#anyway yes i am still thinking hamlet au things
paperedking · 2 years
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@the-perks-of-being-a-wallcrawler yeah. yeah i would consider it.
reminder that asks are open for requests !
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cynthplop · 2 years
Weell, how about Annalise surviving but not as the heir of the first game, but rather as the Scholar protagonist of the second game, eh? 😎 Since it's implied the heir commits suicide (yeah, I did a bit of homework as promised and love the lore to bits) Anna could be the one who stops the worldwide apocalypse of the sequel! Anna witnessing the carnage Robin causes among their brothers and just worldlessly standing could be much more traumatic for both Robin AND Anna. Then Robin tells her to run.
Anon I want you to know that this idea has put me on a multiple day unhinged bender coming up with an AU where Annalise lives and becomes the Protege that I sincerely may like enough to make canon.
Also came up with a lil preliminary design for her too because I think my brain's rotting and uhhhhh women????? Uhhhhhhh women? W-women 😳?
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This might be a long one, SO LET'S TALK
Personally I took the whole 'heir is implied to commit suicide' thing as ahhhh, more of a suggestion LOL I mean it happens, it's part of the whole looping timelines bit that Robin's continuously subjected to but he breaks out of it eventually and he lives (although it's not the only way he's died).
Instead of her running, I figure she goes through the same Stabbening anyways but somehow it missed her vitals and she lives. This leaves the entirety of DD1 unchanged as Robin still thinks she's dead, but really she managed to get out of there on her own and got lucky enough to stumble upon a kind couple longing for children (similar to Bonnie DD2's story on purpose because they're both sisters/sister figures to Robin and it can get potentially dramatic hoohoo). They take care of her, she pretends not to remember anything from her life as a Darkest because she finally realizes just how fucked up her whole existence was and she's hurt by the actions of her entire family and no longer wants anything to do with them. So they rename her Isobel, gift from the Light :) That's the only name she'd go by from then on.
In the time it's taking for Robin to get his ass handed to him in the Hamlet, Isobel makes an effort to forget her old life and lives well with the couple for a while, growing up to become a very intelligent young woman and quite the talented markswoman, eventually they save up enough that she gets to go to school. And wouldn't you know it, that's where she meets up with the Academic; they form somewhat of a symbiotic relationship, Izzy provides her (somewhat unwitting) knowledge of the occult, and in return she gets her lodging, food, and even a portion of her education taken care of. Of course this dredges up a lot of memories she's stamped down of her previous family, but hey, it was worth it if her parents were proud of her and living easily. And then, well The Apocalypse happens. I still need to brush up on some DD2 lore and the inciting incident before writing a lil more, I've mainly been watching streams as opposed to playing it myself hehe
Her character as the Protege is kind of an exploration of the opposite of Robin, someone who outright rejects everything that hurt her as opposed to Robin's reclamation and reforging of a new path from the old. As much as I really love this idea and am considering making it canon, unfortunately it kinda nixes the question I imposed of "could the Darkest kids have turned out different if only they had been treated right?" which is, well, yes, according to Anna living. But only to an extent, I suppose. Anyways, much to think about 🤔 and thank you again for the ask!!!!!!
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s1utspeare · 2 years
AH OK @rose-nebulijia asked about Theatre AU part 4 and vishie i love you u are the love of my life i am sending u soft and gentle kisses.
idk if this will be the final part or not? unclear yet (I’m gonna say probably not bc I love this au way too much so I’m sure that I’ll find something else to do with it) but anyway I HAVE to explore zhang rishan in that universe i HAVE to. I was talking about it with @highpriestessofjogan the other day bc i had reread the theatre au and was like “wow zhang rishan is a mess. like hyper-competent, but absolutely a mess” and that’s SO INTERESTING TO ME???
this one’s going to be a little bit more serious in tone than the other theatre au pieces, partially bc of that, but also because this one is really more of a reflection of my journey as an artist and a theatre maker, especially during the pandemic. i identify with zhang rishan in this au a LOT, and having been getting back into theatre as of late I’m having a lot of feelings about it and reflecting on that type of thing and now it’s time to put Zhang Rishan through that ringer lmao.
It’s very much about isolation and art and Hamlet (as always lol) and theatre and trying to find your place in an industry that doesn’t have space for you. It’s also about finding happiness outside of productivity and work, and learning to live and feel and be without constantly attempting to make it about something, which is definitely a problem I struggle with. So far it’s dramatic and beautiful and I’m sooooo excited to finish and share it bc idk it’s going to be a piece that means a lot to me, I think. Kind of like i wish you would love me.
also foba get married :) here’s a snippet!!!
“I’m marrying Ba-ye,” Fo-ye murmurs to himself, even though Zhang Rishan is in the room. Or maybe he is talking to Zhang Rishan, because he turns to him in the next moment, his smile trembling and candescent, seeking some sort of warmth that he himself possesses in spades.
“You’re marrying Ba-ye,” Zhang Rishan agrees, and doesn’t stand up. His hands twitch, wanting to help Fo-ye with the tie, but he doesn’t think that it’s his place to be doing so.
“Did you ever think that would happen?” Fo-ye asks, going back to the mirror, and Zhang Rishan doesn’t know if he really wants an answer, but he thinks about it anyway, so that he can give Fo-ye a good one.
The easy one is yes, because Zhang Rishan had thought that it would, from the moment he saw Ba-ye and Fo-ye together. They looked like soulmates, fated to be together by the tendril threads of the universe, knit up just like a kiss. They looked like they would slide easily against each other, friction negligible, something so, so easy. Zhang Rishan isn’t jealous of them, exactly, because what Ba-ye and Fo-ye have is special, and not everyone in the world deserves that.
Still. He thinks it might be nice.
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hmslusitania · 3 years
I was scrolling through your blog and got a wonderful idea. Hear me out. The fire fam. But in a leverage plot. They are all criminals playing Robin Hood and evening the score for the little guy. Idk I just love it and both shows have given me all the found family I could ever desire. But just think, instead of joining the 118, they’ve all had moments where they had to make that choice of what direction to go. And instead of being LAFD they turn to crime. And still find each other. Because yes.
So, Anon, my dearest. This is a screenshot of the table of contents in my "Potential AU Ideas" document. Which I created back on March 9th (I started watching the show on March 1st). You may note that the very first entry is, in fact, a Leverage AU.
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I am incredibly unlikely to write it at any point because I am 100% sure I would just do an absolute hatchet job with the plots because I am nowhere near as clever as John Rogers et al, so you have given me an excuse to talk about what the details would be:
To start, we have our Mastermind, Bobby, who used to definitely be on the side of right and good, but disaster struck his family, and you know how that building they lived in was 0% up to code, disconnected sprinklers, faulty alarms, highly flammable materials? Well, the company he worked for insured that building, and do you know who faced zero charges and even made money off this tragedy?
So anyway, he is invited to crime, and would necessarily pick up his crew of the following:
Hen Wilson, an extremely talented hacker
of note, her rival hacker in the other team is Karen. They met back in the 90s in a hacker forum and it takes them several jobs as rivals to realise they're in love, it's great
Karen steals Christmas as a way to flirt with Hen at some point (and donates it all, obviously, because she's Karen)
Eddie Diaz, retrieval specialist.
He's also just like...inexplicably good at basically any physical skill? Need him to play baseball for a job? Check. Need him to be a dance instructor? Check. Need him to be a music star? Check. They have found exactly one (1) thing Eddie can't do and it's cook, but fortunately Bobby's got them covered on that
also, Lena is of course the rival hitter. I don't know why, but the scene in the Last Dam Job where the goon is like "Who are you?" "Well, I'm not Eliot" except with Lena saying it has been absolutely stuck in my head since I first had this passing thought of an au so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chimney, thief
yes his name is just Chimney. No, no other information is available and even Hen can't find it when she goes looking.
Rival thief, appearing both in the Two Live Crews Job, the Inside Man Job, and the Last Dam Job is his little brother instead of his father figure, Albert.
yes this is at least 45% because of John Harlan Kim's role in the Librarians
They get super duper burned on that first job as a crew and so they need someone new. At which point, Bobby announces that what they really need is Buck. "What's a buck" everyone else asks, and they go to a crap theatre in a dark corner of Chicago where our dear sweet Buckles is just absolutely blundering his entire way through Hamlet. "This is the worst thing I've ever seen," Eddie says, because of course he does.
The story comes out that when Bobby was in his insurance hunter days, he had repeated run-ins with this kid, who had clearly spent way too much of his life deeply unsupervised and turned to art theft on a lark, and Bobby had ended up a sort of surrogate father figure to him (which is why Hamlet instead of the Scottish play because y'know avenge your father rather than encourage your husband to the dark side) and eventually somewhat maybe talked him out of crime! Which leads to the first encounter of the crew as:
Buck: Bobby?!
Bobby: Hey Buck. How've you been?
Buck: Good! Good, I'm acting now instead of grifting, and it's going pretty well actually! You'd be proud of me!
Bobby: I am
Buck: So what are you up to these days?
Bobby: Crime! Want to help?
Buck: oh thank god
ANYWAY (again)
That makes the last addition to their highly effective crew:
Buck, grifter
When Buck has to lay low for a while on account of having to fake his death because of the Freddie Costas thing, he sends another grifter in his place, secretly
he is...a bit miffed when he gets back to find his sister and Chimney have fallen in love, but hey, it means Maddie ends up staying with the Leverage crew on a permanent basis so it's kinda a fifty-fifty scenario
it takes him an embarrassingly short period of time to fall in love with Eddie, which is convenient since it takes Eddie an even more embarrassingly short length of time to fall in love with him. They're just. they're gross. They're absolutely gross.
And where is Athena?
Obviously, obviously, with all her Lawful-Alignment tendencies, Athena has to be the insurance agent-then Interpol agent who keeps having far too amicable run-ins with them. Because she and Bobby used to work together of course, because of course they did. Perhaps they also are somewhat in love? Possibly? Who's to say.
(I've been flipflopping on who would be Maggie for the purpose of this au and I think it might have to be Michael? Bobby gets him into crime -- in frickin' 9-1-1 canon, let alone in an AU -- after he and Athena divorce and it's all so weird between the three of them, but you know, they do all manage to stay friendly despite *gestures vaguely* everything)
So! Yeah! If I felt I had the intelligence to actually write Leverage-style scenarios, this is how I would do it! If you've made it this far, thank you for indulging me.
also, I did sort of write a ficlet on this theme once back when we were all doing the mashup prompts
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butchhamlet · 4 years
i cannot BELIEVE you would expose me like this alkdhslghdsd but edmund/hamlet really is the final form of my bad shakespeare shipping. anyway if you have any more ideas on how that trainwreck would end........i am Looking
okay i absolutely adore what you wrote in your tags about how they might have met at wittenberg & how edmund could possibly fit into an AU version of the plot. unfortunately i cannot take anything that i enjoy seriously, ever, so i present the cursed modern AU version of this
yes they do meet in college and they notice each other bc both of them are smart as HELL and good at reading people and they have edgy loner solidarity
edmund knows hamlet is like... RICH rich so he makes Contact. probably by, like,,,,, approaching him at a party or smthn when hamlet is standing in the corner with his coat buttoned all the way up while everyone else has fun
edmund has been methodically sleeping his way through their grade (are they still called grades in college i don’t know what tf i am talking about) and horatio - who is ALSO a good judge of character but also a little scared of edmund - has him pretty much figured out and he’s like “hamlet. listen to me. do not sleep with him”
“don’t worry horatio i know”
“this is just like with laertes you have a thing for men who could obliterate you -”
“don’t WORRY horatio i’m not gonna sleep with him it’s FINE”
[jump cut to hamlet waking up in edmund’s dorm room]
i know calling hamlet an emo teen is a flattening of his character but i still imagine all modern AU versions of him as goth-adjacent anyway because i think it’s funny. and i think edmund has the power to be, like, punk
what i’m saying is they share punk clothes and maybe go to a concert together
i do not think hamlet has ever had a fling with someone without falling for them completely (it happened with laertes. it happened with ophelia. it probably happened with fortinbras but we don’t talk about that) and edmund is not... entirely used to this? but he’ll admit to himself that it’s kind of nice to have someone who seems to actually value his opinion/thoughts as much as his body. also hamlet writes him terrible terrible love poems and edmund is flattered but also... like... WHAT is he supposed to do with these. these aren’t even good enough to plagiarize
i mean, what is he supposed to do other than learn hamlet’s handwriting but that’s a given --
(horatio knocking his head against the wall noises)
(he’s not going to get involved goddamnit whatever. WHAT ever just let it happen. maybe hamlet will learn something. but probably not)
in the end i don’t think anything awful happens i just think they break up because edmund loses his patience with hamlet’s need to Think About Everything So Much All The Time.
i personally hc hamlet as having ocd (CANNOT find the post i reblogged about it now but i have ocd and like. see a lot of myself in him. they call it the doubting disorder for a reason <3)
but either way, i think he’s a very thoughtful person, sometimes to a degree that stresses him out, even before his father dies -- and edmund is just... not that way. at all
and look! it gets exhausting! hamlet thinks edmund’s reckless and edmund just doesn’t wanna go THROUGH it all with him man like we don’t have to make another fucking flowchart about where to go to dinner or whatever --
plus there are. some things about hamlet that remind him a little bit of edgar sometimes and like. THAT’S not a thought you want to have about your hook up partner!
AND like you said, macy, they have totally different ways of showing affection - hamlet is much less expressive about affection, physically or verbally, even though he takes it more seriously on an internal level, and edmund just... that is not his love language! physical touch is HUGE for him and there’s kind of a disconnect between them there
PLUS plus part of edmund’s motivation in the first place was “rich kid” because he can’t be normal about relationships. but hamlet, like, doesn’t talk about his family anyway and kind of pretends they don’t exist. and honestly edmund does the same thing with regards to his family so they can’t even bond over the weird family dynamics in their life because they’re just both like... [covering their eyes]
so they break up
but when i say they “break up” i mean that edmund ghosts him for two weeks to go hook up with other people because he never took the whole thing very seriously anyway
and hamlet shows up at his dorm to figure out what the fuck is going on and they have a whole argument because hamlet is really, really good at making conversations into arguments and also was fully convinced he was edmund’s Boyfriend, capital-B
and hamlet ends up sobbing on the phone about it to horatio
who is, like... kind of vindicated but he knows saying so would be unnecessarily mean. but in his head he’s like. did i tell you or did i tell you
“no offense, my lord, but did you actually think this was going to happen differently -”
hamlet, in tears: “YES”
at some point in the following months edmund hooks up with laertes and it’s the worst day of hamlet’s life
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someillplanetreigns · 4 years
@just-the-hiddles tagged me in this writers’ ask - thank you!
Name: @violetvapours called me Illizabeth Planetope Reign and I think I should make that a thing tbh.
Fandoms(s): MCU, often with Norse mythology thrown in there. (And one sneaky just Norse mythology oneshot!) I dabble in other places too, more as a reader but who knows what the future will hold. Had a spate of reading historical RPF and historical Shakespeare AUs again not too long ago, and been slowly building a long list of The Magnus Archives fics I want to read. I also feel like I often read books and go “oh wow it would be cool if...” then find without the community side I’m not very motivated to write my ideas; maybe one day I’ll give in to that and do it anyway.
Where you post: Ao3. I post here with a link to Ao3 when I post there, but I don’t format my writing specifically for tumblr.
Most popular multi-chapter fic: Incantation-Fetter’s Arms
Favourite story you’ve written so far: The Play’s the Thing
Fic you were nervous to post: All fics always, isn’t everyone?
How you choose your titles: Oh no idea, and every time it’s a new struggle. I don’t think any of my fics have stunning titles. The Play’s the Thing - or to use its full name, The Play’s the Thing (Wherein I’ll Catch the Conscience of the King) - is a well-known Hamlet quote with its less well following line. That just fitted. The sequel is currently being written under the working title Nothing Beside Remains, which is from Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley. It references the destruction of the kingdom of Ozymandias, King of Kings - again, appropriate! Incantation-Fetter’s Arms comes from a truncated kenning for Loki as the ‘burden of Incantation-Fetter’s [Sigyn’s] arms’. Other gods were referred to as the burdens of their wives arms too, but I found that one particularly interesting. My other titles are just words I threw together. 
Do you outline: Yes. Everything I’ve ever finished has been outlined. Everything I’ve ever not finished (a much much much longer list) has not been. So I always aim to do it.
Complete: Currently everything on my Ao3 is a complete fic if you want to take a look! 
In-progress: Nothing Beside Remains, the second part of The Play’s the Thing, is a wip I am writing, but not posting yet -  I no longer post chapters before having a whole draft because of problems I’ve created for myself in the past haha.
Coming soon/not yet started: As above, Nothing Beside Remains will be coming soon, and strictly speaking that’s my only WIP right now. That said... I am somewhat tempted to try and do some oneshots... I may have had some vague thoughts about doing my own “What if...?” series with canon divergences I would love to see played out...
Do you accept prompts: Not in a formal way, but whenever I see a blog that gets asks framed as “here’s an idea I’ve been thinking about...”, “what if...” etc, and then the blogger can choose to write and post something in response or just interact with it as an ask, a part of me is always like “I want what they have.” ime that’s only big blogs though. Still, you are so welcome to send me your thoughts and I may write them if inspiration sparks! But I can’t see myself posting a prompt list anytime soon (unless I see a really cool one, then maybe...)
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: Nothing Beside Remains. I just really like this series!
Thank you for the tag! I think lots of people have already been tagged so won’t repeat. @violetvapours if you want? And @nyebevans Idk if it’s all very hush-hush anticipation before posting, but if you want to here is a thing! As always no pressure :)
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years
college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: II (donghyuk’s pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff pairings: platonic!mark+dy/n format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college best friend warning: a lil swearing (best get used to it lol)
or click here to continue your friendship with paediatrics!haechan!
I ⇤ | II | ⇥ III
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II: relationship consolidation.. it’s platonic i swear
the fellowship continues (mark + dy/n)
so the month that follows your first meeting
is full of
a mixture of crackheadedness and tortured artist vibes
a lot of it is sending lit memes and other shit to each other at 2am when u have an 8am the next morning and yelling at each other for keeping u up so late but then laughing again at whatever the ridiculous punchline was
“to quote shakespeare’s hamlet, act v, scene ii, line 270: no”
/deep inhale/ /unhinged laughter/
that’s your inside joke for a whole two weeks mark couldn’t get the numbers right the first few times uwu poor confused thing but he got it after a while so good on him
in the second class after the first day, you try your best to find in him the crowd of people lining up to go into the lecture theatre but you can’t and it’s almost time to go in and—
oop you’re getting swept by the current of the masses
you still try to look for him even then
and luckily your attempts pay off !bc you do see him further up the stairs
,, but he’s
,.talking to another person, sitting in a seat on the end of the row 
slightly disappointed that you can’t sit together and get to know him better and hopefully become friends but !! still optimistic that you’ll just make new friends
you file into an empty seat near his row a little further down the stairs from where he was sitting
you take out your materials and start to go over your notes from the day before when
someone plops himself down on the seat next to you
you look up and before you can smile in greeting, you recognise
it’s mark!!
he says “heyyy” in that rlly soft voice idk if you’ve seen the vid of him going ʰᶦ but that’s the voice he uses here
and you’re like “oh hi! wait i thought i saw you sitting over there” pointing behind u
and he’s like “oh i just met a friend and i was saving his girlfriend’s seat haha.. she just arrived so they kicked me out and i saw u and !!yeah”
and u nod at him like “nice nice i thought you ditched me” jokingly ofc
“no no i was actually trying to find you but.. you’re too short”
“i’m what”
/whispers/ “i’m sorry omg don’t kill me pls”
/stands up straighter to assert dominance/ “say that again, marcus. say that again”
ajsagdfo cuties
“ok then should we meet somewhere before the lectures”
so you decide on the benches outside the building as Your Spot™
the lecture’s just an introduction to the first text in the syllabus bc . second class
and so there’s quite a bit of note taking,, naturally
mark forgets what the prof says before he can write it down and this particular prof, you learn, is prone to talking fast and then switching the lecture slides before anyone can write anything important down
poor mark is doing a lot of looking up at the slides and then down at his notebook and :(((
so r u but u seem to have better memory than him so u either have the lecture slides up if you’re a typer with your notes or manage to write your notes and still listen to the prof if you’re a writer idk yalls preferences so
meanwhile mark whispers under his breath,, half to himself
“what” don’t we all,, mark.. don’t we all
and he does that a few times so you look over and he’s written barely anything so at that point he’s almost just resorted to listening to the prof and not taking notes at all
then he seems to catch himself and he starts writing down whatever key terms the prof is spewing and you realise
kid’s blanking out lmfao
so you tell him you’ll send your notes over to him after class and he’s like !! R U SURE im so sorry im not used to this sPEED and i can’t put my hand up and ask him to slow down someone else has to do that
and u just nod and tell him it’s all g
so class ends and you wave goodbye (confirming to meet at the benches next week too) to go to your tutorial class that happens to be right after the lecture and so does he,,
and this is your thought process for the next five or so minutes:
there’s only one exit so surely he’s only going outside and not the same way as me
oh look he’s going the same way as me.. i’m sure he’s just going to another building ooh that’s a pretty cool tree
hey we can walk to our next classes together and then split up where we have to go in different directions
is he turning left or right left or right i’m going left left or right left or—wait oh cool
ah there’s a bunch of classes in this building too surely he’s on a different floor. see he’s going up the stairs—wait he’s going up the stairs.. so am i..,,,
nah surely he’s going up another floor
wait if he’s going up another floor.. why isn’t he going on the elevator
does he have a fear of enclosed spaces
does he have childhood trauma in an elevator
maybe he keeps fit by climbing stairs
lol this is my floor, be funny if..
hang on a second
“HANG ON A SECOND” that wasn’t one of your thoughts btw that was. out loud
very loud
and he turns around, startled at your voice again
looking up from his phone and eyes getting wider than they were in their initial reaction
he’s giggling at this point bc it’s so funny to him
“HOLD—YOU’RE?? in this tute too??”
“are we??—”
“—in the same class?” yall say that in unison bc that’s the proliferation of a Wholesome Friendship™ right there
u laugh bc wow this is my new best friend
“this is crazyyy”
“yeah what the f..” he highkey cuts himself off bc i mean day 2 guys
but then you
“exactly what the fuck...”
lmfao he knows then that it’s ok to swear with you
n e ways
y’all keep talking until your tutor arrives and lets you in the class
ofc you sit next to each other in the tute as well
you have a great time and class ends quicker than you thought bc you’re having fun and that’s always gewd
so the next few weeks u’re just vibing with each other
walking to class together after ur lectures
walking each other to other classes
studying together in the library in your spare time catching up on content and exploring ideas discussed in tutes for your shakespearean sonnets class
"o romeo, romeo, wherefore were thou and juliet teenage dumbfucks”
he couldn’t stop laughing at that for three days straight
getting pretty close basically
sharing hobbies and music tastes (u find out he plays guitar and it’s the biggest possession he brought into his dorm from his house and listens to frank ocean and john mayer a lot, watches fullmetal alchemist)
sometimes you’ll come to meet him at the benches full on catwalking down the path with your airpods in and resting bitch face on listening to some dope shit while the crowd parts for you and he’s just like O.O
how is she friends with me
he thinks you’re so cool it’s cute
but he’s also alr convinced himself that you’re so out of his league he highkey won’t dare try and make a move
n e ways
he sees ur airpods and he’s like “aren’t you afraid you’re gonna lose them one day”
and you just look at him and go “do i look like a fool, marcus”
he laughs so hard at that
complaining to you abt his roommate in real time over text like
marcus the fool 🤡: “dude he’s whining at me to ‘play with him’ i don’t want to play with him”
marcus the fool 🤡: “now he’s getting jealous of u”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he asks who u think u r”
you: “tell him i would fight him”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he says u won’t win”
you: “bet”
marcus the fool 🤡: “i told him u don’t need to fight for my attention bc uve alr got it”
marcus the fool 🤡: “now he’s fake crying”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he’s telling me to leave the house and leave the kids”
you: “am i a homewrecker now”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he calls u a homewrecker”
you: “tell him i’ll kiss it better”
one day like a month or so into your friendship
you rush to the benches with that look on your face that says you’re about to murder someone which usually disappears when you see him and take out your airpods bc rbf
so he ,, approaches with caution ,,, easy does it,,
yes he’s wondering if it’s your time of month
ngl it åctually was which makes things worse
t e n t a t i v e l y he asks on the way into the lecture theatre
“hey dy/n u ok?? u look.. ok nvm”
bc u lowkey glared at him but u didn’t mean to i swear u just looked at him but u were alr in a bad mood
so ure like “sorry yes i’m fine i didn’t have my coffee today so i may be a bit cranky”
“what happened? u sleep in or smth”
“yeah i slept at 4 last night”
“wHY did u do that”
“idK but i was running late just now and the line at the cafe was so long i stood in line for five minutes and i said nop class is abt to start”
“oh okey”
this keeps bugging him all throughout the lecture
so he turns to u when the lecture is over and he’s like
“u have another lecture next right”
“yes marcus i have another lecture that you’re taking with me”
“come ditch with me i’ll shout u a coffee”
“what really”
“for sure, we can catch up on the lecture in the library tonight”
and you remember that you’d made plans with your roommate my/n to go to the library that night anyway so you agree and let him know
so he’s like “oh rlly? can i bring my roomie along too he probs doesn’t have other plans anyway i hear they’re doing some kind of project so he better not be going anywhere” with a lil frown uwu angery mark
“sure don’t see why not. we’ll all study together”
“nice i’ll let him know”
u see where i’m going with this
waggles eyebrows
Tumblr media
wink wink nudge nudge
click here to continue your friendship with paediatrics!haechan!
I ⇤ | II | ⇥ III
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swtorramblings · 5 years
A Good Day
SW POC Positivity Project, Day 23: Rogue One No One Dies AU
No one? No one at all? Ow. I think I’m going to have to go with the people in the invasion. And one other. I’ve had to miss a lot of these, mainly because of lack of time and preparation, but also because a number of them were just outside whatever talents I might have. This, though? No way I’m skipping this one. Tragedy is a valid form of expression. I mostly am good with how the film ended. If it hadn’t been the most diverse central cast in a Star Wars film to date (I think), I would have had fewer complaints. I still think one of them should have lived, perhaps due to being left behind, but so it goes. What I’m doing here has the feeling of having the bodies scattered all over the stage at the end of Hamlet hop up to explain how they faked their deaths. And I’m good with that. Some of the timing may not work, I haven’t seen the movie in years, but this is an AU and I’m good with that, too.
1666 words.
“The Force is with me. I am one with the Force. The Force is with me. I am one with the ULP!” Chirrut felt the cable wrap around his torso, then was jerked off his feet and sailed through the air. He felt the heat of the blast, burning at the soles of his feet. He barely kept hold of his staff as he landed in a heap. “Are you all right?” It was, of course, Baze’s voice. “The rescue could have been more graceful.” He could hear some blaster fire, and then a short pause. “Is that all you have to say?” “Thank you.” “What about trusting in the Force?” He got to his feet and felt for the cover before saying, “I did. I told you. It’s why I have you.” “We will talk later. Here they come.” Chirrut heard soldiers closing. He swung, knocking the first one to the ground. They were still most likely going to die, he knew. But at least they would die together, and for a cause worth fighting for.
K2 was making calculations, playing out scenarios as he slowly, over the space of agonizing microseconds, shut down. None of them were possible, of course. Fantasizing ways for Cassian to live. One impossible scenario after another. Then, two unexpected things occurred. The first was in the data stream that had just been sent to the rebels. A tiny thing, a second plan by a father desperate to protect his daughter from a supremely unlikely threat. A threat she was about to die from. He didn’t like her, she had caused all this, but he still sent the signal. Maybe it would work, and marginally increased the odds of Cassian’s survival. The second, he had to speed up his perceptions for. More blaster fire even though he was already disabled. One of the Imperials fell next to him. He had to admit it gave him a feeling like pleasure. It was probably due to the damage in his cognitive circuits. He heard them speaking before shutting down completely. “What, the droid, too?” “Those are our orders. It’s mostly intact, but get all the parts you can find back to the ship. And hurry.”
Bodhi couldn’t reach the grenade in time, but he had the ship’s guts exposed in front of him. In desperation, he slapped some of the wiring together, and the thrusters roared to life, tilting the ship, almost flipping it over. The soldier that had thrown the grenade registered with shock that it bounced back out of the ship, just as it exploded. The ship crashed back to the ground hard enough that he knew he was going to bruise from slamming into the floor, but he didn’t think anything was broken. Well, no more broken, anyway. He was sure the blast and the fall had damaged the ship enough to make it unusable, though. He’d known he wasn’t going to make it, but he ran from the ship, keeping his head down as best he could. Surviving was a habit he wasn’t going to break until it was broken for him.
Raddus looked down at the message. They had an unknown benefactor, or so they would have him believe. There was no point in not taking precautions, though. He chose a heading at random and had the flagship brought around. No transmission, no message that might be intercepted and deciphered. The fleet knew what to do without orders. Survival often depended on it. The new calculations were made. He would wait as long as he could, but they were ready for whatever happened next.
They staggered out of the tower. Jyn was almost carrying him, in spite of being exhausted, herself. The metal moon overhead made it all pointless, but she wasn’t going to stop trying, he knew. Was it admirable, or insane? He’d lived his life in a state of desperation, fighting for the barest scraps of hope, even as what he had to do for them slowly destroyed him. He wasn’t going to tell her to do anything else. Soon, the battle station would fire, though. He had no doubt Tarkin would destroy this place to keep his secrets. He thought they wouldn’t have to wait for it as he heard the ship’s engines, waited for the blaster fire to erase them. Then, it spun, and landed in front of them. Jyn saw who was on board. “Gerrera?” “Yes! Get on! We don’t have time!” Just as shocked, Cassian said, “How are you alive?” “I’ve been doing this a long time! Now, get on!” Jyn was saying, as they went up the ramp as quickly as they could, “You ran?” “Of course I ran! And now I’m saving you!” He strapped himself in. “What? Couldn’t you trust me?” “I don’t trust anyone! It’s why I’m still alive!” She couldn’t argue with that, and dragged Cassian aboard. Gerrera made a gesture to the pilot and the ship lifted off. It wouldn’t matter. They were too low. Once that thing fired, it was still over.
“You may fire when ready.” The weapon was powered, though at a mere fraction of its capacity. Hundreds of the crystals would have been drained and need to be replaced. A small price to pay, Tarkin believed. He smiled, the smile of a man who knew the power at his command and enjoyed exercising it. Then, one of his people turned to him and said, “Sir, the weapon won’t fire!” He forced himself to remain calm. “Explain this.” “The computers won’t allow us to finish the sequence! And they are speaking!” Hoping it wasn’t a countdown, he said, “Play it for me.” As the speakers came on, it was just, two sentences, three words each, over and over again. Six words that had disabled the most powerful battle station the galaxy had ever seen. A father’s voice, saying, “Stardust is here. Do not fire.”
Somehow, the small ship had reached the upper atmosphere and the rebel fleet. Jyn looked around the cabin. Counting the soldiers she had convinced to go on this suicide mission. Chirrut smiled at her, a bit weakly. Baze had his arm around him, and scowled at her for their injuries, but still seemed relieved to see her. Bodhi was calling back from the pilot’s chair that they were about to make the jump to light speed. K2 didn’t look good. Hopefully he could be repaired. He’d probably be surprised that she thought that. Cassian was sitting right next to her, looking relieved. There were over a dozen other rebels she hadn’t had the time to learn the names of. She had to make sure she did if they lived through this.
Vader stood on the bridge. The trap had been sprung, and none of the rebel fleet would escape. By now, Tarkin would have destroyed all trace of the project, he was sure. They emerged from hyperspace, only to see the enemy fleet jump away on alternative course, one pre-planned and random. They had been warned. The installation was still intact, not obliterated as he’d expected. There was a signal coming from the planet. It seemed Krennic had also lived. For now. He turned to his troops and ordered, “Send troops to the planet, and to the Death Star. I want Tarkin and Krennic here. Someone must answer for this failure.”
Rogue One had done its part. No one was asked to fight for the Rebellion again. Some did, of course. Chirrut stayed with the Rebellion, helping the youngsters learn the history of the Jedi, so much of which was lost. Baze stayed at his side. What the Force had brought together, nothing would part. Cassian left, though. He had seen and done too much and needed the time to heal. Years later, the fighting over, he returned, and joined the new Senate. Hoping that his experiences would help them to be better than they had been, or than he had been. K2 was repaired and remained with Cassian, though more as an adviser than a bodyguard. Perhaps it was the damage, perhaps he just was well past the time for a memory flush, but he had stopped taking the orders of anyone but himself. Some might call him a “droid rights advocate”. He thought they were stupid. Jyn stayed with the rebels, and rebelled. She did eventually learn all of their names, because as risky as her life was, there was time, now. Bodhi still suffered from the probes and the interrogations, but eventually recovered as best he could. He became one of the best pilots in the Rebellion, running supplies, and, when necessary, fighting. His was one of the few ships to survive the battle over the Death Star, and while he wasn’t the one that fired the fateful shot, he was satisfied to be present as it was destroyed. He took holos to share with his friends. It was a good day.
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lunsfanatic · 5 years
The Last Titan, FinalSpace Au/GaryCato
The sky was calm , the emptiness was silent while the stars twinkled , the walking prison flew calmly, the metallic steps of the robots that habited the Galaxy 1 resounded in the ears of the prisoner, it was something easy to ignore, he was use to it, then he rolled over in his small bed, trying to ignore the alarm , the mechanical voice of his watchman vibrated behind the speakers, flooding his room.
- "Gary, it's time to get up and fulfill your community service obligations " -The blond complained as he turned deaf to ignore the AI- "Gary, I'll give you 5 seconds to get up, or you'll make me to use force" -
- I don’t t feel like it HUE ... I will stay here and ... - The blonde was interrupted when he fled out of his bed , he felt the cold of the floor as his skin touched the floor.
- That was stronger than normal HUE! It would only be a few more minutes -
-“I'm sorry Gary, but it's the rules, now get ready to start the day, we have work to do”-
-Of course this will be... a great day- and so began, a sad and lonely breakfast , his attempt to have a good time playing cards with Hank, or any other robot that wouldn’t incinerate them and although there was KVN, it simply was not an option, so it was decided, he will back of a little ...
- “ What's up Gary? You are very quiet today ”-
-If you don't mind , before leaving I would like to send a message -
-“Remember that the messages were not received by Miss Quuin Airgone , according to the coordinates I managed to calculate… ”-
- They went to the opposite direction ... I know , at least this person, thing, alien, was listening ... -The AI noticed the sadness of his tone, although the blond was a classic drama queen, decided not to annoy him for a few minutes and give him his space .
- "Five minutes Gary, before the alarm sounds on the computers of the Infinity Guard , warning of your fails of community service " - Without hesitation he ran to his room, took out his communication device and began recording
- "Hellooooooooooooo, my galactic queen, I know it must be weird for you to receive these messages almost daily, but you're the only person I can open my heart, in a figurative poetic way , don’t think that I am one of those who open their chest and show their guts ... although I think there is a alien race that does that out there ... well anyway, I just wanted to tell you about my day and that I will soon be a free man ... a few weeks to be more exact and although I know that I haven’t received an answer , the fact that you won’t ignore these messages means a lot to me, and I just wanted to thank you and if one of these days you pass here or in Earth... I would like to invite you a drink , see you and have a fabulous day. "Whoever you are” -
- "Gary, one more day I add to your sentence" -
- Stop bugging me HUE ! -
-“You stop bothering me Gary”-
The sky was chaotic and dark, as always in Teran Con Prime , a group of mercenaries and bounty hunters were preparing their ships, the leader had arrived with a special request from his dictator, apparently one of the specimens of his large collection had escaped , luckily for them the creature had been leaving traces and witnesses on his way, it was good for them not so good for the poor miserable who were unlucky enough to find it .
- Ready to go Avocato, we're just waiting for ... Are you listening? - The aforementioned looked up somewhat surprised,he was daydreaming again, his partner looked at him reproachfully for ignore him
- Leave him alone Terk, he was watching the mysterious audio of his boyfriend ohoho-
- Shut up now, I hope you are ready for this mission because if we fail, the Lord commander will punish us and I don’t ot plan to be the meal of that disgusting little parasite that accompanies him, understood?- His tone was cold and demanding, the rest of his group drink saliva as he lifted the poor fool by the neck, like it didn’t weight a thing-I will take that as a yes, now... vámonos-
The Ventrexian didn’t want to express his shyness at the comment of his subordinate , he had enough with the pressure of Terk to take another fool mocking him , he looked at his wristband, the little red flash warned him of a new message, at the beginning he tried to ignore them and simply delete them, but with the risk of losing some message from his son, he decided to check everything that came , although the first message was annoying and confusing, he was caught listening to him, the human was clumsy , he talks too much and although he seemed childish , listening to the blond's messages gave him a break , he felt that the weight of his shoulders was lightening, like he were not in the middle of a cosmic disaster, as if a tyrant was not always stepping on his hopes, as if he were in house with his son by his side...
-Little Cato would love you ... I must be crazy, I don't have time for this ... -He closed his eyes with pain, he wanted the peaceful world, he knows was much to ask....
-Hey Interstellar queen, if you're done with your digital long distance boyfriend we must continue- Terk was a jerk.
- Leave him alone, at least somone loves and sends him messages of love and has a fabulous nickname-the soldier defended him
-Yes! Not like you moron of three eyes -
-They're right, even if they are a pair of idiots, Intergalactic Queen sounds much better-
-No, no, no, it's “ My Interstellar queen” with class- The men were still making fun of him, but Avocato had already cut off the communication , they were idiots, although it was his fault, he was checking some coordinates when Gary's message filtered , since that day the team never forgot that "silly nickname" ...
" HiIIIiiIIi. ...M ... Queen ... So and I ... GARY ... I just wanted to say hi and ... Although HUE says these messages are pointlesssSSss... I have faith that you will see them , I want you to know that I will count the days to get out of here and have ...daAattTeEeEe ... and in case you don’t recognize me and think that I am a stalker or an insane wanderer, I am the bar man ... although thinking of it you may not remember me since YoOOo ... youUuuUr, mission of ... the family , that ... lost and the issue of the 4 thousand.explosion ... or they were less and ... now I'm in .... I will have a big glass..Mil ...k, or something simple, with cookies and water, but hey, I will only say that I can’t stop thinking about you and I hope one day reach you, and if you are having a bad day , do not give up, I know you can with this and more… .I know… .What l.....lOoOv.....you will find… Family and…. But until then, with love from Thunder bandit bye bye My Queen....
And that was the beginning, where he knew that these messages were not for him, but some things that the man said corresponded to his situation, he could swear, sometimes, that the blond knew him , every time he gave words of encouragement , his personal mission, the search for his son and his family, his freedom, when he talks about having dates when he gets free, the blonde always mentions his favorite drink, although he don’t rememberers him in the bar ,the ventrexian is always drinking milk, but he does remember a pervet suited man, a somewhat insistent guy by his side, traying to keep the creep away from him, a chase and an escape , a crash, maybe they were just coincidences.
-Avocato, we send the warning message to the ships nearby , but the response was negative, do we kill them now? -
-No, there are no signs of the specimen and they would cause an unnecessary waste of energy, they are also tourist cruises, we would call the attention of the media and the authorities-
- You're not fun anymore ... well let's continue-
The Ventrexian let out a sigh as he watched the sky, he needed to end this soon .
-I hate you so much KVN .... stop touching my stuff for the love of mother galaxy ... -
-I'm sorry Gary, I was just trying to give you a cookie surprise-
-Yes, of course, you were using MY BED like a lunch scholar table you left crumbs all over it!-
-Oh, they are so yummy, I wanted to save some under your pillow , but I ate them, on your bed -Without paying more attention he throw the robot and locked himself in the bathroom, he was sweaty for work and full of the flouting crumbs- Come on, my friend, if I had known that fool was going to be there, I wouldn't have put my dirty underpants on your head, I mean they are not dirty, they are freshly washed but they got dirty cuz...the cookies... you know we better go on, let's take a bath - his littlest friend floated with emotion towards his face -You know I like this , you're a very cute face hugger-
-Bwuooaau, chookity - green ball rang as he took his new friend's hand
-“Gary, the next satellite is in front of us, I recommend you to first finish your service today before taking a bath”-
-You said it would be just three HUE, okay ... come on Mooncake, maybe I can still see my novel - the two left the ship , floating to a vandalized satellite -What happens to the space gang members? , they always use permanent markers, idiots, well Mooncake, we have to start with this to be able to finish it and come back, let's play cards and ... -A beep in his hamlet cut him of...
- "Gary, a group of unidentified ships are approaching, you and Mooncake must return immediately, I detect hostile life forms" - The blond without hesitation threw himself to reach the ship, the little green alien following closely, in the distance they can see four ships approaching.
-HUE, do you think they want to play cards? -
-“I don't think so Gary, my analysis indicates that they are Ventrexian bounty hunters. Gary you have 2 minutes to activate the hyperflight and escape” - with some help from Mooncake they accelerated the flight, when entering the Galaxy 1 they found the SAMES taking battle positions and a flickering muted alarm with a red light.
- What is this HUE? We are going to have visitors and you make a super boring silent laser party, Mooncake get ready, bring the cookies and I will prepare the drinks, I hope you restocked the fruit juice HUE-
-“Gary, a message have infiltrated ... They are looking for that strange form of life, according to the message.... they work for the Lord commander”- The AI projected a threatening message, a little man with a dictator's attitude began to speak words of death
-Well, that guy is scary, has the face of no friends -
-“We must meet their demands and give them that alien”-
- Mooncake? But HUE those idiots don't look anything friendly and I like to have a face hugger in my life- the little one approached his face to seek comfort, he seemed to understand the situation
-“Gary, my duty is to monitor and take care of you and your needs, this situation not only endangers the ship and all its resources but also you, there is no discussion, I can’t risk your life”-
-You are an infinity guard HUE, You must protect the life of the innocent and if you can protect this not so innocent man, eventhough that was an accident ... also that restaurant was not so good ... But returning to the subject, if you can protect me I see no reason to not take care of Mooncake too-
-Gary, some weird guys are making a hole in ... Oh Cookies-
-KVN, you don't see that we are having an adult discussion here, stay away from me-
- "Gary, the bounty hunters have entered the ship , please remain in your current position, I will prepare some escape capsule if necessary ... take Mooncake with you" -The blond smiled when he saw that the AI ​​pityed his friend , unchecked he took Mooncake and ran of with a metal sphere curled in his leg
-I hate you KVN ! , but I won't let them pierce the helmet of your stupid head, that's my job, just don't bother me-
-Aw Gary, I knew we would be best friends, because ... well for that I was programmed to but ... -
- Chook chook pak! - Mooncake growled as he pushed them into a closet
- Uuuh, this is fun quality time with my best friend, tell me your secrets Gary, all of them - the last part came out in a disturbing tone, he certainly hates KVN, but when he saw how worried Mooncake was he decides to ignore him.
-What's up little friend? -
-Shhhhokity ... -
-Is there anyone out there?- The little one nodded as he peeked through the slits to which Gary imitated him, one of those guys had sneaked across the ship, checking each room , -I had no way to defend ourself- searching through the cleaning closet utilities, nothing looked deadly or threatening. Crap.
"Warning, anti gravity protocol activated" HUE warning them of a very unpleasant ride , the ship began to shake violently, Gary’s face slammed against the wall, then KVN fell gracefully on his crotch taking out the air of the blonde, but not time to complains he needs to get out and save his friends, so he fly out of the closet, falling on the mysterious intruder
-KVN Take Mooncake away and hide or I'll kick your metalic ass till the end of your days!-
-You can count on me Gary, let's go Mooncake, let's see Gary's secret magazines-
The blonde tried to shout something at the robot, but the ship continued to shake as the intruder began to struggle with him, slamming on the floor and the walls but being cascaded the intruder didn’t flinch so most of the damage has direct on Garys
- For the holy mother! HUE Activate the teleportation , Ah! Get off me, buddy, this is my ultrapersonal space- he shout at the man in top of him in a very awkward position
-"Silent fool, give me the ..."- Suddenly the motors starting to roar as the alert goes on , flying rocks broke in hitting the ceiling, the lights of the ship imitated a silent rake ,the killer could see how 3 of his ships disintegrated in a vortex of light . Everything went dark.
He felt a cool breeze trough his whiskers , as he opened his eyes blinded by the sudden white light of the room , saw a group of robots surround something , someone, his target was floating on the group of metal guards, he tried to move but was tied as he felt his bed shake a little, he was in a infirmary
-What is going on here? -Avocato complained to ask for some attention, a couple of SAMES began to inspect him, it was there that he notice a sharp pain, his arm was being bandaged , suddenly his eyes crossed with the little green alien, it smiled as he touched his nose
- “Mooncake get away from the Ventrexian, we will do some analysis before handcuffing him and delivering it to the infinity guard. Now, stay still to avoid further damage ”-
-Well ... What exactly happened? -Avocato asked now in a calmer tone while analyzing the room, planning, waiting for the big moment, notice his helmet in a corner, next to his weapons and wristbands, he felt a prick of panic to see the red light flickering. The robots ended up with his arm and went to the second bed, there was someone else , he thought that some of his companions had survived, but seeing how worried the green alien was, he quickly discarded the idea.
- “Due to the hasty use of teleportation we were thrown into the orbit of a planet surrounded by asteroids, the ship received minor impacts , but the hull of a sector was weakened causing the expulsion of two bodies, you received some hits , causing the opening of your helmet, my prisoner went unconscious when trying to save you, causing the two of you to lose consciousness ”- At the explanation the Ventrexian made a face of confusion, then he noticed how the SAMES were clearing the area of ​​the stretcher next to him apparently the prisoner had woken up by the reaction of E 351 .
-Well he is an idiot, risk himself by a complete stranger, who in his right mind will do ...? - He move his head to see his future cell mate better , for a moment he was punch with shyness , the blond man looked at him confused as he settled into his place, scratched the back of his neck with some grief as he smiled at him
-Well I guess I 'm the idiot, the idiot who saved you, ooooh! - he said triumphantly while Mooncake hugged him , the blond looked at him confused, the cat man looked at him as if he were a kind of alusination
-Gary? -
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14x03 watching notes
Just finished watching and said, out loud and to no one: “Awww Jack.”
(This is not a spoiler, he’s just so sweet.)
Hallo, I am watching from bed despite having 3rd hand inherited a 2nd monitor over the weekend so theoretically my watching experience would be back to giant comfortable side-typing glory.
But comfy.
Easily accessible stuffed toys because Bobo Fucking Berens in Dabb era has made me cry more at this dumb show in the last couple of years than I cried in the previous ten.
Expectations: it's our Dean episode to make up for no Dean until now, and also Jody is there to see Sam's beard, and also Cas continues to be party!Cas, and Jack's shirts get darker and darker.
Side note: I think I was rushing out the door before I could talk about our lil Nougat of Denmark properly last episode where he was all, so we're killing my uncle then, and Cas was all D: D: D: D: D: who raised you. (Dean. Dean did. In this regard the boy is his father's son.) This, of course, is another Shakespearean irony than is being returned to Dean via Jack.
The point of this focus is very much to show Jack vs Cas mindsets on it when we're getting Dean returned to us, and I assume considerably more nuance is being added to the story. But for now, Jack being ready to kill his father to kill his uncle because his father was ready to kill him to kill the ghosts he saw of his enemies in Jack is more than enough of a pile of tragedy level angst to be working with.
I just need it to be clear that as far as I'm concerned, Jack is working in a completely different genre from EVERYONE ELSE around him, and the fact that it's the protagonist of a tragedy is fairly alarming, as it's a mindset that Sam, Dean and Cas have hurdled over since season 5/6 and though Dean still assumes he'll die bloody, he is at least capable of dreaming of a happy ending, and a lessening of the angst load has allowed that. Their personal stakes in the story are dwindling, in a sense, while Jack has showed up with like FOUR FATHERS and an evil uncle, which is so much potential family angst Shakey would have exploded. "Wait you can just addeth extra fathers thence addeth extra angst!?!?"
Yes my dude, yes.
*hits play* *Sam ruggedly cocks his pistol* You're stealing this whole shtick from Dean and I think it is time for the angst that you were the one dramatically cocking a gun and being the yes reductive heteronormative blah blah penis of the dynamic while Dean was not there to do it.
Oh no we immediately start with more Jack angst recap and aside from everything I just said I remembered that Bobo personally murdered me in 13x03 with the Jack n Sam stuff and here we are a year later.
Mr Stark I don't feel so good
THE BEARD EXCHANGE IS LITERALLY THE OPENING SCENE. BOBO I LOVE YOU. Thank you for breaking the tension and immediately drawing attention to how Sam has been busy and miserable. I think 14x01 set up well that every time he even had a moment to sigh his phone would ring again, and hence the beard appears as Sam eskews personal grooming and comfort in exchange for finding his brother. Jody is gonna draw attention to it at some point too because we have the promo shot of her nice peach fuzz-ing him, and I sincerely hope this is bookends to the episode and the next episode Sam is clean shaven with no comment except Jody prodded him in the face, and let me tell you only Bobo has me fantasising about the narrative framing of an episode like this.
God i'm a nerd
Anyway more seriously, this exchange coming out of the blue has a clear motive: Dean is up and about, still so freshly de-Michaeled he's in a waistcoat (and LORDY the only other scene he was in a waistcoat? 7x12's ending scene where Sam turns into such a moron in Jody's presence he's waving blushily at the door still AFTER SHE HAS GONE). Complaining about not being able to eat and sleep might be a sense of hyperbole to catch given the lack of elapsed time, but it also warns us that this might be how Dean reacts to being un-Michaeled. Or would he not, given he's up and about and snarking like his old self? How damaged will he be and how much can he repress into snark? He is playing off the very idea that this experience will have been damaging to his psyche and of course Michael did a ton of stuff which was expressly tuned to BE damaging to his psyche, then punched a mirror and shattered Dean's reflection for extra emphasis.
So all this question of how Dean is doing is loaded into the very opening line before he's even taken off his waistcoat, or of course, had enough time to truly eat/sleep/develop massive tells of the psychological trauma he may or may not have taken.
Obviously the show wouldn't be the show if he were fine, so I'm taking it as a question posed.
Then of course it slides into Bro Banter to prove it's Dean, remind us JUST how much we missed this snarky genre savvy fucker, and to make Sammy smile.
Also we're mocking Jared for being friends with that one Duck Dynasty guy who Jared's fans insist is the least awful of the bunch and also who you end up hanging out with when you're most embedded in the Texan stardom scene rather than living in Hollywood or whatever.
(God imagine being famous and from Atlanta and sticking true to your roots and you end up with the Queer Eye guyses as your BFFs instead)
Listen Bobo showed his socialist party membership card on twitter, he has no fucks to give about waving his politics around and I love him.
"If you're going to ask if I'm okay, you don't have to" (I am making fun of your beard, what more do I have to give you, bro?)
Buddy, I have been watching your face for over a decade and you have the sad tired pink eyelids of a Dean who is both tired and miserable.
Oh NO Dean walks into the main room expecting his comfy quiet library and war room full of 3 trusted family faces, and finds the bustle of Boss Sam's operation. The upcoming noise of these people before he turns the corner is an immediate warning that we should have expected this as dramatic irony for Dean's comfort levels from the start, and now he's back, well.
Panicked eyes.
He needs quiet recovery with his peeps, not alarming sudden change. A rug pull immediately after possession is a terrible thing to deal with. I've been wondering if this is a full reverse of season 6 for Dean - from the trustability of the hunter compound to the fact he lives in it, to the Samuel running it. But the effect is the same. Dean comes back from quiet time off to a change he can't handle and Sam in a new position in a family/hunter heirarchy. In this case, not Samuel's soulless goon, but a fully bearded Boss Sam King Of Hell Sir who Runs Shit competently in a way we the viewer trust implictly as Sam having Done Well, and also that the AU peeps might be a bit rough or untrained in some ways but 100% reliable in that they really do have no ulterior motive and every reason to think of Sam as an AU Moses who popped up and walked them to another land of safety and comfort.
Like, Dean, welcome back, you have Hamlet, Moses and Mobby to deal with. Cas seems to be the same as you left him, though. If somehow, impossibly, squintier.
"Right, Chief told us"
You know how Michael sucks? No micro expressions. Guy doesn't have an anxious bone in his body.
This little bundle of neuroses I have chosen to love is full on having a meltdown on the other hand.
"Dean? Is it really you?" "Hey kid"
I suppose this is better than last year when he had a hug from a shapeshifter and had to wait to episode 6 for a hug from his father, but REALLY this season has been tormenting me with how bad Jack feels and even a hug from his gramgram isn't enough to satisfy how he should have been hugged by Sam, Cas and now Dean already this season.
We're only on epiode 3 and he's already got more hugs than he had this point last year. Deep  breaths, Lizzy
Children need a lot of cuddles to affect their development into sensitive people okay? Dean got a lot of hugs up to age 4 and Sam basically did not, and he's an awkward moose and Dean is snuggly. I want Nougat to have the same development into a sensitive lad because he has EIGHTEEN FUCKING PARENTS AND NONE OF THEM HUG HIM
But like, dude, Cas just showed up at a run and made the gooiest eyes at Dean who made them back, and now you're officially cockblocking, so naff off, kid
I watched with prayer hands and Cas just got gooier and Dean got sulky he didn't get a Cas hug and this is officially the worst. Bobo, you let me down, my guy.
I mean no, Cas's gooey eyes were
Cas doesn't do gooey eyes. He squints. Squintily.
Who is this guy
Lol Mobby aren't in the episode because they stayed back to clean up - Sam gets stammery to Jack. Is he scared to imply they're maybe banging because he finds it weird but everyone else present is an even worse audience to announce this to for one reason or another (historically coped much better with the concept of dad sex when discovering adam and also didn't drive the car off the road into a ditch on finding out mary banged ketch), or is he trying to protect Jack from the concept of Michael leaving a pile o dead bodies for one reason or another, knowing Michael is his rage button?
He was the one who dealt with Jack trying to stay back in the AU to fight Mikey instead of just coming home.
"Speaking of clean up, I need a shower" *gestures vaguely* *Cas opens his mouth like why did I have a reaction image here? Do you want -* *closes mouth* *dean leaves*
Guys. You fucking suck. Go take a shower together and work things out.
"Still okay, I promise" *bisexual finger guns at Cas*
cut to: Cas squinting after Dean like "is he implying something"
"I really feel like he was trying to communicate something to me"
"I have no idea what Dean just hinted loudly to me twice in short succession and now that he has gone to shower I guess I will never know what he was attempting to communicate to me"
"Where's Nick?" "Hopefully not in this episode. Let's just say he needs some time because he's in a dark place and hope that's ALL we have to say about him"
Oh no. "Sam. Dean. How is he really?"
Cas has a one track mind.
But then we get the shot of Dean opening his door and they're still talking about him over the top of it, but it's that same shadowed shot of himself silhouetted in the doorway, the inner darkness represented by his room... Sam went into his and stripped himself of the tools in his pocket but before he could sleep, Jo called and set them all off again with the next lead.
Now Dean opens his door and turns on the light so we can see his inner self in a moment of peace and privacy, but essentially with a voice over about how he's super not okay.
Just how we left it. You can't even tell that for the last 2 episodes/3 weeks Cas has been coming in and snuggling your pillow every time he's not in a scene because where the fuck was he inbetween scenes in 14x02
God I have missed lingering shots of Dean's room, equating his inner space to his inner feelings. *paws lovingly at the shot* Dean's room all tidy and orderly and as he left it, yet feeling somehow very very empty and off-kilter in an unfamiliar way because he hasn't been here for so long.
It was all serious then guitar music started playing as Dean started stripping
and look
I saw the promo pics
you saw the promo pics
some person in the audience is like... why are we lingering on Dean getting undressed alone in his room while guitar music kicks up?
Is this what all that winking and finger gun action was about?
(Dean didn't wink but I took a lil break to chat with Mittens and the moment has evolved into him gurning at the door for like a minute trying to remind Cas that this means he joins him in the shower in 5)
"Fuck this shirt in particular"
I still think it was the audacity of wearing a bow tie that dragged Dean to the surface last episode
I love how Dean changes from this plain white t-shirt which is completely clean and shiny, into his normal dark dark brown shirt between scenes. I hope he got to shower. Whatever happened, this scar could have said "Ha ha ha I'm behind you", and he would have finished stripping down right to the skivvies then started fresh with his own boxerbriefs before freaking out and rushing to show the others.
But yeah, he's PISSED and embarrassed about Michael. You don't throw a guy's shirt on the floor like that unless you feel SERIOUSLY used, and here we end up with a creepy sort of STD metaphor, complete with the visual similarity to the clap: https://www.giantmicrobes.com/uk/products/clap.html
Bad fling, Dean?
Poker!witch gave Sam the clap in the episode which was totally not a metaphor about Sam getting the clap then beating poker!witch at his own game like nearly 20 episodes before he was possessed by Lucifer then beat him at his own game.
"Do the whole vulcan mind meld thing" Listen, James T Kirk, you can't just MAKE yourself one of the most iconic slash pairings of all time by comparing - wait
wait a minute
*Checks slash history books and sees them as a dictionary definition or two*
Dean's so eager for Cas to jump into his head. Just, like. Again. We all said it but immediately after that shirt throw? It REALLY emphasises that Dean sees Cas in this transcendant way to being used by an angel that got in his head. And left an STD mark on his arm. He can just immediately think, well, that sucked. But here's MY angel and I'm just gonna rev myself up and present my head for inspection and this isn't even a thing I'm concerned about. Hit me, big guy.
Oh come the fuck on Bobo.
I didn't have time to hit pause to have a heart attack about Cas putting his hand over The Scar, the one on the wrong shoulder, to get a clearer reception, because there's a HISTORY in scars, okay? They leave a mark and to the discerning poker and prodder like Cas that history can be read in the mark... And Cas sees... Michael being stabbed by a spear. Not just, like. Seeing Michael being stabbed by a spear, mind you. He sees it in a Bobo episode in a way wildly reminiscent of Patience seeing Claire/Kaia getting stabbed by a VERY SIMILAR LOOKING SPEAR and getting her Wayward introduction that way, when the whole Dreamhunter thing ended up being a massive Destiel parallel and Kaia getting stabbed already mirrored CAS getting stabbed by a spear (Michael's, natch) in 12x12, never mind the other stuff.
So Bobo has just built up a Destiel Dreamhunter sandwich, with Destiel nonsense either side, complete with bonus shoulder scar imagery, and a nice gooey dreamhunter centre.
Bobo, if you hadn't noticed, is really really really really reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally bitter he isn't off writing Wayward Sisters and hanging with his girls.
There's still a bunch of stuff to add up here, about why and who and how it all connects, which would involve dragging in these other spear-y episodes to assemble the full picture, so I'm just gonna hit play now I'm recovered from the shock :P
Oh dude it was a hooded figure who even LOOKED like bad Kaia and tbh at this point I'd say maybe even was?
Like, how many pronged spears are out there anyway and Jody's dealing with it so is it local? Did Michael pop up on Kaia like hey so you and I are both from alternate universes, what do you wa - OW FUCK JESUS FUKKIN CHRIST -
"Dean, who was that?"
Dean recognised her, and Cas was mind-melded enough with him to know that Dean did... Good grief I can not handle Dean and Cas existing on an emotional plane.
It's enough to mean they're the ones who call Jody with a tip off for HER rather than months of them asking her to help THEM.
Introducing us back to the Wayward world - South Dakota mug, and a text that Claire is a little angel who has been training her gals and even did the laundry.
I'm so happy
Eyebrow raise
God, Kim Rhodes is the most beautiful woman on the whole show and that's saying something considering, like. Ruthie. Lisa Berry. Something about the way she uses her face is so full of intelligence and humour that I am HELPLESS in her presence
God damn I want that fabled Girls' Night episode. Billie comes along too on a night off.
Rowena calls her up for chats sometimes these days, they're actually really good pals.
Sam you fucking moron you can't even finish a sentence in her presence. Just slap Dean on his WOUNDED arm and throw the ball to him.
Everyone leaning over the phone... This is the closest Cas has ever come to Jody.
"Jody, that's the good news."
Jody recognises that gravelly voice and snaps to holyshitanangel attention. "What's up?"
The implicit thing here is that Cas and Jody know each others' voices and are on at least chatting acquaintance. I would like to think they're invited over for beer at the same time but we have no proof..................... yet. This is Bobo on a "fuck you" rampage so I'm just, like, gonna wait see.
Bad Kaia has been going around ripping heads off things. DAMN, GIRL.
Considering the placement of the pronging was ~random~, in the sense that she can meat fork you anywhere, that means the placement of it on the meat of Dean's arm where the handprint once was on the other is even MORE significant in a metaphorical sense, of writing about "the scar" in the way of giving it a mystical property tied into the wider framework of all these relationships and events at once. The amount piled onto a simple stabbing is unbelievable, and the use of the scar as the vector for all this is definitely the byline of the episode given the title and all. It's brought Kaia back to us, given Jody the clue she needs.
And more dramatic irony that Claire was just asking to help, and Jody was like DEFINITELY HUMAN, SO ALL MINE. HAHAHA. And now we know, no, it's not all "human", it's bad!Kaia and that makes her CLAIRE'S.
I keep stopping to seal clap
it's 7:20am
Cas is packing up to leave with them!!!
And Jack looms blurrily into the background in his darkest t-shirt yet. And he's been RAPIDLY cycling through them.
In a sense this is good laundry practice, in order that you have a full load of lights followed by a full load of darks.
Metaphorically, however, this is BAD.
Jack sounds pissed they're all wearing jackets and packing bags, and he's wandering around in an over-sized dark grey t-shirt (one of Dean's? AUBobby's? It doesn't look like his standard fare which fits his body, this makes him look SMOL), with no idea we were off to kill the wizard.
Let's be charitable and say he wants to meet Jody and hang out with Kaia again.
But more likely Bobo is once again messing with Jack's inherent darkness in his presentation, especially as right now, once again while Jack is being The Sweetest Little Cookie, meeting his grandparents for ice tea and looking through the family photo album with misty eyes, he is ALSO Prince Nougat of Denmark and this is causing some serious darkness slippage because, well, revenge. Revenge is bad, kiddo. Don't need a ghost of your dead father (hey Dean's back) to tell you that.
The accusatory tone is enough to warn us that Jack's not doing so well and I'm going to assume drags Cas away from a mission with Dean followed by cooldown eating pizza and watching flicks with the girls.
"Kaia's killer is in Sioux Falls" Buddy. "He, she or it can hurt Michael" BUDDY.
I suppose they're bringing Cas because Bad Kaia kicked their asses and they assume Cas is the same height as her pet/metaphor for Kaia's inner fucked-up-ness so he can probably fight it??
"Michael's my enemy too! I fought him. For MONTHS." JACK sweetie. You can't just go around like, having an enemy list. And comparing it with your collective fathers' list.
The line about bringing Kaia into it and being responsible for what happened to her is good, though. Jack's got a social consciousness and that is lovely because he keeps doubting his goodness but when it comes down to it he wants to meet his grandparents and feels bad that Kaia got dragged into things and killed.
Of course, not realising this is Bad Kaia, they're all off to get MORE revenge on that thing that killed her.
Aw, Dean, no, don't point out how smol he is. He's wearing a huge baggy shirt to emphasise it already.
"I didn't - I didn't MEAN to be a dick" Whoops. Well, you were. You also missed the part where Jack went from smol precious child to angsty teen.
Fun fact: Hamlet was supposed to be like 18 or whatever, but because a famous actor wanted the lead role but was like, idk, 50, Shakey bumped up Hamlet's age a lil so he could get away with it, making him more of, like, a giant manbaby who is still functionally a teen in all ways except he keeps getting portrayed by middle aged men.
So, of course, we have our one and a half year old Nougat who is a 29 year old actor now getting into his terrible teens, and if that isn't the funnest nugget of trivia...
... then you are not as much of a nerd as I am about irony, coincidence, and neat overlaps of thingies.
Point is: get me a version of Hamlet where the other expected actors are adults of course, but Horatio and Hammy and his squad are dumb teens.
Lol Bobo just randomly introduces a cool lady hunter who is dragging a random victim of a hex down into the bunker to be healed by an angel. That poor girl is going to have a story to tell.
A lot just happened in a few seconds but at least Jack, who has stormed off for his nth teenage sulk of the season, now has a Cas trapped in the Bunker with him.
Dean n Sam gonna get their asses kicked by Bad Kaia
honestly is this just a ploy not to keep Cas where Jack is, but to keep Misha away from stunt fighting?
Anyway Dean communicates most of the above to Cas silently, and tells him that he should stay with Jack and also heal this girl and they have the most married eye conversation about what  needs to be done, which is wonderful that they've been having these silent conversations all Dabb era but this is definitely the wordiest so far. I mean one of their more recent was just "Dean I can hear that cowboy music in your head" "what cowboy music?"
Sam mostly looks concerned he's hitting 80mph
I don't know anything about American speed limits but this is an alarming speed to me because in the UK 70 is usually like, the Most, and we don't have enough long straight roads that when there's no speed limit it's ever really recommended to go super fast because you will flip your car and die because all our roads are one and a half car length wide and extremely wiggly. And our motorways are congested enough you're more likely to be in a traffic jam than top speed anyway :P
I love that Dean measures people by their favourite Spice Girl. Hey Dean the 90s called, they want their pop culture relevance back.
You gay icon you.
(I'm reminded of 12x07 and Bobo and a similar conversation where Dean listed off all his manly manly historical faves)
Dean thinks Cas can handle it back home :')
"Something huge happened and you won't really talk about it!"
Okay Sam, he's traumatised and that's surface text.
You do realise the entire massive subtext is his repression and yet another metaphor for some huge queer experience and that this is the same conversation as 10x04 when he was grumbling into his chin about being embarrassed about what he did with Crowley? You realise that right?
Stop poking him about it, he'll talk when he's ready to open up. In the mean time he's feeling used and ashamed that this fling didn't go as planned after the whole first flirtation with waving his wings around and killing Lucifer where it all seemed fun to embrace his ~true self~ and have a crack at being a Flaming Michael Sword.
Also of course, we might just take him on his word that he really does NOT remember most of everything that happened because if he was truly repressing that much he wouldn't have been so gung ho for Cas to read his mind earlier but this mood pre-dates that so even if he remembered everything when Cas poked his brain, which seems unlikely as Cas saw it too, the wider sulk about his Clap Scar is more than just this.
It's a common experience, though, that Dean is repressed and moody, and Sam barrels in there trying to make him talk about it before he's ready, so the pressing is in character, regardless, that Sam doesn't trust that Dean is telling the whole truth and that there's some huge secret he's holding back.
The best part of queer subtext is that whether there is one or not it works - if there isn't, it's a metaphor for the obvious. If there is, same as above but the metaphor is concretely attached to whatever Dean is not telling Sam, and that in turn then becomes a part of the queer subtext, offered up on a platter to tell us more about how Dean is handling his post-possession shame of being, essentially, roofied after thinking he'd agreed to a consensual fling with a dude on his terms of entry and no strings attached, no walk of shame like he did when he was undressing earlier.
Poor guy can not catch a break. Shoulda hooked up with Aaron when you had the chance so your first time having a dude in you wasn't such a big deal, but just a nice booty call to keep in your phonebook. Now it's all Crowley this, Michael that...
"We need to deal with it." "Okay, I'm literally going EIGHTY to deal with it"
Dean, that's.
that's not therapy
"How can I be running from something when I'm RACING towards it" "I don't know, it's kinda your thing"
Sammy boy you have been trapped in the same car as Dean for way too long. Your analysis is getting deep. Deep deep cuts. Leave him alone.
I mean this is a guy who dealt with a gay panic by hooking up with Crowley and singing karaoke for him so.
"I  just *need* you to talk to me. Slow down."
Oh SAM you said a good and interesting combo of words there. Dean, go 70 instead of 80, give us some time to feel this out because I've been FREAKED and, for you, you got a time skip but I lived it all real time and it SUCKED, and I'm hurt too by this. Reminder: our family does not do well with LOSING each other, and this is every conversation we've ever had post-thinking that happened, and I did things responsibly and grew a beard and became Boss of a bunch of peeps and also King of Hell but we'll talk about that later... Like, slow down. I have my issues too. There's 2 of us in this car and you can't go 80 and time skip to the end of this conversation either. Not when I have 3 weeks of angst packed into it.
Also: classic Sam projection. Trying to get Dean to open up because HE has pain he wants to air, instead of just bringing up how he felt, he tries to get Dean to open up, and when this continues, as always, not to be how Dean deals with things, Sam gets upset because it never gives him the opening to talk about his shit until it's an argument...
You could have just started the convo, sorry about the beard, I really mean it when I say I haven't had a moment to myself for 3 weeks, it's been HELL and funny I should mention Hell, er, did you know you can kinda just declare yourself king these days... heh
At least he's using racing metaphors about wanting to catch up and also, like, catch up
Dean responds to the sport metaphors
Dean is like nah call Jody we're almost there. I skipped ahead.
Look, I'm delivering you to your boo, what more do you want?
Jody smiles at the sight of them in a way which is almost as revolting as Cas smiling at seeing Dean again
Send Jody to the Bunker to HUG OUR BOY
"How'd you do it?" "What, me vs some assbag archangel? Who would you pick?" "You, every time."
And this, guys, is how Jody is never, ever patched into their angst, because they present a narrative where Dean just kinda chucked off Mikey and sent him packing and it's all cool and he's a hero.
Jody has at multiple points threatened to beat Dean into submission in order to hear a true version of how he's doing and he has so far not given in and sat at her kitchen table with a box of tissues to sob through his crap, but I hold out eternal hope like the fool I am.
Anyway it's also telling RIGHT AFTER that last conversation where Sam was probing Dean so intensely, that this is the version of "I'm fine" that Dean is going with, and even though Sam KNOWS there's more to it, this is the wall Dean is projecting, even to him. Even when he knows Dean is freaked by it and doesn't know all the details.
Jody goes up like 18 pitches "Heeey I liiIIIiiike it!" she squeaks, forcefully tweaking Sam's beard because "nice peach fuzz" is too understated both for Jody and the volume of facial hair Sam has produced without comment until Dean came back and Jody showed up.
Dean has never been so offended in his life
*Jody continues giggling to herself while Sam desperately looks for a normal conversation*
AHAHA "I haven't been home since I talked to her........... I may be avoiding her"
Yeaaaah, bringing up that it's not just a normal human beheading and weird stab mark, but ALSO a KAIA-RELATED ONE maaay be... too much.
i'm going to be honest I've been so thrilled about everything I forgot to check what cast is flashing up on the screen
Anyway there is very much a subtext to Jody's avoidance of telling Claire what's going on that she knows how much she loved Kaia and how much of an issue this is - even if it's gonna be for revenge, because they don't know it's Bad Kaia - this is something where Claire's feelings make a MESS.
Bobo gets in Sam's serial killer thing, Dean is staring into the void like am I still even here or am I in hell. Is this a hell that Michael conjured. Mikey. Hey. Mikey. I figured it out. We're done here. Let's go back to regular torture. Michael. This is the bad place. Michael.
Dean stomps off into the woods because waiting for daybreak means being stuck in the same room as Jody and Sam flirting for a few hours.
Jody firmly pokes Sam in the chest with a map.
A raven caws in the background, and Jack is wearing layers, the darkest shirt yet, a thick corduroy jacket in the style of early Sam, and is packing a bag.
He wrote a note and his handwriting is as disgustingly adorable as I thought it might be.
Alex wrote "Jack" with a cutesy backwards K in an autograph for someone who requested it at a con and I thought that was a cute detail but not how Jack would write and the real story - and I assume like with others they made him write it in character - is much more nuanced. His letters are competently shaped like he knows exactly how they should be, but shakily written, like he's not used to holding a pen, because, well, he isn't. He's not developed the muscle memory for it, just as he hasn't for fighting and all the other stuff, because in may ways he IS still a smol toddler with no life skills. His capital letters are huge and precise, like he knows he has to write them big, but disproportionate - putting so much emphasis on the titles of the people around him, the capital letters a metaphor for their influence on him. There's something clearly unconfident about writing and yet for all that obviously written by someone intelligent enough not to make basic errors of backwards letters and other things. He knows exactly how he is SUPPOSED to do it, but the execution is shakey, and disproportionate and generally looks unschooled and painfully revealing of his entire state of being.
Is this the scene where Bobo said out loud to an empty room, awww Jack.
I've been dreading that since the hiatus.
Maybe I should dig up that post and use it as the title for this one.
Triss is gonna die, Jack stopped by the stairs up out the Bunker in the war room, heard and saw Cas moving around, then in a fit of conscience or missing him already or something, stopped by to open the door and look in.
They have DEFINITELY expanded the Bunker set, in the sense that they've attached extra rooms to it or Wanek has sat down and made some parts more standardised, because they've shown off the corridor connections in every episode so far, and in this one we're seeing a never-seen-before connection which actually explains what is behind that window and how it fits. I mean, I'm pretty sure we've seen this particular room a few times, window and all, but never actual connections which show connected sets, so much as scenes starting or stopping there with no transition.
"She's been enchanted" "Like sleeping beauty" Jack says with awe "Awwwwwwwwwww" Lizzy says with awww
I honestly can't tell which moment Bobo said "Aw Jack" out loud about because we're getting such a series of them
Anyway, Hamlet, the great procrastinator, is distracted away from his mission to kill his uncle.
Not sure about the overlap of hearing things from the other side of a wall but I mean at least he's not going around stabbing people so
Jack also seeing all the important work they do for other people, even randos, and Cas getting involved in huntery business, distracted from emotionally nurturing him because of sleeping beauty there, and phoning rowena, doing the work to unknot a spell...
If we get Cas doing spellwork I'm gonna die, it's been Too Long.
Cas [squinting]: "Are you going somewhere?" Sleeping Beauty: "ooooww" Jack: "No."
Hon, that was so suspicious you are lucky this is Cas and not one of your other dads.
But. Aww Jack to an empty room.
"If I get a vote I'm team stick together" Jody remembers 9x19
Also Sam remembers bad!Kaia kicking their butts. They're on her natural territory
she is the Predator.
Sam keeps LOOKING at Jodio.
Look, I just
Cas keeps looking at Dean, Dean keeps looking at Cas
Jam won't stop looking at each other
That head is a Warning.
Come no further, mortals
I think Bad Kaia lives here
they really need to figure out how to biologically identify them except for teeth because they really come up against a lot of dead ones
"I brought tissue samples home, Alex ran them underneath the microscope"
Look, girls supporting girls, I knew what they needed to do before they did it lol
Dean: I was stabbed here
YAY I went frame by frame before the reveal and that is Kaia's face in there, the hood less spooky than before and more open to reveal her
Dean: bout to be stabbed here again
Dean finally has the moves to take on Bad Kaia after a season or two with the new stunt guy
but then her hood falls back and he's STUNNED
Now everyone is stunned
I think they've been using the Wayward Sisters Bad Place soundtrack for this but I'd have to check
the music is so very different and I'm not good at music ear thing
Cas: *eye twitches violently* Me: Cas why are you having trouble with this line Cas: "... marked.................... 'gross stuff'"
Cas, internally: Why did I marry into this family
Future MoLHunter 100 years later: "Man, this place is sweet, but the filing system is balls to the walls." Other Future MoLHunter: "Babe, you did not read the Winchester Gospels before your initiation?" F MoLHunter: "There is a drawer here marked 'hands of god' and the only thing in there is a pair of chopsticks and a ladel" OF MoL Hunter: Okay I will give you that. -
Me out loud to an empty room: aww Jack
He's so concerned about Sleeping Beauty, and he can't do anything about it but he's curious.
Maybe he CAN fix her and this is how he gets a lil power back.
I hope so because awww Jack being so concerned about her.
This is a Good Procrastination From Revenge
Hamlet, take fucking notes
"Is that your dad?" "One of them, yes." Aw Jack
Aw Bobo
Jack's flipping around on family - he's accused them of talking about nick/Lucifer as his father, he's disowned everyone but grampa and grammy Kline, and now he's fondly thinking of his three hero dads
He's really struggling to work out his place and what sort of family set up he belongs to and to be fair, he has so many fucking options and all of them are somewhat disastrous or tragic, so he's 100% in his right to be fuckin confused.
On the other hand Sleepy Beauty has no context so she's gonna assume Cas is gay married with a kid Jack's age and that's like, not untrue.
"My mom... but she probably hates me" "Why?" Jack says, horrified at the entire concept that a mom could hate a child, because, well, Kelly's love was COSMIC for him "because I left," she anvils
"I was sick of being treated like a kid, and i thought I could make it on my own" Oh boy. She's just expositioning how Jack feels and immediately telling him if he leaves he'll fall in with a witch, who curses her with an AGING spell which will make her old before her time.
I feel like there is probably... a metaphor........... in here...............
Also a reverse of Dean's aged down curse, because the girl and her other victims were hansel and greteled.
I had a sudden whim a couple of nights ago to see aged down Dean and current Jack hang out. Bring back Dylan Everett to go play basketball with Jack out on the front step.
"Gave us all nice things," she says, clutching at a HUGE EVIL EMERALD PENDANT AROUND HER NECK
Is that cursed
"She said having us there kept her young" She put her own age into that locket
dang I should get a bonus point for bringing up poker!witch before he was relevant
I'm always curious about the show's implications about witches maintaining their youth by sucking it from others, because almost every witch we've met who had a focus on age was doing it for that reason, whether it was eating children or playing poker.
And we have a 300 year old witch chilling around who we don't know anything about when it comes to immortality, except that she has it and she bestowed it on Oskar so it's clearly a spell she can do rather than an inherent trait of reaching a certain level of magic practitionery.
"Then it started taking me too. Even faster than the others!" yeah because she killed the witch so she probably has to suck poor sleeping beauty dry in order to regenerate and skulk away and start over somewhere
PS: Sleeping Beauty is really doing an amazing performance here. I 100% am in Jack's shoes of being horrified and wanting to protect her
"Cas is going to fix this. I promise" Sweetie! Have you ever called him Cas rather than Castiel before? It seems weird. He even wrote castiel on the letter
Sam deducts Michael's entire plan off the clue that Alex couldn't detect the vamps in her sciencing, and based on having been attacked by super werewolves.
But why is Michael cleaning up these people?
Unless he's taking threats off the board who would be too cool and powerful and may challenge him...
"Doesn't change the plan" "but Dean - "
Dean walks off
Dean has no time for Sam suggesting maybe this is something awful because of Michael that Dean might know about or else be weirdly intimately connected to because of his weird Michael-based condition.
We have no clue what's going on and Sam doesn't like that and Dean's powering through and Jody is hovering in the background like WOW I can see why you leave me out of all your dumb main plot angst normally. Never done me one of these MAIN PLOT ones before. Can we go back to normal MotW where you're low key angsting in the subtext about whatever currently ails you?
Jody slaps Sam on the lower back
lower, babe. Lower.
Cas does magic, boom purple smoke!
Aw no she's still withered.
Jack, take her necklace off and smash it
because you did the good work of a hunter and talked to her and through being kind discovered what was wrong with her
Jody has a phone provider that gets her signal in the wilderness
"Claire's been doing so good, but anything connected to Kaia... she's a powder keg"
okay no Jody didn't shout it, but Bobo did.
ILY Bobo
I'm like 0% surprised but I am guessing other people who had been less trusting are throwing a complete party to have it textually confirmed like that. I felt like Bobo's intent especially when he went on the record in that stream AND he had been saying already that he shipped it right after Wayward Sisters, that he never ever meant to be coy about Dreamhunter, and confirming that Claire was madly in love with Kaia was a top priority on his fuck you list since he didn't get to write the show he wanted in order to work on this naturally.
Sam nods like fair enough, happened to me with Jess, but uh wow okay no i did not - yeah okay yeah
"He's not ready for this case" "maybe he needs it"
Jam jam jam jam
I mean
Yeah mature adults discussing issues together and working out how they feel about Dean rage-hunting Bad Kaia
hey look it's that one cabin that has been in like every episode of the show in the same way that one little stoney valley was in every episode of BBC Merlin
Has she lost her spear??
Dean, that was RUDE, you're so horrible to all these versions of Kaia
That zoom up on his face is one of the top 10 Dean Is Not Okay zooms of the show
So not like "bad cas" or "new bobby" are Dean's definitions for AU peeps - no word on what Charlie is to him, maybe because AU Charlie is a real issue for him to define as he couldn't help treating her like his Charlie.
But Bad Kaia insists that she is to Kaia what she is to me - they're joined in a different way. A way that back in Wayward Sisters was implied to be a dreamwalking connection of a very different sort, something anchoring our Kaia to the bad place and their connection was... weird.
"That was an accident. I was trying to kill the blonde" She's remorseful about killing Kaia but upsets them even more by reminding them that she was out for Claire instead.
How about we kill no one, bad Kaia
Oh no, Michael keeps sending monsters after her... Now she sounds like the original Kaia just because she's got "always more" things out for her. I suppose Michael learned of her through Dean, found her, and either wants to stop her or capture her because she has universe-crossing dreamwalking abilities, and woooow that will be useful to him.
Stop fuelling Nougat having an interesting dark arc about his entire self and purpose and let him just hang around the bunker and watch TV and eat nougat and be hugged. Can we not just have a son who is okay and nothing is wrong with him?
Oh no even the random hunter (did I really catch her name as Brunhilda or did I imagine that?) is crying at Jack crying over Sleeping Beauty dying. Cas is contractually obliged not to cry or do complicated stunts but he looks miserable too.
Oh, jack figured out the pendant?
But can they actually save Sleeping Beauty?
Sam as usual getting in before I can - "Break her!??!?"
don't you dare hurt Kaia any more, she's already told you what she knows, Michael hurt her, you punched her out with the same face and then threatened her a bunch. She might be a snarky monster-hunting feral woodland weirdo but she's still Kaia-like and you have a history of being completely horrible to Kaia-like girls when you're in a bad place.
And it turns out Dean just wants the spear that pronged him, to figure out what it did and how to hurt Michael with it. To go on his own revenge mission that he denied Jack because, guys, we are now in competition for who gets to have the angsty anti-Michael revenge mission. Jack and Dean literally competing to be most angsty about it.
Jack is being considerably more productive even if Dean solved the Kaia mystery.
But yeah. Revenge sucks you guys.
Dean you need to eat a snickers and take a rest.
smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirk because fuck you Dean for always hurting me and the other Kaia who is probably also me.
Jack is being much smarter.
The smartest cookie.
Who needs powers when you are a good cookie.
"She wasn't cursed. This was."
I vote Jack gets to kill Michael. Dean has lost his Michael killing rights.
"You're no different from him. Threats, violence, anything to get what you want." "I am nothing like him."
"Yeah you are. And you always have been."
I don't know if Kaia knows or if she's pulling a gambit, but acting like a mystic know it all and reading Dean stone cold in a villain way sure did take some of his rage away into that good old Dean self-loathing and fear, which was one heck of a good chess move regardless of if she can magically read him or not.
No I don't think Dean is these things but Michael is a means of exploring Dean's "blunt little weapon" sort of mindset that he has suffered from because of John's upbringing all this time, and Michael emotionally mauling Dean to the point of being a non-functioning worst version of himself who threatens Kaia (AGAIN) really is an on the nose way to display the sort of trauma that Michael tore into his psyche.
Crap I need to go to yoga, but this is too good to rush so even though I don't have much left, I will be back for proper notes in a bit!
Him smash magic glowy thing with hammer
just like i told myboy to do!
Cas's hair is ridiculously spiky.
"What happened?"
Aww jack to an empty room
Sam I  have been gone for hours. How have you not tackled Dean to the floor and apologised to Bad Kaia
"I saw what you did to her, when you got angry. You shoved your gun in her face." To be fair, at the time Dean had also been emotionally mauled by the feels bear because Jack gave him a vision of Mary being tortured in Hell-equivalent and he was also fucked up beyond belief.
Kaias really are seeing the worst side of him all the time.
Bobo likes breaking Dean
That was enough to make Dean let go
Also to ask a really good question about how she knows!
I'm way more curious about Kaia than Dean yelling at her :P
Then she points out that he's angry and impatient because he's scared, like, duh, but sometimes he needs to be reminded that he can have "weak" emotions like that because he wants to be all tough and on the case and instead he's freaked out because Michael has messed him up completely. Like. Stay home. Help the boy with lore or something. Take a pyjama day.
Wheee full flashback!
The early evening light gives it a Bad Place colour tinge, which is awesome.
I can't believe Mikey shows up in his hat but not his jacket.
He says he's BORROWING Dean here. Hm.
Also, what I suspected, that he sensed her around and was just curious. Probably having a "what the fuck that's KAIA!?" from Dean inside him and being like Kaia huh? Time to chat.
Mikey do you literally not have your own version of that fuck off huge spear they stabbed Cas with a couple seasons ago, or do you just collect cool spears?
There's something more than usually terrifying about his face in this conversation.
And he now says there's a war coming and thinks something weird like Bad Kaia might appreciate being on his side.
Oh boy.
"Wild one" that's so cool
Michael really has some great lines for being a massive pillock
Omg he fight good too
AAH this is Kaia's memory and she's psychically implanting it in Dean's head
"Stop!" he says, clearly not enjoying watching himself beat up Bad Kaia and, like, realising exactly how awful it looks to do this when he has to watch himself from the outside and for all we know feel her pain too.
Of course Dean being desperate to get the spear to fight Michael could come across with a blur of ambiguity of Michael being desperate still to have it, whether to stop Kaia using it or because he just really wanted it and doesn't like being told no.
The concept that Michael just disappeared from Dean still lingers.
So many fights with a whole bunch of people this season. Maybe just because there's so many friggin characters
"Now you're in trouble" *Bad Kaia literally leaps through a window to avoid dealing with this* I love her
thanks for saving Jody
Well that was quick
Also you're badass and terrifying and I think Claire might fall in love with you too >.>
"I'm used to it" Oh babe.
She literally raised herself in a terrifying doomy forest so
I mean at least this world has dry crackers and beans. SCORE
Jody has got a LOT of thinking to do about how to phrase any of this to Claire.
"So there's a feral Kaia living in the woods outside of town"
Awww Sam offering her a lift to the hospital
Bobo wants us to remember 9x06 and Dean having to tend Cas's broken hand maybe
Sam. Hug her right now. RIGHT NOW.
Nope Jody just looks really tormented
She's in a reverse Jack position - one mom to 3 hunters instead of one kid to 3 hunters :P
Hey look it is Jack and one of his fathers.
"Jules is off!" Hey look Sleeping Beauty was called Jules. Nerdylittleshit doesn't read these notes however so she will never know that I decided this character was named after her :P
Cas apologises for not being there for Jack, because it took this long to realise he's the father who's always at work while others have taken the stereotypically maternal role to Jack, Cas just gets to be the cool strong father who is usually dead, captured or just busy saving people and too busy for Jack as a result.
"It's okay," Jack says, sounding considerably more emotionally balanced about it than he had in 14x01 when everyone was neglecting him
"Today you PROVED that you have the mind of a hunter. And the heart of a hunter" Raised by the best, bitches!
Awwww Cas wants to be a hunter with Jack! They can get a terrible car and hit the road and do an easy case and bond as they go and eat crappy food at diners and
Jack develops Nephilim Flu in response to having a nice moment with a father because he's so unused to being treated with full attention.
Cas: *squints*
"Must be getting my first cold!"
I have a cold too Jack! Awww!!
Cas is going to make him some soup. This is too sweet. I don't even have words for any of this it's just gross. My teeth hurt.
Jack I swear to god if you stopped your revenge quest and it hurt you so bad inside you're about to cough up a lung I am going to LA to kick the writers' asses in person so if you dare be even the slightest bit consumptive
Oh thank god the scene changed before he coughed blood into his hand
Awww and then Dean admits Sam was right, while still being the one driving on the way back.
I wonder if they filmed these side by side. "Dean slow down" "Sam you were right"
"What Michael used me for" Ouch, hearing him say it like that... Sad sad thoughts.
He just wanted to skip ahead and have it all done because revenge makes you feel SO much better.
"Dean... you did what you had to do" Okay it's even worse hearing someone else justify it rather than hearing that phrase come out of someone's mouth. At least when they say it about themselves they're just in a bad place. I don't even know if this is a pavlovian response I'm having but really flipping it around to have Sam say it is a validation - Sam certainly thinks things are better off with a dead Lucifer and would have a favourable bias, because it got the job done and whatever Mikey is up to at least it's not Lucifer doing it. Because even if Lucifer were doing the exact same things it would just be intangibly but clearly worse.
"It wasn't a blink, being possessed."
Dean says to Sam, who has been possessed by an angel twice and when it was Gadreel, for almost as long as Dean was Michaeled
Dean's so freaked out because fighting the drowning sense of being possessed was so horrifying and made him feel so weak and useless and he didn't even win that fight, Michael just bailed and let him have it back. With the "I own you" hovering over him.
It certainly reeks of being haunted by a bad relationship. The sense the nasty abusive ex hovering around outside the place you work every night...
"And it's all on me, man" No it isn't, he got through because Lucifer told him how.
Well I mean if you wanna go cosmic consequences, yeah it is because Billie done told you not to go universe hopping and that's several billion dominoes you messed around with doing exactly that
But despite how I spent all of season 13 SHRIEKING at you not to do it while knowing full well you did, and how this is technically your cosmic hubris for doing that, I also don't actually blame you on a personal level, Dean. Just, like, so you know once I get back to the shrieking. Because ow you are very sad and in pain and if Nougat wasn't coming down with Nephilim Flu in the other scenes I'd basically rank you No 1 for wrapping in blankets and feeding soup.
You're still in the top 10. Jodi had a pretty bad day too :P
*starts packing my bags for the ass kicking*
Aww Jack to an empty room
Well no wonder you've been in a panic to get Michael killed.
Dean's back and he's gonna kick your ass because he remembers when Sam did this in the Trials and he is very very anti consumptive family members.
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thekillingmoonmoon · 3 years
how have you been this week? how was cake and roommate!!
there is something so satisfying about a fattened notebook, and the little crinkle each page turn makes. i'm really bad at marking up notebooks. i feel like i don't want to ruin it with whatever i'm wanting to make notes on. unless it's for school or something, then i don't mind.
to completely judge a book by its cover i'm going to have to agree that hamlet is the one i would position cover-out on a bookshelf! i was gifted a set of books that are supposed to be displayed as a colour gradient but... that's not how i arrange books, so the idea is lost and all the brightly coloured spines are scattered among all the other books in my shelf. oop.
ah i made a note for the philodendron and the jp peace lily for when we get flowers in the spring, thank you! let's also hope the are immune to my vampirism, or perhaps i should consider growing garlic XD
ouuuuuuu i've been thinking about the threads in this xmas au since i read it. one, because i was trying to come up with a name for it (best i could do was 'claus and effect' and i've also tried to come up with some slay/sleigh related pun. it's not working), and two, i got mischievously sentimental while i was trying to think up the funny bits. warning, i'm not funny anymore lol. anyway! holidays with bonten.
for koko, i feel like he wraps the presents himself, all neat creases and tidy edges, minimal amounts of wasted paper, and just the right amount of tape to keep it sealed. and they're neatly arranged into their own little piles like trees, because he refuses to put up the real tree. sanzu sends the screenshot of the biscuit-making but omi hears about it (poor guy has heard eeeeeverything about this breakup), takes his advisory role seriously and says it's xmas, ease up on poor koko. so after some consideration, sanzu does. by sneakily taking a candid photo of koko facing the piles of presents and no hint of holidays in the rest of the room, slapping a cool-toned filter on it, and sending that to her with a single text "all he is for christmas is blue." and because she's done well healing past the hurt, and know how the holidays are for him, she sends him a small tin of the almond horns she'd baked. it's a christmas miracle of a truce between the two, if only for a few weeks. yes, sanzu is occasionally sweet. yes, i am playing favourites.
agreed agreed agreed that ran has already bought the best gifts, both quality and sentimental wise. god i'm such a softie for redrose!ran. i can't make any excuses for menace!sanzu when it comes to the haitanis though, so i'll leave him be for this one. for ran and rindou, i could see them also having a christmas miracle of a truce because at the end of the day, they're still brothers who relied and trusted only each other for the longest time. everyone in bonten breathes a small sigh of relief. (i told you, i got stuck in the xmas haze. the holidaze, if you will). i like your idea of the three mikey moods! his one and only warning that he's moving from dorayaki to murder mode in the meeting is him calmly reaching over and stuffing the untouched part into a mouth.
i'd like a happy medium between really effing dry heat and humid heat. it snowed for a bit over the past few days and i'm just... tired and cranky all the time now, haha x_x and not at all the nice snowy scene i described, just a depressing grey.
since you said proper little pizza oven... i'm imagining the one from back to the future, haha. and about the biscuits, i need to know what happened with them!! what kind of flour did she sub? what was the end result? flat and brittle? i'm one of those people who love reading about recipes and collecting them but never make a habit of consistently making any. (though i am pretty good at making a burnt basque cheesecake, even though it's the easiest thing ever but looks like i've spent more time on it than i actually have XD)
lol okay i'm really glad i'm anon because i'm always really shy about sharing music so... to be a little different i'll name my top song for each year i've had it. for 2021 it's blackpink - lovesick girls, for 2020 it's massive attack - paradise circus, for 2019 it's the midnight - shadows (uppermost remix), for 2018 it's the internet - special affair. no judgement pls! 😁💐
helllo hello!
Cake and roommate was delightful, although the driving was not! I got caught in a cloudburst on the way home and the sillies in front of me didn't have ANY lights on? very scary. but I came home in one piece lol.
This week has mostly been procrastination, I'm afraid - but I will complete what needs to be done... eventually...
i also had the phobia of messing up a nice notebook, until I started using the very boring and ugly school notebooks as bullet journals. And now I have no problem breaking in a notebook with my scribbles. I get very frustrated with my handwriting though, but I feel like everyone has that issue.
Ooo - please share your preferred method of organising books! is it height-based? colour-based? alphabetical? chronological? does it at least make sense? (mine does not, in any way)
'Claus and effect' had me cackling, I'm not gonna lie. Like, suffer the consequences of your actions, Bonten boys! Except you, Ran, you're just too fucking happy to be here.
Koko is 100% the present wrapper - the others try to bribe him to wrap their presents (Koko only does it for Mikey, because Mikey just looks so fucking sad when his mess of wrapping paper and tape falls apart) and Koko will 100% unwrap the presents for you, and FOLD the paper for next year! (my gran did this - thanks Great Depression Era parenting - and I've semi adopted this, if only to decrease the volume of rubbish accumulated at the end of unwrapping. I save bows though)
I'm losing it at Sanzu's very sincere attempts of reconciliation (there's still no ways he's going to be of any assistance to the Haitanis though)I think Sanzu's fairly fond of Koko - they've been together since the very start, and I'm sure Koko has cleaned up a fair bit of Sanzu's messes and funds the drug habit, albeit reluctantly. Sanzu also probably has your number because of the amount of times you've had to come collect a tipsy Koko who keeps mumbling sad things about Inupi and Akane and just generally bringing down the Vibe at the Bonten party.
God bless Takeomi. He's listened to so much. just let him retire. He looked over sanzu's message to you and he just had no idea why sanzu was laughing so hard? Koko is blue? he's sad? why is this funny? Haruchiyo, stop laughing. He's also heard every possible theory under the sun regarding what's going on with the Haitanis. Sanzu is so curious, and just assumes that Takeomi's and Mochi's silence on the matter means they want to listen to his theories. sanzu's even more confused when the Haitanis declare a truce for the holidays - like why are you talking to each other now? don't you hate each other? is the war over? Both of the brothers just look at him blankly - Mikey is finishing his plate of food rapidly - maybe we should switch to a party game...
a side note - nether of the Haitanis can wrap a gift. Bless them, they try, but Ran has settled on paying someone to wrap his presents. It's the inside that counts, right? the fact that he didn't actually stick down the tape doesn't matter, and he knows you understand. Rindou has yet to catch on, although he has recently discovered the power of the Gift Bag (why wrestling wrapping paper when you can just pop it into a bag? genius!) Can one of them PLEASE talk to Sanzu and Takeomi about this though? Takeomi wraps things in fucking newspaper and packing tape, and there's no shortage of times when he's gotten distracted and left his lighter or cigarettes (or once, his whole fucking gun) in your present. Sanzu, just, uh, doesn't wrap anything. It gets handed to you as is, maybe still in the plastic bag he bought it in. But he does buy it himself. So that's a win? Kakucho's presents are charmingly self-wrapped. They're not as perfect as Koko, there are a few crinkly bits and he did eventually give up on wrapping that very weirdly shaped gift and put it in a bag. But everything is done with a lot of love and quiet dedication. Mikey's too. He's actually spent hours in multiple malls looking for the perfect gift (none of them were perfect. He had to get Koko to help him order it) his card is also barely legible, but there's so much thought and care put into his gifts that you can't help but cry tears of joy for our saddest little crime boss. Mochi gives you gift cards, or a card giving you him and his credit card for the day, so that you can spend the day doing whatever you like with him, getting precisely what you want (there have been too many occasions when Mochi has bought things the wrong size or colour and he feels so awful about it)
oo, new music for me to look up! I don't judge music tastes, just vibe with what you love - and then like an evil little music raccoon I will steal your recommendations and add them to my collection >_<
alright, enough Bonten Christmas, else you're going to actually make me like Christmas. I'm sorry to hear about your grey snow days - hopefully you get some decent wintery days soon <3
oh lordy the Back to Future pizza oven... that is a food sin..
as for where the biscuit recipe went wrong... I'm honestly too scared to ask - i think she might have used the wrong flour, but I'm not sure what.
!!!! cheesecake!! is it fairly easy to make?? if so, please drop the recipe!
anyway! thank you for stopping by <3 sending love to you and I hope you have a good end to your week xx
0 notes
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genre: angst, fluff. character/s: college student jaehyun!au | reader. overview: she was the proof to his hypothesis. warning: explicit language, mentions of infidelity, mean girl references i’m sorry.  word count: 8550.
I. Abstract
The professor, a fifty-something woman with her hair streaked with grey neatly up in a bun atop her head, pushed her spectacles further up the bridge of her nose. As she sank further into her cushioned swivel chair, she alternated glances between the nervous, similarly spectacled boy sitting in front of her, and the huge chunk of text in pages in front of her. The proposal arrived at her desk only a week after she had announced the need for a research paper for her course. Garamond. Size 12. Double-spaced. One-inch margin. Justified. Just exactly how she liked it. And then she saw the name in bold at the upper-left corner of the page.
"Jung Jaehyun?"
"Yes, ma'am." He sat further on the edge of his seat. It was as if he was only waiting for her to ask. He had a small smile upon his lips. He had come prepared.
The woman flipped to the second page. "And how exactly would you be able to quantify love?" She had said the word like it was a curse word in a different language. "I teach statistics and probability, not philosophy nor sociology."
"Well," Jaehyun cleared his throat. "I would use a questionnaire specifically designed to gauge whether or not a couple who claims they're in love are really in love. The results of the short test can filter out the couples who are really in love from, say, those who are stuck in the phase of physical attraction, to put it nicely. In terms of validity and accuracy, well, the questionnaire had been designed many years ago by a psychologist, and had been in use for more than a decade, so that wouldn't be a problem."
And, as if to persuade the professor even further, Jaehyun flashed her his best smile, the one that says 'I am not your ordinary college student. I am Jung Jaehyun'.
She, on the other hand, shook her head in doubt. What he wanted might have been possible qualitatively, but not quantitatively. "But people are unpredictable," she said with a sigh. "They might not be in love now, but what about tomorrow?"
"I don't think it's possible to fall in love, truly in love, overnight..." He scratched the back of his head.
"...And many factors can lead to people to fall in or out of love." The woman continued, not listening to a word he said. "The reasons, which could be internal or external, are enumerable, yes, but outside our line of study."
"I don't mean to explain why people fall in or out of love," he defended soon after finding a chance to once she paused. "The entire research is founded on the hypothesis I would like to prove."
The woman raised an eyebrow as she turned to the last page. "Which is?"
"That only one out of three people are successful in love."
"And that is related to our course because...?"
"Given that the hypothesis is proven true, it can be predicted that out of three, randomly chosen adults, only one of them is successful in love. Each of them has a thirty-three percent chance of finding 'the one'. And this would be regardless of gender, race, and appearance." Jaehyun clasped his hands together over the table. "Please, I promise to make it work. And if I don't, I swear I'll switch topics!"
Pushing her glasses up her forehead, the professor sighed. She was torn between wanting to know the outcome of his research, and wanting to stick to her strict guidelines. In the end, she placed the neatly fastened proposal down on her desk and interlaced her fingers together. "I guess you can get started, then."
Jaehyun stood up in lightning speed as he reached out to shake the professor's hands. "I promise you won't regret this."
"So?" [Y/N] asked as soon as the glass doors of the faculty office swung open. She extended both her arms out towards Jaehyun.
"So..." Jaehyun held her by the wrists as he gently pulled her up to stand from where she was seated on one of the lounge chairs. "She said yes."
"You're lying."
"Am not."
"That's just because you made kissy faces at her."
"I did not." He toyed with the straps of his backpack as they waited in front of the elevators. "Okay, maybe I did my nose scrunch thing. But still! She said yes, so I can get started as early as now."
[Y/N] placed her palm flat over her mouth and made fart noises. "What a nerd." And she reached up to swipe her fingertip diagonally across his left eyeglass, which earned her an annoyed groan.
"At least this nerd is sure to graduate next year without delay," the man retorted, slipping his glasses off and wiping them against his shirt. "Anyway, where are we meeting Yuta and Taeyong?"
"The roof deck up in the arts building," she replied, thumb hovering over the home button on her phone to check for messages as she stepped into the elevator once the doors opened. "They're looking for us right now."
"And Doyoung?" He pressed the button for the ground floor.
"I think he's consulting with a professor about whatever." The girl leaned back against the corner and emitted a heavy sigh. It was already a tiring day, and it was only a few minutes after noon. The first semester of their third year in college has got them crawling on their knees, even if they were only just two weeks in.
The pair made their way up the narrow staircase that led to the roof deck. A cold gust of wind blew, causing [Y/N] to zip her hoodie up to her chest. She nudged the busy chocolate-haired boy with her fist and sat down next to him.
"What are you studying?" She asked, unzipping her bag to reach for her bag of Doritos.
 "The fall of Rome," Taeyong replied, barely looking up from his thick wad of readings. Being an ancient history major, he detested studying at the dorms, knowing that the temptation to slack off was the greatest in his bedroom, and instead studied anywhere and anytime he could. "How's the project going?" He asked, one arm reaching for the open bag of chips in her hand.
"I've seen it," Jaehyun interrupted. He had already tossed his backpack on the floor and was leaning against the tall ledge that separated them from the eight-storey fall. "It was so bad it inspired Munch to create The Scream."
[Y/N] snorted. "Please. If you hate my art so much, why do you keep one of them in your room?"
"So if you get famous one day for being the worst painter ever, I can sell your painting to a freak show."
"Why, you little bi—"
"What's up, Taeyong? Not much, just studying." Taeyong looked up from reading the middle of a paragraph to alternate glares between the bickering two. "Now, if you could just please pretend to be sweet darlings and shut up for a few minutes."
"Sorry." The two said at the same time, looking away.
The door to the roof deck burst open, revealing Yuta, who held a brown paper bag against his chest. "Oh hey, guys."
He sat down across Taeyong and produced a small carton from the bag. "I got you Chinese."
"How come we never get free food?" Jaehyun whined, sliding down with his back against the wall.
Taeyong only blinked at the carton in front of him. "I didn't want any."
"You didn't eat breakfast this morning so I thought you might be hungry by now," Yuta explained, opening his own food and starting to dig in. He was the latest addition to their group. Having newly transferred from Japan and being barely able to communicate with anyone, Yuta had a difficult time adjusting. What he was most thankful for, however, was being assigned to the same laboratory group as his current friends in the biology class they took when they were freshmen. That day they were tasked to dissect a pig's heart. As the four of them passed the scalpel around, too scared to even touch the bloody organ, Yuta snatched the instrument and sliced the heart open with utmost ease. He was taking pre-med, anyway.
The four of them sat in an incomplete circle, with the space between Yuta and [Y/N] reserved for Doyoung, who was nowhere to be found. It wasn't a rare occurrence for him to be missing in action, however. With the number of organizations that listed Doyoung as an active member, they weren't surprised. In fact, they get surprised whenever Doyoung was the first to arrive at the roof deck. Nevertheless, his presence was always missed.
As the clock struck half past one, [Y/N] left to go to Art Theory. A few minutes later, Taeyong followed, eyes still glued to his readings as he walked away. Yuta, not in the mood for laboratory work, fluffed his backpack up before resting his head over it and going to sleep. This left Jaehyun to look for anything to ward the boredom off. He started to pore through the next act of Hamlet, his required book for literature, but when that became boring as well, he stowed the book back into his bag. Sighing, he took his laptop instead, and decided to start on his research paper.
II. Background of the Study
Jaehyun never cried. That was how his mother always described him to her friends whenever they would meet after a long time and talk about their respective children, to her colleagues when she used to bring young Jaehyun to work with her, and to their relatives as soon as Jaehyun, her first and last child, was born. And it was true. Jaehyun never cried, even as he was held upside down by the doctor who delivered him, and even as he was slapped a few times on his behind. The only indicator he was alive was the steady rise and fall of his small chest as he breathed. He didn't cry on his first day of kindergarten, nor on his graduation day. He didn't cry during the first time he tried riding his bike without training wheels and fell flat on his face, scratching his elbows and knees.
The day Jaehyun finally did cry was a rainy one. His mother sat alone on the dining table, staring at the space where his father used to be. It was raining when he left, dragging a half-open suitcase behind him, as if he was hurrying to get out of the place he had called home for the past seventeen years. He was running away from them, and running towards the open arms of a much younger lover who loved him back, or so Jaehyun assumed. Jaehyun cried as he took his usual place by the table. His father didn't even bring an umbrella.
Eventually his mother remarried, but Jaehyun didn't cry, despite the fact that all of his mother's friends bawled their eyes out. He was too old for crying, he reasoned out. He felt bad, however, when his step-father became the husband his father never was, yet his mother never seemed to reciprocate.
Out of the three of them — his father, his mother, and his step-father — only one seemed to be successful when it came to love.
III. Review of Related Literature
Taeyong scratched at the harsh stubble on his chin before stretching his limbs out. He especially adored Saturday mornings. He didn't have to wake up early. He could sleep well into the afternoon and still have Sunday to cram all his school work. Just as he wrapped his blanket tighter around himself and rolled over on his stomach, Yuta peeked through the bedroom door.
"Aren't we meeting Jaehyun and [Y/N] in half an hour? Why aren't you ready?" Yuta asked. Taeyong wrinkled his nose. He didn't have to turn around to know it was Yuta standing by his door. The latter smelled strongly of his favorite perfume.
Taeyong only buried himself further into the sheets. "Not in the mood."
"Oh, come on." Yuta plopped down by the edge of the bed, but not before kicking his shoes off by the door, or else he would get murdered. He lifted a hand up to ruffle through his hair until his fingertips felt greasy from the styling wax. "You can't sleep all Saturday. It's not even a club. We're just having a few drinks and whatnot."
"I'll pass." Taeyong felt the mattress dip from the added weight. "I'm not going, so go." He grabbed a handful of the blanket, just enough to free his foot, before nudging Yuta's side with his heel.
"You're no fun."
"Since 1995, haven't you heard?"
Yuta snorted, fishing his phone out of his pocket and calling [Y/N]. As he pressed the speaker against his ear, he climbed further up the bed to lie beside Taeyong. "We changed our mind. Taeyong and I aren't going," he greeted as soon as she was able to answer the call.
"Wow, and here I was prepping Kitty up for a nice night out with my very lovable friends who would not ditch me." [Y/N] rolled her eyes. She slung the shoulder bag up her arm and double-checked her appearance through her reflection on the mirror.
"What do you mean 'we'?" She heard Taeyong ask, voice heavy with sleep. There was shuffling on the other side of the line, and her best guess was that Yuta held his phone high up over his head, far from Taeyong's reach.
"Well, now that you're not going, I'm not going either," Yuta said. [Y/N] waited for the commotion against her ear to stop. She was sure they were bickering in Taeyong's dorm.  "Okay, Taeyong wanted me to clarify," Yuta returned after a while. His voice was clearer now, as he had his phone lodged between his shoulder and ear. "He's not going because he's lazy, and I'm not going because he's not going."
"What-" She groaned, scratching the back of her head in agitation as she stomped out of her bedroom and waited by the living room. "Since when did you guys act like you were conjoined twins?"
There was honking outside her front door. "Whatever. Jaehyun's here. Pray to God Doyoung comes, or else you have to find another hangout spot because we're taking the roof deck." She paused briefly as she struggled to slip her sandals on with one hand. "And if you ever change your mind, we'll be karaoke-ing until around ten," [Y/N] reminded before hanging up.
Jaehyun honked so loudly she thought it was a car alarm. Once she stepped out of the front door, he rolled the passenger side window down. "Get in, nerd. We're going karaoke-ing."
[Y/N] snorted, jogging towards the car. "Yuta and Taeyong said they aren't coming," she said as soon as she slid into the passenger seat. Buckling her seatbelt in place, she rolled the window back up. "And that was such a lousy attempt to be a mean girl, by the way. I don't see why you have to try when you're effortlessly a mean girl."
"I was about to let you hog the aux cord, but since you're being a Regina George..."
"Noooo," she whined, immediately taking ahold of the wire. She plugged it into her phone and scrolled through her playlist before blasting Panic! At The Disco. Music was among the very short list of things the both of them could agree on. And so the karaoke started even before they arrived at the noraebang as they screamed the lyrics at the top of their lungs.
"Why aren't they coming?" Jaehyun asked as a drum solo came on in between the bridge and the chorus.
[Y/N] drummed her fingers against the dashboard. "You know Taeyong. And although it was nice to have Yuta accompany him, it would have been nicer if they both came along." She said with a sigh, prying her bag open to yank her Polaroid out by the hand strap. "I even brought Kitty because we haven't had a nice group shot since the last semester."
Jaehyun threw her a look that was both amused and mocking. "Don't tell me you still call your camera Kitty?"
"I just did, bitch." She thumbed through the settings to adjust the exposure before quickly snapping a photo of him driving and waiting for the film to print. "This was your mom's gift to me on my sixteenth birthday."
"It was my gift."
"—that your mom bought, so technically it's your mom's gift to me."
The boy rolled his eyes. "What an ungrateful brat."
She reached out to squeeze his arm before laughing at the memory. A week before her sixteenth birthday, she had been, not very subtly, dropping hints about wanting a pet kitten. Despite knowing her parents would never allow given her history of asthma attacks, she was still hopeful. It had been her birthday, anyway. And so the day of her birthday, [Y/N] wore her best dress to impress not her guests, but her future pet kitten. In the sea of familiar faces belonging to her classmates and friends, Jaehyun stuck out like a sore thumb. It was then she knew he was the son of one of her mom's close friends. Awkwardly, sixteen-year-old Jaehyun handed her his gift, a pink Polaroid camera. And although she didn't get the kitten she had asked for, she got herself a pet all the same.
Once they arrived at the noraebang, [Y/N] immediately reserved a room as Jaehyun texted Doyoung the details of their whereabouts. They each occupied the entire length of the couch as soon as they get inside, lying down to make themselves comfortable. It was Jaehyun who first reached for the microphone and scrolled through the song selection.
He was in the middle of belting out IU's Good Day when the door burst open and revealed Doyoung. [Y/N] let out a yelp as she dove into Doyoung's embrace. They haven't seen much of each other at the university, and she was glad he had spared time to meet them. Jaehyun let the song fade into the background as the three of them engaged in incessant chatter.
"What organizations did you join this time?" Jaehyun asked, popping open a can of cider and pouring it into a glass. "You haven't been MIA this long. Is it the one doing social work? I heard they do medical missions in as far as Africa."
"I say he's seeing someone." [Y/N] raised an eyebrow.
Doyoung patted his collar down almost nervously. "Oh? How did you know?"
[Y/N] exchanged wide-eyed glances with Jaehyun. "Who is it?! Is it someone from school?"
"Is it my classmate Yeri because if it is, I don't want you being lovey-dovey in front of me," [Y/N] said, cringing at the thought before she sips from her glass.
"Actually," Doyoung started, his cheeks heating up all of a sudden. As if on cue, his two other friends inched closer to the edge of their seats in anticipation. "It's my Economics professor."
Jaehyun clutched at his throat as he choked from his own spit. The girl, on the other hand, remained silent as they waited for Doyoung to continue.
"I'm really serious about doing better on my academics this term, and, well, I schedule consultations with all of my professors to regularly monitor my progress. And then, you know, she's the only one close to our age, so she seemed more like a friend than a professor." Doyoung felt his throat dry up, and reached for a glass of water. The two watched all his movements closely, as if he was telling a story just by drinking. "And then one consultation a week became two, then three... I know it all seems too fast but— " He paused, looking down at his hands. "I really really like her. We understand each other and have many things in common. I know you guys would think it's weird, and I know other people would, too, so we both haven't really talked about it to anyone else. With the school policy and all, I know we have to keep the relationship secret. It's actually not much of a relationship." The boy emitted a nervous chuckle. "We... we haven't talked about it yet, and we're sort of just hooking up here and there—" Doyoung was interrupted as it was [Y/N]'s turn to choke. "— but she's important to me, and I'm glad you guys heard me out like this because no one else but us knows about it."
Jaehyun reached out to pat his friend on the back. "Hey, we're here for you. And it's not weird. It's just surprising, that's all, because you never said anything about liking her, and stuff, so..."
"Do you...do you do it in the classroom?" [Y/N] blurted out, to which Jaehyun threw her a glare. "Oh my god I just had to ask because I want to know if the chair I sit on is clean and immaculate and pure—"
"No, we don't."
She heaved a loud sigh. "Oh thank god."
Doyoung reached up to scratch the back of his head. "Her office, though..."
"You're one of my best friends and I love you to death but please," she said, and placed a hand over his knee. "Please not your sex life."
IV. Statement of the Problem
"We aren't awkward!" [Y/N] defended, looking behind her where Yuta was. "We talk to each other all the time. You guys just don't notice.
"Okay, maybe you're not awkward with Yuta, but Yuta is awkward with you," Doyoung said with a laugh as he held his leather briefcase up over his head.
"We're not awkward," Yuta argued.
The girl nodded. "If there's anyone among us who is awkward with someone else, it should be Taeyong."
"Hey!" The aforementioned boy frowned.
"No offense meant, Tae."
"Oh yeah? If you two aren't so awkward, would you two hangout together tonight? Drinking and eating and stuff." Jaehyun suggested, to which Doyoung clapped his hands as he laughed. They were all heading out of the campus to go their respective ways — Yuta, Taeyong, and Doyoung to the dorms, and Jaehyun and [Y/N] to their own houses that were only a few blocks away.
[Y/N] waited for Yuta, who was a few steps away, before walking by his side. "Okay, we're going."
Doyoung laughed as he waved goodbye, slinging either of his arms over Taeyong and Jaehyun's shoulders. "Send us pictures in the group chat!"
"Ya, don't let her drink too much. She can't go home if she's a little out of it," Jaehyun reminded, before the three of them walked towards the opposite direction.
Yuta shoved his hands inside his pockets. "You never want to lose an argument, do you?"
She laughed. "Of course not. And besides, we're not awkward!" And she led him towards one of the barbecue places near the campus.
"You know," Yuta started, setting his shot glass down. It was their third bottle of the night, and for a man who drank like a pirate, he sure had low alcohol tolerance. Even in the darkness, she could see the flush of his cheeks. "I just realized now how we have so many things in common."
Amused, [Y/N] refilled his glass up to the brim. "And what are those?"
"One, we both like Japan."
She nodded, handing the bottle of soju to Yuta so he could fill her glass. "True, but only because I've never been there. And what else?"
"We both like animated movies."
"Technically," [Y/N] crossed her arms as she watched the clear alcohol bubble against the glass. "I only liked the ones from Studio Ghibli that Taeyong recommended. But yeah. You're not wrong."
"And," Yuta raised his glass up over his head. "We're both madly, and irrevocably in love with our best friends."
Although she raised her glass as well, she froze mid-air. "Wait— what?"
But Yuta had grabbed her by the wrist and clinked their glasses even against her will. He downed the shot in one gulp before setting the glass down. "Oh please. I know you like Jaehyun. So there's no use in denying."
[Y/N] frowned. "I do not."
"Yes, you do!" Yuta retorted. "Behind the bickering and the insults, you're head over heels for that nerd and you know it."
Now, it was her turn to down the shot. She felt her cheeks flush — whether it was because they were talking about Jaehyun or because she was drunk, she wasn't sure. She wasn't sure, either, when exactly her stupid feelings started. What made her even more conflicted was the fact that it happened gradually and all at once at the same time. Over the years of knowing Jaehyun, she had moments of hating him — whenever he insults the art pieces she had worked on with her blood, sweat, and tears, or whenever he intentionally dismisses everything she does as stupid. However, she had also been witness to the heart-fluttering gestures Jaehyun does without even knowing — like when he  throws his head back as he laughs, when he calls her in the morning when he had just woken up, or when he sometimes places his hand at the small of her back when crossing the road. All this gradual build-up came falling apart all at once, and then she was convinced she was truly and utterly in love with him.
"You're right," she said finally with a sigh. She traced the rim of the glass with her fingertip absentmindedly. "But you and Taeyong...?"
Yuta only shrugged. "You're better off than I am. At least you have a chance of being with the person you like."
"Please." She nudged the boy's foot with her own. "We never know what Taeyong is thinking. He might like you too, you know."
"And Jaehyun would like you too."
"Nah, I'll pass." She snorted, suddenly feeling her chest constrict. "He hates me to my guts, and only sees me as a sister." [Y/N] rested her chin atop her hand as she watched Yuta with a gentle gaze. "Are you planning on telling Taeyong?"
It was Yuta's turn to snort. "I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship. I know that's how you feel too."
With his books in hand, Jaehyun spotted a familiar figure walking ahead of him along the hallway. He ran quickly after the other, until he eventually caught up and placed his hand over the other's shoulder.
"Oh! You surprised me." Doyoung clutched his chest as he abruptly stopped walking.
Jaehyun snorted. "Are you going home?"
"Nah," Doyoung responded, waving his hand dismissively. "I'm on my way to the econ building."
The other man scratched the back of his head as they both continued walking towards the same direction. "You're meeting up? Haven't you ever, like, met outside the campus?"
"What for?"
"You know, to go shopping, have a nice dinner, or watch a movie? Like what other couples do."
Doyoung skidded to a halt once again. "Right. About that..."
"She's married."
"What?!" Jaehyun glared at his friend for a good half a minute before taking him by the elbow and dragging him to a corner. "What the fuck are you getting yourself into?"
"Hey hey hey—" Doyoung had his arms up, palms facing outward defensively. "I didn't know before she told me."
"And you continued meeting her even after knowing she was already married?!"
"Yes, well—" Doyoung sighed. "I love her, I don't know what else to do."
"You know this won't end well, right?" The man crossed his arms over his chest and frowned. He had expected Doyoung to be better than this.
"I know, it's just—" He sighed, messing his hair out of irritation. "Don't mind me. I'll face the consequences myself." And he stormed away, hands balled into fists, leaving Jaehyun standing by the corner as confused and conflicted as ever.
He paced around the same corner for a few minutes, just to calm himself down. Surely, he thought, Doyoung wouldn't want their other friends to know his situation, and so he wanted to keep the secret to himself. When he was sure he was calm, he reached into his pocket for his phone and dialled [Y/N]'s number.
"Ugly," he greeted. "Are we still meeting to do that diagram? You know I can't draw for shit."
"Right, that was today." [Y/N] sneezed from the other side of the line.
"Wait, are you sick?"
The girl blew her nose into a tissue and cleared her throat. "...Yes."
Jaehyun snorted. "Boo, you whore," he said before hanging up.
Groaning, [Y/N] tossed her phone aside and burrowed back under the sheets to get comfortable. She had everything she needed within reach — the box of tissues by her side and a glass of water on her bedside table — since she had no intentions of getting up until the next day. Just as she was about to doze off into dreamland, her phone blared her ringtone. [Y/N] reached for her phone blindly and answered.
"Open up, nerd."
Confused, [Y/N] got up, still with her phone pressed against her ear, and opened her bedroom door. Nothing. She made her way down the stairs and towards the front door, before tiptoeing to peek through the peephole. There, she was greeted by the inside of Jaehyun's nostril.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" She asked as soon as she opened the door. He welcomed himself in, walking past the girl and going straight to the living room. "You can't catch a cold. You have a presentation tomorrow!"
"I know," Jaehyun sighed, plopping down on the couch. He used the back of his palm to feel her forehead, his eyebrows knitted together in concentration. "You don't have a fever, so that's good."
"Again," [Y/N] cleared her throat as she stood in the middle of the living room with her hands on her hips. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"I can't leave my worst enemy to die because of a cold. Without a villain, how can I shine as a hero?" Jaehyun beamed a smile too wide to be authentic. He made his way towards the kitchen and began opening cupboards. "You know you're my best friend. I can't leave you to die."
[Y/N] watched as Jaehyun left a kettle full of water boiling by the stove, and prepared lemongrass and ginger on the side. "What about your diagram?" she asked, wiping her nose with the front of her shirt as she sat by the dining table. "If you leave it here tonight, maybe I can finish tomorrow and just hand it to you before your class starts."
As if he didn't hear a thing, he poured a generous amount of hot water into one of the mugs and added his prepared ingredients to make tea. He blew on the steaming cup a few times before setting it down in front of her. She brought her face near the concoction and inhaled, immediately feeling much better as her clogged nose cleared up. The girl whispered a soft 'Thank you' before taking a small sip.
She held the mug with both her hands and brought it with her to the living room, with Jaehyun following closely behind. She switched the TV on and placed the mug on the center table before sprawling over the couch. The boy, on the other hand, sat down by the floor and quietly watched TV. He felt satisfied with himself when, after looking behind him, he found her fast asleep with her mug carefully lodged on her lap. Jaehyun took the mug from her hands gently and placed it back on the table. Standing up, he cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms above his head, before squatting down a little and slipping one of his hands under her back, while the other hooked around her knees. He pursed his lips to muffle the groan that almost escaped once he lifted her up, slowly trudging up the stairs to her bedroom. He kicked her door open and made his way inside before setting her down carefully on the mattress.
It had been a while since he had last gone into her bedroom, though he could say nothing much has changed. He approached her study table, and smiled to himself as he saw several Polaroids of himself together with their other friends. Jaehyun returned to observe her sleeping figure and carefully ran his hand through her hair. He felt his heart race as she stirred in her sleep, and he quickly retracted his arm. His fingers and toes were not enough to count how many times he had thought about confessing his feelings. What always stopped him from doing so, even if he always came too close to just blurting it out, was his hypothesis— that only one out of three people could be successful in love. He counted himself as one, and though he was not sure as to who the other two people would be, he still couldn't bring himself to take the risk. The 66 percent chance of failure always scared him more often than the 33 percent chance of success made him hopeful.
When [Y/N] woke up the next morning, she felt a whole lot better than the night before. As she sat up, she didn't remember going back to her bedroom last night. What she had vague memories of, now that she thought about it, was waking up in the middle of the night to see Jaehyun's figure hunched over her study table as he busily worked on the diagram by himself.
V. Methodology
"Are we allowed to cheat?" [Y/N] asked after raising her hand.
The other three boys only giggled, and Jaehyun rolled his eyes. "Please just concentrate on the test," he said sternly, and eyed the copy of the questionnaire in front of him. He knew the idea of taking a test to know whether a person is truly in love seemed like one of those annoying Buzzfeed quizzes. And so before he could use the test on other people, he wanted to test his friends first.
"'Are you willing to change for the better for the one you love? For example, quitting smoking.' Of course I would! Who wouldn't?" Yuta reacted out loud, jabbing his pencil at the piece of paper.
Taeyong blinked innocently at him. "I wouldn't."
"That just means you aren't really in love," Jaehyun explained. He sat with his back against the ledge of the roof deck, while the four sat evenly spaced away from each other in front of him.
Doyoung was the first to finish, and Jaehyun immediately went through the answers, writing the corresponding scores for each item on the left margin. He checked the result on the matrix he has made beforehand, and looked back at Doyoung who was already glued to his phone. "Congratulations, you're in love!" Jaehyun exclaimed.
The other boy only snorted. "Wow, that's new. I didn't know."
[Y/N] was the next to hand her paper over. She nervously waited for the result as she chewed on her pencil. The test wouldn't be able to tell exactly who she was in love with, right?
"Congratulations, you're... in love?" Jaehyun announced, voice dripping with doubt. And, to himself, he mumbled, "There must be something wrong with this test."
"Oh, right, there's nothing wrong with the test. She's really in love." Yuta said absentmindedly as he reviewed his answers to the test.
[Y/N] nudged Yuta's side with her foot as the other boys' attention was shifted to her. "What if I was in love with Monet, huh? Or Van Gogh. Or Warhol. You never know."
Jaehyun shook his head. "Nerd."
Annoyed, the girl counterattacked. "That's only because Yuta is in love too!"
"Whoa— so you're in love with each other?" Taeyong's eyes widened as he alternated glances between the two.
Yuta quickly denied as he handed Jaehyun his paper. "Of course not. Don't listen to her."
"But..." Jaehyun briefly scanned through his test. "Your result says you're in love, too."
The three who finished were too busy teasing each other to notice that Taeyong had also submitted his test. Jaehyun checked the paper twice before delivering the result. "You're not in love."
"That's not a surprise, either," [Y/N] said with a laugh, trapping Taeyong in a headlock before messing with his hair using her knuckles.
"But I'm still curious," Jaehyun said, flipping through [Y/N]'s paper. "You're in love? You? [Y/N]? In love?"
"With who? The devil?" Taeyong retorted before bursting into a fit of laughter.
"Yeah, [Y/N]," Yuta said, giving the girl a knowing glance. "Who are you in love with?"
VI. Presentation And Interpretation Of Findings
"You have to do it soon," Yuta said as he nibbled on a piece of fry.
[Y/N] shook her head, sipping from her cup of soda until the straw hit dry air. "Not until you do it too."
"I told you already I'm not doing it ever," he replied as a matter of fact. "Taeyong isn't gay, I'm absolutely sure. And I'm content with just being his friend, even if it's the closest I'll ever be to him." 
[Y/N] sighed sadly, knowing how hurt he must've felt. But Yuta, perhaps sensing she is starting to feel sorry, decided to shift the attention from him back to her. "But you, you have to confess! It's not hard," he continued, reaching out to grab one of the girl's arm and squeezing it hard until she cried out. "I'm not letting go until you promise you'll do it!"
"Alright, alright, I'll do it!" [Y/N] retracted her arm and whined as she rubbed at the skin marked red with the boy's hand print. "I really don't want to do it, though. I mean, it'll ruin everything! Even if he did like me back, eventually we would break up, and then what? We wouldn't be friends anymore. I'm glad to have you, Taeyong, and Doyoung left, but it wouldn't be the same without Jaehyun in the group." She sighed, eyeing her cheeseburger that had gone cold. She didn't even have the appetite anymore.
"Yeah, but what if you don't break up? What if you last for the longest time ever and get married and have kids? Imagine having the three of us at your wedding. Imagine the pictures we would take when we all meet again and have our own families."
As Yuta spoke with such fervor and enthusiasm, the doors of the fast food chain swung open as Jaehyun entered. He quickly spotted his two friends by the corner, eating and talking amongst themselves. Ever since he made them take the test, he had started to grow wary of their closeness. Doyoung being in love wasn't such an issue. There were days he wouldn't stop talking about his significant other. And although he was also bothered by knowing how Doyoung stood in his relationship — if being the side-lover of a married woman was even considered a relationship — Jaehyun was most bothered by the fact that his other two friends were also in love, and he had no idea if they were in love with each other. Once he approached the table, he only heard Yuta's last words before the pair shushed.
"What if?" Yuta had asked, and he shifted in his seat, moving towards the wall to make space for the newcomer.
"What if what?" Jaehyun pried, but [Y/N] just shook her head.
"Yuta here's just being dumb." She threw Yuta a glare before beaming at Jaehyun. "So, what happened to Doyoung? Is he okay?"
"Yeah, well," Jaehyun grabbed her burger from in front of her and took a large bite. "He sliced his lower lip and needed to go to the hospital for his broken nose, but other than that, he should be okay. He doesn't need to be confined, which is good."
"Who even did that to him? Is it someone from his organization, maybe?" Yuta asked, forehead etched with worry.
Jaehyun shook his head. "It's not someone from school. It's the professor's husband. They were found out." He leaned back on his chair and scrunched his nose as he dabbed a piece of napkin against his mouth. "He deserved it, if you ask me. He should've known better than to mess with someone who's married, out of all people."
[Y/N] sighed. She felt horrible knowing two of her friends failed in love, and felt even more horrible for gaining more self-confidence to confess — assuming Jaehyun's hypothesis was true, and given the fact that Yuta had given up on telling Taeyong his true feelings and Doyoung was surely never going to have a happily ever after with the professor, this gave her a high possibility of being the one out of the three who is successful in love.
"Well, I have to go," Yuta said after a while, standing up and sliding his arms through the straps of his backpack. "Are we pushing through with the roadtrip during Chuseok?"
"Of course, I've already bought film for my camera for pictures," [Y/N] replied with a nod, waving goodbye as Yuta walked away until he was completely out of sight. She then turned to Jaehyun, who was sitting beside her. "So? Have you eaten already?"
Instead of answering, Jaehyun turned to her, his expression stern. "Are you... are you and Yuta dating?" he asked, tone almost mocking. "You're not, right? I mean— Because if you were — dating him, I mean — you would have told me first, right?"
She almost laughed. "What?!"
"You're not dating Yuta, are you?" he repeated, almost frustrated that she was taking all this in good humor. His worries eased significantly, due to the fact that she found all of this amusing, but he still needed an explicit confirmation.
"I'm not dating Yuta," she said. "What even gave you the idea that I was?"
Although he only responded with a shrug, inside he was almost screaming in joy.
"But, I do have something to say," she started, and the atmosphere immediately grew tense. She took a deep breath, letting Yuta's words be the only thing on her mind.
What if? What if? What if?
"I... I like you," she breathed out, quickly shifting her gaze from his face down to her hands. "I didn't look at you that way before, but suddenly I do. And I know this is all so weird coming from me because we've never... we've never really stopped bickering since time immemorial but I guess that's just me being comfortable around you. And it's nice, I feel nice, and good, and happy whenever you're around and it scares me." She paused and took a deep breath, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with emotions. "It scares me to death that you'll stay away after this. I know you don't feel the same way, and that's okay, really. I just... I guess I just wanted to be assured you won't stay away."
She looked up, slowly, to meet his gaze. "You won't, right?"
A few seconds passed, until the seconds turned to minutes. Jaehyun was frozen in his spot. He pursed his lips and looked away, scratching the back of his head. In his silence, she had found the answer.
"I'm sorry. I get it, okay? I'm one of the two in your stupid hypothesis. So please, just—" She took a deep breath, biting her bottom to lip to keep from breaking down in front of him, before standing up and taking her bag with her as she began to walk away. "Just leave me alone."
Jaehyun remained frozen on his seat. He didn't realize she was gone before she actually was. And, for the first time in years, he felt like crying. He pushed his chair back and tried running after her, but it was too late.
VII. Conclusion
They had planned to go on a roadtrip over the three-day holiday, but with Yuta taking advantage of the short break to go see his family in Japan, Taeyong prepping up in advance for the finals, and Doyoung catching up on school work and sleep, [Y/N] was left with Jaehyun, and that wasn't much of a consolation. It had been two weeks since her confession and his silence, which meant rejection more than anything. For two weeks, she had avoided every single one of them, especially Jaehyun. She spent lunch breaks at the library, and immediately went home after her last class for the day.
She had looked forward to the roadtrip ever since they had planned it, but now she didn't even want to see her calendar with today's date encircled in red.
She stayed in her room the whole first day, only going out to eat or to get water, and she was glad her parents didn't ask anything. They might have been curious, after she had talked their ears deaf of the roadtrip they had planned, but perhaps knew better than to say or ask anything.
[Y/N] slept the whole morning away, and so when night time rolled around, she had trouble keeping her eyes closed. The girl lifted her head up a little to check the time. 1:58 am. She had not slept a wink. As she sat up to stretch her legs, her phone buzzed from underneath her pillow, indicating a text.
Open up, it read. And she didn't have to check the sender to know who it was. In her button-down flannel pajamas, she trudged down the stairs and headed towards the front door. Jaehyun honked as quickly as he could, to which she clutched her chest in surprise. The backseat window rolled down slowly, before Taeyong's small head popped out from the vehicle.
"Get in, loser. We're going swimming."
She alternated glances between Jaehyun in the driver seat and Taeyong in the backseat. "But I'm not prepared."
"Me either. But Jaehyun's got stuff ready!"
Without much hesitation, she skipped towards the passenger side and slid in. She avoided looking at Jaehyun, however, and instead reached out towards the backseat where Doyoung sat. He wore a neatly pressed shirt and jeans, whereas the rest of them where in pajamas. As she made grabby hands at him, he dipped forward to be within her reach before she pulled him in for a slight hug, what with the headrest in the way. She must have brushed against his hair, because he groaned and sat back properly again to keep her from messing with his style even further. It was such a Doyoung thing to do that she almost cried.
"Can we go now?" Jaehyun said, clearing his throat. "The beach is still hours away."
"Ugh, fine." She slouched back on her seat and strapped her seatbelt on, crossing her arms.
From the side mirror, [Y/N] noticed Taeyong had gone back to looking over his notes. And although she wished Yuta was there, she was glad to be back in her own group of people.
After a few hours of driving, Jaehyun glanced at the rearview mirror. He was about to ask loudly if anyone needed a bathroom break, but only saw Taeyong and Doyoung sleeping in the backseat. He looked over the passenger seat and eased his foot slowly off the accelerator.
"Do you need to go to the bathroom?"
She had her gaze out the window as she shook her head.
"Alright, then."
Jaehyun avoided swerving to the right where he spotted a gas station, and instead drove a little faster. The silence was unnerving, unlike before when it was comfortable and familiar. He drummed his fingers over the steering wheel as he racked his brain for clues on what to say. As he glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, he took a deep breath and tried to blurt out the words he'd been practicing in his head.
"Hey, [Y/N]. Are you a variable?"
Immediately, she snapped her head sideways to look at him. "What?"
"Because I would love to find our correlation coefficient."
She only blinked at him. "I blacked out after you said 'because'."
"I've got another one." He said with a chuckle. "Are you an antiques collector?" When she raised her eyebrow at him instead of responding, he continued. "Because I have some junk that hasn’t been touched in years."
This time, he saw the corner of her lips twitch. But as soon as he was about to call her out on it, she masked her amusement by slapping him on the arm. "You're disgusting."
"You like me, anyway," he retorted, to which she froze. She knew she would have to face him again about her feelings, but she didn't expect it to be this soon.
"Do you..." He pursed his lips and swallowed hard, bracing himself for her response. "Do you still...?"
"So what if I do?" [Y/N] let out a bitter chuckle. "It's not like it would change anything. Let's not talk about this anymore." And she put her feet up on the dashboard, completely shifting to lie on her side, facing the window.
"Stop that—" He sighed, checking his side mirror before swerving to the left and pulling the brakes as the car slowly came to a halt. "I just want to know."
"So you can make fun of me? No, thank you."
"[Y/N]..." Jaehyun called out softly, his tone more gentle. He rested his head against the steering wheel and looked at her. "It's only because I feel the same," he breathed out. "That is, if you still like me."
"Please, don't do this," she whispered, turning to look at him. Her tears were threatening to spill at any time. "It makes me feel even worse knowing you feel sorry enough to do this."
He shook his head intuitively. "I'm not doing this because I feel sorry." He reached out, taking her by the forearm so he could properly look at her even as she kept dodging his gaze.
"You're an idiot. I didn't ask for this," she sobbed as quietly as she could, eventually giving in to his attempts and melting in his arms for an embrace.
"I know, but..." He used one of his hands to caress her hair while the other ran up and down her back comfortingly. "Do you feel that?"
"Huh?" [Y/N] lifted her head slightly, just enough to be able to look at him.
"My shirt," Jaehyun said, urging her to keep her arms around him. "Made of boyfriend material."
Before the girl could react, the two of them heard a snort from the backseat. "Ya," Doyoung exclaimed. "Do you think it's possible for us not to hear? Just get together, will you?"
"Oh my god, you just have to ruin it, don't you?" Jaehyun groaned, his arms losing grip around her torso.
"What happened to 'Let's go to the beach'?" Doyoung slipped his arms from the backseat to reach near Jaehyun's ears as he clapped loudly. "Hurry up, hurry up!"
"Alright, alright," the driver said, rolling his eyes as he stepped on the accelerator once more and brought the car back into the road. [Y/N], on the other hand, only laughed as he watched the two bicker. Sighing to herself, she rolled the window down and rested her forearms over the divider.
Only one out of three people are successful in love, and she was glad to be the lucky one.
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selohtun20 · 4 years
The only thing worse than a hater (is a traitor)
All Traitors AU by @hey-hamlet
Word Count: 3183
You got this man, you got this. Kirishima psyched himself up, pacing back and forth in his dorm room. He’d typed out a text to Bakugou, panicked about it, retyped it, then gave up and sent what he’d had down originally. That was two minutes ago, and Kirishima has never regretted a text so much before. It was so simple, just a “can we talk in my room?”, nothing incriminating, nothing too bad. But Kirishima was still nervous, because this was it. This was who he told. Kirishima was the traitor.
Bakugou was nervous as soon as he got the text. He hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary, had he? There wasn’t anything he could think of, nothing that shitty hair would know about at least. But his mind still worried, turning him into a ball of nerves by the time he reached the other boy’s room. He knocked, once, then took a deep breath. “C-come in.” Bakugou resists the urge to swear at the stutter, and instead swings the door open. Shitty hair had been pacing, that much was obvious. He gives Bakugou a shaky smile, and motions for him to sit on the bed. Bakugou does, apprehension and nerves growing more and more. Because this was it. Someone knew his worst secret. He was the one and only traitor.
Kirishima takes a deep breath after Bakugou sits down, settling his nerves one last time. “Bakugou- I- okay. Don’t freak out, please, but I- I need to tell someone or I’ll lose my mind.” Bakugou looks nervous, but nods for him to continue, the boy unusually quiet. “It’s- it’s me. I’m- I’m the traitor. I couldn’t keep lying to you anymore.”
Kirishima expected a lot of things. He’d run through many of the scenarios in his head, ranging from explosive anger to Bakugou just straight up killing him.
He was not expecting Bakugou to blink twice, glare at him, then swear under his breath, before he barked out a laugh. “Uhh, what?” “Shitty hair, you aren’t the traitor. There’s only one of them, and I know it’s not you.” Bakugou stands up, stalking towards Kirishima. “No, seriously, I am. I’m the traitor.” “You can’t be the traitor dumbass, I just said.” Kirishima raises an eyebrow. “Why?” “Because I’m the traitor. The only traitor.”
“What? You can’t be the only traitor, I’m the only traitor! Sensei said it was just me!” Bakugou doesn’t care that they’re yelling, doesn’t care that anyone could hear them. “What the fuck? I’m the only one!” Kirishima glares at him, then smirks. “Okay, so say that we’re both traitors, man. If Sensei really said there was only one of us, someone is lying. But Sensei also does stuff because he thinks it’s funny, so maybe- “ “Maybe there is more than one.” Bakugou sits back down on the bed, runs his hands through his hair, and swears. “What the fuck.”
Midoriya knows certain things. He’s observant, has been since he was young, and has always had a knack for putting two and two together. He has detailed notes on all his classmates, most of the teachers at the school, and enough knowledge on the top fifty pro heroes to kill them all easily. Knowledge is power, and that means that Midoriya is arguably the most powerful person in Japan, besides maybe Sensei.
Being so observant has its drawbacks, of course. He notices everything, a hyper-aware tangled mess of emotions and actions and movements. He watches his classmates train and spar, watches their schedules and watches them break those schedules, figures out what their weaknesses are, who their weaknesses are. He writes his notebooks in code nowadays, fearful of the suspicion that would be cast on him if anyone ever found them and de-coded them. Everything happens in patterns, and he knows that he’s pushing his luck, and sooner or later, someone will figure out what he’s really scribbling down in his notebooks.
He doesn’t know what he’ll do then. He didn’t mean to, but he’s made actual friends. People he gives a shit about, people he doesn’t want to die. Because the truth is this. He’s the traitor. He’s the traitor, and if (when) they figure it out, it’s all over.
Todoroki may be his father’s greatest creation, but he is not his father. Endeavor is a hero, a brash, impulsive toddler with immense power and talent. Todoroki Shouto is a quiet, awkward child with little to no social skills and a bitterness for the hero system that let his piece of shit father climb to the top. He barely knows his sister and knows even less about his brother, his mother is in the hospital, and the only consistency in his life is his father, and more specifically, his father’s fire. He’s constantly covered in burns and bruises, battered and weary of the training he’s been doing for as long as he can remember.
His oldest brother, supposedly dead, is the one who recruits him. Endeavor wanted a son to overcome All Might, to become the Number 1 Hero.
“What would piss dear ol’ dad off more than turning traitor?”
His brother Touya is long dead, but Dabi is alive. The only one who ever tried to protect him, other than his mother, is alive. It’s an easy choice.
Todoroki Shouto is the traitor. He’s never felt so free in his life.
Tell a kid he has a dangerous Quirk for long enough, and he’ll start to believe it. Tell him that he can be a hero after he starts to train, after he becomes well known, and he won’t believe you. Years will pass, he’ll be a pro hero, but only truly in name. Bursting eardrums and shouting people off buildings isn’t enough. Yamada Hizashi can level them, could destroy a city block if he wanted to. It’s not just sheer Quirk power either. He’s well trained, he’s charismatic, he’s smart.
Aizawa didn’t take much convincing to join his side, either. Eraserhead was underground for a reason, seeing the faults in the publicized heroes and the ranking system, how supposedly weak Quirks get thrown out in favor of power. But heroes, public or underground, are bound by law. Regulations and rules dictate what they can and cannot do, who they can and cannot save. It’s a frustrating system, born of money and greed. One hero can’t change it. A group of villains might. (Being married was just the cherry on top.)
In the end, it worked out for the best. They both got jobs at U.A. teaching, and that made them insiders.
Yamada Hizashi and Aizawa Shouta are traitors.
(Their son Shinsou isn’t far behind.)
“Are we any closer to finding the traitor?” The voice passes through the door, but they don’t think anyone is outside. “No. We can’t eliminate anyone, either. At this point, all of us are suspects.” Papers are moved, the soft tapping of a hard surface to straighten them echoes through the door. “Here’s a more important question: do you think it might be a student?” The room bursts into murmurs, voices blending together so much Hagakure can’t tell them apart. She pulls away from the door, ready to move. Her footsteps are muffled, and she’s completely invisible anyways. “As much as it pains me to admit it, we cannot throw out that possibility.” A sigh. The principal’s voice is easy to recognize. “All possibilities must be explored. Short of asking Detective Tsukauchi to question everyone, we can’t know for certain.” Hagakure can almost feel the tension in the room, even through the door. She creeps away, smiling to herself, and walks into the nearest bathroom. She bolts the door behind her, smiling to herself. She’s got a stash of clothing that she slips on quickly, and pulls out one of her phones from the stash. “They don’t suspect a thing.” The traitor’s identity is safe for another day. She unbolts the bathroom door, silently leaving without a trace.
“How many traitors do you think there are, man? If there’s two of us, maybe there’s even more!” “How the fuck would I know? I didn’t even think there was more than one!” Jiro unplugs her jack from the wall, grinning to herself. She’d had her suspicions, and she knew about Kaminari, but the fact that there were at least two more? Well, that made this even more interesting. Maybe it was no longer a question of who are the traitors, but a question of who aren’t the traitors. She walked away, headed toward Kaminari’s room. He’d be happy to hear the news.
“You’ll never guess what I heard in Kirishima’s room.” She doesn’t bother to knock, instead, she walks in without any other announcement. “Were he and Bakugou having sex? Because Bakugou has been over there a lot lately.” She rolls her eyes, and smacks him lightly with one of her jacks. “No. There’s at least two more traitors.” She watches with satisfaction as Kaminari’s eyes widen, and rolls off his bed to grab a notebook from underneath it. He thumbs the pages until he lands on the one they’ve both been looking over. Two more checks go next to their classmates’ names. “I caught Hagakure listening in on a staff meeting. I’m pretty sure she’s one too.” Jiro nods. Kaminari isn’t stupid. If he thinks she’s in on it, she probably is. Most of the class is in on it, from the looks of things. Too bad Sensei didn’t say how many there were, just that there was more than her and Kaminari. Oh well. They’re traitors for a reason.
Tsuyu isn’t sure how this happened, but she’s not about to argue. Her girlfriend is in her room, smiling at the trinkets she has laid out. Logically, she understands that Ochako is only in it for the money, really, even if she’s proven that she’s not completely shallow. The more interesting thing here is the fact that she managed to convince Tsuyu to join her, to be traitors together. They’re in high school, they aren’t running off to get married tomorrow, but somehow Ochako convinced her anyway. She was rational about it, well thought out arguments, and smart enough to figure out that Tsuyu would probably say yes either way. “Is this a picture of your family?” Ochako points towards a small framed photo of her siblings and her parents. “Yep. I made them take a nice one so I had a photo before we moved into the dorms.” Ochako coos, and walks away from the photo to flop down next to her, wrapping an arm around Tsuyu’s shoulders. Tsuyu lets her head fall onto her girlfriend’s shoulder, smiling. Rationally, she understands that this could only truly end in disaster. Someone is bound to figure them out, and she’s not sure what will happen then. But she’s happy right now, to let her worries be pushed from the front of her mind. They might be the traitors, but at least they’re happy.
Birds fly around the campus all the time. Students and staff alike pay them no mind, speaking when they think no one can hear them. Koda hears it all. He’s always been good with secrets.
Her fingers curl around the listening device, willing it to work this time. She puts the earpiece in, breaths in once, and turns the device on. She places it on her bed, stands, and claps once. It echoes in her ear, and she stops herself from cheering, instead smiling. The hard part is far from over, however. She has no idea how on earth she’s going to get it into the staff room, but she’s relatively sure she can get it on a teacher’s back, or maybe on someone’s papers. It’s clearly not something that belongs, but she’ll make it work.
Her chance comes during class, sliping the device between thick papers that she brings to sensei’s desk. She holds in her smile, fingers on the earpiece in her bag when she sits back down. When he leaves, she nearly makes a run for it towards the girl’s bathroom, only barely letting her friends know. She locks herself in a stall, and puts the earpiece in. It’s mostly papers being shuffled, but she hears someone pick it up, fingers brushing over the microphone inside the little thing. She almost swears, but instead, she hears a chuckle. “Smart, kid.” That’s Aizawa-sensei’s voice. “Might need a way to make it a little smaller, though, Yaoyorozu.” She expects him to crush it, to send out some kind of alert to the other teachers, to her classmates, but instead, the device gets shoved inside a desk, from what it sounds like. She can still hear everything.
She’s not the only traitor. She’s got an ally. Maybe Aizawa-sensei knows how to make a smaller device, for next time.
Sero doesn’t really care about the whole “hero’s are just in it for the money, blah, blah, blah” that he hears from some of the league members. He’s known this life for the entirety of his own, and he’s never minded it. Having friends is just a bonus, seeing as how he’s almost entirely sure that Mina is on his side. Even if it’s only so she can call herself Alien Queen. Sero doesn’t judge.
Shoji smiles to himself, retracting his ears and eyes. The U.A. staff won’t know what hit them.
Somewhere else, in the dorm building’s kitchen, Sato bribes his classmates with sweets for gossip, unaware of his intentions.
Midoryia frowns at his notebook. He’s got one that’s only for his classmates and teachers, written in code, with not only Quirk abilities, but personality, friendships, schedules, and, most importantly, weaknesses. This, he already knows. It doesn’t explain why Iida keeps running off after class, every Tuesday, like he has somewhere to be. Midoriya is well aware there’s another traitor. He’d be an idiot not to know, but he has no idea why Iida of all people would be one. It’s suspicious, to be sure, but he has no idea how to bring it up. Now that he thinks about it, Tokoyami has been acting odd as well, hanging out with Aoyama and Ojiro of all people. Their personalities don’t exactly mix, and they don’t seem to hang out other than on Wednesdays, walking together like they’ve known each other their entire lives. Midoryia knows that really, it’s none of his business. Midoryia also knows that he’s going to make it his business.
It’s official. Jiro has never been so confused in her life. All of their classmates are the traitors. All of them. Their acts don’t line up, their friend groups don’t line up, and she’s beginning to suspect that maybe even Aizawa is in on it. Kaminari pulls out the notebook once more, and checks off the last two students (Iida and Aoyama, of all people) as confirmed traitors. But it still doesn’t make much sense. Why would Sensei have all of them be traitors? All in the same class, they wouldn’t cover nearly as much ground as they might being more spread out across classes, and they can’t exactly go everywhere on campus as students. So why all of them? But it all lines up, and even if they’re still a little shaky on some of their classmates, Jiro is pretty sure they’re all on the same side. She’s going to get to the bottom of this, no matter what.
She calls them all down into the common room, knowing that Aizawa is out temporarily, and that Mic might not even care. She’s pretty sure the two of them are married, and Mic doesn’t seem the type to not know what his husband is doing after patrol.
“I have gathered you today because I’m either losing my mind, or we’re all idiots.” Her classmates looked to one another, exchanging looks and worried glances. “We know who the traitors are.” Kaminari smiles at Jiro, holding out the notebook. It’s open to a page that simply says, in bright, bold letters, “IT’S ALL OF US!!!!!!”
The room, appropriately, explodes.
“Wait, Sensei said-“ “I knew it wasn’t just us Mina! You owe me-“ “If it’s all of us, why wouldn’t Sensei break us further apart, seeing as how we’re all in the same class and have limited reach across the entire school, unless there are teachers in on it, which would make sense because Present Mic is still here, so it’s highly likely that Jiro knows that he’s on our side if she was willing to call us all together to make the announcement-“ Midoryia is mumbling himself into a nervous breakdown, only to be interrupted by Bakugou. “OI! QUIT FUCKIN’ MUTTERING, DEKU!” “KISS MY ASS, KACCHAN! But if he didn’t want us to know-“ Midoryia keeps going, as if he didn’t just swear at his childhood bully like it was nothing. “Wait, Deku, are you the person that the Nomu likes?” Ochako’s voice rings out above the confusion. “Huh? Oh yeah! He’s like a big, cuddly dog! I love him!” Midoryia claps his hands together, smiling wide. “Didn’t Shigaraki call that thing a demon?” “HE’S A GOOD BOY, DAMMIT!” “He only likes you, man!” Kirishima yells out, and before anyone can respond, Aizawa comes back.
“Is there a reason you’re all yelling?” He really doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this. There’s an open notebook lying on the table, with the words “IT'S ALL OF US!!!!!!” written on it. His class whispers amongst themselves, until Yaoyorozu speaks up. “Guys? It’s okay, he’s one too.” The entirety of class 1-A breathes a sigh of relief, and goes uncomfortably silent for a second. The problem child speaks up first. “We figured out who the traitors are!” Aizawa feels his eyes go a little wide. Midoryia’s smile grows, until it turns into one that’s all teeth, and Aizawa can tell he’s enjoying dragging this out. “It’s all of us! Including you and Mic-sensei!” Aizawa feels his heart rate go down, then go straight back up when he realizes what Midoryia actually said. “All of you?” The class nods. “Oh gods help me. Is that why you got into a slap fight with Kurogiri, Bakugou?” The explosive boy nods, smirking. “Mic! Come out, we have something to talk about!” Aizawa hears a crash, the sound of someone tripping, and out comes his husband. “Hey! What’s- Shouta. Why is everyone here?” Aizawa sighs, then motions to the class. “So it turns out everyone is a traitor. All of them.” “All of them?” Aizawa activates his Quirk on instinct, and Hizashi has the awareness to look sheepish. “Yes.” “Wait, which one is the one who the Nomu likes?” Midoryia’s hand shoots up, and he waves it around like crazy. “He’s a good boy!” “Is he?” Aizawa isn’t sure who says it, but the room explodes once more into conversation, and he puts his head in his hands. Hizashi puts his arms around his shoulders, holding him close. “I’m going to punch All for One in the face.” “You do that hun.”
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