#ao3 has none ??????
thelaurenshippen · 10 months
ao3 wrapped simulator
you read for 67,680 minutes. that's 47 days straight.
you read 812 fics total, but you read 76 of them more than 4 times.
for a total of 35 million words.
you showed the love by leaving 704 comments on 297 fics. your most common comment was "AKLDDASKFJLKSDFJHAJSHFIUELNAKDCNAGKDH!!!!!!"
you love to revisit. you hit the "kudos" button not realizing you'd already left kudos there 1,304 times
your top tags were:
hate sex
major character death
you're a night owl. your reading peaked between 11pm and 4am
you were an explorer! this year you read 4 tags for the first time: A/B/O, gen fic, praise kink, crush at first sight
there was one ship you loved most of all: for the ninth year in a row, your top ship was hannigram
but you're not monogamous. you also read a lot of stucky, scully/mulder, and animorphs
and you were in the top .01% of readers in The Expanse (TV) tag
and you were in the top .001% of writers for a ship our automated system can't even find because it doesn't have enough tagged fics
you wrote 17 fics this year, for a total of 1.4 million words. 16 of those fics were explicit.
wow! you're passionate! you created 85 bookmarks with the book mark tag "i wanna die"
your fic town is nome, alaska. no, we're not going to explain this.
thank you for spending another year on ao3 <3
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valewritessss · 2 months
Can someone give me well written fluffy Percabeth fics I feel like I’ve read the majority of them already and I don’t want to open another tab to add on to the 107 tabs I have.
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indigo-constellation · 5 months
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art for my fic Astra Inclinant, Sed non Obligant which is over! after over a year of work and thinking about it it's done, it's written.
The art is very specifically for very early on in the fic, I might do something for them near the end because things change
more details and individual mosaics under the cut + a silly burda thing I did
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individual mosaics, these were so fun to do for each one
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me when I have the ability to edit my wips, burda happy ending edition
the fic itself takes place 2 weeks after the end of the world, and is about the three healers and their places in that. Where Artemy's been in it the longest time, Clara knows the most, and Daniil is lost for first act
it has 3 acts where act I is the least organised, act II has these guys get to be happy (SHOCKING) and act III is the downwards spiral towards the end, I was actually so mad at myself writing the last chapter bc I wanted them to be happy writing it lol
the fic is set in my own world, which will get explained throughout the writing, but the characters don't really know what's going on all the time, and it's fun to have a world that's a bit looser
This started about a year and a half ago when I was discussing this world with a few friends and started assigning, Artemy was pretty much decided from the start, but the other took me a while to really get them the right role in the story
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lesbianralzarek · 3 months
trying to not complain about the discrepancy between how much content fictional women and poc have vs the white dudes in every fucking fandom im in, because no one owes me fanart/fic and i can make shit myself, but holy fuck can any of you name a woman?
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necrotic-nephilim · 24 days
what are your favourite batcest ships and why?
AAA i love this question so much. i'm going to limit myself to a top five, because otherwise, i'd just end up listing all of them. the true joy of batcest is they're all so good for such different reasons and there are so many unique dynamics you can explore.
JayTim - it's funny bc, before i started this blog, i don't know if i would've put these two losers as my number one. but because i've done so much deep diving into their dynamic and i write them the most, i think it'd be a disservice for them to be anything *but* number one. their canon dynamic is just. so fun to play with. i truly love all of their interactions, particularly pre-Flashpoint. the concepts of Tim holding such contempt for Jason while Jason is weirdly obsessed with Tim. i'm a fan of Hannibal and Killing Eve and well. if this isn't a Hannigram-coded ship idk *what* is. i like ships where love and hate co-exist and there's no real "happily ever after", just fucked up co-existing, where they crawl back to each other like a bad habit and really, this ship is that so perfectly. the themes of jealousy in the Robin mantle. Tim wearing Jason's Red Robin suit to punish himself. i will likely never shut up about them. even in the New-52, there's such a substance to them, though the dynamic is wildly different. they will always be so weirdly dependent on each other's existence. i love them.
BruDick - you can't outdo the doer, i fear. i think i like BruDick mostly for the history of it, yk. there's genuinely *so much* queer history seeped into the homoeroticism of Batman and Robin, these two have been a symbol for queer people for decades. but the ship itself has so many dynamics i love. problematic age gap, "are we family or lovers", "i can't be in a room alone with you without getting into a screaming match but if you called i drop everything for you". all of it. i especially favor 80s/90s BruDick when they were in their divorce era just because it's so messy. Dick has canonically said he would die for Bruce, even during their arguments. no matter what, these two will always be single-mindedly devoted to each other. there will be other Robins, but none of them will compare to Dick Grayson, for Bruce. it's a unique and complicated bond that has endless layers to peel back. they always crawl back to each other bc no one else will match their level of intensity.
DamiTim - years and years ago, when i was a teen trying to people-please with how i existed in fandom, i used to insist i didn't like batcest and found it icky and gross. but there was one DamiTim fic that was my exception. that fic was my fucking roman empire. i reread it like once a year even though it's not completed and likely never will be i do not care. so now that i've killed the morality police in my head and i let myself ship what i actually want to ship, this ship holds a top place in my heart just bc of that fic alone. but in general i do fucking love their dynamic. similar to JayTim there's just so much mutual hatred in these two that has endless potential. Damian's insistence to not see Tim as a Wayne and as a legitimate brother/heir to Bruce is something you can play a lot if you give Damian an angry, fucked up crush on Tim he doesn't want to admit to. they have so many reasons to dislike each other, so to try to get them to slowly fall in love is a fun challenge. they either have a long complicated forgiveness arc and end up a happy married couple or they are the couple that tries to kill each other once a week. no in-between.
JeanTim - there's like. one person here on tumblr who goes as hard for this ship as i do and truly god bless them bc they feed me. Jean-Paul is too underrated in the batcest scene. once i reread Knightfall, i will have to help popular this tag on ao3. i enjoy both a very fucked up version of this ship during the peak of the Knightfall arc, where Jean-Paul is deep in his murder Batman era and Tim is trying to stop him to no real avail, but i *also* think there's so much you can do with the ship afterwards, where Jean-Paul is trying to make up for what he's done and be a better person and better hero. they're the peak Batman/Robin ship, to me. they truly care about each other, but have a very complicated/bloody history and i just. man i love it so dearly. i've been meaning to write a fic where Jean-Paul goes to Tim post the Sword of Azrael (2022) arc to properly discuss and apologize for all his actions in Knightfall for his personal healing and they end up fucking. it could be sweet and cute or kinky fun bc what is the joy of a character with that much Catholic guilt if you don't give them a weird religious kink.
BruCarrie - The Dark Knight Returns got me into comics and i will defend it till the day i die. Carrie Kelley can be pried from my cold dead hands. i just really love these two? Carrie took one look at that cranky old bastard and decided she was his problem. and Bruce is at a stage where he should be very averse to the idea of having a Robin, he knows it's a bad idea. but he just. accepts her anyway. idk how to explain their dynamic other than she plunks herself in his lap and stitches up his wounds while telling him he's an idiot and he lets her even if he's grumbling about it. they have the biggest age gap of any Batman/Robin ship and for that, they should get like. a dead dove gold star no matter how rare the pair is.
also honorable mention goes to BruTim, because *god* do i love the concept of Tim offering himself up to Bruce as Robin in every way, knowing that there are likely sexual/romantic implications to being Robin. it's one of my favorite flavors of batcest to exist. i don't view them as a "happily ever after" ship, because Bruce will always go back home to Dick, but it's a fun lil dead dove moment.
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ifyougoillfollow · 2 years
you know, we talk a lot about characters and/or relationships (of all kinds) being 'doomed by the narrative' around here, and how haunting and gut-wrenching that can be, especially when it so often takes the form of death and destruction and tragedy.
and we should keep doing that, obviously. death and destruction and tragedy kick total ass.
however. can we please spare a thought for the clowns trapped in that same (burning) room?
after all, what is a comic relief character if not doomed by the narrative to always act like a buffoon despite any and all circumstances, all for the sake of relieving narrative tension?
how must it feel, to have everyone around you dropping dead, losing limbs, losing loved ones, and otherwise being on the receiving end of unending torment - and all you can do is stand there and prattle off another zinger at your allotted time?
and what if you lose a loved one yourself, o jester mine? what if - hear me out - you lose multiple loved ones? what if it never ends? what will you do then?
well, if you're lucky, you'll get to mourn for all five of the seconds you're allowed to before the size thirty shoes go back on and the narrative moves on to other, more plot-central characters.
if you're not - well. it's a good thing clown makeup is waterproof, isn't it?
anyway, shout out to all my comedy kings out there doomed to play perpetual funnyman to their more plot-central counterparts despite being in undeniably comparable pain. you may be doomed by the narrative, but you are beloved by me <3
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t1oui · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic | april 25th | headlights | 1,222 words | cw: mentions of a car accident, hospitals, mentions of smoking (nothing graphic)
Regulus tries so hard to think that Sirius is an idiot. That bloody thing'll kill you, he remembers saying. Sirius had only laughed. No one's laughing now.
It was just a Friday night. Regulus got home from work late and was looking forward to doing nothing until Monday morning. Was looking forward to being alone, sitting around with popcorn and staring at the telly until he fell asleep. Now, the idea of a simple night in feels light years away.
He never gets what he wants.
Sitting on a stiff white chair outside Sirius's room at St. Mungo's, Regulus's leg bounces up and down at a frantic pace, mind racing. Didn't he see the headlights? Didn't he try and stop? It wasn't his fault, they said. Regulus's older brother is in a hospital bed and he wants to strangle the idiot who put him there.
Remus is sitting across from him, eyes red-rimmed and body curled in around himself. He arrived before Regulus. Pettigrew was pacing until Remus yelled at him and he mumbled something about getting a coffee.
It feels like hours before Potter arrives. Regulus and Remus are only taking up two of maybe eight seats crowded into the hallway, but James sits right next to him. He's crying, too busy looking at his phone to pay Regulus any mind beside him.
"Why are you here?" Regulus grumbles. He sounds like shit. The corridor is far too bright for someone who wants to crawl into a hole and never come out. James glances up at him, looking confused and distressed and tired. God, Regulus is so fucking tired.
"My best friend is... he's...." James gestures helplessly to the room behind them. They're not whispering, but their voices are hoarse. Remus isn't paying attention anyway - he's been staring into space for hours now. "He's in there."
"No," Regulus says, shaking his head in frustration. He hates when people don't understand him. "Why are you... here. There's so many seats."
James stares at him for a moment. He still holds his phone in his lap - if Regulus looks closely, he can see the name Lily written across the top of the screen with a pink flower beside it. James opens his mouth to speak, but Regulus interrupts him, pointing to the phone.
"That's a hibiscus flower, you know."
"What?" James doesn't sound like he's actually processing anything Regulus is saying. Regulus presses his finger next to Lily's contact name. He remembers her from school. He never liked her much.
"The flower here," he says. "It's not a lily. It's a hibiscus."
James sniffles, shrugging helplessly. "There's no lily emoji," he says. "This one's good enough."
Regulus doesn't say that he thinks that's sort of stupid. He's too tired to, and he knows James doesn't really care. Who does?
"I don't want to be lonely," James tells him. Regulus stares at his ear.
"You asked," James says, shrugging again. He shrugs a lot. "Why I sat next to you."
Regulus looks up, glances over to Remus. He's managed to gather all of his limbs up onto the small hospital chair and is staring into space, eyes glazed over, arms wrapped around his knees. "Why didn't you sit next to him?"
James's answer comes so quiet that he has to lean closer to hear. "I'd still be alone."
Regulus stares at him. "Oh." He wonders where Pettigrew's gotten off to. Wonders if Lily will come to take James home, will gather Remus into the car too. Wonders who will take him home now that the motorcycle he hates so much is nothing more than a pile of scraps, its owner not much more.
"D'you wanna see a picture of my cat?" James asks. Regulus looks back at him. James is tilting his phone towards Regulus, even though he never answered, and Regulus finds himself leaning closer again to look. His cheek brushes James's shoulder, and he expects James to tense up - they barely know each other. James is probably humoring him, but his best friend's weird little brother leaning his head on his shoulder is probably the last straw. James is just being nice because he's sad. Last Regulus heard, he has a pretty girl and a son waiting for him at home.
But James leans into the touch. Regulus is too tired to pull away. (Part of him doesn't want to pull away. He tells this part to be quiet.)
"Her name's Leo," James says, holding up his phone to reveal a small gray tabby. The smile is evident in his voice, which is soft and close to Regulus's ear. It sounds like a lullaby. "Harry named her."
"Leo," Regulus says softly. James's curls are tickling his cheek. It's not an unpleasant feeling - it reminds him of walking barefoot over grass on a sunny day.
"Like the constellation," James explains. "It's Haz's favorite. 'Course, he is a Leo, so he's a bit biased there...."
Regulus glances down and notices his fingers loosely intertwined with James's. He doesn't remember doing that.
"Leo's the constellation -" he begins.
"Your star," James replies. He sighs softly, content but a little shaky. "Yeah."
They're both silent for a while. It's weirdly comfortable, even in the buzzing hospital, even with Remus sitting numb across from them and Sirius laying unconscious behind them and Peter knocking around, probably smoking the pack of cigarettes Regulus saw him slip out of Remus's pocket before he disappeared.
"Is Lily going to pick you up?" Regulus asks.
"She has Harry tonight," James says instead of answering. It only leaves Regulus with more questions.
"I thought..." Regulus begins, but he doesn't know what he thinks, not really. James seems to, though.
"We broke up," he says simply. He shrugs a little, only one shoulder, trying not to jostle Regulus's head. "Few years ago."
Regulus is quiet for a while. He remembers school, seeing James's golden-brown arm wrapped around Lily's pale shoulders. He remembers a pang of pain at the sight, feels it now, a dull ache located deep within his chest. "I'm sorry to hear that," he says, but he doesn't sound sincere.
"Don't be," James says. He's turned his head, and his lips brush just barely against Regulus's forehead. He should pull away, but instead, he just closes his eyes. "She's my best friend."
Regulus squeezes James's hand. "I'm glad you're here," he whispers.
James squeezes back. "I'm glad you're here, too," he replies.
He sets his phone down on his lap, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a jumbled ball of headphones. He tries for a minute or so to untangle them one-handed before finally sighing and pulling his fingers out from between Regulus's, pulling the earbuds into his phone. He hands one to Regulus.
"Put it in," he says, watching Regulus do nothing.
"Why?" Regulus asks.
"It's too... something in here."
Regulus gives him a small smile as he puts the earbud in. It fits weird, but not uncomfortable weird like he remembers. Just different. As he settles his head back onto James's shoulder, a soft melody begins to play into his ear. James sets the phone down on his knee before taking Regulus's hand again, resting his head against Regulus's curls. Regulus takes a deep breath, closing his eyes.
Maybe this night won't be as long as he thought.
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johanna-swann · 5 months
I totally forgot to post anything here, but I've been working on some more Bucktommy stories. Actually made it a collection on ao3. They all take place in the same continuity and are sorted chronologically, but each story can be read independently.
I had already posted the link to "But in this life I met you", it's about Tommy who, some months into his relationship with Buck, starts questioning his and and Eddie's respective places in Buck's life (3.6k, Bucktommy endgame).
"Tommy meets Evan" is a very short story about the first couple of times Tommy runs into Buck from Tommy's pov (1.3k).
Right now I'm working on "Love and Lack thereof" which is basically a "Tommy begins" type of story. Covers his childhood, his time in the army, his coming back to LA and finding a place for himself. (2/4 chapters are online, will have about 8-10k once it's finished)
I was also working on a story where Tommy and Karen bond and have a conversation about kids, but I got sidetracked and am working on that other fic right now.
Also possibly gonna do a "Tommy realises he's in capital L Love with Evan, but it's way to early and he promised to take it slow, what is he supposed to do?" story. (Would also feature Henren.)
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vermillioncrown · 4 months
@rozaceous replied to your post “Later TPAC teasers bc i'm busy rn”:
FULL OSTRICH, lmao that he very abruptly recognizes that he's abt to receive The Talk and deploys Jason as a defensive weapon
​the talk from anyone bat-related is not going to be a Normal Talk. he doesn't want any one of these eidetic memory freaks knowing anything of his anything, which is where this talk was likely to head towards
(dick, trying to be the best brother-dad, also shameless, also raised on bat contingencies
"--and i'll send you the encrypted list of discreet shopping sites afterwards. let's move onto the next module on the psychology of kinks, and--"
korvin, "kill me. kill me now")
jason's happy to stir shit and get in people's way, there are no loyalties there
korvin just 🙈🙉 "lalalala not listening lalalalalalala" ostrich mode
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tendebill · 1 month
i have many many fanfic wips for several fandoms that are in various state of dissaray and incompletion. on the one hand i want to inflict them upon everyone by posting them on ao3, on the other i do not wanna have 568 unfinished fanfics on my ao3 account.
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just saw a post claiming ao3 is run by zionists with no links, facts, articles, or anything else to support said claim
i'm having a really bad brain fog year and i feel like search engines are getting worse and worse so does anyone know where the fuck this came from and if there's anything to it
like links to anything substantial are preferable but if you can give me an idea of what the fuck to look up that would also work
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anabetel35 · 3 months
Going Crazy over Vania/Harumi again. Especially Harumi's-redemtpion-arc Vania/Harumi.
Harumi who spent most of her life either acting or being driven by her hatered and anger alone. Who reached a point in her (second) life where she doesn't need to act because there is no one to decieve and where her anger has no clear target. Where she doesn't have anyone to devote herself to, to base her entire being on. A ruler of nothing but herself, with more strength than she can handle.
Vania who spent so much of her life being true to herself and acting with love and care towards everyone who came her way and didn't strike first. Who looked on as her only remaining family tried to kill her heroes, terrorized two whole nations and then tried to take over the world. Who was cast into a life where she has no one to fall back on by her side and a kingdom with twice as many people as it did during her father's rule and twice as many problems, too. A ruler of so many with so few rescources and even less experience.
Harumi who lost her family to an evil beyond the control of the ninja and who chose to pin the blame on humans and not destiny -- on beings that she knew that she could hurt if she only tried hard enough.
Vania who lost what little she had left of her family to an evil beyond the control of the ninja and who chose to pin the blame on evil itself, her father, destiny -- anything and everything, just so that she wouldn't end up hurting anyone who didn't deserve it at all.
Harumi who spent so much of her life actively choosing to hate.
Vania who spent so much of her life actively trying to love.
And then they meet. Both princesses. Both sure that they should despise each other, because they stand (or stood) for opposite things.
But then Vania's reluctant attempts at only partially judging Harumi for what she did, at being polite but not mean, turn into being kind and a bit smitten. Harumi's determination to become a good person (or someone who does some good, at least) drives her into appreaciating Vania, slowly but surely placing her on the same pedestal that she devoted to the Overlord and Garmadon before him.
Vania, raised by a single father, lonely upon an ivory throne of problems, starts to fall for the girl who gives her advice on managing a population. Who reminds her that she needs to rest in order to be as strong as she possibly can. Who teaches her to have a steady hand, somehting that she might need help with sometimes.
Harumi, someone who's never let herself be properly liked by someone so real, a love so true as Vania's, begins to adore the girl that teaches her how to be a teenager even despite their postions -- even despite the fact that one of them is a queen and the other is the ex-right hand of two evil overlords. The girl that doesn't hesitate to communicate how she feels. That offers Harumi a shoulder to lean on.
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fizzing-saturn · 10 months
literally sobbing my youtuber egos hyperfixation is coming back except its ONLY ever been markiplier and (mostly) crankgameplays egos and there is NO CONTENT FOR CRANKGAMEPLAYS EGOS anywhere 😭😭😭
theyre so interesting too!!! dark and anti (who admittedly i dont know that much abt) are also interesting and silly/pos but BLANK!!!
hes so sad because hes the embodiment of all the negative stuff! but ethan did. nothing with him! wtf! and the character design is so aggfhdf i really like the idea of a gaunt bonewhite figure with eyes leaking oil and a face perpetually stuck in a sob
and unus 😔 the physical embodiment of DEATH?? he was only alive for one year but he was my blorbo the whole way through
and those are the only ones people really talk about?! i mean some people yeah but i feel like most don’t acknowledge mrs thomson or mad mike or bernice or (idk her name) his yandere ego or father ethan any of the rest of them! its so :((((
any ways. im going to go have thoughts abt Them. very sorry for the long post the tags are also very long but i Have Opinions and i needed them to come out
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It's true what they say about writing what you want, no matter what people say.
There was this book. Skellig, in english, in the original. I first read it when I was nine, maybe, and our school temporarily had some books we could loan.That was the first book I ever read where I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not, but it made me think and feel and I was glad to have read it. I gave it to my dad, too. We both weren't sure whether we liked it as such. But it was a good book.
Now, what feels like ages later, I randomly remembered its existence. It's been years and this book stuck with me all this time. While searching for it online (it doesn't exist as new edition anymore, and nobody had the one I read back then, which is kinda a shame because that cover was also amazing), I found a site with reviews. And there were a couple of good reviews, but there were just as many if not slightly more bad ones. It made me kinda sad, because I hardly remembered anything of it but I've come t the conclusion that I probably like it, if it's stuck with me for that long, and that the storyline was just....
Yeah. Anyways, I got a second hand copy of the book. I just read it. It's not long. And it still makes me think and feel and there's so much I forgot but the vibe is still exactly the same and I know that I love it.
It's an amazig book. I know some random person complained that the characters weren't relatable; personally, I'm in love with them.That's just what it feels like to be a kid who thinks too much. I don't know.
Anyways, it's a good book. I don't know why I even red those reviews They didn't even bother to to think about it at all; declared subjective reasons and then said the book was objectively bad. But like. Those people exist. I don't care. Those people don't matter.
Skellig is a wonderful story. I loved it as a kid, and now, as a teen, and it's a story that may or may not have influenced the way I think, a lot. I know it will influence my stories now. It makes me think.
There's bad faith readers. But they don't matter. I think it might be one of my favourite books, if I had to choose any.
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yellowheartz · 10 months
Teruhashi is so psyche coded (elaborated in tags)
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I think the most important revelation I ever had about fandom was that people making fanworks I don't like/am not interested in are not (usually) the thing that is limiting the existence of stuff I do like and find interesting.
I think there is maybe some argument to be made for juggernaut ships that are popular in large part because it's two skinny white people (usually, but not always, men) drowning out interest and engagement in smaller ships featuring characters from marginalised populations, but, y'know, in general people who think different things about writing fic are important, or who like different tropes to me, or have different interpretations of canon to me, or who don't happen to like the fandom/character/rarepair I've imprinted on are taking absolutely nothing away from me.
Realest of real talk: if the people who write fic I don't like were successfully bullied into being too embarrassed about liking the stuff they like (or about their personal standards editing for SPAG, or how much they knew about the canon or about ~writing craft~) to write more fic that I didn't like, they wouldn't start making stuff For Me. At the end of the day their work was never for me, because they're doing something for themselves. And that's fine!
If I want more stuff I like, I have to encourage and engage positively with people who like the same stuff as me and whose work I like instead of being bitter and talking shit about people who are doing literally nothing wrong. I also need to talk about what I like in a way that is inviting instead of hostile and scolding!
Like, if my approach to shipping Worf/Data had been passive aggressively kvetching about Data/Geordi shippers I do not think that would have won me any friends or influenced people to look favourably on my ship! What I did was scream in delight on my blog about why I liked it and co-founded a rarepair swap where I got several great Worf/Data fanworks as gifts. A non-zero amount of people at least semi-ship Worf/Data because of me and, like, that's honestly success beyond my wildest imaginings.
So like... I don't know, I guess I get frustrated by the endless posts about how people should Stop writing fic the way they want to, because like, why? Why does it matter if something is not for you? Do you want to take it away from other people so that none of us have what we want?
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