#anyway that's another thing i just really don't often have time for kids and parenting in romance
kidrat · 1 year
having feelings about trans Gwen,,, like there's the 'superhero leading a double life' allegory for being closeted, which ppl have noted, but there's plenty I haven't seen anyone mention yet! like, the fact her dad has a trans patch in support of her means she's out.
She's a young trans *girl* (as opposed to a trans woman) living as her authentic gender in a loving home. she went to her school dance in a dress. she did ballet! which of course boys can do too, but often times when people are assigned male they don't get the chance to explore feminine hobbies. It's really lovely that someone, likely Gwen's dad, supported her enough to let her have those girly experiences and memories, whether she was living as a girl when she took dance up or as a gnc boy.
While it's subtle rep, I still think it's awesome to imply a character like Gwen is trans. Trans girls don't always get to have a childhood. Transmisogyny fetishizes transfems and presents them as always victimisers, never victims. They're barred from girlhood and it's connotations of innocence, vulnerability, lovableness.
Not that Gwen isn't a hashtag strong female character! And not that she hasn't had to grow up fast in other ways. She Is Literally Spiderwoman and she plays the drums and has agency and expresses negative emotions. But she's also a teenager, and she gets to be hugged and comforted, and to be set up for a soft friends to lovers relationship with another teenager, a cis boy who respects her and only knows her as a girl and thinks she's amazing and draws her in his sketchbook. That is not a role the media often lets trans girls have!!! It's lovely to think young transfems might be able to see themselves in a character consistently shown as worthy of affection.
Of course, the fact that Gwen is in the closet about being spider-woman is even sadder knowing this is her second rodeo. Lots of us have hesitated to come out a second time because our parents were supportive about the first thing and well, putting something else on them feels like taking the piss or hoping for too much.
Something else I wanted to talk about is how Gwen being trans effects a reading of her Peter's death, especially taking into account the new information this film gave us about this. There's this gendered switch happening, where Peter passes on his usual role to a woman. What's more, he has to die for her story to happen. She loves him, and never wanted him to die, but she's blamed for it anyway. Her father talks affectionately about the dead Peter, calling him his daughter's best friend. He talks about him like a son. He vows revenge on Gwen for killing him. It's a fantastic allegory for how some transphobic parents hate their out trans children for 'killing' the kid they had before.
I think with the above in mind, maybe we can see the subtext of Gwen's arc with her dad in this film as that of a supportive parent who's nevertheless got some biases left that hurt his trans daughter, who doesn't speak up for fear his acceptance is conditional.
I don't think it's a stretch to suggest that protecting a trans daughter is this Captain Stacy's motivation while he's working as a cop. Obviously there's the text that he wants to be a 'good cop' to work against the institution's bigotry, and he displays the trans flag on his work jacket. His quitting the police is a fantastic story beat because it makes a point about the real world while also serving a lot of the analogies going on.
Good cops quit. They realise you can't be a well intentioned cog in a bigoted machine. It doesn't matter if you're a bigot or just taking actions a bigot might because you're working within parameters set by bigots. It's an important message. Within a trans reading of the film, I'd also see this plot moment as Stacy realising he can't protect his trans daughter if he's still playing by the rules of a society that see her as threatening and duplicitous. He's then able to stop seeing her on some level as having killed his son.
They're able to be close again because he has completely rejected the cis culture he was a part of, rather than just decrying the worst parts and slotting Gwen in. She no longer has to worry that he'll rescind his acceptance if she's too trans, and so he gets to know all of her because she can let him into her world without self-editing.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on Gwen after watching Across The Spiderverse two hours ago lmao.
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thek1ngtalks · 2 years
Percy Jackson
Youre a bit of an oddball in camp. You were 15 when you were found, completely by accident. A saytr protecting another kid ran into you and that's the only reason he noticed you were a demigod.
You're,,, painfully normal, actually. Which, in a world of demigods and monsters, is in itself weird.
Being normal isn't a bad thing though. It's kept you and your parent safe, which is why they didn't put you on an immediate evac out to camp.
Sadly, your no monster streak was ruined as a frizzy red headed girl and a boy who looked like he tried to skate as a job while graffiting walls on the weekend broke into the band room you were trying to practice in
Great way to start off your highschool years, I assure you.
The redhead gives you a once over but deems you unimportant and starts trying to wedge herself between the wall and a bass drum.
The skater glanced between you and the red head before reluctantly joining her, hiding behind a bunch of bongos. They start whispering to each other, though it fails since you're pretty sure the red head's never whispered before
Your face pinches as you listen to them talk and like any normal person, you assume they're both crazy. Greek myths, what a joke.
Then, as the skater boy is about to reveal whatever big secret he's keeping, two cheerleaders step into the room. You vaguely remember them welcoming you in, although they called you a fish and stared at you funny.
Blah blah, they attack you, the skater boy– who the evil vampire ladies conveniently tell you the name of, Percy saves you both and then the school is on fire. Whoops?
Anyways, Percy brings you with him to camp, very shortly shows you around before things start getting crazy. Some centaur dude is on trial, Percy leaves for a quest and is dead for a little before he crashes his own funeral, overall a weird couple weeks.
After hiding in the Apollo cabin during the fight, handing things to the healers as they work, things seem to settle for a little.
He does come to see you to apologize for not being a very good guide and offers to show you a more detailed, and far more fun, intro to camp
That's when you start getting to know Percy more. His quirks, his skills, even his odd love of blue food.
He seems to seek you out often, answering only once that it's because you make everything so average.
You realize that with Percy's luck, everything is in extremes. When you're around though, he gets a break. If you can give him even a few minutes of peace, you don't really mind him calling you average (okay you still kinda do)
When you both inevitably start dating, no one's surprised. A few seemed disappointed they lost the apparent bet on Percy's love life, but no one was shocked considering how much Percy doted on you when you were around.
He also called you his good luck charm more than a few times, especially when you weren't around
Nico Di Angelo
You were a young mortal, emphasis on were. You had been a follower of the Chthonic Gods and with a life devoted to them, you got a bit of a cushy death.
You became a servant to Persephone, who had only needed a few extra hands temporarily and didn't care to dismiss you when things calmed down again. Obviously you don't remember much of your life but you were living a good death, so you weren't upset.
You had become an almost right-hand to her majesty, still a strong devote to her husband gave you a bit of a leg up in that regard.
And as her right-hand, she often gave you tasks she knew you could handle, you just weren't expecting to have to take care of a dandelion.
It definitely isn't one of the harder tasks she's had you do but it is more confusing. She had expressed that if one petal were to fall from it, Hades himself would send you to Tartarus, which is definitely NOT on your To Do List, so you've wisely took them to heart
You made sure to take it with you everywhere, taking care to keep the soil moist and talking to it often. You're not sure if it's helping but not a single petal has fallen yet, so you're positive that you're doing something right.
It's only after two weeks of this schedule that Persephone calls you to her room and tells you to bring the plant. Of course you listen
You're more than a little embarrassed when she turned the dandelion back into a broody teen, one who refuses to look back at you as he begins arguing with Persephone
Persephone dismisses you and the brooding boy takes that as his cue to leave with you, still avoiding your face
He thanks you for taking such good care of him and offers his name —Nico— but nothing else before he shadowtravels away
Over the next few weeks you find small trinkets from the overworld left in your room, in the spot you had left Nico's dandelion form.
After a month of this, you are walking with Persephone as she heads to her garden and are faced with 3 demigods
Your eyes meet Nico's and he seems embarrassed again before he begins arguing with Persephone again
You are ordered to help them navigate the underworld in search for Hades's newest symbol of power and Nico actually starts looking at you, talking to you, and being normal
He's quite nice and he doesn't seem to hold anything against you, which is nice. You get along a lot better when he can actually respond and after retrieving the sword, you ask Nico to drop his gifts off in person so that you can actually see him more.
It's barely a few years later when Nico leads you out of the Underworld in the midst of Thanatos being missing, apparently having already gotten Persephone's permission but oddly tight-lipped about how (he coughs up petals for a week)
As a human you begin aging again with small parts of your past coming back. Nico is delighted when you remember your name and makes sure to say it to you at least once a day in case you ever forget it again.
You follow him wherever he goes, even to Tartarus, and all of his friends are surprised when you announce your dating, only because they thought you already were
Nico has apparently been horribly obvious in his adoration of you and you're much the same
[I was supposed to write a platonic soulmate shortfic with like 10 characters and accidentally wrote this instead. Congrats, I guess. (I'm still gonna write the other one, you can't stop me)]
[L0v3, k1ng]
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generalpalacefishgoop · 6 months
Transcript of the conversation between qBad and Pomme at Baghera's castle
Bad :Hi, Pomme! Good morning! How are you?
*sees the messages on the black concrete* Ah.....
Pomme :Hi Dad :'3
Bad :Oh no, what's wrong, Pomme? You ok?
Pomme :I wanted to leave a little gift for when she would come back
and... yeah... I discovered this
Bad :Ah, you saw the black concrete and the messages you had left?
Pomme :I didn't' see it before :(
Bad :While you were away, Pomme, all of the parents found black concrete appear in different places that were significant to their kid and, yeah...um well, as you can see, this is where we found your message, and I guess, since we went to purgatory, you know, no one's been by here to clean up or maybe before...maybe Baghera just didn't want to clean. You know, I didn't clean up Dapper's message, I don't think at all...someone else did...
Pomme :It's terrible because... they left messages for me too
I'm not sure if we received them, I don't remember well still
But one of them, it literally says they're coming to find me...
And... yeah I guess you all went there to find us, heh :(
Bad :Yeah, no we did. We did, Pomme. But um... you know we found you but we weren't necessarily able to take you guys back with us.
Pomme :Yeah... the earthquake happened, right?
Bad :A big explosion went off and yeah caused that... *sigh* Look, I'm sure Baghera is fine, Pomme, and I'm sure she's going to make it back here, at some point.
Pomme :I remembered recently
She was there, when the earthquake happened
Bad :Oh, you saw her? Yeah, she was I remember you were all in the little cages
Pomme :Yeah... she "was"...
Bad :But look, I'm sure she's fine, a little bit worse for wear, but I'm sure she's alright, and um...you know right now, I think it's just to...you know, wait.
Pomme :Do you think she's alive still...?
Bad :Yeah, I do. I've got some good reasons to think she was alive. What I would do, Pomme, maybe leave a message here, another one, just for her, because if your messages where somehow able to get to us, there's a good chance, they'll be able to get to her.
*Pomme goes up and places down a sign on the black concrete and places down a pot of crocus*
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Pomme :Dad... I'm sorry we ran away
It was useless anyway, we couldn't protect you in the end :(
Bad :I think you guys running away, I think it was important to you at the time. You guys did it to protect us and you just want to keep your family safe. I understand that. I don't think you guys could have known anything that was gonna happen so, I wouldn't blame yourself, Pomme. I don't think you should.
Pomme :It was... a panic move. mostly
Bad :Hmm maybe but it also may have seen like the right move but Pomme, even if you want to view as a mistake, which I'm not sure it was, the important things is Pomme, is to not let our mistake drag us down, the only time we have ever truly made a mistake is when we can't learn from it Pomme. So I think in this situation, while maybe it wasn't a good idea to run off, I think you can learn something from it. Just think about what can I take from this situation and what should I do in the future, you can't change the past Pomme, but you can look forward.
Pomme :I do feel guilty but... your words are truly comforting :(
I'm glad you're not... upset, that much :')
Bad :*chuckles* I don't think I could be upset with you, Pomme, especially not when the reason you guys were doing it was to keep us safe, I wished you guys would have talked to us but, you guys did what you thought was right, and in the end, I'm just happy that we got you guys back.
Pomme :There was kinda... no time really
They were all very... panicked about the situation
Bad :You guys were caught in a bad situation, when someone is threatening people who are close to us, it's like a fight or flight response kicks in, (...) we often times don't think, we just act. Sometimes, the decision we make ends up not being the best one. But who knows, Pomme, maybe if you guys had stayed, something worse would have even happened you know. We don't know, we just dont know at this point. We never know what would have happened Pomme, I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. I think you guys did the best you could, with what you knew. *sigh* So, in the future, maybe tell me at least? Hopefully something like this never happens again.
Pomme :Thank you, Dad :') <3
Bad :Aw you're welcome, you're the apple of my eye, Pomme, and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
Pomme :I don't want anything to happen to you either
I love you, you're important to me okay? :') <3
Bad :Aw, thank you, Pomme, that's very sweet! I love you, too. I'm sure everything is gonna work out, Pomme. We just can't give up hope. Baghera will return to us, someday, I just know it.
Pomme :I hope so, I can only hope
Bad :Yeah, sometimes that's all we can do, Pomme, is hope.
Pomme :Like you did for us during all this time, I imagine :(
Bad :Yeah, that's a great point, Pomme, I never gave up hope that you guys were still alive somewhere, and look! You're back! So I guess my hope paid off after all.
Pomme :yeah, you were right to hope :D
Bad :Yeah! I was right, to hope. Everything works out in the end.
Pomme :You know what, I won't lose hope either
I know she's strong, there's no way she wouldn't
have survived it :')
Bad :I'm sure she did. This is Baghera, I mean, I'm sure she's probably tearing that island apart looking for you right now, something tells me that's the case. I'm sure she's fine.
*Pomme puts down another 2 signs on the black concrete*
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Bad :I'm sure she'll get it, Pomme. Just don't give up! Just don't give up hope, everything's gonna be ok.
Pomme :I won't :') I will never
Bad :Nice! Good! No matter what, you just can't give up hope. Sometimes it's all we have.
Pomme : There's a reason I named by raccoon like that, after all
That's why you should, yk, not eat it
(shenanigan ensues...)
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ladyfocalors · 4 months
Where is home? (my hands are covered in ashes)
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note: Hi! Surprise, I am not dead. Anyways I come to you with a story idea that I might never write but I think you might like. This is basically a word vomit so... don't expect a masterpiece! I kind of don't know what I am even writing at this point, it's difficult to put my thoughts in words. This is sort of a summary kind of... thing? This story was supposed to be more like a character study on Lyney but I have tried to change that here... kind of.
pairing: lyney x fem!reader (intended to be a platonic relationship but can be interpreted as romantic, whatever you like)
warnings: major character death, murder, mentions of blood, mentions of violence, angst, implied mental health struggles, themes of isolation and loneliness, mentions of manipulation and betrayal, no happy ending, also there are spoilers! ...tell me if I missed anything.
word count: 1.6k
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When reader and the twins were pre-teens:
You are Cesar's little helper, often referred to as such or as 'Cesar's daughter'. Cesar took care of you and taught you everything he could. Your didn't remember who your real parents were; you were quite young when you were separated from them.
You enjoyed watching Cesar's performances. You had quite a sharp eye, noticing little details. So, he taught you the ropes around what is magic and what goes behind the scenes.
You met Lyney and Lynette on just another random day. The twins had approached Cesar for some help. You stuck around as you always did, following Cesar around like a little duckling, going wherever he went.
You were quite shy around new people and the same held true for the twins. Despite being in their presence a lot and Cesar's encouragement to interact with kids your age, you barely talked and mostly kept to yourself. Whenever Lyney did try to interact with you by asking little questions, you would give a short and polite reply. Lynette only offered you little smiles which did comfort you a little.
But within a span of few days, you formed a friendship with them. You found Lyney easy to talk to and Lynette's presence to be very comforting. Cesar was pleased with the outcome, happy that you had made some friends your age. You barely used to interact with anybody other than him; you even refused to spend much time with Jemma (Cesar's partner) or Lorenzo (Cesar's assistant), so he was genuinely glad that you had people other than him to talk to.
Maybe because you were highly empathetic or just used to hardships or just a child who didn't really understand much about the world but you weren't upset to find out that your friends were Fatui. You didn't care, you were just happy to have them.
By no means was Cesar an artist but when he drew a picture of you, Lyney and Lynette, you cherished the picture and kept it with you at all times. When the twins declined the invitation to tour Fontaine, the three of you had made a promise to meet again and tore your cherished drawing into two parts, you keeping the drawing of the twins and them yours.
Unbeknownst to you and Cesar, there was a ploy by Jemma and Lorenzo to kill you both. The main target was Cesar but the traitors believed that you would be a hassle to deal with and you were just smart enough to work out that they were the perpetrators so they decided that you had to go as well.
On the day Cesar died, your mind blanked out. He was framed as the Phantom Weasel and instead of staying in the scene, you fled, unknowingly escaping Jemma and Lorenzo's trap. You didn't know what to feel so you didn't. You spent the night alone in the streets, feeling numb and alone.
On return from their mission, Lyney was inconsolable when he learned what happened to Cesar and he whole heartedly believed you were gone too. He was enveloped in grief for the next few days that even Arlecchino got worried for his state.
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When reader and Lyney are teens:
An old lady finds you in a dark corner of a street, hidden away from view. She takes you in despite your weak protests, you were barely alive anyway so you did have to give in at the end.
With nowhere else to go after getting back on your two feet, you continue to stay with the grandma.
It doesn't take long for you and the grandma to get accustomed to each other's presence. You finally get a room of your own and you immediately framed and put up the half torn and a bit crumpled drawing of Lyney and Lynette.
Grandma (that's what you decided to call her) was a highly spirited and adventurous person that it started to rub off on you. Paired with your already itching desire to experience something new, to create good memories. So you spent a few years visiting Mondstadt and Liyue time to time, always accompanied by grandma.
Meeting Lyney again was a funny incident. You were out to buy some tea, since you ran out and Lyney was out for some tea because Lynette was sick. When he saw you, he completely disregarded you as a hallucination at first until you looked at him and your face lit up did he realise that it was you, in the flesh.
Falling back to the rhythm of your friendship was easy. Both of you were beyond happy to meet again. It didn't take long to catch up since you started to spend more and more time with him.
Lyney had changed, you had noticed and you didn't know if the change was for worse or for better. He seemed flashy, his magic seemed to have improved a lot, a worrywart when it came to his siblings and you and his demeanor was a lot more flirty than you have seen. In fact he would try all his pick up lines on you first, and without fail, you would scold him instead, reminding him that he shouldn't do too much or otherwise he would come off as a sleaze.
The twins meeting grandma went better than you had thought, although Lyney would disagree with you. He felt like he was getting interrogated as if he had committed a crime. Lynette had a far easier time earning grandma's trust but Lyney needed a few more minutes to win her good side.
The twins on the other hand described you meeting with their "father" as "good" while you would describe the meeting with Arlecchino to be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences. She was directly staring into your soul. You felt like she had her doubts but she reluctantly agreed you being around them.
The House of Hearth knew of you but that was all. The rest of the Fatui were not aware of your existence and you would rather have it that way. The Fatui wasn't exactly an organization one would like to be affiliated with, so you kept your distance as much as you could.
The days went by and so did the time for grandma, she wasn't feeling very well. You could sense that she was in her death bed but you didn't lament about it. You accepted it, as she had told you. People would come and go so it was better to learn to accept someone leaving rather than spending time wallowing about it. So when she passed away, you held no regrets of not getting to spending more time with her. You were simply glad you met her.
During this time, Lyney and Lynette helped uncover the truth behind the Phantom Weasel, clearing Cesar's name of any wrongdoing. It brought a sense of closure and justice.
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The current timeline, just before traveller comes to Fontaine:
The moment someone gets the taste of freedom, they would never turn back again. That's what you had told Lyney when you expressed your interest in visiting Inazuma. Travelling was a freeing experience for you, your desire to see the entirety of Teyvat was strong and going to Inazuma was one of the major steps to fulfill that wish. Inazuma had just opened it borders again and you wished to seize the opportunity to visit the nation while you could. It would also be your first time travelling alone as well, which was exciting.
Lyney on the other hand didn't seem to share your sentiment. He advised against it. He feared he would lose you, knowing how dangerous it was especially for a visionless person like you. He simply wished for your safety, a bit too much and you were having none of it.
You stood your ground. By no means were you an excellent fighter but you knew how to defend yourself good enough, you didn't need a vision. Besides, you were kind-of-sort-of knew the Fatui, which removed a major class of enemy group as a threat. You could handle others, as you have done so many times.
Lyney eventually came in terms with your wish. Despite his reluctance, he cannot keep you away from fulfilling your desires/dreams. So with a promise that you would write to him once you reached Inazuma, you bid adieu to them.
For the first seven days, Lyney patiently waited for your letter. Then it turned to ten days and he was starting to get antsy. Maybe it took longer to reach Inazuma than ten days, maybe you were tired and decided to take some rest in Liyue, you often said you missed Liyue's cuisine and scenery so you might have stayed there a bit. By the end of two weeks, he ran out of excuses and all he could conclude was that you didn't make it.
He barely held it together, troubled by your absence. More than the idea of death, the uncertainty of your fate haunted him. The silence was defeaning.
On the day one of his siblings from the Hearth returned with a solemn expression, they presented him with a handful of items recovered from the charred remains, explaining that they had stumbled upon them among ashes and recognized them as yours. In that moment, a heavy silence enveloped Lyney as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.
The items that once was treasured as mementos of your adventures, now served as painful reminders of the cruel fate that had befallen you. His soul was crushed and Lynette hid behind the covers, hiding her tears.
Betrayed and defeated was what he felt when he knew you died at the hands of the Fatui, that too consumed by fire. The very Pyro ability that had once captivated you, that had drawn admiration and wonder from your eyes whenever he wielded it, now had robbed him of your presence. The same organization he worked for was the one that took you away.
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© ladyfocalors
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hajihiko · 11 months
any hajime headcannons?
-this guy's got anger issues too, he's just slightly better at hiding them
-completely oblivious to the fact that everyone crushes on him it's hilarious
-His relationship with his parents is not good, not bad, just... average. They just never connected and conversation was usually just polite. It's kind of ouch to feel how your parents just don't really feel particularly strongly about you as a person beyond being their child, but he's fed and housed and schooled, so it's not like anythings wrong per se. This is partially why he was so obsessed with being extraordinary
-The only person to rival Imposter in how much imposter syndrome he has
-runs hotter than the average person (miggy gave me this one lol)
-dimples!! And sharper teeth than the average person
-interested in philosophy, art and the supernatural, post-wakeup, because it's all things that are impossible to do "right" and the supernatural hasn't been proven yet. (Cue ghost Junko)
-hes an only child and sometimes you can really tell.
-if he was a flower he'd be a 🌻... To Face Another Day and such...
-he is at risk at having a bit of an alcohol problem post-wakeup if he had access to that sort of thing. No one operates at 100% when drunk and it's the only time he can be dumb and clumsy and bad at things anymore.
-Brain empty no feelings chemicals (samesies) means he's also gotta be careful with drugs (forcibly dousing brain with Chemicals) but (thankfully??) he actually has an aversion to drugs in general, even strong painkillers.
-strong aversion to needles post-wakeup, and absolutely can't stand having his wrists held or restrained. No sexy handcuffs for this guy thankyouverymuch
-his hands are like. Flat? Wide? His fingers splay out far and the thumb is extra curved.
-he didn't inherit everything that the other kids have, that didn't come by talent but rather is individual based. Ibukis hearing, Akane's danger sense, and Fuyuhiko's pain tolerance for example.
-hes hairy but he doesn't like having a beard.
-kinda has that thing where you're really resistant to being told what to do even if you were gonna do it anyway. Like "ok well you told me to so now I won't"
-mentally checks out sometimes. Just runs on autopilot. It's hard to tell the difference and it scares him. One of the methods that help are aromatherapy and meditation
-he and Impostor have like, a very unique relationship. You couldn't tell from the outside but he can feel the difference
-sometimes the emotions just aren't there. When they're super strong though, they can overwhelm him to the point where he forgets to be the best at stuff and can make human mistakes once again. FX if he was absolutely furious he'd punch someone with normal strength instead of Ultimate Boxer form or whatever
-he is pretty good with people, he's just a guy you can trust! but they still get on his nerves often.
-if he doesn't get something he CANNOT let it go until he understands it. Thankfully people are hard to neatly pin down so being around his friends keeps him from being so bored.
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remember-digimon · 19 days
Good ol' reliable Joe!
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When I first watched Digimon back in the 2000s, Joe was the character I related to the least. Now, as a big grown up in my late 30s, I finally understand what Joe is all about.
At first glance, Joe is anxiety incarnate. In the dub, he gets the 'nerd' trope that Izzy avoided for the most part. Joe is always allergic to things, worried about the slightest danger, and constantly trying to be the voice of reason. His 'voice of reason' however is more 'voice of general complaints and worry.'
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If I recall correctly, in the original Japanese, Joe is like this because he's the oldest, at 12 years old. He feels it's his responsibility to make sure everyone is safe since he's the upperclassmen in this situation. In the dub, he's just a worrywort.
Joe takes on responsibility that he could easily delegate to other kids. In the episode where Gomamon evolves into Ikkakumon, Joe tries to break up an argument between Tai and Matt about climbing a mountain, only managing to get drawn into the argument himself. Later, he decides that he should climb up the mountain on his own as a compromise. He doesn't even bring Gomamon with him; Gomamon tags along anyway, of course, but initially Joe intended to go by himself.
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He shows initiative, that's for sure. At least when the pressure is on. Others have noted that Tai, Sora, and Joe are the action-takers while Matt and Izzy act more defensively with Mimi, Tk, and later, Kari in mind. I like this thought, especially for Joe. He is often stumbling into danger out of his need to be the 'adult' of the group, feeling responsible for everyone's safety.
One thing we should discuss is his crest. I want to go more in depth on the crests on a different post, but here I think we need to talk about Joe's crest being changed for the dub. Originally it was the crest of faith.
Honestly, I do think reliability fits Joe a lot better. It is awkward for that to be a trait of a child (Remember, their crests were developed back during the original Digimon Adventure OVA, when Greymon fights Parrotmon). But I do think he exemplifies being reliable, because it's the right thing to do.
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Conversely, Joe doesn't really expect others to help him. He wants to be relied on, but doesn't want to rely on others. He saves TK from drowning in the bay without thinking of his own safety.
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Joe is also the studious member of the group. At one point, while they're temporarily back in Odaiba, Joe takes a practice test and fails it. This causes him a lot of anxiety. It feeds into the situation at home, which is another point I'll get into shortly.
In Our War Game, Joe is unreachable because he's taking an entrance exam. He's in a panic the whole time, showing how important it is that he does well. No doubt he's one of those cram school kids.
As for his family, we do meet his older brother Jim, but not his parents. In fact, Joe's parents are the only ones we don't meet out of the original 8. We do hear a lot about his dad, though, who has high expectations of his sons. Mr Kido wants both of his sons to be doctors like him, and on his terms, too. Jim says he wants to go to less developed countries to practice medicine, and that their father doesn't approve.
Jim also doesn't seem to have much faith in Joe becoming a doctor due to his high anxiety, and the fact that he faints at the sight of blood. Joe seems apprehensive about it himself, even though he does eventually go into med school and become a doctor.
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To me, Joe's story is one of perseverance. When he's working off his debt in the diner, he fully expects to work there until it's paid off and is genuinely surprised that Matt would offer to help. When his test scores fall, he resolves to work harder. Even though he doesn't like the idea much at first he does eventually become a doctor. I can see how the original script would give him the crest of faith with all that in mind, but I still think reliability fits him better. He doesn't just have faith that things will work out, he's proactive in making sure they work out. Even if he's a little clumsy about it.
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ponytailzuko · 4 months
writing down my overall thoughts on the live action
first of all, i walked into my step dad watching it of his own free will - and then me and my entire family sat down to watch it. both my step dad and mom had never seen the cartoon in their life, so this was a first time viewing for them. they enjoyed it. my mom even asked where season 2 was. so i think the live action served its main purpose - get new people who haven't watched or wouldn't have watched the cartoon into the franchise. they did it! yippee.
anyways, my own thoughts have an inherent bias due to having seen and loved the cartoon. i believe my parents when they say that from their perspective, it holds up on its own. obviously, i don't think it was ever going to be better than the cartoon, but wanted to write my opinions what i liked, changes i enjoyed and changes i didn't, etc.
putting it under a read more because this sucker is long:
i don't know anything about film making - set design, props, fashion, cgi, etc. nothing particularly stood out to me in a way that ruined the show, and i only really pay attention to it when it serves the story. so i'm just not going to comment on it for the most part. most of this is about writing choices i liked or disliked. anyways here we go.
the good:
aang was a highlight for me. i know some people have problems with moving his backstory to the very beginning of the story, but i liked it. it immediately made me get in aang's shoes and feel his connection with his people, his home, and gyatso - and made it very easy to connect with his grief when he woke up from the iceberg. live action really emphasizes the last airbender part of the title throughout, and how aang feels isolated in his duty as the avatar, as the last airbender preserving his culture, and by being from another world - lost in time.
i liked how he sought out his past lives so often. really makes him feel like a child who doesn't know what he's doing and had the rug pulled out from under him by losing gyatso too soon. he's looking for adult guidance, and kyoshi, roku, and kuruk are all there telling aang THEIR version of how to be the avatar. feels like good set up for later when aang gets to define HIS version of the avatar, and how he wants to bring peace to the world. we already see it with their versions of the avatar feeding into aang's feelings of guilt and self-isolation - that he needs to do things on his own. it gets concluded with katara and sokka declaring him family, and they won't leave no matter what.
in that nature: adding more emphasis on katara's grief as well, since it was APPARENTLY not enough for people watching the cartoon and called her whiny for mentioning it. in general, it feels weird that katara's flashback to her backstory happened in season 3 of the cartoon when there was a whole episode dedicated to aang and zuko's backstory all the way in season 1, another one for zuko's backstory in season 2, and then bato of the water tribe elaborated on sokka being left by hakoda. glad to get katara backstory earlier. love you katara <3
and from that: sokka and katara's conflict being about if she should waterbend. feels very natural and something they would fight over. it is a vital aspect to their culture, but also if word gets out there is a waterbender in the village, there could be another raid.
aang stealing zuko's notebook is another highlight. it is both such a petty kid thing to steal and be upset about someone reading your diary, but also it actually serves a purpose in giving aang a guide for his avatar journey. the show sacrificed paralleling aang and zuko's backstories like the storm, but they still intertwine aang and zuko's story through this notebook and the connection aang makes with zuko through it. very sweet.
in that note: the set design adding little things such as those little statues in zuko's room. feels like it really was lived in by someone obsessed with finding the avatar for 3 years. i really liked details like that they put throughout the show
suki extrapolation with her mother and her conflict of being duty-bound to her village but wanting to see the world, and how this relates to sokka. made me genuinely invested in their relationship in a way i wasn't from the cartoon. i also loved the actress' portrayal of suki, she's so awkward and i love it. need to see more of her.
iroh in season 1 of the cartoon feels less like his own fleshed out character and more of a comedic relief expansion of zuko's b plot. he's made to make zuko's slice of the show more fit for a fun kids show by giving him someone to talk to and be funny with. he's a fun tea-loving uncle, but it's hard to parse what he really feels until later. live action iroh keeps that fun tea-loving aspect, but he has his own baggage and its GREAT. i think i genuinely enjoyed live action iroh more than the cartoon. he has so much more growing to do. could talk about this version of iroh (and his relationship with zuko) forever. i need season 2 just for him.
iroh and aang's prison arc together.
making zuko's crew have issues with him earlier and making them 41st division was nice. i really liked that change.
secret tunnel with familial love between katara and sokka was so cute. enjoyed it.
the ???:
azula and ozai's addition is a 50/50 to me. i think the sick power plays ozai is doing between his two children are genuinely interesting. the change in how ozai doles out praise and the dynamics between azula and zuko is also interesting and i enjoyed it. but i also find their screen time unnecessary. could be used to further the dynamic between the main protagonists, or they could be saved for season 2 or 3. did like how azula used zhao to thwart zuko and it fucked zuko up immensely in the head. very nice. also not sure how i feel about azula being good at archery, feels like getting good at a nonbending discipline isn't something that meshes well with her character for me, but that's a nitpick.
combining plotlines such as jet and the mechanist in omashu + the change with bumi was... fine? it served its purpose. liked some aspects and didn't like others.
the spirit world stuff was really cool and i enjoyed how koh preys on people lost in the fog. very interesting concepts that got us to be able to experience katara and sokka's backstory first hand. felt immersive to me. but also wtf, wan shi tong? katara and sokka being gone from the plot for so long? come backkkkkk! COME BACK! DO WE HAVE TIME FOR YOU TO BE IN SPIRIT JAIL WHEN I HAVEN"T SEEN YOU GUYS INTERACT ENOUGH? i did like yue being in the spirit world and interacting with sokka. that was cute as hell.
northern water tribe and yuekka had parts i liked and parts i didn't. they kept the sexism and arranged marriage but also yue opted out? feels detrimental to yue and sokka's relationship and how they connect to each other out of their sense of duty. did really like hahn being nice, it would have been really interesting to see how yue felt stifled with an arranged marriage even if hahn was perfect. also liked yue being able to waterbend and the little scene with yue and sokka making dessert, so cute. yue freezing sokka to the ground before sacrificing herself.... didn't like that. wish they let sokka let her go, understanding it was her choice.
katara in the nwt as well. katara fighting master pakku and losing, but everyone watching thought she was SO COOL. loved the guy asking how she did the ice disks and she has to teach him. but confused on the fact that pakku doesn't take her as a student, and we don't see her being taught but people still refer to her as a master. i'm going to assume she learned waterbending by learning from her fanclub and also teaching them her moves.
why did they almost kill momo?
the bad:
everyone and their mother has said the exposition is bad so i won't hammer it home too much. this isn't actually much of a problem for me because it was actually necessary to get the point home to my mom who was watching it for the first time. i was also told that screen test audiences asked for the exposition to be added in the first episode after production, so i don't have much to say there.
aang's decision to leave home not being running away but due to the fact that he was stepping out to get a breather. this felt like a weird change to me, since the rest of the show hammers in about aang running away from his problems and his duties in a way the cartoon doesn't. would have felt WAY more heartwrenching to see the temples under attack while aang runs away from being the avatar and it would have hit harder when gyatso tells aang to let go of that guilt and pain... that it wasn't his fault. it was harder to feel the root of aang's guilt when i know that he didn't even plan to leave for very long. alas!
continuing from that point about aang's attribute of 'running away': lack of episodic plotlines. everyone and their mother has also hammered home about the lack of them from cartoon. i don't actually hate the change, but i do think it does some disservice to aang's character that they didn't adjust for. i'm being told that aang runs away, but i haven't been shown aang doing so. i've been seeing aang do his duty as the avatar and research it every episode. give me a reason to believe why this is a character flaw that aang needs to face.
similarly, i think this does a detriment to katara's role in book 1. since aang is more focused on what he needs to do as the avatar, katara becomes more his partner in finding out more about what it means to be the avatar instead of pushing him to be more motivated into doing so. (ex: 'we need to continue on our journey and not stay on kyoshi island' or 'we need to help haru in this village')
aang, katara, and sokka get separate plotlines so much that they don't feel like a solid dynamic. again, detriment of the lack of the smaller episodic plots. does make more sense that katara says aang is family at the end of season 1 instead of the beginning for this reason, though.
katara feels like one of the weakest aspects of the show to me. katara doesn't get the narration. katara isn't the first thing when aang gets out of the ice. and katara's rage just feels lost. i think a simple script or direction change in ep 1-2 to make katara's actress play her with more of that rage during her arguments with sokka would've worked wonders. katara has this feeling of anger at injustice that motivates her throughout the cartoon and i don't feel it here. also miss some of her sass - katara should've hit aang in the head with an acorn.
sokka's weird engineer arc? he's a warrior. why are you saying it's okay to not be a warrior when he is - what is up with setting up sokka as a disappointment to hakoda? HELLO? DOES ANYONE HEAR ME? i'm confused where they're going with this, please tell me that sokka has misinterpreted and created that memory due to insecurity. this is where my bias is totally coming in. this worked fine for my parents who hadn't ever seen it. BUT WHERE ARE THEY HEADING WITH THIS?
kinda wish information about zuko's situation was dropped more subtly throughout instead of zuko being like "my father banished me and i need the avatar to get back" like episode 1. like ok give me a moment to just be like "ugh this zuko kid is a fucking BITCH" before i have to feel for him, damn.
also zuko going straight to barbecuing feels weird to his character when they're also trying to tell us that zuko's capable of kindness and also has a strict honor code? zuko is against using bounty hunters in a way he's not in the cartoon. he talks down on the terrorism in omashu since its not 'honorable', but he also was about to burn katara who was down on the ground. of course, realistically if you're throwing fire around, you are going to burn people. but there was a suspension of disbelief in the animated version that isn't in the live action. zuko does things such as immediately resorting to fire instead of hand to hand in his fight with sokka. in the live action, i'd expect zuko to use MORE hand to hand in comparison to fire, not less. plus the fact they took out moments such as zuko not burning zhao in the agni kai or holding his hand out to save him during the north. weird dissonance at points with his character for me.
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sinsmockingbird · 7 months
Wrote this for my beautiful, darling (cosplay) girlfriend, @sea-lanterns. She's been in her MILF phase again and obsessed with Raven, so I decided to write this small thing on MILF!Raven from ideas we threw around at one another. This is a small part 1.5 for PTN Women As Parents btw.
CW: Just Fluff under the cut, with a hint of 18+ themes towards the end but nothing explicit!
• Raven absolutely adores children! She loves nothing more than sitting them down and helping with anything they need - whether it be homework, writing a letter and so on.
• She's always known that she wants kids at some point in her life, she was just waiting for the perfect person to enter it. Luckily for her, you came waltzing in and she was head over heels in love with you the moment your eyes met.
• When you start having children together, Raven has never, ever been more full of joy until she's cradling your new bundle of life in her arms. She'll be smiling so wide, her sharp teeth full on display but there's no hint of threat behind them - just purely a smile of pure, unadulterated love.
• She is going to spoil your kids purposefully and unintentionally so much. She'll get them whatever they want and will do anything that they want to do. There isn't a hint of hesitation in her mind.
• Considering she loves helping children in anyway that she can, be prepared for her to take your kids future school projects into her own hands. Doesn't matter what it is she's going to be there helping (rather doing it for) them.
• Raven gets more excited about working on a school project than her kids do. It's amusing to see how over the top she gets, yet you'll scold her on numerous occasions saying, "Don't do all the work for them, they need to learn!" She'll ignore your words as soon as your out of sight.
• Besides being a rather laid back and down to earth mom, Raven can be quite protective over your children. She's not as obvious about it like most PTN women are, rather she does it more subtly.
• You'll often get calls from the school saying that your children seem to be talking to themselves quite a lot. It'll leave you confused because they don't do that at home..?
• Your unaware of the fact that during the school days, Raven will send her trusty pet raven to look after your kids. It can usually be soon peering through windows into your kids classrooms, and perching on low branches near them when they're at recess.
• It's the reason why teachers think your kids talk to themselves, when in reality it's them talking animatedly to their mothers raven.
• Another big thing Raven does is read stories to her kids. Whether it be reading them to bed or just doing a casual story time in the middle of the day. Be prepared for her to do wild gestures and all sorts of voices for each character in the story.
• She's really such an amazing mom, probably one of the best. She cares so deeply for your kids and would do anything to make them happy and ensure their safety.
• Raven will get baby fever quite a lot, meaning she's gonna wish for more kids with you. But, if your the one with baby fever and say something about it to her- be prepared for her to not hold herself back as she drags you to your guy's bedroom in five seconds or less.
• You won't be leaving that bed again until she's sure your gonna be carrying another one of her kids.
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jaxplosion · 2 months
Been binging Courage the Cowardly Dog lately and have noticed some actual amazing writing in it so I’m gonna rant.
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So starting off- courage. S4 Ep13 actually provides a lot of info about his backstory which i find really interesting. We learn that he HAD biological parents but after an accident he caused they were stolen from him and sent away. I honestly think this explains A LOT about why Courage is the way he is. The interesting thing is that this Eps second half is a whole bit about him feeling the need to be "perfect" due to a comment Eustice made (more on him later). Genuinely I don't think that that pairing was an accident at all. I think Courage feels at fault for his parents, which explains his constant anxiety and need to be "perfect".
Courage absolutely SPIRALS in this ep after Eustice says he can't do anything right- hallucinations, night terrors, and genuine crying which we don't see that often (usually he just looks sad). Which makes perfect sense because he's convinced himself that his parents demise was all his fault. He's constantly crying for help by putting his life on the line to make up for what he believes he did. His need to protect others his constant self doubt... it just all makes sense. (We also see him growl in this episode which personally i think is interesting because he NEVER does that with anyone else despite how many evil people he's encountered, so clearly he has a lot of genuine pent up emotion) I also possibly believe that his dialect is supposed to represent him going nonverbal. He CAN talk but the only time we really see him do it is when he's with Muriel, who he feels the most safe around, and in the "perfect" episode when told to speak his words become more and more incomprehensible the more stressed he gets. Just food for thought.
In another ep Eustice visits his mother which honestly... even though it was meant to be satirical holy shit its lore filled.
Ok so Eustice is a POS, it's not a secret he's a jerk and i despise him. However...he actually has reasoning behind his actions. (WHAT???? I know) We see a lot of parallels between him and his mom. Basically.. he treats courage the way his mom treats him. That, along with the hunting episode where we see his older brother basically spit on him and his passions, i mean cmon..this man is an actually decently fleshed out character. A textbook example of family trauma and how it effects you even as an old man, and how it can effect your kids by making them internalize everything.
The fact that a cartoon show from the 90s about a screaming dog was able to accurately and respectfully portray family and childhood trauma is just so.. bizarre to me. I honestly don't even know if they knew what they were doing but damn.
Anyways if you made it to the end yay!! Have a cute Courage gif
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pluckyredhead · 9 months
Ngl do you think the relationship between Arthur and Garth has anything to do with how often at the time adopted children were and are considered not as “real” as biological children? Especially because the whole nuclear family BS. Not saying that’s all of it but I think it plays a role
Oh, 100%. I mean, look at this:
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Arthur is willing to kill Garth to save Aquababy, because Aquababy is his son...with the implicit corollary that Garth isn't. The kid he has raised since, like, age 8, who has been by his side and living in his house all these years, is just...a sidekick.
(I think it's worth noting that Batman, who is not a good father, was once in a similar situation - Ra's al Ghul wanted him to pick whether Tim or Damian should die - and Bruce immediately chose himself. Arthur didn't even consider sacrificing himself for the boys. When you're a worse father than Batman, you know you've fucked up.)
I will say that in the early decades, comics only rarely explicitly referred to heroes and sidekicks as fathers and sons - you don't see it very often with Dick or Roy either. That's why all the sidekicks were wards and none of them were legally adopted. (Dick wasn't adopted until he was over 18; Roy never has been.) This was mostly to keep the heroes seeming young and fun instead of stodgy old dads.
But since the 70s on, Dick and Roy have been very frequently, explicitly stated to be Bruce and Ollie's sons, and the same is true for subsequent sidekicks: Jason was going to be adopted right away, Tim was going to be adopted whether he wanted it or not, Mia is clearly Ollie's daughter.
By contrast, I can only think of two times the Arthur/Garth dynamic has been described as paternal. The first is from Garth's debut:
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HE IS SO TINY. Also I can't stop laughing at how Arthur's like "Fuck that noise." TERRIBLE.
I can't remember exactly when the other instance was, but I want to say it was Arthur calling Garth his son in like...the early 2000s? Maybe the Jurgens run? It would've had to have been before the 2003 run, because Garth was not putting up with Arthur's bullshit from 2003 on, and then the New 52 happened.
But yeah, they don't use those words for each other...basically ever. (Lorena and Jackson are also not Arthur's children. To be fair, Jackson has two very alive parents so Arthur being like "YOU ARE MY SON" would be weird and inappropriate.)
I think another factor, though, is that Arthur isn't just Garth's former mentor and guardian - he's his king. A lot of the time, Arthur has very cold, formal relationships with almost everyone in his life who isn't Mera (and sometimes even her) or a literal baby. There's a certain loyalty Garth owes Arthur - or at least both characters seem to feel Garth owes Arthur, whether or not you or I might agree with that - that has nothing at all to do with family.
We also don't really know the Atlantean norms around this sort of thing. Like, we can extrapolate things about Ollie and Roy's relationship that aren't written on the page, but do Atlanteans even have differentiations between ward, foster, and adoptee? Do they differentiate between adoptee and biological child?
And combining both of those ideas, Garth being considered Arthur's son might have political ramifications. Does that put him in the line of succession? The comics have been wildly inconsistent on this (Titans called him a prince this month and I yelled "EXPLAIN YOURSELF, TOM TAYLOR" at the page), but one could headcanon that Arthur has very deliberately avoided formally recognizing Garth as his son for political reasons. (Unless he has and that's why Garth is apparently a prince now, like he was in the Jurgens run but no other time in history. EXPLAIN BOTH OF YOURSELVES, TOM TAYLOR AND DAN JURGENS.)
Anyway yeah, I mostly think you're right that it's just anti-adoption prejudice, but there are some other factors that make this situation unique among the many, many mentor/sidekick relationships in comics.
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g0ldilocks-utart · 15 days
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I haven't posted in so long😵‍💫
Anyway, have more underswap frisk because I love them <3
I changed their hair and sweater because I wanted the Frisks to have different style of clothing so you can tell them apart huehuehue
I also saw some other fanart that gave them a scythe, so I thought I could give them that as their signature weapon. No idea why but🤷‍♀️ it's cool and i want the charas and frisks to be different from one another
OKAY so I want to ramble about my headcannon for Swap Frisk. This probably isn't even relevant to anyone, but I want to share it because they are my favorite character <3
PERSONALITY AND CHARACTERISTICS : Swap Frisk is a calm and mature version of the original Frisk. They are a bit taller and older than some of the Frisks aus(since they've been like dead for so many years or smth. It's stupid i know) and usually doesn't care abt whatever is going on around them. Unlike the other headcannons that depict Swap Frisk as like a tsundere or hotheaded person, I headcannon them as a person that doesn't know how to react when someone compliments them, making them feel a bit awkward when someone does. They are also a bit mischevious and enjoys when they tease people(Swap Chara's been rubbing off them.)
Swap Frisk(along with the some Charas) isn't genocidal or like murderous?? The player just uses them in order to control Swap Chara's actions. Basically, they're like a messenger for the player. The genocide runs did influence their opinion on murdering people for fun, though. Despite being indifferent in the idea of murder, the guilt of being the cause of the death of many monsters still lingers in their mind, thought they try not to show that to anyone.
They're generally just a really cool or badass person. idk
-Swap Frisk likes butterscotch pie instead of chocolate, since in my headcannon, underswap swaps everyone's roles and personalities, but not their main thing?? So like most Frisks, no matter what their roles, have something in common like their love for butterscotch pie or their -_- face. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT CUZ IT'S THE FIRST TIME I ACTUALLY SHARED MY HEADCANNONS😭
-Would choose a neutral route instead of a pacifist or genocide route
-OK so the reason they know how to use scythe or like any other weapon is because when they fell down into the underground and lived with the Dreemurrs, they and Monster Kid wanted to fight, just like Toriel, cause she's a really cool queen and they also wish to be cool. The younger version of Swap Frisk wanted to be like their adoptive mother, but instead of using a spear like her, they chose a scythe. In short, Toriel trained them🤷‍♀️
Because Undertale and most universes(including underswap) come from a time where magic is used and practiced often, Swap Frisk can just summon and unsummon their scythe whenever they want. This means they don't need to carry that big weapon everywhere
-Swap Frisk also a bit protective of Swap Chara(IN LIKE A FRIEND WAY) since they're one of the only people that they grew to be comfortable with. With the amount of resets that was done, ofc the two will become close friends.
-Swap Frisk had a rough childhood, having to live with parents that did not love them and a village that sees them as an outcast and a danger to the other kids. This is what drove them to run away and y'know😓
Ok enough. I know I have a few more but it's not that important.
I'm taking requests on what to draw btw!! I'll draw anything like undertale+aus characters and ships. The only reason I put it down here at the end is because I don't know if I'll have the time to do it or if anyone will even want to request hdjshdjdn
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chainofclovers · 3 months
a life improver
As someone who works relatively long hours Monday - Friday and has traditional weekends off (and before I write another word in this post, I'll acknowledge that the drudgery of this is also a privilege, albeit a privilege that is wound tightly into the tangled web of late-stage capitalism)........anyway. As someone with weekends off and an intense M-F schedule, I hear a lot about the Sunday Scaries. I empathize, but I have ~~~~basically eradicated them from my psyche.
It's really simple. I avoid scheduling anything social from the dinner hour or later on Sunday, try to make sure all chores and house responsibilities are wrapped up by then too, and make sure I've got something very calm to look forward to on Sunday nights. My default is that I know I can smoke a little weed and do the Sunday crossword puzzle in bed with my wife. What a delight! It could be reading, it could be a phone date with a friend, it could be baking a treat, or doing yoga, or whatever. And sometimes it is those things. But I know that no matter what, a Sunday night will involve a smoke and a crossword, and I genuinely delight in it and anticipate it and look forward to it even as I'm trying to get as much joy out of the rest of the weekend as possible.
The other piece of the equation is Monday morning. I get up early before work to write most days, but Monday mornings are probably my most important writing time because I use it to kinda set the tone for the week. I don't need to dread my Monday alarm. My Monday alarm means "go feed the cats and drink coffee and write pornography about characters from Ted Lasso." Or "feed the cats and drink coffee and work on your novel." Or "feed the cats and drink coffee and do a random writing exercise." Having that buffer between the start of the week and the start of the workweek is key. My job is stressful but I often like it quite a bit, and making sure it isn't the first thing I'm confronted with on a Monday morning makes me resent it so much less than I otherwise would.
(I'll add that not having kids absolutely factors in here, in that I'm able to dictate my own use of my time with a lot more freedom than most parents have.)
I still have trouble sleeping on Sunday nights sometimes, but the reality of my workday is rarely as bad as anything I'm anticipating, and forcing myself to relax on Sunday nights and wake up early on Monday mornings to have time to myself has done sooooo much for just making me feel like it's my own fucking life, which I am the boss of. Work is an essential facet of my existence but it is merely one facet of many.
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moonlightdancer26 · 7 months
can you show me where in the books it implies/says that sirius was abused? /gen I honestly don't remember, all I recall is him saying his mother didn't like that he was in gryffindor and not a blood purist etc and they fought often bc of it.
Allow me:

Kreacher bowed again and said, “Whatever Master says,” then muttered furiously, “Master is not fit to wipe slime from his mother’s boots, oh my poor Mistress, what would she say if she saw Kreacher serving him, how she hated him, what a disappointment he was —” (OOTP, Chapter 6) 
“Leave?” Sirius smiled bitterly and ran a hand through his long, unkempt hair. “Because I hated the whole lot of them: my parents, with their pure-blood mania, convinced that to be a Black made you practically royal . . . my idiot brother, soft enough to believe them . . . that’s him.”
“He was younger than me,” said Sirius, “and a much better son, as I was constantly reminded.” (OOTP Chapter 6) (Being consistently reminded that your younger brother is so much better than you because he’s a pureblood supremacist? Ouch)

“It was my father’s,” said Sirius, throwing the ring into the sack. “Kreacher wasn’t quite as devoted to him as to my mother, but I still caught him snogging a pair of my father’s old trousers last week.” (OOTP Chapter 4) 

“He’s [Kreacher] been alone too long,” said Sirius, “taking mad orders from my mother’s portrait and talking to himself, but he was always a foul little —” (Sirius about Kreacher, OOTP Chapter 6) 

 “I don’t know,” said Sirius, “I haven’t seen anyone from the Order all weekend, they’re all busy. It’s just been Kreacher and me here . . .” 
There was a definite note of bitterness in Sirius’s voice. (OOTP Chapter 14) 

Hasn’t anyone told you? This was my parents’ house,” said Sirius. “But I’m the last Black left, so it’s mine now. I offered it to Dumbledore for headquarters — about the only useful thing I’ve been able to do.” 
Harry, who had expected a better welcome, noted how hard and bitter Sirius’s voice sounded. (Chapter 5)

Sirius heaved another great sigh, cast a dark look at the tapestry, and he and Harry went to join the others. (Chapter 6) 

“I don’t like being back here,” he said, staring across the drawing room. “I never thought I’d be stuck in this house again.” (Sirius, OOTP Chapter 6)

I mentioned Sirius’s mental state and bitterness a lot here because I don’t have a doubt that being stuck in his childhood home where he was clearly very “mistreated” made it much harder for him. He showed blatant signs of alcoholism, depression, and PTSD. Many people brush this off as him “being moody that he’s being quarantined and therefore acting out in childish and frustrating ways,” which is true, but I think it’s seriously (no pun intended) disregarding of what he was going through. This happens to be the book where Sirius annoys me the absolute most, and while I don’t think having gone through something like that justifies your later behaviour; I really try to understand and sympathise with what he went through and how he acted because of it. He spent a majority of his life being trapped: being trapped in his parents’ house as a kid/teen (where he later ran away), being framed and wrongfully sent to Azkaban for over a decade (where he escaped), escaping Azkaban only to be forced to stay at his parents’ home, and then having the only time he left the house resulting in getting murdered in front of his godson. 😀
Anyway, seeing people brush off the blatant emotional and mental abuse he went through simply because it “wasn’t physical” (abuse comes in many forms, just because he wasn’t abused in “that way” doesn’t mean he wasn’t abused in “this way”) or because they don’t like him is extremely disgusting. Especially considering that I not only went through something extremely similar with my mother when I was a kid, but because the Snapedom has to constantly ask of Snape antis to merely not dismiss the fact that Snape was abused. You cannot criticise the Marauders fandom for doing things like that and simultaneously doing the same thing to the characters you hate. Double standards as a whole infuriate me, no matter which “side” of the fandom I’m on. If you have a rule, stick with it.
All of the quotes I’ve mentioned are from Order of the Phoenix, I just added the chapters. I’ve had these saved in Notes in case I needed to whip out receipts for arguments. But thank you for your question, Nonnie, I’ve been meaning to talk about this.
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Feels good to be back.Hello again.I have a request:
How would Butters,Kenny,Pip,Kyle react to their S/O watching Bluey(Australian kids show)?
Butters, Kenny, Pip, and Kyle with a s/o who watches Bluey💙🐾🐶📺
I never watched Bluey before myself, and I only saw clips of it so I hope this is accurate.
I'm currently going through a writers block at the moment so I apologize If the characters' scenarios on here aren't long as usual.
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💛 Butters Scotch 🧁
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His parents probably never let him watch the show because they said it was too childish for his age 💀
You on the other hand, had the show all set up on your television and you invited Butters over to come watch it with you.
Butters knew about the show but he just never got to watch it, he's glad that he gets to watch it with you though!
You had other kinds of shows on your TV but you both mainly watch Bluey as another way of spending quality time together.
Since his parents won't let him watch it when he's at home and not able to go to your house to see it because he's grounded (again), he secretly watches the show on his phone.
He probably even spends the whole day watching it because of how entertaining and addicting it is 😭😭😭
You and him often do get teased by his friends for watching Bluey but you both don't give a damn, y'all both love this show and nobody is gonna stop yall otherwise.💛💛💛💛💛
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🥭
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He literally has no idea what that is-
He's not able to watch that very much shows on the television tbh.
He probably heard about it when he found you and his lil sister Karen watching it on your phone together.
Karen literally enjoys watching the show so much! She begs Kenny to come watch it with her as well.
When he watches it for the very first time, he immediately understood why you and Karen were so head on watching this show so often.
Whenever Kenny's parents were in on their usual drama, he would watch Bluey as a stress relief to melt away all his worries. He of course wouldn't mind watching it with you as well, since it helps his stress 10x more when you're here.
And when he's not able to watch it for whatever reason, you invite him over to your house to watch it with you instead.
He also wouldn't care If somebody told him that Bluey is a childish and lame show for him, he believes everyone can freely watch whenever they want. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
💛 Phillip Pirrup 🐣
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He is absolutely a big fan of the show.
He would have pictures of the characters in the show on his wall in his room like any fan would.
But as usual, he also gets bullied for liking the show anyways. But he's delightful to be able to share his moments of watching it with you 😊
You both mostly watch it at his house, since you apparently don't have a TV yourself in this scenario 😶
You ain't broke or nothing, you just live in a house without a TV alright? Stop asking questions >:(🫠
But anyways, similar like Kenny. Phillip also can't stop watching the show himself, he barely even gets up to go eat a snack or drink water because he's mind is too focused on watching the show.
You'd have to be the one to provide him with food and water, or you would just drag him away from the TV so he can take a rest for a while.
He would also be the type to be on social media and post related Bluey stuff on it and even memes as well.
While also forgetting that his classmates also use the same medias he uses and he gets bombed by them for that.
You and him probably agreed on being on a site where they couldn't bother you both, such as discord.💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
💚 Kyle Broflovski 🥝
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You full on forced his boy to watch the show with you 😳
He has heard about the show but never really cared or paid attention to it as much, Because he preferred to watch Terrance and Phillip instead.
In the first few minutes of watching it, Kyle was merely confused on why you were so addicted to watching it a lot.
I mean he watches Terrance and Phillip a lot too, but never this much as you do with Bluey.
But he just lets you do your own thing even If he doesn't understand this show.
He later on grew comfortable with seeing it more often, but he would never admit it. Instead towards his friends.
"Hah! a Jew watching a Australian gay dog like show! Hahahahah!"
"Shut the hell up Cartman!" You and Kyle both screamed at him and he zipped his mouth closed quick.
Damn, If Kyle became that defensive when Cartman was teasing him for watching the show, Kyle must've grown to its liking.
But he still denies that he doesn't watch the show, he just doesn't want to admit it okay? 💚💚💚💚
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That's so overwhelming when I think about it...😭😭
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kingofthering · 4 months
thinking about your beautiful rosquez fake dating au.... is it a public thing? like are they the motogp royal couple here (INSANE time to be in the paddock lol. and oh GOD the breakup) or is it strictly a performance for their friends/family? (also insane for marc specifically. that man cannot lie to alex ever change my mind) like i cant stop thinking about it...
I was thinking performance for their friends and family but with a couple of things to consider [because I never make my life easy, do I]:
my considerations of this kind of depends of the span of the fic and how long they are pretending before going into the actually dating phase [I think Valentino probably freaks out (mostly because of what Marc said) after that first time they sleep together and then putting it short : he ghosts Marc, Marc confronts him and they start hooking up regularly and then there is another big family thing (maybe Christmas if the fic started in the summer) and Valentino forgot he was supposed to fake break up with Marc at some point and anyway, they figure their shit out, the end] [divorce still happens in 2015, see you in 2024 for the reconciliation]
but in the grand scheme of things, they're only doing this to trick Valentino's mom (and like, all the aunts and uncles and everyone that gets involved after the dinner and the baby shower) (oops, things are getting out of hand, it's fine Valentino, it's fine) so that's the only thing they both have in mind when dealing with the secret
now, who was present at the ranch that summer to hear about this? probably the Academy kids that were all in either Moto2 or Moto3 at the time — do they really have to interact with Valentino's family and eventually lie to them? eh, I'd say it's a possibility, and does Valentino trust those teenagers to lie for him? absolutely not, does he trust them to keep their mouth shut about his relationship with Marc if he sat them down and told them it was important? yes, much more (and like, who would believe them in the paddock anyway, him and Marc together? please)
I think Luca can be the big joker/question mark here, on the one hand Valentino would feel shitty making Luca lie to his mom but on the other end Valentino feels shitty lying to Luca, so, 50/50 on that one for now
which means, that in my mind, Marc doesn't even have to bother about his side of the family, I fully agree with you that that man cannot lie to his brother and honestly, he would probably already spill the bean when his stay at the ranch gets extended and Marc asks him why on the phone
technically, could Valentino's mom talk to Marc's parents and fuck things up? I suppose, if I want to make my life annoying, that it could be a possibility, but I don't think Valentino's mom was in the paddock often so I'm just gonna eliminate that issue for this one universe [and like, could she have their number? also yes maybe in a universe that would be annoying to me]
in the grand scheme of things, Marc is agreeing to this 10% to help Valentino and 90% for personal selfish reasons and because in theory, this doesn't have any real flaw/annoyance for him, right? — do I think that he would have felt comfortable lying to his parents? absolutely not, I do think that would be quite interesting to explore in fic but again, making my life easy here [the whole "Valentino can put on a performance act while Marc is an open book to people who know him" of it all]
Now, to come back to that first option, the first thing that came to mind was a forced to come out scenario, especially if it happens because of leaked photos of them hooking up when having hate sex in say, 2016. Way angstier in the beginning but then it's indeed "what an insane time to be in the paddock" in a good way after they've fixed things.
[admittedly I don't always see how going the "yes we're gay but we're in love" way is better PR management than "our private lives should have never been hindered, that's all we have to stay about the matter" but, you know, fic purposes]
I think it could actually bring quite a different aspect to their dynamic in that scenario because if this is 2016, Valentino is 37 (9 titles and could technically retire with a long well-done career) and Marc is 23 (4 titles, still an immense way to go in his career and so much potential to explore).
Of course the whole thing affects Valentino but he honestly believes he can survive that whatever way and ignore the bad people and focus on keeping the same life, he'll be fine. Marc will say that he's not affected by what people say about him (and only on track things matter) but I don't think it's that easy, especially back then, especially after all the backlash he got post-Sepang, and when he puts his own 2015 anger aside, I think Valentino can recognize that as well.
It's Valentino looking at Marc seating next to him in the Yamaha/Honda (whichever) motorhome, watching the way Marc's knee keep bouncing at lightning speed, the lines of his face harsh, his eyes pointed on a far point on the wall. It's Valentino shutting his brain down and going "Yes, we'll do that, where do we start".
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hazelnut-u-out · 9 months
What would happen in your ideal Morty-focused episode? Maybe one involving Dr. Wong? 🤔
Ohhhh, I like this question!! :)
I think in my ideal Morty episode (and this is going to be controversial) the main thing would be very minimal-to-no Rick involvement or screentime. *sirens blaring*
Anyway, getting serious: I LOVE episodes like 'Analyze Piss' that really delve deep into Rick's character. At the same time, I feel like there just isn't a Morty equivalent to that, ya know? Rick gets episodes nearly entirely devoid of Morty at times, but we don't have a single episode (if you don't count 'A Rick in King Mortur's Mort', since RickBot was involved in the main plot instead of Rick) where we just get Morty.
Another thing I'd like to see is some character exploration on Morty's behalf that isn't centered around his relationship with Rick. I want to know more about Morty's hobbies and interests, social struggles, and psyche that isn't just 'repressed rage' or 'complicated feelings about Rick.' Like, no shit this kid is angry! No shit he has complicated feelings towards his abuser! He is his own person, and I'd like to get to know him. His room fascinates me because there are so many hints at his personality that never get properly fleshed out.
In a therapy episode with Dr. Wong, I would absolutely love to see Morty hash out some of his trauma, and for someone to explicitly label Rick as an abuser. I'd kill for some acknowledgement of how the neglect from his parents has effected him and maybe some exploration of his hyper-empathy. I would kill for any Morty psychoanalysis that isn't explicitly related to Rick, to be honest. I acknowledge that a TON of Morty's psyche is going to be a result of Rick's behavior, but it often gets explored in terms of how that effects Rick and not how that effects Morty. I'd also like them to revisit that 'disability' line from the pilot, and I think a solo therapy episode for Morty would be great for that. I think it would be groundbreaking for the show to have two canonically autistic leads.
This was so fun to rant about! Thank you for asking!! :3
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