#anyways enjoy the bbys
space-bowl · 29 days
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Unconditional love.
Based on this meme, shoutout to whoever made it (I saved it a while ago so if you see this and it's you, please let me know!):
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roseandbee · 7 months
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Happy Halloween 🎃
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qtipkyutip · 6 months
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Happy birthday to my wife, Sebastian! Winter 10! Wowie!
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lesharl-eclair · 8 months
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crashgate, 2008 // René Magritte, La Clairvoyance, 1936
richard siken / flavio briatore & bernie ecclestone, 2008 / 2006 japanese grand prix / 2008 singapore grand prix / religion / 2008 japanese grand prix / we move on again / flavio's race radios / piquet's side / 2008 german grand prix / angelic tongues / flavio's letter to piquet sr. / 2008 spanish grand prix / he's always been a nice boss / exit strategy / found innocent / nothing to prove
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leviiackrman · 8 months
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POKO RIKIHISA - Jujutsu Kaisen [full colour]
more art || character page || commissions
tag list (ask to be added or removed): @risingsh0t @sstewyhosseini @chuckhansen @statichvm @roofgeese @unholymilf @florbelles @confidentandgood @arklay @jinfromyarikawa @shellibisshe @simonxriley @queennymeria @marivenah @faerune @feypacts @mrdekarios @thedeadthree @jacobseed @jackiesarch @heroofpenamstan @dameayliins @jillvalentinesday @shadowglens @fenharel @alexxmason @yurgir
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mushiewrites · 1 year
hiiii :D
what about 13 ("youre usually so tough...") and 29 ("someone told me your little secret...") with lee!sap and ler!dream?? that sounds pretty solid to me :)
- cal <3
from this post!
hehehehe hi angel! i finished this so quick and ur at work so u dont even get to read this before it's posted >:D
prompt 13 - "You're usually so tough..." / prompt 29 - "Someone told me your little secret..."
“A little birdy told me something interesting today.” Sapnap turned his chair around from his computer, seeing Dream leaning against the doorframe to his room with a hand holding the top of it. He reached his other hand up and leaned his body forward, stretching and letting out a deep sigh when he lowered his arms. 
“What?” The younger boy questioned, watching as Dream made his way into his room, striding over to where he sat and stood in front of him. Their knees bumped against each other as the blonde rocked back and forth on his heels, a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Someone told me your little secret…” Dream leaned down towards Sapnap’s ear, speaking quietly as if someone might hear them. He furrowed his eyebrows, leaning back to look up at Dream as he racked his brain for what his friend could possibly mean. 
“My secret…?” Sapnap glanced around his room, not because he was looking for anything hidden, but trying to figure out if he had shared anything with anyone recently. He was drawing a blank and eventually looked back up at Dream with a shrug of his shoulders. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“I could always show you?” Dream offered, hands now clasped in front of his waist as he tried to sound as sweet as possible. Sapnap was skeptical, figuring this would possibly end up as a trap, but was too curious to talk himself out of agreeing. So, he gave the older boy a half shrug and a nod, a little “mhm” as a response for consent.  
“Okay. Just close your eyes.” 
“What? Dream, no. What is this?” Sapnap immediately was defensive, pushing his chair back to stand up, but being pushed down again by a strong grip on his shoulder. Dream moved his hand from Sapnap’s shoulder and instead grabbed the arms of the chair, gliding it on its wheels as he pulled it backwards towards the smaller boy’s bed. “Whahat are you doing?!” 
“Sorry, I figured this would be easier this way.” Dream shrugged as he finally came to a stop, sitting on the edge of Sapnap’s bed and pulling the chair as close to him as possible. The blonde moved his legs on either side of the chair, Sapnap’s legs fitting between his own as he closed them, wrapping his shins around the brunette’s to prevent him from pushing himself back.
“What are you-”
“Just trust me! Close your eyes and I’ll show you! I promise I’m not gonna do anything to hurt you, Sap.” 
“Ugh. Fine. But if you do hurt me, on purpose or not, I’m kicking your ass.” Dream barked out a laugh at the threat, nodding his head to let Sapnap know he understood. The younger boy let out a shaky sigh, clearly nervous as his legs began to bounce quickly and his fingers began to fidget with each other. 
“Okay. I’m gonna show you now, okay?
“Uh huh…”
Dream smiled, leaning forward slightly and using two fingers to gently but quickly glide up the underneath of Sapnap’s chin, causing him to let out a gasp, followed by a giggly whine as his eyes flew open. His face was bright red already, clearly embarrassed with the knowledge of the secret that had been shared. Under Sapnap’s chin was certainly a sensitive area, but when done right, could leave the boy in a melty, giggly state of mind.
“Nohoho! D-Dreheam, thihis-”
“What? This is what? Tell me, baby boy.” Dream demanded lightly, smiling when Sapnap let out another whine, bringing his hands down to his thighs to grip onto the fabric of his shorts, not knowing what to do with them besides open and close his fists through his giggles.
“Nohot fair!” 
“I think it’s perfectly fair. It’s just a melty spot! You love this, don’t you, Sapnap?” Dream brought his other hand up to join the fingers already in motion, leaning the heels of his hands on either side of Sapnap’s jaw before using all of his fingers to gently skitter up and down the underside of his chin. 
Sapnap couldn’t stop himself from nodding at the question, breaking out into helpless laughter, although still light and airy, as he completely melted into Dream’s hands. The blonde could feel how much the squirmy boy was leaning into the tickles, clearly loving the treatment he was receiving. 
“This really is a melty spot for you, isn’t it? I can’t believe this! You’re usually so tough…” Dream smirked at the slight jab to Sapnap, spidering his fingers a little quicker with slightly more pressure.
“Dreheheam!” Sapnap giggled out his name once more, making the elder giggle along with him. The blush on the brunette’s cheeks had spread onto his nose, which was scrunched from the continuous laughter that was pouring out of him. 
As much as Dream would’ve loved to continue tickling Sapnap like this until the end of time, he knew how much this flustered him. The blonde decided to spare him the embarrassment, especially of the snorts that he was advised would come after a few minutes of this.
Dream slowly moved his hands out from under Sapnap’s chin, smiling fondly at the final giggles that were still making their way out into the open air. The younger boy brought his hands up to the buzzing spot, rubbing with both of his palms to help ease the tingles that were still somehow populating under his skin, keeping him giggly and smiling. 
“Who…who told you?” Sapnap asked bashfully, moving his hands from under his chin to rub them on either side of his face, along the soft skin of his cheeks and down to the thick hair of his beard covering his jaw. 
“Karl.” Dream giggled simply, laughing harder when Sapnap let out an animalistic growl in response. 
“I’m gonna wreck his shit the next time I see him, I swear to God. That little….that little….” 
“Hold on! I’m trying to think of an insult that isn’t actually mean..” 
“Oh my God, you’re ridiculous. Just say you’re in love and get married already.” 
Sapnap laughed along with Dream this time, always finding the shipping jokes hilarious. But even though he was laughing, Sapnap wouldn’t forget the betrayal from Karl. He smirked and chuckled to himself as he hatched a plan in his mind, immediately putting it into motion.
“So Dream, you wanna hear some secrets about Karl?”
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
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[ID: four page comic of the owl house. Page 1: Eda walks past Luz, Gus and Willow, who're sat on the floor of the owl house around a box labeled "Eda's Music". Eda notices them and peeks around the corner asking "uh, hey kid- whatcha doin?". Luz says "oh hey Eda!".
Page 2: Luz says "we were just going through all your old human music!" While holding a CD case. She continues "I've been getting nostalgic listening to some old latin pop CDs, like what my mom used to play around the house! (You have a surprising amount of merengue music btw)". Gus sheds a single tear and says "I've sampled human music before but, wow, just, wow! The technique...the inspiration...Carly Rae Jepsen is a genius". Willow looks to the side and says "and I've been listening to your old breakup mixtapes!".
Page 3: Eda looks at her blankly before saying "my what?". Willow says- "your breakup music! There's a whole box of it. I'm pretty over it now but back in the day...when Amity stopped hanging out with me...it hit me hard. I kinda had a phase of only listening to angsty breakup songs for like...a month. Maybe more. It's kinda sad in retrospect".
In the background we can see a flashback of young willow sobbing in bed while summoning vines to cover photos of her and Amity on her wall. Willow continues "things are a lot better now don't get me wrong...but I still listen to that playlist every once in a while when I need a release". Eda contemplates, then grimaces, remembering breakup with Raine (who's pictured saying "it's over, eda").
Page 4: Eda looks at Willow. She eventually says "wanna trade?" And Willow looks up. Final panel shows Luz standing in the doorway concerned as she looks at Willow and Eda. willow is kneeling in front of a casette player and headphones with a shadowy expression and Eda is in the family guy death post with a phone and headphone wire next to her. Both have annotations- Willow's says "got One of Us by ABBA" and Eda's is "got Nightshift by Lucy Dacus". Luz says "you guys good?". End ID]
*slides my Eda and Willow trade angsty breakup songs on s2A hc across the table*
#the owl house#willow park#eda clawthorne#luz noceda#gus porter#(i know he's essentially a cameo in this but he has a speaking role at least i feel justified tagging him)#raeda#not really intended as amillow? more abt the experience of taking a friendship breakup hard but lacking the language to describe it#but can be interpreted as amillow if you want#anyway. every stage of this comic kicked my ass and tbh it's not my favorite but it got me drawing again and that's good#i still think the idea is funny part of me is just like. actually we can do better lets take it from the top#which is deranged bc I've already spent like 2-ish weeks on this i am not looking at this for another second#do i think enjoying angsty breakup music is wholly in character for willow? im not sure. she doesn't like dwelling on the negative#BUT like. i think you can make the argument she'd enjoy it in private. she represses a lot of feelings she needs some kind of outlet#and this is s2A in my mind (post eclipse lake where willow and Gus want to check out more human music)#so i feel like I can justify her talking about her angsty guilty pleasure to eda#also like. bby willow is DEVASTATED in the understanding willow flashbacks. maybe older willow tries to ignore things#but for at least a few months it was probably a big struggle for her coming to terms w/ why amity stopped hanging out w/ her#anyway i don't want to look at this anymore. have at thee!#i have 2 (two) more comics thumbnailed and one of them is shorter/funnier but the other one is a hc I really like#so currently a toss up between which one gets done next#it's half past midnight and i don't wanna stay awake until 2 am again so I'll probably just leave this lurk for a bit and then sleep#i hate the way this is formatted (the images are SO SMALL ON MOBILE) but i don't want this post to be more vertical than it is
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thedeviousdevilxx · 1 year
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My brain on Duff
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spacedlexi · 3 months
ok i wanna get your opinion on a sort of fan indifferent character, so what do you think about kate garcia?
personally i felt like she was an alright character, but like gabe, she has such stupid moments that are so unnecessary 😭 that whole family is a clusterfuck and then she just makes it worse in the most intense moment. i get u hate ur husband (understandably) and u and javi were stuck together for years, but thats still his brother 💀
kate also gets too much hate. i like her enough. yeah she can be a little annoying but nothing Too bad. the worst thing she does is start the fight in the garage. there are more annoying characters. shes more of a plot device than anything like she exists to create conflict
and i dont care about the david thing. like i'll romance her i dont care. ive done both. my only actual issue with it is that she doesnt break things off with david first. she doesnt even take the ring off until after he dies 💀 but david gets mad anyway even if you dont romance her so why not SHDKJSDK like might as well give him something to get mad at. and her and javi are cute enough. i dont think they Intended to have feelings for each other it just kinda happened naturally and then suddenly david was back in their lives. its messy on purpose. just have fun with it
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merlyn-bane · 7 months
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jedi initiates deserve to stomp in puddles too!!!
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zah-likes-tea · 4 months
Doodles throughout the months!
I’ve been busy for the past few months of September to this February, and these are the doodles I’ve made.
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ritzy-reminiscence · 1 year
─♣️─ Lackadaisy : Melancholy Hours
⸝⸝ tl;dr : a sleepless night turns into a trip down memory lane for mordecai heller, who usually prefers to keep his memories buried deep deep down.
⸝⸝ note : this is purely self-indulgent ! so expect an unedited work, a very ooc mordecai, and a ton of headcanons that i shoehorned into the oneshot. this was made with the intention of contributing something to the lackadaisy fandom, so i do hope it's still enjoyable regardless of the shenanigans i put in . (also, to everyone in the discord that sees this, im so sorry)
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It was on one of these nights when Mordecai Heller would find himself tossing and turning in bed, rustling the sheets he normally kept so pristine. Nights where his alcohol pick-ups with the Savoys lead to bone-crushing exhaustion. Nights where time seemed to slow down after fights with rival speakeasies, emphasizing the way his muscles tense and his wounds throb. Nights where the lull of cicadas and frogs outside his bedroom window gave way to thoughts and memories he normally kept under lock and key.
Memories - something that Mordecai preferred to stay away from, something that he keeps buried under layers of tough, unbreakable soil. And yet, in this warm summer night, with the moonlight filtering through the windows and the crickets chirping their trance-inducing song, Mordecai finds himself taking a reluctant walk down memory lane, lured in by some unknown entity who takes his hand in wisps of silver and gold. Who opens each door in his house of memories and grins with delight when the can of worms come crawling out from the front porch. Who reminds him, like a breeze of wind rustling his ear, that days have been better. That they have been more joyful, more vibrant than whatever he's experiencing right now.
And it was on one of these nights that ruthless gunman and rumrunner Mordecai Heller would succumb to his feelings. He'd let them flow, like salty silk ribbons, down his cheeks, his chin, releasing all that he's been bottling up in one fell swoop of tears and sobs. He'd sit up in bed and hug himself like how he used to when he was a child, and let his cries wash over him as he grieves for everything he's lost.
Viktor. Rose. Esther. Atlas, Rose, Esther, Viktor. Viktor.
Viktor, the closest thing he's had to family since he left his ; who tolerates his ramblings and rants about asymmetry and germs ; who's been a pillar Mordecai can hang on to in times where everything's too much. On nights like this, Mordecai finds himself longing for Viktor's presence. Anything could do - his gruff voice, his one-eyed glare, just ... anything to make him feel like he's back at Lackadaisy again.
Mordecai hugs himself tighter, rocking back and forth on the mattress. He shuts his eyes amidst the tears flowing from closed lids, and out from his mouth comes a thin keening. A shaky breath, a gasp for air, and then a whispered, "I want to go home."
Home, with its worn couch with the coffee stains and water rings. Home, with the clotheslines stringing from pillar to pillar, laden with drying coats and scarves. Home, with the sounds of laughter and high-pitched shrieks and sibling arguments. Rose and Esther. Rose and Esther. One shining from the inside with bubbly smiles, the other almost a carbon copy of himself with those moody eyes and those moody glasses.
"I want to go home, I want to go home," he says, over and over again, like a wish that would come true if he just said it enough. If he just believed enough.
And he wouldn't have known he had fallen asleep if it weren't for him waking up the chirps of robins and sparrows with his eyes sore and swollen. He'd stare at the ceiling in silence for a moment, before getting up and making his bed. Taking a shower. Buttoning his suit up. Locking the door behind him. On mornings after nights like these, Mordecai Heller would keep his memories under lock-and-key again as he steps out into the fast-moving world of guns, alcohol, and blood.
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zackcollins · 2 years
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“Holy Fuck!” || OAK vs SEA || 09/30/22
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spacelooner · 11 months
okay so, I watched in italian (my mother language) the movie and afterwards in english and something really pissed me off.
In the scene where Mirage, disguised as a truck, sneaks in with Noah we see Optimus, Bee and Arcee talk.
At the end of their dialogue Optimus (in the ENGLISH VERSION) tells Bumblebee that he doesn't want him to go to the drive-in theater anymore. Really funny, very dad/son moment.
BUT in the ITALIAN VERSION Optimus tells Bumblebee that he wish he could stop speaking like that and "use his own voice".
Like?? UH??? That's mean??? Why would he say that to the boy if his voice box(?) Was damaged in battle??
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seijorhi · 1 year
Rhi, oh my gosh, I missed Commentary Thursday, I'm so sorry I'm late 😭😭
But I'm here now
This week I want to praise your Haikyuu fics - specifically One More Time (Hinata)
I think I first found your blog because of your Haikyuu fics so they have a special place in my heart
One More Time is so good, especially with your characterisation of Hinata
He's so sweet and he tries so hard, but he just isn't enough and the reader is just such an ungrateful damn brat - his psychotic way of thinking is just so incredible, and it's even more scary when you realise that he knows why you're scared and how you view him, he just doesn't care
I love reading your fics that are written through the yandere's point of view, it gives the whole fic such a confusing spin because they have some pretty compelling arguments (I also love the fics where they're written from a bystanders point of view - like the TR fic with Hinata and the Haikyuu fic with Hinata and Atsumu)
Also the fact that Hinata is relatively tame in his reaction, the fact that he could have done so much worse - I love it
Again, your writing is incredible, even your older fics (I have to say that because sometimes you mention not liking your older fics but I absolutely love them)
And again, I'm so sorry for being a day late :((
But I hope you have a wonderful festive season :))
And thank you for the wonderful Izana and Kakucho fic, it was wonderful <33
i really need to write for more hinata i love him sm 🥺 <33 mayhaps brazil hinata??
but no, it's always fun for me to write from a yandere's perspective, especially when the character in question is either delusional, homicidal or a charming combination of the two. also unreliable narrators are something i enjoy a little too much ghfdjkjhfjdks
ily and i hope your holiday season is going well so far! i for one have just begun what is going to be ten days of intensive christmas baking so... if anyone needs me that's where i'll be haha
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
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SATORI TENDŌ ♡ RISU @sookisaurus
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risu bby !! i’m looking at ur big 3 and tendous chart and … yeah. YUP ! this is it right here <3 okay so the sister sign to taurus is scorpio hehe a lot of times being with someone from your sister sign allows you both to grow to be your best selves while also keeping that spark ;) hehe also you guys have the same moon sign and that’s just so cute <33 your rising is scorpio and his is virgo so it’s all in the same 2 elements !!! y’all are probably on the same page about a lot of things in life <3 his venus is in gemini so this man knows how to get your attention LOL he keeps things very lively. definition of never let them know your next move but in a good way bc he always one ups himself with romantic gestures hehe he just always wants to make you feel loved n special !!!! WAHH I LOVE YOU GUYS
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