#anyway yessss finally finished this one
mortiscausa · 1 month
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Now that I have seen your death, I no longer wish to live, except until I have taken revenge on the traitor who did this to you.
march to camelot prompt #6: grudge
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steddiecameraroll · 14 days
“Happy two year anniversary on your crush, dingus.” Robin tosses a peanut at Steve’s head.
“Shut uuuup,” he groans into his arms after an embarrassing interaction with the one and only Eddie Munson only 7 min earlier.
“What did you get yourself? What’s the two year anniversary anyway? Paper? Wood?”
“Why do you torture me?” He softly hits his forehead against the top of the countertop near the candy rack.
“Because you deserve it.”
“He keeps getting hotter,” Steve whines.
“So you keep saying.” She crosses her arms and leans against the counter at Steve’s side.
“Did you see? Did you see that tattoo on his- under his- oh my god.” Steve waves his hand under his armpit. “That should be illegal. Why does he think wearing a tank top with that much skin showing is-is appropriate? If he shows up at my house in fucking cut off jean shorts again, I’m going to lose it.”
“Oh yeah?” Like she hasn’t heard this before. “You mean like how you said you were going to throw ice at him, if he showed up in those wranglers to help with your car? Or when you said you were going to bite him, if he wore that stretched out loose-necked band shirt? Maybe this time you should kiss him. Spice it up a little.”
“Shut up, those jeans are diabolical. No one ever said that cowboys had great asses.”
“Um, actually I think they did? Why are chaps assless?”
Steve stands up and thinks about that for a minute. “Oh, shit.”
“You gonna finally say something to him?” She’s thisclose to shoving their faces together.
“I don’t know. I don’t want to ruin anything.” Steve says with a sigh.
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“Idiot, idiot, idiot.” Eddie bashes his head into a pillow.
“It couldn’t have been that bad.” Jeff rolls his eyes.
“It was horrendously bad. He stared at me like I don’t know, like I grew a second head or something.”
“When are you going to just talk to him about it? Dude, it’s been two years. Two years of listening to you pine over Harrington. If you don’t tell him, I will figure out a way to tell him myself.”
“Et tu Brute?” Eddie grabs the collar of his shirt in mock horror.
“If you don’t tell him, I can promise you Dustin is mere moments away from piecing it together. The way you look at Steve when he picks the kids up? Dude, it’s over.”
“Oh god, don’t remind me. I know I’m on borrowed time!” He digs his fingers into his hair.
“Aren’t you going over there this weekend?” Jeff crushes his empty soda can and tosses it easily into his nearby trash can.
“Yessss, ugh the first pool party of the summer. I gotta find those stupid shorts.”
“You own shorts?”
“They were an old pair of Wayne’s jeans I cut into shorts. They’re a little loose around the waist so they don’t dig into me.” Eddie falls back onto Jeff’s mattress with a sigh. “Last year I could’ve sworn I saw Steve checking me out in them.”
“Dude? Fucking tell him.” Jeff groans.
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Steve rushes to the front door after hearing Eddie’s signature knock. When he pulls it open he’s unprepared for what’s standing on the other side.
“Hey, man.” Eddie smiles wide while holding up a six pack.
“Sh-shorts…,” Steve murmurs.
“Huh? Oh, I know my legs are whiter than white.”
“Come in,” Steve tries to even his voice.
“I’ll put these in the fridge.”
Steve walks behind Eddie as the man heads into the kitchen. Steve’s trying not to ogle. Honestly. He’s trying to keep his eyes off Eddie’s ass, objectifying him like he’s a piece of meat, but it’s hard when he keeps shimmying his hips to the music playing in the living room.
After Eddie slides the beer into the fridge he grabs one of the cold ones Steve loaded up earlier and kicks the door shut with his hip.
“Everyone else outside?”
“Yeah, I knew you were on your way so I was finishing up in here and listening for the van.” Steve grabs a bag of chips, rips it open, and pours into a big plastic bowl.
“Hey, did you know we’ve been friends for two years now?” Eddie bumps Steve’s hip with his own.
“Oh yeah?” Steve definitely knew that.
“Happy anniversary,” Eddie grins.
“Heh, that’s what Robin said.”
“She- Robin said happy anniversary?”
Steve opens his mouth trying to come up with something but shuts it again when it all sounds stupid in his head.
“Yeah, uh, she said something like we’ve been friends for two years.”
Eddie shifts and leans on the counter to face Steve. “You and her? You’ve been friends longer than that.”
“No, no, you and me. You and me have been friends for two years.”
Eddie furrows his brows while chewing on his bottom lip. Steve keeps his eyes pointed forward as he continues to situate snacks. They stand in silence for a beat and Steve feels like he should say something.
Eddie beats him to it. “Tell me something. Do I look ridiculous in these shorts?”
Steve feels his stomach drop because there’s no way he’s getting out of this unscathed.
“They were my uncle’s and I cut them up. Do you think I should cut them shorter, maybe?” Eddie turns around and looks over his shoulder at Steve.
Steve’s eyes flick to Eddie’s denim hugged butt before clearing his throat and looking away again. “I don’t know. They look fine like that.”
“Sure, but,” Eddie turns around and takes a hold of the hem of Steve’s shorts between his thumb and index finger. “Your’s are so much shorter than mine.”
Steve can feel Eddie’s knuckle brushing against his thigh.
“I may not have thighs like yours, Stevie.” Eddie leans into Steve’s space while continuing to hold the hem. “But do you think I could pull them off?”
Steve’s brain is malfunctioning because does he mean pull Steve’s shorts off? “My shorts?”
“Hmm,” Eddie grins and then looks over Steve’s shoulder like he’s making sure no one is watching. “I’m gonna do something that I’m praying you’re into. If not, please don’t punch my face.”
“What-?” Steve’s question gets cut off when Eddie places a quick kiss to Steve’s mouth.
It’s so quick Steve’s brain didn’t even realize it was happening until Eddie was already standing back in place. He stands in shock, lifts his fingertips to touch his lips, and gawks at the doe-eyed man before him.
“Was that ok?” Eddie’s leaning away.
Steve’s nodding before he speaks. “Yeah, mhmm.”
“Can I do it longer this time?”
Steve can’t speak but he nods without hesitation. Eddie makes a quiet noise before moving in and kissing Steve.
And it feels….
“I knew it!”
Steve pulls back and the two men turn to see Robin standing smugly.
“I knew it! Two fucking years.” She shakes her head before waving her hand at them and moving to the fridge. “Oh don’t stop on my account.”
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fatuismooches · 1 year
So I saw you were chill with asks and stuff so I hope your okay with me just tossing all of my soft stupid dottore thoughts on you. But just you can't convince me he has a complete grasp of relationships like because of the Akademiya and the Fatui he's used to transactional relationships so he's not used to people just 🌟doing things🌟 for him because they like him and want to so he's just enamored but also confused with you when you go slightly out of your way for him
As a student in the Akademiya, Zandik was used to being generally disliked, but, he was also used to the few people who would come up to him and attempt to work with him, claiming that they admired his genius. Which wasn't a lie, though they forgot to mention the part where they would try to steal his work. It would bring far too much attention to him if he took any drastic measures against these fake scholars, so he merely... scared them away, which was relatively easy. Zandik had virtually no relationships, and the ones he did were simply transactional regarding... perhaps it's better not to say.
So when you approach him to be your partner, he already knows there's only one possible way that this can go - he'll never see you again by the time he's done with you. He always manipulates people and has no remorse for doing so. Yet despite his numerous attempts, he hears a knock on his door every day from you. He's not sure if you're playing dumb on purpose or if you actually are dumb enough to not see that he's attempting to get rid of you.
Though, Dottore starts to notice that he's checking the time frequently to see if you'll knock at the time you usually do. He begins to notice when you get him coffee refills and state that you figured it'll be a long night. When someone name-called him and you almost assaulted the guy with a textbook. When you stick around despite his vehement denials of your presence, which grow weaker with every passing day.
What really hit the nail on the head was the time he offhandedly mentioned his interest in certain parts that were on sale, though they were too expensive for him right now. You looked at him thoughtfully, and the next day he did not hear the knock-knock he secretly longed to hear, which disappointed him almost disgustingly so. He wondered if he finally scared you off, which was his intent in the first place. After all, the only relationships he had room for were purely transactional ones. Any others were a scam anyway. So why did he feel like this? Yet the next day, bright and early, you banged down his door, and he was about to snap at whoever it was until you tiredly dumped a bunch of random parts into his arms, some clanging to the floor. You breezed past him and collapsed onto his bed, claiming that you did dozens of commissions yesterday and brought the stuff for him. And you were going to take a nap now, you finished.
Zandik did not know how to respond, though his agape mouth would have said it all if his mask didn't cover it. You? Did all of that work? For him? He simply could not believe it. Surely, positively, there was an ulterior motive. For the next week, he dug into you, questions and all, trying to identify something. Yet he came up empty-handed. For once in his life, he came to the fact that you did not consider this a transactional relationship. You just wanted to be with him.
Dottore was a mixture of enamored, confused, and how to go from there. He is truly baffled by this habit of yours, yet he can't help but be a bit fascinated, for how naive do you have to be to do this? Haven't you heard the rumors? Don't you know he's a monster? Yet he gets irrationally bothered when you treat others the same way. You're not supposed to do that. (He starts to drag you away before anyone tries to ask you for a favor. Only he should be able to have you. And he doesn't intend to let you go.)
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Okay but the AU of where everything is the same for 3x07 except Trevor volunteers as stripper for Nigel's bachelor party is sending me. And will probably live in my head rent-free, time will tell.
Yessss. Like Trevor being a stripper is just like... fitting.
He may not volunteer for Nigel, but he will do it if put on the spot and then volunteer for Isaac :)
And okay, so I may or may not have started it last night before I went to bed.
Wanna see?
“Wait,” Pete says, as Jenkins begins his dance at Trevor’s suggestion for a stripper for Nigel. “Given your past relationship, I don’t think Isaac would appreciate Jenkins being your stripper.”
“He’s right,” Sass says.
Even as Jenkins pouts, “But I’m the only volunteer.”
“Technically, Nigel didn’t ask for volunteers and choose you from his options,” Pete states.
“That may be true…” Nigel says, slowly, eyeing the ghosts that are more Isaac’s friends than his, “however, no one else has offered.”
There’s quiet for a second before Thor speaks, “Trevor do it.”
Trevor’s a bit taken aback, looking at the big guy in utter surprise. Sure, he was a stripper in college, hence why he always returned the favor when he finally had money to spare, and it’s not like everyone here hadn’t already seen his junk anyway, but it’s Nigel. He wasn’t exactly a big fan of Trevor.
“Yeah, Trevor should do it,” Pete adds.
Trevor nearly cranks his neck looking at him, still utterly speechless.
“Pete’s right,” Sass states. He’s looking at Nigel and Jenkins but speaks to Trevor. “You’re the one that came up with the stripper idea, so you should be the one to strip.”
“Well, I mean –”
“And it would probably make Isaac more comfortable than if Jenkins does it,” Pete adds.
“True, but –”
“Everyone see Trevor junk daily, no different now,” Thor finishes.
“Will none of you ever let go of the pants thing?” Trevor gets out. He hates that they constantly harp on it.
Sass sees an opportunity and takes it. “How about this? Everyone in this room promises to never bring up the pants thing ever again for all eternity or suffer six months in the woods and getting chopped in half by Thor’s axe every time they do it from here until we or you get sucked off.”
It’s tempting, too tempting. There’s at least half of the ghosts here, and that leaves a lot less ghosts that can or will mention the pants thing.
He looks at Nigel. “You cool with that?”
“By all means, I certainly wouldn’t complain.”
Jenkins looks like he wants to complain, but instead, sits back in his seat, clearly disgruntled.
This is just the start! :)
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spiderlilac · 1 month
OMG I JUST FOUND OUT YOU'RE THE AUTHOR OF BORN FROM DELICATE VIOLENCE???!?!?!?!?!? It was one of my first and most beloved lucemond fics holy shit I'm so starstruck when finding you're the same author providing with such good works as the author who wrecked my life with that fic.. is that lucerys okay?? There wasn't a "happy ending" tag and i was anxious over that for a long time 😭😭 my man really pulled a knife on his whole extended family then dipped to have a brain injury but if something worse happens to him ill legit fight him
anyway coming off anon to say thank you for your contributions to the fandom ❤️❤️
oh my god, i’m so sorry it took me so long to answer this! last few weeks have been strange for me lol, but i appreciate you reaching out to me! 🥰
yessss, that’s me! that fic is the first long fic i ever did :) thank you so, so much, you have no idea how much it means to me !! 🥺 i have been thinking about going back to my notes for that fic and finishing it, actually. i had a rough idea of what i wanted the finale to be, so i might go in and post whatever i have once i polish it. i did picture a happy ending for the fic, though! luke just needed to vent a little (threaten his whole family) but he’s completely fine!!!
again, thank you! i’m glad you liked the fic and my other works 🫶
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
ducky! can I order some chocolate? I'd like wrapping paper for decoration, and dark chocolate (matsukawa!) and I'd like my chocolate to be oval shaped, and peppermint or raspberry creme for filling (I can't choose between them, feel free to just randomly pick one or pick the one you like more >.<) thanks ducky! I'm excited to get my chocolate hehe~ hugs and kisses! xoxo
Omg yessss
This is my first time writing for Mattsun!!! I’m so excited!!!
I hope you enjoy! ❤️
CW BELOW THE CUT: Alcohol Mention, party scenes!
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College life was one that was full of surprises. You mostly knew what you could expect, but sometimes things just snuck up. Tonight was the night that you were struck in a blind spot. There you sat, huddled in a corner, at the biggest party of the year.
The environment was definitely not ideal for you, with sweaty people slushing around red cups of bitter smelling liquid. The beverage most definitely impacted their behavior, you figured.
“Hey” A random frat boy’s voice rang, “Want some?”
You held out a hand with a pathetic smile, “I’m alright, I’m a designated driver tonight anyways.”
The male chuckled and plopped down next to you, “Ya sure? A little taste won’t make you buzzed. That way, you can truly let go!” He leaned in closer, that familiar bitterness adorning his breath.
You shot up, scrambling to your feet, and ran to the bathroom.
You cursed yourself for letting it go this far. There was something you could do, but you dreaded it. The two of you had made a promise after all, but it was 1:00 in the morning, and he had a test the next day. You closed your eyes, listening to the screaming of the boys outside.
The worst thing he can do is get mad…
With gently shaking hands, you pulled out your cell phone. Pressing his contact name, you brought the phone up to your ear.
After the second ring, he picked up. “(Y/N)?”
“M-Mattsun.” You whimpered.
You heard shuffling on the other side of the line, presuming he shot up alertedly. “What’s going on? Why are you awake?”
“I’m stuck…” you whispered, sniffling shortly after, “I’m hiding in the b-bathroom.”
“Are you crying? Please, (Y/N). Where are you?”
“I got roped into the Sigma’s party tonight.” You confessed as your tears finally fell, “I don’t like it at all, Mattsun. Can you… can you please come get me? I don’t feel safe walking alone.”
“Stay where you are.” The last thing you heard from the line was the jingling of keys, and the sound of slippers being hastily slid on.
The wait was agonizing, with people knocking lazily on the shut door in hopes to discard their wastes. Every knock elicited a small whimper, and the loud ones a startled cry.
“Godddd hurry uuppppp.” A slurred voice sounded form the outside, “Who the hell shits at a party?”
You stayed quite, hands shaking in your lap.
“I’ll break down this fuckin door if you don’t finish up. Lemme in.” The doorknob jiggled roughly, but thankfully the lock kept it in place. “That’s it! The door’s comin dow-“
Instead of the door hitting the ground, you heard the thump of a body hitting it. Five gentle, patterned knocks sounded after a few seconds.
Patterned knocks… thank the gods.
You hesitantly cracked the door open, but were relieved to see your roommate’s worried face through the small opening.
You opened the door fully, falling into Mattsun’s arms. “I hate it here, please take me home.” The dark-haired male held you close and carded a hand through your hair. “Let’s get out of here.”
With a hand securely holding your side, and a strong arm wrapped around your waist, the two of you began the walk of shame out of the party. The hustle and bustle had stopped, resulting in pairs of eyes on all of you.
“Make sure to cashapp me $5.” Mattsun quipped, “Show’s not free, ya’know.”
You giggled softly as he led you outside. “Thank you for rescuing me. I’m sorry for waking you up.”
The hand around your waist retreated, instead choosing to slide securely in your own. “Never apologize for waking me up. If I hadn’t gotten there when I did, that douchebag would’ve broken the door down. Im glad I punched him when I did.”
“Oh that’s what that sound was!” You replied with a slight chuckle. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t come. Thanks, Mattsun.”
Your roommate smiled and kissed your cheek, “if you need me, call me; any time of night and I’ll be there.” You mean a lot to me or whatever.”
As you turned away out of embarrassment, you couldn’t help but wonder if he returned your feelings.
❣︎𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒’𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡❣︎
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writteninthesewalls28 · 4 months
A "family" one shot
A/n: This work is part of the "be my valentine challenge" by @bemyvalentinechallenge for the day 10 prompt. It‘s also a one shot to my fanfiction series "family".
Summary: Milly and Calum already have been dating for a few years but the public does not know about it, until Calum does a live stream…
Warnings: Curse words, mentions of death, not proof read
He finally hit the ´live´ button on his phone. His first instagram live without his bandmate around felt really strange to Calum, but it wouldn´t be too bad, right? The band had the best fans in the world anyways.
In the background he could hear Milly organizing the kitchen from their earlier cooking date, which had been a lot of fun and is a good way to cheer her up, especially during these hard times.
He just hoped his phone audio wouldn´t be as good so the fans heard the dishes being put away and asked why there was someone in his house. Thing is, apart from their close friends, no one knew about Milly´s and Calum´s relationship, they actually were able to keep it a secret for the last 2 years (his bandmates were pretty jealous), which hopefully would stay like that for a little longer, so they could enjoy the peace of this beautiful relationship.
"Hello everyone! He greeted the viewers who increased minute by minute.
He really hoped this was a good idea. He wasn´t as comfortable as Ashton to speak in front of so many people, especially when it was over livestream. People always recorded these and he´d probably never understand the reason behind that.
"Just thought, I´d do a little stream for you guys and maybe play you a few songs on my guitar." he lifted the guitar lying on the sofa next to him up and held it into the phone camera so people can see it. "Sounds good?" he asked, obviously not expecting a response, he was just talking to a camera.
Calum softly started playing the first few chords of the song "Amnesia" and the instagram live chat went crazy.
He was always happy to know they love that song as much as he loves it.
He still heard Milly walking around in the kitchen, switching light on and off and clearing out the dishwasher, but thankfully no one seemed to notice.
I wish I could wake up with amnesia and forget about these stupid little things.
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you and the memories I never can escape
´Cause I´m not fine at all.
Calum sang, closing his eyes and blocking out everyone including his thoughts. He just felt the song and the soft guitar notes. He was one with the music.
The moment he was finished and opened his eyes up again, he was pushed back into reality with the phone in front of his face, in some ways recording him.
"That´s one of my favorite songs… do you have any, I could possibly play for y´all? He asked the audience, but couldn´t even read the comments as quickly as they went by.
So Calum just played a few chords on the guitar and the audience seemed to be rather satisfied with that as well.
Ashton had been right, they just want to see them, the fans literally needed nothing more.
But suddenly, he heard Milly´s voice. "Hold on, are you writing a song?"
Oh no.
No, no, no, no, no.
He already saw the immediate comments on instagram. "Who was that?!" "Guys, wasn´t that the voice of Louis Tomlinson´s sister?" "Does Calum have a new girlfriend?" "No, please don´t tell me that is his new girl?" Were just some of them.
Should he just ignore it and try continuing the livestream?
"No, I´m doing an instagram live." It didn´t matter now anyways. Better correct headlines, instead of a bunch of rumours, right?
He turned his head to the direction he heard Milly´s voice and looked into a very shocked and somewhat disappointed face.
She felt so guilty. Oh no.
"Wanna meet my girlfriend?" he asked towards the phone and got thousands of "yessss" comments as a responds.
Calum waved to Milly, who shook her head, she wanted to do anything, but totally not being on a social media livestream. She hated being recorded as much as he did. "Come on, they wanna meet you!" He encouraged her and Milly finally made a step forward.
The fans could see them together.
They were together, a couple.
It was no secret anymore.
It just hit Calum like a bucket with iced water was just emptied over his head.
They were no longer in private. He just prayed, the fans and the media wouldn´t hate on his precious girl. Because if so, he´d try and murder them with his own hands, no one hurted her feelings.
"Heyy!" Milly said, giving the phone, and with that thousands of fans, a shy wave with her left hand.
Calum played a few more songs for them, before shutting the live down and immediately going upstairs to find Milly. She escaped right after she had her appearance.
"Sweetie? Are you somewhere up here?" He asked, hoping to get a response from her. They had quite many room on the second floor, finding her would take some time, considering that the rooms are rather big as well.
"Yup, here…" he heard his girlfriend voice coming from either the bathroom or the bedroom.
So he checked both and finally found her lying on their shared bed in the bedroom.
"Heyyy…." he said, crawling onto the bed so he could lie next to her and stroke through her blonde hair, his favorite gesture. "It´s okay, they were gonna find out eventually.." he tried comforting her, knowing that it would not help. Milly hated herself for being such a perfectionist sometimes.
"But- all that happened just because I thought you were writing a song! As if that would´ve really been the case…" She felt so down and he could understand it so well. She thought she ruined everything.
"Look, maybe I was really writing a song, how about that?" Because it was the truth. He actually had been trying to write a song just for her for the past few months, but wasn´t completely finished with it, till he played this random melody on the live earlier, just seconds before Milly asked the question that revealed their secret.
"Wait- what?!" she asked, being adorably confused.
"Yeah, I´ve been writing a song for you during the past few months, I´m gonna include the short thing you heard earlier in the song… before you ask though, you cannot listen to it now, I´m not finished yet." He responded, giving her a small smile. "You good though? Please don´t be too hard on yourself, Milly. It isn´t worth it."
And with that they hugged for a while, before going back down into the living room to spend some time together.
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hi friend, it's 🪼🩵
i currently have a three hour break before my next class so i'm here lol let me tell you what i did today !! 🩵 i was able to clean my room after procrastinating it for 6 months. i also got out of bed immediately and did not scroll on my phone for 3 hours. i'm a new person !!
alsoo, i need advice on smth 😓 i'm thinking of getting a job (part-time, i can't commit that much yet) like maybe a server? or like a cashier?? i just need extra cash to support my addiction of collecting things 🥹😓🤧
oh i need to mention i really like collecting makeup and i recently got into hirono figurines!! they're just so cute ugh i might send an imgur link so you can see them idk
you don't need to give advice, and if you do, it doesn't need to be lifechanging. i've js been thinking about it for like... 8 months so i feel like i should do something about it
oh, you're writing another chapter right? good luck with that my friend. i can't wait for your magnus opus. this will be equivalent to the invention of the light bulb i swear
i have quite the social energy today... i will tone it down a little. sorry if i drift between topics a lotttt it's a habit 😓 anyway take your time replying
as always thank u my friend and ily 🪼🩵
yessss cleaning your room (while sometimes the most daunting task ever) feels so refreshing! i used to leave my room so messy and i still can let it get pretty disorganized, but once i started making my bed every day i found i felt so much better. and when i don’t doomscroll, i also have a much better day!!! so good for you 😍
i think it’s a great idea to get a part time job. it can also be awesome for helping social skills, especially if you have coworkers (that’s the one thing i miss with my job. it’s just me by myself a lot of the time except when i meet with clients). i’m a petsitter and finally getting that job really changed my life. i had a lot of mental health issues and my job gave me something to focus on and a sense of purpose. it also allowed me to have some more independence, save money, and, of course, spend it on all the things i fangirl over. so i highly suggest!
and if you don’t have a block of set free time for a job, i can highly vouch for “gig work”. idk where you’re located but service jobs like rover/petsitting, doordash, instacart delivery, etc is a viable option but it comes with its own unique set of challenges as well. 🩷 whatever you choose, i think you’re making an awesome decision (even tho working does suck and we are also slaves to capitalism and so on and so forth. still gotta make money unfortunately)
also yes, send me your collections! i actually love looking at collections even if its not of my immediate interest.
taerae chapter should be finished soon 🤩 i also wrote hao’s ending and i love it sm. i’ve had too much energy the past two days, i need to calm down lol
🩵ily 🪼💘
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Heyyyy! I wanted to request something and was looking through your info so I hope I've done this correctly <3
Can you write an Iida x self insert (Em/Ginger- nicknames) switches? MHA <3
Also I wasn't sure I'd I had to explain my self insert so- ginger, quirk is Wave manipulation (sounds, light. Etc), she/they pronouns <3
Your writing is amazing and looking at your page was so great cause you have everything organised 😭 also you're very pretty. No worries if you don't want to or don't feel like doing this, hope you have an amazing day! 💞
Running Errands
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Friday 3:10 P.M.
“AUGGGH FINALLY A BREAK” Em groaned as she stretched. “No we still have school tomorrow” Denki chuckled as he reminded her. “Umm don’t know what planet your on because, our break starts tomorrow” Kirishima smiled.
“Oooooh TENYA!” Em jabbed his sides. “GYAHa don’t start!” He flinched away clenching his books. “Well you’re taking forever, come on so we can do our home work and SLEEP”
“You two sure are close these days, you two a thing~” Mina teased. “N-no, we certainly are not” Iida slightly blushed, as he chopped the air. “Nope, well not yet atleast” Em couldn’t help but tease. “Em!” “Chill prez, I was just kidding anyways see ya’ around mina!” Em waved, as the two of them disappeared around the corner.
In Iida’s dorm
“So, what should we work on first Math or Science” Iida asked. “Do we have to do this” Em slowly began to whine. “Yessss we do, unless you want your grade to drop” Iida mocked.
“Hey, don’t mock me!” Em jokingly scrunched up her face. “Hey, don’t mock me!” Iida continued his antics. Em shoved him playfully. Iida did the same back. Resulting a little wrestling match going on. Flipping back and forth, one of them having the upper hand.
Em being held in a headlock, not being able to escape, but also being stubborn not letting Tenya win, she reach up to his side clawing at it. “HEhey, that’s cheheating” He giggled, as he loosened his gripped as expected. Which allowed Em to slip out, and tickle him some more.
“Hehey nohoho E-eEHEmehe” he laughed some more, as you were on top of him scribbling at his sides. “What so this isn’t fair I couldn’t breathe when you had me in a head lock” Em exaggerated. “NAhAhaha buhuht yOhoOuhu staAhAHArted ihit” Iida’s laughter starting to get louder. “Too bad suck it AHAHAHAHA yOhoHohoU cheEHEHEATER”
She squealed as she felt two thumbs drilling into hips. “NAHAHAHA YOHOHOU JEHEHERK WHEHERE SUPPOHOHOHOSED TOHOHO BEHEHEHE WOOHOHOHORKING” Em tried to slip out of this situation she created. Iida getting the upper hand “noho don’t try toho get away now” Iida breathlessly giggled, as he pinned you wrists above her head.
“NONONOHOHOHO” She anticipated activating her quirk, which caused Iida not being able to see nothing but light. “C’mon Em you can’t use your quirk on me” he smirked. “Sahays whoho?” She continued her attack from earlier.
“NAHAHAHAHA YOHOHOHOU LOHOHOW-BLOHOHOW” regaining his sight, he shoved his hands under her ‘pits. “TEHEHEHEHNYAA NAHAHAHAA STAHAHAHAP”
“AHAHAHAHAHHAHA TRUHUHUCEE TRUHUHUCE” They both called, they both stopped, panting out of breath.
“Sohoho whahat about *Hic* the wohohork” Em asked. “Wehe cahan finish ihit *hic* tommohorrow Ahhhhh Ihi gonna take aha shower” Iida groaned, as he got his belongings to take a shower.
15 minutes later
“That was relaxing, Em if you wanna take another shower you ca—“ Iida looked over and found you asleep in his bed. He didn’t want to wake you so he just plugged up your phone, and drifted off to sleep.
Next morning 8:23
Iida fully dressed, now all he needs to do is wake Em up, he lightly shook you. “Hey Em, c’mon it’s time to get up we have errands to run remember”. She opened one of her eyes to look at him before rolling onto her other side.
“Well that was rude, Em c’mon let’s go you said you were a morning person what happened to that?” He shook her some more before poking at her face.
“Em if you don’t get up I’m will tickle you” he plainly threatened. “Ten’ if you tickle me I will make sure your blind ‘n deaf” she mumbled. “Oh so we’re throwing threats around hUh?”
“Dunno you tell me four-eyes your the genius not me” She bit back. “You know wha— I have had enough of your attitude” Iida scoffed as he yanked the covers off of her.
“Doho nohohot it’s tOHo early in theehehehe mornihing for this” She giggled, as he clawed her sides.
“Oho I don’t care, you want to be such a brAHAhahat hehey dohon’t tihihickle mehehe” Iida giggled, she clawed his sides aswell.
“Nahahahaha rohohound twohoho mohohother fuhAHAAHAHAHCK AYEHEHEHEHE NOHOHOHO” he repeatedly squeezed her hips.
Iida having 2 good points, meh I guess they were good to Em at the moment.
“GOHOHOOD” They both stopped tired once again as Em went to go change.
“Ihi’m ready”
“C’mohon yohou goof let’s goho” Iida giggled as the both of them giggled their butts out the dorms.
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arillusionist · 8 months
shadow and bone season 1 episode 6 reactionnnnnn!! also i finished the first s&b book (it was so short compared to soc 💀💀), and i've started reading the next
nina is a spy for the darkling?? interesting..
ok but can they please show nina in this episode its been too long 😭😭
theyre gonna kill him right
yeah (god bless i never liked him anyways 🙏)
fuck if she gets out then kaz wont believe jesper about her being with them all along and he'll beat his ass
oh nvm
crows and alina meeting hell yeahhh 🔥🔥🔥
stop i so badly wanted for inej to say sankta alina or smth like that so they could be friends ☹️☹️
nina mention!!!
matthias mention!!!!
Yessss i am getting her in this episode!!!
yayy theres zoya screen time too!! they really gotta show more of her shes such an interesting character
oh my god wait... he probably made out with zoya and manipulated her too before alina came along..
hes such a hoe hes literally a pedophile too cuz isnt alina like 17??
nina looked so hot in that scene tell me im wrong (you cant)
ugh i think this was the scene in the book where mal came 🙄🙄 but then again after reading the book i've realized that show mal is SO much better i should appreciate him
yeah i was right
stop not nina saying that and literally gawking at his abs afterward 💀💀
everything ab this scene is so awkward i literally cant
aughh the crows finally its been 17903280 years
oh my god if kaz doesnt tell inej later this season or something what he gave up for her im gonna die but i also know its much more realistic if he doesnt 😭😭
them going from a kanej scene where theyre not communicating properly to a malina scene where they do comminute is so CRUEL ☹️☹️
isnt this the scene where the kiss
i dont even care for them but the tension is killing me wtf just do it already
helink are so funny when theyre tryna be enemies
hdhfhfkf i remember that line from the book!! nina is the best 🔥🔥
stop theyre so cute
i hope the darkling and kaz meet... emo boy battle who will win (we all know who)
inej fight scenes are literally the best hello
so are jespers even tho it wasnt really a "fight" scene
oh my god this really is like that one line "a suli girl who became a killer" once she did it for the first time shes js gonna keep doing it (as she should inej can do whatever she wants)
haha ik kaz would win 🔥🔥 stop the darkling must be so embarassing rn that literally some random ass criminal was able to escape him
do they have to show his wounds so close up ew
nina and matthias are actually so cuteauhdhf
stoppp i got so scared for a second there that he was gonna drop her
that one shot of kaz you know what im talking about
wait hello isnt the book that guy threw at jesper shadow and bone??
malina angst is always like. 2 seconds long
i feel like every episode theres less and less of the crows and that makes me so sad 💔 i wish i could have more hope for the spinoff
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yegas · 5 days
oh believe me, he does HAHAHAHA
lol same I swear, goldfish brain over here 🙃 he's actually the main character!!! his name's robota hatohara and he's so much like kuroko in a sense that he's always got this deadpan expression on hahahaha I haven't read so much of it though to get more into character development omg yes pleaseee it took me so long to get into it (blue lock) but no regrets (only the fact that I'm waiting for a second season for forever) UGHHHHG JJK!!!! ughhh I SWEARRRRRRR I saw your reblogs of some art!! you've started watching right? UGHHHHHHGHHHHHHGGGHGG I CANNOT EVEN just..don't get attached to the characters and be ready to get enraged (if you haven't finished the anime yet) I'm one of the angrier fans tbh hahahhahahaha and I'm trying not to be too... emotional about it (hard af if you've already started having a ship) ugghHGGHhGGgGGGG
otherwise for other anime recs.. hm.. tbh I haven't been watching a lot of the newer ones.. I've only been up to date with older anime that have new seasons (like bleach tybw) there's bsd, it's pretty old but one of my faves if you haven't seen and yes, jjk hahahahhaha recently a lot of my anime watching time has been dedicated to one piece. it's been a year since then and I STILL haven't reached the latest episode 🤧
IT DOES!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA his hair looks so misplaced I'm crying
I SAW THE PICS!!!! they're gorgeous but you passed out?? holy crap tg you were okay and you weren't crushed in the mosh pit??? were people doing that? and you were so young too!! yes this is definitely a valuable lesson for future concerts hahahaha tbh I was 15 too when I went to my first concert and didn't know "pre-concert preps" but these days people actually have tips about this now! esp in the k-fandom hahhahahahaha it really helps 😂 I'm sure it was amazing!! I'm from south east asia but am residing abroad for work. yeah I saw their tour dates. the thing is, I COULD go somewhere in europe to watch them BUT my passport is too weak to enter any of them AND it's a bit of work to get a visa.. then there's indonesia which I can enter BUT tix are sold out :') so I guess I'll have to wait till the next tour cycle and when /if I've secured a visa 🤧
KINGSLAYER IS DOPE one of my faves indeed. you should check out that's the spirit and amo! oli has a lot of vocals in those and it's really refreshing! OMG YESSSS HAYLEY WILLIAMS!!! her hair was GOALS I was in highschool when I discovered paramore and I swear I VOWED to dye my hair red once I was out of hs. I finally did when I hit college and basically kept the red hair (sometimes copper) for the entire duration. people in my department knew me as the 'girl with red hair' hahahahaha (unfortunately due to my work, I can't do any crazy hair colours anymore, but I'd love to do it once again when I'm outta here hahahaha)
I GAVE DEG A LISTEN!! and the devil in me really grew on me! I'm also listening to the albums you mentioned..I probably need a couple more listens to find my fave, hut so far so good! OH that one by gazette is also fire! I wanna recommend GODDESS by gazette as well, I feel like you'll like it!
yes plsss you won't regret! oh ateez I def know of them! but as for kpop groups.. well I used to be an ARMY and I was really into BTS but apart from them and the kbands I mentioned, I'm just a casual listener too (oh I had an EXO ohase as well hahaha) hahahaha omg the first time I saw helena was on you guessed it, mtv 😂 and I was in the 5th grade!!
yeah I've only ever kept it to connect with my friends..I was never a public profile anyway. holy crap so since I'm not on ig rn I've found myself on yt as well 😂 these reels are everywhere it's a pandemic hahahaha (ughhh yessss the dessert videos 😩 I used to watch mukabangs just to satisfy my food cravings bc I never keep a stock of guilty pleasures at my place to discipline myself hahaha) OMG DID YOU SEE WHAT WENT ON WHEN YOU GOOGLED? if you didn't that's fine too, you're saving yourself from major cringe
thank you :')
(btw I am so sorry for the late reply!! I went on a holiday and afterwards was thrown into work! honestly I don't even know how many days pass when I'm working! I was actually pre-typing this reoly many days ago, insert hectic schedule here, and am continuing now and by this time, the a7x concert in indonesia is done, just the other day 🥲)
he looks like a combo of kuroko and akashi im loving it! and yea i literally finished both seasons of jjk and the movie within like 4 days :'D i haven't started the manga but i've read summaries and spoilers and stuff and now that u say it IM SO GLAD I DIDNT GET SUPER EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO ANYONE at this point im just expecting everyone to die and be revived and die again lmaoo like nothing is surprising in this series!
can u believe i've never seen a single episode of one piece (am i even an anime fan lol) i've just never been fully ready to commit to 1k+ episodes hahah but is it worth it ??
yea lmao such a wild experience! i'm sure there was a pit at some point but it was way behind me cos i was in the 2nd row so i didn't get caught up in it, and the ppl around me were cool, i didn't get pushed around or anything. what was your first concert?? and ah i get you with the passport stuff, mine is among the weakest european passports (we're not in the eu or anything). it's fine for most countries in europe, but i need visas for pretty much everywhere else and it's so annoying... always dreamed about getting a strong passport but i don't think it's gonna happen hahah
definitely will listen to those! and omg red hair was a vibe!! i had it all throughout high school (it was dark red, not like hayley's fiery orange-red) and then i dyed it black in college, and i've kept it black since then. kinda bored of it sometimes but im too lazy to change it hahah
yay im so glad you like the devil in me!! you might like their newer albums then, phalaris and the insulated world, it's more similar to those rather than the older ones i mentioned (they've gone through sooo many phases in their discography). GODDESS IS AWESOME tysm for recommending! totally my vibe!
oh i loved a lot of bts too, mostly their earlier stuff. i watched a bunch of their interviews back in the day, but i wasn't active in any online bts communities or anything, so idk if i was technically ARMY hahah
lmao i get you, i can't have guilty pleasures at home either, like there's no way i can know there's a box of cookies at home, if it's there i HAVE to eat the entire box!! it's been such a problem hahah working on learning balance and self control w/ food right now but it's sooo freaking hard D:
and abt tumblr live i didnt really do a deep dive but should i now ?? haha i do love me some drama :')
nooo don't worry abt it! i'm sorry myself that it's taking me so long!! how was your holiday??? i went on a lil trip too, it was overall pretty great but with a few unfortunate situations aka my friend that went with me had her backpack stolen on a train :( and don't worry abt the concert you'll totally get to see them next time, i'm sure it won't be long til then! they won't be retiring anytime soon anyway i'm giving them at least 30 more years of touring lmaooo
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fatuismooches · 11 months
SMOOOCHES!!! Hiii darling! ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ꒱ა
This isn’t a story but really just me coming on here to talk so I hope you don’t mind! I’m sorry if it’s ever a bother or disturbs you! But I finally finished with all my exploration~! Well, I actually finished on the 10th of July (aka this month) BUT I felt a little shame to just come on here and say that I had finished I was too embarrassed;; but how has everything been? I hope you’re staying fresh in this blazing summer (it’s literally like 115° every single day here it’s unbearable for me and my dog) and also making the most out of it! I’m dreading going back to school in less than a month I’m not ready!!! (Leaks mentioned: ALSO HAVE YOU HEARD OF A SUPPOSED NEW DOTTORE SOUNDTRACK? It sounds so good AND IT MAY BE A CUTSCENE kinda like Kazuha’s friend or Makoto’s in the Archon Quests! I’m really hoping we get more lore on our boo boo Dottore he’s just so interesting!!) I also just recently read a VERY lengthy character analysis on him and oh mygskkd. It really helped me get to understand Dottore as a character and how it disapproves of many misconceptions of himself. (Like being a sadist for ex.) if you ever want the link I can send it since it was on tt. And the day I’m writing this it’s Childe’s birthday, which ironically enough my mom also shared a birthday with him LMAO. (She’s only aware of this bc of how much I dawn over the chars 😭) and to answer your question from one of the recent brainrots I had made “who are you saving up for” I’m actually saving up for Zhongli cons! He’s at C0 rn but in hoping to at least get C2 or C3, but I also won’t be spending my almost 400 wishes on him since I really want a lot of the Fontaine characters, and I’m still hoping for Dottore to become playable soon 😭 (this is me trying to cope) but I hope you have a wonderful day and week!! But before I end this off, can we agree the Dottore pictured in Nahida’s cute story with Wanderer IS ADORABLE?? Like i sometimes just wanna write about the little creature because it’s so cute. Is he ugly? A little but he’s ugly in the cute way!!! I swear I would just want to hug him to sleep. (Many ideas with fragile reader come to mind now LMAO) but anyways !!! I give you so many chu chus n cuddles n a lot of love!! Make sure you’re staying healthy and drinking water in this scorching heat. I give u so many kisses your heart explodes!!! ><
- from your boo boo bear 🎐 anon!! ૮ ྀི◞͈ ˔ ◟͈ ྀིა
It's more than okay i love talking to you!!! And OMF I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!! I know it was such a grind and probably a bit exhausting at times but I'm so proud of you 😌💖 Giving you lots of kithes and hugs!! Mwahhhh!!
115 DEGREES??? HOLY- I thought it was hot where I live 😭 I'm barely surviving like every other summer but omg I'm so sorry 😭 And you have a dog?? How cute! What type of dog do you have, if i may ask?🥰 Though i have been unproductive all summer unfortunately, the heat makes me not want to do anything haha
AND YESSSS IVE SEEN THE LEAKED OST MY EYES POPPED OPEN AT THE POSSIBLE DOTTORE APPEARANCE 👁 IM SO EXCITED I WANT HIM IN FONTAINE BADLY!! Also i think I've read the same character analysis on tiktok like you, was it called "Sadist or Scientist" and had many many slides? With the character and design analysis? If yes i too read it and it was so good! I love seeing analysis on him especially since there are not much crumbs on him. Oh and happy belated birthday to your mom! I hope you had fun with her!💖
Omg almost 400 wishes??? I havent had that much since the time I've saved for Wanderer 👏 I really hope you get lots of cons for him! I also love Zhongli sm but that man has avoided me on all three banners. First banner i didn't have enough primos and missed him, second banner i lost to Qiqi, third banner i lost to Jean lol. I forgot he is coming so i will try to get him again for the fourth time 🤣 Manifesting hard for you 💖🙏 (Dw I'm also coping on playable Dot😭😭)
AND YESSS OMG I LOVE THE LIL STRANGE DOT CREATURE SO MUCH. I need someone to make a good quality plushie of that creature so i can cuddle it 🥺 HYV was probably intending to make the creature look unsettling, but nah, i wholly think it's adorable. I would hold its little hand. (Always ready to listen to your fragile reader ideas tho 😌🤞)
Hehe I'm giving you lots of more cuddles and kisses!! 🫂 I hope you're staying hydrated as well!! We shall get through this heat together 💪 Smooch smooch !! <33
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peskyfirefly · 3 months
hi mishmish! so i finally finished haikyuu !! 😭😭😭 i meant to keep you updated and leave little messages as i was going through the chapters but honestly my only thought every time i finish the matches was just "AAAAAAHHHHH" (x100) because wow they were hella stressful!! like fun and exciting but also it got me sweating like actually. especially karasuno vs nekoma oooughfff
i stayed up at like 3 am to finish the manga lol but omg it's soooo good! the ending got me feeling so happy! everyone's all grown up and doing their own thing, and then the match with Black Jackals vs Adlers was sooo good! also v stressful but it was just so satisfying to see everyone's developments!
anyways i can def say hq is one of my top fav animanga series now! i love it so much!! 💕💕💕
i totally understand. u cant take breaks, those matches just keep u on the edge of ur seat and u HAVE to find out IMMEDIATELY how it goes!! u cant break the momentum!! something i love about hq is how big the cast is and how we still get lovely development for pretty much all of them 🥺<3 i love seeing them grow and i feel like the ending with the time skip is sooooo special bc of that!
and i think karasuna vs nekoma is SOOO GOOD !! esp for seein gtheir development!! like the flashback with kenma and hinata meeting??? yamaguchi and tsukki ??? the comparison of kuroo and tsukki (considering kuroo mentored him)???? TSUKKI SAYING VOLLEYBALL IS FUN SOMETIMES!! tobio and kenma messing with each other. the relationship between their coaches...THE BIRD CAGE PANEL. HINATA BREAKING THE CAGE PANEL. AAAAAA!!!!!!!! their friends and family and former classmates and rivals all watching....god what a beautiful culmination of the story... i have CHILLS........
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jackienautism · 1 year
fe3h update! well i just finished my first playthrough and i am just sitting here.... the second to last battle was SO hard for me and it was definitely made harder by the fact that i like. played it weird. bc i thought if i just completely avoided her i wouldn't have to kill mercedes so i took all my units on a really weird path and then once i finally killed everyone else turns out. i still had to kill her.
i managed to get to a support between byleth and all of the eagles except linhardt (still mad about that.... i wanted to get the whole set </3), as well as marianne, sylvain, ingrid, and felix (who yeah, i did end up recruiting).
as for my ranking of the eagles... it's really tough to pick! it's closer to tiers for me, bc some of these characters are so close to each other in my ranking. i'd probably go... dorothea, caspar, bernie/hubie/edie, petra, ferdie, linhardt. dorothea and caspar are probably my absolute favorites now. and because of that, i think they're gonna be the eagles i recruit on my VW playthrough (and maybe. all subsequent playthroughs too LMAO) . from the lions, i think i'm gonna take sylvain again bc he's easy to get and he grew on me, as well as mercedes. mighttt also recruit annette and maybe ashe? i barely interacted with them the first time around but i hear ashe is interesting in VW and annette has supports with claude, but i'm also trying to limit myself here lmao. i'm probably not gonna try to recruit both of them, if i even recruit one.
anyway! i'm genuinely sooo excited for claude.... also since i enjoyed marianne so much, i'm excited for her to be like.. more relevant LMAO.
i'm also gonna look into how to like... successfully build my guys this time around because i have a feeling i was NOTTT doing it well at all. which like... i don't need to have the best builds in the world or anything, as long as i'm having fun i don't need to be doing things "right", but like. i think i could maybe be having a bit more fun if i. knew what i was doing lol.
thanks for letting me give you these updates lol! i am having sooo much fun.
HIII OHOHO HAPPY TO HEAR YOUVE FINISHED YOUR FIRST RUN :D AND THAT YOU REALLY ENJOYED IT.... i lowkey forget the second to last battle ebut i assume it was the one w/ dimitri right? or was it the silver maiden one w/ rodrigue? forgive me its been a bit since ive played crimson flower dfgnfg but anyhow! SORRY THAT YOUR DIVERSION MADE THE BATTLE DIFFICULT FOR YOU....AND THAT YOU STILL HAD TO KILL MERCEDES ANYWAY ):
and damn </3 atleast you got thr A supports between the rest of the black eagles! i suppose theres always next route or next CF route that you can get linhardt's... i could tell you the gist of it if you want but im sure youd rather get it yourself. speaking of A supports, which endings did you get :o? like between the other characters i mean?
good tier list<3333 dorothea at the top as she shoudl be. and edie and hubie togehter as they SJOULD be. dorothea snd caspar as your faves are such good choices... quite the duo. and them being the eagles you recruit in your other routes is very respectable as well.. still cant believe that youre willign to Not recruit everyone but i totally understand the mindset as well. angst is good. but it also hurts. MERCEDES..... ooohhh i love her oh so much. she would def be a good choice. good luck limiting yourself btw dfgkdnfg annette and ashe are very good very goodd. im not particularly attached to them as ive talked abt before but theyre both very sweet characters. and have a lot of substance to them. plus their family situations and whatnot are very sad. so yeah! recruiting any of the blue lions to learn more abt them would be a good thing to do! esp if you didnt interact w/ them much in CF
YESSS CLAUDES ROUTE WAS VEYR GOOD.... AND I LOVE HIMS O MUCH ANDHIS RELATIONSHIP W/ BYLETH.... and yessss marianne ): my girl.... i will say that something that happens in verdant wind def shouldve been saved for edie's route but :/ soon enough you'll see what i mean. hope you enjoy verdant wind!!!!
and kfdngdkfg yeah i feel that. its quite overwhelming at times isnt it? as logn as youre having fun though thats all that matter sbut i totally understand wanting to like know what youre doing. a few videos and reading up on classes should help! what were your guys' final classes if you don't mind me asking? if you think youd habe more fun if you knew what you were doing, then id def go for it! good luck w/ everything!
and omg of course!!!! thank YOU for being so kind to keep me updated and whatnot! i always enjoy reading what you have to say and how you've been doing in game and otherwise :] hope you have a good day / night!!!!
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alivehuman725 · 2 years
Here is my present even tho no one is Ace in ther YET, but it's lgbtq so yeah.
Queen of the Amazons, Chapter One
I lay in bed, wondering how other people feel comfortable. How can people live in the same house as someone, not looking over your shoulder every few minutes and not sitting tensely while writing down your secrets. I rolled over, grabbed my diary and stumbled over to my desk. I slumped over and lifted the pen over the page and wrote, 'Heyyyyyyy.' I had never believed in that 'Dear Diary' thing because it made it feel like 'Diary' is some distant relative you barely know, and you want to make a good impression so you're acting formal. I continued my writing.
'I'm going to school tomorrow and I'm not sure what to do! I want to come out, but what if people are homophobes or tell my parents?????? SAVE ME!!'
It was short but it said what I wanted it to say. I'm nervous about school. Cool. Don't elaborate too much.
"Brairrrrrrrrr" Mum called.
"Coming!" I yelled back. I hid my book in the hidden nook I had added while making the desk. Mum has taught me how to make a desk while we were making hers, and I had used extra material and my knowledge to make my desk.
When I arrived downstairs I saw my Mum lounging on the couch, reading some random book. "Hey Briar," she said.
"So, why did you call me?" I asked.
"I wanted to know if your bag is  packed."
"Muuuuuum" I groaned. "You could have yelled that to me from here."
"But that's rude. I don't like talking to people from different rooms"
I rolled my eyes. "I've packed my bag. Anything else?"
"No." With that, I ran back upstairs and did tons of Origami. 20 figures later I leaned back in my seat and stared out the window. I sat there for a while, wondering how trees felt, rooted in the ground never seeing anything but the same view of the bay. I decided that I'd give them something worth looking at. 
After an hour of brainstorming at my desk I picked up my plans and headed down to the garage. The garage is where Mum and I make things, and it serves as an office Mum. I got a simple bench I had made with Mum when I first got into making things. I pulled the nails out and salvaged the wood. I got the tools I needed and spent the rest of my day chipping off wood to make my best creation yet.
"Briar!" Dad yelled, "C'mon. You've already missed dinner and had it delivered. Go to bed."
I sighed. "Fiiiiine. Lemme pack up" I put the tools to the side and got some felt to cover the sculpture in. Finally, I went to bed to dream of what I could do with my creation.
_ _ _ _
In the morning I finished carving and carefully put it in a bag so I could show Jude it and ask what xe thought. "Bye guys" I called as I headed out the door. As I walked down the road I saw someone in my school’s uniform come out of the house next door. "Hi!" they said. "Hey" I whispered. "I'm Adrian. He, him. You?"
“I- I’m Briar. She/her. Transgender.” I stammered.
“Yessss! Finally someone like me! I’m Genderfluid. Nice to meet you.” he stuck out his hand. I stared at it for a while. He sighed. “Not a touchy person. Need personal space.” he thought aloud as if he were taking notes on me. Strange but cool. I decided I liked him. “Mhm. Sure.” I said.
“Let’s go! I don’t wanna be late for my first day of school! I must charm the teachers” he said and sassily flicked his ponytail over his shoulder. “Are you going to be out?” I asked as we started walking again. “Out? Oh, you mean not closeted, right? Well sure I guess. Are you?” I thought about it for a moment. “I guess if you are. How will we do it? Wait! We can do it in art! Oh, do you have your schedule?” I asked.
He pulled the paper from his pocket. “Got it. Let’s compare.” we compared pieces today I had:
Locker - No. 237 Code 1537
8:55 - Homeroom with Mr Nutter in W3
9:35 - English with Ms Smith in C9
10:45 - Art with Ms Moss in A4
11:40 - History with Mrs Walker in A8
12:20 - Lunch A
13:00 - Maths with Mr Walker in H2
14:00 - PE in the Old Gym
15:00 - Art club!!! YAYYYYY!!
I had scribbled on the last sentence hastily. “Ugh. They say that Mx Moss is Ms Moss. I just call them Jude, their first name.” Adrian hopped up and down in excitement. “A Nonbinary art teacher that lets you call them their first name?! Cool! Look… we have Homeroom, art, lunch and PE together!” they gave me his. I inspected it and gave it back. “Prepare for PE. All the year 8s do it at the same time in the different gyms. Half in the gym and half in the old. The racket is legendary.”
“I love PE! I hate it when it’s noisy though… but hey, that’s Sports for you” Adrian said.
I laughed. “Not for me. For me Sports is something my dad tries to get me to do that I don’t want to do. He says ‘You need to do something that-” I winced “-proper boys do’” I grumbled.
“Oh… that’s sad. So what are you? A reader?”
“No. I’m more of a maker. A doer.”
“Ahhhhhhhh yes” we continued to talk until we arrived outside the gates of school. “Keep your head down and stick with me” I said as I grabbed the poor guy’s wrist and dragged him into the crowd of bustling people.
“Where are we going?” he hissed.
“What’s your locker number?” I asked, ignoring his question.
“Here! As you go to classes you will be given other books-” I said as he stuffed his books in his locker. “-you’ll need your pencil case and that exercise book for homeroom. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” I yelled and pulled him back into the crowd. As we stopped for me to get my things from my locker Adrian hissed “Who’s that?” I looked at who he had gestured to. “Bow your head. Don’t look at her.” I whispered, shutting the locker and walked forward trying to blend in with the crowd. When I felt someone grip my arm I knew that there was nothing else left to do. I would have to face the monster - Molly Finch
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sungbeam · 2 years
xnonie present ✋️
oh no, u just asked for my svt bias!! 🫣🫣 truth be told... i don't even know atp they're all too good SHCJDS but i'm definitely an american line enjoyer myself 🫶🫶🫶 joshua has climbing up the list for a while! like he's always been up there, i was just clinging onto hansol for so long (also U WOULD TELL ME THEIR POWERS? FOR ME?!? 🫠 i feel so loved)
& YESSSS i love she-hulk rn! i hate how short the episodes are, but at least we're being spoiled w/ extra end credits content!! i honestly just wait for it b/c they're sooo fun. I JUST SAW UR RECENT POST ON MATT MURDOCK BEING HOT & I JUST WANNA AGREE ABSOLUTELY. 100%. SO TRUE. he makes my stomach flutter with butterflies auggghhhhh 😭😭
WE CAN'T FORGET BUCKYYY! so excited to see him in future movies especially now that sam is cap now, i'd love to see their dynamic 🥰 AND U HAD A DRUIG PHASE TOO?? ugh he just made me forget ALL my mcu crushes LIKE i searched far & wide across tumblr for fics of this man. i was so down bad. i think it's the accent AHVHDJFJ 🫡
"my beautiful, beautiful makkari" UGHSHDH
XNONIE !!! HAIII (ノ´∀`*) UR ASKS MAKE ME GRIN AND GIGGLE LIKE A TEENAGER (lmao i say that like i'm not skcnkdnc but i kid u not i'm lying on my stomach and kicking my feet up behind me 😭😭)
AHAHAH i totally feel the same tbh my svt bias line consists of FOUR PEOPLE 😭😭😭😭 and then im wrecked by the entire group as well still (;_; they're insane all the time and my heart is too fragile for this— BUT AHHHH AMERICAN LINE YES!!! okok sooo based on my notes,, , , i have josh w iceman and vernon w hehe franklin richards !! def different spectrums of the mutant timeline, but josh is ofc a classic member of the xmen family and non i gave one of the most powerful mutants in the universe imo 🤧🤧🤧 franklin is the son of mr and mrs fantastic and he can create POCKET DIMENSIONS FOR FUN DKCNSKCJJ LIKE THATS SO CRAZY TO ME and i just felt like giving such a chill dude that much power would be 😎😎😎 (tbh i wanna tell u ALL of them but we can start w ur biases hehe)
I LITERALLY JUST FINISHED THE NEWEST EP OF SHE-HULK AND IM LIKE ????? HWAT !!?@(!#;(@(@( LJKE OMG THE ENDING !! i went from squealing abt matt murdock to absolute silence like my mouth was gaping like a fish TT anyways cannot wait until the finale ep
BRO THE BANTER BTWN BUCKY AND SAM IS TOP NOTCH AHAHHAHAHA it's so funny cuz my mom and i always joke abt how they hated each other cuz of their competition for cap's attention 🤩🤩🤩 the bromance yk but now that cap's gone cries they're left only w each other :'))) as i recall from the end of falcon and the winter soldier, they weren't completely friends either ?? (also fal and the winsol. was such a DARK tv show omg o_o like i was so shocked how dark it was but it was still good as always)
can he tell ME im beautiful like that too (;_;
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