#ao haru ride au
ashh-ketchup · 2 years
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“i’m sorry i couldnt make it to your science fair”
“i waited so long”
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My favorite part of switch is erens pov when he just cant control himself even when mikasa is doing absolutely nothing. In general, eren trying to control his urges is so hot in every au like man is gritting his teeth thinking unholy stuff, barely manages to keep his hands to himself and then just going for it is just tooo satisfying to read. I mean i love mikasas povs too but erens povs are always so unhinged and borderline obsessive I often end up wishing for erens pov in literaly every fic
omg ur like me, whenever I read fics I LOVE Eren's POV or even just the guy's POV it's refreshing and I love the jealousy and emotions you get to experience reading both POV's. Like ugh, even in manga, my fave is Ao Haru Ride, and I love reading from both Kou and Futaba's POV bc i'm like U IDIOT WIN HER BACK! But then in her POV i'm like omg yes make him jealous girl, it's kind of fun lol!
But writing male POV is wild, it's fun, but it's also difficult bc I'm a girl so obviously Mikasa's POV comes easier and more natural, especially during smut, I feel like it's easier to write sometimes from Mikasa's POV than Eren's lol!.
bUT I TOTALLY GET WHAT U MEAN! Eren is hot, especially if he's written correctly, ur so right that he can just become unhinged and fucking go off bc that's 11/10 in his character arc, this is the mans who lowkey had a little temper tantrum at the idea that MIkasa would forget about him!! MANS COULD EASILY BE FERAL!! AND I LOVE TO BE A PART OF THAT! Here let's give u some thirsty Eren lmfao!
With Christmas comes baking and well, fortunately or perhaps unfortunately for Eren Mikasa absolutely loves to bake.  Which means cookies and sweets galore. In the past week since Christmas break began, she’s made biscotti, short bread, sugar cookies, white chocolate cranberry cookies, and even his favourite, chocolate haystacks. 
So currently, Eren is battling his desires on two fronts: the desire to binge her entire tray of freshly baked short bread, and the desire to lay her out on the counter while they wait for them to cook and lick the icing off of her cheek himself.  Instead of doing either of those things, Eren sits himself down on one of their barstools, placing his hands firmly in his lap and carefully tells her about the icing on her cheek.  “Oh, thanks Eren,” Mikasa beams, wiping the sugary substance off with her thumb, before licking it up just like he wanted to. He’s jealous, so very jealous, especially as her pink tongue darts out for another taste, suckling the whole digit between her lips. She tops it all off with these cute little noises of satisfaction, her eyes shut tight as she tastes the fruit of her labours.  “Yummy,” she tells him before going back to stirring up her bowl of chocolate where she’s currently trying to make hot chocolate balls, her next baking experiment.  So, not only does the kitchen smell heavenly, there is also melted chocolate and icing everywhere. 
He should leave, he really needs to leave.  His gym bag has been sitting ready to go in the hallway for a half an hour now and yet he’s still no closer to leaving. In fact, with every batch of cookies and treats Mikasa makes his motivation actually decreases. 
The timer on the oven beeps and Mikasa gives him an excited smile as she goes to pull out her next creation, her beloved gingerbread.  She carefully places the trays on top of the oven to cool, leaving the door propped open for a moment, a wave of heat assaulting her. 
“So hot,” Mikasa complains before taking the opportunity to strip off her third layer of clothing today, her little green Christmas sweater, leaving her only in her sports bra.  And this is what he means by his motivation being sapped with every batch, because when he first walked by, she was wearing his hoodie on top and a pair of sweat pants. And now, now she’s got nothing on but spandex, a sports bra that barely covers her tits, and a cute little apron that’s going to be the subject of all of his fantasies tonight.  She stretches her arms over her head, yawning as she gently kicks the oven door shut, “I’m getting tired.”  “You’ve been baking all day Mikasa, you can take a break.”  He needs her to take a fucking break or he’s never going to be able to leave, he was supposed to meet Armin at the gym a half an hour ago. 
Mikasa hums, “It’s okay, that was my last batch, I just need to finish off these hot chocolate balls.”  She beams at him, giving him a small smile as she comes back to her chocolate work station, “I’m going to make one for everyone Aunt Carla and Uncle Grisha and my family too! And maybe even Sasha and Armin if I have extra.” 
He's not going to make it through. 
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whitefoxgirl · 2 years
Dreams (Yoongi Drabble Continuation)
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Author's Note: This will be the end, thank you to those who read my fic. If you have any suggestions or even ideas for new ones, let me know! This is a continuation to the drabble I posted a few weeks back. I would just like to thank @dreamescapeswriting who's been supportive of me writing a 2nd part as well as @lovesavepeace97
Pairing: Yoongi x reader (Gender Neutral pronouns) Fandom: BTS Warnings: Soulmate!AU; Slight cursing, fantasy, very slight spoiler for Attack On Titan(?) Genre: Fluff, angst Word Count: 4k Songs that helped me:
• Slow Dancing in the Dark - Joji • I will become a cat! - Fruit Basket OST • Kanashimi no Yoru - Ao Haru Ride OST • Onore no Sentaku - Mayuko (Ranking of kings OST) • Ashes of Fire - Kohta Yamamoto (AOT OST) • Gales of Song - Belle • Lend me your voice - Belle
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“Be nice” I whispered in their ear as we danced, their soft giggles blended as we swayed to the music. I felt the ground around me break slowly. I smirked softly knowing it was their doing. They always liked magical things to happen around us when we’re in our dream world. Slowly, I see butterflies around us, surrounding us as if we’re the main characters of a love romance movie. I chuckled and looked at them saying
“You’re so cliché” They laughed and pulled away holding my hands then said, “And you’re not?” with their eyebrow raised slightly. I felt my heart beat faster, trying not to fall in love with my soulmate faster. This is dangerous, this is why people make themselves sleep 24 hours a day, God… I’m so in love with them. As I pulled them closer and twirled them, our outfits changed into a more cottage-core look.
“You’re right…” I cupped their cheek as I looked into their eyes and sighed. Fuck… Why can’t this be easy? They leaned into my touch and said, “Your music, as always, is perfect, Yoongi”. I smiled and said, “A little criticism would be nice” They gulped and smiled gently, grabbing my wrist.
“If you want it to sound sadder, take inspiration from Joji.” I scoffed smirking, knowing that it’s one of their favorite artists. They sighed and pulled away.
“I’m sorry, Yoongs… I think my alarm is about to ring”. I see them slowly fade with lights surrounding them slowly. They press a kiss on my lips, and I close my eyes trying to savor the feeling.
I sit up as I wake up sighing taking off my headphones. I rub my eyes and look at my desk. I stare at the ceiling and close my eyes for a second trying to think of what happened in my dream world. Jo… Something about Jo…? The door of my studio opens, and I see Jungkook coming in, probably to ask me for help with a track.
“Jungkook-ah… What’s some popular artists right now?” He pulls his chin back slightly and smirks gently saying, “All of the sudden?” I look at my keyboard then at him, pressing my tongue on my cheek. I sighed and leaned my head on my hand looking at him.
“My soulmate talked about this artist and all I can remember is ‘Jo’.” He gets closer to sit on the chair next to mine humming, probably thinking, rubbing his chin gently. “Jo Gwangil?” He asks and I shake my head no. “It was two syllables… Joke? Jo… Johnny? No that’s not it…”
“Hyung… Could it be Joji?” My eyes widened and I look at him. “I… I think so… Are his songs sad?” To which Jungkook nodded and said “Pretty sad…” I scoffed smirking, putting on YouTube to look at what they’re listening to. I looked at Jungkook trying to help him with his lyrics and melody after listening to a couple of songs. I smiled at myself gently. So… Joji is one artist they like? I wonder who else they like. I vaguely remember them telling me they know BTS and how they’ve always supported us, even before we dreamed of each other. If I try to follow Joji with his r&b mixed with lo-fi, maybe I can find more artists they like. As I head to the cafeteria of the company, I see a group of little kids forming a line.
Kids? I look down smiling, they like kids… I like kids too… I look at the kids and sigh wondering if it’s going to be soon that I’m going to see my kids with them. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at the teacher making the kids follow them in a straight line, like a train. Then I see them stop abruptly and laugh with the kids. Their smile seems familiar somehow.
“Mx. (Y/N) and Mrs. Lee are always so rambunctious with the kids.” I hear one cafeteria employee say, and the other responds with, "Yeah, but they take such good care of them! I swear, my Yumi did not like coming to daycare until the company built this one for us.” I looked at the cafeteria employees then at Mx. (Y/N) and Mrs. Lee high-five each other, saying something to each other then an employee signaling them to eat, probably to take the kids to another area to eat themselves. Mx. (Y/N) and Mrs. Lee making their way towards the line, and I gulped gently feeling my hands sweat. I rubbed them on my pants as I looked at the cafeteria worker to order.
I take my food to go and looked back at the pair. Mrs. Lee smiles at something that Mx. (Y/N) said. I furrowed my eyebrows again. Their smile seems really familiar. I bumped into Namjoon while trying to look at the pair. Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows then looks down at himself and then at me.
“Hyung? You good? You look like you’ve seen your soulmate” He chuckles, not knowing that he might be correct. I feel my chest tighten. Is Mrs. Lee my soulmate? I gulped and looked at Namjoon, who furrows his eyebrows worriedly. “Hyung, you look pale as fuck…” I shake my head thinking I shouldn’t rush into anything. I reassure Namjoon that I’m okay and looked back at the pair, Mx. (Y/N) has their head down while Mrs. Lee looks at me and Namjoon. I see Mrs. Lee move her lips and Mx. (Y/N) look up. I furrowed my eyebrows again, confused. Then turn around to leave to my studio.
I sighed as I entered my dream word, and smiled when I see the familiar door, but instead of seeing a home like apartment I see a giant pool. They haven’t had a bad day in a while, I wonder what happened. I sink down, knowing that I’ll be able to breathe and that they wouldn��t do anything to trigger my phobia of the ocean.
I see them swimming around with little moon jellyfish, a sea star getting close to them whispering in an ethereal voice “He’s here!” They… Even without the fantasy around them, look amazing. I see them look at me, and the water levels go down as if draining towards the walls of the apartment, everything was back in place, back to how it usually looks for both of our comfort places. The little sea creatures now floating upward the ceiling and disappearing. I smiled gently and with a soft, worried gaze I looked at them while grabbing their hands.
“You usually play mermaid when you’ve had a bad day… Is everything okay?” They pulled their hands away from mine and pouted.
“You looked at Mrs. Lee…” they said, my smile remained not understanding what they meant. Then it hit me.
“You… Are working in the Hybe daycare?!” They sighed pouting, looking up at me with puppy, doe eyes.
They then nodded and said “I wanted to surprise you… Since… You know… I’m the only one of us who remembers these interactions clearly. But it looks like you had your sights on someone else.” They sat down on the couch hugging a jellyfish plushy I had made them in our dream world. I touched their shoulder.
“Baby… I didn’t know… You know I don’t remember… Why didn’t you approach me?”
They turned to look at me and said “I want you to do it. You know I get shy…” I scoffed smirking; they really are cute. I cupped their face and pressed a kiss on their lips smiling.
“Plus! I feel like if I approach you, you might not recognize me… I mean… You mistook me for Mrs. Lee!” I hugged them and smiled saying “Okay!… Okay… Just give me a clue on where to find you tomorrow, I’ll walk up to you, I promise” I see them look up at me holding back a smile, then them pouting again.
“Tomorrow we’re gonna read ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ with the kids! So I’ll wear something like… This!” They stand up and twirl. Their clothes change instantly, a long green skirt with a white long sleeve shirt and colorful striped socks. I cover my mouth and look away blushing. What the hell? Are people really allowed to be this cute? How come children get to see them be this cute all the time and I have to wait? First, the train towards the kid’s cafeteria and now a children’s book-inspired dress? They’re too cute. I look at them again and smile. I stand up and hugged them.
I sighed smiling and whispered, “Okay, cute daycare teacher whom I definitely did not fall in love with”. They giggled bringing their shoulder up. I pulled back to look at them. Their cheeks were red from blushing and their skin looked so soft to touch. My eyes soften as I looked into their eyes, their smile softens gently as they close their eyes. I lean in slowly to kiss them gently. All that was heard was our soft kisses echoing through the living room.
“Yoongi! Wake up!” I groan as I pull away slowly. I opened my mouth to tell them I loved them but got quickly pulled into my reality.
I gasped looking for something to write quickly. Hoseok already knew what was happening. I mumbled to myself as I wrote. “Daycare. Caterpillar. Green long skirt, white long-sleeved shirt, colorful socks.”
I looked at Hoseok sightly annoyed. “You couldn’t have waited a bit?”
He shook his head saying “Sorry… We just have to go to Inkigayo today and you’re the only one not ready. I gave you plenty of time.” I exhaled and looked at him tiredly. Not today… Of all days, today?
I fake coughed and said, “I- I think I’m coming down with something…”
Hoseok looked at me unamused and said “Hyung, you have to come. We all know you’re not sick.” My shoulders slumped as I nodded. I looked down at what I wrote on my phone and scratched my head. Daycare?… So, it is Mrs. Lee? I smiled gently and sighed almost relieved. I got up quickly and got ready. If we finished early, I’ll be able to see her before the daycare closes.
As I arrived to the Hybe building, the boys looked at each other like I was crazy. I don’t blame them; I would look at myself like I was crazy, who sprints towards their workplace? But this is different. The daycare was closing and there were only a few students left. It was 6:00pm. I saw Mx. (Y/N) bowing to a parent and waving at the student. I paused and looked at them interacting with another student.
They bent down and picked them up as they cried. “Mx. (Y/N) … Mommy always picks me up last…” They smiled gently, their eyes softening, something felt familiar about their smile and eyes.
They whispered “It’s okay, Yumi. Mommy’s just cleaning up, she’ll pick you up”
Yumi, the student, pulled away to look at Mx. (Y/N) and said, “Can I make more clay flowers for the caterpillar?”. Mx. (Y/N) giggled and nodded bringing them inside. Caterpillar…? The… Very hungry caterpillar? Mrs. Lee told me about that in our dream world! I walked towards the daycare and let myself in. I hear Mx. (Y/N) welcome me as I look around. Slightly gulping. I approach Mx. (Y/N) and inhale gently, they, for some reason look nervous but are smiling softly, but I try to brush it off.
“I-Is… Mrs. Lee around?” I ask, and their smile softly falls as they nod blinking. I see them get Mrs. Lee and I smile gently. I gulp as I rub my hands. I look at her appearance, a long white skirt with a green long-sleeved shirt. Did I mix the pattern? It’s possible. I opened my mouth and looked into her eyes.
“D-… Do you mind if I hold your hand?” She looks at Mx. (Y/N) and then at me shrugging, saying “Sure.” I waited. I waited for me to see our dream memories, but nothing came. I furrowed my eyebrowed and looked at our hands together. I waited. This is wrong, they said that they would be here, but I don’t see them. I gulped and looked at
Mrs. Lee then smile gently “Not your soulmate?” she said then I shook my head. I’m getting tired. Maybe, they led me towards Mrs. Lee because they don’t feel the same way about me because I’m an idol. But… They’ve been… Waiting for me. They’ve been shedding tears for me, hugging me close in our dreams. I sighed and I looked at Mrs. Lee for a long minute before saying “Wanna go on a date with me?” I saw in my peripheral vision a shadow move away from us. Mrs. Lee smiles brightly and nodded her head.
I looked at my dream apartment door. It’s been a couple of weeks since I asked Mrs. Lee out, Hana is nice but she’s not… I opened the door, hoping that (Y/N) will allow me to look at them again. Ever since that happened, they’ve been avoiding me, even having a different sleep schedule so that we would avoid each other. But every single time, I see the floor being wet. This time, I am greeted with jellyfish and fish; the apartment space looks completely like the ocean being held by an aquarium. I start hyperventilating. Shit… I’m scared. I hate the ocean. Whenever (Y/N) played mermaid in our dreams they would be thoughtful of my feelings, but I guess that after asking out Hana, (Y/N) drowned in their sorrow, much like I did, but while they found comfort in pretending to be a mermaid or a dragon rider, I found comfort in creating music, which is how I guess I ended here. With sleepless nights because I can’t see them in my dreams, trying to find a distraction with Hana and music from the longing I feel, I finally fell asleep at the right time.
This is worse than before, at least before I got to be with them and hold them close in my dreams, but now, I can’t even see them. I close my eyes trying to calm down my breath. I can do this. I can do this! I miss them so much. I- Why did I ask Hana out? Memories of my dates with Hana flash before my eyes, but I don’t see her face, no… In my mind, I see (Y/N)’s face. Is that why? A replacement? Was I so tired of searching that I just gave up? No. That’s not it. I just… Wanted to fill a hole as quick as possible because I couldn’t bear this pain anymore. But that was selfish of me… I’m not the only one feeling this way, (Y/N) hasn’t even gone out on dates because they have been waiting, and yet I couldn’t have the decency to do the same? I looked at the ocean in front of me and my eyes saddened. I can’t fight for my relationship with them in the dream world, and I can’t find them in the real world. I’m pathetic.
A fish, small like Dory come up to me. She gets close to my nose and says “Hi, I’m Dory” in a very kid-like voice. I wipe the tears I didn’t even realize were falling and sniffle saying hi back. “Majesty is having a sad week…” My eyes sadden as I touch the little fish, the fish giggles like a little kid. “Yeah… Because of me.” The little fish swam near my face and hair tickling me slightly and then looked straight at me, I gulped and asked “H… Have they been playing mermaid a lot?” the little fish shakes her head then said “Sometimes they play Attack on Titan. The titans all have Mrs. Lee’s face” I smirked softly then looked at the ocean in front of me. In the real world, this would look like an aquarium and the door would be the glass holding back the water from flooding everything, but this is a dream, anything can happen.
Wait… That’s it! “Mr. Min?” I heard the fish say. I gulped and looked at them before touching the water. This is the first time I do a fantasy thing in our dream, but maybe I’ll catch their attention to not wake up. I stepped in and closed my eyes making buildings, and a night sky, and giving myself a body suit like the anime they’ve been watching, Attack on Titan. The tower bells begin to ring signaling them that there are titans coming their way. I need to think, what does that main character look like in his titan form? I see a hoard of titans coming their way and I hide. “I know you’re here, Yoongi!” I hear them yelling very faintly, as they’re far away from me. I sigh and grab a nail from the rooftop. Calm down, you can do this, Min Yoongi. I stab my hand hard knowing that’s how they do it on the show to transform into their titan form and run off the rooftop. I hear a clap of loud thunder and a light coming from my body then I crash down and look around being successful in my transformation. I start walking slowly as I feel the ground underneath me rumble. Shit. Another loud clap of thunder and bright light. They sure like to put on a show, I feel my titan furrow his eyebrows angrily. Gigantic speakers start floating, and near where we are, music from the show starts playing. Fuck, they're really angry. I hear a titan growling very loudly and their voice coming through the speakers “Once again, there’s a threat to this world. A rebel against peace…” I see them coming out of the smoke, on the shoulder of Eren Jaeger’s titan. They point at me and say “His name is Min Yoongi” I get into a running position and start running towards them and the titan. As I go to grab them, they fly out with their 3D gear. The choir of the anime plays in the background giving the dream a very cinematic feel. I see them in my peripheral vision falling slowly. My titan growls loudly, even more than the one they’ve created. They cover their ears as I jump out of my titan form pushing myself with the 3D gear upwards and towards them to grab them. They push me away with a sad and angry look; the city, everything that was created was being destroyed and being replaced with a sky.
I look around and yell toward her to get their attention “(Y/N)! We’re falling! Hold my hand, don’t wake up yet! We need to talk!” I see them covering their face, tears floating up as we fall. I go towards them and hold them; they, once again, try to push me away but I hold them tightly trying to push their hands away from their face so I can finally look at them. “Please…” I plead with them. They look at me and I hold their hands intertwining our fingers as we fall.
“I don’t wanna feel this way” they say sobbing. My eyes sadden and I feel tears on my waterline, “You have to! You have to be honest with me so we can move on…” I tell them holding back the crack in my voice.
“Why did you ask her out, Yoongi? You saw me! Y-You talked to me!” They sobbed harder. I shake my head then respond “I don’t know! I don’t why I did it… I just… I got tired of missing you…” they pushed my hands away and said, “And you think I don’t?”
I grab their hands again and tell them “I understand that now!… I understand what you mean when you said you can’t fill the hole in your heart that has my name on it with someone else. Please… I didn’t mean to hurt us… I love you so much… These past few weeks have been hell without you. I don’t care about Hana! I just care about you!” I see them having shaky breaths. Their hair floating everywhere, tears floating up as we still fall. “I love you. I don’t wanna take anything else from you or create any more pain. I love you!”
My voice slowly softens into a more passionate and calmer one as tears fall from my eyes “I love you…Just as you are… Whatever thought you have of you thinking that you need to change, throw it away! Even if you were not my soulmate, I’d fall in love with you”
I hug them tightly and whisper in their ear closing my eyes tightly “God… I love you so much… I’m so sorry…” I hear a soft thud as we land safely on our couch, everything being in order.
A soft whale sound is heard in the house. I pull away to look at our apartment. It looks like an aquarium, but, not scary, it’s soft, warm, like them. A school of fish passes us saying “They talked to each other!” and “The majesties are back together!” They look down sadly and then look at me with teary eyes.
“I… I’ll approach you. Even though I’m scared you’ll reject me… I’d rather you reject me and know who I am than to date someone else in front of me.” My eyes saddened as I cup their face.
“Baby… I could never- ” They sighed and stood up gently
“You already did…” they said looking away then they looked at me saying “… but at least this time you’d do it knowingly.”
I see jellyfish around them. I stand up slowly pushing away every marine life around them. “Let me look at you a little more, please” I caress their cheek slowly with my thumb as I take in their features slowly.
I gasp loudly as I wake up, sitting up. That’s the longest dream with them I’ve had. I go to see my phone only to have Hana text me telling me she wants to break up because she found her soulmate. I smile to myself thinking it was one less problem to worry about. I start getting ready for my day and I look at my phone background, being marine life, full of jellyfish, fish, crabs, and more. It’s scary. I hate water, I hate swimming, I hate the ocean, but when it comes to them, they make everything not scary, even things that petrify me.
I go to the studio dragging Taehyung with me, asking him for his opinion on pieces that I’ve been working on. He sighed when the clock hit 1pm asking me if I wanted something from the cafeteria. I nodded and told him I’d just accompany him.
I see Hana leave with, who I presume is her soulmate out of the daycare, and Mx. (Y/N) leave the kids with another teacher as they make their way towards the cafeteria line. They’re behind me and I smile softly at them. Once again, everything about them is so familiar to me. When they smile back, I feel my heartbeat slightly faster, and my cheeks redden slightly. I see them gulp gently as I turn to look at Taehyung, debating what to get. I tell him that I’d pay for him if he features in one of my songs and he agrees.
“Y-Yoongi?” I hear a soft voice behind me say. I turn and it turns out that Taehyung does the same. His face, though, looks displeased that someone is talking to us at work, where we’re supposed to not give attention to fans.
“You know you shouldn’t talk to us, right?” Taehyung tells them and they nod then looks at me with soft pleading eyes. I gently gulp and feel my hands sweat as I turn them into a soft fist.
“I understand but-“ they whisper gently, they look at Taehyung then at me. Taehyung looks at me then at them then back at me.
“Do you know them, Hyung?” I nod at his question and then say “They work at the daycare” He nods then turns his back saying “Didn’t you date someone from there?” I sigh and look at him at then at them
“yeah but…” I furrowed my eyebrows thinking.
I- I’ll approach you.
What…? That has never happened before. I’ve never heard their voice outside my dreams. I look at my hand and then at them. They blink then extend their hand gently. Taehyung looks at us weirdly then his eyes slowly widen with realization. I extend my hand slowly and then gently grab their hand softly. I feel this warmth overcome my body, like a light coming from their body towards mine and a light going from my body towards theirs. Flashes of our memories in our dreams pass before my eyes as I slowly remember everything. Tears start falling from my eyes as I smile gently. I blink as our memories finally intertwined. I looked at them then smiled softly.
“(Y-Y/N)?” They smiled brightly as they hugged me tightly and I responded by hugging them tightly. I closed my eyes to take in their scent, their figure, everything. Lavender. I felt my body relax. I pull away to lean my forehead with them and chuckle gently whispering
“Finally.” As I lean in to press a soft kiss on their lips, which slowly turn into a more passionate one. I pulled away to look into their eyes and see stars in them. I smile something which they return.
“I love you” I whisper near their lips closing my eyes, finally at peace with myself and the world.
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sabraeal · 2 years
21, 18 (in general!)
18. How many chapters do you plan to write ahead before publishing?
😒Mom, Andi's teasing me again
It fully depends on t he fic, and a lot of times, the reaction to the fic! There are some where I'm like, okay I have ideas for 3-5 contained chapters, or some where I'm like, oh god, I have no idea, I have only a few defined plot points, it could be anything. On the ones I actually provide a chapter count on, it's usually because I have and idea of what each one will cover, and so when the count inflates it's because the chapter ran too long (common), or because I found 2-3 more things I wanted to cover.
21. Is there any unwritten fic that you don't know if you ever will write?
I feel like I have a few unwritten fics I don't know if I'll ever get the opportunity to get around to. There's an Obiyuki AO Haru Ride Au i've been percolating forever, a Mitsukiki fic that happens post-rejection where they visit his family, a sprawling hakuouki rewrite of canon, the manwhore kamitani fic that will almost certainly become a beast....so many
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ozawa-torio · 1 year
Luka, giving Alix romantic advice: If being yourself was able to get you LOTS of friends, it should get you a girlfriend too. As popular as you are Alix, I never thought you of all people would have girl problems.
Alix, blushing: ... Shut up!
Kagami, giving Chloé romantic advice: If my romance manga has taught me anything, it's that hesitating when it comes to the matters of the heart NEVER ends well!
Chloé, writing this down: Maybe I should watch more anime with Adrien as well for extra pointers.
Luka giving Alix a romance advice through melody of heart and understanding their opponents mind, having peace and sharing the same vibe.
Kagami: I would want to recommend you some of my favorite romance shoujo that's some also included magical thing like how the world we living in, that's (ccs, sailor moon, ojamajo doremi, high school Romance, high school host club, hiyokoi, ao haru ride, your lies in April, Kimi ni toke, orange, fruit basket.... And the list go on)
Chloe: this is like a 100 page essays, how many Manga have you read?
Kagami: more than you think, and I'm also did write my own one....Return to the main topic, Adrien also watch anime, that's mean...
Chloe:... Mean that I could earn an extra pointer from him too!
Kagami: good. You understand the problem now.
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theravenkinhelp · 2 years
“Once upon a midnight dreary…”
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hello! this is a kin/introject/irl help blog, currently ran by a single mod! i'm host raven/sage, and i will be taking your requests! pronouns are he/it/they/echo.
i am your local reaper sans kin with adhd (and some other kintypes). i'm a singlet and aroace&genderqueer, so i ask you PLEASE do not ask me to engage on discourse that i can't speak up on.
i am a minor, so please don't bring up anything NSFW and DON'T EVEN THINK about interacting if you run a NSFW account. i don't promise that this blog is 100% children safe due to my habit of cussing.
this blog follows the basic DNI criteria! all systems are welcome here, i won't do factkin requests... and “dear” TERFs/FARTs, i will growl at you, bite you and block you /srs.
★ dividers used are here and here
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What I can do:
• stimboards
• icons/pride icons
• pronouns/name suggestions
• timeline questions
• headcanons/stim headcanons
• positivity
• playlists
• shufflemancies
• kin assignments
• interest assignments
• kin/source calls
• kinfessions
★ stimboards may be available in near future!
★ due to English not being my first language, i am not yet comfortable with writing requests such as letters and drabbles. i love them tho, so those also may be available eventually.
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Source list:
• DSMP (cc! for factives and irls only)
• Undertale, Deltarune and AUs
• Analog Horror Series
• Horror rpg maker games
• Annapurna Interactives games
• FNaF (no books, maybe fangames)
• Before Your Eyes (game)
• Fran Bow & Little Misfortune
• Sally Face
• Inscryption
• Rusty Lake/Cube Escape series
• Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger
• Vincent: The Secret of Myers
• Morfosi
• Magisterium (book series)
• Kiznaiver
• Death Note
• Wonder Egg Priority
• Gakkougurashi
• Another
• Given
• Ao Haru Ride/Blue Spring Ride
• Lovely Complex
• Otherkins & Terians
• Songkin
★ bold are sources i am confident with, italic are ones i'd like a bit of information before getting into your request! regular text are ones i don't think i'll have trouble, but am not not an expert either.
★ i can try anything that is not here! even if considered problematic, i guess. as long as information is provided, it's fine! some things may be harder to figure out (and, well... i don't think i really could kin assign you a character from a source i don't know.)
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• zombie-related requests
• imagery of spider or needles
• illegal/imoral themes (yes this is right at poppytwt and proshipper/comshippers. fuck off.)
• irl gore/violence
★ letting aside the obvious one, these are blacklisted due to personal discomfort. please don't think i have anything against you!! /nm /lh
★ warn me if you need anything tagged! non listed sources viewed as problematic will be tagged, but i won't tag the ones in my source list since you already have it clear that they may be posted here. i recommend blocking '[source] kin' in tags/content if needed!
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• [the raven‚ edgar allan poe] host raven
• [is there balm in Gilead? - tell me] asks
• [this is it‚ and nothing more] + anon tag
• [quoth the raven‚ nevermore] chatting
• [nameless here forevermore] promos
• [then the bird said‚ ‘nevermore’] request accepted!
• [meant in croaking‚ ‘nevermore’] request declined!
• [with such name as ‘nevermore’] need more info!
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emily-mooon · 6 months
Jancy Ao Haru Ride/Blue Spring Ride inspired AU is something I think about randomly once every few months
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
7, 10, 19 for the writer ask game!
hi bar! ty for playing!!
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
i can’t really remember anything from like way back when, but i do know my first skz fic was almost a whole year before i decided to post them (i didn’t really know if i wanted to since i just enjoyed reading what i wrote myself) it was like between sept-nov of 2019 and it was a chan fic (shocker, not) and it was based on tatbilb bc i was very much obsessed (still am) with that movie. it was a fake dating thing and a college!au bc i’m a sucker for that, it was really cute although now i bet i could rewrite it much better than how i did before haha
10. at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
hmm this is kind of just a play-by-ear type of thing. sometimes the title comes to me first and i can write around it, while other times i just write and something in the writing clicks for me and i can make a title around it. it’s not too difficult for me to make titles tho in general
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
hmm i didn’t read a lot of books growing up to be quite honest, i was more of a tv and games kid growing up so i’d say anime and video games inspire me a lot more. also just reading fanfic itself got me inspired. i started reading more now and jenny han really inspires me in terms of authors. but things i think that inspire me most are animes like the ancient magus bride (i’ll never shut up about this series), ao haru ride, and series like granblue fantasy, touken ranbu, fire emblem, oh and xenoblade chronicles. those series i think inspired my style of writing and what things i like to write about in terms of like universes, tropes, character styles, etc.
ask me fanfic writer questions!!
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fymyungji · 6 years
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—  Ao Haru Ride AU - Kikuchi x Futaba x Kou. (Joshua/Eunji/Myungsoo)
"Does wanting to know more about him mean that I love him?" - Futaba Yoshioka
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ariamjan · 2 years
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“…do you like me?”
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yumiirai · 3 years
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anime : ao haru ride
follow us on instagram @yumiirai
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moonllshadow · 5 years
How is possible there's no an Ao Haru Ride AU for MLB!!!???? OwO
Story fits perfect... But It has to be carefully planned... I just have some ideas. Maybe sometime later I'll post something about it?
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xingyunsdoormat · 3 years
assumptions i’m going to make about you depending on your genshin otp:
1. zhongli x childe
so basic, but so twisted (and i, and 85% of the fandom, completely understand)
horny 25/8
definitely into some kind of kink or another
has read 1042938494 hurt-comfort-angst fics
into younger semes x older ukes
2. chongyun x xingqiu
shotacon (but same)
90% of you are super vanilla
scratch that, all of you are
but horny 20% of the time
had some kind of a vanilla-ass shoujo phase
3. kaeya x diluc
enjoys pain
like a lot of pain
also sassiness
people shit on you for iNcEsT but they don’t ✨understand✨ it’s not about that :’(
(i mean even if it is, you do you ig)
probably alcoholic
 4. albedo x aether
variant of xingyun stans, meaning: SO vanilla + obsessed with soft boys
but has a deeper affinity for pain and angst
obsessed with ✨coffee shop✨ aus
probably an introvert
if you have albedo: you probably weren’t planning to roll for him, but he was just too pretty to resist
if you don’t have albedo: there is only regret. 
5. xiao x aether
liked ao haru ride
you’re kind of lonely and sad but still dreaming of luv
aka you’re a romantic just vibing with xiao’s edginess
congratulations, you have xiao
(or diluc. im sorry.) 
6. albedo x xiao x aether
vanilla albether shippers but make it spICIER
actually not that horny
into 20% hurt, 80% comfort
just a simp for pretty boys
7. xiao x venti
just want more soft-hours fanfics and fanarts
have struggled to figure out who’s shorter
screamed at the yakshas pv and asserted xiaoven superiority
8. childe x aether
honestly just obsessed with childe
also ships zhongchi 
loves clingy semes
horny 22/5, and softer uwuwuw
9. mona x keqing
so obsessed with tsunderes, it’s embarrassing
likes the colour purple LMAO 
has 1009403849 other waifus
has whaled
10. beidou x ningguang
SUCH a simp for alpha women
and you are a submissive 
mature, but chaotic 
loves tamendegushi (if you don’t know it, read it)
[edit]: this is literally a shitpost for entertainment purposes, but if you are offended, I apologise and offer these posts as peace treaties:
for kaeluc haters
for anti-paedophilia warriors
love ya babes <3
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shironity · 3 years
Highschool au! (SNSTober)
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I TRIED but I had so many things to do and I couldn't finish it at time
Anyways, I use an official art from Ao Haru Ride of reference
♡ Please support me on:
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yutahoes · 3 years
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main characters: childhood friends! Yuta Nakamoto x Y/N  other characters: class president! Qian Kun word count: 1.3k words genre: fluff, highschool au summary: Highschool is hard. Luckily, Yuta is there to give you comfort. warnings: fake friends, crying, stealing, jealousy, one-sided love inspired by the anime, manga, and J-drama ‘Ao Haru Ride’ 
Czennies’ Anime Boy Birthday Project - Day 4
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High school is hard. Complex concepts, growing up, responsibilities, making friends. Why can’t you be in elementary school forever? Maybe you won’t have this hard time dealing with everything in your life. But then again, maybe it was just you. 
Your childhood friend, Yuta, is doing so well in his high school life. He’s famous because of soccer, he has lots of friends, and it seemed like he had everything in his life figured out. Maybe it’s really just you. 
“Y/N, can you keep the class funds for today?” one of your friends asked and you nodded, taking the envelope from her. “The teacher will come to look for it later.” You nodded once again, placing the envelope in between the sheets of your notebook then putting it inside your bag. You also made sure to close your bag when another friend called you for lunch. 
Honestly, you were thankful for the two friends you always hang out with. Without them, you might not survive this hell of high school. 
They went inside the room first since they asked you to buy a drink which you agreed to. A can of coffee fell from the Vendo machine but someone raced you into taking it. “You never drink coffee,” Yuta claimed, getting the can then handing it to you. 
“It’s not mine.” You said before you got another can of coffee which made him shake his head. 
Before you can put the money for your drink, he put in a bill inside the machine. “Choose yours.” You clicked on a strawberry juice and he chuckled before clicking the lemon juice. He held both since you're already holding the two cans of coffee and you smiled at him, thanking him. 
A teacher was already in your classroom, asking you for the class funds. You put down the cans of coffee on your desk and confidently, opened your bag to look for the envelope you put inside. To your surprise, even the notebook is gone. “What happened?” Your friend asked at your panicking state. You even took out all the things inside your bag but the notebook isn’t even there. 
“It’s gone.” You whispered before checking everything. “I put it inside my notebook and now, my notebook is gone.” You tried to explain but the two girls’ looks at you were enough to know that they lost their trust in you. 
The teacher asked you to come with her to the faculty and you reluctantly followed her. She kept asking what happened, where the class fund is, and where you kept it. You explained to her everything that happened yet she only sighed. “I’ll put you on cleaning duty after class for losing the money.” You pursed your lips. “Please be responsible next time.” You nodded. 
Your class group chat is already exploding with messages about how the class fund is lost. Everyone pointing their fingers at you that you just closed your phone and ran behind the school building. You crouched down on the spot just below the window so no one could see you then cried your eyes out. Why does this feel so unfair? Is it your fault that you lost the money when you put it inside your bag? Where did it go? 
“Did the teacher scold you?” You heard someone ask and you hastily wiped your tears. You raised your head up to see Yuta looking at you from the window pane while sipping his lemon juice. “Where did you put the money?” 
You stood up while pouting. “In my notebook.” You said then started crying once again, “Are you not believing me as well? This is so unfair. I didn’t do anything.” 
Voices can be heard approaching the two of you. You saw Yuta reach for you before you felt a hand on the back of your head, pulling you closer. He let you cry on his chest, hiding you from the other students passing in the hallway. 
Yuta tapped your back as you teared up. “You can cry if you feel that it’s unfair but we need to find who did this to you,” he whispered before caressing your hair. You can feel him looking around before stepping backward, “Dry your tears before coming to class, hmm?” He handed you the strawberry milk and you nodded at him. 
The class was in chaos when you came inside, Yuta and the class president were checking all your classmates’ bags that made them revolt. “Why are you doing this, Yuta?” one of your friends asked, holding her bag tightly. “You can’t look at my bag.” 
“Isn’t it your job to hold the class funds today?” Kun asked. “Why would Y/N have the class fund?” 
“Why are you accusing me?” she asked, standing up. “She volunteered to do it.” You did. “It’s her responsibility.” 
“Then why can’t we check your bag?” Yuta asked. She held on to her backpack, tight. “Are you hiding something?”
You went beside her and pulled her bag that startled her. The contents falling to the ground. Although you don’t want to believe it, your notebook was on the pile of her things. The moment you picked it up, the envelope fell which Kun picked. “You really did take it.” 
“I didn’t,” she shouted. “Maybe it was Y/N who put that in my bag.” 
‘What? But I…’
”I was with Y/N taking drinks from the Vendo machine.” Yuta claimed. “You even asked her to buy coffee for the two of you, didn’t you?” He said while pointing at the two girls. This is really unfair. You trusted her. You thought they’re your friends. “Are you happy making someone cry?” You lightly glanced at Yuta, why does he look so agitated? “Shouldn’t you apologize to Y/N?” 
Both girls looked at you with tears in their eyes, apologizing and saying that they’re just jealous. They didn’t explain further but that left you startled. Jealous of what? 
After class, you thanked Kun who helped you but he only laughed. “It was all Yuta’s idea,” he claimed. “That guy might have liked you. I now understand why those girls are jealous of you.” 
You were curious. They’re jealous because of Yuta? Yuta likes you? You shook your head. That’s impossible. “Hey!” someone called, running to where you are. You didn’t realize that the train was already in front of you. “Aren’t you coming in?” Yuta was already inside the train, looking at you confused. 
Just one step and you’ll board the same train as him but you can’t make that step.  
No. He can’t like you, right? You’re friends. It’s just not possible. 
If he rides the train, he doesn’t like you. If he stays, he might like you. 
“I forgot something.” You whispered. The signal that the doors will close came and you closed your eyes. ‘Please get off the train, Yuta.’ 
You heard the distant sound of the departing train followed by someone tapping your shoulder. “Y/N, are you alright?” Yuta. “Are you feeling alright?” 
“Why did you get off?” 
He looked surprised. “You asked me to get off.” What? You did? “Let’s go back to school and get that thing you forgot.” 
It isn’t possible. He doesn’t like you like that. Right? 
You held his hand, stopping him from walking further. “Yuta, thank you for helping me with the funds earlier.” 
He smiled, shaking his head. He stepped forward, tucking a hair behind your ear. “If you want to cry next time, you can come to me. I’ll listen to you, whatever it is.” He hummed and you nodded, thanking him again. “Let’s go back to school.” 
And as he turned his back to you. You realized, you already made the decision you wanted to believe in. 
You don’t care if Yuta likes you now. Because one thing is for sure. 
You like Yuta. 
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sanokiss · 3 years
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redacted ao haru ride au WHEN??😊😊
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