#anyways as horrible as what Lou said was
whatohitsonfirewelp · 1 month
Oh some of you are actually fucking horrible people.
In what world is it okay to degrade someone for their looks???
If you don’t like a character, an actor, a writer, anyone, fine.
But you don’t fucking degrade them for their looks???
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lemotmo · 8 days
I'm going to try and approach this a bit differently. We have all been in a position where we desperately wanted something from a show. We can all relate to the desire for something you love to become canon. I still fret about whether or not they'll actually give us Buddie. Yes it has been sign posted but it's been sign posted for years and we're still waiting. Anyway I say that part to say this next part. They are sign posted. The canon signs are there and there everywhere. None of it is made up from nothing. Yes there are headcanons but that's true of every ship. But most of the headcanons have canon scenes that they stem from. The BT stuff is all headcanon. I keep seeing gifs of Buck with gifs of Lou from other acting rolls and them being tagged as bucktommy. Those gifs have nothing to do with 911 and aren't Tommy. None of it is based on canon. It has all come from their cameo conversations with Lou. And that genuinely dumbfounds me. Because now I see less and less Buck and it's increasingly Tommy centered.
Buck is the character the show cares about and they know that. I don't know enough about the SWAT theory to speak to it's truth or not but the timing of its renewal and him going 911 dark does somewhat feed into the rumor. I don't know, it's bad enough so many of them have become horrible towards Eddie but now they're starting to change who Buck canonically is to fit their headcanons of Tommy (the whole damsel in distress nonsense enrages me). And while I understand the desire to push for what you love, basic knowledge of the show has to play into your expectations at some point. It will be interesting(terrifying) to see how they react when his arc finishes, and he himself stated it was an arc(hello people he said this) so I'm just forever dumbfounded as to how we got here and I'm someone who genuinely tried to see where they're coming from.
*sigh* sorry for the length of this ask. Your blog is lovely.
Yes Nonny. Yes! All of this! This has been on my mind for so long now and you managed to summarize it so beautifully.
I simply do not get how we got here. A couple of months ago, everything was great in this fandom. We had no great expectations of Buddie canon, but we were happy to be on ABC so we could maybe get some more Buddie scenes. And we did get them. Season 7 was great for Buddie.
Unfortunately it also brought along Tommy. I was and still am thrilled for Buck being revealed as being bisexual. It's wonderful! And the initial thrill of it was exciting. I immediately started tying this in to Eddie. A lot of us in the Buddie fandom have long since theorised that, as soon as one of them would come out, the other would follow because it would be the only thing to make sense. Buck and Eddie have both been queer-coded for so long now and finally we would see some movement in their story.
Imagine my surprise when suddenly some people decided that Tommy was the best thing that had ever happened to Buck. It was all Tommy this, Tommy that, Tommy with the sun shining out of his ***. I was so confused. Even some of my Buddie mutuals who I had known for years, just kind of gave up on Buddie and started worshipping at the altar of Tommy Kinard.
And the fact that Lou started spouting his headcanons in those cameos definitely didn't help either. Some people really believe in those headcanons.
And listen, nothing against headcanons. I have some of my own. But there is a reason why they are called 'head'canons. It's because they are things you see and recognise in a character, but they aren't discussed in the show, so they aren't 'canon'. They remain 'fanon'.
Now, don't get me wrong, ship and let ship. But there is a difference between normal 'shipping' and liking the pair, and the total craziness the Tommy-hype has become.
I know a lot of people that are multi-shippers and I have mutuals who like BT as a transitional relationship, but ultimately still want Buddie. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the people who suddenly started talking down on Eddie as if he was treating Buck badly and how he was a bad father. And how, even if he were queer, Buck would never choose him over Tommy. Where did that come from? They didn't say that before. Why now?
And I ask the question: What is so special about Tommy? I keep seeing people that say Buck is in the best relationship ever. HOW? WHAT? WHERE? What do these people see that I don't see?
We have seen Tommy in a handful of scenes. In all of those scenes he has been dismissive, disrespectful and frankly not very interesting. There is no chemistry at all with Buck either. I mean, if there had been some palpable chemistry I might have liked it more, but it just seems as if Lou is going through the motions in those kisses. If they are such a great couple, where are the little couple things? Where is the handholding? The little in-jokes? Nothing! I mean, Oliver does his best to keep their scenes somewhat afloat, but Lou is clearly not even trying. So I truly do not understand this strange -almost obsessive and gatekeeping- behaviour when it comes to Lou and Tommy.
It's obvious-- and anyone with eyes can see this from miles away-- that Tommy is a narrative device to have Buck explore his bisexuality. Every single thing in the show, but also around the show, is pointing in that direction.
Think about it. There was no promotion whatsoever for BT, only for bi Buck and Buddie. They had one abysmal interview where they talked for 2 seconds about BT and Oliver looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. They have given Tommy no screentime whatsoever. He is only there when it is required for Buck's storyline. It practically screams: plot device.
Then we have Ryan giving interviews where he, once again, talks about Buck being a co-parent and how Eddie will explore himself in season 8. How he will push that refresh button and he will ultimately find the partner he needs. All gender neutral by the way.
I mean, look... I admit to having been delulu in the past over small things when it comes to Buddie. What can I say? It's been a long 6 years. But this? This is no longer about being delusional. This is full-blown 'in your face': BUDDIE IS HAPPENING! It's all right there when you look at it logically.
But yes, somehow, we are wrong because our ship isn't canon and it's apparantly homophobic to be against a canon ship?
Which... do these people know what fandom is actually about? It's about fictional people and we want to see these fictional people get interesting story arcs and we want some of them to end up together because they have such a great history and chemistry. Like Buddie.
So yes Nonny, I agree. And listen, I do too still fret sometimes that I might be seeing things that aren't there. It's in my nature as a libra to doubt everything.
But then I start putting all of the evidence in- and outside of the narrative together and... it can only lead to one thing: queer Eddie (which is about time) and eventually Buddie.
And imagine the payoff that will be. Imagine how the viewership will get a boost. So many more people would turn in. Bi Buck was big, but the fan favourite queer slow burn getting together after 7 seasons by then? The internet will explode. It will be epic.
For 6 seasons we have been rooting for these men to open their eyes and to see what is right in front of them. There were plans to go there, but FOX stopped it. Now they are on ABC and obviously ABC is okay with queer characters on their shows. I mean, look at 'Grey's anatomy'.
So yes, I proudly declare myself no longer delulu and 100% certain that Buddie is in the works. There is no more need for clown noses and clown cars. We are beyond that now. It's a matter of 'when', not 'if'.
Mind you, just my humble opinion here. But I stand with it.
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loveisfriendship · 3 months
Are you wifi?
Author’s Note: As a celebration of the return of my creativity. And as this is one of my stories which still gets a lot of love, I wanted to give "Are you Cinderella?" a part 2.
Can’t believe this one is from 2018. Time flies.
A couple days after your spontaneous Pick-up-Line challenge, you were all on a lookout. While you and Danny were in a car together and Chin and Kelly as well. Steve was with Lou. You were all just talking about Valentins Day, and how horrible they went for most of you.
“Maybe Danny could have used some of the pick-up lines that we heard a few days ago.” Chin chimed in, making everyone laugh, you even more when you not only heard Dannys groan but saw him through his head back against the seat. 
“Please don’t remind them.” Danny said.
“Oh, I heard of the best ones.” Lou chimed in.
“I have some of my one, you know.” He adds, and all of you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“No, Lou. Now is not the time.” Danny retorts at the same time as you say “Oh please, tell us.” The other also encouraging him.
“My wifes favourite was `I'd like to take you to the movies, but they don't let you bring in your own snacks.’” Lou says, making everyone crack up.
“I like it a bit more smooth, so my favorite is ‘Is it OK if I follow you out of here? My parents always told me to follow my dreams.’” He continues, causing everyone to ohh and ahh.
“I heard a new one, from a friend the other night. ‘Your middle name must be Gillette. Because you're the best a man can get!’” Chin chims in.
“What? That’s really just awful.” Kelly replies, but laughs nonetheless.
“Hey Steve.” You say, making Danny groand already, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah?” Steves answers.
“Know what's on the menu tonight?”
“What?” he says, and you can hear the Kelly can barely hold it together.
Everyone burst out laughing.
“Hey baby?” Steve says.
“Yes.” You answer, smiling and looking at Danny.
“Don’t look at me like that. I don’t want to hear it.” He says.
“Are you wi-fi? Cause I'm totally feeling a connection.” Steve says anyway.
While everyone still chuckles, Danny looks at you.
“What? Smile Danno. It’ll do you good.” You say, nudging his shoulder.
“You think the one I have would have helped me with Melissa?” he asks you, making you gasp.
“Please Danno, let us hear it.” Steve says, everyone being completely silent, waiting on Danny’s line.
“If I had to rate you from 1 to 10, I'd give you a 9, because I'm the 1 you're missing.” He finally says.
Everyone whistles and Lou says “That’s even smoother than mine.” Followed by many “wow Danny.”’s by the others.
You take his hand and look him in the eyes. “Danny… That line?” you asks, making him hum, looking at you. “That would have been 100% better than what you gave her.” You say, bursting into a laugh, while Danny tries to tickle you.
Taglist:@geeksareunique@fandomoniumflurry @rahma29417 @letsstarsfalling@fairchild21 @fungk17 @woodworthit666 @honestlyoriginalthing @evyiione@everygoodusernameistaken16@littlewhiterose@reincarnated-ghost@princess76179 @damedoctoroftardis
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midnightcreator12 · 5 months
I need to say this, cuz smth embarassing happened to me and now I can't stop imagining Chula in that scenario and literally any turtle.
Because yesterday, I was talking to one of my friends and on one word, I started stuttering SO much. Istg it was SO bad😭
I went "Haha, crazy that you said that cud-cu- don't- I-dont...do-don't.. huh???? Cuz you- don't.. what the fuck were we talking about??"
And now I can't stop this moment in my head and I need to get it out somehow. However, knowing my mind (hopefully) it won't stop anyways but yea, i've been imagining Chula as the poor girly-pop who needs to listen to Leo stutter as if he don't know how to fucking talk. Or she'll laugh, who knows?
She gon go "Oh don't worry bout my kid. He's okay. Or...mildly on drugs... morphine...maybe. Wouldn't know how THAT happened tho. Or he knows how to un-learn the whole shabbing alphabet. Could be it."
Don't mind me. Just a lil' guy that wants to feed myself and others some serotonin with these little shenigans.
Be sure to drink a lot and treat yourself to your favourite snack. And don't forget those blankets for some nice rest this night.
-Best regards, everyone needs therapy, but I do too, so that makes up for it.-
So, your ask got me think of what Leo could be rambling about to cause him to stumble over his words. Which made me think about when I stutter like I don't know English and how it happens most often when I'm overly excited about shows and movies and my brain moves quicker than my mouth.
And THAT made me think about the fact Chula basically lives in the Rise Lair now so, of course, the boys will be showing her all the Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim movies. And THAT made me wonder what Chula's relationship with sci-fi would be like.
Because she's LIVED THOSE THINGS, more or less. The 'fiction' in sci-fi is basically all the stuff she had as everyday items and events. But, since the tmnt shows are kind of silly, the silly shows within the shows are pretty ridiculous so Chula is basically watching a horrible interpretation of a rough idea that was a fully developed thing in her dimension.
In short, Chula Verd doesn't like sci-fi because seeing all the completely incorrect interpretations of how space travel and exploration and space wars work is just painful but she knows the boys like it so she just smiles and tells them that it was a great movie.
And then I wrote a dabble about Leo stuttering while they watch a movie! Enjoy!
“Oh, oh, oh! This part is awesome! This is when Jupiter Jim crash lands on the alien turtle planet and he’s gotta fight his way to the super secret base-”
Chula nodded along as Leo explained the scene playing out of the kid's holoprojector.
Since she was staying long term, they had all taken turns catching her up on ‘every modern culture medium she needed to know about’. And at the very top of that list were their favorite holo-drama franchises.
One of which was a series about this space explorer slash adventurer called Jupiter Jim. An absurdly massive franchise that, in Chula’s opinion, was following the worst interplanetary explorer she’d ever seen. It was a wonder he hadn’t started a galaxy-wide diplomatic incident and all the conflicts were usually contained to the planet he visited per film.
But the boys liked Jupiter Jim and she had nothing but time to kill, so she tried to pay attention when they dragged her to the beanbag chairs for a movie night, either as a group or one at a time. And in both circumstances, she would smile and nod and sit through the horrible inaccurate depiction of how space travel works and what the protocols were for making first contact and getting far more enjoyment from listening to Leo break down every scene and how it was made instead of actually watching the film.
Leo gestured to the screen, hands flapping almost too quickly to track as he chattered away, “Oh, the production details of this are really cool! Did you know this was made a decade ago and the effects still hold up better than a lot of the CGI they use now? Yeah, yeah, it’s ‘cause they were tryin’ new stuff, lots of stuff, the director was really trying to push JJ onto the big dogs franchise map with this! They had a whole studio that- that they made the sets in and- and- and the costumes were reva- rev- re- re-, bah, bah, bah- Revolutionary! They handmade every single cell- sale- sail- Fuck!”
Chula blinked when Leo cut himself off, crossing his arms and blowing an angry little raspberry. She waited a few moments for him to keep going, mild disappointment rising when he just made unhappy little grumbles under his breath. 
She glanced back at the holo-drama, fighting the urge to wrinkle her nose at it. She would never, ever tell the boys but…she had found out after the first Jupiter Jim film that she didn���t enjoy ‘science fiction’. Mostly because of the fact that most of the hypothetical ‘fiction’ was very close to things that were pretty standard on most of the planets she’d been to in two realities. But the movies got so many things so ridiculously wrong it was almost painful for her to watch. The only part she enjoyed about the sci-fi movies was how into them the boys would get, flapping their hands and ranting about their favorite part. 
So Leo not talking anymore was quickly sapping her enjoyment of the one-on-one, impromptu movie night. She leaned over to Leo, lightly bumping their shoulders and asking, “What did they handmake?”
“Huh?” Leo blinked, face smoothing out from the pinched, grumpy expression as he looked up at Chula. 
She tipped her head towards the film, where ‘Jim’ was not doing his job as a ‘simple space explorer’ very well, considering he started shooting the moment an alien poked their head into view, “You were saying that this was the holordrama that made the franchise take off, right? And that they handmade somethin’ that helped it do that?”
“Right, right, uhhh, the alien suits,” Leo, much more calmly this time, pointed to where a turtle alien was running across the screen. “The, um, costume department made every scale on the turtle suits by hand. It helped make them look super realistic.”
Chula nodded, waiting for Leo to keep ranting about the film.
Except he seemed to deflate, tucking his knees up and propping his head on them to stare at the screen.
It made Chula a bit sad, seeing all the excitement just poof away. She loved it when Leo got excited about stuff, waved his hands around, and talked a mile a minute. It was weird when he got too quiet, reminded her of the first few weeks of them traveling together when he was scared and lost and didn’t fully trust her yet.
She carefully poked at his side and jerked her chin towards the holo, “What was the secret behind the little sidekick’s tail? I imagine doing all those stunts was hard to pull off without looking fake.”
Leo’s head perked up a bit, eyes flicking up to see the small, red and white furred alien that followed JJ around, “Red Fox? Oh yeah, she’s a yokai! Me and my bro’s met her once, she helped us save Raphie and JJ from getting melted in acid.”
A part of Chula knew that that statement should have set off more alarm bells for her.
But something she’d learned with these crazy kids was that their lives were nuts and it was better to roll with the punches and weird, wildly out of context statments as they came.
So, instead of freaking out, demanding details, running to Raph to ask if he’d gotten any acid on his person during that event, she nodded and turned back to the holoprojector, “What led up to that little misadventure?”
And, like magic, Leo was rambling away again, sitting up to recount the epic tale of when he and his brothers had gone head to head to claim the coveted place as Jupiter Jim’s fake sidekick.
Chula listened, only interrupting to ask questions if Leo stumbled over his words again in his excitement and basking in the warm atmosphere of the room.
She didn’t like sci-fi, but she loved listening to the boys talk about it so she could put up with a couple hundred terrible movies.
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twopoppies · 1 year
Hi Gina. Hope you’re doing well. I just came back from the documentary and I think I’m alone in that I pretty much HATED it and I feel absolutely horrible for feeling that way. Yes, the first 1/4 was very emotional about 1D, Louis losing his mom and Fizzy, feeling lost. I really felt for him but for me I soon became very annoyed with how repetitive the narrative became. I have to say I think Charlie Lightening did an absolute disservice in getting Louis’ story across. There were the funny bits from fans and Louis but a great deal of the concert footage was of Louis’ back, which I get was to show the audience but for me it just didn’t work. I don’t feel he show cased how talented Louis is. And it just felt so contrived with the beach and lad scenes. The person I was with started laughing and whispered “who plays an electric guitar on the beach”? As for the kid, I did not feel any real connection between him and Lou. Something was off. Those did not feel like genuine parent child interactions and Louis seemed way over the top with him. Those were minor points for me though because I already had a hard time trying to get my head around where Charlie was trying to take us. Gina, I have to tell you I went with an anti and she came out saying what’s with all that fake sunset shit and said to me “I don’t know who that child is to him but that’s not his son” 😂😂😂 Anyways, to sum things up the anti I went with asked me would I rather see the documentary again or DWD which she knows I hated… and without missing a beat I said I’d rather see DWD over the doc. I love love documentaries but this just seemed like a PR implosion. I’m feeling so sad because I really was looking forward to it, even with all the bbg stuff and I appear to be the only one in the fandom who thinks Charlie Lightening missed the mark.
I’m so sorry you didn’t like the film. I’m sure you’re not the only one, but most people are afraid to voice unpopular opinions around here.
I think the bottom line is that Charlie was given a narrative to follow and that’s what we’re getting.
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weirdboi · 7 months
If ur not comfortable with these pla leave
In Luci's brain a blurry picture was playing. It was showing some monster hands dragging a body of a child, slowly opening the child's mouth and putting it's arms in it. Suddenly, they woke up, all sweaty and shaking. Doctors were so surprised! Soon they dud some tests on Lucifer and later called his mom to pick him up. When Monica came she was so happy that her child is alright, but Luci still needed a lot time for recover. First, they needed to remember how to write and read again, then how to speak, how to walk, how to remember family members and loved once and other stuff. After ''full'' recovery Lucifer noticed something strange. They started feeling more angry and wanted to hurt ppl.
•Age 14
At this time Luci was a real teenage dirt bag. One day he woke up and saw hsi mom panicking in the living room and dad talking on the phone. They had no idea what was going on. But when they looked out of the window everything was clear. The neighbours broke down their gate. How could they! And this qas not the first time neighbours would do such a thing. Lucifer was getting bullied at school 24/7 . Plus the neighbours didn't like the family cause of Monica being German. Months passed by and in the end luckily, through all the courts and payings, the gate was finally back and now stable. But that doesn't mean that neighbours were being any nicer. In fact they were even worse! Because of that horrible behaviour Luci made a plan how to make 'em pay. One night Luci got a lighter from her father...
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And burned a bit of the Woods that were near the house. Soon everything was on fire! Neighbours called the fire fighters who slowly started putting the house down. In 2 am police took Lucifer and Monica to the station. In the court it was decided for Lucifer and his family to move somewhere else. After those news Octavius yelled the hell out on Lucifer and told them really shitty stuff. They had a week to choose where are they going. After calling family members and checking the money situation, Monica and Octavius decided to move to America.
Luckily Monica's sister lived there and paid for everything. The next week they got their card and papers and moved away.
•Someone special
Days went by and Luci really felt like home. He knew English really good, didn't have problems with understand and finding places and no problems with the crowds. But, in school he was quite a trouble maker, with great grades tho. Only grades were getting him out of trouble. After few school switching cause of big fights and sending a Lot of kids to hospital, Luci finally started middle school, but this time.. with Moe! They went to same middle school and Moe was so happy that his closest cousin isn't that far away anymore. One night when Luci was getting home from detention he heard some noise. He was curious and decided to follow it. She got to the place where noise was coming from and it turns out it was a shark... It was all beaten up. Luci came near it to help.
"Oml Are u alr??"
"Y-yes it's just a scratch..."said shark
"Umm don't worry I have sum... bandages if that is gonna any how.. "
"Nono no u Don't have-"
"Oh don't be silly, u need help and I can help u"- said Luci i and started helping the shark out. After that he asked the shark where he lives and Shark told him he can come yo the docks near "Molly's café". As he said that Luci took shark and started carrying him. On the way they talked about a lot of things.
"And I didn't catch ur name..?"
"It's Lucifer. And urs?"
". . . Lou. . ."
"Ok so we're here. U sure u can continue on ur own?"
"Yup plus u already did enough. I need to prepare for new school tomorrow anyway."
"Which school?"
"Ahhh "Arnold junior high"?"
"Really!? Really...cool.."
"But why school on the ground?"
"Well tomorrow Starts that *swap up* day we have here. It's about sharks going to earthlings schools and earthlings go to our water school woth crystals."
"Which crystals?"
"Well when animals turn 11 years old each one gets a special crystal that has a power that gives us waterlings legs and you earthlings fins."
"Why didn't I get my own one then?"
"Well maybe it's just late nothing else... Any how I'll see u tomorrow then, bey..."
"BEY!!"-she said and Lou swam away. The next day Luci was really hyped for seeing Lou. They came to school all happy and were waiting for him. Lou soon came. Luci was really pleased to see him. The day went by and it was time for geography. A teacher of geography was a real bitch and didn't like anybody sept rich kids. She caught Lou and Luci talk. She started yelling at them and told how they need to tell their moms to come.
"But Ma'am I-"
"But miss I-"
"U what!?"
"...I don't have a mother..." -said Lou quite sad.
"Oh...well then...Call ur father or whatever.."-she said and Lou got out of the class. Luci asked if she can use the bathroom cause of her period and the teach let her. When she got out she looked for Lou and heard someone in male bathroom.
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It was Lou. He was crying cause of this shit. Luci entered
"Hey u good bro?"-he asked and hugged him
"Y-yes dw.."
"I am so srry for -"
"It's ok...not the first time won't be the last.."-he said on the edge of the tears.
Luci hugged him again and told him he can cry all he wants. The rst of the class they spent in the bathroom, crying amd comforting. For the next few months everything was amazing. Lou and Luci really became close. One night they decided to run from home and meet up. They did so, both escaped during the night and had an amazing time. But when they stopped at one lil shop the owner called the cops because of vagrancy.
"Shit! We gotta go!" -said Lucifer as they started running. They ran for a while and decided to stop at one lake.
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"Wow...that was a close one... wasn't it?"
"Welp at least we escaped am I right?"
"Yeah..."-he said as they continued talking. They talked for a while when suddenly they saw some light. It was the car. It was near them so they both jumped into the water, before it was too late. Luckily, the car didn't get them. Lou looked out of the water.
"Is it safe?" -asked Luci swimming
"Yeah, I think it is"-he saud and they both got out of the water all wet.
"Are u cold?"-asked Lou Luci
"Nah broo I'm good :D And u?"
"I'm ok, as a shark u get used to it. But I know earthlings get cold when they are out of the water."
"Nah I'm good"-he saud as they both set down. They continued talking while drying. And out of nowhere... Lou took off his jacket and gave it to Luci. Lucifer blushed and their eyes went wAcKy.
"Ummmm u good?"-asked Lou suprised
"Yes, certainly. I do this when I'm happy."
Times passed and their friendship was growing and growing.
Hope u enjoyed!!! :D
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9 and 20 for the WIP ask game?
Hey Hani! Thanks for the ask <3 I'm going to go with my YouTuber AU for this one.
9. What is your favourite dialogue you've written so far?
Probably this one between Louis and Zayn
“Come on, Zayn. I don’t know why you need me here. I mean, you’re just going to ditch me for your ‘Barista guy’ as soon as you meet him anyway. Then I’ll be all alone.” “You’re not going to be alone, Lou. Like I’ve said a million times, Nick’s here. Ed’s here. You know, people you hang out with other than me.” “Yes but they weren’t the ones who forced me to dress up. I’m wearing suspenders, Zayn. Suspenders. Who wears suspenders in 2011?” “You apparently. Hey, you’re the one who chose to come as Jack. All I said was that it’s a fancy dress party. You could have come dressed as literally anyone else.” “Says the guy who threw on a green cloak and called it a day.” “Yes well I wanted to make a good impression, okay Lou? I really like this guy.” “Having a crush makes you mean.” “I know, I know. I’m a horrible best friend. Now, do you see anyone dressed in a Hogwarts cloak?”
20. Share 3 images that would fit into a moodboard for this chapter/fic
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nouies · 5 months
helloooo, lou! 💙
i have seen how much hate the creators in this fandom get. and i have been feeling really anxious to post whatever i had in mind. but there is first time for everything, huh?! 🥶
it's so nice to change a whole recipe to match your friend's preferences. and cook for her. it's like not a lot of people do it anymore, respecting others' wishes and decisions. 🗣️
have you been to other concerts? 🧞‍♂️
actually, the miscommunication was my fault. i reread your last reply and realized that you said "rule out". i didn't know the meaning of this phrase until now, so i checked it out and now i know what you meant. but do people go hiking/biking/etc on dates? i would never... 🐳
english is not my first language as well, and a lot of times the language barrier leads to miscommunication. but your english is amazing and i think you are great with words. 🦋
louis is such an awesome person. his interests and visions are really wonderful. it's so good you both have so many things in common. 🌀
okay, i have a funny story. when 1d formed as a band, i was eleven years old. my classmates were obsessed with them. so i was like "i won't be like the other girls" and i was showing disinterest every time someone was talking about them (but at the same time i was secretly blasting more than this. the only reason i love that song that much, was because of niall and louis' solos). and i listened to their songs occasionally on the music tv channels (their singles). and for the time the band was still touring and making albums, i just didn't vibe with them, and even think about them. when zayn left the bad, i read it somewhere and that was all. but when the next year mind of mine came out, i fell in love with his voice. so, all in all, i would say zayn. i have been listening to his music for years and i just have really soft spot for him in my heart. 🫐
my questions for the day: what is your favorite tv series? can you share one fun fact about you? 🖌️
hope you have a lovely day,
- your secret valentine 🦕
p.s. don't let the last emoji betray your vison for me, because in fact i'm quite short.
hi valentine!! 💓
listen, don’t think of any of that yet. there are horrible ppl around but i still believe there are some good ones left. i understand feeling anxious, trust me that i always feel that way whenever i’m posting something new, but don’t let the haters win. their goal is to stop us from creating so if we do stop, they’ll win, and they don’t deserve to win. if you truly feel uncomfortable sharing anything, then it’s fine too. at the end of the day, creating something in the fandom is supposed to be fun and if you’re not having fun, then it loses its purpose.
anyway. yes, we’ve been best friends for almost 13 years so i just want her to be happy and comfortable. :) and she does the same for me, like every time i visit her house, she makes sure to buy me tacos from the stand i like.
last year i only went to see Aurora and to the fest where Niall performed, this year i’m going to see a mexican artist called Yuridia and in june i’m seeing Louis. 🤧 have you been to concerts lately or are you planning on going to one soon?
no worries!! tbh i sometimes use verbs that i’m not sure abt but i’m too lazy to google lol but it’s fine. idk if there are ppl who go hiking but i’ve seen ppl who go skating ???
omg you’re way younger than me lol 1d came out when i was starting uni lol but your story is very cute, and tbh it’s very understandable bc i feel like as teenagers we either want to fit in or we want to be unique. at the end, i’m happy that you found someone who resonated more with you. Zayn is a great artist and he seems like such a sweet soul, i want to squeeze his cheeks lol
my favourite tv series is mindhunter, and i’m still sad we got only two seasons of it :( i love jonathan groff so much. idk what could be a fun fact abt me… like, i’m just thinking abt facts but idk if they’re any fun 😭 had to ask for some help but you probably know how much i love fics, and i when i write for a fic fest, i read the rest of the fics (which i thought it was the norm but apparently it isn’t), so my fun fact is that i read every blff fic the day it was posted, maybe with the exception of the 100k one bc it took me three days but the rest of them i read them on each day they were published. and now my brain is fried hdjdhdjdhd
thank you, valentine! i hope your day is awesome as well. 🤗 (and i’m quite short as well so we’re twinning!) <3
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bicrowleyaz · 1 year
Defenceless flower
I was looking for a quieter place than London to move to, until I found South Yorkshire, a county 233 kilometers from where I was staying.  That's when you ask yourself, why would I be looking for a location away from famous London?  I'd like to say that's a simple answer, but unfortunately it's not.
I'm looking for a new place to try to start over after a tragic accident that took the best and only friend I've ever had, Ron.  When we were returning from the walk we took every afternoon, after he dropped me off at my door I made the joke that I so wished I hadn't made that night.
-Bye Ron, see if you don't die huh!
-Bye Lou, I swear I'm careful!- he replied laughing as we always did, little did we know that this would be the last time we would see each other because of a disgusting guy who ran over him when he was crossing the street two blocks from my house.
A month has passed since it happened, I was in denial for the first week, I couldn't believe that my best friend was no longer there with me, but when the penny dropped I was devastated, I had never felt such an emptiness and such deafening silence which is not listening to his outrageous laugh and all those jokes with a dubious connotation every day.
I keep thinking about everything that could be different if I had called him in or if I had been in his place.  What would we be doing right now?  Would we be sitting on the couch watching that horrible series he liked and eating junk food?  Would we be on a bench near the London Eye judging the clothes of people passing by?  With an immense regret in my chest I know I won't have that answer.
On the advice of my psychologist, I decided that the best option would be to leave London for a less hectic place.  With that, I'm now leaving the airport and heading towards a taxi that would take me to my new home, a small apartment in Doncaster.  It didn't have any luxury or anything like that, but apparently it was cozy from what I saw in the photos.
-Visitor?- the gentleman who drove the car asked when we started to walk.
-Oh no!  I came from change.
-I hope you like the city, most of the young people here want to move instead of staying!-He replied with good humor.
-I imagine- I replied smiling as much as I could, he's a nice person, I don't want to be rude.
As soon as we reached the front of the building, I paid and said goodbye to the young man who I discovered was called John.  I looked at the facade of the building and remembered something Ron had told me once.
-If someday I'm not around to fill your patience, sing my favorite song!  I do it when you're away!
With that I started singing Saturdays by Louis Tomlinson who was his favorite singer, and he always said it was funny that his best friend and his favorite singer had the same name.  I thought it was a little weird.
-...We always used to say, saturdays take the pain away,
nobody stays the same, no matter how much you want it, some things change...
I started putting my things in their proper places, clothes in the closet, some pictures on the walls, my toothbrush in the bathroom.  I fixed everything humming his favorite song repeatedly until I found myself exhausted lying on the small sofa in the living room.
The next day, I woke up a little confused, not knowing exactly where I was.  I got up, took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed and went to do what I should have done yesterday, look for a job.  I went down the stairs and watched the tree-lined landscape of the city.  I looked for jobs everywhere I could, but none were accepting resumes.  I was thinking about giving up, letting it go, but I remembered one time when I was about to give up trying to study a subject I didn't understand at all, but Ron smacked me on the head and gave me a hard look and said if I don't try, that's where I couldn't do it anyway.  In the end, I got a higher grade than him and rubbed it in his face for a month.
I smiled remembering that, it was one of the thousands of good times I have with him.  When I was turning the corner I saw a place that caught my eye.  It was a flower shop, with a vintage look, with lots of colorful flowers on the facade.  I walked there and entered, it was as beautiful as outside, with two long corridors of colorful flowers and a very good aroma.  That place gave me an instant calm, a pure lightness.
-Hi, do you need some help?- a boy who seemed to be the same age as me came towards me, I got a little scared, but I soon recovered.  He was a little taller than me, had very dark straight hair, slightly tanned skin, slanted eyes in a honey tone, they reminded me a lot of cat eyes.
-Hi...hi, yeah, do you have openings for employees?
-Yes, we do, please accompany me- he told me with a sweet and very beautiful smile.
We got to the counter, went around the side and went into the back, he pointed me to the chair, I sat down and waited for him to do the same after getting a teapot and two cups.
-Would you like some tea?- he asked me, I nodded.  -So what's your name?  I've never seen you around here.
-My name is Louis Edwards, I just moved from London.
-Oh, a Londoner, why did you move there?  By the way, my name is Magnus Moore!- he told me smiling.
-I was looking for a quieter place, London is too busy for me.
-I see.- It seemed like he realized it was a sensitive subject for me, so much so that he was even giving me an understanding smile.  I smiled without showing my teeth in a form of silent thanks.
After that, he started asking me some questions, like my background, how many places I had worked, my age, things like that.  It turned out that we talked about other things too, trivial things, but that made me feel comfortable and welcomed, he is a very nice person.
-Do you mind starting tomorrow?
-Did I get the job?- I asked, trying to hide my excitement.
-Got Loueh!- he answered me laughing and carrying a little while saying my name.
-Wow, thank you!-I thanked him, shaking his hand.
-So, I was thinking here, since you just arrived in the city, how about we go eat something and then I can introduce you to the city, what do you think?- he asked hopefully.
-I...I, of course, why not?- I replied a little embarrassed, I'm not good at making new friends.
-Okay sir.  Edwards, let's go!- he said excitedly, grabbing his coat and leading me to the door.  I laughed at the way he called me, Ron called me that.
And so it was, following Magnus through the streets of cozy Doncaster that I began to reflect.  I will do exactly what my best friend told me to do: "live every day as if it were your last, and don't forget Loulou, always keep moving forward no matter what, I will be rooting for you!"  That's what I'm going to do, live like it's the last day of my life, I'm going to live for myself and I'm going to live for my friend, since they took his chance.
That's my story. I don't want copys, thank you.
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jamesv-t · 1 year
You remember the Ice Bucket Challenge, right? It was a big thing online in the summer of 2014, almost ten years ago. (Yes, “almost ten years ago” is only 2014, not 2003 or 1995. I’m sorry.) Can you remember what it was raising money for, though? Maybe not the specific charities, but the cause? 
If you said “ALS”, “Lou Gehrig’s disease”, or “motor neurone disease” then congratulations! You remembered correctly! But what’s the difference between the three? Well, nothing. They’re all the same thing. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a disease that results in the gradual loss of the motor neurones that control voluntary muscles, most famously contracted (famously to Americans, anyway) by former baseball player Lou Gehrig. It’s also what Futurama guest Stephen Hawking had. 
Around 50% of people with MND (I’m gonna use that interchangeably with ALS) die within 30 months - less than three years - of diagnosis. So around half of people survive longer than that time after diagnosis. Stephen Hawking lived with it for 55 years after diagnosis. Around 20% of people live with it for five to ten years. 
Two months ago my mum was diagnosed with it. 
She’d had a couple of falls last year, and associated pain hadn’t gone away in the meantime. Stress from a new job hadn’t helped - at the age of 63, a lot of things were just written off as old age, but fortunately working for a private medical practice she was able to “jump the queue” and get diagnosed a lot quicker than if we were waiting for the Tory-decimated NHS to get a spare slot. 
As soon as the word came through, she gave up work, and both her and dad have seen their social life dwindle due to difficulties getting around. The house - my childhood home, where I spent my life from 3 to my late 20s - has been adapted with stairlifts, walker frames, ramps and other accoutrements to enable her to move around. Thankfully (if such a word can be used for a situation like this) dad had retired last summer, and had a few months of enjoying retirement before becoming a full-time carer. 
I’ve been trying to put a brave face on matters, but hearing that last month she had a fall and damaged her ankle ligaments just from toppling over really hit home how fragile she is. As soon as we found out the diagnosis I changed my marathon attempt from a hobby to a fund-raising tool. (Actually, that’s not true. As soon as I found out I left work for the day, went and sat on Hove beach with a cup of tea, listened to a playlist of sad Bruce Springsteen songs interspersed with a Taylor Swift song about a parent getting diagnosed with a life-limiting disease, and cried my fucking eyes out.) 
I’m clinging to the fact that the same sheer-bloody-mindedness that I’ve inherited from her, the stubbornness that ensured I finished the marathon last Sunday despite severe gastro-intestinal issues for the second half, is the same stubbornness that’ll see her be in the ~50% that makes it to three years from diagnosis. The 50% that’ll see her granddaughter’s first day at school. The 50% that’ll make it to her Sapphire wedding anniversary in 2026. 
It’s a horrible thing to go through, knowing that the clock has started ticking. Since losing my uncle last autumn I’ve had several Google documents for eulogies that I know I’ll need to deliver, which I’ve been adding to as and when I think of things that I would want to mention, knowing that I probably wouldn’t be able to think of things in the intervening period before the service. One of those has become more fleshed out than others lately. 
It’s unpleasant, reading about something that a close family member has been diagnosed with, and seeing phrases like “palliative care” and “end of life decisions” cropping up frequently. It really hammers home that this isn’t a minor change in lifestyle, like requiring glasses or a hearing aid. It’s a life limiting disease. (A psychiatrist could have a field day with my choice of phrasing of “diagnosed with” rather than “living with”.) Both mum and dad are putting a brave face on it, but I’m going back to Kent on a monthly basis (and not even coinciding with a Gillingham home game, despite the Gills actually winning games lately) to see them. To make the most of time where I can. 
This is a long, rambling post. It’s a form of therapy, when I’ve had an evening to myself and I’m three stouts to the wind. It’s helpful to me to put things into words. It might be helpful to you, to know what’s going on with me (this is more for the half dozen on here who know me outside of Tumblr, rather than the rest who’re mutuals for fandoms we’ve both long since left behind). Rosie/Kai, if this is how you’re finding out, I’m sorry. 
I wish I could end this on a positive, uplifting note, but I don’t have that in me. I’m just spending three hours each way on trains heading back to Kent each month, making the most of things where I can.
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lou-bonfightme · 1 year
Locked Out of Love || [Genelous]
Para 700 words. Lou helps someone out with an apartment problem
Most of Lou’s days were slow and boring. He barely had any commissions to work on. There was never enough to do. He had even taken to cleaning the apartment when he was bored enough, which was abhorrent but which he couldn’t stop doing anyway. Despite not caring about this apartment at all, he did take pride in having a tidy space. And having a teenager who tended to throw her things wherever she wanted meant that there was always something to clean. He had begun to understand how Nounou felt—though, he still couldn’t imagine the tedium of simply doing this every day, day in and day out.
He felt restless but he wasn’t about to complain. There were plenty of people in his life who would be entirely too smug about the results of his latest manic episode. And he did not so easily admit defeat to anyone, especially not his family. Besides, he could convince himself that it was nice. Relaxing leisurely with no responsibilities and, of course, being with Opal.
Though, even that had started to strain. They’d had their first fight after dinner at the Lyons’ cabin. Lou had demanded that Opal start acting more like an adult instead of an immature child and she had spat all sorts of horrible things at him, just like she’d done her parents. The only difference had been that she had felt some semblance of regret around the matter. Of course, she had not apologized, he hadn’t expected her to. But, she had curled up close to him the next day, resting her head on his shoulder in what he assumed was the closest thing he was going to get.
Which was fine with him. He didn’t need an apology. He had never grown up with them. Moving on was just as well. In his opinion, it made things much easier. Discussing mistakes, admitting wrongdoing. These things did not come naturally to him. Simply moving on? Now that came naturally indeed.
Still--he wondered, sometimes, now when he watched Opal reading her books or painting or singing around the house...what had gone so wrong and could he help fix it? It was a surprisingly selfless thought for someone who was rather selfish but...he didn’t believe that Belle and Hades deserved the kind of pain that Opal was trying to cause them.
He’d convinced Hades to let him take Opal to Paris, just overnight, to try and soften her up somewhat. If Hades said no, it would only make things worse, he had reasoned. And he was quite sure he was right.
So, here they were: packing for Paris, when there was a knock at the door. The music had muffled any sounds outside the apartment, so Lou had no idea who it could possibly be. He was not used to strange knocks that came with living in an apartment complex. It was still strange to him and he wasn’t sleeping well. He could hear everything on the hall. The people above him. Sometimes even those below him. It gave him headaches and he often found himself retreating to the bedroom in the dark to escape a migraine. The whole thing was almost a repeat of Paris and he regretted giving his cottage to Sophie. However, the money that he got from that arrangement was steady and necessary. Besides, the cottage was too close to other things he would rather avoid. A migraine was preferable.
“I’ll get it!” Opal chirped, turning the music off from her phone.
“I will get it,” Lou cut across her, heading down the hallway. She pouted her lip at him but went back to folding the shirt that was in her hands.
Crossing to the door, Lou opened it to reveal Genevieve. His neighbor from down the hall. He had seen her a few times since their first meeting. They’d exchanged the sort of pleasantries that neighbors were supposed to exchange, but it had not moved passed that.
At first, he was surprised to see her at the door. It took him a moment to remember that he had offered to help her if she ever needed anything.
“Bon soir, Genevieve. May I help you?”
[outfit] [opal’s outfit]
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gh4stlyg1rl · 2 years
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"Wait... why would you need a short leash?" Hazel gave him a curious look. "Are you a trouble maker, Lou?" She giggled.
He cringed as he heard the words. "Please don't say that." He looked down to the ground to stifle the emotions that arose from her words.
Hazel instantly felt horrible. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt his feelings. "I'm so sorry." She pleaded. "I didn't mean it like..." She began but he cut her off.
"No. It's ok." He said quickly, not wanting to make her feel bad for his reaction. "I just... I guess you could say I'm going through a lot right now." He gave her a soft look, hoping that his answer would suffice. He had no interest in dragging her through his problems, especially when she had so many of her own to deal with. "...but hey, that's boring. What about you? What do you do when you're not out solving mysteries?"
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Hazel could barely remember her own name, much less what she did back in Windenburg. She felt so terrible for saying something that had clearly been so painful to him. Stuttering for a few seconds she finally came up with an answer to his question. "I..well. I don't do much really." She sighed. "I'm supposed to be in college but that's just not working out the way it should."
"Is that what you want to be doing? He asked her as his soft brown eyes gazed into hers.
"That's the problem. I never know what I want to be doing." She laughed softly, more out of frustration than humor.
"You just don't know yet...' Lou said with a smile.
"What do you mean?" She asked him, not sure what he was getting at.
"They expect us to figure it all out so early. Maybe you just don't know yet. You will when you're supposed to." Lou had such a strangely kind personality and wisdom that was at times a stark contrast to his rough and tattered appearance. It was almost as though he came from another life before landing in this one. For all she knew he may well have. He was definitely an interesting character to get to know.
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"Anyway, it worked out cause now you get to spend a summer hanging out with me." He grinned to himself, too shy to turn around and see her reaction to his words.
Hazel could feel her cheeks warm again to his words but made no comment. She refused to let herself get distracted from finding her dad. Sure, this Lou was cute and ridiculously charming at times, but there were more important things going on.
"It's right around the corner here. Let me go ahead and check things out just to make sure it's safe. I'll let you know in a minute." He said as he picked up the pace to job past her. Hazel stopped in her tracks, letting Lou go on ahead of her as she leaned against a large tree waiting for his return. She couldn't help but grin as she watched him disappear into the forest.
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labellerose-acheron · 2 years
May 06, 2022 *** [Loud Bell]
@trip-downtheriverstyx​, @lou-bonfightme​
Belle had not heard from Hades today.
This was not odd, on a normal day. They were both busy people. Hades, these days, even busier than usual, what with being the mayor and all. Even in the very beginning days of them, they had never been the sort to spend long texting. Their longest conversations over text were arguments, or grocery lists. Belle wasn’t much of a texter anyway, though she was becoming more of one, as she felt incredibly self conscious taking personal calls at her cubicle at work.
It was not a normal day, however. It was Belle’s birthday. And no, she wasn’t the kind of person to fuss about it. Before Persephone and Hades had shown up, she rarely celebrated it at all. Was it even possible to celebrate something when you were the only one who knew about it? She’d buy herself a cupcake, sometimes, at Hatter’s, if she was feeling particularly--festive. Since Persephone, really--she was the one to wiggle her birthday out of her: Five days after mine! she had smiled. Tauruses are the best.--Belle had become accustomed to a...text message, at least. Maybe being able to skip out on dishes.
Though, to be fair, InterPride hadn’t forgotten. She assumed it was someone in HR’s sole job to track birthdays, as it seemed they had one just on her floor nearly every week. They had called everyone into the conference room and sung happy birthday and given her a cupcake. It had been horribly embarrassing, she had meant to stop it actually, but she’d forgotten to submit the request form and well...it had been rather sweet too. There was even a card that everyone had signed and Ting-Ting, Melody, and Gil had come up from accounting.
And still, no text from Hades.
By the time she’d gotten home, she’d more or less forgotten about the birthday card tucked into her bag, but--she hadn’t forgotten that she hadn’t heard anything from Hades.
“Maman!” Opal squealed as soon as the door was opened.
“Hihihihi!” Aidan chimed in. Bellamy, always quiet, just watched with big eyes. 
“Bon soir,” Lou said from the floor, though he began to rise. He stroked his hand over Opal’s head as he came to stand in front of Belle, Opal between them.
“Vas-y,” he told Opal encouragingly.
“Joyeux anniversaire, Maman!” Opal said with a charming accent.
Belle smiled and picked her up. “Merci beaucoup!”
“Joyeux anniversaire,” Toulouse repeated and then stepped forward to hug her. When he pulled back, he kissed her cheek.
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“Merci,” Belle said again with another smile, though it faded as she glanced around. “Is Hades home yet?”
“Mm, no--did you not see? He will be a bit late.”
“Oh, he must’ve texted on my walk home.“
[outfit, flats not heels] [lou’s fit]
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I’m sorry, but can I just go on a little rant about the Louis, clouis, and the Clem comic...? 
I didn’t really talk about Louis in my overall review of the comic because I wanted that to be more contained to the content shown on the pages, Clementine’s relationship with AJ, and her as a character.... but the more I think about these comics and Louis, the more frustrated I become thinking about what Clementine abandoning everyone would do to him. 
[... okay it’s not little anymore since I guess I can never just do anything simple when it comes to Louis, sorry my bad]
So, no surprise, we all know the comic’s bullshit by now. Clementine leaving everything and everyone behind because she’s not happy is dumb, AJ just letting her go is dumb, and Clem going to the mountains on crutches and a peg leg to find this so-called happiness is dumb. 
Now that we’ve established it’s dumb, I wanna talk about Louis because I got a lot of built up feelings about how bullshit this storyline is with how Clementine would not only abandon AJ, but also abandon Louis. 
Because let me tell you..... his heart would be broken beyond repair and I need to talk about why.
Sigh.... so.... muh boy. 
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Before he met Clementine, Louis was this laidback, irresponsible, but caring and musical person who kept his head down to avoid conflict and never looked at the future. He was the kind of person who took things one day at a time, saw survival as a day-to-day task, and said that the future doesn’t exist, there’s only today. You get the point, he was never too concerned with things because they always seemed to work out, and if they didn’t, then that sucks and that’s why we should appreciate every day while we have it. 
Louis is shown to be charismatic and friendly, he spends his free time playing piano and card games, but no one really takes him seriously. Not even Marlon, his best friend for 8+ years. While he doesn’t seem to be on bad terms with anyone [including Aasim, they just act like people who disagree with the other’s point of view and have had the same argument many times, but that doesn’t mean they hate each other, y’know?] he also doesn’t appear super close with anyone outside of Marlon and possibly Violet, but even then. 
Marlon’s shown to have little faith in him with the way he talks about if Louis will even show up to hunt. He has a controlling grip on Louis that’s prominent during the confrontation scene when he uses intimidation to try to convince Louis to not interfere. Oh, and there’s the fact that Marlon’s been lying to Louis for the past year about the twins and then continued to lie to his face about what really happened to Brody... which isn’t great when you consider how Louis was the only one who had blind faith in him as a leader and, according to Marlon, was the only one who couldn’t see how pathetic he always was. 
Violet, while having a few more nicer moments with him than Marlon, still invalidates him and his feelings several times throughout the first half of the game which makes me wonder how close they ever were, or at least if Violet ever considered him a close friend to begin with. And no, a small monologue in the dorms doesn’t make everything better or confirm they were brotp the whole time... especially when once they’re on the boat, Louis might as well not exist because Violet can’t be bothered to acknowledge what happened to him or inquire about how he’s doing. I guess she just didn’t have time react while standing in her cell for several unbothered minutes-- no wait, it’s she already reacted off screen. Right. Good writing is good.
What I’m getting at here is that even though Louis is surrounded by people who he genuinely cares about, there is an argument to be made that he’s a lonely person. Hell, he’s aware of his loneliness when he says that no one hears past his music and jokes. I mean, how many nights do you think he spent by himself playing the piano because no one wanted to hear it? Are they like Violet and crack jokes about how he doesn’t have actual talent? Probably, given that someone literally carved “you suck at playing” onto the side of the damn piano. 
Oh, and let’s touch on that backstory of his. Louis grew up wealthy with two parents who loved him and each other, and they gave him anything he wanted except singing lessons. Louis says he wanted to be a real musician. But I guess his father didn’t like that idea and told him no, with the [as Louis puts it] dumb dad lesson of, “You get to be happy, or you get to be rich, can’t be both.” ...which is interesting given that Louis and his family were stupid rich but also.... were they not happy? well, that doesn’t make sense because little Louis knew that if he broke up their marriage, they would be hurt. 
So yeah, Louis was so upset that his father continually refused to let him take singing lessons that he broke into the man’s credit cards and faked an affair, which led to his parents divorcing... and then he spit his father’s words back in his face. 
Then they dumped him at Ericson. And the walkers came. 
There’s so much to unpack from the story he tells that it could be it’s own analysis, but basically.... Louis is aware of why what he did was fucked up, and he carries it with him every day. 
He regrets what he did, chews himself out for being such a “vindictive fuckhead” [and the amount of force used in that line tells you a lot, like how it’s not the first time he’s chastised himself like this] and he admits that he doesn’t even know the person he’s talking about. Yet, he still sees himself as bad, saying that they [I assume the staff] told him and the other kids they’re bad people. I don’t doubt that Louis internalized that which played a huge role in the confidence and self-esteem issues he has during tfs. 
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Anyway, I’ll come back to this later, but when you take that amount of guilt and regret, and mix it with the fact that they dropped him off at this school that was supposed to make him better.... then the walkers came and those teachers, staff, and headmaster? Gone. Left a bunch of kids to fend for themselves, with the exception of Ms. Martin [but given how she looks when we find her I doubt she lasted that long] and I cannot imagine how horrifying that was for all of them. The dead are up eating people, and if you die you become one of them... and the people you thought you could rely on just fucking left you to die at this school. 
Every kid in that school has trauma and abandonment issues from before and after the world went to shit, every last one, and Louis isn’t the exception here. Over the years, a lot of kids died and they’ve all seen horrible shit. They all knew they were never going to see their families again, and as far as we know, no one came to get their kids at the beginning. They had to find ways of coping while trying to survive, and all they had left was each other. 
Louis copes with music and games and jokes. He’s built up this persona where it seems like he’s unaffected by the comments the others make, that the death and suffering he’s gone through is in the past, that he is confident and open to those around him.
But then Clementine and AJ show up, and Louis grows close with both of them. They had immediate chemistry upon first meeting, he was the one who looked after AJ since it seems like everyone else saw him as a little terror, and he went out of his way to be kind and make them comfortable. 
When they go hunting with him, Louis and Clementine have a moment after taking care of the walker where they lower their guards a bit-- Louis gives her more in-depth reasons for his views of survival, and going off her expression, it gets to her and makes her think.... but they’ve know each other a day and he’s not quick to infodump his life story or let her in, so he cuts the conversation short.
Then we have the Marlon confrontation scene that I have gone over so many times in the past. I won’t dillydally with it too long but..... Clementine appeals to Louis, who curls in on himself because of the control Marlon has on him. He wants to help, and hell, he knows this is wrong but he’s so used to not getting involved that he gets defensive.... plus, he’s known Clementine for two days, and he’s known Marlon for 8+ years.... he wants to believe Marlon but you can tell he doesn’t want this, either. It takes Clementine talking to him to give him courage to stand between her and Marlon’s gun and it’s a lot.
AJ shoots Marlon and everything goes to shit, and Louis is a goddamn mess. His best friend was murderer right in front of him, so add that to the trauma list, and he’s overwhelmed with all these feelings that again.... they keep getting invalidated by Violet because “Marlon was a liar and murderer, therefore you shouldn’t feel bad about his death. Get over yourself, Louis, you can be such a shithead sometimes.” 
Oh yeah Vi, I guess he should care more about two people he’s known for a total of two days rather than for the safety of the people [including you] he’s grown up with and cared about for 8+ years.... makes sense. 
So yeah, little to no support during this time. Alone again. 
And just because I have to make this clear so no one gets a hair up their ass-- both Louis and Violet are wrong here. Kicking them out isn’t the solution, but neither is acting like AJ was right to commit murder just because it was Marlon.
 But plots gotta plot, so they get voted out and you can see that Louis is conflicted about the whole thing. He wants them gone, but at the same time, he knows what kicking them out means. You can see it on his face that he’s not okay with kicking them out. He’s hurting when he’s there in the dorms telling them how the vote went... he literally doesn’t know what else to do. He just knows that everything hurts, Clem and AJ caused it, and he wants the pain to stop. He even tries to justify it to himself by figuring that they’ve done this before so they’ll be fine. Not a great thing to say, Lou. 
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Anyway, we know the story, Clem and AJ come back and Louis once again sees the consequences of acting out of pain.... AJ is shot because Louis was hurt and he made a bad decision that he’s gotta live with.... something that he’s done before, and this affirms to him that he’s bad. He wishes he could take it back, and goes as far as to admit that to Clementine during the archery scene. 
By the way, credit to him for his apology to her. It’s rare in these games that Clem gets a genuine apology from someone who hurt her and doesn’t turn around to repeat the hurtful behavior, y’know? Plus, I can think of plenty of characters who owed Clem an apology in the past or if they did apologize, it was half-assed. 
You can feel how conflicted he is with this whole thing-- learning who Marlon really was and what he did, feeling something for Clementine before everything went down and not knowing how to handle those feelings afterward, caring about AJ and understanding why he thought shooting was the best choice but still hurting that his friend is dead.... 
And the thing is.... Louis forgives her for so much, as she does him, and through all of that bullshit, they manage to develop that strong connection that turns romantic. Louis lets himself be fully vulnerable with her and is honest about his feelings, how she listened when no one else did and seeing him for more than just the persona he put on. 
This works on Clementine’s side, too. Clementine has been through her own fair share of bullshit-- trauma, abandonment, loss, injury, you name it. She’s made mistakes, done terrible things, and has been in enough groups to know that romance usually ends in heartbreak.... and yet, she’s willing to open herself up to Louis and admit she feels a lot for him. 
Is it a little rushed? Yep. Could it have been handled better? Of course, most things this season could’ve, but what we got was pretty good. 
So Clementine and Louis are romantically involved now, the raiders attack, and she saves him... and boy does Louis feel guilty about that one, too. He feels bad enough that he questions why she would pick him because he can’t fathom his life being worth saving over another’s. He doesn’t see himself as useful, and even though Clementine is literally his girlfriend at this point, his self-esteem is so all over the place that he can’t understand why she would have him at her side. 
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And when Clementine tells him that he’s too important to her, he’s too baffled to even give a response. He looks at her in disbelief like he wasn’t expecting her to say that.  But this shows that at the beginning of their relationship, he still doubts himself, and through her working with him, he begins to build up that strength in himself. 
He becomes brave enough to share what got him sent to the school with her, and he plays Don’t Be Afraid for everyone at the party and like.... for once, everyone is listening to him. Really listening to him. They’re not talking shit about his musical skills, they’re not ignoring him or the feelings he’s putting into the song, they’re sitting there with him and I just..... if you watch him, you can see that his eyes get pretty glossy throughout the song. The moment meant something to everyone. 
There’s also the fact that Clementine asked him to come with her and AJ onto the boat, and to be the one in charge of the bomb... that’s a huge responsibly and he feels the pressure of that. He starts to panic a bit about if he can do it, because what if he fucks up? What if he gets them caught and makes everything worse? What if something happens to Clementine and he can’t do anything about it? 
She’s there to reassure him that she believes in him, and that he can do this. They’re going to get everyone back, and he needs to focus... then he asks her to slap him which why would you? that’s dumb, so Clementine smooches him instead and like.... he physically relaxes into her because he’s comfortable and trusts her in this situation. 
Also, he loves her and cares about this mission enough to cover himself and his fancy jacket in walker guts.... sure, he complains while doing so but how else is he gonna cope with rubbing rotten guts on himself to blend in with a herd of walkers? 
Skipping ahead so that we’re not here all day, I wanna talk about the walk back to the school because it’s one of the most important clouis moments in the game and a huge reason that solidifies why the comic is bullshit.
Louis went off on his own to go out and find them. He didn’t know where they would be, he just knew that he had to go out and find them after making sure everyone was okay back at the school because he couldn’t bare the thought that he had lost them. And the way the AJ gets so excited to see him? and the group hug??
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At this point, Louis has grown so much as a character. With Clementine by his side to support him, he’s grown stronger and more reliable. Remember how he never thought about the future? Well, now he is because his relationship with Clementine has given him a reason to long for a future. He talks about building this imaginary house with her, one he knows they can’t physically build... but it’s his way of saying we can build a home together, that he wants a future with her and AJ and everyone else. It’s such a personal conversation that flows so easy between them. Louis is more comfortable talking to her about things from his past, which is something he didn’t want to do back in ep1. 
He confides in her how he’s feeling after he shot and killed Dorian, he tells her that having a home means protecting it and I just.... it’s so good, okay? And from Clementine’s side, you can feel how at ease she is with him, too. Just the way she smiles at him as they’re walking? like he’s the cutest thing and she’s so happy to have him with her? 
But then we gotta deal with Minerva’s crazy ass on the bridge and well, AJ shoots Tenn and Louis is having flashbacks to Marlon and it’s not great. That’s a whole thing, and he ends up separated from them while escaping.
We don’t get to see Louis’ reaction to Clementine getting bit and losing her leg since I guess that puts a damper on the overly happy ending. But, going off of what we know about him and what I’ve explained [which isn’t even all of it, this isn’t a full Louis character analysis. if it was, it would be much longer and in multiple parts... believe it or not, I’m trying to not make this too long and only sorta failing...] we can get an idea of how he would react. 
Um, to say he was upset is an understatement.
Because remember, he had no time to think and climbed over the fence, thinking he could get them to climb over and they could get away, but it didn’t work. He ended up leaving them in order to save himself since walkers were closing in on him.
But you know that he’d blame himself for the bite. A lot of, “if I had just stayed” and “I should’ve climbed back over, I should’ve stayed with you.” I’m sure there were points where it looked like Clem wouldn’t make it and I can’t imagine how much hurt he went through watching her suffer and heal from losing a leg like that. 
Not only that, but knowing that AJ was the one to do it? And him thinking about what Clem’s death would do to AJ after all this? There isn’t a doubt in my mind that Louis would take care of AJ if she died. He cares about AJ, and he loves Clementine, so he be there for both of them, even if he’s still hurting from Tenn’s death. 
However, Clementine didn’t die. She survived the bite and amputation, and when we flashforward, she and Louis are still happily together. Louis is right there next to her at dinner, and he’s the one to help her with her crutches. He’s there to go over future plans to meet the traveling caravan, and Clementine wants him to be the one to go. 
Oh, and Louis once again forgives AJ for shooting Tenn, claiming that he understands that AJ saw something that he couldn’t. Like with Marlon, he’s not happy Tenn’s dead but he can see why AJ did it to save his life. 
I just..... happy ending. Clementine and Louis are together and she’s truly happy to have found a home for her and AJ with him at Ericson. 
....But then the comic thought it would be fun to say “nah.” 
The comic isn’t canon, I’m still insulted that it would ever consider itself as such, but even so I can’t help but feel so frustrated about how this would destroy Louis. 
He finally found someone he would consider his best friend, not just his girlfriend. She saw past that funny man persona and he trusted her enough to let her past this wall he built around himself. He let himself become vulnerable around her, he named his song after her. Their initials are carved into his piano with a heart surrounding them. He loved her. 
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Clementine left him feeling loved, something he probably hasn’t truly felt since he was a little boy with his parents before their divorce. She loved him even after hearing his past because she knew that wasn’t him anymore, and she helped him build the confidence he needed to step up. Because of Clementine, Louis wants to enjoy every day while also looking at the future. He isn’t lonely anymore, he has her and AJ. He’s truly happy.
So to tell me that Louis would wake up one morning only to have AJ tell him that Clementine’s gone, she’ been planning an escape without telling anyone because she wasn’t happy...? I’m sorry, but if you think that wouldn’t leave Louis absolutely devastated, then you know nothing about him as a character. 
This idea is just.... look, Louis is perceptive. That’s a big part of his character, he’s perceptive of those around him. If Clementine was showing signs of being unhappy or depression, he would see it. He would notice a change. He would be able to tell if something was off, and he would ask her about it. Louis is the type of person to ask you what you need. What can he do to help? What do you need to feel better? And if you don’t know, it’s okay, he’ll help you figure it out in any way possible. 
Plus, the comic suggests that there are times where she went off on her own but came back [probably doing her escape prep ugh] and you expect me to believe that Louis wouldn’t notice that or wonder what she’s doing? Wouldn’t sense that something’s going on? 
After she’s gone, he’s going to blame himself for not being enough. He couldn’t make her happy and he was a fool to think he ever could. AJ lost the only family he’s known since he was born because Louis couldn’t help her, couldn’t do anything to stop her from leaving. 
And for him to realize that she didn’t love him? Clementine, the girl he thought the world of because of how strong and confident and in-charge she was, because she saw him for who he was..... she left him, abandoned him... and she couldn’t even be bothered with a goodbye.... that says that she didn’t care all that much about him in the end.
You KNOW that he would think he had this coming, too. How could the universe allow him to fall in love and be happy with someone who loved him back after what he did to his parents? He would feel so heartbroken that he would see this as some sort of karma for breaking up his parents happy marriage as a kid years before he ever met Clementine and before the apocalypse.
I fucking can’t.... I don’t have the words to fully explain how much I hate this. Louis wouldn’t be okay afterward, and I doubt he’d ever fully recover. I wasn’t joking when I mentioned before that Louis would stop playing piano. How could he sit there and play when I he can see is their initials and remember the night she confessed to him? When he named his song after her? Clementine left and took the music with her because Louis wouldn’t have it in him... something that he used to cope would be ruined and that’s just.... it’s fucking awful. 
Not only that, but now he has AJ who I assume is hurting just as much [though the comics inaccurately assume he would just let Clem go sooo... yeah] and he would be the only one Louis would really talk to about it, but then again.... what if AJ doesn’t wanna talk about it? What if AJ starts to act out and things just become terrible and Louis is just too overwhelmed? 
I just.... UGH. That’s how I feel. UGH. 
Clementine from the comic? Not her. She would never fucking do this to Louis, AJ, or anyone else at Ericson, and you would know that if you played the tfs. 
Sigh.... sorry, I just needed to get this all out. I haven’t seen anyone talk about how Clem leaving would affect Louis and I’ve gotten some asks/come across some posts about Louis that have left me incredibly annoyed.... well, I was annoyed before because of the comics, so my annoyances with those things were only heightened. So yeah... I wanted to talk about Louis’ character in hopes of explaining why he would be so hurt if this comic was canon. 
Which it’s not. So it’s fine. 
How are we all feelin’ at this point, by the way? I know I’m not the only one still annoyed with the comic, so I hope y’all are doin’ okay. Hope you’re stayin’ chill and thinking about your faves to help cope with this mess hahaha
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twopoppies · 2 years
hey gina! i was listening to npr recently and heard this story on a new documentary about a puerto rican boyband called menudo. it seemed like they had a similar career trajectory to 1d with the way that they shot to fame and also the way they were marketed to teen girls. the boys from menudo were even younger - they were 12-15, and when they hit puberty and their voices changed, they were swapped out with new members.
what struck me most, though, was just how badly they were mistreated: the guy who put them together, edgardo díaz, was so similar to simon cowell it was scary - apparently parents had to sign away full custody of their kids when they joined the band, and díaz was basically only in it for the money and treated the kids horribly (many members alleged sexual and physical abuse). as adults these members are still traumatized. it's scary to think about just how /often/ these things can happen and just how permanently damaging it can be to these young kids (and they were /so/ young, god it's terrifying) who just don't have a clue what they're up against when they start out. anyways, i know it's not the most relevant thing, but as someone who spends a lot of time thinking about 1d's experiences while in the band, i thought the story was interesting and i wanted to share it with you and maybe anyone else who was interested! have a lovely day 💜
Hi sweetheart. Oh, I’m very familiar with Menudo. 😆 I’m old. They were the boyband all the girls in my high school loved. The description of Díaz also reminds me of the documentary on Lou Pearlman and his mistreatment of all the young boys who churned through his hit making factory in the late 90s/early 90s (most notably, *NSYNC and The Backstreet Boys). I’m sure Simon Cowell was taking notes.
Beyond everything you mentioned above, which is absolutely horrible, Menudo also gave us Ricky Martin — all grown up and a huge sex symbol of the late 90’s. Also gay and closeted. He came out in 2010 and is happily married with four kids now. But he has spoken about how awful the closeting was for him as well as how difficult it’s been getting work as a singer or actor since coming out — especially in America.
As Louis said, it’s a copy of a copy of a copy. 🫤
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1dmonthlyficroundup · 3 years
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1D Monthly Fic Roundup
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for August 2021! Below you’ll find 23 One Direction fics that were all published this month in the order they were submitted to the blog. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup​.
Happy reading!
He Carries The Key by @lululawrence
[Niall/Louis, OT5, 8k, Not Rated, tumblr post]
Niall was mostly home, ready for a shower and a chat with Louis, when suddenly Niall was flooded with emotions from the pack bond.Shock. Surprise. Confusion.But mostly fear.Something was wrong with Louis.
Plus One by mynameispiaivy / @missrefridgefreetorator
[Louis/Luke Malak, 3k, Mature, tumblr post]
Louis is invited to an event and he has to bring a "plus one".
Better Mistakes by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10
[Harry/Louis, 117k, Explicit, tumblr post]
“Look, this doesn’t have to be the end of the world-”
“Oh but it fucking is,” Louis said, shaking his head. “How the fuck am I going to tell Matt I’m pregnant with a baby when we’ve not had sex in months? He might be a bit thick sometimes, but he is gonna know there’s no chance this baby is his.”
“You don’t have to, uh, tell him it’s mine, right?”
Louis scoffed. “Why, are you scared he’s gonna come and kick the shit out of you?”
“He wishes,” Harry laughed, looking back down at the test. “Shit, I … I can’t believe this. Louis, I didn’t mean for this. Honestly. It was just sex for me. We have great sex, and I didn’t see why I should have to turn that down, not when you clearly wanted it as much as I did. I didn’t want this to end in a baby.”
Louis knows he shouldn’t be sleeping with his boyfriend’s enemy. He knows that. But there’s something that draws him back to Harry over and over again. Falling in love wasn’t part of the plan...
Thou, Sun, Art Half As Happy by @lululawrence
[Louis/Harry/Nick Grimshaw, 7k, Not Rated, tumblr post]
Hello, I’m sorry if this isn’t a post that is allowed on this channel, but I was hoping for the best since it is regarding a photography project I’m working on at the moment. I’m working on a set of sunrise kiss photos and therefore am needing a willing kissing partner. I’d hoped to be able to provide one for myself, but it hasn’t panned out, so here I am! I was hoping to find someone here, since I know most of you (at least peripherally) and can generally vouch for you not being creeps. Plus this way I know you will understand needing to continue to tweak the camera settings and reshoots etc that others might not.
Anyway, I’m looking for someone who identifies as male or male-ish (sorry, ladies) who is between the ages of 18 and 40. I’m a 29 year old male-ish myself, for those who would like to know before replying.
If you’re interested and are free the early morning of August 7th and would like to kiss in the sunrise with me for the sake of some (hopefully) interesting and fun photos, let me know via DM and I’ll give you the location.
OR the one where Louis needs a kissing partner, two show up, and it all might turn out for the best that way.
call my name and save me from the dark by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same
[Louis/Harry, 4k, Teen & Up, tumblr post]
“I don’t know if it was a nightmare,” he confesses to the ceiling, the darkness making it easier to speak up even when he still has to close his eyes to stop himself from tearing up. “It feels more like a memory. But it can’t be.”
Harry shifts, and Louis can feel his chin perched on his chest, doesn’t need to look at him to know that Harry’s studying him. “Why?” He prompts, when Louis doesn’t immediately continue, and Louis swallows, tries to shrug off the apprehension, the fear that Harry will think that he’s gone mad.
“Because I heard them pronounce me dead.”
Feels like home by @neondiamond
[Louis/Harry, 2k, Explicit, tumblr post]
Louis comes home from work with an exciting surprise. Daydreaming and celebrations ensue.
this is my jam by @disgruntledkittenface
[Harry/Louis, 4k, Mature, tumblr post]
The guy’s eyes are so blue that Harry can’t tear his gaze away, even as he moves to the beat. The searing light shade is magnetic; he finds himself leaning in and yelling, “This is my jam!” only to earn a laugh from thin pink lips that Harry’s definitely going to be dreaming about tonight.
“Your jam?”
When the guy yells back over the music, his blue eyes sparkling and his lips twisted in a smirk, Harry’s chest literally puffs out with pride at earning his attention. His obvious approval. Tongue-tied, Harry nods and closes his eyes as he lets go, the music reverberating around them. All of the usual inhibitions that keep him in the corner at parties fall away and he bounces around the center of the dance floor, waving his arms above his head. Somehow his towel stays on, even as he starts to think he wouldn’t mind if it fell off. Fuck it. He finally made it here, he’s damn well going to enjoy it.
Harry goes to a gay bathhouse for the first time. 90s AU.
I Know My Arithmedick (2 + 2 = 4sum) by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
[Harry/Louis + Louis/multiple partners, 3k, Explicit, tumblr post]
Harry wants to watch Louis fuck someone else. Louis loves giving Harry what he wants. It’s simple math, really.
doG…and his friend by @uhoh-but-yeah-alright / yeah_alright
[Louis/Harry, 3k, Teen & Up, tumblr post]
When Joan has to move out of her small, nice home and in with a random roommate, she obviously brings her dog/boyfriend, Doug, with her.
Doug makes a friend. And maybe more.
I Heard You Talking by @lululawrence
[Louis/Harry, 10k, Not Rated, tumblr post]
It had been an hour of their noise that Louis had been dealing with, and for some reason the fact that these grown men were being this rowdy in the quiet carriage over a game of Uno was the breaking point for him. He stood up and turned around, making his way down to where the group of five were somehow gathered around a table.
Louis stopped at the table and cleared his throat, mouth open and ready to politely request they keep it down when the man who was sitting with his back to Louis turned.
He was stunningly gorgeous.
Blinking a ridiculous number of times in an attempt to pull himself together, Louis coughed and spit out, “This is the quiet carriage.”
God, he was nearly forty and that was the best he could do in front of a set of pretty, green eyes?
Or the one where Harry is famous and Louis doesn't have a clue. Good thing his son is able to help him out.
All That You Need by @haztobegood
[Louis/Harry, 2k, Explicit, tumblr post]
Pre-heat was always one of Harry’s favorite times to spend with Louis. It was a time to rest up and indulge in extra cuddles, like basking in a ray of sunshine before having to dive off the deep end. Louis lavishes him with tender touches and soft kisses. Harry wants to savor this time as long as possible. The unquenchable need will come later, but for now, his desires are simple. He just needed to be closer to his alpha. As close as possible.
sickly sweet fonding by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose
[Louis/Harry, 1k, General, tumblr post]
A few members of their crew start piling up the dirty dishes and taking them over to the sink. Harry walks around the cameras, and smiles brightly at Louis.
“What do you think, Lou? Do I have it in the bag?”
Louis eyes a bowl of bright pink lumpy batter being cleaned from Harry’s side. “Of course you do.” He wraps an arm around Harry’s waist and steers him away, all while ignoring the dramatic gagging Niall is doing. He doesn’t think it’s just the batter making Niall gag.
or the one where Louis fonds over Harry's horrible baking skills
Fractured Moonlight by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose
[Louis/Harry, 1k, Mature, tumblr post]
Louis huffs because he doesn’t want to deal with this. “Listen, I appreciate your concern.” He doesn’t. “But it’s not your duty to look after the sad man at the bar. Okay?”
'Ere comes the milk by stretchmybones / @onlyfor-thegays
[Harry/Louis, 1k, Explicit]
Louis is obsessed with Harry's mommy milkers.
everything comes back to you by stretchmybones / @onlyfor-thegays
[Louis/Harry, 8k, Explicit]
Harry and Louis are childhood best friends. What happens when Harry has to move towns just as they are starting their secondary gender presentations? What happens when fate brings them back together years later in the most unexpected of ways?
He Still Takes My Breath Away by @parmahamlarrie
[Harry/Louis, 32k, Teen & Up, tumblr post]
Camp Infinity is the perfect place for a lot of things; hiking, swimming, sports, eating, and falling in love. Harry Styles is a bit too familiar with the last one from his years of being a camper. This year things will be different. He’s 21, a grown man now, and ready to see Camp Infinity from a different point of view; working as a lifeguard. However, his whole summer turns upside down when a familiar British lad makes his return into Harry's life.Or the one where Harry is a lifeguard and Louis is the head of recreation. And, sometimes, you just need a little push to realize what was right in front of you the whole time.
Also known as – The Summer Camp Fic
tread lightly on my ground by fairytalelights / @lookslikefairytale
[Louis/Harry, 20k, Explicit, tumblr post]
No, that's the tragic part of this, the part that makes Harry feel like the universe is playing a cruel joke on him. The father of his baby is exactly right, exactly who he always imagined himself having kids with. He just imagined them married, bonded. Happy. He didn't imagine them barely talking, tip-toeing around each other because neither of them is brave enough to talk about what happened between them. He didn't imagine the father of his child not loving him back.
or, the one where Harry is having Louis' baby, but Louis doesn't know it's his.
Getting a Head for Heights by @ladyaj-13 / LadyAJ_13
[Louis/Greg James, 3k, Teen & Up, tumblr post]
The problem is, Louis thinks Greg would be quite good to date, so it would really help if everyone would stop reminding him of that fact so he could unthink it. He’d be a gentleman, at least until Louis talked him out of it, and he’s funny and nice and hot and they’re both into music and football and drama. He’s also a freakish giant of a human, and the problem with dating is that sooner or later you have to stand next to each other.
We Go Together (series) by @beelou / cherrylarry
[Louis/Harry, 3k, General, tumblr post]
A grease au
Hot Boy Summer (series) by @louisandtheaquarian / zita17
[Harry/Louis, 35k, Teen & Up, tumblr post]
Louis is an overworked bartender hoping to save up enough extra tips to buy a new air conditioner before he literally melts during a scorching NYC heat wave. Harry is the new neighbor that wakes him up by moving in his sole day off at 6am. An NYC enemies to neighbors to lovers AU featuring a rickety fire escape, the 2021 Euros, Lirry bickering like a divorced couple, and enough OT5 clichés to rot your teeth. (If Harry's pastries don't get them first.)
across the river is where my heart is by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
[Louis/Harry, 8k, General, tumblr post]
The first time they see each other is when they are toddlers, playing out in the yard. Louis remembers sitting on the perfectly trimmed lawn and getting yelled at for picking at the soft blades of grass; she remembers looking over, across the narrow but deep and wild river, and watching another little girl, out in a different garden, picking flowers for her mother.
She remembers carefully raising her hand and waving—her little heart beating hard in her chest, as if she had done something dangerous, something forbidden, even though back then she could not understand the true divide the River made amongst them.
bright eyes, blue denim by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
[Louis/Harry, 2k, General, tumblr post]
Louis' favourite jeans have suddenly disappeared from where he always got them. Harry is a store manager with an affinity for customer care, particularly when the customer has bright blue eyes and happens to be very flirty.
whatever you feel like doing in this moment by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
[Harry/Louis, 2k, General, tumblr post]
Louis gets all that he's ever wanted during his favourite game at their group's weekly improv show.
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