’s arms were. His freshly touched up lavender locks bounced in the wind, offsetting the all balck outfit.
“Fuck..” left Nmajoon’s lips almost as if he was winded, at the sight of TEAMJTH approaching...yeah this was gonna ugh, be a fun little trip!!
All of the boys were openly Bi,as were you, there was no preference for any of you, you just liked who you liked. But something you‘ve noticed over the years is the 7 of them were a lot picker when it comes to their male counterparts.  Yet they seemed to fit each others criteria effortlessly
Hug’s and hello’s were exchanged, but it was clear all of you needed a damn nap, the energy level was at a negative 2 right now!
Hoseok draped his arm around your shoulder as you guys made your way through the airport, keeping your body close to his as he made casual conversation. Voice sitting exceptionally husky due to lack of sleep but fuck if it didint sound good.
The two of you waited while the others went into the gift shop for snacks neither of you could be bothered to move. Leisurely laying his arm around your waist pulling you in to snuggle into his chest amongst hearing you yawn, repeatedly. As they say yawns are contagious, the moment his neck reclined, and that sinfully chiseled jawline went ajar, the light reflected on a piece of metal that you‘ve never seen before.
“Holy shit….” Glancing up at him, almost wanting to die as those words physically left your throat instead of staying in your head! Bringing his gaze down to meet yours, brows furrowed in confusion.
“Oh I ugh-I just noticed your tong-” A smirk moved up his face cutting you off mid sentence as he licked his lips before slowly letting the long wet muscle fall from his lips, letting you get a full view. But you couldn’t help notice the shape of it seemed a little..different.
“I got it done almost 3 weeks ago, we've just been video conferencing for all these meetings so you haven’t noticed. This one vibrates when you push it..that’s why it’s a little bigger…” His voice dropped to an octave that made your pussy do the tightest kegal imaginable. The look on his face proved that was kinda what he was aiming for, loving the way your body shuddered against his own.
Your throat felt uncomfortably dry as you gazed up at him, his eyes were locked on yours...dead set on making you fall apart in his arms and it wasn’t taking much. Clearly the universe decide to help you out, as the rest of the group slowly trampled out of the store.  Jungkook leading the way from behind the lense. An almost arrogant smile curled up his face as he pulled back from you, easing back into casual conversation with the rest of the group.
[C] “Were walking through the airport….well fuck clearly you can see that, but were heading twoards the termal and I’m reallyyyy exicted!!” A squeak ruptured through your throat as you smiled over in Jungkook's direction. Jimin and Hoseok walking by in unison, fosseying there way towards the terminal Jazz hands, goofy ass expressions and all!
[C] “Kookie make sure you edit in some really dope Casey Neistat , type music, and editing on this part like I wanna look badd assss, slow - mos and all!” Namjoon hopped into frame out of nowhere earning a snort from kookie.
[C] “All right, let's go give it to me...I'll run ahead, and all of you give me your most badass strut and I’ll slow mo and edit that shit to the gods!!!” Kookie did as he said. Running to the end of the termal, counting down from 5 giving you all the signal to walk, and to be honest it was looking great. Until jimin had to end it with a casual almost  “modest” if you will...slut drop upon reaching the end, and of course you couldn't be out done so you joined. Jimin just stayed in the position for a moment almost as if he were gracing the world with the view of his ass, before sticking out his tongue playfully at the camera to his right!
“Buss it down thotiana buss it downnnn” Hoseok cheered from the side at the site of the two of you, forever the hype man, encouraging you to live you best life. An obnoxiously loud cackle left both him and jin’s throat as they no doubt had that on their snap within seconds!
You can hear Jin and Hoseok in the background jokingly making comments about making it rain on both of you asses or something along those lines as you two strutted down the hall.
[C] I’ve never in my life seen Casey do anything like that…EVER” Yoongi’s tone came through the side stale as hell!!
“I mean, I support it, both the left and the right side of it…” Namjoon smirked back in Yoongi’s direction taking in the site of both asses swaying in front of him!
Jungkook, and Brendan TEAMJTH’s videographer lead the way into the plane first, and it was gorgeous, seating 14 comfortably had a mixture of chairs, couches, and a work space, one bedroom, and bath. In addition to an array of food, drinks and desserts, a special card sitting on the table next to an edible arrangement. Taking a couple pics to quickly upload to your IG account before getting settled .
There was someone from JETTLY waiting as you guys bored, showing you the amenities, introducing you to the pilot and such but there wasn’t a flight attendant present for the trip which was probably in their best interest!
“Strawberry or pineapple?” Taehyung brought his gaze over to Jungkook as he sat the camera on the table..shrugging nonchalantly, trying to hide the smile moving up his face.
“I don’t know surprise me..”
A smirk moving up Tae’s face at that “Close your eyes..” Dropping his voice slightly, as if it didn't already set at a sinful tenor naturally. Walking over to grab a piece of pineapple, biting into it partially to make sure it’s sweet. Flicking his index finger at the youngers bottom lip letting him know to open up, sliding the fruit into his mouth, while letting his finger lingers over his tongue.  Making the younger smile slightly taking the hint, and lapping his tongue gently, fluttering his eyes open with a meek smile.
“You said surprise you…” Taehyung countered letting his lips hover over Jungkook’s before pulling back smugly making his way back over to the edible arrangement. Leaving the younger more than flustered….
“Alright guys, it’s gonna be a minute before we take off, since you're all finally in one place I need you guys to do one more update about tomorrow’s popup shop. Oh and we were able to get some of your merch there as well!! guys” Jackson, TEAMJTH’S manager spoke up, technically Jin,Hoseok, and Tae were just coming for shits and giggles. The plan originally wasn't a shared tour that’s why there only doing two shows.
But since it’s typical for you guys to have an alternating guest host at least once a month  and your audience loves the threesum it just made sense. Of course since they were coming , pay was worked out, they will be compensated accordingly for the New York and LA shows as well as any of there merch that’s sold. Besides them being your friend’s the five of you just didn't do shady business!
The popup shop would be from 5-10 on the 5th, selling merch and a limited supply of brand collabs the 8 of you have done over the years!
It was a little after 10 once the jet actually took off, the video was uploaded and your lives got to go on airplane mode! All of you forever grateful for the extremely dim lighting and the fact there were blinds draping the windows. The flight to Miami was about 5 hours and with the time difference by the time you landed it would be rolling on 8pm, you all had a 9:30 dinner meeting with your sponsors so sleeping was crucial.
All of you bundled up in different areas of the plane, the hum of music buzzed through the speakers, while your head laid alone on the couch kiddie-corner at the very back of the room. To be honest it seemed like you were the only one up, the light from your phone catching Jimin’s attention as he invited himself to snuggle up behind you. Sliding your phone out of your hand , placing it on the floor “You need to get some sleep…” the whisper hummed though your ear, as his hand found its home draping over your hip you knew he was right. Eyes burning like hell yet you couldn’t fall asleep…
Head covered under an oversized Calvin Klein hoodie, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, while his palm massaged your hip. A slow exhale left your body as you relaxed into his touch, “Fuck, I know..I just hate sleeping on flights!” A humm left his lips at that and you swore you could feel him smirking into your skin, as his hand slipped under the blanket, past the band of your shorts, toying with the hem of your calvins...A low chuckle left your throat, already well aware of were this was going, you kinda expected it just not this soon.
It’s been 4 months since anything sexually has happened between the two of you, and for some reason it only happens when your traveling. Maybe there’s just something in the air , it was in the bathroom at a brand event, in Bora Bora you found yourself on your knees in Moschino and he found himself shamelessly on his in Gucci. It was a great night, needless to say, the two of you ended up buying the outfits afterwards because there was no way in hell they could be returned!
“I’m surprised your over here with me actually…” Your words coming out slightly muffled as you tried to be respectful of the current atmosphere around you.
“And why’s that..” Bringing his hand down to soothe under your ass, while his lips left faint airy kisses down the side of your neck. Teeth grazing the thin chain around your neck, toying it between his teeth.
“Well, with the way you've been eyeing Hoseok the past two days I figured you’d jump on the opportunity to cuddle up under him...”. Turning your head slightly with a playful smirk waiting for him to bring his lips up to meet yours.
“Coming from the woman who almost creamed her panties when she realized he had his tongue pierced today?” Even though he phrased it as a question his tone came off very “matter of factly” leaving no room for debate. Tugging your bottom lip between his teeth, before lapping over it with his tongue,letting the tiny diamond ball of his own dance along your flesh.  “How didn't you notice that last night?” Sucking your lip between his teeth, not even really expecting a response as he dug his nails into your ass, rolling his hips into you until your knead out slightly. Eyes fluttering shut, as you arched back into his touch, grinds your ass into him until you ripped a stifled moan from his throat!
 Sinking his teeth into the side of your neck in response until you dug your nails in his thigh “We have a meeting behave….”  A deep sigh left his lips but he abided anyway, using his tongue to assault your neck instead.
“I saw the way you were looking at him all night,I don't blame you, I was starting just as hard as you were baby.”  Bringing his hand up to grab your neck, applying  just the right amount of pressure, as his lips teased up your ear. Tugging your hoops between his teeth before sucking a nice little reminder right beneath your ear.
Sliding his hands past your panties to swipe of your clit, a low moan leaving both of your lips “Fuck, Hobi really did get your little pussy wet didint he? Can you imagine how good it would feel to have both of us smothered between your thighs? Telling you how sweet you taste and how good you look while you come.” His lips were literally buried into your ear as he spoke, trying to keep is voice as low as possible, the feeling of his breathe teasing your skin alone had your body shuddering. “God your always so sweet too, you know Hoseok has his cock pierced in 2 places right?”
That alone ripped another moan from your throat as he eased to two fingers in until the rings on his fingers were submerged with you heat. Walls flexing on command as he molded himself around you, curling his fingers upwards to tease at the roof of your pussy. Biting down on your lip so hard you thought you’d draw blood. Thrusting his fingers in and out at an agonizing pace, the girth between the two of them had you arching within seconds , sliding a third finger in and your walls welcomed the stretch effortlessly, as you coated him in your juices. “God your so fuckin’ tight, I bet I got you thinkin about him bending you over -”
“While I have your dick in my mouth? yeah that’s exactly what I’m thinking about. Me wrapping my lips around you until you come down my throat.” The words hissed from your throat as your heat pulsed around him you could almost hear your juices slushing around as he pumped his fingers in and out. “You always look so good when your begging, you turn into such a little slut it’s so sexy.” Now it’s your turn to tease, grabbing his face in your hands pulling his lips down to meet yours. Sliding your tongue into his mouth when you hear him let out an involuntary cry as you start grinding your hips back even harder. Allowing his tongue to map every area in your mouth, the cool sensation from the diamond ball in contrast to the warmth of his tongue has your biting back moans every second. Both of you kissing each other with the same amount of fever , tongues melding against each other, as he exchanged your hole for your clit. Placing the pad of his  fingers  against it before adding steady pressure, as he moved in swift circles.
“Or how about you fucking me, while Hoseok works you open with his fingers, god his hands are so sexy.Until your just begging for him to fuck you, you know how much you love to beg.” A low whine left his throat as he pulled back to lay his tongue flat against your neck, licking a long slow stride before sucking down lightly beneath your chin. Just enough to make you want more, even though you knew he couldn’t...
“Jiminnnn...” You whined slightly reclining your neck even more humming out against your skin in response, lips vibrating against your pulse as if he was actually curious as to why you were calling his name.
“god yes, making you fall apart up under him while you make me cum for you...making a mess all over you cock before he fucks you open with his.” Bringing his lips back over to yours with a slight growl, panting out against his tongue, not allowing yourself to pull away because your afraid of how loud you’ll become, needing his lips and tongue to muffle your cries, as you feel the heat growing in your stomach.
Sliding his oppiste had into your panites, gliding three fingers in knuckle deep, just keeping them stationary, only adding to the immense pressure building in your stomach.
“Your soo good, your fingers are soo good..” Moaning out against his tongue, as low as possible before sucking it into your mouth, his fingers always filled you perfectly, it never took much for him to get you off. Hoping the fact that his hoodie was draping over both of your faces muted out some of the noise.
The neediness dripping from his tongue aren't helping either as you grind your hips into his hand, helping chase your own orgasm. “Fuck I forget much of a promblem this mouth of yours is, your gonna fuck around and make me come from that alone, god your so fuckin sexy…” You could feel him start to build up momentum his fingers started working even faster, needing to feel you come just as bad as you “Your dripping down my hand right now, fuck I just wanna taste you, make you come all over my face.”
Burying your face in the crook of his neck, sinking your teeth into the base merissily, edging you towards your release. “That’s it, fuck yourself on my fingers baby, I can feel how tight your clit is, come for me, come nice and hard for me….” Panting out gainst his your hair as your muscles started to seeze biting down on his neck disgustly hard as you came…… body shuddaring in his embrase as he contiuned working your clit, easing you through your orgasm “Fuck yes, just like that...keep comming for me baby” No matter how sensetive you were you still kept rocking abck agaisnt him, his dick impposibly hard in his pants until you heard a low growl leave his chest. You knew Jimin well enough to know there was a 99% chance he just came….
A low chuckle left your throat at that ...reaching down in his pants as he swirled his fingers in yours. It was like the two of you worked off of one brain cell, brinings your fingers up to each others mouths, lapping your tongues around the digits effortlessly before bringing your lips together. Moaning out simultaneously the two of you tasted each other, the kiss was slow and lazy, letting his tongue have it’s way you as you were spent at this point. Eyes so heavy you almost couldn't open them once he pulled away “Get some sleep…” the words brushed against your lips with a lazy smile before kissing the tip of your nose. The scent of you rolling off his tongue as he spoke. “My entire bodies pliant right now...I don't have a choice, I’m not moving and neither are you!”
Placing one more kiss along your lips before readjusting the two of you under the blankets, before well needed sleep effortlessly washed over your bodies.
The feeling of someone’s hand roaming through your hair is what had your eyes breaking apart. It wasn’t Jimin though you knew what he felt like. These hands were longer, but equally delicate, eyes flutter up to see it was Taehyung. With a camera. Dead in your face.
[C] “Were hereeeee..” The words left his lips sing song like, back to his normal playful self, clearly sleep did him well. Soothing his palm over you back as you grumbled in dismay burying your face back in the blanket...until you remember the discomfort sitting in your panties from earlier, and you instantly felt the desire to hop up and run to the bathroom!
Stepping into the bathroom too quickly wipe down with a towel swamping out your underwear, putting a soiled ones in a bag and sliding them in your cosmetic bag. Upon walking out of course Hoseok would be the one waiting to use the bathroom.
Resting against the wall, shirt long gone, as his hands sat casually in his pockets, the look on his face just felt like he knew something. Or maybe you just felt awkward because you and Jimin got off to the idea of having a threesom with the man in front of you!
“Did you sleep well?”
“I ugh, yeah, yeah I did ..you?” Hoping to god your voice didn't come out as shaky as it felt.
Another all knowing smirk moved up his face, with a slight shrug “Meh, I mean...it couldve been better….” Easing his back off the wall to talk past you, body dusting against yours slightly as he entered the bathroom.  Allowing you to get a full view of beautifully done back piece, Hosoek had one tattoo, and the thing was HUGE...taking up a good 70 percent of his extremely muscular back. It was an extremely detailed leopard, with a tone of tropical themed flowers around it. He got it done in Thailand..about 2 years ago over the span of 3 day!
The minute you returned to the main area Jimin’s eyes met yours exchanging the same look before randomly bursting out into a fit of laughter causing everyone else to glare in your direction. THIS is why the two of you were able to have sex every once on and while, because once it was over..it was over, the two of you were able to just revert back as if nothing ever happened! Walking over to investigate your damage,  yanking his hoodie to the side, thankfully the brutal mark was low enough on his shoulder that any shirt with sleeves would cover it! But fuck if it wasn;t the deepest shade of purple imagiabele, a hiss left your lips at the site of it.
“Don’t worry about it, you know how much I get off on pain..” The words were barely audible as whispered out into your hair. Pulling back from you with a smirk, walking over to pack his blankets and such back in his luggage.
Once the plane officially settled and the 10 of you made your way to the airbnb it was pushing 8:30, and luckily the sponsors had a feeling this would happen and pushed dinner back to 10. But that still didn't leave MUCH time for getting ready.
Upon pulling up you all recognized the house, it was the “Santorini” very popular amongst influencers as it had 5 bedoroms 4 baths, nine bed all together, a hot tub, pool the full nine. Unfortunately you lot were far too rushed to explore or even pick out rooms, recognizing the car that was waiting outside thankful it was the hair and makeup duo you reached out to weeks ago through IG to do your glam while in Miami.
The house was a mess within seconds, all of you running around throwing clothes everywhere trying to find what you needed, the ten of you had never gotten ready so fast in your lives.
Jungkook and Brenden were ready first, within 20 minutes tops, the least high maintenance of the group, whipping out there cameras as they watched all the casos unfold. Even Though 80% would have to be cut as there were a lot of naked and or half naked bodies running through this house!
It was only a matter of time before Jackson and Yoongi were screaming that the car was outside and you all needed to leave ..NOW!
“Fuck where are my shoes!?
“Who has hairspray, that won’t make my hair look flakey on my hair!?”
“Kim-Tae-fucking-hyung are you wearing my Saint Laurent boots!?”
“NO! My feet are bigger than yours ya dick!”
Everything and everyone was a damn mess, yelling from all ends of the house, no one really sure who the other was actually speaking too!
“Ahhh shit I gotta go I gotta gooo..” You found yourself running away from your glam team as they chased behind you with hairspray and fix plus,trying to spray you down in the process “Someone zip this pleaseee…” The first person you ran by was Namjoon, his silk paisley shirt sitting slightly unbuttoned giving you a sneak peek at his toned chest while reaching behind to zip up your dress.
[FILMING] ‘Shit I don't know if I like thissss..” You knew that whine anywhere it was Jimin giving himself a one over in the mirror.
[FILMING] “Your ass looks delectable Jiminie we gotta gooooo!!!” The praise came from Namjoon making the younger blush slightly as he licked his cherry stained lips, not hesitating to look at his ass in the frame one more time before abiding. Confidence instantly back on a hundred as he smirked, swaying away from the mirror while running his fingers through his hair.
The 10 of you pilled into 3 luxury Ubers arriving to the “Lobster Bar Sea Grille” About 10 minutes late but hey, you tried, Jimin and yourself strutted together, the last two to hop out of the car. Hoseok came over casually draping his hand over Jimin’s shoulder. “I like these pants on you Jimine…” tone calm as ever as his hand gently brushed up Jimin’s thigh, making the older chuckle upon feeling his muscles tense under his hold.
Turning his head upwards slightly to meet Hoseok’s gaze, letting his tongue play at the corner of his mouth “Yea, I can say the same about you,they make your thighs look really good” Jimin’s voice dropped a little, adding that slightly whiny twang that never failed to get him his way! Eye’s shamelessly  trailing up Hoseok’s body
A humm leaving Hosoek’s lips in response as his hand coily trailed down Jimin’s back, the slight whimper that left Jimin’s throat the lower he got didn't go unnoticed. Once Hoseok's hand reached his ass he didn't hesitate to squeeze it firmly in his palm until the younger knead out slightly.  Pulling back with a smirk “Let’s ugh..go knock this meeting out so yeah?” Lips hovering over Jimin’s ear as he whispered into his skin. A low rumble ruptured through his chest at the way the younger was just putty in his hands. Typically Jimin had this effect on everyone else, he’s not used to being knocked on his ass, Hoseok’s a completely different type of creature that’s for damn sure. This time giving his ass a couple playful smacks before jogging over to Jin and Taehyung as the walked through the restaurant's doors.
“What. The. Fuck. Was. That.” Glancing over at Jimin with a smile, honestly you were kinda rooting for this, lord knowns he’s wanted to fuck Hoseok since they met.
“I have no idea, but if that mans dick isn't in my mouth by the end of the night..I’mma lose my shitt!!”
Upon walking in and exchanging hugs there appeared to only be seating left on either side of Hoseok..Jimin and yourself couldn't help but laugh as you took your seats, something tells me this was not a quisedence.
While Tae was next to jungkook Yoongi was sandwiched between Jin and Namjoon, and Jackson, and brenden were sitting in between the two Mike, and Jordan. They were behind the company sponsoring the actual aesthetic of the tour. Meaning they were the ones transforming these venues into the atmosphere all of your fans were walking into. Everything from lighting,seating, the podcast “set” the full nine. Each city was set to have it’s on vibe so none of the ‘set’s would look the same!
The night went well, not that you were surprised, you all knew time and place, and sitting in front of two men who were putting a shit ton of money into your tour was a place to act like professionals. But then midnight rolled around, and that’s when everyone started to get a little laxed Jimin and yourself were one in the same. The familiar smirk that tugged on his pouty lips as he sat in deep conversation with Hoseok told you to look under the table.
Only to find his fingers gently teasing over Hoseok’s cock through his pants, trickling up and down his zipper. Casually bringing his hand down to soothe up his inner thigh, fingers getting dangerously close to his length. Admiring the way Jimin kept gazing at him, the glint in his eyes were the perfect combination of innocent and sin all at the same time. You couldn't even help the smirk that tugged on your cheeks, feeling somewhat proud of you friend for finally going after what he’s wanted.
The sponsors left and graciously covering the bill, while the rest of you shifted outside towards the bar which set right off the water. But you couldn't help but notice Jimin get up to go to the bathroom, only for Hosoek to follow seconds later.
Walking in to find the younger pressed against the counter raking his fingers through his hair, not forgetting to arch slightly with a cheeky grin once his eyes zooned in on Hoseok.
Tsking lowly as he shook his head, one hand in his pocket as he strolled over causally “Such a little cock tease huh?” Smacking his ass so hard, even Hoseok moaned out at the sting, pulling a sharp gasp from Jimin’s body.  Making him fall forward chuckling lightly as he braced his weight on his elbows, grinding back into Hoseok. Turning his head slightly as his tongue flicked the roof of his mouth, locking his eyes with the elder as he felt him, digg his thumbs into his hips before grinding his clothed cock into Jimin ass.
Making Jimin moan out shamelessly sucking his plum bottom lip into his mouth as he zoned in on his own reflection.
“Ohhh, you like watching yourself get fucked? You like seeing how pretty you look while your bent over like a little slut getting fucked into the counter?” Rolling his hips a little deeper with a growl, bringing his hand up to take a firm hold on Jimin’s sinfully thick neck.
Brining Jimin’s body flesh to his, Hoseok’s blunt teeth sunk deep into a pulse point, making the younger strangle out a high breathy moan that bounced off every surface of marble in this bathroom.
“Fuck”. Hosek bit his lip, snaking his tongue down the side of Jimin’s neck to ease the sting, his body shuddering at the feeling of the metal brushing against his skin. “You sound so fuckin good and I haven’t even touched you yet…I wonder what you’ll sound like if IIII…..”
Finally bringing his hand down to cup Jimin’s throbbing cock as he rolled his hips into him electing another needy whine from his throat bringing something almost primal out of Hoseok’s body! “Jiminnnn, baby fuck...” The tone in his voice reflected as if he was in pain, which he was, his dick was ready to fucking explode.
The pet name and sudden hint of neediness in Hoseok’s voice had Jimin turning into complete mush in his hold.
Taking Jimin’s hand in his own, pulling back just enough to let Jimin squeeze his cock in his hands through the almost painfully tight fabric, making it twitch a couple times, and he swore Jimin’s knees went limp.
“You want it…” Phrasing the question more as a statement , as he turned Jimin’s head waving his tongue into his mouth, making the younger respond instantly swirling it around the muscle. Hoseok’s hand made its way back to the front of Jimin’s body , soothing it down his chest,before palming his length again. “Soo sexy…” slurred out against Jimin’s mouth, as he sucked his plum bottom lip between his teeth.
Jimin was the one to break away from the kiss “I’m over having your tongue in my mouth , I need your cock” Tone exceptionally bratty, nipping at the elders chiseled jawline,rolling his hips back even deeper “You want me on my knees here or at home?”
(Since this is the first chapter I kinda forgot that this one would be the longest for obvious reasons! So I decided I didn't wanna make this like 16 k...cut it off at 9.5 and if this is received well, Miami will be done in 2 parts. So if you enjoyed this and want more...show some love and hit up my ask.
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Work Out: Chapter 5
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A/N: IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! It took me a while to get this out but it’s here. I’ll be on vacation next week and so I’ll be writing just not updating per-say. If you or anyone has experienced a loss of a child or family member, and you want to talk about it my inbox is always open. It’s chapter 5. That means it’s time for another project to be started. I have 4 started already and I am going to pick which one i like best to start typing chapters for. Which will most likely be Chris Evans x Roxie in So Into You. There’s one line in here that I asked to use from my good sis @madamslayyy and it’s in here. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future projects.
Warnings; child death, unprotected sex (wrap it up!), language
Word Count: 5,029 [my village knows this is was gonna be long]
Lil Nasties: @maddiestundentwritergaines || @themyscxiras || @crushed-pink-petals || @honeychicana || @dc41896 || @chaneajoyyy || @jojolu || @titty-teetee || @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove || @ljstraightnochaser || @mimigemrose || @fumbling-fanfics || @amelatonin || @screamingdrago || @breddiefrooks || @ellixthea || @designerwriterchic || @destinio1
It was 3 am, dark and eerily quiet. Only the sound of my Sunter oscillating floor fan being on, and Florian’s occasionally snoring, could be heard. He took my offer on staying at my condo, instead of a hotel when he’d come to New York. Missing him from going back and forth from here to Munich, Germany, did some things to me. I never felt like this in a while about someone.
Only thing I could see in the dark from the moon, peaking through the window shades, was my big brown bear with an ‘I Wuv You’ pillow attached to it. Florian has shipped it to me from visiting his family.
He’s done something to brighten up my life, that I didn’t think needed to be brighten up. I couldn’t sleep. I could never sleep around 3 am and there’s a reason for that.
It had been a couple months or so, nearly in March now with the spring weather, and things were starting to look up a bit. That is until the gut wrenching moments with Jake happened. The bad memories came flooding back and the nightmares became worse, and worse. It came at least once or twice a month, but now they’re more frequent.
Around this same time I’d have the same recurring nightmare: me losing my baby girl at just 16 weeks. I let the dream play out this time. Normally I’d wake up in different scenes.
I was at work with a client and my phone rang to a news flash. Typical news about politics, and crazy folks. At the time time Jake and I weren’t on speaking terms due to his infidelity. I went home that day, around noon, to an infuriated Jake.
“Where the hell have you been?!” He yelled in my face,’I could smell the alcohol on his breath. This wasn’t the first time I say him this frustrated.
This time it was his job at a restaurant; he got fired, again. He always blames me for his misfortunes when I’ve been holding him up. I’ve been there for him time and time again.
“At work. Where else would a 3 ½ month pregnant lady be? I have bills to pay Jacob, and a baby to feed soon.” Apparently he didn’t like the hint of attitude in my voice, because the next thing I knew I was being thrown against a wall with force.
The wind was knocked out of me; my throat was sore from screaming and he was in my face.
“You know where you need to be at all times. You are MINE, and no one else’s.”
“We’re separated remember? Or did you forget?! Hey out of my face and out of my house now.” I pushed passed him, on my way upstairs, till I felt an even more powerful force push me down. I had landed on my stomach, the pain was too much to bear.
I froze in place, crying and praying to the heavens, hoping that my little Angelique would be alright.
“Geneva? Oh my god, please come on baby.” Jake was frantic, picking me up and taking me to the car. Making our way to the hospital I was in too much shock to love around.
Several hours later of being in the room, the doctor gave em the final verdict. It was too much damage to be done for my baby. I was stunned. Too traumatized to even move. The doctor gave us some time to ourselves, after the procedure was done.
Jake reaches out to touch my hand and I draw back from him.
“Don’t. Touch. Me.” I seethed through my teeth, not even glancing in his general direction. I could tell he grew impatient with me, by the way he yanked my head to face him.
“If you weren’t so disobedient, we’d have a baby soon. But you just had to defy me and get hurt. I thought you loved me, Geneva.”
“I do. But you make- you’re blaming this on me? You’re blaming the death of our baby on me?!” My anger surfaced as my parents walked through the door.
Jake was faster than they were, because he tried to  choke me. His grip was too tight, my nails dig deep in his arms. Deep enough to draw blood. My dad was pulling him off, with my mother in tow. My vision grew dark, I couldn’t move again. All I could hear were my parents screaming for the doctors to come help. The nightmare ended.
I woke up screaming in the dark, causing Florian to wake up abruptly and be on the lookout. I felt bad for waking him up but I’m glad he did.
“Geneva? Is everything ok?” He held me close to his chest, as I cried in heavy sobs. I finally let the dream play out. I explained to him what my dream was, his rage about my ex increased ten fold.
Pulling me close to his chest even more, he mumbled something in German as she rocked me back and forth. He couldn’t fathom how any may would I ever lay his hands on a woman like that. Pregnant or not. He know his own mother would be livid if he went that route.
“I vow to this very day, he won’t come near you. I know you gave me the green light to rough him up, and I did, but I need full control Genevieve. I need to you give me full control, my love.” The sincerity in his voice was calming. It was as if he was sent from the gods to protect me. As he caressed my cheek, I kissed his hand on instinct, holding on to his hand.
Looking into his soft green eyes, the moonlight shining through the windowed curtains, making them glow with love. Upon resting my head on his, he snaked his arms around my waist.
“You made a promise to keep me safe and I believe you. So without question, I give you full control, Florian. Full, control.” Whispering against his lips, he smiled at me genuinely and held me close. He fell back against the fluffy pillows, taking me along with him. The still calmness made it easier for me to fall asleep next to him.
I think I’ll keep him a little while longer.
-The Next Day-
“Ain’t no way in hell! You can’t do that!”
“The hell I can’t. House rules cuzzo, house rules. Now draw your 4 and the color is red.”
“You ain’t right.”
Game night has been a tradition in my family for generations. To keep it alive, I had the crew come by my half finished apartment, along with the typical game night food. First game of the night was Uno. Not just any old game of Uno, it was Uno Flip. It brought out the worst in people but it was all in fun.
“Now she taught me this game last night, simply because it’s new, and even I knew she’d say ‘house rules.’ ” Florian was invited as well, why wouldn’t I invite the guy that I heard beat up my ex?
“You trained him well, sis. I like him.” Nefertiti, Winston’s girlfriend of 3 years, was always the insightful one of the group. She was always busy with her stylist job, but when she has time she comes back home and chill.
“Yeah but you still can’t do that. Cheater.” Mike mumbled under his breath, which earned him a smack upside his head by Johari.
My dog Dragon, my reddish-brown Pomsky, was asleep in his kennel in the laundry room. He loved it when Florian came over to visit, because he had someone big and strong to play with. He clearly loved the fact that I had someone too.
The vibes were perfect for a night in with no responsibilities. I was already out of the game so watching was always my forte. Joahri was looking at Florian and I, as I was snuggled into his side as he played the card game.
“So what are y’all exactly? Cause y’all for sure as hell, ain't friendship with benefits. Y’all emotions are too attached.” The question threw me off, because I started choking on my Seagram's Jamaican Me Crazy wine cooler. Johari was never one to hold back, and that’s what Mike loved about her.
Florian couldn’t help but chuckle and rub my back a little to calm me down.
“Uh well. We’ve just been hanging out lately. Enjoying each other’s company.” I looked to Florian to help.
“We like hanging out with each other. I enjoy her company and she enjoys mine. Why put a label on things?” He explained a bit further and the look on Jojo’s face was unwavering. She wasn’t falling for it at all. Heating the doorbell ring, we were saved by the bell.
“What he said, labels aren’t needed. Imma get the door.” What did I want? I wanted him but I couldn’t say it yet. Answering the door, Cynthia and John stepped in, along with Destiny and Ryan. Filling the room with more love.
Just by the look on Florian’s face and the tone of his voice from earlier, he seemed to want things to go further that what they were. I couldn’t tell.
Did I want things to go further? I’m still married to the asshole who won’t sign the papers. Maybe it is time for a new outlook on life.
-Florian’s POV-
Did I want Geneva to be mine? Did I want her to feel safe; secured, loved and wanted? Did I want her away from Jake anyway? Yes I did.
I didn’t want her to feel unwanted anymore. I can’t stand seeing her hurt anymore either. With all the stories I’ve heard about Jake, and how he’s mistreated her. I just knew I had to make things right for her.
While she was distracted with the girls in the kitchen, I had to ask the guys for some help with a very creative strategy.
“Guys, I need your help with something.” I was nervous to say the least. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and I think it’s time I make my feelings known.
“What’s up? You need help asking Geneva to be your girl?” Mike went straight to the point.
“Oh you tryin to ask our sis to be your girl? This outta be good.” Ryan chuckled gently, glancing around the room real quick.
“Well since we’re playing games tonight, got anything in mind?” Winston asked curiously. I had never met Winston fully, just in brief passing with Mike at parties.
“How about scrabble? We each form a word for me ask, I’ll take the last word.” Letting the guys know my plan, they all were in agreement and helped set up the board.
The guys gathered the game up and set it up. I had a necklace in my hoodie pocket I was gonna give her tonight anyway. Now was the best time.
“What y’all up to?” Once I heard that angelic voice I had to move fast, giving every team their pieces.
“Just getting ready to play scrabble. We’re doing teams, so little mama come here.” The slight blush on her caused the whole group to chuckle, as I placed her on my lap on the floor.
“Team scrabble? Interesting. Alright I’ll play.”
-Geneva’s POV-
The game went on for about an hour or so. My ass was getting sore from sitting so long, so I had to get up to so I could stretch. Placing a kiss on Florian’s head, I made sure to give him some love.
“Y’all need anything while I’m up?” Making my way to the kitchen, I grabbed the empty plates and cups. Turning up the volume on the speaker a bit.
“A few beers and Seagrams. I’ll come with ya.” Johari got up to help me while the others continued to play the game.
“So what’s up with you and Florian? Foreal sis come on now. No games, no shade.” Leaning against the counter, sighed gently with a smile.
“I like him. We mesh well together and he’s great company. I do kinda wanna date him though, it’s only fair since Jake moves on.” I started biting my lip thinking of all the moments Florian and I have shared over the last few months.
“You should! It’s your time now. Plus he sounds like a keeper.” Johari was glancing back into the game from for some reason.
“Gege! Come on it’s your turn with Florian!”
“Coming! He is. We should get back to the game.” Grabbing the bottles, making our way back to the game, I snuggled back in Florian’s lap. He moved to the couch this time.
For some reason the room was more mellow than normal, and the girls were giddy. What was going on?
“Alright. Mike went; Winston went next, Ryan and John. Now it’s my turn.” Florian explained and kissed my cheek. I was too preoccupied with my phone.
My mom had texted me about graduation, and when it was. I kept forgetting to let the family know about the date and time. Florian took his turn and tapped my thigh to let me know.
“Alright guys we are all out of tiles. I’ll tally up the scores.” Grabbing the notepad and pen, I glanced at the board once or twice. I saw something and I didn’t know if I was reading it right.
The group was minding their own business, till I got their attention by reading everything out loud.
“ ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ How did y’all- oh my god.” I immediately looked at Florian with tearful eyes and the group erupting in cheers.
“Couldn’t think of a better way to ask, with the blessing of your friends of course, and Mike. So Geneva, will you?” Florian’s soft voice pulled me in, as the sounds hushed around us.
All I could focus on was him and him alone. Holding his face in my hands; taking in his after rain scent and resting my forehead on his I knew I was home. With him I was always home.
“Yes. I’ll be your girl, Florian.” Kissing him with everything in me, he held me close to his hard body but he felt soft in my hands.
“Ahem. Y’all we got others games to play.” Mike cleared his throat, before having to pulling us apart.
“Sorry. Oh Geneva, turn around real quick.”
I did as instructed and felt cold metal hit my neck. Glancing down, I noticed my zodiac sign around my neck, shining in the light of the ceiling fan. He clamped it shut and turned me back around.
“Perfect fit. Alright now, let’s play.” Kissing me gently, Florian busted out Jenga.
-3 games and yelling matches later-
It’s an intense game of Jenga going on. It was my turn to go, and I was nervous as hell.
“Ok babe. You got this. Don’t be nervous.” A little encouragement from the new boo, made it even worse.
Pulling the block from middle, watching the tower lean for he left I got nervous and it all came tumbling down.
“In that rubble, lies our relationship.” The mocking hey joking tone of his voice, caused me to smile.
“Ok Kyle.” Patting his cheek gently, I was gifted with a gorgeous smile that he is never afraid to show. The smile that would put the stars on Egypt to shame.
His type of smile though, was like no other. His smile was so bright and happy; full of life and wonder. Like a kid in a candy store, or a kid on Christmas Day. His smile was truly contagious.
John nodded towards Florian, to grab his attention. “Hey Florian can I ask you something?”
“Sure. What’s up?” Draping his arm around my shoulder, drawing me closer.
“Seeing as though Jake fucked up everything for himself, I want you to be one of my groomsmen. I see how well you’ve been treating Geneva and I think you should walk down the aisle with her. You’ve gained a friend in me.” He paused a bit and did the typical bro handshake with him.
“You’ve gained a brother from Ryan and I. Welcome to the group man.”
The look on his face was priceless and full of pure excitement. He couldn’t have been happier to be included.
“I’d be honored John. I’d love to walk with Geneva.” I felt his lips on my forehead, making my body feel all all warm and inviting.
“Game over let’s do something else. Mortal Kombat anyone?” Breaking my concentration wasn’t ever easy, but Florian managed to do so.
“Sure. I’ll play. Not sure how to do so, but I can always learn from a great teacher.” Sending a wink in his direction, I grabbed the other controller for the PS4 and got into position so her could “teach me” how to play.
Everyone else was in their zone, minding their own business, as Florian was giving me the rundown on the game. Little did he know, my two brothers taught me how to play whenever I’d come home on the weekends from college. They prepared me for this moment.
“Ready, draga?”
“Bring it.”
Fifteen minutes into the the game, he was kicking my ass in both matches. Time to kick it into high gear. The gag is, I was just messing with him.
“I’m gonna change my character real quick. If that’s ok with you?” The gentle tone of my voice made that precious smile come back.
He shrugged. “That’s fine with me baby girl.”
Going through the character list, tuning out everything around me, I focused on my strategy. I found the right character.
“Jade. Let’s do this baby.” Pressing start on the controller, I maneuvered in my spot on the couch and started to annihilate Florian in this game.
“What the hell…” he was in shock and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Finish him!” The tv yelled through the Sony speakers, placed around the 75” flat screen.
With a sly smirk, and a burst of energy to leap up to squat on the couch, I caught the attention of our friends and they gathered around.
Michael got too excited, stomping his feet against the hardwood. “She’s gonna beat you bro.”
“Not by a long shot.” Florian gritted through his teeth, maneuvering the buttons on the controller.
“Final kill shot…”
“Nice try babe.” With one final move, Jade had sliced Raiden’s head clean off and stood proud with her staff.
“Fatality!” The room went silent, Florian dropped his controller in defeat and was wide eyed.
“How in the hell? I just taught you 5 min ago?” He looked at me in utter disarray.
I chuckled a bit. “No you didn’t.”
“Uh were you paying attention when I taught you earlier?” He was in straight disbelief and I was living for it.
“I was. But you forgot that I have two brothers that play this on the daily baby. I faked it, unlike other things.” Sending a wink in his direction, I got up to clean the rest of the plates.
As the party died down, our friends left for the night, I was left cleaning and Florian was messing with something in the house.
Next thing I know, I hear some Michael Jackson music and the adrenaline kicked in with me. Grooving to the beat to past the time, I felt his strong hands on my hips.
“Oh so I take it you’re feeling better after getting crushed?”
“You wound me Printesa. You wound me.”
Placing a kiss on his cheek, I moved my hips along with his to the funky beat of Pretty Young Thing. Truth be told he’s the first person I’ve danced with in my house. I never got to do a lot of things with Jake because he’d always be “busy” with work and it affected our relationship a lot.
I cherish the little moments I do get with Florian. When he’s away I find something to do, but it makes it all worth it in the end, when we meet back up in my hometown. The song shifted to a real old song that brought back memories and just felt right.
“Do you remember, when we fell in love. We were so young and innocent then.” He sung in my ear so elegantly, as he swayed with me in solitude and confinement.
I couldn’t help but sing back to him, doing a little spin turn, to have my back pressed against his chest.
“Do you remember, how it all began. It’s just seemed like heaven, so why did it then.”
His strong arms that were wrapped around me just right. I felt safe and secured in his embrace, I never wanted to leave. We continued to sing the song to each other, and gravity took us both towards my bedroom.
There was a glowing light illuminating from my room. The closer I got, the more the room came in visual and it was sight to behold.
It seems that when I was cleaning, he was setting this all up for us the whole time. I felt the tears on the edge of my eyes, one shed as I held my face together. Turning towards him I sniffled.
“Florian. What is all this for?”
He held my hand and guided me towards the grand king sized bed, that took up a good portion of space in the master bedroom. This condo was perfect in every way and I still have yet to call it my own.
“Well seeing as though we just started dating a few hours ago, 6 to be exact, I thought we’d consummate our relationship. By making love to my lady love.” We both looked into the mirror I had installed and just took in each other’s reflections.
He truly listened to me. It was rare to find a good man that listened. I was going to enjoy this by any means necessary. Changing the playlist to smooth jams, I faced him fully.
“You do listen to me. I’m glad you do.” I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.
The music pulled us and guided us like a magnet. I took his black v-neck shirt off first, tracing the hard muscles with my nails with a featherlight touch. Our foreheads were touching, his hands were under the grey racerback I was wearing. My skin was on fire, but I loved every second of it.
Our lips were ghosting one another’s, a teasing game that only could be won by one. He gave in and smashed his lips against mine. Our lips moving in synchronization to the rhythm of our heartbeats, drawing me closer to him.
He broke the kiss for a split second, analyzing the room once again.
“Don’t need us both being poked with electric candles, now do we?” He set all the plastic candles on my dresser, then came back to me.
“No we don’t. But we do need less clothes.” Trying to be sexy, I slipped my tank top off. Only remaining clothing were my shorts; white lace bra and matching undies to hide my heated desire for the man standing in front of me.
I took it upon myself to slide off his basketball shorts, eyeing the man in front of me in all his naked glory.
“No boxers or briefs huh? You were thinking of getting lucky today weren’t you?” Kissing his chest softly, my hands gripped onto his ass tightly, gaining a moan from him.
In a blink of an eye, he yanks the rest of my clothes off, throws them somewhere in the room and made me jump up. Wrapping my legs around his waist, to continue the kiss, he laid us both on the bed.
“You’re the first woman I’ve ever gotten intimate with on this level. Face to face, pure and raw intensity. Just close.” He whispered in my ear hotly, as his fingers dragged along my curves. Making the room seem hotter than it already was.
“So far, you’re doing everything right.” In one hand I held the back of his neck while the other, yanked him by his chain around his neck, back to down to kiss me. His tongue fought for dominance with my own, a shaky moan erupted through my body once again.
The movement of his hips against mine were orgasmic and sensual. His weight on top of me, felt so delicious. I trusted him enough to not use a condom this time versus all the other times. Who knew that kissing could get you off.
“Geneva, do we-”
“No. I trust you. Remember what I told you? I trust you.” Nodding in more confirmation, I brushed my hips another time to get him inside me. I knew for a fact that I was not about to go to work in the morning and I didn’t care.
Smiling up at him, deep into his green-hazel speckled eyes, I saw a man that shown me so much love these past few months. A man who really cares for me deeply; physically, mentally and spiritually.
“Then I guess we can.” He captures my lips with his once again, lacing our fingers together above my head in an exultant feeling all over. My body overheated; I felt him rut against me, as I squeezed his fingers tight.
He broke the kiss to let me know to fully relax. I did so, and felt my velvet walls being stretched deliciously by by his hardened dick. I moaned sharply, arching my back off the black sheets, and dragged my nails up and down his back. We came once again just off of us humping each other.
My legs went back around his hips and constricted him like a python, egging him on even more to go faster. Letting out mini yells of his name along with multiple phrases in Romanian and German. His hands gripped my thighs tight.
“Lil Mama, come here.” He sat back, pulling out of me. I felt an emptiness, craving for him to be back inside me. He pulled me on to his lap, I sunk back down on instinct. I could tell he was chasing his 3 orgasm with me, so this next one was about to be ruthless.
The temperature increased; his hands hot and heavy on my hips, helping me rotate up and down. Forward and back, this time going with the rhythm of the music. I held the back of his head, gripping for dear life, resting my head on his as I went faster.
“Ah ah- fucking shit! Right there. Oh come on daddy.” I whined digging my nails deeper into his shoulder, feeling my 3rd orgasm coming faster. He looked me dead in my eyes and spoke with such dominance.
“Don’t call me daddy unless you trying to make me one.” Once he growled that against my lips, I purred back at him and caught his tongue with my lips, sucking gently. His eyes went big at how frisky the move was. I pushed him on his back, squeezing his dick inside me again and closing my eyes tight at the feeling of him. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes tight at the feeling.
I whispered against his lips, “If you play your cards right, maybe we can talk about kids. But I need a ring first.
“Only way I’d see it happening, baby girl.” One final kiss session, feeling the vibes again with one of my songs playing on my phone. Rolling my hips sinfully, leaning my head back and gripping my hair I gasped sharply.
“I’m so close…”
“I am too. Let go with me baby girl.” He leaned up, kissing my chest, sucking one of my nipples in his mouth and then moved his thumb against my clit. My orgasm erupted before his own.
I moved quick and fast to slide off him and take him in my mouth. He had to get off by the end of the night or I wouldn’t feel good about it. Tasting myself on his dick, made me wet all over again.
“Shit baby- goddamn.” He held the back of my head, I relaxed my jaw and used my tongue to my leverage. I had him whimpering like a little kid, and I loved it. Using one of my hands to get the rest of him in my mouth, I kissed his thighs a bit before going back at it.
He smacked my ass one good time, which made me moan around his throbbing dick. He released down my throat, I swallowed every drop and crawled back up his sweaty body. Kissing him gently, rubbing my nose with his.
“You smacked my ass like you own it.”
“I kinda do, draga. I kinda do.” He smirked at my gasp, as I hit him playfully.
Stretching a bit, I sat up and smiled at him.
“I trust you remember that ok?” I reminded him. He nodded sweetly and pulled me back down onto his chest. Which was heaving up and down a bit.
“Shower or sleep? Or both?” I traced shapes on his chest gently, hiking my leg over his.
“Both. I’ll even switch the sheets out. Plus I owe you in the morning.” Picking me up bridal style towards my master bathroom, I let out a sweet giggle.
“Definitely gonna need that cause I’m not into work tomorrow.” Loving the feel of the bow water on my body and my hair, I helped him wash his hair and he did mine.
After what seemed like hours, we were both dressed: the sheets were changed and the room was cooler. Falling asleep to his voice made it easier and the nightmares were gone.
“I could stay like this forever with you.” Is what I could’ve sworn I heard him say, but I was too deep into my sleep to pay attention. I couldn’t see myself with anyone else.
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Falling for the enemy (Mike Wheeler Soulmate au)
Sorry it took so long it was hard for me to find a place I could take my laptop that has wifi cuz I currently don’t have any internet at my house (thank god for unlimited data imma right?) anyway......
Warnings: none? ??mentions of a bra?? (oooh so scary)
aged up 17
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You and Mike Wheeler have always been ones to bud heads. No one really knew why, but something about one another just set the other off. Sharing mutual friends, the two of you tried to avoid each other as much as possible. Mostly because it wasn't fair to your friends when the two of you would just be bickering the whole time,  but also because you couldn't stand each other. 2 months ago on the day of your 17th birthday you searched your body for the name of your soulmate. After a short search you found something that displeased you so much you nearly jumped out the window of the second story bathroom. On the back of your right shoulder read the name Michael Wheeler. You nearly screamed.
  "Why the fuck is this my life. Why do things like this always happen to me! I mean come on, what did I do to deserve this!!" You shouted, ranting to your sister.
"Maybe its punishment for disturbing your sister's sleep all the time." Your sister rolled over shoving her head into her pillow.
For a person who likes to wear clothing that reveals your shoulders, you were cursing yourself for being born in July. Short sleeves for the rest of the summer it is. Thankfully you weren't a huge a fan of swimming, and if you really wanted to you could do so with just your sister since your grandmother has a pool. It was now September and you have successfully kept your secret for 2 months. The main reason you didn't tell any of your friends was because all of your friends knew Mike, so basically the less people know the less of a chance someone accidently tells him. Also because if they knew they would most likely taunt you about it due to you and Mikes animosity towards each other. Over the past months you have been less harsh and sarcastic to Mike. As a result he ,surprisingly, has been too. But unfortunately that has caused Max, El, and the boys to invite the both of you to hang around each other more. And as a result to that, one of the things that you had feared most this whole time has finally come to pass. You were starting to develop feelings for Mike Wheeler. You knew it was inevitable, but you still wanted to hurl yourself off a cliff the day you looked over at Mike from across the room while he was laughing and smiling, and thought to yourself Damn he's freaking adorable."
It had been about a week since that happened and today you found yourself in a bit of a sticky situation, literally. How literal you ask, well you were at the Wheeler's helping Dustin with his Home ec. project so I'll just let you think about that for a moment. Him and the boys were having a sleep over at Mike's over the weekend, but cookies were due on Monday and it was Sunday night so Mrs. Wheeler was nice enough to let Dustin use the kitchen. Will had brought a cool new movie for everybody to watch and since you were there while they were making the plans he invited you to come watch too; posing the perfect time for Dustin to suggest you helping him with his cookies cuz he's not doing great in that class.
"That's what you get for choosing a class solely based on how many cute girls you think are gonna be in it."
"Wait, that means you're gonna help me, right!?! (Y\N)?!!" Dustin yelled to you as you walked down the hall. When you got the cookie's out of the oven and onto the cooling rack, Dustin was looking for something to help put a little pizzazz, as he would say, on the cookies. That's when he would come across caramel, and it all went down hill from there. You and Dustin stood there laughing as you were almost all covered in caramel.
"Anybody have a shirt I can borrow?" You yelled towards the living room. Soon Lucas, Will, and Mike came into the kitchen to see your mess
. "Cookie's are done" Dustin smiled. "You guys better clean all of this up or Mike's mom is gonna kill you." Will laughed. You looked around at all the dirty dished and cringed. "Damn I wish I had a camera so I could show Max this" Lucas added. "Follow me I'm sure we have something old of Nancy's in her room" Mike headed up the stares and you quickly followed.
"No offense, but Nancy's clothes are totally not my style" You quipped.
"Oh, so what you wanna borrow one of mine." Slight sarcasm laced the teenage boys voice.
"Well I'm not just gonna walk around topless." Mike shook his head concealing a laugh.
"The bathroom is right over there, I'll knock when I have something." You walked over to the bathroom and tried to rinse the caramel out of your hair, and took off your shirt so you could put it in the laundry. Thankfully you hardly got anything on your jeans. Mike knocked on the door and you quickly opened it.
"Just put it on the counter." You told him as you turned around picking up your dirty shirt from the floor.
"Woah" Mike was caught off guard when he noticed the writing on your shoulder.
"Dude its just a bra." You turned back and holding out the shirt out for him. You noticed his face was pale.
"What?" You were confused as to why he was acting like this, completely forgetting the fact that his name was permanently placed on your shoulder. "My name is on your shoulder." Your jaw dropped as you remembered.
"Shit." you sighed.
"I'm your soulmate" He said in disbelief.
"Uh yeah" You quickly put on Mike's shirt and nervously brushed passed him and ran down stairs. When you got down stairs you rolled up your sleeves and helped Dustin with the dishes. Soon afterwards Mike came down stairs and excused Dustin from the kitchen.
"So..." Mike awkwardly let out as he grabbed a sponge and the measuring cups "I guess that's the reason you have been nicer to me lately." You internally groaned, not wanting to have this conversation.
"Uh yeah I guess so." You kept your focus on what you were doing in front of you, but you could feel Mike staring.
"Does anybody else know?" the boy questioned.
"Just my sister." You rinsed out the bowl then handed it to Mike, "Here dry that. I didn't tell anybody else cuz I didn't want it coming back to you."
Mike nodded his head in understanding. "Well I mean I was gonna find out eventually."
"Yeah, I just thought it would be easier if you found out on your own." Mike decided to cut the tension,"Well, You look nice in that shirt."
You looked down and laughed. "Its surprisingly comfy. Your mom has good taste." you teased.
"I pick out my own clothes" He rolled his eyes and defended himself.
"Wow, really I'm surprised." And for once instead of the usual huffing and puffing dick measuring contest , the both of you just laughed and finished the dishes.
*from the living room*
"What the heck is that all about?" Lucas pointed out to the boys. Now all of there heads were turned from the TV to kitchen as they watched their friends actually get along for once.
"Alternate universe. Gotta be" Dustin stated.
"What do you think happened up there?" Will and the rest of the boys were left puzzled till Mike's birthday when they finally found out. To say the very least they were shocked.
taglist: @campcampie​
243 notes · View notes
silvensei · 6 years
Ritsu, the smart student with budding supernatural powers that he is, learned the best way to sneak out of the house is to just leave his body behind.
Words: 6k
So I wasn’t planning on writing another one, but @hydrachea went and was a muse again like the day after I posted Complementary, so. Two weeks later, here we are. 
A continuation of a scenario that will be linked in a reblog because links, ‘member? Also on AO3! (also in reblog!)
The thump of feet landing outside his window and subsequent clambering at said window would’ve startled most people. Ritsu was used to it by now. He even left the window cracked for this very reason.
Catching a handhold, Shou opened the sliding glass door to his bedroom and poked his head in. He found Ritsu at his desk, just closing up a textbook. “Bro, we gotta go!”
Ritsu raised an eyebrow. He clicked his pen and set it back in its cup with its mates.
His friend jumped into the room proper and hopped from foot to foot, eyes wide, impatient, like Ritsu was holding them up. “Go where?” Ritsu asked when he didn’t expound further on his own.
“To the Pokémon midnight release! Ritsu, come on, we’ve been talking about it for days! I thought you were the smart one!”
“Yeah, but I thought it was a given that I can’t go. It’s already after ten.” He glanced at the clock: 10:12 PM.
“But this game, man! I need someone to trade with!”
“I can just get it tomorrow after school. It’s not the end of the world.” Ritsu pushed his chair back and stood up.
He didn’t get the chance to put his notebook back in his bag, stopped by Shou gripping his shoulders, staring him in the eye. “But they’re only giving out keychains of the starters tonight.”
He knew that; even if he didn’t listen to Shou’s obsessions, his classmates have been talking about it all month. “You know I can’t. My parents are extra vigilant these days, what with exams coming up.”
“But don't you wanna go?”
Ritsu looked at him. He did. He did want to go. But his parents had been strict about their curfew, and both he and Shigeo weren’t allowed out late at night. He understood why. He knew the importance of sleep and the dangers of a city at night.
But Pokémon.
He shook his head. “It’s a school night, and I need to sleep. School may not be your thing but I have grades to uphold.”
“But—!” Shou cut himself off with a small whine, biting his bottom lip. He tightened his grip on his sleeves as he frantically tried to think of a solution. Ritsu gave him a moment to try, after which he was going to shake him off, send him on his way, then get ready for bed. He was just about to do that when he heard, “Doesn’t just your body need sleep?”
“Wh... What?”
Shou perked up. He had found a lead. “And it’s just your body that has to be here! You could leave it here to get some shut eye and ride along with me to the game store!”
His breath caught. Back at it again with possession, but this time suggesting that he do the possessing. “I— Shou, I—” he protested, trying to grasp something, “I can’t astral project, and I don’t know if I’d want to do that to you just for a keychain, and sleep has mental and emotional benefits outside of the physical, too, like—”
“Duuude, c’mon, it’ll be fine! It’s not that hard to learn, and I don’t care about my body, and it’s only fair, right?”
Stomach knotting like it always did when this topic came up, Ritsu stepped back and out of Shou’s reach. “It doesn’t have to be fair, it’s possession. Even the name implies partiality.”
He could see a grin starting to creep onto his face. Oh no. “Nah, nah, nah, dude, it’s cool, normal rules don’t apply to us, ‘member?” He drummed his newly-freed fingers against his thigh and added, “And I gotta check out what the big deal with this thing is anyway. I’m like the only one that hasn’t been possessed yet.”
“It’s not a competition!”
“Ritsu, come on. I swear it'll be fine.” Shou stopped, having stated his case and now waiting for an answer. He held his lip between his teeth again. “I want you to come with me.”
The decision's on him. And there was a right answer. He was thirteen, it was Monday, he had a test in two days, and his life wasn't at risk. He should decline. He should curl up in bed and enjoy some sleep, leaving Shou to his delinquency.
Then he remembered how boring that would be.
Ritsu pursed his lips. “The fact still stands that I don’t know how to astral project.”
Shou nodded. “Young Padawan, it is time for a lesson in the psychic arts.” He sat on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest, his aura faintly flickering into view around him.
Ritsu sighed. Here goes nothing. He crossed his legs and sat down with his back against his desk. “So, how do I...go about this?” he asked.
“Fire up your powers; seems easier that way.”
He took a breath. His last chance to just go to bed.
He felt his skin tingle as his aura lit up, a glittering blue mosaic ionizing the air. His hair shifted in the lessened gravity. “Alright.”
Shou’s own aura emboldened into a more defined shape, but it still was a shadow of what it normally was. That’s right, he realized, I’m supposed to be the one going ghost, not him. “So your powers are you turning an idea into a force that you send out into the world, yeah?” He held up his hands as he spoke, absently bouncing a ball of energy between them. “Once you get used to them, you might not know exactly what the idea is anymore because it becomes an instinct instead of a thought, but it’s still there. So to project, instead of using your powers as a conduit for the idea to leave your head, use them so that you can.”
“Just...follow my powers?” He was right: It did sound simple.
“Pretty much.”
He couldn’t help a small, inquisitive frown. “Why haven’t more people done this, then?”
Shou shrugged. “Many can’t. Most don’t try. A lot of espers find one thing they can do then stick to it. Then there’s also that most espers don’t have a high enough power level to be able to remember it if they do actually project. You’re just held together by psychic energy without your body, so you gotta have a lot of it to function on the same level as usual.”
That was concerning. “And you’re sure I’ll be fine if I—?”
“Of course, dude! I wouldn’t’ve even suggested this if I wasn’t sure you could handle it. You’ve got more skill than you realize.”
“Oh.” Ritsu looked away, a bit embarrassed at the unsolicited praise. Why was he doing this. He allowed himself a brief smile before closing his eyes and muttering, “Okay…. Just follow my powers to...wherever they go.”
The thrum of energy wove through his skin. Apparently, there was an idea at the core of it; of what, he hadn't the foggiest, so he tried to make another: He wanted his powers to pick something up. How about his discarded notebook, wherever that wound up? Easy. The energy moved to concentrate in his hands, spilling over into the room, exerting a slight force on everything as it searched out its target. He tried to follow it, to picture its path in his mind’s eye.
After a minute or two—after he was about to give up and declare perpetual corporeality—a faint trail appeared amid the phosphenes behind his eyelids, a blue leading away from him that grew stronger when he noticed it, a hazy mosaic pattern cracking its color. He hesitated, just for a moment. Then he changed the idea. Instead of sending a generic, nameless force, he pictured sending his consciousness, sending himself—
Everything felt light for some reason.
The room melted into view around him, just blurred around the edges, through clouded glass. He wondered why that was. When he tried to ask, the words refused to form. That was weird. He couldn’t really feel his mouth either. He reached up to check if it were still— did he have hands? The only movement he saw was a shape of smoke appear in front of his face. Why would he be smoke?
A waving of green and white along with what was possibly sound bubbling through the fog caught his attention. There was a figure sitting below him: green torso, blue legs, orange head, even more orange haloing him. Shou’s aura seemed really bright, or maybe it was just because it was the clearest thing through all this haze. His mouth was moving at breakneck speeds. What was he gesturing at?
He looked down. He couldn’t see his feet—oh wait, there they were, a meter or so away, tucked under the crossed legs of a figure slumped against a desk. He couldn’t recognize them through the hair shading their face, but he liked how it was styled. Reminded him of his own hair. Or that was his hair. Why was his hair all the way over there with his body, dropped lifeless after he left?
Oh. Right.
Ritsu shook whatever now passed as his head as he recalled his situation. He’s a spirit now, or a mind held together by energy. He had to focus on his powers, then, since he couldn’t rely on Newtonian physics anymore. As soon as he realized that, he felt coalesced, contained, thoughts running more smoothly.
“—na grab one of those pens— you don’t snap out of it, Imma draw dicks all over— Earth to Kageyama! Come in, Kageyama!”
He turned his full attention to Shou, his aura still the only point of clarity in the room. He still couldn’t answer as he did in fact not have a mouth, but he nodded and tried to drift down to eye level. It took some getting used to.
Shou applauded, his grin not as toothy but just as bright. “Told ya!” he cheered. “Not so hard, ain’t it? The hard part is keeping your head straight as a spirit, and all you gotta do is be smart about it.”
Floating just above the ground now, Ritsu glanced back at his body. He worried a bit about whether sitting limply like that was good for his posture, but what he noticed most was the lack of emotional response. He should be feeling some serious vertigo or whiplash or something, but there was nothing there. When he had hormones and neurotransmitters again, he’d feel sickened by his apathy.
“So?” He turned back to Shou as he prompted, “You gonna take the wheel or what?” He stretched his legs out in front of him, drumming on his knees for a second before holding his arms open. “C’mon, it’s like a ghost hug. Doesn’t hurt.”
Ritsu thought through the situation once more. He should be uncomfortable at the notion of body hopping, of rejecting his existence as a singular physical being and foregoing nature to possess another. However. He didn’t have a stomach that could practice gymnastics at the moment.
What he did have were thoughts, including that he was curious what it was like from the other side and that he was certain of the banality of the alternative.
What the hell, he concluded before drifting forward, reaching out to grab hold of...something. Whatever he could find.
He hit a psychic wall briefly before it disappeared, but it was enough to throw off his momentum, tripping him into a tumble from tangerine into blackness. He fell, possibly for only moments, before something seemed to snap. Like running a finger along a switchboard, his senses reconnected, turning on one-by-one in such quick succession that he couldn’t discern the order. One moment he was nothing, then the next he was on the ground with a phantom jolt, fabric rubbing his skin and air in his chest, until finally a projector slide of his room dropped in front of his eyes. He blinked, but the view stayed the same, solid and real, as if the last minutes hadn’t happened.
His arms ached a touch, hanging out into space. His wrist felt weird, too; not painful, but certainly not right. Ritsu pulled his hands into his lap, holding his right wrist and rolling his hand in slow circles. His sleeves were off-white, his hands too pale, his vision unobstructed by bangs—all minutiae that added together into an experience that was slightly, unsettlingly off.
He swallowed and asked, “You alright?”
Fuck, the timbre was all wrong.
A thought appeared in his head that sounded like Shou whispering, Wicked.
“You say that every time.”
And you say that like it’s a bad thing.
Pressing his palms together, Ritsu bent his hands—Shou’s hands—back and forth. “What’s up with your wrists? They feel...not great.”
I dunno, they’re always like that. I thought it was normal, but yours aren’t the same.
He hated that Shou knew what his wrists felt like. That’s such a weird statement. Back in possession of internal organs, they were able to resume their somersaults at his discomfort.
Ritsu pushed himself off the ground, standing to his full height. Shou was a bit shorter than him but without any obvious point of reference, he couldn’t notice the difference. He tugged his cuffs into place over his wrists and ran a hand along an unfamiliar jaw. He didn’t have time to ask himself how jaws could be unfamiliar before he stopped short at the sight of himself—of his body. His breath caught with the sense of vertigo that washed over him, the very sense he knew he was missing earlier. He didn’t even notice he had stepped closer until he crouched in front of it.
Wack, isn’t it? Shou commented. All he had to go off of was the tone of Shou’s mental voice, but he could picture him reclining, arms pillowing his head. Ritsu didn’t answer as he reached out to lift the body’s chin. It was like looking in a mirror, only...not. Not at all. His face looked pale, peaceful, like he was sleeping, but his head felt heavy in his hand. Like dead weight. A chill pricked at the back of his neck. Was he technically dead?
You gonna kiss or what?
“What?!” he yelped, Shou’s voice hitting the next octave as he shied back, throwing his hands out to catch himself before he hit the ground. Then, startled into action by his body falling over, he pushed forward to catch its shoulders, ramming one into his desk drawer. He cringed at how that was going to ache when he got back.
I don’t blame ya, continued the voice in his head. How many opportunities do you get to kiss yourself?
His tightened his grip on his shirt—or his body’s shirt—his original body’s shirt—to steady himself, frazzled from the brief adrenaline rush. “A lot, apparently! You’ve possessed me like, three times! And as far as I remember, you haven’t made out with yourself at all!”
I’m not, like, completely opposed to the idea, but they’re kinda practically dead without us, y’know? That’s just weird then, like kissing a corpse. Not my kink. And also you would be there, too, and it seemed awkward to just do that without asking, but like, how do you phrase that question to begin with. Wasn't worth the effort.
Ritsu scrunched his nose, growing more uncomfortable by the second. He wanted to change the subject. Without another topic in mind, though, he settled for ignoring Shou and wrapping his body in a telekinetic net. Hair swimming in the aura, it floated limp on the energy, rising a few feet off the ground. He directed it to his bed, standing as he watched it drift. He couldn’t shake the vaguely somber atmosphere of it all.
It bounced on his mattress when he let go. Rolling it onto its side so he didn’t have to look at his own face, he pulled the covers into place over it. Looked normal enough.
Dude, it’ll be fine. It’s only in a coma.
Ritsu took a breath. “Maybe, but it’s still uncomfortable to….” He fumbled his words, the knot in his stomach tightening. “To...be on the outside.”
You don’t have to keep staring at yourself, then.
Ritsu tore his eyes from his messy hair peeking over the blankets and nested his hands in Shou’s jacket pockets. “Morbid curiosity.”
That’s true. You’re first out-of-body experience does something to your view of self. He trailed off for a moment. You alright to come along?
“After all that, now you ask me?” He gave his bed one last look before flicking off the lights. “Come on.”
Fuck yeah!
Stepping out onto his balcony, he turned his powers on himself as he slid the door closed. With a thought he was on the ground, walking down the street into town.
Shou made some kind of noise, one Ritsu couldn’t decipher without the corresponding body language. You can fly us, y’know. Or I can.
“Yeah, rather not,” he said, trying to keep his voice low. There was no one around, but in the quiet night, unaccustomed to his voice, he was worried it would carry further than expected. “It was tough enough to get used to our powers when you possessed me; I’d guess it’s different in this configuration, too.”
I dunno, maybe! Gimme that— And like that, his right arm went cool. It wasn’t the spiking numbness that he felt when thrown out of control before. He might’ve thought it merely a breezy evening if he wasn’t wearing a long-sleeved jacket and also if his arm didn’t move on its own. His hand reached up and snapped, sparking into existence a ruby-orange pulse that wove through his fingers and collected into a vibrating ball. He didn’t realize he was pushed back until Shou said, “Feels the same to me, dude.”
Losing control wasn’t nearly as drastic as before. It was like comparing getting misted with a spray bottle to being thrown into the ocean. He drifted in this vague awareness, pulled along for the ride as Shou continued walking. Their gait changed with the pilot, more pep peppered into their step.
Of course it feels the same, it’s your body, but I’m new here, and I don’t want to be flung into the air without being absolutely sure of our abilities.
“Alright, alright. You are the smart one. Next time.” Shou rolled the ball along his knuckles before flicking it into the air.
Ritsu caught it, watching aquamarine swirl into it as he rolled it in his palm. “Always with the ‘next time’s,” he muttered. He hadn’t meant to take over; he just fell to the front. After tossing the ball onto the sidewalk to see it firework on impact and fizzle out, he decided to voice his observations.
Yeah, I noticed that. I had to really focus on taking over to do it. Like not really focus, but more so than in your body. Maybe the possessor is the default designated driver.
“That doesn’t sound safe for the host.”
Well, what do you expect? You’re pure energy right now; of course you’d get a leg up in mental tug o’ war.
“But what about people without any powers? If they get possessed by an evil spirit...?” A chill ran down his spine. That could’ve been him not too long ago. “They wouldn’t have any say in anything.”
A hum buzzed between his ears. That’s what exorcists are for. But don’t worry, dude, we’re good. I can always kick you out if you get too malevolent.
“That’s reassuring.” It was said out of snark but it actually did help assuage his worry, knowing he and Shou had some defense against possession. It was better than most people could rely on.
As they neared downtown, the streets grew more populated. One person they passed gave him a brief look. It was probably because of Shou’s ostentatious hair, but it made Ritsu self-conscious of how he was walking along as an imposter. “So are we just not going to talk this whole time?” he asked under his breath, pausing to let the next person to pass. “Because the whole ‘talking to yourself while wandering at night’ thing isn’t great for appearances.”
It’s the technological age, Ritsu. I’ve got this. He noticed the shift this time, the gentle offsetting of his senses that pushed him to the passenger seat. Shou dug around in his pockets while Ritsu theorized why things felt different than the previous times (Because I’m not completely rooted in the body? I’m a visitor anyway?) until he snagged some headphones. “Problem solved!” he announced as he put them in. After a second, he plugged the jack into his phone to make it fully convincing. “Everyone talks to themself when on the phone.”
That’ll work.
“That’ll work!” Unlocking his phone, Shou grinned as he opened the camera. The front camera was already defaulted, giving Ritsu a sudden look at his face: bright hair, brighter smile, and oh-so-dark eyes. Shou hesitated. “Oh, shit.”
What? Quid pro quo, Shou. I got your eyes, you get mine.
“Yeah, I know, as expected, but….” He brought his camera closer, his face getting an odd glow from the screen’s light. “I didn’t think it would be this dramatic. I look….” Grin faltering, he said, “Even with the ginger thing, I look real boring. I can’t intimidate anyone like this. The piercing gaze is my thing, man, y’know?”
Ritsu would’ve smirked if he could. As a matter of fact, Shou, I do know.
“It’s just...weird.” Their head turned back and forth, watching the screen. Shou paused mid-stride in one position and snapped a picture. Blinking away the flash, he zoomed in on the image. “Hey, you’ve kinda got a bit of red in there, too,” he noted.
Technically, they’re russet and amber.
“Amber, schmamber. It’s red and it’s rad.”
I guess, but it only shows up in bright light. It’s caused by patches of low melanin in the iris so that when light reflects—
“Ritsu, I appreciate you and your trivia knowledge very much, but I’m not gonna remember that. It’s just hella sweet that you’ve got red eyes with your anime-ass hair.”
You’re one to talk. How much gel do you go through a week?
“Touché.” His phone returned to his pocket, but he didn’t continue walking. Ritsu felt a touch of confusion before realizing they were waiting at a crosswalk. The light changed, letting Shou jog across the street and the remaining few blocks.
They saw the crowd before they saw the store itself, a line of people chattering excitedly amongst themselves. Shou jumped into place at the end and bounced from foot to foot. “Bro, I am so pumped!” he gushed. The girl in front of him turned for a moment before noticing his headphones and returning to her DS.
The energy was infectious. Ritsu smiled, content. He didn’t have a mouth with which to actually smile, but the intent was still there. Do you know which starter you’re going to pick? he asked. They had a while to wait. Plenty of time to converse.
“Oh, I always go fire, man.” He settled into a stance, resting his weight on one leg and hooking a hand in his pocket, leaving the other to gesture in the air. “My Cyndaquil back in the day? She was great. I called her Cyndi. Cyndi the Cyndaquil, ‘cause Cyndi’s ‘bout to kill. Loved her.”
But the first gym is usually rock- and/or ground-themed, and fire isn’t effective against either. And since the water and grass gyms often follow soon after, a grass type would be the most logical for low levels.
“Pshhh.” He waved his hand. “Who needs logic when you have love and chutzpah?”
Ritsu laughed—actually laughed; he felt their chest shaking, his own type of smile on their face, Shou’s voice mimicking his thoughts. Dumbass…, he muttered in their head.
Shou cleared his throat, reigning it back under control. “You just have to work that much harder from the beginning. A challenge mode, if you will.”
Shou rubbed his nose and leaned against the building they waited by, watching the occasional car come and go. After staying like that for a moment, Ritsu guessed he was listening in on the excited chatter of their companions. Ritsu would be fine with that, some eavesdropping and people-watching was a good pastime, but another idea came to him instead. Mentally, he tried to copy Shou’s pose: hand in jeans pockets, thumb hanging on belt loop, shoulders loose, head against wall, more weight on his left foot than right. Once he thought he had it right, he tried to add in physical feeling: pressure on his palm and thumb, rough brick digging into his back, headphones plugging his ears—until he felt the ground underfoot before he imagined it.
He blinked. It didn’t take much at all to slip to the front. Was it natural for a bodiless entity to want to be corporeal? Or was he just that much more psychically versatile as a collection of energy? Or Shou just let him take over, but based on his silence, Ritsu doubted he had noticed. Whatever the case, it was mere conjecture for now; he put it to the side and instead listened to a nearby pair debate game strats.
Hey, Ritsu, if I were a Pokémon, what type— hey, hold up. He heard a smile pitch up his voice. You sneaky bastard! When did you—?!
“A couple minutes ago.”
The subsequent noises in his brain tugged a smirk to his lips. Oh! The betrayal! The deceit! To be taken advantage of like so! I thought you were my friend, Ritsu, but nay, to have my very flesh robbed from my grasp! The subterfuge! I’m feeling so fuckin’ attacked right now!
“So when you want to try something, it’s novel and exciting, but when I do it, it’s a crime against you personally. I see.” Ritsu rotated his wrist a few times before crossing his arms. “And I think it’s pretty obvious you’d be a fire-type, given both our conversation and your history.”
Jeez, dude, will you just let it go?
“Maybe fire and fighting.”
Well, you'd be a dark type on account of all this shade you're throwing!
“I'll accept that. They're pretty good.”
No argument? Just gonna take it?
“It's accurate.”
He barked a laugh. You fuckin’ smartass, c'mere!
Ritsu felt a pressure in his head. Shou managed to snag his hand and flip him off before he wrangled it back, gripping his sleeve. He felt a prickling along the back of his neck from an aura; he wasn’t sure if it was his or not. “Nah, I’ve got the high ground here, Suzuki,” he said with a smirk, closing his eyes. “It’s gonna take a lot more than that.”
Fuckin’ try me, Kageyama!
He shifted his feet into a more stable stance, but outside of that, it was a game of mental Twister, trying to keep control. The smirk more or less remained throughout it all as Ritsu tried to stand his ground, his aura dancing on his skin as support. Shou managed to wrestle complete control only twice: The first, soon after the challenge was declared, when he fired up his powers to forcibly pull Ritsu back. Once Shou was able to feel the sharp headache that suddenly caused, though, he held back, and Ritsu was able to use his wincing and hiss of pain to tackle him from behind. The second, Ritsu had slipped up; Shou caught a foot and slid it forward, throwing Ritsu off-balance and stumbling out of his senses. Shou stepped in with a subtle victory fist pump before Ritsu was able to do the same thing right back.
The third time, Ritsu let him win. Alright, alright, he laughed, fine, take it.
Shou adjusted their smile to his own. “Well played, dude! Now that’s what I call a mental workout! How much time did that kill?” He lit up his phone screen. 11:28 PM. He tch-ed. “Not enough.”
Ritsu relaxed, finally able to kick back and put his metaphorical feet up. Don’t worry about it. It’ll go by quick enough.
Digging around in his pocket for a moment, Shou retrieved a compact stylus. “What should I draw?” he asked, opening an app.
I dunno.
“Fat lotta help you are.” He thought for a moment before pulling the stylus out to pen length with his teeth. He opened a new canvas in the app and drew a handful of circles and ovals around the page. Ritsu watch, unsure if it was a bit he should laugh at, until Shou zoomed in on one and changed the brush color. The stylus sketched around the shape, occasionally adding crescent curves and spikes protruding from the rough outline, hatching the bottom to give it a spherical shape. In under a minute, he dotted a nose to finish a little hamster holding a strawberry.
Ritsu watched him finish another hamster—this one sleeping on its side—before he said, I didn’t know you sketched.
“Sure you did.” He furrowed his brow and glanced upward, implying shooting a confused look Ritsu’s way, before moving to a third circle.
I mean, I knew you draw, but I imagined it was, like, setting aside an afternoon with a whole collection of pencils. I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t expect a bunch of round hamsters on your phone.
“I’ll have you know, this one’s a hedgehog,” he corrected, adding more quills. “And yeah, man, any drawing is practice. Quick shape studies and gestures are great for doodling on the go.”
“Wanna try?”
“Here.” Shou panned the canvas back to his first hamster, drew another circle next to it, and held up the stylus. “Just try to draw it again.”
Ritsu hesitantly took the hand and pen, holding it for a second before sitting down at the helm. “I don’t know how to draw.”
Just copy what you see.
He sighed, but he tapped the stylus on the screen anyway. A collection of dots appeared. He undid the inputs and tried to mimic what Shou had done, roughing out the outline to give the impression of fur. It was a bit of an uneven shape. Adding in the lumpy strawberry, round hands, and eyes that were too big, it did end up looking like an animal. Whether it was a hamster or not was up for debate. “How’s that?” he asked reflexively, immediately regretting it.
Not bad, not bad! It’s cute! It’s shaped like a friend!
“Doesn’t look much like a hamster. Like, I know it’s a simplified drawing, but yours is still recognizable.”
Maybe so, but you gotta start everything from somewhere, and it’s easier to modify an existing image than to keep fretting over it in your head. Plus there’s more art in the world now because of it.
“Well, aren’t you inspirational.” It was a nice thought, though. He handed the pen back, ducking once again into the passenger’s seat like stepping through morning mist. Maybe that’s why your wrist feels odd, he pointed out to take the attention off of him. Maybe you’re not drawing right.
Shou panned to the next circle and said, “It’s just drawing. How is there a wrong way to draw?”
I don’t know, like putting too much pressure on the tendons or the joints.
“It’s just drawing, though, not running a marathon. It’s not like I can warm up before drawing.”
Are you sure about that?
He grumbled, drawing another hamster. “I guess not….”
Ritsu metaphorically shook his head. At least they found one beneficial use of possession: mediocre self-diagnosis.
The next half hour passed quickly. Shou filled in most of the circles with various small animals (and one smirking, blue-eyed Ritsu to torment his companion. Ritsu was indeed tormented. He’d never feel right about that warped reflection of himself). He narrated as he went, describing how he was drawing shapes that looked like animals, not the animals themselves, how hatching and cross-hatching worked, and where to look to draw cleaner circles. Ritsu was fairly certain he was bullshitting a lot of it, but it was interesting to listen to nonetheless.
The rousing of the crowd caught their attention. The compartmentalized chattering became a wave of excitement as the doors opened, the closest barreling through immediately. Turning off his phone and retracting his stylus, Shou put both back in his pocket as he hopped into motion. “Bro—!”
Ritsu would've smiled. I know, man, just go.
Suddenly, he paused. He patted his sides. His face fell. “Dude. I think I forgot my wallet.”
What? You just now—?! He groaned, his hopes crumbling. Leave it to Shou to—wait a second. No, you didn't, it's in your left pocket.
Shou's smirk was back before he finished his thought. “Oh, so it is.”
You son of a bitch.
Ritsu's chastisement and warnings not to do that again (do you know how much I've been through tonight god damn it) only fueled the pep in his step. For being in the middle of a line of a hundred or two, they got in the store fairly quickly, soon wading through the crowd to one of the registers. “Two, please!” he chirped. “One of each.”
The cashier gave him a tired smile. “Sorry, one per person tonight.”
Shou paused. “But we're two.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Ritsu jumped in, easily slipping by his stupefied friend. “I meant I was buying for two. Surely you know it's exam season, and I wouldn't dare let my little brother stay up so late before an important test, so he asked if I would go for both of us.”
“I know, it's crappy timing, but we didn't have a say on the release date. Nothing I can do.”
He put on his best pout, just taking a guess at how it looked on Shou's face. “Is there any way to at least get two keychains?”
She shook her head. “No can do. We might have extras tomorrow, but I doubt it. Maybe if— uh…. Kid, if you're trying to flip me off, first: don't shoot the messenger, and second: that's the wrong finger….”
“What?” Ritsu raised his brow before he realized his hand was up, index finger pointing an orange aura into the air. Of course, she couldn't see the energy. He felt his hand catch something invisible and keychain-sized in a fist accompanied by a whispered, Gotcha!
Ritsu stuffed the prize in his pocket. “No, sorry,” he lied, “I was going to try and make another point for my case but decided against it. I understand.”
“Don't worry, you'll have all the time in the world for midnight releases after college. Now, which game?”
Shou took over again, picking out and paying for his game. Ritsu sat back, his mental self-image sporting a dumbfounded expression. Why hadn't they realized that before. Of course they can't get two when they're in one body. What a rookie mistake.
As soon as he was outside and around the corner, Shou jumped and punched a fist into the air. He hung there a second longer than normal before touching down lightly to continue his walk. “Not the simplest way, but that was a success, my friend!”
I'll still have to come back tomorrow to buy my own copy, though.
“That's fine, that's what you were planning to do anyway! Only now—” he pulled out the little red and white bag from his pocket, “—now you got a limited edition collector's item, too!”
Well, don't keep us waiting. Which is it?
“I got it, man, I got it.” He dug through his shopping bag for the other, held the two together, then ripped off the tops simultaneously and upturned them into his palm. Ritsu caught a glimpse of orange and green before their eyes closed, squeezed shut from his wide grin, and he sung, “Sweet~! Dibs on fire!”
The energy was contagious. Fine by me, he said. He'd smile if he could; fortunately, Shou had it covered enough for both of them.
He looked them over, tracing a thumb over the paintwork before again resting his hand in his pocket. “So, where to next?”
Next? You're not going to go home and play through the night?
“I mean, I could, I really want to, but I can wait until tomorrow for you to get yours. But I mean, anything to do right now while out and about?”
He pictured a shrug. I don't know. I'm not usually out this late to know what there is to do.
“Oh, my friend, you are getting the full tour, then. ‘Seasoning City by Night,’ I call it. It's peaceful, it's dim, it's neon, and it's completely different from the town you thought you knew under the sun! What d'ya say?”
Ritsu thought a moment. He sure hoped his body was getting a full night's sleep without him.
Lead the way.
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matronaa · 6 years
Jungkook “fuckboy?” drabble
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 1,637
Genre: Fluff/mentions of smut?
Okay look its about 1 in the morning while im writing this and i just got done literally scrolling thru @jungshookz  e n t i r e page and honestly ive been delusionally laughing over her stories for like an hour and a half like the tattooartist!jungkook fic legit killed me i love it  and i’m probably going to force my friend to check her out because legit i love it so much and she seems like such a funny person and if she sees this 1) ily and ur writing and i wanna be friends but idk how to start a conversation because im a awKwARd bEan and 2) im sorry for probably spamming ur notifications with likes okay i couldnt help it so now im inspired for the first time in a while to write but im way to loopy to put together an actual fic so enjoy this ig
Okay i should stop rambling (okay just note that im so sleep deprived that i had to google ‘words for excessive talking’ to remember the word rambling because im an idiot and i cant think and ooo its 1:11 am rn make a wish b*tches)
Okay im sorry ill begin~
A/n all of this is completely unedited and if bad grammar annoys you srry not srry
Lets talk about what fuckboy!jungkook is oki
I feel like in reality there are just a bunch of rumors about him but hes so smol and hes the quiet type so he doesnt have the energy to dismiss them
Like im sorry soft jungkook is way to good in my mind rn okay #cuddles4days im not in the mood for him to strangle me with his amazing biceps
you never rlly met him in the 4 years of going to the same highschool as him (since you’re in those smart people classes like humanities) until senior year
You and him had the same AP Lit. class lmao english class is  l i t
Which surprised you bc of the rumors like i thought he was a badboy ?? arent those normally idiots ??
Nah my bby is a smart nugget, he just likes to look hella bf 25/8
First day of school cliche where you show up late to class and have to sit next to him because i  d i e  for those plots okay
But you dont know thats him because you’ve never seen him, so you’re confused on why most of the girls keep glaring at you
But soon enough you catch on and you’re like fml
And then the professor is like “where you are sitting is your assigned seating for the rest of the year” and you’re like f m L
He ends up introducing himself to you because i mean like table buddies
But hes really nervous because hes a cute little bean and you’re hella cute cuz lets be honest ur probably wearing like basic black leggings and a hoodie with your hood over your head to hide the bed hair you didnt feel like brushing that morning
Oh, just me? Okay…
He likes ur name because it rolls off the tongue and he thinks it suits you even tho he doesnt know you
Yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You dont really think hes a fuckboy because he seems so nice and he has the cutest lil bunny smile sEE
That is until after school u end up getting to ur locker late because u left something in one of your classes
And u see him pinning a girl against the lockers down the hall
And ur like well shit nvm
And u quickly get ur shit and go because das  a w k w a r d
But then he sees u run off and hes like awh crap i dun fucked up
A few weeks go by and u notice he barely really comes to class so u usually sit alone
On days he does come his chair seems extra close to yours and he’s basically smothering you
But u dont mind because he smells nice
And on the days he does come you get kinda excited because
1) you get a partner who doesnt expect you to do all of the work
2) this boy cute when he gets all intelligent
Ur  like “yes pls continue speaking about the essay we are writing that i have no idea is on because i kept getting lost in the sound of ur voice”
He notices when u zone out because you start staring at his lips when hes talking and he thinks its the cutest thing
One day u get assigned a week long project and ur close enough friends with jungkook to basically scold and force him to come to class all week
But only if he can force u to come to his house to work on it after school
Which you’re low key nervous of because ur going to a ‘fuckboy’s house’ by yourself
And u dont wanna do the dirty because ur a pure child haha not for long
But you agree anyway
And honestly even after the project is done (which you got an A on) you continue going over to his house because his bed is comfortable and he always has snacks
And his mom loves you
Like legit on days you dont go the next day you do she’s like “wheRE WERE YOU”
When the semester is over the professor lets you pick seats but you both enjoy each other’s company so you stay seated together.
finally ur at his house one day and ur just laying on his bed scrolling thru insta and he’s sitting on his bean bag in the corner on his phone and u look up at him and realise
You like him
Like a lot
And u mentally face palm because this was not supposed to happen
But it happened and you’re too far down the hole to climb out
Sometimes u end up napping at his house after school because his bed is more comfortable than yours and one friday night u wake up in his arms
And its like the best feeling ever
Its so warm and hes so cuddly hes like latched onto you
You stay under the warm blankets before you question when he even got in bed since he was playing video games before you fell asleep
And then his phone lights up and ofc you check it for him bc ur a nosey bitch
But not before you observed how adorable he was while he was sleeping
Nope not creepy at all
its his friend tae texting him (you didn’t really know his friends since you had different friend groups)
You check it and its smth like “stop staring at y/n while shes sleeping and reply u creep”
And you’re like w a t
So you scroll up and see that while u were sleeping jungkook went on a full rant on how cute u are and how whipped he is
And ur like holy fadoodles dis boy likes me
And so u decided to text tae like “this is y/n, does he actually like me”
Which turns into you both having a convo on how thirsty jungkook is until he wakes up
Hes like wtf r u doing and he snatches the phone and reads through your messages with tae while u like sit up to stare at him
And he’s still half asleep so it takes him to realise whats going on
“Omfg y/n i can explain-”
He starts rambling about how long he had been crushing on u and that he didn’t want to tell you because you seemed uninterested so he kept it a secret and never told anyone
And honestly he was freaking out because the onE tiMe he tells anyone that he likes you, you find out
But while he’s rambling you’re coming up with an excuse to text your mom that you’re spending the night at his house, so you just say he’s not feeling well and his parents are gone for the weekend.
Lmao she doesnt care she’s just like “lmao ik ur lying but have fun dont get pregnant”
Or Maybe thats just my mom idk
You have to shut him up by snatching his phone out of his hands and kissing him
When you pull away you’re just like “you talk too much lmao”
You explain to him that you like him too and u just get under the covers again and snuggle up next to him, and he wraps his arms around you
And you stay like that for a while before hes like “its late you should get home”
And you tell him you’re staying the night whether he likes it or not
And he is so down for that
But then you end up just spending the weekend there because why not his parents love you
And every night is just filled with cuddling, watching netflix, making out, late night snacks, etc.
Saturday night he gets a lil touchy and soon enough ur like straddling him and grinding your hips against his
But then he’s like “Ive never done this before” and you c o m b u s t
Ur like aren’t you like the school fuckboy how have you not done this
And he tells you its all just rumors and hes too lazy to set the record straight
And you basically decide to take things slow that night since it was you’re first time too and honestly it was so cute
It wasn’t really steamy rough sex it was more soft fluffy love making that is filled with giggling and exploring and appreciating each other
That was definitely the night you fell in love with him
Which is big because you thought love was gross
The next day you’re cuddling and he’s like “you know ur my gf now”
And ur like duh
You start going on cute dates after that like going to cafes or amusement parks
He loved taking you to the beach during the summer because u looked gr8 in a bikini
You found out you were going to the same college with was fantastic, so you decided to rent an apartment together nearby the campus instead of living in a dorm.
Which normally you’d be against because moving in together so quickly ?? but you felt different like this relationship was going to last
Lmao jk gotcha bitch
My baby is too pure and innocent to cheat
Well innocent until you both get into bed and then oh lord it gets steamy
He wants to experiment with like e v e r y t h i n g and honestly you were down
But ofc you set some boundaries.
There were lines he couldn’t cross
I mean sometimes he tried but you shut that down real quick
Overall your relationship was perfect and you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend
I mean he brought you pizza rolls and dr pepper to ‘study dates’ how could you not love him.
Oml it took me over an hour to write this its like 2:30 am why am i awake anyway imma go to bed now, idk ur name jungshookz but pls write more fanfics i need more to read late at night okay gnite
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cecke8 · 6 years
Your Ginger Housemate - Part 12
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There we go. After long last, Part 12 is here. Sorry for taking so long. It’s not that it was difficult to right, it was just very difficult to figure out the plotline for this one. Hope you guys like it! 
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- Y/n’s POV -
You awoke disorientated, engulfed in darkness. You sat up groggily and rubbed your eyes, it felt as if you had slept for hours upon hours! But that couldn’t be right, could it? It would mean you had missed your alarm, besides, it was pitch black... almost. Slowly, you dragged your body around and lifted your head to see that the blind on your window, which usually allowed light to flood your room, had been forcibly shut and shoved against the glass with a pillow. It had been broken for weeks, and you hadn’t really felt you had the time to fix it. You could only think of one person who would try to help with little to no consideration to what he used.
“Jerome,” you groaned, dropping your head back onto the pillow. (Looks like you just going to have to replace the whole curtain and its railing now.) You couldn’t stay mad at him though, he had gone out of his way to make sure you slept in. So what was he up to? 
As you mulled over possibilities, you heard chuckles from downstairs and remembered your parents were home - alone with him! 
You bolted into action, wrestling your snagged legs out of the sheets and jumping out of bed. Without a second of hesitation, you were whizzing down the hallway and flying down the rickety, wooden staircase skipping two or three steps at a time. You arrived at the dining room entryway puffing.
Three pairs of eyes swivelled to greet you, one set shocked, another set curious and the last very amused. The owner of the shocked eyes was the first to react.
“Aw, good morning sweetpea. How was your sleep?” Your mum asked with a cheery smile, holding a steaming cup of what you presumed to be coffee, tightly with both hands close to her chest. You simply stared, dumbfounded at the scene before you. 
There was Jerome, smirking behind your parents back wearing a khaki t-shirt and slim jeans. Why did he always have to look so good? You shook your head and glanced around the kitchen. 
Pancakes, eggs and bacon had been piled onto four separate plates, and since both your mum and dad were sitting down, it seemed Jerome was the chef.
“It was uh, it was great mum,” you smiled weakly at her and took a seat at the small dining table.
“That’s wonderful honey. Now, let’s let go of the pleasantries, why did you never tell us?” Your mother’s tone changed into a disappointed frown. Your mouth went dry. He didn’t tell them, did he? Of course not, they both seemed far too calm for such facts.
You coughed, “Uhm, what do you mean?”
“I mean, why didn’t you tell us that Tyrone was such a marvellous cook?!”
The tension in your muscles instantly melted away,
“Yes, well, sorry,” you smiled sheepishly. Jerome could cook? Well, Jerome didn’t cook, but Tyrone certainly did. It smelt delicious.
“Well, it’s nothing. I’ve been meaning to pull my weight around here more anyway.” Jerome said it in such an innocent, bashful manner that it could be the maniac ginger that was the act.
Breakfast went without a hitch. Your mum found Tyrone “too charming and far too modest for his own good” while your dad smiled and listened, glancing in your direction from time to time. It made you wonder what he was thinking. And the food was marvellous. You made a mental note to ask about the clothes and cooking as soon as you two were alone. Which didn’t come too late, your mum was dying to see the city and your father was immensely interested in the architecture the city contained, so they were off as soon as they could.
After many waves smiles and air kisses (primarily from your mum) they had driven off and you had shut the door and strode to the kitchen. Expecting a mess, you were shocked to see it was spotless apart from a grinning redhead sitting on the kitchen counter, legs swinging and boots hitting the cupboard door. 
“Imma’ guess you have just a few questions?” Jerome enquired as he held up his hand squinting through the closed gap his fingers made.
You crossed your arms, suddenly very aware that you were still in your pyjamas which weren’t entirely conservative.
“Well, yeah. Of course, I do. Like, where did you learn to cook like that?”
“Oh, that’s easy. I had to cook for my mom all the time. She was too drunk. She would... make me using a variety of, well, let's just say techniques. So I sorta had to learn. Haha, she probably woulda been a fire hazard - never expose alcohol to an open flame.” He giggled at his joke.
You couldn’t help but smile himself, hadn’t you originally thought of Jerome as a fire? Not just his hair and sparking eyes - sparkling never really fit with the mischief and dark humour that was embedded in them - but his unpredictable actions and moods. Unpredictable. Just like a flame. 
Jerome jumped off the counter, a smirk plastered on his face. 
“I dunno why you’re so worked up over all this. Brandon seems to like me, he’s interested in ‘what I do’,” he made quotation signs, grinning broadly, “And well, Patricia loves me!” He threw his arms out wide, clearly pleased with his deceiving performance. He began to strut to the loungeroom. Yes. Strut.
You were flabbergasted. Was Jerome really finding this situation fun? You were turning into a wreck. It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours and already you had chewed your nails down to torn nubs on your right hand, the left was almost complete after this morning.
You followed the overly optimistic ginger, mouth open to point out many worrisome things in this situation, reasons why he shouldn’t be feeling so good about himself right now and was he seriously on the first name basis with your parents already?!
You nearly ran face first into his shoulder as he suddenly halted and spun around. Catching your facial expression, he held your lips together with two fingers.
“C’mon dollface, give it to me this time. I’m good at this.” His eyes twinkled with... pride?
You flicked your head to the side to the loose grip silencing you fell away. Crossing your arms, you walked to the couch and collapsed onto it sideways, exhaling loudly. While you massaged the bridge of your nose, trying to cope with the rising pressure of anxiety once more, you heard Jerome’s footsteps move around to the front of the couch. He crouched down beside and sat down, his back towards you and his fiery head inline with your forearm. His hair always looked so soft and smooth. Why did a psycho care so much about his hair? And more importantly, why did you have to care so much as about a psycho.
Jerome huffed, and you wondered what he was thinking. It was always hard to determine. You strongly believed that just because his face was saying one thing, didn’t entirely mean his mind was the same. And he was so hard to track behaviour wise. His moods flicking between one and another as if there was a switch located in his brain that he, and only he could understand. 
He sighed again, louder and smiled. “I know what I’m doing. I’ve had to act uh... normal before you know.”
You snorted, “Yep. And last time you did you ended up in Arkham. So your really reassuring me Jerome. Please, just shut it.” You didn’t usually take out your stress and anxiety on other people, but today you couldn’t help it.
You felt his shoulder stiffen against your arm. You opened one eye to see his head twitch to the side and back. Jerome turned towards, his face contaminated with furious irritation.
Jerome hadn’t done anything that made you truly scared of him since the beginning. Sure, the things that made him laugh (such as the horror action movies he wanted to watch) and his carelessness for his own and anyone else’s well being made you worry, but he never did anything that gave you any reason to be scared of your own safety around him. 
Maybe you were being hopeful, but it was almost as if he was careful around you. Cautious; weary of reining in the full intensity of his uncontrollable moods. This time, however, in your annoyance, you had hit a nerve. It scared you. 
“It would have all worked if my old creep of a father stayed away from good ol’ detective Gordan,” he hissed.
The hairs on the back of your neck rose as he tilted his head to the side and a truly crazed look filled his eyes while the corners of his mouth curved into a slight smile.
“But nooo. He had to ruin the whole game by telling Jimbo and his twinkie,” he spat.
You realised his hand clenching and unclenching like a piston working to cool down an overheating machine. Whether or not it was working, you were unsure. 
Struggling to find your voice, you croaked out the only words your terrified mind would allow.
“J-Jerome. Please...” Your voice broke before you could finish your plea. Fear constricting your throat.
The switch flicked, and the fire in his eyes burnt out. His eyebrows furrowed for a second as he looked down. When he looked back up at you, it was almost as if he was in turmoil while the small, insane smile that had scared you witless was no more and was instead a clenched jaw. The mood swing left you slightly shocked, but the fear continued to hold you still.
“Jerome?” You whispered.
Jerome stood up abruptly and strode to the door that led into the alley.
“Jerome, what are you doing?” You worried as the ginger grabbed his hooded leather jacket (you had to buy him a new one that was a little less conspicuous than the black trench coat with stains and a bullet hole). 
It was still daylight. He could get caught!
Jerome sighed heavily, almost a growl, as he opened the door and looked back at you standing hopelessly in the loungeroom. The past fear still had your hands shaking. He must have seen it.
“I had to go to... I dunno. College. I had to go help with a project or something. Just... yeah.” Without looking at you again, Jerome sauntered out the doorway, letting the doorway slam shut.
What the hell? Was all you could think. Things were good, even if they were stressful, and now this? What were you going to tell your mum and dad? 
What was wrong with Jerome? Why were you dealing with all this?
Although irrational, you couldn’t help but feel it was your fault. Why couldn’t you keep your big mouth shut?
What’s wrong with me? 
- Jerome’s POV - 
What’s wrong with me?
 I know, I know, it’s a little shorter for how long an update’s been, but trust me - there’s going to be more action in the next part!
If I’ve missed anyone who has already sent me a request to be on my taglist for ‘Your Ginger Housemate’, I’m truly sorry, but some usernames would not work. If you would like to be o the taglist, send us a request and I’ll put your name down. If you would like to be tagged in any other stories I have, then specify and it will be done. Thanks for reading!
Taglist: @sp00der-m00n @unicornwitch870 @skellingtonarmy @rockyrocket15
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shackleschains · 4 years
Definitely not a one time thing
Chapter 2 (1,594)
After he closed the portal to her room, he opened one to his. The first thing he did was plop down on his bed and take a nap. When he woke up, it was around five o'clock. He could smell that dinner was almost done so he grabbed his phone and texted to see if Paris was hungry. By the time she had read the text, another portal was in her room leading her to his.
She rolled her eyes and walked through it. She instantly felt the wonderful sensations she felt the first time. When she got to his room, he was waiting by the door with one eyebrow cocked up at her. She hated that look. Well, hated loving it.
They walked down to the kitchen before he stopped to check himself out in the mirror on the hallway wall.
His blue eyes were changing to green and his blonde hair was changing to its usual organe/red. His diamond nose piercing sat in his left nostril. Both of his ears were double peirce. The first piercing was a black gauge. The second was connected to a chain that clipped to his hair.
He walked into the kitchen to find it full. His mother was finishing her and his father's dinner (they couldn't handle real food so they usually ate raw meat, tentacles and eyeballs. His mother is even worse. Raw flesh, human meat, and fish. That is all she can eat.) It smelt awful but he was used to it by now. Sitting at the island in the kitchen was his father.
His mother was 5'9 with long metallic silver hair, with black and red eyes. His father was 6'2 with wavy brown hair, and Heterochromia iridis. Meaning he has two different colored eyes. One was green and one was blue. Sitting in the dining room that was connected to the kitchen, was his little sister by two years, Theodora, and the twins, William and Jennifer. The twins were only seven being as they were ten years younger than Charlie himself.
Teddy (Theodora) had long brown hair that flowed past her bottom and bluish-greenish eyes. Benny (William), the older twin, he short brown hair and light blue eyes. Jenny (Jennifer), had the same short brown hair just a little longer, but light green eyes. Charles was the only one of the group with the ability to change his hair/eye color and the only one with their mothers mutation to do anything with the will of snapping their fingers.
While Peris and her family were human, they were extremely rich. Paris had long brown hair and stunning grey eyes. Paris sat next to Teddy who was sitting across from the twins. This left Charles to sit at the head of the table. His mother walked in around two minutes later with five plates of spaghetti. Not in her arms but following behind her.
"Don't call me lazy, Charlie!" She gave him a playful warning glare. "I'm not doing this because its the easy way, I'm doing this because I'm clumsy and don't want to spill your food."
"But even if you do drop it, magic could fix that!" He argued jokingly. They both laughed as she snapped her fingers and all of the plates glided to the table. Without Paris even noticing, her cup had filled with a sparkling liquid. She was scared to try it until Charlie noticed her and laughed at her.
"It's fresh water. Not filtered or recycled. Its the kind that man hasn't ruined yet." He explained before taking a sip so she knew it wasn't toxic. Their mother was crazy after all.
"Then isn't it filled with germs? Like fishy corps germs or bear piss?" She asked him worriedly.
"Do you know how stupid you sound right now?" He asked her. He, Teddy, and even Paris laughed. The twins were in their own world, discussing dragons and princesses, shit like that.
"Our mother is literally the most powerful person in the vast miltiverse. One snap and that water is good as new." Teddy explained. Paris nodded and began to eat. It was when they were halfway through with their meal that Charlie looked over to Paris.
"Hey Vain," he whispered to the girl beside him. She looked over to him and hummed. "You're never going to guess what I heard about our aunt Andie." He said referring to both of their parents' mutual friends (aunt) Andie and (uncle) Paul.
"What?" She whispered back as he swirled spaghetti onto his fork.
"This!" He said in his normal voice as he flung spaghetti right at William. It hit him in the cheek as he talked to his little sister. He gasped dramatically at Paris before kneeling in his chair while grabbing two handfuls of pasta before Teddy could stop him.
"FOOD FIGHT!" He yelled as he hit both Teddy and Paris in the face. Charlie, Jenny, and William died with laughter. Teddy was stunned and Paris was gapping. Paris looked over at Charlie and flung the spaghetti on her face onto him. Now her and Teddy were laughing too. Before anyone knew what was going on, spaghetti was everywhere. The roof, the walls, the children.
K'lynn walked in after she knew their fight was over. "Really Charlie?" She commented in an exasperated voice though her face looked like she was proud of her eldest son. She snapped her fingers and the room was cleaned. Even the children and their clothes were as they were before. That's probably a good thing seeing as Charlie had a spaghetti noodle in one of his gauges. She grabbed both of the twins and dragged them off to get ready for bed.
"Oh, momma, you got it? I could've cleaned up the room for you." He said as she was leaving. He was faking his most innocent voice. She flicked him off. He laughed and called after her again. "I love you momma!"
"Love you too, baby." She called back.
Charlie and Paris decided that they would get more work done if she stayed the night. They were sitting on his bed getting their project done on their laptops. When nine rolled around they both wanted to do nothing but sleep. Seing as they had been procrastinating for hours and only typed four words so far, they were trying to come up with a game plan.
"This is the same project that he assigned last week!" Paris exclaimed, shutting her computer screen. Charles laughed.
"Great! We can half ass it this time!" He said excitedly! She gave him a dirty look.
"You always half ass your work!"
"No! Lats time we quarter assed it! If we half ass it this time, he won't even know because the quality would be better!" He explained to her.
"At least we know your acing math. Logic and science maybe not but whatever." She joked. They both laughed before he closed his computer too.
"Can you at least use 75% of your ass?" She asked sweetly.
"No. Not possible. Too much." He said in a child's voice so he sounded defeated. "Oh!" He exclaimed excitedly, "what if you use half your ass and I used a quarter of mine! Id still get to slack off and you'd get your goal of 75% team work!" He told her. They shared a laugh. She made sure to stop before him so she could listen to it. She loved his roaring laughter.
"Do you mind if I use your shower? And of you send me a portal to my room so I can grab some pajamas?" She asked nervously.
"Um, of course you can use the bathroom but if you want, in the top drawer of my dresser, there is an old T and a pair of pajama bottoms. I haven't worn them in a year or so. To be clear, they're clean!" He told her. She laughed and nodded before grabbing the clothes he had mentioned. An old grey T-shirt and red and black plade pants. She quickly shower and got out. When she walked back into his bedroom, she froze from his being wierd.
He was sniffing the air. God, could he smell her arousle now that she wasn't wearing underwear?!
"Do you smell that?" He asked. Fuck! Was her first thought.
"Smell what?" She asked as sweat beaded down her face.
"I don't know. Its sweet but familiar. Why can't I place it?" He got up after shrugging his shoulders, apparently giving up on the search.
"Anyway, I figured you could sleep on the bed and id sleep at your feet or on the floor." He walked right next to her. She could smell his every scent. Her wetness only grew. "Well, ill be right back, ighit? Imma go get something to drink. Want any?" She shook her head no, too turned on to speak. She crawled under the covers and quickly fell out. She woke up a few hours later to find a lion at the feet of the bed.
She wanted to scream, but that would probably awaken it. The lion rolled over to reveal its massive appendage. She was disappointed in herself for looking, but at the same time, it was so big how could you not. It was when she went to move that the lion rolled over and stirred awake. She froze. He rolled onto his belly, still laying down. It looked her into the eyes before he started to mold into a man. Charles!
She was frozen in that spot.
0 notes
ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
college! Minghao
requested by anon: “could you write a college au of minghao please? if you do, tsym (and please include a reader in it, i’m sorry if it’s too much to ask for)”
Admin note: I wrote and rewrote this and researched and rewrote and deleted and wrote this again so many times, it's not funny (ok maybe a little). I'm sorry if this wasn't any good, I legit had such a tough time with this one, well anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Minghao is a Performance Music Major
particularly with a dance focus
when he's not sitting around in some rehearsal room in the music building practicing his vocals or reviewing for the next postmodernism in dance exam
he can usually be found with the other music majors
usually sitting in the outside picnic area of campus
or running through some of the choreos created for the next final project out on the lawn with Soonyoung, Jun, and Chan
with Joshua (vocal performance major) playing guitar
or with Jihoon telling Mingyu to stop blaring rap long enough for him to finish composing
which causes Mingyu and Vernon (contemporary production majors) to both defend Drake as a musical artist
and that Jihoon should stop composing his boring classically arranged piece
which Jihoon says he can't because he's a freaking music theory and composition major and it's due soon
while the rest are debating the musical merits of the latest pop sensation and whether or not the hook is repeated over and over
"'Despacito' has the same chord progressions throughout" "Ok no, there's a modulation in the bridge..." "DEEESSPAAACITOO"
and Minghao's music major friends may seem a bit like a mess
but they're all really close friends
they host recitals every winter and spring
the whole music and drama department
and Minghao is always one of the front performers especially from the dance program
though someone should give him more vocal lines in the shows, why can't the professors realize his vocals are amazing and that he never gets enough lines smfh
Minghao's best classes outside of his major are those relating to liberal arts
especially lit and psychology
the only two courses you shared with him since they were mandatory for graduation
you both have talked before, but mostly just the universal complaining and groaning over homework assignments that characterize every college student ever
since your major was in media studies, his in performance arts
it was understandable that you didn't really get a chance to get to know Minghao, since students with the same majors normally spend a lot of time with people from their own departments
but that's how you always saw Minghao
since the media studies classes were in the humanities and social science building
which is a little past the music building
his group of music majors is always sitting on the lawn in between
and you've noticed little things Minghao does
like how he always opens the doors for the instrumentalists carrying in cases in the morning
or the way he acts like he's done with his friends 100% but then ends up buying them breakfast and making sure they eat
and while it seems as though Minghao is always rehearsing for one thing or another
you sometimes see him skating down the campus on his skateboard or reading in the library
stuff not even assigned to him by your lit professor
joined by Jun, Wonwoo, and Joshua, or other random music majors
they sort of claimed the back corner of the library
one day your lit professor decides it's been too quiet and boring
time to assign a huge project that could potentially make or break your grade
because college professors like torturing students as hobbies
and better yet, it's a partner research essay and visual presentation
which works for you because whoever your partner is, you can just borrow some equipment from the media productions classroom to get the visual presentation part done
and as the teacher starts reading off names
all you can think about is how you hope you don't get stuck with someone who won't do their work
the professor calls out Utopia by Thomas More
the one book on the list you really wanted
and then "Minghao, y/n."
jumping up and silently thanking the heavens for giving you such an easy book to work with
so many freaking things you could talk about, you're so excited
you almost forgot that you had a partner as you go up to collect the book and the directions
Minghao walks up to you quietly
"So when do you want to meet to work on the essay and visual presentation?"
"Oh uh, we can do tomorrow at the student café if you want." you tell him
the two of you meet the next day and split the work evenly in half before
"I have a postmodernism in dance exam tomorrow so I'll take-off first."
"That's fine, we have a whole month, we can chill." you said smiling
Minghao returned the smile and turned around to leave when
"Here, call me if you need help with your half, I'll finish my half of the essay by the end of the week, so we can begin the visual presentation."
he hands you his number and you just nod and assure him he can just leave
with Minghao off to study, you decide to go work on your half in the library
the library is usually open quite late anyway
you start researching the ways More wrote his socio-political satire
but with the amount of sleep you've been getting, you fall asleep on top of your laptop
and sure, the library isn’t for napping
but screw it, you’re running on 3 hours of sleep in the last two days, what else can you do?
Minghao walks into the library a little while later, looking for a global dance history book when he sees you sleeping on your laptop
hair cascading over the table as you breathe slowly in and out
he smiles unconsciously
he had noticed this before
but you’re really pretty
while the closest interactions you've both had together were the random jokes Wonwoo would tell you and Minghao in psych
he knew you were a really nice person, since you and the video production team would always film the shows and performances he did with the rest of his department
he had even seen some of your short student films, the ones that he could only describe as art from someone who must really love what they do
and seeing you calmly napping was cute
so he goes to the nearest vending machine impulsively and buys a can of coffee before he puts it behind your laptop that you’re using as a pillow
“What are you doing Minghao?” Jun says giving Minghao a sly smile while coming up behind him
“Nothing.” he laughs
“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Jun smirks
“We have a project for lit, she's my partner.” he said shrugging his shoulders while looking down at you
“Does she always sleep here?”
“Not sure.”
Jun nods his head slowly, an understanding look on his face 
“Yea you like her, imma call it now.”
“Yah!” Minghao says punching Jun’s arm
“Hey I called it so remember this moment in the future and thank me later.”
Minghao shakes his head
“Well, Wonwoo and I are ready to go, let’s get something to drink.”
when you wake up and shut your laptop you see the can of coffee sitting in front of your closed laptop, with a post-it note
"Keep up the hard work partner! Fighting! -Minghao" you read
you laugh and take the can with you
over the next few weeks, you and Minghao work together on the lit project
and when it's done and you both get an A-
you both celebrate with ice cream from the student café
he’s cute
and funny too
he makes you laugh quite a bit by trying poorly to imitate the lit professor
the two of you kept texting about random hw assignments even after the project was over about anything like movies you wanted to see or concerts that were nearby
you got to know more about his dream to be a performer
he was so passionate about it
they way he talked about performing was the same way you felt about filming in media studies
each a form of art, but each a way to express it in your own style
by the time the winter showcase comes along, your professor assigns you to camera 3 on stage for the show
and you text Minghao
"Hey, break a leg at the concert :)"
"Breaking appendages would actually be a bad thing XD" he texts you back
"You know what I meant!"
"Yea haha, are you coming to watch?" your heart skips a beat a little reading his message
you watch as your phone shows that "Minghao is typing" message a few times before it stops
"I mean you don't have to if you don't want to"
"I'm filming so of course I'll be there ;)" you text back
"Oh ok lol"
you laughed at his short response
when you go to the performance hall the night before opening night to set up the audio systems with some of the other video production crew
you see Minghao and one of his friends running through a choreography
you stare at him amazed, the choreo included them dancing with a white ribbon connecting the two of them, which should have gotten tangled countless times but didn't
you didn't really want to intrude on the rehearsal, so you leave him a can of coffee with a post-it note on it by the stage
“I believe I owe you a coffee, don't forget to rest, I believe in you, fighting!-y/n :)”
Minghao is internally screaming at how cute you are when he reads it
Jun's trying to work on the choreo and practically yells at Minghao who’s told the guys the story for like the fifth time
"Ok but isn't she so cute? 'don't forget to rest, I believe in you'"
"Minghao, I called this remember?" Jun say laughing
Minghao smacks him on the arm again
so Minghao decides to finally gather up the courage
with you sitting in the desk next to him in lit
your knees inches away from each other
“Hey y/n wanna grab a dinner after the show or something?”
“Depends.” you say heart beat steadily increasing
“On what?” Minghao says trying to keep his cool
“On whether it’s a date or not.” you want to scream at yourself, where did this courage come from?!?!
“And if it is?” he smiles
“I’d be happy to.”
and when you're filming the show that night, Minghao catches your eyes while waiting in the wings on stage left
and shoots you a wink
which nearly causes you to drop your camera
and you see him getting smacked by Jun
after the show, he brings you backstage
"Got the gardening club to get me these" he says handing you a small bunch of white carnations
"Aw they're beautiful."
"I ended up doing a lot of research on the significance of flowers thanks to a lit project, white carnations mean sweet and lovely." he smiles shyly
"They also mean pure love." you say smiling
"Yea, well... they're just flowers to celebrate a show well-done." he coughs blushing
"Let's go for dinner, shall we?"
when all the other music majors found out
it was chaos
"HONESTLY Y/N DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY MUSIC MAJORS HAVE ATTACKED ME TODAY WITH QUESTIONS?" your friend from the media production course asked you
"It's like some celebrity is dating you or something from this response!" she says shaking her head
and whenever you walk to the humanities building
Minghao bounds up and takes your hand
in front of both the departments
so you have the music majors screaming at Minghao
and the media studies majors cheering you on
it's a mess
but Minghao just shrugs it off and wraps an arm around you
"Want to grab a coffee before lit?"
"Sure" you laugh
and he holds your hand as you both make your way to the student café
and the both of you lay on the lawn after sipping your lattes
hands intertwined staring up at the clouds in the sky
"Look, they look like white carnations." you smile and point up at a cluster of clouds
just enjoying the light breeze of a spring day
when he pulls you closer until you're laying on his arm
and kisses your forehead
"Sweet and lovely just like you."
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imfucking-magical · 7 years
Only a recruit pt 2
A/n Hello my peoples my lovelies! Thanks for the awesome feedback on part 1. I have been having more interaction with you guys and I honestly love it. Like hit me up about your day if you want =) 
Warnings: Mentions of injury and cursing
Permanent tag list: @softbbyboye @kisshuggay, @gothamsblackqueen@frostbitten-desires, @frostbyte-horan, @allison0609
Temporary tag list: @konomoma, @peter-pan-hoe, @parkermanparkercan @mae-shower
Originally Mr.Stark wanted to fly you out to the tower since you only had a single bag of clothes, but when he saw you shaking he decided to call a car. He walked you down and out of the building and into a flashy car. The suit came off of him and went neatly into a carry on.
“That was cool” You told him pointing to the bag. He didn’t say anything and sat the whole trip silent.
“Soooo... where are we?”
“We are at the Avengers tower.” He said getting out of the car and I followed him.
“Because I’m recruiting you.”
“Because you’re smart beyond your years and we could use someone like you.”
“How did you...”
“Look kid I’m Tony Stark. I can find anything out about anyone or I have people that can. You’re just a high school student, it wasn’t that hard to see your character. Now if you’re done asking questions. You’re room is around the corner and here is a card so you can get whatever you need for your own lab or if you want new clothes or something.” Mr.Stark handed me a credit card.
“Is there something you want me specifically to work on or do I have free reign?” You asked holding the card and trying not to show how excited you are. You could hardly believe it was real.
“Just don’t blow up the building. Try to make useful stuff. Help whenever its needed. Other then that free reign. No illegal stuff tho. You’re still what 14?”
“Anyways. Yea and also watch out for the rest of the Avengers. They don’t know about you yet.” Mr.Stark said walking away to another part of the tower. You walked into your room and dropped your stuff down.
The room was huge. “Hello Miss Y/l/n.My name is F.R.I.D.A.Y. Would you like a tour of the tower?”
“Sure, but first is there a lab already here or is there a room where I can set up and order stuff?” You asked taking out your notebook of inventions you have yet to try.
“Of course Miss Y/l/n. There is a room connected to this one that can be set up as a lab or you can work with Mr.Stark and Mr. Banner in the big lab.”
“I’ll set my lab up in the other room. I don’t wanna bother them. Can I have that tour now F.R.I.D.A.Y? You also don’t have to call me ‘Miss Y/l/n. Y/n is okay.”
“Ok Y/n if you follow the arrows to outside the room you will find the kitchen.” Blue arrows lit up on the ground and you followed them to the kitchen. You saw a red and blue suit with curly brown hair in the kitchen. The first Avenger you were going to meet was going to be Spiderman. No one except the Avengers knew who he was.
“Hi.” He jumped and turned around revealing a familar face. “PETER???!!!” 
“What are you doing here?” He asked you.
“Me? I’m offended you didn’t tell me! Come on you know me better than anyone. I would not have blown this kind of secret like Ned would.”
“Um....Ned already knows...” You slapped his arm.
“I’m even more offended now.” You joked with him. 
“Oww I’m sorry. Now what are you doing here?” He asked. 
“I got recruited. Well.... Iron-man destroyed a wall at my old apartment after Jake had shoved me into my experiments and spilled acid onto my arm.”
“WHAT?? Are you ok? Do we need to get you to the medical bay? WHere are you hurt???” He asked looking frantically for any injury.
“Peter.. Peter Im fine I took one of my tablets. My stuff is in my new room. I still can’t believe I’m here. Like this is the Avenger tower. This is where I’m suppose to live now. I don’t think I have to pay rent. Its amazing.” You’re face hurt from how big you were smiling. You no longer had to worry about Jake.
“You’re still gonna go to highschool right?”
“Duh. I have to keep an extra eye out for you now. Can’t let any bad guy hurt my Peter” You said ruffling his hair.
“Staaawwwpp I’m sweaty.” 
“Like I care?” 
“PETER GET BACK HERE WE STILL HAVE TRAINING!” Captain America yelled walking into the room
“Hey I gotta go, but I’ll catch up with you later yea?” 
“Who is that?” He asked.
“Hey I’m Y/n Tony recruited me for science stuff.” 
“Is he having you train in fighting too?”
“I don’t know. He didn’t really say much.”
“Might as well join us because you’re probably going to have to learn to fight if you’re part of the team now. You can just watch for right now. I’m Steve by the way.” You followed them into a training room and sat on the floor leaning against the wall.
“You ready for this kid? I’m not gonna go easy on you this time.” Steve said putting his helmet on.
“Bring it.”
Sad to say Peter started to get his ass handed to him, but as you watched you realized that Steve never protected his legs. Well he never protected them because Peter never went for them. 
“I thought you said bring it kid?” Steve said laughing.
“Ha ha..” Peter said sarcastically.
“Wait time out Steve.” You told him before Peter got his ass handed to him.
“There are no time outs in a fight.” Steve said and you walked over to Peter who was now standing confused.
“Go for his legs.” You whispered to Peter.
“Just do it. Fake him out then take him out with his legs.” Steve looked at you suspiciously as you whispered to Peter. Peter nodded and you went back to your spot on the floor.
The fight continued and Peter did as you said knocking Steve on his ass.
“You want me to ease up a bit Cap?” Peter asked laughing.
“I don’t know what she told you, but I know she helped somehow.”
“I’m an innocent bystander I don’t know what you mean.” You told him smiling.
“What did you tell him?”
“I just told him the one spot you never seemed to guard. If its any consolation Peter never guards his face so you could probably get a few head shots in.” 
“WhAT? You need to learn your weaknesses.” You told him.
“Don’t you have some sciencey shit to do?” He asked you
“What you don’t want me around anymore?” you fake pouted.
“You still haven’t even met the rest of the team. I also don’t need you to see my ass get kicked anymore by Steve.” Peter told you.
“Steve don’t hurt him too bad. We still have school tomorrow.” 
You wandered around the rest of the house and ran into someone. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You bent down and started to pick up the books and papers that you had knocked out of their hands.
“You must be y/n. Tony said I might run into you. I’m Bruce otherwise known as the Hulk.”
“Yea he kinda just took me in a few hours ago. Quantum physics?” The book you held in your hand was very colorful and heavy.
“We’re working on new weapons for everyone. Tony also told me about your wonder tablet. How exactly does it work?”
You followed Bruce to his lab he shared with Tony and explained how your tablet worked. In short terms it sped up the metabolism to heal wounds. Bruce leaned against one of the work tables and took a sip from his mug.
“I don’t know where Tony is at. We were suppose to finish the project today.” 
“Well what does he normally do?”
“He is normally in here or going out to eat.... what time is it? Yea he hasn’t eaten in awhile he probably went somewhere for food.”
“Soo do you know if there is food in the house or do we have to go to a fast food place?”
“We usually have fast food delivered. Now that you mention it I don’t know if we actually have food in the house other than eggs.” Bruce told you.
“Wellllll I want mac and cheese for dinner soooo Imma go to the store. You should come with so we can get actual food in the house instead of take out.”
After about a week you had met everyone on the team and bonded with everyone well. You were also trained for months and worked with Bruce in the lab, but Tony kept his distance. You had gotten used to it thinking he didn’t want to have to deal with another kid since he already had Peter. You didn’t expect much from him, but he still took you in and for that you cared about what he thought. Tonight wasn’t suppose to be any different then every other day, but you decided you would make one last attempt to make nice with him and since everyone else was out doing stuff you were able to go and talk with him. His door was open when you walked around to go find him.
“Tony?” You asked him and he just let out a strangled noise and falling to the ground and crawled away from you. His harsh breathing rang though your ears. He was having a panic attack. Cautiously you walked towards him then sat on the ground in front of him. 
“You’re safe you know. What ever you just saw or heard, its not what you thought it was or its not happening now if it was a memory.” You told him, but he didn’t look me in the face. 
You took out your phone and put it on your breathing app then handed it to him, he surprisingly took it. His breathing slowed down into an even pace. You left to grab some tea and came back with two mugs.
“Here drink. It’ll calm your nerves.”
“Thank you.” He said taking it with a shaky hand.
“Do you wanna watch a movie or cartoons or go to bed?” You asked and he looked at you skeptically.
“Why are you here? Why aren’t you in bed? Why?” He asked snapping at you.
“Why not?” I asked him.
“No seriously kid why are you here? Why aren’t you with Pepper or something?”
“Can’t you just accept my kindness? You gave me a home.”
“Is that why you’re doing this?”
“No. I know how much a panic attack sucks and how after every one I wished I had someone there to make me not feel so alone.” 
“I didn’t have a panic attack.”
“Tony you are shaking for fucks sake. Just stop. Everyone else around here including you acts like your ok. You’re a human being you’re allowed to feel scared, get mad and cry. You had a panic attack. Now do you wanna watch a movie or something or sleep it off?” Tony stared at you dumbfounded.
“....It was Peter...” he said softly.
“What about Peter?” your voice softened.
“He had died before I got to him. I couldn’t go fast enough I couldn’t get to him quick enough...”
“Why don’t you call him?”
“And tell him I had a dream about him dying?”
“No just talk to him. Just so you know he’s ok.”
“If I call him then he’ll know something is wrong.” You rolled your eyes and called Peter on your phone.
“Y/n? What are you doing up so early? Is something wrong?” Peter asked as you put him on speaker. Tony watched the phone as you held it in front of you
“No nothing is wrong I’m sorry for waking you I just wanted to talk to you and see how your day went today since I didn’t go to school today.” 
“Nothing much. Flash was asking around for you though. Honestly Y/n you should stop trying to pick a fight with him. He might deck you one of these days.” Peter said.
“Peter no one else is standing up to him.I’m not scared of his fake ass tough guy show.”
Tony looked like he wanted to say something, but closed his mouth. Peter sighed. “Other than that all you missed was Ned laughing to hard he had milk come out his nose because of a joke I told him.”
“What did you say?”
“He had guacamole from cooking class and I told him that his one guacamole was equal to 6.022x10^23 guacas.” Peter gave out a small laugh and you tried to not smile, but couldn’t help it because he was so bad it was good. Tony was smiling too
“Geez Parker is that the best you could do?” You asked
“ Whatever hater I know your smiling on the other side of the phone.” Peter said.
“Ok well I’ll let you get some sleep and I’ll see you at school tomorrow ok?”
“Yea. You should probably get some sleep too.”
“What are you talking about I can totally sleep in class.”
“Sure. Good night Y/n.” You heard him yawn.
“G’night sleepy head.” You told him and hung up.
Tony had finished the rest of his tea. 
“Maybe you should get some sleep kid.” Tony said.
“Nah. I’m going to the main room to watch cartoons.” You told him and walked out. 
A few minutes later he came and sat in the opposite recliner.
“Tom and Jerry?”
“It was the first cartoon I could find that was on and wasn’t trash.”
It was about half an hour before we talked again.
“Do you have panic attacks often?” He asked you catching you off guard.
“Sometimes yea. Just depends on the day I’ve had. I don’t know what Peter’s told you, but from what he knows my parents are dead....”
“But they’re aren’t” He said and you nodded. He had looked them up.
“They might as well be. ‘We’ll be back in a few days.’ A postcard shows up about a week later they moved to a different country. I sold most of the stuff they left behind for rent money. I filed for emancipation and the government gave me some money for help and helped me get a job.” You told him watching the tv. He didn’t say anything else and about an hour later you fell asleep.
After that encounter Tony wasn’t as distant as he used to be and actually talked with you and you guys joked around while messing with the stuff in the lab. One night while you guys were working on improving your tablet Steve came barging in.
“There is a situation a few miles from here. Person has been noted as armed and dangerous.”
“Are you up for a mission kid?” Tony asked you
“Tony she’s just a kid.” Steve said butting in
“Steve have you seen her? We need her out in the field. Even with her age.” Nat told him walking in behind him.
“I got a suit for you kid.” 
“You’ve already put thought into her going on a mission with us?” Steve asked.
“She is part of the team Steve. Check it out kid.” A futuristic suit appeared in purple and black. It wasn’t metal like his, but like Spiderman’s suit which was a spandex like material.
“Go try it on.” 
You came back with the suit on and it felt awesome.
“Lookin good Y/n” Nat said 
“It has all of the weapons you created in it plus other things that we will review in the jet.” We started walking to the top of the tower and met up with everyone else.
“Y/n?” Peter asked looking at the suit.
“In the flesh.” 
“Wow ummm are you going on the mission with us?”
“Yep lets go!” You said excitedly getting on the jet.
“I still don’t think she’s ready.” Steve mumbled.
“Steve come on she’s pretty kick ass” Peter said making you blush and Tony started to go over what was in your suit.
“Ok everyone ready to drop?” Steve asked.
“What?” You asked and soon everyone was jumping out of the jet. A pair of arms wrapped around you and felt the ground disappear from under you. Peter had grabbed you and he swung from building to building until you guys were finally on the ground.
“Thanks for that.” You told him
“No problem.”
“The news said there was an explosion in this building over here.” Steve said pointing to the worn down and closed building that was falling apart.
“Split up and stay on the radios.”
We split up and you headed to the basement of the building. The thermal vision in the mask showed that there was someone in the room. Slowly you walked up and they turned around.
“Who are you?”
“The name is Jenny.” She said turning around.
“Not much of a super villain name.”
“Because I’m not a super villain. I’m just smart I use to be a scientist at Stark’s company. I was hoping the Avengers would show up. I wanted to tell you guys that I see what’s wrong with the world.”
“Poverty, racism, and the government?” 
“The male species.”
“I don’t think you can blame a whole gender for the issues of the world.” You said leaning against the wall.
“You’re female are you not a feminist? How do you not see that the oppressors are the male species?”
“First of all yes I am a feminist and your definition of feminist is actually  misandry.” You told her.
“Doesn’t matter its most of them anyway. This serum is going to have them destroy each other. My first test subjects are your friends. All of your other male friends have tripped the wires and been shot. He’s the only one who I haven’t hit yet.” She aimed her gun behind me,I turned seeing Peter was behind me, and fired hitting him right in the shoulder.
“WHAT THE FUCCK LADY???” You shouted at her and went over to see if Peter was ok.
“Peter?” You bent over him only to be socked in the stomach. “Ahhh the hell? Its me???” You held your stomach. He flipped back onto his feet and started swinging.
“Uh oh.” 
“You screwed up big time Jenny!” I yelled as I started to dodge Peter by running through the building.
“Peter come on dude its me.” You yelled as you avoided getting webbed going into a bigger room where you saw the Hulk and Steve fighting Wanda and Natasha. Steve saw you and threw his shield at you just missing by a few inches.
Peter had the Hulk throw him and ended up slamming into you and knocking you over. He ended up on top and you kept your arms up to protect your face. When he wouldn’t let up on the punches you socked him in the mouth and got up.
“Peter.... please.” You said backing up. Natasha and Wanda were in your peripheral view fighting off Steve and Bruce. Who knew where the rest of the team was.
“Instant kill mode Karen.” The suits eye’s glowed red. Well shit. You ducked behind a pillar of the run down building. 
“Peter this isn’t you. You can snap out of it anytime now.” Slowly you started crawling over the rubble going deeper into the building.
“You can’t hide Y/n.”
“Guys have you had any luck trying to get them back to normal?” you whispered over the radio. 
“No not yet. Bruce is putting up a good fight though.” Nat said.
It got eerily quiet. You looked around and there was no sign of him. All of a sudden you were lifted out of the rubble by your neck and thrown. Your body slammed into the wall and was held there by webs as Peter walked over to you.
“ You wouldn’t kill me Peter. I have a hard time believing you would kill one of your best friends who you have Star Wars marathons with, brings you cookies when you have a bad day at school, and who you take frequent naps with?” 
“Shut up.”
“ Alright fine. Do it Peter. Come on kill me. Since you have no issue with killing someone who loves you come on and kill me.” You told him and he swung his fist and it impacted next to your head sending your heart pounding.
“Oh my God.”
“I swear to fuck Peter don’t scare me like that.” He chuckled and undid the webs around you. “When did you...”
“Like midway through that punch. I could’ve killed you.”
“Thank God you didn’t.” You told him with your heart still racing and you wrapped your arms around him.
“Y-you love m-me?” He stuttered out and it sent a smile to your face.
“You didn’t know?” 
“Guys this isn’t the time to proclaim your love for one another. We have bigger issues on our hands.” Nat said as we heard a thump on one of the other walls.
“Talk about it later?” 
“Y-yea.” You knew Peter was blushing hella hard under his mask, but so were you.
You found Tony on the roof with Jenny fighting.
“Looks like your plan backfired on you.” You told her as he dragged her across the roof, but he stopped when he heard your voice.
“You.” He dropped her and started advancing towards you.
“Tony...” You warned him.
“You took Peter away from me.” He swung at you.
“Peter is downstairs fine.” You moved out of the way.
“You had to come and ruin our lives” There was a blast that missed.
“Your parents deserted you because you were unlovable. You weren’t good enough.” He landed a punch into your side.
“We didn’t even want you.” His foot landed in my ribs as you tried to get up.
“ I should’ve left you where I found you.” He hit you again and sunk deeper into the roof. Everything hurt. He started to walk away.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you held your side in pain. Words came out of your mouth that you never expected to say.
“Dad please stop.”
“I’m not your dad. You were only a new recruit kid. You weren’t that important.” Tony said coming back to stand over you.
“Stupid me then I guess.” 
Lol the joke that Peter made came from someone on Tumblr and I love it so much!!! Also I’m sorry this came out later than intended you guys. I promise to be more ontop of it. I didn’t edit this either so lol ik its not that my best. Also let me know if you want to be on the tag list or if you have an imagine/oneshot you guys want me to do. Have a good rest of your day lovelies <3
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