#anyways robin looks so good in this episode for no reason like chill
t-u-i-t-c · 2 months
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ROBIN FURUYA as Takashi Iwanaga Love is Better the Second Time Around (2024) │01x05
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please. i can’t do this alone.
Titans 3.01
thoughts! thoughts! thoughts! some red hot thoughts!
1. one episode in, and this season already looks set to give me everything i want. its abandonment of plot and storytelling conventions as it goes from one point to the next at breakneck speed; its cheerful bastardisation of iconic storylines from the comics; the ‘as-you-know-bob’ clunky exposition on one end and extremely restrained, subtle explorations of complex character dynamics on the other; endless shots of neon bleeding into black and blue corridors, shadows and silhouettes; my delight in seeing it celebrate and deconstruct the dark nolan-y batman aesthetic at the same time; my bafflement that it’s so fucking goddamn obsessed with the batfam when it’s supposed to be about the TITANS; kory just... saving every overburdened, clunky scene that she’s in by her sparkling charisma. just... *chef’s kiss*. muah. my show is back, in all its glory.
1.5. i mean... this show is so artful and weird and not afraid to go absolutely bonkers in exploring its characters’ psyche, but can just about barely stage a passable comic book fight when every tom dick and harry and their new streaming services can deliver ones that are far more exciting. i love this show with every atom of my body.
(there’s something to be said about rooting for the underdog as well. a pleasure in finding something to love about what other people dismiss. but! enough navel gazing! i have fictional characters’ navels to look at! metaphorically! and maybe literally!)
2. i expected jason’s death to come about pretty early in the season as soon as i heard rumours that red hood was showing up, but for it to happen in the first five minutes of the first episode... that’s a record. 
(well. “happen.” still don’t know what exactly went down there.)
2.25. GOD. jason is such a tortured and tragic character in this show, used and passed around by people with alleged good intentions, never really fitting in anywhere. he’s veritably bleeding vulnerability and the need to belong, the need to be known, and yet the tragedy is that his death proves that nobody in his life knew anything about him at all; that they only saw the flimsy walls he put up to protect his soft core, and thought that that was all there was. that they say they loved him, but blame him for his own death. 
dick is flabbergasted that jason can read, though we know from last season, from what jason revealed to rose, that he has a love for plays and music. barbara is quick to dismiss his actions as ‘impulsive’. bruce has no idea that his supposed son was building his own little chemistry lab right under his nose, and beyond that, no idea that jason needed structure, stability and validation beyond being left alone in a huge house with a treasure trove of dangerous weapons. kory thought his decision to fight the joker was from not learning and growing when the guy tried to kill himself last season and nobody apart from dick even tried to talk to him about it! did you consider that he might still be suicidal? especially after the titans admitted to having “given up” on him because he was just “too hard”?
2.5. the one thing that’s been consistent across all three seasons (so far) of the show is the unreliable narrator trope. there’s a reason why the characters’ dismissals of jason’s actions as impulsive is so repetitive; why jason’s death is a mystery dick feels compelled to solve. it’s a flailing attempt to know his brother much too late--but with red hood, maybe he gets a second chance, just like he got one with the titans. this is what jason’s arc has been building up to. this is ‘death in the family’ but more fucked up in some ways. it didn’t linger on the death because the death wasn’t the point. the joker isn’t the point. everything that came before it is.
this way it will also make perfect sense that the red hood’s main enemy becomes the titans rather than batman.
2.75. goodness knows what’s going on with jason’s little chemistry project. at first i thought he was immunising himself to joker gas or something, but maybe it’s what passes for lazarus pit juice in this universe? 
anyway, it’s pretty impressive that jason learnt all of that from a college chemistry textbook. STOP BRINGING UP THAT HE READ SOMETHING, DICK--
2.8. i’m glad that dick doesn’t immediately sink into self-loathing and guilt and tries to investigate jason’s death while also acknowledging how he failed him. it’s like he actually learned something from the last two years! 
anyway. more about dick later. 
3. oh how i love titans!bruce. a lot of characters had a lot of Opinions on his reaction to jason’s death in this episode, but again, i ask you to consider that they’re unreliable narrators, and this universe’s bruce is a product of how it shaped him. bruce wayne has become a phantom to himself--an artifice borne out of vigorous discipline and crushing self-denial. 
bruce has been batman for a very long time, and without a robin for much longer. (dick must be... in his early thirties? so he was robin for about, say, 10-12 years according to the timeline of the show. that still makes bruce pretty old when he took on his first robin.) things have... calcified (possibly parts of his brain). the personal cost and the collateral from the mission he’s taken up for most of his life is too much to countenance; it has to be a war, and war requires sacrifice. 
on some level bruce knows that’s a lie. he’s so goddamned alone. what’s he going to do? sit down and cry? who’s going to listen to him now? oh, is he going to just stop being batman? who’s going to stop gotham from consuming herself then? he’ll just have to forge ahead, do better next time, maybe he’ll be firmer with them, or kinder with them, or notice more things, or train them harder, or spend more time--
3.25. don’t get me wrong: titans!bruce is an asshole and a half. his roster of potential robins was honestly bone-chilling. the fact that there’s a twisted root of compassion makes it more disturbing. 
3.5. alfred’s dead! it must’ve been pretty recent, because i could’ve sworn that dick tried to call alfred in the very first episode of season 1, or at least considered calling him... 
what a devastating double-blow for bruce then, losing his father-figure and his, uh.... son-figure so close together.
4. i don’t know about barbara yet. i mean, i like her, but she had so much clunky expository dialogue to deliver this episode, and for an episode that was named after her, she only showed up halfway through it. but i like the weight of history behind her interactions with both bruce and dick and her compassion to bruce before he cruelly crossed a line. i also like the implication that she and dick have been in touch recently, and that she didn’t immediately try to guilt-trip dick about some perceived abandonment. it’d be too repetitive.
4.5. there’s also a sense that she ran interference for dick a lot whenever there was something Too Big and Emotional for him to confront directly, and i like and appreciate that character beat.
5. dick, my man! it really does feel like a substantial length of time has passed between the end of s2 and the beginning of s3... kory’s got a new costume, they’ve become celebrities in SF, working missions together, and dick’s actually smiling! genuinely enjoying his work and having fun with it for possibly the first time in the entire series! it’s really a far cry from the fractured, dysfunctional mess that they were at the end of the last season.
i just hope this doesn’t mean that they’ve magically reached a resolution off-screen to all of their fucked-upness from last season, and that the repercussions--for gar in particular--are actually addressed on screen. 
5.25. i mentioned this briefly above, but it really is so refreshing that dick doesn’t wallow in guilt and self-loathing after jason’s death; he acknowledges his and the titans’ failure, is able to admit to barbara honestly that he’s not doing great, and is actively trying to reach out to bruce to make sure he’s ok, is trying to investigate what made jason seek out the joker on his own, and is probably the only person not immediately buying that it was jason’s recklessness that got him killed. i love that dick is finally beginning to trust his instincts or just employ them at all after years of guilt and paranoia and self-loathing. we love some positive character growth!
5.5. another thing i love? the bruce-dick interactions on this show. every scene they’re in together is so fraught with tension, both of them holding themselves back, their emotions on a whipcord-tight leash. dick wants to reach out to bruce, is even somewhat familiar with this brand of denial in the wake of grief, but wants barbara to make the first move because he genuinely does not know how to get bruce to open up. his instincts are right, and wonderful, and genuine, but his expression has been smothered by years of trauma, emotional and physical self-discipline, and what i suspect is poorly treated mental illness. 
it takes a lot for him to finally explode at bruce at the end of the episode--in a way he hasn’t done even when his only opinion of bruce was ‘fuck him’--and it’s all the more startling for how subdued he’s been through the episode, how much he’s been holding back his emotions for bruce’s sake. love it.
5.75. it sort of hurts my heart to see the flying graysons poster in jason’s room. there are a few implications:
a) jason settled into dick’s old room despite living in a giant mansion with dozens of other rooms he could’ve used
b) he didn’t take down dick’s poster--not when he moved in and was idolising him, not when he moved out of the titans and was sort of hating him. i wonder if the reminder of what dick was before robin--that he was forged out of unspeakable tragedy--gave jason the connection to dick that he so desperately wanted in real life
c) dick moved right back into the room and slept on the bed that was now jason’s. grief can be so quiet and piecemeal sometimes.
6. i spy the beginnings of actual arcs for both gar and kory! i just hope that with the move to gotham their stories don’t fall to the wayside...
6.5. i’ve known tim drake for less than ten minutes but if anything were to happen to him i’d kill everybody 
7. this review has gone on for too long and i am tiRED. however, before i leave: i miss some of the dedication-to-aesthetic that titans season 1 used to have. remember how the first few episodes didn’t really feel like a superhero show but something out of gothic horror? there was something gorgeous and raw about that, about open landscapes and the road and creepy buildings looming up at the end of it. moving to titans tower in s2 really ruined a lot of that for me, given its ripped-from-architectural-digest aesthetic, all smooth and clean and artificial. 
i hope that we really explore gotham’s hellscape in interesting and innovative ways instead of camping out in the batcave all the time and indulging in the show’s unending love for long corridors, neon backlights and silhouettes.
9.  wait, fuck, HOW CAN I FORGET ABOUT HOT PSYCHIATRIST GUY (TM)??? NONE of you prepared me for his return! NONE OF YOU! i gasped! i got up and did a happy dance! 
listen, titans writers, if you’ve had a peek at my titans s3 wishlist, please go ahead and give the other items on the list a go too, thankyouverymuch.
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aliresix · 3 years
 I’m watching One Piece
Episodes 1-50
In the very first scenes, Nami doesn’t have such an exaggerated body. But as time goes by it gets worse.
For some reason I think Usopp and Hanji (from snk) would get along well??? Just… I don’t know, science buddies and major nonbinary vibes.
I’m dying they’re spelling Luffy as “Rufy”. H e l p
How does Zoro talk in an understandable way so casually while having a fucking sword in his mouth????????
I can’t look at the tag for this fandom and I won’t be able to for 3 to 5 months. I don’t think I’ll resist that long.
Ep. 45 was just everyone going “awww baby’s first wanted poster”
Now that I think about it, how is taking several trees with you on a boat a good choice, Nami?
I want to appreciate all the voice actors
Luffy is the master of sleeping when he’s in danger/has almost died.
Zoro was straight up ready to lose an arm just to get a good sword. And they don’t have - yet - a doctor with them? What
Fuckin hell ep 50 gave me a dejavu but I love my lying son Usopp so worth it
Episodes 50-100
MY BABY SANJI FOUND THE ALL BLUE. Good for him, good for him.
Luffy. Luffy I love you. But how did you survive after getting struck by lightning and falling from something so tall??????
The marine trying to set the Merry Going on fire while it rains: yeah we brought gunpowder but we need more cause it got wet VS That one guy from Buggy’s crew: trying to light a match under the rain.
Every time someone learns they are pirates they’re super scared. then they get to know them and they’re like “ah”.
Please tell me at some point Luffy has/will come back to the whale. The poor thing deserves it.
Oh my god Luffy sleep-talked and the others anwered I can’t
Zoro: * is about to get turned into a wax statue*. Also Zoro: gotta look good while I’m at it 
Luffy went up a vertical mountain, in the snow, barely dressed and barefoot. While carrying two people. My boy is strong as fuck.
Me: no I won’t cry. Chopper’s whole backstory: hi.
Only Luffy’s brother could not be bother by Luffy having a reindeer in his cruise.
I want one of those turtle-seal things. I’ll keep it with me and cherish it forever.
Episodes 100-150
Places Luffy has fallen asleep at: a pit he created, the middle of a square, a beach after falling from a cliff.
Luffy, insulting a crocodile by calling it a “damned banana”. Gotta love him.
Luffy: almost dies. Also Luffy: M E A T
The lesbian energy just radiating from every interaction between Nami and Vivi is killing me (the bath scene??? help)
Love that despite them risking their own life, Nami still puts her maps first.
 They just keep rescuing people they find in the sea and help them out
This time they’re just chilling around in the boat of the people trying to catch them (also I kinda want to cook/eat curry rn)
Their reactions when Luffy was interested in a book were priceless
I can’t believe this old man  defeated the marine with GOATS
Hey remember that one time the Merry Going came out of a rainbow mist flying?
Mh so falling asleep in critical situations runs in the family, right, Ace?
Episodes 150-200
The only other reaction to the straw hats is "these idiots are dumb and therefore weak" and then getting your ass beaten.
What the actual fuck is happening in the clouds I'm very concerned
They said a lot of money but Sanji converted it in rice I’m dying over here
Single parent Usopp having to deal with all the problem children (expect Robin. In this house we stan Robin.) is a mood
Same thing goes for Nami hitting that dude in the face with a boat cause the price was too high
BIg brain time and it’s just “what if Robin knew how to fight with a sword”. She’d be even more unstoppable. Also woman with sword so
Luffy: gets attacked by dangerous wild animal. Luffy’s first thought: Hey Sanji can we eat it?
Once again, Luffy’s priority are well set: throw that golden necklace away, look for meat instead.
Fellas is it gay to trust a man you never met with the lives of your whole village, get mad at him and then forgive him while running in the water and telling him you’ll wait for him, and protect your land thinking that you need to be there for when he'll return? Asking for a friend.
I did some calculations (that are probably worng but shhh nobody needs to know that) and anyways remember the big golden ball attached to Luff’s arm for, like, 5 episodes? Well, it should weight somewhere between 140-150 kg and 200 kg. WHAT. Luffy supremacy, once again.
Pfft look at those idiots trying to escape with the gold while the citizens run after them to give them more.
How isn't anyone in Navarone recognizing them istg it doesn't make sense they are wanted by the law
Chopper decided to risk his life for the lives of complete strangers. What a good doctor.
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Rewatch Series (#3)
Let’s see what we have on the slate. this should be the premiere of s3: Speak Your Truth. I am watching this during school, so let’s see how bad my focus is.
-the episode description is “The shooting of Dr. Charles moves to the courtroom and things turn complicated for the doctors and nurses of Chicago Med.” so still on brand for being all sorts of vague.
-all that really says is more sarah angst so big sad
-let’s get started
-god back to classic med, starting things off fast, just how i like it
-how tf kellogg live through the headshot. guy can’t do anything right
-connor running towards charles on the guerney screaming “what the hell happened!?” and sharon just being “he got shot.” is so fucking hilarous to me i have no clue why
-oh god i remember how much it bothered me that connor changed his hair from the end of s2 to the start of s3 lol (bc it’s supposed to be the same night, but yk, nitpicking)
-the time jump is such an interesting choice. i remember it was jarring at first. i’m sure i’ll have more to say as the episode goes on
-aw hey guys look its sarah! adorable
-also stoll
-oh god, nat taking a sabbatical was weird
-oh boy watching s3 means i get to watch noah get thrown through a glass door and also be a disappointment
-the way connor is effortlessly charming here in the beginning is maybe the only reason i tolerate his character (also more of sarah being adorable)
-horney boi. stop it.
-noah following after sarah like a lovesick puppy is funny
-sarah saying ‘he’s the reason i went into psych...’ honey, psych is not good for your mental health please stop giving him credit
-its the s3 premiere and Sarah talks about her dad and her strained relationship, specifically because noah compares charles getting shot to her dad getting shot. but like, foreshadowing... maybe i should give the med writers a smidge more of credit than I have been in terms of planning things...
-sarah: “don’t compare my dad to dr. charles.”
-long sigh. god... sarah being so supportive. and charles just being ‘No???’
-not to be weird but court room scenes always get me feeling some sorta way
-haha its peter stone! remember him? remember chicago justice?
-THE BETRAYAL ON SARAH’S FACE - she cares so much about him and he’s about to get his own shooter acquitted.
-god sarah is just fucking fantastic. she feels so passionately about caring about people
-god charles fucking hates himself so much? he should Not be ava’s mentor
-charles: “I think the shooting is affecting your objectivity.” sarah: “mY oBjECtiViTy?!”
-also they said ‘the fact he was concealing a weapon shows like fear malicious content’ or what ever. and uh,, sarah? please. please, for my sanity. (bc of what happens later in the season)
-charles- you know how you can help me? fuck off.
-lol this kid is the one who had like a tooth ache, and now his brain is rotting or something. probably will happen to me (@ my parents please let me see the dentist)
-this is where doris is like ethan is playing favorites
-the like background noises of the ed calm me down. they prob really shouldn’t
-they’re gonna fuckkkkk
-something to be said about sarah being gung ho about kellogg being off the streets and a danger to society when... her dad...
- I really like when med does the thing when one character is just standing in the ed and they transition to the next story by having the next character run past
-what is with all of the nurses drama like honestly
-hey guys look its ava! (let see if i have enough brain cells to find anything)
-heyyyy look at that. ava trying usurp some of connor’s cases. while, yeah she is being a tad undermining, connor’s gf was literally just discharged from a psych hold. this is just an interaction to keep in mind for future events.
-ava’s playing full cunning while connor’s busy fucking his girlfriend
-dont hate the player man
-because they’re both under latham, they’re more rivals than hero/villain, bc they have a common guy who is their advisor. but yeah. dont hate the player
-robin calling ava ‘cruella’ is making want to throw hands ngl. god dude chill - bc it means either robin just saw ava interacting with people and thought ‘what a bitch’ or connor was complaining about ava and either way I hate it.
-connor broke up with robin bc she was too horneyyy (ik he didn’t break up w her but yk)
-connor - reese interaction was nice. until he started blaming her bruh wtf chilll
-her arguing with connor is like. peak. (ava + sarah teaming up to bully connor and not take any of his shit?? i think yes)
-this ethan april thing is stupid. i’m just gonna say it.
-ava: “that would have been a really great idea if you were trying to kill him.” SHE TAKES NO. SURVIVORS. i love her so much
-YEAH RHODES GET FUCKED! i think one of the reasons ava was disliked at first was bc latham kind of favored her and... literally everyone else favored connor? so get fucked? but here, ava can obviously hold her own and connor is just whining. I’m glad they put them on equal ground bc connor and ava’s direct superior is on ava’s side, and literally everyone else is with connor. AND CONNORS STILL PLAYED AS AN UNDERDOG BC AVA TOOK HIS SURGERY! HOW. infuriating
-anyway, for the purposes of the theory ava is capable enough to hold her own as a stand alone, and clever enough to be entertaining
-holy shit no i think i just remembered how this storyline goes. connor gets a better surgery, right? he gets glory and stuff. this is too fucking rich, come on. let one thing go wrong for him.
-i miss ava
-stop it sarah you have anxiety.
-okay. Ava is half bickering, half flirting with him, a little annoying but we put up with it bc we love her and its not her fault she’s supposed to be his love interest. but still, it’s playful, it’s not neccesarily flirting. conceivably, she could be talking to anybody. But then, she tells him to relax, to take a day off. SHE’S STILL A GOOD PERSON. SHE’S NOT TRYING TO EXPLICITLY SPITE CONNOR, OR ANYONE. that’s what people tend to forget. she’s not malicious.
-connor thinks she is tho. maybe that’s why some people hated her, bc connor hated her
-charles: “kellogg is not a criminal” BRUH HE SHOT YOU
-AND??? SARAH’S DAD ANYONE? that was why he was so persistent of sarah’s dad. he wanted to catch the signs.
-OKAY HERE. When latham is like, wait, did ava manipulate me? is she actually sus? he was the one person on her side and then boom he sides with connor. literally do you have any idea how great ava would be without connor?
-this manstead thing is soooo exhausting
Okay so what have we learned?
Ava is getting Connor’s cases. kind of rude but also, they’re surgeons? It’s super competitive. AND CONNOR LITERALLY WON THAT ROUND BC LATHAM SWITCHED SIDES???
ava had less lines in the ep than in s2 and honestly. wtf.
not much content, but if you look at her content, come on she’s still amazing.
thanks for sticking through
read the rest here:
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Extra
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 3 Episode 14: The Quarter Finals (Commentary & Guesses)
Hello fellow Masked Singer fans! It’s that time of the week aka Ana’s Masked Singer recap time, with your typing host Ana, because nobody else will do it for me haha. We are truly getting down to the wire with only 5 masked contestants left (well 4 after we are done here with this recap lol). So, again, we will be honoring the judges with some trophy emojis because they are getting there and I am kind of shook, but this time I am also gonna give the judge with the worst guess ever a poop emoji because it was a horrible guess. Yes, I am having too much fun with this, let me enjoy my moment. I think I am gonna call the segment “Panel Spotlight.” Ok, so having said that, let’s get started! (Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead, proceed with caution.. don’t say I didn’t warn you)
Alright, so let’s start with the elimination/mask coming in 5th place was:
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Ok, so this one was also pretty upsetting, but at this point I knew this was going to happen even though I was hoping Rhino would go home instead. The only person I am like really routing for is Turtle at this point (I also really miss Astronaut so I am still sad over that elimination) so whatever I guess. However, I don’t think she should’ve gone home. Her performance of Back to Black by Amy Winehouse was really great, even though it wasn’t her best performance. Anyways, I did know who she was ever since the Super 9 and I was sure... 
Having said that, Kitty was revealed to be...
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Alright so yay the Internet convinced me and I got it because of them, thank you Internet! I kinda love you... sometimes. Anyways, if you don’t know who Jackie is, she was on America’s Got Talent when she was 10 as an opera singer and became one of the most successful & youngest platinum musicians ever. Now, she’s almost 20 which is insane and 10 years later full circle moment with Nick Cannon. Anyways, she really killed it as the Kitty, singing not just opera but all types of genres and killing it. Wow, yup, her voice is insane, we are the same age and she is so freaking talented, I can't even. I am so excited to see what the future holds for her. Anyways, here are the new clues that made sense for it to be her:
Clue package, traveling through St.Petersburg, Japan, the Vatican, etc. = all places Jackie has performed 
Somewhere over the rainbow= performed it on Oprah’s TV special in 2011
After Performance clue this time was a “borrowed package.” Hers contained a Bow & Arrow= she is a talented archer as well as singer (this is news to me but I looked it up)
Now time for the PANEL SPOTLIGHT: 
Nobody got the 🏆 because the judges were so clueless.
However, the worst guess aka the 💩 was the guest judge, comedian Jeff Dye, who said “one of those Olsen twins.” I gave it to him because he couldn’t even distinguish which one & the Olsen twins don’t make sense with all of these clues. 
Alright, now we have our top 4 contestants, woo hoo! These are our semi-finalists, my guesses, and commentary, let’s do this: 
1. The Frog 
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Performance: Yeah, I’m sorry, I just am not a big fan of Frog. He switched up last week and it was better than his normal stuff, but he just reverted to the same thing again and it’s getting annoying. This time, he performed Bust a Move by Young MC. 
Guess: Bow Wow 
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Clue package, calling his “little frog” = he has a 9 year old daughter 
French Bread on the ground = he has a song named Long Bread
Falcon Figure= Atlanta Falcons (where he lives & he is a fan of them) 
Borrowed Package= Model Airplane= The Bow Wow Challenge from 2017 when he faked going on a private jet & was caught in a normal airplane and a challenge was born on the Internet about this
Now time for the PANEL SPOTLIGHT:
Yay! Robin Thicke caught on! He gets the 🏆 for guessing Bow Wow. 
On the other hand, the worst guess aka the 💩 was of course Mr. Ken Jeong, who guessed Derek Hough?! What?! His logic for that guess was way off and Derek Hough cannot rap like that (but it would be cool for Derek to be on the show tho) 
2. The Rhino 
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Performance: Ok, so he sang “You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling” by the Righteous Bros and it was impressive. This is another one of his best performances. It was a very romantic version of this song and he played into the romance. Also, you could hear some rasp to his voice that shows some versatility, I really really enjoyed this one wow. I think I might have been underestimating Rhino’s performance ability. 
Guess: Barry Zito 
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In the package, he said that he had struggles before meeting his wife= he was a bad boy in baseball & his wife straightened him out to be a man of faith. 
3 little elephants’ picture= reference to his 3 kids 
Turkey hand drawing= has his own Red Turkey baseball card
Borrowed Package= Navy Hat= he was in a 2003 episode of JAG playing a Navy officer & him/his wife have a charity to donate to the military
Now time for the PANEL SPOTLIGHT:
Ok so this one is gonna be surprising because nobody said it but somebody was close. Surprisingly, Ken was close so I am going to give him the 🏆 for mentioning JAG when seeing the Navy hat clue, so let’s give him some kudos there.
Tbh, none of the guesses were absolute 💩 so we are going to skip this one for the Rhino. 
3. Night Angel 
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Performance: Ok, so not a fan of the Night Angel either (she is way too inconsistent for my liking), but this was probably one of her best performances so far, if not her best performance. She sang “Last Dance” by Donna Summer and the song choice was perfect for her voice. I really liked this performance too, wow this episode is actually pretty good performance wise (except for Frog, but whatever) 
Guess: Kandi Burruss 
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Lipstick = has a makeup line & final studio album of Xscape was called Traces of my Lipstick
"Say Baby I Love You”= hint to her writing for Destiny’s Child
Columbia on a map= her first studio album was recorded in Columbia Records 
Borrowed Package= Ski Gear= reference to her Bravo special Kandi’s Ski Trip 
Now time for the PANEL SPOTLIGHT:
Nobody caught on this episode so nobody gets the 🏆.
On the other hand, I also can’t give a 💩 to anyone because the guesses were pretty tame & okay. They didn’t hit the mark, but they weren’t overly horrible. 
4. Turtle 
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Performance: Best for last, baby! The show allowed him to perform Fix You by Coldplay for last, because he is the best & nobody could tell me otherwise. Ok so now that I have professed my love for the Turtle, I just wanna say dude this was one of his best performances (I still think his best one was his first one when he sang “Kiss from a Rose”). The song gave me chills, it was so good. It was raw & emotional, you could really feel all the words he was singing. Best performance of the night 1000%!!
Guess: Jesse McCartney 
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Wanted poster with $1999 on it as a reward= he joined Dream Street in 1999
Wedding Cake Topper= the man’s engaged to his girlfriend of 6 years, Katie Peterson  
Green Mop= Known for his “mop top” haircut in the 2000s 
Poker Chips= Voiced Theodore in Alvin & the Chipmunks 
Borrowed Package= Zombie= appeared in the Walking Dead as a zombie
Now time for the PANEL SPOTLIGHT:
Yay! Nicole finally caught on! She gets the 🏆 for guessing spot on Jesse McCartney even though her reasoning was a bit off & kinda weird.
On the other hand, the worst guess aka the 💩 was again our guest judge with the ever so terrible guess of Norman Reydus. This is so far off, it’s almost laughable. 
Anyways, we are done! As always, let me know what you guys think... do you agree? Disagree? I wanna know your guesses too ofc. Did I convince you? Alright, so that’s it! I will see you guys next week for the semi-finals wow! BYE! 
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
OUAT 4X06 - Family Business
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After spending ten minutes trying to make a pun for this one, I don’t SNOW if I can do it!
...Well, there you go!
Review’s under the cut!
Main Takeaways
I’m torn between disliking and liking the writing choice to have Anna doubt Ingrid so fiercely. On one level, I sort of get it. After being betrayed by Hans (And more recently, Rumple), Anna’s become a bit less trusting. That’s good character development. However, to have Anna be untrusting to this degree is just a little too far fetched for me. I think had Anna wanted to accept her and been more outright friendly, but was too curious to settle for Ingrid’s non answers, the story would’ve been a bit more palatable for me.
So, as far as Belle goes, I’m kind of inclined to treat this episode in a way as a precursor to Belle’s attitude later in life, kind of like“Best Laid Plans.” Just like how Snowing dedicated themselves to being the best people they could be after their horrible sin, Belle does the same thing through a combination of seeing Anna be taken and learning the truth behind her mother’s death. That also having been said, I feel like had they stated that the stone of memories was a one-off item, I wouldn’t be so frustrated with Belle because why not just get another stone after saving Anna?
That also having been said, I get that it didn’t matter. What mattered in this segment was that Belle’s selfishness fucked over someone and the point of this episode was to realize that and show that she’s grown from it. And that is the important part of the episode and it was delivered well. What I pointed out were smaller narrative crumbles that don’t amount to absolutely nothing, but are ultimately less important than the delivery of the theme.
I can talk about a lot of aspects of this episode (And I will), but let’s be real here: The big part of this episode really comes down to a singular moment. While most of this episode is pretty clearly framed otherwise, so much so that I wonder just how much can write about, this moment’s where shit gets complicated and messy. That, of course, is Belle’s use of the “dagger” to make Rumple take her to the Snow Queen’s fortress.
Let’s break my thoughts on this down a bit.
It’s...a complicated situation. I’m sympathetic to Belle in the sense that she’s trying to stop The Snow Queen and making a hard choice like that is something she sees as just something that has to be done. Additionally, the mirror scene establishes that Belle might have doubts about the validity of the dagger, so there might have been a part of her doubting that it would work. I also get that this was Belle’s weakest moment and thus, it’s something she doesn’t want relayed.
That having been said, this episode frames Belle’s motivation as wanting to keep a secret. That’s the reason why she doesn’t relay her information to Emma and Elsa. And for a secret that is so relatively small in the grand scheme of not only the scope of the universe, but what villains have been forgiven for around in these parts, I find it rather weak and makes for a stark contrast to her attitude of just shutting up from the present scenes prior It’s brought on by a sad conversation with Elsa and Belle finds it more appropriate to use the dagger on her husband than just simply tell the truth, a moment that when finally comes to pass, isn’t given any gravitas, meaning that Belle keeping that secret wasn’t that big of a deal. It’d be one thing if Elsa was so mad that she froze Belle or shut her out or something like that, but she doesn’t, making the reason Belle wants to hold out telling the truth fall flat.
I also almost wish this moment had come earlier in the season, maybe before “The Apprentice” because that look of fear on Rumple’s face when he realized that his own wife is using the dagger to control him would’ve been a hella effective point in showing why Rumple feels like he needs to go to the extreme of putting people in a magic hat to ensure that he never has to be controlled again. That said, it does work here, albeit not as effectively.
I do think that the framing of this moment works. Ignoring the motivation behind it, Belle is shown as going too far by using the dagger, BUT the more complicated nature of the dagger being as real as a $3 bill isn’t ignored by the narrative either.
Okay, now that that’s done, let’s move on.
The mirror scene is a really chilling look into Belle’s psyche. Not only is there a great display of Belle’s insecurities on display in this scene, but it truly sets up the mirror as a genuine threat. Belle is one of the purest characters in the show, second to probably only Ariel at this point. And yet the mirror is able to pull at the weaknesses she doesn’t possess as easily as loose Jenga pieces. Within a minute, she feels helpless.
I also really like the way Rumple is presented here! He’s at once a villain and a victim in a way and the balancing of that was well done!
Stream of Consciousness
-I like the costume Belle has in the first bit of her flashback. It does a really good job of painting her youth and naivete.
-I love how literally every piece of Belle’s wardrobe and decorations in her room are Beauty and the Beast colors!!! Dude, if she wasn’t the actual Belle, I’d accuse her of being the biggest fangirl in the world! XD
-Really, Rumple? Belle doesn’t know about the hidden safe by this point?
-”Before we open.” So I guess that library scene really didn’t carry over in any capacity. That’s a shame.
-I absolutely LOVE the zoom out shot as everyone takes in the Snow Queen video tape! All eight of the mains are in the shot as well as Elsa! And everyone is so serious, even the woman in the blue sparkly dress! I know it’s been said 1,000 times, but it’s totally CSI Storybrooke up in this bitch! XD
-Belle, you are amazing at tracking! And you dig any chance to be a hero! Why the fuck are you willingly stepping down?! XD
-Why does everyone diss books?! And if you’re gonna diss the book, maybe take the book? Like, I don’t want Maurice to take the book, but if he’s gonna go to the trouble of being a douche nozzle, at least go all the way.
-I feel the need to ask if Ingrid has employees at “Any Given Sundae.” Does she just switch off between driving the truck and running the shop? Did she ever have an intern? XD
-”Was she afraid someone was gonna steal the rocky road?” You’re three episodes off, Emma.
-Ice powers are the world’s most dangerous mood rings! XD
-”Do you really think she would’ve discovered that if I didn’t want her to?” And what part did you have to play in Emma discovering that evidence? Like, every piece of evidence Emma has uncovered has been by total coincidence! The video, the truck? Both of those were spur of the moment decisions!
-I feel like mirror Belle is what would happen if Lacey had Belle’s memories.
-Ummm, if that was the real dagger, would that slash have killed Rumple or would it kind of be like what happened with Dark Hook where only the lethal cuts matter? But then again, that was close to the throat.
-Belle, where the hell did that gorgeous ass coat come from? Because holy hell, I LOVE it!
-Okay, am I the only one who feels like Maurice had some personal experience with Rumple prior to Belle’s summoning?
-”Spend a little more time in this town love, and you’ll realize that just about everyone’s related.” This is true and I LOVE it! XD
Favorite Dynamic
Regina and Robin. I really like Regina’s scene with Robin in the forest. Lana perfectly shows Regina’s frustration at having tried every possible approach to waking Marian and failing at it as well as this sense of resignation about what she has to tell him. It’s a fantastic moment in how it’s performed and written. Regina’s in her best form by being blunt, but not unsympathetic: If Robin wants to save Marian, he has to fall in love with her again, no if’s, and’s, or but’s. You can tell that this is the last thing she wants to say, but she knows it’s the truth. It’s a really good display of her growth as a character. Something very difficult for her to do and the truth isn’t pretty, but she’s delivering it anyway, even at her own expense. The added bits of snark additionally really help it too by giving the scene a bit of levity and gives the dialogue a bit of that Regina fierceness.
Kalinda Vazquez comes in for her second episode in a row, a first for a writer for this series outside of A&E! Alongside her is Andrew Chambliss. I gotta say, it’s nice not having a newbie this episode. While there are some character issues, I think the episode works more than it doesn’t due to the more complicated nature of the present segment’s story and the fact that the framing is spot on.
8/10. I think there are a fair amount of good elements to this episode. The delivery of the themes is solid and that is the ultimate make or break piece of an episode like this. Additionally, the framing of this story was hard, but successful.
Hey! Sorry this wasn’t my best review. I don’t know what happened with this episode, but it just took me so long to figure out how I felt about it. I hope what I put out made sense.
Thank you for reading, if you did as well as to @watchingfairytales and @daensarah. Love you!!!!
Season 3 Total (42/230)
Writer Scores: Adam and Eddy: (9/60) Jane Espenson: (10/40) David Goodman and Jerome Schwartz: (10/50) Andrew Chambliss: (14/50) Dana Horgan: (6/30) Kalinda Vazquez: (14/40) Scott Nimerfro: (6/30)
*Links to the rest of my rewatch will no longer be provided. They take posts with links outside of searches and I spend way too much time on these reviews to not give them that kind of exposure. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they still can be found on my page under Operation Rewatch.
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531-533: "The Ryugu Palace! Taken by the Shark that they Saved!", "A Coward and a Crybaby! The Princess in the Hard Shell Tower!" and "It's an Emergency! The Ryugu Palace is Occupied!"
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Pappagu’s gonna stroke out with stress. Yup. Any minute now.
Loved these episodes! The humour that took an exit stage left during Marineford (for obvious reasons) is back. Most of the humor was comedy of errors type stuff. We had Luffy accidentally bouncing on some giant mermaid tiddies. Luffy being unwittingly rude and poor Pappagu nearly having a stress embolism (look at those veins!) There was Zoro getting drunk and waking up in a jail cell. Brook, Usopp, Nami and Zoro accidentally occupying the entire palace and taking a bunch of important hostages... xD
There were some short updates on other characters too. Some have already had an impact on the plot. Caribou has kidnapped some Mermaids with intent to sell them at the Sabaody slave market. Without knowing it, he has exacted perfect revenge on the Strawhats! But how will you leave Fishman Island, Caribou. You don’t have a ship, you absolute roaster. 
Others I’m guessing Oda is keeping up his sleeve for later. Robin, Franky, Sanji and Chopper are still at large. Robin is wandering the island in search of important evidence of missing history. Franky, bless his mechanical heart, is off looking for Tom-san’s family. Chopper is done treating Sanji. He has a new point: Kung Fu Point. Nice to see that Chopper has some more offensive abilities that don’t completely strip him of his intelligence. :)
That’s Some Nice Real Estate, Neptune. Would Be A Shame If Someone Occupied It.
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You know what? I like Neptune. His advisors might browbeat him, but at least he’s the type of ruler who will listen to advice, even if he doesn’t take it. He has his own mind and will follow his inner sense of justice, though it might conflict with what his advisors tell him.
Luffy on the Fish Boat back to Ryugu Palace was hilarious, though. Neptune kept doing a Jason Derulo: saying his own damned name all the time in the little songs he sang to himself and Luffy was like, “Mate, your chant is dumb.”  (I mean, Luffy, you’re not wrong but maybe not to the king’s face next time?) Either Neptune is chilled enough to ignore it, or he didn’t hear, Pappagu did, though, and was on hand to give Luffy a five-armed starfish spanking.
Neptune cares about his family too. The princess’ happiness is important and as she can’t get out the house much (more on that later) rescuing Megalo was a Big Deal. “Didn’t mean to save you, but I’m glad you’re okay!”
Too honest, Luffy! xD
Then Neptune told the Strawhats that one of their crewmates was already there. I knew instantly it was Zoro. Only Zoro could be that hopelessly lost that he’d accidentally infiltrate a palace with only one heavily guarded entrance and a buzzer system.
There was also a handy bit of world-building. Neptune handed Luffy a device that looked suspiciously like a pink dildo with multipurpose attachments. It was called Bubbly Coral and enables the user to form their own oxygen bubbles whenever, wherever. Useful.
They zoomed through the entrance flume and emerged into a beautiful place full of light, grand buildings, colour and dragon statues. Dat real estate.
As soon as Neptune stepped through the door, his Minister of the Right advisor (seahorse guy) got laid into him. “WTF, my lord?? You went out again on your own? You know the situation in this country??” Neptune is like Princess Jasmine All he needs is a cute Sea Tiger pet and he’s sorted. Either that, or Neptune is confident enough in his strength to face whatever’s out there. 
The Minister of the Left (catfish guy) took one look at the company Neptune had brought back and was like, “Um.... my lord, there’s something you should know about those Strawhat Pirates.” They spilled the current intel: Memaids had been kidnapped, which is something human pirates are known to do, and Madame Sharley had predicted Luffy would destroy Fishman Island. Unconscious Zoro had already been taken into custody. The rest of the Strawhats were under arrest!
(I’m having doubts about this Madame Sharley, by the way. I wonder if she’s working with Hordy Jones, or is being forced to work with him? Zero basis for this prediction. Only that the timing of the prediction is pretty damned convenient...)
Then Everyone Fell Out
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Suddenly, the Strawhats were surrounded by guards. I say the Strawhats. I mean Usopp, Nami and Brook because Luffy had gone AWOL (more on that later). The Mermen made a sensible, tactical decision to burst the Strawhats’ bubbles and force them to fight in the water. But they made the mistake of showing Nami how to operate the Bubbly Coral. She used a giant one to drain the room of water. (Good job, Nami. Quick thinking as usual!) Brook had a badass moment. That’s why I like him. He can go from his goofy, kind, fun-loving self to scary swordsman with a snap of his bony fingers.
Usopp was ready to throw down, which was a nice surprise. I was so hyped to see what his new weapon can do, but was blue-balled. Ah, well. Next time! :D
Oh, and Zoro let himself out of jail. xD
Or Zori, as Neptune kept calling him. Another trait to add to Neptune being a stand up guy was that he volunteered to fight Zori because he didn’t want anyone else getting hurt. A good king!
The next thing, Zoro had plowed through everyone and Usopp was freaking out about overkill! “FFS, Zoro! We were just going to intimidate them and run!”
Zoro thought, “Yes. Run. Let’s bail.”
Usopp said, “A great plan, but we don’t know where Sunny is. Plus, the coating came off when we crashed through the bubble.”
Nami also added that the Log Pose had been unstable ever since they arrived (what does that mean?)
Then a nearby DDM rang.
Accidental Criminals
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This whole scene was hilarious. Honestly, I came into this arc expecting lots of heavy stuff about Fishman vs humans racism and I’m getting accidental criminal activity and comedy hostage-takings. It’s awesome.
Zoro picked up the DDM and Usopp freaked out. “Don’t pick it you, you dumbass!” It was Fukaboshi, the eldest Merprince. He asked Zoro to open the gate.
“Yeah, no can do. But I’ll tell you what you can do...”
For Zoro had spied an Opportunity. (For all everyone calls Zoro a dumbass, he can be really clever sometimes).
“We have your father and the palace hostage. We need a new coating for the Sunny. And we need the rest of our crew: a gloomy woman, a robot, a raccoon, and a dirty water imp.”
“HAHAHAH, a dirty water imp. Classic!” Brook chortled.
“Oh, and a million Berry in cash, please, Zoro,” Nami added.
The Strawhats really have taken a level in grey morality, it’s hilarious. Their reactions to Zoro’s Big Idea were even more than I’d have expected from them two years ago (except Nami. She’s always had half an eye on treasure).  And they are clearly confident they can escape from Fishman Island in one piece.
Fukaboshi agreed because he had no choice. It seems he’s a stand up kinda guy too, because he delivered a message from Jimbei to Luffy (this caused a stir in the palace. Jimbei is even more godly down there than on the surface).
The message was: “Do not fight against Hordy. I will meet you at the Sea Forest.”
Do not fight against Hordy? Really? There’s history between them, right? Jimbei and Hordy, I mean. They were both Sun Pirates. Or is that Arlong and Jimbei? Yeah, I think it’s Arlong and Jimbei. But maybe Hordy was also on that crew? 
Something is up here...
But I never found out what because some Big Booms happened off-panel in the direction of the Princess’ room.
Which happened to be where Luffy was, of course.
Princess Peach
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So Luffy, who only came to the palace for food, got fed up within 0.5 seconds of arriving and wandered off. He came across a pair of massive, solid-looking doors. A pair of axes were embedded in them. Must admit my first thought was,��“Oh cool, the princess is an angry, fighting type!”
Nope. Completely wrong.
Luffy sneaked inside because he could smell food. One thing led to another and he ended up bouncing on the giant Mermaid Princess’ giant tiddies. (If Sanji ever finds out, he will never speak to Luffy again.) 
Of course, she woke up and was like, “Why is there a tiny human bouncing on my tiddies? I did not consent to this.” And she shrieked and cried, as you would if some hungry, little random was bouncing on you. I love how Luffy could not deal with her giant tears. It’s one of his rare weaknesses. Like, what, why are you crying, stop, plz, I did nothing to you.
Turns out the Princess is not a fighting type. She is actually a terrified, sweet girl who has been locked in a Hard Shell Tower for ten years because Captain Bloody Vander Decken is an annoying fucking sex-pest who will not take no for an answer!
The action briefly cut to him ranting away about how he was convinced Neptune wanted to force her into a political marriage because she was really in love with Decken. That he could not allow her to be with anyone else and he would rather see her dead than with anyone else. “Your life is either death or marriage. I will present her this lovely boomerang axe with a rose on it.” You know, because if you’re going to be decapitated, I guess it’s nice to know it’s done with love and good intentions, right? Absolutely insane. This guy is Major Incel Material.
Of course, Decken’s latest “gift” whirled into the room and Luffy stopped it. He was like, “WTF, where did this come from?”
The Guards burst in and the Princess saved Luffy’s ass by hiding him. Of course, Luffy overheard what had happened to the others. He wasn’t bothered. “Meh, that’s fine. Your lot won’t be able to control them, anyway.” Just goes to show how much faith Luffy has in his crew’s strength after those two years. 
To repay Luffy, the Princess said he could eat her giant food. While he ate, she asked him questions. The most interesting was this one:
“You’re a pirate,” she said. “Does that mean you’re a bad person?”
Luffy thought about this, then answered, “Hmm... I dunno. You decide.”
(Just another incident to add to my growing: Luffy’s Grey Morality Evidence Pile.)
The Princess told Luffy Decken has a DF power called Mark Mark. It sounds pretty useful, actually, (which is bad for her). If he designates someone as his mark, he can throw a weapon and hit them every time, unless an obstacle is in the way. That’s why she’d been locked in the Tower for ten years.
Luffy was confused, as you would be if someone told you that. “He wants to marry you but wants to kill you? WTF?” and said, “Ten years? You must be bored. I’d get sick if someone locked me up for ten years.”
Then he yelled at her because she poked his cheeks while he was eating (tbh, that would make me mad too. Just because he’s little does not mean Luffy is a pet!) But she’s just a lonely girl with minimal social skills because she’s been locked up for so long and she could not handle Luffy yelling at her.
Luffy being Luffy, was honest to the point of being Super Harsh. “You might be big, but you’re a coward and a crybaby. I don’t like you! You’ve stayed hear for ten years, eh? That could make you sick. Isn’t there anywhere you wanna go? Come on, let’s go for a walk!”
Luffy gave her the Unblinking Luffy Stare.
There is no returning from that.
Once he puts an idea in someone’s head and gives them That Look, they are done for.
The whole meeting the Princess scenes reminded me of the Big Baby from Spirited Away. The one who wouldn’t go outside because Yubaba had told him all about germs and he was afraid but was still fascinated by Chihiro because he was lonely and wanted her to play. Except this situation is more complicated because Neptune is a Good Dad and only wants to protect his daughter from a pest who he is trying to arrest but cannot find. It’s for her safety. Just as well Luffy is there with a cunning plan to get her out for a walk, eh?
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Nah, Luffy. Absolutely no one will realise there’s something up here... xD
Sex-Pest Shakes Hands With Roid Peddler
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Meanwhile, the shady villains have teamed up! I don’t think that’s happened in One Piece yet. It’s an alliance of convenience based on a common enemy. They both hate Neptune for different reasons. Hordy’s is political. Decken’s? Because he’s a sex-pest.
Prediction? I bet Hordy will betray Decken. Evidence? None. Just wishful thinking. I want to see Decken get his pathetic ass kicked. 
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“And I would like to add a side order of salt and chili fries to our ransom demands.”
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anunvalidcritic · 5 years
TITANS: Season 1 Full Review
Well, I just wanna start off by saying HOLD THE FUCK UP!!! I Just realized that the “Dick Grayson” episode was the last one for the season!! What type of fooler is?!?! You know before the show was officially put out there I thought it would possibly go up to 20 episodes but I see now that this is not the case. Since I decided to do this full review of the season I guess I should mark some key points in the season. I honestly don’t know how I’m gonna go about it but I’ll just go with the flow. (Hopefully, I won’t get off topic.)
I’ll edit this whenever I feel as though I am truly inspired by something or someone. 
                                                SEASON ONE
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Here I go again, my dudes.
I have to say hands down the way the season ended was in the best way it could have ended. 
Instead of just diving straight into the true terror that follows Trigon down every path that he takes having the episode in an alternative state in the mind of ROBIN was a very good idea. It left a cliffhanger that has the viewers easily waiting to see what will happen in season 2 of the series.
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Let me start off by saying that throughout this whole season I have stated my dislike for RAVEN’s hair but in the episode “Dick Grayson” everything change... COMPLETELY
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This gif showcases my exact emotions towards the situation. But now that I’ve gotten that out of the way lets move on.
ROBIN & STARFIRE relationship
Now for me, I always wondered how they were going to showcase the iconic relationship between STARFIRE and ROBIN. I think for the most part that it is going pretty well. Its only been one season so they will [hopefully] have more seasons to grow their relationship along with other characters in the series.
I know for a fact that the “Together“ episode had me feelin’ some type of way LOL. I felt like I was watchin’ somethin’ I wasn't supposed to be looking at. 
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This also goes for the episodes “Hawk & Dove” and “Hank & Dawn”.
One of the most fucked up episodes of this season was the “Hank & Dawn” hands down. Idc what anybody says about the last episode being the most fucked up because “Dick Grayson” ain’t got shit on “Hank & Dawn”.
I actually didn’t know that much info on the characters Hawk and Dove. All I really knew was that they were a crime-fighting duo and HAWK was always the hard-headed one while DOVE was the one who wanted to think things through before charging into a battle. 
Don’t even get me started on that Phantom of the Opera lookin’ son of a bitch. Like this dude really thought he was in the right trying to come after the people ROBIN cared about like that. Talk about pullin’ a dick move my dudes.
I truly, honestly, really can’t stand this dude. 
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Ohh and lest we forget that iconic scene where JASON TODD had the audacity to say, “Lights out bitch!” to the police officer that he soon after body slammed ROFL
Y’all just don’t know how that scene had me extremely fucked up. I couldn’t comprehend things for at least the next for days. 
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Also let’s not forget that faithful moment RAVEN’s so called mother MElISSA got her head blown off. Smh rip my dude. She tried her best to raise a half demon.
I mean that scene was pretty fucking graphic and so realistic.
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But I gotta say one of the most ICONIC scenes came from the episode 7 “Asylum” ROBIN BRUNT HIS FUCKING SUIT!! The OG of the Bat Clan laid the suit to rest to become something not like Robin but definitely not like BATMAN.
But BATMAN really lost his fuxking mind when he went on that killing spree. 
I mean Jesus fuxking Christ he really went in on ‘em. 
BATMAN said everybody gettin’ fucked up PERIODT! NOBODY SHALL ESCAPE MY RATH!! *slams table*
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I can’t believe this is one of the last things I am mentioning. It’s the scene that made me so proud of BEAST BOY! (Well it’s 2 scenes actually.)
Scene 1: Episode 1 ~ BEAST BOY’s transformation. (He has transformed in other episodes but this is one is the most notable.) The very first glimpse we see of BEAST BOY is at the tail end of episode one where he is stealing a video game. A few moments later he is seen and proceeds to run away with the game and stops in the woods to transform back into his human form. 
This scene brought me so much joy because we were able to see first hand that the CGI used for it was money well spent. 
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Scene 2: Episode 7 ~ BEAST BOY mauls a doctor. Well, what can I say... FUCKING LEGENDARY MY DUDES!!! THE WAY HE DID THAT REALLY HAD ME SHOOK. I THINK THAT’S THE MOST EXCITED I’VE BEEN TO SEE FAKE BLOOD. (I should probably chill out with all these cap locks though.)
For this last note on this topic, I hope that BEAST BOY will be able to discover that he change into any animal if he can truly find it within himself. :)
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For those of who don’t understand why I capitalize every letter in a characters name here is the reason:  I do it so that the name can stand out before you read the whole sentence/statement. (If you’re thinking to yourself ‘Well duh that’s pretty obvious.’ You’d be surprised at how many people have asked me that. Whether they follow me or not...) Anyways this has been great and I can’t wait until season 2 because I feel as though Titans can go even further than this. 
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sieben9 · 6 years
“sympathy for the de vil” impressions
{Quick request to anyone reading: I'm watching OUaT for the first time, and I want to avoid spoilers. So, if you want to discuss something spoilery, I'd be grateful if you could start a new post for that. Thank you!}
Yeah, I see what you did there, title. Go stand in the corner and think about what you did.
OK, alright. First things first: Farewell, Cruella, you beautiful disaster. You shall be missed. I guess in your very own, very special way, you were just too good for this world.
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Frankly, I wouldn't mind having her around indefinitely. Just... hanging out in the background, drinking too much gin and snarking at everything and everyone that happens to be passing.
As for the rest of the episode... well, let me go into weird metaphor territory, because I don't do that nearly often enough. Sometimes I feel about certain characters like you do about a generally well-behaved pet. Nice to have around, very rewarding relationship, and they rarely make trouble... until they get possessed by some kind of hunger-demon, open the door to the kitchen, upend the baking ingredients and eat all the eggs. And you can't even really be mad, because you kind of have to admire the criminal energy that went into the operation, so you just sigh and grab the dustpan?
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::sighs and grabs the dustpan::
Going back to Cruella for a moment... I really liked her backstory. There were some issues with it, too, which I'm going into in a moment, but this was definitely a tale you look at and go "yup, this is the kind of person who would want make a fur coat out of puppies". The problem I had with it at first was that it seems to conflict with the whole "evil isn't born, it's made" theme that the show has been following for so long, but I like to think that Cruella's chilling little "why not splash in" speech addressed that. She knows that what she does is evil. She just doesn't care, because it's also fun.
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most of the time at least
Also, aside from character details, this backstory also gave me a pretty good bit of worldbuilding--namely how the different "realms" work on a broader scale. Cruella lives in an approximation of our world's 1920s, but she doesn't actually know what year it is. It will always be the 1920s, no matter how much time passes, just as the Enchanted Forest will always be the anachronistic-but-slightly-medieval-oriented fairytale mess it is now. ...yes, I am a complete nerd for worldbuilding. Why do you ask?
Apart from that, I also wonder if we're going to see the Author's "Start of Darkness", as it were. Because at this point, it seems like he was already using his powers to influence stories rather than just record them. Meaning the diamond necklace and all that. Not the much more self-defensy "no killing people" thing.
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though i will say that everyone should thank their lucky stars cruella is not a more inventive person. "don't take lives" still leaves room for quite a lot of damage...
Honestly, the whole Author-involvement was a bit of a puzzler. This could have worked very well as a "these two people dragged each other down" story, or maybe even as a sympathetic backstory for either, but Isaac being here was just... odd. Not bad, just weird. I will say, though, the flashbacks were definitely the most sympathetic this guy was throughout the episode.
This also gave a good look at the Author's powers in action with no need for subterfuge. Seems like he can really influence the stories he writes in just about any way he wants. (As a writer, I say unto thee: unrealistic! ...but that's neither here nor there) And this brings me to another thing, which is... look, I'm actually a fan of shorter seasons for serialised shows. I don't think 22 episodes is a reasonable arc length for anything short of X-Files myth arcs. But I really don't think the half-season format is working for OUaT. Things like Cruella's relationship needed significantly more build-up to really "hit" when the full reveal came. As it is, I was interested, but not really invested that much.
Anyway. Present day plot! Yes, there was one.
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someone knock this woman out because she's obviously not going to get some sleep by herself...
Yeah. Uh... Emma killed someone. Though, quite honestly: no judgment. She couldn't know that Cruella couldn't take a life, and if someone had a gun to the head of a child in my care... yeah. Obviously, it's still a "dark" deed according to the established rules of the show, so that's going to be... interesting. The episode ends quite abruptly, so I guess we don't know if her heart has been darkened, but, uhm, I'd say that face speaks for itself. Also I sound like a broken record, but get some sleep, woman.
And then... ::sigh:: then there's that other thing.
Regina, why. I mean, I know why. I can perfectly follow the logical chain of events that led you to this monumentally stupid decision, but I still feel like I have to ask.
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She wanted to help you! She was happy to see you, she trusted you, and she wanted to help with whatever Rumple had done to you. Why in the name of all that is good didn't you just tell her?
Again, I know why. I'm just frustrated.
And that scene at the well? Dear god, that was painful. Because for a moment, I could forget that Regina must have done something to Belle. I could just enjoy the moment, and get teary-eyed about that "chipped teacup" comment and just ignore that this was going to be another August-moment.
And then...
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Why. I mean, yes, he threatened the man you love. I'm not surprised you're trying to get a little revenge, because that's how you work. But this was still cruel. To both of them, really, even if Belle won't remember.
And as for Rumple’s confession... well, that puts a new and horrifying spin on his “heart troubles”, doesn’t it? Though the implication is that he wouldn’t die--at least not while there’s magic around. So what’s the alternative? No, don’t tell me, I’d prefer to horrify myself with speculation...
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So, now that they both have knives at each other's throats, it looks like Regina is going to go to New York to find Robin. That's... definitely not going to be a horrible conversation. Nope.
Also, again. Emma is going off the deep end. Someone throw a rope after her so she can climb out again.
Rumbelle-y addendum: Also, did you see the speed with which he backed down when Regina moved to squeeze Belle’s heart? Guh. And that despite all the negative consequences it could have for him to let Regina do as she wishes here. I think at this point it’s clear that Belle is the only thing that’s still important to Rumple, even if they aren’t together anymore. (Also was it just me or did Belle’s “I may have given up on us too soon” sound way too genuine to have been made up by Regina? The text doesn’t say either way, but I like to think that those were things she was already thinking; the situation just made her say them when she wouldn’t have otherwise.)
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did I mention “starved for content”?
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freshloveswift · 6 years
My Top 10 Jacksepticeye series
Since Sean reacted to the “Top 10 Jacksepticeye series” WatchMojo & Sean asked to share what our favorite series on the channel were, so here’s my top 10 favorite series that are in no particular order (plus honorable mentions cause I just love a lot of series that he has done)
Fran Bow After watching Sean’s series, it became one of my favorite games and I just love the psychological horror to it. Also, not to mention, that it starts off in an asylum and I have a huge fascination on learning about asylums. Plus, Sean’s voice acting was superb and the voices he gave to the characters is still one of my favorites cause he brings the Fran Bow characters to live
Until Dawn I just absolutely love the mo-cap and the details of this game. After I first watched Sean’s series, it got me instantly hooked and I needed to buy this game so I can play it for myself, which I eventually did last year. I don’t know this is still one of the series that I can go back to and rewatch again.
The Last Guardian This whole game was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. Seeing Sean gush over Trico, throughout the series, will always be one of my favorite moments because it was too precious and adorable. I remembered back when this series was ongoing back at the end of 2016, I got so excited whenever Sean uploaded a new episode because I was so giddy and curious to see what happened next... Also, I was excited to see more of Sean get soft over Trico. This game is on my list of PS4 games I wanna play if I ever get a PS4 because I need to experience it myself. PS, let Sean have his own Trico.
Bendy and the Ink Machine When Sean uploaded the first part, I got instantly hooked and wanted to know more about this game, and I can’t wait for the final chapter to be released because I am curious to see how it all ends. I love the cartoon aesthetic style that it has going on, and I love this game that I had to buy a Bendy pin, thanks to Sean for playing this game on the channel. Also, I can’t forget the cute moment in Chapter 3 where Sean heard himself and his reaction hearing his voice was too adorable & precious.
A Normal Lost Phone This might’ve only been a two-part series, but this brought so many emotions and feelings while I was watching it. I’m still figuring myself out, but hearing Sean be so open just made me cry because he’s open-minded and doesn’t judge on being yourself. Off tangent here, but I’m so hecking glad that someone like Sean exists and he’s my hero because he’s the angel that we deserve. Also, his smile when he saw Samira’s picture at the pride parade where she was truly herself made me soft.
Jacksepticeye Power Hour Okay, I know this isn’t a game series, but I always find myself going back and rewatching the videos (especially the Chase Brody one *cough* *cough*). I just love watching Sean act as a different character and be all goofy & silly because the power hour videos bring a smile to my face, and I always look forward to whenever he uploads one. I can’t wait for the next power hour episode.
Human Fall Flat w/ Robin One of the series that I can go to and get a good chuckle because it makes me laugh every damn time. Sean’s collabs with Robin is probably one of my favorites, if not, my all time favorite collabs because they just get along so well & their overall chemistry is freaking top notch. Like when they’re together, it’s comedy gold. I can always count on them to make me laugh.
Life is Strange Okay, hear me out: I know this game gets shitted on the dialogue but it was the first game that introduced me to the channel and led me to binge watching Sean’s videos. This game holds sentimental value to me. I just find the atmosphere calming and relaxing, and it’s one of those series that I go to if I need to relax and the soundtrack is phenomenal. Anyways, I could write a book on why Sean’s LiS series means the world to me, but I’ll stop before it gets too wordy and I can’t wait to watch him Life is Strange 2 next month.
Night in the Woods  I absolutely love this game and there were some parts that spoke to me. Sean’s voices for the main characters is just perfect, and sometimes, I’ll quote Gregg and speak into the voice that Sean gave him. Also, it was another chilled calming atmosphere and the graphics were super pretty. The dialogue was outstanding, and just, Sean’s commentary in that series is one of my favorites because I find myself quoting some of it.
 What Remains of Edith Finch This game is fucking amazing and I am so glad that it’s finally getting the recognition it deserves. The message behind it was truly special and hearing Sean’s thoughts on it at the end is something that I go back to. The graphics were beyond gorgeous, and it’s another one of those chilled series where it’s calming & relaxing to watch.
Honorable Mentions: Simulacra Last Day of June Cuphead Uncharted 4 Detroit: Become Human Emily is Away Bloopers & Outtakes Emily is Away Too Shadows of the Colossus  Kindergarten Bully Little Nightmares Would You Rather Hidden Agenda Prop Hunt Sea of Thieves Dream Daddy The BOSS Batman: Telltale The Walking Dead Stories Untold Happy Wheels Reading Your Comments A Day with Jack vlogs Raft A Way Out Don’t Starve Together w/ Robin House Flipper VR series That Dragon, Cancer Presentable Liberty The Beginner’s Guide Google Feud Jacksepticeye’s Funniest Home Videos SuperHOT Doki Doki Literature Club Slime Rancher Drum Covers Player’s Unknown Battleground Paradigm Duck Life Opening Your Gifts Undertale Valiant Hearts Passpartout Uncharted: Lost Legacy Sally Face The Escapists Outlast The Sims 4 Resident Evil 7 Peace, Death Manuel Samuel Portal 2 w/ Bob Detention Layers of Fear Party Hard Raft Oxenfree Japan World Cup Hitman The Final Station Little Inferno Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Planet Coaster We Happy Few World of Goo Rocket League Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom
Anyways, I should stop right now, but moral of this post? I love all of Sean’s videos and as I may have some series that sticks out to me for personal reasons, I don’t think I can just pick out “top 10″ or “top 5″ because most of those series in the honorable mentions are higher than that because I love watching those series and hearing Sean gush, or comment, on the games and hear his opinions afterwards. Long story short: Sean makes me smile with his videos because the channel is my safe haven, and I can’t wait to see what cool videos he’ll make cause he’s such a cool, creative, motivating dude with ideas that I can’t wait to see become a reality because your acting is gonna blow me away.
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another night, another fight- a Tim drake/ Jason todd fan fic
Tim can’t help it. He can’t stop himself. This was not how he wanted to let it out. He didn’t want to let it out at all. But he failed. His mask was down. He was now lying on this cold roof, bleeding. Why? Why did it have to be Jason? Of all people why did he have to break down in front of Jason? Why wasn’t Jason pulling the trigger? He was begging him ‘do it’ because he knew he Jason may be the only person who’d do this favor for him. He was begging. Now he was crying. He was sobbing. He was still saying ‘do it’.
read at your own risk. i wrote this to help people who suffer from depression and suicidal desires. there's always a way out. if any of you want to talk to someone when you feel like ending it all, you can always talk to me, as a stranger, i wont judge. please leave a comment or even a thumbs up here's a link to contact me https://this-girl-loves-batfam-comics.tumblr.com/
Work Text:
Another night, another patrol, another fight, another dead body, another regret and the na another morning Tim Drake sat on the couch in the lounge, a dusty, messy coffee table in front of him a broken LCD, corners of the room crowded with empty take out containers, the smell of expired food, the dust all over the small apartment building, the smell of blood dripping from him on the couch, the whole place smelled like a morgue. No, it smelled like death. He didn’t realize how long he had been sitting there, but he knew it was more than a couple minutes. The blood dripping from his left arm had stopped and the blood around his cut had dried. The blood on the couch and the coffee table was now dark in color. He laid halfway on the couch his feet legs on the white carpet now all covered in blood. He was there , just staring at the ceiling, it didn’t even hurt anymore. All those cut he took, they didn’t hurt at all, nothing hurt. He was empty. He was dead inside. After maybe a hour, or two, Tim couldn’t remember, her dragged himself to the smelly bathroom that hadn’t been clean in weeks. Toilet papers were all over the place. There was no soap. He took off his torn suit, threw his belt and cape on the bed and stepped under the shower. The water was cold, but he didn’t neutralized it with the hot water. He just stood. In the cold water. The blood from his arm. And hid fingers dripped all over the white tiles, slowly into the drain. The water was cold. But he couldn’t feel anything. He stood there. For 10 minutes. Maybe less. There was no soap. He didn’t bother. He dragged himself out without a towel. In the chills of November he didn’t feel cold. He didn’t feel the sword cut that had been better if wiped with medicine before exposing to water. But Tim, didn’t care. He just didn’t care anymore. Then he felt something, after hours he felt hunger. He opened the fridge, there was nothing. Nothing at all. It wasn’t really like this. Alfred always restocked his apartment. Cleaned it. Wiped it. With fruit cleansers. The smell of strawberries. But no, there was no Alfred. He was overseas for a month now. No one even knew Tim was still in Gotham, in the country, he was supposed to be in honk Kong. With Cass. Cass didn’t know he was coming so she didn’t ask why he didn’t come. Bruce though he was in honking s he didn’t check. Tim had been operating in the undergrounds so no one spotted Red Robin in the city. But what they didn’t know that Tim was barely alive. It was Lady Shiva yesterday. Her sword passed through Tim’s stomach, he barely made it home after she declared him weak, and that he had failed her test. What test>? He couldn’t remember. He did what he could with the patch work. Unfinished stitches. Just enough for him to make it to the next day Today it was killer croc in the sewers. He threw him hard against a pipe line. Tim may have a few broken ribs. Then he smashed his head in the wall. So hard then he almost passed out. While he ran to escape, his dizziness made him slice his arm from the sharp ends of a sign board. On his way back to his apartment, he lost grip of the grapple but thankfully he wasn’t that high up. He crashed on a GCPD mobile. But he collected himself. He walked. He ran. He climbed. He made it home. No. not home. The hell of his apartment. He looked around for his phone. To order another take out. But he could find it. He found a sachet of powdered coffee mix. He heated the milk. He made a cup. It tasted horrible for some reason. But he drank it. It was his medicine. The only thing that kept him sane. Or maybe, he just believed that. When he passed out he didn’t remember. When he woke up, it was night. It couldn’t have been the same night. It was 3 when he came home and the dark outside was certainly not of the dawn. No. he slept the whole day. How? His head hurts. But he remembers swallowing pills before. One of them must be a sleeping pill. Tim gets on his feet. His head hurts like hell and he can barely keep his balance. But he makes it anyway to the lounge to find blood all over, then he remembers the cut, at the very instance he feels the world of pain. From injuries he took months ago and the ones he took this week. His body felt paralyzed from all that pain. Every limb and tissue was hurting so much that Tim collapses on the ground. He just wants to lay there. He doesn’t was to get up. He doesn’t want to stay up. He wants to sleep. He wants to die. He wants to be at peace. Reason? He didn’t have any. No. he missed someone. He missed Steph. She left him. It was his fault. He missed dad. He was gone. He missed mom. Mom? She’s been gone for so long now. Tim is a horrible son. Dick visits his parents every month. Bruce does every Friday. Even Damian goes to Ra’s grave from time to time. He? He never once considered it. He’s a bad son. He misses them. Hell, he misses Dana. She was nice. She cared. He took them all for granted. It’s his fault. But were they the reason? He misses them often. He’s just having another episode. Another wave of desires. An urge to just end it all. He often had no reason, but why he felt like this was a mystery. He put on the suit. Once again. Another fight. Another night. Another cut. Another dead body. But Tim wishes it was his. This time, it was he who lies cold on a roof. Or a street. He didn’t care. He just wanted to hide. He takes out his grapple, fires it to the nearest sky scrapper. He swings looking down. Should he just loose the grip? It would be just one horrible accident and no one would blame him. His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a gunshot. Then another. And another. He follows the direction. A roof. 3 dead bodies. 4 standing. The look like agents. There’s the Red Hood. Why would he kill government agents. They looked like FBI. Tim needed to stop him so he leaps forward. Tackles the Hood pushing him into the ground while the agents run. “What are you doing?” Red Hood struggles under his grip. “You’re not taking another life on my watch” Tim fight to keep him grounded. “You little…they’re getting away” Red Hood knees Red Robin in the guts pushing him on the side and takes the shot. He’s good. Two guns. Four bullets and the agents are down. Tim eyes are widened in shock. Then anger takes over. And he leaps on the Hood. “You monster! Murderer!” he shouts punching Red Hood on the face. He is now down on the ground but he’s also angry “I don’t want to fight you, Red” he says calming himself but Tim doesn’t listen. He’s angry. 4 men got killed on his watch. He’s to blame. No! It’s Hood’s fault. And he didn’t stop him. “You killed them! In Gotham! We don’t kill!” he shouts punching the older boy’s jaw “`What’s wrong with you Tim? I didn’t kill anyone” Red Hood is now less angry more confused. He blocks Red Robin’s blow and punches but for how long. A kick sends him flying off the roof but Tim is good and Red Hood knows it. In an instance his grapple is fired and he’s now climbing back. The two fight. At first Jason held back, because he was concerned why Tim was acting that way. But he only had so much patience If it’s a fight you want, you’ve got it” Red Hood’s swing sent his crashing on the ground. Now they’re both fighting with the fullest. A few more minutes. Jason has a broken rib. Tim has a bleeding nose but they’re still fighting and Red Hood is winning. Tim isn’t used to let anger guide him but Red Hood takes full advantage of rage. So, He’s wining. Tim is now on the ground. Sweating. Bleeding. His hairs over his face. Jason has a foot on his throat and a gun pointed to his face and he is huffing. Gritting his teeth. His helmet is broken from the right side. The Red domino mask hides most of his expressions but he’s angry as hell and Tim is now mildly afraid. Another minutes and Jason doesn’t take his foot of his throat. Tim chokes for breath. “Just… just do it already” Tim chokes on the words but he feels so good saying that. “Do it” he snaps now. Jason removes his foot from him “do it!” he snaps loudly again still on the ground. “Do it, dam you!” he’s now pleading. “DO IT. I BEG YOU. PULL THE DAMNED TRIGGER” hot tears are now dripping on his cheeks. Jason tucks the gun back. He’s now just standing, bewildered, shocked. He’s looking at the sobbing Tim. Who’s still murmuring ‘do it’ Tim can’t help it. He can’t stop himself. This was not how he wanted to let it out. He didn’t want to let it out at all. But he failed. His mask was down. He was now lying on this cold roof, bleeding. Why? Why did it have to be Jason? Of all people why did he have to break down in front of Jason? Why wasn’t Jason pulling the trigger? He was begging him ‘do it’ because he knew he Jason may be the only person who’d do this favor for him. He was begging. Now he was crying. He was sobbing. He was still saying ‘do it’. Jason’s tall figure standing front of him. There wasn’t a gun anymore. He was just standing there. Looking on him. He was confused. It was all going black. And maybe- maybe- he was finally getting his wish. It was all going black. He was dying. It all goes black. ----- When Tim wakes up, he finds himself on his bed. He tries to feel the headache he gets every time he wakes up but it’s not there. Is he dead? Is he dreaming? Because this sure as heck wasn’t how he left his room. The curtains of his small window are open wide. Sunshine is lighting up his room. By the looks of the room, it’s probably 10 am. Tim struggles to get out of bed but his back hurts so much but still he manages to sit up straight. Rubbing his eyes he looks around the room. It was definitely his room but it was…so clean? The dirty laundry that was around the room just 10 hours ago was gone. The empty coffee mugs were gone. His sheets were replaced from the bloody ones to clean ones. His room smelt like strawberries. Alfred? Tim thought to himself. Maybe Alfred was finally back. But how did he get back here? Then he remembered. Fighting. Loosing. Passing out. And Jason! Then he heard rattles from the kitchen. Someone was in his apartment. Please don’t let it be Jason. Please. He was practically praying in his head. Tim quickly got out of bed ignoring his back. He was still in the body armor underneath his suit but his cape and cowl were gone. Tim opened his door to the lounge to find the mother of all nightmares. Jason was standing in his kitchen leaning against the counter beside the running coffee machine. He was looking at his phone and didn’t notice Tim. Tim examined him and the kitchen standing at the same place by his door for minutes. Jason was wearing one of Tim’s hoodie which was a lot loose on Tim but fit perfectly on Jason. The dirty dishes were all gone. The plates were in their places. The mugs were all neatly on their stand. The trash bin of the kitchen was now clean and empty. Tim stood there in shock looking at Jason, part of him wanted to kick his ass, the other part wanted to run away from this embarrassment he brought upon himself last night. He wanted to smash his hated against something hard to avoid Jason’s acidic comments he was about to give. After a minute probably, Jason looked up from his phone at Tim. Slightly smiling at him “How long are you gonna stand there?” he asked turning toward the machine. He knew Tim was there all along. Shit! Tim took a few steps forward to look around. The laundry was now in the machine. The couch was all clean. The floor all mopped and cleaned. The trash was gone. It was just like it was when Alfred visited. God! Tim wished to heaven that Jason could get replaced by Alfred right now. But sadly this was not happening. Jason would probably hold this against Tim for years and Tim was feeling stupid for ever leaving his apartment last night. Stupid! Stupid! “Here, I now you can’t function without this” Jason said handing him the coffee mug and throwing himself at the couch. His feet were on the coffee table and he was now turning pages of a book. Probably one of the books Alfred left for Tim to read in his ‘spare time’ “What are you gonna stand here for the whole day? There’s a plate of toast on the counter. Get it yourself and fill that stupid stomach of yours” Jason ordered still looking at his book. “What are you doing here” Tim managed to asked picking up the plate “You’re welcome, you turd” Jason hissed throwing the book on the table. “Now, fucking eat so I can get the hell out. Damn Alfred for making me do this” Jason grinned slightly annoyed but otherwise in a good mood “You…You told Alfred?” Tim asked setting himself on the other end of the couch. “I’m not the den mother of this god forsaken family. Besides, you were scaring me” Jason said quietly not looking at Tim “Who else? Tim asked a bit afraid. He was sure the whole crew knew about his episode by now and they were probably waiting to ambush him and humiliate him about it right outside his door. “No one” Jason hissed looking a bit annoyed. “You didn’t expect me to run to Bruce with your dead body. He can go to hell. Damned idiot is gonna get another killed” Jason’s voice was full of anger but Tim could hear the concern in it. “It isn’t his fault” Tim retorted sipping his coffee “Yeah. Like hell it isn’t. Everyone thinks that” Jason said carelessly folding his hand on the back of his head. “Seriously, Hood. Bruce has nothing to do with it. I.. just get like that sometimes” Tim didn’t want o have this conversation. He didn’t want to talk about last night at all. Much less to Jason but here he was, having the conversation, with Jason, about last night. Sigh. Life was so messed up. ”yeah ‘that’ you get like ‘that’. And it’s his fault. Should have let you have a normal life. Bastard doesn’t know how much he’s fucking up people” Jason once again said angrily. But at least he wasn’t picking on him like Tim feared. “You…killed those men, last night” Tim changed the topic setting the empty mug down. A bit of anger took over his voice “First, you’re supposed to be in Honk Kong, aren’t you, second, how long ago did you tune into the frequency we all use?” Jason said readjusting himself to meet Tim’s gaze “I… yes, I am supposed to be with Cass. And no, it’s been a week since I tuned in” Tim replied looking at the empty coffee mug ignoring the fact that Jason ignored his question. “Well then birdbrain, they weren’t men, they were effing bio mechanical androids that penguin smuggled from star lab’s shipment. Not like I wouldn’t have killed any fuckers but just for your information.” Jason explained sinking deeply into the couch. “I didn’t know” Tim said a little guilty. “But you could have said so” he defended “Yeah” Jason scoffed “pfft, like you gave me a warning before you decided to take on me. You little shit you broken my ribs too” he moaned placing his hand on his rib cage “Sorry” Tim said quietly looking down on his lap. “Hey!” Jason warned sitting up “don’t have that look on your face you little! I don’t think I can handle another one of your episodes. Two broken ribs are enough” Jason sounded a bit worried but Tim couldn’t help but giggle at his pleading “I’m leaving. You’re welcome you little weasel.” Jason said standing up and walking towards his jacket. Tim watched as he took off Tim’s hooded shirt and put on his own. Then sliding his jacket back up. “Here” Jason said holding out the red shirt in front of Tim who was now smiling a bit “and it was such a soft shirt too” Jason added standing there with the shirt still in his hands. “No, keep it” Tim smiled. “It’s big on me anyway” “Okay, but I’m not giving it back” Jason grinned at him folding the shirt. “oh and next time Tim…?” Jason’s voice got serious. “hm?” Tim asked ”next time, go talk to Dick one some one. Babs perhaps. Don’ let those fuckers give you nightmares. You’re too young to be visiting the other side. It’s not great, from personal experience” Jason said tucking the helmet in his arm an d opening the apartment door. “Thanks” Tim said softly. “…For not telling Bruce. And for… not killing me” “Nah, I’m just saving your kill for a rainy day” Jason laughed a bit, and Tim let out a giggle too. “By the way, you owe me like 400 dollars. I restocked your stupid fridge” Jason said stepping out the door “400!” Tim’s eyes widened in shock “I was sure to pick up the most expensive products” he smirked at him before walking out the hallway “You ass!” Tim called back but he wasn’t angry. He was happy. He felt good. He stood there even after Jason left his sight. He just stood there feeling good. Better than he had in a long time. The end!
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 204
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Welp, Gohan’s just chillin’ in a giant nest.
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Oh, also Goten’s here.    So there’s a family of those big pterodactyl-looking creatures and apparently Gohan and Goten are friends with them, but they’ve gone missing.  
This episode used to confuse me a lot when I first saw it, because I hadn’t watched the entire series up to this point, so I wasn’t sure if Chibi and his parents were a retcon or if they had appeared before this.     Gohan acts like he’s known them his whole life, but this is indeed their first appearance.   I think I might have confused them with Icarus aka Haiya Dragon, who was Gohan’s animal companion in Movies 3,4, 5, and Episodes 108-119.     Kind of weird how Toei just sort of dropped that altogether once the androids showed up.    Maybe Icarus died during the three year gap?   It just feels like this episode was written with him in mind, like he married a female of his species and now Gohan has to save his newly-hatched offspring.   
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Meanwhile, Mr. Satan is chillaxing in his home, watching footage of himself winning the 24th Tenkaichi Budokai with a bottle of wine.    I suppose this is telling.   In private, this is the stuff that keeps Mr. Satan going.    His victory over Cell was a fabrication, but winning the World Tournament was a genuine achievement, one he can truly take pride in. 
I just wonder if he��s haunted by the memory of the Cell Games.   He’s the only one who knows what really happened, so he can’t tell anyone, even his own daughter.    Everything worked out, sure, but he still has to live with the knowledge that all of those strange people were stronger than himself.   That must put these highlight reels into a different perspective.   Maybe Mr. Satan is watching them for the sake of nostalgia.    He’s thinking back to a time when he didn’t know better, and he really believed he was the strongest man in the world.   
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Anyway, Videl asks him about the previous Tenkaichi Budokai champion, and Mr. Satan explains that Son Goku was a mysterious man with a lot of fancy tricks, but he was surely no match for Mr. Satan.   
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And this is apparently the moment when Videl realizes that the former champion has the same family name as Gohan.   Hmmm...
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Meanwhile, Gohan and Goten watch news coverage of a circus wth a new act: a baby monster.  
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Turns out, it’s Chibi, the baby they were looking for at the top of this episode.    This asshole named Musuka caught him and made him part of his asshole circus.    Seriously, what sort of act is this?    He just stands there with a whip and Chibi curls up into a ball and shivers in terror.    Why would people pay money to see this?
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Awww, look at this adorable little man.    Fuck you, Musuka.    Fuck you and fuck your audience.    Fuck the circus, while I’m at it.  
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Seriously, I don’t get the circus at all.    I have faint memories of going to one as a kid, and I’m pretty sure the only thing I wanted to see was Pac-Man, and I missed him while I went to the restroom or something.    I have no idea how Pac-Man was at the circus, but I just know I sat through like 95 hours of boring-ass non-Pac-Man content, and then I blinked and he wasn’t there.    Maybe I dreamed the whole thing.    Fuck the circus is my point.  
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I’m pretty sure it was real, though, because I’ll see ads or circuses today and they promote appearances by Spongebob or some other cartoon character, and it’s probably just a guy in a suit.    The point is that they have to do that kind of thing because kids haven’t cared about animal acts for at least forty years.    They like cartoons and video games, because those are fucking awesome.   
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And you don’t need a circus to have meet-and-greets with cartoon characters.    Just slap a costume on a guy and have him chill out in an air-conditioned building.    Circuses do it because they have to adapt to the times, except they keep clinging to all this other stuff that doesn’t work anymore.  
I have no pity for it.    I read a Batman comic from like 1988, where Dick Grayson checks up on the circus he used to run with before his parents got murdered, and every time Robin checks up on his circus pals they always do the sob story about how business is down because no one goes to the circus anymore.    It was cliche in 1988, and that comic is older than most of the people reading this.   I’ve been hearing about the slow, agonizing decline of the circus my entire life, and I was born in the Carter administration for crying out loud.   Nobody goes to Sears anymore, and you don’t see anyone feeling sorry for Sears.   
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I don’t want to get too anti-capitalist on this thing, but it annoys me when people get all weepy over businesses that can’t keep up with the market.   Everyone was all sad when Toys R’ Us went bankrupt, but that’s bullshit, because no one really cares about Toys R’ Us, or they wouldn’t have gone out of business in the first place.   What is it we miss about that store?   You can buy the merchandise elsewhere, which is exactly what everyone did.    So what’s left?    Geoffrey the Giraffe?    Fuck that guy.    He’s no Pac-Man, that’s for sure.   The jingle?   You can look that up on YouTube right now.   
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The circus is the same deal.    We’re supposed to care when one of them shuts down because it had been in business for like 105 years or something, like just because something is old that makes it important.   Once upon a time they didn’t have Pokemon, and the best you could do was to hope some carnies rolled through your town and they had a cool bear that would do tricks.    But that business model wasn’t going to last forever, and if it can’t adapt to the times then it doesn’t deserve to continue as it is.    I feel like I read once that circuses have shifted their focus towards human performers, which makes more sense to me, because it gets the animal rights activists off their back, and the humans can do flashier things anyway.    Then again, I scratch that itch by watching pro wrestling, so I don’t know if that’s viable.    It comes down to a question of what a circus has to offer without giving up its identity as a circus.    if the answer is to rebrand as some other kind of show, then just do it and don’t look back.    If you’re determined to keep up the pretense out of some misplaced sense of obligation, then don’t look for pity when the business dries up.  
Same deal with trains.     I dig Johnny Cash, but he had this one song that was basically all moping about how nobody travels by train anymore.    Well I rode a passenger train once and it was exactly like taking an airplane only cheaper and slower.   That’s why people don’t do it as much.    You can romanticize this stuff, but you need more than romance to turn a profit.   
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Anyway, where was I?    Oh, right, Gohan tries to talk the owner into releasing Chibi into the wild, and when he gets shot down, Gohan just waltzes over to Chibi’s cage and busts him out.   
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Yeah!    Fight the power!
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Yeah, this is a Triangle Guy episode, by the way.  
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Musuka doesn’t take kindly to hearing his star attraction has been stolen.   What’s amazing to me is how he’s just sitting at his desk counting huge stacks of cash, presumably earned from people paying top dollar to watch him abuse a defenseless animal.    I mean, yeah, this is Dragon Ball Z, but this is pretty broad, even for this show. 
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So Gohan plans to just fly Chibi back to his nest, but oops, Chibi’s having a hard time flying so high and so fast.     Awwww, look at the spirals in his eyes, he’s all dizzy.  Hang in there, buddy.   
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So basically Chibi is baby.    Gohan will have to carry him out of Satan City on foot.   
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I forget why, but the truck driver from the Vegeta/18 fight is in this episode.    Pretty sweet.
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Then Videl shows up.    Musuka called the cops, who in turn called in Videl, since Great Saiyaman’s a little out of their league.    Videl’s shocked that Saiyaman would steal like this, but it gives her an excuse to fight and unmask him, so she’s down with it.  
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So yeah, you’ve probably seen the gif of this shot where Videl jumps on Gohan and wraps her legs around his head, but I’m pretty sure she was setting up a hurricanrana.   Everyone needs to get their heads out of the gutter.   
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For some reason, Musuka wanders over and starts whipping Chibi, like that would help anything in this situation.    Seriously why does he need a whip?   Anyway, Chibi cries out and...
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... Uh-oh.
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So here are Chibi’s parents, and they’re not pleased.   This was exactly what Gohan was afraid might happen, but Videl wouldn’t listen to him, and he didn’t want to just punch out Videl, Musuka, and the cops to avoid this.   
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The cops try to shoot at Chibi’s parents, and Gohan can’t get anyone to back off.   I don’t see why he doesn’t just grab Chibi and hand him over, but whatever.
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I think around here, the dub has Gohan try to talk to them, and Videl points out that dinosaurs can’t talk.    So Gohan goes “Yes, thank you Videl, you’re very smart.”
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But I do like this version, where Videl is surprised to find that Great Saiyaman’s childhood involved playing with pterodactyl monsters.    This is the sort of stuff Gohan doesn’t want gettng out about himself.   Not this specifically, but just the idea that he’s super strong and runs with huge animals and his best friend is King Piccolo and he turned into a giant gorilla a couple of times.   
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Anyway, Gohan’s idea is that he can use his voice to get them to calm down, since they ought to recognize him.  
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But at one point he almost uses his real name, and Videl gets so fixated on it that she takes her eye off the whole “giant monster” situation. 
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Then Masuka pulls a gun and Chibi’s dad almost eats Videl and it’s all breaking down...
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So Gohan has to deck Chibi’s dad to get things under control.    Maybe he should have just done that in the first place.  
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Chibi’s all upset, but Gohan didn’t hit him that hard, so it’s cool.  
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Fortunately, Chibi’s mom is a bit more practical, so Gohan hands him off to her and escorts them out of the city, carrying Chibi’s dad on his back.   
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Nice shot of the reunited family.
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And Goten flies over to get a kiss from Chibi.    What a good boy.    My only regret here is that no one kicked Musuka in the balls.    He threatens to go back and capture Chibi all over again, but Videl threatens him into abandoning that idea.
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The next day, Gohan’s wearing a bandaid on his face because of a scratch he got from Chibi’s dad.   I think in the manga, he got it from the Red Shark Gang, but whatever.    Point is, Videl thanks him for yesterday, and he completely forgets himself and responds to this, which basically blows his secret identity.   
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The moral here is that there’s more to a secret identity than the disguise.   In the end, Gohan’s just too honest to live a double life.   Videl asks him if he’s the Golden Warrior too, and he insists that he isn’t, because he absolutely cannot let that secret get out.    I’m not sure why, though, since Videl already knows he has super powers.   A few episodes later, it’ll become clear that Gohan doesn’t want Videl to find out that he beat Cell instead of her father, so maybe that’s part of what’s going on here.
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Anyway, Videl agrees to keep his secret, if Gohan agrees to enter the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai.    Last episode, she found out that the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai’s winner was Son Goku, and she figures that must mean Gohan is his son.  And since her father won the 24th Budokai, she’s thinking it might be cool if they both entered the next tournament.   Gohan isn’t too interested in that idea, but he has no choice, since Videl will expose him unless he plays along.   
I never really thought about this, but Videl really acts as the flashpoint for this entire arc.    Everything that happens from this point onward is a direct result of the tournament.    All the major players converse there, and that only happens because Gohan chose to enter, and that only happens because Videl blackmailed him into it.   
And really, Videl’s only taking this much of an interest in Gohan because of the Cell Games, and the Z-Fighter’s indifference to Mr. Satan claiming the victory over Cell.    She’s convinced that her father and Gohan’s father are peers, and that the two of them could have an even match.     If the Cell Games had played out differently, maybe Videl wouldn’t bother bringing any of this up.   
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Oh, one last thing, Videl wants Gohan to show her how to fly, since it gives him an unfair advantage over her.   
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So now Gohan’s stuck.    He has to fight Videl in public and teach her how to fly.     Well, he’s been through worse situations than this.   
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fourtuneshare-blog · 5 years
"How I Met Your Mother": 448 Minutes To Complete Sabotage To Success?
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Even though I’m such a big lover of argumentatively one of world’s greatest sitcom of all times “How I Met Your Mother”, until now, I realized something solely for myself from this series,
Something may sound super counter-intuitive:
If you want to be successful financially, “gang-ship” is a piece of sh*t to your life!
BEFORE “How I Met Your Mother”
Before we can go to the argument, “here’s how I met my lesson…”
It was a Friday morning and I woke up pretty late from last night’s work.
Normally, I would go to my favorite café and start kicking the hella the day by working 12+ hours straightforward (except for food and bathroom, etc.)
But something strikes me that day.
The laziness from getting out late eventually stuck me in bed the whole day, in the disguise of “I-promised-to-restart-my-day-again-perfectly-tomorrow-morning-but-for-now-I-gotta-finish-these-episodes-first!”
Looking back has made me realized something that probably has been always holding most of the entrepreneurs’ back to their success:
There’s no such thing as a “perfect day” It’s whether “take action” day or “make excuses” day! Vinh Pham 
I realized it’s not the laziness that paralyzed me. It’s the fact that I’m so afraid of getting shit done and continue with new shit that I’ve not to be familiar with.
Maybe it’s an Email Marketing campaign, maybe it’s public speaking, or maybe it’s just simply making a blog…
But THAT is the thing that really holds you back, so don’t ever wait for any “perfect” or “ready” moment.
It only started when you actually stop bitching and start making things happen!
AFTER “How I Met Your Mother”
Sorry for the language :)
So, back to my Netflix-and-Chill thing, I spent over 7 hours watching season 6, STRAIGHTFORWARD!
To be honest, I’m not going to deep into my favorite scene, should Robin marry Ted or Barney or sort of those things…
The point that I want to confess to you: it’s my confession about LOVE.
If you’re a true lover for “How I Met Your Mother”, you’re definitely at least ONE TIME wished to have those likable relationships in your life.
I mean, when Ted told us a story about his “the one”, we’d like to pick our most favorite gal (I choose Zoey first, you sucker!)
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And for me, there was a time that I wanted to be like Ted (some wanted to be Barney, your choices), accidentally bumped into a soul-paralyzing-smile blondie at some animal-saving charity, then having coffee, and so on…
Okay, PAUSE! Did you see something little paranoid here?
You totally get it! I was wasting time waiting that there eventually “the-one” bumped into you, that you’ll find your true love by being patient, that you’ll eventually meet your “fate”…
Here’s my confession: IT’s a fucking waste of time!
Instead of keep jacking off in front of the laptop screen, get your own chance! Vinh Pham 
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Go to some workshop, a charity, or a bar,… anywhere
Just don’t stay at home and keep bitching about other guys’ lucky to have their own HIMYM’s (no gals want to hear that either 0emo0)
One more solid proof?
Ted even has to go to strip clubs with Barney just to find his ’s!
So stop BITCHING around and go live your own life!
"How I Met Your Mother": A Complete Sabotage To Success?
So far you’ve heard all of the “bullshit theories” that I made ever since
And maybe you don’t believe those, but I got you here, right?
So please listen to this last one and it may SABOTAGE you badly:
The #1 to financial success: Tell me your friends and I’ll tell you your future! Dan Pena — the 50 BILLION DOLLAR man
“… Does it hurt me?” — You must’ve thought that, right?
I’m a truly big fan of 2 Dan’s work: Mr. Dan Pena and Mr. Dan Lok (you can see more of my profanities here)
So I learned this quote from Mr. Pena:
Tell me your friends and I’ll tell you your future! Dan Pena — the 50 BILLION DOLLAR man
Still not get it? Okay, I’ll explain more to you:
You’re the average of the 5 people that you’ve spent time the most with!
Still not get it? Okay, Ill explain furthermore to you:
Who are your 5 most “hang-out” guys and gals when you need to relax or chill after a hard day?
Still not get it? Okay, I’ll explain even as detail as it can ever get:
Take your most favorite character in “HIMYM” and then try to recall what their lives looked like during the series (full from 1 to 9)
Done? Yes, then how did you see that life AS a successful individual, say, Steve Jobs?
(Now it’s getting confused right? Like “What the fuck are you trying to talk here man?”)
Remember I told you about my #1 financial success tip?
“Yeah, yeah, tell me your friends and I’ll tell you about your future..., SO WHAT?” — you might say
Now if you were Steve Jobs: How did you feel about the life of… Ted Evelyn Mosby?
For real? A Complete Sabotage. Period.
You can have your own word for this one.
My Take-over: For those who want to be rich AND “chilled”…
The reasons why I brought my all-time-greatest-sitcom to this fully misleading sequences because I really want to wake yourself up!
When it comes to creating wealth, it’s not everyone’s dream:
It’s everyone’ desire but barely anyone gets shit done!
Now don’t get me wrong, if you’re happy with what you’re having now (like with the life of Marshall and Lily), then that’s fine, congrats for finding your path!
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But if you’re still bitching (complaining about your shit) about your financial and yet you still do some drinking and “chilling” with your buddies, then it worked!
“What worked?” — you may ask, and I’m appreciative about that…
Just simply ask yourself these similarities:
Does Elon Musk chill out?
Does Jeff Bezos stop?
What has Mr. Pena done for the last 35 years’ length of a lifetime?
I think you'll have the answer for yourself.
And that’s why I realized that maybe this symbolistic “gang-ship” will probably never exists in my life because of one simple reason:
Creating wealth is a FULL-TIME job!
So what I did next?
… So in midnight, I still had 2 episodes left for the whole season completed. Do you know what I do next?
I shut down my Netflix account, take down the app, and sit straight writing those words,
So what’s the movie that makes you initially think you’ve wasted your time watching it, yet you learned something from it eventually?
I know that you might feel confused or even angry at me being such an A-hole about our greatest sitcom, or not.
But I hoped that someone will understand my good intentions…
Anyway, What are your thoughts on (financial) success (and also about “How I Met Your Mother” or other movies?)
0 notes
pluckyredhead · 7 years
Jessica Jones 110: AKA 1,000 Cuts
This sounds weird out of context, but I love the scene where Jessica helps Trish “put a bullet in her head.” It’s very tender.
I feel like once Jessica (and the viewer) knew that Kilgrave didn’t have power over her anymore, the show went looking for tension elsewhere and found it in gore. From here on out things get pretty gross, and just like I did with Daredevil and Logan, I feel like it cheapens the writing. YOUR SHOW IS GOOD, YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO FOR SHOCK VALUE.
Also the fetus thing is still SO WEIRD, JERI.
I’m assuming she used to live in this house with Wendy? Anyway it’s nice.
“Ever since Kilgrave, I don’t know who to trust.” YEAH, WELL NO ONE ELSE IS ACTING LIKE SUCH A DOUCHE BECAUSE OF HIM, SIMPSON.
Ugh and it’s so terrifying how easily he slips back into “charming” mode. I hate Simpson but he’s such a well done “reasonable” abuser.
What if these shows stopped only having one black guy and then murdering him?
The way Jeri instantly deflects any culpability in what went down with Wendy is chilling.
“Getting you out of my head was like prying fungus from a window.” What a good metaphor.
The thing about writing things is that it makes themes so much more evident and this episode is really hammering home the idea of abusers rewriting events as they see fit and to remove themselves from blame, from the way Simpson justifies his behavior to Jeri’s insistence that Pam and Pam alone is responsible for Wendy’s death and that she couldn’t possibly have known what would happen if she set Kilgrave free to Kilgrave’s insistence that Jessica wanted to stay with him, if only for an instant. She literally has to show him a scar to prove her version of events, and if he’d stayed conscious longer I’m sure he would have tried to talk that away too.
“Claire, Emma, Trendy Guy.” Robin seems slightly less like she belongs in a totally different show but some of her lines are still hilarious.
Yeah, and here’s where the pacing of the show falls apart. Throwing another terrible obstacle in Jessica’s way when she was so close, mostly out of the sheer stupidity of Robin and the support group, feels like a cheap way to stretch things out, especially since the support group has largely been portrayed as something healthy up to now.
I love that Hope is 100% done with everyone’s bullshit and I only wish she didn’t have to wait until just before she died to reach this level of Fuck You.
Ugh, Hope’s death is so pointlessly gruesome and also pointlessly pointless. It’s the second biggest misstep of the show for me, after the poor treatment of Reva.
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robin-jasmine · 7 years
I haven’t rewatched any of the episodes before writing this, so it’s all from memory, hence the lack of specificity and quotes. I’ll edit later on with accuracy, maybe. Links to websites I used for reference are included.
EDIT: I’ve bolded the main point, and I’ll italicize any quotes/canon in the paragraphs. I would love to underline the tldr of each paragraph tumblr is a dick and doesn’t have that option ://
Let’s go.
So in Greek Mythology we have the 4 winds, and the King of them:
I have included the siblings/Holmes family members that I personally think represent the winds:
King - Aeolus - Mr/Mrs Holmes (?)
North - Boreas - Mycroft
East - Eurus - Euros/Eurus
South - Notus - Sherrinford (?)
West - Zephyrus - Sherlock
We know for a fact that there are three Holmes siblings. But what does Sherlock say? People always stop looking after three. If this isn’t referencing siblings I might cry at this opportunity left unfulfilled.
Of course, it could be a red herring, and Sherrinford and Euros/Eurus could be the same person. Sherrinford could also be the place where Eurus has been kept/locked up. Or Sherrinford is the fourth (eldest?) Holmes sibling.
But let’s just presume there are four siblings. Sherrinford, Euros/Eurus, Mycroft and Sherlock. Don’t forgot the parents as well. Mummy and Daddy Holmes.
 King - Aeolus - Mr/Mrs Holmes (?)
North - Boreas - Mycroft
East - Eurus - Euros/Eurus
South - Notus - Sherrinford (?)
West - Zephyrus - Sherlock
Let’s get to why I have put them like this.
Erus/Euros is definitely Eurus, no doubt about it. Her arrival has been foretold since HLV. “There’s an east wind coming.” John says this when the plane with Sherlock on it is coming back down to land. At this point I’m pretty sure we all thought “okay, so the east wind might be Sherlock?” That’s a logical thing to assume. But no. It’s obviously Euros/Eurus now, and I’m aware I’m stating the obvious, but it’s important to set our foundations.
Moving on to the West Wind now. Zephyrus. Sherlock himself. I’m quoting this from a website (see link at bottom of page). “The west wind had fallen in love with a handsome youth named Hyacinthus.” The first thing here is homosexuality. It’s glaring at us in the face. It must be noted that he is “considered to be the parent of Eros, the god of love, and of Pothos (Longing) who was an attendant of Aphrodite.” Just look at all these connections to romance and longing. I won’t say any more on this, you can probably make the connections yourselves.
The second is that Hyacinthus is John. John is not a wind. He is not a Holmes. He was a mere “mortal”. The rest of the myth is that Zephyrus kills Hyacinthus in a rage of jealousy. I don’t want to go into this too much, as I don’t particularly want to talk or think about the death of John. Also I don’t have that much on it. However, in the trailer we see Sherlock holding up a gun to John. Enough said. Also, we know that Sherlock can be a terribly jealous man, just look at his relationship with Janine after John and Mary got married.
Next wind:
The south wind. Notus, or perhaps Sherrinford. Of course, we know hardly nothing about this character. Assuming they are a character, of course, not a place or a code name/alternative for Euros/Eurus. For the sake of this, let’s call Sherrinford the eldest brother of the Holmes siblings. The only things that stand out to me are: 
• “A very warm and moist wind, bringing with it fog and rain.”
• “Hinders visibility [for shepherds and mariners].” 
• “This also made him a friend of thieves.” 
Firstly this is not a harsh wind, or a force to be reckoned with, like the North wind (see below). It is not a pleasant wind, for sure, but he is not a “evil” character. I think, anyways. Next, he “hinders visibility”. I don’t really need to say this, it’s obvious. We have hardly heard of this brother, so he is a “fogged character” if you will. He is unseen. I don’t know how to word that. But you get it.
Second last, we have the North Wind, Boreas. Mycroft. The quote which stands out the most to me is “Unlike the gentle Zephyrus, the violent and stormy North Wind was capable of terrific destruction.” Now, I’m not fully agreeing with this, as we know that Sherlock is not all gentle, he shot CAM in the face for goodness’ sake. That’s evident. But, much like what Mrs Hudson has said about him in TLD (“he needs you.”), Sherlock is not as tough and invulnerable as he likes to think he is/make others think he is. The fact that both Sherlock and Mycroft and Zephyrus and Boreas seem to be complete opposites says enough that they are parallels to each other.
Onto the actual character. Boreas is capable of terrific destruction. So is Mycroft. He’s the bloody government for gods’ sake, of course he is. He could do anything he wanted. In SIP Sherlock even says “Try not to start a war before I get home.” Now I know this is a joke, a brotherly quip so to speak, but it says a lot about the power that Mycroft has. Another quote I’ve found is “Still, he often helped sailors by providing them with a friendly breeze.” We know that Mycroft has a heart, he is not all cold and chilling. Look at the Lady Smallwood scene in TLD. Proof!
However, Boreas also raped and kidnapped a young girl called Oreithyia, which certainly does not apply to our Mycroft.
Our last wind is Aeolus, the King of the four winds. I can think of a few Sherlock characters who I could draw parallels to, but I'm going to go with Mr and Mrs Holmes. One reason, and that is a quote: "Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of winds to help him on his voyage back home, but unfortunately his crew opened the bag and the winds escaped." I'm not going to go as far as to put names to Odysseus and the crew. All I'm saying is this: Mr and Mrs Holmes (Aeolus) had four children. They "gave them" to the world (Odysseus), and the world (the crew) set them free. They "escaped".
That's all I have to say on the winds.
Twins. It's never twins. I'll be willing to bet that it's either:
•Sherlock and Euros/Eurus
•Euros/Erus and Sherrinford
I doubt that Mycroft would be one of the twins, but don't let me hold my breath on that. Also, Sherrinford is supposedly the eldest sibling, hence why I haven't matched him as a twin with Sherlock.
However, there's also the possibility of triplets, which could be Sherlock, Sherrinford and Euros/Eurus, which means that it isn't twins, but triplets instead. Again, the Sherrinford thing doesn't fit, but I could be wrong.  
Moriarty and Erus/Euros is the last thing I want to talk about. When Sherlock is deducing "Faith", he comes to the conclusion that she has been in a relationship, which is now over. (No quotes currently because I can't remember the specifics.) Basically I'm just going to jump right in and say that "Faith" aka Euros/Eurus was in a relationship with Moriarty, or at least in close contact with him, working with/for him perhaps. Obviously. "Miss me" was written on the paper. I don't know what else to put on this subject, apart from the fact that I can't think of why else Euros would have written "miss me" on the paper. It seems to be the best fitting explanation.
I've written too much and I have a migraine now, so no tldr, sorry not sorry. Later I'll put some quotes in here, and then tomorrow evening we shall see how much of this is correct. Of course, most of this is just my thoughts and I haven't really talked about the other options (if Sherrinford is a place... etc). I'm done. Robin out.
Hope this was interesting and useful, oh and feel free to message me about any of this you'd like to discuss, I'd love to hear from you! 
Links/Things I referenced: 
Other posts that are worth checking out:
Concerning Euros/Eurus & Moriarty
Concerning John on Mary’s Death
Concerning Mummy Holmes and Euros/Erus
Concerning the Winds and the Holmes Siblings
Tagged: @obsessed-not-possessed
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opepin · 7 years
september: week four
18: i woke up before my alarm went off. i didn’t sleep well for the last few hours of the morning... i’ve only been getting 6 hours of sleep on average lately x_x; i did get myself to do a weighted leg workout and then i showered and made my first chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie -- i fell in love. i washed all the dishes before leaving and then said goodbye to kevin. i got to the train platform 10 minutes earlier than usual but i still got to work at the same time -__-’ there were delays again. oh well. then i did a bit of work, played with the surface pro we have at the office, organized my spam email because outlook thinks everything is spam -_-, took a break with cole so he could give me guava candy LOL. so cole slacked me and told me he brought in candy so i thought it was something suspicious but then he gives it to me and it’s the guava candy i can find at the asian grocery market. apparently, he bought two large bags full from amazon -- he’s so funny. well, we talked about food and what we ate as children before heading back to work.
i didn’t have much to do so then i ate lunch and went to figaro’s with cole so he could get his lunch. i got a chocolate chip brownie and ate it all... steve, cole, and i ate in the office supply office LOL and talked about random things like horror movies and birthstones. it was a great time. then we all headed back to work. i headed back and realized i only ate 1/3 of my lunch. i ate another third and then packed it away -- i was too full. then i got on stand up and went right into a meeting with phil. after that, it was already 4 pm. so i headed over to steve and cole’s office and then chilled with them for a bit. i brought over the surface and drew on it and they were impressed with my drawings ;D the surface makes my handwriting look so nice :3 they just finished their work but then i think something broke? so i went back to my office, did a little bit more work and then took my laptop over to their office to work while they finished up their stuff. dave left me all alone in the office for a meeting; joe left early because he wasn’t feeling well. then i walked to south station with cole, took the train home, got all of our mail, tried talking to erin but she was gone, got my first eggie shirt, and went upstairs to the apartment. i got my $200 visa card for my laptop trade in and i got my try again tee from eggie. the tee isn’t as nice as i thought it would be, but it’s still pretty awesome.
after i sorted through the mail and stuff, i got myself to do my butt workout and i died doing the bulgarian split lunges. i think my legs were exhausted from my workout in the morning still. i think i need to cap my lifting to 30-50 min max per day until i get stronger. the workout should have taken 30 minutes but i think i took 40-45 minutes x__x; the struggle was real. i also lifted 5 lbs heavier for basically everything... ded. my legs pretty much felt like numb jello after. i stretched and foam rolled a bit before showering. then i made myself another delicious chocolate pb banana smoothie before washing the dishes. i ate the leftovers from lunch with congee and more tofu and beef while watching youtube videos. then i made kevin a greetabl for our upcoming 2 year anniversary and then did internet errands. oh, i also managed to get tickets back to chicago for thanksgiving for only $4.50 more than my previous christmas tickets. (((: so i’ll be back in chicago! oh, kevin went out to meet up with old friends and i didn’t want to go so i spent my time at home doing my own thangz.
kevin got back and then we talked and cuddled and i ended up falling asleep on the bed for 30 minutes -- i was so tired from lifting. i just wanted to ko. i got myself up and made pico de gallo while chicken cooked the chicken thigh for lunch tomorrow. i stayed up for a bit longer but then just brushed up and went to sleep at some time... probably around 12 am. kevin also showered early and then played a few games and went to sleep early. we were both tired for some reason. well, i know why i was tired. i think kevin went to sleep late last night LOL.
19: i slept in today and woke up extra sore. i ate a pork bun for breakfast and then got straight to work. i took a break when kevin woke up and decided to work from home as well :) i made us the chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie i’m in love with right now and he loved it too! he says it tastes like ice cream LOL. then i went into meetings basically for the rest of the day -- it was a day for design meetings. kevin got the entryway bench from the package room and built it while i was on a design call then i got a short break to eat lunch. i helped move the bench to the entryway and moved the shoe rack over to the other wall. then i went on to stand up and then into another design call. i managed to do some errands and ordered a new toilet brush on amazon prime now. i also booked us a river tour because i forgot about a groupon i bought and it reminded me today. so this weekend will be packed: apple picking and charles river boat tour. i felt pretty dead... maybe it’s because of the weather. x_x; after that, i did some work, took a break to do some yoga, and watched some videos and then hopped on a call with phil so i could prepare more training stuff.
i started reading ‘sourdough’ by robin sloan and i instantly got hooked. i read until kevin gamed, played guitar, and before leaving for the fitness center. it was my recovery day today so i thought i would try doing the elliptical; it was a mistake. it’s nice that i can watch food network but the motion and quad work required of the elliptical were too much for my quads because they were super tired from yesterday’s 60 minute lifting session... it felt weird and i got really bored and kept looking at the clock until 30 minutes were up. kevin ran alongside me and then we stretched and showered. we ate leftovers for dinner plus some of these glutinous rice balls filled with purple sweet potato filling and mandu! yummm. we watched 1 1/2 episodes of agents of shield and then kevin went to game and i continued reading for the rest of the night. i actually finished the book before going to sleep! it was a really great book. it’s not one of my favorites but still a really good read. i felt good. kevin and i actually went to sleep at around 12:30 am. we were both tired. x_x;
20: i woke up at 8 am and then fell back asleep until 8:30 am. then i got up and did a hiit workout but my thighs were burning... i don’t think i rested it enough. i need to rethink my workout schedule again lol. i also managed to hurt my wrist a bit too? it was a really hard workout. i stretched my quads after and then foam rolled. i showered and went to work before making my fave smoothie. kevin wanted some but didn’t tell me so i drank all of it by the time he came out of the bathroom xP i guess it’s time to buy bananas in bulk :) then i went back to work and so did kevin. we both wfh again because we were getting our ikea package today. it was a pretty packed day for me with all the meetings. we had a design meeting that kind of went over on time but then we stopped so dave and i could have lunch. kevin and i snuck in an episode of agents of shield while eating. then i hopped on stand up and then i got on a call with phil to plan out what to do for the upcoming training sessions. at this point, i got really annoyed because phil wanted me to do a run through of the first session and i wasn’t feeling it. i feel like it was kinda overkill to have me do it again. he kept commenting and he told me to slow down (which i do need to do but i was doing it fast because it was a run through). i think he’s very stressed and worried about this but my nerves have come and gone and i’ll do it like i do usually.
well, during the call, the ikea guys came and then it happened so that phil needed to get on another call and so i got off and opened the door for them. then kevin got to building the dining table. i was annoyed and just frustrated about what my role is at t7. i feel like i’ve been a shared asset in which i don’t really have a solid place in training or design so i feel like i’ve been tossed back and forth. in the future, i have a feeling that i will be set to more training and i don’t know how i feel about that. i would rather design than teach different customers something over and over again. yeah, that’s the thing, phil wanted me to prepare for something i will be doing SO much in the future and that bothers me. it seems so monotonous. sigh. i vented to cole a bit and then i hopped off the computer after work and did oblique workouts without weights and on my mat. apparently, there are a lot of isolated ab and oblique moves that make you lose your hourglass figure, especially with weights so i’ll keep weights to a minimum for now. kevin went back to working for a bit before cooking. i put on agents of shield while he cooked.
we ate and watched agents of shield and then washed up. kevin went on a run and took some cardboard with him. after i showered, i took some cardboard and recycled it, washed the wok left in the sink, checked if our new keys opened the storage room, took some suitcases back there, and then took out all of the garbage. kevin came back and showered. oh, we also took out the mirror first when our package came and put it in the room. it looks so nice! it was getting late so i brushed up and hopped into bed while kevin gamed. i think i went to sleep at around 12 am or something. i was tired.
21: i got up at 8:30 am and then did a back workout in the morning. i took it easy on the back because later in the evening, i’d be doing arms. then i came back, showered, and kevin and i got in a small morning argument but then made up before he left lol. man, i am moooody. i made 2 eggs for breakfast and tried mixing pb, cocoa powder, and milk with a spoon in a cup; it failed miserably D: i drank it anyway too. then kevin went to work and i started working. i hopped on a design call and then ate lunch while watching the ‘masterchef’ finale! then i talked with phil, hopped on another call, then went straight to stand up. yup, lots of calls today. after, phil took a break from all the calls and then i finished up the finale while working. i’m so happy dino won. this is the first time i am happy with all three finalists, actually. i wanted jason to win the most but i really liked dino throughout the competition.
anyway, after doing some edits, i hopped on a call with phil again and then made some more edits and ended my work day at 5:30 pm. then i headed over to the yoga studio and did my arm workout. it was my first time working out my biceps and they burned T__T then i came back, relaxed, and showered. kevin started cooking dinner and i watched some youtube videos. then we put on agents of shield and ate our first meal from the dinner table! yay (: then we moved to the sofa and watched another episode. well, kevin went to wash dishes and i walked around while watching to get in some activity. then kevin decided to make the ikea chest and then run. i helped make the drawers and did any two person thing but it was mostly kevin building it. the last time i made a drawer was last year and i the drawer is now falling apart because i built it angrily... LOL. so i let kevin handle that. it actually took us 3 hours to build it... i knocked out after we built all six drawers and then woke up to check in on kevin. i drooled on my shoulder... then i helped a bit and ko’d again until kevin asked for my help. then i just stayed up watching kevin hammer nails into the back and then we moved it into place along with the drawers. lol it was like 2 am and i was ded.
i brushed my teeth, kevin was not going to run so he showered, and i fell asleep before he even got in the shower. lol the first time i ko’d was at like 12 am. i am weaksauce hahah. i think we went to sleep at around 3 am...
22: kevin and i basically rolled out of bed and then kevin went to work and i hopped on my computer. then i made myself an egg sandwich with pico de gallo and a glass of chocolate peanut butter milk. i watched ‘girl’s trip’ while working and then went to practicing teaching my training module. phil pinged me to catch up and then timed myself. i got the first part of the session down in just the right amount of time, but i kind of rushed the second part. i looped back around and talked with phil and both of us felt good about going into this. then i think kevin came back and he went to do something??? probably cook. so i did an intense stretching session for about 40 minutes. yeah, i think i watched some ‘beat shazam’ while kevin cooked and then we put on shield and that’s when i finished up stretching. lol we spent the rest of the night watching agents of shield. we got up to the last episode before the season finale!! i noticed i only walked like 6k steps and tried getting to 10k steps in the last 15 minutes of the day. i got about 2.5k steps before it hit 12 am T___T kevin ended up getting more steps than me today...that’s sad tbh LOL. well, i think we stayed up a bit longer just chilling and thriving in the friday night bliss before the weekend~ we went to sleep pretty late LOL.
23: we woke up hella late. we woke up too late to go apple picking T__T lol. i think i got out of bed at 12 or 1 pm. kevin and i were so tired. mmm we ate breakfast and we moved furniture around in our bedroom. i hated the way it looked and brooded over that for a while and i got super frustrated. kevin left to game and then i got up and started watching an episode of ‘beat shazam’ while walking to lift the bad mood i was in. i felt a good deal better after walking around. then we meal planned and drove over to the mall where bdubs is. it’s our two year anniversary on the 26th and we didn’t really plan anything for it. i wanted to but we’ve spend so much money on the new furniture so we didn’t really want to spend more money on a fancy dinner. so what did we do? we went to bdubs, got fried mushrooms, and split a medium boneless chicken wing platter for only $25 to celebrate LOL. we got the right amount of food to finish everything. we tried their blue moon wings and they were pretty good. the thai curry wings taste like the golden curry sauce haha.
after lunch, we went to auntie anne’s to get buy 2/$6 pretzel nuggets. mmm. we got the original nuggets with the limited edition pumpkin spice one. the pumpkin spice one tastes exactly like the cinnamon sugar but with pumpkin / nutmeg flavoring. we walked over to target and then kind of got lost in buying stuff. i got thinkthin protein bars because i couldn’t find the oatmega bars, we tried looking for the glass bowls but they were all gone, and then i found a polar bear hooded blanket and kevin and i fell in love with it. we then found really cute appetizer plates with a clever print on them by cheeky and decided to try to find where the polar bear blanket came from. the one we found seemed like it lost its packaging? it was in aisle c10 according to the scanner but there was no c10... there was a c9 and c11... we found someone and he told us the display was c10 LOL. we looked but couldn’t find another one. :( but then we stumbled upon a bear night light that would look really nice on our chest that was placed in a spot i hated in the room. so we ended up getting that bear. we also got the last of this bear box!! it was meant to be!! we were looking for a box to fit under our entryway bench cubby to make it look more put together.
at this point, we needed to get out of there so we wouldn’t go back for the polar bear hooded blanket. on our way to the register, i found the oatmega bars and got the chocolate coconut flavor. then we checked out, went to kam man for groceries, went to bj’s for the rest of our groceries, and came home. we put away everything and hooked up the night light and put the box in its place. ahhh, everything is starting to look so nice. we were both pretty full still so kevin went to game and told me he’d come by to run while i went to work out. i did a total body strength workout for 50 minutes. i actually extended my workout because i was wondering where kevin was? LOL. oh, i also love doing clean presses. anyway, i went back, showered, and kevin was still gaming... this boy. then he cooked and i believe he did run at some point. i washed the dishes and tried out the oatmega bar -- it’s delicious! i hope the whey concentrate isn’t too kfjnskjdf for my stomach. after kevin came back and showered, we had rice cake soup again while watching the last episode of agents of shield’s season 4. woooo. the ending is super ambiguous. we cleaned up and we might start watching game of thrones and westworld now. mmm. i think i was super tired after and i went to sleep while kevin gamed. well, that’s usually how it goes haha.
24: i woke up at 9 am and then did a hiit cardio workout. then i showered and woke kevin up. we ate breakfast just in time to leave to get to our charles river sightseeing tour. i ate a thinkthin protein bar after my workout and it hurt my stomach :( it’s probably the sugar alcohols. i think i’ll stick with my oatmega bars for now. we made it just in time for the train and then kevin needed to use the washroom right after getting off the train so we looked around but couldn’t find a public restroom. we walked to the mall where the boat would leave and kevin used the washroom there while i waited outside so that the boat wouldn’t leave us. well, we got there 10 minutes early and kevin had time to use the washroom. we were the last people on, we got a ginger ale to share, and we enjoyed the rest of the ride. we spent half of our time in the front to feel the sunshine and breeze and the other half inside to just sit and chill. the boat wasn’t going fast so there wasn’t that nice breeze but overall, the ride was so relaxing. we got off and got taco bell at the food court and walked to the train station. we entered through the wrong side of the kendall train station and then went to the other side but had to wait for kevin’s monthly pass to work again. the attendant didn’t have her badge and did her best to help us though. lol. i can’t blindly trust kevin when it comes to these things now LOL. we both gotta check what side we’re entering xP
we took the train back and then we drove to the target in stoughton to check if they had the anchor hocking serving bowls. it said online they had a limited stock. we checked in the aisle and they were all gone and asked someone for help and he said there were no more T___T so we got kevin’s shaving cream and drove back home. it was a rollercoaster ride of emotions today with the boat ride, the train situation (it takes the monthly pass 20 minutes to become usable at the same stop), not finding the bowls, and then coming back home stressed because i still needed to do chores and i wanted to get a good night’s rest for training tomorrow. well, i got a tension headache and ended up sleeping on kevin’s shoulder and taking an hour nap. lol i snapped at kevin for leaving me on the couch LOOOL but then i fell back asleep. i woke up and right away, i made myself some food. i think the bar effed up my stomach. then i started the laundry and guess what happened? the washing machine drum made a dent in the metal outer structure of the washing machine and it was making sounds like it was going to explode.. it was really scary. so we had to call the emergency maintenance line and they couldn’t do anything about it. @_@ so we put it on quick rinse and finished our laundry. i feel like everything wasn’t properly cleaned though...
kevin helped me clean the kitchen and i cleaned the bathroom. he vacuumed a bit and then we both worked out. i did another hiit workout and he ran. he showered when we got back and then i waited for the laundry to dry because i had no underwear. he cooked and then i showered. we watched some youtube videos while eating and then kevin cleaned up and i folded the laundry. then we played ‘crawl’ together to see if we liked the game -- we’re keeping it. i still had a bit of a headache so i rq’d for the night and he went to game on his computer. i went to sleep at like 12 am because i was going to work from home because i didn’t want to be distracted by anything while leading training. i also learned that uni are sea urchin testicles....
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