#anyways and then they fall in love. and through gathering the ingredients and stuff for the spell collect some vital mcguffin
bitchfitch · 1 year
actually I've decided all those old ideas for them suck. Objectively the funniest possible answer to "who the fuck Are Conrí and Gwyn" is:
Gwyn is a proper nobody, but he's mostly happy living with his pet pixie frog, Jeremiah, and his roommate/best friend Human Jeremiah. who is a sorta eccentric older fellow. Tends to be very air headed and spends most of his time keeping to himself and quietly reading the old books he keeps up in their attic. He also does basically all the chores when Gwyn is at work so the dude could be a serial killer and Gwyn would still consider him the best roommate ever.
It's a great life for Gwyn. He can relax and persue his passions in his free time in a quiet and lovely home. He has company when he wants it and peace when he doesn't. it's Perfect.
Until Gwyn gets forcibly Isekai-ed.
He wakes in (bulk standard magic land... Bustmala) on an alter surrounded by strangers. They tell him he's the reincarnation of some ancient sorcerer and it'll be his job to stop some horrid evil. Gwyn is not down for this. He doesn't know how time moves in relation to the two worlds and Human Jeremiah is out of town so if Gwyn doesn't get home soon his beloved Jeremiah will starve or his water will dry up.
What proceeds is the set up for your standard harem anime. There's the extremely accomplished sorceress who works for the king/queen, Exac'coso, She is being forced to teach this newcomer. She resents his existence and he agrees that she should, they start hatching their plan in secret almost as soon as they are alone in the room together.
The powerful general who immediately starts talking strategy, Powge. her words go just as far over his head as Exac'coso's did. It devastates her to find out the plan her predecessors had been working to put into place for generations is going to fail. They didn't have any other way to possibly contain the BBEG. While she still has hope it'll work out some how, it doesn't take long to get her on board. The sooner Gwyn is gone the sooner the higher-ups will let them all start investigating more options that might actually work. This is the first time she and Exac'coso are getting to work together and she's learning to not be quite as intimidated by such a well respected member of the court.
And finally a maid of no renown, Manoré. She's the glue that holds the team together. The only one of the three of them that has an excuse to go anywhere without a single person paying her any mind. It also helps that she's a pickpocket and clever in a way that compliments Powge's straight forward eyes on the prize mindset and Exac'coso's overthinking and over complicating. Plus it also gets her a chance to reverse pickpocket a few things off the ladies. She likes stealing but also always feels a little bad about it later if the person is nice. She doesn't need to be convinced to join their mission, she was listening in when the other two weren't thinking of her as having been there because she was just the help.
The four of them get everything set up and nearly succeed in their goal without much fuss. Until the overly loyal dog of a guard that is Conrí interupts. He had been the greatest hurdle as he had been assigned to watch over Gwyn at all times in case BBGE tried to get him before he was prepared to win that fight. He had refused to hear any of Gwyn's protests on this matter and insisted he Must be the sorcerer because otherwise, what hope did any of them have?
The spell was already started up. Both Gwyn and Conrí were transported back to Gwyn's world. They land in his backyard and Gwyn just books it to check on Jeremiah. only managing to out run Conrí bc of the narrow halls and low cielings giving the giant fucker a hard time. Jeremiah is completely fine and Gwyn could just about cry with relief. His water is still full so despite weeks having passed in the other world it seems only a few hours at most had passed in this one.
Now Conrí is the one who's the fish out of water. You thought this was a story about a normal dude in a magic world surrounded by hot chicks? Gotcha. It's about a big wolf man stuck in a normal world that's wholely incompatible with him. with a man he's done a great job at making hate him.
Worst of all, Weeks had passed in his home when only hours had here. How long did they have to get back before the final confrontation was had and lost without the prophecized sorcerer there to save everyone? how long until everything he had ever known or loved was gone? He had pups, would they think he abandoned them in the days leading up to their firey deaths? They had already lost their mother, he couldn't make them suffer That too.
Things are awkward those first few days. Conrí is already going stir crazy having to stay inside what is to him a very cramped little house. Driving them both mad with his constant worry and hopeless anger. He's furious with Gwyn even if it's not fair for him to be. If Gwyn had just Paid More Attention. If he had learned more from Exac'coso before running like a coward then Maybe they would have gotten home in time.
They had summoned Gwyn with 3 years of prep time to make sure he was ready for the fight. With how time had moved between their worlds, the math said a year in Bustmala was only a day here.
The fourth day comes. Conrí locks himself in the spare room and refuses to come out.
The fifth day Gwyn barely manages to get him to eat.
The sixth he offers to bring Conrí a book so at least he could enjoy some reading while he wallowed. Conrí doesn't want anything that mentions earth or anything about it. All Gwyn has is non fiction. Human Jeremiah likes fantasy though. So maybe they could raid his library? Gwyn promises Human Jeremiah is cool and if he isn't Gwyn will pay him back for the book if he's not ok letting Conrí read it. Conrí reluctantly agrees.
They go up to Jeremiah's attic room and Conrí grabs a book at random from the shelves. They're all the sort that are bound in leather to look fancy and old despite being fairly new so he has to flick through a few pages to actually get a feeling for the type of book it is. Gwyn watches his brow furrow and realizes he might not be able to read english. but then Conrí is flicking to the table of contents and then to a specific story.
Conrí throws the book through the window and collapses onto the bed with his head in his hands. He already regrets having thrown that book. It was the same collection of short stories his kids had on their bedside table. He'd read it to them hundreds of times.
"Funny how the world can find a way to beat you when you're already dead. Right house, wrong man."
He doesn't respond when Gwyn asks for clarification but Gwyn doesn't really need it. It was more the shock of the realization that had wanted the confirmation than any cognizant part of his mind. Gwyn wishes he hadn't turned down Human Jeremiah's offers to let him read one of his books. Maybe he would have realized the truth when they still had time to act on it then.
He pulls out a few books, opens and sets them aside until he has the one he wants. A magic grimoire that had a spell and set of sigil work he recognized from Exac'coso sending him home. He was barely at the point of learning to read the most basic of basics from her and this... This was something she had spent an entire day preparing for and studying and even then made sure he knew there was a nonzero chance she fucked it up and sent him way back in time or dropped him from a few stories up.
"I... I can try to learn more."
"What's the point in that? To let me see my home in ruins? To see if I can find their bodies in the rubble? Just put me down and move on."
"Human Jeremiah will be home eventually... He could teach me. Or send you home himself."
"And still there would not be a point."
"We were wrong. about how time passed. There's this, uh, this denotes a time I think? If you remember what the date was we can go back to the same day we left on. I think."
"I will unscrew your head from your neck if you are givinge false hope."
"I don't think I am."
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sandwichzard · 2 years
he/they pronoun use for the reader.
scarvio goes through the day/night cycle on a set time, and doesnt change based on your current time so thats where the idea came from
Being an insomniac is hard, but moving to Paldea proved to be the best idea your mom had gone through. Having to find the "treasure" was easier, when you worked through the night. No one really checked up on you, since all they saw was a hard working young guy, who was just a workaholic.
Larry did try to get them to rest a bit before the battle, but didn't get through to the young boy. After his defeat, he offered some food, so he could at least stop and eat a proper meal, since he looked a bit tired. The trainer took the offer and had a lovely meal with Larry.
"Thank you, Larry, this was really nice"
"Anytime, (Y/n).. Please try to have some rest, you're going to overwork yourself to the bones."
They simply nodded, and waved goodbye as they left.
One night, Arven was gathering ingredients for his sandwiches, and let mabostiff try to sniff out some stuff that may be laying around. Suddenly his tail started wagging hard, and started running off.
Startled, Arven runs after him. All the things that ran through Arven's mind, this definitely wasn't what he was expecting to see at all. (Y/n) was awake, and battling pokemon with what looks like some newer pokemon he's just caught.
Mabostiff reaches him, just has he's finished battling, and jumps on top of him. Not having expected it, he falls, and any fear of getting trampled on by a random Mabostiff leaves, as he realizes its definitely Arven's. He smells too clean, and like food to be anyone else's.
"Hey Arv, why are you up? its like um.." looks at his watch "it's 2 am, you shouldn't be awake."
Arven raises an eyebrow, and smiles knowingly, "Yeah I know. I sometimes wake up at to collect the berries before wild pokemon wake up. They're usually the better ones for pokemon recipes.. why are you up, though?"
(Y/n) pushes off Mabostiff from on top of him, but stays sitting on the grass. They just shrug, "I can't sleep, so I battle my lower level pokemon until I'm tired, but we're aways from that right now."
"You need to sleep, little buddy. I'm going to set up camp for us, and you're going to sleep, okay? I'll even get Mabostiff to lay on you so you don't leave." Arven suddenly gets an idea, "oh, actually that may work. He's sort of like a weighted blanket, and it's comfortable"
(Y/n) snorts, and shakes his head, "Absolutely not, he was on me earlier, and my breath was gone, Arv. He could asphyxiate me in my sleep by accident. I'm not as strong as you are, I can't handle his weight. I'd rather try to sleep with you on top of me, as the weighted blanket."
Arven's face grows warm, and he clears his throat, "I mean, it could work? I'm not as heavy as mabostiff, and I'm pretty sure you can handle my weight."
"Wh- huh? Arven I was joking. I'll try to just sleep, but if that doesn't work.. I guess we can try? Better than what I've been doing anyways; battling until I eventually get really tired."
Arven nods, "That's a terrible way of going about it. Let me set up camp then."
"You really don't have to do this Arven, it's fine. Honestly-"
Arven interrupts, and argues, "you have dark circles, and bags under your eyes. This is not a way to live. You'll be in an early grave if you can't get the sleep you need."
Sighing, (Y/n) lays inside his sleeping bag and nods to Arven. Arven lowers his upper body onto their chest, and then completely lays as comfortably as he can be on them.
"Oh.. actually this is really nice. the pressure and warmth you exude is really nice, Arv. I think-," they get interrupted by their own yawn, "I think this could work."
Arven just smiles, glad his plan actually worked. Thankfully, Arven was comfortable, and warm with the blanket he had brought. Soon enough they're both asleep, and night goes by quickly.
Arven is the first one awake. He notices that (Y/n) is still asleep, so he takes the time to really look at their features. They have fairly dark circles, with some pretty long lashes, along with some really soft looking lips, and some light freckles that you couldn't see unless you were looking hard at their face.
His eyes flutter open, and stretches a bit to wake up.
"Did you rest well? You look way less tired." Arven asks him, as he starts putting his sleeping gear away.
"Yeah, it was definitely the best sleep I've gotten in a while. Thank you Arven, it really means a lot." (Y/n) gives him a sleepy smile, rubbing the sleep out of them.
"If you want, it could be a night routine. You need to sleep more often, and I wouldn't mind sleeping with you every night." Arven gets flustered at his wording, "n-not in that way, I just um.. I just meant that you're surprisingly comfortable to lay on."
"I couldn't do that to you every day, I would feel guilty about it. You and I have stuff to do that don't align, so we'd have to-" (Y/n) giggles
Arven puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, and cuts him off, "It's okay, I wouldn't mind it. I mean, I would do anything for you, because you're worth it."
(Y/n) face heats up, and fiddle with their hands nervously, "Thanks Arven, I love you."
W-what?" Arven's face heats up, and he covers his tamato berry colored ears with his hair.
(Y/n) takes a moment to realize what they've just said, and puts a hand on his mouth.
"Oh, I didn't mean to.. I just.. hah, didn't think I'd be confessing so early in the morning, I uhm," swallowing the nerves down, and ignoring how warm his face felt, (Y/n) looked at Arven. "I think I'm in love with you. You're so nurturing and sweet to everyone, especially with your darling pokémon. For all the time we've been friends, I've fallen deeply and hopelessly for you. I don't care if you don't reciprocate, but now you know."
"Oh wow, I didn't know you'd like me back." Arven looks surprised at the sudden confession. "I thought you were way too cool to like me, especially since you're always so busy with cool projects. Kinda thought you liked Nemona, or maybe even Penny."
With a hearty laugh, he put a gentle hand on top of Arven's much bigger hand, "No, they're not my type; you are though. I really like you a lot Arven, would you go out with me?"
Arven nods, "Only if you let me treat you to my amazing breakfast sandwich."
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etsuven · 3 years
♡Albedo | Bite ♡
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the albedo fic is finally here!! so some of you guys voted for who believed would be a good butler in a vampire/royal au thing, and the winner was albedo!! so here's the fic :D hopefully my writing isn't as bad as it's been the past few... who knows how long, i really need to improve-
i originally had this as a long fic but then i realized that it would not be good, so i scrapped it all and went with the ‘headcannons mini fic’ thing that i’m starting to stick with now. i would have loved to do a fic, but i don’t think it’ll work with this particular scenario without making things take too long. still kept elements of my previous plan in the headcannons tho <3 (ex: how you and albedo met)
cw: blood (i mean it is a vampire au-), let’s just pretend that albedo has blood, albedo calls you master, you're also really strong because that's hot, bad format bc i’m writing on my phone, slightly suggestive
you originally met albedo through his rather familiar younger sister, klee. she had been walking the halls of your castle by herself, and had almost tripped while carrying the stuff she was holding
she introduced herself and offered to take you (more like forcefully dragged) you to her older brother.
albedo told you about how klee’s mother was named alice, which was coincidentally the name of one of your most well known knights. her being the mother was also the reason why you thought klee looked so familiar when you first saw her.
you offered albedo a job as your personal butler, which then equaled better living spaces for both him and klee. he agreed immediately, as the servants dorms wasn’t really the best place for a little girl.
then began albedo’s journey as your personal butler.
he was already a natural from the start! doing everything that you needed him to do in a quick and efficient manner. you quickly noticed that he had a love for alchemy, and since you liked him so much, you decided to make a whole ward in your castle dedicated to alchemy (it was needed anyways for potions and stuff)
he always attended to the needs you often didn’t know you had… except for one, the need for blood.
you refused to take blood from him, instead holding back your urges. it wasn’t that bad at first. that is, until one day…
you and albedo were out gathering and stocking up on ingredients for a few potions. all was good at first, until you suddenly collapsed. albedo rushed over to your side, placing your head on his lap as he looked at you with worry in his eyes.
“master, are you okay?” he placed a hand on your forehead, checking if you had come down with a sudden fever. ‘you seemed to feel fine,’ he thought. ‘so what could be wrong…’
he noticed that you had began to stare at his neck, averting your eyes once you saw that he was looking at you. albedo, ever so smart, finally put together the pieces.
“you need blood…” you looked at him with fear in your eyes, quickly standing up only to fall again. albedo caught you this time, holding you still so you wouldn’t try to run away from him.
“albedo, i- i can’t… what if i hurt you too bad, what if i get carried away, what if-“ albedo placed a hand on your cheek, a small and rare smile on his face. “you won’t.”
you glanced at his neck once more, gulping slightly before averting your eyes. albedo took that as a sign to undo the first few buttons of his shirt, practically offering himself to you as he sat back against a nearby tree.
“you’ve been holding back for so long, so… please…” you took a few seconds to think before finally crawling over to him. he tilted his head to the side, leaving his neck open for you to bite into.
and bite you did.
you sunk your teeth into albedo’s neck, a small moan leaving your mouth at the taste. you had been craving it for so long, and finally you had it… albedo inhaled sharply. whether it was from the feeling of being bitten or the moan you let out, you couldn’t tell.
your hand had wandered to albedo’s thigh as you sucked, rubbing a spot as a way to soothe him. he let out a few whimpers, his hand clutching at your sleeve. “(y-y/n…)” you pulled away with a gasp, licking up the access blood as you apologized.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry!…” you began to kiss his neck in between your words, unintentionally causing a few more whimpers to escape from albedo’s lips.
albedo’s hand flew up to your hair, gripping it slightly as he tried to hold in some of his noises. “no, you’re okay, it’s- um, oh- it’s okay, you’re f-fine…” you pulled away soon after, taking note of how flushed your butlers face was and how he quickly pulled his legs up to his chest.
clearly you had affected him more than you thought.
you held in a smirk, reaching into your bag for a bottle of water before handing it to him and placing a hand on his knee. “you must be weak now… i’ll take you back to the castle, then you can get something to eat.”
albedo shook his head. “we can just stay here for a little bit, it might be too much work for you to take me back…”
you laughed, getting closer to albedo before looping your arms under him and picking him up as if he were a bride. he yelped, throwing his arms around your neck as you laughed again. “that’s no problem for me!”
your butler was in awe at your strength, getting redder as he looked to the side. “let’s… let’s just go…” you smiled at his obviously flustered reaction, finally making your way to your castle where it all started…
the end sorry that you guys were waiting for this trash-
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
I missed you // Draco Malfoy
A/N: This was an anonymous request I received about 4 days ago. It took me a while to write it because school was A LOT this week and I’ve been so exhausted from trying to keep up with everything. I’ve also started trying to shift so if anyone has any tips on that, please let me know! Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Draco and Y/N have mutually broken up and have started experimenting with other people. But it’s only a matter of time before Draco gets jealous.
Warning(s): Swearing
Word Count: 2.5k 
It was for the best. Wasn’t it? He didn’t love her anymore, and nor did she. That happens sometimes. People just fall out of love. It was mutual; there was no fight, nobody was angry. The relationship had run its course, no feed to fuss about it. Besides, it wouldn’t have made sense for them to remain, boyfriend and girlfriend, when they’d each lost feelings.
If all of that is true...then why does it hurt so much? Y/N wondered as she lay flat on her back, the bedsheets around her in disarray from all her tossing and turning. She knew there was no way she’d find sleep easily tonight, not after the breakup. She felt as if a piece of her had been forcefully ripped from her. But why? She had a hunch for almost an entire month that she’d lost feelings for Draco. Shouldn’t she have been prepared for the end? Alas, Y/N knew that completely preparing oneself for a breakup is an impossible feat. 
These thoughts swirled through her brain as she finally closed her eyes. She clutched the sheets in her palms, trying to ground herself. Her forehead was tense with wrinkles as she was already anticipating the nightmares. But nevertheless, after a few more minutes of restlessness, her body’s need for slumber overtook her.
When she awoke the next morning, she could practically feel the bags sitting under her eyes. She could only guess that her sleep had been plagued with nightmares as she was lucky enough not to have any recollection. Her head pounded as she sat up in her bed. Her roommate gave her a pitiful and knowing look. Y/N took in a deep breath and clambered out of bed.
It didn’t take her very long to get ready since she frankly didn’t care whether or not she looked presentable today. She made sure her teeth were brushed and that her tie was on correctly and walked out of the dorms. Truthfully, she knew she wasn’t very hungry, but people would ask questions if she missed breakfast. While walking to the Great Hall, she was startled by someone jumping right in front of her.
“Good morning!” George Weasley said. “Why the long face?”
Y/N gave him a weak smile and said, “I didn’t sleep well, that’s all.”
George looked skeptical but pushed no further. He fell into step beside her.
“Where’s Freddie?” she asked.
“Morning detention with Filch, he slipped a puking pastille into his drink.”
“You had nothing to do with it?” she asked, a doubtful smile on her lips.
George shrugged, smirking as he did so. “I have my ways,” he said while bumping her shoulder slightly. She looked up at him with a fake mean glare as they strode into the Great Hall. Y/N caught sight of Draco immediately. He was where he always sat in the morning. Usually, she would’ve made a beeline for the space next to him. Today, that spot was taken by Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin girl who had always taken a keen liking to Draco. Y/N stopped in her tracks and stared. Pansy was fawning over him, running her hands up his arms. Y/N felt anger begin to rise in her chest...but then she remembered. 
Shaking her head, she forced her feet to follow George to where he had sat down at the Gryffindor table. He was talking animatedly with his mates and didn’t notice Y/N standing behind him awkwardly while she tried to figure out whether or not she was wanted at the table; she was a Slytherin after all.
George eventually took notice of the presence behind him when his friend nodded his head towards her. “Y/N, did you want to sit? Thought you’d be with Malfoy. Has something happened?”
She sighed as she threw her leg over the bench and sat down. “Yeah, we broke up,” she said softly.
“Broke up? He didn’t do anything, did he?” George asked while turning to look at Draco.
“No, no. It was mutual. He didn’t do anything.”
“Good. Well, cheer up then. You’re a free woman now. The world is yours, right?” 
Y/N smiled at George. “Yeah, you’re right, it is. I don’t know why I’ve been sulking so much. I lost feelings, and so did he. Nothing more to it.”
“Yeah, that’s the spirit! Who needs Malfoy anyway?” George bellowed, successfully making Y/N giggle. She felt her stomach rumble. This surprised her; she didn’t expect to be in a good enough mood to be hungry. But the buttered rolls on the table now looked extremely appetizing.
{A few months later}
Draco paced back and forth in front of the mirror. He was nervous. In nearly twenty minutes, he’d be on his first date since breaking up with Y/N. He couldn’t believe he was really going on a date. With Pansy Parkinson, nonetheless. These past few months, she’d really grown on him. She was from a pureblood family, she was kind to him, and she was rather pretty. Draco knew his parents would love her. He could only hope he could grow to do the same.
He gathered his courage and left the bathroom. They had agreed to meet outside the potions classroom. It was an odd location, but Pansy suggested it, and Draco had no reason to object it. As he walked down the middle of the corridors, his mind began to race. What would she be wearing? Would she like him? Would they become boyfriend and girlfriend after this? Would Y/N find out? What would she think?
Draco’s face grew tense. What a silly thought to have. He wouldn’t actually date Pansy. And as for Y/N, he knew she wouldn’t care. She and George have had a thing for a few weeks now. They were always holding hands or sitting shoulder to shoulder, lovey-dovey stuff like that. He had even given her a kiss on the cheek. The image of it was burned into Draco’s memory.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw Pansy outside the classroom. She had her back leaned against the wall. She donned a dark green dress that reached her mid-thigh. Her hair was wavy and fell over her bare shoulders. Draco exhaled sharply. He felt the anxiety in his stomach but was determined not to show it.
“You clean up nice, Parkinson,” he said cooly and confidently while nodding his chin towards her. 
Pansy rolled her eyes, “Thank you, Malfoy. You look handsome as well,” she said while scanning him up and down, her voice slow and sensual. Draco shifted his feet, feeling uncomfortable. “Shall we?” he asked. Pansy smirked and pushed off the wall and sauntered over to him. She reached for his hand and grasped it tightly in hers. Draco had to fight the internal instinct to wriggle his hand out of hers.
Just as they were about to go, they heard a noise from behind them. They turned around saw none other than Y/N, her arms full of potion ingredients and notebooks. She looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“Stealing potion ingredients, Y/N?” Pansy asked with a knowing smirk on her face.
Y/N’s eyes shifted back and forth between the pair. When her eyes landed on their interlocked fingers, she straightened her spine and frowned. “You know perfectly well that we have a section that’s open to students. And it’s none of your business anyway,” she spat.
But Pansy was unfazed. “Lavender, Flobberworm mucus, and valerian sprigs. What’s wrong, Y/N? Can’t fall asleep? Oh no, don’t tell me you get nightmares,” Pansy taunted, using a voice one might use when speaking to a baby or a dog.
Draco watched as Y/N’s face turned red. He knew she’d always struggled with nightmares and would often have to make herself a sleeping draught potion to be able to get some genuine rest. As he looked at the ingredients in her hands, he noticed she was short on a few of them.
“You don’t have enough,” he said without thinking. Both girls’ eyes turned to him. He ignored Pansy’s and instead focused on Y/N’s.
She waited a few beats before replying, “Snape has stopped refilling the supply. He said I need to stop relying on it so much,” she muttered. Her head had turned away from the couple. Draco’s eyebrows knitted together. When did she become so dependent on those potions? While they were together, she’d only need it maybe once every few weeks.
He didn’t have time to wonder about it any further. Pansy had begun walking and dragged Draco with her. Leaving Y/N alone in the cold dungeons, watching them go.
Draco stared through the leaves of the tree he lied underneath. Classes were over, and he was relaxing before Crabbe and Goyle were bound to come and bother him. The week had dragged on for what seemed like years. Frankly, he was ready to crawl into bed and sleep the next few days away, but he had already made plans for the weekend. 
He allowed his eyes to close, and the stress from the week began to leave his body. But his peacefulness was short-lived. Loud cheers made their way to his ears. He sat up angrily, ready to hex whoever decided to irritate him. However, all that frustration dissipated when he saw what people were cheering for. When he saw it, time seemed to stop.
George was holding Y/N in his arms, she was parallel with the ground, and her lips were pressed against his. He was kissing her passionately while her hands gripped his shirt collar.
Draco felt his heart sink. The only word running through his brain was “no.” No, no, no, no. After he watched the scene in front of him for nearly a minute, he decided he couldn’t stand it any longer. He jumped to his feet and stomped out of the courtyard, passing Pansy as he did so.
“Draco, what’s wrong? What’s happened?” she asked, her face was strewn up in confusion as to why Draco’s shoulders were heaving. 
“Not now, Parkinson,” Draco snapped.
“But Draco—”
“Shut up! Merlin, do you ever shut that trap of yours?” he shouted at her. Her eyes widened in shock, but Draco paid her no mind. He was halfway down the corridor when he thought better of himself and turned around. Rage overtook his body as he stormed back into the open courtyard and headed right for George and Y/N. They noticed him coming towards them and took a few steps back. George took Y/N’s hand and pulled her behind him.
“What d’you want Malfoy?” 
“Move, Weaslebee, I’m not here for you.”
George pursed his lips and withdrew his wand. He was intent on not letting Malfoy come any closer to the girl behind him. “If you’re here for her, you’re not getting her.”
Draco clenched his fists and also withdrew his wand. He aimed it straight at George’s face. “Move,” he demanded.
George widened his stance and raised his wand towards the blonde boy. “No,” he said firmly.
Draco inhaled and opened his mouth, but before he could hex George, a golden light shot towards Draco’s hand, and suddenly his wand was thirty feet across the yard.
Y/N emerged from behind George. Her wand was clutched in her palm. “There’s no need to fight. I can decide whether I want to speak with someone, and I certainly don’t need protection. So if you’ll excuse me, it’s obvious that Draco and I need to have a chat.”
She didn’t waste a moment; she began to make her way towards the exit. Draco quickly came to his senses and went to fetch his wand before hurrying after her.
He followed her through many hallways before she stopped outside the Slytherin dorms. “Salazar,” she muttered. The walls opened up before her, and she and Draco walked down the stairs into the eerie common room.
Y/N took a seat at the couch on the left of the fireplace. It was the couch they’d use to cuddle on after a long day. It felt weird to sit on it now since they both sat on opposite ends.
“Let’s not waste time,” she said, “you’re obviously upset. Care to tell me why?”
Draco scoffed and threw his arm over the back of the leather sofa. “Weasley, huh?”
“Draco, don’t be a git. We’ve been broken up for months. I’m allowed to see other people, aren’t I? I mean, you went on a date with Pansy.”
He shook his head vehemently and shifted in his seat. He couldn’t sit still, he was so angry.
“Speak, Draco. You know we can’t work any of our issues out if you don’t speak,” Y/N reminded him.
He let out an angry sigh and turned to face his ex-girlfriend. He had expected her to look just as mad as him, but instead, her eyes were filled with worry and concern. Her hand was pressed into the couch, and her body was slightly leaning forward. Draco felt the fire within his chest begin to die. He took another breath before talking.
“I can’t stand it. I can’t stand it, Y/N. Seeing you with someone else fucking kills me. It makes me so angry. When he kissed you, I… I forgot how to breathe. It was like a dementor had come and sucked all the happiness from my veins. I was infuriated, not just at him but at myself. How could I let someone else hold you?”
Y/N stared at him with soft, gentle eyes. Slowly, she reached for his rigid fist that was resting on his lap. She took it into her hands and felt the tension leave. She had always had that effect on Draco. Her touch was able to calm his stiffness with ease.
“What am I saying?” Draco wondered out loud as he shamefully wiped a tear from his cheek, “you’re not mine anymore. I know that, and yet…” he trailed off.
“Then make me yours again,” Y/N whispered.
Draco’s head whipped towards her. He saw a look of nervousness on her face. Steadily, he took her head into his hands. He moved his head slightly below hers, forcing her to look into his eyes.
“Do you mean that?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Almost as if he was afraid to ask.
Y/N nodded her head, “I do. God, I do. It’s always been you, Draco. I’m so sorry—” She was cut off by Draco pulling her in for a kiss. Y/N felt herself melt into his embrace; she felt at home again. 
He pulled away to catch his breath. “I’m sorry too. I never stopped loving you. I know that now. Please, let me be yours again.” 
Y/N smiled, “I missed you, Malfoy,” she said with a small chuckle. Draco felt a grin spread on his face, and he dove back in for another kiss. 
“I missed you more. Don’t you ever let me walk away from you again, you hear?” Draco asked playfully. Y/N laughed and gave him a quick peck on the nose.
“I solemnly swear,” she said in a fake deep voice while trying not to giggle. Draco rolled his eyes and tackled her onto the couch, causing her to squeal happily. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, vowing to himself to never let go of her again.
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sambvcks · 3 years
crawl home to her, b.b. x reader
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chapter four // three days on drunken sin
summary: bucky decides to rifle through those boxes and finds the will to make the first move.
warnings: food/eating, nothing too bad this time!
word count: 1.7k
author’s note: how are we feeling about this week’s episode?? we’re getting closer to the start of tfatws with this chapter!! hope i don’t break your heart too much with the boxes :)
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The boxes taunted him for three days.
Three stacks of two boxes each cluttered his entranceway, each with that familiar scrawl of Steve’s God-awful handwriting.
All caps, in black Sharpie, underlined three times just for good measure. Steve was always good at getting his message across.
He didn’t want to know what was in them, he told himself. But Steve was gone, and this was all he had left. These, that stupid notebook he still hadn’t found the will to write in, and the shield that was kicking around Sam’s apartment somewhere.
He wanted to toss them in his building’s dumpster, to push these aside like he did with everything else in his life. Out of sight, out of mind. That week, he didn’t tell his therapist about the boxes, or Sam’s unexpected visit, or his neighbor that he was now avoiding like the plague. Thankfully, she chalked his silence up to Steve and tried to fill in the conversational lulls with suggestions of amends and lists and he just wanted to go back to sleep.
Like always, sleep never came.
He knew the single night in his bed was a fluke, but he kept trying at least. He’d untuck his flat sheet from under hit mattress, fluff his pillow, and tuck himself in. Within five minutes, he was back on the hardwood floor of his living room, the lamplights illuminating his window and casting a perfect shadow on those stupid boxes. Finally, on the third night, he huffed a sigh and sat up, his arm whirring at the sudden movement. He wasn’t accomplishing anything letting them sit and gather dust.
Bucky reached under the cushions of his couch, fishing for the knife he had stashed away and got to work slicing through the clear packing tape securing each one.
The first five boxes were files. Mission reports, everything Steve could get his hands on about The Winter Soldier. The translations were rough, the descriptions weren’t as vivid as he remembered them now, and it wasn’t even close to everything. Why Steve kept them when Bucky was working to erase every trace of this from the universe, he would never understand. Steve was sentimental, even with the bad stuff. Bucky glanced over the files scattered across his entranceway, which maybe amounted to a year of his missions. If Zemo had looked in some suburb in upstate New York, he would have found everything he needed.
The dumpster behind his building was starting to feel more and more enticing.
The last box felt different. Significantly lighter and smaller, the items rolling and clanking as he dragged it towards him. He braced himself for more files, more reminders of what he had done as though they didn’t exist in his mind every second of the day.
The first thing he recognized was his mother’s handwriting. ‘Recipes’, scrawled so perfectly on a yellowing label.
The tin box was tinted with age, dented after so many years. He laughed and could remember it tucked away on the top shelf of the cabinet by the fridge, just out of Rebecca’s reach, even when she’d stand on her tiptoes in search of it. His Ma rarely fished it out, other than to let his little sister read over the ingredients with sticky hands as she helped stir pots and peel potatoes. She had them memorized by the time she was a teenager, having transcribed her own mother’s recipes onto these little cards. He was sure Rebecca did, too.
Next was the worn fabric of his Ma’s favorite apron. Yellow embroidered flowers scattered the crimped edge, strings falling loose. He recognized some of the stains, from spaghetti night and cake batter that she let dry on the cloth for too long.
Finally, a worn silver chain was buried at the bottom of the box.
JAMES B BARNES 32557038 T42 A
Of course, Steve with all his connections and know-it-all attitude and ‘I can do this all day’ would find some way to find his dog tags, probably tucked away in some ancient Hydra file. His flesh fingers ran over the indentation of his name, pressed into metal like millions of other boys had, off to fight a war that had nothing to do with them. Everything to lose, nothing to gain.
When he was most alone, settled into muddy trenches with wet socks and a stiff military jacket, he would recite those numbers out into the night sky. He’d map constellations over his head, wondering if it would be his last night and all there would be left of him would be those stupid discs of metal clanking around his neck and the letter tucked away in his jacket breast pocket, addressed to his mother.
His mother was long gone, he knew that. But to a fully conscious James Buchanan Barnes – not the Winter Soldier - he had only seen her a few years ago when he shipped off.
After a moment, he pulled the chain of his dog tags over his head, settling them under his shirt. His ears rung with the sound of footsteps in the hallway. The sound of dragging feet and the jangle of your keychain signaled your return from class.
His family was gone, Steve included. The only people he has left are halfway across the world, or off on some death-defying mission wearing metal bird wings. Except you, who still leaves bags of cookies on his front door mat, despite the silent treatment from his end. His maybe too friendly neighbor who poured over lists of albums for him to find taped to his door in barely legible handwriting when you should have been studying.
His mother’s recipe box was calling his name.
The knock on your door startled you from your nap. Well, if you can call dozing off at your desk using a law book as a makeshift pillow a nap. You stalled in your desk chair, eyes bleary as you squinted at your front door, then at the top corner of your computer.
2:36 AM
You nuzzled back into your book, content to chalk it up to your sleep deprived brain making things up.
The second knock was much more insistent and was certainly coming from your door. You rushed out of your chair, sock-clad feet dragging the blanket draped across your shoulders as you shuffled over, the knocking never ceasing. You blinked the sleep from your eyes, peering out your peephole into the dark hallway.
Bucky, with slumped shoulders and a bowed head, trying with all of his might to make himself as small as possible still took up so much of the doorway with his broad shoulders.
You should be mad at him.
You should go to bed, ignore him like he’d been ignoring you for the past few weeks. Like you hadn’t shared late nights and he hadn’t sat in your kitchen, licking your spoons clean or tucked into your couch just to watch you study, a new record playing gently. Your forehead pressed to the door, vile building in your throat as seething words collected on your tongue.
“I know you’re there.” His voice was muffled through the wooden door, feeling so close but sounding so far away. “We should work on you dragging your feet, doll.”
If you had taken another peek, you would have seen him pressing his forehead to the other side.
“You ignored me, Bucky.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” He sounded sincere, even through the door. “Some family stuff came up. But it’s no excuse, I shouldn’t have pushed you away.”
It’s so stupid, letting yourself get so attached to the first guy to bat his eyelashes and read to you. It’s idiotic to want him to seep into your days and nights, to never leave like he had left you, after only knowing each other for a month.
It’s so foolish to open the door. But you do it anyways.
He swallows as he stands straight, and the widening of his eyes tells you that he wasn’t expecting you to give him a second chance.
“I, uh, here. Thought I’d finally return the favor.”” Bucky shoves forward a plate of cookies, misshapen and unevenly cooked. His eyes finally found yours. “My mom’s recipe.”
Family stuff, you remembered. The weight of the plate felt heavy in your hands, almost as heavy as his gaze on you as you lifted one of the lesser burnt cookies to your mouth and took a timid bite.
Bucky, you’ve come to learn, gives his love in silent acts of approval. He shines when you tell him his singing isn’t totally awful or that he makes a great sous chef, eyes crinkling when you approve of his music choice for the night or compliment the voices he picks when reading from his books. As he watched you, you felt that this cookie meant more to him then just flour and eggs.
He was reaching out, terrified of your rejection.
“You made these?”
“Alright, I’m not totally helpless.”
“They’re amazing, Bucky. Your mom should be proud.”
He returned your smile, knowing that she wouldn’t be. How could she, after all that his hands have done? Hands that should’ve been home, hoisting his sisters onto his shoulders. Hands that should have been helping set the table and at work so they had something to eat in the first place.
He looked so timid in your hallway, unsure of the next move. You rolled your eyes, moving to clear your doorway, despite his hesitation.
“Come on.” You spoke, like ushering in a stray cat with the promise of food and love.
He took the first step forward, shoulder to shoulder, head tilted down to catch your playful gaze with his serious one. Your mouth opened to make some sort of quip to ease the tension, but the words died in your throat as he pressed his forehead against yours for just a second.
His eyes closed as he drew in a single serene breath through his nose.
He was gone as quickly as he had come, moving further into your apartment and directly to your shelves of records, gloved fingers grazing over the sleeves in contemplation for his first choice of the night. As you finally collected yourself enough to close the door, you wondered how many people in the world had ever loved Bucky Barnes enough to give him a second chance.
taglist: @tisthedamninez @wcndamaxcmoff @freyagallileaevans @bibliophilewednesday @justtoreblogfics @teti-menchon0604 @l-adysansa @heart-eyes-horan @thiswasnevermylifefromtony @rexorangecouny @dilfvision @urafakebetch @comphersjost @am-tired-bois @spid3rgwen @beautyandthebleh @euphoricaaaa @inadquacy @mackycat11 @withyoutilltheendofthismess @motherofallthesmallthings @victoriabaker112213 @macrillez @stvalentiness @nova10711 @tailsoflightning @okiegirl24 @qhbr2013 @beachbabe925 @weenersoldierr @venusinart @marvel-mistress @orthellqs @phasma-trash @beni-angie @infinitely-yellow @riverlethe1
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pufflix · 3 years
magic potion gone wrong (did it?)
collab m.list | skz m.list
pairing: mage!hwang hyunjin x gn ghost!reader
wc: 1,2k
genres: fluff, attempt at humor, fantasy
summary: hyunjin just wants to get a familiar
tw: mentions of death and vomit, bittersweet ending
notes: this is my entry for the wilting wisteria fic collab hosted by the wonderful @decembermoonskz​!! (i’m so sorry for the delay izzy😭) hope you like it, feedback is appreciated<3
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Hwang Hyunjin is a powerful mage who likes to experiment.
Tonight, he tries to make a potion that, according to his ancient book, can summon a familiar. He had always wanted one.
All the ingredients he needs are displayed on the table, from the dried daffodils to the black mamba’s venomous fangs. He adds ingredient after ingredient without forgetting to stir when needed. He’s been thinking about this for so long, he has the whole recipe memorized.
However, in his haste, he accidentally drops droplets of white deer’s tears in the mixture. Why is it so close to the beetle eyes anyway?
Usually, he’s more careful, but getting a familiar is a meaningful project of his since he was eight. He had never accepted one from anyone, he by far prefers being chosen, which is admirable if you ask me. He finally gets to do it tonight because he just obtained the final, most precious ingredient he couldn't get before:
A 15cm hair from the person making the potion (maybe the person who invented this potion loved long hair, who knows?). He has been growing his hair for this sole purpose for more than two years.
Hyunjin delicately places his one strand of hair in the fuming potion and beams.
At least until the concoction takes an unexpected dark color and starts bubbling. The recipe said the potion should be taking a light blue color. He stares with horror as the cauldron is trembling, the liquid forming a sphere elevating at a good three meters above it. The mage takes a few steps back to have a better view and squints his eyes as he helplessly watches the mixture changing shape to form a human one.
He’s beyond baffled when you open your eyes, floating where the potion once was.
Your body is tangible, you're real and alive and you can’t see through your hands like you always thought you would. You look around, seriously wondering why you're in the middle of the forest and the trees are small. Looking down, you realize you don’t touch the ground and start panicking, but you don’t have time to worry too much as you're slowly being pulled down until your feet touch the grass.
At last, your eyes fall on the young man next to you. “You’re neither Satan or Hades, I guess.” Your voice is ghost-like, distant like an echo, but you don't seem to pay it any attention.
“And you're definitely not a familiar,” he murmurs, mouth agape. 
He shakes his head and, with one flick of his fingers, he’s back in his home with you, the cauldron and the table with all the ingredients.
His house is cosy, but large enough for a wolf pack to fit. There's plants and bocals of stuff you’re uninterested in (mostly due to the way they look) almost everywhere, and the wooden walls look like they've lived several lives.
“How did you do that?” you ask, turning around to find a logical, coherent explanation for what just happened.
“Magic,” he simply says, rummaging through his books to understand what went wrong.
Curiosity taking the best of you, you walk closer to him to watch his movements. He looks distressed, you note, and the scribbles on one of his manuscripts tell you he's been working on whatever this is for a long while.
“Where did I mess up? I followed the recipe correctly,” he mumbles to himself.
He goes through the ingredients he gathered earlier and his eyes fall on the white deer's tears. Realization hits and he goes back to his books again for a minute before turning to you, declaring in a tired sigh, “you're a ghost.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. “I know that much, thank you…?”
“Oh, Hyunjin.”
“Hyunjin, I remember dying.”
“I’m sorry.” He’s genuine, and it makes you wonder who he has lost.
“It’s not your fault. I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you. I wish it was under better circumstances, though.”
“Yeah, me too. Do you have any idea why I’m here?”
He hums then shrugs. “Not a clue. I was trying to summon a familiar.”
“So you're really a witch?”
“A mage, but yeah, basically.”
“Wicked. Can you bring me back to life?” you ask out of curiosity, you have nothing to lose at this point.
He looks uncomfortable. “Huh. No, I don’t do dark magic.”
“But it’s possible?!” 
“Alright then, it was worth a try. Can you bring me back where I’m supposed to be, then?”
“I… don’t know.” He blushes, shoulders slumped.
“Now, that’s not useful,” you remark, a pout forming on your lips.
“Let me search through…”
“Your books,” you finish for him, “yeah, no problem.”
While he works on what he does best, you visit his home and garden.
The amount of herbs and bocals the young man owns is insane. You had no idea magic existed. How could you not see it? Comforting yourself in the idea that mages knew how to camouflage themselves from humans, you smell pretty flowers outside.
“Don't, they’re poisonous!” Hyunjin warns from the door, and you just stare at him with a raised brow. “You're supposed to turn purple and vomit, so I guess ghosts are immune.”
He shrugs and goes back in. You smile, resuming your wandering.
“I found something,” he yells from the inside of his home around an hour later.
You’re by his side in a heartbeat. “I’m listening.”
“I might be able to revert my mistake, and let you go back where you’re from,” he informs you.
You’re relieved, but also a little sad to leave so soon, when you just discovered a new world.
The mage works on the potion immediately, only gathering the right ingredients this time. Once he’s good to go, he flicks his fingers and you’re back in the forest, under the shiny moon. You watch him do his magic (quite literally) from a distance, amazed and intrigued.
It takes twenty minutes to be ready —as much as a good risotto—, Hyunjin puts a ladle of potion in a cup and offers it to you.
“This is it, then, huh?” you say with a half smile, cautiously taking it from him.
“I guess, yeah.”
“Alright. Was nice knowing you. Till we meet again, Hyunjin,” you raise your glass. Well, your cup.
It feels weird, like you just drank a mixture of grass and strawberries. Your vision blurs, you faintly see your new friend waving goodbye until there’s only darkness.
When you open your eyes, the boy is gone, the forest, the table and the cauldron too. You don’t feel anything, like you don’t have a body anymore. Just a wandering soul, memory erased, waiting for a new body to jump into.
On the side of the living, Hyunjin regrets making the potion so soon, even though the recipe clearly says ‘the lost soul must return to the afterlife as soon as possible, or it could cause terrible effects on both worlds’. He thought it was a bit dramatic, but didn’t want to see what would happen either. He wanted to show you his familiar, which is an arctic fox, by the way, and show you his world.
None of that’s possible now. But he met someone different today, and won’t ever forget you and your little time spent together.
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loveylangdon · 4 years
If You Don’t I Will
Word count: 3.3k
JJ Maybank x Reader : showing jj subtle ways of how you care for him and John B is tired of him not seeing it
A/N: I wrote another JJ thing bc im a simp and I love him and this was also another idea thats been floating around. Fluff is you squint but you dont need to squint hard, next will def be angst bc I live for it Xx
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*not my gif full credit to owner*
“Hey” you let out as you carry 2 bags of groceries into the cheateu seeing the boys lounging on the couch gathered around John B’s phone you hear a chorus of “hey’s” as you move towards the kitchen. John B looks up and hands his phone to JJ making his way out the front door sending you a wink. Rolling your eyes you follow John B outside to your car. 
“You didn’t have to,” John B says smiling at you grabbing a grocery bag from your trunk shooting you a look 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” you smile innocently to him and make your way over to grab the last grocery bag. You reach past John B until you feel his arm wrap over your shoulder, putting his grocery bag down he wraps his other arm around your shoulder engulfing you in a full hug laying his cheek at the top of your head. You wrap your arms around his torso and give him a squeeze 
“Thank you really” he lets out into your hair. You just give him a hug, you haven’t known them for long but John B automatically became like your brother and JJ was definitely your confidant. When you heard about Big John and Uncle T leaving John B by himself, your heart broke. John B had to support himself and apparently JJ was a constant resident in the chateau and it got harder to support themselves even if they both pitched in. When you found out always being smart with your money you set some aside to help supply the chateau so the boys wouldn’t starve.
JJ broke down one night during a late night smoke sesh you two had to get away from everything. He ended up telling you about his dad and mom in its entirety. After that you guys were kind of inseparable.You told him about why you had to move to OBX and he told you where his bruises and split knuckles came from. You never would’ve guessed one of the most caring people you knew would have to go through that. After that you subtly did more little things that hopefully made it easier on him. 
When you joined the Pogues you fell for his blue eyes and wild personality instantly his careless but protective nature made you fall hard but there was the rule. No Pogue on Pogue macking. Still fairly new to obx barely being here for a year you didn’t know how real the rule was. Being extra nice to JJ consisted of bringing extra of his favorite beer or asking him to buy you joints even though you didn’t smoke often, you would let him keep them, noticing his favorite snacks and bringing them on boat trips. Kie gladly gave up the title of caretaker and let you take over the snacks and picnics for day trips. After JJ told you his secret he made it clear that he didn’t take pity or handouts, you didn’t pity JJ you loved him and just wanted to make sure he knew it. 
So you helped JJ whenever you could making it seem like you were doing it by pure coincidence, knowing that he lived with John B you helped out the house, in general, to make it less obvious. Claiming you all spent so much time there any way it wasn’t fair to not help stock the necessities. 
Breaking away from your thoughts “I’m here for you guys always” you squeeze John B once more after you feel him loosening his grip “Let’s go I got ice cream” as John B fist bumps you snort “Oh I also got a better first aid kit” handing John B the second bag you move to the passenger side of the car. Hearing John B go back into the house you grab the first aid kit and hear footsteps as you open the back seat door to grab blankets. 
“What are the blankets for,” JJ asks questionably moving over to you to help grab some and you see him eye the first aid kit before you tuck it into a blanket
“For movie night. You can’t have a horror movie night without tons of blankets JJ it’s like against the rules” You quickly come up with the excuse. In all honesty it was starting to get colder and knowing the Chateau has minimal heating capacity you were going to accidentally leave them in the house and let the boys use them. The last time you were here late you asked JJ to borrow a sweater or a blanket and he gave you the one he was wearing and soon realized it was probably the only one you’ve seen him wear ever. Noticing Kie always brought her own blanket you assumed they were more supplied for the warmer days. John B was a big boy he would ask for help when he needed it JJ, on the other hand, was stubborn as hell and would rather freeze then ask for anything to help. 
“Okay” JJ says questionably not believing you entirely but not questioning it further “Are you staying tonight?” He asks you can see a glimmer of hope in his ocean eyes as he leans against the car door
“Yeah I think so” you smile and nod at him closing the car up “Are you?”
“No I’m just asking you so you can share my bed with Kie” he deadpans and your cheeks flush 
“Sorry” you squint up at him and you see him smile his “sharky smile” “Are Pope and Kie staying too?” 
“I think so” he nods at you biting his lip and you know he wants to add something but doesn’t
“Can I share a bed with you?” You ask assuming that’s what he wanted to ask “if I have to share a room with both Pope and Kie I might jump off the end of the dock, plus I got those joints still and extra snacks” you chuckle out trying to bribe him like you even have to. You see relief and a cute smile grace his features and you know that’s what he was trying to ask without even asking 
“Yeah you can crash with me, I like you the most anyways” he winks at you and nods towards the house “Have you eaten yet?” He asks you softly as you walk up the driveway “Pope and John B went to help Heyward earlier while I went to work and apparently they ate already” JJ trails off and you frown knowing there hasn’t been food at the chateau in a couple of days and John B has been incognito
“I can make us food,” you say and he perks up “I haven’t eaten yet” you continue which is a lie but he doesn’t need to know that “I bought stuff to make that shrimp thing you were talking about the other day” and you see his face light up as you walk into the house you smile at him and you can see pink dust his cheeks at the fact you remembered that small detail. He puts the blankets down taking the ones in your hands as well and wraps you in a hug carrying you to the kitchen leaving you in a fit of laughter. You see Pope peek his head out over the freezer with raised eyebrows 
“What are you doing,” he asks confused as to why you’re wrapped in JJs arms 
“Get out Pope y/n is making our food” he throws a look at Pope as he sets you down making Pope return a hurt one 
“You guys suck” he huffs out going back into the living room 
JJ sits on the counter as you start to pull out ingredients to make his food, John B put the groceries away thankfully and you hum to a random tune 
“Thank you” JJ lets out in almost a whisper and you look up at him and see he’s playing with the rings on his fingers a nervous habit he has while looking at his lap not making eye contact 
“For what” you feign innocence even though his small thank you made your heart flutter knowing your efforts and little signs of affection didn’t go unnoticed by the blonde boy. Moving to the stove to heat it up JJ finally looks at you and he shrugs his shoulders softly before twiddling his thumbs in his lap
“For taking the time to care about me” he shrugs again like he’s not worth the effort, you go to say something and he cuts you off looking at you with his ocean eyes making you forget how to breathe for a second, sincerity is swimming through them and you can’t help the butterflies in your stomach “I know you had dinner with Kie already. She told me you guys were gonna eat at The Wreck during her break if I wanted to pass by before you went to run errands which I’m assuming was getting food for here” your face flushes at being caught lying about dinner “I also saw the first aid kit you bought, and Its a nice one. I almost stole one just like it from the pharmacy a while back and I know John B doesn’t need one that good” he goes back to looking at his thumbs “And I know the blankets aren’t just for the movie night” He shoots you a knowing look causing you to blush and smile at him, taking a moment in the comforting silence you assume the boys are outside messing around 
Humming you smile giddily not confirming or denying “Okay I’m gonna make you food now go away” you joke shooing him out of the kitchen 
He gasps in shock “You wound me” he clutches his chest with both his hands and falls back against the cabinets “Treating me how I treat Pope now that’s cold” He gets off of the counter still clutching his chest moving closer towards you 
“Leave” you squeal at him as he traps you in between his arms and the sink, he leans in and you think he’s going to finally kiss you, heart beating so fast you think he could hear it if he got any closer. His eyes flicker to your lips and back to your eyes as he licks his lips your breath hitches in your throat, he leans down to place a kiss on your cheek leaving the kitchen and going outside. Watching him retreat you finally let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. “Jesus Christ” you huff and go back to making his food with a big smile on your face 
“Holy shit” JJ practically moans at the smell coming in from the kitchen “I can’t even think of the last home cooked meal I’ve had what about you John B” You hear JJ ask as him as they walk back into the Chateau,
“Uh I think-” John B starts but is cut off by JJ 
“That was rhetorical bro shut up” you hear them walk into the living room and see them come into the kitchen “we know you have a secret kook family chill” JJ lets out referring to the fact that John B disappears some nights and during the day and no one knows why. Causing a laugh to come from you and a scoff from John B
“That smells delicious y/n” John B lets out which earns a mean look from JJ 
“You can’t have any” JJ says defensively “she made it for me and her you guys are all traitors eating without us” JJ winks at you “what happened to Pogues together for life” JJ adds pointing a finger at John B as you try to stifle a laugh grabbing plates 
John B looks at JJ with the most unamused look you’ve ever seen which causes a burst of laughter from you. Catching John B’s attention he gives you a look as if asking if JJ is serious, you shrug your shoulders as John B scoffs “I welcome you into my home JJ and this is how you repay me” He tsks opening a beer for you and placing it on the counter by your plates, he gives you a side hug and places a kiss on your forehead before retreating outside to help Pope and Kie with a projector she found in her garage. As he walks through the living room you hear “Eat your food dumbass, and if you don’t marry her I will” John B shouts out and you immediately turn to look at John B who has his beer raised in the air “Salud” and he walks out of the Cheateu. 
Turning to JJ his face is beat red and you let out a small laugh as JJ groans mumbling something about murdering John B “Here eat tough guy I’m gonna grab blankets for outside” you say as you place a plate in front of JJ. You’re about to walk into John B’s room when you feel JJ grab your hand 
“Stay please” he lets out a smile while tugging on your wrist gently patting the spot next to him, you can tell he wants to say something again but you can’t tell what its gonna be because he’s looking down at his plate of food. Your foot starts tapping the floor a nervous tick you have when you can’t tell how something is gonna play out. His head snaps to your knee placing his hand there gently to stop it and he looks up at you “Don’t do that, not around me” he lets out looking at you 
“You do that when your nervous or unsure of a situation” he squeezes your knee in a comforting motion giving you a small smile at your confused expression, “You think you’re the only one who notices things around here” he shoots you a look and his eyes go wide trying to cover up his confession with a chuckle 
“Do you JJ Maybank have feelings for little old me” you shoot him an amused look with a gasp. He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out and he looks at you sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck while pink tints his cheeks 
“Hey, Lovebirds we got the movie set up come on” you hear John B yell from outside. You move to get up and JJ stops you looking up at you with a look of concentration before he exhales
“I like you y/n a lot actually and it’s scaring me. I’m not gonna lie to you. I’m not used to this or feeling wanted, hell even wanting to be around one person constantly is new for me. You are this incredible person who came out of fucking nowhere and the first thing you did was make sure everyone is taken care of. I didn’t even notice what you would do for me at first because I was so angry at everything. John B pointed it out to me when we found more of my favorite snacks in the cupboard than his” he let out a chuckle and you did too “He told me to stop being stupid and I realized then all the small things you would do for me like when I wouldn’t eat with you guys you brought food, or extra snacks on boat trips when you knew I was going home after, you and Kie would go shopping and you literally got me a hoodie because you told me it reminded you of me. No one has cared about me in the way you have and I’m so sorry for not realizing it sooner” you squeeze his hand gently reassuring him noticing his voice waiver “you’re so strong and stubborn but god if it didn’t make me fall for you harder, and I wasn’t gonna say anything because there is no way in hell that I’m good enough for you, I mean seriously I don’t know what you see-” cutting him off you place a kiss to his lips to shut him up, he places his hand on the side of your neck holding your jaw melting into the kiss. This is what heaven feels like you think. This blonde haired blue eyed prince. JJ breaks apart and rests his forehead against yours smiling like an idiot 
“I like you a lot actually too, if you couldn’t tell” you whisper out causing him to let out a laugh placing a chaste kiss to your lips, pulling you into his lap, your back to his chest as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck before you move to face him “Oh” you let out and he looks confused, you shoot him a look and he smirks. Hitting his chest playfully “get your head out of the gutter” 
“I know exactly where I would like my head to be” he smirks placing a kiss to your pulse. Rolling your eyes at him you start off “If I hear you talk bad about yourself I will fight you Maybank do you hear me” you look at him knowingly and he raised his eyebrows as if telling you to proceed “That is a fight you will lose every time. I can promise you,” you look at him softly “you deserve the world and all the love that comes with it, you care so much about your friends you’re willing to do anything to protect them literally anything” emphasizing the literally he lets out a chuckle “You are so kind, generous always giving even when you don’t have much yourself that’s what I love about you. There is more good than what you define yourself as and if you have doubts I will be more than glad to fight them with you” you let out rubbing your thumb on his cheek which he nuzzles into until he crashes his lips into yours again. 
“I thought you were eating, you haven’t even started are you kidding? YOU GUYS ARE MACKING we’ve been waiting for like 10 minutes” John B lets out from the doorway of the house raising his arms in a what the fuck motion, causing you both to laugh “J I’m proud of you for finally telling her, but Jesus come on guys the foods all cold, we don’t even have snacks because you’re distracting y/n, we’re dying out here” he fake whines 
“Sorry John B” you let out a smile knowing you usually prepare the snacks for movie nights but got distracted
“My girlfriend is not your Slave John B get your own snacks” JJ jokes holding onto you tighter
“Says the guy she made dinner for but hasn’t even touched it yet!” John B says dramatically “honestly the disrespect happening in this house, everything is all out of wack,” John B says going to the fridge and grabbing a case of beer and candy making his way back outside before he turns around heading back to you and JJ “Actually,” he says out loud before taking JJ’s plate with food taking a bite and moaning at the taste John B continues “I’m serious y/n if he doesn’t marry you I will” he gets out with a mouth full of food, moving slightly to avoid JJ arms that are trying to swat him for taking his food. John B walks out of the house leaving you two alone again 
“I’ll get you another plate, grab the blankets?” you ask chuckling as you move to get JJ another plate of food but he stops you. 
Taking his pinky ring off his finger he places it on your fingers trying to find the best fit, finally, it fits on your middle finger, a little loose but not by much, he chuckles “maybe I’ll get you a chain for it” he states chuckling he kisses your knuckles when he’s done “Not an engagement ring but a temporary promise ring until we get you a real one so John B can stop trying to steal you from me.”
“I think its perfect” He smiles bright placing a kiss on your lips and you know that this is exactly where you’re supposed to be
A/N: so I wrote another jj thing bc who is not a whore for jj especially soft jj. Roughly edited but not really, this has been floating in my head for a while so feedback and commentary is again always welcome my inbox is always open I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did Xx 
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wolf-and-bard · 3 years
So, I wrote a Lambert x Aiden thing because of a conversation I had with @littoraly-art, so here we go. It’s hurt/comfort, but very much on the angsty side.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: explicit language, (brief) mentions of self-harming behaviour
You can also read it on AO3 if you want to
The hunt didn’t go according to plan. Lambert underestimated the amount of ghouls that would crawl out of that shithole and fought them well into the night, dodging and striking, dodging and striking for hours on end. They chased him through the forest and branches whipped at him. More than once, did he narrowly escape their bites and when they were dealt with and he stumbled back to light a bomb in the nest, he wasn’t fast enough on the retreat. His ears still ring and white spots dance at the margins of his vision. Lambert only notices that he’s overdosed on Thunderbolt when he’s already back at the inn he booked for the night, two ales down, and his muscles are still taut, ready to strike, while his sense of self-preservation has plummeted. Fuck. His fingers shake as he gestures for another drink. Sweat gathers at his collar, at the small of his back. He wants to sleep and rest, but he won’t be able to, not with the residue adrenaline.
“Lambert?” someone says and Lambert hunches his shoulders. Maybe if he hides his face, he won’t be recognized. But Aiden’s already emerged from the crowd and, anyway, he would have smelled Lambert the moment he set foot into the building.
“It is you!” Aiden saunters over, all neat bun and scandalously tight gear, his brown hair looking almost black in the downcast light of the inn. His smile is brilliant as he takes the chair opposite Lambert. Takes Lambert’s hands and inspects them for wounds before bringing them to his lips. “Hey, there, pup,” he murmurs against Lambert’s knuckles. Lambert’s heart does skip a beat, but with that comes a flare of anger. Aiden doesn’t get to be lovey and cheerful when Lambert wants to crawl out of his own skin. He hums something indiscernible.
“What is it? Talk to me.”
“Oh, really? Alright, if that’s how you want to play it,” Aiden says mockingly, letting Lambert’s hands go. “What? Oh, yes, it is good to see me, isn’t it? How I am? I’m so glad you asked. I managed to haggle a big fat fee on a rock troll couple that were mating up in the mountains and causing avalanches and now I’m drowning in coin. Pretty crazy, right? If I made it okay? Aww, sweetie, there’s no need to worry. Haven’t got a scratch on me. You wanna hear more about it? No, of course it isn’t too much to ask, I will happily oblige.” 
"Just... leave me alone," Lambert cuts in, and lifts his tankard to veil his face. He's good at hiding his emotion, but in the face of whatever this is and with the day he's had... well, his boundaries are more than probed.
“What? So, you can give yourself a sorry hand-job and cry yourself to sleep? No, sir, that would be incredibly pathetic and a crime against humanity.” Aiden smiles and before Lambert can keep drinking, he’s snatched the tankard away and emptied it himself. Great. Now there isn’t even that to hide behind. Lambert likes Aiden, he really does. On most occasions, he’s so overjoyed to see him that he doesn’t recognize himself. Aiden makes him feel… too many things to think about right now. Today though, Lambert’d rather be alone.
“None of your business.”
"Fine, have it your way" Aiden says with a good-natured shrug and, humming, stands. He makes a beeline for the nearest table full of average-to-handsome soldiers with the Temerian blazon on their chests, and slams a hand down on the table. His hips are cocked out, his smile sly, exposing overly sharp canines. They all look up at him with varying degrees of surprise, realisation. “Any of you boys down to fuck a mutant?” Lambert's blood runs cold, he’s had enough of this. He hurls his empty tankard across the room, angling just so he doesn't hit anyone - though no guarantee on the rebound – and leaves.
His armour, clothes and swords are scattered across the small room he rented by the time he makes it into bed, wearing only thin cotton smallclothes. He sits not two minutes, contemplating whether to go asleep or order himself more alcohol to dull the edge of his frustration even further, when Aiden comes into the room, no knock, no courtesy.
“Aren’t you off sucking flaccid cock? Or are you already done the whole lot of them?” Lambert spits, and crosses his arms over his bare chest. Aiden’s eyes darken and he shuts the door behind himself, forceful enough that it rattles, then slips out of his own armour and boots without much ceremony. “Go get your own room, asshole.”
“You know what? Go fuck yourself,” Aiden replies in a measured manner. All his earlier aloofness is gone, replaced by a gravity Lambert has a hard time looking at. Aiden sorts both their stuff into neat piles, then takes Lambert’s swords to the corner chair. Lambert stares at his own knees, but he can hear every tiny movement of Aiden’s hands as he cleans Lambert’s swords, inspects them for chips, pulls out a whetstone to restore their edge. The amount of care this alone conveys almost brings tears to Lambert’s eyes. Aiden could be deep-throating handsome soldiers right now, but instead he’s here, doing for Lambert what he doesn’t have the energy left to do for himself.
When he’s done the swords, Aiden does the same to his own pair, then examines the two sets of armour plating for tears or gashes that need mending. He lines up both chests of potions and counts out what’s missing, takes notes for ingredients. It’s a normal routine, only that usually, each witcher does it for himself. Lambert feels a mixture of embarrassment and affection heat his cheeks, but he doesn’t look up, not yet. Only when Aiden finishes with a soft exhale and wanders over to the bed which dips under his weight, does Lambert uncross his arms. Dares to take a peek. Fuck. He shouldn’t have. Aiden’s pupils are wide in the starlight that falls through the single window, the moon painting him in blues and silvers. Some of his hair has escaped his bun and his lips part on a sigh that expose his teeth. He’s a fucking vision, too gorgeous to be sitting here.
For once, there is quiet, so rare with the two of them. If Lambert lets go of consciousness a little more, it almost feels like a dream. If it were, he would reach out, draw Aiden onto his lap, lose himself in the familiar glide of their bodies against one another. As it is, the silence hangs by a thread and Lambert cuts it, edges fraying into dust between them.
“What,” he barks and Aiden sighs again.
“The only cock I want to suck is yours, idiot. Flaccid or not.
“Is that so?”
“Yes? I thought I had made that abundantly clear.” Aiden has. There have probably been more blowjobs than nights they shared a bed, altogether. And maybe that’s the problem. Aiden might not seem it now, but one day Lambert’s cock will not be enough to make up for his mouth.
"Why were you so obnoxious then?" he asks.
"Because you need to learn not to push me away, Lamb. I'm here, I understand, I'm yours." Three quick sentences that puncture Lambert like barbed arrows. I'm here feels like sparks of an off-kilter Igni that eat at his fingertips. I understand goes right to his gut and makes him feel like he is out on the rocky sea, in a rickety boat all by himself, at the storm's mercy. I'm yours is the lightning that strikes then and short-circuits his nervous system into small spams. He takes a deep breath and the soft kiss Aiden places on the corner of his mouth when he leans over helps quell the panic. "I can't change how I am," he says. Prickly, loud-mouthed, mean.
"You really aren't... no, that's not gonna work, is it? C’mere." Aiden crawls over the bed and settles next to Lambert, draws him against him, his strong arms wrapped firmly around Lambert's bare chest. Lambert's head is throbbing lightly, heartrate kept accelerated from the alcohol, but he deflates a little. Notices the small vial with almost clear liquid Aiden is holding between his index and middle finger. “You didn’t drink it, did you?”
Lambert shrugs. So, maybe he forgot to take the White Honey, fucked-up as he was. So, maybe he didn’t want to take it, stay fucked-up a little longer. He has days like this, where the lingering toxicity of the potions stokes some dark flame deep inside of him, kindled by his hatred for what he is, what he has become. Lambert isn’t prone to self-harm, but this, well. This he is prone to and Aiden is seeing right through him. Fucking cat, fucking.... is this love yet?
“I didn’t.”
“So, do it now.” Aiden uncorks the bottle with one hand and his grip on Lambert tightens so that he would have to struggle to escape it. For a moment, Lambert thinks about refusing. He wants to wallow, dammit, he wants to pity himself and maybe have Aiden pity him too. “Don’t think about it, pup. You can bullshit your way around other people, but not around me,” Aiden continues and holds the vial to Lambert’s lips. Lambert snatches it away and empties it in two long drags. Immediately, his vision sharpens and his lungs clear. His muscles stop trembling and his heartrate settles into its normal, mutated rhythm. “Better?”
“Better,” Lambert agrees sulkily. He tosses the vial aside and sinks back against Aiden.
“You’re really stupid sometimes, you know that?” Aiden says with a sharp edge to his voice, but he noses at Lambert’s ear, under it, breath hot over the skin of Lambert’s throat.
“You’re the one that’s stupid…” Stupid for caring for me. Stupid for still being here.
“Will you stop it already? I’m trying so hard to be patient and you keep pushing me away. Did you forget who I am? What we share?”
“I didn’t,” Lambert says. He is weak and tired. He lets Aiden tug at his chin and half-turn him for a kiss that lingers even after their lips part for breath.
“Then drop the farce. Fuck, I don’t know what to say to you,” Aiden whispers against his mouth, chasing each word with a kiss to Lambert’s lips, the corners of his mouth, his nose. “I love you, Lambert, I love you so fucking much, but I can’t keep prying you out of your shell. Don’t you trust me?”
I want to love you too, Lambert thinks.
With my life, Lambert thinks.
You’re the best person I’ve ever met, Lambert thinks.
But he isn’t ready for that yet and so he settles for the next best thing: “I’m sorry.” The rest of it he pours into their next kiss, one that feels frozen in time for how slow and indulgent it is, the world reduced to the drag of their lips and the scratch of Aiden’s canines, the stuttering of his breath. Lambert wriggles around until he straddles Aiden’s lap with his thighs and frames Aiden’s tanned face with his scarred, pale fingers. Even paler next to his lover. Aiden fucking glows and Lambert is less a man, more a phantom next to him.
“Fuck, puppy, you’re so beautiful, do you know that?” Aiden gasps when they part once more. His hands are splayed over Lambert’s upper back and they are both half-hard against one another, but Lambert doesn’t feel like sex. He feels like curling up and having a good cry. He feels like kissing Aiden again, and so he does.
“And here I am, trying so hard to hide it so you peasants don’t feel bad about yourselves,” Lambert says, on instinct more than anything else. He wants to slap himself, this is exactly what Aiden meant, isn’t it? But Aiden laughs, the fucker, a clear sound that sets loose something fluttery inside of Lambert. Shit. It is love. “I thought the scar would have done the job.”
“Joke’s on you, I adore the scar.” Aiden presses his lips to the bottom of it and drags them along, skipping Lambert’s eye in favour of nuzzling his forehead. It’s ridiculous. It tickles. Lambert laughs and hides his face in Aiden’s neck. Aiden sighs and his hands wander up to Lambert’s head, cradling it. “Promise me something, pup?”
Anything, Lambert thinks. He grunts.
“Allow yourself this. I don’t need you to fall onto your knees and profess your love in some grand gesture, but… don’t shut me out. Okay?”
“Yeah, okay.”
“Thank you.”
Lambert falls asleep like that, tucked against Aiden’s chest and he wakes in the morning facing the sunrise with an arm slung around his bare torso and Aiden’s nose pressed against the nape of his neck. He allows it to last.
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Hogwarts No.1 Ship
Fandom: Harry Potter  Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader Word count: 3.4k Summary: You - Rubeus Hagrid’s niece and a surprising slytherin - have a crush on the Slytherin prince himself, but you are sugar and he is spice and there is no world where the two of you would fit together...right? Warning: Swearwordsm concussion, broken bones, but mostly fluffffffffff Requested by the amazing and patient (I’m really sorry it took so long) @onlycherryblossom​: Hi! I love your work and I was wondering if you could right a Draco Malfoy x Reader. you know, the one we talked about. It'd be so awesome! i hope you have a good day/night! (I won’t put our chat in here so that I don’t spoiler anything)
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Hogwarts had rarely ever known two students who were as opposite to each other as Draco Malfoy and Y/N Hagrid. Draco - who was the embodiment of how people imagined the stereotype of Slytherin to be - was (most of the time) a prideful, cold, unempathetic prick, while you were a selfless, positive thinking, kind and gentle soul that could‘ve been a descendant of Helga Huffelpuff herself. The two of you did have one thing in common though. Your house. The hat had made you both into Slytherins which was on Draco’s side not surprising at all, but quite a shock for everyone who had talked to you for even a minute. Probably the biggest shock was courtesy of Rubeus Hagris - Half-Giant and your adopted uncle (on his father’s side) - who insisted that the hat must have made a mistake, but was quickly shot down by Dumbledoor who assured that the hat didn‘t make any mistakes. After some initial tumbling though, Hagrid realized that the house didn‘t make the person and that it didn‘t matter in what house you were sorted into, you’d always be his little pumpkin. And he was quite right. Even after you had been a Slytherin for just about five years, you had only grown more kind and loving - having bonded with many people in the other houses and years, but not quite as many in your own house. You’d call Blaze and Millicent maybe something close to friends and Pansy tolerated you which is why you gave her the title of ‘good acquaintances‘, but other than that you didn‘t really have a lot of contact with them in your free time. The most complicated relationship you held though was the one to the aforementioned Draco Malfoy. In a weird twist of fate the two of you somehow became the main ship in Hogwarts (with Harry and Ginny or Harry and Hermione as close second) even though you couldn‘t remember more than two or three times that you had talked to the boy outside of a classroom or study environment. Sure, he had never bullied or teased you which already differentiated you from most of the students, but you simply explained it by the fact that you were a good student - especially in potions class - and behaved well enough to gain a number of house points which made you into a good asset to Slytherin and as such made you a less logical target. Now all in itself that would‘ve been more than fine with you, but for some stupid reason your heart decided to betray you against it‘s better judgement and fall for him. Somehow, even after years of seeing him kick others down and behave like a complete douchebag you couldn‘t help but blush slightly at the mention of his name and feel your heart flutter when you walked by him in the hall or in the common room. The worst part was in potions class where he sat right beside you after Snape deemed your former partner as way too unqualified for one of his best students and exchanged him for Draco. Working with him in and of itself was actually rather nice. He was a good student and did his work thoroughly and mindfully, but you found it hard to concentrate when his hand brushed yours as you read a passage in the book or when he poured ingredients in the coultron that you were stirring. You really tried to ignore your feelings and ban every thought of him, but it seemed like you weren‘t doing the best job at it since your uncle kept asking about what it was that was distracting you all the time. On a rainy October day fairly at the beginning of your fifth year you decided you had enough. You were sitting in your Uncles hut with a plate of more or less edible cookies in front of you and a cup of something that was surely supposed to be tea when you finally gathered the courage to say what you had been meaning to say for weeks now. “Uncle Rubeus, can I ask you something?” Hagrid turned to you with his usual smile as he patted fang who was drooling all over his lap where he had laid his head. “Course ya can pumpkin. What’s it about?” “Uhm...well… you know there is this boy that I-“ “Ohhh Ah see,” Hagrid quickly interrupted you before you could even ask the question, “Ya know, usually I’d be more than happy to help ya with every question you have but ah really don’t thin’ I’m the right person for this, I’m sorry.” A little bit disappointed but not really surprised you just sighed and shook your head, telling him that it was okay, before bidding your goodbyes and making your way back to the castle quietly mulling over what exactly your plan b should be now that plan a had failed and you still had no idea what to do with or how to get rid of your stupid crush on Draco.
“You know what I would do if I were you?“ Ginny asked and pointed the end of her quill at you. The both of you were sitting in a corner of the library where you had planned to help her study for her upcoming potions exam, only for her to basically interrogate you until you admitted that you had an unlucky crush, even though she luckily hadn‘t pushed you to tell her who the guy you had a crush on was. “I‘d probably just tell them, I mean what do you have to lose. Either he‘ll say yes and you‘re happy or he says no and you just avoid him like he doesn‘t even exist - which would honestly be the appropriate reaction if he refuses a snack like you. See, no real downside to it.“ “Oh really? Hmmm, I wonder why you haven‘t told Harry how you feel yet then,“ you teased her and tapped your chin. Ginny‘s face immediately started to rival the colour of her hair and the way she crossed her arms in front of her chest and pouted reminded you of an overgrown toddler - but in a cute way. “I-I don‘t like Harry, okay? I mean I did when I was like ten because he was famous and I was a child,“ she tried to make sure you really knew how silly she wanted you to believe she thought it was by drawing out the word child for a good few seconds before rolling her eyes and looking to the side, “And anyway, it‘s not like he‘d date his best friend’s sister…“ “Oh Gin,“ you immediately felt bad and grabbed one of her hands with yours, “Have you looked at yourself? You‘re amazing and if Harry doesn‘t see that through his stupid invisible cloak and these glasses than he doesn‘t even deserve you.“ “Even though I admit that yes, I am amazing, this isn‘t the topic that we should be conversing about right now, remember? I think there‘s a certain blond Slytherin that you should be worried about more right now.“ Immediately blood shot right to your cheeks and you quickly looked around to make sure no one could‘ve heard her before leaning forward and hissing: “What? No? I don‘t like Draco? Why would you even think that? I never said that he is the one I have a crush on.“ Ginny just raised her eyebrows in an unimpressed manner, leaning back in her chair and picking the quill back up to play around with while she talked. “Listen honey, I‘m not judging you or anything. Don‘t get me wrong, I still and probably will always think Draco is a major asshole and doesn‘t even deserve to breath the same air as you-“ “He isn‘t that bad…“ “Yes he is, but anyways, no matter what I think of him I also know that you are a clever girl that knows how to protect herself and who knows, maybe you‘d even have a good influence on him.“ Images of you and Draco together with your friend group laughing and having fun crossed your mind and you could feel your heartbeat fasten involuntarily. “That‘s all great and good, but like I said, I don‘t have a crush on Draco,“ you gave the hope of getting out of this situation with the lie you‘ve been telling yourself for months still intact one last try, but Ginny didn‘t give it the time of day. “Oh please, I see the way you look at him in the dining hall and how your eyes are always on him when he‘s playing quidditch and just now you defended him even though the two of you aren‘t even friends. My love-radar is pinging like crazy around the two of you which is why I, Ginny Wealey also known as the love witch-“ “No one calls you that,“ you interrupted her only to be shushed by an evil glare. “I, Ginny Weasley, will help you in fulfilling your desire and getting together with Draco and I already have the perfect plan.“ “No no no no, please don‘t! Don‘t do this! Ginny no!“ you tried to make your point clear but she was already cleaning up her stuff and getting ready to leave. “Don‘t worry oh sweet Y/N, the next time we‘ll talk everything will be set in motion,“ she winked before dashing off leaving you standing in her figurative dust with your mouth agape for a few seconds before you let your head sink onto the table. This would definitely take an interesting turn…
After that you definitely started to actively avoid Draco which was - surprisingly enough - not as easy as you thought. Somehow he was almost always at least in your near vicinity. Besides the obvious factors of class (where you tried to focus on working and on praying whatever Ginny had planned wouldn‘t happen) and when you were eating in the great hall (where you had resorted to sitting at the very end of the table as far away from him as possible) he seemed to also be there in your free time. You were relaxing in the common room? He was there reading a book. You were outside with Harry and co.? Guess who’s coming their way to insult them (while not saying a single bad thing about you). By now there were just about three places where you were sure that he wouldn’t be able to pop up at any given moment. Your room, the bathroom and the potions classroom on Wednesday and Friday afternoon when class has already ended. After Snape had realized that he had some real potions-potential sitting in front of him he offered you extra credit as some sort of teaching assistant which basically meant that you helped him prepare lessons, helped him grade the first to third years tests and that you cleaned up and organized the potions classroom twice a week. Now usually, knowing that you were more than capable of handling the potions and ingredients standing around on your own after having seen you do it for a few months, you‘d be alone while you cleaned up except for the occasional visit of your professor to tell you which ingredients you should put on the students desks for the next class, but for some reason the next Friday - three days after Ginny had made her promise to you - the door already stood open and you could hear Professor Snape talking to someone. “I really expected better of you, your action is the reasons Slytherin has lost 50 housepoints and I hope you know that it is on you to gain them back, no matter your status,“ Snape‘s voice carried to where you stood and you wondered who the student was if Snape went so easy on them with his lecture. Usually you‘d be afraid for your life after losing even ten house points so getting such a calm reaction for 50 must‘ve really meant something. Your questions about the identity of the student were answered when you entered the dungeon room and immediately felt yourself freeze. Of course not even you (time dependent) sanctuary was safe anymore. Of course Draco just had to stand there and look at you without any identifiable emotion in his gaze. “Ah, Miss Hagrid, right on time as always,“ Snape nodded after he also noticed you and you felt slightly more at ease knowing that with him there nothing could really happen. “Should I come back later?” you asked politely, not sure if you had interrupted something. “No, you may stay. Mister Malfoy over here has got himself caught trying to sabotage McGonagall class, a childish act which I would’ve expected of the Weasleys but really not from you. As a punishment he will be the one to clean the potions classroom bi-weekly from now on until he has regained the house points lost. You’ll supervise him.” “I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure I understand.” “Malfoy will do all the cleaning but since he has no experience with it I can’t just leave him alone so, since you’d be here anyway, you can watch him and make sure that everything goes orderly.“ It wasn‘t really a question as much as a command, something that you were used to from Snape, so you just nodded and bid him goodbye as he went to his office, leaving you and Draco behind. By now you had seen through what was happening. This was Ginny‘s plan. Somehow she must‘ve managed to blame Malfoy for the prank on McGonagall - something rather extreme given the taken house points- hoping (or somehow knowing) that his punishment would force you to spend at least an hour with him alone in a dimmed room twice a week. Inwardly you cursed your friend, while outwardly you tried everything to avoid directly looking at Draco as you explained his tasks to him before you sat down at your usual place and pulled out a book really hoping you could get him to not talk to you that way. Either your plan was working great or Draco just really didn‘t care for you, because an hour later you still hadn‘t exchanged any words, instead he dutifully, but slightly pouting, had done his job while you shot him the occasional glance to make sure he was doing it correctly. “I think that was all, you should be good to go now,“ you told him with a small smile, relieved that you were finally free to leave the room and with that the tension that had built up inside you as a mix of nervousness and fear. Draco had opened his mouth to respond when a third year came rushing inside with at least twelve books in her arms that almost towered over her which she quickly placed on a table, slightly out of breath. “Professor Snape sent me. He said these have to be sorted and put away.” You could probably feel Draco’s sigh before he had made it and - not really fond of spending more time so frustratingly close to your crush and yet so far - you just nodded and told both of them that you’d take care of it and that they could leave, which both promptly did. You took the books and carried them to the back of the room where a sole, old bookshelf was standing - since the students mostly had their own books - and started putting them away when you heard a sickening crunch before suddenly the shelf including books came crashing down at you and before you could even think to pull out your wand, the world turned black.
“I’m so so so sorry, you were right I shouldn’t have interfered, if I’d just listened to you you wouldn‘t be lying here now,“ Ginny whined from beside your bed where she had been sitting for the past twenty minutes apologizing over and over again and blaming herself for the broken arm, leg and the concussion that had you unable to leave the infirmary for the next three days to a week. “Ginny, how often do I gotta tell you, it isn’t your fault! I would’ve sorted those books in anyways - no matter if you had pulled that prank or not - and it would’ve fallen anyways,” you tried to reassure her and gave her a soft smile. “But-“ “No but, okay? We can’t change the past anyways, and even if we could I wouldn’t because thanks to you, I don’t have to take that stupid DADA test.” Your attempt to lighten the mood seemed to work, because soon you and Ginny were back to your usual conversation-style and it relieved you immensely. It made you feel okay again. She was just telling you of a stung Harry had pulled in the Gryffindor Common room when she suddenly paused mid sentence and looked up. You followed her eyes to where they were placed firmly on a certain Platinum blond boy that looked simultaneously like he’d rather be everywhere else and like he was glad to be there, it was a sight to see. “I think I’ll leave for now, I’ll come back later with tons of sweets that Luna and I are going to steal from Harry’s personal stash,” Ginny said goodbye and gave you a wink as she walked away making you torn between wanting to roll your eyes and feeling yourself blush. Unsure of what to do next you motioned to the chair that Ginny had just occupied and Draco seemed to get the hint because he quickly sat down. “Hey-“ “Hi-“ “Sorry, you first.” “No it’s fine, you’re injured, you go first.” “Well, uhm-“ you took a deep breath to calm yourself down, “-I wanted to thank you, for bringing me here I mean, Madame Pomfrey told me you carried me all the way.” You looked away hoping that he wouldn’t see how nervous you were. “You don’t need to thank me, I couldn’t just let you lay there buried under books, your not Granger after all,” he said, seemingly trying to joke but immediately noticed that it was probably not the best thing to say given that you and Hermione were good friends. “Listen, what I came here for,” now it was Draco’s turn to take a deep breath, “I’ve been meaning to tell you something, but you were always with Potter or avoiding me or whatever, but after I saw you lying there… I guess I was just worried for you, I really don’t want you to get hurt.” Now that definitely caught your attention. For a second you played with the thought that this could possibly not be Malfoy but just someone else playing him with the help of polyjuice potion because he was definitely not acting like himself, but something in his word convinced you otherwise. “Thanks, I think, but would you mind me asking why? I mean...we’re not really the closest of friends,” you asked him, looking directly into his face to search signs of a possible answer. “Fuck it, I like you, okay? Happy?” You were completely stunned. Stunned, speechless, shocked. In all the time that you had been crushing on him you had never even really considered even the slightest possibility that he could reciprocate your feelings but now here he was telling you straight up. “You-You like me? Like like-like me?” You asked, just really wanting to be sure. There was a hint of nervousness and worry in his eyes, but he hid it behind a wall of annoyance. “You heard me, didn’t you? So, just get it over with, do you like me too or do you not, because if you don’t then I don’t want to waste my time any longer.” This definitely sounded more like the Draco you were used to and you had to giggle a little bit. “Yes, yes I like you too,” you confessed and like it was the most natural thing in the world you moved the uninjured hand over to where he laid on your bed and took it in yours. For the moment, you were caught in the shimmer of happiness and glee at having your crush there with you, definitely something more than your crush, and it would probably take a while until you‘d realize that there were some interesting things to follow, like telling your uncle about this for example...
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hb-writes · 4 years
Thank you. I can take it from here.
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Inspired by my 100+ lovely followers, @love-me-a-good-prompt’s “THANK YOU IDEAS” prompt list, and a suggestion from the lovely @cas-kingdom​
Summary: From the Little Lady Blinder Universe. Clara Shelby wants to bake her brother a special treat for his birthday but needs a bit of assistance in gathering ingredients. 
Featuring: Tommy Shelby, John Shelby, Clara Shelby, and Nipper (Shelby cousin)
Clara stared at the space between the topmost cupboard and the ceiling, to the spot where Polly set the sugar, far out of her and Finn’s reach, rationing it now that she saw how much the pair were shoveling into their afternoon tea. 
Clara had already collected the other ingredients, mixed the dry things together, waiting on the sugar in the hopes that someone taller would pass through, but she could wait no longer. 
She didn’t need much, knew that her brother wasn’t particularly fond of sweet things anyway, but the biscuit she chose still called for a small measure of the stuff, so Clara pulled over a chair and climbed onto the counter with a clean wooden spoon, intending to push the small container close enough to the edge for her outstretched fingers to reach. 
Clara yelped and the spoon clattered to the floor as a pair of hands on her waist tugged her from the countertop.
Tommy settled her on his hip, an act he nearly regretted when she latched her flour-covered hands around him. 
“You’re not meant to be home yet,” Clara said. 
“And you’re not meant to be up on the counters.” Tommy shifted her to glance at the mess on the table but Clara quickly pushed his face back to her’s with a flour-covered hand. 
“Arthur said you had a meeting.” 
“I did,” he answered, the two words coming out slow, with a hint of suspicion. “What are you up to?”
Clara tried to pull out of his arms but Tommy held her there, turning them both towards the mess again.
“It doesn’t look like nothing.” 
“Nothing that concerns you, then,” Clara corrected. “Let me down, Tommy.” 
“Let you down so you can climb back up on the counters?” 
“Wouldn’t need to if Aunt Polly stopped putting the sugar all the way up there,” Clara answered, pointing towards the canister and reaching towards it from Tommy’s arms.  
Tommy chuckled. The sugar had spent a portion of his childhood on that shelf as well thanks to John. 
“What do you need the sugar for?”
“Because I need it,” Clara answered, all pouting lips and big shining eyes. “Please, Tommy?”
“Tell me what you need it for,” Tommy said again.
Clara groaned, going a bit limp in his arms. “But it’s none of your business,” she answered.
“None of my business? Not much under this roof that falls under that category.” 
Clara knew all about the different types of business to be found in the Shelby household. There was the betting business and family business and women’s business and funny business. In the months since the boys returned home, Clara had learned that her brother seemed to think he was entitled to have a hand in all of it, though he often declined participating in the funny business, more often just accusing her and Finn of it.  
“Well, this does,” she answered. “It’s Clara business.” 
“Clara business, eh?” he said. “That sounds like something that’ll only end in trouble.”
“No, it won’t. I promise, Tommy.” 
“You promise?” 
Clara nodded and Tommy let her down, reaching up to grab the sugar from the top shelf and placing it in her hands. “I’m going to hold you to that.” 
Clara smiled before skipping away from him to plop the container down on the table. She began scanning through the recipe to find her spot and Tommy lingered, flicking open his cigarette case as he watched her.
“You know you’ve got to clean all this up before Aunt Polly comes back or she’ll be after us both,” he said, waving the cigarette around at the mess.
“I will,” she answered. 
Tommy stepped over to her, glancing into the mixing bowl. “An—”
Clara pushed her brother towards the shop doors. “Thank you. I can take it from here.”
Tommy opened his mouth once she had him over the threshold, about to step back into the room, but Clara tugged on the string holding the curtain back and the red velvet fell between them.
“I said I can take it from here, Thomas!” 
Tommy didn’t really like biscuits but Clara noticed that he always lifted a savory biscuit from her Hinkley’s bag whenever he found one. It was a special thing Mr. Hinkley made from time to time, the rosemary biscuits, and the baker had given Clara a basic recipe after she promised not to open a competing bake shop down on Watery Lane. 
Clara knew her brother didn’t really like birthdays either, not his at least, and there had been a consensus among the family, decided over a month prior, that they’d not be doing anything special for him. There would be no cake, no presents, no acknowledgment whatsoever, but Clara had kept quiet on the subject, not agreeing to a thing the others said but not voicing her own opinion either. The way she saw it, it was none of their business if she chose to make biscuits on a random Tuesday afternoon, even if that Tuesday was the same day Tommy happened to have been born.
While the biscuits were cooling, the smell of fresh rosemary spreading throughout the first floor of the house, Clara stuck her head through the curtains to the shop to see they were full up with business for the afternoon. 
She whispered to her cousin Nipper who was sat at the table closest to the door. It was a loose description, calling Nipper and Henry cousins, but they were something close to that, some sort of relation on the Shelby side made closer to her and Finn because they were the only other set of twins in the family.
“That smells good,” he said as he came to stand beside her, his hand moving to push the curtain aside. “What’s Aunt Pol—“
Clara pulled the curtains tight around her head. “Can you send Tommy back?”
“Why don’t you get him yourself?”
“Because I promised I won’t cause any trouble.”
Nipper laughed at that. “Guess you’re out—”
Clara disappeared behind the curtain before he could finish, coming back with a warm biscuit. “I’ll give you one if you send him back. And if you don’t tell John.” 
Nipper was just teasing his little cousin, would’ve given in to her without the biscuit offering but he’d not say no to the bribe either. He took it from her outstretched hand before popping it in his mouth and heading across the room to where Tommy and John were talking.
“Clara’s asking for you,” Nipper said, still chewing the bit of biscuit in his mouth.
“Me?” John said.
Nipper shook his head. “No, she wants Tommy.” 
Tommy pushed the ledger back into John’s hands. “Keep on the books, John. I’ll be right back.”
John hummed. “What are you chewing on, Nip?” 
“Nothing,” Nipper answered, clearing his mouth with a final swallow and a swipe of his sleeve across his lips, both pointless maneuvers as John’s nose had already picked up on the rosemary wafting into the shop. 
“Doesn’t smell like nothing,” John said. “It smells like...”
“Clara business, eh?” Tommy said as he came through from the shop, the doors cutting off John’s words as Tommy closed them and turned to his sister, specks of flour across every bit of her. 
“It can be Clara and Tommy business now, but we have to keep it a secret.” 
“Why’s that?” Tommy asked.
“I don’t know,” she answered. “It’s you that doesn’t like celebrating birthdays.” 
Birthdays. Tommy released a light scoff, almost a laugh. He’d forgotten, hadn’t thought about his own birthday since before France, not since he’d spent the miserable day sat at Greta’s bedside. Tommy shook his head as Clara pulled the plate of biscuits out from behind her back. 
“They’re not sweet ones,” she said, setting the plate on the table. “I know you don’t like them sweet and I know everyone said we aren’t supposed to talk about your birthday but I just thought if I didn’t make a very big deal and didn’t tell anyone else then maybe you wouldn’t be mad and...”
“I’m not mad,” Tommy said as he took a cookie from the tray, taking a small bite. He was surprised, and a bit touched, but certainly not mad. 
Clara smiled, relieved her brother wasn’t upset. 
“But we do have a problem, you and me,” Tommy said, swallowing and wiping his hands off as he came down to her height, poking his sister in the shoulder. “You promised me there’d be no trouble at the end of this bit of Clara business but now I’ve got a brother out there in the shop sniffing out these biscuits like a rabid dog,” Tommy said, his eyes going wide. “You know how John is about sweets...almost as bad as you.” 
Clara giggled. “I told Nipper not to tell him.” 
“Yeah, well, you’ve started quite the commotion out there in the shop, nearly a riot. I think we may have to share these secret biscuits, eh? Just tell the boys they’re a special Clara treat and we’ll keep the birthday bit between you and me?” 
Clara nodded and Tommy made to stand up. Clara wrapped her arms around his neck before he could make any progress, her whisper so quiet that Tommy could barely hear it, his understanding of the words more from context than the hushed murmur as Clara wished her brother a happy birthday and placed a kiss on his cheek. 
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prinxlyart · 4 years
Do you have any camileda headcanons you'd be willing to share?
Camilia loves her job at the hospital. When they first start dating (after a stable portal is made obvs), she just continues to do her daily thing. She worked hard for that medical degree damnit!!! But every single day after work she gathers up whatever stuff she needs to bring over to the demon realm and hops on over and just face plants on Eda’s couch. She has sometimes been so tired she’s accidentally falllen on top of King while he was napping. Whenever Luz sees her exhausted like this, she picks back up her old habit of karate chopping her moms back to help her relax (because that’s how they do it in cartoons). It helps her get out her ADHD energy by keeping her hands busy while she tells her mom about her day. Eda will usually take a seat on the other couch or an armchair and also listen in for a minute before removing Camilia’s glasses and hair tie to help her be more comfortable before getting up to go make dinner. Camilia wouldn’t admit it in the first few months of them dating, but that’s her favorite part of every day.
Camilia’s come home from work sometimes to see Eda in her human disguise and a nicer-than-usual outfit waiting for her in her porch and she knows Eda’s planned some kind of date for them for the night. It always warms her heart whenever she sees her do this because sometimes she needs some spontaneity in her life. Goodness knows she can’t rely on Luz to provide that for her all the time when she’s in the demon realm.
On that same note, there are some days where she walks up to Eda and buries her face into Eda’s neck and just hugs her because it was a really long/bad day and Eda just holds her for a while. Eda knows Camilia has some bad days and never holds it against her. Whenever she isn’t up to a night out, Eda just leads her inside and takes care of her, taking her glasses off and her bun out and telling her to relax on the couch and tell her about her day. Camilia has only cried once during these little calm-down sessions because she was so overwhelmed with how much she loves this woman; none of her previous relationships treated her like this. Eda finds herself making tea in the kitchen usually, sometimes dinner if she’s familiar enough with the ingredients (or if it’s something she can pop into her favorite human device: the microwave. She’ll never understand how that little box works but she loves it).
One days where their schedules don’t match up (sometimes Eda is at her human collectibles stand or delivering potions later than she expects) Camilia will try her best to make meals out of whatever Eda has in her kitchen. She and Eda have gone over what stuff is food and what stuff is potion ingredients v thoroughly, but sometimes she can’t remember and it limits her options. At that point she just hops back over to her own house in the human realm and whips up some chapea/chambre (@ my Dominican followers; is there a “right” word? Does it matter? I’ve read it just depends on what part of the country you’re from?). By the time she gets back to the Owl House, Eda’s walking through the front door and looks nearly dead on her feet and immediately perks up the moment she smells Camilia’s cooking. Eda finds it hard to admit out loud for the first several months that they’re dating that coming home to Camilia and her cooking is nothing short of paradise; she usually expresses her gratitude by engulfing Camilia in big sweeping hugs and peppering her face in kisses before they sit down to eat.
On THAT note - Luz can smell her mother’s cooking from a mile away and will barrel down anything in her way if it means she gets to eat her mom’s cooking. She has actually broken walls in the past from how hard she swings doors open. She’s dragged all her friends back to the Owl House on several occasions to try her mom’s food (they all love it) and their evenings are filled with so much laughter and love and warm food and full bellies; Eda will sometimes become strangely quiet during these moments. Once everyone’s gone home and she’s gone to bed she’ll be lying awake in her nest, staring at the ceiling and realize oh, that’s what a family is like. It makes her more emotional than she realizes and she’ll find herself either crying (happy tears) or kicking around like an excited little kid and stifling her own squeals of joy. She hates admitting to being a giant sap, but she’s finding that ever since Luz came into her life, she doesn’t actually mind that much.
Sometimes Eda will have nightmares that keep her from going back to sleep. Whenever that happens, she’ll leave a note for Luz on the kitchen table letting her know where she is before sneaking over to the human realm in the dead of night. The first few times she did this, she had to find Camilia’s bedroom window and toss pebbles at it to wake her up, but she’s definitely been given a house key by now (Camilia was beside herself at the time; she hadn’t given a partner a key to her home in decades and for some reason there was a thrill in giving this to Eda.). Eda will quietly enter the house and tiptoe upstairs and just kinda slip into bed behind Camilia and wrap her arms around her waist and put her forehead against Camilia’s back and just listen to her breathe. Sometimes Camilia wakes up and (the first few times this happened she was scared shitless and nearly broke Eda’s nose. She’s learned to expect it by now) she’ll turn over and wrap her arms around Eda and brush her fingers through the front of her hair. It only takes a few minutes for Eda to feel at ease enough to fall right back asleep as if nothing had ever happened.
They love dancing. They don’t ever go out anywhere to dance, they’ll usually just dance in the living room or kitchen. If they have the radio going in the kitchen while they’re waking up in the morning, they’ll dance around each other as they go about their morning routines. This always ends up with them dancing together and laughing, usually because one of them accidentally knocked the other in the counter or the table. If Luz is staying at a friend’s house, Eda will set up her gramophone and put on some records they can slow dance to. They just like being able to be in each other’s space. No kisses needed (always welcome, but not always needed), they just love the intimacy of simply existing with one another in those moments.
I could go on but I’m struggling with whether or not they decide to actually get married. Would they get married in the human realm? Would Camilia leave her job to go live in the Boiling Isles with her daughter and her girlfriend? Would they even care to make their relationship recognized by legal documentation? Part of them would like to, for sure, but it’s not like...A necessity? Eda certainly has her human ID but I don’t know if she’s ever forged any American legal identification documents (birth certificate/passport). Camilia would never forge an identity for herself in the Boiling Isles, but she’s certainly not like. A resident. She and Luz are undocumented citizens of Bonesborough but literally no one cares.
Maybe Luz would pull something like Steven universe and just...throw them a wedding anyway because MOM PARTY!!!!! No legal documents, just a celebration with all their family and friends. We don’t know what Luz’s extended family relations look like; I have no idea if Camilia has any family she’d be leaving behind in the Human Realm or if everything she loves is living in the Demon Realm.
Far too many variables for this post anyway, maybe another post if y’all are interested in seeing more 🤷🏻‍♀️
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x-childish-x · 4 years
Valentine’s Day Special #3
Request: No
Pairing: Kit Walker x fem!reader
Fandom: American Horror Story
Warnings: FLUFF, Valentine's Day, female reader, soft!Kit
Word Count: 735
A/N: Day three! The third Valentine's Day Special is here! It's on the shorter side but, I SWEAR, this is like, pure, teeth rotting fluff. It's... so cute. I hope you all enjoy this one! Thank you so much for your support! Another reminder that requests are still open but will not be posted until after 2/15. However, you can send in a Valentine's Day request and I'll do my best to post it with the specials! (y/f/c)=your favorite cookie FIRST PART OF THE VALENTINE'S MYSTERY SPECIAL WILL BE OUT WITHIN AN HOUR!
Summary: Kit and you agree to not get each other gifts for Valentine's day and instead simply spend the day together.
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(gif not mine!)
Valentine's day, the day to celebrate love. While there was no denying that Kit and you were utterly, and completely in love, you had both agreed to not get each other gifts. You wanted to spend the day together, just you and him doing whatever came to your mind. Kit had been working so much lately, that you both needed to simply enjoy the day together instead of worry about getting gifts.
"Honey!" Kit suddenly shouted, making you jump.
"Kit, I'm right beside you."
He nodded, turning to get a better look at you, "I know... anyways... I was thinking--"
"Uh oh, that's dangerous."
Kit playfully punched your shoulder, lightly, before leaning into you more, "Mean. Anyways, we should make cookies."
"Maybe you should think more often!" You teased, leaping up to run away.
However, Kit quickly caught you, spinning you around in his arms to pepper your face with kisses while he squeezed your sides. You squealed, wiggling in his grip in an attempt to getaway. Kit's laughter filled your ears before he pulled you into his chest and began walking towards the kitchen. You laughed along, stumbling slightly, as you tried to walk backward to keep up with the fact he wouldn't let you go.
"What kind of cookies?" Kit asked as he finally released you from his grip.
"Hmm... (y/f/c)?"
Kit smiled, kissing your head, "Genius."
You rolled your eyes before you both began to gather the ingredients for the cookies. Kit and you worked amazing together, flawlessly. You worked like one body with how you two prepared the ingredients, mixed them, formed the cookies, and finally put them in the oven. Washing your hands, you smiled to yourself at the sound of Kit rummaging through stuff in your bedroom. With a loud "Ah-ha!" he returned into the room, holding your portable radio.
He placed it down on the kitchen counter, flicking it on before turning smile widely at you, "What do you say, sweetheart? Wanna dance with me?"
You rolled your eyes, laughing as you walked closer to him, "Kit Walker, you truly are the most adorable man I've ever met."
"Hmm... hopefully the most adorable man you'll ever meet."
He smiled, pulling you into his chest, and wrapped his arms around your waist as he began to sway you both to the slow rhythm of the song playing. You wrapped your arms up around his neck. Laying your head against his shoulder as the two of you swayed, his head was laying atop yours.
"You are," You responded, smiling at the situation you were in, "You're my one and only Kit."
Kit smiled brightly, glad you weren't able to see the blush creeping onto his cheeks, "You're my one and only too, darling."
The two of you stayed like that, swaying slowly to the music playing while the aroma of cookies filled the house. You could faintly hear the steady thump of Kit's heartbeat as you two danced, wrapped in each other's arms. This, this was exactly how you wanted to spend Valentine's day with Kit.
The beeping of the timer startled the two of you. Shaking you both out of the quiet bubble you'd enclosed the both of you in. You quickly took out the cookies, smiling at how perfect they looked. Kit flicked through the radio channels as you turned off the oven and waited a few minutes for the cookies to cool before transferring them to a rack to finish cooling. Finally, Kit landed on a station with a more upbeat song, quicker, and dare you to say, swing style.
You shook your head at Kit. He immediately yanked you into his arms and began to dance about. Your laughter filled the air along with Kit's as you began dancing with him, twirling and twisting. Kit couldn't help but admire how beautiful you looked. Carefree and filled with joy as he spun you all around, trying his best to dance along to the music.
When the song finally ended, Kit pulled you back into his arms, your chests rising and falling quickly from your dance session. He smiled, leaning over to grab two cookies, handing one to you before taking a bite out of his and humming in pure bliss.
"We make such a good team," Kit mumbled before taking another bite.
You nodded, chewing on the perfect cookie, humming delightfully before responding, "The best team."
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punkrockmads · 4 years
"Wait... Your Birthday is WHEN?!"
Abby x Fem! Reader
Requested by: @bitchinzzz
(Takes place in Avalon after the 2nd game, Abby and Lev do not run into the Rattlers)
You never understood why people fussed so much over birthdays. To you, it was just another day. Another day of surviving the infected. You enjoyed seeing how happy other people were celebrating their birthdays. You especially loved the smile on Abby's face when you gave her an album for her to store her coin collection in earlier that year. And you enjoyed the way Lev hopped around the house with so much joy when you found him a huge stuffed shark a month after that for his birthday. But, you never felt the need to celebrate yours. You just enjoy making others happy. You never mentioned your birthday to Abby before and that wasn't about to change. So when you woke up on the morning of your birthday, you didn't bother saying anything to Abby or Lev.
You crawl out of bed, kissing Abby's forehead and pulling the covers over her shoulders. She mumbles incoherently, brows furrowed, before settling down again. You chuckle to yourself quietly, leaving the bedroom you shared with your girlfriend to get ready for the day. The Fireflies have a pretty comfortable setup on Catalina Island; almost as nice as it was in Jackson.
Your family had left Jackson without you to follow something you thought was simply a rumor. They went looking for the Fireflies. You went after them but soon found out they never made it. You found your mother, father and older sister hanging from trees in the forest... gutted. You lost it and hid in the basement of an abandoned house. You had been there two days when Abby and Lev had found you. You've been with them ever since. You always smile when you think back to how flustered Abby was the first few weeks.
The new Firefly base has power, running water and even a giant gate that keeps the infected out. The three of you were even given your own house in the town. Speaking of power, you need to get breakfast ready. Lev will be up soon. He's been begging your friend, Marcus, to let him patrol the fence line with him and, after weeks of begging, you and Abby finally said he could as long as he stayed beside Marcus.
You walk across the landing to Lev's bedroom door. He always sleeps with it cracked. You don't bother him about it, knowing he feels safer that way. You peek through the crack, making sure Lev is okay. The same thing you do every day. As always, he's sleeping peacefully, clinging to his giant shark plush, a smaller one laying at his feet.
You back away from his door, going downstairs to start breakfast. The living room window is open, letting in a gentle breeze that creates goosebumps on your exposed arms and legs. You only wore one of Abby's shirts and a pair of underwear to bed that night; the Summer weather being too hot to wear anything else, especially with Abby's warm body pressed against yours. You search through the kitchen, deciding scrambled eggs would be the easiest thing to make. You even have some bread you baked a few days ago left.
Although your cooking is excellent, you definitely enjoy baking more. Ingredients for pastries are very hard to come by but, whenever you manage to find them, you absolutely love baking pastries for your family and the children that live in the base. Abby says it's such a "mom" thing and teases you about it but you know she loves it when you make her favorite cookies. Every time she smells the faint scent of lemon coming from the oven, she can't help but smile. You remember her even crying a little when she found out you'd baked a cake for her birthday. She knew it probably took you quite a while to gather those ingredients. So, she finds it slightly odd that she still doesn't know when your birthday is. How is she supposed to plan something special for you?
As you're cooking eggs on the stove, Abby walks into the kitchen wearing a simple white tank top and dark green pyjama shorts. Her hair is pulled into a loose ponytail, falling over her left shoulder. You turn to her, giving her a loving smile as she walks toward you. She stands behind you, pulling you into her arms so you have to reach forward a bit to keep the pan on the stove.
"Morning, love." You say, feeling your back pressed against her warm stomach. Abby leans to press a small, gentle kiss on your right cheek.
"Good morning, angel." She mumbles against your cheek with a sleepy voice, fingers moving under your shirt and dancing along your waist. You laugh lightly at the ticklish sensation. "Did you sleep okay?"
You nod with a small hum, reaching to turn off the stove. "Did you? Sounded like you were mumbling again. Strange dream?" You turn your head to look up at her as she sways the two of you side to side slowly, a habit she's picked up over the many months you've been together.
"Good dream, actually." Abby says, a small smile on her face.
"Oh yeah? What about?" You ask as she lets you go to grab a few plates from one of the wooden cupboards. She sets them down in front of you, clicking her tongue.
"You, Lev and I celebrating Christmas." Abby begins, grabbing forks out of a drawer as you plate the eggs and bread. "Lev seeing a Christmas tree for the first time." Your smile grows wider at the thought of Lev's face lighting up at the sight of a Christmas tree. "I noticed something else, though." She pauses, carrying two plates into the dining room and setting them on the table.
"And what was that?" You ask as you join her, bringing the remaining plate and silverware.
"You had a wedding ring on your finger." The way she speaks slightly quicker doesn't go unnoticed by you. She's trying to be cocky, but she's also shy.
"What are you suggesting?" You fold your arms over your chest, looking at her with a playful grin.
"What, you don't wanna get married in the future?" Abby teases back, raising her eyebrow. You chuckle, letting your arms drop to your sides.
"As long as I'm marrying you." You state as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Damn right, you'll be marrying me." She says, matter of factly. You roll your eyes, looking to the clock on the wall. It's almost 7:30.
"Lev should be up by now. I want him to have time to eat before going with Marcus."
"I can go wake him up." Abby offers.
"That's okay." You peck her lips, turning to go upstairs. "I left something upstairs, anyways." Her eyes are so warm; so inviting. You wish you could gaze into them forever and escape this world of kill or be killed. You think of how different your life would be if the infected never existed as you walk up the stairs. You knock on Lev's doorframe and, hearing no response, you push the door open. Lev is still sleeping exactly how he was earlier.
"Good morning, Lev." You call softly from the doorway. He just lets out a groan and buries his face in his shark. You chuckle, walking over and ruffling his already messy hair.
"Go away." He whines, his voice muffled by the stuffed animal. "Let me sleep forever." You have an idea you're sure will work. You walk to the door again, putting on a fake frown.
"Okay, if that's what you want." You sigh. You see Lev peek up at you, looking at your feigned sad expression. "I guess I'll just have to tell Marcus you changed your mind about patrolling with him. He's gonna be so disappointed but... I'm sure he'll understand." Lev sits up quickly, looking at his clock. His eyes go wide.
"I'm gonna be late!" He yells, scrambling out of bed and running past you. You laugh, hearing him run into Abby and her telling him to slow down before he gets hurt. You walk back into your bedroom, searching through yours and Abby's stuff.
"Dammit, where did I put it?" You mutter to yourself, searching for the small box of children's books you found in a basement you had cleared on your last patrol outside the gates. You're supposed to help out at the daycare today and you're more than excited to show them the new books you found for the younger children. You let out a huff when you find it tucked away in the corner of the closet.
You carry the box downstairs, listening to Lev tell Abby all about his dream about riding a giant dragon and flying to Paris. You set the box down by the front door so you won't forget it before joining your family for breakfast. After eating and doing the dishes, you and Abby go upstairs to get ready for the day.
"What do they have you doing today?" You ask her, pulling a burgundy colored top over your head.
"They want me to help a scouting team clear out a building about a half hour away." She sighs, adjusting her belt. "Nothing big." You hum, glad she isn't doing something too dangerous. Compared to what she used to do at the WLF base, these missions were a lot safer. You asked her if these missions were boring one night while the two of you were cuddled up in bed.
She shook her head, saying that, if anything, they were a lot less stressful. You mostly went on missions with her but, when you found out the daycare workers needed a bit more help, you decided to spend a bit of your time there. Only after Abby assured you she'd be fine with you not tagging along every once in a while. It did help knowing she wasn't going out there alone. They always sent a team of five, sometimes more if necessary.
"You taking those books to the kids today?" Abby asks, watching you lace up your boots. You nod, grabbing her arm to pull yourself up. "I'm sure they'll love them." She smiles. "And Macey will be really excited to see you again." You chuckle a bit at her comment about the little four year old that has grown to adore you. She lost her mother at a very young age so you became a surrogate of sorts.
"It has been a while, hasn't it?" You smile, cupping Abby's face in your hands. She leans down, touching her forehead to yours and wrapping her arms around your waist.
"She's probably losing her mind." Abby laughs, her toned stomach pressed against you. "Her dad might not be around much longer. I'm worried about her." She says, tone going serious. Her father is sick; in and out of the infirmary constantly.
"Anything happens, we'll take her in." You say, repeating the agreement you and Abby had made with Macey's father. The two of you agreed to raise the girl as your own if anything were to happen to him. He knows how much Macey loves you and your family. Abby nods, kissing your lips. You stay there for a moment, letting her soft lips rest on yours until you have to pull away for air. A knock on the front door makes you both walk downstairs. You open the door, letting Marcus in.
"Hello there, ladies." He says in his thick southern accent, stepping in and brushing locks of black hair out of his eyes. Abby calls for Lev and you hear him rush around in his room, trying to get ready quickly.
"You need a haircut." You chuckle, tugging at his hair lightly.
"Ow! Hey!" He laughs, pulling your hand out of his tangled mop he calls hair. You let go, shoving him. He shoves you back and you land against Abby's chest with an 'oof'. You look up at her and she chuckles. The three of you are good friends; always teasing each other. "You guys almost ready?" Marcus asks and you nod as he sits down on the couch. Abby picks up her backpack, putting it on her back. You checked earlier to make sure she has everything she needs for her mission. And then, just in case, you double checked.
"Lev, we've gotta go soon!" Abby calls up the stairs. Lev comes down the stairs moments later, shoes still untied as he reaches for his backpack. "Slow down and tie your shoes, goober." Abby grins at his eagerness. Lev sighs, doing what he's told.
"Please make sure you stay by Marcus, okay?" You say to Lev, slightly worried. Yeah, they'll be right outside the gate, but what if something went wrong?
"I will. Promise." Lev smiles, standing up. "Can we go now?" Marcus looks to you and Abby to make sure everyone was ready to head out.
"Yeah, c'mon." Abby says, leading everyone out the front door. You grab the box of books before closing the door behind you, walking beside Abby and Lev. As you're walking to the daycare, Abby takes the box from you, making you look up at her with a questioning gaze. She just gives you a mischievous smile. "Hey, Marcus. Hold this. She quickly hands the box to the man and grabs you, slinging you over her shoulder and making you yelp in surprise.
"What the hell? Abby! Put me down!" You protest, punching at her back. She only laughs along with Marcus and Lev. You notice a few amused looks from some of the other people who are out and about doing their daily tasks. You feel your face heat up. "Abby, stop! You're embarrassing me!" You groan. You feel her pinch the back of your thigh playfully and you smack her shoulder blade. "Abigail!" Your protests turn into annoyed whines but she doesn't set you down until you reach the daycare. Marcus hands you the box before ushering Lev along, leaving you and Abby to go patrol. "Hope you enjoyed the show, jerks!" You yell after them. Abby just grabs your chin, moving your gaze to meet hers.
"You're cute." She says, pecking the tip of your nose.
"Be safe, okay?" You whisper, wrapping your arms around her neck. You wish she didn't have to go. You'd prefer it if she stayed with you and helped with the children. But, that isn't an option today. She has responsibilities.
"Always." Abby promises. "I love you."
"I love you, too." You smile. She kisses your lips once more before turning and walking away. You watch until she is out of sight and head inside the daycare. Immediately, the young kids look to you and smile.
"Y/N!" They all yell, getting up to swarm you. Several pairs of arms wrap around your waist, making you chuckle. You notice a little banner hanging up by the chalkboard in the front of the room. 'Happy Birthday'.
"Alright, kids. Settle down." Violet laughs. Violet has been running the daycare for quite a while along with a much older woman who moved on to help teach the older kids. When you found out Violet had been stuck with twelve kids, all six and under, you just had to step in and help whenever you could.
"Who's birthday is it?" You ask once all of the kids have returned to their desks.
"It's mine!" A little boy with curly red hair says from the corner. You smile.
"Happy birthday, Adam!" You set the box down on a shelf beside the door. "How old are you?" He grins, revealing a missing tooth. He holds up four fingers. "That's super cool! My birthday's today, too. But I'm much older than you." You say, laughing at his shocked gasp.
"Today's YOUR birthday, too?!" You turn around to see your favorite little girl bounding toward you, her long blonde hair bouncing with every step. She clings to your leg.
"Yep." You say, simply. Macey tugs on your arm, silently asking you to bend down. You do as she wishes, looking into her deep blue, playful eyes.
"What's in the box?" She whispers, squishing your cheeks with her little hands.
"You really wanna know?" You tease. She nods, her eyes wide and full of wonder. You pull her hands away and stand up, walking over to the box. You place it on the floor for all of the kids to see. They all go crazy, so happy to see brand new books for them to read. You let them look through the books, a smile on your face.
"Thank you for the books." Violet says, standing beside you. "They're really going to love them."
"It's really no problem." You smile. "I'm glad they'll be of use instead of collecting dust in that basement."
"So, are you, Abby and Lev gonna do something big for your birthday later?" She asks.
"No." You state, simply. "They don't even know it's my birthday." Violet looks at you like you just drank bleach.
"What?!" She exclaims, her voice barely heard over the babbling kids. "Why haven't you told them?"
"I never really celebrate it. I don't feel the need to." You shrug. She turns away.
"I guess some people don't celebrate their birthdays." Violet says. "Hell, my brother doesn't even remember when his is."
"Hard to keep track of." You say before Macey runs up to you and grabs your legs, repeating little cheers of 'thank you' over and over.
Later that day, you head home to find Lev and Abby already there. You join Abby in the kitchen, helping her prepare dinner as she talks about her mission. When she asks how your day with the kids went, you mention Adam's birthday and it makes her pause. She realizes she still has no clue when your birthday is.
"Hey, when is your birthday?" Abby asks, setting the table.
"Today." You say as if she's just asked what time it is. She almost drops a plate at your response.
"Wait... your birthday is WHEN?!" You laugh at her shocked expression.
"Today." You repeat.
"What- why didn't you tell me sooner?" Abby stumbles over her words, walking back into the kitchen.
"I don't know." You respond, turning to face her. "It doesn't really matter."
"Of course it does!" She takes your hands in hers, running her thumbs over your knuckles. "It's your birthday, baby! If anything, you should at least be celebrating the fact that you survived another year of the apocalypse like a badass." You roll your eyes at her little smirk. "Tell you what, we don't have to do anything exciting tonight. But, I still wanna do something special so... how about the three of us stay up late and watch a movie? Then, we sleep in tomorrow?" You contemplate the idea. Neither of you had work to do tomorrow and it would be nice to spend a night cuddled up on the couch with your family. Maybe you could make it a bit more interesting...
"Can we watch a scary movie?" You ask. "Nothing too inappropriate for Lev, though." She sighs. She's never been the biggest fan of scary movies. They're usually too predictable. The psychological horror films are her favorite because they mess with your mind.
"Alright." Abby agrees. "We can watch a scary movie."
"Okay." You smile, kissing her cheek and going into the dining room. You call for Lev to come eat dinner and he says he'll join as soon as he's finished his drawing. Abby walks in after you, pulling you close. Your eyes go wide when she pulls you into a kiss. Once you process what's happening, you let your eyes close and kiss back. She runs the tip of her tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You deny, pulling away and grinning at her annoyed groan. As much as you'd love to continue, Lev would be coming into the dining room any minute. Besides, it's way too much fun teasing her and watching her try so hard to continue only to be forced to wait patiently. She settles for kissing your temple, lingering for a brief moment.
"Happy birthday, beautiful." Abby whispers, nuzzling her face into your hair.
"Thanks, babe." You say, resting your forehead on her shoulder. She makes a mental note to never forget your birthday and even starts planning an extravagant celebration for next year that she would most likely have to force you to attend.
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d-ama-ien · 4 years
Take a Break
Summary: The District Attorney is sick, yet they drag themselves to work anyways. Damien convinces them to take a break, helping care for them after they agree to take the rest of the day off. 
Pairing: Mayor Attorney (Damien x the DA)
Warning: Some mentions of nausea and other cold symptoms
A fic for @fgfluidity 
Author note: It’s cold season y’all, take care of yourselves! Damien wants you to be health uwu
You know you're sick- yesterday your body felt tired, bone achingly tired, you weren't able to finish even half of the dinner you made yourself, and you passed out before the clock chimed 8, barely waking up to your alarm this morning. But, you're not allowed to be sick, not with the trial coming up, with all the work you need to do. So, you trudge through your morning routine, managing to make yourself look something like presentable, arriving at the office on time, as usual, smiling at the secretary like there wasn't a worry in the world. Just the short walk to your office had you exhausted, but fortunately, you could sit while doing your work, and then you'd be fine.
You were not fine. It didn't matter that the only thing you had been doing for the last hour was paperwork; you were exhausted, barely able to focus on the paperwork in front of you. Just another hour or so until lunch, then another 5 hours until you could go home, then another three days until the weekend, and then you could rest. For now, it was out of the question, and you page the secretary for some coffee before quickly changing your order to tea. Yeah, coffee wasn't the best idea with your stomach. Tea would have to do for the caffeine fix.
The tea didn't do much for your fatigue. It was warm, tasted nice, and it felt good to have something in your nearly empty stomach, but you managed to get through to lunchtime, at least. You sigh as the phone rings, not wanting to deal with a last-minute request for a lunch meeting or anything that would add to your workload, and accidentally let the phone ring through. Whoops.
It starts ringing again a moment later, and this time you force yourself to take the call.
"I'm sorry to bother you, DA. I know your lunch break just started, but the mayor has requested a meeting," You bite back a groan at the secretary's message, instead saying they could send the mayor in. You groan after hanging up, though- if it was anyone, literally anyone, else you could've said to claim you're busy and out of the office and that they could make an appointment for later. Yeah, that's not an option when it comes to the mayor.
Of course, the mayor isn't just the mayor; he's Damien, your dearest friend, and usually, you'd happily clear the day for him at the drop of a hat. Today wasn't the usual; you are sick and wanted to steal a quick nap during your lunch break so that you could push through the rest of the day. But, if Damien requests your presence, then your presence is given. There's a knock on the door then, and you prepare yourself before calling out, "Come in!"
Damien comes in, a warm smile on his face, though it falls slightly when he sees your face. He seems to know something is off, even though you had done your best to force a smile before he came in.
"Are you doing well, friend?" Damien asks, voice gentle with concern.
"Just a bit tired is all," you wave off his concern, gesturing for him to come in and sit. No reason to make him stand around; the cane only offers so much support after all.
"I'm sorry to pop in on you without warning. I realized how long it's been since we got to spend time together casually, and I know this is your usual lunchtime, so I figured we could go eat together," Damien sits on the edge of his seat, eyes trained on my face.
"That sounds lovely. Just let me grab my coat," you rise from your seat, having to pause and brace your weight on the desk when a wave of dizziness hits. Well, that's new. Damien is openly concerned now, standing and leaning on his cane as he puts a hesitant hand on your shoulder.
"Are you sure you're well? I wasn't going to say it, but you look awful," you figure you must look really bad for Damien to say something like that. He never says anything negative about your appearance, except for in university when he would be laughing about how terrible you'd look after a good party.
"I'm fine, really, just-"
"This is more than "just tired," you look like you're going to pass out!" Damien's grip leaves your shoulder, and he briefly rests the back of his hand on your forehead. You'd blush at that if your face wasn't already so hot. "You're burning up. What on Earth possessed you to come in today? Get your stuff; we're taking you home this instant,"
"Damien, I can't just leave in the middle of the day. I have work to do!" You protest, blushing as Damien levels you with a stern stare- the kind he uses when his staff acts up and needs to be reprimanded. You've always shuddered just witnessing it, but seeing it could never prepare you for being on the receiving end of it.
"You're just putting your health at risk by staying. How much work will you get done if you end up needing to go to the hospital?"
"Okay, Dames, it's a cold,"
"Colds can become serious if not properly dealt with. Gather your things now. You're taking today and tomorrow off,"
“Tomorrow?” He knows the case you have coming up, the work you have to do, and he thinks you're going to take a day and a half off?
"Tomorrow. Friend, your work will suffer if you aren't well. I know you have that case coming up, and doing this to yourself is just putting that at risk,"
You want to keep protesting, should keep protesting, but Damien is right. You and your work will only suffer if you don't nip this issue in the bud. So, with a deep sigh, you fetch your coat, obediently locking up the office and following Damien down the hall. He pauses to speak to the secretary, informing them you'll be out of the office for the remainder of today and all of tomorrow, on Damien's orders. You're glad Damien doesn't say the truth, that he's forcing you out of work because you're sick. After all, it would be rather embarrassing for the mayor to need to drag an ill district attorney home. Well, it was embarrassing, but only to you, as no one else knew about it.
Damien brought you to where his driver was waiting outside the building, quickly rattling your address off to the driver as you get settled. It isn't too far a drive, you live reasonably close to where you work after all, and soon you're sitting at your own kitchen table as Damien wanders through the kitchen, gradually collecting ingredients and cooking tools as he goes. He's taken off his jacket and vest, eventually rolling up the sleeves of his shirt as he starts fusing with some of the ingredients he had gathered.
"Dames, what are you doing?" You ask, "You got me home, you don't have to stay," Damien looks at you like you’ve grown a second head, pausing for only a moment before continuing his quest.
"Friend, you were barely able to walk from the car to your table. There's no way I would just leave you here unattended. Would you even be able to cook for yourself?"
"You don't need to cook for me. I'm fine,"
"When's the last time you ate, then?"
"Dinner last night,"
"And did you actually eat a full meal?"
"Yes?" Damien pauses again, frowning at you, "Fine, no. I couldn't finish it,"
"You need to eat, so I'll cook for you," Damien sets a glass of water in front of you before going to the pot, starting to fill it with water and putting it on the stove.
"Drink that; with your fever, you'll need the hydration," he calls over his shoulder, ignoring your grumbling. The more stubborn part of you is a bit indignant at the treatment- you're an adult, a freaking district attorney, and Damien is instructing you on how to take care of yourself like you don't know any better. The more honest part of you is relishing in the attention because it's Damien taking care of you, sweetly looking out for your health and well being. You drink the water as you watch Damien work. He slowly added things to the pot, having dug up some veggies and herbs that you had nearly forgotten about, and adding those once they're cleaned and cut.
In a half-hour, there's a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of you, Damien smiling warmly as he sits at the other side of the table with his own bowl.
"I had to improvise some of the ratios, so I hope it tastes alright," he says, sounding almost nervous. Is he worried you won't like it?
It's definitely one of the better soups you've had, not over seasoned but not bland like most foods made for an upset stomach are. You find yourself smiling as you take another spoonful.
"I didn't know you cooked," you say. The last time you had seen Damien cook was back in university- if that could be called cooking with the less than stellar results of most of his attempts.
"Well, I learned the basics from Celine before she moved in with Mark, but my staff does most of the cooking anymore," Damien explains, starting on his own bowl.
"I owe Celine a thank you. Last time you cooked for me, it's what caused me to be sick," you laugh slightly as you remember that "meal," using the term "meal" loosely, of course.
"In my defense, we were drunk," Damien points out, smiling at the memory. He's only smiling because he wasn't unlucky enough to eat it.
"Yes, and then I was suffering from food poisoning," he laughs fully at that, and you're thankful that at least a funny story came out of your misery. Damien finishes much faster than you do, but he sits with you and entertains with some more reminiscing as you slowly finish the full bowl.
"Why don't you go to your room and get in something more comfortable? I'll tidy up here and will be up in a moment," Damien suggests, standing to take your bowls to the sink.
"Dames, you really don't need to stay,"
"None of that, I always have time to be there for you. Go on upstairs," your protest dies in your throat when Damien briefly rests his hand on top of yours, squeezing gently. Then he's heading back over to the sink, starting the water and rinsing the dishes. You make your way upstairs, changing into a more comfortable outfit, resting on the edge of your bed after the effort of getting upstairs and getting changed. Damien knocks before coming in, always the gentleman, bringing a glass of water with him.
"I really don't need you to supervise me taking a nap," you point out as he sets the glass on your bedside table.
"I won't be supervising; I'm just keeping you company. You get settled in; I have to grab something." Part of you is embarrassed at the idea of Damien sitting with you while you sleep, but the other part of you recognizes the number of things he had seen you do in university and, well, taking a nap beside him was nothing compared to that.
You're laying down, just getting comfortable, when Damien reenters, carrying his briefcase in the hand not occupied by his cane.
"Do you mind if I sit beside you?" He asks, not even resting his hand on the bed until you nod. You glance over at him as he settles in, first noticing he was polite enough to kick off his shoes, then noticing his bare forearms, sleeves still rolled up from preparing lunch. He pulls out a file from the briefcase, starting to read it over while humming something under his breath. Damien's voice is rich and sweet enough when speaking, but his hums are like melted chocolate. You don't even notice how tired and relaxed you are until you're dozing off, asleep in mere minutes.
The sun is setting when you wake up, Damien's silhouette practically glowing with the late afternoon sunlight that hits him from the window. He's buried in another file, pen in hand. His other hand, you notice with surprise, is holding one of yours, thumb idly stroking the back of your hand as he reads, occasionally making a note. Now that you're awake, you should pull away, because this isn't proper- Damien's your friend, and your boss, but he's also so warm, and you're so comfortable, and you never want to let go of his hand. You shift slightly, drawing his attention your way, and you could die from how much affection is held in his smile as he notices you're awake.
"Ah, there's the little monster," he greets, and even though you're awake, he doesn't pull his hand away. You look down at your joined hands, Damien following your gaze- for a second, you swear he's blushing as he pulls away, but it could easily be the lighting.
"I'm sorry about that, you grabbed at my hand while you were asleep, and I didn't want to disturb you," he explains.
"Ah, sorry about grabbing you," you reply, a bit embarrassed.
"Don't apologize, I didn't mind," now that's definitely a blush rising on his face as he realizes what he said. You don't press the topic anymore; it's clear that he's flustered,  so you just roll over and reach your arms above your head to stretch. You slowly move to sit, grabbing the water off your bedside table, and taking a long drink.
"Are you hungry? I can heat the soup, or maybe I could make some pasta if your stomach is feeling better,"
"I think I could handle some pasta," you say, Damien nodding and moving to stand up.
"Take your time getting downstairs; it shouldn't take too long to have dinner prepared," Damien says as he packs his files and pen away into his briefcase, sliding his shoes on and grabbing his cane before leaving the room. You take your sweet time stretching and moving to stand. The water is boiling, and Damien is adding pasta to the pot as you get downstairs. True to his word, it doesn't take very long for the noodles to be prepared, Damien adding a bit of butter and a hint of salt and pepper before serving you a plate.
"Hopefully, it isn't too dull a meal, but we don't want to take any chances agitating your stomach even if it's feeling better right now," Damien says. The noodles are, admittedly, very plain, but it's also nice to have something a bit heavier in your stomach, even if it isn't a very exciting meal. There's less conversation this meal- you aren't sure that you fully woke up from your afternoon nap, and Damien seems content with the silence. It's quiet even after you finish, Damien talking and washing your plates as you finish another glass of water.
"Well," Damien starts once the dishes are set in the drying rack, fusing with his cane in a way that betrays discomfort.
"Well?" You question, not having enough context to prompt him further.
"I know it's a bit early, but since you're sick, you probably should be heading to bed soon," he says.
"Right. Would you want to stay the night?" You're not sure where the boldness to ask that question came from, your face burning with a blush as soon as you say it. Damien looks just as embarrassed but, well. He hasn't shut you down, hasn't proclaimed how immoral it is to even suggest that.
And then, "Do you really want me to stay?"
That's not the response you were expecting.
"I'd be happy to have you," while the sentiment was true, it was much bolder than you would usually be.
"Then I'd be happy to stay," your heart melts when he looks at you like that- if you were a little younger, a little more confident and naive, you would call that expression one of love. As it were, you knew better than to call it that, but it made your heart flutter nonetheless.
So, you end up lying on your side in bed, respectfully facing away as Damien removes his shirt and belt and his slacks. It was the only practical way for him to sleep, you had both agreed, but you wouldn't encroach on his privacy and observe as he disrobes. The situation was indecent enough as it is; there was certainly no reason to add to it. You're blushing as the bed dips, the covers shifting a bit as he slides between them.
You reach for the bedside table, turning off the lamp, plunging the room into a darkness that feels almost oppressive. You're hyper-aware of everything- his breathing, your own breathing, the warmth of having another person in the bed, the way the bed moves as Damien shifts. Then, a deep breath.
"Would you," Damien pauses, speaking quietly, "could I hold you?"
That isn't a question you asked a friend, you think, blushing at the implications behind him asking that.
"I wouldn't mind that," you answer, and your voice sounds too loud in the quiet room. There's more shifting then, a hesitant arm resting over your side, and you can tell that Damien hasn't fully settled, posed to pull away at any moment. So, you snuggle back, feeling his chest against your back, sighing as you let yourself relax into his touch. He relaxes a moment later, his arm a comfortable pressure on your side, breath warm where it occasionally brushes your ear. You fall asleep like that, his warmth almost painfully comfortable, and you have a blissfully deep sleep for the first time in ages.
The first thing you notice is how bright the room is, the sun much deeper in the sky than it would usually be when you get up. The next thing you notice is how much better you feel, no traces of nausea and barely tired. Then you notice that your bed is empty, and it's an incredibly disappointing realization that Damien had left while you were sleeping. But, on your bedside table was a glass of water, still cool, and a folded note with your name on it in curling script.
"My dearest,
I am terribly sorry to leave while you're still asleep. Unfortunately, I received an urgent request and had to go into the office earlier than I had been planning, and you needed the rest, so I didn't want to wake you. I left instructions for reheating the soup down in the kitchen, make sure you eat lunch and drink plenty of water. After work today, I will be stopping by check in on you, but you can call me if you need anything. Feel better soon.
He called you his dearest and he signed the note with love, and you’re nearly swooning. You can't count how many times you skim the note, grinning every time your eyes cross his signature. Eventually, you manage to get up- you haven't had a proper day off in forever, and you fully intend to take advantage of it with a proper lazy day. And, at the end of the day, you get to look forward to your dearest, your Damien, coming home to you.
Well, maybe coming down with a cold isn't the worst thing after all.
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euphorianyx · 4 years
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Pairing: JungKook & Reader Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst Summary: You believe you know someone you live together but that only counts if they are true to themselves. Can love really change someone or do they just hold back? What if you are yet to meet the dark side? Will you stay to handle all that or will you walk away? When there is something you have to protect, the choice is not really yours so you just do what you think is the best.
AN: If you just found this story you can read the prequel here.
Other Chapters
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Your eyes were captivated by NamJoon until you averted your gaze.
“I don’t think that’s...”
He cut you off gently.
“Just think about it Y/N... I am mostly at university or at the company so I will not be around much. You will have your own room and will not pay for anything.”
You shook your head indicating you did not agree. Head in front NamJoon tilted his head once before he leaned towards you.
“I know why you are hesitating Y/N but remember...I am someone Mr. Jeon trusts.”
After coming back to your senses you weighted your options. Living with a man would not sound that good but you could get the news through NamJoon. Even if you were the one to leave, your heart still belonged to JungKook. You could not help but wonder what he was doing. You knew you had no chance to know except NamJoon. When he saw you nod NamJoon was surprised. 
“I will pack my things and come back tomorrow.”
With that, there was nothing much to talk about so you left to take care of the things you should. As soon as you did NamJoon grabbed his phone to inform him about the situation.
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Seol In was sad when you explained you had to leave. Of course you left out the part about NamJoon. She saw you off the door with her good wishes then NamJoon picked you up by the end of the street. You did not have much left so your suitcase easily fit his car’s trunk.
When you arrived at his home, the sky was already dark so NamJoon turned the lights on. The room he led you was simple yet nice. Walls were champagne colored. The single bed, small wardrobe, and small desk were all classic wood and gave off a natural vibe. You could tell you already liked it and the parent's bathroom was a big plus for you. 
After your stuff was neat in their places you let out a deep breath. When you were finally back to the living room NamJoon awkwardly stood up with his hand at the back of his neck.
“Are you hungry? I just thought ... we could have dinner together.”
You let out a small smile.
“Yes, I am... Are we going to order?”
NamJoon went through the app to find something decent and you decided on Subway. You ordered two sandwiches with picked ingredients. The first night felt a little weird so you hardly fell asleep. The next few days were kind of easier but you did not even see NamJoon that much. Besides, you did not feel uncomfortable when he was around.  
You were back early that day so you decided to cook. You were going through the shelves at the market to find the last ingredient of your simple meal for tonight. Your eyes landed on the mushrooms nicely waiting in their package. With no hesitation, you grabbed it then made your way towards the cashier but stopped on your track. Sanitary pads by the hygiene area caught your eyes.
Then you realized you did not have your period yet. In fact, it has been a month and three weeks. You shook your head thinking it was probably the stressful time you were going through and moved.
Walking towards home the doubt came back when you saw the small chemist by the corner. You did not know how to ask for such a thing so proceed to pass by. After a deep sigh, you stopped on your track. Totally unprepared you walked in. The brunette lady in white apron welcomed you. You bit down your lip, considering just asking for a painkiller. Under her soft gaze, you went for it.
“Can I get a pregnancy test, please.”
She kindly held it out for you with a sweet smile. You had no idea if you had the courage to do it but pushed it inside your bag. When you arrived his flat you busied yourself with dinner. Trying to focus you washed and peeled the mushrooms and saute them in the pan. Preparing the sauce and boiling the pasta, it was finally ready. 
Undecided if you should text NamJoon, you stood there with your phone in your hand. Then you heard the faint sound of his keys. He was surprised a little when he found you in the kitchen. NamJoon greeted you with a gentle smile.
“Did you cook?”
After a shy nod, you explained.
“I don’t know if you like mushroom though...”
NamJoon shrugged as he hung his jacket to the rack.
“I don’t really mind but some wine would go well with it.”
Considering you still had no courage to take the test a couple glasses of wine could provide it. Approving the offer you opened the cupboard. The glasses were at the top shelf so you tiptoed but found it hard to reach. Suddenly you felt NamJoon standing behind you as his hand raised to grab two glasses. There was almost no space and the stare you exchanged was silent but heavy. Within a short moment, he took a step back, trying to ease the tension.
“White, I guess...”
Thank god the dinner was not as awkward as you thought it would be. You chatted about daily matters so it was just casual and easy. The clock was ticking and it was already midnight. You both said goodnight so you were by yourself at your bedroom. 
There you stood in front of the mirror of your small bathroom. The package laying before your eyes seemed small but the result was going to be heavy. Your heart was beating faster than ever so you decided to use some cold water to calm down. Drying your face with the towel you left it back after a sigh. There was no need to avoid it anymore. Thinking it was related to the stress again you pulled the white stick. 
Those few moments you waited were the longest of your entire life. You wanted it... You wanted his baby but how could you have it. A few more moments passed by until you turned it around to see the result.
Eyes wide you stared at the small box again. You were pregnant. Putting the test away you tried to calm down before you did anything. When you realized you would have to tell JungKook the weight on your shoulders was almost doubled. You had no idea what his reaction would be but it was worse if you kept it a secret. He needed to know about his own baby.
Blood still rushing in your veins you grabbed your black jeans and a simple grey top. Trying not to wake up NamJoon you quietly slipped out the door. What you were doing was crazy but you could not help it. You stopped a taxi and gave the young driver the location. It was not long enough for you to gather your thoughts together but there you were, standing by the huge door of his mansion. Seeing you the security guard was surprised but he let you in anyway. You took a couple of moments before you rang the bell.
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JungKook stopped for a good moment trying to process the situation. Chae Soo was right there standing beside Im Won. He grabbed her ankle so Chae Soo lost her balance. His body reacting at its own will JungKook ran towards her to catch her from falling. His large hands were on Chae Soo’s tiny waist as they exchanged a silent look. Im Won tried to roll away but JungKook noticed it. He let Chae Soo go and trapped Im Won on the ground. Jungkook had his feet on his chest with full weight. He leaned in with his elbow resting on his thigh, looking right into Im Won’s eyes.
“What should I do with you?”
His voice was dull, dangerously dull. Im Won begged for his life’s sake but all JungKook did was raise an eyebrow at him.
“You lost my trust.”
JungKook gestured a man to take Chae Soo out but she resisted. In fact she fearlessly had her eyes on him. JungKook realized he will have to take care of things later and directed his attention back to the man betrayed him. Annoyed by the blood and dirt on his designer satin white shirt and Balmain jacket his tongue poked his cheek.
JungKook’s eyes met YugYeom and he gestured him with a simple head tilt. YugYeom had a big barrel of gasoline. JungKook grabbed and forced it in his mouth. Im Won was coughing and spit out some when he pulled it away. Then he soaked Im Won before he handed it back to YugYeom. Another man handed him a pair of handcuffs. JungKook grabbed and dragged him. Him trying to resist ended up with a broken arm. JungKook stopped by one of the platforms. He cuffed Im Won’s wrist to the pole with a gentle grin on his thin lips.
“Consider this my pity or I would break every single bone in your body one by one.”
YugYeom finished spilling the gasoline into a thin line following the place Im Won stood. Walking back with his poker face he stood in front of Chae Soo. His voice was deep when he finally spoke to her.
“You already saw more than you should...just go out.”
Chae Soo averted her gaze for a brief moment. Her eyes were on Im Won as she pulled her lighter.  Her eyes met JungKook again as she held it out for JungKook.
“Did I?”
Her stare was steady and voice was clear. JungKook felt a smirk growing up on his lips while he throwing the lighter on the black marble ground. Flames slowly grew and made their way to Im Won. Within his screams in vain, they engulfed his body. Watching Im Won JungKook had no expression. Chae Soo ignored the sight for the time being and focused on him. When Im Won’s screams died down JungKook turned around so Chae Soo followed him. They left the building in silence.
While they were in his car JungKook tried to wrap his mind around what Chae Soo was actually up to. He did not talk or ask anything for a while. Though Chae Soo could not handle the intensity lingering in the air.
“Listen what happened inside was...”
JungKook did not take his eyes away from the road as he replied with his distant voice.
“Was something you should forget...”
Taking the hint Chae Soo let out a small smile.
“I don’t think I can... but I can be there with you next time.”
Eyes wide JungKook directed his eyes towards her for a brief second. His hands grabbed the steering wheel tighter while he remained silent. He would turn her down right away but the way she did not hesitate stirred his thoughts. JungKook pulled the car by the door of her house. Chae Soo reached for the doorknob but stopped. Biting her lip she turned to JungKook.
“Would you like to come in... to relax a bit?”
The offer would be tempting if your eyes did not hunt him. Anger taking over he simply shook his head.
“Maybe next time.”
Few days were uneventful except work and the times he occasionally spent with Chae Soo. JungKook could not deny she was a good distraction. He did not want to think about you and she seemed to be the only way.
JungKook had another dream of you last night. A very disturbing one indeed. He grabbed his phone a few times during the day. Once he dialed your number but could not make the call. Once he decided to text but deleted it before he could send it. He could not take those dreams anymore since they left a horrible headache and a hole in his chest.
After work, he called Chae Soo to meet. They had dinner at Cassea along with some tasty wine. Chae Soo thought he would drop her at her house like he always did but JungKook hit the pedal even more. Soon they were at the grand door of his mansion. Chae Soo seemed surprised by how big it was. When she stepped out of the car she looked around in awe. With his arm at her back JungKook lead the way through the garden. As soon as they stepped inside Chae Soo’s hands were on each side at the collar of his navy blue jacket. Eyes locked she whispered.
“Please don’t stop me this time Jeon.”
He let her lips slowly discover his but took the control soon. Chae Soo undid the buttons of his jacket then it fell on the ground. JungKook’s hands expertly peeled her white top off and it joined his jacket. Leaving their clothes as a trail, they made their way upstairs. JungKook led the way towards the guest bedroom on the left. 
Soon they were tangled up in green sheets. JungKook poured all his frustration. Chae Soo was a mess beneath him as her moans filled the room. Her touch was not like yours but it did not bother him either. JungKook thrust into her deeper. Throwing her head back Chae Soo was lost in pleasure.
When they both reached their peak the pleasure lasted a while. Jungkook lit up a Cuban cigar while Chae Soo made her way to the bathroom. The sound of running water was disrupted by the bell. JungKook arched an eyebrow as he did not expect anyone at all. He knew the maid already took it but grabbed some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Pushing his damp hair back on his way down his eyes landed on your delicate figure by the door.
Next Chapter
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acelucky · 4 years
I’ve been (finally) catching up on The Walking Dead after not watching it for several years (just finished Season 9) with Halloween round the corner and it being my favourite time of year, I wanted to write a few short headcanons. These are on the subject of what Halloween/activies some of the characters would enjoy. I really wrote this as a feel good/cosy piece that works especially well bearing in mind everything that’s going on pandemic wise etc. ❦
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Halloween is not something that was celebrated for a while, Seasonal Holidays in general were mostly forgotten about in the new world you all found yourselves in. Halloween especially seemed somewhat inappropriate, and yet as time went on and you started to become used to the new world, it was one of the small joys that brought Alexandria together.
The kids especially looked forward to, including those who didn’t remember or had never experienced it in the before times.
The adults enjoyed the fruits of fall. Foraging in the woods for fruits, berries, mushrooms, truffles, herbs and more. The changing of seasons and leaves turning red, orange and yellow brought inspiration despite what you describes as the rot & decay. 
Yes, the nights would soon be long and the days cold - food wouldn’t be as bountiful as it had been. They were harsh but taking pleasure in the small things and taking each day as it comes was part of how you learned to survive.
Eugene - A Autumn/Halloween activity that Eugene would enjoy doing with you is definitely baking. He really enjoys making stuff in the kitchen. He’s good with his hands and for once he likes creating something that will bring joy to others. He likes making pumpkin pie, cookies that are spiced, warm apple pie, chutneys and more. You make a really great team and don’t argue. Instead you work together to mix ingredients, weigh them and create wonderful food for your family to share. You end up singing the kinda songs that would be on repeat during October every year. The kind where in the past you’d want to turn the radio off but now you long for those sounds. So you sing The Monster Mash and Boris the spider. You even dance a little, Eugene blushes, you giggle, it’s ultimately very sweet. 
Daryl - Foraging & hunting is Daryl’s ideal activity to keep warm and busy during the cooler months. He’ll happily watch the Halloween activities from afar but won’t necessarily want to join in on them. Not that he’d want to ruin anyone else’s fun and actually seeing others so happy makes him smile and gives him a warm fuzzy feeling. Together the two of you will go on a camping and foraging trip looking for wild berries, herbs, fungi and anything else you can find. Maybe do a little hunting or attempt to catch some fish for your dinner in the eve. It’s quiet and nice. Two lone wolves walking the same path side by side. You talk about the past a little round a campfire, you stop before it gets too sad. You toast a few marshmallows you snuck out, Daryl thinks it’s silly but enjoys it all the same. You talk about superstitions, drink brandy in your coffee and before you know it you’re telling ghost stories and forget where you are. If you’re close to Daryl in a way which very few people are, he’d let you rest your head on his shoulder if you were cold and feeling dozy. He’ll pretend like he’s indifferent to it but it’s actually quite comforting to him and that human contact helps him mentally. 
Rosita  - Spooky stories round the campfire - Rosita loves ghost stories, the two of you sit round a fireplace and tell the scariest stories you can remember from childhood. You have a competition where you each try to tell the creepiest story. You end up laughing more than feeling afraid though and enjoy making a few autumnal themed cocktails as you slowly get drunk and chat away the night. 
Gabriel - Due to his occupation, seasonal actives with Gabriel are more of the peaceful kind, Halloween and the shortening of the nights is a time to think of the those no longer with you. Gabriel will happily sit with you in silence while you have a moment of contemplation. If you feel the need to confide in someone or you need to have a cry, he’s got a shoulder that he’s always willing to lend you. Regardless of whether you’re religious or not, he has a way of putting things into perspective and making you feel okay about what has happened. 
Aaron - Is really sweet and does things that remind you of home/before everything went to shit. He enjoys the cosy parts of Autumn, the parts that make you feel cosy inside. He makes hot chocolate with a drop of alcohol in, you get wrapped up warm and go for walks where you kick and crunch through leaves, take rubbings of tree branches and then get crafty and make some autumnal bunting and paper pumpkins & bats. He’s a great person to talk to about anything that’s been getting you down and gives the best hugs. 
Carol - Carol likes tending to the garden with you, especially getting the pumpkins ready for picking (though the two of you don’t pick them up, this is left for the children). Gathering blackberries to make pies and jam. Picking mushrooms in the woods. A bit like Daryl, you and Carol can be pretty quiet but when you do talk it’s always about things that are interesting and enrich your day. If you’re missing a mother figure in your life Carol’s ultimately very good at filling that gap and giving advice, hugs and providing a safe place for you to go when you need have some quiet time. She also has a fondness for apple bobbing and toffee apples, so you set the game up for the kids and end up joining in. 
Michonne - Nothing like hunting - Long walks patrolling around outside Alexandria. It’s technically work, you’re keeping the others safe. That’s the thing with Michonne, she likes to do things that keep her active, busy and enjoys spending time with others - but there’s usually a bigger picture involved with the things she does. Hunting with Michonne is fun, it can become a little competitive and you usually end up having a few laughs and telling silly Halloween puns. Michonne will shake her head and groan, but it’s a good thing, it’s a small thing that reminds you of being human. 
Judith - Carving pumpkins with Judith is the best! She has the most amazing imagination and creates images that you’d never even thought about doing. Patterns, leaves like ivy. She helps you to create yours and make it as pretty as hers. 
She can’t wait for Halloween itself to put a candle inside and see what the lantern looks like when it’s lit up - not that any of you are 100% sure what day Halloween is anymore anyway. Judith also encourages everyone to dress up and make costumes with what they can find, a lot of the adults join in much to your surprise. 
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