#anyways yeah!!! big fan of fashion
casinoquartet · 1 year
oooh it’s cool that you’re very into fashion :] a powerful skill
tyyy :D it's something i've always been interested in so !!! its a fun thing to be into
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brerosee · 4 months
Kate Martin dating a famous singer:
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Think big,think Ariana Grande
Firstly how did yall meet?
You were in a red carpet for the vmas when a man stopped you for an interview “y/n over here!” You walk over to him with a smile picking up your dress to not trip
“Hello hi” you say smiling “hello so good to be talking with you tonight”the interviewer says “ so to start you dressed you tonight?”
5 mins later…
“Ok last question,who is your fellow celebrity crush?”the interviewer asked
“Oh my” you say thinking “hmm I’m going to have to go for Kate Martin,just love her game and find her extremely attractive”you says giggling
“Well you heard it here folks”the interviewer says
The video shows viral and Kate sees(shown to her by Caitlin) and goes crazy. You had been her celebrity for a while now and raved about you and your music so naturally she slid into you dms and the rest is unknown .
She is always sending flowers to your hotel room
If she can’t make it to a performance due to basketball she will send you good luck texts
Yk those flags ppl have for celebrities like “Taylor swift 2024” yeah she has one of you
When you go to her games you sit court side(she calls you a court side baddie)
Loves to just wind down and be normal with you after a long day of everything and just hold you in her arms again
You write songs about her.
Your fans adore your relationship and when Kate is in the crowed with them they ask her for pictures
Kate’s whole family loves you and your music
She even brought her mom to a concert of yours for her birthday
You bring her to all of your events,red carpets,galas,fashion events, everything
As does she
Her whole team is obsessed with you.
Your music is always playing at their practices
Even Lisa is a fan.
But when they find out yall are dating they go crazy asking how Kate pulled you.
But overall she is just out fav supporting gf
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chaoticladyfire · 1 year
Things I screamed about in ATSV (spoilers)
-Got to rewatch the film so I’m just going to add the colours changing to warmer tones when Gwen hugs her father. Not even ten minutes in and I was already crying.
-Realised that we missed the Gwen-Vulture fight BUT got to see Jessica Drew enter the scene like a bad ass in her bad ass bike and hearing the audience collectively say ‘me too’ when Gwen asked if Jessica could adopt her. 
-Screaming OSCAR ISAAC when Miguel spoke
-Lyla. Just Lyla.
- ‘Do you say anything other than no?’ ‘No-YES!’ more of miguel and jessica pls
-The Spot’s introduction. I didn’t see any promotional stuff, teasers or even trailers before watching this film so I had no idea who or what the The Spot was which was great because he really went from villain of the week to villain of the movie. And they clearly had a great time choreographing the fight scenes with him
-Miles’ heating up the beef patty while the spot and the convenience store man argue
-Miles patting the spot’s with a ‘good cow’ text
-Gwen and Miles both having to deepen their voices to avoid being recognised by their respective cop dads
-Miles saying that he can get two cakes when the counsellor says you can’t have your cake and eat it too and then bringing two cakes for his father’s party and neither of them saying what he wanted to convey. 
-Rio and Jeff scolding an annoyed miles but instantly smiling when a relative hugs them what an universal experience 
-Gwen teasing Miles for drawing her in his notebook almost obsessively but also breaking the biggest rule to spend time with him knowing the consequences. 
-As they went to talk, my friend leaned over and said ‘yeah I bet they will talk’ and when they only talked he groaned very loudly at which point I had to remind him Miles was only 15 
-Watching Jeff talk to Spiderman about his son not knowing his son is spiderman
-The DJ increasing the volume when Miles’ parents started scolding him in the middle of the party (the real mvp of the movie actually) 
-JK Simmons cameo that no one seems to be talking about??? Embarrassingly enough I had to literally scream into my friend’s ear for most of the people to realise it was indeed JK Simmons
-Just the entire Mumbattan scene. It was so exciting to see my city be represented like that, still a bit cliched in my opinion but not like Slumdog so obviously they have updated their views. Everything from the traffic gag to Pav’s rant about chai tea had the theatre howling. Also the detail of the thought boxes (?) and sounds being written in Hindi 
-My friend and I are huge fans of the UK punk scene (her for the ideologies and myself for the music and fashion) so Hobie was a dream come true. He was already super cool with his guitar and mohawk costume but when he revealed his face it was just so amazing
-Gayatri is every indian’s dream girl with her modern shirt-flannel and jeans combo mixed with bangles and piercings I really wish we get to see more of her in the next movie. Anyway there was a lot of wolf-whistling and hooting for her and Pav
-Also Pavitr literally means pure I don’t know if they did that on purpose or not but I love it
-His pet name being Pav cured my soul
-’This is the most emotional I have seen him’ and Captain Singh has no emotions at all
-I want to see how they came up with so many spider designs because each was so unique and immediately endearing. My friend who is also a big dinosaur fan screamed DINOSAUR 
-Kind of obsessed with how detailed Ben Reilly’s arms are they did not need to go that hard with it
-Tom Holland’s Spider-Man being referred to as ‘the little nerd’ by Miguel
-When everyone was making puns about the Spot my friend leaned over and said ‘i wonder which hole the spot prefers’ it is a miracle we are still friends actually
-The Donald Grover cameo!!!
-Peter B Parker having a cute little baby with the love of his life is what he deserves
-Miguel O Hara is one step away from becoming a Batman-Spiderman 
-Hobie’s admiration for Mayday being the avatar of chaos Spider-baby
-I think they saw the appreciation for the art style in the previous film and then trebled it for this film and I cannot thank them enough for it
-Peter complaining about how Miguel breaks the Spiderman tradition of being funny and witty and Miguel being the first anomaly 
-Every scene with the Spot is very unnerving because as I said, you watch him transform from this joker to a literal void of vengeance and it is every bit of terrifying
-Miguel is a man suffering from the destruction of an entire universe because of his selfish actions and forcing that anomaly narrative on a fifteen year old boy who became a spiderman on accident and doesn’t want his father to die because of that. Unlike the Spot, who isn’t even human anymore, Miguel is drowning in grief and guilt and trying to ignore it by holding the weight of the spider-verse on his shoulder. I hated him so much for making a boy go through that but then I just couldn’t in the end. 
-Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire cameo!!! Hopefully we’ll get a fun Tom Holland one too in the next movie.
-’Let me guess, he died?’ being a therapist for Spider Men must be a fairly boring job after a few patients.
-I just loved the absolute of wrongness of the scene where Miles returns ‘home’. The rain and darkness. I didn’t really think about Rio asking Miles what happened to his hair because I thought she was referring to the rain (although of course she wouldn’t ask him why his hair was wet when it was obviously raining outside) but realised something was wrong when he didn’t know about comic con but she did because in the first film there’s a joke about Peter B Parker explaining the concept to Miles. 
- This movie is not good for my father related issues
-The glaring neon welcome sign when the gang end up in Earth 42
-How did Uncle Aaron get even scarier? 
-Miles being the Prowler is honestly a great twist I saw it coming but still felt the shock of the reveal
-Prowler Miles having an accented voice meaning his father probably died when he was young and he only had his mom growing up
-Can’t wait for the original spider team to return for the third film seeing as they brought back Spider-Man Noir and Spider Ham and Peni Parker
-Screaming WHAT when the ‘to be continued’ appeared because that cliffhanger is absolutely destructive. All that adrenaline and excitement just popped. I’m still oscillating between being impressed and being disappointed. 
I probably skipped over a lot of other scenes because these were the most memorable and I only watched the film once (unfortunate) but I can’t wait for the movie to hit streaming services and watch it again and again for all the other details I missed. Ill probably keep adding things as I remember
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therealcocoshady · 6 months
Dating Marshall Mathers HCs - Love languages edition
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Author’s Note : Hey Stans 🥰. I am a sucker for Eminem Headcanons so I decided to give it a shot ☺️. Let me know what kind of HCs you’d like 👀. These HCs are based from the vibe I get from him, from his music, appearances or interviews - I might be wrong though, or you might disagree. Or not ? Either way, let me know what you think ❤️
Acts of service 
On some things, he is a bit old-fashioned and he will see some things as « his job ». He knows you can carry your bags or put that Ikea shelf together yourself. Doesn’t mean you have to. 
Absolute gentleman. Contrary to what he says he has manners. He just doesn’t overdo it. 
He is pissed when you ask for someone else’s help instead of his 
« Why didn’t you ask me ? » 
Also annoyed when you don’t ask for anything at all 
That being said, he hates asking for help
As much as possible, he will do his best to make your life easier with small gestures like : 
Picking you up at the airport // Driving you to and from work if he can 
Having your favorite food delivered to you when he is not there and he knows you are too lazy/tired/sick to cook 
Taking care of you when you are sick, tired or simply having a bad day 
Making sure his pantry is stocked with your favorite drinks and beverages 
He enjoys helping you when you are cooking/cleaning… 
Once he is comfortable around your place he will even do it unprompted 
Might be his least favorite love language 
He enjoys giving gifts far more than he likes receiving them 
He is very hard to shop for anyway 
What do you get for a man who has the means to get everything he wants for himself ?
He is grateful for gifts but he is not really the materialistic type 
He low-key doesn’t believe he deserves gifts anyway 
When he gives you a gift, you can expect it to be meaningful and thoughtful
He pays a lot of attention to details 
Or it can be something you mentioned you needed 
Big, expensive gifts are for special occasions
Just because he has the means doesn’t mean he will gift you a Chanel bag on a random Thursday. Sorry. 
When he splurges, he doesn’t half-ass it but it doesn’t happen too often either 
Before he buys you something expensive, you have to be together for a while
Trying to win a woman over by spending money on her ? Yeah, not for him. He is too scared of gold-diggers. 
Also, if you have a fight, he might try to suck up to you with a gift or a bouquet even though he is the first to criticize how shallow gifts can be 
When he is away and doesn’t see you for a while, he might arrange for a surprise delivery, to make you smile and also make sure you don’t forget about him (as if it were possible)
Physical touch 
He is a bit guarded at first, so much so that you start doubting that he actually likes you (« Surely, he would have made a move by now… » - nope that man is just slow)
If he actually likes you, he makes it a point to behave like a gentleman and he will try and pick the best time for a first kiss or even simply holding your hand for the first time 
Great kisser. 
Not a big fan of public displays of affection (for obvious reasons)
If the two of you are ever spotted together, people might mistake you for a member of his team because he will not even get caught holding your hand 
That’s partly because he values your privacy at least as much as his - he doesn’t want his girl to get harassed or bothered 
However, when it’s just the two of you, he is all over you 
Whenever the two of you spend time together, he enjoys having physical contact with you, even if it’s just holding your hand while watching a movie 
Definitely makes up for his busy schedule with physical touch. 
Quality time
Probably his love language of choice 
Overall, he is really mindful of your schedule and appreciates that you respect his 
If you don’t, it’s not going to work between the two of you anyway 
Most of the time, he is punctual and he will not show up late to one of your dates 
If it happens, he will profusely apologize and make it up to you 
Might get a little pissed if you do (but he knows that girls will be girls and you are most likely late because you wanted to be extra pretty for him) 
He has a hectic schedule but he if he loves you he will make time for you 
Him making time for you is actually one of the telltale signs he actually cares about you 
If you are as busy as him, he really appreciates that you manage to make time for him
No phones rule during your dates 
Like, seriously, it’s a huge red flag for him if his date spends too much time on her phone instead of enjoying the moment 
Speaking of phones… He doesn’t text you too much. Instead, he tries to find moments when he can call you and have an actual conversation. 
When you are talking, you have his full attention 
He pays attention to everything you say and and do, even when it doesn’t seem like it 
He remembers everything 
He enjoys hearing you talk about things you are passionate about
If it’s something he is not too familiar with, he asks questions and he might even make an effort to do some research of his own, just so he can keep up with you 
And in turn, he really appreciates if you do the same 
Doesn’t seem like it at first, but he actually enjoys a good conversation. Even if you’re gorgeous, if you’re not interesting… Hard pass. 
He also gets really talkative if he’s talking about a topic he is passionate about. Like hip-hop culture, pop culture, sports… He will talk your ears off. And he likes talking about it with you. 
Even better if you are able to have an actual debate with him. He might not agree with you but he respects someone who can stand their ground and have actual valid arguments. 
Because you might not be able to spend too much time together sometimes, he will do his best to make your dates special 
As your relationship evolves, he includes you in some more mundane activities, just to enjoy more of your company 
Don’t expect to spend too much time at the studio with him. He keeps his work and personal life separate. 
That being said, he might invite you to spend time with him there once or twice. And it means a lot. 
Words of affirmations 
We all know this man has a way with words 
When he praises you or compliments you, he means it 
A perk of dating a dictionary nerd : he chooses his words carefully 
Never a dull compliment 
He is a great motivator : when he encourages you and tells you you can do it, you actually start believing that you can 
He is good when It comes to giving words of affirmation but receiving them ? Nope. 
When you compliment him, he gets a bit awkward and doesn’t know how to react 
That being said, he enjoys it 
Compliments he enjoys the most are not necessarily the ones about his professional skills or physical appearance but genuinely about his character 
Any fan could tell him he is a great rapper or that he looks good. But having his girl tell him what an amazing person she thinks he is and being specific about it ? YES. 
Basically, just show him that you care about him (the real him) 
With how guarded he is, it might be some time before he actually says « I love you »
It might not come with a big declaration either. Just « I love you ». Simple. 
Definitely catches you off guard the first time he says it, with a super casual tone. 
However, when he says it, he means it 
He leaves you small notes, too 
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littlepuddingsworld · 2 months
Okay, this is going to sound insane, but please hear me out.
In the 19th century, there were doctors who specialised in curing "female hysteria", which was often just misdiagnosed sexual frustration (Whenever women were too out of control for men to handle, it was diagnosed as hysteria. So it was basically anything, sexual frustration included...). The cure was fingering...yeah. It was relatively normalised to, as a doctor, finger someone's wife...quite a way to make a living. There was basically a handbook written in Latin about how you do it (oil up your hand, insert here, there will be muscle contraction, the lady in question will breathe heavily before ultimately having a hysteria paroxysm (this is a former medical term for orgasms btw)). Obviously, there were mixed opinions about giving another man's wife an orgasm, however, the Catholic doctors concluded that it cannot have been sexual, since there was no penetration. "It's our duty as doctors to cure these poor women of their hysteria, Sir 🫡"
FUN FACT: Since some doctors would experience wrist pain from the...hard manual labour, they invented a device that does it for them: The vibrator. When the vibrator was first used in pornography, the doctors said NOPE and left their profession behind. In 2011, there was a period romcom made about this called Hysteria. It's not even that bad, unironically. Oh and by the way, the name hysteria is derived from the Greek word hystera, meaning uterus, hence why only women were diagnosed with hysteria.
Anyway, getting to my point:
Imagine a yandere thinking that you're being incredibly hysterical, emotional, out of control and then proceeding to sit you down and curing you of your hysteria the old-fashioned way...
They either do it knowingly, or are just too oblivious to even realise that what they are doing is...not quite the correct solution for the problems they caused you in the first place...
Just wanted to share this with someone...take it as you will...
,,, to be honest, I knew about the hysteria, but I didn't know about the fact that a vibrator was created that way,,,, sexy big brain<3333 i love your words so much, mercury kissed you at birth,,,, very brainy, very many cerebral convolutions, I love it,,, come here to kith kith pretty pie—
your husband is so sweet, so adorable — especially when he's on his knees in front of you, purring something about how he should help you, as if it's not his personal fault that you feel like this.
... ♡ unhealthy relationship, misconception of the century / time, hierarchical society, mild sexism? (more classism?), mild maledom elements, mention of religion, forced marriage implied, male pregnancy mentioned because no pregnant reader, unethical treatment methods?; doctor!noble!husband x darling!reader
dubious consent (dubcon) -> consensual sex, crying, mild sadism/masochism, mention of degradation (g.), hair pulling (g.), oral sex (r.), mild fingering (r.), praise (r.)
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If THEODORE had been told that he was "mistreating his darling spouse", he would have
It was logical: if he treated you well, then would you enter into a frenzy of emotions, scream and look as if you were about to faint before falling at a table made of pleasantly smelling wood, — Theodore knew that you love this variety; almost all tables, chairs and other wooden utensils was of this sort, — completely exhausted, unable even to drive away your narrow-minded husband, only waving a fragile palm in his direction, as if desperate, while he took your fan, straight from the hands of the best chinese craftsmen, and gently fanned you, letting you hang head? Of course not.
You, his breathtaking spouse, were so touching and gentle, full of spring charm and a few drops of exquisite, expensive coquetry, like the first flowers in spring — delicate, almost transparent, not at all like the luxury of scarlet roses that gardeners grow every season, or the exuberant scent of lilac and juniper, especially in July. Not at all. Your charm was subtle, unique, corresponding to the rumbling of the first rivers or the first drop falling from the roofs after the melting of the snow. You have never been a socialite — never; parents were rich enough to support you and your siblings, but not rich enough to live in idleness and not worry about money.
You were introduced at the first ball and attended others from time to time, but most of the time you couldn't afford to walk around with "old dresses", not wanting to be considered poor or shame family by not being able to buy new clothes. Theodore understood perfectly well — being from a not-so-rich family, somehow coping with this whole world, you simply could not afford to live bohemian, expensive and shameless out of fear that money was too little, as if you did not even think that you could just marry someone rich and sponsor with their help your family. Theodore didn't blame, having heard about you for the first time from the mouths of other dandies who follow every new "coquette fan", more than an eloquent sign of finding a partner, though; "too conscientious and didn't understand how this world works" or just a prude,
but now, he understands that you just knew your worth and waited for someone like
After all, in a world where divorce can only happen after death, and infidelity is punished by an enraged spouse with a knife, how could you easily marry someone? You were so alluring, like ripe peaches filled with juice — naturally, not everyone can and should touch your delicate, perfumed hands and caress skin so soft that no overseas silk can compare.
Theodore was sure that there were words about you: "If the cost of their kiss was hell, // then I will kiss their lips, // so that in hell I can brag to the devils // that I was in heaven without even entering it." Because you were paradise, it didn't matter if you smiled, cried or screamed — or were "not a couple who deserved," but only because you could have become the monarch's spouse right away, but he found you earlier.
He had no doubt that you were special — definitely to him. Therefore, he did not think long before he came to your parents to take you to his estate, in the sweetly itchy haste of first and only love, kissing your hands and touching the slightly trembling fan with thin fingers while you looked down in frightened amazement, while your parents confusedly exchanged glances, not understanding why he came to "court you". Theodore did not ask if you had someone — after all, if you had, you would rather slit your throat than let another touch your thin fingers, because he would have done exactly the same in your place if he were still a dependent young man (now, of course, he was not — having studied at a very prestigious university, where his parents also studied, he was more than an enviable independent bachelor and knew it). And if earlier he was afraid that, what if!, was not "normal", then when saw you, he knew that he had been waiting for you all this time — and you were undoubtedly waiting for him too.
If, in order to be with you, he had to refuse the sky, the sun and the moon, he would do it without hesitation. This is love — Theodore had no doubt that you yourself understand this.
Your parents, however, soon dispelled his prejudices. You didn't just "didn't understand it" — you weren't like that, but Theodore, hesitating only for a few seconds, realized that you just weren't like everyone else. While others were blinded by love, like him, you couldn't be like that — you just didn't understand it, didn't feel like that, and your parents were only afraid that your "defect" in the marriage market would make you lonely for the rest of days.
Theodore, however, did not think so: you were the same age as him, he was childless, unmarried, rich and educated, had an estate with intelligent and trained servants, good sources of income, a lot of free time, did not have the habit of drinking a lot of alcohol or tobacco, — and the fact that you were allegedly "not sensual enough" was, of course, stupidity. He wasn't going to use the fact that you can't pick up a knife to kill an unfaithful spouse! And I wasn't going to cheat! He won't do any harm! Yes, you may be a little... very very little defective-ish, but isn't love blind? He will accept you at any cost, even with such a... 'setback'.
... Of course, it is wrong and even abnormal that you cannot kill someone who is cheating on you, and are not ready to die just to be with someone you love, and that it is wild for you to give up everything for your beloved... But Theodore understands that you are already too perfect, and it's okay to have flaws. He's not thirteen anymore.
As long as this is not passed on to children, everything will be fine, please, don't worry, ma joie, — he gently whispers to you, touching gloved fingers, stroking fingers gently, looking into your very happy face ? — I'll accept you for who you are, even with this. With everything. Because you and I, being whole by ourselves, become more than just "ourselves" together.
And it was true, don't get him wrong! His pedigree was good, he was, uh, "thoroughbred," and his family tree was beautiful, worthy of your hand. Theodore was not self-confident, but he was confident, buying everything you want, not walking through salons and entertainment houses and not being in any dubious circles, his entourage was only intelligent people who had an education and could both write and read, and not in two languages, and there was no one in his circle someone of the same gender, and he wasn't squeamish or suspicious. After all, what else can you worry about? But you were worried. Over time, it's even a little noisy.
You shouted, sometimes threw yourself, behaved strangely, as if he was not a refined learned man who was your shadow and wrote poetry to you, not forcing you to do anything even after your approved marriage, but a brute or an invader. Did he take you away without permission? Perhaps using his status in society to a little and influence your parents with children who have not yet appeared to the beau monde, and used a little influence to convince these people that he will help your siblings in the future to find a better match than they can now count on — but then why does he need it: status, influence, reputation, — if he can't even convince his love to stay with him? Otherwise, you can't blame—
... Oh wait.
You can.
Theodore realizes with annoyance, sitting hs office with a book in hands, writing notes in diary, and adjusts his glasses: he had completely forgotten — you're "not like that." You're different. Your parents told him. You understand love differently, you look at your partner differently, you cannot understand the concept of love itself... Theodore used to think that they just raised you wrong, but now he understands what they meant: that the feelings that ordinary people spend on a partner, you leave inside, letting them accumulate, and when you realize that you can no longer, you emotionally explode and behave as if something is wrong with him or you — it's obvious! You just can't do it any other way! Of course, why else would you be unhappy with your situation? After all, it's natural that your family hardly communicates with you or that you can't spend a lot of time outside the house — everyone lives like that, except the unmarried! You just don't understand it!
Because you are so emotional, so sensitive, so responsive, that, naturally, you need special care and care, and not a sidelong glance from your husband, who behaved so coldly, only supporting, but not helping you in any way! After all, he studied at the best university, was one of the best students, even had an internship and, of course, corresponded with his comrades, learning new ways to deal with diseases and disorders. After all, what kind of "good husband" is he if he can't even help his gentle, easily excitable spouse cope with their, he's not afraid of that word, illness?
You just don't understand...
“... Darling, we need to make one thing.”
You are gentle, soft, not submissive — both in clothes and under them, and although you may consider him a little pathetic when he whispers it to you, burying cold nose in your thigh like a lost dog, but after shouting and throwing things, you are no longer so full of destructive energy. Holding him tightly by the hair, you look down with pursed lips, but do not answer anything — and in expensive clothes, with jewelry, sleek and clearly not deprived of the love and affection of a bohemian husband, you look like a deity that descended from heaven.
Theodore knows that he must decontaminate for sure, but what can a spouse hide from a spouse, right? After all, you are more than a "single whole", especially when he is sitting on his lap, no problem as long as you are sitting on a chair made of your favorite wood, soft and comfortable enough, allowing him to carefully get rid of excess clothes without disgrace, looking at how thin lips touch your skin in a respectfully pious way.
Even your heavy breathing from the outburst of emotions sounds like music that should be played in the church if they want the heavenly ambassadors to descend.
Is he too "sugary"?
No, he's just a realist.
“Darling, please...”
You don't push away even when fingers gently touch your thighs like feathers, just frowning a little harder. But not by pushing it away. You are smart, you always have been, and, of course, you yourself understand that you are sick, and only he, as your husband and doctor, can help you. It's natural. Why do you need another men- or women- another doctor? How dare someone else touch you? Only you can touch him and only he can touch you. He's yours — a husband, a doctor, anyone. As soon as you become healthier, he will definitely be your lover — and maybe one day you will take a child or will he carry it. After all, how dare he sleep with you and use you, so gentle and airy, like a messenger from heaven, while you are so deeply ill, not even really knowing what love is and how to react to it?
“Darling... It's just a little help. Just say the word and we'll stop anytime. I don't want to harm my spouse, you know... Besides, you can always stop me by force.”
You yourself spread your warm, soft, almost plush thighs while he meekly looks up from the bottom, trying to unobtrusively encourage you to let him just look a little. Theodore was not an expert on issues related to sex life or the influence of genitals on human behavior, — although, undoubtedly!, it was important, but he preferred less dirty things, — but now, kneeling in front of you on a soft carpet, stroking your skin, it did not seem something vile or dirty, animal, but for some reason pleasant and... airy-natural; the very sight made him want not to wince and turn away, but not to look away, even when you pull his hair harder, frowning, clearly not too willing to continue this, but it's better than if he drags you to someone else.
You knew yourself that your husband sometimes got too involved with the human body in a not too, uh, "harmless" sense, but it was never dangerous or illegal, unless against the law of god, so you let him correspond with 'friends' and 'colleagues', studying new diseases and learning more about experience and practice. But if you knew that one day you would be the subject of research, you would definitely throw his ink and letters into the fireplace — along with other things.
“Mi único... I want to help... Do you know what hysteria is? This is when a darling behaves very much... emotionally because of the internal tension. And so we have recently come up with a... new way to deal with similar diseases. It can help our marriage... Te quaeso?”
Theodore is not an idiot; rather, he feels like a trainer or a tamer, gently pushing and touching, without making any sudden movements while you look at him, gradually relaxing the tense body, letting his fingers, slightly slippery from oil and disinfectants, touch the delicate skin of the inner thigh, massaging and stroking, not hurrying. He doesn't have much experience — practically none, you never shared a bed even after the "wedding night", — but there is enough theory and ideas how to use it, especially when thin, slightly cool fingers slowly touch the skin under stomach, stroke as lightly as possible along a sensitive line, kissing with warmed lips the skin. If he could, he'd love to just open his mouth and eat you, or at least nibble — but he's not the type who eats his darling and then walks around saddened widowers and widows without the opportunity to remarry, he's a more sophisticated type and definitely not that creepy, even if the way you are you pull his hair as fingers gently circle around, rubbing and stroking, using precum for better contact, makes his eyes water and his mouth open slightly, breathing, feeling too ambiguous even for a "husband", let alone the role of the "doctor" in which he was.
“Please... d-darling...” He chirps something slightly hoarsely, stroking, caressing, breathing every other time, as if you are holding not by the hair, but by the throat; when his fingers tremble slightly, you hiss, making him blush slightly shamefacedly, as if from your swearing, — but he tries not to break the rhythm, ignoring, as befits a refined well-mannered husband. Do well-mannered husbands use their fingers on their spouses? Theodore doesn't have that much experience to respond, especially when you flinch slightly, curling your toes, — and he wants to bite just to remove this strange shameful, almost perverted feeling of a mixture of lust and guilt inside, clearly not too approved by religion, but when you start breathing shallowly and harder, closing your eyes, Theodore moves his fingers faster, watching your face.
Is that right? You don't hold him so tightly, but don't take your hand away, and his fingers are so slippery and wet that he's almost ashamed, as if it's all his juices, and he definitely should at least look away, but this is scientific curiosity, just curiosity, even when he changes his position, sinking lower shamelessly, feeling himself for a moment, it really was some kind of fallen man from entertainment houses, with an implicit gurgling feeling in the lower abdomen, listening only to your breathing and slightly squelching sounds. Theodore hardly breathes, looking at his fingers, trying for a moment to distract himself with the fleeting thought "good that cut nails" — but when your... your bare foot touches his shoulder, it seems so perversely seeing your calves that he does not know where to look — freezing for a moment, his eyes are drawn only to you, even if it looks so... sweetly vulgar, completely wrong, — but you're already married, so it's okay even if you're not like that, right? It's okay when he sees something below your neck and bare arms, it's okay when you squeeze his hair tightly again, it's okay when he hears your hot, loud breathing, as if you're breathing directly into his red ears, although he can't even look up from the way you're holding him.
Your fingers are strong, dexterous, squeezing his strands so hard that he can't move anywhere, but for some reason he is too pleased with this than he should be, even when Theodore feels like you are pushing him even closer shamelessly, as if he is not your, actually, noble and high-minded husband, who is now plays the role of your doctor, helping you with your "hysteria", but some kind of fun boy!
You hiss something, almost growl — and pull too hard, forcing Theodore to briefly let out a distant sigh without resistance — and obediently open his mouth, hastily removing his fingers so as not to interfere before he finds a new, more comfortable place. His eyes are slightly watering from the mild pain, but when he does not see a shadow of the old irritation or anger in your face, he obediently sticks out the tip of his red tongue, not trying to shirk his doctoral duties — or is this already a marital duty? Theodore doesn't know, he's not sure, — especially when you hold him even tighter, not listening to what he says, knowing that if he really was "against it", he would have already got out, and not looked at you like a fawn at a hunter, as if it wasn't because of him that you were here, with legs spread apart and heavy breathing from the heaviness in the lower abdomen.
Is this really what he was taught at university?
A boy for fun.
The corners of your husband's eyes turn red, but he does not try to say anything or justify himself, — why should he? — making inarticulate sounds, but only moving his head, hesitantly holding your hips as much as he could do it respectfully and unobtrusively; after all, he is a learned man, even if he was kneeling like some kind of animal or a slave.
When Theodore awkwardly, clumsily moves his tongue, trying to make sure that you feel good, for some reason the world feels much brighter and sharper, — especially when the heat gets stronger, making you tremble slightly, feeling a wide tongue and thin flexible fingers, as if they are perfect only for this, but there is less air in your lungs than you need to continue dirty deservedly whisper to him how low he has sunk, from his 'writing letters to the best doctors he studied with' to kneeling in front of his spouse.
It's not that you're going to stop him or let him change his position, of course, but just force him to continue doing what he's good for, while he's almost meowing, almost purring, not trying to pull away anymore.
... It's not that he's wrong, though.
You definitely feel better after a little therapy.
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
26 just playing the part — kiss cam !
scaramouche x g!n reader
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The scent of buttered popcorn and the sugar of cotton candy wafted up your nose as you set foot onto the football field. Lumine and Hu Tao were arm in arm ahead of you, running ahead off to eat instead of watch the game.
You, on the other hand, followed behind Aether to the seats. You were about to join him, since Heizou had abandoned you to go sit near Kazuha, but once you caught sight of Xiao you were left by yourself as Aether ran off. He waved you over, offering you to be the third wheel, but you shook your head and awkwardly walked away. You weren’t a big fan of college football anyway, you were only there for Venti and so you and your friends could hang out afterward.
You let yourself walk past the stands, eyeing the snacks available until settling on a bag of popcorn, sliding into line as you rummaged around for your card.
“Hey, what can I get you?” a green-haired girl spoke, voice lacking any care as she asked.
“Just a small popcorn,” you say, watching as she rings you up and gestures for you to move aside to wait for it.
You lean against the counter, about to pull out your phone when the same girl let out a loud laugh.
“Scaramouche! I didn’t expect you to be here!” she giggles, leaning forward on the counter.
You look beside you to see Scaramouche, who was apparently behind you in line, looking disinterested as he tried to avert eye contact with her.
“Can I get a popcorn?” he sighs, waving around his card.
“If I can get your number,” she hums, stifling a giggle. You want to look away but it’s too intriguing to watch. It makes you feel funny.
“Popcorn,” Scaramouche repeats, raising a brow at her, completely disregarding her advances.
“I’m Haypasia, by the way,” she says, taking his card and slowly ringing him up, “I sit near you in English.”
“No offense, but I do not care,” Scaramouche mutters, snatching his card from her and making his way towards you. You try to turn around but he’s already caught sight of you.
“Hey,” he greets, leaning against the counter next to you, “Don’t tell me you like football.”
“No,” you answer, giving up on trying to hide from him, “Came with my friends but they all ran off with their partners,” you sigh, grabbing the popcorn you ordered, wincing at the glare Haypasia sent your way, “Do you know her?”
“Who?” he repeats, grabbing his own bag, though slightly tugging on it since the green-haired girl wouldn’t let go, “Oh, not at all.” he answers, following beside you as you leave the food stand.
“Does that happen often?” you question, bringing a mouthful of popcorn to your lips.
“Yeah, pretty annoying being this desired,” he smirks, “You can’t relate, can you?”
“Shut up,” you counter, “Where are you sitting?”
He points to the lower stands, “Childe got me good seats when I would rather hide in the back.”
“Can I sit with you?” you ask, you’d rather sit with someone you knew then alone in the stands, surrounded by people in pairs.
“I thought that was assumed,” he scoffs, grabbing you by the back of your top and holding onto you as he directs you through the crowd so he doesn’t lose track of you, “Otherwise I would’ve pretended I didn’t see you.”
He led you to the decent seats, more or less. As decent as any sticky seat would be at a college football game.
Scaramouche settled into the seat beside you, letting you in first before plopping down himself. You busied yourself with your popcorn as Scara scoured the field for the only head of ginger hair, which was currently doing cartwheels on one end of the field.
During the first half of the game you really tried to pay attention, but the commercials on the big screen seemed more interesting and playing 8 ball on your phone with Scaramouche was much more enjoyable.
During half time, you look over to see a group of boys smacking each other and pointing at the scoreboard. There had previously been an ad for Ei’s new fashion line and interviews with some of the players on the team, but now it was a shot of the stands.
A bright pink heart border appeared on the screen.
A kiss cam, you hadn’t expected one to show up during a college football game. But it was cute.
It landed on a middle aged couple, the male kissing the woman on the cheek before getting playfully slapped on the arm, her face looking happy. The camera moved to a pair of young girls, who gave each other a kiss on the cheek while giggling hysterically.
“That’s cute,” you smile, staring up at the screen.
Scaramouche shrugs beside you, “Unless you’re next to someone you don’t want to kiss.”
The camera flicked to a pair of teenagers, blushing a bright bloom of red before shyly pecking each other on the lips. A pair of men who kissed happily. A couple where the woman flashed her ring to the screen before grabbing her wife’s face and pulling her into a kiss. And then, Scaramouche and you.
“This can’t be happening,” you mutter, mouth open and hand halfway to your mouth that was full of popcorn.
Scaramouche looks up from his phone and at the screen, pale cheeks dusted pink at the implication.
You immediately start shaking his head, not wanting to make him even uncomfortable after his confession.
“Oh, for fucks sake.”
Much to your surprise, he lets out a quiet string of curses before you feel a hand gently touch you cheek and guide your face towards his. Scara’s lips pressed against yours, tasting like salt and butter, rough and awkward. You couldn’t tell who pulled back, but when you both eventually did the kiss cam had already found its next victim.
The crowd near you let out wolf whistles and cat calls. Scaramouche went back to his phone, thumbing through it once again and falling back into his usual self as if they hadn’t just kissed in front of thousands of people. As though this was something normal for the two of you.
Another three to four couples appeared on the screen until it was focused back onto the game. It was rather anticlimactic, but your hands were sweaty and your cheeks felt heated. You glance to your side to see Scaramouche texting someone, disregarding what occured moments before.
You weren’t quite sure what happened, but your lips still tasted like salted butter.
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just playing the part !
masterlist — prev | next
used the wrong xiao account sorry 😭 it says emo but still fits
added more hutaoxlumine crumbs for that one anon
synopsis: you and scaramouche are both drama majors and have been at each other’s throats vying for the same lead roles since high school. but when you’re both cast as each other’s love interest in your second year you’re forced to be civil with your academic rival and see him in a new light. are his feelings for you true or is he just playing the part?
taglist—CLOSED: @monochromaticelliot @kaedear @stxrgxzxr @shirmxie @elakari @lacy-lady @linn-a-a @one-offmind @kithewanderingme @quepasoash @leathernourishingshoepolish @mangobee @lxry-chxn @dameofthorns @scarasaver @kythe1a @elysiasbae @hikaru-exe @tokkishouse @raiihoshii @cherrybeomgyu @kunikuzushiit @thenightsflower @lilneps @goodthingimsam @lovelyiez @euhla @beriiov @abvolat @kittycasie @b0bafl0wer @bubblyclouds @atlatcaheart @artssleepy @baelloraa @tartagli-yuh @satowaluverr @hangesextra @scaranaris-lil-niko @caffinatedcoma @wheneverthesunrise @hajimeseyo @itsyourgirlria @hyunrei @redactedhimbo @caliginous-skies @vinskyspuff @miissfortune @criminalinthemaking @scaramouches-girlfriend [1/3]
author’s notes: being sick is shit but even worse when u have a lab tomr 🫡 this chapter was gonna be longer but i’m splitting it into two so u gotta wait
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lemon-muncher · 2 years
Yooo, its Aly. I have a request for you .
Can you do Sub!Bakugo and Sub!Kirishima getting pegged/ fucked by GN! OR Male!Reader it can be separate or a threesome does not matter to me <3!
TY, AstonomicalAlyy 💫.
I saw this and got super excited. I'm gonna do this one in the style of a headcanon post cause I wanna do both Kirishima and Bakugou separate and together. Anyways, enjoy! Oh, I tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible...
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Katsuki Bakugou
-One word: Slut
-Katsuki Bakugou is an absolute slut for anal play. It confuses you, and him. Something so vulnerable with his head strong personality just mix ... and you suck it up ;]
-Despite stating he's the dominant one in the relationship, he's very submissive when being fucked. He's a sucker for good old fashion doggy style. He wants you fast and deep inside of him, rearranging his guts in all the best ways.
-Starts off with heavy groans (he's trying to hold on to his dignity) by the time you replace your fingers with your cock, those groans turn into high pitched screams. Sometimes you think he's chanting in an ancient language from his incoherent whines
-If you're feeling generous or just want to hear his pretty crys and don't feel like gaging him, he will somehow get his spit everywhere. You can't tell me when he's fucked out of his mind that he doesn't drool. (Definitely inspired you to dress him up as a dog... you pervert;] ) Yeah, there's always huge pools of saliva left on your sheets afterwards
-I know I call you guys perverts but HIM?!?!?! He is the kinkiest mofo, besides Denki Kaminari, to exist. He's definitely had fantasy of you fucking him stupid infront of Midoriya to prove he has you all to himself. Yeah... you've probably thought of it to
Eijiro Kirishima
-Resident good boy
-He's a big guy, that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be treated like he's made of glass. Such a pretty pillow prince
-Needs to be soft dommed. You would probably have to take up the role of a service dom because as a sub, Ei is just kinda useless... He's sensitive, so after an orgasm or two his body and brain have no energy.
-Prefers to be fucked slow but hard and deep. Even though he's practically unbreakable due to his quirk, a few deep thrusts into him and he feels like you reached his throat. He wants to break from the feeling.
-A fan of being able to look at you while having sex. He finds it more romantic:>
-His moans.... AHHHHHHHHH they're so pretty. His moans come from the bottom of his throat, they're long and sultry. Just hearing them makes you throb a little.
-Definitely the type to be a silent screamer when you finally hit his prostate head on. His head falls to the pillows under his head and his large hands reach out to hold on to you. Has definitely accidentally activated his quirk from this at least once.
-Call him a good boy. He thrives off of praise inside and outside of the bedroom. He needs to know he's doing a good job, he'll cry without it....
Katsuki + Eijiro
-A worshiper and a brat..... oh boy
-Bless your soul for having to deal with them. You have to be a service dom and a brat tamer at the same time. It's exhausting but it's worth it to see your boys satisfied.
-They both are attention whores, they want you to look at them and only one of them. Eijiro turns into a brat and Katsuki...he just gets worse. Eijiro will start to act out so you can shift your attention towards him, even if for a second. Katsuki becomes a nuisance, he'll rile you up around his friends only to ignore you the second you decide to indulge into his games.
-Most if the time, you usually end up having Eijirou in a full nelson, his feet close to his head as you pound into him. He'll be gaged as punishment for acting out. Edge him for hours and when you think he's had enough, immediately go into overestimating him. Milk him of 3 or 4 orgasms. He wants you to stop but also to keep going. He just wants to feel you.
-As you edge/overstim Ei, Katsuki will be restrained to your bed post with a sounding rod in his cock. He is also gaged but can hear and see everything. You leave him there to watch the two people he care about satisfy each other without him. It definitely turns him on but makes him lonely as well. Once Eijiro is too fucked up to comprehend anything, you move to Katsuki.
-The second you unchain him, he'll start sobbing, telling you how sorry he is for misbehaving. After a stern look, he'll think of every way to praise you. His mind will probably go to trying to suck you off but you have other plans.
-Put him in a headlock and fuck the shit out of him! Be as rough as you want. Pull his hair, force your finger down his throat, smack him like a common whore. He loves it. His eyes will roll to the back of his head in no time and drool will fall from his lips.
-He thanks you..... HE THANKS YOU LIKE A GOD ....I love it
- After a few rounds, Katsuki will collapse next to Eijiro, both of them having sheepish grins on their fucked out faces. All you can do is stare in exhaustion at the sight. It really is beautiful
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Yes....just yes
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ponett · 2 months
curious your opinion on this, since I always have a hard time deciding;
when the new transformers movie comes out, or really any animated movie in general, would you like to see them in theaters? or wait for it to stream?
I think it would be cool and exciting to see it loud and on the big screen, but I recognize that like. the is a series primarily targeted at children and this one is particular had trailers with all the usual "get kids in seats" kind of lines and tones. Not that the movie will follow that vibe to a T! but it's gunning for that crowd. And I think as an adult, I'd personally be a little overwhelmed in a theater with lots of kids. so I'll probably wait a while for it. or... you know 🦜🏴‍☠️⛵️
Honestly these days I only end up seeing one or two movies in theaters a year tops. (I have nothing against piracy for big studio stuff, but I'd rather not watch a shitty camrip.) This is due to a variety of factors, mainly the fact that I don't have a car and the fact that I'm dating someone who doesn't really care about seeing stuff in theaters that often. I feel weird Ubering to the theater to watch a movie alone. This is a me problem, I know. But it needs to be something I just HAVE to see ASAP for me to bother. In practice this has primarily meant the Sonic films because, you know, I have to post my takes to TKP in a timely fashion. The odds of me seeing Transformers One in theaters are therefore pretty low by default. I saw Bumblebee in theaters, but not Rise of the Beasts
Anyway, yeah, theater crowds can be a pain. Obviously I'm not bothered that children are going to be going to see a movie that was marketed towards them, be it an animated kids' movie or a Star War or whatever, but nobody likes being in a theater with crying toddlers and parents who doesn't know how to calm them down. Though honestly my bigger worry with some animated movies are the adult fans being obnoxious. This is why I never went and saw any of the MLP movies with theatrical runs when they were in theaters. Thankfully I didn't experience anything like that with Sonic 1 or 2 lol. I had that sweet spot where the kids were chill and the adult fans reacted to stuff but weren't shouting meme references or whatever
Really though, if you wanna avoid a theater jam packed full of rowdy kids, the answer is just to wait a week or two after release and go to a screening that's either 1) late at night or 2) early in the day on a school day. That usually works pretty well. And if you wanna see it, you should see it
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stxrmxtsu · 1 year
Hi sweety May I've popular fem reader x Matsuno brothers . Like some scenarios of their dating with fem reader.
yup yup!!
i’m so pissed, i had something ready and it didn’t fucking save i’m gonna-
anyway. this isn’t my proudest work due to me not knowing what its like to be popular but, uhh hope this is still to your liking!
tag(s): fem reader, popular!reader, fashionable reader,
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SHIIIIITTT SIGN HIM UP. your look, your outfits, your willingness to be his girlfriend-
no but seriously, osomatsu LOVES you so so much
i think he definitely overthinks about it though :(
like, he loves you and he wants you to be happy and all that stuff, but there’s still this thought of “why is she dating…me? of all people?” that lingers and clouds his mind. the days where he’s like that, you go out of your way to rid him of those feelings because you love him with all of your heart, popular or not. and your reassurance definitely helps him out! which he will always be grateful for.
otherwise, he shows you OFF. at every opportunity, he will always be like “yeah. look at her, that’s MY girlfriend”, “see that gorgeous girl over there? yeah. that’s my GIRLFRIEND”, etc.
sometimes you have to shut him up because, WE GET IT OSOMATSU but you love it (don’t lie)
ohhh but when he took you to meet his family….
left, right, center, he was RUBBING IT IN HIS BROTHERS FACES.
he had his arm wrapped around you and when he thought you weren’t looking, he made mocking faces at his brothers because LOOK AT WHAT HE SCORED GUYS!
i think he’d be slightly intimidated. ‘course he’ll do his usual ‘sweet romancing’ karamatsu thing to woo you, but other than that, he’d be all nervous. i mean not as nervous as choromatsu, but…nervous.
when you two get together though, those nerves definitely subside and go away! he loves you with every fiber of his being! he definitely tries to make a good impression around your many friends and of course, they all approve! at first it was questionable but his antics and romantic gestures showed them that he means well!
one thing i think he ADORES though, are your outfits.
he tries to match your style but sometimes it doesn’t work in his favor lol
nervous and slightly envious. but mostly nervous.
you know that one episode in s3 where he talks about people being ‘sparkly’? k, take that and apply it to here.
your ‘sparkle’ is something he wishes he could achieve but the difference with that is the fact that he’s actually AWARE that he wouldn’t 1. be you and 2. be WITH you.
but then you asked him out and told him you liked him.
great, now he’s just nervous, look what you did!
anyway, besides the silliness and nerves and all that, choromatsu ADORES you. every fiber of his being and everything he does is dedicated to you. he’s out of a job and basically lounges around all day, so that boy has his entire life revolved around you.
i mean sure, your outfits and the amount of friends you have aren’t something he’s used to being around or seeing, but he loves all of that for you! he’s your number one fan, after all!
ichi was terrified of you when you guys first met. he literally steered away from you and tried avoiding you at all costs.
the way you just…shined. it kinda freaked him out…
but i guess it was admirable in some kind of way for him because that’s something he just wishes he could be.
when you guys DO get together by SOME miracle, he’s still a tad bit scared but not as much as he was before!
his logic was literally: ‘if she loves me at my worst, then that means i have no reason to be scared of her! omg big brain’ (like common sense ichi, cmon now)
anyway, dating ichimatsu was easy but there are times where it’s a little hard.
see, take osomatsu’s insecurities and double it. and make it happen often.
ichimatsu KNOWS his place in the world and hates the way he is.
but, the light in his life (you), makes him forget about all of that nonsense and he will be eternally grateful for having you around. you’re like.. his balance. you know?
ichi loves you <3
excited to be around you. then again, jyushimatsu’s excited to be around ANYONE.
he likes when you smile at your friends and have a good time, and your friends LOVE jyushi! they love how silly he is and how lively he can make things when you guys are out.
jyushi’s happy that you’re happy and popular or not, your happiness comes first!!
no i’m kidding.
but seriously, he soaks it UP when people notice that you now have a boyfriend (him) and they start talking to him.
speaking of friends, todomatsu filters out your friends list. what does that mean you may ask? well, first of all, he’s a neet. meaning he has time on his hands.
so initially, what he’ll do is sit comfortably somewhere, get some tea or some coffee, and go through your friends’ list to see if they’re fake or not and literally block and report them.
and you LET HIM.
you have full trust in totty so you guys know each other’s passwords and stuff, but…you just let him.
when you found out though, you questioned why and he literally went “i want what’s best for you” and gave you a sweet kiss. so there’s that.
also at first, he tried SO HARD to get your friends’ approval and such but you reassured him to just be himself and it paid off!
sometimes, he’ll feel bad because he feels like he’s just taking advantage of your popularity so he makes sure you feel extra loved when you guys have your days where it’s just you two at home and you don’t feel like going out.
and that’s that my friend! sorry it took so long to get this out but i hope it was worth the wait!
peace and love,
jarvis ❤️
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dum1s-writings · 2 years
Well, hello! It's nice to see an active total drama writer in here! I love this show so much and the fandom is like dead 💀
So, I had this idea...
It could be headcanons or a fic/one-shot, whatever you feel like the most!
But, what about the reaction to the TDWT crew to Chris bringing his niece with him?? Like, the reader is just a sweet 19 y/o teenager who looks for their safety and actually cares about them??? (Total contrary to his uncle lmao).
It doesn't have to be with one character specifically, most like how they would react overall to the reader wanting to protect them from Chris (AND PLEASE MAKE THE READER PROTECT CODY FROM SIERRA I BEG U)
Anyways, have a nice day!!! <3
~~~The Nice McLean~~~
I fucking love Total Drama!! I firmly believe Leshawna should've won the first season. I'll try to add my least favorite characters from World Tour to avoid being biased.
Warnings: Chris McLean, Sierra's stalker behavior, attempted manipulation from Alejandro, Duncan being kind of an ass, does Cody being a crybaby count? I'm making it count.
Pronouns: They/Them
"Alright contestants I have another surprise for you." Chris looked at the tired teens. From behind Chef came another teen. They smiled and waved to the other teens.
"Another contestant?" A few questioned simultaneously.
"Oh hell no. Their mother would kill me." Chris slung his arm around them and tugged them close. "This here is -Y/N- McLean, my nibling."
"Heya," their smile got bigger "I hope we can get along."
Everyone was too shocked to speak for a moment. Sierra was trying so hard not to flip her shit. Chris McLean's nibling was actually in front of her.
"So you're related to Chris?" Harold finally asked.
"Yeah. My mom is his sister." -Y/N- answered truthfully.
"Think of -Y/N- as a co-host. Another Chris of sorts." The older man smirked. "They'll keep an eye on you famous wannabes while I can't."
First of all we'll get the obvious out of the way, the cast fucking love you, after getting to know you. Obviously at first learning you're related to the devil host, Chris McLean, they immediately thought this season would be twice as torturous. But give them a couple of days or weeks and most of them would willingly jump from the plane for you. The others may take some time.
I'll start with the ones that take no time in becoming your fans:
Cody: for him the moment he saw you give a genuine smile was when he trusted you. Having dealt with Chris's shit for so long made him aware of a real and fake smile. Also when you demand Sierra leave him alone? Oh yeah he likes you even more now. Expect a lot of clinging, as much as he can, crying for one reason or another mostly Sierra and excessive praise for the small things.
Lindsay: my sweetheart, so pretty so.....not traditionally smart. She saw you looking super nice in your outfit and that was it. Anyone with fashion choices as good as yours are definitely trustworthy. Please become shopping buddies after the show is over.
Owen: this big lug. He really tries to see the good in everyone. More often than not he's wrong. But he's genuinely happy he's right about you.
Sierra: she knew about you before anyone else. Obviously she's going to trust you from the get go. You're related to THE Chris McLean. That trust may or may not waver...TBD. Either way watch yourself around her. Keep a close eye on your belongings.
The neutral ones who need a bit more time are:
Noah: he just doesn't trust easily. Take no offense to it. I think only Owen was lucky enough, being an actual giant ball of sunshine and stupidity. Perhaps if you sneak him some Noah-Safe food he'll trust you faster.
Gwen: poor girl has been scorned by the world so often. It's left her with a few trust issues. Maybe stick up for her and watch some good horror movies together. Reassurance is the key, she was painted as a bad guy from the beginning. Let her know she's more than that and it's okay to admit she did wrong. Help her move past that.
Leshawna: this bad bitch (lovingly) knows her worth. She wants to make sure others know it as well. Don't talk down to her and hype up her plans and ideas and she'll consider you worth her time and respect. Also keep Alejandro away from her. Please. My queen deserves better.
DJ: he's a softie and a Mama's boy. He does want to trust you. But after his failed restaurant with his Mama it might take some time. People in power never helped him or his Mama. In fact he wonders if they were sabotaged. Help him find ways to "reverse his curse" and he'll definitely trust you, also maybe offer his Mama a job as a chef, especially if it's a higher position in a private kitchen.
The ones who just straight up dislike you and take a long time to like you are:
Alejandro: his family caused him so much trauma. He doesn't trust ANYONE. He may act like it, nodding to your advice and being nice. But alas tis all a front. He's really just waiting for the perfect moment to betray you. When that time comes and goes and you're still nice to him? Yeah....you may have started chipping away at his walls.
Heather: the queen bee. The head of every group project. Highschool taught her to look out for herself. So did the first two seasons of Total Drama. She'll bitch at you and talk shit about you "behind" your back. Just brush it off and continue being nice and you'll win her over, eventually.
Courtney: the Type A Psychotic Crazies and debate team caused Courtney to believe only Courtney can help Courtney. She'll refuse to trust you and judges those who do. In fact it's not until she's kicked off will she finally trust you. Maybe meet up after the show and talk to her, she'll apologize to you and own up to her wrongdoings.
Duncan: the runaway delinquent. The hardass he is doesn't trust you, purely because of your last name. Chris ruined his life, more than he himself could have. Being stalked no matter where he went for 2 years put him on edge. Abolish Chris's stupid "must always sing" rule and his opinion on you might change.
Hopefully this works. I didn't know what to do for most of it. I was winging it big time.
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starstriix · 7 months
Big post explaining every little detail of the ROTI pony designs because I put thought into it okay
*You can find the pony designs here and here!!
Starting off with the Mutant Maggots:
Cameron! I decided to make him a unicorn since they tend to be more academic and yeah that’s mainly it lmao. I can imagine him not being allowed to properly use his magic which makes him weaker since he isn’t trained enough in that aspect. His cutie mark is a magnifying glass to represent his curious and analytical nature, and the glass part looks like a bubble because he’s a bubble boy!! Magnifying glasses are also close in shape to bubble wands. Idk i thought that was a neat detail that combined two aspects of his character into one.
For Zoey, I just really felt like she’d be a pegasus. It makes her commando zoey side work really well, too. Her cutie mark was quite difficult to think of, but I view her as kind and emotional so it’s a heart to represent that (and she values her romantic relationships a lot). It’s also red and blue to kinda represent her and mike tbh since a LOT of her character was related to mike anyways, with a stitch pattern since she does sewing and it tied the design together.
Jo is a pegasus for obvious reasons. I’ve seen takes on her just being a really strong earth pony but one of her biggest strengths is actually her speed (if anything, I think eva would be a really strong earth pony). Since she does track and field, I’d consider that to be equivalent to flying in the mlp world. Also she’s basically a twisted version of rainbow dash like cmon. Since I’m a big jo fan (if you didn’t know already) I put a lot of thought into her cutie mark. It’s a gold medal to represent her competitive drive, with a spiky trail to allude to her speed and aggression. The medal itself is cracked which can mean 1) Her harmful “take-no-prisoners” methods to reach her goals and 2) Her insecurities that seep through sometimes.
With Mike, I honestly just thought an earth pony would fit him best. I don’t know how to put the reason into words. I’ve already answered why I made him a blank flank before (I use the #revenge is magic tag on the posts where i talk about this au). Originally it was because i couldn’t find anything for mike himself and I didn’t want it to relate to his disorder, but now it has proper backstory reasons since it made sense the more I thought about it!
I made Anne Maria a unicorn since she’s pretty beauty oriented and I can imagine her using magic to carry her spray bottle around. With magic, she can stay lazy lmao. I kinda wish I went for a different approach with her cutie mark to show her flashiness and “class”, but the spray bottle seemed pretty specific to her anyways. And I just liked how I drew the cutie mark.
Brick, the athletic earth pony of the cast!! I consider him pretty built and physical strength-focused, so I thought an earth pony would fit really well with him. Plus Jo can tease him for not being able to fly and catch up with her. His cutie mark has a neat little detail: It’s a star symbol with army colours to represent him being a cadet (obviously), with a ribbon that looks decorative but actually alludes to his love of fashion. I actually designed this cutie mark a while ago, I just changed it up a tiny bit.
And now for the Toxic Rats:
Lightning’s design is super straight forward. He’s a pegasus since he’s a super jock and his name also happens to follow the pegasus naming conventions (being named after sky related things). I can’t NOT make him a pegasus. His cutie mark is pretty simple too: It’s a football with a lightning bolt trail since he’s a star football player and he has a lightning motif.
Scott is an earth pony because he literally grew up on a dirt farm. How can I not make him an earth pony?? His cutie mark is one of my favourite concepts tbh (thanks @brookiidookiii ) because it’s deceptive in itself. Because it’s a pitchfork, he plays it off as him having a talent for farming, but it really hints to his devious and scheming nature. Since pitchforks are usually symbolic of the devil and yeah. I might redesign the pitchfork a bit idk but I still really like the idea itself
I’ve already explained why I made Sam a pegasus in the design posts, plus a friend said he’d have the wing equivalent of his gamer thumb and i thought that’d be really funny. His cutie mark is super straight forward as well, it’s just a video game controller because…he’s a gamer!! Wow!!
Dawn is so unicorn to me, she has a connection with nature and literal powers in canon. And she also follows unicorn naming conventions!! (Being related to astronomy such as twilight, sunset, starlight, luna etc). Her cutie mark is an eye to represent her ability to see people’s auras, with a crescent moon inside because she’s spiritual and a moonchild and all that. With some sparkles for good measure.
B!!! He’s inspired by that scrapped inventor twilight concept. I thought an earth pony inventor would be really fun since he wouldn’t have magic to make things easier for himself, but he’s super smart and finds ways around that. That’s what engineering is, really (lmao). His cutie mark is also straight forward: a wrench and a cog to represent his engineering abilities, as well as his cognitive thinking and smarts!
Dakota is a unicorn since they’re usually represented to be a high class and she’s a literal rich celebrity! Also tall unicorns yay! I’ve stated this before but her cutie mark was originally meant to be a camera but I just really didn’t like how it looked on her. I made it a star because well, she IS a star, with an added lipstick mark because that’s so her.
Staciiii, staci could’ve also fit as a unicorn in my mind but idk I made her an earth pony since she felt like one. I had a hard time designing her cutie mark in paticular, I considered it making it sorta tree-like as a reference to her family tree, or I could’ve made it about lying since she does that a lot. Except she’s not that great at lying but she DOES speak a lot, so I made a speech bubble her cutie mark! The bumpy cloud pattern thing is a leftover from when i tried to make it more treelike (and i guess it does look like a stylized tree) or you can interpret it as her lies clouding her words idk.
Extra note:
The cast is super balanced in species!! There are two unicorns, two pegasi and two earth ponies on each team (If I don’t count staci since she was just made to be a first boot) and I thought that was a fair way to split the teams in universe. For things like the rock climbing challenge, the use of wings or magic would obviously not be permitted.
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edeadinside · 5 months
public service announcement
Hello, gamers. It is I, the number one fan of random JRWI npcs that show up for ten minutes and then fuck off into the void forever! And today’s underappreciated jrwi character is: Rebecca! No. No, not the blood in the bayou character. That would be far too correct of me. I’m talkin’ Riptide, babes! Episode 66! A Grimm Murder Mystery. Comb through your brain, dear reader. Past all the hot topic fashion (yeah) and sapphic vampire romance (HELL YEAH) and absolutely bangin’ ambience to that one girl. Remember her? She was a lil’ merchant gal with big round glasses and a general swagless aura. Did she have some rock bottom standards to dance with Chip of all people? Of course. Did she get murdered brutally about 5 minutes into her existence? Absolutely. BUT! guys she was so damn nice i really really liked a whole bunch i don’t know where this is going
Anyways! When she wakes back up after Chip makes his wish? Holy shit. That right there, is some tasty slop. Her ass got resurrected. And good on Grizzly for not making her be all like “Oh fuck cool thanks man” and making her rightfully mortally terrified. She went to the first fancy party of her goddamn life and danced with the 19-time-winner of the ‘Least likely to take a goddamn shower’ award and got fucking murdered. And then basically got told that the one guy she danced with at this party was just a bitch ass liar. And then she was like all “Hey! Can I talk to you after this?” And Chip, who is so goddamn allergic to women, fucking forgot to talk to her. No closure, no peace for my main girl. Is this a dumb post? Yes. Is this an ultimately unimportant NPC? Yes. But please, go out into the world and give my girl some love. Watch the episodes. Write a fanfiction or something. Hell, even just occasionally think about her and tell me about it. Noctius was a damn good arc. And I think it shows that even one of its less popular characters was able to stick in my mind that much. So yeah! rewatch the Noctius arc and shout out to rebecca for being the greatest. peace and love
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blarrghe · 3 months
I made my partner watch the dragon age gameplay yesterday. They're a fan but not nearly as dragon age pilled as the rest of us, and it's been a long time since they beat DA:I when it came out (on our shitty tube tv and a PS3). They couldn't read all the tiny lore text on our shitty tube tv and never played Trespasser. They have been replaying it lately but not in any concentrated way and they still haven't played trespasser.
And their first comment was: wait. so this is the same problem as in Inquisition? So we basically failed?
And I was like. Yeah. I mean. Basically. It's a new problem out of the old problem but...
and they were like. ok but basics like. there's a bunch of rifts in the sky and demons coming down. that was what we had to deal with before too, right?
So I was like well, yes, keep watching tho. But also good note, because this intro sequence parallels the Inquisition one in a lot of ways. (Cue pride demon fight).
And we started pointing out all the other similarities. Like. Ok, accidentally stopping Solas' ritual creates a new problem of giant sinister creatures coming out of the fade (which is also how we got saddled with Corypheus, now there's just two of them). The thing where in the opening fight you hear voices talking in the background, and even if you can make out the snippets of what's being said it wasn't until later in the game that you got your memories back and understood the significance. I think that's back. The conversation Varric is having with Solas while you run over to the pillar? "this is beyond your comprehension!" we'll get context on that in a mid-game mission mark my words.
And stopping the ritual didn't exactly fix the sky, either, by the looks of it. So is it just left like that? Does rook have to close rifts and fight demons on top of dealing with domination-hungry ancient gods? (can they close rifts? maybe they steal Solas' dagger as some people have theorized and use that?)
So the next comment from my partner was like: could Inquisition just have been a prologue to this?
And I was like. Well. It IS. But they meant like, could you truncate Inquisition and do it as a shorter actually-prologue-sized prologue to this game, and I think that's maybe the point. There were a lot of complaints about DA:I being too big for its plot. The first open-world in the series, and it was full of repetitive junk quests and decisions that felt ineffective. If you stripped it down to core elements and re-did it in the "tighter" fashion that DA:V claims to be taking, yeah, you could have a pretty tight prologue. Trespasser is this, and absolutely a prologue to Veilguard more than it even is an epilogue to Inquisition.
Anyway the way the intro runs so parallel with Inquisition is obviously on purpose. The way that all of the player feedback seems to have been taken so seriously and incorporated into Vielguard, like a direct response to "we see what you liked about Inquisition and what you didn't so we're trying again with that in mind" is super clear. It's Inquistion 2: You Get To Be Actually Effective This Time.
But the question remains: Could one thing in this fucking world just stay fixed?
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batunatu · 3 months
Hi!! I know you as THE Radar fan and take everything you say as canon /j lol. I DO however, love your Radar headcanons and think you understand his character really well!! I wanted to ask if you have any really specific headcanons for Radar!! I also wanna know if you think Radar is nearsighted or farsighted!! ((゚□゚))
WOAH, they haven't called me that for a while, since the end of 2021 my "obsession" or "hyperfixation" persists on the radar (idk if I should call it that because idk if i'm neurodivergent or neurotypical but i live overthinking about my nerves like that huhhh it's beside the point) BUT YES, i was in a big obsession with aidesse (ohno) and aiden and blaze rods in general, i think i started to get bored w aiden when i gave more attention to radar because i liked a little the concept of radesse so i started to get very fond of it , identify myself w him and draw him religiously lol(?, that's how i created the perfect formula for chaos and when i started to pay a lot of attention to radesse, BOOOMMM, brainrot.
from my abandoned channel on youtube to my now tragically paused tiktok account, they always recognized me as the radar fan and since i was very interested i was always very defensive with his hc being a minor EWWW, i was in several debates when there was a considerable amount people if it's not that EVERYONE hated radesse because of the popularization of that hc. so yeah lol i became the radesse/radar CEO or "that radesse artist" on tiktok, sorry for the infodumping lmfao
anyway, my mistake is that i never write down my hcs so I'll try to improvise a little HMMM
first of all, PRIDE MONTH, so radar is a bi boy, i always saw him preferring boys (and huhh how do i say this without sounding weird... older women-) and i had a couple of ideas of him only having ex-boyfriends. so radar would be like achillean if he wasn't with f!jesse i guess?
and i think this is self-projection but i like to believe that he falls under the enby umbrella so i like that he is boyflux with he/him pronouns because i am girlflux and there is not much visibility of this micro label. i love to think that he looks androgynous so he loves this thing of wearing and styilizing clothes, let's say that sometimes he looks like that softboy/dark academy mf you would see in a wattpad story and sometimes he experiments with fashion, although he doesn't seem like he is a boy who loves to show off branded clothes so he is a gucci boy ( or well, this brand reflects very well the type of clothing i see radar wearing)
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and i like to think that sometimes he wears baggy clothes and then shows off his figure, he is very versatile and let's say that soft colors and color palettes are his thing, he is an organizing boy, perhaps a perfectionist.
WOAH, let's continue
well, before eric confirmed that radar was asian, i had a hc that he was peruvian or chilean or latino in general. at first i also had a hc of him being from malaysia but then it convinced me that he was filipino, i heard that the culture of that country is similar to that of latin america. that doesn't mean that i often draw radar being argentine or practicing the argentine gaucho culture, but nahh, he is 100% filipino.
Well, I LIKE THIS HC, IT IS VERY RECENT AND WAS MADE FOR THE LAPIS AU but i made up a last name for him because i don't like giving him yuri lowhental's last name lol, his last name is benitoite, it is a precious gem since i have the idea that in the universe of mcsm it is common for people to have last names by precious gems etc (? also, lapis lazuli and benitoite look similar so it is perfect for me.
i feel like ray sees jack as a father figure or well, jack sees radar as a son along with petra and they both got used to that type of relationship, aww
radar in terms of musical tastes, he is like emmett from lego movie, he listens to and loves commercial music, i think that google corporate music. although, he likes city pop, a bit of 2010's pop, shibuya kei: gorillaz, fantastic plastic machine, CAPSULE, miranda bc why not, pizzicato five, glass animals, patrick watson, tally hall, lemon demon, blur, lady gaga
yum here's the playlist
OHH AND THE NOW NOW IS HIS ALBUM, each song reminds me a lot of radar, especially humility, tranz, fireflies, kansas, souk eye, ALL OF THEM, EVERY SONG ON THAT DAMN ALBUM IS FOR RADAR.
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ok soo tumblr hates so it wont let my copypaste augh
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my poor guy
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huh, and thanks to the headcanon of my dear mootie mksbigg3stfan ;33 radar would be farsighted for me, that scene when his glasses break and he asks Jesse if they were there when he is 1 meter away from them, lol, and well, i have problems- HE'S GOING TO HAVE HIS EXERCISE ROUTINES AND HE'S GOING TO BECOME AN ATHLETIC DAD dammnnn
yumyum see ya later YEEEEE I LOVE THIS
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 5 months
was good of you to point out that bey and other big name celebrities are also not without flaws and are silent and complicit re: big issues. bey’s silence is also in stark contrast with what she but yeah when it comes to artistry taylor is nowhere near them. she doesnt risk or experiment because she knows her parasocial fans will throw money at her anyway. there’s a fashion youtuber i love who always says ‘if you’re obscenely rich the least you can do is stunt serve and slay’ and boy is taylor swift allergic to slaying or taking risks both in terms of visuals and sonically. its all safe and and palatable to appeal to as many people as possible. sure her quirky little easter eggs or whatever are cute at the first glance but then you actually look into those and there is not mystery or actual secrets to unfold. its the same masturbatory stuff as always: me me me look at me i am a victim look at all the men who wronged me look here is number 13. what a mastermind lmao
i just wanna say all you anons are so smart and gorgeous and thank you guys for blessing my inbox with your awesome analyses of this wretched bitch
yeah i didnt want my account to devolve into “oh im a ts anti bc im an x stan!!” cause its simply not true. im going to hold space and curse taylor tf out for her and her fans wild antiblackness to other black artists but it doesn’t mean those other artists r immune to criticism esp when it comes to their politics/branding.
no she is SOOOOOO BORING!!! in her mission to be as palatable as possible she absolutely gives and serves NOTHING!!! she really takes advantage of the fact that her fans literary analysis peaked in their HS honors english class to drop these “clues” and “secret messages” lol.
also the number 13 thing is so annoying 😭 i hope her 13th album is the one that takes her down for good. we’re currently at #11
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silvernmoonlace · 5 months
I belive Nuru dress is supposed to be disney logic princess where they do these crazy things with long dresses and makeup and still look as good as before lmao.
I will say that it always bothered me how Nuru dress looks cause I absolutely love historic accurate clothing.
But Tangled is definitely not historical accurate in anyway shape or form. One of the developers(of the series) said that it was in set in 1400-1600. However, most fans have agreed that it's more likely around 1750-1850.
[responding paragraph-wise]
This first thing I never really noticed, but now that I think about it it kinda makes sense. Disney characters seem to always have perfect makeup and be squeaky clean a lot of the times, which is strange. Not a universal thing but more common than it should be.
Ah yes, finally someone with similar priorities 👾 (fashion history is so cool; it's nice to see other ppl every once in a while who also enjoy it :)
I've seen a lot of ideas from people about when Tangled is set, ranging from the 15th century to the 1850s. Personally, I would say it's set in the late 1830s/early 1840s. This is because the inspiration for a lot of the outfits and logistics(?) does seem to be from then, although yeah, none of the designs truly depict any history here.
[continued] Also, Rapunzel and Eugene are clearly and intentionally featured in Frozen, which is shown in a map to have taken place in 1843. This would imply that Tangled took place recently, so doubling back on 30s/40s. However, at the end of Frozen 2, Anna (I think) is introducing another character to cars??? but I can't find any evidence of this so was it literally just a big hallucination I had????? fam idk 🤡
Thanks for the ask! I'm not sure how to end this uhh like and subscribe and smAsh that bell icon-
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