#anyway watch space dandy
ubersaur · 4 months
Ah sorry, saw your post about how you don't have the font file anymore! No problem then - but also, is it alright if I use your glyphs from that scriptfont template to make something in fontforge? It won't be perfect, but I can piece a font together for sure
yeah no problem! Go right ahead :) Maybe i'll make another myself sometime. It would be fun to have that font on-hand again 👀 fwiw, that font was just hand-written by me on my tablet so it's far from perfect to begin with lol
edit: o i forgot to answer privately my bad. Does tumblr still notify u when ur ask is answered??? I'mma ping you too just in case. @astraldepths (This is abt a space dandy font i did up .....TEN YEARS AGO? SPACE DANDY IS THAT FUCKING OLD ALREADY? 😭😭😭)
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finalgwen · 4 months
I'm going to go on a little ramble about representation in Doctor Who because tonight they managed to make me feel a way I haven't felt since 18 June 2005.
So let's start there, with the last time we got to see the Doctor and a male character have a romantic kiss. On family tv in 2005, with kids across the country watching. Two years before that, it was literally illegal to mention LGBTQ+ people in a positive sense in UK schools. Section 28's shadow lingered for a long time, I don't think there was any palpable change to the curriculum in those two years. But RTD gave us Captain Jack and that kiss, and he did so explicitly for the purpose of representation, saying 'It’s time you introduce bisexuals properly into mainstream television'.
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Then after that kiss, Jack dies. Tale as old as time for queer characters. But then... He doesn't. He comes back to life, and refuses to die from that point on. A writer that saw too many brilliant gay and bi men disappear from his life (as It's A Sin brings into stark contrast) gave us a queer hero whose power was that he couldn't die, and I still marvel at the power of that.
(... And then sadly the elephant in the room, John Barrowman refused to learn about what's appropriate on set and kept doubling down on why his behaviour was actually just fine and dandy, and so we'll likely never see the character again, which sucks given how much he meant to bi kids growing up in that era.)
So anyway, Doctor Who moves on as it always does. We get Torchwood and a gloriously bi team there, but safely away in the adult television space. RTD era Who keeps on mentioning queer characters but we never get anyone quite as in your face or central to the plot as Jack. River Song briefly mentions flirting with everyone in the same 51st century way, but then stays mostly focused on the Doctor on screen.
Then Moffat era Who comes about and Season 5 doesn't feature a single queer character except River's reappearance. Even Moffat realised how much he'd fucked up here and course corrected. So things get slightly better with Vastra and Jenny (two prominent lesbian characters, only one of whom gets non-consensually kissed by the very male Doctor, yay) and eventually Clara, a canonically bi companion. It's only mentioned in little side snippets about kissing Jane Austen in unseen stories, but it's there? You can't deny she's bi, even if it never really informs her story. And then Bill, who's actually genuinely handled pretty well as a lesbian character, I think Moffat tried and things like getting a gay date interrupted by the pope are genuinely funny gags. Wish we got more of an actual dynamic between her and Heather though.
Then we get the Chibnall era and we do get queer characters here and there, The Witchfinders casting of Alan Cumming as James I is very good, and Praxeus has a quite sweet central gay relationship. But then there's Yaz.
See, Yaz is in love with the Doctor, apparently anyway, it's never mentioned before Revolution Of The Daleks when they became aware of the fan headcanon, and after using Jack to point to the similiarities between them in his last appearance, they kinda kept it on the backburner after that, so it's all very hastily resolved in one conversation in Legend Of The Sea Devils and they never kiss or get to display much affection.
So really we've had two eras where the main character representation has been piecemeal, there's certainly stuff there for queer fans to cling onto, in the same way that we've torn apart the classic era for hints of gayness. But Nyssa and Tegan weren't really for us, and neither is most of this. Even at its best it feels like straight writers realising it's a thing they should include but without any real passion for it.
And along comes Rogue and we get a full fledged romance, a dashing hero stepping into the Doctor's world and them instantly clicking and flirting, the chemistry palpable, all leading to a heartbreaking conclusion where they actually get to kiss before the end, and the chance of more to come in the future. No little one liner where Rogue says 'I like guys btw but anyway moving onto the important stuff'. No nods and winks and jokes about long tongues. Actual text, more development in an episode than Yaz and the Doctor managed across an entire run.
The writers of this episode are Kate Herron and Briony Redman who used to work on Loki, the one with the one side conversation about bisexuality that's a nice nod but never really builds to anything, that RTD famously called a 'craven, feeble gesture'. So they came in without the shackles of the MCU and did it right, and I love them for it. They tried to give us what representation they could, and with a producer that wants the same, we got something authentic.
Authenticity matters when it comes to representation, it can't just be to tick a box, and it really feels like this was for us. Something that might lead to the same brain explosion in a queer kid watching Doctor Who that Parting Of The Ways did in 2005 for me.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
Once Upon a Time on the Razor Crest
Summary: Hearts shifted
A/N: Hello lovelies,
Did everyone watch the three new episodes for Bad Batch? I was anxious, tears welled up, happy, frustrated. In short, my emotions were all over the place. But I can't wait to see the next episode.
Anyway, have a lovely weekend.
Love oo
Due to the past history of the OC there will be discussions alluding to past domestic abuse, please note that as it could be a trigger for some.
Warnings: physical closeness, grooming horses, scents, brush discussions, Din being adorable. If I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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Chapter Eight
She’d been so focused on Din’s instructions and her own actions, she hadn’t realized how close he’d gotten; at least, not until she turned her head to look at him and then their eyes locked. Suddenly, the world stilled as her eyes slowly took in his features, felt the brush of his breath against her cheek, the woodsy, leather, gun oil scent that filled her nostrils. Her body realized and became all too aware of how close he was - - how his shirt and the warmth from his body brushed against her back, how the heat of his hand seeped into her own as he guided her. 
 In that moment there was nothing but a rushing hum in my ears, as the blood pushed through my veins without restraint, as my heart started thumping in my chest. 
All thoughts, questions, everything just stopped as I looked deep into his warm, kind and chestnut coloured eyes. 
I tried to remember the last time someone looked at me with such kindness and warmth, the fact that nothing came straight to my mind caused my heart to lurch. 
Time seemed to have lost all meaning in that moment, it was only when Misty shifted and knocked her leash against the barn breaking the weird tension between us, that I finally looked elsewhere.
I cleared my throat, shifting away from him a little, hoping he didn’t think I found him uncomfortable. In reality, it wasn’t him that made me uncomfortable, it was that weird feeling in my heart that sent a tingling sensation down my arms to my hands. 
“I think I got it.” I stated as I found my strength once again, now that I wasn’t looking at him or sensing his warmth. 
Din cleared his throat, nodding as he rubbed the back of his neck. He hadn’t meant to invade her personal space, or to be so close that he could practically smell the soft, spicy, citrusy, balsamic scent coming off her, it was so different from anything Camilla had ever worn before. Was it her shampoo or was that her body wash? Maybe it was her lotion? Either way, he found himself leaning a little to smell it once again. He dug his nails into his palm, getting him to fight back to reality. He closed his eyes, letting the pain in his hands snap him out of whatever that was, he shifted away from her. He opened his eyes focusing on Misty, grounding himself as he tried to understand what just happened. Why did he just … he shook his head, focusing back on the task at hand.
“Good. Once you finish currying Misty, then we move on to brushing her coat.”
“Are there different brushes for each stage?”
Din shifted his head, “Yes and no. There are different types of horse brush, for example a body brush, great for removing dust, dried sweat from fine coats. Great for improving circulation and evenly distributing natural oils within the coat. Then there’s a dandy brush, used for bushing off mud, dander and grease, ideal for heavy or coarse coats. It’s too harsh for fine coated horses, such as thoroughbreds, and usually used during winter months when coats are thicker. There’s a flick brush, designed to flex and flick away debris, they’re best used after an initial groom, like we are.” He reached over and passed the flick brush to Ann, “There’s two types of flick brushes, one for fine coats and one for coarse coats. I also have a water brush, which is pretty self explanatory, a finishing brush which you use in the final step in the grooming process, used to polish and create an ultra shine. Then you have your grooming mitt, which is a soft fluffy mitt that can be used instead of a finishing brush. Finally, you have what’s called a curry comb, which cleans your brushes, keeps them lasting longer, and keeps them clean causing them to work better. Anyway, for the flick brush, you want to use short flicking motions to brush off the dirt we dislodged. Brush the area we just went over, and remember to avoid the head, mane, tail and lower legs. So begin at the neck and work your way around, following the direction of the hair growth.”
I nodded taking in everything he said, I glanced over my shoulder seeing him turn to walk away, “Where are you going?” The question was out of my mouth before I could even stop it, not sure why I was even caring where he went. It wasn’t any of my business. 
“I’m gonna check on Bessie, you mentioned earlier, you thought she was in pain, so I’m gonna go see if she’s alright.” He nodded, tipping his head towards me before heading off to look for Bessie. 
It was a while before Din came back, he looked at Misty, eyeing the work I did.
“Great job, now onto the next step.” He directed me to bring over Taika and start the process over with him. By the time we finished lunch had already come and gone, it was almost two in the afternoon. I glanced at my watch and realized he must be just as hungry as I am. 
He didn’t know why but just watching her as she rested against the corral while Taika and Misty were grazing, made him realize what Cobb mentioned when he brought her to the ranch. What was it again, ‘You know Ann’s not all that bad, she seems sweet. Easy on the eyes, and has a very enjoyable laugh.’ He couldn’t deny it, she wasn’t all that bad, and yeah she was easy on the eyes. He didn’t find her drop dead gorgeous, but she was quite pretty and very capable. Despite never having worked on a farm before she was very reliable, willing to learn and was always asking questions. In fact, he hadn’t had to wake her up or remind her to have dinner ready for Grogu once. She just sort of fell into place. Kind of like she belonged.
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ashwin-the-artless · 2 months
Sarah and Goreth Ampersand
Cast of the Tunnel Apparati Diaries
Note: although the Vanderkemps chose to do so in their premature fanfic of our work, I'm not going to deadname Sarah and Goreth here.
In short, in the books we're writing, Sarah and Goreth are my hosts. And before they hosted me, they were hosts of Phage (@ohthatphage).
There is an alternate universe canon where we actually all live in a vessel originally owned by Jenifer and Eh, with a totally different backstory, different parents, everything. Though it still does hew pretty closely to Sarah and Goreth's story in some ways. But I'm not writing about that, I'm writing about The Tunnel Apparati Diaries and my book, The End of the Tunnel.
Sarah and Goreth Ampersand are an autistic transgender plural system who grew up in Tumwater, WA. They went to college at the UW, and moved down to Portland shortly afterward. This much can be learned from reading the book. There's actually a lot of autobiographical detail in there.
Instead, I'm going to use this post to tell you my impressions of my favorite two Earthlings.
This will be a little bit of a long post, but it should be fun to read.
And, I'm going to start with Sarah, because while they're effectively twins, of the two of them she spent more time closeted and not fronting.
Sarah Ampersand
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Pictured here is Goreth's attempt at drawing how they see Sarah in their inworld, and a photo of the dress that Sarah likes to wear the most while inworld.
Ethnicity-wise, Sarah and Goreth are what they like to call Scermutch. Scottish, German, and Dutch. At least, their ancestors were. But Sarah adores Irish iconography and mythology, and really just loves that Irish wedding dress and wishes she could wear it in real life. She doesn't claim it to be her heritage, though. But it's become part of her 'residual self image' as the kids say.
I mean, they are both U.S. Americans and born and raised in Washington State. Their cultural upbringing is mochas and almond poppy seed muffins. But that dress is described in Goreth's upcoming book, and I thought it would be nice to include it here so that you can visualize it easier when you get to that part. And then I start feeling like I have to give it context.
Anyway, there's way more to Sarah than that dress.
But, that photo is useful in another way.
Probably due to a quirk of their brain, Sarah and Goreth's psyche tends to interpret the presences of other headmates in sensations of warmth, softness, smell, and colors. And when Sarah is coming toward the front to share it with me, I perceive her bubble of consciousness as having the range of colors of that photo. She even smells of linen and dandy lions, and has a sunny warmth to her, with the softness of a light breeze.
I think this description pleases her to no end, too.
You can usually tell when she's fronting when our voice becomes softer and lighter, and takes on the inflections of a Canadian radio hostess. She worked really hard to learn how to talk like that, too.
She's also a little bit more dour, demanding, and reluctant to accept things than Goreth. Which fine. Those are not actually negative traits, like Earthlings like to treat them. She's spent most of her life hiding from the world and watching Goreth adapt to their birth assignment of 'boy'.
In coming forward during their transition, she often had to deliberately carve out time and space for herself and assert who she was to family, friends, and classmates. And later, for the brief time that they worked, to coworkers and clients.
Legally, their system is now known under her name, Sarah Ampersand, and their extended family uses that name when they aren't deadnaming them.
And while, at the beginning of their transition, she was bright and cheerful and as girlish as she could be, that struggle to get respect - and then also their struggle to find accommodations for their disabilities and find a place to live in Portland - really took a toll. She developed new habits of behavior in the necessity to protect her system.
Both Phage and Goreth helped a lot, but because they were all doing it under her name she shouldered the most of the emotional burden.
She could really use a break, honestly. To find a time and place where she can actually be herself. And, by the time you get to the end of the whole trilogy, you'll see that maybe she has a chance at that.
Other things about her that our readers might be interested in?
Like Goreth, she's ace. Unlike Goreth, she's primarily attracted to men, but she's still technically bi-romantic. She doesn't pine for a relationship quite as heavily as Goreth does, perhaps because her cynicism gets in the way of that, but she does feel their touch starvation, and doesn't really know what to do about it.
At least, that's how it was when I first met the two of them. Over the following years, things kinda worked out. Maybe not how either of them hoped or expected, but in a comfortable way anyway.
Goreth Ampersand
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Pictured here is Sarah's drawing of Goreth as they appear in their inworld, and a Blender rendering of Goreth flying in the Garden of the Sunspot done for the cover of Goreth's upcoming book, The Sun Also Hatches. (an explanation of that would be spoilers - you'll just have to speculate)
If you've been following my blog, and definitely if you've been following @fenmere, you've seen these before.
So, of the two of them, despite developing in parallel together since birth (they are twins), Goreth has fronted far more often than Sarah and is the one of them that people actually know best from their childhood and teen years.
People may think they knew Sarah as her pretransition self and persona, but that was actually mostly Goreth, with Sarah and Phage interjecting in moments of extreme safety or duress. Sarah tended to come out more often when they were safe, and Phage more often in danger or discomfort.
Goreth is a therian, and has known that they were a dragon since they were three years old. And has never, ever wavered from that identity and self image. Even when they thought their parents were right in calling them a boy and naming them their deadname.
These days, Goreth lists their gender as dragon and calls it maverique, sometimes using aporagender depending on mood and who they're talking to.
They take great pride in being a dragon, too, and have shaped their life and habits around it.
Now, there are about three words in Sunspotian culture that get translated to "dragon" (gerbesh'i, ktleteccete, and whatever it is that the Collective of the cuttlecrabs speak - I don't know how to render that word in any Earth typography as it uses flashes of color and dancing as well as vocalizations). And, I think Goreth and Sarah's linguistic cortex translates those words to "dragon" due to numerous superficial similarities, but also because the word "dragon" is such a broad category of things anyway.
Living with Goreth, however, has taught me a lot about the differences between their kind of dragon, and what gerbesh'i and kletaccete are (I'm a ktleteccete, not a gerbesh'i).
For instance, Goreth hoards things that they consider valuable to them, and makes a point of patrolling what they call their territory (which they don't actually own, but is a number of places they visit regularly and pretend belongs to them). They also, to my own chagrin, eat a considerable amount of meat.
Goreth's presence in our system smells coppery, is cool and metalic in feel, and to me is actually colored in oranges and reds, brassy and rusty, with a green tarnish around it. Sarah reports that, to her, they're all greens and blues.
Goreth is completely ace, but curious and needy enough about intimate physical contact that if someone close to them proposed something they'd probably try it out. But they are deeply, deeply bi-romantic and daydream constantly about the kinds of partners they might have someday. And fret about it, and get into spirals of self doubt and depression over their lack of prospects.
"Fortunately", ever since I came aboard, they've been able to be distracted by other things, such as how to manage an influx of alien beings barging into their psyche.
But they manage pretty well, and their astute nature has been integral to our survival on Earth.
If you want to read more about Sarah and Goreth Ampersand, we have a website for that where I'm telling their story:
You can skip right to the web serialization of my book, here:
And if you want to read it in its entirety right now, or invest in its archival preservation with a printed paperback, you can order it here:
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buckyismybicycle · 1 year
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I don't know how terrible this quality will be on Tumblr, but the higher resolution/original can be found on AO3!
Title: swim for the music that saves you Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Tags: ShrinkyClinks, Social Media AU, WIP/teaser Summary: It all started when he sent a video singing Happy Birthday to his sister, not knowing that she would post it on her social media.
Now, JBuckyBarnes has millions of followers all hearing his story, following his recovery, listening to him sing. Little does he know, he's going to change the life of one follower in particular.
Steve Rogers, chronically ill and spending most of his days inside, has to live vicariously through others. He longs for adventure, trying new things, feeling the sun on his face. A/N: This fic has been sitting in my drafts for some time now... Thanks to @buckybarnesevents: Alternate June-iverse giving me a little kick, I've decided to post an excerpt/the beginning and the rest of it will come in due course.
“Hiya folks… Well, it was, uh.” The brunette on screen pauses and then smiles sadly. “Alright, you know I can’t lie to you. I wanna say it was fine and dandy, but it was honestly rough. That’s why this video’s a bit late, sorry ‘bout that, by the way. It took longer than I thought it would to edit so I honestly kind of gave up.”
He lays his head in a propped up hand, resting against his piano. 
“So, I got home Sunday afternoon and crashed. I don’t even remember getting into bed. Didn’t sleep through the night, of course. I never do. But! That’s just me, my body’s not a fan of the meds. I was feeling crummy — you know when you’re so hungry you’re nauseous but you can’t eat ‘cause you’re nauseous? Anyway, so that for like, six hours. Finally got to sleep when the sun was risin’ but only managed about an hour or so. You lot haven’t heard Brooklyn traffic.”
Steve can’t help but smirk at that because he has, and he is in fact listening to the god-awful Brooklyn traffic outside his window. He could always move his desk away from the window, but he needs some sort of sunlight from time to time.
The YouTube video plays on his phone while he takes a break from work, stretching and wincing as his joints crack.
“So, it’s like, ten in the mornin’ and I decide I’m gonna get something to eat. Nausea won that round, unfortunately, so by three o'clock I am starving. I was cranky for the whole day, and I don’t wanna make cranky videos for you guys. So, that’s enough rambling from me. My brain’s been a little all over the place so I haven’t written anything in ages, but how about a cover of the best of the best? Thanks for sticking around! Hope you like this one.”
Steve watches as Bucky lifts the cover of his piano and stretches the fingers on his prosthetic. Today, it’s the metal titanium one, with its beautiful plate work and a small Hydra Industries logo on the forearm. 
You gotta swim… Swim for your life
Swim for the music that saves you
When you're not so sure you'll survive
You gotta swim… Swim when it hurts
The whole world is watching
You haven't come this far to fall off the earth
The currents will pull you, away from your love
Just keep your head above
I found a tidal wave begging to tear down the dawn
Memories like bullets, they fired at me from a gun
Cracking the armor, yeah
I swim for brighter days, despite of the absence of sun
Choking on salt water, I'm not giving in, I swim
You gotta swim… through nights that won't end
Swim for your families, your lovers, your sisters, and brothers and friends
Steve listens to the beautiful voice fill the empty space of his studio apartment, caught up in the soft yet powerful melody. What really hits him are the words, though. 
Bucky’s life is no secret — except maybe his real first name because there’s no parent on this planet that hates their kid that much. Steve doesn’t know exactly how Bucky had started off, but the channel was a newer discovery for Steve. 
Well, there it is. As always, thanks so much for tuning in! Hope you liked the song, and maybe I’ll see you guys next time with something original, huh? Bye!” 
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iceiclehorned · 18 days
"N' just what are you lookin' at-- No no wait." Rewind that a bit. "What are you even doing up right now? What happened to that infamous cute-y sleep you needed?" Caelus notes, that tinge of that damnable impishness in his tone as they're in the main car of the Express at the night hours. Naturally, the impulse to utilized that Omni-synthesizer could tempt anyone from the folds of bedrest. Imagine that learning recipes alone let to convenience? Still. His position of being someone in the process of taking their shirt off here still warrants questions. Here he was, partway into the act, allowing those durable arms to be unveiled along with the bare skin of his toned back as he turns to her. The silver haired Trailblazer's line of business didn't look to be a big concern however. As for the time being, those coronal eyes were concerned solely on March, that playfulness in his expression undeniable. "Were you about to park up a buncha snacks together for a big movie night?" (For Ms.Marchie 7th! She deserves fanservice for her struggles.)
Lying was not March's forte, but that night, in particular, she had announced that she needed to go to sleep early to catch up on some much needed beauty sleep. After the events that had transpired in Penacony, the fleeting whirlwind of sakura had decided with a burning determination that tonight, she was going to treat herself to a spa-like night, holding a deep emphasis on the hope that nobody else would be around. Utilising this time was critical for her plans, especially on the intention of making this a one-night thing.
For a few nights, March would perform a stake-out, watching over the car with a keen precision, never missing a beat even after the slightest of noises are made. From what she had gathered, the car was often left unattended after Pom-Pom heads off for the night, meaning it would be an unguarded space for her to sneak off to whenever she so desired. The information was useful, particularly on nights she felt keen to watch the stars, a view that would never grow old in her eyes.
It was gone midnight when the time to strike was upon the empty car, a thankful breath leaving those plump lips once she manages to secure herself from the travel between her bedroom the main car of the Astral Express. For a while, she was able to sit back, opting to take advanatge of how quiet it was. There was something peaceful and homey about it that she couldn't quite put her finger on, but the feelings that stirred up within as a result felt so nice.
All had been fine and dandy, but as she raises herself from the cosy seats to make herself some food -- March was really craving a burger -- there was a sudden movement in the shadows, akin to a racoon traversing through the wonders of garbage--
Nope -- just Caelus.
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Furrowed eyebrows and an immediate response to want to thwack him over the head for even being there bubbled to the surface. Deep down, the pink-haired trailblazer was terrified. The look in his eyes screamed out how much entertainment he was receiving from this momentary interaction, even before it had a chance to flourish properly. Suspicions began to rise within her, staring blankly for a few seconds into those secretive hues. Although the two of them have a tendency to get into trouble together, HE was quite unforgiving with his teasing tendencies. In this moment, under the harsh gaze of the cosmos, weakness would prevail, those candied eyes raking over every inch of skin available for the taking. Was it even possible for somebody to look so damned good without even trying?
NO, do not let this divinely sculpted, delicious looking dessert reel you in like this! It's always a trap!--
"I couldn't sleep," a quick, sassy retort paired with a flicker of hair, her arms folding her her chest quite defensively. "Anyway, what're you doing here?"
"And while you're at it, put your shirt back on! What's it doing off in the first place??"
It was clear that seeing him had frazzled her to the very core, sending her entire body into a slight shockwave that she did not fully understand. Yet, there was a second where she felt rather bare -- the cued realisation hitting her across the face -- and that was why. Standing so close to the Omni-Synthesizer stood a grumpy looking March 7th, in nothing but her underwear and a tank top. Irony always struck her when it was at its hottest. Being discovered by Caelus of all people, like this, was the worst-case scenario she did not dream of.
She actually thought her nightmare would have been running into Mr. Yang or Pom-Pom, but this guy takes the cake.
...Not her cake, though.
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Suddenly, her face was akin to a tomato, and she was standing almost dumbfounded at the position she had been caught in. Never in her life did she consider being caught out so vulnerably, especially by the train's certified pervert, no less! Still, she would take a moment to allow him to look. It isn't as if he will ever touch, right? Besides, it would serve as the only other means to repay him for giving her such a Heavenly view -- now, think, 7th, think fast!
"Yeaaaah... actually, I left something back in my room... haha, silly me. Goodnight!"
Off she bolts, speed-walking over to the door that leads to her room, urgency in every step taken, with a slight step, allowing her cheeks to teasingly jiggle in his direction.
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lionews · 9 months
Okay so, quite a few people know about the AI art Custom decor controversy Max was in recently. This isn’t about Max. I do not believe they are involved in this.
The person who IS involved? Space spots! I love their CDs so it hurts that I have to bring this to light. Space spots recently released an arch decor, which is beautiful by the way and I think y'all should buy it because quite frankly it’s quite beautiful.
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That’s all fine and dandy. It’s a very pretty decor.
But you know what’s NOT pretty? A fellow decor artist accusing me of tracing AI, or at least stealing the idea from the person, and then releasing the SAME kind of decoration! Extremely hypocritical.
I was forced to put out a proof video/speedpaint early, because I got asked if this was true! The speedpaint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBxy3vSrSXM&ab_channel=ravenkhor2
You thought I wouldn’t notice this, Space Spots? Down to using your side account to comment it on my chatter post? In which, by the way, feels like an attempt to get my thread locked (Though I blocked you before you could manage that.) You easily could've brought it to me in my DMs on discord or Lioden, in which I have my discord public. It's the same username as everything else.
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I'm not argumentative like many other members of this community. BUT to see this happening is harsh. Not to mention you switched up from "You traced/heavily referenced" to "You aren't original and stole an idea from an AI artist" I wasn't going to say anything UNTIL I logged into my Lioden Central tiktok, when I saw this comment, which just so happened to be posted at the same time as you 'calling me out'.
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Not cool man.
Anyways here's to me being annoying and starting drama! I know all of this evidence is circumstantial, so take it as you will, but bro... it's kind of obvious.
You can report them for that. The onsite comments, we believe.
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thepromiseofsin · 1 year
Can you please do NineRose with "Take a small break, for me?"
rose's puppy dog eyes are too much for the doctor to resist tbh. hope you enjoy this!
word count: 700
you can also read on ao3 here and here is the prompt list in which this originates!
Rose had found that the Doctor didn’t sleep much, or at all, and had attributed that to his superior biology. He didn’t share much about himself. Oh, he could talk and talk for hours if she let him, which she usually did because he made even the most inane things seem interesting to her, but getting him to talk about himself was like pulling teeth with a rusty pair of pliers. Not that she had ever done that but it seemed like an accurate description. Because of that, she had to take her cues from his actions and the things he left unspoken, relying mostly on her own observations to navigate the Doctor’s moods. 
It was for that reason she knew that he needed a break if not a short kip. He didn’t display the signs of exhaustion she associated with humans but he had been talking about the same topic for the last thirty minutes which usually was typical for him but his accent had gone thicker and he kept repeating some of the facts. Also, his hands fiddled with something mechanical, working on the TARDIS he explained, but she thought that was rubbish considering that the ship wasn’t displaying any of the typical warnings such as flashing lights or something sparking. 
Waiting for the moment he would ask her to grab his sonic screwdriver, because he always did, Rose got comfortable on the couch that appeared when she wanted it rather than the two seats and picked up a signed copy of Wuthering Heights the TARDIS had provided for her when she had gone to the library hours earlier. She’d ask him the story of how he got it at another time, a time when she wasn’t currently planning to get him to relax a bit. 
She let her eyes roam over the pages of the novel, taking only a quarter of it in as the Doctor mumbled beneath his breath about one thing or another. Ten minutes later, he let out a groan as her eye caught something flash in his general vicinity.
“You alright over there?” She asked as nonchalantly as she could. 
“Fine and dandy, thanks.” He said sharply and then he sighed, standing up and walking towards the area of the console where she was and where, coincidentally, just so happened to his misplaced sonic screwdriver .“Just burned myself a bit is all. Still have a ways to go, unfortunately.”
There, she thought; the perfect opening, even if it wasn’t the one I expected.
“You know, since nothing is in dire condition, maybe you should take a small break,” Rose began and already, she could see him opening his mouth to say something but she continued on, sitting up and reaching for his hand and taking it in her own much smaller palm, “For me? Please?”
She looked up at him pleadingly, widening her eyes and jutting her lip just so, thumb rubbing soothing circles into his much cooler skin, and watched as his shoulders drooped, the fight leaving him almost immediately. 
“Well, a small break doesn’t sound so bad.” Rose smiled and the TARDIS hummed, lights dimming in agreement with her. “But just a small one, Rose Tyler.”
“Of course, Doctor.” She nodded seriously, lying down accordingly on the couch once more and patted the space beside her. 
The Doctor hesitated for just a moment before laying down and near atop of her. It felt a bit silly to be the big spoon of the two of them, with her being so much smaller than him, but he liked it and so did she if she was being honest. 
Once they were both comfortable, she began to stroke his scalp with her fingertips, mindful of her nails. He had short hair but still enough to play with, which she did. She hummed a catchy song they had heard at a party they had crashed days before and it took only a few minutes for him to drift off but she continued her ministrations anyway. 
The lights grew dimmer until eventually they shut off completely and she decided she could take a quick kip too. 
Rose fell asleep to the song of his heartbeats. 
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snellyfish · 2 years
any shows/movies/anime etc you recommend? also how have you been?
HI :) On top of being super sick I also can't keep my iron levels up so I've just been sleeping a shit ton lately hfsdjkfd, I am a sleep MACHINE rn, hopefully I can get back to drawing again soon (anything I've been posting a lil bit of is just backlog RIP).
But anyway I am Always down to recommend my freak media;;
Shows: -Feel insane for this but Bate's Motel was like the most fun I ever had watching a show LOL. -Currently rewatching Lost Girl and maybe this is my nostalgia speaking but it's so uuhuhguhh<33 (I call it the queer womans Supernatural, bc it literally is, it's literally so campy and cringe but I love it so much) -Love Death & Robots but specifically Jibaro I mostly just watch movies and anime I can't think of anything else SOWWY
Movies: -Devil's Carnival (2012)(horror/musical)(mostly the sequel hghghghrhg it's so GOOD favorite movie ever #1 always) -Creep (2014)(found footage/horror)(but ALSO mostly the sequel) -Pearl (2022)(horror/drama)(it's a prequel but the original movie was bad) -The Babysitter (2017)(horror/comedy)(ignore the sequel it sucks) -Bernie (2011)(drama/comedy) -Zombieland (2009)(comedy/horror-ish?) -District 9 (2009)(sci-fi/horror??/found footage?) -Music and Lyrics (2007)(romance/comedy/musical)(im a horror fanatic but this is like my one romcom. my guilty pleasure. its so good)
Anime: -Buddy Daddies (it's airing right now!! go check it out its cute and funny!!) -Hinamatsuri -Saiki K -Michiko and Hatchin -Ranking of Kings -Space Dandy
Can I recommend manga too and say Goodbye Eri
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kurjakani · 2 years
Started watching bee & puppycat and its so cute!!! I think i had like that "steven universe fandom inflicted burnout" and was nervoys 2 watch it bc of that but. Its really kinda surreal and strange and if i recall it right reminds me of like, space dandy season 2 in a weird way... anyways i need to make a puppycat plush
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stillwill76 · 1 year
Alright, I know April’s almost over but as it is still Autism Acceptance Month, I wanted to talk a little about it. Just wanted to share what being autistic is like for me and some of my special interests.
I was diagnosed with ASD and ADHD when I was 8 years old. Back then, I was technically diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome but that was merged into ASD in 2011 so I’ll just refer to it as ASD. Anyway, I didn’t really know what that meant until I was seventeen and actually did some research. Learning that a bunch of my behaviors and certain feelings I had were actually because I was autistic was…. I don’t know, relieving? Things started to make more sense. Before this point, all I knew was that I didn’t understand social cues and I was very specific about what I liked and disliked. It did not help that I was also on ADHD medication that exacerbated the negative parts of autism. Since that day, I’ve learned so much more about myself and I learn new things about autism everyday. I’m not angry or upset that I’m autistic. I was (and still kinda am) mad at the people who didn’t explain it to me properly when I was younger but that’s beside the point. I’ve learned to accept it and I’m a lot happier because of it. I don’t need people to be aware of me. I just need people to accept me.
Okay, that was a lot. Hmm. Anyway, SPECIAL INTERESTS, LET’S GO!!!! 😃
My primary special interests are manga, anime, and video games. And within those special interests are even MORE special interests. For example, some of the manga I have a huge interest in include Bleach, One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist and Jujutsu Kaisen. There’s a lot more but there are too many list. On the flip side, the anime I like differs slightly. I don’t always like anime adaptations of manga I like. For example, I really don’t care for either the Bleach or One Piece adaptations (Bleach TYBW is the exception). There are certain scenes from each that I really enjoy watching and they both have great soundtracks and great voice acting in both the original Japanese and the english dubs, but weird choices that differ from the source material and huge pacing issues make them hard for me to watch. On the other hand, there are certain adaptations that I prefer to the source material, such as Demon Slayer or Mob Psycho 100. These two in particular take the original material and enhance it greatly. What’s more, there are certain series where I really like both the original manga and the anime (Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen to name a couple). Also, I love original anime, like Space Dandy, Oddtaxi, Gurren Lagaan, Appare Ranman, and Vivy: Flourite Eyes Song. It’s really cool to see original content in a medium that is primarily adaptations.
Starting a new paragraph for video games. This might be my big special interest. RPGs, Metroidvanias, platformers, action games, puzzle games, party games, etc. I really love video games. Favorite series include but are not limited too: Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Pokémon, and Xenoblade Chronicles. In case you couldn’t tell, I’m a big Nintendo person. If I had to pick a genre, I’d say RPGs are my favorite, whether they are turned based or action oriented. My top three favorite games of all time are Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and Kingdom Hearts II. Favorite Pokémon generation is three though Scarlet is my current favorite game. I could go on about how I love different combat and level up systems in different games, how I love that the sidequests in the Xenoblade games add to the worldbuilding and give them so much depth, how I love watching videos analyzing background lore in games like Hollow Knight or Breath of the Wild or videos going into detail about how dark series like Kirby or Splatoon are, or how even though the story is insanely stupid I adore Kingdom Hearts for how sincere it is. But I feel like this has gone a bit longer than I originally intended.
Anyway, a couple of notes really quick about Autism Acceptance Month and autism in general:
Don’t support Autism Speaks. They are a hate group focused on trying to “cure” autism.
Don’t use the puzzle piece when talking about autism. It is ableist. Use either the gold infinity symbol for autism or the rainbow infinity symbol for neurodiversity.
Vaccinations don’t cause autism. Whoever came up with that can burn in hell.
I think that’s everything. If whoever is reading this is autistic, I hope you had a great Autism Acceptance Month.
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theblazeofmemory · 1 year
I think people who think AI is okay need to go meet more people. It’s harder to justify doing something that harms and takes from another person when they’re sitting right in front of you. That’s why the people who are most against AI art are people who are artists and the friends of artists, and the ones who justify their thefts aren’t.
One of my most delightful memories from being in college was getting to go to Ichibancon the first year they had it, just outside Charlotte, NC. Sword Art Online was BIG and airing on Toonami, and both Bryce Papenbrook (Kirito) and Cherami Leigh (Asuna) were at this con together. I went to their panel to just listen to them talk about the industry and had a great time, then went to the lobby of the hotel- the two of them had been doing this thing where they would watch the premier of the new episode on Toonami with everyone and then talk a bit after.
While I’m sitting there, watching Space Dandy, the hotel cut the TVs. A bunch of con guests had been loud on the upper floors and disturbed some other guests, and they were, essentially, kicking us out of the public spaces. I watched Bryce argue with the front desk people for so long to get the TVs back on, just for us to watch one show, while other people from the panel trickled in. They didn’t let him.
So we gathered up a bunch of chairs in the corner of the lobby, away from the TVs, and just sat and talked. Bryce chatted about how he didn’t want to be an actor like his parents at first, did a bunch of stuff in MMA fighting, showed us a video of some crazy underground fight he did and told us how that made him want to change careers. Cherami talked about getting her first role in 2007, and one of my friends asked her for tips and contact info for getting into VA. And we just talked about... stuff. Shows they liked, their hobbies, their fun. It must have been almost 2am by the time we stopped talking, and we all gathered on the big stairs for a photo before heading to bed.
Anyway, I would die for voice actors. I absolutely will fight for them. I don’t know them personally, but I do love them for their work and talent and love for what they do. 
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ladyswillmart · 2 years
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Serpent Isle Companion #6: Stefano Base Stats:
Strength: 17
Dexterity: 12
Intelligence: 19
Combat: 2
Default Combat Style: Random
Carrying (16/34 Stones): Backpack x1 (Filari x8, Guilders x12, Bandages x2); Sword x1; Plate Armor x1; Leather Leggings x1; Plate Boots x1
“Well, do make yourself at home, Juh-selle,” said Stefano as he crossed his own little Piece of Hell, as it were. His middling hearth provided adequate warmth and light, which down here were components of survival as fundamental as breathable air and food. He seemed to have plenty of those as well, but the latter in particular. In fact, judging by the spread on the table he had somehow dragged into this space, Stefano, the notorious Dandy Thief of Moonshade, was about to tuck into a relatively substantial breakfast.
Giselle had to wonder how much of that epithet was truly warranted. She had a feeling she would probably find out more sooner than later.
Meanwhile, Stefano pulled out the accompanying chair—a rather burnt-out thing that had clearly seen far better breakfasts—and very gingerly settled his backside into it, hoping to distribute his weight in a way that did not send him crashing through the large hole in its seat. He made it all look so casual and natural, Giselle half expected him to produce this morning’s copy of The  Moonshade Daily Herald and start digging around for a pencil so he could do the Junior Jumble.
Instead, he produced a blunt but almost serviceable butter knife from his coat pocket, then glanced back at the woman, apologetically. “Alas, I only found the one chair so far, madame. But feel free to sit on that bed,” he said, adding a wink. “I promise I won’t try anything funny.”
“Not on the first date, right?”
“Oh ho!” He laughed, giving the blade a little swirl through the air. “Brassy one, aren’tcha? That’s alright, I like a little brass. A little bottle, eh? Stars know you need it to survive down here, for sure.”
The offered bed looked an even more unappealing prospect than the chair, an unimaginably filthy pallet that traded the barest implication of comfort for a very heavily foreshadowed encounter with any given genre of vermin.
Giselle knelt before the hearth instead, and held out her hands to bask in its radiance.
“How long have you been down here?” she asked. “That robot out front said since yesterday when I got here, and that was two days ago. I think.”
“Hard to tell, yes? Luckily I still had my pocketwatch on me when Filbercio bunged me into the pit like so much rubbish,” said Stefano, brightly. “Thank goodness for that! Er—the watch, I mean. You’ve seen it, yes?”
“Why would I have seen your watch?”
“I show it off to everyone who comes to my parties!” he replied as he reached into his apparently bottomless pocket and pulled out a round, golden object. By firelight it resembled one of his coat buttons but even larger, and a loose, underhanded toss was all he needed to ensure its safe arrival into Giselle’s hands. “It’s a marvelous thing, a real darb. Take a look!”
Indeed. The pocketwatch felt smooth but warm to the touch. In style it was unexpectedly unpretentious, 18 size, gold or more likely gold-filled and open-faced. The design engraved into the back appeared to be some kind of emblem, perhaps a family coat-of-arms. The details of it were too exacting to identify by the fitful light of the hearth, but she did notice something embedded near the eschuteon’s sinister edge, a little gem or a bit of glass.
Almost like a lens.
“See, and it’s got that clever little mechanism down there that tells you the exact date. Assuming one knows the exact date when one sets the watch, anyway.” Stefano paused, suddenly realizing. “Goodness, was that rude of me? Sorry, I assumed you must’ve been one of my fellow revelers at one point or another.”
“Not exactly rude, maybe a little presumin’,” Giselle said. “I’m not from Moonshade. Guess you could call me an outsider.” 
“Ah! I see. Hmm. Interesting. Very interesting, Miss Juh-selle.”
Using his knife as a sort of shovel (and in desperate want of a fork, no doubt), Stefano began to work on his meal—one sad strip of jerked meat and a small bole of suspiciously spotty bread.
He excavated one such spot and flicked it towards the hearth; it rebounded against the dirt and joined its brother crumbs somewhere beneath the table.
“Why do you say my name like that? Juh-selle,” she repeated. “Like it’s gonna bite you or somethin’.”
“No offense to you personally as I am sure you are a lovely individual, but Giselle Gizzard sounds like the name of a horrible swan or some such. Ever meet one of those? Swans, I mean?” He shuddered with a mouthful of bread. “Almost as bad as those giant spiders. Old Filbie has a whole bloody fleet of the bastards patrolling the lake outside of his palace. Let me tell you, they may look beautiful but they'll break your arm if you so much as look at one the wrong way. Bread?”
“No thanks.”
“Are you sure?”
“Nah, I’m alright, Stefano.”
“I really meant no offense, truly.”
“I’m not offended!”
“The bread’s not that bad, just pick the black spots off. Or eat around them.”
“I got my own rations, it’s fine, I’m not hungry,” she insisted. “Good golly, I forgot what we were even talkin’ about.”
Stefano shoved another chunk of bread into his mouth. “Swans?”
“Before that.”
“My watch?”
“It is a nice watch,” agreed Giselle, regarding it once more.
“Ducio crafted it for me. I had it commissioned, special. Cost me a whole job’s pay, but worth every Guilder for sure. It has a little secret!” Stefano delivered a most avuncular grin. “See that tiny glass lens there, right at the 9 ‘o clock tick?”
“Hold it up to the fire and look through it.”
Giselle, prescient as ever, already knew exactly the kind of image she would see when she looked through the lens. Her raunchy uncle Carl had a pocket knife—fashioned to resemble a woman’s leg in fishnet hose and a red high heel, natch—boasting a similar feature and he was just as keen as Stefano (if not, more) to show it off to anyone who ended up trapped in a conversation with him that lasted longer than the time it would take for him to pull it out of his pocket.
Sure enough, there she was on the other end, illuminated by the fire—a microscopic pin-up in full color, a nameless but terribly well-endowed brunette showing off the whole flower show, so to speak.
A bit of tail to get one through a difficult day. Well, she couldn’t blame the guy.
“Cute,” she commented as she gathered the trinket back into her palm, preparing for the return pitch.
“Ah! You may hold onto that for now! Keep it in your pocket as proof of our partnership. Besides, I’m not sure if I fully trust myself in this place,” Stefano told her. “The way I see it, if anyone here is liable to get eaten by a corpser or some such, well! Between the two of us, no doubt I’d make the heartier meal.”
“Aw, don’t start that kinda talk.”
“No, no! It’s true. Most people who get sent down here do not last the week. Sooner or later—and almost always sooner—something gets them. The traps. The monsters. The other felons. For this is the great Filbercio’s interpretation of Freedom, my dear. Better to accept it and try to adapt, eh?” Visibly straining at the jowls, Stefano tore a portion of jerky (or possibly boiled shoe sole) off with his teeth and started to chew. “Besides, if I cark it down here, I want to make sure somebody bequeaths that hot little number unto my heirs, or whatever.”
“Heirs?” Giselle perked in genuine surprise, and maybe a little horror. “You have children?”
He shrugged. “I don’t rightly know, honestly speaking. I don’t think so. I hope not, anyway. I do have a couple hounds, though, back at my bungalow. Some terriers, shaggy little fellas, expert mousers. Loyal as all get-out. I mean, you throw the stick, they bring it back, smiling to boot. What else could one want from a companion?” he went on. “I wanted to bring them to my manor but they were, shall we say, mutually incompatible with my automaton valet...”
...and dogs do not like us at all, Petra’s voice meandered through Giselle’s memory. I believe it has something to do with the oil we use to keep ourselves running. Rocco says the oil smells strongly of aniseed, and you wouldn’t believe how it drives the dogs around here absolutely bonkers. Sort of like catnip and cats...
Giselle imagined one of those dour automaton butlers becoming a walking, talking chew toy for a pair of hyperactive Norwich terriers and couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Alright, Stefano. If you meet with some hideous end down here due to the traps or the monsters or one of the other felons—”
“—or that dragon I was telling you about, don’t forget.”
“Or that dragon, yes,” she added, “but I happen make it out of here alive, then I’ll make sure to bequeath your pocketwatch to your terriers. If that’s what you want.”
“It is! Mm.” Stefano dabbed at his mouth with the ruffled collar of his formerly fine silk shirt. “Feels good to get that all sorted out now, you know? I knew I had you pegged as someone I could ride the river with,” he said. “Not every day you find somebody willing to play executrix with your prized possessions. Especially when terriers are involved.”
In reality, that sort of thing was all in a day’s work for the Avatar, though not exactly listed in the job description. Giselle just smiled and waved it off.
“Aw, s’nothin’. We’ll make it out, honey. Just keep thinkin’ about the look on Filbie’s face when we do.”
“Ha ha! Too right, Miss Gizzard. Too right.”
Side Notes: One of my favorite characters in Ultima and a generally very entertaining fella. In reality he’s the “game-sona” of Steve Powers, who worked on this game’s graphics and world building. No surprise then, his dialogue in the beta version is a lot meatier—unfortunately the bulk of it got cut, perhaps because some of it is just aimless rambling (a habit he admits to having in the final version). If you want to read his beta dialogue though, I’ve transcribed it and put it here. In particular, he offers some amusing insight into the Seminarium and his history as a “mageling”.
As a total aside, unlike the others (who start with zero) Stefano joins your party with one whole experience point, perhaps hinting at his trials and tribulations in his ~72 hours of “Freedom”... 🤣
His treasure box in his Freedom “hideout” is rigged with a trap; it contains some money and gems, a couple potions and food items and some torches. Nothing you really need but still kind of impressive he already managed to hoard all that stuff in so little time, to say nothing of the hideout itself. Resourceful guy!
Previous Stories:
#1: Gwenno
#2: Petra
#3: Wilfred
#4: Selina
#5: Mortegro
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grimescum · 2 months
watched lupin iii: the first with my mama!! i dont usually talk about my opinion when i post abt when she's watched smt but i qanna say. idk how i put off this movie for so long its so damn cute
maybe it was the coffee i drank but i was yapping the entire time and pointing out all the little details and references ITS SOOO CUTEEE AND FUN I LOVED ITTTT!!!! we might start castle of calihowever u spell it tonight!! she wanted to watch the movies before getting to the anime bcoz of how many parts and episodes it has
anyway heres her current list of favorites and stuff :o3
1. golden kamuy
2. mob psycho
3. lupin III
4. dungeon meshi
5. scott pilgrim
-/- space dandy
-/- panty and stocking
dislike: hetalia
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was about to mentally dismiss considering watching Cowboy Bebop [the 3rd time I've done this] because "I didn't really want to see that damn cat again" and "I just don't know why it takes place in space anyways"
I was thinking about Space Dandy
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peapodsinspace · 8 months
Pinned Post Revamp!
[I’m still taking drawing requests in asks btw!!!]
Howdy!! Welcome to my blog!!!
I post art (digital drawings, traditional drawings, nail art sometimes) and whatever else I feel like!
You can call me pod/peas/peapods/ whatever else you can come up with!!! (I love nicknames!!!!!!)
Feel free to message me if ya wanna chat (especially if we’re moots)!!
And you can tag me in any tag games and such! It doesn’t annoy me- I just might not participate in all of them!
Mutuals can ask for my spotify and / or discord 👉👈
Other places you can find me:
Art fight
Game jolt
I mainly post on tumblr anyway tho!!
Drawings requests-
I’ll do request for OCs and any fandom I’m in, and maybe ones I’m not in too depending on my mood
No nsfw
No ships (unless you’ve seen me post art about the ship before probably)
Just send me an ask or a message!
Art trades-
I’ll do art trades with anybody! Shoot me a message about it :]
The same rules apply here as the ones with the drawing requests!
((Bold ones are the ones I’m most active / interested in!))
Rangers Apprentice (and brotherband)
JoJos Bizarre Adventure (I’ve read sbr & am currently reading jojolion at a snail’s pace! I’ve also read the phf spinoff)
Demon Slayer (I’ve read the manga)
Naruto (I haven’t watched all of it yet soo)
The Moomins (1990s cartoon)
Star Trek (basically all incarnations but it’s been a while)
DC (I’m very new to this fandom though)
Mob Psycho (reading the manga!)
Saiki K. (Anime only!)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (I’ll hopefully read the manga soon?)
My art - tag for my artworks !
My posts - tag for my posts, anything other than art usually
Pea pods lore - information about me or my blog
Doodles - any drawings that are sketches, like art requests!
Drawing requests - you guess it! It’s my tag for drawing requests
Asks - self explanatory, it’s for asks I get (feel free to yap at me or just send random asks!!! I love them !!)
Kibby post 🖤🤎 - tag for posts including Jack and / or Vivienne, my kitties!
Gilbert 💚 - for posts that contain my son! ((Aka a rubber toad))
Submissions in space - for submitted posts!! (Feel free to submit random bs btw !!!)
Pea Pods Writes - my tag for my writing!!
Pods Reblogs Pods - when I reblog my own post!
Pea Pods Paints - a specific tags for my paintings!
Pods Rants - tag for posts I am angry ranting in 😭
*for most of my fandoms I have a specific tag I use only for my posts and drawings! For instance, If you want to see only my demon slayer stuff, then search my blog with “#demon slayer”! For mob psycho you’d search “#mob psycho 100”, etc! You can find the correct tag via my featured tags :]
AU tags- ( yes I know they’re mostly for jjba rn)
[JJBA] glam rock au - my sbr rockstars au
[JJBA] small town kids au - golden wind characters aged down, with cameos from basically every other jojo character-
[JJBA] jojoxter au - my jojo moomin au!
[RA] barons apprentice - an au with Foldar as morgarath’s apprentice, and generally exploring their dynamic
[RA] ra wild west- cowboy au :] !!!
[JJBA] pods mermay - mermaid drawings of jjba characters (this tag doesn’t seem to search well so sorry 😭)
[KNY] morikawa sisters - tag for mine and my sisters’ kny ocs that go together :]
[mp100] mob sailor 100 - mob psycho x sailor moon/ mob psycho magical girl au!
Mutual tags -
My sister cameo - @scarymonsters-andsupercreeps
The alpha 💪💪💪🐺🐺�� - @bekahkmcc
Unknown 🧡 - @unknown-art-room1
Dandy post ✨ - @dandelions-arent-weeds
Vinny post 🩷 - @gayfraggle
Gir post 🦇 - @xxbattiepupxx
Percy post 🔥 - @mitsubinyuri
R post 🪻 - @ilov3b00kss0much
Any other mutuals who want tags can ask for them / give suggestions!!!! <3
Rani Ambrosi - an oc I have in an original universe
Salty Sal - an oc in the Chaz-Monsters cowboy universe !! (If you know you know)
Berry Barracuda - JJBA oc
Cherry Pie - JJBA oc (pt 7)
Loretta Derby - JJBA oc (pt 4)
Haruka Hamasaki - kny oc
Kiyoko Morikawa - kny oc
Chiharu Hirata - kny oc
((You can search my ocs via the names written here!))
DNI HOG JOKE ADDICTS!!! /reference
Alrighty! That’s all!!!! bye bye!!
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