#apollo live club
formulalakana · 11 months
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happy boy
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carppediem · 11 months
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he's got that natural halo
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Just still thinking about this picture
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Like woah.
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god-syndicate-if · 1 month
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DEMO [TBD] You've always been angry.
Rage comes naturally to you. With how much life has messed with you it's only fair that you use your anger. That's why you became a boxer. The thrill of breaking an opponent. And hoping they might break you in turn. They never do though. Every fight is a disappointment, almost as much of a disappointment as they pay for each fight.
Enter Jackie Roth, club owner, mob boss, and former god. When she offers you a job you can't say no. Not that you would, not when she and everyone in her gang feel so familiar to you. At least with this job you'll be able to use that rage inside you more.
As you learn the ways of the criminal underground you reconnect with people you never met. Reforge bonds that you've never made. And recall memories you've never had. You were a god once upon a time, can you become one again?
God Syndicate is an interactive novel where you play the newest incarnation of Ares, The God of War. It's 18+ for violence, explicit sexual themes, drug use, morally questionable behavior, and more.
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Customize your MC, play male, female, or nonbinary. With transgender options and pronoun selection. Customize your appearance and develop your personality.
Romance or befriend a cast of characters, including gods with more issues than you can count or even a mortal! Asexual and Aromantic options available.
Show the gods why you were feared all those years ago or prove that you're better than your past lives.
Uncover the mystery of disappearing gods as well as the mystery of your past.
Help out Elysium, the club where you'll practically live from now on. It seems to attract gods and that isn't always good.
Take out your anger on people who might even deserve it.
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Zeus: Jackie Roth - She/Her. [Not an RO]
Jackie is The King of The Gods and she makes sure everyone knows it. Her word is law in Elysium and beyond. Fail her and you'll have a storm waiting for you. In the years since your disappearance Jackie's love for her family has seem to only grow. But she has a criminal empire to run and you're just the weapon she needs.
Hermes: Riley Liao Zhi - Gender Selectable. [RO]
The Messenger of The Gods. Or in Riley's case, the ever bored personal assistant to Jackie. Riley's an adrenaline junkie with a heart of gold. As the one who found you they feel almost responsible for you. But why do they also seem so afraid of you?
Apollo: Franco Valerio - He/Him. [RO]
As expected of The God of Music, Franco's your classic rich and famous rock star. Well he would be, if only he could get out of Elysium. His love of singing and love of his family are two chains he can't break that tie him here. Will your arrival help break those chains or tighten them?
Aphrodite: Damiana "Dame" Rivette - Gender Selectable. [RO]
Quiet and Serious, Dame is no longer The God of Love they once were. The passion of their life faded and now bitterness grows where love should. The only friend they have in Elysium seems to be their fiance, Johnny. To make their life even worse, you arrive.
The Mortal: Sigourney Hawthorn - She/Her. [RO]
Newly divorced from a god, Sigrouney struggles with juggling her (demigod) child, relentless job, and love life. As her daughter, Claudia, grows she wonders if she can keep up or if she'll be left behind. And now with your arrival Claudia's godly family gets bigger and her presence gets smaller.
Artemis: Rebel Reyes - She/Her. [RO]
How can The God of the Hunt thrive in the city? The prey here are either too weak or too annoying to hunt. The only thing Rebel craves is to feel that thrill again. With your arrival she has a perfect chance, who better to hunt than the God of War? She can't wait to meet you.
The Old Flame: Harper Ward - Gender Selectable [RO]
A friend from a better time. Harper and you were once inseparable. They saw you at your darkest and kept you calm. Years after an explosive break up they've reemerged into your life far different than you knew them. Can you find the dying embers of your old friend? Is it even worth the pain?
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 2 months
immortal apollo kids headcanons!
this is specifically for the rrverse versions of Apollo's immortal kids! but feel free to think about it in the mythology context too! :3
still has a room in Apollo's palace
still sleeps in it
but he also has a room in Eros's because he's an Erote
this makes for some awkward situations when Apollo and/or Eros have to go to the other's place to grab him for something or other
they basically share custody of him
divorced dads behavior
when he was little he tried to get people to marry his dad because he reeeally wanted to plan his dad's wedding
technically, he succeeded, because he was the one who made Apollo/Cyrene's marriage official XD
his hair is fluffy like a sheep's fluff. also somewhere between strawberry-blonde and a very light amber. and reaches to just under his chin. don't forget the floppiness tho >:3
has his dad's bright blue eyes
LOVES his dad's swans. and corvids. he loves birds.
probably because he also has wings
wings are brilliantly white with a soft pink and gold flush
never looks older than 16
many of the other Erotes find Apollo hot. Hymen is distinctly horrified to know this.
Himeros: Your dad's a DILF
Hymen: a what?
Anteros: don't you dare-
Himeros: A Dad I'd Like to FUCK-
Hymen: *much screaming*
also still has a room in Apollo's palace
as a matter of fact, he still lives in said room
his room is also in apollo's basement (he wanted it there)
he is the emo kid. but he's also not necessarily antisocial
he just likes his solitude. and honestly, mood
imagine dragons is a favorite band. and hozier. he likes "slower" songs as well as sad ones
has Apollo's long hair, but in a very dark brown
has vivid green eyes. like radioactive ones.
likes ponytails
cows are his favorite animal
they are calm creatures he can ramble too so he likes them
knows a lot about things. comes with listening rather than talking ;)
WILL infodump
these girls are the PARTY KIDS
they are the ones throwing parties in their dad's house at 2 am
they also still live in Apollo's palace
frequent clubs and discos; can be seen at concert venues and are in many of the big city concerts (ie, Las Vegas, Madrid, Vienna, ect.)
Borysthenis is the 'oldest' (Hypatē - the lowerest & first string on the lyre); has curly brown hair and dark green eyes
Apollonis is the 'middle' (Mesē - the middle string); has Apollo's blonde hair, but straight, and dark eyes (crow-like, even... >;3)
and Cephisso is the 'youngest' (Nētē - the highest string); has poofy black hair and silvery-blue eyes
Hypatē has a comfy sort of style, such as sweaters and sandals
Mesē likes to wear aesthetically dark clothes with silver accents
Nētē wears blouses and loose jackets
one time they highjacked the sun chariot and got away with it by pulling the puppy eyes
they have demigod children in CHB
the baby
died at 15- still treated like he's 10
snuck onto the Argo mission at 13
Idmon and Orpheus played pass the babysitter with Jason
He kicked Heracles in the shins once for "trying to steal my dad's stuff!!"
Atalanta and Asclepius were buddies
The Boreads played games with him to keep him occupied
went on the Calydonian Boar Hunt to make sure Atalanta didn't 1) hurt herself; or 2) kill someone
he grew up in the beginning stages of CHB
in 'camp' with him were: Jason (the oldest), Atalanta (raised by bears), and Hippolytus (it was his boarding school).
Theseus dropped by sometimes and Asclepius was able to smuggle his way into his belongs so he could visit Athens. just because :)
Jason and Atalanta freaked out and they and Hippolytus went on a 'quest' to find him
Phoebe the hunter is his favorite sister
he befriends snakes quickly
he died at 15
his death pushed Phoebe into distancing herself from her other siblings
when he was resurrected, he wasn't allowed to see Apollo
his only visitors in his prison medical school is his wife and children. he hasn't seen or heard from his father or any sibling in centuries.
has his mother's shiny black hair but his father's curls as well as his bright blue eyes
the REAL baby
has anxiety
severe imposter syndrome
pov: all your siblings are great and wonderful and accomplished people. and you made cheese and honey :)
mom and dad were very proud of u ofc but you feel like you didn't even do much
especially when your cool older brother went on the Argo mission even though he knew he would die (RIP Idmon)
gets easily defensive over agriculture (specifically the innovations and how they have taken over the Good Ol' Days's way aka his way)
(he got that from his dad <3)
he also got his dad's blonde hair, but in a honey tone. his skin tone is also darker and closer in shade to Cyrene's
makes really good charcuterie boards
hangs out in the Midwest
visits his mom in Cyrene, Libya (he is a good son ty)
(ironically) mice are his favorite from his dad's sacred animals
he hates locusts though
don't u love it that apollo's number is 7 and he has 7 immortal kids...
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wol-fica · 2 years
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pairings - wednesday x gn!reader
summary - Wednesday comes to you for advice and guidance with her stalker problem, and finally confesses
warnings - kissing, slight make out, fluff, kinda investigation, wednesday is so hot omg
It was a peaceful night at Nevermore Academy, not a sound could be heard, except for up in Apollo Hall. The soft ‘swoosh’ of a broom across wooden floors filled the large space as I did the weekly clean of my dorm. 
I lived alone, well technically not, as I did have a roommate, but they never stayed here or even bothered to show up at the beginning of the semester, so I assumed that the dorm was mine for the taking. Maximus, my dorm parent, had said that he didn’t mind me having it to myself, but I needed to uphold the promise of keeping it in order just in case a new student comes along. 
So here I was, ridding the space of all dust and grime. The faint sound of laughter flowed through my open window, probably coming from down in the quad. There was a late night party for the students who participated in the repair of the school, which was basically everyone. I was invited, but I’d rather be alone with my books than get drunk with the crowd. Everyone was down to do drugs and chug alcohol, which is why I was incredibly surprised to hear a swift knock at my door.
“Coming!” I called, placing the broom back into my supply closet before heading to the door. I opened it, only to be met with someone I would never expect to be at my doorstep. 
Wednesday Addams, gloomy and attractive as always. 
See, Wednesday and I have only interacted twice, so I was confused why she would be here at my door. The first time we met was at Eugene’s shed; I had gone there to get a jar of honey for my baking escapades, and Wednesday was there looming over a book of some sort. I had said hello, but all I received was a look and a nod. 
The second time was with Enid; I was in their dorm helping her decorate a large poster board for her project on giant hawks when Wednesday arrived back from Hummers club. We made eye contact for a solid two-and-a-half seconds before she greeted Enid and went straight to her typewriter. 
So for her to be standing in my doorway, arms full of papers and a black display board while her face looked bland as ever, was quite a shock to me.
“Wednesday, Hi.” I said, probably looking like an idiot.
Her eyes scanned my face before trailing down to the black apron I wore for cleaning. Instantly, my skin went red from embarrassment, and I scrambled to take it off.
“Sorry, I was in the middle of sweeping when you knocked.” 
“That is fine, having a neat room shows me that you are at least cleaner than most.” Wednesday said, her voice a bit less monotonous than usual. “Can I enter?”
“I…of course!” I stammered, stepping aside so she could walk in.
I shut the door behind her, locked it, and turned to see her inspecting my walls. She moved around the room quite fast, her hand tracing along the ancient wood. Once she seemed satisfied, she placed her things on my bed and got to work setting up her display board. 
“Uh, can I help with anything…?” I asked, sliding closer to see what she had.
She shook her head no and grabbed her papers to pin them up on the black panel, which is where I realized they were in fact photos of her. All of them were inconsistent, some with her by herself, others while she was with Enid or Xavier. 
“Wednesday what-” 
She slapped her hand to my mouth, glaring her dark eyes at me. “Be patient, you will see what I'm getting at.”
I obliged, keeping my eyes on Wednesday as she finished pinning the last of her photos. Once she was satisfied, she clasped my hand and pulled me back to see the full product. Red string trailed from each photo to a paper, which led to the center, a dark blurry figure. 
We stared at it for a moment, basking in the silence. In our pause, I registered her hand in mine. Her skin was cold, but not in a repulsive way, it was more refreshing than uncomfortable. I was surprised, especially when her thumb gently traced the back of my hand. 
“So, what am I looking at?” I asked, breaking the silence. 
She went forward to inspect her work more closely, her hand sliding out of mine in the process. An empty feeling filled the air but I ignored it out of respect.
“Wednesday?” I asked again, coming up next to her.
“It seems that I have acquired a stalker.” She murmured, scratching her chin.
“I see that, but why did you come here?” 
“Because I needed a consult.”
“What’s wrong with Enid? Xavier?” 
Wednesday’s dark eyes snapped to mine, a glare clouding her face. She stared at me for a good few seconds before looking back at her board.
“Because of that picture.” She stated, pointing at one of her laying on her colorless bed, “I care for Enid and Xavier greatly, but this makes me paranoid.”
I nod, understanding her view, “How would they get a picture of you in your room?” 
“A good question, but I'm not sure about the answer.”
“I see.”
Silence, again; Wednesday really likes to analyze, so I used this time to admire her. 
One thing about her that I always found interesting about her was her face. While most people would say she is bland and psychotic, I fully disagree. She has always had this effect on me that I couldn’t quite pinpoint until now.  
When we would pass in the hallway, I would get giddy and nervous, but as soon as she was gone those feelings diminished. We sit with each other in Creepy Creatures class, and I always get so scared to mess up on a test or choose dumb answers for homework in fear of repulsing her.
Wednesday’s voice snapped me out of my daydreaming, causing me to look down to her. Her dark, well-trained eyes searched my Y/E/C ones with curiosity.
“What were you doing?” She asked, peering up at me.
“Nothing! Just thinking about stuff.”
She hummed slowly, still staring at me. “Stuff.”
I nodded sheepishly and smiled, giving a tense shrug. 
“Anyways, I had asked if you had any theories on who my despicable stalker could be.”
I thought for a moment, multiple possibilities filling my brain.
“Old family member?” I suggested.
Wednesday studied my face as she seemed to ponder about what I said. “Elaborate.”
I cleared my throat. “Distant relative. Has an issue with your family or you yourself. They want to scare you by taking stalkerish photos of you?”
“No, too easy.”
“How about a current student? Someone who is jealous of you and is trying to distract you from things about to happen?”
She pursed her lip at that one. “Maybe”
“Ooh! Or an old foe!” I said, now being very interested in the issue. “Someone you crossed and maybe have beaten in the past, they are back to scare you!”
I turned to see her slightly grinning at me, her eyes watching my every move. My face heated up and I giggled, scratching the back of my neck.
“Sorry, I love mysteries.”
Wednesday shook her head slightly, giving me an ever so small smirk. “That’s okay, investigating is cute on you.”
“Really?” I said, a blush covering my cheeks.
“Yes, it's terribly annoying.”
She scoffed, shaking her head; her eyes met mine with a fiery glaze. She was studying me again, taking in my features so they would have an imprint in her brain. I learned that Wednesday would do that so she could remember who she saw in a day in case of an unfortunate event happening. 
“You are incredibly naive.” Wednesday said, tracing her fingers across a photo of her and I in botany class.
I cocked my head to the side in confusion. What did that mean? Was I supposed to pick up on something? Did she ask me another question? 
“What do you mean?” I asked with caution.
Her shoulders dropped as her head drooped sadly. Cringing a slight bit, I backed away in fear that I said something wrong. 
“I keep throwing signals in your direction but you are to blind to see my attempts; unless I’m just bad at flirting.”
I looked stupid, very stupid. My mouth was hanging open while my eyes squinted in thought. 
“You…have a thing for me? Like a crush?” 
“Yes, I have gained an attraction to you.” She said, watching for my reaction.
“Are you disappointed?”
“What? No.”
“Then angry.”
“Wednesday, wait.” I said, shushing her before she started assuming the worst.
She stared, her eyes never leaving mine. Our gaze seemed to create a thin spark between us as we had a silent conversation through facial expressions. My thoughts took a pause when I saw her dark orbs flicker down to my lips, her own parting slightly.
“Can…can I kiss you Y/N?” Wednesday asked tentatively whilst rocking on her feet.
I smiled, reaching out to grab her hands.
“Call me Y/N/N.” 
And with that, our lips met in a fiery blaze. Her’s were soft and delicate, yet surprisingly delicious. She tasted sweet like lemonade but with a hint of mint. My hands traveled down to her waist, pulling her closer to me so I could kiss her more properly. 
We broke for air, but she dove right back in with a ferocious demeanor. I felt the prodding of her tongue begging for access into my mouth, which I happily accepted. As soon as she got clearance, she set to work exploring every crevice with curiosity. The way her tongue would slide against mine created a bubbly feeling in my stomach, which only grew when she decided to cup my face.
I pulled back, a string of spit dangled between us. Giggling, I wiped it away and planted a soft peck to her cheek.
“Now I can brag that I made out with Wednesday Addams.” I snickered, burying my nose into her neck.
Suddenly, a sharp jab of a fist collided with my stomach, causing me to clutch it in discomfort.
“Tell anyone and I will rip you off at your mid-section.” She stated before pulling me into her for a tight hug.
i do not give permission for anyone to repost on any platform
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
Random Apollo headcanons I don’t think I’ve ever shared on here!
Apollo’s house on Olympus is absolutely clean and pristine except for one place, his bedroom. He keeps his most prized possessions from across the centuries in that room making it a complete mess. Basically, imagine Howl’s room from Howl’s Moving Castle but it’s all gold.
Apollo, Athena, Dionysus, and Hephaestus have an unofficial little art club. Whenever something big happens art wise, these four meet up and chat about it. They went absolutely insane when the printing press was created, and don’t get any of them started on the radio.
Apollo is very particular about making sure he never gets shocked. He keeps track of anything near him that might hold an electric current and nullifies it before he can touch it. When he was mortal and couldn’t do things like stopping electric currents on a whim, he took to picking up metal and other conductive materials with a cloth so there wasn’t a chance of him getting shocked.
Apollo completely hero-worshipped Poseidon when he was younger, and kind of still does now. When he first came to Olympus, he used to follow Poseidon around like a lost duckling. Poseidon was strong and unstoppable, but also so much more human than his father was. If you asked babypollo, he’d admit he wished Poseidon was his father instead. After the first punishment, Poseidon went to live in the sea all the time, only coming to Olympus for solstice meetings. Apollo and Poseidon became much more distant because of this, but Poseidon still says that Apollo is his favorite nephew.
After years of looking after his children with different animals, sending wolves and ravens has become too obvious. Because of this, Apollo has started sending mice to look after his kids. Jerry used to wander off from home a lot, so he had mice following him ALL the time. Now all his siblings call him Cinderella. Thanks dad.
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yourstrqly · 8 months
hi i saw your request are open and i wanted to know if you could write where clement novalak (f2 driver) gives his partner a necklace?
pairing: clement novalak x reader (no pronouns used)
in which he gifts you a dainty silver necklace with his initials when he comes over to your place
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the early hour of the evening settled upon you as the wind outside grew colder and the sun didn't show an arm anymore, leaving the sky darker and dull behind your closed curtains of your small living room.
On your lap rested a bowl of a day old rice mixed with tofu and some vegetables you had found in your freezer, that you decided to spice up with a splash of a sauce you've got in the pantry — it was a quick meal, everything thrown in the pan and boom, your food was ready to eat after only a five minute expenditure. It also hit the spot, and the half-full box of cookies your french boyfriend sent to your house yesterday after you had ranted on the phone how the day in the office had been utter shit and you really craved something sweet, paired rather well with the tea as a desert on this boring night.
some friends of yours went out in a club but that wasn't for you, when you knew, you had to show up the next day at work — you didn't want to wake up with a massive headache, too, if you were being honest, so a chill night at home it was.
sitting on the sofa between lots of pillows and a plush blanket thrown over your lap, you pushed the ceramic bowl back on the table and grabbed the remote to change the series; you decided, you weren't in the mood for the british bake off and searched for the percy jackson series to rewatch.
watching annabeth, percy and grover ensembling the given task by the oracle, you re-visited the time where you still were the same age, dreaming of fighting the furies and other strange greek myths monsters alongside the trio, falling in love with the handsome apollo kid luke and forming a friendship with clarisse, a child of the god of war. now you were years older than them, sitting in your shoe box sized apartment, mentally drained because of work and half asleep as you took a bit of the slightly stale cookie.
the door rang, breaking your tales of being a halfgod up. a sign escaped your throat as your eyes flitted to the clock on your wall; it was nine pm and you wondered who wanted to grace his or her presence at your door at that time of the day. you weren't in the mood for a visitor and prayed for a lost delivery man.
feet tapped against the wooden floor, reaching the door. you pulled the doorknob open, eyes roaming the body of the man who kneeled down and fumbled with his bag.
"can i help you?", you grumbled, irritation laced your voice.
the man's head turned upwards, a grin widely presented on his lips as his dreamy brown eyes looked into yours; you mirrored his smile, happy to see clem.
"hey treasure, rough day, eh?", he asked, standing up to pull you in a much needed hug. clem's body radiated warmth and his woody vanilla scent brought you immense comfort. he felt you nod on his shoulder, face mushed in the crook between his left shoulder and strong neck.
the french didn't let you go as you went back inside, foot pushing the door close behind you and you went deeper in your apartment till he turned you both around and he fell backwards first on the sofa. "Want to talk about it?"
"no", you mumbled, a purr rumbling in your throat while clem's fingers messaged your scalp. "'m happy you're here, clemy."
you laid there, relaxing against him, only hearing the soft noises of the tv diddling in the background as your boyfriends hand cradled your head, pressing a chaste kiss against your lips. soft butterfly kisses followed, none filled with nothing but romance and peace; your right hand found its place at the nape of his neck, tugging his hair to hear a sweet moan of his, one you loved to hear whenever you slowly made out — the pair of you knew that tonight's kissing and touching wouldn't result in sex but nonetheless you enjoyed to dance to the edge.
abruptly, clement stopped the kiss, caressing your warm cheek with his thumb. then he dipped his finger between your lips, feeling the wetness of your mouth and a groan left his throat. his eyes were hyperfocused on your tongue, which glided along his thick thumb, sucking and nibbling playfully on it.
with his free hand, he pulled something out a pocket of his trousers, fiddling with it as his brown doe eyes watched yours; a blush coated his cheeks at the lustfilled gaze of yours and he felt his trousers tightened.
gently, he pulled his thumb out of your mouth and rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. "i love you."
you hummed, repeating his words, basking in the moment of being loved and in love. then, you felt coldness running around your throat and clem's palm laying on top of it — it was dainty, another necklace he got you.
"open your eyes, treasure," the french man whispered, resulting you to do so.
fiddling with the dainty silver band of the necklace, your fingertips stop at the pendant, two small curved letters 'cn' as well as the number 21, clems racing number. it was beautiful and unpretentious, going along prettily with the rest of your jewellery, mostly your boyfriend brought for you.
"Oh clemy, i love it", you mumbled, kissing the cold pendant before looking up at your bearded boyfriend, giving him a big smooch. "merci beaucoup."
"Tout pour toi. Si je te donnais les étoiles, tu les aurais entre tes mains, treasure."
= everything for you. if I could give you the stars, you'd have them in your hands.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
RoR x Replacement Fighter Reader, where the arenas, palaces, pools etc are all redecorated & the gods hosts a rave/club like party. And the reader (wearing a full face masks with a suit that covered their tattoos) preforms many tricks & shows that mesmerized them. Like fire dancing with swords, bartending tricks, poker etc, but the gods/humans didn't know it was them until the reader finally takes off their mask. Their reactions are up to you!!
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Gods: Odin, Hades, Poseidon, Thor, Anubis, Susanoo, Beel, Loki & Apollo
Humans: Lubu, Tesla, Raiden & Leo
-It was unlike anything they had ever seen before, seeing your home, your backyard to be precise, where your massive pool was.
-Lights were strung everywhere, all in different colors, tables with glow sticks and jewelry available to all, turning your normally calm backyard into a rave like setting.
-It had started a few weeks ago, with Loki inquiring if you knew how to party and have fun, normally you brushed off comments like that, but this time it bothered you, just a bit, and everyone was stunned when they were invited to the party.
-They hadn’t been expecting what they walked into, music playing, people already dancing, having fun, there was plenty of food, drinks, and live performers entertaining the crowds.
-(Love) was in awe, walking into the party, being greeted by Goll, as the Valkyries were all helping, at least in the beginning to get the party started, as she handed him some of the glowing bracelets, necklaces, and any of the other accessories he wanted, as there were some who took less than others.
-There were even lights in the pool, ones that were floating and some that were on the bottom, illuminating the pool from below as the music filled the air.
-(Love’s) attention had been caught by a performer, an acrobat on a large suspending hoop, bending and contorting in unnatural ways, wearing a black body suit over large, bulging muscles, a black face mask covering their whole face, and wearing glowing jewelry just like everyone else.
-The acrobat was very impressive, seeing how flexible they were while being so jacked at the same time before he easily spun out, leaping dramatically into the pool as the crowd roared with cheers.
-Later on, (Love) found this mysterious figure again at the bar, making him a drink, shaking it expertly, performing tricks, turning his drink into a show which made him grin.
-(Love) did have to wonder however, where were you? This was your house- your party, and even after asking around, nobody had seen you all night! Where were you?
-Their answer came when the popular acrobat performed again, as of the all the different performers and entertainment, he was the most popular, and it was even more exciting when he came out with some swords and began a complex looking swords dance.
-The crowd was cheering loudly, including (Love), who was impressed with the skills as the performer bowed and as he stood up, he removed his mask, revealing himself to be none other than you!
-Jaws dropped all around, everyone in complete shock that it had been you the whole time! You surprised them with a rare, cheeky grin, amused that you had been able to fool so many as the party continued as many jumped into the pool.
-His mouth was still on the floor after your big reveal! He had no idea that it was you and to know that you had been doing so many things during the course of the evening showed how many skills you had. You were so well rounded! As you approached him, a shade of a smirk on your lips, you cupped his jaw, closing his mouth, “You’ll hurt your jaw babe.” before heading into the party. He quickly turned and rushed after you- he had so many questions, with the first being how flexible you were!
            -Loki, Apollo, Raiden, Nikola, Susanoo, and Anubis
-He couldn’t help but laugh as you came over, impressed with your various skills, it made him curious on what else you could do. The two of you headed over to the bar where you made another pair of drinks, for the two of you to share, making it much stronger this time, something he voiced and you gave him a small smirk, almost like you were flirting with him, but he wasn’t 100% sure, “You’re a tough guy, you can handle it.” You were just getting better and better the more time he spent with you.
-Odin, Hades, Poseidon, Thor, Beelzebub, Lu Bu, Leonidas
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The new trilogy means we finally got official French translations of the fifth and sixth games (the fourth already had one) so I did my thing and played through them, since they're always a lot of fun. Here are some things about French Dual Destinies I thought you might like to know:
Yes, it's set in France as per usual. They are all French people who live in Paris. And yes, that means that in this universe there is a Japanese village themed around yokai within throwing distance of Paris.
Athena lived in America in this version, and therefore peppers her speech with English and Spanish. My favourite unhinged franglais line was "let's get au travail" which I will be using from now on because it's hilarious
Many characters got French pun names again. Simon's name is "Jack Lamenoire" -- Jack, because the French version of Simon Says uses the name Jack/Jacques, and "lame noire" means "black blade". (Also he's not British or anything in this version, he just speaks in somewhat old-timey French.)
He has multiple nicknames for the judge that are all slight variations of "Your Baldness". He doesn't do that "-dono" suffix thing but he does refer to Phoenix in particular as "Maître Wright".
...I don't like pointing out things I didn't like buuuuuut his voice is a huge downgrade. Actually, to be honest, I don't like the new French voices that much in general... idk man they just don't sound very enthusiastic...
Filch's name is "Arsène Loupet", reference to the famous fictional thief Arsène Lupin, which I thought was pretty cool! (Herlock Sholmes was also a reference to that series too btw!)
Athena and Apollo use informal pronouns for each other pretty much from the get-go, but there have been some changes from the previous games: Phoenix now uses the informal "tu" for Apollo (and Athena) whereas in the prev game he didn't, Pearl now uses "tu" for Phoenix as well, and Klavier uses "tu" for Apollo now (but Apollo still calls him the formal "vous" lmao)
SPEAKING OF... SPEAKING OF. The French localisation continues to utterly baffle me when it comes to Klavier (or Konrad as he's called in French). No listen, liSTEN. In the previous game he was specifically stated to be English and did his law exams in England and dropped English words into his speech (and this is still the case in the trilogy version, I checked). But now?? They seem to have gone back on it and in this game he says he's German again, like the in English translation??? But he's still dropping English words into his speech randomly????? Look I already went through the five stages of grief when I found out they'd english-ified him, I made my peace with it, and NOW they change it???????
God and his new French voice sucks too (his old one was actually good)... what have they done to you my poor boy, was making you English not bad enough T_T Oh and he and Athena didn't even get their little language club moment where they both start speaking in the same foreign language?? Like, that just straight-up didn't happen here and I had been waiting for it aauuugh it's cool it's fine it's cool i'm okay i'm--
True to Dual Destinies fashion, there are still typos. In an emotional moment, Apollo took a leave of asbence from the office. Not absence. Asbence.
I can't put my finger on it but Robin's coming out scene felt more... respectful in French? The English translation was done over a decade ago so it feels somewhat dated, maybe that's why... I obviously don't know if she was purposely written to be a trans girl but she very much comes across that way, and it feels like the French translators were aware of that interpretation and took it into account, idk maybe it's just me
Cosmic Turnabout and Turnabout for Tomorrow were great in French though, so there's that. Clay's French name is "Pierre" which worked surprisingly well because it means stone or rock, and the moon rock was also called that, so like, the phantom had to kill Pierre in order to get the pierre... idk it worked and it was cool
Simon and Athena switch to using informal pronouns for each other very near the end of the game, in the scene where they work together to psychologically mess with the phantom. It's around the time when they start openly calling each other by first name since everyone knows now that they're old friends.
Phoenix and Edgeworth also occasionally refer to each other by first name in this game, which threw me off completely. (Reminder that Edgeworth's French name is "Benjamin Hunter". Just picture Phoenix standing in front of Edgeworth and calling him BENJAMIN. Now you understand how absolutely bizarre it felt.)
Here's the entirety of The Dissin' of Phoenix Wright in French
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formulalakana · 11 months
The best ICIP performance I have seen this far
Apollo Live Club, Helsinki 2.11.23
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autistic-katara · 2 years
stuff i wanna see in TSATS
its just less than 2 months until TSATS comes out and my pjo phase is coming back HARD so heres some stuff i wanna see (idc how popular or unpopular these r)
Solangelo kiss (seriously like all the other good canon couples had one)
explicit use of queer terms (i havent rlly seen anyone talk abt this but as much as i love queer characters just existing u have no idea how happy it makes me to see media, especially kids media, explicitly say the words gay, bisexual, transgender, lesbian, etc.)
Hunters of Artemis cameo
piggybacking off that, Nico’s reaction to Reyna being a hunter (ive wanted to see this since 2019 PLEASE i gotta know how he feels abt this considering yk his past w/ them)
confirmation on whether Will’s gay or bi/mspec (or just simply queer, no specific labels necessary)
a trans/nonbinary character (specifically transmasc)
a Piper cameo
during her cameo Piper explicitly saying her sexuality (which is lesbian, if u think otherwise ur wrong/hj)
Hazel cameo
more Lavinia content (idc how i just need more of my chaotic Jewish ADHD pink-haired Russian lesbian, ok?)
canonically autistic Nico
that Lil Nas X reference we were promised
Nico making more trauma jokes (he just like me fr)
the multiple coming out scenes i heard were allegedly promised
Hades and/or Apollo cameo
Hestia cameo
Jason’s ghost cameo
dead Apollo kids cameo
explicit discussion of Nico’s religious trauma
explicit discussion of just Will’s trauma in general (seriously we all kinda ignore that our “sunshiney golden retriever uwu gay boi 😊🌸✨☀️” actually has some super serious trauma)
both of them coping badly with all this and being worried abt eachother (aka gay angst but more specific)
Maria di Angelo content
Persephone cameo w/ her either still lowkey hating Nico and being passive aggressive asf to him or having had him grow on her in the past few years and is now turning the overprotective mom mode to the max
just some cute, non-angsty moments between Nico nd Will cause goddam we need some queer joy rn ;-;
so much hurt/comfort u physically cant continue living anymore (going both ways not just Will comforting Nico)
a MCGA cameo
Fierrochase and Solangelo meeting and having the same funny interactions they have in the memes (but with the canon versions of them)
discussions of stuff like homophobia and internalized homophobia and mental illness
a relatively happy ending (but not a “2 months later and the world is perfect and neither of them had felt anything close to depression or anything since the ending and if for some reason addiction was a part of this we would we talking abt how they were magically 2 months clean and it would be physically impossible for the thought of relapse to even cross their mind” kinda happy ending cause i hate those kinda endings w/ a burning passion)
setup for another side book (preferably a Piper or Reyna one)
thats all i can think of rn off the top of my head but feel free to comment on any of these or add ur ideas cause 2 months feels like an eternity long wait + hearing other opinions is fun when we arent all in a heated argument over smthn stupid
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thesecretsofthedivine · 11 months
Zodiac Playlist 🌠
mars - sleeping at last
ride - lana del rey
bathroom - montell fish
fun - troye sivan
fireball - pitbull
stayin' alive - bee gees
god save our young blood - børns
anti-hero - taylor swift
talk that talk - rihanna
clumsy - fergie
venus - sleeping at last
breakfast at tiffany's - henry mancini
chanel - frank ocean
kiss it off me - cigarettes after sex
snooze - SZA
want u around - omar apollo
habit - still woozy
peach - kevin abstract
nonsense - sabrina carpenter
talk - hozier
mercury - sleeping at last
pov - ariana grande
mood ring baby - field medic
glittr - aldn
running wild - g eazy
island in the sun - weezer
japanese posters - rebounder
master of none - beach house
faerie soirée - melanie martinez
ways to go - grouplove
moon - sleeping at last
where did the time go - lord huron
ho hey - the lumineers
my love mine all mine - mitski
idle town - conan gray
k. - cigarettes after sex
italo disco - last dinosaurs
glue song - beabadoobee
sea of love - cat power
fourth of july - sufjan stevens
sun - sleeping at last
dancing queen - abba
let me blow ya mind - eve, gwen stefani
money - cardi b
literal legend - ayesha erotica
kitty kat - megan thee stallion
carmen - lana del rey
my kind of woman - mac demarco
amber - 311
chemtrails over the country club - lana del rey
mercury - sleeping at last
tell me something i don't know - selena gomez
the boat i row - tame impala
girl next door - copperpot
crying in the chapel - elvis presley
iwillbreatheintoyou - bones
down to earth - umi
bambi - clairo
virgo's groove - beyoncé
are you satisfied - marina
venus - sleeping at last
sweet talk - saint motel
lover - taylor swift
in my head - ariana grande
pink funeral - beach house
fashion - britney manson
normal girl - sza
sit still, look pretty - daya
comfort crowd - conan gray
we fell in love in october - girl in red
mars/pluto - sleeping at last
private - russ
dirty paws - of monsters and men
borderline - tame impala
dead to me - kali uchis
not dead yet - lord huron
i can't handle change - roar
animal - sir chloe
vigilante shit - taylor swift
death - melanie martinez
jupiter - sleeping at last
here, there and everywhere - the beatles
canyon moon - harry styles
can't sleep - k. flay
sunset chaser - ragamuffs
only if - steve lacy
the balancer's eye - lord huron
youth - troye sivan
cherry bomb - the runaways
bloom later - jesse
saturn - sleeping at last
living on my own - freddie mercury
princess diana - ice spice
high stakes - bryson tiller
therefore i am - billie eilish
successful - ariana grande
i wouldn't ask you - clairo
radio - lana del rey
vienna - billy joel
mastermind - taylor swift
uranus/saturn - sleeping at last
you don't own me - saygrace
better friends - between friends
night fever - bee gees
mortal projections - djo
transparent soul - willow
she moves in her own way - the kooks
dare - gorillaz
hits different - taylor swift
arabella - arctic monkeys
jupiter/neptune - sleeping at last
love my way - the psychedelic furs
technicolor beat - oh wonder
made for love - concorde
ivy - frank ocean
my song - labi siffre
ultimately - khai dreams
bella luna - babe rainbow
ride - wave to earth
fishtail - lana del rey
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nouroblemo · 10 months
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KÄÄRIJÄ @ Apollo Live Club Helsinki (2.11.2023)
Don't repost any of my content without permission <3
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fatmclassic · 14 days
Lungs 15th Anniversary gig playlist
Last night was such a blast from the past, I went and scoured through my old ipods for my favourite gigs of the Lungs era. I tried to pick gigs which match the energy of each song otherwise too many would come from the same performance. Most are professional recordings aside from rare early tracks
Dog days are over
I went with Glastonbury 2010, this was a huge moment for the band and one of the biggest crowds of the era. Best festival anthem at the best festival.
Rabbit Heart
There are so many good versions of this it was hard to choose. But as it's another festival anthem I went for that. This T in the Park and it's one of the very few performances where she sings the high notes. Isa on backing vocals.
I'm not calling you a liar
Part of her BBC introducing set, when she started breaking into the mainstream. Nice slow build up with some cool harp action.
There isn't a heap of howl recordings. I went with this one as it has the string section. The first performance for NME brixton is raw as fuck but it's a full gig vid.
Kiss with a fist
Another festival one, Oxegen 2010. This also has an intro to it with Flo dicking about on Isa's keyboard.
Girl with one eye
Intimate early gig at the Blue Flowers club. I honestly think the dodgy sound quality adds to it
Drumming Song
My fave. Actually quite hard to find a live version with drums. The orchestral versions are all great mind, I just wanted the drums. This is from Melkweg
Between two lungs
Until that prom show honestly I didn't care much for this. She has good energy in this version from Amsterdam and mixes it up a bit
Cosmic love
This song is always good, so it was hard to pick a stand out. I went with the electric proms because the harp is so good in this one and it has the drums as well. Nobel prize concert is a close second
My boy builds coffins
Last night did the best version of this, but here's a simple version played in the park with guitar and chris playing fence railings.
Hurricane drunk
I've linked this before but I love it. The instruments sound drunk in this so how could you not. Electric proms again
The orchestral version is great, but this song has so many electronic bits that add to it. The insanity at the end was incredible live, most otherwordly experience ever, with the strobes, the UFO noises, the cymbals and her yelling, the fact that it just.keeps.going. I was in Belfast, but this Melkweg gig has a very similar version. So sad when this was dropped from the setlist.
You've got the love
Cheating a bit since this is actually the Ceremonials era but with the intro this is just the best performance of this ever. I always come back to it.
Bird song with intro
A lot of these are either poor quality or missing the intro, but this Amsterdam gig is the full package.
Again,not many performances. But this is in a church so the echo hits just right. And someone is playing a cowbell or something so that's interesting.
Hardest of hearts
Unfortunately very few recordings that aren't either dogshit quality or incomplete. This is the best I could find, some shitty Barcelona club it seems. Least it got some love last night.
The best performance of the like, the 4 times it's ever been played. From Hammersmith Apollo
Are you hurting the on you love?
This poor song was forgotten last night, but seems to have actually been performed a fair few times to my surprise. Sadly most are poor quality. This is the best I could find with a cool little xylophone bit, from Brighton
Actually more versions of this than the bonus tracks. Anyway I like how speedy this version is, from iTunes 2008
UNRELEASED Throwing Bricks
Back to Amsterdam London calling. Fun and energetic.
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dear-gods-wtf · 4 months
{1} Princess - P. Jackson🔱.
By Mari_coppolo on Wattpad.
Status: Completed.
Chapters: 87.
Time: 20h 34m.
Meet the characters
—Table of Contents—
🔱Act One🔱 (The Titan’s Curse)
“That’s why I don’t go to school dances.”
“Annabeth decides to go cliff-diving.”
“Captain, we lost one.”
“Apollo is hot just like this little New England city is now.”
“ ‘Wildest dreams’ by Taylor Swift. Though it’s not cool like her song.”
“We are being attacked by mummies.”
“Guess who’s going on a quest? Hint: It’s not Perseus.”
“Flash News! We got attacked again.”
“I share my Mercedes with Perseus.”
“We’re pig cowboys… Pigboys. (Does that exist?)”
“We’re fucked on all fours, holy shit.”
“Was it necessary to slap the burrito?”
“The angels gave us a ride. No, it wasn’t to heaven.”
“Daddy issues are rising above the skies right now.”
“I hate to see the stars.”
“ ‘I meet the gods and look what happened?!’ (It’s not clickbait)”
“Would you mind knocking me out? I need to sleep for ten years at least.”
❤️Act Two❤️ (The Demigod Diaries #1)
“I just wanted to start the year well.”
“Just another weekend.”
“S.O.S! Edward Cullen attacks me.”
“Happy fucking birthday.”
“That’s weird…”
“In what way do you mean that?”
“Are we about to kiss?”
“ ‘Backbiter,’ more like Backstabber.”
“Francis, the shark.”
“Everything was fine until it wasn’t anymore.”
🕊️Act Three🕊️ (The Battle of the Labyrinth)
“Wasted my pretty outfit.”
“We’re are going to learn to tap dance.”
“When I have to find something I never do. But this, of course I found it.”
“We’re going on a trip on our favorite rocket ship.”
“Wish us luck. Please.”
“Can you please join my ‘Anti-Hera club?’ It will help me graduate.”
“When everything goes down, Perseus makes it go up again.”
“Just found out I’m worth some good gold. Wanna buy me?”
“Perseus saves the day… again.”
“The king can fuck himself.”
“I’m retiring from being a demigod. Now I’m the new spider-women. Scratch that.”
“Hephaestus sends me on a date. I blew it up… literally.”
“We try to survive.”
“Congratulations on not dying.”
“ ‘Oh boy, here we go.’ -Pt. 2 feat Mc R.E.D. Available on Spotify.”
“I fought my brother. Why? Deaths and Marriage.”
“Dream on- Kratos’s version.”
“Raise your hand if you woke up the Titan. Perseus, I can see you hiding.”
“Pretty nice words before dying.”
“The battle started.”
“There is hope for everyone in the end.”
“Did she-? Alright, bring back the dragon.”
“I can’t tell you if the fireworks are in the sky or in my stomach.”
“I’m no good at goodbyes.”
🇧🇷Act Four🇧🇷 (The Demigod Diaries #2)
“Let me tell you something.”
“First night, first argument.”
“Guess what? He knows.”
“A deal.”
“Iris-messages and lies.”
“I’m selfish, I know, I can’t let you go.”
“Traumatic, indeed.”
“I was forced to be here, but in the end I liked it.”
“Girl’s talk.”
“ ‘Dear Princess;’ That’s where I died.”
“I got an exclusive present.”
“Memories bring back you.”
⚔️Act Five⚔️ (The Last Olympian)
“Guess I got back right on time.”
“Are we ever going to have a civilized conversation?”
“Wanna sprite?”
“Percy leads us to Olympus.”
“They could have put me to sleep too.”
“ ‘We’re all in this together’ - Camp Half-Blood version.”
“Kronos can go suck a dick.”
“Punching the air.”
“I flew on a pig.”
“Let’s party with the ponies.”
“What in the Achilles is this?”
“My father almost blew me up. Don’t blame him.”
“He’s gone. It’s done.”
“I got a gift from the gods.”
“*screams* *giggles* *kick the air.*”
“We’re doing fine, strange I know.”
“And they lived happily ever after… for four months.”
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