#anyway shhh i am still busy i swear i am in the middle of my finals rn lol girlie is very stressed dot tm
miutonium · 2 years
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Happy Father's Day to the man ever 🤧🤧💕
also pssst my commission info here :3
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crackedoutwalnut · 4 years
Sleep (Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: Y/N has been struggling with a case for three days and refuses to sleep until she gains headway. Natasha isn't having any of her crap and forces reader to sleep.
Warnings: Just fluff
Word count: 1,600
A/N: I originally posted this on my ao3 account and decided to post it here as well :)
It had been a week since the terrorist threats had been made on live television and three days since you had been assigned to finding information on the hostile organization known as Anubis. You were S.H.I.E.L.D's youngest and most skilled hacker. They had recruited you just over a year ago when your best friend, Peter Parker, suggested you to Nick Fury. You and Peter had met your freshman year of university; he was a smart young man, if a little goofy. The two of you hit it off immediately, and when he found out how skilled you were with computers, he immediately suggested you join S.H.I.E.L.D.
This seemed to have been a mistake considering you had been up for the better part of 72 hours and still haven't managed to get anything on these assholes. No matter how many times you analyzed the video, nor how many government databases and archives you cross-referenced, there was nothing about Anubis anywhere. The man in the video had been wearing an intricate black mask in the shape of a jackal, the animal symbol for Anubis, the god of death and mummification. You spent an entire evening alone researching Egyptian mythology and how the hell that could tie into a terrorist organization. However, seeing as Anubis has no digital trail or relation to any other hostile organization, your insomnia-addled brain failed to make any connections.
Groaning, you scrubbed at your face and took a sip of your now cold coffee. A total of four coffee cups, two Monsters, and a Redbull now lay empty on your desk. The caffeine did nothing for your exhaustion at this point; however, it was either that or go to sleep. You drained your coffee to the last drop.
Looking down at the bottom of your now empty Avengers mug, you sighed and stood from your desk. Shuffling out of your room, you trudged to the kitchen on the other side of your floor. You readily accepted Natasha's offer to share a floor with you in the tower back when the two of you first started dating. The prices of staying in the fancy university dormitories your school offered were outrageous, even for a S.H.I.E.L.D employee. You two often slept in Natasha's room, despite having a separate bedroom. Your eyes felt like lead at the memories of cuddling up with your girlfriend under a pile of blankets and pillows. Natasha usually did not like sleeping with more than a single blanket finding the heat stifling; however, she usually gave in easily when you pulled her down into the fluffy pile. Rubbing your eye with the side of your fist, you pushed the cozy memories aside and set your mug under the Keurig. Blindly you reached out to grab a coffee pod from a rack to the left of the coffee machine. Your drowsy limbs allowed the pod to slip from your fingers, rolling under the counter.
"Shit," you cursed, crouching down to look for the coffee. After a few moments of clumsily looking for the pod, you finally grasped it and went to stand.
"I've been looking for that shirt," a voice rasped sleepily.
You jumped and whirled around to see Natasha leaning against the kitchen counter. Her shoulder-length red hair was ruffled, and the plain black tank top she wore was askew. You looked down at the Captain America t-shirt that hung down to your bare thighs, "Didn't you steal this shirt from Steve?" you asked with a raised brow.
Natasha shrugged, "He never noticed, so it's mine fair and square."
Turning to face the coffee machine once again, you inserted the coffee pod and pushed the start button. "I'm not sure that's how it works." Natasha chuckled and strode up behind you. She wrapped her arms around your middle, kissing the side of your head. You hummed and leaned back against her, feeling the toned muscles of her stomach and biceps supporting you. She was firm but soft, like an expensive mattress. On lazy days you loved to read with your head resting against her chest. She would idly thread her fingers through your hair and listen to you softly whisper the words on the page. Sighing you, nuzzled the back of your head against the crook of her neck. Your eyes slipped shut as her fingers lightly traced your stomach.
"Where have you been? I have barely seen you these past three days."
"Busy with the Anubis case."
She spun you around lightly and inspected you, her brows furrowed slightly. "You look awful."
You snorted and nudged her, "Thanks, Babe."
She raised a brow, "When was the last time you slept?"
"I took a nap around lunch." You didn't mention that it had only been an hour long for fear of being on the receiving end of the assassin's wrath.
"Y/N..." she warned lightly. "you can't go that long without sleep. It isn't healthy."
You stepped away from her and shrugged, "I'm fine, I just need to clear a few more things up about these assholes, and then I will rest, I promise." You turned around and grabbed the steaming coffee cup. However, Natasha grabbed it from you and set it behind her on the counter. Groaning in protest, you went to reach behind her to grab it. "Nat, come on, I'm fine."
"You look terrible, Y/N," Natasha argued, grabbing your arms gently. "I know you want to prove yourself to Fury and the rest; however, you are of no use to anyone if you are too tired to do your job."
You huffed and looked down at the tiled floor beneath you. She was right, as always. Your mind was foggy and slow, making it hard to do anything productive. A couple of times, you drifted off at your desk. Not that you were going to admit any of that to her, though. "Fine, I will take a nap," you conceded, "But, you have to wake me up at 6. Got it?"
Natasha glanced at the oven clock that read 2:45 before nodding her agreement, "Alright, now let's get you to bed," She wrapped an arm around you and guided you to her room. Inside her sparsely decorated room, she had gathered three extra blankets as if knowing you were going to be joining her. You cursed her for being so persuasive. She laid down under the many blankets and gently pulled you down with her. The moment your body hit the mattress, you felt your body turn leaden. Relief crept through your bones as you leaned into the warm comfort. Natasha wrapped her arms around you and pulled your limp body against her front. You went slack as you felt her soft hands stroke up and down your sides. Your girlfriend pressed a kiss to the base of your neck and hummed contently. A cozy feeling settled in your chest as you let your eyes slip closed.
"One of these days, I'm going to convince you to let me be the big spoon," you joked drowsily.
She snorted and laid another kiss to the top of your head, "In your dreams." You rolled over and burrowed your head under Natasha's chin, her red curls tickling your cheeks. You wrapped an arm around her waist and slung a leg over her own. She chuckled and tightened her grip around you before tucking you more firmly against her. "You're too much of a koala to be a big spoon," she murmured against the top of your head. Her hand crept under your shirt and started tracing imaginary shapes against your back.
You huffed and nuzzled against the column of her neck. "We'll see," you slurred drowsily. Your eyes were now sealed shut with exhaustion and your limbs too heavy to move.
"Shhh, go to sleep," Natasha whispered, squeezing you gently.
"Remember, 6 am..." you trailed off to sleep before finishing the thought.
"We'll see," she murmured.
When you woke up, you found Natasha typing away on her laptop next to you. She wore different clothes than the ones she wore earlier that morning, sweatpants and a red hoodie. You groaned and sat up, rubbing your eyes. "I thought you were going to wake me up?" You questioned, shooting her an accusatory look.
Natasha looked up and smirked, "Oops, my bad. I guess I forgot," she shrugged innocently.
"Natasha, I was serious; I have so much work to do," you complained, moving to get out of bed. Checking the alarm clock on the bedside table, you gasped when it read 3 pm.
Before you could fully slip out from under the blankets, Natasha set her laptop aside and pulled you on top of her. You yelped in surprise as your head fell back onto her lap. "Come on, stay in bed with me. You have three hours until 6 anyways."
You scowled, "That is not the 6 o'clock I was referring to, and you know it."
Natasha grinned and shrugged, "You never specified; how was I supposed to know which one you were talking about?"
"You're an asshole," you complained.
She poked her lip out in mock sympathy and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "Oh, I know I'm terrible, aren't I? Making sure my girlfriend is well-rested and not overdosing on caffeine, simply awful."
"I'm glad you agree," you muttered, struggling to stand up off her lap.
Natasha wrapped two strong arms around your middle and pulled you further against her, "Come on, three more hours," she moved so that her lips grazed your ear, "I'll make it up to you, I promise."
You melted at her tone and sighed, "Fine, but if you don't wake me up at 6 pm, I swear I'm breaking up with you."
Your girlfriend kissed your cheek and nuzzled against you, "Sure you will."
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seriesxwriting · 3 years
I’m gonna end up in prison anyway.
JJ maybank x you! <3
JJ is upset about jhon B being in prison and takes it out on you… but JJ soon realises he’s in the wrong and apologises confessing his love for you at the same time <3.
Warnings- kissing and swearing. I think that’s it.
Also just wanna say that I know all my writing has been outer banks characters but more characters are coming soon I promise. I’m just obsessed with this show at the moment :)
“JJ your an idiot!” I yelled at him once he’d climbed in to the speeding car explaining what he had tried to do. “well I’m going to end up in jail anyway so who fucking cares” JJ ran his fingers through his blonde hair avoiding eye contact with me sitting tight in the seat next to him.
“I fucking care JJ” I mimicked him in a calmer tone.
He looked at me still panting from the run “you alright?” Pope eyed his best in the mirror from the front seat. “Just a shit day” he inhaled and exhaled loudly turning his whole body away from me and staring out the window.
What the fuck was he thinking trying to bust jhon B out with that plan! We needed to prove his innocents not go on the run again.
Ki drove us back to where we were staying in silence. Her and pope went off in to the night talking about some random stuff, giggling some might say flirting. “y/n” he called out when I was walking away from the car minding my own business “what”.
JJ came around to my side climbing out of the white suit he was dressed in tying it around his torso.
“You still mad?”
“I’m not even mad JJ I’m -just worried” I stuttered trying to think of the right words so I would give him any clues to how I really felt about the boy.
“John B is in prison! I needed to do something It’s him you should be worried about” “I am! But I’m worried about you as well your acting like an idiot your not going to prison JJ so stop blaming all your shit on that, it’s not down to you we’re all doing everything we can to free him but your choices there down to you! So watch them”
“None of you are doing anything” he scoffed, I went closer to take his hand in mine. “why do you think your going to prison?” I whispered looking up at his beautiful eyes holding his hand in to my stomach.
“Because I am! Im going to end up in prison anyway so what’s the point” he shouted pulling away from me looking up at the sky with the roll of his eyes.
“well I’m not gonna let you!”
“You can’t do anything about it y/n were all fucked! ki just got kicked out of her parents house Pope hasn’t been home for days! My dad is a dick head- so is Sara’s and you, I don’t even know what your doing here you could go back home to you warm fluffy bed any time you wanted… John B is already in prison it’s just a matter of time before we’re ALL in there too” he shouted at me with tears in his eyes.
I wanted to hug him because he was in pain but he’d hurt me.
“FUCK YOU! I’m a pogue”
“are you? Do you want to be in prison with us” JJ asked me calmly with a hint of a smile.
I pushed him on the chest and he stumbled back a bit looking at my face knowing he’d hurt me.
“your upset …about John B I know, but you don’t have to be such an asshole! If you wanna fuck your life up and go prison be my guest JJ… but you won’t see the others in there, don’t say I didn’t try to help you because that’s all I’ve EVER tried to do” I shouted with a tear sliding out my dolled up eyes. Side looking him before turning my back with attitude and leaving JJ stood there. Alone.
I couldn’t believe I was actually in love with that ass, he’d never spoken to me like that how I knew he was just hurt.
But I wasn’t going to take that it’s not acceptable, no one should be spoke to like that and if he wanted me to forgive him he was gonna have to work for it. I went to sleep soon after that, on the beat up sofa with scrappy blankets feeling empty inside, though I didn’t get much sleep overall.
I tossed and turned for what felt like hours, playing back the conversation in my head overthinking it. finally getting to sleep around five am.
“Don’t tell me how to wax my bored!” Is what I woke up to.
My head was clanging from lack of sleep and the sun glaring down at me through the dusty window.
“Boys, SHUT UP” I sailed out to them, not being in the mood to be awake yet “sorry y/n! JJ is just being an idiot”
“what else is new?” I wondered to pope coming out into the straight heat blocking the sun with my hand.
Kiara and pope laugh at me while JJ stood there looking guilty underneath his sunglasses. His face showed that he regretted what happened last night but I really wasn’t interested at the moment. He’d pissed me off.
“Don’t you think he’s using to much wax?” Pope pointed at the bored in JJ’s hands.
“don’t tell me how to wax my bored! Jeez”
JJ lifted up his sparkling sunglasses up on to his head in anger at pope.
“I’m just saying…” “guys seriously stop it!” Kiara looked up giving them daggers clearly getting annoyed. “Remember when y/n suggested you shut up, listen to it!”
“wait shhh.. do you hear that?” JJ rotated his head and eyes away from me peering in to the distance of the road “is that…” I trailed off listening out. Jhon b swerved around the corner in his van with a huge smile on his face. The feeling in the air changed immediately.
“JHON B?!” Kiara jumped over the sofa throwing her magazine on the floor running towards him excitedly flopping in to his arms
The boys followed jumping in to a happy group hug I didn’t Wanna disturb. Though it did put a smile on my face.
“what the hell bro?” JJ slapped John B on the back with a beautiful smile fixed on his face. It was nice to see him genuinely smile.
“They let me go” he smiled shrugging while everyone took a step back.
“Come here” jhon B laughed putting his arms out to me, I’d stayed in the dorm frame the whole time just watching. I bounced over and we met in the middle hugging tightly. “Ugh it’s so good to have you back” I whispered softly
“but they just let you go?” Pope questioned confused.
“Sure did- charges were dropped, wheres Sarah?” He looked around and then at me.
“She didn’t come back last night” JJ sighed so I didn’t have to answer “she went to meet wheezie and didn’t come back” he explained again in more detail when John B looked at me for answers again.
Suddenly out the corner off our eyes we saw a speedboat heading to us, with topper and Sara. The confused ,but happy to be reunited, pogues all ran towards it but gently my wrist was grabbed. Stopping me from following.
“can I talk to you?” JJ asked with a sad soft face pointed to the floor,
“maybe if you actually look me in the eyes for once” I told him while folding my arms defensively so I’d get out of his grasp.
“I’m- sorry I’m so sorry y/n, I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that you didn’t deserve to hear that, it came from a place of anger and worry and sadness it wasn’t meant for you”
“That’s what I said to you JJ, I also said I was here for you but you can’t push me away like that” I attacked him with guilt “I know that…” “but theres a reason” JJ fixed his top setting it straight and looked dead into my eye.
This time he took my hand…myy heart beat quickened as I grew more nervous thinking about all the possible things he could say.
“Uh… okay, I really like you..y/n” JJ confessed with a smirk.
“W-what?” My words didn’t know how to come out and my body insisted on making me look like an idiot. I forgot got how to control my body, my mouth was open in shock with What the boy had just said.
“Yes, you” JJ’s laughed filled my ears flicking his blonde hair out his eyes . “I said all that’s shit to you yesterday because I know I’ll never be good enough for you… and that hurts so I fucked things up.. but I don’t wanna fuck this up”
“You didn’t fuck anything up, I like you too” I told him softly snaking my hands up to his face holding it so he was looking at me. It was all such a rush.
“but you need to work on your eye contact because you have such pretty eyes” I smiled against his soft lips before kissing him.
Our tongues entered each others mouths and my hand held on to his blonde hair for support. We both pulled away out of breath and burning with the excitement of young love. leaning out foreheads on each other’s.
“Fucking hell y/n, I’d thought out every possibility about how this would go but none of them where like that” he breathed quietly, giggling holding my waist and bringing me closer to his body.
“I promise I won’t ever shout at you again”
“I can deal with the shouting JJ ,it’s the part where you put your self down! That hurts me because I believe in you”.
He looked taken back, “no one- has ever spoke to me like you have” he whispered in realisation, “well then you better fucking listen to what I have to say huh” I raised my eye brow chewing on my bottom lip
JJ nodded his head grinning down before pulling me in to a hug.
“thank you” he whispered in my ear. “For what?” I looked at him funny “for not giving up on me” “no I like you too much” I shrugged looking at the floor to distract my smile.
“I promise I won’t ever give up on you” I told him seriously.
JJ beamed and leant in for another kiss warming my heart and securing me in his strong arms.
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
SPOILERSSS for Twisted Wonderland Chapter 6 : 1-16!!!
*rubs hands* aight it wont take long before genshin has me in its gacha hell grasp again, I just barely escaped this time— NOW ITS TIME TO SEE THE BOIS CHAPTER 6 omg— wtf happened last time lol it’s been too long
So, no voice over because of some problems which is understandable but— meh I don’t feel like reading lol So I’m watching otome ayui translations this time, because im that one dumbass student who skipped kanji class and now i cant read without sounding like im five _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): “what up im yume im way passed 19 and i never fucking learned how to read”
Also watching Hanayura Kanon stream for the rest that’s not yet been translated lol Because he’s very good at voice acting for the characters and he’s funny af lol
- Fun fact : I haven’t watched Hercules yet so I legit don’t know what’s about to come lol
- Aw, that’s cute— We called over Ace and Deuce late at night AND THEY REALLY CAME OVER AAAAA
- I forgot how fckin pure their friendship is _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
- Aight, so we actually have a huge-ass scratch from feral Grim lol That’s just fantastic, isn’t it
- FINALLY— We’re talking about Mickey and the stones my monster cat has been eating with Crowley AAAAA
- “Yeah there’s this bitch called mickey and i took his photo—“
- Bruh this crystal of blot sounds really dangerous why are we discussing this just now
- Speaking of this crystal, Crowley— you were looking for this crystal in chap one and when we asked you about wtf you’re trying to find you just went— “oH itS NothING.”
- I didnt see you searching for crystals after every chapter mr. crowley where were you 👁👄👁 dont you think it was weird that you didnt see a single one after like— five blotting incidents
- Oh so its rare i see— BRUH R U SURE ABOUT THAT grim literally found one every single chap LMAO
- Okay okay— see, he may be violent but listen— you aint gonna throw out my fucking cat okay
- Wh— THERE WAS A FESTIVAL!? Im dumb so its not just VDC LOL
- Aww, Ace and Deuce looked pissed about it too AAAAHH THE TRUE DEFINITION OF THE BOIS
- #Grimportectionsquad
- “It’s bout time for them to come” Who?
- FUCKING— CROWLEY STOP SAYING ITS NOTHING— This is why this school is so fucked, you never tell us anything ahead of time _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
- Aight he left, Ace Deuce hurry help me what you guys got
- He may be a monster but see— the worst he did is eat the whole tuna stack SO PLS HES STILL BABY AND I LOVE HIM
- Ace ヽ(;▽;)ノ The character development— im so proud of you, son
- Fuck this is so beautiful— just me and the bois on our way in the middle of the night to find our MISSING CAT I—
- Kalim Kalim Kalim Vil Vil Vil— Pls we’ve been through so much last chapter HELP
- Leona…A big fat mood honestly lmao
- Ey ey riddle pls— dont make this any more difficult—
- Shut up azul stay where u are all you’ve done is nothing but chaos since you arrive so SHHH
- MALLEUS IS NOT HERE AGAIN LILIA PLS— where is he when we need him the most LOL
- Ortho, your bro where?? Also— SURVIVAL STATUS BRUH—
- oh i forgot idia lives in his tablet LOL OF COURSE
- Omg he’s in the apple trees still looking scary as shi aaaaaaa pls kitty come home u just had too much catnip
- “Starting operation” ORTHO WHAT TF
- EY EY EY oh good he’s knocked out sighhh
- Aight I know this has been translated but I can’t help but to look at the original japanese and im just— wtf is RTS and TAS idia i dont understand this advanced gamer otaku language
- But Idia and Ortho really do be speedrunning on who can fucking kick my cat the hardest LOL
- THATS RIGHT IDIA You understand me— Fellow cat lovers unite, Grim is very cute, he can’t do no bad
- …so can i have him back pls—
- Can we just appreciate the fact that these bois are willing to take the risk of getting their heads chopped off by Riddle by doing all this for us??
- If this isnt what you call true friendship then i dont know what this is
- Lol ambrose is going to appear in this festival again and crowley’s prideful ass is QUAKING
- WHY are we not allowed to see him crowley im sure we can handle it— We’re the BOIS. CMON
- Imagine if they just summon a fcuking— magic vet or something lol
- It’s the next day lol
- I mean the NRC Tribe— ٩( ᐛ )و
- VIL. what you have my queen
- Vil pls dont remind me that my cat isnt here but thank you for saying thank you i do not deserve—
- Vil i miss the bad bitch but absolute oneesan energy but the apology— yeah are we gonna cry again lol
- AAAAAAHH why am i so proud— THAT vil is apologizing
- You dont need to maam what we had in chapter 5 was a fucking journey i regret nothing
- I swear if rook goes like— bitch that aint beautiful imma bonk him I WILL DO IT dont think i forgot what u did last chap
- Man i love me a man who can openly admit his mistakes MMMGH
- Rook i swear—
- Im glad that we’re not toning down ace’s brutal honesty lol
- Cheer up Vil, it’s not like it’s a complete failure anyways (;ω;) it was fun at least
- Hearing Jamil encourage Vil like this feels surreal BUT YES BOI U TELL EM
- What is this beautiful character development
- Ooff way to hit where it hurts the most vil my queen lol
- Bruh we appreciate Neige’s impeccable smile in this household— REMEMBER WHEN EVERYONE WAS LIKE NEIGE’S GON BE A BAD BOI??? WELP—
- It was me, i was that person and i shall drown in apple juice for it
- Of course, the ultimate Neige simp already knows that lol
- Bruh the background music has no business being this sad stop
- I hate it when vil is right sometimes omg— TRUEEE KALIM especially wouldn’t be able to stand properly on stage after knowing Neige’s own hardships aaaa
- Vil redemption arc??? 👀👀 you can help us cure our cat—
- !? Are we gonna get that money promised in that poster?? 👀👀
- Damn vil is STACKED He really didnt want to owe anyone anything LMAO YES QUEEN
- Kalim is making my heart go boom boom again baby boi ✨👁💧👄💧👁✨✨
- …sumimasen kalim for having a very rundown dorm 👁💧👄💧👁 but thank you for being nice about it lol
- But this man be such a sunshine holy shit i cant even be mad about it lol
- Aight adeuce pls— y’all dont have to force yourself to donate my guys (´;ω;`) being friends is enough lol i get it my bois
- Find me a man who can make me feel like this the way Vil can
- Man if only Grim is here :’) he’d be soo happy :’)) you can have all the tuna you want buddy :’)))
- Bro this is so wholesome omg
- Im sorry but still up to this day, my understanding of Epel’s accent is still lacking lmao
- Aight they be talking about how Rook already knew that they were going to lose from the very beginning
- The FORESHADOWING LOL The difference with how Rook said “What a wonderful performance” rather than “What a beautiful performance” sigh
- Honestly we gotta respect Rook’s resolve here lol man just knows what he wants
- Rook and Vil’s friendship lmao
- 👁👄👁 …!?
- EARTHQUAKE WTF How dare you ruin such moment—
- They look like something that belongs to the Ignihyde dorm HUH
- Oh bruh— Vil in his Dorm Leader mode is so cool AND YES I KNOW THIS IS NOT THE TIME BUT wheww~~ Vil YAS QUEEN
- so SO— the dorm leader’s have a protocol for outsider attacks like this 👁👄👁 OMG THEY’RE SO HOT
- They don’t seem like our bois anymore aaa just pure professionalism at this point—
- We were just talking about renovating it too wtf
- Bruh i dont know what is going on but dont touch my man’s face
- They’re targetting Vil and Jamil WHY— overblot men!!??? WHERE ARE YOU— GIVE THEM BACK
- I didnt understand what epel said here lmao BUT—!?
- BUDDYY >:’0000 Grimmm MY HEART—
- Are they kidnapping the overblot men?? What— the fucking absolute balls on these robots
- God we’re getting absolutely fucked in here
- I thought there’s going to be a festival not a fucking kidnapping event HEY
- Oh 👀 Rook pls help
- Oh ghad they got him during clubs WTF HOW—
- *nervous hornii chuckling* …angry expression silver 👁👄👁 im sorry
- AAAA Dorm leaders actually be acting like dorm leaders is soo cool i cant—
- Bruh the story is all chaos what is this chapter
- Are they gonna get Leona and Azul too what—
- RIDDLE BABY Jesus christ dont overblot like this again lol
- Whoever made these robots wtf is their deal lol TO BE ABLE TO BEAT A DORM LEADER—
- …Bruh where is our horned friend when u need him
- Silver and Sebek theorizing with dorm leaders but they took Jamil tho?? It’s probably the overblot men they’re after
- Also Malleus is probably good so you two calm down lol Lilia’s probs having tea with him right now
- Okay, Leona how are you going to get captured KING.
- Omg everything is getting destroyed wtf
- Bruh leona these are material robots— cant you just turn them into sand lol
- Oh they do have some kind of brand cmon just turn them into sand pls
- *hearing leona whisper his reasons ✋ 👁👄👁 🤚 okay sir im sorry
- Damn Leona acting like a real prince right now— it’s kinda hot 👀👀
- Idia : “bro we just chilling be cool— MY CHESS PIECE“
- “Aight ortho what’s the situation” “fucked"
- So Idia of course knows about this— why does he look like he’s so done lmao me getting the feeling this isnt the first time idia has encountered this situation before lol
- Man i want to see azul in action too but mehh— Idia told him to settle down cries
- Wait— are they taking idia too?? OH IS THIS THE DOING OF IDIA’S FAMILY
- AH THEY ALSO KNOW ABOUT THESE STYX BITCHES WHAT— and they’re just letting them GO whaaat
- Sounds to me that this must be idia’s family taking care of the overblotting students?? Like to protect Idia or something?? I DONT—
- “Gather all the dorm leaders” No, sir, they’re already gone besides my sunshine and the horn boi
- Malleus??? 👁👄👁 TSUNOTAROU
- Pls kill the robots they destroyed my place
- AAH UPSIDE DOWN LILIA long time no see lol
- Bruhh the diasomnia students are so lucky to have Malleus as a dorm leader omg
- Kalim sounds so desperate im so sad
- Bruh they just goku teleported their way out of the dorm lol
- Wait jack is not here lol did they just forget about him wtf
- Oh shit we here too i did not know LMAO
- S-So are we just gonna..continue school like— like these styx bitches didnt just ruin half the school, my dorm, injure my bois, and took my cat or…???
- So that’s why leona and idia be like bro this is not worth it
- O-Oh yeah— they…they didnt know that Vil overblot— PFFT
- Malleus pls information who are you talking about—
- Ey, overblot squad are assembled lol this looks so dangerous
- LMAOO Riddle was sleeping on Leona’s lap for three hours THATS SO CUTE
- Where the fck did they take them, ITS CRAMPED AF
- Bro they’re just exposing Vil and Jamil’s overblot that’s supposed to be a SECRET LOL
- Oji-tan can sound so wise and reliable like this if he really tried lol sugar daddy energy
- Wtf these guys never thought that idia was from a big shot family??? They thought it was just coincidence that they had the same family name PFFT
- AZUL AAAA He was right there my guy BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAN
- oh. They finally opened— isn’t this the ignihyde dorm what
This chapter is a fucking roller coaster like— literal 0 to 100 QUICC From having a moment with Vil and the bois to a FUCKING TERRORIST ATTACK LMAO IM HYPED FOR NEXT CHAP—
It’s been so long, I hope they released the next part soon (๑>◡<๑) I forgot how fine these men are lol at least I want to hear their voices again 👁👄👁
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akumaalert · 3 years
Snippet of “Awake” - First Chapter of “Divergence”
Hey, all! Wanted to share a snippet of the first chapter (”Awake”) of “Divergence” - a fic that will offshoot from “Heavy Metal Lover.” Note that this is basically a whole spoiler for chapter 20 of “Heavy Metal Lover.” If you’re like me and see random stuff saying “Don’t click if you haven’t read...” and click anyway: Hi! Welcome, chaos lover. If you like this and want to know the context, please feel free to check out the full work on AO3.
“Divergence” should be posted within two weeks and will be open to requests for the reader (”Lucky”) to have different experiences than what she has in the original. This can mean the following:
- AUs
- Re-tellings of certain scenes of the original
- Reader-specific details included in old or new/original scenes (i.e., reader is plus sized, skinny, tall, short, etc.)
- Genderbending of any of the characters
Originally made this Tumblr to share snippets of the stories on...so happy that I could finally do that! If you want to skip writing that was in the story, you can start at “Though sleep pulled at your eyelids...”
Story contains mature elements, swearing, and explicit mention of sex. Please be forewarned.
Looking back, it would only be a wonder that it did not occur sooner.
As soon as you were alone in the bedroom, you took off your shoes and eyed the clothes Heisenberg had provided you from the factory...
...before turning to the tub.
Couldn't hurt to bathe. Love to be clean. 
That man is coming back up to this bedroom.
This is the point, self.
The logical side of your brain, for once, remained quiet. 
Though you had clearly lost all sense of sensibility, you at least moved the divider to completely block the tub from any but the most determined of views. 
The water had been scalding when you got in.
By the time you had bathed and decided that your foolishness had reached its limit, it was stark cold.
"This was stupid," you said. "Fucking stupid. What did I want? Him to join me? This is the universe saying 'Wake the fuck up.'"
Though your fingers were pruned, you dried yourself off and pulled a nightgown from the small cupboard beneath the sink.
Sheer as ever. Fuck's sake. The universe had truly saved you.
Until it hadn't.
Heisenberg rushed into the room like a rocket and you jumped as the door slammed close.
"...you here, Luck?"
"Yeah," you called out. "Um...don't come over here...gotta get dressed real quick."
"...k" called Heisenberg.
Wasting no time, you slid the gown over your body and made sure to fan out the edges as far as they would go. 
You needed no mirror to see your nipples proudly displayed through the fabric.
Mouthing a 'fuck' for good measure, you frowned.
"Do you...do you mind looking away for a second?"
"From you?"
"...are...are you coming out naked?"
"No," you snapped.
An awkward silence greeted you.
"You looking away?"
"Oh. Yeah. You're good now."
Peeking from behind the divider, you only saw Heisenberg's back. 
With more speed than you were familiar with, you bolted to the bed and ducked under the covers.
Once secure beneath the pillowy softness, you breathed a sigh of relief.
"Okay. It’s safe."
You did not miss how Heisenberg whirled around.
"Oh...fuck...that was fast."
"Yeah," you said absently.
"Trying to set a fucking record?"
"Something like that."
"Mmn. I...gotta get changed."
The two of you stared at the other.
"You trying to get a free show or you gonna cover those peepers?"
"...I figured you would go behind the divider."
"The divider is on your side of the bed."
"Oh," you said dumbly. "Oh. Yeah...wait."
Yanking the pillow from underneath your head, you smashed it onto your face above your mouth and pressed down.
Heisenberg chuckled. "Dramatic as hell."
"Doing what you asked of me."
"...didn't formally ask you to...did I?"
Swallowing found your throat on fire.
"What was that?"
"Mmn," you repeated.
"Heh...don't go into public speaking, kid."
You frowned at the ceiling and the darkness of your eyes. 
Instead of speaking, Heisenberg decided to tell you he was done by climbing in the bed beside you. It struck you suddenly that lamps had been placed in the room instead of the candles that the castle was so beset with. But when you removed your pillow, you found yourself met by more muted darkness.
"Sure you okay with this?" asked Heisenberg. "I can fuck off and go into another room. I like to bitch like a drama king, but I don't need anything crazy set up for me."
"Bed is pretty big," you said carelessly. "S'okay. We've been closer."
The chuckle Heisenberg gave was absolutely filthy.
"We have...haven't we?"
The fucking lilt would be the death of you. What a relief it was to blink blindly and stupidly at the man in peace without judgment. 
"Hey - last time I'm reminding you...what's your one job?"
"Get you out in the morning," you replied.
"Ah...generators...production line...something about a reset..."
"That's my girl. Nighty night, Luck."
"Night, Heis."
A turn. A breath. A feeling that you would never be able to sleep with the man so close that you could feel his body heat radiating from him like a welcome sign. 
But you awoke.
You awoke often.
You awoke in the middle of the night from a dream you could barely recall and all the images of Alcina at the forefront of your mind. 
You awoke in Heisenberg's arms and sobbed into his chest as he clung you to him just as sweetly as any of your snowy imaginings. 
"Fuck you doing awake? No...shh...it's okay...shh...you're alright. I'm here. I've got you."
Though sleep pulled at your eyelids, you nudged your head up to feel the spikes of Heisenberg's scruff. You had to stay awake. Could not return to sleep and Alcina awaiting you with her long talons and even longer legs.
You nodded into his neck. 
"Mmn. Have those myself...think you can go back to sleep? Don't think it's quite time for me to leave yet if you just wanna yak about it or something."
Swallowing, you exhaled. "Don't wanna go back to sleep."
With a grunt, Heisenberg sat up to leave you curled on the sheets.
"Just checking the time..."
When Heisenberg turned to pull something from the floor, you noticed that your eyes had somewhat adjusted to the dark. Enough so that you saw the loose movements of his arms and realized that he had gone to bed without a shirt. 
"Fuck...two in the morning..."
"I'm sorry," you said, tensing. But Heisenberg was mumbling and coming back to you with open arms. "Sorry I woke you..."
"S'alright," he said, yawning afterward. "Gotten less sleep and done more stupid things after than make sure the reset doesn't fuck up the factory..."
As he spoke, you could feel one of his hands rubbing up and down your arm a bit too roughly. An awkward and well intended move to comfort you.
"Still...I'm sorry...you need all the sleep you can manage to get. I don't know how much work the whole factory thing will be..."
"Honestly not much as long as I get back in time," he said, hand squeezing your arm for good measure before returning to that same rough rubbing motion. "Could probably even come back here afterwards...heh...that would spook that sixty-foot snake."
You laughed a sleepy laugh and settled further into his grasp.
"Mmn...like a fucking little bunny...cuddling into me and shit..."
"I can stop...pull away..."
Heisenberg's hand stopped rubbing you in favor of clutching you to him.
"Shh...you're talking nonsense. Need some sleep."
"Heis, you can just tell me that you like it when we cuddle."
When he tsked and laid his chin on your head, you smiled. It felt so much like that day at the stronghold.
"Why would I say that? Not in the business of lying to people."
Lying...yes...because what we are doing now is causing you so much distress...
"Well," you said, smiling. "I'll say it then. I like it when we cuddle. Especially in bed. Feels more comfy than cuddling in front of the lycans."
A shiver - as though Heisenberg had been beset by the cold - ran through his body.
"Yeah, yeah..." he said absently. "Uh...actually...we might wanna go to sleep after all..."
"Yeah...early morning..."
"You mind if I hold onto you for a while? This...this actually helps from the nightmare."
The only way you knew how to describe Heisenberg in that moment was jittery. His movements were fine on their own but were conducted with such awkward quickness as to be alarming.
When he did not answer you, you looked up at him through the dark.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
A beat of silence and then another.
"Nothing's wrong." Quick words to match his quick movement.
"It's Heis."
"...you...Heis...something isn't right. Just talk to me. In English, preferably."
What you could only assume was a curse in German fell from his lips.
"I...fuck's sake, buttercup...I don't know how to...if you...this was such a bad idea...so fucking STUPID."
"What?" You paused, gathering enough evidence from his huff. "Sleeping together?"
"It was your idea."
"I FUCKING KNOW THAT, OKAY?" he hissed. "Just...I thought...earlier...it made more sense...this made more sense..."
"Glad something did because I am completely and utterly confused," you admitted. 
"You're confused? You started flirting with me." Heisenberg grumbled something low and rough. "Fucking gave me ideas...false hope...so I thought...guh I'm such a fucking idiot..."
Hope began to fuel you too. Fuel you and feed into the most terrible of terrific ideas.
"Are you...whatever you're trying to say...I was flirting with you. That wasn't false. Honestly...I was in the bathtub just moments before you came in hoping you would join me."
"...you what now?"
You could not help but laugh. The fact that you could not see Heisenberg's expressive face only added to the hilarity as you imagined a hundred different emotions running through that scarred skin.
"I took a bath...a long one...hoping that you would come up here in the middle of it and offer to join me...figured one thing could lead into another and the bed was here anyway..."
The pauses in between Heisenberg's voice could only endear you to him. He seemed every bit lost for words. 
"You...are you talking about...what are you talking about?"
"Sleeping with you," you supplied with a shrug. "What are you talking about?"
"Sleeping...you...ah...I wasn't...I wasn't mistaken? Shit...I...I may or may not have a fucking stiffy over here...because the cuddling is...something you enjoy so much."
"Oh?" you purred. The chance of escaping in the delights of Heisenberg’s body made your body positively teem with anticipation. But you could not forget your own actions...the last time you had seen him in such a vulnerable state. Losing some confidence, you glanced at the darkness of the bed instead of his body. "Umm...I want to touch you...want to...would it be okay if I touched you?"
"Yeah...course. You've touched me before."
"No...I mean...is it...fuck...can I jack you off?"
For a long while, Heisenberg said nothing.
The next thing you heard was a rattling spit.
"What's wrong?"
"Pinched myself."
"You...why are you pinching yourself?"
"Because I'm clearly fucking awake but clearly dreaming at the same time because yes, I would enjoy that very much. Please. And thank you."
"Are...are you sure?"
Heisenberg's hand came down heavy but without malice on your neck.
"Shit...I was trying to grab your hand."
Providing your hand to his, you hitched a breath when he splayed it against his chest. His heartbeat thudded against your palm. Wrenching your knees upward, you brushed against that heated length between his legs.
"I...um...we should probably talk about boundaries before I do this."
"Is this...are you okay with me just jacking you off?"
"Just? This is a goddamn holiday. Marking it on the calendar. Nothing little about it."
"Dumbass. That's not what I'm saying," you said, scratching his chest somewhat affectionately to show him that you meant no harm. "Do you...are you wanting anything more? Because I'm on my period...I'm up for it...but it might get messy and I know that's the last mess I want a certain someone finding."
"We...we can do more? More like..." You heard him take in a shaky inhale. "Can we...is like full blown intercourse on the table?"
"Sure...long as you don't call it that again," you said, shaking your head.
Grumbling and tensing his shoulders, Heisenberg whined when you dropped your touch to round one of his nipples.
"What the fuck else am I supposed to call it?"
"Sex. Fucking. Making love," you added jokingly. "Um...ah...you know...I hadn't thought about it, but maybe you genuinely didn't know. German to English...or...ah...Romanian to English. Might not have those words."
"I like making love," he said with certainty in his voice. "Let's do that. Make love."
You had expected him to laugh at that suggestion if he acknowledged it at all. But there he was giddy and practically giggling over the most flowery option he was given. 
"Okay...are there any places that you don't like being touched?"
"Not that I know of," he admitted. "Are there...is there somewhere I shouldn't touch you?"
"Not necessarily...just...no going down on me this time. Sex is one thing-"
"Making love."
"-us um...us making love is fine, but I don't want to get eaten out while my period is going on. And don't show me your dick after or comment on the blood...just...get rid of it. Please. And...and nothing too crazy to start out with. I'm not a prude, but don't want to be choked or anything harsh like that. Just...vanilla for our first go. Then we can see where things take us."
"Roger that! Heard loud and clear," he said, leaning his face to kiss your forehead. For all the lack of a relationship, Heisenberg was making you feel far much more mushy and cared for than your ex ever had. You let your hand round his stomach slow and soft in response.
"Thank you. We...if you want to, I'll jack you off for a bit before you grab the condom."
"The...I don't have one of those."
That made you freeze. 
"Not even in this room? Your chambers? If you don't feel like getting up, I can grab them from wherever they are."
Heisenberg went uncharacteristically quiet.
"None in this room," he said plainly.
"I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable by asking...but...is that typical? You having sex without a condom?"
It worried you. Here you were all too willing to have him fuck you into the mattress while he could be having all sorts of unprotected sex with who knows who in the village. He was attractive - a lord. Anyone with a pair of eyes could easily fall in lust if not love with him. 
Anyone with ears too...fucking sexy ringmaster voice...
"Not typical, no."
"No? Has it just...been a while?"
"Never made love before."
That sent you sitting up in bed.
"HEISEN..." you lowered your voice, realizing he was growing tense. "You've never...I don't believe you. Quit joking. Not the time."
"Not joking," he grumbled. "Why would I joke about that?"
"You're just..."
"I'm what?"
"You're you," you said as if it clarified anything at all. "You're a lord in a small town. You have a face of a model. Not...not trying to open old wounds, but you're absolutely gorgeous underneath all those layers..."
"Yeah," he snorted. "Fatass McGee will be strutting the runways any day now."
"Oh my god...you're serious." Lying back down, you brought your hand to the clothed length between his legs. He had grown noticeably more soft since the brush of your knee, but you could feel his cock twitch when you cupped him. "So...no one? Not even foreplay or...what about kissing?"
"...ahhh...nah...none of that either...you're probably the first person to see me naked since I was a little kid...well...maybe a few folks in Constantinople. Got sloshed one time and woke up naked tied to a lamppost. But...other than that...all you."
There seemed to be no end to the surprises that would fall from Heisenberg's mouth. You stared at him - or the inky shadow that was him - and ran teasing fingers up his shaft.
"I uhh...fuck...I'm pretty sure anyone who saw me then is dead by now though," he supplied.
"Heis...you're so fucking ridiculous." 
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jordanstrophe · 4 years
This One is Mine, part...10?
Anon ask, Anon receive c:
(I am aware the Content Warning spoil a lot, but I want everyone to be safe and comfortable. The main story will have a happy ending though!)
CW: Very Intimate whumper, manhandling, restraints, Whumpee recaptured by whumper, gun mentioned, Arrest made, implied whipping, Blood, Death threats, gun mentioned, Gag, Kidnapping mentioned
Michael sat crumpled under the desk, face pressed against the corner, twitching and shaking, the gashes on his back burning. He wanted to go home... He didn’t even care about his life before all this, he hardly even remembered it. He just wanted to stay with Charles.
Maybe he forgot about him already... 
He let a quiet sob escape his lips, but held in the rest. Almost immediately, two hands reached down and roughly grabbed his bound arms, pulling him from under the desk. He yelped as he was pulled into Malcolm's lap, who cradled him in his arms.
“Shh, baby, don’t cry. He’s not worth a tear.” Malcolm whispered, thumbing them away. He tucked his face into his shoulder, whimpering and crying softly. “You’re home now, lovely. Back where you belong, in my arms, at my feet, isn’t that right?” He asked. “Y-yes master.” He said, he didn’t have the energy to rebel anymore. Malcolm gave him a lovingly smile, stroking his knuckles down his face. Michael wanted nothing but to spit in his face and pull from his grasp, but he had learned not to do that the hard way in the past. 
His phone on his desk rang, Malcolm groaned annoyingly as he shoved Michael onto the floor, who quickly scampered back under the desk. “Who is it?! I’m busy!” He growled into the phone angrily.
“Jake, Kyle, Alice, Emma, Vince...” The voice rattled off a list of names. Before the voice could continue any further, Malcolm shrieked “What is this? What do you think you’re doing?!” He knew who that was, and he recognized all those names.
“Oh, some people you should know. People you took off the street against the system. People who didn’t see anything, but you took them anyway. You know what I’m talking about.” Charles smiled. “You abused the system for your personal gain, it’s like a sport to you, isn’t it? A big game. I have more names if you want me to remind you.”
Malcolm’s face went red, but he shook off the anger, he still held all the cards. 
“That doesn’t matter, it’s a business tactic! The other founders will recognize that, there on my side, remember?” He laughed.  “Yeah, but the government isn’t.” Charles smirked. 
Malcolm broke down laughing. He laughed, and laughed, and laughed until he was practically wheezing, Michael was pretty hopeful he would die on the spot.
“The government? Please old friend, you wouldn’t dare! You rat me out, the entire system goes with it.” He laughed.  “So?” Charles asked. “I’ll be honest. I’m getting bored, I feel like I beat the game of life a long long time ago. But now I have something else to live for, and if you don’t return him, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep him safe."  “You’re either crazy, or bluffing, and I’m going to go with the second one.” He sneered. 
 “He’s not joking, Malcom.” Nimrah spoke behind Charles. “Is that the lovely Miss Nimrah Loralie? Are you still salty about our last business deal?” He chuckled. “Yes, yes I am, thank you very much. But let me make it clear to you, Charles is no bluffing man, he plans to take down the entire system unless you give him what he wants. Or.. You could always not, and we can go back to the first plan.” She shrugged.
“First plan, eh?” He laughed. “Yeah, me kindly giving you a bullet between the eyes.” She hissed into the phone. 
“You even got her involved. You’re serious here, aren’t you Charles?” He sighed. 
“Deadly, serious.”
Malcolm glanced down at Michael cowering under the desk, he was only hearing half the conversation, too many questions were swimming in his head. Malcolm let off a sigh of defeat. “Alright. Alright. Fine. He’s not worth the trouble, you know where to meet me, tonight.” He mumbled. He hung up before Charles could get another word in. 
Malcolm ripped the phone in two with his bare hands, and threw it against the large mirror, shattering it to pieces that shot across the room. He slammed his fists on the desk, jostling the whole room, the chandeliers clattering and swaying. He collapsed to his knees to come face to face with Michael, who trembled and shook. He grabbed his chin and pulled him closer.
“What is with you, huh? What’s so special about you?! Do you realize what you’ve just caused?!” He cried out. Michael only squeezed his eyes shut, whimpering over the pain in his back. Malcolm sighed, loosening his grasp and petting his cheek. “But don’t worry baby, I’m going to fix everything tonight, alright? Right in front of Charles.” He smiled lovingly. 
Charles' hands trembled, he had made dozens of phone calls, and deleted hundreds of files on every hard drive. Miles nervously paced around the room twitching his fingers in his grasp. 
“Charles, are you sure? Are you one-hundred percent sure you want to do this?” Miles asked.  “I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life. It’s time.” He gave him a sad smile.  “And you’re sure we’re going to be fine? We have protection, right?” Nimrah asked. “Absolutely, every one of you is going to be taken care of, I swear. I take care of my household” He said. 
“But... What about you?” Liam asked. The room went silent. 
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Miles, I’m counting on you, alright?” He asked. Miles nervously nodded his head. 
When night fell, they drove to the abandoned lot where they did the usual trades. “Nimrah? Something has been on my mind. That day, in the shop, you recognized Michael. You said he was brave... What happened?” He asked. Nimrah sighed, crossing her arms and legs. 
‘'Before our little fall out, I would always attend his parties. I’ll give him credit, his parties were a real killer. But this one night was a bit different. He had just lost one of his favorites, and was pretty mad. He did it himself, of course, but he never blamed himself. He dressed up a bunch of his Pets and had them serve the food and drinks, one of them fell and spilled a lot of really expensive drinks, it’s safe to say he wasn’t too happy.” She huffed.  “I swear it looked like he was about to kill that boy on the spot. But Michael jumped in front and shielded him, He took the punishment instead.” She sighed.
Charles was silent, he was scared to try and picture that scene. “He knew what he was doing, brave kid. But he sealed his fate that day, for that was the day he became the new favorite.” She said. “Man...” Miles muttered, dragging a hand through his hair. Charles could only clench his fists tightly. 
Malcolm’s car pulled up, Michael was knelt on the floor. “Come on lovely, up here.” Malcolm cooed, gently pulled him up on the seat next to him. '‘Now sweetheart, do you know what’s going to happen?” He asked, brushing the bloody hair from his face. “N-No.. Master..” He muttered. “Charles about threw everything away for you, his career, his freedom, all for you! Isn’t that nice?” He smiled.  
Michael’s eyes shot up, he finally felt a glimmer of hope. “He’s... Came f-for me?” He asked, tears streaking down his face. “All for you, he’s just outside, waiting for you!” He grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a tight hug, hissing in his ear. 
“And then I’m going to kill you. Right in front of him, before you even reach him. And while he’s too stunned to do anything, I’m going to kill him, right after he sees you dead.”
Michael’s eyes went wide, his breathing stopped.  No... No he wouldn’t. No... No!  “Why?” He whimpered, too shocked to even break down to sob, he was only breathless. 
‘Why? Because if I can’t have you. No one can.” 
In an instant, Malcolm shoved a gag in his mouth, and tied it tightly. “But shhh, it’s a surprise, so don’t tell him, okay? Oh baby, I’m going to miss you.” He said sadly, as Michael tried to scream, or run, or fight, anything! But he couldn’t... 
Malcolm grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the car. He could see the headlights of another car, beaming across the lot. He heard the other car door slam shut. He tried to shout, to scream, anything to warn then about what was going to happen! But all that came out were panicked muffling sobs. 
“Malcolm!” Charles shouted. Standing in front of the headlights, only his silhouette was visible. “I’ve got your boy, Charles! I honored my part, now do the same!” He called. “Let him go, and we’ll see about that.” He responded. 
Malcolm had a hold on his arm, as he pulled him forward. “Don’t mess this up now.” He whispered, before shoving him forward. He quickly regained his footing, standing in the middle of the lot, his legs quaking under him, as he froze.
“Michael! It’s okay, come here!” Charles called, but he didn’t move. He tried to cry out again, but hardly anything was coming out. He looked up at Charles, with tears in his eyes, as he shook his head no. 
“Sweetheart it’s okay! It’s okay now, come home!” He cried, taking a step closer. Michael only responded by taking a step back, viciously shaking his head no. 
Malcolm laughed. “What’s wrong Charles? Your boy doesn't want you anymore?”  Charles let out a frustrated sigh, as he began to walk towards Michael, who scrambled back and collapsed on the gravel. 
“..Michael?” Charles asked, slowing down his pace, confused. He saw something flash in Malcolm's hand from the headlights, before he even had a chance to do anything, there was a loud crashing sound from the distance. 
‘'Hands in the air! Drop the weapon!” A loud voice announced. Black cars screeched up to the scene, within an instant dozens of people poured out of them.
“I repeat, drop the weapon!” They called again.
Weapon... What weapon? There was a clanking sound that came from Malcolm, who had thrown a gun to the floor with his hands in the air, his face pale, frozen with fear. He looked down, to see Michael still trembling on the ground, unable to move. He quickly grabbed him, pulling him into an embrace for just a moment, before ripping him onto his feet, quickly dragged him over and put him in Miles arms. 
‘Go!” He cried, as Miles held on to Michael. 
He turned around, hand in the air. "They’re not involved, I’m the one who called! I’m the one you want!” He called, as he was immediately wrestled to the ground. He looked up, as saw the same was done to Malcolm and his driver. Malcolm’s eyes were fixated on him, hatred burning in his eyes. “You rat... We had a deal!” 
Michael looked back, and saw what was happening. Miles pulled the gag from his mouth, as he immediately cried out. ‘Wait! What’s happening!? Charles!?” He cried. He tried to pull himself from Miles grasp, but he didn’t let go.
“No no no! Stay with me, he has to do this!” Miles cried, as Michael desperately tried to run to him. 
“WAIT! NO! CHARLES! PLEASE, NO! CHARLES!” He screamed, as Miles grabbed his legs and threw him over his shoulder.  He screamed, cried, fought and pleaded as he was thrown into the back of the car. Miles jumped in the driver's seat and hit the gas. Nimrah crawled into the back seat and tried to sooth Michael, who was screaming and crying.
“Sshh, Michael, it’s alright, calm down.” Nimrah whispered. She pulled off the shackled from his wrists, as he immediately scrambled to open the car door, but it was locked. She pulled him into a hug, trying to calm him down, but he wasn’t having it. They drove for hours, and hours, long passing the mansion. Eventually his voice gave out, as he collapsed in the seat, blindly staring out the window, his face stained with tears. 
“He’ll be okay.” Nimrah muttered, to the both of them. 
“He’ll be okay...”
Tag list: @lave-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @green-eyed-whumpster  @grizzlie70  @myworstdays @ill-eat-you-if-you-cross-me @alien-octopus
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Thank you for reading!
I was quite unsure of this one, as the story was SUPPOSE to be fluffy. (My inner whump came out, sorry) But! It will have a good ending! And this was kind of the only way I could think that could lead up to that ending I wanted. The next chapter will most likely be the last. I may come back and do some drabble, or if someone wants to request something, but the main story is about to come to an end. I’m hopping these past few chapters didn’t go somewhere where people didn’t want it to go. But thank you for coming this far, I really appreciate you! <3 
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Lux & Amber
Lux: You missed [some dinner y’all have that doesn’t entirely suck] tonight
Lux: I tried to save you some but that’s already gone
Lux: anyway, can we talk when you’ve got a sec?
Amber: Oh no! 🥺 Thanks for trying to spare me tomorrow’s ‘feast’, I really appreciate the attempted save
Amber: I promised to stay here for a while longer yet, but we can talk if you’re okay with typing it all out
Amber: I have time to read, she’s fallen asleep
Lux: Awh, I hope your friend feels better soon!
Lux: Yeah, I can totally do it over text
Lux: It’ll be way less awkward for us both anyway, I think
Lux: What do you think about Dash?
Amber: everyone knows what I think about Dash…
Amber: I haven’t made any secret of what an asshole he’s been to me since we had sex
Lux: I’m not just asking to be nosy or anything like that
Lux: but he said some things that I didn’t think made sense and I just
Lux: idk, I don’t know if he believes himself or what
Amber: I think I know why you’re asking, which means I should’ve spoken up more about the lies he told me before then and who I’ve found out he actually is
Amber: he definitely wants to believe his own bullshit, I guess because it makes him look and feel better than the truth does
Lux: Maybe he still likes you so he’s acting out?
Lux: Not that that’s cool but I don’t know why he’s got you so wrong otherwise
Amber: making me look like the psycho ex girlfriend I never was and dismissing everything I say and do under that guise is easier than addressing his own behaviour
Amber: especially when there are so few of us trying to get him to change or be held accountable for how he treats the girls at the commune
Lux: That’s what I was afraid of
Lux: but your side of it undoubtedly makes a lot more sense
Lux: Thanks, Amber
Amber: No, don’t thank me
Amber: I should’ve stayed last night
Amber: known that this was gonna happen
Lux: No, you can’t be responsible for him, or me
Lux: and like you said, so many girls are okay with it, him, seemingly so
Amber: mama insisted I look after you and I clearly didn’t
Lux: You’re both sweethearts, but I’m not a baby
Lux: I should’ve known better
Amber: neither am I but I fell for it too, and I couldn’t have known any better than living alongside him for half a year
Amber: I just really wanted it to be true, what he was saying about me and that place, stupid of me
Lux: If it is that way for him, it sounds really nice
Lux: I think it is, but maybe that’s stupider
Amber: it’s that way for my parents and I thought if anyone could make me feel close to the same, he would, which sounds really calculating of me
Amber: maybe I did use him as badly and he does have a right to badmouth me, I don’t know
Lux: We all have expectations… surely?
Lux: That doesn’t mean either of us were in love with him or being crazy
Lux: What he said and then what he did didn’t match up, for either of us, by the sounds of it
Amber: Do you wanna talk about what he said and did to you?
Lux: It’s hard to work out what even upset me now
Lux: Maybe he did tell me from the start, so that is on me
Lux: I thought from how he was though, he’d want to see me again but when I asked he told me he was with someone else, then he was like, idk, acting like it’s his duty or something and it was really gross
Amber: Yara and her friends must have come back for the solstice celebrations, they never miss a party and he never misses the opportunity to be with her before she's gone again
Lux: What’s she like?
Amber: A free spirit
Amber: and every other hippie stereotype everyone expects me to be
Lux: Of course
Lux: well I don’t want to meet her, whatever he thinks
Amber: of course he wants you to meet her
Lux: He should just be with her then if she’s so cool and free
Amber: there's no scenario in which she'd wanna stay there with him or he's gonna leave with her
Lux: Love being what’s left
Amber: I'm so sorry, Lux
Amber: this is just my POV of them though, and I'm biased by how angry he makes me
Lux: It’s not your fault, this is just all what I was presuming and dreading before
Lux: He doesn’t like you either, so the truth should be somewhere in the middle
Amber: if he talked to me about any of it instead of about me to anyone who'll listen, he'd like me even less
Lux: I was supposed to be being extra vigilant
Lux: I knew this would happen
Amber: it's not your fault, he knows what he's doing, that's why he keeps it up and keeps getting away with it
Lux: It was my fault I got myself involved
Lux: It couldn’t be shown to me any clearer
Lux: I can thank him for that, I guess
Amber: Do you want us to help you find somewhere else to stay?
Lux: You don’t need to do that
Lux: Here is as good as any for now
Lux: I need to work on myself, not my surroundings
Amber: I know the feeling, but it doesn't stop me fucking hating living there sometimes
Amber: a lot of the time
Lux: I don’t like it either
Lux: I’m in no position to complain but it’s
Lux: a different dislike to home, but still
Amber: Any time you feel like complaining to me, I'm not in any position to tell you not to, it's all I do right now, I swear
Amber: but maybe it would be more helpful to admit that I'm also spending as much time as I can finding places that feel far away from it and meeting people who don't have the hive mind
Lux: It feels like everyone else LOVES it and the implication is I just don’t ‘get it’ because of my background and that’s my lack
Lux: It’s actually very similar in loads of ways and not positive ways, I would say but hey
Lux: School must help with that a lot
Lux: the kids at my church that weren’t homeschooled or quiverfull were just
Lux: such a breath of fresh air
Lux: the best friends until my mother caught wind and called them ‘bad influences’ or whatever
Amber: some of them are, but there are others who make me feel as 👽 as people in the commune do, I still have searching to do, I guess, before I belong properly anywhere
Lux: I feel that
Lux: Maybe Yara has the right idea 🙄
Amber: Shhh no, don't ever say that! And don't let me put you off, I'm sure if you met them you'd love them all and vice versa
Amber: it's gotta be a me thing because my favourite person in the world is someone I do nothing but argue with
Lux: I won’t love her now
Lux: It isn’t her fault but it’s too late for that
Lux: Is that his brother?
Lux: Not to be gossipy, but he had stuff to say about that too
Amber: I won’t push that introduction, but my school friends are a possibility, since you’re not planning to leave
Amber: Great, he’s made it about him, despite the fact he’s the one topic we don’t talk about, I should’ve seen that coming too
Lux: That, I would like
Lux: I’m not getting that reputation
Lux: He already called Nora boring despite the fact I think everyone knows why she’s here and why she’s shy
Lux: Oh he thinks it’s 100% about him, I did my best to politely say I doubted that very much but he wasn’t taking it in
Amber: Nora’s very welcome to come with you to hang out with us if she’d like, I don’t think she’s at all boring, or honestly even that shy
Amber: Dash can’t stand that she doesn’t feel at ease around him because that’s how he gets what he wants
Lux: Yeah, seriously
Lux: I didn’t even go there because I got mad enough without pointing out her discomfort/trauma around men isn’t about him and HIS feelings
Amber: Likewise my friendship with his brother isn’t anything to do with him or his business, but it’s the least important part of what’s been going on, so I wouldn’t be rushing to bring it up even if it was a conversation he wanted to and was mature enough to have
Lux: I don’t know what to do now
Lux: He’s not the devil
Amber: he doesn’t have to be a bad person to be bad for you
Lux: He did try to talk to me, get to know me, though
Lux: which is more than plenty of people here
Lux: and I’m not treating them like 👺
Amber: he got to know me too, for months, I thought we were genuinely friends and then I discovered how much of what he said was lies, and if that wasn’t bad enough, he stole my dad’s stash
Amber: getting it back is how I met his brother in the first place, not that I did, because it was long gone
Lux: I know you’re right 😞
Amber: Don’t you think it’s worse than being blanked? I absolutely wish he’d never given me the time of day
Lux: I wish I was there yet
Lux: but no, I can’t say I’m there when I’m just not
Amber: it’s okay, I’ve had longer and I still feel like the biggest idiot, maybe it would stop hurting if I wasn’t friends with his brother and going over to his house to make that boy breakfast in the morning but I don’t want to not do those things
Lux: I can get that bit
Lux: I’m already hating that girl I’ve never met because of him, and that makes me mad but there’s no situation in which he doesn’t get the win because if I tried to not hate her, that’s what he wants anyway
Lux: That sounds super cute though
Lux: despite the arguing
Lux: maybe that’s just how they were raised?
Amber: I don’t know how his brother doesn’t hate me, because I haven’t told you that’s where it happened, because I can’t believe anyone would seriously pretend someone else’s room was theirs
Amber: I can’t blame him for always being annoyed at me, I am at myself and my life, he must think I’m… well I don’t wanna put the words to what he could think
Amber: at least he says what he means and it’s real
Lux: He what?
Lux: Oh no that’s REALLY bad
Lux: his brother can clearly tell that that’s as bad for you too, and not your fault
Lux: well, worse, but even if how mad he was stopped him getting to that conclusion
Lux: I can’t
Amber: It makes no sense that Dash would do it for my benefit, I don’t even have a bed right now, I’m not gonna judge the state of his sheets!
Lux: That’s weird
Lux: like an inside joke with himself?
Lux: because presumably he didn’t think his brother would find out anything…
Lux: He should get a lock
Amber: Right? For it to be a fuck you he’d have to tell him because I did a really good job of tidying up before I left and he didn’t stop me
Lux: I do not like that
Lux: I’m used to having no personal space and nothing being your own
Lux: but that’s disrespectful, like a lot
Amber: me too and I couldn’t agree more, it gives me the ick
Lux: It’s real ick
Lux: sorry, I’m not trying to make you feel gross, it’s all him
Lux: it was just a room to you
Amber: it’s such a nice room, if I wasn’t high I would’ve questioned it
Lux: There was a lot I would’ve questioned on a normal night but I was overwhelmed
Amber: I know you said don’t but I hate myself for leaving you
Lux: Seriously don’t
Lux: that’s not what I want
Lux: I probably would’ve done it whatever you said
Lux: I hate to say that but it’s likely true
Amber: it was a drunk decision, I’m usually a better friend, I promise
Lux: I know you are 😌
Lux: you’ve been more than welcoming despite the fact your mom kinda forced you to 😅
Amber: When I get back we should go out, not only because if I see Dash I will hit him and my dad’ll be upset with me, but also to do something away from him and my parents
Lux: Yeah, I’m feeling that too, I do not wanna be here
Lux: where should we go? 💃🍸🍝🎬🛒💅
Lux: aside from breakfast, what do you guys do for fun?
Lux: I’ve barely ventured outside of this place since I got here
Amber: how unfair would it be if I woke up my sick friend to ask her what normal girls do with their Sunday evening?
Amber: we did go to the beach, that’d be cleansing for the ick
Amber: or we could do something neither of us have ever done, to slightly level the playing field, because you’ve been overwhelmed enough for forever
Amber: to make us feel less gross
Lux: Can we go to the beach
Lux: my favourite places we’ve lived were always by the ocean
Amber: That’s what I was hoping you’d say!
Lux: 😁🥰🥳
Amber: the minute her mama is through the door, I’ll be out of it
Lux: I will aggressively be busy wherever he ain’t ‘til then
Amber: keep away from [wherever the hell Yara and her friends hang out on these grounds] and you’ll be fine
Lux: Thanks, I’ve got a bikini to find anyway, Lord knows I don’t have one
Amber: [obvs tell her where you hide your shit because that’s the kind of friend you are and it likely changes so other bitches don’t steal it]
Lux: Oh, that’s smart 👍
Lux: I’d get a lock for our room but I just know there’d be suggestions we could fit at least another 2 people in or whatever if we just made the effort 🙄
Amber: Thanks, I’d love to wear my favourite new 👗 everywhere but I know what would get said about that, and besides, it wouldn’t be the nicest thing I own for long if I did
Amber: I’d offer to sleep on the floor but unfortunately I’m too small for that suggestion to really silence the others
Lux: Not for the beach then
Lux: but soon, maybe with your friends, and Nora?
Lux: I could make a new favourite 👗 for the occasion
Lux: Don’t take this the wrong way but how tiny you are is adorable 🥺 I’m totally jealous
Amber: Yes, I know exactly who I can ask for a Nora friendly atmosphere
Amber: I’m ridiculously jealous that you can apparently make a new dress like it’s nothing, I couldn’t even make a sock puppet when the little ones asked me
Lux: 💗
Lux: It depends on your view of fashion
Lux: I can sew but I prefer ridiculously impractical stuff you would not see in any kinda store
Amber: it’s hard to see past the joy of clothes that haven’t been worn and washed so often it’s a guess what colour they originally were, for me
Amber: I don’t know how I feel about fashion, I like accessories though
Amber: and I’m a willing 🐹 … is that a hamster? 😂
Lux: I’ve noticed your collection 💎📿🧿✨
Lux: in an admiring way… not a thief one which that sounds like 😅
Lux: you can be my hamster
Amber: You can borrow any of them, except this one [a pic with a ring around the necklace her bae gave her duh]
Amber: okay, but what creature are you? Not a magpie, allegedly
Lux: Understood
Lux: ❌🦊🐺
Amber: that was his nickname for you?
Lux: Of course it’s that predictable
Amber: because he gave me one too, along with Yara and everybody else
Lux: He’s becoming less appealing by the second
Lux: just because it isn’t special or doesn’t mean anything to him, doesn’t mean he should assume it’s the same for everyone he ever meets
Amber: He made me feel so special, it’s embarrassing to even type out now
Lux: I’m right there with you
Lux: I can’t believe I decided to trust him, on any level but with that especially
Amber: I feel like I need to have sex with someone else immediately because him being the only person I have since we moved here is an honour he doesn’t remotely deserve, but I know I need to start making better decisions, so like, I can’t
Lux: Try him being the second person you have and both times went TERRIBLY and confirmed the sin to everyone and yourself
Lux: That’s great, thanks Dash 👍
Amber: I'm gonna kill him, my dad'll have to deal
Lux: Brooks will kill me
Lux: or give me really hard work as punishment, anyway
Lux: Let’s just go to the beach and hope he’s gone home by the time we get back
Amber: We'll find out from Finley when we're ready to go back and if he's still there we can sleep on the beach
Lux: 🧜🏼‍♀️🧜🏽‍♀️
Amber: I like that better than when Dash's brother called me one of those spiky things that you tread on 😂
Amber: accurate but not very glamourous
Lux: That’s a weird way to flirt 🤔🤭
Amber: Well, I'm pretty sure he'd deny EVER flirting with me, even if we were the kinds of 🧜🏼‍♀️🧜🏽‍♀️ who tried to drown him
Lux: Are they opposite brothers?
Lux: Dash would tell us he flirts with EVERYONE and to not be weird about it
Amber: I'm surprised Dash didn't compare them to the Oak and Holly King 🙄
Amber: but they truly are different enough for me to almost forget they're brothers
Lux: Currently I feel like that could only work in his brother’s favour
Lux: but all kinds of boys can be all kinds of jerks
Amber: It does, but you're right, I can't pretend he doesn't have his own moments of being an asshole
Lux: As long as the non-asshole moments outweigh them though
Lux: I think that’s an acceptable thing to be okay with, none of us are perfect, Lord knows
Amber: I hope they will, it's hitting me as I type this that I really haven't known him long, and it's strange, because it doesn't feel that way to me at all
Lux: It’s like that, sometimes
Lux: time isn’t always what matters
Amber: True, but another hope is still that I get more time in Dublin to spend with him
Lux: I haven’t heard either of your parents talking about moving… yet
Lux: I think your mom is getting a lot of women at her groups rn
Amber: and I haven't heard her arguing with Kai either yet
Lux: I don’t know if he’d be capable 🧘🏻‍♀️☮️🌼✌️
Amber: I wanted not to like him but I don't think I'm capable
Amber: he's made so much effort with me
Lux: It’s okay, I prefer your dad too 🤭
Amber: You're his ⭐🏆🥇 pupil, he talks about you whenever he's not teaching you basically, it's cute
Lux: He’s really helped
Lux: considering how little I knew, and still don’t
Lux: but I’m getting there, he knows so many good books
Amber: Not reading is THE thing he tells me off for and I can't 🥺 my way out of
Lux: I’ll read enough for the both of us 🤞
Lux: and at least I’m never bumping into Dash at the library 🙄😏
Lux: he talked a lot about how he hates school so
Amber: I found a boy to tutor me but I think I'm too distracting…
Amber: maybe you can do it when my dad is finished with you
Lux: We could help each other, maybe
Lux: I’ll do the 📚📏🧮📖 practical stuff and you can tell me about all the different places you’ve been and different people you’ve met
Lux: It might not be a totally fair trade-off but we had to budget and account for every hour of our day so math is pretty easy and all there was to do was read the approved books over and over so 🤷‍♀️ I don’t totally suck
Amber: unfair to you if you’re doing all the work and I’m just sitting there talking and talking!
Lux: That is work too!
Lux: There’s only so much reading about places and people can give me
Lux: You might be 👽 sometimes but that’s me 99% of the time 24/7
Amber: I’m not saying no, I love the sound of my own voice, famously
Amber: that’s how I got picked for nurse duty over our other friends
Lux: I don’t think that’s a problem, your voice is cute
Lux: but I promise I won’t be 😍 like your tutor
Lux: You must get it from your mom, your caring side
Amber: I definitely feel like an 👽 when I talk here, everyone has such defined accents and mine’s all over the place
Amber: oh god, he acts like he’s being tortured, I thought I was having trouble concentrating, but he’s got me utterly beat, I can’t do it to the poor boy any more
Amber: or from my dad, I don’t remember the last time he was like this about a student, when he is though, he really is
Lux: I can understand you, though
Lux: and I CANNOT understand so many people here it’s 😬😬
Lux: 🤭🤭 the power you have
Lux: The way I unintentionally sounded so rude to your dad there! 😨😅 my brain was fully on nursing but no, you can tell he actually wants to help me, for me, he isn’t getting anything out of it but the joy of loving what he does, obviously
Amber: There have been a lot of days I kinda wish they were forcing me to take Irish as a class the way they do for whoever is born here, but I doubt there’s any kind of glossary or key to unlocking the accent in the back of the textbook so it probably wouldn’t help that much realistically, right? Besides, I’m scraping by as it is without imagining extra work for myself
Amber: not the superpower I’d ask for, but one I have inherited from my mama, for sure, men are intimidated by her everywhere she goes and whatever she’s doing
Amber: like it or not, except I think she does enjoy having that effect, mostly
Amber: 😂 It’s okay, I won’t tell him any parts that aren’t complimentary 😶
Lux: That’s way beyond my capabilities, it’d be 😵
Lux: I bet they do have night classes though, when you’re not drowning in regular ones
Lux: I think I would
Lux: I can see the appeal, but maybe it’s the kinda thing you don’t appreciate if you do have it 🤔🤷‍♀️
Lux: ⭐️💗
Amber: I used to think I was into it but Dash’s brother isn’t intimidated by me in the least and I’m starting to like how that feels more, I don’t know
Lux: Like, comfortable?
Amber: I have no idea which words to put to it, it’s like, he’s actually fine with me being myself, even though I’m a mess, he isn’t just saying it’s fine while making me feel 👽 or stupid
Amber: honest maybe?
Lux: Y’all are cute 🥺😍 and I’m about it until he proves otherwise
Amber: I’m looking forward to making him breakfast and you know that’s not me at home
Lux: Okay but there are too many people here for that to ever be a fun experience
Lux: I wait ‘til everyone’s gone or busy doing whatever they do and have it in my first lesson
Amber: smart
Lux: but rude, and anti-social to boot
Amber: Ruder if you didn’t wait, Yara and her friends behave that way all the time, treating it as if they’re the popular girls sent to a summer camp
Amber: I’ve had to bite my tongue so hard so often because we’ve already had the argument and I know what she would say if we kept having it
Lux: 🤢🤢🤢
Lux: There’s zero chance I’m ‘hanging’ with them now
Lux: I didn’t want to anyway but of course he was making me feel bad and 👽 over that
Amber: if I could get away with throwing a party when she’s gone, I would, I don’t care how 👶🏽 it makes me sound
Lux: There is somehow 🍻🍷 left soooooo 😋
Amber: 🙃
Lux: I think we need to reclaim how last night turned out somehow anyway
Amber: I’m more than ready to do that if we can decide how
Lux: We’ll ponder at the beach
Lux: Btw, if you want, you can room with me and Nora for real
Lux: well, I will have to ask but like, she’s not gonna have an issue with it
Lux: I would’ve offered before but obviously some people like the whole couch surfing vibe and I thought that was you too
Amber: I don’t know what to say, I feel like I might cry for some reason that can’t be a hangover this late
Amber: it’s the kindest offer, I’m really touched, and would obviously love to
Lux: There’s definitely room for another mattress
Lux: we really want to paint it and make it cute, whatever people think, because Finley said he’ll pay for paint so then it’s not like, farm resources
Amber: What colour are you voting for? Nora’s gonna want [whatever colour is her fave idk]
Lux: 🤔🤔 okay hear me out
Amber: intriguing…
Lux: well if our beds are against separate walls we could have a wall each in whatever colour we want
Lux: it’d be nice if they looked cute together but anything is better than the terracotta and white splodges we have now 🤷‍♀️
Amber: Okay but you gotta help me pick or I’ll accidentally choose something that gives me a headache and have to sleep in sunglasses!
Amber: 🔵🌊💙?
Lux: OOOOOOOoooooo
Lux: a like burgundy, navy and then I could do a purple to pink energy to bring it full circle
Lux: that would be 🥰 I’m excited!
Amber: We can beach brainstorm
Amber: if you’re ready to go? [because why not show up like hey new bestie]
Lux: 🧚‍♀️
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Matrimony - Pope x Reader (Let Me Make You A Martyr) [Part II]
Synopsis: Tensions rise with Pope, but you both have a common goal. Or, you believe it to be common. 
Notes: Second part of three! Enjoy loves. 
Tagging: (ask to be added) @peachynun​ @elrosew​ @livelifewondering​
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You wake to the sound of your alarm. 5:30 am.
You get out of bed, and pull on your jogging clothes. A run should clear your head. On the way down, you sneak one more look into Pope's bedroom. You can't see much through the dark, but the bed looks empty. He must be downstairs skulking around somewhere, unless he enjoys a nice refreshing jog before the sun comes up... which you doubt. 
Out on the path, the sun starts to rise through the pine trees. You jog along the road that you arrived on, smart enough not to jog in the direction of Pierce's cabin alone. Slipping your earbuds in, you listen to Marilyn Manson's Odds of Even, the thunk of the beat in time with your steps.  
You’re not thinking about Pope that way. You’re just interested in him. Interested in the idea of him. He’s an interesting man! Who... you’re interested in. 
So, you've got feelings for Pope.
Not feelings, per say, but... an intrigue. And there's definitely a physical attraction there, though you can't tell if he returns it. Probably not. Sex and romance probably weren't even blips on his radar. All he probably thinks about is killing people, disposing of their corpses swiftly and without hassle, and jacking off when and if he feels lonely.
You bite your lip. Damn, that's hot to imagine. Why do you always fall for people who either hate you, want to kill you, or just plain aren't nice? 
If you even mess up a little on this hit though, he'll kill you. Literally. He will not hesitate to take you out as well if you fuck up. But you're not going to fuck up. You may not be a hitman, but you deal with creeps like Daegland Pierce all the time in your job. You know how they think, and that's an advantage Pope doesn't have.
You return to the cabin, breathing heavily. A thin sheen of sweat covers you, and you look around. Isn't there a river somewhere near here?
You approach the rushing brook, grateful for the already cool mist rising from it. You peel off your top and bra, and do the same for your shorts and panties. There's no one out here in the brush, so you don't have to worry about that.
You toss your stuff on a nearby log, and get into the stream. Oh yeah. Yeah. That's nice. You float for a moment, staring up at the sky and listening to the birds. Then you hear another noise. A much closer noise.
You get your ears out of the water, and listen... then you nearly drown in fear as you hear a loud thwack right behind you. Whipping around, you turn to see--
"Holy shit!" you scream.
"Morning," Pope says. He brings an axe down on another piece of wood.
"I'm...! Oh my god, you didn't say anything, you--"
"Well," he pushes up his glasses, "I figured I wouldn't bother you in your morning activities, and you won't bother me in mine." He gestures to you with the handle of his axe. "You do have some pretty tits, though."
"Jesus fuck," you whisper, covering your chest. "Don't... look!" Pope shrugs, and goes back to splitting wood. "Why are you even out here?!" you demand, trying to swim back to the shore inconspicuously. 
"I'm sorry, is this restricted land? Do I require a fuckin’ permit?"
"You-- just, what are you doing?!"
"It's cold at night here," he mutters, "And any sensible person would seek warmth during the dark hours."
"Excuse me?!"
"You're excused, you know I don't mean whoring around with you."
"Right. If I came into your bedroom at night, opened up my bra and sat on the edge of your bed, you'd tell me to fuck off?"
Pope smirks. "Aww. Princess doesn't like the thought of that, does she?" You gasp, crossing your arms. You stop crossing your arms when it's apparent that just makes your boobs look even better. "Look, kid. Unlike you, I didn't come out here to screw around. I came here to kill a motherfucker, and get paid. That's what I do, that's what I intend to do."
It's futile arguing with him, and any headway you made tolerating each other last night at dinner (however small) had now been wiped clean. You'd show your worth on your own-- and you've got nothing to prove. Not much, anyway. There is zero part of you that wants any validation from Pope at all. Or praise. Or a... a "good girl." A "good... good little girl... yeah, babygirl, just like that..."
"Do not make one wrong step. He can't know we're here."
You follow closely behind Pope, trying to get his attention.
"Hey. Hey! Why are we doing this now? Why don't we wait until--?"
"You have to get to know everything about a person's environment before you kill them. You need to know any possible traps they've set up, any kind of security or backup they've hid up their ass."
"Stop speaking, no speaking. Shh. For once, shhh." He holds up a hand, then when he's sure the coast is clear, he beckons. "Follow me."
You do. He points to the other side of the house, but you're already ahead of him, back to the painted wooden panels. It's a better looking cabin than yours, obviously furnished and newly renovated with millions of dollars in dope cash that should've gone to home growers like the business you work for.
You snake around the back of the house, and check the window. It's cracked open an inch. Looking around, you push it open a bit farther, and carefully, ever so silently, you climb in. Pope is already in the house, in the living room. He's got his back pressed to the wall, and his head tilted to look up the stairs.
You're about to turn to check the kitchen, when you feel something in your back. You turn slowly, preparing to meet the barrel of a gun and your untimely demise, but you just find the end of a dirty wooden spoon in a soapy pot.
"Oh," you breathe, putting a hand on your chest. You hear a gun cock at the back of your head.
"What the fuck you doing in my house?" You look behind you, and maneuver around. It's him. It's Daeg. And he's in his bathrobe.
"Hi!" you suddenly say, the first thing popping into your head the option you're going with. "You must be the neighbor!"
"What?" Pierce growls.
You wave to Pope, who's staring at you with some mix of contempt and confusion. "Honey, come here!"
"What the...?" Pierce mutters, and points the gun at Pope as he reluctantly walks over to join you. "Who are you people?!" 
"We just moved into the cabin next to yours! We're Mr. and Mrs... Warner!" You pick a name off the top of your head. You grab Pope's hand, and the death grip you get back tells you he's not in support of this tactic. But, there's no going back now.
"Yeah," he grumbles, "This is my wife. Ain’t she a sweet little piece of ass?"
You give a giggle for good measure, tightening your grip on his hand in warning, and this guy looks so utterly dumbfounded, it's hard not to laugh.
"I'm gonna ask you this again, you stupid shits. What the FUCK are you doing in my HOUSE?!"
"Looking for sugar," you say.
Pope falls into his role. "Yeah. My wife here was... baking."
"I tried to tell him he gets enough sugar at home, but he wouldn't listen, the scoundrel!" You slap him lightly on the arm.
"Well. Just can't get enough of the girl. But that river flows both ways, don't it?"
You shudder slightly, but keep your smile up. Then it hits you. Ingredients... baking! You know just how you can get put of here without an ass full of this guy’s buckshot!
"Now, the reason we found your place, was..." you move in a little closer to Pierce, "I was looking for a certain kind of ingredient. If you know what I mean."
The man's demeanor changes. He looks around, tucks his gun. "How do y'all know about that?"
You wink. "I know lots of things."
"Now, sweetheart." Pope tugs you back, a little too roughly. "Remember to be modest. At least for my sake." His hand travels down to your ass, and you bite your lip.
"Of course, honey. Of course."
Is he getting a little too into his role?
You both can't believe you were able to make nice with Pierce long enough to get out of his house. It was a life-saving idea, but it also posed a problem. The two of you had been invited back for dinner the next night, to supposedly buy some of his ‘stock’.
"It's perfect! That's when we kill him!" you hiss, as Pope walks ahead of you through the bramble.
"The tone of this whole thing is fucked up. It’s not right. This isn't how things work."
"What, not used to having a fake wife along for the hit? A little imagination can save your life."
"Don't talk to me about life," he mutters, "I'm ready to end yours."
"Yeah. Fine. Threaten to kill me."
"Oh, I'm not just threatening."
"At least we didn't get shot to bits by the most notorious drug dealer in the American midwest."
"I do things my way," he replies calmly, "I don't need a little brat like you telling me how it's gonna be." You ball your fists and beat against a tree. He's infuriating!
"Will you at least show me how to cut the wood you were chopping this morning? You're right, we should stock up." He looks back at you, that same indifferent expression back on his face.
"You chose to come out here and bother me. Make yourself scarce, or I swear to God or whatever the fuck, I'll drive you out to the middle of the woods and leave you for the wolves."
With that, he walks inside, screen door banging.
You sit down on a log by the car. After a minute, you get up, start the car with the keys on the seat, and turn the radio up.
More honkey tonk wailing. Whatever. Maybe country was good for the soul, and all that.
You lay down on the log, and watch the forest flora sway around you as Hank Williams croons through the open air.
You open your eyes. It's dark out.
The car radio is still going, and you're not sure quite what time it is.
You hear footsteps behind you, and look up to see Pope walking over to the car. You sigh, rubbing your eyes and waiting for his complaints. "Sorry," you murmur, "I should've turned it off before I--"
"It's fine," he cuts you off curtly, and you give up trying to explain yourself, waiting for him to disappear again. This was such a mistake. Coming out here with him, wanting to be a part of this. You wanted to see the job done, sure, but maybe you are out of your depth. Christ, the guy is an expert sharpshooter, with the lack of mercy of a navy seal and the personality of a hermit. It's time to give up.
You look up again when you don't hear the door close. He pauses, walks over to you, and sits down. He takes his cigarettes out of his shirt pocket, puts one in his mouth, and lights it. He tilts his head up to look at the stars, and takes his glasses off, setting them down beside him.
"C'mere," he whispers. You sit up, frowning, and follow his line of sight. You inch closer to him in confusion, and settle in next to him to watch the sky too. He takes another drag of his cigarette, the embers glowing in the low light. You find the scent of him, along with his presence out here, comforting.
The night bugs grow in volume around you, and soon, you begin to hear coyotes in the distance.
"They're beautiful," you murmur. He hums.
"They’re dangerous."
"Like someone else I know," you whisper. If he hears you, he doesn't let on. He just exhales smoke toward the sky, and listens to the noises of the night. His voice, low and gravelly, rises above the sounds.
"You ever heard of a Wendigo, kid?"
"No," you tell him.
"It's an old legend my grandfather told me. He says there are skinwalkers out here in the forest. They can shapeshift, take the form of whatever they want. Animals, people. Strangely odd. Just a little too odd to be considered human."
"You think those coyotes are skinwalkers?" you ask softly. 
"Nah. The only things here pretending to be something they're not are you, and me."  
You wake up in bed, not quite certain how you got there. It's still nighttime... you don't know exactly what time it is, but you don't want to reach for your phone. You stare out the window for a minute, and frown. The scenery outside doesn't look quite right, like it’s too foggy to see. 
There's a slight creak in one of the floorboards, and you see a shadow eclipse the dim lantern light from the hallway.
You roll over in bed, and see Pope standing by the door. He hasn't got his glasses on, and his hair looks a little messed up, as if he's been sleeping.
"What is it?" you mumble, trying to sit up, "Something with Pierce? Did he... is everything okay?" Confusion fills you as he walks toward you, but it's replaced by desire with every step closer he takes. He looks like he's been kept awake by something. "Pope?"
"Shh." He sits down, making an indent in the comforter. "I want you, sweetheart."
You breathe out, and after a second, you lean forward slowly. He meets you halfway, reinforcing the kiss, and you moan softly against his lips. His hand comes up to cup your cheek, and he lays you down, resuming the kissing once he's got you against the pillows. "Couldn't get you outta my mind," he whispers, "Couldn't get this... outta my head."
"This feels strange," you murmur, "You hate me."
He doesn't respond, just moves a hand down beneath the covers to stroke between your legs. An exhaled prayer of his name falls from your lips, and he presses a kiss to your chest, tongue swiping out every so slightly. You look down at him again, and reach out, starting to unbutton his shirt, all the way down. With each button, more tattoos are revealed, even though they appear blurry to you, as if your mind is trying to fill them in for you. Must be the dark.
"You're so fucking sexy," he whispers, and pushes your panties aside.
"Please," you beg.
"Let me give you what you need, baby girl. That's it." He looks into your eyes with his own dark orbs. "Trust me now?"
Your chest rises and falls quicker as he adds another finger, rolling your clit with his thumb as he pumps in and out. He's making soft noises as he does, grinding his erection into your thigh on the bed. You start to gasp as you feel your orgasm coming on.
"I'm... P... Pope, oh god, I'm... c-c--"
He strokes you just right with those rough fingers, and just as you come undone, your eyes open.
Pope is gone. You're alone, in bed. You stare at the headboard, realizing you're on your stomach. Shit, you've been grinding into the mattress. You regain a little more consciousness, the events of your dream all fresh in your mind.
 Giving a disoriented moan, you flip over, lying on your back. Your hips wiggle, and you tug down your panties, dipping your own fingers into your soaking wet heat. You didn't think he had this kind of effect on you.
You moan to yourself softly as you quickly curl your fingers in a hurried motion, hips arching slightly. Yeah... yeah, like that. You gasp, and finally cum hard thinking of Pope on top of you like that, kissing you, touching your body, sending you over the edge.
You come down to earth, head spinning in the cold, dark bedroom. You can hear soft snores from the other room. He must have brought you upstairs and put you in your bed before turning in. If any of that outside was real. What if that was part of the dream?
No. You can still smell the faint scent of Pope's lingering cigarette smoke on your jacket, which is still on. You shake your head, taking it off and tossing it on a chair across the room. All you need is a good night's rest.
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pezberry-week · 5 years
So I have to admit this is a little bit of a cheat for my Pezberry Secret Santa fill for @angel-hummel - as in, it’s both my present fill and a prompt fill for my 25 Days of Christmas (AO3) fic collection. As it is, I have plans to revisit this someday, but I hope you enjoy this self contained bit anyway. Happy Pezberry Secret Santa, angel-hummel!
Day 21: Character A is pretending to be their friend’s lover for the sake of the friend’s family. Character B is said friend’s sibling.
“Santí! Come down and meet your brother’s girlfriend!”
“That’s really not necessary.” Rachel smiled at Maribel, hoping the woman wouldn’t see her unease. “If she’s busy we can always meet later.”
“Nonsense. It’s time for her to come down anyway.” Frowning, Maribel sighed, saying under her breath, “That girl,” before taking a step on the staircase, rapping harshly against the wall. “Santí! Get off the computer and come meet Rachel! Your brother’s girlfriend!” She turned her head, smiling at Rachel, “I’m so sorry. She’s always playing around with those music programs of hers.”
“Puck did tell me that she worked for Big Machine Records…” Rachel tried to placate, starting to feel even more awkward than she originally had when she’d first walked into her friend’s father and step-mother’s house as his fake girlfriend. “Perhaps she’s busy mixing and can’t hear you?”
Maribel huffed. “That would be just like her. Here,” she turned, descending the step she’d taken, “Can you be a dear and fetch her for me? I have to check on dinner, and this way you can introduce yourself.”
Blinking, feeling a little blindsided, Rachel barely had the chance to agree before Maribel was hustling her up the stairs, calling out a thank you as she turned to make her way back to the kitchen. Figuring there was no point in pausing in the middle of the stairs, she finished her walk up, pausing and wavering at the top before sighing and squaring her shoulders, turning to the hall of doors. About to start worrying about which she should knock on, she relaxed when she could see a door proudly proclaiming, “Santana’s Room Keep Out!!!” from where she stood. That was lucky.
The door opened after Rachel’s second smattering of hesitant knocks, Rachel still pulling her hand away. “I told you, Mamí, I have a deadline I have to – – you’re not mom.”
Beautiful brown eyes blinked down at her. Framed by thick, curly bangs and above a thin nose and plush, red lips, Santana Lopez practically took Rachel’s breath away. When the striking eyes narrowed, Rachel realized she was still staring, and she took a step back, shoving her hands behind her back so they wouldn’t fidget in front of her. “I’m Rachel. R-Rachel Berry,” she stuttered, “Puck’s… Girlfriend.”
“You don’t sound so confident about that,” Santana smirked at her, leaning against the side of her doorway.
Red slashed across Rachel’s face. “Oh, no, I am. I, er, just…” Trailing off, she remembered herself, standing forward to offer her hand, “It’s nice to meet you.”
Untangling her arm from the doorway, Santana accepted the handshake, and suddenly long, warm fingers were wrapped around Rachel’s. “Rachel, eh? Puck’s bandmate?” She made vocal bunny ears, “The tiny fellow Jew hottie?”
More red bloomed on Rachel’s cheeks. “Ah, yes, that’s me. Apparently…” She’d have to have a talk with Puck about how he described her in the future. Not wanting to relinquish the handshake, but knowing she had to before it became weird, Rachel pulled her hand back, Santana’s grip briefly tightening before releasing her, sliding her hand into the pocket of her skinny jeans. Following the motion, Rachel wondered why she’d thought it be a good idea to wear one of her ‘best impression wholesome girl’ dresses when she could have worn something like what Santana was and have given her an extremely different impression than what she was probably giving her.
“Seems like a pretty accurate description,” Santana smiled, bringing Rachel’s attention back up to her face.
Rachel laughed self-consciously. “You should hear how he describes you.”
Fine eyebrows rose. “Oh, you’ve gotta tell me.”
“Well, you know…” Taking a second to come up with a response, Rachel affected her voice lower, “’Santana Puckerman? My totally pain in the ass step-sister.’”
Rolling her eyes, Santana shook her head, a smirk still curling her lips up. “He just never stops complaining about when I almost castrated him with a s’mores fork, doesn’t he?”
“We were eight.”
“Wait, his pain is literal?”
“I’m sure you’ve seen his ass. Is the scar still visible?”
“That’s… Actually not something I would know.” Thank god.
“Really?” Santana’s eyebrows shot up again. “Normally bro’s faster with getting his chicks naked. Boy does not know how to do the romance.”
“And you do?” Rachel immediately lobbed back, both out of curiosity and automatic defense of her friend.
Santana smirked. “I’m sure you’ve heard the tales about me. What do you think?”
Opening her mouth, Rachel was saved from making some obvious and pathetic attempt at not being flirty by the loud racket of Puck loping up the stairs. “Babe,” he called out carelessly, swinging himself around the banister, “Stop flirting with my sis and come make me look good. Mom’s wantin’ us all down there.”
“Puck,” Rachel snapped, not bothering to hide her mortification at his words as Puck wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side.
Puck smirked at Santana. “Ain’t she hot?”
Again, “Puck,” and Rachel elbowed his side, using his indrawn breath and flinch to disentangle herself, stepping aside and straightening her dress.
Santana surveyed them curiously, a lazy tilt of her lips showing her amusement. “At least this one seems to know how to handle you,” she teased, shaking her head; disappearing into her bedroom – Rachel getting a glimpse of black and white and a sumptuous looking bed – she called over her shoulder, “Give me a sec to save my work and I’ll be there.”
Once Rachel was secure she was far enough away to be able to hold a furiously whispered conversation, she rounded onto Puck. “You,” she jutted her finger at him, “Didn’t tell me how… Attractive she was!”
That elicited a loud, full-belly laugh, Puck even going so far to pretend to wipe away tears. “You’ve seen pics, haven’t ya?”
“Those were crazy, unflattering ones, and you know it!”
Still laughing, Puck shook his head, urging Rachel down and in front of him, meeting his mother in the kitchen. “Well now you know, eh?”
Giving Maribel a calm, benign smile, Rachel elbowed him again the second she was turned away.
A couple of hours later, gathered at the family table with a mug of spiked eggnog and reams of awkward, fake relationship comments behind her, Rachel couldn’t look away from Santana.
“You’re being obvious,” Puck teased, breath hot against her ear, lips curled up.
“Not caring,” Rachel lilted back, raising her mug in a toast when prompted, her tongue lapping up foam when it clung to her upper lip.
A strong finger poked her side. “Have you forgotten you’re my girlfriend?” he prodded.
Rachel grit her teeth. Turning her head, angling back to glare at him, she humphed. “Shhh. You, grateful, me going to ogle if I want to.”
“You do so criminally rarely ogle,” Puck hummed agreeably. “Should I let slip that you’re an out and proud bisexual?”
Rachel didn’t feel bad about the strength of the kick behind the side of her foot impacting her bandmate’s shin. She took a sip of her eggnog to cover the proud smirk at his fumbling of covering up the reason for his squeak. As her eyes traveled along aimlessly, she had to stop and blink, a blush covering her cheeks at the dark eyes smirking at her. Well. At least it was only Santana who had seemed to catch on. Rachel softly cleared her throat. “Dear, you alright?”
“No thanks to you,” Puck hissed, but gathered himself. “Hey, sis,” he abruptly burst out, motioning at Santana when both Abby and Santana looked at him, “Now that Show and Tell’s done with me n’ Rache, how ‘bout you? Got any hot tail in LA?”
“Noah,” Maribel sighed from her spot down the table, lowering her mug to the table, “Must you speak like that? I swear, I don’t know where you and Santana got it.”
Santana and Puck exchanged grins. “Lima Heights Adjacent,” they chorused.
Maribel closed her eyes. “We never lived in Lima Height Adjacent.”
“Tell that to the jocks and nerds who were terrified of Santana in high school,” Puck laughed. He affected his voice, lifting his hands, “’I’m ‘bout to go Lima Heights Adjacent on your ass if yous don’ts. Step. Offs. Afores I ends you.’”
Santana grinned. “You forgot the razors ‘all up in my weave’.”
Abby tched, rolling her eyes. “I went to William McKinley after you guys and heard nothing. So I think you’re lying. Or exaggerating.”
Grinning, her teeth biting lightly on the rim of her mug, Rachel watched the play-by-play. She jerked, cheeks glowing bright as Santana suddenly winked at her.
“Puh-lease. Puck was the one exaggerating,” Santana grinned, tossing her hair and adopting a teasing tone, “Who was the one who was a ‘sex shark’ who died if they stopped having sex?”
“Ay Dios mio and the Mother Mary!” Maribel groaned, her palm slapping on the table, stopping Puck’s retort, “Who raised you children? Have you no tact? Do I need to hear this, hmm?”
Santana snorted. “Ask your son, Mamí. He’s the one who used that excuse.”
“Oh, and you didn’t use tricks to get the girls into your bed,” Puck snapped, looking actually insulted, his chin and chest jutting forward.
Santana clicked her tongue at him. “Unlike you, I didn’t need to.”
“Oh god,” Abby muttered, hands covering her face, “Stop! Forget about need, I don’t want to hear this!”
“I agree,” Rachel chimed in, steel filling her voice as she pressed her hand into Puck’s thigh, stopping him. “Noah.” She didn’t actually really care, having made peace with how much of a horn dog her friend was years ago, but she figured his girlfriend probably wouldn’t be amused at all.
Puck frowned at her. “Why do you care? You’ve always listened to me talk about girls…” he asked, Rachel’s eyes widening as she figured out, before him, what he was saying.
Rachel didn’t dare look at the stares she could feel until, taking a deep breath and pasting a large smile on her face, she looked up with a, “We… Have a very open relationship.”
The first person she looked at was Santana, who quirked her eyebrows at her. “How open?”
“Santana Maria Puckerman, please stop antagonizing your brother’s girlfriend.”
“Who’s antagonizing?” Santana asked ‘innocently’, hands raised, “It’s a legitimate question.”
Though obviously a little uncomfortable with the confession, Maribel helped (made) the conversation pivot, and with only a few moments of grumbling and heated glares at his sister, Puck settled down. Doing so as well, though expressing it with a dark smirk instead, Santana hummed, turned to Rachel, winked again, and only turned away in satisfaction as Rachel’s ears heated up.
Rachel had a week more of this. Of Santana.
Rachel’s teeth bit lightly into the rim of her eggnog mug.
Oh god.
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kmp78 · 6 years
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“Are you okay down there?!,” a female voice boomed from above. “Don´t move! I called 911, help is on the way!”
Jared looked up but the darkness which had fallen over the Malibu hills shielded the owner of the voice from his gaze. Thank god she was there tho, whoever this saving angel was!
“Thanks,” he replied with a huff.
“Are you badly hurt? Can you move?,” the voice inquired. He could just about make out her shape hovering somewhere in the distance above him.
“Yeah I´m okay, but I think my ankle is broken.”
“Okay don´t move around, you´ll only make it worse. The medics will know what to do!”
“Thanks,” Jared sighed quietly from the pit.
Great. A broken ankle...
There goes that tour then.
How could he have been so careless?! He had been so deep in thought, so angry over Alice´s baby bombshell that he simply failed to notice that massive hole in his path before it was too late.
Before he now found himself sitting in a dark pit with a shattered ankle.😭
“Wow you really took a tumble, didn´t you?!”, the voice from above quizzed, snapping Jared back to reality.
"Yeah... I got distracted I guess...”
“Well don´t you worry, dude. You´ll be good as new in no time,” she continued as she laid down on the ground next to the hole.
“I´ll be up here keeping you company until the medics get here.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it,” Jared answered back, feeling gratitude that this saving angel happened to be near in his time of need. Without her, this thing could have ended pretty badly!
“So what got you so distracted that you didn´t spot a huge hole in the ground, dude?” 
"Eh... Nothing... Just preoccupied, I guess...”
“I get that,” the angel replied. “I sometimes come here too, to get away from... well, “nothing””.
“Yeah...,” Jared chuckled.
She seems cool.
“What’s your name?”
Ah… the dreaded question rang from above.
He didn’t want to tell her the truth.
What if she’s some crazy echelon psycho who loses her shit and jumps in the pit too? No room for heifers down here! 🐴
Or she could be a fame-hungry LA pap chaser who sells this story to the TMZ for 20 bucks… 😒💰
No, better play it safe and keep it neutral.
“I’m… uhm… Joseph.”
“You don’t sound sure, Joseph.”
She was very quick and alert, he noticed. Damn.
Maybe play it cool. She seems like she could take a joke.
“Well… I figured since we don’t know each other and I’m kinda at your mercy here… what if you’re like Kathy Bates in Misery and I gotta make a run for it?!”
“Oh… Well would be a kind of a sllllooooow run for it tho,” she quipped back with a giggle.
Phew! She got it.
She’s cool. She’s very cool.
“It’s actually my middle name. I sometimes use it when I wanna escape real life,” he continued.
“That’s smart, Joseph. I might start doing that too!,” the voice from above yelped excitedly.
“In fact: imma start right now!”
She rolled on her stomach and peeked her head in the pit, but in the pitch blackness there was no seeing her face from below ground. Only a few blonde-ish locks waving in the soft evening breeze.
“Hi, Joseph. I’m Michelle.”
Lovely name.
“Hi, Michelle.”
“Hi.” 😊
They both giggled and then fell silent. Michelle’s head disappeared from above as she retreated back to lie on her back next to the pit.
“Sooo… Did you just make up that name, Michelle?”
“It’s my middle name. I figured that was our thing, "Joseph”,“ she laughed.
Aaaaaaah, we have a "thing” now…😏
Jared always enjoyed a bit of flirting with the fairer sex, and since he´s now stuck in this pit...
“So... eh... what do you do, Michelle?”
“I… uhm… I… I suppose you could say I’m a… housewife…”
“Well now YOU don’t sound sure!,” Jared picked up on her hesitation.
She chuckled.
“Oh you noticed that… Well it’s a relatively new thing so I’m still getting used to it, I guess! How about you?”
Another opportunity for exposure.
“Well… I work for a record company.”
Technically not a lie! 😁
“Aaaah so you’re in the music business?”
“A little bit yeah.”
“A musician?”
“Uh… part-time.”
Technically also not a lie! 😝
“Would I have ever heard any of your music, you think?”
Goooooooood, if only… 😞
“I… uh… probably not.”
His heart sniffled. 😔
“Oh… Well maybe one day, Joseph!”
“Yeah… maybe…”
Well now he wasn’t just lying to her… He was also lying to himself. 😶
They both fell silent, just laying there in the moonlight, one in a pit and one above ground, staring up at the starry sky. Jared felt oddly at peace, even tho he was stuck in a pit with just this one stranger keeping him attached to life outside his hole.
Their silence was peculiarly comfortable.
Just two strangers, sharing a moment in the wilderness.
“So what brought you up here this evening then?,” Jared finally decided to spark up their conversation again since the medics seemed to be taking their sweet time.
“Well… I was at this party with my husband and-”
“Oh… You’re married?”
“Yes. I’m a housewife, remember?”
For some reason Jared felt a little bit hurt by this news.
“Anyway, so tonight I’m at this party with my husband we got into an argument and I took off ‘cos otherwise I might have slapped him… So I just drove around and finally ended up here!”
“What’d he do?”
Michelle laughed.
She had a wonderful laughter. Warm, catchy, strangely familiar.
“What makes you think it was his fault?”
“Oh please, isn’t it always the dude’s fault?,” Jared snorted sarcastically.
His quip was met with more giggles.
Her giggles made him giggle under his breath as well.
“Well… yeah! Why is that tho?!,” she quipped. “Men are always stirring up shit!”
“Heeeeeey, that’s not true! Women are the nutters who constantly create drama and misunderstand everything! I swear women have some weird-ass gene that makes them incapable of letting shit go,” Jared protested.
Still more giggles from above.
Jared enjoyed knowing he could make her laugh so effortlessly.
“So what did this hubby of yours do then?”
Michelle described how they had gotten into an argument over her hubby’s upcoming work trips abroad, and how she jumped in her car to drive off for some alone cooling-off time. Jared listened quietly in his pit, soaking in her stories as her mesmerizing voice filled the air...
Her voice made him feel warm even tho temperatures in his little prison were slowly dropping.
She effortlessly moved on to chatting about her love of nature and surfing, and Jared entertained her with (partly truthful) tales from his rock climbing treks.
They shared giggles and witty back and forth banter as the minutes ticked by, and Michelle even playfully “scolded” Jared by throwing her Manolo Blahnik at him when he made yet another sarcastic remark about what bitches all women are.
He didn’t mind being shoe’d by her.
“You sound bitter, Joseph. Girl trouble?”
He hesitated with his reply.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me.”
“It’s just… really complicated right now,” Jared sighed quietly. He wasn’t quite ready to get into that whole Alice/baby mess yet.
Michelle peeked her head through the hole again.
“It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it.”
Jared again tried to make out her face in the darkness but… nope.
But going by her dreamy, comforting voice and fun, sparkling personality, she no doubt was beautiful on the outside too.
A silence descended upon their little “campsite” again.
“Wanna know something funny, Joseph? Your voice sounds familiar.”
Jared still didn’t wanna explain to her why that might be…
“It’s… uh… it’s probably just a really common voice, I get that a lot,” he fibbed, hoping she wouldn’t probe more. For some reason he, a proud lifetime-long Liar Extraordinaire, felt bad about lying to her.
She was so nice and helpful and made him feel safe even tho he was sat almost 3 meters underground in a dirty pit in pitch blackness..
“Oh… Yeah that must be it,” she replied.
“In LA you meet so many people that names and faces and voices all start sounding the same.”
"Yeah,” Jared replied. On one hand his ego was nagging him to let her in on his real identity so he could get some much-needed fawning-over which would be more than welcome after the shitty day he had lived through, but still he held back.
“Your heel broke btw,” he said as he picked up her stray shoe and took a closer look.
“Damn... I just bought those last week!,” Michelle sighed.
“Don´t worry, I´ll buy you new ones if I ever get out.”
“Thanks but I don´t know if my husband would like it if strange men bought me shoes,” Michelle giggled.
“Ugh fine, coffee then! Surely this dude won´t mind if I treat you to a beverage?!”
“I´m sure coffee would be ok,” Michelle agreed.
“Okay good, it´s a date then,” Jared smirked in the darkness.
If this chick is even halfway decent in the looks department, and more importantly in the weight department, he knew once the secret of his identity was revealed, she´d be thanking HIM for... well, for whatever would happen after he invited her over for a... “cup of coffee”... ☕
“Shhh! Listen,” the angel interrupted his daydreams. “I think I hear the ambulance”. 🚑 
“Ah thank god,” Jared sighed in relief. Finally he could get out of this stinkin´ hole! 
Altho in all fairness this evening had not been a total disaster... This savior angel had not only physically helped him in his hour of need by calling for help and staying to make sure he was okay, but also helped him get his mind off that scandalous baby business back home...
Perhaps, since they now had this nice connection established, if there was trouble in her marriage and seeing as there definitely was trouble in his own little relationship, maybe... maybe... 😜
Jared heard a car approaching and a male voice joined Michelle.
"What´s your husband´s name, ma´am?”
“Oh no, that´s not my husband! I just happened to be nea-... actually I don´t even know his name!”
She peeked in again.
“Yo! What´s your name? Like... REAL name.”
Well, there was no use in hiding it anymore...
“I´m Jared,” he answered. “Jared Leto.”
A loooooong silence.
All Jared could hear were nasty ants scurrying around him in the pit and the medics shuffling around somewhere above him, but other than that... 
“Hello...?,” Jared hollered. “Are you still there?”
“Uh... Yeah... I´m here...,” Michelle answered. Her voice sounding unsure and a bit strained all of a sudden.
“So who´s this guy down there then?,” Jared heard a male voice coming closer and saw a dark figure appearing above. 
“He´s... eh... Jared Leto,” she replied with a slight stutter and a half-chuckle as she disappeared from Jared´s view.
“Right, okay. Well, let´s get him out then!”, the medic sounded unimpressed as he leaped into the pit, craftily maneuvering himself so he didn´t land on his patient. A quick check on the ankle revealed that luckily it indeed wasn´t broken but definitely severely twisted so a trip to the ER was still needed.
A second medic appeared above, and then a third. They lowered a few ropes down the pit and Jared sighed in relief as he was finally hoisted out of his underground prison, two men pulling from above and one pushing his ass from below.
Once he was safely back on solid ground, the three men helped him to a gurney.
"Did you wash your hands after your last patient?,” Jared asked as he was being strapped in.
“Sir, I´m wearing gloves,” the medic replied with a slight eye roll.
“Good! I´m very sensitive to germs.”
“Well you must have had fun down there in your hole then...,” the medic chuckled.
“Listen, Seinfeld. I´m not paying you to do stand-up over here. You better get me to a hospital asap before I have your license.”
The medic thought it best to not even respond, but rather just quietly rolled the gurney to the ambulance.
“WAIT!,” Jared yelped just as they reached the car.
“What, sir? Are you in pain?”
“Where´s that woman who called you?”
"I... I don´t know. I guess she left,” the medic replied.
“WHAT?! What do you mean she left?! She can´t just leave, I don´t even know her name!”
“Calm down, sir. Please, we need to get moving, we have a long wa-”
“No we can´t go! Go out and look if she´s still there!,” Jared demanded. “I need to see her again! We had this connection and-...”
“Sir, this is an ambulance. Not a tinderlance. We´re going now,” the medic calmly replied as he shoved the gurney inside and started filling his patient´s information on his clipboard form.
“Let´s go, Larry!,” the medic called out to the driver.
“YOU MOVE THIS FUCKING THING ONE INCH AND I SWEAR I´LL HAVE YOU ALL FIRED!,” Jared screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Wooooow... Talk about a blast from the past...” the familiar female voice suddenly sounded from somewhere off to the side just as the doors swung close.
“WAIT! That´s her!,” Jared yelped again. “Don´t go, I need your number!”
He didn´t get a reply but instead heard her giggling outside.
"Michelle! Can you hear me?! I don´t know your last name! Please!” 🙏🏻
No response, just giggles.
The ambulance driver slowly started backing away, despite Jared knocking on the side windows to grab Michelle´s attention.
There was no response coming, and in a last ditch effort Jared grabbed the medic´s clipboard.
“Hey, you can´t read that! It´s privileged information!”
“Oh shut up, that´s MY information!,” Jared barked. 
Her name has to be in there somewhere...
Jared glanced the clipboard up and down, looking for some clues to who had alerted the medics to save him, and finally at the bottom of the page...
“There it is!,” he shrieked.
“identity of 911 caller: Phone number 555-9227. Name: Cameron Di...”
He froze for a second and looked up at the window as the ambulance slowly pulled away, only to spot his saving angel waving him goodbye with a smile, the ambulance lights finally revealing her face... 😲
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(PS. Thanks for the vote and fic idea, anon! I took some liberties with the execution tho... hehe...)
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write-havoc · 6 years
This Is How I Disappear Ch. 4
Summary: A girl named Chuck finds herself in the exact place she doesn't want to be, living with violent men in a desolate nursing home. After her former gym teacher finds her, will he be the savior she was looking for?
Fandom: The Walking Dead AU
Pairing: Negan/Original Female Character
Status: Completed (story continues in The Flame Is Gone, The Fire Remains)
Contains: swearing, violence, sexual assault, blood, smut
Readers 18+ of age only
Masterlists in my bio
Chuck snaps back into consciousness seconds later. Negan has her clutched to his chest, walking quickly down the hall.
“Wh-what's going on,” Chuck says softly, her mind still foggy.
“I'm taking you to the doc,” he growls.
Waking fully, she says, “No, I'm okay. It's just low blood sugar. You don't need to bother Dr. Carson.” She still feels a little bit dizzy, but she knows it’s not serious.
“You passed the fuck out. That seems like something the doc would be fucking concerned about.”
“Only for a few seconds, right? I just need to eat, Negan. I'm fine. I promise.”
He lets out a huff. “Fine.” By the time Negan responds, they are on the first floor and almost to the infirmary. Negan pauses, switches direction, and heads for the stairwell to the upper floors.
All that Chuck can focus on at that moment is Negan. The way his arms feel around her. The smell of his clothing. The scruff on his neck. The way that she feels completely safe for the first time in a long while.
  Negan’s always been so good to me. He's done so much for me. Without anything in return. I don't think I deserve him…
 “I can walk. You don't have to carry me,” she says as she squirms a bit in his grasp.
He sets her down gently, not completely removing his hands from her. “You sure?”
“Yeah.” She looks up at him and smiles slightly, trying to convey that she doesn’t need his help. He turns her around and puts his hand on her back, pushing her gently through the stairwell doors. Chuck makes it about halfway up the first flight before she slows down, starting to become winded from having no energy.
“Alright.” He lets out a huff. “I should've known better than to believe you. Turn around,” Negan says from behind her on the steps. After she has turned to face him, he says, “Put your arms around my neck,” as he makes a “come on” gesture with his hands.
She knows fighting him on this would be pointless, so she does as he asked. She gingerly wraps her arms around his neck and he brings her to his chest slowly. She awkwardly wraps her legs around him and he puts one of his hands on her bottom to hold her securely.
“You okay with this, baby girl?”
“Yeah,” she says bashfully.
  He must think I'm so pathetic. Carrying me like a child the whole way through The Sanctuary. I guess I am pathetic…
 After some time, she looks around and recognizes that they are heading into Negan's office. As soon as they enter, the smell of spaghetti sauce and garlic wrap around her, making her stomach grumble loudly, almost painfully.
“Jesus Christ, sweetheart! I fuckin felt that. When was the last time you actually ate?!” After walking into his kitchen area, he sets her on her feet by the table. She plops herself down into one of the chairs and watches as Negan opens the refrigerator and pulls out a jug of orange juice. “Drink,” he demands after he pours the liquid into the glass sitting in front of her.
As she gulps the juice down, Negan brings the prepared food over from the stove and sets it in the middle of the table. The spaghetti and homemade sauce along with the basket of garlic bread has Chuck reminiscing of family dinners with her mom.
Negan makes up a plate for both of them and sits down across from her. “Eat,” he demands as he digs into his own meal. “I thought I should fucking feed you after throwing you in a cell for 24 hours. I guess I thought right since you fuckin’ passed out on me before I got you up here.”
She takes a few bites then pauses. “You made this?”
“Yeah,” he says, his mouth full. “I can fuckin’ cook.”
“It's, um, it's really good.”
“Good. Clean your plate.”
“I-I don't think I can. You gave me so much.”
“Because you need it. Eat.” He points to her plate with his fork.
She takes a few more bites and then looks back up to Negan when she feels his gaze.
  He wants me to eat all this, but I know I can't. When did this all get so hard for me? I feel like such a failure. I don't want to disappoint him. He's done so much. He made this all for me. I know he's busy and he wasted his time doing this just for me.
 “I'm trying, Negan,” she says so softly that she isn’t sure if he heard her.
“You haven't been fucking eating, have you?”
“Yes. I do... A little. Maybe not enough…” she admits and looks down at her plate. “I haven’t been hungry.”
“Have you been fuckin’ sleeping?”
She simply shakes her head, too tired to try to deny it.
He sighs. “I want to help you, Chuck. Why didn't you tell me you were having a hard time?”
“That's not your job-“
“Yes it fucking is, Chuck.” He snaps. “There's no fuckin’ way I took you away from them just to have you fucking kill yourself in my house.”
“I'm not going to kill myself,” she bites back.
“Well what the fuck do you think you're doing to yourself by not fuckin’ eating or sleeping. That sure as shit ain't fuckin’ healthy. And fighting with my men? That shit’ll get you killed.”
“I just… I need some more time to adjust, I guess. It's not that bad-“
“You look like fuckin’ shit, Chuck. Don't tell me it's not that fuckin’ bad.” He sets down his fork and pushes back from the table a bit, letting out a huff. “Are you done?” He points to her plate.
“Yeah… I can't eat any more. I'm sorry.” She sniffles and hangs her head low.
Negan stands from the table and starts to put the leftover food away. “Don't apologize.” He pauses. “Your stomach fuckin’ shrank from not eating enough for so long, so I’ll heat this up for you later after you digested some. And you're gonna fuckin’ eat it, Chuck. You hear me?”
“Yes. I hear you.” She watches him move about the room for a few minutes. “Can I go to my room now?”
He stops and turns to her. “No. We got fuckin’ shit to talk about.”
  Great. I don't want to talk. Why is this so hard for me? I don't want him to see me so weak. But I do want to get better, I guess. He's trying to help me. I know I should work with him, but it's just so hard…
 After putting all the food away, Negan opens a door on the wall opposite the archway coming from his office.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he says as he walks through the door. Chuck stands up slowly and follows him.
The room she walks into is gorgeous. A beautiful king sized four poster bed with black and red linens is directly to the left of the door. There is a sitting area to the right, complete with a dark leather sofa opposite two armchairs with a glass coffee table between them. Windows with thick black drapes line the right wall behind it. A large armoire and matching dresser are on the left wall, past the bed. On the back wall, directly across from the foot of the bed, are two doors spaced apart from each other. The whole place is decorated beautifully, paintings and drawings hang on the dark gray walls as well as stuffed animal heads. There is even a large modern chandelier hanging in the middle of the room.
  Oh my god. This is Negan's bedroom. Of course it would be this over the top gorgeous. Negan never did things in half measures.
 “Take a seat,” Negan says as he motions toward the couch. They both sit down, one next to the other. “Do you wanna fuckin’ tell me about what's been going on with you now, what happened with you and Andy?”
Chuck really doesn’t want to talk about it, but she knows she has to. She doesn’t have it in her to hold it all in anymore. She lets out a sigh and begins, “He sounded like… Andy, I mean. His voice. It sounded like… Jacob’s.” She fidgets in her seat, uncomfortable saying the man’s name. She looks at Negan and sees that he looks confused. “He was the leader back at Rolling Acres. One of the men who-“
“It’s okay, baby girl,” he coos as he places his hand on her knee in reassurance.
“Anyway... Andy... he called me ‘honey’. Jacob used to call me that. All the time. I hated it. When I heard Andy call me that, I just… I don't know what happened. I-I snapped. I didn't know what I was doing.” She pauses, trying to keep herself calm. “I'm so sorry, Negan. I never wanted to hurt anyone. I promise it won't happen again. I promise.”
Negan gently picks up her hand and squeezes it. “I know, Chuck. I knew there had to be a fuckin’ reason. Why didn't you just fuckin’ tell me?”
She shrugs in response.
Negan sighs. “I don't want you to keep anything from me from now on, Chuck. Whatever you’re going through, I want to fuckin’ hear about it. You hear me? Keep fuckin’ nothing from me. Tell me everything.”
“Okay,” she mutters sheepishly. She was never one to open up about her feelings, but maybe now is a good time to start. “This all has just been… so much for me. Coming here. After… all that. I just… I don't know. I just feel like I have nothing left anymore. Like everything was taken from me back there. After losing everyone I cared about. And then… what they became. What they did to me. What they made me do. I’m just so ashamed… I just feel like, maybe I could've done more, you know? To stop it all. I could've fought. I should've fought. I guess I didn’t really realize all that until I got here. Everyone here is so strong. And I'm not. I just feel like I don't deserve to be here when better people didn't get the chance to survive. If I had just tried harder…” The tears start to pour from her eyes as her voice cracks.
Negan comes forward and scoops her up into a hug. He holds her gently as she cries into his chest. “Shhh. It's okay, baby girl. You didn't do anything wrong.” He rubs her back gently as he speaks. “You have nothing to be fuckin’ guilty about, okay? Those fuckers hurt you. They should’ve been the guilty ones. And now that you’re here, you have nothing to be scared about, okay? I'll always protect you,” Negan whispers into her hair. He pushes away from her gently when her tears subside.
“Look.” He scratches his neck as he pauses. “There are women up here. My… wives. They're untouchable, safe,” he says hesitantly.
“Simon told me about them… a little bit,” Chuck responds.
“Of course he did.” Negan runs his hand through his beard as he sighs. “You can be one. You'd stay up here. You wouldn't need to work. You could read all day. Do whatever you fucking want. No one comes up here without my fuckin’ say, so you wouldn't need to worry about any-fuckin’-one. You'd be perfectly safe.” He pauses, studying her face. “We wouldn't have to… I wouldn't fuckin’ force you to do anything you didn't want. I don’t force them . They’re here because they choose to be. They can leave whenever they want.” He pauses to let out a breath. “I wouldn't touch you unless you wanted me to.”
“You want me to be your wife?”
“I just want you fuckin’ safe. That's the easiest way.”
  No. I can't do it. I know it might be easier, but I can't just… do nothing. Not provide for my group. I can't be a trophy for Negan, either. I can't be property like that.
 “I don't want to be a wife,” Chuck says meekly, hoping Negan would honor her wishes.
Negan lets out a huff. “Okay.” He stands from the couch and turns away from her. “Stay here.” He walks across the room and opens up one of the doors. As Chuck wipes away the last of her tears, she begins to hear water running into a bathtub. After a few minutes, Negan peeks his head out of the door and beckons her in with his hand.
Negan's bathroom is just as lavish as his bedroom. To the right of the door is a tile walk-in shower big enough for two people. Behind that is a large corner bathtub. To the left of the door is the sink with a long counter and behind that is the toilet. The whole black and white room is expertly lit and completely spotless.
“Here. Take a bath. Clean yourself. Relax a bit. I'll grab you some clean clothes to wear,” he says while leaving the room.
“Oh. Uh. Okay. Thank you,” Chuck calls out.
  A bath sounds awesome right now. I haven't had a relaxing soak in… forever, really. I feel a little weird getting naked in Negan’s bathroom, though. But, oh well. My mom always said that a nice bath could soothe a weary soul.
 Negan walks back in, handing Chuck the clothing. “Here. You can wear these.”
“Wait,” she holds the clothes out, “These are your clothes.”
“Well yeah. What the fuck else did you expect?
“Uh. My clothes?”
“I'm not stomping my old ass all the way down to your room and back when I got perfectly good clothes up here.”
“I guess,” Chuck giggles at his indignant tone.
With Negan back in his room and the bathroom door locked, Chuck removes her clothes and settles into the bath. The warm water works wonders on Chuck’s tight muscles and soon enough, she is feeling relaxed. She lounges for a while then exits the tub once she washes her skin and hair. After drying her body, she puts on the clothes that Negan provided, which consists of a grey t shirt and a pair of cotton shorts. She feels a little silly in the oversized clothes, but comfortable nonetheless. She throws her damp hair into a messy bun and exits the bathroom with her dirty clothes in her hands.
“Just throw those in the hamper in my closet,” Negan says from the couch as soon as she steps out. She turns away from him to put her clothes in his closet then turns back toward him, finally noticing what lays in front of him on the coffee table.
She lets out an excited gasp and exclaims, “No way! Is that the same one?!” Chuck’s gaze is fixed on the chessboard set up in front of Negan.
“Same one, sweetheart. I saved it,” he says, a smirk fixed on his face and a pair of glasses resting on top of his head. “Sit your ass down. I want to see if you still got it in you to fuckin’ kick my ass.” He pulls his glasses down onto his nose.
She laughs out slightly, “Oh, I think I just might.” They begin taking their turns moving the pieces, falling into an easy, familiar rhythm.
“You know, I tried to start a fuckin’ chess club after you graduated, but no one was interested.”
“Really? Why didn't you do that when I was there? I could've used another extracurricular on my college applications.” She laughs.
“I didn't fuckin’ need a club since I already had a chess partner. After you graduated, I guess I fuckin’ missed playing.”
  Wow. That's kinda… sweet. Oh jeez. I can feel my cheeks burning.
 “Uh. I guess I missed playing, too. I went to this chess group thing and tried to play with some kids at college. It wasn't very fun, though. They were way too serious about it. One guy screamed right in my face for distracting him by crossing my legs too many times. You know… sorry I get uncomfortable easily,” she trails off in the end.
“What a fucking dick! No way I woulda let that shit fly.”
“Yeah, well. That was the last time I really played with anyone.”
The game ends with Chuck winning and, true to his word, Negan brings out reheated leftovers for Chuck to eat.
“Thanks.” She picks at the small portion, managing to eat all the food after some time. “Okay,” she pushes the plate away from her on the coffee table, “my stomach is seriously full now.” She chuckles.
“You did good, baby girl. I want you eating dinner with me every-fucking-day from now on. I want to make sure you're actually eating enough.”
“Okay. As long as we can play chess afterward,” she says and gives him a friendly smile.
“It's a fuckin’ deal. You up for another match?” He smirks at her.
She giggles. “You just don't want to leave a loser.”
“Maybe.” They both laugh as they set up the board for another game. After several minutes, they are interrupted by Negan’s radio.
“Negan, sir. We got a little situation in the armory. You might want to come down here.”
“Fuckin’ shit,” he growls.
Chuck looks at him a bit warily. She hopes the problem isn’t anything serious.
“It's probably nothing to worry about. These fuckers can't figure out shit without my fuckin’ say. Just stay here. I'll be back in a few minutes.” He stands from the couch, making his way to the door. “Don't fuckin’ cheat and move those pieces, either,” he throws back, over his shoulder.
“I don't need to cheat to beat you, Coach.”
He laughs out, “Watch that smart mouth, sweetheart.” With that, he leaves his apartment.
After a few minutes of idleness, Chuck starts to wander around his room, running her fingers over his soft bedspread, smooth end table, and deep grained dresser. The pictures on the walls hold her interest momentarily before she moves on from them. She feels too awkward in his personal space, so she moves to his office. Rifling through the bookshelves, she stops her meandering fingers on an old black hardback. The complete works of Edgar Allen Poe. She carries the book back into Negan's bedroom and curls up on an armchair.
  God, I used to love Poe as a moody teenager. It seems like so long ago now. Like it was a lifetime ago. I suppose it was, in a way.
 She reads a few stories before the world of ravens and telltale hearts drifts away and sleep envelopes her.
 Where am I? I'm in my room. No, not my room now. It's my childhood room.
“Mom! Mom, are you here?!”
“Down here, sweetie.” Her voice. It’s too far away.
I need to find her.
The staircase is too long. The hallway, too wide.
“Mom, where are you? I can't find you.”
I'm frantic. Everything is too dark. She sounds so strange. I need to find her.
“Where are you, sweetie? Why didn't you come back for me? ”
“I did! I did, mom! It was too late. You were already dead. I thought you were dead. But you're here now. We can be together now. If I can just find you.”
I open a door. I'm in my room at Rolling Acres.
I’m in my bed. The door opens.
“Ready for me, honey?” It's him.
“No! No, not you! Mom! Where are you?!”
“Shut up! I hate when you scream. You'll only make it worse for yourself, honey.”
His weight is on top of me. His hands under my clothes. I can't push him away. My arms won't work.
“Please don't hurt me, Jacob! Don't! Not again. Not anymore. Please!”
I feel him push into me.
“Mom! Please! Help me…”
His hands grip my neck, squeezing tight.
“Don't. Please! Ne-Negan! Help me, Negan!”
 “Chuck! Wake up!” Negan gently shakes her shoulders, coaxing her back into consciousness. The realization of where she actually is slowly creeps back to her.
“I'm here. You're in my bed. You're safe.”
  What? I'm- How did I get here? Did I get into his bed? I don't remember that. My mind is still so fuzzy.
 He reaches over and snaps on the lamp to her right. The illumination allows her to see that she is, indeed, in Negan's bed. She looks to him standing beside her and sees that he is wearing only his underwear. She immediately tenses up and closes her eyes tightly.
“Hey. You're okay, Chuck. I found you asleep on my fuckin’ chair, so I put you in my bed. Then, you started having a fuckin’ nightmare, or some shit. I could hear you fucking whimpering from the couch. You yelled my fuckin’ name.”
She opens her eyes and looks around. There is a pillow and blanket strewn haphazardly on the couch. He must've been sleeping there. She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.
“I'm sorry. I, uh. I didn't mean to wake you up. I should go back to my room. Get out of your hair-“
He interrupts her. “Is that why you haven't been sleeping? Nightmares?”
“Yeah, I guess,” she mutters. “I’ve been… having a lot. All night, usually.”
“Stay here then. If you have another one, I'll be right over there to show you that there's nothing to be fuckin’ afraid of.” He turns to go back to his couch.
“Wait.” She grabs his hand. “I don't want to kick you out of your own bed. We can share. If you want, I mean.”
  I used to crawl into my mother’s bed when I had terrible nightmares after my father died. Just being beside her helped me so much. Maybe… being beside Negan will help me, too.
 “You sure?” he asks hesitantly.
“Yeah. I don't want you having to sleep on your own couch. And, um, it might, uh. Maybe it'll help… me. With the nightmares, I mean. But if you don't want to-”
He turns the light off and crawls in beside her to her left before she finishes her thought. “If you want me to leave, you just fuckin’ kick me out, okay? I'll be fine with it.”
“Okay,” she whispers. “Night, Negan.” She turns a bit awkwardly so she faces away from him and curls up in his soft blankets.
“Night, baby girl.”
She closes her eyes and tries to ease herself back to sleep. No matter what she does, though, she can’t stop her racing thoughts. At least they aren’t about her past this time.
  Is this weird? I'm in Negan's bed. With him. That's kinda weird, isn't it? We're not… doing anything though. Of course not! We're not even really laying that close together. He's just… helping me. I'm trying to let him help me. I know I need it. Maybe him being here will calm me and I can sleep.
Okay, it doesn't seem to be working because I'm freaking out about being with him… like this. He's almost naked! I'm almost naked, actually! I don't even have underwear or a bra on under these clothes. I wonder if he noticed. Oh god, he probably-
 Negan's heavy arm comes down and wraps around Chuck's torso, pulling her close to his chest.
“Stop fidgeting around and just sleep, baby,” he croaks out, half asleep.
“Oh.” She squeaks out in surprise. “Uh. Sorry. Okay. I'll try.”
  Am I okay with this? I know I can push him away. I trust him. He's just so warm. He feels… nice. This feels nice, actually. And safe. Like how my mother used to hold me when I was a kid.
 Before she knows it, Chuck drifts off to sleep.
 The warm light streaming through the windows gently brings Chuck out of her restful slumber. She stretches her limbs out as she yawns.
“Bout time your lazy ass woke up.”
She sits up quickly, now fully awake upon hearing Negan’s voice, and looks over to him, sitting on his couch with glasses on his nose and a notebook in his hand. “Oh, uh. Sorry,” she says as she rubs her eyes. “What time is it?”
“Just past fuckin’ noon.”
“What?! I have to get to work.” She jumps out of the bed before really thinking about what she is going to do.
“Don't worry about that, Chuck,” Negan says quickly. “You got the fuckin’ day off.” He sets his glasses and the notebook on the coffee table and gets up from the couch. “I'll make us something to eat.”
“Oh, no. That's okay. Let me do it. You've done so much for me already. I feel bad. Let me return the favor and try to make you breakfast... Or lunch, I guess.” She giggles and turns to leave the bedroom. Her motion is halted as he wraps his hand around her arm and pulls her back from his door gently.
“I'm gonna give you an official order here, sweetheart,” he says, leaning into her personal space causing her to gulp nervously. “Stop putting fuckin’ everyone else in front of yourself. Put yourself first, for once. Be a little selfish. Don't fuckin’ ‘feel bad’ because I'm helping you. I’m helping you because I want to and you fuckin’ deserve to be helped. So accept it. That's an order.” He stares directly into her eyes, his face hard.
“Okay, Negan.” Her tone is soft as she looks up to him. He lets go of her and enters his kitchen, Chuck close behind.
“Omelette?” he throws over his shoulder.
“Sure. That sounds amazing. Can I help?”
“Yeah, get all the shit out of the fridge.” She gets all the ingredients out and starts to dice some veggies as Negan gets the pan and the stove ready. After a few minutes, the two sit down at the table to eat their meals.
“Wow, Negan. This is delicious. You’re a very good cook. I bet Lucille loved it when you cooked for her.”
He tenses up visibly at the mention of his former wife, but Chuck keeps going.
“M-my mom, uh, told me that she was sick and in the hospital. You know, before all this. Lucille was always so nice. I liked her a lot. My mom did-“
“Stop fucking talking, Chuck,” he growls out.
“Okay. I'm sorry…”
“Did you fucking tell anyone about her?” He breaths hard as he glares at her.
“No, I didn't-“
“Don't tell anyone about her. I fuckin’ mean it. And don't bring her up to me again.”
“Okay. I won't. I’m sorry.”
  I didn't mean to upset him. What she went through… What he went through with her must’ve been horrible for him to have reacted that way. I knew she had cancer and didn't have long, but I don't know what happened to her. It seems I won't get any info out of Negan about it. I shouldn't have brought it up. I mean, he named his bat after her. Her death must've messed him up.
 “I brought some of your clothes up here. You should get dressed,” he says as he picks up their empty plates and puts them in the sink.
“Okay.” She stands and goes into his bathroom to dress. She puts the clothes on and washes up as the soft sounds of a guitar being strummed from the other room fill her with nostalgia. She thinks back to when her mother taught her how to play. How her father sang to her-
  Wait! Is Negan playing a guitar?!
 She rushes out of the bathroom and is met with Negan, sitting on his bed, with a very nice acoustic guitar in his hands.
“You play?” she says, trying to curb her excitement.
“A little. Not fuckin’ much, really.” He strums again. “I know a few chords.”
“That's a really expensive guitar. It sounds a bit out of tune, though.”
“Well, have at it, sweetheart,” he says as he pushes the guitar into her hands.
“Oh jeez.” She feels herself blush. “I haven't had my hands on a guitar in years.” She gives out a nervous chuckle, but takes the guitar into her hands as she sits beside Negan. She gets to work tuning the instrument, all the while with a huge smile on her face. She strums it once and tries to hand it back to Negan.
“Play me something,” Negan requests.
Chuck laughs nervously in response. “Uh. Like what?”
“Whatever you want.” He smiles at her, waiting for her to start.
“Um. Okay.” She looks toward the ceiling as she thinks of something to play. “Don't laugh at me. I'm super rusty, after all,” she says as she picks out of the perfect song. One that’s short and sweet.
 “Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl
But she doesn't have a lot to say
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
But she changes from day to day
I wanna tell her that I love her a lot
But I gotta get a belly full of wine
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
Some day I'm gonna make her mine
Oh yeah
Some day I'm gonna make her mine”
 “The Beatles. Good choice,” Negan says with a pensive look.
“My parents used to sing that song to me all the time. It was one of the first real songs I learned how to play, actually,” she says with a sad smile, remembering how her father used to sing the song to her before bed. “That kinda hurt my fingers. I don't have any callouses anymore,” Chuck laughs, wiggling her fingers in the air to illustrate her point. “I think I was a bit flat, too.”
“Nah. You sounded fuckin’ good to me.” He lets out a breath and stands from his bed. “I better get up and fuckin’ run this place, I guess. Lunch break is over. You can hang out here or whatever. I don't give a shit. Take that guitar, though, if you leave. It's yours.”
“Oh, no. I can't take this. I didn't earn it.”
“Remember my order?” He asks in an authoritative tone.
“Be a little selfish?”
“But being selfish would make me a dick.”
His hearty laugh echoes through the room. “But you'd be a fuckin’ dick playing that sweet ass guitar.”
Now she laughs. “I suppose,” she concedes as he leaves the room, giving her a wink.
Chuck plays just about every song she can think of, belting out all the lyrics to songs she thought she'd long since forgotten. It’s bittersweet remembering the songs that had so much meaning to her previous life. She lets out a few tears, but is so thankful to have that connection to the time before again.
“Excuse me?” A soft voice comes from behind Chuck, startling her.
She turns around and is faced with a beautiful brunette woman wearing a black dress standing in the doorway.
  A wife. Oh god. I'm sitting on Negan's bed. I slept with him! Well not slept slept with him. Does she know that I was here all night? Is she mad that I'm here in her husband’s room? Should I just blurt out that I didn’t have sex with him?!
 Chuck clears her throat nervously. “Hello.”
“Hi. I'm Sherry. We… me and the other wives, we saw Negan bring you here last night. We wanted you to come into the parlor and talk with us.”
  Oh crap.
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explicitlytheballs · 7 years
Explicit Cumtent 🍆💦
Part II
- I pulled my white silk rode over my shoulders and I tied it in a bow in the front. I sighed as I was finally able to get some piece and quiet.
Melo is gone with his friend Shareef for the night and Briana is staying over her friends house until tomorrow.
I rubbed in the rest of my cocoa butter lotion on my arms that I didn’t didn’t get to rub in. Then I grabbed my scrunchy from my nightstand putting my hair into a bun, not really caring how it looked.
I sighed. “Finally no one can fuck with me.” I turned my lamp off and relaxed in my bed.
“LaVar baby stop!” I heard my mom laughing then the door shut.
“Eww please tell me they not ‘bout to do it. They too old for that.” I turned my nose up in disgust.
I heard a knock at me door, I rolled my eyes because I already knew who it was.
“Can you just leave me the fuck alone damn nigga!” I yelled.
“I just wanna talk.” He said softly which made me feel bad for yelling at him.
I stared at the ceiling for a bit before responding. “Come in Gelo.”
I heard the door open, then close.
“Damn why its dark in here? You only got the TV on in this bitch.”
I looked at him and he only had on his Big Baller Brand basketball shorts
I put my face into my bed sheet and smiled.
Wait why the hell am I smiling?
I wiped the smile off of my face and lifted my head up. “You said you wanted to talk so…”
He smiled showing his pearly whites. Just last week he had gotten his braces off and he couldn’t stop smiling for shit, but hey I’m not complaining.
“I wanna get to know you a little more.” He sat on the bed beside me while I laid on my stomach.
“What you wanna know?”
“How 'bout we play 21 questions to find out?” He stroked his goatee.
“Okay, me first. Uhh… what’s your favorite color?”
“Green."  He answered.
"What’s your full name?”
“My full name is y/n y/m/n y/l/n.”
“Oh your middle name is y/m/n that’s cute.” Gelo laughed.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
He looked at me crazy, “a basketball player fuck you mean. Now my turn, you a virgin?” He replied with quickness.
“Why do you want to know? Are you one? Mind your business light bright.”
“No I’m not a virgin, but you still didn’t answer my question.” He stared at me.
“No I’m not, but still why you wanna know?” I pressed my lips together.
“Damn I can’t ask a question? We playing 21 questions.” He placed his hand at the back of my thigh squeezing it.
“Well you getting a little too personal LiAngelo.” I emphasized and turned on my back so I could get a good view of him.
“You think what I’m asking is personal? What about this?” He cheesed and pulled the at the bow I made on my robe making it come open exposing my naked body to him.
I gasped. “Gelo.”
He got up from the bed and went to the door locking it.
He slowly walked over to me as I held onto my robe for dear life.
“I already saw the goods baby.” He licked his lips and grabbed my arm yanking me up from the bed.
He pushed me into the wall like he did earlier and he pinned my arms above my head.
“Gelo you know we are not supposed to be doing this, if we get caught our ass is grass.” I stared into his eyes.
He didn’t say anything, he let go of my arms and he took off my robe.
I felt his hands on my waist bringing me closer to him.
We looked eachother in the eyes, while slowly leaning in letting our lips touch. His tongue slowly crept inside of my mouth, our lips moved in sync.
He pulled away dragged his kisses down to my neck, then my breast. He gripped them in his hands and sucking on my left one. I bit my lip as he went onto the right one.
I moaned softly as he started placing kisses down my stomach.
“Put one leg over my shoulder.” He demanded, and I put my left leg over his shoulder.
He kissed on the inside of my thighs, he looked me in the eye and I nodded my head in acceptance.
He rubbed my clit and I jumped a bit.
“You wet as hell.” He laughed and ran his tongue over my clit repeatedly.
“G-Gelo” I moaned and rubbed my hands through his curls.
He rubbed his two fingers up and down my pussy lips and entered them into me.
“Ohh..” I moaned and threw my head back.
“Mmm.” I tried my best to keep my moans quiet as he made figure eights on my clit.
“You taste so good.” He pulled out his fingers and put them in his mouth sucking on them.
“Gelo I swear to God if I fall I’m-”
I threw my head back and muffled my moans by covering my mouth.
“You not gon fall baby, I got you, plus you on the wall.” He moved his head side to side while his tongue was still on my clit.
“Ohh fuck.” I whimpered and grabbed his curls.
“Fuck Gelo.”
“Gelooo.” I cried out.
He then came back up to where I was before pulling down his basketball shorts which revealed his dick.
“Jump.” He whispered.
I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist, he put his hands under my knees holding my waist with one hand and grabbing his dick with the other.
“Shit y/n you tight as fuck.” He groaned as he entered me.
I moaned and threw my head back as he started making me bounce up and down on his dick.
*Y'all know Gelo strong af so just imagine 💀💀*
“Ohhh fuck.” I let out a muffled moan.
“Be quiet or I’ll stop.” He started pounding into me and all you could hear was the sound of our skin clapping together.
“Gelo please don’t stop.” I said biting into his shoulder to keep from moaning.
Tears streamed down my eyes as he continuously went in and out of me.
“Fuckkkkk right there, right there.”
“You like this shit don’t you?” He slapped my ass.
“Ahh yes.” My eyes rolled into the back of my head.
“I can’t Gelo, I’m gonna cum.”
“Shit me too.” He started slowing down a little bit. And my walls started to tighten around his dick.
“Fuck!” He covered my mouth as exploded all over his dick, digged my nails into his biceps.
“Shit get on your knees.” He put me down.
Hell my legs were already weak anyway, I immediately fell to my knees.
“Open your mouth.” He instructed.
I opened my mouth and I had my tongue out with my eyes closed.
“Fuck, you ready?” He lightly moaned as he jerked himself off.
“Ahhh.” He threw his head back and let his cum paint my face.
“Shit.” He breathed out.
He turned on my lamp and looked at my face smiling.
“What?” I asked.
He pointed to the mirror and I looked over at it.
I gasped. “Gelo!”
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Insomnia Cookies: Best Birthday Ever
Summary: Poe, Finn and Bucky plan a special surprise during Y/N’s 17th birthday party.
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, Reader, Poe/Finn Dameron
Warnings: none, major fluff alert though
Word count: 1852
A/N: So sorry this took so long!! This was a really important chapter for me, and I wanted to make sure I got it right. We’re starting to wrap everything up now, so there will only be a few more parts. As always, thanks for reading!!
Read previous parts here
“Here comes the cake!” Finn announced to the room. Tony dimmed the lights and Poe walked in carrying an ice cream cake decorated with seventeen blue candles. The words “Happy 17th Birthday Y/N” were drawn in a loopy cursive, and icing hedgehogs dotted the space around them.
Y/N blushed and grinned shyly as everyone started singing. Poe and Finn had taken Y/N and her friends from school out to the movies earlier in the day, and now they were celebrating as a family. It was a patchwork family for sure, but to her, it was perfect.
Tony, Sam, and Clint really belted out the last lines, and the others clapped enthusiastically.
“Make a wish!” Nat exclaimed. She held out her camera as Y/N closed her eyes. She paused a few seconds before taking a deep breath and blew out all of the candles at once.
“What did you wish for?” Bucky asked, squeezing her shoulder.
Y/N shook her head. “I can’t tell you!” she admonished. “It won’t come true!”
“Yeah, Bucky!” Steve joked. “You should know better!”
Before Bucky could interject, Poe and Finn began passing out the cake. Of course, Y/N got the first (and biggest) piece, and she eagerly attacked her cake.
“Good?” Poe asked.
Y/N nodded and gave him a thumbs up. “You sure?” he asked uncertainly.
She swallowed her cake and smiled. “Poe, this day has been awesome! I promise.” She crossed her heart for emphasis.
“Okay, okay, just checking,” he replied. He moved over and sat next to Finn on one of Tony’s couches.
“They’ve been acting weird all day,” Y/N whispered to Bucky. “Like all nervous and jittery.”
“It’s your first birthday with them, kid,” Bucky said. “They probably just want it to be perfect.”
“Yeah, maybe,” she said uncertainly. “Do you think everything is okay?” Her forehead creased with worry, and her eyes filled with a slight sense of fear.
“Y/N, I swear, everything is fine,” Bucky reassured her. He scooted closer and gave her a side hug. “You’re good, it’s all good.” Y/N nodded and slowly went back to eating her cake.
A clinking glass drew everyone’s attention to the center of the room where Tony was standing. He cleared his throat. “Y/N,” he said, “you are a very special kid. And a special kid gets presents for her birthday, am I right?”
Everyone cheered and clapped as Nat and Clint brought out two large piles of presents. Y/N’s face lit up as they were placed in front of her.
“No way!” she squealed. “Thank you!”
“Don’t thank us until you’ve seen them,” Steve warned. “Some of us weren’t supervised.”
“Hey, man,” Sam argued, “you guys picked the worst time to get presents. Not all of us follow your super soldier schedules.”
“So Sam’s present is bad, got it,” Y/N replied cheekily. Sam pretended to be offended, but he broke a smile when Y/N got up and gave him a hug. She sat back down on the rug and began going through the pile as Nat took pictures.
All of the presents were surprisingly awesome. Clint got Y/N a bow and arrow set that Tony insisted was “for outdoor use only”. Clint shook his head and winked at Y/N when Tony wasn’t looking, and she giggled in response. When Tony whirled back around, she got busy opening the first edition A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, one of her favorite books, from Nat.
“Nat, this is awesome!” Y/N exclaimed, jumping up to give the redhead a hug. “Thank you!” She pulled away and turned the book over. “Where did you find this?”
“Let’s just say I have my sources,” Nat replied, coyly.
“Okay, my turn!” Sam announced, pushing a bag towards Y/N. She carefully rooted through it and pulled out a stuffed hedgehog. “You got a hedgehog pillow at Ikea, remember?” he asked. “I thought you might like this to go with it.”
“It’s beautiful,” Y/N whispered, hugging it to her chest. “Does it have a name?” Sam shook his head. Y/N held it out in front of her in consideration. “How about...Spike?” she asked.
“Spike?” Clint scoffed. “For a hedg-ow!” He stopped as Nat jabbed an elbow into his side.
“It’s perfect, Y/N,” Nat said, sending daggers Clint’s way. “It fits perfectly.”
Y/N nodded in satisfaction and hugged Spike into her chest.
“Open mine next!” Tony said, pointing to a small box.
Y/N tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box to reveal a key card. She held it up and tried not to look too confused at the odd present.
“That’s a key card for a room in the Tower,” Tony explained. “Specifically, your room. It’s on the same floor as Barnes, and you can decorate it however you want.”
“Seriously?!” Y/N asked, her mouth gaping open. “I have a room here?”
“As much as I love torturing Tin Man, I figured he didn’t need to sleep on the couch every time you slept over,” Tony replied.
“Wow, this is...is this okay with you guys?” Y/N asked, turning to Poe and Finn. They both nodded enthusiastically.
“Yeah, sweetheart!” Finn replied. “Tony asked us first, and we think it’s a great idea.”
Satisfied with their answer, Y/N lept up and gave Tony a hug. “Thank you!” she mumbled into his shoulder.
“Anytime, kiddo,” Tony said.
Steve cleared his throat, and Y/N turned to face him.
“This one’s from me,” he said, handing her a box. Y/N tore the paper off and pulled out a large collage picture frame. Steve filled it with various pictures of him, Y/N, and the other Avengers. The words “Friends Forever” was embossed in a fancy cursive at the bottom of the frame.
Y/N carefully traced each picture and smiled at the memories. Steve and Y/N at the top of the Ferris Wheel at Coney Island. Nat and Y/N getting manicures at the spa. Tony and Y/N battling it out on the Wii. Everywhere Y/N looked, she saw happiness. Her happiness, to be exact. It had been so long since she had seen any pictures of herself, and this was a girl she could get used to.
“Steve,” she said, choking back tears, “I love it.” She stood up and Steve met her halfway in a hug.
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” he whispered.
Poe clapped his hands and jumped up. “Okay, last but not least!” He jogged out of the room and came back in wheeling a suitcase wrapped in sparkling blue paper.
“What the heck?” Y/N giggled.
“Just open it,” Finn insisted.
Y/N kept giggling as she pulled off the paper. The suitcase was a sleek navy blue, and Y/N spun it around to admire it.
“This is like the Ferrari of suitcases,” she said, running her hands down the fabric. “Thank you!”
“Open it up,” Poe suggested. Finn gripped his husband’s hand nervously as Y/N tipped the suitcase on its side and unzipped the main compartment. A pair of Mickey ears sat inside, and she carefully held them up. She gasped and looked up at Poe and Finn with excitement.
“We’re going to Disney World?!” she shouted.
“We leave next week!” Poe exclaimed.
Y/N yelped and ran over to tackle them in a hug. She sat back down and stared at her hat adoringly.
“What does the back say?” Bucky prodded.
Turning the ears around, she ran her fingers along the the silver stitching on the back.
“Y/N Dameron,” she read. She furrowed her brows, looked up at Finn and Poe and looked down again. “Dameron?” she asked. “I don’t...I’m not...I don’t understand.”
“There’s still more,” Finn urged, pointing inside the case.
Y/N rifled through the tissue paper and picked up a picture frame.
“This certificate shows,” Y/N read aloud, “that on this day of October 14th, Y/N L/N became a permanent member of the Dameron family.” She stopped and gasped. “Are you...am I…?” she stuttered.
“There’s one more,” Poe said, clutching Finn’s hand tightly.
Y/N moved the frame and took out a manila envelope. Opening it, she bit her lip and tried not to cry as she read the document title.
“Adoption papers?” she whispered. “For real?” Once the first few tears escaped down her cheeks, she couldn’t stop.
Poe and Finn both stood up and knelt down next to her.
“We love you so much,” Poe said, resting his hands on her shoulders.
“We would be honored for you to be our daughter,” Finn added, wiping away her tears. “Officially, anyway,” he laughed. “We’ve thought of you as ours from day one.”
Y/N couldn’t speak as she continued to cry, but she nodded her head vigorously, and wrapped her arms around Poe and Finn, hugging them tight. The other Avengers smiled and wiped away their own tears as Nat recorded everything.
“We love you,” Finn said, squeezing her one more time.
“I love you too,” Y/N replied. “This is amazing. Thank you so much.”
Poe cleared his throat and looked at Bucky. “Hey sweetheart, Bucky’s present is in the front pocket. Why don’t you open it?”
Bucky gulped as Y/N pulled out a box from the small pocket in the front of the suitcase. She opened it and found a charm bracelet inside. Holding it up, she examined the two charms that swung gently from the silver band.
“Is that a cookie?” she asked. Bucky smiled and nodded. “That’s so awesome!” she exclaimed.
“A cookie?” Steve whispered to Nat. “I don’t get it.”
“Shhh!” Nat hissed. “She’s looking at the other one!”
Y/N placed the second charm on her palm. It was a small heart with delicate filigree designs all along the outside. Two words were inscribed in the middle of the heart.
“Goddaughter?” she asked, looking at Bucky in awe. “You want to be my godfather?”
“If you’ll let me,” he replied. “Poe and Finn asked me last week, but I wanted it to be your decision.”
Y/N was silent and stared down at the charms again. Her chin trembled as her emotions overwhelmed her again, and Bucky was terrified he pushed her too far.
“Y/N?” Finn asked, gently.
She finally looked up, her eyes swimming with tears again. “I would really love to be your goddaughter, Bucky,” she announced, her voice cracking. She wiped at her eyes. “Oh come on, I just stopped crying too!”
Everyone chuckled as Y/N and Bucky embraced in a hug.
“Pictures!” Nat called. “We need pictures of the new family!”
Poe and Finn posed with Y/N first, and then Bucky joined in. Their eyes were red, and their cheeks were blotchy from crying. But what really stood out were their smiles. They all grinned from ear to ear, and their eyes sparkled. Their joy shone through as Nat snapped picture after picture.
It was by far the best birthday ever.
TAGS: @buckyappreciationsociety @fab-notfat @cutefandomsdaily @rebekahsprinkle
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