#anyway they make me happy and i've been meaning to draw them for a long long time now
sysig · 1 year
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Dying about stick figures rn (Patreon)
#Doodles#AvA#Decided that since all of AvM Season 3 is out and compiled that would be a good thing to watch - and also all of Part V to start on Part VI#Because eating a whole bunch of A Thing at once is totally not a recipe for Things To Happen in my brain lol#Nah I'm happy about it ♪ I keep Meaning to do other things and then- :P Such is the way#Anyway it's been too long since I've drawn them <3 And I realized I have everyone's colours in pencil now! Not just ink!#Makes for some chunky lads at times - Red probably got the worst of it overall lol - but it's decently fun :D#My drawing teeny-tiny was amped up since y'know. They're stick figures - but did not take into account that my pencils are a little wide#Did not change after discovering this either lol you cannot remove me from my love of doodling tiny#Love 'em ♥#I still hold my fondness for The Dark Lord/The Chosen One! Yes I've seen all of Part V I just mentioned that! Lol#They are husbands I'm not in denial you're in denial#And then The King and Purple just kinda completely took over my attention lol ♪ I love them <3#Flawed lads both of them! Puzzle pieces shaped like each other's broken hearts#Nothing kills me faster than adopted kids crossing the touch barrier with their adopted parent and being open and safe with each other I die#I'm quite happy with Purple's hug there ah <3 For that reason but also the way his arms are wrapped around his dad haha#It's cute! :D I'm pleased ♫#I can imagine a lot of these in the animated style and honestly it's got me a little itching to give it a go#There's a reason stick figure animation is so popular! Beginner-friendly haha
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ilybigman · 2 years
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sorbet shark and mango are queerplatonic partners. argue with the wall
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mingtinys · 2 months
" you are my home "
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pairing : kwon soonyoung x gn!reader
"13 ways to say "i love you" with seventeen"
warnings : none
word count : 0.5 k
a/n : probably my favorite from this series (:
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Don't get it twisted, you really do love having Soonyoung around so much. You love waking up to him every morning. Love seeing his toothbrush on your counter. Love spending your nights curled up with him on the couch watching comedies.
Nothing makes you happier than Soonyoung. But you're a little worried if he's happy.
Ever since you gifted him a key to your apartment for your second anniversary, he'd been living with you day in and day out. Filling your empty draws with his clothes and making his presence a permanent part of your life. He really only leaves for practices, schedules, and meetings with his members.
If someone from the outside were to describe your situation, they'd probably assume he'd officially moved in. Which again, you're overjoyed about. But your apartment is quite some distance from his parents and you've noticed he's been Facetimeing them more and more. You know he's close with them, so it confuses you how he hasn't gotten homesick yet.
Your worries boil over as you're cuddled up on the couch one night. "Soonyoung, can I ask you something?"
His eyes pop open and he stares up at you with an innocent expression. His head still rests in your lap, your fingers never ceasing their ministrations in his hair. He nods, "Is everything okay? You look upset."
"Everything's fine, I was actually wondering if everything is okay with you?"
He blinks up at you, not quite understanding the implication. "What do you mean?"
You chew at your lip. "We'll, it's just . . . I've noticed you've been calling your parents a lot as well as your members and I just want to you know I don't expect you to be here all the time."
"Do you not want me here?"
"No, no! It's not that at all, I love having you here! I just don't want you to be unhappy because you're with me instead of home. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to go back every now and then. Ya know?"
At that, Soonyoung sits up and faces you. A look of genuine confusion plaguing his features. "You are my home, why would I be unhappy here?"
You're a little taken aback by his answer, and it takes a moment for your heart to stop fluttering long enough to follow up. "Oh, I guess I just assumed you missed living in the dorms and being closer to your family."
He thinks for a moment. "I do. But I'd miss you too if I lived in the dorms still and then I'd really be unhappy. So it wouldn't really solve anything anyways if I left." It's so simple, the way he explains it. Yet so Soonyoung.
"Yeah, when you put it that way, I guess that makes sense." Your cheeks hurt from how wide you're smiling. You never thought it'd be possible to love someone this much.
"And just to be clear, you do want me here, right?"
The look on his face makes you giggle. "Yes, Soonyoung, I absolutely want you here."
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taglist: @matchahyuck @dontwannaexsist @minnieminshi
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modmad · 2 months
Hey Mod, I don't know what's going on that hurt you, I feel like I missed something that's happened, but I can tell from what I did see that it didn't just hurt you, but scared you and made you feel a Lot of doubt. I've also seen a lot of messages pouring in with support, and I want to share mine.
I have hypermobile type EDS, fibromyalgia, and a whole bucket's worth of faulty wiring in my brain. And I've always had stories to tell but I never felt I was good enough to share them. If it's because I can't focus enough to get through nanowrimo, or because I can't manage the focus and time towards drawing as a hobby, or the fact that an excessive amount of either for me leads to my hands wanting to shut down. But you? You *inspire* me. Your stories, all the ones I've seen, read, experienced in some way or another, they're so good. And you're open and honest with your fans about your own health, and of course, we support you and always would rather you rest and feel as best you can, instead of pushing out something and working yourself too hard. But all of this is to say that. I think I would have given up on my own stories if I hadn't found you and yours.
I hope whatever is going on sorts itself out, I hope you're able to keep telling your stories. At your own pace, in your own way. I think you deserve to be happy. If there's anything we (your fans, especially those of us too awkward to come off anon, whoops,) can do, to help in some way? Even if it's silly videos or cute cat pictures or whatever it is that could just help you smile. We're here. We love you.
woof. I woke up to so many messages I can't even read them all in one go I'm getting too emotional- I do feel I owe an explanation so I'll explain what happened under the cut but all you guys need to know is I'm okay, I got through it, I love you, and you're so important to me and I'm so grateful for all the messages that have asked me to stay.
tw for suicidal thoughts and all that
yeah so I have the bad morning of all mornings: was introduced to the fact there's this one character (Mr Puzzles) on a very popular youtube that. resembles RGB. incredibly strongly. like. I don't want to link to it just look if you want to. Anyway at the time I thought it had just dropped (seems to have been around for 6 months actually), and having commented on it I immediately got an inbox full of hate mail.
My website, meanwhile, had locked both me and my web designer out of it, and- already in a bad state of mind- I went into full on panic/paranoid spiral of 'they have hacked it, and they are going to delete any proof that I was here before them.' This of course wasn't true, and we have since recalimed control of the site (don't know what happened there but hey. it's fine???? haha. ha.)
On top of this my father has terminal cancer of the pancreas, which is horrible for everyone already but it means that- at some point this year- I am going to be the only person with an active income in my house. I am disabled, do not make a lot of money, and the cost of living is skyrocketing. Combine that with months of Despair at the world right now, with the multiple wars, genocide, corruption and AI and the loss of control any of us have over our IP or lives and I just decided it was time to end it all.
I somehow remembered this was a bad idea to act on immediately (hard during a period of entirely irrational thought) and instead went for a very long walk, crossed the bridge I could have jumped off and during that I came out of the worst of it. I then came back home to so much love online I felt deeply ashamed for ever contemplating it, and I cried a lot. My nose is still puffy and now my feet hurt! lmao
Anyway. Yeah. There's your context. I am not going to stop hoping, making, or living. I am prone to moments of weakness and this was one of the worst of them and I am still here, thanks in a large part to all of you. I might need you in the future to defend me against this, or people who take our ideas, but I hope you know that I will do the same for you. We need each other, and to be there for you I need to be here at all.
also fuck Mr Puzzles
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Barnaby facts (confirmed by the devs)
Hello! Since I was bored and it's making me so happy to see Barnaby getting so much love lately, I've decided to collect all the info I have about him! I most likely missed something, so if you have info I haven't put here, or got wrong, let me know, ok? ^^
Anyhoo, here we go! **}
- Barnaby, despite his name, is not a barn owl. He's actually a long eared owl.
- Barnaby isn't his real name; he used to have a different one, back in his alive days. One of the drawings featuring him has him surrounded by many names starting with "B".
- Said illustration has "Who am I?" hidden among the names and words such as "Where" and "Help", hinting at something linked to his identity is torturing him.
- It's been stated that Barnaby is the way he is because of a dangerous experiment that corrupted then killed him, changing him completely as a result.
- Barnaby is asexual homoromantic, and is genderfluid: while he goes primarly by "he/him", he accepts any pronoun.
- He considers his Barnaboos as his "little pretties", and often offers help or advice if they need it; of course, his help may not be as helpful as he believes...
- He hates cheesecake.
- He's not a fan of rootbeer neither; he will serve it in his parties, but he personally won't drink it.
- His favorite food is eye scream, and favorite Halloween treat are caramel apples.
- As for ice cream, his favorite flavor is Strawberry Shortcake.
- Speaking of food, yeah, he doesn't need to eat, nor sleep. But still likes doing it anyway.
- Barnaby is a confirmed sleepyhead. He naps a lot, but never in an ordinary position, or in his bed; he tends to sleep in various gravity bending position, especially upside down.
- Meaning, yes, when Billie comes to steal his gem, he was sleeping!
- And when he sleeps, he apparently snores and hoots.
- While hugging him would result in a kill from him, Ash confirmed Barnaby is a hugger! Hugging him would still involve him squeezing or stabbing you to death, tho'. And he'd feel both soft and slimy to the touch.
- Barnaby is around 10-11ft tall, and with his size-shifting abilities, he can be any height he wants; when he was alive tho', he's as tall as Aristotle, more or less.
- He doesn't need glasses anymore, but sometimes will wear them because they make him look smart. They also tend to follow the eyes' movements.
- Barnaby is very emotional: while it won't stop him from trying to kill you, he will cry if he sees you cry. Ironically, he would comfort you until you feel better. Then he'll kill you.
- It's been confirmed that Barnaby's biggest fear has "already come true".
- His tears are orange, just like his eyes.
- Barnaby is not one to open his heart easily, but the moment he does, there's many ways to reach it. He's quite romantic, tho' not in the usual way: if you gave him a dead rat, he'd consider it a very romantic gesture!
- It's been stated he doesn't have a partner now, but in life, "maybe".
- When it comes to children, it's been confirmed he'd be the best caregiver alongside Dutch, althought for him "it's complicated".
- He apparently had a child of his own, if the picture posted about him during "Father's Day" is any indication. What happened to the little one hasn't been revealed yet.
- Apparently he's the least judgemental character in BBU!
- If he had a TV, it'd be old timey, and he'd watch something really random. Like ducks.
- Barnaby loves small critters; Ash specifically mentions they always linked him with guinea pigs. And indeed, Barnaby had a science guinea pig co-worker once, that turned into an actual guinea pig because of a reckless experiment, and he took care of them.
- He's able to control reality; it's unclear if it's his gem's doing, or his magic power as a ghost.
- In any case, he's now the most powerful character in the game
- Back in his alive days, he was a magic researcher and scientist.
- He actually owned the gem before he turned into a ghost. He even experimented on it, and it's suggested that actually sealed his fate.
- A lot of songs from Oingo Boingo and Lemon Demon fit him: Ash specifically mentioned "Weird Science" as really "Barnabycore"
- Barnaby is autistic: he stims by hooting and flapping his wings when he's excited.
- When he's scared or nervous, he tends to cover himself with his wings.
- Katie said that, if he were a candy, he'd be a sour blueberry.
- Barnaby lives in his own dimension, with his own mansion and everything. And he can travel between realities. Although one comment from Katie suggests he's trapped in there, but it's too early to say for sure.
- According to the devs, he was inspired by Weird Al Yankovic, Lewis from Mystery Skulls and Discord from MLP.
- No, he wasn't inspired by Snatcher, since the development of BBU has lasted longer than A Hat in Time. The two of them canonically know each other tho': only problem is, Snatcher hates Barnaby's guts and finds him too clingy, while the owl adores him.
- He canonically knows Wally Darling from "Welcome Home" and Kira from "Far Fetched" too, since he can travel between realities.
- Barnaby has his guests come to his home by portals that pop just below them. He apparently has kidnapped people before, every once in a while.
- He'd get along well with Dutch.
- It's left vague whether he knows Fantoccio or not.
- He actually has never met Arthur nor Aristotle before the game.
- In any case, he'd find Aristotle really funny, and wouldn't take them seriously.
-- Barnaby is aware of the player, and can break the 4th wall. And that's why only he can use Twitter.
- Whenever he writes on Twitter, hE WRiTSE LIkE THIS!!!
- Barnaby is REALLY mischeavous, and finds no problem in cheating in games. But if YOU cheat, then he gets ticked off.
- This suggests he's also a sore loser.
- Judging by his expression in the cutscene, he doesn't like being interrupted.
- It's been confirmed he smells like meldew. :P
- He could fake glitching out, then attack the moment you come to check out what's going on with him.
- He HATES party crashers. Also scarecrows: not good for conversations. And he's not interested in their crops.
- He can play the organ: Katie even suggested that if you hear it in the background of his chapter, that's him playing it.
- He was a young prodigy, back when he was alive!
- Don't be fooled by his goofy antics: he's very smart, still loves making experiments and can speak a lot of languages.
- Ironically, he hates skulls: he finds them icky.
- He was 25-26 when he died; he's been dead for 100+ years.
- Time is very important for him: that's why there's so many clocks in his parlor. It's been suggested he sees partying as a way to keep track with time.
- Despite that, Barnaby himself in the contest video has briefly stated he tends to forget what year it is.
- There's tons of pictures in his manor: all of them depict him, suggesting he's good at painting.
- Katie has noted that Barnaby "remembers everything". When asked if there's something he'd rather forget, they stated that "what he wants and what he needs are very different things".
- His family is "infinite", apparently. Then again, one of his very early descriptions stated he's got no friends nor family to speak about...
- He's been described as "self interested"
- When asked which character had the most trauma, without giving hints about being traumatized, Katie confirmed Barnaby as the answer, even stating his story makes them the saddest, alongside Fanto's.
- His favorite color is pink!
- He can change himself into lots of animals, and can even clone himself!
- When asked if he can talk to his alive self, Katie said it's "technically possible".
- Back when he was alive, he was noted as a dork and a hardworker, so much so he'd even pull one-nighters before making speeches for his research. Katie jokingly suggested that's why he parties so much: it's to make up for lost time!
- He had a different way of speaking, back when he was alive. And his icks were probably different as well.
- When he gets overwhelmed, he has a shutdown, and goes completely silent.
- At early stages, Barnaby was supposed to be a bug.
- The moment his design as a ghost was chosen, he went through a lot of palette options, like a pale blue color like he came from "The Haunted Mansion", or all colorful like "Dia de los Muertos". Ultimately they settled for his currently shadowy look because, not only it's easier to animate, it was in line with his backstory.
- Barnaby can melt. It's still unclear what triggers such a reaction, but some pictures hint that it's tied to his psychological state.
- Barnaby has been noted that he can talk fancy, but he's not eloquent.
- His favorite dance is the charleston!
- Ash has stated that in the game he is going to be depicted doing something similiar to "singing himself to sleep".
- Apparently he still makes pellets from his mouth. Dead or not, he's still an owl.
- He often puts emphasis on words, sometimes even making his bowtie spin.
- In the latest Twitter post featuring him, when you decode the garbled message, you can read: "Barnaby lies Along in his thoughts, Resting On the floor Neglected". Not only this hints at his turmoil, it also hides the word "BARON". It's unclear if it's his name, a title he possessed, or someone or thing else entirely connected to him.
- He loves recieving scretches on his head.
- Barnaby can cook, but he'll more often than not leave that to the Barnaboos.
- He's not that interested in gardening, even tho' he owns a greenhouse.
- He'd enjoy playing "Luigi's Mansion"!
- In Super Smash Bros. he'd main Meta Knight, even relating to him.
- He'd happily accept smoochies, apparently!
- His favorite party game is "Pin the tail on the owl".
- If you are his friend, he'd consider it even more of a reason to stay in the manor and never leave!
- He has claimed that he's used to give himself self love and compliments, since no one else does it. That, and his tendency to ask others for hugs or if they need a hug to calm down, suggests he's affection starved.
- He tends to react to compliments from fans by smiling bashfully, or happily shouting that he's popular.
- Katie stated that his favorite movie would be something unexpected, like "Marnie & Me" or "Up".
- Barnaby can see everything from the eyes of the plushies that look like him. So, if you bought one... watch out...
- Among his early designs, he also looked like a completely different owl, tall and austere looking, who was the guardian of the forest. It was changed because the devs wanted a goofy boss that could stand out among the others.
- Having said that, it seems Barnaby was the last boss to be officially revealed, and initially the game only had Elaine, Dutch and Fantoccio as the main bosses.
- Barnaby LOVES puns. A good deal of the lines he says when you get defeated in his chase contain a pun.
- You try being slick by stating you want to die of old age? Too bad: Barnaby will make you age rapidly. Despite that, Katie confirmed he doesn't have time related powers...
- Katie and Ash confirmed Barnaby can fly. And such a sight is apparently really hilarious.
- Barnaby loves shiny trinkets: if he sees a sparkly thread, he'll fixate on it and will follow its movements. It's like with a cat following a laser.
- Barnaby has teeth; they're orange and sharp, and come out when he's ticked off, or especially devious.
- When he was alive, he only used he/him pronouns. He became comfortable with all pronouns after he died. He's always been interested in men.
- This goes without saying, but still: he operates on cartoon logic. He can use both his wings AND his feet as hands. Even both feet can act as hands, even when they appear off camera. How? Because it's Barnaby and he can do anything he sets his mind into!
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libraryofgage · 8 months
Mermaid/Pirate Steddie Four
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Hi hi! It's been kind of a long week for me lmao but here's the next part! You'll def wanna stick around to the very end of the post; there's a very fun surprise for y'all lol
Also! If you like my writing or want to see a quicker update of this or another series, I've opened commissions (student loans are hitting a lot harder than I expected orz). If you're interested, you can find more information in this post
Even if you don't commission me, I appreciate your likes/comments/reblogs of my work! They keep me going and make me really happy ^_^
Anyway, now for the good stuff. As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sinking a ship takes skill, intense planning, and strong tails. Or, if you're Robin and seven guppies, it takes incredible, unbridled rage and a worry that could kill a Kraken. A ship that should take half the day to sink only takes the group two hours, their tails bashing against the hull and claws ripping planks to let seawater surge inside. Dustin is particularly brutal, recruiting Lucas and Mike to help him use the same net that caught him and took Steve to drag the ship beneath the waves.
Between tending to Dustin's wounds, lying to the pod about why they're going to be away for a while, and actually tracking the damned thing, it took Robin and the guppies a few days to catch up to the ship. And as they scavenge the drowned wreckage, pushing past broken doors and through holes in the hull, it becomes increasingly clear that they're too late.
"Where could he be?!" Dustin shouts, his gills flaring and bubbles rising in an enraged pattern above him. He takes a spear and jabs it into a water-bloated plank. "If he's not here, that means he escaped, right? So why hasn't he found us yet?"
"Steve could have been taken by another ship," El points out, her head poking from behind a mast. She's gained a dagger with a jewel-encrusted hilt and is currently using her nails to dig the jewels out and drop them into a seaweed bag.
Robin frowns, swimmingly anxiously in circles. She's not the one that's good with guppies. That's Steve. If she's the fun caretaker that encourages them to play Scuttlefish with sharks, Steve is the one a tail's-length behind dragging them back to the pod before they can get hurt. He's the one who knows how to keep the guppies calm and healthy. Robin is the one who keeps them energetic and chaotic.
"He was definitely here," Will says, swimming out from a cabin on the ship. He stops in front of Robin and holds his hands out, letting her see the dull, blood-stained scales sitting in his palms.
With a shaking hand, Robin takes the scales and turns them over, hoping they're somehow not Steve's. But he's her partner. Robin could recognize him by the flick of his tail alone. So, of course, she knows they're Steve's scales at a glance.
She turns, her tail creating a small current that brushes over the guppies and forces them to look at her. "If he's not on this one," she says, "then we'll just keep sinking ships until we find him."
"Let's start with the other ship," Erica says.
"The other ship?" Robin asks.
Erica nods, pointing in the direction they'd just come from. "A few leagues before we found this one, I saw another one that was sailing in the other direction. Maybe they crossed paths."
For a brief moment, Robin wonders how she missed the other ship. But then she remembers how she's been caught between her own worries and keeping the guppies from spiraling, and she gives herself a break. "Yeah," she says, nodding as she closes her fingers over the scales. The edges cut into her palms but don't draw blood. "Let's go track down that ship. But don't keep something like that from me next time."
The guppies all nod in agreement, and Robin looks at the wreckage around them. She's half-tempted to let the guppies loot the rest of the ship, but she knows they're all aching to find Steve already. So, Robin herds them away from the sunken ship in the direction Erica pointed and hopes Steve can hold on for just a little longer.
Excerpt from "The Lovelorn Fool's Guide to Merfolk Courtship"
Song Types
There are several song types that merfolk are likely to use in their lifetime. While the human ear cannot distinguish the intricacies of the songs, it can tell the major categories apart.
As newly-born guppies, they know only how to vocalize wordless sounds based on their needs. These sounds are referred to as Guppy Songs. These songs are generally lacking in any real melody or rhythm. They are rough and unskilled, but many caretakers consider them precious.
Pod songs are shared tunes and melodies among the pod to communicate big news. When hearing a pod song from a lone merperson, it will sound incomplete. Pod songs usually require at least one other merperson to support or respond to the initial measures, which creates a complete and satisfying loop.
Individual songs are varied and unique, as the name suggests. They cover a range of emotions that simply can't be communicated through regular speech or bubble patterns (to learn more about bubble patterns, please see Part I: The Basics). Among these songs, the most important to know is the courting song, which can actually be multiple songs using the same opening measures and melodies with slightly different tones.
Now that you know the most basic kind of songs, we can move to harmonizing. Truthfully, a human's ability to harmonize with a merperson is nearly impossible. However, it can be done with an instrument, which can reach ranges the human voice cannot. So, if you don't know how to play one, I'd suggest learning. Harmonizing is a key step in the courtship process, after all.
Steve shrieks as Eddie spins him around, the sound high and grating, and clings tighter to Eddie's neck. His tailfin slaps Eddie behind his knee, hard enough to make him falter and slip on the rain-soaked deck. He falls on his ass, Steve safely in his lap, and laughs. The charms in his hair knock against each other, and Steve idly reaches up to brush his finger against one. "What was that for?" Eddie asks, the words slightly breathless.
"You surprised me," Steve says, frowning slightly as raindrops catch in his eyelashes and make them heavy. He holds a hand above his eyes and then does the same for Eddie.
"You just looked so pretty, sweetheart," Eddie says, grinning at Steve like he knows what bubble pattern his fluttering gills would create (flustered and flattered).
He rolls his eyes, looking at the sky and sea in the distance. The ocean is surging, and waves and sea foam collide as the wind picks up force. Dark clouds hang over the sea, and Steve would be concerned if he didn't know the storm would clear up soon. He can tell from the sound of the ocean and the taste in the air: the water isn't angry enough and there isn't enough salt on his lips.
The rain is still going to turn brutal, though, and Steve would prefer they weren't on deck when it happens. He overheard Asher and Jeff talking about the last time Eddie got soaked to the bone and got sick. He's not sure what a "cold" is, but he doesn't want Eddie catching it again.
"Let's go back to the cabin," he says, looking back at Eddie with a light smile. "I want to hear you play that, uh, gee-tare."
"Guitar, Stevie," Eddie corrects, holding Steve tight as he stands. He has an excited smile, something expectant in his eyes that Steve still hasn't figured out.
Steve hums, knowing very well how it's pronounced, but he likes to see the somewhat dopey smile Eddie gets whenever he mispronounces something. He gets the feeling Eddie also knows he's doing it on purpose, but he's not said anything yet.
Eddie carries him down to the captain's cabin, kicking the door shut with his foot. "Where do you want to be, sweetheart?" he asks.
After a moment's consideration, Steve gestures to the bed, looking forward to the soft pillows and even softer sheets. When Eddie places him down, he wiggles until his tail is curled comfortably, soaking the sheets beneath him, and looks at Eddie expectantly.
"Any requests?" Eddie asks, clearly amused as he grabs his guitar and hops onto the bed next to Steve. His knee brushes against Steve's tail, drawing Steve's attention briefly to the faint scar that lingers across his scales.
He's been healed for almost a day now, and Steve should probably start bracing himself to say goodbye, but he'd like to remain in denial a little longer. He doesn't want to leave. Even if he knows he'll come right back with Robin and the guppies, Steve doesn't want to be away from Eddie that long. They haven't even confirmed their courtship. Leaving before they do means any merperson with half a brain could see how much of a pearl Eddie is and try to steal him away.
Steve forces the thought away, forces himself to focus on answering Eddie's question, and shakes his head. "Just play something," he says.
Eddie nods and thinks a moment as he tunes the guitar. "Could you hum something?" he asks.
When he looks up at Steve again, there's something oddly intense in his gaze. He looks determined, as though something very important is riding on this moment. Steve isn't sure what it is, exactly, but he knows he doesn't want it to pass him by. Steve nods and starts humming a soft and familiar tune, one he's used a lot more after meeting Eddie.
It must be the right choice, because Eddie practically lights up, a grin tugging at his lips and crinkling the corners of his eyes as he listens. After a few seconds, he starts plucking strings on the guitar, adding a gentle accompaniment that makes Steve's humming rock back and forth like the ocean currents.
Usually, Eddie plays fast, his music filling Steve with the same heat and energy as an underwater volcano in the middle of an eruption. But this is slow and sweet like the honey Steve tried a few days ago. It creeps through him, his gills fluttering with each note that Eddie pulls from his guitar. He feels soft and happy, his voice shifting to follow Eddie's lead as inspiration hits him.
They trade the lead back and forth between them, and Steve starts to actually sing at some point. He doesn't know when he opened his mouth and started to vocalize the notes instead of just humming them, a sweet melody forming as his voice resonates with the guitar. It just happens as naturally as swimming. Steve can no longer tell where his voice ends and the guitar begins. They've fallen into sync, strumming and singing together without missing a beat.
Steve leans closer, his heart pounding against his ribs even faster than usual. They're harmonizing. He realizes it suddenly, but it doesn't catch him off-guard. It's just a whisper in the back of his mind, a little nudge that makes him smile and move without thinking beyond the desire to be closer.
The song doesn't end naturally. In fact, Eddie is in the middle of a particularly lovely string of notes when Steve kisses him, still humming low in his throat. Eddie's fingers fumble, a sour note pulling from the guitar, but Steve doesn't care. He's too busy wrapping one hand around the back of Eddie's neck and placing the other on Eddie's chest.
He can feel Eddie's heart beating just as rapidly as his own, and Steve presses closer. He's barely balancing on his tail as Eddie moves the guitar from his lap, pushing it to the side of the bed while he kisses Steve back. Eddie pushes his hand into Steve's hair, tangling his fingers in the strands.
Steve's humming happily rises in pitch, and he finally loses his balance, his weight pressing entirely on Eddie and causing him to fall back on the bed. The kiss breaks when Eddie bounces slightly, their foreheads knocking together, and Steve can't help laughing.
"You're fucking gorgeous, sweetheart," Eddie whispers, his free hand trailing to Steve's waist and settling on his back. His fingers brush against the line where scales meet skin, and Steve shudders, his mouth going dry, and he kisses Eddie again before he can say another word.
Tag List (the tag list is full! I wasn't able to fit everyone, so if you aren't on here, I'd suggest following #high seas steddie. I think you should still get updates on your dash if you do)
@mugloversonly, @raisedbylibrarians, @thegirlwiththelibrarybag, @savory-babby, @vankaar, @beckkthewreck, @itcanbepalped, @imfinereallyy, @finntheehumaneater, @mightbeasleep, @weekend-dreamer7
@whenindoubtb72, @troublemaker2azz, @just-a-tiny-void, @upallnightogetloki, @mxmakessense, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @haelreadsshit, @y4r3luv, @starman-jpg, @littlewildflowerkitten, @estrellami-1, @stevieschrodinger, @gaelicblue, @they-reap-what-we-sow
@5ammi90, @noodle-shenaniganery, @acrolius, @hallelujahimatheist, @rainbow-freckle, @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @79chevyimpala, @aliea82, @hopefulcookieoperatorpersona, @sani-86, @queenie-ofthe-void, @goosesister, @hello-fellow-nerds, @luthienstormblessed, @xtkxkrzrizir, @potato-of-the-lord, @geekymagicalpotato, @child-of-cthulhu, @aizawa-emma, @m-owo-n, @newtstabber, @cartercaptainofthemoon, @spectrum-spectre, @a-little-unsteddie
And, if you've made it this far, here's a little meme for your entertainment
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secret-smut-sideblog · 4 months
Girl Talk
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Astarion x F! Tav
18+ talks of sexuality, implied trauma, safe words, role reversal, breast worship, grinding, fingering (m!), ass play, rimming, prostate orgasm, some gender play, aftercare, porn w/o plot
One late night Astarion turned their conversation to a more sensual topic and was delighted to discover Tav lacked experience with men. Naturally he was more than happy to lend a hand...
"So you've never..." He smiled, laying on his side next to her, the faint miasma of wine around them.
"Never?" She asked, incredulous. "Astarion do you take me for a holy woman?" Smiling cheekily at him. "I thought you surface dwellers thought all Drow are insatiable."
"Well, are they?"
"No comment." She lifted her glass to her lips, sliding her eyes away from him mischievously.
They had been traveling together for a while now and had struck up a fast friendship. Her snarky words and wanton flirtation winning him over. Sharp tongue and sharper eyes.
She leaned back, thinking. "Its more that I've been mostly with women. Sure there was a man or two but they didn't make it far enough to make an impression. Didnt get far below the belt." She shrugged, waving her hand noncommittally.
Of course, in a matriarchal structure she would be more directed towards sapphic pursuits. She had explained that Drow men were not upheld to the most flattering light in her society.
"If you had to pick, in our camp-"
"Karlach," No hesitation. "Oh I'd climb her like a tree."
He blinked, an amused smile teasing the edge of his mouth. "Impeccable taste."
"I have been known to have a refined palate." She smirked.
"Honestly I'm curious but I'm just more comfortable with women, I know their bodies. I can navigate them even without eyes." She laughed.
Ah yes, the eyes. Those haunting eyes.
He had overheard her speaking to Wyll about their shared warlock experience. His, to a devil, to defend his city. Hers, to an eldritch being, to achieve the gift of sight. Tried to smother his frown at the easy energy between them, their instinctive bond.
Logically he knew he should feel this same way about Karlach, with her soft puppy eyes following Tav around camp. But he couldn't keep distaste in his heart for her. Not for long anyway. Wyll on the other hand...
Her demonic white eyes peering good naturedly into his now. He didnt know if he'd ever get used to how they pierced him. She savored every sight and while slightly intoxicating it made him squirm to be looked at so thoroughly.
"Well," He smiled. Leaning towards her conspiratorially. "If you're less experienced with men you could always practice..."
While he found himself enjoying her company, quite a lot if he was honest, he was still looking for an in. And here it was. Plopped in his lap, just a shared drink away.
"Oh please," She rolled her eyes. "My pickings out here are slim to none. Unless I get the sudden urge to get horizontal with a goblin."
"What about closer to camp?" Sliding a little nearer to her, his fingers almost touching the inside of her forearm.
"Astarion," She admonished, drawing out her words. "Wasting your advances? My neck is right here." Turned her head to make her point.
While he was distracted by her jumping pulse point he couldn't help the edge of frustration creeping up him.
He had been putting all of his honeyed words on her, all his soft tempting touches, and she would just dance them off with a light laugh.
She was a natural flirt but there was an air to her that she didn't take his advances to heart. Maybe she thought he was just like that with everyone. That it didn't mean anything.
Given that she was devastatingly beautiful he felt even more pressure to stake his claim. Their companions all circling her constantly. Gods she basically had to beat them away with a stick at the tiefling party.
"What if," He started, tracing his finger languidly up her wrist. "You practiced on me? You can touch me like you would a feminine lover, if that helps."
She sat up on elbows, head cocked slightly to the side, staring at him.
It was suddenly very quiet and he tried not to fidget, finger tracing figure eights into her soft flesh.
"And that wouldn't make you feel... uncomfortable?"
Honestly he hadn't thought that far ahead. This was a person he was free to bed on his own terms, of his own will. And he was rather fond of her. Though he was here with ulterior motives, that didnt mean he couldn't enjoy her company. He could do much worse.
"Oh what's a little exploration between friends..." Looked up at her through his lashes. "Or more than friends."
"I mean, if we're exploring I could get out the strap."
He had been mid drink and choked, sputtering as she laughed, patting hard into his back.
"I'm sorry, just teasing."
"I mean... are you offering?"
She crooked a bemused smile at him. "I think we would have to work up to that, Star. Let's see how the night goes first."
After dinner she gathered her bathing supplies, exchanging pleasantries with everyone as she retreated.
Blowing a cheeky kiss to Karlach as she rose. Her fire erupting in a burst, Gale having to dive off of the log they were sharing. A goofy smile all over her face.
He almost felt bad about what he was planning. She would be much more suited to the tiefling.
Well, it's just sex, it won't mean anything beyond each of their gain. Him, allegiance. Her, pleasure.
He walked on light feet, following her dark auburn hair. The gentle lull of her singing. Playing with the tones and words they had helped the bard Alfira stumble through.
"Moon, Sun, All remind me of your grace, Faith, Care, All the love I can't repay~"
Despite her light and playful demeanor her singing voice was full and haunting. A mournful cello calling out into the night.
He understood why Karlach basically begged her to sing for them around the fire when her little talent was discovered. She had waved her away, insisting that it wouldn't be worth their time. She'd much rather hear Halsin play. Then Halsin had urged her on, countering that he would only pluck a few strings if she joined.
"Fine, prepare to be underwhelmed." She had laughed.
Immediately they went quiet as she started, closing her eyes. He noticed she always closed them when she was concentrating, as if the added sense was too much.
They were enraptured listening to her, even Halsin almost stumbling through cords. Her voice spellbinding them all.
"Gods, Soldier. Are you part harpy?" Karlach hushed after she had fallen quiet.
She smiled, clearly embarrassed. A rare sight. She had an easy confidence, getting her flustered was a feat.
Now, he approached her stealthily at the edge of the river. Faced away, already waist deep, wringing water out of her long hair.
"Are you joining or just hoping for a show?" She smirked, glancing at him over her shoulder.
He was about to scoff, how did she always hear him no matter how quiet he moved?
Seeing his annoyed posture, she smiled. "My ears are more attuned than most seeing people, dont take it personally."
"Noted. I would so enjoy sneaking up on you." He pantomimed, crouching down playfully.
"I bet you would, but you'll have to walk on a whisper to get past me." She winked, sinking down into the water to chest high. Turning to face him. Eyes alight with mischief.
It felt so easy with her. Their banter a practiced dance, the steps surefooted.
"So, are you still dreaming of sharing a night of pleasure?" He mused, pushing his hand on his lower back. A wicked smile on his lips.
She lowered further into the water, only eyes now. Staring at him through her lashes, serpentine. One hand emerging, beckoning him with a hooked finger.
He pulled his clothes off in a sensual show, leaving them in a neat pile next to hers.
As he began to wade in her head submerged. The night water too dark to make out her shape.
He stood in false absence in the water, chest high. Senses alight.
Fingers along his waist, exploring. He looked down and saw her murky shape against his torso.
She rose, chest to chest with him. Pushing her hair slick back over her head. So dark it looked black in the dim light.
"Well, well," He intoned, pulling a damp lock behind her shoulder. "Looks like I caught myself a siren."
"You do know what sirens do to beautiful creatures like you, right?" She cocked her head at him, arms coming up to drape over his shoulders.
Their eyes were level with eachother, nearly the same height. She had teased him mercilessly in camp when it was discovered that she was an inch or two taller.
It felt almost too intimate to be directly across from her, their faces mirrored.
"I'd be more worried for your neck than mine, darling." He purred, flashing her a fang baring smirk.
"Oh I dont know," She mused, pressing her body flush to his. "I think deadly things can be good bedfellows, dont you?"
She brushed her lips against his, pulling away teasingly. "You still want to do this little experiment?"
"I'd love nothing more." He snaked his hands around her waist. "Lead on."
At least he didn't have to do the work this time. Could just lay back and go somewhere else.
Some of his thoughts must have betrayed in his face cause she paused.
"Hey, I'm okay to postpone this. Indefinitely if needed." Her voice was uncharacteristically soft then, pulling away from him.
He grabbed her retreating wrist, leading her back into him.
"Tav, I need this." He hushed, the truth. Though maybe not with the intent she imagined.
She paused again. Gods it made him nervous when she got quiet. Her melodic voice usually floating around the air.
"Ground rules." She stated, her eyes serious. Waiting for his response.
He blinked. Honestly he had given his own boundaries very little, if any thought.
"You first." Stalling for time.
"Not okay with being restrained and I'd prefer if we had a safe word."
He nodded, this was new to him but he did appreciate the idea.
Scouring his mind for definite turn offs but found it difficult. He tried to not be present for most of it so it was hard to say with certainty.
"Dont touch my back or the bite. Also not into restraint. Or force."
She smiled and he felt proud that he had passed this little test.
"We can stop at any time, okay?"
"Naturally, darling. Though I doubt I'll be able to resist ravaging you, I'll behave."
"Those lines work on a lot of women, huh?" She teased, fingers trailing his cheek as she pulled closer.
He felt a slight tightness in his chest but gave her an easy smile. "Well you're here now, arent you darling?"
"True." She whispered, leaning in to kiss his jaw gently. "Though I could say I'm here in the spirit of research."
"And you'd be a liar, a terrible one at that."
She breathed a laugh against him. "You always need to get the last word, huh?"
"Oh, I'll ge-" He was muffled by her mouth, pulling him into a slow exploring kiss.
He felt a little moan escape him, much to his horror. The desire in her touch surprising him.
She held him around his waist, cupping the back of his head. Her lips sliding warm against his.
She pulled away and he found himself following her. "The safe word is Bulette."
He nodded, and she lifted under his thighs and wrapped them around her waist. Walking up to the edge of the water.
His dead heart did race a little bit at that but he figured it was just the role reversal.
Though they were the same height she was much stronger than she looked. Muscle hidden under plush thighs and the soft curve of her stomach. He could feel it when he bit into the defined curve of her neck. See it in her shoulders when she lifted her arms over her head. That little adorable whine when she stretched.
She layed him back on the grass, her hands guiding him down.
"If this is how you treat your women I can see why you've taken so many admirers." He teased.
"You know," She smiled, leaning down over him. "You're beautiful enough it's not a far stretch."
He breathed a laugh through his nose.
"So where would you start, lover?" He purred, twisting a lock of her hair as it fell over him.
She hummed, moving down. "Usually here." Leaning into his neck on his unmarked side.
Kissing and nipping at his throat he found himself giving in to the sensation. Head falling back slightly. He never minded the foreplay.
Her mouth was devotional on his neck, licking and pulling heavenly circles.
He found himself humming with approval. Hand carding through her hair. "That is nice, darling."
"Then I'd move here..." her fingers trailing down his chest, brushing tentatively over his nipple. Asking.
He felt a shiver go down his back. Shocked by the little strike of pleasure.
"And then?" He intoned, hearing the slight rasp in his voice. Definitely intentional.
He felt her smile against his throat. Moving down his front, leaving soft kisses as she went. Thumbing over his nipple playfully.
"I would put my leg here." She hushed, pushing her knee between his thighs. "So she could grind."
"Interesting," He tried for suave, failing miserably. Her fingers softly twisting his peak making him slow and stupid.
"This is my favorite part." She looked up at him through her lashes cheekily. Hovering over his chest. "Hold on, love."
He almost scoffed, surely it wasnt-
Her mouth descended on his chest, licking hard slurping circles around his nipple.
His back arched involuntarily, a loud embarrassing groan leaving him.
She moaned in pleasure, her mouth salivating. Gripping his hips.
Gods she was unhinged, tongue pulsing and insistent. Laving up and down his hard peak. Panting hot against him.
If he had more sense he would have been baffled at how much it seemed she was enjoying just his experience. But he felt lost, head heavy with pleasure.
She pushed her thigh further into him encouragingly and he could no longer resist. Already painfully aroused.
He ground down into her thigh gratefully, feeling her tense the muscle for him.
Her other hand came up to pinch and twist at his nipple as she left it, sliding over to his left side and taking up there. The new sensation making him gasp, both sides of his chest being devastated with equal intensity.
She picked up on the rhythm of his hips and pushed her thigh into him in pulses.
Gods her mouth, rolling her tongue and nipping. Suckling down hard then pulling back to lick long stripes up his chest.
How in the hells was he already close?
He gripped her bicep, wrapping his leg around her hip.
Fuck it. Why not?
"I'm-," He panted.
She moaned into him, biting down on his engorged peak. Rising back up.
He almost whined at the lack of sensation until she latched onto his earlobe.
Oh fuck.
His eyes pulled shut. "Oh Gods, don't stop."
She suckled down hard, a little sweet whine directly in his ear. Her hands gripping his ass and pulling him into her harder. His cock throbbing and sliding wet against her.
One last nibbling suck and he was shattered.
Coming in stuttering cries, head thrown back. His pelvis contracting in great vicious jolts, spurting long ropes against her hip. Distantly aware of the sounds coming out of his lips.
"You with me?" She asked gently after a moment, pulling back. Kissing his face in light caresses.
Suddenly aware of his body again he realized his eyes had welled with tears.
"Ah, yes darling." He ruffled, trying to pull himself together with great effort. "I could actually go again."
She looked at him dubiously, a soft but amused smile on her swollen lips.
"I think you're lying." She purred, leaving a tender kiss on his already bruised neck.
He was. But he had a reputation to uphold.
"All out of moves? Dissapointing." He sighed.
"You're cute," She chided, coming back up to pull him into a searing kiss. "Biting off more than you can chew."
"Oh I've barely been sated, sweet thing. I'm starving."
"On your belly then." She whispered into his ear. Patting his thigh playfully.
"Well, wouldn't you like to be tasted?" He asked, confused. Surely she didnt intend to only pursue his pleasure.
"Hmm, maybe another night." She mused, truly seeming to mull it over.
What a strange creature.
"Are all sapphics like this?" He scoffed, letting her hands twist his waist. Hips up, bracing himself on his forearms.
"More than you'd think." She laughed, massaging his hips from behind.
"You know what you're doing back there?" He teased, shooting her a look over his shoulder.
"Hmm, different from what I'm used to. But I think I can translate." She eyed his backside playfully. "But dont hesitate to give me directions."
She leaned down and tongued gingerly at his hole.
His head fell forward, hands in fists.
"Well that's encouragement." She teased, tongue coming back. Moving in tight circles.
"Ah!" He moaned, pushing back into her.
Though he knew she was new to this she moved with practiced precision. He could tell she was very good at what she did on more feminine bodies.
"I heard this is a good spot." She murmured, her two fingers rubbing back and forth against his taint. The shudder that moved through him making her smile.
Tongue coming back to push slow pulsing heaven into him. Both sensations playing him like a fiddle. His fingernails digging into his palm.
Oh Gods it was too good. And still he needed more.
"Inside. One finger." He moaned into his arm.
She wet her finger inside her mouth, tested it in small circles around his entrance. Other hand still stimulating.
She pushed in gradually, pausing one knuckle deep. "Like this?"
"Yes," He panted. "Slowly."
"It feels so similar." She marveled, finger almost to the hilt. "How lovely."
He clenched at her words and heard a delighted giggle. "Even that! Oh!"
"If that's the same, then what about..." She curled her finger toward his navel.
He moaned loudly, buckling down.
"Oh yes," She smiled, beginning slow pulsing thrusts of her hooked finger. Other hand pushing more into his taint. Hitting his prostate from both sides.
A moaning writhing mess beneath her, he was completely gone.
"Oh how pretty, coming undone like this." She purred, leaning down to lick around her pumping fingers.
He knew he was not long for this world, the building pressure in his pelvis about to burst. Reaching around to grip her thigh with a bruising intensity.
"Such a good girl for me." She hummed.
He cried out, his end hitting him so hard he thought he would black out. A deep shuddering ripping through him. His whole world condensed to nearly agonizing waves of pleasure. Tears spilling down his cheeks he bit hard into his forearm. His cock forcing out what little he had left in him.
He collapsed comepletely flat into the ground, the damp earth holding him up.
She left his back momentarily, coming back with a cloth, wet from the river.
She pulled his slack body up to her chest, his back cradled into her. Softly wiping first his brow then working her way down.
"You dont ha-"
"This is part of it, love." She smiled, running her hand through his hair, cajoling it back into place. "You're getting the full experience."
He leaned into her, closing his eyes. Letting her bathe him clean. He knew future him would be screaming into his pillow at this but he was too blissed out to care.
"Thank you," She gave him one final wipe. Setting the cloth down and wrapping her arms loosely around his middle. "For trying this with me. For trusting me."
"You did everything and you're thanking me?" He laughed, still panting. "You're a strange woman, you know."
"If you're so insistent maybe you can do all the work next time." She pinched his side lightly.
Next time. The anxiety in his heart melting just for a moment. Oh thank the Gods.
"If Karlach doesn't beat you to it, that is."
"You're the devil."
She laughed against his back, his eyes getting heavy.
"Let's get you to your bedroll, we'll have a brand new day of bothering eachother tomorrow."
He would never admit it to her, but he was looking forward to it.
Part 2
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muffinrecord · 13 days
Current Plans + Musings
I don't plan on playing Exedra to the degree I did for Magia Record, or playing it at all. Because of that, I won't be taking an active role in the community and archiving anything for it. Of course, if Exedra has like amazing gameplay and stories then this is all subject to change, but for now I think I'm done with phone games.
The two youtube channels will stay up and I'll check em periodically to make sure there aren't copyright strikes against the content. I've saved all my raw files, especially for the battle animations, so I can remake them in the future if the music ever becomes a problem for some reason.
Google Drive will stay up until Google rots away. I haven't recorded footage in a long time (as in stories, I do for the character doppels and such), but I'll upload things if they're sent to me.
Magia Union Translations still plans on translating things and making videos, especially leading up to the end, but also for after the game is over for whatever wasn't made in time. I'm not sure what form this will take in the future-- if it'll be manual captions added to the videos or not, but I know it WILL happen.
As for this blog, I'm not going to delete it or anything. However I'm going to be taking a step back. I'd like to say that I'll do liveblogs but I mean... *gestures at blog* I've been saying that for years and the only one I really did successfully was the Oriko one lmao. Ahhh oh well.
I'll have more words later, but it was really fun to be part of a fandom experience like this. I'm excited to work on my own original story projects though and quiet down a bit.
When I started this blog, I never expected it to have people actually read it. Or look at it. I just wanted a place to gush about how much fun I was having. I didn't even want to tag the posts with "Magia Record" at first because I was terrified people would be mean at me, haha.
But I'm glad I did. I made so many good friends through this game. I'm glad it existed. And it made me happy to have a place where people cared about what I had to say. Some folks actually got their news from here, can you imagine that? They had notifications turned on for this blog. My god.
Anyways, I'm going to be here for the next two months, and tomorrow I'll start reblogging fan projects and initiatives, plus general news. Maybe this blog will turn into a dumping site for art and fanfic reblogs, who knows. I might watch the remaining stuff and add various thoughts here and there.
Otherwise, you can find me on my main blog @malignmuffin, which only reblogs stuff (I don't talk much if at all there). I have another tumblr blog for my comic, but I think I'll reshare the name once I actually have content you can look at on it. It's pretty bare bones for the moment.
Actually it'll be funny if the end of this game is what makes me finally work on it again. I was in the process of working on it when NA came out, and it totally derailed me. Stopped writing, drawing, just focused on this silly little phone game. Now it's like those five years have gone by and I'm going back to where I started, except I think my lil comic is going to be a bit better than it was before. If I actually make it, that is.
If I ever do actually make my comic and start posting it, I'll be sure to update y'all here. hah
Anyways, thanks for being on this wild ride with me. The memories have been great, and I'm glad I had this experience, even if it had to end.
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bucksdaffy · 1 month
okay, so i've seen some people claim that tim minear is an avid buddie shipper and that he's slowly but surely laying the groundwork for buck and eddie to become canon in the future and...
i'm just thoroughly confused about this assertion.
i'll preface this by saying i'm very new to the fandom, so i'm prepared to be wrong about this. i'm aware i may lack crucial context because i've been here only so long. also, i don't know tim personally, so i obviously can't speak to his true intentions, but i'll make my case anyway.
i'll cite two RECENT comments by tim that i assume people might draw this conclusion from:
[?: There is a sect of the fandom that just wants 9-1-1 to be the Buck and Eddie show, and any cut that removes a second of them is going to get the same reaction. Nothing short of renaming the show "Christopher's Two Dads" is going to make them happy.] T: I totally get that. I even appreciate it. Which explains the entire first act of last night's episode. I kind of did for the Buck/Eddie fans (I mean I really do it for myself in the end). I just thought... they'd like it? Shrug. I liked it, so whatever.
Minear tells Rolling Stone that he hasn’t just been aware of fan reactions, he’s actually changed storylines in the past to avoid being accused of queerbaiting. But rather than help, he says it made the show worse. “Nobody wants to be accused of queerbaiting so I kind of stopped writing those characters together. And I think it hurt the show because I was so afraid to be accused of something that I wasn’t going where I would naturally go with the stories,” Minear says. “I just decided that I just have to write the thing that I think is right. I just have to be honest with the story I’m telling and let the chips fall where they may.”
now, i may be biased, but this doesn't read to me like he plans on buddie endgame at all.
while it's clear he loves the bond between buck and eddie and enjoys highlighting it in the show, saying he totally wants them to end up together feels like a reach.
he discusses being accused of queerbaiting in the past, which led him to backtrack a little and stop writing buck and eddie together. how does this suggest he did it because he wants buddie to become canon? if that were his intention he could have continued to drop more (apparent!) hints that buck and eddie may love each other in a non-platonic way. he wouldn't care about the accusations of queerbaiting so much, because he would be planning to make them canon all along. sure, there are external constraints that could prevent this from ever materializing, but that doesn't mean he couldn't write the dialogue in a clearly ambiguous way so that once he gets a pass and everyone else involved is on board with it, he could confirm that "yeah, you were right; it was a good ol' friends-to-lovers slow burn trope all along. congrats!!" no. instead he backtracked because he didn't want anyone to think he was writing buddie as anything other than a platonic relationship. that's it. but he eventually realized it doesn't really matter because people are going to think what they want to think regardless. and he obviously loves buck and eddie's friendship so he might as well just make the most out of it at this point. and if he ever feels like maybe it is a good time to turn their friendship into something more because it feels right for story, he'll go for it. but if not, he won't.
i see a lot of people claim buddie is a six-season-long slow burn, being carefully crafted right now for future canonization. and they say tim basically confirmed this. but i really can't see his comments being a confirmation of the sort.
if there are any quotes i'm missing that suggest otherwise, i would love to go through them. so if anyone's aware of any, please don't hesitate to hit me up.
but at the moment i believe y'all are just setting yourselves up for disappointment.
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mellybabbles · 2 months
Masterpost?! Me?! Never
so anyways have a masterpost
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Hello! A masterpost has been due for a long time- but I've finally gotten around to making one!
Things Change - Chapter 1/Prologue (Bill Cipher x Reader) Dreamscape - Chapter 1/Prologue (multi-sanses x fem reader) Misplaced Royalty - Chapter 1/Prologue (bad sanses x nonbinary reader) Just Add Water - Chapter 1/Prologue (Dust + Killer x Siren!reader) From Me To You (Hiatus) - Chapter 1/Prologue (error x fem reader) Ao3 acc Several other fics on my acc! (mainly dust💀)
Tag List! #melly's silly talks - basically any post that isn't a reblog #melly's silly reblogs - reblogs #melly's reblogs - serious reblogs #my art - my art/drawings/sketches #my animations - my animatics/animations #my writing/my fanfics - writing Tags may differ, I'm really bad at sorting tags LOL
Do's and Don'ts!
DNI: Incest, pedophiles, proshippers, dreammare or frans shippers, homophobes, etc
This is a SAFE PLACE. Adults and minors alike are welcome, but please do not make it weird.
Requests are: Open!!
Please refer to this post if you're interested!
I'm open to talking with anyone, followers mutuals or randoms. My discord is mellybabbles, alt is melatonindepicts, and you can also message me on here! I'm a-okay with being pinged in posts! Tag games, art, etc. Tag me in it all! If I don't respond, don't take it personally, it means I forgot or already have seen it/did it Sexual jokes/flirty jokes are okay! I tend to make them, so please let me know if it makes you uncomfortable. Okay, so this one is a bit weird, but if you are an rp account or impersonate a sans (THAT'S COMPLETELY OKAY, i do it as well), please do not say "guys it's me!" or things along those lines to my art/writing. Especially if it's implied sexual/flirty! This makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially if I don't know your age. Unless you're a friend of mine, then go ham, cause chances are I've already flirted with you relentlessly lol
A lil about me!
Hello! You may call me Melly, Mel, Jynx, or Sharpie! Friends call me whatever hehe I'm pansexual, genderfluid and extremely fuckin flirty and chaotic. I have ADHD and heavily struggle with understanding tones and stuff. I have a small emotion range, so I'm sorry if I'm constantly hyper and happy and that bothers you. I'll be constantly cracking jokes, and if it offends you, please let me know! I'm just mapping you out to figure out what's best for the both of us. I don't tend to approach people first, so if you wanna chill and be broskis, sadly you'll have to extend the olive branch. Then I'll probably cling to it like a desperate bird idfk I swear. A lot. Sorry if that scares you I'm Korean-american! Fuck yea, I'mma come eat your dog- /j /j Anyways, so yea, feel free to come poke me whenever :D I'll be happy to breakdance for you hehe
I HAVE A DISCORD SERVER!!! COME POP IN AND SAY HI!! we're almost at 100 members !! HEEUHUHEUHE
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ithebookhoarder · 3 months
Marc and Steven with a Murdock? Like Daredevil?? If you want, of course ❤️🖤
The Moon Boys with a Murdock!Reader
A/N: Of course I want to! 😆 I'm only sorry it took me so long to answer this. However, I seem to be on a roll today - I can't believe I've got two requests out?! Like, who even am I?
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As you said with a Murdock, I’m going with a sibling vibe here which would be pretty adorable anyway as Matt would be such a good brother if he’d ever had the chance.
He would be incredibly close with you and take his role as your protector as seriously as he takes his role as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. 
You’re the only one he lets know his true self as you’ve been through everything he has. You’ve shared the happiest and saddest moments of your lives together and the bond it forged is as strong as vibranium.
It holds you both together, not matter what you go through or where you end up - including when you both end up at colleges on opposite sides of the country. 
You’re extremely careful to never let him pull too far away from you, even when he gets in one of his moods. In fact, you’re sure to turn up and let yourself in to his apartment when he goes too quiet and even Foggy can’t seem to pull him out of the darkness that haunts him. 
It’s why you don’t run away when the Moon Boys come crashing in to your lives. The chaos that seems to follow them and their fears that they are too much for you is honestly familiar. Every attempt to push you away only makes you draw nearer - first as a friend, later as something more. 
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You’d probably meet Moon Knight first around New York. I mean, it's kind of hard not to come across him, given what Matt does and how chaos seems to find its way into your lives.
He'd be the latest adoptee into the Defenders / New York 'Avengers reject club' (your name for the gang, not theirs...) so you'd quickly end up involved in each other's lives.
You'd bond pretty quickly, once you get to know one another without the personas and danger. After all, I think Steven would be eager to find friends who aren't necessarily supers and just like to drink coffee, read novels and go to the dog park at the weekend.
He'd be super keen to get to know you. You're one of the only people who get what their life is like, but also have a foot in the real world.
You'd win over Marc later on, wearing him down with your positivity and unwavering optimism (and also Steven will not shut up about you).
You're not afraid of the darker parts of their world, and become a much needed safe space for Marc, once he lets his guard down.
For instance, you'd be great at patching him up - having had enough practise on Matt over the years. You're also used to having someone nocturnal in the house, coming and going at all hours of the night. Plus, you can obviously be trusted to keep a secret or two.
If anything, Marc's only reluctant to let you get close to him as he doesn't want to taint you. To ruin something so bright and wonderful by dragging you into his darkness.
If Matt's ok with putting you in danger, then that's up to him as your brother. You're family. But for Marc and Steven to do that? It's a line they're unwilling to cross... until you prove to them you aren't going anywhere. That you can handle yourself and that you're already in this mess anyway, so why shouldn't you both be happy?
From that moment on, there's no looking back for any of you. You're leaping in to this together head first, and soon enough you can't imagine life any other way.
Matt, however, can.
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Let's be real, he wouldn’t be the biggest fan of Steven and Marc. In fact, he’d be pretty against your relationship the minute he finds out about it. 
One, because he thinks no one is worthy of you.
Two, because he hates the idea of you getting hurt or being in danger and being in a relationship with multiple people who all serve an ancient Egyptian deity as his personal vigilante is the very definition of dangerous. 
"I... I can't even begin to understand how you could possibly think this is a good idea? At all? He - they - are literally the puppets of an Egyptian god - a GOD, Y/N. You don't want to get in the middle of all that?"
You quickly remind him how he gave a similar speech to Karen when he found out about her and Frank Castle seeing each other, and that didn't work. Last time you checked, they're still blissfully in love.
"Besides, Matthew! You're the one who goes running around at night, getting in fights, wearing a glorified halloween costume. Like, I am the SANE sibling here. ALSO! Marc and Steven were forced into their situation. They didn't go looking for it like a crazy nut job. So, yeah. I think if anything, you don't have a leg to stand on here!"
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Matt would be able to sense who was fronting the moment they appeared. He’d be able to recognise them from the way their heart is beating and their mannerisms the second they stepped through the door, which is helpful but also incredibly unsettling. 
Steven would brush it off, seeing it as Matt just being a kind brother to you. However, I think Marc would have more of a problem with Matt’s hostility, and enhanced senses. It puts him on edge to know they are being so closely scrutinised. 
They also have the same temperament so I can imagine there will be more than a few clashes in the beginning, their similar brusque natures making it hard for them to not bump heads. 
However, after Matt learns about Marc’s DID and his childhood trauma I think he’d be more sympathetic. After all, you both didn’t have the easiest childhood either. 
He also knows what it’s like to live with a condition that can make your life harder but also makes you unique. 
According to the comics, both of them are known to be good detectives and also keen boxers. I can totally see them building a reluctant respect for one another after they realise they have more in common than just their love for you. 
In fact, I know you’d have to pull them out of the ring after Marc agrees to a sparring match with the famous ‘Devil’. The pair of them would get a weird pleasure from trying to beat the other to a pulp - they don’t often find someone evenly matched to have a friendly bout or two with. 
At least it would once again prove to Matt that your boys could definitely take care of you if you ever needed it. 
Matt would definitely be sure to offer his legal advice whenever he’s concerned you both might be skating on thin ice with the law. Apparently, ‘I’m being controlled by an Ancient Egyptian God’ hasn’t ever been tried as a legal defence in the American justice system before… and Matt is oddly willing to try it. 
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Hiii could you make a dating Talbott Winger headcannons I love him so much and I really think he’d be like the I hate everyone but you trope
A/N: I'm sorry that it took such a long time for me to write but I was battling with stress and life lately, and now that I'm fine, I started to have so many ideas but I need to finish request and write the chapters that had been waiting for ages in my documents lol.
And thank you everyone, who waited patiently!
P.S: I don't remember whne this ask was sent so I'm gonna put this on my "Summer Celebration" post!
Requests are OPEN!
𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇𝑎𝑙𝑏𝑜𝑡𝑡 𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑠...
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We all know Talbott is a silent boy, he prefers to stay away from trouble unlike a certain person that has his interest, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't have an adventurous side of him.
Yet, I still believe that he likes to have some kind of... control? When doing something? Like, yeah, he takes risks.
Just not extreme risks
Or, if you were to introduce him to some muggle vehicles, I think he would love to ride a bike with you and watch as your laugh would be carried to hus ears as the sight of you all happy and glowing would consume him.
Yeah, our boi definetly has a way with words.
Except the point that he made you swear to never talk about the first time he tried it as you showed how to bike, and he fell hard while being busy admiring you in return.
You, of course, accepted it with a giggle but not without crossing your finger because Bill demanded he had to know everything about your date.
He also swoons whenever you beat someone's ass in dueling. There were many times you rocked people's shits, especially Merula's since she always demanded one only to loose, to the point that no one actually stood a chance against you and refused to train.
Proud boyfriend Talbott and proud mama Bill moment 🥺😭
Like really, there isn't something you would do/make that he wouldn't be proud of and supportive
Crochet? Amazing, could you make a hat or a swan plushie? Draw? Excellent! Maybe you could teach me a few things, dove? You want to deceive the first years by playing an innocent game? Well, it's not like him... But he would be down with it anyways, especially after the ultimate "puppy eyes" weapon.
For some reasons, I see his whole vibe with you as Harry Style's "Golden" song 😭😭🥰🥰
It's literally the song that phrases your relationship!
"I know you were way too bright for me/ I'm hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky..."
" Don't wanna let you know I don't wanna be alone/ But I can feel it take a hold, I can feel it take a hold..."
"I can feel you take control, I can feel you take control/ Of who I am, and all I've ever known lovin' you's the antidote..."
Since he didn't have his parents from a young age, and that they were killed right in front of him, Talbott had difficulties with associating himself with people around him.
That doesn't mean he hated them, or didn't want to talk. He did, he really did... He just didn't know how, and was scared that they would be gone too.
Especially early in your "friendship" that he often denied, but secretly liked the taste of the word on his tongue, he pushed and pushed people away, especially you... until only he was left.
But hey, it was a good thing that you were a persistent little shit because not only you were able to befriend him and show the true colors of life, show him that many people cared about him, you also took his heart and soul for yourself... like, for good.
Yeah, Talbott is definetly one of those rare guys who would stay loyal to his partner until the day he died and then even more.
If there was one thing you never expected from him by how he seemed so reserved, it was the fact that he was clingy when alone. Like, eagle boy would do anything to cuddle, hold hands with you, kiss and hug and do anything you ask for.
His hand holding is much more frequent than other forms of PDA. Talbott isn't very keen on them, since he hates attention, but hand holding under the table disecretly happens a lot.
He sits with you during breakfast and dinner, evennif you were in a different house, and your friends tease you for it affectionately.
He especially hold your hand thightly when he feels overwhelmed, or sad because of remembering his mother... to feel grounded, because he often feels like he lives in auto mode where he doesn't actually know what he is doing and doesn't have control.
That's when you step in.
When that happens, and Talbott usually tries to make it all go away through drowning himself in his studies, you would often look for him in thr library. But since he didn't want you to disturb your own peace just to find him, and he also didn't want to be found in a fragile state, he would go for less predictable areas.
He knew it saddened you whenever he refused to talk about his problems, he was aware and it broke his heart too... But he was scared.
You were the best thing that happened to him, even when he thought and still thinks he wasn't worth being loved, even when he thought he wouldn't find any ounce of happiness... Because why would he? He didn't have anyone left from his family at such a young age, his other relatives didn't care much and he was bad at socialising.
He fought and fought, but for what?
But then you came, stubbornly wanting to be his friend... Alongside the huge friend group you brought, and now he had a lot to loose but also a lot he gained.
He didn't understand why someone like you, the hero of Hogwarts, would find anything in him to activelly seek out to be friends with him...
But whatever it was, he was glad. Glad for your stubborn heart, glad because thanks to you, he found a new family.
You healed his aching heart with your sweet smiles, reassuring words and selflessness. Slowly but surely, you settled deep in his heart and after time, he realized he loved you... Immensely.
He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment obviously, but maybe... he always loved you, while watching from afar... While you won Quidditch, solved the mysteries about the Vaults, saved the school one many times... Or how you achieved more than average witch in your age, or how you risked your whole school life just to help him find the necklace of his mother.
Perhaps he realized right then and there that yes, he was in love with you and yes, he was already too deep to get out of that hole that was love.
And he didn't want to, for he was used to darkness when you came with the light of your eyes and heart, and saved him.
He could never be that boy he once was, and he didn't want to. Because now, he had you and a future to hold on to.
You both were the ones who confessed first, under the night sky as you both blushed at the cliche sight but you were content, happy to call this amazing, kind, thoughful and strong boy your lover.
Like I said before, there are a lot of things he wants to do with you: Travel together, have late night dinner dates, go to a beach, have a little cabin at the outskirts of Scotland...
But above all... There is one thing he wants to do with you the most one thing that often has him blushing and unable to sleep.
Grow old with you.
Whenever you try to find him, out of class and studying sessions you both have, he is in the Owlery and all the owl LOVES him! Like really, whenever you two hang out in the school grounds, a flock of them comes and finds him and perches on both of your shoulders happily while picking on your hairs or hiding behind them in a way of playing with you.
He loves jewelries, mostly necklaces and bracelets, so whenever you buy something for yourself, he demands one too.
And he also loves matching with you too, so any necklaces, he's matching with you. It's one of the subtle ways of telling everyone that you/he was taken.
All the teachers and your friends knew you two would be end game, from how in love you both seemed and how Talbott started to smile genuinely after such a long time.
But what sealed it for you both was when he asked you to come to the Owlery, that he had an important thing to say and hive to you.
Imagine your surprise when he looked at you so softly and offered the necklace that had his mother's swan feather, accompanied with the pendants of his initials.
"This necklace used to be the sign of all the things I lost, a reminder of death... But I know my mum would have wanted you to have it, the girl who means so much to me, who I imagine my life to be spent with... I want this to be the sign of our love and my loyalty to you, for you to carry on your neck and hopefully never take it out... If you will have it and me..."
Like I said, he is a one-woman kind of boy and when you start a relationship and things started to get serious and deep, Talbott wouldn't shy away from hinting at marriage and a life together.
Because if this didn't show you the depth of his love, I don't know what would.
Another cute gesture he does with you, especially in like 6th or 7th year, is to wrap his arms around you from behind and put his chin on top of your head after laying a tender kiss there. ( why do boys get so much taller in like a few months when I'm stuck at the same height for the rest of my life 😭)
You two often visit and stay until late in the Owlery. That place had become some kind of a safe space for you both, where you can be with each other in silent, read books or simply feed the owls happily.
You liked reading books by yourself, but when your boyfriend had a raspy voice and was food at imitations of the characters, you didn't have to do anything except laying back on his chest as you buried yourself in his smell as he read to you, thightenung his hold on your frame.
But just as you loved being read to, he actually likes it as well. He is just bad at showing and telling that. But whenever you see him looking at a book, then at you with a pout, you know what he wants.
And who were you to deny him of that when he looked so cute?
Madam Pince, even though she resented you for pranking her and was close to banning you from the library, was now looking at you and your boyfriend softly because one, you finally weren't there to break the rules but rather trully reading and two, you also helped her clean the library with Talbott too.
But none of you needed to know.
Now that I mentioned her, all the teachers have had bets about your love life. Like when one of you will confess, when you will have a kiss, when you will have a date etc.
And quite creepily, Minerva and Flitwick almost all the time knows when and where and wins quite a few galleons.
Snape couldn't care less, because he hated your guts... Or mayyybee he was slightly interested since you gifted him a cake and offered good mornings every day even though he would snap and he started to not hate you but just dislike.
Sprout was just happy to see her two favourite students together, alongside with Minerva, and offered her blessing with an enchanted flower that would never wilt.
But Dumbledore? Oh, he always knew from the start and didn't bother with such childish act... but he had bets going on with others in the ministry soo~ (Don't get me wrong, I still hate him.)
You know when Hermione said that girls could get in boys' dormitory but they couldn't enter girls'?
Yeah, there were many times you did that, at the beginning for cuddles... And later in your last year, for different things *wink wink*
Ehem, another act he loves doing are ( and I need to say, if a man did that to me, I would simply melt) taking your hand in his and putting it on his chest, where his heart is and kissing your forehead and lingering his lips there for a few seconds more.
Just imagine the feels and how hard your heart would beat I-
You giving him flowers actually has a funny story because you thought he wouldn't like them, especially early in your relationship
But you couldn't help but think that daisies would look good on his dark, long hair
So you hastily went to Hogsmeade, came back in a hurry and sent a letter to him through your owl to meet you in the Owlery
It was definetly worth seeing the dark red tint on his skin when tou explained why you wanted to give him them
"I wanted to show you that I care and love you a lot, and flowers are a great way to show it, especially since I enchanted them!.. And by your reaction, I'll do that more in the future!"
And yes, you did so... Even after being married for such a long time, eventually having kid/s and in your 60-70
And he never stopped blushing and returning the gesture just as sweetly, always adding a little blessing and thanks to Merlin for bringing you into his life
This headcanons are already taking so long so I'll stop here before it gets out of control lol
And I'll go and continue crying at the corner because I don't have a Talbott in my life 🥺
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wrenrogue · 2 months
Kuroo sometimes draws a ring around Kenma's finger with permanent marker and jokes that's proof that they're now married.
Kenma always just rolls his eyes, but tries to keep the crudely drawn band and diamond on his ring finger as long as he can. Because what if they were married? They've been dating for years, it's not a farfetched idea to consider, y'know?
So the next time Kuroo lovingly grabs his hand to draw the same cliche ring he always draws, and looks at him with warm eyes and a mischievous grin and goes, "We're married now."
Kenma goes, "Why aren't we?"
Kuroo's not expecting that. Kuroo's expecting Kenma's usual eye roll or exasperated sigh before he manages to get a kiss from him for being ridiculous. It's not like he's never considered marriage, it's honestly all he's wanted, but Kenma's never showed interest, and he's just as happy living in domestic bliss with Kenma anyway. If he had seen the signs, he would've asked, but he never caught them.
And there he was telling Kenma this on their living room couch, because he can't lie to Kenma. This isn't an angst story, why is Kenma suddenly interested in Marriage???
"I don't know, I just thought I wouldn't mind it is all."
"You make marrying me sound like you're choosing what to order for takeout." says Kuroo flatly.
"I mean we're already going to be together forever, aren't we? That's why I never considered marriage until now. Too much paperwork to tell you I love you forever."
Kuroo feels the back of his neck heating up as he tries to hide his giddiness, "You're so romantic, Kenken. I might just marry you for that line alone."
"Shut up" says Kenma, ears growing red.
"Kenma's in looove with meee forever"
"I change my mind, I've made mistakes before"
"You really are a brat. You're lucky you're cute."
"Kuro, will you marry me?"
"I thought you didn't like paperwork."
"I don't, but I like you. So I don't mind it for the right reasons."
"You're gonna make me do all of it, huh?" Kuroo grins as he he takes Kenma into his arms so he can kiss him silly.
"Don't be dumb" Kenma smiles into Kuroo's mouth, "I'll help with all the fees.
"You're such a brat" Kuroo laughs
"But will you marry me?"
Kuroo doesn't respond at first, instead taking Kenma's hand where his crudely drawn ring is. He traces over the lines of it, thinking about how he mostly did it as a joke. He guessed in some small way it was also a bit of hope of what he wanted.
He wonders if Kenma caught on to that too.
"I'll file as much paperwork as I have to, Kenma"
"So yes?"
Kenma grabs his hand, "I need your hand."
"Kenma what are you doing??" Kuroo says, dumbfounded as Kenma takes out a marker.
He's a fast worker, doesn't take as long as Kuroo in making sure the lines are just right. The marker's felt tip tickles against Kuroo's skin when it goes around his finger, but at the end, there is a crudely drawn ring on Kuroo's ring finger too.
Kenma closes the marker before admiring his work and going, "We're engaged now."
Kenma doesn't get a chance to explain he ordered a real ring that will arrive in a few days, because Kuroo has fallen in love with Kenma all over again and needs to kiss him the silliest possible.
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acherontiarchivist · 1 year
Hii! So the reader some how, some way, meets our boy Gabe. And they’re really into men with sexy long hair and yummy voices and the reader is just like mmmmm oooooo ahhhhh
And Gabe is just standing there like 🧍“ Bitch, be so fucking fr.”
Hiiiiii, thanks for the ask! I went with a kinda mixture of Gabriel being totally fucking oblivious and also not believing anyone could see him that way. He comes around, though :) thanks for your patience, Anon, and I hope you enjoy the fic!!!
Warnings: people being mean to Gabriel, reader is also kind of an asshole to Gabe ngl, mentions of masturbation, unsolicited flirtation by the reader, mentions of choking kink
Word count: 2.7k, including a bonus teaser ;)
Closing shifts were always your favorite. Your other coworkers hated them with a passion, and always asked to switch your morning shifts with their nights. At first they would give excuses along the lines of having to attend their kids' baseball games or attending family events, but that quickly fell through when you pointed out that they both couldn't possibly be that busy every closing shift.
"OK, You got me. Honestly, I'm surprised it took you this long to protest. You're definitely braver than us." Del was restocking the freezer with novelty ice cream bars as you sent reminder texts to renters informing them of their upcoming due dates and waited for a customer to ring.
"What do you mean? " you replied, smacking on a thick wad of hubba bubba between pauses, "I'm just saying if you guys don't like closing I'm more than happy to talk to the boss about scheduling me for the late shifts."
"You- you like the closing shift?" He seemed too astonished to multitasking, as he'd almost dropped a box onto the floor.
"Yeah, it's pretty easy, and I'm more of a night owl anyway."
"Wait, so you haven't noticed anyone… unusual coming in on your night shifts?" His hands were now too preoccupied on carrying the conversation than work.
"No? Just the same regulars that rent a porno and grab a few beers. They never make any advances on me, and I don't really give a fuck about their purchases." You continued to pay just as much attention as you had been to your work task.
"No, no, that's not what I mean." He shook his head and pointed to you, earning you a slight glance in acknowledgement.
"Well, what do you mean?" What else could he possibly mean?
He sighed, " Well, there's this… guy?" He gestured vaguely, "Eh, that comes in every now and again. He always wears this big ass trench coat, smells like pennies and has this fucked up face."
You turned your head to the side and sucked a bubble inside your cheek, "That's a bit rude."
"Hey, if you saw the guy, you'd agree. Anyway, I don't like him, and he makes Fernanda uncomfortable. Besides, he never buys anything. Just walks in, stares at this section or that, stands there for minutes at a time, and eventually leaves. And he scares other customers away!"
"Have you ever talked to him? Customer service is part of our job, you know."
"Nahhhhh, fuck that." He turned back to his task at hand.
You rolled your eyes, "It would get him out of the store quickly. And make us some money."
"Well, sounds like you can handle him perfectly well yourself. Don't come crying to us when you're stuck with all the night shifts and eventually run into that guy."
"You're so melodramatic. I doubt it's anywhere near as bad as you make it out. Y'all have probably already ran him off with your shit people skills, given that I haven't ran into this guy the entire two weeks I've been here."
"Oh, shit. I hadn't thought of that." He had stopped a moment to think, then looked at you and shrugged.
"No take-backsies. Night shift's mine."
It was another two weeks before you finally saw him enter the store. You had already taken care of clean up and restocking routines as usual and were left with most of your shift to act busy until it was time for closing. This time was perfect for getting a little bit of drawing done between customers, your boss didn't mind as long as you made a few sales throughout the night. You were so focused on your drawing that you hadn't noticed him enter. He was quiet, the only thing that tipped you off to his presence was the smell of pennies that Del had warned you about. When you looked up, he was standing in front of the miniscule horror selection, his back towards you, head almost entirely obscured by a tall standing collar reminiscent of something one might see a villain clad in a noir or giallo film. It took you just a moment to muster up the courage to approach him.
"Can I help you find something today?"
There was a moment of silence, almost as if he were hesitating, then a nearly unnoticeable nod, careful to obscure his face behind his messy dark strands.
You glanced at the titles before you, considering what might fall into his taste. "If you're on the hunt for a horror recommendation, you've found the right person to help." You ignored the fact that you were the one who approached him. After a moment of careful contemplation, you grabbed two movies, one to your left and one you had to excuse yourself to grab in front of him.
"We don't have a huge selection right now, but these are two classic giallo films I think you might find an interest in," you showed him Deep Red and The Bird With The Crystal Plumage. "Oh! Actually, I have one more recommendation from our thrillers."
He observed the covers of each DVD before flipping them over and reading the back as you perused the adjacent aisle.
"Here it is!" You grabbed the movie and brought it to him. "No Country For Old Men is more of a personal favorite," you said, pointing at the 'Employee Picks' poster by the register, "but I have a feeling you'd like it, too."
He studied the back of that case as well. The opportunity to peek at his face while he was distracted was not wasted. Admittedly, he was an individual that oozed mystique. When he caught you staring you tried to deflect with more customer service as an excuse.
"Um, if you like, we have rental versions. So you can watch them all before you commit to buying any." There was no way he hadn't caught you blushing. "I'll just give you a few minutes to think about it," you said, hiding behind the register once again. He was silent approaching the register with the rental copies of the movies you had shown him and through the completion of the transaction.
"The rentals are due on the 25th, you're all good to go."
He nodded and turned for the door.
"See you in two weeks," you smiled, and he was gone.
The next two weeks were uneventful, just you counting down every day until the 25th of the month. In the meantime, you badgered your boss to expand the selection of horror films and thought of what to show him next time he came through. When the day finally came your coworkers noticed how unusually chipper you were, and you brush it off as it being your weekend after today. The night turned late without any sign of him, and you worried that he returned the videos earlier in the day, or on a night you didn't work. Just as you were losing hope and thinking of closing a few minutes early, a call rang the store phone.
"Hello, thank you for calling Marty's Movies and Munchies. How can I help you tonight?"
The voice on the other line was strained and slow at first, deep and raspy in a way you found incredibly sexy. "Are you closed? I need to return some videos. I'm a bit later than I expected to be."
You lean in to the counter, feeling generous enough (and hopeful that he'll come by) to let the sexy-voiced customer in after close. Not like you had plans, anyway. "Nope, you still have about ten minutes 'till doors close, but since you called ahead I'll give you an additional ten minute grace period. Any later than that and you'll have to bring it in tomorrow and pay a small late fee."
"No need, I'm already here."
Before you could question the caller, the ringing of the bell hung above the door caught your attention. Immediately, you recognized the gangly form of the man your coworkers had not-so-affectionately dubbed The Creeper. Your gaze lingered on him, trying to get another glance at his piercing eyes through the curtain of hair that he made sure masked his face. He must have picked up on it and became self conscious, as he pulled his high collar up and sunk further behind its shadow. Odd enough, but you also noticed that he didn't appear to be holding a cell phone.
Feeling particularly brave, and maybe a bit too confident, you leaned over the counter and smiled at him, "So that's what you sound like, huh?"
His posture noticeably stiffened.
"Or is it a voice modulator? Either way, it's kinda sexy."
"Just…return these, will you?" It was quite cute how he would avert his eyes and take half a step back out of embarrassment. You didn't take him for the shy type.
Though he stumbled over every word, you had forgotten the landlines propped between your head and shoulder and the sudden noise in your ear made you jump back. "Yeah, sure thing."
"And," he hesitated for a moment, "I think I would like to purchase my own videos."
"Ok, DVD or blu-ray?" You already had them picked out and waiting for him under the counter, and held them out for him to choose.
"I… don't know the difference."
"You don't know which you have?"
He looked embarrassed and almost shrank right where he stood, "I watch them on my sister's device."
"Well does she have movies like this," you shook the bigger case in your left hand, "or this?" shaking then the smaller blue case.
"Both?" Incredible. You had no idea how anyone could just not know the difference.
"OK, I'm choosing for you," you said, stuffing a plastic shopping bag with blu-ray copies of each film. "You're getting blu-ray. They're better."
"What if I'm wrong? Will a DVD player work with these movies?"
His questions were honestly the most interesting ones you would get from customers, even if just for the sheer unawareness he had demonstrated in... pretty much everything. "Jesus Christ dude. Have you been living under a rock for the past 25 years or something?"
"Something like that," he answered a bit too readily, "And a bit longer."
You blinked and chose to ignore the statement. He was weird, odd looking, brooding, and now, obviously, a bit socially inept. God, he just became more and more your type, and you were dying to score. "Well," you started, "DVD players are the older video player and therefore not backwards compatible, but blu-ray players can play both. If your sister has both kinds of movies, she most likely has a blu-ray player, but," you wrote your number on a notepad kept at the counter and tore the page off, sliding it into the bag with his purchase, "if you have any questions or run into any problems you can call me. I might just let you come over and use mine." You ended with a wink to give it what you hoped was an extra layer of obvious courtship.
"Why would I use your device? I'll just buy my own." He pulled out a loose debit card from the right pocket of his coat and shoved it in your direction expectantly.
You sighed and took his debit card, ignoring your initial glance at the name– certainly not the name he had given for his customer account– then prepared to slide the card through the reader. "God, you are oblivious," you rolled your eyes. "Ok, your total is–"
"Wait," he quickly interrupted, then hesitated for a fraction of a second, "I want to rent another movie."
Of course! You had forgotten the movie you had previously selected for him. "Anything in mind?"
"I trust your judgment."
Your grin couldn't be wider as you grabbed the last rental copy of Possession from your 'Employee Picks' cubby. "You'll love this one. I feel a particular kinship with Isabelle Adjani's character, Anna. I think you'll like her too." With that, you rang up his total and saw him out the door.
By the time he left it was fifteen minutes past closing and you had to rush to finish up routines. You couldn't wait to brag to your coworkers that you had made a big sale to The Creeper. There wasn't much time to revel in your victory and plan your next move, however, because he had returned the following night. As it turns out, you didn't need to. He practically fell right into your lap.
When he entered, you immediately noticed that he walked with much more confidence than before. Ioday, he wore his coat open, and the standing collar limped to the side, putting his face, though still partially obscured by his gangly hair, almost proudly on display. You were so distracted by his drastic change in demeanor that you almost didn't notice him speaking to you.
"I want my own copy of this movie."
"I'm sorry, but we don't have any more for sale. You can always come in and renew your rental every two weeks, though that limits the number of other movies you can–" 
"Order it for me."
"I can't do that, unfortunately, but–"
"Yes? But what?"
You prop your elbow on the counter and rest your head in your palm, looking up at him from just below, "I have my own copy in my personal collection. You can come by and watch it anytime you like."
"Tonight. I'm coming home with you."
You laughed at how forward he was suddenly being, "Sure. I'm closing up in a few minutes," you tossed him your keys. "Wait for me in the car."
A few minutes later, you locked up the store and entered your car, where he sat nervously waiting for you.
You had waited all day for the unknown call with steadily declining patience. It's not that you were annoyed. You were just excited for your weekly visit. Every week the routine was the same: he comes or calls, spends hours with you holed up in your room and leaves you shivering under your sheets, eagerly awaiting his next arrival.
 Your work day crawled by at an agonizing pace, not helped by the slow business this time of year– and in your particular line of retail. The number of customers that came through the small video store could be counted on one hand, and the number that actually made a purchase even less. As usual, most of your shift was spent doodling in your sketchbook. Lately, they would all be little sketches of him. His hair was your favorite thing to draw; the contrasting textures of his wavy, dry hair and bloody wet tangles looping around one another, the cracked leather coat he always wore, drawing special and precise attention to his bright eyes and the exposed muscles of his face. Your sketchbook was littered with countless finished and unfinished pencil and ink sketches alike. Sometimes, you would add a splash of color, usually red or blue.
He never came into the store anymore. Instead, he would pick from your personal collection and give you money for a copy of his own if he really liked the film. Once or twice, you had tried to set up a cute movie marathon date night, but he would often get...  distracted. It was nice, though. Sneaking him in through your window so your roommates didn't freak out and fucking with the lights out and a movie on in the background made you feel like a teenager again. The butterflies he would churn up in your stomach and the heavy feeling in your chest when you thought of him made you absolutely giddy, though you would have a hard time admitting it if pressed.
It wasn't often he would leave you hanging. If he couldn't make it, he would at least call you and let you know ahead of time. At least then you'd know to set time aside to take care of yourself.
Tonight was one such night. No call, no cancel, no sign of him. By the time you would usually have heard from him, you had had enough of waiting and decided to pleasure yourself. Earphones plugged in with your background noise of choice, lube in hand, toy at the ready, you went to work. As you moved your hands over your body, you imagined they were his. Admittedly, only he could tease you the way you really needed it, from with feather-light touches that tickled your inner thighs, to his hands wrapped around your neck in a vice grip; but tonight, your own would have to do. Just the thought of him touching you like that had you crying out his name. It wasn't until you were nearing your peak that your session was interrupted by an incoming call.
You let the phone ring as you stared at the ID on the screen.
It had to be him. It always was. You let the call linger for a few more seconds before you finally picked up the line– you just had to tease him a little bit. A few seconds of silence greeted your ears and planted a seed of uncertainty. "Hello?"
Nothing to be heard on the other line. You considered hanging up before the familiar feedback pierced the line. He said nothing at first, leaving you shivering in anticipation.
There was a sigh on the other end of the line, or perhaps a dark stifled laugh.
"Starting the show without me, sweetheart? What, no more ten minute grace period for me?"
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oleander-nin · 10 months
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A/N, not important: YO THIS IS IT! I'M DONE! This is my last request from the follower special. I'm so tired. I hope I did Raph justice, he's always difficult for me to write. Also, I've never written a kiss scene like this before, which is probably obvious form how bad it was. Anyways, I'm going to go do homework now. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: Fluff, bad characterization, kissing
Words: 1429
Prompt(s) requested: 7(Running in the rain)
Summary: Raph didn't mean to wait this long, but it's now or never. He really hopes he isn't too late.
Raph sits at the island counter in the kitchen, a warm cup of tea in his hand. His eyes wash over the scene in front of him, taking in the details. The lair was warm and cozy, a stark contrast to the wet, cold surface. He could faintly hear the rain thrumming against the concrete above. It was peaceful, with everyone being holed up in the lair. You were there, sitting with his brothers. Mikey was showing off another one of his drawings, your praise for his art singing high. Raph smiles behind the lip of his mug, happy everyone was getting along so well.
They all knew you were leaving soon. Off to college as most kids your age were. Raph puts his mug down and stares into the golden liquid, a small frown on your face. He never did conjure up the courage to tell you how he felt and now he was certain he never could. How could he, after you told them all you were leaving for college. 30 minutes from now, you would be on a bus heading to the airport so you could make it to college.
The large snapper chewed on the inside of his cheek. He couldn’t help but feel bitter about it, even if it was technically his own fault. Maybe if he told you earlier, or even told you at all, you might’ve stayed. Or, you might've at least picked a college closer to home. But now it was too late, and the person he loved was leaving. Would you still visit? Would you still call? Raph hoped so. He really really hoped so.
Leo walks into the kitchen, waving at his older brother. At Leo’s approach, Raph scoots over slightly to make room for the younger turtle. Leo sits next to Raph, resting his elbows on the counter and his chin in his palms. 
“You haven’t told them.”
Raph avoids his brother's gaze, sipping on his tea as a distraction. The liquid inside was quickly depleting from the amount of times Raph had done this. He really needed a refill. Or a better excuse. He couldn’t stomach seeing you before you left, possibly forever. “Raph knows.”
“You should probably do it soon, you’re running out of time.” Leo says, looking past the doorway and into the living room where everyone else was situated. Even Donnie had been hanging out with you all day, despite claiming he was too busy.
Raph only sighs at his brother’s words. Leo was right, he knew he was. You were leaving, and here he was, avoiding you. This was the worst way to do it. His voice sounds defeated as he speaks in his low tone. “Raph knows.”
Leo watches as Raph swirls the rest of his tea in its cup before drinking it in one final gulp. Raph gets off the chair he was sitting in and sets the mug carefully in the sink, grabbing the dish soap and washing it out. Leo says nothing, and neither does Raph. It was a heavy silence, much thicker than the airy tone of the room just next door. Raph could hear your voice sounding loud and clear as you swapped stories with his youngest brothers.
He puts the now clean mug on the dish rack as you wrap up a story about something one of your coworkers did, April’s loud laughter echoing around. Raph could sense Leo’s stare, his scales itching at the feeling. He knew he was being a coward, and wasn’t acting like a hero at all. How could he fight bad guys if he couldn’t even tell you about his stupid crush?
Raph doesn’t know how long he stood there, staring into the sink as he contemplated what to do. Telling you wouldn’t help anything, you were still leaving. But, it might just make the visits back home just that more sweet. Raph exhales slowly. He would tell you.
When Raph turns around, he is hit by the stark realization Leo was gone. Raph listens for a moment, expecting to hear your voice sounding loud through the lair, but all is silent. A pit forms in the snapper's stomach as he carefully walks forward, peeking his head through the doorway. You were gone. Raph looks back and forth between the lair. His brothers were still there, as were the Casey’s, April, and his dad, but you were nowhere to be found. Raph felt sick.
“Where’s (Y/n)?” He asks, already knowing the answer. You had left. The faces of Mikey and Casey Jr. confirm this, both looking uncomfortable. Donnie glances up from his phone at the eldest brother, nodding his head towards the door.
“Oh they just left. If you hurry, you might be able to catch them.”
Raph nods, thankful for his brother's advice as he takes off with nothing more than a hushed goodbye. He couldn’t let you leave, not without saying goodbye. He couldn’t understand why you didn’t in the first place. Raph pushes the growing thought out of his head. In reality, you probably tried, but ended up getting ignored by him in his half lucid state.
Raph lifted open the manhole cover that led to the surface, runoff water pouring onto his face. He shakes it off with a grimace, climbing out of the sewers and standing in the vacant alleway. The downpour quickly drenches Raph despite having only been outside for mere moments. The water doesn’t stop him however, as he quickly starts to make his way to the bus stop, and by association, you.
He would tell you how it feels even if it killed him. He had to.
Raph quickly makes his way to the rooftops, running and jumping despite the slick surfaces from the rain. Was it dangerous? Yes. Did Raph care in the slightest? No. His goal was to get to you before you left, and he planned to complete it. 
The bus stop comes into view and Raph skids to a halt a couple rooftops away. Water was running down his face and into his eyes, making it hard to see. The cold water makes him shiver as he scans the ground for your figure. He couldn’t lose you, not yet.
His body almost crumples in relief when he sees you approaching, your raincoat, boots and umbrella making you easy to spot. Raph jumps down into the closet alley to the bus stop, waiting patiently for you to walk by. He didn’t want to scare you, but he couldn’t risk being seen.
Once he notices you’re about to walk in front of the alley opening, he calls out your name. Your head turns, and your eyes meet. Raph smiles warmly at you, gently taking you by the hand and pulling you into the shadows of the alley. Your bus arrived in nearly seven minutes, so he had to make this fast. Short, sweet, and to the point.
“Can Raph kiss you?” Raph panics slightly at the words that tumble out of his mouth without permission. That was too short. Raph stumbles over his words a bit at your confused face, trying to explain himself. “Raph- I love you. I’ve loved you for such a long time, and I can’t let you go. Not like this. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
Your hands cupping his face was not what Raph expected, nor the smug smile. You pull him in for a kiss, your lips meeting his in a gentle succession. Raph’s knees nearly buckle before he steadies himself once more. The snapper’s heart swelled in his chest, and he had to keep himself from pulling you back when you separated.
“Wait for me.” You whisper against his lips, the bus that would start your journey beginning to pull to a stop. Raph thought it was a silly request, he would wait a lifetime if it meant he got to see you again. Raph kisses you again as an answer, his large hands hovering just above your sides. He was terrified he might never let go if he held you now. You pull back from him, your eyes shining with fresh tears to match the falling rain. You give Raph a final wave before heading to the bus, disappearing around the corner to load on. Raph watches your fleeting form, frozen for just a moment. He quickly makes his way onto the roof, watching as the bus drives off, taking you with it. Raph wanted you back already, the pang in his heart growing stronger every inch the bus gained.
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skylinx2o · 2 months
Admittedly, I've been feeling terrible lately. I didn't even finish my weekly drawing and broke my now months long streak. I thought I would be able to do it, but my emotions weighted me down too much. I might go back to drawing one art every two weeks.
Anyway, I feel like I should do more fun things. I mean, drawing is fun, and I love creating stories for my OCs, but I do have a lot of other interests. And tho I'm sticking to talking about LEGO today, I want to talk more and get out of my shell. And maybe give you more insight into me as a person.
So today I'm going to talk about my favourite LEGO themes and why I love the series, plus how I personally got i to all of them. It's not a normal review whatsoever, just an excuse to ramble about my interests freely. Just remember this is my experience and my feelings.
(And it's not at all like I'm making this post because I need all of this to prepare for a speaking class and the only way to motivate myself is by making a post about it o _o Come on, I'm killing two birds with one stone here!)
Okay, so, my all-time favourite themes are (in chronological order to when I found them):
1. Bionicle
Honourable mention: Hero Factory
2. Ninjago
3. Legends of Chima
4. Monkie Kid
5. Dreamzzz
1. So. Bionicle. I have a weird history with Bionicle. My dad's friends used to get movies for us, and one day it just happened that my dad's friends gave us a pen drive with Bionicle: Legend Reborn on it. I think I would be around... Seven or eight when I watched it I've seen fans say that it was a pretty weak film, but I didn't know Bionicle back then, and I really enjoyed it! That movie was a soft reboot of the series, and as someone who started their Bionicle obsession with that movie, in my opinion it worked really well as a standalone supposed to capture new audiences. I really loved the sense of mystery that was probably lost on new fans. It wasn't exactly explained what or who Mata Nui was, besides him being a warrior who lost his people. And the ending... I really thought there would be a sequel to it, and was really intrigued by whom the great beings were, and what happened to the world, why Mata Nui knew them, what the giant ahh robots were supposed to do.
Of course, when a few years later in middle school I looked for the sequel, I didn't find it. And to be honest, the ending was disappointing to me. However, there was a whole other storyline in Bionicle to catch up on! And so one faithful summer was spent reading all the comics I could find, reading wiki pages one after another, playing Mata Nui online game obsessively, refusing to use a walkthrough. Believe me when I say I was obsessed!
And then out of nowhere in 2015 g2 came out, and I was stoked since I missed out on practically the whole g1 as it was being made. (I mean, it's understandable, I was born the same year the first Bionicle movie came out.) I mean, can you blame me for being excited? A dead franchise that I just started becoming a devoted fan of is suddenly revived from the grave. I felt like the luckiest person on earth that day. Honestly, g2 was a lot simpler than g1, but I really like it, even if most people said it sucked. Sure, it wasn't exactly like g1, and even I cringed a few times when watching the g2 show, but for what it was, it was cool in my eyes, and loved finding all the g1 references. And there were quite a few of them! The story of g2 was simpler, but for little kids I think it would've been fine. But alas, LEGO did a crap job promoting it, and it died early, with an ending that was so bad even I can't defend it. It just didn't make sense, and it was rushed as hell. But I still wished it would've continued.
I love both generations for different things, and I'm sad I didn't get any g2 sets when they were out (Lewa was my favourite one). But years later I managed to get a promotional anniversary set of Tahu and Takua, and you wouldn't believe my happiness when I was building it. It's strange being a relatively new fan compared to others I see online, but I still remember seeing Bionicle commercials, and even have a very vague memory of seeing a Phantoka commercial on our ancient TV. I mean come on, I was so into it, I even learned the Matoran alphabet! My mom had to listen to my countless rambling, and if I ask her about Bionicle today, she still remembers some answers, that's how much into it I was. Hell, this blog started as a Bionicle blog before I moved fully to Monkie Kid content.
Okay, this Bionicle ramble is getting a tad long, so I'll wrap this up. Would I recommend Bionicle to anyone? Well... Not really, unless you like long lore researching adventures. The story is so convoluted, with many sides stories, and it went on for so many years, that despite my obsession I still probably missed like, 40% of the lore. G1 at least, wouldn't vibe with casual audience probably. G2 might be easier on the brain, despite it having some deeper lore too. Plus, there's the cultural appropriation issue, that I'm not qualified to talk about, but others already made pages long blogs and articles about. Plus the weird gender situation. But, it's still a good story in my eyes, despite its many faults. But that's just me, and if you didn't catch on yet, I'm already deep in this hole and there's no getting out of here now.
Honourable mention: This brings us to Hero Factory. I watched the first few episodes at around the same time as the first Bionicle movie. Came from the same source as before. I think it deserves a mention, because I still loved it, and did some lore digging, but I wasn't as obsessed with it as the other positions on the list. I didn't like the later stuff as much, tho some concepts were really cool too. But the story of the first episodes was really well done, and worked great as a movie. The fights were tense, and when watching it for the first time, I couldn't really know if the characters would be okay. Honestly, it got me really excited and invested. A factory of heroes is a unique concept, and I always found it intriguing how they made the robot society work. But, I don't think it needed more time than it needed, unlike Bionicle, where I didn't like the ending of either generation. I think it wrapped things up quite well with the first episodes, and the later ones just feel like cool side stories, and it works in my opinion.
This one I would definitely recommend, because I feel like it's underrated, and it's not long. Like I said, the version I got was just a one movie like compilation. I checked and there's just 11 episodes. It would probably take 1–2 hours to watch it, not counting the later movies and all.
2. Next one is Ninjago! I started watching it almost from the start. I must have been around ten or so... The episodes aired on TV, so I had easy access to it! I almost never missed an episode, and watched even the reruns. And believe me, I was hypnotised when watching it. Tho, starting from rebooted I watched the episodes online, first in my native language, then in English since I started getting too impatient to wait. This was my first obsession. For the longest time, when people asked me what I wanted to do, I said I wanted to be a ninja. One of my oldest OCs is Mika, and she grew up with me. Whenever a new season was to come, I would design a new suit for her. I have a whole dedicated blog to her, I wonder if you all can find it lol. Anyway, for a kid's show, the first seasons were really well written, and the show could be dark when it wanted, but it didn't lack jokes, and most were very funny. And honestly, Ninjago had a really big impact on my life. It taught me not to give up, and it made me want to make the world a better place. Grade school was a horrible time for me, and Ninjago was like my escape. Tho, I might have daydreamed about it too much at one point...
I started distancing myself from Ninjago around hands of time. I didn't watch the show as regularly, catching up on seasons long after they aired. I think that's also where the writing quality started dropping… I just didn't like it as much any more. But it should've been expected with a series that went on for so long. I'm not one of the people who think old Ninjago was better than anything. It wasn't perfect at all. But I didn't like the short format of newer seasons. But then secrets of forbidden spinjitzu dropped, and i as a person started getting better too, so I went back to Ninjago, and while it wasn't still the best and people had a lot of issues I loved those few next seasons. I mean, they somehow hit right into my interests with those seasons. First the adventure movies like atmosphere with the Egyptian like tomb, then they get sucked into a video game, then the very DnD like feeling Shintaro. It was right up my alley. My love for Ninjago was back in full force by then. So you can imagine how sad I was when the word that Ninjago was ending started going around. The series has been with me for half my life. My friends even knew how much I liked it, my best IRL friend even bought me a Ninjago set for Christmas one time. But you know, I thought it was probably Ninjago's time. Nothing can last forever after all, and it had a very good run. Why not end it when the story was still quite alright? And then… Crystallized happened. I didn't watch Crystallized. I heard the spoilers, and I wasn't… thrilled. Especially with Harumi. And people hated that season. It left a bitter taste in my mouth. It didn't feel like a send-off Ninjago deserved.
So you can imagine how damn happy I was about Dragon Rising! And surprise, it's the best Ninjago has been in a while! I absolutely loved the first season. The new characters are wonderful, and that change was certainly what Ninjago needed. And the fact that it's merged with one of other of my beloved LEGO series only makes it better. And that's probably my cue to move to it hehe
So, would I recommend Ninjago? Yeah. Its story is easy to follow, you just need to watch the show. If you're ready to watch sixteen+ seasons that it! Even the worse seasons have some value to them I'd argue. But I may be biased with how close to my heart that series is.
3. Yeah boy, Legends of Chima! I started watching Chima around the same time I started watching Ninjago, and I was equally hooked. And yes, my mom remembers this one as well, I watched it every time it was on too. Actually, I think the first fanfiction I've ever written was about Chima. With a pencil on paper. I think that, while the other series captivated me because of magic or the setting or the action, in Chima it was the characters and their dynamics mostly, despite there being plenty of magic powers and action too, plus a unique setting. The main characters all have distinct personalities, and it's fun to see how their personalities clash or work together. I think it's cool because the conflict between lions and crocodiles takes the main stage in the first season. Later seasons are great too, and they shake things up to make things interesting quite well. The lore isn't as broad as in other series, but it's pretty cool and interesting either way. There were some unique concepts there. I can't explain my love for this theme as well as with other series, because I don't think there was anything big that made me like it. It's just a cool show. I think what there was has been satisfying, tho young me was really sad and angry it ended anyway. But it's great for what it was. But I can't say I'm not happy that Chima is now merged with Ninjago, and it works so well together, and I absolutely love Lord Ras.
I would absolutely recommend it. It's a fun show, and only three seasons long. It can be both fun and serious, and I definitely had a blast watching it.
4. Now one of my newer obsessions! Monkie Kid! I watched the pilot in Chinese when it came out, then I promptly forgot about the series and binge-watched it all when season 3 came out. I was reading about Journey to the West long before the series was announced, since I have a liking for old stories and legends and myths and stuff. And Asian cultures fascinate me. I blame Ninjago with its Japanese influence and all the martial arts movies that were on the TV all the time. Plus Mulan and Kung Fu Panda. Anyway, I can't say much about how accurate it is or anything since I'm not Chinese, but I think the show is great. I noticed a lot of references to Journey To The West. No shocker here, it's inspired by it. But being in this fandom made me learn a lot of new things about China, tho I still have a bunch of things to learn. I'm no expert yet. Tho, I try my best to be respectful.
Umm... Like I said, not much to say about how accurate the story is. But I really liked Journey to the West, so naturally I like Monkie Kid too. Plus, MK i really relatable to me. I feel like my personality is really similar to his, tho I'm more introverted. For some reason, I relate to this portrayal of Macaque and Wukong as well.
I dare to say that from all the series so far, I find this one to be the most well written. I just find the writing to be the most impactful. Plus, the artstyle is very different from other LEGO shows. Action scenes are really fun. The artstyle definitely works in its favour. And yeah, I would recommend this show 100%.
5. And finally, the newest addition to the LEGO series, Dreamzzz! The show is really new and just starting, but I love the concept and the writing! Plus again, I really relate to Mateo. The characters feel like real people you would meet, and how they interact feels realistic. And I found myself liking even the characters that annoyed me, because their personalities were the realistic type of annoying, one that you might find out in the wild. And the concept of a dream world just really speaks to me. And it gives the creators a lot of creative freedom. All wacky things can happen in a dream after all. One thing I didn't expect in the show was the secret agency, and I think it's a clever addition to the story.
I would recommend this series. I hope it'll have a bright future, and that the writing will stay this good.
Well, time to wrap all of this up. Whoever suffered through this whole ramble deserves a juice and a cookie 🍪🧃 For a few finishing thoughts... I noticed a lot of the series I like blend magic powers and technology together. I just thought it's interesting. And I wanted to mention that the songs for Bionicle, Ninjago and Chima absolutely slap. I used to listen to them on repeat all the time lol Even my mom really enjoyed those songs
Yeah, I don't know what this post was for, I just felt like writing all that :v
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