#anyways so i drew jason again (shocking i know)
purble-sarah · 4 months
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a sketch redraw of a redraw of a redraw of a comic scene (the old versions of this +the original comic panel are below)
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whltlock · 2 years
The Cosmic Horror of Gotham City
Pairing: Jason Todd/Non-binary!Reader
Summary: Can I interest you in our finest wine, made from perfectly fermented fruit and jealousy?
Word Count: 7165.
Before he could dwell further on his mortifying hopes and feelings, Jason succumbed to a dangerous impulse: one arm slipped under your neck and scooped you closer, while the other slithered over your exposed waist. It shocked you when his hand snaked under your shirt in a longing search for skin. He needed to feel you close to him to know this was real—you were alive and well and at home in his arms.
Your breath hitched. He pushed aside how antsy it made him. “Please put me out of my misery,” Jason urged, voice soft in your ear as he pulled you tighter against his chest. There was a desperate twinge to the act.
Your fingers found the arm at your neck. They trailed over him, mindless as you considered the proposition. How careful you had to be about your words.
Finally, your answer came. It was stifled since your lips touched his skin. “You and me.”
“Yeah?” Jason lingered unsurely.
Your nod came with an incomprehensible, mumbled, “Us.”
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It wasn’t one night. It was three.
Jason was pissed as he looked down at his phone again. The sensor in your apartment had been tripped. He knew Roy was out on patrol, so that left either an intruder or you.
The glowing light blinked at him, a tempting beacon.
The last time he’d heard from you was a day after you left. That night, when you hadn’t returned before he’d set out, he’d messaged you.
JAY: Where are you? Are you safe?
JAY: If you don’t want to talk to me, at least tell Roy.
When you hadn’t replied, he’d called you after patrol, his thoughts having twisted into intrusive ones. It was both so late in the evening and far too early in the morning that he knew you wouldn’t pick up.
He did it anyway. He hadn’t left a voicemail.
But a few hours later, he got a response. There was a text with a pin drop of your location. Clearly, that was as willing as you were to cooperate, so he accepted it.
JAY: Thank you.
That same day, he continued to watch the map, only to find you move in the opposite direction of him or return to the hotel. It tormented him as night drew again. So, one night turned into three. He thought it was going to be four. He was sure you hadn’t even taken enough clothes for the hasty adventure.
And then, finally, the pin disappeared once the sensor had pinged.
Jason scanned his comms line once more as his mask swept over Gotham. Finding it all clear of dire need, he grappled back to the apartment. His insides felt like they’d been jammed into a shredder and come out the other side as grape Jell-O.
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He waited on the couch in the dimly lit home. He stared at his stiff, faceless reflection in the TV. Jason’s stomach churned with insecurity and regret. He didn’t know what else to say to fix things; he had to hope you’d come to the conclusion on your own. The swirling fears were insidious however, catching on every crevice of his miserable brain.
Had he just replaced the grief of death and a life missed with your presence?
He hated that he questioned it, because he knew, deep down, it wasn’t true. You were a force of good in his existence, whether or not he could make you believe it.
He wondered whether the volume of his impending weeps would outpower the sound of the shower.
He didn’t get a chance to find out. Jason’s heart catapulted into his throat as the water shut off. It wasn’t long until he got some kind of answer.
Jason moved his clenched hands into his lap. He straightened as he fidgeted with his fingers. He didn’t know how to hold himself in front of you. He didn’t want to take his helmet off until he was sure things wouldn’t go as horribly as his brain was convinced it would.
It took you ten minutes to leave the bathroom. Obviously, you weren’t expecting company. It was why you’d come in at a time you knew both he and Roy would be gone. Jason steeled his uneven breaths. He saw your reflection pad into the space before you noticed him.
The hair on your arms must have stood up because you froze where you were. You flicked the wet hair out of your eyes, and your hands twitched in front of you, ready for a fight. A few seconds passed before you sagged into yourself with a loud exhale. “Are you shitting me, Jason?”
He almost laughed. It would’ve been a sad sound. “Sorry.” His head inclined in your direction as he considered his next action, and anticipated yours.
The weight of your body shifted from one foot to the other as you relaxed. Relaxed wasn’t quite the right word—he could tell you were uneasy to see him, when you’d planned for otherwise.
He rose. His palms stuck to his thighs, rubbing his holsters. He dislodged his weapons and placed them onto the coffee table. You sucked in a breath.
When he turned, he was relieved. You looked unharmed—maybe a little tired. But he was also angry with how things had been left. How you’d given up when you had a pact.
As he made for the clasp of his helmet, you flinched. Jason guessed you were scared to face the damage again, but he had to show you. He pulled it off in one go. “Look,” he said simply. He offered his skin up to the feeble light.
You took a step forward, nerves hidden poorly. Your mouth parted upon seeing the wound up close. “It’s almost healed?” You said it in a tone of utter incredulousness. You reached half-way to touch him, before you changed your mind and let it drop.
He would have let you, if it put your mind at ease.
“Thought you had a little more faith in me,” he murmured, but there was no bite to it.
Conflict was plain as day on your expression as you tried to deal with the information. It didn’t mesh well with the grief you’d burdened yourself with.
“Okay,” you said. The word was as desiccated as the ether of your mouth. You wrung your wrist out of agitation. Your eyes fell from his face, thoughts scattered like litter over a hopeless planet. His face contorted when you said, “I’m going to bed.”
“What?” he floundered as fury piled on with an ear-splitting bang. “No. We need to—wait—!” He called your name as you made a beeline for your bedroom. His boots stomped after you, though he made an effort to tone it down in case he scared you.
“Hey, you stubborn asshole, stop running!” he seethed.
You whirled around and he willingly bumped into you. The momentum pushed you back into the doorway. “We can talk in the morning,” you said in a low tone.
“Fuck off,” he spat swiftly. “I’ve been waiting almost four days. We’re doing this now.” Your glower spurred him on. “You can’t even reply to a fuckin’ text when I’m wired as shit? You thought you could creep in while we’re out and not have to deal with it, huh? Nah, you’re gonna face the music now, sweetheart.”
A twinge of guilt skittered across your face before you steamrolled it into anger. “What? You don’t like the Jason Todd special?” you snapped.
He let out a bitter bark of laughter. “Don’t pull that shit. We had an agreement and you’re not holding up your end of the deal.”
“Maybe I want out,” you said icily.
It was a bucket of water dumped on his temper, extinguishing it to ashy dust. He felt the easily-snappable threads of fear braid themselves across the pit of his stomach. “Don’t say that.”
“You’re too much for me, and I’m too much for you, and—”
Jason scoffed. “Sounds like you just want an excuse to slum it with the next pathetic chump, ‘cause it got too hard.” Unimaginable flames of cruelty reignited and licked into his defensive tone. He rubbed finishing salt in the wound, because two could play at that game. “Bet what’s-his-face had a helluva time, huh?”
At once, your mouth squeezed shut and the expression slipped off your face. He knew it was awful of him to say; to let a territorial and distrustful beast un-snuff itself from its well-hidden chasm. Jason wanted to snatch the falsity from the air with desperate hands.
The opposite happened. You jammed your fists into his chest and forced him out of the room. Both your breaths turned to pants, mere seconds away from losing all humanity. He let you evict him out of pure resignation. Contrite severed him at the kneecaps—why hadn’t he waited until you were better rested in the morning?
You slammed the door in his face. A desolate noise broke free from the back of his throat.
Jason shucked off his gear as he marched towards the bathroom. He needed to rinse himself of the filthy spite that coated his body.
Why did the grime never seem to wash off?
He was tempted to throw his phone at the wall when it vibrated.
ROY: is it safe 2 come home?
JAY: Code black.
ROY: the fuck? Idiots 😤
JAY: I’ll deal with it.
ROY: you better
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Turned out the shower was loud enough to cover his dreary snivelling. At least, he figured it was, because you hadn't come out to tell him off.
Jason left the bathroom with sopping curls that dripped onto his t-shirt and sweatpants. He tugged at them harshly as he contemplated every path to repentance. He was reminded of the rose garden at the Manor and the suffocating plague of endless terror it brought.
He didn’t have to think for long because your door opened. It ricocheted against the wall in an outpouring of wrath. His head snapped up, eyes wide. From the diagonal, he saw your room was dark save for the lamp. You’d probably tried to sleep off your anger.
“Come here,” you said, breaking the stalemate in a voice so eerily controlled. He took a moment to swallow the thickness of his sticky insides, but it was the wrong move. You grit your teeth as he hesitated. “Come here right now or I won’t speak to you again.”
You best believe he hauled ass in the least pathetic way he could manage.
He slipped into your room when you stepped back to make space for him. He glanced around aimlessly, feeling like an inept, lumbering buffoon. It would have been easier to beg, he thought decidedly.
You paced the length of your bedroom once, arms folded crossly. You stopped in front of him and looked him up and down. He let his eyes wander your face because he wasn’t sure he’d ever be permitted to do so again.
The light of the lamp caught your tear-stained cheeks. You must have seen the same because you squinted at him.
“Did I make you cry?” you asked, sounding guarded.
In a withered tone, he said, “It’s not that hard to do these days.”
You looked away. Stone-cold tendrils crushed his heart.
Jason licked his lips. “I’m sorry.”
“Why? You’re right.” You said it in a flat, matter-of-fact way that made his stomach drop. His eyes stuck to you, the last red cord of hope fading. You tried to clear your throat but it didn’t work. Your tone was frayed when you continued, “I was scared of… this, once I hurt you.”
“T’is but a scratch,” he whispered, his timbre just as odd and stripped.
Your eagle-eyes turned on him. “Wanda’s not a scratch.”
Jason found an ounce of strength when he replied, “That’s also not your fault.”
You refused to hold eye contact once he’d said it. Your chin dropped to your collarbone and the arms around you tightened. He wanted to slump into himself at the reaction.
He sighed your name. “You’re not too much. But if I am, I don’t blame you for—”
Your eyes sloped back, embarrassed. It was horrible as it lit up your veins and turned into electric wisps of regret that stormed through your nervous system. “You’re not, Jason. I’m just…” You trailed off with a frustrated sound. “I’m a mean idiot. I’m sorry.”
“Okay,” he said, words tasting tentative. He reached out to touch your upper arm. To his surprise, you didn’t dodge it. He gave you a slight squeeze as he contemplated airing his innermost thoughts. “Uh, well, I’d like…” His tongue ran over his lip. “I really want you to still be in. With me,” he stammered, nervous. “If you want that, too.”
His hand plummeted back to his side as you walked away from him. Something sad and cold trickled along with it. You shuffled to the farthest side of the bed and sunk into it limply. You faced the wall. He heard you huff even as you hid from him.
Drawn to you like the cat killed by curiosity, Jason asked, “What?” as he sat down on the mattress. He repositioned himself so he could watch you.
You fidgeted, uncomfortable hands sprawling over your clothes in search of reprieve. “You’re not just doing this because Roy told you to, right?”
A wry smile gnarled his expression. “You trying to hurt my feelings twice in one night, huh?”
Your chin rested on your shoulder and he met your eyes. There was a quiet gloss to them. He wanted to put the brightness back in its rightful place.
“You’ve never called me a harlot and meant it before.”
Jason rubbed a hand over his exhausted face. “Shit, sweetheart, I didn’t, I swear. Even if you…” He tried to swallow the rising envy that returned. “I just went for a weak spot. I’m real sorry.”
“We need to work on that.”
He made an amused but agreeable noise. “We do.”
There was only the sound of the sheets sliding against each other as you rearranged them to your liking. You settled beneath the quilt, though it was left loose at your waist. You laid back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling without blinking. A grumble escaped from low in your chest. “I didn’t, you know.”
A muscle twitched in his forehead. “What?”
“Sleep with him. We had completely respectable, separate beds.” Your tone was barbed with exasperation.
“Oh,” Jason breathed.
“You’re the only braindead chump.”
You hammered home your point in what felt like a dismally funny punchline. Still, his jealousy petered to a simmer at the use of an endearing term—of sorts—although his mind struggled to land a tangible thought, brain apparently gone out to lunch. He didn’t really know what to do with the admission, or how to process it.
He was the only one afforded this intimacy, but what exactly did that mean to you?
Slowly, Jason allowed himself to stretch his legs across the bed. He set himself atop a pillow and propped his chin on his palm. His eyes lay on you as he tried to ignore the butterflies that darted around his stomach. Soft and earnest, he asked, “It’s not like that for you?”
You glanced at him, brows pushed together tiredly. “What do you mean?”
“It is, for him. I’m braindead, not blind.”
“What? Is it about to be three for three?" he joked, but there was a stinging truth to it. He already saw the aftermath of a butterfly massacre.
Your frustration was evident as you rolled over, back to him.
He gave a childish whine. “Tell me.”
“He’s family,” you hissed, not turning over.
“Family via marriage?”
“You’re being as annoying as Roy.”
He sidled up behind you with a pout. “Just wanna know if he’s gonna be a problem.”
You huffed out a bewildered laugh. “He’s always a problem.”
Before he could dwell further on his mortifying hopes and feelings, Jason succumbed to a dangerous impulse: one arm slipped under your neck and scooped you closer, while the other slithered over your exposed waist. It shocked you when his hand snaked under your shirt in a longing search for skin. He needed to feel you close to him to know this was real—you were alive and well and at home in his arms.
Your breath hitched. He pushed aside how antsy it made him. “Please put me out of my misery,” Jason urged, voice soft in your ear as he pulled you tighter against his chest. There was a desperate twinge to the act.
Your fingers found the arm at your neck. They trailed over him, mindless as you considered the proposition. How careful you had to be about your words.
Finally, your answer came. It was stifled since your lips touched his skin. “You and me.”
“Yeah?” Jason lingered unsurely.
Your nod came with an incomprehensible, mumbled, “Us.”
He hummed, elated with the response. You felt the vibrations as he pressed a kiss to your jaw. Then, his lips dragged lower. He kissed the crook of your throat and placed another on the expanse of your shoulder. You relaxed into him with a breathy laugh.
He gathered as much of you as he could in his arms, palm stretched wide across your stomach. He began to trace cryptic shapes there, indented into your skin with the happiness that he let manifest. It made goosebumps raise.
“I missed you,” he whispered as he nuzzled into your neck. You didn’t even mind the wet hair because it soothed your flushed skin.
“I missed you, too,” you said it back without skipping a beat. You were enamoured by the sweetness you’d forgotten he hid. “I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you,” he said and his voice rumbled against your throat. It made you shiver.
You laid there with him for a silent minute, until your breathing synchronised. It was like your breaths started in one chest and moved through the other.
Jason’s lips found skin as he listened closely. “I can hear your heartbeat, you know,” he drawled in a hushed manner.
“What?” you asked, voice rising an octave. Your heart skipped too.
“Yeah, like that,” he said, nosing into the deliciousness of your pulse point. “I can hear it when I’m near you.” He smiled cheekily. “It goes up around me.”
You gawped. “Are you a vampire or something?”
You let out a long exhale and slumped into his arms again. “God, that’s… embarrassing. Shit. You didn’t have to tell me that.”
“Sorry.” He didn’t sound apologetic at all. “But I like it.”
You sighed. “You call me the sweetheart.”
His mouth formed a shy grin, hidden in your nape. “Secret’s out.”
He let his eyes shut as he curled around you. You tried to shy away when his breaths tickled, but he kept you snug against him.
You mumbled something he didn’t catch. With no response, your arm stretched back to tangle into his hair.
“Hm?” he voiced, void of focus.
“I’m glad we met.”
His eyes blinked open. A smile stirred as you played with his curls. “Me too, pretty thing,” he spoke into your throat. You keened under the sensation. Your arm dropped, but he caught it before you’d pulled away entirely. He kissed a trail from your wrist down to the edge of your forearm scar.
“Jay,” you whispered.
He was stabbed with a spike of fear that his affection would be unrequited by morning. He let go of your arm gently. “Yeah?” he asked through a swallow.
“You… this is… it’s your bed, too. Whenever you want, okay?”
It’d been some time since he’d heard you stumble over your words like that. “You sure?” Awkwardly, he said, “I come in pretty late.”
He listened to your heartbeat. It dangled on the upper end of the spectrum. You distracted him when you brought his arm back under your shirt to hold you.
“Don’t make me beg.”
He chuckled, airy against your skin. A sense of calm returned to pacify his nerves as his fingers entwined with yours, over your bare heart. “I wouldn’t be opposed.”
You tsked at his distastefulness. “Your charm’s about to run out.”
Jason pressed his nose into you. “Fine.”
“Good night.”
“Night, sweets.”
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Morning was a cruel thief of joy. You’d known it even before your eyes opened, but it became wholly apparent the very moment your alarm went off.
Jason groaned. “Turn that shit off.”
“I’m trying,” you heaved as you turned onto your side. You blindly reached across the bedside table in search of the phone. With a tired sigh, you hit the off button and pulled the device onto the bed. It hadn’t been the best choice to sleep so late. The argument had only compounded your exhaustion.
You began to throw the covers off but Jason’s bicep swept your midsection right back to the warm mattress. You laughed at your powerlessness. Your hands skimmed the arm that trapped you, taking in the texture of hair and solid muscle. It made him tug you closer.
You rolled over so you could peer at him. His eyes were closed, long eyelashes casting tiny shadows over his cheekbones. With the chance to inspect his face better, you eased your head onto the pillow. As you took in the milky way of cute freckles across his dusky nose and cheeks—that maybe you wanted to press an innocent kiss too—he spoke.
“Stop staring. Sleep.”
It was hoarse. He was exhausted, too. You’d have to hide the phone under your pillow when he was around.
“Can’t. I have to work,” you said. It tickled him and you saw his nose twitch, yet he didn’t look at you.
“No, you don’t.”
“Who’s going to pay the bills?”
“Roy,” Jason answered dismissively. It made you laugh. His mouth curved at the sound.
He nudged his face into the pillows when you placed a hand on his cheek. His jaw flexed beneath it. “Stay a little longer?” he asked in a whisper.
“You already know I sleep in,” you said, disappointed with your own choices. He harrumphed, but it didn’t stop his paw from wandering up your neck and entangling in your hair. He smirked, lazily, when you sunk into the sensation of his scritches.
You sighed. “You’re being evil.”
“That a complaint?” he chided. You let your nails drag down his jaw in quiet frustration. He leaned into it.
“No,” you admitted begrudgingly.
“Didn’t think so.”
It was then his eyes opened. You felt self-conscious under his vehement gaze, like he was examining you with a fine-tooth comb. Yet, he had you beholden to those malachite globes, frozen in place. His eyes darted across your face with something akin to fascination, albeit unknowingly to you.
You made a noise to express your discomfort. Jason blinked as if he hadn’t been the one there all along. He graced you with a bashful smile as a million thoughts all tumbled around in his head like a dryer. His soul was soft and content with the gift of being wrapped up in you in the pastel morning light. He thought it was too much to say aloud, though.
His cheeks grew hot as your eyes dropped to his mouth. “You gotta go?” he asked, breaking you both from your strange reveries.
You glanced back up with a nod. “You should go back to sleep, okay?”
He hummed his agreement. You reluctantly pried yourself from his grip.
He spoke again once you stood, your hands still laced despite the distance. “When’re you eating lunch?”
You couldn’t read much with his eyes closed. Confusion adorned your features. “I don’t know. About one?”
Voice muffled by pillows, he said, “Alright. I’ll bring something then.”
You stared back at him like an owl, dazed by his generosity. It wasn’t like this behaviour was new since he often made you lunch but this—you followed your arm to his sleepy form—this was. It was an awfully muddying choice for him to make.
Your smile brushed his knuckles, prompted by the giddiness that fluttered in your chest and up into your throat.
“Don’t forget your phone,” he mumbled helpfully.
“Thanks,” you said, letting go of him to grab your property, realising you needed to get going ASAP. “Thank you, Jason.”
He acknowledged you with a yawn and, “Have a good day.”
Something irrefutable stirred and knocked about your lungs at the sight of it.
You had your second realisation of the morning.
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Whoops and bellows thundered throughout the Manor’s gym. It echoed off the brick and foam and made everything sound ten times louder. You saw, as your eyes scanned the crowd of vigilantes, that they found excitement even in something as arduous and repetitive as training. You wondered if you’d ever feel the same enthusiasm that came with working yourself to the bone for Gotham’s citizens. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t feel some moral obligation to help out those in need—especially if you re-encountered Hydra, whom you had a few special words for—but the raucous environment inspired a nervousness in you. You thought it may have been the same kind that invoked Jason’s every grimace. 
There was also the fact that committing would thrust a nerve-wracking amount of responsibility upon your shoulders. Still… you ought to give it a shot at some point, right? 
Your eyes trailed to Jason. He was off to the side with Hank. The two of them partook in a pull-up competition. You saw the last of his set, as his muscles settled back into themselves and he puffed through his fatigue. He dropped off the bar with a sly smirk and shove sent Hank’s way. The other man smacked his lips and stepped up to beat Jason’s record. 
“Woo! Killin' it, Jay!” Roy shouted above the thrum, thumbs thrown up in encouragement. Jason shook his head, while Hank somehow was able to show him his middle finger mid-lift. 
“What about me?” Donna asked as she fought off her opponent, effortless in her swift moves. 
“You chose easy prey, babe.” 
Pietro crowed in offence. 
You looked back at Jason in absent wonder, only to find his eyes already on you. He scrubbed at his sweaty face with his shirt. When the collar fell back into place, you caught the barest of smiles directed at you. His head tilted towards the bar in question. You scoffed under your breath and your nose scrunched. 
He mouthed, ‘loser.’ 
You hit back with, ‘show off.’ 
You didn’t like the way his brow raised, indicating he was sprinting into egotistical territory. 
You dodged his next comment as your eyes moved back to the ongoing tussle. Pietro had defaulted to using his abilities when he hadn’t been able to outsmart Donna. However, she was a hell of a woman. She latched onto his clothes mid-zoom and tossed him to the floor. He landed with a breathless whine. 
Pietro looked up at you, betrayal rife in his eyes. “You didn’t tell me she was a ‘Wonder Woman.’” 
“It was a surprise,” you said, a coy smile upon your face. 
He harrumphed, mouth set into a frown. Donna came to his side to offer her hand. He made another disgruntled noise, then rolled onto his feet by himself. 
Donna met you with a smirk. “Did I hurt his feelings?” 
You returned it when Pietro grumbled again with, “Yes, actually.” 
You laughed. “Come here, you big baby.” You patted the space beside you. 
He begrudgingly sat down next to you, but his whinging wasn’t over. “Baby this, baby demon that, but never your baby, dragă.” Pietro let out a long sigh to further express the sentiment. 
You rolled your eyes, but Donna cut in first. “You better keep training if you’re going to poke the bear like that,” she said with an amused lilt to her tone.
“Them?” he chirped with a grin, “no, only some bite.” He tapped your nose and in turn, you tried to fulfil his wish. He chuckled at you fondly. 
“I wasn’t talking about them,” Donna replied drily. 
It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. Your eyes skipped over her shoulder to the pull-up bars. Jason stood stiff with a scowl centred on the three of you. You had very little insight into how enhanced his hearing was, but clearly, he was close enough to catch Pietro’s flirtation. You felt a little uneasy with the situation.
“He is no problem either,” Pietro declared, stare only straying from Jason to you when you clicked your tongue.
“Why are you so annoying? Don’t you want to make friends?” 
“I live to disappoint,” he drawled. His lips pressed together as he looked at you, and you read between the lines. He was put off by Wanda’s divination. 
You sighed. “It’s fine, Piet.”
He opened his mouth to argue but closed it almost immediately. Both of your heads snapped in Wanda’s direction. You felt her prod at your mind with a hiss. Her face read taciturn, but you knew it was a sign to ‘knock it off.’
You glanced at Pietro as he decided whether or not he wanted to risk facing her unbridled displeasure. In an attempt to defuse the insults they were likely throwing at each other, you nudged him. “Want to make smoothies?” 
His face brightened instantaneously. “Yes.” 
And then you were both gone in a woosh, leaving Donna with her hair blown into her face. 
“They’re freaky, huh?” Roy said from her other side.
“Roy, that’s their family,” she cautioned.
“So? Doesn’t make ‘em any less ghoulish,” he said bluntly. “Just means we adopted a weirdo who came with two extras.”
She had to laugh. “I’ll give you that.” 
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The group moved to a conference room that had a large, curved desk at the centre of it. There were screens mounted to the wood like a high-tech, fast-food joint. A smaller screen projected something onto the wall behind Dick. 
You strolled into the room with Pietro and Wanda in tow. You each sipped at a purple smoothie. You handed Roy one on the way past. Wanda paused in front of Donna, eyes roving over her scrupulously, before giving Donna the other cup she held. 
Donna seemed taken aback by the kind offer, even in its simplicity. She felt bad for her and Roy’s earlier comments and pasted a smile onto her face. “Thank you, Wanda.” 
Wanda returned it with a reserved smile of her own. 
Dick sighed, eyebrows raised pointedly as his eyes landed on you. “Guys, we’re in the middle of something.” 
“You gonna run us into the ground without a snack, Dickhead?” Jason interjected. 
“You know I get cranky without carbs,” Roy added. You shot him a grateful look to which he grinned cheekily. 
Dick crossed his arms, leaning into petulance. “You didn’t bring enough for all of us.” 
You whirled around to face him, face impassive. “You have a butler.” 
That pulled a round of chuckles from the team. He rubbed at his nose and grumbled unintelligently. “Well, it still would’ve been nice—” 
“God. Here,” Donna snapped as she thrust her smoothie at him. She looked at you, bewildered. “Surrounded by children,” she uttered under her breath. You nodded like it was the end of the world. 
“You backwashed into this,” Dick immediately accused. 
Donna’s brow poised high. “If you don’t drink it—” 
“I will,” Dawn said and snatched it from him. She took a big gulp and passed it onto Hank. He smirked at Dick and downed the rest. All that was left for Dick to do was pout. 
In the meantime, Pietro ruffled Garfield’s hair. “You would like one?” he asked, holding out a glass. Gar accepted it graciously. Adorably, he passed it to Raven first. She sipped at it as if she weren't sure it wasn’t poisoned, but once she was happy, she took a proper drink. 
“Hey, Pietro. I think you could take on Jason,” Gar said. Enthusiasm washed off him in waves. You watched with a hidden smile, glad someone had taken a liking to Pietro’s antics. 
He puffed out his chest in pride. “Thank you, green man.” His eyes flicked to Raven. “And what do you think?” 
“That you would both explode into a fiery ball of annoying-ness,” Wanda cut in.
“I didn’t ask you, phei. Besides, your thoughts are very loud, so—unnecessary.” 
“I agree with her,” Raven shrugged dismissively. 
“Raven—!” Jason protested. Pietro scoffed unsportsmanlike.
“Can we please get back to the plan?” Dick said overtop the bickering, exasperated. 
Wordlessly, you moved to where Jason rested against the wall, arms crossed. While you sipped your drink, you let yourself lean into him until his chest was pressed to your back. He grunted but didn’t try to push you off.
Once Dick returned to his spiel, Jason tilted forward so his chin hovered over your shoulder. “You didn’t make me one,” he said, voice coarse by your ear.
You shrugged apathetically. “I couldn’t remember if you liked fruit.” 
He gave a quiet but harsh laugh against your cheek, stubble pleasantly scratchy. “Uhuh.” He grabbed the cup and brought it to his mouth, your fingers forcefully laced together.
The straw clinked as it was jolted around. You heard his sucks and tried to repress a shiver at the obnoxious squelch. Or was it his plain-as-day closeness that made you want to hide? 
He let go when he’d had his fun rattling your composure. You went back to the drink, occasionally holding it up for him to take a sip over your shoulder, all while you tried to concentrate on Dick. The meeting was about some covert mission. 
“A gala?” Wanda asked unsurely. She looked between Dick and the projected images with curiosity in her eyes. It seemed extravagant. And all they wanted her to do was dress up? 
Dick nodded. “You three would be perfect. The world doesn’t know you exist—” He corrected himself with a wince, “Your identities are unknown in Gotham.”
Pietro scratched at his chin in thought. His eyes slanted to Wanda and then to you. “There will be food, yes?” 
“Of course.” Dick’s eyes moved to Wanda. “You can accompany me, if you’re willing.” 
Your yelp must have gone directly into her brain because one of her eyelids screwed shut in a cringe. 
‘It’s just some fun,’ she thought back. There was still an edge of hesitation to her voice. You sighed at her. Loudly.
You felt Jason’s fingers soothe up your spine. You let out a subdued hum in return, just barely sinking into it. 
“I suppose that’s fine,” Wanda murmured. Irritation simmered your skin and bones into a broth as she gave into his charm. Your fist tightened around the glass. 
‘It’s about to be worse in five seconds,’ she told you from across the room. The blood drained from your cheeks. 
“In that case,” Pietro started with an optimistic smile. “We can go together, draga mea.”
The arm that had been trailing your back stopped. Jason peeled away as Pietro enacted puppy-dog eyes. 
Dick cleared his throat. “Well, actually, I thought that Jason—” 
Jason straightened from behind you. “It’s fine,” he muttered, all sharp-edged. You swallowed. Dare you look at the hurt you’d caused? 
‘Why can't you ever put him to sleep before he opens his big mouth?!’ you all but hissed at Wanda. 
She shrugged. ‘It’s Piet. He would still find a way.’
You huffed. “Fine.” 
Pietro’s cheesy smile turned into a smug grin.
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“It’s only been a day. How did he manage this so quick?” you asked as you examined the plastic-coated clothing that Alfred had dropped off. 
Roy was rummaging through the bags as well, hawing about how bland each piece was. “Money and charm get you anything,” Roy replied as if it were obvious. He unzipped Jason’s bag and flicked through the suit components with a shake of his head. With a scoff, he muttered, “This is so not Jay.” 
You glanced at it. You hadn’t seen Jason in much else besides streetwear and his uniform, so it was an alluring idea to see him in a suit. But as your eyes swept over the plain black clothes, you had to agree it wouldn’t be to his liking. 
Roy held up a red tie with a bemused snort. “Dick,” he chastised. 
Your eyes gravitated to the bathroom where you knew Jason was. He’d snuck in while you were in your room, so you hadn’t seen him since yesterday. He hadn’t returned to the apartment after going on patrol. It pulled at your heartstrings that he was so obviously bothered by what had happened but favoured ignoring it. 
“I’m gonna find a better tie,” Roy announced, snatching the ugly one out of its bag. He headed down the hall, fuelled by pettiness. 
You took that as your cue to finally drop in on Jason. You trudged towards the bathroom. Your thoughts were seeds that sprouted into uncertainty, and it sure was a lively batch. 
You were surprised to find him rifling through a makeup bag of his own volition. He stood in front of the basin as he did so. Spurred on by curiosity, your head popped into the bathroom. “What are you doing?” you asked, hoping your voice was devoid of apprehension. 
He looked at you through the mirror as he wiped primer over his skin. “Getting ready?” His words were unwavering, but there was a scathing edge of witticism embroiled into it. 
You rolled your eyes and ducked into the small room, deciding it was a good enough invitation. You sidled up beside him and poked the contents of the makeup bag. “But what are you doing here? I don't think smudged eyeliner is gala appropriate.” 
He inhaled, slowly, before side-eying you. “Have to cover my scar.” 
You stared at him for a beat. The air between you felt stuffy as you held the intensity of his gaze. It upset you that he had to hide a part of himself out of shame or other people’s disgust. You didn’t know if you could ask which one was his reason for doing it. 
When you said nothing in due time, he half-heartedly asked, “Do you want to help?” 
Your chin lifted as the gravity of the situation eased. “I don’t know how.” 
“I’ll guide you.” 
“Okay.” And because you couldn't leave it alone, you asked, “Why?” 
He gave a soft, lopsided smile. “‘Cause you’ll hover anyway.” 
You hummed in acknowledgement since he was right. When he pointed to the tub, you sat down on the toilet seat while he took to the rim of the bath. Your knees interlocked so you could get closer. 
He passed you a tube. “Gotta fill in the indent,” he explained, tone unenthused. 
You turned the object over in your hands as you read the label, then you squirted a little bit onto the back of your hand. It came out a paste. You sighed to yourself as you warmed it up in small circles. 
You looked at him, meekness returning. “Can I touch you?” you asked quietly. Your eyes darted to the scar in question. 
It took him a moment and a rough swallow, but he mumbled, “Yeah.” 
Jason leaned forward, allowing his chin to rest in your palm while your other hand worked on his cheek. You carefully smoothed the paste along the length of his scar, doing your best to keep it neat. Your eyes probed him when the step was complete.
“Gotta let it dry a touch,” he said, tone clipped by wariness. You gave a stoic nod. 
You stared at him, aggrieved that some of his freckles had been covered up in the process. It felt like a sliver of his personality had been buried along with it too. 
“What?” he grumped, eyes boring into you.
“I don’t like this.” 
He ran a hand through his hair as his head dipped, forcing your hand to his throat instead. He didn’t ask why, but you continued. Defensiveness slipped into your voice as you told him, “I like your face as it is.” 
He huffed out a bitter laugh. “You might not say that when we’re done.” 
“Jason…” you said, disheartened. 
His eyes flicked up. He said your name tautly. “It’s too recognisable." 
“Oh.” You realised it was true. “Right.” 
He said nothing else as he instead handed you concealer. You dabbed it on wordlessly, slumped into your thoughts. It bothered you that he seemed so soulless around you after what had transpired the day before. You wanted to talk to the smart-but-also-smart-ass, kind, and funny Jason. Not the one who was rife with apathy and a penchant for arguments. 
“Jay,” you tried, but he cut you off by shoving a compact into your hands. The disappointment made you frown, but you popped it open anyway. You looked between the powder and his face—it shockingly matched his skin tone perfectly. You held back a comment. With the brush he gave you, you skimmed over his scar until everything looked completely blended. 
He took the lead in spritzing himself with fix-it spray. 
You smiled at him coyly. “Wow. What do you get up to in your free time?” 
He shrugged. “I’ve used YouTube before, you know. Beauty gurus know the secrets of life.” 
You laughed lightly. The dulcet notes instilled some animation back into him. He watched you through inquisitive eyes with a barely-there smile of his own. You knocked your knee into his as another opportunity arose. 
“Jay,” you pleaded for the final time. He grunted in response. 
You breathed out as you parsed over your next words. “I'm sorry, but… I’m doing it for Wanda and Pietro, okay?” Your eyes trawled over him with desperate hope. “They’ve never had anything like this. Sokovia never had this. And… I don’t want them to regret coming. I want them to have some fun.” 
Jason puffed out air, your name included. “How could you think that? Everyone can see they love you.” 
You swallowed nervously. “I feel like I need to. To repay them for looking out for me. They helped me stay alive.”
“I get it,” he said, although he didn’t sound entirely persuaded yet. There was a pause before he asked, “What does it mean when he calls you that name? ‘Draga mea’?” 
You stilled. “It's a few pet names in one.” 
Jason’s eyes narrowed at you. “But he’s saying ‘my,’ right?” 
He was too much of a snoop—and resourceful—to not have figured it out. You stood, moving to crowd his space. Your hands landed on his neck, firm in their grasp. You set your defiant expression on him. 
“Why are you testing me?” you asked. His Adam’s apple bobbed under your touch, gaze fused to yours. It was another moment before you cooed, “You want one, too?” 
“So what if I do?” he challenged, a hand running over your hip. It was barely noticeable when he tugged you closer.
Mouth curved, you supplied, “Okay, puișor meu.”
His tongue darted out to swipe at his lip. “What’s that mean?” 
Your smile grew. “Baby bird.” 
His mouth quirked at the joke. “Funny,” Jason muttered, looking away. 
“I think so.”
He huffed and pried your hands off him. He clasped your wrists and held them in front of his chest. “He doesn’t have to be your date to have fun,” Jason said, doing his best to not sound as childish as he felt. “It’s not too late to say no.” 
You gave a thin-lipped smile, endeared by his clandestine attempt to change your mind. “Just this once,” you whispered to soothe his qualms. You pulled his hands to your mouth.
Jason let out a melodramatic sigh as you kissed over his bruised knuckles. “Fine.” 
You flicked him in the forehead with a smirk then. “Like you have a say, anyways,” you teased. He shirked under the ridicule.
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A/N: this week we say happy birthday to ms donna troy and happy death day to jason mcfreakin losin it todd x (and, coincidentally, the next chapter will be posted on my birthday 🤠)
i love this chapter bc it's like yes we're together, yes we're gonna dance around actually labelling it or admitting how we make each other feel hope i made it up to y'all?? 🤪
__________ Translations * draga mea/dragă: my darling/sweetheart/honey/dear * phei: sister * puișor: baby cub/chick
Tags: @crumpets-are-better-with-jam, @caswinchester2000, @missxfeels, @thequietchildren, @midnxghtblue, @plantedcats, @darkness-falls-xo, @urminebutidontwantyou, @sweetsaph, @thetiny-hufflepuff, @melcutie
If you enjoy my work and have the means, consider tipping me on ko-fi!
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themaribatpit · 3 years
Saturday Challenge: Continue a Fic You Wrote for Jasonette July
Written by: The Maribat Pit  @jasonette-july-event Prompt: Continue a fic you wrote for Jasonette July Rated: M (for violence and strong language)
Then Perish : Part 2
Marinette tossed the helmet aside, she glanced over at the desk and grabbed a letter opener.  She tried to take several swipes at him, all of which he evaded with ease before grabbing her by the wrist.  Marinette tried to drop the letter opener into her other hand but he caught it before she did.  “Nice try, mind telling me why you’re so desperate to kill me?” he asked, Marinette could just about hear him smirking under the mask.  Up close, she noticed that, in addition to his dark hair,  there was a white streak of hair framing his face.  His eyes were still covered by the domino mask as they looked down at her.  “You killed my parents,” she growled. “So is that what this is all about…tell me, what makes you so sure that I did it?” he asked. “I saw you, I saw people begging for their lives just before you killed them.” she recalled, “I saw you standing over their dead bodies.” He pushed her back with very little effort, but before she could charge at him again, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun.  He tossed it to her and she caught it, the cold metal felt heavy in her small hands. “If you are so certain that I’m the one who did it,” he said, “then let the punishment fit the crime.” Marinette looked down at the gun in her hands, she knew exactly what he was asking her to do.  She took aim with the gun, her hands shook as she pointed it at the Red Hood. Her eyes were wide, her hands were shaking, she tried to steel herself.  She tried to ignore the voice in her head telling her that something wasn’t right.  It couldn’t be this easy, there had to be a catch, a struggle, something.  She brought her other hand to the gun, trying to hold it steady. She hoped he couldn’t hear her heart hammering in her chest, she tried not to think about how frightened or nervous she was at that moment.  Meanwhile the Red Hood remained calm, beckoning her to shoot him. “Come on I’m right, here, need me to draw a bullseye?” he taunted. Marinette squeezed her eyes shut and pulled the trigger, she heard a loud BANG, followed by silence.  She slowly cracked open an eye to see her target. “You missed.” Red Hood remarked. Marinette tried to make another shot, but the gun went CLICK, it was empty.  She looked down at the empty gun in her hand, before glaring up at the Red Hood. 
“Look kid, you’re after the wrong guy. I’m not the one who killed your parents.” he explained.
Marinette eyed him suspiciously “More lies.” she scoffed as she glared at him.
“Fine, but the camera doesn't lie,” he walked over to the laptop on his desk and pushed a button. A projector screen appeared and began playing footage from a camera during that fateful shootout. Red Hood continued typing away, until he found the right camera to see the events unfold. “There, camera 5.” he finished typing and turned to watch the footage with her. 
Marinette stared at the footage, her eyes widening in shock. She saw their final moments and it made her heart ache. She watched them go looking for her while she was helping other people as Ladybug. She wondered if she had left those people to die in Park Row, would her parents still be alive and well? She watched her parents run into some mobster with a gun, he tried to mug them. Her father tried using his large size to threaten the mobster, but he had a gun and her father didn't. Tom Dupain was then shot in the head, Sabine held his dead body begging for the mobster to spare her. 
Upon hearing her mother’s cries of mercy, Marinette dropped the gun and fell to her knees.  Her hands were balled into fists, trying to latch onto the carpeted floor beneath her.  There were tears dripping down to her cheeks and clouding her vision. Even so, she could not bring herself to look away, she had to know who this man was. The man then shot Sabine in the head. He ran away, just as the Red Hood showed up on camera to inspect the unfortunate couple who walked past Park Row. 
Marinette wailed as the video footage ended, “No more, please no more,” she cried. “<Mom, Dad, I’m so sorry.>” she cried to herself in French. 
Jason watched the girl cry her heart out after watching her parents get murdered. He couldn’t blame her, no one could. He sat on his desk, as she continued crying. He brought up zoomed camera footage and a mugshot up on screen. Once he was done he stepped in front of her.
The Red Hood standing right in front of Marinette was enough to stop her from crying, she looked up. “You want the man who killed your parents?” he asked. Marinette could only nod. “Luca Angelo, known associate of the Falcone Crime Family.” he stepped aside and pointed to the mugshot. “Last spotted in the Falcone Slaughterhouse.” 
“You want him? We’ll go together at sunrise.” he told her. Marinette stood up and nodded, wiping her tears on her sleeve. “All right Suzie’ll bring you back to your room, they’ll pick you up again later.” Marinette then left the room, escorted by Suzie Su.  
Jason looked over at his window viewing the Gotham Skyline. “I know you’re there Batman, come on in, it's unlocked.” Batman emerged from the shadows. 
"Isn't she the French girl that was in GCPD a few weeks ago?" Asked Batman, staring straight at Jason.
"Yup" said Red Hood, "Sent back to Paris, if I remember correctly. Came back to Gotham thinking I was the one to kill her parents." Red Hood shrugged and sat on his chair, feet resting on his desk.
“She could have killed you.” Batman pointed out. “It’s nice to know you care, Bruce.” Jason said sarcastically, “You saw what happened there, she couldn’t even get a scratch on me.” he explained. “Not without her powers anyway,” he thought.  “She could have killed me...just like how I could have killed the Penguin.” Jason told him.  Batman sighed, remembering how Jason explained that the Penguin didn’t really die the night that he shot him.  One of these days, Jason was going to give him a heart attack with all the elaborate stunts that he pulled. 
"Why are you two going to the Falcone Slaughterhouse?" Batman asked, as Jason poured himself a drink. 
"Closure." Jason told him,  "You and Dick should know how important closure is when you lose your parents." 
"Luca Angelo is dead." Batman stated, "That gang war was unsanctioned by the Falcones, they killed him to appease you and the Maronis."
"You're right, but she'll need to learn that herself.” Jason nodded in agreement, taking a sip of his drink.  “At that moment she’ll have to make a choice, whether or not she wants to find peace or let her vengeance spiral out of control?” “That’s quite a risk to take,” Batman pointed out, “what makes you so sure she won’t choose the latter?”  His eyes fell on the helmet that lay discarded on the floor. “Call it a calculated risk,” he said “sometimes you just have to give people a chance.”  Batman narrowed his eyes, Jason looked back at him over the rim of his glass as he took another sip.
"Fine," Batman relented. "but I'll be there to watch you two." “Say hi to Yo-Yo Girl for me, next time you see her.” Jason said nonchalantly, “She was a huge help getting people to safety that night.” “Yo-Yo Girl?” Batman asked, Jason looked up and cocked an eyebrow. “Sorry, thought she was one of yours,” he said, before finishing the last of his drink.  Batman decided not to ask anything more about it, before he crept back into the shadows and vanished. That morning, Marinette opened the Miracle box and took out Tikki’s earrings.  Tikki gave her a sad look, “Are you sure about this, Marinette?” she asked in a soft voice. “I saw the man who really killed my parents,” Marinette told her, “if I let him walk free, all this would have been for nothing.”  Tikki sighed but had no choice but to comply.  “Spots on” she said, she transformed into Ladybug, ready to face the real culprit. When she stepped out onto the rooftop, Red Hood was waiting for her.  He turned to see the Yo-Yo Girl who was getting civilians to safety that night, it explained how she managed to avoid meeting her parents’ fate that night.  Still, this should be interesting. “So you got a name or is it really just ‘Yo-Yo Girl’?” he asked. “Ladybug,” she told him, “let's get this over with.” she said.  Red Hood grappled away and Ladybug followed with a very creative use of her yo-yo.  
Later, Red Hood and Ladybug snuck into Falcone Slaughterhouse.  The pungent smell of blood gave Ladybug the sinking feeling that livestock wasn’t the only meat that was cut up here.  They quietly knocked out the guards as they made their way in. Red Hood pointed to the door with a sign above the said "Foreman". He then kicked the door down, and they quickly subdued the two guards in the room.
"What the fuck?!" cried the foreman as Ladybug ran up and bashed his head with an ashtray.
She wrapped the string of her yo-yo around the foreman's neck. "Where is Luca Angelo?!" she yelled.
"Rat-faced Luca? Motherfucker's already minced meat by now!" the foreman laughed.
"W-what?" Ladybug stuttered, “No, you’re lying!” she yelled.  This had to be a trick, he was probably hiding somewhere, relishing in the memory of making her parents feel helpless.  She would not be so easily defeated.
"Are ya deaf? He's dead." The foreman drew a gun from his pocket and pointed it at Ladybug. A shuriken then hit the gun, knocking it away from his hand.
Ladybug tightened her grip on the wire. As she was strangling the man her hands shook as rage consumed her. The man gasped and struggled for air, but she held it tight. “Please” he croaked, “have mercy.” 
“Why should I show you any? My parents were shown none!” Ladybug growled, baring her teeth. She pulled the string tighter, as if she was garroting the man. She pictured how her parents had suffered, her mother’s cries for mercy echoed in her mind. 
“Please...I..have..a..daughter.” The foreman barely managed to speak, he tried to paw at the wire with his hands but it wouldn’t budge.  Ladybug paused, she looked at her reflection in the window. She had seen what she had become. 
Shame and guilt filled her as the man became limp. She let go of her yo-yo, and released the man.  She brought her hands to her mouth as she stumbled back in fear and guilt. What would Tikki, Alya and her parents feel if they knew she had blood on her hands? Her breathing became more rapid as panic set in. 
Red Hood calmly walked over, placed two fingers on his neck. “He ain’t dead.” he commented. Ladybug ran, tears streaking down her cheeks. Red Hood didn’t follow, he knew she needed time alone to think. He hoped what she saw was enough to give her closure. He tried to be optimistic that Ladybug would not walk the path of vengeance, but he wasn’t known for his optimism.  Roy would have known what to say to her, but thinking of Roy at all made his heart sink. 
Ladybug ran, she had no clue where she was or where she was going, she just needed to be alone. She didn’t know how long or how far she had traveled, she just found a secluded rooftop. “Spots off” she muttered, Tikki didn’t say a word as she looked up at her.  They sat on the edge of the roof, watching Gotham at night. They both sat in absolute silence, as Marinette came to terms with the tempest of thoughts, guilt and anger that stirred in her mind.  She wondered if she could bring herself to use the Ladybug Miraculous again? If she could trust herself not to lash out at innocent people? A part of her began to question if she was even fit to be Guardian of the Miraculous?
“I almost killed an innocent man,” Marinette croaked, tears welled up in her eyes. “I don't know what to do Tikki, the man who killed Maman and Papa is already dead. It still hurts.” she cried harder. 
Tikkie floated in front of Marinette’s face. Marinette didn’t even try to look at her through the sheen of tears in her eyes, “Marinette, I know, everyone needs time to grieve and move on.” Tikki told her, trying her best to comfort her.
“How, how can I move on? What should I do now? Go to Shanghai and live there?”  Marinette asked.
“Maybe I can help,” came a voice from behind. Tikki zoomed straight to Marinette’s pocket and hid in there. The figure walked up to her and took a seat beside her on the edge of the roof. 
The man wore a leather jacket, looked like he was a few years older than her, and he held a takeaway bag with him. She was about to ask who he was until she recognised that distinctive white streak of hair. Her eyes widened as he handed her the bag. 
“Go on, dig in,” he said, pushing the bag towards her. She apprehensively took the bag from him until the scent of freshly baked bread hit her nose. “I had a friend make those for you, he’s an amazing chef and baker.” he told her, “Don’t eat his waffles though, they taste like paste.”
Marinette gave a small chuckle at his joke, “Thank you” she quietly said. She opened and tearfully ate the baked goods. They were just as good as her father’s baking. 
“There’s not much left for you in Paris, and I know you don’t want to go to Shanghai. Why don’t you stay here in Gotham?” He asked. 
Marinette paused to think, she had no plans on what to do after she had her revenge. She had just spiraled into obsession. He was right, she had nothing left in Paris, and Shanghai would be a struggle to start all over. 
“I know you’re underage, why don’t I be your Guardian until you’re 18?” He suggested, “Then you can swing away and do whatever you want.”  Jason thought she could do a lot worse for a Guardian, besides, Batman and Catwoman weren’t the only ones who were allowed to take orphans under their wing.  
Marinette stayed quiet, thinking of her options. It was either Shanghai or Gotham. After a few minutes of contemplation, she nodded her head. 
“Name’s Jason, Jason Todd.” He held out his hand. 
Marinette shook his hand, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng, but I guess you already knew that.” 
“You don't have to call me ‘Daddy’ unless you want to,” Jason Joked. Marinette wrinkled her nose and playfully shoved him away. For the first time since her parents died, she actually smiled. “I’m already a Guardian myself” she said, “but I always wanted an older brother.” “I have one, trust me it’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” he said. They sat in silence for a long moment, “so what’s the story with you and Ladybug?” he asked. “I helped one old guy across the street, and he decided that was a good enough reason to make me a superhero.” she explained, “I had to fight against a villain who was using people’s negative emotions to control them.” “Well, good thing he hasn’t found his way here, plenty of those going around in a city like this.” he said, trying to make her feel better. “How about you?” she asked, “Were you always this big bad crime lord?” She said the last part as if it was merely a facade or the stuff of legend.  “My dad was sent to jail when I was a kid, my mom didn’t last that long after that,” he told her, “so I spent a few years living on the streets of Gotham.” “Was it always like this?” she asked, her childhood in Paris was already looking rosier by comparison. “Gotham? Almost certainly.” Jason told her, “When I was 13, I thought I’d be joining my old man in prison sooner or later, before I met the Bat himself.”  Marinette’s eyes widened, she remembered hearing Alya gush about Batman and his various sidekicks over the years.  “I thought he’d just beat me up for trying to steal the wheels off of the Batmobile, instead he gave me a hot meal and a place to call home.” he told her.  “You’re looking at the second Robin,” he said. Judging by the sad smile he had on his face, Marinette could tell this story didn’t have a happy ending.  “So, what happened?” she asked cautiously, he took a deep breath as he tried to find the words.  On the one hand, the last thing he wanted, the last thing anyone needed, was this girl making the same stupid mistakes that he did.  On the other hand, she had been through enough, it would have to be a story for another time. “That’s a story for another day,” he decided “but I promise you, one day I’ll tell it.” Marinette looked down at the city streets before her, it was a far cry from Paris, but maybe one day she would come to see it as home. Batman watched the two of them from a distance and smiled slightly.  Maybe this girl would keep Jason from going too far down the treacherous path he was on, much like Tim had done all those years ago after he lost Jason.  Only time will tell if that proved to be true, but for now he was pleased to see the two of them getting along.  He grappled away, leaving the two of them to talk, laugh and joke with each other.
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nightmarewritings · 3 years
Your writing is SO GOOD bro I literally cannooooot. Anyways, can I request slashers with an s/o who knows them similarly? Like Mikey with an s/o who took care of him at the mental hospital, Jason with a counselor s/o, stuff like that! And when the s/o sees them they’re just kinda calm and like “oh hey there big guy! What’s up?” And just kinda sits there calmly since they know the slasher. It might be kinda specific? Idk, I had a dream about it a while ago and was like “huh....interesting”
Thank you, I hope these are alright! Sorry it took me a while to get these finished. Michael's is a bit dark.
S/O With A Prior Relationship To Them
Michael Myers:
You worked at Smith's Grove, and quickly became acquainted with the infamous Michael Myers. You were always kind to him, and didn't really believe the “evil incarnate” talk Dr. Loomis spouted. He never really seemed that dangerous to you, and never gave you any trouble.
When Michael broke out, you went right out to Haddonfield and looked for him, hoping maybe you could resolve things peacefully. You knew it could be dangerous, you knew he had killed before, but something in you made you want to do your best to help Michael.
You found him, faster than the police or Loomis. He just stood there and watched you silently, neither leaving or making a move to hurt you. Or at least, that's what you thought, before he slammed your head against the wall until you fell unconscious.
You wake up later, chained to the radiator in an old house. Michael recognized you and didn't kill you, but he wasn't exactly going to let you leave either.
Jason Voorhees:
Being a counselor at Camp Crystal Lake wasn't the safest occupation, but something drew you to it. You had been a camper years before as a child, and though your time was cut short due to a tragedy, you still had fond memories of the sweet boy you met who tragically lost his life there.
So you became a counselor both to relive the fond memories and to make sure no other child would meet the same fate Jason had met. It's during a day of setting up the camp in preparation for the campers that would arrive in a few days that you saw someone nearby.
Before you knew it, your fellow counselors were dead and you were certain to die as well. In sheer panic, your life flashed before your eyes, and you wound up crying on the floor about how all you wanted to do was honor your dead friend and help others in his memory.
Well, your dead friend wasn't so dead after all, and he helped you back to your feet. Sure, everyone else is dead, but you've got Jason again, all grown up. What more do you need?
Thomas Hewitt:
You grew up in a small town in Texas, and were often on your own. During one day of exploring, you came across a house where a boy your own age lived. He had a skin condition and a sweet smile and said his name was Tommy. Despite the best efforts of your family, the two of you became friends. Then you had to move away with your family, and you thought you'd never see him again.
Years later, you felt unfulfilled in your life and nostalgic for how things were in the simpler days of your childhood. So you packed your things and decided to drive back to the town you remembered so fondly. Sure, the Hewitts were likely long gone, but there's nothing wrong with reminiscing.
Tommy almost made a huge mistake when he charged at you with his chainsaw, but even though time had changed him, you still knew it was him. When you called out his name, he stopped in shock.
He can't bring himself to kill you, and instead takes you into the house and brings you to his mom, who is very pleased to see you back after all those years. You can stay as long as you like, maybe forever if you play your cards right.
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sturchling · 4 years
Turn the Page- Final Part
Part One      Part Two
Here is the final part!
So Marinette has decided to attend the Wayne Gala. Will Lila finally be exposed? How will the class react? How will everything end for our favorite designer?
Hope you like it!
Marinette and Chloe were working at a fever pace. Mr. Wayne had agreed to let Chloe coming too. Marinette’s parents were hesitant at first, but eventually relented when they heard that Mr. Wayne had offered to let them stay at his manor while they were in Gotham. Tom and Sabine knew they would be safe there. Chloe had been working with Marinette on their two dresses. Chloe’s dress was a mermaid style golden dress. She had some black shoes and gloves to compliment the outfit as well. She wanted it to be a tribute to her time as Queen Bee. Marinette had decided to make a scarlet cheongsam with some golden and black floral embroidery. Marinette had also snuck in some small ladybugs into the embroidery, as a nod to her superhero identity. Marinette had finished the suits for the Waynes pretty quickly, and had already sent them to Gotham. She would make any final adjustments when she arrived in Gotham.
Time had flown since the original email inviting Marinette to the gala. Marinette had been making plans with Mr. Wayne to reveal her identity at the gala. Before Marinette knew it, the gala was a week away. It was the last day before the winter holidays start. Marinette and Chloe were leaving for Gotham in on Monday. The Gala would be next Friday night. As the two girls sat in the back with Nino and Nathaniel, the rest of class excitedly talked about their plans for winter break. Chloe had been right. The class was planning on meeting to watch the red-carpet of the Wayne Gala. The class was practically buzzing about the show. Mr. Wayne had announced that MDC would be attending the gala and planned to reveal their identity to the public. The MDC website also announced the plan as well. When questioned why her friend suddenly didn’t mind sharing her identity despite the ex-boyfriend situation, Lila said, “Well, she decided to stop living in fear of him. I convinced her that it wasn’t a healthy way to live and that she needed to put herself out there again.” Marinette just rolled her eyes and didn’t say anything. Everything Lila was saying would be revealed as a lie soon anyway. Lila turned to face Marinette and said, “What will you and your friends be doing over the break?” “Chloe and I will be going to visit some friends in America. That is about it.” The class just rolled their eyes. They assumed that Marinette was lying about it because she had no plans. Little did they know that not only did Marinette have plans, but they would be watching her on the TV in a few days.
That next Monday, Marinette and Chloe went to the airport and got on their flight to Gotham. When they arrived, they were met by an older man named Alfred who drove them to the manor. They quickly got settled in. Marinette got to work making the final adjustments for the Waynes’ suits. Afterwards, Chloe and Marinette went sight-seeing throughout Gotham. Jason and Damian had come with them, to make sure they were safe. Chloe and Marinette’s social medias became flooded with pictures of their trip. While they were there, Marinette and Damian became close. Then the night of the gala drew close. Marinette was nervous. She was about to reveal her secret to the world. And she still had a semester to go at school. She knew school would be a lot tougher once her secret was revealed. Lila would be furious, and Marinette had no idea how the class would react.
The day of the gala had finally arrived. Marinette and Chloe were getting ready together. Alfred had gone to drop off the Waynes at the venue and would be coming back to pick up the girls. While they got ready, Chloe was coaching Marinette how to deal with the paparazzi and press that would be on the red carpet. They would also be let into the gala so they could be there for the MDC announcement. Chloe was also going over what Marinette was going to say during the reveal. To say Marinette was nervous was an understatement. Before they knew it, Alfred was there to pick them up and they were on their way to the red carpet.
Meanwhile, in France, the class had gathered at Alya’s home to watch the red-carpet. Everyone was excited to finally see Lila’s friend who was MDC. Lila was talking about how sweet the girl was, and how considerate she was. “MDC even donated to one of the go green charities I work with. She is such a sweetie.” The red-carpet broadcast started and the class waited with anticipation for Lila to point out the girl who was MDC. But Lila made it clear that she was going to leave it a surprise until MDC revealed it later in the night. Imagine the classes’ surprise when they saw Chloe and Marinette arrive in a limo and walk into the gala. They couldn’t believe it. How could those harpies get an invite to one of the biggest social events of the year? Lila was furious. How dare Marinette take the spotlight off her? Lila took the opportunity to make Marinette look worse to the class by asking, “Why did Marinette not tell any of us she would be there? Why didn’t she get us an invite either?” The class quickly was filled with rage at Marinette and was ready to tear her apart.
Back in Gotham, the gala was in full swing. Everyone was having a wonderful time. Even though Marinette was becoming more anxious by the minute, she was still trying to enjoy herself. She and Damian had been dancing together for a while now, when Bruce signaled to Marinette that it was time for the announcement. Chloe gave her a thumbs up and Damian gave her a nudge to the stage. Marinette swallowed her fear and walked towards the stage, waiting for Bruce to introduce her. “May I have everyone’s attention please?” The hall quickly quieted and everyone turned to face Mr. Wayne. “As some of you may know, I had announced that MDC would be here tonight and was planning on revealing themselves to the public. Well, they are here and ready to speak to all of you. Here she is, you all know her as MDC, but I know her as Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” The crowd applauded while Marinette climbed on stage. Cameras were going off all over the room, and Marinette saw all the video cameras and microphones pointed at her. She was incredibly nervous, but knowing there was no going back now, she began to speak. “Good evening. I decided to reveal myself tonight for a few reasons. Firstly, I thought it was time to step into the light, seeing as I am about to graduate. It just seemed like the right time. Secondly, there were some people trying to claim they were me or knew me to get advantages or fame in their life. I do not enjoy liars, especially ones that are lying about me. It has been a rough year, since I started this brand, in my personal life. This work has given me an outlet for all the stress in my life. I am glad that my work has resonated with so many people, all over the world. I am incredibly honored that you all have supported me, gave me work, and helped me to chase my dream. I hope to have many more successful years to come. Thank you.” The crowd applauded again as Marinette left the stage to celebrate with her friends.
Little did Marinette know on the other side of the world; her class was shocked to their core. Marinette was MDC? That doesn’t make sense. Lila said they were best friends, but Lila and Marinette hate each other. And why would Lila call Marinette the sweetest girl in the world? According to Lila, Marinette had been anything but. All of the lies that Lila had told about MDC rang in the ears of the class, as they realized that none of what she had said was true. Lila was fuming. How was Lila supposed to know that Marinette was MDC? She was just going to see who the girl was at the announcement and then claim to have known her all along. Lila could see all her plans falling to pieces. The class also began to realize that if Lila had lied about this, what else had she lied about? Alya discreetly googled some of Lila’s stories, desperately hoping to find some proof. Something to prove she hadn’t been taken in by a trickster. But all Alya found were posts from the Ladyblog. Lila had slipped out of the room, and the apartment while the class stared at the screen in shock. By the time they realized what had happened and went to confront Lila, Lila had already left. The class just sat there horrified as they realized that they had abandoned their friend for some liar with honeyed words. They had pushed away a dear friend and believed the worst in her, with no real proof. Worst of all, Marinette had tried to warn them. She had tried to tell them Lila was a liar from the very beginning and none of them had listened. And now, Marinette was lost to them. They doubted she would want to be friends again after how cruel they were. They eventually all went home, lamenting the lost friendship.
Back at the gala, Marinette had a wonderful night. She danced the night away with Damian and Chloe and spoke with a few reporters about her plans for the brand. She was exhausted by the end of the night, but in a good way. The end of their trip came far too soon, but it was time for Chloe and Marinette to go back to Paris. Before they left, Damian asked Marinette to be his girlfriend. She was flustered, but agreed. Now the two planned to have skype dates as often as possible, until Marinette came back at the next holiday. When the two got back to Paris, they avoided their classmates, hoping to avoid the inevitable confrontation. Whether the class would apologize or attack them, they didn’t know. Eventually though, classes resumed and they had to face the class. When they walked in the class pounced and apologized profusely. Lila sat in the back glaring at the young designer for ruining everything. She had tried to convince her mother to let her transfer schools, but it hadn’t worked. So, now Lila had to sit in this class full of idiots who were mad at her even though they were the gullible ones. Marinette did accept the classes apology, but told them that she wasn’t ready to be friends again. “Will we ever be friends again?” Rose asked in a quiet voice. Marinette answered them honestly, “I’m not sure. You all really hurt me. It will take time. But, maybe someday.” With that, Chloe and Marinette went back to their seats. Mrs. Bustier came in quickly after that and began the lesson.
The semester went by in a flash, and before the class knew it, they had graduated. Things between the class and Marinette were still rocky, but they were at least civil to each other. Lila resented that Marinette had ruined all of her lies in the course of a single evening. But Lila was already planning her next batch of lies for whatever poor fools she met in university. Marinette’s fashion brand was more popular than ever. She actually had to hire other designers to follow her designs, so she could keep up with the commission request. Chloe had taken over management of the business aspect of the brand and managed all the social media as well. Nino was officially Marinette’s personal MC for all of her fashion shows. And she also asked Nathaniel for help coming up with a Miraculous inspired fashion line. She still saw Damian frequently, and after graduation, she moved to Gotham, along with Chloe to set up the first real office for the MDC brand. Marinette and Damian quickly became the power couple of Gotham. Life for Marinette was amazing, and she wouldn’t change it for anything. The times in Mrs. Bustier’s class had been tough, but it made her stronger and turned her into the girl she is today. And she couldn’t be happier with how things turned out in the end.
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Vampire!Hux x Stackhouse!Female Reader
A/N: So this is something I’ve been working on for a long time. It’s a Star Wars, True Blood mash up and I mean mash up. Like I smushed the two together, rubbing them between my hands making fanfiction breadcrumbs. We have Vampire!Hux 🤓 Shapeshifter!Poe and Werewolf!Kylo further down the line. Reader is the sister of Jason but trust me she’s not as annoying as Sookie (I couldn’t think of anyone to replace Jason because he’s the bomb so reader had to be a Stackhouse!) Bill doesn’t exist, because he too was annoying. I am posting this first chapter in celebration of @clydesducktape milestone celebration! Congrats Thia! I hope this is enjoyed.
Warnings: Not much for now, maybe some stalkerish behaviour from Hux. Mention of drinking, telepathic abilities. It will be a Darkfic and NSFW 18+
Word count: 4078
He’ll never forget the first time he saw you, the way your lips curved into a smile, how your eyes danced in the dim light of the club, the shape of your body, the sway of your hips as you walked and the fall of your hair with every movement of your head. He swore he could hear the strands as they settled softly. No, he’ll never forget the first time he saw you or the way your scent drifted over to him, carried on the rush of air when the club door opened. It was divine, he had to use all his self control not to rush over and steal you from your group of friends and have you in the office. His pupils dilated in a rush, if his heart beat it would be pounding in his chest, instead he heard yours; loud and clear, a steady beat in his ears drowning out all other sound. His nose flared sucking in as much of you as possible. Your blood sang to him, making you a beacon amongst the crowd; you smelled like sunshine, fresh flowers and grass, so earthy and light….you smelled like daylight. And he had to have you.
You shivered slightly looking at the gaudy neon sign on the side of the squat brick building. The night sky had begun to finally darken overhead and your excitement rose making you feel fidgety as you hopped from one foot to the other. You were surrounded by a group of friends who were all chatting excitedly about visiting the new vamp bar in Shreveport. You were intrigued, you’d never met a vampire before and now they were out of the coffin everyone wanted to meet one.
“You cold?” Shaking your head you looked up into the deep brown eyes of your friend Poe.
“I’m ok, just wish they’d let us in, you know?” He grimaced slightly.
“Not sure I’d wish for that.” You looped your arm through his and pulled him close, enjoying his warmth, Poe was always so hot, he was like your own personal radiator.
“Come on, we’re just here to scope out the competition, I’m sure these vamps have got nothing on us. I mean,” you gestured at the sign. “Look at it.” Poe smiled and dipped his head slightly causing his curls to cascade over his brow.
“Yeah maybe.” You shook his arm in an effort to get him to loosen up.
“What’s up? You were all for this earlier?” You asked, a hint of concern in your voice. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and gave his stubble a quick scratch and he wrinkled his nose.
“Ah, you know me, I aim to keep everyone happy.” You rolled your eyes, he was too much of a softy, a real push over.
“You don’t have to keep us happy! I can always report back if you don’t want to come in?” His eyes widened slightly and you could see the clench in his jaw as he pressed his teeth together.
“You’re not going in without me,” he rumbled. Your eyebrow rose at the gruff commanding tone in his voice, one you hadn’t heard before in all the years you’d known him.
“Yes boss!” Just then the door opened and a cheer rose up from the crowd outside. Jannah turned to beam at you as the line shuffled forward and you smiled back. You noticed Poe’s arm tense against yours and gave him a reassuring squeeze, his sense of unease was coming across to you the longer you had contact with him. Your barriers were lowering, whispers edged your mind and you tried harder to block them out. People streamed into the loud club, a tall blonde woman stood by the door watching everyone with a bored expression on her face until you reached the door. Her arm stretched out to stop you both entering, her eyes were bright as she scanned you both.
“ID,” she drawled, holding out a perfectly manicured hand, her fangs flashed when she spoke and you let out a giggle.
“Oh! You’re my first vampire!” You gushed as you dug out your ID. She pursed her lips and looked down at the card, cocking an immaculate eyebrow. “I haven’t been ID’d in such a long time! It’s so nice to meet you.” She sighed slightly and handed back the card.
“I can’t tell human ages anymore. You bloodbags all look the same to me.” Her blue eyes slid over to Poe when she spoke, a hint of smirk playing on her lips. “Go on in,” she drawled.
“Thank you!” Smiling broadly you dragged Poe in after your friends, it was dark all blacks and reds but you just assumed that was the commercial vampire aesthetic. The bar spread along the right hand side, the bartenders performing inhuman tricks and serving at superhuman speed. The middle of the club was made up of space to dance, punctuated by tables to stand around, a couple of poles flanked a stage and you couldn’t draw your eyes away from the scantily clad woman climbing up and down them with ease. Your gaze finally settled on the stage, a vampire, you assumed, was reclining in a deep red leather and gold chair. He had a shock of red hair that flopped over his brow giving him a soft appearance. His pale skin almost glowed from the spotlight that shone on him, his long fingers rested delicately on his lips while he surveyed the area before him, his bright eyes settled on you and it felt like all the hairs on your body rose at once making you shiver again. He lounged comfortably like a ruler regarding his kingdom in a dark suit, with a white shirt and a suit jacket in only what you could describe was a throne the longer you stared.
“If you’re not comfortable we can go,” said Poe and he moved to block the vampire from your view.
“Are you kidding? This is great!” You exclaimed. “Nothing like your bar though Poe, I’m sure these guys have got nothing on us, I bet they don’t even serve food,” you said leaning into him and whispering in his ear. He chuckled and placed a hand on your back.
“No, I don’t think food is a vampire’s, thing.” Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth with a hand to stifle a giggle.
“I didn’t think that through, did I? Anyway, let's get a drink.” The music wasn’t too loud and you were able to hold a conversation with your group of friends, Poe hovered closely by your shoulder as protective as always. He had his reservations about the vamps coming out to mainstream, he didn’t think they should have but you just thought it was exciting and brave of them to do so. You sipped your drink gazing around the club and tapping your foot to the music, until you found yourself looking at the stage again. The vampire’s eyes were trained on you with an intensity you’d never experienced before making your breath hitch in your throat.
It’s said that vamps have heightened hearing and you wondered if he could hear the increase in your heart beat, the rush of each pound as your blood coursed through your veins. You played with your bottom lip out of habit and he leaned forward in his chair, his blazing gaze never leaving you. Your lips parted and dragged in a sharp breath, your skin began to tingle, your heart fluttering erratically. It was so hot in here all of a sudden and you shifted under his intense attention trying to release some of the tension that had gathered in your body. Your eyes flickered as he stood up suddenly, your body seemed to cease functioning more and more the closer he got, your group of friends trailing off their sentences in awe. He drew level with you, his gaze still trained on you like you were his prey and he was stalking you. Not even Poe’s protective hand on your waist could break the spell you were falling under and everything dropped away the closer the vamp got. You reached out instinctively only to find his mind was empty, blank, silent and you felt your interest grow, the heat under your skin reached a fever pitch and you vaguely remembered to breathe. Your head swivelled to track his movement as he walked past you, finally pulling his bright gaze away from yours at the last moment and the noise of the club returned in a rush.
“Ok,” said Jannah. “What was that?” You frowned and shrugged.
“I can’t hear him,” you looked around, letting your barriers drop slightly. “I can’t hear any of them.” Poe frowned.
“You mean your….” you nodded, a relieved smile breaking over your face at the thought that if you were surrounded by vampires you wouldn’t have to exhaust yourself all the time by blocking out their thoughts. This was something you needed to explore.
The temperatures had soared today, after all the rain it was a relief to finally have some sun. You reclined in the chair baring as much skin as you could without being indecent, you couldn't explain it but the sunlight seemed to rejuvenate you, it warmed your entire body from the top of your scalp to the very tips of your toes, the heat curling around you, basking your skin in its vibrant heat. If you could lay here for the rest of your life you would, being outside, in the sun was the only real pleasure you got these days and you wouldn't give it up for anyone. The sound of large tyres broke your calm but you were used to it, you could sense his annoyance as he got out of the truck and you slowly placed your barriers back up, your brother's mind was one place you didn’t want to be. He called your name curtly and you sighed lightly.
“What’s this I hear you went to that fucking vamp bar in Shreveport?” He demanded loudly, making you sit up in annoyance.
“Would you keep your voice down? I don’t want Gran to hear!” You hissed. He looked around quickly before crouching down next to you, his short blonde hair seemed golden in the light, his eyes tracking over your body making you stick your tongue out at him. “You think I’d be sitting out here like this if I had vampire marks all over me?” You asked haughtily and he frowned.
“Stay out of my head!”
“I’m not in your head, moron. I know you.” He hummed in irritation and you settled back into your chair. “Is that all you came to say? To try and police me by making comments on what I do with my free time?” He said your name in defeat as he settled down in the short grass.
“You’re my baby sister, I just want you to be safe.” You looked over at him through the lenses of your sunglasses.
“I was safe, Jason. I promise, Poe came with me, and Jannah, Finn and Kaydel.”
“See, I wasn’t fucking told that. Why wasn’t I invited?” He whined.
“No, you just assumed I’d be stupid enough to go by myself, you weren’t invited because we went to scope out the competition.”
“Jason!” You both looked over at your Gran standing on the porch. “Get out of the sun kids, you’ll burn to a crisp. Come and have some lemonade.”
“You got any food Gran?” Your brother asked hopefully as he dusted himself off.
“I always got food for my growing boy, come on.” You slowly sat up, you didn’t want to go in just yet but you also knew your Gran would hound you until you had a drink and something to eat at least. You grabbed the dress that was hanging on the back of the chair and slipped it over your bikini before making your way indoors. You had a light lunch with Jason and your Gran before making your way upstairs to get ready for work. The water from the shower was cool on your sun heated skin, you took your time making sure you were fresh and all the dust from the dry ground had been washed off. You dried your hair and you pulled on your uniform for the bar thinking about how busy your shift was going to be tonight.
“I’m off to work Gran!” You said loudly as you grabbed your bag off the banister at the bottom of the stairs, dusk had fallen outside and your shift started really soon.
“Bye sweetheart! Say hi to Poe for me. I really wish you’d bring him here for dinner one night.” You leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek while rolling your eyes.
“Bye Gran,” you glossed over her comment with a knowing tone to your voice. “Don’t wait up for me.” You locked the door behind you and stepped down the porch steps to head to your car, your feet faltering before you came to a stop. Someone was standing in your driveway, blocking your route to the car.
“Excuse me? Can I help you?”
“I don’t know. Can you?” His voice was clipped with a heavy British accent, he had a large black overcoat on and his hands were clasped behind his back.
“Well I don’t know you’re just standing there,” you replied with annoyance. He turned slightly and the light from the porch fell on his face, you recognised him immediately as the red haired vamp from the bar. “How did you know where I live?”
“Phasma looked at your ID.” Right.
“Surely she can’t just hand out my information like that?” You could feel panic rising in your chest and you looked up at the house worried for your Gran’s safety.
“Don’t worry,” you shrieked loudly and backed up a few steps because he was suddenly before you looking down at you, curiosity marking his high cheek boned face. “I can’t get in without an invitation.” He stated, his red hair falling across his brow.
“So that’s true then!” You gasped, your hand clutching your top as your heart raced. He didn’t move, his light green eyes suggestively making their way down your body. “Stop looking at me like that,” you snapped.
“Why?” He didn’t sound like he was teasing, he was genuinely asking.
“Because it’s making me uncomfortable and you’re making me late for work.” You walked round him in a wide circle but he just followed your movements with peaked interest.
“He makes you wear that to work? Isn’t it a bit revealing?” He asked. You scoffed, shoving your key into your car door.
“Unlike what the women were wearing last night at your place,” you murmured to yourself.
“You noticed then.” You screamed again, he was so close, his voice bleeding smoothly into your ear as he leaned over your shoulder. You recoiled when he sniffed your hair, his eyes fluttering closed slightly. “What are you?” He whispered.
“I’m a waitress, who’s late for work. Now if you’ll excuse me…” you wrenched the car door open feeling relieved when he made no moves to stop you, the wheels kicking up gravel and dust as you pulled hastily away.
“You’re late!”
“I’m sorry Poe!” You threw an apologetic smile his way, rushing past the bar.
“Took your time,” said Jess as she winked at you. You stuffed your bag in your locker and hastily tied your apron before heading out into the diner. It was busy which for the business was great, but for your mind it wasn’t. It didn’t take long for your concentration to slip, you began rattling off orders before the customers had even opened their mouths making them eye you nervously. You plastered a big smile on your face and each time you did it felt like you were losing a piece of yourself. It was so tiring, blocking this many people’s thoughts from entering your mind all at once. Your break finally came around and you disappeared out the back door leaning heavily against the building.
“You taking a moment babe?” Asked Finn lightly as he stepped through the back door.
I knew Poe shouldn’t have taken her last night. She’s too pure for that vamp club.
“Yeah Finn, just having a breather, so loud in there tonight,” you said pointing with your thumb over your shoulder.
It’s not loud for me, you’re the one with crazy weirdness going on… Finn smiled and it was moments like this where you hated being a telepath. You hated not being able to completely block out your friends thoughts because it changed the way you looked at them in that moment. Other people’s thoughts aren’t meant to be heard. He threw some rubbish in the bin slamming the lid back down.
“I’ll see you back in there biatch,” he waggled his eyebrows, dragging a slight giggle from you before he disappeared back inside. You scuffed the dirt with your trainer wishing you didn’t have to go back in and face the stares and unheard comments of everyone around you. It was lonely being different, maybe that’s why you admired the vamps so much but then there were a lot more of them and everyone could see they were vampires. You told people you were telepathic and they recoiled like you had a deadly disease, because sucking blood was much better, you thought with a loud sigh.
Thankfully most of the diner had emptied by the time you went back in, you rolled your shoulders to try and ease the tension in your neck. Poe popped his head out of the office when you were refilling the salt pots and softly called your name with a jerk of his head.
“You looked tired.” He commented while closing the door.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I was late, the vamp from the bar turned up at my house,” you finished with a laugh turning to your cubby. “Not sure what he wanted, he didn’t even tell me his name. He seems a bit stuck up if you ask me….” Poe said your name with a hint of panic, his hands gripping you tightly as he spun you round.
“What do you mean the fanger was at your house? Which one?”
“Don’t call them fangers, and it was the red haired one never gave me his name.” He gripped you even tighter and you frowned. “Poe, you’re beginning to pinch…” he released you to run a hand through his messy dark curls.
“Damn! I knew we shouldn’t have gone! You, definitely not.” He muttered angrily and began to pace in front of you.
“Poe calm down, what’s the matter?” You asked, watching him walk up and down, you tried to get a read on him but Poe had always been one of those people who’s thoughts seemed to be fuzzy, out of focus almost. More images and feelings rather than words themselves.
“This is bad, what did he say to you?” You crossed your arms wondering why Poe suddenly made you feel like you’d done something wrong.
“I don’t know, we chatted.” Poe huffed, his hand rubbing over his face, he looked as drained and tired as you felt.
“That’s Hux, and if he’s shown an interest in you this is bad,” he explained.
“Well he can’t get in my house and he can’t bother me during the day so I think I’ll be just fine. I can look after myself.” You snapped, turning back to your cubby and grabbing your stuff. You hated how everyone thought you were some poor helpless girl that needed looking after and right now you could feel that rolling off Poe in waves. “I take it, can I go?” He nodded miserably and moved to the side letting you pass him, you caught the image of his truck just at the edges of your mind. “No, I don’t need a ride home!” You shouted as you left his office.
You sighed heavily and rested your head on the back of your seat, you weren’t sure why today had been far more exhausting than usual, maybe the unexpected visit from a vampire of all people had put you on the back foot. You turned the car on and headed home, when you pulled into the driveway you cast all your senses around but you couldn’t hear or see anything. Not that you would.
“Ok, he’s not here, just get out of the car.” You muttered, psyching yourself up to make the journey to your front door. You grabbed your bag and made it to the porch when a voice rang out behind you.
“What are you?” You turned slowly to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs, you saw he had a smart suit on under his overcoat, his hands still clasped behind his back, his head cocked to the side.
“Why don’t you go home?” You insisted. He had a confident air about him as he began to slowly climb the steps towards you, a smirk splitting his face. Again you couldn’t get a read on him, nothing in his mind, no words, emotions, images and you found yourself relaxing in someone else’s presence for the first time ever. He stopped a few paces from you when he reached the top step, his piercing eyes looking over you like he’d never seen you before.
“I could go home, but something draws me here.” He turned and faced the garden meaning you got a good look at his profile. Not being able to know what he was thinking or feeling you found out, put you at a disadvantage and even though it was relaxing you weren’t sure you liked it. He took a few steps along the porch, turning his back to you to look up at the sky.
“Well if that’s all you’re gonna say I’ll be heading to bed,” you told him.
“Humans….” he murmured. “Such basic creatures.”
“And you’re not?” You asked boldly, stepping forward. “From what I heard all you do is sleep during the day and drink blood.” He regarded you over his shoulder, the breeze sweeping in and ruffling his flame red hair slightly. You blinked and he moved, appearing before you like he’d teleported. You stumbled backwards and he followed you step for step, his eyes boring deep into yours until he had backed you up against the wall. “What do you want from me?!” you asked in a rush. He bent forward slightly so his nose just ghosted over your hair and you could hear him breathing deeply. He straightened, flexing his shoulders in a fluid movement, his pupils blown wide almost making his eyes appear black, his mouth opened and you jumped as the fangs seemed to erupt out of nowhere.
“You smell like sunshine…..” he groaned and placed a hand on the wall next to you, leaning into your space. Your heart rate rocketed, you scrunched up your face and turned away from him thinking this was it, this was the moment you were going to die. He was going to drain you and leave you here for your Gran to find in the morning. You felt his fingers on your chin and you gasped at how cold they were, leeching the very heat from your skin. Your eyes flew open to gaze into his, you felt like a rabbit caught in a pair of bright, intense headlights, although now he was only millimetres from your face you could see his eyes were a rich green grey colour and they were mesmerising.
“Your eyes…” you murmured without thinking and he stilled. He could have been a statue, his chest didn’t even rise and fall as if he didn’t need to breathe. The silence hung between you like a living thing, loud in the motionless of you both. You flinched when his fangs retracted, but he didn’t remove his hand from the wall or his fingers from your chin for a few more beats. Your hair ruffled in the wake of his sudden movement and you looked up and down the porch, finding yourself so very alone.
“What the hell….” you muttered, giving yourself a mental shake. Whatever this was, whatever was happening you didn’t want to be a part of it.
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spooky-z · 4 years
[1/3]Bombshell Dupain-Cheng: YSSMIAC
Masterlist  Maribat by @ozmav​
Bombshell: The AU // 0, 1, 2, 3
Ships: Lukadaminette, Jondrien, Chlolix, Feligami, Kimax
Warnings: Language
Chapter title: you should see me in a crown
You should see me in a crown Your silence is my favorite sound Watch me make 'em bow One by, one by one 
Here's: Marinette and Kagami didn't expect the transformation to be so outrageously obvious.
Of course, Diana had warned the teenagers that it could happen, but- again, they didn't think it would be so drastic. The growing pains had been, well, a pain. A brutal one.
If Marinette was being bitter, she would blame Tikki for this happening to her and her miraculous partners, but she knew for a fact that it was not the fault of the kwamis for this lack of information.
It was the first time since the world was created, that the miraculous were given to literal children. So, for that reason the side effects were something unknown. But they believed that they had already discovered all the effects after five years wielding the jewelry.
Diana was able to destroy any idea they had about it, since none of them noticed the biggest and most obvious side effect of the miraculous:
They were trapped in underdeveloped bodies for seventeen/eighteen-year-olds teenagers. And that wasn't just because their genetics made them look more youthful, no. The active use of Ladybug’s cure was slowing the aging journey of the other heroes, as they were the hardest hit by healing magic.
So, when Diana - Wonder Woman - invited the miraculous female team to Themyscira to correct this problem with the Amazons, Marinette, Kagami, Chloe and Alix did not hesitate to accept.
The men's team had already been invited by Arthur Curry - Aquaman - because men were not allowed on Themyscira, but also because training with Arthur would be more ideal for them than that of the Amazons.
Zatanna encouraging and assuring the heroes that she would maintain a blocking spell throughout Paris to prevent Hawkmoth from acting.
They left their homes with an excuse to travel the world. Adrien was a little more difficult to get out of Gabriel's claws, but in the end, with Bruce Wayne's call, Adrien was able to leave Paris alone with friends. They were ready.
That's when Marinette suffered.
Starting with all the miraculous having to be resigned in order for the effect of magic to expunge faster, the box being kept safe in Themyscira. And then with the infernal training that the Amazons put them through.
Before, Marinette and Kagami prided themselves on being the most agile and sharp in the fights against akumas, but being in Themyscira showed that they did not even reach the feet of the youngest warriors in the island.
So, it was already clear that if Kagami and Marinette were having problems, Chloe and Alix felt death touching their souls with affection.
(The boys also suffered in those months in Atlantis. Arthur was not at all merciful in teaching them.)
Anyway, when the two and a half month mark reached, the physical changes were simply too glaring to go through a simple growth spurt.
Marinette never envied Chloe and Alix so much for not being predisposed to be tall naturally.
Of all four, Marinette grew the most in height without the influence of the miraculous. She may or may not have cried when she reached 5'11” with Kagami and Hippolyta said she would still grow a few inches.
She didn't care much for stretch marks on her joints, but she complained about the growing pains. Kagami was not very vocal, but the grimaces of pain she let out did not let anyone be fooled.
But even with the pain, the teachings and the struggles, Marinette was happy that they were finally having the right mentoring to guide them. Fu had left very early, much of his knowledge was not passed on.
After almost struggling to free Marinette from Chloe, they left the blonde sleeping on the brunette's bed while she showered.
Alix ate a croissant, Damian and Luka talked about strategies against Hawkmoth and Plume.
"I already talked to Zatanna and she will release the blocking barrier in three days, just so Hawkmoth doesn't suspect anything." Damian looked at Alix, attracting the young woman's attention. "It would be very suspicious if the barrier was broken just on the same day that Dupont's classes returned."
Alix nodded in agreement. "Did she say anything about tracking the miraculous?"
Luka sighed despondently. "No. She will probably only make it when they are active, meaning- “
"We will have to wait for Plume and Hawkmoth to attack again to get any leads."
Marinette came into the room, fully dressed - a black skater dress with the pattern of delicate cherry blossoms, reaching a few inches above the knee, v-neck and short sleeves; white liner socks - and dry hair stuck in a messy bun, leaving the bangs framing the pretty face.
Luka and Damian swallowed at the glorious sight. She managed to be strong and cute at the same time. And it destroyed them so good.
"He should attack as soon as he feels the barrier is gone." Alix replied and it took both of them out of inappropriate thoughts. Marinette's knowing look showed that she knew exactly where the boyfriends' minds ran.
"And that is why we will be making a war council in half an hour." She reached for the pair of white sneakers on the shoe rack and tucked them in her feet, the laces already tied. “Everyone has already been warned. I will be delivering the miraculous and we will make plans on how to take down Hawkmoth for good.”
"... But first we have to wake Chloe." Luka points. "Who's going to be the unlucky one?"
After managing to wake Chloe without resulting in a murder, they were quick to leave Marinette's home for Fu's massage parlor, the current headquarters of the miraculous team and where Zatanna had lived for three months when they were away.
"We are here, losers!" Alix announced pompously.
Upon arriving, they found Adrien talking to Jon in a corner; Max, Tim and Barbara on the computer browsing documents that appeared to be important; Félix and Kagami sat at the big table - which Adrien insisted on calling the round table and Marinette found it unnecessary - analyzing a detailed hologram of the streets of Paris.
No sign of Kim or Zatanna yet.
The entry of the five drew everyone's attention; Tim and Felix's eyes doubled in size as they focused on Marinette.
"What the hell, Mari?!" Tim choked on his words.
"This is what I call transformation." Barbara commented amusedly.
“Everyone has undergone drastic changes, Drake. I'm sure you didn't react that way when you saw the others.” Marinette replied.
"Of course not! Nobody came here looking like an Amazon.”
Kagami coughed against the fist, eyebrow raised.
"Okay, I take back what I said." Tim raises his hands in surrender. "But you have to agree with me, Marinette is the most surprising change here."
Adrien nodded frantically in agreement. “When you showed up at school earlier, everyone was shocked. I hardly recognized you.”
Max and Felix scoffed. "Yes, we noticed the warm looks you were shooting at Mari." Max pointed out causing Adrien to choke in embarrassment.
“Oh, is that so? Interesting." Damian murmured, a frankly murderous look on his face. He had already taken the seat next to Felix.
"What? No! You got it wrong.” Adrien stammered, his cheeks red.
“Okay, Adrien. I'm not jealous." Luka said. The malicious curve in the corner of his mouth making it clear that the musician was loving seeing the model turn into a hot mess in front of everyone.
"Luka!" Adrien groaned painfully and turned to Jon. “You know it's not true, right? Everyone knows that I only have eyes for you.” He pouted.
The brunette put his arm around the blonde's waist, bringing him a little closer. “Of course, I know dear. I totally trust my charm.” He winked seductively; Adrien's blush only growing in intensity.
The two of them seeming to forget that their friends were there.
"Ugh, nobody deserves to watch these two making out with their eyes." Chloe moaned on the chair, still drowsy and irritated at being woken up.
"Think on the bright side!" Marinette said happily.
"What would it be...?"
"At least this time they are dressed and aware that there are other people in the room." Kim replied upon entering.
"... I think we better split them up before they really forget we're here." Kagami pointed a finger at the two boys who had started a kiss in a way that, in her opinion, should be inappropriate for people under fifty.
"Does anyone have a spray bottle?" Damian asked.
And Marinette stopped to analyze the physical changes in her team.
So, the fact was: yes, Marinette was the person with the greatest physical change among the miraculous group. Because in addition to the height, she got muscles (which she didn't have before). It wasn't something like a body builder would be, but it also made it clear that she had a pretty intense exercise routine.
Kagami had also grown a lot, losing to Mari by just a few inches. Even before wielding the dragon's miraculous, she had already developed some muscle due to the intense fencing routine; so, the only things that had changed was the increase in body mass around the shoulders, biceps and calves.
Alix didn't grow much, just two inches from what she was before, and the muscles in her body hadn't been developed as visibly as the two asian girls. She had a better definition, elasticity and mobility had improved dramatically.
Chloe was the only one of the four parisian heroines who had no visible change. She remained thin and flexible, with no pronounced hard muscles. Diana had said that the blonde's body was the type that hid her power. The deceptive, fragile type, but who was agile and fatal. Which suited Chloe.
Of the boys, the shock had been Damian. Damian, who, like Marinette, was one of the smallest on the team - followed by Alix and Max - reached his desired height of 6’3”; surpassing both Bruce and Jason, the tallest in the Wayne family.
But that didn't surprise Marinette or Tim, since Damian's parents were both quite tall. They hoped that eventually Damian would start to grow like a weed.
Anyway. While Damian did not grow muscle mass like a brick house like Jason, his shoulders grew broad and powerful, biceps pronounced, muscles lean and defined. He achieved a perfect match between raw power and agility.
Luka surprisingly hasn't changed much. He put a few inches more - taller than Marinette by just an inch, but smaller than Damian by four - but his muscles didn't grow. They just became more defined. And Marinette understood that.
Among all of them, Luka, Alix and Max were the ones who least physically attacked akumas; sometimes they even stayed out of the fight, as their powers were only for a very critical situation.
Adrien somehow still had room to grow. You see, it wasn't like he was short before; for a twelve-year-old boy - before wielding the ring - he was already quite tall, so even with the magic interfering, he still had a decent height for a teenager.
Then discover that there was still room for him to reach Damian? That was surprising.
Unlike Luka, Adrien gained muscle mass. The blonde, over the years, showed that there was no mercy when it came to eating. He never refused food, always chewing what he could as if there was no tomorrow, since at home, his diet was strict. But even with that, he never gained weight.
Always the same skinny boy as always. So skinny that Sabine had made it her life's mission to fatten the Agreste boy. (Which did not work, but it did not diminish the determination of the Chinese woman.)
Then, without the interference of magic, Adrien grew up.
The boy who was once skin and bone, now looked like the blonde version with green eyes of Kim. He didn't get uncomfortably muscular, but the muscle tone he got was insane. Even wearing a hoodie that was supposed to be 2x bigger than its ideal size, it was possible to see that some corners of the seams were stretched on the shoulders and chest.
Gabriel probably burst a vein when he saw his son's transformation. The more youthful Adrien looked, the better it was for him to sell the image of "teenage prince".
Kim was the least surprised, as he was already big even for a teenager. In addition to his shoulders - which became broader - he grew a few inches, bumping head-on with Marinette and Luka. The chest remained strong and his body seemed to have no problem staying flexible.
Félix followed the same path as Luka - which Marinette secretly thanked, since finding a bodybuilder Félix would be beyond strange -, remaining tall and elegant. Lean, well-defined muscles. He remembered Chloe's changes. Silent, but fatal.
He was also in the race for whoever got higher with Adrien and Damian.
Max, on the other hand, must not have grown more than five inches. His muscle tone did not grow at an alarming rate either, remaining mostly thin, but looking agile. Like a person who runs five miles every morning without losing his breath or sweating.
Which was good, since Max was never a fitness person and everyone knew it. If he appeared like a damn monster truck out of nowhere - like Marinette, Kagami and Adrien - it would make people ask even more and they didn't want to attract more attention than they were already getting.
All of this, of course, without pointing out the other obvious changes that puberty brought.
The lack of baby fat, sharp jaws, developed curves, deep voices... Marinette managed to get used to her new height, but was not finding peace of mind with the new weight of her chest.
She clapped her hands to get everyone's attention and smiled.
"Let's start?"
And everyone, including the two lovebirds, sat around the table.
They would only leave with a solid plan against Hawkmoth.
"Wow, did you see how some of Ms. Bustier's and Ms. Mendeleiev's students looked different?" Lila heard extra #1 gossip with extra #2.
"I saw it, girl!" Extra #2 responded. "Everyone is saying that they joined a gang."
"Oho, do you believe that?!"
"Well, won't you say that you didn't find Agreste's new appearance strange?"
Lila jumped when she heard the name of one of her enemies. She moved closer to the two girls to hear the conversation better.
It could be something she could use against the ice king.
“Did you see Dupain-Cheng?! That was insane!”
The Italian bristled when she heard Maribrat's name. Still confused about what the two girls were talking about.
She had decided not to go on the first day of school to make a flashy comeback, so what had happened, she didn't know.
"And Adrien?!"
"I know!"
And that was it! Lila needed to know in detail what was going on.
"Excuse me, girls..." She sweetened her voice as much as she could. The two girls looked at her confused. "I wanted to first apologize for listening to your conversation and also to ask what you were talking about..." The ‘poor woman’ expression stuck to her face.
The two girls were even more confused. "Didn't you come yesterday?"
"No. My flight from Achu took longer than expected and I just arrived today.”
"Ah..." Extra #2 waved. “Is that- Ah! In fact, just look back and you will understand!” She said hastily.
Extra #1 looked over Lila's shoulder with a haunted expression. Waving violently.
And when Lila turned... What the fuck was that.
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[tag list]
@nightstarblue​ @dreamykitty25​  @phantomroseo3​ @avengerthewarrior​  @guessmyname17​ @luveverything12​ @wannajointhecrabcult​ @chocolate1721​ @polyvirnl​ @enchanted-nerd​ @sandraf0612​ @multi-fandom-freak0221​ @rosalineandrosemary​ @jessigurl-design​ @saays-bitch​ @xxmdsxx​ @nicknnie​ @iamablinkmarvelarmy​ @damianette-is-life​ 
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faceachefics · 4 years
Pair: Jason Voorhees x Reader
Summary: Jason comes to find out you’re gone. In his search for you, he’s confronted by a glimpse of his past.
Word Count: 603
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      Jason had been looking for you for a good ten minutes. He came into his cabin expecting a “welcome back” hug only to be greeted with silence. He was confused at first, scanning the front room, searching in the cabinets, under the sheets, under the bed. Nothing. Starting to worry, he grabbed his machete and went back outside to find you.
      As he got closer to the lake, he heard some splashing. Y/N? Jason slowly approached the water. Waves rippled, making the moon’s reflection distorted. Each step on the dock made him more anxious. Since that incident from decades ago, he could never bring himself to go near that lake again. This man had had hands-on experience in murder, yet he still couldn’t help but start to quiver when he realized he was only inches above the water.
      He watched carefully as the waves drew nearer, leaning in slightly. Suddenly a figure emerged from under the surface. Y/N!! It felt like his heart was going to start beating again from the conflicting shock and relief.
      You were facing him, rubbing the water away from your eyes. You opened them to see a towering zombie looking right back at you. It took you by surprise, but you sighed with relief when you realized it was only Jason. He was always so quiet; you couldn’t even hear him approach you.
       “Hi, Jason!” You greeted him with a smile. You floated to the dock thinking he would squat down and kiss you with his mask. However, he was still standing halfway across the platform. You pulled yourself up on the dock and took a few steps toward him. “Everything okay?” It’s not like he could answer even if he wanted to. It was difficult for Jason to talk about how his day was, let alone his trauma. All he could do was drop his weapon, yank you to him, and wrap his arms around you. 
        You could tell his tremors even as he gently swayed you from side to side. You figured he was just worried since you left for the lake without telling him. “Aw, I’m sorry I left you like that. I didn’t mean to make you feel worried.” You hugged him back and leaned your lead on his chest for a brief time.
        “Do you wanna join me?” You asked as you looked up at him. Jason squeezed you tighter and shook his head. His quivering was getting worse. You could tell there was something going on with the poor boy, but decided it was best if you didn’t push for answers now. He could’ve had a bad history with swimming (or the lake itself), judging by his reaction. “I understand,” you responded, slowly rubbing his arms in the hopes of getting him to relax. Though he did not know for sure if you truly understood why he was acting this way, he appreciated the gesture. It meant a lot more to him than he could express, since he hadn’t had a comforting figure in his life since his mother passed.
          It didn’t matter if you understood the things he went through, the things he had done, to get here. What did was that you were there to hold him and tell him everything was okay despite that.
          “I was about done with swimming for tonight anyway,” You continued as you let go of the embrace. You retrieved Jason’s blade and looked back up at him with a warm smile. “Let’s go home.”
           He took your hand and led you back to the cabin, seeming a lot happier to do that than usual.
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My Ninjago Lgbt Headcannons
They're practically all mini fanfics, but who cares? Lol
Lloyd: From a young age, Lloyd knew he wasn't a girl. Dresses never felt right, and pink didn't flatter him. Everytime he heard his name, he would slightly frown at it. He despised being grouped with the girls and made an effort to avoid them all in all. He would rather roll around in the mud then be forced into another game of House.
Lloyd's mother was not happy with this. She wanted a baby girl she could raise into a fine woman. When Lloyd told her how he felt one day, she screamed at him and told him he would always be a girl.
In her rage, she decided to drop him off at Darkly's in order to try and sway him from his "boyish tendencies."
The school almost didn't except him, but they let him join out of what little respect they had.
Misako's plan to turn Lloyd back into her little girl backfired heavily when the boys at Darkly's actually helped Lloyd transition and pass as a boy as much as possible. Though they claim they only wanted to help so they could have another evil mastermind around, they all genuinely felt for Lloyd as they all were abandoned by their parents.
When Lloyd joined the ninja, Wu was surprised to see his niece had turned into his nephew. Accepting Lloyd for who he was, he never made the ninja aware of the Green Ninja's transition.
His father was also kind and accepting of Lloyd's identity. When Garmadon saw his child for the first time in forever, he was shocked to see it was no longer his daughter, but his son.
Garmadon immediately understood, and made an effort to validate his son all times possible. Lloyd was forever grateful for this.
Later in years, though, Lloyd was comfortable enough with everyone to tell them the truth. They were all supportive, and although some didn't understand, cough cough Jay cough cough, they did their best to treat him the same as always and even help further his transition.
Kai: During his time on Chen's island, Kai had the biggest crush on Skylor. He knew from the very start it wouldn't fully work out, but he couldn't help the yearning he felt for her.
He was now facing that same issue in the coffee shop. He held his hot cup close to him and tried not to make it obvious he was staring. He took another sip and looked up with his head down, gazing at the most gorgeous man he ever laid eyes on. Even his own ego couldn't compare.
Kai quickly averted his gaze when the man glanced at him. Kai felt his face heat up. He swished his coffee before downing another gulp and set the cup down.
With wobbly legs, he stood and made his way over to where the man sat at his own table.
"Hey-hey there," Kai stuttered. The man looked up from his coffee to Kai, who wore an awkward grin.
"Hi. Can I help you?" The man asked.
"Yeah, yeah, actually. I've lost my number and was wondering if I could have yours." Kai internally grimaced and nearly groaned on the outside. Oh that was so corny, he thought. What if he doesn't even like men?
The man smiled and took an unused napkin and pen from his pocket and wrote something down. Kai almost quite literally squealed when he was handed the paper.
"You're Kai, right? The Master of Fire?" The man asked.
"The one and only," Kai said. He slicked back his hair and gave the man another awkward toothy grin.
"Well, I'm Jason. It was nice to meet you." Jason stood from his seat and gave Kai a smile as he paid for his coffee. He left the star struck ninja to himself and left the coffee shop. Before completely exiting, Jason turned back and gave Kai a wink and walked away.
With a face as red as his gi, Kai looked down at the napkin. On it was Jason's phone number and a bucket drawn winky face next to it.
"Yes!" Kai exclaimed. Everyone in the shop turned to look at him surprised. As if Kai couldn't get anymore embarrassed, he ducked his head down and nearly bolted out the door.
Cole: Ever since he was a child, his father made him dance and perform dangerous acts that many professionals couldn't succeed. Cole was often trained alone in his father's home, but occasionally they would take lessons at the village's small dance school.
There, children of all ages and genders strived to perfect their skills of dance and work harder to be the best. His father would often help instruct the students along side the more permanent teachers.
The students were grouped by gender and were taught by certain teachers at certain times. When his father was the current teacher, he made an effort to throw upon his son the more rigourous and challenging dances. This caused Cole to become more distant from the other students. They all felt he was trying to make them inferior to him and avoided him. He was always too tired in his free time to chat and hang out, anyways. And even if he was properly rested, his father would make him continue training.
One day his father grew ill and had to stay in bed for a few days. He, of course, wanted Cole to continue training and sent him off to the dance school.
The other teachers were a lot nicer and less harsh than his father. Therefore, after the day's lessons, Cole felt a lot more energetic then usual.
Taking a long swing of water from his bottle, Cole heard someone shuffle up to him.
Gasping for air after his drink, Cole looked up at a boy roughly his age. He was twiddling his thumbs and looking at his feet in embarrasment.
"H-hi. I'm Zach," the boy said. His eyes darted from his feet to Cole's water bottle, to Cole's face, and back to his feet.
"Uh, I'm Cole."
The boy hummed and shuffled on his feet a little. Cole felt the air turn stiff and awkward. He pursed his lips and waited for Zach to say something else.
"Would you like to sit down?" Cole asked. He was sitting on the floor next to the wall, and it was honestly not very comfortable, but he didn't know what to say.
The boy said nothing as he slowly made his way to the floor and sat uncomfortably close to Cole.
"So are you new here? I don't think I've ever seen you before," Cole said. Zach nodded his head.
"I moved here about two days ago. My mother wanted me to get out of the city and meet some new friends. Everyone here seems a little mean, though. But not you. You seem nice," he mumbled the last part.
"Oh, well, thank you? I guess," Cole chuckled. He felt a little weird as he stared at the boys face. "So what made you decide to start dancing lessons?"
"Well, my dad wanted me to find a hobby, and nothing I've thought about interested me. Except for dancing. He doesn't like that, though. He says it's too girly." Zach made a face at the mention of his father. It for some reason made Cole just as mad. "What about you?"
"Dude, nothing about dance is girly. It's so hard and tiring. You gotta choreograph every move to the music perfectly and not screw up. You also gotta be on time with everything and look good while doing it. You can't overstep anything. You can't get in anyone else's way. You can't do a lot of other things, and it's so hard sometimes. If you can pull off a dance routine perfectly, you're practically a god." Cole finished his rant with a huff of air and looked at Zach exasperated.
"Well, I guess you're a god then," Zach muttered.
"What'd you say?" Cole asked. Zach's face blushed a light pink and Cole felt his heart flutter. He thought he was a god?
"Zach, honey, it's time to go." A woman's voice called from the entrance door and Zach stood to leave.
"It was nice meeting you, Cole," he said. Zach smiled at him and waved before heading off towards his mother.
"Y-yeah. You-you, too," he stuttered. He watched as Zach left and picked up his water bottle again. He felt his heart beating fast, as if he was performing another horrid dance routine for his father.
Could he possibly have caught feelings for a boy he just met? Cole didn't know, and Cole didn't care.
Maybe dance class wouldn't be as bad anymore.
Skylor: You would think running a noodle shop that belonged to your evil father who secretly stole the powers of innocent people to turn him and his followers into powerful snakes and take over Ninjago would be easy, right? Well kind of.
Skylor had lived around noodles for the majority of her life and knew the ropes around running a shop. The only downside was the customers.
"I ordered a large ramen bowl with no noodles!" A woman around her fifties was practically harrasing Skylor at the register.
"Ma'am you're aware ramen is noodles, correct?" Skylor deadpanned at the old woman.
"Why can't you just give me what I want?"
"One large bowl of flavored water coming right up," Skylors sighed and rang the order up.
The woman scowled and stormed off mumbling about calling corporate. Jokes on her, Skylor was corporate.
"Rough day?" Skylor heard someone say. She turned and saw a woman her age slurping up some noodles.
"That's a little bit of an understatement there," Skylor chuckled.
"Oh, I get it. I used to work in customer service, too. It's like some people never went to school."
"Tell me about it," Skylor said, rolling her eyes. She rested her head on her hand and leaned over the counter towards the woman.
The woman took another bite of noodles before clearing her throat.
"I'm Anne," she said.
"How long have you been working here?"
"I actually run this place. And that's been about a few years? I took over after my father passed away."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Anne frowned.
"Well, you know. He wasn't the greatest of people," Skylor chuckled.
"Yeah, no way he could compare to you," Anne said.
"Excuse me?" Skylor smirked with a raised eyebrow.
"You heard me," Anne mirrored Skylor's smirk and took another bite.
They shared a couple laughs before the front doors were slammed open.
"Skylor! I'm gonna need a buttload of your freshest Puffy Potstickers!" Darreth huffed. His face was red and sweaty as if he just ran a marathon.
"Looks like duty calls," Anne joked. Skylor hummed and drew herself up from the counter to make Darreth's order.
Skylor heard scribbles coming from Anne's general direction. She turned back towards her and was met with a slip of paper being handed to her.
"In case you wanna complain about some customers," Anne smiled. Skylor returned the smile and took the slip of paper to put it in her pocket.
And there was an upside to the job.
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froggywhumpy · 3 years
Blood Test
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Hi everyone:)!! This chapter was so so fun to write- Jason is honestly my favorite character to write for some reason. If it’s bad, I’m blaming it on the fact that this was written from the hours of midnight to one am. Anyways, I hope u liked it!! :D <3
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Tagging: @milk-carton-whump @whatwasmyprevioususername @myst-in-the-mirror @happy-whumper @abitefullofwhump @starnight-whump @cowboy-anon
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CW: blood mention, reopening of a wound, kidnapping
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Jason’s hands were shaking as he pulled out his phone. Holy shit. In the worst case scenario, he never in a million years would have even imagined this happening.
Right now he was seated in his car, just outside of his apartment building. Just a few minutes ago, he had received an email from their local police station. He was relieved when he saw it first; maybe they had found Ezra!! Or- even if it hadn’t, they had at least kept their promise to keep Jason updated. But as Jason’s eyes darted across the contents of the email and he realized what this meant, he was overwhelmed with not only horror, but anger.
He hurriedly dialed Drew’s number. “I swear to god, if he doesn’t pick up.” Jason muttered angrily.
Fortunately for Jason, Drew did pick up, just a few seconds later. “Hey, Jason, what’s up?” Drew’s naturally charismatic voice came from over the speakers of Jason’s phone.
“Where’s Ezra?” Jason’s voice was stark in contrast to Drew’s, determination and anger keeping his voice harsh and devoid of friendliness.
“What do you mean- Did you find him?”
“I’m not stupid, I know you have him!!” Jason yelled now, his frustration easily heard in his tone.
“Jason- calm down.” Drew’s tone was equally frustrated, although his was cold, as apposed to Jason’s fiery hot anger. “I can’t understand you when you’re upset like this.”
“I found the blood at your house.” Jason snapped. “The police tested it, we know it’s Ezra’s.”
There was a long pause from Drew, before he laughed quietly. “I really thought I cleaned that all up.”
Hearing these words sent Jason panicking into overdrive. “Where is he?!” Jason screamed into the phone, both terrified and furious on behalf of his missing friend.
“Oh, please. Calm down. I took someone who wouldn’t even be missed.”
“Yeah, well, he’s missed!” Fury soaked every syllable of Jason’s voice. “Where is he?!”
“Quiet down, you’re giving me a headache. I have him right here, actually. Say hi, baby.”
There was a pause, before Jason heard the sound of Ezra’s muffled cries and sounds of pain.
Jason’s eyes widened. “What did you do to him?” Oh god. It couldn’t be that bad, right?
“Nothing much, just roughed him up a little. Nothing he won’t walk off.”
“Let him go, he’s done nothing wrong!!” Jason fought to keep his voice at a relatively low volume. He wasn’t quite sure what hurt more; Ezra’s absence, or Drew’s betrayal. Jason had known Drew for nearly a decade. Was he like this the whole time?
“I never said he did.” Drew chuckled.
“Let him go!!”
Drew’s words hit him like a slap to the face. “No.”
“No. I won’t let him go. And I doubt you’ll have any luck finding him. Just quit looking for him, and stay out of my way, Jason.”
And with that, Drew hung up.
- - -
Ezra was lying across the backseat of Damion’s car as he drove when Drew got the call.
His wrists and ankles were bound with thick rope and duct tape was wrapped around his head a few times, gagging him hopelessly.
The car shook beneath them, as Damion drove them over yet another bump. Ezra whimpered as the shaking of the car jostled his now bandaged shoulder, drawing out a shock of pain from the wound.
Ezra could barely make out the words Drew was saying. He was barely even conscious. Was Drew talking about Jason? Ezra forced his eyes open, struggling to clear his mind to listen.
“...calm down. I can’t understand you when you’re upset like this.”
There was a long silence before Drew laughed a little. “I really thought I cleaned that all up.”
Now, Ezra could very faintly hear screaming from Drew’s phone.
“Oh, please.” Drew laughed again “Calm down. I took someone who wouldn’t even be missed.”
The screaming from Drew’s phone grew louder, and now Ezra could confirm the voice was Jason. A part of him was thankful. Another part of him just Jason to stop talking to Drew. Ezra was trying his best to be good to keep Jason safe, and Jason wasn’t helping.
“Quiet down, you’re giving me a headache. I have him right here, actually. Say hi, baby.”
Drew moved the phone away from his ear, holding it out to Ezra. When Ezra remained silent, Damion stopped the car. He leaned over, turning to face Ezra in the backseat. Damion grabbed Ezra’s shoulder, digging his fingers into the wound there, pulling it open. Ezra screamed into the gag, tears instantly falling.
Drew laughed a little, pulling the phone back to his ear. Ezra wasn’t even paying attention to Drew’s conversation. He just... missed Jason. He so desperately wanted everything to be normal.
Damion grinned at the sobbing boy in the backseat. He pulled his hand out of the wound, Ezra’s blood staining Damion’s hands red.
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lovelucybradford · 4 years
I Pretend You’re Mine (5)
A/N: Back with the promised continuation chapter! 
Not sure if you’re interested, but when I was writing, in my head I pictured:
Betty White as Grandma Rose
Richard Madden as Levi
Peter Gallagher as Jason Martin
Scott Eastwood as Drew
Tags: @empath-bunny
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Five: You Were Romeo (I Was a Scarlet Letter)
Day 1: Thursday, June 13th
7:00 pm- Welcome Cocktails in the Stardust Lounge, Deck 6
“Champagne, miss?” The formally dressed waiter offered a flute of sparkling wine, a raspberry garnish floating in the glass. Rosalie took it from his hands with no hesitation, sending the attendant a silent smile of thanks. She put the glass to her lips, then paused and looked up at Derek.
“Will people judge me if I chug this whole thing right now?” she voiced, loving the amused smile that lit up her partner’s face at the innocent question.
“I thought we didn’t care anymore what people thought of us,” Derek reminded her, though she knew that when he was referring to ‘we’, he really meant her. Derek never was one to care what people thought of him.
Rosalie weighed her options, then decided that her family judged her anyways so why not have a good time?
In order to get through this hellish night, she’d have to be tipsy. Best start now.
Without a word of affirmation, she forewent her instilled manners and chugged the glass down in one long sip. Rosalie wasn’t normally a fan of champagne, unless it was Dom Perignon, which she realized made her sound like a total snob. It was the one thing that she’d inherited from her father, her expensive taste in food and drink. It seemed by the familiar, rich, and delicious taste of the bubbly that the cruise ship staff had only provided the very best for their VIP guests.
Rosalie searched for a place to set her glass, finding a nearby unoccupied table and gently depositing it there. She, quite literally, couldn’t afford to even chip one of the crystal goblets.  She stumbled back to Derek, who was waiting for her with an open arm.
“You ready for this?” he whispered in her ear, his breath hot on her neck. It caused unvoluntary goosebumps to crawl up her arms, which she prayed he didn’t notice.
Was she ready?
A part of her never would be. She’d purposely left this part of her life behind, knowing all too well how toxic it was for her mental health. But Rosalie knew if she backed out now, then the family would know that they finally got to her. They would think that she was still strung up and heartbroken about Drew, or jealous of her stepsister for getting the diamond that was meant for Rosalie.
And sure, she had been… once upon a time.
Moving back to Beacon Hills, reconnecting with normal people, people she loved more than her own blood relatives… it had put everything into perspective for her again.
Rosalie could once again be herself, be that strong woman that Talia Hale had raised to be when Rosalie’s own mother had fallen short. The strong, kind, generous, goofy, compassionate, empathetic woman with a mind of her own and a head on her shoulders. Not the ice queen, the submissive and serious woman that her father had tried to warp her into.
And for that, Rose was forever thankful.
She was different now, but exactly the same. And this version of her, with her closest confidantes by her side, wouldn’t cower in a corner.
Rosalie held her head high, meeting Derek’s gaze with a confident look in her blue eyes.
“Yes,” she declared, feeling her confidence rise.
“Lead the way, Prince Charming.”
Derek snorted and shook his head at the nickname, but complied and escorted Rosalie further into the room. She searched for a friendly face among the crowd. Normally, she’d be able to find Lydia by her head of bright red hair, but nearly half of the people in the room had some shade of red hair.
Thankfully, Rosalie didn’t have to look all that hard, as Charlotte came bounding up to her aunt, screaming, “Auntie Rosie! Uncle Derek!”
And suddenly, as the child wrapped her arms around one of Derek’s legs and one of Rosalie’s, all of the attention in the room shifted to the couple.
“Is that Rosalie?” her cousin Noah commented to the man next to him.
“Who the hell is that with her? Because dayum, I’d like to tap that ass,” Noah’s twin, Nick, said back.
“That has to be her friend,” Uncle Alex said to his wife, his lips around a glass of Scotch.
“Not with the way he’s holding her. Besides, did you hear her niece call him Uncle? How she managed that is beyond me,” Aunt Sarah replied, looking Rose’s companion up and down with hungry eyes.
Rosalie ignored all the talk, even though it seemed as if the crowd wasn’t even attempting to be discreet in their conversations.
She reached down to pat Charlotte’s blonde head. “Hey, honey! I missed you!”
Derek ruffled Charlotte’s curls playfully, to which the little girl pretended to be angry with him. But Rosalie could see the smile that she was hiding as Charlotte clutched the adults’ legs even harder.
“All right, all right, Charlie. Let’s let Auntie Rosalie and Uncle Derek breathe, yeah?” Rosalie’s brother, Levi, broke through the crowd, detaching his daughter from the couple and telling her to go on and play with her cousins.
As soon as the little girl was out of sight, Levi enveloping his sister in a hug. Derek held out his hand for a friendly shake, but Levi pulled him into an embrace as well, the two men patting each other fondly on the back.
“I’m digging the beard,” Derek approved, gesturing to Levi’s newly grown beard while rubbing his own.
“What can I say? I was inspired by yours. Although I have to say, mine looks a little better. Y’know, because it’s still all one color,” Levi joked, comparing his solid red scruff to Derek’s salt-and-pepper look.
Rosalie elbowed Derek in the side teasingly. “Yeah, you old man!”
Derek raised one brow and stepped away from Rosalie, crossing his arms. “Oh sure, call me old man one more time.”
Rosalie beamed up at him, wagging her own brows. “What would you rather me call you? Sugar daddy?”
With one fell swoop, Derek was pressed against her, fingers tickling the small expanse of visible skin on her waist. Rose squealed with laughter, trying in vain to pull away from him and begging for mercy.
Levi cleared his throat loudly, causing the couple to separate. Rosalie’s cheeks burned red at the embarrassing scene that she had been a part of. Surely her brother would tease her about it.
Instead, Levi looked a bit pissed.
“So, I guess my daughter didn’t dream up your engagement, then. This,” Levi gestured to Rosalie and Derek, “is really happening?”
Derek shifted his weight on both feet. Rosalie bit her lip and looked to the floor guiltily. She loved her brother. She really did. But she knew that Levi had loose lips, and he’d surely have one too many and (unintentionally) let slip the whole ruse. That, and Rose couldn’t take the disappointment from him.
“It’s about fucking time,” Levi added, sounding a lot more jovial. Rosalie’s and Derek’s heads shot up instantly, shocked at his comment.
Levi slapped Derek on the shoulder. “Bro, I am so glad you didn’t listen to me.”
“What’s he talking about?” Rosalie interrogated Derek.
Derek scratched the back of his neck and turned his head towards the large window next to them. Before he could explain, Jess, Levi’s wife, snaked her arms around her husband’s waist, resting her chin on his shoulder. “Lee was telling me all about how he’d threatened Derek with his guns if he even put his hands on you.”
Rosalie’s jaw dropped. Derek stayed unusually silent. “You gave Der the boyfriend talk?! When was this, big brother?”
Levi raised both hands in surrender. “In my defense, Derek was a horny college kid back then, and I was only trying to protect my little sister. You know the, um, milestones that come with prom night.”
The tapping of a mic interrupted their conversation, which Rosalie was thankful for since she was at a loss for words.
She’d remembered that night in question, fondly. It was the night that she’d realized that she’d had feelings for Derek. Rosalie’s then-boyfriend, Ryan, had dumped her a week before prom for another, more sexy, more experienced, girl. Rosalie was heartbroken, and had sworn off prom, until Derek had shown up on her doorstep in a suit with a pink corsage and a sparkling silver tiara.
She’d laughed, of course, at the reference to the childhood nickname. Then, she’d excitedly rushed upstairs to ready herself, leaving Derek at the mercy of one Levi Martin. Levi Martin, who had, apparently, threatened to cut off Derek’s balls and feed them to the family dog if he had even touched his baby sister in an inappropriate way.
(Levi was always… poetic when it came to his threats.)
Rosalie had hoped, prayed, that as Derek had driven her home in his black Camaro, that he would kiss her, to put a fairytale ending on a perfect night. Sure, he’d kissed her when he dropped her off at her front door… on the cheek, like a brother, or a best friend, might.
Rosalie had dreamt about that night for years afterwards, of what it would be like if he had actually kissed her.
“I’m sorry, Grandma Rose. I have to go rescue my fiancé from your dear grandson.”
Rosalie stood from the table, feeling a rush in her head for a few seconds. She was definitely tipsier than she thought.
Once Rose got her bearings, she strutted, barefoot, to Derek, who looked highly uncomfortable. With every inch that Nick advanced on Derek, the man backed a considerable distance away.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have an amazing ass?” Rosalie heard Nick flirt from paces away. The way that Nick was looking at Derek, the way that he was blatantly hitting on the man when Nick knew that Derek was taken, it unsettled something in Rosalie. Her vision turned red as she approached the two from behind, wrapping an arm around Derek’s waist.
“Hi Nick. Sorry, this amazing ass is mine.” Rosalie didn’t know what she was saying, didn’t really think through what she was doing. All she knew was that she was grabbing Derek’s right butt cheek with her hand, smiling smugly as Nick’s eyes widened.
Derek waited until Rose’s cousin scurried away before stiffly asking, “Rosalie, why are you grabbing my ass?”
Rosalie let go of Derek immediately, feeling as if she’d spontaneously combust in mortification. “I am, so, so sorry. I just kind of… he was ogling you and it made me mad. Like you’re gorgeous but you’re more than just a pretty face and an incredible ass.” Rosalie’s eyes widened at her word vomit, and now she definitely wanted to throw herself from the nearest balcony and test her drunken theory that she was secretly a mermaid.
“I… I need a drink.”
Derek turned to face her, a hint of a forming chuckle on his lips. “I think you’ve had enough of those, babe.”
Rosalie wished that she could slink away. She wished that someone would hit her in the head, and she’d wake up with amnesia. Maybe she could change her name and move to Antarctica? Yeah, that would be good.
Derek rolled his eyes, grabbing his best friend by the elbow and latching her hand back onto his arm. “I’m not mad at you, Rosalie. Feel free to grab my ass anytime if it makes you feel better.”
Rosalie tried to scowl, but the frown was turning upward with every second. “I hate you so much.”
Derek escorted the two back to Rosalie’s table, where Grandma Rose looked completely unimpressed with the whole shindig. Before they sat, he pulled Rose close and whispered, “I’ll let you grab my ass as long as I can grab yours.”
At that, he pulled out Rosalie’s chair and plopped her down, taking the one next to her. Rose was speechless. Did that actually come out of his mouth? Wait, did he actually want to grab her behind? Yep. Those were his words. Exactly.
Rose’s cheeks flushed a healthy shade of pink. Derek laughed at her slowly coloring face, to which she smacked him on the thigh under the table. Before she could remove her hand, Derek grabbed it and held it between the two of them.
“I always knew the two of you would end up together.” Grandma Rose said wistfully, looking at the couple with soft eyes.
You and everyone else, apparently. Everyone but Derek, Rosalie thought sadly, and tried to shove the painful pang in her heart.
“You know how I knew, Rosalie?” Grandma Rose shakily reached for her flute of champagne, taking a long sip. “I knew it when this one, this big, strong, handsome man,” the old woman reached for Derek’s free hand and patted it kindly, “punched my idiot son in the face at that party, after you got your master’s degree.”
Rosalie snickered at the memory. Jason and Derek had never gotten along. Jason thought Derek was ‘some jock who was too concerned with an unlikely career in basketball instead of his studies’. Derek thought Jason was a ‘pompous, cheating, scumbag, son of a bitch’. (Both quotes were their words exactly)
All of the building tension exploded when Jason had chosen to make a below-the-belt comparison between Rose and Ashleigh’s accomplishments. As if they weren’t celebrating Rosalie graduating from Columbia University, an ivy league, with a master’s degree, with the highest honors.
Derek had broken Jason’s nose. Jason had gotten a restraining order (his favorite defense tactic; it expired last year).
“I’m so sorry,” Derek told Rosalie’s grandmother, though he didn’t sound the least bit remorseful.
“Oh, sweetheart. It wasn’t like every sane person at that party wasn’t thinking the same thing. You were the only one brave enough to do it. Rose’s knight in shining armor.”
Derek’s face flushed red, a rare sight for a man with so much confidence.
“Rosalie, dear. I do have to warn you, Drew and Ashleigh are here.”
Rosalie sighed. She knew that they would be here. The pair had done a very good job at avoiding them; Rose wondered when they’d finally make it around her and Derek’s way. If Rose were lucky, maybe they’d just avoid her the whole trip. Only in her dreams…
“I know, Grandma. I—have you seen them yet?”
“Yes, I had the misfortune of running into both of them while yelling at your father for dragging his ninety-two-year-old mother on an extravagant trip. Do you know how long the plane flight was? Anyways, Drew called me ‘grandma’. You know what I told him, loves?”
Derek and Rosalie looked to each other, both knowing that it was probably something rude. Grandma Rose was Rosalie’s favorite relative, outside of her brother and Lydia. She was the most real of all of them. She spoke her mind and wasn’t afraid to let anyone know how she felt.
“I told him to go fuck himself.”
Derek choked on his glass of white wine. Rosalie smacked him on the back a few times, unable to hold in her shaking laughter.
“Yes, I told dear old Drew to go fuck himself. The only man that’s allowed to call me that is Derek. He doesn’t have his head up his ass. He sees how beautiful, wonderful, and deserving of love my real granddaughter is.”
All jokes aside, Grandma Rose’s words warmed Rosalie’s heart. At least one of the extended family members didn’t think she was a disgrace.
“Well, kids. Would you look at that? The pompous son of a bitch wants to go blab about himself. Someone should go tell him to shut up.”
Rosalie looked to the small stage at the front of the lounge. Sure enough, there was her father, Jason, dressed to the nines in a likely customized Hugo Boss suit, a pink Hibiscus sticking out of his breast pocket. Jason looked around at the crowd, clearing his throat to get the attention of his guests.
“Welcome, everyone! I’m so glad that you’re here and could join me on this fantastic excursion…”
Jason continued his schpeal and Rosalie tuned him out. He was likely talking about how great he was for paying for everyone’s accommodations, or how lucky they were to be spending time with him on this 1K-a-night cruise. Rosalie had heard it all before, multiple times, and she was sick of it, frankly.
What was it about rich people’s money that made them think that they were gods and should be treated as such?
Derek squeezed Rosalie’s hand hard, his nails digging into the back of her hand.
She looked to him in explanation, but he only nodded his head towards the stage.
Where Drew was shepherding Ashleigh up the steps, his hand resting on her backside.
“Yes, as I said, we have two exciting announcements that Evelyn and I could not wait to share with you tonight.”
 Jason looked fondly towards Ashleigh and Drew, who were now hobbling towards him. There were resounding gasps and excited squeals, but Rosalie could only focus on Drew.
Drew was still as handsome as the day that she had first met him. His blue eyes sparkled with confidence and charm. He’d grown a beard since Rosalie had seen him last, wafts of brown hair covering his strong jaw. He stood behind Ashleigh, his hands moving to rest on her stomach, and that’s when time stood still.
Because, under Drew’s lithe fingers, was a protruding bump. Rosalie, despite herself, couldn’t help the gasp that formed around her lips, nor the shaking of her hands.
Drew, when he was with her, had told Rosalie that he didn’t want kids. He’d had daddy issues too and didn’t want his offspring to grow up with a messed-up dad. Even though Rosalie desperately wanted a family, she was so in love with Drew that she’d put those dreams aside, for him.
Now, Drew stood proudly cradling his pregnant fiancée’s stomach as he spoke sweet nothings into her ear, looking thrilled to become a dad.
Derek squeezed Rosalie’s hand tightly, then removed it to wrap around her shoulders instead, nestling her into him. Derek’s lips brushed the top of Rose’s head, then her forehead.
“Fuck, Rosie. I’m so sorry. I… he didn’t deserve you. You’re better off without him. Do you want to go?” Derek whispered huskily in Rosalie’s ear, breaths coming out shallowly.
Rosalie didn’t need to feel the tenseness of his arm around her to know that he was pissed. She could tell just by the tone of his voice that he wanted to kill Drew.
Rosalie turned her head so that now her lips would be close to his ear. “I… I should have known. I—No, we need to stay. If I leave now, then Ashleigh and Evelyn will know that they’ve won, and I can’t let that happen.”
Rosalie rested her head on Derek’s shoulder, finding comfort in his embrace.
Someone kicked her leg under the table. Rosalie raised her head to look at Derek questioningly. His expression matched her own.
“Rosalie? Dear, are you here?” Jason called from the stage, his snake-like grey eyes checking the crowd for his daughter.
“She’s here, you pompous prick!” Grandma Rose yelled to her son, shoving Rosalie gently with a hand to her back. From a distance, Rosalie heard Stiles guffaw. She imagined that Lydia smacked him in the head while trying to control her own laughter.
Jason scowled, but ignored his mother, watching with a forced smile as his daughter and her ‘fiancé’ ascended the stairs. Derek had a tight hold around Rosalie, who had forgone her shoes in the shock of the moment. She leaned on him, both physically and metaphorically, for strength.
“Some more good news for my daughters. Somehow, someone managed to put a ring on my dear little Rosalie. Yes, it shocked us, too. Good on you, Derek!” Jason looked to Rosalie’s bare feet. “And it seems he doesn’t mind her habit for walking around barefoot. Welcome to the family, Derek Hale!”
Most of the crowd laughed, Evelyn and Ashleigh’s shrill merriment sticking out the most. Derek held Rosalie tighter. She bit the inside of her lip in an attempt to stay strong.
From Jason’s other side, Drew asked, “Wait. Isn’t that the guy who broke your nose?”
Derek rested his forehead on the side of Rose’s head, huffing into her ear “Yes. That was me. And if you don’t shut up, I’ll break your nose, too, you douche”.
That made her chuckle, and with his arms securely around her, Rose knew that she’d be alright as long as Derek was by her side.
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tattooedsiren · 3 years
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#like i can understand watching something you used to love because it's hard to give it up and you hold out hope that it'll become good again
My Top Posts in 2021
was supposed to go to Sydney on Wednesday for a 6 day holiday to see Hamilton (second attempt after my 2020 trip to America was cancelled). Sydney trip was cancelled when they went into lockdown and the border closed.
so we decided to staycation at home. had a bunch of fun things planned. as of 8pm last night we are now in lockdown until at least Thursday - and if history shows us anything there is a 99% chance of it being extended.
7 notes • Posted 2021-08-05 23:01:18 GMT
heading off on a mini break with the fam (luckily we are holidaying in-state since state borders are almost constantly closed ugh) so i’ll catch you next weekend. :)
9 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 01:34:42 GMT
What did you think of Promising Young Woman?
I thought it was really good. It was intense and difficult to watch at times and 100% won’t be for everyone. The main character does some pretty drastic and problematic things but you totally get why she’s doing them. The ending was pretty shocking (to me anyway, both in terms of what happens and how I didn’t see it coming) and I think a lot of people will have problems with it which is completely valid. But I guess for me, it’s not that I liked the ending, but it made sense in a twisted way. (i don’t want to say too much coz spoilers lol.) So yeah, it was one of those intense movies that won’t be for everyone but I was still glad I watched it.
9 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 10:06:59 GMT
hey remember when suits was literally just good mike x harvey vibes. god those were the days. I remember the pizza boy delivery au. oh my god
oh man suits fandom in the early days was amazing. everyone was super friendly. amazing fic was dropping on a regular basis. no drama or ship wars. good times.
10 notes • Posted 2021-04-21 09:10:39 GMT
listen to silence (buck/eddie)
Buck was quiet. Too quiet.
The whole drive out to Texas he’d been talkative, bubbly, practically bouncing in his seat and driving Eddie and Hen to distraction. Even when they were trying to rest up Buck just kept going. Eddie couldn’t be annoyed by it though. That’s just who Buck was. And Eddie loved who Buck was.
The return trip was something entirely different. Buck was dead quiet, just sitting there silently staring out the window. A few times Eddie tried to coax conversation out of him, but Buck never took the openings offered. He didn’t press too hard – it had been a long and rough couple of days. But as they drew closer to home Eddie decided he couldn’t let this go. Something was clearly wrong, and he was going to make sure Buck knew he could talk to him about it.
So when they arrived back at the firehouse Eddie turned to Buck and said, “I’m kinda beat, would you mind dropping me off at home?”
Buck, of course, agreed without hesitation, despite the fact it would considerably add to his journey home. They climbed in his car and enjoyed another silent drive.
When they pulled up to Eddie’s house he didn’t get out of the car, instead he turned his body and full attention towards Buck and simply said, “Talk to me.”
It took a minute or so, but finally Buck did.
“You know, my whole life, I’ve had people take one look at me and think they know who I am. Evan Buckley: the dumb, straight, superficial, careless jock. And if I’m honest, I didn’t fight it. I let them think whatever they wanted. I don’t know why. Maybe because it was what my parents thought I was too so I thought, hey, if that’s what my own parents think maybe it’s actually true. Even though I knew inside that that person wasn’t me.”
Whatever Eddie had been expecting it wasn’t this. He’d never met Buck’s parents, and to be honest, the more he heard the less he wanted to meet them. Mostly because he wasn’t sure he could refrain from telling them what fucking idiots they were.
“But I’ve been noticing, for the last year or two, that when people meet me now they don’t necessarily assume those things. And you know what,” Buck started to smile, finally, the first one he’d seen in a day. “It makes me really fucking happy.”
Eddie grinned at that. How could he not?
Buck chuckled lightly. “TK thought I was hitting on him.”
Eddie’s smile instantly fell from his face.
“I wasn’t, obviously. I mean, he’s an awesome dude, but not at all my type. But it got me to thinking…”
Buck trailed off, and Eddie wondered if it was because he wasn’t yet ready to share his thoughts. And if that was the case, then Eddie wouldn’t push. Nothing pissed him off more than people who assumed they had the right to your inner thoughts whenever they wanted. So he reached out and put a hand on Buck’s forearm, hoping to offer a modicum of support. He noticed Buck’s other hand move slightly, as though he wanted to cover Eddie’s hand with his own but changed his mind at the last second. Before he realized what he was doing Eddie trailed his hand down to Buck’s exposed wrist, needing the skin on skin contact, and he wrapped his fingers around Buck’s wrist and squeezed slightly.
“You can tell me if you want. But if you’re not ready I can get out of this car right now and we can talk about it when you are.”
Buck took in a deep breath. “He was so nonchalant about it, you know. So comfortable with who he was. I might have stalked him online afterwards. There are so many pictures of him and his boyfriend with everyone from the 126. it’s just so not a big deal.”
“Nor should it be.”
“I agree. But there is a part of me I’ve always hidden from people because I was worried how it would affect my job. Which I know sounds stupid because it’s 2020 and we have Hen and there’s no reason my bisexuality should be an issue. But like I said: dumb, straight, superficial, careless jock. So I just hid it.”
“And now you don’t want to?”
Buck nodded. “I mean, there have been comments over the last year or so. And I was thinking about it on the drive, and I realized,” Buck looked at him then, for the first time since this conversation began, “that those comments have mostly been about you. Because when I’m with you, it’s like … it’s like I get to be my real self.”
Eddie swallowed thickly. He didn’t know what this was. Was it a declaration? A statement of fact just told to clear the air? Eddie knew what he wanted it to be, and he thought Buck had been so brave in telling him all this that now it was his turn.
“Did you want to come in? Chris would love to have you over for breakfast.”
A look of confusion swept over Bucks’ face. “But it’s the middle of the night, he won’t be up for hours.”
Eddie looked right at Buck, a small smile tugging at his lips when he said with great significance, “I know.”
Buck’s smile lit up his whole face. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
So they got out of the car and walked side by side down the path towards the porch, so close their shoulders were knocking together. Eddie let the back of his hand brush against Buck’s once, twice, and then on the third go Buck reached out and tangled their fingers together as they walked inside.
391 notes • Posted 2021-02-07 01:28:46 GMT
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ladyanput · 5 years
Can you write some alya salt where she uses “Adrien deserves better than some bakers daughter” in front of the entire class and the Batfam
Cocoa, I stg I love you.
Okay, to let everyone know, Marinette and the rest of the class is eighteen, okay? I don't do creepy with children.
I'm not the one who drew that Miraculous comic.
Marinette was having a nice day today, a dreamy face spread across her face as she gazed out her classroom window from her seat in the back of the class. Damian had texted her, telling her that he had a big surprise for her. She could only imagine what it was her boyfriend was going to do, he could be a bit unpredictable, but that's what she loved about him.
She was so lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice Alya storming up to her, a fury glint in her eyes. The reporter slammed a cell phone down in front of Marinette.
"How could you be so messed up, Marinette? I know you're a bully, but I didn't expect you to be this trashy!" Alya snarled at the dark haired girl, soon crossing her arms.
Marinette stared down at the phone, seeing the texts sent to this phone. Many of them saying how Adrien was all theirs, that they wouldn't let Lila get her hands on him, that they and Adrien were destined to be together. Once glance at the number make it clear that this was Marinette's old number, before she had disconnected her old phone and had gotten herself a new cell phone. Not that the class had noticed, as no one had texted Marinette in the past three years.
"You're a real crazy stalker, you know that? You're just so jealous that you threaten Lila? She's with Adrien, get over it! He doesn't want anything to do with you!" Alya slammed her hands on the desk again, glaring furiously, while Lila sat at her seat, surrounded by the class and pitifully sniffling. Adrien was nowhere in sight.
"Alya, I didn't send those." Marinette said flatly, picking up her bag. Screw it, she'd wait for Damian out in the courtyard, school was over anyways.
"It's your phone number, don't lie to me.." Alya hissed, reaching out for her, but stumbled when Marinette merely nudged her aside and headed outside. With a screech of rage, Alya stormed after her, the class following close behind, none of them seeing Lila's grin as she followed.
When Marinette entered the courtyard, she was surprised to see Damian standing there with his family and her parents. She lifted her hand to wave, but Alya roughly grabbed her wrist and made her turn around.
"You're not walking away from this, Marinette! If you need harrassing Lila like this, you'll get arrested! Get it in your head! Adrien doesn't want you! He would never want a baker's daughter, someone so useless and uninspiring! You'll never reach great heights, Lila does! Lila has more talent grace in one pinky, than you have in your entire being! You'll always be a nobody and you need to learn to deal with that."
"I highly suggest you unhand my fiancée." Damian's icy tone halted any conversation. Everyone turned and stared at him, seeing the cold fury in his green eyes. He strode up and grabbed Alya's wrist so tightly, she yelped and released her grip on Marinette. The youngest Wayne shot her a warning look, before he turned his concerned gaze to Marinette, leaning down and kissing her softly. "Sorry that I'm late, Angel. Jason kept stuffing his face at your parents' bakery."
"It's fine, mon prince... I'm just glad you're here." Mari hummed and returned the kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck. "Wait, fiancée?"
"I guess I ruined the surprise, huh?" Damian gave a sheepish grin.
"Who the hell are you?" Alya snapped as Lila came up beside her, weeping pitifully and dashing away her crocodile tears.
"She must be a guy she probably paid to date her, to make Adrien jealous and take him from me!" Lila wailed, collapsing into a sobbing mess in Alya's arms.
"I don't need to be hired for anything, trust me. I'd date Marinette even if it meant I had to give up everything I owned." Damian hugged Marinette tighter, rolling his eyes as Lila's theatrics.
"And trust me when I say, the Wayne family would be more than honoured to have a baker's daughter, who has more talent and kindness in one fingernail, than any of you have combined." Bruce Way strode up as Damian slid the engagement ring onto Marinette's finger, the loving couple ignoring the rantings of Alya and the wails coming from Lila.
"Wait, the Wayne family..? As in Bruce Wayne?!" Rose squealed out, bouncing on her toes. "Mari is marrying Damian Wayne?!"
"Of course I am. He stole my heart two years ago, when I went to America for a competition." Marinette spoke up, shrugging casually, giving Damian a warm kiss on the cheek.
"But... But you never told us." Alya stuttered out, noticing that the entire Wayne family was staring daggers at her.
"Of course not. We're not friends, Alya. I also never told you I changed my phone number either." Mari shrugged, setting her hands on her hips. "And trust me, I'm not in love with a guy who isn't even interested in my sex."
"What?!" Lila screeched, her eyes going wide with horror.
"Did none of them actually realize Adrien was gay?" Damian's brows shot up in shock. "Hell, he's currently off on a couple's cruise with Jon, how did they not know?"
"Because they're idiots." Jason called over, a sneer on his face.
"W- well, congratulations on the engagement, Marinette!" Alya realized she had to do some serious back pedalling. Marinette was marrying into THE Wayne family, and to Bruce Wayne's only biological son! This would be the story of the century! "When is it going to be?"
"Now, Alya..." Marinette grinned at her, and the sharpness of it made Alya's stomach sink. "Who on earth would want to go to a baker's daughter's wedding?"
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dessarious · 5 years
Old Scars and New Beginnings Pt27
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
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“Is Miss Marinette feeling better?” Alfred’s voice pulled Bruce out of his thoughts and he couldn’t help but wonder what better even meant in this case.
“She’s responsive and calm for the moment. I believe it was the loudness that set her off earlier. We’re going to need to keep track of everything that triggers her. I have a feeling it’s going to be an extremely long list.” Her parents had made her afraid of everything but helping people it seemed.
“I’ve already set up a shared document that everyone can read and add to. I’ve texted it to everyone’s phone. It has columns for both triggers and things that keep Miss Marinette calm.” Bruce pulled out his phone to find the link and found that the boys had already added their own notes.
“Penny and I can help with that if you give us access.” Jagged was frowning at an entry Dick made about reacting poorly to being touched by unknown males.
“Do you know why she has an issue being touched by men?” The man’s face hardened at Bruce’s question and he wasn’t certain he was going to get an answer.
“Her parents told you she slept around right?” Bruce just nodded. Jagged looked like he was on the verge of murder. “Before they stopped her business she got a call about a quote. They gave her an address to go to. When she got there…” He had to pause and take deep breaths. Bruce wasn’t even sure he wanted to hear where this was headed. “When she got there a man was waiting for her. She managed to subdue him before he could do more than give her a few bruises thank god, but ever since she’s been skittish around men she doesn’t know.”
“And why would that make her parents think she was sleeping around?” Alfred asked the question. Bruce was too furious to talk. He couldn’t even see straight at this point.
“When the police got there the guy said he’d just answered an online ad. Someone set it up with Mari’s name but there was no way for them to trace who actually posted it. Everyone just assumed she’d set it up and chickened out at the last moment, or was trying to get sympathy. There was a lot of bullshit going around at the time.” Bruce could only glare at the wall.
“Her parents actually believed that?” Alfred’s voice was deceptively calm but Bruce knew the man about three seconds from hopping a plane to Paris. Bruce didn’t want to waste the time but he could make a phone call…
“By then everything was already so messed up. I don’t know what they believed or said to her but she changed after that and not just with the way she acted around strangers. She wouldn’t go anywhere alone. She insisted on other people being present when she opened any type of correspondence. Text, e-mail, didn’t matter what it was. She wouldn’t look at it by herself. It’s like she felt she needed a witness for everything that happened in her life. I wish I could say she was wrong.”
“Any thoughts on who set her up?” Bruce eyed Alfred warily. If Jagged had a name that person very well might disappear in the next few days. As much as he didn’t advocate killing there were certainly times to look the other way.
“Plenty of thoughts but no proof. If I knew for sure I would have fed them to Fang a long time ago.” Bruce let out the breath he’d been unconsciously holding. The more he found out about Marinette the more certain he was that he’d done the right thing. There was no way even his kids could be worse than what she’d already had to deal with. He was dreading having to tell Selina about this though. If there were many more things like this in Marinette’s past he wouldn’t be able to stop her from burning Paris to the ground. He wasn’t even sure he’d try to stop her at this point.
“I’ll make sure Jason knows to tell Syd she needs to back off anyone who tries to crowd her.” Alfred looked amused and Jagged actually laughed.
“I thought you didn’t want that kid around Mari.” Bruce frowned at Jagged.
“That was before I knew she’d need a bodyguard. No one messes with that girl and if she’s with Marinette, she’ll get the same protection.”
“Master Bruce is quite right. Miss Sydney is very capable. For now though I have a surprise for Miss Marinette if you think she’s well enough for it.” Bruce raised an eyebrow at Jagged but the man just shrugged.
“What kind of surprise?” Bruce knew that Alfred wouldn’t do anything to intentionally upset the girl but at this point they didn’t know what even half of those things were.
“A good one.” Because that was helpful. In the end Bruce had to trust Alfred’s judgement. He just hoped he wouldn’t regret it later.
When they walked into the room he was shocked to hear Marinette giggling. Selina was recounting some story involving Dick and Tim but he couldn’t pay attention to it. As far as he knew this was the first time Marinette had relaxed enough to laugh. Now he really hoped Alfred’s surprise didn’t set her back. He froze in the doorway slightly afraid of what Selina would do to him if he startled the girl. Jagged had no such reservations.
“What’s so funny?” Marinette turned and immediately drew in on herself huddling closer to Penny. Any signs of laughter wiped away in an instant. He hazarded a look at Selina but she just looked concerned.
“I was just filling Marinette in on some of the insanity she agreed to be a part of.” That was the understatement of the century. Forget their other lives, all his kids were disasters anyway. For all she’d been though Marinette was probably the most normal, even if it turned out she was a superhero.
“Miss Marinette.” Alfred had stepped past him but Bruce simply stayed where he was. He knew he made the girl nervous, hell she still hadn’t called him anything besides Mr. Wayne yet. The furtive looks she shot at him didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. “I’d like to show you something.”
“Okay.” Her voice was soft. Anyone else would have asked what it was but she just accepted it. Maybe her parents had punished inquisitiveness as well. Just the thought made it necessary to calm himself down. Alfred took her hand and led her to a door opposite the bathroom and closet.
“This house was originally set up for occupants to have suites of rooms, generally two or three.” She’d tensed as they neared the door and Bruce thought Alfred was talking to try and calm her down. “Your room is connected to a second that was originally used as a sitting room. I decided to convert it for your use.” He opened the door and reached in to turn on the light. Bruce couldn’t see Marinette’s expression but he heard her surprised gasp.
The room was split into sections. Around the large window were a couple of cushioned chairs to take advantage of the view into the gardens. It would be a good place to draw, read, or just get lost in thought. Next was a section that was obviously meant for design. There was a work table with a sewing machine as well as shelves and drawers full of fabrics, threads, buttons, and who knows what else. Last was an area obviously meant for study. It held a desk, office supplies, her school books, a laptop, and finally a new cell phone. Even for Alfred it was impressive that he’d managed to set this up in one day.
“Well, what do you think?” The question came from Selina and Marinette turned just enough for Bruce to see tears in her eyes and a hurt expression on her face. She didn’t answer, but rather just kept shaking her head. Everything in him screamed ‘abort’ but he needed to understand her reaction.
“Marinette.” She looked at him and there was so much raw pain there. He was going to ask her what was wrong but it seemed like such an inadequate question. He also wasn’t sure she’d give him a straight answer. She’d looked hurt. Why would… the answer hit him fast and hard. He walked over and knelt down so he’d be at her eye level. “This room is here for you. Everything in it is yours. I know your parents wouldn’t let you design or use electronics, but those restrictions don’t apply here. Do you understand?”
The poor girl looked so confused. It was too much too fast. She’d been denied everything she loved from her passion to her friends to her parents affections. She couldn’t wrap her brain around the thought that she could have any let alone all of it back. He really should have pressed Alfred more about this surprise. He didn’t have the first clue on how to backtrack from this either.
“How about we start with one thing at a time okay?” He made his voice as gentle as possible and it seemed to help.
“Okay.” The response was just rote at this point but he’d take it. He stood and held out a hand which she hesitantly took. He led her over to the desk that was obviously meant for school. This would be the most familiar, the easiest to accept.
“These are all the things you need for school, though I’m sure Selina will be happy to take you to get some more personalized supplies if you want.” She shot him a scared look at the last part. Was she afraid of taking up Selina’s time, or frightened that the words were a trap? This was exhausting. She kept eyeing the phone and laptop like they were going to bite her. “You’ll need the computer for school, but you don’t have to only use it for that. If you want someone with you at first when you use it to make sure everything you’re doing is acceptable you can ask any of us, alright?”
“Okay.” She still seemed uncertain but the offer of a chaperone of sorts seemed to set her at ease. Maybe Jagged was right when he said she needed witnesses.
“This phone is for you as well.” He picked it up and put it in her hand. She actually started shaking. “All of our numbers are programmed in it as well as a few others Alfred thought you’d appreciate. The GPS is active so that we can find you just because Gotham is a dangerous city and if there’s an attack I like to be able to find everyone.” Again she relaxed slightly. Everything in her life had been monitored for so long she didn���t know how to react when someone wasn’t watching her. She began looking through the contacts and her face turned into a confused frown.
“Are Adrien and Chloe’s numbers in her so I don’t accidentally answer if they call?” The question was timid, like she thought she’d be punished for not understanding on her own. Because of that it took him a moment to process what she’d actually said.
“Why would you think that?” She hesitated and refused to look up. When she did answer it came out in a mumble as though she didn’t want to be heard.
“Because I’m not allowed to talk to them.” Bruce felt a headache forming. This situation was so surreal for him. He knew how to deal with kids who pushed boundaries and broke rules. He did not have any clue how to make a kid stop following rules that had been put in place by someone else. He gently put a hand under her chin and forced her to look up at him. The fear in her eyes made him physically hurt.
“You’re parents didn’t allow you to talk to them but your parents aren’t here and they no longer have a say in your actions. Their numbers, along with Jagged and Penny’s are in your phone so that you can talk to them. Whenever you want.” Her expression went completely blank. Shit, he broke her.
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Oooooo girl I love these prompts!!! For a wild one hows about Robb Stark with genre3 trope2 and locashion7????
A Promise to the Moon
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Robb Stark x Reader - 3873 Words - More Freaky Fics
Notes: This is a a dark fic, a Gothic Romance!AU in the style of Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, it features references and occasional quotes from both. I also emulated the writing style (prose and exposition heavy).
The requested prompts were: haunted house/ghost story, memento mori, and a secluded castle/manor. The ghost elements got lost as I wrote it- sorry!
Warnings: a toxic/icky relationship with controlling/possessive behavior (just like the ones in the afformentipmed novels), the word “fuck” is used once, light smut, dated health methods like leeches and bloodletting, major character death. There is no happy ending, Enjoy Responsibly ❤️
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“Let the wind come shake me down! /Deliver me closer to the ground/ I made a promise to the moon.” -Jason Webley
The newspaper advertisement had asked for educated persons of age to apply for the position in person. The grand Winterfell Estate sat desolate among the moors, fog-covered bogs and copses of sickly forests mottled the land and turned the beautiful countryside into a crypt.
The owner and solicitor, a Mister Stark, had requested a tutor for his troubled little sister the estate’s only current inhabitant.
The locket around your neck held your mother’s portrait and served as your only reminder of the life you once lived. Lost in a strange and new place you relied on its familiar weight for comfort.
As you approached the Estate you noticed their family name was carved into the arch above the wooden door. It announced you as an intruder, and your locket confirmed you as an outsider. It made you miss the place you once called home.
The Housekeeper was more than amiable and the child, Arya as you learned she was called, was a verifiable genius. You knew instantly she would benefit from one-on-one specialized instruction. As for Mister Stark, he had yet to appear around the estate- the Housekeeper herself interviewed and appointed you to the position.
The work itself was exhausting and after a week of it, you were desperate for a brief moment of solitude. Arya was never satiated, her thirst for life and adventure outpaced any sort of book work and left you aching from chasing her around.
It was past midnight, the moon already hidden in the vast inky sky when you slunk into the sitting room. You lit the lamps and settled in with one of the many tomes that adorned the room. The pages felt brittle under your fingertips and you turned them ceaselessly.
An accented voice pulled you from the book’s pages, the shock made you snap the book closed harder than you would’ve liked.
“Now what’s a decent sort like you doing out of bed at this hour?”
A man leaned against the entryway, a smile on his face that made you feel exposed and downright sinful. The dark brown of his eyes was mirrored in the curls of his hair which were highlighted with light licks of a scandalous silver that seemed to sparkle under the sparse candlelight.
He smirked and it felt like you were falling through the floor. You could see luggage behind him in the hallway and you wondered why the Housekeeper hadn’t been alerted- and why you hadn’t been warned of such a distinguished intrusion.
“Certainly Sir, you know I cannot answer that,” you said shortly.
You rose quickly, shelved the book, and turned to leave. It was late and the entire situation was highly improper- yet he blocked your path a cheeky grin on his face.
“Have I frightened you?” He taunted you with a wolfish grin, and you felt your face grow hot.
“I am not frightened,” you lied smoothly, “I just wish to retire for the evening.”
He laughed openly seeing right through you. He stepped aside anyway but caught your wrist as you passed. You froze instantly and trembled as he brought your knuckles to his lips. “Goodnight then,” he spoke with a smirk the strange concoction of trepidation and intrigue evident as you pulled away and ran from the room.
It wasn’t until you were secure in your room, your hands clasped over your thundering heart, that you realized he must’ve been your employer whose portrait hung in the very hallway you just ran through.
You struggled to fall asleep, staring up at the ceiling until you thought shapes were starting to appear in the darkness. Yet you must’ve as the next thing you remembered was a burst of light and a loud noise waking you up.
“Oh me!” The Housekeeper wailed, as she announced herself in your chambers the next morning. You winced as she threw open the damask drapes, the sunlight almost blinding.
“I need you to keep Arya on her best behavior today,” she started ranting pulling your clothes out for the day in a flurry, “Mister Stark has returned and the entire west wing must be prepared immediately so I cannot manage the little miss!”
Typically the staff was prepared to assemble his rooms at a moment's notice. The estate’s Master was known to appear and disappear for any length of time at will.
You let the Housekeeper prepare you, and lead you to the same sitting room for your formal introduction. As you entered the room Robb eyed you hungrily and you knew the setting was chosen intentionally.
Embarrassment washed over you as the previous night’s run-in resurfaced in your mind. The only thing you could do was make a heaven out of hell, so you bolstered what confidence you could. No matter how charming and handsome he might be, he wouldn’t win the satisfaction of seeing your unease.
The Housekeeper cleared her throat and shuffled forward, “may I introduce-“
“Mister Stark,” you said smartly cutting her off and gliding forward. You could feel her ire at your break in tradition but knew this was the best way to regain some control over the situation. You smiled coyly and shook his hand with as much indifference as you could muster despite the anticipatory anxiety building in your body.
“Robb, please,” he insisted lightly. He watched you like a cat might watch a mouse and you felt a shiver course through your body as he openly looked over it.
“Is this proper enough an introduction?” The sarcastic lilt to his voice matched his devilish smirk, and you had to admit it was a good look for him.
“You’ll have to forgive me I’m often wary of new faces,” you said sitting across from him, “especially those belonging to nefariously enigmatic gentlemen.”
Robb laughed openly, and in a manic burst of motion took your hand in his. Your heart raced at his slight touch and you tried your best to suppress the smile on your face.
“And how do you find Winterfell? Is she fitting for such a roguish bachelor?”
Your smile faltered briefly, “the estate is beyond magnificent but, I can’t help feeling as if her halls ought to have more life within them.”
Robb nodded to the Housekeeper who still lingered in the doorway, “I do believe that is the first honest answer I’ve ever been given on the subject.”
“It would seem so Sir,” she chirped dutifully.
“Well perhaps I shall extend my stay,” he said a wicked smile spreading across his face as he turned his gaze back to you, “and see what other truths you might impart upon me.”
The Housekeeper made a small disgruntled noise in protest before leaving to summon Arya into the sitting room to formally receive her brother. Apparently, you weren’t the only one to gain her disapproval.
Within the short moment, Robb stood and crossed to stand over you. You titled your face towards him unconsciously, his face close enough to feel his breath on yours as he spoke.
”You intrigue me, ” he said, desire palpable in his voice, ”I will not suffer to let you go again when I wish to become better acquainted.”
You could feel the underlying threat in his words but the temptation to close the space between you eclipsed whatever caution lived in your mind.
You couldn’t explain what drew you to him, despite your better judgment. The only comfort you had was knowing how similarly affected he was by you. Your breath hitched in your throat as he suddenly backed away.
Arya bounded into the room not a moment later, the now frazzled Housekeeper rushing behind her trying to contain the girl. You smiled as they appeared, thankful for the distraction.
The next week was filled with similar close calls filled with double entendres, lingering touches, and companionship like you had never known before. After a month had passed in such a manner it was clear why he was staying- and the house dared to dream that for once he might stay forever.
Like most dreams, it was better left ignored. On another night you strolled under the moonlight along the estate’s often forgotten terraces. Robb held you by the waist as you walked, his grip lower and harsher than would’ve been deemed appropriate. Occasionally, the moon peaked out to reveal a scandalous state of undress on your part, the casual clothes betraying the growing familiarity between you two.
“Winterfell is stunning under the stars, is it not?” Robb glanced at you while speaking and you thought he also looked magnificent highlighted by the cosmos.
You nodded in agreement looking out over the estate’s grounds and gardens.
"You must have become in some degree attached to the house?"
“To a degree,” you answered wryly.
"Arya seems to have become quite attached to you, and I’m willing to wager you to her as well,” Robb continued.
You hummed in agreement, “I believe there is a mutual attachment forming. She’s an extraordinary child."
Robb stopped walking suddenly and turned you harshly in his arms to face him. All traces of levity had melted from his face, replaced with a drastic seriousness you hadn’t expected. “And you would be sorry to part with them?”
You ran your hand over his reassuringly. “I think some part of me will be here always.”
Robb kept a level expression as he continued, waiting to gauge your reaction as he spoke. “Then it is indeed regrettable that Arya must attend a finishing school next year.”
You froze beside him, “next spring?”
Robb nodded solemnly, “I’ve talked it over with her nursemaid and the Housekeeper they both agree you’ve done wonders for her mind but- the decorum benefiting a lady of our station is not something a tutor can impart.”
He paused and spoke then as if he was reassuring himself of the decision, instead of revealing it to you. “So yes, it is imperative she attends a finishing school.”
“Then I must inquire toward other positions,” you mused suddenly afraid the ground under your feet might fall away beneath you.
“Would you be grieved to leave then? I know some schools might permit a lady’s maid to accompany her,” Robb shrugged, “it is the least I could do.”
You tensed and bit your lip, “for her sake I might be able but it is so far away...”
“From what?”
“From you!” You spoke headlessly, finally voicing the thoughts and desires that had grown within you.
“Then I must ask you,” he said hoarsely as if he was unsure for the first time, “forsake neither Arya nor the estate itself, pass through the rest of your life here.”
Your silence unnerved him and you wondered what joke he was playing at. He was by the designation of your employment your superior, he had occasionally offered you crumbs of affection and attention- yet you felt he must know your feelings towards him- and that this was some cruel joke on your behalf.
“Do you doubt me,” he asked when you didn’t answer.
"Entirely,” you said without hesitation. He was too unknown for certainty, too reckless and listless for dependence.
He scoffed openly at your response, "so you have no faith in me?"
"Not a whit."
“Then you shall be convinced,” he hissed gesturing wildly, “have I not treated you as my equal? Have I not entertained your thoughts and whims as I might a dearest friend? Have I not watched you like a man possessed? You strange, you almost unearthly thing,” he gripped your arm tracing the length of it with frenzied kisses, “you will be mine. I shall not suffer your absence in my life!”
You shuddered, a peculiar sob racking through your body as he entreated you.
“I- I cannot answer this,” you cried tearing yourself away, “I cannot choose between my heart and my mind. I cannot see how you love me but rather desire to possess me- and for what love I hold for you, I cannot yet resign my fate so quickly.”
He turned away from you harshly, familiar darkness returning to his eyes. “Then think on these things,” he demanded before stalking away, “I cannot remain here for you to torture me so!”
You could not retreat to your rooms and drop into the soothing arms of sleep, your mind was twisted and confused. What kind of a man manipulated your emotions as a declaration of love? Moreover, what kind of man could confuse love and possession so easily? Your thoughts remained dower as the sleepless night raced on.
As you joined Arya and the Housekeeper for breakfast the next morning you were disheartened to learn Robb had left again.
Two months passed without a word from Rob to you or any persons in his household. Although the grand estate was filled with other employees and your charge- his absence left you strangely cold. But perhaps that was the changing air drifting in from the study’s open window.
“Arya please,” you sighed, “finish the recitation and we can move on for the day.” You rubbed a hand over your temple, your patience growing thin with the young mistresses.
“I don’t want to keep reading boring old books! I want to go outside!” Arya whined as she dramatically closed and pushed the book away from her.
The poor thing had been acting out lately, and it was wearing you down. You sighed and tried to sound as encouraging as possible, “Arya as soon as we finish here I’ll have the Housekeeper scrounge up your play clothes.”
Arya huffed and pushed the stack of books off her desk and onto the floor before crossing her arms belligerently, “I won’t do it!”
“Is that any way to talk to your tutor?”
You looked over at the interruption, Robb leaned against the doorframe with a smile on his face that made you feel as if you were seeing the sun for the first time in days.
Arya shrieked excitedly at the sight of her brother and bolted from her chair to wrap her arms around him as much as she could. She babbled in great run-on-sentences trying to condense the last month without him into whatever fragment of time she currently had.
He listened politely, the entire time his eyes never left yours. “Arya, it is clear to me that you’ll have no capacity for more studies today,” he said, finally looking at his sister, “why don’t you take the dogs and see what you can discover outside?”
Arya howled and ran from the room, you could hear her rapid footfalls and exaggerated cries rousing the Housekeeper and kennel master to her aid.
Then it was just you and Robb. You stood rapidly and all but threw yourself into his arms. You moved without thinking, unsure if you could survive another second apart. He pulled you flush against him, his strong grip threatened to bruise your hips and you didn’t care. You rested your hands against his chest, unable to hide the smile on your face before you kissed him.
“I suppose this means you haven’t been preparing to completely divorce yourself from the estate,” Robb joked dryly.
“No,” you said a little dejectedly, “how could I, knowing you’re out in the world somewhere.”
You looked away from him suddenly overwhelmed, “It was like I couldn’t breathe like my life-my very soul was separated from me.”
You tried to step away but Robb didn’t relinquish his hold on your waist and moved a hand to keep yours on his chest.
“You’ve absolutely ruined me,” he hissed tightening the grip on your wrist, “do you think I wanted to come back? Do you think I want to be here right now?”
“Let go of me,” you gasped struggling against him your face heated with indignation.
For a second the confidence and malice in Robb’s voice faltered, “stay- do not leave me where I cannot find you!”
“But I didn’t go anywhere,” you insisted, “I’ve been right here doing what I was hired to do.” You were trembling, no longer trying to escape his embrace yet not entirely afraid.
Robb laughed darkly and kissed the top of your head, “you’ve bewitched me body and soul, like some heathen wretch. You pulled me back here. You command me when I have no desire to be commanded.”
He moved to grip your jaw and turn your face to look up into his, the image was striking. You looked spent, as if he’d taken you- your body warm and trembling against him, your breaths shallow and rushed.
“If you left this room I would find you,” he whispered his voice low and heady, sending a shiver down your spine. “If you tried to leave this house I’d track you down.”
“Sir, you forget yourself,” you said lowly. Your voice threatening to break as your body responded wantonly.
“Do I?” He laughed darkly and moved to kiss down the column of your neck pulling phantom moans from your lips. His breath fell warm on your neck and you shuddered as his hand released your jaw and traveled to rest at the base of your neck.
You heard him kick the door closed behind you and a new spark of excitement and fear spread through your body.
The slight pressure at the base of your neck made you ache deliciously. You didn’t stop the strangled moan that fell from your lips as his grip tightened and you chose to put whatever doubts you had away for the moment. You wanted it to be you and him without context or strings to complicate what you were about to do.
Robb released you only to tear at your clothes, his hands running harshly over each flash of newly exposed skin until the locket around your neck was the only thing you wore. You wantonly returned the favor scraping your nails across his broad shoulders, savoring each groan that slipped from his lips.
You pressed yourself against him, your bodies skin-to-skin as the tension grew. Each touch was dizzying as if your bodies had been molded to respond to each other. His mouth claimed yours again before biting his way down your neck and you moaned as they bloomed into warm bruises.
“Robb please,” you begged your body no longer content with lingering touches and harsh passes of lips and teeth. You said his name like it was the only prayer you ever learned- the only one that mattered.
Almost tenderly he laid you down across one of the study’s couches. His fingers softly traced the side of your body as if for that second he was truly in awe of your form. He ducked his head to kiss your chest, your locket falling back against your shoulder sending a flash of light across your body.
You impatiently reached and pulled him over you, weaving a hand through his hair as you moved him into a searing kiss. You felt him against you and you desperately hooked one of your legs around his hip urging him forward until nothing separated you.
You lay trembling under him, your grip on his shoulders the only real thing in the world until a ferocious rapping started at the closed door. You both froze hoping whoever it was would move on, instead, you could hear the Housekeeper muttering to herself as the knocking continued.
Finally, she called through the door, “Lady Arya has requested your presence for tea.”
Robb swore and pushed away from you hastily donning his clothes.
“Fuck,” you mumbled grasping wildly to cover yourself as Robb stormed from the room shouting at the Housekeeper the entire time.
Without looking at you she slid into the room, keeping herself turned away as you redressed.
“I do not apologize for the intrusion given the improper extenuating circumstances,” she said tersely, “but we will be taking tea alone as soon as you’re no longer... indisposed.”
“I see no reason why we should take tea alone,” you protested, “Arya would certainly fear something was amiss given our absence.”
She spun to face you her face still composed into a stern line, “it is precisely for Arya’s sake that I am concerned.” You had never heard her voice like that before and suddenly you felt like you were a child again being scolded at primary school without companions to defend you.
It was a trap; that was the only thing you were certain of as you sat across the wisened Housekeeper a pristine tea set between you.
“You are aware Mister Stark is our employer,” she said with a terse smile.
“Yes Ma’am I do.”
The older woman across from you pursed her lips and took a measured sip of her tea. “This has happened before,” she started quietly, “you don’t know what you’re getting into. He is too stern for grace, an unreclaimed creature.”
“He's more myself than I am,” you whispered harshly unable to meet the Housekeeper’s eyes.
“You will ruin this house if you stay,” she hissed reaching across the table to grip your arm. “There will be no going back if you give into him, think of Arya...”
You remembered the darkness behind his eyes, the harsh grip of his hands on your hips, and knew she was just as correct as you were- despite that you could feel the familiar tug in your heart that connected you and knew you couldn’t leave.
Of course, she had seen this passion play before. The ending was known to her, it was written on the estate’s walls plainly for everyone but you and your charge who hoped beyond measure for the happy ending that would not be coming.
Robb spent the next thirteen months within the claustrophobic walls of his grand estate, his venomous temper directed at everyone when they felt too restrictive. But he couldn’t fathom leaving with you there and unclaimed, unwatched, and unprotected.
Your frenzied romance and rushed engagement distracted you to no end. By the time you realized something was wrong your face refused to hold any color, and your entire body ached with pain and fever. The first time he left the estate grounds was to fetch your doctor. But, in essence, it was too late.
“Robb,” you called reaching for him. You struggled to breathe and the contented sigh on your lips disfigured itself into a ghastly groan that made your lover weep.
Your locket dangled from his hands like a rosary and you wondered if that strange blasphemous reverence played a part in this destruction.
Neither the leeches placed along the curve of your hip nor the soft drops of blood let from your arm could prevent the advancing cold that spread in your veins and eventually closed your eyes.
Your strangled coughs stopped, the air in your lungs ran cold and your blood stopped running altogether. The thin red lines flowing from your lips and skin dried and all at once, the bloody affair was over. There was no fanfare, the world didn’t end. Winterfell and her Master remained as they had for the last forty years and would for forty more without you. Nestled into the sparse and desolate countryside your ghost couldn’t even be tempted forth for comfort.
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black-streak · 5 years
Waiting for the Worms - Vera
Part 12
Aka, I have no control over myself and SOMEONE on discord maybe urged me on a little. One of these days, one of you are going to ask about the titles for these and I'm going to refuse to answer. Woah, someone remembered that Jason's body was dipped in a crazy pool and he hasn't experienced that before! How fun.
CLOSED beggars: @northernbluetongue @thethirdwheelfriend @shizukiryuu @theatreandcomicfreak @michellemagic @karategirl119 @moonlightstar64 @my-name-is-michell @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm @miraculousdisapointment @dorkus-minimus @jardimazul @allthebooksandcrannies @g-arya @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @persephonescat @mycupisbroken @luciferge @18-fandoms-unite-08 @dawnwave16 @alwaysreblogneverpost @kris-pines04 @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @weird-pale-blonde-person @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @kokotaru @naclychilli @slytherinhquinn @clumsy-owl-4178 @ladybug-182 @darkthunder1589 @evil-elf16 @dast218 @lysslovsanime @emilytopaz @naoryllis @iloontjeboontje @thepeacetea @danielslilangel @finallyaniguana @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @vixen-uchiha @yuulxd @bleeding-heart-romantic @magic-inthe-stars @st0rmy-w1th1n
Jason knew those eyes, had been haunted by those eyes for months now. Felt the absolute need to protect them from the horrors of the world without a second thought. And now they were in front of him, real and alive and coming from the face of a young, tan skinned boy with pitch black, course looking hair that fell in a rumpled mess across his face, quietly calling out Marinette's name. The name he spent the better part of three years responding to as though it were his own.  But that didn't make any sense, he'd never met this boy before. How did he know her? Was this a repressed memory of hers that her body somehow stored all this time and was trying to inform him of over time? Was this the work of the fear toxin taking hold and showing Marinette's worst fear? That also made no sense. He'd known her since she was six and she'd never mentioned this boy. It also couldn't explain the simplicity of the sight before her. Nothing fear inducing was actually happening. Except he felt on the edge of a panic attack anyways.
Could it be that his worst fear was this boy because of his reoccurring presence in his nightmares and the idea of this being a real child who's gone through so damn much it reminded him of himself, it scared him half to death? Or the fear that perhaps he had truly gone insane and the dreams were an indication of the war he raged inside himself?
Lifting his hands up to his face to block the images, he took note of the size, the coloration, the scaring. This wasn't how Marinette's hands looked. Those weren't Marinette's arms. Looking down, he knew that he shouldn't sit this tall or be this broad or have that long of legs. Nothing made sense anymore and as the hysteria set in, green edged his vision.
"Marinette? Mari? What's happening?" The voice drew closer, sounding concerned and hinting at the slightest touch of nerves.
"Venomous green. Electric, neon. Like Plagg."
That wasn't his voice, was it? He spoke, but that voice was too deep, too husky and masculine to be right. Nothing was right. This felt wrong and yet exactly as it was meant to all at once and he didn't understand. The bright green closed in on him and he felt himself tremble.
"It's the pits, Marinette. You've dealt with them, remember? You know how to fight it, how to calm yourself," the voice stayed where it was at, but he was sure if he looked up, those haunting jade eyes would be right there, staring into his soul.
How could he calm himself? The nightmares never talked to him like this, never told him to calm himself, to take control. He'd never dealt with the green overtaking his vision, not since the very first dream well over a year ago. He never fought it, what was this kid on about? Why was his mind screaming at him? He wanted to lash out, to hit and fight and attack, but his instincts yelled to protect the child and nothing else was here. Grabbing up another knife, he slammed it down, surprised to see it hit into a cushion that landed under his hand right as he moved. 
"Deep breaths, counts of seven with me," the voice was closer, counting for him and he followed without thought. His thoughts narrowed into the numbers, the screaming dulling down to a soft roar in the background, the green settling down until it disappeared entirely and still the counting continued on until his breathing became his own.
"Back with me?"
"What the fuck is going on?" He hissed out, fear and nausea piling up.
The kid's eyes widened and then narrowed as he backed up, grip tightening on the blade still in his hand. He opened his mouth and hesitated for half a second before he asked, voice demanding and sharp, leaving no room for argument, "Jason?"
Jason reeled back, having not heard that name since the accident, "How do you know that name?"
"She's been going by it for as long as I've known her."
His breath caught in his throat, shoulders dropping from their defensive hunch, unable to speak for a moment. He stayed still, processing as the boy across from him moved around the other side of the kitchen counter, swiftly grabbing the knife block and dropping it off on the counter furthest away from Jason.
"She told me she woke up in a grave. Had been in there for quite some time. Dug out and landed in a coma for a year. My- Talia found her after she woke up. Took her back to the league and dropped her in the pits. That was about-"
"A year and a half ago."
"Yes… how do you know this?"
"Saw the acid green at night, didn't know what it was."
"She mentioned the connection cutting when she died. I guess the pits could have healed that as well."
"And she met you about nine months ago, then. Or at least something significant happened. I recognize your eyes." 
"I might have approached her around that time, I suppose."
"How old are you?"
"Fuck kid, tell me half of what I saw wasn't real?"
"Depends on what you saw, but I would assume so."
"Fucking hell. And so what, she just up and ran? Took you with her? Mari's alive? Been alive all this time and I didn't know?"
"Something like that," the kid slid closer, carefully prying the knife from his hand. Realizing he still held it, had thrown one at the boy only minutes before, he abruptly let go, letting it clattered onto the counter below where the kid swiped it off and put it with the others out of immediate reach. Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes as he came to terms with Marinette's state of living. Dug herself out of his grave? A coma? Talia. He couldn't wrap his brain around it. If the dreams were all visions, his sweet little soulmate had killed. Had fought for her life so often it felt like routine. Had suffered and lost so much, had seen this child going through the same things and put her foot down. Had ran for her life, kid in tow, no guarantee of survival, while he lived with her parents. No villains to defeat, no league to push him or force his hand. He hadn't even been grateful. Just depressed and angry while she went through a hell ten times as brutal. From the look the kid gave him, she didn't even talk terribly of him like he deserved. Otherwise he was sure the kid would have that knife worked up to his throat by now, demanding her back. Granted he didn't look happy, but his stance wasn't openly hostile yet.
Shit, he didn't deserve her and yet joy spread through him like a whip. She was alive. She was okay and had a little family of her own and had moved on through it all and he felt so damn proud and joyful to know she was alive all this time. Despite the horrible circumstances and atrocities she obviously faced in her time as him, she had been alive and not taken to an early grave. She turned seventeen last week no matter what body she did so in. The Joker hadn't taken her from him despite his best efforts. She was too strong, too persistent and capable. Marinette was alive and the pure happiness that shocked him to his core left him shaking and breathless.
"Calm down, you'll work yourself up again. She never told me you were an emotional mess."
"Shut it, kid. You would freak out if you found out someone you thought dead for three years was alive too."
"Tt. You won't survive a week with the madness."
"The madness? What's that supposed to mean?" Jason felt his hackles rising and had to remind himself of the emotional lockdown from his time fighting Hawkmoth to stamp it down. The kid obviously meant a lot to Mari and he wasn't about to make an enemy of himself.
"The acidic green and screaming in your head I had to talk you down from? That was an aftereffect of being dipped in the Lazarus pit. Marinette has no problem controlling it now. Should have known it wasn't her the second you couldn't force it into submission yourself," the kid gave a haughty sneer, turning his nose up.
"And the first time it struck her? Did she have such control then?"
The boy seemed to wilt at that, looking down in shame, "No."
"What happened?"
"I made a mistake. Someone almost got to me and she lost it. Killed everyone in the vicinity."
"And that was towards the beginning?"
"No. She wasn't allowed in the training room with me until she had the madness locked down. It wasn't even our first mission together. It was my fault she lost control. She would've been fine had I not messed up."
Jason immediately felt bad for chastising the kid for his attitude. He obviously felt uncomfortable looking at a familiar face and yet talking to a virtual stranger.
"Hey, relax kid, I'm sure she doesn't see it that way and wouldn't want you to either. She probably just did what she thought necessary to protect you, even if you don't agree with her methods. Trust me, I'm familiar with them," he offered with a self deprecating chuckle.
The boy seemed to soften, looking at him with curious eyes, "You really are her soulmate," he stated, almost coming off as a tease, "It's Damian by the way."
"You've been calling me kid for the last half hour. My name is Damian."
"Whatever, kid," he smirked as Damian's lips twisted in annoyance, "Wait, did you say half hour?"
"It took a while to calm you down," he shrugged.
Suddenly it hit Jason where he had been. What had been happening that sent him into that panic.
The kid startled, looking at him like he lost his rocker, which okay, that was fair.
"What now?"
"The place I was at. It got attacked when we switched. She had to have taken in some fear toxin, who knows what type of effect that has on her!"
"Attacked? She'll be fine, Marinette's the beat fighter I know," Damian seemed to calm at that, almost offended at his inferring her inability to handle the situation.
"Was she exposed to fear toxin in the league?"
"Fear toxin? I'm not sure what that is, but her immune system was adapted to handle several poisons. Every league members' is."
"You mean this body was. This body's immune system was adapted."
That seemed to throw him for a loop, stiffening up, but he persisted, "Her mind has taken on the chaos of the pit, surely fear pulsing through as well couldn't be worse."
"As well! Her soul was in that pit, not just this body. Meaning the madness probably latched on to her soul as well. In an unadjusted body, with the jolt and panic of being launched into her old body in the middle of an attack with fear toxin coursing through it."
The air about Damian seemingly crashed around him and the small shoulders begin to shake as reality settled in, "she's going to lose herself again, isn't she?" He half whimpered, trying to push it down to sound less weak infront of Jason, but he was obviously afraid. Jason flinched, remembering the kid's age once more and that he probably should have just agreed to keep him calm. 
"We'll track her down. You can ground her, you're good at that, right?"
He nodded, "Can't you just switch back, instead? Give Marinette back?"
"It doesn't work that way kid. You can resist the tug when it comes, but you can't force the tug itself."
"Give her back! She's probably a mess right now, I need to help her!"
"I can't, kid. I'm sorry. We'll find her though, I promise. I know where she is. Where are we? The faster I can map out a route, the sooner you'll be with her. Tell me and then get changed, we'll leave now."
As the kid ran to what was presumably his room, rambling out an address, Jason was surprised to realize how close they were. Marinette lived in Gotham. He shouldn't feel so surprised.
He forced himself to the other room, rummaging through a drawer until he found clothes to shove on and walked towards the door, Damian running up behind him. As his hand touched the doorknob, his mind yanked him back and without any warning, he was thrown into Marinette's body once more.
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