#aos favorite asks
forecast0ctopus · 5 months
If u start posting 2009 trek I will weep openly … It was my fav for a hot minute & I only really got into TOS bc of ur art … AOS renaissance would be so beautiful to me
grab some tissues then because i have in fact done some sketches…..tos are still my guys, but aos is a good time :] glad to hear you’ve gotten into tos too !!!
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Cough, it’s me again
Our dear demon bastard stated what type of women he likes. What do you think would be the type of woman (and maybe even man) he dislikes the most?
He is living in my head rent free
This one is much easier and less complex to answer 🙏 (I promise your other ask is in the works 😚 its just taking its dear sweet time to manifest in coherent thoughts)
My picture of a person Mephisto absolutely would not like conveniently exists in canon: Michael Gedouin. And no, I'm not just saying that because I hate the bastard.
Gedouin is everything Samael loves to despise. He's clingy, desperate, arrogant, short sighted, pushy and rude. He's got delusions of grandeur and crippling insecurities. Mephisto would eat him alive out of spite - possibly literally if he weren't so fat as to give the malnourished demon clogged arteries for the effort.
I personally think that when Samael expressly dislikes or loathes someone he goes out of his way to be an absolute menace to them. Because he's petty like that.
Canon kind of backs me up on this, and offers a compelling series of reasons why. Everyone he dislikes in canon, he dislikes because they're too intrusive or rude (Lewin) too cocksure and ignorant (Arthur) too needy and pushy (Yukio to a degree) or too self absorbed and narcissistic (Lucifer).
What do all these people have in common?
They're all liars.
They all lie to themselves and to others constantly. Lewin lies to others because he has to in order to appear normal; Arthur lies to himself so that he feels normal-ish despite blatantly knowing he isn't; Yukio lies to both himself and others for the sake of status quo and because he has crippling insecurities he would rather pretend didn't exist; and Lucifer lies to everyone including himself because his mind and ego can't handle the truth or reality, so he twists the narratives to suit himself, and to hell with the rest.
Samael, Father of Lies, absolutely despises liars.
He despises liars, and he despises those who turn away from a hard truth they'd rather not face. In his mind, these people are cowards, possibly, and I don't imagine he is fond of cowardice either. Part of why he is so hard on Yukio is because Yukio refuses to see or acknowledge the present, focusing -- and hiding in - the past or sometimes the future. He is similarly stern with Rin at times because Rin was running away from the past, but with no sense of direction for the present or future; he was lost, though, not deliberately hiding. Yukio hides; he uses the past or possible future to justify the present while acknowledging neither, and that makes him both annoying and dangerous; vascillating between the past and future without thinking about the present is how you end up circling a drain with no outlet. Yes, Yukio is depressed and stressed and has some serious trauma issues, and that is why he acts that way - no doubt Mephisto is well aware of that - but he also was stubborn and foolish and refused to accept help in any way except very marginally for his way, and his way was not what he needed. And I just don't see Samael having the greatest patience with people who wallow in their misery and refuse to help themselves, or if they are, like with Yukio, then they won't listen to reason if they're wrong.
Samael does not like people who deny the truth. Who insist they know better than he does, who won't budge an inch no matter what he tells them. He has not the patience, and after a lifetime of dealing with Mr. Narc Himself I honestly can't blame him for that.
At the same time, he finds great delight in tormenting people he despises. He ribs Arthur all the time and makes a mockery of him, he belittles Yukio and infantalizes him in some respects; He openly says he doesn't like Lewin and finds him creepy due to his persistent, invasive intrigue regarding himself, and doesn't bother him much I feel because anything Samael did do to bugger him would only entice him more; and he can do nary a thing about Lucifer, except quietly chide him in the back of his mind and hope his brother comes to his senses eventually. A hope I think he has lost all faith in.
Now, I feel a need to bring up an odd little relationship regarding these things - Amaimon.
Does Samael dislike Amaimon? Yes, i think he does, in a way. But he dislikes him because he is rude and lazy and doesn't like to think for himself or make hard decisions and acts like a total child about it when he does. Amaimon doesn't pick sides because he doesn't want to think about the ramifications of either choice, so he just doesn't make one. (until he has to). Amaimon doesn't like actual hard work, so to entice him to do anything one must invite him to "play" or offer a reward - and sometimes punishment - worth motivating him. Amaimon does not give a single flying fuck if anyone really likes him or not, which I do think Samael finds admirable about him actually, but it comes with the caveat that he can't trust Amaimon to blend in very well or follow a set of rules he sees no point in following, like "Dont punch people, because they die, and we dont want them to die". To explain anything to Amaimon, one must explain it in his terms, on his terms, which makes him difficult and annoying to deal with at times because if there's no relevance to himself going on, he has no reason to care. He is the quintessential "not my problem" guy.
(I confess after writing this I am a lot like him in many regards)
Samael doesn't appreciate people who make his life more difficult, I would say for the above case. He prefers things to go a certain way, and people who propose to mess this up by being stubborn and difficult to control are thorns in his side; but he is willing to put up with them for the greater good of his work.
Rin is another thorny case for Samael at times, though its more that Rin has the utmost potential to be a problem than that he presently is one; Rin is strong willed, though not exactly stubborn - he can be plied fairly easily with the right kind of persuasion, and as recent chapters have so kindly delivered onto us, Rin is the faith-having sort of person; he believes in Mephisto's power and abilities, and has faith that Samael would be able to put the world to rights if Satan wasn't being such a stubborn Git about it all.
That being said, I could easily see the tables turning if Rin decided to get in Samael's way and provoke him with his stubbornness, especially since Rin isn't always keen on listening to reason, so I hesitate to say Samael likes or dislikes Rin outright - I think he's an edge case and that Samael cautiously likes him, but would absolutely kill or maim him if it came to that. And I personally am of the mind that Rin is very much aware of this.
So, to recap -
Samael does not like Liars, Truth Deniers, and People Who Make Life Harder.
I also am of the mind he has a particularly vengeful distaste for thieves, based on the possessiveness of his personality and penchant for collecting things, but only insofar as they have stolen from him. After all I doubt he got all of his own belongings by moral means, given Loki and Dionysus' penchant for being thieves themselves. So steal away - just don't steal things from the Devil, maybe. Unless he wants you to. (Ahem, Impure King arc). But even then, probably not the wisest idea.
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fili-the-jester · 11 months
Wait so, Mei mentions that her uncle would love a new addition to his collection.
Which uncle is she referring to? I’m assuming that it’s one of the four pirate kings right?
Yes, you’re correct about it being one of the four pirate kings that she’s referring to. The uncle that she is talking about when she says that is Ao Guang, who is the Pirate King of the East Sea and her great-uncle.
Ao Guang is known to collect “trophies” of those who opposed him, especially from those were nobles and/or were associated with the Heavenly Kingdoms. He has a practically strong vendetta against Nezha, who Ao Guang and his sons has a (very bad) history with.
And doubled with the fact that Red Son is Nezha’s apprentice, would make Ao Guang all the happier to receive Red’s horns as a gift. Kind of like a cruel way to get back at Nezha.
(Also Ao Guang’s other sons, aside from Ao Bing, are Ao Jia and Ao Yi and they are the Pirate Princes of the East Sea. They don’t really like Nezha either, just like their father.)
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wolfboywarmachines · 4 months
🌹🌹 !!!!
haiiii thank you!!!
“Why are you asking me this?” Arthur asks. Eames pauses. He could lie, and just say he was curious. That it was to burn time, and not because he wanted to know when Arthur wanted him too. But Eames is only a liar when it benefits him, and he has a feeling he’d only be fucking himself over to say anything otherwise. 
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almaadst · 1 year
Hi, Alex! I hope you’re having a wonderful day! 😊💕 For the ask game, could I pick 4, 19, and 23?
@ghost-party Rebecca sweetheart! Thank you I hope you had an amazing day too and thanks for sending your ask! 💞 I will reply only to number 19 'cos for the other two someones else asked I hope you do not mind 🥺 I will link the answers when I publish them!
19. Favorite character(s) to draw?
Tbh. It's a hard question 'cos I do mostly commissioned artwork but I would say that In general, I like drawing women characters more (because I started drawing them sooner than men I think I do it better lol) and If comes to design I prefer more fantasy ones or canonically outfit form manga/anime, etc. But totally contradicting myself when I was still drawing fanart I was mostly drawing Mephisto from Ao no Exorcist XD (I still love him tho haha) also drawing Shinji from Bleach was fun wink wink and an honorable mention is Aizawa from My Hero Academia 🤍
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Out of curiosity, what ships in blue exorcist do you also like aside from bon × rin?
(hope you are having a nice day)
Lots! I like:
Torako/Tatsuma (I love these two and will always love them and there are tragically few fics for them.)
Shiemi/Izumo (Everything about them is just fantastic. The way they bolster each other on and allow each other to be soft with each other is just so good.) Yuri/Shirou (Give them a happy ending ;-; )
Yukio/Shiemi (they bring out really important parts of each other and I like how they've always seen the best in each other) Yukio/Renzou (two damaged boys who follow their own paths and find each other in the middle of that) Renzou/Konekomaru (childhood friends turned into lovers is always fun, and there is something about the way they just get each other that I love.) Konekomaru/Shiemi (I haven't gotten to write them yet, but I think they'd do well together. Peaceful and loyal and surrounded by cute demons.)
Konekomaru/Yukio (I'm working on one for them <3 They're both studious, serious, and driven by their own morals and I think they'd help balance each other well.) Lewin/Shura (I love their teasing dynamic and how they can be real with each other and trust each other and the idea of these two people who have been rejected by a lot of society for being wild finding each other.) Yukio/Cheng-Long (Cheng-Long Liu is mostly from the movie but has come into recent chapters and I am EXCITED for him. They have a great banter in the movie and I want moorreee)
Mamushi/Juuzou (These two are hilarious and fun, and I love how they slowly open up to each other and work through their prejudices and hurts and come together.)
I'm sure there are more but these were the ones that popped in my head, lol. Thanks for the ask!!
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bcnes-archived · 1 year
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@ensnchekov sent ; “Seriously, though, I’m fine! Stop making such a big deal out of it!” - from hurt / comfort starters
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"Big deal outta—" the tell-me-I-didn't-just-hear-you-say-that expression on his face slowly drops into a genuine scowl. Clearly it wasn't bad enough that McCoy had to worry about Spock rubbing off on the kid - he could swear he's heard this same exact sentence from Jim no less than fifteen times. Like it's the end of the world to leave your station and just sit still for all of five minutes so Leonard can verify what the hell is wrong with you.
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"Alright, first off, which one of us has a medical degree? I'll tell you when you're fine. Nobody else on the landing party beamed up looking even remotely like this - what in the hell'd you do?"
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derekgoffard · 2 years
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I finished my PAPER today so I atcually had time to make this BUT----- HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ajsghost !!!!!!!!! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻
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gojuo · 2 years
targ week and people are saying mfing SYRAX of all dragons is their favorite ?!??!?????
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ellsey · 2 years
What is Fitzsimmons Secret Santa? Is it like a Regency-romance Secret Santa or something?
Haha no it's for the ship Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz on Agents of Shield. They basically handed us the ship name of Fitzsimmons in the first episode.
Please appreciate their cuteness:
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sscrambledmeggss · 2 years
what are some of your favorite romance animes? I haven't really watched any, and I trust your taste ✨
Shoujo animes are a mess BUT they are my mess so it’s okay 💖 I haven’t watched a few of these in years, so I might be masked by nostalgia but shoujo animes are all about having a good time at the end of the day, and I’m pretty sure these will give that to you 🕺
Fruits Basket (2019):
Genres: romantic comedy, supernatural, drama, slice of life
Length: 3 Seasons, 63 episodes in total (+ a movie, but I don’t like the relationship in the movie so I don’t talk about it 🥰)
Okay okay, so like the plot to fruits basket out of context sounds like wild heterosexual bullshit. BUT I SWEAR, it is such a wholesome show, and it’s probably my favorite shoujo anime. It’s even complete with soap opera drama on occasions 😫 (I would definitely look up triggerwarnings though!)
Synopsis: orphan girl moves in with three guys, they are secretly furries 🤨 (aka they are cursed so when the opposite gender hugs them, they turn into the Chinese zodiac animals 😭) surprisingly this is not a reverse harem anime, and you actually want her to live with the guys 🤨 it also like handles toxic family relationships, and grief really well. It also has a lot of queer coded characters 😭 2001 is a lot goofier, but 2019 is way more dramatic, and actually has the full series. :)
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki Kun:
Genres: parody, romantic comedy, slice of life
Length: 12 episodes
This one is really fun!! It’s also very cute.
Sakura Chiyo has a crush on this guy Umetarou Nozaki, and somehow ends up joining his manga team? Nozaki basically writes shoujo manga under the pen name, ‘Sakiko Yumeno’. He’s actually really open about it, but nobody believes him. 🦧 anyway she basically just gets to meet his team, and it’s a really fun and cute time <3
Ouran High School Host Club:
Genres: drama, romantic comedy, harem (but like it affects nothing, they are all mainly besties)
Length: 26 episodes
This is really unsurprising 🦧 BUT it’s a really fun time. A lot of things haven’t aged well in it, but for its time it really was changing things. Its a very episodic, romcom, making fun of a lot of common shoujo tropes, while still acknowledging that it’s basically the same thing it’s parodying.
Synopsis: Haruhi Fujioka is a scholarship student, at a big fancy school. She accidentally breaks a vase, and it puts her in debt with one of the clubs. Which happens to be a host club?? 🦧 so now she has to dress up as a guy and flirt with women <3 basically everyone is a stereotype, and it actively is making fun of rich people. 😭
Yona Of The Dawn:
Genres: romance, high fantasy, adventure
Length: 24 episodes + 3 OVA
Admittedly I haven’t watched this one in years, but I remember absolutely loving it. And luckily a friend of mine has watched it like this year, and she loved it as well. So I’m hoping that means it stands the test of time LOL.
Synopsis: Princess girly gets a reality check, and now has to girlboss too close to the sun <3 but it’s very fun. (This is all I can say without giving spoilers ig 🦧)
Snow White With The Red Hair:
Genres: fantasy, romance
Length: 2 seasons, 24 episodes in total + 1 OVA
I also haven’t watched this one in years, BUT I remember being obsessed with it. Sometimes I still check in on the manga to see what’s going on, I do not understand what’s going on. 💖 it’s very relaxed and cute though. And also nobody is in high school, which is always a good change 🦧
Synopsis: Shirayuki is a pharmacist who gets proposed to by a prince for straight up just having red hair?? 🦧 doesn’t want to marry said prince, so she then cuts off her hair, and runs away.
My Love Story!!:
Genre: romantic comedy
Length: 24 episodes
This one from what I remember is really wholesome from what I recall :)
Synopsis: basically a guy who is seemingly “scary” is actually really sweet, like he’s not even a bad boy. He’s like anime equivalent season two Sam Evans. Gets a girlfriend, and the whole plot is just them being cute + the guys best friend being their bestie.
Kamisama Kiss:
Genres: romantic comedy, supernatural
Length: two seasons, 25 episodes in total + 2 OVA
OKAY, so this one is a very good time from what I remember :) it’s main flaw is that the girl is in high school, and her main love interest is immortal?? So like an Edward Cullen type beat 😍
Synopsis: a girl ends up homeless (this is a very prominent trope if you can’t tell 🦧), and she runs into this guy, who kisses her on the cheek?? Turns out he’s a god, and has just given her his god title? So she’s just a god now. And she has to go to his shrine, and do god things?? And his old familiar (which is basically like if instead of working for Jeff Bezos, he just adopted you 🦧) isn’t very happy about it.
Anyways they are very much fun to watch <3 even if a lot of the time there’s a lot of “🤨” moments in shoujo anime, (they have an awful age gap issue) but they have been a very long time guilty pleasure of mine LOL. My friend and I have been purposely watching the bad ones, because they are equally as fun as the good ones.
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fakecats · 4 months
kamiboku come back im sorry i said your new music sucks the kids miss you
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vikingpoteto · 2 years
69 for the spotfly wrapped thing
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midnight-in-town · 10 months
Ao no Exorcist is a Shonen series written by a woman and it shows
Since the latest chapter, I've been thinking about how several usual Shonen tropes are written rather differently under Kato-sensei's pen. No judgement or anything, it's just cool to observe. Some examples :
1) Rin's mentor is a woman
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2) Rin's secret, despite being the MC, was revealed in ch13 to the entire cast, meanwhile Shiemi, The Main Girl, who was introduced to be so helpless is only starting to be explained.
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3) Also, the Mysterious plot-relevant Shonen Parent is actually the twins' mother. (Of course Shiro is super plot-relevant too, but Satan is still angsting over Yuri and she's a huge part of the reason why he's the big bad)
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4) Rin also changed his view about his future throughout the story: from dropping out of school, passing by hoping to become the Order's Paladin (probably to cope with Shiro's death and also to antagonize Arthur), to finally showing way more interest and potential in the (less epic and heroic in appearance) field of talismanic cooking.
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5) When it comes to arcs, mental illness is a valid reason to build a character arc around...
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6) And so is making an arc about girls being "cursed" to basically "get married and have children before they hit 30, the age where their beauty fade thus they become useless" :
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7) ANE is a story about women becoming traitors to protect their loved ones, like Mamushi
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or becoming overwhelmed because men toyed with their feelings like Tamamo
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8) Older women can be absolute badasses like Shiemi's grandma
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or Lucy.
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9) Complicated mother-daughter relationship and girl friendships are given as much focus as complicated father-son relationships and sweet bro friendships (like Bon and his dad during the Kyoto arc, as well as the complicated but deep bond between the Kyoto Trio)
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10) And one of my favorites: full time single dad, asking for help to do the job as well as he can and finding his true purpose in life by doing so :D
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Hmm and now that I think about it, the only other Shonen series written by a woman I've been as invested in is Kuroshitsuji, by Yana Toboso, and similar examples can be found in it too, namely:
1) If Ciel ever finally admits needing a mentor, his aunt Frances will probably play that role
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2) Girls can be super strong & skilled (Elizabeth, Mey Rin) and clever (Sieglinde)
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3) (one part of) the Big Bad is a woman (Queen Victoria)
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4) maybe Ciel's entire revenge stems from a conflict between Queen Victoria and Ciel's maternal grandmother, Claudia.
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5) the Undertaker has been a continuously freaking pain in the ass because he probably fell in love with that same maternal grandmother and couldn't mourn properly
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TL;DR we love our boys and their spectacular growth and development under women's pens a.k.a shonen series written by ladies are hella fun to read. :D
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in-act-ive · 1 year
Yo can I request the Gallagher boys (not Liam) and Mickey headcanons if U do them (all separately) with a male reader who's more domimant and taller (sorry I can't spell) in the relationship like they also have to be the big spoon or whatever reader always pulls them in to his lap or something nothing sexual
Thank you if U can't do multiple characters can U do lip or Mickey
I'm real sick of the fics where the male reader it still feminine y'know
Have a nice day sorry for the long request
I had so many ides for this the moment you asked!
Request : yes
Type : headcanon
A / N : hope this is what you wanted!! Sorry it took so long btw, I got sick really fast and couldn't write!
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Carl Gallagher
At first he's very confused by whats going on
After a few times he gets used to sitting in your lap and does it instinctively
Carl hates that you're taller in every way
He's probably a brat to you
He insists on getting stuff he can't reach even if you've offered to help
Carl is very independent and says he doesn't need your help
When he does need your help he's such a bitch about it
He does like having his scary dog privileges though to be honest
If he's about to go do shady shit he drags you along to scare anyone off who may try and fuck with him
When he's a police officer he insists on protecting you
Oh how the tables have turned
When you spoon him he definitely pulls your hands up to his chest so he can hold your hands
After a while he just lets you lay your hands wherever you'd like
He's comfy with whatever
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Lip Gallagher
He won't admit it but he kinda likes that you're taller than he is
The first time he sits in your lap he's flustered as hell but continues to flirt with you
After a few times its still a little awkward but he won't admit it
He just insists on not doing it
He uses your height to his advantage
The moment he doesn't feel like reaching something he bothers you to grab it for him
He finds it hilarious that you are too tall for the Gallagher house
He likes to tease you when you hit your head on stuff or trip on something
His love language is most definitely teasing
When you both go out he kinda acts like you're not there
When he gets into fights you have to save him half the time
When he confronts bitches of men he almost always has you standing around incase it doesn't go his way
The moment you two cuddle and you spoon him he gets kinda pissed off
He'd much rather face you
He does feel protected in your arms but won't say that
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Ian Gallagher
Ian is already the tallest Gallagher and is too tall for their house but having you around makes him jealous
He is confused when you pulled him into your lap
He's not opposed to the idea of sitting with you but he also really doesn't seem to know what to do with himself
Once he's used to it and knows a comfortable way to sit its one of his favorites
He won't admit it
He insists on getting everything himself no matter if you can reach it or not
He probably warns you before you run into a doorway cause he knows what its like
He hates PDA
Especially holding hands
Mainly because he hates feeling like the shorter guy in any relationship
Even if he is
The moment you spoon him he says something dumb
"No. No we're not doing this."
He wants to be the big spoon but you object to that idea
Finally you compromise on you both facing each other
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Mickey Milkovich
He doesn't mind your height at all
Everyone is always taller than him anyways ao your height is just something about you
He thinks its attractive but obviously wont say his feelings
The moment you pulled him into your lap he immediately was fine with it
When he sat in your lap he sat like a king on his throne
Mickey gets so used to it and does it absentmindedly
He will push you into a chair just to sit in your lap no matter how busy you may be
When you guys go out of the house he loves having his "scary dog privileges"
He knows when it comes down to a fight he'd probably kick someones ass for you though
He loves when you hold him or touch him in public
Then he knows that your his and he's yours no matter what
Plus he finds it fucking hilarious when you have to tell people to go away cause you're together
When it comes to cuddling he loves when you spoon him
Its his favorite thing ever
When you don't he makes you no questions ask
Note: This was not spell checked nor grammer checked! I apologize in advance for the mistakes
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evermorx89 · 4 days
multifandom fics recs
* indicates smiut
• de volta aos 15 - brasil
dreams come true -joel @stuckwthem
all srtarmina masterlist @srtarmina
• jacaerys velaryon x reader - house of the dragon
sonora (mordern!jace)- @earth4angels
bath tub* - @murdocksdaughter
if you can't take it (then get back) - @softspiderling
all the things yet to come are the things that have passed (modern!jace) - @xxselenite
court shenanigans - @princessbellecerise
getting caught*- @luvsfics
overprotective - @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul
muña *- @fioiswriting
the heir's favorite * - @dreammfyre
guilty as sin * - @maysileeewrites
can i go (where you go)? (modern!jace) - @softspiderling
all jv sylasthegrim masterlist! - @sylasthegrim
longfully awaited* - @writtenapoiogy
↳ this one is a part 2, but can be read it alone
seduction* - @myladysapphire
fight for you - @gh0stsp1d3r
soul meets soul on lovers’ lips *- @swordgrace
•theodore nott x reader - harry potter
mini skirt*- @patrophthia
all the stars are brighter tonight masterlist!! - @thestarsarebrightertonight
i thought you knew - @agirlsguidetolove
secret admirer - @cloudybarnes
study break - @crimsntwlip
theostrophywife masterlist - @theostrophywife
the letter - @spectorgram
oh bella (italian!theo) - @ldrfanatic
needy* - @bettymylove
the cat chronicles - @obsessedwithceleste
only me (italian!theo) - @amiableness
jealousy (italian!theo) - @ahqkas
fools - @luv4freddie
one cup of coffee - @7s3ven
be my first* - @slytherinslut0
following instructions* - @dramaticals
pet dates - @drmaddict
darling socialite - @fangisms
i bet you think about me - @beingsuneone
did you hear what i said? - @dramaticals
all amourane masterlist! - @amourane
i think he knows - @dreamcubed
ask for it* - @pottersfia
delicate - @hoaxriot
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