#anyway to the post: kerry would probably have a reply to that but i will leave that up to you
totentnz · 1 year
still got kerry on the brain he just brings me comfort in a way johnny cannot
[text message]
k: my tv is broken can you fix it
v: ??? im not tech support
10 minutes later v shows up at kerrys place and fixes his tv for him, it wasnt really broken just some messed up settings
"next time just ask me to hang out. i almost didnt show" kerry puts the can of soda on the table infront of her - her favourite brand and flavour, he ordered a whole box of it. v smiles and cracks it open to nearly empty it in one swig.
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mrssimply · 3 years
Hello! For prompts can we get Kerry + V with prompt number 87. "Are you hurt?"
Hello Anon, thank you for prompting me :D :D :D
And sorry for the waiting! But here it is. It took me a bit of time to think of the scenario, and I had a lot of possibilites, from the silliest to the angstiest. I think we're somewhere in the middle with that one.
Here V has the Street Kid backstory. I have actually very mixed feelings about that lifepath, because to me "street kids" really screams "child prostitution", because it's actually what mostly happens when children really lives off the streets, community or not. And looking at Night-City, well, can't really imagine it would go any other way. BUT, if this theme is mentionned as part of V's past, we're here with a V that has made a name for himself, has dealt with that issue and is now stronger than ever, as you'll soon discover.
so, TW: mention of child prostitution and rape.
Sometimes when I post these prompts I'm like "but WTF happened, how did I end up here"? But you know, stories will take us where they need to go.
Here is the link with the masterpost referencing all the fills I've done. Please take not that I'm not currently taking any new prompts. Need to work through the seven still waiting in my asks ahah.
Des rats et des hommes
Of rats and men
Kerry had been instructed to stay here and not talk to anyone except Pepe, or Mama Welles. They were at the Coyote Cojo to pick up a shard from Padre about a gig. V hadn’t been keen on dragging Kerry there, even in his “undercover” outfit, but they had been in town for errands, so it had just been too convenient. Plus Kerry had been curious, and maybe a bit nostalgic. Being with V reminded him of his debuts in a lot of way…
Kerry had never been there, but he had met Mama Welles in her home just next door. They had had lunch with her and Misty last week. It had been homemade, absolutely delicious and Kerry might have cried a little because of the flash-backs of his mother’s cooking it provoked.
As he waited for V to come back from the upper floor, Kerry observed his surroundings with a small smile. The club was full of bright colors, smoke and manly perfumes, and booming laughter. It was packed, groups mingling and brushing as they moved from the pool tables to the bar. Kerry sipped on his own beer, eyes roaming behind his dark glasses. That’s when he heard them. Two men, chuckling meanly next table.
“You seen him?” One said, “thinks he’s all mighty, but I remember when he used to suck cock for a fix behind the dumpster.”
“Prettiest mouth ever. But a biter, I remember.” Replied the other one. He had a big dark mustache, and his cheeks were red from alcohol and glistening with sweat. Probably some regulars.
“Yeah, didn’t like getting choked on cock, the pussy.”
“And now, look at him,” the second one said, pointing up in the vague direction of were Padre and V were talking upstairs. Leaned over the guardrail, the two men were in deep conversation, with frowns on both their faces. The gig sounded serious.
“Thinks because he now is Padre’s favorite, we forgot about what a fucking whore he was?” the same man continued, slurring a bit. “Tell you what, ‘m gonna catch him when he comes back and just fucking take him.”
Next to him, the first man laughed out loud. “Are you serious? Man, whatever cocksucker he was, you heard what they say on the streets. He’s a merc now, and a good one!”
The second man grunted and drank deeply from his beer. It only occurred to Kerry now that they were speaking about V. He hadn’t connected the dots, so removed their description of his output was from his personal knowledge of the man. He knew V had a past as a street kid, and he was not naive. Kerry himself had lived on the streets, crashing in squats, and even dropping on his knees for his next line of synthcoke, so he didn’t care really. What bothered him was the way they were speaking of V now.
“Whatever,” mustache-guy continued, “can still remember that pretty face, the one he had when you fucked him while he was high, y’know?”
Kerry sat rigidly next to them, barely breathing.
“Oh yeah!” the first one concurred, “Oh! Remember how he cried that time when Armando and Felix took him both at the same time? Kept begging for them to stop with that pretty mouth. Kid had such pretty eyes, too, now he’s got them all changed, but I bet he still cries when he takes it in the a –“
But the man never ended his sentence, because Kerry punched him right in the face. The guy fell into his partner, knocking him off his stool too. They tried to hold on the table as they fell, and instead took it with them. Their drinks spilled, and the table hit the floor with a loud clang.
Then, there was silence as the two gonks found themselves on the floor, Kerry panting over him, fist still clenched. They clambered up to their feet, mean looks shinning in their eyes.
“The fuck?!” The second one, with the big mustache, said. His companion, the one Kerry had actually punched, was straightening too, a hand over his cheek. Kerry noticed with satisfaction that his nose was bleeding. Good.
But before they could make a move on Kerry as the crowd still watched with baited breath, V was here between the musician and the two shitbags. Kerry couldn’t help but snort internally when they faltered at seeing the merc, suddenly rigidly nervous. So they could talk about him sucking dicks all they wanted, but they knew how dangerous he really was now.
V seemed to identify them, and his stance relaxed slightly, taking on a mocking attitude.
“Hey,” he said with a mean smile. They scowled and crossed their arms. Kerry could tell they were in a tight spot, with everyone watching them. They didn’t want to pass for cowards, but at the same time they certainly didn’t want to openly confront V.
“Long time, no see,” the merc continued like this was a civil conversation.
“You know this asshole, V?” the one with the mustache asked, in an attempt to divert the attention.
“Yeah, one of my friends.” But the way he said the words implied that Kerry was much more than that. “So, wanna tell me what you did to make him punch you?”
The other one, wiping his nose on his sleeve glanced at Kerry and blanched, only now connecting the dots.
“Nothing. We were just having a drink. And talking.” He added, placating.
“What about?” V asked, and his tone was so light and open, anyone could have fallen for it. But from his vantage point, Kerry could clearly see the way his mouth twitched sadistically and his eyes flashed blue in warning.
The two gonks exchanged a look before their gazes fell on the floor, like meek puppies.
“Talking about the past, reminiscing.” The one with the broken nose tried.
“Good old days, huh, you mean when you liked to watch underage kids get raped by your friends, right? When you liked having you cocks sucked by children in exchange for your shitty cut synthcoke? The very same coke that killed Mel’s boys and Franck’s daughter?”
They blanched, looking wildly around them. The atmosphere in the club changed, shifted to something darker and dangerous. And then Padre walked forward.
“Gentleman, God would not approve of such violence in a place of joy like this. Let’s talk about it in my office.”
And the two assholes tensed, expressions taking on a frightened look. Because everyone knew about Padre’s office. They chanced a look at the door, probably planning for an attempt at running away, but V shifted.
“Wrong day to have a drink here, fellas.” He casually declared, voice falsely warm. “Now, march.” He added, indicating the door where Padre was now waiting for them, framed by three big burly guys.
And the crowd moved in, forcing them to move, or face public lynching. Struck between fire and storm, they chose fire and followed Padre out of the club, faces white and anxious.
The moment they were out, people turned back to their drinks and friends, and the habitual noise of the Coyote gradually returned. V turned to Kerry, and the musician experienced something of a whiplash at seeing V’s face. A second ago, he had looked on the verge of cold, methodical murder by dismembering, and now his eyes were wide, brows pinched in worry and mouth slightly open as he took Kerry’s hand in his.
“Are you hurt?” he asked, thumb tracing the knuckles. And Kerry grunted softly. Actually, now that the adrenaline was wearing off, it was throbbing and painful. Still reeling from the conversation he had overheard, and from V’s declarations afterward, it took him a second to answer.
“Ker?” V asked softly, getting closer and putting his other hand over the musician’s cheek. “you ok?”
No, Kerry was not ok. But he didn’t want to lose his shit here, so he valiantly put a smile on his face and chuckled.
“Looks like I can’t remember how to throw a correct punch anymore.”
V’s eyes continued to look at him with concern, thumb still brushing Kerry’s skin.
“Let’s get out of here.” He said and Kerry could only approve. They made their exit discreetly, and stayed silent until they were back in V’s car.
Kerry was holding his wrist now, gently massaging it. Fuck, he might really have hurt himself. He saw V glance at him for the corner of his eyes, biting his lower lip in that nervous habit he had.
“Wanna talk about it?” the merc gently asked, always respectful of Kerry’s needs. And the musician felt his heart clench at that. How could someone like V exist? Life had delt him so much shitty cards, and he had still come on top, being the best person Kerry had ever known. It made Kerry want to cry.
His first reflex was to say no, but the words burned his lips before he could stop them.
“They were talking about you.”
V’s hands tightenned on the wheel, but he didn’t say anything else. And now that he had started, Kerry didn’t seem to be able to stop.
“Talking about how you…” he stopped, inhaled deeply to calm himself and school his voice into neutrality. He failed spectacularly at both. “Spoke about how they loved to see your face when you sucked them off for a fix, how they particularly liked to fuck you when you were high and how… HOW THEY FUCKING WATCHED YOU GET RAPED!” he exploded, hands going to his hair, gripping the white strands harshly.
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t do that,” V replied, hands going to Kerry’s, forcing him to release his own hair and stop harming himself.
“The fuck, V? I just told you I know you’ve been raped and you’re…” he started chuckling hysterically, “you’re still taking care of me…” he finished lamely, hands falling on his lap as he tried to calm himself.
V cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. He took the road back to North-oak, slowing down at a red light before he spoke again.
“I thought you… Knew. I mean, I told you about how it was, living off the streets. I thought you had figured it out.”
“I did,” Kerry replied quietly, “well, I’m not fucking naive, I’ve been there too. But there is a difference between knowing and hearing two gonks casually talking about it. Enjoying it. Getting hot over it.” He concluded in a dark voice.
They stayed in silence until they reached the mansion, and V stopped the car.
“Padre took care of it.” V revealed. “Kids whoring themselves for money or a fix is one thing. Can’t really do anything ‘bout it, really. But this was something else.”
“They said they watched you cry as you begged for their friends to stop,” Kerry repeated, voice trembling with rage and pain.
V glanced down, wiping his palms over his jeans. He shrugged.
“Don’t remember it clearly, actually. Good side of the drugs, I suppose?”
And Kerry gave him such a look of absolute outrage that V couldn’t help but smile sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head nervously.
“V,” Kerry started, forcing his voice to be calm and this time achieving it. He knew he had to make some things clear before he let V out of the car. “You don’t have to protect me, to try and making it less… Horrific. I don’t care ok, I don’t care if it started because you needed your next fix, fact is… You asked them to stop, they didn’t. They hurt you. I’m mad at them for hurting you V. I just… This is not about me, ok, it’s about you.”
“Us,” V interrupted, “it’s about us, Ker. It’s about how this is affecting our relationship, if – “
Kerry cut him off by taking his head between his hands and kissing him gently.
“I’m not disgusted or anything ok, it doesn’t change how I see you. I’m just shocked because of how they were getting off on it, that’s all. That’s all, V.” he repeated firmly. And he knew he had been right because V’s shoulder relaxed fractionally.
Kerry let his forehead rest against V, breathing the same air, stroking his nape. Between them, V spoke quietly.
“Padre got them, and had them killed after me and other kids finally talked about it. He was enraged. Never seen him like this. I don’t expect these gonks to survive the night. Don’t know why they thought it smart to come back here. They ran off the first time.” He snorted and Kerry closed his eyes, but let a small smile paint itself on his lips. “They were just rats, you know. I actually never touched their dicks, but I know they wished for it. But they were gonk-ass dealers, not even really part of the gang. Their job was to bring fresh meat to their bosses, they didn’t get to enjoy it themselves.” V finished.
“Doesn’t matter, V. You could have sucked-off half of Night-City for a fix, I would still love you the same. Look at what you’ve become? Seen their faces when suddenly you were standing in front of them? I though they might crap themselves!”
And V’s eyes flashed dangerously, but there was no denying the hint of pride in his irises. He actually laughed a bit.
“And you punched them. My knight in shinning armor!”
And he took Kerry into his arms, burying his face in his neck, breath ticking the rocker’s cyberware. Said man returned the embrace, embracing him tightly.
“I love you. Always will.”
V said nothing, but he let out a loud sigh and Kerry knew he had said the right things. They disentangled and V took his output’s hand in his again.
“Think you might have sprained it… Let’s go take care of it.”
“Well, it was worth it.”
Note: the tittle is, of course, a reference to the Of Mice and Men's book by Steinbeck, though it really has nothing to do with it. Just love the tittle structure ^^'.
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formeandmyfics · 4 years
More Than You Know (Part I)
warning: sex, language, minor drug use
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(PHOTO EDIT @ohmygarlands​)
August 1951
Judy stormed out of the master bedroom slamming the door shut behind her. "For heaven's sake," she hissed as she head down the stairs and rounded the corner heading towards the back of the house.
Gene opened the bedroom door looking pissed and shouted from the banister, "Am I going or what?!" When there was silence he shouted her name, "JUDY?!" His response back was an echo of the kitchen patio doors slamming shut.
"Acting like a brat," he mumbled heading back into the bedroom, "like a little fucking baby."
Out in the backyard, Judy was packing a carton of cigarettes against her palm when Gene opened the balcony doors to their bedroom on the 2nd floor and looked down at her. When she looked up at him, he held his arms out wide as if saying 'Uh, hello.' Judy placed a cigarette between her lips and mocked him, just the same.
He pointed at her about to yell but quickly stopped himself. He exhaled roughly through his nose and ran a hand through his hair keeping calm before turning back to her. "I'm meeting up with the guys," he said as more of a statement this time, instead of asking her again.
"I told you, I don't give a shit," she said, the cigarette dangling from her lips as she searched her pockets for a lighter.
"Fine then. Here," he said and threw his expensive lighter down at her. It was a silver-plated, flip-lighter monogrammed with his initials on it that Judy had gotten him as a gift during their wrap party for The Pirate.
Judy barely had enough time to react as she caught it, a bit startled at the force of it. When he slammed their balcony doors shut behind him, Judy lit her cigarette and threw the lighter behind her, landing in the bushes.
"Harry and Jo having a brawl?"
Judy exhaled her smoke as new neighbor, and girlfriend, Lauren Bacall walked into the backyard from their connecting fence gate.
"Yeah," she replied and sat on the edge of the trampoline that Gene had built for Kerry and Liza.
"Can I bum a smoke," the blonde asked scooting onto the trampoline next to her.
"Sure. But if you need a lighter, better go find a flashlight. I threw my lighter somewhere back there."
"I saw," Lauren giggled and took a smoke then took out her own lighter. "What are you two fighting about?"
"What aren't we fighting about, Betty."
"Why," Lauren asked surprised, "You two are finally free to be together, you just got this house, Gene's on the top of the Box Office at work, you're on top the world with your new concert career...you shouldn't be fighting. You should be swinging from the god-damn chandeliers."
Judy laughed, "We've been swinging from the chandeliers together for years. We've done that bit."
"Darling, just because you're playing house now doesn't mean it has to stop."
"I know, and it won't stop, but right now we're just so damn irritated with one another. It's been like that since we got back to LA."
"It's probably just stress. You've been traveling around Europe with your concerts, Gene's been flying back and forth while doing post-production for his film. You're both just having a burn-out. And instead of relaxing together you're both lashing out."
Judy nodded agreeing, "You're probably right."
"When do you go to New York to start planning for your Palace show?"
"I’ve been planning it here. We start rehearsals next month. October 1st I’ll be in New York to start rehearsing on the stage.”
“How long will you be in New York, about 6 weeks?”
“Yes, unless they extend the show. We’ll see what happens.”
“Where are you going to stay?”
“I think I’ll just be at the Ritz while rehearsing and then probably sub-let an apartment in Kay’s apartment building for the rest of the stay.”
"Is Gene going to be traveling back and forth?” Judy nodded, “Then I suggest you two put the bullshit aside and act like rabbits before you're separated again."
Judy laughed and shook her head, "We don't have to put the bullshit aside to do that. Sometimes it makes it even better."
"Oooo," Lauren said seductively.
"Unfortunately, we're both stubborn as hell, I admit that, so we don't just sweep it under the rug easily."
"Well, you better before this weekend."
"Why, what's this weekend?"
"Lawford and I were chatting and he said that he's going to invite some of us to his lake house in Palm Springs. Kind of an, end-of-summer mini vacation."
"Kids or no kids?"
"No kids. Adults only. My husband can't go, but it'll probably be us and Frank and Richie and Junie."
"Frank and..," Judy mentioned with a cautious tone.
Lauren immediately shook her head, "I don't think so. She's shooting a film as we speak. Will you go, it's not too long of a drive. It'll be fun."
"I'd love to just lay on his boat out there on the lake, but I can't promise anything yet. I'll have to talk to Gene about it."
"Make him say yes. You know, with much persuasion."
"With the way his attitude's been, I'm not doing any 'persuading'. He don't deserve it."
"Maybe that's why his attitude is so bad. He ain't gettin' any," Lauren teased and hopped off the trampoline, "See ya later, doll."
"Goodnight, darling."
It was going on 10:30 in the morning when the door to the guest bedroom opened. Gene had his arm bent over his face covering his eyes from the bright sunshine but he looked over at the doorway when he heard the door open. Judy, in a terry robe, sighed and gave him an all-knowing look.
“Wipe that smile off your face, soldier,” he said mimicking a drill soldier.
She walked over to him, “What time did you get in?”
“A little after 2. Didn’t want to wake you.”
He was a little surprised when she got onto the bed next to him and immediately laid her head on his chest. “Does this mean we’ve made up,” he teased swooping an arm around her.
“No, but I still love you.”
“I love you, too,” he replied kissing the top of her hair, “Are you still mad at me?”
“I’m not mad, but I’m not happy.”
“When why are you being so cuddly?” He quickly broke out in a smile, “Morning sex?”
He moved to roll her over but she placed her hands on his chest and sat up, “No, don’t even think about it.”
“Then what,” he said getting a little irritated again.
“Nothing,” she whined in a cute voice.
“Oh, it’s something. The only time you want to lay with me when you’re mad is if you want sex or…” off her look he sighed, “Alright, what do you want?”
She cut straight to the chase, “Well, Lauren was talking and said that Peter wants to get some of us together at his lake house for a mini vacation.”
“In Palm Springs?”
“This weekend.”
“Are the kids going?”
“Not our kids, I mean, everyone else’s kids.”
“She said no.”
He kept on, “Because if we’re going on a last minute vacation, as much as I love all the kiddos, right now I just want to relax without a dozen kids running around.”
“Gene, she told me adults only.”
“Who’s all going?”
“Us, Betty, Frank and Richie and Junie I think.” When he didn’t respond, she continued, “We’ll all have fun together at the house…doesn’t that sound like a good idea?”
“It’s not a bad idea.”
“I really would like you to go, but if you don’t, I think I’d go anyways.”
“Oh, you would?”
“Darling, I want to go to the lake with my friends away from Los Angeles. I can go on the boat and maybe play some golf.”
“It does sound relaxing.”
“Sure it does.”
“Ya, let’s do it.”
“Good. Besides, Lauren did say she also thinks it’ll be good for us.”
“How so?”
“She heard us fighting last night.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
She ignored his request, “And I didn’t appreciate you throwing your lighter at me like that.”
“I’m sorry. Give it back.”
“I threw it somewhere outside last night. No idea where it landed.”
“Jesus, Judy. I really loved that lighter.”
“I’ll get you a new one - with a new inscription,” she said as she slapped his knee and got up.
“I don’t even want to know what it’d say,” he teased back.
“Two words,” she giggled and walked out shutting the door behind her. 
It was a gorgeous, Friday afternoon as Judy and Gene drove his new Chevy Bel Air convertible the few hours east to Palm Springs. The first hour, Gene drove, then Judy switched when they got gas, as she actually loved driving. Now they were only five minutes down the road and Judy couldn’t wait to get there. Both of their demeanor had changed with each other. Except for Gene getting impatient and screaming, “Let’s Go!” as she already made them late on the road, they actually were quite affectionate during the drive. They held hands, snuck a few kisses in and sang together to the radio. Glancing in the rear view mirror, Judy noticed another fancy car speeding up quite fast to them. When they got on her tail, they started honking. “What in the sam hell…” Gene glanced behind him, “Don’t do anything. Just let them pass.” When the car still didn’t pass, Gene turned around more and lowered his sunglasses. The blonde woman had her hair pulled back and sunglasses on but it was most definitely a familiar face. “Oh my God.” “What?” “It’s Lauren,” he said relaxing and turning back around in his seat. “What the heck is she doing,” Judy screeched. At the red light, Lauren pulled up beside them. She smiled and waved. “Hi.” Judy, with her head wrapped in a summer scarf, smiled back, “Hi.” “Hey, Gene, you actually trust Judy to handle your stick,” Lauren joked. Gene smiled wide, “Oh, yes, I do.” Judy slyly smiled and lowered her sunglasses provocatively, “I’m surprised Bogie let you take his car to Palm Springs.” “Always. I bet my husband’s stick is better than Gene’s,” Lauren joked with a pun. “I beg to differ, darling.” Gene chuckled and put his arm on the seat behind Judy’s back, “That’s my girl.” “Bet I’m faster,” Lauren quipped. “I bet you are,” Gene said and Judy hit the back of her hand to his chest. Lauren revved her engine and Judy raised an eyebrow before revving her own. “What are ya, doin’, Judy,” Gene warned. Judy looked at her him and pushed her sunglasses back up on her nose before looking back at the light. “Woman, you better not race my brand new car…” “Call me woman again and I’ll drive your brand-new car off a cliff.” When the light turned green, off Lauren went with wheel screeching but Judy took her time to press on the gas and they smoothly went through the intersection at the speed limit. "You're terrible," he chuckled.
"Please, you really think I'd do that?"
"Hell yes you would, but I just don't want you to do it in my new car. She's a little spit fire that one, ain't she?"
"She sure is."
Dick Powell, or Richie has his friends called him, was helping Lauren with her small suitcase when Judy pulled up behind them. She didn’t park until she was a mere few inches away from the back of Lauren’s bumper. When the couple got out, Lauren looked at the space between their cars, “You are so lucky. If you were any closer, I’d have to kick your ass.” “You can try,” Gene said opening their trunk, “She might be small, but she’s a ninja.” Judy smiled and grabbed her purse as Lawford met up with them, “Hey, the gangs finally all here!”
“Hi, hun,” he said as Lauren gave him a kiss on the cheek and then went over to Gene who shook his hand, “Hey bud.” “Thanks for the invite.” “No problem, it’s going to be fun. Hi, baby,” he said walking around to Judy. “Hi, honey,” she said giving him a kiss on the lips. “Gene, tell ya what, you get those bags, and I’ll take care of this one.” Suddenly, he bent down and lifted Judy up over his shoulder as she happily shrieked, and headed towards the house.                Everyone got settled in and figured out the sleeping arrangements. Peter gave Lauren his room, he took the couch downstairs in his ‘man cave’, Richie and Junie took a guest room as Frank was in the other and Judy and Gene agreed on the pull-out bed in the living room. After having a fabulous dinner that they men barbecued, Judy, Lauren and June washed the dishes in the kitchen as the four men stood outside in the backyard chatting over beers. There was a large window in front of the sink and as Judy rinsed off the dishes for Lauren to dry, she watched Gene. At the moment he was laughing and it made her heart flutter, she couldn’t help but smile. In mid swig of his beer, he mindlessly glanced over and saw her smiling through the window. He took his beer away from his lips and smiled back affectionately. Judy suddenly felt the urge to be in his arms. She bit her lower lip before pointing towards the front door, motioning for him to follow her.  Gene gave her a nod before swigging the last of his beer. Judy dried her hands and excused herself from the ladies. Judy walked out onto the front porch as Gene made his way up the porch stairs. She took his hand and together they sat down on the porch swing cuddling. In silence they watched the sunset over the lake gently swinging back and forth. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Gene turned his head to study her face, glowing in a hue of pink and orange from the dusk sky, “You’re beautiful.” “Aw, darling, that was so sweet.” “It’s the truth,” he softly said putting a hand on her jaw before giving her a soft kiss. Pulling back just a tad, they rest their foreheads together, and Judy whispered, “Hi, darling.” “Hi, darling,” he said back before leaning in for another kiss. Gene softly pulled on her plush lower lip before moving his mouth up to suck on her upper one. When he felt the tip of her tongue nudge his lip, he rearranged his body towards hers more and angled her neck to kiss her deeper. Her mouth was already open to receive him. They’re tongues slowly glided over one another before withdrawing to suck at each others lips again. When they repeated the action again, Gene brought her legs up on his lap to caress her lovely legs that were bare in her high-wasted black shorts. It had been almost two weeks since they had a good kissing session, the same time that it had been since they last made love. Their make out session heated up slowly until the kisses were harder and very sexually charged. Gene didn’t stop until he heard her slight whimper against his lips and withdrew. His face was full of arousal as hers was flushed. He kissed her neck and ran a finger tip down the curve of her breast. Judy was just about to tell him to take her into one of the extra rooms for a quickie when they heard their names being called. The two scooted away from each other a tad just in time for June to stick her head out the door, “Oh, there you are. Come inside, we’re going to have a drink.” Judy took her legs off of Gene’s lap as they got up. He ushered her inside where everyone met downstairs in the ‘man cave’ and gathered around the mini bar. June placed an arm around Judy’s waist as they waited for Peter as he made a drink concoction for each of them, “Are you excited for your Palace show?” “I am so excited, I cannot tell you.” “When do you open?” “I think they’re pushing for October 16th. Tickets should go on sale next weekend.” “Well, we’ll be right there in the front row.” “Make sure that you do.” “It’s a 4-week run like the Palladium, right?” “Yah, mm-hm. If we have a good turnout, I might extend it. I go to New York soon to start production. I’ve been working on it it with Kay and Roger and Hugh Martin.” “Here ya go, Junie, Judes…” Peter said as he went around and handed each of them a small glass cup with liqueur that filled the cup just enough to be a double shot. Junie took the cup but didn’t drink, “That’s a hellava team, sweetie. Like Metro again, but without the slave drivers.” Judy giggled and took her cup, “Exactly. I’m excited to open the theater back up, but I just hope I have enough stamina for the two-a-day.”
“Oh, you’ll be just great.” “Alright, what do we toast to,” Lauren asked. Judy sniffed the drink. She rarely did shots, but when she did, she liked to know exactly what she was taking. She sniffed a second time when she couldn’t recognize the smell, “Alright, what is this?” They ignored her and Lauren spoke up, “Cheers to friends and beer, love and tears and legs behind your ears!” “To all of those who wish us well,” Gene started and Peter chimed in with him, “And the rest can go to hell!” Richie then continued, “And may all your ups and downs be between the sheets.” All of them touched the bar surface with the bottom of their glass before taking the shot, some of them making a funny face including June and Judy. “Oh, what the hell was that,” she asked. “Cognac and a hint of ginger ale.”
“I’ll never be doing that again,” she said wiping a drop away from the corner of her mouth and handed Gene her empty glass.
After some more drinks, a lot more drinks, they were all just hanging out downstairs when Frank chimed up.
“Alright, well, gang, it’s only ten, what do you all want to do now to keep things interesting?”
“Strip poker,” a tipsy Peter chimed.
But everyone immediately responded as if he had mentioned in a million times,“Noooo.” “Truth or dare,” June asked.
“Can’t go wrong with Truth or Dare,” Lauren said blowing smoke from her long cigarette holder.
“Alright, Truth or Dare it is,” Frank said and they all sat down.
“Honey, you thought of it, you go first,” Rich said patting her leg.
"Ok, we'll go clockwise," June said and looked at Judy next to her, "Truth or Dare, ma'am?"
"Dare," she replied confidently.
They all "oo'd" not expecting that from her. Gene's eyes opened wide and he smiled.
"Alright, do something right now that will surprise the heck out of your man."
Judy laughed, "He's known me so long I'm not sure there's much that would surprise him."
"Oh, yes," he laughed, "Yes, there is."
Judy looked at him and thought a moment before pushing on his knee to stand up, "I got it. I'll be right back."
They watched as she disappeared up the stairs.
"Bet she don't come back," Frank chimed in.
"No, she's got something up her sleeve," Richie said.
"I'm actually really curious what she's doing," Gene said his eyes glued to the stairs waiting for her.
She could be quite bawdy but she was not one to do something actually naughty in public - talk about naughty, yes, do it, no. Not a minute later, Judy came down the stairs. Without hesitation, she immediately walked to Gene and placed something in his hand before sitting back down next to him. He looked at it and it was the lighter she had given him that she "lost" outside.
Gene chuckled and just slyly looked at her. She giggled and he reached over giving her a peck on the lips.
"What is that?" Peter asked.
"My favorite lighter," Gene said chipper and placed is in his pocket.
"Why is that such a surprise," June asked.
"It's a private thing between us. Honey, your turn, ask away," Gene said.
"Truth or dare?"
“Alright, mmmm…” she trailed off thinking and a light bulb went off, “Oh, I have one. I’ve actually always wanted to know but never asked you. Who is your biggest celebrity crush or someone you’d love to be with if we weren’t together.”
“Your one-time pass, Gene,” Frank said cutting to the chase.
“Gene never has one-time anything,” Rich said.
“Oh, Oh, ho ho,” Judy sarcastically laughed.
“There’s been one or two,” Gene said before Judy did, embarrassed. “I mean, I am a dancer so I have to say Ginger Rogers. The moves on that woman, and the pair of legs on that broad. Everyone knows I’m a leg man,” he said pointing his thumb at Judy and purposefully lifting his eyebrows like Groucho Marx.
“Ginge, doesn’t have Jack anymore, Gene. There’s your free card,” Lauren said.
“But he still has Judy,” Judy sang before taking a sip of her wine.
“It wouldn’t mean anything. It’s just a crush-fuck,” Lauren went on.
“Yeah, besides you jumped into the sac with everyone you ever had a crush on, Judes,” Frank said knowing how to push her buttons.
Just as Frank said that, Gene had taken a sip of his Bourbon but spit it back in his glass in shock. He then looked at Judy with his fist up to him mouth trying not to crack up for her benefit.
Judy calmly tapped the ash buds off her cigarette into the ashtray as she replied, “Not everyone, darling.”
Frank, sarcastically placed his hands on his chest, and acting surprised mouthed, “Me?”
“I wasn’t about to be a notch on that belt.”
Everyone laughed, including June who rubbed her friend’s back, “Good girl.”
Judy and Frank finally broke out in giggles at their playful banter.
“Alright, I guess it’s my turn,” Gene said turning to his buddy, “Truth or Dare, my man?”
“Oo, dare, ok, let’s see…” Gene thought, “I dare you to genuinely propose to someone in this room right now.”
Frank nodded towards Lauren and June, “Well, you’re both already married…” he pointed at Gene, “You’ve got a dick,” he pointed at Peter, “You’ve got a dick,” he then pointed at Rich, “You are a dick...” he then immediately jumped up and plopped between Gene and Judy placing his arm around her, “Gene, old pal, do we have your blessing, Sir?”
Gene shrugged his shoulders, “That's between the two of you, not me.” Judy laughed, “No!" “It's up to her, not me,” Gene repeated. “Well, I said no,” Judy repeated herself. Peter chimed in, “Francis, you've got to get down on one knee the right way, whattaya doin’,” 
“I have bad knees. Judy, darling, can I see your hand?”
Judy looked at him cautiously, but with a smile, and hesitated until he wiggled his fingers wanting her hand. Then she gave it to him. He held it lovingly and caressed her skin with his thumb.
“Despite what rumors have been said in the past, we've never been romantically involved, but we are best friends and I love you dearly. I think it's time to develop a companionship into old age. I would like to ask you…”
“Oh, no,” Judy said, “Nope.”
June spoke up, “Frank, you've got to get on one knee.”
“Judy, will you…”
“No,” she said sternly.
“Fix me another drink?”
Judy laughed and got up grabbing his empty glass, “I'll fix you all the cocktails you want as long as you aren't proposing.”
“Oh, you would've said yes,” Lauren said.
Rich nodded, “I think she's more upset that he didn't ask!”
Gene agreed, “I think so, too.”
As Judy handed Frank another cocktail he looked at Rich, “You ready? Truth or dare?”
“Let’s spice things up. You’ve been around a while. Have you ever caught a famous person doing the dirty in a public place and who was it?”
Rich nodded and smiled cheesy, “I have and they’re in this room.”
They all looked at one another but soon all eyes landed on Judy and Gene. When the couple realized they were who Rich was talking about they both looked surprised.
“You are such a fibber,” Judy shrieked, “You have not.”
“Oh, yes.”
“When,” Gene asked.
“The after-party for Summer Stock. My car was parked next to Gene’s in the private parking lot and when I went out there, you two were rollin’ around in the backseat like a couple of horny teenagers. It was dark, but it was totally you two.”
“We were just fooling around,” Gene said as Judy turned red.
“Oh, please, you two were totally humpin.”
“I honestly, don’t remember, I had so much to drink that night.”
“Gene doesn’t suffer from whiskey dick,” Lauren said.
“And how would you know,” Judy asked giggling.
“You told me!”
They all died of laughter.
“Did we,” Gene genuinely asked her.
“Probably,” she said and changed the subject, “Richie, your turn.” 
“Alright, Betty, Truth or Dare?”
“Let’s stick to truth.”
“Then let’s stick to keepin’ it dirty. Tell us a dirty little secret.”
Lauren thought a good moment before speaking up casually, “Van Johnson and I had a one night stand once.”
“Oh, I knew that,” Peter said taking a sip of his drink.
Judy and Gene turned to each other mouths both wide in complete shock as Van had been very good friends with them for years and he was notorious for spilling the beans about every nook and cranny in his life. 
“When?!” June asked.
“You’re putting us on,” Gene said seriously.
“What about Evie and Humphrey?” Judy asked almost appalled as those two were the loves of their lives.
“Oh, please, this was a one-time thing before either of us were married.”
“Does Bogie know,” Frank asked.
“Yah. I don’t know about Evie. Don’t you go around with that either, Sinatra. Alright, Junie, Truth or Dare?”
“Who in this room would you want to see naked the most? I actually want to know this one.”
June pointed to Peter with a bashful smile. 
“I get double question,” Lauren made up, “Peter, I dare you to get in your birthday suit right now.”
A drunk Peter stood up and immediately took off his shirt revealing his surfer body, which he did often as a hobby. Everyone cheered and laughed but when he kicked off his shoes and started on his buckle, they realized he was really going to strip. When he got down to his skivvies, the girls were all shrieking and the men were cheering him on. When he yanked his boxer-briefs down, June and Judy both screamed and looked away. All the while, Lauren smiled and tapped her cigarette butts off. 
Peter jumped onto the couch and started hugging on June who screamed with laughter and tried getting away, nearly climbing onto of Judy in the process. She kept her hand out to block her view and got up.
“Where you going, honey?” Gene asked roaring with laughter.
“Judes, where you going?” Peter asked getting off of June to go after her. “I’m done, I’m done!” 
Peter covered himself and ran towards her. She screamed and bolted up the stairs losing a shoe in the process. 
Shortly after, since it was still early for the night owls, they all gathered outside to the small fire pit in the backyard and sat around in folding chairs as music played over the portable speaker. 
Gene stood at the edge of the lawn, watching the reflection of the moon on the lake in the distance, as he smoked a cigarette as the girls chatted on the other side of the fire pit.
Frank came up next to him and spoke with an sly voice, “I forgot to tell you, guess who I ran into the other day?”
“The last time you asked me that with that kind of tone, it had to do with that girlfriend of Ben Siegel,” Gene gave him a scheming look, “You know I’m not interested in anything to do with the mob.”
“Dalton Trumbo,” Frank said.
“Or that Hollywood Communist bullshit,” he added but remained in conversation since he had known Dalton from around MGM, “Is he out now?”
“Yep. He got out a few months ago.”
“How’s he doin’?”
“Happy to be back with Cleo and his kids.”
“I bet.”
“But he’s Blacklisted so who knows what he’s gonna do. Probably get into some B-movie studio if he remains in the business.”
“Too bad,” Gene said sincerely, “He’s damn good writer.”
An eruption of laughter from the three women got their attention and they turned around. Gene smiled when he saw Judy cracking up holding onto June’s hand as Betty was practically falling out of her chair.
“They’re a bunch of crazy gals,” Frank chuckled, “I’m glad you came. Betty said Judy might have to do some convincing.”
“It took me a moment to consider it. We’ve both been tired as hell from work and traveling.”
“Her European tour was a smash, I hear.”
“It was, man. She worked her ass off.”
“I wish I could have seen it, but I’m going to be there at the Palace for sure.”
“I’ve seen her work on camera, in the recording booth, on radio programs, but I have never witnessed her the way she was on stage. She’s got this magnetic hold on an audience. All she has to do is stand there and talk and they’re eating out the palm of her hands.”
“She’s like that when she performs live at Ciro’s or some other club.”
“Yeah, but this is different. A concert career was definitely the way to go after MGM booted her out. I thought she was at home doing what she was doing, but no. She really is her true self on stage.”
“She’s a vaudeville kid, it’s in her blood.”
“Did everything run smoothly?”
“There were some hiccups, but with that one, things aren’t always going to run smoothly. That’s just Judy.”
“What, did you fly back and forth?”
“Yeah. I was there for her opening night at the Palladium and then her closing night, then flew over to Scotland with her to help her get settled in but left after her first night there. When her tour was over, she met up with me in France for a rest when I was finishing work on American in Paris. Liza was there with Vince so we all had a reunion.”
“What are you doing after this?”
“Singing in the Rain.”
“I heard about that. With Don.”
“Yeah, and this new girl Debbie Reynolds.”
“I met her, she’s a sweetie pie.”
“Green,” Gene said as he knew he was about to spend the whole movie teaching someone who wasn’t a dancer.
“So, are you going to be flying back and forth from New York then during this Palace run?”
“Unfortunately, but I’ll be there the first week. All the old gang is involved in preparation for it.”
“That place has become run down, I hope they’re renovating the hell out of it.”
“They are. It’s getting a whole makeover. Sol said it’s going to be ‘elegant as fuck’.”
“Whoever thought about putting Judy back on that Vaudeville stage is a genius.” Gene smiled, “Thank you.”
“You did? I thought her agent did.”
“No, he came up with the idea of a concert tour in Europe. When she got back, we both wanted her to continue here in the states. I’m not making this shit up - For Me and My Gal was playing on the Lux Radio Theater one day and I was listening to it and I thought, she should do that. She should really be Jo on stage at the Palace. Then a light bulb went off and I got on the phone right away.”
“You do remember what happens at the end of that movie, once they’re both on stage at the Palace,” Frank said grinning.
Gene chuckled nodding as he took another drag of his cigarette, “I’m planning on it, Buddy.”
Another eruption of laughter came from the girls and this time Judy was standing up, imitating someone, probably from the studio or from vaudeville, that she often did when she told stories. She was very good at storytelling and exaggeration. 
“She seems so much happier since leaving Metro,” Frank quipped. 
“It was a little daunting for her at first. As much as she wanted to be let go, it was all she knew really. She said to me, ‘I’ve been performing since I was  2, I’ve been working since 12, now I’m unemployed for the first time in my life. I don’t know what to do.’ I told her that she hadn’t had time off in like 16 years, to just enjoy it and be with Liza. But she got restless after a while and irritable and started getting depressed again, so I’m glad this concert thing happened. But I tell ya what, stress has been a major thing between us for a while.”
“It’s good you’re here then.”
Gene nodded, “It’s only been a day, but Judy out here, is a different person. I’m starting to feel that way myself.”
“Away from Hollywood, away from the bullshit back home.”
“Exactly. We should do this once a month” Gene said, “Fuck it, once a week.”
Frank laughed, “I think Lawford might frown upon that.”
Suddenly, a piercing scream came from Lauren and she knocked her chair over as she got up and ran.
“What?!” Peter shouted concerned as he came out the back door with a guitar. “Something just bit my ass!”
“Nothing bit your ass,” Frank said walking over.
“Through your shorts,” June asked.
“Let me see,” Rich said but Lauren pushed him away.
“Darling, it was probably just a mosquito,” Judy said trying not to laugh.
“Nope, I’m done. Goodnight ya’ll,” Lauren said waving as she walked towards the house leaving everyone laughing. 
“Nothing is biting my ass,” Frank said as he followed Lauren. 
Peter sat down on a chair, “Wuss’s. Alright, any requests?”
“Know any Ray Noble tune’s,” Richie asked.
“Very Thought of You,” Peter asked.
“The Very Thought of You,” Junie urged on.
On his guitar, by the fire, Peter started playing the 1934 jazz standard. June smiled and rest her chin on her husbands shoulder as her arms were wrapped around his arm. Gene motioned for Judy and she walked over to him. He immediately brought her against him and together they softly swayed to the romantic tune. 
“I love you,” he whispered.
“How much,” she teased.
“I love you more than singing and dancing, I love you more than ping pong and pool, I love you more than Paris…I even love you more than sex.”
Judy let out an amused snort, “That’s contradicting.”
Serious this time, he pulled back to look at her, “I really do love you, more than you know.”
“I know,” she said tracing her finger along his jaw, “I love you, too…but not more than sex.”
Together they laughed and continued swaying. 
The next morning, was a little after 9 and the Lawford house was still and quiet with the sounds of California birds happily chirping outside. In the semi-darkened living room, Gene and Judy were both curled up comfortably on the expensive pull-out couch. Gene was slightly hovered over her, softly applying butterfly kisses along her neck as his wrist moved ever-so-gently between her legs under the covers. Judy seemed asleep, but she was just relaxing to her man’s attention, a titillating alarm clock. Suddenly, they heard a door shut from upstairs and Gene stopped his caresses, rolling away from her so they wouldn’t be caught. “The hounds are waking up,” he said a little disappointed. “Why don’t you join me in the downstairs shower in a minute,” she whispered getting out of the bed and grabbing her robe then walked out with her small toiletries pouch Gene made up the bed, and put the mattress back in the couch, before he head downstairs. The shower was already on when he shut the door behind him. “Did you bring my shampoo, or do I have to use your flowery shit,” he said removing his pajamas. “I forgot, but Pete has some shampoo in here,” she said from the other side of the curtain. Gene examined his face in the mirror and ran his hand along his jaw, “Baby, should I shave or just wait until we get back home?” “Wait until after. I like you with a little 5 o’clock shadow.” “You like a little scruffiness, huh.” “Mm hm. Darling, can you grab my little loofa that’s in my bag?” “Only if I get to do your back,” he teased grabbing it. “I’d be insulted if you didn’t,” she said as he stepped into the shower with her. Shortly after, Lauren went down the stairs in her silk robe as Peter head up, “Morning.” “Morning, doll.” “If you want the bathroom down there, it’s occupied.” “Who’s in there?” “I saw Judy go in there. I think she’s in the shower.” “Oh, good, she won’t mind,” Lauren said as she kept down the stairs. In the bathroom, Gene spoke impatiently behind the curtain, “Come oooonnn.” “I told you, after I shampooooo,” she mimicked but then a few seconds later she started whining, “Honey, stop.” “You have about 1 minute until I start fucking you,” he chuckled. Suddenly she gasped and accidentally hit the shower curtain, “Don’t you dare tickle me,” a few seconds later she broke out in laughter, “Geneee.” “Shhh,” he laughed trying to keep their voices down, “Come here, sweetheart.” The room was silent for a moment when suddenly the door opened. “Judy, are you in here,” Lauren asked popping her head in. “Ah, y-yes,” Judy’s nervous voice answered. “Do you mind if I get ready in here while you shower? Richie’s taking forever. You know how well groomed that man is.” “We do mind,” Gene said peeking his head out from the curtain grinning naughtily. Lauren smiled flirtatiously, “Ooo, whatchu doin’ in there?” “Washing each other’s backs. You wanna join?” “Gene,” Judy shrieked embarrassed. “I’ll have to pass, darling,” Lauren casually commented. “Then get lost, would ya?” “Next time I would advise to lock the door, dear,” she said pushing the lock button in for them and then walked out shutting the door behind her.                As Judy unsteadily grabbed the small bar in the shower, a shampoo bottle fell with a loud bang, but it didn’t startle either of them as they had sex for the first time in almost two weeks. Only the sound of the shower water erratically hitting the shower floor and their heavy breaths echoed throughout the bathroom. Gene couldn’t see her face, but the look of her knuckles turning white as she held onto the bar for dear life, and her body tightening around his cock, was sure signs she was close. They were both maintaining, but struggling, not to be vocal for neither wanted the gang to hear them.
Gene was struggling even more not to explode. Every vein in his body was popping, muscled strained, as he pumped in and out of her in long, hard strokes. He was about to release A LOT of stress. Gene took his hands off her hips and maneuvered he up so her back pressed against his chest. He placed his left on her breast and the other between her legs. The extra stimulation as her climax neared, made her drop her head and softly cry out in desperation. It was only a few more seconds when her body tensed. Gene quickly placed his hand over her mouth muffling her tiny scream as her eyes squeezed shut. He bit back his own pleasurable moans as his orgasm soon exploded into her warmth. He continued, growling from his chest, until they were both completely saturated.                It was around 10:30 when everyone met up in the kitchen all dressed. Peter and June were making brunch for all of them as Lauren made her famous Bloody Marys. The early morning blue sky was now gray as it started raining. Judy and Gene walked in as the first clap of thunder from the distance rolled in which made Gene stop in his tracks.
“Oh, what the hell,” he said seeing it raining.
“My sentiments exactly,” Peter quipped, “I wanted to get right on the fucking boat after we ate.”
“Shush, it will stop,” June said nudging his arm as they continued with the breakfast.
Judy walked over to the counter and switched on the radio as Gene walked over to Lauren, “Your famous Bloody Mary’s.”
“Yes, sir. Would you like one?”
“Not right now, but thanks,” he declined. He and Judy both weren’t drinkers before dinnertime except on special occasions.
“How was your shower,” Lauren smiled.
Gene didn’t answer but he returned the smile. Judy glanced at them over her shoulder turning red but ignored Lauren’s gaze and walked around grabbing a grape from the fruit bowl. “Do you want one, baby, extra vodka,” Lauren asked her. “Yes, please,” She saw Gene’s surprised look, “I’m on vacation.”
Gene put his hands up as if not to argue with the lady.
“Where’s Francis?” Rich asked.
Peter pointed to the sunroom. Rich and Gene both looked into the sunroom and there was Frank, lounging on the couch swing, fast asleep with a newspaper on his chest.
“Should we dare?”
Gene smiled, “We dare.”
The men walked back into the kitchen and Rich picked up a thin slice of pastrami from June’s cutting board. He handed it to Gene to which Gene walked into the sun room quietly. Judy sipped her Bloody Mary but leaned to the side to see what they were up to.
Lauren walked over to the doorway not knowing Frank was asleep, “Frank, do you want a…”
The two men quickly shushed her. She saw Gene standing over him with the pastrami and she placed a hand on her hip giving the a mother’s look. Judy walked in the doorway to watch as well. Gene made a funny face, trying not to laugh, before he smacked the pastrami slice right on Frank’s face before practically hopping away.
Frank opened one eye confused but remained completely still. When he realized there was meat on his face, he shut his eye to go back to sleep. Meanwhile, Rich and Gene were cracking up and Judy was bent over laughing hysterically.
“I’m gonna pee my pants,” she was able to get out.
“What happened,” Junie asked intrigued.
“They threw something on Frank,” Peter answered.
Lauren walked into the sunroom and took the meat off his face, “Do you want a Bloody Mary?”
“Yeah,” he grumbled.
“Would you like me to roll this up and put it on the olive stick?” she smiled.
“You boys love pranking each other,” June giggled as they all started placing plates on the long table off the kitchen.
“Remember MPD,” Gene said.
“What’s MPD,” Lauren asked.
“Metro Prank Day. It was on the Friday before Halloween every year.”
“For the whole studio?”
“Most of us knew about it,” Gene said, “I think it started between Mickey Rooney and Jackie Cooper in 1940, right honey?”
“Ya, mm hm. Went on for 10 years until LB found out after that food fight in the commissary and put an end to it,” she giggled.
“I wish we could’ve seen it,” Gene added.
“I was there. It was nutso. To think a bunch of movie stars having a food fight,” June said recalling it.
“Not just movie stars, but grown ass adults,” Rich added who was also there that day.
“That was the same prank day that Gene put shaving cream in my heels,” Judy retorted with a raised eyebrow.
“He what?” Lauren asked shocked.
“Yeah,” Judy nodded, “We were doing Summer Stock and he put shaving cream in my heels that I was to wear on set.”
“She stepped right into those suckers, too,” Gene said laughing remembering.
“Tell them what I did to you that year.”
“She drew this big, Italian-cook style mustache on me with her eyeliner and big bushy eyebrows when I fell asleep between scenes.” Judy started laughing remembering and he continued, “I walked onto the scene like that until Charlie Walters said, ‘Gene, what the Sam hell is on your face?’”
Gene and Judy both cracked up.
“That prank day, I witnessed a different side of Judy,” Peter said.
Judy thought a moment before gasping, “Oh, when you were going to…”
“Oh, the water,” Gene cut in.
“What happened,” June asked.
“At the end of the day, I was going to throw a bucket of water on Judy and Gene as they were leaving, but she caught me and she was so angry. She called me a motherfucker.” They all laughed. “She practically pushed Gene down and ran away and said, ‘Get the hell away from me motherfucker.’”
“Baby, you’re turning red there,” Gene said Judy tried not to smile.
“Your heels with shaving cream was nothing, Judes,” Peter said, “How about getting chaffed by Phil Silvers?”
“Chaffed,” Lauren asked shocked.
Gene responded excitedly, “Oh, I remember that!”
“My god damn inner thighs were on fire. I had flamin’ thighs.”
Judy started cracking up.
“I have this distinct memory of you walking on the studio lot the next day and you had these big over-sized pants on and you kind of just waddled in like you just got off a horse,” Gene said as they all laughed.
“You were going, ‘Oh, my legs, my legs,’ You had baby powder and lotion…”
Judy nearly spit out her drink laughing, “I remember the sensitive skin lotion he had to moisturize.”
“Did you learn some stuff from that,” Lauren quipped naughty.
They finished setting the table and Frank walked in, “Here it comes.”
They all were quiet a moment when all of a sudden the roof was pounded with a downpour.
Gene groaned with sincere annoyance, “I didn’t come all the way out here to spend my vacation in a monsoon.”
“Like I control the weather,” Peter said.
“There goes your golfing today,” Gene said to Judy as if he wanted to get her as annoyed as he was.
“Oh, stop whining,” she said.
“Someone’s being grumpy,” Junie said.
“I’m surprised you’re so grumpy after your shower session this morning.”
Gene looked at Lauren with wide eyes as Lauren was usually not one to kiss and tell in regards to others.
“Would you shut up,” Judy whispered embarrassed. When Lauren gave her a sorry look Judy giggled, “Jesus.”
Suddenly, they heard the front door shut.
“Expecting someone?”
“No,” Peter said baffled as he left the room.
“Here,” Judy said as she shoved a small, rolled up piece of meat towards Gene’s mouth.
He quickly made a ‘gross’ face and leaned away, “What is it?”
“Here, just take a bite.”
“No,” he said swatting her hand away.
“It’s only prosciutto and feta cheese,” she said.
“I don’t like ham, babe,” Gene said.
“It doesn’t taste like American ham. Here,” Judy said and shoved the bite size piece into his mouth.
“Shh,” Lauren suddenly said.
They were quiet and suddenly heard a familiar women’s cackle from the other room getting closer.
“Oh, you’re kidding,” Frank said surprised as he bolted out of the room.
Judy looked at Lauren displeased, “I thought you said she wasn’t coming.”
“He said she wasn’t.”
“Who,” Gene asked.
“Ava,” Judy answered. Then she and Gene shared the same understanding look as they sat down next to each other at the table.
Peter entered the room followed by Frank who had his fiancé, Ava Gardner, on his arm. Everyone gave her a hug and warm greeting except for Gene and Judy who remained seated. As the rest seated, Ava touched Gene’s arm with a friendly smile, “Hey there.”
“Hi,” he said friendly back but didn’t return the smile.
“Hi, Judy.”
Judy forced a bit of a smile ignoring the other woman’s eyes as she purposefully reached for the fruit bowl.
“I’m glad you were able to make it, honey,” Frank said.
“Me, too. I have to be back on Tuesday, but at least I have a few days off. Thought I’d surprise you. What a lovely spread,” she said as they all started eating.
They all started chit-chatting and when there was a lull in the conversation, June spoke up, “Was it raining the whole way?”
“No, but it started to downpour when I got into town. Has it been raining here since you all came?”
“No, just started,” Pete said.
“Hopefully it stops soon so you can join in on the fun,” Rich said.
“I know how tight-knit the group is. I’m grateful to be a part of it. I’m glad you’re all happy to see me,” Ava’s eyes darted to Judy and Gene as they remained to themselves, “Well, all except you...” she looked at Gene then to Judy with a giggle, “And you.”
Ava said it as if to maybe have the couple immediately respond with, ‘No, of course we’re happy to see you,’ but all of a sudden, the air was thick with tension and everyone continued to eat in silence for a moment.  
“So, Judy, how was your concert tour in Europe?”
Judy placed her elbows on the table and rest her chin on her hands, her eyes piercing. When she didn’t answer, Ava repeated the question getting irritated herself. She looked at Gene as if you had to get through him first before Judy, “Gene, how was her concert tour in Europe?”
He wiped his mouth with his napkin, “It was a big success.”
“Why do you care,” Judy tilted her head at the woman inquisitively.
They all looked at Judy surprised at her catty tone.
“Because I’m your friend,” Ava said a little baffled.
“As far as I’m concerned, friends do not betray one another.”
“How on earth have I ‘betrayed’ you? I haven’t even seen you since before you left for London and that was what, February?”
“Here we go,” Peter said leaning towards Lauren, as they were well aware of the situation.
“When we were all out at Mocambo for Elizabeth’s birthday, I specifically asked everyone in our group, including you, to not mention my divorce. And every one, but you and David Selznick, respected that. We had press surrounding us that night. I was being asked nonstop about it and I ignored the subject out of respect for my husband and my daughter. I expected my friends to do the same.”
“I was listening to Dave go on about it. I didn’t say anything,” Ava responded matter-of-factly.
“But you're my friend, as my friend, you’re not supposed to just ‘listen’. You do what everyone else did when they were asked about it: you ignore it. You could have said, ‘Now is not the right time, David.’”
“I am going to listen because he’s also my friend. I am not a rude person to tell him to put a sock in it. What did you want me to do?”
“Frank declined to comment when Louella asked him about us,” Judy said trying to get her point across.
Gene chimed in, “Lauren, when you were at lunch with Hedda, what did you do when she started talking about her divorce?”
“I shut her up real quick,” Lauren said nodding.
“Judy, I was not speaking about it, he was.”
“You allowed it to be talked about and you knew reporters were around us. I’ve not spoken to David since that night when Dorothy Kilgallen came up to me and told me what he was saying. But, he was LB Mayer’s son-in-law so I expect that from him.”
“That was 6 months ago. I’m sorry if I offended you in anyway, but it’s over with now. Your divorce is done, you’re living with Gene, can’t you just forget about it?”
“If you were just anybody, then I would forget about it. I’m still upset about it because you’re planning on marrying one of my best friends which means we’re going to be together a lot. When we were filming Girl, Crazy, people were asking me nearly every day about your split from Mickey and I told them it was none of our business. You weren’t even my friend then, but Mickey was, so I respected your private life.”
“I do appreciate that. But can I say one thing? Why didn't you just say something to the press about your divorce? Maybe then they would've left you alone. They're still writing about how you and Gene broke up the 'finest marriage of MGM'.”
Gene exhaled through his nose and pushed back against the table with his hands trying not to respond. Judy tapped him on the leg as if telling him to just ignore it.
“I told you, I respect my child and I respect Vince. Respect, and pleading the fifth to the press is the right way to get a divorce,” she pointed sternly at Frank, “And you listen up as well mister, do you hear me?”
“Listen up,” he asked as he didn’t want to get involved in the argument between his best girlfriend and his fiancé.  
“You have been going around the columnists bragging about Ava. How do you think Nancy feels?”
“I don’t brag. I own my shit. And Nancy hasn’t been showing me respect.”
“Gee,” she said with her best, sarcastic, actress voice, “I wonder why.”
Gene looked over at her with wide eyes not expecting that from her especially to Frank.
“Judes,” Frank said a little shocked at her behavior.  
Ava leaned forward on her forearms as if challenging Judy, “You’re really sitting there, talking to us about our affair, when you cheated on both of your husband’s with Gene here, and God knows who else…” she trailed off.  
Judy looked at Gene with a serious, but sly expression, who gave her the same look back. The couple never discussed, or explained, their private life in regards to their affair at MGM except with the very few who had known about it since the start which were only Dottie, Kay Thompson and Frank. And to this day, none of the trio had spoken to anyone else about it. Everyone sitting at the table, right now, didn’t even know the entire backstory. They found out like everyone else - when Judy and Gene came out publicly with their relationship in September of 1950 after Judy was fired from MGM and each were legally separated from their spouses.
Judy was about to speak when Gene placed his hand on her leg and squeezed it. He didn't want to make her explain anything and put her vulnerability out there, so he took the bait instead.
“I understand what you’re getting at, Ava, and although some of the circumstances are relevant, there is no comparison.”  
“Oh, really,” she asked sarcastically.
“Really,” he said getting angry, “I never say nothin’ to nobody regarding my personal life, but the fact that you, and everyone else, assumes our relationship is what broke up her marriage to Vince is why I’m gonna say somethin’ now…”
“Gene,” Judy said uncomfortable.
He ignored her, “Now listen up…every one of you fuckers here at this table…”
“Darling,” Judy said embarrassed.
“No, Judy. I’m tired of everyone assuming things. We’re finally free to be together, why not just tell them? These are our friends,” he said and all she could do was just give a willful nod. “Judy and I have heard the rumors, like all of you have heard, but we usually laugh because we don’t give a shit what people think because we know the truth. But you’re our friends and we love you so here’s our truth. We’ve been hearing that people are saying we started an affair during Summer Stock and that’s what broke up Judy’s marriage which is probably the funniest rumor of them all. We actually started going together during our first picture together, almost 10 years ago, when Judy was still married to Rose. Our relationship…you see how I say ‘relationship’ and not ‘affair’,” he said eyeing in on Ava to prove his point, “…was on and off for all those years. Yes, it was extramarital, and yes, we were involved with other lovers throughout that time, but together, we weren’t just ‘fucking’. We were best friends, equals, soul mates. I know I sound like a sap, but it’s true. We fell in-love, but timing was never right, but that’s not relevant. During our last picture, things got very serious between us as I was separated from my wife and Judy was estranged from Vince. Betsy and Vince both knew we were together at that time. Up until then, we had kept it a secret all those years, except for Frank here…”
They all looked at Frank shocked and he smiled, “I’m a good friend, what can I say.”
Gene continued, “Our ‘good ol’ buddy Selznik’ that we’ve talked about said to me that night at Liz’ party, ‘Judy cheated on her first husband with you, her second husband with you, she’ll cheat on you, too.’  I said, ‘How can she cheat on me with me?’”
Judy looked at him surprised, “You never told me that.”
“We’re not proud of what we’ve done during our marriages, and I know Judy often feels guilt-ridden, but we both believe everything happens for a reason. I’ve known this girl since she was eighteen. I’m in it for the long run,” he looked at Ava, “This ain’t no ‘fuck em’ and leave em’ Hollywood story that you think, dear.”
Lauren made a ‘Ooo’ smile as June got Judy’s attention and mouthed ‘marry him’ to her. Judy gave her an appreciative look, but the subject had been all too heavy for a smile.
“There is no comparison with us related to you two,” Judy added calmly.
“Maybe not in that way, but Frank and I fell in-love, too, and let’s face it, I bet everyone of us at this table hasn’t always been monogamous,” Ava added.
Frank chimed in to Judy, “Baby, stop being so protective. I know you mean well, and I adore you for it, but I’m a big boy, I can take care of myself. And I do love her, ya know.”
“I just don’t want to see another one of my good friends get hurt by her again. First Mickey, then Artie, now you.”
“Just so you now, Mickey cheated first, and from what I heard was even porking some chorus girl when I was in the hospital for a appendectomy. And Artie was the biggest fucking bully out there. I don’t think this is really about me and Frank. I think it’s about you.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re just jealous Mickey, Frank and Artie all preferred me and Lana over you.” 
Gene’s mouth opened and he immediately took Judy’s arm afraid she might throw her drink in the other woman’s face starting a brawl. Instead, Judy whipped her arm away, and scooted her chair back with a screech, before walking out of the room. Gene sighed heavily before he got up to follow her out.
“What, no retaliation back from Mr. Mayer’s precious Dorothy,” Ava said sarcastically.
Suddenly, Gene turned on his heels and shouted, “Hey!” Some of them jumped, including Ava, who turned to look at him and his eyes were looking straight at her, “Don’t call her that. You have no idea what that girl’s been through.” Without another word, he left the room.
“It’s called ‘having class’, darling,” Lauren said as she lit a cigarette.  
Frank sighed and leaned into Ava, “You know her history with the Artie shit. Did you have to hit so low under the belt?”
“She started attacking me, first. What did you want me to do?”
Frank looked at the others and shrugged having to agree with her, “I mean, she has a point.”
“What shocks me the most is that Judy is not a confrontational person…” Lauren said.
“At all,” Peter added taking another bite of his food.
“At all,” Lauren repeated then continued sincerely, “And she never gets involved in the subject of others’ relationships. So, imagine what she was feeling for her actually speak up the way she did just now.”
“It wasn’t an attack. I think she just felt betrayed by you, as her friend, for not defending her to David with the divorce thing and now she sees you about to marry someone that’s like a brother to her. She wanted to get things off her chest. She’s being protective is all, just like Frank said,” Junie added.
“I can’t believe they been together since My Gal. Do you know how many times I worked with them during that time,” Rich said amused.
“Ava, look,” Lauren said, “Judy may be little, but she’s a feisty, son-of-a-bitch who will not let you forget it. She has two sides…she’s either the funniest, life of the party dame you will ever be with or, what she calls herself, ‘the Black Irish Witch.’”
“One time I said something shitty about Fred Finklehoffe in front of her. She stared at me with this dark look, I nearly pissed myself,” Peter said.
“I can attest to that. She can make you so scared your balls r’ touchin’ the back of your shorts,” Frank said to Peter.
“If you want to be her friend, do not get on her bad side. I would swallow it and just apologize,” Lauren urged.
Gene walked around the house looking for Judy but didn’t find her so he made his way to the back of the house when he heard a small noise coming from another room. “Hun?” “I’m in here,” he heard her voice say and he walked into the office library. Judy was standing facing one of the book shelves, her hands on her elbows as her eyes gazed upon the literature curiously. “You, ok?”
“Yah,” she said and reached for a photo album that caught her eye. Gene sat on the arm of the leather love seat, “Liar.”
Judy looked at him and her face was completely neutral, “I am. I just needed to…remove myself from the situation.”
“Before…” he asked smiling cheekily.
She raised her eye brow warningly, “Before I did something I’d regret.”
“That’s why I grabbed your arm. She ain’t worth it.”
“I know. It doesn’t matter anymore. I just needed a moment,” she said sitting down next to him with the photo album labeled ‘MGM’ in her lap.
“What she said to you was low. She had some hellava nerve.”
Judy let out a long sigh and opened the album, “Let’s just drop it.”
“Well, at least you were able to say everything you’ve been thinking’.”
“I prefer not to have conversations like that.”
“I know you don’t, baby, but doesn’t it feel a little better to get it off your chest?”
“Does it feel better after telling everyone our whole story,” she said back in a bit of a bitchy tone.
“Well, one, it was the synopsis version. The actual details are no one’s business. And two, yes, it does feel better. I know we’re private about it, but like I said, I was sick of everyone assuming. Doesn’t it make you feel better that our best friends know the truth instead of them also assuming from what they hear around the lot?”
Judy had to agree as she looked at the photographs, “Yes. All of this just makes me uncomfortable.”
“Me, too,” he said reaching over and leaving a kiss on top her head.
“Oh my gosh, darling, look,” Judy giggled and pointed to a photo of them.
It was them on the Easter Parade set. He was standing with his crutches watching as Judy was filming her ‘Mr. Monotony’ scene.
“That’s always gonna be my one regret,” he said shaking his head, “Breaking that damn ankle and not working on that picture.”
“Me, too, but at least you helped get the next best thing for me,” she said pinching his cheek referring to Fred Astaire coming out of retirement to work with her.
“I’m still a little miffed they cut this scene. I really liked it.”
“It was a little sexy.”
“Probably why they cut it,” she joked.
“If that’s true, they should’ve just thrown away Pirate, hm?”
“Well, they did get rid of that Voodoo number,” she quipped.
“Now, that was sexy,” he said his eyebrows rising intrigued, “I had to rub one out after that scene.”
“Gene,” she laughed shocked.
They commented on other photos of their Metro peers when coming up on another one of them. It was Gene and Judy laughing as he gave her a piggy back ride down the studio lot in their ‘Ballin’ the Jack’ costumes from their first picture. Judy placed a finger on it and they were both quiet a moment sharing silent memories during that time.
“Man, I didn’t know shit back then,” he murmured.
Judy leaned into Gene in awe, “Look at them.”
“We were so cute.”
“I remember that day,” she said softly.
“So do I. I remember every single day during that time,” he said with a bittersweet tone but then his expression changed a bit naughty, “We had a lot of fun.”
Judy giggled, “Yes, we did.”
They leaned in for a kiss and he replied, “Seeing this photograph of us, no one would ever know what we were going through behind the scenes…how unhappy we were in our personal lives.”
“The only time I actually really enjoyed coming to the studio was when I knew I would be working with you.”
“That’s why I agreed to Summer Stock, sweetheart,” he said patting her leg.
“I’m so grateful you were part of my last movie there,” she said a little emotional.
“Yep, and a successful one at that. But now, onward and upward, baby. Your Europe tour was a hit but your Palace run is gonna lead to a whole other career for you.”
“You really think so?”
“I do..”
“I just want it to be fucking fantastic,” she said with great efficacy.
“It’s gonna be huge, you can bet on it.”
“I’m still so damn nervous, Gene.”
“You have rehearsals coming up soon. And you have the best of the best putting it together with you. You’ll be just fine. Plus, I’ll be there in the wings, opening night, so there’s nothing to be nervous about.”
“You promise,” she said grabbing his hand. 
“I promise.”
“No matter what?”
“No matter what. I never want to let you down, Judy.”
She smiled before engulfing him in a hug.
That afternoon, the storm cleared and it was nothing but sunshine and blue sky with a perfect Summer temp in the upper 80’s. The whole clan piled onto Lawford’s large speed boat in their sunbathing clothes and swim wear.  
Peter drove the boat around Lake Camille, but after 20 minutes, stopped in a good area so they could float. Surprisingly, the lake wasn’t busy. Just a few other boats were scattered around.
In the back of the boat, Judy, in a plunging, black one-piece suit, with a skirt wrapped around her waist, and Lauren, in a white, high-waisted bikini, were sunbathing against the back cushions in relaxing in silence as the radio played some slow jazz tunes.
Lauren looked over at Judy and lowered her sunglasses, “What’s with this music?”
“I was just going to say that. We’re on a boat having fun and he’s playing some sad music.”
“Yeah, why is he playing sad shit? I’ll go tell him to change it. He’s playing some mellow stuff. We need to get boppin’,” Lauren said as she got up.
Lauren passed Ava who came walking up with a daiquiri in her hand. Judy pretended not to pay attention as Ava cautiously sat next to her. They were both silent, but Judy could sense the other woman wanted to talk so she looked over at her. When she did, Ava gently smiled. “I’m sorry.”
Judy took off her sunglasses and placed them on top her hair that was pulled into a French twist, “I’m not usually like that. I hope you understand why I confronted you about it.”
“I do sympathize, but I want you to know, I never did anything purposefully to hurt you.”
“Except for the comment about the boys.”
“That I am truly sorry for. It was beneath me. I was just retaliating because I felt like I was being attacked.”
“I never, ever want anyone to feel attacked by me, because I know what it feels like, so for that I’m also truly sorry. All of it is just a very sensitive subject.”
“I do know you were just being protective of Frank, too. But believe me, Judy, I really do love him. And he loves me.”
Judy softly smiled, “Who am I to get in the way of love then.”
“I know we won’t always see eye-to-eye, but can we just agree to disagree?” “Of course,” Judy said sincerely.
Frank got Ava’s attention and she excused herself but Junie came bouncing over to Judy.
“Why are you over here all by yourself?”
“Just relaxing. I’ll join the party soon.”
All of a sudden, a small paper plane fell onto Judy’s lap startling her a second. “What the heck,” Junie said.
Both the ladies looked up, and on the small second tier of the boat where the captain seat was, they saw Gene, clad only in his swim trunk and sunglasses. He was looking up whistling trying to be inconspicuous.
“Dang, he’s got good aim.”
“He does have great coordination. He’s great at all sports. My paper plane would’ve landed in the water.”
Judy looked at it, and it said ‘open me’ on the wing. She opened it and it simply said 'I love you' in Gene’s unmistakable handwriting. June leaned over to look and immediately made an ‘awe’ face.
Judy smiled and fold the paper back up before looking back at up at him. This time he was looking at her smiling. She gave an air smooch to him and he winked before turning back to Pete. The music suddenly changed to more of an upbeat and Lauren gave Judy a thumbs up.
“He is just so sweet,” June commented.
“He is a darling.”
“Handsome,” she said raising her eyebrows provocatively.
“He’s dreamy,” Judy agreed, “After knowing him for 10 years, I still get butterflies when he looks at me a certain way. And I can still get emotional when he does cute things like that. I just hope Liza finds someone like that. How did I get so lucky, you know?”
“That’s how I feel about Richie. We all have to go through the trial and error of frogs, before the right Prince Charming, honey.”
“Funny…I always think they’re Prince Charming in the beginning.”
“We all do. But this one is it, isn’t it?”
Judy nodded, “Yes.”
“And now you both don’t have to sneak around. I think it’s absolutely delicious that you two have been a thing all this time. Was it the dancing that attracted you to him? ‘Cause let me tell you – watching him dance on screen is a major turn on.”
Judy laughed, “You’re terrible. No, it was his smile..and his arms.” Both ladies laughed.
“And now you have the whole package.”
“I know. He takes care of me. And more important, he’s a nice fella. He brings me my tea when I wake up, when he’s at work he’ll call me and make sure I’m okay. He helps me with my career. He does anything for me.”
“He’s head over heels for you, too."
“You think that, really?” Judy asked honestly.
“Of course. You can just see it the way he looks at you. Do you not see that?”
“I’m afraid I suffer from a bit of self-doubt, darling.
A lot of people knew this about Judy, especially June, who then took Judy's hand in hers, "Judy, the way I see it – look how long it took for you two to finally be together. Knowing Gene as I do, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have bought a house with you if you if he weren’t 100% sure of your relationship. Look how long it took him finally get out of his unhappy marriage. He's a very thorough person."
“That’s true. He never makes life decisions on a whim.”
“You better marry him.”
“Oh, I plan to. But not for a little while.”
“Have you talked about it?”
“Not really. It’s something we know will happen but we never officially discussed it.”
“Do you think he will propose soon?”
“Maybe. Maybe when his next picture is over and I’m done with Palace. I know he’d want to get married once we can have some time off.” Judy’s eyes darted up where Gene was, “But I'd marry him right now on the spot if there was a judge and marriage license."
A few hours later, after they came back to shore, everyone went for a swim before retreating back to the house and lolled around. The sun was setting as everyone remained outside but Judy and Lauren hung out inside  listening to music in the living room fresh-faced, clad already in their pajamas. Both were enjoying a glass of wine. The radio started playing Doris Day’s ‘Tea for Two’. 
“Oh, I loved this movie,” Judy quipped. 
“She is probably the most genuine girl out there. Have you met her?” 
Judy nodded, “I seen her around town, but I was able to officially meet her a few years ago at a premiere of a film she made with my friend Jack Carson.”
“Oh, you know, Jack?”
“We worked the Vaudeville circuit together when we were kids.”
Gene walked in and looked a little surprised seeing the ladies ready for bed, “Are we having a slumber party?”
“We’re pooped out from the sun,” Lauren said.
“Wanted to get comfy,” Judy added.
Peter walked into the room, inhaling from a joint, then casually handed it to Lauren who took a hit. She then handed it towards Judy.
“The last time I had marijuana was when I was still married to Dave and I fell straight on my face.” 
Lauren handed it to Gene who took a hit. When Judy saw this, she thought, ‘What the hell.’ It might relax her. And she ushered Gene over. The four sat around for a little bit, chatting and passing it around, listening to music. Alright folks, now here’s a an oldie but a goodie by America’s past-time sweethearts Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland. The song was requested by little Shirley Mae as it’s her 10th birthday today. Happy Birthday, Shirley and enjoy your song.
Suddenly, Judy and Mickey’s ‘Good Mornin’’ started and everyone smiled as they looked at Judy. They assumed she would tell them to change the channel but instead she got up and started singing with her younger self. Gene laughed knowing it was the weed. Frank walked into the room and immediately joined in singing Mickey’s part. They put on a show as the others watched delighted. 
When it was over, Judy laughed and hugged her friend, “That was fun.”
“Where is everyone else,” Gene asked.
“They went for a walk,” Frank replied. 
As the three started a conversation, Judy mindlessly walked over by the piano in the corner and ran her finger over a few keys as if concentrating on which to play. She hummed and then played a few keys as if trying to get it right. 
“More than you…” she sang before humming it again and played some keys.
Lauren noticed and walked over, “What’re you trying to play.”
“More Than You Know. Song’s been in my head.”
“I know it. How about this? I’ll play it, you sing it,” Lauren said sitting down on the bench.
“Alright,” Judy said and sat down next to Lauren.
Lauren started playing and then Judy started singing the intro verse of the song, very softly, as if it were background music in a restaurant with everyone else chatting. But quickly the men all came to a hush as they watched.  
More than you know More than you know Man of my heart I love you so Lately, I find You’re on my mind More than you know…
Gene watched her intently as her voice, always seductive but sweet, hummed around the room straight into his soul. Her bare face looked fresh, her skin had a glow from the sun and her hair was forming curls still damp from the water. Usually she sang around the piano like this at parties, looking like the starlet she was, with her black lashes, red lips and party dress. That was Judy Garland. Right now, she was Frances Gumm.
“I’m going to marry that girl,” Gene softly said.
Frank didn’t know if Gene had murmured that to him, or to himself, but he replied, “She needs someone like you.”
Judy’s eyes looked into her love’s, a hint of a smile on her lips as she sang the lyrics. Gene looked back, a twinkle in his eye.
The next morning, Judy stood on the back porch with a cup of tea in her hands, her long, black, silk robe blowing in the breeze. Everyone was still asleep and the sun was bright orange rising along up in the dawn sky, along the lake front. The early morning birds were chirping and the water was still. It was all so peaceful, it felt like Judy’s mind, at the moment, didn’t have one ounce of anxiety, which is what occasionally plagued her throughout the day.
“What are you doing up?”
Judy turned as Gene stood in the doorway. He still wore his gray t-shirt, navy pajama pants and his hair was messy.
“I woke up and couldn’t fall back to sleep.”
Gene walked out and gave her a peck on the lips, “Good morning.”
He rubbed her back as he looked at the scenery before him.
“Isn’t it pretty?”
“It’s very nice.”
He looked over watching as her face was probably the most relaxed he had seen it in a long time and he bit his bottom lip with an idea.
“Come walk with me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just down there.”
“Right now?”
“Well,” she hesitated and giggled, “Honey, it’s so early and I don’t feel like dressing yet.”
“We don’t have to dress. It’s just a morning walk on the beach. No one’s out here. Here, let me take that, I’ll be right back. Stay there.”
She watched a little surprised as Gene darted inside to put her cup of tea in the kitchen and was gone not 30 seconds before he popped back out and took her hand. Together, they walked down the steps and to the beach just below the house. Barefoot, they held hands and walked slowly along the front in silence for a minute just enjoying the calm of the early morning and of each other.
“See, isn’t this nice.”
“Yes,” she said laying her head on his shoulder a moment, “Although I feel silly walking out here in our pajamas.”
“You love the spontaneity.”
“I do,” she giggled.
As they walked some more, Gene released her hand, but kept a hand on her back for a little as they walked. Subtly, he took his hand off her back and slowed his steps as she continued walking not noticing that he stopped. “Darling, do you think one day we could get a vacation spot out here?” When she didn’t get a response, and noticed he wasn’t next to her anymore, she furrowed her eye brows, “Gene?”
Judy turned around and let out a gasp. She placed her hands over her mouth as Gene was six steps behind her, on his knee, with a velvet ring box in his hand.
When the first initial shock of seeing him faded away, Judy laughed delighted, “What?!”
Gene smiled as she rushed up to him. She placed her hands on his shoulders and spoke almost with a hush tone, “What are you doing?”
His smile faded and he spoke with a very loving but serious tone, “Judy…”
Judy let out a whimpered cry as she placed her hands back on her mouth. She looked away a moment, shaking her head, in disbelief that it was finally happening.
“Sweetheart, come here,” he said reaching for her hand.
She gave her hand to him and she fell to her knees in font of him to be equal, “You’re crazy,” she laughed through her tears. Gene laughed with her and she continued, “Where did you get that?”
She looked at the closed ring box. He head barely left her sight for a moment since they’d been here. She had so many questions.
“I’ve had it for a while. Do you want to see it?” She nodded but he continued, “I have to say something first,” he took both her hands in his and they sank down sitting on the back of their heels in the sand, “I know that you’ve been expecting this since we moved in together. And I know you wanted to marry me after you divorced David. At that time, I couldn’t. You understand why, don’t you?”
Judy gave one simple nod, knowing he wasn’t ready to leave his wife and daughter for their fresh, extramarital relationship back then.
“So, I know you’re going to say ‘yes’. But, I need you to know this…” he saw her take a breath in as her eyes continued welling up with tears and he tried to swallow his one, “You always tell people that I’m different because ever since we met, I’ve seen you as a person, as an equal. And that’s 100% true. And I know you hate it when people only see you as a voice, or as a movie star or a celebrity. But, marrying you means that I’m also marrying that voice, that movie star and that celebrity. I’m marrying Frances Gumm and Judy Garland. I want both of us to understand that.”
“Like Eugene Curran and Gene Kelly,” Judy said joking, trying to make light of the situation which she often did when things got a little too heavy even if it was a good situation.
“Did you plan this?”
“Not at all, sweetheart. I was going to propose on the opening of The Palladium, but everything was amazing and just too much. I didn’t want to take away from what you were experiencing then. And I wanted to wait until the Palace, but…I don’t know. It just seems like the right time. I can’t wait.”
Judy giggled and wiped a tear away, “It’s very romantic.”
He became serious again, “I love you, Judy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to help each other and grow together and get through whatever life throws at us, together. You’re it for me, baby. You have been for a long time. I just…” he paused and looked down clenching his jaw getting emotional.
Judy tapped him under the chin, “You’re an honest man, I know that. You had a wife and new baby. Because of your decision to stay with your family, I ended up having Liza. Glass half full, darling.”
“I know we both haven’t had a good track record in the relationship department, but I think now we’ve finally got it right….” he said sincerely and suddenly Judy got a split image of her father in her mind and she started crying knowing he was right, this marriage would be it for them.
“Judy…” Gene opened the ring box showing a beautiful, vintage large diamond ring and she laughed and gently pushed on his arm still not believing this was happening.
“This is crazy…” she interrupted.
“Will you marry me?”
She smiled and nodded, more tears falling as he placed the ring on her left hand. They kissed passionately before she jumped in his arms excited nearly toppling over into the sand.
They looked up and on the porch saw June standing there confused. Judy stood up and lifted her left hand yelling, “WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!”
June jumped and “WOOOO!!!!” before she ran inside to wake up and tell everyone. Gene and Judy both laughed. Gene pulled her back to him and cradled her face in his hand.
“I love you, more than you know.”
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heartlandians · 4 years
Throwback Thursday: Amber Marshall responds to fan questions, part 1! (March 2010)
Q: Hi Amber, Thank you first off for being such an inspiration to a lot of us Heartland fans out there :) . My question is: If you couldn't play Amy, and you had to play any other role on Heartland, who would it be, and why? Smiles from Orangeville Ont. Posted by: Musical_Melody on March 05, 2010 at 05:41 AM
A: I love portraying Amy in every way as I feel her and I are very similar. If I were to play any other character in Heartland I think I would enjoy a more contrasting individual to myself. It would be a fun challenge and interesting to see how I could shape a character very different from Amy. Which one in particular? Possibly Kerry-Ann (Ty's ex girlfriend) who we met in Season One - played by Paula Brancati. The character had a very dark edge to her, and Paula did such an excellent job.
Q: Hey Amber, OMG I was wondering when you were going to be up for q and a! I just wanna say thanks for the letter (you replied to my fanmail and my friends thought I was going mad cause I jumped around and screamed so much!) and thanks to Graham too for the autographed photo. My question: In all three seasons so far which was your favourite episode to shoot and why??? Also want to let you know that i love the show and you guys are amazing! Posted by: Emma on March 01, 2010 at 12:54 PM
A: That is a tough question! I can say right away it is definitely an episode filmed in the summer months, as Alberta summers are so beautiful. I love working outdoors during them. To narrow it down to one episode, I would probably have to pick 207: Sweetheart of the Rodeo. We had fabulous weather, lots of riding and lots of laughs.
Q: Hey Amber, really glad I can ask YOU a question. You are awesome as Amy. I really enjoy watching scenes with Amy & Ty together, altough they are not always cute... So here is my question for you: I was wondering how many of Amy's riding scenes you're doing yourself. By example the last scene of episode 301 'Miracle'. Was that really you jumping about the fences with Caesar or was it just a stuntman? Anyway, keep up your awesome work! Greetings from Germany. Posted by: Tiishirt on March 01, 2010 at 12:32 PM
A: This is a question that seems to be asked quite often. There is really no black and white answer to it. I love to do as many of the "stunts" as I am allowed to, however due to the insurance policies on the show, there are certain things that they simply will not allow. Although I started my riding career in English Hunter, and I love to jump - the insurance companies don't think it is a good idea for me to risk injury. Therefore, the majority of the jumping we see Amy do, is performed by a stunt double. I am usually allowed to jump fences under 2 feet... and sometimes higher... but shhh! ;)
Q: Hey Amber!!!! First off i would like to say that you are my favourite actor and a great role model! I really value the work that you have put into heartland. I wouldn't even dream of missing an episode! I actually was going to go to the Royal to meet you but couldn't last minute but i am definitely coming to the Equin Emporium in London. Cant wait for the season 4 and Christmas Movie next year!!!! (as im sure a lot of people would say too). My question for you is... What traits to you and you character Amy both share? Thanx for your time! Posted by: Taylor on March 01, 2010 at 07:00 PM
A: There are many traits that Amy and I share. I think the most apparent would be our love and respect for animals and the outdoors.
Q: Hey Amber, I absolutely love you. So my question is what is your favourite sport - not including horse back riding? Like do you like to swim or run. Anyway I hope you answer this question because i haven't had any of my questions anserwed yet. love your work. Posted by: anabelle on March 02, 2010 at 08:49 AM
A: Great question! I was never really into sports growing up. I wasn't on a soccer team or in track and field. When I was between the ages of 6 and 12, I was part of a local dog agility club. My mom and I would spend a lot of our summer at dog trails and lessons. It was so much fun. I started riding full time after I got out of agility, so that was my next full time sport. I recently got back into agility with my Border Collie X, and she loves it!
Q: Bonjour Amber! I'm not actually French, but I'm learning :P You've come a long ways since the beginning of Heartland, and I'm sure because of it you've been given many opportunities another teenage girl may not get to have. Congratulations on it :) My question for you is: Amy deals with a lot of complicated emotions, and good ones too. When it's required to cry, or be scared, how do you really get into the moment (like think of something personal, etc.)? Thanks for being so great, you're a fantastic role model :) Posted by: Samantha Stokes on March 02, 2010 at 02:54 PM
A: Thanks Samantha. Another good question, and I think it is very unique to every actor. For me, it completely depends on the intensity of the emotion I am portraying. If I am supposed to be a little mad/sad/excited, it doesn't take much for me to get there. As I say the lines, I think of the underlying meaning and feel how Amy would feel. If a scene calls for Amy to be extremely upset then I try to put myself in her shoes. I think of how I would feel if that situation happened to me, or how I have felt if I have experienced that same thing.
Q: Hi Amber! I love you so much, I can't even describe it! Okay, question, do you spend more time on set when you're not fimling with other actors or with the horses? Bye! Posted by: Kitty on March 03, 2010 at 02:41 PM
A: Now that is a tough one!! I'm going to say overall I spend more time with the actors, since the horses are not there every day and sometimes they are off in the field happily grazing. Although, in the summer months I love to sit quietly on the fence or in the grass by the horses while I have a moment off.
Q: Heya Amber! Firstly, you do an awesome job as Amy. I read the books, but didn't know there was a tv show (i live in england) until a couple of years ago :) ok, so my question is.... Have you always wanted to be an actress/work as a vet, or did you wanna do something completely different when you were younger (like being an astronaut or summin'!) Big hello from rainy england, Posted by: Annie on March 01, 2010 at 12:51 PM
A: The first song I ever "wrote" was when I was three... it went something like this, "I wanna be a farmer, farmer, FARMMMMERRRRR!" So I think at a young age that was where I was headed. Once I learned what a veterinarian was I was set on that. As soon as I was old enough to work in a Vet Clinic I did, and I was there for five years. During that time I was acting in theatre and on the odd television movie or show. After being cast as "Amy" I started to realize that my passion for animals and acting could be combined in the perfect job. So that is where I am at now, and who knows - maybe I will still be a farmer!
Q: Hi Amber. My question is if you could own one horse from the show which one would you have? Posted by: emma on March 01, 2010 at 01:49 PM
A: SPARTAN, without question! "Stormy" the horse who plays the role is wonderful. I have a weakness for black horses and he is just a stunning horse. Not to mention quiet, bomb proof, gentle with the smoothest gaits! What more could I ask for? But I like to think that the character he plays is just like him. 
Q: Hey Amber! You are sooo prettttyyyy!!!!! :) and you are such a good actor! you are like my role model.... just sayin - I have met you 3 times in Toronto.. :P Every time you and Graham or someone else comes... I just have to go :P I loove the show!! Anyways my question for you is.... when you auditioned for heartland did you audition for the role of Amy or did you audition for someone else? thanks for your time. :) Posted by: Sonya on March 01, 2010 at 01:57 PM
A: Amy was the only character I auditioned for on Heartland. She just seemed to be the most suited to me, and I guess in the end, she was!
Q: Hey Amber, you do a really good job!!! I love watching the show... But unfortunately I live in Germany! Here´s my question: About Spartan: Is that always the same horse or are there some different "Spartans" in the show? Thank you so much for taking time to answer all these question! Lots of love, Posted by: Elli M. on March 03, 2010 at 05:34 AM
A: We mostly use a horse by the name of "Stormy" for Spartan. He is very quiet and easy to work around, and smooth to ride - so he is the perfect fit. But like all of us "actors" he has stunt doubles! When we need "Spartan" to rear, kick, lie-down and even jump, we bring in a specialized horse that is trained to do so. That way we keep Stormy in great shape for all his close ups!
Q: Howdy, Amber! Heartland wouldn't be Heartland without you, so I guess that makes you the 'heart' of the show. It's an awesome responsibility, and you're doing an incredible job as Amy with the marvelous support of the rest of the super cast. Keep up the excellent work! Here's my question: We've seen your character singing along with Country music recordings Lyndy Bartlett made on the show... it didn't look like voice over dubbing to me, so is singing one of your passions? (If so, your singing voice is lovely). Thanks for taking time to answer all these fan questions! -TC Posted by: TC on March 03, 2010 at 01:04 AM
A: I love to sing! Shaun (Grampa Jack) and I both enjoy sitting out and playing the guitar at lunch and singing songs we know. I have recently taken up the guitar so I can join in on the jam. It is also so much fun to sit around the camp fire and play and sing, ah I can't wait for summer!!
Q: Hey Amber! I'd decided on your question ages ago, and I'm very pleased to at last get a chance to ask it! May I just say first though, that I think you are a very talented young actress and I look forward to seeing you every week in a new episode. Now for the question: Do you use any of the 'Heartland' treatments (T-Touch, Alternative Medication etc.) on any of your own horses? Thanks! Posted by: Lisa on March 01, 2010 at 12:40 PM
A: I have definitely learned a lot more about alternative medication then I had known before I started on this show. It was not something I ever used with my horses in the past, but I have started to experiment a little more with certain remedies we have used or I have heard of others using. I am also starting to become more health conscious myself, and like to use natural remedies whenever I can.
Q: Hi Amber. First I have to say you are a wonderful person I really admire you! I wanted to ask you something about your role in "The Elizabeth Smart Story". What does it feel to portray someone who really exist? Best wishes from France. Posted by: Charlotte on March 03, 2010 at 10:36 AM
A: When I got the role of Elizabeth Smart, I was the same age as her and completely shocked and horrified by her story. For those of you who are unfamiliar, she was kidnapped as a young teenager and taken captive by a man who made her believe she was sent to be his wife. Nine months later she was found by police and reunited with her family. To answer your question, I tried to separate the true story and the character I was portraying in order to maintain emotional disconnection. I treated the story as fiction, and although I did my research on her and her story, I thought of it as a movie I was acting in, instead of a real person whose traumatic ordeal I was reliving.
Q: Hi Amber!! You do a wonderful job at playing Amy! I was wondering... Who is your favourite actor or actress to work with on the show and why? Posted by: Nikki on March 01, 2010 at 03:14 PM
A: One of the best things about working on Heartland is the cast and crew. We are all such a close group and have so much fun everyday. To narrow down one particular person is quite difficult as I have a special friendship with the entire main cast. My favourite scenes are spent at the Heartland dinner table. We have had so many laughs there!
Q: Hey, Amber! Love the show! I could not ever possibly imagine another Amy than you. My question is: If you had to pick someone on the set that you were the closest to, or spent the most time with, who would it be? Thanks!!! Keep up the amazing work!! Posted by: Claire on March 03, 2010 at 04:22 PM
A: I think outside of work I spend the most time with Graham. Him and I have a lot of the same interests and are usually on the same working hours.
Q: Hi Amber you are awesome at acting and a great role model. I love watching the show so keep up the great work. My question is: What is the first acting gig you got? Posted by: Lara on March 01, 2010 at 10:00 PM
A: When I was 12 years old I was cast as the role of "Ally" on a YTV kids show called "Super Rupert." It was such a great experience and really started my love for on-screen acting.
Q: I adore you Amber and I don't think Canada could find a better actress!(other than Michelle and Jessica) Anyways, my question is, I know that you an Graham are boyfriend and girlfriend in the show, but in real life, have you two developed any type of relationship, like become great friends? Love you! Posted by: Janet on March 01, 2010 at 01:59 PM
A: Graham is one of my very best friends. I love spending time with him and it never involves any "work." I really couldn't imagine a better "Ty." I think Graham is a very talented person and he is easy to work with. It is so wonderful to have such a connection with a co-star and it makes it easier to act!
Q: Hey Amber you're an amazing and talented actress I don't think they could've pick a better actress to play your role in heartland!! Anyway ,my question is what would be your dream role in any show or movie if you had to pick one? thanks so much :) Posted by: Alex on March 01, 2010 at 05:18 PM
A: I would love to film a 3-D Movie like Avatar. I think it would be so much fun doing a lot of green screen work and having the majority added into the film in post production!
Q: Hi Amber! You play your role of Amy perfectly! :) Here's my question: As Amy, you ride Western and Show Jump. In real life, which discipline do you like more? Or do you like both just as much? Thanks! ~Sarah~ Posted by: Sarah on March 01, 2010 at 05:48 PM
A: I love both English and Western for different reasons. I think if I had to choose, it would be Western. I just really like roping and cattle work, and I find the saddle's more comfortable. When I just go out for a trail I love to go bareback, but when I feel like jumping the English tack goes on!
Q: Hi Amber, you are an awesome actress!! You inspire a lot of people and many people look up to you! Amy's one of my favourite characters on Heartland! Okay, so my question is (If you don't mind to answer), What is your favourite colour/color? Thank you so much for being on Heartland - you are so awesome!! Heartland is my all time favourite show!! :) Have a great day! :) Bye! If you answer this question - Thanks a billion!! :) :) :) :) Thank you! Posted by: Maegyn on March 05, 2010 at 06:41 AM
A: Growing up, anytime someone asked me my favourite colour the answer was always blue. Now I think I would have to say it depends on what we are talking about. Clothing, house paint colour, the colour of the sky or grass... So let me think.... For horse colour I really like Buckskins, Dark Palominos and true black horses. For house paint colour, I'm gonna go with beige. Clothing? I usually stick with Earth tones... But all around good colour? I'm still thinking blue, but I do really like purple. Maybe blueish purple?
Q: Hi Amber, My question is - given the fact Heartland gets more popular every year and I think no one else could play Amy can you see yourself in this role for the next few years? (I certainly hope so!) Posted by: Sandy on March 01, 2010 at 03:07 PM
A: I certainly can! I am here and ready to play Amy for as long as the show goes! I cannot think of a better lifestyle. 
Q: Hi Amber, First off, you are a wonderful actress and I thouroughly enjoy watching you on screen. I also really appreciate knowing that working with animals is something you enjoy doing on and off screen. I imagine that this only adds to your acting skills. My question is this....Heartland is based on a series of novels. Did you read these books when you were younger? And do you draw inspiration for Amy's character from the books if you did? Thanks, Sarah. Posted by: Sarah on March 01, 2010 at 04:12 PM
A: I had read a couple of the books when I was a kid, but was never much of a reader. When I got the role of Amy I started to read a few more in order to get a better idea of the character. However, with all the changes we had made, I found it too hard to separate what the Amy in the book series had done and what the character I was portraying had done. So I stopped reading them...
Q: hi amber your the best i absolutely adore you your the best so my question is who is the funnniest who is the most serious who is the most worried and who is the most mad out of the cast and crew of heartland thanks natalie Posted by: natalie on March 01, 2010 at 05:27 PM
A: I am definitely gonna go with Spartan for the funniest actor on set. He is always trying to steal my close up, and if he is forced to be in the background he will sulk and yawn until he is noticed... The most serious you ask? Probably Sugarfoot... he takes his acting responsibilities very seriously. Copper is usually worrying about forgetting his lines... so he might fall under that category. And even though we are a pretty happy bunch, Max the St. Bernard gets a temper every now and then and will lock himself in his doghouse until we bring him cheese covered bones on a paper plate.... Weird I know!
Q: Okay, so, as much as I hate to be the one to ask this, I gotta ask. For the fans. For tradition. For plain old things we just gotta know. Amber Marshall: What's your favourite comfort food? I know, I know, it's just I'm making this doggone list, and... well, yeah. Anyway, keep up the great job acting, and watch out for rampaging fans! (they get really bad in the spring time, when they come out of hibernation...) Posted by: Twe on March 01, 2010 at 06:09 PM
A: ICE CREAM! Any kind, but the more chocolate the better.... 
Q: Hello Amber! You are by far the person that brings this show alive, love your work! I've heard that you love animals as much off set as Amy does in the show. How do you deal with being away from your animals while you are working? Or do you bring them with you? Thanks so much, and can't wait to see the next episode, you are such a great actress! Posted by: Marigna on March 02, 2010 at 09:04 AM
A: I couldn't leave them! I have moved my home to Alberta now, and so did all my furry friends. My dog, China comes to work with me everyday. She is my little shadow, and goes everywhere I do. My horses are happy grazing most of the day, and then enjoy our weekend rides in the mountains. The chickens and cats? Well, they amuse themselves. 
Q: Hey Amber, What's the highest you have ever jumped :P Posted by: Katy on March 02, 2010 at 04:21 PM
A: Hmm... I'm thinking the 4ft range... when I am allowed... 
Q: Hey Amber! You are an amazing actress and my daughter has helped me become a huge fan of Heartland! My question is: When you ride off the show, do you wear a helmet? I have always thought that wearing one is always important no matter how experienced and I am interested in your view. Thanks so much Amber, for being a wonderful role model for my daughter! Posted by: Paula on March 01, 2010 at 06:13 PM
A: I always wore a helmet growing up. And I believe it is very important to wear one especially when you are jumping! Usually when I ride now I don't wear one - but do as I say not as I do in this situation!!
Q: Hey Amber! First off just wanted to say that you're awesome, I love you on heartland and I really wish I could get a chance to meet you sometime! :) anywho, my question: what's your favourite genre of music to listen to and why? Posted by: Elyse Smith on March 02, 2010 at 10:42 AM
A: I love everything! I do not really have a specific genre that I like in particular. I like easy going classic rock, and new age music. I listen to country, oldies, hiphop, modern and classic rock and everything in between.
Q: Hi Amber!! You're a fantastic actress and I love the way you play in Heartland! It surely must be a lot of fun to film it and we definitely enjoy watching the result!!! My question for you is: is there a certain role or character that would be a challenge for you to play in the future? Thanks a lot and keep up the great work!!! Lots of love from Holland, Posted by: Anouk Moser on March 02, 2010 at 10:48 AM
A: I would love to be in a heavy action movie that was very intense in stunts as well as dramatic tension. I think that would keep me on my toes.
Q: Hey Amber! I LOVE you in the part of Amy. Here it goes.. In episode #306 Growing pains, did you get lots of time to play with the baby cougar? Because it was so cute! Posted by: Angela on March 02, 2010 at 01:44 PM
A: Oh wasn't he?! I wish I could have cuddled him all day! I did get to hold him in-between scenes, but we didn't want to exhaust him before his big cougar close-up!
Q: Hi Amber! I am Heartland crazy, and I have met you and Graham once before in Toronto at the Royal Winter Fair. Though you probably don't remember :) Anyhoo, my question for you is...: If you could pick one horse movie in the world, which one would be your favourite?? Thanks a bunch! You are all wonderful actors, :D Posted by: Alexandra on March 02, 2010 at 03:51 PM
A: The Original Black Beauty! Those beach scenes make me cry every time. The most incredible images!
Q: hi amber! you do a brilliant job playing amy on heartland :D my question is.... what is the hardest thing you've had to do on heartland? i'd really like to know. thanks and keep up the good work! Posted by: Zoey on March 03, 2010 at 08:44 AM
A: The hardest thing? This is a tough one. Well I think it has actually been filming this week! We are currently shooting the Christmas movie to air December 2010. It is quite physically demanding and sends me home very tired every night! Will I be giving any hints? No way!
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sparklemichele · 6 years
Flawless Part 2
Florian Munteanu x Black Reader
Read Part One here
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As soon as you walked in the door of your apartment you made a beeline to your closet. You flew the doors open, walked in and started to search. Within ten minutes you were frustrated and Facetimed your best friend in Atlanta.
“I can’t find anything to wear!” You screamed at her as soon as the call connected.
“First of all, calm down. Wear for what?”
You realize you forgot to tell her the news.
“What?!! With Big Nasty?!!” Now it was her turn to scream.
“Don’t scream. You are going to make me freak out even more.” You were going to cry.
“Girl, have you seen his Instagram post today?”
“No! I don’t need to see it. I just saw him a few minutes ago.” You were starting to panic again. Your friend was not helping.
“Angela you are not helping.”
“Look, your wardrobe is flawless. It’s a mesh between Olivia Pope and Annalise Keating. You have something. Look harder!”
“Angela, the man lives in fuckin track suits for God sakes. What would I have that would go with that?”
“It doesn’t matter ‘cause you will be naked by the end of the night anyway.” Angela laughed.
“You know what…fuck you!” You laughed.
“Not me honey....him.”
“I can’t with you right now. I will call you later.” You ended the call more frazzled. She did not help your situation. You continued to search and finally sighed with relief when you came across an off white off the shoulder large sweater and white trousers. 
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(Michele’s Note M/N- Kerry Washington is not my face claim. Just the outfit)
 It will have to do. You looked in your full-length mirror and gazed at your hair that was pulled up in a bun. It would have to be a quick wash and go for this 4C hair tonight. You blew a raspberry as you thought of what you were going to do for the next five and a half hours. It surely would not take you that long to get ready. You decided to have a glass of wine to calm your nerves and stalk his Instagram. You smiled as you gazed at the pic he posted of the day. It was from his workout today. The man had the body of a God. After a few moments of looking at his IG you found yourself squirming on your couch. You closed the app. You found something to busy yourself with around the house until it was time to get ready. You were putting on your makeup when you received a text from a number asking for your address. You assumed it was Florian and you texted him your address.
 See you in a few.
 You smiled at his reply.
 You looked at yourself in your full-length mirror. You looked damn good you thought. You were still self-conscious about your extra pounds, but the sweater had help hidden them.  Your hair had dried just at your shoulders. Your makeup was flawless. You were proud of yourself. You jumped when you heard the hard knock at the door. Damn he knocked like he was the police. You tried to take your time getting to the door, but you knew you probably opened it too fast. You did little to stifle back the gasp that came from your mouth. He had on blue jeans with a black, tight long sleeve shirt on that showed off his physique and his gold cross adorn his neck. He was gorgeous.
“Wow! You look beautiful.” He told you.
Heat rose to your face. “Thank you.”  You said sheepishly.
“Are you ready?” He asked.
“Yes.” You grabbed your keys and small purse off the hall table and followed Florian out to his car. You almost laughed as he had a BMW as well. Well they were popular Germany cars. Florian opened the passenger side for you and you crawled in. After a few moments Florian squeezed in.
“I’m going to take you to one of my favorite restaurants. It is own by this couple who I have known for years. The food is outstanding. Would you like that?”
You nodded yes. You didn’t know if you were able to form a full sentence yet. Florian tried to make conversation with you and you warmed up a little but not much as a lot of your answers were yes or no. You needed wine stat. You both finally pulled up to the quaint restaurant. Florian quickly got out the car and opened your side of the car. He took your hand and helped you out. You chose to ignore the spark you felt when your hand was in his. Florian put his hand at the small of your back as you both walked into the restaurant. You didn’t know if it was who Florian was and his size or your skin color, but the restaurant seems to have gone silent went you both walked in.  The stares made you uncomfortable. Picking up on your emotion Florian wrapped his arm around your waist. You don’t know if that made you feel better or worse.  
“Florian! How good to see you!” and older lady called to him as she walked up hugging him tight. “You must be Y/N. Aren’t you just stunning.” She said genuinely.
“Thank you.” You smiled. You sighed with relief when you both were seated at your table. “Can I have your wine list please.”
“Of course, my dear.”
“Look at me.” Florian demanded when his friend left. Your eyes found his. “Don’t worry about the people in here. It’s just you and me. Sophia and Walter are good people. That’s all you need to worry about. I wouldn’t bring you to a place where you need to worry.”
“I just don’t want no one to come hit me in the back of me head.” You confessed. Florian frowned.
“That’s not going to happen. More importantly you think I would let anything like that happen to you?”
Florian looked at you sternly waiting for your reply.
“No.” You finally answered.
“No, I would not. Let’s enjoy the evening and not worry about the other patrons.” Florian requested and that was what you did. You enjoyed your evening with him. You let him order for you and you were not disappointed in your dish. You enjoyed hearing him speak in German to the waiter as he ordered. You enjoyed the wine you had and most of all you enjoyed his company. You were looser and more talkative on the way home. You found yourself touching him more to emphasize points in your conversations. He made you laugh, and you made him laugh. You did not want the night to end when he pulled up to your apartment. Florian as always, a gentleman opened the door for you and this time took your hand in his massive hand and walked you to your door.
“I had a wonderful time tonight.” You told him once to your door.
“I did as well.” Florian caressed your cheek and the look of passion on Florian’s face caught you off guard. You did not expect to see his eyes ablaze looking at you with pure desire. Florian reached down, cupped your face, angled his head as not to hit your nose and softly kissed your lips. Florian kissed you softly, slowly and gently. Your heart was pounding in your chest as he intensified the kiss. Florian’s tongue found places in your mouth you didn’t even realize you had, and your knees became so weak that you lost your balance. Florian snaked his thick arm around your waist to hold you up without breaking the kiss. You moaned in his mouth as he sucked on your tongue long and slow. You knew you needed to pull away as your knees continued to buckle and he was literally holding you up and you began to feel wetness pool at your center. All this from a kiss? Florian finally pulled away with a low growl and a hazy look in his eyes. He closed his eyes and rest his forehead with yours.
“Damn.” He whispered. “I can smell how wet you are.”
Your head flew back and hit the wall.
“Oh my God!” You screeched with embarrassment.
Florian’s eyes flew open and he grabbed the back of your head as he heard the loud thud of your head hitting the wall.
“Are you ok?”
“I’m fine.” You were mortified. “I better go.” You started to move to head up stairs, but Florian would not budge. “Florian, let me go.”
His response was to lean over, and softy kiss you and you instantly calmed down from your embarrassment. Florian kept the kiss light and short this time. He pulled at your bottom lip between his teeth when he pulled away causing you to shudder. He caressed your cheek smiling down at you and you could not help but smile back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow ok?”
“Ok” You replied. You watch him walk to his car and as he drove away you remembered you didn’t have a training session tomorrow. So, he already made plans to see you again. You smiled to yourself as you walked into your apartment.
@mimigemrose @readsalot73 @captstefanbrandt @titty-teetee @emmysrandomthoughts @poe-slittleraven13 @ml0103 @mitchcheckmyprofile @jojolu
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fragmentedshards · 5 years
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Lee and Rio and the Haunted Doll
Chapter Two
Lee Harker stared at the bar window from inside his car, feeling unusually apprehensive. After President Jelani assigned him to be Rio’s investigation partner, Lee had reached out to Rio in an email. She had responded asking him to meet her later that day at Wanderley’s, the bar near Thredson College.
He had not been entirely honest with President Jelani; he had been in contact with Rio since her high school graduation, although he had not talked to her since long before either of them had started teaching at Thredson. While he wasn’t exactly nervous about seeing Rio again, he wasn’t sure how it was going to go. Even though their parting had been amiable enough, it was still a little awkward. Lee sighed to himself. He wasn’t even sure if Rio was already inside or not. Shaking himself, he climbed out of the car and walked into Wanderley’s.
Of course the light was dim inside. He waited for his eyes to adjust, then scanned the place for Rio. He found her sitting at the counter, flipping through papers and drinking a margarita. Before he could start walking towards her, she looked up and spotted him, waving him over. Once he reached her he ordered a beer and glanced at the papers in front of her, only to realize they were essays from her students.
“So they really asked you to be the one to help me out with these projects, huh?” Rio asked, spinning on her chair to face Lee and taking her margarita with her.
“Yeah,” he confirmed. “I’m the scientist, you’re the bookworm. That’s the balance needed for these cases, apparently.” he gestured to the folders in Rio’s large embroidered bag, which was draped over her chair. “Are any of those our first case?”
Rio’s face lit up. “I’m glad you asked!” she closed the folder of papers in front of her (��I’m so sick of reading these papers on Catullus; that man is proof that toxic masculinity has always been part of human nature”) and pulled another folder out of the bag, plopping it onto the counter and opening it to the first page. “Check this out. We’re going to investigate one of the most famous haunted dolls in the world.”
“No,” Rio shook her head. “No, I’m pretty sure Annabelle is with Lorraine Warren. This one we have to investigate is called Letta. Take a look.”
Lee dragged the folder over to himself as the bartender brought him his beer and took Rio’s order for another margarita. He read over the information in the file before taking a huge gulp and looking up at Rio. “So, the only evil thing related to this doll is the foreboding some people feel when they’re around it, is that right?”
Rio nodded. “But he does periodically call out; that’s how he got the name of Letta, for Letta me out. He supposedly has real human hair and the likeness of a human brain -”
“Now what on earth does that mean? What does a likeness of a human brain look like inside a doll head?” Lee asked.
“Dunno,” Rio shrugged. “That’s part of the mystery and part of what we’re going to figure out.” she drank from her margarita and pointed to a section of the paper. “See what it says about how Letta was found? Kerry Walton found him under the porch of an abandoned house. I’d be interested to know how the doll got there in the first place.”
“So how do we do that?”
Rio reached into her bag and fumbled around, looking for something. “Shit,” she said after a minute. “I left it at home. You’ll have to come with me for a bit.” she tossed some money onto the counter, said “His is on me” to the bartender, and hopped off the stool while gathering up her folders in her arms. “Come on,” she waved at Lee to follow her.
“Jesus, Rio,” Lee muttered when he stepped through the door of her apartment. “What the hell did you do to your place? It looks like some conspiracy theorist’s hideout.”
“Shut up,” Rio balled up her sweater and threw it at Lee jokingly.
Lee wasn’t wrong. The bookshelves were crammed full of books, yet more books still lay open on every flat surface. The walls were covered with maps and pictures and pages of information, either printed out or torn from books - though if Lee knew Rio, there was no way she would have torn pages out of books, so where she got the torn pages was a mystery to him. Rio had tied strings to thumbtacks and stuck them in various places all over the pages, connecting concepts and facts, similar to a murder board. It looked exactly like a place a conspiracy theorist would live.
Rio made her way carefully to her desk and fished through a stack of papers. Finally she seemed to find what she was looking for, clambering back to Lee and handing him a printed-out email.
“If you read that, you’ll see it was from Kerry Walton, giving us permission to ask him more questions about Letta.”
Lee adjusted his glasses and peered at the paper.
Professor Bennett,
Yes, I know Letta draws much attention from all over the world. If you have some questions that have not been answered by the other interviews I have done, certainly you may meet me and ask me. I have some new developments on the doll which you may want to hear anyway.
You may as well meet me in Sydney. Let me know which hotel you choose and I’ll come to the hotel bar. I’ll even bring Letta along, if you wish. Come quickly.
Kerry Walton
Lee folded the paper in half and handed it back to Rio. “So, when are we going?” Rio handed Lee a plane ticket before he even finished his question. “You can pay me back for that later, though you don’t need to worry about the hotel bill. The college took care of that.”
Lee took a closer look at the ticket. “Tomorrow?” he exclaimed. “God, they could at least have given me a heads up so I could organize something for my classes to do while I’m gone.”
“Just create an extra credit project for them,” Rio shrugged. “That’s what I did for my classes. I posted it on the website; the creative writing classes have to come up with an additional short story, the literature and core English classes have to write an additional literary criticism paper, you get the idea.”
“Hmm,” Lee rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess I could assign them a research project about invasive species in the Everglades.”
“Oh, right,” Rio disappeared around the wall to where Lee assumed there was a kitchen, and his guess was confirmed when he heard a Keurig up and running. She continued to talk loudly over the coffeemaker. “That was your area of expertise, wasn’t it?”
“Still is, technically, but yeah.” he replied. “How did you know that, though?”
“I still talk to Winter once a week at the very least,” Rio said over the clanking of a spoon on the inside of a mug. “Though I haven’t had the chance to tell her that you’ll be my case partner.” she poked her head around the wall. “Coffee?”
Lee shook his head. “I didn’t drink all that much.” Rio’s head disappeared and reappeared again in a moment, gripping a Hello Kitty mug in her hands. “I should probably go pack, if I have to be at the airport in the morning. I’ll pick you up from here and we can go together, does that sound good?”
Rio nodded, sipping her coffee. “That’ll be fine. I’m packed, so I’ll just double check to make sure all the papers are together and then try to sleep.”
Lee was halfway out the door of the apartment before he turned back and said half- smiling, “Hopefully that’s decaf, then,” before dodging a poorly-aimed ball of paper Rio threw at him and laughing as he exited. Not awkward at all, actually, he thought to himself. And apparently she still likes to throw things.
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milleniumhan · 7 years
Love has a mind of its own.       (Joe Keery x Reader)
Note: Hey guys! So, I know I said I would post the second part of the “Leave, just like everyone does” series, buutt I’m a terrible person and decided to change some details, so I’m still working on it and it won’t be up until next week, probably, hopefully sooner. I’m sorry. :((( Pls love me. Anyway, this is also the first part of a three part (or maybe four, we’ll see) mini series. I hope you like it! I really enjoyed coming up with it and actually writing something. 
 P.S.: Last note, promise. I don’t currently have a tag list, but since I will be posting quite a lot for both mini-series I thought I should start one! Please let me know if you want to be in it. Message me or leave me a comment! I won’t bite! Okay, I’ll leave you alone to it now, gogogo! enjoy! <3
Summary: In which you meet Joe by mere coincidence! Turns out you have more than just a friend in common.  New York is nice but loving Joe Keery is nicer.
“New York, Queens. It’s a rough borough but hey, it’s home.” You laughed probably a little bit too hard at the obvious Spider-man reference. You always liked New York even though you weren’t originally from there. Although it was just another big grey city for most people, you always thought it held the most colourful culture inside of its concrete walls. The people were a little scary though, you had to admit. Always rushing from side to side and pushing you when necessary to get to their destination on time. You didn’t mind, though, not one bit. You were currently sitting at a small coffee shop near Queens Boulevard with your best friend, Will. You had met him a couple years back when you first came to New York to continue your studies, he was actually a New York native, from Queens...and a huge nerd, obviously. You were sitting side to side on a booth next to a wall that was, actually, just a huge, shiny window. “I wonder how they clean them...” you thought to yourself. It was the middle of spring and the view from there was actually really beautiful, hence the stupid quote that had previously come out of Will’s mouth. After you stopped laughing like a complete dork, Will started. “Hey, so, are you still up for tonight? I can pick you up if you’d like.” “Yeah! Sure! you know I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world” you ended with an exaggerated toothy smile gaining a chuckle from Will. You guys had a tradition: every year you would dress up in crazy over-the-top sparkly outfits and go down to his aunt’s club for “Disco night”, this year was going to be a little bit different though, Will’s brother, who was visiting from California with some of his friends,was tagging along too. 
After a while you both got up and started to walk down the boulevard. “Wow”, you thought to yourself, the weather was so nice that day. You could see the light passing through the branches and leaves of the trees and you could feel the sumbeams creeping on your face, instantly warming up your previously cold cheeks. You were taking in the whole thing when Will said, out of the blue, “You know, one of them is from Massachusetts? That’s so weird.” Will’s voice sounded almost confused, which intrigued you. “One of Mike’s friends?” you looked over at him and he responded with a nod. “Why is that weird?” you continued in a questioning manner. “Well...I don’t know, I just think it’s funny how they are both from different states and just happened to be at the same concert at the same time...in freaking California, so weird, you know? and they ended up being the best of friends. It just boggles my mind to think about it...like, when you are meant to meet someone you meet them, no matter what, no matter if you are both from different states or countries...destiny always has to bring you together and it always finds a way.” You always loved when Will started drifting, it was one of the things that made you guys get along so well. “Well then, what do you think is “destiny’s”reason for them to come to New York right now?” you replied, genuinely interested on what Will had to say about it. “I don’t know...” he started, giving you a cheeky glance, “maybe my brother’s friend is here to finally make you fall in love with someone” he finally said in a mocking tone. You rolled your eyes for miles. “Oh my god, Will! I thought you were actually going somewhere with this!!!” you whined with annoyance slapping his arm while he found himself gasping for air from laughing so hard at your face. You started laughing along with him “You are so stupid!” you continued to complain. After both of you managed to compose yourselves, you casually asked “So, what’s his name, anyway?” “Mmmm...” Will thought for a moment, “Joe, Kerry or Keery, or something like that.” you chuckled at the name. “Nah, I’d never fall for a plain ol’ Joe.” you stated playfully. “Hmmm, we’ll see about that. I’ve been told he���s quite the heartthrob.” 
Okay, okay, don’t hate me. :(( I know it’s short and kind of slow, but I had to set up the whole story. The story will pick up! I promise! I’ll post the next parts as soon as possible! I’ve just been really busy and am currently sitting on a pile of chores and school work because I love to procrastinate. I really hope you liked it though! <3 
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tinkiisms · 8 years
Tinker Bell PSA
I have run this blog for years, and I’ve grown tired and confused by the sheer number of people who spell Tink’s name wrong when writing with me.
Now, it doesn’t surprise me that people spell her name wrong in general because it’s a very common misconception (in my experience more people misspell her name than get it right, so you can’t be blamed for using that misspelling if you’ve never read the original text.)
But when people role-play with me and I trust them to have read at least one of my blog’s pages (all of which feature her name) or even the very RP reply they’re reblogging from me, it would be nice to see her name spelled correctly.
So, once and for all, I’m going to explain the name situation. I don’t wish to be rude and this is genuinely not a vagueblog directed toward ANYONE, because I appreciate the quality of every RPer I write with (that’s why I’ve kept writing with you without any complaint or comment about the name until now!!!) This is just a detail many seem to have overlooked, so I have to talk about it for once.
Tinker Bell’s name is spelled Tinker Bell, not Tinkerbell.
If you trust me, the Tinker Bell RPer, to know what I’m talking about, you can stop right there and just adjust yourself to using her correct name and move on. If you want The Evidence, read on. ;)
Since her conception in James Barrie’s original Peter Pan play in 1904, her name has been been spelled with a space and a capital B. I’ve found one, two, three original playbills to show this.
Here is an online transcription of a first edition copy of Peter and Wendy, the novel version of Barrie’s play written by the man himself and first published in 1911. You can see her name spelled Tinker Bell there. Here are examples of scans from a version of the book in print to show that her name IS printed that way in any copy you’ll find.
Peter Pan in Scarlet, the authorized sequel to Peter and Wendy, though not written by Barrie himself, also uses her correct name, found here.
Now, that’s all official, but what about Disney? Maybe they changed the spelling of her name the way they changed some other details of the story, you think. No. Her name has always been spelled Tinker Bell by Disney.
Have you ever wondered why characters in Disney’s Peter Pan or Disney Fairies movies often call Tink, “Miss Bell”? It’s because her name is Tinker Bell, and the Bell is actually a separate word from the Tinker, not mushed together.
Margaret Kerry, the live action reference model for Tink, whose pantomime and figure provided the basis for Tink’s animation in the 1953 cartoon Peter Pan, spells Tink’s name Tinker Bell. On her website and in autographs. (The Tinker Bell face characters at Disney parks are also taught to sign this way.)
Further, the Disney Golden book copyright 1952 (the year before the film was released) spells her name Tinker Bell.
So, too, does all Disney-sold merchandise for Tinker Bell and the Disney Fairies line. As well as the page on Disney’s website for Tinker Bell itself. And the entirety of the published novels concerning Tink and friends in Pixie Hollow.
I could go on explaining how any official content you come across for her will say Tinker Bell, rather than Tinkerbell, but I’m sure this post has gone on long enough.
It should be noted that there ARE some adaptations that spell her name wrong, because they were evidently created by people who didn’t do that much research into the source material they were adapting. In those, which can be considered their own canon universe, maybe Tink’s name is spelled “Tinkerbell”, but never on my blog. (I’m looking at you, back of the Hook 1991 DVD)
Anyways, all of this aside, it’s a beautiful day and I hope you can enjoy some of it, wherever you are! I mean, Tinkerbell and Peterpan are probably flying over Captainhook’s ship right now, looking for a reason to fight him....Maybe they’re trying to rescue Wendydarling or Tigerlily.
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