#anyways I’m going to sleep it’s almost 6am
shortcakelils · 9 months
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felt a bit sad so I made them miserable
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digitaldiseas3 · 2 months
sighhhhh telling myself that i’m working myself to the bone for just two weeks so i can just get as much money as possible before school starts
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spacelesscowboy · 7 months
am finally finishing the socks i started in august and i fear i made them just tight enough to be uncomfortable.
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
so i’ve been a virgin my whole life right, and my family (like true latino fashion) they always bring it up and makes jokes and my nickname about it. if i EVER say anything about losing my virginity, dios mío, no me avergüenzo. anyways my sisters always say that when im 25 they will give me a birthday that say new record 25 years of virginity. but i can’t help think that charles is celebrating your 25 with your family and see this and turns red, because he knows the truth 👀. and your sisters realize what is happening so the next week they give you a cake that say congrats on no longer being the virgin
Oh my god, I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! It’s new, it’s unique, me encanta tu imaginación, de verdad. I am also a virgin, 21 years and counting, jajaja, haven’t been in a relationship either so this is going to be fun to write. I hope I did your idea justice!
The 25 Year-Old “Virgin”
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Where Y/N spends her birthday with her family who still think she’s a virgin with Charles, the boyfriend who made her not a virgin anymore.
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: sorry it took so long, I try to make the Spanish as neutral as possible but I am Mexican and Peruvian so there will always be nods to my cultures, I am sorry.
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Y/N was sleeping and turned over to hug to Charles but his side of the bed was empty and there was only a bouquet of white and pink roses. This made Y/N sit up in bed and check her phone. It was 8am, she put on her house slippers, took the bouquet in her hand, and walked into the kitchen for something to eat and she saw balloons, more white and pink roses, and Charles making breakfast to some piano music. Charles turned around and saw his girlfriend.
“Mon ange, you’re awake! Happy birthday, beautiful.” Charles said, leaving his station to give Y/N a quick kiss before finishing his cooking.
“This is amazing, muñeco, when did you wake up to do all of this?” Y/N asked, sitting at the kitchen counter.
“6am, i tried really hard not to wake you.” Charles said, serving Y/N’s breakfast on a plate and placing it right in front of her. “Your parents called, they want to host your birthday party at their house.” Charles said and Y/N looked shocked. Y/N and her family moved from New York to Monaco when she was 18, Y/N started dating Charles last year, a little after she turned 24, so Charles doesn’t know how her parents and sisters get.
“Are you sure we can’t just have a small party here?” Y/N asked.
“Mon coeur, I have never met your parents in person, I’ve only talked to them on the phone, I would love to meet them, we’ve been dating for almost a year.” Charles said.
“I know but you don’t know what they’re like.” Y/N said, eating her breakfast. “I’m glad that dating me made you a better cook, this is so good.”
“Ha ha, i asked my mom for cooking lessons since we started dating. Your parents want us at their house at 3.” Charles said.
“Fine, you pick out my outfit while I shower and do my hair.” Y/N said,
“You’re not gonna do your makeup?” Charles asked.
“It would be better if I didn’t,” Y/N said, knowing one of her sisters would probably push her head into the cake, it happened last year.
Y/N got out of the shower with her bathrobe on and she saw the what Charles left on the bed.
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“You love seeing me in this dress, don’t you?” Y/N asked, picking up the dress.
“It makes you look so innocent like an Angel, even though we both know that’s not true.” Charles said, kissing Y/N.
“You and your innocence/corruption kink, it will ruin you, you know.” Y/N said, putting on a pair of panties and one of Charles’s shirts so she could do her hair and skincare routine.
“I think I’m the one that’s ruining you, Mon coeur,” Charles said.
“Yeah that, that right there is something you can’t say in front of my family. Are you wearing a suit?” Y/N asked.
“Of course I am, because we are going out of something goes wrong.” Charles said.
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Y/N and Charles are outside her parents house, they knocked on the door and her mom opened.
“Ay, mi Lupita, how are you? Come in, come in, your sisters are picking up your cake.” Y/N’s mom, Hilda, said.
“Lupita?” Charles asked.
“I’ll explain later.” Y/N said. Charles and Y/N walked into the house to see her dad, José, setting up the table.
“Mija, there you are! Happy birthday, mi niña chiquita, never had to worry about boys in the house with this one growing up. So charles how are you?” Jose asked.
“I’ve been good, it’s nice to see you in person.” Charles said.
“Same here, son. Come to the kitchen, you need to eat.” Jose said and Charles turned to Y/N.
“Andrea is going to kill me.” Charles said before entering the kitchen where Hilda made him a plate of tacos dorados de papa, pollo a la brasa, jalea de mariscos (mixed fried seafood so like calamari, clams, fish, shrimp, crab), white rice, French fries. Charles left the kitchen and sat at the dining table next to Y/N. “I’m gonna have to do so much cardio to burn this off. Maybe you’ll help me with that.” Charles whispered the last part in Y/N’s ear.
“I Can’t with you. But I really want jalea so I’m just gonna steal this piece of calamari.” Y/N said, taking a fried calamari ring from Charles’s plate. “Delicious! I’m gonna make my plate.” Y/N said, getting up and thats when her sisters, Maria Luisa and Angelica entered the house with the cake.
“Hola todos! Tenemos el pastel.” María Luisa said, putting her keys on the hook and walking to the kitchen. “Lupe! So good to see you, hermanita. You look good, love the dress, very you.”
“Charles! Nice to finally meet you, I hope being with Y/N isn’t too boring, you know.” Angelica said and Y/N rolled her eyes and turned to charles.
“Don’t listen to them, muñeco.” Y/N said before entering the kitchen to make her own plate of food, sitting down next to Charles.
The little “party” was going well, Charles was getting along with José, there were no jokes at Y/N’s expense, it was all great until.
“Okay, time to cut the cake.” Hilda said, bringing out the cake to place it in front of Y/N with the candles lit on the dinner table.
The cake read “New Record: 25 Years of Virginity”. Y/N looked up at Charles and covered her face with her hands while Charles’s face turned Ferrari red and he scratched the back of his neck. María Luisa and Angelica stared at Y/N and then at Charles. The two girls laughed.
“No manches! Ay mami, pásame algo para quitar el frosting, ya no creo que esto aplica a ella.” Angélica told Hilda. No fucking way. Mom, pass me something to scrape the frosting off, I don’t think this applies to her anymore
“Angelica!” Y/N yelled. “Que oso, neta, mejor ustedes se quedan con el pastel, Charles y yo tenemos planes. Muñeco, Let’s go.” Y/N said, getting up how embarrassing, seriously, y’all can keep the cake, Charles and I have other plans.
“It was nice meeting all of you.” Charles said, before leaving with Y/N.
“Usan protección!” Marcia Luisa screamed out and Y/N flipped her off, causing her sisters to laugh and their parents hit them upside the head. Charles and Y/N walked to his car and Y/N turned on the radio.
“So…that’s why your mom called you Lupita?” Charles asked.
“Yep, the Virgin Mary, La virgencita de Guadalupe, Lupita. Ugh, I’m so sorry about that, my sisters are…well, they’re my sisters.” Y/N said.
“It’s fine, Mon coeur, at least they won’t tease you anymore.” Charles said.
“Yeah, I guess that’s true. Can we still make it to our reservation?” Y/N asked.
“Yes we can, do you want cake for dessert? You can’t celebrate your birthday without cake.” Charles said,
“One slice should be good, let’s go.” Y/N said.
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A week later, Y/N and Charles were sleeping, cuddled up together when they heard the doorbell ring.
“Mon coeur, get the door.” Charles moaned out.
“No way, muñeco, this is your apartment.” Y/N said, burying her face in his neck.
“Mon ange, I’m semi hard and I don’t think I should answer the door like this.” Charles said, the doorbell rang again.
“Alright, I’ll go.” Y/N said, kissing Charles’s neck.
“That’s not helping my situation.” Charles said.
“I know.” Y/N said, she got out of bed, put on her chanclas, and answered the door, her two sisters were holding a white box.
“Surprise!” They said. Y/N motioned for them to come in.
“Whats that?” Y/N asked.
“Well we felt bad about last week so we got you a new cake and some pan dulce.” Angelica said as María Luisa placed the box on the kitchen counter.
“Open the box, it’s your favorite flavor.” María Luisa said. Y/N hesitantly opened the box and when she saw the frosting she laughed.
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“Se pasan, de verdad.” Y/N said. “But thank you. I’m sure Charles will get a kick out of this.”
“So…you lost your virginity to an F1 driver. I’m so jealous,” María Luisa said,
“Yeah, I’m pretty lucky, he was so gentle to me. Now get out.” Y/N said,
“You’re so mean to us.” Angelica said.
“Dude, you guys are late for work.” Y/N said, showing her sisters the time.
“Oh shit we are, see you later.” María Luisa said, pushing Angelica out the door and running down the stairs. Y/N closed the door and that’s when Charles entered the kitchen in boxers where she can see his semi hard on.
“Your sisters came over?” Charles asked.
“Yep, and with a new cake for us.” Y/N said, Charles walked to the counter and saw the cake, she laughed lightly.
“Well i am glad that I got to be the one to ‘pop your cherry’, I hate that expression, by the way.” Charles said. Y/N walked to Charles, having one hand on his shoulder and the other on his chest while charles placed his hands on her waist.
“It doesn’t matter. By the way, we never got to have birthday sex and I believe you need some bell with your situation.” Y/N’s said, trailing her hand from his chest to the elastic of his boxers.
“I guess we should fix that with some morning sex, don’t you think?” Charles asked in a flirtatious manner,
“Oh absolutely.” Y/N replied and Charles carried her to the bedroom.
The End
Hope y’all liked it! It was very fun to write, not gonna lie. I also started watching Drive To Survive because if I don’t have F1 TV, I’m gonna keep myself entertained with something F1 related
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emsgwenstan · 9 months
Personal or professional?
Chap 4| chap 5| chap 6.
Larissa Weems x fem(carpenter/joiner) named reader
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Words: 3k
Warnings: smut, insecurity’s, aftermath of drunkenness, signs of anxiety- no self worth.
Note: mmmkay, so shit happens! Anyway feelings aren’t exactly admitted but Violet tells Larissa something important. No wonder I guess.
The early morning air seeped in through the stone walls and coated me in a thick layer of cold, waking up at sometime around 6am, I sat up slowly trying not to disturb Larissa. I was surprised at how solidly id seem to have slept even though it wasn’t for very long, i didn’t have nightmares and didn’t wake to any random pain my body decided It thought i should have either, the most surprising of all though was that i didn’t feel hung over. shuffling back i rested against the headboard and yawned so hard i might have dislocated my jaw and my eyes watered from how tired i am.
Just sitting staring out to space for a while trying to wake up, Larissa started tossing and turning frequently and it ripped me out of my trans like state, tilting my head to the side I watched as her breath would intake and exhale, pushing and pulling the hair that had fallen over her eyes, she lay facing me and I can’t help but shift down a little to prop my head in my hand and rest on my elbow. With a nimble yet ruined hand I tucked her hair away from her face and stared at her lovingly and for a while I stayed like that, all I want is for her to be comfortable and have a longer peaceful sleep.
After contemplating, I rose from the bed and retrieved my clothes from the arm chair while also finally taking in her decor, it was beautiful all the thick materials and trinkets, the large paintings and photographs that lined the walls, her aesthetic was a mix of deep rich colours with a lighter twist in some of the furnishing, all of it was utterly her, completely Larissa. Pacing quietly to the ensuite bathroom I looked at myself in the huge mirror and wiped the smudged mascara from under my eyes, in the reflection I saw she had a large claw foot bath and a walk in shower that was lined with different soaps, body washes and most of all hair products like, treatments with her toning shampoo and conditioner to keep her silver spun hair to perfection, it was so cute.
I was conflicted weather or not I should just keep on the pyjamas she lent me and wear them until I die or actually get changed, ultimately the latter was the chosen option. Exiting the bathroom I left the lended clothes in the designated Laundry hamper and made my way to the door leading back out into her office to retrieve my jumper and stoke the almost dead fire. My nerves were skyrocketing at the thought of the impending conversation that’s going to happen when she wakes up, I’m not going to cower and tip toe out of her home like a one night stand, not that we actually even went as far to have sex, but that’s besides the point. Suck it up Violet, deal with your own actions.
An hour and a half later Larissa woke alone in her crimson sheets, the sun fully risen and her dark curtains flowing the slightest bit from wintery breeze. Completely dazed at the sight she sat up and slid her feet into the flats she had beside her bed and stood grasping the satin tan coloured robe off the same arm chair as my clothes had rested on. Before making her way to the curtains, out the corner of her eye Larissa’s reflection from the wall mirror was what caught her attention, she internally berated herself with almost walking out looking the way she did, her little bedside clock read 7:46am and again she scolded herself for sleeping in. Quickly she shifted to something more presentable only her face and hair changed, her lips painted a blood red and eyes meticulously covered in natural looking eye shadow and mascara, her hair pulled into a neat low bun.
Drawing back the curtain, there sat on the balcony was me watching over the rail with my feet tucked under myself and a monotone expression washed over my face, Larissa didn’t hesitate to open the door and step outside. I knew she was there, of course, I could hear her, I sat in silence not really knowing what to say. It was a good minute of silence once she sat down opposite the small metal table. “How did you sleep?” Is what I came up with to break the quietness, even though I tried rehearsing what to say for the past hour and a half. “Well, and you?” She said almost if she had barbed wire wrapped around her neck preventing her from sounding sure. Ok so it’s like that. “Fine…” I began. “do you… uh- remember-.” I continued. “Yes.” She said hardly letting me finish. “Right…” I trailed. Another beat of silence. “Do you regret it?” She asked quietly. I paused really thinking about how to answer, I’m sure she did, regret it I mean- I don’t know… I’m kinda lost. “If you do then I suppose, but if not…” I started. “If not?” She asked actually looking at me, we had both avoided eye contact until this moment. “If not then I guess no, I wouldn’t regret it.”
Larissa relaxed into the chair and I was as stiff as a board, did she just basically say she wanted it to happen or am I reading into it too much? I looked back down the railing wondering why there were no students, it’s a Saturday, surely kids would be out and about. “I’m afraid I slept in to late to bid them all farewell, they all went home for the Christmas holidays.” She said as if she could read my mind. “And the staff?” I wondered. “Yes, them to, it’s just me.” Does she not have a family to go home to? Why would she still be here? I nodded at her statement as the cold wind started to pick up causing me to shiver, how she’s not dying of hypothermia because of her lack of layers I don’t know.
“I have to go soon, I need to go to one of the houses I’m renovating and polish a bench top.” I said tucking my hands into the pocket of my jumper. “Oh.” She said. Why does she look disappointed? I sat staring at her releasing that she is now in fact alone and will be for a while. It was always hard for Larissa at this time of year, no matter how much work she’d get done she still had to prepare and consolidate with others for the next year. I feel like saying could you possibly imagin spending all this time alone especially around Christmas, but I won’t because then I’d be a hypocrite.
“Would you like to come with me?” I asked not even registering what I asked until it was too late. “Oh I would want to be a bother.” She said. “You wouldn’t, no one’s going to be there, if your not to busy.” I said as if I was completely confident. “Sure, I suppose I can miss working for a day.” She said. Recounting back to the previous micro conversation I spoke again. “What time did they all leave? Surely we would have heard them.” Larissa quirked a brow. “I thought for someone who knows all about a house and buildings infer structure that you would know it’s not easy to hear through two and a half feet of stone.” She spoke with a hint of sass and a whole lot of tease.
I was taken a back at her new found tone. “Well then headmistress, do tell me what else you know about my job you seem oh so knowledgeable about it.” I quipped, sharing her mirthful voice. “Oh no I mustn’t continue, I might put you out of a job.” She smiled with her eye’s playfully glaring. “Oh shut up, don’t start something you can’t finish.” I said laughing, finally letting myself gradually come down from the nervous high. “You never know, I might know more than you think…” she said with a chesty giggle. “Fine, Larissa can you tell me what a Kimberly large is?” I spoke coming to a stand and towering over her sitting position. Nothing, I could see that all she could come up with was blank, nada, not a clue. “What in gods earth is that?” She asked after accepting defeat. I stepped away and walked back to the door, turning looking at her over my shoulder I said. “It’s a cutlery tray.” With the most innocent expression known to man. Well woman.
Larissa stood from the table with a smile plastered to her lips and headed back into the room as well. “Sorry for leaving the door open by the way, I overthought it because if I close it you wouldn’t know I was out there and if I open the curtains then you would wake up, but then I really didn’t think about how cold it is and I needed some air- so… sorry.” I said in a rushed voice. “Don’t worry about it vi.” She said in a sweet tone. “Ok well if I’m to come with you I’ll need to get changed.” She explained knowingly. “Right.” I turned on my heels and left the room to put on my boots and wait for her.
Stepping out into the room Larissa was in the most beautiful dress I’ve seen on her yet, even prettier than the one she wore to my house that time for dinner, it was just past the knee and was an adorable shade of pink that complimented her complexion, she had a matching coat that had fake white fur around the perimeter of the sleeve cuffs. I don’t even think of a snide remark about the fact we’re only going to someone’s house for me to work, I’m more worried about her getting it dirty and ruining the expensive fabric, but who cares I will always encourage her to look incredible, suitable for the conditions or not, if she’s happy I’m happy, I don’t think it’s physically possible for Larissa to not look good anyway.
“What? To much?” She asked wearily. “Absolutely not it’s stunning, just don’t get dirty now will you headmistress.” I said cheekily. Larissa rolled her eyes and adorned her gloves. Opening the door she looks back at her new desk again and smiles, we set off down stairs and made our way to the truck and drove down the nevermore driveway. “Are you hungry?” She asked. “Not really I don’t usually eat until lunchtime, but we can get you something.” I said. “No I’m ok, I just thought maybe you wanted something.” She said looking out of the passenger window. We sat in comfortable silence until we reached town, although I felt like I was slowly suffocating from my thoughts, terrible thoughts, horrible thoughts. I had to keep averting my side eyed gaze at her porcelain thighs, Larissa’s dress rode up and her coat fell to the sides of her gorgeous legs and my god. Keep it together.
Driving down a few back roads we arrived at the house, getting out I paced straight to the mailbox to get the spare key. Larissa followed behind and waited patiently for me to open the door, the house its self wasn’t overly wowing but it was quaint and homey, perfect for a younger family or older couple. “Ok wait here and I’ll go get my stuff.” I said exiting the house. Larissa took in the interior and thought it was sweet, charming in fact, she wandered through the empty halls watching her step on the drop sheets that lay on the floor, the walls were freshly painted with a light grey and the ceilings weren’t finished yet due to electrical issues with the lights, she walked into the first room she could find to take a moment to slow her rapidly beating heart, it turns out Larissa was quite flustered from the car ride too, and the morning in general.
“Larissa?” I yelled. I could hear her heals coming down the hall. “Hey, I got you these just be careful with your earrings.” I said holding out my pink pair of earmuffs. “Oh thank you, that’s thoughtful.” She said quietly as she slipped them on, her earrings did get caught and I tried to help her. “Here, let me help.” I practically launched myself towards her, I grasped one of the sides and tucked her ear in place trying my best not to hurt her. We were standing so close and my eyes wandered from the side of her head to her cheek and around to her lips, I slowly put down my hands and place them on her hips, I could feel her breath on my cheek. Kiss her, but remember Violet. Slowly I started to lean in, but as my eyes flicked up to see hers, they were already trained on me, in an instant I tense up and take a step back clearing my throat, now looking as red as a tomato.
I gave a shy smile and took in her appearance again. “You look cute.” I mimed, knowing how hard it is to hear with them on. Larissa also displayed a little smile with a light blush, she could hear her pulse in her ears clearly now and the butterflies in her stomach were going wild. I put on my spare pair of earmuffs and started the process of polishing the bench. Larissa watched in awe as it began to shine, but she wasn’t just looking at the material itself she also watch how my hands flexed around the machine and my shoulders moved in tandem with the actions. I could feel her eyes on me and I tried my best to not turn around.
Cutting the polisher off I spun on the spot and waved her over, I grabbed her forearm and pulled her to stand in front on me and place her hands on the machine so she could have a turn. What a stupid idea. My hands were on hers and I turned it on again continuing my ministrations, however the only thing I could think of was how her ass was pressing into my stomach and thighs, for a while everything was fine but when she turned and gave me her award winning smile and nose scrunch I just melted. Before either of us got hurt I turned the polisher of and took off my earmuffs placing them on the bench, Larissa did the same carefully talking them off her head, as I turned to face her again, Larissa looked at me for a moment then grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me, like really kissed me.
I was in shock but didn’t pull away- why would I? it was rough and urgent but fuck it was delicious, she was delicious. Larissa manoeuvred me to sit on top of the counter without breaking the kiss, I hopped up and fisted the sides of her dress and the plush skin that’s hidden beneath it, I felt her tongue lick at the the seem of my lips and with out hesitation I let her enter and explore my mouth. Her hands gently scratched at my scalp before she trailed them down the front of my jumper, her delicate fingers moving tantalisingly slow over my breasts as I grope her ass. Just as she went lower towards my stomach, I pulled back breathless with my eyes closed I, couldn’t see the look on her face as I did so.
Larissa stoped her movements and placed her palms on my thighs, she too was breathing quite heavily, the whole situation was so intense more so now that I pulled back, I didn’t want to but I can’t let her feel the parts of myself that I’m so ashamed of. Her thumbs stroke at my legs in a reassuring manner and her head ducked ever so slightly to catch my attention since I peeled my eyes open. “Sorry… um, we should get going now.” I said quietly it almost echoed through the empty house- it certainly echoed through Larissa’s mind, she was taken aback and so confused, but if I needed to stop, she wouldn’t begrudge me of that.
I quickly pack up my stuff and walked back to the truck in silence, safe to say I felt like shit, I don’t want to offend her in anyway because she’s perfect, beautiful, incredible in every sense of the word and I’m just… well, me. Turning the keys in the ignition and setting off again, I glanced at her fidgeting hands in her lap, hesitantly I placed my own on top of one of hers, Larissa looked at me directly as my eyes were trained on the road, my expression displayed a huge amount of guilt. She was watching me so intensely try to wrap her head around what’s going on in mine, I turned to her and really looked into her eyes as an apology, as a ‘it’s not you it’s me’ kind of look, she engaged the silent conversation with ‘it’s ok’ while also cracking a little smile. I returned my eyes to the road and never let go of her hand.
“Oh, see that house over there? It’s my dream home!” I said excitedly, my eyes lit up and my demeanour changed drastically. “That horrid, run down, abandoned looking one? I don’t even want to ask why.” She chuckled. “Look at it though, it has sooo much potential, imagine all of the work I could do to fix it up, it could be beautiful, and its would be massive on the inside.” I said, Larissa looked at me as if I were insane, to be fair if someone said they wanted to live in a shit hole like that I’d be pretty perplexed to. “Mm I can see that now…I suppose.” She hummed watching it fade from view, after a short couple of minutes we made it back to the work shop where I put away the truck and ushered Larissa to my personal car that stayed there overnight.
Without asking I went strait home in dying need of a shower and led Larissa to take purchase in the lounge room to wait, politely I offered her a drink in which she asked for a tea, I made it and placed it on the coffee table beside her. “Thank you darling.” She whispered smiling up at me once I straightened up. “I’ll be out in a minute.” I said leaving her to go to my room. Larissa sat in comfortable silence casually sipping on the drink, before she set it back down she took ahold of the poetry book that still remained in its previous place, as she opened it there were lots of little sheer sticky notes on the pages, only scanning through the highlighted ones there was one in particular she read over and over.
‘She was beautiful, but not like those girls in magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.
She is beautiful.’
Larissa kept going throughout the book to relise they were all pertaining to women, it gave her enough satisfaction to know that I did take an interest to woman and that she wasn’t the only one.
Out of the shower, I reapplied light make up and dressed in baggy casual clothes -because I don’t have anything else- and stepped back out into her presence, Larissa set the book back in place before I could see and stood up walking towards me. “Do you want me to take you back now? Or do you want to go somewhere or watch a movie?” I asked. “A film sounds lovely.” She said. “Would you rather out here or in my room?” I questioned. “Where ever you’d like.” She answered. I turned and motioned for her to enter my room, she took off her heels, shed herself from her coat and left it on the floor beside her shoes and sat on the edge of the bed.
I let Larissa flick through Netflix, she’d look at one, contemplate it, watch the trailer, then move to the next one, It wasn’t a bother, it gave me more time to unabashedly watch her. While her eyes were glued to the screen I inched my hand closer to hers and lightly fiddled with her fingers, observing red painted nails against slightly chipped pink ones, our hand were close in size but her fingers were skinnier than mine, ultimately shes skinnier then me in every way. So lost in deep thought my hand traveled up her arm and to her shoulder, then neck, then face. Larissa was doing everything within her to not move, she didn’t want it to end, she was so afraid that if she breathed to hard I would stop.
Snapping back to reality I didn’t pull away, I tried to embrace it, that I did. I grasped the remote in her hand and crawled slowly to straddle her lap, though I didn’t sit on her I mearly hovered, I’m far too heavy for her. Larissa kept her body still and only moved her eyes. “I dont know what I’m doing.” I said quietly, I had her face in my hands and peered deeply into her cobalt eyes. “That’s ok sweetheart, you don’t need to… but, what do you want?” She asked at the same level of voice. For a moment I thought of how to say what I want. “I… I’d like to-uh… I want to touch you.” I said sounding like an inexperienced teenager with a burning blush. “Then touch me.” She said, her pupils dilated and her voice dripping with seduction.
But of course Violet does something stupid and starts to have a minor panic attack. Larissa’s expression turned concerned, she slung her arms around my neck, pulled me flush against her and stroked at my damp hair. “It’s ok, your alright.” She cooed in my ear, my hands and thighs were trembling and burning from clenching the muscles in my legs to stop me from putting my weight on her. Slowly I pulled back. “I need to tell you something.” I said shakily, I know I have to, she needs to understand what the fuck is wrong with me. Larissa nodded and waited patiently for my breathing to slow and to take a pause to muster up the courage of what I’m about to say. You haven’t spoke about this for 15 years Violet, what makes you think she’ll care?
“I’m not sure how you’re going to feel about this but…” I took in another deep breath. “When I was 20, I met a man and we fell in love…” Larissa nodded for me to continue. “We were together for 3 years and by the time I was 23, we were engaged. We wanted to start a family before we got married…” I said, Larissa’s brows knitted together wondering where I was going with this. “So… we tried to have a baby, but after a while, it wasn’t working. I went to the doctor and I was told that-.” I cut myself off to restrain any and all tears. “I was told I couldn’t have children, that I’m infertile.” I said. Larissa thinking I was finished told me that’s ok and that she’s very sorry for how unfortunate that is. “It doesn’t change my view on you though Violet.” She said brushing the hair out of my face.
“But… he thought he wasn’t trying hard enough.” I continued, Larissa’s face and stomach dropped at the statement. “So, he tried harder, more frequently, longer.” I said flinching at my own words. “And when he got tired of it… he threw me away. He told me I was useless and selfish for not being able to give him kids, and then two weeks later he told me that he got another woman pregnant.” I said filling with a little bit of relief as I finally let it out. Larissa was utterly dumbfounded, she sat in shock hardly knowing how to comprehend what I just said. “That’s why I moved to Jericho 15 years ago.” I added. “And… since then, I haven’t- been with anyone else.”
Oh. She thought, this makes so much sense now, Larissa understands how this is an issue for me and considers how I must be feeling. “I’m so unbelievably sorry that happened to you darling. I’m so proud that you told me. But I still remain unfazed, I will not hold you to a different light because of your past, I do not begrudge you of something that has been done to you and happened to you… I promise, it actually makes me more akin to you sweetheart.” She said softly.
I took the opportunity to smash my lips against hers, so full of passion, so full of love, on my behalf anyway. Our teeth and tongues clashing together being completely in sync, the both of us let out breathy moans from the pleasure, Larissa grasped the sides of my thighs and pushed me down to completely sit on her, uncomfortably I did so and without her disrupting asking me to get off I stayed there. In a bound of confidence I pulled her flush against me to access the zip of her dress, she let me drag it down the expanse of her back and pull it down her shoulders, pulling away from the kiss I observed her bra clad breasts and my mouth practically watered from the sight alone.
She reached behind her to unclasp her white lace bra watching me the whole time, the slid the straps down her shoulders and removed it completely and tossed it to the other side of the bed. My eyes flicked down and her breasts were on full view, I brought my hand up to her chest and palmed them slowly, Larissa’s head lulled to the side and let her eyes flutter close. Her skin was so soft and so smooth compared to the skin of my hands, but she didn’t seem to care. I leaned in closer to kiss her shoulder then eventually up her neck and jaw. Larissa tugged at the hem of my shirt wanting me to take it off. I pulled back yet again and lifted it half way before I paused to meet her gaze. She nodded and I continued to strip it off.
My own red bra was displayed in front of her, Larissa’s breath hitched as she took in the sight, my blush returned and all I could do was cover my stomach. I wasn’t too phased at my own breasts and the stretch marks on them at this moment, from the way she was staring I couldn’t tell if she was repulsed or just looking, she removed my arms from in front of me and her sight lowered to my stomach, obviously if we are to continue she’d have to see but all I wanna do is put my shirt back on.
Larissa traced her fingertips along my sides and hummed in what seemed to be delight. “So pretty.” She muttered. “I’m sorry.” I said at the same time, she looked at me through heavy lidded eyes. “What for?” She asked. “Well I’m not as beautiful as you, I’m sorry that if you want to stop because of it.” I said. “Fuck no Violet. Look at you, you’re curvy and delicious, you’re so sexy my darling... Do you want your know my favourite part?” She whispered leaning into my ear. “Yes.” I answered. “These, and this.” Larissa’s fingers danced over the stretch marks of my breasts and stomach. Internally my insides were fluttering and heat pulled at the apex of my core.
“Can I take this off?” She asked referring to my bra. I let her remove it, as a little gasp left her lips I once again took the opportunity to kiss her again. I couldn’t stop myself from bucking my hips into hers looking for friction to grind down on. Larissa clamped her hand on my hips and roughly guided me back and forth across her thighs whilst simultaneously diving into my chest with her mouth, she latched her lips around my left bud and sucked hard causing me to arch into her more and throw my head back in pleasure. She didn’t forget to give the other attention either.
I got off her lap and asked her to lay down, as she did so I ripped off her dress that was still wrapped around her waist and unceremoniously tossed it aside. Larissa’s stomach was pale and soft much like her breasts all I want to do is mark and bite it, I sat between her parted legs and hooked my fingers in the waistband of her panties and rushed to get them off her long legs, I couldn’t slow down even if I wanted to, she’s like a drug or aphrodisiac that runs freely within my veins. Her pussy now on full display and her body at my mercy, I looked down at her, my own lust exuding and at that moment we both knew this wasn’t going to be sweet or timid, it wasn’t going to be gentle. It was going to be rough and urgent. It was going to be sinful and nether of us could stop it. I’ve depraved myself for far too long long and I can’t push her away.
Making myself comfortable on my knees and bending to level with her heat, I gave her one last look before latching onto her clit. The moan she let out was almost pornographic and only made my own pussy contract around nothing and leave me with ruined underwear. Larissa fisted the sheets beside her with one hand and with the other she gripped my hair pushing my face into her impossibly harder, she ground down on my face searching for more. I gazed through my lashes to view her blissed out face and kiss swollen lips, like I said, it’s not possible for her to ever be unattractive.
She made eye contact with me and slightly controlled her face more to clearly see through her hazy eyes. I brought my hand up to her entrance and carried on with my assault on her clit, sitting up a little I made sure she could see what I’m doing, I held up a finger, then another, then another, clearly signalling three. With those three fingers I wiped up her folds before entering every single one at the same time, she hissed and her eyes rolled towards the back of her head, the sight of her was just as pleasurable as what I’m giving her. “Fuck… oh fuck yes.” She moaned.
After her third orgasm she pushed me away from her overstretched and over simulated core, crawling back up her body I left red and purple marks on her otherwise untouched stomach and sternum. Larissa yanked me up to her face and kissed me again using her tongue to taste herself. “Your turn.” She growled flipping me over onto my back, Larissa undid the drawstring of my pants and shimmied them of my legs along with my underwear, I hadn’t even realised I used my hands to cover my stomach again, not until she lifted them of and kissed my palms and placed them on her shoulders. Larissa sat on my lap and used her nails to graze over my arms and sides, this was only the beginning, she tormented and teased for a long time before she couldn’t refuse the inevitable.
Panting out of control and sweating to high heaven, we lay side by side completely naked and exhausted. Larissa stood from the bed and walked into my ensuite with her hips swaying, I sat up wondering why she left. She’s probably touching up her make up and getting ready to leave. I thought, a melancholy feeling filled me and I reached for my t-shirt and slipped it back over my head. Hopping off the bed as well I pick up the strewn clothes and place them nicely on the end of the bed. I smiled at the thought of what just happened, Larissa was so beautiful with her smudged lipstick and mascara, the tremble in her limbs when she came, the way she looked at me when I came undone, even the little bits of hair that came loose to frame her face. Larissa was more than this though, she deserved more, something more domestic, more beautiful than a passionate fuck I suppose. Larissa deserves home cooked meals and hand holding in the street, she’s worth the efforts that a romantic relationship includes, like bathing together and eating together or having someone she loves’ chest to lay on. I think the worst part is that I know I’m not that person.
Larissa walked out of the bathroom with a wet cloth and looked at me quizzically. “What are you doing?” She asked. I stood back from the bed and cracked my knuckles nervously, avoiding the art work I stained her body with. “I thought you wanted to leave… I was just picking up your clothes so they didn’t get to creased.” I said looking to the ground. Larissa paced towards me grasping my arm and pushing me to lay back down. I followed her silent instruction but was confused as to why she started to lift my shirt again. “What are you doing?” I whispered. “Cleaning you up.” She answered. It felt like the air was knocked out of my lungs at her statement. Tears threatened to spill from the corners of my eyes, Larissa spread my knees and started to gently wipe away the accumulated arousal.
She sat folding the material continuously and cleaned me until she was satisfied. Her eyes moved to looked at mine and her self satisfactory smile faded once she saw my burning cheeks and wet eyes. “Oh what’s the matter?” She asked tossing the rag to the door way of the ensuite and cupping my face. “No-.” I stuttered. “No one’s…” Larissa’s brows raised trying to understand. “Nobody’s ever done that for me before.” I said chocking on my uneven breath. “Oh darling.” She said dragging my body up to hers embracing me tightly.
Larissa looked at me like I was the most fragile thing in the universe, I hated it, I wish I wasn’t like this. A while later we decided on a movie and snuggled under the covers, she stroked at my hair and giggled at the screen from time to time, I didn’t give a fuck about the tv, to be in this moment with her was so for filling and wholesome. I pondered for a second before letting myself ask the question. “Larissa?” I started. “Mmm?” She hummed looking down at me. “I was wondering if you would like to come away with me after Christmas?” I said hoping she would but trying to come to terms with the possibility she’d say no. “Yes.” She said with a grin. Oh. “I have to go to my parents houses, dads for the first week then mums for a week… if you’re not comfortable with that-.” She nodded enthusiastically and said. “Yes I will, what day do we leave?” I looked at her wondering why she seems so excited but continued anyway. “The 27th, my sister’s are gonna be there and my nieces, which is nice I haven’t seen them for a long time.” I said. Larissa agreed and was looking forward to it, and of course she started to make a mental list of what to pack.
For the rest of the afternoon we stayed in bed and went through countless amounts of movies and whatever snacks I had in my pantry. She sat in my clothes, in my bed, in my room, in my home, Larissa to me felt like she belonged there, like this is exactly where she’s supposed to be, because to be honest I’m really being to think she is my home, Larissa weems owns it all though, all the materialistic things I own from the things in my house to the clothes I wear on my back as well as my heart and soul and if she wanted me to I’d kill myself if she asked. I love her more than anything. perhaps it is more personal than it is professional, but that’s the tragic part isn’t it?
@lex13cm @im-a-carnivorous-plant @barbarasstar
@giogwensversion @sabraaabra
@readingtheentrails @readingtheentrails
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jungkookschin · 5 months
random drabble for older
Jungkook has always been a constant presence in your life, like the warmth of the sun on a chilly morning, filling you with comfort and energy with every encounter.
He’s very aware of the image you have of him in your cute little head, and he does everything he can to fulfill that image for you. He’s well aware of your little prince charming fantasies revolving around him, and truly, truly does everything to be your Prince Charming. 
He’ll indulge you, always- to the extent where Mingyu and Taehyung constantly throw the term “sugar daddy” around- and of course Jungkook will roll his eyes, but he won’t deny it. 
Jungkook has dropped thousands on you. He’s a single man in his 20’s with way too much money, anyways. So what was he supposed to do? Let all his money sit in his 401K to ensure that he’s financially secure for retirement (🙄) or buy you an unnecessarily expensive designer dress and observe how your face lights up?
Obviously he’ll choose the latter. 
Even before he accepted that what he felt for you was more than “Oh yea, she’s just my mom’s best friend’s daughter I’ve known since we were little and I always take care of her and do whatever she wants”, he was always there. 
During the first day of the first semester of your freshman year in college, he receives a call from your mother at around 6AM.
Jungkook is already up on his morning jog, and he doesn’t hesitate to answer.
“What’s up, auntie?” he speaks into the phone, eyebrows furrowing in concern when he hears the alarm in your mother’s voice.
“Oh, Jungkook sweetie! Thank you so much for picking up! Uncle and I are out of town for a business meeting, and Y/N isn’t answering her phone! It’s her first day of college and I’m super concerned that she’s going to miss her first day of class! I told her not to choose a 7AM… anyways, can you stop by our place and check if she’s up?”
“I’m on my way,” he mumbles into the phone, already walking from the gym to his Mercedes. 
He swiftly makes his way to your house, fully aware of the route as if it were his second nature. Your place holds a familiarity akin to his own, and he effortlessly inputs the garage code: 0809, your birthday, before ascending the stairs to your room.
As he expects, you’re snoozing off in your bed, clutching your Snorlax plushie with drool seeping from your mouth. You sleep with your eyes partially open, revealing the whites as if in need of some kind of exorcism. 
He rolls his eyes, affectionately of course.
With utmost care, he nears your bed and gently shakes you. You emit a soft murmur, your eyes squeezing before you roll onto your side.
On cue, your alarm goes off Beep Beep Beep: and it’s the default Apple ringtone that triggers PTSD flashbacks from school. 
Your hand instinctively reaches to silence the ringtone, yet you remain in deep slumber, as drowsy as Snorlax himself. Jungkook scoffs amusedly before he decides he’s had enough. 
"Y/N," he calls out a bit louder, "Time to wake up!"
In your slumber, you flinch, murmuring, "Huh? Mommy?"
"It's me, Y/N. Wake up. Summer's over, and you've got school," he says, sighing as he settles onto the edge of your bed.
Startled, you jolt upright, scanning your surroundings as if you’ve never seen your bedroom before. "Jungkook?" you mumble sleepily, rubbing your eyes, and inexplicably, Jungkook feels a pang in his chest. 
"It's 6:20, Y/N. You've got class in forty minutes."
You gasp as if you've just surfaced from underwater.
"Holy shit! I'm going to be late!" you exclaim, tossing aside the covers and scrambling out of bed, your energy suddenly pulsating with urgency.
You scramble to the restroom, shoving your toothbrush in your mouth before you start brushing violently. Jungkook approaches you, standing behind you while he fixes his hair in the mirror. 
His eyes flicker towards you almost violently rubbing cleansing oil into your face and he can’t help but laugh. You’re probably the most unserious person in the history of the world. “Baby, chill. You’ll get there on time,” he comforts, placing a soothing hand on your shoulder. 
“I know but I’m nervous, it’s my first day,” you mewl in return to which Jungkook gives you a comforting smile. 
“I felt that way too- wait, is that my shirt?”
You pause, staring at his reflection in the mirror like a deer caught in headlights, “Sorry?” you squeak before running back into your bedroom like an escaped convict.
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i-didnt-do-1t · 3 months
It wasn’t unusual for Morris to have nightmares. Between the early years on the farm and the years in the refuge, there was more than enough memories to make up bad dreams. But usually Oscar was asleep when they happened. He’d only ever wake up in the aftermath when Morris had already got up and got dressed and found his way to the kitchen for a coffee. It didn’t much matter if it was 3am or 6am.
But Oscar hadn’t been able to sleep this evening, the usual exhaustion that had been hanging heavy over him all day hadn’t faded any, but even as he lay on his bed, back flat against the uncomfortable mattress, all he could do was stare at the ceiling.
He wasn’t sure how long he had been lying there when Morris’s breath hitched in his throat. An awkward gasp of air that sounded like he hadn’t really inhaled at all. Oscar turned his head to stare at his brother on the other side of the room. His eye sight had long since adjusted to the dark.
Morris shifted again, brows furrowing in his sleep, something distressed and uncomfortable.
Slowly, Oscar found himself pushing himself up, the bed creaking below him.
“Hey. mo.”
Morris didn’t wake any, shifted again, almost erratic, even in his sleep. Oscar turned, feet hitting the cold floor.
“Morris, c’mon. It ain’t real.”
But Morris seemed so caught up in it, so distressingly asleep, that he didn’t wake up till Oscar moved across the room and hunkered at his side, nudging his shoulder. “Mo-“
He woke up suddenly with a gasp, eyes unseeing, shoved Oscar away so hard and so unexpectedly that Oscar fell.
“Fuck. Sorry da- sorry-“
Something in Oscar’s stomach churned. The guilt wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling, he felt it every time he caught himself in the mirror, but it didn’t mean he was used to it. Didn’t meant that it didn’t feel worse when it came from Morris.
“It’s Oscar, Mo, da ain’t here.” And Morris’s gaze was still hazy, like he was looking through him rather than at him, and his voice was little more than a croak when he spoke, but it was recognition.
“Yeah. Yeah, mo. S’ me.” He knew the next question would be stupid, but he asked it anyway. “You okay?”
Morris’s breathing was still a little laboured, gaze still searching the room like he was looking for someone who wasn’t there, but he slowly pushed himself up. Swung his legs over the side of the bed.
“Yeah. M’ fine. I. I’m gonna go get a coffee.” He barely acknowledged Oscar, didn’t ask if he wanted one. Didn’t ask why he was awake. “Ain’t mean to wake you Os. Go back to sleep.”
And Oscar was going to follow him, till he said that, an indirect statement that he didn’t want Oscar with him, and Oscar supposed he understood in some ways as he watched his younger brother drag a hand down his face as he walked unsteadily and still half asleep out of their room. Oscar hated Morris seeing him at his worst moments too. But he didn’t get back up, didn’t climb back into bed, just let himself sit on the floor where Morris had shoved him, rubbing roughly at his eyes with the heels of his palms till his sockets hurt. It would only be an hour or two before he would’ve had to get up for work anyway.
Maybe he’d sleep tomorrow.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
I’m back, with another sub-par banger!
Also I’d just like to say thank you so much for posting my oneshot that was so cool and I totally didn’t freak out when I opened Tumblr, no siree!
So, on with the oneshot!
This oneshot can be read as a sequel after the first, but also can just be seen as a standalone story. By the way, I’m having way too much fun writing oneshots about this AU from the perspective of people working for Fazbear Entertainment, so this is how this oneshot will go too.
Welcome to the life of a security guard working the front desk at Fazbear Entertainment corporate.
More torture, with practically zero descriptions of any gore this time though. Still, for the particularly squeamish I’d suggest looking away.
Also forgot to include this previously, but some swear words.
From a very, very sleep-deprived amateur writer.
You glanced at the clock, 5:32 AM, a few more minutes before the end of your shift.
You glanced at the monitors placed on your desk. Though blurry, the camera footage was still visible. Nothing out of the ordinary, for Fazbear Entertainment anyways.
Faint headlights glared through the glass doors, what the hell was a car doing here so early?
Probably another upset parent with a missing kid, the door was locked anyway, they couldn’t even get in the building even if they wanted to.
The door opened, must be an employee. You got up, grabbing the pale green record book from your desk and making your way to the figure in front of you.
They were pushing some kind of cart, with the Fazbear logo plastered on, like everything this company owns. The cart was covered with a sheet, but bits of machinery could be seen poking out from underneath.
“State your business.”
“Ah, yes, of course. I’m the Mechanics Supervisor for the Pizzaplex.”
“Ah, I see.”
You check your record book, skimming through the list of names before finding the correct appointment.
“Says here you’re delivering some animatronics for checkup?”
“Smart as a whip, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah. The Parts and Service Department is down the hall, to the left.”
The figure pushed the cart down the hall, to your instructions. You tick off the record book before carelessly tossing it onto your desk.
“I heard about your hands by the way, how are they?”
The figure glanced back, an almost somber smile on their face, but they didn’t respond. Did they just not hear you?
You sigh, throwing yourself onto your chair.
You got a notification from the monitor. Perking up in surprise, you inspect the fuzzy brown-tinted screen.
Security Level 7 Door unlocked
What the hell? Who was up at 6AM unlocking doors without your knowledge? The only people meant to be in the office are you, that figure and whatever overworked interns Fazbear just brought in.
You switch the camera feed around a bit, finally switching to the camera overlooking the Parts and Service Department.
What the hell?
What was the cart doing toppled on the ground? Empty nonetheless? Where in the world were the animatronics sent for checkup?
You frantically switch cameras, trying to home in on that figure and the animatronics’ whereabouts.
There. Camera 17, the hallway only the higher-ups go through, the doors all lead to executive offices with nice window views.
The figure was unlocking the door to the Chief Financial Officer, and… were those the daycare animatronics?
They enter the room, shit. Your monitor doesn’t have access to the executive offices, only the monitor at…
the Main Security Office.
You hurriedly rush to the Main Security Office, unlocking the multitude of doors leading up to it.
There. You’re there. Now where on Earth is the main monitor?
God, these monitors were nice. HD flatscreen, nothing like the busted up box monitor you had downstairs. Wait, why the hell were you thinking of that, there could be an intruder in the building!
There, the main monitor. You boot it up, swapping through the camera feeds until…
Yes! Camera 21.
You fiddle with the controls a little, turning the camera away from the now swung open door to the main desk at what felt like an agonisingly slow pace.
There, you’re finally facing the desk, and…
what the fuck.
What was the daycare animatronic doing with pliers?
And why the hell were they using them to… pull on the Chief Financial Officer’s fingers?
Hold on, why the hell was he even here?
Was that the figure from before? What the hell were they doing looking on with that cheerful expression?
You frantically crank up the volume on the speakers, nearly giving yourself a heart attack from a sudden scream blasting through it.
“What the fuck do you maniacs want from me?!”
“Well then, looks like you’re finally in the talking mood, aren’t you?”
“What the fuck do you want from me?!”
“Well if you’re so insistent on rushing to the point, I happen to know from some classified documents that you have been profiting from several incidents happening in various of the company’s restaurants thanks to an insurance policy of yours, no?”
“Yeah, so what?! Let me go!”
“So what? Well, unless you intend on losing anymore fingernails than you already have I’d suggest telling me where you hide that handy dandy security card and insurance document of yours.”
“Left cabinet, top most. Just let me go!”
The figure walked towards the aforementioned cabinets, and pulled out a small piece of plastic, the security card obviously, and a piece of paper, the insurance document?
“Well, looks like you weren’t lying, good on you!”
“Let me go, you bastards!”
“Well, don’t need to be so rude.”
The figure chuckled, preparing to leave the office.
“Though I have to admit, I do find your cooperation commendable. How about a celebration? Blackbird?”
Just then, the moon-themed animatronic perked up like a child being called by their parents. Reaching into a duffel bag, they pulled out a fire cracker before walking over, stuffing it into the helpless executive’s mouth.
“I’ll be making my leave now, I have to pay a visit to the insurance department to get this lovely little paper burned.”
Just then, the sun-themed animatronic perked up, rushing towards the figure and gripping their arm.
“Sunshine, could I…”
“Follow you?”
The figure chuckled, affectionately petting them on the head before giving them a slight kiss on the cheek.
“You silly boy, of course.”
The animatronic’s expression turned from nervousness to an overwhelmingly gleeful smile that covered most of their face. Their face turned to a slight purple tint.
“Yes, starlight?”
“Could you give our guest here a nice redecoration of his office? I think he’d appreciate a new wallpaper made from his own brain matter for this awfully plain office.”
“With pleasure~”
You frantically clicked away at the telephone buttons, your hand shaking like crazy.
The telephone rang, thank god.
“Hello, this is 911, what’s your emergency?”
“There has just been a murder, I-“
You were hyperventilating at this point.
“Please calm down, where are you and what is the incident?”
“Fazbear office, come quick-“
The phone let out nothing but static.
You look at the cable.
It had been cut.
A voice that you were praying you would never hear again came from behind you.
“You know, I never thought the minimum wage security guard would be the one to blow the whistle on me.”
“Luckily, my lovely partner here told me that the camera was moving, or I’d never know.”
“G-get away from me…”
“Don’t need be scared, pal.”
“I remember you asked me how my hands were doing before right?”
“Well, I’m here to give you the answer!”
“They’re doing great.”
“In fact, here’s a demonstration!”
They raised a crowbar.
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AAAAA WHOEVER YOU ARE ANON PLS DM I JUST WANNA TALK (crush every bone in ur body with all my loves and affections and adorations)
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
OF/MD College Rowing AU
Hi guys, this has been in the works for MONTHS and I finally finished it. It’s my new AU based on my own experience from college 😁 special shout-out to @peach-plumb-pear2 , @softersteve and @sniffles-and-tickles for letting me brainstorm with them! I really hope you like it. I have the whole AU fully flushed out and have more coming hopefully.
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Summary: Ed gets sick but comes to practice anyways. Stede tries to usher him home and get him the rest and meds he needs. ((Originally for Sicktember prompt - the only place we’re going is the pharmacy))
OH! And also Stede has the kink 😈
Word Count: 1.85k
The annoying yet rhythmic quack of Apple’s “Duck” alarm tone pierced through the air, awaking 22 year old Stede Bonnet from his sleep. He didn’t need to look at the clock to know it was 5:15am - the same time his alarm went off every weekday.
He groaned, desperately wanting to close his eyes and go back to sleep, but the guilt of his teammates practicing without him won once again. He swung his legs over the edge of his bed and rubbed at his head before walking over to his dresser. He pulled out some basketball shorts and a tattered old tee shirt to put on under his jacket.
He opened his door a crack and called out, “Lucius?”
“Yes yes, I’m up…” came a grumbled reply from his roommate, who emerged from the bathroom, also wearing workout clothes and a jacket.
“Oh good! Thought I’d have to wake you again.” He smiled, bending down to lace up his athletic shoes.
“Tell me again why you got me to sign up for this.” Lucius quipped sarcastically.
The younger man liked to complain about the early morning wake up calls and physical labor, but he was actually quite good at the sport, teammates not letting him leave.
“You know you like it Lucius. Let’s go.” Stede grabbed their apartment key off the table and the two boys headed out the front door.
Lucius shivered as the cool autumn air hit his bare legs. The turning of the seasons meant a crisp chill in the mornings and evenings. It was still dark out, stars speckling the sky.
It was roughly 5:40 now. Practice started at 6am and they had a ten minute walk to get there. The college was nice enough to let the rowing team use the abandoned basketball stadium for practices (since the basketball and volleyball teams got a newly renovated one on the other side of campus). When they weren’t out on the water in the reservoir, they were doing land practice here at this ungodly hour.
The two walked in content silence, both still waking up. When they got inside the court, Lucius almost immediately split off from Stede to go and sit with Pete, who was fixing his shoes in the corner. Most other teammates were either talking or stretching, waiting for the clock to hit 6 for morning warm-ups.
Stede scanned the room before a voice came out behind him.
“If you’re looking for Ed, he’s on the bleachers. Pretending not to be under the weather.”
It was the team’s coxswain, Izzy, a 25 year old grad student and Ed’s good friend and roommate.
“Oh! Good morning, Izzy!” Stede chirped, “Under the weather??”
Izzy rolled his eyes and walked away, Stede growing more concerned as he spotted his friend sitting on the bleachers.
Ed was normally full of energy, bouncing around the room and giving people shit. But today, he was in sweatpants and a hoodie, leaning his head in one hand and scrubbing at his nose with the sleeve of the other.
Stede looked at his watch. 5:55. They had a few minutes before the co-captains had to start practice. The blonde walked over and plopped himself down next to Ed. Up close, he noticed the older man’s eyes were red and wet, in a similar condition to his nose.
“Ed have you been crying?” Stede asked.
“No, but I have been snFF! sneezing…” as if on cue, he brought the sleeves of both his hands up over his face. “T’sssSHIEW! Hh- h’tschIYUE!”
Stede’s heart fluttered. He always sneezed a bit dramatically like this - higher pitched at the end in a way that was very fitting for Ed. But these seemed more desperate than usual.
He pulled a tissue out of his hoodie pocket and blew his nose into it. When he noticed Stede eyeballing him, he paused, mumbling over the tissue. “Grown’d men can carry tissues Stede.”
“I know!” Stede felt bad for staring, “Are you under the weather?”
“N’do. Who told you that? Izzy??” Ed spotted the man across the court and flipped him off. “I’m okay Stede.”
Stede wasn’t quite buying it but knew Ed could be stubborn when he wanted to be, so he chose to let it be for now.
“Alright gang, it’s 6! Let’s hit our 3 laps and then warm ups!”
They all looked on, waiting for Ed to say something as co-captain.
“You heard the man! Fucking move it!” Ed added before hopping down and joining them in the laps around the court.
When they’d finished running, they formed lines. One behind Ed and one behind Stede. They took turns going back and forth across the court, doing high knees, crossovers, lunges, and other stretches.
By 6:10 they’d heard announcements from the coaches and were onto the meat and bones of the workout. Ed’s group was starting with body weight workouts on one half of the court and Stede’s group started off on the ergs. At 7am they would switch.
This was something they did every day - it wasn’t new by any means, but today Ed just felt bone tired. By the time 7 rolled around, he just wanted to lie down.
He grabbed his water bottle and took a sip before coughing into his elbow and patting his chest. Stede walked over, having just hopped off the erg. “Okay there?”
Ed cleared his throat, “M’okay. Probably just tired - eht’schYUE!”
“Bless you.” Stede choked out as casually as possible.
“Thanks mate.” Ed clapped a hand on Stede’s back as he made his way to the ergs as they switched.
When the second round of workouts ended, the team gathered together to do their 1 minute of jump squats before practice officially ended. Ed looked pale and sweaty, slowly making his way over to collect his things.
“Think you’re right Stede. I feel sick.” Ed rubbed at his temples and closed his eyes. “Might skip my classes today.”
“You’re missing the fundraiser tonight?”
“Pfff! No! When did I say that?” Ed chuckled, remembering the annual fundraiser dinner that the team had scheduled today.
“Ed, if you’re too sick for class you shouldn’t be at the fundraiser.” Stede said gently.
“Then I think I’m feeling better actually. Save me a seat in Economics yeah?”
Stede nodded, feeling bad for mentioning the fundraiser. Now Ed thought he had to power through the day if that meant he could make an appearance at the event.
Stede was thankful that he had time to go back to the apartment and shower before he had morning classes. He was also feeling thankful that Ed was able to do the same. Both of their first classes of the day was Economics 400.
As usual Stede was there early, having had time to pick up two teas at the campus cafe on his way there. He sat towards the back with his backpack in the seat next to him.
A chesty cough made Stede (and a few others) look up and towards the door. Ed walked in, showered and in a different hoodie and joggers. He waved to Stede as the younger man moved his backpack for Ed to sit.
Ed slumped into the seat, dropping his bag on the floor and resting his head in his arms. Stede frowned as he coughed again.
“How are you feeling, Ed?”
Ed groaned in response. “I feel… hih! N’xxTCH! T’schiew!” He turned his head slightly to muffle the sneezes into his hoodie. “Feel like shit mate.”
“Bless.” Stede held out the second paper cup to his buddy, “Brought you a tea with seven sugars. Might help your throat?”
Ed picked his head up slightly and smiled, “Thag’ks.”
As he was taking a sip, Stede noticed the haze to his eyes and slight flush spread across his cheeks. Before he even knew what he was doing, Stede had leaned over and pressed a gentle yet firm hand on Ed’s forehead.
“Ed. You have a fever! You should be at home resting.”
Ed shrugged, “No, I need to be here so I can go to the fundraiser tonight.”
“The only place you’re going is the pharmacy.” Stede stood up and swung his bag over his shoulder, “Come on. I’ll take you.”
The older man was skeptical at first, but eventually stood up, grabbing his own bag and his tea before following Stede out of the classroom.
They were lucky there was a small grocery store right across the street from campus, by the duplex Ed and Izzy were renting out. Stede grabbed a small basket as they strode through the pharmacy section.
Stede stopped in the cold and flu aisle, perusing the different options. Ed stood next to Stede, leaning his head on Stede’s shoulder.
The younger man glanced over, gently tapping his head against Ed’s. “I got you daytime and nighttime meds. Cough drops. You need anything else?”
“Eh’tszzsh!” Ed snapped forward with the first sneeze, instinctually curing into Stede with the second, “K’itssch!”
Stede jumped from the shock. “B- bless you.”
Ed’s sneezes we’re becoming more tired sounding and less dramatic in nature. A sure fire sign that he really wasn’t feeling well.
“I’m so sorry Stede.” Ed started apologizing for sneezing against Stede’s chest. What Stede couldn’t say in the moment was that he actually liked it. A lot.
“It’s okay Ed. Let’s maybe grab some tissues?” He suggested, “And then we can get you home.”
Ed nodded and swiped at the underside of his nose. As Stede checked out, he thanked god for Ed living so close. The older man was very quickly taking a turn for the worse.
“I’ll pay you back for that stuff.” Ed mumbled weakly on the walk back towards the duplex.
“Don’t worry about it, Ed. I just want you to get better.”
When they got to the apartment, Ed dropped his backpack on the floor by the dining room table. Izzy’s stuff was gone. He was probably in class still.
Stede set the bag on the counter and started taking all the different medications out. When he turned around, Ed was face down on the couch.
“Ed. I really think you should take this before you pass out.”
Stede had been to Ed’s enough times to know where he kept his water cups. He filled up a glass of water and brought it over along with the daytime medicine.
“Shits fucking disgusting…” Ed grumbled into the cushions before propping himself up on an elbow to knock back the medicine and take a sip of water.
“Good job, now you can get some rest. Don’t worry about the fundraiser okay? I’m telling Izzy you’re staying home.”
Ed groaned behind closed eyes, already letting sleep claim him for the day. Stede smiled and draped the thin throw blanket over his crush.
“Sweet dreams, Ed.”
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shion-yu · 11 months
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Gave myself almost-pneumonia and my couch looks like a damn stock photo.
Since the whole time I’ve been like, “Am I living one of my shitty fanfictions? Coz this sucks.” Let me tell y’all a story.
Cold weather sucks as a severe asthmatic. I moved to the South so I didn’t have to deal with the frigid winters of upstate NY. I’m basically on and off sick until Spring comes (and then there’s allergy season but I digress). I think it’s helped some, but my lungs are just fucked up ok?
Anyways I went to a concert last Saturday and it was freezing. Then I went to the zoo on Sunday with a friend and it was also cold and swarming with kids who don’t know how to cover their mouths when they cough. It was a great weekend but by Tuesday I was sick - great. I had some warning bc my friend I went to the zoo with said they got sick yesterday. But it just seemed like a minor cold and I’ve been through this a million times, I truly did not think it was gonna get too much worse. My asthma was mostly under control and I rested a lot all week.
Thursday I’m more tired, but I start nebulizer treatments and even skip ice skating class and reschedule it for Saturday bc hey, I’m responsible. But Friday I start to feel worse. Like to the point where everybody at work is like wtf go home and one of them told me she’s gonna get me holy water. But it’s okay, it’s still been SO much worse and I’m really fine.
Saturday morning I wake up and I feel like I’m cured. So I go to ice skating class. And maybe I take a little walk in the rain. Bad fuckin idea. By the end of the day I’m having full blown asthma attacks one after the other and sweating like crazy. My abdomen is aching from coughing so much that it hurts to sit up. But I really don’t want to go to the ER. Not again. So I message my pulmonologist and hope I can just say never mind I’m good now by the time he answers on Monday.
That brings us to today, Sunday. I woke up at 6am after only 4 hours of sleep because I can’t stop choking. I’m sneezing and coughing up fluorescent green stuff, my throat tastes like blood and I have a fever. I really, really didn’t want to go to the doctor but it’s time. I drag my sorry ass to urgent care where the entire hour I sit in waiting, everybody who walks by gives me a ‘goddamn’ look because I’m coughing loud enough to alert the entire damn office. I’m so embarrassed bc what if they think I’m being dramatic and wasting time - again? I awkwardly explain my situation and the doctor sends me for CXR. When it comes back he says “Well, you don’t have pneumonia yet but see alllll this stuff here? That’s inflammation. I’m gonna prescribe antibiotics and (way heavier) steroids and you might have bronchitis already but your asthma is so bad that it’s indistinguishable by now. Also with your lungs you probably won’t be able to tell you have pneumonia until it’s pretty bad.”
So anyways, that’s my week. At least I got a lot of writing done for Whumptober - didn’t have to dig very deep to find enough misery to go around to all my fav OCs lol.
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cheemken · 4 months
So, let’s just say the Pokemon champions had to live all together, what type of roommate would they be? I’m curious and I need inspiration for a fic. I can’t for the life of me think. My brain isn’t braining.
Man it has been a while since I last posted pkmn stuff chkxdn hahah
But anyways let's see
Lance - I think,, I think he'd be the type to wake up early, and by early I mean no fail he wakes up around 4:30am, Lance would start training and his dragons are noisy. I wanna say the first time they all lived together, Diantha woke up w Lance bc why is her man up at this godforsaken hour and it ruined her mood for the entire day girl missed her beauty sleep lmfaooo
Steven - expect stones and pebbles and rocks everywhere. He'd find a rock that reminds him of one of the champions and he'd bring it home w him and he'd give it to them and ofc as weird as Steven was they can't decline bc hey, it's smth he loved y'know, but also I know Cynthia and Wallace would love collecting those rocks and pebbles
Wallace - the first time he woke up to Lance training at four in the morning, he and Diantha ruined everyone's day w their mood. If this man doesn't get his full eight hours of sleep he's gonna make it everyone's problem. Coffee would not solve anything, but spending the day w Steven might lmfao
Cynthia - if anyone sees random books and papers or anything piled or cluttered around a certain area of their shared home, they would know Cynthia has been there. Girl does not clean up after herself bc she's so busy, her mind is always racing, she gives Hamilton vibes in a way she could write 51 essays in one go and she would enjoy every second of it. They don't even wanna talk abt Cynthia's room
Iris - sleeps through all of her alarms, the only thing that could wake her up is if Hau just jumps on her and tell her everyone's been waiting for almost an hour for her to go down to breakfast w them. Once said she wants to train w Lance early in the morning, did not at all join him bc Lance couldn't even wake her up she kept insisting "ugh.. five more minutes" she said that about ten times now Lance just gave up
Diantha - no matter how sour her mood will be, someone's gotta wake her up 6am sharp. Too many appointments and meetings and sets that she gotta start her day early, but not too early as in Lance and Geeta early. Would not be functional without coffee or sweets in the morning, one time she only ate like,, cake for breakfast and she was good to go
Hau - actually a pretty decent roommate, until someone eats his leftovers. Look, look, he's been influenced enough by the champions, Wallace and Diantha would be so damn proud at how petty this boy is when someone eats his leftovers. He has not forgiven Iris for eating his leftover food one time and he refuses to let her live it down
Leon - also sleeps through all his alarms lmfao, if he could he'd just stay in bed the whole day cause he hasn't been so relaxed in such a long while. He's the one who always cooks breakfast tho, I think, like of all the champions he and Lance give off the vibes that they're the only ones who could cook well enough that they won't burn the food
Geeta - also someone who wakes up so early, if Lance wakes up at 4:30, Geeta wakes up around 5:00. Isn't allowed in the kitchen tho so she doesn't cook breakfast before everyone wakes up bc she also almost burned the house down. Takes care of all the lil pokemon that hides in her hair so they have this lil sanctuary of sorts in their backyard, Geeta insisted they could train them and maybe hand them as starter Pokemon to young trainers
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racoonkal · 2 years
two cups – (h. sero x fem!reader w/ character flaws)
c: ANGST, so much. also this whole thing is the result of an ambiguous angsty scene that im too lazy to write, making this whole piece very ambiguous and slow paced imo. but as always, enjoy.
sfw // best friends with a slight hint of something more 
it was a Saturday morning
and you felt like shit.
well physically you were fine, but your mind couldn’t stop replaying the events caused by your attitude yesterday.
“oh, piss off. it’s not like anyone pays attention to people like us anyways”
“can you stop being annoying for like—two fucking seconds?”
“i can’t wait to leave everyone in this goddam school.”
you had been a total bitch for reasons you couldn’t decipher. maybe it was your declining grades, or your dick of a teacher, or the fact that your friendships with everyone had been anything but steady these past few months, but regardless, you never intended to snap at Sero.
and now it was 7am on a saturday morning and you felt like you had just kicked an orphan in the nuts. (what a great analogy).
again, you felt bad.
so you tried to compensate. you went for a run during the ripe 6am sunrise.
it didn’t work.
you read a book for an hour while the 7am light shined through the large glass windows of the dorm.
still nothing.
then 8am—you made breakfast
and 9am—you took a shower.
and guess what? you were still a piece of shit.
but then 10am rolled around, and you felt your eyes and conscious start to drift away.
“you are…. unbelievable.”
“you sound just like everyone else, you do realize that, right?”
“this isn’t worth my fucking time. you’re not worth it.”
you strangely found that you couldn’t sleep. there was a monster at your feet, sliding it’s way into your stomach and up your throat. you were going to suffocate in the black pit of tar that was your guilt.
you pushed yourself off your bed (the cushions this particular morning felt like rocks) and dragged your feet out to the hallway. your groggy eyes looked up and focused on something that was outside of your control for the first time that morning. the epitome of your anxiety stared back and smiled. she waved her hand as a sign of “good morning” to you. your stomach was at your feet now, consumed by the monster.
you flashed a lopsided grin and waved back.
“she’s such a two faced bitch.”
“her boyfriend thinks i’m some maniacal, narcissistic, demon. and don’t even get me started on the rest of that friend group”
“i hate everyone at this fucking school. and i’m positive those feelings are mutual, so don’t even give me that ‘everyone loves you’ bullshit cause it a fat lie, Ha-”
correction: you hated almost everyone here.
you escaped the dangerous corridors with your sweatpants and large t-shirt still intact somehow. you stared at the empty kitchen and sighed.
you hated coffee, like absolutely despised it.
so you made coffee. you made more than you could ever drink, and poured the amount between two cups. not evenly, of course. one cup was practically milk and foam. the other maybe had a teaspoon of sugar. it made you want to vomit a little bit.
grabbing the wonky tourist mugs that held both cups of coffee, you walked out the kitchen and to the indoor lounge. you weren’t expecting to stay there very long, but your destination had brought himself to you. he was sitting there, and he—surprisingly—seemed very awake. and now the second cup seemed pointless.
he was never awake before 12am on a weekend.
and right now, he was studying. Hanta Sero, of all people, had an open textbook and papers full of notes littered on the table. and he was by himself.
you had really fucked up.
you sucked up your pride though, like you’d never done before, and started walking, hoping the monster would let you go somewhere along the way.
it didn’t.
you placed the mug on the empty space to his right, but didn’t take a seat. your presence had been replaced with his floppy back-pack in the chair. you couldn’t look at him.
“coffee.” that was painful. coffee was painful for you to say. you were absolutely pathetic. Hanta looked you up and down, subconsciously looking for your angle. he didn’t know what you were doing. that made two of you though. you cleared you throat and shifted to try and regain confidence, but your eyes were fixated on anything below his gaze. “i made extra, and remembered how you’re a freak and actually like the taste of coffee, so here: coffee.” you thought saying the word the second time around would be easier, but it still got caught in you esophagus and made your tongue burn. he looked at the warm cup and then at you.
“why where you…” he started and trailed off (but was most likely going to ask you why you were brewing coffee). an instinctive laugh left the back of his throat before he decided to let you into his thought process again. “you don’t like-” but you cut him off from his statement that would’ve most likely regarded your distaste for the drink.
“just take the the coffee, Hanta.” your eyes squeezed shut at the statement, like it was sour on your gums. “look, i’m a bitch–okay?–and the only way i can apologize is by giving you this shitty coffee i made while i was half-asleep. so just take the coffee.” you rushed your naked expressions out in one breath, hoping he would figure out how awkward this made you. and how terrible you were when it came to waving your white flag.
he tentatively brought the coffee closer to him. you’re not sure what you were expecting. silence, backlash, a rejection even, but not him smiling. it was very small, of course, and you knew it wasn’t meant for you, but it didn’t fail to make your shoulders drop and your breathing to soften.
“can you just... say that again?” he asked with almost defensive mannerisms. to most, this request would seem like Sero was trying to milk your faint-hearted apology, but it was more just from his inability to process your admittance to the fact that you were in the wrong.
“which part? the whole thing?” you asked, preparing to be annoyed if he responded with a yes.
“nah, just the part where you say you’re a bitch.” there he was. you were starting to wonder when Hanta Sero would make an appearance. you scoffed through your nose and a half-hearted smirk flashed over your face.
“i’m a bitch,” you repeated. “i’m the bitchiest bitch there is. and... i’m petty and narcissistic and have never been good at this part,” you motioned back and froth through the space that separated the both of you. whether your hand was referring to your apology to him or the strange and totally romantic tension you and Sero constantly choose to ignore was up for him to decide. “but i want to be. i want to be better,” you clarified. “i don’t know why i’ve been so snappy. it’s not a girl thing or whatever, i’ve just been….” your mind trailed off. 
“if it’s so hard for you to be friends with the both of us just fucking leave already. just go! i don’t give a shit anymore.”
“....i don’t know.” there was no way to conclude or even put into words what you were thinking. but whatever you were expressing was how you truly felt, and it left you completely compromised. 
it was Sero’s move now.
he sighed and pushed himself out of the chair. this monologue of an apology was a sight to behold, but he could tell you felt awful about everything that had happened. at least, that small part in him filled with nothing but the best of him had hoped you did.
you looked up at Sero and realized how you enjoyed talking to him more when you were the only one standing. maybe it was a power thing, or maybe you just enjoyed having his deep brown eyes staring up at you. now the roles were reversed, and you were starting to wonder if he had always towered over you like this.
your eyes darting around his features, you thought you knew him well, but this was disproven from the fact that you had no clue what he was thinking. was this it? would this be the end? 
his arms wrapped under yours and his height was now pressed into you. you hadn’t even realized it yet but you were holding him too, your face in his shoulder and hands gripping to the back of his shirt.
this wasn’t real. he couldn’t be real right now.
“i don’t want to pretend like i understand you,” Sero mumbled into your neck. “but i do care, a lot more than i think you want me to.” he was bashful about that last part. and it was–by anyones standards–embarrassing to care this much for someone who tried to glue you back together with a cup of joe. but he didn’t care, or he didn’t want to care.
you pulled back from his embrace. it didn’t matter that he was the most important person in the world to you, your body still somehow made hugging him in public and awkward thought.
“you’re too good to me, Hanta,” you solemnly respond, your side profile facing him and arms crossed, rubbing your triceps. “i don’t deserve it,” you look at him and force a smile.
“you really don’t sometimes,” he shakes his head and tries to lighten the mood before sitting back down at the table. “you can earn it though by helping me study for this economics test.” he bit his pencil and narrowed in on the pages he desperately wanted to understand. 
you leaned over his shoulder to see the material better and pointed at the areas he should focus on more. he asked questions and you explained, not afraid to correct him when he wasn’t on the right track to getting the answer. but you weren’t as ignorant to the vultures as he was. they would pass by and look at you like you were roadkill. 
“i can’t fucking take it with them anymore! i just cant. they look at me like im a piece of meat–in more ways than one. it won’t be long before... before you start to look at me that way too.”
so you let things happen naturally. it’s crazy to think how the simmering water cooled down so quickly once you stopped texting him first. the day you didn’t walk to class with him like you normally do, the nasty glares ceased to exist. in fact, without Sero, you seemed to be invisible to almost everyone. at one point, even to yourself. of course he noticed your absence in his life and in his messages. but when he texted you it was complete radio silence. he tried to approach you but you’d cut the conversations short or had a some god-awful excuse to leave.
he confided in his winged, meat-eating friends and they told him what they knew. you were weird and unsocial and you were probably still mad at him for something. the details didn’t matter, really. but he started to understand. you didn’t care for him, not really at least. maybe you were just bored or were trying to get a little more than a hug from him. it hurt him to know that version of the truth.
the spacious days, turned into lonely weeks that turned into the rushing months before graduation.
you celebrated on your own, before moving far away to a city no one had ever heard of or had the effort to learn about. your social media died off and became ancient, and eventually, so did you.
and you never had to drink another cup of coffee again.
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Z has had mild insomnia for a bit, it’s neutral but sometimes the guys can see him just walking around at like, 3 AM.
This is why him and T are attached.
T also has (Not very mild) insomnia and him and Z usually stay up until the early hours of the morning hanging out, usually playing video games but sometimes they watch movies too. Picture them in their matching pjs (the ones I talked about with the baggy t shirts, shorts and fuzzy socks in pastels of their favorite colors), slumped together on the couch playing a video game or watching their favorite movies. Typically, they do this and then go to bed around 1-2am, but it’s not uncommon for them to stay up until around 5-6am because they just really can not sleep sometimes. Z suffers from constant nightmares and so he either sleeps in T’s bed or T sleeps in Z’s bed at least half of the time. This really helps him be able to fall asleep. He feels protected and more comfortable when T is there with him. He really hates to be alone. When Z is sleeping by himself he always needs something with him to feel safer so he’ll keep one of T’s shirts that smells like him to sleep with (sappy).
Basically T and Z are joined at the hip and can’t be separated or they’ll get really bummed and anxious.
I’m sorry for how specific the matching pj’s thing was 😭 I just have this vision of all of the members having matching Pjs that I will describe in excessive detail because I want you to see the vision too 😁: they consist of pastel-colored oversized T shirts and (slightly less pastel) terrycloth shorts, and fuzzy socks. They’re all in their favorite colors; Robaire: green, Jesse: blue, Tae: pink, T: yellow/orange, and Z: magenta. Also the shirts have cute personalized graphics on them. They’re almost like their version of Care Bears pajamas with the graphics and pastels. But they don’t wear them always, only sometimes.
Wow that was a lot sorry lmfao.
Anyways I hope you liked it :)
Keep spamming my ask box with requests!!
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Rants, like a nothing rant, i just want to write
So anyway, the other day at school we had a sub, and she was like cursing, and saying crude things like “im going to beat your asses” or something like that, I behaved well, I’m a bit of a teachers pet, my average was pretty high compared to the rest of my class, a 90% like overall average, anyway the sub was also sooooo annoying cause we had a project to due in like two days, it was a short project so don’t worry or something like that, but she was assigning us work to do toooo???? Like tf thats soo annoying like if a kid isn’t going to do work don’t make them. Anywho, that was weird
Another story, I had a trip this Monday(Dec.11) if the date matters> But this Thursday, turned to Friday I was supposed to go out with friends, but they weren’t able to so you know thats sad.
Ive been listening to mitski more cause my most listened to song in my Spotify wrapped way vending machine of love??? I did listen to it often, but I didn’t;t think that often. So im trying to get mitski, cause 1) she’s a good singer, 2) she’s nice to her fans and I want her video message or whatever. 3) I love the song my love mine all mine, and the song I don’t smoke, and an older song that, if you like mitski and haven’t listen to is real men its like sooooo good you have to understand I love it sooooo much, and another song that I absolutely love from the same album is brand new city oh and liquid smooth, so if you like both of thoughs songs id listen to real men, its so gooood.
What else is going on in my life? I’ve been real tired, but also my sleep schedule is finally changing, like im starting to go to sleep at 10pm-ish/11pm-ish instead of like 12am-2am and then wake up at 6am-ish. But it’s all fun and games. Oh I’ve been reading this fic, 28 chapters incomplete and 123 almost 124 thousand words and im up to chapter 17 yayyyy.
Well it was fun typing out my feelings, bye, ily *kissing face emoji*(seriously, how do you add emojis?)
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wikiangela-fanfics · 2 years
Fictober22 - 9. Sounds like a you problem.
Fandom: 911
Relationship: Buck x Eddie
Words: 725
Note: I don't even know what this is, just another silly ficlet that I wrote in 10 minutes in the middle of the night lmao
When Eddie wakes up, he feels Buck before even opening his eyes. Buck is literally sprawled on top of Eddie, pinning him to the bed. This tends to happen quite often, because, as Eddie found out rather quickly at the start of their relationship, Buck is a cuddler. Every morning they wake up together, Buck is all over Eddie, either spooning him, using his chest as a pillow, or laying almost fully on top of him, like right now.
Eddie loves it, honestly, and on a lazy Sunday morning, when they can sleep in, and he knows Christopher would sleep late, too, he wants nothing more than to just stay in bed as long as he can with his boyfriend. Normally that’s what happens. This morning, however, he needs to get out of bed right away, since his bladder feels like it’s about to explode. Maybe those few beers last night were not a good idea.
The problem is, there is a heavy weight pinning down his whole torso and his arms, and he can’t really move. He glances at the clock. It’s barely 6am, and he doesn’t want to wake Buck up, but he has no choice. 
“Babe.” he says, managing to pull out his arm from between their bodies, where it lay across Eddie’s stomach. That causes Buck to murmur something incoherent in protest to the movement. “Buck, I need to get up.” he adds a bit louder, shaking Buck’s arm lightly.
“No.” Buck responds sleepily, not moving an inch. His voice is a bit muffled, since his face is burrowed into Eddie’s pillow right next to his head. This man has a whole other side of the bed and a perfectly fine pillow, but still is as close to Eddie as he can. It’s annoyingly adorable. 
“Please let me go.” Eddie chuckles. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’m comfortable. Not moving.” he sounds like he’s still half asleep, but with each second he’s more alert. Eddie really hates having to wake him up. 
“I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Sounds like a you problem.” Buck mutters, stubbornly staying still.
“It’s gonna be yours, too, if I piss myself in the bed right now.” Eddie says half-jokingly, half scared that it’s gonna happen. “I’ll be gone a minute and then we’ll get back to cuddling, I promise.” he adds, rubbing his hand soothingly over Bucky’s back. He can be grumpy if he’s woken up way too early, especially if he’s sure that he’ll be able to sleep in as late as he wants, as was the case today. 
“Ugh.” Buck grunts, as if it’s such a difficult task. “I was so comfortable.” he complains, finally rolling off of Eddie, eyes still closed. “What time is it anyway?”
“Early. Go back to sleep if you wanna, I’ll be right back.” Eddie rushes out, then sprints to the bathroom. God, drinking alcohol soon before sleep is so not a good idea. After relieving himself, he washes his hands, and goes back to his bedroom, on the way checking on his son who’s still fast asleep. 
Buck opens his eyes when Eddie enters the room.
“You woke me up, now I can’t fall back asleep.” he complains as Eddie gets under the covers, and then, as expected, Buck wraps his arms around him and puts his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck.
“Sorry.” Eddie chuckles. “Not my fault you like to sleep on top of me.”
“I like to do other stuff on top of you, too.” Buck drawls, his breath tickling Eddie.
“Oh really?” he can’t help a smile, as he runs his fingers through Buck’s hair. 
“Mhm. And now that you woke me up…” he pulls away slightly to look at Eddie with a mischievous smile. “We need to do something to occupy all that time we have to ourselves right now.”
“Do we? And what if I wanna go back to sleep?” Eddie teases.
“Tough shit, I’m wide awake now, and it’s your fault.” his tone is playful, too.
“Well, I guess we do have time to kill.” he grins, pulling Buck closer to give him a kiss, which quickly turns heated.
And, well, Eddie can’t get out of bed for much longer then, again because of Buck pinning him down, but this time he absolutely does not want or need to. 
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the1975attheirverybest · 11 months
Can I share my camping experience because it has been…traumatic.
I got in line this morning for Charlotte around 3:45am while everyone else was sleeping, napped in my lawn chair for about 2 hours, and then was woken up around 5:50 by an older man standing over me. He had bags with him and knew this was a camping line for a concert so at first I thought he was also a camper, then he started hitting on me. Asking for my number repeatedly, asking where I was from, my age. He got up, told me he’d be back to “take care of me”, and left. 10 minutes later he was back except now he had weed and was offering to me. He also asked for my height and weight, if I was a lesbian, and if I planned on having kids?? He sat on the ground next to me and our knees were touching, he kept making weird sexual comments. I was almost in tears until three other girls showed up and he decided it was time to leave.
Anyways, He told me he’d be back again and guess what!! I had an issue at my hotel and had to leave for about an hour and when I got back my stuff was moved and a group of girls were surrounding it. They said a creepy man was smoking in the space I was in. They also said he was peeping in tents and asking all these young girls how old they were. Not 100% sure it was the same guy but sounds like it. The line leader ended up moving us all a little closer and I’m pretty sure someone told the cops but this has been awful.
Worst part is I literally just saw him again, on the opposite side of the street, just staring at us. He told me he’d be back in the evening/overnight so I’m absolutely terrified to sleep. I’ve been up since 6am Wednesday morning but I just can’t.
Oh! And when I refused to give him my phone number 4 times he asked me if it was because I was a racist.
I love being a woman ❤️ Barricade secured at #38 though
Sending you hugs. Seriously though how’re you doing?
Please, please, please find a buddy. Don’t walk around alone. Especially not at night. I know tons of folks who are going to Charlotte. Would you like me to message them to hang out with you? That way you’ll at least be in a group?
Fuckin hell man. Men are disgusting and awful. Stay safe out there.
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