#aos mirror!verse
anxiously-going · 3 months
Mirror Image
This is part of draft for the AOS Mirror!verse I started back in January 2019 when I first started writing fanfiction.
Leonard McCoy readjusted the bag hanging from his shoulder for the tenth time before punching in the code to his home for the next four years. The door slid open to reveal a simple living room with a kitchenette to one side with a short hallway that led to one of the two bedrooms and a door opposite that for the other room.
He had never particularly cared for the mild fame his family had back home, but it certainly came with its privileges. Namely, getting more of an apartment than an ordinary dorm room. Even having to share the space wouldn't be so bad since there were separate bedrooms.
Len walked down the hallway to stake his claim on the furthest room. He hadn't been particularly eager to be at the Academy, but his mother had insisted and gone through all the effort to get him in on good standings, so turning up early to make sure he got the room he wanted was a small prize.
His bags hit the ground with a dull thud when the door closed behind him. He fell back against it with a small sigh.
So this was it. A bed sat in the middle of the room. To one side a closet, to the other a bathroom, and just at his elbow a dresser. His new home.
Vaguely he wondered how Jocelyn was enjoying having the house to herself. An ache started in the middle his chest and spread from there at the thought of her. He had tried convincing his mother that a simple life, in the family clinic, with a family of his own could be an honorable thing. Besides, he needed to be there for her. He couldn't leave her alone after his father's death.
But she would hear none of it. Her father and brothers had serviced in the Imperial Fleet, and so would her son.
It was a shame that Jocelyn wasn't interested in long distance relationships. She'd handed him the divorce papers along with his acceptance letter into the Academy.
Len nearly fell backward when the door swished open behind him, but a pair of hands pushed him upright and held him steady.
"Guess I'm not the first one in the dorm."
Len turned to find his apparent roommate giving a lopsided smile and offering a hand "James Kirk, Command."
"Leonard McCoy, Medical." He shook the young man's hand firmly.
"I guess you just got here too?" James asked gesturing to the bags on the ground.
"I did," Leonard confirmed. "But I'm not moving. And you're not in command yet so don't expect me to follow any kinda orders."
James chuckled. "That almost sounded believable. I'm gonna hold you to that 'yet' part though." He hoisted his bag onto his shoulder and turned and walked away.
"Hey, Doc," James called down the hall. "Dinning hall's open, you comin'?"
Leonard wore a look of bafflement as he met his roommate in the common area. "You're James Kirk."
James arched a brow at the man. "Last time I checked, yeah. And you're Leonard McCoy. Only surviving doctor of an outbreak in Georgia last year." Len bristled at the mention of home. "You're not the only one who can run a name search, pal," James finished brusquely. "People are gonna ask about it. You'd better get used to talking about it."
"It's not their business," Len answered sharply.
"They're not gonna care. You're mildly famous for it. People are gonna talk. Especially the other med students. I've got an idea," James waggled a finger at the doctor. "Follow me."
"I know where the dining hall is, Kirk," Len rolled his eyes.
"We're not going to the dining hall. You like cheeseburgers?"
Leonard followed James across the campus and into the library. "What are we doin' here?"
"Emergency exit," James answered.
"Don't those normally set off alarms?"
"Not this one." He popped the door open and ushered Len to the outside. "Welcome to San Francisco."
Leonard arched a brow. "How do you know how to sneak off campus after only one day here?"
"Family secret," James smirked. "C'mon, let's go get dinner."
Len followed uncertainly.
"When the Empire landed on Tarsus there were nine of us that survived the execution order," James started conversationally as they headed down the sidewalk. "When I heard who was on the list, and that it included me, I pulled as many of the kids as I could. It wasn't many. But the order was to be carried out immediately so I didn't really have a lot of time. The youngest was four. I held him so he wouldn't cry when we hide with the bodies when they came through to take a count. Tom and I kept the others hidden. Tom stayed with the kids and I'd go out and scrounge for whatever food I could. It was two weeks before help came. The Empire basically recruited Tom and I right out of the hole they dug us out of. They took our kids away and shipped them out without ever telling us where they went. I still don't know where most of them went. Tom... I don't know what happened to him either. I was told he washed out. Pike tried to help him like he helped me, but he just couldn't reach him. I nearly washed out for that matter, but Pike, well, he wouldn't let me go. He took me under his wing, defended me against everyone trying to get rid of me, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him."
"Why're you tellin' me this?" Len asked wearily.
"People are going to ask what happened in Georgia. It's just gonna happen. And you're going to be expected to talk about it like it was nothing, like it was an accomplishment. Because it was. You saved a lot of lives, McCoy. But you can't sound like it affected you."
Leonard scoffed. "Sure. I only watched half the town hospital die. Who's gonna be affected by something like that?"
"The attitude is a great defense mechanism, but someone's gonna see through it and then you're gonna be in trouble."
Len halted. "What do you care anyway?" he demanded, throwing out his arms.
"Because I get it," James answered calmly.
"Oh you 'get it'?" Len scoffed incredulously.
"Yeah, I do."
"Enlighten me."
"You're angry. Here's this young kid, who doesn't know the first thing about what you went through, telling you to pretend like it was nothing. Not only that, but he has the audacity to congratulate you for surviving something you had no business surviving. And if you were honest with yourself, you probably didn't even want to survive. But here he is pretending to get it, pretending to understand. Pike did the same thing to me. Except, y'know, it was some old guy who didn't really care. And at first I hated him for it. I gave him a bloody nose for it, actually. Look, you can hate me all you want, you can even punch me for it. But I'm warning you now, the way that he warned me. You will not last here, if you let it show how it affected you. I'm not saying, 'don't be affected' that's impossible. I'm saying, 'don't let them see it'. You cannot let it show. Because if you do, they'll either kick you out, or worse. They'll let you stay and let someone else tear you apart and make an example of you." James waited a minute, hoping Leonard was taking in his words, before speaking again. "Look. We don't know each other. That makes it hard to listen to a thing I say, but I'm telling you now because Pike waited with me, and I nearly got sent away. And, yeah, maybe I'd be on a better course, but I would've lost Chris. And I don't know what I'd be without him. You're drifting. The Empire is…far from perfect, but it is an anchor. And you need that right now. Or you're gonna find yourself in worse trouble."
Leonard slumped against the wall of the shop they had stopped in front of with a sigh. "I don't even want to be here."
James arched a brow. "I would never have guessed. How'd you end up here then?"
"My mother wanted me here a long time ago. Was my plan to take over the clinic one day though, so I stayed home. I wanted to stay even more after… She needed someone to take care of her. But she started talking to my uncles who'd served and their friends... I never even filled out an application. Just got an acceptance letter in the mail and was out the door a week later."
Jim nodded slowly and began walking again. "Sounds like a rough year."
"Year to the day," Leonard agreed and fell into step next to him. "One year ago today Michael Thompson walked into the E.R. with what we thought was just an sinus infection. Six months later…" He shook his head. "Nearly every patient I'd worked with that ended up sick was dead. And two of the other doctors there were sick. Three months after that all our patients were dead and me and couple nurses were the only ones not sick. At the end of the fourth month it was all over. Me and two others survived. Everyone else who stepped into that hospital during those ten months was dead."
"Sounds like survivor's guilt."
"I minored in psychology, kid, but thanks for the eval."
"You did do a lot of good though. You know that, right?"
"I know the media only tells half the story," Len answered quietly.
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anretc · 3 months
Help! I'm currently languishing as a pinch hit in Space Swap and would love it if someone wanted to write some PILOTS! (Kara/Lee), robot!SG1 (Sam/Jack), Dinbo (Din/Bo-Katan), or Star Trek (AOS McCoy/Chapel), and take me off THE LIST. Details here!
I'm also a pinch hit for PILOTS! (Kara/Lee), Dinbo (Din/Bo-Katan), or Star Trek (AOS McCoy/Chapel or mirror!verse Trip/T'Pol) at the Hurt/Comfort exchange. Details for that exchange here!
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Please. 🙏🫶
(Note to self: next exchange -- new pairings.)
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lenievi · 2 years
I’m back to thinking about my 2009aos!McCoy switches places with tos!McCoy wip and aos!McCoy being a witness to something like The Galileo Seven episode where Kirk follows the rules to a T and McCoy being like WTF you’re just gonna leave them behind? I’m not the biggest fan of Spock, and don’t tell him, but this Spock isn’t that bad, and you’ve known him for years and you’re just gonna leave him and the rest of the crew on that planet?
I have my orders.
Fuck your orders, Jim. Be a human first, captain later. How would the rest of the crew feel if they knew you wouldn’t try to save them in the future? How do you think they’d feel knowing they’re expendable? When you don’t even try to save your first officer?
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inuhimesblog · 1 year
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy Characters: Mirror James T. Kirk, Mirror Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Mirror Nyota Uhura, Mirror Spock, Mirror Hikaru Sulu, Mirror Pavel Chekov, mirror original characters, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, (minor cameo) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mirror Universe, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, universe typical violence, Alpha James T. Kirk, Top James T. Kirk, Omega Leonard McCoy, Bottom Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Rape/Non-con Elements, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, mirror verse style love affair, There is love, in their own way, Possessive James T. Kirk, Protective James T. Kirk, Protective Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Minor Character Death, Fluffy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt James T. Kirk, oneshots, 5+1 Things, No beta we die like the admirals in these Series: Part 5 of Khan's Gift Summary:
Ch1) After coming back to his own universe from a transporter mishap Dr.Leonard McCoy finds himself in trouble when his captain discovers he might not be as beta as he claims. What does the Captain of the Enterprise have planned for his lying doctor?
Ch2) 5+1 -See how it all started, and how it's going.
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rainbowuniverse-02 · 2 years
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septimore · 2 years
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Took this screenshot from @billybutcherfantasy on Instagrams story, tell me that isnt mirror bones tho
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vulcanhello · 2 years
when i started discovery i wasn’t sure if the aesthetic was gonna work for me given how much i love the look of tos, but given that tos was trying to predict the future of science and technology i think it’s only fair dsc does too in it’s own way. and while the look of the discovery is definitely inspired by jj abrams movie’s version of the enterprise i think it’s much better. still, makes me wish there were at least a few chunky buttons hanging around.
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Thinking about AOS Mirror!Verse Spirk is fucking me up a little because, canonically, in the prime Mirror!Verse, Spock killed Kirk, tried to reform The Empire, and caused the fall of The Empire in doing so by weakening it to invading parties. This man must regret basically every single thing he did with his life. He thought he was doing the right thing, the logical thing, ensuring the longevity of his world, and all he got was a dead soulmate and a legacy of failure.
And now he’s been granted the chance to tell his younger self to not do any of that. That there’s no saving The Empire from itself, but The Empire doesn’t matter. That killing Kirk would feel like killing himself. That he would regret it every day of his life. That his life will feel so, so content if he just follows this man and his trail of bloodshed through the galaxy.
Torture for him.
Kill for him.
Die for him.
And he will, and he does, and this time when The Empire burns itself out, Spock regrets absolutely nothing.
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lunebleuegrandit · 1 month
WIP Ask Game
Thanks for tagging me @schattengestalt and @strangenewwords!
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Sooo I wasn't sure what actually counts as a WIP? Like, if I haven't opened the document since 2022... is it really still in progress? 😅
In the end I've only taken out the ones I'm quite certain never to return to, which leaves me with... a lot of documents OMG
Spirk #3 - AOS setting
Fanfic of a fanfic - you don't have to - oxygen
ST - big bang
ST - de-aging
ST - McSpirk mind control
ST - mirror verse
ST - Seventeen words
ST - To endanger what is mine
Star Trek fic - those walls between us
The two Captains (fanfic of a fanfic)
You don't have to - first time, or Joanna's story
ST-DW crossover
post TYTNW fic part 1
Back to Torchwood - post TYTNW part 2
shared prompt
dark YTNW
DW 9-J-R
DW Jack whumpee
The right frame of mind - small Jack-Doctor HC
Human Nature AU - Jack-Doctor-Martha
Family of Blood AU 10JR
These fics are either Star Trek or Doctor Who (or both in one case). The titles in my folder generally aren't great but don't hesitate to ask me about them if you feel like it! 😊
Now tagging @the-magpieprince @affixjoy @donsdawn and inviting whoever feels like participating to do so!
(and no I'm not tagging as many people as I have WIPs. Sorry, not sorry.)
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bi-disaster-kirk · 1 year
you almost make be believe in luck
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about me
felix (they/them). this is my trek sideblog because i have normal feelings about this show!! main is @genderfuckpirate.
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Star Trek eBook Collection
K/S Touches Tally by @captain-kermit
Star Trek Timeline by @lt-cmdr-titties
Alien Brothers Zine Archive
Spockanalia Zine Archive
tag directory
non-TOS posts are rare but get show relevant tags. please message or send an ask if you would like something tagged!
🏠: favs, mine, asks
📄: art, fics, analysis, videos, music
🖖: general, books, snw, ds9, aos, tng, lwd
📌: vulcans, chess, amok time, tribbles, mirror verse
🏳️‍🌈: bisexual, trans
⭐: spock, kirk, bones, uhura, sulu, data
💞: spirk, mcspirk, mckirk, spones, daforge
🎬: behind the scenes, leonard nimoy, deforest kelley, nichelle nichols, william shatner
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anxiously-going · 3 months
More late night thoughts to add to my collection of things I want to write but also feel overwhelmed by:
The AOS crew meets their Mirror!verse counterparts, resulting in the infamous mind meld.
And Len just...doesn't tell anyone. Completely shuts down and shuts everyone one out.
It's not uncommon, for him to be so avoidant after a hard mission or around certain days, but this is something different entirely. It's never lasted this long and he's never avoided Spock in particular like this before. And it's that avoidance that get Spock thinking about what exactly might have happened.
He reached out to Ambassador Spock, who confirms his fears suspicions and explains what he had to do for his own Dr. McCoy, forming a new mind meld to help him piece back together those parts of his mind that his own Mirror!counterpart had torn through to get the information he wanted. He is worried though, his Dr. McCoy didn't try to hide what had happened, had never seemed afraid of him after. That this Dr. McCoy has such trepidation implies that there is something deeper at play and he recommends telling Jim first, before saying anything to Leonard himself.
Spock follows this council and goes to Jim who flashes so many emotions across his face in such rapid succession, it's a wonder he doesn't combust. "I'll talk to him." is all he says before walking away.
In the end, Len agrees to the recommended treatment plan. It takes some convincing still yet, and it's at least partially due to the migraine become totally debilitating, but he agrees. In the end Spock understands a great deal more about Leonard than he ever expected to, and he can't find it within him to hold on to the initial hurt he never would have admitted to feeling the first time Leonard skittered out of the room as soon as Spock entered.
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a-stardusted-sky · 3 months
Any OC 💌⚙️⚖️🪞:)
Ask link:
💌 -
Dazor - before the Fall of Gorandra, he’d be soooo easy to befriend. Like, Kirby-levels of easy to befriend. Post-Fall though, he still desperately craves that friendship deep down, but he’s been forced to lone wolf his way through the universe for awhile and it’ll take some time for him to fully let people in. Kirby and co would break down his barriers fairly quick though!
Ao-Yong - I'd say they'd be fairly difficult to befriend, primarily due to being difficult to reach physically and emotionally. As a guardian of Gorandra, Ao and their fellow guardians are/were amiable to their land's past and current inhabitants, but pretty detached from day-to-day affairs, mainly focused on the well-being of their world as a whole. That said, once they realized Dazor wasn't integrating into any of Gorandra's societies, they allowed him to stay with them, and they ended up getting pretty attached.
Ky - They can be pretty social and easy enough to befriend on a surface level, but at the end of the day, they prefer to travel alone, and don't really like any long term relationships as a result. It is a treat when they re-encounter a friendly face though.
Dazor - Ao raised him on stories of their feats and sins, so Dazor would be pretty knowledgeable on them. Plus, he's running around with the Master Crown's inspiration and a crystal from the fae (the K64 fairies are Ancients in my verse, though the crystal's origin might change). He's pretty connected to their legacy, and he feels conflicted about them: simultaneously in awe of their achievements, but disgusted at all the mistreatment and destruction they've caused as well. He tries not to let it distract him from his more immediate priorities though.
Ao - Oh, Ao would know allll about the Ancients, they had a hand (or claw) in some of their creations after all. Knowing the kind of sins they built their achievements on and how they ruined themselves in the end though, they don't have the highest opinion of them, though they would have varying opinions on individuals.
Ky - Major spoilers to their (current) backstory: Ky was a product of a civilization's... inspired project to create 'an ultimate lifeform' of their own, one attempt involving a fusion between a good-hearted guardian and powerful psychic being. They don't remember how and why they came to be, the question of their origin always in the back of their mind, no matter how occupied they are. It drives their travels, though they will pause to interact with whatever ruins or people that catch their eye. They are aware of their legends, and they see them with wonder and questions about them.
⚖️ -
All three ocs here definitely fall pretty comfortably into the magic side. (I really love @/giantchasm's intrep of magic and tech way more similar than at first glance - the main difference being magic magic being innate to oneself and tech magic being pulled from outside oneself)
Out of the three though, Dazor is the most tech-aligned, willing to use what he can figure out and put together, like using his crystal as any weapon of his choice, or picking up a blaster. Albeit he would be afraid of breaking anything he doesn't understand, which is a lot.
Fun fact: Dazor and Ao were once Mirror versions of Magolor and Landia respectively before becoming their own characters. Ao was just a gray and blue recolor, and Dazor was trusting as a mirror reversal of Magolor's manipulations. Since both are now their own characters, I think they'd have their own mirror versions, though I haven't settled on a definite interp on what the mirror reflects of viewers.
Dazor - I think his mirror counterpart would reflect either his desire for affection and companionship, or some kind of fear and/or anger he has: fear of being hurt (again), fear of being lost, fear and anger at being alone in a vast, uncaring universe trying to accomplish something so difficult. He'd probably get along with the former (even if it takes a while), the latter option, not so much.
(Not sure what Ao's counterpart would reflect of them)
Ky - I can see their mirror reflecting their fear of being/becoming a destructive monster despite their best efforts, they would not like their counterpart at all.
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letteredlettered · 2 years
10 characters who won’t show up on Strange New Worlds
so, I keep saying that if Strange New Worlds had been all new characters, I would enjoy it more. I stand by that assessment, but since they set it when they did, with whom they did, I really hope that they would make use of what we know about that timeframe and some of the connections these characters have. This is my wishlist, though I’m not expecting any of them to actually show up.
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10. Lorca Prime - Prime!verse counterpart of the Mirror!verse captain on DIS
We never found out what happened to him, so what if Mirror!Lorca just locked him in a box somewhere and Enterprise finds him in SNW? Bonus points if Pike and Lorca were boyfriends at Academy and Pike didn’t understand what happened when he heard what Lorca did on Discovery, and made it his mission to find out, which is why he knows about Mirrorverse when no one else should.
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9. Lela Dax - first host of the Dax symbiont, who was part of two major characters in DS9
While honestly I just want more Jadzia in my life, it would be amazing to get some more canon for her (and Ezri) to explain her past lives.
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8. Gary Mitchell - an officer in one ep of TOS who was apparently a good friend of Kirk’s
Although Gary Mitchell was in only one episode of Star Trek, he has an outsized role in fanfic as Kirk’s past boyfriend, and/or best friend, and/or Starfleet villain. Is he really the misogynist asshole the little we see of him pre-ESP-boost implies? Or can he be redeemed?
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7. Gabrielle Burnham - mother of Michael Burnham, main character in DIS
Okay, technically, the crew of SNW exists in a time and reality in which Michael theoretically succeeded in taking Discovery 930 years into the future. If that is the case, Gabrielle actually can’t show up in SNW era time and reality. If she had time jumped back in time to the year SNW is in now, it would be into a reality in which Michael had not succeeded . . . right? I don’t know, but I’m interested in solving this time paradox if it means I get to look at Sonja Sohn some more.
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6. Admiral Sulu - early 3000s Sulu time traveling back to his early years
Okay, so I lied. This is not a list of people from the time period that Star Trek should take advantage of. It’s just a list of cool people I want to see. But why can’t Sulu have some time travel adventures late in life? I would pay to see them, personally, and would enjoy it much more than if they choose to cast yet another Sulu and introduce them to the bridge.
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5. T’Pol - Vulcan first officer from ENT
I am not a fan of Star Trek: Enterprise and I am certainly not a fan of T’Pol. But it would be nice to see treatment of this character without a cat suit and without the bigoted, jingoist attitude of ENT. I am here for extremely old and gray statesman T’Pol.
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4. M’Ress - officer from The Animated Series
 It’s not wrong that I just want live action cat people that are not the movie Cats. I think it would be very cool if she was a cadet and friends with Uhura.
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3. Guinan - bartender on TNG
Guinan is old as fuck and was alive during this era; I don’t care if Goldberg is too old to be younger!Guinan; they can make this work; I believe in them.
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2. T’Pau - Important Vulcan in an episode of TOS as well as several eps of ENT
I fucking love T’Pau and always wished we got more of her being the perfect badass that she is. Maybe we could get the backstory on why she turned down the seat on the Federation Council.
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1. Gaila - background character in AOS ‘09
Here we are, the reason I made this post. I’m in love with Gaila. I think she is now my favorite part of the ‘09 movie. I love seeing Orions in Starfleet and I love what fandom did with her--she’s often one of Kirk’s best friends at Academy, and a big damn hero. I would lose my mind if she was on SNW, especially if she was BFF with Kirk aboard the Farragut.
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inuhimesblog · 8 months
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy Characters: Mirror James T. Kirk, Mirror Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Mirror Nyota Uhura, Mirror Spock, Mirror Hikaru Sulu, Mirror Pavel Chekov, mirror original characters, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, (minor cameo) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mirror Universe, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, universe typical violence, Alpha James T. Kirk, Top James T. Kirk, Omega Leonard McCoy, Bottom Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Rape/Non-con Elements, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, mirror verse style love affair, There is love, in their own way, Possessive James T. Kirk, Protective James T. Kirk, Protective Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Minor Character Death, Fluffy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt James T. Kirk, oneshots, 5+1 Things, No beta we die like the admirals in these, Minor Original Character(s) Series: Part 5 of Khan's Gift Summary:
Ch1) After coming back to his own universe from a transporter mishap Dr.Leonard McCoy finds himself in trouble when his captain discovers he might not be as beta as he claims. What does the Captain of the Enterprise have planned for his lying doctor?
Ch2) 5+1 -See how it all started, and how it's going.
Ch3) At the Emperor's gala trouble finds the Kirk kids, and the one they least expect will come out the victor.
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prue84 · 1 year
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(Part of the Crews AUs series)  |  ISS Enterprise crew, TOS Mirror
The ISS Enterprise senior crew and additional officers by 2267.
“Where no one has conquered before”
Ship’s Name: I.S.S. Enterprise Ship’s Registry: NCC-1701 Command History: Captain Robert April (2245-2250) Captain Christopher Pike (2250-2265) Captain James T. Kirk (2265-PRESENT) Ship’s Class: Constitution Class Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser Ship’s Overview: The flagship and pride of the Imperial Starfleet, its mission to conquer and submit new civilizations for the dominance of the Terran Empire. Ship’s Service History, abridged: _ << unavailable data >> Status: Active (2267) Timeline Name: Mirror Universe Timeline Details: Terran Empire, repressive government, in place of United Federation of Planets. Same people as prime universe, good characteristics swapped for morally bad one (and vice versa). Annotations: This parallel universe coexists with the prime universe in the same space, but on another dimensional plane. Superiors who fail to follow the rules of the Empire can be killed by other officers looking for promotions. Torture is a common form of interrogation, discipline and punishment. Encounter date: --- Encounter location: --- Encounter cause: --- Crew complement: 418 (430) Crew manifest: _ Commanding officer: Captain James T. Kirk First officer and Chief science officer: Commander Spock Chief engineer: Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott Chief medical officer: Lieutenant Commander Leonard McCoy Chief communications officer: Lieutenant Nyota Uhura Science officer: Lieutenant Marlena Moreau Senior helmsman and Chief of security: Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu Chief Navigator: Ensign Pavel Chekov Captain's personal guard: Crewman Farrell Transporter chief: Lieutenant Winston Kyle Security guard: Crewman Wilson Security officer: Ensign Davis
All the characters shown have appeared in the episode (duh!) but positions, on top of the names of two, aren't strictly canon.
There is no official motto for the ISS Enterprise. I decided to modify the classic intro into one that would fit for the Empire.
The tv show uses the old Stardate method. No specific stardate is offered, besides the year.
In some renderings, the Terran Empire emblem is added on the hull. On the I.S.S Enterprise, as we see it in both the original and the CGI-remade episode, the emblem is missing. I decided to stick with the canon.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) Not satisfied. Everything looks better with the AOS colors (gray background). Also, working with characters taken from screencaps is a big no-no in my house.
Credits Don't own anything on this. Some text about the Mirror Verse lifted from Memory Alpha's pages about the Mirror Verse and the Terran Empire.
Crossposted Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/97704.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/89166.html" Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/Star-trek-edits-TOS-Mirror-crew-959268252
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aosrenaissance · 1 year
Hiya! About Mirror Mirror themed. I have a never published one-shot w/ related manips that for some reason I held back since like 2016: this would be the chance for me to brush them up and finally release them in the wild. They are set in what is my Mirror AOS universe, but they don't depict your typical mirror-verse. Would it be acceptable?
Thanks anyway! And long live AOS (despite Paramounts repeated attempts to beat a dead horse)
Hey there!
As long as there’s nothing explicit, then go for it!
As a general reminder, a good rule of thumb for submissions is that if it wouldn’t be included in an AOS film, then the zine/theme runs aren’t the best place for it. This can get a little tricky with Mirror, as people sometimes choose to explore in-universe violence or sexual themes on a deeper level than is typically shown in Trek media. However, as AOS is PG-13, and we aim to keep AOSR content as accessible as possible, we ask that all submissions for both the zine and theme runs also maintain a PG-13 rating.
We look forward to seeing what you come up with! LLAP! 🖖
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