#i think i didnt even decide they were going to be identical twins until after i finished this
sntoot · 1 year
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i think i maybe put their earring on the wrong ear..........
anyways vague azem lore (medusa -> hestia -> azem)
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avionvadion · 3 years
Towa was too naive neither Setsuna had didnt have gold eyes from their father and sessrinners are too immature to bullied people like James beckett
The first three episodes, Towa had a lot of potential. She questioned gender roles, her place in the modern era, and actually showed signs of intelligence when she tried to avoid mentioning or doing anything that could alter history. She was cute and she was smart. I really enjoyed her character then.
Unfortunately, that was all lost shortly after as Sunrise completely rewrote her personality into a Mary Sue who was dumb as bricks (not even endearingly dumb, she was just plain stupid) with such an obsessive crush on her twin sister (who she hasn’t seen since they were four, mind you) that she completely stopped caring about the family who, you know, raised her for ten years, and never stopped twice to think that-
“Huh, you know what? Maybe I SHOULDN’T give my rainbow pearl to a dude who just admitted that he works for the enemy, and in doing so just completely forget three seconds later that he said he was the enemy until Setsuna and Moroha remind me after he’s already left. Also that he got me kidnapped in the first place, as he gave a stolen sword to me and framed me as the thief.” -_-
And the color schemes!!! Good gods. In the og design Rumiko made for them, Towa had gold and Setsuna had brown eyes. Yet for some reason Sunrise decided they going to change it up to make them look near identical to Kagura and Byakuya. 👀 That’s not even mentioning their freaking powers. Half of Towa’s abilities link back to Naraku and his many incarnations, the blue dragon especially as that was a TOKIJIN trait- and what was tokijin made out of?
The fang of one of Naraku’s early incarnations. That power did NOT originate from Sesshomaru. He could only use it because it came from the sword itself. Then there’s Setsuna with her whole moth motif and dream butterfly and wind abilities.
Kagura had moth feathers in her hair. She was the only character who actually had wind powers (wind scar is not actually a wind power, ya nasties; it’s the clashing of demonic energies that is so strong it causes a gust of wind that tears into the ground leaving several scars. What happens when you swing a sword hard enough? There’s a SWISH sound, which is wind) and Byakuya was nicknamed “Byakuya of Dreams”. He also uses a naginata... like Setsuna. Little Towa even had Kagura’s specific ponytail. All the signs are there. Like holy frick.
AND THE BULLYING THING. Jeez. It’s bad enough the nasties send death threats, rape threats, and suicide taunts, and even go so far as try to doxx people and get them kicked out of their college, but they’re even attacking people who are literally just doing their job in reviewing anime. It’s not James’ fault Yashahime is trash. Even the Anime News Network is saying Trashahime is awful.
It’s hard to believe the nasties are grown ass adults with kids. 🤢
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Literally everything that Setsuna and Towa have and are can link back to Naraku somehow. The only way it makes sense is for the mom to be Kagura (or Naraku himself). Although at this point I’m not even sure if I want Kagura to be involved in this dumpsterfire. 😫 She deserves better. But with Sunrise’s evident lack of writing skills and creating plot, I doubt they even have a good explanation ready.
They keep relying on the “oh they’re Sesshomaru’s daughters” line without providing any additional back up. Like, yeah they’re his kids but they’re also half demons. Inuyasha had to learn to use his powers, and he gets the crap beat out of him quite often. Dude got stabbed through the chest in almost every big fight scene, and his keen nose was often used against him.
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Switch (Pt.1)
Virgil Boleyn had never considered himself the smartest person in the world. Certainly not smarter than his husband Janus. But he still knew a lot of things about the world. Dont fall asleep in the woods, dont mess with the mushrooms, dont make deals with strangers at crossroads. Granted, he'd never had to use this information before, but he still thought it was important.
But it was especially important now that he had a son, Logan. Virgil had never really thought about kids before Janus, but a few years after they were married and here he was.
"Good morning my darling," Janus ran a hand through Virgil's hair and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
"Mmmm- good morning dear," Virgil said, to busy smiling at the baby in his arms to return the favor.
"And how has our little astronaut been?" Janus said, leaning over Virgil to hold Logan's hand, which was much smaller than his own.
"Loud and chaotic," Virgil replied, smiling.
"Sounds familiar," Janus replied, smirking. Virgil shot him a glare before going back to the crossword on the table in front of him.
"Alright, I'm going to work ok my darling?" Janus said, placing another kiss on Virgil's cheek.
"Miss you already dear," Virgil replied. Janus smiled at him before fixing his hat on his head and turning to walk out the door.
Virgil wasn't exactly sure when he'd fallen asleep, only that when he'd woken up, Logan was crying, very loudly. He rushed over to the crib only to realize, Logan wasnt the only one crying.
Laying inside, clutching the blue blanket in his tiny hands, was another baby, who looked almost identical to Logan.
Virgil blinked a few times.
"I- dont remember giving birth to two of them?-" he said quietly. But the how wasnt very important at the moment. Babies were crying, and that wasnt ok.
He picked Logan up on one hip, and the identical child, albeit with slightly lighter hair, on the other.
"Aaaaawww, you poor things, dont worry, I've got you," Virgil said softly, rocking the two as best he could until they calmed down. He lay on the couch and allowed them to rest on his chest and stomach.
"Well we've got a Logan already, but you strike me as more of a Patton," Virgil said, running his fingers through the other's hair. Patton made a small squeaking sound before rolling over and curling in on himself.
"I'm home my darli-" Janus froze as his eyes landed on the two children now laying on Virgil's chest.
"Twins?" He said softly. Virgil nodded.
Janus sat next to him and ran a hand through Patton's hair, the small child stirring slightly at the touch.
"May I talk to you for a moment darling?" Janus said quietly. Virgil nodded and carefully placed the brothers back in the basket.
Janus stood up and began walking out to the porch, Virgil following close behind.
"What is it dear? You seem upset-" Virgil said, barely concealing the worry in his voice.
"Remember how I told you I'd made a deal as a teenager?" Janus said, the yellow eye on the side of his face that was covered in oddly realistic scales seemed to glow slightly.
"Janny you told me it was a bet at school." Virgil said, already piecing it all together in his head.
"Well, it was sort of like that, the fae prefer to call them deals though," Janus said.
"But this particular bet seemed to only go halfway, neither of us could decide who'd won, I was given scales as punishment for supposedly luring the fae into a trap, and forced to give up my first born," Janus continued, Virgil's stomach twisted.
"And?" Virgil said quietly.
"Since the deal was only half complete, it seems they couldnt truly replace Logan, and instead we now merely have a changeling child as well," Janus finished. Virgil stared at him for a few moments, trying to process what he'd just heard.
"Well, they've abandoned their child, so as far as I'm concerned, he's as much our son as Logan," Virgil said finally.
Janus grinned "I had a feeling you'd say that my darling," he said as he stood up, holding out a hand to help Virgil to his feet.
"Papa, Dad! Look what we caught!" Patton raced towards the kitchen counter, dropping his arms on it carefully. There in the center of it was a small yellow canary. Logan shuffled up behind his brother, face buried in a notebook, pencil scribbling furiously, sketching out the bird.
Virgil and Janus both stared down at the bird, Virgil's face breaking out in a grin.
"And where did you find it?" Janus asked, kneeling down so as not to cast any shadow onto the bird.
"On the ground in the front yard!" Patton replied, his pointed ears flopping to the side as he rested his head on his arm.
"And was there a nest anywhere around?" Janus said.
Logan and Patton looked at eachother for a few seconds before muttering a faint "yes," in unison.
"Alright, then let's go put it back should we?" Janus said, standing up. Patton's ears pricked up slightly, Virgil liked to joke that Patton reminded him of a cat, from the pointed ears, to the way his eyes had a faint glow at night. This was incredibly hilarious to both Patton and Logan, as they were allergic to cats. The boys followed quickly behind Janus like a pair of ducklings, Patton still excitedly cooing over the canary in his hands.
Virgil missed those days, before Patton had been exposed to the harsh reality of a world that wasnt used to his kind being allowed in public.
Virgil and Janus had tried their best to keep Patton happy, they'd built a treehouse for him to dance in without risking his family, Logan often leant him headphones and hoodies, since he didnt like flaunting his ears. But humans could always seem to find ways to stamp out even the brightest flames.
But the human part of the family had bigger things to worry about now, the boys were in highschool, and the only school within the area happened to be right next to a fae infested forest, the very same out of which Patton was believed to have come from.
Now, Virgil knew that most changelings tended to go back to their fae heritage much sooner than highschool age, but he wasnt about to let that happen to his son.
"Logan? Could you meet me outside for a second?" Virgil said, watching Patton flee up the stairs to grab his backpack.
"Uh- sure-" Logan said, following quickly after Virgil as he made his way to the porch. The pair of them sat down, Virgil's hands folded awkwardly in his lap.
"So, you know your brother is. . . Different, yes?" Virgil said. Logan nodded.
"Well- this new school you're going to, I need you to promise something for me ok?" Virgil continued.
"What is it?" Logan said nervously.
"Whatever you do, do not let him near the woods behind the old gym, ever." Virgil said urgently.
Logan sat there for a moment, clearly thinking through something.
"Alright- I'll do my best," Logan said finally.
"Logaaannn!!! The bus is here!" Patton's voice sounded from inside.
Logan and Virgil exchanged one final look before Logan ran back inside.
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cant-gender-me · 4 years
Sanders Sides Story Idea (probably not good but imma say it anyway).
First off, to note, it's a Band AU. But wait! It gets better! (I think).
The sides all form a band in their sophomore year of highschool, however sometime during the summer break before senior year, the band split into two. Roman, Patton and Logan becoming "The Lights" (it's a work in progress, forgive me!) And Remus, Janus and Virgil becoming "The Darks". The two bands held a rivalry with one another that only worsened after Virgil left The Darks to join The Lights.
The resin Virgil left was actually a big misunderstanding that wouldnt get resolved till somewhere during College (havent decided yet). So, yes the rivalry was horrid, but neither ever resorted to trying to sabotage the other.
Sounds like the average Band AU right? Well, here's where it differs.
The original band had gotten together when Roman put a sign up sheet out, talking about how he wanted to start an anonymous band, where one could be themselves without any repercussion on their 'real' life. They would wear a mask of their choice and go by a nickname of their choice. That way no one, not even fellow band members, would know your identity.
Of course, Roman didnt put the sheet out with his real name on it, as that would ruin the whole purpose. He put it out under the alias he would soon use in the band, The Prince. And so came the others; Logan as Logic, Patton as Heart, Virgil as Panic, Janus as The Liar and Remus as Tho(ugh)t. (Yes his name was 100% on purpose.)
It all sounds like a recipe for disaster right? Wrong!
They grew close, almost like a family. That is, until they split up, the reason for their break up unknown to everyone outside of the band. And you know the story from there. Now, while in seperate bands (Virgil currently with The Lights at this time) they all started to reveal their identities to the ever growing mass of fans.
Patton went first, tired of lying (heh) to his family about where he kept disappearing to. Then Roman, eager for validation (and maybe to take some of the attention off of Pat who was constantly swarmed). Then Remus, just to show up his brother (the twins had no clue that either of them were in the band) then came Logan, who saw it as the sensible route, and then Janus who just didnt care.
Then it was only Virgil who remained nameless, which seemed to cause his mass of fans to grow, and while everyone understood, their curiosity always writhed within them everytime they thought about him.
To be continued in the morning (or later) because I'm tired as hell.
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mysticjagiya606 · 6 years
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I have always thought it was strange that V and Rika have known the Choi boys since their childhood…The boys being 21 in the game and V being 26. 
The only logical age difference would be that the boys were 12 when they were rescued and V would have been 17 years old. (That is being generous since they look about 6 in the photo, but you never know with anime styled artwork). 
Considering that Rika and V only broke up shortly before MC joined the RFA, you have to calculate how long the couple had to have been together…9 years. Rika and V have been together for nearly a decade. 
V bought Rikas apartment, which would be logically assumed to be directly after she moved out from her adoptive parent’s house.
As soon as V was starting to flourish with his photography and as Rika was just experiencing adolescence and looking for more than the misery she felt with her adoptive parents. Granted, V was the only form of love she knew. They were very young…it makes sense as to why they had an idealized idea of love. Rika wanted to be loved unconditionally…and V wanted to love unconditionally, like his mother described before she died.
Obviously, when they learned about the two abused children from church, they would step in to help. Rika was always wanting to help others and V had a good heart. 
Here is what we learned in the Secret Endings, as well as in Saeyoung’s flashbacks. 
Saeyoung was offered a job in the agency, by V. To be safe from their politician father, the two had to be split up. After Saeyoung was rescued, Saeran was still at the home. He was being tortured and questioned by his mother…truly believing that his brother abandoned him. 
V and Rika wanted to save Saeran too, but it went downhill. The mother refused to give him up and Rika (canon) ends up accidentally killing the twins’ mother in self defense. That is the kind of secret you take to your grave.
Here we are…the GAP.
  There is a Wikia saying that Rika kidnaps Saeran into Mint Eye….but Mint Eye doesn’t form until a couple of years before MC appears. This conclusion is drawn from Another Story…which isnt linked to the Canon route.
What really happens in between? When V and Rika are still together? 
Like I said, no one explains the gap and the journals in Another Story are not canon. The journals in Another Story only account for if Mint Eye were formed when Saeran was a very young child….which it wasn’t.
So there we have it. The only logical place Saeran could have been is with V and Rika, growing up. This is where the mistakes take root. 
Rika and V were kids raising kids…They grew up way too fast and never had the chance to discover themselves or learn to love properly.
To protect Saeran, he would need to be secluded from the outside world. If anyone found out about him, there would be a lot of questions rasied. 
V, still having contact with Saeyoung, could not allow the two to have contact with one another. V and Rika moved out into a secluded area by a cliff, which V said Rika suggested for his artistic flair, but honestly, its very convienient for raising a hidden child. 
In every route, Searan is extremely familiar with Rika’s apartment. Rika and V also lived together for an unspecified amount of time once the cliff house was purchased and the two were engaged. 
Years pass and the RFA is formed. The RFA includes Saeyoung…which is an excellent way to spend time with the boy and make sure he is okay. Again, he cannot contact Saeran, so Saeran would not be able to be invited. 
However, Saeran always knew about the activities of the RFA and that his brother was out in the world being “Cheerful” and “happy without him.”
He would have seen his makeshift mom and dad, Rika and V, having fun, chatting and holding parties with the brother he would never be able to speak to again. On top of feeling abandoned, this would create a lot of resentment…
When Rika finally decides to create Mint Eye, we all know that her and V break up. She thinks V abandoned her, even though she left him. She thinks he doesnt want to help save others. She thinks he is a hypocrite and a liar. 
Saeran would have seen all of this. He also would have seen V walk away from them and continue to spend time with/chat with the RFA members…including his brother. V didn’t even TRY to get Saeran from Rika. (Which I understand….how could he, without Saeyoung finding out? V isnt a bad person…he just didnt have any other choice.)
In Saerans eyes, it would be very easy to believe that V was a hypocrite who abandoned him…just like his brother did. Rika of course, has a hand in turning him against V, but a lot of it would have happened on it’s own. Rika was basically his MOM since his sorry excuse for a birth mom died…and Rika never left him like everyone else.
His seclusion explains why he is so socially OFF….(not including Ray, because he isnt canon). This explains why he is so utterly devoted to Rika, even without the presence of the elixer. (ignoring the childhood forced elixer because that isnt canon or possible in Seven’s route.) This explains why V couldn’t do anything to save Saeran before it was too late.
V also knew that Rika targeted the RFA members as her primary prey for the Mint Eye. V felt like he had to protect them, as they were never supposed to be dragged into this in the first place. He also felt the duty to preserve Rika’s honor…so the easiest way out was to claim that she died and cut her off entirely. Essentially…from Searans eyes…this would be abandonment. V and Rika saved his life. V was his father figure.
What’s weird is that Cheritz doesn’t really incorporate exactly how long that relationship really had to be and that Rika and V were basically parents.
If V and Rika were together from the twins’ being saved up until Mint Eye was formed (shortly before MC appears), then the story of Rika kidnapping Searan as a child is impossible. That is another reason why Cheritz could not make it canon. It would never fit with the canon route of 707 and the secret endings. 
Now, if we want to go ahead and believe in this theory as a possibility…then it would explain other things as well. I am hoping that Rika’s route will come out and explain (canonly) some of the gap…even if it isnt released as canon, it could shed light on some possibilities. 
Understanding all of the above, it explains why Rika absolutely LOSES it when V claims their love wasn’t real. Imagine being told that your engagement and 10 year relationship was a lie…after finally leaving foster care and believing that someone finally loves you, unconditionally. After the trauma bonding they ALREADY went through in the past. 
It also explains why V has such an extremely hard time coming clean. With this timeline, V has been lying for YEARS. Nearly a decade. He even lied to his very best friend, Jumin. 
All of this is especially sad for Jumin, because V is his lifeline. He has no one else. Even as adult friends, they mainly live on memories to get by this phase of dishonesty and absense of V. 
Imagine how difficult it would be to admit you were lying and did all of those questionable things? 
He would have to admit the existance of Saeran…a child the couple kept secluded from the world. Saeyoung’s true identity…which would put everyone in danger… a child he shipped off to a deadly agency. The twins’ mom…which is a literal murder comitted by the Holy Rika. 
It is just too much. It’s too dangerous to come clean. It’s just too much to explain.
The RFA were a group of friends. There was no reason for them to get involved or be put at risk. V puts so much effort into protecting the RFA…On top of that, his personal life is entirely irrelevant to holding charity parties.
Here we can see why V blames himself. He is always saying he does it to protect everyone. He blames himself for everything. Even without Mint Eye, if Rika remained sane, these problems would still exist. This is why he views everything as his mess to clean…even without his idea that his ideal view of love ruined Rika. Now Rika wanted the RFA members to herself in her new cult. It was a mess. Because of this, he is willing to sacrifice himself if it means everything can be fixed. He doesnt care about himself, he cares about protecting everyone else from “his” mistakes. (as he sees it)
We see them repeatedly rejecting getting help from the cops. This may seem stupid, considering that we shouldn’t be encouraging our players to avoid the authorities. Yet, considering the situation, it makes sense. 
The murder…the agency…the hidden child…
Even without the cult, everyone would be in danger and in BIG trouble if this was taken to the police. If V were to use the police against Rika and her cult, not only would she not have a chance to be “saved”, but the past would be easily dug up as well. That would be one huge, reputation-ruining, legal fiasco. 
The drama would destroy the livelihoods of everyone he cared about. V, a famous photographer…Rika, a well-known coordinator…Jumin, heir to an extremely powerful and known company called C&R…Zen, a rising actor…Saeyoung would be killed by the agency…Only Jaehee and Yoosung would scrape by.
V and Rika made very sketchy and very bad decisions together…even if they had pure intentions at the time. Remember…they were just teenagers when this started.
The mistakes started WAY before Mint Eye was ever an idea. Way before Rika caved into her darkness.
Considering how many years go by….whether Cheritz intended this or not…it would explain SO MUCH. You could make a whole anime or drama out of the eyes of V alone. Perhaps, a lot of this will change once more routes come out.
All I know is that the Choi boys were screwed no matter what and took some serious trauma out of this. 
And this, my dudes, is why I REALLY want a Rika route to be released. I want the light shed on what could have happened between saving the boys and forming Mint Eye.
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roleplcyheaux · 5 years
what did kelly do to you that was so terrible that person witnessed?
i’m assuming you mean the person who messaged amanda about me when you said “that person”? truth be told i’m not sure what that person witnessed because i’m not sure who sent that in. i spent almost 4+ years being friends with kelly and in that time span a lot of people came into the fold and left it and i don’t know all their stories. or what they saw in that time. i only know my own story and it’s long and convoluted but i’m gonna share it. before i do though, i want to say this isn’t a call out post. or well, it’s not meant to be one. i’m not a fan of cancel culture and i don’t believe anyone is beyond the point of redemption. 
i’ve forgiven kelly for a lot of the stuff that’s happened between us and i also acknowledge a lot of our problems were because i never was honest with her when she asked if things were alright. for the sake of keeping the peace and not starting drama i never said a lot of things. if anything i enabled her. that’s why i’m compelled to answer this question. it’s not my place to judge whether kelly is a bad person or not. it is my hope that she’ll read this and realize she’s capable of hurting people more than she realizes. it’s my hope that seeing these words come from someone who knew her for years and thought the world of her will make her realize that the stuff that’s being said about her isn’t just coming from bitter, fake woke, negative people who are making things up to make her look bad or evil.
it’s important to note that kelly was one of my best friends in the whole world. both online and off. i was 18/19 when i met her. basically just graduating high school and still impressionable and kelly was there for me a lot through those formative years. she made me feel accepted and loved in a time where i felt anything but due to another group of friends who exiled me for being who i was (a woc who practiced islam). literally for the first year or so of knowing her (and ace, kaisi, whoever else was in our friend group at the time) i was lying about my identity. essentially catfishing them to the point where i’d have a friend i knew irl send snapchats for me. the closer i got to them the more the lie i was living weighed on me. i tried to distance myself from them out of guilt because of it but kelly always reached out and when i finally revealed i was lying and showed them who i really was they accepted me.
they understood! it was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and i was closer to her than ever cause i knew that since she had been so cool with it, that everyone else would take her lead and be cool with it too. that’s the thing about kelly, she has that effect on people. she’s so sure of herself, confident, full of life and people just follow her lead cause she’s charismatic. i knew that since she accepted me everyone else would and i could live my truth finally. after that i essentially felt indebted to her. i loved her. she was honestly like a sister to me. an older sister i wanted to prove myself to and impress. there were a lot of things throughout the time i was friends with her that could have been considered red flags that i ignored. a lot of things she did and said that didn’t sit right with me that i did nothing about. i always gave kelly the benefit of the doubt because that’s what she had given me. but that changed. there was really one defining moment in our friendship where i had my breaking point but even before then there were things:
she asked me to join a group with her as a twin to her nina dobrev and then got mad at me for plotting with people and began accusing me of trying to compete with her even though she’s the one that asked me to join the group. i immediately apologized for trying to steal her thunder and offered to leave the group. i remember messaging lana about it separately and being upset that kelly compared me to an rper we mutually didnt like at the time and who i thought was trying to compete with me on the dash and copy me.
there was an instance where i told a mutual friend that she ended up wanting to do a plot similar to one kelly and i were planning to do for our ship so we decided not to do it. no big deal right? apparently not cause kelly was furious at me for telling this friend this information for some reason? she made a big deal about it and told me she didn’t like people talking behind her back so then i became terrified of saying anything about her even in passing to someone for fear that she’d be mad at me about it.
i learned recently that she used her closeness to me and our bond to make that friend (the same friend from the bullet above) feel excluded. [SCREENSHOT ONE], [SCREENSHOT TWO]. this is someone who she introduced me to mind you. someone she encouraged me to get along with. she would initiate skype calls and then go silent on us so we would continue chatting, not thinking much of it. then later she would accuse us (only to me) of ignoring her and intentionally leaving her out. i remember apologizing for this even though, once again i had zero idea what i did wrong. i also remember that me & this person started to just call/talk to each other directly instead of in the chat cause we didnt want kelly to be mad at us for getting along. 
after that, kelly made a gc excluding this friend without their knowledge. Kelly asked this friend if everything was okay between them and they responded saying they felt a little shitty because they were being intentionally left out. after that, kelly blew up in the gc. she was so angry she left the gc. at this point, she didn’t know who in the fc had told this person about it and i was so scared that i literally prayed before i could message her to tell her that it was me. That night was so scary to me that i honestly don’t remember how the conversation ended, but we managed to patch things up by the end of it.
I recently found out from said friend that kelly knew it was me all along, which can only mean kelly pretended not to know to test if i’d really tell her or not?
this person eventually just cut me out of their life all together simply to avoid kelly. which meant i ended up losing someone who was becoming a really good friend. [SCREENSHOT THREE]. 
one time there was a plot involving my character’s family member. a plot, which was kelly’s idea, where ace’s muse would die. he was my muse’s twin brother. this plot was huge and i started trying to plan the aftermath cause my character would obviously be affected. only the closer it got to the plot happening they kept changing what would happen. one day he would for sure die. the next he wasn’t going to. etc. when it was set in stone he was gonna die i began plotting with other people based on this huge event that was going to happen
but then last minute they changed their minds and he wasn’t going to die but be in a coma. i don’t remember what my reaction was really but kelly didn’t like it and she messaged me angrily accusing me of trying to make everything about my muse and make ace feel bad about not wanting to kill her character. she said something about how i already had all these other plots and i was being selfish. i apologized and explained i was more than okay with micah living and that i just was upset cause i already planned things in advance but i could easily alter stuff to fit the new plot. at the end of that conversation i think i was more upset about how she approached me about the situation than the situation itself.
that’s something that can be said about all of the situations above. it was never what kelly was upset about that made me feel shitty. it was how she chose to talk to me about it. constantly it felt like when she came to me with an issue she was having that she’d either use ace against me to make me feel like not one, but two of my closest friends were mad at me or she’d come in with an energy where it felt like i was guilty until proven innocent. it wasn’t a conversation between friends trying to solve a problem. it was like defending yourself to a judge until the judge decided that you weren’t at fault or at the very least gave them the answers they wanted from you.
none of this stuff is really in order and i can’t be sure when this incident occurred but kelly apparently said horrible things about me and our friend to a person she invited to join a group we were all admining together. i didn’t find out about this until literally today after i already started answering this ask. [SCREENSHOT FOUR], [SCREENSHOT FIVE], [SCREENSHOT SIX]
i also witnessed kelly be unfairly judgmental over someone who joined one of our groups as her wanted connection. the closer i got to this person the more critical kelly grew of her and how she played the character. to the point where the girl could feel her hostility and constantly sent me messages inquiring what she had done wrong to make kelly hate her. [SCREENSHOT SEVEN]
eventually i decided to open a group with this person, lana, and another girl i’d gotten close to toward the end of the group i was admining with kelly & ace. 
this is what led to my breaking point. friends have disagreements. they have fights. and everything up until that point i easily got over because we always managed to resolve the issue and see where the other was coming from. but this fight wasn’t like the others. i had never ever in my life ever felt so hopeless and like nothing i could say would calm her down or make her see things from my side. she came in guns blazing in a way i’d never witnessed before. to the point where i literally got sick and threw up. all while being on a call with my fellow admins who were lost at what to do to help me. i’ve lived with anxiety my whole life but that night was when i had my first full blown panic attack. [SCREENSHOT EIGHT],[SCREENSHOT NINE].
after that i confided in ace. our mutual close friend. i said something about how i couldn’t understand how she handled when kelly got mad at her like this so well because i was falling part. i apologized for seeing the way kelly treated her and never saying anything about it cause i understood how it felt now. i want to say at this point ace was genuinely trying to comfort me and calm me down. she gave me advice. she said give kelly some time. even though kelly told me that ace was upset/mad at me too ace was being so kind and understanding and hearing me out. then, the scripted flipped. i dont know what was said between her and kelly but suddenly ace was against me as well. i was accused of trying to come inbetween them. and i distinctly remember being called childish for being upset about the fight in the first place which hurt me even more (i would provide ss for this too but i cant find them]. ace unfriended me on skype. i never responded to kelly’s last message. and we didn’t really talk for a year or so. 
we ended up letting bygones be bygones and accepted kelly into the revamp of the exact group she had been mad at me for opening. it was my honest intention to rekindle our friendship and leave everything in the past but i couldn’t go back to seeing kelly the way i used to. i couldn’t help, but feel like everything she said or did was suspicious due to our history. evidently, i wasn’t over what had happened between us and i still let her into my life again because i genuinely wanted to fix things. for stuff to go back to the way it used to be! and for a while we were all really good at pretending like it was but kelly would consistently do stuff that would drain me. mostly it just felt like once again i wasn’t allowed to have friends outside of her. she and ace always found something bad to say about the people lana and i were close to. 
kelly would constantly message me being “worried” about “stepping on toes” even after i would tell her over and over again that these girls had nothing against her. she accused one of sending her anon hate but provided no proof. after opening a group they accused the same girl and our close friend tee (who were both admining with us) of being competitive and bubble rping on the dash even though it had been ONE DAY. 
ace blindsided me one night asking if i was available for a call only to go on a tangent about these new friends. attempting to gaslight me by saying i was being “bulldozed” and how they knew i was so sweet and trying to make everyone happy and that these people were “taking advantage of me” it got so overwhelming that i literally sent lana sos messages cause i didnt know what to say or how to react until she joined the call to give me some sort of back up. ultimately that was what made me distance myself. it genuinely felt like even though kelly claimed to have changed we were still having the same problems. her approach was different but underneath the issues were the same. 
i spent a year finding my own path in the rpc instead of following her down hers and when we were reunited it felt like i was expected to fall back into place. to be the same girl who took her at her word and had blind loyalty. when i wasn’t that girl i felt like i was being manipulated into trying to become that girl again. i couldn’t do it anymore so i stopped responding to her messages. i have so many good memories with kelly. so many late night laughs. inside jokes. beautiful muses and plots and characters we created that i still look fondly back on, but i also know that she made me feel helpless, dumb. it messed with my head, made me question my own judgement, and brought out a side of me that i didn’t like. one that was paranoid, anxious, and desperate for her approval. she wasn’t a terrible person to me but sometimes she made me feel terrible and ultimately that’s why we’re not friends
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talesofpanem · 5 years
Summer Storms
Author: @mellarkablegirl
Rating: T (will be M in future)
Summary: An incoming summer storm brings in a host of unexpected faces into Katniss Everdeens life and they are not even a little subtle of the havoc they wreck.
Chapter 1:
“ Cursed! What hocus pocus nonsense have you been reading nowadays Sweetheart ? ” , Haymitch sputtered to a stop when he saw that the grey eyed girls gazed remained riveted to the floor . “ wait you can’t be serious? “That’s the only possible explanation , Mitch ” , she murmured. “ One day he was here and the next he was gone is it like all he others, it’s become a trend in my life , first Papa then Mom and after Prim went to New Zealand last year I thought the trend of people leaving my life would come to an end but then that stupid vermin catcher is it had to up and disappear and now he’s gone Haymitch , just like all the others ” her voice caught at the end and he caught her is it before she collapsed as a sobbing mess onto the hearth . He tried to console her , awkwardly patting her hair and rubbing her back and internally cursed the higher powers .
Would this girl ever catch a break, it seemed like Katniss Everdeen’s life had been one rainshower after another with the occasional thunderstorm dropping by , her Papa , Sage Abernathy had decided the country bumpkin life didn’t suit him anymore and walked away from his family when the girl had been almost 12 . That was first and last time Katniss truly threw a fit , her little bubble had been burst . After that one after another things started going downhill, Evelyn Everdeen the girls mother fell very very ill the winter Katniss turned 14 and died soon after bringing the girls to live with him , their father having washed his hands off the parenting business years ago. He loathed his brother but Haymitch wouldn’t trade the world for his two precious girls . Her life had been looking up , namely because of two bright spots of sunshine a pair of twin blond heads namely , Primrose Everdeen and Peeta Mellark . The pair were notoriously thick friends and confidants even though Peeta was a little older than the two girls he seemed to have adopted the younger Everdeen as a little sister. His feelings for the older Everdeen though were a whole other spectrum . But storm clouds came in quickly and when Peeta up and skipped town for a Uni education in the big city , the girls felt nothing short of abandoned. Last he heard of the boy some freak accident had caused him to lose his foot and an infection had spread quickly after , Haymitch tried and failed to find any news of his funeral thereafter.
What followed was 7 years of normal , dismal routine life in a dreary town that was Twelve Woods. Surpising the girls seemingly had pulled through and were pretty comfortable in the lives they chose to live , Katniss had completely a dosntace course and now ran a ranch and riding school while Prim seemed to have settled into her role as town healer , both of them having wiped out memories of blonde , bakers sons , when just like lightning it was time for another debacle. This one though unlike the others Katniss could have controlled but alas it didnt turn out quite so easy.
Prim pranced in one cold , drafty day ready to split at the seams with happiness. Turns out her kind time boyfriend Vick Hawthorne had finally decided to grow a pair and propose . Though Katniss supported their relationship, what she didn’t support was news that her baby sister would be moving across the world and living a rather isolated life. She argued and taunted and sputtered for days until one fine day Prim couldn’t take it any longer and up and left with little other than a short letter explaining where she was going. Needless to say the sisters inflated egos haven’t let them talk till date. That was 2 years ago and you mught ask what was Haymitch doing all this while. Well he did what any alcoholic , supporting Uncle / Father figure would do . He took a sip of his moonshine and went ahead and consoled the girl and stood by her decision. Honeslty if you think anyone can come between an Everdeen handling a situation, you are very very delusional .
Now he wasn’t a soft soul or anything but Haymitch did think the girl as his daughter and to see her breakdown was difficult for him . “ Shhhh sweetheart , why don’t we look around the ranch for him , I’m sure buttercup is around here somewhere.” Buttercup , was Katnisses only memory of a lot of people . The mangy tabby cat had been a gift to Prim from Peeta of all people and had been the only thing tethering Katniss to reality on the really bad days . And the stupid creature seemed to be having one of those days where he was eluding Katniss. What I’m earth prompted the girl to think that this was all a curse of a which he didn’t know, but the next think she’d be spouting news of Rebirth and the After-life . So when the porch door squeaked and the bell to the front door rang, he thanked whatever power up there had taken pity on him .
He opened the door to greet whoever had braved this weather only to be rendered speechless because standing there were 2 faces one he’d thought he’d see ever again followed by one he’d thought wasn’t interested in ever talking to him because he had taken her elder sisters side. Before him stood Sage and Prim and boy had he started believing in rebirth because , looks wise. The quiet sniffling behind him brought him out of his stupor. He cleared his throat and slammed the front door behind him. He’d be damned if he let any one of them hurt the girl again. “ What are you doing here ?” , he growled “ Haven’t y'all stomped all over her heart enough ? That you’re back for more ?” Prim pushed passed her father and confronted Haymitch , “ We want what’s best for her Mitch, and that’s not in this Podunk town, she needs to understand that she has so much more to offer and that she can be happy , truly happy out there in the big world. She’s got so much potential that she’s wasting staying here and running this ranch . I mean the only reason she stays is the stupid insecurities and you! LET HER GO!! ” at this point her voice had reached a crescendo and the loud slam of the porch door against a banister startled all three out of the argument . With all of the ferocity she could muster, in true Katniss Everdeen fashion she roared, “ Enough ! You …” she said pointing at Prim, “ You don’t get to waltz in here and question my decisions neither do you get to blame Mitch, I made my choice and it neither a sacrifice nor a mistake so you can keep your hoity toity city opinion to yourself and I rather like living in this podunk town with my freedom and sense of identity intact , and as for you ” she said pointing at Haymitch “ I did see why you feel the need to fight my battles for me , I’m doing just fine by myself ” she turned around to storm back inside before she froze and saw her father or the man who was her biological father standing by the porch swing , “ Good day Mr.Abernathy , what brings you to Twelve Woods ?” she asked in aasked in a voice serenely calm it was eerie. Before Sage could say anything she cut him off ,“ If you’ll excuse me I have a lot of things to tend to on the ranch , I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay at the village lodge , Sae is an excellent host .” With that she pivoted on her heal and stormed off towards the stables with a steely determination set in her eyes .
The two visitors whirled around at Haymitch’s sigh “ Guess she’s made herself very was then , Prim this is till your home and you’re more than welcome to stay , I’m sorry Sage but if Katniss isn’t comfortable around you she’s made herself pretty clear , how long are the two of you staying this time ? ” he asked as he started ascending the stairs to the house . Prim lugged her bags into the foyer and collapsed into the armchair that once used to be her designated spot , Sage stood uncomfortably in the foyer looking around the house that once used to be childhood home but now had so vestiges of his memories. Haymitch glared at the two of them from behind the bar , “ Are the two of y'all going to explain why you are here and what brought on this intervention ? Or is this just a customary visit ?”.Prim was sick to answer but was cut off by Sage , it was the first time the man had spoken since he’d shown face and Haymitch want prepared for the rough gravel of his voice,“ I’m sorry Mitch , this was all my fault, I thought my abandonment and all those following events trapped Kitten in this godforsaken place and I just wanted her to get an out . I met Prim last year , I was on a business trip to New Zealand. I have since apologized and built a relationship with my daughter, we both left home and the only family we knew you because we wanted out , I guess I gave that gene to her ,Evelyn had always been the more grounded one out of the two of us and Kitten definitely takes after her . But I just wanted her to explore and find happiness and I know she’s not happy here. Content. Surviving . Yes but not happy .” Haymitch had been observing Sage the whole while and watched as his brothers shoulders dropped,“ First things first she is no longer your kitten, secondly don’t you think you should have seen her life for a day or heck an hour before you jumped to these conclusions and yes you’re right you leaving did cause a domino effect in her life but she has pulled through and the ranch and her animals are the only place she feels comfortable to be herself and I don’t push her much either ” “ You weren’t here Sage when Eve died, you weren’t here when she lost her best friend, you weren’t here when her little sister up and walked away to * live her life* ,” he said directly a flare at Prim ,“ So no I don’t think your opinion matters , bit I have seen Sweetheart struggle and fight her demons and if you think pulling her out of this corner of the world will do her good , try all you want . But Mark my words , you hurt my girl and I will kill you .” Sage did not miss the tone in his voice or the deadly glint in his eyes and nodded in affirmation. “ Now if you don’t mind I am going to retire to the den , please feel free to make yourself scarce . ” he said in the acerbic way only Haymitch can manage as he flitted out of the main room .
The hours of silence stretched as Prim got settled in , Sage went into town to find accommodation and the sun set. Haymitch got a little gitery as the hours ticked by and there was no sign of Katniss . Sure she should have finished her chores and mopping by now, the area around the ranch wasn’t the most populated and the back end of the property opened into a thick dense wood, and it wants exactly the safest area to be prancing around alone at this hour . The three sharp knocks on the door propelled him forward but his greeting got caught in his throat and he sure as hell believe in Rebirth now, because standing before him was a man who resembled Peeta Mellark so much he could have been an adult version doggleganger and in his arms he held up an unconscious Katniss and a squirming Buttercup. A random flash of lightning and the roll of thunder intimated them of an incoming shower . Guess it was best to prepare for another storm .
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parkerspicedlatte · 6 years
First Mornings and Little Feet
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: none
What's it got: FLUFF and Peter Parker x Reader
  You knew they were in your room before you’d even opened your eyes. Their little feet padded down the hallway first to you parents room, then to yours. You felt the body next to yours shift ever so slightly as the door slowly creaked open.
“She’s sleeping” one whispered, then the other, not even triying to be quiet asked “Who’s that?”
“Maybe she got married.” the first voice offered but was quickly shot down by the other rudely telling him that there would have been ‘a wedding with a pretty dress and a big cake.”
  You smile to yourself while listening to their little conversation. Unortunitly for you, the small smile gave away the fact that you were no longer sleeping.
“I think she’s awake.”
  The smile quckly disapeers and you try to cover-up your mistake by nuzzling your face into your pillow. The pillow was saturated with the smell of a familiar yet, unfamiliar shampoo.
“No she’s not her eyes are closed.” One says sticking their pudgy little finger in the corner of your eye to prove their point
“Nuh unh she’s just pretending.”
  You could hear more whispering but couldn’t make out the words, then you hear their footsteps walking towards the door, then door door clicked shut. You sigh in relief as you were worried that they’d wake Peter up. It’s not like you didn’t want them to meet him, but you weren;t really sure how he’d react to your little brother and sister as he didnt have any of his own. He seemed good with the younger ones in his appartment building, always asking them about their favourite teacher and about the characters on their tiny shoes and backpacks, telling them how cool he thought they were. But maybe being woken up at 7am on a Saturday wasn’t the best idea. Especially since this was his first time staying over. You didn’t want to throw him to the wolves that your siblings could be so early in the morning. Though since they’d left, luck seemed to be on your side. Or so you thought.
  As you opened your eyes, you were startled to find a small pair of bright green ones starring right back at you, just mere inches away.
“I told you she was pretending.” Abbi giggle, poking your cheek
“Shhhh,” You hold your finger up to your lips, “don’t be so loud honey.”
“Is that your husband?” questioned your little brother, emerging from his hiddling place behind your desk chair. You hadn’t even seen him because there were a few autume coats and sweaters flung over in disarray.
“No Theo he’s not.” You whisper back, trying to inspire them to be more quiet. They were only four and hadn;t quite drasped the concept of speaking softly when others are sleeping. Or speaking softly in general.
“Told you so.” Abbi chanted, sticking her tongue out at her brother.
“Hey be nice.” He quickly dodges away from you before you could swat her. Not that you would have. You didn’t have the energy plus you usually left the discipling to your parents.
  Theo and you were used to Abbi’s assertive and bossy behaviour. She was the more fiesty one while Theo was more shy and would be happy to go along with whatever his sisters were doing.
  Before she could mouth back at you, Peter rolled over snuggling into your back. You could feel his brows furrowing as he tried to make sense of where the small voices were comign from. You smile as he sleepily grumbles incoherrant words into yor shoulder.
“Hey it’s alright, go back to sleep.” You reasure him, rubbing your thumb across his forearm that he’d lazyily slung across your waist.
“Can you make us breakfast?” Theo asked giving you the look of a million pathetic puppys. Whoever said the puppy eyes didn’t work with green eyes, was clearly wrong.
“How about you two go eat cereal and watch TV until mum and da wake up instead."
“Because,” Abbi gestures as if she’s in some teen-drama “there’s no more milk.” Clearly this was a high ranking problem in her little world.
“Okay okay fine, just give me a few minutes alright.” Giving in before she got any louder.
  They nod eagerly and scamper out of the room, but before Theo shut the door he looks back to give you a little smile and wave. You chuckle to yourself at how sweet and adorable he could be in the morning, quite the contrast to his sister. Which you found odd because he was the least cuddly out of the two when they were babies.
  What you didn’t reallize was that Theo was actually waving to Peter. Not even two second after the door clicked shut, you feel him smile into your shoulder before pressing gentle kisses to your neck.
“How long have you been awake?” you ask as you turn around in his arms to face him.
“Few minutes.” He answers grinnign sleepily at your messy bed hair. “I didn’t realize your siblings were that young. I was expecting like ten or twelves years old.”
“Mmmmm nope they’re four.”
“Mmm hmm. Twins. Not identical obviously.”
“Interesting, who’s older?”
“Yeah we have no idea.”
  Peter looked at you quizically, trying to understand what you just told him. He couldn’t tell if you were being serious or not.
  You sighed before answering the unspoken question.
“We weren’t there when they were born. They were dropped off at a hospital the day after. They’re adopted.”
  Peter’s eyebrows shot up, nealy to his hair line as he listened to what you were revealing.
“I wow I had no id-I have no idea what what to say.”
“It’s alright babe, it’s not that big of a deal. They know they’re adopted. It’s some big secret. My parents have told them sice day one.”
“Man that must have been hard on them.”
“Easier then trying to hide the truth their whoel lives. Plus my parents are both red heads, I think they’d get suspicious after a while since they’re both brunettes.”
“True, so are uh are you adopted too?”
  There was an awkward pause in the conversation as Peter mawled over what he’d just learned.
“Me too.” He half whispered
“I’m adopted too.”
“Yeah, I guess you are. Huh, I never thought of it that way.”
“Me neither.” He chuckles at his confession. “So does this have anything to do with the fact that in grade 8 you told the teacher that you would rather adopt kids then have your own.”
“Um yeah actually. Peter I gotta say I’m kind of impressed that yo remember that.”
“Ohhhhh I see. You didn’t believe me when I mentioned that I’ve had my eyes on you for a while sis ya?”
“I know now.” You giggle “That actually makes me feel kind of bad that I didn’t really notice you until much later.”
“Meh, no harm done. I think it just gave me time to fall for you.”
“Oh my goodness that was cheesy.”
“Always for you.” He replies making you visibly cringe. Peter leans over to close the gap betweenn your lips. They’d just barely connected when you heard a chorus of giggles and ‘ewwws�� erupt from the doorway behind you.
  You sigh and roll over to tell them off but as soon as you moved, they bolted out of the room giggling as they went.
  Peter chuckled lightly at your departed audience.
“I am so sorry about them.”
“Why be sorry? They’re cute.”
“Believe me, they stop being cute after a while.”
“Where are you going?” he questions while youwiggled out of his grasp and out of bed.
“I have to feed the monsters remember?” you remind him as you searched the through the sweaters laying over your chair, finally settling on a navy blue one that was just slightly baggy on your frame. You stand in front of the mirror while you put your hair up in a messy bun.
“And where do you think your going?” you ask noticing in the reflection that he’d pulled the blankets off of himself to sit on the edge of the bed and stretch.
“Thought we were feeding the quote-unquote monsters. Unless you don’t want me to.”
“Peter I’m not going to say no.” You giggle, sitting yoruself down on his lap, bringing his arms around your torso. “I just didn’t think that you’d want to.”
“Anything with you is an adventure.” He smiles kissing the tip of your nose, then yoru forehead and at last, your lips. You grin into the soft kiss, pulling away after a few moments.
“Good morning.” You whisper
“Good morning yourself.” He leans back in for another kiss but you move your head before he can connect his lips with yours.
“Can’t get too destracted remember?”
“Mmmm of course.” Honestly how is it possible for someone to look that cute after denying them a kiss.
“Well then, off to feed the monsters.”
  The two of you walked out of the room and into the kitchen to see Abbi and Theo sitting in front of the TV watching Paw Patrol. You put two pans on the stove to heat them up while Peter takes the eggs and bacon out of the fridge. By then you’d caught the attention of yoru brother and sister who’d decided they wanted a job. Well more like demanded a job. I’ll let you figure out who did that...
  So you assigned them the task of toasting and buttering the bread. While they did that, they would take turns tackling Peter. One would cling to his leg or foot while the other would jump onto his back. Eventually the toast was forgotten by them but you didn’t mind. All of your previous worries involving Peter and your siblings dissapeared the moment you looked back to see them all playing together.
  After a few moments of flipping the bacon and eggs, you turned to see Peter walk back into the kitchen with his arms flexed and a child hanging off of each bicep, dangling a foot or so off the ground, giggling and squealing the whole time. He just carried them around as if they weighed nothing.
  That just happened to be the moment your parents walked in to see their youngest children hanging off the arms of a stranger. It wasn’t a complete surprise as you had mentioned the day before that Peter might stay over. You couldn’t believe that they didn’t forbdi it. You were prepared to have a big list of reasons why they couldn’t say no. Thankfully, that wasn’t needed. They seemed to be okay with the idea under the promise that nothing ‘funny’ would happen in the bedroom. They far rather the two of you stay at the house than sneaking off somewhere with someone they haven’t met. Well now it was time to meet the parents anyways.
“Morning hun, that smells delicious.” You mother says as she walkes into the kitchen, then stop when she notices the clowning aorund that is happening. “Ahhh this explains the goggling. You must be Peter. It’s nice to finally meet the boy who stole Y/N’s heart.”
“Mum!” you scoff mortifies and blushing as bright as the bacon.
“He’s cute.” She whispers as she passes you to steal a piece of bacon from a plate.
“Hi it um, it's nice to uh meet you too Mrs. L/N.” Peter stammers blushing nearly as red as you , if not more. He’d barely had time to recover before your dad walks in.
“Ah yes, I was definetly prepared for this, this morning. Meeting the boyfriend. Today, the morning of today.” He stalles trying to figure out how to handle the situation. He’d completly forgotten about Peter staying over. That was kind of the plan though, you had asked while he was watching golf so he wouldn’t give it too much thought then freak out.
“Daaaaad. Stop being weird.”
“Right, sorry uh I’d shake your hand but i see that they’re both a little full.” He recovered, jesturing to his kids still clinging to Peter.
“That’s alright.” Peter said starting to calm down once he realized that your dad was just as freaked out by this as he was.
  Peter had admitted earlier that he was nervous about meeting your parents. Especially you dad. Apparently the last time he had to meet someone's dad it didn’t go over to well. But other than the first awkward conversation, the rest of the morning went sommothly. Peter was smart about not showing PDA with your parents around. You mum just loved him right away while you dad was more hesitant. But, he came around. Honestly this mornign could not have gone better. Just you and your little family that you’d accumulated over the years
AN: Okay so this has only been spell checked so please forgive the awful grammar and such. This is the only fic I've done this week because I've been busy with family stuff and lots of home work n top of that. Hope you like it, thanks for reading-xx Reetz <3
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 6 years
rabbit tour!
i just made a “shelf” so all my stuffed animals weren’t crowded on the windowsill and i used this as an opportunity to take pictures of all the ones i have with me so here we go!
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this is artemis, a majestic and powerful silver rabbit with a very dramatic backstory
basically i was 5 hours away from home on a work trip and i saw her in the window of a shop BUT it hadn’t opened yet so i had to walk away not knowing if I would have time to get back to the shop before it closed, if someone else would buy the rabbit, or if i even had enough money to buy the rabbit in the first place 
the most I was willing to spend was $20, not because I don’t think this rabbit is a priceless artifact of beauty, but bc im a peasant and my job was technically volunteer work and paid less than minimum wage but ANYWAY i go on and on about this fucking rabbit to anyone who will listen, my coworkers are plotting ways to murder me that will look like an accident, but we get back to the store and the rabbits still there AND ITS ExACTLY $20 SO I IMMEDIATELY BUY IT WITH NO REGRETS BEST PURCHASE OF MY LIFE 
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here are some little baby babies i have clipped to my backpack (can you tell i like rabbits???), the yellow one on top is bun might for obvious reasons
 the one in the middle is technically unnamed but i call him sergeant pez bc hes a pez dispenser and he was in one of my dads old military trunks for like a million years until he was cleaning them out and gave him to me 
the light green one is the newest addition, her name is mochi and shes so fucking soft you guys its like petting a delicate cloud 
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these arent rabbits but theyre still valid so shut up, the black cat is named agugu (short for akutagawa) bc i was into bung/ou s/tray d/ogs at the time 
the panda in the middle was a gift from my roommate and her name is monochrome because i have another panda back home thats purple and her name is. purple. so i wanted to stick with the theme here
the white tiger is named at2shi after atsushi (from b/ungou st/ray d/ogs again) who can turn into a white tiger but also i already had ANOTHER non-white tiger that was named atsushi so this one is at2shi 
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more wild thangs that arent rabbits!
the elephant is слон or “sloane”, слон means elephant in russian and it’s kind of pronounced like the name sloane so it’s a very deep complex and intellectual name, clearly. слон is a puppet that shrieks like the souls of the damned when you squeeze him and he was a gift from my high school russian teacher because i would be Blessed with the duty of making слон scream at students who were speaking english in class, he’s a good comrade 
the tiger is atsushi, im sure you can figure out his deal based on at2shi, i got him at the zoo and hes lovely
the red panda with the minnie ears might have had another name at some point but during my regrettable b/s/d phase i started calling him chuuya and it stuck, also now i put my minnie ears on him bc his head’s the perfect size so im more or less using him as a hat rack which is very on brand for chuuya actually
the purple sloth staring into the camera (and your soul) is gasloth leroux and i won him at dave and busters after re-reading phantom of the opera
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(last batch of non-rabbits)
the bear in the snazzy tunic is radar, he was originally my mom’s as a baby and she gave him to me as a baby and since i dont intend on spawning im hoarding him forever #life hack 
yall better know who fucking kermit is 
aannnd we already went over слон in the last picture so! back to the rabbits!
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welcome to the purple corner, friends!
the little all purple one in the back is sukie, and she is just baby, only little creacher, nothing can change that, she was a gift for easter i think two years ago now 
the purple and white rabbit with the pink nose laying next to the cardboard shapes is named violet and her fur is very soft and lovely but she has some kind of hard panel inside (she moves, maybe? idk) so not exactly optimized for cuddling, still shes a good girl
the hulking googly eyed purple yarn monstrosity is roundy blumbo and he was handmade by my terrible but talented sister @rattypants​
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most of these are new arrivals because walgreens has easter rabbits out and some of them were literally only three dollars so yeah but anyway
the grey one with the pink bow is named toshi after all might (i got him about the same time as bun might so b/nha heavily owned my ass at the time) and hes absolutely perfect for cuddling, very soft and long
the blue one is named bluebell the second or “twobell”, when I was younger I had a really tiny blue stuffed rabbit named bluebell that i would take everywhere but one day i dropped it somewhere in or around a ymca and lost it forever and i literally did not stop crying for two whole days because of it, bluebell the second is a spiritual successor who hopefully wont get lost 
the one that looks just like bluebell the second but not blue is marshmallow, bluebell the seconds identical twin brother who was also 3 dollars because literally, THREE DOLLARS
the one with light brown fur and orange ears is named gingersnap carrot cake because I liked both names and couldnt decide and since i bought him around the same time as bluebell the second and marshmallow, he’s their mischievous older brother and together i guess that makes them the rabbit mcelroys 
now the round rabbit next to toshi with the floppy ears and a smaller rabbit with a green dress on its back is rose and bunnia, the larger one is rose, the mother, and bunnia is her daughter, they have a very close relationship as you can see
the small white and brown rabbit next to rose and bunnia is spenser, named after edmund spenser, creator of the spenserian sonnet, bc i bought her at a renn faire and thought she should have an old timey name, shes a literary icon 
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now we’re getting into the old guard! all the rabbits in this picture (aside from carrot cake gingersnap whomst is a SLUT FOR ATTENTION) are all ones i got between the ages of 6-10, so theyre my day ones uwu
the brown rabbit with floppy ears is mocha, she was a christmas present when i was 9 years old and shes probably the most rabbit-shaped rabbit i have 
the rabbit with the bright pink scarf is beatrice (i dont have favorites except actually i do and its beatrice), I got her when i was 7 years old from goodwill and one of her arms was kind of loosely connected and started falling off which Horrified me and i tried to “take care of her” by using a bit of ribbon as a sling, eventually my grandma sewed her arm back on so then i used the ribbon as a scarf and ever since then beatrice has had a scarf of some kind  
the rabbit next to beatrice with the black button eye is wrinkly pinkly, who lost her eye in the warTM (it fell off years later but she claims to have lost it in the war anyway and shes old so everyone just goes along with it), shes very loose and as the name implies, VERY wrinkly which makes her fun to wiggle around 
the bright pink rabbit with the wide head is anna, beatrice’s mom and wrinkly pinkly’s sister, her husband griffy is back home so i dont have a picture of him but their story is very enemies-to-lovers (they were on opposite sides of The War) and shes a very ambitious and powerful figure in rabbitopia despite having hundreds of kids to raise #feminist icon 
the light pink rabbit with the yarn dress is madison, ironically named long before i even remotely knew that madison, wisconsin was a place that exists, and shes beatrice’s younger sister and shes very active and athletic but she also likes being pretty which is why i made her the yarn dress
cottontail (he doesnt actually have a tail) is the town drunk and a constant nuisance, his wife left him so now he’s always hoeing around and causing trouble for everyone (which is also what he did Before his wife left him), one of his legs is more filled than the other so he walks with a limp. his wife took most of the children except
darnell (the long pink rabbit lying down), who inherited her dad’s troublemaking tendencies and loves playing pranks and talking shit 
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(last one, for all the zero people who are still reading at this point)
next to cottontail we have aminta in the green dress, i bought her at the airport and shes a very beautiful and distinguished young rabbit who madison is ABSOLUTELY gay for, she’s very proper and is being brought up by
hera nova (the white rabbit with the pink nose and floppy ears in the back) who is the oldest rabbit i have (Ive had her since i was at least 5, though she didn’t get a name until i was in my greek mythology phase a few years later), shes sort of a grandma to all the other rabbits and could absolutely destroy them all if she wanted to 
karoline (yes with a k, i didnt know the kardashians were a Thing back then) is the yellow rabbit with the basket, she works at rabbitopia’s most popular restaurant, the spinning carrot, and she is one of the three main chefs along with her sister 
bonnie, the pink rabbit with only one ear, she got torn up pretty badly over the years but shes still alive and still spinning those carrots!! (there was a third rabbit that worked with them named fritz who was white and holding an easter egg but i don’t remember what happened to her) 
so there we go! rabbits! lots of them! 
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wanna-17 · 7 years
lee daehwi first meeting! AU
summary: in which you are somi’s best friend and you find out that she has a hidden twin brother who you are a fan of 
length: 1.3k
a/n: HIHI so i decided to start a new series which is gonna be a sweet and short one called first meeting! AU with the wanna one members. since it’s really only going to cover your first meeting with the particular member, it’s up to you whether you want to interpret it as romantically or platonic friendship, maybe if the context suits and i get enough requests i could do a part 2 for some in the future? we’ll see but i will be prioritising getting each member done first. but anyways i hope you guys enjoy this first one of my precious baby lee daehwi and look forward to the rest of the members :) 
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so you’re in high school 
and ever since high school started you became best friends with a girl called somi 
you guys had different personalities, you were more on the shy side and she was more outgoing 
but somehow you guys clicked and found that you guys had a lot of things to talk about and common interests 
also during this time produce 101 is airing and you’re absolutely addicted to the show 
and lee daehwi, the first centre literally swooped you off your feet 
he was no doubt your bias and you’d been voting for him like crazy everyday 
and ofc since somi was your best friend you’d always rant about how cute and talented lee daehwi was and somi would just sigh and roll her eyes sometimes 
well one day at school your class is given a project to be completed in pairs and obviously you and somi are a pair 
usually you two would complete your work at the library but since the weather was really horrible 
you guys decided to head to your place over the weekend 
and you guys do that except you dont get the work done 
so you guys decide to go to somi’s place sometime after school next week to finish it 
and tbh you’ve been very curious about where somi lives
even though you guys are best friends you guys always met either in public or at your place
you were just super curious as to what her house was like and why she was lowkey secretive about where she lived
so the day before going to somi’s place
you guys are having lunch at school and somi is suddenly like: “oh y/n when you come tomorrow, my twin brother will most likely be home visiting” 
and u r like
“WAIT HANG ON A SECNOD U HAVE A TWIN BROTHER?? SINCE WHEN???” you semi yell when you stand up from your seat 
you are surprised and shocked bc ur friend has a twin brother and she never told you 
“ssHHHHH be quiet” says somi gesturing you to sit back down 
and so you do and say
“how come you didnt tell me somi?” while pouting 
“well…i guess you never asked whether i had siblings or not” replies somi nervously 
“hmm yeah fair enough, well what its like having a twin brother? what’s he like” you ask excitedly
you’d  never met anyone that had a twin before and u suddenly find out that your best friend in fact has a twin brother which makes you feel kinda weird and excited 
“it’s alright, we’re just like any other sibling pair, he can be slightly annoying sometimes but he’s a good brother overall. i miss him” replies somi looking down 
“ohhhhh where is he? does he go to high school here?” you asked wondering if somi’s twin was actually at your school and completely hidden from u 
“no he doesn’t”
“where does he go then? and what’s his name? what does he look like?” you asked bombarding somi with questions as you were super curious now
since somi was one of the prettiest girls in the school you were lowkey thinking maybe somi’s twin is really hot HAHA
“i actually can’t say his name but he’s really ugly” says somi laughing
“why not????” you ask somi, “is he a spy or something?? with a hidden identity???” 
somi shook her head laughing at you as you continued to pester her about her twin 
“you’ll see tomorrow when you come over” says somi “i think things might change when you see who it is” as she sighs
now you were C U R I O U S as to why somi kept it so secret 
and for some odd reason, who somi’s twin brother was was all you thought about for the rest of the day 
your thoughts went wild as you thought, what if he’s actually a spy? or illegal? a criminal? someone dangerous? what if he’s the youngest ceo in our country?
and for some seriously odd reason you were excited to meet somi’s twin brother 
the next day you head to somi’s house with the address typed in google maps 
you rang the doorbell and somi opened the door
as you stepped in you saw how the house wasn’t too big nor was it too small it was quite spacious and clean and very cozy 
you saw some baby pictures placed up on a shelf of somi and her twin; you recognised somi easily and the twin brother was really cute too 
you guys take a seat on the big couch and start working on the project when suddenly you hear footsteps come down the stairs 
you were super focused on your work tbh so you didn’t look up 
until a voice says 
“hey sis is this your friend that always talks about me?” 
and the voice is SO FAMILIAR 
and you’re suddenly afraid to look up 
you do recognise that voice but no way it just couldn’t be 
“yep it is” says somi, “look at the state she is in now” 
your entire body was frozen and wouldn’t react and you were looking at the ground
“she’s so cute like that” says the voice
you feel your cheeks go bright red and your heart suddenly beating extraordinarily fast 
you close your eyes and tell yourself you are dreaming 
you take a deep breath and look up 
and you are met with a pair of the most gorgeous eyes you have ever seen; one eye was monolid and the other was double lidded but honestly that was what was attractive about him 
it was truly lee daehwi lmao sorry i made it so so dramatic haha
he was smiling down at your with the sweetest and cutest smile 
“hello y/n! it’s nice to finally meet you!” says daehwi cheerfully 
“u-h-h hello– daehwi-ssi” you stutter nervously as you die internally 
daehwi laughed and his laughter was like a beautiful melody
“no need to be formal y/n, we’re the same age! you don’t look great right now, i’ll grab a glass of water for you” says daehwi as he heads to the kitchen 
when he’s gone you turn to somi straight away 
“DUDE WHY DIDNT U TELL ME DAEHWI WAS UR BROTHER?? i wouldn’t have fangirled over him to you and its sooooo embarrassing” 
“chill y/n it was actually pretty funny, you totally have a crush on my twin, look at ur face” says somi laughing 
“sTOP omg this is all ur fault im so embarrassed, i embarrassed myself in front of my bias” you say as your bury your face in your hands
“seriously y/n this is your chance to talk to him and i don’t usually say this about that idiot but he’s actually a very nice guy, so don’t be nervous anymore” 
you take deep breaths and try to collect yourself before daehwi comes back 
when he does you’re much calmer even though you still feel like you are living in a dream 
“here’s your water” says daehwi as he hands over the glass of water
both your finger trips lightly made contact and you felt your heart racing again 
“thanks daehwi” you say giving him a shy smile 
he asks what the project is about and starts helping you guys and in no time you guys are done 
and daehwi is super friendly and outgoing so in no time you get really comfortable around him
and realise that HES JUST A REALLY NICE AND KIND HUMAN like any human and not some “far unreachable star that’s like a god” 
you find out he has cute habits and loves cleaning and fashion and wants to make people happier through his music
you guys talk for the next two hours getting to know each other and you tell him that you’ll continue to support him on produce 101 and he’s super thankful 
at this rate somi had literally fallen asleep and is taking a nap on the sofa 
he opens up about how it’s hard to meet people’s expectations and that he doesn’t want to disappoint others and you guys have really deep conversations 
and in no time it’s already dark outside 
and daehwi even offers to walk you to the bus stop 
and he puts on a black hoodie with the hood up just in case ppl recognise him anyone watching school 2017 bc i love x’s outfit hehe
you guys reach the bus stop
“y/n it was nice meeting you and i was able to get my mind off things thanks to you” 
“no worries daehwi, i’m so glad to have met you and you’re just as wonderful and kind as i’d imagined you to be” you reply cringing at your own cheesiness
daehwi laughs again as he ruffles your hair “you’re so kind too” 
“anyways y/n will you do me a favour and not tell anyone that i am somi’s twin? i dont want things to get hard for her if people know about our sibling relationship” 
you swoon, he was even so nice to his sister 
you nod “of course”
the bus comes and you guys wave goodbye 
you couldn’t believe that you met daehwi and got so close to him 
he was so nice and down to earth 
you lowkey wondered if you’d ever be able to see him again since he was already famous and busy with filming 
you convinced yourself that he was probably this nice to everyone and you were really lucky because you were his sister’s best friend 
suddenly your phone buzzed and you received a message from an unknown number 
“hello y/n, it’s daehwi - i got your number from somi. that’s okay right? next week i’ll be back in town again, so do you wanna hang out? just the two of us this time ;)”
efgqkejfhfjhjf i hope you guys liked this?? i have no idea what the response is gonna be like and lmao i made somi and daehwi twins bc they could totally be siblings :) i realised i probably rant too much lmaooo so let me know what you guys think as i’m always open to feedback and thoughts about my work :) please also look forward to my next one in this series! 
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ambiguoussavior · 6 years
dave memories masterpost
i was a seer of heart, rose was a knight of light, and dirk was a prince of time
as seer of heart, i had the ability to see the intent in others’ hearts, their emotions, and how best to manipulate/mediate. i was also able to connect to other versions of myself in other timelines. all other daves were time players, so through the soul connection i had with them, i was able to borrow their timehopping abilities for short bursts. i could also see into other timelines from the alternate dave’s points of view, including seeing how conversations will play out depending on how one answered
as prince of time, dirk was able to destroy the time of others, forcibly aging them to weaken them in battle. he could also forcibly shatter himself into several clones of himself, at the cost of some of his own lifeforce (5 clones up for 1 hour = dirk aging 5 hours)
as knight of light i have no idea what that snarky broad could do. no one had any idea. rose is an enigma, who knows what’s up with her
rose and i were identical twins, both afab. i was trans, as was kanaya. if anyone else was, i have no idea
kanaya was my best friend on the meteor, bonding over being trans and how silly rose is. i called her naya, nana, kan, anything but her full name. at her and rose’s wedding, i borrowed some of the alternate dave’s powers to walk them both down the aisle. karkat wanted to walk naya but was too nervous
i never had a crush on john or rose. i might’ve had one on jade but childhood emotions are hard to figure out. her and i dated for a bit but decided we didn’t really like each other that way.
me and john were good bros and that’s really all there is to say on the matter
my chumhandle was AmbiguousSaviour
bro sucked even worse than in canon in a lot of ways. i didn’t really realize how shitty it was until accidentally mentioning a “funny” anecdote to rose on the meteor and her freaking out, and the fact that she was showing more motion than i had ever seen on my behalf was a big part of what made me finally realize something was fucked. bros shitty treatment of me made it really hard to trust dirk for a long time, even after the rooftop vent session before fighting the jacks
i only started trusting dirk because i overheard him defending me in an issue with vriska (somehow my vriska was the hugest dick ever, worse than other timelines (i checked)) 
vriska: something something Dave is weak somet- dirk: hey what the fuck you did not just say what i thought you said? do you even know the shit his bro put him through growing up? vriska: well yeah we watched them grow up but i still think he could suck it up- dirk: *fucking DECKS HER*
even if i couldn’t see intent, the fact that he didnt know i could hear wouldve been a dead giveaway that he wasn’t doing that to try to impress me or something, he just genuinely cared about me and wanted to defend me, aka something bro never showed ANY signs of
jake and i ended up being really good friends. both of us had really weird, nigh unintelligible ways of speaking, but somehow we could both understand the meaning despite not understanding the specific words. we practically developed our own secret language based entirely on body language and tone
jake: *some gobbledygook with old english words* me: *some gibberish rant at 200 mph* roxy: what me: oh we’re going to the movies roxy: ???????????????????????? 
eventually it evolved into basically our own super subtle form of sign language (subtle enough other peple literally couldnt tell we were doing it)
me, jake, and a couple other ppl all sitting together in a room me and jake: *telepathy decide we’re gonna go do something else and both stand up at the same time* others: where r you guys going jake: oh me and dave here just decided to go (whatever other thing) others: but neither of you said anything? you werent even texting you just looked at each other me: yeah.... so......? others: ???????????????????
you best believe i called roxy mom as often as humanly possible
in fact it caught on on earth c and all the various subjects ended up calling her that too
me and terezi were pretty much the same as canon except without the awkward flirting
gamzee never went murderclown! he was sober the whole game and he was just so sweet and soft, he and i ended up pale as fuck monorails
tall soft lanky clownboi
me and karkat were very flush from about the second year on the meteor onwards
godtier body got a dick and it was awesome
when rose and i delivered the tumor, we ended up bonding a lot before godtiering (which says a lot given that we were already super close). that was the first time i ever saw her show real fear (not the last though, i think going grimdark forced her to start expressing emotions more instead of bottling it up anymore)
i never really interacted with jane much beyond getting introduced and saying hi when i visited the rest of the crockarleybertlish family. basically she was like a distant cousin
kanaya and karkat were moirails
partway through the meteor trip the trolls all got together and decided to pretty much abandon total monogamy when it came to pale relationships, given the way the humans just didn’t really know how to compartmentalize those feelings. basically the trolls just went “ok the humans are stupid and cant control their emotions so lets just all promise not to get jealous over minor vents or whatever.” they were still considered real relationships, however it wasnt a “youre not allowed to listen to other peoples problems and you have to make sure to only vent to one person” type thing anymore
similarly they decided that quadrant overlap wasnt as big of a deal anymore, so like acting a bit red in a pale relationship was fine, acting pale in a black relationship, etc (that ones also because the humans are dumb)
and by “the humans are dumb) i of course mean “the trolls were all secretly tired of it because alternian society was a shitstorm but they were afraid the other trolls would make fun of them so they blamed it on the humans to save face”
we did win the game eventually
the mayor was perfect and wonderful and the light of my life, i love him so much. he was highkey everybody’s moirail just because he was a super kind person and a really good listener and was just all around nice
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