#anyway yeah Dot's chaotic I love him
princessbrunette · 10 months
okok line cook jj who is absolutely obsessed with the new doe eyed pretty smile waitress. she’s always so nice and patient with the crew even if they’re behind, getting yelled at ect. they flirt and she always gets all blushy and shy, and he just loves it. one day she ends up in the kitchen teary eyed and covered in coffee from an angry customer and jj just looses his shit cause his girl is obviously upset and even possibly hurt and how dare they.
this anon had my tummy hurting and everything like omg i love it sm .
he’d fall for you as soon as he’d lay eyes on you.
jj definitely didn’t have a type and his track history was living proof— however, with all the girls he’d hooked up with in the past they tended to be a little on the sassier side, confident, bites back and can handle the loud mouth that belongs to none other than the man himself— but he’d never felt deeply for any of them, happy to part ways with them when the fun was all over. you however, you were something else entirely.
it was like watching a baby deer trying to learn how to walk when you were brought into the restaurant as the new waitress hire. clearly you’d had no idea just how busy the beachside restaurant got, but you’d tried to adapt quickly. for the first few weeks you were skittish, dropping the occasional plate, tripping over extended legs from tables and forgetting a couple of orders — but surely enough the customers took a liking to you anyway. of course they did, you were adorable, polite, pretty and young — you could have set the place on fire and your manager would probably have let you off with a slap on the wrist.
jj was dead set on getting to know you, hell— he’d even consider himself your guide, befriending you and helping you out whenever he could. he’d have your order ready first everytime, greeting you with a wink that flustered you as he’d carefully hand you the plate and watch you shuffle off to find the corresponding table. he’d gently manoeuvre you out the way with hands on your hips when he needs to get behind you in the busy kitchen on chaotic shifts, smirking to himself at the way you get all doe eyed and embarrassed whenever he did it. it never took much to fluster you, and your sweetness had apparently been just what JJ had craved.
he noticed you started to come to him for everything, and it made his heart swell with pride. toeing nervously into the kitchen during a quieter shift, not many of the staff around that evening. “excuse me, jj?” he remembers your polite voice calling from behind him as he chops some bell peppers. he’s wiping his hands on his apron as he glances over his shoulder at you before turning around fully, giving you his full attention.
“yeah?” he breathes, almost silenced by how pretty you are.
“sorry to disturb you but theres some guys arguing really loud in the restaurant and i think they’re gonna fight and the security guy isn’t in today… dont really know what to do…” you shrug, clammy hands subconsciously playing with your work uniform. he could tell whatever had happened out there has made you uncomfortable, not a fan of confrontation or big scary men yelling. he’s quick to nod, tossing the dish-cloth he was about to wipe the surface with over his shoulder and placing a hand on your arm, looking down at you reassuringly.
“hey, you’re good, i’ll handle it, yeah?” he nods, brushing past you briskly and out the kitchen doors into the restaurant. it was night time, so the restaurant overlooking the beach only had a few customers dotted around eating their meals, equally disturbed by the loud quarrel the two seemingly tipsy men were having. you follow him to the door, watching him saunter out toward them without a care in the world. you liked that about jj, he wasn’t scared of nothing.
“alright ladies, pack it up. go kiss n’make up somewhere else, bein’ waaay too loud and i don’t think these people paid for dinner and a show.” he waves them off, the two men standing at their table having their argument.
“stay outta this kid, i ain’t going nowhere ‘til he gives me what he owes me!” one of them barks back, slamming his fist down on the table making you jump as the cutlery clatters. JJ doesn’t flinch in the slightest, stepping up closer.
“yeah, i wasn’t asking. you’re disturbing my waitress and quite frankly you’re pissing me off, so again, i’m gonna have to ask you to leave.” you pushed down the way ‘my waitress’ made you feel, knowing he was likely just throwing it out there without meaning.
“you think i give a fuck ‘bout how ‘ya waitress feels? we’re doing business here. why don’t you go back to the kitchen, huh?” the other man waves him off, and you see his eyes flutter in irritation a little at the mention of you. he locks his eyes on the man, oddly calm and steps closer, staring him down.
“i’m not askin’ again. leave.” JJ warns.
“or what, blondie?”
“or I beat the shit out of you and your little friend.”
you were happy your manager wasn’t in that evening, because JJ would have gotten in lots of trouble. like that one day, a few weeks later during an afternoon shift, patrons from the nearby golf course having swarmed in for their lunch. JJ had been chatting away with another cook in the kitchen at his post, laughing and swatting eachother with the dish rags when the doors swung open, making him double take when he’d clocked on that it was you. your eyes didn’t find his with a bright smile and fluttery eyelashes like they always did, in fact you didn’t look at him at all. upon further inspection, your uniform was drenched with brown liquid, assumably coffee even dripping from the ends of your hair. your bottom lip wobbled as you headed toward the cloakroom through the back.
JJ’s smile fell off his face and he chased after you, skidding to a stop infront of you as he places both hands on your shoulders.
“hey, hey what happened out there?” he speaks gently, gentler than you hear him speak with the other cooks anyway.
“some guys coffee was cold, so— so he dumped it on me. i’ll be fine, just— just need to change my clothes and go and clean up the mess out there and—” youre wiping your tears off your cheeks, mortified, and when you open your eyes again JJ’s no longer right there, the only sign of his existence being the sight of the kitchen door swinging. you curiously follow, standing in the doorway like you did last time. his eyes had scanned the room, quickly honing in on the older, sweaty Kook in an ugly polo loudly complaining about the ‘help’ with a puddle of coffee beside his table.
he didn’t think, striding over, lips pressed in a firm line. he grabs the man by his collar and yanks him with such a force out of his seat that his chair tips back and falls, skidding along the polished wooden floor. gasps ring around the restaurant, an imaginary spotlight shining on the blonde as he grips the man with white knuckles, looking down his nose at the flailing Kook struggling to get his footing.
“you think it’s okay to humiliate my waitress, huh? you think that shits all sweet? someone oughta teach you—” he’s hissing between grit teeth with a trembling voice when the security guard runs over to tear him off.
“maybank.” the officer warns with a knowing tone and JJ lets the man go, not without shoving him back by the chest first, a spiteful, quick adrenaline fuelled laugh leaving him as he did so.
“yeah, nah, we’re all good. get this asshat out of here though.” he backs off, letting the guard escort the shaken man away to the exit, probably profusely apologising on JJ’s behalf. he pants, watching him leave before looking around at the entire restaurants eyes on him, staring in shock. he scratches his cheek before holding up his hand. “hope y’all are enjoying the food.” he calls out, making eye contact with your manager who stands leaning against the bar with her arms crossed, shaking her head at him. he swears under his breath, before storming back toward the kitchen, not even glancing at you as he storms past you, knowing he’s in trouble.
he heads towards the staff cloakroom, yanking his apron off and beginning to punch the code into his locker, clearly deciding the best way to deal with this was to take off. you follow him, standing in the doorway.
“jj, you shouldn’t have done that.” you scold him softly, watching him screw up his apron and stuff it into his locker, rooting around for his stuff.
“yeah, well i did, so…” he doesn’t turn to acknowledge you, still out of breath with a noncommittal tone.
“you’re… you’re gonna get in trouble. i don’t want you to get fired.”
he suddenly turns to you when you approach at his side. “you think i want that either?” he snaps before softening, seeing the way your eyes widened in hurt confusion. “i’m sorry. i… i just don’t like how these assholes get to roam around and do what they want. they can direct all that shit towards me, i don’t care, i can take it…” he takes off his backwards hat, raking his hands through his hair. “but… but not you! they don’t get to talk to you like that. someone’s gotta show them, you know?” he rants and you soften, stepping closer.
“thank you.” is all you say, pressing your hands to his shoulders and standing on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. you offer him a small smile, before turning around and heading back toward the door. you turn before you leave, his body still twisted towards you as he watches you in awe, suddenly a lot calmer. “no one’s made me feel safe like you do, jj.” you state before heading away.
he sighs, turning back toward his locker and leaning his forehead against the cool metal, screwing his eyes shut for a moment just breathing. when he turns back around, you’re gone, replaced by the disapproving glare of your manager.
“you wanna talk about what just happened?” she tilts her head.
“well, no— but i feel like i don’t really have a choice.” he forces a fake smile. it was gonna be a long day for jj.
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tizeline · 9 months
Bro that angst potential ur separated au is keeping me up at night. You've said since Mikey would be a powerhouse due to training at such an early age, would it be safe to assume that Leo & raph are too? They've been mastering their ninpo 4 years? And if yes then dam they must be tanks. Must be a force to be reckoned with the bros and drax being all chaotic. Did they start to train so early bcuz drax only saw them as soldiers n stuff? Drax sure must've softened over the years huh guess he couldn't handle the cute lil menaces lol. Is Donnie aware of his own ninpo yet? I'm imagining him going up against the others with all his cool tech and then they whip out this anime magic ass superpower out of nowhere. Like meeting others like u after years of thinking u were the only one must be at least baffling right, now it turns out magic is real too. And he's gonna have it too(Not to mention the bro bomb waiting to drop on his head). Would his insecurities rise after witnessing all that?
Sorry I just absolutely LOVE ur au friend, i have a ton of questions but ill hold it 4 ltr. I'm really excited to see where you take it :)) -🌾
Oh man, Anon, glad to see you so excited haha!
Just a heads up, I'm still figuring out the story of the AU, so I don't know all the specifics yet, but here are some of my thoughts. And also, this became a bit of a ramble, that's what you get when you send long asks lol /lh
The way I'm thinking how Draxum is gonna be like in this AU is that he didn't view himself as the turtles' father initially, not really because he only viewed them as mere tools for him to use, he always saw them as people with induviduality. But rather, he hadn't really connected the dots that creating children + raising said children = parenthood, which led to Draxum like a year after mutating the turtles having the sudden realization one day of "OH SHIT AM I A DAD!?" and having a mini crisis because of that.
Anyway, while I don't think Draxum is the perfect dad in this AU by any means, he does genuinely care about his kids. (If Mikey managed to win Draxum over in canon after having spent a whole season fighting each other, there's no way he'd care about Mikey any less in a scenario where they've been on the same side since day one like they have in this AU.) He started training the turles from an early age and they are expected to help him with his Definitely Not Evil World Domination Plan, but they are still allowed free time and hobbies and such. And aside from some "ugh I don't wanna train right now I wanna play vidya gaemes" occasionally, the turtles never really opposed the idea of them becoming Draxums super soldiers. Kids are really easily influenced and if your parent keeps telling you that you are the heroes who are gonna save the world from evil, chances are you're gonna latch on to that narrative without question. But after meeting Donnie and April, who knows, it might be what finally starts making the other turtles question if their cause really is as just as they think :) That being said, I still have to figure out how Draxum would react exactly to his sons starting to oppose his world view.
Then their abilities! I also have to do more reasearch into exactly how the magic system works in RoTMNT cuz uhhh it's a bit unclear sometimes. Anyway, ninpo is specifically the magic used by the Hamato clan, and considering Raph, Leo and Mikey weren't raised as Hamato I don't think they would have access to that specific type of magic (though I still think they'd be be able to possibly unlock it later down the line) They would still have access to yokai magic, and of course the mystic weapons that they stole in the show would just have been given to them in AU by Draxum. And oh yeah, the brothers are powerful. To be fair, Donnie was able to keep up with Draxum pretty well in the pilot episode, so he wouldn't be COMPLETELY outmatched by his brothers. His tech is powerful enough that he'd be able to put up a decent fight even if he lacks mystic powers himself but..... three against one? Yeah, Donnie isn't winning any time soon. The biggest advantage he'd have would honestly be that his brothers wouldn't really WANT to fight him cuz they'd be all like "Long Lost Brother™??? 😭😭😭 Please come home Long Lost Brother™ we love you!!! 😭😭😭"
And I think Splinter would have kept both of their origins secret initially like he did in the show, so Donnie would't have any ninpo either, but I also think Donnie would still learn about the whole Lou Jitsu and Genetically Modified Super Soldier thing earlier than in canon. And god, yeah, learning about all of that would definietly be A Lot, which is why I still need time to figure out Donnie's exact reaction sorry Anon you're gonna have to be patient XD
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03l210 · 2 years
Bllk Boys Hcs with a S/O that has (a lot of) beauty marks:
Not a request | Gn reader, no pronouns used but still wanted to specify
CHARACTERS: Bachira, Kaiser, and Shidou
GENRE: Fluff | WARNINGS: None (besides that these may suck, I was overthinking while writing so I'm sorry if it appears ooc)
Shoutout to @khuzena for helping me confirm my thoughts on who to do for this + gave me the idea for Kaiser
⊱ ──────── {.⋅🦋⋅.} ─────── ⊰
This is mostly him kissing you I'm so sorry but I needed this to be shared.
Oh sweet boy
He absolutely ADORES you and your beauty marks
He just thinks they add on to your already beautiful face, don't even try to fight him on that (he'll win)
When he's giving you kisses on your face, he gives them to you all over in no specific order but makes it his mission to make sure he kisses all your beauty marks
Like if he realizes he 'accidentally' missed one he will start his crazy kisses all over again before you can even protest (and you will, I just know some of them are disgustingly wet sometimes)
Will literally jump at you upon seeing you to start kissing you too
Did I mention he is 5'9?
...if you're short or not very strong physically have fun cause ...yeah
If you have any on your arms/hands too, don't think they are safe from his chaotic kisses. He will just use it as an excuse to kiss you even more and for longer so either be prepared for that or wear long sleeves to at least save yourself from that
If you have any on your neck and are ticklish, good luck my friend.
He will laugh while giving the ones on your neck kisses sometimes (does that tickle people? I will never know, I'm not ticklish so bear with me here)
CONSTANTLY complimenting you and your beauty marks but in the weirdest most Bachira ways (no I will not elaborate any further on this, anyways-)
If you're asleep (or even awake sometimes) he finds himself tracing his finger from one beauty mark to another almost like a connect the dots game with his usual smile on his face
*taps my little imaginary microphone* ahem, HE SHOULD'VE HAD BEAUTY MA- *is forcibly removed from the stage*
this man.
Your beauty marks are probably what attracted him to you in the first place tbh
To catch his attention, you need to stand out to him first. If not while playing soccer then something from your appearance (could be hair, a tattoo, or in this case, your beauty marks) or even certain actions
LOVES staring at the ones on your face randomly or when he wants a reaction out of you
If he doesn't get as strong of a reaction out of you from his staring like he hoped, don't be surprised to feel a pair of lips on your face where one of your beauty marks are if you turned away from him and him saying/whispering one of his terms of endearment for you (in german!) before pulling away and looking at you again with his smug face (Do not be fooled by this, I really do dislike Kaiser)
Which reminds me, his more popular names for you are Schätzchen/Schatzi (both mean "Little Treasure", but I think Schätzchen can also mean something else, so I just put both), Spatzi (Little Sparrow), and sometimes Liebe (Love). No, it doesn't matter if you are taller than him, he will still include the "little" part of the name
I couldn't find any theater-related names that I liked for this, forgive me🙇🙇‍♀️
He really does love your beauty marks as much as he loves you, there is literally no doubting it and he won't even let you say anything bad about them, let alone anyone else (seriously, dude gets scarily serious when you do, I would be scared for the person that said something bad about your beauty marks)
He loves kissing them even more though, he does it teasingly sometimes, but you can tell when they are loving without the teasing in them just from how he is kissing them
Constantly praising your beauty and emphasizes how your beauty marks are included in that praise no matter what
This also turned more into kissing, I'm sorry but so far, Bachira and Kaiser just love to kiss them more than they probably should
This menace,,, I miss him in the manga, but at least he will be animated soon....eventually... (8bit please don't mess him up, I'm begging you plea-)
Let me get this out of the way, like the rest, loves to kiss them too, but obnoxiously.
Not wet kisses like Bachira or lovingly teasing like Kaiser, just obnoxious to the point of "If you do not stop, I will punch you" obnoxious, especially in front of others
only time he's not being obnoxious with them is when he's tired, that's the only exception you're getting for now
But no matter how annoying he is about them or in general there is no denying that he loves them and you
Like Kaiser, they probably are partially what would've attracted him to you, but I definitely see it more action wise that did it (how if you don't play soccer? idk, you probably told him or someone else off or got in a fight and your beauty marks were just a bonus)
LIVES to show you and your beauty marks off to people like Kaiser but worse
Like 10x worse
maybe even 100x worse
Bro will ask you stuff about them that make you want to question why you are even with him sometimes
"You got anymore hidden undernea-"
"Shut your mouth before I jump out of this window" (you guys are on the 5th floor of the building)
You know how I said Bachira likes tracing them with his finger? Shidou does too, but with a marker
If it's permanent or not, you'll find out when you try to wash it off /j
HONORABLE MENTION FOR THIS POST: Karasu (except if I write for him I am afraid I will spontaneously combust into flames)
⊱ ──────── {.⋅🦋⋅.} ─────── ⊰
I finished these hcs just before the match between Real Madrid vs. Al Hilal ended (I just forgot to post them T - T), congratulations to Real Madrid for winning their 5th Club World Cup!!
Isagi was supposed to be in this too but I decided to cut him out just cause of the pure length of this post but I hope you enjoyed this post!!
Likes, Comments, and re-shares are greatly appreciated, just no full reposts on other platforms outside of Tumblr.
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zipper-ghost · 5 months
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Thank you for a 100 kudos! Here are a couple comments people have left on my fic so far. I love all the comments I get and read them over and over!
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I'm still working on chapter 7 but here is a sneak peek! Spoilers for the fic upto chapter 6
8:45 pm, 19 September 51’, Echo Park Apartments, Kim Kitsuragi
Kim pulls up behind Harry’s apartment building.
“Hey, wake up detective,” Kim says as he reaches back and taps Harry’s knee.
Harry wakes up with a jolt and looks around in a panic. When he sees Kim and that he is in the kineema he calms down.
“I fell asleep.”
“Khm, as soon as you sat down and I started driving you were knocked out. You must have been exhausted.”
“Oh,” Harry looks out the window and realizes they’re outside his apartment his face falls. “I thought we were having dinner.”
Kim snaps his fingers for dramatic effect although the sound is muffled by his gloves. “I got it covered. I bought some sandwiches on the way. Besides, you’ll be more relaxed at home right?”
Harry’s lips tremble as he smiles. “Yeah, thanks, Kim.”
Harry yawns five times walking from the Coupris Kineema to the door of his apartment. Kim switches on the lights as Harry kicks off his green leather shoes. The apartment is the same at the last time he was here, chaotic, colorful, and warm. Every surface is covered in some kind of knickknack Harry’s picked up, half-read books or discarded clothing. It is the very essence of Harry du Bois from the yellow wallpaper to the mismatched chairs to the miscellaneous art on the walls.
Harry takes the dirty plates from the table and puts them in the already overflowing sink. Kim places the bag on the table and hands Harry a wrapped sandwich when he sits across him. The circular dining table is so small their knees touch beneath it.
“Arg,” Harry huffs when he unwraps the paper. “Why did you get so much lettuce and spinach on mine?”
“When was the last time you ate a vegetable?”
“Probably the last time you made me,” Harry says.
Harry rolls his eyes and picks out the spinach before eating. Kim knows Harry likes ham and salami on soft sub rolls, he likes mustard, vinegar, and hot sauce. He knows Harry likes pickled onions but not olives, and avoids lettuce but would still eat it if Kim bought it for him even if he complains about it. A hundred Harry facts take up space in Kim’s mind. Ultimately useless but precious all the same.
Harry inhales half his sandwich, leaving a smattering of crumbs on his face. Unthinking, Kim leans forward and wipes away the stray breadcrumbs caught in Harry’s mustache. They both freeze when Kim notices what he is doing. Kim takes his hand back and silence fills the space between them.
He keeps his eyes down and takes a bite of his sandwich, his ears burn. What is he doing?
“Uh- this morning,” Harry begins leaning back in his chair, “before- you know everything happened. Vic and I went to Fire Pit and talked to the owner.”
Kim raised an eyebrow. “I thought the owner didn’t want to speak to the RCM.”
“He doesn't but we needed to know if the suspect had been seen at the club in the last few days. The apartment manager claims he hasn’t returned to his apartment but I don’t know if we can trust her. We needed to know if he is hiding, he might be suspecting we are after him since we’ve been asking around for him. Anyway- when we went to the club the owner recognised me from the night we went to the bar.”
“Did you meet him that night?”
“We kind of did. He was the bartender, the bald man who was wearing lipstick.”
“Ok,” Kim says. He didn’t remember what the bartender looked like. Harry’s memory was astounding. “So you told him we were there undercover?”
“No, I said it was a coincidence that we were there but I think he suspects it. We talked about the night the victim left with the suspect. He confirmed it was Maurice- the suspect. We pretty much already knew that but it was good to cross the t’s and dot the i’s. He confirmed the suspect went to the Fire Pit after the night we were there. I did not in fact scare him away.” Harry says sulkily. “But he hasn’t shown up in a few days. He might be in hiding, or he might just be going to other clubs.”
“Khm, did you ask about the drug dealing?” Kim asks around a mouthful of bread and cheese.
“Yeah but he didn’t say much. He claims he didn’t care to know so he didn’t. I don’t think we can get much more information out of him on that subject. Oh- but he said we could come back to the Fire Pit even if we are RCM officers.”
“We as in…”
“You and me,” Harry grins. “Next time we go I’m going to make you dance.”
“I’m not going to dance.” Kim says flatly although his heart flutters a bit when Harry says next time.
“Yes, you will. You seem to forget I got you to dance with me in the church.”
“That was different. It was only you, the speed freaks and Soona. I can't dance in a busy club in the middle of Jamrock where I work. It'll be utterly embarrassing.”
Harry leans in, a haunty glint in his eyes like he has caught Kim in a trap. “Does that mean it'll be ok if it's just us?”
Kim knits his brow. He wants to say no because Harry is planning something but Kim is also curious about where this is going. Harry gets up from the table and crosses the apartment in three large strides.
“What are you doing?” Kim asks. He turns to watch Harry but doesn't move to get up.
Harry simply hums by way of reply.
He takes a cassette tape from the stack next to his stereo, slips it into the player and presses play.
The upbeat rhythm of 30s disco music pours out of the speakers and fills the living room.
Harry makes a dramatic spin and winks at Kim. Kim shakes his head no. He shouldn't encourage Harry, he shouldn't smile.
“Yes, Kim.”
“I don't even know how to dance to disco.”
Harry saunters back to Kim, swaying to the music, fancy footsteps matching the beat.
“Of course you can! And I'm not accepting any excuses, we are alone and off duty.”
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Slashers witam autistic s/o
Because guess who just got diagnosed👁👁
S/o has they/them pronouns! Request are open!
Billy and Stu would be such chaotic duo! Like Stu constantly forgets that s/o doesnt like loud noises and Billy whacks him everytime he acidently yells. But Stu isnt that bad cuz he loves all them hyperfixations! If s/o loves bugs he will lisen them rant about bugs for hours, if they are hyperfixated on cars he 100% will let them Snoop around his car engine (even if s/o is planing On planting bomb isnside he doesnt care). They both may crack few Jokes about autism but only if they know s/o is comfortable with it
Micheal is 100% on spectrum anyways. He respects boundaries(at first maybe nah, but its not like he was planing a healthy relationship from start) if s/o hates light? Hes fine in darkness! Tv or music is too loud? Well silence doesnt bother him anyways! My man was in asylum before human rights where a thing,those places have a lot of People with huge needs if it comes to overstymulation and ig he already kinda knows how it works? Hes been there for long time :( if s/o collects stuff for example rocks he will give them the shiniest the most stunning rocks he could find
Brahms My men would be so curious about them! He already meets new people rarley! He never met somone on the spectrum! He is a bit too over the moon, no clue what he was expecting. But im sure he hes some hopefully with not outdated info books! Anything that can overstimulate them is g o n e . too bright? Good thing we have thicc curtains! Some food just looks and feels terrible? Just call Malcolm or brahms will .It's very quiet here but if its too quiet he has some Old music discs! You both can dance together! Also he finds s/o stims kinda cute
Billy Lenz has no clue what it is and how it works BUT he memorises patterns that make s/o uncomfy. Like if he knows that something bothers them its litteraly gone. Yeah he doesnt connect dots and just thinks that they are quirky and a bit sensitive (he never read book in his entire life)
Yautja kinda same to Billy-he never heard of autism so he just figured that s/o act like that bcs of their funky personality (which is great). He found some muting headphes for them while he was on earth and he can easly change lighting on the ship! Also if s/o has hyperfixation on anything like history biology geography languages he is going to sit and lisen to it ALL especially about biology of earth Animals! He even takes notes lol
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ask-chaotic-creatures · 8 months
Anyone want pizza?
The two commando teams of the bygone Tribal Alliance have been summoned to a chamber. All sit around a table, where a few boxes of pizza have been set out. Bierk comes in with another stack, using his four arms to carry it easily. He places the last of the boxes down and has a seat beside Arias.
Cameraman: Okay, that's everything. Alright guys, have a taste. Tell them what you think.
Lyssta: Why were we picked for this?
Cameraman: Variety, I guess. Oh, and if you have to vomit, please do it off camera.
Creatures open the boxes and start taking slices, including Faash and Viqtarr, who also sit beside each other.
Faash: Sarah said this was safe for Danians to eat. But if she's wrong, she owes me.
Viqtarr: Owes you what?
Faash: First, something to heal my stomach. Second, a lot of chocolate.
Viqtarr: Make sure you don't eat too much of that.
Faash: Make sure you don't eat all this pizza, if I like it.
Viqtarr: Can you stop with the jokes? I thought we were friends...
Faash: Alright, you have a point.
Ghatup: He's right, Faash. You wouldn't wanna end up like Wamma.
Viqtarr: Is that why he's so fat? Sarah gave him too much chocolate?
Faash: No, he's just always been fat. (Chewing) Alright, this pizza is actually delicious. What are the toppings?
Cameraman: The red dots are pepperoni.
Faash: Yeah, I know those.
Cameraman: The pinkish-brown meat's bacon.
Viqtarr tries a slice of bacon separately. The taste brings a grin to his furry face.
Viqtarr: Hey, that's pretty good. What's it made of?
Cameraman notices Nebres is among the eating commandos.
Cameraman: I don't know, it's not a thing where I live. Anyway, the black rings are olives, the green things are peppers and you probably already know those are mushrooms.
Ghatup: It's very greasy, but tasty. Beats our rations, that's for sure.
Lyssta: It could do without the mushrooms. No offense, Danians.
Faash: Hey, I'm in the same boat as you. After getting around Perim and trying food outside our tribe's? I don't wanna go back. The upside to these players idolizing us? They'll bring us food whenever.
Malvadine: Like Peyton. That's not why we let him scan us. He's a good kid.
Arias: This uh, tastes good. Can I get a box for myself after this? With extra olives.
Cameraman: I'll get one of the OverWorld fanboys on it.
Viqtarr: And you guys call me fat.
Arias slings a separate slice, aiming for Viqtarr's face. Instead, the bear catches it in his jaws. Laughter among the commandos.
Viqtarr: (Chewing with mouth full) That's why I'm the strategist. See how ready I was for that?
Arias: Whatever.
Bierk: Uh oh, you made him mad.
Arias: (to Bierk) You're only here because you had two sets of arms to carry the pizza.
Bierk: Hey, I'm interesting. Have you cannonballed in the Lava Pond before and lived? I bet more players use me than you.
Arias: Your tribe's the least played, I hear.
Targubaj: This kind of human food is nice, but it makes me feel worse after.
Tassanil: That's why they call it junk food. Which reminds me. (To cameraman) Might I ask who in Chaotic makes the food?
Cameraman: Probably the robots. We've got healthier choices if you're interested.
Targubaj: Sure.
Faash: Well, this food's staying down. I could go for a few more slices.
Ghatup: Better hurry, Ultadur seems to love this stuff and there's a reason he's banned from the parkfew eating contest.
Ultadur: Hey, I don't abuse my speed like that. Unless it's to show up Gespaden. Show off.
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lottachaos · 9 months
I have made picrews of my Blorbos I would post art but my sketchbook is in a different room and I am lazy
Veryn, the main one, who is also my persona:
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Matthew who is Veryn’s boyfwend:
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Hes really tan but I can’t always make him seem that way
anyways gonna rant now
veryn is a gremlin who is a lot like me in real life but more my my ideal version of myself. He is high energy and chaotic and loud but he can be serious when he needs to be. He has chronic RBF (Resting Bedroomeyes Face)
Matthew is chill and quiet and worries and lot and does this cute little worries gentle smile that veryn freaking falls for. He seems like he doesn’t do any chaos crap but then he goes and does some wild thing and you realize why veryn fell in love with him. He is covered in scars bc of various stuff he accidentally got involved with.
veryn lives half in the woods and half in an appartement. He has wings. Sometimes he has horns and these dark on his face and shoulders but that only appears when he’s in very stressful situations.
Matthew lives in an appartement with his sister who is named Katie and has a job or goes to college, I haven’t decided which yet
they are both in their young twenties, no more that 24.
Matthew somehow gets some sort of forestry Wiley thing like veryn has but idk how. All I know is that he gets this long whipping tail with a tuft at the end which is the thing in the back of one of the picrews of him.
Matthew is covered in scars bc veryn is in the middle of this big situation where he’s fighting against these magical eldritch entities and Matthew at one point finds him in the woods fighting them and tries to help and then gets beaten up and bitten by magical snakes and almost dies. That is where most of his scars come from (he has a scar that looks like a dinsosaur on his left side just beneath his rib cage. It’s called the dinoscar) but some various other events give him lil other scars
Veryn is much better at defending himself because he has been having to fight for much longer and so does t have as many obvious scars. He does have on long one on his neck because enemies tries to slice it at one point but he lived.
Matthew usually wears a black turtleneck and this tan cardigan looking jacket. Some of the picrews I used didn’t have that option so I had to make due.
Veryn usually wears a bright green shirt about the color of the “Draft saved!” Pop up that happens in tumblr when you take ages to write a post. Then he wears a brown jacket on top and black or brown pants and some brown boots. He basically dresses kinda like a redneck but when you see the clothes on him you cannot see anything but skinny gay forest being.
Oh yeah Veryn’s wings look like the brown variant of a tawny Eagle. Basically. Except a little more brown and a little less white and dots/stripes.
I stayed up till one am last night writing a (rather spicy) fic for them. I will share SOME of it here in a different post. I will also show some art of these two in a different post. Stay tuned, anyone who’s interested!! Eventually I will probably make some sort of book or smth about these two. Yes Ik I use tropes and it’s not super realistic in a lot of ways but I understand that and I don’t really care because I’m just making the story to be however its best to me and cringe culture is dead .
Anyways, there you have it. I’ll post more later. I’m so excited I’ve finally put info about them all in one place bc I rlly needed to do that. k bye
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chapel-of-rizztual · 10 months
*knocks down your door*
Yoooouuuuuuu are one of the reasons I have to change undies and also why I have a few cum rags next to my bed.
My Body and My Blood- On the regular I use this. Like every other day. Especially if I need more than one orgasm. This made me realize that I may like to be shared? Yknow what part gets me, every single time? “Maybe we should tie you up and let everyone in the ministry have a turn with you, keep you blindfolded so you’ll have no idea who’s using you.” Nnnnnggggh. like yes, please. I don’t know man. Maybe I’m into it, maybe I would love to see Copia out in the front gates, blindfolded, and being used.
Babyblue Doll- I may have silk kink at this point. I’ve pointed out almost every silk fic i’ve read as being one I’ve gotten off to. Anyways, MOUNTAIN IN SILK. that’s enough to came me cum on the spot. Forced fem, fuck yeah. THE POLAROID. mmm. Exquisite. delicious.
In the heat of the moment- AGGHHHHHHHH. This one had me kicking my feet and giggling. so good.
The Lion and His Little Lamb- shut the fuck up with this one. Pfft. I volunteer for Omega’s next heat. thank you.
Today’s mount fresh out of the shower to find dew begging, this has me wet. cause I am dew and I am on all fours waiting for Mountain to rail me until oblivion. Begging him to knot me and fill me with kits.
THANKS FOR THE ORGASMS. I look forward to future cummings.
yup. i need sleep and to get off. these last few have been so chaotic.
This is possibly one of the best and funniest messages I’ve ever received. Maybe I have a thing for being shared as well, with how many times I mention it… never connected the dots there before. Thank you enjoying, for really enjoying, my creations. This is one of the best things to hear, thank you so much for making my day <3
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safyresky · 5 months
Frostmas Year 4: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
[To Read Frostmas: From the TOP on ao3 | ff dot net]
This'll be an interesting one to cover, given that I'm doing it while prepping for a cross-post which ultimately led to a full on rewrite 🤪🤪
So let's get into it! Year 4: Behind the Scenes, twenty twenty four edition >:)
My first thought that has me CACKLING I actually posted about IMMEDIATELY upon opening it for a reread lmao. An AN apologizing for a 7k word chapter lmao. I think these days that's a SMALL chapter by Dani standards!
It is now a whopping 12k. Pre second read through. Which is occurring as I edit this draft.
Here at safyresky industries, we are nothing but verbose✨
The old version is very fresh post-OG CS, tbh. Jacqueline mentions how she and B-Man became friends BECAUSE of this universe, right? Okay, well, they got on so well I was like "there's no WAY they've JUST become friends. They act like they've known each other forEVER"
So I changed that halfway through Frostmas, went back to edit a couple bits, and when I rewrote CS again, had it become more evident--especially with posting "When Bernard Met Jacqueline" halfway through this process, which was very much me just trying to figure out how friendship they are
The answer, it turns out, is yes. Very friendship
SO while cross-posting to ao3 we WILL be tweaking the "baby's first friend" thing
Can you believe when I initially created Jacqueline, she had no friends? fucking WILDIN. She's the friendliest bitch ALIVE. She gets along with the god damn BOOGEYMAN (in my head that is, lol, but given that I am fully referring to lmelodie's OC here, they obvi would be the boss there!)
(but Jacqueline in my head is like "I am making friends with this scraggily ass mother fucker)
Another old bit that I'm thinking of yeeting involves Jacqueline's comment on humans? It was a bit of foreshadowing for another story I was thinking of that'd've come after Into the Shadows, in which a chaotic entity of some sort manages to move ACTUAL LIVE HUMANS into Crystal Springs, the magical continent. BUT given that now it's not humans vs magical creatures but magibeans, magihumans, and ordibeings, this bit is super outdated and ALSO, given the collaborative nature round these parts, I...actually don't think I'll be WRITING this idea EVER, lmao
It was a Jack love interest story 100% but now I'm like "...nah" about it, lol
Tho the original idea of a human that knows of and teaches about magibeans moving to CS/finding themselves there is still very intriguing and gd funny
All the magibeans are perplexed. The Assembly is like "well,,,,it's not not allowed?? We never banned it? HOW did they even GET HERE"
So YEAH, there's your two interesting facts for the OLD INTRO
Blaise, Jacqueline, and Fiera have gnarly tempers. Jacqueline is ever so jealous they can literally explode things.
I have been heavily vibing the little brief peeks into when Jacqueline was asking Jack all about his take on Frostmas and I thought the one in Y3 would be the last one
But then I re-read the intro
And. Well. HERE WE ARE.
I actually really liked this one! It's been lots of fun picturing the Frostmas Asides part of Frostmas so far--hence the increase in these little blips and the Blinter aside I have in drafts that I will unleash. At some point. It takes place during Frostmas Y3, lol.
Idk I just really like examining how these mofos function, given the past and reformed villainy and such. WRITING IS FUN.
I may need to scrimbly this because it is the funniest fucking mental image I have given myself in a hot minute:
That had made him laugh, which was nice to see. I’d been grilling him for like, six days at this point—on the job, at home, as he was trying to enjoy a morning coffee in the silence of his condo, watching the lovely flurry outside when the little flurry herself barged in with more questions at eight in the goddess-damned morning.
I am absolutely WHEEZING about it, it's giving HOLY FROST MOM vibes lol
"You are the goddess's biggest idiot" another absolute banger of a line
BERNARD! :D. Idk why but I'm just really here for soft and no nonsense B-Man. I just LOVE writing him actually caring about the other elves it just. It SLAPS. It FEELS RIGHT. Yes he snaps sometimes and seems a lil' grumpy in tsc 1 (I mean, I would be too dealing with Scott), BUT HE IS A BIG OLD SOFTY IN MY BOOKS WHO LOVES THE ELVES AND LOVES HIS JOB AND SHOULD LEGALLY BE GIVEN A WEAPON AND ALLOWED TO DO A MURDER I THINK
I have explanations for all of it in place, but those won't be revealed until Y12. SO, in the meantime, I had Jacqueline explain our logic so far in the LEAST spoilery way possible, and that is why this whole passage exists, lol.
Jacqueline hating on Santa Scott is 100% my bad, post-series
It is also me projecting! I am in the same camp as Jacqueline when it comes to "people who have wronged friends". My love language is VIOLENT THREAT aka, IT'S THE THREAT THAT COUNTS 💖
It was also my way of keeping Jacqueline's comment on ordibeings being in CS in without it coming off as like, anti-human propaganda or smth lol (see the foreshadowing an ex-story comment above!)
"And considering what happened to him [B-Man]…well, I think it's better that way."
So THAT was my first stab at foreshadowing what happens to B-Man in (checks calendar) Year Eight! I made them as vague as possible bc we don't know what happened to Bernard between tsc2 and tsc3--that is, we DIDN'T.
Anyway, I tried to make it as vague as possible on purpose bc I wanted to keep everyone guessing >:) and MAYBE make them think I killed off B-Man 🤭🤭🤭
Also. I should REALLY crosspost "When Bernard Met Jacqueline" like. STAT
Scene 1: MN's visit
I have SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT THIS ONE. A lot on the subject of old vs new, tbh!
Right, so, in the OG. MN felt SO MEAN.
And I have this thing. this very particular thing about MN's character and characterization, specifically.
I get SO MAD when people make her SO MEAN FOR NO REASON. I have seen so many bad takes where she's just the worst, an absolute bitch, super rude and unfriendly and I'm like? Mother Nature? Mother Freakin Nature???
Like SURE OKAY. FUCK WEATHER. THAT SHIT SOMETIMES DOES NOT SLAP!! But come ON. She's Mother Nature! Yeah she's scary and THE literal force of nature, but why just that? Why shouldn't she be kind and caring? PLENTY OF MOMENTS IN THE MOVIES WHERE SHE APPEARED SHE WAS GENTLE AND SOFT SPOKEN. COME ON!
Needless to say. As I was prepping this for crosspoting, I reread MN asking Jacqueline to use her connection and went "SHE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY OR DO THAT"
And I've just come out of like 5 years worth of boundaries being trampled ALL OVER so I was very not here for it so, naturally, I changed that shit RIGHT UP. RIGHT UP. AH!
I thought it'd be hard to restructure Jacqueline's reaction, but it TURNS OUT after the YEAR I'VE HAD it was quite was and made sense for her to immediately jump the gun, as it were, and get herself all worked up bc I have been doing this for a solid year and a half at this point so. y'know. FELT.
Poor girl's been in Fight mode for a solid 4 years at this point! She's just trying to survive! It's no WONDER she explodes that easily
Jacqueline: I can't explode :(
Also Jacqueline: explodes ~✨emotionally✨~
I've also found, revisiting Frostmas post CS rewrite and MtF clean up and 10 years of development on the cast of characters here had me looking at how I characterized WINTER and going WELL THIS IS WRONG
So she's...not as sad and despondent and holding Jacqueline at arms length
Instead, she is doing her best to be there for Jacqueline while also not being overbearing bc she very much does NOT want a repeat of number 1 with number 2!! ah!
They're all trying not to step on each other's toes and they aren't even in the SAME ROOM
THE BELL THING! It's how I hc they call meetings! Slash how the CS versions do it :)
They all have a tiny little bell that works as an e-mail, lol. You pick it up, which activated it, give it your message/meeting deets, and then give it a little ring! It sends the message to the other bells, and the other Legendaries get it, and they meet up at the place of the person who called it--unless otherwise specified.
I imagine they have specific yearly meetings that take place on or around the same time, and the bells are used to update meetings or call emergency ones! :)
I've no idea where I got the idea from but it's giving Polar Express, isn't it? 🤔🤔🤔
I'm getting the sense I may have to make a list of aliases for Blaise a la the one I have for Jacqueline. So far we've got about 70 variations of the phrase "hottie hot hottie" courtesy of Winter, fiery dilf courtesy of my husbando, baby cleaner extraordinaire, and now, apparently carpet steamer, too!
I quite enjoy picturing the Frosts using their elemental proficiency for mundane things. Like starting fires (IN THE FIREPLACE/HEARTH!), Dishes. Cleaning carpets, apparently 🤣
"I've half a mind to lightning bolt the next person who brings it up" YES MN. MUCH BETTER. GO OFF! I wrote this then pictured EB becoming a giant poof ball and wheezed, so it stayed 😎
"And you should hear this too, mom" is deffs a reference to that meme lol. It's been in my head as of late :p. Pedro Pascal is an enjoyable human being tbh!
God. Having Jacqueline be allowed to swear in the narration was like. My BEST idea. FEELS GOOD. FEELS RIGHT. SHE'S A POTTY MOUTH. Probably the worst of her siblings. Yes, even Fiera!
Mmmmm well maybe not QUITE. I think Fiera comes close but Jacqueline takes the damn cake lol
Scene 2: "You Look Like Sleet, B-Man"
They both do tbh, lmao, who're you fooling, Jacqueline 😏😏
Have you guys ever read Just An Elf by Locrain-Mode over on fanfiction dot net? I strongly recommend you do. The BEST Bernard characterization I EVER did see exists in the series of oneshots and it is 100% how I inform my characterization of B-Man.
ESPECIALLY in Frostmas tbh!!
Crystal Springs FACT: Jacqueline dislikes puns. A lot. There is one (1) exception she'll make and I'll keep that close to my chest for a rainy day ;)
Anyway, focusing on the behind the scenes stuff now: Bernard calling Jacqueline "Jacquie" is 100% me inflicting pain on shittyelfwriter on purpose bc we're friends and i love her, lol
I ALSO love angst! And what, indeed, is up with Elle during Frostmas? where's she at?
We'll find out year 12 ;)
But you can see WHY it gave Jacqueline hope--for a brief moment she lived in a world where maybe Bernard remembered--which would make this whole situation like, wayyyyy smoother and easier to take care of for the both of them tbh!
So of course, we CAN'T have that!
Anyway I really love Jacqueline and B-Man's friendship. And they both deserve some floor time. And yes, I 100% meant to end this scene with Jacqueline giving these vibes:
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huehuehuehuehue >:3
Oh, Council meetings. I'm sure they made the ribbing in the movie as a one off joke, espesh since it is. y'know. a very old person kinda joke, but I quite enjoy it!
Anyway, throwing Jacqueline into the Council Meeting gave me the utmost glee bc I got to dial up her frosty-ness, bordering her on Jack territory and given everything she'd JUST told Bernard, I was CACKLING as I put this blorbo through the ringer >:)
It does foreshadow how things go later what with her frosty attitude! ehehe >:)
I'm actually applauding myself as I reread/edit/tweak/rewrite. I really was laying it in for Year 10's big reveal, eh? >:D
"If Two-ie over here would just look into his mind..." <- A fun lil' nickname for Jacqueline given that she is the Second Jack Frost. Two-ie? Two-y? You get it lol
SUBLIME. Barbie movie is, apparently, still on the brain lol.
And Jacqueline is once again ruining furniture by way of losing control of powers slightly! I love when she does that >:)
AND JACK'S GRAND ENTRANCE! The bit about him moving the frost instead of Jacqueline is a new edition and I love it.
And VOILA! The Resort...BEGINS. Well, almost!!! I mean, in the movie Jack himself says he started out doing the job as is but found it to be too much work--and making a theme park like THAT? I think it'd take a little bit more time, especially with such a huge operations shift. so! Year Four the idea is revealed!
FRANCHISING. IDK WHY I DIDN'T THINK OF IT UNTIL NOW, TEN ISH YEARS LATER!!! Imagine an AU where they DID franchise and all of the Council Members now had their realms open as theme parks slash resorts?? like. WHAT would make them AGREE TO THAT
I feel like at this point my Frostmas mantra is "how can I make this WORSE"
"COOKIES are DELICIOUS!" Crystal Springs FACT: Jacqueline has a MAHOOSIVE sweet tooth. She's more partial to cakes and cupcakes, but a good cookie is a good cookie, y'know?
“You’ve got a kill count?” “Bernard, I was a pirate. But shenanigans aside, I’m a whole entire season. I’m sure that thousands of people have died from like, hypothermia or exposure during a storm I ushered in.” “Pretty sure that that’s not on you.” I pouted. “Well maybe I want to have a kill count!” “Oh, well, in that case, don’t let me ruin your fun.”
Please, they're so FUNNY. I think I added about 3k words to this chapter upon crossposting? And it was all added dialogue, like this
I am but the vessel. These fuckers stole the wheel a long, long time ago
"...and a whole lot of aggression to misplace" fun fact: this is 100% a Danny Phantom reference that has lived rent free in my head since I was TEN, PROBABLY. He's pissed about something then the box ghost is all BEWARE and Danny's like "😏😏 heLLO MISPLACED AGGRESSION!"
Idk why it stuck with me, but it did! We're not going to read into/psychoanalyze that! :D
I think it hit better before, but tbh it needed a bit of finagling given how the story has progressed since I originally wrote this chapter. I deffs think it plays into the bigger picture better like this! And tbh, that's good enough for me :3
Not as many memes or references to real world shit in this one. I guess I was having a chill time when I originally posted it? It was very fun to rewrite it! I've forgotten how fun it is to pit the cold front against one another in this timeline~
Enjoy the BTS! And enjoy the FRESHLY UPDATED Frostmas: Year Four here on ao3 and on ff dot net like, tomorrow ish! 💖
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Silly Goofy Alignment Charts
No particular order, just as they come. Corny, outdated, just goofy
Key: A- For Aten H- For Hades Purple M- For Maxlar Green M- For Malvo Blue D- For Devon Magenta D- For Dot Yellow C- For Cyrus Dark Blue T- For Troy Gray T- For Titus
More information: Troy and Titus are twin brothers and are vampires. Titus is a normal dude, kinda, and Troy is a feral punk guy. They don't get along much any more. Cyrus is this really cool werewolf dude (he's got the sickest dreads too). Kind of an enigma to his friends, as well. I mentioned briefly about Dot on a post I reblogged from my main
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One of the few things Malvo accomplishes when he disappears for long periods of time
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Malvo is definitely still an asshole, but more reserved. Yes, he's intentionally somewhat in the evil category. He's a Demon you guys
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Maxlar, an actual parent; a child! Aten: NO
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Hades is just too anxious to babysit alone, and because Aten cannot be trusted with that job (he's too chaotic, it'd end in arson), he almost never watches the Whishling kiddos. Devon is just better at being the cool uncle than babysitting. Malvo is surprisingly good with kids. This fact breaks my heart :')
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Dot and Devon are both smart just not always. Aten is very cunningly smart
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Hmm yeah, pretty straightforward.
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Malvo's a Demon. If I had Troy, Titus and Cyrus it'd be Cyrus on knows a few recipes, Troy is banned, and Titus made toast once for someone else
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Devon and Dot being the biggest sweethearts <3 Malvo aggressively telling someone "Go to therapy" in that neutral yet condescending voice of his just hits different
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Titus: *is a cop* His twin brother that would be identical if he wasn't a punk: ROB THE RICH Cyrus is just a cryptid, actually. They affectionately refer to him as their little wolf cryptid
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Devon, a big intimidating dude just wanting to be kind, but everyone is afraid of him Hades: *on his last legs of sanity*
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Hades: *has crippling anxiety/social anxiety* Malvo: *just simply hates everyone* If I had Troy, Titus, and Cyrus: Troy and Cy are Eat Ass, Suck a Dick, and Sell Drugs. Titus is there with Malvo
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Hades: *struggling to run a kingdom in the midst of war* Dot's kindness is often mistaken for her liking them Devon is once again struggling from the cons of Scary Dog Privilege no one wants to talk about
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Titus once again being a literal cop. Hades: *on the verge of tears because of this incident* Maxlar showing off his actually good musical skills The BoysTM are supporting him
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Something about Aten being labeled as simply "piece of shit" makes me giggle every time I see it
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Devon is my himbo and I love him so fucking much Hades experiencing ~trauma~
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They all want to be optimists (except Malvo) but they've seen too much/been through too much to be chaotic about it :(
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Without Dot because she is the opposite of problematic Maxlar: *is the reason there is an interdimensional war* Hades, Malvo, and Aten: *have some fucked up shit going on in the background*
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Aten and Hades are both cold-natured so they almost always have the heat on and have so many blankets that Hades, rather than changing one of those things, just abandons pants. Aten abandons clothes anyways because of his wings and stuff. He's the big spoon :)
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Maxlar and Troy being passionately stupid will never not be funny to me. Titus does not give a shit anymore. His fucks are all gone.
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Maxlar isn't suicidal by any means but he's had a really fucked up life and he's probably reached a point where his death being confirmed would be a relief. Same with Hades, only he'd say this internally. His outward reaction, as a King, is to say "Give the orders" Troy knows what the word means. He's just a shit.
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There's a story here with Cracker Barrel Also, ignore Malvo trying to kill children. Don't worry about it. Devon believes in aliens because "I'm technically an alien, and I believe in myself so there!" Hades believes in the same thing but applies it to Aten "he's technically an alien and I believe in him" Dot is a secret cryptid hunter
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gaylaughingdoves · 3 years
I really love how you draw Dottore! he's my favorite character in genshin- do you have any hcs/ideas for how he interacts with the other harbingers? I find other people's readings of him really interesting!
take care, have a good day whenever you read this!
Aaa!! Thank you!! <3 :D And yes I absolutely have hcs about him and the other harbingers!!
(I'm gonna toss them under a cut because I have a tendency to ramble on and use a whole lotta Words-)
Alright, so Signora and Dottore:
Extraordinarily chaotic and evil sibling dynamic
They gossip, like, A Lot, it's mainly Signora talking while Dottore fidgets and works with whatever he's working on, but he gets invested in it pretty easily
Now they also can and will rat each other out when they want, absolute snitches the both of them, they find immense joy in it, however. They also know a decent number of each other's secrets and they aren't going to tell those unless given a proper bribe (which neither have received just yet)
Signora and Dottore also both do Not like Childe
They have bonded over this
Childe is gaslight girlboss gatekept from everything when Signora and Dottore are involved
Also, Signora usually isn't phased by whatever Dottore keeps in his labs, because, yk, she might be 500+ years old, which Dottore appreciates because usually people are constantly on edge in his labs
It's a pain for him to actually keep staff (alive and employed), but having another Harbinger there (even one with a reputation like Signora's) grants the people working for him an, admittedly false, sense of security. Nothing could go bad when two Harbingers are here, right?
So Actually many many things can go wrong with these two in a room with Dottore's experiments
Like don't trust them around fire? Ever? Signora knows her way around it a little bit too well to be safe, and Dottore just likes watching how things burn under different conditions soo a recipe for Arson, that's what that is
Signora also thinks Dottore is hilarious when he's angry, and Dottore just likes being antagonistic, which leads to a whole lotta bickering. It's usually lighthearted but it can get serious and it can get serious fast
But overall Dottore just sorta sees her as an older sibling-ish person? He knows if he lets something slip she's not going to go straight to the other Harbingers to gossip. Which he likes because he can just go off and rant about how stupid something is and she'll just use it as blackmail material, which he thinks is better than like. Having everyone know how much he hates a certain piece of old machinery or something-
However, he doesn't trust her too much, because?? Who in the Harbingers actually trusts each other???
Also he and Signora have Transmasc/Transfem solidarity I will not be elaborating
Dottore and Childe on the other hand:
Pure hatred from Childe's side, he straight-up despises Dottore.
After all, this is a guy whose family is one of the most important things to him, his siblings are children, children who do not know the weight of the world just yet.
And Dottore is the guy who is... well. He's known to treat kids like nothing but a base to experiment on
Now Dottore on the other hand literally just wants to dissect Childe, he's gone absolutely crazy trying to get permission to at least run tests.
I mean, What else was he going to do when the kid Pulcinella found on the side of the road started turning into an entire 10ft abyss creature??? That's part of his whole line of work!! This is literally something he studies!!!
Needless to say, he was not allowed to study Childe's Foul Legacy in any regard and it ticked him off
So yeah, just overall they Hate each other, they argue a lot, like, if the Tsarita wasn't there at meetings they would turn into fistfights
However, they both drink whatever the Genshin equivalent of Monster is
This is not a bonding point, they fight over flavors
Sounds like a dumb thing to fight over but Dottore can't stand Childe's and Childe can't stand Dottore's
This has lead to other Harbingers swapping their flavors around because they think it's entertaining to watch them fight
It actually got to the point where the Tsaritsa herself had to order them to stop switching the flavors around because Dottore and Childe are already prepped to murder each other at any moment, they don't need to make it worse
So Dottore just reserves himself to snapping at Childe with the annoyance of someone who is being blocked from something that could very easily be a big break that's being dangled over his head
For real though, Childe has so much potential for Dottore's experiments but Dottore isn't allowed to do so much as study what effect that the transformation has on Childe afterward, and he hates it
But he can't lose his funding from the Tsaritsa so he stays quiet and angrily compiles whatever information he can
Anyway, Dottore and Scaramouche:
Overall neutral actually?
Like they don't see each other much, with Dottore usually knee and elbow deep in some messed up science stuff, and Scara's work taking him out and about a lot of the time
They bicker and stuff, but overall?? They kinda just avoid talking to each other?
Sometimes, rarely, they do get put on a mission with each other, but when they happens they usually get along pretty well!
They actually have a good time snooping around places, what with Dottore's practically uncontrollable curiosity being easily triggered if there's... oh idk, dragon bones, or old machines, or abyss-related ruins, or anything in the typical Vindagyeran Architecture Style, and Scaramouche just likes to snoop and sneak around for fun, for funsies
There's been a few times when the both of them have bonded over chaotically messing something up (didn't impact them, but sure did impact whoever was living in those houses) and laughed over it, grabbed some drinks, and just hung out
They're sorta like buddies who don't see each other much so they're overall estranged but still have a good time, yk?
Scaramouche has hung out in Dottore's labs before, doesn't particularly enjoy them, what with all the machinery and people crying and whatever, thinks it's boring, but if he has to hang out there he'll find his way to Dottore's office and read his files
This gets on Dottore's nerves, but he knows a little better than to cross the minor god that is Scaramouche
And he would very much like to study Scaramouche, considering, yk, divinity abandoned by the divine?
What an odd predicament!!
What effects would that have!!
How does he still have any power!!!
The questions Dottore could have are endless!!
But Scaramouche is away enough to be sure that Dottore's interest is solidly in other things (mainly Abyssal, and Dragons, because there's always some Fatui around the dragon skeletons (Durin and Orobashi) and I have a feeling it's Dottore's doing)
And that's it so far I think? They'll probably change as more Harbingers/info on the ones we have already come out and such but that's what I have rn!! Just Dottore being a funny feral little angry science man with at least three sensible braincells, and yk what I love him for it :)
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levi-thein · 3 years
“𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙟𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨!?” —𝘾𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙡
ALright, brain rot, Jealous! Camilo having a fight with the reader.
camilo x gn! reader
mirabel x reader (platonic ig)
You and Camilo are literally close. Very. thick as fucking thieves. The chaotic duo, drama all the way bitch. You two are never seen separated! Literally, it’s like you guys are attached to the hip.
Well that was when you guys were kids.
You guys drifted away…young loVERS TORN APART! Charot lmao
You guys haven’t spent a lot of time with each other because of chores…and Casita breaking…etc. confessions from guys and gals alike. Of course, gayness bitch.
You walk around the village, books in your arms, you are currently trying to go to la casa Madrigal. Emphasis on trying.
“Hey–coming through!” you yell at some kids who're running around the street. You really did not want to damage these new books from the city.
You were pulled back to the sidewalk, “Dios Mio, Y/n, you’re gonna get yourself killed oneday” said your friend, Camilo Madrigal, the shapeshifting Madrigal. “I’m sorry that I don’t control that damn donkey I guess” you rolled your eyes. You rearrange the books in your arms while Camilo hands you the ones you dropped. “What are you doing with those books anyway?” he questioned, “ well for your information, I need these books to know more about astronomy.” you answered “Astrono- what? Stop making up words!”
“I’m not dumbass”
“You wound me, L/n”
“Stop being dramatic”
“stOp bEiNg drAmaTic!” mocked Camilo, shapeshifting into you. “Bastard, '' you muttered. Indeed you borrowed these books in a library from your visit in the city.
“So,” Camilo started, “so?” you asked.
“How’s the city? Do they actually have those rectangular things that take pictures?” he tilted his head to the side, “well, duh. I learned a lot about it. Emphasis on a lot” smugly, you took the phone from your pocket as he examined it in awe “woahh woah woah waoh WOAH- can we take pictures!?”
You pushed the books in his hands as he waited patiently when you opened your phone. “Alright, here” you said, posing yourself for a selfie. He looked at you, “dude what are you doing?” “posing?” “poser.” you rolled your eyes “just get in a pose so I can get a picture!” he sighed, “fine.” he puts your arm around your waist while you put yours around his neck. “Alright, now look at that dot thing right there, yeah, there” you and him smiled and *click* damn, you forgot to turn off the flash.
Silly Y/n, totally did not do that on purpose.
You laughed at your friend’s pain as you examined the picture. Your eyes were closed while Camilo had the look that said ‘holy shit I did not expect to be hurt today, how dare you’ you snorted at his reaction and decided to put it as a wallpaper.
“Aggh! You wound me, Y/n! You will regret this I tell you!” Yelled dramatically by the shapeshifter. “Alright, sure, now get up, people are looking,”
“You hurt me! The audacity you have!”
You sighed, smiling, dragging him by the back of his ruana as he helplessly got dragged.
Camilo frowned, you’ve been spending more time with Mirabel than him, bitch what the fuck. He knew he shouldn’t be sad, or hell, jealous!
He looks silently while you and his prima dance around the flowers Isabela made.
“So, me being the best prima ever–hey!--sorry, best prima ever THAT’s the same age as Camilo, when ya gotta tell him? Babe, me and the girls waiting in agony.”
“Damn! Who hurt you today? But seriously though. I am dying.” said Mirabel, slouching her back to show mock tiredness
You blushed, playing with your hands “can- can you help me confess?” Mirabel blinked, “OF COURSE!” she hugged you, happy you finally asked her that, you laughed while holding her small frame by the waist. Camilo, of course, saw this and thought you confessed your undying love for his prima. His eyes still widen in shock and pain. He walked, walked away to the woods and stayed there.
He sighed, he knew his sister could hear him, he knew he never stood a chance in the first place, so why did he still have hope? Why , why did he pretend to think that he actually had a stand? Is it because of how you act around him? Those smirks and smiles you give him? The ones who always make him swoon and weak in the knees? He’s pathetic, he thinks. He thinks he’s just the best friend. That’s what he thinks now. But when he first saw you, oh it was the best day ever! On January the 5th (yes today, fuck off.) the first day he saw you. You guys were still kids, it was the first year he got his gift. He shapeshifted into different people to entertain his prima, who didn’t get a gift. He heard laughter from behind him, he turned around and saw you. You were pretty. But still, were you laughing at his prima? “What’re you laughing at?” he asked. “You! That’s awesome really. Sure. but I could literally see you using your gift to make yourself taller.” you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms sassily. “I do not!”
“Do not!”
“Sure, curly. Anyway, hi there! I’m y/n, my family just moved here.” you smile at Mirabel. She looked at you and smiled, “Hi there, Y/n! I’m Mirabel, nice to meet you but please don’t be mean to my primo” she put her hand behind her neck. “Sure , okay Mirabel!” you said enthusiastically, “so, what’s your name? I can’t call you curly forever.” you joke, he looked at you and smiled, “Camilo Madrigal, hope ya enjoy Encanto, Y/n!” he said, shaking your extended hand. Mirabel smiled at the interaction. And from that day on, you three would hang out each day. It was the best decision of his life, shaking your hand, telling you his name.
He smiled softly at the memory, I may not have said this before, but he had a bouquet of flowers with him, he hand picked them from the forest, too tired of Isabela’s teasing.
He looked at it with tired eyes, sighed and put it in the side. He hid behind his arms and let the tears fall. He wondered what you and Mirabel were doing now.
And wonder he did.
“And, what I’m trying to say is, I love you, Camilo Madrigal.” you finished, you opened your eyes and was met with Mirabel’s judging look. “Dude, all you did was ramble and finish with that.” she said blankly. You sigh dramatically, falling in her arms “I’m helpless! Hopeless! I cannot do this without you, amor! Please, accept my confession, I hid this blooming feelings from you since the day we met! Oh my dear, I love you!” you put your hand above your forehead while the other was clenching your chest. Your friend rolled her eyes and fucking made you fall- “you’re good now. Just do that dramatic shit you do. Ugh, I can’t believe I have to deal with two dramatic theatre kids. Jesucristo, Dios, dame paciencia para lidiar con estas dos perras” she muttered and cursed and left. (“Jesus Christ, God, give me patience to deal with these two bitches” *uses google translate because I don’t know the language*)
You got up from the ground and decided to find your dearest beloved. You’ve searched everywhere, anywhere he could've been. But nothing. You decided to ask Dolores where her dearest brother may be. “So? Where is he?” you anxiously wait for her answer, “mhm, they’re at your safe spot in the forest, hurry, he sounds like he’s crying.”
You thanked her and ran to the forest.
“Camilo? Camilo! Where are you!?” Dios, why is your spot the forest? You heard sniffles in a distance, you speed-walked towards the sound and saw Camilo, “Camilo? Are you okay, Amigo?”
He looked at you with red eyes, yet he glared. He shuffled away from you, “what do you want?” his voice was cold and harsh, you noticed. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? Who are they, I’ll beat them up!” you joked to lighten the mood. He scoffed, “why won’t you go back to Mirabel?” okay now you’re confused, “what do you mean?” he rolled his eyes, “oh you know, you not even telling me you like my prima! And even confessing in front of me! You have some nerve, Y/n L/n!” he yelled at you, his vision blurred with tears.
You furrowed your eyebrows in anger, “you were eavesdropping on my conversation!? You know I love my privacy!” standing up, he rolled his eyes and harshly wiped his tears, “well maybe I don’t know anything about you! What else!? What else are you not telling me!? I’ve told you everything about me yet you share little information! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?” he screamed at your face, his tears rolling down his beautiful, sun-kissed face “MY PROBLEM!? YOU’RE THE ONE WHO’S CRYING AND FUCKING EAVESPROPPING ON PEOPLE’S CONVERSATION! WHY DID YOU EVEN ASSUME I LIKE MIRABEL!?”
“Oh HA HA HA, NOW IT’S MY FAULT!? I SEE HOW YOU LOOK AT HER! YOU. YOU’RE THE ONE WHO’S IGNORING THE OBVIOUS SIGNS THAT I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU Y/N M/N L/N! BUT HEY! LET’S IGNORE THAT BS AND GO FOR MIRABEL!” he points his finger at you, realising what he said, his eyes widen as he hid behind his ruana
He plopped down the ground and mumbled, “ignore what I said, pretend that this argument never happened.” embarrassed, Camilo Madrigal is embarrassed, you laughed. “Stop laughing! I'm sad!”
“I- hah- I’ m sorry but- HHAAH DIOS MIO- YOU’RE EMBARRASSED! THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN! I am telling your primas this– but wait wait wait, you love me?” you turn to him, eyes widening. He blushed even more, hiding in his ruana as he leaned his covered head on the tree he sat at, “ I said it twice, are you deaf?” his muffled nervous voice said. You grinned, “you love- love me?” , “stop making me repeat myself!” you grabbed him by the shoulders, making him face you. His ruana fell back, making you see his flushed face, his eyes not meeting yours, hell, his lips looked wobbly. You smiled at him, “I literally went to find you to say I like you, what the hell.” he looked at you, “wait really?” his eyes had that spark of hope, “of course! You made me fall in love with you, Milo, you understood the assignment and did it right.” his smile widened, he took you by the waist and spun you around.
You laughed at his antics “alight alight, stop– you’re making me dizzy”
“Dizzy with my love!” he smiled smugly
“Alright, come here, dork.”
He pressed his forehead in yours, he looked at you with adoration and love, it was amazing. After a long comfortable silence, he whispered, “can I kiss you?”
You smiled at him, closing your eyes and connecting your lips in his.
“Shut up! Shut up!” the Madrigal family silenced, Dolores hummed in satisfaction, “mhm, he did it. He kissed them.” The familia cheered, they grew tired of Camilo rambling about how pretty you are and how he loves you so much. “Finally! Ugh, did Y/n confess with full drama or just fumbled and melted?” questioned Isabela. “It was Camilo who confessed in the middle of their fight.”
“You’re the one to talk, Isa. Hey, how’s that baker girl by the way?” Mirabel smirked at her sister as she blushed and stuttered.
“N- none of your business!”
Finally! I’m free from the burden of making a fic!
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calqlate · 2 years
summary: in the end, loving you was worth the pain and worth every bloodstained petal clinging to his throat. for you, he can bite back the pained coughs — even if it meant he could lose his life.
pairing: sugawara koushi x f! first year! reader
genre(s): hanahaki disease au, angst, one-sided pining
tw(s): coarse/strong language briefly used, depictions and mentions of blood
wc: 2487
view m.list!
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"sugawara-senpai, hello," you said, smiling up at him, "good morning."
the silver-haired setter smiled down at you, his smile causing cute little creases at the edge of his eyes, "good morning, [f/n]."
the both of you always happened to cross paths at the train station. it occured that way ever since you accidentally fell asleep one time (due to staying up late on multiple nights) and sugawara had politely and kindly woken you up when it was time to alight. after all, both of you were attending the same school.
"is club going okay?" sugawara asked, adjusting his sky blue scarf wound around his neck.
"yeah, it's a little rigorous, though," you said, fidgeting with the hem of your jacket, "what about you? isn't the spring tournament coming soon?"
sugawara's heart skipped a little beat. you remembered about the spring tournament. though, let us be realistic, it was what most of the students talked about these days. the boys volleyball team had managed to pleasantly surprise everyone by defeating the notorious powerhouse, shiratorizawa, therefore winning the inter-high, and going to the spring tournament.
"yeah, it is," he replied, trying to hide the telltale blush that was beginning to creep onto his fair cheeks, "we've been practicing a lot lately and we're trying to improve as much as we can until then."
"then, i wish you guys all the best," you said, "i'll be watching you guys on the live broadcasting channel."
hearing how you would still be supporting him even though both of you would be in different prefectures made his heart soar and his smile grow even wider. however, the annoying itch in his throat began to settle in and he quickly fished around in his pocket for a handkerchief.
"next stop, sendai station."
the train slowed down into a gentle halt as it approached sendai station. all of the karasuno students on the train immediately began to file out, chatter errupting from the teenagers. you spotted one of your friends not too far ahead, so she waved sugawara goodbye and promised to see him later in school (if you happened to cross paths with him, anyway). sugawara smiled and waved back, just as the itch began to get worse.
the itch grew uncontrollable and sugawara struggled to hold it in. he waited until you and your friend were out of sight, then brought the baby blue handkerchief to his mouth and let out a few coughs. he pulled away, noting the petals in his hand. his eyes widened when he caught sight of the slight and miniscule specks of blood dotting the edges of the otherwise pretty petals.
it's getting worse.
"it's getting worse, suga," a voice interjected from behind him, as if reading his thoughts out loud, making the third year startle slightly in surprise.
he turned around to see daichi looking down at the handkerchief and the petals in the boy's hand. daichi, along with the other third years, knew of sugawara's condition and, of course, his crush on a certain first year.
daichi sighed and shook his head, "how long are you going to hide it from her?"
"for as long as i can," sugawara replied, disposing the petals into a nearby dustbin and shoving his handkerchief into his jacket pocket, "i don't want her to find out."
"you can't run away from this forever, you know," daichi said softly, walking alongside his friend, the both of them heading to school, "she's gotta know at some point."
sugawara said nothing, sorting out the chaotic strings of thoughts in his own head. daichi had always been the voice of reason, the one to set things out in an orderly fashion for everyone to understand more easily and clearly.
"or you can always get the flowers surgically removed—"
"no," sugawara interrupted him, stopping in his tracks, causing daichi to stop as well, "i can't — i won't do that."
"then what, suga?" daichi said exasperatedly, staring at the silver-haired male with wide eyes, "you're gonna let yourself die of an unrequited love?"
"yes," sugawara said tightly, "maybe i'll do just that."
worry began to settle into daichi's bones. he knew how strong-headed sugawara could be, with his slightly childish impulses and all.
"no, daichi, you don't understand," the setter said in a small, quiet, and somewhat frightening voice, "i'll see you later at practice."
he then walked on ahead, leaving the captain behind in his tracks.
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practice went by with a little tension in the air. everyone could sense it, even kageyama and hinata. sugawara and daichi were outrightly and blatantly ignoring each other. sugawara did it because he was upset and still a little irritated, daichi did it because he thought sugawara needed some time to think.
"kiyoko-san, are... are daichi-san and sugawara-san okay?" yachi asked timidly, her gaze darting back and forth between the captain and the vice-captain.
kiyoko frowned. she guessed just as much, that they probably fought over sugawara's condition.
"they're alright, hitoka-chan," she said softly, managing a small smile on her face, "don't worry about it."
"okay, let's take a five-minute break!" ukai clapped his hands, causing the boys to halt their activities temporarily.
the boys began to make a beeline to the side of the gym, grabbing the towels off the gym floors and wiping their sweaty faces. the two managers grabbed the bottles off the floor and walked towards the boys, handing them each a drink.
kiyoko passed a bottle to sugawara and whispered, "are you... okay?"
"yeah, i am," sugawara nodded and took a sip out of the bottle before setting it onto the floor carefully, "i'm heading to the washroom real quick. please help me inform coach if i'm not back yet."
kiyoko nodded and sugawara took his leave from the gym quietly. the chilly winter air hit him, cooling his face off from the heat. just then, his chest began to constrict and the itch began to settle in. this time, it was more deliberate than the episode in the morning. he hunched over and coughed, catching the delicate petals that spilled out of his lips in his hands.
the blood was becoming more apparent now.
maybe daichi was right. maybe he needed to do something about this.
or maybe he did not have to.
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it had been a week since that fateful day, and a few mere days to their departure date. sugawara and daichi were still ignoring each other: sugawara because he did not how to approach daichi, daichi because he was unsure whether or not sugawara had cleared his head.
"are you two still fighting?"
kiyoko appeared in the hallways, catching both of them by surprise.
"o-oh, hey, shimizu," daichi said awkwardly, managing an equally awkward grin at the female.
"don't you have class now?" sugawara asked.
"i'm on my break now," she replied, lifting up a packet of juice and a packet of bread in response, then dropping both hands to her sides and then resuming in a more serious tone, "it's been a week and you two are still giving each other the silent treatment."
the two boys remained silent.
"did you guys fight over sugawara's condition again?" she asked, this time in a more gentle tone.
no response. that was the positive signal that kiyoko knew of.
"how bad is it? honestly?" kiyoko asked, her voice going more soft this time to not attract any unwanted attention, "did it get worse?"
"there's blood this time," daichi said, looking out of the window as if there was something interesting going on on the field within his view (which was absolutely nothing), "i told him he should either confess to her or he should just get surgery. i vote for the latter. it seems bad enough already."
sugawara clenched his fists, "i don't need surgery."
"then what are you going to do about it, huh?" daichi hissed, snapping his head the other way to glare at sugawara, "i'm worried about you, suga! it's not like it's a minor issue either! you're still young and this shouldn't just decide whether or not you—"
"i know, daichi, i know!" sugawara interrupted, a frown appearing on his face as his voice grew louder, more erratic, as he glared back, "you think i don't know that? i know very well i can die from this, but i don't want to just throw my feelings away! call me stupid but i just want to hold on to them for just a little longer!"
"and how long is 'a little longer', suga?" daichi said, raising his voice as well, grabbing sugawara by the collar, "when it's too late and you're on your deathbed and regretting everything?"
kiyoko tried to peel the two usually affably demure but now fiercely aggressive boys away from each other, "guys, don't fight—"
"sugawara-senpai, you're dying?"
the sudden soft voice piped up, causing all three pairs of eyes to dart in the voice's direction. it was you, staring at the three seniors with wide eyes and your lunch in your hands. everything suddenly went eerily quiet as the surrounding people stopped talking as well. everyone was suddenly very interested in whatever was unfolding right there and then.
daichi immediately let sugawara go and returned to his previous state, staring out of the window and at the field.
"[f/n]," he said gently, his eyes immediately softening upon landing on your figure and he turned around so that he was facing you, "this — it's not what you think it is."
"you're dying, aren't you?" you repeated, your voice scarily quiet now, "you're dying and you refuse to get treatment. why?"
"i care about you, senpai," you said, trying to keep your voice even, "and so do sawamura-senpai and shimizu-senpai. if you're sick or dying or something, you need treatment."
"listen to me—"
"no, you listen to me," you interjected, your voice steely and strong, unlike your usual silky tone, "what kind of sickness is it? cancer? a hole in your heart?"
sugawara kept his mouth shut. it touched him knowing that you were worried about him (hell, it made him fall deeper in love with you), but you did not need to know about his sickness.
"he's got the hanahaki disease," daichi said softly without tearing his gaze away from the field, "he's had it for four months now."
your eyes widened in shock.
sugawara proceeded to scratch the back of his neck and chuckle awkwardly, "it's not that serious—"
"it is serious," you said, your brows furrowing and your lips curling downwards, "you could be dead by now! i don't care, you need medical treatment, you need to go to the hospital—"
"no, i don't!" sugawara yelled, tears welling up in his hazel eyes, "it's not that simple! even though i'm living with these flowers blooming in my chest, i'm okay with it! every day, i get to see the girl that i like! i don't care that she doesn't like me back, i don't care that i'm going to die choking from the flowers, i just — i just want to live on with the feelings i have for her. is that—" — he took a breath, trying to steady himself — "is that just too much to ask for?"
it was quiet, silent, to the point you could hear a pin drop. sugawara took in a strangled breath, feeling the itch in his throat constrict his chest again, just as the tears finally dripped down his cheeks. he turned away, walking briskly away from the scene he had caused.
i know... i know everyone means well, but... why can't they understand me? or are my desires just foolish?
he managed to exit the building quick enough as the coughing began, which caused him to fall to the ground in a crouching position. he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his handkerchief before pressing it to his mouth. he squeezed his eyes shut as he coughed, hacked, and wheezed — he did all he could to get as much of the petals that were clogging his throat out of the way.
suddenly, a gentle hand settled on his back. with bleary eyes, sugawara struggled to look up at the person. he could vaguely make out some faded yet familiar features, and he immediately knew who it was.
he finally stopped coughing and pulled the handkerchief away, taking in a deep breath. he lowered his gaze down to his hand, almost dropping the handkerchief onto the ground. he was shocked to see that the petals were seemingly soaked in blood, making them look as though they were props belonging to a horror set.
"sugawara-senpai, are you okay?" your comforting voice seemed to soothe his nerves, even if it was just a little (he loved your voice; he had always secretly wished that the same voice would someday call out lovingly to him).
he nodded just as you peered past his shoulder and caught a glimpse of the petals, a gentle gasp leaving your lips, "sugawara-senpai..."
"i'm fine, [f/n]," his shaky voice replied, and he managed to lift the corners of his tired lips, "let's head back inside."
you grabbed his arm, stopping him from moving, "who... who's the girl that's causing you... all of this?"
you decided against saying 'pain and suffering' since that would just be a mere slap to his face, which would immediately invalidate his feelings and the points he had brought across in his outburst earlier on.
his smile fell.
he began to think of how he should respond to you. should he be honest and risk having you reject him on the spot? or should he just come up with a lie and deceive her into believing it?
it's getting worse, suga, daichi's words from their argument a week prior rang in his head, how long are you going to hide it from her? you can't run away from this forever, you know. she's gotta know at some point.
he took a deep breath in, letting his slightly bloodied lips part. to hell with the burning sensation in his lungs; he had decided on his answer.
"it's you, [f/n]," he managed to choke out just as his throat began to constrict painfully once more, his confession causing your eyes to widen in complete shock, "it's always been you."
he began to cough again, the bloodied petals tumbling out of his lips as he struggled to speak. he fell to his knees again as he clutched his chest. you could only watch with wide eyes, your body incapable of moving.
"i love you, [f/n]. so, so much."
in the end, loving you was worth the pain and worth every bloodstained petal clinging to his throat. for you, he can bite back the pained coughs — even if it meant he could lose his life.
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delicrieux · 4 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
y/n is back in brooklyn for the holidays. thinking that a stream will make her feel less homesick for cali, she starts working on her famously titled hentai.free.srv. what was supposed to be a relaxing stream turns into a special delivery about two hours in.
─── corpse husband x reader ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 2.2k ─── ❥ req: Here's one... You know those apps for delivery like Domino's or whatnot... What if reader is streaming Among Us with Corpse, and reader mentions they're hungry and Corpse offers to order them food, and readers like no no it's fine... Then there's delivery at the door (Corpse ordered beforehand) 
author’s note: fucky format is also back in town baby!!! also if you find any mistakes - no u didnt <3 thank u everyone for enjoying this story sm i literally cant believe how feral yall going strawberry cow was a nuclear explosion im still recovering tbh. got an ask a while ago and decided to incorporate it into myso. happy holidays everyone! myso will continue on monday!
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous.  ҉   next.
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Indeed, being soft on any social media platform was the biggest disgrace and needed to be eliminated post haste. Moreover, it was a slippery slope - once you start flooding your timeline with cute imagery and heart emojis, what will stop you from posting inspirational Facebook quotes? Disgusting. If Rae were here, she would chide you (not you thinking about her as if she’s dead or something). For once in your life, you feel like you deserve it. 
Alas, you hope this little chaos you’ve caused is enough to throw everyone off. The stans, especially. You know the hashtags, you’ve seen ARMY scourging for info online with the same fervor and ruthlessness 1 Direction fans hacked airport security cameras just to spy on the boys. If you had any dirty secrets online, they are out to the public now - thankfully, besides the Harry Styles stan account (with edits and all), you have nothing. Though, now that you think about it, exposed nudes would have been better than your Punk!Harry edit receiving almost a million views. God, your life’s a fucking mess.
Your fans aren’t the only ones out for info - you, too, are trying to decipher Rae’s message. Code: Barbecue Sauce. The two of you had come up with it roughly two years ago, around the same time when you promised that if you didn’t find significant others by the time you’re 40, you’ll just marry each other. It was one of the many rules found in your friendship codex. Barbecue Sauce signifies information - an exchange of information. And depending on how it ends or begins (”So I’m sitting there” alludes to Rae, “On my titties” alludes to you), secret data on that person is given away, usually free of charge. 
But why? And to whom did Rae give away what? You had pestered her mercilessly and even sent some voice messages where you were crying. You were only crying because of a video of a grandpa smiling you saw on TikTok, but you are a snake, and so you put those tears to good use. If streaming doesn’t work out, you’ll just become an actress. Hollywood would love you. Your PR firm sure as fuck wouldn’t, though.
Rae was having none of it. She said you’ll figure it out eventually. Told you to channel your superior puzzle skills. You were quick to remind her that you can barely count to ten without having an aneurysm. Oddly serious, she admitted that she worries for you sometimes. Why only sometimes?! you demanded. She merely sighed. uttering under her breath something that sounded closely to “Boke.”
You leave her for barely a week and she’s already neck deep in the gay volleyball anime, hoodie and cardboard cutout and everything. Your life is falling apart.
But Brooklyn is nice. It had snowed when you stepped off of the plane. Thousands of snowflakes sprinkling into your hair, dotting your cheeks and nose. You missed this sight back in Cali. You missed your parents, too. 
Home cooked meals, old sweaters, your old room and about 40GB worth of old high school pictures on your computer. You went through them all one night. Some were stomach churning, cringe inducing nightmares. You were especially fond of those. Texted some of your friends that were still in Brooklyn, met up, decided to bake. Bad idea, Rae was the resident chef back in Cali. Besides laughing till your stomach hurt, and almost burning down your kitchen, nothing all that significant happened. Somewhere down the line, at about 3 am, half-way through a cheesy rom-com you had the overwhelming urge to text Corpse.
That’s where the problems really started. God, you missed California, missed being in the same timezone with a guy you hadn’t even met yet, how embarrassing is that?! You missed skating around and taking pictures of the beach in the setting sun, sending it to him, silently wishing he was with you to admire the view. 
You really want to call him. And to hang out with him. But for some reason, the thought of that springs up immediate anxiety and you shy away from asking. Him sending you cute good morning texts doesn’t help, either. Maybe it’s better he doesn’t know that you’re a blushing, stuttering mess each time you read “baby”. 
Late evening. Your stream is already set up, people are slowly trickling in and you greet them with a grin and a soft “Hello! Hi hi!”. You did your best to make your room a perfectly chaotic backdrop - led lights, an embarrassing amount of anime merch and plushies. You always try to balance out your weeb side by dressing hot as fuck for your streams - today’s inspiration just so happens to be egirls. Mostly because you watched one too many egirl make-up tutorials on TikTok, and also because you’ve been listening to Corpse’s song all day.
Yeah, no, who are you kidding, you dressed up this way because you were hoping Corpse was watching your stream. You didn’t forget your cat headphones, either. You know he likes them. You want to make him suffer. Perhaps then, finally, he will ask you out, so you wouldn’t have to.
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“I feel like,” You start when you put away your phone, staring idly at the chat, “I feel like I need a new name for you guys. Calling you guys after two years of streaming is just... weird, no? I also don’t respect men so I don’t want to call you guys. Like, so many creator’s have, like, a name for their fans. Uhm, Cody Ko has the chodesters, Kurtis Conner has, uh, folks? Kurtis Town? Citizens! Markiplier has mommy issues--” You can’t help snorting, “So, I’ve been, like, thinking - I know, shocking! - so I was thinking I’m gonna name you cockroaches. Because you’re grimy little shits impossible to kill. And also then I can use the legendary Minaj meme ROACHES!”
Your stream enthusiastically echoes ROACHES, making the chat swim. Yes, if anyone would enjoy such a name, it would be your audience. You’re as equally proud as you are disturbed.
“Well, anyway.” Leaning back into your chair, you throw your arms out with a bright grin, “Big dick is back in town, baby! If you noticed the backdrops different, it’s cuz I’m in Brooklyn now. Don’t ask me when I will return to Always Sunny, I don’t plan that far ahead.”
While Minecraft boots up, you decide to answer a few questions.
r u dating sykkuno?
You want to smack your head into the keyboard, but as it is, you can’t exactly afford a new one, so you refrain, “No, Sykkuno and I are not dating, we are just good friends. Uhm, I’m not sure how much I’ll have to repeat this, but, we really aren’t, so if the roaches could chill - Oh my God, that sounds so stupid, I love it - uh, yeah, if the roaches could chill that’d be great.”
the roaches lmao sounds like we’re a sports team
“Oh shit, yeah it does, uh-- maybe I can make like, jerseys or something. That’d be cool, I think.”
how disappointed are your parents with the way your life turned out?
“My parents are actually not disappointed at all!” You say with a cute little smile, “Uhm, they’re both really proud, actually. They’re glad I found something I love doing and made a job outta it. Dad finds my Youtube videos endearing. Yes, they watch pretty much all of my videos, unless I explicitly tell them not to. And yeah, with all the fucks and thirsting for anime characters. Uhm, it was very embarrassing at first, but I mean, after a while, shame just...doesn’t exist anymore, I guess? Funny thing about my parents, actually, when they watch my videos-” You eye catches a comment, “Oh! No, they only watch my Youtube videos. They don’t know how to use Twitter, thank God. Uhm, anyway-- when they hear a name they don’t know, like, I dunno, Dabi, or something, they google--” You’re grinning by now, eyes crinkling, giggling softly, “--who that is, and buy me like, merch and stuff. It’s really cute. 
can i be adopted by ur parents plz
will you and corpse ever collab?!
You were about to answer, though the man of the hour himself decides to do it for you.
Corpse_Husband: yes.
Okay, not to say your heart skipped a beat, but it totally did. With a pleased smile, you nod, like one of those bobble head toys sold at the dollar store. The motion is oddly reminiscent of Sykkuno’s own nod. Perhaps you had picked it up from him. The chat seems to notice.
pack it up, sykkuno
More questions pile about this mysterious collab you and Corpse are planning. Yeah, you’d like to hear more about it, too, since he single highhandedly decided one was happening right now. Corpse remains silent. Fine, keep your secrets. 
“Okay, guys, oh, I mean, roaches, Oh my God--” You’re covering your mouth, giggling, “-calling all roaches, calling all roaches, calm down. Everyone grab a snack and a blanket I’m turning up the music volume so we can all chill. Entering chill zone. Entering chill zone. Roaches, prepare.”
we are prepared
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An hour or so passes and you grow hungry. It shows with the amount of cakes you had baked in your server. Currently, you find yourself throwing eggs at the wall of one of the renovated houses, your face scrunched in concentration and slight frustration. 24 of the 50 eggs have been wasted. “What’s a girl gotta do to get some chicks around here?” you had uttered under your breath, until, finally, a screech - the egg finally spawns a mob. Your mouth falls open, “Aww, look!” You approach it, so small, walking in zigzags beside you, “It’s a baby chicken! Die, bitch.” The baby chicken is no more as you swing your bedazzled (you have mods) diamond sword. You’re cackling by the time the dust settles.
y/n is a child murderer
“Roaches,” You address your fan-base, spurring another fit of laughter - you can’t get over the name, “I think I’m like, forgetting that eating in Minecraft won’t actually make less hungry in real life.”
take a break and go eat queen <3
“Fuck no, we starve and die like men. Now I actually really need another chicken.”
Another twenty minutes trickle by and you’re trying to lure back a panda from the jungle when there’s a knock on your bedroom’s door. Whipping your head to the side, you slide down your headphones. At the same time, your mom pokes her head through the ajar door, “MOM!” You scream, “Get OUT of my room I’m playing Minecraft!” But your yell has no actual bite to it, as you don’t manage to hide your smile. Your mom laughs, doing some sort of sign language and motioning for you to follow her with her head. That or it’s some sort of performative dance. 
“I’m live right now,” You tell her, pointing at your screen. She knows this already, though, “do you want to say hi?” 
The roaches spam the chat with friendly hellos. You mom, quite impatient now, waves you over. 
“Sorry, roaches, mom needs something. Be back in a bit!”
Stopping the stream, you rush out of your seat and pleased she slinks into the hallway. “What’s this about?”
“Your pizza came.”
“My what now?” You echo, confused.
“Domino’s. You ordered pizza?”
“What? No? I was busy with the stream, I never--”
Thankfully, you had managed to grab your phone from your room before you exited. You almost choke on spit once you read the messages.
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You decide that it’ll be impossible to stream after experiencing what you had just experienced. You tweet out a quick apology to the roaches (God, that fucking name) and say that you had a breakdown but you’re okay. That is as a close to the truth as you managed to muster. It’s a sad sight, chewing and crying; your mom winced when she saw your state - disheveled hair and rundown eyeliner and everything. “D’aww,” She had muttered, caressing the top of your head, “don’t cry my little raccoon.”
If anyone was ever to ask you where did your chaotic nature come from, you’d answer with my mom. To make yourself feel better, you took a selfie - duck face and peace sign and the horrible 2000′s angle. Sent it to Rae. 
looking hot, her message read. 
thanks, was all you replied with.
You couldn’t just leave things as they were. Once you calmed down, you wanted to text Corpse, but how would you follow up the ungodly caps lock and screeching? Impossible. An idea sprung to mind, one that was brave. Taking the first step.
Instead of sending a text, you sent a voice memo.
“Thank you for the pizza, it was delicious.”
You voice still sounded a bit raspy. His reply was instant. Your heart skipped a beat. He sent a voice memo back.
“Glad you liked it, baby.”
He was going to be the death of you.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @slashersdream - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai - @truly-dionysus - @multi-fandom-central707
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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pairing: bokuto, iwaizumi, kageyama, kuroo, miya twins, and ushijima x shorter manager male reader
req: yes | cw: suggestive | 16+
hcs of tall boys simping for a shorter manager because they like thicc body parts
a/n: i didn’t mention this because i did want to write it, but alex, reqs were closed. unless you suggested this for 1.5k, in which case, just why?
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A volleyball training camp consisting of some of Japan’s most prominent high schools. Chaotic, right?
Well, many schools came: Aoba Johsai, Fukurodani, Nekoma, Inarizaki, Itachiyama, and Shiratorizawa.
These training camps often led to the teams’ managers getting to know each other better and bonding. And as Itachiyama’s manager, even if most of them were girls, you were no exception.
Which meant, while all the managers collectively did their manager duties like refilling water bottles, you talked.
And, for some reason, the topic of boys came along and what ‘type’ of boy they liked.
You see, the girls were nice. They looked for personalities, rather than body parts - most of them anyway.
You on the other hand, well, you loved thick boys.
Prominent man boobs, thick thighs, fat asses.
“Is that… why you became a manager?”
“Is that why you don’t hand out towels?”
Unbeknownst to you, and the girls, a few people were eavesdropping on you.
“I’d say that fits your description, right Bokuto?” Konoha playfully elbowed him on the chest, but the ace wasn’t paying attention. “Eh, Bokutooo? You there?”
He was not, in fact, there.
He really had no plan to charm you at all. If he already had these traits, surely your eyes would drift off to him, right?
But obviously, he subconsciously starts showing off more when you’re watching his match.
He starts glancing at you every time he scores a point. Slowly, glances turn into looks that ask for praise, like a puppy; and then looks turn into verbal “Did you see that (y/n)?!”
You don’t know when or why he started fixating on you, but you certainly weren’t complaining.
Thanks to your praise, Bokuto slowly starts getting more comfortable around you. Then, one day after he scores the game winning point, he runs over to you.
Before you know it, he’s pulled you into a hug.
But you don’t reply, because 1) you can’t with your face smushed against man boobies, and 2) this is heaven.
Bokuto’s confused, of course, until he realizes your hands on his thighs.
He only laughs it off, until Komori comes. Behind the libero is a possessive looking Sakusa and a scary Iizuna. Komori’s about to spew some protective comment like, “hands of our manager” but you stop him.
The will to stay in this bear hug is stronger than the boobies giving you an inability to speak. “Let me have this, Komori.”
“Ah, right, you like this kind of stuff.” The libero laughs, slowly nudging Sakusa and Iizuna away. 
“What’s this kind of stuff?”
“You, hot stuff.”
“Iwa-chan, you’re not gonna leave me for him, righ-?”
“Shut up, Oikawa.”
It starts off subtle, wiping off sweat from his face with the bottom of his shirt and making sure to expose his pecs. Though such a thing works when there’s no other thicc boy in the room.
Then he starts stretching more often, particularly his legs.
Sometimes, on particularly hot days, he rolls his shorts even higher up his thigh.
Slowly, as you start to talk more often, he does the same things while you’re hanging out relatively alone.
“Hm?” He stops his stretching, looking at you curiously. You lick your lips, your gaze looking at his thighs.
“Keep stretching.”
He obeys. His thighs flex and stiffen, the stretching starts getting painful, but he doesn’t stop because he knows you like it. When you press a hand against his thigh, he lets out a low groan.
“Fuck, Hajime.”
Finally, he knows you’re absolutely enamoured with his body.
“None of us fit that description.”
“Shut up, boke.”
“I mean...you fit that description?”
Each time he knows his gaze is on you, as he’s in the back line ready to receive a serve, he sticks out his ass just that little bit more. Along with tensing his thighs.
Sometimes he drags Hinata to receive his serves somewhere within your vicinity. When Hinata receives it and sends it back to him, he doesn’t catch it. Instead, he lets it fall so that you can watch him bend over to grab it.
He might even shake his ass a little.
One time, when something accidentally falls out of his hands, you confront him.
“Tobio, you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”
“Doing what?” He looks at you through his lashes - up for once, booty out and still bending over. Then he has the audacity to shake his bubble butt.
He smiles when you let out a frustrated groan. “That.”
“I still don’t know what you’re referring to.”
“Ha, that sorta fits Kuroo. Wait, Kuroo, are you-?”
“Yes, absolutely, yes.”
You know that extremely flexible receive? Yeah? Expect to see that a lot.
It shows off his ass and thighs and just- umph im such a simp
Unlike most others, he’s much more forward about it than others. He won’t outright say it, granted, but he’ll be more touchy with you.
One second, his arm is wrapped around your shoulder. The next, he’s pulled the back of your head to one of his pecs. 
When your team spots this, they rush over to get him to stop. At the forefront of the group is Iizuna. “Hands off our manager.”
Before you can say anything, Kuroo speaks up, “Last time I checked, (y/n)’s his own person. Besides, he enjoy this, right?”
“Yeah.” You don’t defend yourself from Iizuna, because hell, the captain banter is entertainment.
The two captains glare at each other with their competitive yet polite looks. Eventually, Iizuna falters. He can’t argue with you saying you like it, nor does he have the comebacks in him to talk to the ‘provocative expert’.
Atsumu Miya
The twins stare at each other, glaring as they usually do. “Dibs.” Atsumu says, and Osamu can’t deny that. It seems he’s missed out on you.
Just like Kuroo, Atsumu is forward.
He is also impatient, so if you don’t catch on the first few times, he’s just going to blur it out.
And that is exactly what happens.
Each time he tries to get your attention, he fails. A subtle wink sent your way, a flex of his bicep, bending and holding on to his knees after a loss penalty, none of them seem to alert you. They don’t, because he’s dumb and doesn’t think to show off the qualities that you like as much as the qualities that he’s confident in.
Which is why he’s here, in front of you while you take a break on the bleachers.
“Miya-san? Don’t you have a game?” You glance down at the court, seeing the rest of Inarizaki playing. They certainly aren’t at their best without their genius setter.
“I like you.”
Your raised eyebrow only taunts him, “And what brought this upon-”
“I know you like me.” He sits next to you, slinging his thighs over your lap. “Don’t you like these thighs?”
“I guess I do, ‘Tsumu.”
Osamu Miya
The twins stare at each other, glaring as they usually do. “Dibs.” Osamu calls. Even if Atsumu grumbles and kicks at the ground because he’s missed the opportunity, he can’t deny the power of dibs.
He’s much better at this than Atsumu is. He’s more patient and has no problem with playing the long game.
However, he doesn’t; because unlike Atsumu, he accentuates his qualities that you like.
He pulls up the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face, rolls up his shorts quite high, and generally does things that always have your eyes on his thighs, pecs, or ass.
He’s taunting you, silently telling you to come to him, so that’s what you do.
The next time you find him panting from a run, ass out and bent over, you confront him. Conveniently enough, he’s away from other people.
You make your presence known by putting a hand half on his ass, half on his thigh.
“Oh, heeey, (y/n).” He gives you an all-knowing look, paired with lazy half lidded eyes.
“You know why I’m here, don’t you, ‘Samu?”
Ushijima Wakatoshi
“I like thick men, the ones with prominent pecs, thick thighs, and bubble butts.”
Sure, he heard it. Sure, he processed it. But did he think about it afterwards? No. Did he connect the dots? No.
In fact, you’re the one attracted to him.
Ushijima is that one oblivious yet extremely suggestive individual. He does squats after practice, thigh-accentuating stretches, bends over without a single thought, this man is blatantly sexy.
You have to keep yourself from doing anything indecent.
So, it’s quite obvious you like him. Anytime he’s in the room, you’re staring at him. As such, Sakusa takes notice, and boy is he disgusted.
“(y/n), please don’t like him.”
Why? He didn’t want to let you date him, it’d turn you into a reminder of one of his most formidable opponents.
“Sakusa, I can’t help it.”
Welp, he’s doomed.
“(y/n), hey.” You’d never really interacted before you approached him. He noticed that you always looked at him, but he didn’t really think about it, nor did he think about why you did it. There were more important things to focus on.
“I like you.”
He’s so dense, so oblivious, gosh. Good luck with him.
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strip4kaneshiro · 2 years
Luxiem and Noctyx as Free! Characters (+ extras)
I thought of this while looking at old edit project files so :)
Luca-Seijuuro , both big himbo with very small brain and upbeat tendencies. They’re very talented at what they do best and can lead when needed.
Ike- lol I’m gonna say Rei because they both have that energy to where it’s “guys!!! Don’t do the thing!!”. Constantly the voice of reason within the group
Mysta- we have to give him Nagisa, though defo not short, they have equal levels of chaotic (and constantly being scolded by Ike)
Shu- Shu was hard to pinpoint, but he’s Natsuya…. Yeah anyways-
Vox- Rin, I’m not elaborating, connect the dots. Competitive ass mf sharp tooth whores
Alban- Has to be Momotarou, because of how hyperactive they are and how big their hearts are for others
Sonny- I imagine him to be Makoto, they’re both gentle spirits and I love Sonny for that honestly.
Fulgur- Sousuke, you cannot tell me that homeboy doesn’t give sousuke sometimes. (Also because his shoulder- smack)
Uki- My brother Uki is Haruka Nanase cause that man got mad hoes that’s the tweet. Also both of their vocal deadpans
Yugo- I think he would fit as Isuzu, their spunky attitudes >>>
Nina- Nina reminds me a lot of Miss Amakata, I mean look at them!!
Mika- also ties w Yugo for Isuzu, can you say tomboy tendencies?? <33 spunky little sister energy
I tried not to base these solely off of their interpretations of their in-company “sibling” dynamics. The only one that lined up for was Luca and Alban, and that had been the first connection I made so I let them have it. Plus, cmon it’s canon /j. Anyways, let me know if there are any of these you think different! I really wanna know! And though I haven’t watched Free! In a couple months, I thought this would be fun to draw parallels from.
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