#anyway. nice Nap. time to play dragon age!
astrxealis · 4 months
hi 🤓 <- person who finally listened to hozier's too sweet and is listening quite literally nonstop
3 notes · View notes
pillage-and-lute · 4 years
Thicker Than Water (Part 4)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (here) Part 5, Part 6, Part 7,  Part 8
Ao3 link HERE
He awoke sore and badly rested, tears dried on his face.
Jaskier made it through the next day. He ate a little of the food Ciri offered him, only because when he tried to decline the first time her eyes got large and her bottom lip showed just the barest hint of a tremble. He couldn’t bear it. The dry horse bread that was usual for traveling rations crumbled in his mouth. He was so hungry, it was one of the best things he’d ever tasted. 
Jaskier couldn’t bring himself to even unsling his lute from his shoulder during their trek. His fingers itched to play, of course. He continued his story for Ciri and in his mind he played music for the background, he just couldn’t do it. He wouldn’t sell his lute in this next town, but before they reached Kaer Morhen he would have to. It would give them money, and he wouldn’t be a burden. He swallowed down the lump in his throat and continued telling Ciri the story. 
He noticed a bit before mid day that Geralt was watching him. That wasn’t out of sorts, of course. Yennefer and Ciri were watching him too, he was an excellent storyteller and the tale was enthralling. Geralt didn’t seem to be paying attention to the story though. He was staring-- glowering--brow low and furrowed, at Jaskier. 
Jaskier felt hurt lance through him and he almost staggered, avoiding Geralt’s gaze. He knew Geralt didn’t want him along, didn’t want him at all, but he couldn’t even pretend? He couldn’t go back to their relationship before? Not the warm, almost companionable silences that had been nurtured between them, but the grunts and stone faced silence of the beginning of their acquaintance.  
Jaskier breathed through the pain in his chest. Twenty years of silences, all kinds of them, stony and friendly and sleepy and painful and quietly nice. But they were back to the beginning, or worse, Geralt angry and Jaskier’s voice filling in places it didn’t belong.
That was Ciri, and Jaskier realized that he’d actually trailed off mid-sentence. 
“Sorry little highness,” he smiled and gave a funny little bow. “I’m but a simple entertainer, a poet and a fool, sometimes my mind runs away from me.”
“Fool is right,” Yennefer snorted. It wasn’t totally unkind, but it still stung. It stung even more when Geralt, so taciturn all day, snorted with laughter at her comment. Jaskier felt his ears burn and his chest ache.
“Now, where was I?”
“The king’s son met the North Wind,” Ciri said, matching Jaskier’s steps. “And he has to beat him in a game of wit to gain knowledge of where the sorcerer’s daughter was taken, that’s what you said, but you didn’t tell us what game yet.”
At least someone treasured his words, Jaskier thought. Although they weren’t worth much, he threw one out after the other. 
Like garbage, whispered the back of his mind.
“Ah yes,” he said instead. “the North Wind sat before the king’s son, and laid out a chess set made of ice and wind.”
“How can chess pieces be made of wind?”
Jaskier smiled, Ciri asked questions at all the right places. “The North Wind wanders, he goes everywhere, blowing cold breath across The Continent. When the North Wind is present and we breath our breath can be seen.” Jaskier smiled here and added an aside, “My little sister used to call it dragon smoke. But by the same magic that gives the North Wind a body to walk the world, he can take our frozen breath and turn it cold and solid as glass.”
Jaskier let himself tell the story on autopilot. His feet ached. He’d been darning the socks he was wearing for a year or more, but he wasn’t good at it and the lumps were rubbing his toes raw. Worse than that, the soles of his boots were almost worn through. Just one more thing he’d have to buy.
He felt ashamed of himself. His boots had been going thin for a while, and instead of saving his coin and getting them repaired or just buying new ones, he’d drowned himself in drink, feeling sorry. Oh, he hadn’t known he would be making a trip up a mountain, but he needed boots regardless. No wonder Geralt had always been upset with him, he always put pleasure over sense, couldn’t even spend coin sensibly.
Couldn’t darn socks, couldn’t budget his coin, couldn’t shut up. A fool.
He stumbled on a tree root and nearly swore. Couldn’t even walk right. One of the blisters building on his foot had burst, he was sure. It was easy to tell, the pain had gone from a rubbing ache to stinging and warm. Only years of practice and performance kept him from interrupting the story.
Something must have shown on his face though, or his scent changed or whatever because Geralt was staring at him intently. That face, always so unreadable. 
Jaskier wasn’t going to give him anything else to scowl about. He kept walking, keeping the story rolling and his voice light. His bones ached. He had to stop for just a moment when a button, long past hanging loosely on his doublet, finally pulled free. He picked it up and the head rush nearly took him to the ground. He’d eaten little, slept poorly, and the only food he’d had in a long time before this was ale. He blinked the grey from his vision, trying not to let the panic show when it didn’t go away as quickly as he’d have liked.
It was okay. It was all going to be okay. They’d make it to the village by nightfall. They wouldn’t sleep there of course but he could get proper food. Maybe even slip away and catch a quick nap in a stable or hayloft or something. His whole body was buzzing with a sort of exhausted energy and his heart was pounding.
Jaskier reflected that he hadn’t been well before meeting up with Geralt and his little family. He’d been sick with drink and heartache and had not enough food then too. 
Smile through the pain.
This wasn’t even bad as performances could go. Once he’d actually broken a finger just before a set at Oxenfurt. Simple clumsiness, he’d closed his index finger in a door, but he’d played his whole set, with a perfect score from his professor.
It grew darker, the sun just setting when they reached a field at the edge of the town. It was a large open field and, in warmer months, it was likely home to fairs and large market days. Probably in these rural areas people traveled for a week to bring their goods and livestock to this town. It didn’t matter now, mid autumn settling into late autumn. To Jaskier the town was nameless. 
They set up camp in the field. It left them exposed to being seen, but they hid themselves behind a small rise on the edge of the field, blocking them mostly from sight. Still, Geralt seemed on edge. Jaskier wasn’t sure it was about the camp. Geralt kept looking over at him with his eyebrows pressed together. Whenever he did that it formed this little crease right between his brows that Jaskier wanted to kiss away.
Jaskier bit his lip, hard, to focus on anything other than that.
The three of them sat, too tired to talk much more. Jaskier had finished most of the story and decided to leave the rest for the next day they were traveling a lot, to give Ciri something else to think about. She was definitely Calanthe’s blood. They traveled all day and she never complained, but also told them when she needed to stop, advocating for herself in no uncertain terms. It was the princess herself who interrupted his thoughts.
“You said you had a sister, do you have lots of siblings?”
“Not really,” Jaskier said, settling down on the ground and feeling his bones pop. His blisters were definitely bleeding inside his boots too. “Two older brothers, Henrik and Teodor, and I had a younger sister, Lotte.”
“She was sickly, always too small for her age,” Jaskier said quietly. “I learned the lute for her, at first. She liked music and was often bedridden. A fever took her when she was about your age.” Jaskier looked down at his battered boots. 
“I’m sorry,” Ciri whispered. 
“It’s allright little highness, it’s been almost thirty years now. Time flies.”
“I didn’t know you had siblings,” Geralt said. It was growly, but Geralt always used that tone.
“You never really asked.”
Dinner was a quiet affair. Jaskier ate the last of the rations in his pack, waving away Ciri’s offerings and showing her his food as proof that he had some. It didn’t really settle the hunger that had been eating him from the inside out all day, but at this point he figured he could eat a mountain and still have room for dessert.
“Tomorrow,” Geralt said gruffly once dinner was cleared away. “We don’t all enter the town as a group. Yen and Ciri go together. I go alone. Jaskier goes alone.”
Jaskier nodded, so did Ciri and Yennefer.
“If we see eachother, act as though we don’t know eachother,” Geralt said, then he turned his gaze on Jaskier. “Don’t attract too much attention.”
Jaskier bristled at getting his own private reprimand. “I’m a bard, Geralt,” he said. “How am I supposed to earn coin if I don’t play.”
Geralt grunted. “I didn’t say don’t play just no... don’t do the whole...” he gestured a vauge hand. 
“The whole...me?” Jaskier said sarcastically. He was pulling at the lion’s tail he knew, but he was in pain and tired and hungry and Geralt had no right to be so cruel.
“The whole bright colors, loud and annoying thing. Country bard, not court bard, got it?”
Loud and annoying.
“Got it,” Jaskier said, looking back down at his boots. He didn’t say that none of his clothes could have passed for courtly anymore anyway. 
They set about getting ready for bed. Ciri gave him a quick hug before she and Yennefer disappeared into their magical tent. Jaskier sat and pulled off his boots, not letting a single flicker of pain show on his face. He knew Geralt would be able to smell blood, but Geralt had gone to get water from the nearby river. He had to peel his socks off and yes, there was blood there, by now stuck into the threadbare fabric. He let himself wince then. He rinsed off the wounds but he was without bandages, so he just dried off the area and put his other pair of socks on. He only had the two pairs anyway, but at least the blisters would stay dry. 
He rolled himself into his bedroll and thought of tomorrow. At least there were no tree roots here.
The next day dawned slowly, instead of bright pinks and oranges it was a kind of runny yellow that just leeched into the sky before fading into early morning blue. Jaskier watched in admiration as Yennefer changed Geralt’s hair to short and dark, and then gave herself brown eyes and a slightly different bone structure. To look at both of them was odd, because Jaskier could see the similarities. Yennefer’s nose was changed and her cheekbones were a little different, but it was still her, and Geralt just looked like a different, although quite handsome, version of himself. Ciri was simply given mousy brown hair and some extra freckles.
Just like that, the perfect and all powerful family looked like two normal people and one witcher who was still clearly a witcher but not the white wolf. Jaskier shouldered his lute. He’d cleaned up the scruff he’d been growing into a more respectable look and with his longer hair and tatty cloak he looked like any poor traveling musician. If he’d traded the lute for a shortbow he could have looked like a woodsman, totally nondescript.
He was entering from a different direction, so as not to arouse suspicion, and so was Geralt. Jaskier began walking around, so that he could enter from the east. Yen and Ciri would walk into town the closest direction, and Geralt was entering from the west. This early, it was unlikely they would have been seen all together. 
Jaskier made his way to the eastern edge of the town and walked in, scanning the streets. If this were a farm people would be up and awake long before now, farmers wake well before dawn, but this was a town, and so few people wandered the streets. Shop keepers were just beginning to open up. Jaskier bought a couple pears, slightly overripe but cheaper because of it, off of a fruit seller and had breakfast. He tried to lock into his mind all the shops around so he could find his supplies easiest later.
His mind was resisting him though. In spite of the softer ground, Jaskier had still slept badly last night. His body ached and he wished he could find somewhere warm to lay for an hour or two. Instead he found the well. 
As wells should be, this one was right in the center of town. He set down his lute case beside it, tuned his lovely lady, and began to play.
In his very first few months after leaving Oxenfurt he had learned this trick, and used it often. If you get into a town early, play at the well. People get their water first thing in the morning and there you are.
A few young women with yokes and buckets smiled at him and he nodded in return. The day brightened a little further as the sun crept above the buildings and more people came to gather in the town square. They weren’t there to hear Jaskier, not at first, most of them came for water, or to chat with neighbors, or discuss business. Many of them gathered around him though. 
Coins clattered into the case. Mostly coppers, but in a little town like this that was quite normal. 
“As sweet Polly Oliver lay musing in bed, A sudden strange fancy came into her head. "Nor father nor mother shall make me false prove, I'll 'list as a soldier, and follow my love,” he sang.
“So early next morning she softly arose, And dressed herself up in her dead brother's clothes. She cut her hair close, and she stained her face brown, And went for a soldier to fair Rinde Town.”
Sweet Polly Oliver was one of his favorites, a simple country song about a girl and her lover in wartime. This town was far enough north that with luck Nilfgaard wouldn’t attack, but the anxiety threatened. 
Jaskier gave a good performance, perhaps not his best, but he was tired and cold and the flagstones beneath his feet were very hard. He danced about, playing sweet folk songs and jigs and reels, delighting in the people who swept up and danced along. Still, though, he felt his feet bleeding inside his boots. He played from just after dawn until perhaps an hour after noon before bowing away and taking his coin. 
He’d done better than he’d expected, but there wasn’t nearly enough coin for all the things he’d need for Kaer Morhen, and extra food to help Geralt and Ciri. He’d buy what he needed now, and they’d stop again in Ard Carraigh before the keep. He’d sell his lute there, it was a large city, and he’d get a good price. The thought still made him ache, though. 
It wasn’t just his emotions causing him pain, he realised. The aches he’d been experiencing were in his chest lately, and both physical and emotional. He just needed more rest. 
Jaskier slipped through back alleys and bent streets. He’d seen a stable on his way into town. He stepped in quietly, startling a stable hand, no more than a boy, who’d been quietly talking to a horse.
“You’re the bard,” he said. “Saw you in the square jus’ this morning.”
“That’s right,” Jaskier said, bowing a little. “I’m afraid I’ll be moving on this evening and--”
“And you want to have a kip in the stables,” said the boy. “Yeah lots o’ musicians and peddlers do that. Rule is though, I got to get a coin off ‘em first as payment. I’m sorry, but I get a beating if’n I don’t.”
“No worries,” Jaskier said, he’d expected as much. He handed the boy two copper coins. “There’s pay, won’t have you getting beaten for my sake, the second coin is to wake me in two hours.”
The boy gave him a lopsided grin. “You got it sir, thanks.”
Jaskier snuggled up in the hay loft. He’d often done it, it was pretty common, if you couldn’t buy a stay at an inn or especially if you just needed a ‘kip’ as the boy had said, during the day. He’d slept in haystacks once in a while on the road too. They were sort of comfortable and surprisingly warm and, best of all, robbers didn’t get you if you kept yourself mostly under the hay.
The scent of hay and oats and horses lulled him to sleep.
He dreamed about haystacks. For some reason Roach was in the haystack with him. Geralt and Ciri too, even Yennefer. It was a crowded haystack indeed, and it grew smaller and smaller until Jaskier had to leave it and sleep on the ground so that the others weren’t squished.
He awoke to the stable boy nudging him.
“Pardon me mister,” he said. “But it’s been two hours.”
Jaskier thanked him and brushed off his clothes. 
The shops were doing a good trade this afternoon and he’d be sure to be a face in the crowd. He bought a small cooking pot and plenty of ground oats and barley for porridge at one shop. They were light to carry and owner packaged them nicely, first in one cheap, cloth drawstring bag, and then in another such bag, but with the drawstring on a different side, so he was unlikely to lose food. 
In another stall he bought plenty of nuts, walnuts were cheap here and would keep well. Good for traveling and they had protein. Some dried jerky, dried peas, and dried lentils finished his food shopping, and also most of his coin.
It was three days to Ard Carraigh, another week to trek up to the keep. The food would sustain him for that long, and they’d probably just pool their food to make sure everyone was fed. Still, he wasn’t being a burden, not too much. 
He couldn’t afford new boots, gloves, or a cloak right now, but with the last of his coin he bought a new pair of thick, warm socks, a small roll of bandages, and a couple pieces of candied ginger in a little paper twist. He tucked them all away and left the town, disappearing back to the field and their little camp well before the sun set. 
Jaskier’s heart sunk to see that he was the last to arrive. Everything was packed up, they couldn’t risk staying in the same place two nights in a row. Geralt grunted at him, but didn’t unleash any thoughts on Jaskier being a burden, so he counted himself lucky. 
He hung his head a little at having delayed their parting and trekked after the perfect little family, his pack much heavier than it had been. Ciri slid her hand into his and they walked on in silence. The hand was nice though.
In an odd way, it hurt, too. He wasn’t part of the family, so he didn’t really deserve this, but it was painfully good to have just a taste of being wanted. 
What would happen, he wondered, when the winter was over. He was a danger to Geralt and Ciri if Nilfgaard found him. He wasn’t wanted by Geralt at all. Jaskier was reminded once again that it would be so much easier for Geralt to kill him, or for Yennefer to wipe his memory. Maybe he could fake his death to get Nilfgaard of his trail.
“Jaskier?” Ciri asked. “How did you become a bard?”
Jaskier looked down at her, maudlin thoughts interuppted. “Oh, well, it’s not as though you have to register, you just become one. Walking into an inn and saying ‘let me play for you pretty please I need food’ is a good start.”
“No,” Ciri giggled. “I meant, you said you learned the lute for your sister, but you write your own music and stuff too.”
“Oh, well, anyone can write music if they have an instrument and a good enough memory,” Jaskier said. “Indeed, many of the greatest bards had little education at all, I, however, studied at Oxenfurt.”
“Did you like it?”
“Sometimes. It was school, and some parts were dull but I learned much.”
“I heard some of the maids giggling once about a young scholar who’d come to stay with us,” Ciri said, matter of factly. “He was always in the library and was kind of snooty with me when I asked questions, but the maids were saying he certainly had a lot of ‘carnal knowledge’. Did you study that too?”
Jaskier was choking on thin air. 
“I, um, no it was more of a hobby,” Jaskier said before his head could catch up with his mouth. “Little Highness, I suspect you weren’t supposed to hear that conversation, and no, I studied the seven liberal arts.”
“So it was about sex, I was never sure,” Ciri said.
Jaskier coughed awkwardly. “Yes, princess.”
“It’s okay, I know about that stuff, Grandmother explained it.”
Jaskier let out a breath, at least he wouldn’t have to be the one to explain anything to her. 
“When you went to school were you scared to leave your family?” Ciri asked.
“No, pet, I was excited to go,” he wasn’t about to get into all his trauma with her, she had enough of her own, poor thing. “I couldn’t wait to learn about music and poetry.”
“Grandmother said all poets were silly romantics and dreamers, but I think that sounds nice. Do you have a moose?”
“A what?”
“I read it in a book, a moose, somebody you love and you write about it.”
“Oh, that’s one of the trickier words Ciri, it’s said ‘muse’, and yes, I had one or two.”
“Only one or two? In the book the poet had hundreds,” Ciri sounded almost disappointed. 
“I only ever needed one,” Jaskier said quietly. “One that mattered anyway.”
“And your Countess still left you,” Geralt said, rather coldly. He was doing his annoyed face and Jaskier could have kicked himself. He’d been talking too much. The reminder that the Countess de Stael had left him too hurt, but Jaskier wasn’t going to risk Geralt’s ire to say that she wasn’t the muse he was talking about. That was maybe something he should keep to himself.
“Do muses often leave?” Ciri asked, wide eyed. “If somebody was writing me poetry I wouldn’t want to.”
“No, usually the poet does the leaving,” Jaskier said. “After his muse asks him to go. There’s a shelf life on a bard, you know. We only have so many stories and songs before we’re used up and no one wants us around anymore. That’s when we move along.”
“I’ll hear your stories again and again,” Ciri said. “I won’t ask you to go.”
Jaskier’s heart curled up and whimpered inside his chest. He’d have to go sooner or later, he’d have to leave her. Geralt would get sick of him, too sick to bear even for Ciri’s sake. Or Jaskier would just have to leave of his own volition, lest he shovel shit into her life too.
If he could give her life one blessing...
“This’ll do for a campsite,” Geralt said. It was a tiny, clear area. Jaskier almost groaned. It was surrounded by oak trees, with dropped acorns that would dig into his bedroll and mottle his back with bruises come morning. He’d had a good rest in town, though, so another bad night of sleep wouldn’t be too bad, he told himself.
The others had eaten in town. Jaskier said he had too, so he wouldn’t waste rations. He had plenty, but strangely, he wasn’t so hungry lately. Anyway, always best to save.
He pulled off his boots and  his freshly bloodied socks. Ew. Ciri retired to the magic tent early, exhausted from their long days of walking. Jaskier listened to Yennefer and Geralt talk.
“We’ll need lots of supplies in Ard Carraigh,” Geralt was saying.
“We don’t have any money,” Yennefer replied. 
Jaskier had his back to them as he cleaned the wounds on his feet, but he could picture grave expressions. 
“We’ll get some, I’ll do a quick contract there, something. We’ll need a cart and pony to get Ciri up The Killer, it’s too much for her, it’s too hard for some witchers even.”
“That’ll cost,” Yennefer said. “But you’re right. I wish I could portal us but--”
“Tracking, exactly. There’s always plenty of contracts in cities, it’ll be fine.”
Jaskier looked at the blisters on his foot, they’d opened more with his long performance that day. It was no matter, he wound the bandages around them and put on his new, thick socks. At least his feet would be warm. 
Not too warm, though. He spotted a hole in the bottom of his boot that he hadn’t noticed before.
And they needed lots of money for Ard Carraigh. No matter. He knew how to get some.
He pretended his eyes filled with tears from the pain of blisters, not from heartache, as he pushed his feet back into his boots and opened the lute case. He pulled out his beautiful girl. He wouldn’t play her, it would annoy Geralt. He’d always hated Jaskier’s music, although he hated to hear Jaskier sing even more. 
Pie with no filling.
Jaskier wished he could play her, though. It was going to break his heart to part with her, and he didn’t think he’d ever played another instrument as fine. If he could, he’d play her every second until he had to sell her. 
Probably for the best, though, if he was going to fake his death. She was distinctive.
He brushed a hand over the beautiful wood work on her front. There was a little bit of linseed oil left, and he poured it on the rag he kept in the case and began to work over his girl lovingly. His eyes teared up again, but he fought it back. He would have smashed his lute if it meant helping Ciri. And Geralt.
Jaskier longed for Geralt to forgive him, to take him back and let him stay by his side, but he’d meant what he’d said, bards have a shelf life, and Jaskier’s time was up. 
He wished Geralt would at least speak with him, though. His heart was aching. In a completely different sense, so was his chest.
“Play us a tune, bard,” Yennefer said.
Jaskier turned around. Yen and Geralt were sitting beside eachother, close together. She looked so beautiful in her fine cloak that Jaskier wondered how he ever thought he could catch Geralt’s eye when beings like her existed.
“You know,” he said. “It’s late and I wouldn’t want to bother Ciri.”
“Tent’s soundproof,” Yennefer said, waving her hand. 
“I mean, really,” Jaskier protested weakly. Disobeying Yennefer’s request/command was like bathing your brain in lava, but Geralt was looking angry again. Some would say there wasn’t much change from Geralt’s normal expression, but Jaskier knew his face better than he knew his own. Something had made Geralt angry or upset. The only possible answer was Jaskier. It was always Jaskier. 
“Play us a song, bard,” Yennefer said. “You’ve been so quiet other than stories, I’d almost think you were a doppler, Melitele knows no one could have taught you to shut up.”
Jaskier swallowed the lump in his throat.
He began, slowly, to pick out a gently tune on his lute. It was a song about winter and home, and he knew the lyrics well. Yennefer had only asked him to play, so he would. His music was at least less offensive than his voice.
He reveled in the feel of his lute beneath his fingers, letting the feeling wash over him, committing it to memory.
When he was finished Yennefer said, “I suppose your voice was tired from your performance, I heard in the town how the bard had played such a long set.”
Jaskier smiled grimly back at her. “Just earning my keep.”
He went to bed, feeling the cold seep into his bones.
Tag List!
@frywen-babbles @mordoriscalling @thedarkestangel1 @kerfufflezz  @live-long-and-trek-on @holymotherwolf @gryffinqueen
@samukai @charlies-dragon  I can’t seem to tag, but they’re on the list
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Fear Not, Fair Maiden
(Thank you @spielzeugkaiser for letting me write a story about your amazing art! This was so much fun and it’s so fluffy. I may have thrown in a little nonhuman-Jaskier as a treat but Jaskier doesn’t know so...)
Etheid is the baby green dragon that Borch rescues in “The Sword of Destiny” book. I thought I’d make that scene more interesting and less sad for everyone by sticking to the book canon version for this story.
Jaskier woke up somewhere warm and soft and definitely not wrapped in the raggedy blanket he’d fallen asleep with atop his worn bedroll. He groaned in confusion and rose into a sitting position on the soft feather mattress to better wipe the sleep from his bleary eyes. He was sitting on a beautifully carved mahogany bed with four posts and lovely hanging curtains made of pale pink gossamer.
“Where am I?” he yawned to no one in particular. 
In my tower, a voice echoed through his head. The bard leapt from the bed, suddenly alert and terrified of whatever had brought him here. The voice returned, slightly frightened in its own right and clearly looking to soothe. Don’t panic! I’m sorry! I probably should have introduced myself better. Come to the window, my sweet visitor, and let me say hello!
“You’re not going to eat me, right?” Jaskier squeaked. 
Of course not, Jaskier. You’re my guest. That would be highly indecorous of me.
“Monsters with manners. Finally some decent company.” Jaskier made his way confidently out onto the balcony surrounding the tower’s main room and glanced around. “Hello? How do you know my name?”
A large, scaly green head rose over the side of the balcony wall and Jaskier took an involuntary step back. A thin-slit reptilian eye blinked at him. Once. Twice. Then the rest of the dragon’s face and snout appeared. Do not fret, my dear. You are in no danger at all. I merely wish to see a performance.
“You want me to sing for you?”
That was not my purpose in stealing you, but I would not be adverse to some music later this evening. I’m sure your Witcher is already on his way here to rescue you. Jaskier swore he heard the dragon release a deep, dreamy sigh from its steaming nostrils. Ah, I wonder if he’ll climb the spiral stairs and try to avoid the traps or if he’ll fight me first and scale the outer walls. 
“Wait a second,” Jaskier held a finger up. The dragon paused its daydreaming and looked down at its tiny human captive. Well, mostly human from what the dragon’s senses could pick up. Perhaps a bit of dryad in there somewhere. The semi-mortal’s connection to nature was stronger than most; ancient in a way that drew the dragon to him in the first place. Well, that and the handsome, white-haired Witcher who kept the bard close to his side like a favorite puppy. “You kidnapped me so that you could watch Geralt rescue me?”
The dragon’s enormous snout bobbed up and down as it nodded. The bard leaned heavily against the balcony’s edge and released a series of hysterical giggles. Are you alright, Jaskier?
“How do you know my name?”
You met my godfather, once. Borch.
“Oh, you’re the baby green dragon!” Jaskier perked up. This was an old friend, then. “My, how you’ve grown.”
And my, how you haven’t, the dragon observed. If the bard didn't’ know any better it appeared as if the creature was raising its eyebrow at him. You don’t seem to have aged a day.
“Haven’t I?” Jaskier glanced down. “Perhaps I’m just remarkably well preserved.”
Magic, the dragon shrugged. Anyway that is not my purpose here. I’ve grown bored with my usual antics and wish for something better. 
“So you thought you’d make up some entertainment by bard-napping me?”
“This is like a play, then? I’ve been given the part of Fair Maiden and Geralt has been cast as our White Knight? My Prince Charming, as it were?”
Yes, although you find Geralt’s animalistic tendencies and Witchery nature more alluring than any fairy-tale prince or wayward knight.
“Hey! Hands off my private, personal thoughts,” Jaskier cried, waving his arms at the dragon as if the gesture might sever their mental link. The dragon huffed out what may have been a laugh.
I cannot help myself, I apologize. My name is Etheid, by the way. So you can stop referring to me in your mind as Baby Dragon I Held Once.
“Sorry,” Jaskier shrugged. He laughed again, this time genuinely. “Do you think Geralt really loves me enough to come rescue me from an entire dragon? He knows you can’t be beaten with one or two flimsy swords.”
He is determined to find you, Etheid replied. He will be here in two days time. 
“So until he shows up do I just...sing for you, then? Is there any food? Oh, is there a bath!?”
You’re the most eager and friendly guest I’ve ever had, Etheid rejoiced. There’s food aplenty in the cupboard in your room. Wine, too. I also have bathwater ready at your request and I can heat it to whatever temperature you like. I even have costumes!
“Costumes!?” The bard beamed widely and clapped his hands together beneath his chin. He bounced up and down on the balls of his feet and even spun in a quick circle. “What kinds of costumes!? Is this going to be a tragic rescue? Is this going to be dramatic and romantic? You mentioned traps, what kinds of traps will Geralt be facing if he comes up the stairs?”
Eager to see your handsome Witcher again?
“Eager to make sure that he isn’t injured trying to save me from your lovely tower, here.”
He will be absolutely fine. These traps were made for squires to outsmart; he’s a Witcher.
“If he loved me as I love him,” Jaskier sighed wistfully, “Then this would be even more fun.”
Etheid considered telling Jaskier the truth about his Witcher’s romantic feelings for a moment but figured that it was Geralt’s job to do so, instead. The dragon could wait. The dragon could write such a fantastical scene that Geralt would have no other option but to admit his feelings to the jovial and kindhearted bard. 
There are dresses, of course, but there are some lovely robes as well. You can take whatever you like from the chest at the end of the bed.
“You’re going to regret saying that!”
Go ahead. Do what human things you must. I’ll heat the water and be on my way; dragons need to eat, too.
“No pesky villagers, please. Stick to wild animals so long as I’m your guest?”
I am not a heathen, Etheid scoffed. Deer only for now. The forest is fat with them.
“Excellent. See you after dinner and a bath, then. I’ll sing you some lovely ballads.”
About your White Wolf?
“I wouldn’t exactly say that he’s my White Wolf,” the bard blushed. “But yes, songs about Geralt.”
Geralt reached the base of the stone tower and squinted up. It seemed endlessly tall against the rocky mountainside and the blue of the sky. Jaskier was up there, though, and the dragon was probably nearby. The Witcher had chosen not to wear his armor for this particular rescue mission; it would only make him noisier and this was a battle of the wits. Dragons wanted to be outsmarted, not slain.
Geralt remembered Borch Three Jackdaws fondly, the golden dragon that had shown him such kindness and taught him that not all monsters were to be feared. Well, Borch hadn’t so much taught Geralt about the nature of monstrosity so much as he had reinforced a previously held belief. 
But that didn’t matter now. As he slid into the passage that led to the tower stairs his only focus was his stupid bard’s physical safety. 
No, Geralt, the Witcher corrected himself firmly. He is not your bard, he is merely a traveler who chooses to spend some of his free time dallying about with you. He likes writing songs about your adventures and that is all. 
He could hear the sound of a lute growing slightly stronger as he ascended, and kept his eyes peeled for any sort of traps or pitfalls. He sidestepped two swinging axes with ease and ducked beneath a flying crossbow bolt as simply as he breathed. This tower was for amateurs, not highly trained Witchers with unparalleled senses. Not the most graceful Witcher the Wolf school had ever turned out onto the path. Not Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier’s Witcher. 
Jaskier stopped singing suddenly and set his lute to the side, as planned. He laid himself out as Etheid had suggested, the white cotton robe pooling around his bare legs and spilling rather nicely off his left shoulder. He’d cinched a soft blue ribbon just so around the curves of his waist. His hair was ruffled just the way Geralt liked it; the way it was when he saw the Witcher’s gloved fingers twitch at his sides, clearly aching to touch him but too afraid to make a move.
He’ll have to make a move this time, Etheid said. Jaskier could hear the smile in the dragon’s words. Get in position! He’s nearly to your room, Jask!
“Jaskier!” the Witcher cried, bursting through the door only a moment later. The bard could sense Etheid just outside the window, hidden by a thin curtain that hung from the back of an ENORMOUS four-poster bed. Geralt was too excited to find his precious bard safe to care about the looming threat.
“Geralt! You came for me!”
“Of course I did,” Geralt rolled his eyes. “You’re always getting yourself into trouble.”
Ugh, you’re so right. He’s horrible with romance.
Jaskier stifled a smile but Geralt caught it anyway. 
“What’s so funny, bard?”
“My captor doesn’t find your rescue speech very romantic or amusing,” he said, pulling the curtain aside. Etheid’s large blue eyes were focused on the scene, waiting for something good to happen. The dragon had been bored for so long and he’d heard so much from Borch about this White Wolf and his loyal, loving bard. Jaskier whispered the next line as if Etheid wasn't’ supposed to be hearing it, “Perhaps you should make our little reunion more flowery?”
“Jaskier, I - uh,” Geralt swallowed hard and took a step forward. Might as well go for it, the Witcher thought. “I’m so glad that I made it back to your side in time. I’m so glad that you’re unharmed.”
“I knew you’d come for me,” Jaskier sighed, holding out his hand. Geralt stepped even closer, leaning down to press his lips against the petal-soft skin of Jaskier’s knuckles. The bard blushed softly and Geralt felt his own face heating up to match. “You always save me, even from the worst situations.”
“I always will.”
The Witcher had admitted his greatest secret aloud before he could stop himself and he watched the bard’s eyes widen even further. Geralt’s brand of gruff sincerity was unmistakable. 
“Geralt,” the younger man grinned, tears gathering in the corners of his perfect, cornflower blue eyes, “I knew you loved me back.”
“You mean...?”
“Of course, silly,” the bard laughed, throwing himself up off the mattress and into Geralt’s arms. “I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you brooding at that tavern in Posada!”
“Oh Jaskier,” the Witcher gasped. His lips found the side of his bard’s pale neck and out on the balcony Etheid released a happy, contented huff. “I would give anything and everything to know that you were safe.”
“My sweet Witcher,” Jaskier leaned back, cupping Geralt’s face between his hands. His weight was now being entirely supported by the thick arm wrapped around his waist and he reveled in the strength of his beloved before leaning up to kiss him. “Then you must know how I feel every time you leave me on a hunt. Or go to fight with Yennefer about something silly.”
The Witcher could only press their foreheads together and breathe in the happy, rain-shower scent of his Jaskier. “Hmm.”
Excellent, yes! I can’t wait to tell Borch and my friends about this! Etheid cheered. Congratulations, Jaskier! I’m so happy for you!
“Thank you,” the bard murmured. 
“Hmm?” Geralt hummed again, raising an eyebrow. Jaskier pulled his head away and shook it. 
“Don’t worry about it. Are you getting me out of here or not?”
“Can you walk in this getup? Will the dragon just let us go?”
Jaskier shot a curious glance towards Etheid, who nodded.
Tell him you can’t walk, though. I want to see him carry you off to his horse and ride away with the white robe flapping in the wind. Maybe he’ll even wrap his arms around you from behind to keep you safe. Like a real princess. 
“No, I can’t walk in this silly thing at all. Keeps getting tangled around my ankles; I’d probably fall down the stairs and kill myself.
Geralt swept the younger man up into his arms and grabbed his lute from its place on the floor. “Well, we can’t have that.”
“No, my Witcher,” the bard replied with a contented smile. “We can’t have that at all.”
And if one of Etheid’s curious friends kidnapped Jaskier a month or so later and three countries over then...oh well. More weird dragon friends for the both of them.
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sweetchup · 4 years
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Type: Shalnark x reader
Au?: None
Word count: 3,000+
Warnings: Slight Mature content, Slight Yandere/Stalkerish themes, and Shalnark being a Shark
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Today was going to be the last day. The last day at this terrible job. After this shift you were going to call up your boss and officially quit.
At first working at a nearby Cyber Cafe sounded fun. It was close to your flat and had a reasonable paycheck. Plus being surrounded by video games and fellow nerds sounded even fun. Yet it wasn’t. You should’ve walked out on your first day, for in the very first moments of walking into the place you stepped onto a melted, probably expired as well, chocolate bar. In your brand new shoes as well. It was disgusting and tragic, yet not the worst thing that has happened at this job.
In a simple sense while you worked here you weren’t an employee of a fine establishment, you were basically a servant. You were called upon again and again to make food and drinks for people, picked up after people when they left, yelled at when prices were too high or you told them what to do, jeered at by your boss, deal with horrible and lazy coworkers and had to fix the computers when they broke down (instead of taking it to a proper tech shop).
Most of the time, you could deal with that. You would just bite your tongue and give your most friendliest employee smile. But in no ways you could handle the many costumers you were groped or harassed by. Half the time you just wanted to take one of the electric cords, wrap it around their neck and just strangle them. But you were a reasonable person, a responsible adult so you would just report it to your manager. Though, of course, the situation was mostly just shrugged off. According to him, customers know best. What a load of bullcrap.
If customers truly knew best then why were you on your knees cleaning the 33th piece of trash scattered at this computer station. Hell you had filled 1 ½ trash bags just by yourself from cleaning up after people. That was too much. They should know how to pick up after themselves, you aren’t their mother.
Stretching and popping your back, you stand up. All the empty stations were finally sparkling cleaned. Though it did come at the price of your back. You’ll probably need to see a chiropractor or at least get a message from all the leaning and bending over you do at your job.
It also didn’t help that your coworker, Susan, called in sick last minute so you were stuck with an extra shift today and the graveyard shift at that.
“Sick my ass..” You grumbled under your breath, making your way back to your desk in the corner.
Since the place wasn’t busy tonight you could probably get away with watching anime or playing a new game. Hell even a nap if you got comfortable enough. Yet you stop when you see someone. His head was down on the desk but you knew it was him just from his golden hair being lighted up from the computer screen.
‘What was his name again? Shalnark? Yeah shalnark.’
Shalnark was an unfamiliar face. He showed up randomly at the cafe three days ago. It was pretty hard not to notice him. Wearing a lilac purple outfit and a constant smile on his face, he hadn’t moved since he entered. Tapping away constantly at the computer in front of him. He had been pretty nice to you and even cleaned up after himself. You actually liked talking to him the few times you talked. Though it was somewhat creepy when for some reason he knew your name when he first checked in. Though that was probably due to your name tag or maybe you had met once before at a party or something, you seemed close in age.
On top of that it was gobsmacking, yet pretty impressive, that he has slept once in the 3 days he’s been here. The other coworkers caught onto it as well in their shifts when you weren’t here. Yet it seems even Shalnark can’t run away from Father Sleep. Especially based on the fact he was currently faced down on his desk, with empty coffee cups surrounding him of course.
Suddenly you shiver as another puff of cold air comes out of the air conditioner. That was another thing you didn’t understand about the owner. Why in the world did he keep the cafe at freezing temps? Even in the winter right now. Biting your lip and rubbing your hands across the thick sweater on your arms for warmth you look concerned at Shalnark.
Was he cold? Normally you wouldn’t care about customers but he seemed like a nice guy, well except for the first time you talked but even then, it was probably your name tag. You just couldn’t help but be concerned since he was wearing a tank top in the winter.
Making up your mind you grabbed one of the many blankets and pillows in the lobby and walked over to him. Shakily you stand over him, slightly scared to wake the attractive man up from his slumber.
As you think over your decision you notice something interesting on the computer screen in front of you.
“The Dragon Eye Collection…”
It was on his notepad too. Why was he researching the Dragon Eye Collection? Sure they were a collection of 5 of the most beautiful fire opals in the world. But they were owned by the emperor, more like dictator, HuinYa Fushi of the Baiys Region. Due to his way of ruling with an iron fist, no one knew what they looked like or where they were exactly located, all that people knew was that they definitely exist. What in the world would Shalnark want with that? Was he maybe a reporter or even a Gem hunter? Though that wasn’t any of your concern. You shouldn’t pry into someone's life or business like that anyways.
Placing your hand on Shalnark’s shoulder you ever so lightly shake him. How was he asleep? His skin was practically frozen to the touch.
“Mr Shalnark?”
After a few more soft calls of his name he finally awoke. Sitting up, he squints under the computer’s harsh glow and looks over to you. He blinked a couple of times more, clearing struggling to keep himself awake. Though the bags under his eyes already told you he was plenty sleep deprived.
“I’m sorry for waking you, Mr Shalnark. But I came to bring you a blanket and a pillow. I wouldn’t want you to hurt your neck or catch a cold.”
You hold out for the blanket and pillow for him to take but he only shakes his head. His usual smile across his face, though it was less pleasant now with the bags under his eyes.
“Thank you (y/n)! But, please, there’s no need. I need to get back to wor…….”
The smile across his face disappears and his head droops down. He seems to practically, almost, pass out right then and there but he thankfully catches himself. Trying to somehow play it off, he leans an arm against the desk.
“To work! Yes work! I'm a very busy man after all.” Shalnark laughs off. Giving you a wink, he turns his attention back to screen in front of him.
Biting your lip you don’t know what to do. You definitely don’t believe he’s ok yet you also can’t force him to sleep. You two are strangers after al—
“Oh!” You let out in surprise and shock.
With a quick reflex you lung forward and catch Shalnark before his head hits the desk. Thank goodness you were still standing there, that could have really hurt. You lean him back but Shalnark stops you as he grabs on one your arm that was holding onto his shoulder and a little across the front of his chest. With tired eyes he shoots you an apologetic look.
“Sorry I didn’t know what came over me at that moment.” He apologizes; squeezing your arm.
You bit your lip again for the third time tonight. He needs sleep. He can’t continue going on like this, he could actually get hurt or even sick. Ever so lightly you push him to lean back into his chair. He goes to rebut you but you lean down to his face, making him go quiet.
“I’m sorry Mr Shalnark but I think you should go to bed.”
Playfully you hold a finger up to his nose and boop it.
“No buts Mister. It’s time for bed.”
It was unprofessional and even childish of you to boop a grown man’s nose and tell him it’s time for bed. But you could easily see he was obviously trying to fight back and hooping his nose seemed to stun him.
While he was still stunned, you reclined the big office chair and put the blanket and pillow on him. It wasn’t as comfy as a bed but anything is better than sleeping hunched over a desk at this point.
As you finally get him to settle in his eyes begin to droop, yet he seems to continue to try and fight against it. Reaching a hand out you rub and groom Shalnark’s hair. He looks up at you as you shoot him a small smile.
“You need to go to bed, Shalnark. It’s okay to take a rest sometimes you know.”
His eyes go wide for a second and he opens his mouth wide like a fish.
“It’s you…it’s actually you. I can’t… the troupe is relying on me… I need to stay awake to figure out the location… the boss is relying on… me…” Shalnark mumbles out. His voice getting quieter and quieter.
And with that Shalnark was out cold.
Well at least you figured out that he does know you from somewhere. You wonder where. Also, the boss huh? He had to do something for him?
You looked over to the computer screen and notes in front of you. No wonder he was stressed out. You would be too if your boss and all of your workplace was relying on you to figure this out.
You could…you could always help him. You check the clock behind you. It was around 2am. Even if you took a nap now it wouldn’t be for much time and you did want to quit after tonight.
Making a decision you pull a chair over and look around you. The coast was clear as no one seemed to be watching. Stretching your fingers you put them to the keyboard and activate your aura.
You didn’t use Nen often but you were a talent transmitter. Through vigorous training you had managed to turn your Nen into data and electric signals. It was useless in battle for all you could do at most was glitch your body but, then again, you were never much of a fighter either.
Glitching and hacking through vast codes on the computer you finally make it onto the secret government site of the Fushi Empire. That was a piece of cake for you. You could probably even sneak in an episode of Bokemon after all this was done before you had to leave.
“What do you mean you quit?!?”
Sighing you leaning against the counter. Tapping your fingers against the surface. “Like I said before I quit. It’s just not the right job for me.”
“You can’t! I won’t allow you, you un—“
Done with your manager's bullshit you hang up the phone and take a sip from your coffee. After a couple of more sips you were able to finish the cup. Walking around the desk you toss the cup into the trash.
Taking one last look at the place around you, you grab your bag. You would like to say you will miss the place but… you definitely won’t. This place could burn in hell for all you cared.
Wrapping your jacket tighter you step out of the building and into the cold. Wow you didn’t even realize it was still snowing from last night. It was actually nice to see snow in the city for the first time.
Your phone suddenly dings, a text from your landlord?. Oh! Someone had finally accepted your roommate's application for your flat. That’s awesome. Biting your lip, you just type back ‘yes’.
You technically should’ve looked into the document she sent along with the text which was about the roommate. But you just really need someone to split the rent with you so you honestly didn’t care who it was at this point.
Jumping, startled and surprised, you turn around fast at the call but are suddenly knocked over and in a snowbank. Now wide awake, you moan in discomfort as Wetness seeps into your jacket from the snow and you begin to wiggle at the coldness at your skin.
“W-What the hell?! Get off of me!” You yell out, startled and still unsure who is above you. Was this some creepy stalker? You hoped not. Wiggling more faster now, you try to get out of the snow.
You stop dead in your tracks as you hear a groan above you. Finally able to see the person, you realize it was no other than Shalnark above you. His mouth slightly open and a dark expression on his face.
What had you— oh god. You blush a crimson red. Could this get anymore embarrassing? You hadn’t realized that while you were trying to get away you hadn’t also, unintentionally, rubbed against his crotch.
Apologizing profusely, you somehow now get up and hold out a shaky hand to help him up as well. Shalnark smiled at you. Though it wasn’t like his usual smile it had an unnerving tint to it now that sent a shiver up your spine.
Startled and uneasy you decide to look away at something else. Wow did the wall get a new crack in it? Oh man that sure is interesting. Did Mrs Glain change out the lilacs again? That was nice of her—
You grow stiff at Shal’s voice and hesitantly meet his gaze. It still made you uneasy. Everything was the same about him yet you can’t help but feel on edge and slightly violated in his presence now. You just couldn’t figure out why.
“I just wanna say thanks for the information you got me! Boss will sure be happy. Hmmmm….I’m not sure how you got these, you must be a really skilled hacker.”
He expressively gestures to the papers in his bag that you printed and wrote on.
“Oh yeah umm no problem.” You nonchalantly answer. Trying to ignore his hacker comment.
“I’m just wondering... how did you get into those websites (y/n)? It sure was hard for me.”
Shalnark asks and secretly shuffles a little closer to you, still an unchanging smile on his face. He was weirdly sneaky about it. Now this was just starting to get creepy. Then you suddenly realize something, did he not realize?
“A-ah I just had to find out the right codes and inputs and stuff you know?”
You start to shuffle back. You didn’t mind being asked questions or someone moving closer. It’s just… you just realized... Blushing you start to move a little faster away.
“Ah-h I really have to get home you-u know? Work just finished and stuff and I have to get rested up for my next shift. You—you know being a good employee and stuff. I’ll see you again sometimes.” Stuttering and tripping over your words you finally walk away from Shalnark. You were just glad you were out of that mess. That was so embarrassing and creepy.
Sighing, you grab your phone from your pocket and turn it on. You scroll through your apps for a little before stopping and selecting “Bokemon Go”. You needed to see if the new bokemon “Baporine” was in the area after all.
“Oh you like Bokemon Go as well. I didn’t take you as such a nerd (y/n)~”
Startled, you let out a ‘eep’ and crane your neck to see that Shalnark was literally right behind you. He literally got as close as he could without touching. It also didn’t help that he still had…
Face red again at the thought you fast walk to the bus stop. Though that didn’t work for Shalnark was on your tail the whole time, constantly asking questions.
“I was just joking (y/n)! I love that game as well.”
“Oh have you caught the new Baporine?”
“Wait, do you also know Nen? I think I see aura around you~.”
“Hahah you totally do. What category are you?”
“Do you—“
Reaching the bus you had finally had enough of his antics. Pulling him down by his collar, you glare at him.
“Why are you following me?” You whispered yelled at him. He looks confused for a second before letting out a teasing smile.
“So we are whispering now? Is this a sec—“ You cut him off.
“Answer my question.”
He opens his mouth to do so but before he can, the thing you couldn’t look at or say is, is finally said out loud. And by a young child at that.
“Mommy. Why wrong with that man’s pants? Why is there a bump in the front—“
The mother doesn’t make it better, of course, and lets out a screech in shock. Quickly shielding the child’s eyes and pulling the child away. Leaving you two alone at the bus stop.
Your face beet red and frozen in embarrassment you look at Shalnark’s face.. He looks down at his *ahem* problem and looks back at you. And he, I shit you not, looks you dead in the eye and says.
“Ah so that’s what’s wrong?” He says. Kind of amazed, yet kind of shrugging it off.
“WHAT THE HELL?!? HOW DID YOU NOT REALIZE IT BEFORE” You screech out. Totally losing your cool.
He pouts at your freak out.
“I just didn’t realize it.”
Rubbing your temples you take a deep breath and look at the most likely mid-twenties man in the eyes.
“How do you not realize you are walking around with a full on erection??”
“Well It just doesn’t usually happens. I usually don’t get excited by a girl easily. Though I do usually like to toy with the smart ones,” He suddenly looks down at your chest. His face blushing a little and a small smile spreading across his face. “It also doesn’t help that you have the perfect pair of—“
You clamp your hand over his mouth before he can finish that sentence. You didn’t want to know what he was thinking. You were honestly tired. Working two back to back shifts wasn’t easy.
“Shalnark. Please just… just go home.” You say exhausted and defeated.
You drop your hand from his mouth and he only looks at you confused.
“Hmm? But I am?”
“Hah?!?” Now angry you grab the man by his shirt. You might actually fulfill your life long dream of strangling a man today, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?!?”
Shalnark smiles; an unsettling one at that and grabs his phone from his pocket. As you look at the red phone your stomach drops to the ground. Oh. That number and conversation means. Oh god.
Shalnark giggles and leans over to your ear. His warm breath against the shell causes a shiver up your spine. Taking a gulp and you hear him whisper two dreaded words.
“Hello roomie~”
You should’ve checked the document.
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(On the bus)
“Hey (y/n)~ now that we are roommates you wouldn’t mind if we fuc—“
“Shal. Just take a cold shower”
“Huh?!? You're so mean (y/n)! You’re nothing like the girl that took care of me last night. Oh~ Mr Shalnark~ your so handsome Mr—”
“F***king hypocrite”
“Why did you hit me?! That hurt!”
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crackinglamb · 4 years
001 for dragon age?
Did you really want an essay?  Cuz you’re gonna get one.  I’ll stick with DA:I, since that’s the only one I’ve actually played.  I have passing familiarity with the other two games, but not enough for details.  And as always, it got really long while I was writing it out, so under a cut it goes.
Favorite character: Probably obvious.  But it’s Solas.  Love him or hate him, no one can deny that he’s a complex, intricately written character with lots of facets we have yet to see all of.  Plus, he has a delicious voice and I’ll own that kink, no one can shame me.
Least Favorite character: *sigh*  Vivienne.  I wanted to like her, I really did.  She’s a powerful, ambitious woman in her own right, a successful mage, an adept at the Game.  She has strong motivations of her own, even if they’re written with a bit of a cliche.  But that’s also part of her problem.  She’s willfully blind to the suffering of her peers.  She’s bought into the propaganda of the Circle and the Chantry.  She’s like a political centrist and I find that distasteful.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Solas/Lavellan; Dorian/Iron Bull; Varric/Hawke; Krem/Maryden; and finally a headcannon one: Solas/Ghilan’nain.  There are a wealth of layers to a relationship between them, and a bucketful of explanatory suppositions for why he is the way he is now.
Character I find most attractive: Do we really need to revisit the voice kink?  Are you gonna make me spell it out?  *snort*  Of course it’s that damned Egg.  No, I don’t sound too happy about it, do I?
Character I would marry: None of them.  They are, every single one of them, a hot mess disaster that I would never tie my life to, even if marriage wasn’t a convenient religious construct.
Character I would be best friends with: Varric Tethras.  That dwarf is bloody loyal to a fault and he deserves nice things and people who care about him just as much as he cares about everyone else.
 A random thought: How did I get here?  I wasn’t supposed to be here.  I just wanted to write the aforementioned happy ever after for Varric.  How did this happen?
An unpopular opinion: *nervous laugh*  My bestie is gonna kill me, but...Cullen isn’t as changed as people tend to think he is.  The overall arc of his ‘redemption’ falls flat imo.  I mean, all we really get from him is recognition that he has an addiction, has seen some shit and his attempts to deal with those.  He falls under ‘forgiveness doesn’t equal another chance’.  For a man who has been through as much as he has, his worldview is still pretty narrow.  Having been on the receiving end of someone like that irl, it simply doesn’t appeal in my fiction.
My Canon OTP: Hah!  Solas/Lavellan.  And not just because I’m writing about it to the exclusion of everything else right now.  I think it’s also the most in-depth view of Solas as a character.  His romance gets the most information about him by sheer numbers.
My Non-canon OTP: Varric/Hawke.  Hands down.  You cannot tell me that a man like Varric, over protective and loyal, would not lay down his life for Hawke and tap that ass while he was at it.
Most Badass Character: Leliana.  That woman is terrifying and yet all I want to do is give her a hug and a mug of hot cocoa.  She has the strengths of her convictions, the agility of her mind, she will fuck you up before you know what hit you and yet...she’s vulnerable under the surface.  But she doesn’t allow that vulnerability to break her.  Aside from a single instance, she never even lets anyone see it.  She’s remade herself over and over.  She probably could use a nap and a snuggle from her nugs.
Most Epic Villain: IMHO, DA:I doesn’t have a strong villain.  It has a series of boss fights.  The story isn’t finished, and the game is basically a placeholder in a franchise.  It’s too soon to know whether or not Solas counts (I don’t think he does, though, and if he does, I will be extremely disappointed in the writing team).
Pairing I am not a fan of: Cassandra/Varric.  I’ve yet to see it portrayed with proper application of enemies to lovers.  The start of their relationship is frankly abusive.  She holds him prisoner and repeatedly threatens his life in close quarters and she never makes amends for it in canon.  Bad tempers that lead to interpersonal violence are not cute or romantic.  I love Cass, I sincerely do.  But I do not ever see that ship as doing anything more than sinking to the bottom of the Waking Sea.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Bianca Davri.  There was so much hype.  So much.  And she was astoundingly underwhelming when we met her.  Love is truly blind, because given the portrayal we got, I have no idea what the ever loving fuck Varric sees in her.
Favourite Friendship: Solas and Iron Bull.  Now, this is assuming one saves the Chargers and Bull becomes Tal-Vashoth.  They go from butting heads on every single blessed thing to playing mental chess to pass the time and prove several points to themselves and to us, the players.  They learn so much from each other.  I get the warm fuzzies.  Runner up to this is Solas and Dorian.  Two men who are frighteningly similar but can’t see it.  Or won’t admit it, anyway.  And again, they learn so much from each other.
Character I most identify with: Okay, it might be a cheap cop out, but the Inquisitor.  I too am not getting paid enough to deal with the shit life throws at me while simultaneously being responsible for the well being of both myself and a person dependent on me.  Granted, my little person isn’t all of Thedas, but I wouldn’t say that makes it any less important.  And I too am canonically disabled by the end.  It’s rough being a spoonie.
Character I wish I could be: Ack, I don’t think I’d want to be any of them.  They all need therapy.  Possible exception is Cole.  I like to help, just as much as I like to be left to my own devices if no one needs me.  Speaking in riddles?  Unleashing a torrent of compassionate wrath and disappearing before anyone makes me bleed?  Having a deeper connection to the world around me?  Sure, I can get behind those.  I’m a Gemini.
Thanks for the ask.  You know I love it when you make me think.
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c-is-for-circinate · 5 years
Yet another story I will (probably never) write someday...
Look, we all love ridiculous lesbian romances, and gender-play, and identity drama, and lady knights, right?  
Our Heroine is, in fact, a knight, and also a lady, but she keeps that second part real quiet.  She’s her beloved father’s only child, or at least he had no sons, and somebody had to uphold the family name and honor and also she’s good at swords and command and, look, girl-pretends-to-be-a-boy-to-become-a-knight has surely been done a thousand times, but that just means it’s classic, right?
And of course our knight is stationed on the far edges of the kingdom, under the command of an aging earl with failing health and a single shy daughter, obviously.  Of course our knight is good at her job, as good as anyone can be, taking patrols of the countryside and the nearby border between the kingdom and the dragon-filled wilderness, trying to keep peace and order where she can even as the city where she and her troops return home every fortnight roils and churns with its own criminal underbelly in the absence of any true leadership from the earl himself.  Of course the earl’s daughter falls in love with the handsome and capable head knight, yes, yes, obviously this is how this story goes, and that’s great, but let’s add something more, okay?
Like: yes, the knight hides her breasts under a breastplate and conceals her gender out in the field, during the day, for work, but at home on her off hours sometimes it is nice to put on a dress and go out for a simple pint and a bit of a dance, after all, isn’t it?  Sometimes it’s just nice.  And of course she’s in love with the earl’s daughter in return, because who wouldn’t be, but it’s not as though that marriage could ever be, when the earl’s daughter believes her a man in truth, so what’s the harm in flirting with a dashing stranger?
Of course, the dashing stranger happens to have a silk mask and a rapier, and he swoops in from nowhere to vanquish and humiliate those two thuggish muggers who the off-duty knight was totally just about to take out herself (probably, except she’s in a lilac-blue dress down to her ankles and she left her sword back at the barracks, because this was supposed to be her night off, gods curse it)--but, well.  That’s probably the very best sort of dashing mysterious stranger at appealing to our knight at all, so really going out dancing together was inevitable after that, wasn’t it?  The knight arrives back at her quarters at dawn, and barely scrapes together an hour of sleep, and then has to report back to the earl at the keep and see his daughter again and pine and fret and sigh, and...
Meanwhile, the earl’s daughter sneaks back in through an unlocked window just as the sun crests the horizon, and hides her silk mask and rapier behind the sacks of flour in the cellar.  She’ll feign more weakness and take a nap this afternoon, after her knight’s gone back to the front.  She can hope that someday he’ll stay, and marry her, and take over this earldom properly and fix all the things her father can’t, but really, the girl knows better.  Her father will marry her off someday to some stern and useless suitor, probably, since her knight will never just propose no matter how many stolen looks or brief, soft kisses in the corner of the garden they share.  At least for now she can take what’s left of the not-quite-lost family pride and family skill, and slip out into the town that belongs to her blood by right, and try to put it right with her own swordblade.
It’s fine.  She wouldn’t really be happy if her knight agreed to marry her anyway, not really.  No matter how wonderful he seems--he could never be as pretty, as bold, as female as the townsgirl in the lilac-blue dress from last night.  Of course an earl’s daughter could never marry someone such as that.  Surely not.
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seasonofthegeek · 5 years
Sacrifice of Three, Part 1
The lovely @miraculouspaon requested another part of this drabble through ko-fi and I decided to use that story as inspiration for the expanded universe because I feel like it would be such a fun AU to play in with more detail. So this is taking it to the beginning of the story and working to the part in the drabble and beyond. :D
“I don’t understand why I continue to receive these meeting invitations. I’m not part of a Fae court; there’s no reason for me to attend a Winter Solstice conference of the supernatural community.” Gabriel dropped the leaflet of cardstock into his assistant’s desk in tray. “Please confirm my absence. Perhaps one of these days those ancient monsters will stop bothering me.”
Nathalie slid the invitation out of her tray with a curt nod. “Very well, sir. I will have to ask that I be excused for the event though. I was chosen as the representative for my pack.”
“You don’t even get along with your pack.”
She shrugged. “I suppose I could fight another member to pass on the invitation but I’d rather not.”
“It’s barbaric.”
“There are only two werewolf packs in the city and the one I chose is the less aggressive of the two. It’s better than the alternative.”
“If you say so.”
“Not all of us can pretend to be human all the time,” she replied, tone even. She ignored the glare cast in her direction as she began to work on his invitation decline. “If I hadn’t sought out one of the packs after I turned, they would’ve come after me eventually. Better to have a choice.”
“Better to be left alone entirely.”
“If that’s an option, which it wasn’t.”
Gabriel clenched his jaw until it made a tight ticking sound. “Fine. I’ll accept the invitation.”
“That’s not necessary.”
“Perhaps if I attend, they will stop harassing me.” He turned away from her desk to return to his.
“I wouldn’t call sending an invitation to events a few times a year harassment, but we all have our burdens to bear,” Nathalie replied dryly. “Why the change of heart?”
He stiffened. “If we’re there together, perhaps we won’t lose an entire week of work.”
“Ah, yes. I was hoping I wouldn’t be allowed a vacation.” Nathalie kept her face blank, fighting against the smile she could feel tugging at her lips. “They’ll ask what court you’re representing upon accepting.”
Gabriel sighed and looked back at the large painting of his deceased wife. The portrait had been done in shades of green and gold and had managed to catch  a fraction of the beauty of the sun nymph who’d shined down on him for a short time. “The Summer Court, I suppose, though I never really felt right there.”
“It’s possible you’ll be asked about Adrien,” she warned him, pausing in her work.
He turned away from the portrait. “And I’ll tell them he died with his mother.”
“You think it’s wise to lie? Anyone could come here and find him.”
“Then I’ll have to make sure to seem as human and uninteresting as possible, won’t I?” He gave her a wry smile. “Changelings barely register on the supernatural scale. I’m sure my continued requests for attendance are about my son and what he can do for the courts, but I have no intentions of allowing him into that life. Perhaps they’ll be led to believe he takes after me.”
“Anyone who saw him would know that isn’t true.”
“Mmm, well, there’s a reason he stays here most of the time.”
Nathalie shook her head, unsure if Gabriel actually believed his son stayed put in their large home or if he was simply in denial of Adrien’s frequents nighttime walkabouts. “Of course, sir.”
Jagged leaned back with a content sigh and licked his blood-stained lips. “Penny, love, you’re as exquisite as ever.”
“And you’re as greedy as ever.” She stood and went to the vanity, shuffling through the mess on the counter to find a clean bandage. “I’m going to have to take a nap at some point to get some energy back.”
“I’ll keep you company, pet. I’d love to have someone pretty and warm like you in my bed.”
Penny laughed as she smoothed the bandage over the wound in her neck. “I’m sure you would, but I’ve got other things to do today.”
He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. “But I’ll be lonely.”
“Somehow I think you’ll survive. Have you decided about the meeting yet?”
“Didn’t wanna go the first time you asked and haven’t changed my mind.” He let his arm fall languidly off the couch and felt rough scales under his palm. “There’s my good boy. Who’s my favorite dragon?”
“He’s not a dragon.”
“Don’t listen to Penny, mate. She’s all cranky due to blood loss,” Jagged soothed, scratching along the crocodile’s back. 
“If you say no to this meeting, you’ll have to go to the next one. Winter Solstice doesn’t sound too bad anyway. And the cabin looks nice.”
“Ah, a cabin. A house made entirely of wood. Exactly the kind of place a vampire wants to find himself in when a bunch of other supes are hanging out and plotting.”
“Stop being a baby.” Penny turned to face him, leaning against the counter. “Are you going or not? You know Arkana will give you hell if she has to go this time too. It will be her third one in a row.”
“Why do they keep requesting us anyway? Our nest isn’t even that big. Why not the uppity vampires near the center of the city?”
“They might be there too. You’re hardly a good representation of the species.”
“I think you used to be nicer,” Jagged pouted. “I should’ve left you as a naive human out in the world.”
“I’m still a human out in the world,” she winked. “Just not nearly as naive. So is that a yes?”
He groaned and Fang made a chuffing sound by his side. “Fine, yes.”
“Oi, you lot notice we’re still the only ones here?” Jagged leaned in the doorway of the study and crossed his arms. “This shindig was supposed to start over an hour ago. Where’s everyone else?”
Nathalie looked up from her laptop and blinked. “No one else has arrived?”
“Nah. I’ve been roaming around this place like I’m haunting it and there’s not hide nor hair of anyone. Something doesn’t smell right.” He watched the werewolf sniff gingerly at the air and couldn’t help the wide smile that crossed his face. “Didn’t mean literally, pet.”
She glared at him. “Don’t call me that.”
Gabriel set his own laptop on the coffee table and went to the window. “There is quite a bit of snow. Perhaps it’s slowing the others down.”
“All of them? Seems a little ‘spicious, don’tcha think?”
“Is it getting heavier?” Nathalie joined them by the window and hugged herself. “I believe that’s sleet. I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere ourselves for a while.”
“This day and age and not a phone number or email to be found between us to reach anyone, is there? You ever wonder why the powers that be insist on keeping things so old school?”
“It wouldn’t help even if we had contacts. There’s no service up here. Gabriel and I have been working on a portable backup drive we brought ourselves.”
“Aren’t you two just the ambitious little duo?”
Gabriel ignored the other man’s remark as he stared out the window. “Well, this is certain to cause us trouble. Jagged, I think it would be best if you retreat to one of the guest rooms. I can lock you in for your own safety.”
The vampire visibly bristled as he leaned against the wall. “I’m not an animal, mate. Believe it or not, I can survive being snowed in with you two without ripping your throats out.” He flashed a wide smile that showcased two delicate fangs. “Might be fun though. Besides, if you’re going to lock me up, you should lock up your sweet lil pup too.”
Nathalie scowled at him. “It’s not even close to the full moon. I’m in no danger of transforming here.”
“Wonder if there’s an old tale about this somewhere. A vampire, a werewolf, and a changeling snowed in late at night in the middle of nowhere…” Jagged chuckled to himself. “Who will survive, who will thrive, who will take an eternal dive….”
Gabriel turned away from the window and pinched the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses up in agitation. “Please don’t call me that.”
“S’whatcha are, Gabe. Wee little Fae babe who was left to be raised by humans ‘cause he couldn’t cut it in the courts. Nothing to be ashamed of. You got that pretty bride of yours due to your heritage and all. Worked out, didn’t it?”
“Don’t speak of things you don’t understand,” Gabriel warned with a growl.
“Oh, I understand,” Jagged replied with an easy grin. “I met her before you, ya know. Wouldn’t have worked out what with her being one with the sun but she was pretty enough for it to be tempting--”
Nathalie stepped between the men with a put upon sigh. “Since we don’t know how long we’re going to be here, perhaps it would be wise to take stock of our supplies instead of being immature brats. Jagged, did you bring any bagged blood with you?”
“Don’t drink the stuff, pet. I like my blood alive. Besides, usually they have willing donors at these things. Vamps aren’t the only ones who like blood and this was supposed to be a big meeting of the supernatural minds for the Winter Solstice and all that.”
“In other words, you’re unprepared.” She turned to Gabriel. “Do you think we can expect any of the others to make it here before things get too bad?”
“I think they’ve already gone bad unfortunately. I don’t believe anyone could make it in a storm like this. We should’ve left earlier before we got stuck here ourselves.”
Jagged pushed away from the wall. “Well, as much fun as it would be to watch you two moan and groan about our predicament the rest of the night, the cold doesn’t much bother me so I think I’ll be off.”
Nathalie snorted. “You can’t be serious.”
“Course I am. Not all warm blooded like you lot. I can walk right out of here.”
“You’d freeze,” she replied incredulously. “You wouldn’t make it to the nearest town before you froze in place and then the sun would catch you when it finally rose again. Even you have limitations.”
“Let him go. It’d make the stay much more pleasant,” Gabriel remarked. “Would you like to go see what the food situation is like? It’d be best to settle that early.”
“That sounds reasonable,” she agreed, following him towards the kitchen.
“I mean it. I’m leaving,” Jagged called after them. “Not waiting around.” He growled under his breath when he received no reply. He could leave. He could walk right out the door, but Nathalie was probably right. He didn’t have a clue where he was going and if the ground was frozen over, he’d have a hard time burying himself deep enough to keep safe from the rising sun. 
He grumbled to himself and dropped down on one of the couches. Flames licked the bricks of the fireplace and he watched them until he fell into a peaceful trance, letting his body shut down little by little to conserve energy. While it was fun to tease Gabriel and Nathalie, the worry that they might be there longer than anticipate nagged at the back of his mind. Better not to waste any energy he could hold onto for the time being. 
“The bread’s gone stale.” Nathalie stared at her sandwich before taking another bite.
“There isn’t much more to put on it anyway. This was probably the last day we could do sandwiches.” Gabriel bit into his reluctantly and chewed as he reached for a book on the coffee table. “We can probably use the last pieces with some of the soup.”
“Cold soup and stale bread; I feel spoiled.”
“Things must be bad if you’re talking like that.”
“Losing the electricity’s made me cranky,” Nathalie said in way of apology. “I know we’re all making sacrifices.”
“At least you two get to eat,” Jagged whined, draping himself across the couch. “I’m starving. I’ve got bags under my eyes and my skin’s looking all waxy. I hate when my skin looks waxy. Haven’t looked this rough in decades.”
“Perhaps you should’ve left when you threatened to.” Gabriel didn’t look up from his book. “You know where the door is.”
“I can’t go out in this state. I wouldn’t make it to the end of the driveway. This storm’s unnatural. There’s a warlock or something behind it, mark my words.”
“I’ve been wondering about that actually.” Nathalie set her plate down and went to the wall of bookshelves, looking over the titles. “It might not be an accident we’re the only ones stuck here.”
Gabriel closed his book and looked to her across the room. “You really believe someone targeted the three of us?”
“I don’t know why they would. We’re only representatives, not even important members of our groups, but it’s just a feeling.”
“Why’d you have to go and bring that up?” Jagged groaned. “You’ve gone and made me think and now my head hurts.” He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. “See what you can find in those books about the Sacrifice of Three for the Solstice. I can’t believe I’m even considering that being a possibility. And keep it down; I need a nap.”
“Wait, what do you mean the Sacrifice of Three?”
The vampire didn’t reply as his body fell into a chilling stillness.
“He’s been doing that a lot the past day or so,” Nathalie remarked, keeping her voice low. She turned away from the sight and went back to the books. “It can’t be good.”
“He’s trying to conserve his energy, but I agree. We need to keep an eye on him. I don’t think it’d be wise for either of us to be alone with him at any time.” Gabriel set his own plate down and joined her by the bookshelves. “I’ll help you look while there’s still daylight.”
She cast another wary glance at the still vampire. “What if he loses control?”
Gabriel clenched his jaw. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
“Not if?”
He didn’t respond, instead pulling a book of the shelf to thumb through it.
“What if we’re still here when the full moon hits?” she asked, voice quieter.
“We’ll deal with that as well.”
“I’d kill you both. I can’t control it.”
“Then we better look for a way to get out of here, hmm?” He met her eyes and they shared a look of understanding before she nodded and they continued their search.
Buy me a cherry coke?
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toutorii · 4 years
Broken Pieces Chapter 2
Broken Pieces Masterlist
Warnings: Mild Language i think
"Mom?" the kid slurred.
"No I'm not your mom kiddo," I replied to the half-awake kid. His eyes started to droop. "Just go back to sleep, you'll feel better."
He mumbled something before he passed out again.
"So, did you see his mom?" Annie asked me.
"No, by the time I got there it was just him, Grover, and Bull Baby."
We both jumped at the sound of the door opening, revealing Grover. He looked so depressed it was making me depressed.
"H-how is he?" He asked.
"He just woke up actually. Asking for his mom." I answered. Grover visibly flinched. "What happened Grover?"
"He- she-she r-risked her life, to make sure Percy and I were safe." He cried.
So, Percy, that's the kid's name. Most likely after Perseus, this must be a sick joke. But wait-
"Why was she there in the first place?" I inquired.
"Ngggh" The kid, Percy groaned.
I turned, checking what's wrong with him. None of his wounds are infected, I cleaned and treated them myself. I felt his forehead, it was a normal temperature. Then it clicked. He was having a nightmare. He began to thrash and whimper in pain. I held on tightly to his hand, trying to stabilize him.
After several minutes, he calmed down. His breathing was still a little irregular, but nothing too severe.
That's when Grover stated, "I'll watch over him now, you haven't slept at all in the past 24-hours. ."
Has it really been that long? I guess, now that I think about it, my neck really aches. I guess I should take a break. So I got up, very slowly mind you, and said my goodbyes to Grover and Annie. The minute I walked through the door to Hermes cabin I was tackled by none other than Connor Stoll.
"What happened? Who's the kid? Is he alright? Are you alright? You look like death. Have you slept at all?" He asked one right after another. I laughed softly.
"Hello to you too. I'm fine, just need some sleep. The kid is fine, he's currently resting at the Big House. Any other questions mom?"
He pouted, "Come on Phe, you had me worried. You snuck out of the cabin and never came back! You know how terrifying that is? You could have been dead, and I would have never known. Luckily I heard some rumors that you were in the big house. I tried to visit you, but they were limiting visitors to not scare the kid. But still! You can't just do things like that!" After his speech, he was nearly on the brink of crying.
Ouch, my heart.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. But you know I can't get beaten that easily." I laughed.
"I know. It's just, that dream has made me paranoid."
"Huh? My dream has made you paranoid? Shouldn't it make me paranoid?"
"But the thing is, you don't fear death! Someone could tell you that you'd die today, and you would say something like, "Oh, guess I'll have to make the best of it then." And that scares me! You have no sense of self-preservation. It's very frustrating."
I frowned, not liking this worried Connor. "Con, you're being too serious. I don't like it."
"Heh, I guess you're right. I would invite you to prank the Demeter house, but I wasn't kidding when I said you look like death." He chuckled.
"Oh, shove it. I look fabulous." We both had a good laugh. "But seriously, I'm tired, go do whatever." And with that, he left. The Hermes cabin was currently at archery, so I could nap in peace. Thank the gods. The instant my head hit my pillow, I was out.
"-ebe! Wake up!" My eyes shot open. Who dare interrupts my slumber. I shot up, glaring at the intruder, but immediately softening when I saw who it was.
"What do you need Will?" I asked the nine-year-old.
"It's time for dinner, and you need to eat."
"Okay, I'm up, I'll be there." I smiled at him, ruffling his curly blonde hair.
He laughed, "Okay, I'll see you there."
After he left I sighed, I wasn't really prepared to go down to the dining pavilion. But, whatever. It's not like I was trying to impress anyone anyway. I went down to the pavilion, trying to tie my messy hair into a ponytail, trying to at least look somewhat presentable. I was greeted with smiles from various campers. I went and got my food and walked to the firepit to dump a portion into the flames.
'Mom, whoever you are, please look after that kid. I have a feeling he won't have a very peaceful time here.'
I walked over and took my normal seat between Connor and his older brother Travis.
"B-but, I don't understand. Why can't you just bandage the wound?" Will asked.
"Because it won't completely heal. The outer part will heal, but the tissue underneath will still be separated and damaged." I explained.
"Oh. So, is this how you do it?"
"Yeah, but you're way too stiff. Relax a little bit. You're doing fine." I assured him.
I was giving Will some lessons for first aid. Even though he has Apollo's healing powers, he needed to learn how to heal and treat someone without powers.
"How come you know all of this?" He asked me.
"Trial and error," I answered truthfully. He just nodded and went back to stitching up the pig belly. I looked at the kid. He was a good kid. His healing abilities are really spectacular for his age. I mean, it's no surprise cause he's a child of Apollo. But even Michael's not this good.
"Hey, Phoebe! Could you patch me up real quick? Got in a little trouble with the dragon." My good friend, Beckendorf said as he walked into the infirmary.
"Again? You sure you can tame it?" I teased.
"It doesn't need taming."
"So you're saying it just doesn't like you."
"Just patch me up." We laughed, as I got the needed materials to heal his burn wounds.
"Bite this," I said shoving a piece of cloth in his mouth.
"These are nasty burns, and this aloe will burn like hell. i'm warning you ahead of time."
"You just can't stay away from him, can't you?" Annie questioned.
"He's a patient of mine. I want to make sure he's okay. Plus, he just lost his mom, he'll need someone when he wakes up." I replied.
"Whatever. But you do know that he's the one from the prophecy."
"I really don't care Annie. He's a kid that's gonna be confused as hell when he wakes up. And Mr. D doesn't exactly make the warmest of welcomes."
"Well, I'm going to go do archery."
"M'kay, have fun."
After she left, I cleaned up the kid. I wiped the drool off his face and fed him some food. I stood and went to wash the bowl inside the big house. Grover passed by me and visited Percy on the porch. I heard muffled talking, the kid must be awake now. I walked outside and sure enough, I found Grover and Percy talking.
"Hey, kiddo. How're you holding up?" I tentatively ask Percy. He looks at me with a confused face, before realization dawns on him.
"You- you were that girl, who saved me." He said.
"I didn't exactly save you. You already did all the hard work. The name's Phoebe Jacobs. Nice to meet you."
He started to tear up. I panicked, did my name offend him?
"Woah kiddo, you okay? Did I offend you?" I asked worriedly.
"N-no. I'm fine." That was a total lie. "My name is Percy Jackson," He held out a trembling hand to me and I shook it.
"C'mon. Chiron wants to speak with you." I told him.
Damn. This kid's tough. He can't be much older than 12. But he still has been through more than most have in a lifetime. And now he's going to face an even tougher challenge.
Mr. D playing pinochle.
And thats chapter 2! I was going to post this tomorrow, but nobody is gonna read it anyways, so why wait 😂. But I hope you guys are enjoying it, and I know Connor is SUPER DUPER OOC AND IM SORRY. But let me know what you guys think, and if you would be interested in my other OC insert ideas.
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songofseraphine · 5 years
Home Is Where the Horse Is
 Part Two of The Song of Seraphine
Warnings: Adult themes and cursing.
A/N: Thank you again for reading and voting!  Here is another chapter for you all!  Also this does NOT follow the show story line directly, so little to no spoilers :)  Also please let me know if I should start a tag list for anyone that wants to keep up!
Part One
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One would think that after faking your death living would be easy.  It was not. The first month after her faked death, Seraphine spent lurking in the shadows, visiting villages she had never heard of before and barely uttering a word to anyone.  The second month she had enough courage to sit in a tavern again and enjoy a warm meal but not without covering her face with the hood of her cloak. The third month she talked herself into commissioning a weapons forger to make her a new bow to replace the one she had lost when she met Geralt.  Her conversations were kept short along with the amount of time she spent in a single village.  Her funds were dwindling and while she still had enough to book passage elsewhere she still had something to do before she left her homeland.  On the fifth month she roamed the outskirts of her village. An hour north and she would reach an old cabin with a barn and windmill.  It all looked the same as it had years before.  The garden just outside the front of the cabin was full of produce that needed picking and the daffodils and snap dragons near the windows bloomed in abundance.  It looked much more like a home than she remembered.  
              Seraphine dismounted from Vega and left her to graze just to the side of the cabin as she gained the courage to knock on the door.  There was movement in the cabin followed by what Sera thought was a child laughing.  “I told you Deter, you are not allowed to answer the door,” said a woman just on the other side.  “You are not yet old enough…”  Just then the door swung open and the woman on the other side, holding a baby on her hip, turned to great her visitor but stood in shock when her eyes landed on Sera.
              A boy about three years of age stood behind the woman’s skirts and looked up at Seraphine.  “Who’s that, Mommy?” he asked while looking from his mother to Sera.  “Why does she look like you?”
              The woman looked like she was either going to scream or cry, maybe both. “Hello, Faye,” Seraphine said but the woman shook her head then looked out around the outside of cabin as if expecting someone to be watching.  
              “Get in here,” she said then grasped Sera with the hand that wasn’t holding the infant and pulled her inside, quickly shutting the door behind her. “Deter come over here and play with your sister for a moment, yeah?  I’ll make you some cakes later,” she set the baby on the floor near a pile of wooden toys and the boy joined her.  Then she walked over to the other side of the cabin and put a kettle of water over the flames of the fire place.  “What are you doing here?”
              “Nice to see you too sis, what’s it been three… four years?” she said with a bitter laugh.
              “You know you can’t call me that here…  I am Sera here.  You know this.  You were the one who planned it all out,” her sister said while brushing through her long brown curls with her fingers.
              “Even in the privacy of your home?” Seraphine asked as she leaned against the wall just beside the window.
              Faline’s shoulders visibly tensed at Sera’s words.  “I have to now.  I have them,” she motioned to the two children.  “Children aren’t as careful as adults.  I can’t have them know me as one name but tell them to call me another. It was just easier.”
              “You mean easier to pretend I never existed… rather that you never existed,” she said with a roll of her eyes.  She kept her voice low even though she wanted to scream.  “Your son didn’t even know you had a sister till he saw your twin in the doorway.”
              The kettle whistled and Faye stepped away from Sera to get it.  Sera wiped her eyes quickly in hopes Faye wouldn’t be able to see that she was crying.  Faye poured them both a cup of tea but Sera wasn’t interested.  “Why did you come here?” her sister asked while sitting in one of the two chairs that sat near the old table.
              Sera liked to think she had thick skin but even that hurt her.  “To see you, Faye… sorry… Sera,” she scoffed and stepped away from her sister.  “I’ve been through hell for you, sister, while you have been here with Will… playing fucking house,” she said and waved a hand in the direction of the children.
              Her sister stood from her chair and stepped towards Sera.  “I didn’t ask you for this, Sera,” she said, her voice a stern whisper.  Faye’s jaw clenched the same way Sera’s did when she was angry.
              Sera squared her shoulders and locked eyes with her twin.  “You would have died if I hadn’t done this.  If you would have married that monster he would have killed you and if you would have ran as I did you wouldn’t have made it to Temeria, admit it,” she said with venom in her voice and tears welling in her eyes once again.  They watched one another and eventually Sera sighed, her shoulders dropping.  “I didn’t come here for this.”
              “What did you come here for, sister?  Money?” she asked making Sera let out a bitter laugh.
              “No, no Faye.  I am in no need of money,” she said and looked over to the children who were still playing with their toys.  “I came to see you, to say goodbye, even though I knew it was dangerous,” she said then looked back to her sister.  “He’s still looking for you, after all this time he is still on the hunt for his Faline.”
              She nodded.  “I know. His men come here a few times a year and search the place.  They fully believe I am you,” she said then took a sip of her tea.  It was silent between them as Sera finally took the other chair.  “I thought he would have given up at this point, found some other poor girl to obsess over…”
              “Yeah, sis, you really broke his heart,” she said with a laugh.  She took a sip of her tea and cleared her throat. “I don’t blame you for the situation I have gotten myself in, Faye,” her voice was low again so the children couldn’t hear her.
              Faye’s eyes filled with tears and she quickly wiped them away.  “I know… Sera, I know,” she said with a cry.  “I just feel like I took this away from you,” she motioned to the cabin and her children.
              Sera smiled and took her sister’s hand in her own.  “We both know this is not who I was, thank goodness we were the only ones to know that or else your cover would have been blown long ago,” she said and they both laughed.  “This house… kids… that was never in the cards for me, sis.”
              Faye squeezed her sister’s hand.  “You can stay in the barn tonight if you’d like,” she said but Sera shook her head.
              “You said his men come and search the place occasionally.  I can’t be here when he happens to call a search.  I shouldn’t be here now,” she said and stood from the table and then quickly untied the small coin purse from her waist belt.  She poured half of its contents onto the table, ignoring how wide Faye’s eyes got. “Take care of yourself, Faye.”
              She then started for the door, not planning to take another look back at her sister.  “I’ll tell Will you were here,” she said making Sera stop in her tracks.  She turned back and locked eyes with her sister until her vision began to blur.  “He still cares for you.  I look like you, I use your name… I had his children… but it was always you.”
              Sera wiped away the tears from her eyes and shook her head.  “I can’t be, not anymore,” she said and turned back towards Faye.  She rested her hands on her sisters shoulders to get her attention.  “Tell him I’m dead.  The news of my death should be reaching here soon anyways… don’t tell him I was here, tell him I am dead, Faye, then go and tell yourself the same thing.”
              Faye threw her arms around her and sobbed.  “I love you.  I don’t deserve the care you have given me.”
              Sera returned the embrace then pulled away knowing it was past time for her to go.  “I love you too, sister.  I must go. Give your boy milk of the poppy in some tea, he will sleep.  If he asks about me when he wakes, say it was a dream and deny anything he says about me, understood?” she asked and her sister nodded.  “Goodbye,” she said then walked out of the cabin for the final time. She left quickly and didn’t allow herself to look back as Vega galloped her away from her old home.  That wasn’t her place anymore and it never would be again. It was an all too familiar feeling of knowing she could never return to her home.  She rode, and she didn’t care where Vega was taking her.  She was dead to the world as far as they knew and she could leave once she gained back the coin she had given to her sister.  She would be able to take on her birth name. No more lying, no more pretending… And although she was no longer weighed down by the looming fear of never being safe, she found herself wiping away tears brought on by memories of the past.
That same cottage with the garden and the daffodils and snap dragons growing near the windows had been in the family for many generations now.  Seraphine and Faline had been born there and they had grown up there just as her father had before them.  Their mother, long passed, had been buried there just past the windmill.  Their father was a hunter and made a living for himself and the girls by selling the meat and furs from his game.  He was a good man but was often criticized by the people of the village for his soft nature towards his daughters.  He let them go to the markets on their own and never discouraged them voicing their opinions, only warned them that some may not take too kindly to a woman with a strong opinion.  He was not one of them though.  He thought his daughters to be well-read, strong women and he was okay with that.  
Faline was much like their mother.  She tended to the garden and cooked most of the meals while Seraphine joined their father on his hunts.  It was nearly impossible to tell the two apart.  If not for how they wore their hair, one would be convinced they were the same person.  Faye wore her long brown locks braided up into a bun at the nape of her neck while Sera’s brown curls rarely went past her collarbone.  Her short hair allowed her to be able to hunt with a little more ease.
Sometimes on their hunts, she and her father would be joined by a boy from the village, Willam.  “Faye said that last time she went to the market the Blacksmith’s son couldn’t take his eyes off of her,” Sera said as she and Will, now grown, sat in a clearing to enjoy some food and a rest from their hunt.  It had been just the two of them on hunts since her father had passed the year before from a cough that never went away.  
“Does she like the Blacksmiths son?” Will asked, getting an amused chuckle in response.
“No, she said he is an imbecile and has, as she said, looks that could never overshadow his stupidity,” she said and this time they both laughed.  
Their gazes landed on one another as Sera popped another berry into her mouth and chewed.  “What of me?  Do my looks overshadow my stupidity, Seraphine?” he was teasing her now.  
Sera rolled her eyes and threw a berry at him.  It bounced off his chest and landed in the grass beside them.  “Please, Will, next to my sister you are the smartest person I know,” she said as she dropped another berry into her mouth.
“And what of my looks?” he asked with a smirk.
Sera gave him a gentle nudge with her elbow and grinned. “I’ll admit, you’re quite handsome as well.”
“Oh?” he said, his dark brown raising.  “Is that so?” he grinned and she nodded while leaning into him.  Their lips met and his month tasted of berries.  She grabbed the collar of his shirt, daring to pull him even closer.  They had been fond of one another for many years and their friendship as children had blossomed into them being lovers. While Faye knew of their fondness for one another she didn’t know that Sera had given all of herself to this man. “Not to ruin the mood, but has your sister thought about maybe allowing the blacksmith’s son to get close so Mayor Ferdand may leave her be?” he asked.  He was right though, he had ruined the mood. Anytime Sera had to talk about the village’s Mayor a sour taste would invade her mouth.  But Will had a point.  If Faye did accept the attention that was being given to her by the blacksmith’s son, she just might get Ferdand off her back.
“You’re right, Will, but I sure as hell am not going to be the one to bring it up to her,” she said while standing up and brushing the grass of her riding trousers.  “We should head back.  I am sure she will have supper on for us by the time we get there.”  
Will reluctantly nodded and followed suit. When they arrived at the small farm house they were not welcomed by Faye in the garden as they usually were when they came in from a day of hunting.  When Sera realized the door to the cabin stood agape she sprinted towards it, not hearing Will call out to her.  What welcomed them would change their lives forever.  
 Sera shook the memories from her mind and wiped the tears from her eyes as she continued galloping away from her home.  She didn’t know where she was headed and she didn’t really care.  She had no plan other than to live, whether that meant with a purpose or not.  She had Vega at least, the only thing she could consider a home now.  Wherever she went Vega followed and for now… that would have to do.
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atopearth · 4 years
The Legend of Dragoon Part 1 - The Serdian War
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Omggg this is so nostalgic already! Seeing Rose save Dart from the Dragon was a pretty iconic scene haha. I honestly don't remember this game having voice dubs lol, that was a nice surprise. I can't remember why exactly Shana could affect the future of this world or whatever, but I do remember she's the Moon Child or something and Dart needs to go around the world saving her haha. It's sad to see Dart's hometown Seles get burnt to the ground just because Imperial Sandora needed to capture Shana. And omggg I love how unique the battle system is btw, it's honestly the highlight of the game for me hahaha. I used to be pretty bad at it but I usually get the hang of it after a while haha. It's so weird btw. It's probably been more than 10 years since I played this game, but somehow subconsciously I knew that there must be something at the graves in Seles, and there really was stardust there! I can't remember what it's for, but I guess it's good to know that inside me I still remember a lot of things about this game haha. Anyway, Dart and Shana have a pretty common childhood friend relationship where he's always protected her since they were kids, so there's no way he won't go to save her from Hellena Prison. Seriously though, it's a pretty cliche relationship but I don't know why, when I was a kid, I was just really fond of them haha.
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Meeting Lavitz here for Dart is a blessing since he'll be able to help him get through all the soldiers, but I guess that's likewise for Lavitz. Still better for Dart though since he'll be constantly trying to protect Shana haha. Anyway, I always found it saddening that Lavitz wanted to protect his fellow Knights of Basil that were captured as well, and about to be fed to Fruegel's pet but in the end, they still ended up dying🥺 I didn't realise that Dart actually hadn't been back to Seles for 5 years! No wonder why the others in town took a while to realise it was him, I just thought they were all groggy after their injuries. I guess that's why they believed that if he was there, Seles might have been okay, but still though, one more Dart can't really go against an army lol. Anyway, playing with Lavitz is so nostalgic! Hearing Dart say Double Slash and Lavitz say Harpoon is just so crazy hahaha. I can't wait to get Rose etc~ I still suck at the Additions though lmao, every time I'm like, I'm to good at this, I fail hahahaha, and I'm still just doing Double Slash, I literally only need to press one button when it goes close to the square lol! Fruegel wasn't that hard of a boss at all! I actually really enjoyed being able to use my Addition skills more because the soldiers kept dying in one hit lol. Ohh yeah, Dart's first hometown (where he and his parents lived) was called Neet and was attacked by the Black Monster! I think it was pretty saddening that his family escaped, but his father decided to return to help others, and his mother followed after him, like, what about your child?! It must have hurt for Dart to see something similar happen to Seles though... I can't believe Dart went on a journey to find the Black Monster when he was 13 though, like dang! But I guess a kid like him who had to learn to survive by himself would be resilient enough by that age... Hmmmm, as I gathered, the Kingdom of Basil is at war with Imperial Sandora and the war is widespread over Serdio itself. Can Emperor Doel of Imperial Sandora control the Dragon enough that he thinks he can take over Albert's kingdom instead of keeping the truce?? Gotta love how conveniently that log we chopped allowed us to cross the river hahahaha. Lavitz is such a kind soul though. He doesn't even know these random people on the road, and they're even from Sandora but he just invites them to Bale and even his house because they have nowhere else to go. I guess his kindness is a reflection of the type of country Albert runs.
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Lmao, I love how Dart and Lavitz are such bros that even Shana can't butt in🤣 It was pretty scary when Lavitz slipped on the rock and nearly fell off the waterfall though, I felt so nervous for him lol. So cute how the guys are so fond of each other already though lol. Not sure what exactly Shana's powers do, but it instantly decimated that snake when her life was in danger so....hmm. It's so sweet how respected Lavitz is that the artist girl in Bale painted a portrait of him, and Dart said it was too handsome hahaha. Omg! I feel so sorry for the NPC in the inn! His child and his grandchild died due to the war so he thinks there's no meaning to his life anymore... That's so saddening... The lady that has been waiting for her boyfriend to come back even after 10 years is so faithful, it's heartbreaking. It's so cool to see how much the people love Lavitz in Bale, I guess it's understandable though, not only is he a good boy and knight, his dad is also a revered knight, so he's probably doing well succeeding him. Not surprised Dart wanted to leave Shana here to protect her lol. I loved how she practically immediately told him her feelings about it and him, like wow, she's so bold to say she wants to stay beside him forever in front of the king and everyone lol. Albert is right though, with a dragon on their side, no place is really safe in Serdio anymore... Hmmmm Winglies used to rule at the top until the Dragon campaign where they fought against Emperor Diaz and the seven dragons, and it was then that humans acquired their freedom after their slavery by the Winglies? And it was then that the Black Monster appeared.. I think it's really cool of Dart to see that him chasing after the Black Monster all this time has been selfish of him, and it caused him to nearly lose his hometown again, so now he wants to join alongside Lavitz to end this war before it creates more people like him who have lost their homes. No wonder why Hoax sounds familiar huh, that's where the current line of defence has been pushed to, and it's most likely where they'll use the dragon! HAHAHA, why does Albert have a slide that goes back to the entrance of the castle in his bed chambers?! Not complaining though because that was pretty fun and cool lmao. LOL at Shana saying she's Dart's girlfriend and not Lavitz's when the mum misunderstood, even Dart didn't know she was hahahaha. Lmao at Dart saying he can cook aka he can cook a large piece of meat hahaha, is that how he survived by himself for 5 years?! Even Lavitz was like forget it, leave the cooking to his mum and Shana loll. The answers are all so hilarious, imagining Dart trying to practise with his sword in Lavitz's house is so cute loll, he'll destroy the place. It was even more funny when you choose the option to take a nap because Dart says every young lady knows that lack of sleep is bad for your skin, and Lavitz is just speechless at it hahahaha. Looking around the house, it honestly feels kinda lonely that Lavitz's mum lives in this big house by herself considering Lavitz is away most of the time. I've always enjoyed the rooftop scene, you get to see a nice view of Indels Castle and you can see that Lavitz's passion towards protecting his country stems from watching his father, but it's become his dream now too. This is similar to Dart, where his passion lies in protecting Shana because he's the only one that can do that right now, he might still consider her a baby sister for now, but we'll see how it all goes! I think it's really cute how in the end, Lavitz ended up spending the night and even took his mum's handmade jerky haha, he's a soft boy at heart. I mean, the country and the war is important, but who knows how many times he can bond with his mother, so I'm glad he decided to spend some proper time with her instead of just lunch. I find it funny how you can jump from Lavitz's house's rooftop to the stables hahaha, imagine doing that in real life!
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Lmaoo at Dart, Lavitz and even Kaiser (the Eighth Knighthood leader taking care of Hoax) saying that as long as Shana's food is edible, it's good enough🤣 To be fair, when you're a knight or a wanderer like Dart, I doubt you'll have much complaints about food haha. Omgg so King Doel is actually Albert's uncle?! Since Doel is apparently Carlo/Albert's father's brother! I wonder why their relationship soured, was it because Doel wanted to be king instead? Lmao at the midwife asking if they came to talk to her because Dart and Shana wanted babies hahahaha. War is always a saddening thing though. When I think about the soldiers such as the one holding the amulet from his daughter believing that he can go back home to her, the people fortifying their houses to protect against the raid and everything, it's just so saddening to see these soldiers fall by enemy arrows and everything... Man, the fight against Kongol is so unforgiving lol! If you fail your addition, he counterattacks you! I missed it once and was like whoa! Otherwise, I always love Rose swooping down in her dragoon form and saving Dart from Kongol~ hmm, so the Dragoon Spirit (the stone Dart's father left behind) means that you "deserve" to rule Dragons and for him, it's the Red-Eye Dragon? Nice that it's clarified that Dragoons were the ones who led humans to victory in the Dragon campaign, the pictures just kinda showed humans riding on dragons so I wasn't sure haha. It was so cute how Dart piggy backed Shana and told her that even if she may not be as strong as Rose, she's good for other stuff and doesn't need to compare herself. Oooh so Winglies used Virages in the Dragon Campaign, this one was pretty weak though! Greham's story is a pretty common one, but I always find it terrible, mainly because people like him driven by jealousy and power in order to get stronger than their best friend that they essentially admire, but then kill them in that quest is just..sad. People like Lavitz's father Servi trusted him, but in the end because of their desire to be stronger, they sacrifice their friend and end up pretty much regretting it in their death. I'm not sure if Emperor Diaz from the Dragon Campaign is alive or whatever as he says, but it's nice that Greham ended up leading Lavitz to inherit the Jade Dragoon Spirit.
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I remember Lohan! It's such a crazy city because of how huge it is, yet all the houses and stores are so tiny and in like a maze lol! No idea how Dabas (the antique seller that tells us we can get Dragoni plant to save Shana from dragon poison north of the nest or something) affords his gigantic store lol. Lmaoo at the man staring across the street at a lady thinking she's interested in him, but she's actually just staring at him because he reminds her of her dog hahahah. I love the rollercoaster kinda ride you do at Shirley's Shrine to get the numbers to go to the boss lol, it's pretty fun hahaha. I thought Drake the bandit was aiming for treasure here, but it seems that he was protecting Shirley all along! I feel bad that Shirley's gone now, but I guess this is how it should be, and at least the White Silver Dragoon Spirit is in good hands and will only be used to heal people. It's kinda cute how apparently Haschel and Dart journeyed together before! Now they've reunited in the Hero Competition! Anyway, I've always loved this tournament part because it's really cool to see how Dart himself fares against others without the party. On another note, I'm not sure why I love Lloyd since I've kinda forgotten his character, but to this day, I love the name Lloyd enough that if it wasn't weird, I would totally call my future kid Lloyd, and it's probably the only reason I would prefer a boy than a girl LOL. I think I always found it really cool how overwhelmingly strong he was compared to Dart probably. Lmao at Lavitz trying to drag Rose away so Dart could play games around the arena with Shana alone, but she punches him instead hahahha. Okay lmao, totally cannot do that obstacle course lolll. I'd rather do what's wrong with the room one, it's so easy after you do it a few times hahah, also helps if you cheat by taking a photo with your phone LOL. But otherwise, it's the same scene every time so it's pretty easy. The pink bird in the hat moving around is too hard with the pixels merging together imo lol! And the monkeys throwing balls at Dart is pretty hilarious hahahah.
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Although I can understand why Dart is so adamant on continuing his journey looking for the Black Monster after the war, Lavitz is kinda right that maybe he should focus on the present instead of chasing after the past, otherwise he's going to lose his chance at happiness with Shana. Omgg, Albert offering up himself at Hellena Prison to protect the people of Bale from Imperial Sandora?? This is when Lavitz dies...isn't it?😭 Well, I obviously didn't farm enough to get Flower Storm for Lavitz and I honestly cbb, but I did Google to see it, and apparently when Lavitz does it, he says Rose Storm (because he likes roses the most apparently) and Albert says Blossom Storm because his favourite is cherry blossoms! The even cooler thing is that this is changed in their Dragoon forms! Lavitz's second magic skill is called Blossom Storm with cherry blossoms all around, and Albert's is Rose Storm so they kinda swap around in Dragoon form to show their love and camaraderie with each other, it's so cool! Honestly though, I nearly cried when Lavitz died. I feel like when I was a kid, I never really saw how cool, loyal and kind Lavitz was because the Additions were too fascinating lol, so now seeing how friendly he was, how considerate he was towards Shana's feelings for Dart, how he gave advice to Dart on what he should cherish most, and how we was always willing to give his life to his king and his country, it really broke my heart to see him die like that. Especially in Lloyd's hands, someone who we thought was an admirable swordsman turned out to be the guy who would kill Lavitz when they actually fought against each other. I'm not sure what kinda sword he has but it seemed really beam-y lol. And what is the Moon Gem that he needed from Albert's body? I think the pain really hit me when Lavitz entrusted everything to Dart, and then the Jade Dragoon Spirit flew out of him😭😭 Ohh, the reason why Lloyd could so easily pierce through Lavitz's Dragoon armour was because his sword was the Dragon Buster, a weapon from the old world made to kill Dragons! It's really nice of Haschel to have come along with them btw, especially since he's on a journey to find his daughter. Although I guess it's not much of a deterrence considering he's been looking for 20 years, but still. I guess he'll find her along the way... Hopefully. So, the Moon Gem was one of the magical artifacts scattered across the world made from the Winglies after their defeat, but only they can use them? It's been hidden in each crown heir every generation in fear of the powers of destruction it could bring when put in the wrong hands hmm, I'm kinda amazed they found a way to put it in the body like that though. I guess now that Albert's kingdom is "gone", he's got a reason to go along with us to end this war with the few people and Dragoons he has. I mean, if the Dragoons ended the Dragon Campaign, I'm sure they're better than an army anyway lol. It's kinda nice that the one who taught Albert his lance skills was Lavitz himself, so it's understandable that he would use the same moves. Anyway, onwards to the Black Castle where Emperor Doel resides! Straight to the end of the war hopefully!
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Lmao at the guy registering to be a mercenary with Imperial Sandora trying to revoke it after his friend told him about the Dragon being defeated and Hellena Prison having fallen. Wow, I restarted because I accidentally sold something but omg when you say you want to register, the guy taking registrations advises you to not and even gives you money if you have money problems because he doesn't want you to risk your life! He's so nice... Aww the people at the inn! When the lady begged for us to stay and treat it like charity, I felt like I couldn't be stingy lol, it's only 20G anyway. LOL at the guy trying to con people for their money by claiming he killed Feyrbrand (Jade Dragon) and then he gets arrested hahahah. The variety of researchers in the Black Castle are hilarious, especially Mr Magi who turned himself into "Cerberus" but really turned into a dog lol. But the research of Dragons and magic? This sounds suspicious and bad... The battle against Kongol was so annoying! His skills take so long lol! Defeating Doel felt like...bringing someone back to their sanity? I wonder why he had to kill Albert's father back then, was it really just to be king? Anyway, it's not nice to be happy about someone's death, but honestly, with Emperor Doel's death, the 20 year war finally ends... But our journey has not, because as Dart said, this journey began because people captured Shana, and after that too many things have happened to just go home and live peacefully, we need to see what Lloyd wants and whether Emperor Diaz really is alive.
Anyway, that's the end of chapter 1! Kinda crazy that it was only one chapter tbh, I felt like I finished a story but really, it's just the beginning. So many things happened... Especially Lavitz's death. Anyway, I'm hyped to continue the journey! Btw the battle against Emperor Doel was pretty hard, he deals so much damage lol! But then again, I'm always cheap with my healing potions hahaha. Didn't think he'd be a Dragoon though, but I guess it was to be expected lol. Yay for everyone having a Dragoon Spirit now though lol. Honestly though, I really enjoy the variety of battles and how engaging the story and characters are. I really like how there are battles that are more as a symbolism than an actual battle such as Shirley’s where you’re supposed to give her the correct answers rather than defeating her, I think it really makes you think about everyone’s motivations and how they deal with it all in order to continue on their path. I just love it. The towns are also so different and fun! Like, Lohan is just a bumble of shops and everything, gotta love the guy that shouts at you for running around the rooftop lol, and Bale is just so Albert and Lavitz centred that it has such a warm feeling when you’re there. Tournaments are always my thing, so I’m glad this game has it too haha~ I can’t wait to see the rest!
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I was super bored while the power was out so I did this lmao, under the cut bc it’s gonna be long and I don’t wanna subject y’all to that. I excluded Eeveelutions, starters and legendaries just to keep the slots more varied/open.
I don’t really know what universe or timeline this is set in, none of it’s consistent and I really don’t care :)
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The Spritzee was a gift from Mars and was their first Pokemon. Their Unown was the first Pokemon they caught by themself, since it wouldn’t stop following them around. The rest were collected haphazardly throughout their life, without any rhyme or reason, just any Pokemon that managed to worm their way into June’s cold dead heart, + any that reminded them of themself lmao.
Difficulty: 5/10 June doesn’t battle very often, and none of their Pokemon are evolved... however, they are ridiculously over-leveled, so it depends on how much you’ve been grinding your Pokemon.
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As a little kid, he caught a Poochyena, but it took a long time for him to start a journey, on which he caught a little Aron. He completed the Hoenn league with just his loyal Mightyena and Aggron, and then branched into other regions. He picked his Pokemon depending on whether they wanted to travel with him or not, and by how determined they were to get stronger. He could honestly be a member of an Elite 4 at this point, or even Champion but he wouldn’t want that. I really love the idea of Fain giving him his Dusknoir
Difficulty: 10/10 Not only are all his Pokemon strong and run good moves, they also use items to their advantages and have good strategies in place. His Aggron, Tyranitar and Steelix have Megas. You feel like you’re going to have a bad time.
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Myriad originally didn’t catch Pokemon, they just befriended wild Pokemon and let them hang around. Eventually, when they wanted to travel someplace else, the Pokemon that didn’t want to leave them volunteered to be caught. All except Aerodactyl, who Myriad actually ended up bringing back to life by accident (long story)... but she’s still a welcome member to the team!
Difficulty: 7/10 I hope you like status conditions!!
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She and her Raichu have never seen exactly eye to eye (since she chucked a Poke Ball at a poor little Pichu’s face super hard), they’ve both got fiery temperaments and they argue often, but they’re still partners. Mandibuzz was traded to Ginger from one of her ex girlfriends, so now the Pokemon actively disobeys her every command. The others work hard to make up for it. Ginger is on the road a lot and has battled many people in many different places.
Difficulty: 6/10 Ginger doesn’t cares lot about strategy, so it’s hit-or-miss if their moves are good or not, also they’re all not super high level, despite the battling. Still, they can do some damage.
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Jesse is a magnet for Pokemon who need help, physically or emotionally. He found and bonded with his Cubone partner over their lost mothers, and since then he has been adopting and caring for Pokemon who need him - especially Pokemon who have been abandoned.
Difficulty: 4/10 Jesse is up for a friendly battle, but he doesn’t battle often, preferring to just explore peacefully, and he always puts the health of his Pokemon friends above all else. Lanturn is the strongest and carries the team more often than not. Generally a causal trainer. He’d probably give you a few free Poke Balls after you beat him bc he’s Nice.
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A bunch of scrappy easily-angered Pokemon for a scrappy easily-angered trainer. He caught his Starly partner when they were both very, very young, and since then they’ve been inseparable. They wanted to be the strongest trainer/Pokemon in the world, so they scoured the world for Pokemon with the same spirit, defeating anybody who didn’t have it. Despite a bit of in-fighting, they’re all fiercely loyal to each other.
Difficulty: 7/10 Actually fairly difficult, but they all operate on pure offence and nothing else and doesn’t use potions. Vrox’ll probably physically fight you after you beat him, he doesn’t care if you’re only ten.
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Emala doesn’t catch Pokemon - she makes friends with them, and if they want to join her team, she even lets them choose the type of Ball they want to be in. She doesn’t often make them stay in the Balls, anyway, letting them roam around her cottage home. Her partner is a Flaafy, who doesn’t want to evolve further. She isn’t a real battler, only doing so if her Pokemon want some exercise/fun. She runs a kind of unofficial Pokemon sanctuary. 
Difficulty: 9/10 Her Pokemon are strong in order to protect the sanctuary from poachers. Most of them are HP tanks, and many know health restoring or stat boosting/lowering/status moves. She is willing to play the long game and has a lot of potions. After you beat her, however, she will heal up your Pokemon whenever you ask and give you words of encouragement!!
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Ben had no interest in being a trainer, he just wants to live in peace and quiet. His partner is a Cutiefly who loved him so much it found a Poke Ball, carried it to him all by itself and gave him cute eyes until he caught it. He technically hasn’t caught Drampa or Dragonite, but they’re fast friends and they live in the same place, in mutual understanding and calm. Cutiefly’s favourite thing is napping on top of Ben’s head, using his hair as a little blanket. If it ever evolved, Ben would absolutely cry with how proud he is + how much he loves it.
Difficulty: 9/10 If something even looks funny at Cutiefly, Ben and his dragons will obliterate them. They’re very protective and super over-leveled, they can and will sweep your team if you’re not prepared.
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August has been a competitive Pokemon trainer since a young age, and is well-known as a powerful battler and a model, along with her Pokemon. She and her partner Milotic have been together since August was a baby, and they almost seem to be able to read each other’s minds. She is extremely close with all her Pokemon, pampering them and battling with them regularly. There’s rumours she might become the next Champion, but she’s neither confirm nor deny.
Difficulty: 9/10 Her Pokemon are high-leveled, know good and varied moves and she uses Full Restores. Liberally. Her Milotic is an actual tank. Both her Gardevoir and Gallade can Maga Evolve. Enough said.
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He and August have a famous long-running friendly rivalry. He chooses his Pokemon solely for their strength and battles competitively. He is usually seen with his Pyroar, since the two are partners. However, aside from that, he doesn’t seem to be very close with his Pokemon. They are all very proud of their strength.
Difficulty: 9/10 Just freaking LOOK at it. Though you may notice that if you’re close to beating him, his play style will get sloppier, rasher, impatient... almost like he’s got a temper that gets the best of him sometimes...
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep22: Mokuba Gets Murdered
So today’s is...a long update, I may half it, but I’m gonna be away from my computer a whole bunch for a few weeks so like...if I half it you’re gonna be waiting on that other half for...kind of a while and by then I may have sort of forgotten what was happening in the first half. So I dunno, maybe I’ll just make this a huge ass...59 cap post.
honestly it’s mostly 59 caps because, surprisingly, no one dueled this episode.
When I saw that “To be continued” last episode I really thought I’d have to deal with more paper-form BS but Noah finally plopped over at the beginning of this episode so I guess he’s just officially done playing cards now. Everyone has been turned back from being stoneware with absolutely no consequential brain damage. Probably because you could not do any more damage than what has been previously done.
But don’t worry he’ll get some more brain damage in by the end of this episode.
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Remember the plot point that Tristan was slowly becoming a real monkey? I think he forgot about that because he’s been a monkey for...a realllllly long time and he kinda like...continues to just be Tristan. Maybe Tristan was nearly a monkey to begin with?
We also get a rare sighting of an actual real deal hug on this show and it was from the last person you’d ever expect.
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Surprisingly heartwarming for this show.
If that duel disk goes off, both of them are super dead. Hugging in a duel disk might be the most dangerous sport either of these boys have ever done.
Anyway, because Seto and Mokuba were the first ones to go, they have no idea that any time has passed at all.
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He seems pretty OK for Yugi just nonchalantly taking his dragons but this is VR and...the cards aren’t...actually here. So like...Yugi didn’t actually steal anything? No proof, no crime.
To be honest, no one should have any cards in any of their decks right now, but the show kind of forgets that these digital cards need to be drafted each round. It’s fine.
Anyway, in the wake of losing a card game, Noah just remembered that he’s a freakin god of this universe so he decides to just go for plan B, which you would think would be most people’s plan A.
(more under the cut)
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Ya Noah could have peaced out at any point in this show, but because he was trying to impress Daddy he just...didn’t?
Not like it mattered because the integral plot device was like “oh yeah guys, I’m in this show, too, completely forgot. Oops, is it too late? It’s already episode 22? Eh, better late than never.”
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and don’t be deceived by the cap, it showed like...every millennium item for some reason. You’d think it wouldn't show the rod because Yugi doesn’t have that, but apparently Marik up there on the ship was like “the hell is this going off for?” and then just shrugged it off.
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Noah gets...mostly this image of a well waxed Pharaoh while Yugi gets images of Noah’s memories, where he finds out each of Yugi’s friends and Yugi himself were stuffed in little sci fi VR pods. You’d think that they wouldn’t need to access Noah’s memories to realize that. Should’ve been the first thing they realized when they got here. In VR.
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Like, think about it, the only other person that got kicked out of here was Pegasus. And to kick out Pegasus it took all of Yugi’s friends except Bakura. Apparently this time all Yugi needs is for Pharaoh to focus (and Bakura to be just...youknow...present, I guess. Assuming the writers haven’t forgotten that Bakura’s still in there)
I think they mostly did this memory exchange as an excuse to give us a review--thing is there’s so much weird stuff to review it feels a lot like exposition. Like I don’t remember seeing these big boys before:
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There is just...a lot of design put into this robot you only see like a couple of times. Some concept artist when all ham so I wonder...was this his OC? I’m so glad his weird OC sleepytime bot got into Yugioh. Good for him.
So at this point I kinda turned to my bro and was like “this feels a lot like the Matrix, doesn’t it?” and then in rolls in the bright purple cloud of “you don’t even know.”
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I’ll just leave this here.
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back to Yugioh.
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Yo I kinda forgot in the mayhem that Kaiba’s Dad was clearly here this whole time. I figured we’d run into him, I didn’t really think he’d Castlevania it up in the sky in order to do it.
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So this show presents these two brain orb AI monsters as being pretty well...alive...in that Orb because we’ve only heard this explanation from two AI beings who are pretty sure they never died. But, are they alive, really? Did they really transcend to a higher plane like Noah thinks? Or was this a thinly veiled murder/suicide? Did Gozaburo Kaiba kill his son because he could not allow him to be crippled, seeing an opportunity test out this crazy orb AI that needed a human brain in order to function--knowing full well what he was doing? And then later kill himself after losing everything to Seto?
Like, I’ve heard that in the Japanese version, Gozaburo commits suicide and in the English version he does not. But, at least from where I’m sitting...I think he commits suicide in both versions. Like, maybe it’s because I’m an adult watching this and not a child, but it feels like Gozaburo did this in order to set a trap for Seto as his last screw you before he left this mortal plane.
Either way, Noah’s kind of an idiot and so he still has not caught on. What followed was the three very worst Kaiba boys just kind of shouting at eachother for 5-10 minutes but, like, on completely different wavelengths, every single one. The lack of communication between these dumbasses right after Gozaburo drops this horrifying bomb of “and then I killed myself to kill all of you” was actually pretty low key hilarious.
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The dub then got very confused as to when Noah died. Really confused, I’m not going to analyze that too much, it’s dub problems. Dubs do that sometimes.
Also, this is a new Noah outfit. Huh. shame we never got to know it.
Anyway, as the truth comes out, suddenly this accidental Kaiba family therapy
sesh everyone else in this High School class is privy to just starts escalating.
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Yo, remember how many jokes I made that Kaiba was raised in Outer Heaven? Apparently I was WAY closer than I realized.
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And speaking of Metal Gear:
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Anyway, remember that random idea that Noah dropped on us to consume the world with VR tech? I knew it would come back, just not quite like this. Not with a nice Power Point slide show via the sky from the Most Evil Mufasa.
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And that was how Kaiba’s Dad decided “I was once scorned by a rude 12 year old, lets destroy every human on Earth and extinguish all civilization.”
So basically the entire freakin ocean is just filled with these robots? Just completely polluted with nighty-night bots?
So like this whole time we’ve been following Marik, who’s trying to destroy the world, and keeping babysitting tabs on Bakura, who’s trying to destroy the world, but Kaiba just wants to be the best and show everyone else up so he just decided to set in motion the entirety of humanity’s destruction BEFORE THIS SERIES EVER STARTED.
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*coughs* I can’t believe Yugioh just did the Matrix better than the Matrix.
Now listen, I know what I said--and I have to tell you, the Matrix was one of my favorite movies when it came out when I was wee middle schooler and watched it secretly at my friend’s house. It was rated R for absolutely no reason, and so I wasn’t supposed to watch it--but I did anyway and it was very thrilling to break the law like that. Keanu Reeves did a middle finger--yes, that was the cuss that put it into R territory--and I was like “wow, he is crazy!”
But, while it’ll always hold a place in my little tween heart, that one did not age well. Mostly because, once it stepped away from the cave allegory you have to start asking questions like “so...how did everyone get trapped in the Matrix?” and it was like “because the robots needed batteries. So like...humans...became batteries...rather than..........actual batteries.” which makes a lot of sense when you’re like a child and you don’t know how batteries work, but as an adult it’s like “...so they’re not very smart robots, then?”
But, Matrix came out about 1999, and because it was super cool, it influenced everything. This show was about 2001, and Kaiba’s wearing a floor length coat--I really think there may have been a bit of an influence?
And I think they may have explained how all humanity would get placed in the Matrix better than that movie series that was like 3 movies and a bunch of video games and a very violent cartoon. And like, the Yugioh explanation is still balls insane, but hey, at least this motive makes sense.
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And then, at this point, Mokuba’s Stockholm Syndrome came back, but this time it’s just plain old fashioned Stockholm Syndrome, no weird brainwashing on the part of Noah was necessary to make any of this happen.
Like I really think Moki’s finally snapped. It’s finally snapped. He doesn’t know have any idea what is going on anymore and desperately needs a nap. A nap that will last like 5 days. Moki needs to go to the beach and just...not move for about a straight week to recover from the mess of this tournament.
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Most people at this point would be like “yeah I think maybe Noah isn’t trustworthy” but this group of kids--this is the only group of kids that sees a cackling undead digital ghost dude hunched over like this who has already tried to kill them on multiple occasions--straight up just 10 minutes ago--and says “he’s probably much better now.”
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Just 10 feet away from them, Marik is desperately trying to finish the arc he started, but keeps running into filler problems. Which is this door.
This X-men door, the most powerful filler villain in the Yugioh universe.
I can’t believe they explained away Marik--super powerful evil villain that bested Bakura--by using one singular door that kept him occupied for like 20 episodes.
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Apparently the bedtime bots are equiped with Huge Lasers.
Which kind of defeats the purpose of keeping everyone alive to send them to the VR realm?
But whatever, they have huge lasers, but little do they know, Marik can shoot lasers out of that necklace he stole off Bakura, and he didn’t actually do that and it’s kind of a bummer. Instead he reflects the lasers with the rod. Which then makes you wonder--is that why Bakura didn’t use his laser attack then? Because of the reflection issue?
Sorry I can’t believe I even entertained that idea. Clearly they completely forgot about S1 at this point. It feels like it’s been so many years since things were simple and you could shoot lasers out of your eyeball/necklace.
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And then, canonically, Marik gave up on this door. This normal ass door. The only foe he has ever stepped down to.
This door has faced the ultimate evil, it has stared down an actual fallen god born of anger and violence, who, after thousands of years steeped in an abusive tomb, has risen to consume the entire world, but, this door, using all of it’s bolts and joints you can buy at your local Home Depot, sent that fallen god back whence he came. Which was a blimp. Marik came from a blimp.
This door should be the 4th God Card.
(I want y’all to know that I originally wrote “5th” god card and bro corrected me because I literally thought there were 4 this entire time.)
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The amount of time that Mokuba was not kidnapped after Yugi and co just saved him? I want to say maybe 10 minutes. He got one hug from Seto, and then went back to the kidnap zone.
Apparently, Noah decided to trap everyone else in their old memories--which is an interesting way to recap what happened in S2. The trap doesn’t trick them very well because these guys are missing a fair amount of memory at this point, so they basically got served a bunch of weird nonsense.
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So while those guys are going to go down their very, very short memory lanes, Noah takes Mokuba to the same exact Dave & Busters that Tea and Yugi went on a date to back in like S2. Like this is the same exact one. And what’s nuts is I think they even redid the backgrounds, but definitely used S2 as reference. It’s quite the devotion to detail.
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Noah tried to invent some sort of weird mystery doorway but then Mokuba was like “yeah it’s in the game right? Don’t say no, because I am hankering for some arcade time--don’t touch the other stick though, I want to play solo.″ and then Mokuba just proceeded to play this 2 person arcade game by himself while Noah just...watches.
In Dukes memories, Tristan looks the same as Duke’s always perceived him.
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There’s just a lot to take in here.
But don’t worry, it gets weirder than three cultists on one small toy monkey, because here comes some romantic development that had absolutely no basis in reality. This is just so freakin weird, get ready for it.
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They definitely almost run over Duke and Serenity--Joey’s sister--and Joey does not not seem to have any reaction to nearly running over his little sister on the road, because one second later, this is happening.
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And that was how Noah managed to insert his JoeyxMai fanfiction into Joey’s head and tried his damnedest to make it canon. It’s wild. I can’t believe Noah was a shipper this whole time. Like, who else has he been secretly shipping???
Noah had a split second to use his fabulous orb brain to deal with Joey, and while he used actual memories from the other kids, when it came to Joey, he sort of stopped and went “oh yes, my OTP!”
So then, in this split second Noah kinda turned to his pile of Joey fanfic he keeps stashed in the corner of his Orb Brain Consciousness and was like “well I have this really good one I wrote where Mai wasn’t in the coma yet, and there clearly aren’t enough romantic sunsets, and like...what if they were getting married? Oh man I love this AU! This is so good, can’t wait to upload it to his brain, OMG, he’ll love it. What if they were in Hawaii or something!? OMG they’re so freakin cute.”
Like everyone else on this show who has a canon relationship had to go through some type of sweet hell terror memory but Joey--just Joey--got to go on a date or something and then seal his love with a ring. Like we’ve seen many indicators that Noah is a small child but this was probably the biggest indicator we’ve seen of Noah’s maturity level when he was like “this is how relationships work.”
Again, Yugioh just writing your fanfiction for you--did you want an AU where Mai and Joey’s age wasn’t an issue and she also wasn’t in a coma yet and was uncharacteristically like “lets run off and get married?” because usually you’d have to search Google for that content, but now it’s just here and given to you on a silver platter.
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At about the same time they were fully convinced none of this was a real memory, they all ended up back here, minus Kaibas. Joey apparently took the longest amount of time although he had the most bizarre set of memories. He probably just wanted to see where that fic would pan out, but like most fic’s, it kinda stopped updating at about chapter 3 so he gave up on it.
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Just a few blocks away, Mokuba and Noah’s playdate from Hell is going according to plan, and Noah is just biding his time before snatching a body. But, before he does, I guess Noah did want to see what happens in this arcade game Moki’s playing because he’s just been standing here admiring Mokuba’s work.
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Even Noah at this point is surprised at how deeply Mokuba has Stockholm Syndrome. Noah was just not prepared for how low Mokuba’s expectations are regarding his evil and pathological brothers.
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Actual line of the show through this whole ironic experience, Noah just saying “wow...I almost feel bad”
Anyway remember that DDR game--that huge screened DDR game where Tea had a dance fight with Johnny Steps during her date with Yugi?
Did you ever think it would, one and half seasons later, become the scene of a horrific crime?
Did you ever think that the crime that would occur on the inane DDR machine that Tea once had a dance fight on against a guy wearing fringe moccasins would later be the scene of a family betrayal where Mokuba got murdered by his own dead secret older brother?
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Because I sure didn’t.
Anyway, now equipped with his ultimate form--a very small kid with hair that weighs more than the kid itself, Noah rises from his grave.
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I kind of love evil Moki, not going to lie.
Apparently Moki’s evil in Season 0 so I’ll probs have to go back to that season eventually to get more of that evil Moki fix.
I hope this is the type of scene that will end this entire show, TBH, just a crazy ass Moki cackling over the bodies of every other card player. That would be such a good way to end this series.
Anyway, I don't know whennnn the next update will be. I may update on that later--maybe not, but until we meet again, we’ll just leave evil Moki here in this nearly abandoned SeaQuest, laughing his face off over the sweet tunes of some Plantasia.
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Good Luck
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Crush x Reader | ☁️ | 1.4k | Cat Hybrid!Reader | Magic AU | Familiar AU
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(C/N) watched the black cat nimbly walk along the ledge of his balcony, seemingly on the brink of a risky fall from his apartment, but somehow maintaining its balance as they casually hopped off.
Pawing at the glass, their (E/C) eyes peered up at him as he continued to sit there on his couch with his textbook open in his lap. He thought about pretending to ignore the cat and simply study, but something in him told him otherwise.
Expecting to hear her meow, he soon realized there was a small bundle of herbs in the cat’s mouth. Pushing his textbook aside, he got up and opened the balcony door.
“What do you got there, (Y/N)?” 
He scooped you up, trying to see what you had. He moved back to the couch, settling you in his lap as he pet your head. While you enjoyed the warmth that he offered you after spending the cool afternoon wandering outside, you weren’t in the mood to cuddle up to him.
Squirming, you hopped out of his arms and dropped the bundle of herbs. Transforming back into a human, you ran a hand through your ruffled (H/C) hair as you straightened up. 
“I dropped by the apothecary today,” you explained, dusting off your fluffy and over sized (F/C) sweater. “The owner offered me some apple blossom and dracaena marginata leaves at a reduced price - she was very nice to me today, unlike a certain someone.”
Picking up the herbs, you placed the herbs on the shelf next to the small collection that (C/N) kept.
“Look, (Y/N), I’m sorry,” (C/N) exclaimed. “Thanks for helping me.”
Eyes narrowed as you glanced over at him once more, you huffed and turned away. If you were in your cat form right now, your tail would be angrily swishing behind you. Walking back into your own room, you made sure it closely loudly behind you.
(C/N) sighed, running a hand through his (H/C) hair. You should have been very aware of the upcoming potions assignment deadline he had, but he didn’t expect you to give him the cold shoulder.
Even before starting his first year at the magic university, (C/N) had known that he wanted a magic familiar by his side. A companion that he could rely on and trust as he entered the study of magic. The moment he had been granted permission to summon a familiar, he did exactly that.
Getting you was... a surprise.
While his friends managed to some cool familiars such as owls, small dragons and dogs, he didn’t expect to find a black cat with large (E/C) eyes staring at him when he completed the summoning.
Finding out you were a hybrid was more unexpected. While it wasn’t unheard of, it was still a uncommon case.
When you had first shifted into your human form, (C/N) was stunned to see his little cat familiar turn into a pretty (H/C) haired girl around his age. After awkward introductions and acceptance of the relationship you two shared, your new life together had begun. 
Over the two years, (C/N) had managed to learn about your quirks and habits. Like most cat hybrids, you loved to nap and enjoyed any attention you gave him. As long as you were fed and cared for, you were the calm, happy hybrid that would willingly follow him around.
In cases where (C/N) didn’t shower you with enough care... Well, you made sure that he knew that you weren’t happy.
It wasn’t easy for (C/N) though. He had fallen for your cute and elegant charm not long after summoning you. Luckily you didn't realize his feelings for you - otherwise the boy would have more issues than trying to study right now.
Caught between studying and making up with you, (C/N) choose the latter. He wouldn’t be able to study if you were mad at him anyways.
Knocking on your room door, he immediately apologized.
“Hey (Y/N), I’m sorry for being rude to you earlier. Will you forgive me?”
“I know you’re listening, (Y/N),” he pleaded. “Please?”
“...only if you make dinner tonight.”
(C/N) smiled as your door opened. He spotted one of his textbooks opened up on your desk. Before he had the chance to comment on it, you had slipped by him and grabbed his wrist, pulling him after you.
“You won’t be fully forgiven until I eat,” you tossed over your shoulder. “But for now, I’m helping you with your potion. You’ve been looking through the wrong textbook, silly.”
Flushing, (C/N) could only follow you.
Setting him up in front of his cauldron, you skittered around, collecting the necessary ingredients for his comfort inducing incense, including the apple blossom and dracaena marginata leaves.
“What would I do without you?” (C/N) asked, appreciating your work.
This time you blushed, cat ears and tail popping out.
“J-just get to work,” you retorted, ducking aside. “The sooner you get this done with, the sooner you can spend some more time with me.”
(C/N) smiled softly. “Alright.”
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The next day when (C/N) went to campus to drop off his incense to his professor, you decided to tag along as usual. Being lazy for the day, you had transformed into your cat form and relaxed in (C/N)’s arms. 
If anything, (C/N) complied, not wanting to get on your bad side again anytime soon. After giving you cream last night, he knew he had managed to tide you over for the time being.
“Hey (C/N)!”
Your companion turned, spotting his friend Noah. Your (E/C) eyes spotted Noah’s familiar and your ears perked up. Let out a meow, you hopped out of (C/N)’s arms and bound over to the dog hybrid.
Eagerly touching noses as a greeting, you and Andrew began to play around. Despite being different species, you had no problem getting along with others. Andrew was the first hybrid friend since your summoning, so you two had a close bond.
“Those two are excited to see each other,” Noah commented.
(C/N) nodded, (E/C) eyes keeping a watch over you. 
“How’d the potion go? I couldn’t get mine to be right colour.”
“It turned out perfect thanks to (Y/N).”
“Nice! I guess that’s why some people think black cats are lucky. Andrew’s only specialty is spell deflection.” Noah glanced at you before looking back at his friend. His voice dropped into a quiet whisper. “She doesn’t know yet?”
(C/N) shook his head. “No, not yet.”
An adorable sneeze came from you, causing everyone to look in your direction.
Andrew seemed the most bemused as he transformed into his human form, scooping you up in his arms. 
“You’re really cute, (Y/N)!” he complimented. 
You yowled in protest, but relaxed when he started petting you. Just as you were about to start purring, your ears perked up when you heard the sound of familiar footsteps.
Hands picked you out of Andrew’s arms and away from your friend.
“(Y/N) and I should get going,” (C/N) said, turning back to Noah. “I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”
“Alright see you!”
Andrew frowned and let out a whine. Having you leave so soon was no fun, but nonetheless he knew he would see you again soon. “Bye!”
Wriggling around in (C/N)’s arms, you peered up at him. A look of annoyance was on his face and you weren’t sure why. Batting at his face with a paw, you tried to catch his attention.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” he mumbled. “Let’s get home first, then we’ll talk.”
It wasn’t long before you arrived at home, a silence enveloping the two of you. Seeing the serious expression on (C/N)’s face, you transformed back into your human form before dragging him to the couch.
“What’s the matter?” you asked. “You’re upset, aren’t you?”
“I’m... a bit jealous,” (C/N) confessed. “Seeing you with Andrew, I guess something just overcame me. I... really like you, (Y/N). Ever since you became my familiar, I just found myself falling for you. You’re so supportive, kind and smart, I can’t imagine you not being part of my life.” 
Your (E/C) eyes widened for a second. A smile grew on your face as you cuddled up to (C/N), purring. 
“Took you long enough,” you said. Happily tucking yourself into his arms, you wrapped your arms around him. “I know this might be a little soon, but I want to let you know, I love you.”
Your confession surprised him. Unable to repeat the words back to quite yet, (C/N) was sure he felt the same way. After all, you were the good luck in his life.
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karij · 5 years
OCtober Writing Prompts  Day 6 - Dreams and Aspirations
A memory from 21 years ago, when Karri was 12 years old.
Griff came home! He’s been gone for ages on his trip. He was in Waterdeep for a few years after he turned 20. He was working for papa and Mr. Braun, helping them make trade deals with merchants in the city. I didn’t see him much but he came home sometime and he always had stories to tell, and presents too. One time he brought me a belt knife with a handle made of pretty green stone, but mama took it away. She said I could cut myself so I could have it when I was older. It’s been 3 years and she still hasn’t given it back. She treats me like I’m a baby, but I’m 12 years old. It’s not fair. Griff brought me a ring next time. It’s pretty but I know he bought something mama would let me keep. I keep it in my box with the other things he’s brought me. 
I like the presents, but I like the stories better. Griff saved all the money he made working for papa and Mr. Braun and went on a trip all the way across the ocean. He went to Shavay! He says that it’s really different there. It’s hot and bright and filled up with sand. It’s like being at a beach he says, but instead of ocean waves there’s just rolling sand (he calls them dunes) as far as you can see. Farther, even. He told me he met a man who had a cat with stripes on his back like the Fletchers’ tomcat (his name is Chops, ‘cause he has super fluffy fur on the sides of his face) but this cat was the size of a lion! Bigger even! He said he saw a big blue dragon fly over him so he had to hide in the sand. He also said he saw a animal that was the size of a house and it had big floppy ears (bigger than me!) and it had two white horns on its face and a long nose that it could fill up and then drink out of like a cup. I think he made that one up though. 
There’s a story I don’t get to hear. Mama and papa made me leave before he told it, but Harri and Elli had to leave to. I think was a grownup story. I want to listen at the door but Elli told me was gonna tell on me if I didn’t stop. Traitor. I would have told her and Harri too but she says Mama said no. She never lets me get away with stuff. Probably why mama puts her in charge when I’m feeling sick and she has to go out. Cadi lets me play in my room when I’m not feeling good but Elli makes me stay in bed and go to sleep. One time she held my nose and made me swallow a bunch of valerian root since I wouldn’t take a nap. It was super gross and I didn’t wake up for like 3 days. Mama freaked out and wouldn’t let me out of her sight for ages after that. Elli got in big trouble for getting into mamas medicines though, serves her right.
They’re opening up the door now, I guess the story is over. I missed the whole thing, ugh. Rollo and Griff and the others are coming out. Are we done with stories for now? I run up to Griff and grab his hand, bouncing on my toes. 
“Griff! Are you going somewhere? Can I come with? Please?”
Griff grins and reaches down to ruffle my hair, I grin back and blow my hair out of my eyes.
“I’m heading to the Stag-Horned Flagon with Rollo and Martyn. I don’t mind you coming along kiddo, what about you Rollo?”
“Fine by me. Martyn?”
“I don’t mind… What do you think Ma? Pa?”
Dangit Martyn, why did you have to ask mama? Maybe I can still make this work. I turn to mama and put on the most desperate, excited face that I can. Puppy eyes don’t work for me. If mama thinks I’m tired or upset she’ll make me stay home and sleep. I hop from foot to foot, hands clasped in front of me pleadingly, my eyes wide and pleading. 
“Mama, can I go? Pleeeease? I don’t feel sick or tired, and I promise I’ll be good. Honest!”
Mama frowns and my heart sinks, she’s about to say no. I just know it. Then she sighs and turns to Papa, “What do you think El? Should I let her go?” 
Papa rubs his chin, “I dunno, do you think she’ll behave herself?”
I hop over to papa so fast I almost trip, nodding my head vigorously, “I’ll be good papa, I promise! I want to hear the rest of Griff’s stories. I’ll listen to Rollo n’ Griff n’ Martyn, I will! Please just let me go papa!” I want it so bad I’m shaking. I hear a tiny giggle and see that Cadi is covering her mouth with her hand. I squint suspiciously, are they making fun of me?
But there’s more important things. I swivel back to papa, trying my best to contain my anxiety. What if he says no? But… hey! He’s biting his lip, he’s trying not to laugh! I take a step back and look around, glaring at everybody. They’re all trying not to laugh! I cross my arms, put on my cross face, and stomp my foot on the floor.
“Hey, you’re all making fun of me!” I huff in annoyance, “That’s not nice. Big jerks.”
They all give up. They’re all giggling, then they’re all laughing at me! No fair, they all teamed up to trick me! Even Elli and Harri are laughing! They all knew! That’s cheating! I stand there fuming while they laugh, then as they calm down mama comes over to me, still giggling softly. 
“Allright Karri, you can go with your brothers. Just be good for them, okay?”
“Really?” My eyes get wide as saucers, I smile and hug her around her waist as tight as I can, “Thank you mama! I’ll be good! Thank you, thank you!” I get to go! I never get to go! This is the best night ever. Wait, what am I gonna wear? I gotta get dressed! I pull away from mama, still bouncing in excitement, and dash up the stairs two at a time. Mama calls up after me.
“Slow down Karri! You’re gonna trip and hit your head!”
“Yes mama!” I yell back, slowing down and taking the stairs one by one. She’s right, I get to go out! Can’t risk messing that up by bonking my noggin. Gotta be careful.
I hurl myself out of my clothes and yank on my best blue dress. I get to go out! I gotta look good. I tug a brush through my bright-red hair so I don’t look like a big tangle of yarn. Am I forgetting anything? I look around. I go to the window and struggle to open it. It’s heavy for me. I manage to crack it open and a stiff wind breathes through. I shiver, it’s chilly out. I shut the window. Mostly. It gets stuck, okay? 
I look around for my coat but I don’t see it. It’s not in my chest either. When I look up, I see mama’s shawl on the bed. Well, my shawl. The one that was mamas. Its mine now. But I don’t want to wear that out. It’s warm and stuff but it’s… wearing your mamas shawl is for little kids. Not for grown ups. I get to go out with the boys I should look like a grown up. I look away from it. But then I look back. It is cold outside… and mamas shawl is really warm. And soft. And pretty.
I pull it around my shoulders. The pale blue looks nice with my dress. I should pin it with something though. Ooh! I got it! I run over to my bed-table and pull open the drawer to get my little box. Griffs ring is way too big for my finger, it doesn’t even fit mama and my fingers are way littler than hers are. But maybe… yeah! I pull the ends of my shawl through the ring and stick a little silver pin through them. Silver ring, silver pin, yeh. I look good! And I gotta look good, because I get to go out. Now I’m ready.
“Karri, you ready? We gotta get going!”
That’s Rollo. Everyone’s waiting on me, oops! I scuttle my way out of my room and down the stairs as fast as I can. Rollo, Griff, and Martyn all have their coats and are ready to go. Mama comes over to me, she has my coat. She holds it out towards me with one hand. 
“Looking for this?” She looks down at me and smiles, “I think you look very nice, but would you prefer your coat dear?”
I look down at mamas shawl, draped around my shoulders. It’s too big for me, it makes me look even smaller than I already am. But it’s warm and… it’s mine. I shake my head and look down, blushing slightly.  
“No. I’m okay mama. Thank you.”
“Alright then.” Her smile widens just slightly. She reaches down and adjusts my shawl, repinning it so it fits more snugly around my shoulders, like a hug. She cups my cheeks in her hands and kisses my forehead. Blegh, I blush and pull away and scrub at my forehead. She laughs. “Have fun baby girl, be safe.” I’m not a baby, but I nod anyways and scamper over to Griff and the others so we can head out to the Flagon. I get to go out! 
The night goes fast. We have a really tasty stew for dinner at the Flagon, and I get to have a big cup of cider! It’s almost as big as my head! My brothers all have ales, but I’m not old enough to get one. Not that I want to, cider is yummy and ale tastes like butts. Or at least that’s what Harri said after he got in trouble for sneaking one of papa’s ales. Griff gets out his manto… his… mandi… his instrument and played songs he learned on his trip! I sat on Rollo’s lap and clapped and sang along, then Rollo laughed and set me up on top of the table! He said I had to dance for my supper, so I did. It was embarrassing but it was really fun too. I was so tired by the end of it. I plopped back onto Rollo’s lap and sat there while he and Martyn clapped along. 
I guess I fell asleep at some point because when I woke up I was in my room. Rollo was carrying me to my bed. I was in my nightgown, I guess he changed me into it but I wasn’t embarrassed, he’d taken me swimming in Horse Pond too many times for me to be shy about that. My eyes were bleary as he set me down on my bed and pulled my covers up to my chin. I smiled up at him and he smiled back down at me.
“Hey kiddo. Did you have fun?”
“Uh huh.”
“Guess we really tired you out, huh?”
I nodded, yawning hugely. 
“Allright kiddo. Do you want a light?”
The light from the doorway was coming through but once he shut it… the shadows were already getting bigger. I look over at the darkness, then turn back to him and nod, not meeting his eyes.
“Still don’t like the dark, huh?”
“Allright kiddo. Well, you know what might help? I almost forgot your present.”
My eyes shot wide open, I wanted to push myself up but I was so tired. I forgot about presents! He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little ceramic pot. It was black and shiny and covered in little gold leafs. Then he pulled out a little glass bottle. He pulled the top off of the bottle and a pretty smell filled the air. Lavender? He took my lamp oil from the bed-table and filled up the little pot, then put in a tiny droplet from the bottle, and lit a wick. The pretty lit lamp lit up on my bed-table and the smell of flowers filled the room. I smiled tiredly. It was nice.
Griff smiled again, brushing my hair away from my face. 
“Do you like your present?”
“Uh-huh. Thanks Griff.”
“You’re welcome kiddo.”
“Yeah sis?”
“Will you take me on an adventure someday? When I’m old enough?”
Griff hesitated, then he smiled softly, I think a little bit sadly. “Sure I will Karri. You can come with me someday, but first you have to be big and strong.”
“Then I’m gonna get as big and strong as I can. Bigger and stronger than you even.”
He chuckled and ruffled my hair. “I bet you will kiddo. Then we’ll go on that trip, together.”
I nod, smiling sleepily. “Promise?”
“I promise. Now get some rest, okay?”
“Okay. I love you Griff.” 
“I love you too Karri.” 
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dragonprincess68 · 6 years
Secret Odin
@dragonsandreverie I’m your secret Odin! Sorry my gift is late. I’ve had it done since the 9th, but my computers been acting like a piece of crap and it was originally saved to just my computer. I understand if you think I’m a horrible person for not letting you know anonymously that your gift was going to be late.  Anyway, here’s my secret Odin gift for you. Hope you like it. I made sure not to add spoilers for you.
All was calm and uneventful on Berk the last week. This was unusual for the gang. However, Hiccup was busy with a few visiting chiefs and Astrid was helping Valka find the hunter ships to raid nearby. Ruff and Tuff had surprisingly run out of tricks to play. Especially when the gang knew they were plotting and planning. It had been a year and a half since both Fishlegs and Snotlout had fallen for Ruffnut. Ruffnut thinks back to the time she was married to Fishlegs. Sure it was fun, but a part of her felt that- knew that he only liked her because Heather hardly came to Berk unless there was an emergency on Berserker Island. It made sense to everyone though because Dagur taught her nothing before leaving for Defenders of the Wing.
After breakfast Ruffnut finds herself in the stables watching Hiccup teach Snotlout how to keep from setting himself on fire again. After all it was the fifth flight suit in the past month despite there only being two missions.
“Come on, Snotlout! This is important! I can't keep making you flight suits! I'm far too busy,” Hiccup explains.
“I don't entirely get it though. Besides, you should've tested it to see if it was fire-proof before giving it to me,” Snotlout responds.
“How you manage to set yourself on fire is beyond me. I made all your flight suits with dragon scales! You won't be burned alive if you take care of your flight suit. That means no more wearing it around town to scare visiting tribes, children, small dragons, or Fishlegs. And no more washing it in old bath water,” Hiccup tells his cousin.
“It's called reusing water. One visiting tribe called it “recycling” if I remember correctly,” Snotlout remarks.
“Its also called gross,” Ruffnut finally speaks up. Both men look over at her as she grabs a fish from a nearby barrel and brings it to a groggy Hookfang. The arguing had woken the dragon and at the moment he was tempted to eat Snotlout if that meant he'd shut up and let him sleep.
“Just take care of this flight suit Snotlout. No more terrorizing people while just wearing it through town. I'm late for a meeting. If either of you see have something urgent to tell me- matter of life or death urgent, you know where to find me. Once my mom and Astrid get back, let them know where I am. I a want full report of what happened on the search so we can make any other raid plans,” Hiccup says before mounting Toothless and leaving.
“So... you set yourself on fire again?” Ruffnut asks jokingly.
“Dragon scales my butt! I wouldn't have set myself on fire so many times if he actually tested these,” Snotlout responds setting his new flight suit to the side.
“He did. Once he made his he tested it, then got the idea to make us flight suits too. I only remember because Astrid was with him when he tested his with a bucket of water in case he set himself on fire like the muttonhead he is. Once Astrid set the bucket down, Tuff and I grabbed it and threw it on them. The next two days we avoided Astrid like the Scourge cause we thought she was going to kill us. Each flight suit is tested on each dragon. I'll admit, it looked cool seeing Hiccup try blowing up Tuff and my flight suits in the arena,” Ruffnut laughs.
“Why wasn't I there when he tested five with Hookfang. Did he try dragon-napping Hooky from me?” Snotlout questions.
“You made excuses almost every single time. First time you were convinced Hiccup was going to hurl you off a cliff. Plus, you also were trying to convince me to go out with you. You told Hiccup “take Hookfang because I have a hot date”. You were right about your date being hot. Second time you were being treated for burns the same three days it took for him to remake and retest your flight suit. Then the third time Tuff and I tied you up and basted up in chicken fat so you spent the entire day being chased by Nadders. Stormfly led the chase too. Fourth time I think was when you were again convinced you were dying because of Gustav and I since Tuff was home sick. This last time he tested it on Barf and Belch, Meatlug, Toothless, Stormfly, a few other dragons- including Gothi's Terrible Terrors, and then Hookfang. As much as we treated that guy like crap, he still tries to take care of us,” Ruffnut explains.
“I'm also his number one. His successor,” Snotlout boasts.
“If that means his cousin then that's also true,” Ruffnut remarks.
“You know you're close to not getting a second date,” Snotlout challenges.
“There was going to be a second date? After a month? Gee, I'm luckier than Astrid who gets a breakfast date after a dinner date with Hiccup the night before,” Ruff teases.
“They act like a married couple. They might as well tie the knot. Gobber said something about needing to ask them when they were. I think he found out that they sneak out in the middle of the night. That and when either of them leave Berk without the other one they seem to take forever to say goodbye. As if they were never seeing each other again. I mean, after being apart of Dagur and Mala's wedding it can't be like they hate weddings. They made out during the ceremony! I still can't believe she chose him,” Snotlout sulks.
“You were the one to fail the trials. Besides, no offense, but you'd e the crappiest king in the history of the world if you ended up winning the trials. She also seems happier with Dagur anyway. Besides, when Heather came to visit a few days ago Astrid and I thought it'd be a nice idea to do something as a group of girls and what not. Well, don;t tell anyone else, but Heather told us that Mala told her she was having a baby. She just didn't tell Dagur yet because she wasn't ready for all the excitement from him,” Ruff reveals.
“I bet you that if they have a boy Dagur will suggest “Hiccup” and if it's a girl he'll suggest “Heather”. I mean, it's Dagur and those are the names of his favorite people other than himself and her,” Snotlout laughs.
“If she's in her right mind then she'd say no,” Ruffnut responds. The two walk slowly outside. Their hands close to brushing against each other. Snotlout hesitates a moment before looking at Ruffnut again.
“So, it's been a year and a half since Fish-face and I fell- started fighting for you and your hand. If you had to choose between the both of us, who would you pick? And this will stay between us,” Snotlout vows.
“When Tuffnut “married” Fishlegs and me, there was that feeling I could see in him that makes me wonder if he still loves Heather. I mean, he almost had a panic attack when Tuffnut announced that we were actually married. At least he wasn't actually because then I'd be Mrs. Fishlegs Ingerman and everyone on Berk would be telling me I need to start pushing out kids despite knowing I'd be a terrible mother. I prefer hearing my mom and her “better get married soon. I mean, I was at least engaged to your dad when I was your age” rather than “married two years and no kid? Better have them now before you're too old to have kids”. I mean the feeling that he still likes Heather could be heartbreak because she started dating that guy that moved to Berserker Island about a year ago. Plus, he's also an easy pushover. He did everything I told him to do. I know you wouldn't. However, you're a giant flirt. So, I don't know. If I had an axe or crossbow to the head then probably you,” Ruffnut responds.
“I knew it,” Snotlout whispers to himself.
“You'd have to understand that if anything happened to Tuff, I'd be there for him because he's my twin brother. And I can't move from Berk without him,” Ruffnut reminds him.
“I know. I remember that time you became a Wing Maiden and the time with Throck. I've also known you since you were born. And if you think about it, the both of us almost had to move to Defenders of the Wing Island. I almost became king and you almost married Throck,” Snotlout remembers.
They walk not knowing where they were going. They only realize when Hookfang finds them. They fly around Berk feeling what they could only describe as what Hiccup and Astrid must feel when they fly around Berk during sunrise and sunset. The amount of love there seemed to be scared Ruffnut. Sure, Snotlout was a flirt and a piece of her worried that if someone as pretty as Heather or Astrid came along there was the feeling he'd leave her because because she'd been told by her brother that she wasn't pretty and no one made comments about how she was pretty like they did with Heather when she visited or when Astrid stood next to Hiccup. She tried her hardest to push away the thought, but it still haunted her. She was scared to ask anyone for advice because of the outcome. She wondered why she was scared. She hardly got scared. They reach the Thorston hoe and before she goes inside Snotlout takes her hands and kisses her on the cheek. She wasn't sure how long this slight nightmare was going to last, but she began thinking of ways to trick people praying she'd forget about her feelings if she could. She vowed to herself to not tell another soul or she'd risk heartache. One that could ruin a friendship. But deep down she loved Snotlout and no one could take that from her.
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zannaleejoy-blog · 6 years
15 Tips For ACTUALLY Writing ✍🏼
Disclaimer: Some of these tips are ones I’ve come across on social media and some are from my own personal experience and research. These tips don’t necessary apply to novel writing just really for any kind of creative writing such as: comics, fan fictions, essays, scripts, etc…
Tip #1 Reward Yourself
 Working is a lot easier when you know there is something to gain from all that work. Whatever that may be. If you are someone who has an income and at least 20-100 dollars they can set aside. Pay yourself to write, for as many amount of pages, words, or scenes you write, pay yourself and use the money to buy yourself whatever it is your heart desires. And for those of you who don’t make much money instead- reward yourself with something you love to do. Maybe it’s playing video games for the rest of the day, or watching a YouTube video, or even taking a nap or just some time to yourself. Personally, I have a piggy bank that I put all spare money into and for every page I write at the end of the month I get that money. So if I write 15 pages in the whole month I’ve got 15 dollars to buy whatever it is I want, maybe more pencils or snacks!
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Tip #2 Hold Yourself Accountable: 
If you are someone who gets embarrassed easily or who has a lot of guilt find a family member or friend who can make sure you are writing. For example: If you let them know your word goal everyday is 100 words have them ask you about it and be honest with both them and yourself. Heck, a friend on the Internet or posting on your favorite social media platform your success or failure can go along way to make sure you stick to your goals. I tend to post how many words I write in a day on Twitter. My followers tend to congratulate me on my success and I like to have that positive reaction daily so I stick to meeting my goals.
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Tip #3 Writing is Practice:
 If you’re are scared that your writing is bad I can tell you first hand that not writing or being scared to write something bad is the worst thing you can do if you are fearful of sucking because you’re going to at least for a little while but the best part about humans is that if we were to do any one thing for days upon days we will inevitably get better at it. So if you write constantly than you are 100% guaranteed to get good. I have an old fan fiction that's been left on the Internet for years and I constantly go back to it to see my massive improvement and it excites me to think that I will continue to get even better.
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Tip #4 Track Your Progress:
If you follow me on Twitter than you already know that I have a planner that has stickers for every 500 words I write in a day. I originally got this idea from Alexa Donne’s sticker method here on YouTube and have altered it slightly to fit my personal writing journey. I really like putting more stickers in my planner and it fulfills the child in me to see visually how much I’m achieving as well as I will purposely write more if I am close to receiving another sticker. Tally marks, or a spreadsheet on excel can also do wonders or anything that allows you to visually see your progress.
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Tip #5 Set Low Low Word Counts: 
On days that I feel shitty I usually only expect me to hit 250 words because I know on my worst day I can achieve that- Also if I hit 250 I am only halfway to my regular word count of 500 so I strongly advise setting something stupidly achieve able. 20 words? 50 words? You can write that! So do that and when you've got the hang of it build it up. Just understand that the smaller the word count the longer it'll take to write it.
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Tip #6 Writing Sprints: 
Writing Sprints are probably the only thing on this list I don’t practice mainly because time limits stress me out and I tend to work quickly anyway. However if you need that extra push or have very limited time to get some writing done than I encourage a writing sprint. 10 minutes to write 300 words? Or 20 minutes to write as much as you can. It prevents that critical side of you from coming out because like sonic you gotta go fast.
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Tip #7 You’re Not Writing A Book:
 Now for my aspiring authors like myself understand that you, especially if you are on your rough draft, are a long way from publication and that's drafting is just putting words on paper, bad words, good words, little notes of incoherent babble. It’s a mess and you are the only person who will ever have to see it. It’s a story and it’s like telling one verbally you are just trying to convey the general message it’s sloppy and you’re mumbling and stumbling and repeating and backtracking. But as long there is a complete story no matter how sucky it’s still complete.
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Tip #8 Quantity is 10x’s Better Than Quality: 
To add on to last point I suggest in prewriting and drafting to just put whatever the fuck comes to mind down. Especially in the prewriting phase when you are brainstorming and outlining just fit as many wild ideas as possible because in those times where nothing seems to be coming that will be your saving grace every single time. Because having too many ideas is better than none. When I was brainstorming I sat with my boyfriend when he was playing games and generated all kinds of ludicrous ideas but also came across a lot of awesome and happy accidents. You have to be brave and just dump whatever out and save it for later and dig through the trash.
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Tip #9 Give Your Book Some Essence: 
Your book has a certain feel that only you know this comes from playlists for scenes, characters, and plot- you've got aesthetic boards for your characters, maybe you have vines that remind you of your characters. Find those things and jot them down, put them in a folder or document and hold them close. I have Pinterest boards for my characters and settings. I’ve got playlists, and these things fuel my writing and creativity. I understand my book and I am reminded that no one can write it like me.
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Tip #10 Nothing is Set In Stone: 
Unless you are carving your book in a stone tablet or writing your book across the walls in sharpie than you can always go back, you can always fix and delete. We often rewrite from paper or go back into our word documents and mix things around. Write shit until you have the courage to fix it.
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Tip #11 Write With A Person/Person(s) In Mind:
Writing for an audience is hard to envision for me, so instead I write for a person or a couple people in mind. Which falls in line with my writing, I’ve always written for people whether it be classmates, friends, or people on the Internet and soon when I write a book for everyone to read. Writing for me has always been about writing for others and getting through drafting and writing in general is trying to get reactions, laughs, and smiles out of my readers. If you write for someone who loves you then you will always feel comfort in pleasing them and that no matter what you write it doesn’t matter what others think because they will love it regardless. I often write for my boyfriend, mother, brother, and my best friend. The four people who are close to me and are guaranteed to enjoy my writing and I can guarantee that you too, have someone that will love what you write and you’ll want to please them.
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Tip #12 Write For Children/ Write Silly:
If you feel like you have to write a story that needs to have complex prose and have subtleties and be nuanced which is nice and all but if you are struggling it’s okay to just write like you are writing for a young one, someone old enough to read but young enough to understand basic storytelling. And if writing once upon a time puts you in the mood to write more than all power to it. You can always delete that once upon a crap later. Just tell us the story. Hell I use to do this kind of stuff with outlining which was fucking hard for me at first when I was a hardcore pantser sometimes I would write really silly. For example, Henry eats food, and he falls dead, the village knows the food is bad, food is suspicious, main character Zora will find it out, it’s the storm the storm has ruined the food. Oh no! This is just a simple way for me to get many thoughts down and to easily expand and not feel like I need to write something perfect.
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Tip #13 Write Dialogue First and Finish The Rest Later: 
It’s pretty self explanatory but you need to just get dialogue done first. When I wrote Dragon Age fan fiction this is when I first used this. It was a sure fire way for me to get words on paper because Dragon Age’s dialogue is a big part of the dragon age experience if you aren’t already aware. I usually get distracted by dialogue tags and description and slows me down significantly so write all the dialogue and figure the other stuff later.
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Tip #14 Surround Yourself With Positivity: 
If you’ve got friends and family who support you like I am lucky enough to have people who support me, even if you don’t have people in your everyday life who support you then it’s a good idea to join a writing community whether it be on discord, Instagram, Twitter, whatever find your writer friends and hold them close because having some friends to cheer you on, support you, and fall back on does all the good.
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Tip #15 Character and Setting Visual Stimuli: 
Because I am horrible with description of people and setting I found that have pictures of my characters and settings is the easiest way to describe when I can see it somewhere other than in my head. I strongly suggest utilizing this because you also add on your own little things if the picture doesn’t fit entirely.
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