#anyways camp nano's going great
falseroar · 1 year
Over 9k words into this murder mystery fic and the body has yet to hit the floor.
This, uh, might not be the short thing I once thought it was going to be.
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emry-stars-art · 6 months
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It's April and with April comes camp nano yayyy 👑 I don't expect to be able to keep up this pace but jsyk. Here we go again
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conkers-thecosy · 10 months
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Current WIP: "Backs to the Wall" Music: On The Nature of Daylight by Max Richter Beverage: Homemade lemon and ginger tea, with honey Mood: Lethargic
So, it's been a mixed bag this week! Knocked out two new chapters, both of which have had a truly wonderful response, and I'm sublimely happy with that! Also, had my most successful week of the year for my word count -not including the April Camp NaNo- and I'm only around 5k away from my year-long goal, so that's very exciting!
Less positive news is that I got so much writing done this week because I've been poorly with Covid, which has been vastly unpleasant, I won't lie. Also, my great aunt died on Friday which is quite sad - I've had a lot of family bereavements this year, and I don't have a lot of family to speak of as it is. So. Bit sad just now, and I worry it might have an effect on my writing.
Anyway! I'm about halfway through chapter eight, so I'm hoping to post that Thursday or Friday. Not going to stick to regular upload days after the poll this week, so thank you everyone for your feedback! I'm not sure what will happen with updates over the last week of December - not sure how many folks will be reading fanfiction then?? But I will keep you updated! 💛
As always, thank you to everyone who has been cheering me on, I'm so pleased you enjoyed both chapters this week!
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ageless-aislynn · 6 months
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Since I thought for so long that I wasn't going to be able to ever get Georgette to be the gaming computer she's supposed to be, now that I've got her to agree to playing Halo, I wanted to expand into a few other games in my Steam library. Note the play time...
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Because any time there's a 117, my thoughts go right to this fellow, of course! 😇
I'm really enjoying the puzzle aspect for Portal but my STARS I'm sucking at using either controller or mouse and keyboard. For some reason, looking to the left on the controller also makes me look totally upwards. Looking right looks totally down. I can compensate eventually to line things up but I've been stuck on a puzzle that requires you to push 2 buttons in different rooms, then quickly shoot 2 new portals to redirect an energy ball through the doors opened by those buttons. The timing is VERY short before the doors close again and I finally got thisclose to just giving up. I spent some time working on it again tonight and I'm not sure if I finally did get it or if there's some sort of "fail a puzzle 10 million times and just... go on anyway, please" element. 🤷‍♀️
Either way, I'm glad to have gotten past that one, lol! The next one is allowing me time to correct the weird ALL THE WAY UP or ALL THE WAY DOWN when trying to look left or right thing, so hopefully there won't be anything super short timed coming up. 🤞😣🤞 (I've tried correcting it by lowering the sensitivity, inverting the axis, etc. Nothing has made any difference, so I don't know what the problem is.) I actually do even worse with with mouse and keyboard because I'm not used to coordinating my hands like that and for some reason it stutters really bad when I use the mouse to look.
Ah well! I'm just glad to playing a game! Georgette just weirdly does better when I put a heavier graphics load on her. She still crashes every day but it tends to be while idle or while I'm watching a Youtube video. I dunno. We're just working through it, what can I say? 🤷‍♀️
Anyway! I'm taking a break from writing since I'll be starting Camp NaNo on the first, so thought this was a good time to try out a new game!
Hope you all are doing great! Much love to you, frens! 🤗🤗🤗💖
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WIP Titles Tag Game
I was tagged by @flock-from-the-void. Thanks!!!!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have. a great quantity of WIPs. more than I should, actually. its a problem. Or things I would classify as WIPs that I still think about at least once every 5 months. So there are going to be categorizes, for simplicity and also so I don't get lost in the maze of google docs files and notebooks and scrivener files. As follows: Scriviner Files, Google Docs, & actual notebooks.
(note: most of these do not have more than 1k words in them, or in the case of notebooks, most are less than 1/3 of the way full. I have lots of ideas but they're in my head)
Scriviner Files:
Frost & Fire REVAMP
Echoes of Blood (I haven't the slightest clue what this was)
Ashes of the Morrowwood
enna's prequel
One of Copper and associated works
Silence and Secondhand Souls
The Adventures of Evelyn Harker
sci fi thingy
Starr's story REWRITE
There shall now be a cut, because uh. LONG.
Google Docs:
Royalty AU
Elemental // Draft 0
Starr's Story Draft 0 (Camp NaNo April 2022)
Untitled Document #1--AU Prompt Fill
Vampire Hunter Steampunk Story-Victorian Era?
Assassin's Code
Froost & Fire
Knight Story
Mascardae Ball Fic
Nine's A Storm
Silent War
WIP: Elven Story // Draft 0
A Dragon's Apprentice (NaNo 21)
Actual Physical Notebooks:
Black Notebook--One of Copper 2 (or, the very beginnings of it, anyway)
Purple Dragon Notebook--One of Copper (the entire draft 0 takes up about all but the last 10 pages or so, and thats just lore notes to fill up the rest)
Brown Notebook--NaNo ideas and notes on the stuff i did do for it
White Geode Notebook--misc wip stuff, mostly little snippets of backstory stuff.
that one moleskin notebook my uncle gave me for my birthday--that's the frost & fire notebook, with all the random notes and ideas in it
Rainbow Unicorn Notebook--Space Sci Fi Mail Carriers Story
Teal Notebook--Its got the original notes and rambles for Silence and Secondhand Souls in it, which was really fun to reread just now, but other than that its mostly empty.
Black Notebook (1)--Misc WIP ideas and snippets and such.
Cat Notebook--Lots of longer form snippets and short story like stuff, the beginings of enna's prequel story, and random experimental ideas.
Flower Map Notebook--the first bit is my original ideas for the morrowwood story i mentioned in the scriviner docs section, and then the rest is a lot of random experiments with my d&d characters, most of that stuff is for my one character named Lexi after Certain Events that happened in the campaign, and then ideas for what a prequel about Ana and Redari's backstory could look like.
Space Notebook--This one is almost completely full. Its a bunch of random ideas and snippet type things, for most of my main WIPs.
Moon Notebook--Rewrites of older stuff I wrote, contintuations of older stuff I wrote, and scenes that I haven't gotten around to properly writing in Frost & Fire yet
okay, thats it. mostly. there's a lot. too much, actually.
I shall tag, with absolutely zero pressure, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @did-i-do-this-write, and anyone else who wants to play!!!!
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mcalhenwrites · 1 year
Still chipping away at Camp NaNo, I'm at 6500/40k! I haven't written much today, I'll probably change that. If the noise from tonight lets me focus haha
Seasons is now predicted to be 92 chapters? I plotted out the rest of the story, but something might need added, or something might change, or maybe... just maybe I'll see that something is unnecessary and cut it. It's odd, bc I have most of the epilogue already written, but there are so many blank chapters between now and then. XD Buuuut I'm feeling more like writing Hazel/Ferdinand stuff again right now? GREAT TIMING, BRAIN (Hazel loves to throw everything off.) I made a storygraph page, right now it's importing everything from goodreads. The latter site is owned by evil amazon anyway, but it's also malfunctioning frequently. It could be a while before all my books finish importing tho... anyway, feel free to follow me, esp if you read queer/indie books so I can glean off your read list... heh. Hopefully once it's all imported from GR, it'll fix my reading goals thing. It shows 0/60 books read in 2023, but I've read 78... XD Internet is being a dumbass still, but not as badly... someone is still coming out tomorrow, bc it fluctuates between working and not working. I don't have a lot of social media on my phone, and I avoid putting it on there. Not just due to room, but for personal boundaries. So I might disappear often bc of the internet. Which is fine, since I can do some reading and writing in the meantime, but the part that sucks is that I usually need to look up things as I write, since I frequently forget words and have to type synonyms into the thing, or I'll put down a word but go "there has to be a better way to word this" or just do some research. But I use my phone, I just have to remember to reach for it... xD Okay, back to writing
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ryttu3k · 2 years
Yeah, I think I’m going to officially put TTTH on hiatus, just have had zero motivation to work on it lately (haven’t written anything for it in over a month, and it’s been A Struggle since well before that, too). I got the email for Camp NaNo yesterday and my first thought was, “Oh good, I can use that to get back on track” and my second was, “Uuuuugh but I dun waaannaaaa”, and that’s. Kind of a bad sign, haha.
I’m lucky enough to be in a position where I don’t have to write to sustain myself. I don’t have any deadlines. I can just... work on it when it feels right, instead of forcing it and making it a chore. That’s not gonna make for good writing, anyway!
I think I’m just going to like... focus on fics that give me dopamine, short stories I won’t get burnt out on, stuff like that. If I eventually get the drive back for TTTH, great! If not, it’s okay, it’s not going anywhere!
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saunne · 11 months
NaNo Report - 5th and 6th November
(+ a bit of personal ramble)
I'm starting to think I was a bit masochistic for wanting to start NaNo, because just seeing the word count behind makes me want to cry.
As I thought, I wasn't able to write on Sunday.
As for yesterday, I actually wrote a bit. 596 words, before being interrupted.
I do genealogy on the side as a hobby and I received an unexpected message from a lady, whose husband is one of my mother's cousins, sending me information about my great-grandmother. So I discovered that this great-grandmother, entrusted to French social assistance as a baby, had a well-filled file which introduced me to a whole new branch of cousins. Which my entire maternal family was unaware of.
It was a fun call to make to grandma being like "Hi Grandma, did you know that your mother-in-law had 10 step-siblings ?".
And as hyperfixation reared its ugly head, I spent the next six hours updating my tree. I added more than 75 people 😅👌. Oh and there is now a very likely possibility that my great grandmother was born from 1) an extramarital affair or 2) wartime rape. The cross between the DNA test that I carried out a few years ago and the ethnographic data that it gave, location and general situation make me feel like I have kicked a bucket full of maggot. Family secrets, what joys and delight.
Meanwhile, great-grandfather is still unknown but DNA testing seems to indicate Ashkenazi Jewish diaspora.
I'll probably end up going to have fun in the departmental archives. I spotted a census file (for espionage / military surveillance purposes) of all foreigners residing in the region carried out from 1914 to 1919. There is also a document relating to the hospice in which my great-grand-mother was born, which also served as a military hospital. Oh, and a document named "census of Austro-German civilians detached from concentration camps to work in industry". Fun times ahead.
Anyways, I didn't write much yesterday.
NaNo Count : 2570 words
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asseater3k · 1 year
Metal gear mania day: 12
Some spoilers are below
Man this game is sad mgs2 ended on a rather hopeful note and it bums me out that in the seven years between those events and the ones of this game things have gotten worse and snake seems to have lost that sort of determined optimism that I really loved from mgs 2 it makes sense in character and is intentional because the game wants you to be sad and it works on top of all that he’s old now and I hate seeing old people sad/ in peril so it’s just a bummer game from a story point and the reveal that snake has basically 3 weeks left to live and his reaction was heart breaking he’s clearly trying not to confront it but the scene with Naomi forces him to. Moving in to the more fun side raidens back!!! Yay!!! I will say I knew he became a ninja because I was on YouTube in 2008 but seeing him do all this cool and goofy shit like hits way better now that I actually know what his deal is and what he’s been through love this guy he got fucked up though. I mentioned back when I was playing mgs 2 that camp did increasingly funnier shit every time he was on screen and that mother fucker didn’t miss a beat his first response after being shot in the head was to not only make sure he caught his Motorola razor but do so as over dramatically as possible and then switch to an even more dramatic pose to die for a bit and he steps it up even more in his fight with raiden.
Also I don’t buy the nano machines explanation for vamp not after fortune got told by ocelot (a guy who has worked with a man who can summon bees an old man who photosynthesis a psychic who can mind control people read minds and attack you with paintings of game developers and lady who could teleport) that there’s no magic or powers on earth only science and then proceeded to use her magic powers to deflect his missiles
Drebin is so cool I love his car his handkerchief and stupid pet monkey by the way if anyone wants to explain what the flashback when Naomi and snake are holding the monkey was about feel free also sunny is great and otacon is so dope I love to see him so confident and determined to right his and hisfamily’s and wrong also the way he says darpa when snake asks him how laughing octopus has octo camp was funny
Speaking of laughing octopus she’s a fun design and cool boss fight I actually really like all the B&B designs at least there armored designs and the frogs as well. Laughing octopus was a nice bossfught nothing ground breaking but still pretty clever feels like the decoy octopus fight we never got idk if I got the face camp system for the KO or just her face as one of the options but I like face camo the mask looks so cool that I kinda wanna always keep that on we’ll see anyway I gotta go do the Europe level see ya
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luneevenfall · 1 year
Camp Nano Day 17
Whooo! Goal hit!
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But I'm not done yet! For yes, juicy juicy parts incoming ohohohoho.
I'm not sure what I'll do after I write that. Do I think up a conclusion? Or will I write something else? haha not sure, but anyways here you go!
As morning dawned on their visit to the baseball game, Hina was stood nervously fidgeting in her room; she had tried for something a little more moveable, ending up wearing basically the outfit that Ayumu had bought her. She was wondering whether to change it last minute; but part of her really, really enjoyed it. Besides, she would end up getting Ayumu’s attention. It was a form of courage for her. So, she resolutely put her hair into a ponytail and put on the cap. The outfit was still bright and pink; she loved it so much. Ayumu was sure to think about that day if she wore it. Feeling a little giddy, she put on a pair of sneakers and left the door; she managed to find a cute bag that didn’t seem too out of place with the ensemble as she skipped along. Hina and Ayumu had planned to meet up at the station, and she walked along with her heart pounding the whole while. When she came upon the station, Ayumu was already there and waiting; she was wearing that pretty button-up shirt that Hina had seen her in on that fateful day in January, as well as her blue jacket. Hina had wondered if she’d ever get to see her in that jacket again. Ayumu responded with clear surprise upon seeing her getup, but the smile on her face afterwards was enough for her. She had noticed, and she liked it. “You look great today.” She offered her hand with a smile. “Let’s get going, alright?” Hina knew that they would have to stop holding hands once they got to the stadium, but for now, she allowed herself that pleasure; the crowded station and train would surely provide perfect cover. Today, she was going to do something about this. There was only today; if she let this pass her by, she was sure to never ever get a chance again. Ayumu and her stood close by one another as they rode the train, and Hina couldn’t help but lean against her. This was her last chance; if she was going to end up parting ways with Ayumu for good, the least she could do was to have this. The train rocked them back and forth as it rode towards the stadium; it was quite out there, due to its big size, so they were in the train for approximately half an hour. For that entire time, Hina leaned against her, relieved to be able to spend this much time with her. There was no one else from the group on this specific train today. “Hina, we’re getting off next station.” Ayumu spoke from above her. Hina was still leaning against her, offering only a hum in response. She kept it up until the very last second when they had to step out onto the station; they could see some of the others waiting down below. As soon as the others saw them, they waved excitedly to get their attention.
YEAHHH it's time!! LAST DAY!!! WE'RE GOING!!!!
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So, while I have been hitting my word count for Camp NaNo (mostly by dipping into other projects that aren't at the front of the line), I've been struggling to get all of the scenes for the pieces I've zeroed in on for the History of Dead Mothers and Nameless Lovers. I decided to analyze the concept with Story Grid to figure things out, and I've got a better idea of scenes I need to keep them going, but I've also run into a problem. The concept lends itself best to the Society content genre. The problem is that for the ladies I've zoomed in on right now (Elia Martell and the unnamed Piper wife of Quellon Greyjoy), there is no successful revolution or either a win-but-lose or lose-but-win outcome, just dying. And neither a dying from a fatal flaw in a satisfying way nor dying but accomplishing something anyways, which doesn't feel great from a message standpoint. (One thing I like about fiction is that suffering has meaning). Which is making me ask questions about what the goal is besides, "I bet these backstory characters could've been really interesting, what if I write something showing them with an inner life."
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elektra616-ar · 1 year
camp nano drabbles | #1
prompt: nour meeting 'the journalist' character: nour nazari verse: sweet spot for: @outfromthesea via discord tw & notes: nour is based off that professor in the newest scream film. but her fate is different. the warning is she's in denial of her trauma and slasher/horror tropes mentioned.
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The whole thing with Nour, is that her trauma has made her more impulsive than paranoid or fearful. Her therapist says that it’s not great to be impulsive and that she should try to work through it. But she doesn't really care. Because her therapist also says it's not healthy to live the way she does, and that she should quit her job, as it really isn’t helpful to teach a job where her trauma is re-lived on a daily basis, and where she has to explain that trauma over and over again to her university students.
But the thing is, Nour doesn’t really think there’s an issue with doing her job. Because, when she does her job, she’s teaching about fictional slasher films and fictional murders and murderers. She’s not actually talking about actual murder or murderers - and it wouldn’t matter if she was anyway, because she doesn’t exactly feel like a victim or haunted by her past.
If anything, she just feels like she was at the wrong place, at the wrong time. And now, her opinion on the matter is she’s alive and well, and lucky enough to be alive and well, when so many in this town haven't been as lucky.
And today, she's lucky enough to see the cute investigative journalist, whose name always escapes her whenever she sees him walking by or in her favorite restaurant. And though it’s not the best restaurant around, it’s the best place to get food that tastes almost as good as her own without having to cook, so she will go there whenever she doesn’t want something that doesn’t taste plain.
She tends to avoid the guy all together, usually, though, and will — she knows it’s weird — watch him eat sometimes, or talk on the phone, or type on his laptop or tablet.
But today, she decided to walk up to him and smile. “Hey!” she expressed a little too loudly, “You from around here?” cause she’s not. She got this job from out of town, and that was probably why she was targeted when she was way back when. But she’s not going to bring that up to a journalist.
“Cause if not, I was going to see if you could give me a bit of information, if I gave you some?” Her lips pursed, and she nudged him, and her words were low so that the person at the counter couldn’t hear her. “Quid pro quo…..” Which was likely the worst thing to say about now, but she’d said it, looking around and hoping for a response from him sooner rather than later. And if her therapist were here, that dreadful woman would immediately tell her this was a bad idea and that she was being impulsive. But did Nour care? No, not really. She was, as she liked to call it - trying to get answers, but also attempting to make a friend at the same time.
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toboldlywrite · 2 years
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Camp NaNo April 2022: The Apocalypse Experiment -- now in screenplay form!
In a post-apocalyptic PNW, most of humanity lives in underground cities to avoid the Change--a mysterious, airborne phenomenon that mutates human DNA, causing the development of animal traits, and sometimes costs the victims their minds as well. One young woman braves the surface to search for her missing dad; along the way discovering more about the Change and the calamity that caused the “apocalypse” in the first place.
I’ve decided that for this upcoming Camp, I’ll be participating in a project-based screenwriting course (involving writing a pilot episode for a TV series), and that out of all my projects, The Apocalypse Experiment fits the bill best. I’ve never dabbled in screenwriting before, so this is going to be an interesting experience. An experiment of my own, if you will.
See the ppt I made for it here
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ladytemeraire · 2 years
Gotta say nothing absolutely kneecaps my writing motivation like wondering if I'll even be able to publish my queer stories when they're done without far right dipshits trying to sue me or any publisher or bookstore that carries my work for "obscenity"
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leapwriter · 6 years
When you want to write but remember that means you have to actually sit down and write
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
It’s almost time for the next Camp NaNoWriMo! Anybody here planning on taking part? If you’d like to be buddies, btw, just let me know. 😎
I’m actually planning on doing something that I haven’t done for 3 years when it comes to the Camps in April and July and the full NaNo in Nov... I’m not writing Snowells or fanfic this time.
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Yeah, I know, it’s been a while since I’ve taken a crack at my own stuff but... I have an idea that has been steadily growing from a tiny seed and is now a cute little green sprout that’s begging for some actual attention. I think it’s time I gave it some. 🤷‍♀️
I’m not giving up on my WIPs; in fact, I’m hoping to get at least one of them finished off before April 1st but we’ll have to see how it goes. I feel like most of the people who read the first chapter of these WIPs aren’t even in the fandom anymore so I’ve already missed out on giving them a proper ending but... Well, there may still be some people who’ll care and, at the very least, it’ll mean something to me to know I didn’t go all...
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...on them. 😉
I also have some vid ideas circling but they’re just going to have to wait for May or wait and see if I hit my goal early. 😜 Either way, wish me luck and best of luck to you if you’re planning on Camping, too! 😎
Anyway, hope you’re all doing great! Much love to you all. 💖
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