#anyways vamps are slowly becoming my favourite
agentplutonium · 9 months
another WIPW post
I can't remember the last time I did this and PK keeps enabling me SO gonna post this week. Not-so-unfortunately, I don't have anything fandom-related this week however I have been on an absolute bender for original universe content creation and i actually really want to share some of it. So, what I have for ya'll is a story based on how Vampires were created in my universe. It's a bit of a long one, so it will start under the cut. A little bit of information about it before then however: Despite being this world's gods, Terra and Caelus went a concerning amount of time before figuring out that Vampires had accidentally been created. Terra was briefly introduced in this post from a few WIPW ago, if you're interested. Anyway, onto the thing:
Terra never thought that this was possible. Her creatures were never supposed to hurt anybody, that wasn’t why she was making them. But, for some reason, the Strix didn’t conform to what she wanted. Caelus kept bringing up the problem, but Terra could only beg for more time with them.
“I can get through to them, I promise!” She would plead. “They’re just a bit stubborn, that’s all. That’s what happens when you give creatures free will.”
“I don’t know, Love,” Caelus would say, “I’m worried about the Humans. They already don’t like these creatures all that much. What if something were to happen?”
“I can do this,” Terra would insist. “On All Mother’s honor.”
The passionate fire behind Terra’s eyes was usually Caelus’ downfall, giving in to his Love once again.
For the longest time, Terra was making progress. It was slow, painfully slow, but it was progress none the less. Progress that was continuously cited every time she was challenged on the Strix’s existence. Terra was so certain that this would work out in the end, that it even started influencing Caelus’ thoughts on the matter too. They both thought that there was a breakthrough with the creatures just around the corner.
Oh, how they both could be so wrong.
They were quiet at first, the turnings. Nobody knew what was going on until there was an epidemic. Soon, there were Humans dying in every village, fear running rampant. Terra and Caelus were beside themselves trying to figure it out. It wasn’t until Terra witnessed what was going on did they figure it out. Terra was in the forest outside of Valhollow, looking for the Strix that resided there, wanting to warn them that they were to close. However, what she found instead was horrifying.
There was a teenaged girl walking along the path, presumably on her way back home. Terra stayed out of her way and hidden.
There was three whistle notes. A tune that Terra had never heard before. The girl, however, froze in her tracks. She spun around, eyes on the trees, chest rising and falling quickly. The notes again. A warning, it seemed. Or perhaps a call. Terra felt her heart sink in her chest. The girl bolted, tearing down the path as fast as she could. She didn’t get far before a swarm of the Strix flock descended on her. The girl screamed, a scream so visceral it made even Terra’s throat close up. The Strix squawked, their wings beating frantically all as they pecked and clawed at the girl, drawing more sounds of pain from her throat.
Terra cried out, stumbling forward. She slammed her hands into the ground, and it started bending and warping to her will, creating a dome around the girl to protect her. Terra, standing now, outstretched her hands and willed for the birds to disappear. It took more effort than she wanted, but one by one, the birds turned back into clay, before falling to the ground with a muffled whump. The creatures melted together upon impact, leaving a heap of crusty clay on top of Terra’s dome. Terra stumbled forward, hand reaching out and smoothing over her makeshift protection. The soil glowed softly around her fingers and at her touch, responding to her. The dome collapsed next, revealing the girl, sobbing and shivering, curled up on the ground.
Terra knelt down, reaching out and brushing the dirt off of the girl’s face. The girl groaned, but didn’t move away from the touch.
“It’s okay,” Terra whispered, “You’re okay.”
“Who are you?” a voice just beyond the girl said.
Terra’s head snapped up, eyes falling onto someone who she did not recognize. The stranger stared back, curiosity clear in their gaze.
“You’re not from here,” the person continued. “Who are you?”
“Terra,” Terra breathed finally. “What just happened?”
”You’re not human are you?” The person asked instead. “I’ve never seen power like that. Sure, there’s the Firmis, but I’ve never seen one of them exhibit that kind of power. What are you?”
“I can ask you the same thing,” Terra said, trying not to get annoyed at the diversion, “but, please, what just happened?”
“They found another victim,” the stranger said. There was a small puff of air, and suddenly they were on the other side of the girl. Terra blinked, not remembering seeing them move. “The creatures, I mean. I haven’t seen anything like them before I got attacked.”
“Strix,” Terra said, instinctively.
“They’re called Strix,” Terra repeated.
“Fascinating,” the person said. They turned their attention to the girl, hands brushing gently along her body. With each discovery of a new wound their expression grew more sour. They clicked their tongue when they came across a smear of gold liquid beside her lip. “That’s what I was afraid of,” they whispered.
“What?” Terra asked, wondering what this stranger meant.
“The blood got into her mouth. It means the change will happen soon.”
“What change?” Terra asked.
“She’ll turn like me,” the stranger gripped, looking back up at Terra, “a blood thirsty monster.”
At that moment, the moon shone down through the trees, illuminating the persons eyes, and Terra thought that she saw a hint of silver around their iris. Terra didn’t see it for long to continue wondering, though.
“Can you help? Reverse it maybe?”
“’Fraid not,” The stranger said. “We don’t die that easily. But, she’s lucky that I found her first. If she was alone, or, gods forbid, she was found by the others? This would be a whole different story.”
They slid their hands under the girl’s shoulders and knees, pulling another groan from her. It was ignored as the person, effortlessly it seemed, lifted her as they got to their feet. Terra followed suit, hands wringing in front of her.
“I’ll take care of her, don’t you worry,” the stranger said, giving Terra a small smile, “It was nice meeting you, Terra.” They turned to leave, but Terra stopped them.
“I didn’t catch your name,” She said. She felt like it was only fair.
“Dr. Farbridge,” The doctor said. They nodded to Terra, and within a blink, they were gone again.
Terra stood there for a moment, staring at the heaps of clay beneath her feet. The events of the night started to catch up, and Terra felt so many emotions coarse through her body. Anger, remorse, shame, grief. She didn’t know what to do with herself.
She had to tell Caelus.
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juletheghoul · 3 years
Domum (Part 2)
I am dedicating this to you @221bshrlocked, I really hope you enjoy this second instalment of Vamp Boyfriend Max and please know that whenever I return to this world, I'm thinking of you.
There will be a part three.
Max Phillips x F!Reader
Pairing: Max x F!Reader
Word Count: 5.5K
Warnings: **TRIGGER WARNING** Max is a vampire so there will be blood talk, some of it sexual in nature, implied violence (nothing super graphic), language, Smut 18+, PIV sex (wrap it up), slight dirty talk, Oral-female receiving, supernatural themes, descriptions of gore
Reblogs are appreciated
Masterlist Part 1
“And just when did you forsake me hm?” You stared at Ambrose, curled up and purring loudly against Max's chest on your bed. He seemed to choose Max over you half the time and you couldn’t help but be a little jealous. He stared at you with his eyes half closed, blinking slowly and you sighed at the image of your two favourite boys in your bed.
“Fine, let Max feed you then.” You were only half kidding.
“Jealousy doesn’t become you, my love.” His eyes were closed but he smiled, imagining the look on your face.
“You shush, you’re only smug because he favours you.” He laughed at your tone and made a show of kissing Ambrose on his little face and you rolled your eyes. He set him down onto the floor - against Ambrose's wishes- and pulled you into bed. “I have to go to the market-” he cut you off with a kiss. It was so hard to push him away when he kissed you like that. When his hands held your face so tenderly.
“I would like for you to stay, stay in bed with me.” he kissed your neck and you felt the ghost of his fangs caressing your pulse point. Always letting you give consent before piercing your skin. You shivered slightly but you couldn’t give in. Giving in always meant you weren’t getting anything done. It took a great deal of self control to slip out of his grip and you quickly pulled away, leaving him in order to gather the clothing you had mended.
“If I let you carry on I'll waste the day.” you scolded him without any real anger.
“Waste? You call what we do a waste?” he laid on his back, arm over his eyes in mock distress. You could see the little smile at the corner of his mouth.
“You know full well what I meant - I need to bring these things to the market or Mrs. Johnson will have my head. I will be back soon, and then we can do whatever you want.” He perked up at the last bit, like you knew he would.
“Anything…?” He had pure mischief in his eyes and you blushed slightly at the implication.
“Yes - within reason I don’t think I need to clarify.” You approached the bed and he hastily got up to sit at the edge, making space for you between his legs. You stood and stared down at him - he looked up at you like you were the very air he breathed and you wondered for a brief moment how you could be so lucky.
“I’ll be waiting for you my love, like always.” he spoke with pure devotion as he hugged you around the middle. You ran your fingers lovingly through his hair- pulling it back lightly to kiss him on the mouth.
“You better.” You smiled at him, then made your way out.
You made it to the market quickly and found Mrs Johnson stomping her foot impatiently and you braced yourself for an onslaught but she cheered up when she caught sight of you. She was one of the nicer villagers and you had a good relationship with her.
“There you are, girl - I was beginning to worry. Let me see.” She took the garments you had carefully folded up out of your arms and inspected your work. A frown of concentration on her face as she inspected a big tear you had mended. “Perfect - as I knew it would be. Thank you sweetling, here - for your trouble.” she handed you a small purse of coins and you took it thankfully.
“My thanks - I am always available for work.” You both said your goodbyes and you stopped to stock up on more thread. You needed new needles as well and you were perusing for more materials when you heard someone calling you. It was the young girl you’d helped almost a year ago, you had learned her name was Sarah and since then she had taken a shine to you. Treating you like an older sister and you regarded her in much the same manner. The little sister you never had.
“What is all the commotion?” You raised your eyebrows at her, she was breathless with excitement.
“I knew you hadn’t heard! There are new people in the village! They came in last night!” The smile on her face was half wild with excitement, times like this you realized how young she was and it always endeared her to you.
“Okay Sarah, take a deep breath and tell me.” You half laughed as you paid for your things and walked through town with her. She was bouncing on the balls of her feet as she grabbed your arm excitedly, telling you about the band of thespians, entertainers traveling the country; putting on shows and plays. “Singers and bards travel through here from time to time-“ she cut you off.
“Yes but never this many! Seems to be a large company - they’ll finally put that playhouse to use. Isn’t it exciting?” She smiled brightly at you but you had a bad feeling. It wasn’t the same as when Max came into town, this was stronger and it left a bad taste in your mouth. “Look! That’s them!” She whispered excitedly into your ear.
There was a group of men making their way into the big tavern in town and it felt like someone had dumped ice water down the back of your dress. There was something wrong.
Max was there in an instant, Sarah didn’t notice him until he spoke.
“Good morning Sarah.” He spoke with a neutral tone but you knew that he was anything but relaxed. He usually stayed inside during the day and his body language gave him away, to you at least.
“Hello Max! Did you hear?” You rolled your eyes, knowing she would explain the whole thing over again. He had a smile on his face as she spoke but it wasn’t filled with the warmth you had become accustomed to.
This was a mask.
“Newcomers, that’s interesting.” You could see him scanning the outside of the tavern with a critical eye. He sensed whatever you had sensed, and he sensed it all the way from the cottage.
When Sarah left he spoke in hushed tones, you had never seen him like this.
“There is something here. Something hungry.” To everyone who passed by you were a courting couple taking a stroll through the village square but he was unsettled.
“I felt it too, made my hair stand on end.” You pressed yourself up against him, there was a sudden chill in the air and you weren’t exactly sure whether it was his words or the temperature.
“I don’t like this, it seems familiar but I can’t quite place it. I need to find out what it is and either destroy it or get it out of town. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.” You smiled to yourself, remembering his attitude towards the town when he first arrived. Things had changed for you since then, for the most part anyway.
There were still villagers who thought you were the devil incarnate but most of them had embraced you. Sarah had advocated for you and with her being the daughter of prominent members of your community, others had followed. You had a steady stream of customers who came to you as a seamstress, and an even bigger one for your other talents.
The townspeople were wary of Max, everyone except Sarah - she treated him as an extension of you; and she loved you.
He had embraced the villagers, promising you that he would protect this place. That he would protect anything you loved. You both spoke about it as you made your way home and you decided that you would go into town that night to investigate. Go to the tavern and get a drink to see if either of you could find out just what exactly had blown into town.
The tavern was unusually full, it seemed everyone wanted to be out amongst the newcomers. You smiled at Jasper, the old barkeep, you had helped his wife with pain in her legs a few months ago. He always had a smile for you now.
“I will find us a table, Jasper favours you.” Max whispered in your ear and you laughed. You asked the grizzled old man for a glass of wine and some cider, he didn’t let you pay.
The two of you sat in a dark little corner of the tavern, keeping an eye on everyone and chatting idly, Max drinking his wine and you nursing your cider. The two of you waited a couple of hours but it was for naught. Nothing happened - although it was pleasant to be out with him, neither of you sensed anything dangerous. Chalking it up to a loss, you made your way home.
The night was pleasant and you walked leisurely through the woods towards the cottage, the two of you arm in arm - enjoying the clear night sky. You were looking at the moon, seeing it’s position - full moon in a few days you thought to yourself when Max pulled you off the path suddenly. You shrieked in surprise but you quickly recovered when he pushed you up against a large tree. You weren't too far off the path, someone walking by would have to know you were there in order to see you.
“And just what do you think you’re doing?” You spoke in mock outrage, he laughed into your skin. He had you caged against the trunk; his face was buried in your neck and he was kissing every inch he could reach.
“I think you know, I believe you told me we could do whatever I wanted this morning.” He lifted your leg, hoisting it high on his hip as he ground into you. You let out a sigh at the feel of him, hard enough to feel through his trousers at your core. The bark of the tree was scratching at the back of your neck, the little bit of pain adding to the pleasure.
“I think I want to hear you say it.” Your voice was breathy, your fingers running through his hair, you guided his face towards yours, you wanted to kiss him. You wanted his tongue in your mouth and his hands on your body. You wanted him closer, always closer. He smiled into the kiss.
“I want to fuck you against this tree my love. I want to feed from you while you cum, I want to taste your pleasure, I want to love you. Will you let me love you?” He watched your mouth as he spoke, his words exciting you so much you ached. So much that you moaned and felt your sex dripping for him. Your heart was pounding, even your blood wanted him.
“Yes, always…” You breathed it out but he swallowed your words. He reached between you to pull your skirts up past your hips, he became impatient with all the fabric and when he reached your undergarments he ripped them roughly. The act excited you, causing another wave of slick to drip out of you and onto your thigh. He knelt in front of, looking up like he was in prayer.
He lifted your leg and draped it over his shoulder and he licked at your core hungrily. You felt his urgency, he sucked the bundle of nerves into his mouth with a passion that had you frantically clutching at his hair, it had you grinding into his mouth and it had you almost screaming. Your climax crashed over you like a tidal wave and he drank it down, refusing to pull away until you pushed him. He started undoing his trousers, pulling himself out as he stood.
His eyes were black with lust, as he roughly lifted you against the tree- wrapping both your legs around his hips; lifting you as if you weighed nothing.
“Undo your blouse for me sweet girl, I’m going to bite you where you like it.” he held you against the tree as you hastily undid your corset enough to pull your blouse down. You held tightly onto him as he reached down to guide himself into your wet heat. Both of you groaned when he was fully seated inside you.
It felt better every time. It was bliss, it was ecstasy.
You moaned as he drove into you, the scratching of the tree behind you sharpening the pleasure of his thrusts. You saw his fangs elongate and felt him getting frantic. He wouldn’t last long. You pushed his head down to your breast and he bit it rougher than usual, you could hear the sound of your joining and it was filthy, it was obscene out in the open like this but you didn’t care. The pleasure building with his bite and your blood in his mouth.
He licked your wound closed and moved to your other breast - you saw the brief anguished look of pleasure on his face as he bit your nipple. It hit you again. It was so intense you seized up almost painfully, screaming at the intensity of it. Your cunt clenched around him and he came with a growl.
He set you down, his grip softening, he was gentle again and he licked your wound closed. This was the roughest he’d ever been with you and you enjoyed it far more than you would have ever thought.
He was pulling your shirt back up and straightening your skirts as you caught your breath, he had a little frown on his face.
“What’s wrong?” You touched his face, bringing his attention to you.
“I’m afraid I got carried away, I’m sorry if I was too rough with you.” He looked chastened, he hissed when he saw the scratches on your shoulders and neck from the tree. You laughed lightly but he didn’t join in.
“Max, I thoroughly enjoyed that. I will heal. I can draw myself a special bath and I will be better in a few hours. Please, put it out of your mind my love.” You hugged him to you and he relented.
He was quiet as you made your way home and although he had dropped the subject, you knew he felt guilty. You appreciated the sentiment but you weren’t made of glass.
Once you got home, you had him fill the big kettle as you gathered a few things.
When he returned you had him pull the big tub into the middle of the room, he did so without comment. Once the water was hot enough, he helped you fill the tub and you put a few things into the water; dried herbs and flowers that would help relax you. He watched as you moved about, picking a little bit of this and a pinch of that.
The steam was lovely and it smelled like lavender and wildflowers. You stripped off your clothes and ordered him to do the same but he didn’t right away, you got into the tub and raised your eyebrows at him. He smiled and stripped, joining you in the warm water.
“Here, rub a little of this wherever the skin is irritated.” You handed him a little jar full of a thick oily paste. He obeyed and you felt his big warm hands massaging it into your skin. He was thorough and quiet as he did what you asked, the two of you enjoying the intimacy and the warmth.
He kissed your shoulder when he was done and you laid on his chest between his legs. He washed you gently as you relished his sturdy warmth behind you.
“Max, can I ask you something?” The question popped into your mind and you had to get it out.
“Yes my love?” He was washing your hair, massaging your scalp carefully as you relaxed.
“You told me once that you’ve only ever turned one person, what happened to them?” You asked it casually, you were curious and he never spoke about his past. You felt him tense for a moment before he continued with his actions.
“Do you really wish to know?” His voice sounded a little hesitant, you wanted to know, but only if he wanted to tell you.
“You don’t have to explain if you don’t want to, I was merely curious.” You meant it, whatever happened before either of you met- it didn’t matter. Not now that you had each other.
He carefully poured water on you, washing the soap out of your hair in silence, taking the utmost care to not get any of it in your eyes. You thought the conversation was done but he eventually spoke.
“I’ll tell you one day, not today - allow me to tell you in my own time.” He pressed his face into your neck, kissing your ear and shoulder, his actions soothing the hurt he imagined his response was causing. He was entitled to his silence. You turned to face him, looking up from where your face was pressed against his chest.
“You don’t have to explain, if it hurts too much or if it’s something you don’t like discussing. It’s okay for you to keep things to yourself.” You smiled at him, letting him know there was no double meaning, you meant every word. He pulled you up to kiss you and you felt his devotion to you, felt him saying what you meant to him without words.
You both sat in the bath quietly for a long time.
A couple of days went by and nothing, no hide nor hair of whatever the two of you had sensed. You were beginning to think that maybe you’d gotten lucky, something passing by near enough for the both of you to pick up on it but not actually staying.
You should be so lucky.
There had been talk in the market of a beast, a monster ripping through the Robertson farm just outside town. Killing a few of his sheep and almost all of his chickens. The carnage was said to be disturbing and the bad taste returned with a vengeance, rocks settling in your stomach. This is not good.
Once you got back home and explained what happened to Max he made it a point to go to the Robertson farm to see if he could get a sense of what it could be. It wasn’t long before he was back - frowning deeply.
“I cannot get a feel for it, it’s not another of my kind that’s for sure. This feels more primal, more violent. I need to get closer.” You could see his frustration, it was bothering him that he couldn’t fix it.
Later on that night, Max got his wish.
You were laying in bed, curled up in each other when something flickered across Max's face. He blurred out of bed with how fast he moved, stopping to hastily put his trousers on. You felt it before you could ask him what was wrong, Ambrose shot out of bed and bounded for the door. He was hissing loudly, his hackles raised higher than you’d ever seen.
“Stay there.” His voice was iron, no room for argument. He stalked over to the door and listened, you heard it all the way from the bed; something massive was outside your cottage. It pressed against the door lightly and you could hear the gouging of the wood, whatever it was - it had claws.
Your heart was in your throat as Ambrose hissed and snarled, you quietly got up to wrap your blanket around you. Max silently moved to your kitchen to look out the window. Ambrose stopped hissing and ran towards your bed.
“It’s gone.” He didn’t move from the window and you tentatively approached him, needing his warmth to reassure you. He instantly rubbed at your arms to calm you. “You’re safe my love, nothing will happen to you. Good news is, I think I figured out what we’re dealing with. It’s a werewolf.”
You knew there had to be other creatures in this world, you yourself were a witch and you were committed to a vampire but you were at a loss for words. You would have laughed, had he not had that look on his face.
“It came straight here, it must sense us in it’s altered state.” He was pacing the room, thinking hard as you sat silent at the table. Shivering even though you had the blanket wrapped around you. You were trying to think about everything you knew about werewolves, you knew there must be something about them in your mothers notes, where were they again? You got up and put on a shift before digging through the big trunk tucked into the corner of the room.
He came over when you yelled in triumph, pulling out your mothers big leatherbound notebook.
He was silently watching you as you flipped through the pages, looking for any insight and then you saw it - she had a whole page on them. Some of the points you already knew, that you needed pure silver to ward them off. They were vicious and their bite was a curse. When they were in their animal state, they were purely primal. They would tear apart their own mothers without a second thought. Aversion to silver & iron, wolfsbane - would make sense as to why it only gauged at the wood of your door. You had fortified your protection once more after Max had come in, leaving out anything that would stop him and him alone.
“Tonight was the last night of the full moon, we have a month to prepare. We have to find out who it is, and destroy them. They cannot be cured, I hope no one gets hurt tonight.” You spoke to him as you put the book on the table. He listened intently and the both of you came up with a plan to go into the market and get as close as you could to the newcomers.
“Hopefully they'll leave before the next full moon, we should be so lucky.” He spoke as he blew out the candles you’d lit, the both of you getting back into bed. You whispered your plans to each other, vowing to warn Sarah. You thought of little trinkets you could make, talismans of protection to the people closest to you. You hoped with everything in you that you wouldn’t wake up to bad news.
No such luck.
The two of you decided to head into town together the next day, and there were whispers of a great beast everywhere you went. Several people had seen a huge mass stalking around the woods, luckily no one had been hurt. You did notice a few of the more unfriendly villagers giving you hard glares and scowls as you made your way through, you felt Maxs grip tighten slightly at the open show of hostility.
“We’re trying to protect them.” he spoke as you tried to calm him, putting your hand on his chest. He took it and held it there as you walked through. You caught sight of Sarah and she rushed over to you.
“I wanted to warn you- a couple of townsfolk were saying that this has something to do with you. I said that there was absolutely no way - that you’re a good person but I didn’t like how they spoke.” She was visibly upset, imagining her defending you pulled at your heartstrings.
“Oh sweetling, thank you - we’ll be okay, they’re just scared.” You hugged her tightly, trying your best to reassure her. “I’ve made you something, I brought it with me in case I saw you, put this on and don’t take it off. I’ve made one for each of your parents - this should protect you. Please make sure you don’t go out after dark. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” You spoke to her as you handed her the talismans you made. She smiled shyly and put on the necklace.
“I won’t take it off, please - be careful. Both of you.” She hugged you tightly and left quickly.
For the next couple of weeks both you and Max made it a point to get close to the newcomers. Thinking that maybe if you got close enough you would be able to sense it but it was for naught. They kept fastidiously to themselves, the only time you saw them was when they performed. Even then - Max couldn’t get a sense of who the danger was. You had learned from your mother’s book that it would be difficult, that the days before and after a full moon - this person could appear to be perfectly human.
The full moon was coming in just a few days and the tension between you and a few townspeople was palpable. Even before Sarah and other people had embraced you, things were never this bad.
You studied the book constantly, using your mothers knowledge to create a weapon that would be able to kill the beast. It would have been better to cure it but it was for naught, there was none to be found. The biggest fear would be that someone else would get bitten, spreading the curse to someone else.
Well, not the biggest fear - the biggest fear would be that someone would get killed.
“What do you propose we do? This is the best course of action. You know that.” He was right, as angry and upset as you were, you had to admit he was right.
“I don’t like it Max. I should be out there with you.” Your voice was soft, you were trying to argue but he looked so worried.
“I know. I cannot focus if there’s a chance you might get hurt. If something were to happen to you, I would never forgive myself- you know it makes sense- I can cover more ground without you.” He walked over to you, untangling your arms to wrap them around his neck.
He had a way of making you crack, of burrowing under your skin; into your heart. You couldn’t help but press your ear to his chest.
“I have to know you’re safe, if we both get hurt then we’re useless.” He pressed his lips to your temple.
“Very well, please be careful.” You held him tightly, as tight as you could and he let you.
It felt horrible to sit around and worry.
You made tea, you flipped through the book absentmindedly, it was almost a compulsion. Ambrose could sense your anxiety and he plopped down on your lap, purring loudly against your skin.
Max insisted on patrolling every night of the full moon. He was determined to destroy the beast and have your lives return to normal and you couldn’t blame him, but you couldn’t sleep until he walked through your door safe and sound. When he eventually did you would nearly tackle him to the ground.
The relief wasn’t to last though.
He burst through your door on the last night of the full moon. He was covered in blood and he held a body in his arms.
Your heart seized up, Sarah was limp in his arms. You were frantic, you could see her throat had been ripped open and you held the scream in your throat. He was speaking to you as he laid her down on the table.
“My love, I need you to focus. Is there anything in your book on how to save her?” You took a deep breath as he spoke, opening the book to the familiar pages with trembling hands.
There’s so much blood
“There’s no way to undo the curse Max, if she doesn’t die - she’ll be one of them.” The tears were flowing now, she was so young, so full of life. You walked over to her, brushing the hair out of her face. Her skin was like ivory and far too cold. Her breaths were shallow and the blood was flowing slowly. Her heart was pumping her life away.
“Can you save her?” You knew he didn’t like talking about it, but it might be the only chance she had. His eyes were on you and you could see the pain in them; inner turmoil bubbling up.
“My love, it would not be her choice and she might hate me for it. Hate you for making it for her.” His words were knives to your already broken heart.
“Please Max, I cannot lose her.” You were sobbing then, voice paper thin and up to your elbows in her blood. Her ragged breaths must have been an agony. She was bleeding into her lungs.
“Are you prepared to deal with her scorn?” His voice was cloud-soft, he didn’t want to lose her either.
“Yes.” You spoke to him but you kept your eyes on her. “Whatever it takes to save her, please.”
He changed her.
You waited for her to change with baited breath. It took much longer than anticipated and you almost chewed your nails to the bone. Max fared no better, he paced the cottage while the transformation occurred and you could feel his fear. Whatever had happened in his past weighed heavy on his mind while you waited. You asked him what happened to distract him.
Max had destroyed the creature, it was one of the newcomers - he’d been taken with Sarah and they had stepped out together when he changed and in her fear; her talisman had been lost.
When you saw her skin stitching itself back together you breathed a sigh of relief, your body was a tense knot and you felt your muscles loosen slightly as her breathing regulated, as her body repaired itself.
“She will be thirsty when she wakes.” He whispered, sensing her starting to come to.
When she woke she was disoriented and Max stood between the two of you with his arms up, his body a wall between Sarah and you. He held her firmly in his grasp and spoke in clear sentences.
“Sarah sweetling, can you hear me?” He was staring into her wild eyes, for a moment it was as if she didn’t recognize either of you but a few seconds later you saw her soften, saw her take you both in.
“Max? What happened? What happened to me?” She was looking at her hands, her eyes darted around rapidly and you could see the fear.
“Sarah - focus on my voice. I need you to listen.” He came closer to her, very slowly, approaching her like one would a wild animal. He explained what had happened to her and what he’d done. What he was, what she now was as well. She looked at you with fear in her eyes and Max almost broke. This was what he’d been afraid of.
“Am I going to be okay?” She was terrified and you wanted to hug her but Max wouldn’t let you.
“You’re going to be fine - come, I will help you and once you're fed I will bring you back here and we will talk.” He turned to kiss you quickly, his unconscious need to feel you close was as much to reassure him as it was to reassure you. “Draw a bath for her my love, she will want to get clean when we get back.” With that they both left.
It took days for her to adjust, Max walking her through the change. His fear that she would hate you both never left him and you could hear the silent apologies in the way he treated her. The way he guided her through everything like a father would a favoured child.
At first she was afraid, terrified of herself and her new abilities but it didn’t last. She took to it well. Her young age, which he thought would be a hindrance - actually worked in her favour.
She had a long way to go until she had the same level of control as Max, but both of you would be there to help her.
To be continued...
Tag list: @frannyzooey @foli-vora @danniburgh @sambucky21 @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @ezrasbirdie @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @wheresarizona @sherala007 @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa @gaiuswrites @stevie75 @sweet-creature98 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @goldielocks2004 @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @bellaorisa @hellovanessax @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @mrs-ghuleh @pedritoispunk @librariantothejedi @studythoreauly @missswriter @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @giizhkens-cedar @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @anaaaispunk @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @quica-quica-quica @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @mandosmistress @deadhumourist @felicisimor @tuskens-mando
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Bad, evil, rotten lovers
Pairing: Spike x vampire!reader
Request: Hey there! Could you write a spike x reader thing, where they have been friends/together since being humans and both have problems to hide their giddy and fluufy relationship from the scoobys and trz to act all dark and tough?
Requested By: Anonymous
A/N: I enjoyed this request - hope you like what I’ve done with it! 
For some reason I always default to season 4, not sure what’s up with that (it’s not even my favourite season) so I challenged myself with this request! We’re set in season 2 today with an ‘evil’ spike/reader.
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You were never part of his usual crowd. You had been visiting the area he lived with his mother for only a brief period, staying with a distant relative but William had become instantly smitten with you. You had both got on so beautifully and when he had been missing for a while it had really hurt you, he had been the only one you cared about there. He loved you and you had been fast falling for him, he had even suggested that he would ask permission to begin courting you. So, when he went missing there was a hole in your heart. That was, until he came back for you, tapping on your window one fateful night. And that, as they say, is history. You had been sired and luckily the qualities he loved about you hadn’t changed and you fell in love outside of society’s strict code with neither of you looking back (unless you were reminiscing of course).
That was then, but now you and Spike were walking through a graveyard in Sunnydale. You had maintained a reluctant truce with the Scoobies to get rid of Angelus, secretly you liked the strange little group of kids but you would never tell them, or Spike. Angelus was starting to annoy you and your love, he had gotten into the whole Slayer killing, which was Spike’s thing. All that seemed to calm him down from his irritation was you, he really loved you which was lucky because you matched this love. You had taken to walking aimlessly at night, to get out of the mansion and strengthen Spike’s legs after being stuck in his wheelchair in front of Angelus. Your late night walks were where you could both discuss your frustration and maybe kiss a little between the gravestones. He had draped his leather duster over your shoulders, knowing you weren’t affected by the cold but wanting you to have it.
He had paused to gaze at you softly under the moonlight, the look he had given you all those decades ago. The first time you met at a society function. He had been so earnest back then, almost shy, now he was only like that with you alone. You liked it this way – you got the best of him. You had both apparently been reminded of the same thing, as he spoke his thoughts out loud.
“I remember practicing over and over, reciting long lines of wanting before I asked…” he referred to the night he asked you to be his.
“Sweetie! Your poetry still makes me blush, and I have no circulation!” You grinned at him as he appeared to duck his head slightly and you embraced him in a hug.
“Please don’t pull away, pet… not yet” he mumbled to you, as you started to move, but your embrace was unfortunately cut short as you both heard an almost inaudible whisper.
“Poetry?” Buffy and Xander had mouthed in confusion, both looking at each other. Xander raised an eyebrow, holding up a cross as you started to walk closer to them. This has to be a trick right? You were both evil and evil doesn’t write poetry or have cute pet names… do they? Buffy got in a stance ready to fight as you both finally noticed them.
“Well, well if it isn’t Betty the vampire layer” Spike smirked as you cackled, making sure to allow your most menacing scowl for the slayer.
“You know how many Slayers Spike’s killed? Two, soon to be three isn’t that right?” You bragged as Spike nodded along.
“Currently, you’re working with us though, sweetie” Buffy mocked. You both postured, starting to speak over each other in your haste to maintain just how bad you both were. You finally stopped as the slayer raised an eyebrow and started tapping her toe as if she were bored of your very evil tales.
Eventually Buffy and the boy walked away, having set your plan out for later. You both walked on, hand-in-hand, through another graveyard. Eventually you slipped your hand from his, a sparkle in your eye as you plotted. As spike was explaining something, he didn’t notice you slip away and hide behind a gravestone waiting to see how long it would take him to notice. He only noticed when he heard a soft giggle from behind one of the gravestones and his face melted as he realised. He wouldn’t admit it, but he enjoyed your impromptu games of hide-and-seek amongst the gravestones. He started to prowl through the stones, looking for any sign of you. He softly narrated where he was going, to see if he could make you giggle and give yourself away.
“Come here… big bad’s gonna eat… you… up” he whirled around at the last word, eyes locking with yours as you squealed and he scooped you up before you could run.
“You found me!” You cheered as he pulled you by your middle and held you to him.
“I’ll always find you, pet” He said, cupping your cheek softly. It was as if he were staring into your soul, even though neither of you had one. His cold blue eyes sparkled as you stared back, a smile on your lips. You could recall it all, you wouldn’t share the rest of your un-life with anyone else.
“Sweet William, you always know the right things to say to me!” You matched his soft almost-smile as he leaned into you, your lips meeting in small, soft kisses that turned slow and sweet. Your hands ran through his bleached hair as you both smiled into the kiss, reluctantly cutting it short. He was about to carrying on walking but you grabbed his shirt sleeve, “Wait! One more kiss, for luck!” you asked enthusiastically, and he smiled, pulling you in softly once more. Willow walked over to you, but neither of you were really paying attention to her, she must have gotten separated from the others. The young girl was too trusting, having spoken to you more than once without so much as a stake for protection. A small cough interrupted your kiss, she was clearing their throat and you both jumped in surprise before slowly turning to see Willow watching you both. Spike coughed, trying to show he hadn’t just jumped and almost yelped in shock at the tiny human.
“What do you want, little red? Never heard of the things that go bump in the night?”
“Y-yeah, we’re gonna eat you up after we all get rid of Angelus” you insisted. The girls pulse barely changed and you and Spike looked at each other. Willow wasn’t convinced you both were as bad as you say you were, especially since the truce. The girl was in a fluffy pink jumper, she looked like a marshmallow and her personality appeared to match the ensemble. You and Spike looked at each other, growling at her before deciding to head back before the sun rose.
Back at the mansion, you were sat on Spike’s lap as he wheeled you both into the room. He was still keeping up the pretence that his legs weren’t working. You were sitting sideways on his lap and you looped your arms around his neck, snuggling into his chest as he stopped in the centre of the room.
“I’ve got a surprise for you!” You smiled, “Close your eyes!”
“Love-” he started, but did it anyway, for you. 
“Hold your hand out, palm up” You asked and when he closed his eyes and did it, you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers with his with a wide grin. He peeked and looked down at your hand and smiled, moving your entwined hands up to his lips so he could kiss the back of your hand. You giggled and he smiled that smile that was only for you.
“I’ve always liked the way your hand fits in mine, pet” You both got lost in each other’s eyes, a soft smile as your hands held onto each other. He was about to lean in and kiss your forehead when a voice startled you both.
“H-has anybody told you that you’re kinda sweet together?” A small voice interrupted from the corner. You almost jumped, you had forgotten that spike had grabbed the little witch as your tasty snack for later when the Slayer inevitably double-crossed you both. She was tied up in the corner and you had forgotten. Even spike looked a little sheepish that you had been caught being so soft together.
“We’re not sweet!”
“We are evil, nasty creatures of the night!” Spike pointed threateningly at Willow, wheeling himself towards her as you got up from his lap.
“We’re bad! Rotten to our core!” You insisted, Spike had changed into his vamp face to prove your points. She just looked away and moved further into the corner.
“You couldn’t even dream of the horrible things that we’ve done!” You shouted, frowning, your eyes flashing amber, “The terrors that we have inflicted on entire cities!”
“Y-yeah you are evil, you’re j-just sweet to each other” she corrected herself. You and Spike gazed at each other before you were snapped out of it once more.
“Quit playing with your food, the Slayer’s here!” Angelus ordered to you both from another room. You both looked at each other, shrugged and grabbed Willow along too. This was going to be interesting.
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hayleyarts · 4 years
Broken Without You (Jasper Hale x OC) | chapter 1
Author’s note: Hello! i don’t normally post that many stories or much on here but I’ve been working on a Jasper Hale fan-fiction to try and redeem him and show my favourite cowboy vamp some love. Anyways, this story contains swears and will have some graphic scenes referring to mental health and past trauma. I’ll give more specific warnings where they apply. Also, each chapter is inspired by some music; so if you want to listen to that particular song while you read, you can but you don’t necessarily have to :)
Summary: Eleanor Rae lives in a town where there are seemingly no secrets, but what happens when a certain vampire takes an interest in her. She’ll soon find out she’s not the only one with secrets. Will he be able to put her broken pieces back together? Can she fix him in return?
Word count: 2334
Read Part 2 Here 
Track 01 - Eleanor Rigby by Alice Cooper
Forks, Washington; the rainiest town in the United States. The benefits of living in a rainy town is the fact that the forests nearby are some of the greenest you’ll ever see. The cons of living in a rainy town as small as this one is how there are no secrets; everyone knows everyone for the most part. Therefore, when people see me: Eleanor Rae, they immediately know my back story. Of course, you’re not from Forks, so how would you know who the hell I am, or what my story is. 
The Rae family, also known as my mother Cecilia and myself, lives in a small cottage on the edge of town. Our small, 2-bedroom place is just close enough to town to be considered still in Forks, but with the town being so small, you’re simply ten minutes from all needed amenities. One such amenity is the hospital that my mother works at and the high school I’ve been attending for 2 years. At school I’m known as the strange girl with headphones glued to their head. Everyone has stopped trying to talk with me and try to become my friend, because I’m just ‘too weird’. Outcasts in small towns are rare; no secrets are allowed. Thus, why I envied the Cullen family. 
The Cullen’s were a family that became the talk of the town since freshman year of high school mostly because they broke the unwritten rule of small towns; they had secrets. No one knew what these secrets were, but everyone knew there was something they were hiding. The patriarch was the best doctor Forks has ever seen; Dr. Carlisle Cullen. He and his wife manage to take care of six adopted teenage kids; who in their right mind would do that to themselves? Their kids are a completely different anomaly. Even though they are all adoptive siblings, they happen to look extremely similar; blemish free complexion, model-like beauty, and this sense of grace that normal teenagers definitely don’t have. The thing that bothers me the most is that after a year or so, everyone stopped paying close attention to the strange family, but I didn’t. I mean, it’s hard not to when they’re all so beautiful, especially the brother with the wavy golden hair that frames his face perfectly. He was the one I was the most drawn to, and I don’t really know why. There was something about his presence that calmed me; God I wanted to talk to him. But how does one speak to someone as gorgeous as Jasper Cullen? 
I climb out of my Jeep, my feet planting on the cement of the parking lot. I look up at the building, sighing softly to myself; Junior Year of high school. A lot of people tend to stress about senior year, but to me, junior year is the one that matters. You need to figure yourself out because next year you’re applying for colleges. If you don’t have yourself figured out before senior year, then you’re royally fucked. I take my time to cross the lot before entering the school; the white tiled floor already scuffed from the various footwear. The lockers remained the same, even some of the posters on the walls were the same. The only thing that really seems to change is the people; some with different haircuts or new clothing. Different people smiling and laughing with new friend groups, some people missing because they moved during the summer. Growth spurts from the now sophomores, and then the completely new group of people that no one from the older grades recognized; the new freshmen. The one thing that stayed the same among the students, is no matter how much they laughed and joked with their friends; at the end of the day, we’re all lonely people. 
I follow the flow of people as I make my way to my first class of the day: history. I always dreaded history class because of the teachers that usually instruct the class. Why is it that every boring and/or almost ready to retire man teaches history class? If someone exciting taught the class, I might actually like it more. I arrive to the room, flags of various countries littered over the open door and students were already finding their seats. Luckily the seat in the far back corner by the window was vacant; that’s where I always try to sit. I like that seat because its far enough back that if you doze off in class no one really notices, and if you want to zone out rather than listen to the teacher, then you have the window to stare out of. 
Once I sit down, I take the time to pull my supplies out of my bag. All I tend to use is a notebook and pens while everyone else pulls out tablets and laptops; call me old-fashioned. I flip to a fresh page in the notebook when a voice pulls me away from my task. The accent clearly southern and extremely polite.
“Excuse me ma’am, is anyone sitting here?” I look up and I’m immediately met with the eyes that resemble the most expensive topaz gems; glittering underneath the fluorescent lights. He raises a brow as he gestures to the desk adjacent to me, “Ma’am?”
“Yeah… sorry,” I blush, snapping out of my daze, “There’s no one sitting there, go ahead.” He smiles at my answer as he makes himself comfortable, or well, as comfortable you can on a plastic chair. He pulls out his own notebook and pens, preparing for the class that’s about to begin. I couldn’t help myself from admiring his movements. His pale hands move with more grace than I could ever; placing the pens gently down on the wood of the desk, making sure they were ready when needed to take notes. My eyes didn’t stop there; they wandered from his hands to his choice of clothing. It’s not every day you get to sit this close to a member of the Cullen family, I plan on taking advantage of this rare moment. His clothing was simple but coordinated; his grey sweater with brown buttons matching the brown colouring of his dress pants. The one thing that stood out was his choice of footwear: cowboy boots. They were legitimate brown and black leather cowboy boots, and damn did they look worn in. 
I snap my eyes away from him before he could notice my staring, paying my attention back to the rain falling outside. Its then when Mr. Henderson stomps in the room and slams his folder down on his desk. He seemed about as thrilled about the first day of school as everyone else in this room. He began his lecture the same as every other first day lecture; the expectations of the class, the policies and rules and what he expects from us as students in his class. This isn’t what I dislike about the first day of school, what I hate are the icebreaker activities that the teachers force you to partake in.
“Okay class, for the rest of the period I’m going to have you and someone next to you discuss the answers to these various questions.” His monotone voice explains while handing out a worksheet covered in various questions. Students quickly pair off, some actually participating in the exercise while others begin discussing what they did during the summer. 
“Would you like to be my partner?”
I raise a brow at the southern voice breaking my observations, “What?”
“For the exercise?” He mimics my expression.
“Right… sure.” I blush, chuckling awkwardly.
“I’m Jasper, by the way. Jasper Hale.” He smiles politely.
He chuckles, “Yeah, my sister Rosalie and I kept our last names.” 
I nod, taking in the new information. I had no idea that he had a different last name. I always assumed that because they were adopted by Dr. Cullen, they all had the same last name. 
“I’m Eleanor… Eleanor Rae.” I smile, turning to face him, “But my mom calls me Ellie.”
“What do your friends call you?” He raises a brow.
“Um… I guess Ellie?” I shrug, “I don’t really have any friends.” I look down at the worksheet, reading through the questions. Most of them were related to history class, some were about life goals, and school related questions. 
“You don’t have friends?” I glance up at him as he asks his question, his brows furrowed. 
“Not really. I like to be in my own little world I guess.” I shrug, “Kind-of similar to your family in that way.”
“How is that similar to my family?” 
“Well, you and your family keep to themselves, so do I.” 
He chuckles, shrugging, “I suppose,” He looks down at the questions, reading the first one off, “What are your goals for after school?”
“Um…” I furrow my brows thinking about the question. What are my plans? I haven’t really started thinking about where exactly I’ll be in roughly two years; after graduation and when I’m supposed to have my life figured out. I hope one of my goals for after I graduate would to attend college and take classes in psychology or philosophy; wanting to learn more about myself in the process. Another goal I eventually want to accomplish is leaving this small town; starting a new life in a new town where no one knows who I am, maybe take some time off and travel the world. Of course, I don’t say any of this to him, instead I respond with, “Probably go to college or something. Get good grades, you know?”
He nods, “That’s what the teachers want us to say.” His face slowly forms a smirk, “I feel like there’s more you want to say.”
I roll my eyes, my own face phasing into a smirk, “Maybe,” I lean closer to him, “But I’d like to hear your answer first.”
He chuckles, “Well, one of my goals is to settle down eventually. Find someone who understands me.”
I blink, “How romantic.” I reply sarcastically with a chuckle. 
“Don’t judge darlin’.” He chuckles along with me. His pet-name catches me off guard, the southern drawl dripping from the word, “Now, give me your real answer.”
“Well I’d love to travel, and maybe start a new life somewhere.” I shrug, “Some place where no one knows everyone else.” I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“And you judged my answer.” He raises a brow playfully as I blush. 
“Well, both of our answers were cheesy,” I glance back down to the paper with a sigh, “These questions are also lame and cheesy.”
“Then let’s make our own questions.” He retorts, “What…” he pauses to think then continues his question, “What is your favourite movie?”
Jasper laughs, “It’s a valid question. Mine is Pride and Prejudice. Either that or The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.”
I chuckle, thinking about his answers. They’re both older movies, and one an even older novel. To be honest, those movies seem to match him perfectly. He seems like a gentleman kind of guy, and extremely old fashioned in his mannerisms and in the way he speaks. Not only that, but the western matches his god-awful cowboy boots. 
“Well, probably Jaws or The Breakfast Club.” I shrug, “I’ve seen both of them too many times to count so they’re probably my favourites.”
He nods at my response, “Both excellent movies. Very different though.”
I blink, “Well, your mood changes therefore the things you enjoy watching or listening to at any given moment doesn’t necessarily stay the same.” 
He narrows his eyes at my words. It was like he was surprised by my answer, and that he knew something I didn’t know. He didn’t say anything to my answer, but I could tell he wanted to. He fell silent as the class continues to have their various discussions; his golden eyes shifting from group to group. 
“What’s your favourite colour?” His eyes snap back to me at my question.
“It changes all the time.” He smirks, his answer mimicking mine from previously.
“Well what is it today?” I smirk back, raising a brow. I watch as his eyes look around the room, as if to find the answer throughout the room.
After what feels like hours, his eyes finally land on my own, “Probably green.” I blush, looking away from him, letting my dark hair fall in front of my green hued eyes. I didn’t know why he was trying to flirt with me, I mean… I’m me. Why on earth would Jasper Cull–Hale want anything to do with me? “What’s your favourite?” He tries to get me to look back at him. 
“Red or burgundy.” I mumble, glancing up at the clock; only five more minutes of class left, and, in this moment, I wasn’t sure if I wanted these last five minutes to last forever, or be finished in seconds. Jasper makes me feel differently and I’m not sure if I can pin-point why. 
“Why those?” He raises a brow. I’ve never pondered why I liked the warm colour before. Maybe it was because it symbolized various emotions like passion, love or anger. Maybe I liked the colour red because when I wear red garments of clothing, it complements my pale complexion well. Or maybe it’s because it reminds me of the red flowers in my mother’s garden outside our cottage home; roses, dahlias, and peonies planted in various patterns.  
When the bell rang, signalling the end of class, I only then realized that I didn’t answer the question; thinking of an answer quickly as I gather my supplies so I could move to my next class in my schedule, “Probably because it’s familiar.” I mumble as I leave the class. I only take a moment to glance back at him momentarily; seeing his confused expression before I join the sea of other students in the hallway.
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
R U L E S : you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people! No skipping!
OKAY @malumlftv tagged me thank you i got tagged in another thing also but i cannot for the life of me find it so i figured i should do this real quick before i forget
now. i have many options of playlists that i could do here but i think last time i did this i probably used the crank that shit playlist so i won’t do that again. so i’m gonna shuffle my LISTEN TO MEEEEEE playlist dkjkgfmlkj which is just a bunch of songs i think the club might enjoy and not already know
london by mokita - STRONG start, i love this song so very very much
can’t help by parachute - BANGER
why georgia by john mayer - oh my god one of my favorite songs ever
bad habit by ben platt - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
my life by the vamps
disappear by parachute - !! this has slowly become one of my favorite parachute songs i love the vibes
beg by jack & jack - HJTKSRLMHDLFKGKJ i will not take criticism for listening to jack & jack
medicine by new hope club
not ur friend by jeremy zucker - AMAZING song
love by not my weekend - oh yeah this one fucks
so there it is: my misogynist taste in music :)) ANYWAY ill tag @tirednotflirting @reveriesofawriter @5sos-fan-boy @calumcest if she feels like it and @ashesonthefloor go crazy go stupid friends
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arcticficialbanana · 6 years
Werewolf Christmas
Pairing: Seth Clearwater x Hybrid Reader (Klaus Mikaelson style) One-Shot
Word Count: 14,401
Warnings: Swearing, implied nudity, loss of memory, mentions of blood, emotional resistance, explicit smut at the end of the story.
Reader Request: “I was wondering if you'd consider writing a Twilight based fic; specifically, Seth Clearwater x reader? One where they're imprints and the reader is a hybrid (half wolf, half vamp) all Christmas fluff (my absolute fucking favourite holiday of the year ohmygoodness) maybe even some smut Also -not sure if you watch the vampire diaries or the originals - but I was hoping the reader could be that kind of hybrid? Lore-wise (if that's ok!)”
A/N: You’ve got it @draiela! Just in time for post-holiday blues, there is a tiny bit of Christmas fluff in here. There is SO much going on in this story though with the whole crossover universe. I got super sucked into it once I started, so it took me over a month to write. This story helped me learn my weakness is writing one-shots. Every time I thought of ending it I popped up with more ideas for the story.
Your name: submit What is this?
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“Start with these, just pack them up in the boxes-do you know how to package the boxes?” A thin woman in a pale blue blouse glances up at the tall, gangly man with Russet colored skin.
 He nods and lifts his hands as though he is about to demonstrate, but the woman continues, “Alright, so just pack it up and stack them by the door for return, then you’ll be done for the day.”  She crosses her arms and leans back to look up at the young man, “Got it?”
“Boxes here, leave nothing but the tables.” He gives a tedious thumbs up, but receives no smile from the woman. She points to the back corner of the room, “It’ll be easier if you start there. I’ll be at the front desk, but I hope you don’t have any questions for me because I’m not in charge around here.” She waits for his nod and walks back into the hall.
Standing alone in the room he rolls up his shirt sleeves and brushes his fingers through his thick dark hair, “Okay Seth, you’ve got this.”
 You pull down the hem of your skirt, straightening out the wrinkles around your thighs. Such a long meeting and not once did your boyfriend even glance at you. As the manager of this branch he was in charge of leading the meeting, but he didn’t even give you specific directions for the event.  You frown and play with the button on your collar nervously, wondering if he is angry with you for something. “Sure, just lump me in with all of the temps.” you grumble to yourself, annoyed that he gave instructions to all of the long-term employees but didn’t name you for anything note-worthy.  “What am I, chopped meat?” You sigh and notice a woman giving you the stink-eye from a few seats down. You bite your lip and grab your coffee to escape the room.
 The air stings your eyes and you rush to the bathroom before anyone catches your embarrassing breakdown. As you hurry down the hall you hear a clatter from a room just up ahead.  It catches you by surprise, making you peek through the door and look around the stacked boxes and bare tables. Is there a cat or something in here? you wonder and see something shine against the wall.  You jump and startle yourself, but it was only your reflection in the mirror. You calm down for a moment, but then a dark figure emerges from behind a line of boxes and before you can scream you flash out of there and run into the bathroom.  You don’t even realize if you were scared of the towering shadow or just crying in front of strangers, but you decide to ignore the question by splashing your face with cold water.  A trickle streams down the side of your neck and leaves an unpleasant wet mark on your blouse. You shake your hands in front of yourself, trying to remain calm.  You close the lid of the toilet and sit down to give yourself a few minutes. Am I imagining things? you rehash the last few months, cycling through memories of romantic gestures and not-so-romantic ones. That’s just the way he is, right? He’s always been focused on business and building his future. You nod to yourself, agreeably, but then you stop when you feel a pressure behind your eyes again. Right. His future. You try to think of a time he’d ever made plans farther than two weeks out that included you.
 Just then the door knob rattled and you hopped off the seat with a start, “Just a minute!” you shout to the other side and flush the toilet to conclude your wallowing session.
 Seth stares at his sister with contemplation. He barely notices his head is slipping slowly off his hand, until he slides off and punches himself in the forehead.
 “Whatever it is, can you go talk about it before our next pack meeting? I don’t want your thoughts shouting at everyone when we’re trying to focus.” Leah says with disregard.  Seth squirms uncomfortably in his seat, unsure if he should bring the subject up with Leah. Watching her put dishes away with the grace of a wild boar he decides not only would it be insensitive, but she doesn’t have the bedside manner to make him feel better anyway.
 “I’m going to Jacob’s.” Seth jumps off the stool and doesn’t bother to grab his coat, even though the snow outside has been coming down regularly for the last two days.
 Leah doesn’t bother responding, but waves her hand lazily over her shoulder as Seth pats her back and walks out.
 Steam evaporates off Seth’s skin as snowflakes touch him, temporarily cooling his body. He wasn’t sure if he actually wanted to talk to Jacob or Sam about this, since Sam might be able to give him more guidance.  He looks back at the small house, unsure if Leah will be mad that he chose to talk to the man that broke her heart over his own sister.
 “It’s nothing personal, Leah.” he whispers as the faint glow disappears from his view.
 A short while later he walks through a frail screen door, shaking water off his body, “Hey Emily,” Seth says as a woman with a warm smile looks up at him from a weaving loom.  “Sam is just getting out of the shower.” Emily automatically responds as she weaves a shuttle through the weft threads.  “Can’t I come to visit with you?” Seth throws his hands to his chest in mock heartbreak and falls on his knees a few feet away from Emily.  “You’re sweet.” Emily smiles and shakes her head with an internal giggle, just as Sam appears through the doorway.
 “Seth. What’s going on?” Sam puts his hands on his hips, eyeing Seth and Emily without humor.
 Seth stands up respectfully and looks at Sam with pain in his eyes, “Could I talk to you...privately?”
 Sam quickly glances at Emily before nodding back at Seth, “Come with me.” he says and stretches his arms overhead as he walks through a back door.
 “Go on, what’s on your mind.” Sam motions for Seth to take a seat on a log standing upright.
 Sam yawns as he watches Seth kick the snow off the log with his foot. Seth takes a seat, leans his elbows down to his knees and rests his head atop his fists.  “I imprinted on someone today.” Seth says, after Sam sits across from him,  awaiting Seth’s confession.  “Seth!” Sam says heartily, reaching over to pat his large palm on Seth’s shoulder, “That’s fantastic!” he smiles broadly, like a proud father.  Seth looks to the ground in disappointment and Sam furrows his brow in confusion, “Well, who is it?” he asks excitedly.
“I don’t know.” Seth says in grief.
 “You...don’t know?” Sam shakes his head controversially, “You have to know. That’s not possible.” Sam says, well aware that in order to imprint you must see a person face to face.
 “I um..” Seth starts, scratching the back of his neck where a leaf fell and tickled him, “You know how I took a job off the reservation so that I can buy resources to build a house?”  Sam nods his head, well aware of the difficulties of sharing a home with Leah Clearwater. Especially in the recent years, he thinks to himself with a tinge of guilt.  “I was working when I saw her reflection in a mirror. When I turned around I felt everything stop. She looked at me and my body ached for her to come closer. Everything turned black around me and I could only hear the sound of her breathing.” Seth placed his face in his hands, recounting it as though it were a tragedy.  “It certainly sounds like you’ve imprinted. So what is the problem?” Sam asks uncertainly, questioning Seth’s depressing demeanor.
 “She ran away.” Seth whimpered into his hands.
 “She was so fast. I tried to come after her, but by the time I reached the hall she was gone.” Seth felt the burning pain on his skin from her absence.
 Sam’s face dropped, feeling a shade of understanding for Seth’s poor situation. Seth continued on in despair, “I don’t know her name, I couldn’t tell her what she means to me, I don’t know where to find her...”  “She probably works there.” Sam reminds him, making Seth feel like an idiot. He was shocked that he hadn’t realized it earlier- of course she worked there, of course he could find her again!  “Your mind is clouded. Don’t bring yourself down.” Sam reassures, perfectly coming to the conclusion that Seth hadn’t thought of it before because he was in so much pain from feeling her loss.
 “You said...” Seth’s joy fades away as his muscles pulse once again with a stabbing ache, “When you were with Leah, and you imprinted on Emily...”
 “That every step away from her made my body sore with misery.” Sam took a deep breath, feeling a very light discomfort being outside of the house while Emily sat across the walls.
 “How do I ...what do I do?” Seth begs of Sam’s experience, hoping for a fleck of inspirational answers.
 “Until you find her? Learn to breath through the pain. That strain on your body won’t go away, even after you have her by your side. If we go on a pack hunt you will still feel the pull to her -they become the only sense of pleasure in life you will feel. You will feel a draw to the pack, but it is only a sense of duty, not joy.” Sam reflects.
 “Live with this?” Seth whispers to himself desperately, only able to compare the feeling to a vampire attack he once felt.
 “It will ease when she accepts you as her mate.” Sam encourages, but to Seth each hour until he can come back to find her will feel like a laceration. Each minute he will feel the absence of breath in his chest.
 You decide that if you aren’t important enough to have a designated task, you will designate one for yourself. You doodle a design of Christmas decorations into your notepad and walk around the building, jotting down notable spots to place lights and miniature trees.
 A group of employees shimmy through the double doors at the front of the building. You spot your boyfriend at the tail end of the group and speed to catch up to him, “Hey honey!”
 As everyone hustles outside you make your way to his side and tug on his sleeve, making him turn his head in your direction, “Oh, hello darling.” He says casually and steps to the side of the doors, “That was you? Please don’t shout at me like that here, Y/N, it’s very unprofessional.”  He slides his hands along the outside of your arms and you look down to hide the little flush of pink to your face, “Oh, right. Big boss man, huh?” You tease and he reaches for your hands.  “Hopefully one day.” He cajoles and gives you a tender squeeze in your palms, “Is there something that you needed?” He asks as he drops your hands to wave at a passing executive.  “I-well no actually.” You give a half smile, trying to come up with something to talk to him about so that you can keep his attention a few minutes longer.
 “Alright, well we’ve got a group lunch,” He starts to walk through the doors and with a sudden question you follow him outside into the windy snow.
 “When are we going to have dinner? You never rescheduled, and I’ve been saving my new dress to show off for you!” You winked and shivered as a snowflake touched your forehead.  “Oh, yes,” He looks up at the sky, squinting into the haze and thinking of something deeply, “I suppose tonight will do, since you’re starting classes again soon?” He closes his eyes for a moment, “I feel like I am forgetting something-”  You cover your arms defensively and feel goosebumps prickle over your skin, “Well actually,” you start but someone passing by remarks, “Come on, the reservation is already pushed back an hour.”
 “Yes, yes, post-haste,” He swivels his head and turns back to you with a warm smile, “Look at you darling, you are freezing. Go back inside, I will call you later.” he tightens up on his coat as he eyes your sweater dress with rolled up sleeves and no outerwear. You hadn’t planned on going outside after all.  You stand in front of him with concern written on your face but he doesn’t notice because he is looking over your shoulder, “Could you please get her inside?” he motions above you and then leans down to give you the briefest peck on the forehead, “Don’t catch a cold.” he whispers as he turns away and walks off.
 Your body was shaking and you weren’t sure how to react, feeling a mixture of emotions from sweetness to angst. Something behind you makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck, more so with the cold prickling you all over.  A large jacket weighs heavy on your shoulders as you are enveloped in warmth. You are still as you watch your boyfriend’s back disappear down the street within a crowd.  A furnace is radiating behind you, making all of the snow melt away from your hair, but still you don’t move.
 “Are you in shock?” A voice says above you and you don’t answer right away, but as the flurries screen your boyfriend out of view you finally catch your breath, “No.”
 Arms wrap around you, feeling as though you are engulfed in flames. Either the frost was burning you, or someone with a high fever is hugging you from behind.  You look up and encounter a face, pressed into your hair, and suddenly you feel a sense of anger, “What are you doing?!” you ask without moving.
 “Let’s get you inside.” he says softly, and with what sounds like great care. In a daze, you allow him to guide your shoulders back toward the building and through the doors.  He takes you to an armchair and waits for you to sit down. Something makes you feel as though you should, so you lower yourself into the chair.
 “Who are you?” You ask, not recognizing his boyish face.
 “Seth Clearwater.” He says, and you remember something about a Native American reservation less than 40 minutes from here.
 “Are you from the..um..?” You pinch your forehead, trying to remember the name of the tribe.
 “Quileute tribe.” He smiles, “What gave it away?” He must be saying jokingly, between his darkened features, his high cheekbones, and his name.
 In place of a laugh you aren’t sure what to do so you say, “I’m Y/N.” His eyes widen as you say your name and he looks as though he is staring into a fire - bright, but unable to look away.  “What are you doing here?” You ask after a beat, fighting off an impending blush from his gaze.  “Working.” He smiles a childish smile full of kindness and innocence. But his smile isn’t the only childish look about him.  “Are you old enough to work here?” You ask skeptically and he lets out a deep laugh, one filled with recognition as though he is familiar with this line.  “I think we’re about the same age.” He says and you look him over with suspicion. Either he doesn’t know how old you are, or he has some very youthful genetics.  “I just have boyish good looks.” He winks and you can’t help but laugh as your face burns from finally warming up to the indoor heat.
 You notice something in his lap and hesitate for a moment, “Is that my notebook?” you ask, staring at the yellow lined pad.  “You left it here when you went outside, I thought you might forget it,” He says shyly, holding it tightly in one hand.  “Thanks,” You say hesitantly, thinking that what he says sounds normal, but the way he is acting feels more purposeful.  “Did you do these drawings?” He asks as he holds up the notepad against his chest, and you look at the scribbles with a flush of awkwardness.  “Doodles, more like it...” you say and reach one hand out to take the sketches away.  “Is this here? Are you decorating?” He asks excitedly, subtly moving the notepad away.  “Erm, I was just coming up with ideas. Christmas is kind of my thing, and everybody else here is a little bit busy with other event planning.” You draw a circle with your finger on your knee, distracting yourself from his dark brown eyes constantly searching your face.  “Could I help?” Seth asks, dark eyes filled with bright hope.
 You think about how useful it would be to have another set of hands, avoiding thoughts of your inexplicable allure to Seth.
 “S-sure.” you decide and in reaction he jumps up with a thrill, but before you can even giggle you realize how much he towers over you- boyish face or not,  “That height will come in handy,” You mouth under your breath, glad not to carry around a step ladder for the string lights.
 Heat sears your back in a pleasantly soft burn. You shift your body and feel your skin rub against a tender wall of warmth. It feels comfortable and you realize that your body is being perfectly cradled along all of it’s curves. When you lay there you feel peaceful, but with a slight movement you can tell that something is pressed up against your legs, curved around your rear, and nuzzled between your shoulder blades.
 Realization slowly dawns over you and your eyes snap open. Something is pressed all along your skin. You can feel it all over your naked skin! You cling to your chest protectively and lift your head, observing your surroundings.  Unfortunately, it is very dark and you cannot decipher very much other than faint stars glimmering through high clouds overhead. Stars and clouds that were unobstructed by a roof...Okay, so I’m outside. You conclude, feeling a knot in your stomach too tight to look over your shoulder and find what you already fear is behind you.  A gentle moan forces you to turn around, confirming your suspicions. There lay a perfectly stark naked Seth Clearwater. Your eyes roam over his torso before quickly snapping away from his hip bones.  Dammit, for a gangly guy who looks pretty underage when dressed...You realized that he sure did look very adult without any clothes on. Although his frame was slight, his muscles were quite abundant. Although they were on the leaner side, he definitely could lift a fully grown Fir tree like a teacup.  Oh fuck, what are you thinking about right now? You bring a hand to your face, shaking the thoughts out of your head. Get a hold of yourself.
 You try to figure out what got you here; to this place, with this person, without a stitch of clothing on your body. You look down at your chest and scream in horror as you realize your collarbones are brushed from shoulder to shoulder in warm blood.
 “Y/N!” Seth props up from his serene sleep and jumps to your side, “Shh, I’m here, you’re safe.” he coos.
 “What are you talking about?!” You shriek in astonishment, completely bewildered by the entire situation.
  Seth looks deeply into your eyes and his face wrinkles with concern. His arms twitch as though he is about to wrap his arms around you, but he is clearly restraining himself. You flinch nervously in the dragging moments of silence.
 “Y/N.” Seth says your name very carefully, “What do you remember?”
 You narrow your eyes at him and prepare yourself for what might be the worst, “About last night?”
 Seth takes a deep gulp and digs his fingernails into the tops of his thighs, “Okay,” he says and raises a questioning eyebrow, “What do you remember about last night?”
 You look out into the darkness, turning your face away from Seth, and think hard about last night. Nothing in particular comes to mind, good or bad, and you chew your lip uncomfortably.
 “Not much really...” you say in defeat, hoping that he didn’t slip something ungentlemanly in your drink. 
 Seth is silent as he observes your struggle to recall a single detail of the night or day.
 “Wait,” you huddle over yourself in total awareness of your nudity suddenly, “Why are we naked? Where are my clothes? Why are we outside?”
 Seth looks around for something to cover you with, but nothing surrounds you other than rocks, dirt, and snow. With your nose huddled into your thighs you are suddenly very aware that you are cold without Seth’s ridiculous body warmth to keep you toasted. Come to think of it, you notice from your precarious position that the circle around you is free of snow, while a light layer is blanketed all around.
 You shiver and tilt your head up ever so slightly to see if Seth has anything to say. It seems he is fighting an internal battle of his own, from the way he keeps opening and closing his mouth.
 “What ..do you ..remember from the last ..few days?” Seth asks very slowly and with great resistance from himself.
 You scan the ground as though it were a scrapbook of your brain and after shifting your eyes left and right you reconnect with Seth’s gaze, “We were hanging Christmas lights, right? Oh shit, my boyfriend was supposed to call me tonight - where’s my phone?”
 Seth’s eyes widen and his mouth hangs open a little, “Y/N...” he breaths a labored breath, “We left town a few days ago.”
 You blink several times to chew over what Seth just said. Your body gets hotter and you unfurl yourself from your fetal position to lean upwards.
 Your breath becomes heavier and you attempt faster breathing to receive more oxygen to your brain. This only causes you to begin to hyperventilate and Seth puts his hands on your shoulders.
 “I don’t know what to say, but you can’t panic right now.” He says with an urgency and moves his hands to your face.
 Seth’s hands engulf your face as though you were a tiny porcelain doll. He is on fire and you welcome his touch this time.
 “Why not.” you ask inexplicably. You had every reason to panic right now. You had no idea what could possibly explain everything in a way that wouldn’t make you hysteric. To ask why you shouldn’t panic was only a hopeful gesture that perhaps you were missing a piece of the puzzle.
 “You’re going to shift again.” he whispered as though it were something natural to say.
 Your eyes pool with blurry vision and you blink away a tiny puddle forming below your line of sight, “What do you mean?” you whisper back.
 Seth sighs and wipes away a stream of tears from your cheek, “I’m going to do something, and I don’t want you to try to analyze it too much.”
 A deep wrinkle forms in your forehead and are about to tell Seth that you don’t understand what he means but he reiterates, “Just don’t try to figure out what happened. Make sure to keep breathing steadily. No matter what, stay close to me.”
 You realize you’d stopped breathing and after he finished speaking you took in a gasp of cold wintry breath. Without waiting for your acceptance he continues, “I’m going to shift, and I want you to climb on my back. I’ll take us somewhere safe so we can get dressed and talk.”
 Your throat stings from the bitter air but you feel your head automatically nod to Seth. He stands up and you look away with a blush. It looked as though his body was glistening. Was he sweating? How could he sweat in this drastic cold. Why is he so hot? Does he have a fever?
 A few feet away he crouches down and plants one hand into the ground while extending the other outward for balance. His face was serious as he looked up at you, “It’s going to be alright. Trust me.”
 For some reason, you did trust Seth.
 He looked at the floor and your ears started popping as you heard the sound of snapping and possibly bone cracking. You sat up straight, mesmerized by the sight before you. Seth’s slight and long body enlarged and twisted in what could have been an instant. His brown skin became brown fur, and his head was several times the size to which you were accustomed.
 A chill ran through you, and you wanted severely to crawl onto his fur and warm up. 
 Seth’s eyes stared at you from the body of a Wolf.
 He swung his head toward his body and bore into your eyes with his own until you stood up. He leaned down to the ground and chuffed a sound that sounded like a cough or a whine.
 You tilted your head as you walked toward him and reached your hand out as you approached the great Wolf. Your hand ran along his fur, soft and thick. You leaned over to his head and rubbed one of his ears, prompting a deep breath from the Wolf.
 He lifted his head and jerked his muzzle upward at his back. You instinctively understood his intention and climbed up to his back. Just as you had imagined, you burrowed into his fur and like a coat it surrounded you all around your body. You gripped two handfuls of fur tightly and he stood up with one swift motion.
 Suddenly you could feel his body rumbling with breath. You would guess you were running, but your head was buried in him and the fur around you shielded you from any windy air. Your bed was rocking rhythmically, so you supposed that he was in a steady gallop already.
 You could have fallen asleep if it weren’t for the nervous excitement, not to mention his body too hot for comfort at this point. 
 A short while later you felt an incline, guessing that he had taken a seat. You look up above the thicket and see that you are on a ranch in the desert. At least you think you are on a ranch in the desert. There isn’t any snow, and there is a lot of sand and red dirt.
 The great head lifts up and drops down, signaling your arrival. You release your fistfuls of fur and step down from his back.
 The Wolf takes a few steps away and jumps from a rocky ledge down a few feet. You stand on your tippy toes and see the edges of Seth’s body, crouched down as it was before.
 He stands and you automatically avert your eyes again. You refrain from saying anything until you can get some sort of cover for your body.
 “Here, the door is unlocked.” Seth walks over to the ranch home and opens the door. He waits for you to come through, protectively looking behind you for any signs of danger.
 You dip your head as you pass him and walk into a scantly furnished room. You see a set of clothes on two chairs and you run up to snatch a button up shirt from one chair.  You tug it over your head before Seth can turn the lamp on and you spin around. Once you face him you realize that he isn’t dressed yet, so you grab the pants and throw them in his general direction.
 “Here already!” you shout with a crack in your voice.
 Seth pulls on the Dungarees, fitting him just fine. He takes a step toward the other chair and picks up the remaining clothes. He pulls out the linen bottoms and places them in front of you.
 “The waistband is adjustable.” He points at a drawstring as he backs up to the free chair.
 You tug them on without any particular gracefulness and slam yourself down in the chair to comfortably adjust the pants. You work your jaw as you think of your first question and pull your legs up to your chest in the seat.
 “Am I high?” You ask resolutely.
 “No.” Seth answers, patiently awaiting you to mentally adjust before delving into too much detail.
 “Where are we?” You ask, never having been on a ranch in your many travels, but the tell tale signs were quite obvious.
 “New Mexico.” Seth crosses his arms over his chest, engorging his biceps.
 “New Mexico...” you repeat to yourself, trying to calculate how far exactly that would mean you are from home.
 “That’s nearly 27 hours away?” You say incredulously.
 “Driving it is...” Seth says cryptically.
 “Was I just riding a Wolf for over a full day’s trip non-stop?” Your eyes widen in disbelief, many thoughts running through your head.
 “No. We rode about 40 minutes South East from where we were.” Seth chooses his words carefully.
 “We rode? Where were you?” You start and Seth brings a hand to his mouth. You shake your head and declare, “It’s at least a three hour ride to get from snow like that to dry desert like this, what do you mean 40 minutes?”
 Seth raises his eyebrows and is about to speak but you can’t help but stare at his distracting toned physique, “First, could you please put that shirt on?”
 Seth chuckles as he raises the corners of the shirt up to his shoulders, “I think this one was meant for you.” He demonstrates that the hem of the shirt only reaches his navel from the top of his torso.
 “Oh.” you look down at your shirt, realizing that it practically drifts down to your knees. You instinctively place your hands on your breasts and Seth smiles slyly, “You don’t have to take it off.”
 You walk up to him, knowing full well that if you don’t put that shirt on, that he will remain half-dressed while you try to keep your eyes up to his face. You stare him defiantly in the eyes and snatch the shirt from his hands.  A flash of surprise crosses his face before he is taken over by an impressive laughter. You turn to a hallway, assuming one of them must be a bathroom where you can change.  You open the first door on the left to a laundry room, with two outdated Frigidaire machines. Close enough. You decide and quickly swap out the shirts, feeling self conscious about your lack of bra or panties. Oh well, I always wanted to go commando.  You walk out to the main room and toss the flannel at Seth, “Button up, buttercup.” you say sharply and he smirks a childish smile.
 As he finishes off the last bottom buttons you spin in a frenzy of questions, “What are we doing here? What does everyone back home think? Do they know where we are? Where I am? Why are we going South?”
 “South East.” Seth corrects and you gape at him.
 “What is in the South East?!” You shout.
 “New Orleans.” Seth raises an eyebrow at you.
 You shut your mouth and flutter your head left to right before hissing, “Why are we going to New Orleans?”
 “You were looking for answers.” Seth stated so confidently that you felt like New Orleans might have all of the answers to what is going on right now.
 “Is one of those answers going to tell me what question I’m asking?” You snap back.
 Seth rolls his sleeves up to his elbows and runs his hands through his hair before pulling up the chair directly across from you.  “Ask me what you’ve been avoiding asking.” he leans in toward you, placing his forearms atop his thighs.
 You are taken aback by this forward command, but you decide to comply is in your best interest so you inhale sharply through your nose, “Where were you when I was riding the Wolf?”
 “I am a shape-shifter.” Seth answers instantly, “The Quileute tribe in La Push is an ancient bloodline of shape-shifters meant to protect against vampires.” He stops himself from going further.
 “You? You were the Wolf?” You squinted at Seth’s face, closely inspecting his eyes for any signs of faltering.
 “Think about what you saw. You watched me shift.” He says firmly.
 “You keep saying shift. You said I was going to shift.” You lean in closer to Seth, “Am I a shape-shifter?” You inquire.
 “You’re a Lycanthrope. As far as I can tell.” Seth says without wavering.
 “What’s the difference?” You ask petulantly.
 “Shape-shifters take the form that resembles their ancestral fathers. Lycanthropes are children of the moon.” Seth briefly describes.
 “I don’t understand what that means.” You admit.
 “You can’t be a shape-shifter because you’re not a descendant of Taha Aki-” Seth stops when he sees the look of utmost confusion on your face, “It doesn’t matter. You are a little bit different than me.”
 “But we are alike?” You add to his explanation.
 “Yes, we are alike in some ways.” He smiles gently to himself.
 You sit in the chair, jiggling your foot in anticipation. You are trying to connect all of the dots, but it’s still not adding up to a complete explanation.  Somewhere in the house a window whistles from a crack in the frame or old wooden joists.  You suck your lip into your mouth and rake your teeth against it neurotically, breaking up dry skin on it’s surface.
 “I think you can see everything that happened, once we get to the New Orleans.” Seth mirrors your posture and your lip chewing, feeling particularly tuned in to your body.
 “What’s in New Orleans?” you ask timidly, not feeling as confident as Seth that the answers to any questions will be revealed there.
 “A witch doctor.” Seth says, earning a maniac chuckle from you, “I think anyway. Based off of your description.” He amends, but your laugh only becomes more hysteric.
 “My description?” You get out between humorless wheezes.
 “It won’t make as much sense if I try to explain it to you now. I’m sure you’ll remember or...be shown, if we go there.” Seth shakes his head apologetically.
 “Okay. Then, can we go now?” You ask eagerly.
 Seth looks out the window ambivalently and scratches his shoulder, “You don’t feel like you need rest?” He asks without pushing you.
 “I feel like the only thing I need right now is to get to New Orleans as soon as possible.” You say with a newfound determination, of inexplicable origin, “How fast can we get there?”
 Seth takes a deep breath and calculates in his head, “Um... Seven? Seven and a half hours?” he waves a hand in the air noncommittally.
 You stare at him in a vague stupor of awe, “That would ...we’d be going like 150 miles an hour? What are you, a helicopter?”
 “If we hadn’t been running around so much for several days straight I might have been able to get us there in five.” Seth says cockily wagging his head.
 You raise an eyebrow at him but your priority is already set, so you decide to let his actions speak for themselves.  “Alright, let’s get a move on,” you stand up before taking a second look around the house, “Uh, what about...” you point your finger around the room and down at your clothes.  “It’s okay, we were expected. It was meant to be a pitstop.” Seth answers your incomplete question. Although you weren’t very sure of what you were asking.
 After witnessing another phasing -and feeling slightly less comfortable in your clothes than the first time riding bare- you arrive in a narrowly populated area outside of NOLA. You wait for the Wolf to disappear and Seth to come back to you and you hand him his borrowed clothes.
 “Where now?” you ask, expecting Seth to know the way, but he seems to look around the dawn-lit park without direction.
 “You don’t know?” you gape at him, to which he lifts his shoulders innocently, “You just said she was in New Orleans.” he replies sheepishly.
 “Right.” you say. I just said New Orleans. You decide this is ridiculous and this guy definitely roofied you and possibly even put you on some harder drugs that are making you see crazy dire wolves and body morphing humans and now he is trying to convince you that you decided to go to New Orleans and you are believing all of this bullshit-
 “Hey,” Seth takes your hand and places it between his two palms, warm and inviting. He looks deeply into your eyes and something slithers inside you and slows down your racing heartbeat, makes you feel safe and calm.
 “This is how cults start...” you whisper barely audibly under your breath, and Seth lets out a relieved smile, completely unfazed by your remark.
 “We’ll find her, let’s start walking.” He says, keeping your hand in one of his palms, tenderly but keeping a needy grip.
 You follow Seth hypnotically as the two of you pass intoxicated groups of good-time chasers, and young sloppy kissing teenagers. The bright green, purple, and yellow colors of the streets are festive and make you feel giddy with excitement. You remember this place from when you were a child.  Your father moved you place to place, but you remember there were some years that you stayed here in town. Some years that your father would bring you back on visits, but they were short and seemingly random.  You blinked as you crossed over Bourbon Street and bright lights flashed overhead and all around you. Seth kept walking and as you made your way to quieter, more residential areas, you observed the gorgeous architecture of the 1800-1900s homes.  Side by side were Creole cottages and historic mansions, each adorned with tiny blinking lights of many colors. Some of the smaller homes had the most brilliant displays of tinsel and ornaments hanging from their porches, while the mansions had intricate and elegantly lined up strings of bulbs. Wreaths embellished every door, and candles were lit in most windowpanes.
 After a few turns along side streets and main streets you two slow down. You look up at Seth and he is watching you silently.  “What’s up?” you ask, self-consciously, and Seth smirks a knowing smile, “Where are we going now?” He asks.  You furrow your brow at him and stop walking, “What? Don’t you know?” you interrogate, “You’ve been walking us so certainly around the streets!”  Seth tilts his head at you with that same smile and says, “You’ve been leading the way.”  You blink up at him, thinking of a response for a moment, “Well...” you wonder if he is pulling your leg, “I guess I was just admiring the houses.”  Seth makes a skeptical ‘O’ with his mouth and nods sarcastically as he turns to look around the neighborhood, “Hmm. This is inconspicuous.” he says, making you look around as well.
 It’s pretty residential, with a bodega on the corner and a couple of businesses and restaurants scattered randomly between homes. Your eye spots a graceful little parlor, garnished with cool colored paints and fabrics.  “That’s pretty.” You say and automatically start walking toward the door. Seth springs along behind you as you turn the large brass knob of the carved oak door. A bell chimes a tinny sound overhead, although the room seemed empty of attendants.  Inside you see many herbs hanging from the ceiling, although you’re not sure if it is permanent or a Christmasy decoration. It smells of Sage and lavender all around.
 You walk past shelves, inspecting old leather bound books and glass jars filled with pebbles and marbles of all kinds. A crystal dome sparkles under lights and you lean in to inspect it’s contents.  “Woah.” Seth says at something a few feet to your left. When you turn to see what caught his attention, you were diverted to a vial hanging from a wire rack.  Many different vials were scattered along the wrought iron bar, but this one seemed to be shimmering inside. Or at least you thought it was moving or something.
 “Hello.” a warm voice approaches.
 You peel your eyes away from the vial and come face to face with a beautiful dark skinned woman. Her hands were clasped in front of herself and you noted the many rings from knuckle to knuckles on each finger of her hands.
 “H-hi,” you say meekly, unable to look away from her mesmerizing eyes. Yellow rimmed the outside of her dark pupils, with flecks of light brown smattered throughout her iris. You’d only ever met one person with yellow eyes before, and it wasn’t as beautiful as this woman’s.  Her skin was so black that her eyes almost seemed to glow inside their sockets. The lighting in the room wasn’t very bright, and in it’s dimness it almost seemed as though she were a cat -turned human.  She smiles with a glint and reaches her arm overhead to grab a handful of the leather cords carrying pendants and ampoules. Her forehead is wrapped with a silk scarf, keeping coarse hair out of her face. As she pulled her arm back you could smell the alluring scent of amber.
 “Come with me.” she says enigmatically, and you feel Seth’s hands on your shoulders. He remains silent, and you follow this mysterious woman in a trance-like march.
 You walk through a beaded curtain to a short hallway which ends at the entrance to a dining room. Or at least it was a room with a table surrounded by chairs. There were placemats on it’s face and a glass of water placed in front of one of the chairs.  You stand at the front of the room awaiting instructions, feeling Seth looming above you. The woman extends her arm toward the chairs, her rolled up sleeve floating down to her wrists.  You walk around the table and choose a chair engraved with the image of a grape-vine. Seth sits next to you in a stained pine chair with a modern 3-leg design.  You anxiously stir in your chair, anticipating what happens next.
 Suddenly, the woman turns around and throws the corded trinkets onto the table and they slide outward to the edges of the table. You flinch, making Seth reach out an arm around your shoulder, comfortably letting you know that he is there.
 “Ah.” She says symbolically and turns to one of the doors, knocking on it’s face, “I think my sister would like to meet you.” she says and sits down one seat away from Seth.
 You and Seth exchange indecisive glances and give one another weary smiles. Is there where I’m supposed to go? You think impatiently, wondering if this is just some showy New Orleans performance to bring in customers.
 The knob turns with a click and out comes an equally dark, casually dressed woman. She has regular brown eyes and thick, short dreadlocks loosely arranged around her head. She sat down in front of the glass of water and moved it out of the way.  You took note of a white fang tattooed on the back of her hand before she started speaking, “My sister tells me that something in our shop interests you.”  You look from her to the yellow-eyed beauty sitting next to her, hands folded neatly on the table. You look to Seth, trying to remember if you spoke to that woman before she led you to the back room. You are pretty sure that you saw her, then you came here, and she didn’t have a chance to talk to her sister yet.  You turn back to them and say, “You have many interesting things, but I don’t think any of this is relevant to my lifestyle.” you say, unsure if this is another sales tactic of theirs.
 “What drew you to that vial there?” She points an unpolished finger at the cord you were inspecting in the front of the shop.
 “It’s shimmery. Just drew my attention, that’s all.” You shrug. Seth squints at the table, looking around all of the contents.
 “Is that all?” The yellow eyed woman taps her long, thin fingers one by one along the face of the table. You don’t get a chance to answer before she says, “Why then, was that vial drawn to you as well?” she says with a sense of determination.
 “What is that supposed to mean?” You say affronted by the weird statement.
 Seth pointed at the vial in front of you, “Are you talking about this one?” he asks the women before turning to you, “Were you looking at this earlier?” Seth asks and you pause a moment before answering, “Well, I was kind of looking at all of them.”  One of the sisters makes a hum and the other clears her throat. Seth points at the other contents of the table, “When she threw that all on the table, this one slid right towards you.” he points out.  “So what? That’s how physics works.” You counter at him defensively and he points closer to the vial, “Did you say that it was shimmering?” he questions.
 “Shimmering, shining, whatever. Just like glittery or something.” you say, quickly glancing at the vial again, pulled in by it’s sparkle.
 “It’s just a vial of blood, Y/N.” Seth says, curiously.
 You turn back to the vial and tilt your head, noticing that it’s not really twinkling after all. Maybe it was just the lights reflecting on the glass or something.
 “It’s a very special vial of blood. Not just anything, young shifter.” The woman with yellow eyes says.
 You spring up, very erect in your chair, quickly glancing at Seth from your peripherals. Seth does not seem nearly as troubled as you are, in fact he seems rather excited.
 “It’s been a long time since we’ve had a child of Taha Aki down here.” Her smile glistens with a devious glint.
 Seth wrinkles up his nose, “I can’t believe I didn’t realize earlier, your’e a -” The woman slams her hands on the table, interrupting Seth with a demanding tone, “I am. I’m not the only one, I’m sure you’ve noticed.” the woman flickers her eyes imperceptibly over to you.
 You look between Seth and the woman, unsure what to make of the half-worded conversation. The sister takes a sip of her water and you turn toward her when the glass clicks down onto the table.
 “Why am I here?” you say to her, deciding that whatever was going on, you may be in the right place after all.
 “You came here on your own.” She says, giving you a moment to think of what you really mean to ask.
 You touch your collarbone, thinking of the blood that was smeared and dry across your skin. You take a deep gulp and look up at the woman, “What am I?” you ask with a vulnerable fear.
 “Ah.” She sits forward and places her wrists on the table, parallel to one another, “My mother told me about you.” she says to your surprise. 
 “You’re going to want to lay down on the table.” She looks between her wrists and the yellow-eyed woman stands up and walks over to you. Seth bristles in her presence tensing his body, but she nods at him and he relaxes.  The woman reaches her hands to you, her sleeves exposing her delicate arms. She motions her head to the table, expecting you to take her hands and climb up onto your chair.  You awkwardly grab her hands and push yourself onto your chair, and take a step onto the table. You feel silly, but everyone else around you is serious, so you crouch down and lay flat on your back. You adjust yourself so that your head is between the sister’s arms, and you look up at her expectantly.
 “I’m going to take you down a journey. It might not make sense at first, but we will go slowly, and you just need to allow yourself to flow through your memories.” She says stoically, and you aren’t sure what you’re supposed to do.
 “You relax. Close your eyes. You might feel a pinch, but don’t resist.” She says, “Go backwards. Let’s unlock what you don’t want to see, then you can reveal what you came to see.”
 Before you can tell her that her words are meaningless nonsense, you feel a tight twist of pain in your head. Your body seizes up, and you feel trapped in place.  You start to panic, feeling your skin fill up with heat, and your breath is icy and sharp. You try to open your eyes, but your eyesight is flooded with a cloudy silver screen.  You watch the environment around you unfold slowly, as trees begin to emerge and sounds of nature surround you. You can’t turn your head, but you see Seth far off with a long handled axe.  As the scene moves left to right you notice the sound of crunching snow echoing. The heat of your skin becomes especially evident when you see dark fur standing upright against a tree. Your vision starts shaking and you feel sharp pain in your lungs.  Large claws scratch up the trunk of the tree, and you feel panic flooding your senses. You don’t move, and your image remains on the mass of fur, guessing it was a bear.   You are frozen in place as you watch it, when a shout behind you catches the attention of the bear. It turns to face you and when it notices you, the great mass crouches down to the ground and charges at you.  A guttural scream fills your ears, and adrenaline rushes through your body. Incapable of running away, you throw your hands out in front of you.  Just then, the bear is thrown against a nearby tree. A flash passes your sight and you look to the bear, where a russet brown Wolf is slamming it’s body against the bear.  It turns it’s massive head to you and before you can let out another scream, you feel your body shaking all over.
 Searing pain stabs through you and breaks into your bones like sledgehammers. You snap and crack and contort your body in unnatural forms. Your blood feels as though it is boiling you from the inside out, and your pain horrifies you from every angle of your body.  Rage fills you in the place of pain, until you feel yourself flung at the bear with an aggressive rush of adrenaline. Something hot in your mouth spills all over you, and it feels sticky and thick.  You whip around to the Wolf and as you see it the beast howls at you and drops to the ground defensively. Something about it’s howl soothes you and puts your rage to peace. Your blood is still hot, but you feel your adrenaline subside.  You kneel down in acknowledgement of it’s amity. It remains in place as it glowers up at you, and you feel a thought pop up into your mind. You’re a Wolf. the thought sounds masculine, and not at all like your normal internal voice.  The Wolf looks at you with dark brown eyes and again a thought speaks up in your head, You’re a Wolf, but you have the thirst for blood.  This time you shake your head, confused about the thought. That’s not something you were thinking. Yet, it was there in your head.  You look down at your body and you are extremely disturbed to see that you are covered in fur...and blood.
 Y/N? Another thought rings in your head, and you echo to yourself, Y/N? But this time in your own voice. The Wolf across from you whines in your direction, and again another voice sounds in you, Do you know what is going on right now?  You look around, making sure you don’t see another person around speaking to you. Confusion grips hold of you and you think to yourself, I don’t know what is going on right now.   The Wolf breaths a heavy breath and stands up, making you more alert. Simultaneously the image on the silver screen fades away and the sounds of the room return to you.
 “That doesn’t make much sense, does it?” The woman above you croaks and you struggle to speak. She shushes you and whispers overhead, “Remain open and receptive. Don’t bring yourself fully back yet. Let’s move farther...”
 You see flashes of you and Seth hanging garlands and hear snippets of your voice describing your disappointment that your boyfriend forgot you always spend the anniversary of your mother’s death with your father.
 “No. Deeper.” The woman’s voice whispers above you, and you fall into a dark and silent state.
 A fuzzier image appears in front of your eyes. It is blurry and hazy, but the voices are clear.  “Please,” A familiar deep sound vibrates overhead, “My daughter is sick. I need you to help her, please.” the voice is full of sorrow mixed with fear and desperation.  Your unstable image reveals a face you know very well. Your father looks weary and tired, as though he hasn’t slept well in many weeks, or months perhaps.   A dark skinned woman with low cut hair rushes over to you and places her arm around your father. She rushes him behind a beaded curtain and seats him down at a table.  “Please,” your father crows and the woman places a hand on his shoulder, “Maxine.” she says invitingly, “What is your name?”  “Th-this is my daughter, Y/N,” your father begs, tears welling in his eyes, “She is very ill. Please, you need to help her, she’s been cursed.” His voice cracks on the last beat.  The woman inspects you head to toe and she turns looks to your father once more, “Why do you say she is cursed?” she says doubtfully.  “She killed her mother.” He gushes with sobs now, “I don’t blame her, I love her more than the world... but it was a complicated birth.” He says through sniffles and sharp gasps of breath.  The woman waits expectantly for your father to regain his composure. She offers him a handkerchief and rubs his arm tenderly. After a few minutes he continues to speak, “Since then... she’s been cursed by the Heavens. Every moon she becomes a beast.” he looks up at Maxine with pleading eyes.  The woman nods knowingly and reassures your father, “It will be alright.” she comforts and stands up to walk through a curtained door.  When she returns she holds a leather cord in her hand with a small glass vial, “It’s okay, I have Hope.”
 You feel hands on your face, your real face, and a voice brings you back to the moment right now. “That’s enough, we don’t want to completely drain one another.” the woman above you says, glistening with sweat, and she takes the glass of water to swallow it down thirstily.
 Your eyes readjust and notice the lights were out, save a few candles against some of the walls. You prop up on your elbows and look down at your body, shaking and drenched in sweat.  You look to the edge of your feet and see Seth is just a breath’s width away from your feet, anxiously watching you. He is holding his elbows, tightly crossed over one another, and propping his head up.
 Seth’s face flashes you back to your first incomplete memory,  “What were we doing in the woods?” You ask, feeling out of breath and parched.  “You said you wanted to get a real tree, and asked if I could manage to cut one down and carry it back.” Seth says, a very drooping and exhausted smile on his face.  He looks on the verge of passing out, but for the moment your head is still reeling from the trip you just experienced. Carefully, you turn your head to one of the sisters, “What was that? Why was my Dad here?” your voice was hoarse and dry.  You look at the woman with yellow eyes and she is carefully cradling something small and glass in her open hand. You feel a shiver run over your body and you ask, “Was that the same ...I saw that in Maxine’s hand?” you turn to the sister next to you.  “That there is Hope.” she points at the vial.
  You shake your head in disbelief. Actually, more than disbelief you were feeling a great deal of questions bringing on a massive migraine.  “Let’s start from the beginning.” She says and wipes a bead of sweat from her brow, “Do you know who your mother was?” she asks, motioning for you to get back to the chair.  You crawl up onto your hands and knees and slowly inch backwards off of the table, “Um, my mother? Not really. My Dad and I only mourn the anniversary of her death.” you say as Seth offers his arm out to you for support.  After making your way back down to your seat, the woman adds, “Your birthday.” you gape at her in surprise and slowly nod your head.  “Well, it seems there is something your mother did not know about herself.” She touches the yellow eyed woman’s hand and after a moment her eyes glint in the candlelight as she gets up and walks out of the room. Your eyes remain on the sitting sister, awaiting an explanation.  “Your mother never killed anybody.” She starts, leaving you unsure of her direction, “However, had she killed a person - with intention or by accident - she would have learned that she was a Lycanthrope.”  Your fingers fidget in your lap, but you wait patiently for more from the woman, “You see, if she had not been separated from her parents when she was a small child, then maybe they would have told her she was a Lycanthrope.”  Seth seems absorbed by the woman’s explanation, even in his drained state of energy. The woman continues, “Under these circumstances, neither did she find out on her own, nor did her parents have the chance to reveal to her that she was Lycanthrope.”  She clicks her tongue and smacks her hands together theatrically, “Thus, she never had the opportunity to tell your father what she was.” She points directly at you and waggles her finger, “Therefore, he did not know that you too share the same burden.”
 You dig your nails into your palms, unable to follow this line of conversation, “Are you saying that I’m a Werewolf?” you say indignantly.
 The yellow-eyed woman returns with a tray of glasses and pitcher of water, “Not only that,” she chirps, but does not add to her comment after placing down the tray in the center of the table.  Her sister grabs the glasses and fills them to the top, pushing one halfway to you, “When your mother died giving birth to you, a gene was triggered inside of you, unlocking your Werewolf power.” She pauses to take a gulp of her water, so you lean over and take the glass she offered you as well.  “As an infant you were not terribly dangerous, but you were a terrifying sight to your father - a man of no knowledge of the supernatural.” She waved her finger in the air, drawing invisible lines from one side of her to the other, “Your body changed to a small furry animal with claws and sharp teeth, and you thrashed about savagely in your crib, during every cycle of the moon.” She pauses for another gulp of water.  You feel your thirst scratching your throat, but you don’t want to miss a word of her explanation so you sit in place holding your glass.  “The man was lost, he could not turn to anyone for fear of losing you - the only reminder of his lost love. So he came to the world of the occult - New Orleans.” She waves her arms around the room dramatically.
 “Wait,” you break your self-control and interrupt her fantastical story telling, “My father told me I was sick when I was younger, and he said that a holistic doctor cured me.” You place your palms flat on the table, feeling that it is the only sturdy object in your present.  “Yes, my mother was known for her holistic practices.” She raises an eyebrow, waiting to see if you follow her line of suggestion, “Nobody could kill a child of the moon, not even a witch. One look at your fluttering, innocent eyes and she knew there was another way to save you.” She paused for emphasis, “Something that would allow you to keep living a life identical to that of a human.” She reaches over to the yellow eyed woman and grabs the leather cord, “Something that would break you of your slavery to the moon cycle, while also aging and living ignorant of your strengths.”  As she said this something in your body pulsed and your eyes snapped to the vial of blood. You were afraid to ask, but you pushed yourself nonetheless, “What is in that vial?” you shake with anticipation.
 “Vampire blood.” She says and you catch your breath, while Seth stiffens in his seat. He lets out a heavy sigh and speaks up for the first time, “Wouldn’t vampire blood kill a werewolf?”  The woman smiles and leans forward toward the two of you, “This is the blood of a special vampire.” She looks at the glass and spins it in front of her face, “A very special little girl named Hope. Mikaelson.” she breaths.  The yellow eyed woman is entranced by the spinning vial as well and she makes a low sound, “A Hybrid.”  Seth swallows harshly and breaths out a barely audible word, “Renesmee.”
 Your face pinches together, feeling completely left out of everyone’s circle of knowledge, but the yellow eyed woman snaps to both of you, “A Vampire, Wolf Hybrid.”  You flinch back in your seat, feeling very nervous by her excitement. Seth places a hand in your lap, and you squeeze him tightly. The sister stops the spinning vial in her hand and turns back to face you, “Haven’t you wondered why nothing ever tasted quite good?”  You screw up your face and shake your head, “What? No?” you bark defensively, not quite sure what qualifies as good anyway.  “Isn’t it strange that you can always tell when someone is telling a lie?” she asks, and you aren’t sure what she is talking about, but you don’t respond.  “There might be certain things you don’t understand because you grew up this way your entire life. But the fact still remains that you’ve noticed you are uniquely different from your peers.” she says expectantly.
 “I don’t have any friends.” you say, feeling ashamed that this is quite true. “We moved around too much, and I only ever talked to my father anyway. Well, practically...” you add as the image of your boyfriend pops up in your head.  Seth glances at you nervously, but the woman pipes in, “Isn’t it strange then that your father keeps bringing you back here?”  You chew your lip nervously, trying to remember anything about those trips, “We... that’s true that we visit once in a while. But we don’t really do anything. I just remember we come here, then we leave.”  “Isn’t that strange? Why would you travel all this way, and not have one memorable memory of your trip?” She prods, and you look around the table skeptically.  “Is it possible that something causes your father to make the sudden trip? Does he ever tell you why it’s time for you to come back to New Orleans?” she interrogates, but you can’t remember anything prompting the trips. You don’t really remember much about the month or so before your trips anyway, it’s a little bit blurry.  “So...” you decide you feel uncomfortable with all of these questions and no solid answers, so you sway the subject, “If that is vampire blood... does that make me a vampire? Why doesn’t sunlight bother me? Why don’t I need blood?”
 She leans back in her chair and observes you curiously, “My dear, you are one of a very small handful of Hope Mikaelson Hybrids. Your Wolf side allows you to walk in daylight and eat human food without the need for blood. Your Vampire side is what broke your bonds to the moon, allowing you to control your phasing. Blood will only make you stronger. But all your father was looking for was a cure to your beastly transformations, so that is what my mother gave you. Without blood, your vampire strength was only weakened, which works out well for a child wanting to grow up as a normal human. Without knowledge of your Wolf side, you wouldn’t know that you had the ability to change. Unless, that is, you were stricken with a massive and uncontrollable fear.” She crosses her legs and narrows her eyes at you, “Have you ever felt a bone-rattling amount of adrenaline shaking you up with horror?”
 “I...” you search your mind, and feel Seth’s hand twitch in your lap, “That..bear I think terrified me?” you said hesitantly and turn to Seth. He seems to have a face of much more understanding than you feel.  “Yes, that would do the trick.” She says, waiting for you to make the conclusion everybody else in the room has already.
 “Are you saying that I turned into a Wolf?” Crystal clear realization finally hits you hard in the face, and so did something else.
 You open your eyes to look up at Seth, hovering over you as usual, gently cradling your hand in his own, “You were dehydrated and exhausted. You should be fine now.”  You felt woozy with a killer headache, but otherwise nothing else made sense. You raised a hand to your head and spun through your thoughts, going through everything you learned tonight.  “Here,” A dark hand appeared in front of you with a ceramic cup, “Specially brewed tea, will fix you up quick.” A voice wafts around you, and without much resistance you take the cup and sip it’s contents.  It was bitter and tasted like dirt, making you wince. Seth chuckled, glad to see your reactions were still what he expects.  After you finish off the cup, you do feel better after all. The sharp pain in your brain subsides, and your body isn’t aching with lack of fluids.
 “I think that is all I can give you tonight. Of words and of medicine.” A woman’s voice floats around you, but despite feeling balanced, your body was still wobbly.  Seth swept you up into his arms, and he held you close to his body, “Thank you.” you hear him say as a tinny bell sounds overhead, and suddenly you hear the sounds of cars whooshing past you.  “What’s going on?” you yawned, and placed a hand on Seth’s burning chest. You felt the sway of what you assumed was Seth carrying you down the street.  “Let’s get somewhere safe.” He whispers, and you think you feel him nuzzle the side of your face. But that could have been the wind.
 Seth lays you down on a bed of blankets, soft and padded. You look up at him and see the caring smile he uses when watching over you.
 “What is it with you?” You say, sounding a little bit colder than you intended, “I mean, you know I have a boyfriend, right?”
 Seth’s face drops and he looks outside a window into the dark night. His eyes are uncertain when he opens his mouth to speak, “You shouldn’t be with him.” he finally manages to let out.
 You scoff at the teenage movie cliche and he looks hurt. Immediately you regret your reaction, so you cover it up by spitting out, “What, I should be with you instead?”
 He looks down at you sadly and runs a warm finger under your chin, “Yes, but even if I wasn’t here. You shouldn’t be with him.” He says so certainly that you blush under his touch, “He isn’t interested in you,”  Your bashfulness turns into anger and you snap at him, “What do you know? You haven’t even met him!”  He recoils his hand from your face and you feel cold where he leaves you, but you stay determined, and realize that you’ve been on a run-away spree with a strange man boy you don’t know at all.  “You don’t see it?” He says, looking physically hurt by your anger. You remain strong, although seeing him hurt that way touched you deeper than you would like to admit.  “What do you know?” You huff, turning your face away from Seth. He gets off of the bed and crouches down on the ground beside you.  “I know that you are the only person I can think about.” He says, “You are the only important creation in my whole world.”  You turn to him in shock, “You just met me.” you say and sit up in the bed, backing firmly against the wall, “Are you crazy?”  Seth leans his head onto the edge of the bed to look up at you, “There is something else you need to know about my tribe.”
 You try to avoid eye contact, but the corner of your eyes are drawn to him as if the depth of his gaze is pulling your eyes towards his.  “When we meet the person we are supposed to be with - our world changes.” He says with a staggering beat.  “It’s called imprinting.” he bats his dark eyelashes, “It is physically painful for me when you are apart from me. I cannot think of anybody else.”  The intensity of this conversation is making you super uncomfortable. You strain to look away from Seth, but it is agonizingly difficult, “Look... That sounds insane.” your eyes flicker to the ceiling for a moment before returning to the suffering face of Seth.  Your lips turn downward at him, “Listen,” you scoff in disbelief that you are about to say this out loud, “I don’t believe in soulmates.”
 Seth’s chest swelled up and he straightened out his back, “Tell me you don’t feel the pull.” he says with a blast of confidence, “You can choose to avoid me, and you can be with someone else, but you know that we are drawn to one another.” He leans toward you, dropping his eyes low in a sultry seduction, “We can’t help that. We can’t explain it, but it’s just there.”  You wanted to fight him and throw your arms out and push him away. You wanted to run out of the room and find a phone and call someone to come pick you up.  You wanted to scream. But not at Seth. You wanted to scream because something deep within you was stirring. Something is curling and unfurling and telling you that he is right.  Spontaneously your hand reached out toward his face, and it placed itself on his jaw. Completely without your permission, your thumb ran along his bottom lip, so hot and tender.  He drew his lips together, but when he opened them again his tongue came out ever so slightly, just enough to lick his lips.
 A hoarse voice whispered in the night, “Kiss me.”
 A voice, that sounded very much like your own.
  As Seth lifts himself up onto the bed your rogue hand moves from his chin to his hair. Your traitor fingers brush through his silky soft hair as he leans in toward you.  Trapped inside your own body, you could feel your blood racing and your heart pounding. Your eyes were wide and your body might have been trembling. Seth is over top of you, leaning down closer and closer. You squeeze your eyes shut tightly and await his impact. Moments later, you feel nothing.  You peek open your eyes, and realize your hands have both curled into your chest, hovering over you protectively.  Seth is lingering over you, meticulously watching you. When your eyes meet he lets out a small and somber sigh. He leans back and sits at the edge of the bed again.  “Look at you,” he says in a hushed voice, reaching to your face, “You’re terrified.” he says as he wipes under your eye and you feel cool air hit something wet.
 You lay there frozen, completely bewildered by the sudden change of mood in the room. You watch him as he stands up and stretches, feeling unsure and surprised.  “I’m going to sleep on the floor. We’ll get back to Washington tomorrow.” He says with his back facing to you. He pauses for a moment, you’re sure of it, but then he just lays down on the ground.  You release a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, and exhaustion takes over you once again.
 The sound of a rattling window draws you from your sleep. You peek an eye open and see Seth standing by the blowing curtains.
 “Just trying to air out the steam.” Seth rubs a towel over his head, “Couldn’t sleep, so thought I’d take advantage of the shower.” He walks over to the bathroom and you hear the sound of running water.
 “It takes a while to warm up,” he shouts from the bathroom, “Got it started in case you want to take one before we leave.” he walks back into the room and nods his head toward the door, “I’ll go get some coffee and beignets. That should give you some time.”
 Before you get a chance to say good morning he grabs the keys and leaves. You sit up in the bed and take a breath. You look to the bathroom, where sounds of hissing water splash around. 
 While you expected the trip to feel like an eternity, it ended up flying by without any notice. You were so inside of your head the entire ‘ride’ back about everything you’ve just discovered.
 Your entire world was turned upside-down.
 Your mother was a werewolf... but she never knew it... you are a hybrid vampire... with some sort of weird Native American soulmate... all of this making less and less sense. You hated that you didn’t have any control over your life anymore.  No, fuck that. You snapped at yourself. Nobody was going to tell you that you were a killer or an animal or somebody’s mate. You will be the leader and decision maker of your own life!
 Your bed of fur shakes and you hop off Seth’s back, noticing he brought you to your home. You turn to Seth’s Wolf form and place your hands on his muzzle. It’s much easier talking to him when he can’t answer back, or distract you with his body or make you dizzy with his seductive staring.  “Don’t change here.” You look deeply into his large glassy eyes, “I’m going home. I can’t talk about this right now. I don’t know what to say to you.” Seth’s chocolate eyes are locked on you and his body remains in place.  “Do you understand?” you rub the back of your hand above his nose, wondering if you could love him after all in this overgrown puppy dog form.  He whimpers a bit and his ears press back into his head, but nonetheless he nods faintly. You drop your arms and he backs away slowly before turning on his heels and running into the dark woods.
 You look to the house, not a single window lit in the nighttime. It must be rather late by now, and your father is either asleep or out on a trip himself. You can only hope the latter so that you don’t have to have this discussion with him too soon. There are too many questions you have for yourself before you are prepared for your father to ask them of you. Likewise, you probably have a certain amount of questions for him as well, you just haven’t thought of them yet.
 You look to the car in the driveway, knowing that your boyfriend might be worried sick. You decide you can’t wait for morning to see him, but you don’t have your phone to call ahead.  Oh well, here goes nothing. You run to the front door, kneeling down to grab the spare key under the flowerpot. You quietly pop inside in case father is home after all, and snatch up the car keys.
 Moments later you’re barreling down the empty roads, thinking of how to explain your sudden and extended disappearance. You wonder if a late night visit would be a good surprise or a burdensome one. But this is too important to put off a minute later.
 You pull in front of his apartment building and run up to the glass door. You smash the call button over and over again, excited and nervous.
 “Hello?” A groggy voice comes through the telecom and a static pause queues your response, “It’s me! Let me up!” you jitter with energy.  “Y/N?” He says with a tinge of worry in his voice and the door buzzes the lock free. You pull the door and spring inside, unable to bear the anticipation anymore.  You huff up to his door and as soon as you reach for the knob it opens in front of you.
 “What are you doing here?” he asks, tying the belt of his robe. You jump for his arms and wrap around him in a tight hug.  You don’t feel a returned embrace, but after a few seconds he grabs you by the shoulders and pushes you away, “Do you know what time it is?”  You look at him astounded, “No, I don’t. But aren’t you worried about me?” you screw up your face, “Aren’t you excited I’m here?”  He looks you up and down, “What? Has something gotten into you?”
 You take a step backward and shake your head in disbelief, “Yeah. Something has gotten into me.” you look down to blink away tears, “Have you even noticed that I was gone?”  He leans against the doorframe and yawns, “Darling, don’t be ridiculous-” he starts but you step forward and shove him, “No, don’t call me darling.” You turn away from him as it dawns on you that Seth may be right, “Don’t call me anything at all.”  He scoffs in shock and raises his voice slightly, “You are causing a scene! Are you acting out for something?” He brushes himself off and straightens out his robe, “Is this because I haven’t called you? I’m a busy man, you know I have to seize my opportun-”
 “You know what. We’re not really working out.” You wipe your face with your sleeve and suck in a deep breath before turning back to him one last time, “Good luck. I really hope you get everything you are looking for.”  With your last steady word you run outside into the night and release a string of sobs. You feel foolish. You feel like you’ve wasted your time. You feel like you’ve been so blind and ridiculously hopeful.
 Everything is swirling, and your head doesn’t make any sense. Your eyesight is red and black and your breath is sharp and painful. You stop thinking about pain and love and hope.  A deep howl emanates from your core and rumbles through you as you throw your head back and release all of your pain into the sky.  You feel four legs hitting the ground over and over in a relentless run. You feel your hair ruffled all over your body by the wind around you.
 A growl roars in your ear and you stop your trot. Something draws your eyes upward where a shadow stands on a rock, blocking out the silhouette of the moon.  The shadow jumps down to the ground in front of you and looks you eye to eye. Glassy, chocolate eyes bore deeply into you and waves of calm wash over you. Slowly you the shadow grows larger and larger over you.  Actually, the shadow wasn’t growing larger, but you were shrinking smaller and smaller. You felt your teeth drawing back and claws receding to soft, skin covered hands.  The shadow disappears into the darkness and you close your eyes, trying to keep your breath steady. Tears bloom in your eyes again, but from a general feeling of helplessness.  
 Footsteps crack twigs and rustle leaves somewhere nearby. You focus on keeping your heartbeat level.  Seth crowds you from behind and even with your back to him you know his face is filled with determination.  “It isn’t right.” you shake your head, unable to fully grasp a hold of yourself. You can feel the air whooshing between you in a hot and needy breeze.
 “Y/N,” Seth whispers, “This is the only right thing that I have ever known.” as he speaks you can feel the core of your body rumbling inside. You felt like a piece of metal and Seth’s presence was a magnet. Forcing yourself away from him took so much energy out of you.  “Listen you-” You take a breath and turn around to face Seth, only to see he is only about half a foot away from you. Air catches in your throat and you forgot what you were going to say to him.  “Y/N...” Seth breaths inches from your face, “I know you’re scared,” he places his forehead to your forehead, “I can help guide you through this. I will be here for you. Whatever you need from me.”  Your hand is in the dirt and you feel Seth place his hand over your hand. You allow him to entwine his fingers with yours.  “Whatever you want from me.” he whispers.
 You softly moan and close your eyes, the last tear that you have to spill rolling down your cheek.  Seth leans in and kisses the drop away, warming your face where his lips touch.
 You give in to your desires, allowing yourself to be overcome with heat all over. The piece of metal inside of you transformed into a perfect magnet to match Seth’s.  Your body is launched at Seth, and hungrily he wraps his arms around you. Your lips crash into Seth’s and you feel yourself melting into him. Tongues wrestle between you, slick with saliva and burning with desire.  For a split second you feel Seth’s lips curl back into a smile, but hastily he is on top of you, pushing you into the ground. Although your bodies were on fire, not a single bead of sweat fell from either one of you. You push your body up to Seth’s and grab at him with needy hands. Your fingernails scrape into his back as he kisses down your neck and shoulders. He makes his way to your collarbone and you arch in pleasure, unable to contain the sensation.  Whimpers escape your lips and Seth growls with arousal at your delicious noises. He nibbles at your clavicle and you groan once more. This time, it pushed Seth over the edge.
 He lifts you upright and splays his legs outward beneath you. He sets you down onto his lap and for the first time you feel his erection pressed against you. You spread your thighs and land your knees down to the ground for support. As you steady yourself overtop of him, Seth runs his fingers along your sides, tickling you. Before you can slide him inside of you, the tickling makes you double over and let out a burst of laughter.  Seth laughs back at you, but continues to palm his hands around your body curiously. You hold onto Seth’s shoulders and pull yourself up to regain your concentration.  You grab his throbbing length with one hand and aim it at your opening. With one look at Seth’s darkened eyes, you plunge down as far as you can go. You yelp at the intensity of penetration, not entirely prepared for his entire cock inside of you. The sensation was shockingly painful but felt completely fitting as well.  “We’re made for one another.” Seth roars into your neck, and you gasp tiny sharp breaths as you force your body up and down onto his lap.  You ram your hands into Seth’s chest and he falls back with a thud. You keep one hand on his chest as your other hand crawls up your thigh as you ride Seth’s cock. Your hand explores your own body, feeling renewed and unknown. You reach to your breast and tweak your nipple, making your blood rush to your erogenous hot spots. Your hand roams your belly and searches for another place of pleasure.  Seth grips your thighs and watches you hungrily as your fingers land on your clitoris. You rub circles with a firm pressure as you continue your rhythmic bobbing atop Seth.  As you feel tightness welling up in your loins, Seth too seems swirling with an impending orgasm. You lean back just enough to change the position of Seth’s shaft inside your walls. You twist your hips gently to really hit different nerves as you swing back and forth.  Your engorged clitoris is throbbing and when Seth brings his fingers to press atop yours, you feel an explosion inside of you. Deep inside you feel Seth shooting into you, and from deeper within you feel waves of electricity shooting all over your body.  As the rumbles of orgasm quiet down, you fall onto Seth’s chest. Together your bodies smolder in the dirt, weaving into one another with each heavy breath. You are unable to open your eyes for several minutes, before your fusion eases you into a peaceful sleep.
 Seth stares up at the stars of the night as they slowly turn orange in the dawn. He inhales your scent and closes his eyes, a very relieved and content smile spread across his face. 
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