#anyways. i like my ocs a normal amount <3
snowthornes · 9 months
🍕, 🥊, ❤️, and 🧠 for Thorne? or any other OC of choice!
sdsdhg thank you so much for sending an OC ask, I'm 🥹🥹🥹very happy!! Going to monch those ask emojis like candy grams fr
First, I'd like to clarify that Thorne Briers is an OC that I've technically had for five years! I use him in multiple universes, but for this ask I'll be answering for him in the context of the SHOH universe 🤺🤺🤺
🍕 — What is their favorite food?
Thorne is a huge fan of food — one of the first things he does whenever arriving at a new city is to sample their specialty dishes! As a result, he has a lot of favorite foods, so this is a bit difficult to narrow down. But! I shall try my best to rise to the challenge!
Thorne has a notable fondness for Halek's creations. He’s always first in line to taste-test Halek’s many culinary experiments, and he’s gained quite the reputation for it. There was one time when he came home from a patrol around Haven, anticipating Halek’s latest kitchen creation — only to find that it had been demolished by the other Shepherds. He was so genuinely disappointed that his face, according to an anonymous source, "came dangerously close to resembling a heartbroken cat's". It was an expression so rarely seen on him that those in the vicinity had to do a double take.
Thorne loves salty and buttery flavors. He's obsessed with them. I cannot stress this enough, if Blest had anything remotely similar to our world's honey butter chips, he would be All Over It. As for his favorite food, he's extremely fond of salted butter tea — for the reasons stated above!
He also loves anything loaded with cheese, or spices, or both, so some of his other favorite foods include: Smoked lava cheese buns and root vegetable gratin (Ambryn specialties), and steamed dumplings in chili oil (Korgoth specialty)!
🥊 — What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Thorne would say something like 'composing music on the violin' or 'embroidering personalized designs onto his clothes'. And while he does like doing the aforementioned things, I, his creator, would have to say that what he really loves to do is... sleeping in!
Yes. Thorne Briers here is a very, very big fan of sleeping in. It's almost sacred to him. As a Captain-now-Commander, his sleeping-in opportunities are few and few between; but when he does get the chance, he practically leaps at it! Good luck getting ahold of him during the mornings of his days off — he refuses to leave his bed until he's slept at least 2 hours past his usual waking time, and anyone who tries to rouse him before that is in for a very creative, yet groggily mumbled series of death threats.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's a common sight to see him dozing off beside Halek to squeeze in some quick power naps during particularly busy days at the Order! Thorne's self-aware enough to know that once he crawls into his own bed, he'd probably never leave it — so he makes do by finding a spot near Halek and taking his naps there. He finds Halek's lackadaisical demeanor to be soothing and trusts him to have his back against any possible attacks or wayward insects, so they're well-known napping buddies!
... Anything that involves getting up close and personal with crawly/slimy bugs and insects! It can really get in the way of his missions, but he hates the damned things. The sight makes his skin crawl and triggers his fight or flight — mainly flight — instincts like nothing else.
In chapter 4, the faceless lord is described to sometimes appear as a rotting corpse crawling with beetles and worms. You can bet that Thorne was fighting the urge to vomit for more reasons than one. Even days after he eradicated Buubas, he can still feel his skin crawl out of the blue — like beetles were crawling under his skin. That's how much they bother him. He can handle getting thrown off a cliff with gritted teeth and sharpened eyes, but getting close to those things? Hael.
And, yes, chapter 7 was a very bad time for him. The Bleakmoor swamp is a breeding ground for all sorts of unholy mutated insects; the chapter once mentions how Blade dislodges a nest of wriggling leeches when he moves a shrub, and I honestly think Thorne considered handing in his resignation then and there.
As it was, he just turned stiff as a board and did his damnedest to hide his discomfort — he hates appearing vulnerable/emotional — but by then everyone knew him well enough to tell what was going on.
Chase had to really double down on his jokes and chatter to get Thorne's mind off of the insect breeding ground they were currently slogging through. And it worked, somewhat! It's notoriously easy to make Thorne laugh, a fact that has surprised many who have known him. It's safe to say that Thorne's experience with the swamp would have been much more miserable if Chase hadn't been there. Later, after the whole kithma business had somewhat settled and Thorne had taken an unholy amount of baths, he would take Chase aside and sincerely — if somewhat awkwardly — thank him for his help.
❤️ — What is one of your OC’s best memories?
This is a closely guarded secret of Thorne's, but he's actually quite sentimental — or, in other words, a massive sap. The experiences he had in chapters 3 and 4 were pivotal for his development as a character, and affected how he behaves in chapter 5 and beyond.
One of his best memories is, oddly enough, waking up in the Reach and eavesdropping on Blade absolutely ripping into the Hunters for his sake. It was kind of an enormous "Oh" moment for him. The realization that he now has people who'll look out for him, that he has people who'll get angry for his sake.
Thorne is a bleeding heart turned cynic. A flash of clenched teeth and glacial eyes. Faith is a safety net he discarded long ago, the moment he wiped his entire village off the map with the utterance of a word. A once-child-now-adult who’s seen and done too much in his years of wandering the world alone. He's someone who refuses to be hurt, who masks and calculates and manipulates in his dealings with other people because you can't hurt someone who's not completely real. Though he'll mix some sincerity into his manipulations in order to make him appear a bit more trustworthy, he'll rarely show you his whole heart. He's taken the leap of trust before, and the fall had shattered his bones. Never again. He'll never expose himself like that again.
So when he wakes up from having his body — quite literally, this time — shattered, only to overhear his Commander, companion, and maybe sort of friend so furious for (mostly) his sake, it's staggering. He's almost bewildered. I think that's when he realized that he's in for the long haul with the Shepherds now; that they won't just be some paragraph in his endless cycle of meeting and departing. And I think that was the moment when the Shepherds gained his utterly unswerving loyalty.So, thank you Blade, I guess <3 Now that I think about it, Blade has had a massive influence on Thorne's development as a Shepherd, right from the very first day off they spent together. What a Commander <3
🧠 — What do you like most about the OC?
I like how unstable he is initially; how his journey with the Shepherds isn't as smooth as slotting a single puzzle piece into place. Before fully accepting the Shepherds as his own, Thorne had to give way. He'd had to take apart the veil of distrust and calculations that kept him safely shrouded from the world, and let them see him. See his scars, see his anger, see him as himself, not as the veneer of carefully constructed eloquence that has practically become a second skin — like a sumptous robe meant to cloak him and turn him into something invulnerable. And it had taken a long while. Hael, he had to fall off a cliff and witness his Commander getting angry for his sake before he even realized that the Shepherds had become people extremely important to him. Thorne's journey is one of change and new beginnings; of daring to envision a future shrouded in sunlight rather than shadow. It's a tale of learning to trust yourself as you learn to trust others. And for that, he is very dear to me.
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dashiellqvverty · 8 days
everyone always wants to talk about jenny nicholsons video essays and i’m like does ANYONE want to talk about the art of the mattress aka the sleep song. bc it plays in my head every time i see anything about her.
#sleep sleep sleep time to go to sleep now… it is night and i need to sleep while it is dark….#also of course it’ll be okay from the wedding episode <3#anyway she blocks me on twitter also. not as scandalous as it seems i just made a vague tweet abt friendship is witchcraft#and presumably got auto blocked#i wasn’t even calling her out either i think i was just like. reflecting on how the song from it was trending on tiktok#it’s an understandable reason to block people just. not wanting to engage with that part of her history i get that#this was also before her briny video so she hadn’t spoken on it in a long time#brony*#i genuinely like that video a LOT i think she is able to offer a really unique perspective on a lot of brony fandom culture#not just as a big name creator but as a long time fan of older mlp gens#and ofc what she had to say about the use of the g slur in fiw was like. i mean i believe her.#that she and the cocreator had no idea it was a slur and dropped that aspect when they realized it was.#like i didn’t know for a long time either. it’s not my place to be like ‘and that means it’s fine and not a problem’#and i don’t think it IS fine. but certainly everything she said about her intentions seems like. true and honest.#anyway brony stuff aside i hate her for the way she’s spoken about john boyega. no apologies for THAT huh!!!!#there are some things out there that ppl attribute to her that are fully fake/edited but#ppl will also say ‘oh she didn’t say anything bad about him that was fake’ no she very much did#but i’ve followed her on youtube since she was still actively making fiw like she had a bit with a pony oc that she did for a while#i remember the first star wars video when i was like oh she Is A Reylo#which on its own is like. ew but i’m still interested in her stuff#but you know. she crossed a line i think#and i do still find her stuff INTERESTING#and i am genuinely still fond of fiw though a lot of that is nostalgia#but like she has a lot of interesting stuff to say about mlp and obviously as a theme park fan she’s inescapable#and it pisses me off that she’s friends with other creators i DO like but also they know her as a person and i don’t#sorry this was gonna be a short post i just can’t talk about her a normal amount#i have to explain every thought i have about her#anyway i haven’t watched the star wars hotel vid but i probably will eventually#in like an incognito tab#r.txt
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dan-crimes · 10 months
SHIT I keep meaning to do it but I get so distracted all the time! Ehhh EHHHH I mean I want to talk abt my OCs but then again.... I mean in general I like there to be visuals if I talk abt a character but y'know how they talk abt OC bias and stuff well my current OC bias is my OC Holly bcuz I love her and she's 👍
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breedbun · 11 days
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in honour of my return i will finally do my only request..
WANDERER x male reader
warnings; slight feminisation (you wear a dress, guys hit on u and call u girly stuff), transmasc reader, spanking, vaginal, degradation, rough sex, dubcon(?), aggressive and really angry sex, release control, mention of wanderer being a puppet, slight breeding kink mention??
more; hiii hab fun with funny puppet guy!!! anyway basically imm finally making a return.. sry guys too busy writing my genshin ocs (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) not much to say, but my birthday just passed on the 30th of may so like yraaah!!
(edit; i forgot this was requested as transmasc reader and i just. like i just went blank ok i wrote this at 6-7am in the fucking morning after sleeping at 3:40. it's ok tho i edited it!! fun fact it's 9am rn HAHAHAHA,, edit count; 3x)
yay hab fun !! 。⁠*゚⁠+ (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆ vv
You've had a couple drinks, a few swigs and chugs of cheap wine, here and there. Obviously, you were just itching to start something you couldn't finish, like.. flirting with the bartender, but he was much too gruff and rugged for your liking. Or spending the night in some rich merchant's bed, and hurriedly rush to stuff all the jewels and pretty diamonds you could find in his room into your bag. Simply put, you were bored. At least without him here..
Sure, it's been a couple days since you actually spoke with him. Maybe you did sleep with a few guys, but so what? That little thing between you and him both.. was non-committal, it was just one fun night. Clearly, he didn't seem too happy with that. I mean, who would be?
Letting go of such a handsome, youthful guy with a mouth that couldn't stop running would be a sin. But, what was more of a sin, was just how hard Scaramouche had to restrain himself from agreeing to head to the tavern with you. Just how much his head would ache, yet that ball of surging heat throbbed whenever he just thought of you. It was undeniable, he was crazy in love.. or lust. What was the difference? Neither you nor him even knew.
The more laughs, flirty glances, and pretty smiles you flash to every other guy in the bar, the more attention you'd get from just sitting down with nothing more than a small cocktail in hand. The tavern wasn't exactly packed, but it wasn't exactly empty either. Just enough guys to get Scaramouche's blood absolutely boiling, if he ever saw you in that dress.. in a considerably tight space full of hungry, ravished men. It was almost a miracle your drink wasn't spiked yet. "Ha! Thank ya', darling. You're just the sweetest, y'know?" In a sultry, sickeningly sweet voice, you've successfully seduced every single man in that room. The bartenders were even willing to shake up a brand new, expensive glass of wine for you! But being the oh—so sweet man you are, you politely decline and play it off. Besides, who knows what they'll put in his drink?
Not even bartenders are free from being guilty of drugging drinks, you've been warned an ungodly amount of times anyway. Ah, but before you could even say another word, looks like an anticipated, unexpected man decided to show up. One you know too well, beyond that big ol' hat and the pretty, shiny anemo vision hanging from his clothes. It took you a few moments of hesitation to not steal it that night, and boy is he lucky that you'd rather spare him than go through the trouble of disrespecting the gods.
He didn't waste a second, to force his way through the small crowd and shove himself in between you and some other bastard. Scaramouche hadn't bothered to even look at you once, which honestly and unexpectedly really disappointed you. You wouldn't worry about your appearances to some.. unknown guy, at least not normally.
As any attractive guy should've, you'd scoff and feign a pout in offense of his sudden intrusion. "What's the big deal, Hat Guy? You changed your mind?" Your elbow nudge clearly touched more than his skin, because it looked like you had just touched a nerve. That expression on his face, ha! It was golden, if not extremely unexpected. This usually nonchalant, inexpressive dude who wouldn't even cast a second glance if he wasn't half drunk with you.. he was livid. Absolutely livid, and you were livin' for it.
You don't remember your next words, because of just how violently he grabbed you by your collar and how evident it was from the taste of his tongue, that he'd been drinking a sinful amount of wine before getting a move on to find you. Why? He didn't know.. It's not like he could ever get drunk.
Obviously, he just had to drag you back into his bed. So what if that night was just for fun? Because this night clearly isn't.
The moon had barely risen up, and Scaramouche didn't even bother to turn on the lights in his temporary living situation. A small, but comfortable home, now steamed up and filled with the slutty, loud moans you'd let out from just a little edging. His fingers shifted in and out between your tight rim, at the speed of which you could barely catch your breath to. His other hand's glove was peeled off with the help of his teeth, sliding his hand out as he loosened the fabric.
With your ass up, legs spread apart, dress on the floor, he just had to see your pussy twitch with his porcelain fingers tightly wrapped between them. No, that chest of yours was just as majestic, oh.. those scars. Made him absolutely insane.. and now, moving at a merciless rate, every plea and sob you choked out for him to slow down just fell on deaf ears.
"H—haah..! F-faast, too—t-too faaa—ast!" On the contrary, he decides to speed up momentarily. Just as your eyes squinted and your voice let out an unholy moan, he pulls his fingers out and ensures his fingers land over and right on top of your clit. He was just rubbing it, cooing at you like you were a stupid, brainless thing. "Too fast? Aw, little slut can't handle a bit of touch? God, you're fucking pathetic." He laughs, denies you your release, and mocks you with little to none regret and remorse. You would hate him, if you weren't so fucking kinky. (I'm looking at you, yes you.)
His hands pull away from your leaking pussy, pulling you up as fingers dig into your scalp. He pushes your forehead against his, smile condescending, narcissistic and full of.. ego. You loved it. Those plush thighs pulled against his hips, calves around his body.. his hands simply slid down to pump his own hard cock. He couldn't resist, I mean.. a sight like you, and he doesn't get to fuck his fist a little? That'd be almost miserable..
The only thing better from jacking off to your messy, sticky face was to fuck you. Your sweet little asscheeks spread apart, he would pull your hips in a little closer, lightly rubbing his tip and girth against the entrance. You were just about to throw a snarky, but shakily bratty remark you've been mustering up for a while, but all that hard work went down the drain as he sunk you on his cock.
Easily, it slid in embarrassingly quick, from just from your slick acting as lubricant—thankfully enough.. and besides the rough, mind-breaking sensation inside that jolted up his spine, you could feel Scara churn your insides with dirty squelching sounds constantly and consistently hitting your g-spot.. almost violently. Your head threw forward, and you pushed your face right into the crook of his neck.. biting, sucking, doing anything while your thighs kept lifting and slapping right back down on his hips.. He's fucking you senseless, and all you can think about is how relieved you are.. that he's still addicted to all your holes like a drug.
You moaned like a whore, a bit too loud for his liking. Your pretty, perfect, fleshy ass that he decides to pound, is met with a loud smack. Not once, not twice, but four times, both sides. You tighten up every time, of course he'd gladly do it a fifth and a sixth. You've got one tight cunt, and so many ways to make it harder to pull out. Maybe you do it on purpose.. maybe it's just instinct. But it's obvious.. 'addicted ' would be an extreme understatement. Every yelp, every moan and groan, even the smallest and softest whimpers.. oh, he lived for it. He lived for it every second he could lay his hands on you.
Again, he could barely slide his fingers into your hole. He smoothly starts to finger you, again.. and again, but he just always pulls away just before your sweet release. In fact, he's not gonna let you cum until you make him fill your stomach with his babies. Scara doesn't understand why, or how he, a puppet, is able to even fuck you. But.. he's not complaining, and neither are you. And with every churn, every squeeze and drop, it turned you into a mind-fucked fleshlight. You wouldn't even form words, let alone sentences. He wasn't the only one addicted in this "non-committal" relationship.
You could barely believe that it's only been at most an hour. You're going to be fucked for the whole night, and you know. You should've just came to his house earlier, maybe you could've cummed by now..
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yaay hope u like my brainrotten scara fanfic woohoo next up is KAEYA because he is literally the love of my fucking life.. YA
@breedbun ™ ` ` written by a silly bunny boy! ` `
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b1ackbunny · 8 months
A Bada Lee smau-ish ff
pairing: bada lee x fem!dancer!oc (jia mei yu)
synopsis: bada lee wasn’t looking for love when it found her. jia mei yu couldn’t truly comprehend the feeling inside when she was with her, on and off the dancefloor. when these two dancers meet by chance, a bond is formed and uncharted territories are explored.
word count: ≈ 2.7k
warnings: definitely au-like… no mentions of swf or smf, uhhh idk any more, bad writing, friendly violence, a little inaccurate, unedited
previous: chapter 1
next: chapter 3
taglist (open): @badasgirlfriend
a/n: I feel like this started as looking like a filler but progressed gradually… anyways the way me and bada are fr married and have a cat, dog, & turtle 🤞🏽 she’s my woman fs!!! I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY <333 let me know if I should make a taglist
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Jia hummed as she made her way around the kitchen. It was the morning after exchanging numbers with Bada and sadly, they both didn't know what to text each other first.
Footsteps were heard trudging down the stairs and hall before the sleepy figure of Laura appeared in the kitchen walkway. She settled onto a chair by the kitchen table and loudly yawned. Jia glanced at her sister before continuing to make the two breakfast.
She peeked at her phone on the counter a couple of times—well, multiple—as she worked. No texts or messages from Bada had appeared yet. Jia slightly frowned before plating the breakfast. By this time, Laura had taken out two small boxes of coffee milk and moved to the dining table.
Jia brought the breakfasts over and set them in front of their seats. Laura thanked her before taking a bite. She watched as Jia glanced at her phone for another time and then sipped the coffee milk. Laura squinted at her sister and slightly leaned closer, drawing Jia’s attention to the girl.
“…Yes?” Jia asked with furrowed brows, starting her breakfast. “Why do you keep doing that?” Laura took a sip of her coffee milk before folding her hands. “Doing what?” The older sister questioned back as she continued eating her breakfast.
“Checking your phone every five seconds.” Laura immediately responded, signaling toward the device on the table. Jia’s eyes widened a little before returning to normal, flickering between her sister and her phone. “Oh, no big reason. Just waiting for a text.” Jia shrugged, looking down at her food and she continued eating.
Laura took a long sip of her milk before tsking. “I’m gonna call bullshit on this one. You don't even check your phone this much when waiting for work calls.” Jia rolled her eyes at her sister’s remark and scoffed.
“Just so you know you're completely wrong. I check my phone a decent amount of times for work calls.” Laura hummed in uncertainty and made a face before being shushed by Jia.
“But, fine… I’ll tell you. See, I'm not actually lying because I am waiting for a text.” Jia started, taking a moment to sip on the milk to try and conceal the budding smile that was ready to overtake her face.
Laura motioned her to continue, already pulling her legs onto her seat in anticipation. “I met this girl at YGX yesterday-” She was cut off by a scream from Laura who started clapping. A smile took over Jia’s features as she laughed and motioned for Laura to quiet down.
“Tell me more, I need to know more!” Jia ran her fingers through her hair, thinking back on the evening before. “She’s probably one of the most beautiful women—scratch that—beautiful human beings I’ve met in a long time. Her smile was so pretty, her laugh, when she danced…” Jia covered her flushed face silently screaming at herself to get a grip.
This caused more screams to be heard from the younger as she began to tease her sister. “How are you crushing this hard after just meeting her?” Jia removed one hand to wave off her sister before continuing on her rant.
“But at first I didn't get the chance to get her number, right? Hours later, guess who shows up at my practice room door?” Laura’s jaw dropped and she lightly tapped her table. “No way.” “That's what I was thinking. But then, she asked me for my number.” Laura shook her head in astonishment to which Jia nodded back with a laugh.
“She made me giggle. Giggle, Laura.” Jia stressed, slightly embarrassed after thinking about it. “How do you act like a dumbass and still pull? I don't even want to be like you, I need to be like you.” Laura confirmed with a nod causing Jia to deeply sigh and prop her hand against her forehead.
“I think I messed up my chances a bit though. I said I wanted to be friends.” Jia winced and closed her eyes, shaking her head. Should she have been more direct in her efforts? “Honestly, I think it's a good thing you said that. Get to know each other first, you know?” Laura truthfully examined the situation before nodding.
Jia raised her head and nodded in agreement. The two sisters finished up their breakfast before continuing their morning routines.
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Since Laura was spending the day filming at home, Jia didn’t need to prep Kija, their sphynx cat, for a day at home alone. Jia took this opportunity to get an early start to her day. It was currently 8 am and her first class began at 10 so she decided to go on a quick grocery trip beforehand.
Exiting the apartment, she locked the door before moving to the elevator. Once she left the complex, she walked to the nearest grocery store and initiated her journey through the aisles. Jia was about to call Laura when she saw the notifications that slid onto her screen.
No, it wasn't that Bada texted her, but it was that she followed her on instagram, twitter, and tiktok. A gasp left her mouth before she slowly covered her mouth. She made sure the aisle was clear before fist-pumping and hopping.
Regaining her composure, Jia cleared her throat before moving down the aisle, adding a couple of items in when necessary. After she paid at the register, she walked back outside and pulled her phone out of her pocket.
Jia stared down at her phone again before looking up, and biting down a smile. With a quick breath, she followed Bada back on the three apps. Almost instantly, Jia put her phone back in her pocket and walked home. 
Did she follow back too quickly? The thought loomed around the girl’s head, causing her to sigh before shifting her focus back to the trek home.
Once she reached the apartment, she placed the groceries in their respective areas, hugged Kija on the way to the door, and made sure to bring her car keys and dance bag.
Jia crossed the street and strolled over to her car. She placed the dance bag in the passenger seat before running over to the other side and hopping in the driver’s seat.
Today, she was spending most of the day at 1Million Dance Studio. She had 4 classes in total, three that she would teach and one that she would attend, which Jia knew meant it would be an easier day.
When she reached 1Million, Jia saw the digital clock read 9:15 a.m. This meant she had a little less than an hour to spare so she started scrolling through her tiktok for you page.
She liked and reposted a couple videos before deciding it would be best to head in early. Jia grabbed her possessions before leaving the car and walking toward the entrance.
It's been a little less than a month since she taught a class at 1Million, but when one of her favorites, Lia Kim, asked her to lead a class, she couldn't turn her down. One of the artists Jia’s most recently worked with was a new girl group called Kiss Of Life.
She loved the group’s vision and happily accepted when asked to choreograph a couple of dances for them. Today, she would teach her students the choreography of Sugarcoat by Natty.
Jia swung the bag over her shoulder once she reached the receptionist. She politely greeted her as she signed in before moving through the familiar hallways. Passing a few familiar faces, Jia entered the restroom.
She walked towards one of the sinks and washed her hands before reapplying her lipgloss. Jia examined her outfit in the mirror before putting her lipgloss in her bag.
The door to the bathroom opened but Jia didn't pay attention as she wiped around her lips. “Jia!” The mentioned girl pivoted toward the noise and a smile arose almost instantly.
“Oh my gosh! You guys almost gave me a heart attack!” Jia held a hand over her heart while she laughed. The two girls rolled their eyes with smiles as they made their way toward Jia.
They engulfed her in a group hug, squeezing her tightly. “It's so good to see you. I was stalking your Instagram and why have you basically only been dancing at YGX?” Redy jokingly quizzed the girl, pulling away from the hug and crossing her arms.
“My queen Leejung has kept me captive. But don't worry, you'll be seeing me more often.” Jia dramatically said before adjustng the bag on her arm. Debby patted her shoulder and shook her head.
“How come you didn't tell me you were having a class today? Also, why did I have to find out through Redy that you were coming to one of my classes?” Debby playfully squinted her eyes at the girl and mimicked Redy’s cross-armed position.
“I wanted to surprise you. You know I love you guys, you're like my 1Million babes.” Jia said with a pout, linking her arms around her two friend’s shoulders.
They laughed and set their heads on her shoulders. “I know I missed you and all, but please release me before I pee my pants. That's the reason we came here.” Redy spoke up, causing more laughs to erupt as the three unlinked, watching her run to a stall.
“I missed you guys. Please stop by one of my classes.” Jia said loud enough so Redy could also hear before waving goodbye as she exited the restroom.
Continuing her trek down the halls, stopping at times to greet familiar faces, she reached her dance class and saw that some students were already waiting outside. She looked down at the time, it reading 9:48, before looking back up and giving the students an impressed expression.
Jia entered and dropped her bag at the front of the room. She reviewed the dance until it was less than five minutes from the class’s start time, making sure to cut down the mistakes she might make while teaching.
Once she was done, Jia opened the door for the early students and greeted them as they arrived.
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Jia finished both her own class and Debby’s, so she decided to congratulate herself by taking her lunch break. It was a little after 2:00 and Jia exited the studio. She looked down at her phone and saw she accidentally left it on do not disturb for the duration of both classes and the 20-minute break in between.
She mentally winced as she saw the notifications roll in. Luckily, none of them seemed to be from her agency nor her work email. Jia reached her car and unlocked the door, climbing into the driver's seat before tossing her bag on the passenger seat.
The girl inserted the key into the ignition but didn't ignite it, silently scrolling through her notifications. Her eyes widened when she saw the multiple message notifications from a certain taller dancer.
Without another thought, she unlocked her phone and opened the messages. What she was met with warmed her heart.
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Meanwhile, during the moments leading up to that text back, things were a bit more chaotic on Bada’s side. Although she had a class she was teaching after texting Jia, the girl was slowly taking over her thoughts.
During the water breaks she found herself checking her phone a bunch. It honestly was a miracle she got through the full class without slipping up.
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Jia set her phone on the stand in her car. She looked into the mirror and fixed her hair a bit before she heard the ringing of her phone. She looked down at the incoming call and took a deep breath.
The girl waited a few moments before accepting the call. She leaned back in her seat and smiled when she saw Bada’s face pop up on screen. “Hey, you.” Bada teasingly said with a smile, propping her phone against her bag.
The girl on the other end could tell Bada was in a studio at Just Jerk by the wall behind her. “Hey, how have your classes been?” Jia asked as she ignited her engine. “They’ve been pretty fun! I taught some old and new choreo. What about you?”
Jia sighed with a smile, pulling out of her parking space and heading onto the road. “Mine are good so far, I taught a class and went to my friend’s class. I think you might know her.”
Jia’s eyebrows furrowed in slight thought before she turned a corner, glancing at the girl on the other end of the line. Bada wore a slightly confused expression before taking a sip of water. “I might, what's her name?”
As Jia approached a red light, she subconsciously leaned back in her seat and rested an arm on the center console. “Debby. She teaches at 1Million.” Bada’s eyes widened and she “ohed” in confirmation.
“Yeah, I know Debby! This makes a lot more sense why she- nevermind. Where are you going?” Bada changed the subject, not wanting to mention the series of replies from Redy and Debby to the girl.
Jia raised an eyebrow and glanced at Bada before brushing it off and answering the question. “Whenever I'm at 1Million, I usually go to this cafe not too far and get lunch.” The dancer explained, resting her head against the headrest and sighing at how long the red light was.
She noticed Bada move her face from the camera’s view and furrowed her eyebrows. “What's wrong?” “Nothing!” Bada quickly responded and after a couple of seconds, put her face back in the camera’s view.
On the other end, Jia shook her head with a smile before sitting up once the light turned green. “How long is your break?” Jia questioned, glancing at Bada as she lightly pressed the gas pedal.
“I don't have a class for the next 40 minutes,” Bada responded, causing Jia to hum before switching lanes. “That's good to hear,” Jia said with a smile that spread across the line onto Bada’s face.
“Are you sure I'm not bothering you while you're driving?” Bada randomly asked and Jia finally pulled into a parking spot by the cafe. “Of course not! Honestly, I like having you on the phone when I'm driving. You're like my virtual passenger princess.” Jia teasingly admits, looking anywhere but at her phone when she talked.
Risking a peek at Bada, she saw the girl hold a bashful grin, her cheeks reddened as she dipped from the frame. Once she returned, Jia leaned on the steering wheel and brought her face closer to her phone, deciding to spare the girl and not bring up her reaction.
“So Bada Lee, did you eat lunch yet?” The mentioned girl nodded, mimicking Jia’s movements and bringing her face closer to the camera. “Yes, I did Jia Mei Yu, a couple of hours ago.” Jia flippantly frowned before pushing off of the wheel and sighing.
“Well, I guess you'll just have to watch me eat.” The girl said with fake sadness and unbuckled her seatbelt. She pulled out her wallet and headphones from her dance bag and removed her phone from its stand.
Before exiting the car, she put on her headphones and connected it to her phone. Jia talked to Bada for almost the full duration of her time in the cafe, only directing her attention away from the girl when she talked to the employees.
Whenever Bada talked, Jia easily directed her concentration to her. She's a very active listener in general, but especially when it comes to Bada. She hung on each word Bada said, responding and commenting on some of her remarks.
When Jia talked, Bada couldn't take her eyes off the screen. Any sounds from the other rooms near her landed on deaf ears. All her attention was focused on the girl who lit up her screen.
She didn't know how Jia was able to absorb all of her attention without even being physically present. She nodded along to the girl’s statements and laughed at her jokes, even if they weren't always that funny.
The two grew closer together, staying true to their words on becoming friends. Although, at the back of their minds, they both hoped for something more.
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teenytinyjimin · 3 months
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if it all ended tomorrow (k. seokjin)
if the sun refused to shine
baby, would i still be your lover?
would you want me there
if the moon went dark tonight?
summary: kim seokjin is an angel, and the only lover she ever needed.
pairing: seokjin x reader
word count: 2.07k
tags: major character death, perfect!seokjin (he’s already perfect anyway), enamored!oc that views him as her entire world
warnings: none except the fact that this is gonna be TRAGIC and i apologize so effing much
author’s note: kim line SLAUGHTERED 🔪 jk but interesting how my first three fics on here r of the kim line. anyways ty for the support <3
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If she were going to be honest with herself, she'd say, quite plainly, that her life has no meaning or no value. There had been far too much that had happened recently that left her almost numb to any thoughts or feelings she might have or, alternatively, want to have. Most of her days were spent either sitting in bed, stuffing her face with an ungodly amount of food, or going to work and overworking herself to the point where she could barely stand up because of how physically and mentally exhausted she was.
Nothing about these habits was enjoyable in any sense of the word. She didn't like the feeling of being unproductive and unworthy of life. She wanted so desperately to get back into the swing of things. But alas, she couldn't do it even if she forced herself to.
That's why she needed someone else to force her. And that's what happened today. She was invited to a celebration being hosted in an event building at a local park. Her mom encouraged her to 'get out of the house', her friends told her that it would be best to 'stay in-tune with reality', and her boyfriend's friend, a young man named Jungkook, practically begged her to go. Honestly, the first two encouragements weren't enough to get her to go to the event. It was Jungkook's pleading, with his big doe eyes welled with tears and face filled with worry - worry for her wellbeing - that convinced her that she should do something rather than rot in bed.
So here she was, outside of the private event building, watching people walk in before her. She was quite afraid to take a step inside the door because of the judgment she was anticipating. As soon as she was in sight of everyone within the room, she would receive stares, people would whisper, and she would be treated as if she were fragile and deserving of pity. She didn't want that. She just wanted to attend the celebration, make Jungkook happy, and leave.
With a deep sigh, she closed her eyes for a moment and tried to clear her mind of any anxiety she felt in that moment. Her first time being seen by other people in months was something that terrified her, but she wasn't going to let it get to her. She had already let a million other things get to her. Maybe her mom was right. Maybe she did need to get out of the house. Go back to normal life.
As soon as she stepped into the building, she admired how beautifully it was decorated. Pink decorations everywhere, with flowers and music and the sweet scent of roses and candy. It was truly incredible to see how well-put-together the celebration was. She was in awe.
She continued to look around in an attempt to spot people she recognized. She already saw Jungkook on the opposite side of the building with a few of his other friends, however he hadn't seen her yet. She also spotted her boyfriend's parents, standing and talking to other older adults with solemn looks on their faces. And finally, upon scanning the room a little more, she spotted her boyfriend himself. Kim Seokjin, the love of her life.
He looked beautiful. His face, so soft and full of life, sat there smiling back at her. The slight glow to him made him look unreal, as if he had been an angel who landed on earth just for her. Looking at him made her heart completely stop, as it always did, and her brain went fuzzy. Something about him always made her act like a complete fool and she was never able to behave normally around him. She was completely, entirely, 100% head over heels for this man and she always would be.
They say that when you die, the best moments of your life replay in your final seven minutes. And while she wasn't quite dead, looking at her Seokjin started those seven beautiful minutes.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
May 15th, 2015
Tousling her hair a little bit to give it last-minute volume, she heard the honk of a car horn outside of her home. In an enamored frenzy, she smiled widely and started spritzing on her perfume like a maniac before quickly looking in the mirror one last time. She didn't wear dresses all too often, so felt a bit overdressed, but she knew it was for good reason. She grabbed her purse and walked out the door, only to see her gorgeous boyfriend leaning against his car.
Now that she was seeing him in all his glory, she changed her mind. She now felt rather underdressed. Seokjin had his hair beautifully slicked back and was dressed in a stunning tuxedo, holding a bouquet of pink roses. His face, sheen and sparkly, lit up upon seeing her, and his plump lips curled into the softest of smiles.
"You look beautiful," he complimented as she approached him, offering her the roses. "I mean, you're always beautiful, but... wow." A bright red crept to her cheeks as she took the roses and planted a soft kiss upon his cheek. "So do you, Jinnie." His smile now growing much bigger, he gave her a gentle nod and turned to open her car door. As soon as she got in and situated, he closed the door and returned to his side, promptly getting in.
"I have dinner reservations for us, and then I thought we could see where the night takes us. I know neither of us really like being spontaneous, but I didn't really have any other plans," Jin admits sheepishly. "But I figured neither of us would mind as long as we were spending time together, right? Being next to you is enough for me."
"Sounds wonderful," She responded, placing a gentle hand on his knee. She didn't listen to a damn word he said, far too hypnotized by his beauty, but she'd do anything he wanted if it meant being with him.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
July 9th, 2016
“Don’t worry dear, they’ll love you.”
She felt her boyfriend leave a soft kiss on her temple before looking up at him with wide and nervous eyes. She hadn’t said anything since they got out of the car and approached the apartment complex, yet he could easily read her mind without any words being exchanged. Today she was meeting Jin’s best friends and she couldn’t be any more terrified.
She had heard a lot about them. Seokjin never stopped talking about them, in fact. He loved bragging about his friend group and the fun things they’d do, and it almost made her a little jealous because the truth was that she didn’t have a friend group that was even half as close as it seemed like these seven boys were.
“What if they don’t?” The words barely escaped her lips as her bottom one trembled in upset. She wanted to be strong for her boyfriend, she really did, but she was far too anxious about this. He let out a soft hum and reached out to press the stop button on the elevator before turning to her and grabbing her hands.
“Do you trust me?”
She stared into his eyes. His big, beautiful eyes. The eyes that would never tell a lie, and would never lead her astray. She knew she was in good hands, she truly did, but something about the situation made her uneasy. Perhaps it was just the fact that she was meeting so many people at once. Not just people, it seemed like they were a rather rowdy group of boys.
Jin smiled gently as he reached in to place a kiss on her lips and restart the elevator at the same time. “Then you’ll be fine. I promise.”
And just as Jin had promised, she found herself engulfed in dozens of hugs by these six other boys. Not only that, but she felt as if she had been a part of their friend group, their little chaotic family, since the very beginning.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
October 23rd, 2022
"Are you awake yet, beautiful?"
Still half asleep, she stirred in bed, eyes opening to see a blurry Seokjin standing in the doorway of their shared bedroom. He was holding something rather large in both hands, however she wasn't yet awake enough to figure out what it was.
Letting out a soft groan, she rubbed her eyes and sat up in bed. Now that she was able to get a clear view of her gorgeous boy, still in his pajamas but otherwise ready for the day, she saw that he was holding a tray of food. It took her a second to realize that he was delivering her breakfast in bed, but once she realized, a huge grin appeared on her face.
"I am now..." She trailed off, marveling over the food that her lover was now placing in front of her as he crawled onto the bed next to her.
"I couldn't sleep any longer, so I decided to make you some food. I also cut up those strawberries we had in the fridge that we kinda forgot about." He grabbed one and looked at it. "I promise they're still good. I checked each one." Letting a soft giggle out, she looked over at Jin with lidded eyes. "Thank you, baby." She said as he offered her the strawberry in his hand which she accepted graciously.
The rest of their breakfast in bed date was comprised of Jin doing most of the talking while he fed her the different foods he had set up on the tray, insisting that he didn't want her to have to lift a finger and just wanted her to enjoy some good food. From time to time, he got a little too passionate about whatever topic he was speaking about and almost nearly missed her mouth completely, resulting in a few times where he had to wipe around her lips with a napkin and her teasing him until he shut her up with a kiss.
"You know," She said, taking a pause to swallow the food in her mouth. "I absolutely adore you."
"Glad to know the feeling's mutual," Seokjin smiled softly as he fed her the next bite.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
“I’m glad you made it,” Her attention was drawn from the picture of her boyfriend to the voice coming from next to her, none other than Jungkook. “It would’ve hurt if you didn’t come.”
She sighed, looking over at her friend with sad eyes. “I didn’t want to if I’m honest. But I knew that if anyone had to be here it had to be me.”
Jungkook wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they stood in silence for what seemed like forever. Part of her wanted to break down sobbing in order to release the emotion she’s been holding on to for so long. But the other part of her, the bigger part, enjoyed the silence and enjoyed spending it with one of her boyfriend’s best friends.
“You know he loved you, right? More than anything in this world,” Jungkook looked at her briefly before looking back at the framed picture of Jin. “You were his everything. There wasn’t a single conversation we had that didn’t involve you in some way. Nothing else mattered to him but you.”
She knew that what Jungkook was saying was true, even if she didn’t want to physically admit it. Obviously they never spoke about funeral plans because they never saw either one of them dying so soon, but she knew that if Seokjin wanted a celebration of life she was the only one he’d ever want there. No one else mattered except for her. The world could have been engulfed in flames but he would’ve been as happy as can be if she was happy too. He would’ve moved mountains for her, walked across a desert with no water for her, killed for her. And the truth is that she would have done the same for him.
Life without Jin wasn’t going to be an easy one. But coming to the celebration of life, seeing his picture, and spending a moment with one of his closest friends made her realize that if she truly loved him, she would do what he would’ve wanted and keep living. For him. Her dearest angel Jin.
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Its okay to loose interest on something, especially since you’ve been inside the fandom for the longest i know, you are the very first blog I followed when i joined the fandom on tumblr, i really appreciate all of the years and hours and sweat you have put in the blog (especially since you also are the owner of one of the most known diabolik lovers oc!).
So i get it if you don’t feel as passionate as you felt before, anyway i just wanted to thank you for all of your work even though i know it will never be enough to compensate the amount of love you have put in your translations, making it possible for everyone to understand the characters more with all of the notes and personal thoughts about every single post and translation, including the organization of every game and cd drama, tweet and comic, month lists of what translations you would have done in the future, and most importantly, the constant uploads no matter how long and endless those translations seemed.
You are truly what i call a hero. And even if you won’t come back i will never complain about your “service” to this fandom<3
Farewell and good luck~
p.s. : kisses from Liz <<33
Thank you so much. ;w;
Honestly, this message made me tear up a little, haha.
This fandom is very dear to my heart and it wasn't easy for me to make the decision to go on an indefinite hiatus.
I just wanted to be honest with myself and I realized that translating was feeling like a chore rather than a fun activity.
While discovering a new interest in Genshin might play a part in it, I do think it is normal to experience this kind of burn out. So for now, taking a longer break is the best thing I can do. uwu
Perhaps people forget this sometimes, but I'm a working adult outside of Tumblr. I'm a full-time teacher, which is a very emotionally demanding and draining job.
So yes, sometimes I like to come home and just play a game like Genshin, instead of playing DL where I have to once again concentrate because I need to translate the content. ^^;;
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shuobox · 8 months
Heyyyyy *twirls my hair as i make your happy canon life doomed by my narrative *
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God. Rewrite aiden in my au. Where do i start w him
In my little rewrite version, he's like. His entire life is doomed from the start. Grew up with a neglectful and pushy family where he felt constantly scared and weak in, making him seek control in other parts of his life (why he's so aggressive and rude, later becoming outright violent)
During sky city, it's Lukas who's fighting against him on the bridge, and after a struggle and Aiden's whole shpeel about Lukas abandoning them (aiden, maya, gill) like nothing for the new order of the stone
Anyway . Copper golems (that belong to the founder) appear and latch onto the guy's legs, and yk the storm during that bridge scene? Yeah. The dude gets struck by lightning with the force of five dying neuron stars and then just... wobbles back and forth.... before the copper golems let go, and he falls off the side into the water
While the blazerods are stuck in Sky City as it is being rebuilt on the ground they find an opportunity to break out and they book it to the portal, get lost for a little bit in the Atlas (remade portal hallway. Imagine those images of like, illusion staircases where gravity is weird. And theres stairs and halls full of portals wherever you look. Like that.) And they pass into like the worst possible place ever that is just CRAWLING with illagers
They get trapped, thrown in jail, tortured a wee bit before maya and gill are taken dor experimentation and Aiden was supposed to be the next (his arms were already cut off, and he saw what became of maya and gill after they got experimented on) but two new arrivals were found so they decided to stop temporarily
I AM NNNOT going to continue the story from there . Because it includes another character and an oc i want to like. Build up towards
In any case, skipping ahead like a few pages when aiden manages to get out and is now travelling with 2 people (one of which is more than happy to use him as bait or a human shield), guy really just wants his arms back and feels stupid and scared without. Arms. Hes losing hope UNTIL they get to a certain dimension with a city full of these advanced redstone-loving folk
In aiden's endless luck they get into the equivalent of the black market and they find people willing to give aiden new limbs for free IF he agrees to the terms and conditions
... the terms and conditions were "we can freely experiment on ur ass for as long as we want :3" and thats. Yeah thats what the tinkerers did. They were super proud of themselves and even slapped on their logo on him
Aiden is completely useless at walking and using his mech spider legs for a long while till he eventually manages to grasp it enough to keep going. Hallelujah !! He eventually gets time to process everything that happens to him lol (he feels miserable for a while)
Other hcs down here vv
- enjoy embroidery. He's kind of shabby at it, but it takes his mind off of things. He also writes small anthology stories in a wee stolen journal he makes up when his mind drifts
- The jacket he's wearing is stolen, lmao
- when his jaw was ripped out and replaced, so was his teeth; they make a loud clank noise if he snaps his teeth. Like a beartrap!! Also a strong bite strength
- i like to think he made a small makeshift funeral for maya and gill despite having nothing of them. It helped him cope a lil
- is surprisingly kinder to kids who aren't like, loud, or overly annoying.
- misses having hands sometimes (misses being able to hold pencils normally, or feeling the fur of animals, or warmth and cold, or holding things, etc etc...)
- Loves fighting without a weapon in stupid amounts. He'll scrap w a skeleton for fun, and it's even easier with his edward scissorhands ass implants. The reason his jacket has that fire charge burn is because he got distracted with "playing" w a ghast
- in a similar fashion, likes play-fighting (i say play-fighting, but i mean like, full-on blood and bruises but without ill intent when i say fighting)
His fav mobs are creepers. Has attempted to get close to one before. In addition, really likes the nether as well.
- Given he can't yell as much anymore (though he will still be the loudest man on earth if something scares him) (think incyn from neocranium streams), he's overly condescening and sarcastic instead.
- His right pupil is all janked up because his face got slashed; the reason why was because he was trying to fight off the illagers that were taking Maya + Gill. Still believes he could've tried harder.
- occasionally loses sleep either because of adrenaline, stress, nightmares, or just because of his already abysmal sleep schedule.
^ not a morning person.
- is, in fact, still super competitive and will brag about any victory ever. Still learning not be a sore loser (its a work in progress, but its there)
- has dark humour in the sense he'll try and joke about things in the worst moments, also a bit grim or rude in the same way. He'll laugh about stupid shit in general, though.
^ when he laughs loud enough and for too long, steam will also come out his jaw vents/mouth (not to the same amount if he was to scream and overload his throat implant, its lighter and not as obtrusive)
- has a really good knack for stealing things and negotiating with traders. He likes doing it, too. He feels awfully proud of himself when he manages to pull it off.
- His little antenna thing at the side of his head emotes (whirrs up and down or twists slightly from side to side. Think warrior cat fanart or something.)
- can come off as rude (and he is, dont get me wrong), but sometimes it is just genuinely being blunt or like, brutally honest with his thoughts. He doesn't even do it intentionally, it just becomes a reflex lmfao
- Will ramble on about the history and art and process regarding architecture if he can. He'll get embarrassed about going off on a tangent for so long and will shut up but like a couple months later he will absolutely start up again
- likes using his mech spider legs to skewer zombies. Morbid stress relief, but it's still mildly satisfying to him.
- has a really bad fear of storms after the whole sky city thing; it makes him have what is essentially flashbacks to everything to the bridge fight and after it (aka, deaths of his previously closest friends). Feels similarly to copper golems and will like, discreetly knock them over or push them away using his mech-spider legs
- wont admit it for the life of him but actually really enjoys feeding birds. Wont say it because he feels like thats something people over the age of 60 do when they're having a late-life crisis.
- easy to annoy thanks to his temper
(Next design will be of a certain .,.. pumpkin-related lady ....)
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cherrytheredwolf · 2 months
Blackberry The Sparkledog (EYESTRAIN WARNING)
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Idk if the eyestrain is that bad but I put a warning just in case.
Anyway, here’s my OC, Blackberry The Sparkledog :3
I like scene a normal amount.
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twinsoftriumph · 7 months
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last but not least...... Ames. the Came Back Wrong oc. who i am actually painting currently so if i like it i will post it :3
hashtag Edgy Backstory
ames wears Some sort of abyss mask modified just to be more unique but probably most similar to cackling cannoneer's. they also have melancholy mope hair, overactive overachiever's cape but modified to go around the whole body, anddddd. some sort of long pants outfit thats most similar to the aurora runaway outfit. or maybe like confident sightseer's outfit Again but more grey/cool toned.
no matter what outfit theyre wearing youre Barely going to see anything besides the legs anyway because theyre not one to take up much space or make very grand gestures
from isle! very interested in the history of the sky kingdom and spirits and the rebirth cycle (uh oh)
professional emotional wall builder. and archer i guess. they picked up that skill in forest back when vedesa still lived there which is how they met in my beautiful brain
they were the very eager sort of moth which eventually culminated in them having some rather large but also quite dangerous ambitions. aka fucking with the rebirth cycle and having to deal with the consequences of that
im still working on the finer details but they basically unded up stuck in the shattering void for A WHILE and witnessed a ton of memories suspended in time both of their own and other people's including from WAY before they were born and also feeling fluctuations of light and dark. very normal experience for one's psyche. but they escaped after like at least a year and theyre so normal about it and you cant even tell (lying)
vedesa's involvement comes from her being the one who spent ages trying to figure out a way to reach them which is how she ended up primarily spending time in vault in the first place and ALSO why she's trying to spend a lot less time in vault nowadays
so of course when ames escapes on their own theyre Pretty Damn Pissed but also really dont know what to do. and they lay low for another unspecified amount of time and are presumed missing or just permanently dead. they are very much neither of those
they ended up wandering into prairie after a while which is where they very much startled lalut due to literally looking like hell. lalut was very concerned to say the least but offered to take them in and they've been warming up to each other since :)
ames is just grateful to know someone who doesnt know their whole batshit backstory and is non judgemental and tries to just treat them like any other person
they are quite protective and will purposefully leer at people over your shoulder if they get bad vibes.
wicked chef. could theoretically be bribed with food (few have ever tried)
can be very meticulous and careful and is really quite gentle in most everyday stuff. very quiet footsteps. you will get jumpscared
used to be the lighthearted silly teasing type but has become a lot more dry and sharp about it. it has also become harder to tell when theyre just joking around
anyway theyre basically plotting to track down vedesa and properly confront her about what happened. id say yay for communication but god knows what they actually plan on doing or even what vedesa plans on doing with all that guilt. (guy who literally created them) (dont worry i have some ideas i just might draw them out another time)
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scarisd3ad · 11 months
To the end and back | Daryl Dixon x f!reader
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Chapter Eighteen - safe and sound
Previous >> next
Warnings - normal twd warnings
Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
A/n - the last chapter of season 2! Yay! I am going to post a chapter that takes place between season 2 and 3 that will introduce a new oc!
'Beside the dying fire'
S2 ep 13
"What was that?" I ask as I quickly jump up and walk over to where the others are sat in the living room. "Gun shots my guess" Andrea replies. "You think they found him?" I ask with my brows furrowed as I take a seat on the couch. "I don't know, but I'm going after them" Andrea says as she gets up from her place on the couch. "don't they could be anywhere, and if Randall comes back, were gonna need you here" Lori says as the front door opens. in comes both Daryl and Glenn. that pit in my stomach just dissolves as I see both of them. "Rick and Shane aint back?" Daryl asks as he and Glenn walk into the room. "no." Lori replies. "We heard a shot" Daryl says, as I cross my arms over my chest and relax into the couch "maybe they found Randall." Daryl shakes his head as he says, "we found him." quietly like he was starting to think "is he back in the shed?" Maggie asks. if they found Randall then why was there a shot? did Shane and rick run into a walker? there aren't many walkers to run into out here but maybe the city walkers are making their way into the country? 
"he's a walker" with that information now we know more of them are making their way into the country. the walkers in the city were starting to make their way out of the city when we were at the quarry so I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they were here now. there are walkers here but not as many as in Atlanta. small town meant a small amount of people which meant a small number of walkers. by now most of the people who were killed and turned to walkers here had been killed, but if the walker from the city starts making their way here that means we'll see a lot more of them soon.
"Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel asks with his hands stuffed into his pockets " no, weird thing is he wasn't bit." Glenn replies and Daryl adds "his neck was broke." from the start we assumed if you get bit you turn into a walker, that's the only way you can turn but maybe just dying makes you turn. "So, he fought back." Patricia states, Maggie's eyebrows stay furrowed up as Glenn and Daryl continue to speak. everything we thought we knew is just total bullshit, everything we've done to survive has really meant nothing if you just turn by dying. is there really a reason to survive if you're just going to turn if you don't get shot in the head. "The thing is Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other. and Shane aint no tracker, so he didn't come up behind him. they were together." Shane lied, why would he lie about something like that? I know shanes been known to lie but that's such a stupid thing to lie about just say you killed him it's not like anybody in this group was going to do anything to Shane anyways. 
"Would you please get back out there and find rick and Shane and find out what on earth is going on?" Lori says as she walks up to Daryl. Daryl nods and says "you got it" as he begins to walk towards the door. Lori loosely grabs ahold of Daryl's bicep mumbling "thank you" as she did so.
Daryl, Andrea and Glenn go outside but Andrea quickly runs back inside saying there is a herd of walkers coming our way. almost all of us run outside to take a look, and its big. I think it's bigger than the herd from the highway. it would just knock this house down. Hershel turns to Patricia and whispers "Patricia, kill the lights" Patricia turn around and begins to walk back to the house as Andrea says, "I'll get the guns" and follows after her. "May-maybe they're just passing through like the herd on the highway. should we just go inside?" Glenn suggests, maybe if this was the size of the herd out on the highway but this house won't survive this. "Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't think so. a herd that size would rip the house down" Daryl replies. I wrap my arms around my body mostly to warm myself up because it's freezing out here. 
"Carls gone" Lori says as she runs out onto the porch. we all turn around towards her "what?" that kid loved to run off, but I didn't expect him to run off in the middle of the night while there was a potentially dangerous person on the loose. "He-he wasn't upstairs. I can't find him anymore" Lori stutters out with tears in her eyes. "Maybe he's hiding" Glenn suggests. from what though? unless he saw the herd before us, he has no reason to hide. "he's supposed to be upstairs. I'm not leaving without my boy!" Lori cries, we're not going to leave without carl we can't just let another child die because of our negligence. "we're not, we're gonna look again. we're gonna find him" carol says as she takes Lori's hand and takes her back into the house. I can tell by the look in carols eyes that she doesn't want another mother to go through the same pain she went through with Sophia, she can't watch another child go the same way Sophia did.
Glenn runs his hands through his hair muttering something under his breath I can't really hear. Andrea comes back out with ricks gun bag and Hershel and Maggie hand out guns. I pull out mine from my bag and make sure I have enough rounds to at least make sure I'm able to get out of here alive. "Maggie." Glenn mumbles as Maggie hands him a gun. "You grow up country you pick up a thing or two" Maggie replies with a gun in her hand, and I can't help but agree half of the things I learned growing up on my grandparent's farm are what I'm using now to survive. "I've got the number- it's no use." Daryl mutters "you can go if you want." Hershel says as he cocks the gun in his hand. Daryl's brows furrow together "you're gonna take'em all on?" Hershel looks up at Daryl before saying "we've got guns, we've got cars." 
"Kill as many as we can, and we'll use the cars to lead the rest of them off of the farm." Andrea explains. Daryl looks to Hershel one more time asking, "are you serious?" Hershel replies with "this is my farm. I'll die here." 
"Alright. it's as good a night as any" Daryl says before turning to me "stay with Glenn" was he really serious, if he goes by himself and I stay with Glenn I might never be able to find him again we don't know what going to happen when we go out there. "But dar-" he quickly cuts me of grabbing my hand and saying "this ain't the time to be fuckin' stubborn stay with Glenn" before hopping over the porch railing. we watch as he runs off towards his motorcycle. I don't mean to be stubborn I just don't want to not know if something happened to him. anything could happen and I don't want to live the rest of my life waiting for a dead man to come back.
I let out a frustrated sigh as I tuck my gun into my back pocket and turn walking back into the house. "Where are you going?" Glenn asks as he grabs my wrist stopping me from moving any further. "I'm going to see if Lori's found carl yet." I mumble as I pull my wrist out of his grip and continue to walk into the house. I hate this, I hate not being able to stay in one area comfortably we have to flee every single time because of walkers. I walk into the house and up the stairs to where Lori and carol are looking for carl. "Have you found him yet?" I ask Lori's eyes are full of tears as she shakes her head. "May-maybe he's with rick" carol says but Lori just shakes her head "he's supposed to be up here, I told him to stay up here" she cries. carl really wasn't good at listening to his parents especially when they told him to stay inside. 
"y/n! we're about to leave!" I hear Glenn shout from downstairs. I'm about to go downstairs when I hear Maggie say "we've gotta go. if she's with Lori she'll be fine" and then the sound the door closing. I figure if I'm at least with other people in our group I'll be fine, so I decide to stay with Lori and carol to look around the house one last time for carl. we look in every room, under every bed, and even in every cupboard but he's nowhere to be found. he has to be with his father that's the only place I think he would've gone. we have to leave now if we don't, we'll get stuck up in the herd and definitely die. 
I'm peering out the window with Beth as I watch the barn light up in flames. that had to be Shane or ricks handy work they must have gotten stuck up in the barn. if Shane and rick are there, I'm certain carl is too. Beth turns to Patricia and whispers "the barns on fire" I scoot over and let her look. she peers through the boarded-up window and says "they're headed for it, maybe rick set it to draw'em in" a door upstairs slams before Lori comes rushing down the stairs "I can't find him anywhere" she says as carol comes following Lori as she walks into the living room "so maybe he snuck outside." carol says but I think she's just proposing the idea to try and get Lori out of the house. even though I believe he probably snuck out too I don't think Lori will leave until she's fully sure her son is outside and not in this house. "What do I do!" Lori shouts as she quickly turns back towards carol "he was here. he must've run off, maybe looking for rick or just went after Randall himself" carol says still trying to convince Lori that carl is not in this house. "Maybe he set the fire" Patricia proposes, now thinking about it that does seem like a very carl thing to do. Lori's head turns towards the window.
Lori decides she's going to check the shed one last time leaving Beth, Patricia, and I in the house. I don't know if we are going to be able to make it out of this house, the walkers are getting closer and closer even with Hershel outside shooting as many as he can. carol rushes back into the house saying "Beth, y/n, Patricia come on. we gotta go now." we follow after her onto the porch "Lori" carol says as she closes the door behind us. Lori stops shooting and bends down quickly grabbing the gun bag off of the ground. "Hershel! Hershel" Lori shouts as she leans over the porches railing. "Hershel! it's time to go! come on! now!" Lori shouts, he either can't hear her over the loud gun shots or just doesn't care because he doesn't respond. Lori calls his name a few more times before giving up and running over towards us. we begin to just run as fast we can once we get off of the porch. I hear the screams of two people behind me, but I just keep running because if I stop, I know I'll die too. I briefly turn my head back to see that carol, and Lori stopped to help. I can't stop now I keep running until I reach the shed. I turn around to see that a group of walkers have separated off from the herd and have started following me. 
my eyes widen as my back hits the shed. there's nowhere for me to run so I pull my gun out of my back pocket and shakily point my gun towards the walkers. my hands are shaky as I try shooting some walkers most shots failing just because of how unsteady my hands are. I'm gonna die, its finally setting in that I'm probably going to die. "Shit! shit!" I cry out as I try to shoot a few more walkers. this time I shoot two in the head but there is at least 20 coming at me. I watch as the truck comes barreling through a few walkers back where Lori is. I keep shooting at the walkers only making a few of the shots. 
Andrea comes running towards me shooting any walkers in her way. there are two walkers that are the closest to me about 4 or five feet away. I'm sure I'll be able to make these, so I lift my gun up getting ready to shoot when both of them get shot and fall over revealing Andrea behind them. I'm about to thank her when I see a walker behind her so close that if I didn't scream now, she'd die. "Look out!" I scream. she quickly turns around and shoots it, but it falls over on top of her. I don't even think twice before running the other way. maybe I can make it to the barn before Daryl leaves. I'm not that fast though, I never have been. I turn around shooting as many walkers as I can occasionally, but I mostly focus on running. the only thing pushing me towards that barn is adrenaline. my heart is beating against my chest as run, my legs start to ache, but I know I can't stop, not now at least. 
I turn to shoot a few more and it clicks informing me that it's out of ammo. I try again. click. click. "noo!" I cry out as I abruptly stop running to pull out a knife, I had stuffed into my pocket earlier. the walkers are slowly coming close. shit. the barn is close enough that I can see it and the flames roaring around it. I'm fumbling around in my pocket when I finally feel the cold metal blade in my pocket. I pull it out and point it at the walker closest to me. I wait until it comes a little close to raise it up a little and... I yelp as it grabs ahold of my wrist. its grip is tight as I try pulling away. I scream as loud as I can maybe if someone is still at the barn, they'll hear me and come help. "noo! noo let go" I cry out as I continue to pull away. I don't even know how something dead could have that strong of a grip. 
I hear the sound of an engine revving up as I finally break free from the walker's grip and stab it in the eye over and over again till it falls to the ground. I run to the street just as Daryl drives up. I don't think he expected it to be me because of the look on his face when he shouts, "I thought I told ya to stay with Glenn!" I get onto the motorcycle and wrap my arms around his torso before he starts driving again. "I know- I know I'm sorry please don't be mad" I cry. we drive through the night, but it feels like days go by I don't even know where he's taking us. we pass by groups of walkers occasionally, but it doesn't seem to bother Daryl and I'm not in the right state of mind to really care either we always loose them so why should I. 
my mind is racing. I could have died if I wasn't able to pull away from that walker it could've bit me. it could've bit me, and I would've died, I would've died, and no one would know what happened to me. I would've turned into one of those things and just spent the rest of eternity stumbling around looking for my next meal. god I left everything there my picture's my books. all the pictures of my parents, of matt. the only picture I have left is the one in my bag. I have nothing to remember them by what if I forget what they looked like and sounded like. I can't breathe, God we need to stop, I can't breathe.
"Da-Daryl can we stop! please stop!" I cry out loud enough for him to hear me over the engine. seeing that there's no walkers in sight he stops. I let go of Daryl and get off the bike. "Are ya alrigh'?" he asks as I stumble around for a few seconds trying to breathe as I dig through my bag until I find the small family picture I kept in my bag. I stare at it, it's from maybe when I was 8 matt is like 4 in the picture. mom, dad, matt, and me it was taken before dad left. a few months before the big fight that broke my family. it was my fault; I'll always say it was. I was being stubborn like I normally am not listening to my father when he told me to get ready for bed. my parents' relationship was already practically gone by that point but when my father grabbed my wrist tightly trying to pull me up the stairs to my room my mom had to step it. that's when the shouting and the screaming started when I woke up the next morning dad was gone.
 "Did ya get bit? fuck answer me!" he shouts, I quickly turn to him before hugging him. I have one arm wrapped around his neck and my face smushed into his shoulder. he stands there a little confused before wrapping his arms around my waist. "yo-you saved me I would've died out there without you. I l-love you so much" I cry into his shoulder. I can tell he doesn't really know what to say, he just stands there holding me. "Im-Im sorry for being so stubborn I-I should've just gone with Glenn and Maggie. b-but I wanted to help Lori and I-I lost track of time a-and they left me I-I'm sorry" I rant before raising my head up to look at him. I look into his blue eyes before pressing my lips to him he's a little taken aback at first but eventually kisses back. when I pull away, he wipes a tear off of my cheek before muttering "yer alright you don't gotta be sorry."
we go back to the highway, that's the best choice to choose if anyone was thinking of meeting up anywhere it would probably be the highway. I guess everyone else had the same idea because as Daryl pulls up onto the highway, I hear the sound of cars behind us. Daryl drives the motorcycle over to where they had left the sign for Sophia which felt like months ago when it was actually just a few weeks ago. when we pull up that's when I see rick, carl, and Hershel. the cars behind us park and I hop off of the motorcycle and to Shane's car. Glenn is standing with the driver's side door open. "Glenn!" I cry out as I almost knock him down in a hug. his arms tighten around my torso as he buries his head into my shoulder. "Holy shit" he mutters before he pulls away "I thought you died" he whispers. I grin as he pulls me back into a hug "I missed you so much." 
we walk over to where the others are gathered. Lori, Rick, Carl, Hershel, Beth, Maggie, carol, t-dog, Glenn, Daryl and I are all here. the only people we're missing are Shane, Andrea, Jimmy, and Patricia. "where'd you find everyone?" rick asks as he stands up from the group hug he was just having with his family. "Well, those guys' taillights zigzagging all over the road figured he had to be Asian, driving like that." Daryl says with his hands placed on his hips and a smirk on his lips. Glenn chuckles "good one." as he nods. Daryl looks around probably making a mental note of everyone who is here before asking rick "where's the rest of us?" rick sighs before turning to Daryl "we're the only ones who made it so far." Lori stands up and asks "Shane?" rick shakes his head. this is probably selfish, but it felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders knowing that Shane is dead. I don't have to worry about Shane trying to do anything to me or anyone else in this group anymore.
"Andrea?" Glenn asks, "sh-she saved me, then I lost her" I whisper terrified that the others would be angry that I left her behind she was a strong member of our group and losing her is definitely going to threaten our chances of surviving. "We saw her go down" t-dog says. "Patricia?" Hershel asks. "They got her too, took her right in front of me. I was-" Beth lets out a broken sob as both her father and sister wrap their arms around her. "I was holdin' onto her, daddy. she just-" she cries as she buries her head into her father's chest. "What about jimmy? did you jimmy?" Beth asks. "He was in the rv. it got overrun." rick replies. in total we lost 4 people to the walkers and most of them were vital assets to our group. "You definitely saw Andrea?" I ask, Lori turns her head towards me and says, "there were walkers everywhere." my brows furrow together "did you see her" I ask as i cross my arms over my chest. the last time I saw Andrea was when she fell, they definitely had to see her if she got up.
Daryl walks over to his bike saying "I'm gonna go back." rick shakes his head saying "no" and Daryl stops his brows furrowing together "We can't just leave her." Daryl protests. We don't even know if she's even alive, and it's been hours since anyone has seen her if she survived, she probably ran far away from that farm. "We don't even know if she's there" Lori says shaking her head "she isn't there, she isn't she's somewhere else or she's dead" rick states. that walker that fell on top of her was definitely dead, but I don't even know if she got out from underneath that walker, there is a chance that all those walkers behind her killed her after I ran. "there's no way to find her" Daryl is a tracker but there were so many walkers in that farm that it would be impossible for him to figure out if any of those footprints are hers. Glenns brows furrow up in confusion as he says, "so we're not even gonna look for her?" he asks, "we gotta keep moving. there are walker crawling all over here" rick replies as a walker in an Argyl sweater begins to stumble its way towards us. there are way too many walkers around her we have to keep moving there's no way we can even try to look for her without losing a few more people.
"I say head east" t-dog suggests as Daryl walks over to where his crossbow is sat on his bike as he says, "stay off the main roads, the bigger the roads, the more walkers, more assholes like this one...I got it." he picks up his crossbow and points it towards the walker and shoots it right in the head. 
we all get back into our cars except for t-dog and the other that were in the truck. we decided to leave that one on the road and move them into the other vehicles to save gas.
I have my arms wrapped tightly wrapped around Daryl's torso as we ride down a small road with trees lining either side when I hear a car honk behind us. the rule we made before we left the Atlanta camp honk once if you need assistance. Daryl's bike slows to a stop, I get off of the bike as everyone else is getting out of the cars. "You out?" Daryl asks as he turns his head towards rick who is walking towards him. "Running on fumes." rick replies. "We can't stay here" Maggie says as everyone makes their way towards Daryl and his bike. I stuff my hands in my pockets trying to warm them up, I didn't realize how much the temperature could drop in just a few days.
"We can't all fit in one car" Glenn says "we'll have to make a run for some gas in the morning" rick replies as he turns towards Glenn. "Spend the night here?" carol asks her brows furrowed together. there's no way we can spend the night here it's way too cold to start with and we don't even know who and what is in these woods. we could get raided or even killed if we stayed here. "I'm freezing" carl complains, his mother has her arm wrapped around his and his hands are stuffed in his pocket. "we'll build a fire, yeah?" Lori suggests as she rubs her hand quickly across her son's chest trying to warm him up. rick walks over to his son taking off his jacket before handing it to Lori, Lori takes that jacket and wraps it around carl.
 "You go out looking for firewood, stay close. Only got so many arrows. how are you doing on ammo?" Daryl asks. "Not enough" rick replies as he walks up just a little bit past Daryl's bike. "We can't just sit here with our asses hanging out" Maggie curses which prompts Hershel to reply with "watch your mouth everyone stop panicking and listen to rick" I don't understand how were supposed to stop panicking what started as a trip to find answers at the CDC ended with us having no answers no supplies and homeless. 
"Alright, we'll set up a perimeter. in the morning we'll find gas and some supplies. we'll keep pushing on." rick states, I don't know how we're supposed to just 'keep pushing on' when we've got nothing to eat, the temperatures are dropping, and have no roof over our heads to keep us just a little bit warm. "Glenn and I can go make a run now, try and scrounge up some gas" Maggie suggests. rick shakes his head in protest as he says "no, we stay together. gods forbid something happens and people get stranded without a car." rick says as we turn around. everyone has this look on their face like there not trusting everything rick is saying, like we're starting to pull away and not believe were going to be alright like rick is trying to tell us. "Rick, we're stranded now" Glenn says is a quiet voice. "I know it looks bad, we've all been through hell and worse, but at least we found each other" what was finding each other worth in were just going to freeze or starve to death. 
"I wasn't sure-" rick cuts himself off as he shakes his head "I really wasn't but we did. we're together. we keep it that way" we all look at each other almost as if were a bit skeptical of if what he is saying is true. was it really for the best that we found each other? "we'll find shelter somewhere. there's gotta be a place." rick says as he turns his back to us and walks forward a bit. "Rick, look around. okay? there's walkers everywhere. t-they're migrating or something." I watch as carl shivers in his mother's arms struggling to get himself warm. "there's gotta be a place not just where we hole up, but we fortify, hunker down, pull ourselves together, build a life for each other." is there really a way to do that though this group has a record of not being able to stay in one place for a long time. the Atlanta camp, the CDC, the farm they're all abandoned now. 
"I know it's out there. we just have to find it." rick hisses, "even if we do find a place and we think it's safe, we can never be sure for how long. look what happened with the farm. we fooled ourselves into thinking that was safe" Maggie speaks up. Hershel looks to his daughter before whispering "we won't make that mistake again. "Rick it wasn't only the farm we made that mistake with and-and you know that" I whisper, his brows furrow up in anger before it quickly disappears, and he says "we'll make camp tonight over there" he says pointing to something i think used to be some garden or memorial. it's got walls but no roof, but someone could sit onto of the walls to patrol. "Get on the road break of day. "Does this feel right to you?" carol asks Daryl as she walks up to him "what if walkers come through, or another group like Randalls?" Beth asks as she walks up to rick. 
"You know I found Randall, right? he turned, but he wasn't bit." Daryl whispers, rick nods like this weren't a surprise to him "how's that possible?" Beth asks with her brows furrowed together. "Rick, what the hell happened?" Lori asks. I lean myself against Daryl who is beside me trying to maybe transfer heat between the two of us. "Shane killed Randall. just like he always wanted to." Daryl states, loris brows furrow together as she asks, "and then the herd got him?" rick is quiet as we all look to him for answers.
"we're all infected" rick mutters, were all infected which means no matter how hard we try we'll all turn one day unless were shot in the head. "What?" Daryl asks "at the CDC Jenner told me. whatever it is, we all carry it. I don't understand why rick would keep something like that from us. that's an important thing for us to know and he kept it for weeks before telling us. I pull myself off of Daryl before he starts pacing a bit. carols words are laced with anger as she steps forwards and says, "and you didn't say anything?" 
"Would it have made a difference?" were all angry at rick, this is something I think we should've all know about it could've changed so many of the decision we decided to make. "You knew this whole time?" Glenn asks his face filled with the look of betrayal. how could he not have even told his own wife who has the same betrayed look on her face that Glenn has. "How could I have known for sure? you saw how crazy that mo-" Jenner seemed crazy but maybe everything that Jenner was saying was true and we could've made a better more informed decision back at the CDC if we knew we were all infected, if we knew we basically had no chance of having a better life than this. "That isn't your call. 'kay, when I found out about the walkers in the barn, I told for the good of everyone!" Glenn whisper shouts cutting rick off as he leans forward a bit.
I cross my arms over my chest trying to warm myself up as a particularly cold gust of wind blows through. "Well, I thought it best that people didn't know." rick says, no matter how hard he's trying to defend his actions and make us understand why he didn't tell us it doesn't change our opinion that it was fucked up of him not to tell us it seemed more like something Shane would do.
it's quiet for a few seconds as rick looks at each one of us maybe just looking for one of us to speak up and say that we agree with him but none of us do not even his wife. he lets out a disappointed sigh before turning around and walking away. Lori lets go of carl pushing him towards Hershel who pats his head before resting his hand on carl shoulder. Lori follows after her husband leaving us all just watching as she runs after him. 
I run my hands through my hair as I let out a frustrated sigh. that promise rick made yesterday that we were going to fix this group for dale was a lie we were break more, and more and I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up splitting up soon.
its late and we're all gathered around the fire trying to keep warm as the night brings in colder and colder temperatures. Daryl is throwing more and more pieces of wood into the fire to keep it a blaze. Lori walks over to carl who is staring into the fire with his hands clasped together and sit down behind him. carol who is sitting beside me whispers "we're not safe with him" to Daryl. Daryl turns his head down towards carol with his brows furrowed together. "keepin' something like that from us." I think it was wrong of rick to not tell us, but I don't think we're not safe with him. "Why do you need him? he's just gonna pull you down" Daryl shakes his head "nah. ricks done all right by me" carols brows furrow together as she says "you're his henchman, and I'm a burden. you deserve better" I think we're fine with rick for right now, he's not like Shane and I don't think we should start anything that could possibly leave us all dead.
Daryl stares at carol for a few seconds before asking "what do you want?" she lifts her head back up to look up at Daryl as she whispers, "a man of honor." I look over to carl who's got his head down looking at the ground, I think it's wrong of carol to be talking so vulgar about his father right in front of him. I can tell carl feels awkward listening to her talk about rick like that. "Rick has honor" Daryl replies. I stuff my hands into my pocket as I mutter "let's not start anything." 
there's a sound out in the woods of something shuffling around out there maybe "what was that?" Beth asks. Daryl stands up and says "could be anything. could be a raccoon, could be a possum." almost all of us stand up, "a walker" Glenn mutters. were all on guard just waiting for a walker to pop out. "We need to leave. what are we waiting for?" carol squeaks as she glances nervously around. "Which way?" Glenn asks and Maggie replies with " it came from over there" as she points to where she suspects the noise came from. "Back from where we came" Beth adds.
"Last thing we need is for everyone to be running off in the dark" like last night the main reason why we lost so many was because of how we were panicking and running around like fools. "We don't have the vehicles. no one's traveling on foot." it wouldn't be safe for us to just run off in the dark there's too many walkers in this area already and there wouldn't be a way for us to find everyone. "don't panic" Hershel advises "I'm not, I'm not sitting here, waiting for another herd to blow through we need to move now!" Maggie demands. rick turns around towards us "no one is going anywhere" he growls as he lunges towards us a bit. he's angry, maybe he heard what we said or maybe he just senses that were questioning him. Maggie's brows furrow up as she takes a step back "do something!" carol begs. "I am doing something! I'm keeping this group together, alive. I've been doin' that all along no matter what!"
"I didn't ask for this! I killed my best friend for you people, for Christ sake!" he killed Shane it wasn't a bite or a self-inflicted death. I'm not mad at him, I'm actually pretty proud of him for finally showing Shane who's boss. carl is staring at his father with tears pooling in his eyes, he's staring at him like he doesn't know who that man is. we all silently stare at rick most of us in shock from his random outburst. rick scoffs "you saw what he was like, how he pushed me, how he compromised us, how he threatened us." he looks down to Lori who won't even make eye contact with him "he staged the whole Randall thing, led me out to put a bullet in my back. he gave me no choice!" I saw the way Shane looked at rick ever since he appeared at the quarry, he looked like he just wanted to strangle him every time he'd kiss Lori or be fatherly with carl. it was like Shane thought rick was stealing it all right from underneath him. "He was my friend, but he came after me." Lori wraps her arms around carl as he begins to sob uncontrollably. even while hearing his son's sobs rick continues on "my hands are clean." he looks to each one of us and we all try not to make eye contact in fear that he'll come after us. "Maybe you people are better off without me. go ahead. I say there's a place for us but may-maybe it's just another pipe dream."
carols got this dear in headlights look now knowing rick heard what she said. "May-maybe I'm just fooling myself again! why don't you- why don't you go and find out yourself?! send me a postcard! go on! there's the door! you can do better? let's see how far you get." no one speaks or tries to leave it's like we're frozen. I knew it was a horrible thing to about rick when he was just a few feet away. we shouldn't have started anything. "No takers? fine. but get one thing straight you're stayin', this isn't a democracy anymore." rick looks at each one of us one more time before turning around and walking off angrily. I just know that dale wouldn't be happy with where our group is at right now, it's still broken, and I don't think there's anything we can do to fix it.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 153.brb x oc
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a/n: i love a good protective rooster. It's so great...I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE LIKING THESE CHAPTERS TOO AAA(reblogs and comments are super encouraged <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
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If there was a way to describe what Beatrice was feeling right at this moment was…a mix of desperation and a huge amount of ‘ i should've just stayed home’. The nausea was getting bad, as in,really bad. She had to stop for a moment, close her eyes and inhale as deeply as she could when what she could only explain as a whirlpool in her stomach happened.
She was trying her best to stay calm and focused, because those corpo guys were there and Penny couldn’t kick them out without a reason…which also wasn’t good. The patrons weren’t used to seeing full on suited businessmen sitting on the corner, it wasn’t normal, it wasn’t part of their routine and they kept chuckling or pointing at them.
Maverick was sitting on his usual spot by the bar, eyes moving from the guys to Beatrice who was with her back to him, one of her hands clenching the fridge handle so tight he could see her knuckles turning white with how strong she was clenching it. He knew that Rooster went to the bathroom when he walked inside, telling his uncle to ‘keep an eye on Bea’ since she wasn’t feeling good.
“Kiddo.” he calls, folding his arms and leaning forward when Beatrice was still as a rock, “Bea,Beatrice.”
“Are you alright- damn kid, you look pale.”
Oh no.
“Oh,um,no,I’m fine.” she smiles weakly, clearing her throat as she turns towards him, “D-Do you need anything,Mav?”
“No,I wanted to check on you,that’s all.” he gestures to his own beer bottle with a small smile, “Brad said you aren’t feeling that good tonight?”
“Uh, yeah,” she wipes a glass with her rag in hopes to keep herself distracted. If she breathed in and out slowly, she could manage it just right. Of course the nausea wasn’t just leaving her body but she was happy there was a way to control it for now, “It’s…nothing really, probably something I ate.” she swallows hard and then gives Pete a nervous smile, “B-But I’m fine!”
“A-Anyway, um, so what do you uh…think about those guys?” quick, more distraction, “The ones who are hounding the bar?”
Maverick turns his body to where the said group was seated, he stares at them for a long while then chuckles, “They won’t last a month.”
“They can’t handle the heat of owning bars like these.” he smiles, sipping his beer, “It’s not about the money,Bea. It’s the atmosphere. And because people like Penny…and they like you and Shells and Jessie,” he smiles, “Because it’s welcoming, those guys can try but what do they know?”
Beatrice smiles softly, clearing her throat again and looking up when she saw Rooster’s colorful shirt appear by the corner of her eye, she tried to tell him without words that she wasn’t feeling the greatest and maybe they could leave early…but at the same time she felt guilty because she didn’t want to leave Penny and Shells alone in there. Her husband looks up at her when he sits down, his cheeks puffing up and eyes crinkling when he smiled so sweetly at her.
He mouths the ‘you okay?”
And Bea took a while to reply, instead of words she offered him a thumbs up partially hidden by the cup. Rooster obviously didn’t like that, but he didn’t show it too much either, at least not with his body. He arched his brow then nodded towards the front door ‘wanna leave?’
With the same hand she did a left to right motion with her fingers straight, ‘no.not yet’
His left eyebrow rises higher, ‘you sure about that?’ another thumbs up and then an ‘ok’ with her index and thumb. Bradley licked his lips but nodded, relaxing a bit on his seat as he stayed next to Maverick, nursing himself with some water as his uncle smirked at him. It takes a while for Rooster to notice Maverick is looking and once he does, his uncle’s smirk only widens, “What?”
“It’s cute you two have a code of some sort.” he points to Beatrice’s far away form,”It was obvious you two were talking about something but I couldn’t figure out what.”
“Maybe you didn’t have to figure out what it was.” he murmurs while keeping his eyes on the brunette, “It’s couple stuff,Mav.”
“Still pretty cute.”
“Shut up.”
While Bradley and Maverick were busy chuckling to each other, Beatrice could feel beads of sweat rolling down her face because it was getting harder and harder to hold that back. She clenches her hand on the faucet handle as she watches the glass mug fill with the golden liquid, stopping just in time for the foam to reach the top. With an inhale for courage, she slaps on a smile and turns to the patrons waiting for it.
She stays there for a while, only moving when she feels a presence next to her and the wisps of blonde hair she could see over her shoulder showed that her best friend was there. Shells tried to play as if she was helping Beatrice wash the glasses, their shoulders touching.
“Hey, you good?” her friend asks with her brows furrowed, “You look kinda pale.”
Oh,not her too.
“I might need to do a quick bathroom break.” she whispers, setting the dry glasses on the counter, “Cover for me?”
“I will, what do you need me to do?”
“Keep Penny occupied, Rooster is going to come right behind me.” she looks up to check where her boss was, ‘Please?”
“Count on me,babes. Go on,I know how to get her attention.”
Beatrice nods, pulling out her apron and walking out of the bar. Rooster immediately stands straighter, about to follow her only for Beatrice to hold four fingers, meaning to wait until she was away and count to four…if he followed her right now not even Shells’ distraction was going to work on Penny.
Maverick knew something was going on, but he just assumed it was because Beatrice was sick, nothing else and his nephew just worried a lot about her. He brought the bottle to his lips as Rooster tried to follow Beatrice without being too obvious - which wasn’t really easy considering who Rooster was.
But the pilot did follow Bea to the employee’s bathroom, well, to the door. He stopped right in front of it, pressing his ear to the wood and frowning when he heard what was going on inside, “Babe?” he frowns more at another obvious sound,”Gorgeous, you okay?”
“No.” she coughs after saying that “I feel like shit.”
“We should go home,I can talk to Penny.”
“...I can’t leave-”
“You can’t l-Beatrice you are thro-” he keeps his voice down, looking back to the main area then back at the door, “You are throwing up,gorgeous…please, just let me talk to Penny, she’s going to understand.”
“...I…I don’t know…”
“You know she will…please baby,you are not okay.”
“Maybe I-I’ll be okay now. I just threw up anyway.”
Her good heart was going to give him issues one of these days. He sighs, sliding his hands into his pockets as he purses his lips, “....fifteen minutes.”
“If you feel bad again in fifteen minutes,I’ll carry your pretty ass out of here and back home. I’m serious,babe. You are not going to feel bad the rest of the night and stay here because you want to help…do you think Penny will appreciate knowing that?”
A pause, followed by a sad, “No…”
“Then it’s settles.” he leans his shoulder against the wall and waits until she comes out, “...how do you feel?”
“So-so.” The toilet flushes and is soon followed by the sound of a faucet opening and water hitting the porcelain, “It’s better…I’m okay…”
“...are you mad?”
Rooster sighs, rubbing his eyes with his finger tips, “I’m worried.” he replies, watching the door open and Beatrice’s head pop out. He pays attention to her face, cupping her cheeks to check on her complexion,”You aren’t that pale anymore…you are flushed, and there’s no sweat clinging to your cheeks…” her skin was a bit damp too, “...baby, you know why I worry.”
She looks down guiltily, holding his hands to her cheeks, “I do…I’m okay Rooster,I promise you that.If I feel worse,we can go home. Okay?”
“Okay.” he leans down to peck her lips, only for Beatrice to touch his lips with her fingers and laugh gently.
“No,Roos.I’m still working…and I’m chewing gum right now, because…well.” his pursed lips curve down onto a frown and he leans back, clearly forgetting that Beatrice was still at the bar for a brief second. His hands also took a while to let her body go, knowing that touching was only allowed when they were out of there and away from Penny’s eyes, “Just a few more minutes.’
“Yeah,well,” he lets her walk out first, “It’s what I’m hoping,gorgeous.”
“I know.” thankfully the way out was not as packed, so she could slip in through the crowd towards the bar again. Rooster sighs, trying to ease his anxieties when he makes his way back, trying to appear casual, sitting back next to Mav who didn’t even look up at him when he sat down.
“Is she okay?”
“Yeah,” Rooster answers when he leans his elbows over the bartop, “Just a stomach bug.” he says softly, still keeping his eyes on Beatrice who was now - unfortunately - serving one of the businessmen. He keeps one of his hands over his mouth to cover it, as he directs a question to Mav, ‘Have they been drinking anything?”
“Each of them asked for something different.” his uncle says, gesturing to the one asking Beatrice for a drink with his pinky, “That one, he didn’t ask for anything though. In fact he was probably waiting until everyone else did.”
Rooster didn’t like the smile he was throwing Beatrice, nor the way he appeared relaxed. He just watched with his eyes slightly narrowed, trying to hear what the conversation was and thinking that as soon as seat vacated next to the guy he was coming closer.
Beatrice, however, was just being her polite self towards the man, asking him what he wanted and whatnot. He wasn’t…bad looking, but he clearly wasn’t her husband. He did work out and he had some facial hair albeit it was much of a trimmed beard than a mustache “Here,” she says as she places the beer bottle in front of him, trying to appear neutral towards this…businessman. “Anything else?”
‘Oh, no,no. You are a very good bartender.”
“Thank you.”
“Yes, you’ve been here long?”
Beatrice inhaled softly, then nodded, “Mhm.”
“And…do you get paid well?”
“That doesn’t concern you.” she smiles curtly, “Now if you are done, there are more people behind you, so,” she nods away from the bar so he could take the hint and leave. But he just smiled, bringing the beer to his lips.
“Just saying, you might get new opportunities.”
“Just saying, I don’t care.” she snaps, now narrowing her eyes and furrowing her brows, “You should go back to your seat.”
“Ooohh, you got a bite to you, don’t ya?”
“I do, but my husband bites harder.”
“Husband?” he laughs, “And does he allow you to work here?” allow her?? 
“I don’t know, you can ask him- Roos!”
There’s the sound of a stool dragging on the floor and the heavy steps of a very unamused and tall pilot, his shadow casting over the seating man because everyone parted like the red sea so he could get closer. The businessman clearly wasn’t expecting that, but he tried to play casual- and not scared - when he noticed Rooster. “What’s happening,gorgeous?”
“He asked if you allowed me to work here.” she points to the man without any fear in her eyes, “So I thought you could answer him better than me,since I’m not feeling great.” her back turned to the man so she could focus on anyone else but that group. Rooster, who clearly didn’t like how he acted towards Beatrice, just leaned on his elbow to be at eye level with the man.
The suited man just refused to meet his eyes, and tried to slip away towards the table where everyone else was. But Rooster held his shoulder and then shouted, “Penny!” the owner turns towards him, “This guy was bothering Bea.” the look of pure raw delight on Penny was amazing, she even stopped what she was doing to approach them.
She smiles while leaning her weight on her hands, keeping her blue eyes on the group of corpo guys with her body relaxed, “Really?” she hums, “Hey, do you want to know how to have a bar like this? It starts with respecting my employees.”
“I wasn’t bothering her,I–”
“He asked if I was paid enough here.”Bea said in passing, holding a tray up, “And he asked if Roos allowed me to work here.”
“As if you are just a piece of meat, oh, tsk tsk, see.” Penny leans on her elbows now, interlacing her fingers over the counter,”Here on the Hard Deck, we do things differently, we respect the ones who walk through those doors…and those who respect us. Now,Bea,” she turns to the brunette when she returns, “Would you like to tell this man what happens when someone bothers one of the servers?”
“You have to pay for the entire bar.” she ends it with an innocent shrug, “And from what I’ve seen…there’s seventy-eight people,right now…so. Oh- no card either. Has to be cash.” and it was obvious the man was furious but he couldn’t do anything with Rooster holding his shoulder.
He grumbled and cursed all the way back to their table. Rooster kept his eyes on the man who dared to glare over at Beatrice, “Keep your eyes to yourself,bud,” he points to his own eyes, then back at him, “Don’t look at my wife. You hear me?”
“Yeah don’t look at the Miss!”
“Thank you Faraday, now go back to your seat and stop eavesdropping.” the young recruit, who was just close by, saluted him and walked all the way back to his table - not before doing the ‘i see you’ movement with his hands towards the group who was looking defeated and clearly annoyed by what happened.
Beatrice smiles after talking to Penny, holding her bag on her shoulder and gently poking his arm to get his attention, “Roos,I’m ready.”
He smiles, pushing himself to his feet and walking around the bar to grab her hand, “Alright, you good?” she nods, “Great,we’ll go back home and I’ll pamper you like you deserve to be pampered.”
“Tempting.” she says once she waves everyone goodbye, “But I just want to take a bath and drink some hot cocoa, that’s all…can you do that?”
“Can I do that? Gorgeous-” he kisses her forehead, “Don’t you know me?”
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azurdlywisterious · 8 days
Tell me your fave vaults
Okay, I somehow narrowed it down to a top five (honorable mentions are basically every single other vault) (except Vault 81) ( i wish the experiment actually happened and the overseer didnt shut it down i wanted the psychological horror :/ )
Vault 77- This is the crate of puppets vault, featuring the crate of puppets guy. This Vault wasn't a part of any game, rather it is from a comic that was promo material for fallout 3. and like, penny arcade understood the assignment on demonstrating how fucked up vault-tec is in thirty six panels. Like my one critique is that it's so short, but with the direction they went with the plot and the topics they tackled and it being 2008, it was probably for the best. Anyways the whole comic is free on the Internet Archive and its a nice snappy read (almost to its detriment like straight up plz someone get ari aster on the phone he'd make a fantastic adaptation of one man and a crate of puppets legit)
Vault 112- ooh hoo hoo unlike most vaults that I just remember from reading the wiki blurbs back in high school, this one was fully brought to my attention in a game of magic where i exiled a ridiculous amount of my library to get a winning card and also my missing dad (shout out to adventure costs!!!) and in that game i vowed to find it. I didnt know that it was a part of the main plot of fo3 yet but that didn't take long to find out. This is the creepy simulation one that i see as almost a proof of concept for the evil within vibes-wise (i fucking love the evil within series but thats besides the point). Legit terrified me in a way that should not have been possible (maybe im the one with unchecked issues that people being saccharinely nice to me sets off alarm bells in my head but it could also be that i had to get into a vr pod first) (who knows?) Anyways I proceeded to ignore like half of it and I'm looking forward to the next time i play and actually interacting with it a bit more (also one of my twelve fallout ocs is from this vault i made it work given this vault's canon ending)
Vault 11- Oughhhhhhh epistolary enviromental just altogether wonderful storytelling. the posters. The Posters! The ones that read "I Hate Nate" but the deeper down you go the more you find that have been graffitied to read "I Hate Kate" perfect wonderful amazing. Not to mention granting us with "Don't Vote Glover He Has A Family" which idk I love that out of context but I do. In context it's downright horrifying and the absurdity of it actually adds to the horror. Love love love Vault 11.
Vault 108- Gary. Gary Gary? Gary! Okay in all seriousness the story of this one is bonkers and also I'm a sucker for cloning (I had a cloning phase in third grade). Like, they found a guy that was going to die in a few months to be overseer so that there would be a power vacuum. Okay, normal social experiment for vault-tec. This eventually leads to them cloning a guy named Gary and then all the Gary clones killing the rest of the dwellers so now the only people in the vault are Gary clones. For the life of me I do not remember the chain of events that led to it and no i will not look it up it's funnier this way.
Vault 88- Look this one is boring to most people. Its a mix reviewed Fallout 4 DLC but dammit, I like getting to design my own Vault. As someone who got into Fallout because of the Vaults it was incredibly appealing to get to be the villain for once. And then I saw that my victim was this sweet guy named Clem (and also I was playing a goody two shoes but thats besides the point). Like I can tell they wanted to write Clem to be annoying so that you felt less bad basically torturing him but I found him so sweet and earnest I just couldnt. I fucking love Clem I would die for Clem hes like if a golden retriever was a person that I wanted to make sure kept his agency and autonomy. Plus it was really fun getting to piss the overseer off with some actually decent written dialogue. Like bonus points for that. And I still havent finished building the vault! amazing. absolutely wacky but also amazing.
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sapphirelass · 8 months
In my Blood ~ Will Solace x Sister
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Hi you guys! Wow, it's been over a year😅 I'm still working toward my uni degree (physics, maths and upper secondary school education for those of you who don't know), spending time with my boyfriend, hanging out with friends, and visiting my family as often as I can. I promise I have done a fair bit of writing this past year, just not finished anything... But, here we are! Really looking forward to the PJO-series, but while we're all waiting, here's a Will imagine because Will is great <3
To read as xReader, click here
Words: 2500 ish
Warnings: injury, blood, wounds, angst (normal demigod stuff really, but you know)
Please note that English isn't my first language! I have studied it for over a decade, and speak it fluently, but there might still be some grammatical errors and a mix of British/American expressions - thanks for understanding :)
she/her OC
“Get down!” she shouted, as a giant, angry, terrifying cyclops approached them. “Listen closely now; do you see that huge pine tree over there? And the statue? Run past them, and you’ll find people who’ll help. I’ll try to buy you as much time as possible!”
The two seven-year-old half-bloods that had just been saved and brought to camp (well, almost anyway) sat off towards the border, as Chelsea Solace, daughter of Apollo, stayed behind and pulled her sword out. She was a way more advanced archer than swordfighter, but the one bow she had brought with her had fallen out of her firm grip as she jumped behind a boulder for cover. She had made an attempt at getting it back, however, that just resulted in her body coming crashing to the ground as the cyclops’ hand collided with her chest, while the bow ended up in between the hard ground and the monster’s massive foot… Chelsea threw her head back and sighed at the sight of her trusty old weapon in pieces, and it wasn’t until she tried to push herself back up on her feet that she noticed a terrible pain spreading through her left arm from her elbow. It hurt badly, but since she didn’t have much of a choice, Chelsea, suddenly feeling slightly dizzy, pushed herself back up with her other hand and looked for another road to victory. 
After a few minutes of trying to attack the monster with her sword, but repeatedly failing since getting close enough without getting hit herself proved to be very difficult, Chelsea quickly ran in a circle around the monster causing him to stumble - if only for a second. She wasted no time launching herself at the cyclops with her sword and - *SPLASH*. The sharp, metal blade bore deep into the slimy eye, and the cyclops staggered backwards, slowly disintegrating. Chelsea was just about to take a deep breath when she felt a stinging sensation in her abdomen. Briefly glancing down, she winced as she realized what had happened. The monster must have grabbed one of her arrows from the quiver she had thrown onto the ground, and, rather violently judging by the amount of blood oozing through her orange t-shirt, pushed one into her side. 
Being a demigod, Chelsea had obviously suffered multiple injuries before, though never quite ones as bad as this. The bottom half of her shirt was now more red than orange, and she could feel the world spinning slightly. Groaning, she sat down against a tree and inspected the wound carefully. She wanted to pull the arrow out, but her twin brother Will had always strongly argued against doing something just like that. A vague memory of him saying something along the lines of “the weapon possibly being the only thing keeping you from losing too much blood”... Sighing, she started to slowly make her way toward camp but didn’t make it very far before stumbling over her own feet and falling forwards on the cold hard ground. Chelsea coughed up something that looked like a mixture of spit and blood before pushing herself to her feet again with the help of her sword. It wasn’t a speedy process, but she kept walking in the direction of the infirmary, stopping to catch her breath every few steps.
“Chels?!” She only had a few hundred meters to go when two of her closest friends - Travis and Connor Stoll - came running towards her with worried faces. Typically when the brothers approached someone together in this way it was with mischievous smiles on their faces and usually followed by a prank of some sort, but not this time. “What in the name of the gods happened to you?”, Travis asked, as Connor carefully placed Chelsea’s right arm across his shoulders to help support her. “We ran into some new kids who said you’d picked a fight with a giant?”
“Oh hardly…”, she demonstrated. “If anyone picked a fight it was him! And besides, it was just a normal cyclops, and not even a very big one.” She winced slightly when Travis smiled and grabbed her other arm, but started walking more steadily thanks to the brothers. “But my bow broke, and - friendly advice - don’t try to take out a cyclops with nothing but a sword.”
“You should put that on a T-shirt.”, Travis joked but shut up quickly when Chelsea’s knees buckled and she stumbled again. He sent her a worried glance as Connor spoke up.
“So, what happened? How bad off are you really?”
She told them the story as they walked slowly down the hill and across the volleyball court. They were right by the big house when Chelsea finished the story.
“Gods…”, Connor mumbled, changing his grip around his friend’s shoulder to give her even more support. “You know Will’s gonna kill you himself this time, right?”. Chelsea was about to answer him when someone opened the door to the infirmary and beat her to it.
“Who do I have to kill? I swear, if Nico is shadow travelling like a madman agai- Oh Gods!”, Will interrupted himself, a look of horror on his face as he was met with the sight of his twin sister barely able to stand up, and covered from head to toe in blood, mud, and dirt. “Chels, what happened?!” He examined her quickly before holding the door open so the Hermes boys could get in and slowly lay Chelsea on one of the bunks.
“It’s a bit of a story, and I don’t know if I feel like repeating it again right now”, she said weakly, wincing a bit as Will swiftly pulled her worn jean jacket off, “but the short version is that a cyclops punched me and I have an arrow through my stomach… And probably a broken arm too. And I might have hit my head when I fell… it, eh, hurts a bit…”
“Gods…”, Will sighed, “Well, do you feel nauseous? Disorientated? Can you see clearly or is anything blurry?” 
“Eh… a little dizzy maybe, and a weak headache, but my sight is fine and I’m not feeling sick.”
 “Right”, Will mumbled as he wiped a small amount of blood from his sister’s forehead and briefly inspected the small wound. “Something positive I suppose…”. He put a small bandaid on it to slow the bleeding down at least momentarily, before moving to look at his sister’s arm which was indeed bent in a rather weird way. “Well, head-related injuries are always scary, I’ll have to examine it further to know how bad it actually is. The arm is absolutely broken - annoying, but fixable - though this arrow…” He grabbed a pair of scissors and cut through her T-shirt so that he could get to the wound.  “Jeez, Chels… How long have you been bleeding?”
She took a deep breath before answering. “I’m not sure, it feels like an eternity, but an hour maybe?”
“AN HOUR?!” Will tried to stay calm, but his now pale face told another story. “Holy… Okay, eh, Chels, I’m gonna… I have to get the arrow out and stop the bleeding as fast as I can, you- you’ve already lost way too much blood. Let's just hope that it missed anything vital.”
He whispered the last part, but Chelsea hardly heard the rest either, as she slowly but steadily started drifting off to sleep. “Sure thing… You do that, I’m just gonna doze off for a quick sec…”
“Oh no, you’re not!” Will dropped what he was holding and grabbed her shoulders to shake her gently. “Chels, I get that you’re exhausted, but you have to stay awake. As I said, you lost a lot of blood, and you may have a concussion. Sorry, I’m not even gonna argue with you - you’re not falling asleep.”
He turned back to the brothers who were watching from afar, wanting to know what happened but also not being in the way. “Connor, Travis, you have to keep her talking while I work, okay?”
“Sure”, Travis nodded, as Connor grabbed Chelsea’s right hand again. “Wanna tell us about the new kids?”
“Yeah”, Connor added. “They seem cool!”
“They are…” Chelsea moved a bit, carefully letting Will remove the piece of her T-shirt that he had cut off to get to the wound. “Only seven years old, fighters both of them. They ran away from different orphanages in Vermont and took down a basilisk together in Albany and have taken care of each other si- AHHHHH.”
She let out a harsh scream as her brother swiftly pulled what was left of the arrow out of her chest, and would probably have rolled off the bed if not for the Stoll brothers holding her down as Will apologised profusely. 
“I’m so sorry, Chels”, he mumbled sadly, as he handed Travis a big piece of ambrosia, “but that was the worst of it. You’re doing really well, just hold on. You should try to have some ambrosia now that the arrow’s out.” She struggled to take a few shallow breaths as the extreme pain slowly began to fade again, but nodded and accepted the small piece of godly food Travis was offering her. The pain instantly lessened even more as the flavour of her mother’s gingerbread cookies combined with a touch of magic consumed her whole being. Chelsea finally took a really deep breath, but when she exhaled it felt as if every single drop of energy she had been grasping onto left her at once. She allowed herself to close her eyes and immediately began drifting off to sleep, the worried voices of Will, Travis, and Connor simply fading into silence.
Chelsea was desperate for a few hours of peaceful rest, but unfortunately sleep and nightmares tended to almost always go hand in hand for demigods. She relived the last 24 hours in her sleep, everything from leaving camp in the early morning feeling excited to bring some new kids back to the exhausting battle that could have ended badly if not for the cyclops’ inability to stay on its feet. During the actual fight, it had happened so quickly that she hadn’t even noticed it at first, but this time she could clearly see how the monster roughly yanked a sharp arrow from her quiver and began making his way back towards her. She lay flat on the ground, desperately trying to move out of the way, but she couldn’t. It was as if all her muscles suddenly decided to to take any more orders from her brain. The cyclops lifted his arm, getting ready to deliver the final blow, as Chelsea closed her eyes, starting to accept her fate.
It felt as if time itself stopped. All she could hear was her own shaky breathing - until suddenly it wasn’t… There was a also voice, far away, sure, but still clearly there…
“Chels? Please wake up! C’mon!”
It sounded familiar, but she couldn’t pinpoint who it belonged to. She focused and tried to listen for the voice again, but she was so exhausted… Giving in to the darkness felt so inviting… And simple. She could do with simple for once.
“No, no, no!” The voice cracked, panic and desperation shining through. “Don’t you dare give up now! C’mon, Chelsea, I’m here, I’ve got you! Don’t give up… please…”
She was so close to slipping away, but something about that seemed wrong, and the reassuring words plus the comforting feeling brought to her by the sound of the familiar voice gave her precisely the boost of energy she needed. Shaking herself out of the nightmare, Chelsea inhaled sharply before shooting up, her eyes darting around the room until someone gently placed their hands on her shoulders, causing her to meet their gaze.
She blinked a few times, shaking violently as she began realizing where she was. “Will?”
“Oh Gods!” He hugged her tightly, perhaps a bit too tight, but it didn’t matter in that moment - the 16-year-old was just so incredibly relieved to see that his sister was alright. “You’re alive!”
Chelsea’s breathing evened out again as she leaned into her brother. “I’m sorry, Will. I’m so sorry…”
He didn’t let go of her arms, but moved back slightly and sent her a questioning look. “What do you mean?”
“I… I just… I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“Gods, Chels, I always worry.” He moved closer again. “I’m just happy you’re okay! I mean, it’ll be a while before you’re back doing quests of course”, he sent her a serious look, “but the fact that you woke up is a good sign”. 
Chelsea accepted the ambrosia piece Will offered to her before answering. “All thanks to you.”
“Well”, he shrugged, “your body did most of the hard work...” Chelsea shook her head at Will’s modesty before starting to push herself off the bed to stand up.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Stop! What do you think you’re doing?!”, Will exclaimed, swiftly pushing her back down. "You have been unconscious for over four days and lost so much blood, and that’s not even mentioning your head, arm or other random scratches. You’re staying here at least until Friday, no discussion.”
Chelsea rolled her eyes, secretly feeling very lucky to have a brother as caring as Will. "Okay, I'm sorry. I just need to stretch my legs for a second, please? Help me out?" 
Will didn’t look too happy with the idea, but understood how stiff she must be feeling after so many days and nodded. It wasn’t like Chelsea wanted to get up and run, she still felt really tired and weak. However, after that horrifying moment of helplessness that she experienced in her dream, just the confirmation that she could in fact still move her arms and legs was incredibly comforting. When everything felt normal, she tried a few careful steps and immediately stumbled, but didn’t fall thanks to Will’s support.
“Yeah, a bit…”
“Alright, that’s enough, back you go.” He guided her back to the bed, and she lay her head back down on the pillow.
"There we go!", Will smiled, "can I get you anything?"
"A cup of tea, please? Red, no honey?"
"You’ve got it!"
Five minutes later Will returned, balancing two cups of tea and a cheese sandwich on a tray. "Who ordered the tea and sandwich?", he asked jokingly as he sat the tray on the bed. He placed some pillows against the wall and slowly helped his sister sit up against them. “That would be me", she smiled. Will also sat down on the bed and put an arm around Chelsea. She took a small bite of the sandwich and leaned her head on her brother's shoulder. The siblings drank their tea in silence, enjoying the feeling of being together and safe, if only for the night.
//L masterlist
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pyporapy · 2 months
Hey Jay :) give me a rundown of your OCs >:)
This has been sitting in my askbox for a while and I forgor to reply sorry Birby 😭🙏
Anyway!!! Let me give you the shortest possible rundown of my ocs as I try not to die in the process:
This is Grisha. He’s a bitch and can see dead people but it’s not a good thing. Chronically ill because of the dead people thing and has Some Issues regarding religion. Suffers of the godforsaken combination of “too many trust issues” x “very desperate for human connection”. God’s little chew toy and very painfully aware of it
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This is Felix. He tries to be cool but is actually just some guy (and a kinda lame one at that but in a good way, at least). Has some deep-seated issues regarding himself and his sense of identity after years of pretending to be someone he isn’t for people that were never all that worth it but surely this won’t ever come back to bite him in the ass at some point. Neither will the fact he keeps running away from the past. Very emotionally congested but acts like he’s alright and chilling. Loves his daughter and is a true doñita at heart. Also he’s half ecuadorian which is important to mention to Me, an ecuadorian
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This is Laura. She’s as close as we get to the only normal person in the cast but if anything she’s just the Least fucked up one. Constantly stressed and an overachiever. Enough caffeine in her blood to kill a horse. She does a good job at making people respect her but also she’s a girlfailure at heart. Not nearly enough social skills which is why her best friend is the only other guy in the office who doesn’t have friends either. Needs a hug and a nap but is too proud to ask for any of those. Doesn’t believe in the supernatural at all so she feels like everyone around her is pulling an incredibly elaborate prank to which she doesn’t get the punchline
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This is Viktoria. She’s a bodyguard and a trained assassin since childhood. Feels incredibly disconnected from her emotions due to this that when they hit her on like a random tuesday at 3 AM she doesn’t know what to do. Feels more like a tool than a person and is so used to people not actually paying attention to her as a human being that when someone does she’s too awkward to keep the interaction going. Can and will kill you but she just wants to retire at this point. Tough and terrifying but also kinda lame but she’s allowed to be. As a treat
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This is Cain. He’s a priest but he doesn’t actually believe in God, at least not in the orthodox way. Only reason he has the job is that they found him outside the church like a kitten in a wet box and decided to take him in, and the only reason he keeps the job is that somehow he’s good enough at it that more people join the church. A huge asshole so people either genuinely like having him around or just put up with him. Can also see dead people but it’s not nearly as catastrophic as Grisha’s case. Also incapable of forming healthy connections with people but that’s a problem he refuses to unpack
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This is Gabrijel. He’s a millionaire and a model and a celebrity and a philantropist and a cult leader but the public is unaware of only one (1) of those things, and you can probably guess which one. Manipulative and cunning and overall a pretty terrible guy but charismatic enough for people to think there’s nothing wrong with him. Completely derranged but composed enough….until he Isn’t. Viktoria can’t stand him and anyone that works directly under him doesn’t like him but he’s too pretty to be bothered I suppose. Wants to bring literal Hell onto the world bc he thinks he’s Jesus or something bigger. Wouldn’t want him to haunt the narrative or anything, that would suck
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The very general plot is that a bunch of people are being murdered. Grisha and Laura investigate it. Felix gets involved because he knew one of the victims and has mysteriously large amounts of information. Gabrijel is responsible for it and it’s all linked to his evil plan(TM). He first tasks Viktoria with killing them but Viktoria is done with his shit so she acts as a double agent for him and for Laura so she can Maybe get a day of peace in her life for once. Everything goes to shit at some point but I can talk abt it later since I feel like this is already too convoluted(?). And Cain is just There for the drama of it all ig
That’s it ty for asking and sorry for taking so long avdhebfhej hopefully I will share some more canon stuff here or on instagram instead of silly things 🙏 they haven’t left my head in over six years and I might start making it everyone’s problem I’m afraid
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
I really like the MC and OC questions. I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you a few about yours : Relationships & Personality :2. Concept and design :2. Demon :3: Human :3. And also (if you like, it's not in the questions but it intrigues me): what is their favourite food? -^^
Hello there, ^^ anon!
Relationships & Personality 02: On a scale of 1 to 10, how annoying are they to Lucifer? :)
I'm gonna give Arsenios an average score of about an 8. Normally Arsenios avoids Lucifer because he knows he's gonna get annoyed lol. He doesn't want to start trouble. But if he actually talks to Lucifer, it shoots up to like the max. So averaging it out I'm going with eight.
Ciaran is always a 10. Ciaran doesn't like Lucifer very much for quite a while. They eventually come around, but even then, they are a troublemaker at heart. They are actively contributing to Lucifer's grey hairs and most of the time it isn't even on purpose.
Concept and design 02: What inspired you to create them, and what is the first thing you decided about them?
Arsenios was based on the concept of the crossroads demon, but specifically the idea that musicians will sell their soul in exchange for musical talent. I was just thinking about more traditional demon stories and how they might fit into the world of OM. So the first thing I decided about him were his powers and that part of his history.
The only thing that inspired me to create Ciaran was the need for an MC lol. I actually went through a few different iterations before finally settling on who they are now. They had different names and slightly different looks and personalities. Their backstory has always been somewhat the same except that the amount of siblings they had changed drastically. Like at one point, they had four siblings. But anyway, I think the first thing I decided about Ciaran was their name. It's a name I've always liked. So I basically went okay, my MC's name is Ciaran, now who are they? And then I took bits and pieces of everything I'd written so far and that's how Ciaran came to be lol.
Demon 03: Do they have any special abilities?
I answered this here! And rambled quite a bit, too lol. But I will add something about the way Arrie makes pacts - obviously the whole point is to give humans musical talent. So instead of just raw power, Arsenios is essentially giving the human he has a pact with knowledge and ability. He's passing on his own skill at playing an instrument to that human. He can still be controlled through the pact like any other demon, so I think he could give the human raw power if they demanded it. But that's not usually the point and most humans who make a pact with him are doing it for the talent.
Human 03: Did they believe in demons and angels before the exchange program? Did they have any contact with the paranormal before it?
Ciaran tries not to think about these things at all. They were perfectly happy not believing in such things and now they want to enjoy the ride of being an exchange student in the Devildom without having a religious crisis at the same time lol. Ciaran's mother is a devout Catholic and Ciaran was raised with that belief system. So for a time, they believed in all that stuff. But as they grew older, they began to question and eventually left the church altogether. So they very much stopped believing. After that, they didn't really have an opinion. If you asked them about what they believed, they would say they didn't know. They would say that they think it's more important to focus on the now, on the life you're currently living, than to worry about what might happen in the afterlife. They're too busy living to worry about it. (This all changes dramatically in the AU where they're half fae, but let us not get into that lol.)
I don't think Ciaran has had any paranormal contact previously. They're pretty thrilled about magic existing because it's something they liked to believe in (in a non religious way). But if they had ever encountered anything like that in their life, they were unaware of it at the time.
what is their favourite food?
Arsenios's favorite food is macarons! It's kinda silly, but he's friends with Barbatos and has been for a while. So Barb invites him over to the castle for tea parties and such. And that's where Arrie first encounters a macaron. He's amazed when he picks one up and it's super light. And forever after that, they were his favorite. Arsenios is a good cook, but he's terrible at baking. So I think he sees them as really special in that sense, too.
Ciaran's favorite food is a roast beef and provolone sandwich on sourdough bread. Specifically bread baked by their older sister. Even better if there's also pepperoncinis on it. Their sister Fiadh owns her own bakery and she's been baking since they were little kids. She's been making sandwiches for Ciaran for so many years, it's like a comfort food for them now.
Woo well this has gotten long! Thank you so much for asking! I'm having so much fun answering these!
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