#anyways someone mail me these plushies :( i want them :(
sntoot · 1 year
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i think i maybe put their earring on the wrong ear..........
anyways vague azem lore (medusa -> hestia -> azem)
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the0ldmann · 1 year
Minors and Ageless blogs DNI, you'll be blocked on sight!
I tried to do something gaslighty, gave up, and wrote something a little more... uh... like two people playing a little bit of a back and forth game? 'Tis short. And fluffy. Little provocative but not explicit.
1,418 words.
Writing below the cut, if that wasn't obvious.
You were feeling restless this evening. Nothing good was on TV and you had run out of things to bake until payday. Though it was only recently you had confessed your feelings for Friend, you still felt a little odd bothering him this late at night. Huffing, you scanned your living room for any inspiration to kill your boredom.
That’s when you noticed the bunny plush.
It had been sitting there on a little end table you’d throw your keys and spam mail on for the past couple weeks, overlooking the room. A personal gift from Friend- one of many! He’d sewn you quite a few plushies and you’d finally started running out of room in your bedroom for them. Storage felt a rude solution to store them, so moving them to other rooms was all you could think of.
Quickly, you picked it up, glancing at its eyes when you could without trying to make it obvious. Sitting back down, plush facing away from you, you tried your best to tilt it ever so slightly and get a better look at its eyes.
“They’re just really shiny eye buttons, there’s nothing weird about them.”
That’s what Friend had told you the first time you tried taking a closer look at them. You were absolutely positive they were cameras though, and the looking you were doing now confirmed that.
How could they not be? The eyes looked exactly like the camera on the back of your phone.
An idea came to you.
Friend was always so good at dodging questions. However, you never bothered to press. Everything he said you took at face value- well, most of what he said at least. Otherwise you wouldn’t be thinking about the numerous plush cameras in your place of residence right now.
Seems like bothering him this late was on the agenda anyway. Excitement coursed through your veins as a small smile started to tug at your lips. Could you back Friend into a corner and get him to admit it? Or perhaps get him to admit to something he couldn’t have known without revealing they were cameras?
If you were going to question him, you were going to make this fun though. Those little pink hearts of his were adorable, and while you wouldn’t be able to see them, you wanted to make it hard for him to see through them.
Standing up, you set the bunny on the couch and went to your bedroom. Most of the plushies were turned away, staring into corners and up at the ceiling. Picking out a little green frog holding a mushroom, you set it carefully on the bookshelf by your bed, facing outwards. If the cameras in it hadn’t died, Friend should be able to see you.
If he was looking at whatever computer he had the cameras hooked up to…
A quick text could maybe fix that. This late in the day? He has to be at home right now.
… Right?
Sweet<3: Oh Frieeeeend~
Friend: Someone’s in a good mood I see. What’s up?
Sweet<3: You wouldn’t happen to be at home and on your computer, would you?
You tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear. Whipping off your pants you sat down on your bed, one leg propped up and hugging it with your arm. Surely this would get his attention. It was only a minute before you got a response.
Friend: Sorry, I had to boot it up. Was there something you wanted to show me? ;P
Of course he wouldn’t let on that easily, but you were determined to try.
Sweet<3: So I’m still not convinced you haven’t sewn cameras in the plushies, but that would actually come in real handy right now.
You could almost hear the sigh coming through his text.
Friend: Again? Would it even be possible to convince you otherwise? They’re just special buttons for a special plush made for a special someone.
A pause. You smirk as you see the three little dots come back up.
Friend: Wait, what do you mean hidden cameras would come in handy right now?
Sweet<3: You’d be able to see if you had them~ ;P
Two could play at that game.
Friend was drumming his fingers as he stared at the screen. He wasn’t about to confirm your suspicions. Seeing you sitting there in your underwear made it hard to not ask what it was you wanted. Clearly you wanted something, and he was going to pry it out. Unlucky for you.
Friend: C’mon Sweetheart! I don’t have them so I clearly can’t see. What is it?
Sweet<3: Hmmm, it’s a little hard to explain through text… You really have to see!
Friend: You’re teasing me, aren’t you?
Sweet<3: Maybe a little. ^u^
Friend: How could you be so mean??
You swear you could see the dramatic hand-over-the-heart he was probably doing right now. Little did you know how patient of a man you were dealing with.
And how quickly his patience had been running out…
Sweet<3: Okay okay, I’m willing to give you a hint.
Friend: Now we’re talkin’!
Sweet<3: Am I wearing pants right now?
Friend: Wha… What kind of a hint is that?
Sweet<3: You don’t need cameras to guess~
Friend: If that’s the case, I’m going to guess you’re not. No reason to ask otherwise, hm?
This was true. You got up, taking your phone with you and walking out of sight. Slowly, you stripped down completely before throwing on a pair of lingerie you recently bought.
Admittedly, you were a little nervous about letting Friend see it, but if you were going to get him to slip up, this was going to be the way.
Friend: Are you still there, love?
Ah, right, you had left him on read in order to change.
Sweet<3: Oh don’t worry, I’m getting ready!
Friend: Getting ready for what, Sweetheart? You saying “don’t worry” worries me greatly.
Sweet<3: I know, but this is a good surprise, promise!
Friend: You gonna send me a picture when you’re ready?
He was already cutting you off before you could get any farther. As you stepped back in the line of sight of the plush, you proceeded to half lay down on the bed. Stroking a thigh while smirking at the camera, you gave him a minute to say anything else.
Nothing else was said. Left to come to your own conclusions, the best you could do was tease him some more.
Sweet<3: If you had to guess what the surprise was to get a picture… What would you guess?
A pause. You were at least making it difficult for him to type.
Friend: Out of all the things this surprise could be, I’ll be left guessing for ages!
Sweet<3: What would you want it to be most right now?
You weren’t entirely sure what you expected him to say. Admitting he liked you took forever for him to do. Seems taking that step had left him feeling bolder.
Friend: Hmm… You dressed up in a really cute outfit. Is that it? Prancing about in front of whatever you think has a camera in it?
Was that a read or really nothing more than a blind guess? You suppose you had pranced about in a cute outfit in front of the cameras a few times before… Wait. Was his guess based on past things he’d seen? Shit, maybe you were more unprepared than you thought…
As concern started to cross your features, another text message came through.
Friend: Oh, I’m so right, aren’t I? Are you taking a pic right now? We could always video chat instead- I know you have a brand new laptop for school.
And as quickly as you were starting to have fun with your little game, he had squashed it. Did he know? He had to have. They were cameras after all! As frustrating as he could be, you were going to get the last word on him. You went back to the living room to dig your laptop out of your bag. Sitting down on the couch, you flipped it open and started up a video call.
“Oh, so you did decide to-”
Friend stops mid sentence to stare, pink hearts already floating around his head growing even more in number.
“What’s the matter,” your tone is coy as you sit a little more provocatively, “cat got your tongue?”
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mewberii · 3 years
Streamer!Scaramouche [2]
thanks for all the support in the first part! i wrote a second part where scaramouche plays genshin + the reader comes in (i tried to make it as gender neutral as possible, so let me know if there’s something off!). you’re a close friend of scaramouche and also a voice actor!
i had been planning this since i wrote the first part, but because i was busy and uninspired i couldn’t finish it. but here it is and it’s actually pretty long (over 5k words...)! i hope you guys will like this!! obviously he’s a little nicer than he is in game but,,, for the sake of the plot + it being a modern au, it had to be done sjnfdskjf
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He was selected to play the beta for genshin because of his popularity and tbh he really wanted to play it
The game hadn’t really caught his eye all that much when he first heard about it but he saw how everyone online went crazy over it (plus other streamers who also were selected to play it in early access kept talking about it) and he became more curious to know what it would be like and if it’d live to everyone’s expectations
However he couldn’t really play it until it was officially released because he had a very busy schedule, and when he saw other streams of people playing it he was,,, lowkey jealous because it did look fun
When it was finally released and the game finished downloading and installing, he went live right away
And since so many people were looking forward to seeing him play plus the game was getting so popular so fast, that stream of when he first played hit his biggest milestone of live viewers ever
ANYWAYS skip forward to further into the game
when it comes to the gacha,,,
we’ve established that this boy is loaded. he won’t hesitate to throw some big amounts of money at the game to get every single character and weapon he wants and get their constellations to the max
i feel like he’d make little bets (and it works as a way to thank the chat for the support) like “if i get (insert newest character) in the first 50 pulls, i will gift 50 subs”
he’d be SOOOOOOO LUCKY it’d make everyone who doesn’t play think that it must be very easy to get the 5 stars or that the drop rate must be very high,,,
so in the end he’d have to gift the subs and it’d be funny to see the chat go absolutely crazy because everyone is commenting at the same time trying to see if they got lucky too and got the sub
but the chat goes so fast that they can’t even see their own comment after they send it sNDJGDJSK 
he’d end up turning subs mode on for a while because it goes crazy
and that’s when he’d see people going “I GOT THE SUB-” all excited and he can’t help but chuckle and congratulate them for being one of the lucky ones
probably another game he can use to play with some subs once in a while! they could play co-op and when he’s a very high level he’d go to the worlds of some of his subs with lower level to help them with whatever they need
this is where i want the reader to slide into the picture
you’d be a voice actor, and also you have been a friend of his for a very long time
he met you even before he started streaming and you were always so supportive of him, as he was of every and each of your dreams
in fact, he would have invited you over more than once to stream with him
people don’t say anything bc they’re afraid of scaramouche banning them (it’s happened before) + they understand it can be disrespectful... but…
some people lowkey ship you two a little bit,,,,,, you didn’t hear it from me. scaramouche don’t ban me----
so one day he’s making another livestream playing genshin (sponsored by mihoyo to promote the newest update and event) and they’re going to release a new character 
AND he has told everyone that you are the voice actor of the new character, who will be introduced in the event and is also getting their own banner
so everyone is very curious of what they’ll be like, if scaramouche will try to get them (obviously he will, he has every single character…. the amount of money he has put into the game…. just thinking of it gives me the heebie-jeebies) 
could he even,,, main them,,,,
spoiler: he won’t because he’ll stay honest till the end (and no hard feelings) but there are other characters that he has built up to the max just like them and still work better with the way he plays but he’ll still find a chance to use them often
he didn’t know anything of what the character you voiced would be like because you wanted to keep it a surprise and he knew his audience would enjoy seeing his first reactions
I think the character you voice in the game would have the role that Scaramouche has in the actual game, and their design would be fairly similar (maybe similar color palette) to the design fans made for him as a genshin character (the one i mentioned that he uses for popup notifs of subscriptions and all!)
needless to say he’d absolutely love their personality and the charisma you showed in their lines
of course when he finally gets them he shows everything about them including all their voice lines and he compliments y/n’s voice acting… that was the first time people suspected that....
mayhaps… scaramouche….
has feelings for you....
it’s in the soft gaze in his eyes,,, the gentle smile on his lips,,, his soft voice when saying “I think this one is my favorite line of theirs”
and just how BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL his laugh sounds when someone comments he should invite you and ask you to do that voiceline live for him and everyone else
he’d jokingly reach for his phone and be like “should i call them? i could” 
(but he wouldn’t because he doesn’t want to disturb you, you may be busy, considering you still hadn’t replied to the messages he sent to you before he started the stream a few hours ago)
if anyone dares be mean to you saying you got the chance to voice act for genshin just bc of scaramouche
or implies that he did something to get you there he’ll get quite mad even tho he won’t speak up about it (he might if enough people say it) 
people can see something shift in his gaze,,,, and he bans them permanently right away
it’d be kinda funny when he does those “reading unban requests” streams and he goes past immediately rejecting people who said those kind of stuff, not even reading the apologies JSNKJFNDSJKGNSDK
some people say he’s too strict about it but literally his stream his rules. people who don’t like him should just not watch him
and people who like him should NOT speak badly about you or doubt your talent and effort, which is what brought you that opportunity in the first place
one day he’d be streaming playing the game, he had been using your character and gathering materials to get their last ascension
and at one point he’d grab his phone and look at the screen for a second before putting it back down and saying he had planned something else for tonight besides playing genshin for a while
then, the doorbell would ring (before he could even close the game-) and it’d be heard from his setup room so people in the chat heard it and they’re all like???
it’s definitely not takeout because scaramouche never orders takeout when he’s on his own, he usually cooks for himself and just orders it when he’s with friends and they all feel like eating something different
actually, offtopic, but i have a feeling he’d be very responsible when it comes to food and like he’d cook himself proper meals all perfectly balanced and all- he could afford having someone cook for him but his house = his privacy and personal space so he’d rather do it himself
it’s like, past 10pm, so no way it would be a package or mail at that time
and then he says “we have a visitor tonight”
and then the chat goes crazy saying “CHILDE” “HARBINGERS” but mostly “Y/N!??!?/PLEASE LET IT BE Y/N”
and omg you brought takeout--------
it had been a while since they had seen you in scaramouche’s stream and you didn’t have your own channel (even though there were many people who encouraged you to open one)
SO everyone was very excited
i feel like scaramouche wouldn’t be the biggest fan of eating on camera so you guys would put the food away so that you can eat it later on your own without an audience
and you two would just spend a while talking to the chat, watching videos
AND reviewing fanart and fanmade content together!! it’d be so cute especially fanarts of the two of you together, little animatics or comics of funny clips or memes from his streams of you two,,,
someone made a little felt plushie of the genshin character you voiced and the way you COOED because it was SO cute
only those who were truly paying attention were able to notice the soft smile on scaramouche’s lips and the way he looked at you as you gushed over how cute the little plushie is and how talented the person who made it is!!
also you’d tell him you saw signora make a stream where she talked to some of her fans on discord individually to give them advice on their life/problems (nothing too serious) and it was very funny and you wanted to do that with him someday
and he’s like “that… could be a huge mess. people could say some crazy stuff” and you’re like “NO but i talked to her about it and she said she got her mods to talk to them first and approve them before they moved them up to the channel where she was to talk to her”
and he’s like “still…….. what if people lie and then when they get to talk to us they say something-”
and you’re like “BOY!!!! DO YOU NOT TRUST YOUR FANS *GASP*” and everyone in the chat is also going “GASP” “HE DOESN’T TRUST US…” “IS THIS YOUR IDOL…..?” “SAY SORRY” (all good fun, obviously he’d love to talk to everyone if he could make sure there won’t be anything disrespectful said)
SO!!!!! you two say you’ll plan to do something like that soon and everyone is very excited, they can already tell it’ll be both super cute and hilarious
before he ends the stream, you two watch some videos together
some are about some upcoming videogames and he talks about them and what he knows and explaining things to you... he is.. so knowledgeable…
the way you look at him as he goes into a little rant about it… cinematic parallels with the way he looked at you before
ONCE AGAIN, people aren’t blind. they notice. but they keep it to themselves bc scary scara (the way i had to resist overusing this one joke with his name-)
so the stream ends and you two walk out of the setup room to go to his living room and eat the takeout you brought while watching something on tv
he apologises because the food is cold now, but you brush it off saying it’s ok, you had missed being on his streams and you two can just heat up the food again
he doesn’t look at you in the eyes as he mutters that you know you can join his streams whenever, and instead just says it as he makes his way to the kitchen to heat the food
you join him in the kitchen soon after and tell him you also bought something for dessert and put it in the fridge already before
and honestly he didn’t know how much he wanted to eat that dessert until it was in his fridge, so he can’t stop himself from sighing and saying “god, i love you”
there’s silence for a second, right as the microwave beeps as it finished heating the food
it feels eternal to him, but you immediately started laughing and said jokingly “of course you do! you’re welcome!” 
he’s happy you took it as a joke because that’s not how he planned to confess (he didn’t plan to confess anytime soon in the first place) but at the same time ?? he’s lowkey offended inside because? you took it as a joke?? is it so unrealistic that you wouldn’t even think that he meant it romantically?
it’s at that moment that he realises that if he didn’t want to confess before, now he does.
he wouldn’t want anyone to know about how he let that slip because he’s sure no one in you two’s friend group even knows he likes you
but you,,, actually,,,,, were actually caught off guard too because scaramouche wasn’t precisely one for words of affection and he showed his care for everyone with his actions
in fact, you had never heard him say those words before but well- it was kinda nice- if only he meant it as you feel it- but he couldn’t, right? who’d confess their feelings so casually while looking at a dessert in the fridge with desire-------
that night, it gets pretty late and to be honest he’s a little too tired to drive you home as he usually would, so he asks if you’d like to sleep over
it wouldn’t be your first time doing so, not even the first time you stayed unplanned, and he had a couple guest rooms that you could use so you accepted
also, staying for longer meant you could keep watching some more of that series with him without worrying about it getting late
“actually” you said in a low voice, almost a whisper, since it was getting late and you two had been in complete silence while watching the series “i lowkey still wanted to stream some more”
he scoffs but then lets out a short chuckle, replying in the same volume
“it’s past 2am, who’s going to watch me stream now?”
“i would” have mercy for his poor heart- “but i’d be the streamer too this time so it doesn’t count” 
“what even would we do”
“can we play that co-op game you played with childe? it was so much fun” 
had you not brought it up, he wouldn’t have offered that ever because? if he had recently played it with childe he didn’t want to stream it again and make it feel repetitive for his audience 
(jokes on him because when genshin came out they put up with it being the only thing he streamed for over a week. they’d rewatch any game if it’s you two playing it)
but to be honest, he didn’t really want to stream anymore that day and just wanted to be with you, just you and no one else
he got up from the couch and walked towards the hallway, making you look up to him in confusion for a second, but then started getting excited knowing this meant he was going to let you play it with him
“i don’t really feel like streaming anymore today, but we can still play it. let’s go”
the next day, you two wake up around the same time and make breakfast together
scaramouche i feel is not very talkative in the mornings 
in fact, i feel like he’s just not the most talkative in general. he’s more the type to listen, but it’s different during his streams because he’s doing what he loves and talking about what he loves
and when it comes to you and he talks more it’s because he’s talking to who he loves----
before you’re going to leave and you’re standing at the door about to say goodbye to him, he suddenly speaks up before you can
“do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?”
you raise your eyebrows in curiosity from the sudden request, but then smile at him and nod
“yeah sure! what do you have in min-”
“it’s a date” he said, interrupting you, which was weird enough of him (since he would never interrupt you), but his words were even weirder-
“h-huh?” you felt the heat rising to your cheeks, and scaramouche just repeated his words
on the outside, he looked so casual and just, confident- bUT INSIDE he was actually panicking a little bit 
but just a little bit.
After a moment, you smiled at him again, this time somewhat more shily but also excited for your date!
“I look forward to it”
Just with that, you two knew you had made the first step
You weren’t just friends anymore
You two had hung out on your own many times before, in fact and as it was mentioned before, you two had even slept over at his house or yours many times before
but it had all always been purely platonic, and you guys had never even questioned that aspect of it even after realising you had romantic feelings for each other
he’d spend the rest of the day thinking of what you could do the next day, as if he hadn’t been brainstorming for ideas all night either
i feel like he hasn’t gone in many (if not any--) dates before
solely because he has never been interested in romance plus he had never liked someone or at least, not as much as he liked you
and even when he found out he felt something for you, he just always told himself he was okay with how things were, because he’d never experienced anything beyond friendship and didn’t feel the need to try and maybe ruin the friendship
SO he didn’t have many ideas of what a good date could be
he definitely didn’t want a cliché corny date, but he really didn’t have any idea of what was good enough for a date
(and if for future dates you want something he’d consider a “”cliché corny date”” he’d do it for you and actually enjoy it)
the last thing he wanted was to have to ask you what you could do for your date
1- because he didn’t want to show you any side of him that didn’t look like he always has everything under control and he’s always composed (as if you wouldn’t want to see every side of him, even his most vulnerable sides- you’d have to work on that with him when you two become official)
2- he… kind of wanted to surprise you…..
but it really got to the point where he really didn’t know what you’d like the most (or what he’d like the most too) and what he wanted most over anything else is to not disappoint you in you two’s first date
SO he finally texted you asking if there was anything special you wanted to do (and therefore indirectly admitting he……….. just really wanted to ask you out. so much he did it without thinking of what he’d do if you said yes--)
you didn’t seem to mind, and in fact you were happy he asked for your opinion 
overall, scaramouche was very independent so he wasn’t one to ask others for advice, opinions or anything, much less for help regarding anything
“how long has it been since we last went to the arcade? we could go there! i heard from childe that they added new games!”
and he’s like !?!?!?? THAT…. is…….. the perfect idea
“that actually sounds perfect” he admitted, and the message brought a big smile to your face 
“just don’t get mad at me when you lose at all of them” he sent right after, teasing you, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh out loud
“the last time i won in your favorite game” you reminded him, and even after he read your message, he took a little bit to reply
(he needed a second to put the pieces of his pride together SJNFKJDS)
“don’t get used to it, it won’t happen again”
“we will see about that” the more you two joked like this, the more excited you got thinking about tomorrow
scaramouche was sure now that it’d be a great first date that you’d both remember forever
the next day, it was almost the time for the date and scaramouche was going to pick you up at your house
i feel like scaramouche would be very fashionable and even in his style he doesn’t try to hide that he’s loaded…
not that he cares about buying cheap clothes, literally he’d say if he likes it and it’s good (aka it’s not cheap because it’s made of something that won’t make it last longer than 3 weeks) he’ll get it
but it just so happens that many times… the clothes he likes most are from famous brands…
AND THIS DAY!!!!!! he’s putting together one of his favorite outfits because it’s a special day
it almost hurts me just how nonchalant he’d look on the outside, making it a little hard to know exactly just how much this date meant to him (because as i said he’s not one to be very vocal about his feelings or even his thoughts)
BUT i trust that you… since you know him well…. can see past all that and you know that this is not just anything casual to him. this is special.
STILL!!!! he’d try his best to not let the blush rise to his cheeks and show, as well as to not let his voice shake when he complimented that you looked very good
ANYWAYS i think i think Scaramouche wouldn’t be one for big pda
the most he’d do where anyone can see is hold your hand or put his arm around your waist
WHICH IS WHY he’d try to be all smooth (and he would manage) reaching for your hand and lacing his fingers with yours
he wouldn’t make eye contact because then he’s sure it’ll show on his face that he’s getting somewhat flustered, but he’d still ask if you’re okay with it, to which you said yes
the area where the arcade was is always somewhat crowded so when you two were getting there, scaramouche would tighten the grip on your hand a little bit to make sure you wouldn’t let go and you’d be pulled apart by people trying to walk past however they can
you know that if you two got serious about your relationship, he would want to be the first person to share the news with his fans
BUT since he was so popular now, you two lived in a pretty big city and now were at a popular area (+ scaramouche wouldn’t be the type to try and hide his identity because he’s never had people make a fuss when they recognise him)
you were a little worried someone would see you two and maybe take a picture and post it online and it’d go viral before he can admit it himself
because of that, you end up throwing back to him the question he had asked when he held your hand 
“are you sure this is okay?”
your question confused him because he didn’t know what you mean, so he finally looked you in the eyes and waited for you to explain further
“it’s just- what if somebody sees us and recognises you?”
he looked away from you and back at where he was going, taking a few seconds to answer before he just shrugged
“i don’t care”
you softly let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you waited for him to say something, and almost missed the way he whispered
“as long as it doesn’t affect you”
for someone who seemed and actually tried to seem to self-sufficient, who appreciated his friends but was also okay on his own because he was absolutely comfortable with himself, he was actually…
more selfless than people would ever know, especially when it came to you
you two would have SO much fun in the arcade, trying every single game many times
this time though, scaramouche won in his favorite game so he lived up to his words
you two won so many tickets you literally didn’t even know what to do with them once you got the couple prizes you were interested in
you bumped into a couple fans of his, so you talked for a while
once again, you were met with suggestions of opening your own streaming channel, and even scaramouche said “i’ve told them that many times too, but they always say they think their streams won’t be fun enough”
and the fans are like “NO!! literally everyone thinks you’re super nice and fun!! of course you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but we’d love it!!”
one of the fans (exaggerating a little as a joke) said “i’ll be your number 1 fan i swear” and the three of you laughed, except scaramouche who just scoffed and smirked 
“i am ALREADY their number one fan. but good try” <- scaramouche in his head. say it outloud u coward.
but at the same time it was a joke scaramouche chill pretty much everyone knows you’re their number one fan……. even though you think you’re so smooth………. they just don’t say anything 
they were very nice and fun to talk to and you knew scaramouche and you didn’t really want anything else from the prizes, so you offered you two’s tickets to them
“we don’t really need these anymore so maybe you’ll have more use for them!!”
they got SO excited, the way their eyes lit up :( scaramouche is convinced you’re an angel but he’s also very happy to see how joyful his fans got because those were more than enough for the prize they really wanted-
so after that cute little interaction and having used up your energy for competition, you two leave and think of buying some ice cream or a milkshake or something to end the date nicely and to enjoy while you walk back home
the arcade was not exactly very close to where you two lived (it was far from your house, but even farther from his-) so he asked if you were okay with walking back or if you two should get an uber or something, to which you said you were okay
walking back with him meant!! a little more time you could spend with him
and he was happy you said that because he was feeling the same way and still didn’t want the day to end
we’ll see more about the kind of things he likes and dislikes if he’s released as a playing character BUT FOR NOW i really get this vibe that he’d LOVE boba tea
i even think he’d?? enjoy tea in general??? classy boy…
SO you two would end up going to get some boba 
it was very touching how, when reading the flavors they had that day, he suddenly and casually went “oh, they have your favorite” and you looked at the one he was pointing at and !!! indeed it was your favorite!!!!!!!
he remembers this kind of details very well
you take the chance to talk some more as you’re walking home
scaramouche asks about your job with voice acting and you tell him that you actually have been recording some new lines for your genshin character lately because in the next update there’ll be an event involving them
he’s looking forward to it but he teases you a little asking if it’s okay for you to spoil him with such information
but it’s okay because it’s not like he’d tell anyone, especially knowing it could get you in trouble
when he drops you off at your house, he has a hard time saying goodbye
literally you’re standing at your door and he’s in front of you, a couple steps away, looking away from you
you don’t say goodbye either, mainly because you know scaramouche is working the courage to say something, and you can also sort of guess what he wants to say
you think of saying it first, but then think that it would make scaramouche proud to be honest about his feelings and confess first
“i’ve liked you for a long time”
you can’t help the smile that makes its way onto your face, unconsciously reaching a hand up to slightly cover it
“i feel the same way” you replied to him in a soft voice
he took a deep breath and exhaled it softly, finally lifting up his gaze and making eye contact with you
it was already dark outside, so you couldn’t appreciate the faint rosy blush on his cheeks well
“can i kiss you?”
your eyes widened for a second, not expecting him to ask and if anything, thinking he’d just step forward and do it
so you were a little embarrassed and caught off-guard to reply properly, so you just nodded and put your hand down as he took the last couple steps and his face was right in front of yours
he’d cup your cheek in one of his hands, feeling the warmth of your skin
you closed your eyes, and he looked at you for a second longer before he finally leaned in and closed the short distance that separated your lips
at that moment you both knew that you had been missing on so much more when you two just settled and were content with your friendship
but!! that was about to change now, so it was all worth it
after that, scaramouche would make clear that this would be the first day of your relationship!! and even if he didn’t say it with words, you could just feel his happiness!!
so!! after that, because of work you two got a little busy the next couple months so dates weren’t very frequent 
or at least, they weren’t dates like the one you first had
but still whenever you two were free he’d go over to your house, or you’d come over to his to play, stream together, or literally just spend time together doing anything
he wouldn’t let people know you two had started dating straight away (if anything, only his other streamer friends -aka you two’s friends in common- knew)
but the day he said it, he wanted you to be there
SO one day you two were streaming and you were currently reacting to one fanart of you two together
so he looked at you and you made eye contact and it was like you two spoke with your eyes like
“do we tell them now”
“let’s tell them.”
so scaramouche would clear his throat and without closing the fanart, he’d say he has something he wanted to announce
everyone was excited thinking it’d be some new project, maybe involving you
maybe some merch??? and the fanarts had reminded him of it???????
BUT THEN he straightforwardly said
“y/n and i are dating”
and everyone goes aBSOLUTELY CRAZY
amidst the chaos, you two catch a comment saying “will you unban the people who shipped you two” and you laugh
and you look at each other like “did you read that one?” “yeah”
and scaramouche is like “yeah, i guess i will have to unban some people”
and when some get unbanned they’re like “fREEDOM!!!!”
and jokingly they’re all like “APOLOGISE!!!!!!!! SAY SORRY!!!” so he just laughs and you join them being like “!!! apologise!!! you banned them for it and!! look at you now!!”
so he ends up trying to hold in another laugh as he mutters a halfassed ‘sorry’ and everyone starts commenting claps and hearts and celebrating that he apologised. now justice has been made.
the rest of that stream suddenly feels livelier and brighter!! you two are laughing a lot and so is everyone in the chat!! 
and also the new genshin event would’ve already just been released that same day so you can talk about some of your experiences with recording or what you thought of it
and scaramouche would let you play it yourself!! (he still hadn’t played it) and it was also the first time you played genshin live!! you’d show people the characters you have and everything and tell them some anecdotes
people would be SHOCKED because you!? don’t have the character you voiced!? D:
and you’re like “yeah… i pulled for them and used up all my primogems and… didn’t get them”
and your banner is back because of the event, so scaramouche won’t let this slide!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL GET YOUR CHARACTER.
your luck is terrible compared to his so at one point you’ll literally feel bad for how much he’s spending for you to get it
but he doesn’t mind at all and everyone is having fun so!!
and once you finally get them you’re sO HAPPY and everyone in the chat is celebrating
and you think it’s over but scaramouche is like ???? what are you doing?? open the wish page again. you’re going to get them c6.
but he won’t listen and he’ll do it
so!!! he’ll always do his best to be the best boyfriend he can be for you!! so you better give him your heart!!!!
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sachirou-senpai · 4 years
Kageyama, Yaku, Kenma and Hinata as sugar daddies.
request: ELLIE YOU CAN'T GET AWAY WITH PUTTING THIS IN MY HEAD AND LEAVING ME LIKE THIS AHSHSUSVSHS,,,, can I request some headcannons for Kageyama, Yaku and Kenma as sugar daddies? Or Hinata!!! Even though he's a sugar baby already shsghsbas ;;; Or you can choose whichever you like best between them??? I will be happy with every crumb I can get 🙏
warnings: mentions of s*x and sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships, hoshuimi is a nosy bitch, yaku has the confidence of a god (must be a leo thing) kenma is so cute ahhh, Hinata just wants someone to love and call mommy, i really love this. implied fem!reader for hinata, although i guess you could call a gn person or a male reader mommy. whatever floats your boat.
a/n: this was very fun. ;)
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what the fuck
how did he even get a sugar baby?
great question
it happened because he had a fuckton of money and had no idea what to do with it
and hoshuimi, of course
cause hoshiumi's a nosy lil bitch
saw kageyama checking his bank account app on his phone and was like
it's cause he never spends it
hoshuimi offhandedly tells him he should get a sugar baby
later that night kageyama googles what a sugar baby is
he's shook
doesn't think about it for months
until he gets this ad for a "meet sugar babies" website on a volleyball video he was watching
he thinks oh hell, why not
so he signs up, and meets you
he's so awkward oh my god
but you think it's adorable, and you're glad he's not some old dude
he doesn't know what to do so he asks you a lot of questions about what you like and stuff
the first thing he sends you, i kid you not, was a fucking volleyball
you call and ask him about it and he's like:
"it's the best quality"
you keep it.
eventually he starts sending you stuff you ask for, which works out better for both of you
you help him with the concept of a 'luxury life'
eventually gets a black card and literally just says:
"please use it for me, i don't know how"
and you're like damn okay
the first time you attempt to do something sexual he literally short circuits
you have to explain to him that a sugar baby usually repays their sugar daddy/mommy with sexual favors
he makes the 😮 face
he didn't even think you were sexually interested in him?
he'd be lying if he didn't think you were the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
and he's definitely had some um, not so pure dreams about you
and definitely jacked off to the pictures you've sent him
which he just thought was to show him what you liked
so god if he didn't fucking jump your bones right then and there
it was uh, intense, to say the least
best sex of your life
and the cuddles afterwards? on point.
you two get very attached
he really really likes you
introduces you to the team
which was embarrassing
eventually, you decide you want to become financially independent, and so you tell him you want to cancel the agreement
he fucking cries
he so desperately doesn't want to lose you
cause he's fallen in love with you
he tells you about all of the feelings and how you make him want to do anything for you and he's sobbing while telling you
you're shook, because you've kinda been developing feelings too
so you're like, okay, no sugar daddy stuff, be my boyfriend instead
total 180°
tackles you and holds you, on the floor, for like 3 hours
he still spoils you, it's a habit of his now
but you don't really mind, because you have one hell of a man by your side
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(gimmie a kageyama pls)
knows exactly what he's doing and knows exactly what he wants.
he probably met you at some sort of event, you going because you were the personal manager for some really weird guy there
he knew he wanted you the second he saw you
and he was straight up about it too
we're talking like walking up to you and saying:
"quit your job, let me take care of you."
and you're surprised, because who just says that?
you don't even know what happened, but you said yes
quit your job that night, and left with him
yeah, you fucked on the first night but so what?
he is the best sugar daddy omg
he already knows what you like just by looking at you
(no he doesn't, he's just called Alisa so many times she swears her phone is gonna break)
he's more of a surprising you with what he's gonna buy kind of guy, but he always enjoys when you surprise him
he takes you everywhere with him
he has a game in another country? you're going. guaranteed.
he just always wants to be near you
it's clearly more than a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship from the start
and he likes it that way
he just doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, so he doesn't say anything
you two fuck....a lot
it's clearly not because of the arrangement anymore
you're just naturally drawn to each other
it's intense
and you spend a lot of time together, not only because he literally takes you everywhere
just because you like it
there'll be periods of time where he doesn't buy you anything and you don't buy anything either, but you still stick around and you still have sex
and that's when he knows you actually have feelings for him
you've been in the arrangement for several years
you're practically dating
and so one day he just asks you to marry him and you're like
fuck yes
who wouldn't want to marry yaku morisuke?
cause i sure as hell want to marry him
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i think kenma likes to watch twitch streams in the background while he's playing his games
it's just relaxing
with a fake account, of course, he didn't need all the hype from when he joined their stream
one day, a streamer he was watching ended their steam and raided yours
he first heard your voice and was SHOOK
you had the prettiest voice he'd ever heard
so he looked at his computer screen and nearly died
how could someone have such a pretty voice and a pretty face?
wildly unfair, he thought to himself
at first it was just a low-key thing
he'd watch your streams, whenever you were streaming
it was a miracle you two never streamed at the same time
you were just his go to relaxation method
one day, he heard you mention offhandedly that you were struggling with money
and so you know what he did?
donated 10k
he was already basically in love with you, so why not help you out?
and your reaction was perfect
you started smiling so hard, and thanking him over and over
it put a smile on his face for the next week, kuroo though he was sick
and he did it again, the week after
and again
and again
and so finally you messaged him asking why he kept sending you so much money
and he just sent you his number, with the message "call me"
you were so nervous
but you did
you were such a big fan
and you really didn't know what to do
he was ever so kind, (lmao no) and just said:
"let me take care of you. i don't want you to ever have to stop streaming and go find a job that makes you more money."
you're so surprised you can't even speak
you agree so hesitantly, and he notices
"you deserve it, please don't feel bad. i want to spend my money on you."
and so that's exactly what he does, he'll just send you money every week
and little trinkets too, stuff you've mentioned in your streams or in the calls you'll have
you don't live close at all, but you wanted to meet up
he was sooooo nervous
kuroo, yet again, thought he was sick
and he probably was
but he came to you, and you just walked around a little, you showing him your favorite things about your city
he was just staring at you the whole time
he had come to stay with you for a week
and insisted that you stayed in a hotel with him, even though your house was literally right there
you slept in different beds
until one night you just got really paranoid about the horror game you played earlier
so you walked over and just got into bed with him
he was half asleep, but all he knew was the person of his dreams was laying in a bed next to him and he would hate himself in the morning if he didn't hold you close as physically possible
you woke up in each other's arms
annnnd that's when you both knew you were done for
he asked you to move in the day before he left
you said yes
(now i want a kenma too)
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oh my god what a baby
he just wanted someone to be with, really
atsumu was the one who suggested it
after kenma stopped sponsoring Hinata, he ended up learning how to manage his money and he was really good at it??
he invested well and now had a loooot of money
he was talking about his money like a Grown Man
and atsumu was like,
"do ya spend any of it?"
"yeah, on my investments"
"no, i meant like on yourself"
"well for food and stuff"
"m-my gym membership?"
"oh my fucking god"
so atsumu tells him to get a sugar baby
"a baby? i don't have the time for a child!!!"
queue atsumu literally dying inside
he shows Hinata an app and is like,
"don't worry, they're all grown"
so atsumu helps him fill out the profile for the app
atsumu uwu's inside when he sees Hinata checked the box for 'emotional fulfillment only'
cause like, what a precious baby
anyway, a couple hours later he gets a match
and he's like
"damn, okay hinata, nice kill"
he's so happy to find someone to talk to besides his family and volleyball friends
you two talk
and he sends you the cutest things omg
like a little plushie he saw? in the mail the next day
some MSBY merch? yeah, he's sending that too
little snacks he thinks you'd like? yep, those are going too
he sends you the stereotypical sugar baby stuff too, like pretty dresses and suits and lingerie and jewelry
he was blushing so hard when he tried to put the lingerie in the mail, atsumu had to do it for him
a couple days later, you send him a picture of you wearing it
sure, he knew you were pretty, and was undeniably physically attracted to you
but he'd never felt like that
he took the LONGEST shower
he couldn't even message you till the next morning because he knew he'd have to look at the picture and god he'd never get to bed if he looked at it any more
he was surprised in the morning when he had messages from you saying sorry and that you shouldn't have sent it and that you didn't mean to make him uncomfortable
that you would understand if he wanted to call off the arrangement
he was like WHAT???? NOOOO
so he drives alll the way to where you live and pounds on your door
you're like hinata what?
you're kissing him
he doesn't know what to do
he's desperately trying to process what you're doing, but with your tongue shoved down his throat that's a little hard
so you know what he does?
he fucking whines
and you're like ohhhh shittttt
yeah you fuck
and you get the nickname mommy
which you love
such a sweet relationship
yes, relationship
you got together
he's so happy
looks like he got laid all the time
(which he usually did, but that's beside the point)
he's just giddy
and it's the cutest thing
10/10 relationship, please cherish him forever
(now i want a kageyama, yaku, kenma and a hinata DAMNIT)
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oh my god this was so fun and perfect
@warmbearhugs i'm so glad we talked about with this, and i'm so glad you requested it
taglist: @warmbearhugs wow, i've tagged you 3 times in this post now @beanst0ck @your-local-abyss @oof-she-needs-therapy @tendouthighs @oyasenpai @senkuwu-chan @lovetsuki @kuroos-babie @keijination
send an ask to be added to the taglist!
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bnhasimpgirltm · 4 years
Until the End  [BNHA (Platonic) x Reader]
Pairings: BNHA (platonic) x reader
Warnings: a lot of death, swearing
Genre: Small Fluffy moments, and soft angst
Word Count: 3685
A/N: this idea was born from the chat between me and @jayjee.art (Instagram). She was going to draw cheerleader Bakugo and not show me, so I used my power and decided to do this. I really like writing flashbacks, so this is similar to the first fic I posted on this blog (a Todoroki fic). I’m so sorry for not posting a lot. I’ve been working on three things at once, so it’s a lot, but I hope you guys like this one! This is also a call to make platonic love a normal thing. 
note: this one is a little confusing to read, so I recommend reading it a little slower than you would read other things on my blog. 
“RUN!” Todoroki yelled urgently.
“We can’t get out,” you yelled in a hoarse voice. The smoke was getting to your lungs, and everything was on fire. You could barely see Jiro and Kaminari, and Todoroki was completely obscured.
“Keep trying!” He yelled back. 
You had been trying, and it was no use. 
“I’m sorry guys,” Kaminari shook his head. “They blocked the radio signals, I can’t call for help.”
Jiro let out a sob, but kept mining at the walls with her ear jack. 
“Can you defuse the bomb Todoroki?” You asked. 
He shook his head. 
“At least try!” Denki yells back.
“If I cut the wrong wire it will kill us,” Todoroki explains worriedly. 
“IF YOU DON’T DO ANYTHING WE’RE GOING TO DIE ANYWAYS!” You scream while hitting the wall uselessly. 
“I don’t know which one to cut,” Todoroki sweats, either from the heat or because he was nervous. 
“Cut the red one! That’s what they do in the movies!” Denki cries out.
Todoroki cuts the red wire and the ticking stops. 
Everyone let out a sigh of relief, glad to not die a horrible death to a bomb, and now trying to find a way out of the hot, stuffy, vault.
But then, it happened so fast. Todoroki had cut the wrong wire. 
Since Todoroki was the closest, he was first. 
“You do it like this (Y/N),” Todoroki said.
“This is so dumb Todoroki,” you whined. “How about we kick back and head over to hang out with Midoriya and Iida instead of doing this!” 
Todoroki thought about it for a moment, wondering if it was a good idea to let you off. 
“Fine, we can go watch a movie or something with Iida and Midoriya.” Todoroki sighed. 
“Perfect!” You fist pumped . “You’re the greatest best friend Todoroki.” 
You and Todoroki enjoyed small moments like that. They were the best examples of your friendship.
You fell to the floor laughing.
“So you’re telling me you don’t know how to ride a bike?” You asked Todoroki.
“No, I never learned,” He replied back stoically.
“We can teach you!” Midoriya offered with a smile. “(Y/n), can you get my bike?”
“Yes! Oh my gosh this is going to be so fun!” You jogged to the bike rack and took Midoriya’s bike, bringing it back to where he and Todoroki were standing. 
“Lets get started,” you clapped your hands together enthusiastically.
The last thing you heard from Todoroki was “I’m sorry I let you down again.”
Jiro was next. You and she were inseparable.
“(Y/n), do you want to join me tonight for open mic?” Jiro asked you. 
“Of course,” you agreed. “It was super fun last week.”
“That’s great, I get a little nervous singing in front of the class,” she admitted.
“It’s okay Jiro, you have nothing to worry about!” You reassured. “You’re a great singer.”
Music built your friendship, but it stayed up because your personalities matched so well. 
“Jiro!” You screamed. “There’s a Hot Topic that opened in the mall!” 
Jiro put the book down, and shot up from her seat. 
“No way!” She said. “Lets go!” 
“I know!” You excitedly did a victory cartwheel in the common room, then ran with Jiro out the doors.
“Oh my God is this Heaven?” Jiro asked.
“Maybe not, but it’s close,” you responded, looking up at the mass of band shirts and merchandise from your favorite shows. 
“How does this look, (y/n)?” Jiro asked, holding out a My Chemical Romance shirt.
“It suits you Jiro. You should get it,” you gave her a thumbs up.
She smiled back at you, digging a Fall Out Boy shirt out from under the stack and tossing it towards you. 
“We can rope Denki and Momo into this so we can be the quartet,” you joked. 
“Is this an excuse for us to get more shirts?” Jiro asked.
“Maybe?” You bit your lip and let out a loud laugh.
Jiro laughed with you, and soon, you were both on the floor laughing.
The last thing you heard from Jiro was a strangled sob, mixed with the word “Help”
Then came Kaminari, your wild card of a friend.
“Haha! Nice one Kaminari!” You yelled. This was the fifth game that Kaminari had gotten a stuffed toy from, and much to Kirishima and Bakugo’s dismay, they were the ones who had to hold them,
“Kaminari, can you chill out on the games?” Kirishima complained. “I’m being drowned by these things.”
“I’m on a roll and no one is going to stop me!” Kaminari proclaimed proudly. 
“How about (y/n) plays the next game, and if they screw it up and don’t win, we can go do something else?” Bakugo bargains.
Kaminari thinks about it. “Fine, (y/n) is a carnival game God, there’s no way they’re going to lose!” 
“You’re going to be eating your words in a minute Dunce Face,” Bakugo retorted.
You and the Bakusqaud walked over to a game that Bakugo was sure you couldn’t win. 
“This isn’t fair!” Kaminari complained. “No one ever wins this!”
“That’s the point Dunce Face,” Bakugo rolls his eyes. 
“Watch and learn everyone,” you gave a ticket to the worker behind the counter and got three darts. 
“There’s no way (y/n) is going to land three darts,” Kirishima said.
You lined up with the balloons and threw the first dart. 
“Lucky shot!” Bakugo argued. 
You looked back and grinned at him.
“We’ll see about that.”
You looked back towards the balloons and aimed again. 
“I’m just super lucky, I guess,” you mocked.
“Tch, you’re not going to get the third one,” Bakugo claimed.
Rolling your eyes, you throw the last dart at a green balloon. It bounces off, and Kaminari’s excited face shifts to disappointment.
“Ha, I told you,” Bakugo says triumphantly.
While the dart falls to the floor, you use your psychokinesis quirk and lift it.
“Eh?” Bakugo asks.
Guiding the dart forward, you stab the green balloon with it. 
“You were saying Bakuhoe?” You snarkily said. 
“THAT’S CHEATING!” Bakugo whined.
“Nice one (Y/n),” Kirishima fist bumped you, and Ashido laughed at Bakugo’s complaining.
“Which one do you want?” The person working asked.
You looked at all of the plushies.
“That one,” you pointed. 
The person working handed you the giant Ground Zero plushie and you added it to the growing stack in Bakugo’s arms.
“I hate you so much,” Bakugo groaned.
“This is awesome,” Kaminari took his phone out and took a picture of Bakugo buried under the plushies.
“I hate all of you,” Bakugo repeated.
To think that you would never have another moment with Kaminari was unthinkable. You thought you would both have forever to do stupid things together. 
“(Y/n)!” Ashido called. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked. 
She paused for a minute to take a breath. “Kaminari is going to do human tire bowling!”
“Oh my gosh, yes!” You squealed. “Lets go! Where is he?” 
Ashido motioned for you to follow her, and when you two left the common room, you saw Kirishima stacking trashcans and Kaminari standing next to Bakugo.
“This is dumb, someone is going to get hurt,” Bakugo complained.
“You worry for us Bakugo! How nice!” Kaminari prodded at Bakugo.
Sero impatiently rocked the tire back and forth. “Come on guys, lets get started.”
“I’m going first, and then Bakugo and Ashido will go. That means Kaminari and (Y/n) are a team, and they’ll go third.” Kirishima explained. “It’s like normal bowling. You get two tries, and then the next team goes. The next round, the person who wasn’t in the tire gets to be in the tire. We’ll do ten frames, so each person gets to be in the tire five times.” 
“Did he do the math right Bakugo?” Sero asked. 
“Yeah whatever, lets just start so I can beat all of you,” Bakugo smirked. 
“You’re on Bakuhoe,” you teased. “Come on Denki, let’s do this!”
The last thing you heard from Kaminari was a scream that tore through the vault and through your heart.
You were the last one hit, and your eyes teared up. It was as if everything slowed down. 
You saw your mother.
“(Y/n), come over here,” your mom called. She was watching a news broadcast of heroes who had stopped a small gang of villains. 
“Wow!” you had said. “Someday I’m going to be a hero just like that!” 
“I know you’ll be a great hero,” your mom hugged you close to her. “I know that you’ll make me proud.”
You saw your acceptance into UA.
“Did you get that mail?” You almost tackled your mom as she came in. 
“Yes, I did.” She chuckled. “Someone’s excited.” 
You shuffled through the mail that she put on the table, and found what you were looking for.
When you opened the envelope, you realized that you had been accepted into UA, the top hero school in Japan. Not only had you been accepted into UA, but you were also put into the hero course, and you would be in 1A.
“Mom! I did it!” You had shrieked. “UA HERE I COME!” 
“I’m so proud of you!” She jumped up and hugged you. “You’re going to be a hero!”
“I can’t wait!”
You saw short moments with your friends.
“Bakugo what are you reading?” You had asked.
“Hah? Nothing,” Bakugo sat on his book and defiantly looked at you.
You looked at him, suspicious, and using your quirk, you pushed Bakugo over and grabbed his book.
“Bakugo, you read ‘Maid Sama!’?” You looked at him, shocked. 
“Yeah, what about it?” He said, trying to keep his tough guy facade up.
“Bakugo, why didn’t you tell me?” You shrilled, “We could have had so many good convertations you UWU boy!”
“Shut up,” he grumbled.
You knew that Bakugo the gremlin would miss you, Kaminari, and even Todoroki. Though he would never admit it.
“How could you do this?” You asked Kirishima. “How could you betray me like this?”
“(Y/n), I’m sorry, I didn’t know-” He started. 
“No! I don’t want to hear it! I despise you Eijiro Kirishima!” You yelled. 
“Shitty Hair, put the damn card down,” Bakugo said, annoyed.
“NO! DON’T DO IT!” You pleaded. “I thought we were best friends!” 
“We are (y/n), but I must do what I have to do,” Kirishima slowly put his second to last card down. “Uno!”
“Stop him!” Ashido begged. “Someone put a wild card down!” 
“I got you!” Kaminari was after Kirishima, and he placed his wild card down, choosing red. 
“Damn you,” Bakugo grabbed another card from the deck and added to his slowly growing hand of eight cards.
“I call skip!” You put a red skip card down and skipped Ashido. 
“(Y/n)!” She whined. 
“I had to Ashido, you could have put down a card that would lead to Kirishima’s victory!” You reasoned. 
“Guess what color my last card is,” Kirishima let out a shark toothed grin.
“No!” You all yelled.
“Red seven,” he placed his card down. “I win!”
You all wailed and groaned and complained. 
“Who wants to play again?” You asked.
When you needed small things, they always came through, because you always came through for them.
“Todoroki, my drink is warm,” you complained.
“What should I do about it?” He asked, stoic as usual.
“Maybe you could make me a couple ice cubes,” you prodded.
“(Y/n), you know I’m not supposed to use my quirk without permission,” he argued. 
“But this is an emergency!” You dramatically said. 
“Fine, only this once,” Todoroki agreed reluctantly. He made four ice cubes and put them in your drink. 
“Thank you Todoroki!” You grinned at him as you sipped your drink.
Yeah your friends might have been idiots, but at least they were always there for you, comforting you in your worst moments. 
“Hey (y/n), are you okay?” Midoriya asked you. 
“Oh yeah, I’m fine Midoriya,” you said through sniffles. 
He looked at you with wide eyes. “Are you absolutely sure you don’t need me to stay?” He asked.
“Well, I do need someone to talk to,” you patted the open spot next to you on the bench.
Midoriya sat down and hugged you. “It’s okay, you don’t even need to tell me what happened.”
“Thanks Midoriya,” you said. “I’m glad you’re here.” 
“I’ll always be there for you. You’ll always be my friend!” Midoriya smiled at you and you smiled back. 
They were also there to celebrate your greatest acheivements.
“WE DID IT!” You yelled out. 
“Yeah we did,” Jiro echoed.
“I’m so glad I met you guys,” you said to your classmates. “Stay in touch with me alright? And don’t be afraid to call for help! You’ll always be my girls!”
“I love you all!” Ashido squealed. 
“Love you too,” Jiro repeated.
“You guys are the best,” Yaoyorozu added. 
“I can’t wait to be a pro hero,” Asui said.
“I hope we can see each other again soon,” Uraraka and Hagukare said at the same time.
“Same! I’m going to miss you guys so much,” you teared up and the girls of 1A group hugged.
“(Y/n), who’s agency are you going to go to?” Uraraka asked.
“Well actually,” you started,”I think that I might start my own agency.”
They all blinked at you in disbelief, then broke out into grins.
“You’re going to be great!” Yaoyorozu excitedly said. 
“I’m so happy for you!” Hagukare shouted. 
“Enough about me, who wants to get the rest of our classmates and have a graduation dinner?” You asked. 
Everyone cheered and hugged. 
It was the end of your chapter at UA, but you would start a new one once you formed your agency. 
You hoped that Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Ashido, and Asui wouldn’t be too broken up over your death.
“mY Ex-mAn BRoUGhT hIS nEw GiRLFrieND,” you sung loudly.
“She’S LiKE oH mY GoD, BuT I’M jUST goNNA ShAKE iT,” Ashido continued.
“anD tO thE FeLLa OVeR ThEre WiTH ThE hELLa GOod HaIR,” Jiro bopped.
"Won’T yOU coME oN oVEr BAbY wE cAN shAkE, sHAke, ShAKe,” Uraraka finished. 
You all burst out laughing, as Jiro danced with Yaoyorozu. 
“I’m so glad we got to spend today together,” Ashido said. “Pro hero work has been exhausting!” 
“Oh my gosh, you’re so right,” Uraraka sighed.
“I’m just glad that we could all make time to hang out,” you said. “We can always get together though.”
“Right, now who wants popcorn?” Jiro asked. 
Who knew that would be the last time you would see them in person. It was a realization that brought on strong emotional pain on top of the physical pain that came with being in a burning vault. 
Your mother spoke again, but unlike earlier, it wasn’t filled with energy. It was soft. 
“(Y/n), I’m so proud of you,” your  mother said. 
Her voice was soft and loving. It was warm, in a good way.  You missed your mom and wished that you spent more time with her after graduating.
You hugged your mom tightly and asked “Really?”
She hugged back and smiled. “My child is a pro hero that’s running their own agency. How could I be more proud?” 
“I love you mom,” you said, choked up.
“I love you too,” she said.
You had so much love to spread around, and you had given it to all of your friends. They had always deserved it.
“Shut up,” he grumbled. “I trust you okay, so don’t go around talking about what you saw.” 
“Okay, okay,” you agreed, then more seriously you said,”I love you, Bakuhoe.”
“Eh?” He asked, clearly confused.
“I said that I love you, best friend,” you repeated. 
“Yeah whatever, I tolerate you more than others I guess,” Bakugo rolled his eyes. 
“And that’s enough for me,” you sat down on the couch next to him.
“Who wants to play again?” You asked.
Everyone agreed. 
“Guys, I know I don’t say it enough, but I love all of you,” you quietly mentioned. 
“Our platonic love will keep us all together forever!” Ashido commented. 
“This is too much love, I think I’m going to fall into a hole and die,” Bakugo dramaticaly recited. 
“Bakubro, you have got to join the dark side,” Kirishima said. “We know you love all of us in your own twisted Bakubro way.”
“We should make shirts that say ‘Katsuki Bakugo Wuvs Us’,” Kaminari suggested. 
“Oh my God yes,” you agreed. 
“Thank you Todoroki!” You grinned at him as you sipped your drink. 
“That is the only time, okay,” he reminded. 
“Yeah I know.” You agreed on impulse. “I love you Todoroki, you’re the best friend I could have.”
“That’s very sudden, (y/n),” he said, surprised. “What brought this on?”
“I just need to tell all of my friends how much I care about them,” you explained.
“I’ll always be there for you. You’ll always be my friend!” Midoriya smiled at you and you smiled back. 
“I love you Midoriya,” you said.
“I love you too (y/n),” Midoriya said back. 
You smiled at Midoriya and embraced him.
It was the end of your chapter at UA, but you would start a new one once you formed your agency. 
“Girls, before we leave, I want you to know that UA wouldn’t have been the same without you guys,” you started. “I love all of you to the moon and back.”
“We love you too, (y/n),” Yaoyorozu said back. 
“I know, and I’ll remember until the day I die,” you linked arms with Yaoyorozu and Jiro, then started to skip around. 
“I still want food though, so lets go.”
“Right, now who wants popcorn?” Jiro asked. 
You all raised your hands and Jiro counted the hands that were in the air. 
“This is super random, and I know I say it a lot, but I want you guys to know how much I love all of you,” you said thoughtfully. 
Uraraka didn’t say anything and hugged you tightly.
“You have no idea how much I needed to hear that,” she sobbed quietly. 
“It’s okay Uraraka, we’ll be here for you, always,” you held her tightly. 
Your memories finished flashing in front of your eyes, and just as fast as it started, everything was over. 
And despite everything going on, you managed to smile. 
Yes, you were in pain, but just like in all of your life’s special moments, you had pushed through to let your positivity shine through. You smile would be the last thing that your friends would see of you, and you knew that your job here was done. 
They could live knowing that you had died loving them. 
“I love you, all of you,” you whispered, closing your eyes. 
Quite fittingly, those were the last words you said. 
Then, you welcomed the darkness. 
The next day, you and the other’s that had been trapped in the vault didn’t show up for work, so a group of pro heroes searched for all of you. 
The first place they checked was the vault that you had all gone to. The door was blown off, and they found four bodies that day. 
Four true heroes, lost forever. 
“Who are they?” Midoriya, the pro hero “Deku”, asked. 
“We haven’t identified them for for sure yet, but based on the information we know, we can assume (y/n) (l/n), Shoto Todoroki, Kyoka Jiro, and Denki Kaminari,” the police officer said. 
“What?” Bakugo stood next to Midoriya, questioning the officer.
“We know that you were good friends with who we assume the deceased are, and offer our condolences,” the officer walked away, not wanting to be suceptible to the wrath of Ground Zero. 
“Kacchan-,” Midoriya started.
“AGHHH!” Bakugo yelled, kicking the wall.
He remembered you and Dunce Face, and even Icy-Hot and Earjack girl. 
You had all meant something to him, even if he never showed it. 
“Ground Zero, sir, you and Deku have been the two requested to customize  (l/n)’s headstone,” a small, wiry man said. “The police said that it’s highly likely that one of the bodies is (l/n)’s, and that we should make arrangements.”
“Give it,” Bakugo motioned for the clipboard he was holding, and the man turned it to him. 
He paused on the engraving. 
“Kacchan, let me,” Midoriya said, taking the pen from him and filling the engraving part out. 
Bakugo read what Midoriya put, and reeled back. 
“I love you? Isn’t that a bit basic?” Bakugo asked. 
“(Y/n) loved us all, and was never afraid to say it,” Midoriya said pointedly.
“Give me the damn clipboard Deku,” Bakugo grabbed the clipboard and scratched out ‘I love you’, writing ‘The greatest gift to give is love, and I shared this gift with everyone.’
Handing the clipboard back to Midoriya, Bakugo folded his arms. “Well?” He asked. 
“I like it Kacchan,” Midoriya approved. 
“(Y/n) would have liked it too,” Bakugo looked at his feet.  
“(Y/n) loved everyone, and wanted us all to get along, so why don’t we start over?” Midoriya asked. 
“I guess we can do that,” Bakugo kicked at the ground, wanting to say something snarky, but refraining. He had been such an ass to Deku, so who was he to refuse a fresh start?
“Hi, I’m Izuku Midoriya, the pro hero, ‘Deku’,” Deku stuck out his hand.
Bakugo shook it. 
“My name is Katsuki Bakugo, and I’m the pro hero ‘Ground Zero’,” Bakugo introduced.
“I think we have the potential to be great friends,” Midoriya smiled at Bakugo, not in admiration to worship him, but this time as an equal.
A friend. 
Bakugo smirked back. “Yeah, I think I can make that work.”
With that, Bakugo and Midoriya walked away from the vault together, surprising everyone.
The pair knew that you would have been proud.
They had put aside their differences and past to create something new. 
All because of you. 
For even in death you were still bringing people together.
And as long as people remembered you for that, you would never truly die.
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bluebird722 · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Lian!
Summary: Rewrite of the episode “Home Fires” (but without the “nuclear weapon” subplot). It’s Lian’s birthday and the first without her mother. Come stress with Will as he goes the extra mile to ensure that his daughter has the best birthday party ever!
Rating: K
Characters: Lian Harper, Will Harper, Roy Harper, Artemis Crock, Jim Harper, Raquel Ervin, Amistad Ervin, Donny Allen, Dawn Allen, Iris West-Allen, Traya Sutton, John Smith, Queen Mera, Artur, Lynn Stewart-Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Anissa Pierce, Lois Lane, Jonathan Kent, Karen Beecher, and a bunch of OCs!
Author’s Note: Happy birthday, @youngjusticeslut! This is for you, based on this (which, I guess, is something I’m responsible for)! I just figured, why the hell not?
Will stared at the date on his calendar, with a giant red star on the particular date. He had been dreading this day for months, but it was finally coming closer: his daughter’s birthday–or, rather, Lian’s first birthday without her mother. 
He closed his eyes and shook his head. No words could describe how he was feeling. Grief? Anger? Worried? What would Lian say, when she realized that Mommy wasn’t coming to her birthday party? Would it be one of those things in the movies, and Jade would show up unexpectedly, like an army parent coming home as a Christmas gift for their children? It wouldn’t happen, and Will knew it, but it helped to imagine it. In the meantime, he had to plan her birthday party, and he wanted everything to go perfectly. This was his daughter, and she deserved to be happy. 
He had seven million things to do to prepare, he knew, and it was more than just finding the cake and buying decorations and planning games and activities; it involved working late every night for a month to be able to afford the type of party he wanted to give her. He knew so much about heroes because he had been exposed to them all of his existence, and he wanted to give her everything hero: Justice League, Marvel heroes, whatever. He didn’t care. He could probably find a sneaky way to get the whole League to attend her party, or he could dress up as a hero of her choice a la that episode of I Love Lucy. 
A small shuffle of footsteps interrupted Will’s train of thought, and he turned around to see his daughter in pink blanket pajamas. “Daddy…”
“Hey Lian.” He stood up and walked over to his daughter, rubbing her eyes and looking sleepy. “Are you all right?”
Lian patted her stomach. “Tummy ache,” she whispered. 
Will gently lifted her up into his arms and carried her to the kitchen for children’s Tylenol and a glass of water, which she finished. Then he carried her back upstairs and sat her onto her bed. “Why are you up so late, Daddy?”
Will stopped himself from lying that he was working on files and shrugged. “I was getting ideas for your birthday, Lian,” he said. “I know it’s your birthday, and you decide what you want, but I was looking up where to get the cake, the decorations…you know.” He ruffled her hair. “I know I’ve been working a lot, but I just want to be able to get you a fun party.” 
“Okay,” Lian nodded. She grabbed her feet and rolled on her back. “I want a Paw Patrol party.”
Paw Patrol. Will’s heart sank. He knew more about heroes than that TV show that he knew Lian enjoyed, but he never really watched it with her. Apparently, she watched it with her friends from daycare or when she was visiting other friends. “Okay, I’ll see what I can do to get a Paw Patrol birthday party for you–”
“Can we invite my friends?” she asked, tilting her head. “Donny, Dawn, Ani, Khary, Greg, Jenny, Artie–”
“Of course,” he said with a stroke of her hair. “But you better get some sleep now so Daddy can start planning.” 
Lian sank her head back into her pillow, her arms around her Wonder Woman plushy. Will stared at her for a long time before he closed the door behind him.
The week before, while Lian was at daycare, he and Artemis raided Party City and got all the decorations, cutlery–everything, all themed to Paw Patrol. They picked up “Pin the Helmet on the Dog”, a giant piñata, and a “Birthday Girl” sash that even if Lian didn’t want to wear, they could place it over her chair. 
He called the other parents in the private parent-child circle and told them the situation: Lian was inviting them to her birthday party, but she wanted to invite friends from daycare, and he couldn’t afford to throw two parties even if he wanted to. The daycare didn’t throw birthday parties anymore due to food allergies. Eventually, after a strenuous group text, everyone agreed that the birthday party would count as the playdate for the month, but those with superpowered children had to ensure that their children would be careful not to expose their abilities to daycare tykes.
Lian was aware, though still upset, that “Grandpa Ollie” and “Grandma Dinah” weren’t going to make it, since they had “an important business meeting”, as Ollie put it, but Will didn’t know if he could believe them; they did promise to have a big birthday dinner for her soon. Of course, Grandmommy Paula couldn’t come, but she promised to mail her present as long as Artemis would film Lian opening her gift. Violet, on the other hand, was going to be at a training session with Dick and the others, and she encouraged Artemis to attend the party; she knew that Artemis wanted to be there anyway, and they could train together later. 
Will opened the door, relieved that it was his genetic template, holding what had to be the giant cake in both hands. “Come on in, Roy.”
The human barely closed the door with his hip when a little voice came screaming towards him. “UNCLE ROY! ARE YOU COMING TO MY BIRTHDAY PARTY TOMORROW?!” 
Roy’s ears began to ring almost immediately, and Will loudly shushed his daughter from the kitchen. Still, Roy looked down at the almond eyes that stared into his with a begging look. “Of course I am, kiddo. I’m helping get everything ready.”
Lian giggled and climbed on Roy like a jungle gym. Will took the cake and carried it into the kitchen while Roy spun Lian in a front flip. “Are you ready for dinner soon, chickpea?” he asked. 
Lian nodded eagerly.
“Good,” said Roy, “because the adults and I are getting your party ready, so you will need to go upstairs soon so it will be a surprise tomorrow.”
“Now?” asked Lian. 
“Not right now,” Will said as he took her from Roy’s arms, “but soon.”
The doorbell rang again, and Will welcomed in his fellow clone, who barely had time to walk through the doorway when Lian threw herself at his leg and held tight as he walked in. Jim grinned, knelt down, and pulled her up for a kiss. 
“Isn’t someone’s birthday coming up?” he playfully asked. 
Lian laughed and kicked midair as he positioned her so he supported her up by her chest and stomach. “Oh, look, you’re Wonder Woman,” he said as he made her “fly” midair. “Wee…”
Lian giggled and waved her arms until he set her down and opened the bag dangling from the crease of his elbow. “What’s in the bag?” she asked. 
Jim accepted the mug of coffee Artemis handed to him and took his time emptying the bag. “Everything for a moon bounce for a special little girl.”
“A moon bounce?!” Lian squawked, her jaw dropping. “I gotta moon bounce?!”
Will’s stomach sank. How many kids were injured by moon bounce-related injuries per year? 
“Yes,” Jim said, “but we’re not going to set it up just yet.”
Lian and the adults gathered around for pizza, which Will had picked up earlier, while she made sure they watched Paw Patrol. Roy was on his phone most of the time, Artemis ate and scratched Brucely’s ears, and only Jim and Will paid attention to what was on TV; every time Jim babysat, he always got super into what TV shows Lian watched since it was perfect uncle-niece bonding, and Will wanted to make sure he understood the characters that his daughter clearly worshipped. 
Eventually, the child went to bed at eight on the dot; Auntie Mouse carried her upstairs and changed her into pajamas while the men went on to decorate. Once Artemis came back down, they blew the balloons, set up the kitchen table with extra folding chairs, and mixed together the punch. Jim went outside and used the light from his phone to read the directions on setting up the moon bounce and how to keep it afloat overnight. Afterwards, the adults were up until midnight making gift bags for the children and going over the schedule, from games to lunch to cake to presents and more games. Since some kids were, as Will assumed, “gender neutral” (Roy had to laugh, since that was so new to him), they had to make sure to mix up the colors so the girls wouldn’t just get pink and the boys blue; some kids got green, some got purple, some others. 
Finally, Roy set down the last bag he was working on and sighed. His back ached from hunching over work for little midgets, and even the fingers on his robotic arm hurt. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going back to the hotel,” he yawned. 
“Me too,” Jim agreed as he rubbed his face. “See you guys tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” Will greeted them goodbye as they put on their jackets and contacted an Uber to pick them up. As soon as the car drove away, Will went back to the decorations and kept going, wanting to make sure everything was perfect. He knew how many kids were coming, he didn’t want to be short on a goody bag, he double checked that there was enough food for everyone and that nobody was allergic to anything, and there was enough punch to make more bowls in case they ran out or some kid crashed and made an accident. 
“Will,” Artemis hissed. “Come on, let’s go to sleep.”
“I can’t,” he whispered back. “I have to make sure everything is perfect!”
Artemis bit her lip but smiled anyway. It looked odd. “Will, everything is perfect, I swear–”
“Artemis,” Will interrupted. He stared at the extra gift bag he was making as an emergency. “I have to make sure everything is perfect. I don’t want anything bad to happen. I want it to be the best I can give my daughter…because her…” His voice trailed off. 
His sister-in-law also looked uncomfortable when she clearly thought about her sister, who was surely not going to see her own daughter. Would it make up to Lian, to have a perfect party that her mother would not attend? Would everything Paw Patrol distract her from the pain of an absent parent? What if Lian still declared the party ruined because Mommy did not show up? Artemis rubbed her face and thought bitterly of her birthdays growing up, how even her assassin mother made time to host a small party and invite all her school friends, but Dad did nothing when his wife was behind bars. Lian didn’t deserve to have anything less than that, and for a moment Artemis wanted to hate her sister for making no indication that she was going to celebrate her daughter’s life.
“Listen, Will,” she sighed as she put her hands on his arms. “Everything will be fine, I promise. If anything goes wrong, I’m still there. So will Roy and Jim. You are not alone. Will, look at me.”
Will closed his eyes but reluctantly obeyed. Artemis smiled weakly. “I know what bothers you, and I appreciate that you’re doing this to give Lian the best birthday you can, but if you keep doing this, you’ll agitate yourself more. You’ll end up ruining the party for her if you don’t get any sleep or you strive to make everything too perfect.”
Will took a deep breath but nodded. “Come on,” she encouraged him. “Let’s get ready for tomorrow.” 
Artemis led her brother-in-law upstairs, and he was quick to brush his teeth and change into sleepwear. Still, he wasted two hours on his phone looking up nothing of particular interest until he yawned and decided that it was time to go to bed. 
Will did not remember falling asleep; he woke up promptly at six on the dot as though someone poured cold water over his face. He yawned, stretched his arms, and hurried down the stairs into the kitchen to make his daughter the best birthday breakfast ever. 
Not cereal today, he thought as he checked the cabinets. I don’t want to take her out to eat… French Toast? Maybe pancakes. 
Will wasn’t a terrible cook, but he was never one to perfect making his own pasta sauce; the one time he tried, Jade could not stop making faces and licking her teeth because it clearly tasted bad. Sighing, he pulled out his phone and looked up recipes.
Artemis walked into the kitchen with the birthday girl in her arms and was surprised to see the kitchen as though she walked into the set of a cooking show. Will was chopping strawberries at the counter, with a bowl and whisk beside him. Something heated on the stove, and Artemis tried not to moan because of how good it smelled–like vanilla and cinnamon. 
“Morning, Daddy,” Lian chirped through a yawn. 
Will instantly dropped the knife and quickly smiled. “Happy birthday, Lian,” he said. “Hope you’re hungry.”
“What are you making?” asked his sister-in-law as she set Lian into her big-girl seat. 
Will quickly smoothed the creamy filling between the bread and added strawberries and syrup before he presented the plate to his daughter. “A French Toast sandwich, with strawberries, bananas, and syrup, and chocolate chips,” he said proudly. He watched as Lian’s eyes lit up when she saw her yummy-looking breakfast and he took a deep breath. He wanted her to have the best birthday breakfast he could offer. She grabbed a fork, and Artemis helped her cut her sandwich into small pieces. Will’s heart beat faster, and Lian’s eyes widen. 
“Yummy!” she squealed before she shoved another forkful into her mouth. 
Will laughed, and Artemis gently stopped her from shoving another forkful between her lips and reminded her to chew and swallow first. Relieved, Will poured coffee for himself and Artemis, and cooked another patch before the party would start.
Artemis was outside and setting up decorations and party bags when the doorbell first rang. Lian was watching TV with her father, but Will was quick to walk up to the front door. All of a sudden, his anxiety came back. What if everyone else who came hated the party? What if this was the only kid who came to the party? Swallowing, Will peered through the peephole but opened the door with a smile. 
“Hello, Will. Are we late?”
“Raquel! No. You and Amistad are the first to arrive!”
The young woman clutched her squirming son and grinned. Will smiled at the little boy, clearly looking for his friend. “Come on in. Artemis is out back, but Amistad here can–”
“Ami, Ami!” Lian was at her father’s side within a moment and jumping. Raquel set down her son, and the children embraced.
“Aw,” cooed Raquel. 
“Today is your birthday,” said Amistad as he pet Lian’s hair. 
“Auntie Mouse is outside, and we got a moon bouncy,” Lian squealed. She and Amistad grabbed hands and ran to the backdoor but could not reach the doorknob. Will shook his head and opened the door for them. 
Over the next hour, Will did his best to relax. The party was going off rather smoothly. Lian’s friends were there, both from daycare and the parents’ group. Donny and Dawn, who somehow knew not to run around, were laughing and rolling around the lawn with Zehra and Khary. Artur and Traya were having too much fun inside the moon bounce with Greg and Brandon. Many of the daycare moms were still starstruck to meet Iris—the GBS reporter! Lian’s daddy knew a news reporter from the second biggest national news station, after GMA!—and Artemis, who had dropped off Brucely at the Watchtower for the day, was happy to photograph as many things as possible.
“It’s hard getting my kids out of the house sometimes,” sighed Nicole as Lian tried doing a cartwheel while Dawn and Zehra cheered her on. “What’s your secret?”
Will swallowed, at loss for words. “Uh, well, when you’ve lived with a millionaire most of your life, you get to travel a lot, more or less like an army brat, and you make friends with whoever does business with your adoptive dad. So…” He felt so awkward and worried that she could sense it. “I guess it’s…doing something new every day.”
“Ani, Jenny!” Lian and Dawn screamed.
Anissa and Jennifer, each carrying a present, shoved them into Lynn’s arms and bolted for their friends. “Happy birthday, Li!” Jennifer giggled. 
“Lynn, so happy you could come,” Will said as he handed her a cup of punch and offered two more to her daughters. The girls wiped their mouths, thanked their host, and let Lian tug on their hands as she rushed to introduce them to her friends from daycare. 
Will introduced Lynn to all the daycare mothers, who were very nice and alternated between watching the children play and talking to each other. “Wow, your daughter is really a social butterfly,” Masasa commented. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s voted Homecoming Queen in the future!”
Will forced himself to chuckle. He couldn’t imagine Lian at age six just yet, so just the thought of her as a teenager felt weird.
“Everything okay?” Lynn asked in a voice low enough so the daycare moms didn’t hear. 
“Yeah,” he whispered. “I’m not used to playing host, and…I’m worried something might happen.”
Lynn cocked an eyebrow. “Say that again.”
Will gestured for her to follow him as he slowly walked from the daycare moms. At a considerable distance, he took a deep breath. “I get nervous around the women from daycare. It’s not easy being the only dad–well, only really involved dad. I mean, other dads will help with things, pick up their kids and all, but…” Then he swallowed and double checked that nobody was watching. “I’ve heard quite a few women notice that I’m the only one of Lian’s parents to do things, and they’ve said some rather mean things, like her mother is a bad parent for not being with the other moms or…picking up our daughter.”
Lynn’s face made him think that he told her that her brother had just died. “Are you serious?”
Will nodded. “Yeah. Sometimes I have Artemis pick Lian up, just because…it’s kind of hurtful.” When Lynn didn’t say anything, he continued. “That’s why I want this party to be perfect, so these mothers can let the others know that I am a good single father even if I don’t have my wife with me.”
Lynn glanced at the daycare mothers chatting animatedly with Iris, Mera, and Raquel. “Well, I think it’s enough that you have her aunt involved, but…at least you have us. We know you don’t project your daughter’s needs to her aunt. We got your back.”
Will felt completely grateful and nodded. 
The doorbell rang shortly after Brandon won Pin the Helmet on the Dog, but some of the kids alternated between running inside and some were already back outdoors. Artemis reassured Will that she would watch over the kids so he could answer the door. 
“Hello, brother.”
Will smiled at his fellow clone, who carried a present wrapped in appropriately themed wrapping paper, but his smile sank when he saw Roy hunched over his phone. “Someone’s not in a party mode?” he asked. 
Jim glanced at their genetic template. “I practically had to drag him from the hotel. I’m starting to think that he may have second thoughts about being caught in a kiddie party.”
“I’m not deaf, you know,” Roy groaned. Jim chuckled. 
“Lian, Uncle Jim and Uncle Roy are here!” Will called out. “Put that down, however you pronounce your name again!”
Jim laughed and elbowed Roy to follow him inside, where Lian ran to them both for hugs and then dashed through the backdoor. He grimaced as he tried to set down his gift somewhere on the mountain of presents without it falling over. Once he was satisfied, he followed Will into the backyard. Some of the mothers he recognized, and the others must have been daycare moms. The only other guy was definitely the human android that Red Tornado set up. Roy walked away, but Jim looked up and saw a very familiar face that he was happy to see. 
“Hey, Karen!”
The expectant woman grinned, and they hugged as tightly but loosely as they could given her condition. “Glad to see you!” He quickly peeked around. “Mal’s getting better, I hope?”
Karen nodded. “Yes, but he encouraged me to come anyway, and I’m going to film Lian opening our present for him. Plus…” She glanced around at the little ones laughing and having fun. “When you’re going to be a member of an exclusive club like this, you don’t turn down the invite for what you’re expecting.“ 
“Absolutely,” he agreed, thinking of his protégé and how excited he was for the couple.
“So, uh…how’s Karen?” she asked as she cradled her baby bump. 
Jim grinned. “Your, uh, closest ‘geranium’ is doing well, and she hopes you’ll come back and visit soon.” He liked to see how Karen’s eyes lit up. “They all miss you and can’t wait to hear about your dissertation. Definitely let me know if—”
What cut him off was a squeal of laughter, and Donny and Dawn jogged behind the other kids, waving their arms and making silly noises. Artemis secured a few pictures, but Will could not laugh. He watched his daughter and a friend from daycare attempt to hula hoop, but both failed miserably. Fortunately, Lian just laughed, and so did her friend. He noticed Roy succeed in opening a bottle of water with one hand and offer a kid a juice box.
Then Will looked over his daughter’s head and panicked when he saw Mera put her hand to her son’s forehead. The prince must have dehydrated himself in the moon bounce. Will grabbed a water bottle and hurried over. “Here,” he said. “He looks thirsty.”
“Thank you,” Mera said as she handed her son the bottle and encouraged him to drink. Will checked to make sure nobody was watching, but he was worried. He wanted his daughter’s birthday to be perfect, and that did not include a child passing out, especially an Atlantean. 
When Artur took deep breaths, Will fanned him as best as he could. “If you want, the bathtub is upstairs if he needs a good soak.”
“Thank you, Will,” Mera said, “but I think he’s good for now.”
“You sure?” Will asked the prince. Artur hesitated but nodded. Will sighed in relief and chuckled when he saw some of the day care moms—Denise and Nicole—standing close to Jim, who looked amused and uncomfortable. Nicole, with the black hair, nodded to what he was saying and brushed something off his shoulder. 
“Lois! I’m so glad you and Jonathan could make it!” the host greeted the last guest before he welcomed the two inside.
“Thank you for inviting us,” Lois said. “I mean, I know he’s a little young for birthday parties, but it means a lot that you welcome us here.”
“Of course.” Will led mother and child to the backyard and ruffled the baby’s hair. “My daughter enjoys playing with your son, and she wanted him to come.” Then he clapped his hands and put on his best host smile. “All right, everyone, who’s ready for the piñata?”
Even little Jonathan bounced in his mother’s arms as he watched the children line up. Artemis took a picture of her niece clutching the Sky piñata before Jim hung it over a tree branch and Roy tied a bandana over Lian’s eyes. He handed her a wooden baseball bat. 
“Hey, no fair!” Jennifer whined. She pointed to the older kids behind her. “They’re bigger than we are, they’ll hit it better!” Then came a little chorus of protests, and Will panicked. He tried to read his daughter’s face, but it was hard given the blindfold.
“Not quite, kiddo,” Jim said with a smile. “Who says that I can’t lift”—he tugged on the rope so the piñata went up a few inches higher—“for the taller ones?”
“Damn, he’s so hot,” Will heard Kath mutter to herself or the other mothers. He tried not to chuckle, even though he knew that if Jim found out, he would have turned red. 
It took about half an hour and tiny cheers of encouragement, but at last Sky broke apart when Amistad whacked the side, and a shower of candy poured onto the grass. Children rushed over and grabbed handfuls of Tootsie Rolls, sugar stix, Twix bars, Kit Kats, lollipops, and Twizzlers, which their parents said they would hold onto until after presents. 
“All right, everyone,” Will said after he checked the time, “who’s ready for birthday cake?”
Roy would never admit to anyone that a hoard of tiny legs and bodies nearly trampled him to the ground in a rush into the house, and he was sure that one kid kicked him in the gut, but nobody noticed because everyone in the kitchen impatiently watched as Will removed the cake from the refrigerator. 
Will set down the giant Paw Patrol cake in front of his daughter, with the 3 candle lit and dancing. It was 4:16—the exact same time that Lian was born, after her mother was in labor for sixteen hours. The birthday girl and her friends bounced in their seats as Will and Lian posed for her aunt. Then Will let her take a picture of all the guests before he said, “All right, everyone sing…”
“Happy birthday to you…”
Lian blew out the candle, and her friends, their mothers, her father, her aunt, and her uncles clapped and cheered. Then Will slowly cut the cake into equal wedges and set them on tiny Paw Patrol paper plates for the children. (He then worried that someone would notice that he gave Donny and Dawn slightly bigger slices and regretted not ordering a stack of cupcakes for everyone so the twins wouldn’t detect if they were eating something sugar-free).
Lian, for no reason, ended up shoving her slice of cake in Roy’s face. Her friends burst into laughter, while their mothers blushed. Jim chuckled, but then he felt a stranger caress his arm and then his back a little too much for his liking. Will, for once, stopped worrying and started laughing. His daughter was happy. She was making other children laugh. 
Roy, who thought that Lian had wanted to whisper something in his ear, stared as cake fell from his face and onto the table. Lian giggled and licked her fingers. He shrugged and ruffled her hair. Little goofball—he couldn’t get mad at her. Then he searched for a napkin, but his eyes instead hit Artemis holding a camera, pointing in his direction, clicking more than once. The humiliation came back in a fresh wave. He needed to break that camera apart and burn it. He could not let anyone else see evidence that a three-year-old “caked” him like a newly married couple to each other. 
“Jennifer, no!” Lynn warned as she grabbed her daughter’s wrist before she could shove her own slice into her sister’s face. Anissa either didn’t care or was laughing too hard to notice. Will grinned as everyone ate and Jonathan smashed his fist into his own slice, and then he, Artemis, and Jim carried the presents and set them on the table where the cake had been.
At Auntie Mouse’s request, Lian had to open Grandmommy Paula’s gift first, though everything was filmed anyway. Paula gave her granddaughter two dolls that she had since she was a girl, a black dress, and a storybook in Vietnamese. Although Lian was not learning to speak Vietnamese fluently, she was able to read and understand some vocabulary. Will helped his daughter read aloud the letter his mother-in-law wrote, Lian in love with her grandmother’s handwriting. Artemis couldn’t help but feel like crying because Paula said the best words to her little sunshine. 
Artur gave her a pink conch and told her to hold it to her ear so she could hear the ocean. Lian nearly squealed because it sounded so real, but not even the little prince could explain why it could do that. Jennifer gave her a Justice League coloring book that featured nearly every hero in its history (Lian knew better than to point out that she found her own daddy in the book) and a stack of crayons, Anissa bought with her own money Green Arrow and Black Canary plushies for Lian’s collection, while Amistad’s gift was a kiddie bow and arrow set with suction cups, and Traya’s a kid-friendly book on different religions. Jonathan’s parents gave her a Superman teddy from Build-a-Bear, Donny and Dawn a picture album of their adventures to the beach and the zoo, and Zehra two stuffed cats. Khary gave her a collection of Peppa Pig plushies, Greg a candy-making kit, and Brandon the same set of Paw Patrol rain boots that he had so they could be "twins” for the daycare’s upcoming trip to an apple orchard.
Roy gave her the Brave read-along book, Artemis a collection of clothes, and Jim a suitcase with wheels to carry books, clothes, and toys for when she came to visit him, her name embroidered in sapphire blue. All three of them also gave her cards declaring their absolute love for the niece they shared and how she lit up their lives.
After Lian opened a bumblebee pillow pet from Mal and Karen, Will handed her his present. She pulled apart the wrapping paper to the solar system set that she wanted for a long time and a framed poem of a father’s love and wishes for his daughter. Everyone, even Roy and Jim, started tearing up as Will coached his daughter into reading it out loud. He promised to hang it over her bed after the party. 
Afterwards, the party spent the afternoon in the living room. The TV played Paw Patrol, but the children alternated between watching and engaging in other activities. Lian and Jennifer made buzzing noises to Jonathan using the bumblebee pillow pet. Artur, Traya, Anissa, and Dawn gathered at the coffee table while Jim entertained them with card tricks, and Masasa gave him coffee and a wink. Roy feigned interest as Donny, Greg, and Zehra sang along to whatever was on TV again and bounced on his lap and the couch. Amistad, Brandon, and Khary played Justice League while Raquel, Mera, Iris, and Karen got to know Nicole, Kath, Denise, and Grey. Will talked mostly to John and watched as Artemis made sure to snap pictures of everything. 
Slowly, beginning at six, the guests began to leave. Jennifer and Donny whined and complained as their respective mothers escorted them out, but they were excited to go home and open their party bags. Although the parents helped Will clean up as much as they could, only John, Roy, Mera, and Jim stayed. By the time Mera and John left, with Traya and the prince behind them, Will thought he was going to cry in relief. It was hard playing host and keeping an eye out on little bodies. Roy ordered a pizza for the remaining four adults to share as they finished the ice cream, and Will began washing the dishes. 
“Did you have fun, baby girl?” Artemis called out. A yawn was her response. Artemis chuckled and walked into the living room to sit beside her exhausted niece, rubbing her eyes and struggling to hold up her head. “Ready for bed? You must be sleepy.”
“No,” she sighed. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” 
Lian nodded but yawned again. Artemis smiled and prepared to slide her hands under her niece’s body, but Lian made a noise of protest. “No, I want Daddy.”
“Is everything okay, Li?” Will asked as he stepped out of the kitchen.
Lian nodded and held out her arms. “Daddy put me to bed.” 
Will smiled and picked her up. Her head immediately landed on his shoulder. “Oh, my little girl’s exhausted,” he said. “Did you have fun today?”
Lian nodded as he carried her into the kitchen so Jim and Roy could hug her goodnight before she went to bed. “I did,” she whispered.
Will gave Lian a quick bath and had to keep his hand on her back to keep her from falling asleep in the tub, and brushed her teeth for her while she struggled to keep her mouth wide open. Lian sleepily wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his collarbone as he helped her into her pajamas. Will laid her onto the mattress, but before he pulled the covers to her chest, Lian threw her arms around him again. “Thank you, Daddy,” she yawned. “It was the best birthday ever.”
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oikirstein · 4 years
idk if this serious or not but i’m going to do it anyways 😁
1. do you have a crush on anyone?
on oikawa 😏
2. what’s your favorite candy?
my favorite candy are those rainbow sour belts and also that tamarind candy that you push up in the green container with a red cap
3. favorite love song?
i have such a hard time picking my favorite songs because it always changes but right now, it’s probably white ferrari by frank ocean which probably is more of a falling out of love song than a love song but oh well
4. what was your first kiss like?
lmaooooo hahaha n e wayz
5. what was your last kiss like?
the last person i kissed was my oikawa plushie
6. sexual/romantic orientation?
heteroromantic (i think) & bisexual
7. do you prefer poems or love letters?
what about a poem in a love letter 😉
8. favorite fanfic trope?
50k words slowburn enemies to lovers with eventual mutal pining but they’re both too prideful and blinded by their “hate” that the tension keeps building and building until one of them goes “you wanna kiss me so bad you look stupid” and then they makeout until they pull apart so the other can say “what now?” 
9. have you ever been in love?
no </3
10. favorite milkshake flavor?
oreo/cookies and cream/chocolate and vanilla swirl
11. dinner dates or brunch dates?
12. favorite flowers?
probably hibiscuses, roses, purple hydrangeas and irises, baby’s breath, and cherry blossoms (or is that classified as a tree)
13. favorite perfume/cologne?
i don’t really wear expensive perfume or anything but my favorite scents one of my favorite scents is rose from bath and body. some of my other favorite scents are winter candy apple, black cherry merlot, japanese cherry blossom, and cucumber melon
14. favorite candle scent?
i like candles that smell refreshing. candles that smell like food or something too sweet (like snickerdoodles or caramel) give me headaches.
15. what’s your ideal first date?
my ideal first date would be making each other short little playlists on spotify and driving around late at night heading towards the sunset while we play each other the songs and rate them.
16. favorite love story?
me and oikawa 🥰
17. what’s the most attractive thing a person could wear?
one of those nice silky button ups with the sleeve rolled up to their elbows and a few of the top buttons popped open + nice black slacks 
18. chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet?
red velvet is just chocolate with red food coloring and cream cheese frosting so do i really need to pick between the two?
19. snow, rain, or sun?
as someone from the west, i would like to say snow but i know i love the sunny days
20. sweetest romantic memory?
when i got my oikawa plush in the mail
21. favorite dating sim (and favorite character)?
i must be dumb because when i read this i thought of the sims—like the game with bob pancakes. i haven't played that many dating simulator games but for now i’d say mystic messenger because talking to 707 gives me serotonin 
22. fictional crushes?
*harshly exhales through nose*
my current brainrots go as following in no particular order:
toru oikawa 
jean kirsten
rintaro suna
levi ackerman
ryota kise
mikasa ackerman
annie leonhart
armin arlert
koshi sugawara
kyoko kirigiri
sayaka maizono
byakuya togami
nozomu nanashima
shoto todoroki
shouta aizawa
denki kaminari
should i go on 🤔
23. what’s your dream wedding like?
24. what makes you blush?
physical contact and witty remarks 
25. do you believe in love at first sight?
no because i think to be in love there needs to be an established form of trust
26. do you believe in soulmates?
27. denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets?
denim jackets for sure
28. what’s your sign?
leo sun, libra moon, capricorn rising
29. are you single?
yeah 🙂 but that can change 😏
30. do you prefer to charm, or be charmed?
be charmed 
31. guitar or piano?
i really want to buy an electric so im saving my money, but i have an acoustic and a keyboard. i’m pretty basic on the acoustic i can’t do barre chords to save my life but i’m trying to get better at piano haha. if i had to pick, then i wish i could master piano.
30. favorite romcom?
i like to watch the notebook :)
33. do you fall in love easily?
please i almost applied for a job at pet smart because a cute guy worked there
34. valentine’s decorations: yay or nay?
i want to say no because they’re tacky but some of them are cute
35. would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? what’s your dream proposal?
i would prefer to be proposed to. my dream proposal would be quaint and intimate, maybe going to a little place that holds a significant memory for the both of us or maybe it would be in aisle 3 of 7/11 🤷🏽‍♀️ i think the only thing that matters is that we’re both sure of our feelings for each other and are ready to commit to a life of love
36. cloud gazing or star gazing?
star gazing thru the sunroof of their car in the woods or smth 🥺
37. do you like to dance?
i’m not good at dancing, but i’ll dice roll into every room
38. what’s your OTP?
dramione aka the blueprint for my love of enemies to lovers + tsunderes
and also kagehina because they just have so much chemistry and also because they’re my comfort ship
like before i even really got into the fandom, i was sitting there on netflix like “they would be cute together”
39. kittens or puppies?
40. coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
i really only drink hot chocolate in winter or around the holidays so i think i’d say tea. my favorite to drink is black tea with 3 teaspoons of sugar and a splash of milk
41. favorite soda?
diet coke or royal (filipino brand orange soda)
42. do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
lying dramatically on the sofa and pretending i’m dead to practice how my body is going to look when i finally kick the bucket 
43. favorite ABBA song?
gimmie! gimme! gimme! (a man after midnight), waterloo, dancing queen, mamma mia, andante andante, one of us, thank you for the music, and lay all your love on me 
sorry lol i can't pick a favorite
44. fuck/marry/kill? (anons name 3 people of your choice)
sorry i can’t answer this one without the people 😣
45. favorite pajamas?
they’re red fleece plaid pajama pants and a black tank top or just a really baggy shirt
46. favorite liquor?
this feels illegal to answer
47. do you think about love a lot?
yeah *sighs* i might try shifting to haiykuu or something
48. a walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
a walk on the beach 🤩
49. hand kisses or nose kisses?
wait those are both so cute. nose kisses and inner wrist kisses 
50. what’s your dreamhouse?
my dream house would probably be something like a colonial modern house with a porch that wraps all the way around, blue shutters, and a painting room, with a big kitchen, maybe 2 stories, 3-4 bedrooms with 4-5 bathrooms (yes i want every room to have an ensuite bathroom), central vacuum system, dishwasher, etc.
i just want a semi-large house with all the things i wasn’t able to have growing up
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barewiings · 4 years
tl;dr -- take this poll pls bc i have too many (brand new) plushies so can yall help me get rid of them? some characters include rilakkuma, cinnamoroll, penguin? from sumikkogurashi -- “kawaii” japanese characters like that 
          //so i have turned into leah and have been hoarding plushies bc i’ve been playing an app where you can pay to play a crane game machine from your phone, and if you win stuff they’ll ship it to your house for free. definitely legit, i’ve gotten tons of shit from playing (but not without paying an arm and a leg sometimes bc what is self control) 
          anyway, im just realizing how many plushies i actually will acquire once international mail isn’t as delayed as it is now and ..... do yall like plushies (or me) enough to buy them off me or to accept them from me in the form of a giveaway as a form of my love for you all? maybe at like a follower milestone? 
          when it comes to selling, i try to not be an asshole and i lowkey underprice stuff sometimes bc i hate getting rejected lmao but shipping always is a bitch and makes things hella expensive, and i get that. so i really try to be mindful of budgets. full disclosure though, if i sell, it’d probably only be within the u.s. unless someone teaches me how to ship international, bc i’ve never shipped international before and i’d hate for international folks to lose their shit bc i made a mistake :c 
          anyway if yall wanna buy or want me to hold a giveaway uhhhh do this poll pls??
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sally-mun · 5 years
Ever met a celebrity or anybody famous? The most famous person I've met was a former pro boxer, by the name of Ray 'Boom-Boom' Mancini at a charity dinner at the banquet center I worked at 4 years ago. Nicest man you'd ever meet and he even sent me a signed autograph picture in the mail. I'm a Star Trek fan and I'd love to meet the cast of TNG, but autographs and conventions are so expensive. Of course there's the chance you could catch one of them on a bad day and get the brunt of it
If we’re including conventions, then yeah I’ve met several famous people before. I’ve met and gotten autographs and/or selfies from voice actors and screen actors, and I’ve occasionally met some artists too! Outside of that, though, I can’t really say I have. Even my best and most extensive meeting was still at a convention. You could even argue that Mario Marathon was kind of a convention in a sense, albeit a super limited one!
I wasn’t sure if I should include a list or not, so as a compromise I’m going to do so below a cut!
Voice Actors:
Sonny Strait (voice of Krillin) -- Got to spend basically an entire day with him! Unexpectedly encountered him at a convention waaaay way back in the day and he just kind of adopted me and the other handful of fans that were hanging around. He gave us all free DBZ CCG t-shirts, let us sit in the DBZ hummer, and signed anything we put in front of him!
Christopher Sabat (voice of Vegeta) -- I brought him a set of cookies made to look like dragon balls, and brought my favorite Vegeta card that I’d been saving for something like 17 years or so on the off-chance I could ever get it signed. He was so moved and impressed that he gave me two other autographs for free~
Todd Haberkorn (voice of Jaco) -- This was the same convention where I got to meet Chris Sabat, and I also brought him a box of cookies. He was so excited that he dug into them right then and there, and then when signing my card he even wrote “Thanks for the galactic cookies!”
Chuck Huber (voice of Android 17/Hiei) -- I’ve gotten autographs from him a couple of times for different characters. One of the items I got signed was one of the original Hiei action figures back when Yu Yu Hakusho first debuted in the US. He was impressed that I had it at all, let alone that it was in the box. (Amusingly, the only reason I did was because I had one previous to it that was out of the box on display and whose sword had broken. I got a new one intending to replace it, but just never opened it.)
Chris Rager (voice of Mr. Satan) -- SUCH a nice guy! We had a nice little chat and I offered him some dragon ball cookies I’d been handing out that day. He signed my trading card and took a selfie with me! I caught him at a panel where he told some absolutely amazing behind-the-scenes stories that I still tell to other people to this day.
Chris Cason (voice of Tien) -- Not much to say about this encounter, I didn’t get to say much more than a hello and thank you before he had to go. I’d missed the official signing session and just happened to catch him after a panel.
Team Four Star -- I catch these guys every opportunity I can manage, and every time I bring them some DBZ-themed treat. I refer to myself as “Snack Girl” when I come to get autographs, and at my last encounter Lanipator mentioned that I looked familiar when I came to the table, so I guess I’m making an impact! I have several stories concerning these guys, way too many to list here.
Little Kuriboh (YGOA voice of Merik, DBZA voice of Freeza) -- Amusingly I met him the time I was at a convention in my Piccolo costume, and that ended up being a whole conversation by itself. It then immediately turned into a conversation about Fallout because someone had brought him some New Vegas playing cards, lol. He was enamored with the trading card I had brought him to sign, and we had a discussion about a fund raiser he’d hosted to raise money for disaster relief where I’d won one of the auctions he’d held.
Kevin Conroy (voice of Batman) -- I found out very late that he was going to be in town, like maybe a week or two before, and dropped EVERYTHING to be able to meet him. When I was in line for an autograph I was so worked up that I kept getting light headed and having heart palpitations. By the time I actually made it to the table I was so starstruck that I could barely say anything. I’m pretty sure I said “I can’t believe you’re here” (??? wtf past-me) and something about him being so talented. He thanked me and didn’t really say much. I had also paid for a photo with him, and in the photo you can see my hand gripping the side of my leg REALLY tightly because I had a very strong instinct to hug him and I WAS NOT ABOUT TO BE THAT FANGIRL.
Charles Martinet (voice of most of the Mario cast) -- Holy shit, this man is playful! He was an absolute delight to talk to, and even just to watch with other people while I was in line. He was very open to whatever sorts of fan requests each person had and was just so warm and gracious with each person that came up. I mostly just wanted to shake his hand and tell him that Mario games basically set me up for the person I grew up to be today. The thing that amused me the most is that if you had him autograph one of the prints at the table, which had all the Mario characters on it, he’d do the voices of each character while doodling little word balloons for them~
Screen Actors:
John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who/Torchwood) -- This was one of the first times I’d gone to a convention specifically to meet an actor. He was a lot of fun and did his best to be chatty, but his handlers were kind of hurrying people along. He was especially tickled by my name (I guess he doesn’t sign too many autographs made out to “Leda”), and he even signed a second item that we happened to have for free!
Cary Elwes (Wesley in The Princess Bride, among other things) -- This was another one of those moments where the weight of just WHO I was meeting got to me and I completely lost my voice. I think I said something about having grown up watching Princess Bride ever since I was a little kid?? I honestly don’t remember what I said, it’s kind of a blur. All I know is that I was so struck by the moment that I didn’t even remember to say that I also love him in the Saw movies.
Billy Boyd (Pippin in Lord of the Rings) -- Not a lot I can say about this one because it was a very fast-paced, conveyor belt sort of affair. We exchanged greetings and he thanked us very much for coming out to see him, and we all agreed that Pippin is totes the best hobbit.
Robin Lord Taylor (Penguin in Gotham) -- One of my favorite interactions meeting a celebrity, for sure! He was actually really interested in knowing about -me-, which completely threw me off-guard. He wanted to know where I was from and what I did for a living, and when I said I was a manager at Spencer’s he got really excited and squeaked “I LOVE Spencer’s!” While he was signing my doll I explained that Penguin is by far my family’s favorite character in Gotham and that we had a joke where, anytime the show switches back to him, we say “Meanwhile, with the REAL main character...” He got a big kick out of that~
Khary Payton (King Ezekiel in The Walking Dead) -- So I don’t watch a huge amount of Walking Dead, but I watch enough that I wanted to come along when my mom went to go get an autograph from him for my brother. He’s definitely the friendliest celebrity I’ve encountered -- so much so that he wouldn’t stay behind the table! He spent the entire time in FRONT of the table so he could hug every single person that came to see him! It was a nice strong hug, too, and he was just so welcoming and pleasant. I told him that, if I had to choose one of the communities in The Walking Dead, I’d absolutely choose The Kingdom. He threw his hands up to his sides and said dramatically, “You will always have a place in my kingdom!”
Penn & Teller -- This year my mom took me on a surprise trip to Las Vegas, and while we were there we got to see Penn & Teller perform, which has always been a dream of mine! After the show they came out into the lobby and they did autographs and selfies with anyone that wanted one, and I got to meet them each. It was a little disarming hearing Teller talk, and Penn was as funny as ever because he’d loudly comment whenever someone’s phone wasn’t working. During this trip I also had my Boris plushie as my “traveling doll” and asked if they’d take pictures with him as well, which they both obliged. Teller seemed particularly amused by Boris.
James Rolfe (the Angry Video Game Nerd) -- So I actually have kind of a long history with him, which originated with me contacting the show to donate a fairly odd peripheral accessory. I given a green light and provided an address, and since I was going to be mailing him anyway, I basically just got a big box and threw in any video game related stuff that I didn’t want anymore and didn’t feel like putting the effort into selling. It ended up being a HUGE box, so much so that I included an inventory list to make sure he didn’t accidentally throw something away. To my surprise he actually mailed me back an autographed AVGN print thanking me for the donations! I thought that’d be the end of it, but he’s actually since featured that peripheral several times on the show, and even included an Easter egg that I asked for twice! This year I got to meet him at Too Many Games and introduced myself as the one that sent the item in. He mentioned that they had a lot of fun messing with it.
Mario Marathon team -- I’m known as one of the regulars since I’ve been around since the first year, and a couple of years ago I was actually invited to the marathon itself as a player! It’s definitely one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and I only wish I could do it all over again! Everyone was just... wonderful~ I was there for several days so there’s obviously way too many stories to tell, but at least in this case you can always go watch the videos on Twitch.
Steven Butler -- This was particularly amusing because I was the one that caught him by surprise. I happened to be making my way through the Artist Alley when I realized he was there, and since no one was at the table at the time I went over to talk to him. We had an awesomely long chat about his work (I was going through a sample book on the table) and his time drawing for the Sonic comics. He tried to bring it up as a talking point, and I told him “I know, I own some of your pages!” which REALLY threw him for a loop! He showed me some art for a new Sonic-style story he’s been working on, and I completely fell in love with a character that was clearly inspired by Sally (and I’m not just assuming, he confirmed as much). I then started talking about @fini-mun and how it’s only a shame he couldn’t meet Deebs too, and was talking about Deebs’ history with art and almost getting recruited to be in the Archie art stable as well and how they now do art streams. He was particularly interested in the streams, and I was like “Oh yeah, that’s actually why they aren’t here now, they have a stream today!” so he gave me a free print to pass along to Deebs as a show of interest and support!
Veronica Vera (from the Not Enough Rings comic) -- This was another chance encounter in Artist Alley. I was just kind of poking around to see everyone’s work, and I realized I recognized the comic she was selling. I commented that I loved that comic, and she said she was selling hardcover copies of the entire series. I love the comic and I wanted to show my support, so I bought a book and she signed the inside cover! Unfortunately Oliver Bareham wasn’t there at the time, so no autograph from him. Maybe one day if I’m incredibly lucky, I suppose.
Rich Koslowski -- This was at one of my very first conventions ever. He was an inker of the Sonic comics at the time, and I was only.... 12, I think? I mostly was just excited to be meeting someone that works on Sonic stuff, and I can’t remember much about the encounter aside from just babbling about liking Sonic. I remember him being very kind.
And unfortunately... Ken Penders --  This was at the same convention I just mentioned with Koslowski. As stated above I was only 12, and I was just excited to meet someone who works on Sonic stuff. I believe I was there because of a post on Archie’s Sonic website. Anyway what strikes me as the most surprising about this encounter is how -normal- it all was, at least as far as I remember it. I’ve heard some horror stories of Penders being horrible to fans at conventions, but at least way back at this time (like 1997 or so), he was passing for a normal human. He didn’t say anything mean to me (that I noticed), and he actually gave me some free Sonic loot, which I can’t imagine him ever doing nowadays. I still have the comic book he signed, and I legit consider burning it on a regular basis.
OKAY this ended up way longer that I thought it would. I think even -I- forgot how many people I’ve met before. If I think of anyone else I’ll add it to the list later!
14 notes · View notes
belvera · 5 years
[Arms Full Of Presents] Yuika Mitsumine Full Card Story
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Commu 1: “Why do people give gifts?”
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Yuika: Man...... I’m so curious what they’ll get us.
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Sakuya: Oh?
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Sakuya: You’re not worrying about what we’re going to give them, but rather what Kogane and the others will get for us?
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Yuika: Can you blame me?
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Sakuya: Heh......
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Kogane: “Christmas Special Event!” The Big! L’Antica! Gift Exchange~~!
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Mamimi: After this, we’ll split into two teams, and each team will go buy gifts for the other.
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Yuika: It’s Team Kogatan, Mamimin, and Kiririn up against Team Sakuyan and Mitsumine!
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Kiriko: Later we’ll reveal our gifts and exchange them...... On live TV......
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Sakuya: What surprises are waiting......? Look forward to finding out the day of!
(Flashback end.)
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Yuika: Will Mamimin try and play a prank.....? Will Kiririn save us from it with her powers of kindness....?
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Yuika: Or maybe Kogatan will bring about some kind of miracle......?
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Yuika: With those three together, it’s impossible to predict, y’know?
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Sakuya: I see what you mean. My hearts already pounding even before we exchange our gifts. 
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Yuika: ......In it’s own way, this anticipation we’re feeling...... It’s like they're already giving us their gift......!
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Sakuya: Oh my. We’ll have to make sure we bring them just as much excitement too.
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Sakuya: We've no choice but to get them gifts that will bring the utmost surprise and joy!
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Yuika: Of course!
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Yuika: ……Actually Sakuyan, I’d say this kind of thing is your area of expertise, would you agree?
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Sakuya: Well, I’m not sure I have the confidence to call it my “area of expertise” myself, but……
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Sakuya: I do love giving gifts.
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Sakuya: When I give a gift I always ask myself "What face will they make when I give them this?"
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Sakuya: Will they smile? Will they be satisfied? All I hope is that I’m able to bring them even the slightest bit of happiness.
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Sakuya: When you give a gift you show someone that you've spent time thinking about them, and once you've given the gift you see if the "answer" you arrived at was correct. It's a wonderful experience. 
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Yuika: .......
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Yuika: ……Heheh. Sakuyan, you’re the type where giving someone else a gift becomes a gift to yourself too!
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Sakuya: You might be right. 
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Sakuya: ......Anyway, I have a proposal. There’s a favorite shop of mine here I’d like us to visit.
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Yuika: Oho, I knew it! Sounds good, let’s go there first!
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Yuika: I’ve got high expectations, Sakuyan~!
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Sakuya: Ah!
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Yuika: Alright, it’s finally time! Let's all reveal our gifts!
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Yuika: Something tells me this is a little bigger than it should be, but. We’ll find out more about that in a moment!
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Yuika: Turn on the lights!
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Yuika: Teddy bears~~~~!
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Sakuya: This is, rather......
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Kogane: Darn right! We gotcha’ll teddy bears! Giant plushies are so dreamy, ain’t they~~?
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Kiriko: They’re so cute... And make you feel safe...
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Kogane: It was Mamimi’s idea!
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Mamimi: Fufu~ It’s gonna be hard lugging them home and finding a place to put them~
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Kogane: H-hey now!? Ya didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout that when we picked ‘em out!?
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Mamimi: I knew you’d reject my idea if I did.
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Kogane: M-Mamimiii~~!
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Yuika: Ahahah...... I’d expect nothing less, Mamimin ......
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Yuika: But too bad for you. Mitsumine has zero complaints about having to take home a giant teddy bear~
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Yuika: Actually, getting to hug it’s fluff while I carry it home sounds like pure bliss~
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Sakuya: I feel the same.
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Mamimi: Huh...... Well......  I guess it’s whatever.
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Kiriko: Eheh......
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Kiriko: Sakuya-san and Yuika-chan...... Your gift for us are...... Body care products...... ?
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Kogane: The packaging and designs are so darn cute~!
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Mamimi: ......
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Sakuya: It’s nothing much, but we thought these were something all of you would appreciate. 
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Yuika: “So the three lovely fairies of L’Antica can keep on glowing forever.”
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Yuika: That was our hope when we picked them out. Right Sakuyan?
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Sakuya: Yes!
Commu 2: “Giving, sending.”
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Yuika: (.....If I want to play it safe I could go with baked goods...... But sending something that won’t last seems in poor taste.....?)
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Yuika: (Well..... It’s winter and all, what about snowsuits? .....No, they might already have some they're using.....)
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Yuika: (More than anything, it’s gonna seem weird that I’m sending something out of the blue like this.....)
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Yuika: (....I probably shouldn’t get them anything, like I always do.....)
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Yuika: (..........Except)
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Sakuya: When I give a gift I always ask myself "What face will they make when I give them this?"
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Sakuya: Will they smile? Will they be satisfied? All I hope is that I’m able to bring them even the slightest bit of happiness.
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Sakuya: When you give a gift you show someone that you've spent time thinking about them, and once you've given it you can see if that "answer" you arrived at was correct. It's a wonderful experience.
(Flashback end.)
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Yuika: (Ahhh.......)
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Yuika: (Maybe some Christmas decorations......? Ah, no no, there’s no guarantee the package will arrive in time for Christmas, so.)
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Yuika: Ugh~......
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Sakuya: I wonder what could be troubling my clever little princess?
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Yuika: Uwah!?
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Yuika: Oh, Sakuyan......!?
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Sakuya: Pardon, I didn’t mean to scare you. You usually aren’t so easily startled.
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Sakuya: You must have been completely lost in thought. 
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Yuika: Ahah...... I guess I was. Thinking about what gifts to get people, y’know~......
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Yuika: It’s Christmas and all. 
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Sakuya: So that was it!
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Sakuya: If you’re putting that much thought into this gift, I’m sure there’s no way it won’t make whoever it’s for very happy.
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Yuika: Y-You think so......?
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Yuika: You sure they aren’t gonna go “This really isn’t me” or “What's this all of a sudden” instead......?
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Sakuya: By no means!
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Sakuya: A gift that’s filled with feelings will always be something that brings joy. 
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Sakuya: I could be wrong, but giving Christmas gifts doesn’t seem like something that would be outside your comfort zone, Yuika.
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Sakuya: May I ask what exactly you’re so worried about?
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Yuika: ......Well, when it’s for my family, it’s a little more complicated......
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Sakuya: Ah!
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Sakuya: So it’s a gift for your family! I certainly see how that can be a bit awkward.
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Yuika: Stooop~ Outright calling it awkward just makes it feel more awkward!
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Yuika: ......You’re exactly right, though! I’ve never sent my family a Christmas gift or anything before, either.
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Yuika: I want to show them how I feel, but I keep thinking maybe it’s safer to do what I always do. That’s where I’m stuck.
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Sakuya: I see.
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Sakuya: In that case I would advise you, awkward as it may be, to go ahead and get them a gift.
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Yuika: Uwah~ Sakuyan’s not letting me get out of this one~!
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Sakuya: Heh. Of course I’m not! I love seeing people smile.
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Sakuya: I’m not going to let this chance to make your family smile get away, Yuika.
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Sakuya: And of course, your family won't be the only ones smiling.
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Sakuya: Isn't that right, Yuika?
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Yuika: Sakuyaaan......
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Sakuya: Well, am I wrong?
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Yuika: Nope~......
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Yuika: ......But? Since you’ve convinced me to me do this, you know what that means for you? You’re now obligated to help me pick out what to get as a gift, OK?
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Yuika: Mitsumine always ends up rejecting any gift idea she’s able to come up with herself, so it’s entirely up to you to pick the perfect gift instead! You got that?
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Sakuya: Heh. You’re adorable even when you pout, Yuika.
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Sakuya: Of course, if you so desire, I’d be more than happy to tell you what I think the best gift to get would be.
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Sakuya: Let’s see...... What do you think about sending them a Christmas card?
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Yuika: A card......?
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Sakuya: Gifts of food that don’t last are a little lonely, and sending goods can be awkward.
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Sakuya: However...... Above all, you want to show them how you feel.
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Sakuya: In that case, wouldn’t a card where you write out your feelings be perfect?
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Yuika: ......How well you know me is scary sometimes......
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Sakuya: Heh.
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Sakuya: Without thinking too hard, without trying too hard, you should just express your honest feelings, Yuika.
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Yuika: That’s the one thing I’m the worst at doing, though~
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Sakuya: Even so.
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Sakuya: I think the simple act of sending a gift when you usually don’t, is the first step to getting better at it. 
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Sakuya: Special days should have lots of smiles.
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Yuika: ......Okay, okay! You win, Sakuyan. I’ll go buy a card.
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Yuika: ......Thanks for this.
Commu 3: “You understood, so have this.”
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Sakuya: [──Hello?]
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Yuika: Ah. Hi there, Sakuyan? It's Mitsumine. Good evening!
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Yuika: Sorry for calling you so late~ Can you talk right now?
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Sakuya: [Good evening, Yuika. I can talk right now but──……]
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Sakuya: [You calling me is rather rare, isn't it.]
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Yuika: Heheh, once in a while, y'know?
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Yuika: Anyway, I've got something I wanted to tell you as soon as I could.
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Sakuya: [Oh my, color me intrigued.]
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Yuika: I know right? Listen up, Sakuyan
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Yuika: ──You see. I got a response back from family, because I mailed them that Christmas card.
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Yuika: All I sent was a single card myself, but my parents and both my brothers each sent back a card of their own.
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Sakuya: [Heh...... How about that.]
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Yuika: It's crazy, right? I thought I might've slipped into another dimension!
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Yuika: ......But still, I was really happy. I kept thinking to myself "I'm so glad I sent them that card!"
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Yuika: And all of that happened because of the advice you gave me, Sakuyan! So I wanted to hurry up and show my gratitude.
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Yuika: Thank you, Sakuyan. 
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Sakuya: [If I was able to be of service to you, I'm very happy. ]
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Sakuya: [But Yuika, isn't this result more because of your own feelings that you shared with them?]
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Yuika: I thought you'd say that~~ You're always so humble, Sakuyan.
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Yuika: So this time I've prepared a counterattack.
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Sakuya: [A counterattack?]
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Yuika: That's right!
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Yuika: Yes, it is true that I'm happy right now because I was able to share my feelings with my family.
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Yuika: But that only happened because I met with you and you gave me that push that I needed!
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Yuika: If you hadn't, I would have never sent that card to my family. In fact, I probably would have given up on getting them a Christmas gift altogether.
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Yuika: ──So that means, in other words?
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Sakuya: [……In other words?]
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Yuika: It's thanks to you that I was able to share my feelings, and make my family happy.
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Yuika: And since my family is happy, Mitsumine is happy too. And now we're here!
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Yuika: Sakuyan, you played a really big part in all of this?
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Sakuya: [……──]
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Yuika: Alright, do you have any questions?
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Sakuya: [Yuika, why... Why are you praising me so much?]
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Yuika: Well, I guess it's because I was a bit troubled back there.
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Sakuya: [Uh......?]
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Yuika: When you found me out shopping, you read my heart perfectly and give me the exact advice I needed to hear, you realize? 
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Yuika: At the time I was playing it off like none of this was a big deal, but that was just because I was embarrassed.
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Yuika: I want you to understand that this is proof of how incredible you are, Sakuyan. No one else could have done that for me?
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Yuika: So that's why I want to say thank you.
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Yuika: This is my second time saying it, but the reason both Mitsumine and her family are happy right now is you, Sakuyan.
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Sakuya: [──......Yuika, thank you......! You've made your feelings very clear.]
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Yuika: Are you sure? Is this enough?
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Yuika: It was someone Mitsumine trusts who taught her that "without thinking too hard, without trying too hard"...
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Yuika: It's important to "just express her honest feelings" but... Are you sure this is enough?
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Sakuya: [Yes, it's certainly enough......!]
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Yuika: Really now, maybe it is then...... Mitsumine's no good at this stuff so she just doesn't know where to stop~
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Yuika: ──I'm really grateful for what you did for me, Sakuyan~?
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Sakuya: [~~......!]
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Yuika: Ahahah, oh man. I’m feeling pretty satisfied right now!
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Sakuya: [......When you're being honest, you're a special sort of wonderful, Yuika.]
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Yuika: I'm "adorable even when I pout" and I'm "a special sort of wonderful" when I'm honest. Geez~ Mitsumine hits all your weak points doesn't she, Sakuyan?
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Sakuya: [Heh..... You sure do.]
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Yuika: Well, now that I'm satisfied I guess it's about time for me to go──
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Sakuya: [Ah──]
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Yuika: Hm? What's up?
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Sakuya: [──......No, it's nothing──]
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Yuika: It's clearly something?
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Yuika: Mitsumine wants to receive an honest feelings attack from you this time, Sakuyan!
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Sakuya: [……──]
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Yuika: Saaakuuuyaaan?
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Sakuya: [......Well, I suppose I'll accept your offer.]
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Sakuya: [.......Um, Yuika? If I said I didn't want you to hang up the phone just yet, would you stay here and keep talking with me......?]
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Yuika: Of course I would!
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Yuika: So, you will not believe the funniest thing that happened to me earlier──
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def-initely-soul · 5 years
Air & Fire
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A/N: HELLO PEOPLE!!!! NEXT INSTALLMENT OF THE HOGWARTS COLLEGE AU IS HERE! this is awfully late as it is a present form my girl’s birthday, @tokyoblack I’m so sorry it’s so late but it’s here finally! I hope you enjoy it! <3
Words: 8k
Pairing: Seokjin/Reader(Mel)
Genre: Fluff/Slight Angst
Warnings: Mature Language (but really just some swear words)
Music to listen to: Candy - The Rose
“So, how was your summer, Mel?”
You sigh as you pull up a polite, but nonetheless fake, smile as you proceed to give a vague answer to the nth person that is interested in your summer activities.
Honestly, there’s not much to tell. You were mostly working part-time at Flourish & Blotts while studying for the upcoming year which is your last as well. Having little-to-no-time to yourself, you barely had any contact with your friends as they were as busy as you.
There is one thing.
[1st Day]
Your first day back at Hogwarts is a constant assault of meet-ups. Greeting old friends, meeting new ones and at the end of the day, it’s just you, Laureen and her roommate. Occupying the corner table at the Three Broomsticks as you share your latest news, although you admittedly don’t have much to say.
“How was Flourish & Blotts?” Laureen asks before taking a huge sip of her butterbeer.
You shrug. “You know, how Flourish & Blotts has always been…” you give your answer absentmindedly and frankly quite tired. It was one heck of a day, full of social interactions that left you exhausted.
And yet unsatisfied as you didn’t get to see the only person you were looking forward to meeting.
“That roughly translates to “A total haven for Mel”™” the other Gryffindor girl chuckles.
You look at her wide-eyed. “Did you seriously just say “uppercase trademark”?!”
She merely shrugs with a smirk before she, too, takes a sip of her butterbeer. Laureen just looks at her roommate with a disgusted frown on her features and you giggle at the interaction.
The small sound, though, gathers their attention once more, directed, most unfortunately, towards you.
And just with the look in their eyes as they gaze at you mischievously, you can clearly tell what this is about.
“So your summer has been a total festival of boredom, right?” Laureen comments with a glint in her eyes, although there’s no hint of innocence in her question nor eyes.
You refuse to fall victim to their tricks, so you simply nod.
The other girl joins Laureen in what seems like a carefully calculated plan. “And no handsome stranger, with let’s say worldwide shoulders and hm what else a swan-like neck has contacted you.”
“Right?” Laureen adds on, now both of the girls leaning slightly over the table to stare challengingly at you.
Just to spite them your answer goes something like this.
“That’s right.”
But that doesn’t discourage them.
“What about Seokjin then?” Laureen’s roommate smiles knowingly.
At this, you shrug. “He’s not a stranger if you consider that we know each other for ten years now.”
Laureen sighs before returning to her previous smirk and the wiggle of eyebrows.
“You just knew each other’s names, it hardly counted as anything but strangers, sweetcheeks. But now…” her eyes glint devilishly.
“Now that you’ve been mailing each other all summer long, since your joined project last year… we were kinda hoping you’d be something more than friends…” the other girls interjects and her remark hits you right where it hurts.
Because truthfully? You were kinda hoping you’d be something more than friends as well.
The last year at Hogwarts has been a mess with all the preparation for next year’s final exams, the ones that’ll give you the chance to earn the permit to legally concoct and sell potions before you get to become a Potions’ Professor. You had to balance thousands of hours of studying and practicing and studying again. All together with Quidditch matches and practices, plus classes and barely managing to see your friends.
But you would never have expected your Potions’ project would give you such relief.
Well, not exactly the project in itself. More like the person you’d been partnered with.
Professor Slughorn had assigned you this project alongside Seokjin because the two of you were the best in his class. It was a bit hard, although to believe Seokjin was that good at first, and yet, in the end, he proved you wrong. While you studied and knew every single ingredient to every possible potion and the exact way to brew it, Jin was good at potions but in an unconventional kind of way. Experimenting more than once and most of those times the results would be magnificent. It was kinda like a talent, you suppose, finding a way that would certainly end up in disaster, only to bring forward the opposite results.
But that’s Seokjin. That’s how everything is about him. Even the way you fell for him.
Through long, handwritten letters in a long-drawn-out summer, letters that someone else would never write and simply rely on other forms of much-easier communication. But through those cream-colored parchments, you got to know a side of his character you weren’t aware of before. You’ve grown familiar to it through each paragraph, each phrase, each curve of each letter, each sentiment hiding carefully in between the spaces of his words, masterfully pulling you into the depths of his most inner thoughts. Thoughts you’re pretty sure he revealed only to you.
And that’s how you ended up like this. Sitting in an old pub with your friends, waiting for the moment you’ll see him again. But the feeling of dread still lingers.
Because if those feelings have developed only on your part, if those feelings aren’t met halfway, it means it was all in your head.
[1st Year, 10 Years Ago]
Your small eleven-year-old self walks through the coach, eyes wide and scared in your search for an empty seat in any of the cabins, the small alpaca plushie your mom gave you hanging from your fingers.
She gave it to you as a departure gift to calm down your nerves, a lucky charm if you will.
“You’re my little warrior,” she said. It first it put a smile on your face but now the words are just empty echoes in the crevices of your mind as you focus on clenching the toy between your fingers.
You can do this. If you could go through this torture that is picking up a robe then you can certainly do this.
You don’t dare look through the cabin with more than two people inside, even if there’s a room for one more person. You prefer your peace and quiet over socializing at any point.
As you reach the end of the wagon, you finally find a quiet cabin for you to settle in. There’s another boy your age there but you doubt he’ll be much of a distraction judging by how he seems absorbed by a page from the Daily Prophet.
So you knock softly on the glass, gathering the boy’s attention to you before sliding the door open.
You peek your head inside the cabin shyly as the boy’s wide eyes rest on your face in mild interest.
You straighten your back and clear your throat. “Um, can I sit here? All the other cabins are full…” you say a little white lie, but in your defense, all the other kids around here seem too much of a hustle that you don’t want to put up with.
The boy looks at you with curious brown eyes, before he shrugs and a grin covers his mouth.
“Yeah, sure, no one is sitting here anyway! By the way, I’m Seokjin!”
Through the trip to Hogwarts, you and Seokjin kept a decent conversation going on, becoming friends in the way only kids know how; quick and convenient.
So when the time comes for the Sorting Hat to decide where it should put you and you end up in Ravenclaw and Seokjin in Gryffindor, you both forget about the other kid inside the cabin, immediately bonding with kids from your houses, barely waving at the hallways.
[2nd Day]
“So remind me why are we doing this again?” Alice asks through tired huffs as your group of three try to complete your errands for the day. You volunteered to help some Professors out, with grading papers or bringing them the equipment they need for upcoming lectures. Such as vials and puffer-fish eyes for Professor Slughorn’s class which admittedly is the only chore you were eager to do.
You can’t say the exact same thing for Alice and Madge though, that very much VOLUNTEERED to help you out, when you never asked them to.
So now you try your hardest to school your face into a strict mask and not actually start straight up laughing at their tired whines of exhaustion.
“Because we volunteered, don’t remind me, I was stupid back then…” Madge moans in pain and you fight off a smile when a familiar boy emerges from Professor McGonagall's office, the one you’re currently on your way to.
You stop dead in your tracks, looking at the Gryffindor boy with wide eyes, before an awkward “hi,” tumbles from your lips.
Namjoon presses his lips together in a trace of a smile before approaching the three of you.
“Hey, Mel, how is it going?” the silver-haired boy greets you warmly. You smile back while the two Hufflepuff girls look at the interaction with mild curiosity. You got to know Namjoon last year, as he’s a close friend to Seokjin and there were more than a few instances where you run into each other.
“I’m fine, how about you? How was your summer?”
The boy shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck. “You know, studying, studying, Oh!” he interjects with one finger in the air, “and studying,” he chuckles and you join him. Namjoon is a fourth year like yourself so whatever little time you have to yourself you spend it studying.
You bite your bottom lip, itching to ask him about Seokjin, if he knows if he’s back yet or if it’s just you who keeps missing him around the castle.
Instead, you gesture towards your friends. “I don’t believe you know my friends. That’s Alice and Madge,” you introduce them and the girls take turns greeting him. He gives them his name his a shake of his head and he dismisses them almost instantly.
Which really weirds you out until you see the curious glint into Namjoon’s eyes before-.
“So, have you talked to Seokjin?”
Your eyes widen at the question and you swear you see Namjoon smile slightly at your reaction, so you cough to get rid of the embarrassment of Namjoon knowing about your feelings.
“Uhm, not since summer… Have you…?” your timid voice makes you cringe inwardly.
“Just a bit. He won’t be coming until the end of the week. Something about family issues…” Namjoon mumbles and you feel your heart leap out of your chest.
The good thing is he’s not purposefully ignoring you.
The bad thing is you won’t be seeing him until the end of the week.
[1st Year, 10 Years Ago]
Okay, so you have your Potions’ book ready, all the ingredients in front you right next to the proper equipment for the cure of boils. You’re perfectly prepared for your first Potions’ class and you couldn’t be more excited.
Honestly, you were looking forward to Potions since you got your letter. You can’t wait to learn new recipes and ingredients. You used to love helping your mother cook and when you learned there was an equivalent at Hogwarts you were ecstatic. Even though you know the results here wouldn’t be exactly edible some times.
As the first half hour of the lecture passes by, you’re getting more and more confident in your abilities. It turns out you’re actually really good at Potions as Professor Slughorn never fails to praise you every time he passes by your cauldron.
Until something erupts.
A few high-pitched screeches echo throughout the classroom, smoke emerging from one cauldron over at the Gryffindor table.
The culprits seem to be two boys, faces black from smoke and hair blown out from the explosion. You recognize one of them as the boy from the cabin, Seokjin and next to him there’s another Gryffindor boy whose name is Namjoon you think.
Their eyes are wide in shock, mouths fallen open as they stare at their burned cauldron.
And then they burst into giggles.
You frown, eyebrows scrunching in distaste as you watch the boys laugh at the chaos they ensued while Professor Slughorn reprimands them strictly. They seem totally oblivious to Slughorn’s stern words, almost carefree and you click your tongue disapprovingly, turning your attention to your potion once more.
You can’t believe you almost became friends with a boy like him.
[3rd Day]
This day sucks.
All attempts at studying resulted in disaster, you weren’t able to focus anywhere, not in your room, not in the library and certainly not in your common room. Too many people and Violet wouldn’t shut up about Professor Kim again.
Your efforts at studying prove futile, so in a last attempt to be productive you marched over to the Quidditch field. Maybe you have trouble focusing on things that require the attention of your mind and perhaps a more physical exercise could be proven more fitting for you at this time of the day.
Jinyoung asked if you wanted the rest of the team to join but you aren’t a cruel captain. Most of them just got back from summer break and the pile of projects and classes is already weighing down on them. So you told him it wasn’t necessary before heading to the field.
And maybe it’s for the best the rest of the team isn’t here. Turns out your trouble focusing expands to quidditch practice as well.
You groan out loud as you flop to the ground, out of breath.
Damn Kim Seokjin and his handsome face. You can’t concentrate at all, not with him plaguing your every thought.
Namjoon said he had some family matters that needed to be taken care of. You hope it’s nothing too serious.
You hope he’s okay.
[2nd Year, 9 Years Ago]
“Come on, Mel you’re next…”
Another Ravenclaw boy just comes back from the tryouts. He doesn’t look very excited or at least pleased with himself. Instead, his shoulders are slumped, eyes cast to the ground as he drags his feet against the dirt.
He’s basically looking like every other second-year that tried out today. You’ve heard rumors of how the Ravenclaw team almost never takes second-years at their tryouts or even third-years. Only fourth-year students and older, as if their years of practice are more valuable than talent. Which you agree with, but this way they’re completely discouraging new students.
You take a deep breath. No, you know you’re good at this, you shouldn’t let yourself get affected by those rumors.
So what if you don’t pass? There’s always next year.
You let your feet guide you to the middle of the field, your trusty broom at hand as you feel your palms sweating. You’ve been training for the keeper’s position all summer long, you won’t let this chance go to waste.
The Captain looks at you inquiringly as you step closer and you have the urge to look away immediately but you refuse to. Even if you’re anxious as hell, you refuse to let it show.
You get into position, flying in front of the hoops, awkwardly glancing around, waiting for the starting sign.
Another groan resonates from the ground as you miss yet another goal.
Your face is practically on fire by now. Maybe you weren’t as good as you thought you were. Merlin, you really wish the ground could open and swallow you whole right now.
The Captain motions you to fly down and that’s what you start doing when you notice one of the chasers throwing the quaffle over your direction. Dismissively but it still has enough force to knock you off your broom.
You lose your balance as you fall off, a collective gasp sounding from the rest of the second years, but your hand grabs tightly around your broom while the other has secured the quaffle beneath your armpit.
Your arm is complaining from the strain, begging you to let go but as you look down to see everyone’s attention on you, you refuse to end your tryout like this; completely and utterly humiliated.
So you begin swinging your body back and forth until there’s enough leverage for your ankles to wrap around your broom. Thank god your parents had signed you up for those karate classes at the age of six. Sweat begins forming on your forehead as you struggle to keep your hold on your broom while holding on to the quaffle as hard as you can. Some cheers come from some of your classmates but you don’t acknowledge them in favor of not losing your focus.
You frown, trying to think of what next. You need the broom to be on the move in order to turn it around so with a groan of pain you push your chest up and forward. The broom takes off slowly but steadily gaining speed, flying through the field. The cheers grow louder, from your classmates, from the bleachers, hell even some players of the team are cheering for you as your broom goes faster and faster.
With one quick movement, the broom turns upside down and you’re once again on top of it as you grow closer to the chaser that threw you the ball. He looks at you with dread as you run almost straight into him but at the last moment, you make a sharp u-turn to aim at the ground and throw the Quaffle right at its spot, in the middle of the ball crate.
Which rests right next to the Ravenclaw Captain.
Her eyes remain on the quaffle, safely secured in the middle of the quidditch chest, before they turn to you.
You gulp, still on your broom, when another team player whispers something to the Captain. She nods before crossing her hands on her chest and she looks at you again.
“Rogers, aren’t we looking for a chaser as well?” she directs her question at her co-captain. He smiles knowingly before nodding.
Then the captain tilts her head at you and she smiles too.
You didn’t get the keeper position.
Instead, you became a chaser.
The captain let you repeat your tryout but this time for the chase position, which turned out to be a much better fit for you.
Your face is glowing, radiating joy as a grin stretches your lips when you walk away from the field. This day turned out a lot different than expected.
Right then your eyes rest at a Gryffindor boy who seems to be running towards you. You immediately recognize him as Gryffindor’s own troublemaker, Kim Seokjin. He’s wearing a quidditch uniform in the colors of his house and belatedly you realize his house held tryouts right before yours.
“Hi, you’re Melanie, right?” he asks once he reaches you out of breath. You just nod your head while looking at him cautiously. You didn’t think he’d remember your name. You barely talk.
“You were amazing out there!” he suddenly erupts and you flinch at the volume of his voice.
“Oh… you saw that…?” you rub your neck awkwardly, looking away.
“Yes, the whole quidditch field was in shock! I didn’t get in… but I’ll cheer for you instead!” he exclaims with all the confidence in the world, before running off, leaving you entirely speechless.
[4rth Day]
“So have you heard about that transfer student?” Ilena comments nonchalantly as Emma looks through the large barrel of “every flavor” beans, meticulously trying to pick the ones that taste bad as a prank for her best friend, Mark. The three of you went out to Hogsmeade to let off some steam and buy some much-needed candy.
“Mm, no I don’t think so… why?” you say, trying to decide between the glacial snowflakes or some cauldron cakes.
“Oh, it’s nothing… I just-” Ilena begins when Emma interrupts her.
“She just saw him this morning as he arrived and she already got the hots for him,” the other Slytherin girl giggles impishly and Ilena shoves her lightly.
“No, I do not. I just heard he’s a good dancer…” she counters, returning her gaze to the salt water taffy shelf.
“And naturally that intrigued you since you’re so into dancing yourself…” Emma teases and you giggle at the frown gracing Ilena’s features.
“Where is he from?” you ask and she shrugs, before grabbing some chocolate frogs instead. Her favorites.
“Mahoutokoro I think…” she marches over to the cashier, effectively putting an end to the discussion. You share a look with Emma before following her. You should get going if you want to get a table at the Three Broomsticks. It’s bound to get full with students now that everyone is back from summer break.
You all pay for your candy and make your way to the door when a movement to your left catches your eyes, midway out the door. Your heart picks up its pace when you finally see Seokjin through the shelves, chatting and laughing with Hoseok, a Hufflepuff from your year.
When his eyes find your frame, you swear the world stops. His eyes widen and his mouth falls open before a radiating smile takes over his lips. God, you missed that smile.
You raise your hand to wave, but you feel a slight pull forward when Emma tugs at your robes.
“Come on, we won’t find a table…” she whines, completely oblivious of the boy staring at you with wide, expectant eyes and she tugs you forward.
Seokjin’s smile falls and he takes a step forward, opening his mouth in a greeting that never reaches your ears as your friends drag you out of Honeydukes.
[6th Year, 4 And A Half Years Ago]
You can’t believe you’re so stupid.
Did you really think he’d like you back?
Another sniffle echoes through the empty courtyard as you try to will yourself to stop crying.
After your unsuccessful confession to Ravenclaw’s head boy Yonghwa, you run all the way over here to the clock tower courtyard. At this time of the day, no one is here. They all prefer eating their dinner and heading straight to their beds.
That’s why it’s the perfect place to mop over your unrequited crush on the one-year-older boy without anyone interrupting you.
And that’s why you’re completely unprepared when someone actually does.
“A-are you okay?” a soft voice comes from above you and you turn your head up to see none other than that Gryffindor boy; Seokjin.
His presence here is unexpected at least.
“What are you doing here?” you ask in utter disregard of his question. His eyes grow in surprise and the tips of his ears start turning red.
“You kinda bumped into me on your way here and well… you looked distressed…” he admits, rubbing his neck with eyes cast on the ground.
Your eyes widen in shock before, “Oh Merlin’s beard, I’m so sorry, did I hurt you?”
Seokjin blinks at you, puzzled before shaking his hands. “Oh, no, I’m okay, don’t be sorry, you don’t have to!” he rushes to calm you down, but instead he manages to confuse you even more.
“Then… why are you here?” your voice sounds entirely baffled, while in shambles from the previous crying session and Seokjin stares at you in a complete loss of words, as if only now realizing something.
“I… I just wanted to see if you’re okay…” he confesses, eyes wide and yours grow in size to match his own. Your mouth drops, the silence spreading between you as if taunting you for not having a way to process this and react accordingly.
Seokjin diverts his eyes to the ground and you can’t fathom for the life of you why this boy even cares. You’re not friends. You barely say “hello” to each other in the hallways.
Why is he being so nice to you?
“...But I get it if you feel uncomfortable. I should just leave you alone…” he mumbles carefully, taking a step back.
“No, don’t!” you rush to say, outstretching your arms to stop him but nonetheless the boy stops on his own, turning around with wide, expectant and curious eyes.
You instantly cringe at the sound of your voice, rough from all the crying, so you cough awkwardly, desperate to hide your blushing cheeks.
“I mean… It would be nice… not to be alone right now…” you mumble with a nervous chuckle. Your cautious eyes find Seokjin, only to see him giving you a timid smile. One that’s nowhere near a grin, but warm enough to make you lose focus for a moment.
No wonder he has so many girls lusting over him. You can see why when he smiles.
The two of you end up talking for another couple of hours, his presence giving comfort, whether it comes in the form of a terribly executed joke or in the form of advising words. He almost makes you forget about Yonghwa and at the end of the night, you part with a light heart and a promise to see each other the next morning over breakfast.
After five and a half years of merely co-existing on the same grounds, the two of you become unlikely friends.
[5th Day]
Professor Slughorn’s office is once again filled with that distinctive smell of worn-out clothes and burnt wood that seems to be laced through his robes, accompanying him wherever he goes.
He’s comfortably sitting on the armchair behind his desk, hands joined on top of the expensive mahogany as he stares at you with hints of mirth in his eyes.
Of course, that may be because you came here to talk about a potential internship under Slughorn’s jurisdiction, therefore becoming one of his infamous “collectives”, so when you achieve something for yourself he can proudly say he was the one guiding you through.
“You know I was thoroughly impressed with your last year’s project. Talent like this shouldn’t go unnoticed, my dear,” the older man states, eyes on you, expecting any sort of positive reaction. You’ve been here for almost an hour now, going over what your “internship” here would include and let’s just say the man did his best to impress you.
You smile politely. “With all due respect, sir, Kim Seokjin deserves as much credit as I do, if not more,” you reply and Slughorn’s smile widens before he laughs out loud.
“Oh, my, and humble besides talented! I must have you as my intern, I simply must! You’d do wonders under my domain,” he promises with a tilt of his head, instantly giving you promises of grandeur and recognition.
“But don’t worry about Mr. Kim. He’s been offered the same position as you, my dear,” the man concludes and although such a fact shouldn’t come as a surprise, the possibility of working in the same environment as Seokjin manages to make you lose your train of thought.
“I see…” you reply with a nod. “The offer is surely tempting, professor. Will you allow me a couple of days to think it through?”
The older man smiles appreciatively and he nods affirmatively as if already knowing your answer will be a positive one. “Of course, my dear.”
Walking out of Professor Slughorn’s office you can’t help but imagine yourself in the very enticing offer you were just presented to. Even so, if you’ll ultimately have to work next to Seokjin.
And it seems your thoughts materialize in front of you, as said man appears from around the corner towards Slughorn’s office.
Seokjin stops in front of you once his eyes rest on your figure and once again both of you are left speechless. It seems the familiarity of last year has dissipated into nerves and uneasiness as you grew to realize your own feelings.
You swallow the lump in your throat before giving the man a shy smile and a wave.
“Hi…” you greet him quietly and his eyes gleam as he clears his throat as well, as if only now remembering you’re a living thing that expects a reaction out of him.
“Um, Mel, hi… How you’ve been…?” he manages to say, eyes trying desperately to avoid yours and failing miserably.
“I’ve been okay… You know, same old stuff…” you let out an awkward chuckle in an attempt to alleviate the tension between you as both of seem to willingly ignore the elephant in the room. How over the span of the summer something shifted.
Seokjin clears his throat again, taking a deep breath and fixing his posture. His eyes now stay glued to yours in new-found confidence that makes your heart race inside your chest.
“Actually, Mel, I wanted to-”
“Oh, Seokjin my boy, you’re here!” Seokjin’s words are interrupted by Professor Slughorn as he opens the door to his office.
Seokjin’s eyes widen in panic and you direct your stare immediately elsewhere. You’re caught between feeling relief for Slughorn’s interruption and intrigued about what was that Seokjin was about to so confidently tell you.
“Ugh, Professor! Good morning!” The younger boy greets, eyes flying between Slughorn and you and you take advantage of the confusion of the moment to make your escape.
“I should get going… Goodbye Professor…” you say with a respectful tilt of your head before you turn to Seokjin. His eyes are wide in what seems like disappointment. And you only hope it comes from being interrupted from not being able to finish what he was about to say.
“See you around…” you manage to get out of your lips before disappearing down the hallway.
[3rd Year of College, 1 Year Ago]
You’re left flabbergasted when Slughorn announces your partner.
It’s your third year in the college department, only one year before your last one and your project dictates your line of academic and professional work for the future. So you have to make sure the results are immaculate. Spotless even.
It seems extremely hard to that, though, with Seokjin as your partner.
Don’t get me wrong, Seokjin is your friend but as you can tell from personal experience, he isn’t good in Potions and if you are to work together, you’re sure he’ll set your whole academic course in jeopardy.
Maybe Professor Slughorn wants to test you. To see how you’ll fight your way through in the face of adversity. So you swallow back your protests, instead willing yourself to go through this with as much dignity as you can manage.
But what you never expected was Seokjin to be actually good.
And yes, you’re aware that doesn’t exactly sound in favor of him, but to be honest, Seokjin has given you numerous examples of his disruptive nature and chaotic behavior.
But this. This is different. He is really good.
Not conventionally good. He did set his cauldron on fire more than once after all. But you find yourself gaping at him when he spouts out idea after idea, the one more peculiar than the other and in the end, every single one seems to work out. He finds new, improved ways to concoct a potion and you can’t help but stare at him in awe more than once.
Seokjin’s reaction when you tell him this is far from the self-assured man you’ve learned to call your friend for the past four years. The tips of his ears turn red as he bashfully rubs the nape of his neck. “Oh, come on, I’m not as good as you…” he mumbles awkwardly, an almost endearing stutter in his words.
You scoff at his self-deprecating words as you lightly jab him with the end of your wand.
“Of course you’re not silly. But that’s because it’s a different kind of good,” you state nonchalantly as you stir the potion in front of you.
Seokjin’s eyes are curious, patiently waiting for you to go on.
“I mean, I’m good purely because of how much time I spend studying the recipe. While you are more…” you pause, resting your finger on your chin as you struggle to find the right word. Then you let out an exclamation of discovery before returning your eyes at him. “Natural! You’re a natural at this!”
As soon as your eyes find his, already staring back at you, he quickly directs his gaze to the cauldron in front of you. And when your words reach his ears he can’t help the grateful smile that takes over his lips.
“Thanks, Mel. It means a lot coming from you…” he mumbles quietly, his face flushing red underneath your gaze, before stealing a glance at you. His careful eyes find your curious ones and as he stares at you, his eyes full of something you can’t quite decipher, you feel the air shift. Something else takes over, hiding underneath the friendly comfort of your relationship and nudging your mind and heart into a feeling you haven’t experienced in a while.
As if being hit by an electric current, both of you cast your eyes back to the potion, as you let your hair fall to cover your reddening cheeks.
“N-no problem…” you manage to stumble out and you spend the remainder of your time working in silence.
[6th Day]
You can’t help but feel grateful for the serenity of this place. For the silence that stretches around you and Violet as you lay comfortably under the big tree in front of the lake.
The sun is slowly reaching the point where the water meets the sky, enriching the blue ceiling with splashes of red, purple and orange. Your eyes rest on the beautiful scenery as if it’s a painting you can’t take your focus off.
Until Violet disrupts that precious tranquility, that is.
“Do you think things will be different this year?” she comments absentmindedly, throwing a pebble into the otherwise calm waters of the lake.
You raise your eyes from the book in your hands to gaze after the disruptive object that after a few skips, sinks into the lake.
“Different how?” you ponder out loud, searching for something in her face that might give away what she’s thinking.
Violet sighs. “I don’t know, I have this… weird certainty that things are about to change for some reason…”
You chuckle, lightly nudging her with your elbow. “Maybe instead of focusing on astronomy, you should pay more attention to Professor Trelawney's class!” you joke and Violet rolls her eyes indignantly.
“Yes, I’m a psychic, you have it all figured out…” she retaliates and a giggle leaves your lips.
You take a breath. “I don’t know though. Maybe you’re right. Who knows? It is my last year after all,” your peaceful voice covers both of you like a blanket as you’re left to watch the sunset in the distance.
After a while, when the two of you walk back inside the castle as the night slowly engulfs the scenery, you feel a tad bit more relaxed.
Until you pass by the Great hall where some students are diligently eating their dinner.
Your eyes, as always, manage to fall at the Gryffindor table, already taking notice of one certain Gryffindor boy that seems to permanently live inside the crevices of your mind.
Seokjin sits opposite of Namjoon, the duo talking and eating, and you can’t help but wonder what was that thing he wanted to ask you.
And all you can think about, as you and Violet make your way back to your dorm, is if it’s the same thing he wanted to ask you before summer break.
[Last day of 3rd Year of College, 3 Months Ago]
You arrive at the lake a bit late, out of breath but full of expectations, as you stop in front of the Gryffindor boy. The sun is bright in the horizon, casting its rays over the grass and lake, reflecting through every possible color on the spectrum.
“Sorry… Professor Flitwick needed some last-minute help…” you say breathlessly but Seokjin just smiles at you, no signs of annoyance over your delay.
“So? What’s up?” you ask your friend, successfully making you sound nonchalant. Calling you here before he’s about to leave is in itself weird, even more, when he’s looking at you like this.
You can’t exactly describe it but it makes your cheeks flush and your heart beat loudly inside your chest.
As he stares at you, his eyes suddenly gleam, as if sudden realization floods his senses and he casts his eyes to the ground.
You watch as his hands fidget at his sides and instead of being weirded out by the sudden change in character, the bizarre behavior only manages to get you more agitated. More anxious and more excited for whatever is to come.
Seokjin takes a deep breath, one of preparation, one of decision.
And his eyes are on you again. And he’s never looked more serious for anything in his entire life.
“Melanie, I asked you to come here because I… Because I-”
“Mel? Seokjin? What are you two doing here? The carriages are about to leave soon!” an overly loud and cheerful voice reaches you and you turn around only to come face to face with Hoseok and his wide smile.
And just like this, the moment is ruined.
Hoseok is captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and you’ve always held respect for him and his morality on the games, so you saw each other in friendly terms. He’s also a very good friend of Seokjin’s, so it only made sense to him to join two of his friends in a conversation.
You deflate and Seokjin is visibly disappointed at the interruption but nonetheless, he smiles at his friend.
“We were just talking…” he replies to the sunshine-like boy before directing his attention to you. “Actually I was just gonna ask you for your address,” he concludes with now calm eyes.
You frown in confusion. “What would you need my address for?”
“What for?” Seokjin smiles. “But to write you letters of course!”
You’re on your third essay of the day when you hear the tired chitter of Felix, your pet barn owl, as he lands with a thud on your windowsill. All study material is disregarded, in favor of the piece of paper in between Felix’s legs and your hands reach eagerly for it.
It’s been a month and a half since Seokjin has asked for your address and even though numerous of letters have reached your home and left it to reach Seokjin’s, you still wait for every single one with uncontrollable anticipation.
You’ve lost count of how many letters you have by now, as Seokjin sends you multiple letters each week. Just because he forgot to tell you something in the previous letter, or because he couldn’t wait for your answer to tell you something that happened to him in between letters.
You have to admit, it was kind of unexpected of him to send you letters and at first, you thought one of you was meant to get bored of the certain form of communication.
But you’ve never been more wrong.
You try to suppress your giggles as you read through another incident in Seokjin’s life and you can’t help but imagine his priceless reactions to everything he describes in his letter.
The piece of parchment manages to lift your spirits after yet another tiring day of work at Flourish & Blotts. As often his letters seem to do.
But it is the last sentence of his letter that puts a damp in your light heart.
“I can’t wait to see you again, my friend.”
And as you read that, your heart turns heavy. Like the soft muscle turned to stone right in the middle of your chest and suddenly weighs like a ton.
You can’t tell why that’s happening to you. You can’t put a finger to what it is that managed to ruin your mood so significantly.
But that sentence. That bloody sentence suddenly feels heartwrenching.
Suddenly you can’t breathe.
So, for the first time since Seokjin started writing to you, you put the letter aside.
For the rest of the day, you act like you never read the letter. Somehow pretending like you never got it seems more right than trying to understand why it has you feeling this way.
Actually, the word “right” isn’t quite fitting. But “easy” is.
It’s easy to act as if you never got the letter than face the reality of what’s going on.
And even when you try to occupy yourself with other things, the words are stuck in your head and they keep coming back.
“I can’t wait to see you again, my friend.”
Usually, a heartfelt sentence like this would make you giddy all over. So what’s about it that makes you so sad this time around?
The answer comes when you’re almost asleep.
When your mind is in that state between sleep and awareness, when your unconscious is more prevalent and the answers are more obvious than you’d think.
When the realization hits you, you instantly shoot up from your desk, where your face has been pressed to another essay, only to drown in shock and dread.
The thing that ticked you off wasn’t the entire sentence, but more like one word.
And the reason it is as devastating as it was, was because you don’t see Seokjin just as a friend.
Not anymore.
[7th Day]
Finally. It feels like you’re able to finally breathe.
It’s early in the morning, too early if you ask some people, as you make your way towards the west tower, specifically the owlery, wishing to see your pet, Felix, and check up on him, maybe give him some treats too.
It’s the first time since you came back to Hogwarts you finally feel so at peace with your surroundings. No more catching up with other people, no more talking career paths with professors, no more worrying.
You’re finally in the company of yourself only and that allows you to, at last, just be.
So when you climb the stairs to the owlery your steps are light and your mind clear. Your posture relaxed and a soft smile on your lips.
When you reach the top, the undeniable stench of the building reaches your nostrils and you resort in using the bubble-head charm to keep the odors away. Felix begins flapping his wings cheerily as he sees you and a smile graces your face as you walk closer to pet him.
He seems to be doing fine. Maybe more than fine as you can tell by his sudden weight gaining. And you previously made sure to give him just the appropriate share of meals to keep him in shape, so you’re sure he’s somehow eating more than normal but not because of you.
“Have you been stealing other owls’ food, you troublemaker?” you say, scratching Felix’s feathers and he chitters happily with the attention.
After making sure he has enough food and water you decide it’s time to walk back to the castle, as you undo the charm around your head.
But while you walk down the stairs, a familiar figure approaches the owlery, hands in the pockets of his trousers and eyes on the ground as he kicks some pebbles away with his foot.
And as he raises his eyes and they find you, you find yourself holding your breath. Like you’ve done a thousand times when it comes to him.
Seokjin’s eyes widen in surprise when he sees you a few meters away, staring at him from above and he suddenly stands straighter, eyes never abandoning yours, before a soft smile makes its appearance on his lips.
“Hi! How come you’re out so early in the morning?” he asks but before you even get to answer, his eyes widen in realization and he shakes his head with a chuckle. “Of course, you’re coming back from the owlery, I’m stupid, don’t mind me…” he smiles and you can already feel the awkwardness taking over.
Something you definitely don’t want to happen, regardless of what happens between the two of you.
“Ah, yeah! I was just checking on Felix,” you say, pointing back to the owlery. “He got a lot of weight apparently,” you conclude with a soft laugh before stealing a glance over at Seokjin. Only to find him rubbing his neck, guilt being written all over his face.
“Ugh, that might be my fault…” his eyes are careful in finding yours, almost like a schoolboy that got caught cheating in an exam and your heart swells with warmth.
“You’ve been the one feeding Felix?” you ask curiously as you move down the last of the steps, only to stand in front of him.
Seokjin grins apologetically. “Guilty…”
You feel the frown forming over your features as your confusion grows. “Why would you do that?”
Seokjin seems taken aback from the question. Then his features morph into the familiar mask of confidence you’re so used to seeing on him and an assured smile takes over his lips.
“Well, I missed the little guy. I was wondering how he was!” he comments cheerfully and for a second you relax, thinking the awkwardness from before finally disappeared and you’d at least get to be friends again.
But then his smile dwindles slightly and again he reminds you of a schoolboy ready to be scolded.
“And… because I was hoping to see you too.”
You lose your train of thought for a moment as soon as you hear Seokjin’s words and see the unsure smile on his lips. He’s nervous and you can’t help but hope his nervousness comes from the same place yours does. A hope that only magnifies when he keeps watching with careful yet eager eyes.
That hope is what makes you a little bit more confident, a little bit more certain for yourself and you take a breath full of expectations before you speak up.
“Well, I’m here now,” you say, bravely looking directly into Seokjin’s eyes. He watches you closely before a faint smile appears on his lips.
“That you are…” he agrees softly, and even though his voice is barely a whisper, a pleasurable shiver takes over you.
Then he takes a breath before, “Should we go back to the castle?”
You deflate slightly, hoping he was about to say something, but nonetheless, you nod.
Taking the way back together, your steps match each other as you walk in comfortable silence. You walk through the Hogwarts grounds, taking in the scenery. The weather is still warm, only the slight breeze of the morning hanging in the air, making another light shiver run down your spine, one Seokjin takes notice of.
“Oh, you’re cold…” he observes quietly, immediately moving to take his flannel shirt off.
“No, it’s okay, really, I’m fine-” you begin protesting but it’s like Seokjin doesn’t even hear you as he wraps his shirt around you.
The gesture is almost domestic. Nurturing and comforting but as he steps closer to place the shirt on your shoulders, your breath hitches at the sudden proximity.
You’ve never had Seokjin being this close to you before. But from here you can observe him more, having a clearer view of his bold eyebrows on top of his eyes, of how his eyes seem to gleam with the sun. You can almost count his eyelashes from this proximity.
One Seokjin doesn’t seem to notice as he readjusts the fabric to bring as much warmth as possible. He doesn’t seem to mind the cold either, even in his white T-shirt, as he hums softly to himself and you can’t take your eyes off of him. He seems so calm, peaceful and simply beautiful and you wish for the moment to remain engraved in your memory.
“There. Much better! We can’t have Professor Slughorn’s prodigy getting sick on the first week!” he jokes, entirely unaware of the sudden tension on your part.
That is until his eyes land on your again.
He pauses.
None of you dare to talk. It seems the moment shifts into something more, something intimate, something grand that none of you can grasp. His eyes search your face for something but you have no idea what that is, simply staring back at him and only your eyes gleam full of anticipation.
Suddenly his hand reaches up to brush a lock of hair behind your ear. As his digits graze the apple of your cheek, a shaky exhale escapes you, eyes still on him.
You’re certain he didn’t miss the incriminating sound and yet he doesn’t comment on it.
Instead, his hand lands on your cheek and he takes a breath.
“Can I ask you a question?”
His voice is raspy, breathless and before you get to respond he interjects.
“Actually I think my heart will go into overdrive if I get those words out of my mouth, so…” he adds so quickly you almost can’t make out the words and then he takes another breath.
“So… Can I show you instead?” he asks softly. As if anything louder than that will ruin this.
You can’t trust your voice at this point.
So instead you nod.
For a matter of a few seconds, you feel tingles in your stomach, nerves, and excitement threatening to explode inside you until Seokjin decides to do something.
Then the hand that’s on your cheek moves to slowly bring you closer, as his eyes land on your lips. You close your eyes.
And suddenly all you can feel is the softness of his plump lips enveloping yours.
The kiss is tender, soft and sweet like cotton candy and when your lips move to welcome him, a shaky exhale resonates against your mouth. He moves both hands to cup your cheeks and his fingers are soft, careful into holding you as if he’s afraid you’ll break beneath him. The notion has you shivering as your hands grasp at his T-shirt to stand on your toes, reaching for more.
You’re kissing Seokjin and he’s kissing you too. It feels like a dream.
When his tongue traces the seams of your lips, another shiver takes over you and, with disappointment, you feel him drawing back quickly.
“Oh shit, you’re shivering, you’re still cold, aren’t you? Shit, sorry, I forgot-” Seokjin begins to overthink this and you silence him with a simple peck. It effectively shuts him up as he stares at you with wide, full of awe eyes as if you didn’t just make out outside of the castle.
You chuckle lightly, already feeling your cheeks warm up from his gaze on you. “I didn’t shiver because of the cold…” you announce, raising an eyebrow at him as you bite your lip.
Seokjin seems to understand what you’re saying as his eyes gleam and he nods. “Oh,” he swallows, embarrassed, “Well, I guess then you’re okay and I didn’t have to-” he begins again, his nerves taking over until you interrupt him again with a kiss.
He stops talking, surprised once more before he melts into the kiss and into you, reciprocating just as eagerly as you, and one of his hands falls to your back to press you softly against him.
You sigh against his lips in contempt, throwing your hands around his neck, bringing him closer and closer, until his chest is pressed against yours and you can feel his heartbeat.
When the kiss threatens to get more heated, you lean back out of breath, because let’s face it, you’re still on school grounds.
Seokjin almost chases after your lips and you giggle at the pout that graces his lips when he can’t reach you.
“We can’t keep doing that here, students are already up…” you mutter through your permanent smile and Seokjin hides his pouty face in the crook of your neck.
“Party pooper…” he mumbles cutely and your smile widens.
And just like that, all the awkwardness and unresolved tension disappear. As soon as both of you knew your feelings weren’t unrequited anymore.
“God, I missed you so much…” he mutters again and he raises his head back up to look at you.
Your eyes are full of fondness when you answer. “It was only two months…”
His eyes widen comically as he gasps. “It felt like a lifetime to me! Don't take my pain lightly!” he declares and a hearty laugh break free from your lips. A smile quickly graces his lips at the sound and you stop to press a kiss to his lips.
“I missed you too…” you admit with cheeks flushed and Seokjin’s smile widens as he looks at you in almost adoration. His eyes gleam and seeing him looking at you like that makes you feel like the luckiest person in the world.
“That’s all I wanted to hear…” he whispers softly as he leans in yet again for another kiss.
And this time you can’t help but smile and let him.
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venus-says · 5 years
Aikatsu Friends! Episodes 58-63
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Smiles are the seeds that bloom into flowers of happiness.
Me? Posting Aikatsu again? Oh boy, I think I’m sick. XD
Okay, jokes aside, aikatsu is back in the blog. I promise I still like aikatsu, the thing is, the subs come out very late and I kinda forget about it because I have stuff to do, and since doing these without subs ain’t the best idea (you gonna see why in a minute) the episodes end up pilling up. I’m a mess, sorry. XD
But anyway we got a lot to cover so let’s get going.
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Episode 58 is the start of the Sorbet Kingdom ark.
So to starters, I have to apologize. I always very mad about the whole borders situation last time I did this mostly because I thought Sorbet was like an entire country and what they’ve shown us was just the capital, but from this episode is clear that this isn’t the case. Sorbet is either a city-state or a microstate, pretty much like what Monaco is (the difference being Monaco doesn’t have a king, when sorbet has one), so denying their visa wouldn’t do much since they were traveling to another country that has free passage to Sorbet. So I’m sorry.
Now back to the episode itself, I think they went a bit overboard with how Alicia treated the girls. I’m not saying that she should receive them with open arms and everyone be happy forever, but when you have a scene of she coldly saying that they should fuck off and in the next scene she says to let them use rooms from the castle it gives mixed signals and it just seems dumb. I think they should either had toned her coldness in the first scene and denying Hibiki in a less rash way or make Charles find another place in town to put the girls and be something like “my sister doesn’t want you all here, but I know she’s in pain and I wanna help so I’m gonna sneak you guys to X place”, either option would’ve worked better.
That little flashback about the kingdom was nice, but I don’t think it had a lot of purpose. I think it serves to show Hibiki why Alicia went back to her country and never went to meet her again, but seeing that their relationship was already going places via their text messages and phone calls, it’s odd that this was never brought up by Hibiki or Alicia. I must say for a show about friendship, people in this universe don’t seem to talk to each other at all and is just weird.
The performance... it was okay, I guess. I still don’t know why they had to perform the most basic song in their most basic outfit but I really don’t care that much. What I’m more curious about, as someone who lives in a country where snow isn’t a thing, is can you actually make a stage out of snow and have people stand on top of it without the whole thing collapsing? XD Friends from the northern hemisphere, please tell me.
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I kinda wanna skip talking about Episode 59, because I don’t have a lot to say about the episode itself and all I have in my mind is Mirai’s performance because that’s the only interesting thing this episode has going on for itself.
Like, LMT is there and that’s nice (even though I don’t see why they traveled separated from the main group), I didn’t really understand the whole evol ustakia thing (but those three sisters were a lot of fun), and I honestly didn’t see the point of having Tamaki flashing here and there having troubles just to upload a video.
That final scene with Hibiki and Alicia was nice, we got a little bit of the jeweling dresses lore and a lovely moment of Hibiki promising that she’ll bring everyone’s smiles back. But that’s not enough to hold the episode high.
Mirai’s performance does lift things up a bit, Nice na to meet you is an A M A Z I N G song and it was very refreshing to see something new (which for some reason it seems to be a very rare thing for friends!). This reveal could’ve been more impactful if the opening hadn’t spoiled Mirai’s dress? I believe yes. But even that can’t take away the positives of this performance that was, without a doubt, the highlight of the episode.
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While 59 was meh Episode 60 was kinda good, I quite enjoyed this one, I dare to say this is the best one of this ark.
This episode goes hard on the emotional side, we all know this is the first time in the Aikatsu series we see a character die, and it is a very strong scene. Sadly it seems that all of the emotional parts were focused only on the flashbacks and they forgot of bringing this to the present a little bit.
Like, in the present we see more of Alicia’s struggle on trying to be a good ruler for the people and the country she loves while still wanting to do Aikatsu, but everything is still very undertoned. We know she didn’t want to stop Aikatsu but she had to because in her mind that was the correct thing to do, but we don’t see that being verbalized or acted in the present, we see glimpses of it which is interesting, but we could’ve seen more of that.
The main conflict of this episode works just fine, and I like how Tamaki deals with the situation, but when they pull out a kotatsu out of nowhere they lose me in that scene, like how’s that supposed to work outside? Aren’t those things electric? Where are they plugging it in????? C’mon people. I’d like much more to see more of Alicia, maybe she talking to Charles about her duties and everything so that we can see in her the desire to do Aikatsu again rather than the kotatsu scene (even though Mirai’s impression of Aine was really fun to watch).
Seeing Hibiki perform is always great, but seeing Alicia asking Hibiki to perform holds more meaning and is one of those glimpses that I mentioned that I wish we could’ve seen more. Regardless is still great and the moment when Hibiki reassures her promise to Alicia from the last episode just crown up this episode as a good one, despite its flaws.
Loose notes from the episode: Hibiki and Mirai’s competition was fun, I like Karen being the one who gets to win even though she wasn’t competing; the three sisters again are a treat like always; Charles remains the goodest boy ever and I want a plushie of him; and to top it all we got to see Honey Cat for a little bit so we know at least someone in the writing team didn’t forget they exist so, points for this episode.
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Episode 61 is the polemic one.
So, the first time I saw this episode I watched it without subs and I watched it alone without watching the 3 episodes past. And at that moment it worked for me, it seemed like a good resolve for this mini-ark.
But watching now with the subs I don’t like it as much.
Don’t get me wrong, I still love Alicia’s performance and the moment she and Hibiki reconciliate is pretty good. I also appreciate having more lore in the Jeweling dresses, I feel like we desperately need a lot more info on them because so far they all just seem like a gimmick and they don’t have a purpose or reason to exist at all so any bit of info we get I’m happy.
This episode has a massive throwback, everything on this episode was build upon a lie. I get that Mio’s suggestion was supposed to be a “white lie”, a lie that causes no harm. But that doesn’t work when you make AN ENTIRE CITY LIE and tells them TO PRETEND THEY’RE LIVING AN EXPERIENCE THAT CAN GET THEM DEAD just to make their princess sing and dance on a stage. This is so selfish and so wrong. *sigh* I don’t even want to continue talking about this. Let’s just move on.
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Episode 62 is a good change of pace after the low point that 61 was.
Yeah, it was silly. I have a lot of questions about how Love Me Tear got there earlier than the other, and what was the point of the frogs, and how they didn’t give much of a reaction to knowing about Karen’s house when none of them went there before.
But I’m okay with all of that because this episode was very sweet and it was good seeing the “side” girls get some attention. And how good of a combination that Reflect Moon and Wakaba was, I’m legitimately surprised I wasn’t expecting this to work so well, but they formed a very good group to follow around for this period of time.
Having two performances on this episode was a cheap move probably to fill up time but you know what? I’m not complaining. I’m just glad I got to clear my pallet from the terrible after taste last episode left in my mouth.
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Episode 63 was nice. I like that they had an episode to reintegrate Alicia in the idol world. Sadly the episode had to share space with Karen's plot that wasn't as strong and interesting and makes a potentially great episode become just a regular one in the end.
And this time I'm being true to my words when I say I don' have anything else to comment about this episode. Like, Karen's dress looks good and her song is nice as well, but I like her old ones better. I don't see the point of Karen hiding to read her fan mail in the middle of the night. And most of Alicia's adapting process was very fun but there's not a lot there to create a conversation on my eyes.
Like, my brain didn't have a lot of work going on while I was watching it, it was a nice watch to just space out a bit while I was thinking in the job application I just dropped in the mayor's office today. I'm sorry if I wasn't as invested in this one as I was for the other ones I promise to dedicate myself more next time FOR THE HONEY CAT EPISODE THAT I'M SUPER EXCITED ABOUT. See ya~ XD
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
What may we call you?: >> Mordred, or Rev, or Shadow, or whatever.
When can we send you a birthday card? (Figuratively, of course.): >> Today!
And, where are you calling from? (Again, figuratively.): >> Michigan.
What is your favorite Hostess/Little Debbie snack?: >> I can’t stand those.
Do you/your family buy loaf from the bakery or bagged on the shelf?: >> I buy bagged on the shelf, it’s just convenient.
White, wheat or other?: >> Other (multigrain or sourdough).
Have you ever fixed something without knowing just how you did it?: >> Probably, yeah. I’m like that with computers sometimes.
Do store brands actually taste the same?: >> Some do, most don’t.
Quick! Grab the closest book to you, open to page 5 and type the first line: >> There isn’t a book close to me right now.
What’s the last non-fiction book you’ve read? (Not a school textbook!): >> How To Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan. A deeply fascinating and inspiring read.
Do you make surveys or just take them?: >> Take them, now.
When was the last time you were on a plane?: >> February.
Where were you going and why?: >> New Orleans, for wedding planning (mainly).
What’s the best news you’ve gotten lately?: >> One of my buddies from Discord bought me the Elsweyr expansion for ESO for my birthday lmao.
^And, the worst?: >> I haven’t gotten any bad news recently.
How is 2010 treating you so far, anyway?: >> LMAO... well, I’ll just answer for 2019. It’s been a little rocky at times, of course, but this is honestly one of the better years I’ve had so far, in comparison to past ones.
If you could invent something, what would it be?: >> I don’t know.
Tell me about your favorite pair of pants.: >> I don’t have a favourite pair.
Do you like getting dressed up?: >> Yeah.
Would you rather receive (or give) flowers, chocolates or jewelry?: >> I’m not really interested in any of those things.
Do you drink Vitamin Water?: >> No.
^If yes, what flavor is your favorite?: >> ---
What color are your headphones/earbuds?: >> Black. Is your technology up to date?: >> Not particularly, but it still works wonderfully.
Ever been stuck next to someone really annoying on a LONG plane/train ride?: >> Nope. I usually get either people who keep to themselves, or really kind old ladies or something.
What sound just drives you crazy?: >> Oh man, what sound doesn’t, lmao.
Would you be embarrassed to find out you snored loudly in public?: >> Sure, but I don’t snore so it’s not likely to happen.
Do you embarrass easily?: >> Not really, and if I do get embarrassed it’s usually a brief and manageable experience.
Why were you embarrassed last?: >> I don’t remember.
Are you afraid of heights?: >> No, but certainly incredible heights can be daunting because of that thing that happens where you think your body’s going to randomly go apeshit and throw you off the roof or something. Which it obviously won’t but brains are dumb.
What is a compliment you get most often?: >> I don’t get compliments often enough to be able to tally data.
Tell me about the last frightening/weird dream you had.: >> If I don’t make an effort to remember them, I forget them pretty quickly, so I don’t know.
Now, about the last pleasant dream you had.: >> See above.
Do you feel guilty about killing bugs?: >> Not really, but I’d still rather avoid doing so if I don’t have to.
If there is a spider in your room, will you be up all night knowing that?: >> Probably not. Flying insects, yeah, I’ll definitely be unable to sleep. But the spiders I’ve met tend to kind of just... chill. Or at least stick to the walls/ceiling and not get adventurous about, like, human faces or anything. Is there a trait typical to your gender that doesn’t apply to you?: >> ---
How do you feel about coconut?: >> It’s pretty good. Not in everything, though.
^ Ever cracked one open?: >> Nope.
If you like someone, what do you do?: >> ---
If you DON’T like someone, what do you do?: >> Not much, usually.
What do you feel most insecure about?: >> My ability to interact with other people in a manner that gets me what I need/want.
What’s the best thing about being your gender?: >> The best thing about having no gender is literally everything...
^ And the worst thing?: >> ...except that other people still misgender me on a daily basis.
Do you do your part to save the earth?: >> No...? I don’t bloody know, what even is my part.
Does it ROYALLY piss you off when your intended username is already taken?: >> Nah. I mean it’s fuckin annoying as hell lmao but I usually have backups.
What color do you wear most often?: >> Black.
Describe your sunglasses.: >> They’re just brown-tinted aviators.
What’s the most you’ve spent on a pair of sunglasses?: >> Probably like ten bucks.
^Or, ladies, what about a purse?: >> ---
Actually, what’s the most expensive clothing item/accessory you own?: >> In a few months it will be a bespoke suit. 0_0
Who do you think should have their portrait on a bill?: >> ???
What is your favorite spoken language to listen to?: >> All of them, really. I just think all human languages are fucking cool.
How long until you turn 40?: >> Exactly 8 years to the day!
Do you like coffee? >> Not really. Do your eyes ever twitch? >> Sometimes. Do you get excited when you get something in the mail that isn’t a bill? >> If it’s something worth being excited about, yeah -- like a gift or something novel that I ordered. What was the last thing you wrote by hand? >> I have no idea.
Why did you last feel exhausted? >> Because I’d had a demanding (not negatively so, but just full) day.
Have you ever used emotional blackmail to get your own way? >> Don’t think so, but maybe. Has anybody ever used emotional blackmail on you? >> Yeah. Assuming you have any, is your hair soft today? >> I mean, kind of. It’s more fuzzy-feeling than anything else because of the length. Who did you last worry about and why? >> --- Are you currently looking for a new place to live? >> No. When was the last time you ate/drank something gross just to be polite? >> I don’t. I absolutely refuse. I won’t insult it but I won’t consume it if I don’t like it and that’s that. Can you see any toys from where you’re sat? >> Plushies, yeah. Last time you heard a growl, who or what did it come from? >> Probably my stomach. Does it bother you when you forget something that you should know? >> Yes! What was the last thing you put off doing? >> I don’t remember. When did you last make up a baby’s bottle? >> --- What was the last thing you cooked? >> --- Do you eat your dinner at a dining table, coffee table or just off your lap? >> I just eat wherever I am, whether at my desk or in my room or whatever. When did you last see the sea? >> Not since I left New York :( Which would you prefer as a view; mountains or the sea? >> Either is nice, but I might prefer the sea. Do you have a mouse for your laptop? (Assuming you have a laptop) >> Yeah. Do you apologise a lot? >> No. Do you have any framed black & white photos in your home? Who are they of? >> There’s a random framed print of Audrey Hepburn on the wall lmao.
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lovinitkpop · 5 years
Brown Sugar and Honey
This one is about a new girl group at SM. You could say EXO sister group there may be a love line put in it who really knows. I mean I know but then again I might not know. Heads up I’m sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes after rereading it over and over I can’t deal with it.
Oh the reason I came up with this title is because the main OC is black and DO KyungSoo looks damn sexy and handsome when his skin is dark and tan and NOT WHITE WASHED!!!!! STOP THE WHITE WASHING!!!!!!!!
If there is a love line then it will be my first Kyungsoo series. Hope you like it but if you don’t guess what I don’t give two shits leave my blog then. Anyways enjoy bye.
Warnings: Fluffy, Angst, Language, Bullying, Stupid, May not make senses, Brain frat, May not have smut, Trigger, Suicide talk, Racism, Blood, etc.
Pairing: OC x DO Kyungsoo
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Chapter 33
July 26, 2019
Jisoo runs down the hall running away from her manager. As she makes it to Renesmee room Rosalie walks out looking at her phone. “Stop running now.” She says turning her head causing Jisoo to slide to a stop.
“She is still okay nothing changed from the last time you were here.” Rosalie adds putting here phone in her pocket.
“I don’t know that someone didn’t let me stay the night.” Jisoo says before walking into the room. “Sis!”
“Jiji you should be at practice.” Renesmee says looking up from her phone. Jisoo walks over sitting next to Renesmee. “You could have asked me to move over.”
Renesmee says moving to the side letting her sit. Jisoo puts her arm around Renesmee laying her head on her shoulder. “Ugh I missed you so much.”
“Unnie we were just here yesterday.” Roxay says walking in with the others. “Unnie!” She says hopping over to Renesmee hugging her.
“Girls you should be at practice.” Renesmee says looking at them and they just pout. Their manager walks in sighing. “What are they doing here?”
“They won’t step into the practice room until you get out; they keep running away.” He says folding his arms looking at them.
“Girls really; the doctor said I’m fine in fact I might be getting out tomorrow.” Renesmee says looking at them.
“We don’t want to go on without you.” Eunjin says looking from the floor.
“Well you won’t I’m a 100% okay all they’ve been doing is running test and making sure my oxygen is good.” Renesmee says smiling pushing her hair back.
“Which from the result that just came back everything looks good.” The doctor says walking into the room looking at his clipboard. “If it stays that way tonight you are free to go in the morning.”
“Yay!” The girls yell running over hugging Renesmee. She laughs looking at them before looking back at the doctor.
“Thank you.” She says bowing her head. He nods watching them as he looks back at his clipboard. The girls smile looking at Renesmee. “Told you girls.”
“You know you’re a tough cookie.” He says walking to the door. Renesmee smiles giggling covering her mouth. “I mean one tough cookie.”
“Yes I am.” She agreed with him watching him leave. The girls smile looking at Renesmee. “You girls better be in practice tomorrow before I get there.”
“Yes ma’am.” They all say jumping up and down. Rosalie walks back in with Déshì. He bows to everyone saying hello.
“Okay girls it’s late we need to go.” Their manager says looking at them and they all whine looking at him. “Not now I promise I’ll come pick her up tomorrow and bring her to practice.”
“You promise?” Xiaoling asks looking at him.
“Yes now lets go.” He says pointing to the door. They all hug Renesmee before leaving. “Bye I’ll be here tomorrow to get you.”
“Okay bye.” Renesmee says waving bye. Déshì smiles walking over handing her the bag. “Oh good you found it.” She says smiling and he nods sitting down next to her.
“Anymore nightmares?” He asks pushing her hair back.
“Yeah but my mom has been here to help me.” She says looking at Rosalie. “I mean I don’t get that much sleep but I’m getting something.”
“Well Déshì is staying tonight I have a meeting in the morning.” Rosalie says walking grabbing her bags. Renesmee shakes her head looking at them.
“He doesn’t have to stay, I can’t keep him from his family.” Renesmee says looking at them smiling. “So I asked him to grab this bag it has a few thing to help me.”
“I don’t mind staying Nessie.” Déshì says but Renesmee just shakes her head again grabbing his hand. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah but you can stay till I fall asleep.” She replies tilting her head. Déshì nods before looking back at Rosalie.
“Okay then good night.” Rosalie says kissing Renesmee forehead. She then walks out as her phone starts ringing.
“I need you to do me a favor.” Renesmee asks tilting her head. He nods listening to her and she smiles. “I need you to mail this off for me.”
“Sure what is it?” He asks taking the package. She shakes her head looking at him and he sighs. “Okay fine be that way, do you want anything while I’m out?”
“No I’m fine but thank you.” Renesmee says looking in her bag. “Again thank you for bringing the bag.” She says smiling and he leans forward kissing her forehead.
“Bye only sweet dreams and no staying up late.” Déshì says smiling before leaving. Renesmee smiles nodding pulling her plushie out hugging it. “Ahh now I see why you wanted the bag; I guess you will have good dreams.”
Renesmee nods pulling the hoodie out the bag. “Night Déshì.” Renesmee says going to the bathroom. He nods before leaving closing the door.
July 31, 2019
‘Breaking News!
Hello everyone we are back again with an update to Renesmee noona aka Nessie from Royal 1004.
Yes this is right as you know we are both huge fans of Nessie unnie and the group. But we had some major concerns ever since the end of last year.
Yes Nessie noona has been through a lot and this video we are doing will confirm it. As you all know there was talk about SM kicking Nessie from the group.
Now we got a package a few days ago with a note. We would have filmed earlier but I was out of town. So my brother had to wait on me.
Now that she’s here we opened it the other night and this person sent us a video. Now this video is very disturbing, disappointing, and disgusting, etc.
Like this video made me angry and sad to see it. And we don’t know how this video was taken without anyone knowing. We don’t know where it can from the sender left no name or return address nothing.
Now our last big story about Nessie noona was on her birthday when she didn’t attend her birthday fan meet. When fans told us that she told her mother she had broken ribs and a twisted ankle.
Which was why she sat out for one album. Now this time it’s about what happened on the first day of their tour. Where she collapsed during the show. Their were fan videos capturing the whole thing.
You could hear the staff clearly say her heartbeat stops not once but twice. That’s before she was rushed to the hospital. Going back just a few hours before the concert Renesmee unnie went live on vlive.
Where she said that she had just gotten more medicine. The following day her manager released a statement on his personal Instagram; saying her fever had spiked which caused her to collapse. Now this manager is the only manager we have seen out of the girls 3 managers.
Yes he is always going beyond his job when taking care the girls. He seem to have a soft spot for Roxay, Jisoo unnie and Nessie unnie.
But with all that being said we are going to show you the footage we received. Again this video maybe to much for you. We did add subtitles just in case you can’t hear the audio that well.’
Renesmee sits in the practice room looking at her phone tilting her head. “Interesting how did I know you would be here?” Taeyong says walking into the room.
“Well you know me never stop working.” Renesmee says looking at her laptop now. “I have to get these counts just right.”
“How did you find time to be here aren’t you on tour?”
“Yes we leave in two days.” He says sitting next to her. Renesmee turns looking at him frowning. “Don’t give me that look.”
“Taeyong your hurt I can see it in your eyes.” She says as she pushes her hair back. He sighs looking away. “You need rest.”
“Looks who’s talking, you never take care of yourself.” Taeyong speaks wrapping his arms around his knees. “You always push yourself too far.”
“Yeah people actually like you; no one gives a shit about me.” Renesmee says looking back at her screen.
“I’m sorry was that a British accent?” He asks tilting his head.
“Yeah I’m sorry I don’t know where it comes from.” She says looking down at her lap. “Trust it happen a lot I just don’t know how it comes out when I’m speaking Korean.”
“So you can speak with a British accent?” He asks looking at her and she nods. “So what are you working on?”
“Well three new songs for when we go to America because they need to be filmed over there.” Renesmee says looking at her phone. “Oh I have the songs I need you to look over.”
“For?” He asks looking confused.
Renesmee smiles covering her mouth seeing his face. He tilts his head watching her and she just looks away. “For the next part in the pandora series.”
“Oh okay send it to me.” He says and she nods sending him the files. “What are we going for this time?”
“The good side of the box.” Renesmee says pushing her hair back. “As much as I love dark evil concepts got at least cover the good side.”
“We don’t have to, we can just be evil for good you know.” Taeyong says smiling and she turns her head looking at his face.
“Don’t tempt me.” She whines pouting and he just laughs seeing her face. “Ugh we have SM Town coming up.”
“Are you sure you’re up to it?” He asks grabbing her arm. “You just got out the hospital.” He adds looking her in the eye.
“You are so cute I’m glad were friends Tae.” Renesmee says smiling and he sits up hearing her. “The doctor said I’m fine.”
“Just friends?” He asks watching her and she nods.
“I knew for a while Tae.” She says and he looks at her in shock.
“You did?”
“Yes, I like you too but we wouldn’t work out, plus your fans would go nuts.” Renesmee says smiling poking his cheek. “I like our friendship the way it is and so do you; it’s fun being cute and flirty with you some fans like it.”
“But you know deep down it wouldn’t end well; the thing that pulls us together also pulls us apart.”
“So you really like me the way I like you?” He asks watching her smiling and she nods. “I guess you’re right in the long run something would have happened.” He adds putting his arm around her.
“Plus I don’t think my manager would be happy.” She says smiling up at him. “But you are still my vampire.”
“And you’re still mine.” Taeyong says pulling his phone out hearing it ring. “Well my queen I have to go, I’ll start working on these songs later.”
August 9, 2019
Renesmee sits there looking at everyone. “Am I in trouble?” She asks as she sits there. “Wait it has to do with those YouTubers video.”
“Well I had nothing to do with that.” Renesmee speaks sitting up in her chair.
“We know but why didn’t you come to anyone?” One man asks looking at her.
“Like they told me it’s their word against mine.” Renesmee says looking away. “And who would believe an ugly fat black bitch monkey like me.”
“One of many names I was called.” She says with a scoff. “I’ve said it many times before no one cares about me, so why am I here.”
“You’re here because I brought you here.” Sooman says watching her tilting his head. “I would have believed you, I’ve told you to come to me if something was wrong.”
Renesmee sighs looking away again hearing him. “Yeah but I didn’t want to cause trouble.” She says folding her arms looking at her lap.
“Everyone out please I’m sure you have paperwork to take care of.” He says looking at everyone else. They all nod bowing before leaving.
Sooman sighs taking his glasses off rubbing his face. “You don’t want to cause trouble?” He repeats what she says and she nods.
“So you rather die!” He says standing up hitting the table watching her. Renesmee jumps hearing him scream and she bites her lip.
“It’s not like it’s the first time trust me.” Renesmee says folding her arms across her chest. “And I’m sure it won’t be the last.”
“I treat you like my own daughter Nessie all I ask is you come to me if you need help.” He says putting his glasses back on. “I did everything I could to make you feel at home.”
Renesmee bites her lip again hearing him. “I’m sorry I’m not used to dealing with people helping me.” She says looking at him and he sighs.
“Nessie no one will hurt you.” He says and she scoffs rolling her eyes. “No one will hurt you anymore, what happened to you in the past won’t happen again.”
“Plus those who were mentioned in the video were fired.”
“Wait what?” She says looking at him and he tilts his head.
“They’re fired.”
“Great I’m more of a target than before.” Renesmee says getting up walking off. Sooman grabs her arm stopping her.
“What are you talking about?” He says looking at her. Renesmee pulls free pushing her hair back.
“They’ll blame me for getting fired, since they don’t work here it’s free game to hurt me!” Renesmee screams kicking the chair over.
“But you had nothing to do with that video.” He says watching her. Renesmee grips her hair thinking and she smirks shaking her head. “Unless you…”
“Yes it was me I knew they were right I needed proof.” Renesmee says looking at the floor. “I knew those two followed my every move so I sent them the video.”
Sooman sighs shaking his head watching her. “I promise nothing will happen to you.” He says grabbing her arm again. “Are you hiding anything else from me?”
“Well yes but I can’t tell you yet.” She says biting her lip. He hums tilting his head to the side. “It’s nothing bad and I promise I’m safe okay.”
“So when are you going to tell me?” Sooman asks folding his arms. Renesmee smiles biting her finger. “Nessie.”
“I don’t know when it’s safe and I won’t get in trouble.” Renesmee says standing there thinking. “But I can tell you I really haven’t been staying at the dorm.”
“Where have you been staying?”
“Well you know that house my mom had she gave it to me.” She replies looking at him and he nods.
“That’s fine since no one knows about it, I guess you’ve been driving yourself here.” He says standing up picking up the chair.
“Yes, I couldn’t just let those cars go to waste.” Renesmee says smiling swaying side to side. Sooman shakes his head laughing watching her.
“I swear you cause more worry than trouble.” He says walking towards the door opening it. Renesmee follows behind walking out the office.
She walks down the hall heading to the others. “Uh Nessie.” He calls out to her and she stops. Renesmee turns just as a few staff walks pass. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Renesmee smiles running to him hugging him. He laughs hugging her back patting her head. Some of the workers look over at them in shock.
“I promise you’re safe from now on.” He says looking at her. “Now go I’m sure you have a tour to finish.”
Renesmee nods running off and she smiles seeing Jongin. She jumps on his back laughing hearing him scream. “Kai oppa!”
“Nessie I swear you are going to give me a heart attack.” He says tilting his head looking at her. “What are you doing?”
“I want to spend time with my favorite devil bear.” She says smiling at him and he keeps walking.
“Yeah right what do you want?” He asks walking into a practice room.
“Why do you think I want something?” She says pouting resting her head on his shoulder. Jongin looks at her and she sighs. “I’m writing a song and want you to do it with me.”
“Fine.” He says walking over putting his bag down. “Now I have to practice for the new group, so you have to go oh and have fun with the rest of the tour.”
Renesmee let’s go of him dropping to the floor nodding. “Okay have fun debuting again, I swear if I don’t get a solo soon me and the rest of EXOLs we riot.”
Jongin smirks watching her and she looks at him. “I’m not kidding just wait and see.” She says walking to the door.
“When I do release an album you better be ready.” He replies and she looks back at him.
“I want you to be on it.” He says smiling biting his lip. “Duh.”
“The devil dancer wants me on his album.” Renesmee says putting her hands on her hips. “The man that oozes sex on stage wants me on his album.”
“Plus the mv and dance.” Jongin smirks his cheeks turning red. “I at least want to do three mvs.”
“D.O oppa won’t be happy about that.” She says smiling evilly. Jongin shrugs starting the music as he gets ready. “Text me your evil plan to kill everyone later.”
“Will do my little devil.” He says as he dances and she nods leaving.
Renesmee heads to her car carrying her bag. She gets in getting ready to drive off. “Man this tour has to do good.” She says heading to the dorm.
“Where have you been?” Eunjin asks as the girls run around getting there stuff together. Renesmee smiles as Roxay runs over hugging her.
“Uh I had a meeting about the video they wanted to know if I had something to do with it.” Renesmee says before going up to her room to grab a few bags.
“Are you in trouble?” Jisoo asks walking downstairs with her bags.
“No.” Renesmee says walking up behind her.
“Are you girls ready?” Their manager asks and the girls nod standing by their bags. “Then let’s go.”
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yoikami · 6 years
Get to know me tag~
Thank you @mochi-moss for tagging me~ I appreciate a lot!!
✦nickname? I have a very short name irl so online I get nicknamed Yoi or Ya (from Yayoi, ikr, one or the other, pick your poison).
✦gender? Female, on top of that I love cute things and dresses, I'm quite the girly/flowery/pastely gay potato...
✦star sign? A libra, I may be a witch I have no big interest in star signs ;;;
✦height? Very smol. Most people will tell you they're so small but ahahaha ...cute, I'm more or less 146cm, to give you an idea. The world is so big from my point of view.
✦hogwarts house? I always get Ravenclaw which is just fitting I'd say.
✦favourite animal? Fox!! I love foxes to death and I think they are adorable. I am actually kind of an animal lover anyway, I even try to never kill insects (except for giant hornets killing my bees, f these).
✦favourite colour? Purple and every kind of blues~
✦current favourite song? Chouwa Oto by Kokia <3 I just love mystical songs the best...just like Ar Tonelico's soundtracks or Sound Horizon, Yuki Kajiura's...
✦favourite ways to get creative? Tumblr has honestly became a good source for me to find inspirations from others. Even pretty landscapes put me in the mood for sewing or decorating etc. I also feel motivated whenever I see pictures of people's sewing projects or wips. (I sew plushies and doll clothing).
✦what do you do when you’re alone? Video games all the way, I also like baking, gardening, sewing, listening to music in my garden with my pets, even singing!! I can get creative with my hobbies and might have too many.
✦average hours of sleep? I try my best. 7-8 but with chronic illness every night is going to be a mystery.
✦cats or dogs? Both... I could never chose between my children.
✦number of blankets you sleep with? If I can I have as many as possible, if it's not summer... Tons of stuffed animals, cushions and big blankets.
✦dream job? I don't know anymore ;_; I do dream of reaching a high level in sewing and becoming a pro. My life took a drastic change 3 years ago and I originally planned to even be living in another country by myself but I had to change my mind and give up on some dreams which doesn't mean I can't have new ones!!
✦dream trip? I have yet to make a list since I already went to Japan and Canada and still want to visit them again because these countries are magnificient and like a second home for me now. I want to visit Ireland, Australia, Korea- Actually I'd like to visit as many places as possible ONLY IF they're peaceful enough for me to go to (Tokyo wasn't as draining and toxic as big cities of France where everything gets overwhelming for people with anxiety and disabilities).
✦sexuality? I'm such a mess!! In short I don't really like men in terms of "boyfriend material", I'm proudly gay for sure because women...women are life you know, women fascinate me and more than attraction I also want to stand for them, to not compete because I think it is ridiculous and I just want to tell another girl she is pretty instead of making her think I'm death glaring at her or something? But anyway, I said it's a mess because like my officially straight mother always told me "you never know I might live the rest of my life with a woman, no one knows, we can't decide that" and I thought it was a beautiful way of seeing things. I have currently feelings for someone very very dear to me and this man (yes he is a man, he was confused reading this like a dork!!) could be non-binary, a woman or genderfluid and I couldn't care less, our souls love each others. Oh and I'm asexual!! This might sounds confusing since I do looove women but I'm just not sexual at all, no physical attraction whatsoever. Sexualities can be more complex than it sounds anyway so I just feel like not making a big deal out of it. Tenderness, attraction, sensuality, sexuality, everything has a whole different sense ^-^
✦when did you make this account? Uhh, 4 years ago I assume. It changed a lot and I think I like it the most nowadays, I post more about nature, animals, cute mangacaps of my personal favorites, Yuri on Ice inevitably lol.
✦number of followers? 3,571. I think I've been having the same amount of followers for a whole year or two to be honest. Is it weird? I think a ton of them are actually inactive but regardless I think pretty much all of my followers and mutuals are actually amazing. I also have some followers who've been following me for years!! This is insane, and yes I see you, I ALWAYS notice you :P (I just never really keep track of ppl unfollowing, I think it's best to unfollow someone rather than arguing with them or sending hate mails).
This ended up becoming kind of a novel, as I always do ;;; ✦But thank you again Kit!!✦ (I think your nickname and name is adorable but this is just me ok xD I always thought it was some sort of nickname already. It would be silly if you were a crazy cat lover...). I'm not tagging anyone sorry ;-;
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barewiings · 4 years
Cute Plushies for Sale -- Pay What You Can! 
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          This is a very, very OOC post, but after polling my followers some time ago, I found out that some people would be interested in purchasing ( brand new, still in original packaging ) plushies from me to help me clear up some space. Like my muse, I have plushie hoarding tendencies, and these are some I’d like to re-home to make someone else happy.
          While prices for things will be listed below, please feel free to pay what you can! At the very least, I’d like shipping costs to be covered by buyers since I can’t afford to ship out a dozen plushies for free. I understand that plushies aren’t necessities whatsoever, so I don’t really expect people to swarm after what I have to offer. But plushies can bring a lot of comfort to some people, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to at least get this post circulating. I’ve always been extremely flexible when it comes to pricing whenever I sell my plushies on other platforms, so please don’t be scared to reach out and talk to me! I’m very budget friendly :)
          Anyway, item photos and asking prices will be listed under the cut. Shipping cost depends on buyer’s location as well as item weight, so I have little control over the cost. Please note, I’d prefer to ship only within the U.S. I apologize for the inconvenience, but international shipping isn’t something I’m experienced with, and I’d hate for your mail to get lost! Payments can be made through Paypal, which gives buyers protection if you pay using “goods and services.” I’ll also accept Venmo and can make listings on eBay, Mercari, or Depop if that’s easier for you to make a purchase. I also have reviews at the ready if you’d like to see them!
          Thank you for taking a look, even if you don’t buy anything! I’ll try not to spam your dash too often. I apologize for this super OOC content, though, so feel free to blacklist birdie sells if you don’t want to see this post ever on your dash. 
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**Discounts available for bundles ( purchase of 2 or more items at once! ) and sets ( listed below )**
🌟Little Face Animals Bear and Cheetah — $15 + shipping each or $28 + shipping for the set 🌟Ted 2 Premium XL Black Apron Plushy — $15 + shipping 🌟Sumikkogurashi Sailor Marine Plushy XL (Penguin?) — $20 + shipping 🌟 Sumikkogurashi Rose Fur Plushy XL Premium Lizard (Tokage; ask me to see a stock photo if you’re curious about what it looks like when it’s not squished) — $30 + shipping 🌟 Stackable Minions Plush Jumbo Version E — $13 + shipping 🌟Oh! My Honey Mark Die Cut Cushion Plush (Mark) — $13 + shipping 🌟SOLD! Mameshiba Brothers Cool Evening Version B (~5.5 in.) — $7 + shipping 🌟Mameshiba Siblings Donut Mascot (3.5 in) — $4 + shipping 🌟Sesame Street Cookie Monster Cushion — $18 + shipping 🌟Kotori-tai Born from Egg Big Version A (owl) — $20 + shipping 🌟 Sumikkogurashi Prince Tokage — $20 + shipping
**All plushies are authentic and from Japan ( I play a lot of Toreba Crane Game, in case you’re wondering how )
**Feel free to send me a message to ask about shipping price!!
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