#anyways this story is amazing I love it very much
cjsoleil · 3 days
Straight from the Tortured Poets Department (Bang Chan x Reader)
Summary: It’s 1964 and Chan is well aware of his place in the world, and it is not with some upper class girl who’s way out of his league. That doesn’t stop either of them from falling in love.
Authors note: Sorry I haven’t updated for so long, I hope that this will make up for it. This is part one of a two part story. No warnings for this one, but part two will have smut. Anyways, get ready for some poetry, Taylor Swift references and overuse of the word babydoll. (Unrelated but Ateez Golden Hour is so so so amazing, I’m obsessed)
“Rich folk.” The man comments as he walks around the rich part of town. Looking around at the pillers of houses and multiple cars in the driveway, he whistles, “With a fence around every tree.” He kicks the metal bars around a tree lightly, the sound startling a few birds. He doesn’t end up in this neighborhood that often, but sometimes he zones out during his walks and finds himself here. That, or he is too busy running away from an angry shopkeeper or a policeman to focus on where he is going. He’s about to turn around to make his way back to town as he’s not welcomed by the upper class, but a little something catches his eye first. ‘I guess I can take a detour.’
Laying with her back on the soft grass of her backyard, Y/N takes in the warmth of the sun. Much more pleasant than the blinding white light of the hospital. After a long year, she finally got to come back to her home after exam season. It’s the very first beginning of May and she will not have to go back to school until September. She is happy to be back home, she lives in a more upscale neighborhood and is oftentimes left by her lonesome as her parents work all day. It doesn’t bother her. Her neighbors, Jongho and Seungmin, pay her visits frequently. They’re sweet and younger than her by some years. She answered all their questions about school, how long she would be back and whatever else they wanted to know.
The light breeze makes the wind chimes let out a lovely tune and she sighs. Nothing could ruin the serenity that she has built for herself.
Well, maybe it would be if she noticed that she was being watched. The metal fence surrounding the backyard is small, only reaching Chan’s hip. He admires the girl, viewing her as Persephone in her garden. It nearly feels criminal for him to even look at her. For a moment, he considers speaking to her but forces himself to take a step back instead. It nearly hurts him physically. Looking at her house, he sighs before leaving the neighborhood he is unwelcomed in. He’ll have to leave properly meeting her up to the cosmos.
Taking a nice walk is one of Y/N’s favourite ways to pass the time. She will walk to town and visit the bakery, florist and the pet store. The girl has always wanted a dog and oftentimes leaves food and water dishes out for the strays. Unfortunately, not many people are as caring as her. Hearing a crashing sound coming from the alley she is walking past, Y/N peers over and sees a few men her age throwing rocks and trash at a dog.
“Excuse me!” She announces herself with a steady voice. Once the men face her though, her sudden bravery disappears, “Um.. please don’t do such things…” her voice trails off and she shrinks into herself as their gazes become predatory. At least the dog ran off at this point.
“Well, aren’t you pretty broad?” One guy steps forward into her personal space, “I can tell we will have a good time.”
While Y/N can be stupid, she is smart enough to not stay around to figure out what he means. Within two seconds she is running down the street. Dreadfully, she can hear footsteps close behind. After running long enough to feel the burn in her legs, she reached a dead end in some alley. With nowhere else to turn, Y/N presses her back to the brick wall trapping her. Heart racing, she stares wide eyed as the men creep closer to her.
“Now, that’s no way to treat a lady.” The man closest to Y/N turns around, and is instantly punched by the new person to appear. Y/N watches the stranger as he beats the three men that chased her. She is not used to seeing much violence, but the way the stranger moves reminds her of a dance. Almost organized although chaotic. And he’s so handsome. His jawline is sharp and his biceps bulge in the confinement of his leather jacket. His clothes are dirty and his onyx hair is messy, but she finds it adds to her attraction to him. Oh, god forbid her father learns about her thoughts. After a few minutes, the stranger allows the bloody men to retreat, watching with a threatening gaze as they leave. When he faces the girl, it’s like the flame has been doused, as he looks softly at her.
“You alright, babydoll?” Ignoring the blush that comes from the nickname, Y/N nods. “I-yes. Yes I am, thank you. Are you?” Stepping closer to him, she notices his knuckles are bleeding. Without a second thought she grabs his hand and examines it, “You’re bleeding.”
“It’s nothing.”
“No it’s not. You’re bleeding because of me. Allow me to take care of you.” Guilt overcomes Y/N. Even with the knowledge that he must have been a number of fights to be able to handle himself so well.
“Doll, it’s fine. I can’t feel a thing.”
“I insist.” She is firm on her stance and starts to walk out of the alleyway, “Come along now.” And like a loyal dog, the man follows. She leads them to a little store that Chan has never stepped foot into, which is a good thing. He would hate to be recognized by a shopkeeper and be called a criminal in front of a girl he will soon be going out with. It’s weird, Chan has never felt an instant pull like this towards anything. Such a strong feeling of need. He felt it the first time he saw her and it only becomes more intense with every word she says.
When she’s buying the bandages, he is bashful. Keeping his head down as the girl thanks the cashier. Afterwards, she leads him to a empty bench nearby. All while Chan ensures that he is along the outside of the sidewalk.
“So what’s your name?” Y/N asks as she starts to wrap his right hand. He completely forgot he never introduced himself.
“I’m Y/N.” She finishes bandaging his hand but doesn’t bother wrapping up the other one since it was barely bleeding. Chan flexes his right hand, “You did this really well.”
“I would hope so. I'm a nursing student.” Y/N laughs, “I’m here on my break for a few months, but I go to school towns away.” She lets go of him and Chan hums a melodic sound. “So you’re smart aren’t you?” He smiles, crossing his arms, “Too smart to be wasting time with a guy like me.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Chan simply shakes his head with a smile, standing up and offering his arm to the girl. Y/N grasps the crook of his elbow and he leads them out to the sidewalk.
“Nothing.” The man looks up at the sky. It's only mid afternoon and bright outside. He’s surprised Y/N nearly got attacked in daylight, “Just- if I were to ask you to waste your day with me, would you say yes?” She smiles, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
“As a matter of fact, I would. But what would we do?” Chan stands up, wearing a handsome grin on his face.
“Go on a little adventure. You in?” He holds out his hand to her and it only takes a second for Y/N to take it.
They end up wandering through a park, Y/N admiring the flowers as Chan admires her. Y/N has gotten a closer look at Chan and noticed that his clothes are stained and he has a few light scars on his hands and a faded one on his neck. She wonders how many fights Chan has got in, he doesn’t seem like a very violent person. Even when he was beating up those men. Chan is older than Y/N by a few years, him being twenty five and her twenty. He does many odd job, but works as a bartender. Chan refrained from telling her he makes shit from it since he lives above the bar for next to nothing.
“So Chan, is there any reason you asked me to spend the day with you?” She’s holding onto Chan’s arm with one of her hands, unconsciously rubbing her fingertips on the creases of his leather jacket.
“There is.” The man leads them towards a water fountain and they sit down on the edge, “I wander and strain to hear the movement of the stars above our encounter and what if you are to be my fate..” Chan finishes the verse with a smile, “The Encounter by Vladimir Nabokov.” Y/N is left in a state of bewilderment from Chan’s words.
“I did not take you as the type to know, well, any poetry.” Letting out an awkward laugh, Y/N looks down at her Mary Jane’s. Chan isn’t offended, he is rough around the edges and appears much more feral than he is.
“I always have. The poem was written for Nabokov’s wife hours after he met her.” He lifts Y/N’s head up with a gentle hold on her chin, “Maybe you are to be my fate. I think so. ” Y/N doesn’t notice that he said that as if he’s seen her before today.
“Why is that?” The girl smiles softly and Chan pulls away from her, dipping his hand in the fountain.
“I am heaven strucked.” He said the words so quietly, Y/N didn’t even hear them. And before Y/N can question him more, Chan lifts his unbandaged hand and flicks water on her. He laughs when he sees her flinch.
“Rude.” Forming a cup with her hands, she scoops up some water and quickly pours it on Chan’s head. To retaliate, Chan splashes her and Y/N shouts slightly as she stands, grabbing the attention of a few others at the park. The man pays them no mind as gets up.
“Let’s get outta here doll. I think I saw a candy shop nearby.”
And that continues throughout the week. Y/N will run into Chan while she is out and about and they will go do something together. Chan walks her home since her parents are out of town for a month. Not that Y/N is ashamed of Chan being her friend, but her parents are rather protective. Especially when it comes to boys. It explains why she has never been on a date before. Chan found it funny when she told him that.
“Isn’t that what we’re doing babydoll?”
“No, we have to be a couple to be dating.” He leaned closer to her at that moment, the corner of his lips curved up in a smirk, “And what would I have to do to make that happen?” After watching her struggle for a few moments, he placed a quick kiss on her cheek.
“You’d have to meet my parents.” Y/N finally answered and Chan’s smile had faltered. Y/N didn’t know that it was because Chan believed that he would not be approved of.
“Hello Channie.” Y/N greets the man with a grin on her face, resting her hand on the doorframe of the front door.
“Hey pretty girl.” Chan reaches out and twirls a stray lock of hair around his finger, “I like your hair up. You should style it like this more.” Y/N makes sure to remember that.
“What are you doing here?”
“We’re going to that old movie you mentioned yesterday.”
“Old yeller? You’ll really go with me.” He shrugs.
“ As long as you’re happy, doll.” Y/N blushes. He has to stop saying things like that before she completely burns up. She looks past Chan’s shoulder and sees a car. A white thunderbird.
“I borrowed it from a friend.” It was easy to convince Changbin to lend him the car. He simply explained he needed it for a pretty dame.“Ah okay.” She steps out, closing and locking the door behind her, “I will enjoying seeing you cry.” “I’m not going to cry.” Chan opens the passenger door for her.
“You are.”
“Told you.” “Shut up.” Y/N grins and leans across the console, wiping Chan’s tears. “How are you fine?” Y/N shrugs.
“I read the book, so I was prepared. Don’t worry, I was much more of a wreck than you are now.” She tries to place a firm kiss on his cheek but he moves his head, so she ends up kissing the corner of his lips. After pulling away she bashfully looks out the window and avoids eye contact.
“I’d love to have a dog.” Chan says out of nowhere, “As long as I didn’t have to kill ‘em like in the movie.” He shivers at the thought, “I have a name picked out and everything.”
“Oh really, what is it?”
“Berry.” He fakes an offended expression when Y/N laughs, “ What? It works for a boy or girl.”“No, it’s cute.” The next movie of the night starts but neither of them care to pay attention, “So a dog named Berry. What else do you see in your future?”
“You.” His answer is instant, and Y/N’s face turns red. The air in the thunderbird becomes thicker and she just noticed how close Chan really is to her.
“Yeah.” He hesitates for a moment, but leans closer to her. Eyes closed, Y/N feels Chan’s lips barely brush against hers. Her mouth parts and just as Chan is about to kiss her, a scream makes both of them jump. It’s only one of the characters on the screen but the moment is already ruined.
“Hey I’m- I’m gonna go grab a soda. Be right back.”
“Wait.” He shoved a five dollar bill in her hands. Much more than enough
“Thank you.” She quickly gets out of the car. Groaning, he rests his head on the steering wheel. It’s not like him to be so down bad for someone, but he’s starting to feel like he might as well just die if he doesn’t have the girl.
Y/N actually did want something to drink so it’s not like she was lying. She got a coke for Chan too. Hopefully the rest of the night won’t be awkward. Just as she is about to leave, she hears someone call her name.
“Y/N? That you?” Turning around, she sees San, a boy she went to go to high school with.
“San!” She exclaims, giving him a hug the best she can with her hands occupied, “Lovely seeing you, how’s school?”
“Going good. You?”
“It’s just fine.” He looks down at the two cups in her hands.
“Now, who are you here with?” Y/N has always admired how straight forward he is.
“My friend.”
“Who, someone from school?”
“No no.” San suddenly smirks, making her confused, “Why are you-“
“Hello baby.”
Arms wrapped around Y/N’s waist, she feels herself being pulled against a man’s chest. Blood rushes to her face and San doesn’t have to speak for her to know he’s teasing her. She’s so embarrassed she barely registers Chan taking one of the cup’s from her hand.
“Hey man.” San greets, a knowing glint in his eye, “Miss.Y/N here was just telling me about you. Choi San.”
“Chan.” He sounds pleasant, but Y/N can feel the tension in the older man’s chest, “How do you know my girl?”
My girl. The words echo in Y/N’s ears. Her heart flutters at the meer thought of being Chan’s.
“We- we went to school together.” Y/N says softly as Chan rubs his thumb just above the waist line of her skirt.
“It’s cool Chan.” San smiles, “I’m not into your lady like that. Just friends. I’ll see you around Y/N, let’s catch up sometime.”
“Of course.” San walks away and Chan holds Y/N’s free hand with his own.
“Let’s go.” He starts to lead her outside.
“Were you nervous around San?” Y/N asks him, earning a confused glance from Chan, “You were all tensed up.” Shaking his head, he grins.“No. Not that.” Y/N thinks about it for another second, before she grins. “You were jealous weren’t you?” He laughs, “What, you were getting ready to beat the man?”
“Only if he touched you again.” Y/N tsks as the get inside the car.
“We’re old friends. Besides, you shouldn’t be so quick to pick a fight.” She grabs Chan’s hand and lifts it while resting her elbow on the middle console, “Look at these scars. That’s all fighting is gonna get you. You’re gonna break something.”
“Isn’t that why I have you, Nurse Y/N? To fix me?” She sighs, putting down their arms.
“I will try my best too.” Chan reaches over and cups the nape of her neck.
“You’ve been doing pretty good so far.” He doesn’t elaborate on how she makes him want to better himself. Become someone worthy of her time.
If Y/N heard his thoughts, she would be quick to deny. Chan does not have to change in any way.
When the movie ends, Chan drives Y/N back to her house. He walks her to the door, but the girl doesn’t make a move to go inside. She faces Chan and grabs one of his hands.
“So.” She starts, face heating up, “Am I your girl?” Chan seems confused fora second, before he lets out a small laugh.
“Yeah babydoll.” Placing his hands on her waist, he pulls her closer to him, “As long as I’m your man.” Instead of answering with words, Y/N takes a tiny step forward. Hands on Chan’s shoulders, she leans up on her tiptoes.
“What about your parents?” Chan whispers, glancing at the house they’re infront of, “I thought you wanted me to meet them first.”
“I don’t care anymore.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, Y/N sighs, “I only want you, my dear.” The endearment makes Chan lose all sense of self control he had. He kisses her softly at first, to give her the feel of it. Odds are he’s her first kiss. The thought makes his hold on her waist tighten, as if she will fly away if he doesn’t.
Tilting his head, he deepens their kiss, running his tongue over her lower lip. Y/N could swear he moaned a bit. When Chan pulls away, Y/N sees that his face is flushed and he smiles shyly. Cute. Y/N steps away from the man and quickly unlocks the front door. Stepping inside, she turns to the other.
“Goodnight Chan.”
“Night doll.”
“Sorry this isn’t so fancy.” Chan apologizes to Y/N as she looks around the diner. As much as he would love to bring her to a nicer place, he simply can’t afford to.
“Oh it’s charming.” The diner is small and quaint. Very colourful too. The booth they sit at is baby blue and the stools at the front are bright red. The large windows give them a view outside. Specifically of a couple birds hopping around and looking for crumbs, “Just like you.” Getting Chan flustered is one of her favourite hobbies Y/N decided, much to Chan’s dismay. He lifts up the menu to cover his face, making her laugh.
Y/N takes a forkful off her cake, chocolate of course, and holds it across the table up to Chan’s lips. He instantly opens his mouth and takes the bite of the desert. It would normally be a little sweet for his tastes, but he has a newfound fondness for sweet things.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything else?” He swallows and shakes his head.
“All good here.” He looks past Y/N’s shoulder, “Wait one sec.” Chan gets up and Y/N watches as he makes his way to the jukebox at the back wall. He flips through the records until he finally decides on one. Can’t help falling in love with you plays throughout the diner.
When he is infront of Y/N, he dramatically bows with one arm at his back, the other wrapped around his front.
“May I have this dance, Y/N?” She has to conceal a laugh at how serious he sounds. He barely ever uses her name, preferring to go for a nickname ever since they first met.
“Here?” Y/N looks around. The diner is mostly empty, but she still finds it embarrassing to do such things in public. When Chan urges her by holding out his hand, she takes the last bite of her cake before accepting it. Chan pulls her up and puts her hand on his shoulder, his own going to her waist. Their free hands are held up and linked. Chan starts to lead her into a dance.
“My my Channie, where did you learn to dance?”
“I picked up a few things throughout the years.” He spins her and when he brings Y/N back to him, she rests her head against his shoulder.
“Are you moving back here when you’re done school?” Chan asks after a few quiet moments. Y/N lifts her head and looks at him.
“I don’t really have any other choice.” Their swaying slowly now, not acknowledging the song change, “Everything is here. My house, my family, you.” She says the last word quietly. Chan pulls her closer to his chest and lets go of her hand to hold her waist.
“I’d follow you anywhere.” Y/N laughs at how outrageous he is.
“This is our first date.”
“First of many.” Chan rebutted and Y/N would be lying if she protested.
“You’re such a romantic, Chan dear.”
“I can be even more romantic.” He gestures to the door, “Let’s get out of here.”
Chan leads her to a somewhat small hill and holds her hand as they start walking up it. Once they get to the top, they sit down on the grass under a cherry blossom tree.
“I’ve been looking for a job.” Chan breaks the silence, leaning his head back against the trunk of the tree, bark slightly digging into his scalp.
“I thought you already had one.”
“I need a better one.” He sighs, “The one I have pays shi-“ He stops himself, “Now that I have you, it’s not enough anymore. It barely was to start with.” Y/N hums.
“I’m happy for you.” She thinks of his words for another second, confusion growing, “What do you mean ‘now that I have you’?”
“You’re mine, are you not?”
“You know that’s not what I mean.” Chan lifts his head and looks at her properly.
“Babydoll, as of now it’s my job to take care of you. Provide for you. I don’t want your life to be less than you deserve just because you chose to be with me-“
“Hold it.” Y/N slaps her hand against Chan’s mouth, “If you think I’ll be any less happy with you, you're truly mistaken. Money has nothing to do with that.” She moves her hand and Chan stares at her for a second, before he grins a boyish smile.
“Still. I don’t want to be jumping people for twenty bucks just so I can take you on a date.”
“You rob people?” It shouldn’t be surprising, but Chan’s personality doesn’t come off as someone who looks to fight. Chan looks amused though.
“I’m not a great person, doll.” Y/N thinks for a moment, not really minding if Chan steals or robs. It’s what some people have to do.
“Tell me every terrible thing you ever did and let me love you anyways.” Upon hearing the quote, Chan smiles. He leans over and kisses her cheek before wrapping his arm around her. “That would take too long.” Y/N leans her head down on his shoulder, “Besides, I’m leaving all that behind me.” Become as amazing as you are. He doesn’t say the words, but lets the thought linger. Chan would change himself a hundred times over to be what Y/N should have.
“Speaking of leaving…” Y/N starts, tugging at the bottom of Chan’s jacket, “I’m leaving town at the end of summer. You’ll- you’ll wait for me, won’t you?”
Chan doesn’t answer. He lifts Y/N’s head up and cups her face, bringing his head down to kiss her. It’s not nearly as soft as the first time, making both of them lose their breath.
“We already established you’re mine.” He whispers between kisses, “I’m yours.” He kisses her neck, making Y/N shiver from the unfamiliar contact, “I’d wait for years if I needed to. You’re my fate, remember?” Another kiss on her neck.
“Yeah.” A large hand is placed on her thigh as Chan starts to nip at her neck, free hand tangling into her hair. Suddenly, the chirping of nightingales and the sounds of crickets disappears and all there is, is Chan.
It’s not until his hand rides a little higher, does Y/N come back to reality. She flinches and grabs Chan’s hand, making him pull away. Before she can talk, Chan starts apologizing.
“I’m sorry.” “No it’s-“ “It’s not okay. It’s unacceptable. I’m sorry.” Silence fills the air around them for a few moments. Chan didn’t mean to get carried away. Y/N just makes him a little out of control, though that gives no excuse.
“I can help you. Look for a job, I mean.” Chan’s happy for any break of their awkward silence.
“Yeah. If that’s what you want.”
“Thanks babydoll.”
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blindbatalex · 12 hours
bruins hrpf recs from the server #2
this week, the theme posed to the server was: ✨ a fic that surprised you (in a good way) ✨
a dream is a wish (your heart makes) by @cokehead-zeroed || marcheron || 1,003 words || reccer's notes: it's so cute it surprised me by making me go head over heels for a concept in just 1k words AND develop what felt like a very strong 'brad' voice in so few words as well, something i did not think was possible
and it was all orange by @blindbatalex || marcheron || 2,736 words || reccer's notes: i. laughing. i was laughing so hard at this, but at the same time it was actually lovely hurt/comfort
commitment ceremony by @sphesphe || marcheron || 1,577 words || reccer's notes: i was surprised/delighted with the way the woke-up-married trope interacted with the marcheron dynamic and then by the dynamic itself. just an absolute adorable fic all around
leave an imprint (on my skin) by @cokehead-zeroed || Marchy/Marner || 2,733 words || reccer's notes: I had never considered this pairing before but this fic made me fall in love, I walked into it skeptic and wary and walked out of it a believer
It's Not a Crush! by PartTimeMurderMuffin || Marchy/Sway || 5,818 words || reccer’s notes:  I honestly didn't expect to see this pairing at first (yes even tho I ship Brad with basically anyone on the team) but yea it's so cute
Signs Point to Yes by @siterlas || Marchy/Bergy/Sid || 6,990 words || reccer's notes:  when i first saw this i thought what is the polar bear doing in arlington texas but i was very pleasantly surprised and i loved the way the three of them just meshed with each other throughout the summer. 10/10 chef’s kiss
so i'll watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep (and i'll feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe) by @munch4march || marchy/segs (past) || 3,659 words || reccer's notes: i ended up in this story by accident and via not reading any of its tags but i was so glad that i did, because what a beautiful take on failed relationships and love that lingers and all the ways it is and isn't enough
Red Dust by Aaron_The_8th_Demon || marcheron || 69,350 words || reccer's notes:  they did an amazing job of covering medical issues in this I was extraordinarily impressed by it and then even more impressed when they told me they weren't in the medical field they just did a shit ton of research for it (even came up with a reason for space pneumonia based on real pneumonia????!!!) and while the surprise of the fic was something they built up to beautifully I still didn't fully expect it because i was like there's no way they're actually gonna do that and then *they did it anyways*!
turn them inside out by insunshine || Gregory Campbell/Daniel Paille || 5,418 words || reccer's notes: I just wanted to peek into the soupy tag to see what was available for him, expecting pretty much nothing and I got a story that made me feel a type of emotional tenderness like my feelings had been put through a wash/dry cycle
What I Want and What You Give by waffles_007 || marcheron || 27,964 words || reccer's notes: the premise itself was so surprising and there's so many lil surprises for the characters throughout. it's QUITE a fire fic
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twoshotsoffandom · 2 years
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About two weeks ago I got INTENSE ccrt brain rot and, as I always do, went a little over the top.
I am still not done. But I figured I would split it between the two bigger comics and the bunch of little(ish) comics
Copper Cogs Rusted Through belongs to @paper-lilypie
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Ask and you shall receive (a sneak peak of what's to come)
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coconut530 · 2 months
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Okay I'll bite. What happened in this guy's childhood to make him go to the extensive body-destroying lengths to bring his mom back??
-Sky Floor
His father left and his mother was wonderful to Edward and his brother, they loved her very much. But in the 2003 version, she died, possibly from being heartbroken over Edward’s father leaving. She was sick for days and finally passed away. In the brotherhood version it was definitely an illness that passed around Risembool (where Edward lived) and his mother caught it and she died. He and his brother missed her and Edward wanted nothing more than to bring his mother back. He thought he would use alchemy to do it, but human transmutation is very illegal because of how dangerous it is. Alchemy is dependent on equivalent exchange, and it’s practically impossible to bring someone back to life. So Ed lost his leg, and Alphonse lost his entire body. Ed couldn’t lose his little brother so he connected Al’s soul to a suit of armor, losing his arm in the process.
Oh but don’t worry! His life gets so much worse :)
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littencloud9 · 15 days
#cont thoughts of my last rb but. i think ppl are so quick to say that teruko is a badly written character bc of her role in the story??#idk how to explain it but. yeah bsd isnt the best at writing female characters and theres hints of misogyny here and there#but ppl always say teruko's entire character is a product of misogyny and that is just. not true.#prob bc people focus too much on the fact that shes a rare female character idk#yeah shes extremely dedicated to the hunting dogs and fukuchi. her LEADER. i dont think thats misogyny#people dont say that about chuuya being extremely loyal to the mafia 😭😭#'her having to give the credit to fukuzawa for killing fukuchi is so misogynistic!!!' except youre ignoring what that scene is really about#it's about two kinds of people. how fukuzawa couldnt kill out of love vs how teruko killed because of it#it's about the fact that SHE can do it. shes strong enough to. SHE understands whats necessary. SHE pushed her feelings aside.#which i thought was amazing. it really solidified her role as a SOLDIER which was how she was introduced. shes VICE CAPTAIN of the hd i fee#like people always forget that.#it's also rare to see a female character act on smth that isnt emotional cause it's always male characters pushing aside their grief for th#better. i loved that we were shown how fukuzawa who is stone cold and an ex assassin CLDNT do it while teruko who is explosive and emotiona#could!! it was an interesting side to both their characters#thats not to say teruko isnt a victim of misogyny. cause people do hate her for traits they love in other characters (shes very similar to#ranpo and chuuya and jouno off the top of my head)#but to say that her entire self is a result of misogyny is doing a disservice to her character#and shows that you cant look past her relationships with male characters idk#saying she doesnt have anything outside male characters is so untrue i cant stand that argument. bc SHE DOES. youre the one not seeing it#her role during the skyfall arc was amazing how do we forget that#anyway sorry. to each their own ofc im not defending bsd's occasional bad writing#but teruko get behind me djhfjhd
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feelslikegold · 1 month
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supposed to fly home today like I didn’t see the most babygirl jake possible last night and just ruin my entire life
#feeling v emotional about who gvf are to me today#I met so many genuinely amazing people last night?????#everyone around us were the sweetest humans ever 🧍🏻‍♀️#particular one older woman who I will literally never forget like I could feel my soul come out of my body to attach itself to hers she was#SO amazing with an amazing story ???? like she was 63 and she’d never in her life been to a concert before#of any kind#and she just finished chemo so her gift to her was going to her very first concert ??? which was greta#she was just…….. so sweet ?????? and so beautiful!!!! I kept checking up on her even though we are ignoring that she was across the floor#truly do not know how drunk val navigated last night without hurting myself somehow 🧍🏻‍♀️#anyways……. this band is so Different#would love to go to their shows and disconnect and just have a fun old time but i’m always hit with how I wouldn’t be here without their#music !!!#sounds dramatic af but 🧍🏻‍♀️#and josh and sam taking the time to go around bstage barricade and grab literally all of our hands#they both made eye contact with everyone they touched like they were truly taking it all in#I didn’t feel like just a paycheck to them 🧍🏻‍♀️#i’m 🫂🫂🫂🫂#and GOD the video of jake and the little girl#like. they care so much ???#ouch#hate them#hate what their shows do to me !!!!#going to be on a fucking plane and crying to frozen light 💀💀💀#truly embarrassing !!!!!!#I am not checking this for typos so have fun :)#jake kiszka#josh kiszka#greta van fleet
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
reminiscing on the period where i didnt know sawashiro was modeled after ttm and the second i learned and embraced that it 1000% altered the way i drew him These Are Not The Same Bitch
#snap chats#i still remember the day someone inboxed me that fact like ik i mention this story every three seconds but its still so funny#like The Beginning Of The End For Me <- i became somehow even more wacko#thank you for singlehandedly changing the trajectory of films and movies id watch for months anon ill cherish you forever#this post is brought to you by one of my fave artists being like. with whatever jpn knowledge i have to translate.#'if i draw sawashiro as a man in his 50's it wont look like ttm... im glad he's a beautiful girl...'#LIIIIIIIKKKEEE SO TRUE BESTIE.... ttm is the prettiest girl ive ever seen this is true#the cool thing about ttm is that he has incredible range however this does not negate the fact he is Very Pretty#this just a restated version of that post i made the other day LMAO LIKE MECHANICALLY ttm can play sawashiro. very well even#And I Repeat rgg not committing to making 90's sawa look like ttm in his 30's was Majorly To Their Benefit#he can have the voice of a no-bullshit yakuza yet he still has the face of an angel its very funny all things considered#on the real tho its so funny like i only drew sawashiro like. idk five times before actually referencing pics of ttm#yet the difference is like night and day he ACTUALLY looks like a jackass. and much older than 38 BYE#its 1000% the lips. and the doe-like eyes but anyways im sick#i love being seen i love being heard... thank you how_to_open#i should redraw my first sawa drawing... or second.... my first sawa drawing was the one with masato im p sure#the second one's just a headshot so it'd be a better focus on how i draw sawashiro differently.. lol...#its like when rgg recasts a chara and their model just different as hell. amazing.#srry i mention how pretty ttm is eveyr three seconds this isnt healthy and ill stop until im reminded of the fact later on#ok bye i have to take an exam. “”“”“take an exam”“”“”“ all of the answers are on google BYE
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mymarifae · 2 years
what do you think about the new girl page? seeing lots of divisive opinions on that one
mm. mmmmmm. hoooooooo boy ok let's talk about this. i guess.
to sum it up succinctly? it strikes me as bizarre. like, just bizarre. it's weird on multiple levels and fucks with established characterizations of susie, kris, AND noelle. it's messy and i think it was a poor choice. and for now i'm tentatively bonking toby over the head with a hammer (i will get into why it's tentative for now, rest assured) and i'm also bonking everyone praising it and immediately incorporating it into their views of the characters.
to break it down further...?
in and of itself, it's like. alright, we've got this indirect and yet very clear confirmation that susie was adopted/temporarily housed by (and is still bouncing around in the foster care system) a human family and has/had a "mother" who abuses/d her. so she's lashing out. she's redirecting her pain and trauma onto the one human in hometown. who was also adopted. by a family of monsters. a family that is kind and loving. that's not fair, why didn't she get to be a dreemurr, why did kris steal her chance, this isn't fair this isn't fucking fair-
she's a hurt, scared kid. and i don't necessarily think this is a. well i don't want to say "i don't think this is a bad scene to canonize" because it is a bad scene - it's uncomfortable and it caused me a lot of pain to read. but it's not like unforgivable, and it doesn't make susie a bad person.
i will never hold a grudge against a kid for lashing out when they were never taught love and kindness and acceptance. i will never hold a grudge against a child for being scared and hurt and so so so so angry at the unfairness of the world.
my issues with it arise from the way it just... doesn't... make sense. if susie was truly so horrible to kris, why were they so quick to trust her? hell, why was she so eager to be their friend? there should be a hell of a lot more tension between them. the things susie said to kris were genuinely pretty awful and can't be swept under the rug Just Like That.
it also completely contradicts the way chapter 1 is set up, where we slowly piece together that susie never actually bullied anyone. sure, the way the blog post is written makes it sound like she only went after kris when they were alone, but that kind of visceral hate isn't going to go completely unnoticed. i mean, noelle picked up on it before seeing the classroom incident, yeah? i feel like someone would have said something. and i feel like MK especially would have made one off-hand comment about how much susie seems to hate kris Specifically instead of just repeatedly saying that they've never seen her actually do anything bad, but, b-but, BUT she still sucks kris lol.
also, noelle's "i always thought susie can't be that bad!" comment makes noooooooo fucking sense if she saw this unfold. because she literally saw that yeah. she's that bad.
it puts kris and susie's current easy natural loving friendship in a very weird light, and i very much dislike how many people are jumping to accept it. yes, i also love depth in characters' relationships. i love layers and complexities and tensions.
depth =/= toxic. and that's what this blog post does. it makes it toxic. it makes noelle's crush on susie toxic and uncomfortable as well. (seriously: "maybe i should buy apple shampoo so she bullies me instead? XD" ?????????????)
now you will note that i said i am Tentatively bonking toby over the head with a hammer. there is another reason why i don't like people jumping to incorporate this whole mess into their understanding of kris and susie's friendship:
... how do you know this is a scene from our game's current timeline?
it's pretty obvious deltarune has some fuckery going on irt timelines and resets similarly to undertale. on that same note, i've always loved how quickly susie and kris Click, but it has always made me raise an eyebrow. because that is not two teens slowly realizing they have more common ground than they thought and slowly letting their guards down around each other. that is two already best friends reuniting.
the way i've come to understand it is this: in the very, very, very first instance of "deltarune", it took kris and susie a very long time to become friends. BECAUSE of what happened in the classroom and whatever else. they only began to trust each other a heartbeat away from the end of the world. and then they fail. and then the timeline resets. and they do it again.
and the... feelings, the vague memories and the déjà vu. they linger. distantly, susie remembers a time when they were almost friends. and as the timelines go on, again and again, they just build up. things begin to change. their stories become brighter and brighter, despite ultimately ending in the tragedy that [gaster] wishes to prevent. until we get to this point where susie feels like she should be furious with kris for Something, but she can't bring herself to. and thus our current timeline, the beginning of Our Game, is born.
i stand by my theory that kris and susie's friendship will be what prevents the roaring or the angel's heaven or whatever other apocalyptic events ralsei decides to tell us about later. the red soul's intervention has nothing to do with it. they have lived countless lives together. they know now, just intrinsically, that there's no one they can trust more than each other. they are best friends till the end.
and by god is it going to be a happy one.
toby still gets a bonk over the head if this is the case btw because i ultimately disagree with using "ogh. timelines." as character development but i'll accept it if it means this stupid blog post isn't real (anymore). otherwise, he is going to need to pull some fucking magic out of his ass to explain this properly to me because it literally demolishes 2 chapters of build up and development ABFNDBDKGKFGKFJKGKDG 👍🏾
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Congrats to Cole ninjago for being an actual aroace icon
All my man needs is cake and his friends and he's perfectly happy with that what a legend
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 11 months
I would ramble about Deviser rn but I can’t describe how it makes me feel so uhh listen to Deviser <3
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whumpy-wyrms · 4 months
Has Aspen watched Wolfwalkers before? I think he would absolutely love that movie :)
AND SO DO I!!!!!!! like i’ve never seen that movie before but i’ve wanted to watch it for a long time and this ask FINALLY made me watch it and oh my god HOLY SHIT IT’S ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIES NOW. i literally JUST finished it and i don’t even know what to say besides this
i need everyone to watch this clip in particular because holy shit i cried during it /pos. like i can’t even describe how much i love this movie and how much it means to me just wow WOW it’s absolutely fucking amazing and i definitely recommend it to everyone. the animation is stunning i love the main characters and everything is just so EXPRESSIVE and the COLORS ANR AHHHH THE WOLVESSSS
Aspen loves it. it’s one of his favorite movies now too (maybe his favorite idk i’ll have to think of what other movies he likes) but guys i don’t even know what to sayyyy that movie is sooo good
thank you so much for sending this ask because wow i don’t know what it is with me and wolves now but wolves are COOL and i LOVE this movie i’m so happy i finally watched it!!! :D
#i was screaming at the tv during the super intense parts like wow WOW this movie was amazing#imagining Aspen running through the woods as a wolf being so so so happy#i’m so happy i got the idea to turn him into a werewolf later on in the story so he can finally truly live#like Aspen turning into a werewolf marks the end of Silas feeding on him i think. it’s a brand new beginning. he’s truly alive and free now#and i love that so much#i’m so happy#i’ve gotta write down everything i’ve been coming up with for silas and aspen because it’s a lot and some people might be outta the loop#but basically after a very long time of being Silas’s bloodbag Aspen befriends a werewolf and gets turned#Silas was pissed because werewolf blood is kinda gross and Aspen now smells like wet dog and he’s overall less appealing#and Aspen is over the moon when he gets turned because he’s a wolf therian (otherkin) and he basically just got everything he’s ever wanted#and by then he already got closure for some stuff in his past (relating to how he originally died and one of his friends and ghosts)#so like he’s Happy. he’s so fucking happy. he’s the happiest person you’ve ever met by then#and also that is past the point where Silas eventually warms up to him (because aspen is literally a delight to be around#even to people as cold and heartless as silas) he still kills aspen for fun though. aspen is used to it and honestly doesn’t mind anymore#their dynamic is just sooo fun.#and i love werewolf aspen so much and need to talk about him because he’s all i’ve been thinking about and drawing#like Aspen is a bloodthristy werewolf who doesn’t know anything about his powers and Silas begrudgingly helps him because he’s Involved now#lots more happens in the story after this. it’s gonna take forever to actually get there tho like im a slow writer and haven’t even finishe#the first chapter. but yeah i love werewolf aspen and the werewolf who turned him is very cool too. don’t know anything abt them yet but im#working on it. anyway i love wolfwalkers u all should watch it because it’s amazing#ask#aspen oc#silas oc#brc ask#blood runs cold
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etruski · 2 years
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Brokeback Mountain (2005) dir. Ang Lee // Adam Raised a Cain by Bruce Springsteen
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astrxealis · 11 months
once again i love ffxiv and think it's so funny that you have magic so much magic but you have Guns. too.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
haruka should be allowed to be mad at kiryu tbh
#not just in y6 but like all the time#dont get me wrong i LOVE them and i love them being sweet and happy and i love kiryu being a good dad ok#but kiryu is uh. not always the best. in ways that i think she should be upset about#and i think the canon narrative doesnt rlly wanna address that bc kiryu is trying so hard and that effort must be forgiven#and for a happy ending to occur the family must be reunited#and i get that but like. haruka's side of the story is often ignored completely#or else boils down to unconditional daughter love in ways that are supposed to be admirable#and again. i love these two dearly. i love them very very much. but i think that tension should be explored#their relationship would be Very Complex and i think it would be Messy tbh. not like screaming fighting per se but i think haruka should be#allowed some moments of Uncle Kaz Im Sick Of Your Shit type stuff#im not even sure why i feel this way specifically bc i know i used to have reasons for it but like. yeah#even if you dont think haruka's justified or that she's missing some details/perspective or whatever i think she should be hurt and upset#about some of The Bullshit. baby girl needs therapy she needs some support and sometimes kiryu just. idk.#anyway go listen to welly boots by the amazing devil. thats basically my thesis statement#look maybe I'm just projecting my own daddy issues or whatever idk. maybe more people should do that with them like. shit#I'll do it someday I'll make that content i swear#sorry thinkjng about the unconditional daughter love again. she's kind of an ideal. she's a fantasy sometimes of a daughter figure who will#always understand how hard you're trying and be cute and love you no matter what. does that make sense??? and it's like. like i almost feel#bad for knocking that bc i get parents are under a lot of stress but i think she should have that power and that agency to be upset with#him. idk if im making sense. she's reduced to the Ideal Daughter and i want her to be loving and kind but with some moments of bitterness
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